#the amount of ppl i see that just shit of aroace ppl from both sides is wild
redysetdare · 7 months
I see the way some of you talk about and disregard aroace ppl and I do judge you for it.
The way some of you talk about being aro and ace like it's a curse and how you're so happy that's not you. Or how you will see a post about aroaces ppl and say "ok but x identity instead" as if it's better and aroace is lesser.
The fact I see this from other aspec ppl too... You being a lesser known aspec identity does not mean that punching at aroaces is punching up. We are all just as oppressed. You're just being as asshole for no reason.
Stop acting like aroaces somehow are better off. Stop acting like our existence is hindering yours. Stop throwing us under the bus. It's not every man for himself out here, stop trying to throw us to the wolves to get ahead.
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jjinomu · 8 years
aaAAA now that you've done crypton headcanons i really wanna see what your headcanon for the others are :,) ('specially sonnie boi meito hehe)
WELL U ASKED FOR IT!!!!!!! LETS DO THIS AGAIN im supposed to be doing university readings but yknow fuck dat shit 
i SHALL REVEAL TO U MY HC's for gumi (and gumo), gakupo, meito, luki, kaiko, mikuo this will b a long one (jks im gna keep it short and sweet- i say rambling)
GUMI- SUPER SOCIAL bffs with everyone ultimate social butterfly - also (this shud be known to everyone by now) but i always hc gumi as an aroace and she also screams a lot probably- screaming carrot person- loves fashion apparently- she's super energetic and usually the life of the party, always dragging whoever she wants to be in company with in the moment into a state of what the fuck is going on right now idk but i like it
GAKUPO- on the outside or to new ppl he's a lot more mature and calm and quiet (pretty much the male ver of luka)- he's very pretty and cool- and then u get to know him and he's a total weird creep, noone wants to be in the same vicinity as him, but u can't escape him now- very flamboyant, skinshippy and full of LOVE a lil too full and ppl r like pls gakupo and he's like "IDK WAT PERSONAL SPACE MEANS"- uses the eggplant emoji a lot and ppl get even more creeped out since it's like the universal emoji for dick but gakupo's innocent he just likes the eggplants
MEITO- unlike meiko, he's a rly good FUCKIN COOK (well mostly at baking) and ppl r like wow make me a sick pie meito and he's like "ok"- he's a huge dorky mcdork, like probably just a lil less dorky that kaito but pretty much also the same amount (they also have the same level of knowledge except meito doesnt know random facts he's just naive)- he's very happy like all the time, noone can stop his happiness, always happy- he can't handle alcohol like at all, just a lil bit and he's like bye - he will throw u in the air, give u piggybackrides, hold u up like an airplane, carry u bridal style as he runs across the beach wearing nothing but swim trunks to hell and back, drunk or sober, he'll do it, bc its fun for both ppl- that last one was a bit intense- he's buff basically- he's also very dad-like, good dad- probably takes pictures of luki on the toilet for fun
LUKI- "i want to speak to the manager, where's the manager"- soccer mom, also kinda short-tempered??? very agitated - very pretty human being, how is he so pretty who knows- hurt the crypton fam (genderbend and original) and he'll hurt u- protects his bois (the girls can take care of themselves he says)- very tolerant to alcohol, often hangs out with luka and meiko in their weekly drinking sessions and sometimes even outlasts them (or he's the responsible one and drives them home)- both kaito and meito are not invited bc they'll probably destroy things- effeminate and super trendy what a trendy man- also can't cook, will accidentally put too much salt or something
KAIKO - and side meito sakine and meiko sakine (i honestly have 2 headcannons for kaiko, but i'll go with my main "cool older sister" headcannon, my other one is "cute little sister" but fuck dat one)- lovely, so lovely, what a lovely lady, how are u so lovely- probably also a closet pervert, mostly @ meiko sakine- very mature, looks after the little ones (like idk meiko sakine or meito sakine or smth)- i had a whole hc for the friendship between the sakines and kaiko lemme break it down for u: kaiko babysits the sakines, she's always oogling meiko sakine bc she's cute and kaiko's anime-weird like that for lil imouto (#1 meiko sakine supporter), while meiko sakine is always like UGH UR SO WEIRD!!!! GEt away from me agh gross wtf kaiko-nee???? also meito sakine has a fat crush on kaiko, but kaiko thinks of him as a lil bro "im babysitting u today again meito, hope u did ur homework or else im gna have to punish u" "im not a baby anymore kaiko-nee!! im a MAN u don't have to call it babysitting :((" meito sakine tries to be the Man, but kaiko's like haha u qt where's meiko sakine (who is probably hiding and snickering to herself)- good headcannon right- kaiko and luki get along heaps, and meito and kaiko are bffs4ever- kaiko also tries to ignore kaitos existence as much as possible, "im an only child" "kaiko why are you like this im right here"- kaito loves his lil sister, such shame
GUMO- like gumi, screams a lot, a male screaming carrot- SUPER SUPER energetic like, take energy and multiply by a thousand- constantly wants to be involved with everyone at the same time, always there somehow- talking??? with someone??? in a serious?? conversation?? poof gumo is there for NO REASON besides the fact that he just wants to join in- probably the annoying kid- breaks into the genderbend!crypton house very often bc he wants to hang out and play games with mikuo- gets dragged out by luki (using meito as the proxy and muscleman)
MIKUO- nerdy, very into his studies and work and success (what a focused kid)- probably the maths kid- likes to read, super quiet- whenever gumo stops by, mikuo tries to ignore him while gumo keeps talking and being annoying while insisting they play a game together- and they do and mikuo is full competitive ("im not first in school bc i let myself be beat")- the only reason gumo breaks into the house very often is bc mikuo lets him in or tells him the secret places to enter the house- mikuo denies this though bc "if gumo wasn't here i'd be able to study"
THE END OF another headcanon ramble i have readings to do but i wanna do mORE OF THESE Ah if u read all of this congratualations im so sorry
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