#thats vee
marching-weirdo · 6 months
I think we as a fandom should collectively agree that luz showed her friends atla while in the human realm
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meandtheyeehaws · 8 months
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if val doesnt swoop in with his bigass mothman wings to save his fellow Vees from peril in season 2, then did hazbin even hotel
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mr-malumm · 7 months
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Morning routine of local TV star
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sparklingsora · 7 months
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im working on more veeswap au stuff to show you folks but in the meantime take this polyvees shitpost (quote from what we do in the shadows)
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phantomraekens · 21 days
its so sick to me that the rumors of jean sleeping his way onto the ravens are widespread but not one person has stopped for a moment to remember that jean started playing with them at 16 years old.
"jean moreau slept with the entire starting line" did he? or did a bunch of 20 year olds fuck a 16 year old?? Like I know it's 2007 but nobody is talking about that?
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limenitesworld · 6 months
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Now shoo ! 💗 I'm obsessed with drawing Velvette this week I can't stop istg
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sugar-on-fries · 1 month
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This took three daysss but it was worth it :]
also the oc's :3
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very creative names I know wouldn't it be funny if sunny's twisted form was crawling on the ceiling with a stupid spotlight
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 3 months
Never forget that Gabv1el is peak yaoi
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Us smoochin'
God loves this!
*kissy kissy*
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You all need to see the visual for this one.
Similar clip for anyone who hasn't heard it ;)
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shiveagit · 8 months
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Vv & Alastor (platonically)
Not only do I think they be good friends on the side and Alastor respects Velvette and her skills. But they both enjoy Vox's frustration to their kinship. Love that Velvette changes her hair style every time.
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rheya28 · 3 months
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She has pretty long brown hair, nice smile, super friendly...I hate her
Whole foods market by Simkoos
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maespri · 29 days
let's talk about the many crimes of the phantom thieves
hello and welcome to me detailing the many crimes of the persona 5 royal teenagers... my dearest friend and i got bored and decided to make a list of every crime they could potentially be charged with, and i thought i'd post it to get other people's thoughts (in case i missed any) + laugh about the insane shit they've pulled off.
lets go!!!
before we get into this: we did not count crimes that were committed within the metaverse, as it wouldn't be possible to really charge the phantom thieves. the only exception to this is goro. we counted his metaverse crimes because it made his laundry list of crimes funnier. that's all.
p.s.: i love studying criminology, but i know i'm not an expert by any means. if i mess something up, miss a crime, etc.- let me know!
now, let's get into it, in order from least to most crimes!
sumi yoshizawa commits zero crimes.
good for her... good for her...
ann takamaki commits one crime: battery.
aside from ryuji and haru (who also only commit one crime), ann has the shortest list of crimes with just one: battery. it's a stretch for sure, but technically, she does slap ryuji after shido's palace, and that does qualify as battery. good on her otherwise.
ryuji sakamoto commits one crime: assault.
side note for anyone who doesn't know: assault and battery are two different things. assault is the threat, battery is the action. for example: if i tell someone i'm going to punch them, that is assault. if i actually do punch them, that is battery. that's often why the two go hand-in-hand.
ryuji threatens people quite a bit, but we actually couldn't think of any instances where he goes through with said threats, excluding him punching kamoshida. because that happened pre-canon, however, and because kamoshida clearly didn't charge ryuji, we didn't count it.
haru okumura commits one crime: perjury.
haru lies to sae when being questioned about her father's death. and yes, lying to a prosecutor during a criminal investigation does count as lying to law enforcement in general.
makoto niijima commits three crimes: blackmail, hacking, and theft.
blackmail: makoto approaches the phantom thieves and blackmails them with a video of them stating their identities, threatening to leak it if they do not meet her demands.
hacking: makoto intentionally manipulates sae's laptop in order to steal documents from it.
theft: makoto steals confidential documents from sae's laptop.
ren amamiya/akira kurusu/the protagonist/joker commits three crimes: improperly bringing an animal onto public transportation, resisting arrest, and breaking and entering.
improperly bringing an animal onto public transportation: animals are allowed on most subways in japan if they are documented, in a proper carrier, and, at times, have been paid for with a proper fee. joker brings morgana onto the train every day without doing anything of the sort.
resisting arrest: joker runs from the police and attempts to escape when surrounded outside of sae's palace.
breaking and entering: in one of yusuke's later confidant events, joker picks the lock to madarame's house and enters.
yusuke kitagawa commits four crimes: plagiarism (charges would likely be dropped, however!), stalking, solicitation, and trespassing.
plagiarism: this one was really interesting to discuss with my buddy. yusuke does commit plagiarism by willingly handing over his artwork to madarame and allowing him to claim it as his own. however, it can be argued that he did so because he was being manipulated, abused, and was under duress* (madarame essentially claimed he would end up on the streets if he did not hand over his art). it can also be argued that because yusuke did not place any copyright infringement on his paintings, it wasn't really plagiarism. therefore, this charge would likely be dropped, either on the basis of insufficient evidence and/or his being under duress.
stalking: yusuke does stalk ann for a few days before speaking to her. because this action causes distress to ann (shown by her mentioning yusuke following her around a few days prior, as well as her initial reaction to meeting him), it falls under the category of stalking.
solicitation: yusuke solicits joker to commit the crime of breaking into madarame's house in one of his confidant events.
trespassing: when joker does break into madarame's house for him, yusuke enters.
*under duress: constraint illegally exercised to force someone to perform an act (AKA, forcing somebody to do something illegal via threats, blackmail, manipulation, guilt-tripping, etc.)
futaba sakura commits eight crimes: wiretapping, non-consensual surveillance, espionage, truancy, hacking, tampering, theft, and blackmail.
wiretapping: futaba hacks into phone lines (most notably, ren and akechi's) and listens in on conversations.
non-consensual surveillance: futaba tracks the GPS on a few people's phones.
espionage: futaba spies on people.
truancy: we don't know the full extent, but it is implied that futaba has missed a lot of school, which is a crime.
hacking: i hope i don't have to explain this one HAHA.
tampering: to send shido's calling card, futaba tampers with all the big screens around japan, which is tampering with property.
theft: futaba has stolen plenty of information, classified or not classified, from a loooot of different people.
blackmail: when she first asks the phantom thieves to change her heart, she does so through blackmailing them, threatening to reveal their identities if they don't do it.
goro akechi commits twelve crimes: attempted first-degree murder, mass first-degree murder, unlawful possession of a firearm, conspiracy, fraud, aiding and abetting, terrorism, assault, battery, perjury, blackmail, and obstruction of justice.
attempted first-degree murder: whilst akechi technically doesn't kill joker, he does try to, which means he can be charged with this.
mass first-degree murder: akechi murders. a LOT of people. which falls under this category.
unlawful possession of a firearm: in order to kill joker, akechi steals a gun from a police officer.
conspiracy: akechi states his plans to murder joker and plots it out in advance for a long, long, time.
fraud: faking joker's death certificate is a form of fraud.
aiding and abetting: helping shido kill people is aiding and abetting.
terrorism: terrorism is defined as "the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims." akechi's actions fall under this category.
assault: akechi throws plenty of threats people's ways!
battery: and follows through on many of them.
perjury: akechi lies to all sorts of law enforcement around him, most notably sae and the guard outside of joker's interrogation room.
blackmail: akechi threatens to leak the identities of the phantom thieves if they don't infiltrate sae's palace.
obstruction of justice: by lying about what he knew about the phantom thieves, withholding information from law enforcement, and overall just completely messing with the case, akechi commits obstruction of justice.
that's it!
thank you for reading thank you for joining us joy to the world... shoutout again to my wonderful friend for being these guys' defense attorney's
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deathrowline · 2 months
Hi i like Dandys World
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2nd one is a wip im not sure if i can finish it,,
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axel-otl · 2 months
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teavee art based on a session i did with a few friends
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veemoringmark · 1 year
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To Do List:
• Go back and properly tag everything to make this blog searchable.
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nornpai · 7 months
I have a theory about the whole Alastor and Vox thing. At the beginning of "Stayed Gone," Valentino questions Vox on whether or not he was pissed about "that time he almost beat you," which indicates some sort of physical altercation between them and Vox won, right? But it wasn't that Vox won by "killing" Alastor. I think Alastor fled from the fight... I believe this due to another line in "Stayed Gone" where Vox declares "The demon is a coward." This could be interpreted as Vox is upset at Alastor for just up and disappearing from their friendship(?) but as I've stated I don't think that's the case, or at least it's only partly why he said it.
In the episode "Dad Beat Dad," Alastor is seen provoking Lucifer which led fans to ask Vivienne Medrano herself why he did so. She answers that Alastor felt threatened by someone more powerful than him and felt the need to provoke Lucifer to assert dominance by being a shithead.
With the confirmation that Alastor does feel threatened by those more powerful than him, this is my speculation: Vox is all things technology, he changes and advances with the times, he can physically alter his body to do so as seen by his old box TV head which was seen in a picture frame in one of the episodes' backgrounds. This shows just how dedicated he is to becoming better, faster, and stronger alongside the advancements in technology. Vox's powers are greatly connected with tech as well and with the growing influence and spread of tech across the world makes it much easier for Vox to manipulate masses of people at once or use his "teleportation" ability to zap wherever he wants to using electronics. Alastor knew Vox was steadily increasing in power and began to feel intimidated by that prospect so to prove himself he challenged Vox, as the fight continued and Vox and him wrestled to show their power Alastor may have got badly injured and decided to take the blow to his ego and flee from the battle leaving them with no conclusion on who was actually stronger and Vox alone with no explanation for his actions.
Or in short: Alastor one day was like "Oh fuck this mf actually getting powerful fr" and decided "I'm gonna kick this guys ass to show I'm the alpha male" but then while he's getting his ass kicked he goes "Ow okay well I don't wanna be killed by this guy, fuck this I'm out of here." and vanishes for 7 years leaving Vox to rip all of their photos together in half like some sort of heartbroken teenage girl (Normal reaction to your business partner leaving).
(I spent so fucking long on this you have no idea.)
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ratzhatz14 · 30 days
*comes crawling, coughing and dying*
Take this.. last post... For I cannot cough cough choke live for much longer......
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*fucking dehydrates and dies like SpongeBob in Sandy's dome*
[[I forgot to mention that astro looks like Jotaro from jjba]]
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