#the actual j@lec tag
bi-leigh-bi · 7 years
tfw you post shit to the anti j@lec tag like Tumblr etiquette would have you and j@lec shippers still act extra and tell you to get out of the tag. 😂😂😂😂
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It’s funny how m@lec fans always go on and on about how much hate Magnus gets for being POC and bi, mainly, because I have yet to see such a thing happening anywhere. All I’ve seen is legitimate criticism of Magnus’ actions, which, surprise, surprise, is not the same as hating him for being POC or bi, and even then it’s rare, because in this fandom every word that is not praising Magnus is considerate racism, but okay.     
What I have seen often, however, is hate and abuse towards actual living people (surprise, surprise, Magnus is not a real person) and what is even more horrifying this hate and abuse towards real people is normalized, accepted and encouraged!
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  If you think that stuff like that is okay, all I can say to you is that you can shove that ‘love and acceptance for all!!11″ bullshit where the sun doesn’t shine and go fuck yourself.
(Also I’m very much aware that not all m@lec fans are like that, and most of them are just doing their thing in peace, but it annoys me that no one seems to take this problem seriously.)
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sunel0 · 4 years
Oh, 1 and 6 for the ask game please. But make it TMI 🤭
Thank you Shara:33 Ohhh I didn't expect TMI! :'DD
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?*
Also I guess J-lec (again, tag caution), like they grew up together being adopted (or very close to it)
Which actually really means that they are brothers, adopted siblings are siblings, so l mmmm no
Although then again it's everyone's right whatever ship and let ship whatever
6. Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?*
I don't think anything like that ever happened because I don't go to pairings I hate, so I probably won't get the chance to experience their redemption for me
But I guess it made more chill towards one pairing from TDA but you haven't gotten there yet<3
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This gifset was posted in the malec and malecedit tags. The OP is a whiteguy stan, and also is a DS stan who thinks that LGBTQIA people criticizing DS saying a homophobic slur are overexaggerating the matter. Ok. Whatever.
But the problem is that  this post isn’t the only one.
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^^^ This one was posted in Magnus’ tags few days ago, right after 3x08 aired (trust me, the OP is a racist troll who is mad that Shuri was called smarter than Tony). And there are tons more.
This meme was posted last year by a j@lec shipper. This is how the j@lecs and generally racist people see Malec and Magnus in Alec’s life. As a Madama Butterfly scenario
Madama Butterfly was first staged in 1904. It was a story showing that races can’t mix. A story saying that interracial relationships are “dirty”, and are always doomed because a white person (man) cannot really love a person of color (in this case an Asian person/ woman) because a white person (man) is superior and needs to find an “equal” (i.e. another white person). It’s a story telling that a white hero will always choose his own kind, and that a non-white person is only good for “fun” but doesn’t deserve to be loved in return. The love of a white hero is only reserved for another white person.
If that’s how people see and interpret Malec it speaks volumes.
On one hand there are white people who think that you can date a person of color, sleep with them, but never put them on the same level as your white family.
On the other hand there is a racial stereotype in a lot of communities of color (mine included, so I’m speaking from experience), that one shouldn’t marry a white person, because the white person will betray their spouse at the first chance they get.
Both of these points of view come from different angles, but both are the products of white supremacy.
The thing is that this kind of discourse about pitting the lover/spouse of color against the white family in the white person’s life always exists in fandom (and real life). TWD never pitted Glenn vs. the Greenes, but the fandom did go through that kind of discourse during s4. White fans saw Maggie as a “traitor” and hated her guts for “choosing Glenn over her sister”.
“She knows Beth all her life, and knows Glenn only couple of months!” - “Alec knows Jace 10 years, and he knows Magnus only 2 months!”
Glenn was not seen as Maggie’s family by those twd fans, he was seen as a “f*ckbuddy” - “I would never choose a f*ckbuddy over my sibling!” - these were actual things people posted in Glenn, Maggie and Gleggie tags. 
Reminds something? Now, after 3x08 aired, and after Owl!Jace’s words about  “Alec shares the bed with you, but if he could have only one of us, whom would he choose?” all the racist people in the fandom feel validated in their racist views. Just look at the examples above.
It was one line, but because fiction and media doesn’t exist in a vacuum, 3x08 gave all the racists in the fandom a more or less legitimate reason to frame Magnus as some expendable concubine from the Colonial era.
Now everything that is happening with Malec is seen by many people in the fandom through the lens of that line about the choice.
The thing is that, 95% of the racism that’s happening right now is on the fandom, as always, but 5% is on Jamie Gorenberg’s colorblind writing that fueld this already existing racism. The writers should’ve never pitted Magnus vs. Lightwoods and hinted it as a choice for Alec, unless they are doing a racial allegory.
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...To be honest, I hate going into the D*ark Angel tag and seeing the scene where M*ax is forced to act like a lap dancer on A*lec in order to blend in at a strip bar.
Everyone loves this scene--because most of the active online fandom ships A*lec and M*ax, and think there’s chemistry here (I don’t); and parts of this scene is actually hilarious, don’t get me wrong--but I just... don’t see this scene the way everyone else does and I swear I see it the right way. Like, it’s clear that M*ax isn’t attracted to A*lec at all, and is really uncomfortable with this and hates doing it. J*essica A*lba has even voiced hating moments where D*ark Angel somewhat objectified her--though it’s way tame by today’s standards, sadly--so WHY do we fetish this scene so much? It drives me nuts.
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ketzwrites · 7 years
unpopular opinion here, I think people should be able to ship what they want without having people harass them over fiction. I don't like j@lec or cl@lec, but I also don't like the way people treat those shippers. Fiction is not reality, and if people are triggered or uncomfortable, all they have to do is block tags. You have to curate your own content. There is also no reason to post in tags to cause drama and bully people. Doing what was done to you is not right, nor will it ever be.
Anonymous said: It's very frustrating to be in this fandom sometimes, because of the toxicity of people who believe they are morally superior to people and LIKE causing drama. I'm in the minority here, but I will not EVER harass someone or tell someone they can't ship something in fiction.
First of all, did you guys agree to send me these together? Because I don’t think this was the same person (nice concluding lines, btw) and those asks were sent almost at the same time. Very suspicious indeed.
As for the content of the asks, the short answer is: out of all the hated ships in Shadowhunters, couldn’t you guys choose poor cl.imon to feel sorry for and not the harmful ones? Cl.imon has never done one thing wrong in its life aside from being boring but ja.lec and cla.lec are the ships that deserve a defense? Really?
Long answer after the cut.
I get the sentiment of “ship and let ship,” but I think it’s wasted on ships such as ja.lec or cla.lec. Especially when put in context and the fact that those ships rarely are portrayed as intentionally fucked up. To the contrary, there is discourse defending those ships as “pure” and whatever is the new lingo for “right.” That’s very frustrating as well.
Particularly, I have no problem with people writing/reading fucked up things if they are not romanticized. Face your demons in a controlled ambient like a fanfiction. Go ahead. A properly tagged work should be enough to warn readers of what’s they are signing for. Tumblr finally has a working blocking system and that helps a lot too.
But I believe there’s a difference between purposefully fucked up ships and romanticized fucked up ships. And the latter is where I put ja.lec and cla.lec in my personal “ship division” within the Shadowhunters fandom. I’ve read meta on how malec is “abusive” bc either Magnus is “predatory” or “always suffering because of Alec.” That ends up in the Magnus or Malec tag. Seems to me like an invitation to disaster, especially when the meta concludes with something along the lines of “Jace is better suited to Alec.” Hard to blame someone for being outraged by this.
It’s not like one of the parts of this “conflict” is innocent and oppressed. There are people causing drama from both sides. Only, one side is generally known for romanticizing incest and practicing homophobia and/or racism. Those are actual felonies in most countries so I would argue this gives the malec side a legal upper hand on top of the moral upper hand.
As for the harassment and people putting stuff in the tags, blocking users works just as well as blocking tags. Deleting anon hate (and blocking anons’ IPs) works too plus you get the satisfaction of knowing the anon will be checking your blog for a response that is never coming
That all said, I don’t advocate harassment or provocation from either side. Although I have to admit I laugh a lot with some creative “cla.lec” edits. Maybe that’s not right of me, but damn, they are so funny. Especial shout out to the forsaken cl.alec shipper attacking the Institute.
Anyway, if I may suggest a different recipient for your frustration, guys, I’d say cl.imon. This poor ship is only guilty of being boring and is still almost universally disliked. While it was canon, almost the entire fandom was tagging the hate in the main tag. Poor cl.imon shippers, that must’ve been a hard time.
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h4nnibalism · 7 years
Chapters: 45/45 Fandom: Hannibal (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter Characters: Will Graham, Hannibal Lecter, Chiyoh (Hannibal), Beverly Katz, OFC, Abigail Hobbs, Robert Lecter, Lady Murasaki, Mischa Lecter, OMC Additional Tags: Post-Episode: s03e13 The Wrath of the Lamb, Canon-Typical Violence, Helpless Hannibal, Will Graham Helps His Own Damn Self, and Hannibal, Actual Plot!, excessively dubious plot devices, Short Chapters, Slow Burn, References to bullying, References to Past Child Abuse, Angst, Serious hurt/Limited comfort, Armchair Therapy, Canon-Typical Cannibalism, Past Underage, Exceptionally unlikely symptoms of empathy disorder, Season/Series 04, Bottom Hannibal, Top Hannibal, Bottom Will, Top Will, a variety of improbable sex acts committed by fictional people, so much porn, D/s undertones, Always the D/s undertones with these two, crossing boundaries is different than violating them, Jealousy, Frottage, sex is not a suitable substitute for therapy, an unexpected amount of rimming, inappropriate therapeutic techniques, really an embarassing amount of porn Summary:
Hannibal’s heart stopped for the first time after he’d dragged himself and Will out of the frigid ocean onto the rocky shore at the bottom of the bluff.
  *Title from Unkempt Thoughts by Stanislaw J. Lec
Explicit from Ch 26.
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familiaanteomnia · 5 years
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WHAT’S YOUR OTP FOR YOUR MUSE?: Well for Alec- M.alec obviously. Uh Diego with Patch. EverybodyxHappiness. No but seriously just depends on the ship. Like I adore a good ship canon otp or just me with a friend like ‘hey your muse is an idiot, mine is also an idiot best friends for life’ or like ‘aww look at these two would be funny to ship them’ *me five seconds later* ‘anyways this works way too well’. 
HOW LARGE DOES THE AGE GAP HAVE TO BE TO MAKE IT UNCOMFORTABLE?: Hmm okay so it varies. Depends on muse. For example Bo isn’t actually like ‘19′ or even appears as such with that fc. Serial flirter so everybody from 18-early 20′s is more viable for actual feelings. But has shamelessly flirted with older/taken advantage like ‘you want somebody to listen- hmm costs you your jacket and 1000 dollars per hour’. Overall though it depends on appearance especially say in cases where immortality,etc comes into play. 
ARE YOU SELECTIVE WHEN SHIPPING?:  Not quite; but I do enjoy build up- jumping around,etc. Plus not everything has to be ship forever material. Sometimes people fall out of love mutually. Or somebody is like ‘yeah hey I prefer us as friends’ etc. Like variety you know? Only get super selective if somebody’s being pushy. 
HOW FAR DO STEAMY MOMENTS HAVE TO GO BEFORE THEY’RE CONSIDERED NSFW?: Really- depends especially because I have some messed up trauma stories of rp partners and smut. In general I love awkward first times, sweet afters, etc far more. Like anybody can write bad s*x. Which all the power to those who do chose to write such stuff. But I’d rather do more intimate things, or not so smutty. (I’d literally die to do stuff like ‘oh crap I got soap in my eyes’ in the shower together, or gently cleaning each others hair. Painting on the other’s naked torso,etc.) Sometimes I dabble but usually just not a big fan of it. *there’s more to it but hey whatever, also I’m pretty asexual so that’s a thing* 
WHO ARE OTHER MUSES YOU SHIP YOUR MUSE WITH?: I’m not going to go on for ages. Whatever makes a good ship. Canon with canon, canon, oc and canon, oc and oc,etc it varies. Also there’s more than romance ships,etc possible as well. 
ANY NOTPS?: I don’t really ship r*zzy, j*lec, s*phael is kind of sketchy territory too, I don’t ship Maia with Jordan/J.ace. Cl*ce. Any of my gay muses with girls. Those are pretty much the main notps. 
DOES ONE HAVE TO ASK TO SHIP WITH YOU?:  I’d prefer it but long as you’re respectful it’s cool. Shipping memes are for exploration,etc after all/can adapt for platonic stuff if you want as well. Otherwise friends, etc are more than welcome. 
HOW OFTEN DO YOU LIKE TO SHIP?:  I don’t get what this means? But frequently and I adore it quite a bit
ARE YOU SHIP-OBSESSED OR SHIP MORE-OR-LESS?:  Healthy medium and you can tell sometimes I’m more ‘uwu yes ship me up’ and others I’m like ‘nobody dare my muses are the worst’ 
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SHIP IN YOUR CURRENT FANDOM?:  T.ua- Diego and Patch (I don’t have one to rp with currently though). S.hadowhunters- M/alec. And of course more specific ships I got going on/all of them with my partners naturally. 
FINALLY, HOW DOES ONE SHIP WITH YOU?: Ask? Send memes- be like ‘okay so lets like have them be best friends since they were teenagers and everybody thinks they are dating but in fact both are repulsed by the idea/constantly trying to be like ‘no no this is my significant other not my best friend ew’
TAGGED BY:  The one, the only @pulchrousati  TAGGING: Whoever wants to
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lockeymoony · 8 years
Hi lovely! How are you? Just wondering if you could please check out my blog? I made this yesterday, and your advice would really mean a lot! Love your blog followed! Thanks xoxo
Oh hi darling! I’m fine but wow I don’t really know what to say to you because first I’m really bad with advices, second I’m also relatively new here (i started posting in my blog on september last year) and third I don’t really know what I’m doing with my blog so the idea of me giving advices to other blogers kind of blows my mind. I just.. you know.. post things that i like and make gifs. Actually I still get surprised that people follow me tbh but i can try say some things.
Well your blog theme is simple and objective which is nice and I just have 2 advices to say tbh even though I don’t really know what kind of advice you expect but i guess it’s nice to know?
1. You could start creating original content because I guess it always helps bring attention to a blog. (like making gifs, edits, write your opinions, headcanons, or even news, anything really).
2. Interact with others it’s also nice (I suck at interacting though, I have zero social skills even on the internet).
Also just another advice that i think you should know:I went to your navigation page and i saw the tag cl*lec(i don’t want discourses about that so i put * instead of the letter) and for me, that name means “shipping them romantically”, so If you ship them as brotp I would suggest you to use “fraywood” instead. Also about the tag j*lec (that is just my opinion becausei guess a lot of people still use “j*lec” even though they ship them only as brotp but i prefer to use only their names or put “the lightwoods” or “brothers” or “parabrotai” instead because for me they are brotp and brothers) I just do that to make things clear for people that follow me i guess. I only said all that because me and I think also a lot of people here is uncomfortable with those ships being romantic for a lot of reasons that if you don’t know i can answer you in private or show some posts.But this is all my opinion really.
Wow i talked a lot, I’m sorry. Anyway thank you for following, thank you for asking and for saying that you love my silly blog. I hope this help you? I don’t know if you’ll like it but anyway I’m not really good at advices sorry.
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ringringbody · 8 years
Think about it. Malec is flawless. This show actually gave us two LGBT main characters. We actually get to see a bisexual person of color and a gay boy fall in love but you prefer to link Alec’s gay ass to some basic ass straight white boy? I honestly can’t relate. 
I’m not even getting into the fact that Alec & Jabberwockies are basically brothers. I swear I will never get y’alls obsession with incest but that is another story for another day.. 
Anyway, It’s pretty obvious to me that you guys just don’t like Alec with Magnus because he’s asian. Because these excuses you’re giving??? “There’s no angst with Malec”, “Jace is Alec’s first love” Girl, please. Alec is repressed AF so of course he’s going to develop some confusing feelings for the only boy he feels close to. ‘First love’ though? NO. “No angst?” Are you kidding me? There’s been nothing but angst! Alec’s whole coming out process in season 1 and then the immortality question. Now Jackal is missing and Alec is out here nearly dying and shit.. 
I’m sorry but no. Magnus and Alec are f$cking perfect for each other. MAGNUS is perfect the way he is. Just admit you don’t like him with Alec because he’s asian. 
I don’t know anything about this Sebastian guy they’re going to introduce in 2B but I know he’s supposed to look like Jacaranda. So I high-key hope Jackaroo somehow dies so Sebastian can replace him.  Also, this post wouldn’t even exist if you guys just kept your J*lec bullshit OUT of the Malec tag. 
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toloveistoaccept · 7 years
Hey! Please don't get this wrong this is NOT meant to be a hateful message. But could you consider NOT answering j/lec / m/lec / incest etc. questions? The tag has been blissfully quiet for a while now but by posting stuff like this (even if your posts aren't hateful or anything) you'll only spur the antis on to get more actively hateful again. It would be awesome if the tag could be actual CONTENT and not the umpteenth incest discussion. EVERY shipper frequenting the tag would be grateful.
Oh, I’m so sorry you’re right! 
I’m removing the tag from my posts to leave it clean again! 
Sometimes I don’t think :( 
It’s all gone
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I actually blocked that flower-of-the-desert some months or so ago after going in the Magnus tag and seeing their nonsense that was rather anti Magnus and/or Alec. I genuinely forget what it was they said, but I know it's why I found it laughable recently that they started clogging the Magnus tag trying to "defend" him because it was obvious, imo that they were only doing so because they shipped j*lec and thought making Malec look bad made their incest ship look better.
Yeah. Their claiming to be a Magnus fan is hilarious, seeing how they apply almost every single anti-Asian stereotype on to him. And… at the end of the day, it’s not even about shipping, but about how they, the anti-malecs, jaylicks and claylics always do this, they always frame Magnus into one of those racist stereotypes. They see him only as an “prop” and then blame the show for how they see him, rather than how he is actually presented. And then these white / non-Asian and / or straight people run around deciding what’s “good” and what’s “bad” representation for a Bisexual Asian character. And when they get confronted they claim that “diversity of ideas is as important” as actual diversity and the opinion of LGBTQA fans of color. Lmao. But as I said here, it’s not just about this one person, it’s a pattern.
Attention is what they clearly want. Don’t give it to them. Don’t give them likes, don’t reblog their ridiculous posts. Block, mock and move on. That’s the only way to deal with them.
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saviourfinn · 7 years
laura, how do you feel about j ulie p lec as a writer? i wrote it like that so it doesnt show up in tags.
i doesn’t like her and her writing. She has great ideas, such as the premise of TVD (i know it’s based on a book but the show is so different and imo better than the book) and The Originals, but other than that… yikes.
The two things I hate the most about her writing :
1 - She writes the relationship drama first, and only then she writes the storylines to fit the drama. It’s not, for ex : This episode’s storyline is that Caroline chooses to help Damon for x reason and because of that Tyler gets mad at her. No, it’s : I want Caroline and Tyler to have drama in their relationship so what i can do to create that ? oh yeah i’ll make Caroline help Damon. And so storylines are often illogical or dumb because Plec prioritizes relationship drama over an actual good story
2 - The way she and the other writers treat characters of colours, especially black characters : either they die, or they are mainly there to help and support white characters. Her treatment of Bonnie was despicable, I won’t say more on the subject or else i’ll get really mad lol.
Even if it also has a lot of issues, The Originals is a way better show than TVD and the 1 or 2 main black characters are actually not treated as bad as on TVD (even though women and minor/secondary characters of colour still die on the daily), so i’m wondering if she doesn’t write as much for The Originals as she did for TVD.
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