#the anarchist comment...please lmao  =)
Aaron Dessner Talks Taylor Swift’s New Album folklore
By: Sam Sodomsky for Pitchfork Date: July 24th 2020
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Like millions of people across the world, Taylor Swift spent the past few months in isolation, stuck at home, changing plans, reflecting on the past, and imagining new connections. One of those new connections was with Aaron Dessner, the multi-instrumentalist and producer from the National.
On release day, he called us from his home in the Hudson Valley to speak about their entirely virtual but highly collaborative process, sounding just as surprised as anyone. “Nobody needs to tell Taylor Swift how to write a song - and I certainly didn’t,” he says with a laugh. “But it did feel like we were going toe-to-toe pushing each other.”
What is your personal relationship with Taylor Swift’s music? I’ve always admired her craftsmanship and talent. But 1989 was the first one I was really listening to as a fan. My brother [Bryce Dessner, guitarist in the National] and I were in Iceland with [performance artist] Ragnar Kjartansson, and he’s a total Swiftie. It was the summer of 1989, and we’d be hanging out listening to it loud. Ragnar is an art historian, so he was just contextualizing every moment. It was a lot of fun. That’s when we became bigger fans.
When did you actually meet her for the first time? We met her at Saturday Night Live in 2014 when Lena Dunham was hosting. And then she came to see us play last summer in Prospect Park during this crazy torrential downpour. She was there with Antoni [Porowski] from Queer Eye. She talked a lot with my brother and me. That’s when we realized how much of a fan she was, and how lovely and down to earth. I don’t know that many people who have that sort of success, so it’s a nice feeling to realize they’re cool. That left a good impression.
She got in touch again at the end of April. I got a text and it said, “Hey it’s Taylor. Would you ever be up for writing songs with me?” I said, “Wow. Of course.” It was a product of this time. Everything we had planned got cancelled. Everything she had planned got cancelled. It was a time when the ideas in the back of your head came to the front. That’s how it started.
You ended up with a credit on 11 of the 16 songs. How did the collaboration get going? At the very beginning of March, Justin Vernon and I had gone to Texas to work on the new Big Red Machine album. I had been living with my family in France as COVID was starting to spiral out of control in Europe. I said to my wife that maybe they should come back to the States with me because I was worried about getting separated. So we got tickets, and my kids and wife flew to [the family’s home in] Upstate New York and I flew to Texas. I was there for a week, and by the time I got back Upstate, the borders were being shut and we got stuck. I have the Long Pond studio here, so in a way it was lucky.
I hunkered down here and started to write a ton of music - more than I ever have. I thought maybe they were National or Big Red Machine ideas or maybe something totally different. Things were happening.
So when [Taylor] reached out, I had this large folder of ideas that were pretty well on their way. She was very clear that she didn’t want me to edit any of my ideas; she wanted to hear everything that was interesting to me at this moment, including really odd, experimental noise. So I made a folder of stuff, including some pretty out-there sketches. A few hours later, she sent “Cardigan,” fully written in a voice memo. That’s when I realized that this was unusual—just the focus and clarity of her ideas. It was pretty astonishing. Over the next couple months, this would just happen; all of a sudden, I’d get a voice memo. And then another. Eventually, it was so inspiring that I wrote more ideas that were specifically in response to what she was writing.
When did it occur to you that an album was forming? There were moments when we started to reflect on what we were doing. The first three songs we wrote were “Cardigan,” “Seven,” and “Peace.” “Cardigan” is probably the closest to a pop song on the record—it’s this epic narrative. And then “Seven” was this nostalgic, wistful, emotional folk song. And then when she wrote “Peace,” I realized she can do anything! She is so versatile. It’s just a harmonized bassline with a pulse and a drone, and she basically wrote a Joni Mitchell love song to it. She only did one vocal take, and that’s what’s on the record.
Were you communicating through the whole process? Yeah. We were pretty much in touch daily for three or four months by text and phone calls. Some of it was about production and restructuring things but a lot of it was just excitement. We both felt that this was some of the best work we have done. That was a strange and surreal thing to have happen, especially at this time.
At one point I was randomly doxxed by right-wing conspiracy theorists who misidentified me as an Antifa organizer in Ohio, long story, but it was in the middle of all this work. I didn’t want to stress her out so I didn’t tell her. But at some point she laughed and said, “So you’re a notorious anarchist?” And I’m like, “Yeah, I was gonna mention that."
How did the collaboration with Bon Iver on “Exile” come about? Taylor wrote that one with the singer-songwriter William Bowery. When Taylor sent it to me as a voice memo, she sang both the male and female parts - as much as she could fit in without losing her breath. We talked about who she was imagining joining her, and she loves Justin [Vernon]’s voice in Bon Iver and Big Red Machine. She was like, “Oh my god, I would die if he would do it. It would be so perfect.” I didn’t want to put pressure on Justin as his friend, so I said, “Well, it depends on if he’s inspired by the song but I know he thinks you’re rad.” Which he does.
So I sent him the song and he was really into it. He tweaked some parts and added parts as well - the bridge where he says, “Step right out.” The end too, and his choral parts. It was fun because Justin and I work on a lot of stuff together, so it was very easy and natural. At some point I felt like a superfan, hearing two of my favorite singers. This was all being done remotely, but it was one of those moments where your head hits the back of the wall and you’re like, “Fuck. Okay.”
There is some fan debate over William Bowery’s identity - I’m not familiar with him. I’m not either. I haven’t actually met him because of social distancing, which is kind of funny. I think he’s a friend.
Did you feel the pressure of working with an artist at Taylor Swift’s level? I tried hard not to think about the scope or scale of making a record that would be heard by millions and millions of people. I did a pretty good job of tuning that out. Music for me is an emotional necessity. It’s therapy. It’s what I live and breathe. All these songs are things I was working on already, and we both felt there was some serendipity in the fact that we ended up in this situation together. I just stayed focused on that, on making this as good as we can.
As the release got closer, I almost thought it wouldn’t happen. Or maybe I just told myself that! The National guys will tell you the same thing - I tend to work until the last possible minute. I didn’t really have a moment to be like, “Holy shit! People are gonna hear this.” We were joking about it last night. I said, “So this actually happened?” And she goes, “Yep!”
What was it like working under total secrecy? There was no outside influence at all. In fact, nobody knew, including her label, until hours before it was launched. For someone who’s been in this glaring spotlight for 15 years, it’s really liberating to have some privacy and work on her own terms. She deserves that. At times, if I wanted friends to play on the record, it was a little difficult because you can’t send a file with her vocals. But everyone was cool. At the end, I reached out to some wizards just to add bits, and that was nice. It was kind of fun: “What? Why can’t you tell me, Aaron?” Then they start guessing. Everyone made a game out of it.
Is there any music that was left on the cutting room floor? There are things I feel could still be songs. It does feel like an ongoing collaboration. Now Taylor is starting to help with other things. We’re bouncing other ideas off each other, whether it’s Big Red Machine or other things. There’s a community aspect. I think that’s how music should be.
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ravenkinnie · 3 years
TW: Drugs, substance abuse, murder, violence, the Punisher
Another potentially unpopular opinion I've seen on here (and one that I'll actually rant about) is that, Jason is the only good vigilante in the Batfam because he kills people (think the direct quote is "unlike those other feckless bitches" and something like "when you get saved by Red Hood, you know that you'll never have to worry about getting attacked by the same person again". I don't know how to explain to people that killing the type of criminals Jason killed in canon is wrong and harmful (thinking about the 80 Blackgate prisoners he poisoned - hmm you know the American prison system is pretty fucked up i'm sure they all totally belonged there /s). Like. Jason killing the Joker is one thing, but he literally hasn't killed the Joker - Dick did that, Bruce tried to, but Jason hasn't. But like some people make it out like oh, Jason being a killer is fine because he only kills people that deserve it - who, tell me who he's killing? Sex offenders and drug dealers seems to be the most common reply. And I won't touch the sex offenders but drug dealers? Have you heard of the War on Drugs? Have you seen what happens when people in power decide it's okay to openly promote the killing of drug dealers? I don't understand why people think it's fine for Jason Todd to go around killing drug dealers, as if they don't have families, don't have other things that put them in a bad situation. There's a reason why cops in the US (idk if they do this elsewhere) use the Punisher skull as their emblem - and if you advocate for a Jason Todd that punishes criminals, don't be surprised when the right wing weaponizes him against minorities and the red hood helmet starts to get painted on cop cars.
I wrote a paper on the Norwegian prison system which rehabilitates and releases even the "worst" of criminals and just... I live in the US and it seems like we (specifically white people) have such little compassion for anyone who commits crime. Even after the War on Drugs, even after we learned it was a scam, people fall for the crime and punishment rhetoric time after time. Like I live in a suburb where people are so scared of drug dealers my mom literally called our neighbor because someone cut through our yard (and she thought he looked high or something idk). Which I get it, my cousin died from a fentanyl overdose, I understand you don't want that near your kids. But incarcerating or killing drug dealers is not the answer, and I can't stand it when people take that stance on Jason. You can try to explain the 8 drug dealer heads in a duffle bag any way you want, but at the end of the day, I think the batfamily fandom needs to be more careful addressing this issue because demonizing drugs/drug dealers/drug users is literally one of the ways the American government destroys black communities.
And to think, the Jason Todd stan that this opinion came from replied to me because I commented on how Jason likes to run around in Dick's old clothes - something that has absolutely no bearing on his morals, other than he's thrifty which is a good thing actually, something like 85% of clothes ends up in landfills. Sorry for the rant, you asked for it. Sorry if anyone who sees this likes Jason Todd and is offended, you're not bad for liking him, he has an interesting story, just please don't advocate for murdering common criminals, specifically drug dealers.
sorry it's late and fucking hot I don't have the most comprehensive reply dbdnhd and I do acknowledge that at the end of the day this is fiction but opinions real people hold come from SOMEWHERE - and I think we have a very ingrained belief that crime/bad deed has to be punished and that there are good and evil people and good people only do bad things when influenced by evil people which is exactly the core of jason's belief - and that's interesting for a batfam character, a former robin!! I like when him and bruce are contrasted based on ethics but I don't like when it's meant to show that jason is right and bruce is wrong
batman is an extremely popular and fascinating character because at his core lies the idea that systems that are in place to 'protect' people are corrupt and it's down to individuals who can do something to go against them and look out for others - that's something that will resonate with people even if irl solution can't be to dress up as a bat and beat tf outta people shdhhshs
I have two points to make here:
a) I'm straight up a fucking anarchist who lives in the woods, thinks aliens are listening, and doesn't trust the government but I don't believe systems are corrupt, I believe they operate the way they are meant to operate to punish and control the populations that the system needs to be controlled to keep up the status quo - war on drugs is such a good example for that. drug dealer also exists as this boogeyman, this idea of an evil person waiting to corrupt and destroy the good people but the fact is: people don't get addicted to drugs bc drug dealers exist, people get addicted to drugs because something, not someone, compels them to do drugs, because something (literal us gov) introduced drugs to their communities and drug dealers are just tiny pawns in that game. additionally, many dealers are addicts themselves who got roped into selling to pay for their own use or who got pushed into the margins of society so much that drug trade is the only way to survive they can find
there are like, whole papers and books and thesis done on this so I'm not gonna act like I can analyse it in a tumblr post dhshsjsj but yeah people who think jason is right usually show this weird superiority of 'oh batman doesnt get how to fix gotham like jason does' and like... no, jason gets played like a fiddle by the system the way people he kills do, and whatever he does will always just hit the other pawns and never reach those actually at the top, those who are profitting from finding scapegoats
and like, batman comics don't have to address that bc it's comics, you can write small lmao but don't argue that jason is somehow more enlightened than bruce for killing
b) this brings a question of, if we decide that there has to be punishment for every crime, who gets to decide what punishment is right for what crime? cause there's not a single person who's infallible enough to dictate what the best approach is in every situation
and batman works best as a traumatised man who's loves his city sm he tries to work however he can to protect people from corrupt systems and offer them second chances wherever he can bc that's who batman is at his core - batman is not a punisher he is a protector and he should never be pushed into a role of the punisher bc he's not edgy enough
also bitches are so hard acting like they would kill every villain cause rip to batman but I'm different, y'all are too scared to tell the waitress your order is wrong shut the fuck up lmao the closest any of y'all have been to being batman is getting your ass beat behind the club on a saturday by brenda in her boohoo jumpsuit
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alright you know who I am but in the spirit of discourse I’m gonna send an anon ask isdkjhf. I wanna kinda talk about this from a Canadian perspective a bit cuz it’s like a really Big Thing in the news right now. Like, there is a HUGE issue of sexual assault and abuse in the military, there’s a pattern of it that has been going on for a very very long time, and because of the way the military is structured, the power dynamics, the military simply *cannot* handle this themselves,
which is why pretty much everyone agrees that these cases should be handled by civilian courts and whatnot.
And like, it *is* a big problem that needs to be addressed, and even the minister of defense said that this is limiting the capability of Canada’s military to y’know, operate as an effective military.
Which I think it kinda fucked up that the concern isn’t ‘these women are being fucking raped by their superiors and that’s bad’ but ‘oh well that’s making our military bad at military-ing’, and I think the original post you reblogged kinda talked about that too, how they only care about the wellbeing of soldiers when it starts to affect their performance as an insignificant piece of the military machinery. And, yeah, like, if you treat your soldiers like shit you’re just not gonna have a great military.
Anyway, my personal hot takes about the military aside, I just think that anyone who cares about the safety of wellbeing of current and former military members should agree that the military can and should be expected to take better care of them. And even if you don’t care about that, only the effectiveness of the military, you should still see that treating the members better makes the whole organization achieve its objectives better.
and kinda off of what the later anon from a country neighbouring Russia said, yeah I absolutely do agree some sort of armed organization to necessary for defense, but A that doesn’t necessarily have to be a Military™ administered by the state, with super super strict hierarchies and power structure, although I can also see why people would think that some level of that would make it more effective.
For people who aren’t interested in my anarchist hot takes, however, I think it’s still possible to recognize that even within a necessary military it’s still possible to treat your soldiers better? Like, this is an issue within a quite a few countries with mandatory service because they *need* to have that capability of defense, including some in eastern europe and very much so russia lmao, but like, mandatory service fucking *sucks*, there’s so much hazing and people just,, don’t like doing it. And those people are not going to be as effective as they can be when it comes time to defend their country.
In the case of America though, and historically a few other authoritarian countries I’m not gonna name names lmao cuz then the americans will get pissy I’m comparing them to t h o s e, the propaganda has made people believe that this abuse is expected and necessary and that it can’t be better for them. And that is just not true, and trying to make your service members believe that is just an exercise in authoritarian power.
I for one appreciate your leftist wall of text @pythagoreanwhump so I’ll leave that here for my followers with no comment except that I agree but I will say that when I read the words ‘alright you know who I am’ I immediately just assumed that one of my friends was gonna fight me bitterly over my takes. Which like, if you are my friend, please don’t send me anons, we can talk about this face to face yeah?
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foccaccia · 2 years
music recs bls. preferably nothin by straight men but based on ur entire vibe i dont think i have to worry abt that lol
ok firstly, please PLEASE listen to G.L.O.S.S., they only have one album but it FUCKS. (also i don't know Dyke Drama as well but its Sadie Switchblade from G.L.O.S.S.' solo work and the album I bought was really good) (EDITED TO ADD A READMORE BC HOLY SHIT)
also, basic queer punk hours here but Against Me! is always, always worth it. laura jane grace my hero and beloved
Neighborhood Brats is a female fronted punk band. Actually, Dirt Cult Records has a number of pretty cool artists - I can't speak to all their gender/sexualities but their music is good. Dan Padilla (the band not the man lmao), Needles//Pins, Dead Years, Postage and, Feral Trash. I can't remember if Dear Landlord and Shallow Cuts are with Dirt Cult (i dont THINK so) but I do know they overlap with Dan Padilla.
Fangbanger is a really cool pop-ish punk band, and I haven't been into real pop punk in a long time but I really like them. Troll 2 is kind of folk punk, and by the tone of this ask I think you'd like them. i have a few Propoghandi songs i like (thrash punk), if you like ska you like Streetlight Manifesto. The Muslims and Fea my roommate got me into and both are really cool punk bands - the muslims is a queer poc crunchy punk band and fea is a san antonio based latina all female band. Ramshackle Glory is an anarchist punk band. GOGOL BORDELLO HOW COULD I FORGET YOU romani punk band from lower east side manhattan. i had a Sainte Catherine's cd on repeat for like 4 months straight when i was a teenager and honestly i was so valid for that.
and of course theres always the ramones, the replacements, husker du, the minutemen, the dead kennedys, black flag, the menzingers, etc.
Leaving punk, I know I just commented on a post about basic music but i really do like Florence + The Machine. Rip. The Amazing Devil is a bit, like, well the dude from the Witcher is in it so that says something but sometimes I want a song I can soulfully and really awfully sing along to. My roommate got me into Gloryhammer, so like, if you want weird ass concept metal albums, there u go. i recently remembered Luca Turilli (also known as Rhapsody and Luca Turilli's Rhapsody) exists, i was OBSESSED with these metal songs as a kid. oingo boingo is weird. i also really like Trocadero (shut up shut upppp i know its the red vs blue band but they do have cool music let me live). be steadwell and Grace Petrie are very queer, if thats what youre after. Palehound is kinda indie but some of thier songs get stuck in my head really easily. Ratatat is an electronic band that fits nothing else in this post but. a vibe. i had an Unwoman phase as a kid after that Night Vale Weather.
some single songs i really like but know less about the artist, of scattered genres: Who Wears The Pants?? by Soko, My Gap Feels Weird by Superchunk, Numbers (I Can Only Count To Four) by Psychostick (hehehe), For an Old Kentucky Anarchist by The Orphans, Sober Intentions by Apes of the State, Coffee God and Cigarettes by Mischief Brew, I'm Against the Government by Defiance Ohio, You're Not The Only Bear I Fisted by Schmekel, Butch In The Streets by Tribe 8, Deep Love by Lady Lamb, Dark Days by Pup, Racing Stripes by Aesop Rock, Old Number Seven by The Devil Makes Three, I'm So Sick by Flyleaf, I Don't Wanna Be Funny Anymore by Lucy Dacus, Lake Pontchartrain by Ludo, Devil's Point by Wicked Shallows, TKO by Le Tigre, Transvestites Can Be Cannibals Too by Harley Poe, Providence by Poor Man's Poison, and Wildflowers by Gouge Away.
this was ABSOLUTELY more than you asked for but i thought about music and got really excited, im sorry. also again i dont know how many of these artists are cishet men but also like, i like them and IM neither cis nor het so
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foolgobi65 · 4 years
Lois/Clark + travel au + fake dating + “are you sure this is legal?”
again, its kind of a fake marriage and...also again....this is kind of the set up for the fake marriage scenario? i basically used this as an opportunity to write down a bunch of my lois headcanons for a period after superman reveal but before the get together lmao but i hope you still like it!! thank you so much for sending the prompt, i love lois sm and this was i think the first time i’ve really written from her (or actually written out lois and clark lol) so everyone please send feedback re: lois and clark characterizations!!!!
love u to the moon and back!!!!
“Clark, what does legal really mean, other than the things our government arbitrarily decided we’re allowed to do?”
Next to her, Clark rolls his eyes and Lois tries not to show the awe that briefly floods her body when she remembers that Superman is Clark is Superman is Clark, which means that when he responds to her quip, it’s not only as Smallville but as Kal-El, who she once named ‘the Man of Tomorrow.’ 
“Nice to see Libertarian Lois make an appearance,” Clark-El quips, and Lois nearly melts. It’s been about a month since what she, agnosto-sympathetic as she’s always been, termed in her own mind as the Revelation. Clark is Superman is Clark, she reminds herself as she always has to, to keep herself from running in as many directions as she can, vainly trying to outrun the fastest man alive. 
Being, maybe. Because he’s not really a man, is he?
Clark, Lois thinks again. Clark Kent from Smallville, Kansas. Son of Martha. Man, man, man. Lois is no fool to think that he could really be anyone else -- Clark, for all that he’s apparently lied to her, couldn’t possibly have lied about this. Superman had always seemed so aloof, so removed from the daily grind of humanity’s issues: sure, he’s saved plenty of cats up trees, but Lois had always wondered if he understood why those cats were so beloved, or worse if he saw humanity as the perennial cat constantly stuck up in trees of its own making. But she hadn’t known Superman, really, hadn’t thought she would be able to. 
Not like she’d known Clark. Clark, of the long-form article following the production of a single plaid shirt he’d been wearing on Monday during the week’s pitch meeting. Clark, who was always falling into step right next to Lois no matter where she was, or who she was up against, his heart the only one that burned like Lois when confronted with the nastiness of the world. 
Clark, who Lois has always considered the most human man she ever met. Clark who is somehow biologically, the least human man in the universe.
“Lois?” Clark’s voice is just slightly strained as if he can hear the thoughts scurrying round and round Lois’s mind, but no Lois had asked about that during those first few terrifying days when up had seemed like down and she’d felt like the shittiest investigative reporter since Arnab Goswami. Clark couldn’t read minds, not really, he’d said -- he could at most see the neurons firing (and wasn’t that a horrifying thought?) but he hadn’t tried to figure out a pattern. 
“But I don’t watch your neurons,” he’d said with what then-Lois had recognized as a hint of human-Clark, who she later realized was just-Clark’s shit-eating grin. “Your mind makes me dizzy enough when I’m just observing from the outside. Can’t imagine what would happen if I was trying to follow your thought process in real-time.” 
Now-Lois shakes her head slightly, unattractive like a wet dog. “Sure it’s illegal to impersonate a pair of massage therapists, but you’re an extraterrestrial traveler, Clark. Do the mighty dictums of the United States really mean that much to you?” 
She knows almost as soon as the last half of the sentence leaves her lips that it’s the wrong thing to say. Clark’s from Kansas, just like he always said. He was raised in Kansas, with Kansas values whatever the hell that means. Christ, she thinks, she’s never been so insensitive to an adoptee in her life. 
A month ago, Clark’s face might have crumpled. Two weeks ago, he might have thrown Lois’s insensitivity right back in her face. Today, though, his eyes only go wide for a second, right before Lois sees them glint with what she can only label as sheer Clarkness. It’s a near cousin of his shit-eating grin, that’s for sure, and if it makes her heart race with a little anticipation that between her, the universe and, if he’s listening, Sup--
But maybe Clark isn’t listening, too focused on what he’s about to say, because he plows on despite her heart rate. “Lois,” he drawls, “I don’t ignore the dictates of the United States because I'm an alien.”  
Oh for fuckssake. “Clark now is not the time to crib off of your much cooler mom’s actual anarchist credentials. You can talk as much theory as you want, but you were the one who just asked if we should continue our pursuit of justice based on legality.” 
Clark scoffs. “Perry suspended us for two weeks, and on day two you called me up and asked if I wanted to go on a vacation.” 
Sometimes, Clark’s whole Clark-shtick makes it so that Lois can’t tell if he’s actually hurt, or if he’s just fucking with her emotions, the ones everyone told him she’d long shot dead and buried behind the house, for his own amusement. She squints, leaning in a little closer to check for his usual tells, and there! Just at the corner of his lip, a slight twitch, so minuscule that no one but Lois could have found it. 
“You asshole! You were bored too!” Lois crosses her arms. “C’mon, would you really have been happy with a normal cruise, just floating on the ocean and wearing Hawaiian shirts while eating shrimp, no care in the world?” She raises her eyebrows, grinning like she’s trying to sell Clark a tub of Crisco. “Isn’t taking down the Mob just so much more exciting?” 
According to her therapist, Lois was never really in love with Superman. Lois was in love with the idea Superman represented -- a good man, powerful without the corruption she saw infesting those with power every day, a man so far above humanity that he was safe from the trainwreck that was Lois’ interior self. He could never really love her back, so Lois was safe loving him, never had to worry about her job putting him in danger or her tongue slicing him up during an argument until there was nothing left but his torn up suit. 
Clark, though, Clark was very real, her therapist said. Says, though Lois hasn’t been responding to her calls since the Revelation. She doesn’t know how quite to say “hey Doc, remember how we’ve been talking on and on about Clark and Superman, and how I have to ‘give up my illusion of safety in order to take a real leap of faith?’ Well, do I have a doozy for you!”  
But anyway, the point her therapist was making was that Clark actually knows Lois, inside and out. Probably better than Lois knows herself, at this point, and he loves her for it anyway. Because he does love her, Lois knows. Just like Jimmy knows, and Perry, and Lucy, and hell the guy at her corner bodega too who thinks that “that nice plaid-shirt guy you’re seeing, who comes in to buy you a whole dozen maple donuts before he picks you up, he’s gonna pop the question any day now Miss Lane!” 
Clark has loved Lois for a long time but never told her because Lois has spent almost the entirety of their partnership pretending to love Superman, afraid of being judged wanting by the only person in the world who could actually make that judgment in the first place. Clark loves her now, but Lois’ parents loved each other too once, and that relationship ended with her mom being just a little grateful that the cancer was actually going to kill her so that she wouldn’t have to put up with the General anymore. Lois knows that Clark thinks she doesn’t love him, that he thinks her love for Superman died in the fire of knowing that Superman was actually her bumpkin friend Clark, but for once she’s too afraid to report the truth. 
The truth, that all those parts Lois’ mother hated in the General -- his stubbornness, his arrogance, his inability to see anything outside of the scope of his gun -- Mad-Dog Lane has too, probably in equal measure. Clark isn’t her mom, but he too is kind, and gentle. Soft sometimes, in ways that Lois can’t believe he manages when faced with the horrors of humanity twice over. He’s her best friend, her partner, but if they added another step to their weird dance wouldn’t it finally be too much? Clark has parents who love him, makes friends easier than Lois can breathe, but Lois has only Clark. Maybe Perry, but even then who knows -- Clark might get Perry in the divorce since he can actually spell. 
“Hmm?” Lois shakes herself again, finally seeing Clark’s hand wave in front of her face. “Sorry, Clark.” 
He laughs. “It’s fine Lois, I was just saying something you’d probably have liked to hear so it’s probably best that you didn’t.” 
Lois clicks her tongue, rounding on Clark. “Well if it’s that I was right about you being bored after an entire two days off, then I don’t need to hear it. I already know I’m right and that’s good enough for me.” 
Clark rolls his eyes. “One of the precious few times you are, since this idea of yours is all sorts of wrong. Beyond the legal thing, which I will remind you, is a matter of having a massage therapy license that neither of us has and as such, cannot in good faith offer massages as part of our jobs as massage therapists.” Funny that Clark seems to have no comment on the whole “fake marriage” part of Lois’ plan. 
Lois brushes off his concern with what she thinks is aplomb. “See that would have been a problem for the Lois-of-a-month-ago, but today-Lois knows something that you apparently haven’t thought about!” 
Lois beckons Clark closer, and because he loves her, he humors her by leaning in close. “See,” she whispers into his ear, “Today-Lois knows that her partner Clark has super-vision, and can see all those pesky muscle groupings neither of us knows about. Just talk to me in a language we know but the client doesn’t, and we’ll be all good!” 
Clark chokes. “You want me to...use my powers to aid in our...subterfuge?” 
Lois raises an eyebrow. “Are you seriously telling me that you haven’t used them on a story before?” That would be very Clark-like of him, she supposes, but on the other hand, the Clark she knows would never not use a resource to help break a story. And, just like she thought--
“No,” Clark says, flushing beet red -- I made Superman blush! Lois thinks and tamps down -- “No I have, but just not so....” 
“No,” Clark admits, “it was definitely planned.” He laughs softly. “Honestly, I think it’s that no one else has ever planned to use my powers, at least not as Clark.” Superman, of course, helps build millions of homes and launches nuclear waste into space: there’re entire forums where top scientists compete to see which of their ideas Superman can help them fulfill. And here Lois is, asking him to use those same powers so that they can fake being massage therapists to coax out leads from horny couples with connections to the Mob. 
She bites her lip, insecure in only the way Superman and Clark have been able to make her feel. Just figures that they were the same person the whole time. “Is..,” Lois swallows, “Is that ok? That I planned it?” Her eyes widen, sudden panic suffusing her body. “Ohmygod Clark, I don’t want you to feel like I’m taking advantage of you, or anything, I mean I definitely think your powers are cool but I love you for your mind first and fore--” 
Everything inside and out of Lois’s brain shuts off. Did she just--
Clark’s jaw drops, wild hope Lois doesn’t even think he realizes creeping into the corners of his eyes. “Did you just--” 
“I..” Lois’ brain is now entirely composed of those moments when your CD skips, no words, no feelings, just skips. 
And then, like the greatest gift and curse the Universe could possibly bestow at once, the Cruise Director’s door opens. “Hello,” she says, glancing down at the names on her clipboard and doing a double-take. “Bumpo and Geraldine McTungus?” 
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thatshortdudety · 5 years
Types of Ravenclaws - Nicholas Black
The Stereotype
Raven Qualifications: love knowledge, kind of witty
- Whenever they are around, people run
- They are insufferable
- They're just annoying in general and constantly act like they're better than you
- At least one or two of them exist
- You may not find them very often but when you do... you know
- They're the type of person that will debate you until one of you dies, so just give up and let them think that they are right, because it's just not worth it. Just fuckin leave
- The assholes in social media comments that start their comments with 'uM aCtuALLy' and like 'sOurCeS'
- Elitism is so thick that they might as well be in Slytherin
- They love knowledge so they are actually pretty smart
- They have some wit, but no wisdom or creativity
- They get really good grades, so teachers have a love-hate relationship with them as they're a know-it-all but make the class look better
- Usually in the library studying
- Makes you feel stupid in .3 seconds
- They probably drink tea and write Shakespearean lit in their own time [like fucking nerds]
- the LEAST RAVENCLAW Ravenclaw in the tower
The Weird One
Raven Qualifications: Intelligent, wise, creative, original, individual, acceptance
- Basically Luna Lovegood
- They're weird and you know it
- Tend to be obsessive over a few particular topics, eg. if they love crocodiles and you ask them a questions about crocodiles they will whip out an encyclopaedia from their pocket [and you wonder how it fit in there in the first place then you remember you're a wizard]
- They have porcupine teeth under their bed and you don't know why. Nobody knows why, all we know is that we live in fear
- They're the person you call when you know you are being haunted. They know about that spiritual shit. They have the sage ready, they know how to relieve you of your demons [basically if you have a ghostie problem, they gotchu bitch]
- They talk very rarely, but when they do, they either sound like a wise monk or a crackhead... or both [and that, my friends, is entertaining]
- They are divination experts [fuck you, Hermione, they know your future, whatchu gonna do about it]
- They have an ongoing "experiment" since like the first day they were at Hogwarts, and everybody knows there is an experiment, but nobody knows what it is [so the Ravenclaw power lives in fear. The Gryffindor tower should also live in fear, but those fucks aren't scared of anything so like honestly fuck 'em]
- They're like Socrates, sometimes, they're basically like "I know that I know nothing," all humbly-wise like that [and you're like "huh that's why you're a ravenclaw hm ok"]
- Despite having no social skills and scaring everyone shitless all the time, these Ravenclaws are the most mindful and spiritual, most open Ravenclaws
- They accept any theory or idea because "fuck it, we know nothing and anything could be real"
- Scary but pretty cool
The Mum
Raven Qualifications: Intelligence, WIT, wisdom, creativity, originality, SHARPNESS, ACCEPTANCE
- Has a first aid kit on hand and knows how to use it. Basically a doctor. Didn't go to med school, but they know their shit.
- Has a remedy for every illness. Pretty sure they're not allowed to have a potions cabinet in their dormitory, but Flitwick allows it, and so they've just got med potions in the dormitory [even though we have... a-uei- even though we have a hospital wing]
- The best advice giver in both complicated and stupid situations. They will give you some fucking common sense, they will spell it out for you
- NUMBER ONE Ravenclaw
- eg. If you have a boyfriend who has cheated on you multiple times and you ask them for advice they will look you straight in the eye and say "BITCH you deserve better, break up with that hoe" and you should probably listen to them because most everything they say is correct
- They will not tolerate stupidity [she will not tolerate your stupidity, richard, get out of the damn tree]
- They read the entire unabridged Lord of the Rings to their children, A.K.A. first year Ravenclaws and all Hufflepuffs
- The voice of reason [please just listen to her it.. it's all i ask.. please she's right, don't... don't question it]
- Knows all the answers to your homework assignment and knows how to effectively teach it to you [but fuck off dan she will not do your homework for you.. not again]
- If you get into some stupid shit, they'll say 'I told you so' and continue to fix your shit like a GODDESS [honestly she needs more love]
- Breaks up fights and sends people to their rooms. They're not having your bullshit.
- Such a smart person! eg. amazing war strategist [she-she knows. She knows all manipulation tactics, sh-she knows how to get her shit done, she is the strategist of the century, i swear]
The Artist
Raven qualifications: Intelligence, WIT, wisdom, CREATIVITY, originality, INDIVIDUALITY, sharpness, acceptance
- They're probably on Tumblr. That's just how it is.
- They don't give two shits about grades. The school system is rIgGeD............. okAy maybe they do care a little bit, but they'd DIE before they'd admit it
- They're an ex Emo and an activist
- They like politics
- They are the second debater in the house. For the love of god, don't put them in the same room as the Stereotype. Do you wanna fucking die? [i mean i do too, carol, but not now. It is unstoppable force vs immovable object, do you want to explode? didn't think so]
- They're either a music, theatre or art nerd... or possible poetry if you're.. that bitch. [but um if you don't know the difference between a play and a musical, we're judging you- WE'RE JUDGING YOU SEVERELY it's not that difficult i know what a fucking touch-down is]
- They're probably a communist, socialist, anarchist because fUCK CAPITALISM HELL
- Music and art is subJECTIVE YOU CANNOT TEACH IT, KAREN [and that's when the Stereotype walks in and starts a debate on that]
- They're pretty depressed
- They like musicals
- They have an aesthetic Instagram but all the captions are like 'aha lmao i wanna fucking die' and 'i crave death'
- Not gonna lie they cry after a debate even though they started it
- They have high standards that they don't meet themselves
The Bookworm
Raven Qualifications: INTELLIGENCE, wit, wisdom, CREATIVITY, originality, individuality, ACCEPTANCE
- They're kind of like a stereotype too, but they're the good stereotype
- They're like, the chill
- They're only passionate about like books and shit, so if you wanna have a 24 hour conversation with them, just bring up their favourite book series and they won't let you go
- They have a very popular fanfiction account. They are a veteran stan that wrote a 300k word fanfiction that is a STAPLE in the community. They are the fandom's mum
- They have like 30 books to read but for some reason they just read Junie B. Jones again. For the 5th time.
- They're very kind, usually patient, the most empathetic [other than maybe the Mum in the house]
- They do tend to be alone most of the time
- They have an internal debate on whether or not they should focus on their grades or read the 30 books they have to read [they.. somehow... do it both. um... i hate you]
- They're usually friends with the Mum Ravenclaw, they're like the parents of the house. Without them somebody might mysteriously disappear, or like, die [the weird one hasn't come back for three weeks send help]
The Junkie
Raven Characteristics: Wit, creativity, ORIGINALITY, individuality, acceptance
- [i know what you're thinking: 'come on nick, ravenclaws are smart, they wouldn't do drugs!'..... that's where you're wrong, bitch. they would do drugs.. but only the smart drugs. only the safe drugs]
- They only do marijuana. They don't even do any other drugs, and when they DO marijuana, they eat it in a pot brownie so that they don't get cancer from smoking it [like, they're pussies basically, i'm sorrty but]
- Okay, I take it back, they might do LSD once because the Weird One told them that they'd "see god" on LSD, but they'll never do it again cos it was a bad trip and probably killed some of their braincells, so they're a little overce
- They're anti-capitalist, but they never specify what their political and economic beliefs are, so they just kinda say 'fuck capitalism' then they go to bed high as Snoop Dog
- Usually friends with the Weird One [...i'm scared all the time]
- They're high all the time, but they never get caught because they're a Ravenclaw, and Ravenclaws don't get caught [take notes, Slytherin]
- They once woke up with a surrealist painting in one hand and the communist manifesto in the other... they don't know what happened the night before, but they got rid of the evidence real fuckin quick because you can't be too safe
- They claim to be Buddhist and trying to find the real meaning of life, but like they don't practice Buddhism really well.. they-aie- I think they're just doing it for the aesthetic, they know a lot about Buddhism they just don't practice it very well
- They're trying to open their third eye. [none of us want them to. their two eyes are problematic enough, we don't need them to have a third
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uiruu · 5 years
Ever heard of the band Grumpster? They’re really good
i dont think i’ve heard of them? thats quite a band name though, it sounds like a game grumps app
i’m listening to Kairos rn (well the music video on youtube i mean), that’s an interesting concept for a video lol
the song’s alright, it seems a little unpolished but that’s understandable cause they seem really small or really new, really diy and stuff? and i dont mean unpolished like it doesnt sound like a crystal clear recording or something lmao that wouldnt sound good with their style, i mean unpolished like it doesnt sound like theyve fully honed their sound i guess? but i like little indie punky stuff like that sometimes, so thanks for putting them on my radar! i’ll keep an eye out for them!
also, like, it’s possible that i missed something really significant about it, and if so please let me know lol. like, i have a hard time paying attention to lyrics, like i’ll catch phrases here and there but i dont always put them together haha. there’s an album called Get To Heaven by a band called Everything Everything that’s a concept album about a sort of anarchist-terrorist murdering the queen of England and being captured and executed, and i didnt catch that that was the plot of the album until my like third or fourth listen, and even then it was only because of some youtube comments i saw lol, i didnt figure it out on my own. i dove into the lyrics immediately after that, but i wouldnt have known on my own, even though some of the lyrics were pretty blatant haha, i just kinda process them as “lyrics” rather than as “sentences”? i’m not good at that lol. what i caught of this song seems like a catchy thing about... uh... a breakup? an argument? something about “accept that i was wrong” and stuff uhhhh sorry idk lol im an idiot
also also, im not in this sorta zone lately, the music ive been mostly listening to for the past.... uhhh... like 8 months lol... has been uhh... not this lol... embarrassing to admit in this post even though its probably referenced in posts before and after this haha
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momestuck · 6 years
Let’s read Hiveswap Friendsim... volume 17!
The penultimate volume. Let’s sacrifice a few more timelines to the great tapestry of fate that we’re weaving. Or more likely, Doc Scratch is weaving.
This time, “Of Teen and Tech, Acerbic”.
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One more jade, and one more indigo. I think at this point we have a pretty even spread across the non-Sea Troll blood colours.
I thought there was a TV show of this name, but apparently it’s ‘Daria’. This troll and that Daria seem to have a similar attitude, judging by the image. As for ‘Daraya’, it refers to a handful of places, notably Darayya in Syria, which was apparently the site of a massacre seven years ago during the civil war. Oof.
Daraya is the final troll written by Cee. L. Kyle, creator of prior memorable trolls Bronya, Zebruh, Remele and Lynera. I guess Cee likes writing jades.
Anyway, Daraya’s route begins as a few have in recent episodes - the protag feeling lethargic and listless, too tired to make friends.
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We end up in a cerulean neighbourhood. There are some pointed lines...
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When this game wants to, it really skewers its targets.
Anyway, the music kicks in as we realise Elwurd (the huge lesbian) texted us to invite us to a party. A bunch of other trolls seem to be showing up as well...
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The track this time is called “trollkind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. to obtain something, something of equal value must be lost. that is alchemys first law of equivalent exchange. in those days, we really believed that to be the worlds one and only truth”. No prizes for guessing who decided to name a song after an extended quote from Fullmetal Alchemist.
There’s some more emphasis on how artificial our friendship feelings are...
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Anyway, as we approach the party, we spot Daraya, busy looking very goffick.
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She’s not thrilled to see us. Of course we’d be friends with Elwurd, she says grumpily.
Now in Befriend Mode, we do our best to mimic her whole ‘disaffected slouch’. Apparently being vaguely cynical and depressed is pleasing to Daraya. She seems to like Elwurd though...
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Lesbians, I swear...
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I swear...
Anyway, we learn that Daraya has snuck out of the caverns - though she’s not as restricted as little Wanshi. She whines about Bronya’s ‘cloister rules’. But hey, she met Elwurd through Bronya...
We blather about how the caves aren’t so bad, and namedrop some other jades we know. Daraya is not impressed.
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Anyway, she’s not invited. So our first choice is to tell her to go home or invite her in.
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Let’s let her in, because the other way doesn’t seem to go anywhere interesting.
Bronya isn’t the only troll we know at this party. Chahut apparently hasn’t yet shipped out off planet, and she shows up too.
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Chahut makes some remarks about how fascinating she finds jadebloods... or ‘greenies’ as she puts it. She makes a murder joke about whether Daraya is really jade or not.
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Yes, that’s exactly how I’d put it. Definitely.
After that brief brush with death, Daraya gets other ideas.
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Mmhmm. As we head off, Daraya suggests we have a reputation for being ‘unconventional, weird and rebellious’. That’s certainly one way to describe ‘being a clueless alien pathologically addicted to making friends’.
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Ahahaha nicely done.
Unfortunately we don’t have a lot of edgy rebellious ideas tonight.
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I’m in favour of being a hoodlum.
Lots of new backgrounds in this episode. Somewhat different style too...
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Apparently these are by Phil Gibson.
We ask Daraya how she’s doing. Her answer: not well.
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Daraya says some dangerously radical stuff about how everything sucks for everyone but the highbloods... and maybe them too. We get a callback to the joke from last time...
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The narrator refuses to comment on that. That’s a good call, I think.
Daraya continues to complain. As a jadeblood, she’s not going to have to go into space, but life in the caverns tending to matters of social reproduction. We commiserate, which she appreciates.
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We raise an eyebrow at the mention of Lynera. Danara assures us that she hates her - and not in a romantic way! (“or well...”)
At that point, we run into Tyzias. Just the person to take Daraya’s alienation and dissatisfaction and forge it into a revolutionary will, right?
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Luckily, protag has the same idea. Which is no doubt why Tyzias was written into the plot at this point.
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The well known “goth to anarchist” pipeline, right?
There’s a brief allusion to the weird shift that happened with Fozzer - a vague memory of a different Fozzer. “But why did you remember that guy?” indeed.
Tyzias tries to give a Daraya a little pep talk against hopelessness... Daraya is not particularly persuaded.
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God I know that utterly depressing feel. What can one troll do, indeed?
Tyzias answers it the challenge.
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She’s not wrong.
Daraya is not exactly being won over, but the protag does manage to get her to chill a bit and keep the conversation going. Tyzias has more real shit to say.
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Daraya challenges her - is it just about making herself feel better, if there’s no realistic hope of real change? Tyzias says... in some way, it is. And the protag chimes in - that doesn’t make it less effective, at whatever little it is achieving.
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At the end of this, I’m gonna try and make a list like... troll I would most want to be friends with in real life, and least, favourite route and so on. Spoilers: Tyzias would be the friend I’d want to make.
Tyzias points out like... what the hell else are they gonna do? Daraya finally admits she’s got a point.
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And... having secured a friendship between not just us and Daraya, but us and Tyzias... we reach the end of the arc.
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Let’s go fuck shit up. By which we mean, read law books. I guess!
That was nice. I fully support this lesbian goth and her budding revolutionary consciousness.
God I’m predictable.
Unfortunately, finding the friendship route here means it’s all downhill from here.
If we tell her to go home instead of bringing her to the party...
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strut pod encasements!
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That was predictably short.
OK, now for the non-phoned in side branch.
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She does have an idea, it turns out. We hop into our (now quite low on fuel) car, and head off to a ruined city somewhere near the thriving one we’re living in.
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Ooh. I wonder what we’ll find?
We make our way to an abandoned mall to go urbexing. Fuck, I love reading about urbex. Too much of a shut-in to have ever actually tried it.
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We end up in a food court with the roof caved in. It’s apparently cool as hell. Alas, it’s not illustrated.
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I’m not sure which rebellion this would be associated with. That of the Signless, or some other?
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Ah, that narrows it down. The Signless rebellion, then. In which case... Alternian malls are really built to last!
We comment on the strangeness of the absence of adults, but this upsets Daraya.
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Apparently, as an adult, she’ll be cloistered off on her own somewhere, and forbidden to contribute genes to the slurry. Huh.
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To be honest, it’s a wonder that most other trolls are so cheery. Daraya’s attitude seems like the sensible one on this planet.
Daraya says some real shit about the existential dread she’s living with, the paralysing hopelessness of having no future to speak of.
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Hey Daraya, do you fancy this copy of Baedan I happen to have on hand?
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make total destroy etc. etc.
Anyway, at this point... Daraya somehow manages to set the mall on fire by throwing a mall at a cooker.
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And... the narrator has no choice but to leave, as Daraya lets herself burn in the centre of the mall, one of the few places she cared about.
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God, this episode was a bit real lol.
It’s not wrong though. Leftist theory certainly hasn’t cured my depression (lol), but it has given me some perspective to put it in a context where it can be managed, I guess. Something to work towards, no matter how futile it may be, in this fucking hell world that created me.
In the words of 2B... “Everything that lives is designed to end. We are perpetually trapped in a never-ending cycle of life and death. Is this a curse? Some kind of punishment? I often think about the god who blessed us with this cryptic puzzle... and wonder if I will ever get the chance to kill him.”
Let’s look to the struggle within the cycle. What else is there?
So now for...
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Nihkee. She stronk. Keep your pants on, lesbians.
Nihkee is the creation of David Turbull, who previously made Tegiri (weeb) and Tirona (baby lawyer). Her theme, appropriately bombastic, is another James Roach piece with a long name: “lmao i still dont know if it’s nicky or nike (like the shoe, not like... the name mike)”. Make of that what you will.
This episode opens in media res - at a sporting arena. How did we get here?
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We seem to be watching some kind of cage fight. Knowing trolls, I imagine it will be a lethal one.
Apparently we’re attending to Amisia. She bemoans the ‘boorishness’ of the purplebloods.
This seems to be the troll equivalent of pro-wrestling, rather than, say, MMA. However, injuries are a lot more common. We learn that Amisia won us tickets in a raffle, and invited us to this ‘Display of Muscular Theatre’.
We are watching The Huntress (olive) fight Cullpitz (purple). The narration mentions that Cullpitz is bizarrely un-clowny.
The fights are, naturally, rigged by hemospectrum. The narration notes that The Huntress seems to be deliberately holding back to avoid inciting the crowd. Amisia, however, is excited for the next competitor: Nihkee Moolah of course, who - Amisia claims - has never lost a fight.
Cullpitz wins the fight, and causes The Huntress a likely permanent injury. The protag feels sick enough to have to step away. But as we leave, we get drawn into a conversation with a violetblood (seadweller). He promises money (nah), fame (no thank you) and at last, friendship. And the deal is sealed.
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Unfortunately, Nihkee’s opponent is dead. Which means... he wants us to take their place. Having an alien will make big money for the ring.
Let me guess: the choice is gonna be to refuse this terrible plan or go with it.
Maybe, but not yet...
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We meet Nihkee, in the middle of working out. Some of these trolls are dressed more for MMA than pro-wrestling but who knows.
There’s a meta joke in the narration.
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She is not best pleased with the showrunner for interrupting her prep. Though, I get the impression it’s all in the spirit of showtrollship.
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Sure are some muscles. I’m not entirely sure what the [()] typing quirk is menat to represent exactly. Probably not a yonic symbol?
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It’s worth noting at this point that all of my knowledge of professional wrestling comes from reading the TVTropes pages a couple of times. If you’re curious, it’s an impressively comprehensive discussion of wrestling terminology and the various dynamics involved in its production.
Kayfabe is the way wrestlers pretend in their media appearances that pro-wrestling competitions are not mostly scripted athletic performances with exaggerated personas, but genuine fights between real people who actually act like their stage characters. Now all the fans fully understand that wrestling is fake (but still fun), it’s not taken as seriously, but apparently it was a huge deal back in the 70s. Give the article a read, it’s fascinating.
Nihkee is not particularly impressed by the suggestion of performing with us.
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We protest. At length.
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Of course we fucking are.
She gives us guidelines for the show. Basically: follow her storyline. “The alien invader challenges me in an exhibition match to TOPPLE the MIGHTIARCHY.” We struggle, but eventually...
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(I guess to convey suitable drama, a lot of Nihkee’s dialogue is split between multiple dialogue boxes, which makes it a little hard to take screenshots.)
We ask if we’ll die. She assures us no - unless we’re especially weak. But even then...
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Well, that’s a great reason to die. Sign me up.
Secondly, an “exhibition match” means we will not be challenging each other for positions on the “flexeladder” - otherwise we’d have to wrestle nude, like at the “Intergalactic Trollympics”. I’d count that as a blessing.
We bring up the question of face and heel. You can read about these on tvtropes, but the narrator does a pretty good job of explaining.
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In troll society, of course, the traits we’d ascribe to a ‘heel’ are valorised. So we’re just going to get crushed under her heel. Indeed.
Time for the match. The showrunner does the announcement for Nihkee.
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In a clear allusion to good old Equius, Nihkee’s entrance is accompanied by a shower of thrown glasses of milk from the fans.
And opposing her whole deal is...
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“Some messed up lowblood alien”. Huh, usually when I go into an arena fight in games I’m the “mysterious stranger”. Who could have seen this coming?
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Ah, that’s what fate was working towards this whole time! Thanks, Doc Scratch, for your dedication to the cause of wrestling.
So, naturally, we’re playing the foreigner. Here to prove our superiority to trollkind. TVTropes naturally has an article on this: the Foreign Wrestling Heel. We’re going by the book here.
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We put up a good bit of bravado. But are we prepared to face, Nihkee demands, her...
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OK, you got me. I’m laughing out loud again.
The protagonist puts up a pretty good show, it seems like - barely dodging Nihkee’s attacks in a suitably dramatic fashion. We bleed, but the narration suggests that under the stage lights, the trolls will take it as ordinary ‘rust’ blood and not ‘mutant’ red. We hope.
Nihkee invites us to attack with appropriate pomp. But we...
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...don’t do that, not directly. We springboard off the edge of the cage in “a classic clothesline manoeuvre”... and get knocked the fuck out.
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But we haven’t reached our second decision point yet, so that can’t be the end of us. Hopefully we gave the trolls what they wanted.
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Do we even have a fourth wall anymore?
Anyway, this turns out to be Nihkee’s hive. She is not impressed at our ring performance - getting knocked out by our own attack. Well, that’s fair.
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Training montage incoming?
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Hell yes. (She calls everyone sister, including the announcer guy, in case you’re wondering if that’s an implicit gendering of the protag.)
She’s brought us to her BRAWNISEUM. As we can see in the illustration... it’s pretty much made for Space Marines to train at.
After her speech about our indomitable will and potential, she invites us to ASCEND with her.
Hell yeah. Let’s [S] ASCEND together!
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Of course we fucking take it.
We start with the acid treadmill. (The acid doesn’t seem to be depicted.) She turns it up... a bit fast.
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We manage to run at 12 miles per hour - which is about bronze level good. Apparently all the machines rate us by blood colour. While the low end of the hemospectrum gets the badass psychic powers, the high end gets the physical strength, it seems. There’s more jokes about how great our legs are - they merit a cerulean!
All the while, Nihkee ‘encourages’ us in a way that’s gendered in the opposite way that things usually are on Earth.
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After half an hour of that, she gives us a protein shake... except it’s not a protein shake but ‘gatorade mixed with milk’. Amazing.
Then we get tested for ‘pressure resistance’ in a soft iron maiden. Apparently that’s olive level.
The overall verdict?
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We do more of this - including getting chased by a literal toothy monster. By the time we finally collapse...
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She’s impressed by our commitment - our “strength of heart and soul”. And our great appreciation for the MOST RIGHTEOUS OF PURSUITS... earns us the recognition of “workout friend”.
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And that rounds out the arc. Presumably after some more of this, the narrator will be due for a return to the ring.
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Go us!
Easy arc to find the right answers in, evidently. Now to see what happens if we hesitate.
First of all, before the match...
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We can’t watch as she pulls out lowblood challengers from the audience and smashes their faces into the spikes. Oh, trolls. We get treated to an image of this, too.
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Mmm, indeed.
Now, if we hesitate later before the workout session...
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She dismisses us - unworthy of her gifts, unwilling to reach our full potential.
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She tells us to get out of her sight. The narration steps in to make another meta joke (that’s like three this arc?)
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We get a fake out fade to black and the first note of the end card music... but then!
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...GET RIIII(...)IIIPPPPPED! In our own way.
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D --> Hmm, 100k at this e%tremely subtle reference.
Anyway, that someone turns out to be... Stelsa! And Tyzias, who happens to be present. There’s a brief discussion of a fast food service called ‘door smash’, and Stelsa’s love of scheduling. They’re cute together.
But let’s get down to business... to defeat...
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...our own flimsiness.
Stelsa’s into it.
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Then we hang with her and Tyzias for a bit. We suggest Tyzias might consider energy drinks.
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This arc then extends over... a long time!
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Multiple weeks! And the training seems to be going well...
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It’s almost as if ‘drill sergeant’ isn’t the ideal demeanour for a coach after all.
But as we go to show off our progress to Nihkee, the question of this being a non-canon branch leads us to hesitate.
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So we decide to ‘blitz our chakras’ to try and work this out. We put on some ocean noises (which leads to a change in the soundtrack! soft music starts playing, seguing into the menu music) and... start imagining some metaphors.
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In our reverie, we slip beneath the surface of the river.
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Things get kind of meta. I’m just gonna take a bunch of screenshots because this seems... important.
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The images of failed branches, all these catastrophes, blur together on top of each other.
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We are implored to ‘find our river’. And we find the two branches of the current route... one sounding much more inviting than the other.
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Then things get REALLY meta.
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And then we get the rest of the arc in some kind of summary form, all in this... letterboxed? That’s not the right word, but whatever... all in this view. Nihkee is not pleased to see us. We come up with the idea of sneaking in.
It does not seem to end well.
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She chases us on one leg and we escape by getting her run over by a train. But she becomes a cyborg coming to chase us down, terminator-like. Yeah, seriously.
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NIHKEEBORG spends a year hunting us across the wilderness. And eventually... she catches us. We die.
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And coming out of the meditation, we decide... not to do that. We just go to Stelsa’s house instead, and let Nihkee be.
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God, you never know what you’re going to stumble onto in this game. That was amazing.
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