#the OC most in question is CK
oleander-nin · 9 months
sorry for like, spamming y'all as of late, but if I were to post OC stuff(still x reader for the most part), do you want that here, or should I make a side blog?
(sry for the double post i done goofed)
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minarisplaything · 6 months
The Producer - PART THREE
pairing: Chaeyoung (Fromis9) x M!OC / Jiwon x M!OC rating: explicit word count: 4.2k summary: After introducing himself to the girls, the Producer has a run in take place in the bathroom with two trainees who want to make a good first impression before anyone else. PART 1, PART 2 tags: double blowjob a/n: apologies for two bathroom fics in a row. this one was just the next fic i had completed so i figured f*ck it let's just post it.
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"What a day."
With a sigh you collapsed into the couch, conveniently situated in your office. Your uncle, or whoever he had intended on this being for, clearly had a taste for leisure. But right now you didn't want to think about that. Not your uncle. Not the job. Having just gotten out of your first meeting with the girls you would be put in charge of you really wanted nothing more than to just close your eyes and let your mind go blank.
Of course, that was easier said than done. As you let your mind drift, you inevitably found yourself thinking back to the meeting that had taken place only earlier that same day.
The way down to the training room was perhaps some of the most nerve wracking of your entire life. If you thought this morning had been stressful it was nothing compared to what was currently racing through your mind. All you kept seeing was images of Yewon writhing against your thigh and Jessica's voice echoing in your ear. Now, in just a few moments, you'd be seeing her as part of the line-up of trainees.
It's fine, you thought to yourself. She probably hasn't told anyone else. Hopefully not anyway. God, I am fucked.
The worst part of it was that despite your internal dread, the mental imagery still turned you on. In fact, one of the many rogue thoughts wandering around in your head was the fact that you wished you could have gone further with her. The shock of learning that Yewon was a trainee had effectively killed any erection you had at the time but it didn't change the fact that you were extremely pent up right now.
With a sigh you did your best to push those thoughts aside as you arrived at the door as Jessica emerged from the practice room.
"Alright," Jessica said, emerging from the room, "I've prepared them for you. Are you ready?"
"Yeah, yeah. I'm ready."
"Are you sure about that? You look like you've seen a ghost," she offered you a sympathetic look.
If only she had any idea of the truth she wouldn't be asking that question. Honestly, at this moment you envied Jessica's ability to compartmentalize things. Maybe you'd ask for tips on it the next time the two of you went out for drinks. Assuming there was a next time.
"Is it that obvious?" you asked.
She pressed her lips together and gave you a nod. Jessica walked over towards you, her heels clicking on the floor. She reached out, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder, "Remember, they are just as intimidated to meet you as you are them. Maybe even more so. "
"I don't know about that," you muttered.
"Just remember, you can walk away from this before it even begins. For them, this is their whole lives."
"Was that meant to make me feel less nervous?"
Jessica grinned, a twinkle in her eye, "Just trying to give you some perspective. Now come on."
Unable to delay the issue any further, you followed Jessica into the practice room, fingers digging into your palm.
The room itself was quite spacious. Like much of the rest of the building, it was clear that your uncle had spent recklessly investing in this endeavor. At least from a financial perspective. Bright ceiling lights illuminated the room while a mirror that ran the full length of the back wall ensured there would be no lack of reflections. There was an argument to be made that if one were going to splurge on any one room, this was the one worth the investment. Aside from the decor of the room, your eyes were immediately drawn to the lineup of fifteen women standing at attention. One of whom was a familiar face who was avoiding your gaze, her cheeks flushed bright red.
Immediately, you felt the nerves start to creep back into your mind. You looked away from the beautiful lineup and glanced to the corner to see Jinyoung standing there with a clipboard. Something about seeing him made you feel a little more relaxed. After all, he didn’t seem bothered at all.
He probably didn’t have one of his employees grinding on his thigh only a few hours earlier, a rogue thought whispered.
"Everyone," she started, "This is Mr. Park, he's the nephew of our CEO and he might be working with us soon."
A resounding "Hello" reached your ears, causing you to smile just a bit.
You could already feel your cheeks burning with embarrassment. You had to resist the urge to tell them that they didn’t have to be so formal in their greeting. You were a nobody as far as you were concerned. Barely qualified for the job. But you swallowed down that self-deprecation and offered a small smile and wave in response. You could already feel their eyes on you, judging you. Were they surprised you were so young? Maybe they were expecting your uncle or someone older? You noticed a few of the trainees started whispering to each other and tried not to get too paranoid about it.
Once she was satisfied, Jessica continued, "I'll let him introduce himself and we can go from there."
She looked over, metaphorically turning the floor over to you. Moment of truth. You cleared your throat, adjusting your tie once again in the process.
"Ah – right. Good morning, ladies. It's a pleasure to meet all of you and I look forward to working with you all. I hope we have much success in the near future.”
When you stopped, Jessica elbowed you in the side. You looked at her, brow furrowed, before she gestured for you to continue speaking. You suppose it was a bit of a robotic and corporate introduction, but you were just trying to be formal! What did she expect you to say when you hadn’t even taken on the job!
“I, uh, I know nothing has been made official yet but I’ve gotten to know some of you,” a brief glance at Yewon who immediately looked away. You cleared your throat and attempted to focus on your speech, “...through your files and what Ms. Jung has told me. I just have to say I’m looking forward to seeing what you all have to offer.”
You paused for a moment, considering how honest you wanted to be with them. Was it more beneficial to be honest with how green you were in this field, or should you fake it as long as possible? Considering you held their futures in your hands, being upfront felt like the best option.
“Truthfully…this is my first time working on something of this scale. I know some of you have experience at other labels or have been at this for a long time trying to achieve your dream so…I want us all to work on this together to succeed. My door is always open.”
They gave a short round of applause, and you couldn’t help but wonder if it had been genuinely encouraging or if they were just being polite. You supposed both options could be true. You looked over to Jessica and were surprised to see a small smile on her features. That meant you did good…right?
You looked over at the ladies, trying to read their reactions when you found yourself locking eyes with one of the shorter members in the lineup. Park Jiwon, if your memory serves right. What was more was that you found her eyes looking back. Your gazes locked for a long moment, and you almost felt like you were imagining things when you saw her eyebrow cock and her bottom lip get pulled between her teeth.
After what had happened with Yewon had left you high and dry, you could feel yourself getting turned on by the mere thought of shoving your cock between her pretty lips. This wasn’t good. You averted your gaze only to find yourself meeting Yewon’s gaze. Immediately, her cheeks reddened and she looked away from you, her thighs pressed together tightly. Was she having the same thoughts as you? Fucking hell, at this rate you’d be fantasizing about half the members on the team you were arranging. And the worst part was you didn’t find yourself hating that idea.
“Do you mind if we take a brief break?” you whispered to Jessica.
She gave you a bemused look, eyebrow arching, “Need to use the little boy’s room?”
“Something like that.”
Jessica chuckled and nodded her head towards the door, “Down the hall and to the right.”
You gave a small nod of appreciation. As you shuffled out of the room you heard Jessica telling the girls we’d be taking a break. Hopefully, this would give a chance for all the tension in the room to have a breather.
You splashed water on your face and looked into the mirror. You were undoubtedly having a moment of second thought. Just when you thought you had conquered the anxiety of taking on a post like this. Except this time the reasoning had nothing to do with performance fears. At least not of that sort.
“What have I gotten myself into,” you muttered.
Maybe you could get a chance to talk to Yewon privately. Clothed and keeping your hands to yourself this time. You could clear the air and move forward like nothing had happened…Even as you looked at your own reflection you were unconvinced by that line of thought.
Getting Jessica’s advice on the matter didn’t seem worth the risk. Especially considering that you still didn’t know what exactly your relationship with her was after the other night. Honestly, she seemed more likely to get upset for business reasons than jealousy but neither option seemed worth the risk.
As you wrestled with your own thoughts you were faintly aware of the sound of the bathroom door opening.
“Jinyoung, tell Jess I’ll be back in a minute,” you said, not paying any mind.
“I can tell her for you, PD-nim. Though I’m not sure if that’s a good idea.”
Immediately the color drained from your face.
You had assumed it was Jinyoung entering because frankly, you didn’t know of any other men that worked at the company. Therefore one could only imagine the expression on your face when a feminine voice reached your ears instead. Your head snapped to the side to see two familiar faces looking back at you. Familiar because you had only just been introducing yourself to them moments earlier. One was the girl whose gaze you had met, Park Jiwon. The other, a taller trainee, was Lee Chaeyoung. A name you remembered just from her height standing out on her file that Jess had shown you.
“Girls,” you stammered, straightening, “What are you doing in here?”
Chaeyoung turned, locking the door behind you as Jiwon took a step towards you, looking up at you as her hands were laced behind her back.
“Isn’t it obvious?” Chaeyoung responded.
Your cock jumped, imagining what she could be referring to. Still, you decided the safer route was to play naive and let them lead you to the answer. “I’m not sure it is…”
“We’re here to give you a proper welcome to the company,” Jiwon stated directly.
She came to a stop in front of you and Chaeyoung soon stood next to her. They were gorgeous, there was no doubt about that, and they currently had you cornered against the sink. You swallowed thickly, wetting your bottom lip with your tongue as your gaze darted between the two women.
“Is that right?”
They nodded simultaneously.
“You know…” started Jiwon, her hand moving to the button of your pants, “Yewon’s face turned red as an apple when she saw you enter the room. I wonder why that was.”
Chaeyoung grinned as she perched herself on your shoulder, her lips brushing against the shell of your ear as she spoke, “We had her do a lap around the building with a vibrator slipped inside of her.”
You could feel my own cheeks start to redden at that revelation. No wonder she had been practically begging for any kind of touch. How long had she been in that state before you found her? Clearly long enough that she was willing to find relief on your thigh.
As you considered the implications of her words, Chaeyoung’s hand moved to join Jiwon’s as the button to your pants came undone. Her fingers slipped inside, easily cupping your growing bulge over your underwear. Her fingers massaged it, only causing your cock to stiffen further. In turn, she gave a throaty laugh and smiled at Jiwon who mirrored her actions with her own hand.
"He doesn't seem surprised to hear that," Chaeyoung continued, her breath hot against your ear as their hands stroked your cock.
"I think I know why. You know Yewon's face was so red when she came back it made me wonder why," Jiwon chimed in. She looked up at you, biting her bottom lip as her eyes held mischievous intent. “I think it’s because she had more stimulation than just that vibrator.”
“Did she have this?” Chaeyoung whispered, giving your length a firm squeeze.
“N-no,” you managed. However, lying at this point seemed fruitless. They had you cornered and you were already letting Chaeyoung jerk you off with her long fingers. What harm could the confession do at this point? “...It was my thigh. She rode my thigh. But I didn’t know…”
“Oh my god,” Jiwon laughed, “That little slut. I didn’t think she had something like that in her. Just wait until the others hear.”
You stumbled a bit, gripping the sink as Chaeyoung continued rubbing your cock. It was a bizarre experience; trying to hold a conversation with Jiwon while her taller accomplice nibbled at your earlobe and stroked your cock. All while your whole career was only a few feet away outside of the bathroom door.
“You can’t,” you muttered. “You can’t tell anyone.”
“Is it our secret, PD-nim? What else are we going to keep secret?” Chaeyoung teased.
“You know if we had more time we could really have fun,” Jiwon said, “Is he close, Chae?”
“From the way he keeps throbbing in my hand and the look on his face I’d say yes.”
You felt Jiwon’s eyes turn to you and instantly knew she was up to no good, “Ladies…”
“We have to be the first ones. Before anyone else hooks their claws into him.”
Before you could protest or even ask what she was talking about, Jiwon’s hands were grabbing the waistband of your pants and boxers. She yanked them down your thighs, fully exposing the sight of Chaeyoung’s hand wrapped around your cock. There was no denying it now. In fact seeing it only turned you on further. Not to mention the taller girl had been right: you were practically ready to burst. The physical touch combined with her teasing and the memory of what had happened with Yewon; it was all too much.
You watched as the two trainees slid to their knees on the tiled bathroom floor. Together they began tag-teaming your cock, taking turns letting their tongues run over the swollen head and engorged shaft like it was their favorite lollipop.
“Fuck, ladies, we really shouldn't...” you moaned. A pathetic last attempt at the righteous choice.
Both girls looked up at you with their pretty eyes and grinned. It was clear they were enjoying this; listening to you fight with your morals while refusing to push them away.
Jiwon pulled back, looking up at you with wide eyes and pouting lips, "Should we head back to the practice room?"
The sincerity of her question was undermined by the fact that Chaeyoung's tongue was still teasing the head of your cock. You found yourself speechless and Jiwon's pout turned into a devilish smile. "Don't worry, PD-nim. You don't have to feel guilty, I bet we aren't the only ones who'd want a taste of this."
She gave you a wink and returned to the task at hand. The thought was enticing to your most primal instincts. Something you were supposed to be above. However, there was no denying the appeal. The thrill of the taboo and the risk of being caught combined with the feeling of their soft hands and lips made was already making this far too addicting. Sure when you signed on for this job you never imagined this would be the outcome but now that it had happened, who were you to say no?
And if others wanted to join...
Your thoughts were cut off by the feel of something warm and wet around your cock. Jiwon had taken it fully into her mouth, her cheeks hollowing as she bobbed her head up and down the shaft. Meanwhile, Chaeyoung had wrapped her hand around the base, pumping your shaft in time with the bobbing of Jiwon's head. Your eyes were fixed on their teamwork, mesmerized by the sight unfolding while reveling in the pleasure.
"Shit," you hissed.
"It feels good doesn't it, PD-nim?" Chaeyoung asked. "She's small but she still swallows your cock like a pro."
Her eyes locked onto yours, gaze bearing down into your soul. You had never quite understood the concept of eye-fucking until that very moment.
Of course the answer to her question was obvious. From the way your body reacted to the look on your face to the swell of your length each time it hit the back of Jiwon's throat. If things kept going like that you'd be at your peak in no time. Which wasn't exactly a bad thing given you had little time to waste. On the other hand, you had yet to experience Chaeyoung's throat.
"If she keeps going like that I won't last," you grunted in response.
Chaeyoung grinned and Jiwon doubled her efforts.
"Don't be so greedy," Chaeyoung chastised her.
The shorter girl popped off of your cock with a long slurping sound, offering it to Chaeyoung who quickly picked up where her friend had left off. Her head bobbed on your cock, her short raven-cut hair swaying back and forth. You could only watch, mesmerized as her tongue slid against the underside of your cock. Jiwon didn't sit idle, one hand moving to fondle your balls while the other slipped past the waistband of her yoga pants.
"This is so hot..." she trailed off.
The way her eyes were glued to Chaeyoung you weren't sure if she was speaking to you or merely talking outloud to herself. Either way, you didn't disagree.
After a while, Chaeyoung would pull-off then offer it to Jiwon. The cycle continued in that manner. Together they switched between who had the honor of taking your cock in their mouth, letting the other take your cock in hand. One would stroke your cock or fondle your balls while the other gagged herself on your rod.
At one point, Jiwon was sucking your cock while Chaeyoung took one of your balls into her mouth, sucking on your scrotum. Your eyes rolled back, a deep moan echoing off the bathroom walls; discretion completely forgotten for a moment.
Irresponsible and unprofessional? Absolutely. Did you regret it? Absolutely not.
Truth be told, you were still somewhat blue balled from your interaction with Yewon and this felt like exactly what you needed. Besides, it didn't seem like either girl was keen on spilling any secrets.
"Jesus," you muttered under your breath, "Girls, I'm almost there..."
Chaeyoung, who had been taking her turn, popped off of your cock her chin dripping with saliva and pre-cum, "Let's not leave our PD-nim disappointed then. Give him the grand finale."
"Grand finale?" you repeated, slightly dazed and balls aching.
They gave no further explanation, instead leaving you to watch as they moved to either side of your engorged rod. First, they closed the distance between each other, making out with your cock shoved in between their lips. It fell under the category of strangely erotic. Their spit coated your cock as the two trainees made-out, giving you the impression that this wasn't the first time they had done this.
A thought of inspiration struck you. A firm hand was placed on the back of each girl's head. They seemed to understand what was going to come next as their lips puckered around your cock, creating a funnel for you. Immediately you began thrusting between their lips, fucking both of their mouths at the same time while they looked up at you from their position on their knees. If you had any inhibitions left, they evaporated then and there.
"Fuck," you groaned, "I'm so fucking close."
The girls hummed their approval, vibrations against your cock bringing you even more pleasure. God, you would have loved nothing more than to coat their pretty faces with your semen but that seemed like it would create a hard cleanup and even harder explanation. Instead, you kept thrusting between them until finally your cock began to twitch. They watched as you bit down on your bottom lip, length shooting rope after rope of cum that splattered onto the tiled floor. Your head rolled back for a moment, bracing yourself against the bathroom sink.
What the fuck just happened, you thought.
You were brought back to the present by the feel of lips around your cock, cleaning you off.
"Well, I'm horny now," Jiwon stated bluntly as she stood on her feet. "If we had more time..."
"Yah," the taller one hit her shoulder as she stood, wiping her bottom lip, "You're insatiable you know that?"
Jiwon laughed and you could only watch, dick still exposed, as the girls bantered as if they hadn't just sucked you dry. "We should..."
"We'll go," Chaeyoung cut in. She leaned forward, pressing a chaste kiss to your cheek. "You should get cleaned up."
Jiwon followed suit, though somewhat adorably, she had to tip-toe to reach your cheek, "Don't forget us during evaluations, PD-nim."
She gave you a wink and just like that the two girls walked out the bathroom, leaving you with your thoughts. Or rather lack of thoughts. Which wasn't a bad thing given you had no idea what to make of this situation. Instead you got dressed; grabbed a few paper towels, wiped up the evidence of your rendezvous and splashed water on your face. When you looked in the mirror, you almost didn't recognize the slight smirk on your features.
"Hopefully Jessica didn't notice my absence," you muttered as you left the bathroom.
"So that's where you were," a voice called.
You looked up to see a face that took you a moment to recognize. She was one of the trainees you had been introduced to earlier. Haewon if you remembered correctly. She had short, straight hair that neatly framed her face. Her eyes were wide and attentive while her lips were full and plump with round cheeks. She was taller than Jiwon but only just.
"Ms. Jung was looking for you," she said.
"O-oh," you stammered, before clearing your throat. "Yeah. I was just on my way back."
You swallowed thickly, eyeing her unblinking expression. It was unnerving really, the way she stared at you arms crossed over her chest. You couldn't tell whether she was judging you or just so disinterested she couldn't bother to pretend. Had she seen Jiwon and Chaeyoung coming from this area too?
"So, uh, I'll just be heading back," you started.
Suddenly Haewon broke into a wide smile, practically beaming at you, "Alright then. See you tomorrow PD-nim!"
With that she walked off, her expression dropping the moment she turned away from you. You were left baffled and confused as you decided to shake it off and head back to Jessica. If she hadn't called you out on fooling around then that was a win enough for today.
As you neared the practice room, you spotted someone standing off to the side. Another one of the girls, though her name escaped you. She seemed upset as she talked on the phone. For a moment you considered going over to her and checking to make sure everything was alright only to stop yourself.
You hadn't even accepted the job offer yet and you were getting involved with these girls. The least you could do was not add emotional involvement to the list as well. You swallowed the impulse to help, maybe you'd bring it up to Jessica when you got the chance. She might know what that was about.
When you got back Jessica had already dismissed most of the girls for the day. The two of you decided to call it a day, after all despite your speech you still had an official decision to make.
You pulled out your phone, scrolling to your uncle's contact information. Your lips pressed together in thought. In many ways it was a no brainer, even ways that it shouldn't be. In other ways the more you learned about these girls the more you hesitated. If you failed you'd be doing more than just taking your uncle's money. You closed your eyes, your mind briefly flashing to images of your load covering Jiwon and Chaeyoung's faces. The decision was easy, wasn't it?
"What did you always say, uncle? It's about the journey not the destination," you muttered to yourself.
You quickly typed out a message.
"I'm in."
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bit-dodgy-innit · 5 months
We're Not Here to F*ck Spiders
Summary: You were the oldest Spider-Girl the society had ever encountered, therefore, Miguel took a special interest in you. He wanted to know if your life would correspond with his and the other Spiders’ canon, or whether you had a completely different canon you were forging on your own. After an offhanded comment about reviewing your canon with Miguel outside of headquarters, your relationship with Spider-Man 2099 is forever changed.
Set in between ITSV and ATSV.
Pairing: Marc x OC Female!Reader
For context, Reader is an alternate, grown-up version of Mayday due to personal reasons (personal reasons being I’ve been obsessed with Mayday Parker since I was baby child)! No real use of Y/N, though Miguel does refer to the reader as "May" twice and Peter Parker nicknamed her Mayhem. Peter B.'s daughter is Mayday.
Word Count: 10.2k words (see why this took me forever?!)
Rating: Explicit - Minors DNI!!
CW/TW: An obscene amount of world-building, parents and kids fighting, mentions of a loss of a child, everyone being hot for Miguel, rough-ish sex (both partners are superheroes, come on), our boy is HUNG, dirty talk, a bit of cocky dom!Miguel, oral f!receiving, a lil bit of both m and f!receiving nipple play, PIV sex, riding, a quick spank, creampie, felching, and perhaps most intense of all, Miguel’s fear of commitment.
A/N: hahahahahaha this movie is nearly a year old and I FINALLY got around to writing a fic for it! Trust that I've been working on this on and off for a while now, but life has been nuts and writing more and more for work (yay!) but wanted to get this out while I had a slow week for everyone to enjoy!
Also, due to more personal reasons, my HC for Reader's parents are Peter and Mary Jane from Sam Raimi's masterpiece in 2002. But no presh if that doesn't jibe with ya!
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“Careful, Mayday!” you fondly called after the child who was literally bouncing off the cavernous walls of HQ. Yeesh, were you this energetic when you were her age? Probably. It never ceased to be weird, hanging out with an alternate baby version of yourself, but you could manage if you pretended she was your little niece, or sister, or something like that. 
The alternate baby version of Mayday Parker in question didn’t heed your admonishment at all (which tracked), so you called again, “Oh noooo…I’m gonna have to come up there and get ya!”
Mayday squealed in delight at your “threat” and only zipped around quicker. However, you had a couple decades on her, so your reflexes were more attuned. It didn’t take long for you to capture her in your grasp and tickle her. However, little Mayday wasn’t going to give up that easily. She squirmed out of your hold and began scaling the nearby wall at a dizzying pace. 
“Okay, missy, let’s settle down,” you announced, shooting a web to meet the infant on the platform she’d crawled onto. You continued to speak as you swung, “you know how Miguel is, we can’t get too carried…away.”
You nearly threw yourself back off the platform when you were met with the sight of Miguel himself standing before you holding May. 
“Oh, hi,” you gestured to the squirming girl in his hands, “thanks. I was right behind her.” 
“What am I like?” He asked, an inquisitive arch in his brow. 
“You’re…you run a tight ship that’s all,” you wished a portal would swallow you whole. “And it’s great! We need it.”
“Are you supposed to be anywhere?” Miguel prodded further as he passed you May. 
“Me? No, it's my day off.”
“Then why are you here?” 
“Because you put Peter B. on a mission and it gives me anxiety when he takes her.” 
“You and me both,” he huffed. 
“That being said, anything I can help you with?”
“Yeah actually, I have new sequencing to go over with you.” 
Though the multiverse was ever-expanding, you were the oldest Spider-Girl the society had ever encountered, therefore, Miguel had taken a special interest in you. Since you were a second generation Spider, Miguel wanted to know if your life would correspond with his, your dad’s, and the other Spiders’ canon, or whether you had a completely different canon you were forging on your own. You initially found the whole concept fascinating, yet that interest waned pretty quickly when Miguel informed you that he was going to have Lyla analyze your entire life and have you expound on your experiences so he could compare you to the other Spiders. 
Not that there was anything you were particularly ashamed of, but some of this stuff was embarrassing. Unlike baby Mayday, whose powers had already emerged, yours didn’t make an appearance until puberty. Reviewing your awkward teen years wasn’t exactly your ideal way of spending time with an unfairly hot guy, let alone the head of Spider Society.  
“Oh okay, yeah,” you replied. “When Peter gets ba—“
“MAYDAY! WHERE’S MY PUMPKIN?” Peter’s voice echoed across the room. 
No sooner had Peter spoken did Mayday websling herself off of the platform and into her father’s arms. 
Shit, there went your excuse. A nervous chuckle escaped you, “Convenient.” 
“Sí. Follow me.”
You did as Miguel said and trailed behind him to his…office didn’t quite describe it. Work station? Lair? You lasted all of forty-five seconds before your gaze dropped to his sculpted backside, a new record for you. 
It really was unfair that the intense, ornery leader of the Spider Society had to be so damn fine. You were a superhero and a consummate professional, but at the end of the day, you were a mostly heterosexual human woman with eyes. Miguel was stupidly sexy. His shoulder-to-waist ratio, that chiseled face, and of course, perfectly round ass had been the topic of a few hushed, giggly conversations between you and the other Spiders that liked boys. 
It was only ever cheeky whispers however. All of you knew better than to catch any real feelings for Miguel. One, it was majorly inappropriate. And two, he’d built emotional walls higher than the tallest skyscrapers in Nueva York. 
Still, your mind couldn’t help but wander every now and then…you blamed it on your latest breakup. Spider-Girl duties had yet again claimed another potential partner. You suspected that was the reason it was more and more difficult not to fantasize about Miguel lately. Like sure, he was probably an animal in bed in the best way, but it was the prospect of not having to hide anything from him that appealed to you even more. 
“Lyla, bring up the latest sequencing,” Miguel ordered. 
If it weren’t for your spider-senses, you would’ve collided with his impossibly cut back, you were so deep into your thirsty thoughts. 
Suddenly, you were back on Earth-982A in your childhood bedroom. Or at least, that’s where you appeared to be. The virtual surroundings would’ve been comforting if it weren’t for the particular event that Miguel had wanted to revisit. 
Your father was forbidding you to use your powers. Again. You gazed at the rendering of your teenage self with compassion. Now, your father was fully supportive of you following in his footsteps, but the journey there had been rough. 
“You know, most parents would be happy if their kid wanted to do something to help the world!” 
Your dad scoffed. “That doesn’t matter - I’m not most parents and you’re not most kids!”
“Yeah and whose fault is that?!” Virtual you fired back. “I was born like this because of you! Dad, you’re always telling me that ‘with great power, comes great responsibility’ and now when I discover I inherited that great power, I can’t use it!?” 
“Pause,” Miguel’s voice spooked you back into the present. When you finally shook yourself from the memory that was playing before you, you found his eyes on yours. “Okay, there. Define ‘always’.”
“That’s impossible.” 
“Qualitatively, then.” 
“I mean, it's one of those things he said so much that I can’t remember the first time I heard it.” 
“When did your dad first hear it?” 
“His Uncle Ben told him during their last conversation together.” 
“Checks out. And how old was he?” 
“He was a senior in high school, so like seventeen, eighteen?” 
Miguel nodded. Even though x-ray vision nor telepathy weren’t in your powerset, you could practically see all the comparisons and calculations he was making in his head. 
“So using your powers to help people, that was your instinct when you inherited your abilities.”
Miguel nodded again. 
“It’s different, isn’t it?” you asked him. He didn’t reply. “My dad told me he entered some god awful cage-match-wrestling-thing to get enough money to buy a car and impress my mom before he officially became Spider-Man.” 
Miguel was seemingly too busy with entering his latest data to respond. Instead, he barked at Lyla, “Resume sequence.” 
The holographic version of your dad lurched back to life to argue, “May, you are my great responsibility! So if I say no powers, no powers! I did this a lot longer than you! ” 
Tears streamed down your adolescent face. Thankfully, you’d lost some of the baby fat since.  “I hate you! I HATE YOU DAD!!” 
You shifted your weight from one foot to the other. This wasn’t easy to live, let alone re-live. So, as a Spider, naturally you made a jaunty, off-handed comment. “Wow, you really know how to show a girl a good time.” 
“Nothing.” He fixed you with his signature scowl so you elaborated, “Seriously, nothing. Though, maybe if we did this in an environment where I had access to alcohol and carbs, this would be less um…less unsettling for me.”
Miguel stared at you blankly. “But the simulator is here.”
“Right, of course.” Ughhhh, why was he so damn pretty?! “Forget I said anything, Miguel.” 
He dropped it, but before the simulation could start again, your gizmo beeped. Benji’s basketball game started in twenty. 
“Actually, sorry, I have to go.” 
“But we just got started.” 
“I know, but I haven’t been able to catch one of my little brother’s games yet this season, and it’s almost the playoffs.”
“Won’t he under–”
You interrupted Miguel. “You realize spider-stuff is not a viable excuse with my family, right? Besides, it’s my day off. I’m only here out of the goodness of my own heart and my commitment to the Spider-Society.” 
He rolled his eyes at your remark, but couldn’t help a little half - nay, quarter - smile from forming across the lips you had fantasized about kissing one too many times. “Things are quiet for once. We should knock this out now.” 
“We should,” you conceded as you created a portal, “but trying to have some semblance of work-life balance is Spider-Girl canon.”
And with that, you hopped back into your world, before you could change your mind or say anything else stupid and/or unintentionally flirty to Miguel. 
You re-appeared in your apartment with just enough time to throw on clothes and swing over to the middle school. Your mom was waiting as you hurried into the gym right as Benji and the other players were taking the court. 
“Look who made it,” MJ observed wryly. 
“Ha ha,” you fired back humorlessly, but pulled your mom into a hug all the same. “Where’s Dad?”
The ref’s whistle signaled tip off and the beginning of the game, momentarily distracting you two. You were thrilled to see Benji starting – he really wanted to make JV when he started high school next year, and this was a step in the right direction. 
“Go Benji!!” MJ cheered before answering your question, “He hit traffic coming from the station. He’ll be here soon.” 
Your collective attention was pulled to the game unfolding in front of you, then MJ asked, “What have you been up to today?” 
“Me? I was at the society for a bit, helping with the baby.”
You didn’t need to see your mother to know that she tensed at the mention of the Spider-Society and Peter B.’s Mayday. It, understandably, weirded her out. 
“How can it not be strange to care for–”
“It would be if we were closer in age,” you pointed out. “But it’s just like babysitting with Mayday right now. And trust me, after all the versions of Dad I’ve met, hanging out with little me is nothing.” 
Despite being weirded out, your mom always tried to empathize, so she switched gears. “Anything interesting happen?” 
“Ugh, just more sequencing with Miguel - today was a tough one.”
“Fights with Dad from years ago that I know we’ve moved past, but still suck to watch.” 
Your mom took your hand in hers, a much-needed grounding gesture. “Well, you’re back in the present, in your corner of the universe now, sweetie.” 
You gave her hand an appreciative squeeze and took her words to heart, focusing on the basketball game in front of you. It didn’t take too long to put the earlier events from headquarters behind you – Benji scored a couple baskets and you took it upon yourself to meticulously document the game on your phone for memories and possible future blackmail. 
When your Dad did join you and MJ, you couldn’t help but hug him tightly. You buried your face into his coat, which smelled like a mix of smoke from the streets and his aftershave. 
It was Peter’s mix of spider and paternal instincts that prompted him to ask, “Everything okay?” 
“Yeah,” you assured him, giving him some space. “I just–I love you, Dad.” 
“Love you too, Mayhem.” Where Mayday was Peter B’s moniker for his daughter, Mayhem was your dad’s nickname for you.
The game ended in victory for Benji’s team, the Midtown Mavericks, and you three waited for the youngest member of the Parker family to emerge from the locker room. 
Benji’s face when he saw you made any lingering discomfort you had leaving Miguel one thousand percent worth it. “You made it!” 
“Wouldn’t miss it!” you pulled Benji into a hug - however reluctant he was to it since he was a ~teenager~ now. “Dude, you put up points tonight!” 
But Benji had gotten distracted, so instead of responding to you, he murmured “Woah, that guy is swole.” 
You turned around to see who he was talking about and your jaw nearly hit the floor. 
It was Miguel. 
Even more incredibly, he was in civilian clothes. It wasn’t until you witnessed him in dark wash jeans, a henley, and a well-worn bomber jacket that you realized that you’d actually never seen Miguel in anything other than his spider suit. 
He called your name and you acknowledged him with a wave, flabbergasted. Even more astonished that you knew this very attractive hunk of man was your brother, “Wait, you know him?!”
“We work together,” you said quietly. 
“At the paper?” Benji was confused. 
“No, at my other job.” 
“Oh,” it clicked for him. “That makes sense. Man, I hope I get that jacked when I get my powers.” 
“Shhhh, be cool Benji,” you urged him. 
“Um, I’m not the one you have to worry about,” he harrumphed. “Oh shit, you like him.”
Though there was more than a decade between you and Benji, your little brother was still your little brother.  “No! He’s the head of the Spider-Society and he’s–you’ll see.” 
You took a step forward to greet Miguel before anyone else from your family could get to him. “Hey! What’re you doing here?” 
“I wanted to finish our work today, and since it’s your day off, I decided to come to you.” 
“Miguel O’Hara making a compromise? How not canon. Wonder how big of a hole that’s gonna tear in the multiverse.” 
“Shut up,” he ordered you playfully. 
“Miguel, good to see you!” Your dad strode over and pulled the younger spider-man into a handshake. 
“You too, Dr. Parker.”
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at how oddly deferential Miguel was with your dad. He’d met Peter first, when he was establishing the Arachnohumanoid Polymultiverse. Miguel was stunned to discover that this Peter was not only retired, but had a full-grown daughter who’d taken up his crime-fighting mantle. Apparently your dad’s canon was particularly important and central to the greater Spiderverse, which meant Miguel would pester you with questions about him constantly. 
“Is everything okay?” Peter asked, “You don’t usually make house calls.” 
Before Miguel could explain, an elbow nearly sent you into careening into his broad chest. Mom. 
“Miguel, this is my mom, Mary Jane.” 
“Nice to meet you, Mrs. Parker,” Miguel dutifully offered his hand to her. 
“The pleasure is mine,” your mom gushed, “I’ve heard so much about you.” 
Benji was right. He was not the person you had to be worried about. A rip in the multiverse to swallow you whole would be rather convenient right about now. 
Miguel’s brow creased. “You have?”
“She hasn’t,” you intervened. “Like two or three things in passing, max. Promise I haven’t broken my NDA or you know, the superhero code of secrecy or anything.” 
Mercifully, Miguel let it slide for the time being. He turned to your brother. “And you must be Benji.” 
“Yeah,” Benji confirmed, doing a terrible job of pitching his voice lower. “‘Sup, bro.” 
Jesus Christ. At this point, you were ready to rip the fabric of reality yourself to end this. 
“Congrats on the win. Hate to do this, but I need to steal your sister for a bit.” 
“No problem, I know she’s fine with it.” Perhaps Benji needed a reminder regarding which sibling had the super powers. “Also, what’s your workout–”
“Well, as fun as this all is, we should probably get back to work.”
Your family didn’t put up much of a fight – thank God – as pleasantries were exchanged and you and Miguel took off. You hoped Miguel didn’t catch when your mother mouthed “So handsome!!” to you as everyone said their goodbyes. Finally, it was just the two of you walking down East 36th Street. 
“Sorry about them,” you began. 
He looked at you, puzzled. “Why?” 
“My family. Embarrassing.” 
“They’re not embarrassing. They’re…they’re nice,” there was pain behind Miguel’s eyes. “It’s interesting. Your brother hasn’t experienced any spider-abilities, has he?” 
“No,” you confirmed. “Not yet.”
You two slowed to stop on the corner. Miguel looked at you expectantly. “So, where to?”
“What do you mean?” 
“You said you wanted to do this in an environment where you ‘had access to alcohol and carbs’.” 
“Oh! Right. Hmmm, where are we?” you looked up at the cross streets above you. “36th and 3rd? I know a place.” 
You took Miguel to a little hole-in-the-wall Italian spot nearby. Since it was so close to Benji’s school and your old middle and high school, you had spent many a week night at their tables, either working on homework or chowing down after basketball practice. 
Therefore, the staff knew you – it was a family owned spot, you’d basically grown up with the owner’s children, Maria and Chris. Though you graduated from Midtown Charter a looong time ago, they still took care of you. Maria had even let you use their first aid kit once, no questions asked, after a nasty Spider-Girl skirmish nearby. You didn’t suspect she knew anything, but even if she did, you could trust Maria to be discreet. 
At least, you thought you could trust Maria, but when she showed you and Miguel to your table, and Miguel made a pit stop at the restroom, she very indiscreetly asked, “Daaaamn, girl. He your boyfriend? Because you–”
“You getting dicked down by him?” 
“Can I get dicked down by him? He single? Does he like the ladies?” 
“Maria, he’s a colleague. Actually, he’s my superior. So no…unfortunately, no.” 
Maria cackled with delight. “That’s a pen worth sticking in your company ink. I’ll bring you some garlic bread.”
“And a glass of red wine,” you added. “no, a bottle.”
“That’s my girl!” 
In theory, you had thought that reviewing sequencing outside of headquarters would’ve been less awkward, but in reality, it was more so. You couldn’t stop drinking in the sight of Miguel in normal clothes, the intimacy of having a meal together when usually your interactions were so sterile and professional, plus there was a little voice in your head screaming that THIS WAS BASICALLY A DATE on repeat.
“So should we pick up where we left off?” Miguel asked. The question brought you back down to Earth. Despite that little persistent voice in your head oohing and ahhing at him, it was clear that Miguel didn’t think this was a date. This dinner was a means to end, nothing more. 
“Let me get a little wine drunk first,” you bargained. 
“Yeah, but you have sped-up metabolism, so that’ll take at least–” 
“That was a joke. Miguel, when was the last time you went out to dinner?” 
He seemed to truly consider the question, then, “I don’t know.” 
You’d never heard Miguel say those three words in that order before. 
“I promise you I will go over my cringe teen years with you, but can we eat some garlic bread and not get drunk off this very nice bottle of wine first?” 
“You’re worse than Lyla,” his eyes narrowed. 
“I’m sorry, what?” 
“She’s always trying to get me to take breaks.”
“You should! There’s only so much self-flagellation a human can take, even if they’re a superhero.” 
Miguel’s response was a very inarticulate grumble. Maria dropped off the wine, bread, and took your order. You didn’t know what was more insane – the amount of food Miguel ordered or how unabashedly Maria was ogling him. 
“Let me guess, Lyla’s the one who suggested the field trip to my home dimension?”
Another grumble, this one in the affirmative. 
“Classic,” you remarked with a snort before taking a gulp from your glass. “I love that your AI is smarter than you.” 
“Of course she is, she can access all of the multiverse’s knowledge in a nano-second.’
“That’s not what I meant.”
“What did you mean then?” 
“Can we not talk about me for a second?” 
“Because…because, I don't know, I was hoping doing this in a more casual environment would–it’d make it feel more like a conversation.” 
“We are having a conversation.” 
“Jeez, Miguel,” you took another sip of wine. “It’s not easy digging through my past like this. A lot of the time it feels more like an interrogation.” 
“Yeah. And don’t get me wrong, I want to help you, help the Spider-Society, but the one-sidedness of this is exhausting.”
“Exhausting.” He sounded dubious. 
“You know what? Forget it. I’ll take care of the bill and see you tomorrow, and we can go back to reviewing the sequencing like we normally do. I should know better than to complain to you.” 
Miguel looked at you if your words had stung him. “You can complain to me.” 
“No, I can’t,” you disputed. “You’re the most self-sacrificing Spider out of any of us–which is really saying something, by the way–and I feel lame talking about my feelings with you.”
“And that’s why our reviews feel like interrogations,” he was putting it together. 
“Yeah. Sorry to drag you out of HQ.”
Miguel scrutinized you with a long, unreadable look before announcing, “I’m not leaving before I have my bolognese.”
You didn’t know whether to smile or scream. Miguel may have lacked the traditional spidey precognitive sense, and the signature spider sense of humor, but he definitely had the stubbornness you all seemed to possess. 
You shot him a sidelong glare. “Why did you come here?” 
“I told you - I wanted to finish sequencing and Lyla suggested coming to you.” 
“But you didn’t have to take her suggestion.”
Miguel’s large frame shifted in the chair that suddenly appeared too small for him. “Like you said, she’s smarter than me, so I did. And yeah, it’s been a while since I’ve gone out to dinner.”
You didn’t know how to react to that. Right before the silence became intolerable, Miguel spoke again, “You still with that gu–’
“No.” The last thing you wanted to talk about with Miguel was your failed relationship with Gene, and you’d once discussed the correlation of getting your first period could’ve had with your powers emerging with him.
“Don’t be. I mean, you get it.”
Miguel at last took a sip from his glass. “All too well.” 
“The price of being a hero, right?” you sent him a small, sympathetic smile across the table. “Or at least that’s what I tell myself.” 
“Your parents seemed to have figured it out,” he pointed out. 
“Well, that took like decades, and according to you, they’re canon, right? So it was meant to be. I guess that’s one of the comforts of having a canon-confirmed soulmate.” 
“Yeah, if you're Peter Parker.” 
Your heart sank at the implication. “So that means if a Spider isn’t Peter we’re meant to die alone?” 
“I don’t know,” Miguel’s eyes were averted. “Maybe only if you’re a Miguel O’Hara.” 
“Stop, you could get anyone in this restaurant to sleep with you,” you couldn’t help but roll your eyes, “Our waitress has to resist climbing on top of you whenever she passes the table.”
He swatted away the implication as if it were a pest. “That’s different.”
“You know, it might help with the stress.”
“Letting someone climb on top of you.”
Miguel glared at you, “Don’t.”
“See? It’s not fun being on the other side of the questions,” you smirked. Your conversation was briefly suspended when Maria returned with your entrees. After thanking her, you refocused back on Miguel, “Can I ask you something else?”
“DADA!” A child, who couldn’t have been more than three, screeched happily from a neighboring table. 
Miguel froze. For the first time in the several months that you’d known him, you saw his face soften. The warmth that filled his eyes at the sight of the toddler was undeniable. The fond expression hardened back into his stoic facade within an instant, yet Miguel couldn’t fully conceal the anguish that clearly still haunted him. He never could. 
“Sorry,” you said softly. 
He shook off your condolences. “What’d you want to ask me?” 
“Have you tried seeing anyone after…” it felt forbidden to say Gabriella’s name out loud. 
“What’s the point?” Miguel shrugged. “I don’t have the time, even if I wanted to.” 
“Right,” you hedged. 
Eventually, you and Miguel were able to find things to talk about outside of work and your respective traumas. You compared notes on the lamest villain you’d each encountered rounding up anomalies, discussed the idea of a nursery for spider-babies, or as Miguel insisted on calling them, “second-generation Spiders” – Peter couldn’t keep taking his kid on missions, plus Jessica Drew had just learned she was expecting – you even got Miguel to open up about his teenage days some. 
“Makes sense you were a rebel,” you chuckled, taking one last bite of the tiramisu Maria insisted was on the house.  
“Yeah? Why?” Miguel prodded.
“Because you-re so uptigh–upstanding now.” 
You were treated to another rare grin from Miguel, this time a half smile rather than a quarter. “Nice save.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you contended with put-on innocence. 
“Yeah, yeah, I don’t always like what I have to do, you know.” 
Your gaze locked directly with his for a breath-taking second, his eyes garnets in the low light of the dining room. “We should get going, I've taken you away from headquarters for long enough.” 
“You act like I’ve never left HQ before, and if anything, I took you away from your family,” Miguel parried, yet stood up nonetheless. You followed suit, only mildly disappointed he didn’t argue with you about leaving. As awkward as this dinner initially was, you’d actually ended up enjoying it. “I’ll take you home.”
Miguel’s words stopped you in your tracks, “You know I’m the protector of this city, right?” 
“Obviously, I—” he huffed as you waved goodbye to Maria and exited back onto the street. “Mierda May, I’m trying to be a gentleman here.”
Oh. Oh. Did Miguel think this was a date too? Date was too strong of a word – did Miguel think this was a not-entirely-work-related-hang too? 
You struggled to keep your face blasé. “Ah, okay. We taking the subway or are we swinging?” 
Miguel shot you a look as if the choice was obvious, which is how you found yourself traipsing across the city with Spider-Man 2099. You’d traveled by web plenty of times with Miguel before on missions, but there was something about it being the two of you, in your city, that made it feel just a little bit special. 
And to be honest, you’d never get enough of watching Miguel’s body hurtle through the air – despite his bulk and brawn, he was agile and lithe as he swung from building to building with you. You nearly plunged into traffic on Sixth Avenue after your thoughts had wandered to what those bulging muscles looked like unencumbered by that skin-tight suit of his. 
When you arrived at your apartment in Morningside Heights, you were suddenly self-conscious. You’d never brought a Spider to your residence, and Miguel was likely the hardest to impress of them all. 
He studied your modest one-bedroom with the same intensity as he did his screens at the Spider-Society. 
“It’s not much, I know,” you began, “and with Spider-Girl stuff, I don’t have the time to keep it as tidy as I'd like to.”
“It’s perfect,” he mumbled before catching himself. “I mean, it’s perfect for you.” 
“Yeah, I don’t need much, but it gets good light during the day and was the highest floor I could afford at my price point,” you removed your mask as you babbled on. 
“Makes sense,” Miguel nodded. 
You had no idea where to go from there – what on Earth was the man playing at? Should you offer him water, another drink, the best spot to portal back to HQ? He was lingering in your space, seemingly fascinated by the framed prints on your walls, the photos on the coffee table and credenza. 
“Um, do you need to use the restroom or something? Because it’s right through there,” you motioned to the appropriate door. 
“I’m good for now.”
THEN WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU STILL DOING HERE? You hollered in your head. Externally, you kept playing hostess, “Let me get you a glass of water then–”
Yet Miguel caught your wrist before you could retreat into your tiny, galley kitchen. You weren’t proud of how your heart leapt and your breath hitched at the contact. 
“Shouldn’t you be getting back?” 
He shrugged, “I should, but–”
“But what?” 
“I’ve been thinking about what you said…about letting someone climb on top of me.” 
You gulped, “Sorry, that was so inappropriate of me–”
“It was. Inappropriate, that is, but it doesn’t mean it wasn’t a good idea,” he tugged you closer to him. You could barely stand to meet his eyes, alight with desire, while your heart was pounding embarrassingly fast. 
“Um, judging by the–uh, do you want me to climb on top of you, Miguel?” you were always so much smoother in your daydreams about him. 
His lips hovered dangerously near yours. “Do you want to climb on top of me?” 
The closer you got to Miguel, the faster your brain turned to scrambled eggs. His large, sure hands had settled on your hips. 
“Uh huh,” was the best you could muster before he crashed your lips together. 
Miguel’s kiss was searing and all-consuming – it felt as if the longer your mouths moved against each other, the more your body melted into his. He was tall, so tall, and even for a superhero like yourself, it was difficult to keep yourself perched on the balls of your feet to reach his skilled, hungry mouth. 
He seemed to sense your struggle, and without breaking your liplock, he scooped you up into his arms. It was foreign but not unwelcome – you were so used to being the strongest, the person who held others, the hero. Therefore, being held so effortlessly in Miguel’s arms was nothing short of exhilarating. You weren’t the strongest person in the room anymore, you could surrender. You loved it.
Miguel pressed your back into the nearest wall, causing an emphatic moan to leave you when your hips became flush with his. You could already feel him – hot, hard, and big – between the flimsy fabric of your spider-suits. Instinctually, you canted your heat against his, delighting in the way he seemed to grow hotter, harder, not to mention unbelievably bigger, when you did. 
“Bedroom?” he gasped between harsh, ardent kisses. 
You managed to fling a hand in the correct direction, and next thing you knew, Miguel was depositing you onto your bed. You propped yourself up, leaning back on your palms to take in the man towering over you at the edge of your bed. In a flash of color and light, his suit disappeared from his strapping physique, and the sight of Miguel naked intoxicated you more than alcohol ever could. 
His shoulders seemed even broader without the unstable particles of his suit covering them. His pecs were massive, which made a delectable ratio when his chest tapered down to a chiseled abdomen and slim hips. Slim hips that framed the biggest cock you’d seen outside of porn – hell, maybe even including porn. He was long and thick – it made a dark thrill race down your spine when you contemplated how the hell that was going to fit inside of you. 
Miguel noticed you marveling at his package, misinterpreting the rapacious glint in your eye as unease, “I’ll prep you, I won’t hurt you.” 
“Oh, I’m not worried” you glanced back up at his face coquettishly. 
“No?” Miguel cocked an eyebrow and advanced toward you on the bed, a jaguar stalking its prey. He nudged you onto your back and pinned your wrists to your comforter, “maybe you should be.” 
You muscled out of Miguel’s grip and switched positions so you were straddling him. Only then did you lean closer and whisper into his ear, “I can take it.” 
Miguel growled, and within an instant, you were on your back once again as he pawed at your suit. Unlike his costume, your spider-suit was made of plain old fabric, so there was a bit of fumbling, cursing in Spanish, nervous giggling, and a mumbled comment about ‘making you a suit like mine’ from Miguel before you were nude as well. 
He splayed you out against your mattress as if you were a feast before him. Your first instinct was to try and cover yourself but Miguel’s dark gaze froze you. A pleased groan rumbled from his chest and then his large hands flew to your breasts. “Such full, perky tits.”
You moaned in response to his ministrations. How was this real? You and Miguel were touching each other – naked – and you hadn’t woken up yet. 
“It’s all for you,” you mewled, relishing his hot palms on your sensitive buds. 
Another growl ripped from his chest before he swooped down and sucked one of your nipples into his warm, wanting mouth. You keened, a pathetic, high-pitched sound, and you wove your fingers into his dark locks as he gorged himself on your tits. 
The pull of Miguel’s mouth on your peaks was made only better when he snaked a hand between your legs and ran a finger along the seam of your sex. You bucked at the touch, your reaction causing Miguel to lift his head from your bosom. 
“Mmmm, you like it when I play with your pussy, cariño?”
At this point words had all but left you so you nodded and whined in the affirmative. Miguel’s digit parted your folds, tracing up and down, then found your clit and rubbed slow, tortuous circles into the nub. 
“So wet for me, bebita,” he observed, maddeningly casually, while he played you like an instrument. “This is all for me, huh?”
Your head thrashed back and forth on your comforter with a sob, both from pleasure and bashfulness. Now there was no downplaying how horny Miguel made you. 
“Shhh,” he cooed at you, taking one of your hands and bringing it to his groin, “feel what you do to me.”
This time your moan was unabashed as your hand circled around his girth. “Fuck, you’re so big.” 
“I know,” he grunted. Normally, such braggadocio from a man would be an immediate turn off to you. But Miguel wasn’t being arrogant, not when he was referring to the thick, pulsing hardness you were currently caressing. “Gotta get you ready for me.”  
He guided your hand away from his member, even despite your protests, to wrench your thighs wider and bury his head between them. The realization alone that Miguel O’Hara was about to eat you out almost made you come, yet actually feeling his tongue on your needy cunt was infinitely better. He licked a stripe from your perineum to your clit, tearing another ragged moan from you when his tongue focused in on the bundle of nerves. 
Miguel chuckled against your folds at your enthusiastic praise and redoubled his efforts. Your fingers reflexively tangled in his inky locks once again as he continued his delectable assault on your pussy. The way Miguel tasted you matched with how he seemed to approach everything – he was vehement and determined to bring you pleasure like how he was when he worked. He managed to just stay on the right side of rough as he slurped at you..though perhaps that was a bit different than how he fought.
He speared his tongue into your hole, affording you the opportunity to grind your clit against his prominent nose. In your pleasure-filled haze, you briefly fretted that you were suffocating Miguel, but when you tried to scooch away and give him some air, the man grunted and pulled your hips closer to him.
You keened again when one of his thick fingers joined the fray as he prepped you. After all the sexual tension, all the self-denial, and all the excitement the night had held, it felt so good to clench around something. He was again methodical with his preparation, allowing you to adjust to one digit before adding another, and another. It couldn’t have made a starker contrast with how he was devouring your sex. Even in the bedroom, Miguel O’Hara was full of contradictions. It didn’t take long for your breaths to become more shallow, for your cries to reach a higher pitch as you climaxed around his hefty fingers. The combination of the penetration and the stimulation of your clit with his mouth was too good to resist. 
You were slightly relieved that Miguel remained nestled between your legs while you rode out your peak. The orgasm he’d given you was much too good to be able to control your facial expressions. 
He at last came up for air once you’d begun floating down from your peak. A primal pride surged through you at the sight of your juices smeared all over his lips and chin. You couldn’t help but smash your mouths together, eager to sample the combination you two made. It was all too easy to get lost in a kiss with Miguel, yet as you plundered his mouth with your tongue, your hand crept back down his groin. 
This time it was Miguel who moaned into your mouth as you returned him to full mast with feather-light, teasing touches. 
“I need to fuck you,” he gasped between kisses. 
“Finally,” you bantered back. 
A growl from Miguel and then he tackled you back flat on the bed. You couldn’t help the giggle – partly from nerves, partly from anticipation – that escaped you at his actions, despite the visage of a hulking, intimidating man hovering over you could be frightening in another context. 
“Do you have protection?” 
You hesitated. You kept a box of condoms in your bedside drawer, but given Miguel’s size, they’d be inadequate. 
“None that would fit you,” you confessed, stealing another glance at his large erection. It was truly a sight to behold. Miguel deflated slightly, fearing penetration was off the table, and usually it would be. You were firmly a two methods of contraception girl, but there was no way you were going to pass up this chance to have sex with Miguel. “Don’t worry Spidey, I’m on the pill.” 
“Gracias a Dios,” he muttered, then wasted no time situating himself between your hips. He drew yet another mewl from you when he slapped the tip of his cock a few times on your clit before lining himself up with your entrance. 
He found you looking at him expectantly. And though Miguel mostly saw desire in your eyes, he could see the glimpse of unease too. He assured you, “I’ll go slow.” 
You nodded, you trusted him after all, but nothing could prepare you for the stretch of when Miguel finally pushed into you. Just the tip was already splitting you apart more than Gene, or any former lover for that matter, ever had. 
“Breathe,” Miguel rasped. You couldn’t tell if he was advising you or himself though. It struck you then that you’d perhaps achieved the damn-near impossible – disarming the notoriously closed-off Miguel O’Hara. He looked beautiful, biting his plush lower lip as he slowly rocked more and more of his huge cock inside of you. 
Your back arched off the mattress of the sensation of being progressively speared on the monster that Miguel called a dick. It was too much and not enough all at once, and your fingers dug into your comforter below you. He tried to distract you from any potential pain, Miguel’s index finger returning to your barely-recovered clit. 
“That’s it, open up for me,” he husked. Your head swam at the mix of his enormous manhood stretching you to your limit and his tender, in-control tone. The realization hit you harder than a punch from an anomaly. In that moment, fear skittered down your throat and pooled into your stomach, resting right above where you two were joined. He’s going to ruin me for other men, isn’t he? 
You couldn’t think any further since not only was Miguel fully seated within you, he had asked you a question. Your eyes glassy and pupils blown, found his, and he repeated himself. “You okay? Can-can I move?”
“Yes,” you gasped. In case your breath affirmation left any room for doubt, you added, “please.”
Another grunt from your lover and Miguel at last began to thrust into you. Your arms flew from the bed to his impossibly wide shoulders, your nails digging into the caramel, taut skin there. You couldn’t tell exactly when it’d happened, lost in the deliciously lewd sounds you were making between the slap of your bodies, your labored breaths, and his determined staccato grunts while Miguel railed you, but your hips had begun to meet his. 
“M-more Miguel,” you urged him as you dragged your fingertips down the expanse of his back. Each of your hands grabbed a fistful of that glorious ass and squeezed to drive home your point. 
“You sure?” 
You moaned. It was as if he couldn’t give it to you hard or faster enough. You used your grip on the globes of his perfect rear to try and force him to increase to the pace and force you needed him to fuck you at. 
Miguel laughed. A dark and stirring sound that made you involuntarily tighten around his girthy length. “Alright bebita, but remember…you asked for this.” 
His words ignited something defiant within you. You pulled Miguel’s head from where it had fallen into the crook of your neck so you could look him in the eyes when you said, “I’m not some pillow princess from Nueva. I’m just as strong as you are, I can go just as hard you can, and I want you to fuck me.” 
Your lover’s eyes darkened at your demand. The growl that ripped from his throat was your only warning before Miguel unleashed the full force of his strength on you. You keened in pleasure as he all but drove you through your bedframe and the wall behind it. Miguel captured your wrists once more and restrained you against the mattress as he absolutely pounded into your pussy. 
His drilling drew another ecstatic cry from your mouth. Miguel glared down at you, his eyes nearly crazed, his face barely lit in the ambient light from the street. It truly was infuriating to you how beautiful this man was. You watched his brow furrowed in concentration – not on his stupid screens for once – and his dark hair shift in time with his thrusts.  Your features contorted in pleasure when Miguel switched from drilling into you to swiveling his hips to stuff you with his cock. His movements were deliberate and slow, he was trying to get as deep inside of you as he could. You almost went cross-eyed at the feel of his bulbous cockhead punching against your cervix. 
The criminal undulations of his hips extracted a little yip from you each time he pistoned into you. He grinned down at you wolfishly. Equal parts indignation and arousal bloomed within you. Also, was the first time you'd ever seen Miguel smile? Not a little half-smirk or a humorless quirk of his lips, but an unabashed smile?
“Want me to back off?” 
Oh, there was no way you were going to take that lying down. Even if Miguel’s pubic bone was perfectly grinding into your clit. 
You let out a growl of your own and summoned all the power in your core muscles to wrestle Miguel back and claim the high ground. Out of breath when you found yourself seated on Miguel’s dick, his large, muscled body prone beneath you, you braced yourself on his rippled abdomen.
“Is the itsy-bitsy Spider-Girl gonna ride my cock?” he taunted you. If Miguel didn’t wear that arrogant, playful smirk so well, you would’ve wiped it from his lips. 
You slid your hands up the length of his chest and leaned over, your face hovering over his. “That depends. Can 2099 handle it?” 
Miguel answered you with an impatient buck of his hips up into your sex. You giggled as you straightened up again, tweaking one of Miguel's nipples as you went. You relished the little shudder it sent through him. “Alright, but remember baby, you asked for this.”
He snorted out a laugh, which you quickly silenced once you began riding Miguel like the stud he was. “Hnnn–shock, bebita.”
“Ah,” you sighed as you bounced on his prick. Before sleeping with Miguel, you had assumed the term “feeling him in your guts” was hyperbole. Not with him. “Fuck, you’re even bigger like this.” 
A large hand traced its way up one of your thighs, now lightly covered with a sheen of sweat, past your sex, split apart by his shaft, to where Miguel’s manhood made the slightest bulge in your lower belly. His smile became wider and even cockier. “It’s good, no?”
You gave him a nonverbal, but enthusiastic, reply. He smacked your ass in satisfaction, “Yeah c’mon, cariño, ride me. Wanna watch your tits bounce.” 
You officially hated Miguel and his big, thick, perfectly sized cock. Where as with other partners you’d smack them right back with a zinger, all you could do was moan again. His naughty, domineering words did nothing but excite you. There was something about him and the way he fucked that made you incapable of doing little else than enthusiastically submitting to him. You leaned back, your fingers clutching onto Miguel’s thick thighs to stability as you changed angles and gave him a better view of your breasts jiggling in time with your motions. 
“Ay, sí bebita,” Miguel’s hands flew to your hips to intensify the frantic mashing of your bodies together, “Ven aquí.”
He gathered your torso in his hulking arms and pulled you closer so that he could coax a breast into his mouth again as you rode him. 
“You gonna come for me Miguel?” you panted.  
“No,” he sounded as winded as you were. “Not yet.”
You clenched around him and snickered. “Are you sure?” 
“¡Coño!” Miguel snarled at the feel of your already blistering, tight pussy suffocating his dick further. “¡No más – basta de esto!”
The vision of your bedroom swam when Miguel lifted you off his pulsing member and dropped you back on your stomach onto the mattress facing the foot of the bed.. You could hear him shifting behind you, and you blindly groped for the lower metal railing of your bedframe’s footboard, only vaguely aware what was to come. 
A grunt from Miguel, and the next thing you knew one of your pillows was stuffed under your lower belly and his massive hands were back on either side of your hips. Your lover didn’t give you any notice before shoving his fat erection back inside of your already tender pussy. 
You shouted at the feeling of his cock stuffing you to the brim once again. Miguel’s hands appeared above your head where you held on for dear life as he impaled you on his prick.
“Ahhh!” you clamored, desperately trying to pull enough air in your lungs to function as Miguel squatted behind you. “I’ve never been so full! Oh God, Miguel, it’s so much…so much…”
Miguel responded with a pleased growl, and merely rammed into you harder. You were peripherally aware of the clanging of the pieces of your metal bed frame clanging together in protest at the vigor of your and Miguel’s coupling, but there were too many sensations overwhelming you at once to focus on one in particular. Not even when the metal groaned and the angle Miguel fucked you at changed did you pay attention to what was actually happening. You merely pushed back onto his cock as much as you could, your fingertips scrabbling into the folds of your comforter. 
Your eyes screwed shut at the barrage of stimuli - the unrelenting stretch of Miguel’s hardness,  his harsh but steadying grip on your hips, the light scratch of fabric beneath you on your skin, the little puff of warmth on the back of your neck from Miguel’s labored exhalations. You were sure this was better than any high any drug could provide. You hadn’t tried many, not even Rapture, and but nothing could top being thoroughly fucked into your mattress by Miguel O’Hara.
Miguel’s dogged grunts morphed into shouts when he at last found his release, spurting rope after rope of hot, creamy cum into your welcoming cunt. You found yourself crying out along with him as he emptied his load, your walls bearing down around his length as you both rode out his high. Miguel flooded your pussy with his seed and before you could even try to adjust to the feeling, he withdrew his cock from you, tearing a quite pathetic-sounding whimper from your mouth. 
Miguel pulled your ass cheeks apart to examine your stretched, puffy pussy leaking his cum. His chest rumbled with primal delight. “Hermosa.”
You’d barely had a chance to catch your breath when Miguel dove back in for more, this time his eager, demanding tongue again invading your channel. You whimpered again, your pitch jumping an octave at Miguel’s needy tongue not only collecting his spunk from your pussy, but flicking the muscle against your clit. He was a man possessed, he ate you out as if he needed you to orgasm one more time for his survival. 
You gave him what he wanted (how could you not?), and once the crest of your pleasure had subsided, you lightly pushed him away from your gaping, abused cunt. 
The first thing you noticed when your wits returned to you was how much closer the ground had become. 
“Oh my God,” you put it together and turned to face your partner, "we broke the bed.”
Miguel arched a brow from where he leant back into the pillows. “Are you surprised?”
You frowned at him.  
“I’ll fix it,” he promised. 
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it. I’m going to…” you trailed off your gaze floating to the bathroom.
“Do your thing.”
“Can…can I get you anything?” 
Miguel glanced down at his crotch. “A towel?” 
You nodded. “Say no more.” 
You ducked into your en-suite, and once you were sure the door was firmly closed behind you, you proceeded to have a freak out to yourself in the mirror. You scarcely believe your own appearance – lips kiss swollen, hair a veritable bird's nest, your mascara smudged into rings around your eyes. Miguel had destroyed you in the best of ways. 
The thought sent a little aftershock of pleasure through you. You didn’t dally any longer — you relieved yourself, washed your hands, ran a brush through your hair and splashed water on your face. After dampening a washcloth for Miguel, you returned to the bedroom, where your bed frame was properly vertical again. 
You glimpsed the glow of Miguel’s distinctive red webs holding the broken metal rods together. The other Spider was reclining on your mattress, a sheet haphazardly tossed over his groin to preserve his modesty. Even so, the sight of him made you go weak in the knees. He really did remind you of some sort of a large cat given the odd grace in which he lounged with, the evidence of his power and strength so poorly hidden under the surface of his skin. 
“Get a new frame and expense it to Spider-HQ,” Miguel's baritone snapped you out of your reverie. 
“Oh, okay. Thanks,” You tossed him the towel. 
His eyes raked over your naked form. But instead of the desire you’d found there earlier, his gaze was full of concern. “You okay?”
“Yes. Very okay. A little sore but good sore, ya know?” 
“Good,” Miguel busied himself with cleaning up. 
“I mean, what’s the point of having superpowers if you can’t enjoy extra rough sex?” you joked. 
“Yeah, about that,” Miguel refused to meet your eyes. “As um…great as all this was…I think we–it should be a one-time thing.” 
“Um, duh.” He looked up at you hastily and you continued, “Miguel, neither of us are anywhere close to ready or in the right place for a relationship.” 
Your heart disagreed with your words, but you uttered them anyway. Not because it was how you truly felt, but you knew it was what he wanted to hear. Miguel associated any sense of closeness or vulnerability with weakness and danger. Trying to get him to see otherwise was a fool's errand, and it was easier on your heart to convince yourself into concurring with him. 
Oddly, Miguel didn’t seem to relax at your assurances. He looked dubious. “Are you sure?” 
“Oh my God, you are so cocky!” you accused him with a playful slap to the broad, tan chest. “Spare me the fake worry 2099, you may be amazing at sex, but that doesn’t mean I won’t be able to be professional with you at HQ.” 
“Amazing at sex?” Mirguel parroted you with a smirk. 
You slapped him again. “Of course that’s the only part you heard.”
“Sorry but those are very distracting,” he claimed, his gaze focused on your exposed breasts. 
You scoffed and grabbed a pillow to temporarily cover yourself. “Hang on there, Spider-Man. Yes, you are…not terrible at showing a lady a good time, no, you don’t have to worry about me being clingy at work, and yes, I’m sure so stop looking at me like that!” 
You tossed the pillow away and straddled him. “Now I don’t know about you, but it’s only midnight. If this is indeed a one-time thing, I say we make the most of the night and the fact that no one has bothered us with some multiversal emergency yet.” 
Miguel finally let it go, choosing to focus on your very nude body on top of his. His hips moved on their own accord, grinding his cock, already stiffening back up to full mast, against where you were still so nice and stretched for him. 
“Vamos, bebita,” he whispered into your ear. His fingers dug into your sides possessively in a way that almost let you believe he was doing it because you were his. “Wanna fuck you on the ceiling.” 
You shouldn't have been surprised that Miguel didn’t stay the night. You were honestly shocked when he collapsed beside you after the hours you’d spent vehemently fucking. Your bed was now held together by a mix of both his and your webs, one of your framed photos on the wall lay shattered on the floor to be dealt with later, and the ceiling now sported a dent that was going to be very difficult to explain to your landlord. 
The memory of Miguel leaving was hazy at best. After so many rounds of deeply satisfying, intensely athletic sex, you felt like you could sleep for a week. Yet the shift and dip of Miguel’s large frame exiting the bed was enough to wake you. You could sort of recall a small flash of light and chirpy voice which must have been Lyla…and you also had a vague memory of him replying in a hushed rumble as if not to wake you up. Or was he telling you he was heading out? Everything jumbled together under the fog of sleep. 
Either way, you had to tell yourself that the sensation of a large hand caressing your face and then tenderly stroking down the sleep-warm skin of your back was a dream. Not for Miguel’s sake, but yours. 
Thanks to super-spider stamina, you only really needed a couple extra shots of espresso to function somewhat normally the following day at headquarters. You were angry at your instinct to avoid Miguel. You both were adults that had an adult, mature conversation that last night’s activities were merely a form of stress release that didn’t mean anything. It was hard to believe however, when you could still feel the phantom shape of him inside of you. 
Besides, it’s not even like you could avoid him if you wanted to. You were scheduled to go over more sequencing today with Miguel, and you were dead set on not blinking first in the post-sex-awkwardness stand-off. 
“Hey, Miguel!” your voice reverberated in the vast space. 
Several agonizing moments later, his platform lowered enough for you two to start conversing. If he was at all bashful about seeing you, the man didn’t show it. 
“Good. You’re here.”
Miguel was all business. “I want to go back to the fight you had with your father. Lyla, take us to timestamp 46:90:45.”
Damn, and here you thought you were good at compartmentalizing. You did your best to hide any disappointment from reaching your face, playing along as if he hadn’t seen every crevice of your body the night before. 
Days turned into weeks, and you eventually, reluctantly accepted that Miguel had told you the truth that night. What you two had shared was really just a one-time lapse of his frighteningly strong self-restraint. 
You were enjoying a rare night in, parked on the couch, takeout boxes strewn about the coffee table, your favorite trashy reality show playing on your TV. You’d gotten injured taking down a Doc Ock variant a few days ago, and Miguel benched you to recuperate. You were all too happy to take a break, from him and Spider-Girling. Despite your complicated feelings for the man, he assigned a recently displaced Spider, Spider-Woman 1357, to pinch hit for you in your dimension while you healed up. It was the first time since you became a hero you had a day off with peace of mind. 
Just as you started another episode, a tingle raced down your spine. Your spider-sense. Something was about to happen. Out of all the possibilities of what could have followed, a portal opening in your living room and Miguel walking through was the last thing you would’ve guessed. You leapt up from the sofa. 
You instantly regretted your appearance - messy bun, no makeup, and ratty sweatpants. Miguel, as usual, looked immaculate in his skintight spider-suit. 
“Is this a booty call?”
“Don’t bullshit me–”
“It’s not, I swear! Coño, I came to check on you.” 
“I don’t believe you.” 
“Why not?”
“Because you could have messaged me on my gizmo. It’s your preferred method of communication after all, ever since the last time you were in my apartment.” 
Lyla appeared over his shoulder. “He missed you, that’s all.”
Miguel growled at his AI. “I’m going to sentence you to robot death via spreadsheets.” 
Lyla wasn’t threatened in the slightest. “Thank me later.” She disappeared before Miguel could try and make another retort. 
“You missed me?”
“No,” his denial was instant. “I just…I–”
“This is a booty call!” you crumpled up a napkin and chucked it at his large form. “Go home, Miguel!” 
He didn’t budge. “It’s not a booty call. I…what are you watching?”
“The Realest Housewives of Manhattan. What, don’t judge me!”
Miguel couldn't keep his face straight. “Wouldn’t dream of it.” 
Seeing his eyes crinkle with amusement was infectious. You threw another napkin ball at him and then composed yourself. He wasn’t getting off the hook this easily. “Why are you here? Be honest with me. It’s the very least I deserve.”
“I wanted to see the shocking expensive bed frame you expensed to HQ for myself.” 
“You said I could and you didn't set a spending limit.” A wicked little grin pulled at the corners of your mouth. The bed frame from Restoration Hardware had been your own private form of revenge. “And I’m supposed to believe you wanting to see my bed – my bed that you broke–”
“Hey! We broke the bed–”
“--is not your thinly veiled excuse for seeking another roll in the hay? Enough with goddamn mind games Miguel.” He tried to speak but you pushed on, “I’m tired and this is the last thing I need.”
Miguel sobered. He hung his head. His mouth seemed to fight the words as they left his lips.  “Alright, fine. I missed you.” 
You ignored your heartbeat’s sharp increase and schooled your features to maintain a neutral appearance. “I have some extra Pad Thai if you want.” 
“Sounds good.” 
“So this may not be a booty call, but does anyone other than Lyla know you’re here?”
You nodded. “Come. Sit. I just started the episode where Beverly throws her poodle a forty thousand dollar birthday party.” 
“Nothing you said just now made sense,” Miguel protested, but took a seat on your couch anyway. 
A/N: Hope y'all enjoyed!! Miguel has fully rotted my brain so I thought it only fair to share the horniness. Of course I have more imagined in this AU, fingers crossed I can find more time to write (comments and reblogs and likes help!)
Mierda - Shit 
cariño - dear
bebita - baby
Gracias a Dios - Thank God
Ven aquí - Come here
¡Coño! - Damnit!
¡No más – basta de esto! -No more, enough of this!
Hermosa - beautiful
Vamos, bebita - Come on, baby
Taglist: @plethora-of-imagines, @itdobe-liza @absolutelybloodyhopeless @ninebluehearts, @oscarissac2099 @trinthealternate
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g8dess · 3 months
alright 👁 the entire ask game for your ouran s/i? if you're feeling up to it hdshkgddhkh
Oh god for my Ouran S/I, I gotta choose which one then because I have too many S/I’s for that series xD
I think I’m just going to do my See Me S/I, Yani, who has known the twins for as long as she can remember, but only starting middle school is starting her path to befriending them.
F*ck that, have other self inserts too 🤜🤜
Also doing some asks for Yoshiko, my reinzu and me self insert, who finally requests a host after her best friend comes with her to the host club, and Kaiga, my blooming oc self-insert who's part of the host club as the dependent type.
⏰ - When/How would our S/Is meet? How were the first impressions?
Considering my self insert is very closed off and only has one close friend, we’d probably bump into each other in the hallways, and after some short apologies we’d be off on our own ways again. It’d take a third party to introduce us to each other later down the line, which in this case would be the host club members, considering he’s part of the host club himself.
First impressions are good on my part, Yani can see how protective he is of the host club and doesn’t immediately register his faux mean tone, so she admires him slightly. She adores his chiller attitude compared to the hyperactiveness of her best friend, so she sometimes goes to him if she wants to wind down for the day. 
While they probably see each other in the halls a lot, considering they are in the same year, officially they met in the host club during Yoshiko’s little host hopping period to get to know everyone a bit.
At the beginning, Yoshiko didn’t really like Ryomen, the mean guy facade rubbed her the wrong way, and Ryomen doesn’t really care about that. It's only after she asks if he can drop the facade with her, that the mean guy facade gets put aside for a bit, it is still there but less so, and Yoshiko really appreciates that but there is an underlying tension between the two.
Kaiga and Ryomen met when they were recruited by the host club. At first conversations were sparse and awkward, they didn't seem to have much in common. As time goes on though, Kaiga does seem to depend more on Ryomen than he does with the other hosts.
👥 - Would they be friends/enemies? How well do they trust each other? How do you think the dynamic would be?
I think they’d more be considered friendly acquaintances, bordering on friends. Yani doesn’t easily let others in, so she doesn’t want to use a label that Ryomen himself doesn’t use first. There’s a lot of uncertainty about whether they are friends or not, but they aren’t hostile towards each other.
Yani does trust him a lot, considering she knows he’s protective of what he loves and that means a lot to her. But she won’t share secrets with him just yet.
I think they’d be very silent when with each other, occasionally breaking it to ask the other a question, mostly about the food they might be eating or the activities for the day. But it’d be a comforting silence, no need to act around the other.
I don't think they’d get along that great, Ryomen being protective over the host club wouldn't fully trust Yoshiko. 
Ryomen would hear the tales of how me and a friend are with the twins and completely throw them off, and he would decide then and there that he can't leave us alone together in fear we'll ruin their routine again. Yoshiko would feel bad and avoid Ryomen most of the time.
They’d be considered friends, as all host club members are friends. Ryomen and Kaiga are both protective of their club, Ryomen a slight bit more so, so they'd do quite a lot for one another. 
I wanna believe they'd both trust each other quite a bit. I know Kaiga trusts Ryomen a lot, maybe a bit too much. Any secret he has, he'll share with him.
Ryomen has that protective big brother energy and Kaiga has that meek younger brother energy, so they work perfectly upon one another. XD. Ryomen is a reminder to Kaiga to stand up for himself and others, while Kaiga is a reminder to Ryomen to be a bit more honest and slow down.
🌼 - What does your S/I like about mine?
I said it before and I’ll say it again, the fact he’s protective of the host club and Haruhi. Yani is an only child so she only has her best friend being protective of her, but the feeling of having an older brother figure like Ryomen around puts her at ease a bit more. And she herself is protective of what she loves, so seeing somebody else have the same quality is nice to her.
She also likes their shared love for books, as for the rest this isn’t something she can discuss with anyone outside of her club activities.
His silly antics. Yoshiko loves that about everyone in the host club, how dramatic they can all get. It's entertaining to watch.
His “I don't care” attitude. Kaiga grew up caring too much about what other people think of him, so it's something he really likes and admires about Ryomen. 
🌹 - Your S/I and mine are double-dating with our F/Os! How do you think that would go?
Awkward if we do a group activity during high school, but only slightly. Kaoru and Yani would have secret touches and blushes on their faces, while I imagine Ryomen and Kyoya to have lasting gazes. But none of them would be willing to admit to anything romantic, and they are all no-nonsense people so we’d just focus on our activity most of the time.
After high school, when the relationships are established enough, it’d be quite a classy date.
I think it’d be quite tense as Ryomen doesn't fully trust her and would be too vigilant about whether or not she's a good match for Kaoru. So neither party can fully relax to enjoy their time together. 
I think everyone would dote a little on Kaiga, Haruhi and Ryomen are his biggest supporters, so they have difficulty letting go of the doting tendencies. Kyoya is just the mother of the group, looking out for everyone. Overall they’d have a good and chill time. 
👀 - What does your S/I think about my F/O? Does it affect the relationship between your S/I and mine?
How Yani thinks about Kyoya doesn’t affect her relationship with Ryomen at all. She doesn’t think much about Kyoya, just that he’s a decent person who knows what he’s doing. And I imagine Ryomen doesn't really care about her opinion regarding crushes anyway. XD
Yoshiko has a difficult time grasping Kyoya's character, so she's often scared of him. It also means she's scared of Ryomen whenever Kyoya becomes a topic of their conversation as she feels that her negative opinion is met with resistance. 
Kaiga has been in the same class as Kyoya for an eternity it seems to him, so he knows how cold he truly can be. It scares Kaiga a little bit, but Ryomen's opinion of Kyoya, and the fact they ended up in the host club together, drastically changed Kaiga's opinion. So nowadays he's chill with Kyoya.
Ryomen's opinion on Haruhi really affects Kaiga though, he's afraid to overstep boundaries or take initiative when it comes to his feelings as he doesn't want to trigger Ryomen's protective feelings over Haruhi.
😏 - Would your S/I tease mine about their F/O? Do you think it’d be easy for my S/I to tease your S/I about their F/O?
Yani wouldn’t tease so much as just simply ask about him. Anything Ryomen wants to share he can, but she won’t press the matter any further.
However it’d be very easy to tease Yani about her crush, even if she won’t show it much outwardly it does fluster her when she’s asked about her crush.
Yoshiko would try to tease him a little bit, but it takes only one glance from Ryomen to shut her up. Meanwhile Ryomen can tease her about her crush and she'll just stammer and fluster super hard, with no retaliation. 
Kaiga isn't the type to tease others, and in return doesn't like to be teased either. It's a bit difficult to fluster him since he's quite honest, but he will blush and avert his eyes, trying to divert the attention elsewhere. 
✈ - What would be an ideal hangout between the two S/Is? Any particular activities the two would enjoy together?
The two of them can be seen just enjoying each other's presence by reading and writing around one another. Enjoying some good tea and coffee and pastries. With Ryomen occasionally asking Yani to check over his work, or Yani commenting on something about the book she’s reading.
Yoshiko loves writing as well, so this is something they could bond over, if they were to open up about their writings. I can see them, mostly Yoshiko, very excitedly and passionately explaining all the lore of their characters.
🔍 - If the two were trapped somewhere/stuck in a dire situation, how would the two be able to resolve it?
Yani is a person that panics easily but keeps that panic under check, so not much is noticeable from it. I think the added presence of Ryomen would calm her down more easily too. So the two would probably put their heads together to get out of the situation, after some silence as neither wants to take the lead. Ryomen would take the lead a bit more than Yani, considering Yani is super bad at being the brains behind operations.
She would silently cry as they both figure out what's going on. Yoshiko explicitly asked him to ignore the tears, so they actually get some things done for their rescue.
Kaiga would freak out, it'd take Ryomen all his power to calm him down, so they wouldn't be able to do much more than wait until help arrives.
✏ - Share/Make up a shared favorite memory of the two!
When the host club got wind of Kaoru and her affection toward one another, they gave her trials to overcome to see if she was a worthy match. Each host hosted a trial, and the one Ryomen gave was by far one of the toughest of all. Mostly because he was one of the only hosts to take it seriously.
His intense stalking made her a bit paranoid, and she wanted to confront him about it. One way or another they both ended up soaked in the schoolyard pond, but talking it out they realized how silly they both looked.
📸 - Send a meme your S/I would send to my S/I!
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🎁 - What’s your S/I most likely to give my S/I as a present?
Yani is most likely to gift yet another notebook to Ryomen, sometimes a book to spice things up a bit if she knows it’s one he would enjoy or have use for.
Yoshiko would probably just order a grand bouquet as a gift, not really knowing what else to give him.
Kaiga gets all kinds of small gifts, a book here, a new notepad there, some rocks and pebbles, a flower or some cute keychains. Anything that makes him think of Ryomen he will get for him.
‼ - Share anything else you think about our S/Is together !
Out of all the people she has asked to come visit her club, Ryomen is one of the few that actually came over to check it out. It became a small hiding spot for him.
Yoshiko and her friend were very quick to pick up that Kyoya was important to him, but couldn't pinpoint that it were romantic feelings, so for a while she encouraged her friend to persue him instead. After they noticed, aka were told, that Kyoya wasn't interested they were quick to change course and encourage Ryomen instead.
Kaiga has a soft spot for Ryomen, he crushed on him for a little while before and right after Haruhi joined.
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ril-sillyart1st · 28 days
What's everyone in your BATMM AU's favorite food?
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Great question! (Finally someone ask me about their favorite stuff) I also included my OCs and put the gang's least favorite food as well.
(note: some are based on what I like and dislike)
Flarelyn Family AU:
★ Blaze just loves chocolate truffles but only gets to eat it once because it's such an special treat for him to eat as she may not self control themselves and hates spicy food (man can eat it whatever he wants but he's not a fan of it for some reason.)
★ Crusher really fw seafood especially that has soup on it (specifically sushi). Also Crusher also fw with spicy noodles.
Crusher doesn't like other spicy food in general and pickles.
★ Fiar loves the Mac-And-Cheese and Strawberry Lemonade combo. She made this combo by herself when she was making herself strawberry lemonade while Crusher was making Mac And Cheese for her.
Fiar hates spicy food, banana and avocado. She will only eat the banana if it is a banana split or covered in chocolate and sprinkles.
(don't ask me why the FF hates spicy food, they're an sweet tooth family)
★ Pickle is very much obviously enough, usually doesn't have a least favorite other than non-edible food.
★ Watts fw Ube Grilled Cheese! (Watts just loves ube flavored food) and she also likes Siopao (especially the toasted one! That sh🫧t is really good. /Gen)
Watts doesn't like spaghetti that much anymore (specifically the Filipino one) because of how many times she ate at events her parents go to. (Me moment)
★ Starla likes spaghetti and meatballs but she doesn't like bacon and other beefy stuff.
★ Darington likes waffles for breakfast with blueberries and whip cream on top of it. They for some reason don't like pancakes. They also love star shaped chicken nuggets.
★ Stripes likes spicy chicken with sliced tomatoes and potatoes on it. (Btw it's cooked! He doesn't like the taste of raw chicken) Also Stripes doesn't like sweet food especially cake.
★ Zeg has an very old memory when his mother used to baked him Apple raspberry pie every Christmas. Good memories, he still makes his own Apple raspberry pie every Christmas and shared it to his friends. (Btw Zeg can't cook but he can bake for some reason.)
Zeg doesn't like bananas because it tastes kinda plain to him.
★ Onyx both liked Jello Cake and Crabs but Crabs would be their no. 1 favorite food. They like the classic version of Jello Cake the most, classic version is would describe as "salty yet sweet".
Onyx hates Shrimp because she's allergic to it (me moment.)
★ Mia also likes Jello Cake but specifically vanilla flavor, very creamy and sweet. Seaweed spaghetti would be her no. 1 favorite food. Mia doesn't have any least favorite food as for now.
★ Kizzie and Veronica likes strawberry smoothie!
Veronica doesn't like vanilla ice cream. While Kizzie doesn't like chocolate ice cream.
★ Fuchsia likes mint chocolate chip ice cream and hates pumpkin pie.
★ Scarlett doesn't have any favorite or least favorite for now.
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Blaze And The Rusty Machines AU:
★ Blaze likes to eat flowers (yes this man is so f🌊ck🫧d up) after he's at stage 3 with his sanity getting worse. He only likes it when it was bought from the flower shop instead of the garden because of the dirt.
★ Crusher in the other hand hates eating flowers. He likes chocolate cherry ice cream.
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ink-pop · 10 months
Splatsville's dumbest and bravest debuting near you!
Never heard of us? Don't worry, no one has! That means you are one of a kind! Now that you got a cool lil title, stick around and I'll explain!
You're probably confused, and maybe even ready to pretend you never saw this, but, I'm ready to answer what I assume is your most burning question;
"...The f☆ck is this?"
We are INK☆POP ! A Splatoon3 team made up of 4 partners and fueled by AuDHD. Contrary to our name's implication, we are not an oddly niche idol group (disappointingly so).
Please check out our other posts for some extra POP☆POINTS(tm) to raise your coolness meter (like Splat's fresh level but without the lawsuit), but I'll just go ahead and put the bare basics here:
The mods/team members are:
SODA☆POP | Soda, She/Ink
JELLY☆POP | Jelly, Any + Shx/Hx/Ink
CAKE☆POP | Cake, She/They/Ink
TARO☆POP | Taro, He/Him
And we'll be INK☆POSTING about...
Gameplay/Clips, OC talk, Art of said OCs, General talk about hit game franchise Splatoon, basically just a lot of splatting and chatting!
Our navigation tags are listed under the cut so be sure to check them out!
POP☆POINTS(tm) not guaranteed, please see your local cephalopod for more information.
Here's our Tag Guide!
Reblog -> #re-ink
Game Talk -> #Splat Chat
Art -> ⁠#Art Brush Main
Mod -> #[mod]☆POST (i.e., #SODA☆POP)
Non Splatoon Chatting -> #so no ink?
Gameplay -> #Splat Reveal
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avatarskywalker78 · 6 months
How did your Cobra Kai/Karate Kid OCs come to be?
So, the first was Nicky Connors and she came about the same way most of my OCs came about - to give one of my favourite characters a friend, with the added layer of 'what if Johnny had a friend outside of karate who tried to help him but wasn't able to' and I was drawn to this concept as it developed into 'what if Johnny had a friend outside of Cobra Kai who still wanted to learn karate but wasn't allowed in Cobra Kai itself because John Kreese is an asshole' and I really loved this idea, and the OC herself as she grew, of how she sees Johnny and the rest of the Cobras as friends, as people who are just being led down a very bad path and yet being unable to really stop that because she's only one person, and sometimes one person isn't enough to help...only for it to turn out that she does have some influences (and later, her friendships with all of them get repaired after they make amends.)
As for her adopted son James in the CK era, I'd already decided that Nicky couldn't have biological kids, but wasn't bothered by this in the slightest and was happy to adopt - she was going to have a whole bunch of kids to start with, but honestly I think just the one is fine.
Now, the Barnes family started out as side characters in my first Mike fic, trying to settle (the ghosts of my past). I wrote this around three months before S5 came out and by this point I'd given up on watching past S4's mid-point because the whole thing was so bad, but I'd heard rumours that Mike would be returning in S5 and would likely join Cobra Kai and that pissed me off because of all the antagonists he has the least stakes in the situation - like he didn't know and probably wouldn't care about the history, he was literally paid to be there and sure, he lost out on the big payday but like. That was ultimately down to Kreese and Silver for making it complicated instead of just reopening CK anyway.
So then I thought 'what if Mike went and had a normal life with a family and had no interest in being dragged into another insane revenge plot', so that's what happened, and what I wrote of Leah and Elaine and Alex I liked (especially Elaine and her plan to set fire to the CK merchandise that was sent, like the chaotic streak was there already). Elaine herself became more established after S5 came out - I didn't watch it, but I was delighted to find out my prediction about Mike was correct, like he did go on to have a normal life! And he was still in the Valley so his family would be too, and I was always annoyed by the Sam-Tory fight so I thought 'what if someone stopped it' followed by 'what if that someone was Elaine' and hey presto, a fic was born! And I also gave more details about her older sister Sarah because I hadn't mentioned her yet. Leah became more developed after I took what canon gave us - co-owner of the furniture store, which she'd inherited from her father who had also been Mike's boss back in the day.
Gemma is an interesting one - because she initially started out as Johnny's daughter from a previous relationship, Robby's older sister, though the jury was out on whether Johnny knew about her or not. This version of her I had for at least a few months, but it didn't go ahead because:
When it comes to creating legacy OCs, especially children, I have to have some kind of connection to the canon character in question, some element of 'they'd be a good dad' and I just wasn't getting that with Johnny
I also didn't see how I could make this story fresh - Johnny's already abandoned one kid, do we really need to see that rehashed?
Then when I was writing my Cobra Kai Mini Rewrites I realised I was much more invested in having him repair his relationship with his actual, canon kid - but I wasn't going to give up on the OC after how much work I'd put into it, so I thought ' what if she was his cousin', which soon sparked off a whole thing about Laura's family because we know very little, but my headcanon was always that she was kicked out at 18 after falling pregnant with Johnny and I thought 'what if she had a much younger sister who came looking for her decades later and had a kid' because I love tragic family dynamics, but also I just found the idea of Johnny having an aunt who could be his sister and a cousin who could be his niece, because the age thing makes it a bit strange for him.
Also I liked the idea of having the running joke of 'I know she looks like my kid but she's not my kid' with most people Gemma runs into assuming this because they look very similar - and sometimes she'll play up to this solely to troll Johnny because it's very funny to do so.
talk shop tuesday
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YOU! 🫵 talk about your ocs! (if you want :3)
i am ✨ interested ✨ 👀
Since ya asked, here's some things about my OCs! All of them are from my current WIP, Through Society's Eyes.
Argus: he/him, the Hero, sass up the ass, has some questionable moral background, 100% what is referred to as a True Altruist. As most Heroes are, has a rough/tragic backstory. Is often called a cliche by the Narrator (me). Is besties with Ori and enemies with Vesper.
Ori: ze/zir/zem, is closeted so uses he/him until a certain point in the story, the Hero's Bestfriend, wants to be a little more selfish but is afraid to cause ~society~, has some major trust issues. Is besties with Argus and kind of enemies with Vesper & Elidi. Keeps Argus in check when need be. Is a bit of a nerd and takes things literally.
Vesper: they/them, the Villain, completely a selfish person, Gay Sass(tm), is such a queer-coded Villain but they do it on purpose, also not 'queer-coded' cause they're literally ace and it's mentioned multiple times, makes an assload of s*xual jokes, will make snarky retorts to Argus just to piss him off, is a bit on the demented side. Is besties with/mentors Elidi and enemies with Argus. Just likes to f*ck with Ori, basically.
Elidi: she/her, the Villain's Apprentice, wants to be a little more selfless but is afraid of disappointing Vesper, is one the kindest 'Villains' you'll ever meet, also loves making puns that are god-awful, holds a lot of guilt, is more of the background pull-the-lever kind of 'sidekick', idk how she's evil but she has... Things(tm). Is apprenticed to/friends? with Vesper and kind of enemies with Argus & Ori. Can be very questionably violent if need be. Resident lesbian.
Viro: he/they, the Bigger/Badder "Evil", is literally just vibing, snarky and sass and can you say something simply for once omg, is basically Final Boss Battle, shows the rest of the cast things they need to learn and no one takes it well, aro/ace, is Tired of Your Sh*t(tm), likes to f*ck with others sometimes, is just a b*tch to everyone (affectionate). Is kind of just neutral to everyone.
I just realized no one is allocishet/cishet at all. None of them. No character whatsoever.
This story is gonna be queer as sh*t-
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mysticarts · 8 months
Snapdragon, Poppy, and Orchid!
Since the questions game is surrounding Carmen, I'm guessing these asks are for her!
Snapdragon: what's your Oc's main catchphrase?
Carmen's main catchphrase is "....Loipón Gáma" (it's Greek for the saying 'well F*ck')
Poppy: how is your Oc around strangers?
Well, It depends on what age the person is. Carmen tries to look more kinder in front of little kids or teenagers, since first glance most people find Carmen intimidating. Overall with grown ups, she rather acts reserved until they become friends with her.
Orchid: what's your OC's biggest fear?
Besides water? Sharp blades or sharp peices of glass. (Also drugs)
The explanation? Most of it came from Carmen's childhood.
Feel free to ask more questions!
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shrinkthisviolet · 1 year
1, 4, 14?
1. What led you to start writing fanfiction?
I've always loved "what-if" questions, which is why I started reading fanfic! And then writing it was, at first, a type of "hmm what if I put my OC in here" (back when I wrote Warrior Cats fanfics 😂 a thing of the past for me) and then evolved into fix-it fics.
What's funny is I stopped writing OCs for a while and thought I never would again...until I watched the Flash and got the idea for Morgan 😂 and no matter what, the idea just wouldn't let me go. So in a sense, although I still write fix-it fics, I've also come full-circle.
4. What themes/concepts in the canon do you most enjoy exploring in your fan works?
I love exploring friendship and trust in my fics...and betrayal. And also grief, mostly because the media I love that involves grief doesn't tend to explore it deeply (to be fair, I don't explore it super deeply either, but I always try to let my characters feel it). Same for trauma! Some media *glares at the Flash and CK* seems allergic to therapy for their characters.
I also love turning romantic tropes platonic 😂 but maybe that's just the spite in me who sees so many tropes labeled as romantic with "no platonic explanation!" 🤦‍♀️
And also also, I try to avoid the miscommunication trope whenever possible, since I’m not a fan of it (especially with superhero identities…since when is it safer to keep your identity secret from your known best friend, who your enemies will go after whether she knows about you or not, Barry??)
14. What aspects of your creative process do you enjoy most? Which are most challenging?
I love writing dialogue! Especially in a conversation that's going really fast, back and forth...I wouldn't say I write Sorkin dialogue, but sometimes that's the feeling I get while writing conversations (and arguments!).
Fight scenes are challenging, mostly because I'm not much of a fighter 😅 I did take karate, but I was kinda okay at it, and it was tae kwon do, which doesn't always translate (for CK, for instance, the characters use a different fighting style).
And oh boy, it’s so much harder with superpowers 😅 Morgan’s fight scenes are hard to write fr, which is why I tend to avoid them when I can.
fanfic ask game!
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twistedtummies2 · 1 year
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL For Smitty lol
QUESTION: "What's a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?"
ANSWER: Smitty is based on Smee from "Peter Pan." In both the original book and the Disney film, Smee is interesting because of the dichotomy of his character: on the one hand, he's a dithering, mild-mannered, almost paternal sort of character who is not only quite dense but also quite fundamentally and seemingly innocent. He doesn't seem remotely like a threat. On the flip side, Smee has absolutely NO problem trying to SHOOT PETER PAN TO DEATH, not to mention drowning Tiger Lily, abandoning his crew mates when the going gets tough, and shows no sign of having any issue with Hook attempting to murder little children. He barely even seems bothered when Hook kills members of his own crew! In other words: Smee is generally nice, but in the words of a famous musical, "'nice' is different than 'good.'" Smitty is the same way, though not quite as bad: he's an adorable little munchkin most of the time, but once in a while, he can be shown to have a bit of a darker side. One element of this, I've decided, is that Smitty comes from a rather rough upbringing. James had a father who was a ship's captain, and a mother who was a schoolteacher. Smitty, meanwhile, had a father who worked as a bo'sun, and his mother was a waittress at a restaurant. He lacks the "class" that James' upbringing have, which is part of why he admires James so much: he recognizes that James is smarter and, in his own mind, in some ways superior to him. With that kind of upbringing, I think the main thing Smitty tries to hide is his rougher edges most of the time. He's sort of the OPPOSITE of Epel: Felmier is a sweet-looking fellow who doesn't want to be seen as a cute or effeminate figure, but a rugged and tough manly man of manly man manness that is manly, as I've said before. Smitty looks like a sweet little cherub...and lo and behold, he ACTS like a sweet little cherub, because he doesn't want James or others to see him as "lesser" or as "mean." In his mind, it's better to be nice. This answer is probably a bit rambling and vague, so I apologize if it's not entirely clear. Let's put it this way in a nutshell: there's a reason I did NOT give Smitty the "legally cannot say f*ck" ranking on earlier ask I answered. XD
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hallasimss · 1 year
👃 : Does your OC smell good? Do they have a signature scent?
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this took me practically all day bc i am,,,,, slow af when it actually comes to putting thoughts on paper but. three different questions, three different OCs!!! we'll do Jalal, Nithya and Zuhr for this since i have been dying to talk about them <333
👃 : Does your OC smell good? Do they have a signature scent?
God. so this is entirely my fault and is all based on that time i walked through a local market and was literally glued to the stall that was selling little imported bottles of oud attar (which i did not buy bc they were too expensive *sobs*) but uh. if you had to ask me that is more or less exactly what Jalal smells like. very warm, very earthy, woody (other than the oud, ofc, sandalwood if you squint)—there's some floral there as well, jasmine and rose, the afterthought of dampness after a wash. (think of dirt after a light rain, not a complete soaking, but just enough that you can smell the petrichor. the best reference i can give that is hopefully close enough irl is this mitti attar, which i have resolved to save up to buy one day bc i will f*ck around to have the scent of rain in a bottle tyvm) if you're around him at the end of a long day (and he hasn't bathed yet) he smells faintly of smoke and spices, saffron maybe? anyway the point is he smells f*cking good and the threat of me biting him is real
💦 : Is your OC’s attractiveness based on looks or a more intangible aura?
the aura, hands down. Nithya is an absolutely f*cking gorgeous human being (i mean look at her) but i think the real appeal comes from the way she carries herself. she's been through a lot to get to where she is and still struggles with her mental health, so one of the most important things that she's done is work on her confidence—despite being soft spoken you can almost sense when she enters a room, now, that's how much the entire atmosphere changes.
💌 : How would they plan a romantic evening for a significant other?
both Zuhr and her fiancé prefer a quiet evening in rather than going out and being mobbed by the press—after all there isn't much of a way to get around without being seen when one of you (In-tae *cough*) is a world famous actor and the other is the literal leader of a GCC nation, so depending on their schedule she'll usually plan to have dinner together (rock paper scissors decides who cooks, if they cook at all) and watch a movie afterwards. (what movie that is hinges on whether Zuhr is in the mood to dig up one of In-tae's older releases and watch him squirm throughout the entire thing as he severely judges his past acting skills, sksksksk) it's more everyday domesticity than anything else, but considering the fact that they rarely see each other except for when one of them is visiting for whatever, i am going to give in and say it is the little things that count.
send me piping hot oc asks!
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acecasinova · 2 years
🍎🍑🍓🍒🍆🌽🍪🍷🍟 for Edelweiss
(Even if I didn't see him on the list)
🍰🍪🍻🍕🥃 for Lazarus
🍇🍉🍓🍍🍩 for Galvus
OH EDELWEISS~ My beautiful bard disaster~
🍎: Do they share any features or traits with any family members? ....Aside from his Hag grandma~? Nah but he DOES look a lot like his mother- same hair, same eyes, but he has his father's nose.
🍑: What sort of traits does your OC look for in a Significant Other? Hmmmmm ..... I think he looks for someone reliable. Someone he can depend on and who can kind of bring him back down to earth.
🍓: Does your OC have any particular scents they like? Or hate? He likes like floral scents and he's not a fan of musks or other heavy, unpleasant scents.
🍒: Has Your OC had their first kiss yet? If so, with who? Edelweiss has had many kisses~ The first was probably after being taken under wing and trained by his mentor as a bard, so he doesn't remember who it actually was he kissed first. (Someone at a bar, probably. Can't go trying to kiss a mark if you've never practiced before....)
🍆: Does your OC have any favourite form of affection, physical or otherwise? Casual touches, for sure. After he lost his family,he didn't really have many people interested in being affectionate with a hexblood, and after THAT, affection was a tool to use as a bard, so it's nice to have it be a genuine thing again.
🌽: How does this OC feel about acts of affection? What’s their favourite act of affection, physical or emotional? Listen he loooooves affection. Maybe might get flighty if you come on too hard or heavy handed but sprinkled on? H-ll yeah. He really likes cuddles~
🍪: What is something that’s sentimental to you OC? His hurdy gurdy. It's something he got in his homeland and brought with him when he had to leave, so not only is it his most treasured possession, but also reminds him of home and his mentor.
🍷: What’s one of your OC’s pet peeves concerning food? Mostly when something is.... unnecessarily complex in a wasteful way? Like those completely fondant cakes lol. That and just.... not finishing food are his pet peeves
🍟: What does your OC admit to be their guilty pleasure? What actually is their guilty pleasure? Guilty pleasures? No such thing! He likes spas- hot baths and nice soaps. Rich foods and soft fabrics. But nothing is really a guilty pleasure when you're a bard with no shame~
Stinky Laz time lol~
🍰: What’s something your OC counts as unforgivable? OOF. Like.... Strahd and Kindness have already done some unforgivable things between treating him like a dog, making him kiss Strahd's boot, and forcing his submission to them (magically or otherwise) but he kinda EXPECTS that from them. If someone he actually TRUSTED or opened up to betrayed that trust or took his autonomy in some way- that bridge is 100% burned.
🍪: What is something that’s sentimental to you OC? Answered this before too but it's the barn! He likes having a space that's 'his' but isn't inside a house.
🍻: What’s your OC’s favourite comfort ritual? How do they calm themselves down after a rough day? He shapechanges into a wolf and SULKS. If Laz has had a rough day he doesn't want to be near people and likes to slink off into the woods alone to go hunt or chuck rocks into the lake.
🍕: How does an OC spend a lazy day? 100% spends it snoozing. Just finds a cozy nook or a nice tree and sleeps for a while~
🥃: If your OC was in this universe, what would be their favourite show/book/band/social media platform? .....Bold of these questions to assume he's not some off the grid crust-punk lmaooooo.
Galvus, my weird little guy~
🍇: What sort of friend are they? Where are they in the group dynamic? He's kind of the mom friend? But like.... Non-conventionally. He'll let you f-ck around and heal you after you find out, but he's not going to stop you. But he's also.... very eccentric, so he'll go along with quite a bit lol~
🍉: Does your OC have a particular piece of jewellery that they always wear or refuse to part with? He has a raven skull clasp that he always wears, and a gold circlet with pomegranates and Lily leaves engraved in it.
🍓: Does your OC have any particular scents they like? Or hate? The smell of the earth, freshly rained on or dug up for a burial. He likes the herbs and oils used in preparing the dead for rest. He's NOT a fan of cloyingly sweet smells.
🍍: Where does your OC feel most comfortable? Alone in a morgue, working with the dead TBH. There's comfort in the solitude and he can relax and focus on care for the dead-no one's telling him he's doing something wrong.
🍩: What’s a crime your OC is most likely to commit? What’s a crime they’re most likely to get arrested for? (Did you ask this for Galvus bc we've already seen Laz get arrested in game lmao) I mean it MIGHT also be murder. If Galvus uncovered another cult, even if it was like, well established in a town or anything, he might not wait to go through "proper" channels and just merc them whoops~ (I'd say otherwise like, something with studying or mishandling corpses but like... he is VERY careful and delicate with that sort of thing)
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miriaocs · 5 months
Get to know Rory: Part 1
Where's the fun in making a list of questions without answering all of them? So my little hawkfishie is gonna be the first victim~
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1. Name: What does your twst OC's name mean? Why does Rook/Floyd call them [insert nickname]?
Rory's full name is Lorelei Mortemare, and the reason behind their first name is very simple: I need an iconic merfolk name, and which can possibly scream "fish people" than Lorelei? Hopefully not Ariel lol. Not to mention Rory's in Pomefiore whose original tale was from Germany, so a German mermaid name seems fitting. And I have always had a penchant for fancy-sounding names (read: have at least 3 syllables) so Lorelei it is.
However, I do put a little more thought into their surname. "Mare Mortuum" is the Latin name for the Dead Sea, so I twerk it a little to sound like a fancy last name. Mortem Mare is (grammatically incorrect, still) close to "death by the sea", which kinda reminds me of the tragic mermaid stories in folktales. Yes, their entire name reeks of bad-ending vibes. Yes, that was on purpose.
For their nickname, since Lorelei is already a feminine-leaning name, I opt for Rory as a more masculine-leaning shortened form. Rory is not exactly one bothered/cares a lot about gender in general, but studying in an all-boy school means that they should, at least, try to appeal to the all-boy aesthetics. I am speaking as if many of the twst cast's names are not feminine-sounding like Lilia or Jade.
Rook's nickname, Mon Écume, is because of their unique magic, no Monsieur or Mademoiselle because f*ck gender (and that makes it sound like they have a close relationship). Floyd's nickname is even more straightforward, little hawkfishie (or Gonbeka-chan) because Rory's a hawkfish merfolk.
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2. Inspiration: Is your twst OC inspired by any villains? Concepts? Anything Disney-related?
Nothing Disney-related! The entire concept of Rory is the ending of the original mermaid tale, where the little mermaid dissolves into sea foam and turns into a daughter of the air (though the former part is more commonly referenced). I have always adored the tragic elements of Andersen's Little Mermaid (losing voice, dancing while feeling like thousands of needles on feet, leaving behind everything to disappear into nothing, etc.) so I adapted some of them to make Rory! That is NOT to say Rory's gonna suffer through everything the little mermaid did, but their love life is definitely not going to be smooth.
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3. Age/Birthday: How old is your twst OC? When is their birthday? Whose birthday (among the cast) is closest to your twst OC's? Does the horoscope lie or do they get along well?
I will be frank, I know next to nothing about horoscopes. I picked Pisces because its symbol is two fish, which is kinda like how Rory (as merfolk) and their gender (very fluid). Their birthday is closest to Azul's, who is also merfolk, and they did get along when they were smaller, so close that they did celebrate their birthdays together once. But [REDACTED] happened and they kinda stopped being friends. They maintained their mutual distance (Rory calls everyone by their first name + honorifics like senpai, kun, chan based on their age but called Azul "Ashengrotto-san") until book 3 happened and they reconciled. They never really got as close as they were (due to the difference in their personalities) but they are much closer than most others.
Btw they're 17, and they're in their second year at NRC!
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translytherins · 3 years
Saiki's What Now?!?
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Pairings: Saiki Kusuo x Male! Calm! Slightly Clingy! Fiance! Reader
A/n: I got this idea from a story on Wattpad about their male oc being Saiki's fiance and I thought that It was adorable and I wanted to write one myself. Hope you enjoy!!
It was the end of the school day and all Saiki wanted was to go home right away because his parents said that they had a suprise for him and that he has to back home right away after school and he couldn't tell what is was through his parents minds because all of their thoughts were either 'Kusuo's gonna be so happy!' and 'I can't wait to see his reaction!' he was secretly hoping it was a lifetime supply of coffee jelly.
"Hey Saiki! Wanna go get ramen?"
"He's not getting ramen with you because he's helping me track down Dark Reunion! Right Saiki?"
"I'm not going with either of you"
"Aww... Why?"
"Because my parents need me home"
And with that Saiki left his "friends" and went straight home to see what his parents had in store.
As Saiki approached his house, not only could he hear his parents thoughts but he could feel another person's presence coming from his house. He was slightly confused about who it was but as he comes closer to his house he felt a familiar aura that made his eyes widen slightly. He picked up his pace his heart beating rapidly, silently hoping it was who he thought it was. He opened the door to his house and saw a familiar male with [hair coloured] hair sitting and talking with his parents at the dining table. In a blink of an eye he had his arms wrapped around the [hair coloured] male whom jumped slightly before the male smiled softly and pecked Saiki's lips making said male smile. Who's the male you might ask? It's Saiki's fiance, (M/n) (L/n). Now you might be wondering why they're already engaged? Well... That a story for another day and if you want it please drop a request.
"Hey Ku... Welcome back... I missed you so much..." (M/n) said softly which made Saiki smile before he buried his face into (M/n)'s neck.
"I missed you too..." Saiki spoke out loud instead of telepathically because most of his powers doesn't work on (M/n) which Saiki was happy about.
They just stayed in that position while ignoring the fact that Saiki's parents were cooing and taking pictures of them until Saiki's mom cleared her throat to catch the couples attention which worked.
"I'm happy that you both are reunited again after a year of being away from each other! You both make such a cute couple! Also Kusuo... Little (M/n) over here Hey! I'm not little! will be joining you're class tomorrow!"
As Saiki heard that, Saiki was absolutely ecstatic before he realised that he had to share his (M/n) with his "friends" but that went unnoticed by his family and fiance as Saiki's mom continued to talk excitedly.
The next day came earlier thank Saiki would have liked because he would rather stay in bed and cuddle with (M/n) in his bed but (M/n) managed to convince threatened him that they had to get out of bed and get ready for school or no more cuddles for him :(. And with that Saiki reluctantly got out of bed and started to get ready for school.
Saiki and (M/n) were making their way towards PK Academy with their arms intertwined and (M/n) laying his head on Saiki's shoulder. Saiki was feeling very content right now. Just him and (M/n) and no one interrupting their mome-
"Hey Saiki!"
An annoying voice called out to Saiki which turned his content mood very sour. Him and (M/n) stopped turned their heads towards where the voice came from, arms still intertwined, and Saiki saw his "friends" Toritsuka, Kaidou, Aren and Nendou..
"Woah Saiki! Who's this hottie!" Toritsuka said, whistling slightly What the f*ck did I just write😂 before he was smacked upside the head by Aren.
"That's no way to treat someone Toritsuka!"
"I'm sorry! I was just stating facts!" Toritsuka whined before he got hit by Aren again.
Saiki just glared at them before wrapping his arms around (M/n)'s waist and pulled him closer towards him making (M/n) giggle slightly before he decided to introduced himself.
"Hey there. I'm (M/n) (L/n). You must be Ku's friends. *Saiki pinched (M/n)' s waist slightly* Hey! Stop that Ku. I'm talking to you're friends. Anyways... It's nice to meet you" (M/n) said and gave them a dazzling smile which left them slightly breathless and blushing.
He was so pretty! Maybe even prettier than Teruhashi!
Saiki glared at them before he unwrapped his arms from (M/n)'s waist before he picked (M/n) up bridal style, which earned an adorable squeal from (M/n), and continued walking to school which made his friends snap out of their thoughts and they started fast walking to try and catch up with them as Toritsuka and Kaidou were yelling at Saiki to slow down which only made Saiki walk faster with (M/n) in his arms as (M/n)'s arms around wrapped Saiki's neck and he snuggled up to Saiki's chest which made Saiki coo at him internally.
As Saiki and (M/n) were walking through the hallway, with (M/n) still being carried by Saiki, Saiki felt everyone staring at them and Saiki heard their thoughts ranged from 'Their so cute!', 'Eww... Disgusting gays' well f*ck you too or 'Is that the new student? He's pretty sexy ;)' the last one made Saiki slightly bitter but he just ignored them as they made their way towards their classroom. Usually Saiki tried to avoid attention from his peers and schoolmates but he couldn't find himself to care as he just focused on (M/n) who was still cuddled up to his chest. That was until he heard a familiar annoying voice that belonged to a certain glowing blueberry.
'Is that Saiku? It's Saiki. When are you going to get it right? Maybe I should go up and say hi to him! Surely today is my lucky day and he'll finally say oh wow to me'
And with that Saiki started walking faster to try to avoid her.
'Why is he walking so fast!?'
Saiki and (M/n) reached their classroom, losing the glowing blueberry along the way, and entered before Saiki placed (M/n) in a seat much to his (M/n)'s annoyance which he expressed with a quiet groan. Saiki chuckled lightly before he kissed (M/n)'s forehead and sitting down in the seat in front of him, facing (M/n) and grabbing his hand and intertwined their fingers. (M/n) smiled towards Saiki before he placed light kisses on Saiki's face which made Saiki's face heat up slightly but it wasn't noticeable. He continued to ignore the eyes on them and the thoughts running through everyone's heads and just focused on (M/n).
'There he i- Huh!?! Who's he and why is he kissing Sako!?! It's Saiki'
"Good morning Saiki! 'Huh... She finally got my name right'. Who's this cutie?"
'He might be pretty and handsome but I'm much better than him because I'm perfect inside and out!'
'(M/n) will always be 10 times better than you'
(M/n) stopped placing light kisses on Saiki's face and turned his attention towards her. He just stared at her for a few seconds before looking at Saiki, silently asking if he wanted him to awnser. Saiki nodded his head before (M/n) turned his head towards the blueberry again.
'Huh?! No 'Oh wow' from him!? Maybe he's shy just like Saiki? Yeah! That's probably it because no one can resist the perfect pretty girl! Alright! You're on shy guy!'
'Please leave us alone' Saiki thought to himself before (M/n) awnsered her.
"I'm (M/n) (L/n). I just transferred from [country name]. It's a pleasure to meet you" (M/n) said before giving he gave her his smile that always left everyone breathless including the glowing blueberry.
As she was about to speak, the teacher entered which made the students who weren't sitting, sit down in their seats and Saiki turned around ro pay attention to the teacher.
"Good morning everyone! As you all know today we have a new student so I want you all to welcome him to the class! Can you please come up here and tell us you're name?"
(M/n) nodded his head before he got up from his seat, made his way to the front and stood next to the teacher.
"My names (M/n) (L/n). I transferred from [country name]. It's a pleasure to meet you all and I hope we can all get along without an issue"
(M/n) said before smiling at them taking away everyone's breath as always.
"Is there any questions that you want to ask (M/n)-san?"
Almost most of the class had their hands raised and (M/n) calmly awnsered them.
"What's you're relationship with Saiki?" Teruhashi asked.
"I'm his fiance" (M/n) said happily while shooting Saiki a soft smile.
A/n: There was supposed to be more but I got tired of typing. Request or comment if you want a part 2 about the wedding! Have a good day everyone!
Edited: Part 2 is already out! Go check it out! Just Got Married!
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crusader-kings · 2 years
Hi! I'm a new follower and I'm lost! Was ck/wc? Your ocs are a crossover? Can you explain and give me some background so that I can ask characters questions?
first off hello!!!!!! welcome to my little cove!!!! thank you for sticking! this might be a little long but bear with me!
second: *actual ponctuation mode turns on*
Crusader kings is a grand-strategy war game, it's set in the medieval era (being the two start dates either being 1066 or 867 if you wanna try playing as a viking!) where you play as a ruler of a county/duchy/kingdom/empire and as the lil overseer of your land you have to form relationships with other neighboring rulers, manage your economy because its fragile as an apple product, make sure everyone is getting their basic needs met, etc.
I've always jokingly called it 'the sims for men' because it also has RPG themes to it! You're not playing only as a nation but a ruler, a person, depending on who you're playing as, their personality, culture and religion will pretty much dictate on how they act and while you are in full control of their actions, going against their nature and beliefs will usually make them stressed. You have to make sure your character is making friends, eating healthy, taking care of his mental health and just having his needs met (kinda like a sim... or a neopet).
And yeah there are hundreds of cultures/religions to play as! I can't go much in depth about these because I've never really left my comfort zone, so I've always played with the same religion and similar cultures, its an absurdily well-researched history game to a degree where the game constantly offers you wikipedia links just so you can understand what's going on! You can play as real people, the game incentives you to do it but it has a character creation and I've always preferred to make my own little guys so that's that.
Despite all of this sounding Very Serious it's a very cartoonish stylized games and like mentioned; the sims-esque madness, you wanna appoint a horse as your chancellor? you can do that, you wanna turn into a fucking bear? you can do that! Hell, there's a way you can simply turn your entire population into anthro animals just for the kicks of it, there's witchcraft, werewolves, vampires and just the weirdest shit.
Anyways, if that sounds like something you'd be into; the second game is free on steam, keep in mind that this is considered to be the second most difficult strategy game of all time, and on average can take 2 months to understand the basics, lol.
CK/WC is.. not really a mashup of the two, it's an attempt to introduce warrior cats to a similiar system and hierarchy of medieval kingdoms but still keeping their core values, most of the OCs are mine and based off my characters on Crusader Kings but a few are borrowed from friends (Hell, Ironstar was originally made by my friend but we liked him SO much he became an OC that was later given to me, thank you Loren!) and a few are just NPCs (Holypyre, for example)
We had to make a plethora of changes to the clans so they could still be clans but still more of a kingdom; with no starclan to guide them they decided that the leader's kids would become the future leader because they believe that if starclan once gave their parents their nine lives, they would favor their children more.
Clans can have several camps inside of them and have massive territories, those camps are overseed by pack leaders who do not get nine lives but have to swear an oath to the clan leader to never betray them.
Deputies were reformed to be a medieval king's council, with one true deputy who would assist the leader on every task and others like marshal, envoy and steward who would manage other specific task.
And that's pretty much the basic foundation we build on!
TL;DR: CK is a medieval game where you play as a king who has to take care of his nation, CK/WC is an AU where the clans have adopted a similar style to kingdom life, with there being an absolute king and vassals who serve them.
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