fox-guardian · 10 months
how does one store crinolines/petticoats they are So Poofy
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age-of-greta · 11 months
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Season Of The Witch
Author’s note: hi!! Saved the best for last, here is week 4/ the finale of our spooky series!! Hope you guys have enjoyed reading them as much as I did writing them. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! Stay spooky I’ll see you guys back soon with tarot series #3 ;) vibes!!
Pairing: Jake x reader
Warnings: cursing, alcohol consumption, angst, lots of sexual content, minors DNI
Word count: 8k (oops)
Rain lightly drizzled as you stared out the window of your Uber. Orange and red luminescent glow lit up the pavement and the streets were lined with fall leaves. Despite approximately two shots of tequila coursing through your stomach you still felt odd about tonight.
“You okay babe?”
That sounded foreign coming from his mouth. You forced a small smile and nodded.
“Yes Matty. I’m good.”
He smiled back and placed his hand on your thigh. You had been seeing Matt for 2 weeks now, give or take a few days.
“Who’s party is this again?” He asked, turning his head to look at you.
“A friend’s. I’ve known him for what feels like forever.” You respond, smiling back on fleeting fond memories.
“Ah.” Matt starts. “Does this friend have a name?”
You nod and laugh. “He does. It’s Josh.”
“Josh.” Matt says slowly. “Well I’m glad he allowed me to come. I’m excited to be your date.”
“Me too.” You say with faux confidence.
A part of you felt bad. You already knew how this night was going to go, but Matt didn’t. There wasn’t anything wrong with Matt. He was conventionally very attractive. Dark curly hair, blue eyes, firm build, tall- god he hated when you went out with tall guys. Matt was a doctor. He was kind, smart, and funny. But there was one problem: he wasn’t him.
You and Jake had just broken up again around a month ago. But you hadn’t seen him in 3 weeks, since you last hooked up. You see, you and Jake were always on and off. Hot and cold. Burning passion with freezing intensity. At first things were fine. You met a few years ago and a drunken hookup in a bar flourished into a relationship. It was great for almost two years. Completely head over heels. Then one day it all went to shit. No real rhyme or reason, just a giant fight that you can’t even remember. The problem was neither one of you could let go of the other. Tethered to each other like an eternal curse. Ever since you have bounced in and out of each other’s lives like ping pong balls. Tonight was no exception. A Halloween party thrown by Josh. You had been invited before but Josh had texted you last week confirming you would still be there. Despite the shit with you and Jake the others felt like family to you.
“I believe we’re here.” The Uber driver says, putting the car in park.
“Thanks man. Happy Halloween.” Matt says, pulling out his wallet and handing the guy a twenty.
Matt gets out of the car and rushes to open your door. He reaches in and grabs your hand, helping you out of the car. Your outfit was relentless. It was definitely the sluttiest outfit you had ever put on your body. That was done intentionally. You wore a black latex bodycon dress, skin tight with your breasts pushed up and spilling out of the top. The material barely hit your mid thigh. You wore matching latex black platform calf boots with it. Your hair was full and blown out with loose curls and glitter hairspray. You had on a full face of sultry makeup, heavy on the eyelashes, bronzer, and lipgloss. You were calling yourself a witch, though the only indication of that would be the small black pentagram choker you had on with matching earrings. Your whole body was shimmering with glowy body oil and your nails were black almond shaped. You almost suffocated yourself with the amount of perfume you applied. It was the most extra you had ever been, but Halloween was your favorite holiday and seeing Jake’s face would be priceless. When Matt had come over to your apartment he had to adjust his pants after a mere hug in this get up. Matt was dressed as a zombie doctor. He had just tattered up a pair of his old scrubs, but he did look good. You saw their house illuminated with lit pumpkins and purple lights. Soft thuds lit up the house as you heard Voodoo Child by Jimi Hendrix get louder with every step. The rain had stopped and Matt had his arm linked with yours to balance you up the driveway. When you finally got up to the porch you adjusted your dress before opening the door, you were beyond knocking. The smell of fog machines, marijuana, various liquors, and sweat assaulted your senses as you entered the house. It was dark, only lit by soft automatic candle lights or fluorescent orange string lights. It was loud as Hendrix continued to billow out of the speakers.
“Oh shit!”
You heard from across the room, your eyes darted to see Sam beelining towards you. You grinned and embraced him in a hug.
“Fuck look at you.” He said, giving you a twirl. “So spooky.”
You let out a laugh. “Thanks Sammy. I dig your costume too. Eh- what exactly is it?”
He stares at you blankly. “I’m obviously a Niagara Falls tourist… that fell in.”
He points towards his outfit, cargo shorts, a white “I <3 Niagara Falls” t-shirt with blood smeared, a broken camera around his neck, a yellow tattered poncho also blood stained, and a fake bloody nose.
“I fucking love it.” You said with a laugh. “Very original.”
“There you are!”
You see Josh heading towards you, he’s dressed up as Elvis. “I was starting to think you had bailed on me.”
You smile and hug him. “Never.”
“Ooh you look hot.” Josh compliments, then looks to the side of you. “Oh sorry. Who’s this?”
You had almost forgotten Matt was standing there for a moment. “Josh, Sam, -this is Matt. He’s my date.” You say with a smile.
Sam smirks as Josh throws his hand out to introduce himself.
“Hey man, thanks for letting me come. I’m excited to get to meet all of her friends.” Matt announces politely, shaking hands with Josh.
Sam snickers. “Oh yeah. You’ll enjoy meeting everyone. Listen hot stuff, I’ve got to refill the fog machines and find Daniel. I’ll catch up with you later.” He quickly pecks the top of your head and scurries off to the crowd.
Josh smiles at Matt. “He’s a little shit, pay him no mind. You guys should hit the bar and grab some drinks. If the good shit is gone you know where to find the stash. Have fun you crazy kids.” Josh says, patting your back and starting to walk off yelling at someone to put a vase down.
“Shall we?” You ask Matt, taking his hand.
“Lead the way.” He replies with a smile.
You were only at the entrance of the house, so you tried to keep it cool and not scan around for Jake. You knew he’d be slinking around here somewhere with a drink in hand. You pushed past bodies and smiled when you saw Danny in the kitchen making drinks. As you headed that direction you saw him out of the corner of your eye. You only caught a brief glimpse of him in your peripheral, but you could feel his eyes searing into you. He was standing by the bathroom door, arms folded, and drink in hand just as you had predicted. You felt emboldened by that.
“Hey Matty?” You fluttered your lashes at him and got closer to his ear. “I’m going to run to the bathroom and fix my lipgloss. Would you mind getting us drinks? See the guy with the long curly hair? His name is Danny, he’s a friend. Tell him you’re with me and he’ll hook us up.”
He looked down at you focusing on your lips and placed his hand on the small of your back. “Yeah of course. I’ll meet you over there.”
You smiled up at him and nodded, before parting ways. You knew Jake was still watching you. You headed straight for the bathroom, not even bothering to glance at him. He beat you to the bathroom door.
“Sorry doll. Out of order. You can go use mine though.” That cocky grin spread on his face.
You scoffed and looked at him. “They made you bathroom police tonight? That’s quite a fitting job for you Jake.”
He smiled briefly at your banter. “Funny. What exactly are you wearing?”
“Did you get confused again? It’s Halloween, this is a costume.” You said, in a patronizing tone.
Jake’s eyes raked all over your body as he bit his lip. “A costume huh? I think dental floss would have been less revealing.”
“Oh please. As if you have room to talk. What are you? A half assed pirate again?”
He flicked his eyes up to you. “What is your costume? A whore?”
You rolled your eyes. “Yes Jake, I’m a whore. That’s my costume. You’ve cracked the code with that big brain yet again.”
He looks straight in your eyes, somewhat of a playful tone creeps out. “Yeah? Tell me something I don’t know.”
“Ha.” You state blankly. “Actually I’m a witch.”
You point to your pentagram necklace and Jake chuckles.
“I said, tell me something I don’t know, doll.”
He reaches up and lightly touches your necklace. That was enough to send goosebumps up your spine, but you would never give him the satisfaction of knowing that.
He took a step closer to you. “Wanna just skip all of this and go upstairs?”
You felt something bubble inside of you. But before you could retort someone came up right next to Jake, putting her hand on his arm and handing him a cup.
He smirked at you and glanced back at her. “Thanks Mere.” Then he wrapped his arm around her. Fucker.
She was short and petite with a blonde bob and fair skin, dressed up as Alice from Alice in Wonderland in a store bought costume.
This was one of the sick and twisted games you would play. Dangling other people in front of each other. You had only done it two other times and it drove Jake crazy. The first, all you had done was flirt with a guy in a bar and Jake snatched you up and brought you home to remind you who you belonged to. The second, you had gone on a date with someone right next to their studio. It didn’t take long for Jake to see your car and catch on to your antics. Jake had done this on countless occasions. Flirting, using his undeniable charm on poor women he had no intentions with. These things never went really far. Just enough to piss you off before he inevitably took you home. You tried to pretend that it didn’t bother you, but he knew how bad it did.
You tried not to glare at her.
“You’re welcome. The beer by the fire is so much better than what’s in the kitchen.” She beams at him. Gross.
Then she turns towards you, absolutely judging what you’re wearing. She made a reactionary face that she quickly tried to hide. But you saw it. Before any words could be exchanged Matt is by your side again.
“Here you go babe.”
He hands you a cup full of something that Danny had made and you smile up at him.
“Thank you Matty.” You put a little bit of a show on, but not too much. Yet.
You glance back over at Jake who is visibly scowling at you.
“Oh sorry. Matt this is Jake and- Mere is it?”
The blonde extends her hand. “Meredith.”
“Meredith.” You say with a smile. “How long have you known Jake?”
She seems a little taken aback by the question, you could care less.
“Well I guess only a few days.” She admits with a laugh. “We met through some mutual friends. How do you know each other?”
You smiled at her. “Oh same!” Then you look directly into Jake’s eyes. “Mutual friends.”
Meredith glances oddly between you and Jake. She clears her throat and looks at Matt. “And how long have you two been together?” She asks, trying to change the subject.
Matt smiles and wraps his hand around your waist. “Almost three weeks now. I’ve got to say, no complaints. Time flies when you’re having fun.”
Shit had it been three weeks? You glanced over at Jake who was shooting daggers at you. You snapped yourself out of your thoughts and smiled up at Jake and Meredith.
“Well it was lovely to meet you. We’ll get out of your hair. Don’t want to intrude. Have a good night Jake.”
He makes a face at you as you grab Matt’s hand and lead him away. Matt looks at you slightly confused once you find a spot.
“What?” You ask with a shrug.
He smiles and shakes his head. “Nothing. I take it you’re not a fan of them?”
You breathe out a laugh. “Now why would you say something like that?”
He grins at you. “So mischievous. What am I going to do with you?”
You step closer to him and put your hand on his chest. “Hopefully something inappropriate.”
His eyes were filled with lust as he took you in. This is the most forward you had ever been with him, but you knew Jake’s eyes were still on you. You leaned in and placed a small kiss on his cheek. His hands wrapped around your waist, but you pulled away quickly, shooting him a smile. His cheeks had dusted a light shade of pink as he bashfully grinned back at you. You saw Jake already heading towards you, but you took Matt’s hand and led him outside.
“Let’s see the fire!” You half yelled over the music.
“I’ll follow you anywhere.” He responded in a giddy tone.
You lead him outside, quick to evade Jake’s interruption. There were only a few people standing outside, Danny being one of them.
“Hi stranger.” You said, coming up behind him.
He spun around on his heels and gave you a knowing smile. “There she is. I take it, you liked your drink?”
You nodded. “Best damn bartender at every event.”
He bows at you. “I aim to please. I’ve already met Matt here. Seems like a stand up guy.”
Matt chuckles at him as Danny gives him a glance.
“You’re right.” You respond. “Hey you wanna make s’mores?”
“I’ll get them. You guys finish your conversation.” Matt offers, rubbing your back and heading to the fire.
Danny looks down at you.
“What?” You ask.
“He seems nice.” Danny offers.
“He is.” You say, glancing at Matt dipping three marshmallows in fire.
“Uh-huh.” Danny pauses. “And how does Jake feel about that?”
You shift your eyes back to Danny. “It doesn’t matter how he feels about it.”
Danny sucks in his cheeks and lets out a laugh. “Right. You two are trouble, you know that?”
“Oh I’m well aware.” You retort. “Did Sam ever find you?”
Danny sips his beer. “I haven’t seen him in- I dunno an hour maybe?”
“Oh. Well when I arrived he was looking for you. Something about fog machines?”
Danny cuts his eyes. “Oh hell no. I am not doing that shit again. That was his job.”
You chuckle. “Sounds like Sam.”
“Fuck. There he is. I’m dipping before he catches a whiff that I’m out here. Don’t rat on me.” Danny says, holding his finger up playfully at you.
You salute him. “Scout’s honor.”
“Good luck with that.” Danny points towards Matt.
You wave him off and he quickly walks the other way toward the house.
Sam catches your sight and approaches you. “You seen Daniel?”
You purse your lips at him. “Nope.”
“Slippery fucker.” He says, barely above a whisper.
You cackle.
“Oh by the way Jake’s pissed. He’s slamming shit in the kitchen. Want a beer?”
You let out a breath. “Most definitely.”
Sam heads towards the keg just as Matt is making his way back to you with three s’mores.
“Where did Danny go?”
“Bartender emergency.” You lie, taking the s’more he made for you. “Thank you.”
Sam came back over and handed you a cup of beer before patting your back and heading back to the house. If you had to guess he saw Danny in a window.
Matt knitted his brows together and gave you a strange smile. “Your friends are weird.”
You chuckled. “You don’t know the half of it.”
You and Matt spent around thirty more minutes outside enjoying the fire, s’mores, and beer. Before long you had gotten chilly and wanted to go back inside. The drink Danny had made you along with the beer had started to make you feel a little fuzzy. Once back inside you spotted Jake at the beer pong table with Meredith. He had just sunk a shot and she jumped for joy when he did. Gross again.
“Hey I’m going to go pee! I’ll be right back.” You say, giving Matt a heads up.
He nods and you head for the original bathroom you had gone to. Once inside you peed, washed your hands, and stared at yourself in the mirror. A part of you wished you had just stayed home. As much as the thrill of being with Jake excited you, seeing him with Meredith made you feel like shit. You hated that it was this way. When you two were good, you were great. The highest highs and in turn, the lowest lows. Neither one of you were effective communicators, putting your pride above all else. You fluffed your hair and went to open the door, but to your surprise someone had barged in. Jake, with a wicked smile on his lips.
“Need some help in here?”
You crossed your arms. “Certainly not from you.”
“Oh tough girl, are we?” He steps closer to you and puts his face inches from yours. “I know what shit you’re trying to pull. Cut it out.”
You glare at him. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
He backed you up to the sink and put both arms out next to you, propping himself on the vanity while sinking closer towards you. “Yes you do. Tell your friend to fucking leave.”
You smirk at him. “No. I don’t think I will.”
He slides his hand down to your thigh and you feel like you could explode.
“Don’t start with me.” He warns, gripping at your flesh.
You swallow hard and look at him. “We’re not together Jake. I can do whatever or should I say whoever I want.”
That renders him speechless as his eyes bore into yours.
You remove his hand and get out from under him heading to the door. You turn back around and laugh.
“Oh and you should get Mere to do something about… that.” You tease, motioning to the beginning of an erection bulging in his pants.
Before he can respond you walk out and close the door. You take a deep breath and adjust your dress before returning to your date.
“Tequila shot?”
Matt smiles and nods. Then you’re heading off into the kitchen. You spot Josh and yell “tequila!” It doesn’t take him long to reach you.
“Let me get the whole gang, start pouring the good shit!” Josh yells, before diving back into the crowd.
You smiled and headed to their pantry, bending down to find a liquor cabinet with a keypad on it. You type in the four digit code and grab a brand new bottle of Casamigos. It was your favorite. Then you shut the cabinet and head back to the island, reaching for the shot glasses. Danny and Sam arrive and begin to start on the shots.
“We need seven right?” Danny asks.
“Yeah. I assume when Josh finds Jake he’ll bring blondie with him.” Sam answers, digging the pre-cut limes from the refrigerator.
Sure enough Sam was right. Josh brought back Jake and Meredith, his hand was guiding her on her back.
“Alright, gather around everyone!” Josh announced. “To the original crew and a couple of new friends. Happy Halloween you fuckers! I love you all!”
You giggle and yell back, “Cheers!” in unison with everyone else. You slam the shot down on the island before shooting the liquid down. It burns but in the best way possible. Meredith chokes hers down, spilling it down her chin. Amateur. Then Jake does something that catches even you off guard. He looks down at her and swipes his thumb over her bottom lip cleaning up the spilled tequila. Then he cuts his eyes over to you. You chew on your cheek and lock eyes back with him. Sam must have noticed because he let out a small laugh.
One thing about Sam? He loved to start shit. It was one of the reasons you loved him so much.
“Hey sexy witch!” Sam called over to you. “How about one of your specialties tonight? I mean it’s only right that the newbies get to bare witness.”
Jake’s expression stiffened, but you softened and smiled.
“Pour it up Sammy.”
Josh and Danny collectively “oooooh’d” and slapped the island. Sam began to grab a shot of birthday cake vodka, topping it with whipped cream. Then he sets it down before you.
“You know the rules mama, no hands.” Josh reminds, while you nod.
You tuck your hair behind your ears and place your hands behind your back, holding your wrists. Matt looks down at you with his eyebrows slightly raised, you just wink at him and part your lips. You wrap your lips around the rim of the shot glass and just for a split second lock eyes with Jake before sucking your cheeks in. You propel the shot glass back and stand up while the sweet liquid pours down your throat. You take the shot glass out of your mouth while the guys around you, minus Jake, erupt cheer. You can feel a tinge of whipped cream on the corner of your mouth, you start to wipe it but Matt beats you to it.
“Let me.” Matt says, taking his pointer finger and wiping the small white spot.
Without thinking you take his finger into your mouth and suck the remnants off.
Matt takes a sharp inhale.
Josh clears his throat and mutters “Oh fuck.” Before turning his boisterous self back on. “The talent! Thank you for blessing us with such a sight. Sam, Danny, come with me really quick. I need help with these speakers back here.”
You glance over and Sam makes wide eyes at you while smiling. Then all three of them trudge off, just leaving the four of you in silence.
“Wanna go dance?” You ask Matt, pulling on his arm.
“Lead the way babe.”
You take him in the crowd where everyone is dancing. If you were sober maybe you would have been embarrassed with your forward actions, but as the liquor sloshed around in your stomach you couldn’t care less. You two were close, really close. Swaying on each other. Matt leaned down and placed a kiss on your neck. Then his hands trailed further down your body until they met your ass, giving it a light squeeze. You looked up in surprise at him. He leaned forward and whispered into your neck, “Wanna get out of here?”
Before you could respond you felt a firm grip on your arm. You spun around and there was Jake, seething.
“Let’s fucking go.” He growled as he pulled you away.
Matt furrowed his brows and went to grab your other wrist. You stopped and Jake turned around with a death stare. “Get your fucking hands off of her. Didn’t your mother ever teach you not to touch things that don’t belong to you?”
Matt let go and continued to stare at you in disbelief. Your feet continued to move with Jake as you mouthed “sorry.”
Jake didn’t let go or loosen his grip as he continued to drag you through the crowded house. He took you upstairs and towards a familiar door. Once inside he slammed his door and locked it before turning his attention towards you. He was mad. Furious even. Possibly the most upset you had ever seen him.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” He yells with a scowl plastered on his face.
“Oh fuck off.” You say, completely disinterested.
“You’re going to bring some random fuck to my house and then rub all up against him blatantly in front of me?”
You laugh. “What about your little Meredith? You wanna put your hands all over her and when I am enjoying myself with another person it’s a problem?”
Jake scoffs. “I wasn’t letting her kiss all over me and feel me up!”
“So what? Let her.” You spit.
Jake looks at you pointedly. “You need to learn who you belong to.”
You let out a maniacal laugh. “Inform me Jake? Who do I belong to? Because it sure as hell isn’t you!”
You see his face clouding with darkness. “That’s where you’re wrong. You do belong to me.” He steps up closer to you. “You’re mine.”
That causes warmness to swell in your stomach, but you wouldn’t let him know that.
“Not anymore.” You say with as much confidence as you can muster.
“Don’t say that.” He says taking a step towards you. “It’s a lie. We don’t lie to each other. Remember?”
You scoff. “I don’t think we have ever followed through with that promise to one another. Are we done here? I’m getting bored.”
Jake half smirks at you. “Bored?”
You glare back at him unimpressed. “Yeah, bored. I didn’t stutter.”
“Bored… That’s funny. Don’t act like you didn’t wear this little.. outfit to get my attention. You know you could wear a trash bag and my eyes would be on you.”
You roll your eyes trying to keep a blank stare on your face, but internally you’re on fire.
“It turns you on that I’m jealous, doesn’t it?” He asks.
You suck in your cheeks.
“You knew exactly what would happen when you brought him here. You knew exactly where you would end up tonight regardless, but you still brought him here.”
You crack a smile at him. “I brought a tall hot guy on a date and then you cockblocked me. That’s what happened.”
Jake steps closer to you until his body is touching yours. He lightly grabs your wrists and pins them to the wall. His eyes scan your face for some sort of reaction. You’re falling apart trying to remain unaffected. You can feel your heart thudding as his breath fans over your neck. “Let’s see how long it takes for this little confidence facade to crack. Shall we?”
“Fuck yo-“
Then his lips crash onto yours. Slow and warm, which is the exact opposite of how you expected. Suddenly that hardened exterior has cracked entirely as you kiss him back with every ounce of passion in your body. Fuck, you missed his lips on you.
He takes his mouth off of yours and stares down into your eyes. Neither one of you dare say a word. Then he goes back in, kissing you feverishly. His hands grab at your waist and pulls you closer into him. Your tongues meet and you swear you could feel fireworks throughout your whole body. The truth is, no one could ever make you feel the way that you felt with Jake. This was just further proof. Jake’s calloused hands begin to rub up your thigh as you take in sharp breaths from his mouth. He fumbles around with the hem of your very short and very tight dress. Finally he makes his way up your dress spreading your legs apart. He takes two fingers and swipes them over your drenched clothed center and you shutter at the feeling. You can feel that smirk on his face while your lips are still connected. He bites your bottom lip and pulls away.
“Look at you. Already making a mess of yourself.”
You take a breath. “Yeah, Matt did a number on me on the dance floor.”
You see Jake let out a small laugh at your boldness while he also clenched his jaw. He was right, jealousy did turn you on.
“Just when I thought you were going to be sweet.” He says, popping the two fingers in his mouth. “Strip.”
You cross your arms at him.
“Strip. Now. I’m not asking again.”
He backs away from you and you give him a glare. You’re going to do exactly what he says because you’re weak for him and beyond turned on.
His eyes stare intensely at you while you reach back and grab the small zipper. You tug it down and begin to peel yourself out of the dress. You see him take a noticeably deeper breath when your breasts are freed. You grab the material from around your waist and shimmy out of it, dropping it to the floor. Only in your boots and black silky thongs, you step out of the dress and look at Jake.
“Goddamn.” He says lowly, raking his eyes up and down your body.
You reach down to begin removing your boots when Jake speaks up. “No. Leave them. You wanna dress up like a whore tonight so I’m going to fuck you like one. Knees.”
You swallow the excitement that draws up your throat from that statement while you take a few steps closer to him. You sink to your knees and Jake reaches down and softly runs his finger through your hair. He reaches down and hooks your chin under his pointer finger.
“So pretty and this makeup looks so good. Unfortunately it’s about to get ruined.”
He unbuckles his pants and lets them hit the floor, he’s already hard. You look up at him waiting for instruction. His hand returns to your face running his thumb along your lips.
“You know the rules mama. No hands.” He spits, referencing earlier.
You look up at him and nod, opening your mouth and sticking your tongue out. He slightly twitches at your action. The way you affected him always turned you on even more. His cock grazes your tongue and he already lets out a breath. You lick a hot stripe up his length then swirl your tongue around the tip and his hand finds the back of your head.
“Quit teasing.”
You take him into your mouth, rolling your tongue around as he travels further back into your mouth.
“Fuck.” He lets out through gritted teeth.
He sinks your head further until you gag lightly, then he pulls you back. You begin to bob up and down around him while his grip in your hair tightens. You glance up and make eye contact with him through your lashes while hollowing your cheeks around him. He looked so fucking hot. Brows furrowed, a sheen amount of sweat broke out on his skin, face pinched in concentration and bewilderment. But when your eyes meet his he lets out a groan and pulls you off of him so he doesn’t finish already. You let out a small laugh and he looks down at you still on your knees.
You start to wipe the corner of your mouth. “What’s wrong Jakey? Made a mess of yourself already?”
He smirks at you. “That mouth is going to get you into trouble. On the bed. Ass up.”
You get to your feet and make your way to the bed, propping your ass up like you were told. You’re already throbbing with anticipation, you know when he gets like this he fucks you mericilessly. You feel him step up behind you and widen your legs. He runs his hands all up and down your ass before giving it a swift smack. You let out a whimper. Then, he quickly rips your panties down to your knees. You’re expecting him to ease himself into you, but to your surprise you hear him get down on his knees. He uses both of his arms to pull your ass back straight to his face. He begins kissing the inside of the back of your thighs and you’re already worked up. He flattens his tongue and licks up your center, popping his tongue at your most sensitive spot. He continues to lick and suck until you’re gripping his sheets for dear life. When he adds two fingers, you’re done for. You can feel that heat burning in your core coming to a high, you clench your eyes shut as your legs begin to shake.
“Fuck-“ you moan.
Just as that feeling is about to bubble into euphoria, Jake stops. You whip your head around and he stands up and wipes the slick off his face.
“Shhh. You know I always take care of you.” He smirks. “Come here pretty girl.”
He flips you over and climbs on top of you. He leans down and kisses down your neck while his erection presses on your stomach. Slowly but surely he makes his way down to your breasts, kissing and nipping at your nipples. You indulge in the sensation and your hands quickly wrap into his long hair. He reaches down and rubs himself all over you, you both let out breathy moans. He finally sinks into, slowly, letting you adjust. You can feel your eyes roll into the back of your head as he picks up the pace. His mouth sloppily meets yours. You’re both moaning into each other's mouth as you wrap your knees around him. You lace your fingers into his hair giving it a light tug. This causes him to lift his head slightly and he groans while diving back down to kiss your neck.
“Oh god- fuck.” You whine, as his mouth and tongue roughly suck at your throat.
“Nothing compares to you. Nothing ever will.” Jake pants into your ear. “You’re like a drug to me. I’ll swallow you every night for the rest of my life baby.”
He knows when he’s vocal like that it sends you into oblivion. And here you are right on the edge.
“Jake-“ you whine.
“I know, baby. I know. I’m right there with you. Ah fuck.”
Jake slams one of your hands down onto the bed, lacing his fingers with yours. Your other hand is gripping his shoulder for dear life. His hair is tickling your face and shoulders adding to the sensation. That familiar burn is back and you know this time that flame will spread to every orifice of your body. Jake is also rapidly becoming undone as his strokes become faster but more sloppy. You throw your head back into the pillow and let go as you feel yourself leave your body for a moment. Jake finishes just as you’re beginning to recover, he’s a mess of curse words and heavy breathing. He stays on you, as you can feel both of your hearts beating rapidly. You both stay like this for a few minutes, just trying to recover.
Finally he gives your forehead a kiss and then rolls off staring up at the ceiling for a moment. It’s quiet, but then Jake sits up and grabs a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from his nightstand. He lights up a Camel and takes a puff before passing it to you. You let out a small laugh and accept it, inhaling the minty flavor. Jake tilts his head to the side and stares at you. It seems as if he is studying every characteristic about you. Like he had forgotten how beautiful you looked after he ruined you.
You exhale and turn to him. “What?”
He shrugs. “I like looking at you.”
You scoff a little.
“I do.” He insists. “I’ve missed you.”
“Funny way of showing it.” You retort.
“I don’t want to do this tonight. But I would like to have a conversation in the morning about it. Would you like to go back down or stay up here and watch scary movies?”
You think about continuing the harshness with him, but truthfully you don’t want to. “Up to you.”
Jake sucks in a breath. “Okay, can we go back down there and cook a pizza? I’ll start kicking the randoms out and then we can come back up here and put on a movie. There’s a new slasher film on Netflix, I thought you might like it.”
You didn’t have the heart to tell him that you had already seen it, so you just smiled and said: “Yeah, okay.”
Jake matches your smile then leans over and plants a kiss lightly on your mouth before rolling off the bed. He threw you a t-shirt before heading to his bathroom. You finally peel your boots off and pad into the bathroom with him. He opens up his medicine cabinet and grabs a pack of your feminine wipes. He kept them here, which means that all of your things would still be in that cabinet. You try not to smile as he sets them down on the counter and leaves to give you privacy. You stare at yourself in the mirror and try to fix your makeup. You weren’t sure if you were buzzed off of the alcohol or something else entirely. After fixing yourself, you exit the bathroom to see Jake plopping a pair of his slippers on the floor for you.
“Probably don’t wanna walk out there barefoot.”
You nod and accept the slippers. “What about-“
Jake cuts you off before you can finish. “He’s gone. They’re both gone. Sam escorted them out.”
“Oh.” You say plainly.
Jake narrows his eyes at you. “Try not to sound so disappointed.”
That elicits a giggle from you and Jake playfully rolls his eyes, then grabs your hand. He laces his fingers with yours and leads you out of his room.
To your surprise, the party had thinned out significantly. How long were you two up there? It seemed like maybe thirty minutes but it looked as if hours had passed. Music still bumped as you made your way downstairs in nothing but Jake’s shirt and shoes. You scanned the room and didn’t see Matt or Meredith. That gave you a sigh of relief. Eventually you would have to speak with Matt and apologize. You felt a little bad as he was nice, but he wasn’t Jake. That would always be a flaw in any potential partner you could ever have. One that you weren’t sure you could ever get past.
Jake took you to the kitchen and preheated the oven yelling at a few people to “fuck off and get out” along the way.
You heard a familiar voice echo towards you. “Jake are you telling my guests to fuck off and get out? It’s only 2am what’s wrong with y-“ Josh pauses when he sees you standing there in his twin’s shirt and a smile spreads across his face. “So you two have worked things out I assume.”
You blush a little feeling silly for the show earlier in front of everyone. You see Sam and Danny approaching Josh.
“Well well. What do we have here?” Sam asks, glancing between you and Jake.
“I’m shocked- truly.” Danny adds, facetiously.
“Mhm.” Jake answers only to Josh, taking your hand back in his. “Also yeah it’s 2am it’s time to wrap this shit up.”
“Yeah which is why we need to keep this party going all night because you two have weeks of sexual frustration to let out!” Sam exclaimed.
“To be fair Sam, by the look of it, they already have.” Danny snickers.
Sam erupts with laughter. “That won’t be the last of it. Remember that last cabin trip we took? They’re like bunnies-“
“Okay fuck enough! Keep drinking, it’s obviously making you all more intelligent. Just keep everyone down here.” Jake concedes, shaking his head.
Josh laughs. “Well you heard the man! Party stays down stairs everyone!” He shouts, although no one pays him hardly any mind.
Sam slinks by you and wraps his arm around you while Jake throws the pizza in the oven. “Feel better?”
You roll your eyes at him. “Hush.”
He gives you shoulder a squeeze. “I’m just teasing. I’m glad you’re back around. They’re all so dreadfully boring.”
Jake huffs at him. “Don’t you all have a party to get back to or something?”
“Good point.” Danny says. “Have fun you two. Be safe!” Then he heads off to the crowd with Sam close behind shouting: “What he said! Daniel, wait! The fog machines!”
Josh chuckles at them and walks over to you. He wraps you in a hug and kisses your forehead. “We have missed you mama.”
“Watch it.” Jake warns half heartedly.
Josh scoffs. “Oh please. Also let it be known that Jake has done nothing but sulk around for the past few weeks! He made me text you to remind you about this party tonight!”
Jake grins at him and playfully shoves him along. “Get out of here.”
Josh throws his hands up and winks at you before diving back into the party.
Jake shakes his head and looks at you.
You grin back up at him. “Is that true?”
He blushes and takes your hand. “Ask me about it in the morning.”
Sunlight bathed in through the splits in the curtains. You half opened one eye, still trying to recover from your slumber. You turned your head to catch a glimpse of Jake’s alarm clock. It read: OCT. 31ST 10:42am. Jake was still asleep, softly snoring next to you as his arm draped over your side. Last night had ended quite perfectly. You had taken your pizza upstairs, watched that movie, and fucked two more times. It was almost 6am when you both had finally dozed off. You smiled a little when you thought of it, but that smile faded when you realized how full your bladder was. You attempted to wiggle out from under Jake’s arm, but he just pulled you in closer to him.
“Morning.” He says with his eyes still closed and a grin on his face.
“Good morning Jake. I really need to pee.”
He pulled you even closer and started kissing all over your face and neck. “C’mon stay in bed.”
You giggled. “Jake!”
He groaned. “Okay, off you go.”
You bolted up as soon as he released you and he laughed. After peeing you washed your hands and had yourself a glance in the mirror. There were purplish love bites all over your neck and collarbone. They wouldn’t be fun to cover up. You grabbed your toothbrush and started brushing your teeth. Jake opened the door, illuminated in sunlight with a smile on his face. He stepped in and hugged you from behind, giving you a peck on the cheek. This seemed a little unlike him, but you went with it. He grabbed his toothbrush and said “Breakfast?”
You hummed and nodded.
After you had made yourself somewhat presentable you went through the clothes on the floor to try and find your dress from the night before.
“What are you doing?” Jake asked with knitted brows.
“Looking for my clothes.” You replied.
He sucked in his cheeks. “I’ll give you a pair of my sweatpants and a hoodie. You can wear my slippers too.”
“Jake I’ll look homeless.” You say with a laugh.
“No you won’t. I like it when you wear my clothes.” He offers with a smile.
You playfully roll your eyes and accept his offer.
To your surprise you come downstairs to a somewhat clean house. Josh is poking about the kitchen, wiping down counters and softly humming to himself.
“Good morning you two- ugh! Fuck!”
You make a face at him. “What?”
“What happened to your neck? It looks like you were attacked by an octopus. Holy shit.” He states, dumbfoundedly staring at you.
“Gotta mark your territory. Right?” Jake interjects with a smirk.
Josh makes a fake gagging sound as Jake grabs your arm and leads you to the door.
“Sam was right! God that’s something I never thought I would say.” Josh yells after you two head for the door.
You crunched the leaves beneath your feet into a 24 hour breakfast diner that you and Jake had frequented before. There were little spider webs and skeletons hung up everywhere. Jake had ordered you both the Halloween special that had consisted of some sort of pumpkin coffee, witchy waffles, and batty bacon.
“So.” Jake said as he sipped his coffee.
“So?” You answered.
He lets out a huff. “You make me nervous.”
You laughed at him. “No I don’t.”
“Yes you do.”
Before you can speak he continues. “Okay fuck it here it goes. So yes I asked Josh to text you. In fact, I bugged the piss out of him about it for days. I did sulk for those three weeks. And when I saw you walk in yesterday with that fuck I felt a feeling that I never want to feel again.”
You swallow and glance up at him. “Oh…”
He huffs again and pushes his hair back. “What I’m trying to say here is- I want you. I want you in every way all of the time. I don’t want to keep fueling the stupid fights and breakups. I’m done with that. I’ve done a lot of reflecting and… well, I love you. I’ve loved you for years and I want to keep on loving you for years. I want us to be together and actually give it a shot. A permanent shot. You and me.”
You blink and stare at him, entirely unsure what to even say. You and Jake had technically been together for years and this was the first time you had heard him say he loved you stone cold sober. You felt like you could vomit, but in a good way?
“Please say something.” He spits out, slightly anxious.
“Jake- I…” You take a breath and swallow. “I love you too.”
A visible sigh leaves his body as that perfect smile creeps over his face.
“But I’m scared. I’m scared that you’re going to hurt me. That we’re going to hurt each other.”
He grabs your hand and laces it with his. “I know. A big part of that is my own fault. But I’m serious. I want to try. I want to communicate with you. I want to make it work. I want you.”
You chew on your lip, still unsure of his words. It felt surreal, like you were in a dream. You had been waiting for years to hear this come out of his mouth. Slowly, you nod your head and muster up a very small “Okay.” With a smile.
Jake jolts up and leans across the table grabbing your jaw and pulling you in for a kiss. Then he puts his forehead up against yours and mutters a “thank you.” Before sitting down like all eyes weren’t on you two.
“How’s your coffee?” He asks you nonchalantly.
You look up at him and laugh. He does the same.
“It’s perfect. How’s yours?”
He smiles at you with those beautiful white teeth that you rarely see.
“Perfect.” He answers back.
Your waitress brings your Halloween specials and you both eat and giggle at one another. When you’re finished, Jake takes your hand and leads you outside. The crisp air raises goosebumps on your skin, yet you had never felt more warm.
“Can I take you back to your place to get changed then we go have a spooky day? I still think we have time to pick out a pumpkin and carve it. We just need to be back before dark because I shelled out on Halloween candy this year.”
You laugh in a surprised way. “Jake Kiszka are you getting soft on me? Handing out candy to children?”
He rolls his eyes. “No. It’s a competition. The best costumes get the most candy.”
You throw your head back. “That’s sort of fucked up.”
“But you’re going to do it with me. Aren’t you?” He asks with a smirk.
He kisses your cheek and laughs. “That’s my girl.”
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coltrainbat · 2 years
Can you write about Chris Evans goes to a strip club and meet reader, a pole stripper dancer. She gave him her number and hooked up in a random hotel to fuck
What A Girl Wants
A/N: I hope this is what what you wanted! If you liked it let me know. I live for FEEDBACK.
Disclaimer: All characters and events written, even those based on real people are entirely fictional and are no representation or comment of said characters in real life. 
WARNINGS: SMUT MINORS DNI. 8k filth, sub! kinda, daddy kink, unprotected sex, oral (f receiving), oral (m receiving), dirty talk, nipple play, rough sex, orgasm, P in V
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Chris wasn’t particularly a fan of strip clubs. Sure, he liked looking at girls shake their ass but the idea of throwing dollar bills at some father less girl for it seemed icky to him. None the less, if your best bro wants to go to a strip club for his bachelor party then its bro code rule that you must go. 
So here he was, sitting in the corner on a leather bench seat, sipping his beer surveying the scene in front of him. A bunch of girls walking around topless in nothing but a shoelace up their crack. He had to admit he was impressed with the diversity of them all; short, tall, toothpick skinny, voluptuous. 
He was pulled out of his thought when the man of the hour, plumped down next to him “Bro get your ass up shows about to start.”
“What show?” 
“The pole show… rumour is she’s damn flexible.”
“Far out... whatever.”
Chris followed the group to the table smack bang in front of the main stage. Getting comfortable in his seat with a fresh beer, he stretched out curious to see what’s going happen next. 
Freak by Doja Cat started playing over the speaker as the lights dimmed. 
A singular spotlight fell over the gold pole in the centre of the curved platform. 
And there she was… in an outfit that can only be compared to slutty Jessica Rabbit, the lace bra barely covering her erect nipples, matching red boy shorts curved perfectly around her shapely ass. 
She rounded the pole, spinning slowly to the pace of the music. Her calf rounded against the cylinder as she floated above ground. Her eyes landing on his as he instinctively inched closer to the stage. If anyone was looking at him in this moment, he probably looked deranged, tongue peeking out from his pursed lips. The fabric of his jeans tightened as his cock hardened. 
Just when he thought it couldn’t get more erotic, she pressed her ass cheeks against the pole letting the cold metal penetrate her hole, slowly as she slid down arms behind her back. Hair falling over her face as she looked directly in his direction. Men cheered and hooted, but he stayed dead silent as he watched her with darkened eyes.  
Her thick thighs landed gracefully with a slight ripple in a split causing her tits to almost spill out of her top as she crawled towards the edge in his direction. Her breathing ragged, matching his own. He watched her red shiny lips as she mouthed to him 
“Come get a freak like me.” With a small wink only he could of caught. 
Fuck. He had to have her. 
Once her routine had ended and she had moved off the stage, he was quick to move towards the backstage area. 
“Hey buddy you can’t go back here” Quickly stopped by security at the door
“Yeah yeah I know I just want to talk to her.” He tried to shrug the man’s hand off his chest, the one thing preventing him from getting a taste of that delicious pussy. 
“So does everyone pal back up.”
“It’s ok Ricky… I know him.” You reassured your trusty security.
You appeared like a vision still in costume but now he could get a better look at your face. Coated in sweat giving you a glowy sheen. He couldn’t wipe the image of how good you’d look on your knees in front of him. 
“Hey I’m…” his voice desperate it came out almost as mumble. You had THE Captain America nervous.
“I know what you want.” You slipped your hand in his jean pocket and he immediately froze up unsure of what do with your hand so close to his hardened member.
You pulled out his phone
“Password please.” You gave him an innocent smile as he quickly entered in the code and handed it back to you. 
You entered your phone number and put your name in ‘Bunny’ he quickly scanned it. 
“Bunny” he smirked at you
“When do you get off, Bunny?”
“In 10.”
“Good I’ll see you in 20 then.” He walked away clutching his phone like it was his most prized possession.  
“Hey bro, I feel a little off I’m gonna go back to the hotel but have fun yeah?” 
“You’re such a fucking pussy but yeah whatever we’ll probably won’t see you till tomorrow night” the group of men laughed thinking he was missing out on the best night of their lives little did they know he was able to be deep in your glorious pussy.  
He gave a fake laugh “Yeah all good see you then.” He quickly exited the club meeting the cold air. Unlocking his phone, he found your number texting you furiously:
“The Lotus. Room 246. Say you’re there to see Steve. Don’t take off the outfit.”
“Done ;)”  
He walked towards the hotel, eager to get into his room. 
He paced the room with minutes to spare as he heard the knock on the door. Borderline running to answer it he found you in a long coat. He knew what was underneath and he couldn’t wait to rip it off. 
You pushed him back onto the bed, slowly you took off your coat, revealing what was now his favourite outfit of all time. 
You got on your knees in front of him, fumbling with his belt eager to release his growing member. You pulled out his large erect cock, studying the bulbous tip already oozing with precum. You immediately pulled it into your mouth swirling around the tip and releasing it from your lips with a pop. Looking him straight in the eyes.
“Jesus Christ” he groaned. 
You took notice of the neat red ring of lipstick residue that had formed on his cock. Smiling to yourself. 
You then went in taking his whole length down your throat. You intended to make this the sloppiest, dirtiest blow job he’d ever had. He didn’t take his eyes off you as you slurped his length, effortlessly licking and enjoying the taste of his manhood. You were intoxicated but the musty smell of his neatly trimmed bush above the base of his cock in which your nose found a cushion. You palmed his heavy balls in your hand, he groaned as you abandoned his cock for his balls, shoving them both in your mouth letting them feel the inside of your warm mouth. “Fuck yes baby, yeah keep doing that shit.” You stroked his cock while you circled the balls with your tongue. Increasing and decreasing your speed he was on edge unsure of your next move. He moved his hand to the base of your neck, gathering your hair into a pony.
“This ok?”
You let out a weak “uh-huh” the vibration of your approval sending a shiver through his spine. Instantly he pulled hard, fucking your throat. Your eyes started to water as his sheer length penetrated your throat. Your lipstick now smeared around your mouth and mascara dripped down your cheek. Controlling the movement of your head he pulled you off his cock.
“You keep doing that baby I’m gonna cum… on all 4s… now.” You quickly got up, wiping under your eyes, and getting into position. You dared look back to see him undressing, pulling off his shirt. 
He caught you shamelessly admiring his chiselled chest “Head. Down.” Following orders, you put your face into the soft pillow. Pulling you front down so your boobs were smooched against the mattress, ass high in the air ready for him to take you. 
You felt a pause behind you, unsure of what he was doing until you felt his large hands on your ass smooching your cheeks together then apart, playing with the skin and fat that rolled his hands. 
“So beautiful...” 
The soft tender moment was interrupted by the sharp slap on your ass. You could feel the red mark forming. 
“Do it again.”
“What was that baby?”
“Do it again… daddy.”
“Gosh you learn so quickly… good girl.” Another hard slap landed on your ass.
“We don’t need these.”  
He ripped the thin lace from your body, it barely stood a chance against his urgency to have your heat exposed… ready to devour you.
You yearned for his touch and to feel his thick, long member inside of you. Instead, your pussy was met with a warm swipe of his tongue.
He inhaled the scent of your wet cunt already seeping with juices. 
“This is the best pussy I have ever tasted Bunny.” His compliments muffled by his tongue deep in your hole. He assaulted your pussy inching around your swollen clit. 
His hand came up to give it much needed attention, pinching, and rubbing the aching nib. 
“Chris please… I need it.”
“So desperate for me baby.. whats the magic word.”
“Please daddy I want your cock”
“Ok because you asked so nicely”
You felt the sudden fullness of his cock bottoming out on your cervix. His patterned thrusts hitting your g spot every time. 
The feeling of your velvet pussy walls latching onto his cock was like ecstasy to him. Every thrust was measured and precise to optimise your pleasure.
“God, you feel so good baby… so fucking good Bunny”
Choking out moans into the sheets you were overcome with pleasure as his hands roughly gripped your hips, his fingers digging into the thick flesh to give leverage to his raging movements. 
You were so close until you felt the sudden emptiness. 
You whined raising your head to see what had interrupted your pleasure.
“Get on top I wanna see your ass bounce on my cock”
“He laid down next to you and you position your ass towards his face, sliding your wetness down his chest towards his cock.
He grabbed his member, positioning it at your entrance 
“Good now sit.”
You leveraged yourself on his thick thighs bouncing up and down on his cock. Overcome by the new angle yet focused on keeping a steady pace to please the man under you.
You gyrated your hips raising yourself ever so slightly up and down on his cock.
“God this is the best view” his arms crossed behind his head as he raised his hips up to meet yours with ease increasing the pleasure.
He wet a single digit and snaked his hand around your back massaging the outside of your puckered hole. 
“Oh, daddy yeah keep doing that omg”
He readjusted himself, pulling both your weights up as he sat against the headboard. Squeezing your love handles, he gave you the sign to turn around with a slap on your ass. 
Your hair was a mess atop of your head as he spun you around to meet him effortlessly. 
“Come ‘ere gorgeous”
You leaned downwards to meet his face; his beard wet with your mess as you tasted yourself on his tongue. His hands travelled up and down your back coaxing you to come closer. 
You moved your mouth in rhythm with his, savouring your first kiss. 
His mouth travelled down to your jaw, leaving puckered kisses on your neck, sucking lightly on the supple skin more than likely leaving a mark.   
Pulling down your bra to free your tits. 
His mouth finally landed on your left tip taking the nipple into his mouth, he cupped your breast towards his mouth sucking hungrily. He bit the hard nipple roughly watching as your face contorted from pleasure and pain. Moving his head, making sure to give the other breast equal love and affection. 
Your hands pawed through his hair enjoying the friction of his beard against your soft skin. 
“Oh baby”
His hands travelled to your ass lifting you just above the head of his cock, letting gravity guide you back down. 
Over and over, you bounced up and down on his cock.
“Is this why they call you bunny baby.” He smirked up at you
You looked at him through glazed eyes, smiling at the delicious man beneath you. 
“I’m so close daddy”
“Yeah, baby you want to cum?”
“Use your words baby”
“Yes, please daddy”
That was all he needed to grab your waist tighter, ramming into you from below in fast, sudden motions striking your cervix. It wasn’t long until you came undone on his cock, falling into his hard arms, your juices flowing over his cock and on to the sheets below.
“Oh god baby don’t move.”
Your body went limp as he used your wet pussy as a human flesh light. His thrusts became sloppy as he released inside of you, grunting incomprehensible sweet nothings in your ear. 
Sweat formed on his forehead as his whole body finally relaxed into the sheets, his arms wrapped around your petite body, running his hands along your curves.
“Holy shit” He exhaled
you finally found the energy to lift your head up and look at the beautiful man.
“Was it what you expected?”
“Everything and more” he gave you a weary smile 
You moved off from him, rolling to the side, preparing to get in the shower and go home. His arm instinctively wrapping around your shoulder pulling you back onto the bed and into his arms. 
“Ya know you can stay the night if you want” he looked at you earnestly.  
“I’d like that”
“Yeah, as long as I get that pussy again in the morning”
“You’ll get a lot more than that Mr Evans.”
With a final peck on your lips, you drifted off to sleep in the lush sheets against his hard chest. 
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restlesscrybaby · 2 years
~ 'I'm obsessed with your vest, let me see it on my floor,' ~
☆ CONTENT WARNING: NSFW themes, slight drug mentions, ☆
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It was a typical day on the job.
Here and there, customers in and out, bright lights in your face, one after the other.
But, it was time to open. Well, for your shift.
In the backroom, the walls isolated the sounds of dancers chatting, to only be trapped within the walls of the lounge. Some opened bags of food, others crunched on food actively, some walked out of their dressing rooms in their comfortable clothes to go home in. You opened the large, cold door, that was covered in metal. The creaks of the hinges letting your presence known as some of the girls looked over. Haha..
You smiled, awkwardly, as you held your bag of clothes. Oh my god. Let's get to a dressing room.
Your regular shoes, simple dress shoes, almost looking like tap shoes, clacked against the wooden boards that coated the floor. You slipped into a bathroom, the cold air of it hitting against your face. Wow. Okay.
You turned and you used your pointer and thumb, grabbing the lock and clicking it to the side, announcing that somebody was in there and no one could come in. Wonderful.
You grabbed the zipper upon the back of your dress, the best you could, pinching it with your pointer and thumb. You tried to pull down, only loosening the dress just a tad. Wonderful. An aggravated sigh escaped your lips, as you tried again.
Once a tad.
And again, and again,
It got easier each time, until you reached the end of the zipper. The mouth was finally open. The dress practically slid off your body, but you wiggled it more off your hips. It slid down, in a quick fall of a motion, hitting the floor in a sad thump. You pulled your legs out, stepping back from it as you picked it up, throwing it over your forearm.
Where to put it--
Ugh, whatever.
You set it on the sink for the moment,
Changing your entire outfit.
You adorned a red top, that had silver tassels hanging from the top bust of your breasts. It had a small golden hoop, that connected the two pads together. Upon the bottom trimming of the pads, was beautiful lace.
Two strings hooked up, curling around your shoulders to connect together at the back, keeping the top on and secure.
You wore a kind of thong, that was a red, lacey, one. With shimmers coating it, two little bows created knots at your hips from it. You had slid on big, scarlet, high heels, with a tall heel and the platform supporting that tall height. A clear covering coated over your toes, with an anklet holding onto your ankle to keep these big heels in place.
Ughh.. Time to work.
You strutted out, an aggravated scowl on your face. I mean, a good job, tons of money, just..
Of course, you started to get to work.
Showed off on a stage, for people to gawk and gander at, like you were some kind of meat.
You placed a hand onto the pole, curling your fingers around the cold pole. Guh. You hated how cold it was. You used the hard surface to gently spin around it, getting a momentum to jump up. Your leg curled around the pole, the pole between your calf and thigh, as the momentum kept you moving. Your other leg sticking behind it, to keep yourself secured as you spun gently upon the cold metal. You tried to keep up momentum, the beat of the songs practically beating in sync with your heart. You just.. Tried to feel the music. Bright lights were always shining, always in your face, always-- Ugh.
But, a certain patreon had finally visited.
He watched the women dance, a small tug at his lip showing.. He wasn't very happy. None of them peeked interest! Bah! What is he..
His teal irises caught glimpse upon your body shape, how each curve showed itself off in that outfit, oh how it covered the good bits.
He put a hand upon his thigh, as he watched, intently. He sat up, only slightly, as a smirk tugged upon his face. Oh my...
You had gotten off the pole by now, your leg extended out, an arm held behind your back, holding onto tje opposite end of the pole. Your other hand placed upon the thigh that you flexed to extend out. Trying to.. Show off those curves. Your back arched in, your ass right up against the pole. Slowly sliding your hand down, traveling down the top of your thigh, towards your knee.
Oh my...
He bit his bottom lip, pulling in the flesh to soon let it go, a smirk still planted upon his face like a bad rash. His eyelids were draped, halfway shut, brows raised in enjoyment of your dances.
His other hand traveled into his inner breast pocket, as he felt some money in there. He slipped it out, between his thumb and index finger. He didn't dare count it, but he placed it on his thigh, placing his other hand upon his leather-hidden thigh...
You finished up, as you began to walk around.
You enjoyed helping the waiters, it took some weight off their shoulders.
But, you heard someone snapping when you walked by.
Come on.
You cocked your head to look towards who was snapping, as...
Jack Horner...
Sat there, snapping his purple thumb against his index and middle finger, creating a loud crack sound, almost like a whip. Oh, he was snapping at you.
You slid up, as you rested your arms behind your back, shining him a smile. You asked him if he needed anything, as he gave a grin. He leaned back, his back hitting against the cushioned seat as he placed an arm against the back of the seat. His elbow rested there, as the forearm hung off the seat. His other hand patted his thigh, but soon it held up the cash that rested there.
He wanted a lap dance?
You asked if that's what he wanted, as he let out a laugh. He tilted his head to the side, leaning it back slightly as a throaty snicker exited his lips.
He scowled, as though aggravated you didn't know that's what he wanted exactly, as you gave a nod. You slid around his table, as you approached him. Oh god, he's got a big lap. You embraced his thigh between your legs, and started to climb onto his lap. You tried to straddle him, but you scooted closer, as you straddled his hips within your thighs.
Oh my god.
He slid the money into your left side of your top, half of it hanging out of the bra pad.
You rocked your hips forward onto him, but in a steady manner. You lifted an arm up, sliding a hand into your own hair, placing it on the back of your head. You intertwined your fingers into your own hair, your other hand placing onto his chest.
Oh my..
His pants tightened around his erect cock, as he used his top teeth, latching onto his bottom lip, pulling in the flesh with a sultry chuckle. He watched your hips buck onto him, in a very steady manner, but so smooth, guhhh..
His hand that had slid money into your bra, eased onto your outer thigh as you practically grinded up on him. He used his big thumb, kneading circles into your inner thigh, bathing in the moment.
This went on for some time...
Until he held up some more money...
It was time huh...
You slid off his lap, as your feet hoisted you up as you watched his massive stature lift himself up. He was practically booming in size, as he peered down upon you.
You waited a moment, staring at him rather stupidly as he snarled.
"What? Are you going to look at me stupidly or are you going to make yourself useful?"
Oh, shoot, yes, you had to lead the way...
You began to advance to a private room, his large booted heels made him practically trample through everyone.
You strutted, gliding past people snorting cocaine, smoking pot, fighting, God. What a terrible world.
You led him to a private room, as he strolled in. He ordered you to the couch, as you quietly sat down on the comfy scarlet cushions, some new couch anyway...
He turned back, as he reached for the sign that hung upon a little hook on the outside of the door. He used his pointer and thumb and he flipped it. A smug smirk curled on the tips of his lips, as he watched everyone in the main area fight, snort, puff, cough, laugh, kiss, everything. Soon shutting the door, a satisfying click letting you know it closed. Another clarifying click let you know he locked it.
The sign on the door read;
'In Use.'
Of course, that should've been the end of it. A single use and a toss to the side, like every stripper is done.
But, that wasn't the case.
He came back.
And came back.
More and more,
Even more when other men would pay you..
He seemed to swoop in and stop it. Somehow always, at the right time..
You never questioned it, though you should've,
Though, he was glad you never questioned it, though you should've.
He can't complain,
You couldn't complain,
After all,
Your highest paying customer...
'If you saw my thoughts, you'd call me a whore,'
ENJOYY eeep!! I'll make this more in detail later <33
I didn't add smut because I feel like I've been adding too much smut eep
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the-blackorchid1 · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: NEW ROCK 36 / 6.5 BLACK LEATHER LACE-UP 19 EYE BOOTS goth industrial witch zip.
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The Warden (Adrenaline Junkie Part 3)
Part 1     Part 2     Part 4     Part 5     Part 6     Part 7     Part 8     Part 9     Part 10     Part 11     Part 12     Part 13     Part 14     Part 15     Part 16     Part 17
Spotify Playlist (collaborative)
Warnings: Major angst, The Warden, swearing, fighting, very graphic description of injury/gore (I put astericks around the graphic parts so you can skip it if you’re uncomfortable), death, grief
Word count: 2,201
(A/N): I took a few creative liberties with The Warden since we don’t know much about it.
The thing towered above you at at least twice your height, if not more. It’s mouth was shaped in a permanent gaping frown with grotesque pointed teeth curled in different directions. You heard a soft dripping from the bioluminescent drool seeping endlessly from its mouth and dripping onto the cold stone floor. Good god that thing could swallow you whole and still have more room for two other people. It had similar tentacle-like structures to the blocks on the ground protruding out of it’s head. It had no eyes that you could see, so you figured that it used a type of echolocation or vibration system to navigate. You willed yourself to be brave enough to look at the rest of it.
It’s chest had a huge hole in the middle, showing off what looked like something writhing around bound by its cracked, off-colored ribcage. The trapped beings glowed and flickered rhythmically. You couldn’t make out any defining features to identify them, but you thought you saw hollow eyes peering at you between the battered bones like an innocent prisoner’s dead, hopeless eyes staring at passersby from their damp prison cell after getting the death sentence. Almost begging for you to run. The creature’s clawed fingers dragged against the stony floor as it lazaly swung its arms back and forth. It looked like it could absolutely decimate you with a single flick of it’s finger.
You were paralyzed in fear as it lumbered closer and closer to you. Holding your breath and grasping your sword so hard that your grip was shaking and your knuckles turned white, you watched with wide eyes as the creature paused right in front of you, it’s stalks twitching slightly on its head. The surrounding tentacles on the ground glowed and twitched in response. Did it somehow communicate with the blocks? 
It continued to shamble past you as you watched its every move. It didn’t notice you! Feeling a massive wave of relief, you quietly sighed out the breath you were holding in and let your body relax. You waited until it trudged a little further down the cave before backing away slowly, being extremely mindful of your surroundings. You didn’t know if it tried buffalo wings before, but you weren’t planning on sticking around to find out. 
You shivered as you felt something tickle the ends of the feathers on one of your wings. Without warning, the entire cavern lit up as the blocks thrashed about. Paling, you realized that your wings must’ve brushed one of them. 
You heard the booming stomps of the creature stop before it started moving back in your direction faster than before. A harsh cacophony of several different voices screaming got louder and louder. You could never out run it, so your only chance was to out speed it by flying. Luckily the cave was wide and tall enough for you to fully spread your wings and fly high. You frantically flapped and propelled yourself through the cavern in the direction you came in. It started to sprint faster. It was gaining on you, and faster than you thought it could move with its large stature. You flapped your wings faster than you’ve ever flapped before as you heard it coming closer. 
You felt something claw your calf, causing you to whip your head around. Your eyes met with the creature’s outstretched arm blindly grabbing at the air around you with blood- your blood- dripping off from it’s claw. Yelping, you tucked your legs into your body and prayed that you could fly faster. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fu-
Your body was jerked back as you felt its giant hand crush the bones in your wing. It started to swing your body about like you were nothing but a ragdoll in the grasp of an over hyper child. Your body bounced off from the stone walls surrounding you. You felt your ribcage shatter and heard ringing in your ears as you hit the walls repeatedly. It’s shrieks mixed with yours as your entire body erupted in pain. 
Abruptly mid swing, you felt the muscles in the base of your wing tear away from your back with a sickening rip. Screeching in pain, you were flung through the air before your back roughly collided with one of the stone walls. Your body was pulled down by gravity until you landed on a hard surface. 
Clenching your eyes shut with tears streaming down your face, you heard the horrific screaming and rumbling footsteps get closer to you. You prepared yourself for your painful death. 
Only, it didn’t come. You heard scratching coming from… from below you? How the hell- 
You opened one of your eyes and looked around. You landed on a ledge several meters above the cave floor. Holy shit, lived! There was no way it could reach you now. 
You took a few moments to catch your breath as you slowly moved to prop yourself up against the wall. Pain erupted from your right shoulder and wing as you tried to move yourself. Gritting your teeth, you shifted to use your left arm to push yourself up. Once you slumped against the wall, you closed your eyes. That thing almost killed you.
***************WARNING: GRAPHIC DESCRIPTION OF INJURIES***************
With every painful shallow breath, you felt a grinding sensation in the entirety of your ribcage. You definitely broke most of them. You felt something warm trickle down your face and back. Reaching up with your left hand, you wiped at the substance and looked at it. It was your blood, and a lot of it. Groaning in pain, you sat up slightly and reached around to feel the wing it grabbed. Your hand grasped at nothing. Furrowing your brows and ignoring the pain, you twisted your upper body to try to find your wing. Finally, you grabbed something.
That something certainly wasn’t feathers. 
What you grabbed was sharp, cutting your palm. Hissing, you grasped the shaft of… whatever it was and moved it down. Your hand finally met feathers, but it also met with an open wound. You felt stinging as your fingers poked into your open back. Pulling it back, your hand was slick with your own blood. Painfully craning your head around to inspect it, your gaze wasn’t met with anything except for something white and jagged jutting out from where your wing was supposed to be. 
You let out a choked sob as you came to the sinking realization that that damned thing ripped your wing completely off your body. It fucking ripped it off. 
*******************GRAPHIC DESCRIPTION OVER*****************************
You could still hear its raged screams and the sound of its claws scoring the stone wall below you. You tried to stand, but you couldn’t move your legs. You probably either dislocated or broke both of them.
You used your good arm to drag yourself over to the ledge of the platform. Peering over, you saw it trying and failing to climb up the wall. Your blood dripped from your forehead and onto it, causing it to stop and open its mouth to collect it. You cringe in disgust as it greedily drinks your blood and tears. Looking somewhere else, you saw feathers littering the floor and the occasional blood splatter. Your blood coated the walls where you were flung, decorating them like a fucked up version of a cave painting.
The monster closed its mouth and turned around with a new sense of purpose. Your eyes followed it as it shambled across the cave and stopped to pick up something laying on the floor. You felt nauseous as you saw that it was your wing. It disappeared into the cave, dragging your wing behind it. 
Feeling bile rise up in your throat, you gagged as you puked up a grotesque mixture of your breakfast and blood over the ledge. The blood wasn’t good. After it was finally over, you laid limp and sobbed. Why did this have to happen to you? You didn’t do anything wrong to deserve this, did you? You were probably going to die here. Alone, injured, and afraid. You didn’t want to die anymore. You didn’t like the feeling of adrenaline rushing through you anymore, it was the only thing keeping you conscious. You wanted to pass out. You were in so much pain.
Your ribs grinded painfully as your chest heaved, but you couldn’t control your sobbing. It was a never ending cycle of sobbing because of the pain and pain coming from your chest shuddering. You wanted to make it stop, but you couldn’t. You felt a pulsing feeling in your back as you were bleeding out onto the stone, the blood slowly framing your broken form. Finally, you felt lightheaded as your vision started to spot. You thanked whatever god was above as you passed out. 
Above the cave, the sun was setting and your family was worried. You were usually very punctual about being home on time, especially after a skeleton nearly killed you. Philza was tensely cooking dinner while his sons were sitting at the dinner table thinking about where you could be. Mobs were already spawning outside, so Techno thought you probably decided to spend the night in the cave so you wouldn’t have to run into any mobs. Wilbur thought that you were on your way home. Tommy thought you were dead, but his brothers reassured him that since they didn’t receive any chat notification on their arms, you were still alive. 
Meanwhile, Philza was worried sick. His mind contemplated countless possibilities of where you could be right now. You could be dying in a hole somewhere because you didn’t look where you were putting your feet. You could be bleeding out because a zombie attacked you while you were on your way home. You could be burning in lava right now. You could be poisoned by a cave spider. You could be fighting an entire fleet of pillagers you could’ve run into on your way home. There were a countless amount of possibilities racing through his mind.
Before he knew it, dinner was done and you still weren’t home. Dinner was laid out on the table in front of everyone and you still weren’t home. Dinner went by slowly without you here to carry the conversation. They finished their dinner and you still weren’t home. Your plate was still in your place and your food was freezing cold by now. 
The boys congregated in the living room where they would wait for you to come home. They expected you to come bursting through the front door any second now sheepishly grinning at them saying you lost track of time. But that didn’t happen.
As the night moved on, Philza started restlessly pacing, Techno’s eyes were lazaly scanning the words across the pages in his book without him processing the words, Wilbur sat fiddling with the ends of his sweater, and Tommy sat wordlessly staring at nothing on the wall. 
“Where are they? I told them to come home before the sunsets. They’re always home on time.” Philza broke off into mumbles, constantly running his hands through his blond hair. His wings started to puff up in fear.
Techno broke Philza’s rapid mumbling. “Dad, they’re probably camping out in the cave. They’re smart enough not to try to come home when there’s mobs out.”
“...I hope so, Techno,” Phil sighed out. “I hope so.”
Hours passed by with nothing coming from your end. Philza ushered his sons to their rooms for the night with some difficulty about an hour ago. Now, he sat on the couch with his head in his hands, rubbing his sleep deprived, bloodshot eyes. By now, the sun was almost up. 
Feeling a familiar tingle on his forearm, he shot his head up and stared at the message he had nightmares about receiving since he adopted you and your siblings:
(Y/n) succumbed to their injuries whilst evading Warden.
Letting out a sob, he fell to his knees and let the tears stream freely down his cheeks. His precious child just lost one of their lives. When he heard thudding footsteps rushing down the stairs, he knew his sons also saw the message. He felt three pairs of arms wrap around him, causing him to immediately comfort his sons. Their sibling just died for the first time, after all. He pulled back to wrap his wings around his sons in a tight embrace. 
Techno buried his head in his father’s shoulder as tears silently flowed down his cheeks. The voices were screaming at him for letting you die. Wilbur hugged both of his brothers and father as he softly sobbed with them. While he still felt grief, his first instinct was to give his family comfort. Tommy’s harsh sobs racked his body as he squeezed Philza’s midsection in desperation. He can’t believe that he’s closer to losing his older sibling permanently. He felt closest to them out of all his siblings.
Until (y/n) respawned in their bed in a couple of hours, the family sat on the floor in the living room to grieve their child and sibling together.
Taglist (comment if you want to be added):
@acecarddraws  @goldenstarofthunderclan
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americxn · 3 years
“... I am in love with you.”
(Jimmy Darling x GN!Reader fluff)
I ONLY HAD AN HOUR TO WRITE THIS I’M SO SORRY IT’S SO SHORT but there was no way I’d miss @undeadcortez writing contest so here it is
me writing fluff? this is rare, don’t get used to it <3 the urge to end this as a cut to the reader standing over his grave after a weird flashback was so very strong but the demand for fluff is even stronger so
wordcount: 1k warnings: none <3
Laying on your stomach, you reached out towards the star closest to you. When you touched it, ripples formed and spread, causing the star to stumble and teeter on the inky water; the wooden platform of the small makeshift pier you lounged upon was cold beneath you, jutting out from the lakeshore, Jimmy sat behind you and watching as you dipped the tips of your fingertips into the water once more. Pushing yourself forwards to the very edge of the small pier you watched as your hands delved deeper, slipping fully into the murky black sheen below. The icy water gnawed on your fingers and the raw air bit at your cheeks and nose, breaths coming out in small puffs of mist; despite the cold, you were content.
The world around you seemed to be on mute, the only sound the gentle lapping of water against the rocks behind you and the gentle chanting of the crickets hidden in the tall grass surrounding the camp. You swirled your fingers in the water, making circles and disturbing the galaxies that lay both below and above. Jimmy smiled softly, leaning forwards to run a hand up the length of your calf. You turned your attention to him, your smile as bright as the stars littered both above and below. The rural sky was thick with them, gazing down upon the two lovers by the water’s edge. 
The moon was full, bathing you in it’s milky light as you withdrew your fingers from the star flecked water, pushing yourself onto your elbows and shifting to bring your legs beneath you before turning to face Jimmy. He was smiling at you, eyes bright with an emotion that you couldn’t place. “What?” You whispered, voice cutting through the stillness of the night air. “Nothing.” He responded, equally as quiet; your eyes tracked the movements of his hands through the soft darkness as he lifted them, placing them lightly on your knees.  “Are we keeping secrets now, Mr Darling?” Your teasing words coaxed the corners of his mouth to curve even further upwards, the warmth of his palms leaking through the thin material of your pants and leeching into the skin beneath. “No. I’m just... I don’t know. I’m happy.”  You beamed, your fingers wrapping around his wrists to pull his hands away from your body as you shifted, turning and manoeuvring yourself into his lap. The tip of his nose was cold as it brushed against your cheek, his warm lips following seconds later as he cocked his head to land a lingering kiss to the side of your face. 
Settling into his warmth, you smiled contentedly, gazing out across the still mass of water nestled into the waving grasses at the southernmost point of the camp, sprawling caravans and circus tents becoming this lustrous mirror beneath the cloudless sky, casting the images of the stars back into the heavens. Looking out upon it now, nestled against Jimmy’s body, it looked little more than a glossy oil spill that soaked the very stars into its being, occasional ripples forming and spreading, caused by minor disturbances of the water’s residents.
“I never want this moment to end.” He murmured after several minutes in comfortable silence, his breath hot on your neck as he moved to tuck his face into its crook. Your hummed agreement rumbled through him as he tightened his hold on your body. His thoughts strayed away from the perfect scenario, drifting to your shared caravan in the distance behind you and the small velvet box he had tucked away in the bottom of a crowded drawer that morning. The ring within had taken the last of his funds, the simplicity of the band matching his modest budget; he knew that it wouldn’t matter to you, that he could reach over the edge of the short wooden platform and pluck a reed from the lake’s bank to knot around your finger and you would still say yes. Still, the thought did nothing to calm his ever mounting nerves.
You grinned when he nuzzled his nose deeper into the side of your neck, his eyelashes fanning against your skin as he did so.  “I love you.” He murmured, the words muffled. Reaching up to the side, your fingers found his hair, nestling gently into the roots. “I love you too.” You promised, leaning into him. The water lapped gently around your joined bodies as you craned your neck, resting it upon Jimmy’s shoulder to get a better view of the stars. “I mean it.” He reiterated after several moments of companionable silence. You chuckled softy, nodding against him, eyes bright beneath the reaches of the fruitful starlight. “I know. I mean it too.” You responded softly. 
Jimmy squeezed his eyes shut, you words causing them to sting; withdrawing his face from your neck, his hands reached for you own face to close around the underside of your jaw, his thumbs coming to rest on your chin. You were forced to twist, finding Jimmy’s dark eyes boring into yours, flecked with glimmers of bliss, almost as if they embodied the celestial canvas above. 
“Without a single shadow of a doubt, I am in love with you.” Your eyes were wide as you listened, your face glowing with happiness, Jimmy’s thumb reaching up to smooth over the planes of your cheeks. Staying silent, you waited for him to go on as he paused to scan your face, eyes searching yours. “And because I am so in love with you,” he paused to release your face, instead taking your hands in his and standing, pulling you to your feet after him.  “I have something for you.” Your head cocked in curiosity, Jimmy’s stomach a fluttering mess of nerves as he led you off the small wooden platform, his treads becoming calculated as he manoeuvred the two of you through the tall grasses, his stomach twisting tighter and tighter with each step you took back towards your shared caravan and the ring hidden away within. 
taglist: @kitwalker02 @three-eyed-snail @forevercountess @kitwalkerangel @milly-louise @thecountessesglove @undeadcortez @kitwalker64 @samsassinparvismagna @xmaximoffic @divineruler @liandav @tatesweaterweather @evanmybeloved @tatelangdonsupremacist @ikkleroniekins @ananad1 @shlutnutt @sanni333 @mossybank @tatesimper anddd tagging @nerdydoesstuff because I thought of you whilst writing this <3 (dm to be added or removed)
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remremmm · 2 years
Hi, excuse me. For research purposes: how tall do you headcanon the obey me characters to be?
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: ̗̀➛ Do note everyone, take these with a grain of salt, I’m not speaking for everyone and I know they had already released their canon heights, this is just me, already? We good? Okay, let’s get on with the height comparison~~~ [ also I’m just doing the datables and brothers, sorry all you Raph, Mephisto and Thirteen stans >︿< ]
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✦˚ Dia is the second tallest, second to Beel that is. He’s the next heir to throne, also he a chunky boi, he needs some bones to hold him. [ Also just my personal headcanon : Beel and Dia are the best characs. for a cuddle sess <3 ]
✦˚ Barbatos in my opinion, slight below average height- shorter than half the brothers only third before Belphie and Asmo. He just has very dainty features alright- a short boi that can hold his weight, sign me up
✦˚ Luci is literal the definition of the ‘CEO man’ stereotype. So indeed man is gonna be tall, though, I imagine him being taller than his brothers [ except Beel ] yet shorter than Dia and strangely enough, Simeon- [ which kinda damages his pride a little- being only second to an archangel ]
✦˚ Mammon is short- let’s be honest- he claims he’s almost the same height as Levi but he really just be coping with himself. He is still taller than the rest of his brother, excluding some of the others like Luci and Levi [ gets embarrassed if you bring it up too, would grow red and stuff <3 ]
✦˚ Levi is weirdly tall (?) despite popular believe. He is only mere inches from reaching Luci’s height and even surpasses Satan. Of course Mammon complains about it claiming how can him who stays in all day and night be this tall [ genetics' are funky like that ]
✦˚ Satan is what I consider, the bases, the average height lad in the family. He’s not too tall not too short, he’s just in the middle. He does get pissy if one calls him short, so just keep that in mind [ he does like head-pats sometimes, just don’t overdo it- but if it’s you, I think he’ll allow a bit of spoiling ]
✦˚ Asmo is the shortest in the family, I mean he doesn’t mind being tall in his next life, but he likes being tiny [ claims it’s easier to snuggle into you ] He also finds his height to factor into his attractiveness [ if you’re taller than him, he would absolutely love it if you carried him bride style ]
✦˚ Beel is the tallest out of all of them. He sometimes feels he might be unapproachable ‘cause of his height, so he’s a bit insecure ‘bout it [ we must protecc him >< ] but he doesn’t seem to want to turn little ‘cause his height helps him in a lot of things, like reaching cupboards, top shelves etc. 
✦˚ Belphie is the second shortest to me, only a few inches below Satan but he isn’t really that tall but it’s kinda adorable, don’t ‘chu think? He loves buying pillows slightly larger than him just ‘cause they’re more comfy to cuddle with [ he prefers you more but it’s a way to cope when you’re not there ]
✦˚ Simeon is the third tallest. Though I feel he sometimes would almost be the same height as Dia ‘cause of his platform shoes [ Or heels, I kinda like that headcanon for him, gives him a more elegant vibe, yk? ] He does wishes he was a little shorter though, saying it’s hard to crouch or squat down
✦˚ Solomon is slightly taller than Satan. Maybe a foot or two (?) He also grows a feet inches when he wears platforms or heels. He does like wearing briefs that tighten around the calf to highlight his non-existent height, he just prays it’s not too obvious
✦˚ Of course Luke is the shortest among all of them. He also bickers about it similar to Mammon, but it’s way tamer, he’s more pouty than angry. He puts on those cute platforms that dolls have [ example here ] to put some height on
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cuddlecave · 3 years
is xiphoid
ooo titanaboa benr is so good,, i loooove this half human-looking half snake benr living in prehistoric times and then seeing something that has a face like him?? huh?? nomming for Protection, of course, but the lil dude just won't chill out, hasn't caught on to the fact that's he's safe.
benr huffs, frustrated, and makes his way up a very tall tree that he likes sleeping in--its got a sort of platform at the top of the trunk where all the top braches go out from. benr thinks it almost looks like his hand, open and huge. he really doesn't want to let this guy out, not with how dangerous it is for a little defenseless thing like him, but if he needs to, this place is relatively safe.
he gets up and settles down in a sort of spiral, and waits...and his passenger seems to calm, but benr listens and feels more attentively, and uses some blank Voice to try to pick up some emotions, and...oh, no. his heart sinks. this soft delicate thing that looks like him and tastes good and is warm and benr just wants to cuddle, he's not calmed down--just given up. he's in a shaking ball, making quiet distressed noises, and the Voice picks up despair-hopelessness-imgoingtodie-pleasedontletmedie-ohgodohgod-fear-fear-FEAR-dontkillmeplease.
benr shifts uncomfortably. this is not at all what he wanted. but as the small one tires, his emotions lose more and more hope, and--benr can't do this. he flexes and squeezes and brings him up. guy is squirming, confused, but freezes when he feels his legs in open air. benr gently grips his calf and pulls him the rest of the way out. he tumbles, landing on his ass, looking wide eyed and scared at benr. they stare at each other, for a moment.
then he's scrambling backwards and benr sees the moment of new panic on his face as he realizes he's *falling*. benr lunges over the edge and snags his ankle, fists his other hand in the strange coverings he's wearing, and pulls him back up. his guest stays still, breathing fast and shallow. benr settles him in the center of both the platform and his coils. he still is just staring, frozen, so benr tightens his spiral until the innermost coil is touching the dudes back. he somehow freezes further at the touch, but when nothing happens, he sags back against it. benr makes a pleased mrrrrr. the warmth on his scales feels nice, as does this thing calming down some.
gord has no idea what the FUCK is going on. he was eaten, then he *wasn't* eaten, then he was falling, then he *wasn't* falling, and now he's leaning against a giant snake-mans coil, exhausted, as it stares at him. he can't get a read on it's expressionless face at all, but also, it hasn't hurt him. though, it could be saving him for later. gord hopes not.
he hears a beautiful sound, and its--from the creature? and with the--singing? colored bubbles leave it's mouth. as the pop on him, he feels emotions that aren't his: curiosity, fascination, protectiveness; then safety and security; then when they change to green and blue, he somehow gets the impression of a *greeting*.
gord needs to get back to the checkpoint. they'll try to do the sendback 7 times, once every 24 hours, before they give him up as dead. he's got a week.
he's gotta convince benr to let him down, he's gotta find his way back without dying, and he's gotta survive the elements while he does it. this is going to be a challenge.
they try to communicate back and forth for a while, benr using SV and gord talking--its not very successful. benr can mostly get across his intentions of safety, and he can pick up on some of gords emotions (tho not as well as in his stomach), but gord can't get across *why* he needs to go so urgently, and benrs not willing to let him leave; with good reason, gord would get for-real eaten, with how defenseless he is, if he doesn't have benr with him.
but now it's been hours, and gords getting frustrated and tired, and benr is coming up on the time he usually wants to sleep. but this little thing--"gord" it had said it was called--he would definitely try to leave the tree if benr was asleep. why doesn't he understand it's *dangerous*? but it doesn't matter. benr doesn't have to sleep, but he *likes* to, makes him feel good, so gord needs to be taken inside again, so that he won't run off and get himself killed. benr sort of... internally shivers, at that thought. he's never met something that looks like him, and more than that, anything that's as *smart* as him. he may not be able to understand gord, but it's so very clear that he's far more self aware than any animal or creature benr has come across. he can't lose him.
so after a few minutes of silence, benr shifts his coils closer and moves himself so that he's face to face with gord.
he's...moving. closer, again. face to face, and gord is vividly reminded that the last time he was this close he got swallowed. gord leans away, nervous. but he doesn't have a lot of room, here, and it just moves with him. a hand grips his shoulder and he sees it's mouth open, and gord cringes back as much as he can. he doesn't think it'll hurt him, not after 'talking' for hours, but he doesn't know for sure, and it's hard to shake the fear when there's very sharp teeth very near your face.
gord cowers from him, but doesn't try to struggle or get away. he squeezes his shoulder, and sings 'safe secure safe comfort protection safety' at him.
he hears singing and its protective, comforting, and he somehow gets the impression of a promise. he takes a breath. lets it out real slow. he wont -cant- open his eyes, but he relaxes some, and tries to stay calm as it moves closer. he feels it make a sort of approving sound, and jaws close over his head. he shivers at the feeling of teeth brushing his neck, but doesn't react otherwise.
it's...really gentle. when it first happened, it was fast and rough and he was terrified and thrashing, but this...isn't that. with gord somewhat calm, the creature seems to take it's time being careful, moving gord into more comfortable positions for both of them as he swallows, offering soft rumbles and gentle squeezes with his hands as he feeds gord in. gord is overwhelmed, he, hes--no ones ever been this gentle with him. so obviously caring about his comfort. and it's while he's being *eaten*.
before long, he's nestled in the plush flesh of the stomach, and the exhaustion of the day is hitting him. he manages to stay awake long enough to feel a weight on top of him, and then he's out.
benr curls up protectively on top of gord. he'd calmed down the further into benr he'd been pulled, and passed out almost immediately. good, they both could use a break before trying to talk again. and hey, maybe he could try to communicate with him while he was in there, with the Voice.....
hrnnng good au,, now I also wanna write the first time gord *asks* to be nommed...it'll be close to the end of his week there, and then he'll be gone, and benr won't see him for literally millions of years. then they meet up again and 🥺,, benr is so happy to see him... (Bonus: gord doesn't know this, but benr realizes: gords house is where the Tree used to be. benr is emotional)
also dang, I should doodle up a design for 'titanoben' that I'd like. idk why, but the straight-up human top half with snake body lower half just doesn't appeal to me much in vore situations.
and I wanna make him more recognizably eldritch/cthuloid....
so I guess he wouldn't look exactly like a human, but still have the humanoid torso.
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knittingdreams · 4 years
Fireheart - Chapter 14
Hey! I know it’s been a while since I updated here, I’m so sorry if you were waiting for this! I’m on holidays and internet isn’t great here! I promise I’ll upload the next one in a few days, I won’t leave you hanging again!
Check Ao3 for more chapters!
Or the Masterlist for older ones in here :)
TW: Graphic Violence/ Blood/ Mention of Sexual Abuse (No graphics, just a comment done by a character!)
Getting Heated Up
The backroom filled up fast, and within half an hour, all the fighters were warming up, jumping over on the spot and throwing punches in the air. The noise outside was also picking up, and Celaena could feel the rambling energy in the air from all the customers getting louder and louder. She was jumping on the spot, almost dancing as one of her favorite songs was playing in her head. The adrenaline was pumping in her veins, and she could feel her lips trying to pull up into a smile, but she remained dead serious as she waited for the first fight to be called. She was keeping to herself on the farthest corner while she eavesdropped on the other fighter’s conversations in case she found any useful information about her aunt or the running of the fights. 
She hadn’t seen Maeve since before the plane crash, but she still remembered her clearly. Her father’s sister had had his same dark eyes, and his dark hair, but she had dyed it raven black so long ago that Celaena could barely remember if her natural hair really looked like her father’s. Maeve had always treated her right and used to spend a lot of time around their house, coming over with presents for young Aelin or visiting for lunch on the weekends. According to the information she had gathered through the years, her aunt was still single and had never had kids, and still lived in Terrasen. She remembered how Maeve and Rhoe, Aelin’s father, used to spend a lot of time in her father’s office discussing work, and she used to peek through the window and try to hear what the adults were talking about. 
“I’ll feel bad for whoever needs to fight her,” a slinky blond guy said only a few feet away, bringing Celaena back to the present.
“What do they think this is, allowing a girl here?” Another one growled.
Celaena balled her fists by her side and took a deep breath through her nose.
“And what’s up with that stupid mask?” The first one added, a little louder this time.
“I could break her in two with my bare hands,” the tallest guy smirked, looking straight at her.
Celaena took a step forward, and she could see the tall dark-haired security guard through the corner of her eye, talking into his radio as she did. 
“Say that to my face if you’re so fucking brave.” She looked up at the guy who towered a head over her. He was huge, with bulky round shoulders and eyes as dark as the night. 
“I could break you in two with my bare hands,” he repeated as he took a menacing step and looked down at her. Celaena’s upper lip lifted up as she ground her teeth and her balled fists started rising slowly.
“I would like to see that,” she spat back.
“Enough of that you two. Everybody, fuck off and get ready to fight, we’re starting in five,” a new voice said as a guy walked into the room, a smug smile on his face. He gestured with his hands for them to break apart, but no one moved. 
The tall guy kept his eyes on Celaena and leaned down. “Remember my face, sweetheart,” he whispered in her ear before straightening back up.
“Cain, I said fuck off,” the blond security guard pushed the tall guy with a hand against his chest. Cain huffed and turned around to leave. “You all good, girl?” The guard turned towards her, his dark eyes fixed on her.
“Fine,” she hissed. “I didn’t need your fucking help.” She crossed her arms over her chest and uncrossed them again as she realized she must look like a childish teen throwing a tantrum. 
“Can tell you don’t, just doing my job.” He raised his palms, and smiled broadly at her. “By the way, I’m Fenrys, nice to officially meet you.” He stretched a hand towards her and Celaena shook it begrudgingly. 
“Fireheart,” she muttered in an exhale.
“That one over there,” Fenrys said as he pointed to the dark-haired guard that was still over by the door. “Is my asshole brother Connall. He’s an alright dude once you get to know him. And the grumpy ass by the corner,” he said as he pointed at Rowan, who was now in the corner of the room, looking at her with squinted eyes and his lips pressed into a tight line. “Is one of my best mates, Rowan.” He leaned closer to her, lowering his voice. “Don’t let his looks fool you, he’s as soft as a puppy deep down.” He winked at her and stepped back, leaving Celaena confused as to why this guy was being so friendly. The security team was normally known for being a bunch of self-righteous assholes that didn’t care about anybody.  
“I’m here to kick ass, not to make friends.” She turned around and walked back over to her gym bag as she heard Fenrys chuckle behind her. 
She pulled out her hand wraps and put them on slowly, savoring the moment her fists would collide against skin. She still didn’t know who she’d be fighting against, but she was hoping it’d be Cain. Whoever it was, she’d win. She’d win, and they could all go to Hell. 
“Fireheart,” Rowan called from the door.
All the other fights had already taken place, and it was finally Celaena’s turn. She walked towards the white haired-guy, her fists already balled by her sides, and her chin held high.
“Xavier,” Connall walked in from the other side, and the blond guy that had teased Celaena earlier walked out, flashing her with a cocky grin before he did. He was tall and slinky, with the dullest brown eyes ever seen on the planet, but there was something in his expression that told Celaena not to be too quick to judge him. He looked like an absolute prick, and like someone that would stab his best mate in the back for a handful of coins. 
She walked out of the backroom and headed towards her side of the platform, the place now looking smaller with the big crowd gathered around them. As soon as she stepped out, the crowd went wild, some cheering and howling while others booed and hissed. 
“That girl looks like a joke!” Someone yelled to Celaena’s right.
“Give us a real fight!”
“Too much clothing!”
“Show us what you’ve got under there, babe!”
She kept her chin held high and thanked the world for the fact that neither Sam nor Arobynn were there to hear the crowd. She’d show them what she had under, what she had inside. She’d give them fire, ash, and blood. Her own blood was boiling by the time she reached the platform, only barely aware of Rowan’s hand resting against her lower back as she made her way up the stage. She thought she heard him say something, but his words were lost in the roaring of the crowd.
The command couldn't have come fast enough: “You know the rules, no deadly hits, you fall, you lose. Now fight!”
Celaena moved to the middle of the platform as soon as the words left the judge’s lips, her fists still balled and her muscles aching to get put to use. Xavier met her in the middle, and before he could swing, Celaena went against her usual defensive stance and threw the first punch.
She got a hook straight to Xavier’s jaw before he could even react, and quickly took two steps back, staying out of his way. He moved forward, following her as expected. She crouched, swung her leg behind his, and stepped to the side as she watched Xavier’s body plummet down to the floor. He rolled awkwardly to the side as he got up, and Celaena couldn’t help the laugh that escaped her lips.
“You fucking bitch,” Xavier growled between his teeth, the sound barely reaching Celaena over the crowd.
“You’re going to eat your words,” she retorted. She was making him look like a fool, and she was loving it. She was quick, and she knew that was her best advantage. That, and the fact that guys always underestimated how hard she could punch. 
“You’re going to regret this,” he hissed.
He almost ran towards her, and she sidestepped in the last second. He stopped an inch off the edge and turned around. He took two steps forward, she took two back. He took a jab at her ribs, and she let him graze her skin, staying close enough to punch him on the jaw again. He staggered back, she pushed forward. She kicked his side, and this time, he was expecting it. He grabbed her leg and pulled up. Before her body could touch the ground, she laced an arm around his calf, making him fall with her. She flipped, getting on top of him, and landed two punches to either side of his face before getting back up and moving back a  few steps.
She was enjoying herself too much to make it quick. She wanted him to see that she could toy with him as much as she wanted, that she was the one in control. Xavier got up slowly, a murderous look on his face as a little glint of light flashed in his ring finger. Celaena went for a jab to his ribs and stepped back, but not before Xavier tried to go for her stomach, barely touching her over the hip instead as she moved to the side. Pain flared on her side as if a fire was burning in her insides. Her brain sent a rush of adrenaline, and she stepped forwards, taking three quick jabs at his kidney. She needed it to be over, and fast. She punched and kicked as fast as her limbs could move, watching carefully as Xavier took one step back after the other, oblivious of the edge.
The moment he looked to the side, recognition flashing on his face, she kicked him in the chest with all her strength, and he tumbled back, falling off the platform and granting her the needed win.
“Fireheart wins,” the judge said in a loud voice, and the crowd roared.
She pressed a hand against her side as she solemnly vowed to the crowd, and she felt the stickiness in her catsuit’s fabric. She jumped off the platform as fast as possible, barely aware of the shadow following behind her. She reached the back room, grabbed her gym bag off the bench, and shouldered it, her right hand still pressed hard against her side.
“Running away, princess?" Cain’s stinky breath swirled around her as she turned around to face him.
“I’m not running, but I got places to be.” She tried to keep her expression cool, her stance sure. 
“Oh, the little girl’s got a curfew.” All the other fighters behind him booed and laughed, and Celaena turned on them, heading to the back door.
“Cain, I’m not telling you to fuck off again,” Fenrys moved from his spot on the wall and trailed after Celaena. “Are you okay, Fireheart?” He lowered his voice as she reached the door and stepped out into the back alley. “You look a bit pale.” 
Celaena didn’t turn or reply, she walked towards the main street, her hand soaked in blood that was already dripping down her fingers. Her motorbike was parked five blocks away for security measures, and she wished she hadn’t been so careful. One block in, and she had to lean against a brick wall to catch her breath. The streets were deserted and dark in the moonless night, and she was back to being a mere shadow lurking the city. 
“I’ve been through worse, it’s just a fucking cut,” she grumbled as she straightened up as much as she could. The memory of blood was taking over though, and her mouth felt dry, her throat closing up on her. “It’s nothing like it,” she whispered, reassuring herself. She looked down at her bloody hand, and carefully unstuck the fabric from the wound. Blood was still rushing out of the gash, and Celaena cursed Xavier in every language she knew.
“That mother fucking cheating scum!” 
She heard voices, and looked behind her shoulder, noticing the crowd that started to spill out of the alley. Her feet moved out of their own accord, and she rushed to the next alley over. Why Rifthold had so many alleys was something that she couldn’t comprehend, why couldn’t streets just keep on going and be fucking connected? 
She needed to do something about the wound, or she’d bleed out before she managed to get back to Arobynn’s mansion. Considering the amount of blood lost so far, the blade had to be laced with some kind of poison or anticoagulant, which would also explain the burning sensation on her side. She dropped her bag on the floor in the shadows of the alley and took out a bottle of water. Sitting on the floor, Celaena washed the wound as fast as she could and used the spare hand wraps to bandage her middle as tight as she could. That would do, for the time being, she had to get out of there, get to her motorbike, and go to Arobynn’s to get stitches.
“Funny to find you here, little bunny.” Celaena stood so fast, that her head spun. Right at the end of the alley, was Cain. His arms were folded across his torso, and Xavier was standing a step behind him to one side. “You don’t look so sure of yourself now that you have no protectors, do you?”
“I don’t need anybody to protect me.” She stood straight, ignoring the burning on her side, and lifting her fists up. 
Both men walked towards her, smug smiles tugging at their lips, and Celaena threw the first punch, not ready to go down without the fight of her life.
She hit Cain on the chest and turned to kick Xavier in the ribs knowing he’d still be sore there. As Xavier staggered back, Cain pushed forward, and Celaena’s back hit the wall behind her. She hooked Cain on the jaw, and he barely flinched at the punch. His fist collided so hard against her ribs, that she doubled over. His hand closed around her throat, and he smashed her head back against the wall. White dots hovered in the air between them, and the night turned darker, pressing over her.
“How tough, you make my blood boil.” He secured both her wrists in one of his big hands, and leaned closer, pressing a kiss under her ear.
She took her knee up as fast as she could, hitting him in the groin and making Cain double over. “Fucking bitch!” He groaned between ragged breaths. “Xavier, for fuck’s sake, hold her.”
New arms grabbed her, pulling her from over the wall and trapping her. Xavier was behind her, holding her arms behind her back, and being so close that she could hear his breathing. Cain stood in front, a hand still clutching his groin as pain flickered in his semblance. His other hand reached up to her throat, and the white dots danced like crazy in front of her eyes. 
“Now, hold her tight you fucking dumbass, I want to see what secrets hide under that mask… And the rest of it.”
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ask-de-writer · 4 years
SEA DRAGON’S GIFT : Part 19 of 83 : World of Sea
Return to the Master Story Index
Return to World of Sea
Part 19 of 83
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
140406 words
copyright 2020
written 2007
All rights reserved.
Reproduction in any form, physical, electronic or digital is prohibited without the express consent of the author.
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Users   of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may   reblog the story provided that all author and copyright information   remains intact.  They may use the characters or original characters in   my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical   compositions.
All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fiction is actively encouraged.
New to the story?  Read from the beginning.  PART 1 is here
Chapter 5: Strangers at the Gathering
The night before the Gathering was due to begin officially, two strange, large ships came up and hove to, about a half mile off from the anchorage.  They had arrived during the dark of the moons, and none had noted their coming.  With the dawn, none could miss the strangers.  
One was a monster by any definition.  All visible parts of the ship were jet-black.  It was pretty long, but several ships in the Naral fleet were longer.  What made it so big was that it had two three hundred foot hulls, with rakish shearwater bows.  The hulls were spanned from bows to sterns by a large flat expanse, perhaps two or three decks thick.  It was hard to tell at this distance.  There was a raised navigation bridge about forty feet back from the bows.  For masts it had three pairs of poles that were fastened together at the tops by spacious platforms and possibly a hundred feet tall.  They formed ‘A’ frames that spanned the ship from side to side.  There were no visible spars and the rigging, though present, seemed sparse.
Its companion was about two hundred and eighty feet long, also with twin hulls, but there, any similarity stopped.  Its hulls were unequal in size, the smaller one being fully eighty feet shorter.  Both hulls were narrow, almost knife like, and it had three masts, off the center-line of the craft, closer to the larger hull.  They seemed far too short.
Small boats were sailing in from the big ships.  They were twin hulled as well.
“Those ships are weird, and those little boats are weirder, too.  Never seen anything like ‘em,” said a sailor to anybody.  
Juris, the Longin’s Master Boat-builder, replied, “Catamarans they’re called.  They’ve been played with from time to time.  Fast aren’t they?  Never heard of making one as a ship, before, let alone two.”
By this time, the two boats were tying up at the floats.  Master Juris noted, without saying anything, that they were tied up with quick release knots.  Each crew formed a shield around one person from their boat.  
From the unequal hulled ship this person was a man of medium height, apparently the Captain.  He wore his black hair complexly braided. He had a loose shirt, tied at the waist by tails made for the purpose and snug trousers tucked into wide topped soft boots.  His crew wore variations on the theme.
From the larger ship, the individual was a woman whose red-brown hair was worn tied back in a fall.  She wore a loose shirt, similar to the other man’s but with a belt of large polished black overlapping scales, each decorated with an inlaid medallion of polished shell. Supported by the belt were a  flattish kit and a large but empty knife scabbard at her left hip and a long empty scabbard of strange design at her right.  Her loose pants bloused down and tucked into the tops of snug, calf high boots made of glittering green Lesser Sea Dragon hide.  A document case of tanned Strong Skin leather under her left arm, the lady simply reached up to one of the bollards the climbing net was secured to and pulled herself up to deck level with her right arm.  None of her crew seemed to notice her feat as they swarmed up the net.
The woman spoke to the gawkers in an accent full of lilting overtones, “Where do we find the ones in authority here?  We wish to present our credentials.”  Some of the people tore their eyes away from the visitor’s outlandish garb and pointed out the Council Pavilion.
Kurin, who was among the curious watchers, turned to Master Juris and said in surprise, “She must be as strong as Cat was.  Did you see how she just reached up to the raft rim and pulled herself up one handed until she could sit on the edge?”
“Yes,” he replied.  “She had that package of documents in her left hand. It was like she never even gave it a second thought.”
Roper said, “I noticed that all of the others used both hands to get up onto the raft.”  He paused and added untactfully, “I thought that Captains were supposed to be picked for brains.”
“Maybe she was,” Kurin shot back.  “Not everyone who’s strong is stupid.”
“You’re right,” replied Roper, abashed.  “Cat was strong and smart.”
Their men standing guard outside, the two Captains, for such they were, went inside the Council Pavilion.  Captain Sarfin of the Dorton, was seated at a writing table working on the agenda of the Council.  He was the leader of the Council again this Gathering.  He looked up and smiled.
“If you come in peace, then welcome to the Spring Gathering of the Naral fleet.”
Relief flooded the features of the two.  The woman spoke first again.  “I am Captain Sula Corin Dark Dragon, Commander of the Winternight ship Dark Dragon, come from and representing the Corlis fleet.  We do seek permission to conduct some business, but mainly, we are seeking information.”  She handed her document package to Sarfin, who examined it with interest, and made notes in his ledger.  
“I Captain Huld Barsan Soaring Bird of the Barant fleet am,” said the man, speaking clearly but with odd construction.  “Also information seeking I am.  Opportunity to trade welcome is.”
Catpain Sarfin noted, “I see that your one set of documents is for both ships.  That is unusual.”
Sula smiled easily and said, “The Barant fleet is unusual, and the Honored Huld is even more so.  The Barant fleet does not set much store on written credentials.  The existence of a ship is license enough.  From the day that we met, we have been what the Barant fleet call ‘Dragon Bonded.’  Mutual obligations have made our lives inseparable, save by fate.  Because of our Dragon Bond, the Corlis fleet issued those credentials.”
“Very sensible,” laughed Sarfin.  “Sometime, when I am not so busy, I would like to hear your tale.  For now, I will have the Anchorage Master assign your ships to berths close by each other.  Permission to trade goes with that.  There is a fee of five hundred glue blocks or fifty Strong Skins, or an equal value in other trade goods.  Also, you must sign the Gathering’s Log Book.”  He proffered a book, opened to a page, and a feather pen.  Sula took the pen and examined it, then handed it back.
She produced a writing case from her sash-belt and took out a  fine tipped brush and a pen made of springy bone.  She inked  the brush first and wrote a neat vertical line of strange characters.  Then she dipped her pen into the case’s ink well and began writing, neatly, without any blot.
She filled in her ship’s, name, principal officers and nature of her business.  At the top of the next page, Huld applied two stamps from his writing kit, selected a brush and signed his ship’s name after one stamp and his own name after the other in unusual characters that Captain Sarfin recognized as written Barant.  He put back the brush and took a pen like Sula’s to fill out the rest of the information in Common.
“If there should be a problem in making payment,” said Sarfin, examining the entries with interest, “I am sure that I can get the Council to reduce or waive the fee.  After all, you have come half-way around the world to be here.”
Sula smiled, “I think that there will be no problem with payment.  The Dark Dragon is a dedicated Predator Hunter.  We take Wing Ray, Strong Skin, Moon Flats, Lesser Dragons and Hags.  We also take all of the usual fish.”
“I help may need.  Cargo luxury is, nor valued yet.”
“Honored One, I shall cover it for you, until the market values your goods,” said Sula pressing her hands together and making a small bow.
“That is settled, then,” said Sarfin.  “Now, what information is it that has brought you both so far?”
“We are trying to find the truth of rumors that there was a Great Sea Dragon — Some say Iren and some Mecat — that stayed with a ship of a fleet.  So far, all that we have found are rumors.  Truly, we are about to give up.  We have traveled half around Sea with nothing to show for the trip but some exotic trade goods.”
Grinning broadly, Sarfin said, “Oh, the Dragons are real enough.  I saw them myself.  However, your best information will come from the crew of the Longin, particularly, their Purser, Alor, their Captain Mord, and especially the young girl Kurin, who keeps a toy booth in the market portion of the rafts.”
Sula and Huld looked at each other in delight.  
“We have found them!”
“Here Dragon knowledge!” their voices crossed each other.
Huld added thoughtfully, “Meditate I must on this event when to the Soaring Bird return I.”
“Yes,” Sula added matter-of-factly. “Will you request that one of your Captains carry word to the Corlis fleet when you do?”  With a curious small bow to her, Huld replied, “Done it shall be.”
Returning her attention to Captain Sarfin, Sula asked, “Does your custom or law allow my crew to carry their personal sidearms?  We normally carry both a large combat knife and a small ax.”  She indicated her empty scabbards.  “I will guarantee that any of my crew who come the Gathering hooded will not be armed.  That will limit their response to any attempt at baring their faces to unarmed combat.”
Captain Sarfin regarded Sula carefully and said, “Why would they fight over something like that?”
As Captain Sula, showing the first trace of nervousness that Captain Sarfin had seen in her, replied, “Winternight regards such an assault as worse than rape.  If the hooded Winternighters are armed, the odds are good that they will kill the assailant before they have time to think.  To be honest, I am not fully comfortable without my hood and I adopted onto the Dark Dragon at the start of the first Boren Current War.”
Captain Sarfin thought carefully and replied, “It is legal for your people to be armed because such an issue has never come up before.  Let your crew know that our law and custom will require a non-lethal and preferably non-injurious response.”
Sula smiled again and bobbed her head.  “I can do that.  It is the same in our host, the Corlis fleet.”
The far away rattle of a tocsin drum and the exotic, never before heard in the Naral fleet, calls of a bugle or trumpet caused everyone on the rafts or on shipboard to drop what they were doing and watch. Eight large pulling boats came out from between the bows of each ship and picked up cables dropped from bollards at the prows.  The big strangers began to move slowly toward their berths on the north side of the anchorage.  The drum and horn fell silent except for occasional tiny course corrections.
A spectator on the raft, close to Master Juris said, “They’re so slow that I could have walked that distance, up and down the deck, by now.”
“I’m sure that you could have,” Master Juris smiled.  “But pulling two thousand tons might slow you down just a mite.  That’s some fine piloting that you’re seeing.  They aren’t letting the load get away from them.  The real test will come in just a bit, when they pull up to the anchorage floats.”
Kurin joined them.  “Sorry that I’m late, but I knew the ships had to be slow and I had some toy customers.”
“What did you sell?” asked the spectator idly.
“One of my loom kits and a rope winder,” said Kurin.
Master Juris turned from watching the ships at that last.  “You mean that those things that you made at the suggestion of the fleet’s Craft Council last Gathering are already selling?  They’re expensive.”
“They are,” she said, putting her head in her hands in mock frustration. “The Masters are coming to see if I’ve made what they asked me to, back last Gathering.  The way they look the toys over is driving me as crazy as a mating paddle duck.  They can’t seem to put anything back the way it was.  The only consolation is that they return with other people and get them to buy.”
Just then drum and horn sounded, and all else was put aside to see what the strangers would do next.  It was unorthodox.  The pulling boats, that could now be seen to have a dozen oars each, darted back, between the hulls of each of the two monsters, under the massive decks that bridged them.  You could see the lines draw tight as the boats applied all the power at their command to stop the ships.  They slowed gradually and stopped — — — exactly at the floats.  One boat came out from under each ship, and attached its cable to the float.  A second, light line was cast down from above and tied to the end of the cable.  Each boat disappeared back between the hulls of the mother ship and did not emerge.
“Neatly done,” said Master Juris, ruffling Kurin’s hair.  “These folk are good seamen, whatever else they may be.”
Kurin and Master Juris were not the only ones to watch the strangers come to moorage.
“Luve, Somet’ing’s bot’ering ye.  Ye keep lookin’ at t’ose twa new ships,” Tanlin said softly to Barad.  Two of the Grandalor’s deck-hands were following her attentively.
“Aye,” said Barad urgently, knowing that they would be overheard.  “You have been reading in my bookshelf to familiarize yourself with our way of writing.  Think.  What ships do they remind you of?  They always worked as a pair.”
Tanlin bit a knuckle lightly as she concentrated.  “ — But t’e Boren Current Wars were ‘alf t’e world away an Gat'erin’s agone! — Still, t’ose masts are unique.  T’ay ‘as t’ be t’e Dark Dragon an’ t’e Soaring Bird!  Yer books say t’at t’ey ‘ave sunk more t’an t’irty ships in t’ose wars.  W’at are t’ey doin’ ‘ere, Oi wonder?”
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jaydcstories · 5 years
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Read this and other stories on my blog: JOHN DEE COOPER'S ALL-MALE SLAVERY STORIES
PAULO by John Dee Cooper © 2020
Chapter 6
Poor Tomas.
He reached out to me as the Señor dragged him away. But what could I do? We were all in the same boat. And Adolpho's howling was overshadowing everything. Even Luis, who'd already been through the mill, looked dazed and stupefied, and Rico, for all his toughness, was whimpering like a schoolgirl. There was no way out of this so I made up my mind that the only thing I could do to help the kid (I didn't even know his name at that stage) was to show him that I wasn't scared and that if I could brave it out, so could he.
So I toughened up and made myself look as strong as I could, clenching my fists and puffing out my chest. I could see my reflection in the mirror and kidded myself that I was some kind of hero, but to everyone else I probably looked stupid. All the same, it did at least make me feel better.
As it happens, Tomas behaved very well, obeying all the Señor's commands and allowing himself to be pummelled and poked, even submitting to the head shaving without shedding a tear. In fact I thought the smooth scalp kind of suited him. It made him look a lot more grown up somehow. He squealed a bit with the ear piercing and clearly had difficulties under the cold shower, but when he came back to stand beside me, he was completely transformed. There was a certain kind of grace in his movements that I hadn't noticed before. He was all shiny and smooth, and weirdest of all, the metal tag swinging from his ear and the leather band squeezing his ball sac seemed quite natural. I felt kind of proud of him.
And then it was my turn.
I knew the routine by now, so I simply walked up to Señor Boronda and knelt in front of him without him even having to give the command. When he'd finished with my top half, I stood up and let his fingers crawl over my trunk. I tried to ignore the fact that they were fat and greasy. He had his job to do so I let him get on with it. Even when he grabbed hold of my penis and gave it a tug, I didn't flinch, although I had problems when he began stroking it. I wasn't sure if I was meant to let it get hard or resist. Whatever it was, he mumbled something to Miguel, who scribbled it down in his notebook.
All this time I was looking over the Señor's shoulder at Adolpho who was still dangling upside down from the ceiling. He had a beautifully shaped physique but his whole centre of gravity had shifted down to his chest and shoulders, distorting his stomach so that you could watch the muscles tighten every time he took a breath. His balls were spread out around his cock which hung loose over his belly, and his thigh and calf muscles, which were bearing most of the strain, rose above him like the smoothly carved limbs of a statue.
What got me most though was the thick network of whip marks stretching across his tightly clenched buttocks, red, black and spotted with blood. How he must have ached as a he slowly swung from side to side.
As soon as the Señor had finished with my front bits I turned around and touched my toes so that he could start poking around in my arse. It was pretty uncomfortable and as I had no idea what the point of it was I tried to think of something else until it was all over. But just then the door opened and the tall fellow we'd seen talking to the Señor earlier walked in.
"¡Hola!" he greeted. "Burning the midnight oil?"
"Ah, you know how it is. There's a ship leaving for Southampton in the morning and I need to get some of these on board."
"And you're having a spot of bother I can see," said the tall friend nodding in the direction of Adolpho.
"Nothing we can't handle."
"It's a nice selection you got here. Mind if I take a closer look?"
"Be my guest," said Se or Boronda, "I need to finish off here."
I was still bent over touching my toes, but if I lifted my head I could see the visitor strolling around, feeling up each of the other boys in turn, groping and squeezing, slipping his hands everywhere, stroking their arms and stomachs, testing the meatiness of their buttocks and grabbing hold of their balls. Rico was finding it very hard not to swear or pull away, but Tomas and Luis both stood their ground, hardly moving a muscle. Maybe having your head shaved and your balls tied up and metal tags sewn in your earlobes does something to you, so it doesn't seem strange to have a total stranger feeling you up and treating you like some kind of animal at a sideshow.
"Some nice stock," he said strolling back to where the Señor was poking my insides. He gave Adolpho's backside a hard slap as he passed. "You'll get good prices. Where are you placing them?"
It was weird having them talk about us as if we weren't there. The Señor's friend even leant on my back as though I were a piece of furniture. They were mumbling a lot and laughing, so with my head down it was hard to catch everything they said, but I distinctly heard something about reserving one of us (I think it was Adolpho) for a rich client in America and another one of us being sent to a general auction. But most unsettling was what they seemed to be saying about Tomas and Luis. They talked about "special clients" and "English brothels" and then fell about laughing.
"Coffee?" suggested Señor Boronda once the joke, whatever it was,  had played out.
"Better than that, mi amigo," his friend replied with a grin, pulling a small bottle of brandy out of his jacket pocket. "Ha! That's more like it. There are glasses in the office. Show him, Miguel."
Miguel lead him into the office while the Señor slapped me on the buttocks as a signal that the inspection was over and I was to prepare for the shears.  
Kneeling with my back to him as the others had done, I placed my hands behind me so that he could tie my thumbs together and took a deep breath.
Actually it wasn't that unpleasant. I was proud of my thick black hair, and it was pretty scary watching it pile up on the floor in front of me, but he was careful with the electric shears and it didn't hurt that much although when he smoothed his hand over my naked scalp it felt kind of hard and boney. I couldn't wait to see what I looked like. I was a bit more nervous when it came to shearing off the hairs around my cock but he was very careful and thorough, even snipping the hairs off my balls. There were a few drops of blood and some sore patches and it was frustrating having my thumbs tied behind my back because when he'd finished I was dying to have a good scratch. It was an odd feeling, having no hair on my head and body. I felt lighter in a funny kind of way and much more conscious of being naked.  
We'd just got over to the shower unit and I was plucking up courage for the ear-piercing when his friend came back with the brandy and glasses and they took a short break.
"I've just got this one to do," the Señor was saying. "Then I have to run them down to the docks. Could you hang on here till I get back. I should only be about half an hour. He won't give you much trouble," indicating Adolpho, "and I'm sure you can amuse yourself with that golfillo."
His friend looked across at Rico, moistened his lips and chuckled.
"Oh, I can think of several things I'd like to do to him. I promise not to leave any marks."
They started laughing again and I was beginning to get worried that the Señor was not going to be able to keep a steady hand with the needle, what with the brandy and the jovial banter. As it happened, I found I was more scared of the Keeper whose steel arm was round my neck almost suffocating me. The harder I struggled the tighter he gripped. I was so busy fighting for breath that I hardly noticed the red hot needle go in. Well, not at first that is. It was when he started pulling the thread through my earlobe that the shock wave hit me. I probably shrieked out. I definitely swore and dug my elbows into the Keeper's stomach — which I discovered was rock hard, so that made me feel really pathetic. And the Señor had trouble keeping me still long enough for him to grab hold of my balls and wrap the leather strip round them.  
The shower was something of a relief and Miguel was an expert at rubbing in the soap. It would have been nicer if the water hadn't been so cold, but I made the most if it and drank as much of it as I could.
I managed a quick glance in the mirror on my way back to join the others. The bare scalp was a shock at first but overall I didn't think I looked too bad. The shaving and the showering had somehow made me look leaner and stronger, and I began to think that with a little work I could develop some pretty decent muscles. So I wasn't at all ashamed that they were all looking at me as I stepped back on to the platform — even though by now my cock was sticking out as stiff as a rod. There was nothing I could do about that, especially with my thumbs tied behind my back, so I didn't try to hide it.
Apart from poor Adolpho (who had started to wriggle about again and moan pathetically), Rico was the odd one out now, all hairy and unkempt. I almost felt sorry for him. We may have been as naked as the day we were born, and still dripping wet from the shower, but Luis, Tomas and me, we looked like brothers, all spick and span, sporting erections of varying sizes and standing up straight and tall, with our smooth healthy young bodies. For a very brief moment things felt bearable — there was a dangerous, exciting edge to things, sure, but as long as we were locked up in that room with that crazy Señor and the robotic Keeper, it felt as if reality was a long way away — as if this was all some bizarre fantasy game and we were the focal point.
The fantasy didn't last long.
The final thing the Señor did before leading the three of us out, was to fit leather collars round our necks, like dog collars. There were ropes attached which he jerked like a lead to get us off the platform. We stumbled into the corridor, not knowing where we were going, following our Master like three obedient puppies. He took us down several passageways until we arrived at the front entrance. It wasn't the one they'd brought us to when we arrived. This was much more open with glass panels looking out onto the main street. There was another Keeper waiting by the door — just as hard and stony-faced as the one we'd encountered in the processing room. Señor Boronda had a quick word with him and led us out into the open.
Suddenly everything changed. Reality hit us head on. We'd left the cosy protective world of the warehouse where secret things were done to us behind locked doors. This was a public space with ordinary people going about their ordinary lives with cars and bikes and restaurants and folks just hanging around. Admittedly it was quite late and there probably weren't as many people around as normal, but there were enough to make us desperately self-conscious. Passers-by glanced at us, some stopped and stared, some even pointed and made comments. I wanted to cover up my nakedness, but there was nothing we could do with our thumbs tied behind our backs.  
We had to cross the road to where some vehicles were parked. I thought we were probably going to be loaded onto a truck like before — at least that would get us out of the public gaze. But instead the Señor tied our lead to the back of a small electric buggy which he drove off in at a slow pace pulling us along behind. Miguel was there too, running alongside, making sure we didn't trip up. He'd been entrusted with a riding crop, which he used on our backsides whenever he got the chance, which was pretty frequently.
And that's how the next stage of my journey began.
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raynebowrayne · 5 years
Is this something you're interested in reading?
(Untitled "While You Were Sleeping" inspired Reylo Fanfic)
Chapter 1.
(Rey Pov)
Rey's brow knit in concern as she kissed her daughter's forehead. It was scorching hot. Again.
"How do you feel, sweety?" She asked, reaching for the bottle of children's fever reducer on the bedside table.
"Pretty crummy, Mommy. Can you tell me a story? To make me feel better?" The child asked, batting her big brown eyes and looking as pathetic as a scolded puppy.
Rey smiled lovingly at her ravenhaired moppet. "You remind me so much of your father when you look at me like that." She said, offering up a cup of purple medicine.
"Tell me the story of how you and Daddy fell in love, please?" The little girl asked after swallowing down the grapey liquid.
"Again?" Rey stroked the onyx riot of curls back from her daughter's too hot forehead then sat down and took her child's hand to begin her tale.
"Well, the story starts with your Grandpa Jack," She didn't need to explain that Jack and Lucy Callaghan had adopted her at the age of six, a scant year before Lucy's tragic death. "He was a wonderful person, an even better father, and I was devastated when he died. After the funeral, I got really really sad for a long time and refused to leave Chicago because I would have had to leave him behind…" she wiped away a tear and continued. "I took a job that had long hours but paid well enough for me to live close to the cemetery where he's buried."
"A job at the El Station?" The little girl prompted when Rey became momentarily focused on the memories of her late father.
"That's right." She smiled sadly and continued her story. "Well, my very first morning at work, I was minding my business when this tall, handsome man walked up to me and asked me where to buy a transit card." Rey's mind flashed a picture of him before her eyes and she grinned. "He was something else. Black hair, broad shoulders, prismatic brown eyes and a million megawatt smile. I was instantly smitten."
Grey Solo cheered despite feeling so crummy.
"Every morning after that I scanned the crowd, searching for that black haired man with the perfect teeth and gorgeous eyes. It was the highlight of my day, every day, when I'd spot him waiting for the 8:15. Sometimes he'd whistle a tune while he waited. Sometimes he'd smile and wave when he'd spot someone he knew. I fell in love with him while I watched him waiting for his train."
"But, it wasn't really love, if you didn't know him, right?"
"Who's to say what's really love or not? It felt like love. I dreamed about him when I was awake." Rey countered. "Doesn't that sound like love to you?"
"Do you still dream about Daddy when you're awake?"
"Yes, I do, but don't tell him that, it'll go to his head." Rey said with a wink.
"Anyway," Rey said, getting back to her tale. "One morning, near Christmas, the handsome stranger was just a tiny bit late and missed his train. The platform was empty since the next train usually only had a handful of passengers and none of them would arrive for another half hour…."
(3rd person omniscient pov)
From the moment he'd come into view, Rey couldn't keep her eyes off the enigmatic man in the charcoal suit standing alone on the platform, his calf length coat blowing in the breeze as his train picked up speed with it's departure. She could almost swear she heard him drop an "F bomb" over the sound of the train whizzing past her.
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fulcrum-agent · 6 years
Appearance Aesthetics: Ashla
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(Italic is rarity but done if at-least under unique occasion.)
Long legs. Short legs. Average legs. Slender thighs. Toned thighs. Thick thighs. Muscular thighs. Skinny arms. Toned arms. Soft arms. Muscular arms. Toned Stomach. Flat stomach. Flabby stomach. Soft stomach. Six-pack. Beer belly. Lean frame. Beefy/muscular frame. Voluptuous frame. Petite frame. Lanky frame. Short nails. Long nails. Manicured nails. Dirty nails. Flat ass. Toned ass. Bubble butt. Thick ass. Thigh brows. Small waist. Thick waist. Narrow hips. Average hips. Wide hips. Big feet. Average feet. Small feet. Soft feet. Slender feet. Calloused hands. Soft hands. Big hands. Average hands.Small hands. Long fingers. Short fingers. Average fingers. Broad shoulder. Narrow shoulder. Underweight. Average weight. Overweight.
~Despite being a mage, Ashla has worked on martial training for most of her life, starting with learning the basics of swordplay while she was still a child, along side her twin brother. She has a wiry musculature, while her brother’s is slightly more built, but not by much. Although she’s got a bit of a hectic schedule, she keeps at practising her swordplay, having also expanded a bit to using daggers, as well as the Gyr Abania spellsword style she learned on the sly, so she’s keeping in shape.
Shorter than 140 cm. 141 cm-150 cm. 151 cm to 160 cm. 161 cm to 170 cm. 171 cm to 180cm. 181 cm to 190 cm. 191 cm to 2m. Taller than 2 m.
~Ashe isn’t all that tall, at least not as tall as some Midlanders. She isn’t precisely short either. She does tend to end up in at least slight heels or platforms a lot of the time, but nothing insanely high.
Pale. Rosy. Olive. Dark. Tanned. Blotchy. Smooth. Acne. Dry. Greasy. Soft. Scarred.
~Currently Ashe has two different scars, though the one may end up healing away into being unnoticeable due to treatment from a Xaelic shaman. One arcs across the bridge of her nose, and she’ll likely never be rid of it. The other is a rather freshly healing slit across her throat, from an attempted kidnapping/assassination. She also is covered in freckles, all over her body, like the stars in the heavens. (see tasteful, mildly-NSFW rep here.) Otherwise, she has decent enough skin. The colouration is vaguely tanned, with more olive tint than a rosy one, but containing bits of both. She flushes fairly easily, which is when the rosy tones are more noticeable than the olive ones.
Small. Large. Average. Grey. Brown. Blue. Green. Gold. Hazel. Doe-eyed. Almond. Close-set. Wide-set. Squinty. Monolid. Heavy eyelids. Upturned. Downturned.
~Her eyes are a bright shade of aquamarine, though she seems to hate the comparison to the gemstone of the same hue. They’re typically quite bright, even when she’s being serious, alight with the fires of her convictions. 
Thin. Thick. Fine. Normal. Greasy. Dry. Soft. Shiny. Curly. Frizzy. Wild. Unruly.Straight. Smooth. Wavy. Floppy. Cropped. Pixie-cut. Shoulder length. Back length. Waist length. Buzz cut. Undercut. Bald. Jaw length. Mohawk. White. Platinum blonde. Golden blonde. Dirty blonde. Blondette. Ombre. Light brown. Mouse brown. Chestnut brown. Chocolate brown. Dark brown. Jet black. Ginger. Auburn. Dyed red. Dyed any “unnatural color”. Thin eyebrows. Average eyebrows. Thick eyebrows
~Ashla has a mess of red hair, that’s naturally wavy, to an extent, but she often takes the time to smooth and style it. It’s currently kept short, mostly due to being on the run from Garlemald. There are times when she’ll end up having a dirty blonde, shoulder length style, with her freckles conspicuously missing.
Full sleeve. Thigh tattoo. Neck tattoo. Chest tattoo. One tattoo. A few here and there (two tattoos). Multiple. No tattoos. Monroe piercing. Nose piercing. Septum. Nipple piercing(s). Genital piercing(s). Industrial piercings. Earlobe piercing(s). Prince Albert piercing. Eyebrow piercing(s). Tongue piercing(s). Lip piercing(s). Tragus piercing. Angelbites. Labret. Stretches out ears. Navel piercing. Inverse navel piercing. Cheek piercing(s). Smiley. Nape piercing(s). No piercings.
~Ashe has several different piercings in her ears, three on right, and four on her left, ranging from the lobe up the cartilage to the tip. She wears a pair of rather stylised, sharp earrings on the lobes, with a trail of small gemstone earrings leading up to the piercing at the tips of her ears.
Eyeliner. Light eyeliner. Heavy eyeliner. Cat eyes. Mascara. Fake eyelashes. Matte lipstick. Regular lipstick. Lipgloss. Red lips. Pink lips. Dark lips. Bronzer. Highlighter. Eyeshadow. Neutral eyeshadow. Smoky eyes. Colorful eyeshadow. Blush. Lipliner. Light contouring. Heavy contouring. Powder. Matte foundation. Shiny foundation. Concealer. Wears make up regularly. Wears it from time to time. Never wears make up.
~Although she does frequently wear make up, she doesn’t wear a whole lot of it, and will often not bother with putting it on. When she does wear make up, it’s light and natural. She has naturally thick eyelashes, and she doesn’t really bother accenting them any. She also prefers earth toned, barely there lip balm-like things, rather than full on lipstick.
Floral. Fruity. Perfumes. Aftershave. Cocoa. Moisturiser. Shampoo. Cigarettes. Leather. Sweat. Food. Incense. Marijuana. Cologne. Whiskey. Wine. Fried food. Blood. Sugar. Cinnamon. Vanilla. Clove. Cardamom.
~Despite being far away from Dalmasca at this point, she still smells of the desert cities - spices like clove, cinnamon, and cardamom mixed with a faint hint of vanilla. Sometimes, the scent of sandalwood incense mixes into this blend, as she still burns a stick each night in her prayers to Faram. On the rare occasion, there’s a hint of saffron to her scent, due to her preferences when cooking.
Jeans. Tight pants. Overknee socks. Tights. Leggings. Yoga pants. Pencil skirt. Tight skirt. Loose skirt. Tight / formfitting dress. Cardigans. Blouse. Button up shirt. Band-T-shirt. Sports t-shirt. Sweatpants. Tank top. Fur. Faux fur. Leather. Designer. High street. Online stores. Thrift. Lingerie. Long skirt. Miniskirt. Maxi dress. Sundress. Tie. Tuxedo. Cocktail dress. Highslit dress / skit. T-shirt. Loose clothing. Tight clothing. Jean shorts. Sweater. Sweater vest. Khaki pants. Suit. hoodie. Harlem pants. Basketball shorts. Boxers. Briefs. Thong. Hotpants. Hipster panties. Bra. Sports bra. Crop top. Corset. Ballerina skirt. Leotard. Polka dot. Stripes. Glitter. Silk. Lace. Leather. Velvet. Chemise. Patterns. Florals. Neon colors. Pastels. Black. Dark colors. Naked.
~Ashe favours tighter fitting clothing, as there’s less to be used against her in combat. She wears primarily easy-to-move-in cloth, with some leather pieces. More and more as of late, her clothing has been trending towards more sophisticated looks, while remaining functional, as Paradyme gifts different garments he believes she’ll both look good in, and like.
She tends to gravitate towards darker colours, mostly blues and greens, since they work well with her hair colour and eye colour. She also tends to wear a lot of white, with black accents. Ashla prefers silver tones to gold tones, though either looks good on her.
There are a few things that are consistent about her wardrobe. She almost always wears a pair of brass/bronze glasses, with the lenses held in place by just the nose-bridge and the arms - they’re unlined otherwise; the only time she doesn’t seem to have them on is when she’s blonde.
Sneakers. Slip-ons. Flats. Slippers. Sandals. High heels. Kitten heels. Ankle boots. Combat boots. Knee-high. Platforms. Stripper heels. Barefeet. Loafers. Oxfords. Gladiator shoes.
~Though she doesn’t always wear them, she has a unique pair of boots. Below the calf, they’re a stylised leather dyed with a pinkish-red tone, but above the knee, they’re silver plated, like a knight’s boot.
Otherwise, she wears a modified set of Ironworks boots for mages. They’re black and silver, with a few bits of magitek built into them that the original style lacks. Tagged by : @captainkurosolaire Tagging : Anyone who wants to do this.
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thejknight97 · 6 years
A Mother, A Daughter, and A Tiger
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Artwork by L-U-Y-A 
Zootopia Central Station was abuzz with more activity than it had seen in the past few days. Every platform was packed to the brim with mammals of every size and species, from a lone giraffe in an elegant suit to a mixed band of small and large construction workers ranging from a bear to a beaver, while outside, fawn and cub, calf and pup alike danced through an open fire hydrant, the rushing water lending a touch of joy that the city hadn't felt for weeks.
And in the midst of the crowd, everyone's heads turned to follow the large tiger in the golf shirt and jeans as he left the escalator with a little beige bunny in a yellow-flowered white sundress on his shoulder and led another one by her paw, a tiny wheeled suitcase dangling from his claws. An elderly sow on the platform had nearly collapsed, and two officers, lion and rhino, couldn't stop blinking, but at that moment anyone could see that the three were too happy to care, even if they couldn't begin to know why.
“Oh, Geoff, look at them,” cooed a tall giraffe in a dark mahogany trench coat to her business-suited husband. He angled his head over to the escalator to see the little bunny nuzzle the tip of the tiger's whiskers as she clung tightly to his ear. “Isn't she just like our Jemima was at that age?” “Mom!” their daughter bleated, jolting her arm out of her sling and Tobias out of his reverie.
The atmosphere in the station drifted between exhilaration and a suspicious silence punctuated only by the clicking of phone cameras, but as Tobias and his bunnies stepped aboard the city metro, the city's jubilance did not let up. They found seats quickly when a hippo seated near the door shouted “Sis!” and bolted out the door into the arms of the calf and his mother on the platform, and a joyous whoop emanated from the carriage as the happy aunt hugged her nephew to her chest.
As if the hippo was her cue, Lilly eagerly climbed all over Tobias, squealing his name joyfully as her mother gently gripped his arm, fighting back tears even though she didn't need to. "Toby..." she began, but Tobias just put his paw out for her to step into and lifted her to his chest so she could try to pick up her daughter, barely holding back his own tears of joy as the little beige bunny nuzzled herself deep into the white fur on his neck, her mother clutching the fabric of his shirt so tightly that he swore he could feel her heart beating at its breakneck pace.
It was almost too crazy to think that some weeks and a lifetime ago they had sat together on this same train and she had been almost petrified with fear.
They had not forgotten the first time they sat together, when she desperately pulled her daughter next to her the moment the big tiger sat down with his iPaw. And now, she was letting her daughter climb all over him and cuddle him, and couldn't wait to do the same herself.
Tobias tried in vain not to giggle as Lilly fidgeted and quivered into his pocket till she was comfortably resting against his chest. Hazel could barely hide her own giggles as she and her tiger walked out of the station and towards his apartment, wondering just how many photos of a bunny-kit in a tiger's shirt pocket would be clicked and streaming across InstaGRRRam by the time they got home.
They'd been reunited for maybe half an hour, hardly known each other a few weeks, tiptoed around each other for days on end, admitted to have fallen in love only a day ago, and now she was thinking of his oversized-to-her bachelor pad as home.
The incredulity of it all was just beginning to sink in when Tobias closed the door behind him, briefly quieting the din of the non-stop celebration in the streets.
“Hazel, I missed you so much-” Tobias started, but Hazel's lips fluttered over his nose and the side of his jaw, her teeth pressing gently against his skin as her paws stroked as much of his cheeks as she could reach.
“Hush, now,” she whispered, directing her eyes towards his pocket, “Later. We’re back here in Zootopia. With you. That’s all that matters right now.”
Nodding in understanding, the feline gently tapped his shirt pocket playfully, saying, “Well, it seems that I misplaced our little bunny. Now, where could she have gone to?”
They both smiled as they heard the melodic giggling from within the fabric.
“Oh, dear,” smiled Hazel, “I can’t seem to find her as well. What ever shall we do?”
“I heard little bunnies like pancakes and ice cream. Maybe if we placed some on the table, she’ll come out of hiding?” he winked.
“I’m here, silly!” Lilly chirped excitedly, popping out of his shirt pocket like a Jack-in-the-box.
“Augghh!” screamed Tobias in mock fright. “Lily, you frightened me! Don’t do that! You’ll give me a heart attack.”
Lilly continued giggling while reaching up to nuzzle into his neck. “You can’t fool me, Toby. You’re the bravest mammal I’ve ever known.”
Swallowing a lump the size of his nose, Tobias reached up with one digit to caress her back, fighting back more tears. Hazel climbed into his lap to wrap her paws around his neck, burying her muzzle into the other side of his neck.
“Yes. Yes, he is,” her muffled voice reached his ears. “I never said thank you for saving us from that panther in the park, Toby. Thank you.”
Tobias said nothing, drained by the day’s events: the uncovering of former Mayor Bellwether’s plot to turn prey against all predators; the realization that the mammals had gone savage because of a drug and not because of some unknown virus or genetic disposition; the emotional reunion at the train station. The only thing keeping him from going to pieces was Hazel’s familiar scent filling his nostrils and Lilly’s tight grip on his neck. He wanted nothing more than to sit on the couch, embracing the two loves of his life.
Lilly was the first to stir, pulling away from him and, with the innocence of the young, asked, “So, where’s the ice cream?”
Tobias laughed out loud, the tension and stress of the past weeks finally melting away. He unashamedly guffawed, knowing that his fangs would be on display, but he felt comfortable, knowing they knew they had nothing to fear from him…not anymore.
The rest of the day passed in a blur of stories from Bunnyburrow, intense sessions of cuddling, nuzzling and caressing, takeout from a mostly-prey restaurant Tobias had seen on the way back from the gym, a ceremonial disposal of the imposing and now unnecessary tiger-tazer, and sometimes even quiet moments where a bunny and a tiger made up for all the missed gazing they had had to do over MuzzleTime.
And later that night, with his bunnies sleeping peacefully on his chest and in his arms, Tobias quietly let the sweet tears come, and was rewarded with the softness of gentle lips against his jaw and the touch of tiny paws against his fur.
There would be more gazing to be made up for in the next two days, more cuddling, more sheer joy of just being together and not having to worry about any savage attacks, and when the news of Gazelle's celebratory free concert would break, there would be eagerness on all three fronts to go, a daughter, a mother, and a tiger, as one with the city.
There would be all that and a bag of quinoa chips that Tobias had bought when he missed them so much it hurt, but it could wait till sunrise and being bounced out of bed by the most adorable bunny-kit he knew.
For now, holding them to him and feeling their mile-a-minute heartbeats was enough.
For now, he could let the tears come, and feel that after days of being hated and feared by an entire city, he was loved. A/N: This is the sequel to @emma89uk’s story, The Meetings. Chapter 1 takes place at the train station when Hazel and Lily arrive from Bunnyburrow and are met by Toby. Emma gave permission to my co-author, GuiltySpark2K12 to continue where she ended her story. He and I have co-written several chapters but would like to open it up to other writers as well. If anyone is interested, you can go to our AO3 site: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14580624/chapters/33693921
and drop a note in the Comments section and he will get in touch with you with the draft. Anyone who participates will be noted as a co-author for the chapter(s) they participate in.
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HOW TO Walk Like a Woman - In Heels
After many years of struggle ( being a dude in a dress ) I finally cracked the code. I am sharing what I learned for those who DON'T walk very well now and those who do Here is the KEY for you to develop a believable female presentation: The following exercise will overcome some of the fundamental physical problems you'll have in trying to stand and walk like a woman...mostly that you were born with male parts. ( No, seriously. lol Women walk in a certain way for a reason. We walk like guys for reasons too - and it became natural to us to "stand wide legged to stand our ground - and to not pinch a testicle when walking, etc ) You probably already "tuck" - either with tape, a gaff or tight women's underwear, and if you do, you may be missing the most important opportunity for developing your feminine presentation because the method you use to keep your parts in place enables you to do one thing wrong. Simply, if you are securely tucked with a physical method, you are able to walk like a man.  That is, you don't need to worry about the displacement of your p***s if you don't walk or stand with your legs together.  I know you never really looked at it that way before, but that is likely your key issue. You've no doubt seen the famous "tuck scene" in Silence of The Lambs and the parody of that scene by "Jay" in the movie Clerks II Each male actor, because only the pressure of his thighs was keeping genitals in place, is forced to bring and keep his knees together. They also go the BONUS you get from using this method ( Curvature ) So your exercise is this: You can practice this every time you are doing your bathroom routine if you have others in your home from whom you need to guard your secret.   When you have a chance, even if you tuck securely, practice the same pressure fundamental and you will get INSTANT results for the better. 1.  Create a natural thigh-pressure tuck by pulling your p***s back between your legs as far as you can.  The more you can stretch it, the better, as this will clear the front of your pubic area of male tissue to allow the thighs to come as close together as possible. By not using anything but thigh pressure to keep the genitals in place, you will be forced into a more feminine body position in order to stand up straight. 2. Notice how your knees and feet are now closer together and you are forced to maintain this more feminine body position to maintain the tuck.You will also note that it may be painful for you to stand perfectly upright at the waist due to pressure on your testicles when you do so.  This results in the BONUS - you now have a more feminine arch in your back and your butt seems to stick out more. 3.  Then ... walk.  Note how you MUST take short, narrow steps if you want to maintain the tuck. Notice also how your hips move in a feminine way. Even your feet behave more like a woman's. You have NO CHOICE but to walk and stand more like a woman when you consciously must maintain this natural pressure tuck.  This is why it is the most fundamental exercise. Later, when you are securely tucked with physical means ( gaff, tape, or tight panties ) if you remember to maintain the pressure from your thighs to push your genitals more rearward, you will be able to refine a believable feminine ( lower body ) presentation. If you get into the habit of it now, and do it every time your are dressed, and for the entire duration of your dressing session, you will be able to remember it when you are out in public. The funny thing is, since you were born male, it will feel unnatural to you.   But trust that it will look very natural when attempting to pass as a female. Simply by always ensuring your knees and feet sweep across each other, almost touching each other as they pass, you will have a more feminine walk.  This will almost happen automatically when you are using the thigh-pressure tuck.  That takes care of your step WIDTH. The next thing to work on is your step LENGTH.  Naturally, a man takes a very long step ahead of him. When you don't, you feel unnatural and your BALANCE is actually affected because your BRAIN is used to dealing with a LONG step. So you need to fight the urge to take those big steps. Walking in flats ( women's flats or just men's footwear like slippers, sandals, flip flops, sneakers, or "trend shoes" ) will actually tend to cause you to revert to natural masculine steps...because "you can". So I recommend high heels. WALKING IN HEELS. Picture yourself as a tall 13 year old girl who was accepted by a modeling agency.  You've been in sneakers all your life - you've never even had a pair of low 2" heels on your feet and you'ill be in a fashion show next week!  ( Gosh, you're gonna sprain an ankle! ) But there's a secret to walking in heels. Men and unrefined women walk in such a way that their heel of their leading foot contacts the ground before the toe or ball of the foot.   The longer the step, the longer the wait between heel and toe contact.   In mens dress shoes ( or women walking incorrectly ) this results in a sound effect for 4 steps that sounds like: CLIP-CLOP , CLIP-CLOP, CLIP-CLOP, CLIP-CLOP ... This is also what usually breaks high heels - too much leverage on them. Refined women in heels take SHORT STEPS to touch the heel and front of their shoe to the ground at about the same time, resulting in a 4 step sound effect like: CLIP, CLIP, CLIP, CLIP .... Step One: Practice walking in BARE FEET on your "tip-toes". It takes a while for your brain to learn to balance like that and for your feet to become strong enough to keep you on tip toes for a few minutes at a time. But once you can balance there for several minutes, then you will be better able to balance in actual high-heel shoes.   By developing these muscles WITHOUT shoes, when you lose your balance, you can easily recover from a pending fall.  Trying to do this IN HEELS and THAT is how you sprain an ankle or worse!   Did you know that in the weeks before School PROM season in North America, there is an scaling increase in skull, jaw, tooth, neck, collar bone, arm, wrist, hip, lower-leg and ankle fractures in females aged 14 to 18 which stops abruptly at the start of summer, all related to "first time in high heels"?   Practice with BARE FEET first!!! Step Two: Once you can walk in bare feet on tip toes for several minutes at a time, now try it with your thigh-tension tuck.  This will ad a degree of difficulty because now you must learn to balance with a more narrow foot width - you can't recover from loss of balance and prevent a fall by simply widening your stance.   ( Again, this is tricky and will cause loss of balance, so that's why we do it in BARE FEET first until your brain gets used to it. ) Step Three: Get the right footwear.   Women's flat shoes and shoes with a low high heel ( 2" -  3" ) will allow you to make the mistake of walking "heel first", like a man - and it will look awkward.  Go for a "true" high heel. Ignore "heel height" in inches in general, because the design of a platform shoe has a longer heel than an non-platform shoe and depending on what size your feet are, a 4" heel for a size 5 is probably too high and a 4" heel for a size13 will likely be TOO LOW. Regardless of "heel height" - pick footwear that provides a 45 degree foot angle so that your foot is always at the "breakover point" - the point of each step where weight is transfered from the trailing foot to the leading foot, and which places your foot almost as upright as you being on "tip toes".   This will deter you from walking heel first like a man or a teenage girl who has never worn heels.  It will force a shorter step and make it easier for you to remember to place the heel & toe (ball of foot) on the ground at the same time. Note that TALL BOOTS will provide more support & stability for your ankles than shoes and will go with far more outfits, too! Also they will conceal your manly calf muscle definition ( the reason "I" don't wear "shoes" ) I suggest also a heel base of at least two square inches so that you have more support and it is easier to balance while you learn to adjust to the high heels.  Starting with thin "spike" heels is asking for disaster because you need to learn not to rely on the heel part for stability. Step Four: Practice beside a wall or near a railing for balance. Stand and walk USING ONLY THE TOES/BALL OF FOOT.  That is, go "tip toes" so that the heel is NOT TOUCHING THE GROUND.  This will help you get used to the idea that the HEEL is not really a "useable" part of the shoe by itself and that you don't rely on it for balance. Gradually let your heel get lower and closer to the ground as you practice, so that once the heel does contact the ground, you know you must still keep most of your weight on the TOE/BALL OF FOOT so that you don't fall.   FALLS ARE CAUSED WHEN YOU MISTAKENLY TREAT THE HEEL AS A "FUNCTIONAL" PART OF THE HIGH-HEEL SHOE.  IT'S NOT. High heels were NOT created to add height, but rather for MALE Kabuki performers playing female roles, to force their back to arch more and therefor their butt to "present" itself more and make him look more feminine.  That was adopted by old prostitutes to unconsciously seem more youthful and attractive to a male customer by tapping into the primal, instinctive presentation of an open      ( not pregnant )   ovulating female as indicated by "swollen buttocks" and cause the male to respond with "doggie style" mounting of the female. Evolution has caused many changes to humans over hundreds of thousands of years. Our ancestors at one point only procreated in this way ( you know most women still say "doggie style sex" feels best - because their vagina and brain were designed to do it this way )  and we still respond to the same things we did many, many years ago. Heels help this. USING STAIRS: Notice how women tend to actually use the railing when they use stairs.  They go UP using only their toes (heels never touch the steps ) and come down with their shoes hitting flat on each step (toe & heel at same time ) and at a slight angle, with toes pointing more toward the railing than forward ( so the whole shoe is on the step - if their feet were pointing straight forward, their front of their shoe might slip off the front of a step and cause them to fall down the stairs! ). Now that you have all that in your head. let's take FEMININE STEPS. 1 - Take 100 steps which are only one half to one whole foot length in front of your other shoe.  Once you can do that with no problem ... do it again while ensuring that your feet are as close together as possible. That is, a narrow step width. ( If you stop, your feet should be almost touching. ) 2 - Next, concentrate on the getting your butt to do the feminine "snap".  Up to this point, unless you discovered it by accident, you will still be motivating your steps with your trailing foot and bobbing up and down.  You need to motivate your step by moving your hips forward instead, so that you are gliding across the floor, and with that comes the feminine "wiggle". Stand with one foot in front of the other, with your feet at a comfortable distance apart for you.  ( That may only be one shoe-length or even less, and that's ok. ) Start perfectly balanced in the middle. Pretend you're in a super-slow-motion video. SLOWLY glide your hips forward until your weight is TOTALLY over your leading (front) foot, with your trailing (back) foot still on the ground.  It's ok if you need to be only on the toes of your trailing foot since it is impossible to keep your heel on the ground as you move that far forward.   Keep moving your hips SLOWLY forward until you are almost going to FALL FORWARD.  This is the point at which a woman takes her trailing foot off the ground and quickly moves it forward to "catch the weight" moving forward as a result of her hips moving forward. ( Women motivate their steps by moving their hips forward ... ) Take a few steps like that and you'll feel your hips SWAY from side to side as your bring your body to THE LIMIT of falling forward before taking your trailing foot off the ground.  As a result, your butt will "snap" as you walk. Once it happens the first few times ( the "snap" ), you'll understand how it "feels" to walk like a woman, so that you can do it over and over.
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