#the andersons
halstaff · 11 months
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#22 Scratchy
Connor’s got dog hairs on his chair now, too.
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inahallucination · 2 years
and if i start a jeffrey anderson series what then ?
Jeffrey Anderson stood with a drink in his hand that he absentmindedly sipped, half paying attention to what the guy next to him, friend enough that he could zone out, was saying and watched his younger brother.
Todd had always been a shy quiet kid. When they were really small, everyone had found the way he hid behind Jeffrey, small fists clutching at Jeff’s clothes, adorable. The adults at the parties their parents forced them to go to pinched Jeff’s cheeks and told him he was a good brother and told Todd that he was lucky to have him. Todd used to get even more shy at the attention and bury his face away which caused them to coo at him.
As they got older, however, the expectations for Todd to stop being so shy and for Jeff to stop babying him started to come. At first it was mixed in with the cooing, a little, ‘He’s going to get too old for this soon, so you two should enjoy these moments’ directed at their parents. Then ‘oh, Todd still does that?’. And soon after, Todd got in trouble for hiding behind Jeff and Jeff for letting Todd hide behind him. Eventually, their parents forced them to be in different parts of the room.
Forcing them apart didn’t make Todd any less shy, however. If anything, he started to dread every type of social interaction. Before at least he’d talk quietly to the people Jeff pointed to. Or to Jeff’s own friends. At least he’d make eye contact when Jeff was next to him, however brief and hesitant.
But as the years went on, Jeff left for Welton, only seeing Todd for breaks, though Todd seemed to prefer spending them in his room. The older Jeff got, the more attention their parents gave him and his academic successes. And soon he’d come home just to be whisked away to be bragged about. His time with Todd decreased by every year and by the time Jeff was in 10th grade, it was a miracle if he could have an hour with Todd per week during summer vacation. Naturally, the two ended up drifting apart.
But now, both having outgrown Welton, Todd stood there, near him, confidently. Jeff knew his brother, he could see how his hand was clenched too tightly around his glass, how his smile was just a little before forced, and how he made sure to not look at one person for too long. Still, however, he stood there, casually making conversation. To anyone else, he would look at ease, maybe not the person pulling all the attention to themselves, but still far from the shy Todd who clutched at Jeff’s shirt and hid his small face from everyone.
Jeff wondered what had changed. Were their parents right? Was an older brother not babying him all Todd needed? Jeff doubted that. Their parents, at least when it came to Todd Anderson, were mostly wrong. Did Welton ‘shape him up’? Honestly, Jeff had liked Welton just fine. But when he had found out that Todd was transferring, he’d been worried. It was the kind of school that would take his brother’s spirit and crush it, and though Jeff had ruffled Todd’s hair and told him he’d have a grand time, his stomach had turned with worry. But the breaks that Todd came home for (spending many at school or ‘at a friend’s’) he’d seemed lighter. Like something heavy had been lifted off of him.
Jeff had a feeling he already knew.
The music in the background changed to another slow, boring tune. People, dressed up in boring black suits and boring dresses, stood around talking as if what they were saying was the most important words to be said out loud, even though it was all just repeated conversations. One of the people that stood near Todd patted his shoulder as he walked off. Todd’s smile momentarily became even more strained.
A group of guests walked into the room, easily melting in with he rest of the crowd.
Todd’s shoulders straightened. He stood up more. His smile became a little more genuine. His hands stopped clutching so tightly and he kept his eyes, which somehow looked brighter than before, on the person in front of him without flinching.
‘Ah,’ Jeff thought, turning his head to spot him, ‘Neil must’ve arrived.’
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nonsenseramble · 1 year
Timed Writing Challenge!
A few other and myself from @joinourbookclub rolled the dice and were given "sleeping during danger" and "a place where it is comfortable to be alone" as a combination prompt! Thank you @chaoticstupidbird for providing these prompts!
Brainstorming: 10 Minutes
Writing: 30 Minutes
I hope you enjoy!
The Reaper sits cross-legged in the window sill. Behind her the sky rains ash and dust of The Dead. This event has everyone in her profession pulling overtime. It wouldn’t be so bad if the capacity limit wasn’t so close to being exceeded. Still, The Reaper sits apathetic and otherwise very bored waiting for her current retrieval to slip just enough into their own darkness to acknowledge her presence.
He’s fighting pretty hard. The Reaper observes the labored breaths the man makes. His eyes are glazed over with tears and blood and unbridled determination. He’s crawling, gripping his chest in an effort to force air back into his draining blood. His ultimate destination is the window. It’s the only exit available since the rest of his small condo was caved by the impact. He doesn’t realize he’s looking directly into the eyes of The Reaper. 
One more half shuffle towards The Reaper is enough to exert too much force on his already broken body. He collapses – quite unceremoniously – and wheezes and wheezes and wheezes. The Reaper knows his airway is clogged with smoke and blood and tears and calls for his mother. All that manages to leave his mouth is a gross splattering of blood and his final breath.
The Reaper drops a leg off the edge of the window sill and looks into the eyes of Craig Anderson. According to The Reaper’s logs, he’s 42. Had a wife, a kid, and zero empathy. His cold eyes stare back into her nothingness.
“Did you deserve to die?” The Reaper has to ask. The answers have to be reported to the Bureau. Craig bolts upright with agility he has never possessed, especially in the last 5 minutes. He clammors backwards, hitting his back on fallen debris. His eyes flit from his lifeless body to The Reaper to the burning world just beyond. His head swivels from his blood stained bed to his unfinished beer and still smoldering pipe. Nowhere can he find his voice.
The Reaper slides out of the window and approaches Craig, careful to step around his body. Even though he’s cornered he still searches for a way out. The Reaper stops just in front of Craig and lowers down to his level. “Did you deserve to die?”
Craig manages a small shake of his head. The Reaper sighs and drops her head between her knees. Why must they always be so scared? She runs a frustrated hand over her face and looks back up at her assignment. “Use your words. We can’t get out of here until you do and I have a long list of others waiting.” 
Craig chokes on nothing. The seconds tick tick tick past until it clicks. He’s dead. He’s dead? He’s pissed. “Of course I didn’t! Who the fuck are you to ask?”
The Reaper tilts her head slightly. The bold ones are fun to toy with. She would entertain this more if there weren’t more pressing matters to attend to. She stands to her full height and gazes down at Craig. With a wave of her hand she materializes a scythe. She allows the full weight of the weapon to pound the ground and smiles wickedly at Craig.
“I, dear boy,” The Reaper raises the scythe parallel to her arm, “am the one who sends you to those who decide if that is true.”
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sapscozycorner · 10 months
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Current households - May I say even though they all look happy in the poses there is nothing but drama.
Top Photo -
Saylor Anderson & Christian Coffey
Middle photo -
Deandre Coffey & Tessa Coffey ( Christian's parents )
Liliana Anderson ( Saylor and Delaney's mom )
Delaney London & Everett London ( Saylor's older sister and Brother in law )
Last photo -
Iris Woods & Santiago Woods & Shaun Coffey ( Christian and Iris's baby )
Geoffrey London & Annie London ( Everett and Tiffany's parents and Delaney's inlaws )
Tiffany London & Stevie London ( Everett's little sister and sister-in-law )
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haitilegends · 2 years
MIKABEN performs a classic Juan luis Guerra Song. (2022 )
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lillysilverus · 2 months
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recny · 2 months
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dreamstat + appearing whenever louis gets the ick
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divorcedtom · 29 days
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Little Birdie Lu's caught in a trap. But she's flapping her wings and getting free!
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iant0jones · 3 months
"I feel very proud to be a black Creole vampire, in the show. I mean, I hope that all it does is opens the gates for more. Let's tell more stories. Let's be monsters! And enjoy it! Yeah, let's be problematic. Give us the space to be a problem." - Jacob Anderson
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ayo-edebiri · 3 months
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"Listen as though I'm the voice of God or an angel talking to you. Telling you this room doesn't matter, this night doesn't matter. You're not inconsequential or a junkie. You're a bright young reporter with a point of view. There are stories that need to be told. If things ever get bad again, these are the words you'll hear in your mind like a tape playing over and over, like a song stuck in your brain. These words will hold you up and carry you. "They are your lifeline." That's a free-baser I befriended for a few days at the drսg den. He told me to get my shit together and then he Richard Pryor'd in front of me. Everyone scrambled but I stuck around, watched him burn. What's always confused me was that... You know, he said those words to me, and he was already all burnt up. Figured I'd conflated the two events. But I didn't. Because it was you. I destroyed two marriages. I fuckеd up two daughters. But I stayed a journalist. I... I was never so lost I couldn't hold down a job.
Louis De Pointe Du Lac and Daniel Molloy in IWTV season 2 (2024)
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littlegirlinvisible · 3 months
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INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE 2.08: And That's The End of It. There's Nothing Else IWTVTwT Version.
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dreadfuldevotee · 3 months
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Interview With The Vampire
2.02 | 2.04 | 2.06
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ringthedamnbell · 3 months
When you’re here you’re not family-Top Five Wrestling “Families” that were not related
Top Five Wrestling “Families” that were not related
Rob Faint People sometimes say that family isn’t often blood. That’s doubly true in professional wrestling. Here are top 5 wrestling “families” that are not related. Continue reading When you’re here you’re not family-Top Five Wrestling “Families” that were not related
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loo-nuh-tik · 4 months
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starberrysap · 3 months
the interview with the vampire cast are so funny about their characters they’re like
jacob anderson talking about louis: he is me i am him there is no separation
sam reid talking about lestat: that is my close personal friend lestat and i am also his lawyer providing his professional statements on the events taking place
assad zaman talking about armand: every time i get on set i get possessed for a few hours and wake up in my dressing room. also he’s a freak and wants that young old man bad
eric bogosian talking about daniel: i’ve always wanted to be a vampire also [spoiler spoiler spoiler]
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knownoshamc · 1 month
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which could mean nothing
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