#the allure to darkness . Puts Head Into The Wall
Infernal Shadows 02
Synopsis: Being one of the most powerful overlords in Hell, you like to keep up with colonies and overlord plans. Recently with the new extermination date out, you hold your annual gala sooner than usual. You hadn’t expected to get in the middle of the already heated feud between the Radio Demon and the head of Vox Tech.
Warnings: She/Her pronouns used for the reader, mentions of blood, voodoo?, Angel Dust being a horn-bag, Reader is referred too as Madame to the public. Vox and Alastor feud because I live for it.
Song for this chapter: HAUSER - Adagio (Albinoni)
A/N: I’m so glad part one did well! I really liked this idea and hoped other people would too. As always comment if you want to be tagged and I will tag you in the next post! I wanted this to be three parts, but depending on how much I can fit in this chapter and the next one, I’ll see if I need to make four parts. The song at the beginning of this chapter is meant to be played when the line “ The music picked up” Is read. Skip to 5:35 for it to play smoothly, or as smoothly as possible.
Word count: 3.k or something over that idk I got too lazy to count :(
Taglist: @dollops-of-delusion @nebusokuxp @scrunchss @rosedasy @valluvz @chesstras @pishybowl @iaaeav @forgotten-blues @22carolina08 @roboticsuccubus83 @doflamingadonquixote
Navigation!! // Masterlist!!! // Serendipity Writes (event) // Part One. // Part three.
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Within, the grand foyer unveiled itself, revealing a sweeping staircase adorned with a rich, mahogany handrail in stark contrast against a black and white color scheme. Crystal chandeliers, dangling from lofty black ceilings, cast their brilliance upon white walls adorned with ornate mirrors. Plush Victorian-era furnishings, upholstered in rich black and white fabrics, adorned the parlor rooms, establishing cozy settings for guests to assemble and engage in enriching conversations. Each room murmured tales of a past era – intricately patterned black and white wallpaper, frames gilded in black to showcase classical art, and a subtle aroma of aged wood and lavender lingering in the air, harmonizing with the monochromatic elegance. The guests walking in all marveled at the details of the mansion.
Charlotte and Vagatha both stepped in, Charlotte in awe of the detailing. A shadow figure bent down slightly to offer her a drink, to which she happily took.
“Vaggie this is all so beautiful. I hope I can make a good impression.” Charlotte said, turning to her partner to ease her nerves. Vagatha just smiled, a hand on her shoulder lovingly.
“You’re gonna do great babe, besides, there’s so many people here, if one likes it I’m sure other people will get on board too.” Vagatha said.
“Or they can laugh at you if one person points out how ridiculous it is.” Husk said, chugging his drink before placing it back on the servers tray.
“Thanks for the kind words Husk.” Vagatha said sarcastically. He just shrugged, looking towards the bar area which was practically calling him over.
Upstairs in your room, you stared at yourself in the mirror as your shadows made the finishing touches on your outfit. Draped in a long, elegant black gown that gracefully embraced your commanding figure, the fabric cascaded like shadows. Delicate chain motifs intertwine with the dress, creating an alluring dance of darkness. A chain belt cinches your waist, a subtle nod to your captivating ability to ensnare and command over your shadows. Completing the regalia, silver chain cuffs adorn your wrists, reflecting both power and refinement.
“Madame, the guests are all in the lobby awaiting your arrival.” One of the shadows said. You nodded, stepping down from your showcase, winking to yourself in the mirror before chuckling to yourself. A shadow approaches you, bowing in respect before holding out a tray with your drink, a contrast to your dark colors. You take the glass in your hand, another shadow lightly putting a thermometer in your drink so it’s the perfect temperature for you, fifteen point five degrees Celsius. The liquid is a light yellow-ish green, Lafite-Rothschild, an expensive French wine you tried in 1906 when you were alive. Lifting it to your lips, you take a long sip and sigh, the spicy and earth notes, mixed with a hint of tobacco and red Barrie’s dance on your tongue like a performance of Gavotte. You pull back with a sigh, setting the glass down, a perfect Ridel Vinum Bordeaux, personally crafted for you as the bottom of the glass is a Smokey black, fading into clear glass towards the top.
“Let’s get this Gala started shall we~?”
In the lobby, guests were socializing amongst themselves. Velvet, Vox and Valentino had split for a short while. After the incident outside, the two overlords wouldn’t stop tantalizing the picture box about his fit of frustration dealing with the Radio Demon. From the lobby, there were large crystal doors revealing the back exterior of the house. The greenery was just perfect, with cobblestone flooring revealing another bloody fountain. Vox stood with his drink, speaking to some sinner he couldn’t remember the name of, about how well his business was going.
“You ever get,” Vox asked, eyeing one of the shadows who stood in a corner, white eyes soulless as they held out drinks to guests. “Creeped out by those, things?” Vox asked, turning back to the sinner. He just scoffed.
“Please, they’re always around and as far as I know, harmless.” The sinner said. At that, a shadow appeared between the two, taking their empty glasses and replacing it with new, full ones. Vox tried his hardest not to seem alarmed at this, and took the glass silently, sipping his drink slowly as it floated away. It was then he took in the shadows appearance. They all looked the same. Tall figures, Smokey outlines, but no feel or hands, just a faded end to their limbs. Their eyes were white and soulless, almost as it they were vacant, a shell of what they used to be. There were no facial features, just two white circles and a thin white line for their mouth. Each one however, had a light Smokey chain around their chest, wrapped in the shape of an X.
“What are the chains for then? They’re pretty much smoke, what do they need chains forever?” Vox asked. The associate laughed, but before he could answer, another overlord stepped in.
“They have chains because they’re claimed souls.” Fredrick Von Eldritch says, his sister Bethesda in toe. The two grin, a shadow following behind them with a tray of their drinks. “If you get invited to the gala long enough, you get a personal one.” He said with a wink, gesturing to the shadow behind the two.
“They’re quite cute once you get used to them.” Bethesda said with a smile, cooing at the shadow lightly. Yet, it still remained expressionless.
“Actually, now that you say that.” The sinner says, looking around for a moment. “It’s been awfully quiet with a laugh track being played.” He says, referring to Alastor. Vox just rolls his eyes.
“Who gives a shit about where that old timey freak is?” Vox asks. Fredrick and Bethesda snicker to each other, catching Vox’s attention.
“Probably hunting for his dear Madame.” Bethesda said dramatically, laying her head on her brothers shoulder and batting her lashes playfully. Fredrick and the sinner laughed at his sisters antics, but Vox grew serious.
“What does that mean? He knows her?” Vox asked, to which Fredrick scoffed, finishing his drink before reaching for another off the shadows server tray.
“Of course he does. She died before him, and they’re the closest overlords in time period. Well, aside from Zestial and her.” Fredrick explained. Vox didn’t say anything else, instead looking to the red ‘moon’ of hell, before glancing at the blood fountain. He had heard rumors about being at the Madame’s table, and how she gave the inside to all her projects and plans before the next extermination. Apparently, this year was supposed to be ‘different’ as people had been talking.
“When does this dinner start anyway? We’ve been standing out here for two hours.” Vox said annoyed.
“In a few minutes, Madame will make her grand entrance. She will socialize with the guests as it is polite to have one on one time with them. Then she will spend the rest of the time while the orchestra gets together deciding on contenders to sit at her table.” A shadow walking by said, stopping to stare at Vox. “Madame is always watching.” It then said, turning to serve other guests. Vox said nothing, instead turning on his heel and making his way inside the mansion. How could someone feel suffocated outside? Fredrick and Bethesda said nothing, watching him go, but sharing a glance between each other before making their leave too, leaving the sinner all by his lonesome.
Inside, Charlotte and Vagatha conversed about how she could get people behind her project.
“Maybe if I sing-“
“Please no. These people are too…” Vagatha said, glancing around the room. Everyone seemed too, fake. Vagatha knew Charlotte being herself around these people would do absolutely no good to the hotel, and though she hated telling Charlotte these things, she knew her kindness would be frowned upon, and made fun of. “Serious for that kind of thing.” Vagatha finished, taking a sip of her champagne. She settled for champagne in a flute while Charlotte drank water, wanting to hydrate herself in hopes to calm her nerves.
“I heard that Madame might be making her entrance soon.” Charlotte said nervously, looking around. She half expected her parents to show up, but knew how they rarely liked getting involved in overlord affairs. She’d be surprised if they showed up.
“Then when she does you can try to pitch your idea to her.” Vagatha said supportively. Charlotte just smiled and nodded, hoping someone would listen to her. She had tried practicing on two sinners moments ago, to which they both laughed and called her delusional. The defeat was beginning to get to her, and she hadn’t even started yet.
With Velvet, she began studying the interior of the old-styled mansion. She was trying her hardest to not be too rude about it, but of course she had her comments, but ultimately kept them to herself. Cramoisie, your fashion line, was the top fashion brand in hell, everyone wanted a piece of it. Velvet had never had an article for herself, despite trying her hardest to get something, anything, even a sample. But people feigned for it like drugs. Velvets line was successful sure, but with your validation and guidance, she could become perfection, the same way you were. Everyone in hell looked up to you, shit, you had even gotten Lilith’s praise as she was photographed wearing a custom piece you designed for her. Your work was art in its purist form, and Velvet kept a close eye on her other colleagues to make sure they didn’t fuck your chance up. Velvet had her assistant hold samples and sketches of designs Velvet had been working on, wanting to show you her best work in hopes of winning you over. She could brag about having you support her line, and her fans would die of excitement. Maybe, she could get you to design her a custom piece, or Velvet could design one for you. The possibilities were limitless, if you agreed to meet with her of course. But that was all the more reason why she needed to make sure she had a seat at your table tonight. She needed to get close to you.
“Are you fucking high?” Velvet whispered to Valentino, who just chuckled softly at her.
“What’s the matter hermosa? Just enjoy the Gala, we’re here to have fun right?” He asked with a giggle. Velvet huffed, deciding to find Vox, hoping he could straighten Valentino out. Valentino would not fuck up her chance tonight.
Near the large staircase in the middle of the room, Alastor stood, glass of whiskey in his clawed hands. He smiles, humming to himself while quietly back up into a wall, careful to scan the room quickly before he disappears into the shadows. Then, moments later, appears in a room separate from the gala. It’s a study, your study. Alastor takes a step forward and quickly the shadows in the room seemed to deepen, casting larger, more dramatic silhouettes that seemed to dance on the walls. The interplay of darkness and light only heightened the mysterious allure of the study. In the midst of this chiaroscuro ambiance, Alastor found himself surrounded by an atmosphere that mirrored the complex nature of the figure depicted in the portrait hanging above the fireplace, which was in the far back wall of the study. It was the only light source in the room. Black wooden shelves lined against the tall walls, showcasing famous pieces of literature, all hand picked and to your liking. The fire place, crafted with dark marble, commanded his attention. Above the mantel, a striking portrait of Madame hung, capturing his focus, like a trance. The image portrayed a being universally admired, yet equally feared; someone who elicited both admiration and intimidation all at once, you.
“Hm, hiding now are we?” Alastor asks with a grin, tutting lightly. “That’s not very proper of you Madame~” He says, calling out to you. Seconds later, a dark shadow appears in the corner of the room, taking up the entire corner, before a shadowy figure steps out. Similar to the servant’s out in the lobby, Alastor’s eye twitch’s slightly.
“Oh don’t be so pissy. You know no one gets to see me before my entrance.” You say, the shadow expressionless, but Alastor can hear your tone through the figure, taunting him. He sighs, setting his staff on a slant along his foot.
“And here I thought I could connect with an old friend.” Alastor said with a chuckle, staring down the shadowy figure, hoping his gaze would ease you to show yourself to him. But alas, stuck in your ways, you didn’t show yourself, instead laughing, though the figure did not open its mouth, making your ‘shadow a-presence’ all the more eerie.
“If you really want to speak with me it can wait until my entrance. I should be done soon.” You say, before Alastor just smiles, tossing his staff from hand to hand.
“Well if you’re really going to make me wait, mind you speed the process up a bit? You know it doesn’t take much to make you look breath-taking.” Alastor compliments, but earns a scoff from you.
“Oh please, don’t start with me ‘Radio Demon.’” You mock, before the shadow figure begins to step back.
“Wait, a moment before you go.” Alastor says, standing his staff on the floor. The shadow figure stops, before you speak again.
“Make it quick. You know how much energy it takes to keep this up.” You say.
“So, about this hotel business. I know she’s planning to talk to you about it.”
“Yes the idea you tell me so much about.” You say sarcastically. Alastor had told you bits and pieces about the princess’s project, but didn’t tell you what it was for exactly, leaving you to wonder how important it really was if even he wouldn’t speak on it.
“Well you know how much I crave entertainment. Is it possible to make a request for the seating arraignment tonight?” Alastor asks. You laugh, figure still unmoving.
“Humorous to think you even have a seat. You’ve been gone for what? Seven years?” You say with a scoff.
“You’ve been gone decades my dear, you didn’t even show up to your last twenty gala’s, having your pity shadows do it for you. I doubt you should be speaking on the matter.”
At that, you chuckle to yourself before the shadow begins to back into the corner, black smoke enveloping the corner like a cloud. “I presume you would be correct. Well, I’m off now. Don’t sneak into my quarters again.” You say finally before disappearing. Alastor just grins, stepping into his own shadow, joining the other guests.
The shadows had slowly but, eventually ushered the guests into the lobby, everyone gathering around the staircase as the shadows lined up against the railings, the orchestra playing the music you had specifically requested. You were about to make your grand entrance, something you hadn’t done in centuries. Everyone stood around, awaiting your arrival, the shadows momentarily disappearing to give the guests more space to crowd around. Candles lit along the walls, as well as floating lights appearing going up the staircase. There, the shadows took their place, two on each step on opposite sides, facing each other. The music picked up, the lights focusing at the top of the stairs. Black smoke began to roll down the steps slowly, the anticipation for your arrival growing. The music gets calm for a moment, a larger shadow figure standing at the top of the staircase. It’s larger than any of the other shadows in the room, standing at fifteen feet tall. It speaks in a monotone voice, but loud and commanding.
“Thank you all for your attendance tonight. The Crimson Gala is held once every year to start the new year with all those who survived the extermination. This being said, Madame would like to say her personal congratulations for not being apart of the bloodshed this year. While the past years she has used me to say that she will unfortunately not be in attendance, I am pleased to say that tonight, along with all the new guests, she will make her grand entrance. Presenting to you, the prowess of darkness and queen of shadows, Madame.”
The lights shine bright, and the shadow vanishes quickly. Velvet shushes Vox and Valentino, eyes practically bulging out of her skull to see you. Alastor just stares, waiting in anticipation. Charlie claps her hands quietly to herself while Vaggie just smiles. Rosie sips her glass, eyes waiting to see what outfit you’ve put together this time. At the top of the staircase, a large black smokey circle opens at the bottom of the floor, smoke swirling upwards slowly in a tornado form, smoke getting quicker as it swirls around itself. It gets larger, and guests closer to the stairs have to back up a bit as the wind picks up. Carmilla turns her face to the side, not wanting the wind to mess up her hair too much. Finally, the music picks up again, the peak point in the song, which lasts eight seconds, before the smoke falls to the side in one swoop, leaving you in the midst, now on display for all guests to see. The music continues, the chains against your dress glistening under the light. The music continues the play as you take steps down, looking at the guests. There’s a serious expression on your face, but somehow neutral all the same. Your shadows had added last minute black lace gloves, which went up to your forearm. The bottom of your dress had a lace trimming, as well as the bodice being laced with trim along the bust area. The jewelry was a simple black diamond crystal on a metal chain around your neck, paired with black diamond earrings. The cuff links on your hand remained all the same though. Finally reaching the end of the steps, everyone clapped, now finally being graced with your presence.
Velvet was in awe, staring at you with wide eyes like a child being gifted the most precious thing. Her excitement grew enormously, watching you shake hands and socialize with guests. She had never seen you before, after you had gone ghost for centuries, hardly anyone had photos of you. Hell she didn’t even know what you sounded like.
Charlie was so excited to meet you. She hadn’t seen you in, forever, and was now finally excited to be seen as your equal. Well, that was what she had hoped at least. Having seen a portrait of you in her parents' home when she was younger, she learned of the close relationship between Lilith and you. The anticipation had built over the years, and now, finally, she looked forward to being seen as your equal. Her hope was to hopefully get your support for the hotel, aiming to elevate her standing in the eyes of others. With your backing, she believed people would take both her and the redemption project more seriously, fostering a genuine desire for redemption. Maybe it would even work.
Husk smiled as he watched you socialize with guests. He was glad to finally see you back out again. He never knew why you went into hiding of course, but he never had the balls to ask, so he just stood quiet. When you disappeared, it was after a particularly rough extermination, and he knew something had happened, he just didn’t know what. Since then, the world only had glimpses of you to go on. Some sinners were starting to think you were a myth, since you never showed your face at the Crimson Gala, especially since you were the host.
Vox was taken aback, a sense of confusion and unease settling within him. Your presence had caught him off guard; he had anticipated something different, perhaps an older figure. The unexpected impact left him feeling uneasy, realizing the gravity of your influence. It dawned on him why Velvet had stressed the importance of making a favorable impression. Apart from Zestial and the twins, you stood as one of the strongest and most enduring overlords. In Vox's mind, securing your alliance was imperative for the success of his company. Your potential support would make his endeavors foolproof. Everything had to be flawless – not for any personal reasons, of course, but solely for the sake of his company. He needed you.
Making your rounds to guests, you began to get closer to your colleagues. With a wave to Stolas, and a nod to Zeezie, you run into the Radio Demon himself, Alastor. He grins, sharp teeth getting you. He smiles and nods his head, and you nod back. Alastor takes in your stoic expression, before carefully taking in your outfit.
“My, my, Madame, you’ve truly outdone yourself tonight. Your choice in attire is as captivating as ever – a perfect blend of elegance and sensibility. Quite the spectacle for the grand event, don’t you think?” He asked, holding his arm out to you. You take it, and the two of you walk around the lobby together, conversing.
“Well you don’t look to bad for yourself. Maybe going into hibernation was perfect for you.” You say back, and he grins.
“You’re too kind darling.” He says, dead heart quickening. He puts a hand to his chest, mocking fragility. “Your words leave me breathless my dear.” He says with false dramatics. You roll your eyes and smack his arm playfully.
“Oh please, your ego is quite large enough already, yes?” You ask. He doesn’t say much else, but instead, gently moves you to the side while you look at your shadows, now waltzing around in the middle of the lobby, putting on a performance.
“Did you plan that?” Alastor asks. You shake your head.
“No, but the music is perfect for it, so I let them be. They’re already trapped with me, I might as well make them useful.” You say, and Alastor just hums, a laugh track playing. However, as the two of you walk, his track screeches to a halt upon seeing Vox approach the two of you.
“Madame.” Vox says, nodding his head. His expression is serious, and though you’ve heard of him, you’ve never seen him.
“Ah hello. Vox I presume?” You ask, free hand reaching forward to shake his own outstretched hand. The two of you shake hands, and Alastor can’t ignore the way he fights to keep his smile. Why he could just shove his staff right into that flace faced fuckers scree-
“Alastor, I suppose you’ve met Mr.Vox before, correct?” You ask. Alastor nods with a smile, and you notice the way it stretches almost painfully across his face. It makes you uneasy, but you ignore the feeling. He’d surely tell about what this is about later on in the night you supposed.
“Why yes we have! I’ve made him loose his signal quite a few times.” Alastor says with a laugh, his laugh track playing. Vox doesnt say anything, though he doesnt have too as his eye twitching had given enough away. The two clearly did not like each other. Than again, you had felt the same way about Alastor when you first met him, so the feeling was understandable.
“Madame, a dance?” Vox asked, turning his attention back to you. You thought for a moment, before untangling your arm from Alastors and nodding to Vox, taking his outstretched hand to you and leading you to the dance floor, which now had a couple other sinners dancing as well. Alastor held onto his staff tight, but relaxed as you discreetly slid him a card. In white with black lettering, cursive font. Seat number five. He was invited to your table. Guaranteed a seat. That was enough to have him back in light spirits, now searching out his dear friend Rosie to share the good news.
Velvet had been looking for you all over, her assistant close in toe. She had tried her hardest to get to you when you initially made your enterance, but alas you had been too overcrowded with people for her to get to you. She had heard rumors about how you hated rudeness and disrespect. That meant no interruptions, and no loud speaking, or vulgar language. She was sure to keep herself in check, and that meant her colleagues too. So, naturally, you could imagine her shock upon seeing Vox dancing with you on the dance floor, black dress twirling at your feet. You looked so regal, so elegant, flawless. She wanted to be just like you. She waited patiently on the sidelines, waiting for the dance to end. She could see the two of you having a conversation, but couldn’t pinpoint what about.
“So, I presume you’re one of the, newer overlords?” You asked as the two of you danced. Vox chuckled, leading you slowly.
“New? Well, maybe to you I would be. I heard you haven’t really left your own head for quite some time.” Vox says lowly. You nod, letting him dip you.
“Yes that would be correct. So what are you supposed to be exactly?” You ask, quite unsure of his purpose. Overlords are meant to have a strong leading purpose in hell, so what was his?
“Well, you’re looking at the head of Vox Tech. A software company.” He says, and you hum in understanding.
“So modern technology.” You confirm, and he nods, pearly whites shining brightly back at you.
“You’re looking at the future Madame.” Vox says, spinning you quickly, before bringing you close by your hip.
“Interesting. So, what’s your social influence?” You ask. Vox thinks for a moment, before laughing to himself.
“People have televisions in all their homes. Any piece of modern technology comes strictly from me. With a little mind control, there isn’t any influence I don’t have.” Vox says, noticing a sinner walk by with a smart watch, to which he holds a finger up to you, sending himself through it, and then to another sinner with their smartphone, making his way around the room in seconds before he’s back in front of you, stepping in time for the next number. “See? Nothing I can’t do.” He says with a wink. You nod slowly, looking around the room. Being back out in the spotlight after being gone for so long makes you feel a bit, behind. But with an overlord like this in your circle, maybe this could be a way for you to keep up with the current world, get you back up to pace. The dance finally comes to a close, and the two of you bow to one another, before you summon a card, handing it to Vox. Seat number nine. Vox grinned at you, giving you a nod. You nod back, before looking at another sinner who’s asked to speak with you. With that, you leave Vox at the dance floor, white card in hand. His spot at your table was secured. But, this made his emotions churn even more. What was this feeling he had? He was happy yes, but for the companies sake. But, maybe for once, he could mix just a little business with pleasure.
Charlotte had lost her partner at the bar and had been looking for her for quite some time. However, instead of finding Vagatha, she found you instead. You had seemed to be finishing a conversation with Vox, and though she disliked him, she took her chance the moment she saw you walking away.
“Excuse me, Madame- Miss- Um.” Charlotte said quickly, causing you to stop in your tracks. She got closer to you, now a few inches away. It was then she realized how tall you were compared to her. You were easily around seven feet, or just under that. With your heels that was. You looking down at her made her feel intimidated, small, like the child. But, feeling her nerves rise, she began to ramble again. “I know you probably have a lot to do tonight and I don’t want to take up your time, I just want you to hear me out, if that’s okay with you of course.” Charlotte said quickly, pausing to inhale. You narrowed your eyes at her, snapping your fingers and causing a shadow to appear next to you, singular glass on the tray. It was the same tall shadow from earlier, with the same drink. Again, using testing the temperature of the drink, before nodding to you so you could take it. You lifted the glass to your lips, maintaining eye contact with Charlotte as you drank the wine in one go, putting it down on the tray with a sigh.
“Go on.” You replied, now intrigued. You knew who she was. “You’re the girl with the hotel? Lucifer and Lilith’s child, correct?” You asked. Charlotte smiled, stars appearing in her eyes as she gushed.
“You know who I am?” She asked surprised. You nodded, cracking a small smile for the first time tonight, causing many eyes to stare in shock. You hardly ever smiled. In fact, there were three counts ever of you smiling in hell. Once, when you first got to hell, killing and claiming territory, and smiling once you finally settled down. The second being after World War One, when so many souls came to you seeking ‘help’ yet only being met with contracts. Third, being just before the extermination you disappeared after. You had gone through your belongings from Earth that managed to get brought to you from the surface, and was looking at family photos with one other overlord. Zestial. Now, at the gala, here was Lucifer’s brat, as some would call, making you crack a grin at her giddiness.
“Of course I know who you are. Do you forget I know your mother? You’re practically a niece of mine at this point.” You say, motioning at Charlotte to walk with you. “Now, what is this hotel I’ve heard about?” You ask. She beams at this and follows excitedly.
“OkaysobasicallyIhavethishotelandit’scalledthe’HazbinHotel’whichisforsinnerswhowantobebetterandredeemthemselvestotryand-“ You stopped her, allowing her to take a breath of air after rambling for so long. You lead her outside, finding a nearby bench to sit on. With how quickly she spoke, she needed all the ‘fresh’ air she could get right?
“Why are you speaking so quickly? Also, sinners who want to better themselves? Where would you find those?” You ask with a laugh, the same tall shadow appearing with a glass for you. Again, you sip on your drink as Charlotte collects herself together.
“Usually if I explain slowly people cut me off and I never get to finish, so I’ve gotten used to just saying everything as quickly as possible so they don’t cut me off and actually listen to what I have to say.” Charlotte says, again rather quickly. “Like I was saying; the Hazbin Hotel is a place for sinners who want to better themselves to possibly try to get into heaven through redemption, and I know what you’re thinking, we’ve all died and got sent here, but I believe people can change and that everyone deserves second chances.” Charlotte explained. She saw the look of confusion on your face, and began to speak again. “We already have two residents, who are making strides to be better people every day with group activities and I believe it’s working. If I could just get other people on board, people like you on board who actually believe in my cause, then we can get rid of extermination and maybe save some people here.” Charlotte explained. You thought for a moment, and the fact you hadn’t laughed in her face yet gave her some hope that maybe she had gotten through to you. You stood up, setting your empty glass on the tray before the shadow disappeared.
“Honestly,” You said with a sigh, looking around, your eyes landing on your shadows serving other guests. “The entire project sounds delusional.” You said sharply. Charlotte looked down at this, defeated, before standing as well.
“Well, thank you for hearing me out I guess. You’re the only other person who has aside from Alastor. So, thank you for your time.” Charlotte said, turning to walk back inside the gala, head hanging low with tears brimming her eyes. Maybe it was the connection to her mother, maybe it was because she reminded you of her mother. But, something had to change.
“I didn’t say we were done speaking Charlotte.” You said sharply again. She stopped and tensed up at that, before turning around, wiping a tear that slipped down her cheek.
“W-what?” She asked. You stepped forward to her, putting your hands flat together before smoke encased them. Then seconds later it was gone, and in your hands was a white card. You handed it to her with a nod.
“It sounds delusional. But, maybe someone will like that about you.” You said. She read the card, face dropping once she realized what it meant.
“So, so I can sit with you tonight? I can pitch my idea?” She asked excitedly. You nodded, patting her shoulder.
“Yes you may. I’ll allow you to have your time. You get thirty minutes, there will be overlords and royalty there, I’m sure someone is bound to take an interest in it.” You say. Charlotte squeals excitedly before jumping up and down, clapping her hands.
“Oh my goodness! Thank you so so so much!! You won’t regret this I swear!” Charlotte said, and you just nodded.
“Of course I won’t. I don’t make mistakes.” You say, before walking past her. “Oh, and thank Alastor for that. He was insistent you be present at my table tonight.” You say to her. She’s left standing outside in shock, watching as you walk back into the lobby to socialize with other guests.
It seemed Velvet had finally caught you, rushing her assistant to follow you as she made her way over to you.
“Madame, you look absolutely breathtaking tonight! Your presence here is like a beacon of individuality and charisma,” she exclaims, eyes sparkling. You look her up and down for a moment, stopping in your tracks to listen to her. Something feels, odd about this one. “I’ve been ardently following your unique style for ages, and it’s truly an honor to be in your presence. The way you effortlessly blend boldness with subtlety, it’s unparalleled, truly outstanding. Now, I’ve ventured into a daring new fashion brand, and I can’t help but envision you as the unrivaled star in my collection. Picture it: the illustrious Madame, gracing the world with a revolutionary expression of style. This would be the perfect way to make your way back into the public eye, and of course you would look ravishing doing so.” Velvet said, her assistant handing you sketches of Velvets designs, and photographs of some of her work on her models. “So, what do you say Madame? Will you be the luminary of a new era in Hell’s fashion?” Velvet says. You grow quiet for a moment. Aside from Rosie, you’ve had no other overlord come into the fashion realm, and Rosie is only partially in it as a side hustle, but everyone knows it’s your thing. The designs are things you would never wear, bold and odd colors together, like a child’s clothing line.
“Is this for children?” You ask. Velvet nearly chokes and her assistant tenses up.
“No Madame. It’s modern fashion.” Velvet says cautiously. She knows what she’s doing. Correcting you. No one ever does that. You don’t need to be corrected because you know what you’re looking at. A sad fashion designer who wants you to slap your name on her sloppy work so if it goes up in flames it’s your reputation taking the fall, not her’s.
“So all your models look like they came from a whore house? Correct?” You ask. Velvet’s jaw drops and her assistant hides a laugh. Velvet, inhaling softly, tries her hardest not to cry on the spot. You’re her idol. She can’t fuck this up.
“No Madame! Not at all!” She says, showing you a design she had made personally for you. Based on your other collections, she knows your favorite color is black, so that’s a plus. All she had to do was add a bit more, of her flair to it. It was a black jumpsuit, with a fur coat that dropped down to the knees, black with white fur around the edges of the coat and the cuffs. The sketch wasn’t half bad, and quite frankly better than the others. Maybe it was the forgiving mood Charlotte had put you in. Velvet hands you the design and you skim over it, taking in the details, the hair and eye makeup, the shoes and jewelry notes written on the side. The sketches aren’t bad, but modern fashion isn’t your fashion.
“I’ll consider it. Do you mind if I keep these?” You ask. Velvet shakes her head, handing you the folder from her assistants hands.
“Please, take whatever you’d like Madame!” Velvet says. You nod, flipping through the pages.
“You’ll hear from me soon. In the meantime, I want new sketches of these designs. Modern fashion is fast fashion. Nothing stays memorable that way. You want to be good?” You ask her, and she nods quickly. “Then be better. Modesty and elegance are what people strive for. It radiates power, and everyone is greedy for that. If you can sell that through an item, you won’t ever go out of style.” You say, handing her back the folder, keeping the sketch she’d done for you. Well, at least you liked something. Vevelt nodded her head and watched you walk away, letting out a sigh of relief.
“Um, miss?” Her assistant asked.
“What?” Velvet asked annoyingly.
“She left a card on the folder.”
At that , Velvets eyes snapped down at the folder, before she screamed in excitement. Seat number six. She was invited to your table. Mission accomplished. Now, with only six seats left to fill, you were off to talk to your other guests. The night had proved to be interesting, and you knew your encore would not disappoint.
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bratbby333 · 7 months
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two is better than one
gojo x fem!reader x geto ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ nsfw mdni warnings: Threesome, drug use, language, praise/degradation, name-calling, rough sex, mild voyeurism, creampie synopsis: Newly single and looking for trouble, you find yourself in between two of the most beautiful men you’ve ever seen. word count: 5.2k
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“Fucking prick,” you seethe, taking yet another shot of tequila down.
Your skin is burning, and it’s not just from the liquor coursing through your veins. You’re fuming. Your boyfriend of two years dropped the ball on you earlier this week.
“I don’t love you anymore,” he states. "And I haven't for a while." He avoids your gaze. What a pussy. He’s seemingly so sure of this statement, yet still attempts to hide from confrontation. Typical. 
This isn’t the first time he’s done this. It doesn’t hurt like it used to, though. It’s a toxic, cyclical pattern you’ve endured for years, and somehow grown accustomed to.
You look at the ground and can't help but laugh, shaking your head. You meet his gaze again, your eyes swimming with rage and disappointment, and head to your shared bedroom to pack some of your belongings. 
You pack as much as you can into a suitcase, and as you head to the door, you turn to face him one last time. 
"I'll be back later this week to get the rest of my stuff," rolling your eyes at him as you depart. There was no reason to fight this anymore.
To others, you seem heartless and cruel for the way you handled this situation. The truth is, you hadn’t been present in the relationship since the last time this happened. You anticipated the end from the moment he offered to "try again". You knew he'd never change, and you were too weak to leave first.
You blame yourself for putting up with his neglect for so long. You’re ashamed that you allowed him back in time and time again. Each time he walked away, it was you who was left to pick up the pieces. 
It’s time to take control of your life again, but why not have some fun first? Everyone copes in different ways, and tonight, your vices come out to play. 
You’re unsure of how many drinks you’ve had thus far, let alone how high your tab was now, but you couldn’t care less. 
All you want is to feel nothing at all. 
You rub the furrowed area between your eyebrows tentatively, stomach burning with liquor. “I need a cigarette,” you grumble.
Outside, you lean against the brick wall of the club, feeling the bass still pounding in your chest. Your ears are ringing from the change in volume, your eyes readjusting to the yellow cast of a nearby streetlight that contrasted the dim lights of the club. You don’t notice the dark man join you along the wall as you pull the cigarette cartridge from your purse.
“Need a light?” His voice is sultry and low, almost inaudible. 
Your eyes meet his and you raise your eyebrow at him, as if to let him know you’re wary of him, but nod and lean forward with the cigarette in your mouth, eyeing him the whole time. He pulls a lighter from his pocket and flicks the gear with his thumb. You inhale deeply and lean back, head tilted to rest against the wall again, then exhaling gently towards the night sky. 
Your eyes fall back on the mystery man as he sparks a cigarette for himself. He’s alarmingly handsome. Tall and dark. Broad, strong shoulders. Alluring. You can’t help but stare. 
He catches your gaze and you see a smirk curl at the edge of his lips. You feel a warming sensation run throughout your body, flushing your cheeks, and this time it wasn’t due to the tequila. 
“Suguru,” he states with a soft smile. 
“Y/N,” you respond. 
“So what’s a pretty girl like you doing out here when all the fun's inside?” he inquired. 
You roll your eyes at the corny nature of his question.
“Nursing a broken heart, if I’m honest,” you breathed out, looking away again and taking another drag from your half-smoked cigarette. 
Suguru nods, sensing you don't want to open up about it. He takes a puff of his own preroll.
You make small talk as you both work on finishing your cigarettes, enjoying a break from the noise in the cool, quiet evening. 
"Are you just now getting here?", you ask, trying to distract yourself from the inappropriate ache in your core caused by a man you've only just met. 
"Yeah, my friend and I are just trying to blow off some steam after work," he replies, taking another puff. 
"What do you do for work?" you ask, intrigued, wanting to know as much as you possibly can about the mysterious man standing before you.
"I'm a teacher."
"Nothing nobler than education. I commend you," you respond teasingly, tilting your head. He chuckles in response.
A teacher, you think. There's something sexy about a patient man who can lead, command, and discipline. 
There's a lull in the conversation, so you take the time to really drink him in. Finishing your cigarette, you notice how his sharp, defined features juxtapose the soft feathering of his long hair. He's unreal. He reciprocates, taking in every angle and curve of your face. Something unspoken is floating around the two of you, and after a few moments, Suguru breaks the tensioned silence.
"Your ex is a dumbass," he bites. "I would want nothing more than to fill your life with pleasure," he breathes out, seemingly frustrated. You smile. You hadn't been complimented in months. 
"You deserve to be worshipped..." he adds, pausing between his words. You watch Suguru's eyes run along your body once again. He admired the way your tight dress hugged you, clinging to your waist before tapering out at your hips. You curved so effortlessly, so beautifully.... "and simultaneously destroyed."
Suguru couldn't take it anymore. He needed to feel you. 
He closed the distance between the two of you, his hands finding your waist, effectively pinning you against the wall. 
You bring your arms up to wrap around him instinctively, resting your wrists against the back of his neck. You inhale deeply. He smells divine. 
You gaze up at him, eyes wide. The sudden close proximity catches you off-guard. The difference in size and height between the two of you sends another pulse to your core. You're touch-starved. You couldn't remember that last time you and your ex had been intimate.
He chuckles softly at your reaction. Shit, you think, can he tell I'm getting turned on?
Feeling bold and newly free, you look from his lips to his eyes and back again. 
Message received.
He crashes his lips into yours. You moan at the force, prompting Suguru to trace your bottom lip with his tongue. The sensation between your legs only grows hotter. 
A grown escapes his soft lips, hands clawing hungrily along each others bodies, tongues battling for control, the shared taste of cigarettes and liquor making it even more arousing. Your bodies are fully flush against one another, one of his legs wedged between yours. You thrust your hips slowly, grinding against him. The contact against his firm thigh giving you the stimulation you had been craving for months. You moan into his mouth, your pussy throbbing against him. You continue to rut against him, his hands pulling you down to intensify the contact between his clothed thigh and your hot, pulsating core. This carries on for several minutes, but for you two, it feels as though no time has passed.
You pull away from him to catch your breath, eyes low and head dizzy. He groans at the loss of contact, but steps back a bit, allowing you to smooth your hair out and readjust your skin-tight dress. You didn't want him to know how much of an effect he already had on you, but he seemingly already knew after the show you had just put on; Get it together, Y/N. You guys had only just met, for Christ sake, regardless of how badly you wanted him to drill you outside the club. You step closer to him and kiss him deeply once more, pulling away but keeping your faces close. 
"Your taste is addictive, baby," he breathes out, eyes low. You smile to yourself. Let's have some fun, shall we?
"Maybe we'll run into each other again," you seduce, smiling wickedly at him before turning and walking back inside. Suguru huffs a bit, annoyed that you were leaving so soon, his desire for you growing even stronger. But his dark eyes flickered with excitement, watching your hips sway as you depart. Your defiant nature seemed like a challenge. And Suguru loved the chase. 
You return to your seat at the bar. Your mind is consumed by the arousing interaction with Suguru. You wanted more. But, after spending two years with someone who wanted nothing more than to leave you, you thought it was only fair for you to be chased this time around. 
You cross one leg over the other in hopes to quell the sensations throbbing deep in your pussy, but it only added additional pressure. You huff softly. I need more tequila, you decide. 
You catch the attention of the bartender with a smile and motion with your finger that you'd like another round. As she returns with your mixed drink and shot, a voice emerges from just over your shoulder. 
"Put her tab on me," the voice states, sternly. The bartender nods, making the requested changes on her handheld system before going to cater to other patrons. 
You turn your head toward the unfamiliar voice, only to be met with the most beautiful pair of eyes you'd ever seen peering over the round frames of his sunglasses. Strikingly blue. He grins down at you, and your breath hitches in your throat, another pulse sent straight to your core. He's gorgeous. Platinum white hair. Tall. Slender. Violently confident and charismatic. Anyone who wears sunglasses at the club is either too intoxicated to make eye contact or just absolutely insufferable. But his seem to suit him perfectly. 
"Hello, beautiful," he smirks. His arm snakes around the back of your chair, his hand rubbing deep circles into your shoulder. You lean into his touch and stifle a moan that threatened to escape your lips, still recovering from your interaction with Suguru. You smile back up at him through your lashes.
"I'm Y/N", you purr, tilting your head slightly with a small smile. With all these beautiful men wanting your attention, you should have called it quits with your ex a long time ago. 
"Satoru," he replies, his free hand taking yours. He brings your hand to his lips and kisses it gently, winking at you. You giggle at the cheesiness of his affections, but it was definitely working. He releases your hand and removes his arm from around your shoulder, taking a seat next to you at the bar. You turn to face him, and you notice him raking his eyes up and down your body, taking in every part of you, before his gaze meets yours again. 
"There has to be a reason why a stunning woman like you is drinking alone at the bar," he says smoothly. 
"I would return the sentiment, but it seems neither of us are alone anymore," you grin, pushing your hair out of your eyes. 
"I appreciate you paying for my drinks," you follow up.
"It's been a while since anyone's done that for me," you say, your appreciation swirling around your words. You sip from the cocktail straw in your drink, gazing deeply into his eyes. 
"Anytime. I couldn't pass up the opportunity to speak to you," he replies. 
You watch as his eyes run up and down your body again. Your cheeks flush and the pulse between your legs picks up again, and you recross your legs in an attempt to hide it. 
But there's no hiding from Satoru.
He leans closer to you, placing his hand on your thigh. You glance down, his thumb rubbing gently on your soft flesh. Your breath catches in your throat, and Satoru smirks at the way your body is already responding to him. His mind wanders to what else he could do to you...to the sounds you'd make for him. 
He begins to speak, but before he can get anything out, another voice interjects. 
"I see you've met my friend, Satoru."
You lock eyes with Suguru, who's now standing beside Satoru. You glance between the two of them, panicked. Shit, you think. Not good. You had enough drama in your life from the past two years to last you a lifetime. And of course, being caught between two friends tracks for the kind of luck you have in your life. 
Before you start pleading your case, Satoru speaks up.
"Damn, so you got to her first, huh Suguru?, the white-haired man huffs out, directing his attention toward his friend. Satoru's thumb is still massaging your thigh, squeezing hard, as if to assert dominance.
"Yeah, I did. We had some fun out there didn't we, Y/N?" Suguru retorts, smirking down at you. Your mind wanders back to the way you were using his thigh for your own pleasure. Unsure of how to play this situation, you nod slowly, blushing, still glancing between the friends. Satoru smirks at his friend's comment. 
"So, are you guys going to fight over me or what?" you boldly ask, resting your elbow on the bar top and propping your head up, hoping to regain control of this situation. Satoru chuckles at your statement, glancing up at his friend.
"That won't be necessary, princess," Suguru says teasingly, directing his gaze back to Satoru, who gives a small nod in response. A coy smile spreads across both their faces, looking back at you. Your heart rate quickens and your eyes darken, and while you're unsure of what's in store for you this evening, you can't help but feel aroused. Fuck it...let's have some fun. 
Shot after shot cascades down the trio's throats as the night carries on. With the music rattling through your chest and the spotlights bouncing off the walls, you find yourself getting lost in this moment. You felt free. Pure ecstasy courses through your veins. Your back is pressed up against Satoru, grinding your ass in tempo to the music. Suguru is sat in a booth, arms extended along the back of the chair and legs crossed, watching the whole ordeal, his erection becoming more difficult to conceal. 
You tilt your head back against Satoru's shoulder, peering up at him through your lashes, and his arm snakes around you. His hand finds its' way to your neck, massaging it gently. The contact only spurs you on, grinding deeper into Satoru's crotch. You can feel him grow harder against you, his other hand clawing at your hip, pulling you even closer. People lingered around the two of you, the dance floor of the club teeming with sweaty, intoxicated bodies, but it felt as though you and Satoru were the only people on earth. 
Your eyes maneuver through the sea of people around you and lock eyes with Suguru. He's smirking at the two of you. Even with the distance between you, you can tell he's enjoying the show. Maintaining eye contact with Suguru, you run your tongue along your upper teeth, grinding harder against Satoru. You see Suguru shift his weight in the booth, knowing he's getting harder watching the steamy interaction between you and Satoru. 
You turn around to face Satoru, wrapping your arms around his neck. Bringing his face closer to yours, you run your tongue vertically from his bottom lip to his top lip. He groans, grabbing the back of your neck to deepen the kiss. Your tongues are battling one another for control. Soon after, you feel another body press up against your back, You break the kiss, Satoru removing his hands from around your neck to find your waist. You turn and see a smirking Suguru. He brushes your hair away from one of your shoulders, ducking his head down to gently suck on the soft flesh of your neck. You roll your head back and rest it against his shoulder, eyes lilting closed. You moan at the way his warm breath dances along your sensitive skin, sending chills down your spine.
Satoru pouts a bit, feeling left out. He uses two fingers to tilt your chin back so you can meet his gaze. Your eyes are glazed over, lids low, and Satoru chuckles at how fucked out you already look. He leans down and kisses you deeply again. Suguru is still suckling gently. He breaks away from your neck and brings his lips closer to your ear.
"Are you ready to go, princess?" Suguru asked, feeling you nod desperately against his shoulder, still making out with Satoru.
You're sat between the two men in the back of a cab, heading to the hotel you've been staying in since leaving your ex. Both of their large hands are placed each of your thighs. Your attention is on Suguru, kissing him deeply, tongues lapping against one another. You pull away, a thick trail of spit connecting the two of you. You turn to Satoru and give him the same treatment, mixing all three of your fluids together. Suguru groans at the sight and digs his fingers into your thigh before dragging his hand under your dress and over your panties to meet you in the place you crave him most. He rubs tantalizingly slow circles into your clit, making you rut into his hands.
"Feels so good, doesn't it, princess?" Geto asks you, teasingly.
"Your pussy is so hot for us," he continues, growling into your ear. You try to pull away from Satoru to fall deeper into the feeling of Suguru playing with your pussy, but Satoru grabs you by the back of the neck to prevent you from leaving.
"Stay right here, sweetheart," Satoru mumbles against your lips.
"Be good for us," he groaned out. You moan in response. Satoru's grip on your neck constricts and relaxes over and over, massaging your throat, and the throbbing in your pussy matches the rhythm against Suguru's hand. You place your hand on Satoru's bulge, palming him through his slacks. You mirror your actions against Suguru. You hear Satoru's breath catch in his throat from the sudden contact, and Suguru growls softly into your ear.
"That's it, baby, th-that's it", Suguru slurs out.
After pulling up to the front of the hotel, Suguru hangs back to pay the driver while you and Satoru stumble up the marble stairs and through the entrance way, not wanting to break the contact between the two of you. You break away for just a second as you pass the woman who checked you in on your first night. You exchange small smiles at one another as you and Satoru walk by, her knowing about the situation that brought you and her to meet. Her eyes widen when Suguru catches up to the both of you and slings his arm around your waist, guiding you and his white-haired friend toward the elevator. Her surprise is soon replaced with elation, and she giggles to herself, happy to see you're finally enjoying yourself. Atta girl, she thinks.
The ride up to the 15th floor feels like an eternity. You're pressed up against Suguru, his back flush with the elevator wall, the two of you making out deeply once again. Satoru is on the opposite wall, palming himself to the scene unfolding in front of him. The doors finally part, and Suguru leans down and picks you up by your thighs. You instinctively wrap your legs around his waist and intertwine your finger behind his neck for support. He walks the two of you out of the elevator, Satoru hot on your tail. At the door, you break away from Suguru's lips to pull your keycard from your small handbag. Handing it to Satoru before reigniting the kiss with Suguru, you hear the lock disengage as he taps it against the keypad and pushes the door open.
Suguru drops you onto the bed before standing upright again, he and Satoru shoulder to shoulder, smirking at each other before peering down at you. The dominate energy of the two of them send chills down your spine.
"Isn't she beautiful, Suguru? I can't wait to ruin her". Your eyes widen at Satoru's brazen remarks. You prop yourself up on your elbows, bringing your thighs back together and blushing at the two of them.
"Don't get shy now, sweetheart, you were such a tease this whole evening," Satoru laughs out, leaning over you.
"You're gonna take what we give you and thank us after we're done with you."
"She's quite the vixen..you should have seen the way she blue balled me outside the club," Suguru growled back in response. His hands find the hem of your dress, dragging it up over your hips as you sit up more so he can fully remove your clothing. Laid out before them in only a black lace thong and matching bra, they drink in the delicious sight. They each remove their outer layers, discarding them across the room, until they're left in only their boxers. You run your eyes up and down each of their bodies. They look delicious. Chiseled from marble.
Suguru climbs onto the bed, resting his back against the headboard. He leans forward and grabs underneath your arms, dragging you up the bed so that your back is flush against his toned chest. You're sat between his legs, his strong, calloused hands holding your thighs apart as Satoru lays himself on the bed, settling his head between you thighs. Your breath hitches at the sight of his pretty blue eyes staring up at you.
Satoru kisses along your thighs, the warmth of his exhales teasing you, purposely skipping over your dripping cunt. You groan, bucking you hips toward his face, only to be held back by Suguru's firm grip on your hips.
"Aht aht, that's not how good girls ask to be pleased," Suguru murmurs into your ear, gripping your hips even tighter.
"Tell Satoru what you want, princess".
"P-please 'Toru, your mouth," you whimper out. Satoru's finger runs up and down your clothed slit, making you buck your hips again.
"You gotta do better than that," Suguru chucked, "Beg for it, sweetheart".
"Please, fuck me with your mouth. I promise to be good. I want to c-cum on your tongue. P-please, Satoru." Without hesitation, your panties are ripped off of you and discarded, Satoru's tongue delicately dancing up and down you slit before taking your swollen, needy clit into his soft lips, sucking hungrily. You tangle your fingers in his blond tresses, pulling gently. Satoru groans into your cunt, the vibrations bringing you even closer to the edge.
"You sound so fu-fucking good 'fa me, baby girl," Satoru stutters out, trying to speak and eat at the same time. "You k-know it's rude to talk with your mouth full, right ahh.. right, Satoru?", you try to retort. Satoru giggles into you and you hear Suguru's chest vibrate against your back with a chuckle.
Suguru's mouth hangs open, the gushing wetness of your pussy and the sounds you're making in response to his best friend devouring you fills the room. It's almost unbearable for Suguru to resist pushing Satoru away and taking you all for himself.
"She's a fiery one, isn't she, Satoru?" Suguru raises an eyebrow at his friend, who peers up from between your legs and nods in response.
"Mhmm, and she tastes so fucking good," Satoru murmurs against you in response, his tongue still thrashing against you. Satoru teases one finger against your hole before plunging it deep inside you. Pumping in and out rhythmically, he finds your g-spot with ease. He massages into you with the rough pads of his long, slender fingers. His lips latch around your swollen bundle of nerves, sucking greedily. You feel the coils tightening in your stomach, arching your back away from Suguru.
"I...ahh f-fuck..I'm s-so close, Satoru," you cry out, trying to close your legs around his face. Suguru pries your legs apart and holds them open.
"Let go, baby. C'mon, be a good little slut...cum for him. Show him how good he's making you feel," Suguru whispers in your ear. Satoru pumps his fingers deeper into you, sucking even harder on your clit. The tightness in your tummy finally snaps, eyes rolling back in your head, a small yelp leaving your lips. You feel yourself spray your release all over Satoru's face. His eyes widen in surprise before he laps up everything you give him, relishing in the way your sweet juices coat his tongue. You're shaking as he cleans you up with his tongue, riding the fine line between pleasure and overstimulation.
"Mmmm, you saw that Suguru?" asks Satoru, "We found ourselves a squirter". Satoru's tongue continues to lap you up. Suguru's eyes darken at that. He pulls his digit out of your dripping pussy, presenting it to Suguru so he can taste you, too.
Suguru can't take it anymore. He's been rock hard against your back this whole time, fighting every carnal urge that's raking through his body. When he finally gets a taste of you, the restraint he had been so desperately clinging to snaps. He sucks you off Satoru's fingers hungrily, eyes rolling back in his head at your sweetness.
Satoru scoots back as Suguru pushes you onto your stomach, your chest against the mattress and hips in the air, his head dipping to meet your cunt. He drinks up what Satoru so generously left behind for him before straightening up again, sliding his boxers off. He positions himself behind you, teasing your clit with the head of his thick cock. You groan at the sensation, the aftermath of your first orgasm still making your clit sensitive. You push yourself back against Suguru, only to be stopped by his hands taking a hold of your hips.
"Tell me what you want, sweetheart", he says, still teasing your clit with the head of his cock.
"I want you inside me...need to feel you stretch me out...please, Suguru," you beg, trying to push back against him again. Suguru chuckles at this.
"Dirty slut is learning fast isn't she? Being such a good fuck toy for us."
With that, he lines himself up with your dripping hole, and plunges deep into you, giving you no time to adjust to how thick he is as he drives himself deep into you. Your slickness from your orgasm is the only thing saving you from his thickness.
Satoru leans down to kiss you, pulling his boxers off and discarding them. His long cock bounces out and sits rock hard in front of your face. You lick your lips at the sight of his pretty pink head dripping pre-cum, eyes half open, head bouncing from getting fucked into from behind.
"So fucking wet for me, sweetheart. You're taking me so well. Such a good little slut," Suguru gritted his teeth.
"C-can I please...oh-h fu-fuck...can I please suck you off, Satoru? W-want you to come down my throat," you stumble over your words, trying hard to keep your head upright as Suguru continues to drill into you, ramming directly into your sweet spot, his cock stretching you out so painfully, so perfectly. Satoru moans at your question.
"Thought you'd never ask..go ahead, princess. Be a good girl and let me fuck your mouth." His hand cups the underside of your jaw, keeping your head up for you.
You open your mouth and stick out your tongue for Satoru, inviting him in. His hands tangle in your hair, wasting no time before plunging deep into your throat. You gag around his length, eyes watering at the sudden intrusion. Suguru is fucking into you so deeply, his powerful thrust pushing you deeper onto Satoru's length. Gagging and sputtering, you inhale deeply through your nose, adjusting to the pace before opening your throat for Satoru.
"Jesus Christ, she's fucking milking me," Suguru spits out, his unrelenting hips still plowing into you. You can only moan in response, the vibrations running from the back of your throat into Satoru's member, causing him to buck his hip, shoving his cock all the way down your throat.
"Such a pretty mouth..wrapped so tight around me..it's-it's so warm..o-oh fuck," Satoru rambles, one hand on the back of your head, the other under your chin, holding your mouth open for him.
Your stomach begins to tighten up again, and you desperately clench around Suguru. One of his hands leaves your hips and reaches around to start rubbing vicious circles into your clit. The added stimulation pushes you over the edge, and you cry out around Satoru's cock, tears trickling down your face as your second orgasm rakes through you. The sight of you succumbing to Suguru's relentless strokes while choking and moaning around his cock was enough to push Satoru towards his own release, and he bottoms out in the back of your throat before shooting his come into your mouth. His hips sputter and he hunches over, holding your face against his pelvis. Your eyes are rolled back in your head, your own squirting orgasm making it difficult for you to keep upright.
Satoru pulls out of your mouth with a pop, your aching jaw still agape from Suguru continuing to slam into you, chasing his own orgasm. Your chest falls to the bed, unable to keep yourself up anymore, before you're lifted back up by Satoru.
"Stay with us, princess," Satoru coos.
"You're doing so good...let him keep fucking into you. You're taking his cock so well".
Suguru's head falls back, still pounding his hips roughly against your ass.
"I'm gonna fill you up, baby," Suguru pants. You turn your head to protest, but before you can utter a word, Satoru's hand covers your mouth.
"Shut up and take my cum, slut. Be a good fuck toy and let me cream you." Suguru says through gritted teeth. You moan against Satoru's hand in response as you feel Suguru release inside of you, his hot, creamy ropes coating your insides. He trusts a few more times, letting your tight cunt milk every last drop out of him. When he pulls out, you feel your foundation waiver and you collapse onto the bed, your head falling into Satoru's lap.
It had been so long since you had a good fuck. You over-anticipated your body's capabilities..you had been out of the game for too long.
"You did so, so good for us, princess," Satoru says, you head resting against his thigh, trying to regain your composure. You can only hum quietly in response, eyes fluttering. The two men look at each other before looking back down at your fucked out body. Satoru rubs your upper back gently as Suguru massages your shaking thighs. You all sat like that for a moment, relishing in the pleasure still coursing through your veins, the hot smell of sex sitting heavy in the room. Suddenly, Suguru's deep, sultry voice cuts through the silence.
"Don't quit on us now, sweetheart. We're just getting started," he taunts.
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author notes: whewww..this is my first story to welcome myself back into the content mines. this was a fun one to write. im def gonna do a part two (how would we feel about turning this into a multiple chapter story where y'all end up in a throuple heheheh....too much or no ((are we seeing the vision))?? lmk if im doin too much. but thank you so so so much for reading and engaging. ill be uploading even more soon. if u have any questions, suggestions, or concerns pls message me!!
© bratbby333 on tumblr. all rights reserved. please do not distribute. 2024.
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dandelions-143 · 10 days
Do It For Me
Final Part
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Parts 1 - 3 here : Chans Masterlist
All other members : Masterlist
Pairing: possessive bad boy, non idol Chan x Bratty fem!reader
Warnings: MDNI, 18+ ONLY, Explicit sexual content, Strong language, Themes of possessiveness and control in relationships, Public sex
Word count: 2,396
A/N: This will be the last installment in Chans story. I wasn’t going to write another one but I felt like I needed a pretty happy entering without making it super fluffy because you all know that’s not my style. Currently working on a playlist for this series so stay tuned! Also if you have already read this just ignore!! Adding all saved tags to all of my works. If you wish to no longer be tagged just let me know.
You sank into Chan's plush leather sofa, your hands resting on your thighs and your bare feet crossed at the ankle. Your eyes narrowed slightly as you gazed across the room. Chan sat just a few feet away, his dark eyes fixed on you like a predator eyeing its prey.
It had been a couple of days since Chan had whisked you away from the bar to his family home. Initially, you resisted his every move. You ignored or scoffed at his gentle touches and sweet gestures of affection. The only thing you welcomed was the rough sex.
Gradually, however, you began to warm up to his tender side—a side that seemingly only you got to witness. You stopped flinching when he pulled you close for an embrace. You started reciprocating his quick, spontaneous kisses.
You no longer mocked his affectionate gestures when he offered to cook for you, give you a foot rub, or simply lay with you to read or watch a movie. Slowly, you began to anticipate these moments, and before you realized it, you were opening up to him in ways you'd never done with anyone before.
"Come on, it's just a date. We've been hooking up on and off for years. Let me take you out," Chan said, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees as he looked at you. You rolled your eyes, feigning annoyance, even as the prospect of a proper date with Chan made your pulse quicken. You didn't usually like feeling this way—you'd convinced yourself you weren't built for romance or relationships—but Chan was steadily dismantling the walls you'd built.
After much hesitation, you finally answered, "Fine, I'll go on one date with you, but you have to let me go back to Hyunjin's place to get ready properly. I'm tired of being cooped up in this mansion. I'm not your prisoner, Chan." His eyes narrowed, his jaw clenching slightly. You could see the internal struggle playing out across his features. Finally, he exhaled deeply, his shoulders relaxing. "Alright," he conceded, "but I'm picking you up at 8, and if you're not ready or you try to slip away... I'll find you, and you won't leave my sight ever again."
Chan's possessiveness was overwhelming at this point, and it pained you to lack your own independence. Yet, you had no intentions of leaving him—you just didn't want him to know that. You nodded simply and stood up. "I should probably get going then. I need time to get ready." Chan licked his full lips and rose as well. "I'll have a car take you over."
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Two hours later, you were gazing into Hyunjin's bathroom mirror, putting the finishing touches on your makeup. Your deep blue dress hugged your curves perfectly, accentuating your figure in all the right places. The neckline plunged just low enough to be alluring without being too revealing. You applied a final swipe of deep red lipstick, the color complementing the dress beautifully. As you stepped back to admire your reflection, you couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness for your date with Chan.
As soon as those feelings began to rise, you shook your head, pushing them away. "What the fuck... get ahold of yourself, Y/n." Just as you were walking out of Hyunjin's bedroom, his front door opened and in stepped a very tired-looking Hyunjin. "Wow, you actually do come home," you said as his eyes met yours. A soft smile spread over his lips. "I'm only here to grab some things. I'm going back to my other place."
You walked over to him, knowing how sad and lonely your best friend had been feeling since his breakup with his ex. Even though you agreed he had been a very bad boyfriend, you couldn't help but feel sympathy for him. He was close to your heart, and you didn't like seeing him suffer. You embraced him in a gentle hug. "Are you okay?" you asked as you squeezed him a little, then pulled back to peer up at him.
Hyunjin gave you a weak smile, his eyes reflecting a mix of exhaustion and gratitude. "I'm... managing," he replied softly, his voice barely above a whisper. You could feel the weight of his emotions in those two simple words. Before you could respond, the sound of a car horn outside caught your attention, reminding you of your impending date with Chan.
You nodded, "You know I'm still your best friend and I'm here for you. Even if you just want to complain, I'll listen." Hyunjin was the only one who got to see your softer side. "Yeah, I know, Y/n." Hyunjin glanced out of his big bay windows, seeing Chan emerge from his car and begin walking up the sidewalk. "Are you and Chan finally expressing your love for one another?" he asked, surprised as he finally took in your dressed-up appearance.
You sighed heavily and shrugged, "I'm just indulging him." Hyunjin laughed softly and shook his head at you. "You know... we all see it. You love the guy, and it's clear he's obsessed and in love with you. He has been for years." You started to turn away to grab your small handbag. "Hyunjin..." you began, not wanting to hear this.
"Y/n, take it from me, who took advantage of someone that loved me unconditionally... you don't want to give that up." He looked down, trying to hold back the tears stinging his eyes. "Once you damage that and they give up on you... there's no going back. Nothing's ever the same." There was a soft knock on the door. "Let the guy love you... you deserve that."
You swallowed hard, letting his words sink in as you turned to face the door. Your heart raced, a mix of anticipation and nervousness coursing through you. Hyunjin's words echoed in your mind, challenging your carefully constructed walls. As you reached for the doorknob, you took a deep breath, steeling yourself for the evening ahead.
When you swung open the door, Chan stood there in all black. His suit fit him perfectly, accentuating his broad shoulders and trim waist. His dark hair was styled neatly, and his eyes sparkled with anticipation as they took in your appearance. A soft smile played on his lips as he extended his hand towards you, his voice low and warm as he said, "You look absolutely stunning, Y/n. Are you ready?" His question seemed to hold more than just the simple meaning.
You took a glance back at Hyunjin, who nodded encouragingly at you. You gave him a soft smile and turned back to Chan. "Yeah, I think I am." You took his hand and walked out of the apartment with him. As you stepped out into the cool evening air, Chan's hand warm in yours, you felt a flutter of nervousness in your chest. The city lights twinkled around you, casting a soft glow on the sidewalk. Chan led you towards his car, a sleek black vehicle that matched his attire perfectly, and you couldn't help but wonder what the night had in store for you both.
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The restaurant Chan chose was an elegant Korean establishment with a modern twist. Soft lighting and minimalist decor created an intimate atmosphere, perfect for your first official date. As you and Chan were led to your table, a mix of excitement and nervousness bubbled up inside you. The aroma of sizzling bulgogi and freshly steamed rice filled the air, making your mouth water.
You couldn't help but notice the place was completely empty, save for the staff. As you settled into your seat, you glanced at Chan, looking more than handsome in the dim lighting. "What did you do? Rent out the place?" you joked. Chan's lips curved into a mischievous smile, his eyes twinkling. "Maybe I did," he replied, his voice low and playful. A flutter in your chest surprised you at the thought of him going to such lengths for your date. You realized this evening might be more special than you'd initially anticipated.
The waiter arrived with Korean wine and asked if you were ready for your first course. You raised an eyebrow at Chan. "So you've had this all planned out?" Chan simply nodded to the waiter, who disappeared to fetch your meals, leaving your question unanswered.
As you sipped your wine, curiosity and appreciation for Chan's efforts washed over you. The intimate setting and carefully planned menu spoke of a thoughtfulness you weren't quite used to. You found yourself softening, your usual defenses lowering as you gazed at Chan across the table. His dark eyes met yours, and for a moment, you allowed yourself to imagine what it might be like to truly let him in.
Chan leaned forward, his elbows on the table, his dark eyes intense. He took a deep breath before speaking, his voice low and earnest. "Y/n, I know you've been guarding your heart for so long. But I want you to know that I'm here, ready to love you completely. I've been waiting for years, hoping you'd let me in. I'm not asking for everything all at once, but I want you to give us a real chance. Let me show you how much you mean to me, how much I care." You leaned forward, parting your lips to speak, but Chan cut you off, "And please don't turn this into me acting like a pussy because I'm weak for loving you."
You couldn't help but chuckle softly at his words, feeling a mix of amusement and warmth spread through your chest. Chan's vulnerability, his willingness to lay his heart bare before you, was both touching and terrifying. You found yourself at a crossroads, torn between the safety of your carefully constructed walls and the allure of the love Chan was offering. As you gazed into his eyes, you realized that maybe, just maybe, it was time to take a leap of faith.
When you didn't say anything right away, Chan continued, his face hardening slightly as the possessive man you knew pushed through. "And regardless of whether you want to be here or be with me... you're still mine. You always have been. You can't escape me. I don't need you to love me, but... I do need you with me."
A mix of emotions washed over you at Chan's words—a blend of frustration at his possessiveness, but also a strange comfort in his unwavering devotion. You took a deep breath, trying to sort through the conflicting feelings. Part of you wanted to push back against his claim, assert your independence, but another part recognized the truth in his words—there was an undeniable connection between you two that had persisted for years.
You leaned back in your chair as the food arrived. Waiting for the waiter to leave, you began eating before answering Chan. You couldn't help but test his patience. While you enjoyed riling him up, you were also growing fond of his sweet, vulnerable side. "Y/n..." he said under his breath, a warning for you to respond.
You took another bite, savoring the flavors as you considered your words. Finally, you met Chan's intense gaze, your voice soft but firm. "Chan, I can't deny our connection. But love... it's complicated. I'm not promising anything, but I'm here, aren't I? Let's see where this goes."
Your nonchalant response caused Chan's steely glare to falter. He seemed taken aback, having endured years of your rejection. Your words made him question if he'd been wasting his time waiting for and chasing you. Chan's expression softened, a mix of surprise and hope flickering across his features. He reached across the table, his fingers gently brushing yours. "That's all I'm asking for, Y/n," he said softly, his voice filled with genuine emotion. "A chance to show you what we could be."
As the evening progressed, you found yourself relaxing more, genuinely enjoying Chan's company. The conversation flowed easily, punctuated by shared laughter and lingering glances. For the first time in years, you allowed yourself to imagine a future where you weren't constantly pushing Chan away. As dessert arrived—a decadent chocolate creation that made your eyes light up—you realized that maybe, just maybe, giving Chan a chance wouldn't be so bad after all.
As the night wore on, you noticed a heat in Chan's eyes as he watched you eat your dessert. "What are you thinking about?" you asked when you caught him staring at your lips as they moved around the spoon. A sly smirk painted his plump lips. "I'm imagining how that red lipstick would look smeared around my cock."
You felt a sudden heat rise to your cheeks, a mix of embarrassment and arousal coursing through your body. Chan's boldness never failed to catch you off guard, even after all this time. You leaned forward, your voice dropping to a husky whisper, "Maybe you'll get to find out later."
Chan shook his head. "There's no later... I want to see it now." Your eyes glanced around the room and then over to the now-quiet kitchen. "You mean here? Where people can see?" Chan's eyes darkened with desire, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips. "That's exactly what I mean," he murmured, his voice low and husky. "The thrill of getting caught only adds to the excitement, don't you think?"
You licked the remaining chocolate from your lips as Chan motioned for you to come closer. "Come here... I want you on your knees." Even though Chan had been confessing his love, the man knew what he wanted and always took it. You were his, and you would do as you were told... for the most part.
A thrill of excitement coursed through you at Chan's commanding tone. Without hesitation, you rose from your seat, the silk of your dress rustling softly as you moved around the table. Your heart raced as you approached Chan, fully aware of the risk of being caught but unable to resist the magnetic pull between you. As you sank to your knees before him, your eyes locked with his, silently acknowledging the power he held over you in that moment.
You could feel wetness nearly pooling in your panties as his warm hand caressed your cheek and slid over your jaw. His thumb swiped gently across your lips, smearing your deep red lipstick slightly. "So fucking beautiful," he breathed. Chan's eyes darkened with desire as he gazed down at you, his fingers trailing along your jawline. You shivered under his touch, anticipation building within you. Without a word, his hands moved to his belt, the soft clink of metal echoing in the quiet restaurant.
You had watched Chan do this many times, but after allowing him to tear down the walls you'd had up for years, it was as if you were seeing him with new eyes. The heat in the pit of your stomach intensified as you watched him slowly unzip his pants. Anticipation built with each passing second, your breath catching in your throat as you waited for him to reveal himself. You marveled at how different this felt—the same act, but with a new depth of emotion behind it.
Chan spread his thighs wider, the visible bulge in his pants drawing your gaze. You moved closer, your hands sliding up his muscular thighs. "Pull it out," he mumbled. You hesitated, hearing slight movement in the kitchen. "Eyes on me. I'm the only one here with you." He lifted your chin with a finger planted beneath your jaw.
Your eyes rose to meet his glare, filled not only with desire but with a softness you could only discern as love.
Your heart raced as you reached forward, your fingers gently brushing against the fabric of his pants before carefully freeing his hardened length. The sight of him, fully aroused and waiting for you, sent a shiver of anticipation down your spine. You licked your lips unconsciously, your gaze flickering between his intense eyes and his throbbing cock, ready to pleasure him in this thrilling, semi-public setting.
With a soft exhale, you leaned forward, your lips parting as you took him into your mouth. The taste of him, familiar yet somehow new, filled your senses as you began to move. Your eyes fluttered closed for a moment, savoring the feeling of him against your tongue, before opening again to meet his intense gaze.
Chan's fingers tangled in your hair, guiding your movements as you worked your mouth along his length. The low groan that escaped his lips sent a shiver down your spine, encouraging you to take him deeper. You could feel his thighs tensing beneath your hands, a clear sign of his growing pleasure.
As you continued your ministrations, you could feel Chan's control slipping. His grip on your hair tightened, his hips beginning to buck slightly against your mouth. The thrill of pleasuring him in such a public place only added to your own arousal, your core aching with need. You redoubled your efforts, determined to bring him to the edge of ecstasy.
Chan's breathing grew ragged, his muscles tensing as he approached his climax. You could feel him throbbing against your tongue, his grip on your hair tightening almost painfully. Just as you felt his cock tightening and twitching between your parted lips, he pulled you up. His chest heaved as he glanced down at his cock, covered in your saliva. Your lipstick smeared all around the base of his shaft.
"Not yet," he said gruffly as he stood, bringing you to your feet with him. "I want to feel you wrapped so tight around me."
Chan's hands roamed your body, his touch igniting a fire within you. He spun you around, pressing you against the table as his lips found your neck. You gasped, feeling the hard length of him against your backside, your body trembling with anticipation. The thrill of potentially being caught only heightened your arousal, making you ache for more.
His hands lifted the hem of your dress, exposing your panty-clad ass. He yanked them down, letting them fall to your ankles. Chan gripped your ass in his hands. "You drive me insane," he growled.
You moaned softly as his fingers dug into the soft flesh of your behind, your body responding eagerly to his touch. The cool air of the restaurant against your exposed skin sent a shiver down your spine, heightening your arousal. Chan's breath was hot against your ear as he whispered, "I've waited so long for this moment, to have you fully surrender to me."
And you were fully surrendering. In that moment, he could have all of you—your body, your mind, your heart. You realized how much you wanted this, wanted him, wanted his love. Chan spun you around, pulling you over to push you against the wall.
His strong hands gripped your hips, pulling you flush against him as his lips crashed onto yours in a passionate kiss. You could feel the heat radiating from his body, his desire for you evident in every touch. As he pressed you against the wall, his hips grinding against yours, you knew that this moment would change everything between you and Chan forever.
Chan's hands roamed your body, his touch both possessive and tender. You arched into him, your body responding to his every caress. As his lips found yours again, you surrendered completely to the passion between you. "Please... fuck me, Chan," you could barely speak as you tugged at his shirt, pulling it up to slide your hands against his heated skin, feeling the muscles in his back move beneath his smooth skin.
Chan's eyes locked with yours, dark with desire and something deeper—a vulnerability you'd never seen before. Without breaking eye contact, he lifted you effortlessly, your legs wrapping around his waist instinctively. You could feel the hard length of him pressing against your core, the thin fabric of your dress the only barrier between you. "I'm going to make you mine," he growled, his voice low and husky, sending shivers down your spine.
With a swift motion, Chan aligned himself with your entrance, teasing you with the tip of his length. You gasped, your fingers digging into his shoulders as he slowly pushed inside, stretching and filling you completely. The sensation was overwhelming, a perfect blend of pleasure and pain that made you cry out softly. Chan stilled for a moment, allowing you to adjust to his size, his forehead resting against yours as he whispered, "You feel so perfect, so tight around me."
As he began to move, you clung to him, your bodies moving in perfect synchronization. The risk of being caught only heightened your pleasure, every thrust sending waves of ecstasy through your body. You bit your lip to stifle your moans, your nails digging into Chan's back as he drove deeper, his pace increasing with each passing moment.
The combination of pleasure and the thrill of potentially being caught was intoxicating. Your bodies moved together in perfect harmony, the heat between you building to an unbearable intensity. You could feel yourself approaching the edge, your muscles tensing as Chan's thrusts became more urgent, driving you both towards an explosive climax.
As the tension built to a fever pitch, you felt yourself teetering on the brink of ecstasy. Chan's movements became more frantic, his grip on your hips tightening as he drove into you with renewed vigor. The world around you faded away, leaving only the sensation of your bodies intertwined and the impending release that threatened to consume you both.
Just as you were about to cum, you tangled your fingers in his hair and pulled his head up away from your neck. You wanted to watch him cum inside you, to see just how good you made him feel. Chan's eyes locked with yours, his pupils dilated with desire as he neared his climax. You watched in awe as his face contorted with pleasure, his mouth falling open in a silent moan. The intensity of his gaze, filled with raw passion and vulnerability, pushed you over the edge, and you felt your own orgasm crash over you in waves of ecstasy.
Chan held you close as you both came down from your shared high, your bodies still trembling with aftershocks. As your breathing steadied, he gently lowered you to your feet, his hands caressing your sides tenderly. You looked up at him, seeing a mix of satisfaction and adoration in his eyes that made your heart skip a beat.
"You don't have to say it back, but I love you." His Australian accent was even thicker as he came down from his high. You felt your heart racing, the words echoing in your mind. The intensity of the moment, the vulnerability in Chan's eyes, and the raw emotion in his voice overwhelmed you. Before you could second-guess yourself, you heard your own voice, barely above a whisper, "I love you too, Chan." The words felt right, natural, as if they had been waiting to be spoken all along.
Just as Chan's mouth fell open slightly at the words you had always refused to say to anyone, a crash of dishes came from behind him. You both looked over to see the waiter standing there with wide eyes and a mess of broken dishes on the floor.
Chan's face flushed a deep red, a mix of embarrassment and lingering desire evident in his expression. You couldn't help but stifle a giggle, the absurdity of the situation hitting you all at once. With a sheepish grin, Chan quickly adjusted his clothing and turned to address the stunned waiter, his voice a mix of authority and amusement as he said, "I believe we're ready for the check now."
@cashtonsbetch @katsukis1wife @hyunjinhoexxx @ihrtlino @breezy-simp @vixensss @yaorzu-blog @tirena1 @whatdoyouwanttocallmefor @chuuyaobsessed @doohnut @babigriin @iovecb97 @kpflyn @rylea08 @sheerfreesia007 @tsunderelino @cookiesandcreammy @rockstarkkami @moonchild9350 @syedazarintasnim @myflowercloud @143hyunes @luvyblossom @shecheatedwithme @antisocialties @akaligogrrr @thisaintredwine @rose-w-00-d @jisuperboard @velvetmoonlight @kayleefriedchicken @skzfelixlove
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earlysunshines · 11 months
can we get even closer?
detective!jihyo x spiderwoman!reader (pt. 3, finale!) ; smut, fluff
synopsis: spiderwoman becomes 10x more alluring AND convincing, detective park is completely disregarding the chief at this point.
wc: 11.7k
warnings: blood ; mentions of wounds, cuts, bruises ; smut!!!
pls read for context: pt.1, pt.2
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the crime scene was a messy tapestry of deception and disorder.
jihyo scanned the mess of a venue. there were flipped-over tables, pieces of chairs, and debris scattered all over the venue—even a light had fallen from the ceiling—it was a sight.
the cluttered, frenzied scene wasn't even the worst part; to tell the truth, what made it worse was seeing her colleagues all stuck together tangled up in spiderwebs against the wall.
the chief included in the mess.
the chief was tangled up alone, arms and legs restrained with only his head free. he seemed infuriated; this does not help your case. the chief will hate your guts even more, and if he catches you, he might rip them out.
jihyo has her final conclusion made up in her head after fully processing the mess in front of her: you have one functioning brain cell.
the officers and chief aren't the only ones captured, there's an apparent culprit tied together in a large, thicker layer of cobweb: the lizard.
it's green, it's ugly, and it's huge—jihyo furrows her brows at the sight—but her face lights up when she sees the familiar silhouette of the special spider-like "hero."
you stand there in front of the grotesque reptile, gazing at it with slumped shoulders and heavy breaths. you're exhausted and aching from the very physically demanding task. on the bright side: there are no broken bones or any limbs missing—that's a plus—though there are a few scratches that rip the new suit you had just gotten. you sigh at the thought of having to face your suit designer nayeon. you really don't want to hear her complaints again.
the thought of nayeon yelling in your ear distracts you from the blood that seeps out the cuts on your body and the pain from the sore areas that will surely be dark, annoying bruises—though the thought of that nayeon pulling at your ear and bickering with you doesn't distract you forever, the discomfort in your abdomen returns and you almost fall over.
screw that ugly ass lizard.
jihyo runs over to your side, looking at your weary state.
"y/n-" jihyo catches herself, immediately quieting down when uttering the last part of your name. she watches her words even if she's not in the field of vision of the officers, they still have ears afterall. "spiderwoman, are you okay?" jihyo asks, looking at the cuts in your suit.
"yeah." you respond, and you're lying your ass off because you think you might fall over soon. "just a bit beat up, could've been worse."
“you think a stab to the stomach is comparable to a paper cut. " the detective sighs, “that doesn’t make this any better.”
it’s evident in her tone that she’s worried. your heart feels heavy knowing that she feels like that for you, but you don't want to overwhelm her anymore. you put your hand on her shoulder and her eyes soften. her look almost hurts more than that stupid pain in your stomach.
"park," you say softly, "i'm fine."
“you’re not.”
"i need to change back and leave, keep an eye on the lizard?"
"it's spiderwoman." you say sternly. your voice had lost any hint of playfulness, now it’s more of a croaked-out, low tone.
"sorry, i just-"
"let's talk later, yeah?" you urge. jihyo nods with disappointment. 
you smile as you shoot a web up, looking at her with the same softness before pulling yourself and swinging away.
jihyo's jaw tightens up.
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you don’t break into jihyo’s house or even show up at the department for four days and counting. that’s 96+ hours of jihyo not seeing you, of her having all these questions swarming in her brain with no answers and 96+ hours of missing you. detective park is running out of patience.
jihyo spins the pen in her hand while examining the papers related to the “lizard” case, i mean, there’s not much to do since the lizard-man had been captured after turning back to normal, but jihyo had to do a brief check before going back to the prison to interrogate the human form of that nightmare.
the identity of the lizard was found after it had transformed back into a slender, fragile man: dr. watanabe, lead scientist at minatozaki industries and former friend of the chief.
the chief seemed to be slowly losing it after the whole event—who wouldn’t be after having to ask your detective to cut you and the rest of your coworkers out of the spiderweb that was shot from the wrists of the person you went on a whole tangent about not trusting—exactly.
it’s been hectic.
the detective shoves the papers back into the folder before heading into the room that holds the visitation booths, which is empty and only has one guard present. she runs a hand through her hair before nodding at the guard and sitting at booth three.
her foot taps at the ground as she waits—not because she’s anxious—it’s just a habit she’s had since college.
there’s the sound of the door opening and not even five seconds later the scientist sits in front of her. he looked terrible: bags under his eyes, brows creased, and hair disordered—that’s not like him at all. jihyo takes out a paper from the folder and holds the black telephone handle close to her ear.
“you’ve finally agreed to talk.”
“against my will, where’s the chief.” watanabe spits back through the line. jihyo shoots a look that has the scientist shrinking in his seat.
“not here.” she says sternly, “now i would really appreciate if you could be competent since you’ve caused so much trouble.”
“bring me that damn chief and i’ll talk, they said he’d be here.”
“he’s not here, so quit whining. i have some questions that you need to answer, i’d advise that you respond well and with a compliant attitude.” the detective warns threateningly.
the scientist makes eye contact once with jihyo then looks back down, ready to answer with his hand clutching the telephone handle tightly.
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jihyo ends up leaving the visitation booth with sluggish shoulders and a paper with rushed, messy jotted-down notes of the criminals’ answers and puts it in her bag. once she steps outside into the afternoon light, she’s quick to stretch out her arms, groaning at the relieving sensation.
that voice is very familiar.
the detective turns and her eyes widen at the sight of you. you’re standing there with a smile, warm and friendly.
a dark, navy sweater sits loosely on your figure, and your hair is tied up. you look beautiful, and not as beat up as jihyo figures you should look (i mean, you literally had a whole wwe match with a lizard a couple days ago, so it’s surprising to say the least). you seem content, you seem perfectly fine and jihyo hates that you haven’t bothered her. where have you been?
jihyo stares at you in awe, well, maybe with some confusion and a hint of anger too. she wants to ask where you’ve been, i mean, it’s been days and you haven’t knocked on her window, she had even waited by that stupid window of hers with the hope that you’d barge in. she wants to ask how you’ve been doing, if your injuries been bothering you maybe and if your cuts healed. jihyo wants to know everything, from how you’re doing physically to what’s going on in that smoothed-out brain of yours. (jihyo has many questions, too many, and it has her silent in her place while she gapes at you.)
you play with the neckline of your sweater. “it’s getting pretty cold, huh.”
jihyo thinks you’re unbelievable.
“where have you been?” jihyo asks, walking up to you and pushing you playfully (fighting the urge to hold your and look at you with desire like in those cliché romance movies where the leads love interest shows up after being missing—or something like that at least. [park jihyo watches too many dramas]) she furrows her brows a little, looking at you with a tad of shock in her expression.
you tilt your head and ask, “why are you looking at me like that.”
“you’ve been gone for what, four days?” jihyo says, raising her brows. a couple people passing by glance in your direction when jihyo raises her voice, but she doesn’t care, that’s the last thing she cares about. “you haven’t called, texted, or even showed up to your own uncles workplace! you haven’t even-“ and jihyo cannot believe she’s about to say this: “you haven’t broken into my apartment or anything!”
a short silence fills the air before your eyes soften the same way they did before leaving jihyo at that venue—right after finishing up your business.
you let out a brief, soft sigh. “i’m sorry, it’s a lot.”
“yeah, it is.” jihyo huffs, losing the worry in her tone as relief fills in.
a grin plays at your lips, “i did say i would explain everything,” you start, “and i did say i’d take you out, and on me too…”
jihyo crosses her arms and mumbles, “you did.”
“that’s only if the detective would let me…?”
the weight on jihyo’s shoulders is completely knocked off and she chuckles at your response, quickly losing the serious façade.
 “i have to drop this off at work, maybe i’ll let you once i do.”
you grin. “great.”
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you end up as passenger princess in jihyo’s white, glossy bmw.
saying the car is nice would be a huge understatement. the interior is even more fascinating compared to the exterior, and that says a lot. the seats are clean, comfy, and from the texture, you can tell it’s authentic and expensive leather. the car is pretty spotless other than the water bottle in the cup holder and that reusable tote bag that seemed to have been thrown at the backseats blindly. the car smells fresh—something woody, minty, and there’s also a hint of apple—it’s welcoming and really fits the detective.
“comfy?” jihyo asks, turning on the engine.
“yeah.” you reply, feeling a little intimidated for no reason.
jihyo chuckles at you and shifts the stick, lightly steps on the gas, then looks at the screen in the car as she backs up. there should be no reason for this to be so attractive, i mean, you’ve seen many people back up a car, nothing special, but when jihyo does it you find yourself wanting her a little more.
the two of you end up at the department less than ten minutes later. despite how unbelievably close and flirty you’ve gotten with the detective; the whole car ride was way too intimate for your liking, and your nerves were a mess.
the car was so nice it had you feeling tense, jihyo was driving with such ease and looked so damn good with those sunglasses she had on. you felt small in the passenger seat. thankfully, you’re a few turns away from the department.
“i need to tell you something.” you say, making jihyo hum.
“what is it?”
“i can’t go into the department, i’m, well… i’ll tell you later but long story short my uncle cannot see me and i’m technically kind of on house arrest.”
“you’re what?”
“long story.”
the light turns red, the detective breaks smoothly then turns to look at you, curiosity and disbelief making her brows furrow.
“why am i not surprised that the chief would do something like that.” jihyo sighs, looking back at the stoplight—it’s green now. “he’s been on edge lately ever since the incident, he’s probably just anxious.”
you chuckle and shake your head, “he’s something…”
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not too long later, the two of you find your way over at a café nearby and situate yourselves in the balcony area on the second floor.
jihyo holds a mint-colored latte cup in her hand that’s filled with a simple, hot mocha. she takes a sip and a bit of the steamed milk coats the top of her lips, she licks it off subtly. you smile before taking a sip of your own drink, some type of seasonal latte that has hints of apple and cinnamon.
“i missed you.” you say, looking down at the slightly distorted latte art in your cup. jihyo looks at you then smiles, a tint of pink dusting her cheeks as she turns her head to take in the view of the farmers markets nearby.
“me too.” she sighs, “i was… i haven’t been as tired lately, so i waited near my window for some spider to knock on it—she never came.”
you frown. “i wanted to. i’m always one to help people and try to not break the law, but i can’t help it when it’s you.” you respond jokingly.
jihyo smiles at your playfulness, happy to be spending time with one of the people she’s grown close with, as well as the hero she’s been secretly crushing and interacting with.
“can i ask how long you’ve been, you know…”
“couple months.” you reply, “remember how i told you about getting bit by the spider?” you ask, jihyo nods and you begin again, “i got bit a week after i moved here, and then i started sticking to things, accidentally broke my doorknob—oh! i was also watching this scary movie one time and got scared, after that i couldn’t see myself in the mirror.”
“that’s a lot.”
“yes, too much.”
“so… what happened with you and your uncle?” jihyo questions, wondering why she’s been spiderwoman-deficient for the past four days.
“oh yeah,” you respond, “well, he found out that i got hurt—not because i was y’know, doing my little hero thing—but he saw the blood and some of the injuries. he went on this tangent about me staying safe, he’s just been on edge and very protective. he doesn’t want me leaving the house. i’ve been working from home.”
“you couldn’t sneak out?”
“he had detectors, it took me a bit to mess with it. i took some engineering classes in high school and had some mischievous friends, so i ended up cheating the system.” you explain. jihyo nods, raising her brows at how capable you are; you’re quite impressive even if someone were to snatch your spider abilities away. “so, what’s been going on with you detective? fill me in.”
jihyo sighs, shaking her head softly.
“your uncle has been on edge, it’s strange.” she says, “usually these types of cases don’t phase him, but he’s shaken up.”
“maybe it was me trapping him in cobwebs—too much?”
the detective shakes her head again. “no, i don’t think so, but that was stupid on your end. he’s just been terribly paranoid; i’ve never seen him so tense.”
you furrow your brows and take another sip of your beverage before raising your brows as if you had an idea, “maybe it has something to do with the scientist?” you suggest, and you ponder before speaking again, “i remember my uncle having lunch with the scientist a couple months ago, he came back from the lunch all tense and a bit angry—even snapped at me for something. it was strange.”
jihyo’s expression lights up, “you’re on to something… that scientist did ask me to see the chief multiple times… and watanabe is clearly hiding something.”
“you think we should reunite them? maybe find out more of what’s between them?”
“it might be a good idea.” the detective mumbles, swirling remnants of her drink in the cup. you bite the inside of your lip and hum again,
“let’s try it, i can talk to the chief.”
“you’re on house arrest.”
“spiderwoman can do it then. she’s not on house arrest.”
jihyo’s eyes widen at the suggestion, and she looks at you like you’re crazy. “you’re insane.”
“maybe chief l/n will listen to me if i’m sweet with him.”
“he could body slam you to the ground.”
“maybe he could do that to y/n, but not spiderwoman.” you beam.
“no, maybe spiderwoman too.” jihyo shakes her head and simply sighs, “you’re actually the dumbest person i know.”
“you into that?”
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the mask on your face is new, so is the suit (you were able to contact your suit designer via email and after seeing jihyo you got your much more durable suit—that is, after getting scolded by the fashion designer.)
you spot chief l/n in the office alone, it’s quite late anyway, a little past when you’d usually have dinner. your uncle examines a paper with furrowed brows and a pen in his large, aging hands. he looks pretty focused—you take it as your cue to invite yourself into his large office.
when the chief hears a small thud, he’s immediately on guard. he puts his hand over the gun strapped under his desk and scans the room: there’s no one, nothing, but he’s not convinced.
“i’m not fucking stupid.” he says coldly, “show yourself or you’re going to regret a lot.”
his voice is low, deep, and threatening. it’s worse than when he scolds you, much worse and you think you might be lucky that his most angry tone with you is less frightening than how he’s talking to you now.
you’re invisible, he can’t see you at all. the chief pulls out his gun from under the table and holds it with precision, aiming and scanning the room once more for any sign of someone. the gun in his hand is knocked out with a spiderweb and the chief halts, stiffening in his place.
you unveil yourself and the chief spots the familiar vigilante stuck to the ceiling, though that same vigilante who had terrorized him a couple days prior is wearing a new suit.
“hello chief.” you greet, making sure you alter your voice.
the tall, bulky man grimaces when you release yourself off of the wall and land on the floor of the room.
“nice to see you too.” you say, “i’m not going to hurt you or anything, i’m just uneasy around guns.”
“yeah, sure.” he scoffs, “you’re up to something.”
“god- no!” you groan, losing patience. the chief drops his stern demeanor for a second when you pinch the bridge of your nose, it almost convinces him that you’re just a simple human under that suit. “i’m trying to get more details on the lizard, and i need your help.”
“that lizard… he’s behind bars.”
“but that’s not it and you know it.”
“get out my damn office. i’m not afraid to fight you, i don’t care how many webs you trap me in.”
you sigh again, growing even more impatient. the chief glares at you when you do so.
“look—the people, the citizens, families and friends—they’re all in danger if you’re not competent,” you explain. your uncle drops his serious expression and his shoulders relax just barely.
“and i should just tell you why, huh? so you can do who knows what with this information? i’m not stupid.”
“you’re getting on my fucking nerves though and you’re being a prick that’s what you are.” you respond with irritation, and the tone of your retort reminds the chief of a certain someone he knows very well. “you think i saved that whole venue for shits and giggles? i left there with a broken rib and more bruises and cuts than i can count on one hand. i don’t know how many people i have to save or buildings i have to stop from collapsing to get you to understand that i’m not the fucking villain. look, watanabe is eery, there’s something i’m missing on this whole case because that damn scientist has been reluctant to give answers due to some tall ass man-baby of a chief that not only refuses to see the what, barely average height scientist, but the same chief who won’t fucking comply to this ‘vigilante’ because of his foggy little brain.”
the chief looks at you with surprise now, mouth slightly agape.
“i’m—i’m sorry?” he says with uncertainty. your uncle decides to swallow up his pride and prejudice, you sound like his niece and he starts to soften up. “fine. only if it helps.”
so rambling was the only thing that you needed to get him to comply? you’ve been wasting your time, too much time.
“why does watanabe want to see you.” you ask, observing the way your uncles eyes hesitantly avoid your gaze.
it’s quite strange seeing your uncle so sheepish looking, so submissive and not in the way he looks when your aunt scolds him for not eating, but he looks almost vulnerable.
“we-” he pauses and his shoulders drop just barely, “we used to work together. now that he’s behind bars i can’t compromise my position.”
“how does it compromise your position?”
“i’m a big guy, a big, bulky guy. watanabe and i used to be friends and… he asked for my dna samples and whatnot. look, i might’ve…” the chief sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose, “i gave him some and i don’t know what he did with it, but now that he’s behind bars i think it’s something bad. i don’t know, i’ve never been a science freak.”
“okay so he has your dna, what are you looking so scared for?” you ask,
“i’m just wary… i don’t know what he can do with it—what he has done with it.”
you ponder for a bit and look at the anxious chief in front of you, who looks less intimidating than ever in front of you. why would watanabe need his dna?
“well, he’s behind bars, so no need to worry about anything for now yeah? i’ll investigate this myself.” you assure. you expect an inquiry, a response or something—but the chief simply nods and huffs.
“yeah alright.” he sighs. you shoot a thumbs up and hide yourself in transparency, that’s when you hear small—but noticeable in the silent ambience—words of gratitude. “thanks for taking a weight off my shoulders.”
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you really have to stop breaking into jihyo’s home—well, it’s more of you jump scaring her and then her letting you in—so is it really a crime if there’s implied consent to enter?
jihyo opens the window for you and sighs, “i have a door you know.”
“too much work.”
“and swinging to the tenth floor of my apartment building is less work?”
“more exciting!” you beam, “and i like your little reaction, it’s cute.”
jihyo rolls her eye at your little remark and you climb in. she watches you pull off your mask and tuck some of your messy hair away, her eyes linger a little before she turns and walks back to her stove.
“whatcha cookin’?” you ask, sitting on the counter of the little kitchen island.
“avocado toast with eggs.” jihyo responds, not turning around.
“how healthy.”
“did you need something?” she asks, sliding the spatula under the eggs before flipping it over and cutting the heat.
“do you wanna break the law?” you ask. jihyo turns around and the expression plastered on her face screams:“are you dumb or stupid?”
“you’re seriously asking me this?”
“okay technically it’s not fully breaking the law,” you start, “just… doing something that might be an invasion of privacy.”
“that might be breaking the law, stupid.” jihyo snickers, smiling at the idiot in front of her.
you’re wearing something comfy yet professional looking: a pullover with a dress shirt under and some simple dress pants. the detective wonders if people saw you swinging around like that—the only thing masking your identity being the mask you had taken off, and without the mask jihyo can see you with the nerdy-looking glasses you put on earlier, and the smile plastered on your face. you’ve got a cute grin.
“you never said no.” you shrug.
“i’ll lose my job.”
“no you wont. just let me explain?” you plead. jihyo sighs, crossing her arms while leaning against the counter next to the stove; all of the detectives’ attention is on you now.
“thanks lovely.” you say, and the little remark makes jihyo’s cheeks flush just barely. “okay so i had a little talk with the chief last night, turns out watanabe has his dna and my uncle’s on edge because of that.”
“i work for the same company, meaning i have a keycard. that also means we can investigate a little more and find out what the hell he wanted to do with the chiefs dna.” you explain, “it’s technically your job to do all this investigating and if you think about it: i’m just a loyal citizen helping out the hottest detective in the force.”
jihyo uncrosses her arms and puts her hands on the counter gripping the edge. you watch the way her arm tenses and wow she’s toned. the detective looks down and shakes her head, smiling.
the shorter woman turns back around and pulls out a piece of bread from the toaster, then uses the spatula that rested on the plate to put an egg on the toast. she hands you the plate and you turn your head, but take it nonetheless.
“eat up, gotta have energy to ‘kinda’ break the law.”
your eyes light up and you almost gasp, “you’re going to do it?”
“you get me to do the craziest things.”
you smirk and respond, “and if i were a crazy thing?”
jihyo looks you in the eye and smiles. “i could put you on my to-do list then.”
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you had offered to swing out her window with her, but jihyo denied, and you teased her the whole way down to the parking lot.
now you’re playing passenger princess (pt. 2) and watch jihyo shift out her parking space, which is a sight. there’s something enticing with her movements, the way she carries herself, and her confidence.
when you reach the building—the large, modern-looking building with a café that keeps your coffee addiction thriving—jihyo gazes for a bit, clearly impressed.
“never been here?”
“no, i have, just never had time to fully take in everything.” she says, “it’s very nice.”
you smile and open the door for her, she rolls her eyes and walks in—you follow behind.
there are a few familiar faces in the building, some people rushing around and others conversing—it could be mistaken as a lobby at some college, jihyo looks around and is taken aback by the lively atmosphere.
“there you are, where have you been?” a recognizable voice scoffs. you turn to your left and see nayeon, smiling cheekily as she walks towards you and jihyo. you roll your eyes playfully and scoff playfully,
“been avoiding you.” you respond jokingly, and nayeon just laughs.
“who’s this? your girlfriend? been skipping work to be with her or what?” nayeon asks. her inquiry takes both you and jihyo by surprise, making both of you blush.
words stick to the tip of your tongue for a moment and jihyo puts out her hand for nayeon while you compose yourself. “detective park.” she introduces.
nayeon raises her brows and shakes her hand, then looks at you with a quirked brow and the look in her eyes seem to convey an “ooh~” before she responds to jihyo. “im nayeon.”
you clear your throat after they shake hands, “it’s nice to see you again i guess.” you say to nayeon, “but i have to go up and grab something, i’ll see you.”
“yeah yeah, see you. i was on my way out anyway—don’t blow up anything.” she sighs, and you scoff playfully. the two of you smile at each other mischievously before nayeon heads out the doors.
jihyo laughs and you raise a brow, watching her as she shakes her head.
“got all flustered from her asking if i was your girlfriend? what happened to the confidence from before?”
“shut up.” you respond, “let’s just go.”
jihyo laughs as you walk towards the elevators—she can’t see you, but she knows you’re blushing like an idiot.
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the two of you reach the 7th floor and jihyo follows you out the elevator.
as you and jihyo make your way down the dimly lit corridor, a sense of anticipation fills the air. the tension is palpable as you approach the lab room. fumbling in your pocket, you retrieve a keycard, silently emphasizing the need for caution as you unlock the door. "stay by my side and stay quiet. we're not supposed to be here," you mumble, voice low and careful.
entering the room, you both are immediately struck by its sheer size. you’ve been here once with another scientist from the company, though only for a brief moment to retrieve information for your article. it's not just a regular room; it's an enormous space dedicated to housing the scientists' most precious possessions—their files, research, and invaluable data.
as your gaze scans the shelves, your heart skips a beat before settling on the section that holds the coveted information you seek. the lights are dim, making it difficult to distinguish one folder from another, but thankfully you’re spiderwoman; your senses are already much more advanced than any person.
with each folder you come across, you murmur the words written on their labels. jihyo watches you intently, captivated by your unwavering focus. there's a certain charm in the way you immerse yourself in the task at hand, it's adorable and there's an undeniable allure to your commitment that draws her in.
“they’re all in alphabetical order… t… u… v… hmmm—ah! w!” you beam. you snatch the folder that reads “watanabe.” a contagious smile dances across your lips, your elation mirrored by jihyo.
“is that what we need?” jihyo asks, turning her head.
“yeah, this is one of the more important files, it has a lot of his research and experiments. i’m also going to look for-“
before you can finish your sentence, an unwelcome intrusion slices through the air, mingling with the palpable fear creeping into your senses when you hear the low tap of footsteps outside the room.
 the threat of being caught floods your mind, driving you into spontaneous action. quickly, you take jihyo’s wrist, urgency pulsating through your grip, and scan the room frantically. from the corner of your eye, a small closet appears. you bolt toward it and drag jihyo with you, then close yourselves inside.
you’re in your head trying to listen to the sound coming from the corridor that you don’t realize the compromising position you’re in.
silent seconds stretch while you two stay cautious and awareness dawns upon you, and your breath halts. one hand is unintendedly situated on the curve of jihyo’s slender waist and the other still grips her wrist. her back is pressed against the closet door, and your senses collide with her proximity, faces and bodies inches apart.
(with how quiet it is in the room, you wonder if whoever was lurking would catch you just from the pounding of your heart.)
you loosen your grip on her wrist and whisper, “sorry.”
“you’ve got a good grip.” jihyo mumbles, “and it’s okay.”
the air hangs heavy, thick with tension. you glance downwards and you’re captivated by the intensity in jihyo's eyes—intimidating and enticing even in the darkened room—and an irrepressible impulse surges within you.
jihyo lets out a shallow breath and peeks at your lips, you take a quick glance at hers before you two gape into each other’s eyes again.
now it’s jihyo’s turn to hold your wrist, and without conscious thought, your heart pounding an adrenaline-fueled rhythm, you lean forward, closing the remaining distance until your lips press against hers.
it’s soft and tender at first, then warm and thrilling. you pull away for a brief moment to utter and apology, which is muffled after jihyo crashes her lips back to you with a doubled intensity. you hum in response and she pulls you closer, making you lean down to match her height.
in the muffled silence of the closet, time becomes a mere afterthought, eclipsed by the pulsating intensity that engulfs you both. the world outside fades into oblivion as your lips meet again and again after parting to tilt your heads in the other direction after a few kisses, and after a couple more you’re changing kissing angles again.
jihyo’s hands trace over your chest, then to your shoulders and at last: your neck. she grips at your hair, tugs and pulls while simultaneously leading the kiss—she’s naturally one to take control. she swipes her tongue against your lip and you let her tongue explore your mouth, earning various hums and small groans.
you pull away to catch your breath and jihyo stops you before you can kiss her again, placing her hand on your chest and adding pressure to it to restrain your eagerness.
“sorry,” you say, cheeks flushed and breath heavy. “too much?”
jihyo laughs softly and shakes her head before responding, “not at all, y/n. it’s just, we should be careful… don’t want you to be too loud—yet. let’s continue later.” your cheeks flush from her remark and jihyo laughs lowly after hearing your breath quiver. “do you think whoever was walking is gone?”
“i- um, i’ll have to listen closer.” you mutter.
jihyo’s hand still rests on your chest, right above your heart—which is beating at an unhealthy pace—and jihyo doesn’t comment on the noticeable pounding against her palm. you pause for a moment and really concentrate your sense of hearing, listening on anything going on outside. jihyo lets you work your magic and smiles when you hum.
“no one outside, it’s clear. i’ll turn invisible and you know, check it out. i’ll let you know if you can come out; when i knock three times then that’s your cue to leave the closet, yeah?” you explain.
jihyo nods and says, “sounds good spiderwoman.” which earns a small chuckle from you. some light seeps in when you open the door, letting jihyo have a glimpse of your face: cheeks tinted pink, your ears are a darker shade, and the smirk on your face is smug.
you plant a kiss on her incredibly soft lips before disappearing from her sight, and jihyo hears a small “cute,” before the door closes. she’s left in the dark closet alone with a warm feeling in her chest—though it’s soon replaced with the realization:
oh my god… i just made out with my boss’s niece.
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when you and jihyo reach the floor of the lobby, you two act like you haven’t just violated the privacy of a (now criminal) scientist.
there are two folders, a binder, and some samples from who knows what that were hastily placed inside your bag when you first got into the elevator. the two of you head towards jihyo's car, acting as if nothing has happened, despite having committed something slightly very illegal.
the detective closes her doors and you mirror her action once you sit down, and as you both put on your seatbelts jihyo scoffs, “i can’t believe you got me to do this.”
“it’s for my uncle, and you know, just in case.” you assure, looking at her as she grips the steering wheel a little tight. “in the end i think he’ll be grateful, and it’ll help with the case.”
“i know.” jihyo says, “he can be scary.”
“i’ll take care of him, okay?”
“okay.” she responds before shooting you a small smile, which makes you smile back in return.
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when you reach jihyo’s apartment, you take off your jacket and hang it on the hooks on the wall. jihyo does the same with her own jacket and you meet at her kitchen island.
you take out the stolen goods from your back and drop them on the marble counter, jihyo turns on the lamp above to make it easier to read and see. jihyo stands across from you as you take out each file and skim through them, watching your eyebrows crinkle from concentration.
four pieces of paper are taken out of one of the binders—three of them being stapled together—and you quickly read through them. then, you place them on the counter, and your eyes scan the title of a sample before laying it next to the papers.
“this is it.” you sigh, looking down at the messy tapestry of notes and diagrams.
jihyo tilts her head and questions, “what?”
“my uncle’s dna. there’s notes on it and everything, it’s all scribbled here—look.” you respond, flipping the paper over and pushing it towards the detective. jihyo’s eyebrows reflect yours and furrow as she reads the text. her shoulders relax and she turns the paper over to read more, eye’s widening a little as she reads.
you pick up the sample and examine it a bit more as jihyo reads through. she looks back at you and says in disbelief, “watanabe tried to make human lizards?”
“pretty much.” you reply, “my uncle’s a big, bulky guy… watanabe probably tried to fuck with the lizard dna and his genes to make something relatively close—but thankfully, it didn’t work. here, this paper shows the trials and whatnot.” you add, handing jihyo the non-stapled paper.
jihyo sets the small packet down and reads through the one handed to her, examining the various angrily crossed-out sentences, numbers, and notes. she hums at the sight.
“so there’s nothing to worry about?” the detective asks. you nod and respond,
“no, thankfully. i’ll probably show up as spiderwoman and leave a little note to the chief, i should probably get to that soon—tonight.” you admit, leaning against the counter. “i’ll leave you alone for now, sorry for making you do all of this.”
you don’t want to leave, that’s the last thing you want to do. the small silence after you utter your last sentence urges you to pack up and leave, even if the thought of continuing whatever happened in your closet flooded your mind.
“wait,” jihyo says as you start to trudge away towards the window, and you pause in your place as soon as you take a step on the carpet on the floor.
you raise a brow in confusion (hoping jihyo read your mind). “yes?”
“just stay, the sun is already setting.” she says boldly.
 “my uncle would kill me, i’m on house arrest.” you sigh, “getting these to him as spiderwoman would get me off house arrest.”
jihyo frowns and you mirror her expression. “you really can’t stay?” she asks, brows creasing just barely.
“i would if i could.”
“well,” jihyo starts, walking over to you. “before you jump out the window,” she mumbles, now one step away from you. she places her hand on your chest and looks at you with a warm softness in her eyes. she tilts her head, then leans up to press her lips against yours, less aggressive than in the closet, but just as nerve-racking—making your heart beat quicken just from the simple contact.
you practically melt when she kisses you, and your hands instinctively reach for her cheek, cupping it gently. time seems to hesitate when she puts her arms around your neck, and you make sure to savor the taste and feel of her lips on yours.
jihyo pulls away first, but only a little so your lips still brush against each other.
“jihyo…” you mutter, and you can feel her smiling against you—her grin spreads to your own lips.
“if you’re off house arrest tomorrow… we should—”
“yes, please.” you say, “anything you want.”
“didn’t know a kiss was enough to have you so eager.” jihyo snickers gently.
you smirk and press a quick peck. “oh i can be eager—if that’s what you want?”
jihyo rolls her eyes at your stupid (yet tempting) response and pulls away so she can see your face clearly. she gazes at you for a bit, simple appreciating your presence and the faint dimple that appears on your cheek as you smile at her. jihyo fixes your hair, pushing away strands that fall over your face.
“you’re an idiot.”
“you love that though.”
“a lot.” jihyo responds, then presses a kiss to your cheek and smiles. “now go get yourself off house arrest.”
you grin. “yes detective.”
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the chief stands at his desk and puts on his coat, then gathers all the papers he had already gone through in his bag. on his desk, a folder suddenly drops down with a smack and the chief jumps, letting out a small yelp.
“hi chief.” a voice says. the chief looks up and he watches the familiar vigilante become translucent, then fully visible after unveiling herself. spiderwoman releases herself from the ceiling and lands on the ground with ease. “gotcha’ some things you’d probably love to look through.”
“what the hell spidergirl—”
“please, i know i’m supposed to mask my identity, but spiderwoman is better. c’mon man, i’m in my twenties.” you groan. the chief looks at you and shakes his head, then picks up the folder that had scared him half to death earlier.
your uncle furrows his brows slightly as he reads the papers (same as jihyo did, you note. at this point everything is reminding you of her—even the bulky man in front of you).
“where— where did you get this? how—”
“told you i’d check it out. nothing to worry about chief, just wanted to ease your worries.” you shrug, “i told you i’m not the bad guy.”
the chief examines you for a moment, looking you up and down before his shoulders drop. he puts the papers back in the folder and stares at it for a couple seconds, exhaling in relief.
“thank you.” he says, “i was… really on edge.”
“anytime.” you say, smiling from under the mask. the chief walks up to you, looking down and narrowing his eyes before softening his gaze. he puts his hand out and you look at it in surprise—as well as confusion.
“let’s keep contact, spiderwoman.” the chief says, “maybe you’re not so bad.” he adds. you hesitate for a moment and stare at his hand for a moment longer before shaking it. the chief doesn’t break your hand, doesn’t pull you in and throw you to the ground—he shakes it professionally and nods. “you’ve earned my trust.”
you want to lift your mask up and show him your proud smile, and a part of you wants to reveal yourself.
“i’m glad. i’m just your friendly neighborhood spiderwoman after all, harmless!” you beam.
“that’s debatable. i saw what you did to that monster.” he responds. you catch the faint twitch of his lips: an almost smile.
“how else could i save everyone?”
“i guess you’re right, get going kid, sun is setting.”
“i told you i’m in my twenties!”
“you really remind me of someone i know spiderwoman.” he says with a breath of amusement, “have a good night, thank you again.” he finally adds before grabbing his bag. the chief walks past spiderwoman without body-slamming her or anything like that; the tall, hefty man simply walks out and leaves spiderwoman speechless.
that’s all it took to get on his good side?
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jihyo walks into the building and the routine is the same as always: she greets the front desk lady—rachel was her name, she’s sweet and always has a smile on for anyone talking to her. after her usual friendly greeting, jihyo walks over to her desk and greets the rest of the team.
as jihyo sets her bag down, a familiar face appears and greets the detective.
“hello park, morning.” francis beams, smiling softly at jihyo. francis was one of the newer cops, he was pretty young for one—but great at his job. jihyo was quite fond of him, he was nice and competent.
“morning, how are you?”
“good, good.” he says before yawning, “glad it’s friday.”
“me too.” jihyo responds with a laugh, taking out a few reports from her bag and turning on the computer in front of her.
the detective turns back to the monitor in front of her and gets to typing, looking down at the paper and back up to the screen as she types various letters, numbers, and who knows what at this point.
her mind is completely foggy, she tries to get some work done, tries to copy down the reports and examine them. the only thing she can really focus on is the memory of your lips on hers, and whether you’re off house arrest because she really needs a continuation of what happened in that damn closet.
jihyo flinches at the sudden sound of the voice she’s been missing most and looks down at her desk to see a 16oz paper coffee cup on her desk.
“morning detective.”
“jesus!” jihyo yelps, “don’t do that!”
“i thought you’d get used to it by now.” you snicker. jihyo smiles as you pull a chair up next to her and sit down, sipping on your own beverage. “i’m off house arrest.”
“i can see that.” jihyo sighs, though the tone of her voice doesn’t match the way her heart warms upon your arrival. “shouldn’t you be at work?”
“technically it’s an internship,” you respond, “but i guess it’s my job now, seeing they pay me more than some of the actual employees.”
“well whatever it is you should probably be at the building, no?”
“i have work in less than forty minutes. do you hate my presence that much?” you question, a pout forming. “didn’t hate it that much yesterday—"
the detective punches your shoulder and you wince playfully before jihyo rolls her eyes and takes a sip of the coffee you brought her. “you’re loud, too loud for someone who’s my boss’s blood relative.” she scolds you lowly and sets down the beverage before redirecting her attention back to the screen. “and no, i don’t hate your presence, just don’t want you slacking or getting scolded.” she admits, a smile threatening to form on her lips.
you laugh and gaze at her for a moment, taking in the slope of her nose and catching a glimpse of the small mole on the tip of it. your eyes trace the sharp curve of her jaw, and then your look sets on her lips—the taste and feel lingers in your mind. jihyo pretends to ignore your blatant stare.
“i’ll stop bothering you for a bit, should probably get going anyway and let my favorite detective get to work.” you mumble. jihyo turns as you begin to stand up and furrows her brows. she looks to around quickly and grabs your wrist, making you turn and hum in confusion.
“wait,” she starts, trying to keep you close to her for just a while more, “i just printed something, you should come with me before you go.” you smile at her suggestion and set your coffee down on her desk, then nod.
the walk to the printing room is quite silent, nothing is said or heard other than the click of jihyo’s boots reverberating. when you get to the small room, a man walks out and smiles at jihyo before holding the door for the two of you. the detective smiles back before going in, with you trailing behind.
jihyo goes to the screen of the printer and taps at a few buttons, then sighs, “out of paper, come with me to get some.”
“yes ma’am.”
the paper and supplies room are two rooms down from the printing area, and so the two of you walk down the hall then into the room.
jihyo opens the door and you enter first—what catches you completely off guard is the way your senses are quickly overwhelmed.
without warning, your back is pushed against the closed door and you’re immobilized by jihyo’s body pressing against you. before you can comprehend what’s happening, her warm, soft lips press against yours with a slight aggression and it makes you groan immediately.
your hands find their way to her waist, the other on her upper rib to push her closer into you—craving the warmth and feeling it gives you.
something about making out in a dimmed, small room feels right to the two of you; you’ve made out twice so far and both times have been in relatively similar spaces. this won’t be the last time you make out in a small space.
jihyo pulls away and your brain is hazy, you immediately move yourself closer to capture her lips again.
“fuck,” you sigh in between kisses, “what’s with the sudden—” you get cut off with another harsh kiss, making you groan louder into her mouth. jihyo’s tongue finds its way into your mouth and your hands find their way to her skin, and it makes her shiver from the contact.
every nerve in jihyo’s body wakes as soon as your lips come into contact with her neck, and she stifles a groan when you start to nip at it.
“no marks, not now.” she says dissapointingly.
“maybe.” she says, and immediately, a sharp breath leaves her lips when you add a bit of pressure on her waist, squeezing it gently.
a sudden shift in the atmosphere tingles your senses, making your lips detach and actions halt. you shiver at the feeling, instantly pulling away from jihyo and trying to compose yourself.
“someone’s coming, act busy.” you mutter quickly before turning on the light and pretending to busy yourself by reaching for papers on the shelf.
the door opens and you almost flinch at the familiar voice that greets the two of you.
“y/n? jihyo? what are you two doing here?” the chief asks. both you and jihyo stiffen at the sound of who had almost walked in on you. jihyo clears her throat abruptly.
“ah, l/n. i was printing something out and y/n decided to help me out.”
the chief chuckles, “y/n, when do you have to clock in?”
“thirty minutes, figured i’d waste a bit of time with park.” you shrug, “i always make it on time.”
the chief laughs and jihyo tenses her jaw slightly as she smiles at him, fixing her hair and jacket she has on. “well,” the chief starts, “grab me some sticky notes while you’re over there, i’ll let you two converse.” he adds. you nod and grab a stack of pink sticky notes—his favorite color—and toss them at him.
“there you go old man.” you tease.
“watch it,” he says playfully, “and are you sick? your cheeks are so pink.”
again, you and jihyo tense up—you clear your throat before responding, “there’s dust here, i sneezed and rubbed my face too hard.” you lie, almost stumbling over your words when you glance at jihyo.
the chief nods and sighs, “well, don’t get my detective sick.” and with that he exits the room, shutting the door harshly (he’s oblivious to his strength at times), which lets you and jihyo sigh out in relief.
“we need to get a room.” you groan,
“yeah.” jihyo laughs, “are you free tonight?” she asks, and it makes you look at her in surprise, cheeks warming up once again.
“only if you are—and if no one tries to rob a bank.”
jihyo laughs and responds, “i am, and i might just have a room.”
“yeah.” jihyo says, smirking. “if it means anything, my window will be unlocked if someone wants to swing by.”
“hmmm, i’ll keep that in mind.”
jihyo’s jaw tenses and she looks at you in a way that fills your nerves with temptation. “good. now let’s print these out, i need to hand them to the forensics.”
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jihyo hums along to a tune playing from her phone as she wipes down the counter next to the stove—it’s a slow melody, something fitting for the dimmed room and quiet night.
she hasn’t seen you in a few hours—though it seems like decades—so she’s cleaning up and wandering around to pass the time.
when she finishes cleaning her countertops she walks over to the sink to wash her hands, still humming along to the melody that fills the room with a soft ambiance. jihyo turns off the sink and the unexpected feeling of two large hands on her waist makes her shriek and turn around quickly.
she calms down when she’s met with your grin, but her irritation quickly replaces the relief and she punches your rib lightly; you wince at the feeling dramatically, clutching your side and pouting.
“hey! what was that for?” you groan, and it makes detective park smile.
jihyo crosses her arms and leans against the counter. “you’re going to kill me one day y/n.”
“aw, am i making your heart beat that fast?”
she punches your shoulder again and says, “oh shut up.” you grin at her cheekily.
jihyo takes a moment to examine you and somehow you’re cuter everytime she sees you. you’re wearing some comfy looking navy sweatshirt paired with black sweatpants, how adorable.
the mood in the air shifts when you run your eyes up and down jihyo, and she seems to have gained some of her own powers from the way she reads your mind. you lick your lips swiftly and smirk—it’s not a big one, but the slight curve of one side of your lips is noticeable.
“i told my uncle i’d be staying with a friend for the night,” you explain, and the tempting look in your eyes is replaced by curiosity with a hint of wonder. “i brought some drinks, got a sweet tooth?”
“i can’t pass down drinks from you.”
“you like strawberry soda?” you ask—jihyo hums. “good. i um— thought… maybe we could watch a movie—or just talk? i don’t know honestly, i’ve just been wanting to see you.” you admit, “i realized we haven’t really had time to you know, go on a date and just hang out without any of it being work or crime related… i wanted to be with you.”
jihyo laughs and she feels her heart thud against her chest. “you’re cute.”
“thanks, but you’re cuter,” you reply, which makes jihyo blush and she tries to hide it by walking over to her living room area. you follow behind and she sits down on her couch, patting down a space for you.
“didn’t know spiderwoman was so romantic.”
“hey hey… spiderwoman is a lot of things.” you huff.
you and detective park—no, just jihyo, sweet, genuine, and crazily pretty jihyo—talk for an hour. it starts off with you explaining that you earned the chiefs trust, then it goes on to complaining about said chief, nothing too new though laughs are shared. jihyo complains about her job and the paperwork that’s been piling on her desk and you complain about your side hustle; jihyo is attentive, listening to you ramble about your spiderwoman story of the recent (and very pretentious) group of high school boys who tried to rob a gas station.
talking with jihyo feels easy, it’s not like you have to force yourself or exaggerate anything; conversing with jihyo feels right.
the whole hour of you two simply sharing sodas and drinks leads to scooting closer, shoulders touching and heads leaned back against the top of the touch.
when silence floods for a bit after you share another anecdote, jihyo takes this time to blatantly admire your face—keeping her look on your lips for a couple seconds longer than the other features.
it’s you who closes the distance this time, no words need to be exchanged when you finally do what the both of you have wanted to do: simply lock lips.
“fuck i missed this,”
jihyo smiles when she pulls away. “it’s been a couple hours, y/n.”
“one minute is already too long.” you mumble before kissing her again.
this time your kiss is slow and soft, not the same crashing of hungry lips against each other, it’s soft, sweet, and you two take your time since there’s no risk of being caught. no rush at all.
in contrast to your previous (rushed, aggressive, and heated) kisses, you both take your time to really appreciate each other’s intimacy.
the new comfort and absent feeling of cautiousness lets you savor the feeling of jihyo’s lips on yours: warm, soothing, and everything you didn’t know you needed. you taste the faint hint of strawberry off her while she cups your face, sliding her fingers to the back of your neck and rubbing her thumb against your skin.
a few minutes (you guess it’s been a few minutes, cant be that long, no? it’s been thirty minutes) pass and the two of you have your hands roaming around, the kisses get needier by the second.
hunger hurriedly takes over and you’re practically eating other’s mouths in no time. despite the change in pace and intimacy, you’re perfectly fine with it; if anything, it’s perfect how it escalated from a simple sweet kiss to whatever is making your cunt throb.
you blindly shift yourselves and jihyo backs up to lay down comfortably on the cushions of the couch. one thing you that made your breath uneasy was the way jihyo tangled her fingers in your hair, especially the way she tugged at it occasionally. her hand rested on your neck at first, then she moved it down to your waist and slid her nimble fingers under your sweatshirt, making contact with your skin. you whimpered unintentionally at the sudden contact, which was not only amusing—but also incredibly alluring to jihyo.
“you’ve been waiting for this haven’t you?” she mumbles, pushing a strand of your hair out of your face. “i think it’s cute how you’re on top of me, but you seem much more shaken up.”
you try to respond to jihyo, but a lump forms in your throat when she pulls back a little more and looks at you like you’re the cutest thing in the world. jihyo slides her hands further up near the middle of your ribs, making your breath hitch.
“didn’t know you’d be this easy to rile up spiderwoman.”
before you can try to respond, she closes the gap you groan into her mouth. with a swift press of her fingers against your skin, you part your lips for her to explore your mouth, then push yourself closer to her. her touch sends a shiver down your spine and the way her tongue takes over in your mouth drives you fucking crazy.
she makes her way down to your neck with soft kisses serving as a trail, then nips at your skin softly, eliciting a soft, breathy “fuck” from you.
jihyo pulls away and you whine. she tucks a strand of hair behind your ear and looks into your eyes before mumbling, “you’re cute.”
you smile and your lips meet again, you pull away to murmur against her lips softly, “bedroom?” and jihyo hums in agreement.
the two of you get up from the couch, but your lips are almost unable to part from one another for more than five seconds. you bump into the walls clumsily, which makes you two laugh even as you groan into each other’s mouths—it’s all so heartwarming and cute—and soon you manage to make it to jihyo’s room.
now it’s jihyo’s turn to press you against the door again. you curse lowly as she marks up your neck again and try to feel for the light switch against the wall; you manage to light up the room despite your eyes closing from the overwhelming feeling of jihyo’s skilled lips.
she pulls away for a second and asks, “are you sure you want to-“
“fuck yes, please.” you answer immediately, then cut her off with a hungry kiss that leaves her stumbling back. you kiss her needily and fumble with the edge of her shirt before slipping it off, and when you pull away to gaze at her body you let out a breath of amazement.
jihyo laughs. “you kept teasing me about how i could undress you, but look who’s so eager to have me naked.” she asks, catching you staring at her in awe. you part your lips at the sight of her tremendously toned core and she snickers. “you like what you see?”
“love what i see,” you sigh, “shit, you’re beautiful.”
“let me help you out, i wanna see what’s under there again.”
with a swift movement, she slips off your sweatshirt and you’re both standing close to each other topless.
you were confident enough with your words and jihyo seeing your skin when you had that mask on, but now that it’s just you; you feel a little shy now that you’re a bit revealed in front of jihyo—despite still having a bra on—and you avoid eye contact.
her eyes soften. “you’re so pretty.” she sighs, then kisses you swiftly and sweetly.
the detective is a natural leader, and it’s showing now. she guides you to the bed while exploring the curves and grooves of your body, then she’s straddling you on her queen sized bed.
you pull away and jihyo looks at your dilated pupils—completely taking over your eyes.
“can i— can i take your bra off?”
“of course.” jihyo responds.
your fingers work to unclasp jihyo’s bra and holy shit you’re stunned. your eyes widen and you exhale in amazement.
as embarrassing as it is to admit, you’ve fantasized at the ungodly hours of the night and also during those boring moments at work about seeing jihyo like this. you thought you’d be fine in a situation like this seeing you’ve daydreamed about it—but fuck it’s better than anything you can imagine now that it’s really happening. you pause in your place, halting any action.
“cat got your tongue?”
“i— fuck you’re so pretty jihyo.” you sigh, “can i touch you?”
“of course,” and right after her approval your hand slides up from her waist to her chest.
the way she gasps as you brush your fingers over her nipple is music to your ears, and it does not help the way your cunt throbs. something about the way she groans roughly when you pinch her bud slightly makes you groan in response, muttering a small “holy shit” in response.
you press a chaste kiss on her breast and trail down with your tongue to swirl around the peak of her breast, taking note of what kind of action makes her breath shake the most. the only thing you want to do right now is make her feel good, make her feel the same as you.
“your tits are so fucking nice,” you say, and jihyo lets out a sound that’s a mix of a laugh and a moan.
a couple minutes pass of you shamelessly indulging in jihyo’s tits (something that you could get used to—something that you need to do often) and your lips find their way back to each other. then, jihyo pulls away and she look at you with lidded eyes.
“can i—”
“please,” you interject, “please.”
“whatever you’d like,” jihyo says amusingly, “let me take care of you. i’m gonna make you feel good, okay?”
you nod eagerly and she unclasps your own bra, biting her lip at the new territory revealed. she mutters a compliment and you simply whimper at her words. needless to say, your reactions have jihyo surprised and invested.
she works at your tits for a while, leaving a couple marks in between, under, and on them. you grip at her bedsheets and arch your back at the way she swirls her tongue skillfully around your sensitive areas, you’re practically drowning in bliss and she hasn’t even touched you where you need it most yet.
her lips leave a trail of pecks on your body as she lowers down, and when she reaches your soft tummy her hands tug your pants down.
“hyo, p—please…” you groan, “please touch me.”
jihyo hums and she presses a finger against your underwear, it makes your hips twitch.
she kisses your inner thighs and leaves you breathless, your eyes shut as you press against the mattress. she pulls away and slides your underwear off, tossing it aside carelessly and biting her lip when she meets your core.
a soft peck is pressed on your clit and you let out a stifled moan. gently, she slides her fingers along your walls. she smiles at how aroused you are, feeling the slick that dampens her fingers.
“god, you’re so wet y/n.”
“shut—shut up.”
“excited aren’t you?” she teases, “i like this side of you more than spiderwoman to be honest.”
before you can respond, she latches her mouth onto your pussy and the surge of pleasure makes you groan so loud that it even takes you by surprise. you bite your lip the more she lashes at your dripping center, sucking, slicking, and savoring the sweet slick that seeps out.
your hand immediately reaches for her hair the more she indulges in your pussy, and she groans against you.
you’re not sure how long it’s been since she went down on you, but you’re feeling that knot forming in your stomach the more she tongue fucks you and the more you whine. you’re completely lost in pleasure; a few points of contact from her nose to your clit and tongue to your walls and you’re sent over the edge.
a hoarse, strangled sound between a cry and a moan is heard from you, jihyo continues to savor your sweetness. you push your head back into the mattress and jihyo trails back up to you with kisses.
“holy shit,” you say breathless, jihyo grins while you recover.
“how was it?”
“i— think you know the answer.” you sigh as you prop yourself on your elbows. “i’ve um, i’ve thought about you like this before and— this is better than anything i’ve ever imagined.”
jihyo chuckles and you cup her cheek, then kiss her fervently. she hums into the kiss and you pull away, stroking her cheek with your thumb.
seeing as you’re spiderwoman, you’re naturally quick to recover. your hand moves back to her breast and you brush your finger over her nipple, earning a sharp breath from her.
“my turn to make you feel good.”
with a swift motion, you flip jihyo over and pin her down on the bed. she gasps at the sudden change, and before she has time to process much—you’re already occupied with her boobs.
blindly, you slider her pants and panties off with a quick motion and slide your hands up and down her legs. jihyo’s moans are on the louder side, and they’re strangled too.
you’re so eager to hear her come undone, so eager to leave her a mess. with thumb her clit once, then twice, and then stick your fingers inside—which has jihyo’s nails grasping at your shoulder and her breath shaking.
the more you pump in and out, the closer she is to breaking. you savor each and every moan that reverberates against the walls in her room, making sure the target the spots that make her curse louder than ever. her hands uncontrollably grip at your tricep, then your shoulder, and soon she’s gripping your hair, which has you groaning against her chest shamelessly while you mark it up.
“y-y/n, oh— i’m close, i-i’m— keep going,"
with the overwhelming sensation of your tongue swirling around her nipple and the way your thumb presses against her clit—she’s breathing heavily, shaking, and soon enough she’s trembling after a loud yelp. she mutters a string of curses and does what you had done before, sinking into the mattress and once you pull away from her chest to gaze at her; she pulls you in for a messy, sensual kiss.
the two of you stay like that for a while, kissing tiredly and sloppily before you fall over beside her on the bed.
“god, y/n…”
“did you like it?” you ask. the smug smirk on your lips makes jihyo sigh amusingly and she shakes her head playfully.
“of course i did.”
“we should…” you begin, “do this more often—if you’re fine with that.”
jihyo laughs and you lay your head on her chest.
“i’m more than fine with it, spiderwoman.”
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when jihyo wakes up, she feels an extra warmth on the left side of her body.
she looks down and looks at the face squished in her chest which makes her smile immediately. you’re breathing gently and one arm is draped across her body, loosely resting above her waist.
“like my boobs that much?” she chuckles softly, tracing her finger along your soft skin. you grumble into her and sigh, waking up to the low sound of her voice.
you blink three times—though the first two times were slow and lazy—then shift closer into her. your hand presses her against you more, and you tangle your leg with hers before mumbling, “morning.”
she laughs at the lower tone of your morning voice and kisses your forehead. “good morning y/n.”
after rubbing your face against her shoulder, you push yourself up and prop yourself up on one elbow. jihyo laughs at your squinted, tired eyes before you tickle her with kisses on her jaw and neck.
“jihyo,” you begin—she hums in response. “do you think we rushed this?” you ask, referring to whatever relationship you two have now as you slide your along the skin over her ribs.
“hm, i don’t think so. you’ve already been saying a lot of suggestive things prior to this.”
“you liked it though.”
“maybe.” jihyo says, rolling her eyes. you drop back down onto the bed and return to nuzzling your face into the crook of her neck, kissing it once before closing your eyes again. “y/n,” jihyo says again, this time with a tone that makes you open your eyes again.
“what would your uncle say if… if he knew his detective slept with his niece?”
now your eyes widen and your body tenses. “shit.” you groan. jihyo laughs and you sit up quickly. “how bad did you mark me?”
“let’s hope there’s a store nearby that has concealer in your shade y/n.”
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prythianpages · 7 months
'Cause Somewhere in the Crowd There's You | Lucien
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summary: When Tamlin sends Lucien to the Night Court as his emisssary, he stumbles upon a nightclub and finds himself captivated by you. His sweet nightingale.
warnings: angst, mentions of blood and violence (reader is trapped in a nightclub)
a/n: This is part of my ABBA x ACOTAR series (masterlist) where I dedicate a song to a character (: but also was inspired by Lana Del Rey's music and a hint of Oscar Wilde ♥️ This takes place roughly before Amarantha's rule. If I'm going to be honest, I find Lucien hard a bit hard to write for (but this song really gave me lucien vibes) so I hope this doesn't come off a bit out of character for him. also why is it so hard to find pics that match Lucien's vibe on pinterest.
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Trapped in the ceaseless rhythm of melancholic blues, you can’t help but feel sick and tired of everything. Days blur into nights. All you do is eat and sleep and sing. The weight of routine presses down on you, suffocating the spark that once fueled your passion. 
You wish every show to be your last.
That is, until you see him.
He emerges from the crowd like a radiant sun breaking through the darkest night. His presence is tall and striking with skin kissed by the sun and a cascade of red hair. Despite the length of scars that run down the left side of his face, there is an undeniable elegance and beauty that surrounds him. His eye holds you captive, drawing you in like a moth to a flame and your voice falters for a brief note. 
Lucien knows he should leave. Hewn city is not a welcoming one and his meeting with the High Lord of the Night Court did not go well. But against the warning bells ringing in his head, he decides to linger and wander around the dark city. With no clear destination in mind, his feet guide him through the labyrinthine alleys until, almost as if compelled by an unseen force, he stands before the entrance of a mysterious nightclub. Bathed in an eerie red light, the sign above reads The Rose. 
As he approaches, the entrance, despite being small, appears almost ethereal. Shadows dance upon the towering stone walls. The air is thick with an alluring blend of magic, pleasure and something darker. Inside is just as mysterious and intoxicating. He should leave and he turns around to do so when he a mesmerizing sound stops him and holds him in place.
“In the land of gods and monsters.” 
A beautiful and heavenly voice. It beckons him forward like a siren’s call and he allows the fae lights embedded in the cavern to guide him further. The corners of the nightclub harbor hidden alcoves, draped in luxurious silks and velvet.  
“I was an angel living in the garden of evil.”
Some high fae engage in secretive exchanges and gambles. Some are lost in the enigmatic allure of drinks and colorful powders that shimmer with enchantments. Some are engrossed in the pretty fae females and males on their laps. Others, like him, are captured by the hauntingly beautiful song.
“You got that medicine I need. Fame, liquor, love, give it to me slowly.”
Where ancient stone meets polished wood, Lucien finds himself at the bar and orders a drink. He turns to face the stage in the center of the club, leaning against the bar. His mechanical eye emits a soft whir as his gaze travels to the owner of the voice. 
“Put your hands on my waist, do it softly.”
A silent awe washes over him as he takes in the sheer beauty before him. Dressed in a white gown that drapes over you like moonlit silk, you stand on the stage like an angel amidst the monsters that lurk in every corner of the place. The fabric mirrors your every movement as you sway to the rhythm of the song in small billowing waves.
“Me and the Mother, we don’t get along. So now I sing.”
It’s as if you sense his gaze on you because your siren eyes are searching the crowd. Mirroring the depths of a fathomless ocean, your eyes are pools of sadness and longing, yet there's a vulnerability that softens in them as they lock with his. Your voice slightly falters and for a heartbeat, time seems to stretch.
A tremor courses through you, fingers tightening their grip onto the microphone. Your eyes darken again and then you’re tearing your gaze away from Lucien. He follows it, curious eyes landing on a male who stands on the balcony facing the stage. Even from where Lucien stands, he can tell the male radiates power and money.
“No one’s gonna take my soul away.”
“They call her the Nightingale.” The bartender says to Lucien as he hands him his drink. Lucien’s gaze returns to you. “She’s off limits. I suggest finding another female to warm you for the night. There’s plenty to choose from here.”
Lucien says nothing in return. Those hadn’t been his intentions upon seeing you. He simply found himself struck by your presence. And as the enchanting notes of your song continue to soar, there’s a rising desire to learn more about you. The thought of extending his stay begins to take root, a subtle whisper tempting him to linger a while longer. He’ll write to Tamlin to reassure him and continue to negotiate with Rhysand further.
The gamble Lucien took to stay in Hewn city is a winning one with each passing night yielding more promising signs of Rhysand's willingness to compromise. It brings him relief as it gives him an excuse to visit the nightclub again. He returns the next night and then the following, noticing something new about you every time. 
On the second night, he realizes the male you had glared at the first night he saw you was the owner of the nightclub. Lucien learns that he was right in his first impression of him. Benedict is a wealthy man, both in money and in connections, and is not subtle about the power he holds over this part of the city. Everyone in the nightclub bows down to him but not you. There’s a look of defiance in your eyes every time you look Benedict’s way.
On the third night, your usually hauntingly melancholic voice takes on a different, lighter tone. It’s still just as beautiful but now, harbors a sense of hope. And your eyes find Lucien’s with ease. You don’t break eye contact with him throughout the entirety of your performance that night, as though your song is a serenade meant solely for him.
It’s on the fourth night that he finally gets to talk to you. 
Breaking from your routine of disappearing behind the stage curtains after performances, tonight, you grace the bar with your presence, drawing stares from some of the high fae. His grip tightens on his glass when he recognizes a dark hunger in most of them but even so, none dare to approach you.
“What will it be, lovely?” Lucien hears the bartender address you.
Taking the empty spot beside Lucien, your presence and proximity captivate him. His heartbeat falters momentarily as you graciously flip your hair, surrounding him with the divine scent of the sweetest rose.
“Just a water,” you reply and he hears the rustle of your dress as you turn to face him. “You’re not from here.”
Lucien’s lips twitch upwards. “What gave it away?”
“You’re not a monster.”
He finally turns to look at you, a strange warmth spreading through him. Ever since he lost his eye, he had battled with the scars tainting his skin, internalizing a sense of monstrousity. Yet, as you regard him, it feels as though you see an angel where he sees only imperfections.
His eye drinks you in, the mechanical one on the left whirring along. The corner of his lips lift up into a smirk when he catches you doing the same. 
“How do you know I’m not a monster?”
“There’s something different about you. Something good,” your eyes study him carefully and then, with a soft sigh, you add, “It’d do you well not to dwell in places like this. They’ll only dim your light.”
Curiosity getting the better of him, Lucien asks, "And what about you?"
Your eyes widen, as though the question catches you off guard. "What about me?"
Despite the myriad thoughts swirling within him, he restrains himself and settles for, "You, too, don't seem to fit into this place.”
You fall into a thoughtful silence and your brow slightly furrows. Lucien keenly observes the subtle shift in your gaze as you scan the room before settling back on him. Leaning in as though sharing a secret, he instinctively leans closer. However, as he anticipates your words, you’re turning your back to him. Just as he's poised to speak, you sweep your hair aside, rendering him speechless as you show him instead. 
A delicate tattoo is etched onto the skin between your shoulders—a bird confined within a cage.
“I can’t leave,” he hears your murmur and the ink on your skin appears to shimmer like stars in confirmation. A bargain permanently marked upon flesh. Your flesh and he swallows thickly at what your words imply. 
You’re that bird, the nightingale, trapped in the cage.
“I have to go,” you say suddenly and your hair falls back into place, cascading down your back and concealing the telling tattoo. “Will you come by tomorrow?”
“I thought you said I shouldn’t dwell in places like this.”
“You shouldn’t,” you reply with a wistful smile and Lucien hates the way you drop your gaze.
“But I think I will.”
His words prompt your head to lift, eyes meeting his in surprise. A rush of excitement flushes your skin, transforming the wistful smile into one that is lighter, more promising. A fluttering sensation stirs in Lucien's stomach, and he can't help but return your smile.
A couple more days in Hewn City wouldn’t hurt.
Ten days ago, you were stuck in an endless loop of exhaustion and despair, where every night weighed heavily upon you. However, a welcome shift has occurred since then. Sleeping, eating and singing still consume most of your days but a newfound presence has entered the scene. Lucien.
And as the curtains are drawn back, revealing your presence to the awaiting audience, you embrace yourself for the blinding super trouper beams. Unlike nights past where a tinge of melancholy enveloped you, tonight is different. 
You won’t feel blue, like you always do, because somewhere in the crowd there’s him.
Lucien’s presence is like a burst of brilliance, akin to the beaming lights that find you on the stage every night. When your eyes find his amongst the crowd, your pulse quickens and heat rushes to your cheeks. It’s like the sight of him proves to you that you're still alive. 
In his wake, the shadows that linger in the club cower and hide away. He shines like the sun and you find his brightness infectious. It chases away the gloom that had settled over your own light, reigniting the flames of enthusiasm that had long dimmed within you.
Each note you sang resonated with newfound energy, and every performance became an opportunity to embrace the warmth and vitality he brought into your world. As the final notes of your song hang in the air, you can’t help but feel a sense of destiny. You were meant to meet Lucien.
After your performance, you sneak your way back to the bar where he waits for you.
“You came again,” you smile at him.
Lucien smiles back at you but it falters. “I’m afraid it’ll be the last time…for a while.”
The smile doesn’t waver off your face yet the glistening in your eyes reveals the threat of an emotional storm beginning to unfold. You refuse to dwell in it, not wanting to let the darkness that lingers over you like a gloomy cloud to consume you again.
“Okay,” you manage to breathe. You knew this day was coming. Lucien had to return back home, and you, regrettably, can’t go with him. “Let’s make the most of tonight, then. Dance with me?”
“Are you sure?” Lucien asks and you follow his gaze to where Benedict stands, a top of the balcony as always. You feel a rush of relief when you see a pretty female wrapped around him. A distraction. Perfect.
Lucien watches you, taking in every shift in your expression as he awaits for your answer. It’s not that he doesn’t want to dance with you. Gods, does he want to dance with you. Anything to be able to hold you close. To take you into his arms and hold you tight. 
Unfortunately, he’s well aware of the tight leash Benedict keeps you on. He doesn’t let you stray far from his sight. You’re not allowed anywhere near the private nooks lining the club or the rooms at the back where private exchanges occur. It’s for your own safety and Lucien can’t be mad at that. What unsettles him is the way Benedict regards you as his most prized object and Lucien doesn’t want you to face consequences over a dance.
“Yes,” you finally answer. 
There’s a strong certainty in your voice but also a subtle plea that tugs at his heartstrings. It brings forth a tightening in his chest. He suppresses the urge to frown. He plans to return to you but for now, it’s your last night together before he has to leave the Night Court. 
Lucien graces you with a smile instead. He offers his hand to you, his eyes lighting up with a warmth that mirrors the blood coursing through his veins. A delightful shiver travels up his spine as your hand wraps around his. Until now, you’d only share glances, lingering stares and the occasional brushing of skin. 
As the piano begins its enchanting melody, Lucien takes the lead, guiding you onto the dance floor. You’re so close you can feel the warmth of his body and all you want to do is melt into it. Melt into him. But you can’t.
So you bask in the warmth of his gaze instead. Up close, you can now appreciate the depth of his russet eye and you can’t help but marvel at the intricacies of the golden mechanical eye on the left. His gaze never strays from yours throughout the dance and the tender connection between you begins to rise under the brilliance of his gaze, pulling your heart with it.
As he holds you tight, you surrender to the intimate embrace, shedding all inhibitions. Neither of you speak, your eyes speaking for you. It feels as though the world has faded away, leaving just the two of you swaying in harmony. Smiling, having fun, where each step becomes a silent declaration of the unspoken feelings that have blossomed between you.
The passage of time remains elusive as you share the dance, the minutes slipping away unnoticed until the pianist gracefully bows to the audience. Your dance comes to a dreadful stop. Lucien's grasp on you tightens, a reluctant acknowledgment of the inevitable separation.
“I’ll come back for you,” he whispers, his promise carrying a tenderness that ignites a fervent flame within you. “I’ll find a way to help set you free, my sweet nightingale.”
He then pulls a pristine white rose, the same exact shade of white as the dress you wore when he first saw you, from the folds of his coat. He graces you with one last smile as he leans in, placing the rose carefully behind your ear. “Until then,” he murmurs, his lips brushing against your temple and your eyes flutter shut.
“Until then,” you breathe and as Lucien walks away and the shadows inevitably return, you take delight in the way the darkness hesitates to claim you, leaving you untouched.
You can’t even bring yourself to care when Benedict corners you backstage, seething with anger. Of course, he noticed. You don’t even flinch when he throws his glass of whiskey toward the wall behind you, the shattered glass ricocheting. Some of them make their way to you, slicing your skin.
As you settle into the comfort of your small room, you retrieve the white rose from its perch behind your ear, cradling it delicately in your hand. A single drop of blood from one of your healing cuts taints the rose, painting one of the white petals red. Still, you cling onto the slender stem, gripping it as tightly as you grasp onto that fervent flame of hope burning within you. Your light will never dim again…
Because somewhere in Prythian, there’s him.
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a/n: I'll admit this took an angstier turn than what I had intended but I hope you still enjoy this darker interpretation of ABBA's Super Trouper lol.
if you'd like to read more about these two, here's a part two.
tagging: @scooobies
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neuvistar · 1 year
i would send my soul for a fic of a mean dom joonghyuk 😭😭😭😭😭
— featuring ┊yoo joonghyuk x afab!reader (gender is not specified.)
— warnings / content warnings ┊all consensual. not proofread, a little short thirst mayhaps, doggy for the first half (lol), unprotected s3x, he’s a lil mean here but not THAT mean guys sad face (he calls u names a few times!!) s!ze kink if u squint, slight choking, overall suggestive content. 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT.
— a/n ┊oopsies i’m so sorry for the late response.. this died down in my inbox :,) you ask n u shall receive anon !! don’t sell ur soul 😞 anyways, i had a lil fun putting this together <3 god bless ur hips guys!
tags: @yanqingisim
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well.. this was unexpected.
honestly, it was more than unexpected.. and you couldn’t even find the words for it. your face was pushed up against the soft surface of the white pillows beneath your body, eyes rolling back to the back of your head as your companion, yoo joonghyuk, rammed his cock into you over and over again from behind, overstimulating you as a whole. your cunt was dripping with stickiness and indicating just how much joonghyuk came inside you already, his touch was just as rough as it always was.. he could break you like a glass if he wanted to, with how roughly he was manhandling you right on the spot. joonghyuk’s grip tightens around your waist as it soon travels down towards your thighs, spreading them out even wider. his breathing grew heavy as his chest heaved, his nose right up against your nape inhaling your sweet scent.. making him want to fuck you more than he already is now. “fuck.. you like this, do you?” his voice rumbled in your ears, sending the butterflies in your stomach to the moon.
joonghyuk bit his lip at the warmth of your walls pulsing around his girthy cock, biting down on the flesh of your neck.. his lips proceeded to travel down your trembling body, kissing and biting at your skin where he can. his free hand was over your stomach, rubbing against the bulge every-time he bullies himself inside of you, his fingers digging into your flesh to keep you in place. joonghyuk wanted to drink you in, wanting to feel you in more ways than one. there’s a certain raw thirstness to his touch, a certain desperation that is completely unlike the yoo joonghyuk that everyone else knows. he’s become a man starved for more, starved for more of you and your cunt. he wanted you to know that no one would be able to fuck you as good as he can. “.. pathetic.” he mumbled under his breath, slamming you down more against the bed as a whine left your lips.. nearly forcing his entire weight onto you to keep you from moving away. “what, can’t handle it now? i thought you said you could take it. i knew it.. mmh— you’re nothing more than just a dirty liar.. a dirty slut who’s so desperate for my cock now, are you?”
the dark haired raven flipped you around.. forcing you to face him directly. joonghyuk used one hand to keep you still, placing it overtop your stomach as he slammed himself into you once more, forcing a sharp yelp from your lips. he couldn’t help but smile at how good he’s making you feel, teasing your clit with his thumb has got to be one of his favourites during times like these.. seeing you shiver and moan his name until anyone could hear was enough for him to come on the spot.. yet he didn’t for his own sake.
“joonghyuk.. c-can’t— hah..” your knuckles faded white, nuzzling against his shoulder. joonghyuk wasn’t the type to stop here no.. he knew you wanted more.. he knew this was your way of saying you wanted more than what he was giving you. “i know you can take more. what do you mean you can’t take any more?“ he grunted, his large and rather smooth hands pushed down your stomach to feel himself going in and out of you. there was just something so alluring and arousing seeing you lay there helplessly like that, with your thighs spread apart letting the cold air flow through and through over your perky tits and glistening pussy, you were a bit.. small compared to him.. he never expected you to take his cock like it’s nothing. “you’re sick.. you’re fucking sick.” he cursed, pressing your knees down against the bed as he slid his whole length deeper and deeper, reaching areas he knew was enough to force an orgasm out of you.
his hand wrapped itself around your neck, squeezing down. hard.
“you’re sick for making me feel this way. look at you.. wanting more of my touch huh? just look at how much of a slut you can be when it comes to my cock.” he collided his hips with yours over and over again, sounds of skin slapping against one another filled the dark room you both were in.. the scent of sweat and mere exhaustion filled your nose as your body nearly gave in on you for the millionth time tonight, shivering with a whine of pleasure.. coating joonghyuk’s cock with thick white rings of white, it could be seeping down on the bedsheets by now. you thought that it was finally over..
but oh, you thought wrong.
“what.. did you think we were done? just because you felt good?” yoo joonghyuk kept eye contact with you, that deep and lustful look in his eyes.. as if he was asking for more. he couldn’t stand seeing you this way, cumming on his cock over and over again until it spilled beneath you both to clean later on.. so fragile, so so fragile. yoo joonghyuk can’t get enough of you, really. maybe.. another round wouldn’t hurt?
“i’ll fill your heart with my affection tonight... i’ll make sure to fill every part of you.”
“mark my words.”
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595 notes · View notes
firemeyr · 2 months
WOO this one ran away from me, not going to lie. Loved writing it though :D Prompts used, courtesy of @stealthetrees: 'Commander Fox becomes super popular among the Jedi younglings cause he takes them on field trips around Coruscant since it’s too dangerous to go elsewhere' and 'in an effort to make Coruscant better, the Guard attempts to root out crime syndicates. This sparks a 3 way turf war that rages in the lower levels. ' ____
His comm was beeping rapidly. Quick busts of three high-toned notes, one after another. Beep beep beep. Beep beep beep. Beep beep be—
Fox groaned into the crook of his arm, his right hand haphazardly slapping his left vambrace, managing to shut up the alarm. And thank the stars for that. He just needed five minutes of peace. Five minutes! He hadn’t even been asleep, just, contemplating the risks and rewards of taking that much needed nap. His allotted despair time however, was up. It wasn’t worth it.
He slid into a proper sitting position, plastiod armor dragging against the metal desk. Propping his face up in his hands, Fox just groaned. It was better than slamming his face into his desk. As alluring as that route was–he might even get mandated rest if he managed to knock himself out–his CMO would kill him if he caught wind that Fox did it on purpose. With one last prayer to the stars to be struck down by a freak malfunction in Coruscant’s weather, he was ready to brave the world once more. Well, he could say he was.
His vambraces clattered against his desk as he dropped his arms, pushing himself to his feet in the same movement. Bent over his desk, he pushed things to the side, halfheartedly trying to tidy it. He could at least stack similar pieces of flimsy and data work together, enough so that he had a clear spot in the middle of his desk. Always had him feeling a bit better, not quite so overwhelmed when he sat down for a long night of signing document after document when he could at least put his caf somewhere.
As he always did, Fox had someplace to be, unable to linger at his desk for long. Once a space was carved out for him to return too, Fox swiped his bucket from the floor and shoved it on his head. Helmet adjusted and back ramrod straight, he did not hesitate as he stepped out into the hallway, office door sliding shut behind him.
Messages hovered unread at the corner of his HUD, red numbers blinking and begging to be read. Flicking his eyes over to them, the messages expanded, allowing him to at least glance over their contents. Several were standard update messages, monotonous and unimportant in nature. One was from Wolffe, still lingering from Centaxday at the bottom of the list. The most recent one was from the Jedi temple, simply an automated reminder of his scheduled event for today.
Oh yes, how could he forget. Fox was the lucky commander chosen to take some probably snot covered jedi younglings on a field trip. Because why wouldn’t he. He just had so much time to spare for these kinds of things that were definitely written into his job description.
Fox closed the messages, his shoulders sinking slightly with a deep exhale. Best to just arrive on time and get this over with. It wasn’t his first rodeo with younglings, nor would it be his last.
The sterile hallway around him opened up, brightening near instantly as he stepped into the main lobby. Several large windows let in what natural light there was on Coruscant, while lamps made up for any dark shadows. Chairs lined the walls, well in view of the half circle desk in the middle of the room. It wasn’t uninviting persay, far from it apparently, but Fox knew it was carefully crafted that way. Their lobby wasn’t one of the most well maintained rooms in the base for no reason.
He nodded to the trooper sitting at the desk, they glancing up at him and nodding in return before ducking back down into their own work. Fox paused at the desk, his hip leaning up against the false-wood. The lobby was clearly still empty and there wasn’t anyone lingering past the glass doors. He had at least a few minutes to kill if the Jedi dropping off the younglings could be trusted.
Reopening the messages, Fox simply scrolled through the updates, only ending up replying to one, and even that hadn’t been urgent. Inbox clear, he stared at Wolffe’s message, most of it cut off in the preview. He had been meaning to reply to it since it was first sent but—life just didn’t stop on Coruscant.
The force was out to prove him correct, as the moment the thought of opening Wolffe’s message entered his head, the lobby’s doors slid open. Closing the messages and standing up straight once more, Fox saluted the Jedi in front of him. 
The Mon Calamari Jedi waved his salute away, “Wonderful to see you again, Commander.” “Sir.” He nodded, sight dropping to the two younglings in front of the Jedi.
Twi’lek girl–Ayyn if he remembered correctly–waved at him, rocking back and forth on her heels. She had definitely been excitable the last time he took her on a tour, but listened well enough. The other, a Bothan, was holding tight to the Jedi’s hands, half hidden by their robes as they eyed Fox suspiciously. 
Master Dreti, the Jedi’s name finally came to Fox, slipped his hand out of the youngling’s pushing him gently forward. “This is Tav, Commander. He’s a bit nervous about his first field trip.”
Tav clutched his hands tightly in front of himself, body swiveling to look back at Master Dreti. The jedi simply made a shooing motion with his own hands, his face tugged up in an approximate smile.
Fox bit back a sigh and dropped down into a crouch, his elbows resting on his knees and hands brushing up against one another as they hung. Eye to eye with Tav, pardoning the helmet, Fox tried to soften his voice, “It’s good to meet you, Tav. I’m Commander Fox. Just going to be taking you on a little field trip around Coruscant. I swear every other youngling has enjoyed it–right Ayyn?” Ayyn nodded her head viscously, “Yeah! I knowww I told you all about my last one, c’mon!”
Tav looked between Fox and Ayyn. His ears twitched once as he looked back at Fox. “One field trip, kid. If you don’t like it, you never have to go on one with me again, alright?” He shifted his weight, letting one heel fall flat as he offered a hand to Tav. Palm up right and inviting, simply waiting.
Tav hesitated, shifting on his hooves. He glanced at Ayyn and Master Dreti once more. Finally, he reached out and took Fox’s hand. A smile tugged at Fox’s face under his bucket, one he didn’t bother to stamp down. Not like they could see it anyways.
“Good to have you joining us, Tav.” Pushing himself back up with his one planted foot, he stood face to face with Master Dreti again. Tav had tightened his grip on Fox’s fingers as Fox adjusted himself. A moment later and Fox was glancing down at his opposite side, Ayyn having bounded over and practically wrapped herself around his right arm. He felt the smile draining off of his face. 
Master Dreti chuckled at the sight, tucking his arms into his overly flowy robes. “I will see you in two hours, younglings. Do behave for the Commander.” He finished his words off with a shallow bow, turning away and exiting the building, everything seemingly having been said.
Fox didn’t feel like it had been. Sure he knew the plan, who these kids were and where to take them, but he always just felt a step behind when it came to handling younglings. Maybe it was the whole force crap.
“Right, off we go then.” He shook Ayyn off of his arm, she doing most of the work as she gladly bounded ahead and out of the building. Tav didn’t seem to be keen on letting him go, walking so close to Fox that he may as well be trying to fuse himself to the armor. Not that Fox was set on forcing the youngling off of him though, it was easier if they could get through this trip without any fussing.
The walk to the bus station, thankfully, wasn’t long. Being quite frankly anywhere in the Senate district, sentients had places after places to visit. There was never a station too far away in this district, simply out of convenience for those poor sentients. Ayyn stayed within Fox’s sight, never wondering too far ahead. She constantly looked back and reeled herself in. Perhaps him snapping at her for wondering too far off ahead last time had stuck with her.
Sentients glanced at Fox, avoided him as he walked past. Even once they had come to pause at the station, despite how many were all waiting on the same shuttlebus, they let him have his own personal bubble. Their chatter quieted down and the stares weren’t exactly hard to feel. Fox kept staring straight ahead.
Ayyn slowly slunk back to his side as they waited. Shuffling step by step closer until she too, was pressed up against his side. Lekku occasionally hitting his side, Fox could feel her glancing around them, at the space they were given.
“Couldn’t we have just taken a speeder?” She whispered, tugging on Fox’s arm.
He did not look down, still staring out at the lanes of traffic, waiting for their vehicle to finally come in sight. “No, your Master said it was good to get accustomed to Coruscant public transit.”
Ayyn groaned, head bonking against Fox’s armor before she shifted away, seemingly unable to stay still for more than a couple seconds.
The shuttlebus hissed to a stop in front of the station, rocking to stop in the air, level with the platform beneath their feet. Sentients flew out of the vehicle as soon as the doors opened, their stream of movement quickly replaced with the many sentients boarding after them. Fox let himself and the younglings fall to the back of the line. He’d rather avoid the accusations of stealing a good seat from a natborn.
Ayyn took the brave step in front of Fox, boarding first. She shivered as she met the constantly cycling air inside of the bus, it surely being colder than the air outside. Only taking a moment to pause and look over the bus, Ayyn slid into the first row of seats, they left empty. Good, they could all sit together. Fox, as much as he might want to avoid conflict right now, wasn’t above kicking someone out of their seat so he could stay with the younglings.
Ayyn pressed up against the window seat, Tav hesitantly sitting next to her once Fox had wriggled his hand out of Tav’s. Sitting down, the aisle to his exposed right side, the bus finally jerked to a start, joining the ever constant flow of traffic.
“Ayyn.” Fox spoke curtly, the girl already turned to look out the window. “Did Master Dreti give the two of you the rundown?”
“Mmhm! ‘Said we’re visiting the Fobosi District today!” “Yeah, Master said I should really like it, being forestry and all, I think?” Tav piped up, catching Fox only slightly off guard. He hadn’t expected that many words out of the seemingly shy kid.
“Correct. The Fobosi District was founded by many sentients collectively missing the nature of their homeworlds. It is now known to hold the most parks out of any of Coruscant's districts, as well as being home to several plant nurseries, plant shops, and traditional medicinal clinics.” “Oh..” Was Tav’s quiet reply, face tilted downward and furred face scrunched together. “What about the temple? We have all those things and more.”
“I’m sure that you do, but this is simply our destination for today. I’m certain you will find something new there.” He tried to sound confident, masking the fact that he honestly had no clue what Tav expected. Fox had never visited those areas of the Jedi Temple, he didn’t know what the jedi took a liking to and what they didn’t.
Fox leaned back in his seat, leaving the kids to their own. Ayyn resumed looking out the window, often tugging on Tav to point out things, their quiet chatter all too easy for Fox to tune out. He kept his sight roaming over the sentients on the bus, both those sitting and those leaving and those entering at every stop. He couldn’t help but be hypervigilant while away from base, younglings at his side or not. The war was only worsening tensions between clones and civilians, not to mention the ruckus that lower level gangs had been stirring up recently.
“Station 684, Fobosi District, now arriving at Station 684.” The voice crackled over the intercom, muffled with static as it was pushed out of old and half-broken speakers.
Ayyn and Tav were close on his heels as Fox stood stiffly at the announcement, being the first one to exit the bus. This sector of Coruscant was immediately and clearly far, far different from the scenery Fox was usually surrounded by. They had sunk quite a few levels, shadows towering and cutting off most of the sun. It didn’t feel dark, the streets and buildings practically bathed in lamp lights mimicking the sun. Green grew from just about every crack and cove in the district, so much so that they might as well have been drowning in it. “Woah..” Tav whispered at his side, hand fumbling against Fox’s before he found a hold.
Ayyn spun in a tight circle next to Fox, head tilted up and eyes sparkling as she took in the sights. Fox let the chuckle slip out of his mouth. They were just two shinies, stepping foot into what was possibly one of Fox’s favorite districts. It was popular among the Guard for a reason. 
“C’mon, airheads. More to see than this.” He waved Ayyn along, Tav, predictably, still right at his side.
Leading the two jedi younglings through the streets, Fox settled into his role as not only a guard, but as a tour guide. He pointed out buildings and plaques, spilling the history of this district he had learned. He pointed out streets and their names and tried not to go into too much detail, like how during his 3rd visit to this district, he had met the great, great grandson of whom Valax St. had been named after. 
He let them pause at a sunlamp, great vines covered in yellow flowers snaking up the pole, and let Ayyn wave to another child on the street who was, apparently, kind in the force, despite their parent who ushered their child away. He sighed when Tav complained for the third time about hurting hooves, picking up the youngling and letting him sit on one arm, his other still more than free to point out landmarks. He kept Ayyn in sight, she always a few bounding steps ahead, focusing on her rather than the blinking notifications in the corner of his HUD.
Their path through the district led them to a small park, metal walkways covered with dirt and fenced off. Grass sprung brightly from the dirt and trees waved in the wind caused by Coruscant's constantly recycled and refreshed air.
“This park was established thanks to the Lisar family from Naboo roughly half a century ago. Nearly all the plants here are taken directly from Naboo, including several endangered species, where they are allowed to grow uninterrupted here.” Fox repeated, summarizing approximately, the research he had done on the Lisar Park. It was a nice place really, but it was unlikely the younglings were going to remember half the words he spoke, as enraptured as they were.
“Oh! Oh! A pond!” Ayyn tugged at Fox, pulling him forward only slightly before bounding off towards the water glistening under sunlamps. “Yes a–” Ayyn was already at the water’s edge, leaning over to look at the fish swimming through the water. “--Koi pond.” Fox gently lowered Tav to his own hooves once they joined Ayyn’s side. Tav dropped to his knees, staring intensely at the water as he dipped his finger into the pond. Fox stood behind them, half heartedly observing them. Mostly, he stared lazily out at the walking paths that bent around the Koi pond. The park wasn’t exactly busy today, but Fox had yet to be disappointed by his never-too-careful philosophy.
Several sentients wandered by before any caught his attention. The simple presence of a Falleen had him tensing, scanning their body for any mark of the Black Sun. Said mark laid half-exposed as a tattoo on their neck. Fox loosened his stance, standing between the two younglings as he quickly sent out his own update.
This wasn’t Black Sun territory. Not only was it far too high for them, but it had remained in Guard control almost since they had begun purging the planet of her many crime syndicates. His message, bare and quick, was sent out to his fellow guard the same moment the Black Sun member noticed him. They paused, eyes locked with Fox’s helmet, hand twitching towards a hidden gun.
“Get out of here, Falleen.” Fox hissed out, voice cold and commanding.
The gang member glanced between the two younglings and Fox, a laugh slipping from their mouth, “Or what, Clone? I’m not the only one here.”
That was more than enough information for Fox to act on. He lunged at the Falleen, knocking them to the ground. Pinning their throat to the ground gave him the delay he needed to pull his pistol out and stun the man beneath him. Would hurt waking up from that, but Fox couldn’t exactly get himself to care a whole lot for them. 
Standing, he took a picture of the knocked out Falleen, if for nothing but identification purposes. Gave them a reason to push even further into Black Sun territory, if he escaped, if nothing else. Turning on his heel, Fox slipped his pistol back into its holster, once more facing the two younglings. They both stood upright now, wide eyed and speechless.
“Field trip’s over. Let's go.” He beckoned the children towards him, setting off on a brisk pace, following the path they had taken into the garden. 
Commander Thorn’s holoprojection appeared above his wrist not a moment after he dialed the man, “Saw your message–” “Yeah,” Fox cut him off, looking to his side as he spoke. Good, the kids were keeping up. “Apparently he isn’t the only one. Guessing they’re going to try to encircle our lands. I needed a squad here about five minutes ago. Get on it.”
“Yes sir. Con and his men should be with you in eight minutes,” “Tell them to make it kriffing six.”
“Will do. K'oyacyi.” “K'oyacyi.”
Fox was forced to slow his steps as he hung up on Thorn, Tav grasping for his hand. The little Bothan taking three steps for every one of Fox’s. Ayyn, too, was just barely staying in stride with Fox.
“What was–What was that?” Ayyn’s voice trembled, glancing over her shoulder at where the pond was once visible. “Coruscant, Kid. Keep moving.” His voice had lost any of the warmth he might’ve once had as he spoke to the children, far too worried about keeping his eye out for threats.
He might’ve enjoyed this, might’ve made it a little game of cat and mouse between him and the unsuspecting Black Sun delinquents, were it not for Ayyn and Tav. He needed them to be back at base, at the temple. He wouldn’t be able to forgive himself if Black Sun even tried to use the jedi younglings against them. 
Metal rang out beneath their feet as they stepped out of the quiet garden, the sudden increase in sentients around them painfully obvious to Fox. The pushed through the crowds, Fox no longer caring about going with the flow, like they had on their first time walking these streets together. 
Fox retraced their steps faithfully, leading them closer and closer to the bus stop. An arbitrary and uncommunicated meeting spot, sure, but it was familiar for the kids and well out in the open. Easy for his guards to spot him, and easy for him to keep an eye on their surroundings.
A blaster bolt whizzed past his neck, scorching the plastiod armor. It bent unnaturally, running straight into a wall, harmless, besides for some vines. Startled yells filled the air, sentients clearing out of their way. “Sorry–Stars!” Tav squeaked out, “I just–there was–” “Shut it.” Fox took the clear sign and sped up their pace, scooping Tav into his arms before breaking into a sprint, Ayyn only barely able to keep up with the pace, her face twisted with the effort.
Fox counted the seconds in his head as they ran. They were a minute ahead of the meeting time as the bus stop came into view. He skidded to a stop, nearly dropping Tav to the ground as he unholstered his pistols, pointing them towards the ground as he stared at every sentient who had even dared to show their face today. Ayyn was several moments behind Fox, coming to a gradual stop. She doubled over herself, hands on her knees, barely propping herself up as she caught her breath.
A blue blaster bolt skimmed past Fox’s helmet, unflinching as a guard speeder made itself clear in the flow of traffic, redirecting its course to land near the trio. Fox grinned at the sound of a body thunking to the ground. 
“Half a minute early, Con!”
“Figured I should try to stay on your good side, Commander.” The trooper yelled out as his partner pulled the speeder to the ledge, Con hopping onto solid ground.
“More effective if I could have someone haul these two back to base.” Fox tilted his head down to the two jedi younglings, already nudging them closer to the guard speeders, where three more had parked alongside Con’s.
“Yes sir.” Con gestured towards two of his men to stay on their speeders, the rest already joining him on solid ground.
Fox guided Ayyn and Tav over to the speeders, pausing before he helped them on. “Hope you two had fun, try not to tell Master Dreti too much about this part of the trip.” Warmth finally bleeding back into his voice as he spoke.
Moments later and they were off, heading back to the Guard’s base. Fox did not spare the time to watch them disappear. He joined Con’s side, pistols comfortably in his hands. The Black Sun was sorely mistaken if they thought that Fox was just going to let the Fobosi District slip away from him. ____
@tazmbc1 and @whiskygoldwings , I believe you both wanted to be tagged? Severely sorry if I misread it and you didn't.
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002yb · 29 days
There's a curse on the tip of his tongue but all that pulls past his lips is a pathetic, resigned whine. It would be embarrassing if Jason weren't so tired. As it stands, exhaustion has settled so deep in his bones that he can't bring himself to care. His pride is a foregone thing at this point. After all the pains he's already had to put up with, Jason deserves to throw a little tantrum over yet another complication.
All he wants to do is lay down. All he wants is to sleep.
One bed, Jason grimaces, slumping against the wall closest to him and using it for support before all his feelings of defeat can bring him to his knees. Why the hell is there only one bed?
With the heels of his palms pressed to his burning eyes, Jason takes a measured breath. Listening as Dick closes the door behind them and thunks his head against it. Long-suffering in his resignation over something else screwing them over; attentive because Jason admittedly sounds distressed this time.
"Do I need to go back to reception?" Dick asks, voice so low and hoarse that Jason almost doesn't recognize him. That it draws an allured shiver up his spine would be a thought to catastrophize over if Jason wasn't so ready to cry himself to sleep. He's so damn tired that everything hurts. There's no way Dick isn't feeling just as bad. They've both been through it - they deserve to fucking rest. Put the entirety of their unfortunate week behind them.
Executive decision made, Jason blinks his eyes open and scowls at the offending bed. It takes a few seconds for it to come into focus, only to fall away to an uncomfortable static when Jason stumbles forward - lightheaded until he gets his bearings and swears, "Fuck that."
He takes one of the pillows and throws it on the center line, turning back to Dick to level him with a nasty scowl, "Stay on your side or I swear I'll smother you."
"Already going to bed with you." Dick drawls, making a solid effort to toe off his boots only to be thwarted by laces and knots. He gives up with a soft grunt, finding solace in the support of the wall beside him as he quips, "No need to sweet talk me with eternal slumber."
Somehow, being made to laugh (however bitten off and quiet) feels more damning than his earlier whining. The moment Jason snorts, he slaps a hand over his face to stop himself because no. It wasn't funny, no matter how much Jason appreciates the dark humor.
"You're delirious." Jason scoffs, throwing a pillow at Dick's head. A direct hit that Dick reacts to only after the fact.
Jason isn't endeared by the implications of Dick leaving himself vulnerable to attack in front of him - to him. He's certainly not charmed by the look of contentment in Dick's hooded eyes as he staggers into the room, either. It's not that Dick enjoys bantering with Jason, he's just happy there's a bed. That's all. The week they've spent working together means fuck all. There's no fondness lost between them.
Only there might be.
Jason always did get attached too quickly.
That he feels timid throws him, so Jason retaliates by shoving Dick into the bed and making to steal away to the bathroom. Only lingering long enough to hear a comical, 'ooph!' before he's ducking behind the door.
"Jason," Dick calls after him.
Against Jason's better judgment, he looks over his shoulder at where Dick lays—hair tousled from the fall and with a tired smile ghosting across his lips.
"Goodnight." He says, and Jason can only pray that Dick can't see how Jason's ears burn at such a thoughtless affection.
"Yeah," Jason mumbles, his voice shot. "Goodnight."
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cocteaucherry · 8 months
angst cuddling with suguru
cw- slight obsessive suguru at the end, depressed suguru, depressive episodes, slight allusions to not eating due to depressive episodes, gn!reader
{Just small thing I wrote! if you have any requests send them in please <33
This summer was tougher than usual
The rise of sweltering heat, the uprising in curses, and dealing with the lasting effects of Riko Amanai’s death. All these factors held the deadly combination of a horrific melancholy summer, the month filled with fun festivals and late nights turned out to be an inconvenience.
You remember the first day Suguru laid on your bed that summer, the sun was setting and the harsh heat blew more mild and humid. He briefed you on the short missions he was sent on, (coming to an all-time low now that Satoru had taken over all his serious missions)
“So Satoru is representing all of us at this point” you giggled toying with the air conditioner valve that sat on the wall, “Yeah. Guess so,” Suguru said rather dimly, he wore a shirt that used to fit perfectly on him now it was slightly baggy, his collarbone making a more outward appearance than usual.
“Why sound so glum about it? We get more free time now! Or are you upset that you can't hang with your soulmate all day?” you teased walking towards your plush bed, Suguru stood next to the foot of the bed, his knees buckling from the tired strain he put on them every day. It was getting harder for him to stand these days due to his lack of sleep and his small appetite. He was severely malnourished.
He didn't respond to your comment, instead standing in silence, you cleared your throat and collapsed on the bed as the AC finally kicked to life, a strong breeze of cold air filling the space. “You know you can sit down right?” you pulled your legs onto the bed glimpsing up at him through your eyelashes.
“I'm good really, I'm leaving soon anyway.” he offered a weak smile, “Come onn Suguru! Just relax!” you smiled brightly watching his lip twitch as he sat down. He refrained from making eye contact with you instead just staring at the wall.
“Are you okay Suguru?”
You were the first person to notice or ask him that.
Tears began to pour from his eyes as he harshly grasped the material of his sweatpants, “I'm not..” he mumbled and immediately felt the warm embrace of your arms around his torso, “Sugu…Why didn't you say anything..?” you whispered to him brushing his hair out of his face.
“I-I can’t,” he cried tilting his head up, “Everything I've built here would be for nothing..”
“You don't have to tell me.. Just stay here for right now.” you smiled softly moving to the right side of the bed as he followed, “is this why you've been so dismal Sugu?” you laid down picking at the lint on your cat plushie. “I look that bad?” he chuckled quietly trying to cover up his emotions, “I'm just tired… Exhausted from everything really.”
“I'm sorry Sugu..” you sighed, taking him in an embrace, his muscles loosened as his head fell to your shoulders. Your scent was calming to him, the smell of warm caramel and toasted vanilla filled his nose. He was deeply infatuated love with your scent.
“Can I stay here a bit longer..?” he whispered his tires eyes looking into yours, his dark circles being accentuated by the setting sun peeking through the blinds. “Of course Sugu..” You hummed with a smile as he slumped down further into your bed.
Hours later the sun had set and the alluring sound of summer cicadas filled the silence, Suguru felt at peace, the soft blow of the AC and the moonlight cascading across both of your bodies. He wished he could stay here forever, have the world stop and just sleep with you forever.
He knew he couldn’t, if he were to go about showing his true feelings. Maybe you would accept him and his view, be with him forever maybe?
His hand reached around your waist to pull you extremely close, Geto’s nose plunged into your hair taking in your scent once more.
“please..” he whispered quietly.
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neteyamssyulang · 7 months
Rut cycle
Day 6
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Continued from Day 1
Pairing: Lo’ak aged up x Fem omaticaya reader
Warnings: Dom Lo’ak, Sub reader, Neteyam Cheating/not caring reader is mated, P in V, slightly possesive Lo’ak, Angry Lo’ak, Scenting.
Word count: 765
Translation(s): Kelku -> Omaticaya home
A/N: Since y’all wanted a part 2, here it is😭 I’m sorry if it’s not that good
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How could this have happened? As soon as you woke up you winced from the slight pain coming from between your legs. Lo’ak and you hadn’t slept together for awhile so he couldn’t have been him, could it?
As you were getting dressed, putting on your new loincloth and top that was decorated in beads and small flowers, the flaps of your kelku burst open with an angry looking Lo’ak walking towards you.
Your hairless brows furrowed “Lo-” “Save it!” He shouted, pushing you till you back was against the nearest wall “Why are you acting like this? I didn’t do anything!” You hissed.
Lo’ak chuckled but it didn’t sound like a good one, no- it sounded dark, his eyes gazed into yours, a hungry look in them as his tail swayed behind him.
“Do you think i’m stupid mamas? I saw him sneaking out of your kelku last night, you even still reek of him” he spat. Lo’ak was no fool, he saw his brother sneak out of your kelku as he was heading over, wanting to be near you since he couldn’t sleep.
Of course, when Lo’ak brought it up to Neteyam he completely denied it, stating he was at his girlfriends kelku sleeping. That just made Lo’ak furious, his own brother lying to him. So naturally he came to you next.
You shook your head “No Lo’ak, I swear I don’t know what happened. I was sleeping and if he did come in I didn’t hear him.” Lo’ak scoffed “Liar! First my own brother lies to me and now my mate.”
“Lo’ak I-” “Save it y/n” he huffed, releasing his hold on you and backing away before exiting the kelku. You were so confused but if Neteyam was here it would explain why you woke up with slight pain, sighing you walked out the kelku determined to find Neteyam and get some answers.
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After about maybe 20 ish minutes you find him alone, laying underneath a tree sleeping. Quietly you made your way over, then once close enough you kicked him in his side.
Neteyam woke up yelping “Eywa y/n! What the fuck was that for?!” He seethed standing up, his left hand moving to rub his side.
“Oh I don’t know, lemme see” you stepped closer, stepping on his foot “Why don’t you explain to me why Lo’ak said he saw you sneak out of my kelku last night.”
He raised a hairless brow before shrugging “I simply took what was supposed to be mine that’s all.” Before you and Lo’ak mated, you were originally supposed to mate with Neteyam. Unfortunately you didn’t like him like that, his brother was the one who caught your eye.
So with you mated with Lo’ak, Neteyam was forced to mate with another. He never loved her though, sure he acted like he did but you were the only one he wanted. He didn’t give a fuck if you were his brothers mate.
“Neteyam I’ve told you many times, I do not like nor love you!” You hissed in frustration, why does he always have to ruin shit.
He smirked “How many times do I have to tell you that I do not care. I will take what is mine whenever I want to” slowly he reached out, placing his right hand on your cheek while the other went to the small of your back.
You rolled your eyes, pushing him away from you, “Stay away from me Neteyam, stop trying to ruin what I have with Lo’ak”
Neteyam held his hands up in surrender “No promises princess.”
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The walk back to your kelku was short, but as soon as you walked inside, you were thrown onto the cot, clothes torn off, mouth gagged with Lo’aks fingers as he roughly thrusted into you.
His eyes were hooded, pupils were blown wide. You could also tell his scent had changed, it was more sweet and alluring. It was his rut-
Lo’ak groaned above you, loving how tight you felt around him. Your muffled moans and cries filled his ears, encouraging him to go harder.
You choked around his fingers as your fingers clawed at his sides, your tail coiling around his thigh. He hissed leaning down, still smelling his brother on you.
He nuzzled his face against your cheek and into the crook of your neck, trying to place his scent on you once more. “Your mine y/n, not that bastards, mine! Understand?” He growled out.
Too fucked out to answer, you simply nodded your head. Pleased, Lo’ak smiled “There’s my good girl.”
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realcube · 10 days
kunikida + work stress
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things at the ada have been heating up, from what you've heard. your boyfriend speaks little of his work, but it doesn't take a psychoanalytical genius to figure out by the way he grinds his teeth constantly and the perpetual look of discomfort on his face that he might be stressed.
and unless it was your relationship that was straining him — which it's not because you're an angel — the only other viable option is his work.
he doesn't like to divulge information about his job too much so whenever you ask him about the issues going on, in hopes that talking about it might alleviate his worries, he finds a way to skirt around the details and essentially tell you nothing.
not bothering to pry any longer, you give it a rest and leave him to sort it out on his own like he usually does. however, you realise that his stress may be a cause for concern, when you begin to smell burning in your bedroom on a tuesday night.
having not lit any candles, naturally you were worried. though you were instantly relieved when you noticed your bedroom window was open, and the source of the scent was definitely coming from outside.
promptly, you shut the window to prevent the smell from infecting your room, then rush downstairs to inspect it further. without searching for long, you find the back door is ajar and through the slit you can see outside, and there is a figure looming by the wall which you immediately recognise as your boyfriend, kunikida.
however, it was what he was doing that came as a shock.
you watch as he brings a cigarette up to his lips, and takes an extended draw; huffing out the smoke in a deep, jaded sigh, allowing it to sink into the crisp night air. the lit tip glowed a fiery orange, which reflected in his glasses as he stared down at it. cigarette held between his two fingers, one arms was crossed over his chest and the other held it to his mouth, then lazily dropped back to his side as he exhaled.
as a grown man, he could do what he wants so it wasn't nessecarily off-putting to see him smoke — especially not when he does it in such an alluring manner — but it simply surprised you since you've never seen him do it before, nor has he ever mentioned it.
you pad over to the door and poke your head out, "are you okay?" you ask, quietly.
when he fully registers your presense, he is quick to try and hide his cigarette by throwing it on the ground and stomping on it, then crossing his arms over his chest and awkwardly looking up at the sky as though he was just admiring the moon all along. "oh, yes, dear." he stammered, trying to create the most believable pose, but they were all rigid, "i just needed some fresh air."
"you know i saw you, right?" you giggle, while he sighs from defeat.
"(y/n), i'm so sorry. the pressure from the ada has been severe so i—"
you hastily interupt him before he commences a long-winded, solemn apology, "you don't need to be sorry. do what you like. i'm not your mother, or your doctor."
eyebrows furrowed together, he nods.
"but i do feel a bit bad," since he didn't have anything to add, you continue, "that you'd rather stand out here in the dark with a cigarette than talk to me about your work stress. but whatever helps, i suppose."
his breath hitches, and all he's able to do is offer you a weak smile, "may i do both?"
you reciprocate, and with a small shrug, you whisper, "sure."
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notapradagurl7 · 2 months
Take All Of Me.
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Word Count: 4,629k
♡(Requested @naj-ay444 )♡
Summary: You were a young witch working with your aunt at an antique store in a small town where nothing strange happen, until your mom works late, you felt a presence. After arriving home safe and sound at night, you were all alone and he arrived unexpectedly.
Taglist: @keyera-jackson @satoruya @xblackreader @beenathembo @henneseyhoe @justhornyyme @sageispunk @roeroe-world @planetblaque @harmshake
A/N: I wish there were more fics about black vampires and dark-skinned women as the protagonist, however I will decide to write it myself, forget to like, comment and reblog. (comment if you want to be added to the taglist, 18+ only)
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Warnings: praise, bondage, dirty talk, orgasm control, rough sex, mention of witchcraft, slight degradation, overstimulation, mention of blood, mention of d*ath, safe word, spanking, blood drinking, pet names, choking/breathplay, biting, nipple play, sadism/masochism, temperature play.
The scent of rosemary and peppermint incense wafted through the air with the chime of a small brass bell ringing through the antique store, indicating that someone was coming into the store. You lifted your head to see your mother step into the store. You stood behind the desk in front of the cash register with your eyes roaming around the store, the brown shelves rested at the corner of the spacious room, the shelves were filled with small ancient vases and sage green coffee mugs. The four walls were painted in a light green hue.
It was a slow day in here when it was fewer people coming in, to be honest, you preferred it that way since your aunt owned the place, it meant you went home early and slept in all week or weekend long. Hell, you still got paid either way.
Your aunt Nicole was the owner of the antique store where you have been employed since your teenage years, and now you have reached adulthood.
You lived in a small town filled with a few black witches, you were a descendant of hoodoo culture that stemmed from your grandmother.
��Hey Mama, how are you?” you asked her, giving a warm smile as you carefully arranged a stack of books on the coffee table.
She greeted you with a warm smile and her eyes roamed the store and shifted back on you, “I’m good my sweet child, I see you've been hard at work again," she sang, her voice filled with pride.
"Yes, mom. Aunt Nicole needed some extra help today, so I offered to stay until I leave." you mused, yawning and strenched your limbs.
Nicole, your aunt and mentor, was a powerful witch herself. She had taught you everything you knew about magic and the mystical arts. The antique store was a place of business, but where they could share their knowledge and artifacts with those who sought them.
On the other hand, you've been feeling a presence specifically during the night, regardless of whoever or whatever it may be. Consequently, you had to approach your mom and inquire if she had any knowledge regarding the situation.
Your black locs were styled up in a bun, with two locs cascading gracefully over your shoulder. Your complexion was a rich, deeply melanin-enriched dark brown tone. You sported a black tee shirt paired with khaki dust-colored mini pants, plain white sneakers, and matching socks adorned your feet.
You moved around the desk, took your coat off the coat rack, and smoothly put it on your back, readying yourself to depart and lock up the store.
“Mom, I've been feeling a presence lately and I'm not sure who is it but it's calling out to me..” You admitted, your eyes fixed on her.
For one week, you feel a constant presence throughout the day, but the night arrives unexpectedly, like a clandestine intruder, an alluring and overpowering aura beckoned you.
Your mother responded to your confession by softly humming, causing her powers to awaken. She placed her hand gently on your forehead and closed her eyes, emitting a vibrant deep purple light from her palm. This light sent soothing vibrations throughout your body. After opening her eyes, she took a deep breath.
Your mom faced you with concern, she removed her hand away from your forehead. She knew exactly who you were talking about. You had to be warned.
"There is a presence trailing behind you Y/N, and I am well aware of his identity. He is none other than Unique, a powerful ruler of the vampire realm," she cautioned, her chin delicately cradled by her thumb and index finger.
"Mom, what do you mean he's coming for my blood?" you asked, your voice trembling slightly. "Why would he be interested in me?"
You've been told about Unique and the tales surrounding him, and although you've crossed paths multiple times, you've exchanged a few words. This moment was finally your opportunity to overcome him.
After she explained everything to you, you couldn't help but be a little worried. The words hung heavy in the air as your mother spoke. A vampire king? Unique?
The name sent shivers down your spine, both from fear and curiosity. You had heard stories of vampires, but you never thought you would encounter one, let alone have one come specifically for you.
You've read books, and seen movies but do they really exist? What was the rivalry between witches and vampires?
“My dear, you possess a power unlike any other. Your blood holds the key to unlocking immense magical abilities. It is said that a vampire who drinks the blood of a powerful witch can gain even greater strength and control over their own powers."
"So, Unique wants to...drink my blood?" you took a step back, still trying to process everything.
"Yes, but it's not just about bloodlust, for centuries, witches and vampires have been sworn enemies..” your mother explained, crossing her arms.
"There was a connection between vampires and witches, until it became a bond that goes beyond mere sustenance. If you allow him to drink from you willingly, it can be a mutually beneficial exchange. He will gain power and you will gain power as well."
The idea both intrigued and frightened you. You couldn't be with a vampire, but gaining power, was both alluring and dangerous. But you couldn't deny the flutter of excitement that coursed through your veins.
"What should I do, Mom?" you asked, your voice barely a whisper.
"Protect yourself with your powers Y/N..” she reminded you, Your mother's expression softened, and she placed a hand on your cheek.
You nodded, taking in her words. This was a decision that would alter the course of your life forever. But deep down, you knew that you had to be ready, and the pull was becoming harder to resist. With a heavy heart, you bid your mother goodbye and closed the antique store for the night.
You knew that whatever choice you made, your mom would always be there for you.
"I'll protect myself, Mom," you said finally. "But for now, I need to focus on closing up the store."
However, the following night, your mother is working late and won't return home until the next day. Meanwhile, you are left on your own in the cozy house that you share with her. At this moment, you find yourself sitting on the edge of the bed in your personal bedroom.
You were wearing a simple gray tee shirt along with matching shorts, your locs pulled up in a bun while your eyes were glued to the television. However, you eventually sensed something, a recognizable presence.
A tingling sensation danced along your skin, making the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. Your senses heightened, and you knew that something, or someone, extraordinary was about to enter your life.
"Shit! He's here.." you muttered under your breath, your voice trembling a bit.
Despite your efforts to conceal your fear, you relied on your abilities to protect yourself, hoping they would be sufficient to stand against Joey.
The lights and television started to flicker in an unpredictable manner in your bedroom. Your heart pounded fiercely, beads of sweat trickled down from your forehead. Why were you still trembling?
The crimson-red cumulus clouds floated elegantly through the small opening in the ceiling and settled in the corner of your room. As you observed, your attention focused on the crimson clouds slowly separating and revealing Unique standing in between them.
He approached you confidently, his eyes retaining their crimson-red glow as red clouds billowed around him and dispersed into nothingness with a snap of his fingers. A mischievous smile spread across his attractive face, revealing his gleaming white fangs.
"Don't worry, I'm not gon’ hurt you. I just want to talk to you Y/N…” He mused, his tongue ran across his lips.
He stared intensely into your soul with his menacing gaze, piercing through you with those demonic eyes. As his black boots echoed with heavy stomps on your brown hardwood floors, a blend of longing and unease flooded over you.
You felt a chilling sensation down your back as his gaze focused on you, and you were not meant to experience such emotions towards him. He was your adversary, and you were expected to harbor animosity towards him.
You swiftly rose from your bed, watching him as your brown irises transformed into a pale shade of pink while you gesticulated, generating a protective pink barrier surrounding you. “Stay back!” you commanded, your fists clenched tightly.
The sage-green curtains allowed the bright moonlight to filter into the room, casting a gentle glow on his richly pigmented complexion. His dark skin looked stunning, radiating a captivating beauty.
He was incredibly good-looking. How could someone with such a dangerous aura be so irresistibly attractive? Your mom did always said the cute ones can get you into fucked up.
You weren't fully aware that your blood was both rare and exquisite, and he desired much more than just a taste. He yearned for every aspect of your being.
Unique’s lips curled into a mischievous grin, a soft chuckle escaping his throat. His eyes ablaze with a hungry crimson glow settled on you. The tantalizing scent of your blood filled his senses, causing a subtle twitch in his manhood. With a flicker, his eyes returned to their ordinary deep brown hue.
"Quite impressive, Y/N," he purred, his voice velvety smooth.
"But your weak force field won't last for long against me." His voice, now an octave higher, dripped with confidence.
With a snap of his fingers, the force field surrounding you shimmered and vanished. Instinctively, you lifted your hand towards him, and a radiant burst of sunlight erupted from your palm. His hand gracefully swept over yours, stealing the sunlight as he clenched his fist tightly around it.
The once vibrant light diminished, crumbling to darkness within his grasp. Your eyes widened, a mixture of shock and disbelief coursing through your veins.
Wait? Wasn't the sunlight supposed to kill them? Why wasn't it working on him?
“Sunlight doesn't kill us, garlic doesn't do shit and we don't change into bats, sliver doesn't kill us either Y/N. Every move you have for me, I can stop it before you can even try..” he spat with venom, his step slow and deliberate toward you.
With your hands shining purple, you raised them high over your head and swiftly pushed a massive wave of purple energy in his direction.
Unique effortlessly deflected the wave of purple energy with a flick of his wrist, causing it to dissipate into thin air. His eyes locked onto yours, amusement and hunger within them.
"Is that all you've got, little witch?" he taunted, taking another step closer to you.
"You'll need to do better than that if you want to stand a chance against me."
Fear coursed through your veins, but you refused to let it consume you. You had been trained by your mother and aunt to harness your powers and protect yourself. You took a deep breath, channeling your inner strength.
Closing your eyes, you focused on the energy within you, feeling it surge through your veins like a raging river. You called upon the elements, summoning the power of fire, water, earth, and air to surround you.
The elements swirled around you, The intense heat of flames licked at the air, while water droplets floated gracefully in mid-air. Rocks and leaves danced around you, pushing every single element at him, As he moved his hand swiftly, the rocks grazed against your face, hitting your arm and at the same time, the rocks vanished alongside the water and flames. You winced in agony.
A smirk tugged at the corners of your lips as you opened your eyes, meeting his gaze. "I may be a little witch, but I'm not to be underestimated," you declared, your voice steady.
Unique's eyes widened in surprise, clearly impressed by your display of power. He circled around the forcefield, studying it with curiosity and admiration.
The elements vanished right before your very eyes, no longer in your clutch.
"Well, well, well," he chuckled, his voice laced with both intrigue and desire.
"You've piqued my interest, Y/N. It seems you're not as defenseless as I thought."
You held your ground, refusing to let his words intimidate you. "I won't let you kill me," you stated firmly.
"I don't want to kill you. I want you to be mine." he whispered, his voice filled with a dangerous edge.
“I know what you’re after, my blood. You want to suck me dry and leave me here to die as I turn to dust right Unique?” you asked, you took a look at your bruised palms.
By now, you were aware of his intentions - he simply craved to suck you dry until you couldn't breathe any longer. Until you were eroding away from existence, You were the vulnerable target, and he was the relentless hunter. You weren't stupid, you knew how this played out.
You plopped on the light green loveseat resting against the wall with your face resting in your hands, You felt blood trickle down your right cheek with the intense heat coursing through your arm, you hissed in pain and touched the bruise on your forearm.
Obviously, he was able to control himself completely
from the divine scent of your blood. He wouldn't bite you or taste you without your permission. Unique wasn't that cruel to mere mortals who roamed this planet.
Were you that powerless? Has all the training and dedication gone to waste in the battle? have you failed your ancestors from the heavens who looked down on you in utter disappointment? Perhaps they were discussing how your powers could've been more adequate. Would they lament at your abilities if they were here on earth?
Perhaps getting the new powers and strength from Unique could have been the solution, as he skillfully countered all of your best moves. So, what prevented you from taking advantage? It was your own pride.
The questions flowed into the depths of your mind, until you looked up at him as you absentmindedly patted the vacant spot beside you on the loveseat, inviting him over to sit with you. He strode across the room and plopped on the seat next to you, his brown eyes studying your saddened face.
“I'm not that cruel Y/N, I'm that way only for those who deserve it. I'm sure your ancestors are very proud of you.” He reassured, gently nudging your shoulder with his elbow.
“How can you be sure? You've blocked all my moves..”
“Come on girl, don't beat yourself up. I was very impressed by your power…”
“Do you truly want a relationship with me?” your eyes locked with his, making sure that there was sincerity in them.
“Of course I do but the choice is yours..” he replied, You pondered deeply on the choice, You took a deep breath, considering his words.
The decision weighed heavily on your shoulders, but deep down, you knew that you were drawn to him for a reason. Perhaps it was fate, or perhaps it was something more.
"Alright, I’ll be yours then. Together, we will possess unimaginable power and we will always have each other," you whispered, resting your head on his strong shoulder.
"May I touch you?" he asked, his voice filled with anticipation.
"Yes, you may," you replied, your heart racing with excitement.
"Your every desire is my command, princess," he said, his voice deepened. Gently, he lifted your chin, his eyes locked with yours.
As he held your chin between his thumb and index finger, he noticed a scratch on your face. "You have a mark on your pretty face, my love," he remarked.
Your cheeks flushed at his tender touch. "Can you heal it for me?" you inquired, your brown eyes fixed on his deep brown ones.
"Of course, beautiful. Just relax for me," he reassured you soothingly.
He leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on the spot where the scratch marred your skin. His tongue delicately gliding across the wound, and a warm, tingling sensation spread throughout your body. A shiver ran down your spine, and a soft moan escaped your lips as he healed you. The yellow sparkles scattered on your rich ebony complexion, and Unique's plump lips savored the taste of your blood. He let out a low groan, intoxicated by the flavor filling his mouth.
A shiver ran down your spine as his touch sent waves of pleasure through your body. You couldn't deny the magnetic pull between the two of you, he gently pecked the bruise on your forearm as the dark purple wound faded away.
“Are you sure about this Y/N..”
“I’m sure, I trust you.”
His lips trailed down your neck, leaving a trail of warm kisses on your deep ebony skin. The combination of his touch and the taste of your blood sent a rush of desire coursing through your veins.
You let out a gasp of pleasure as his sharp fangs grazed against your skin, teasingly close to piercing your flesh. Fueling your masochism with his bite, plunging his fangs into your neck as the intensity of the moment was overwhelming, and yet, you found yourself craving more.
As he drank from you, you could feel your own power merging with his. The connection between you two grew stronger with each passing moment, until it felt as if you were one entity, bound together by an unbreakable bond. Your teeth sharpened quickly with your palm resting on the nape of his neck.
“I want you to tie me up and fuck me…”
Unique delicately released his hold on you, planting two quick kisses on the twin bite marks adorning your neck. He flashed a mischievous grin your way, his eyes sparkling with playful intent.
"Tell me, my sweet, how shall I bind you?" he inquired, his lips curling into a sly smile.
You nibbled on your bottom lip, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks. "I've always been curious about Shibari," you confessed, your voice barely above a whisper.
"But I don't want to be hanging from the ceiling. Instead, I want to be seated on your lap..." You trailed off, a nervous giggle escaping your lips as you bit down on them.
"As you wish, sweetheart. Let's explore this together," he purred, his eyes locking with yours.
Unique skillfully snapped his fingers, causing thin black ropes to appear in his hands while a mischievous smirk adorned his face. In response, both of you swiftly hurled off your clothes, flinging them carelessly onto the floor.
“Let me know if I'm hurtin' you or if it's too rough, I'll stop okay?” he reassured, He gently held your hand while planting a gentle kiss on your palm before kissing your lips.
“Okay..” you spoke softly, nodding your head at him.
“Do you have a safe word?”
He delicately raised you and placed you on his lap, then flowed to attach the black ropes around your wrists and breasts, binding your hands behind your back. Meanwhile, he tenderly planted two kisses on your lips, all while his hands firmly grasped your hips and lifted you, ensuring you were facing him.
He hoisted you upwards to ensure that you faced him forward. Gradually, he lowered you onto his thick manhood, Unique hissed sharply and his eyes fluttered open, a low ‘fuck’ left his lips as he watched your face contort with pleasure.
“Fuck..Kadeem..” you moaned softly, the words escaping you, You move your hips gently against him, as his hands hold your hips and gradually guide you down to feel every inch. “You’re such a good girl Y/N..” he groaned in your ear, his praise gave you an intense thrill, he utterly filled you up. You started to vigorously bounce on him, feeling alternating waves of pleasure and pain coursing through your body. The ropes around you grew tighter as you let out increasingly inhumane moans.
He gently placed his hand on your hip while his other hand gently moved in circles over your breast, with his index finger and thumb giving a firm pull to your nipple. Meanwhile, his thumb continued to trace circles around your nipple. When he unleashed his powers, the temperature plummeted to its lowest point, coursing through his fingertips and causing your nipple to freeze from his icy caress.
“Ssss…fuck!” you hissed with pleasure, riding him faster and harder. They both desired each other intensely, but there was a newfound exhilaration in the control and satisfaction you felt. His hand delivered a firm smack on your ass while he watched your juices gush all over on his dick. He grunted deeply from your wet walls hugging tightly around his length as he pushed himself harder, Unique carried you to the bed and laid you on your back, sliding himself back into you.
His hand latched around your neck with the ropes around your frame tightening again, eliciting a soft gasp from you. Your moans echoed through the room. “Look at you wettin’ up my dick like a needy lil’ slut.” he whispers, his hips pushed roughly upwards, referring to your wetness flowing smoothly between your thighs while your juices flowed down to his balls. “Y-you’re so big..” you moaned softly, Once more, his grip tightened around your throat as his hand vigorously struck your ass, leaving fresh marks from his nails on your thick thighs and curvaceous hips.
With each rough thrust, the bed groaned in response, echoing the passion that filled the room. "I...I'm cumming." you managed to gasp between breaths, your voice shaking. He pushed his hips harder, driving you closer to the edge, and released his grip on your throat. His lips wrapped around your nipple, suckling your breasts selfishly yet filled with deep, unspoken love.
"Don't you fuckin’ cum until I say so," Unique groaned, his voice rumbling with dominance. His thumb circled your throbbing clit, boosting the pleasure that consumed you. The overwhelming stimulation pushed you to the brink, and you cried out with choked out sobs. The ropes that bound you added a thrilling sense of restraint to Unique's rough yet tender strokes.
"I won't, baby! Fuck!" you managed to slur, your words muffled by the overwhelming ecstasy that enveloped you. You were lost in a sea of pleasure. Drool escaped your lips as he planted his plump lips against yours, showering you with kisses until they were swollen. He hovered over you, his deep ebony skin slick of sweat glistening in the soft glow of the ceiling lights.
"Can you please untie me Nique?" you pleaded, your voice raspy with desire. A wave of pleasure washed over you, causing your body to tremble beneath him. With your new vampire powers, you were able to hold on to your climax. He couldn't get enough of you, he adorned every curve and roll along your body, he kissed every single one lovingly, you couldn't think straight but you wanted to touch him so badly, “Of course I can, beautiful..” he cooed, pecking your lips.
He began to untie the ropes, his touch sending shivers down your spine. each knot was undone and tossed the ropes across the bedroom floor, the tension in your body released, and left a few rope lines around your body.
“Come here…” you whispered, you reached out and pulled Unique towards you, your hands roaming over his muscular chest and down his back. He slid his dick between your wet, swollen folds, you shivered from your lover filling up again, the both of you groaned blissfully, he inhaled sharply, His skin was warm beneath your fingertips as he resumed his rough strokes, earning more of your unholy moans and you reveled in the sensation of his body against yours.
He gripped your arms tightly with his nails digging into the marks left by the thin rope, causing you immense pain, “ouu..shit! Shit!” you hissed with moans of pleasure, You winced in agony, stimulating his sadistic side which prompted a cunning grin and a moan. He planted kisses on your jawline, glancing at your fucked out face as he took pleasure in watching you.
“Your pretty pussy is callin’ out to me..” he grunted deeply, his thick wad of cum splattered into you, combining with your warm essence, creating a pool around his dick on the bed sheets. The sound of their bodies colliding filled the room with each rough thrust.
Unique grunted and moaned deeply with intensity as the seamless motion of your slick walls hugging around his dick tightly, his tip kissing your cervix with bridled passion. your hands gripped his back tightly, resulting in crescent-shaped marks from your nails on his skin, while you screamed out in immense pleasure that echoed towards the heavens.
You almost went crazy as you whined softly and broke down in bliss beneath him, feeling knots tighten up in the depths of your gut. “I-i gotta cum! Please!” you begged with a sob, He comforted you by kissing your tears, but his thrusts became jagged. Your lips formed a pout and your eyebrows furrowed slightly, while he wiped your tears with his thumb and kissed your cheek twice. At the same time, his index finger gently rubbed your sensitive nub in circles again.
“You can cum baby girl..i'm right behind you..” he whispered, his voice filled with affection. The words sent a surge of pleasure through your body, and you let go, your juices splattered around his dick completely. Unique followed suit by pouring his thick warm cum into you, "Fuck..." he groaned lowly. he pushed every drop of his seed into you to make sure there wasn't a trickle out of your pussy, your bodies shook together with the heat rising between you.
The waves of pleasure gradually subsided, leaving you both breathless and spent. Unique collapsed beside you, his chest rising and falling rapidly. You turned to him, Tears rolled down your cheeks from pleasure and raw emotion as his thumb wiped your tears away. "You okay?" he asked softly, His face softened in concern.
“y-yeah, you wore me out baby..” you panted, nodding at him. snuggling closer to him with your head resting on his chest.
You were aware that your newfound existence as a vampire and witch was quite unusual, yet Unique was there by your side throughout the entire journey. You peacefully drifted into slumber, your eyelids gradually descended. He lovingly planted a tender kiss on your forehead, joining you in a tranquil sleep.
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Tease tidbit Tuesday
look who's back! Me! Finally wrote smt. It's the part from the last chapter from the last scene of frat boys au
Hold me now don't bother
If every minute it makes me weaker
You can save me from the man that I've become, oh yeah
Tommy’s fingers around the microphone turn white and Buck knows it’s because he’s anxious. Buck’s heart misses the beat, filling with hope it’s not just about the man hating singing in public.
Electric blue eyes keep pinning him to place, showing so many things, Buck goes dizzy with it. Sadness, hope, happiness, self-doubt, regret, love - Buck sees all this and he swallows from the weight of all those emotions Tommy translates in their eye contact. And his voice? God, his voice! It sounds as if all the most talented angels started singing with the most alluring sirens harmonizing with them. This voice goes staring to his heart that already beats just for Tommy, and grabs in hard squeeze. The hold that can keep his heart safe forever or break again. And Buck just can’t stop himself from falling in the trap with the name Tommy Kinard. As always. He never could stop himself with Tommy. He always, like those sailors in mythology, was falling in the ocean of Tommy’s eyes, not seeing how he drowns till it’s too late.
Looking back on the things I've done
I was trying to be someone
I played my part, kept you in the dark
With a sad smile Tommy puts his hand on his heart, titling his head that particular way, and Buck can see not the 30 year old man, but the boy in his early 20s, who was holding hard to the mask of the guy other people wanted him to be. The mask that Buck didn't want to help him to keep anymore. The mask that he hated, because it never was his Tommy. Not really. Not how he was in the safe place of the walls in his room. Even when they were just friends. 
One head tilt and Buck’s heart breaks for the boy he loved so hard, but never could help love himself.
It’s so unexpected to see him again. With all the confidence Tommy got over the years, especially after he came out, Buck almost forgot this part of Tommy. His insecure and broken part. The part Buck was always ready to fix, but even if he couldn’t, was ready to love. Love anyway. No matter what.
I was tagged by @aspecbuddie
np tagging @wikiangela @hippolotamus @bewilderedbuckley @diazsdimples @devirnis @queerbuck @queerdiaz @watchyourbuck @evnnkinard @evanbi-ckley @repressedqueen @rogerzsteven @racerchix21 @theotherbuckley @typicalopposite @perfectlysunny02 @powersuitup @pirrusstuff @theweewooshow @epiphainie @saybiwithme @diazheartsbuckley @honestlyeddie-im-bi @loveyouanyway @monsterrae1 @marvelousbuckley @cal-daisies-and-briars @bigfootsmom @bi-buckrights and anyone who wants to
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trailedstar · 6 months
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NEUVILLETTE x READER . CONTENT WARNING , angst to comfort, usage of french petnames ( requested ), "self"-indulgent ( gift for a mutual ), gn reader ( no referring pronouns ) — wc 998
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when the days were sunny and the clouds hid themselves amongst the other regions, you could vividly remember the streets full of life - children chasing each other and adults conversing about their golden careers. it was… the ideal image of Fontaine. no crime, a lawful land with a protective leader.
so, why did you find yourself here - the beach’s shore, feet digging into the pellets of sand, and your hands desperately clawing at your chest as if you could pull your heart right out?
raindroplets fell softly on the tip of your nose, sliding down as soon as they came in contact with your cold skin. your eyes were fixated on the sky, the clouds, dark and brooding and the moon's beams caressing your figure. the murky waters of the lingering sea brushed up against the tips of your shoes, quickly receding into the small side of the shoreline.
your vision became splotchy and blurry, tears pricking the corners of your eyes. the ocean reflected like sapphires in your eyes, the alluring beauty of a serpent to drag one down into the ocean depths. the sunny days had long departed, a sweet summer melody buried in the muddy dirt of Fontaine. the dreary days grew longer as the rain collected upon the surface of the incandescent waters.
even the lively streets lacked their usual liveliness, the heavy downpour causing civilians to flee as if it were falling daggers. the lens of your glasses fogged up as droplets cascaded down, plopping onto the sandy land below.
on days such as these, you could only pray to the divine for a way to miraculously turn back time… but alas, the gods’ favor didn’t fall upon just anyone.
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the day had ended and you needed to return home, a moment you were dreading. you had impulsively lashed out, causing inexplicable damage to your beloved, Neuvillette. perhaps he would understand. however, it wasn’t the bait you wished to put out.
as you walked the desolate streets, your feet tapped against the puddle-ridden, cobblestone pathways. the intricate stonework was the sole thing distracting you from your thoughts, not even the harsh rain could pull you out of your self-hatred. it was an abnormal feeling - the touch of a lover that remained so gentle even after an awful argument. yet, you had turned away - afraid to face the moment.
“hydro dragon, hydro dragon, don’t cry!!”
you halted, your head whipping around to meet the person of the voice. your wet hair clung to your cheeks, mouth agape as you panted from your shock.
your wide eyes met with big round ones, a child’s. their clothing was soaking wet, sticking to their skin as if it were part of it. you could only assume it was your fault - your fault the child was soaked due to rain you had caused.
unable to keep watching, you turned back around and began speedwalking home. it was as if your life was a paradox, you at the center of it - the one who caused the very thing happening. you pushed the first domino, the rest following suit as one would. it was utterly wretched.
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pointed ears visibly perked up at the door softly shutting. soft rustling echoed through the silent house, causing Neuvillette’s head to tilt to peer out the doorway. you attempted to remain as silent as possible.
“Mon trésor, is that you?” Neuvillette’s soft, yet undeniably stern voice. his gloved hands fidgeted together, his demeanor more tense than ever. he feared he had been too overbearing that morning. he accidentally said something incredibly insensitive and had felt guilty.
“____?” he attempted to call out against, more hesitant in his tone. simply hearing his angelic voice almost made you want to run into his arms and bask in his heavenly presence. but… you couldn’t. you didn’t want to.
“…” you remained silent, the walls being your witness to the anxiety rushing through your body.
“I would like to chat, mon ange..” his voice echoed in your head, mind spiraling downwards as every possibility seemed to be endlessly running around like a train.
“About this morning… I presume?” you let out a sigh, shoulders slumping as you refused to glance at his face.
“Yes,” Neuvillette whispered, his hands no longer fidgeting together as they had done earlier. it felt as if his ribcage was crushing inwards like a venus flytrap catching its prey.
“Look, I didn’t mean to project-” you began, words slurring together as you spoke at a fast pace - justification trying to find its way through.
“No, please don’t apologize. It was my mistake.”
“Don’t even, I take full responsibility. I shouldn’t have dumped my emotions on you,” you whispered in a croaky tone, leg bouncing from the fear ringing through you. you knew he wouldn’t hate you. but could he start at that moment?
“Fleurette… when I decided to start this relationship, I was well aware of what I would be getting into. While I am unable to fully understand all these emotions, it won't stop me from attempting to.” Neuvillette explained without hesitation, his honeyed voice no longer holding the same sternness it did in the courtroom. right now, he was your concerned lover. he didn’t need to be concerned with the laws of how he should act.
“Ma lumière…” oh, that sweet nickname sent a wave of heat down Neuvillette’s spine, a show of embarrassment? he was unfamiliar with it, but it felt… nice.
a twinkle akin to the starry night skies glimmered in Neuvillette’s eyes, almost as if he fell in love all over again.
“Perhaps, we can explore these foreign emotions together?” Neuvillette offered his hand hesitating by hovering over your hand. after a moment of thought, he placed his hand down and let his fingers brush against your skin.
“I’d… like that.” you choked out, your free hand shakily brushing away the tears. you felt stupid for crying, but perhaps it wasn’t so bad if Neuvillette was by your side.
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trailedstar. do not plagarise, repost, or translate without my permission.
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blue-sadie · 9 months
The Bad Influence
Marcus x Preppy Reader
Series Masterlist
Prt 2 of the Different Versions Series
Summary: waking up in an unknown place untouched by wounds and another version of your husbands.
Warning: smoking
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Yn/3rd person pov
I groaned stretching out my sore limbs, yawning taking a deep breath in as I stirred from my sleep tap tap I huffed hearing the tap against my window then I stopped.
I shot up my breath hitched as I ran my hands over my body checking for injuries my eyes searching around the room I wasn't in the hospital, my apartment or even Steven's "where the fuck am i".
The tapping continued as I rose from the bed my eyes adjusted to look around the dark room the only light coming from the window I slowly crept closer to it seeing the tapping was coming from.
I peered out the window my eyes widening as I saw marc but he was different I squinted my eyes as he gestured to the window "open up" he mouthed I hesitantly obliged he came closer to the wall to climb up the trellis.
My eyes went back to wondering around the room a few pictures catching my attention I walked up to one it was me and him I bit my lip I always wanted marc to grow out his hair a bit.
I flipped the picture over and read the few words on the back 'yn x marcus for ever' marcus? my brows frowned before realization hit me and I turned my attention to the man who sat half in and out of my window a toothy grin plastered on my face as he stared at me.
"Fucking doppelgangers" I whispered to myself placing the photo back where it came from "how've you been baby" he asked biting his lip as his eyes traveled up and down my body.
I settled my arms over my chest which was barely covered by a thin white nightie "good and you" I murmured something about him was alluring to me "better now since I'm with you" he winked taking out something from his pockets, it was a cigarette and a lighter.
'Smoking really' I rolled my eyes he put the cigarette into his mouth cupping his hand around it as he lit it, a puff of smoke escaping from the corner of his lips.
He took it out his mouth holding it between his fingers "how's that asshole of a father doing" he words were laced with venom as his eyes looked onto a photo next to me.
I glanced towards I cringed as I remember taking family photos just like that, it was doppelganger me and her family in full white prepply posed, everyone had their legs crossed and their hands settled on their knees.
I turned back to marcus shrugging my shoulders "I honestly don't know" I murmured the sides of his lips twitching up wards "so my bad influence is finally taking a hold of you" he chuckled leaning his head onto the window frame blowing his smoke out the window.
"Your bad influence" I asked giggling his brows rose up in surprise he flicked the butt of the cigarette outside before climbing fully in "are you disagreeing with me" he murmured in a teasing tone as he slowly made his way to me.
"I mean how could me not knowing how my dad is be the effect of your bad influence" I murmured, he stopped just a few inches away from me "because when I first met you you were a daddies girl, a preppy girl but look at you now" he's eyes ran over my body his gaze making me shudder.
"Your my girl now" he growled before leaning down to press his lips against mine in a rough kiss his hands grabbing my waist tugging me closer to him "marcus" i murmured against his lips my hands slowly running up his chest my body shivering with excitement.
His hands moved to my ass patting it slightly "jump" he said and I did my legs wrapped around his waist, his hands gripping my ass as he slowly moved to my bed, he dropped me onto my mattress smirking as he heard my gasp.
"Such pretty sounds" he bit his lip his eyes looking up and down my body with a more lustful gaze "I wonder what your dad would think if he walked in on us, his precious girl begging for some cock" he muttered pulling his shirt over his head.
My eyes were glued to his chest he was more toned then marc and fuck I loved it, he chuckled at my distracted state and used his hand up to my face making me look up at him "to see what a slut you've become" he grinned devilishly.
It felt as if my breath has been sucked out of my lungs as he pressed his lips to mine once more his hand moving from my chin to my neck his hand wrapping around it, slightly squeezing it in a teasingly manner.
"Fuck I need to see my cock buried inside you" he muttered his hands moved to tear off my nightie, I gasped as my bare skin was exposed to the cold "f-fuck" I breathed out I looked down my body seeing my nipples become perked and hard.
"Marcus" I murmured moving my gaze to look up at him, he groaned loudly "fuck I love it when you say my name baby" he growled as his hands drifted up and down my body.
"I wonder what you'd sound like screaming it" he whispered a smirk plastered on his lips as he leaned down attaching them to my neck, licking a long stripe up along my neck before sucking and biting my skin.
"Marcus" I whined my hands threading themselves through his hair gripping it tightly pushing his head into my skin "eager baby" he nipped at my skin causing me to skip a breath.
One of his hands slipped down to my core using his middle finger to run up and down my slit teasing my pussy lips, "m-marcus" I moaned pushing my head back into the mattress he chuckled darkly and slowly pushed in a finger making me moan out again.
"That's it baby take it" he grinned as he added another, scissoring me he licked his lips hungrily as he racked his eyes up and down my body, the thrusting of his fingers only increased intil I was on the edge of coming "c-cumming" I squealed and as I was about to cum he pulled out making me cry out.
"W-why" I whimpered, my hands falling from his hair down to my sides as I stared at him with pleading eyes "you can only cum on my cock" he grunted tugging down his pants to reveal his hardened cock which was slightly pulsing and leaking precum.
His eyes filled with lust and hunger stared into my as he positioned himself infront of my entrance "I'm already leaking for you" he whispered and slowly pushed himself inside making me whine out and grip his shoulders.
He growled out as he slowly started to thrust in and out "you feel so good" he panted closing his eyes tightly as he thrusted, his head leaned back as he groaned and grunted.
My breathing quickened as more moans and whines escaped my lips, my muscles clenched and unclenched as he moved in and out "marcus fuck" I whimpered my nails slightly digging into his shoulders as I felt my climax nearing again.
His grunts got louder as I clenched around his cock and he to started to pulse inside me "cum with me baby" he said through gritted teeth as his thrusts fultered before stopping completely as he finished inside me "fuck" we both moaned breathing out loudly as we tried catching our breaths.
"I hear your father coming baby, I'll see you tomorrow ya, don't miss me to much"
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siyooungi · 1 year
OKAY SO I HAD THIS DREAM AND I THINK ITS SUCH A CUTE SCENARIO IT NEEDS TO BE WRITTEN 😭 so, in the dream, i entered a shelter in a snowy area and went upstairs to an empty room where the person im visiting (jennifer) would usually be. there was a fireplace and a couch with a big lump of blankets and a big ass dog on it, yk the kind that rescues people in the mountains? yeah so i went over to pet it obv and suddenly a person revealed themselves from under the blankets and it was yunjin??? 😭😭😭 she had brown hair and was wearing a flannel shirt, we looked at each other and smiled, i said a shy hi, she responded the same way, i looked away, she invited me under the blankets and I WOKE UP. THIS IS SO CRUEL. I AM SO DOWN BAD FOR THIS WOMAN. if u decide to write it i would be forever indebted to u tysm 🫶🫶🫶
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A/N: This was not entirely proofread so I apologize for any spelling and grammar mistakes!!
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Pairing: Yunjin x Fem!Reader
Idol: Huh Yunjin (Le Sserafim)
Warning(s): None!
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The snow fell gently outside as you found yourself seeking refuge in a cozy shelter nestled amidst the wintry landscape. The air was crisp and cold, causing you to shiver as you ventured further. You knocked on the front door, wondering if anyone would be inside. Receiving no response, you took your chance at twisting the handle. Surprisingly, it was open. You were met with darkness, the only light illuminating parts of the area being candles.
Not wanting to be down here any longer, you went up the creaking wooden stairs, your steps muffled by the thick carpet that covered the floor, and roamed through the hallway. There were more candles, thankfully, allowing you to spot another door in the distance. It seemed as if it was almost beckoning you in. You were sure no one occupied this place, but were still wary so you gently pushed the door open once you were close enough. The room was seemingly empty, but it looked so put together.
The room held a certain allure, with its crackling fireplace casting a warm glow that danced across the walls. A plush couch, adorned with a mound of blankets, sat invitingly in front of the fireplace. And there, nestled on the blankets, lay a majestic husky, its eyes gleaming with curiosity.
Your heart swelled with delight at the sight of the adorable canine companion. Unable to resist, you approached the dog with a gentle smile and soft steps, ready to offer a comforting pat. However, just as your hand reached out, a figure emerged from beneath the blankets, startling you momentarily. You let out a surprised yelp and jumped back, quickly slamming your hand over your mouth.
The person looked at you with as much shock as you did with them. You didn’t say anything, and instead took the chance to get a good look at the stranger. It was a woman and she looked relatively young. She had brown hair and was dressed in a cozy flannel shirt. Her presence exuded warmth and comfort despite you initially being alarmed.
She tilted her head at your lack of vocalness, seemingly waiting for you to introduce yourself. Once you came back to your senses, you removed your hand from your mouth and apologized. “I’m so sorry for intruding! I’m Y/N..” You sent an apologetic smile her way, still keeping your distance.
Recovering from her initial shock, the beautiful stranger smiled reassuringly. “Yunjin.” She spoke as she held her hand out, her voice filled with a mixture of surprise and delight. You quickly shuffling over to shake it, not wanting to leave her hanging. Your fingers intertwined briefly, creating an instant connection that seemed to bridge the gap between your worlds. The room suddenly felt cozier, as if the presence of another soul had breathed life into its walls.
“Your room is so pretty.” You complimented as you observed your surroundings, truly taking everything in. You couldn't help but be captivated by the tranquility it exuded. The crackling fire emitted a gentle warmth, casting a comforting ambiance in the room. The soft glow accentuated the beauty of their surroundings, illuminating the rustic charm of the wooden furniture and the intricate tapestries adorning the walls.
She followed your gaze, feeling proud at your statement. The brunette took pride in the way she handled herself and everything around her. “Thank you. I decorated it myself!” The look of astonishment never left your face, causing her to chuckle.
“Would you like to join me under the blankets?” She suggested, her voice gentle and kind. Your cheeks flushed slightly, but you couldn't resist the allure of sharing warmth with Yunjin. With a nod, you accepted the offer, sliding under the blankets beside her. As you sank into the softness of the blankets, a shared warmth enveloped you, cocooning you in a sanctuary of comfort. The husky snuggled closer, sensing the newfound bond between its owner and this new guest.
Wrapped in the cozy embrace of the blankets, you both found solace in each other's presence. The crackling fire and the soft sounds of the winter wind outside created a tranquil ambiance, fostering an atmosphere of intimacy and comfort.
You couldn’t resist the adorable puppy and took the chance to pet it. It leaned into your touch, immediately bringing a smile to your face. You scratched behind its ear and watched its tail go into overdrive. “His name is Ace.” Yunjin suddenly spoke up, causing his ears to perk up at the mention of his name. “Ace..” You repeated to yourself as you looked at him, watching as he got up and sat on top of your covered lap. He wasn’t the biggest but he was big enough to make you huff when he plopped down, causing Yunjin to giggle at your reaction.
“You’re such a good boy, Ace!” You used both of your hands to scratch him from his head to the rest of body, his tail wagging wildly and his tongue hanging out of his mouth as he panted joyfully. It must’ve been nice to have a new person around, especially after being with his owner for so long. The brunette smiled fondly at you as she observed the interaction.
As all three of you winded down, more so Ace considering it didn’t take long for him to fall asleep, you couldn't help but steal glances at Yunjin, taking in the warmth of her smile and the way her eyes sparkled in the gentle flicker of the firelight. The silence was comfortable, though you wanted to know more about this stranger.
“So, how long have you lived here?” You asked, pulling her attention away from her sleeping puppy. She pondered about it before speaking, “A few months now. It’s my little refuge from the outside world.” You nodded understandably as you listened. You wish you could have a place to come back to when you didn’t feel like dealing with the public.
“Do you ever feel lonely, even with this cutie?” You petted Ace’s head, letting out a soft laugh at his ear twitch even in his sleep. Yunjin gazed at her loyal companion with a loving smile. “Well, he’s the best company. But sometimes, in the quiet moments, I do feel a tinge of loneliness.” She admitted, a sad smile plastered on her face. She isn’t as social as she once was, and it wasn’t a bad thing but she’s still human and humans need social interactions.
“Well, for the time being, I’m here.” You placed your hand on top of hers, squeezing it reassuringly. The action revealed a genuine smile from the brunette, and you couldn’t help but smile at the sight of hers. It was contagious, really. She already loved having you as company and a part of her wanted you to just stay with her. She already grew fond of you within this short period of time and vice versa. Despite just meeting her, it felt like she was someone you’ve know forever. Everything about her brought you at ease, whether it be her voice or how she acted.
Inside the sheltered haven, time seemed to stand still as you and Yunjin reveled in the peacefulness and the company you found in one another. You discovered common interests, shared dreams, and vulnerabilities the more you spoke to each other, forging a bond that transcended the wintry landscape outside.
Your connection blossomed like a winter flower, delicate yet resilient, as you embraced the softness of your shared moments. And as the snowflakes continued to dance outside, your hearts danced in harmony, savoring the enchantment of a winter's tale that had only just begun.
Yunjin's laughter filled the air as you took turns cracking jokes about yourselves and reminiscing about embarrassing moments. It was a melodic symphony that resonated deep within your heart.
“What brought you here?” The latter questioned as she rested her head on her pillow, her head turned to face you. “I just wanted to get away.” She hummed in acknowledgment, understanding where you were coming from even without further explanation. “Well, I’m glad you ended up here out of all places.” Yunjin humored, evoking a chuckle out of you.
In the midst of your conversation, you found yourself growing tired and inching closer to the girl. As she was speaking, you rested your head gently against her shoulder. “Tired?” She asked, to which you hummed as you closed your eyes. Yunjin responded by wrapping her arm around them, offering a silent reassurance. It was in these quiet moments that you felt the safest you’ve felt in awhile, and the world outside ceased to exist.
The gentle rhythm of Yunjin's breathing and the soothing sound of her voice lulled you into a state of peace. Your eyes grew heavy, and eventually, the exhaustion took over, causing you to drift off to sleep. Due to your lack of response, Yunjin looked down at you, sending that you had fallen into a peaceful slumber and couldn't help but smile. She adjusted her position slightly, ensuring you were well-supported and comfortable against her side.
As time passed, Yunjin's arm, which was still wrapped around, began to tingle and lose sensation. Though, she didn't mind and bared with the slight discomfort. She was content and was cherishing the closeness she shared with you for the time being, not wanting to disturb your much needed sleep.
However, as the night wore on, Yunjin herself grew tired. Despite her best efforts to stay awake, exhaustion finally caught up with her. She carefully leaned back, shifting her arm from beneath you, hoping not to wake you. You stirred slightly, instinctively seeking the warmth and comfort that had been surrounding you. Your arms wrapped around Yunjin’s abdomen, causing her to freeze. There was no escaping now, and that made her feel strangely at ease. She made a move to adjust herself again, earning a mumble from you in your sleep. Not wanting to take a chance at interrupting your rest, she settled and played with your hair until she felt herself slowly dozing off.
Thankfully, it didn’t take long for her to fall asleep as well, enjoying the warmth you provided on top of the heat from the fireplace. She didn’t want this to end and hoped that when she woke up, you would still be here.
Unbeknownst to her, you didn’t plan on leaving.
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