#the adam + eve of it all 🥲
lesbiangracehanson · 1 year
actually feeling a bit insane about janeway + chakotay cos i just watched the resolutions ep…….
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wyxxiee · 5 months
I would also love to add something about Lilith in regards to my theory about Roo owning Alastor (linked here).
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We all know that Lilith and Alastor disappeared for the same period of time. We also know that Alastor sold his soul to an unbeknownst demon…and my other post is Eve/Roo holds Alastor captive but where does Lilith come in, you ask?
It has been stated already that Lilith hates being subservient to Adam and is said to be rebellious of whatever authority comes into her. With that being said I believe Roo took interest in both for their powers.
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She is a “looming threat in the distance” and I have said something in the comments about when a character is disregarded or left in the dark for QUITE SOME TIME, usually they’d be a plot bomb. Just waiting for the perfect time to drop them and for people to go like “OHHH HOW COME I NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT!!” or “WHAT. I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABT THEM.”
She’s a landmine waiting to be triggered.
And with Alastor manifesting such raw power despite being a mortal soul, and Lilith being the ruler of hell. Roo absolutely loves chaos and evil and she saw potential in both characters.
MY THEORY is that Roo captured Lilith and Alastor, wanting them both to sell their souls to her but well of course! Lilith rejects Roo because that’s her personality; she LOATHES submission. She refuses to kneel for anyone.
And in order for her to escape Roo’s never ending pestering she makes a desperate deal with Adam, and that is for her to reside in heaven while in return Adam can exterminate her people. I feel like there’s a condition to it because why would Lilith care so much about not submitting that she would risk her people’s OR her own daughter’s life. Surely there’s a catch.
What do you think is the catch?🥲🤔
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helloanthy · 2 months
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🗒️ 24.04.2024 ⋅⋅⋅ 🥀
some notes for 20.09.2023 post and a separate cut out for utena because i spent a very long time rendering her ... the original concept i had in my head for this art was very different. it was just supposed to be a style study of this an official anime prop design art, and i'd thought to draw anthy in a similar pose across from her like in the shown version, but with her wearing her prince outfit from the manga. something something another form of female competition under the patriarchyyy stop pitting 2 girlprinces against each other omg etc (side note, how sick would it have been in an AU where akio made anthy fight against utena in the ring? like i dont think it would hav added more to the story or made it better really ... probably would've diluted the message to be honest ... but everytime i see that manga art of prince anthy i imagine some convoluted black rose arc AU where utenas dodging anthy getting her hair hacked off left and right like himemiyaaa nooo snap out of it this isnt uuu while anthys silent and dead eyed hahaha) but then after i drew prince anthy, the picture looked rather empty ... so i thought to add a few decals or borders in the style of the show & official arts but aaahh ... there was still too much negative space. i had to scrap anthy's prince outfit and put her back in her rose bride dress 😭 man !!! he cant keep getting away this !!! [blames akio the figurehead of patriarchy instead of taking responsibility of my own actions] which made me sad because i was pretty satisfied with the way i drew her pose and legs ! but i had to cover it up 🥲 ... the composition overall looked better though. and then after that it kept spiraling. i just kept adding more and more things until i lost control of this drawing and it plagued my WIP folder for months ... i dont want to try and connect all of it in words so ill just lay out all the pieces for you so you can connect them yourself. and you can experience my art thought process in fraction of erraticity and frustration as i experience it myself. this is a lot neater than what happened in my head though because i bothered to put it in order. honestly if i can make you feel a little bit insane trying to scroll through and read all this than i can make you understand how annoying my brain is when all i wanted to draw was utenanthy girlprinces fighting starting references & inspiration: utena prop reference sheet & manga prince!anthy
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the tower & the lovers tarot
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above: the lovers as depicted in the tarot of marseilles deck, tarocco bolognese deck, & tarocco piemontese deck the lovers (tarot card) wikipedia: The Lovers is associated with the star sign Gemini, and indeed is also known as The Twins in some decks. Other associations are with Air, Mercury, and the Hebrew letter ז (Zayin). In the Rider Waite deck, the imagery for this card is changed significantly from the traditional depiction. Instead of a couple receiving a blessing from a noble or cleric, the Rider–Waite deck depicts Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
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a.e. waite, the pictorial key to the tarot, part III, section 3, no.6: UPRIGHT: Attraction, love, beauty, trials overcome REVERSED: Failure, foolish designs. Another account speaks of marriage frustrated and contrarieties of all kinds a.e. waite, the pictorial key to tarot, part II, VI. the lovers: In the foreground are two human figures, male and female, unveiled before each other, as if Adam and Eve when they first occupied the paradise of the earthly body. Behind the man is the Tree of Life, bearing twelve fruits, and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is behind the woman; the serpent is twining round it. The figures suggest youth, virginity, innocence and love before it is contaminated by gross material desire. This is in all simplicity the card of human love, here exhibited as part of the way, the truth and the life. It replaces, by recourse to first principles, the old card of marriage, which I have described previously, and the later follies which depicted man between vice and virtue. In a very high sense, the card is a mystery of the Covenant and Sabbath. The suggestion in respect of the woman is that she signifies that attraction towards the sensitive life which carries within it the idea of the Fall of Man, but she is rather the working of a Secret Law of Providence than a willing and conscious temptress. It is through her imputed lapse that man shall arise ultimately, and only by her can he complete himself. The card is therefore in its way another intimation concerning the great mystery of womanhood. going off of the rider-waite tarot deck: the pictorial key to the tarot—biddytarot's interpretation of the lovers: UPRIGHT: Love, harmony, relationships, values alignment, choices REVERSED: Self-love, disharmony, imbalance, misalignment of values In its purest form, The Lovers card represents conscious connections and meaningful relationships. The arrival of this card in a Tarot reading shows that you have a beautiful, soul-honoring connection with a loved one. [...] The Lovers is a card of open communication and raw honesty. Given that the man and woman are naked, they are both willing to be in their most vulnerable states and have learned to open their hearts to one another and share their truest feelings. [...] On a more personal level, The Lovers card represents getting clear about your values and beliefs. You are figuring out what you stand for and your philosophy. Having gone through the indoctrination of The Hierophant, you are now ready to establish your belief system and decide what is and what is not essential to you. It’s time to go into the big wide world and make choices for yourself, staying true to who you are and being authentic and genuine in all your endeavors. At its heart, The Lovers is about choice. The choice about who you want to be in this lifetime, how you connect with others and on what level, and about what you will and won’t stand for. To make good choices, you need to be clear about your personal beliefs and values – and stay true to them. Not all decisions will be easy either. The Lovers card is often a sign that you are facing a moral dilemma and must consider all consequences before acting. Your values system is being challenged, and you are being called to take the higher path, even if it is difficult. Do not carry out a decision based on fear or worry or guilt or shame. Now, more than ever, you must choose love – love for yourself, love for others and love for the Universe. Choose the best version of yourself. Finally, The Lovers card encourages you to unify dual forces. You can bring together two parts that are seemingly in opposition to one another and create something that is ‘whole’, unified and harmonious. In every choice, there is an equal amount of advantage and disadvantage, opportunity and challenge, positive and negative. When you accept these dualities, you build the unity from which love flows.
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the tower (tarot card) wikipedia: The Tower is widely associated to danger, crisis, sudden change, destruction, higher learning, and liberation. In the Rider–Waite deck, the top of The Tower is a crown, which symbolizes materialistic thought being bought cheap, downcast. a.e. waite, the pictorial key to the tarot, part III, section 3, no.16: UPRIGHT: Misery, distress, indigence, adversity, calamity, disgrace, deception, ruin. It is a card in particular of unforeseen catastrophe REVERSED: According to one account, the same in a lesser degree also oppression, imprisonment, tyranny (the wikipedia included a.e. waite's upright meanings, but i have no idea where they got the reversed meanings) going off of the rider-waite tarot deck: the pictorial key to the tarot—biddytarot's interpretation of the tower: UPRIGHT: Sudden change, upheaval, chaos, revelation, awakening REVERSED: Personal transformation, fear of change, averting disaster The Tower shows a tall tower perched on the top of a rocky mountain. Lightning strikes set the building alight, and two people leap from the windows, head first and arms outstretched. It is a scene of chaos and destruction. The Tower itself is a solid structure, but because it has been built on shaky foundations, it only takes one bolt of lightning to bring it down. It represents ambitions and goals made on false premises. The lightning represents a sudden surge of energy and insight that leads to a break-through or revelation. It enters via the top of the building and knocks off the crown, symbolizing energy flowing down from the Universe, through the crown chakra. The people are desperate to escape from the burning building, not knowing what awaits them as they fall. [...] The best way forward is to let this structure self-destruct so you can re-build and re-focus. [...] with a card like The Tower, you have no choice but to surrender to the destruction and chaos, no matter how unwanted or painful [...] After a Tower experience, you will grow stronger, wiser and more resilient as you develop a new perspective on life you did not even know existed. 
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infant stars taken by NASA hubble used in the background overlay of akio's tower star birth | cool cosmos: Stars form from the simplest of building blocks - huge clouds of gas and dust that permeate the Galaxy. [...] While these big clouds of dust and gas lay dormant for many millions and perhaps billions of years, eventually some of them are disturbed. This can happen gradually, maybe caused by the approach of one of the Milky Way's spiral arms as it slowly sweeps around the center of the galaxy, or it can be a sudden event, like a nearby supernova explosion that blasts a shockwave through the cloud. Either way, a small increase in the pressure and density of the cloud forms knots in the gas and dust that eventually collapse under their own gravity, pulling more and more of the surrounding material in, and forming the stellar "seeds" known as protostars. From Protostar to Star: As the clouds collapse, they start to rotate, and, like a spinning skater pulling in her arms, each of these seed protostars begins to spin faster the more it collapses. The material falling towards the protostar flattens out into a rotating disk of dust and gas encircling the central core. The protostar warms up, as the potential energy of the material falling in is converted into kinetic energy, but it has not yet ignited to form a fully-fledged star. For the next few million years, the protostar's gravity pulls in more material from the surrounding cloud into its disk. That disk transports the gas and dust onto the protostar, causing the protostar to grow. The increase in mass causes the gravitational field of the protostar to increase and so even more material is pulled into the disk. The addition of more material, in turn, increases the gravitational field even further, pulling in more material, and so on, creating a feedback loop that keeps the whole process going. [...] The density and temperature of the protostar keep climbing higher and higher, until eventually the core grows to about one tenth the size of our Sun, and becomes hot and dense enough for hydrogen nuclei to spontaneously stick together to form helium, in a process called nuclear fusion. At that instant, the core ignites, and the new star is born. Meanwhile, in the disk, clumps of material have been forming, which are the seeds of new planets. These seeds sweep up material in the disk in a process called accretion, forming the planets of a new solar system. Once the star has started nuclear fusion, the heat and wind from the infant star begin to blast the gas and dust away, creating a cavity in the cloud. As more and more matter gets funneled onto the star from the disk, the star gets larger and larger, causing it to push harder and harder against the cloud and the disk, enlarging the cavity, vaporizing the disk, and halting the growth of planets.
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deadheading (flowers) wikipedia: Deadheading is the horticultural practice of removing spent flowers from ornamental plants. Deadheading is a widespread form of pruning, since fading flowers are not as appealing and direct a lot of energy into seed development if pollinated. The goal of deadheading is thus to preserve the attractiveness of the plants in beds, borders, containers and hanging baskets, as well as to encourage further blooming. Deadheading flowers with many petals, such as roses, peonies, and camellias prevents them from littering.
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[...] Ornamental plants that do not require deadheading are those that do not produce a lot of seed or tend to deadhead themselves [...] if the plant bears attractive seeds or fruits, deadheading is normally avoided
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ladybird, ladybug, lady beetle: scientific name "coccinellidae" wikipedia: Etymology: [...] The common English name ladybird originated in Britain where the insects became known as "Our Lady's birds". Mary ("Our Lady") was often depicted wearing a red cloak in early art, and the seven spots of the species Coccinella septempunctata (the most common in Europe) were said to represent her seven joys and seven sorrows. Trophic Roles: Coccinellids act both as predators, prey and parasitic hosts in food webs. The majority of coccinellids are carnivorous and predatory. [...] Cannibalism has been recorded in several species; which includes larvae eating eggs or other larvae, and adults feeding on individuals of any life stage.
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Defense: The bright warning colouration of many coccinellids discourage potential predators, warning of their toxicity [...] Species with more contrast with the background environment tended to be more toxic. Coccinellid haemolymph (blood) contains toxic alkaloids, azamacrolides and polyamines, as well as foul-smelling pyrazines. Coccinellids can produce at least 50 types of alkaloids. When disturbed, ladybirds further defend themselves with reflex bleeding, exuding drops from their tibio-femoral (knee) joints, effectively presenting predators with a sample of their toxic and bitter body fluid.
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despite said being named after the lady virgin mary they are known to be promiscuous breeders, who's habits have been documented to result in epidemics of sexually transmitted infection in large populations, subject to various academic studies
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lyric from lady oscar's theme song "the rose perishes beautifully"
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ok there was more but its been like 8 hours it turns out trying to put my thoughts into words even if its just a bunch of copy pasting is even more annoying than just thinking them im ending this post 😭
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scekrex · 23 days
Hi!! I love ur stories sm and im gonna ask anonymously for my first time cuz im lowkey shy LOL 🥲..
I was wondering maybe a Adam x Male reader where they had a huge argument, reader mentions something mean about Eve or Lillith to Adam after he says something petty, and Adam reacts without realizing and accidentally hits Reader. (by instinct) Then in shock, reader storms out and doesn’t come back home for a couple of days. (Or you can make it as long, or as short as you want!) You can make it as angst to your liking, and maybe add a makeup (fluff) at the end!! :)) I just think it would be interesting to see.
Thank you, and take care of yourself ! ❤️
Can do, the fluffy end is probably not as fluffy as it could've been but idk it just turned out the way it did ig
All this pain and the words that I cannot say, at least I'm trying
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language, hitting (without consent), low-key toxic relationship
note: not beta read bc fuck you
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The air felt tense, the vibe wasn’t as happy and cheery as it had been only moments ago and your neighbors were complaining about the loud screams and yells that kept coming from your apartment and yet neither you nor Adam got it together to simply leave in order to calm down. To be fair, it was your apartment so if someone was in the position to leave it was Adam. The argument between the two of you wasn’t just a tiny thing, it might have been the biggest fight you ever had with him.
The screaming and yelling was loud, the arguments were weak - not only his but yours were too. And yet you both found yourself too prideful to actually admit that to that. Hell would freeze before you would give him the boost of being right by admitting you were wrong, no way you’d admit to that to someone like Adam. And then he said something that caused you to snap.
“Maybe if you wouldn’t be so fucking complicated it would be easier to love your bitchy ass,” Adam yelled at you, his voice already sounded raspy and broken, his body language told you that he was not the only one who was slowly growing tired from fighting - you were too. You clicked your tongue, then responded in a quiet yet annoyed tone, “At least I didn’t lose the fucking women God created for me and only me, you did. So be my fucking guest Adam, if it’s so hard to love me, break the fuck up.” The shock in Adam’s eyes was visible, it was paired with betrayal that he felt, the comment had hit exactly the right spot to actually hurt the brunette and while you regretted it immediately, you did not apologize for it. “Leave them out of this, this shit’s between you and me, bitch,” the first man growled angrily and suddenly the betrayal and shock were overplayed by anger - pure rage vibrated through his body and he made it obvious. You simply crossed your arms over your chest, why though? Why did he get to say mean things about you and you were not allowed to shoot queally mean things back at him? “It’s not my fucking fault you were a horrible person in Eden - horrible enough to make the devil seem nicer. Maybe I’ll go down and suck Lucifer’s dick-” you were not able to finish your sentence.
Adam raised his hand and slapped you across the face. It stung, the part of your cheek that he had hit turned red but worse than that was the fact that he hit you. He had never hurt you physically before, yes there had been fights, yes there had been arguments but never had he hurt you before in any form or way. Your mind was blank, your body felt numb except for your cheek and all you were able to do was to stare, stare at him, stare at his hand, stare at the wall behind him. Before Adam was able to apologize through the fog that had clouded your brain lifted and you stormed off, you grabbed your backpack on your way to the front door and just as the brunette you called your boyfriend was about to say something, you slammed the door shut. From the hallway you heard how one of the picture frames fell to the ground and broke, you couldn’t care any less.
Adam just stood there and watched because what else was he supposed to do? He knew it was too late to apologize, he knew he fucked up badly and that there was the possibility of you breaking up with him and if he was completely honest with himself he deserved it. He had never been the perfect boyfriend you deserved, he had always been out of line, loud and simply too much but you had always assured him that that was simply who he was and that you loved him for who he was - but was that still the case? Did you still love him after that? Because it was one thing to pick fights with each other far more often than other couples did but it was a different thing entirely to hit your partner, Adam was very aware of that. And yet he had still raised his hand against you, a thing he had sworn to himself to never do had been done and he wasn’t able to simply undo it. A weak apology wouldn’t do either, not after that.
He wanted to go after you but he knew you well enough to be aware of how stupid that idea was, the fight would only continue outside of the apartment and he would only cause things to escalate even more and that he really didn’t want. He wasn’t even sure why he hit you in the first place, it had just… kind of happened? He didn’t know. What he did know was that you were gone and that you’d surely spend the night at someone else’s place and while he hated the idea of it, he was smart enough to know that it was for the best to have a little distance between you and him for the night. Surely you’d come back the next day and you two could sort things out.
But you didn’t come back the next day. Or the day after. Or the day after that day.
Adam was freaked out to say the least, he was worried you might secretly dump his ass, stop by when you knew he wasn’t home to pick up your stuff and just disappear. His wives had left him and he was convinced you would leave him just like them. You weren’t his husband yet, you could simply disappear if you wanted to and that scared Adam, it scared him deeply. Because deep down he knew that afterlife without you wouldn’t make any sense, that he was simply a lost soul without you by his side.
He was sitting on the couch, waiting for you to come back, he had canceled all the appointments and band meetings to simply sit on the couch of your apartment and wait for you to come back home, that was all he wanted. He wanted to know you’re safe. But he didn’t know shit because you weren’t answering his calls or responding to his texts, you did read them though. It was driving him crazy to not be sure of anything despite the fact that you were gone.
Where were you?
When would you come back?
Would you come back to begin with?
The brunette jumped off the couch when he heard a key in the lock and his face reflected the relief he was feeling when he saw that you were the one opening the door. Without thinking twice he rushed over to where you stood, the front door still open behind you. The first man pulled you into a bone crushing hug, mumbling sweet nothings under his breath as his wings wrapped around your body in protection. “Fuck, you’re back,” he whispered, sounding so lost, so hurt, so scared. You weren’t hugging him back but you also didn’t try to push him away or get out of the hug in general.
What were you supposed to do? Hugging him back felt wrong after he hit you but pushing him away seemed even worse - yet you wanted an apology. An honest and emotional apology with an explanation of why he did what he did. But you got none of that, instead you listened to Adam who was brabbling everything that he had worked so hard on to bottle up inside of him. “Don’t fucking leave me, do what you want, punch me, scream at me, kick me out but don’t fucking leave me.” And if Adam would be more emotional than he was he would’ve cried, would’ve broken down in front of you while holding you. But he wasn’t emotional and therefore didn’t cry. What he did was that he made sure you understood how desperately he needed you in his life.
And while that was not what you wanted - an apology - it was okay for the moment.
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kazimir29 · 1 month
So we know Lilith's favorite is Luci, Luci's and Eve's favorite is Adam, and Adam's favorite is Eve (and Luci, but he ain't ready to accept it), which would make Lilith the least favorite (except for me she is my world but I'm a mere peasant...)
Can we give the queen of hell some love? 😭❤️
They all love each other equally, just differently! They’re each other’s favorites depending on the situation and everyone knows their place in the polycule. (I just haven’t drawn much to actually show it 🥲) I personally like drawing Lilith with Adam cos I think their banter and comebacks would be legendary
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toiletpudding · 4 months
Alrighty y'all, you gave me a lot of Ship Name ideas and I've narrowed it down to these ones. What do y'all think?
And thanks to everyone who gave an idea! I loved them all but sadly there can only be one 🥲
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hello, my favorite writer! I just woke up from a nightmare 😭 And I'm here seeking comfort!
My nightmare went something like this: So, I went shopping with my parents and I soon found something that I liked and went to the dressing room. I go to lock the door, and Holy Jesus, there stands a big ass man (okay, he wasn't really that tall. I'm just short 🥲). Literally, I don't know why I didn't scream, but I just stared at him for a couple of seconds and told him to f-off. He surprisingly f-offed, and I went back to locking the door. I was having trouble doing that, however, as the door kept on sliding open. I finally got it to semi close with a small crack, and hahaha! In comes a knife in my leg (Ya'll, I actually felt it). I fall back, screaming. And when I looked up, there he was, that big ass man. I guess he didn't like me telling him to f-off (he was also a crazy ass stalker I think) and decided to come back with a knife to teach me a lesson. And yeah, we went on like that, me crying and him yelling, trying to get the door open (What's up with these nightmares about making other people magically disappear when things like this happens?) And then I remembered I had my phone on me after, like, 10 minutes (ew). So I called my parents with him still standing there and they came and saved the day.
I hated that dream so much omg, and I woke up in my dark ass room too. I seek comfort from my little Qin 😢 I just want my sweet little Qin Shi Huang. So, instead of me calling my parents, it'll be Qin. Adam and Eve for mom and dad ofc! I've been saying me and I, but it's really just reader, lol. Anyway, thank you! Anything else you can just make up! Muwah! ❤️
I have those types of nightmares all the time, or the ones where I'm trying to run and I'm running so slowly while everyone else around me is running so fast and it's so frustrating that I can't run away from whatever is chasing me. Hugs and kisses my dear!
-You couldn’t breathe or move, staring terrified up at the man who was in the same dressing room as you, you just wanted to try on the cute dress you found!!
-He had been there moments before and you asked him to leave, but when he didn’t you glared hard, “Fuck off!”
-He didn’t react, not even blinking but left, letting you breathe deeply in relief.
-The lock to the door wouldn’t work, you pressed your body up against the door, trying to wiggle the lock into place, but try as you might, it wouldn’t stay shut.
-A sharp pain filled your leg and you let out a shriek of pain, falling back, landing hard on the ground as the door blew open, revealing that man again who seemed to be leering and glaring all at the same time, “I didn’t like your rude words, darling~ Guess I need to teach you some manners!”
-Your breath hitched in fear, tears already slipping down your cheeks from the knife in your thigh.
-You choked, trying to scream, but nothing would come out as he stared down at you, almost like he enjoyed seeing you in so much pain.
-You grabbed your phone and instantly hit the call button, trying to call for help but he slapped your phone out of your hands, “Ahh-ahh~ we don’t want anyone interrupting~”
-Qin Shi Huang- Almost instantly his face was caved in as someone leapt up behind him, smashing his leg into this man’s face, knocking him back away from you as you tried to slid back, cowering in fear. Despite seeing your lover there, you were terrified as Qin shouted for help, getting the staff back to the dressing rooms where they quickly saw you and the knife in your leg. You were instantly in his arms, hugging you tightly as your hands gripped his shirt as your voice finally returned, a sob ripping from your throat. Your face was in his chest, one arm wrapped around your head, keeping you close while the other stroked your hair, trying to calm you down. He whispered softly in your ear, “I’m here now Y/N, I’m here.” Your hug tightened a bit, and once you gave a single nod, he smiled, relaxing as paramedics arrived.
-Adam and Eve- He was immediately grabbed by the hair at the back of his head as your father leapt up, sending him crashing hard to the floor, unconscious while Eve ran to get help, seeing Adam attacking someone. Once Adam knew this man was unconscious, he turned to you, seeing the knife in your leg and seeing you crying, cowering in fear. He was quick to rush at you, hugging you close as you sobbed, “Papa!!” he quickly picked you up, minding the leg and stepped out as Eve and the workers saw that you had been attacked. Adam was deathly silent, a dark aura surrounding him, seeing that you had been hurt and you were terrified, now clinging to your mama as she stroked your hair gently, trying to calm you down as you had the hiccups now. Adam carried you out to the ambulance and held you while they worked on your leg, letting you cling to him, your arms around his neck while Eve was rubbing your back gently, both of them whispering that you were safe now.
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🎸Headcanons about Adam from Hazbin Hotel - Pt2🤘🏻
This is part two of my headcanons that I had written in an old post, feel free if you want to read it, this is the post.
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Well, for a while now I've been looking for Adam's headcanons to get more ideas or inspiration, and well, most of what I find are nsfw and well... I'm asexual, so I decided to start creating a little content about Adam but being headcanons about him and personal stuff about him, so let's start.
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• Adam keeps his wings under his arms so they don't bump into things
As we can see, Adam had long and large wings full of golden feathers, I believe that he keeps his wings hidden below his arms so as not to bump into things or people because of their large size, you can clearly see when he opens his wings that they are very large compared to the wings of other angels. Seraphim (like Emilly and Sera) have around six wings, but they are small. Lucifer also has six large wings, but he can hide them by making it look like he doesn't even have wings, but Adam can't do that, so he keeps them below his arms.
• Style of clothing he wears (when not wearing the tunic or at a concert with his band)
Well, as Adam is a rocker (he says so himself) and a guitarist in a band, I think he would wear regular black leather jackets or ones with golden spikes on the shoulders (a little similar to what the members of the band Guns N' Roses sometimes wore), Belts with gold details or very striking spikes, bracelets and fingerless gloves, and high-top black combat boots. I made an example image.
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This also leads me to think that he wears combat boots under his tunic daily, as you can't see his feet I imagine he does. Another headcanon I have is that when he performs with the band he wears black shadow under his eyes and on his eyelids (just like in the image I made).
In general, his style itself would be like the 80s rockers like I said before in the first headcanons post.
•Adam has abandonment issues
This is inspiration from a post I saw here on Tumblr, it was just a headcanon but it made me think a lot. The context is that Adam has abandonment issues (I do too🥲) because of his past "relationships" like Lilith and Eve who betrayed and abandoned him for Lucifer. He would have this abandonment problem but as we know him he would hide it with his big ego for fear of being abandoned again.
• Rock songs he'd probably like
It's been a few days since I started listening to rock again and a band that caught my attention and made me think of Adam was Slipknot, not all the songs but there are some that I think Adam would like "Snuff" and "Dead Memories". I chose these two songs because I think Adam could identify with them, for example "Snuff" with the lines:
"bury all your secrets in my skin
Come away with innocence, and leave me with my sins
The air around me still feels like a cage
And love is just a camouflage for what resembles rage again"
"So, break yourself against my stones
And spit your pity in my soul
You never needed any help
You sold me out to save yourself
And I won't listen to your shame
You ran away, you're all the same
Angels lie to keep control
If you still care, don't ever let me know
If you still care, don't ever let me know"
With these two parts of the song, I think Adam would relate because of the betrayals of his two previous wives with Lucifer.
Please listen to the songs and tell me what you think, I honestly thought of him when reading the lyrics of these songs.
• Adam is ambidextrous
I read about it on Hazbin Hotel's Wikipedia and then I thought "well, that makes sense, I'll write about it 🤔". In this headcanon Adam would be ambidextrous, as in several scenes in the series he shows him strumming the guitar with both hands, eventually switching them and playing completely well with either of them.
• Adam likes to draw
I found this one quite funny and a little cute when I noticed it, in some parts of the series they show Adam drawing, for example on that parchment he shows Charlie in the song Hell is Forever, and another is on that list from the trial episode where Adam writes a list of what was needed to enter heaven and below the things listed there are some drawings of him. (It reminded me of when I draw in the corner of exams 🤓☝🏻).
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Well guys, that's it for now, I've been really busy trying to make the Beetlejuice Masterlist and full-time school is killing me, thanks for reading, kisses from the bottom of my heart. 💗🎸
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lumiereandcogsworth · 6 months
lydia’s 2023 ao3 wrapped!
works published: 46!! 🥳
word count: 45,757 - i love that i average to about 1k per fic. y’all know i love a little 1k moment!!!
bookmarks: 122 - WOW!! i’m so honored
shortest fic: my new little new year’s eve drabble :) 100 words!
longest fic: macarons, my fic set when adam is a little kiddo 🥺🥺 very angst but has a soft ending 🥲 2,841 words!
gifts: none!
collabs: none!
events: none!
most popular by kudos: a kiss for every sorrow ! emotional hurt/comfort MY BELOVED🥺
most popular by hits: same as above!!
most popular by comments: a tie between the the same as above (i’m so glad that one was so appreciated!!😭) and autumn love !!! a most beloved family fluff time
fic that made me smile: i gotta give this to @roberrtphilip. like just in general???? all your fics make me SMILE!!!! make me twirl my hair and giggle and kick my feet!!!! they’re so in LOVE!!!! go read all of alex’s fics right now
fic that made me cry: i mean alex has definitely made me cry. but i don’t think anything makes me cry as much as my own gosh dang writing does. the empathy i have for my blorbos is frankly unmatched. i have SOBBED my eyes out over scenarios i completely made up. thanks autism!
overall thoughts: this year was interesting. i didn’t have any particular goals, i was kinda just letting myself write & publish whenever the mood took me, and not worrying so much about trying to post at least once a month like i did last year. i also didn’t write anything exceptionally long (for me that’s like, over 5k) which is okay! i love my little moments! but i did sort of miss having a slightly bigger project to work on. i wrote like 99% of my fics this year each in one sitting. just a burst of AHHH I NEED TO GET THIS DOWN, followed by some re-reading and editing, and it was all pretty much signed, sealed, and delivered within a couple hours. which is FUN and WONDERFUL. i just mean that i also enjoy working on a longer project, but no idea ever struck me. but! i’m still incredibly proud of myself and i love writing so much. i love these guys!!!!!! here’s to many more lovely little moments with my sweet sillies 💙💛💙💛
tagging: @gayassbenaffleck @freakwiththeknifecollection @roberrtphilip @gavotteangel @blorbologist @katia-dreamer @romeoandjulietyouwish @misscrazyfangirl321 @autumnrose11 + any other writers can say i tagged them!!
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curuxavermella · 1 year
Some Obey Me! Nightbringer commentary, up to Lesson 10 because I just finished it and I need to yell to the void about it 🥲 and for my own future musings when more content comes out...
I'm still missing some side lessons/hard modes because I need to get higher ranks to unlock them but the main story up to date is done!
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First of all, I love a more chaotic MC. I also love time travel plots a lot, and how this game explores more deeply the relationship between the brothers: I felt they took it a bit more seriously than the og Obey Me! More seriously it's probably not the right word but... better paced? Which I like a lot considering they are still adjusting. I saw most of them struggling with issues I wanted to see in the og game and damn did I get fed. We haven't seen all of them in 10 lessons, but seeing them also worry about each other as they went through different shit was amazing, considering how they "joke" about leaving each other to their demise in the og game lmao. I liked this a lot more.
Also a day or two ago I thought about us still having the Ring of Light while progressing Nightbringer (I even went back to og Obey Me! to catch up... I left it on Lesson 68 and was saving up on rainbow sticks and AP, only for my dumb ass to forget that they have a promo of 0AP going on so I put on the seatbelt, grabbed my 70~ rainbow sticks and plowed through the damn thing up to Lesson 80 while I farmed some grimm in Nightbringer to level up my damn cards and continue the story when I was done. And I found out that yes, we still had the ring with us in the present) and how they would find out we had the thing. And lo and behold, on Lesson 10 Lucifer sees the Ring and flips his shit just like I hoped he would bc it's an important plot point and I was a bit worried they'd forgotten about it lmao. The brothers did see MC use the Ring before on Lesson 9 but Luci wasn't present and MC pulls a "oh they're just similar" and that's it bc they buy it lol I love them.
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Also I thought it was weird none noticed we were human, but Diavolo was onto us on Lesson 8/9. He pulls us aside and outright asks and I was like "THANK GOD" bc SOMEONE between these powerful bastards had to notice eventually. I mean, I know people pointed out in og Obey Me! sometimes they can't tell and perhaps we've been with our demon and angel family too much so they kinda can't tell what we are. So. Yea. Also demons can change their appearance/don't always look like demons, so it made sense. But I still made fun of their radar lol.
And then Diavolo pulls a "you can't stay here as a human, the situation is already dire as it is" and I was like "WAIT NO GO BACK". I legit thought we could fly past it with a task, like the usual trials Diavolo puts MC through, but I underestimated how more serious Nightbringer was compared to og Obey Me! and at some point I legit believed we were going to get our ass kicked out of the Devildom by the end of Season 1 and we'd have to come back for Season 2, just like in the og game.
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For the "Diavolo trial" (lol) I thought it was going to be the Mausoleum job Mammon mentions the moment we get back home, because it fits the usual MO (I had just done all the trials to get into the Student Council in og Obey Me!.....), but when we get there we meet Adam (who posseses poor Mammon) and hello there, YET ANOTHER MYSTERY IN THIS GAME, HOW ARE YOU? GOOD? GREAT! Leaving aside the whole Adam thing because that's a whole other suitcase to unpack another day and I'm not in the mood to revise Biblical history right now to look for Lilith+Eve stuff (and besides he said his beloved was in the Celestial Realm, so it can't be Lilith...... I think.) when he mentioned that a demon who called himself Nightbringer told him a human with the damn Ring of Light would lead him to his beloved in the Celestial Realm I almost flipped my shit. I kept changing my mind about the "unknown person" who sent us back being Barbatos because it could also be a red herring (god knows I've eaten those up way too much so I have Trust Issues with very Obvious Stuff), and past Barbatos didn't recognize us despite being able to see shit everywhere, past-present and future. But if future Barbatos wanted to keep his past self without knowing shit, I suppose he could also do it... So, yeah, I believe it's him, but for what purpose? I think he saw shit going down in the future and the only way to help us/everyone was to send us to the past without us knowing.
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As an extra: before heading out to the Mausoleum job, MC wrote a goodbye letter for the brothers because of Diavolo kicking us out. When I tell you I got misty eyed xd like, damn. "Lucifer, be nicer to your little brothers." "I always had fun with you, Mammon." "We have to go bookshopping, Satan!" etc etc, it was all so sweet. We have it with us at the moment, but we didn't give it to them at the end Lesson 10 bc Shit Went Down (I'll get there in a second). Also there are little details, like them commenting how the "empty guest room" makes them feel so at ease thay they even caught Lucifer napping in there. Who tf is cutting onions.
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I thought it would be a while until we revealed we're a human to the brothers but Lesson 10 had other plans (very cool Lessons 9 and 10 btw, with Beel's and Belphie's stuff going on and Lucifer trying to face Diavolo for the sake of his little siblings I love this man so much)
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and then, after a Cool Heroic Moment after which we are left out in the open bc we used all of their powers oops, they leave us with this confrontation and A CRIMINAL CLIFFHANGER.
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Lucifer doesn't exactly buy it for some reason because we're too op lol and Belphie is reclutant for obvious reasons. And they end it with this as the final blow:
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And that's it!!! Good luck waiting for the next lesssons bitch. Have fun lol
Oh you think the next stage before the boss battle is going to be the end of this convo? Nope: it's Solomon and Simeon being cryptic. I wonder what Solomon told Simeon. He warned us about Time Paradoxes so I don't think he'd go that far to tell Simeon. Solomon did tell him something though, and we won't know what it is yet......
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I am suffering here. But God Nightbringer gave me a lot of good stuff. I will eat this time travel plot like candy. I feel I'm being spoiled by the game with all the scenes they're giving me and I'm enjoying every second of it. Plus the dynamics, I already talked about the brothers between each other, but there's also new stuff, like Barbatos hating the absolute shit out of Solomon. After Solomon uses his pact on him to save our asses he takes revenge on the Sorcerer lmfao I KEEP WONDERING WHAT DID SOLOMON DO TO HIM TO GET HIM SO PISSED OFF?? But man that was hilarious do it again.
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Bonus Barb: one of the last things you can say to him in og Obey me! is "I love you" so if he's Nightbringer it's going to be Fun (and I can't WAIT I've grown fond of Barbatos too agh).
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Plus there's the whole Simeon being human issue, but he seems to be faring better at the end of the game. He keeps saying "He (Michael??? Their Father????) probably had a reason to do it" but it won't stop me from kicking some Angel ass ngl. It's gonna be fists out with Michael the moment I see him, I swear.
Plus I want to see the present demons losing their shit with MC disappearing. I bet they're all frantic o(-< and Solomon said he can go back and forth between fuckin dimensions, so he could probably go back and tell them we're okay???? But he hasn't. I think. This is a mess lmao poor MC and demon family. He does say if something happens to us Lucifer will have his head, so..... you can do it, Solomon, I believe in you jdfgsdg
I can now farm side lessons and hard mode at peace for extra scenes, wooo.... o(-< oh and there's new songs in Lesson 10, but only in Lesson 10. The duets/group songs remixes were there and they were a breath of fresh air ;u; I hope they add more.
Time to farm side content in peace and prepare my cards for when they release the next lessons............ whenever it''ll be. Sobs.
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helluva-dump · 9 months
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Ahhhhh here’s something I’ve been thinking about sharing but I got so nervous how fans and antis may take this 🥲🥲🥲
Yeah so, I wasn’t too keen on Adam at first since the idea of him being the leader of arch angels and he looks too similar to Blitzo… But after doing a lot of roleplays with a friend of mine (WHO REALLY IS GOOD AT WRITING ADAM. LIKE KEEPING HIM HOW VIV WANTED BUT STILL MAKE HIM KIND OF CREEPY ) So Adam is a character I’m actually fascinated by. Mainly because he sounds so cringe that I wanna shit on him in my stories XD
Though, I also want to write him as an intimidating villain too.
While me and said friend we talked about our headcanons for Heaven and how Adam was originally a sinner… I feel like that was Viv’s vision. I think he looks more like a demon and does vulgar language is because he’s a sinner who faked his redemption to get the easy way out.
But tbh it works perfect! Since I kind of originally planned for Lucy to have a horrible experience with some angelic priest… but I scrapped it since I wasn’t sure how that work, but since Vivziepop made Adam.. it somehow made me wanna go back to that idea using him.
Basically he acts like a dudebro chud with entitlement and thinks he can do whatever because he’s the “first man of God” which gave him a superiority complex. And he acts like a massive creep to Lucy, so a villainous crush trope.
After his two failed relationships with Lilith and Eve, who are promincuous and defiant in his eyes… He was drawn to Lucy due to her kind, Caring, and humble nature. How she’s a guardian Angel who happens to cook, clean, and is very good with children. To him, that is his ideal woman. A submissive tradwife that can never ever question him and is a doormat for him to take advantage of. But unlucky for him, she never had interest in him and always calls his shit out and rejects his advances.
But in a serious note, I actually want to take what Viv was gonna do for Stolas and blitzo (before Romanticizing them), that she got into a coercion relationship as well as SA.
So trigger warning, he once found out about her dirty little secret (like finding her erotica novels she enjoys reading, Lucy is Aegosexual so she only enjoys that in fiction) and decided it’s the perfect blackmailing. He found these books of hers and threatens to tell all the arch angels about her sinful books to get herself banned.
Now in order from her to behave and comply, he basically wanted her to be his girlfriend in return. And as much as she hates him and doesn’t want to… she never wanted to get banned.. Sure, she agreed and is stuck in a very co dependent relationship with him.
I’m not gonna make him super one dimensional, part of me wants to have him actually act like a narcissist. One who always sweetens her up anytime he makes her feel bad. Or makes everyone believe he’s a caring boyfriend to her. But behind closed doors, he’s terrible.
I’ve been a bit nervous to post this… I know things like this are heavy subjects but from personal experiences, I’m gonna try my best to portray a topic with care. This isn’t gonna be the actual oc x canon ship for Lucy, I actually plan to ship her work another canon character that she actually genuinely loves and feels safe with.
Also, I chose to write this because this is sadly a common thing with Christianity, the toxicity of purity culture and how it affects women and how a lot of disgusting so called preachers say sexist shit. (I watched God is Grey talking about one of them which inspired me ) but I also wanna show the good side of Christianity with someone like Lucy.
I don’t wanna treat this black and white, I genuinely wanna world build the Heaven side of the heaven since I love angelogy and I wish we got that in the show.
Oh and that Angel in the background on the first sketch, that’s a friend’s oc. He’s massively protective over Lucy like a little sister and doesn’t trust Adam.
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butternbeansohmy · 5 months
Spoilers for episode 8 of Hazbin ahead ⚠️‼️⚠️
Ok this is probably easily debunked but a little theory that’s sitting in my head is maybe Lilith and Eve have switched places. I’m new to the show so I’m not sure on Eve’s character design but I think I’ve seen stuff where her and Lilith are very similar. Maybe part of that deal with Adam was for Lilith to take Eve’s place in heaven and Eve is down in hell or locked away somewhere else? No idea as to why but either way Lilith being in heaven does not sit right with me at all.
(This is kind of ignoring that Eve is probably already in hell because she represents sin since she took the apple 🥲 but maybe I’m on the right path somewhat)
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moankasa · 2 years
I like to imagine Eren is Lucifer/Satan meanwhile Mikasa is Eve and it’s up to you guys who will be Adam is it Colt or Jean? Or other aot boys. Eren hate the Fact that Ymir created a weak creature; Human. Like she already got him, her most favorite angel made from pure light, so why she created something from dirt on the ground.
He hate Adam (Jean/Colt/etc) with full of his heart, he try everything to makes his life misrable. But when Ymir start to doing that thing again, this time she used Adam’s ribs, she made Eve (Mikasa). She make a Girl. She has dark short hair, white pale skin, plump red lips, and large glimmering eyes. From the first sight Eren already fall in love with her.
Eren try to get close with Mikasa ofcourse secretly, no one gonna now them.
Mikasa and Adam always fight about little things, and Eren always there to hug her after she done fighting. Slowly there’s something happen between them, Mikasa finally also has a feelings for Eren and they start planning about runaway together. Adam who hear/knows about their plan told Ymir everything. She got mad and give Eren punishment, kick him from heaven and Mikasa didn’t allowed to see him again.
When Eren got kicked from Eden. Mikasa also want to go where Eren go, but nobody told her that Eren fall to earth. Ymir, Adam, and other angels hold her, keep her safe in Eden try to cheer her up and makes her forget about Eren.
Telling her,
No he’s not good for you Mikasa
Eren is evil
Adam much more better
You are belong to Adam and both of you are soulmate, etc.
Meanwhile Eren on earth try to do revenge on Ymir and Adam. He go back to paradise, sneaking in as a snake (we all know that) to meet Mikasa.
He find her playing around near the pond.
When Mikasa see Eren again, she were surprised because he didn’t look the same with Eren she knows. His wings turn black, his hair got longer, he got long claw/nails, and the most significant is he got horns instead his halo. But all Eren changes didn’t make her feeling change toward him.
They hugged and kiss, Mikasa begged him that she want to be with him. But Mikasa can’t leave Eden (Ymir will never let her go) So Eren come up with an idea. There’s a sin, that will makes Ymir angry to Mikasa.
Eat the forbidden fruit=Having sex
(Idkkk but there’s theory apple that Eve ate is actually referred to Sex but some ppl also said that it was Knowledge, well who knows?)
In short Eren persuaded Mikasa to have sex with him and she agree. I haven’t thinking how Ymir know Mikasa having sex, maybe her blood makes all water in Eden turn red or flowers wither as symbols that Mikasa no longer virgin. Ymir never know that Eren is in here so she blame Adam. They both kicked out from heaven in the end.
Mikasa and Eren thought finally they will be together but Ymir sent other angels to keep eye on them even Herself watched them on heaven make sure that Eren and Mikasa can not be together.
(SORRY FOR MY BAD ENGLISH, i just write it what come to my head and didn’t correct it first 🥲)
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sleepysnk · 2 years
naruto shippuden spoilers ep 380-385
ok wtf.. obito is going insane and i cannot believe he became the jinchuriki for the ten tails. LIKE BRO ARE YOU INSANE?? and his fight with kakashi had me shitting bricks. it really shows how broken their friendship is 🥲.
NARUTO AND SASUKE TEAMING UP? YESSSSSS. i’m so glad they’re together and it’s all the more better to see it in the war. i love them sm.
shikamaru almost dying had me like 😀.
ALSO KAGUYA?? how tf does madara know that.. he said it was on the stone tablet in the uchiha compound, but wtf? how does sasuke or itachi not know?? the whole idea of the chakra fruit reminds me so much of Adam and Eve. LIKE BRO WTF WHY DID THE TEN TAILS WANT ITS POWER BACK??
obito.. my sweet boy :(
seeing his past really has me throwing up because he deserves sm better. HE WANTED TO BECOME HOKAGE SO BAD AND I WISH HE WAS ABLE TO PURSUE IT.
hiruzen savinf naruto?? FOR ONCE?
hashirama and naruto parallels going crazy rn.
kakashi healing himself had me like 😵‍💫. yes bae you do that let me lick your abs <3.
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savannahsdeath · 8 months
hi!! how’re you??? can you write something about drunk Ellie?? in my head she’s a totally loser lol
plus: i love your account 😭 thank you for feeding my passion for Ellie 🥲🫶
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hi sweetheart!! im alright, better than usually even.. and thank you ahh youre so nice anon🫣‼️ anyways, warnings: slightly suggestive, throwing up, obviously alcohol and.. i think thats all. also i imagine it more as college!ellie since i think older ellie would rarely drink + only drink to cover up her sorrows;(( i hope you guys get what i mean..
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drunk!ellie who can't drink alone or she'd completely pass out. either you or dina have to tell her when to stop, though 'telling her' doesn't really work. the only option is to just take the alcohol out of her sight.
drunk!ellie who becomes a full-time shit talker. she'll be so mean, but right, you're scared what she might think of you. of course, no one really takes her too seriously, since every insult leaving her mouth is slurred and... immature. in moments like that, you always bring up people you hate and listen to her rambling about every little pathetic thing about them. she can go on like that for minutes, hours even, and it's like music to your ears.
drunk!ellie who wants to make out with you so so badly. she forgets you're 'just friends' and her big, huge crush on you starts showing as she gets all touchy with you. when you or anyone else calls her out, she of course refuses to admit it and insists that she isn't doing anything (her hand rubs your inner thigh, moving higher and higher each second).
drunk!ellie who blames everything on jesse or dina. someone threw up? dina, of course. someone drank your father's liqueur, which was supposed to stay untouched? she saw dina emptying the bottle and tempting jesse, as if they're adam and eve. someone broke a vase? she saw jesse accidentally pushing it with his elbow.
"but ellie, i saw you—"
"y—yeah! he pushed me and um— yeah. jesse... it's his fault, i s—swear." and it almost seems she believes her own lie, though it doesn't seem so convincing to the rest of you.
drunk!ellie who starts doing the most random things ever. board games, rubik's cubes (even though she never managed to solve it without watching a step by step tutorial), and don't even let me start on puzzles— if she finds a set, she'll have a goal for the rest of the night - completing them, even if they have thousands of pieces. the point is, she never succeeds. her vision is too dizzy and her head is spinning too much, she can't find two fitting pieces at all.
drunk!ellie who keeps telling everyone random funfacts or the most impossible to happen thoughts.
"did you guys know that snails can sleep for three years? man, lucky motherfuckers. i hope i'll be one in my next life."
you don't even start on how they're slow, how people stomp on them all the time or how their lives are simply boring. you know nothing will change her mind.
"hear me out... what if—" she's so invested she has to make a dramatic pause. "this room just exploded. like, right now."
drunk!ellie who falls asleep snuggled up with you, drooling on your chest and unintentionally moving her hand in a way that slides your shirt upwards, but you don't fix it and enjoy the view of your loser best friend being so adorable and quiet once in her life. jk shes always adorable
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philossworld · 1 year
In this current phase of life. I am still continuing the good fight of life, but these days in my human suffering, I try to take refuge and temporary relief by digging in christianity and its exapnding lore. I have looked into and studided its holy parts and a bit of its dark parts. I am grateful to try and reside in its holy parts because i believe if u want to live a life that is as good as it can be, you must adhere to holiness. But. One thing i am learning and think is very interesting is the creation of man and, a christians "Outlook" on life. It started with Adam and eve being the first humans and doing what humans do best and make a mistake haha. Then of course they got bannished out of heaven unto mortal life on earth. And so, Because of Adams and Eve's mistake, God also cursed them which is why humans ultimatley just suffer on earth. Adam and eve both got 2 curse. For eve, she is cursed of having extreme pain when giving birth, and of being ruled over by her husband. For Adam, he is cursed by having his grounds cursed which means he would forever have to work and sweat to survve, and his morality about death, which is the affirmation of physical death. And so as every human (in christian belif) is a decendent of adam and eve. We are plagued by this as well. So ultimately, Since we got bannished to live on a mortal plane, which is naturally crazy and hectic. And having "curses", our human existence is literally just a mission to survive as long as possible. And.... this theory, gives me a bit of comfort haha. Believing all the hardships we face do have an origin and reason, makes it a little easier to live with 🥲. Especially also recgonizing that god also still offers us salvation. When he made the 10 commandments, that was him literally giving a guide to life to making it as less painful as possible. He accepts that we are cursed and flawed and bound to make mistakes obviously but if we at least try to live by his rules and repent as much as we can. We could have a better/good life, and hopefully go back to heaven... Just hearing this "theory" for me is a little comforting because, i mess up and do dishonorable things a lot and i have been feeling like its... Something i have in me... Basically as if i was a bad guy or monster naturally, all the sexuaæ desire, and hatred, and ill will i have sometimes i always feel like its in me, i dont try to have and give in to those things. Its natural to give in to that stuff... But after i do i always feel very guilty snd bad.... Maybe its my brainwashed good moraled mind or me believing american societys rules that make me feel guilty but.. 🤷🏾‍♂️ idgaf because i feel bad regardless. So, hearing that my pain that I have which tempts me to have bad choices is a little natural, but there is a way to not have as much pain by just being a good guy and u get more meanigful rewards doing such.. That sounds like a decent bargin.. Given im a human and stuck in this mortal life anyway. Thats why im leaning more into christianity.
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