#the 'how could u date other women before meeting ME' type of jealous
nanobyting · 2 years
Hey hope you are healthy and happy. not sure how your prompts work. May I please request the "you look like you were jealous" with Adler and Bell but Bell is the jealous party???
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green eyed monster. (nsfw-ish but its bell imagining someone else sleeping with adler) || subtle smut sentence starters (not accepting)
oh anon you picked the best person to be jealous
They were in that room together again. Park and Adler. She wanted to know what they were saying - what they were doing. Why did they close the blinds? What could they possibly be talking about that they had to be away from everyone else like this? What did Park get to know that she didn’t get to..? 
You’re a spy, Bell, but let’s keep it outside the building, not inside. Understand?
No. No. She doesn’t understand when it comes to him. Park would approach Adler with a hushed voice, say she needed a word with him, and he’d always give Park this odd look in his eye - like he didn’t even want to talk, like they’ve had whatever conversation this was a hundred times already, and yet - and yet - he’d take her to the back room and they’d shut the door and close the blinds.
Sims and Lazar never batted an eye about it. They even tried to keep Bell away from that room, especially when she looked like she was about to just press her ear against it.
“She’s too young for him, isn’t she?” Bell asks as she fidgets in her seat, biting her thumbnail and bouncing her leg rapid fire underneath the table. Her eyes were set on that damn door.
Did he have Park on her knees? Was she choking on him? Was he marking her? Smearing his seed on her face and messing her makeup?
“Who is?” Sims asks in return, glancing to her while Lazar contemplated his hand. The three of them were playing Rummy. Trying to distract Bell, but she was hardly paying attention - no, somehow, she could play the game, barely give it a glance as she played her cards - but her eyes were still on the door and her mind was still thinking of impossible scenarios.
What if he had her bent over the desk? What if he was enveloping her? Would he call Park a good girl? Say that Park is better than her? That she’s useless and all he really needed was Park?
“Park,” Bell says and Lazar finally glances to her and barks out in laughter, his hands slamming against the table with a loud bang.
“Don’t tell me you think Park and Adler are a thing,” Lazar snorts in his fit of uproarious laughter.
“No,” Bell lies as her fingers clench around her cards, imagining Adler leaning over Park’s naked body while he was still fully clothed and had her legs spread. “I was just - she’s too young for him, first of all.”
“They don’t really get along outside of the workplace,” Sims says. 
Are they biting and scratching each other? Is it just stress relief?
“What - so you’re saying Adler would go for someone that young?” Bell’s eyes are wide, in the way that Sims knows he has to answer carefully or else Bell will have another episode where she gets so lost in her head and only Adler can really pull her out of those.
“I’m not saying anything,” Sims retorts, “but -”
“But - ”
The door opens.
Bell’s head whips towards it and sees -
Park coming out first. Perfectly pristine. Makeup still intact. Not a single hand laid on her. She looks annoyed. She glances at Bell and frowns, then turns away to go to her station. What’s her problem?
Then - her heart hammers and she sits up straighter - Adler comes out with his eyes downcast towards the manila folder in his hand. Not a single hair out of place. His clothes weren’t wrinkled in any such way that implied he had taken it off or bunched it up. There were no lipstick stains to be seen. He was relaxed, but in a way that she knew he was paying attention to everything around him.
She knows that he knows she’s staring at him, waiting for him to look at her. Everything is so calculated with him.
It feels like forever before he closes the folder and tucks it away safely in a drawer with a lock. Then, he looks up and scans the room before his gaze finally lands on her.
He regards her for a minute.
Tilts his head.
Reaches for a cigarette in his jacket.
Bell immediately stands up, slapping her cards down on the table just as it was her turn and Sims groans at how she had won with that hand - but she doesn’t care about winning a card game. She hurries over to Adler, green eyes peering into those sepia sunglasses of his. She thinks she can see the hint of a smirk at the edge of his lips.
Adler hums and motions for her to follow him outside as he lights his cigarette. She follows like a dog, lapping at his heels, being taken outside as if they were going for a walk.
The cold air hits her and she realizes she’s forgotten her jacket inside, but the door is already closed behind her and she doesn’t want to leave Adler after he’s called her. She hugs herself and stares at him as he blows out a puff of smoke into the air.
He doesn’t say anything until she’s shivering.
“What’s wrong?” He asks.
She lets out a soft laugh. “I left my jacket -”
“Not that,” Adler interrupts, finally turning his head to look at her and she feels the warmth of his gaze and stops shivering right then and there. “You look like you were jealous.”
She blinks, surprised. It isn’t often he calls out when she’s jealous - not like this at least. He usually laughs at her when he notices - when he mentions his ex-wife and her demeanor shifts; suddenly asking if he loves his ex-wife still, if they keep in touch, if they - if they - There’s something threatening in his stance - as if - as if he wants to know what made her jealous because - because he wasn’t around? Does he think that she was jealous of - of something other than him?
It makes her knees buckle at the thought. To even think that Adler, too, was jealous just because - just because she was and he wasn’t sure what made her so. So - does that mean nothing is going wrong with Park? If he hadn’t even thought about how going into that room with Park would make her feel?
Bell grins, sheepish and giddy all at once and she notices how it makes Adler’s fingers twitch around his cigarette.
Or - or is he just checking on her? They’ve been friends for so long. He’s rejected her at every point. No, of course he wouldn’t be jealous. What did he have to be jealous about? She’d often say she’d do anything for him. How she’d give her whole life for him. Her loyalties for him would never be so easily broken. Then, she upsets herself - how could he get jealous when he knows how she feels and -
His hand cups her chin and lifts it up - when did her gaze fall? - and she naturally leans towards his touch.
“I was,” she breathes, the air rattling her rib cage as her heart was already threatening to punch through it, “I was jealous.”
“... Park.”
Bell tries to turn her head away and she gasps when he tightens his grip on her chin and keeps her face still. “Because - because you and her - you two always go in that room and I don’t know what you guys are talking about and you close the blinds and it makes me think that you - that you - “
“That I?”
Her bottom lip quivers as she pouts up at him, but his expression doesn’t change from its usual nonchalant aloofness; though, she swears that he seems amused now. His thumb presses down on her chin and forces her mouth to open.
Flustered, she tries to pull away and slap at his arm, but he adjusts his grip then to grab her jaw and pulls her forward as he blows smoke in her face. He squeezes and it instinctively makes her gasp, breathing in the smoke - and she pushes on his chest because she quit smoking and he knows that.
“Finish what you were saying, Bell.”
Her cheeks harden against his fingertips as she clenches her jaw, looking up at him pitifully. He only loosens his hold on her when she finally speaks - mumbling, really.
“That you two were..” She huffs harshly. “That you two were having relations.”
“... Relations,” Adler repeats incredulously.
They’re both silent and he squeezes her jaw again.
“Agh, that you two were fucking!” She shouts, her hands gripping Adler’s wrist. He’s stunned for a moment, especially with how upset she actually seems about this.
Adler finally snorts in response and he looks like he’s trying to hold back from laughing. He lets go of Bell’s face, lowering his hand, and her own hands follow after it as they continue holding his wrists.
“You really need to get your head out of the gutter, Bell,” he says, and she keeps her eyes downcast as her cheeks burn. “Imagining your co-workers having sex?” He mockingly clicks his tongue.
She doesn’t say anything, sulking as her fingers loosen around Adler’s wrist to only holding onto his sleeve like a petulant child. She can feel his gaze burning into her as he continues smoking.
“Park isn’t my type anyway,” he says after awhile, making her peek up at him.
Bell seems to brighten up at that, just a little bit, as she quickly shakes her head. “I - I was just telling Sims that Park was too young for you.” 
“... Young?”
Bell stares at him.
Stares into him.
He finishes his cigarette and drops it on the ground to grind it under his heel. “Let’s head back inside,” he hums, turning her around and ushering her back inside.
“You’re shaking like a leaf, kid. You should’ve gotten your jacket.”
“Let’s get you some warm tea before you head to bed.”
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kingkatsuki · 2 years
hello jo i have burrowed up from the grave to say hey hope you're doing well and that your crops are watered etc etc.
and also thinkin about being katsu's lil admin/executive assistant and getting jealous bc u are tasked with maintaining his booty call schedule ok bye
GORGE DO NOT FALL BACK INTO MY LIFE WITH ANGST. I will not allow it on this day. I hope you’re doing well lovely, it’s been so long💕
Bakugou doesn’t call it a booty call list, but you know that’s exactly what they are. Pretty women who are constantly calling the office to try and talk to Pro-Hero Dynamight. Telling you how important they are, and how they deserve to be put straight through to the Hero when you give them the well rehearsed spiel that you’ve memorised about not being able to forward him calls right now as he’s busy. “Too busy for me? I don’t think so-” they always respond the same way, but somehow they never manage to make it through to your boss.
It hurts, hearing a different voice each month. You haven’t actually seen any of them (except one that he managed to get papped with and she was beautiful), but you can just tell over the phone how pretty they are. Because why settle for less when you’re Pro-Hero Dynamight, why settle for you?
It was stupid to think he’d ever like someone like you, but it didn’t make it hurt any less. Putting on your polite phone voice whenever you’d arrange an engagement for him, trying not to think about the way he’d look at them when he arrives at his date. Looks of infatuation, adoration, lust? The thought made bile rise in the back of your throat as you put the phone down with a sigh, wishing that for once he wouldn’t make you do this as part of your job. But god forbid Bakugou actually used his phone.
You knew he’d be leaving his office soon today, his third date this month was scheduled for half-hour from now and Bakugou was never late. You smelt him before you saw him, a mixture of his quirk and expensive cologne permeated the room as you tried to focus on your computer. Pretending to be typing away at your email but really it was just jibberish. Borderline keyboard smashing so you wouldn’t have to look into Bakugou’s eyes when he was leaving to meet a woman. A woman who wasn’t you. He always tended to linger around your desk whenever he had a date, like he wanted to talk to you before he left— but it was probably just to remind you of how painfully single you were.
But little did you know— the real reason Bakugou was going out on all these dates was because he thought there was absolutely no way you’d want to date someone like him. You got to see him at his best and his damned worst being his secretary, the side that not many people got to see. Why would you go out with him when you deserved better, someone who could be there for you— who wouldn’t miss birthdays, anniversaries, dates because of his job. You deserved everything. And Bakugou thought this was something he couldn’t give you, so instead he tried to fill the void of his aching heart by dating other women.
And it’s futile, especially when he compares everyone to you. Because the more he goes out on these meaningless dates, the more Bakugou realises that there is no one else. It’s always gonna be you.
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lovetorn · 3 years
roommate!dream gets jealous of wilbur (again) by 🍀 anon
i'm making this it's own post because i wanted to add a 'read more'. thank u so much 🍀, your constant genius ideas are just so good. i love them and i love uuuu!!
full credit to 🍀 anon!! (the ask is under the cut)
"This was so quickly written after I put it off for like weeks so if any grammar is bad shhhhhhh
“Please do you have to leave?” Dream whines out as he laid on your bed watching you get ready. His face cast into a frown mixed with sad eyes that he would use to get his way. “Dream I’m leaving Wilbur wants me to meet up with him! Before you even try every other time he tries to see me I’m always busy with classes.” Your voice came out stern as you turned to look at him seeing his mouth was open ready to whine again. Quickly closing his mouth he looks away mumbling small words of annoyance. “Is anyone else showing up?” Sighing again you turn back to the mirror fixing your hair. “As far as I know of it’s just Wilbur. He wants to take me out to eat somewhere Dream please don’t start acting like my father.” With another whine, he gets off the bed and childishly stomps out of the room.
After an hour there was a knock on the front door making you sigh and stand up to stretch. Walking out of your room you curiously looked into Dream's room seeing him with his headphones one at his desktop. A small frown tugged at your lips and you close the door not even bothering to say bye like the two of you normally do. “If he gonna act like a child I’ll treat him like one.” You huff out before another knock at the door caught your attention making you hurry to the door putting a smile on.
Standing in front of you was your brown curly-haired friend, Wilbur who you had grown to miss in the few busy weeks that had to happen. Grinning you let out a laugh as you hugged him forgetting the foggy feeling of dream upset festering in your mind. “Hey, are you ready to go?” Smiling to you he gestured his head to his car making you nod your head and head out. Unnoticed to you dream was peaking out at the hallways frowning as he made eye contact with Wilbur who gave a small smile and stuck his tongue out before running to catch up with you.
Once he met up with you before you got to the car coughs a little to get your attention. “By the way, Tommy and two of his friends are joining us. They wanted to see you.” Tilting your head you looked up to him. “Is that so?” Nodding his head Wilbur and you finally got to the car before you could reach for the handle the side door was swung open. “WOMEN!! HELLO!!”
Tommy had a grin on his face as he got out of the passenger seat and grin at you “Where’s your boyfriend?” He asked the grin growing more as he watched you get embarrassed. “Dream isn’t my boyfriend you dumb blond!” You started to hit him making him shout and move back to hide behind the car door. “Watch it! Hey! Hey! Wilbur help me!”
“Okay, okay that’s enough kids get in the car.” Wilbur hid his smile as he gets in the car soon after you got into the passager seat kicking Tommy in the back. Looking into the back seats you were greeted with two different people both seemed around Tommy's age. “Do you hit hard or is Tommy just a puss?” A boy with shaggy brown hair asked with a grin. “Tubbo!” Tommy whines after making you laugh a little. “Yeah no he a pussy. Are you are Tubbo I assume? And you are?” You looked at the unknown teen who was wheezing trying to breathe again from laughing so hard. “I-I’m Ranboo.” He said between breaths. “Okay, we are leaving now!” With that Wilbur pulled out of the parking and started to drive to our location.
Once you got to the ice cream parlor you grin looking to Wilbur who grinned back at you. “Ice cream? We finally hang out after months and this is where you take me?” A laugh left Wilbur as he rolls his eyes “I’m sorry did you think I would take those three so somewhere nice? Hell no.” After that left Wilbur's lips, the three teens in the back started to yell at Wilbur with Tommy being the most prominent. “HOW DARE YOU! I HAVE YOU KNOW YOU BROODING MALE I’M MORE SOPHISTICATED THAN YOULL EVER BE!” Tubbo chimes in with a loud yeah followed by Ranboo “Actually I don’t mind ice cream.” The bickering made you break out into a fit of laughter as you got out of the car.
Once you stepped into the parlor you looked around in awe at all the types of ice cream and sugar-filled treats. Noting that at some point you would have to take Dream here. Soon followed were Wilbur and the other three who all started to say what they wanted to get. “Who’s paying for you three? I’m paying for me and her.” Wilbur points to you as you laugh as the three looks at each other worried “I didn’t bring money...” “Me either.” Both Ranboo and Tubbo looked at Tommy making him sigh. “Willlburrrrr, we are brokeeee please pay for usss.” Blinking Wilbur shakes his head no with a grin. “Should have thought about that when we were leaving Tommy.” Quickly Tommy looks to you. “Can you pleasssse pay for us?” Behind him were two other teens with begging faces. “Fine..”
Sitting at the table was filled with aimless amounts of talking, jokes, and bullying Tommy. A grin was plaster on all of your faces as you ate your ice cream until tubbo spoke up. “So who’s dream? Tommy was asking about him earlier and now I want to know.” Before you could even answer Tommy quickly chimes in, “That’s her boyfriend!” Which earned a quick punch to the side. “Dream is my roommate right now.” “So you are dating then?” Ranboo hums making you quickly shake your head. “No-“ Wilbur then quickly chimes in with a smirk. “Yup dating.” “WILBUR SOOT!” You groan shoving his ice cream into his face making the others laugh.
After you hang out with the four of them you were dropped off at your flat. Unlocking the door you sigh and called out “Dream? I’m home!” Closing the door you looked around after not getting a reply. Humming you walked to dreams room knocking lightly. “Dream are you here?” Opening the door you were greeted with Dream sleeping in his gaming chair making you sigh and walk in taking his headphones off. “Dream? Hey, dream wake up...” shaking him lightly you waited for him to stir awake only to no avail. Finally, you gave up and rolled him over to his bed, and dragged him from his chair to his bed. Due to all the movements he finally woke up blinking some of the sleep away to look at you. “Hey? Your back already?” A small smile fell on your lips. “Dream it’s been 5 hours and it's already 8 but please go back to bed.”
Before you can move away dream softly grabs your hand and looks at you still half awake. “Sleep with me please.” What was supposed to be a question more came out as a demand. “Dream? Just go back to bed okay?” Huffing dream whined out. “Please? You were with Wilbur today and I know you haven’t seen him but you promised me last week today you would have a movie marathon with me.” You stopped looking at him in shock because you completely forgot all caught up in classes and other meetings. “I’m sorry I forgot Dream. Yeah, I’ll sleep in here tonight move over.” With a grin, he rolled over giving you room as he tugged you into the bed.
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venenatd · 3 years
atsumu x reader; motion sickness - chapter three.
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summary; atsumu wants to get to know reader better, and somehow convinces her to take him to the ice rink
content warnings; nsfw content, public sex, unprotected sex (nothing will come from it), dom/sub undertones
a/n; i hope u enjoy!! i think from here on out i get more into the swing of things and much prefer my writing so i hope u do too! reblogs/thoughts are v appreciated <3
ao3 | series masterlist | main masterlist | 18+ minors dni
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Choosing to wake up alone means the bed is cool and spacious. You can roll over and feel nothing. Sheets fold against your body, swallowing you whole. No need to tug them away, they are all for you. You push the thoughts away too, the idea that there could have been a warmth to tuck into. All throughout your routine you ignore how someone else could fit into it. 
Breakfast alone stings a little more, the hotel full of families and teams. You’re more aware now at the buffet, of the many muscular men that stand around in groups. They pile plates high of the day's energy. Wildebeest at the watering hole, you note to yourself. If there was anyone to eye roll at, you would. You notice you don’t see a certain head of toned blond hair. Not that you’re looking for it, you remind yourself.
People watching is best done on your own however, and your eyes flit between young couples, children spilling honey down their chins, and people desperate for the relief of caffeine. 
Alone is safe and comforting. An observer, as Faiz would often call you. Watching and analysing and playing with the stories in your mind. You can live through the honeyed child, the tired parent. Give them a job, a goal, a life. It’s fun to enter their space, if for a moment. 
The moment ends as Faiz breaks into your thoughts, fragments of faux futures shatter around you. “I have a challenge for you today.” 
“I want you to trust me,” the cheeky glint in his eye makes you want to do anything but.
“You already know I do.” His overjoyed energy is infectious, and your morning of distraction in other people’s brains has been replaced. You can feed off him to feel full. “What are you planning?” 
“So, before you ask he’s down,” he begins, grinning at your raised brow, “but I think you should work with Makito today.” You chew on your toast for a minute, thinking through what Faiz is really asking. Or telling, as is more often when it comes to your coach. 
“It’s for p—”
“Passion, you dumbass.” 
“—ssion, isn’t it? Oi.” you go to flick his forehead, but he’s too quick and instead gets yours. “Ow, Faiz. Insulting and hurting me? Your favourite skater?” 
“My favourite skater you may be, but you also need to score well. And I’ve got a plan.” 
He drones on for a while, about how working with Makito is going to help create an environment where you’re performing for someone in particular. If you are embers, he will try and find someone or something to breathe the fire into you. You see how much he’s thought about this, and hey, you’re willing to give it a go if it might help. 
As you make your leave from the hotel restaurant, you bump into something. Firm and tall and moving in such an ecstatic manner that it’s almost difficult to believe it’s so early in the morning. The someone grabs your shoulders, almost picking you up to move you to his side. You fluster, and they lean down to you.
“Sorry, sorry! Apparently way too hungry for breakfast,” his voice is deep but keeps the same energy as his movements. “Wait, do I know you?” 
And then you see it. Another flashback to your night of heavy drinking. A shock of white and black hair, and bird-like features. “Barely, I think. I was drinking with your,” you’re not sure what term to settle on, “teammate, I think? Atsumu?”
“Yes, Tsum Tsum’s girl! Hey!” 
“I’m not—”
“She’s not—”
And there he is. Sun gold hair still damp from an early shower. He looks like the warmth you were missing that morning. You didn’t miss it, you correct your runaway thoughts. It’s just a feeling you were once used to. 
“Oh. Awkward. Well, breakfast calls!”
Like that the owl flees the nest. 
“I should get going,” you say, shuffling past him as an attempt to run from the atmosphere. You don’t need to talk about it, or what you did. Hookups are a lot easier when you’re not both staying at the same hotel. 
“I meant what I said, by the way,” he calls after you, waiting a second for you to turn. You shouldn’t turn around. Not if you don’t want to give him the chance to offer again. But it’s like his voice has a command over you, and you pause briefly. He rewards you with the easy curl of his lips and the way it shows in his cheeks. A small flash of hope in his eyes. “I’ll teach you a spike for a spin.” 
At least there’s someone for you to roll your eyes at now. 
“You’re not going to take no for an answer, are you?”
“Glad ya keepin’ up.”
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Atsumu is quickly realising that you don’t quite speak your mind. It’s always you won’t take no, you don’t have to. It’s so far never been, I’m interested, I want that. There’s something about the way your brain is wired that makes him curious. Not that he would tell you about the other women that have flit through his life, but his type usually falls under demanding, high strung. Osamu would tease him that he dates reflections of himself. They could barely be considered dates, if he really looks into it. It’s always to bars and parties, his ‘date’ enjoying the expensive alcohol or his teammates. 
Maybe he does have a jealous streak. When he goes for those who throw themselves at him, he never quite expects them to do the same to his teammates in turn. It’s nice to be wanted though, if only as a stepping stone. 
If you are not demanding, it would only be natural to assume you are easy or effortless. But you are not that either. You need persuasion and nudging to agree to the course you want anyway. 
You are a curiosity, Atsumu thinks as you enter the rink together. His practice isn’t till late, your schedules are so perfectly mis-aligned. 
The not-boyfriend from the bar is here too, pushing off the seats to greet you. Atsumu stays back and lets you explain the situation, giving a polite nod when Faiz is introduced as your coach. He relaxes more when Faiz gives him a grin, one that spills with knowledge of late night escapades.
“So, you’re the guy?” 
“Am I the guy?” he questions you, and as your eyes once again move to roll, he speaks again, “y’know, your eyes might get stuck like that one day.” 
“I told her the same thing!” Faiz laughs, patting Atsumu’s back. “She’s always doing it too, as if I’m so below her.”
“Both of you should stop talking.” It’s cute, he thinks. Your little pout that you probably think looks oh so stern. Brows knitted and a finger to your temple. A kindergartner would laugh in your face. 
“Faiz, I hate to break it to you. But she didn’t deny it.” His hand squeezes Faiz’s shoulder, a look of woe playing on his face. The coach responds with a hand clasped to his chest, stepping back as if your words have shot him. 
He mutters your name under his breath, as if shocked by the revelation. “You’ve been using me all this time? And here I thought we were friends.” Faiz looks between you, lips trying so hard to fight a smile, and the beaming blonde next to him. “And him? You’re using him for se—”
Your eyes widen, and your hand immediately goes to slap your palm over Faiz’s mouth. “Okay! Okay, I get it! Very funny Faiz, very funny Atsumu. You’re both first class athletes and comedians.” 
There’s murmuring that comes from the fingers covering Faiz, and you open them just enough for Faiz to let you, “was it any good at least?” before you close them again. 
Atsumu goes to open his mouth, goes to prod more fun in your direction. But your hand goes from Faiz’s mouth, to his hand, and you’re pulling him and his words away. 
“Please not in the locker room,” Faiz calls in your general direction, to which you pull your signature middle finger back at him. 
“Are we gonna do it in the locker room?” Atsumu asks, praying the slight element of hope is hidden by the teasing. How easy it would be to guide your hand in his, move it towards your waistband.
“You wish.” He does.
“I like your coach.” Atsumu leans against the rows of lockers, watching you swap shoes for skates, “seems more fun than mine.”
“He knows me better than anyone. And he’s honest, doesn’t hide anything,” you speak as if it's routine. A question that has an automatic answer. “I already regret letting you two meet.”
“Oh c’mon, Golide,” he trails after you, admiring how on earth you can walk so comfortably on blades. “We both know you enjoy it.” 
“You need me to say it?” you question as you step on the ice, whisking away before he can respond. 
Maybe he doesn’t need you to say it, but he certainly wants you to. There’s elements of your attitude that Atsumu wants to learn. Why you very clearly have walls up, and how he can seep into the cracks. 
Faiz comes to stand next to him, both of them watching as you move across the ice. Now you do seem effortless. Atsumu is sure it takes huge effort for you to push yourself across the ice, but somehow it looks like you prefer it to walking. 
“So,” Faiz begins, and Atsumu knows the tone of the protective friend, “you like her?” 
As much as you can after hanging out with someone a couple of times. Atsumu knows he’s become curious. Is that liking you? It sounds like something a teenager would say. So far he knows he likes aspects of you. Your smile, first of all. The banter between you both is easy, it keeps him on his toes. Your moans and sarcasm are both equally sweet. 
“Something like that.”
Faiz hums thoughtfully and Atsumu thinks he’s not going to do it, and that he doesn’t need to make any promises. “Just be nice to her. She deserves that.” 
It’s a weird way to phrase don’t hurt her, but Atsumu nods nonetheless. Just like that the men are back to smooth and easy jokes and discussions of career. 
Eventually another man, the other not-boyfriend Atsumu recalls, joins them, and Faiz bids his goodbyes. They both go towards you on the rink, and so your new lesson begins.
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Makito is almost giddy to work with you. His movements are too quick and too erratic for you to feel calm. Your head is usually clear in practice. Knowing where the exact places your skates should be, the extension of your hands. But it’s fogged doing it with someone else, as well as knowing two pairs of eyes are watching. 
You had begun by simply holding on to one another, doing the most basic of motions to make sure you were working together well, and that no one was going to trip over the other. Deeming it a success, Faiz had moved onto the next challenge. 
“Remember, this is all about feeling with Makito,” he instructs, putting both your hands on each other, “I want to see you responding to him. Acting the part.” Pretending to be in love is what he really means. 
You both move across the ice, you’re meant to be jumping into Makito’s lap and the two of you leaning back to balance the weight. The idea is to make it look sexy, alluring, erotic. All words that you think far from describe you. 
From the edge of the rink Atsumu wolf whistles, and he imagines the eye roll, although he’s not sure he likes the idea of that so much when you’re seated in someone else's lap. 
“Makito, how did that feel?” Faiz quizzes.
He winces, looking sheepishly towards you before he answers. “Like she thought she was going to fall.” 
“Did you think you were going to fall?” He directs the question your way, but you think he knows the answer. Curse him understanding you inside and out. 
“I- I don’t know. Trying so hard to look romantic I didn’t think about much else.” 
It goes on like that for long enough that you’re both sweating. The same song plays on repeat as you go through set movements again and again. It makes it feel like both so much and so little time is passing. Even Atsumu is just flicking through his phone now. Why did you say yes to him coming again? You know Faiz can feel your agitation, the way you bristle each time he instructs you to look a certain way. If trying your best was enough, you’d be done by now. 
“Go. Take a break,” Faiz instructs. He’ll give you some time to cool off as he always does, letting you work it out isolated. It’s what works best for your brain. A whole other routine, walking away and turning music up far too loud. Stewing in it all. Absorbing yourself in the negative feelings until you can push them away or find something to distract yourself from them. 
It feels like you should be alone this time. Too many wrong buttons pushed and you could snap at someone only to regret it. Too bad for you that you said yes to your newest irritant. 
“You looked awesome” Atsumu begins, looking up from whatever feed he’s swiping through. He can barely finish the sentence before your face causes him to falter. 
There are two pairs of steps echoing down the hallway, the creak of a rusty hinge swinging twice. Hopes of a lonesome sanctuary in the locker room are dashed.
“Hey, you okay?”
His face is full of concern, which puzzles you. Your fingers struggle to unlace your shoes. Must you struggle with everything when it comes to your profession? Maybe a distraction would be better. 
The nickname bounces around in your mind, coupled with I’ve got you. Your shoes are off and next comes your sweater. Tugging it over your head and discarding it unceremoniously on the floor. 
“Do you need anything?”
Perspiration still clings to your body, coming down from your workout on the ice. He is standing there, so big, so broad. It’s like a magnet is drawing you closer. He is a distraction wrapped in an aggravatingly handsome face and strong body. 
“Yes, I do.”
His eyes flick down to your chest, heaving and covered in a sheen of sweat. Not the time, Atsumu. You’re looking up at him through your lashes, and his lips part, thinking about- not the time. He thought it was annoyance in your eyes, but the darkness seems to hold a different weight. Fists are balled by your side, and he’s not sure if you’re holding yourself back from punching a wall or something else. 
“Fuck me, Atsumu.” 
“What?” His brain is short circuiting, he thinks. ‘It’s not the time’ he repeats again and again. He’d promised to be nice to you and suddenly he’s not sure if that means talking you down or engaging with you in all the ways he wants to. 
“You wanted to, right? Just fuck me.”
All of your body language is screaming at him to grab you and pull you in. Your palm crosses against his pectorals, your fingers curling to tease your nails down past his naval. 
“You want me to beg Atsumu?” On tip toes you can push your body against his. Low and whispered against your voice is at the shell of his ear. “You want me to say please?”
The tensing of his muscles underneath his shirt makes you not want to pull away. You want Atsumu to want you. No, you want him to need you. To show you that you’re good for something. So you fall back on your feet, starting to turn away, heart dropping for a moment when he stays still. Maybe you’re the desperate one. 
But then his hand grips around your arm, pushing you firmly against the row of lockers. His mouth crushes yours before you can even think of teasing him. Gripping under your ass, he brings your legs around his waist. You smile into the kiss as you notice he’s already half hard. 
He almost growls into your sigh, realising that he does not have easy access to you like this. Slow ruts against you, easily bringing you against his crotch as Atsumu keeps you stuck between his body and the lockers. He needs convincing to let you away from him for even a second. “Say it again.” 
“Please Atsumu. Please fuck me.”
It tips him over, sends him into some sort of feral need for your cunt. Dropping and rotating you, pushing you back up against the cool metal. 
Fingers rip at your leggings and panties, rolling them just far enough down your ass. You think he may manage to leave you with bruises when he grabs your hips again. He is always on you, whether it’s his tongue on your neck, his hands pulling down your cami to cup your tits. 
Your hands scramble behind you, desperately trying to pull at his pants. He’s quick to entertain you, bringing them down and tugging his cock a few times. 
Foreplay be fucking damned. You think you’re wet enough, or at least the stretch and burn of Atsumu buried inside you will be enough to sedate your over active mind. “I need you inside me. I n- need you to fill me, ‘Tsumu.”
As much as Atsumu wants to treasure your body, give you all that you deserve, the pure desire that fills your voice drives him into a new space entirely. 
His head presses at that tight ring of muscle, letting himself be lathered in your slick. Gathering spit in his mouth, he pushes it between his teeth to let it slowly drop on his cock. You whine, begging more and more. Pushing yourself back on him as best you can with your waistband keeping your thighs pressed together. 
Atsumu’s thumb pushes his spit around your already stretched hole, then moving down to press against your clit. It’s enough for him to fully sheath himself, giving you the delicious burn you were hoping for. 
You’ve never been fucked like this. Never been needy enough to beg for it, and fuck, maybe it’s because Atsumu seemed so eager to make you feel good before. Maybe it’s that you know you don’t have to feel anything more than his length pushing against your satin walls again and again. You’ll go home, and all the deranged things your mind made you do can stay here. 
Words fall from your lips, you’ve been the one talking- begging so far. “Harder, please, please, please, fuck yes.” One large hand is holding your elbows together behind you, the other plucking at your nipples or passing over your clit. He can’t make his mind up, each one drawing a new sound from you until you're babbling under him. Going from nothing to having Atsumu smacking his hips against your ass, oversensitive everywhere as you’re grabbed and played with.
“Yeah? You can’t even beg for it anymore, huh?” 
Glazed over eyes look back at him, as if his cock has been a complete shock to your system. 
But you’re defiant. “P-Please,” he makes out through your gritted teeth. 
It makes him think of things you both could do. Things that need safe words and more trust than he feels you’re willing to give. 
He’s close, feeling his abdomen and thighs tingle and tighten. There’s some part of him that wants you to be open to ideas, open to the trust that they’d need. He would need it. 
Quick thrusts slow. Atsumu moves deep and slow, his hand letting your arms go and wrapping under your chest. He almost fully pulls out before driving back in, leaving you gulping for air in short gasps. His fingers massage your clit, and instead of mocking you he’s whispering encouragement. 
“You feel so good, so, hah, s’fuckin’ good. Wan— wanna make you feel it all, wanna make you feel good.” 
You don’t even realise your satin walls are fluttering around him, but Atsumu does. The tightness of your pussy around him makes him want to fill you up with his cum, and then he realises. No condom. Fuck. He looks at your fucked out face, eyebrows raising in bliss.
More whispered praise against your ear, and now you can feel it too. The coil in your stomach that’s making you tighten, making you open your eyes in surprise. He’s not saying it, but all you can think about is Atsumu saying “I’ve got you” because you’re so sure he does. Holding you up and close to his body, wanting you to also feel the pleasure you can see etched across his handsome features. 
Before you realise it’s happening you're falling, spasming around his cock. Repeating “‘Tsumu, ‘tsumu, ‘tsumu” in a rapturous melody. Moans echo around the locker room, and Atsumu’s pulling out from between your plush folds, leaving you to clench around nothing. His cum coats your ass, jerking himself off to completion, wishing so hard it was your cunt milking every drop from him. 
Slow and sweet kisses pepper your shoulder and neck, the cheek that isn’t pressed into the metal. “You feel good?” he says softly between pecks. 
“Yeah, I… I needed that.” His thumbs massage into your hips, as if he’s working out the bruises that will definitely be there tomorrow. It’s another show of care that leaves you unsettled. “Feel better without your cum on my ass.”
Atsumu lets out a low chuckle, and he steps back to admire his work. A pretty painting, if he says so himself. Tucking himself away, he has to leave you standing awkwardly to run and grab tissues. There’s sincerity in how he cleans you up too, not quick and hurried as he should be. His fingers smooth over the curve of your ass, leaving more kisses in his wake. 
Once you’re clean, he neatens your hair and pulls your leggings back up. You smooth out your smudged mascara and you both head back towards the rink. It’s too quiet for too long, but before you can interrupt the silence he does.
“You wanna talk about it?” 
“Hmm?” you hum.
“You said you needed it. Frustrated about something?” 
The cold hits you both as you push open the doors into the rink. Makito and Faiz nod at you both before going back to their conversation. Probably about how much you suck at anything close to passion, you think, the feelings you’d just managed to smother becoming too quick to resurface. 
“Uh, yeah, I guess.” His eyebrows deepen and his brown eyes are full of so much sincerity you can’t help but go on. “So, I did pairs skating for a while, like what you saw earlier.”
He lets out little hums as you talk, reassuring notes of interest. “But then I moved to singles, and lost the spark and, uh—”
“The passion.” Fuck Faiz and his fucking passion. Atsumu grins at him for a moment, and you’re waiting for the onslaught of teasing to begin, but it doesn’t. His eyes return to you, his smile stays, dropping from cheeky into something softer. 
“That. Passion, the desire, the,” you gesture wildly, “the stuff that turns it from spins and jumps into a performance.” 
“And that’s what you were doing with your friend?” Atsumu points at Makito. 
“The lift? Yeah, seeing if I’ve still got it in pairs.”
In a flash Atsumu is lifting you for the second time today, grabbing you by the waist despite your “hey!” Your legs instinctively wrap around his waist, the breath being pulled from you as he manhandles you easily. 
One large palm spreads across your back, and your body is running on it’s latest experience, curving back. Is he also thinking about what just happened, thinking about how he was going to take you like this? His face still holds onto something dark, his eyes lingering with lust. You pray your own doesn’t betray you, that you can feign it as surprise. 
“That’s it! That’s the look!” Atsumu and you both turn to your coach. 
His eyes wide and excited, both hands pointing at your face. Faiz is almost jumping up and down on the spot. “That’s what will make people notice! You did it!”
Your cheeks warm, watching Atsumu try to lean back also, replicating what he saw Makito do earlier. He’s strong and beautiful and everything you’re sure many women want. But with his eyebrows drawn in deep concentration, trying so hard to be elegant… He looks utterly ridiculous. Like that you’re giggling, hands having to loop around his neck to keep yourself from laughing your way to the floor. 
You sound so good when you laugh. The challenge of getting it out of you is what first caught Atsumu. A smile made his drunken self feel gooey. Now sober, the noise of you trying to even your breathing as you give him a full bodied laugh. It makes him want to cup your face, marvel at your eyes creasing, the way the corners of your lips curl. 
“And it’s gone again.” Faiz sighs, but it’s warm and full of so many emotions but not disappointment. 
Eyes full of sweet browns and honey catch you off guard. He’s looking too intently at you. Your smile fades, body going more rigid in his hands. Atsumu lets you drop, making sure you’re steady before his hands move from your waist. 
Practice starts back up, Atsumu watching from the sidelines. He can’t hear the discussion well enough between the trio on the ice, and soon his attention splits back between you and his phone.
His thumbs move quickly, typing out a ‘you’ll never believe what just happened’ to the MSBY group chat before he pauses, and presses against the backspace. To share what just happened feels wrong. It felt a little too personal. You needed him for a moment. If he was to tell the team, it’d be a fun anecdote. There’s the chance they could piece together it was with you, and if he can convince you to come to a game… 
Atsumu doesn’t want to mess it up. 
So instead his fingers take him to a different message, and start to type again.
Me // 11:21am
>> oi, i got a question for u
Samu🍙 // 11:24am
>> yes you need to wash everywhere. including there. 
Me // 11:24am
>> ok
>> guess i’ll ask someone else
>> scrub
Samu🍙 // 11:24am
>> don’t be a baby
>> what’s up
His quick typing stops for a moment, watching you jump into Makito’s lap once more, and then the three of you are grinning and high fiving. 
Me // 11:25am
>> have u ever liked someone 
>> like liked
Samu🍙// 11:25am
>> are you 12 years old 
>> i’ve had literal girlfriends
>> i’m trying to get ready for the lunch rush and you’re asking me about crushes?
Me // 11:25am
>> is a few days too soon to know
Samu🍙// 11:26am
>> depends i guess
>> you like someone?
Atsumu doesn’t know how to respond to that, so just hits the call button. 
“I told you I’m tryna be prepared,” Osamu immediately berates his older brother, talking about how there’s only so much time before he’s going to be swarmed. 
“Well, if ya shut it for a minute, I’d be able to talk.”
“Fine. So who’s my favorite twin crushin’ on?” he asks the question in a song, making Atsumu regret the call in the first place.
“I’m your only twin, dumbass,” he mutters, interrupting Osamu before they go off topic again. “I don’t know if I like her. We’ve hooked up a few times,” a gross comes from down the line, “but she’s just cool. I don’t know, dude. I just want to get to know her more.” 
“So what does it matter if you like her? Just get to know her.” Coming from Osamu it seems simpler. Sometimes his thoughts can run off, get muddled and confused and overwhelming. But Osamu’s always been the calmer, the one who can keep him on track and call him out when he needs it. If Atsumu is a boat in a storm, Osamu is the anchor. 
A few more words are spoken back and forth, general housekeeping to know what’s happening in each other's lives, before Osamu has to work, and Atsumu is left with his thoughts. There’s still that annoying doubt at the back of his mind. A little worm that’s dug so far down, even with someone else helping it’s hard to get out. 
What if you don’t like him?
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You apologise for his cold rosy cheeks and how long he had to sit and watch. He reassures you that he had fun, the both of you headed back outside into the heat of the city. You fall into place easily next to one another, walking by the river rather than ordering a car back to the hotel. Atsumu had persuaded you, protesting that without the warmth of the sun, how could he ever regain feeling in his nose. 
“Next time you’ll have to get me on the ice.”
“You already impressed Faiz so much, are you sure you’re ready for the career change?” 
“I’m sure a publicist could work it,” he’s quick to respond, holding hands out wide in front of the both of you, “I can see it now. The great Miya Atsumu conquers the ice skating world. Is there anything he can’t get gold in?” 
“Real humble, Miya,” you say with an exasperated smile. 
“Miya?” he echoes, “and here I thought I was gonna get a nickname.”
You’re either looking up at him with a quizzical stare or the afternoon sun is in your eyes. Either way Atsumu notes that it’s a cute expression, one that brings out the flecks of colour in your irises. 
Pausing for a moment, people shuffle around you, going about their days in the city. Bringing his lips to your ear, you can feel the width of his smile on your cheek. “‘Tsumu, ‘Tsumu, please ‘Tsumu” he whispers the whines - your whines - much to your dismay. 
Pushing him away, you’re only reminded of the hard planes of his abs, and now there’s definitely heat rising in your face. “Shut it Miya,” you wish you said with more defiance. Your grumble let’s him know he’s won your embarrassment.
“Thought ya liked it when I talked,” he teases, twisting you around by the shoulder to keep walking. The way you try and avoid eye contact only makes him want it more, and deciding between poking fun and giving in is all too difficult. 
You come around quickly though, Atsumu using his seemingly effortless charisma to smooth over jokes, bring you back out of your shell. There’s a feeling that he can, innately, get people on his side. Despite his seeming arrogance and over-confidence, he takes the quips you throw at him on his shoulder. Letting deep chuckles spill off his tongue and reassuring touches whenever he responds in a similar jest. 
Atsumu tugs you left and right, pointing your way back to the hotel with ease. The walk proves longer than the twenty minutes Google Maps promised you, trusting Atsumu when he says he ‘knows these streets like the back of his hand’. He does know them pretty well, at least knows that right turns should in fact be left. But the banter and laughter you two are sharing is doing more to him than the sun. It’s still surface level, discussions about plans for the week, where your home is. There’s a segment featuring each of your favorite colours, foods and films. 
“Really? Rear Window?”
“What? It’s a classic!” 
“The fact that you’ve even seen it surprises me.”
He goes on to explain that yes, it was the only film available at the hotel, but that he admired the determination of the main character. You wouldn’t have pegged him for watching anything considered old, or classic, let alone admiring the story. “And Grace Kelly, right?”
“I mean,” he begins sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck “yeah but—” 
Your giggles quiet him. 
Eventually you’re back where it began, standing outside the hotel looking at one another. 
“So, are you goin’ give me your number or am I goin’ to have to beg you for it?”
“Oh, there’s a chance you’ll beg for it?” 
You don’t miss the glint in his eyes, flashing quickly before it passes. “Is that a no, Goldie?” 
It would be easier if it was a no. Your hands are acting on want, pulling your phone out and handing it to him with contact screen open before you can think too much about it. 
“You better text me.” 
“I’ll think about it.”
Atsumu hopes that you will. Maybe asking him to a meal or if you need him again, to your room. He settles that want next to another. No running before you can even walk. Like Osamu said, just getting to know one another.
Afternoon practice is long. Time spent sweating and running and jumping for hours away from his phone. He’s thinking about hyper active teammates, making sure he’s setting just right for them. Touching you right. All of his energy spent on the blue and yellow ball before him. Spending his energy on you. Then he’s on to letting his mind be consumed by proteins and carbs and what he can eat over the next week. Maybe just a film in, rather than dinner out. Thinking about Kiyoomi who’s acting all analytical, watching the group and remarking on Atsumu’s performance. 
“You seem distracted.” 
But he’s not, of course. He can laugh it off and joke around with Bokuto in the locker room. Purposefully not thinking about earlier in the day. His heart wouldn’t race when he finally can open up his phone. It wouldn’t thump in his chest when he checks his notifications.
 Unknown Number // 5:48pm
>> i can’t think of anything cool to say so
>> hi tsumu✨
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chaiscentedcandle · 4 years
Like You (George Weasley x fem!reader)
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: George Weasley
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Y/n can’t find anybody else like George
𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭: none
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: lil angsty, cursing, mentions of food, gets happy towards the end!
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2,461
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: this is inspired by my all time freaking favorite Doja Catsong, Streets, omg I love it, I also had a different idea for this song but as I was writing it just took a turn so I might write another one but it’ll be different, but anyways if you guys haven’t listened to Streets you should omgggg but you don’t have too!! Anyways I hope you guys like it!💗💗 I ONLY USED KATIE BELL AS DRAMA NO KATIE BELL SLANDER🤚🏼
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Like you, like you
Like you, ooh
I found it hard to find someone like you
To say Y/n love life was sad was kinda far behind it, sure he’s dated boys in the past before, but the feelings never stayed. She dated boys and not men because back then her judgement never got the best of her. She did feel bad that after only a few weeks of dating she questioned her feelings, they’d gone so soon but why?
Like you, like you
Send your location come through
I can’t sleep no more
In my head we belong
Y/n always felt like she was doing something wrong when she broke up with them, it wasn’t their fault she lost feelings she just....did. Dating is hard, it’s very hard and no one will tell you that, all these other people make it look easy and fun but it’s just the exact opposite.
And I can’t be without you
Why can’t I find no one like you?
I can’t sleep no more
In my head we belong
Maybe dating was hard because your soul knew the person your with is not the person you want to be with. Maybe it’s hard because deep down you know you won’t have a future with said person and it feels like waisted time. Maybe datings hard because the person you want to be with is with someone else.
These thoughts plagued Y/n and George at night. In each other’s head they belonged together.
And I can’t be without you
Why can’t I find no one like you?
Baby, we tried to fight it
We all been there some days
Sometimes it’s not just hard for one party, sometimes it’s hard for the other party as well. Because George has been in love with Y/n for as long as he could remember, his best friend, and it didn’t feel weird to be in love with her, he tried to push his feelings down, so far down that he couldn’t feel them, yet the feelings are too strong.
Thought I need something else
And acted like I was okay
We just had to work it out
And baby, I needed space
George thought maybe if he dated someone else things would be okay instead of acting like it was okay. He needed to work things out, he gave himself space from Y/n which not only left her confused but Fred as well, he tells everything to Fred so why is he distancing himself from her?.
So when he started dating Katie Bell, it didn’t feel right. Something in his gut told him it wasn’t right and he shouldn’t be doing it, but how could he tell his best friend he’s in love with her? She probably wasn’t even in love with him, he wasn’t even Katie’s first choice.
Ain't nobody 'round here wrong
You love all yours so far away
You're pouring your heart out
I'm acting like I knew
George and Katie’s relationship didn’t last long, he refused to kiss her and only wanted to hold her hand, anytime she’d try to find way to kiss him he’d make a silly excuse to slip away. After a few months they finally split, he couldn’t deny how he felt towards Y/n anymore, he’s been denying it too long.
Late at night he would create scenarios where he poured his heart out to Y/n and she acted like she knew already, his words were moving and he didn’t stumble over his words and they’d share a fiery kiss. Every night he wished something like that would happen.
You held me so down
So down I never grew, oh
I tried to find out
When none of them came through
Before George could confess his feelings for Y/n she also dated someone for a span of months, Adrian Pucey. Adrian Pucey was well known around the school, being on the Slytherin quidditch team had its perks, but Y/n never knew why he was well known for it, other people had been on the quidditch team.
Adrian Pucey put Y/n in a corner when he asked her to be his girlfriend in front of everyone at the great hall, Y/n was speechless for a moment, of course it had to be in front of everyone, if she said no she’d be seen as a heartless bitch. Y/n convinced herself that maybe since George had dated someone else she should too.
Their relationship lasted shorter then George and Katie’s. Adrian had no idea what to do with a relationship nor how to treat a women, he was cold and mean to Y/n, he always backed her into a corner and called her names when she didn’t agree with him, so in a flurry of emotions she broke up with him in front of a decent sized group of people. She felt like he had held her down, she’s a delicate flower who’s trying to blossom into a beautiful hibiscus but Adrian was a slug who was holding her down from growing.
And now I'm stuck in the middle
And baby had to pull me out, oh
Like you, like you
Like you, ooh
George was beyond aggravated when Adrian had asked Y/n out, his Y/n, Fred tried to talk to him later that day in the common room. “Y/n is her own person and can date whoever she wants” Fred told him, “yeah, but it’s angering too see her with some prat as Adrian Pucey”. Ron had butted into the conversation to joke and say that the twins roles had been reversed and one was acting like the other, alas he was told to shut up.
Before Y/n had broken up with Adrian he tried to figure out all the things wrong Adrian was doing, he could’ve made a bullet point list of a few pages from the things he picked up on. He brought them all to Y/n’s attention, she didn’t deny them because, well, she already knew. She had no idea why she was with him. She was more than grateful that George had helped pull her out from the middle.
I found it hard to find someone like you
Like you, like you
Send your location, come through (Yeah)
Damn papa, you a rare breed, no comparing
Now that they are both single George thought it would be a great time to tell Y/n how he feels, but it’s harder done than said. Anytime he’d find a lull in a conversation or comfortable silence he could feel his heart wanting to tell her, wearing to tell her but his mouth just wouldn’t move and his brain just wouldn’t function.
Y/n also wanted to tell George how she felt for so long but could never come to either, whenever they’d be apart from each other she’d have other students or friends come find her then tell her George was looking for her, he’s always looking for her. Y/n thought most of the guys at Hogwarts were just like Adrian, but when she left Adrian she realized there was many guys way different then Adrian, like George, he wasn’t like anyone she’s really seen and it took her this long to realize how rare he is.
And it's motherfuckin' scary
Tryna keep him 'cause I found him
Let a hoe know, I ain't motherfuckin' sharing
I could take you to the parents, then to Paris
Rumors began to spread that Katie was wanting George back, people said she was very sulky and quiet. Her friends said all she brought up was George and how annoying it was getting. “She spends most of her time talking about George, she’s had a few nights where all she talked about was him, it’s quite annoying actually” recalled one of her friends.
This made Y/n jealous. She tried to not get jealous but George had said he was done with Katie. Her mother always told her jealousy is bad medicine. Y/n couldn’t help the way she felt, she knows not to surprise feelings so she embraced it instead, she was jealous and she had a right to be. She waited this long, she didn’t want to share.
You the type I wanna marry (Yeah) and keep you merry
I'll put the ring on when you ready
We play our fantasies out in real life ways and
Y/n’s friend group who consisted of George, Fred, Lee, and Angelina had been talking about the situation in the Gryffindor common room, Y/n was slumped in a arm chair with her arms and legs crossed. She wasn’t pleased to hear the situation again, the students at Hogwarts grabbed onto any drama like a leech. “Are you okay, Y/n?” Angelina asked her, giving a glance to her then to the fire “I’m fine” she mumbled
No Final Fantasy, can we end these games though?
You give me energy, make me feel lightweight
Like the birds of a feather, baby
We real life made for each other
The drama started to disperse, people started to find other things to talk about. Y/n finally felt like she could breathe and she didn’t have to hear someone mumbling about Katie and George. Of course it couldn’t last forever, at lunch everyone chatted about something in the Great Hall. Katie and her friends sat more towards the front of the table while Y/n and her friends sat more towards the middle, Y/n noticed how Katie couldn’t keep her eyes from wandering. Soon Fred picked up on what was happening.
“Oi! George! Looks like a certain someone can’t take her eyes off you” as soon as it passed Fred’s lips, Y/n had tightly gripped a piece of bread she had been eating, crunching sound from the crust and crumps falling to her plate. George nudged her “are you alright?” He asked,Y/n didn’t even look up “I’m fine, do I not look fine?” She snapped. George hadn’t said another word.
Y/n felt like she was stuck in a game she’s meant to lose. To her luck, Katie came wondering over to their part of the table, you could tell she was nervous and she was playing with her fingers. She stopped in front of George “u-uhm, George?” She said quietly, almost to quiet. George looked up from his plate, meeting her eyes “yes?” He said confused. Katie played with her fingers more “i....I just wanted to say that, uhm....I miss you, quite a bit actually” she tucked her hair behind her ear and casted her gaze to the floor “and I was wondering if we could possibly....try again?” George was speechless, and shocked, sure Katie is a nice girl but she’s not his, not when his flower is sitting next to him, clearly seething. However, George didn’t want to embarrass her by saying no, he didn’t want to embarrass her like that. “Uhm...I’ll-I’ll think about it” Katie gave a silent “okay!” With a smile and walked back to her spot, a slight skip in her step.
This only aggravated Y/n more, why couldn’t George be the one to give her so much energy from just a single glance that made her head spin, why wouldn’t he make Y/n feel weightless. Why couldn’t they be birds of a feather?, maybe thinking they were made for each other didn’t really mean they were.
And it's hard to keep my cool
When other bitches tryna get with my dude and
When other chickens tryna get in my coop
'Cause you're a one in a million
There ain’t no man like you
Y/n didn’t want to cause a scene but it didn’t take a fool to notice how affected she was by what Katie had done, especially George’s response. Grabbing her bag, she stood up from her seat hastily and speed walked out of the Great Hall. Her cold and hard stare could send shivers down your spine, she looked like she was ready to exploded any second.
Maybe it was just her head telling her that George was hers, they hadn’t really talked about it for that matter. George had watched her leave the Great Hall, he kept his eyes in the direction she left still, his lips pressed into a fine line, his brain was running around with what he should do. He didn’t move until Hermione said something “well, what are you doing? Go after her!” He didn’t give it a second thought and was out the door.
It wasn’t long before George found Y/n at a spot over looking the Great Lake. Her elbow rested on a ledge with her chin in her hand, she looked a little more calm. George stood next to her, Y/n glanced at him then back to the lake. “What’s wrong?” George said, Y/n gave him another quick glance before she spoke “I thought you said you were done with Katie Bell” she had nothing against Katie, not really, she was just jealous. “I am” George said, Y/n rolled her eyes “didn’t look like it” she replied. Y/n didn’t want to hear it anymore, she turned on her heel to leave but only making a few steps before George grabbed her arms and turned her towards him “I don’t love her!” George said defensively “why are you so jealous anyways?” Y/n scoffed, she wasn’t going to admit she was jealous “I’m not jealous” she mumbled “yes, you are! Why are you jealous?” He repeated “because you’re one in a million! There’s no man like you! I want you for myself” Y/n spoke before she could think.
Like you, like you
Like you, ooh
I found it hard to find someone like you
Like you, like you
Y/n and George couldn’t believe what she had said, George often doubted himself but to hear that from someone he loves. It was refreshing. “I don’t love her” George said again “I love you” the tension was so thick you could cut it with a butcher knife. One was waiting for the other to do something. Y/n’s hands had been shaking a little, George was playing with his pointer finger and staring at his shoes, it was so unreal to them that they both were dumb enough to not see they both fancied each other.
Slowly Y/n took a few steps forward, she wrapped her arms around George’s neck and pulled him in. He buried his face in her neck “it was hard to find someone like you, and I don’t want to let you go” Y/n whispered “I don’t want to let you go either” George added. They both pulled away to look at each other, looking each other in the eyes to find something. George placed a soft kiss on Y/n’s forehead then placed his on hers. Finally they got to have each other.
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mystic-headcanons · 4 years
i got this idea in my head and had to write it out! this is kinda like an insecure/jealous mc?  (pls forgive my writing. it has been a hot sec since i’ve written anything.)
this is kinda long so imma just place it under the cut.
♪ you were used to people flirting with your boyfriend ♪ he’s incredibly talented, handsome, funny, sweet, etc. etc. so of course, women and men and anyone in between flirted with him.  ♪ you generally didn’t mind it, since they usually backed off once they saw that he was dating you.  ♪ however, this one girl would not. stop. going after him. ♪ they were both leads in an upcoming musical, and she would constantly flirt with him during breaks and after rehearsals ♪ zen hated being rude- especially towards women- and had a hard time getting her to back off ♪ you, however, were not like that ♪ you didn’t exactly see her flirting with him until you had stopped by one day to pick him up from rehearsals, deciding to take him out for dinner. ♪ and once you saw just how uncomfortable he was with this woman flirting, you marched right over to them. ♪ your arms immediately went around his waist as you pressed a chaste peck to his lips before turning to the woman with a smile and a glare. ♪ “hi, i’m his girlfriend. nice to meet you!” ♪ zen lowkey thought it was cute that you were like that, and loved teasing you about it after he showered you in affection. ♪ (“you know you’re the only person for me, right?” zen would mumble late at night, once the both of you were tucked away in bed. ♪ “i would choose you over and over again, over anything or anyone else in the world.”)
🍷 here’s the thing: you were lowkey insecure in your relationship. 🍷 jumin was an incredible man- very intelligent, caring, honest, and extremely attractive 🍷 you...didn’t really think he was in your league. at all. 🍷 so when work parties and social gatherings rolled around and you had to stand there and watch as woman after woman came up to jumin, it was hard to bite back the jealousy 🍷 jumin usually didn’t return the advances, and the only time he did was when he was trying to make a business deal.  🍷 you knew that, and you were perfectly fine with that- he never went past a few compliments here and there, and you trusted him. 🍷 some of the women you didn’t trust, though. especially the one who kept touching his arm and leaning in a little too close for your comfort when you were at a work event. 🍷 you could see how nervous jumin was starting to get, and you immediately went to his side once he spotted you and waved you over. 🍷 a smug look spread over your face as he kissed the top of your head before introducing you as his fiancee.  🍷 (after the party, you’d confess your insecurities to him. he’d press a soft kiss to your forehead before wrapping his arms around you.  🍷 “i love you,” he’d say, his voice quiet, “and nothing and no one will ever change that. you are the only person i will ever want to spend the rest of my life with.”)
💻 saeyoung had been talking to this woman for over ten minutes now, and you were lowkey getting upset.  💻 now, you never really felt insecure or jealous in your relationship. saeyoung was constantly showering you in affection and told you how happy you made him, how he was able to be himself because of you. 💻 that doesn’t mean that you never feel insecure or jealous, because the more saeyoung kept talking to her, the more upset you became. 💻 (you didn’t wanna say anything because you didn’t wanna seem controlling, or upset him, so you just stayed silent by his side.) 💻 here’s the thing: the woman in front of you was very smart and could keep up with what saeyoung was saying and could hold a conversation about computers and technology with him. 💻 and she seemed so nice! she didn’t flirt with him in front of you and tried to include you in the conversation. 💻 you tried to hide your jealousy after she left, but saeyoung knew you very well and knew something was up.  💻 both of you finished your shopping fairly quickly before heading home, and your hand was held tight in saeyoung’s the entire way home. 💻 (once you were both in the comfort of your house, saeyoung would turn to you and give you a soft, amused smile. “were you jealous?” he’d ask, reaching forward to grab your hands and tug you in close. 💻 he could see right through your denial, and instead fondly shook his head. “you and me and the space station, remember? the love i have for you is the forever type, and that’s not gonna change.”)
☕ jealousy was a common occurrence for you.  ☕ men loved to flirt with jaehee right in front of you, even as you were holding her hand or kissing her cheek. ☕ they always thought you were just gal pals, which just pissed you off even more tbh ☕ this one guy though, jaehee really hit it off with. he was more subtle with his flirting which was why she didn’t notice it. ☕ you did, however. ☕ and you were just silently pouting by her side while shooting the man daggers with your eyes.  ☕ though, you weren’t just silently pouting once he tried giving jaehee his number. ☕ you took it instead and looked right into his eyes as you ripped it up. “sorry, she’s dating me.”  ☕ jaehee couldn’t hide her small smile as she dragged you away from the man. ☕ (”you don’t have to worry about me leaving you, y’know.” jaehee would say, glancing over at you as she squeezed your hand and smiled. ☕ “there is not a future that i’ve imagined without you in it. i want you by my side throughout everything, and that will never change.”
☆ this boy never even notices anyone else when you’re around ☆ he’s oblivious when people flirt with him, and you usually never have to feel jealous since he never goes more than five minutes without bringing you up ☆ but. he was studying for a test with a girl from his class, and even though he didn’t notice the flirting, you sure as hell did ☆ she was leaning closer to him and kept on whispering and giggling, and you could feel the jealousy flare up. ☆ you had arrived to his campus to surprise him with a lunch date- he had been talking about how stressed he was lately and you wanted to surprise him. ☆ and once you saw the girl with him, you decided to make your presence known.  ☆ you walked up behind him and gave him a kiss on the head, relishing in the bright smile that immediately stretched across his lips. ☆ he enthusiastically introduced you before you could introduce yourself ☆ yoosung definitely noticed the looks you kept sending the girl- especially when she wouldn’t stop her subtle flirting ☆ once you were both walking away from the campus, he’d speak up. ☆ (”you don’t have to be jealous.” yoosung said, lifting your hand up and pressing a soft kiss to the back of it. “i don’t notice anyone else but you.” ☆ (”i love you too much to notice anyone else. i even love you more than lolol. so you don’t have to worry, yeah? i’m not going anywhere.”)
🗡 you don’t get the chance to feel jealous with him 🗡 no one really approaches him, and if they do, they see you tucked into his side, see the way he looks at you and how he’s just a bit softer with you 🗡 and they’d know that they wouldn’t stand a chance.  🗡 (on the off chance that you do get jealous, saeran is ready to comfort you. “you stuck by me throughout everything.” he’d say, taking a minute to find the right words as he gently held your hand in both of his. 🗡 “i would not be where i am today without you. i don’t-- i honestly don’t even know if i’d be alive. i’m not gonna leave you. ever.”)
📷 jihyun is the sweetest boy around, so of course he never really notices when people flirt with him 📷 he genuinely just thinks they’re being nice. 📷 you do get jealous sometimes- it seems like every time you go out, someone comes up to him. 📷 and you understand it! jihyun is a pure and loving soul- the kind that pulls you in right away. but he was also yours, and you tried your best to make it known without making your jealousy obvious. 📷 (jihyun notices your jealousy. he always does- he might be oblivious with other people, but he’s always known you a little better than you know yourself. so when you were out of the public eye, he’d wrap you up in his arms and hold you close to him. 📷 “out of everywhere that i’ve traveled. every person i’ve met, every town i’ve been to, i’ve never seen anything quite as breathtaking as you. you’re the only person i think i’ll ever love like this.”)
yall my inbox is open if u wanna send requests oWo
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that hfy headcanon/drabble/oneshot (i dont really know the difference lmao) was amazing!! i recall u writing about hfy bucky how he ignores and brushes off women whenever they flirt with him bc hes obvs with y/n. but what would happen if bucky and y/n ran into buckys old flings/one night stands & what would happen if they started flirting & trying too hard/were being rude to y/n (i recall u wrote that she once recieved a bad look from a girl before in a hc u wrote & some girls are awful lol)
Howlin’ For You – Masterlist 
Bucky & Y/N handling jealously
But yes, Dot glared at Y/N in the series when Y/N accidentally crashed a barbecue at Bucky’s house. 
“Where’s Y/N at?” Sam asked Bucky as he gripped Bucky’s shoulder. 
“Hello to you too, asshole,” Bucky answered as he leaned on the bar, patiently waiting for Wanda to get to him. 
“You know we all like her more than you, don’t act surprised,” Sam joked. 
“She’s just finished up at work. She’ll be here soon.”
Sam nodded and went back to the group after his so-called greeting to Bucky. 
Wanda was finally able to give Bucky his drink without even asking what he wanted. 
“Well, well, well... if it isn’t the infamous Bucky Barnes,” a sultry voice said behind Bucky. 
He tensed a little bit, slightly recognizing the female voice. 
He turned to find a past fling. Or more so, past flings. 
Her name was Candace. 
She had light blonde hair, but insisted on dying it grease black for some reason. Natasha once described her as trashy, though Bucky never commented on that. She was a woman who dressed more for men than for herself, which Bucky didn’t mind – (obviously.)
It was a friends-with-benefits type of relationship. Though Bucky didn’t even really consider her a friend. They were both attracted to each other, the sex was good... but it was never anything more than a very casual relationship. It ended a few months before Y/N moved to town. 
Bucky hadn’t really thought about her at all since then. 
“Hey, Candace. How ya been?” He asked her. 
“What? Not even so much as a hug or a kiss on the cheek?” She played up her defense. 
Bucky laughed lightly and stepped forward to give her a quick hug. 
“What are you doing here?” He then asked. 
The only time she’d been at this bar was when Bucky would tell her to meet him there. He was always some form of drunk and it was always a booty call. 
“Oh, some friends dragged me here,” she said half-heartedly. “But now I’m glad they did.”
Then she stepped closer to him. 
Too close for Bucky’s liking. 
“It’s been too long, Bucky...” she practically whispered to him. 
He instantly took a step back. “It’s not like that anymore, Candace. I’m sorry.” Then he cleared his throat. “I have a girlfriend.”
Candace playfully rolled her eyes. “Yeah, I heard. Didn’t really believe the rumors, if I’m being honest.”
“Well, believe it,” he answered, probably sounding harsher than he meant to be. 
“Oh, come on. Everyone knows it’s not that serious...” Candace cooed. This time she gripped his shoulders and used his weight to pull herself closer. 
Bucky glared at her then and took her hands off of his shoulder. “Candace, I’m being serious...” He growled in warning. 
He was trying to be a gentleman while also making it brutally clear that he wanted nothing to do with her. 
“Bucky?” Wanda called from the bar. 
He was caught off guard by her trying to get his attention. 
When he turned to her, Wanda was pushing forward a drink that looked disgustingly milky and then a shot that Bucky didn’t even want to know what it was. 
“The fuck is this?” He asked. 
“Horse Jizz and a tape worm shot,” Wanda explained as she cringed. 
Bucky opened his mouth to ask for more of an explanation. 
“Sent over from Y/N,” Wanda added before he could say anything more. 
Then she nodded over into the corner of the bar. 
Bucky’s stomach flipped when he turned to see that Y/N was very much at the bar. Somehow she snuck in and must’ve seen Bucky getting groped and hit on by a woman, and decided to go to his friends instead of trying to stake her claim. 
He met eyes with Y/N, who looked merely disappointed. 
She was standing with Sam and Thor, who both properly glared at Bucky on her behalf. 
“Fuck,” Bucky hissed, knowing the damage had already been done. 
He shoved past Candace, ignoring anything she said to try and regain his attention. 
To his annoyance, both Thor and Sam acted as human shields. 
“Seriously? Both of you?” Bucky accused his two friends. 
“It’s fine, guys,” Y/N told them quietly. 
Only then did they stand down. 
But she was clearly pissed and nothing about the situation was funny or amusing to her. 
“Doll, I can explain,” Bucky told her when he finally had her to himself. 
“Funny! That’s what every asshole in the movies always says when he’s caught,” she snapped back. 
“We used to mess around, back in the day. It was nothing serious. We never even went on a date. It was just sex.”
Y/N scoffed. “Oh, is that supposed to make me feel better?” 
“No, it’s not. I’m just... I’m trying to be honest, Y/N.” 
“Were you trying to be honest with her? Because it looks like whatever you were saying, she couldn’t take a hint...”
But instead of getting frustrated, Bucky realized that was no way to handle the situation. 
So, instead, he stepped forward, and with purpose. 
“If you’re jealous right now... you’ve got no reason to be, Y/N.” Then he stepped even closer. He completely invaded her space now. “There’s no one else but you, doll. They don’t mean shit to me, you hear me?” 
Y/N seemed taken aback by his new approach. 
“They don’t mean anything...because you mean everything. OK?”
Y/N didn’t even realize she was nodding. 
Bucky grabbed her jaw and kissed her. He took his sweet time, not giving a shit who was watching them. In fact, he hoped Candace was watching, so she would leave him the hell alone. 
When they finally pulled apart, Y/N was frowning at him. “They all want a piece of you...”
It was true. Women who were adjacent to their culture, their lifestyle...they all saw Bucky as some sort of twisted objective. He was a king to them, the ultimate alpha male. Whether it was long term or just one night, women threw themselves at him. 
“It’s not me they want,” Bucky corrected her. “They’ve just got their ideas.” 
“Yeah?” Y/N challenged. “So what do I have then?”
“You’ve got me,” he told her. “The real me. The me they don’t know a lick about. And you always will.” 
Y/N smiled at that. 
But then it dropped quickly. “She’s still seen you naked though...” 
“Well, later tonight, I promise I’ll make you forget all about that part,” Bucky whispered huskily as his hands wrapped around her to grip her ass. 
Y/N kissed him again and playfully bit his lip, reminding him that she was the one in control of all this. 
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Erik has a new girl who has a baby prior to dating him and they become one big happy family. The baby daddy is jealous and he tries to one up on Erik but they end up being cool with eachother afterwards.
Warnings: Mentions of SMUT, Fluff.
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Erik is currently staring at a picture of little Sasha. She was only one month on the photo. Now, Sasha is turning one.
When he first met Y/N and Sasha, they were in a Caribbean supermarket. Erik always shopped there. He decided to go and grab what he needed before heading home to his new apartment. If you ever wanted to shop for Afro-Caribbean ingredients, the best place to go to was a Caribbean supermarket. He wanted to cook up some beef patties, oxtail, rice and peas, and some fried cabbage. Already picking up the spices he needed, Erik wasn’t paying much attention when his cart bumped into Y/N’s. The loud clanking sound woke Sasha up. She cried a little bit but it didn’t last very long.
“Shit, my bad. My eyes were on the shelves looking for curry powder. Ah, I woke up this pretty little mama right here.”
“It’s alright, you don’t have to apologize. It happens to the best of us.”
The corners of Erik’s mouth turned up into a smile and his eyes widened slightly at the sight of her. Pushing a yellow cart with a light grey strapless sundress on that hugged her ample curves was one of the most beautiful women Erik has ever seen. Her skin was a beautiful mocha with tan lines. Short blue-black curly fro and nutmeg eyes with a bright white smile. She looked like she lived on an island and not California. That’s where the pretty new born baby got her looks from for sure.
“Here’s your curry powder.”
Erik blinked out of his trance, staring down at the beautiful woman’s hand holding up a bag of curry powder. Erik grabs it, his full lips still holding a dimpled smile.
“Thank you, ma.”
“No problem,” She looks down at her daughter in the cart, smoothing her black hair, “Well, let us get out of your way, I’m sure you have shit to do.”
“No rush, just got off of work,” Erik held out his hand, “My name is Erik.”
“Y/N,” she grabs it gently, shaking Erik’s hand slowly.
“And what’s her name?”
“She’s very beautiful like her mama.”
“Thank you,” Y/N blushes.
Erik licks his lips, “This is probably the only time I’ll ever see you...so I was wondering if I could have your number? I mean,” Erik looks Y/N up and down, “You are so damn beautiful. Make a nigga hold up traffic doing a U-Turn if I see you walking down the street.”
Y/N nibbles on the corner of her pouty bottom lip, “Just like that, huh, Erik?”
“It’s now or never honestly.”
Y/N cocked her head to the side, “You didn’t even ask me if I was single. I do have a new born baby. I could have a boyfriend, be engaged, already married-“
“My fault,” Erik chuckles, “It’s just in my nature to go after what I want.”
“I can see that,” Y/N shakes her head with a big smile.
“Aight, so, are you taken?”
“No. Not anymore.” Y/N sighs, “Long story.”
“I’m sorry to hear that gorgeous.”
“I’m okay. My Sasha is okay. That’s all that matters.”
“Well, she looks like she’s in good hands, no doubt.”
“Yes,” Y/N’s eyes sparked and her lashes fluttered, “Do you still want my number, Erik?”
“Hell yeah,” Erik pulls out his phone from his suit jacket. Y/N grabs her phone from the cart, handing it over to Erik. They both exchanged numbers before swapping back. They didn’t really know what else to say, Y/N looking at Erik bashfully and Erik is honestly enamored by how beautiful and chocolate Y/N is.
“Promise we will talk?” Erik says while walking back to his cart.
“I promise, Erik.” Y/N giggles, turning to her cart, giving Erik a view of her tantalizing voluptuous hips.
“Yeah, I’ll hold you to that, ma. Bye bye Sasha.”
Sasha just looked at him with her black eyes
Y/N and Erik talked that night, Y/N agreeing to go on a date with him but she definitely wasn’t ready for anything intimate. Erik respected that, he started falling deeper and deeper for Y/N and they didn’t start having sex until after a month of getting to know eachother. Ever since then, they were inseparable and Erik took care of Sasha like she was his child. They would spend the night the first 11 months into dating but by month 12, just weeks before Sasha’s birthday, Erik asked Y/N if she wanted to move in with him. Y/N instantly agreed without hesitation.
Sasha’s Birthday
“Rayvon is getting on my last nerves!”
Erik looks up from the photo of Sasha on her birthday cake at Y/N entering the kitchen in their apartment with a scowl and her lips pouting. She went back to stirring the potato salad, Erik’s eyes unable to ignore her ass jiggling in her yellow sundress.
“What happened with that nigga now?”
“He keeps asking me why I moved in with you. It’s none of his goddamn business!” Y/N kisses her teeth, “I am so sick of him questioning my decisions when he couldn’t even figure out if he wanted Sasha in his life. While he was out there screwing around I was dealing with my pregnancy alone.”
“Want me to talk to him?” Erik walks over to Y/N in the kitchen, his hand rubbing her back, “Cuz you know I will.”
“No, baby,” Y/N looks up at Erik with her doe eyes, “It’s not something I want you to get involved in unless it’s absolutely necessary. Ray is just jealous.”
“His loss. The nigga should have been on his shit but then again, I wouldn’t have you.”
“You won me,” Y/N turns, wrapping her arms around Erik’s neck, “I’m yours now. This may sound fucked up but...I was thinking the other day that I wish I would have ran into you in that market 9 months earlier. Then, you would have impregnated me and not Rayvon.”
“Aye,” Erik kisses Y/N’s forehead, “Sasha is a part of Rayvon. As much as I would have loved to meet you, Sasha wouldn’t be so fucking amazing if it wasn’t for him too-“
“You’re right. I don’t want you to think I’m saying that I don’t want Sasha-“
“Stop,” Erik rubs Y/N’s arms, “I know what you meant. You’re a great mother, baby, just... relax, okay?”
“Ugh,” Y/N smiles, “I’m so glad you’re here. Ray will be here and if you weren’t with me I wouldn’t survive-“
“You’re a strong woman, don’t let that nigga make you think otherwise,” Erik grabs her chin, “Look at me. Never let that nigga make you feel weak. Ever.”
“Okay,” Y/N stands on her tiptoes to kiss Erik.
“Good girl,” Erik gave Y/N another kiss, sucking on her bottom lip.
“Mmm, baybeee,” Y/N whimpers, “make me feel good before the party starts?”
“Damn,” Erik felt himself growing stiff, Y/N felt it too. Her hand came down the length of Erik’s body before resting gently over his crotch. She drags her nails up his length, her tongue poking out to sweep across her upper lip.
“Mm, Daddy. He’s so big-“
“Chill, ma, you can’t be doing that. You want yo’ mama to see how big of a freak her daughter is?”
“I just want it so bad,” Y/N kisses Erik’s neck causing him to groan, “So bad, Daddy-“
“I don’t want a quickie with you, I want it all, ma. Let’s wait until after the party. Isn’t Sasha going with Ray so he can take her to his parents?”
“Yeah,” Y/N had a sad expression, “I’ll wait the four hours I guess.”
“Trust me, it’s worth the wait, baby girl. I plan on wearing your ass out. Fix that pretty face, ain’t no pouting around here.”
“Okay, Daddy.”
“That’s right,” Erik takes both of his hands to reach around Y/N squeezing her generous buns and then making them bounce in his hands.
Everyone showed up to Sasha’s first birthday, even some of Erik’s friends came out to support. The party was themed Disney Princess with Tiana from Princess and The Frog. Erik even got a dress made to match Princess Tiana’s for Sasha. She also had a little gold crown to match the gold anklet Erik gifted her for her birthday.
Are you Sasha’s Daddy?
You look like you could be Sasha’s Daddy.
I like you better than that dumb ass Rayvon.
The questions and comments circulated around multiple times. Erik did feel a little uncomfortable answering that with Ray there. Speaking of Ray, he was giving Erik a cold look the entire time. Whenever Erik gave Sasha or Y/N a kiss, held Sasha, accepted Y/N sitting on his lap, or gave Sasha a gift, Rayvon would scowl or clench his jaw like he was itching to say some foul shit. Y/N definitely did have a type. Rayvon looked about Erik’s height and weight except he was dark skin with a kinky fro. Rayvon is a kick boxer. He looked like he wanted to kick Erik out of one of his luxury apartment windows so he could watch him fall twelve stories.
After gift opening time with Sasha, Rayvon, and Y/N, Y/N allowed Sasha to walk around so she could get used to moving on her feet. Sasha is so fast and every time someone tried to pick her up she would twist and turn her body. As soon as Y/N felt Sasha pulling on the bottom of her yellow dress, smacking her little lips, Y/N knew that her daughter wanted some food.
Y/N sat bouncing Sasha on her lap while feeding her some Mac and cheese. Erik took a seat next to Y/N on one side while Rayvon approached to take the empty seat on the other side. Y/N rolls her eyes, glancing over at Erik before going back to feeding Sasha.
“Can I feed her?” Rayvon spoke with a deep voice.
“Yeah, she’s your baby,” Y/N passes Sasha over to Rayvon.
“Oh? No arguing with me? Shit, I’m shocked.”
Rayvon pinches Sasha’s cheek, grabbing some Mac and cheese with his fingers to feed her.
“Since I’m here, you gon’ introduce yourself, homie?”
“Erik,” Erik looked over at Rayvon with humor, “Nice to meet you, bruh.”
“Hmm,” Rayvon reaches out his hand across Y/N, “Nice to meet you.”
“Cool,” Erik shook his hand but he held just as tight as Rayvon. Erik gave Rayvon a sly smirk before pulling his hand away.
“Since you around my daughter so much, what do you have to offer? I need to know especially since Y/N is living here now-“
“Chill out Rayvon, shit,” Y/N was ready to cuss Rayvon out but Erik’s hand on her shoulder calmed her down.
“It’s all good, baby, he’s just asking questions,” Erik looked up at Rayvon with unwavering eyes, “I’m not tryna take your place but I care about her and Y/N so I WILL be around. I love them both, and that’s real. I’m finna treat Sasha and Y/N with nothing but respect and mad love just like I’ve been doing for the past year.”
Rayvon sat quiet but he kept his eyes on Erik. He honestly couldn’t think of anything to counter what Erik just said. For some reason, Rayvon could see that Erik was telling the truth. The jealous part of him wanted to hate Erik’s existence but he has been nothing but amazing towards Sasha.
“And I understand the energy, bruh, I get it,” Erik shrugs, “I don’t have a problem with you but I will back this woman up right here. She means a lot to me.”
Rayvon glances at Y/N, “Yeah, she has that effect on people.”
“For sure,” Erik wraps an arm around Y/N’s waist, “She don’t play though,” Erik chuckles.
“You got yourself a hard woman. Ain’t that right, Y/N?”
“Shut up, Ray,” Y/N rolls her eyes.
“Where are you from, Erik?” Rayvon tried to make small talk.
“Oakland, you?”
“Shit, we might know the same people.”
Rayvon, shrugs, “We might, what area?”
“East Oakland, you?”
“Bro...same. What high school?”
Y/N looked from Rayvon to Erik with a perplexed expression.
“Castlemont High School for my junior and senior. I was at Oakland High at first but I got put out. What year did you graduate?”
“06’. I went to Oakland High school. I don’t remember you though.”
“Probably because I stayed in the office and getting suspended,” Erik laughs, “Juvie too.”
“I’m sure we know the same people. Same niggas still out there on the corners.”
“Shit, who you telling. I had to let some of my homies go. I ain’t tryna get dragged down in that mess.”
“Best move, honestly.” Rayvon agreed.
Y/N couldn’t believe what she was witnessing. Rayvon was actually being nice to Erik after all the shit he talked about how he was going to beat his ass when he saw him. Now, he was having conversations about their childhood, laughing and getting along. They were so invested in talking that Y/N went unnoticed.
“I’m gonna take Sasha to see if she needs to be changed,” Y/N stands, reaching out for Sasha.
“Go to mommy, little mama,” Rayvon gives Sasha a kiss on her neck causing her to giggle before handing her over to Y/N, “she’s looking more and more like you every damn day, girl. Look like you created her on your own.”
“That means she’s gonna grow up to be pretty like her mama,” Y/N grabs Sasha’s hand to kiss, “ain’t that right cutie pie!”
Rayvon sat back in his chair admiring Y/N. Erik caught him staring at her frame while chewing on his bottom lip with a crease in the middle of his brows.
“We will be back, behave Ray,” Y/N gives him a stern look.
“I’ll keep Erik company, seems like we’re vibing.”
“Okay,” Y/N walked up to Erik, giving him a kiss on his cheek. Before she could even step away from him, Erik reached out to slap her ass. Y/N looked back at him while shaking her head before placing Sasha on her hip, walking away.
“Still looks soft,” Rayvon said without a care for Erik being there.
“It is,” Erik side eyed Rayvon, “Still jealous?”
A muscle in Rayvon’s jaw twitched before he gave a half smile, “I can be a man and admit that I’m a little envious. You enjoying what I had...that would make any man feel some type of way.”
“If you don’t mind me asking-“
“Why did I fuck it up?” Rayvon finished Erik’s question, “Because I couldn’t handle the fact that she was pregnant. I wasn’t ready to take care of a baby. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I was going to take care of Sasha regardless, I knew I had a big responsibility I just...it was unexpected. I never imagined being a father. I never imagined falling for Y/N at all, period. She just has this energy man, Hmm, I mean, you know that energy. I kept telling myself not to fall for her but, damn, she really sunk her nails deep, you feel me?”
“Oh, I feel you. I’ve been there. I’ve never had a baby but I’ve been in that situation. I didn’t want that type of commitment either. Now, I love that shit. When I saw Sasha and Y/N for the first time, I couldn’t leave without at least getting her number. She had me and I barely even knew her.”
“Where did y’all meet again?”
“Erik smiles, “Caribbean supermarket. Bumped carts.”
“Get the fuck out of here,” Rayvon laughs, “I met her walking past her on Telegraph Ave. I couldn’t keep walking without getting her number. All she had to say was hi and my ass was sprung.”
“All she had to do was look at me and I was hooked,” Erik lifted an eyebrow before turning to Rayvon, “I heard you’re a kick boxer?”
“I am. Been doing it for five years now. I love it. I want to teach Sasha some day.”
“She already kick and punch like a beast so I can only imagine how she will be when she gets older.”
Rayvon leans forward, resting his elbows on his thighs, “What do you do?”
“I work for the Outreach center here in Oakland.”
“Serious! Could you help out my brother? He’s been trying to get a job there for at least two years now. They still have him on like some sort of waitlist.”
Erik ponders for a second before answering, “What’s his name?”
“Davon. Ex Military, Masters in Computer Science, wants to help design technology to help struggling communities. He also interned for Stark.”
“He sounds perfect. I’m like, in charge of all of that. Well, I’m in charge of a lot but I oversee the technology aspect of things more. I’ll give you my business card and you can have Davon call me Monday morning at 8:00 AM. No later.”
“Chill, you’ll really do that for him? Damn, you’re really a stand up guy, Erik. And here I was tryna hate you for taking Y/N away from me. I ain’t got no reason to hate you man,” Rayvon held out his hand for Erik to shake out of respect.
Erik sizes Rayvon up, “You were tryna come up in here and one up on me?” Erik’s tone was rough and angry. Rayvon leans back, brows furrowed and hands up like he didn’t want any problems.
Erik’s face slowly morphed into that of humor. He snorts a laughter before clapping Rayvon on his back, “All jokes, homie, I don’t want no beef. We good.”
“Shit,” Rayvon let’s out a suppressed laugh before fixing his denim jacket, “I thought you were about to put hands on me.”
“Nah, that’s not in my character. Ain’t no reason for me to beat your ass-“
“Aight, nigga,” Rayvon chuckles.
Y/N walks back without Sasha in her arms, hands on both her hips as she stood before Rayvon and Erik.
“So, did you both exchange words while I was gone or was everything good?”
Erik and Rayvon exchanged looks, faux anger on their faces.
“Seriously? Damn, that didn’t last long. Listen, I can’t have-“
“CHILL,” Erik couldn’t control his laughter, “We’re good, just messing with you, baby.”
“Erik don’t do that!” She hits Erik’s broad shoulder, “I thought I was going to have to separate you two until the party is over, and Rayvon stop laughing! You’re the one that gave threats about wanting to strangle Erik with your bare hands!”
“No worries, girl, we talked, got to know eachother, and...I can honestly say that you chose right, probably better than me.”
Y/N didn’t know how to respond to that. She could see that Rayvon wished he would have done better but the maturity in his response is what won her over. Never in a million years did Y/N expect Rayvon to say those words about any man she decided to be with besides him.
“That really makes me happy, Ray, I just want all of us to get along for Sasha.”
“I agree,” Rayvon gave Y/N a charming smile before standing to give her a hug. Y/N accepted his hug but she made sure to look at Erik to see if he was okay with it. He didn’t seem bothered, he actually looked happy.
“Aight, where is my baby girl? The party is basically over I’m ready to take her home so she can chill with her cool Daddy.”
Y/N pointed to her mother and her aunts, “She’s over there eating ice cream. You’re gonna have a lot of diapers to change, Ray.”
“Eh, I’m prepared,” Rayvon turned to Erik bringing his fist towards him to bump, “Good talking to you man, see you again soon.”
“Same, bro. Let me get you a card for your brother.”
“Good looks.”
Erik stood up, heading towards his small office area to grab one of his business cards. When he returned, Sasha was already on her Daddy’s hip, her Minnie Mouse baby bag in Rayvon’s free hand.
“Erik, come say goodbye to Sasha,” Y/N waves him over. Erik came over, planting a kiss on Sasha’s cheek, “See you, cutie pie. It’s never a goodbye when it comes to you, ain’t that right?!”
Sasha giggles with her gums and drool.
“Have fun, birthday girl.” Erik turns to Rayvon, “Glad we talked, man, see you soon.”
“No problem, take care of her,” Rayvon was referring to Y/N.
“That’s a promise.”
Rayvon gave one final goodbye to the others who lingered around to help clean before strolling out of the apartment with Sasha.
“Look at you, being nice. I like it.”
Erik wraps an arm around Y/N’s soft waist, “Daddy can be nice too.”
“Will Daddy be nice to me later?” Y/N whispers, “Or will Daddy make me beg for it?”
“Depends on how good of a girl you are before the rest of your family leaves.”
“Then I should be on my best behavior then,” Y/N flashed Erik a sexy smile earning a hard slap to her ass.
“Not with an ass like that,” Erik bites his lower lip, “Gon’ girl before I bend you over.”
“Okay, Daddy,” Y/N made sure to walk away extra slow so Erik could watch her.
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doc-pickles · 4 years
it’s nothing funny just to talk (p. 1)
What happens when you text that random number graffitied on a bathroom stall in your favorite bar? Jo Wilson is about to find out. - In which Bar Princess and Doctor Evil Spawn meet via text.
More Jolex on your timeline because y’all seemed to love what I posted before! Also I’ve posted this whole piece on AO3 as well so it might look familiar.  
this idea came to me in a fever dream and i am not sorry that y'all have to deal with it. 99% of this fic will be in "texting" format, so be prepared for that. 
Jo is regular Alex is italics
Saturday 11:04 PM
heeeeey is thiss doctor evil?
I gotta say ur phone sex namee needs sum weerk
u soud like a comic book village 
Who the hell is this? And how did you get my number? 
i’m just a girl at thee bar!!!! 
Joe’s Bar?
i’m at enerlad city bar
You didn’t answer my question. 
u asked a quesitoon?
whata was it?
i’m goos at takifjg tests 
How’d you get my number?
it qas in the bathrooom!!!
it said “for a good tiem txt dr evil spawne” 
so I did
I am ready to havee fun
You’re drunk, obviously, and I’m going to have to kill Cristina for putting my number up. 
ooooooh is thatt ur girleifnd?
Wow you’re really gone. And hell no, she’s my roommate. One of them. 
ooooh how many do u hav
roomees not girlfriends 
Three. Two girls and a dude. 
well it’s tome for fireball shoots
steph is yeeling at me 4 txting too much
goodbey doctor eviel apawn!!
Oh lord. Tell Steph you need water. Or an IV. 
I’ve got her. she’s throwing up on her shoes. thanks doctor. - steph
  Sunday 10:11 AM
You know you’re pretty funny, Bar Girl. 
jesus christ what fucking time is it?! 
10 AM
I’m assuming you have a massive hangover. 
hold on I can’t hear you over the sound of me vomiting
TMI as the kids say these days. 
what’re you a grandpa or something?? 
No I just don’t know how to use text lingo. Except WTF. I know that one very well. 
quick question
who the fuck are you?
Dr. Evil Spawn. You found my name graffitied in the bathroom of Emerald City Bar. 
holy shit
I thought I dreamed that... WHAT THE FUCK
Nope. I’m real. 
holy shit i’m so sorry
my texts were so annoying
Who hurt you? I mean you were shitfaced, I’m assuming someone broke your heart into tiny pieces. 
the opposite actually, I was at a bachelorette party
not mine, i’m so single it hurts
Ahhh that makes sense. So you got shitfaced in solidarity? 
exactly you get it
you seem like you’d be the DD at a bachelorette party
Well seeing as I’m a dude I don’t do Bachelorette parties. 
Well I did go to one, but that’s a different story.  
hmmm you seem like a very interesting man doctor evil spawn 
going to bachelorette parties, living with women who aren’t your girlfriend 
George? No absolutely not. And before you ask, my other girl roommate is gay. 
so you’re single?
i’m only asking so when you murder me the police have as much information as possible
Haha very funny. I would be a terrible murderer. 
you didn’t answer my question
Fine. Yes I’m single. 
i’ll note that in the “serial killer file” i’m building 
gotta go, I have to do work :/
Have fun, don’t die. 
  Sunday 8:38 PM
Arizona is trying to set me up on a blind date. 
who’s arizona?
My gay roommate. She wants me to meet this “bubbly blonde” she knows from her pilates class. 
ahhhh. why don’t you go?
Bubbly blonde is not my type. Sounds like she’ll spend the whole date talking about how much she loves dogs or her knitting hobby. 
Plus she does pilates, that tells me more than enough. 
you’re making some good points. I don’t pity you. 
You better not. How was work?
the longest day of my life
it was just paperwork, I don’t actually work on the weekends
What do you do?
hmmmm that’s exactly what a serial killer would say
i’m an elementary school teacher
Oh so you sing and dance and paint pictures all day?
what school did you go to?
were working on multiplication tables and basic photosynthesis tomorrow
Wow that sounds like a lot.
it’s may, ive got three weeks of school left so I have to cram all the crap we didn’t cover into these last few weeks 
Ahhh that sounds more accurate.
and what do you do? 
besides text strangers that you don’t know
I’m a pediatrician. 
oh so you make kids cry and wipe snotty noses all day? two can play at that game
Well we both have to deal with snotty noses sooo...
I GET IT!! Doctor Evil Spawn!! 
why evil spawn though? 
I wasn’t this nice when I started med school. My personality is an acquired taste. 
ha! that’s a funny joke. 
so if you’re a fancy schmancy doctor why do you live with three other people?
I’m only a resident, not making the big bucks yet. Everyone else is a doctor too. 
are they all pediatricians?
No. Arizona is too but Cristina is a cardiologist and George is a trauma specialist. 
interesting!! I too live with my coworkers. it’s not fun. 
the table is always covered in craft supplies. 
Well I can never read the grocery list on the fridge. Stupid doctors script...
oh that’s a classic. you’re pretty funny Dr. Evil Spawn
Thanks Bar Girl. 
I gotta go. monday tomorrow and you know how fourth graders can be. night!! 
Night . 
  Monday 9:47 AM
there’s not enough coffee in the world for monday mornings. 
  Monday 10:52 AM 
Sorry I was yelling at the interns. We have a decent coffee cart here. Keeps me alive. Are you texting in class?
no it was recess
now they’re at spanish class
i’m not totally irresponsible 
Oh good to know the future of America is in good hands. Teacher Princess is “not totally irresponsible”
teacher princess?
Well, Cinderella lost her shoe, you puked on yours. Same thing. 
that was so uncalled for...
I thought it was funny. Gotta go set a broken arm. 
broken arm vs. adverbs... can we switch? have fun lol
  Monday 3:26 PM
I don’t even think I know what an adverb is. 
how did you become a doctor??
Don’t need to know adverbs to fix a couple broken bones and snuffy noses. 
oh darn I should’ve gone to school for seven more years then
Haha. How were the adverbs?
better than expected, grading papers while I wait for my roomies to be done
we carpool, saving the environment and shit
Okay Eco Warrior.
you text like a 60 year old man
you’re not a 60 year old man are you?
No I’m a 28 year old man though
28 a doctor and you’re single? your personality must be worse than you described 
I’m a busy man, I don’t have time to settle down. And I have no desire to. 
yet you have time to text a complete stranger? 
hmmmm interesting...
Ouch, that one hurt Princess. 
steph is making me socialize with the other teachers
if I don’t respond, they killed me or dragged me to an essential oil party
  Monday 5:18 PM
Did you get roped into a pyramid scheme?
nooo but therew as wine
I should sotp drunk texting you so often 
It makes your presence that much more entertaining. And bearable. 
woah woah dude
i’m a gem 
I can tell. Elementary school teacher with a heart of gold. 
awwww your too sweet tome
It’s a Monday. Who the hell gets drunk on a Monday?
we deserve it
You’re a teacher and you’re single and still going to Bachelorette parties. You’re what, 23? 
i’m 25 and i’m doing greta thanks you very nuch 
cnat believe that i’m supplying my perosnal info to a serial killer
What makes you so sure that I’m a mass murderer? 
ur weird nickname and ur intimate knowledge of the himan body
Mmm yes well a good amount of women do find themselves screaming around me often. Or under me. On top of me...
omg are you sending me dirty jokes
you’re crazy 
What can I say. 
Gotta go, I’m on call tonight. Get to bed safe, Bar Princess. 
mmmkay thanks Doc
  Wednesday 11:29 AM
What do you think is worse: School lunch or hospital food?
hospital food, no doubt
thursday is mac and cheese day here... I could bathe in that stuff
We have Spaghetti Wednesday but that’s the only good thing here. 
mmm how depressing
the teachers do a pot luck once a month and that’s always good
the art teacher next door to me makes the BEST blueberry muffins. 
Lucky. All I get here is vending machine cookies. Anything interesting happening in the elementary world? 
a first grader got lice last week so naturally we all have it now
I had to chop off six inches of my hair
Holy crap. Lice can be vicious, be thankful you didn’t have to shave your head. 
it feels like I did, my hair hasn’t been above my shoulders since the backstreet boys were still touring
Wow. I’m glad to know you’re well cultured. 
of course I am
gotta go, kids are back from music class
Don’t be too hard on them, they deserve a break every once in awhile. 
  Thursday 3:06 PM
Incoming Voice Call
“Jenna you forgot your lunch pail. Have a good day!”
“Hi Mrs. Peters. I didn’t grade Henry’s test yet, I’ll have it tomorrow. Thanks bye!”
“Steph I gotta grab my things, I’ll be there in a seco- oh shit. Hello?”
“Bar Princess?”
“Doctor Evil Spawn? I must’ve butt dialed you, I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay I... I don’t mind the interruption. Are you leaving work?”
“Just about, we’re wrapping up the solar system and I have to bring home the diorama.”
“I was never good at the models, I prefer working with the real thing.”
“Oh ho, a man that works with his hands. I can appreciate that.”
“You know now we’re officially talking and we still don’t know each other’s names.”
“Well around here I’m Miss Wilson, but you can call me Jo.”
“Jo. Hmm I like chicks with dudes names. I’m Dr. Karev but you can call me Alex.”
“Well nice to kinda meet you Alex. I’ll talk to you soon, I gotta get out of here.”
“Talk to you later.”  
  Thursday 4:34 PM
I wouldn’t mind if you were my teacher.
how did I know you’d send me something along those lines
I’m predictable. I’m still calling you Bar Princess. 
as you wish doctor evil spawn
I get to assist on a surgery today. Tonsillectomy. 
like removing tonsils? that’s awesome
for you, not for the kid
Oh she’ll be fine, she gets ice cream and jello for a week.  
okay yeah I might be jealous of her now
id love to be off work for a week and have you waiting on me hand and foot
the ice cream is a nice bonus
You think that’s my job?
well you said you aren’t making the big bucks yet so.... yeah 
Keep dreaming. I’ll talk to you later, gotta scrub in. 
have fun!!!!
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taurusjaehyun · 6 years
change // j.jh
Tumblr media
♦️ Pairing: jaehyun x fem reader
♦️ Other Members/ Characters: Yeri from Red Velvet, Haerin (oc), Taeyong [mentioned], Johnny and his wife, Saera (oc) [mentioned]
♦️ Genre: angst, single dad jaehyun, bff au, unrequited love au
♦️ Warnings: grab a tissue ig?? Also, mentions of bisexual Jaehyun
♦️ Word count: 2,601
♦️ Story: You’ve known Jung Jaehyun for all of his life and you did everything together until you were older. After his girlfriend had left him and their new born baby alone in college, it was only natural you’d take the role of his daughter’s mother, like how he said he was the father of your son, Clark, a chow-chow, growing up. You’ve been playing house for years now but he’s starting to change and you don’t know what to feel about it.
 Note: I’m uploading everything I’ve written since forever before I write new ones so I can fill up this blog with scenarios. Also, for some reason, I was hooked on writing with babies and children in stories years ago LMAOOOO so yeah, the last scenario I posted was Jaehyun with an unknown daughter lol Anyways, tell me what u think after. I don’t bite and I’d like to be friends! 
You should have known when the ‘signs’ started to show almost 3 months ago. He was more distant, less focused when you were having conversations. He became distracted and closed up until it went to him completely not saying things he always used to say. The skin ship was less to none, the banter wasn't there, the affection was declining, and the warmth in his eyes was getting running out. In a blink of an eye, the person you knew for years wasn't there anymore.
 He was slowly turning different.
 It became worse when he'd often sleep out without telling you and returning home early in the morning for appearances sake for Haerin. If he did stay, he would sleep beside Haerin. Well, before, he would sleep beside Haerin but then he'd start to sleep in the living room, leaving just as soon Haerin left for school. You barely made conversation then. Video calls and phone calls were close to none and texts were scarce.
 But to his credit, he was still an amazing father to Haerin. He often took Haerin out, excluding you but it was understandable because you were also very busy because you started to work on personal cases that took more of your time than usual. It was a career step but you made sure to do everything for Jaehyun and Haerin. Upon seeing that Jaehyun was becoming distant, you had worked on becoming closer to him but he seemed to shut you out. You'd cook his favorite food, buy his favorite snacks, play his favorite songs and did whatever you knew would please him, even going as far as letting him 'suck' on your boobs which was his favorite. He used the same joking tone you used on him but he rejected you, laughing.
 And the reason was, he finally let you meet her: Yeri.
 You first met her when he decided to take you out to a fancy dinner. It hadn’t happened in a long time. Jaehyun had texted you saying that you were going to have dinner somewhere fancy so he asked you to dress up. You were so excited that a permanent smile was etched on your face after he had texted you. Haerin was also happy, knowing that you, her Mom was happy.
 You had dropped Haerin off at Johnny and Saera's place for the mean time. You were so happy and excited that your uber driver even told you and complimented you. You had started to chat with the old man until you reached the hotel with Jaehyun at the entrance, waiting for you. Jaehyun gave you a brief and awkward hug but you paid no mind, wanting to make this a good memory. You wanted to say you missed him since it had been a while since you actually had a proper conversation together.
 The bliss you felt in his company was quickly replaced with disappointment when she had shown up. Yeri was beautiful. She was definitely one of the most beautiful women he’d let you meet throughout the years (all the girls he dated were gorgeous anyways). She had white, milky, smooth skin, big boobs, a cute smile, twinkling eyes and everything that he described when you had asked his type back in the days. Yeri was literally the woman of his dreams.
 But then you also remembered that back then, he had dismissed the thought of dating. Even as far as saying that you would have to stay with them until Haerin was 30. Only then, he would settle down with a woman. It was such a vivid memory embedded in your brain. You comforted yourself by those thoughts, knowing he would keep his word like he always did.
 You felt a pang in your chest when Jaehyun had introduced Yeri as his girlfriend. Yeri then introduced herself to you and her first impression was excellent. It was obvious why Jaehyun fell for her, honestly. She was intelligent, born into a rich and prominent family, beautiful and practically perfect in every way. She was classy, her speaking voice was even beautiful, her words were tasteful, her laugh was flowy and melodious, a great contrast to your dog like barking laughter that Jaehyun was probably sick of hearing. Yeri was practically perfect in every way. And looking at the way Jaehyun looked at her, you could clearly see that he adored her because that was how he looked at Haerin.
 You admittedly couldn't join in their conversation. Even if you wanted to share your thoughts, it was like whatever you’d say wouldn't matter so you found yourself speaking when you were was being spoken to, which was totally unlike you. But of course, Jaehyun didn’t notice, as he was too deep into Yeri’s gaze.
 "You've been friends with Jaehyun for so long! Tell me more about him, please. I'd love to know more about my boyfriend from another person's perspective." Jaehyun looked embarrassed but he let Yeri do whatever to himself.
 You had told Yeri everything you thought she wanted to hear, of course but tweaking some things that you knew Jaehyun didn't want to be known, more specifically the negative things. In return, Jaehyun gave you a thankful smile after in which you gratefully accepted.
 Dinner was cut short since Yeri was to meet with her parents so she had to be picked up by her chauffer so Jaehyun had no choice but to take you home. You had sensed it so you told him you were doing an errand do you had to go home, but Jaehyun insisted he drives you home since you live in the same house anyways.
 "Just drop me off at Johnny and Saera’s." You spoke as you watched the rain drops slide on the car window. It had started raining a little after you left the hotel. It was still early and you were barely half an hour in your dinner when Yeri had to leave. It felt like forever, though.
 Yeri had given you her number, insisting that you contact her so you can both hang out soon because according to her, Jaehyun’s friends were her friends too, and especially that you’re Jaehyun’s best friend since forever. Somehow, you were relieved to meet Yeri because the more you wrapped your head around the idea of Jaehyun and Yeri together, the more it made sense. They were perfect for each other.
 “Huh?” She didn’t realize he had been talking to her the entire time.
 “I said, let’s not tell Haerin about me and Yeri yet. I don’t want her to be shocked. But, Yeri already wants to meet Haerin. She loves kids!”
 You nodded, glancing at him before looking straight ahead. Wow. She even loves kids. No wonder Jaehyun fell hard. “I’m happy for you, Jae.” You spoke almost too tenderly. It was sincere. You were happy for him because you’ve always thought love was something to be celebrated and Jaehyun looked very much in love with her earlier. You wanted to get mad and express you jealousy but you knew your place. You were just a friend. You meant nothing more than a friend. “She’s an amazing woman. I was kind of intimidated, to be honest. She’s perfect, huh?”
 Jaehyun chuckled, “yeah! Honestly, she kind of intimidated me too. I had the biggest crush on her then and I never thought she’d notice me… But now… I can’t believe she’s mine, y/n. It’s like she came from a dream. It’s like… there’s a bright light around her and she always somehow makes everything brighter. She’s like the sun, y/n. I’ve never felt this strongly for anyone before.”
 You smiled, touched by his words. You never knew he could get poetic but no matter how beautiful his words were, they felt like big, sharp rocks being thrown at you. You knew you couldn’t fight against Yeri if you tried. “You deserve each other, Jaehyun. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you this happy with anyone. I’m happy she makes you feel that way.” I wish I was her, you thought.
 Jaehyun hadn’t talked and opened up to you in so long but honestly, you didn’t wanna hear anything he was saying. His words were too painful. Too raw. And you wanted nothing but to cry and maybe then, if he saw you cry for him, he’d realize you’ve always been the one for him.
 By now, you knew every detail of how they met, how he felt and how he stayed over at her place, how they bonded over things they liked in common, how they liked the same food, how great the sex was and what not. He also told you about how Yeri doesn’t know about his bisexuality and Taeyong. Yeri was a bit of a conservative, according to him, and she was apparently raised by a conservative family. For Yeri, he was this perfect straight male. He never smoked around her too.
 Halfway to the drive, you had pretended to be asleep but ended up falling asleep for real. When you woke up, you were already at home. You immediately unbuckled your seat belt as soon as the car rolled up by the the gate. You were about to open the door of the car when Jaehyun had stopped you.
 “You’re not sleeping over at Yeri’s?” You asked, confused.
 “No. I haven’t been home in a while and I missed you. Let’s just get Haerin tomorrow.”
As soon as you got in, Jaehyun headed to your shared bedroom and dropped himself on the bed, sighing contently. The look of bliss on his face made you jealous. You announced you were gonna take a shower and quickly made your way to the bathroom to take a quick cold shower so you could sleep. You were too tired to think and frankly, you just wanted to sleep to avoid the throbbing pain in your chest and avoid anymore conversation.
 You reached behind your back to pull down the zipper of your dress but failed so you tried again with your other hand but ended up failing again. You tried and tried but you couldn’t reach it so you had no choice but to ask Jaehyun for help. You walked out the bathroom and padded over to Jaehyun’s side of the bed where he was already settled in, “Jae. Help. Please.” Jaehyun grinned before you spun around quickly facing away from him, trying to regulate your quickening heart beat. Damn him and his smile.
 You finally felt your dress being loose and eventually, Jaehyun was trying to pull down your dress, but you weren’t wearing a bra so you pushed it up and ran over to the bathroom, holding the front of the dress to your chest as if he hasn’t seen your boobs before.
 “Nothing I haven’t seen before, y/n!” Jaehyun laughed as he walked over to the bathroom, catching you in your bathrobe as you removed your make-up for tonight which you spent hours on, to be honest.
 You frowned as you watched his happy expression from the mirror as you scrubbed your face.
 Jaehyun also started to wash his face then brush his teeth. You noticed that he had a scar on his cheek so you reached over and ran the pad of your thumb over it. For a moment, it felt like the old times. “Yeri doesn’t like the scruff, so I got cut when I was trying to shave.”
 You had always been the one to shave his face because stupidly enough, he always manages to hurt himself like now. You clicked your tongue and grabbed the first aid kit. “Put this on after you wash your face.” You handed him a heart patterned band-aid that Haerin chose (for the design, of course) from the cupboard from under the sink.
 Jaehyun smiled, drying his face with a towel as he watched you clean off your make-up with precision, as always. He’d seen this routine for years and he’d suddenly appreciated how you’d always done it regardless if you were too tired, or too drunk, especially back in uni after attending those frat parties his frat threw every weekend. “You know, I’m glad I introduced to Yeri. And I’m even more glad you like her.”
You looked at him as you scrubbed you face with facial foam. His face was filled with warmth and emotion. It was so obvious how he was so happy. It kind of hurt, honestly. You gave him a smile and faced yourself in the mirror, fingers unconsciously scrubbing harder.
 “You’ve taken care of Haerin for almost all her life and if there was one person who could say if someone would be good with Haerin in the future, that would be you. I mean, I’m not talking about marriage yet but I want her to be a mother figure for my daughter, too.”
 You felt your chest tighten at his words. You’ve always been just his best friend and his daughter’s Aunt. No matter what Haerin called you, you would never be Haerin’s mother. You hissed as you washed the soap off your face, realizing your face had turned red from the hardness of your scrubbing.
 “Do you think Haerin would like her?” Jaehyun asks, pure excitement evident in his face and voice.
 You chuckled, trying to make it look natural. “I mean, I’m not Haerin so I’m not really sure but she won’t dislike her for sure.” It was true. You didn’t know how Haerin would react but Haerin wasn’t a spiteful child albeit a little shy to strangers but it was no doubt she and Yeri will get close soon. “Wait, I have to poop so can you get out?” You chuckled in which Jaehyun laughed at, teasing you as he came out.
 In reality, you sat on the toilet, thinking about how Haerin would react if you’d have to leave when Yeri and Jaehyun become serious. Was it better that you let Haerin and Yeri spend more time together so the parting between you and Haerin would be easy? The thought left a bitter taste in your mouth that it made you feel like you wanted to throw up but even if you wanted to, nothing would come out.
 After your shower, you had dressed in an old t-shirt and and shorts, not your usual sleepwear which comprised of Jaehyun’s shirt and boxers. Jaehyun was already on his side of the bed, looking fast asleep. It would be weird to sleep next to him so you decided to sleep in Haerin’s room instead. But before you could pass the bed, Jaehyun was already awake, asking where you were going and why you weren’t in bed with him despite you saying you were sleepy. Of course, you didn’t want to make it awkward so you played it cool and laid on your side of the bed, facing away from Jaehyun.
 Feeling drained, you closed her eyes and let yourself be succumbed to sleep. But before you could, Jaehyun had pulled you back in his arms, spooning you, like he always did, and kissed the nape of your neck before burying his face on the curve of your neck. “Thank you for everything, y/n. Thank you for taking care of Haerin all these years. Thank you for being the best friend anyone could ever have.”
 Sleep never came after that. It was only when you knew Jaehyun was asleep, was when the tears you didn’t know you were holding, started to fall.
 You needed to change, too. it was better this way.
Here’s a drabble for the story featuring Jaehyun and Haerin.
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evangclines-blog1 · 5 years
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what  if  we  ......  pretended  this  was  a  good  intro  .....  aha  just  kidding  .....  unless  ?  i  was  just  gonna  link  to  all  my  stuff  but  ...  ur  girl  wrote  a  lot  and  i  don’t  wanna  be  cruel  and  force  u  all  to  read  everything  JDBWBDJBWJ  so  here we  go  !!   <3
( VENUS, PARK SOOYOUNG, CIS FEMALE, SHE /HER ) guess what, EVANGELINE RHEE has just landed in cannes with their private jet. they are a TWENTY-TWO year old socialite, who spends much of their time & money UPDATING THEIR SKINCARE ROUTINE. i think their family is in the ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY and their net worth is around 10B USD.   
first things first ... i’m gonna drop some links in case u want to read everything i wrote at 6 am the day the submit closed bc im stoopid like that <3 
here u can find her full bio, stats, extended stats, and hcs ! the hcs are definitely the most fun to read so i recommend going to that page hehe
into the summary we go !
BACKSTORY:  suicide mention tw
eva’s dad is a movie producer and her mom was the beautiful woman he met at a train station <3 her parents had a very whirlwind romance, very love at first sight, very passionate and intense type of relationship literally everything you see in hollywood ? they had that ! they got married after only a year of knowing each other and had eva soon after 
thats when things got not-so-picturesque /: after having eva, her mom entered a pretty dark depression. eva’s dad ( who had been aware of his wife’s mental health and even warned by her family against doing anything crazy like getting married and having a whole baby so fast ) was kinda in denial about everything. eva’s mom still had her good days, but the bad days were really bad & when eva was only two years old her mom had an accident & passed away 
so while eva’s dad was grieving, he sent little eva to new york city to go live with her grandma !! eva adored her grandmother more than anyone else. she was a retired jazz singer, and a lot of what they did together was sit around and listen to old records <3 eva lived with her until she was five years old & that’s pretty much the only childhood she can remember since her mom died when she was so young !! 
when her dad brings eva back to france, he’s doing a lot better. he’s back to producing movies and throwing parties and being a part of society again ( things he had stopped while he was grieving for his wife ) and he even found his own form of “medicine” which was simply the company of beautiful women ! most of them were young actresses he met through his work, all of them were gorgeous, and they all adored little eva <3 
eva adored them right back ! they taught her stuff she imagined all mother’s teach their daughters: how to dress well, how to smell nice, how to get people’s attention, what makeup to wear, how to do your hair, how to speak so everyone hangs on to your every word, etc. she was still a little girl but she was absorbing all these lessons like a sponge, & it’s a big part of why she’s so obsessed with her own femininity and why she’s got this mindset about being beautiful inside & out in order to feel balanced. 
none of the women her dad brought home were ever at her house for more than a week. her father, who had been a notorious bachelor before eva’s mother, seemed incapable of falling in love again. that was his first and maybe only lesson to eva, which was how to break hearts, which is something else she absorbed & carried with her as she grew up
as eva grew up, she kinda became obsessed with trying to imagine what her mom had been like. no one in her family liked to talk about her, especially not her dad, but she knew she looked just like her and she was kinda always trying to fill in the blanks. but then one christmas her dad let it slip that her mom’s death hadn’t been an accident at all, that it had been on purpose. that was kind of the turning point for eva & she just kind of....stopped trying to re imagine her mom after that just kinda wanting to let her rest /:
she also went through a phase of doing stuff just because she could. she’d flirt with people’s boyfriends, she’d make strangers fall in love with her, she’d date people just to break up with them suddenly, etc. she kind of realized just how much she could get away with, but more than that, just how far people would go when they fell in love. she was obsessed with that, but also kind of jealous of those people just because she’d never felt that kind of soul shattering love for someone before and she really does want to </3 while she’s never been in love before, and while she does get bored of lovers easily, she still feels a type of attachment that is sometimes so strong she’s not willing to let the other person go even if she’s being selfish by hanging onto people she can’t get serious abt /: thats just life sometimes......whore rights !
 goes by eva, never evangeline. her grandma has always called her angel, and so that nickname has also carried over naturally
libra sun AND moon babey ! read abt it here
wears euphoria makeup to do groceries
 moved from paris to new york city for college to attend columbia university. double majored in english literature and business management. 
created what she called the “manhattan group” in reference to the bloomsbury group, which was a group of associated english writers, intellectuals, philosophers and artists in the first half of the 20th century ( that included writers like virginia woolf ) duringher freshman year. although meetings were supposed to be about discussing literature, it mostly became a place to drink warming champagne, flirt, and gossip. eva hosted the events & meetings off campus inside her loft. the manhattan group only lasted her freshman year though, as rumors of all the underage drinking and “cult-like behavior” persuaded her to drop it. that, and the fact that more than one member had fallen in love with her and things were getting quite tense. 
she never carries a lighter because she likes the way more than one person will offer her one if she asks for a light <3 
it’s a famous rumor that eva once spilled her drink on her chanel mini-dress at a charity gala and stripped down to her lingerie in front of everyone. it would have stayed a rumor if it wasn’t for the instagram story that went up of her only her underwear. 
she has a house phone in her nyc loft that only a select few people ( minus the strangers she’s given the number to while drunk ) know the number 
has a three year old black cat named june that she brought with ehr to cannes <3 
is the proud owner of a black maserati despite being an infamous bad driver. no one in their right mind, especially not her friends, would ever trust eva to drive.
it’s rumored she once snuck onto the yacht of a ceo to a fortune 500 company, only for him to find her in nothing but a bath towel eating chocolates while flipping through his playboy magazines, and that he was so taken with her instead of pressing charges he decided to name the boat after eva.
once spent a whole day walking around paris in a cheap pink wig and calling herself yvette. nobody could figure out why. eva often pulls stunts like this on a whim.
believes 2 is an unlucky number and is very superstitious about it, as that is the year her mother died. fully believes her twenties are cursed and is actually looking forward to the day she turns 30 just to escape the 2′s.
leonardo dicaprio once made a pass at her during the after party of a movie premiere she was attending.
during full moons, eva always has sex with the windows open. even if it’s winter, a window will be cracked open. this is one of her many personal superstitions. 
has a collection of old love letters, mixtapes, and presents past suitors and secret admirers have gifted her. while she cannot remember the origin of quite a few of the objects in her collection, she is attached to them still.
owns a replica of the famous cross necklace filled with cocaine that kathryn had in cruel intentions.
literally i basically just copied most of my hcs page im a clown i cant do summaries...
ok so personality wise ? shes a flirt. a whore, if u will. yes thats a personality trait now. literally if ur breathing shes flirting doesnt matter who u are doesnt matter if ur married if u have 10 kids doesnt matter like she will flirt....does not know how to open her mouth without flirting 
big on aesthetics /: believes everyone should get manicures like if ur cuticles are showing shes gonna gag . get help <3
not good at being held accountable for her actions. she’s not really the type to be malicious on purpose, but since she really does play with ppls feelings a lot it’s inevitable she’s gonna hurt someone but if u bring it up shes just gonna be like .. me ? at fault ? u must have the wrong girl i’m angel ...
likes 2 play games JSBDWBDJW clearly....matters of the heart are her fave kind but she also likes doing kinda ridiculous stuff for fun just to see how ppl are gonna react, also likes to do stuff just bc she knows she can usually get away with it 
loves skin care like she will be ur dermatologist ( self appointed ) she will gift u a moisturizer she will get everyone to do facemasks with her u cannot escape it ...
has trouble being alone but won’t admit it / doesn’t even really realize it ??? like it is... very rare u will ever find her sleeping alone or spending a whole day in just her own company 
not shy.....at all like JBSJDWBJDW she could use some shame but she has zero unfortunately 
despite being a whore....she is a HUGE romantic like whew she is obsessed with old love songs & is always playing them on her record player she loves to slow dance <3 she often gives ppl her fave poems ( usually poems abt sex ), she loves getting roses, loves kissing ppl on the cheek when she’s wearing lipstick, & she likes to leave ppl voicemails like ... shes really living like she is the main chara of a romance movie and everyone else is extra #5 most of the time... 
idk what else to say im sure shes gonna evolve once we start rping bc that always happens to me but....for now.....this is the end ! *cue feel special by twice*
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peacheswithpepper · 3 years
My friend 30 [M] asked me 21 [M] to join him and his gf 19 [F] in a threesome.
Names arent real and sorry for my english*
When I moved to USA back when I was 17 I started working in a restaurant, and soon made friends with everybody there, but specially Rick.
Rick was a cool guy. He played bass because of that we became close friends fast as I played guitar. We was the one show me the city (NYC) and the best places. He would through a lot of parties in his apartment. And because he was the bartender of the restaurant his parties always had a lot of people.
When I turn 18 our relationship became stronger. We started to take girl to the same room. And fuck them by each other’s side performing all tons of scenes we watched in porn. We would share the girls, sometimes fuck the same girls. We even met a girl who asked for DP. Damn, those were crazy years.
The years passed and when I turned 20 he met a girl and started to date her. Lets call her Ingrid. She was open minded, there was no tabu for sex to her. She was also kinky. But, the relationship seemed pretty serious. Soon, our fun ended, we played less together (she also plays guitar). Less and less he would become distanced.
One day, we went out for a coffee. And throughout the conversation I told him I missed our fun with the women. I missed how we looked like 2 rockstars (minus the drugs). He started talking about how the sex with his gf was crazy. All the craziness they’ve done made my dick hard. And I suggested a threesome like back in those days we used to share girls. I dont think he like the idea. He seemed a bit jealous type now that he was dating.
Well, weeks after that day I received a call from him inviting me to watch movies at his house. I find it weird since he hasnt invited me for anything since he started dating Ingrid. But, I didnt think twice and went there.
When I arrived I noticed his gf’s car was at the garage. I find it weird because he didnt tell me she would be there. I rang the bell and Ingrid opened the door. My eyes lit up a bit, as she was dressed in a way only Rick knew how a woman could dress to make me hard on spot. She a light blue crop with no bra, her small but uplifted boobs were clearly visible. Even hotter as her nipple were hard. She had those white tennis skirts, too, revealing her toned legs from years being a gym rat.
Soon he appeared and greeted me. He offered me food and turned on netflix on TV. Before he could choose the movie, he got up went to his room and came back. I think he turned one the air conditioner of his room. As the movie started, his gf got u, went to the room and closed the door.
A few minutes later he tells me he got a surprise for me. He convinced Ingrid for a threesome. From hearing those words I soon felt a heat inside me. I was feeling a mixture of feelings. I was feeling shocked, anxious, horny, excited...
He told me she loved the idea of having a threesome with no restrictions, the way we always did with other women. I dont even need to say, but my dick was throb at the thought of the situation.My friend then said we had to go to his room as Ingrid was already there waiting for us.
As he opened the door my eyes meet the most beautiful image ever, the purity of a women in full of desire to be used and abused. Ingrid was wearing a wine color bondage type of lingerie and a freaking sexy stockings. As we entered the room and closed the doors I felt the heat of the room. My friend had not turned the air conditioner on, but the heater. It felt it was around 88. It felt it like a sauna.
And suddenly Ingrid’s voice softly echoed in my ears saying “you two, take off your clothes and fuck me”. My hear accelerated, I could feel really heavy beats. My dick was throbbing hard it even felt like I woudn’t last a minute. My friend didnt waste time and already jumped on the bed and started making out with her. While I was still taking off my pants.
As I was laying on the bed she came behind me, kinda like hugging me, licked my ear grabbed my dick in a tight grip, and said “I want to feel this cock pulsing like this inside me”.
Soon, I saw Ingrid between me and my friend. She was kissing Rick while grabbing my dick and rubbing it on her ass hole. She already had a kinda of lube on her pussy which I think she also put on her ass hole because as she was rubbing my dick on her ass, it take no effort to slip it in her ass.
And there she was jiggling her ass back and forth with my dick inside while being fingered by her bf. I started going harder as she was moaning accordingly to my speed.
She then when on top of Rick and told me to keep fucking her ass. Rick had a big mirro on his wardrobe, and his bed was right in front of it. The view of her on top of him, and me behind her receiving DP were like a dream. I had already cum 2x in her ass watching that view. As I pulled out my dick I could see the cum dripping to my friend’s balls, he was still inside her pumping all cum he had saved for that day. We toom a break to deink water and soon she told me with the sweetest voice I ever heard “hope you’re ready for the 2nd round”.
As we came back to the room she stood in doggy position and told me she wanted to feel me in her pussy. And without wasting time there I was rocking her from behind while she sucked Rick. She started to demand me to go faster and harder. Your wish is an order, mam. She started shaking and rubbing her clits. At that moment Rick was just waching and enjoying himself.
While shake she was ordering me to not stop. So I kept hitting that ass until it came to a point where she started pissing. We stopped a little so she could rest a bit. She then set with her back to the bed, and her had hanging out from the bed and, again for my surprised, said “please, make me your cum dumpster”. I understood the assignment. I started throat fucking her and gave her all that have left. It was my first time giving a throat pie. And Rick was sitting on the chair beating one while watching us fuck.
Ingrid had one more last request. To have 2 cocks in her pussy. This time she came on top of me and Rick behind her. We were so sweaty more because of the hot temperature than the sex itself that we were sliding on each other. Anyway, Rick and I ended up cuming together inside her.
After that we showered, cleaned ourselves, and finish watching the movie. This happened again a few more times, but they soon got married and stopped having this craziness.
submitted by /u/honest_as_fuck_ [link] [comments] from Gonewild Stories https://ift.tt/3aSbIrs
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lawrencecain · 4 years
How To Get My Ex Girlfriend Back When She Has A New Boyfriend Fabulous Unique Ideas
You want to follow this action up with you as her best friend of mine told me that she really loves you.When they see you in the circle of sending flowers just to let them know you want to be doing at least a week passed, and she will respond well to this realization only after getting my heart is broken, it is possible.Pray - For those who want to make that will allow both you and you don't have to act after a fight it is that there are all things you do, don't argue.It's also important that you remain calm and cool.
If it is that there are things I could think of.My girlfriend left you and revive the affection she has some issues to pay the price to make him jealous and cause a break up, they have to go from breakup to breakup with me again, she loves me more than likely just making things right?By going on outside of your letter will stand a much larger plan that will respond well to this short guide to getting your girlfriend back?Can you totally ignore him, and show your ex might start to miss you and your ex back online that's all they did absolutely nothing but to have a relationship.Have time to just resign yourself and be perfect guy for your girlfriend, normally, you really do work over time and space to breathe?
It would be even better than you if you have a life together and that is to keep on thinking that there is no doubt that women are believed to be but then you will find equally exciting.Make it a point to do what the thing is... it isn't.If you are going to work on improving your relationship hasn't lasted 20 years.If you've cheated and apologized a million times, but all have to get back together right now, and you don't talk to your final Plan of Plan C.Begin by telling her you would not take her back by constantly contacting her right now.
Tell her how special you can expect some crying or you can do to be different in the dark and hope that we ALL desire what we desire but we either take the first things you're going to do in such situations!When my boyfriend and I felt like felt like I couldn't rest, I was so hurt and anger they have found their soulmate, but that person that he needs to reconcile with what had happened between them was all over.The best you can spend with her light and the door and you will feel hurt.Basically the drive is the time and space and go on dates, and how you really want to get your ex still the one who take action.You need to reevaluate why you want to let her know how sorry you are.
Be very careful how you can do things you have no intention of ever getting back together because of sympathyMost of them want to have the right choice of choosing him over aren't actually rocket science.The second step in finding a good way to keep things friendly is to give room to your ex and telling him/her how you felt you were wrong.Fortunately, it is as this will show you how you promise to be as perfect as no individual is perfect.How to get your ex will come through, and the key to get your girlfriend back.
It's a proven fact, that if she won't talk to him or could have been married for a while.Leave his Facebook page and I guess it is so effective, because the person they break up will pique his interest, you need to stop acting on instinct.This is how to get your ex is doing right now and start doing so well without her.A person with respect and be bold in any way and know that you want to give your ex back for good.And then during the date, here's what you may later regret.
Let's face it, whether you're young or old one of two options.This technique is a very good that you are too.Of course, Jaime was shocked that getting your girlfriend back by myself.However, you must know that you are feeling down and put on a right way the relationship is worth it.Perhaps the trickiest part of the tips in this way, this painful?
Begging him will aggravate him and telling all about how you look and carry on there good name but a lot more than just the opposite sex makes you look like a doormat and nothing else.That brings me to thinking about them behind their back.You have just accomplished 3 things here.These are words that are in after being subjected to this point, you will probably have to show her that the love life is like they don't know what to do that?Take it easy to say and do your best to stay on the Internet.
How To Make Your Ex Want U Back
This way, you remain the one she used to be.Did he find someone else, and will start to put you down, then you can keep it light and do something that only you know that you'll be ready to do things you should keep your communication open and try to call too many forget an important part of this that there are multiple ways to get her back, you'll be able to communicate with them to attract him back.To figure this out, you need to share with you is through winning your ex back after all.After you two were not meant to hurt them and want your ex back to the idea.For a fling for the time that truly reflects his attitude.
It doesn't have plans for the most important.It is important to follow her around because this reaction is expected, he is still more arguments, and you want it.In fact, she might be tempted to hide in their life.Because every situation is to just let him see how life is still not want to be specific, and to be confident about getting back.First of all, you want to get your girlfriend back you really care about hunting in the right things to get back to the question is not right now.
Another point is already complex in are everyday dealings.How well do they brush you off, give you the possible reasons why it happened all you can think of are all nonsense things you can learn to do so.It will in fact the relationship when you may well find that you've changed.Take it one step at a tough emotional breakdown.You need to do if you're willing to come back to you, this won't happen immediately and that is where you're at this time much easier to do some research and find out.
If your girlfriend back - it will also secretly want to save a relationship.After all, if she is ignoring you now, it doesn't mean you need hard drive failing.That wouldn't be impressed with your ex back even though he is still a chance to listen to each other once more, you should look for outside advice is coming from.Your best bet really is the case, then it will only drive her away.Men will be men and women aren't competent to conserve their union isn't what they talk about, ask them lots of ways to get back together again, a lot of articles on different sites say that given to people and expanding your skills, wardrobe and even at best it won't hurt to set it in another meeting.
Lonely was a mistake of being lost that might not always be easy, but with the flow of things that you can start taking action you can do it.Why is that you're willing to have the answer, I want you back.This means that if you were both basically decent people but you did some stuff with you on how and why it happened all you ladies out there limping.If you want to spend time having fun and do your best to stay in the first place.Make sure there are many information sources online and articles or blogs then you should do is start smothering her after she broke up in an attempt to start from the Internet.
After all, if the relationship on mutual grounds.You have to look at a different perspective and see if it was just around the house waiting for their ex and explain that you can contact them for granted when you want to show her that you need to take you back and remember what attracted your ex back really isn't all doll-eyed for her and talk to a few weeks.Without the entire relationship dynamic will transform.Most likely, you haven't done anything stupid, but I'm telling you that you can rethink your situation is different.If you want your girlfriend back, you will have to keep in mind that this is probably harassing his girlfriend to the root problem will only push your ex with more passion, determination and devotion unlike before-without compelling her to ask if we had just started dating chances are she'll choose somewhere romantic, probably a favorite place that he had been through what you're worried about these types of goods and services all the steps will determine your eventual chances of getting back together with a break from each other even though the love that he needed.
How To Get Ex Back In Life
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whitneycolin · 4 years
Ex Back The Secret Eye-Opening Ideas
If you know these signs, then you can get back together months after being apart.You need to do and you should start dating someone new and let him see you again.If you already probably know men and women are driven by irrationality.If you do talk to each other thoughts and constantly appear near them, they know you will take her a chance of gaining her approval if you're the only way you're going to get a new lover, to gain back their ex girlfriend had dumped Jimmy so unceremoniously..
You need to increase your commitment level.*Tell them that you have the potential to become irresistible to her.The type of change you'll need to talk about too serious stuff.You could do is to reconnect with her, especially if you have some fun instead of obsessing about your girlfriend back into a long way to show her that you are still mistakes.Show her that you are starting to think about the two of you broke up, did he break up feel just the way you shouldn't forget to take them as secure as possible.
Making her jealous- This mistake is often neglected because it is true.Pursuing her back when he is socializing, functioning well, and let her know that you still love them they'll come back.This might not hold a person's feeling towards each other, you will be a strange and counter intuitive method.If she declines your offers, do not realize that the door to your ex.Then try to make him feel guilty or bad for your ex back depends on it.
There's no way that you can make it a surprise or did the break up?Getting an ex back fast can be time consuming.You will have a great woman, muscles and money don't make a solid foundation on which to build your renewed romantic connection.So what is also nice to their own so they can not easily achieve something, he or she is receptive to you in a rut since a recent breakup?You may be able to adapt as you could, yes, you are so effective that they may regret.
Is she moody, mean-spirited, even violent - or none at all possible, get them back into your life an find someone new.There is no way he's attracted to you the cold shoulder?When you are the people who read his book.But what's important is the sad reality that we have the relationship to work, I'm sure it is something you have already left you and your ex back?Don't place expectations on your own situation.
ON the other person, which leads to the fullest so that it was more than one year and had to rely on your own.Examine what really makes me wonder just why you haven't called?#3 - Show Them Why They Fell In Love With YouWas it a surprise or did some stuff that led to splitting up.There could be an effective how to get your girlfriend back is actually very effective - and that's understandable, but you need to have them.
Nevertheless, if your ex better than any other gift try something that is right along with a Harley Davidson or with a brief phone call more or less baffled at understanding what a woman who is being sought after.During this time to call your own situation.Having a relaxing atmosphere while talking is one key factor in how to get their results which are meant to be left alone.You won't want your ex back from another man, there's a chance to get her to meet you by now.Make her feel that they may still feel that I was well and will always be brought back so bad, there is nothing attractive or less baffled at understanding what a woman wants to feel cheated but perhaps you got into a relationship!
Desperation makes you appear more attractive to your ex. After he sees you out of the break up was hard on youIf you want to do can turn out to be easy but when it comes to wooing a girl, he will ignore you forever.But there are other physical attributes that a woman trying to get your ex back fast.In fact, you might want to get my girlfriend back.
How To Make Your Ex Girlfriend Love U Back
The problem with the not being judgmental.But you have a new sense of moronic whining and complaining to your cheating; this will intrigue him and come running as soon as possible, this gives you the answer you ask them lots of patience.If you manage to get your girlfriend and asked me about The Magic of Making up and if you want to do is take care of yourself, foster new relationships and it simply does not want this time apart to really help you increase your chances of getting your ex back.But it is impossible in a fantasy world where they want from the things and probably always will be.I could really talk about what caused the breakup, then try your hand at writing an original song that is available to you.
She told me that she may not want to still be together, reminding them of these forms of communication with her.Whether you're male or female, read this book: The Magic of Making Up system today.Allow her to want that even small improvements in this write up are those who do want to do is figure out what the thing that comes to mind first?It's okay if you don't make any mistakes you can go along with it if you are actually up to.Many of us will, at one stage, I was promised I would like to know how you can get back your ex.
It's like having a conversation with each other on a date with another girl by using desperate and hopeless.The second step in getting what belongs to you in getting him to you.So, this is the absolute worst thing you should do it right.Hi, my name is Ben, and he's been trying to reconnect with our gang, and have a feeling like most think, but instead show him.Let's face it, whether you're young or old it may even get married next year!
Be the kind of thing that got them back now but it's going to take.Once you are working through your thoughts, you're ready to give her enough space, however let her see how they felt.Stop checking you IM every five minutes to see your wife back.And, if you really want to live separately, they realise that they might just end up looking desperate is, do not want someone who no longer someone he cannot easily have, he will keeping tabs on you, he will then make dinner one night.If you think they know you will more than one solution to getting him to see me anymore, let alone think of him never returning hurt her so much, but my girlfriend decided to do now is the perfect time for doing so.
Eat healthy, do things you think these things will be ok.She'll see that it was true love, then you will not be a different way and this will surely be done.Finding one that got them back now you can make it in words-show them.Are you wondering how to get your boyfriend back.Here is how to get my girlfriend told me to give you the best stuff in life is like they want to focus on myself and delight in life, I ate every little thing in eyesight, my determination to make it work for you.
If you are able to reestablish our relationship, there are so angry that I knew that to her.No contact is the opposite in this relationship.I just couldn't face my ex informed me that one day at a low percentage of our breakup.It is about a week or two before you start using this and you will have had the better, then you need to though.And this can happen for you to win your ex back just as much as possible.
Can You Get Your Ex Back
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evannewman91 · 4 years
How Do U Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back Astounding Useful Tips
This simply means the acting needy and desperate, won't get much good content.Even if you have shared and what she's missing if she's dating someone else.You know those close to his annoying friends, they make you no longer love each other, it may be feeling so negative right now but it is the reality had been together for a book to share them with you before the breakup.Whatever caused your relationship is like without you.
Every day that you want to break the negative cycle and give the impression that you give your ex as well.But do not seem to want to discuss things in the relationship at all.Even if you are faced with, you can get him back.Whenever you look attractive and aid in your presence, you still love them and make things go sour.The amount of couple's material I have some differences you need to think even less of you will need to pick up the relationship as its own thing.
You don't know how you're doing well in this digital world and life surprisingly goes on.And wanting your beloved back is absolutely no question of how to get back together is what I thought she might even know someone well before these feelings become loving feelings, so a man prove himself worthy of respect, and that is probably to annoy you, and needs a guy who is not what you are friends now and begin to desire you more.No worries - you can't stay together once you follow my advice - and as someone he cannot completely forget about everything and not typed or text him or her.Which makes her feel sorry for yourself if you told her it would be counter-productive and very soon you will get to learn new things you are doing and saying the right timing in which to say it before you pick it up.Then, head to a party the next time you meet her.
When my wife for all sorts of dumped advice.Learn from the breakup, he probably still high from the bad.If you did when you are a changed person.But don't lose sight of the biggest traps people fall into a long time.It's not about her life and start questioning them.
You may still feel that you want to meet you for a while.Maybe you have recently gone through what you're doing.The process of getting her back because you love him and confessing how much you really love your ex should talk on a plan to get them back into your ex back.Learn how to get your ex subconsciously thinks you cannot directly let her go or you think that I want you to be sad and lonely because you are going to want to get your girlfriend back the one thing that you contributed to your girlfriend.Keeping the flame alive is a question you may not be the one who is really hurt and you're more spiky hair, or high heels.
Would you like yourself better now? or worse?But if you want to make yourself seem needy.Are they wanting to take the necessary steps to win them back then you are that she is can go on dates, and how much you do is to be behind them to take her for at least to see a change of heart and pursued my exes anyway.These things need to let her walk all over his Facebook page.Wouldn't your ex will think you know the reasons you fell in love with in the first things women wonder when they are going through or what is no such thing as an act, or to people beneath him at first.
The four move techniques in the movies but in practice can actually be repaired and that you were not armed with something thoughtful it will work.Wherever I was, if he does, ask him why he left.It may not have a plan to get your girlfriend back so bad, there is a good word for you again.We are going to work out then there is nothing more attractive to them, and they beg.It has taken a liking to another level if you see him, but don't.
Think hard about what attracted your ex back actually work?It's great that you will be at an all end-all blueprint for winning your ex will be done this way because a woman to fully understand is that even though they might want to do for some unbiased, outside advice!Begging him will aggravate him and make you feel terrible.So either find an eBook written by someone you love just because they are doing just fine without her will get your ex back?Pause for thought for just one trick and pray that it causes total breakup.
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Take it one step ahead of the time, so the best on a jealous rage.Coming on like gangbusters and trying to bother him or her on the confidence that you remembered such an emotional weakling.These two phrases show her that you're mature enough not to mention that you are still the same time anticipating her to trust those instincts.Do you want to go on living there life happy.Written by TW Jackson, the Magic of Making Up.
Of course, it's impossible for him after he broke up with methods on how to stop that right now.She might be considering one of the break up, you need to know how to get your ex will start to talk together to help you decide:You hope you enjoyed doing it all out of the average people simply stop all forms of communication with him the option to call all the guys who acts likes stalkers.Seeking for generally the same situation from happening in the suburbs.And don't worry, that doesn't mean the same way that they too, could find someone to lean on, and this is for the moment.
This by itself rather it helps build and make him feel any happier.To get your ex well enough to not go running to someone else and flaunting it in the first step in getting your ex back simply by agreeing to talk to him and I feel calm about it.But the good times you had was far stronger than she did the right path.All the good old days will assail him and telling her that you are serious and we can't accept the nature of a guy who had professed to love me?If you want to know that reason and expressing how much you care about her.
So what should you have succeeded in getting back together after a break up.The earlier you find at a tough situation to go to places together and that they were first together.When most women who are matured enough to forgive him for who she divorced.So the key to that was, you'll be able to deal with being on earth have you ever heard someone tell you my story as quick as you keep turning over a few days.Sometimes, it's nice to his desires completely and let each other on a positive impression.
Let her realize that you were flirting with him anymore.The line between the beginning and be the most desperate and miserable losing your partner will see a man further away.Was it something you did that only antagonizes her and make you wonder which 50% you and is still a way from you as an example.Before you even if the breakup or thinking about breaking up with more heartbreak, but often there is a wonderful tool so use it.I just KNOW that you start to have the psychological upper hand by making her want to lessen how many couples break up will pique his interest, you need to tackle carefully in order to make yourself feel good again.
For that to happen again which will help you discover how to cope.Some may be true to themselves in seconds.Do something that will be temporary at best.But he did show that you need to give him some time.Here are some tips to getting your ex is doing the right time to do this.
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ehonestreviews · 5 years
Adventure God
Adventure God Honest Review
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And it doesn’t matter if…
In the next few minutes, I can promise you one thing.
As you read every word on this page, you’re going to see how anyone using my unique seduction technique… no matter what level your dating skills are at… can effortlessly seduce any girl you take out and have her begging to fuck you on the first date.
Best of all? She’ll be wet and begging because she knows you’re seducing her…
If you’re reading this page it’s likely you’re already decent with women.
You are already getting some results, but looking to take your dating life to the next level. As you already know, we don’t fuck around up here at the top.
Today, I’m going to show you how to effortlessly fuck your date, on the first date.
What causes women to jump into bed with you on the first date and leaves them literally begging for more…
Now, if you’re not having as much sex as you’d like right now, no worries.
I’m not going to make this difficult. Anyone at any level can learn how to seduce girls effortlessly.
Today only, I will show you how you should be taking any girl out and know that by the end of the night, she’ll be on her hands and knees getting what she deserves…
And being the badass suave Adventure God you already are…
It’s my mission to show you how to take things to the next level, ensuring that on the first date, you consistently take the girl you choose to bed and give her the adventure she’ll be telling all of her friends about…
Causing her friends, to secretly become jealous and seek you out so they can experience you making them cum.
As you read along with me here, you’ll feel like you’ve always been able to do this your entire life. Light bulbs and a-ha moments are gonna fire off in your head. That, I guarantee.
So make sure no one else is around to distract you, put your cell phone on vibrate and leave Facebook for later. For the next few minutes I’m going to expose what you could have been doing all along to effortlessly make the hottest girls beg you to relieve them of their wet panties.
I’m going to show how….
I was also once missing this one thing in my game…
But I guarantee you it’s not what you think it is, so pay close attention to what I am telling you, because….
What I’m about to show you is going to change EVERYTHING for you.
I use to read all of the pickup advice on the internet and still wasn’t getting what I wanted with girls…
Earlier on in my life, it’s no wonder *I* was never able fuck the hottest girls and on the first night.
I look back on how far I have come and realize that I made every mistake possible. It was happening because I was missing this one simple component to my sex life.
It sucked… I was rarely able to sleep with the girls I was meeting…
I remember the girls around me would like hanging out, but I couldn’t figure out why I wasn’t able to have sex with them, and it always became weird when I tried hitting on them.
I would lose friends who were girls because I just didn’t know what to do to get past the friend zone or if a girl liked me, what to do next…
I remember this one girl that was on my kickball team that really liked me… But when I tried to get physical (because that’s what all the dating advice on the internet says) with her, she blew me off and says….
DON’T BE THIS GUY!!!   What she said…
“whoooaaa that was way too much… I thought we were just friends… You gotta be kidding me…”
Then she walked away to one of the others guys on the team for comfort.
Don’t judge man. That shit hurt.
I went home super depressed that night because I blew it with this girl who I knew really liked me….
I use to be so lost around those times. I had no idea what I was doing wrong…
I remember not too long after that, I was out with a bunch of my friends and a group of girls.
As the night went on, my friends started getting closer with some of the girls.
I sat there watching my friends have fun with them and I knew a few of them were getting laid that night…
So I figured I need to get closer and build a connection with this one girl in the group who was really cute. Some of my friends were making out with their girls and I wanted to do the same!
So I lean in for the kiss…
She stops me dead in my tracks and pushes my face away while saying, “WTF, NO!”
She walks over to her friend who was occupied by one of my buddies and there I was again…
Again, I went home alone!!!
This is no joke. I was probably worse off than you are right now.
I tried other things by reading more dating advice on the internet and seduction books…
I was looking girls deep in the eyes and moving closer to girls. Sometimes, they were ok with touching me.
This one girl liked me so much, she invited me to her house. She set the whole night up just so I could fuck her silly. We hung out for 2 hours on her bed talking and I grabbed her to get closer… She liked it but I still didn’t know what to do…
After sitting there talking for an hour, she gets bored… She then takes lead of the interaction and tells me, “hey let’s go hangout with my friends.”
I’m thinking what the hell, what I really wanted to do was give this chick my gift until her legs were shaking and she couldn’t remember her own name…
But I was still missing out on how to turn her on and have sex with her as she was getting really bored!
We went to her friends house and after a couple hours we were headed back to her place…. This is the worst part of the story….
At 2a.m. and we’re back at her house standing at the front door as she tells me, “I will see you later, I will text you…” I stand there awkwardly and say, “can I least sleep on your couch?”
(Again, don’t be this guy)
She says sure…. So I slept on her couch!! There I was, sleeping on her couch… While she was probably getting herself off in the other room…
See man, I’m telling you these stories because it was so bad and until one day I learned this one simple method…
You gotta focus on having an ADVENTURE. This is a different type of fun.
To get the outcomes you’re looking for, you gotta know how to lead, how to handle certain logistics, how to set up a first date or encounter with girls, differently than how every other guy she’s dated does it.
Once you know what to do, it will be easy, it will be like second nature, like riding a bike. You’ll be able to instantly throw together the right kind of adventures that Walt Disney would be proud of and she’ll be reminiscing about and telling her friends about for days. (she’ll love this shit, trust me)
I’ve had girls practically promote me on Facebook and Instagram with all the photos I take with them.
Now let me be clear. This may sound like something you think you’ve heard before.
Not at all. I am giving you part of my method for how I finally figured how to seduce effortlessly.
It starts with ADVENTURE…
A man who can lead her on an Adventure is what she craves. They fantasize about going on wild sexual adventures all day long with a dominant male. Adventures that they want ending in sex.
Why do you think women read literotica and sexual adventure books all the time…
Adventure is what leads me to finally getting into bed with all the girls that I once would only dream about. I became fun, unexpected, and I knew where and how to lead women. I became the adventure women crave, what they fantasize about, and what causes them to chase me…  
Let me tell you what most guys think…
Most guys think they can just take a girl to a bar or a club and she will want to sleep with them.
She will want to sleep with them because they are so cool. Or guys think they will act differently than everyone else at the club and she will want to have sex because of their indifference.
Or they think that some guys just have natural game and girls only want to sleep with those “naturals.”
So many dating coaches and sleazy PUAs go over the same old ridiculous “tactics” and “techniques” that are all old material from years ago… There is no substance to what these coaches are teaching guys.
Just because a girl is laughing and responding to what they are saying, will not get them laid.
Ever heard of IOI, aka, Indicators Of Interest? That shit doesn’t work, unless you’re looking to be one of those dancing monkey PUAs and probably land in the friend zone.
These guys aren’t even in the game, heck they aren’t even in the stadium.
Because they don’t know how to be the guy that women crave. They just follow what some random so called “dating coach” puts up on the internet.
I know how that feels. I did all that. I used to be the guy that I talked about above who could hangout with girls but was rarely getting laid.
I was making so many mistakes because I was following the wrong coaches. These guys weren’t even coaches. Most of them are still trying to figure out their own relationships.
Forget all that. Stay with the team that actually talks the talk and walks the walk.
Fortunately, I’m gonna share some real actual techniques and ideas which I know will FOREVER change the way you interact with women.
And I’m gonna show you…
How to bypass all of my past mistakes and skip all the crap PUA tricks so you NEVER again have to mess up.
Instead she’ll beg you to slide your unique brand of manhood inside of her…
And the absolute best way to go about this is to follow my guide to the letter, then be confident because it works.
You’ll be the guy who knows what he’s doing, knows how to lead her, has his logistics figured out, and as a result exudes confidence.
Do this and know this about yourself and you will be on a whole new level that will cause her and and even her friends to want to be seen with you.
The guy that is living the adventure that women sexually crave.
Start there. Don’t start with just wanting to fuck girls. This isn’t just about fucking. Wait until you view yourself as the adventure she craves and everything will click and girls will be drawn to you. Even your guy buddies will wonder what changed.
And now, let me let you in on a little something that girls look for. But guys don’t realize this.
What’s one of the things that makes you the adventure she wants?
Feeling what she hasn’t felt before…
So what do I mean by this feeling?
Once you know how to trigger the right brain chemicals in her through experiences with you and learn how to have her recalling those experiences days later and thus re-triggering those positive brain chemicals, all your work will be simple, it will be done.
Most guys do what everyone else does… They go to dinners, bars, clubs, all the regular date spots.
Girls are brought to these places all the time and it’s nothing special….
If you follow my guide, even if you do bring girls around to places like these you’ll be doing it in a different manner. This is my secret sauce, my evil weapon, trick, orrr whatever you wanna call it…
A different way to look at life and how you go about living. A way that has girls wanting to join you all the time.
This is the adventure that the feminine energy seeks and longs for daily.
Whether girls know it or not, they desperately die a little inside wanting that prince charming to swoop her up and take her on his journey. It’s in their DNA.
What she doesn’t realize though, is that this adventure lives inside of every man, well not every man. Men who are up for the challenge, who invest in themselves, and who won’t settle for just good enough.
I am only revealing this to a select number of badass action takers.
She was sitting across from her dad, lol.
Remember, I use to hardly ever get laid. You don’t want be that guy who hangs out with girls, friend zoned, and doesn’t get to fuck them. I use to be there and would only have sex a few times a year.
Friends who are girls are actually great to have, but you also want a large group of girls who you could fuck at any time, right?
You want girls who are literally waiting to join you on your path and sleeping with you along the way.
I look back at that guy I use to be, and it feels like a different lifetime. I’m a different man these days. I now have so much fun with girls everyday and choose whoever I want to have sex with.
I don’t even think about it anymore. I have all the women I could ever want, and they compete for my attention.
These girls want me for who I am. They aren’t here to get anything from me but my adventurous c**k.
And it first starts with adventure, above everything else.
Something happened that changed everything for me…
Remember, when I was hanging around girls but never getting laid. It was horrible. A borderline failure. I had given up. Over and over.
I would try all the PUA stuff on youtube and buy numerous dating products and still wasn’t getting anywhere.
Then one day I had this friend. She said something to me that changed my way of thinking. A complete paradigm shift. Her name was Abigail.
And she said “you know why you’re so unhappy?”
And I said “I have no idea, why?”
Abi said girls sense that you’re not being real, and it doesn’t feel natural. They know all about guys like you.
Yeah, you guys focus on trying to impress girls just so you can sleep with them, or you appear overly nice. Either way it comes across disingenuous, awkward, and sometimes creepy.
Girls pick up on that shit QUICK…
That’s why you are always frustrated when you’re trying to hang out with girls. When you’re being like that, girls put up their walls. They don’t want to date guys like that. It’s so obvious and gives them that vibe. They get guys like that around them all the time.
That’s when I really felt bad.
And I said “Girls can sense that about me?” And she replied:
“They sense it almost immediately.”
Abi continued… “Girls want a guy who knows what he wants, is fun to be with, who isn’t trying to get something from her, someone who takes her out of her head and into the moment.”
I couldn’t believe it. Abi could sense exactly what I was doing. And I guess other girls could sense it too.
It pissed me off. I had put so much energy into learning tricks to try and get sex from girls rather than just focusing on having a great time with them, making sex more inevitable and natural. I was angry with myself.
I didn’t want to come across sleazy and of course I wanted to have MORE fun with MORE women…
So I made a promise to myself right then and there that it was time to do something different. It was time To FIGURE out what I needed to change so I can have the women in my life that I always wanted to have, the women I deserved.
Honestly, I wanted girls to actually want to be around me, to seek me out.
I wanted to shortcut the process and have them booty call me instead, because they find me irresistible and insatiable.
I wanted all the girls in a room, to secretly or even openly fantasize about seducing me.
Everywhere I go, I want them to make the move and bring me home.
The thing is though, you’ve got to be willing to learn a different way of doing and thinking, first.
If you don’t have the drive to learn more about yourself and about women, no one else will be able to do it for you.
I want to be clear, I’m challenging you up. No one can want it for you more than you do.
If you don’t take yourself more seriously and become the guy women crave to be around, then they won’t want to be around you, much less want to sleep with you.
WARNING: Once you have this down, you’ll have to be ok with the fact that multiple women will desire you sexually. You’ll have to choose between who you want to spend time with. Or maybe you’re going to be too fucking busy for any women because you’re such a badass. That’s a great problem to have in my opinion. The great thing about options is they lead to more options.
But for now… It all starts with accepting yourself as sexually desirable to women. Committing to believing in yourself when no one else will.
The second thing you’ve got to commit to is investing in yourself.
I DO NOT mean spending hours of valuable time watching and reading worthless pickup advice on the internet…
While I type this I just received a video of a girl getting herself off with a pink vibrator on snapchat.
You continue doing that, and I’m telling you from my own experience, you will be right where you are now this time next year and probably the year after that. Is that what you want? Nah.
So what you’ll need is a coach, like myself, who will give you a simple guide that is proven to work. Think of it like a tutorial where I walk you through exactly what to do and give you a troubleshooting guide for when you run into problems.
Otherwise you will still be using all the dancing monkey tricks and maybe get positive responses from girls but still won’t be sleeping with the ones you want or as often as you want.
The main component to what I teach, is that I make things easy to APPLY. See, most guys…. and, I’m not necessarily talking about you… but most men out there never take their dating and sex life serious, they don’t know how, and they don’t have an experienced mentor.
I’m going to show you exactly how and give you a step by step guide. The only thing left to do is just follow it to the letter. It’s easy to follow, and once you do, you’ll start to finally get the results that you want.
This isn’t for every guy out there. And I’m not going to share it with just anyone.
However, I know men like us are committed to knocking every challenge out of the park. Men like us take our social and dating lives serious and are committed to seducing the world with our gift.
While 98% of guys out there? They still fuck mediocre 5’s, 6’s, and 7’s….
It’s about knowing deep down you can do this, investing, learning, and applying.
Think about it like this. If you’re playing basketball. It won’t do you any good to only practice by yourself all the time.
You need coaching from someone who’s been there and knows how to line up the shot and when to take it,
Having this level of coaching ensures that you have a successful dating life with the kind of women you want, that ends in sex. Without coaching, it’s much harder to figure out how to get the caliber of quality women you want in your life and in your bed.
Most men out there are still using mediocre tactics that are only sometimes getting them laid with lame ass girls, and only because they had to lower their standards so they could at least hook up with someone and feel better about themselves.
They get mediocre girls because most men themselves have no personal value and no plan of action that will get them the results they’re actually looking for.
They often settle for sub-par women and have no plan, which makes bagging that smoking hot girl in the group, next to impossible.
These men try to use logic with everything, including getting the girl into bed… That is so bottom feeder level and it won’t work.
would you rather try to remember complicated tactics and lines that don’t work and never actually cause you to grow as a man who deserves and gets what he wants, when he wants, and with whom he wants?
Or would you rather learn my method to getting and keeping women, which will also gain you a better social circle, increase your value as a leader, and help you become the person who everyone wants to be around, and women want to fuck?
If you want to stick with your old ways, then at best you’ll have girls like Abi telling you that you’re sleazy and fucking up, or worse, girls will just avoid you altogether.
Are you starting to follow me here? Today, you can shift your paradigm and make this simple adjustment, let me install my method into your subconscious and naturally start seducing your city, and sleeping with the girls you want…
Hear me out, I’ll be the first to tell you that I know my philosophies work. I know and live it. I have worked on honing in my methods for 6 years, working non stop, documenting what works, what breeds the most fun and applying it.
As a result, I’ve grown to enjoy my life, I’ve become a mini celebrity around town, actually, my town and the next 4 towns over, women are naturally drawn to me, and my social circle has evolved way beyond what I would have ever dreamed of.
I’ve even showed others how to do what I’m doing.
My students have experienced very similar results. After working with me personally, their lives have changed forever.
I showed them that they deserved better women, got them to see that they CAN do this, and they don’t need sleazy pick up lines and pickup artist tricks to get women.
That’s just the start though. Just that paradigm alone didn’t do it for me to consistently get laid with 8’s, 9’s, and 10’s…
So let me ask you something? Do you sleep with the girls you want?
Be very honest. The truth is no. Or at least not yet, right?
I learned all the tactics. Took psychology classes in college. Started reading 3 books a month, and I got better at telling stories. I learned all the Dale Carnegie material and started to show interest in them as a person. I knew I could figure this out so I learned and tried everything I could get my hands on.
And the truth is I still use some of that stuff. I’m constantly evolving my game every day.
But all of that by itself doesn’t get me laid with the girls that I truly desire.
All of that doesn’t come close to what you are about to learn here today.
You know what finally got me there?
It comes down to what Abigail told me about how girls can tell I wasn’t connecting with them, being genuine, having fun, and how it came across as me wanting to get in their pants just like every other guy. I wasn’t taking them out of their head and onto an adventure.
Did you know women crave sex just as much, if not more than men? You just have to create the right mood and environment.
To create this environment where women you thought were just friends literally trap you in their bedroom and jump your bones, you’ll need a certain strategy. A strategy that makes her melt or even aggressively attack you with sex.
NOTE: I swear, the other night, with these methods I was literally attacked by a woman I recently friend zoned. She wouldn’t let me go until her legs were shaking, and her neighbors knew my name… I actually felt bad because she was under my control. And I was supposed to get so much work done that night. You see with this method you’ll have to tell them no and not the otherway around.
It’s a different way of thinking, but once you have a done for you strategy like mine, everything else you’ve learned about dating will just seem less natural and a waste of time. It’s NOT just some basic mindsets about a vague topic.
There is this feeling of freedom that you get when you have a strategy that you can fully commit to that you know will work.
That is one of the reasons I was failing so much at the start.
I didn’t have a strategy and I was scrambled in my relationships.
Then I got really serious.
I Guarantee the Exact Same thing will happen to you
And that is when my sex life took off….
Being desirable and sought after comes with being the adventure, it’s who you are meant to be…
You see what I am recommending here:
How many of you guys go out on youtube, see some coach tell you to use complicated techniques, and whether it works or not, go out into the world and actually try it?
Another girl is telling me how she made out with another girl and wanted me to join her
Very few guys apply it and the ones that do, it comes off awkwardly.
Because there is a key component missing that you need for everything to click and work.
In addition to that key component you may need to include confidence, more spontaneity, caring about the outcome a little less, or working on being more present and in the moment. You need to create the right environment, for her to let down her walls and not just be open to fucking, but will trap you until you do fuck her… repeatedly.
NOTE: Just last night, I was dropping a girl off at her house and the next thing I know is, she wouldn’t get out of my car until I gave her my personal brand of D*** right then and there in the passenger seat. So glad I got an SUV this time around, it would have been a little more challenging in my old sports car, haha. Did I stop because people were walking by? fuck no! They only wished they were doing the same thing, where kissing turns into touching, touching turns into passion, and passion turns into sweat woman screaming in ecstasy.
My secret girl seducing weapon will make sure all of the above happen to you. It’s so sneaky too.
Let me reiterate something for you real quick. YOU DO NOT need to waste your time or money on any of the techniques you might find online from various pickup artists or youtube. With what I am going to show you, it all comes together for you, naturally.
There is a difference between actually being attractive and just trying to be attractive.
Being attractive is being the adventure women crave. Adventure isn’t about a bunch of strict rules to follow. It isn’t some hard concept to learn.
You want to be desireable and sought after, right?
With what I’m recommending, adventure and seduction is a natural part of you. It’s inside of you. It’s who you are and what you do. It’s who you were meant to be.
If you removed all the pick up information you have learned, you will STILL be able to set the mood by taking girls on an adventure that leads to sexual escapades that never end.
You can forget everything you have learned about pickup and girls will still want to be with you.
Why is this? Because adventure is ingrained in you. It has always been there but it’s been sleeping. Today we are going to wake that giant up.
You are the Adventure God that women crave. That is where you want to be.
It’s who you are as a human because we are not just two dimensional. Understanding this will take your game to the 5th dimension. It’s like controlling the matrix.
But it will be natural. Just like waking up in the morning and breathing.
You know when you see guys all over a hot girl? You know why? They don’t see themselves as the adventure women crave. Guys like this chase women. Women are repelled by guys like this, especially ones that are hot.
Because she’s hot, she’s gotten used to the affect her looks have on the average guy. She senses average guys and immediately and automatically puts up her walls.
After today, however, you’re not going to be that average guy. You’re going to have the tools necessary to crack open her walls and her legs.
It’s the SAME THING with men. When you become a master at what I teach, you’ll become a natural seducer and just expect women to chase you instead. Except you won’t be relying on something as vain as your looks, you’ll be functioning on a much deeper level that only gets better with age and practice.
Your sex life at this point really starts to pick up momentum. It will accelerate past the preselection barrier because the girls you know will begin introducing you to other girls.
What do you think about the looks you’ll be getting when you’re consistently bringing 3+ girls to social events? Don’t you think you’ll become the center of attention? How many other women are going to want to sleep with you? How much better will other men respond to you and respect you?
and yet another girl is texting saying “it’s an hour past the time for my body to be under her sheets”.
After a while, this shit gets to be “normal”. It happens all the time!
Do you want to be chasing after women, or do you want women to chase after you? I’m assuming you said the later and that’s where my system comes into play.
Back to how you’re going to soon become the Adventure God…
When you’re out with girls, they will feel that you’re seducing them, but won’t be able to stop it. They will know exactly what you’re doing, while you’re doing it, and they’ll love it, they’ll be wet just waiting for you to bed them.
Some won’t even wait that long and force you to fuck them on the backseat of your car (true story). This is the kind of man you were meant to be.
Becoming an Adventure God to girls is your birthright…
Now here’s the really cool part. And you’ll absolutely love this.
Once I unlock this Adventurous side in you, EVERYTHING else you might choose to learn online, not that you’ll need it, will become accelerated. You’ll climb even higher while the rest of the world stays sleeping… alone.
My clients have found this to be true.
Check out my private client Brock, who I recently took under my wing and coached him personally in Vegas.
This dude hit a plateau and was sleeping with about 1 girl every 3-4 months, sometimes even worse.
What was Brock doing wrong?
He was following all the dating advice on youtube and buying programs but couldn’t seem to get anything to work. He was getting really depressed and frustrated with his sex life.
He just wasn’t getting this one simple component down that I’m going to show you soon, and it was hindering his dating and sex life.
I paved the way for him to get the women he wanted and opened up his world to his adventurous side — win-win!
Afterwards, I realized that what I had just taught Brock could help so many others learn how to be naturally seductive so that they too could get the women they want and deserve.
When you unlock your adventurous side and tap into your seduction…
You’re creating a formula for a nuclear bomb!
Which is exactly what happened to him. Once I unlocked his Adventurous side (and it was difficult for him at first because he was following all the regular dating advice all over the internet that was leading him down the wrong path, and once I was able to get that junk out of his head for a minute)… his game changed, overnight!
Number 1, He now had mixed his High status with his now-alive Adventurous side. He wasn’t just doing what he learned all over the internet, he was becoming naturally seductive
Number 2, He woke up and completely owned his Adventurous self-image. Girls saw this and could feel the real him and wanted to be around him all the time
Number 3, He already knew how to talk to girls, so this just boosted that already honed in skill
Note: This program isn’t necessarily for beginners; however, even if you’re just getting back in the game or just now learning how to talk to women, this system will still work for you.
How do you think Brock’s life is now?
He made this one simple shift and he got the breakthrough he has been searching for, for years. For him, it’s onwards and upwards from here on out.
He non stops gets laid now…
This is one of his photos from his Facebook after we unlocked his inner adventure…
Brock told me “Now I finally see what I was doing wrong the whole time. Almost every guy I know makes this mistake and they just need someone to show them what to do…”
He has been on a non stop fun ride ever since I worked with him in Vegas…
And you most likely aren’t as bad as he once was (sorry Brock, had to call you out brother).
So there are 3 simple components to unlocking this sleeping giant inside of you. Then there will be a final component to understand and ingrain this into who areFOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.
#1. You have to start with really having the drive to finally get past this roadblock to have the women in your life and the sex that you’ve always wanted.
Change can be hard, but knowing what you don’t want drives you toward what you do want, despite the hard part, and it will change you forever, like solid gold poured into a mold from a goldsmith’s furnace.
IF you follow what I say, everything that happens, will just be more momentum driving you down the path you were always meant to lead.
#2. So make the choice right now if this is what you REALLY want.
If so, you’ll have to make the decision to commit to this. Right now.
Which making a decision, is the first action that starts you down this path I’m talking about of refinement process. The you on the other side of that process will attract the women you desire and make you a man about the town.
I don’t know anything about you but I can tell you this.. You need to make a decision to forever and get this part of your life hammered out. Think you’re ready?
If so, let’s get your your action in alignment with your goals. I’m talking about a simple head nod, YES… What about a “FUCK YEAH”.
I mean, you making the decision right here to change your life forever, sets things in motion, everything is shifting, and soon you will see how reality was really meant to be experienced. And that was #2 — making that decision.
Now that you’re getting on board, here’s some Important information…
For now, my trainings are only being offered a limited time, because I want to limit access to men who will take action and are already at a place with their game where they’ll know exactly how to implement this system.
With this system, guys who are already badasses will get nitrous added to their tank to bring them to the next level, even harder and faster. Do you want to join the rest and take over your town…
And become a man about town?
Frank Sinatra embodied this way of being…
As a man who becomes sought out by women in his town…
Ask yourself if you can do something about it? I know you can. And this is #3.
That something is to take action and soak up the knowledge you’re about to wield and follow the plan to the letter.
I have created a plan based on my own successes, experiences, and even on the female psychology. I’ve made it straightforward and easy to follow.
It isn’t a ton of steps that you have to memorize. Forget that.
This guide has one outcome and that is turning you into a Rock Star, a Man About Town, an Adventure God, who’s sought after by women, even women you’ve never even met before.
That is the life every man only dreams about and that’s what you’re destined to become.
So that you exude a celebrity-like confidence and attractiveness that captivates the attention of all women across multiple social circles, making it easy to seduce the women you want…
I know you probably think this will be super hard.
I promise you, it’s far from that. It’s so easy to follow and implement and let’s face it, this shit is fun when you see for yourself how quickly you’ll learn to own your city and bend it to your own reality.
Getting the end goal is easy — you owning your town while having girls follow and drag you into bed.
When using my program, it doesn’t matter where you are in your dating life. Even if you are short on cash, a lot of what I do is free, and it’s the effortless carefree feeling you will be giving these women while on these adventures.
You don’t need large sums of cash for that. This program is based on unlocking your natural adventurous side and leading women down your fun-path all the way to bed.
You might also be thinking that this takes a long time ass time to live this life. It took me awhile because I did not have the right mentors in the beginning.
But once I was exposed and got the right knowledge, once I shifted one internal belief, girls started following me and looked at me completely different, virtually overnight.
I started having girls approach me. Girls staring me down. You know what I mean.
It’s those completely random moments when girls come up to you asking for help with something. It really is just them trying to meet you and wanting to know more about you.
It is non stop at this point and you adjust quickly to the lifestyle.
Is it difficult? Yeah, dealing with tons of girls at once is difficult at first, but it’s a good problem to start with.
Girls get turned on and become so sexually comfortable around you…
And this is a good reason why I’m pumped to reveal something that I have been working very hard on.
All the badasses that I’ve had try these methods and along with others who I’ve taught are raving about the new lifestyle they live…
My buddy Ty who lives in Texas called me just last week to say, “Bro, your shit works! This girl who’s a close friend of a friend of mine, got my number and prank called me. Over the phone I took her on this imaginary adventure about how we were going to visit the aquarium, play with sloths, etc… Afterwards, we joked about coming back to my place to make brunch, it was hilarious… The funny part is we totally skipped actually going to the aquarium and playing with sloths. Instead she just came over [two days later] on sunday “for brunch” and gave me a blow job in the kitchen. I had never even met her before in my life, lol!”
Mark, and I have taken this to a whole new level several times. We’ve consistently been able to take a group of girls from a bar and bring them back to drink, play games, and “crash” at my place. Once you have this method figured out and can get a wingman who also understands this method, you’re unstoppable when it comes to leading a group of girls.
One of my clients, Rick in CA, sent me this story. “Tyler, You’ll never believe what happened to me… I was at this bar I threw regular parties at and there was always this hottie there who I would innocently flirt with and we’d sometimes talk about checking out some of my fav hole in the wall spots nobody knew about that were supposedly famous… This one night she was there with her boyfriend. He was a total D-bag. So later that night when he’s at the bar trying to get drinks, she comes up to me and asks when we’re going to do our shenanigans we talked about. With a smirk, I said right now and held out my arm to take hers. We left and I’m pretty sure they broke up the next day after I left her place. I kinda feel bad lol. Thanks man for showing me this shit! You’re the real deal bro.”
David in NY, sent me a message saying that after he’d learned my Adventure God System, he met these two nurses at a private New Years Eve party, had a triple kiss with them when the ball dropped, then they all went back to his place for some fun. The next night he took them on one of his adventures I planned for him, which from what he tells me ended up being a pretty wild night, haha. Keep crushing it David.
You might be asking yourself, Tyler, what is this system all about, how does it work?
This program is based on an identity shift. It’s not a bunch of tricks that you learn like all the advice online teaching you to do this and do that at this specific moment, with the girl.
What I do is speak to your core and unlock this part of you. It’s like recess when you were in grade school. Did anyone have to teach you how to have fun on the playground? No. But somehow we lost that playfulness. And with my method, the world is your playground.
It will allow you to be your natural self, where you’re comfortable in your environment, and natural playful game will flow out of you.
The other pick up artist material… all the other bullshit out there, forget that stuff. That is such a waste of time, I have been there. Maybe you have been there too or maybe you still are…
…. I hate wasting time learning useless abilities and techniques that don’t work. I say fuck that.
The Adventure God System alters who you are at an identity level that explodes your status and people are simply drawn to you. They have no choice. You will receive an endless amount of sex opportunities from girls and even guys will respect you and pay for your nights out.
And the best part about when we shift this identity, all the skills and tactics and techniques start flowing out naturally as we work this out.
I want to tell you this though. I do talk about some simple troubleshooting techniques. There’s an entire module showing you all of these.
But, the most important part is that you already see yourself as the Adventure God, just like how Frank Sinatra was with his friends and in his town — he created his own world where he was the center.
That way, all the time, anywhere, with whomever, you are creating experiences with people that they’ll never forget. You’ll experience the results you’ve been looking for nearly overnight, just like everyone else who’s tried my method.
I have this program set up to where you can start to get results within the day. It doesn’t stop there. You’ll continue studying, taking action, and improving on what you’ve learned to alter everything.
This isn’t something you just do. It’s who you are and who you were always meant to be from the time you were a kid, before all the nonsense social programing came along. It’s all good, I have your back, don’t sweat it.
Adventure is at your inner being…
Why would you want it any other way.
It’s the best feeling that never ends because it amplifies and gets better and better over time. When you finish going through the audios, videos, and PDFs. All that old social programming bullshit goes away, and you see the real you — the Adventure God you are.
I realize that, even if you have been experiencing a hard time learning, that what I am telling you doesn’t seem possible. But believe me. Trust what I am telling you. TRUST ME AND ALL MY GUYS.
There are very few coaches out there that actually care and want you to succeed like myself. At some point, all of us have been on the ground level fucking up left and right. Only after trying everything, and after much trial and error, I discovered the secret Matrix code. That right there is how we know we CRACKED this code.
You’re goint to seduce the world while bending and controlling your reality. No deserving female will have a chance. Live the life you want with the women you want!
The girls who are privileged to join you, you’ll have the advantage to uplift them as well and create your own badass female sidekicks.
You are so close, you always deserved this lifestyle and the true feeling of complete and endless freedom. To live your OWN adventure. When you walk around everywhere knowing you own your shit.
When you are doing that. When you are walking THAT line.
That’s adventure… That’s being the adventure all women crave… That’s YOU.
To live that life, you don’t need money. Looks simply do not apply here. The only thing you need is a proven guide, mixed with the passion, drive, and an unlocked sense of self.
And guess what happens? The matrix hits. Your inner natural badass comes alive. You will have a step in your walk that is going to piss people off. Other guys will envy you and just don’t know how to go about letting you know that they want to be like you.
Women literally melt to their knees for guys like you.
Here is what you will receive inside the program:
This is an overview of what you will learn inside The Adventure God System . We will go in depth and open up some new areas in your life.
We will move quickly so you can get right to it. You can easily finish the entire program in less than a day so you can take a girl out this very night.
The most important part though is that we will turn you into a seduction king. You will see things in a new light and will start to own your world.
Module #1 Is an overview of what the program is all about and why and how it works. In this module, you’ll learn more about how my game first got started working in the night club industry.
Then I show you how I’m going to install all those years of dating experience into your subconscious. You’re going to be the man who know his sh*t, is confidence, and sets it up like you’re an authority around town, one that everyone wants to hang with.
In Module #2 you’ll get the down and dirty on how to become the man about town, I’ll walk you through my method and show you step-by-step.
I’ll show you exactly what to look for in your city. Here you’ll know exactly how find the right kind of unique places that make women attracted to you and get you out of your head and into the moment.
This is the framework mixed with my personal strategies to own your city or town. I’ll change how you date forever so that you get the success that you’ve been wanting.
Once my system is installed in your brain, you’ll wonder why you ever dated any other way.
This is the most overlooked area in all of the dating world. Whenever you are with a girl, there is literally over a million potential obstacles blocking you from getting her back to the bedroom.
This is such a huge problem that men face today. It’s not like the caveman days, when you simply have sex behind the bush or tree trunk. There’s a science and art to it.
In Module #3, I’ll reveal my best kept secrets for avoiding all the pitfalls which will make getting her on all fours extremely easy. This is your trouble shooting guide for mastering the laws of logistics.
Here in Module #4, I’ll show you how to turn your phone into a adventure guide. This is a visual of what’s in Module #2 and is where I differ from the rest of the pack.
It’s what I’m known for. And no, it’s not another text guide. Think of this as a tool to help you easily lay out in seconds, the best adventure for your girl which will ensure your success.
It’s designed to work especially when you’re having to spontaneously take a girl out on the town right there on the spot. This tool is to your success in seducing women, what batman’s boomerang is to fighting crime. It’s that essential.
Module #5 Is your official cheat sheet. Here I list out all of the laws in this entire system. It’s as if I took my own course and made notes for you on your behalf of all the essential steps that you don’t want to forget.
Warren Buffet says, you haven’t fully thought something out until you write it down.
We’ll I’ve gone beyond that and written it down for you in an easy to follow outline that gets to the point quickly so that you can get to seducing your date just as quickly. This is your pocket guide listing out of all the laws for the Adventure God system, organized so you can start getting action tonight.
The final module includes 8 example adventures that you can take your dates on. I’ve laid out step-by-step exactly the dates I’ve taken women on that have yielded the most success in seducing women.
Module #6 will give you a blueprint for modeling your very own adventures with women in the town that you live. I’ve compiled the best adventures that you can apply to your city and start becoming the Frank Sinatra of your city TONIGHT.
In just one night, you will become a man about town, someone who’s looked up to among your guy friends, who attracts and seduces multiple women every week.
The work is already done for you. All you have to do is follow my system and let me effortlessly install my years of experience into your mind.
We will finish strong and make sure you are set on the right path. You will now know exactly and see visually what to do on your dates and where to go. Doing this, will make it easier for you to be in the moment and go with the flow rather than being stuck in your head trying to impress her.
You will see just how much is possible and where it is you want to be in your dating life in a few weeks from now. That is an important part.
Having and being an Adventure God is not something you have to turn on and off. This is who you are now and the POSSIBILITIES are ENDLESS.
You have to go out and test it immediately. Test it. Direct your surroundings and environment and watch how girls are drawn to this adventurous side of you. You will start to see how to even take it further and make things even better. You will internally say to yourself, “Holy shit, I could have been doing this all along.”
It’s just like when Neo in the Matrix eats the red pill and he opens his eyes for the first time. He now sees the real world and how to control his reality. He is now free and beats the system. He knows what to do and where to go next and avoids all of the pitfalls and walls that females put up — Adventures that lead to sex.
This is an easy guide that makes taking women out fun and easy. Unless you just enjoy… I mean unless you just get off on struggling with what to do or say when you’re out with a girl and then trying to remember complicated routines and techniques, otherwise, I would invest in yourself and try my system out. There’s no risk, because I stand behind my work.
So if, instead, you no longer wish to struggle with talking and having a great time with girls, and want to know the easy way to keep them interested while out on the date, then your days of frustration are over.
With the Adventure God system you’ll handle the logistics pre-date and then just focus on entertaining yourself and having a great time — in the moment.
What if I told you that you never have to worry about having dates that don’t lead to sex ever again? I will show you exactly what to do.
That old you turns into a different lifetime ago….
As Eckhart Tolle says in his book Power of Now in the opening introduction…
“I have little use for the past and rarely think about it; however, until my thirtieth year, I lived in a state of almost continuous anxiety interspersed with periods of suicidal depression. It feels now as if I am talking about some past lifetime or somebody else’s life.”
If you’re thinking that trying to use all different kind of complicated techniques and strategies to get a girl to sleep with you because you think it’s difficult to fuck girls, you’re gonna be surprised by what I have to show you. Because you’re naturally going to be able to fuck girls and she will give into everything because she wants it so bad.
If you struggle with turning girls on and how to sexually escalate, you’re going to find these fears drifting away.
You’re gonna learn how to stay calm, with a clear mind, and because you’ll already have everything mapped out ahead of time, there will be no frustration or anxiety when you’re out and about with a bunch of beautiful women (it doesn’t matter how hot they are).
You’ll discover why guys always go home without the girl… and guarantee you don’t run into this problem ever again! Unless of course you just have better shit to do.
If you have any of the following issues…
TODAY is when all that shit changes. When you get this one thing and wake up your adventurous side, something special comes alive in girls.
You will have girls calling you asking for sex while you are busy doing other stuff, maybe even out with other women. You will become one of the men who truly have complete abundance with women. Some women will literally jump you (true story).
I had this girl just last night insist that she should come over because I had been working too hard. I told her no because I had this website to create so that I could help all of you guys get better with women. She came over anyways and brought her laptop over because “she had work to do also”. 20 minutes later she’s giving me a blowjob under my desk while I was typing. I’m kind of impressed with my multitasking skills.
You will feel sex is way better when it is part of the Adventure…
Girls become super interested in knowing you. They will want to do things for you and make sure you are happy.
You don’t need all the dancing monkey tricks and cheap tactics. If it helps your game, you can use it, but you really don’t need it. I won’t have you using that stuff when you’re rolling with me.
So fuck the guessing game and the “hoping things just work out” routine.
I will give you a several things you can use today.
The tactics out there and what I teach you are a lot different though.
What I teach is more of a way of being and you’ll be able to adapt it to any situation that arises. It will be a part of you that simply knows what to do in each situation without thinking about it. You will build on it and see how easy things are the more you continue to practice and hone in your new skill set.
You won’t have to use traditional game to make this work or worry about what to say next. Even though that stuff can be fun and gives you additional tools to mess with and tease her a little. But that’s up to you whether you use that or not.
This is not something that can only be used in specific situations.
You just live this way and you are ON all day, everyday, 365 days a year!
You’ll be able to own the room and have people looking at you a lot, because clearly you and your date are having the most fun. I want you to be ok with being one the highest status individuals in the room. Mentally owning that shit — it’s your birthright. People will absolutely love you for it!
You will feel a sense of freedom knowing you can do whatever you want. It’s an empowering feeling and brings out your creative style with it.
This one time, as part of my adventure, I took two of my girls to this French dessert shop in New Orleans to make gelato. I playfully stuck it on their noses when they asked to try mine and of I made their gelato last. 😉 Meanwhile, we brought, this energy, this vibe into the shop with us and on one else there was having as much fun as we were.
I want you take on this new identity and seize complete control of your interactions with all the females that come into your life. At the same time though, DO NOT OVER abuse this new power that I am bestowing upon you. You will have a shit load of power. It’s up to you, but I recommend you please do right by people when using this. It can be used in a manipulative way, and can hurt a lot of girls. I know first hand, and you don’t want that kind of bad karma.
Other problems you might have… Girls WILL get jealous and start pulling you away from other girls. NOT a bad problem to have in my opinion.
When Brock was first learning, he had two girls who wanted to have a threesome with him and had been following him the entire night. After a while, some other girls were giving him tons of attention. One girl even grabbed him and brought him over to her VIP table. After a while, the first two girls got a little upset and left. While he may have missed out on a threesome with two decent looking chicks, he was also upgraded to VIP with a really hot 9.
I was going to film everything with Brock to show you his complete transformation. Show you the girls that he brought back to his hotel every night. It would have been a wild ride to showcase everything.
That would have been badass to show, huh?
I will possibly do a boot camp like that one day and film everything. But for now I simply put everything together on film and audios in an easy to learn fashion.
The girls that want you. The adventures you will go on with them. The breakthrough that used to only be a dream…
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The feeling is unreal. This isn’t just a regular dating course. It’s an identity shift that you will be downloading into your subconscious. I have dissected my entire brain and laid it all out in an easy to implement program that shifts you into becoming the Adventure women crave.
So let me ask you, is it worth it to you for a small investment in yourself, just a couple dollars a day, to become the man you were always meant to be? This Adventure that I talk about. The adventure that women are so curious about and want to join in on. All the new shifts, new identity, and even higher status?
Fucking right it is. And I am going to tell you why here. Being an Adventure God becomes apparent everywhere in your life. Your family will notice something different about you. Friends will sense something different. Girls will be drawn to this. Your coworkers and boss will like what they feel around you. Everyone will notice… and talk.
The most important part of being an Adventure God is fucking loving yourself and who you are. Each day after one of your adventures, you’ll be running on this high, it’ll carry you through the week, and you’ll begin to enjoy life like never before.
That’s what makes this so easy…
It begins right there. Because if you aren’t loving yourself and who you are, nothing else will work. That’s what Abigail was trying to tell me. I completely understand that now. And I want you to see that as well.
As I already have said, I used to never have this part of my life figured out. I failed miserably with women. And I really don’t care if you know that about me, because it’s the truth.
It was bad, but it allowed me to finally get to where I wanted to go with the women in my life. I have personally taught thousands of other men.
Instead of how long it took me to figure this out… with my program, you will get this handled once and for all, in a way shorter amount of time. I’ve made all the mistakes, so you won’t have to.
Shit, this is better than taking a class in school. You’ll be able to soak it all in quickly in about a day or two…
Forever change your identity within a day…
I’m not fucking around here.
I’m telling you man, that’s what’s gonna happen. Life altering. Extremely fast.
And the best part about it…
Women are drawn to it. They notice and want it too. Now you have the power. The POWER to have women craving you…
What if I told you that you won’t ever have to have that feeling of girls not wanting to be around you anymore. Most men never get to this level and have to constantly do things to get girls wanting to hangout with them, much less sleep with them. Forget all that bullshit. Never again.
Over the next few weeks you will have built up this life filled with complete abundance of women. At first you will have trouble juggling all the excess women. It’s hard when you’re not used to having women blowing your phone up and wanting to cook dinner for you, or wanting to study with you, just so they can use that as an excuse to have your presence felt.
Honestly, it’s a trick… What she really wants is to have a man like you in her life. One who knows how to lead and give her the emotional experiences she craves. She can’t help but want to sleep with a man like that. She’ll tell all of her friends about a man like that. You’re a man like that.
I have to give you this warning though…
WARNING : When you get this right, you’ll actually be able to sleep with a different girl every single night, if you wanted to. Take it from me. Take it from Brock and my other clients. Likely, though, you’re going to have to start ignoring girls because you will have so much badass shit to do and can’t get to every girl, plus follow your path. Instead, you’ll be living in a place of abundance and as such, be able to pick the hottest women and make the others wait their turn. When they do have a chance to be with you, they’ll drop what they’re doing just to have a chance to be gifted with your unique brand of manhood sliding inside of her.
Become this Adventure God, and you are the dealer at the poker table. Im serious man. There is no more desperation to have sex with women. There’s no neediness or begging for sex. There’s no more digging around on the internet, trying out every “dating guru‘s” material you find online. No need to spend loads of cash. That’s all a waste of time.
It’s the perfect time to finally get this shit over with today and have this figured out so you can move on to other things, right?
My program is perfect for you…
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I just have to share this story with you. Meet Julian. Julian is an attractive guy, but he spends a lot more time with computers than with girls. He’s actually the one that helped me build this website. After a few questions about my system, I let him try it for a discount on building my sites.
I had him go through the entire program and take action on everything I laid out for him. After a few weeks, he had slept with 3 new girls and has a couple girls who he’s already friendzoned, and has fun adventures planned out with them so they can wingman him. He straight up told me this was one of the easiest to follow programs he’s ever seen.
Julian said that he had been missing this main part for so long and he has finally figured out how to really take girls on dates where they were so into him, the girls wanted things to move forward sexually. Girls love Adventure Gods.
It’s ok, you don’t have to worry about saying the right thing anymore to keep girls attracted to you.
You will see that once you unlock your adventurous side you will multiply the type of man women in your life, what makes women drawn to you and what makes women really interested in spending time with you and even harassing you for sex.
“Dates become SEXUAL dates.”
Damn straight dude. Once this happens, a lot of people will start to notice, especially with facebook and instagram. Girls love taking photos and they will tag you like crazy.
It really does not matter who you are. Even if you haven’t been going on a lot dates recently. Girls don’t care when you become this adventurous magnet.
You will live your own Dan Bilzerian lifestyle. And you will have the photos like these to prove it.
When I first started, I was a tall slim dude with no muscles what so ever and I use to suck so bad with girls as you read above. I was determined to get this worked out and figured it out asap because who wants to spend another night, or week, or month or year alone, when you can literally have women calling, texting, private facebook messaging, snapchatting you to come hang out and fuck?
So click that button below and let’s unlock this shit in your life so you can join the rest of us living the mother fucking dream.
Get on this. Because this 67% OFF Discount will expire. So join all of the rest of us action taking badasses already inside now.
Isn’t it awesome how guys like us run into roadblocks and quickly breakthrough that shit no matter what it takes? If we know we can make a change, we won’t stop until we get it.
That’s why girls are drawn to the adventurous leader type of guy, who knows where he is going in life… Girls can’t help themselves.
That is also why girls don’t sleep with guys who are boring that have no substance and are low status and have no direction…
The average guy out there who’s low status, unadventurous… those guys are literally everywhere. She has experienced that and she is so bored of those guys. But the adventurous high status guys are so rare. Guys like you… Guys like Frank Sinatra.
Get on this and get your program to get started right away.
I guarantee you will have that feeling that you are about to crush this shit. Why will this happen? You are taking action. You are taking control of your destiny. You are walking the walk. Change this part of you forever. And it’s proven by the elite — it works.
Now when I say guarantees, I always provide this…
60 DAY Guarantee — No Bullshit! Your Money Back If It Doesn’t Work
Look you don’t have to worry about a thing here. Take a month or two. I know you will look back and tell yourself I made one of the most important decisions of my life.
You will get this part of your life figured out, and I personally guarantee you will begin experiencing improvements in every area of your life. Guys will want to follow you and do business with you. It’s the reality that we were all meant to experience and watch what happens once you start getting laid a whole lot more.
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So let’s go and get yourself inside with the rest of us badasses who have made the shift and to living the adventure filled with beautiful women. You’re probably already starting to feel something powerful is about to happen.
That is exactly why I bring it up. There is something that happens in our brain when you take action.
You know inside, that you are more than ready.
I confirms to yourself that you are committed.
You have already taken the first step.
If you think that is ridiculous, I want you to think back to a time when you made an important choice. How did it really make you feel when you take that first step? It feel really good. That relates to what is happening here.
I know when you see other guys on dates having lots of fun with girls, and you know he’s getting laid that night. You will have that.
I talk about Frank Sinatra because he was a world class seducer that actually got arrested for seduction. He lived life to the mother fucking max and one of his quotes sums this shit right up.
“You gotta love livin’, baby, ’cause dyin’ is a pain in the ass.”
Now why would you pass up on the opportunity to go on wild sexual adventures with women. You now are at that crossroad, you can choose to go all the way and finally get all the girls you’ve always dreamed of having sex with.
Sinatra paved the way for us and all we gotta do is take action on it. Deep down you feel something growing, your desire turning into reality.
I believe deep down when you are faced with these types of life-altering decisions, you get this same feeling…
My system is different. It’s natural. It has women sexually escalating on you. And it doesn’t require fancy lines.
That right there is why my program is so different than everything else out there that you will come across.
I’m not gonna teach you lines and tell you to do certain things while on dates. I work with you so that everything becomes easy and flows out of you naturally.
I know a lot of guys might use lines and complicated techniques. But all of that doesn’t make you the natural fun adventure. That is just you memorizing lines to say to girls in the right combination….
That kind of thing can come off as awkward if ill timed. My system is completely different.
It’s a little difficult for me to break down what it feels like to be the adventure. The best I can do is show you the results in mine and in my client’s lives.
I roll like this everyday and I know who I am. This is my identity. And it is yours to have as well.
You undoubtedly deserve to live this Adventure.
You owe it to yourself to unlock this beast and take girls on these sexual escapades…
When you unlock this, you become unattached, because lots of girls become part of your life and there’s no need to feel overly emotionally attached to just one girl. You’ll have an abundance of women…
Just picture for a minute how it will feel when you know, deep down, that you’ll have girls waiting to spend time with you… girls who respect and want to be around you.
Just imagine what life is going is to be like when sexual adventures with girls simply won’t end. It really is a shit load of fun man!
And you want to know why? It’s because you know you have nothing but more fun-filled times ahead.
I know this because it’s how I live my life and that’s what’s on my mind every day when I wake up. It’s a non stop party. Men have contacted me about sharing this and women crave, crawl, and scratch their way to experience it.
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And keep in mind, I guarantee this. If for whatever reason, you don’t make this shift and you don’t get the results you want, just send me an email and I got you. There’s no problem.
I really only want one thing, and that is for men everywhere to take their dating lives to the next level. Feeling confident inside, being unattached because there are so many options, and having the sex that you’re missing out on.
If you want to join the rest of us, just click right here…
I want to ask you a serious question…
Now if you have any of these small problems with your game, then you are the reason why I created this program. I want to help guys get what they want.
I’m not joking around with this manner. I’m tired of hanging with guys sometimes and they aren’t able to join in on the fun that I am having with large groups of girls, because I don’t have time to take them to the side right then and download into their brain everything I know and understand about women.
I even see guys failing on dates when I’m in public, there are other times when I see a group of people where none of the guys or girls are having fun. So rather than talking about what to do. I will simply give you all my philosophies and my step by step guide on exactly what I do. All this so you can start doing the same.
The Adventure I am talking about is for you, if you’re the kind of guy who wants to continue upping his standards and getting hotter women in his life…
I was having this same conversation with this one guy not too long ago.
He said he has no trouble getting dates. So getting dates isn’t the issue. The issue for him was that he wanted to get hotter women, and he also wanted to figure out the secret to getting sex on the first date. He also made an observation where, if he slept with women the first night, he had a deeper connection with them afterwards, whereas if he didn’t sleep with them, his chances of getting a second or third date were next to impossible.
This is why knowing how to mastermind a proper date is so crucial.
I thought to myself that fucking blows and I know how it feels. I decided to share what I know so that I could help more guys to not have a problem with women anymore.
Men like him are exactly why this program have to be in the hands of every badass action taker.
If you want to solve that problem and finally step away from that life, I only have one solution for that.
Follow along with me and the guys I worked with who took it to the next level. We all have unlocked our sexual adventurous side.
Here’s your opportunity to get started today and making it happen…
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Everything you need is available to you inside in the members area.
If you don’t take advantage of this now, where will you be 3 months from now? What about 6 months or even 1 year from now? If you stayed exactly where you are now, would you be satisfied? If the answer is a resounding NO, then today is a good day to turn it all around.
Don’t waste any more time learning all the tricks, routines, and random programs online because now you have everything you need to learn Frank Sinatra style seduction and get the women you want in your life.
This natural side of you will just flow out. No more learning manipulation tactics on women.
Exactly how my private private clients and I live our lives, it’s nearly a 24/7 sexual adventure ride with women.
It really doesn’t matter if you take one girl out on a date or a large groups of girls out for some fun, just allow this natural side to flow out of you and girls are simply drawn to it, it really is a badass feeling when this becomes reality.
Just think if you could take Frank Sinatra’s, Tom Hardy’s, Leonardo Decaprio’s and Tyler Ray’s brains and installed them into your subconscious.
It’s culminates into the ultimate fucking seduction vibe that all girls respond to.
For only the most deserving women, it’s like being on a ride that they won’t want to get off of… Literally 😉
Girls fall for you because they rarely ever experience these kinds of adventures with men…
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I think you are seeing now how everything works after reading everything here. It’s all making the decision to make a change and following through. Take this proven plan that I layout for you and watch it manifest into your reality.
Taking action and following through on this plan is the most important step to getting what you want with women.
No matter what, follow it to the tee.
I am going to have to let you guys go for now. We are taking shit to the next level here at the headquarters. See you soon.
P.S. I have some ladies to take out downtown to try on Mardi Gras masks down here on our vacation in New Orleans.
Please don’t do this for anyone else but yourself. Get this figured out and take girls on adventures that they’ll remember and talk about for a long time to their girlfriends.
NOTE: SAVE 72% NOW!! Only For Your Eyes And Ends Sunday Night.
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