#the babo project
mixy-fancy · 5 months
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Welcome to a colorful and wacky world.
Where everything impossible is possible just dream and smile.... Doesn't it sound fantastic?
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In this colorful and bizarre world, everything is like your biggest dream and desire... Why would you leave?
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Meet the partners! Cute creatures with crazy and unique designs also adapting to the unique personality of your best friend!
DEISY: a cuddly and stylish puppy plush toy! The biggest of the group, Deisy can't talk much, she only knows how to imitate sounds of her surroundings and say her name, she is the clumsiest and tends to trip over everything when walking.
BABO: a hairy monster with a very bad temper! With a very strong temperament, he is one of the tallest, Babo is very responsible although he likes to fight with his friend.
Felix: a charismatic teddy bear and monkey, he is slow thinking and tends to speak slurring his words, although he doesn't have much energy he is an expert at giving warm hugs.
Tati: a playful and cheerful little girl puppet! The smallest of the group, she is able to talk and do many activities even though her abilities and emotions are those of a five year old.
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The owner and creator of this colorful and bizarre world full of dreams! Always with a smile ready to fulfill your biggest wish.
BOSS is not a human being.
He is an entity that can take on any appearance depending on his mood.
Although you will always see him in the appearance of an elegant man wearing a colorful and colorful suit.
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The best friends of the partners!
Each one demonstrating their style and character. They are not perfect but they are full of dreams.
Know their nicknames!
Alexander: the displaced/new
David: the bitter one
Emilie: the giggler/ the crazy one
Elizabeth: the blonde/ Reyna bee
Marie: the lonely one
You too can be in this colorful world ! Just close your eyes and dream your biggest dream... Do you hear it?
Uuuf sorry if I was not so active but I came back mujajajajaja and with the excitement to tell you about my little project!!!! I will be uploading stuff, animations, comics and more !
Without more to say I hope you like it and I can make you smile!!!
I would really appreciate it if you share and comment !!!
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maydayfireball · 21 days
I started work on the video i'll be using to distribute the Piko Live Party models, so here's the worlds shortest preview of part of that. As treat. (proving I do work sometimes.)
On an unrelated note, I rewatched part of PLP2 again and got lowkey emotional. I'm proud of the work I did, but god I can't even begin to express how much stress I was under at the time. This dumbass(me) was fuckin miserable.
It really put future big projects like this under a new perspective for me. Like, the other day, someone asked "Is it okay for me to do a Kaito concert inspired by Piko Live Party" and while I gave my full blessing it did make me go "Oh yeah, I wanted to do that at one point." But now, the idea of trying to organize that and have so many people's expectations on my shoulders again is just too much.. Doing all the organizing, planning, setlist work, communications between artists, designing, 3D modeling, editing, animating where needed... It's a lot for one person. There's also a sort of weight when someone has given you permission to use their work, or made something for you. Like you're being entrusted with their efforts, you have to deliver them in a way that does justice to their art.
And yet, despite complaining about all of this and knowing the toll it puts on me. I do kind of crave doing it again.
Um. Anyway. I'm just feeling a bit melancholic i guess. Thank you again to everyone who supported piko live party because I really sucked out some of my soul for that.
I hope this video turns out cool.
MMD Credits:
Song: Omoi Cover: xzenvii Motion: じゅんこだ Camera: Dog Stage: H2CU阿相 Choreo: Babo Effects: Sovoro, 呉石, beamman, 針金P, リリース, NenemSdmn
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eminsunnytoons123 · 3 months
~My room renovation~
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My mama, babo And big Brother Hamza make my room a little better since we havent renovated this room since august 2023 =^_^=
And yes my mama And babo sleep here too but i'll soon sleep alone =^///^=
And also im friends with Anur again! I was at his House along with my IRL bestie Michelle on thursday since we had to do a project And we were Hanging out together
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anartisticdreamer0 · 1 year
can i do a little rant about spanish as a language?
well i will.
rant under the cut. vv
(background i’m vaguely bilingual in that i grew up a native english speaker in the US, but my entire family speaks spanish and are south american immigrants. so i have a very good understanding of spanish but i’m okay when it comes to speaking. the understanding though is more important when watching streams.)
that has been a HUGE asset in enjoying all the streams of the qsmp that i watch (mainly english/spanish speakers). what i’ve found is that while i’ve always enjoyed the english content and the emotional connection is very much there, it feels so different in spanish. like maybe it’s because i associate spanish with my family but holy shit it hits different.
take the attack on tallulah and chayanne that happened recently with the binary entity. quackity is switching between english and spanish but something about what he says in spanish feels more powerful(?) i guess. he starts with just repeating “get inside” then switches to “meta te” (i can’t figure out how to write it) it means the same thing but feels really different. he then says “chayanne meta te pendejo, no seas pendejo. chayanne no eres babo ey” translated it’s basically “chayanne get inside idiot, don’t be an idiot. chayanne you’re not dumb ay”. the difference is “pendejo” is a vulgar/slang term and i’ve always associated it being like saying ‘fucking idiot’ which i think is part of why it hits different. it just feels so strong and quackity’s yelling it but it all makes sense because he’s panicking. if he had said ‘you fucking idiot’ it would have meant the same and the words had the same impact but i don’t think it would have the same effect on english speakers as ‘pendejo’ does in spanish.
on top of that the delivery feels so impactful like it’s so fucking frustrating that chayanne isn’t listening. it feels like spanish just can translate the emotions of the speaker with the less effort. i have never truly heard anyone speak spanish completely monotone, not like i have in english anyways. all your emotions just get projected out for the most part. it’s just a really beautiful language and i’m so fucking happy that more people are being inspired to learn it because of a damn minecraft server. :>
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natalie-the-writer · 2 years
This is for my friend @0perfectimperfections0 who needs bribery sometimes - something I am frequently guilty of.
Anyway she's going to kill me for this.
This coincides with most our regular oneshot stories, but can be read on its own. Just be aware of Henry Everett being the CEO of the company that made the toys, a caring figure to Lou, and that Lou has a chip. That's the rundown.
Here we go!
Lost - Part 1
Nothing was supposed to go wrong.
They were just monitoring the portal for abnormalities. It'd been several months since Lou's dethroning, and quite a few since the beginning of his redemption. Now, he was a co-mayor with Ox, part of their little family, and dating the one and only Mandy. On a beautifully sunny day in Imperfection, Amy and Zack wanted to run a few checks on the portal after it started acting weird. Flashing different colors, making strange shapes - it was weird. No dolls were having trouble going in and out, but they weren't going to let it develop into a problem. Temporarily closing the blue entranceway off to other dolls, they gathered around it. Amy and Zack, their resident best coders and engineers, had several pieces of technology and screens hooked to it.
"Everything looks normal." Zack said, pushing his rectangle classes up to better squint at the projections on screen. Amy, purple haired and always chewing gum, stood beside him, tapping her fingers against metal.
"Lou, could you touch it? Let's see if it gives off any unusual readings." She instructed.
The blonde did so, resting his hand against the blue swirls and sending out little patterns wherever his body touched. He was dressed in his normal suit, hair swept back in a regular style and a slight smile on his face as he talked to Nolan and Babo. As much as he'd grown, the portal and his status as a prototype were still sore spots. They made him feel weak, though he insisted he was fine. In fact, he was sometimes fascinated with the swirls he could create on the surface of the portal. It still hurt to know there was something on the other side he could never have, but the bitterness over it was gone. He was happy.
"It's not doing anything different..." Zack muttered, running a hand through his black hair. "Maybe nothing is wrong?"
"It was flashing different colors earlier." Ox interjected, crossing his arms. His eyes were focused on his brother - and the hand at the portal. "Something is off."
Amy blew a bubble on her gum before answering. "The readings are all regular-"
Sirens blared off the machine, frantic beeps and flashing lights drawing their attention immediately. The portal glitched from where Lou's hand was, rippling in an array of colors. Lou whipped around and tried to pull his hand away-
The portal sucked it through.
"What?" He gasped, yanking on his hand, but the ripples only swallowed his arm deeper. Nolan, Mandy, and Babo rushed to grab him, hooking their arms around his torso to pull him back. If anything, it only hastened the portals progress.
"Lou!" Ox yelled, rushing forward to help only to be knocked back by an invisible force. Lights blinked across his vision, momentarily blinding him. His friends landed beside him, their fur and hair on end with static and eyes wide with fear. Ox's eye found Lou again.
His head was turned, facing them, his arm completely swallowed by the portal. His mouth was slightly open, fear painting his features, but that wasn't the worst thing. Lou was glitching.
His sapphire eyes were completely lit blue - from pupil to the whites of his eyes. The chip in the left side of his neck pulsed and glowed with blue energy, spreading in lines across his visible skin. The lights flickered. Once. Twice. His eyes went grey for a second and his entire body deflated before tensing again. His eyes came back regular for the briefest second. Their gazes met.
"O-Ox!" The blonde's voice was distorted, his hand reaching out for him before his eyes went blue again and another shock wave rocked them. The sky of Imperfection had gone dark with swirling clouds. The wind picked up, wrapping around them in sharp gusts. Dolls on the ground pointed and looked, yells erupting from everywhere at once.
In the next second, the portal swallowed Lou whole, yanking him forward into rippling waves of purple, blue, red, and yellow. The last of his reaching hand disappeared, the shadows of his fingers lingering an extra moment, and then he was gone.
The wind stopped. The sky lit up. The portal turned normal.
Nothing was normal.
Everyone and everything felt frozen, Ox's eye locked in on where he last saw his brother. His scared, shocked brother who always wanted to go through the portal but not.... not like that. That wasn't normal. That was something else. Something unknown and terrifying. It effected his chip, the very thing that kept Lou alive, and that look he gave Ox before he was pulled through... It would be seared into his memory for the rest of his life.
Mandy was crying. Strong Mandy was crying. Nolan was barely holding it together as he put an arm around her. Everyone else was frozen, as distraught and lost as Ox was.
They had to find him. They couldn't just go through the portal - it would drop them off to their kids.
They needed a different way out. They needed Henry.
'Hang on, Lou.' Ox pulled himself together with that thought, steeling his heart and pushing his panic and fear to the side to deal with later. 'We'll find you.'
Whatever it took, he would find his brother. He was not about to lose him again.
Something was tapping his cheek.
He pulled his eyes open slowly, blinking the fuzz and darkness from his vision. A shadowed figure stood over him, slowly coming into focus. In the dim light, he could make out a red braid, olive skin, and purple eyes.
"Hey, look who's not actually dead."
He blinked again. The figure - a girl doll - stood over him. She withdrew her hand from his face, placing it against her hip with an eyebrow raised. "You with us, blondie?" She asked.
"Uh...." He said eloquently, struggling for words. The ringing in his ears was fading, but his head was pounding. His entire body felt achy and wrong.
"I would take that as a 'somewhat.'" Said another voice. Male this time. Another head came into his vision. A doll with brown curls, freckles, and heterochromia eyes that felt extraordinarily familiar to his dulled out brain. What was he doing again?
"Shut up, Devin." The girl rolled her eyes, then turned back to him with a slightly kinder look. "Do you want to sit up, suit boy?"
He nodded once, not wanting to disagree with anything this girl said. Slowly, two sets of arms helped him sit up against a wall and he realized he was laying on a cot, a thin blanket covering his legs. He surveyed the room, taking in the two other dolls and the small space. Another bed was in the other corner, diagonal to him, and shelves of different trinkets and books lined cardboard walls. "I..." His voice was weak and it hurt to talk. A glass of water appeared, courtesy of Devin, and he drank it eagerly. It wasn't until he finished the glass did the boy take it away. "Who are you? Where am I?" His heart thundered a little, fists curling under the blanket.
"Slow down, question box." The girl said. "You're not in danger. Devin here couldn't hurt a fly and you haven't given me a reason to be upset with you - yet. I'm Angelina. It's a very ironic name for me, if you didn't notice." She crossed her arms. "You're in Desert Village. We found you outside, passed out on the ground."
"Oh..." He looked down at his legs, unfurling his fingers. How did he end up here again? He certainly remembered the darkness. "I'm sorry."
"Pshh. You ain't got anything to be sorry for." Angelina gave him the slightest smile. "We don't normally do anything to end up here. We just do." She shrugged, but there was a darkness in her eyes. He didn't comment on it. "Now that you know us, how about your name, stranger?"
"I'm..." He trailed off, the word on the edge of his tongue, ready to spill out like he'd said it a million times, except.... he didn't know what it was. "I... don't know." He thought harder, searching for the main piece of his identity only to come up with nothing. All he was awarded with was a sharp pain in his neck, a flash of light, and then darkness.
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thenixart · 2 years
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[ID: A drawing of an alien drawn facing the viewer holding a small black blob-like creature with yellow eyes set on a background made of multiple green and blue rectangles and a green oval under its feet to simulate the ground. The rest of the page is grey.
The alien is shaped vaguely like a shrimp centaur. It is brown with yellow stripes on its joints and orange fringes on its four pairs of antennas. It has fourteen limbs. two arms with three webbed and clawed fingers. Another set of arms behind that that face backwards to rub its dark brown rough textured back. It has six legs that end in webbed three clawed feet, two of the legs are partially raised and one appears to be resting on one of the blue rectangles in the background. The last for limbs are set at the end of the body and look like the curled tail of a shrimp. It has paint pink scars scattered all over its body. it has a round eyeless head with two long antennae coming from the four head and nose area with two large tympanum where eyes would be on a human. There are tympanum set between the joints of where its legs connect to its body. /End ID]
A commission for @kariachi​
Of their BABO project Osmosian design for Devin Levin
Also a doodle of the anatomy:
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[ID: A sketch of an alien that vaguely resembles a shrimp centaur with fourteen limbs drawn in profile facing left. The sketch is blue and purple on a grey page. /End ID]
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magmacannon · 1 year
for the story/world asks- 8, 12, 14, 16, and 19 for dorna? :]
OKAY answering this first and then I'll answer the character ones!!!
8.) what inspired your world building, if anything?
I was actually inspired by a song initially! I'd been wanting to make a new worldbuilding project of my own after not doing anything creative for a solid few years and had been mulling through ideas and then for?? some reason, heard Whispers by Transit (it's acapella... what can I say) and had the idea for a planet split own the middle by a bigass mountain range (very mild spoilers).
12.) okay be honest. pick a favorite oc from this ocverse.
fjfghdjf okay so the easiest answer is to limit this to OCs that I made specifically FOR Dorna and of that it's Yarrow for sure... a lot of my OCs that I've fleshed out are older but he was SPECIFICALLY for that setting and I love him so so so much. Icon really
14.) whats your favorite part of this story/project?
I've had a lot of fun making it more dynamic and lively while playing DND in my setting, it added a huge amount of life to it! Nowadays I'm REALLY enjoying working on the more technical worldbuilding which are details I didn't get to work on when I was doing rapid-fire dnd stuff (like plate tectonics and weather and calendars and mineral distribution). I'm really loving that now because it's enhancing what I already have for the worldbuilding and making a much more enjoyable overall setting for any new stories I want to tell
16.) imagine the entire story takes place but in the meantime the characters all also have tumblr. what kind of (terrible) tumblr posts would happen?
jfhfd there are so many separate stories in this world but three of note are 1. Roman would be partly live-blogging his experiences with a LOT of exclamation points and a lot of cute animals when the party's feeling down, 2. Yarrow's got people coming at him in his dms to fuck and also start discourse but god knows he's just doing his best (minus a few vagueblogs at the guild he hired that refuses to leave him alone), and 3. Leynth (character that is less known but is a huge coward and also falls for multiple mlm schemes) is advertising things and just sobbing about unfair treatment and making callout posts (awful).
19.) describe the sillies you think about but that dont go in the story.
kjffhdjFJHD I am VERY prone to putting sillies in the story because there's just so many options but I don't know if I can keep the chain restaurant Babo Tell in Dorna pff
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bysumex · 2 months
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Babo Flow, The Indios, and Dukus Spark Creativity in the Studio LONDON 👉 https://bysumex.com/babo-flow-the-indios-and-dukus-spark-creativity-in-the-studio-london/
London, April 17, 2024 – A fusion of talent and creativity is taking shape in the heart of London as Babo Flow, The Indios, and Dukus come together to work on an electrifying new song and melody. This collaborative effort promises to break new ground in the music industry, bringing together diverse influences and innovative techniques to create something truly extraordinary.
Babo Flow, the Cuban-born, England-based musician, artist, and composer, is known for his fearless approach to music-making. With a passion for exploring new sounds and a knack for seamlessly blending genres, Babo Flow has captured the hearts of listeners worldwide. As a representative of Cuban urban music, his influence extends far beyond geographical boundaries, making him a force to be reckoned with in the international music scene.
Joining him in this creative endeavor are The Indios, an experimental project that blurs the lines between Latin American tradition and British innovation. Led by Colombian producer, singer-songwriter, and guitarist Juan Contento, alongside drummer Felipe Rojas, The Indios have made waves with their unique blend of sounds. From sold-out performances to critically acclaimed releases like "Colombian Drugs (One by One)," The Indios are paving their own path in the world of music.
Completing this powerhouse trio is Dukus, the genre-fluid producer, artist, and sound engineer hailing from South London. With an impressive track record of working with some of the biggest names in the industry, including Giggs, Stormzy, and Fredo, Dukus brings his signature style and expertise to the table. His ability to bridge the gap between melodic rap and singing has earned him widespread acclaim and solidified his reputation as a platinum-selling recording engineer and producer.
Together, Babo Flow, The Indios, and Dukus are pushing the boundaries of creativity and innovation in the studio. Their collaboration on this new song and melody promises to captivate audiences and leave a lasting impression on the music industry.
Stay tuned for updates on this groundbreaking project as Babo Flow, The Indios, and Dukus continue to redefine what is possible in the world of music.
#baboflow #theindios #Dukus #musicstudio #london
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Plant-based Baby Care Products Market Industry Trends, Analysis, 2022-2029
BlueWeave Consulting, a leading strategic consulting and market research firm, in its recent study, estimated the global plant-based baby care products market size at USD 27.33 billion in 2022. During the forecast period between 2023 and 2029, the global plant-based baby care products market size is projected to grow at an impressive CAGR of 12.95% reaching a value of USD 63.5 billion by 2029. Consumer preferences are changing in favor of high-quality, luxury baby products with an emphasis on utility, which is one of the key growth factors for the global market for plant-based baby care products. Due to increased public awareness of the detrimental consequences of synthetic products, a significant emphasis has also been made on vegan, paraben, and synthetic-free goods.
Global Plant-based Baby Care Products Market – Overview
Baby products are items created with babies and young children under the age of three in mind. They are precisely prepared with components chosen for their mildness and lack of irritability. Baby care goods include lotions, oils, powders, and creams as well as infant shampoos. The natural substances used in plant-based baby care products, such as shea butter, aloe, vitamin E, and jojoba oil, replace the usage of toxic substances.
Sample Request @ https://www.blueweaveconsulting.com/report/plant-based-baby-care-products-market/report-sample
Global Plant-based Baby Care Products Market – By Distribution Channel
Based on distribution channel, the global plant-based baby care products market is segmented into hypermarkets & supermarkets, pharmacies & drugstores, online sales channels, specialty stores, and others. The hypermarkets & supermarkets segment accounts for the highest market share. Hypermarkets & supermarkets offer access to a wide range of products and brands and often at discounted prices to their customers. However, the online sales channel is projected to register the highest growth rate during the forecast period owing to the increasing popularity of various online consumer goods platforms along with the convenience of online payments.
Impact of COVID-19 on the Global Plant-based Baby Care Products Market
The unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic negatively impacted the growth of the global plant-based baby care products market. The supply chain was hampered by the COVID-19 pandemic, and consumer buying habits were affected. The restrictions on the manufacturing activities and supply chains during the lockdown period resulted in a shortage of plant-based baby care products in the market. The lockdown also led to consumers' panic buying large volumes of products which had a catastrophic effect on the market growth.
Competitive Landscape
Major players operating in the global plant-based baby care products market include Earth Mama Organics, The Honest Company, Babo Botanicals, Burt's Bees Baby, Babyganics, Puracy, Pipette, Mustela, Weleda, Green People, Erbaviva, Nature's Baby Organics, Little Innoscents, Aveeno Baby, and Cetaphil Baby.
To further enhance their market share, these companies employ various strategies, including mergers and acquisitions, partnerships, joint ventures, license agreements, and new product launches.
Contact Us:
BlueWeave Consulting & Research Pvt. Ltd
+1 866 658 6826 | +1 425 320 4776 | +44 1865 60 0662
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akmu-is-love · 1 year
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Lee Chanhyuk announced the first musical project of CHart Label called Band Babo
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neharoy11 · 1 year
Children Diaper Products Market Opportunities and Threats by 2028– Johnson & Johnson, Aveeno, ISDIN, Seventh Generation, Earth Mama Angel Baby, etc
Children Diaper Products Market Report Coverage: Key Growth Factors & Challenges, Segmentation & Regional Outlook, Top Industry Trends & Opportunities, Competition Analysis, COVID-19 Impact Analysis & Projected Recovery, and Market Sizing & Forecast.
A detailed report on Global Children Diaper Products market providing a complete information on the current market situation and offering robust insights about the potential size, volume, and dynamics of the market during the forecast period, 2022-2028. The research study offers complete analysis of critical aspects of the global Children Diaper Products market, including competition, segmentation, geographical progress, manufacturing cost analysis, and price structure. We have provided CAGR, value, volume, sales, production, revenue, and other estimations for the global as well as regional markets.
Major Key players profiled in the report include: Johnson & Johnson, Aveeno, ISDIN, Seventh Generation, Earth Mama Angel Baby, Mustela, Babo Botanicals, Baby Bum, Bioderma, California Baby, Chicco, DEKOR, Nivea, Weleda and More…
Download Free Sample PDF including full TOC, Tables and Figures@ https://www.marketinforeports.com/Market-Reports/Request-Sample/505781
Don’t miss the trading opportunities on Children Diaper Products Market. Talk to our analyst and gain key industry insights that will help your business grow as you create PDF sample reports.
The regional study of the global Children Diaper Products market explains how different regions and country-level markets are making developments. Furthermore, it gives a statistical representation of their progress during the course of the forecast period. Our analysts have used advanced Primary and Secondary Research methodologies to compile the research study on the global Children Diaper Products market.
Market by Type: Cream Emulsion Market by Application: Baby Young Children
Competitive Landscape: Competitive landscape of a market explains the competition in the Children Diaper Products Market taking into consideration price, revenue, sales, and market share by company, market concentration rate, competitive situations, trends, and market shares of top companies. Strategies incorporated by key vendors of the market such as investment strategies, marketing strategies, and product development plans are also further included in the report. The research integrates data regarding the producer’s product range, top product applications, and product specifications.
Get Chance of Extra Discount, If your Company is Listed in Above Key Players List@ https://www.marketinforeports.com/Market-Reports/Request_discount/505781
The authors of the report have analyzed both developing and developed regions considered for the research and analysis of the global Children Diaper Products market. The regional analysis section of the report provides an extensive research study on different regional and country-wise Children Diaper Products industry to help players plan effective expansion strategies.
Regions Covered in the Global Children Diaper Products Market: • The Middle East and Africa (GCC Countries and Egypt) • North America (the United States, Mexico, and Canada) • South America (Brazil etc.) • Europe (Turkey, Germany, Russia UK, Italy, France, etc.) • Asia-Pacific (Vietnam, China, Malaysia, Japan, Philippines, Korea, Thailand, India, Indonesia, and Australia)
Years Considered to Estimate the Market Size: History Year: 2015-2019 Base Year: 2019 Estimated Year: 2022 Forecast Year: 2022-2028
Table of Contents: Global Children Diaper Products Market Research Report 2022 – 2028
Chapter 1 Children Diaper Products Market Overview Chapter 2 Global Economic Impact on Industry Chapter 3 Global Market Competition by Manufacturers Chapter 4 Global Production, Revenue (Value) by Region Chapter 5 Global Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Regions Chapter 6 Global Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by Type Chapter 7 Global Market Analysis by Application Chapter 8 Manufacturing Cost Analysis Chapter 9 Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers Chapter 10 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/Traders Chapter 11 Market Effect Factors Analysis Chapter 12 Global Children Diaper Products Market Forecast
To learn more about the report, visit @ https://www.marketinforeports.com/Market-Reports/505781/children-diaper-products-market
What market dynamics does this report cover? The report shares key insights on:
Current market size
Market forecast
Market opportunities
Key drivers and restraints
Regulatory scenario
Industry trend
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Why Choose Market Info Reports?: Market Info Reports Research delivers strategic market research reports, industry analysis, statistical surveys and forecast data on products and services, markets and companies. Our clientele ranges mix of global business leaders, government organizations, SME’s, individuals and Start-ups, top management consulting firms, universities, etc. Our library of 600,000 + reports targets high growth emerging markets in the USA, Europe Middle East, Africa, Asia Pacific covering industries like IT, Telecom, Chemical, Semiconductor,  Healthcare, Pharmaceutical, Energy and Power, Manufacturing, Automotive and Transportation, Food and Beverages, etc. This large collection of insightful reports assists clients to stay ahead of time and competition. We help in business decision-making on aspects such as market entry strategies, market sizing, market share analysis, sales and revenue, technology trends, competitive analysis, product portfolio, and application analysis, etc.
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kariachi · 3 years
I was today years old when I realised that “babo” is an abbreviation for “build a better osmosian” and the only reason I know that now is because I found the first post you made on it.
*snort* I really didn't bring that up elsewhere did I
Yeah, the whole project was based on the idea of 'fuck incredibly humanoid aliens, let's fix that', it was just that "The 'Build A Better Osmosian' Project" is a bit of a fucking mouthful so it got abbreviated
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let-them-read-fics · 3 years
Empress of the Heart (Pt. 1)
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Requested By Anon: "Reader is an actress, and she meets Jennie at an event. They have a one night stand afterward, and months later they meet again." (It was a long request so I had to sum it up lol)
Pairing: Jennie x Fem!Actress!Reader
Word Count: ~ 9,351 😳 (Both parts combined)
Warnings / Misc. -- Smut / Suggestive Themes, Angst, Fluff
Disclaimer: This writing is a work of fiction, and no disrespect is meant for those mentioned herein.
A/N: Hello again! Guys, I'm actually really proud of this one. It gets better as it goes on. I hope you enjoy it (you'd better, because I stayed up until 8am writing again 🥴😂). I had to split this story into two parts to appease the Tumblr overlords, just so we’re clear.
♡ Happy reading ♡
Part 2
"Who's that?" Rosé asks, leaning in closer to the maknae as she points to a slightly recognizable face in the crowd. 
"I dunno," Lisa shrugs, throwing a thumb over her shoulder, "ask Jisoo." The Australian does as she says, padding over to seek out an answer from their unnie. 
"Y/N L/N, I believe. Her company is supposed to make a big announcement later." Jisoo informs, adding a nod to the end of her statement for certainty. Jennie stands beside them all, taking in the crowd of staff and business people hailing from all of the most powerful entertainment companies in Korea. The big dogs have all gathered here tonight to drop some major announcements for their upcoming projects and set up arrangements for future endeavors. 
"What do you think it'll be?" Jennie asks, eyes still trained on you as you converse with a famous actress. Her breath catches in her throat when you throw your head back, eyes filling with tears of laughter at something the high class woman said. You're absolutely stunning. 
"It could be anything, honestly. Her company's full of talent in every category." 
"Yeah, their newest girl group broke a record for Youtube streams in the first hour after release. Still didn't beat ours, though," Lisa adds with a smug look, holding her head a little higher. She's only playing, of course -- she's one of the most humble people Jennie knows. 
"She's really pretty," Jennie breathes out, speaking the words that have been rolling around in her mind since she laid eyes on you. The other girls adamantly agree, nodding their heads with purpose. 
"Do you wanna go talk to her? YG would probably like that; maybe we can let Jisoo do a little schmoozing." Rosé smirks, playfully nudging the unnie. Jisoo rolls her eyes with an amused scoff, quickly swatting the blonde's hand away. 
"I don't know, she seems pretty busy." Her words are unsure, weary -- her normal confidence is wavering a bit, now replaced with some type of nervousness that she can't quite explain. This isn't like her; why is she so anxious?
"Come on, it'll be fun." Lisa decides for them, leading the way with Jennie's hand clutched in her own; the brunette would surely slip away otherwise. 
They approach you from an angle, caught right in your blind spot as you continue your small talk with a new business exec. The man sees the girls behind you, waiting for their turn, and after a few more moments he leaves you with an office number to reach him by.
"Good evening… Y/N, right?" Jisoo leads politely, smiling as you turn to face them. You look even more dazzling up close, and Jennie's posture stiffens. She's definitely seen you somewhere before.
"That's me," you say sweetly, greeting all of them and committing their names to memory. 
"Jennie," she introduces, stretching a hand out to you. Your eyes flutter down to it before you grasp it within your own, the simple action appearing unbelievably cute to her.
"How're you doing tonight? I hear you've got some big news for us." Lisa wiggles her eyebrows, voice bouncy with anticipation.
You giggle, and Jennie thinks it may just be the sweetest thing she's ever heard. "It's a little hectic, if I'm honest, but I'm enjoying myself. What about you guys? And you'll just have to wait and see what we have in store for you." You end the sentence with a wink that just happened to be directed at Jennie, despite Lisa being the one to ask the question. She tries to fight the blush that soon rises to her cheeks. 
"We're doing well, I'd say. It's actually kind of nice to get out of the dorm and meet some new people." Rosé says almost wistfully, her eyes sending a fleeting glance around the room at her statement. 
"I know how that can feel. When I was first starting out I didn't get many opportunities for roles. But then I met my manager at the café I picked up a second job at, and the rest is history." You smile softly at the memory, recalling the events of that fateful day. You can't imagine where you'd be right now if things had played out differently. 
"You're an actress?" Jisoo asks, sounding like she just put two-and-two together. You nod at her, noticing the way that Jennie looks at you in deep thought. You can practically see the wheels turning. 
"So that's where I recognize you from. You guest starred in that JTBC miniseries earlier this year, didn't you?" 
"Ding ding ding, we have a winner." You smile, bowing your head in praise. It warms your heart to see her face light up, knowing that she finally felt that rush of putting her finger on the elusive thoughts in her head. Pulling knowledge you previously believed forgotten from the foggy depths of your brain is a rewarding experience in itself, and you're pleased that she remembered you. 
"I'm glad I made an impression during my short time on screen," you quirk, leaning in closer to her. 
"With skills like yours? You're unmatched, Y/N." She flirts, finally finding her bearings again. Her confidence is returning now, slowly but surely, and she pats herself on the back for not hiding behind her hands when you send her a tempting smile. 
"Ah, you're too kind--" you begin, only to be cut off by a tap on your shoulder. It's one of your co-stars.
"Good evening, ladies," he bows, "I'm sorry to break this up, but Y/N is needed by management." 
Your shoulders sag at this, his words sinking in. You'd much rather spend the night tucked away with the girls, getting to know them better -- especially Jennie, who makes your heart speed up anytime she looks at you. 
"I hate to go," they nod in agreement, sad to have to part ways. They really enjoyed speaking with you, and they'd be lying if they said they wanted to stop anytime soon. 
"But maybe I'll catch you later?" The question sounds hopeful, albeit a bit unsure as you scrunch your face up. They affirm that they'd "like that very much," and your shoulders relax a bit. Maybe there's still some hope for you all. 
◇◇◇◇◇  2 Hours Later  ◇◇◇◇◇
"Exactly! She shouldn't have forgiven him after that," you rant to Jisoo, talking about some characters from your favorite kdrama. 
"Babo, I tell you." She says dramatically, rolling her eyes. The action garners a chuckle from you, and Jennie finds herself smiling as she follows along with the conversation. She must've made her staring too obvious, because a minute later your eyes meet hers from across the table. She blinks, surprise etched gracefully into her features, and she clears her throat. Both of you have been stealing glances at one another all night, and things have only ramped up since you snuck away from management to see them again. You assured them you wouldn't get in trouble, but that was honestly the last thing on your mind. 
From her seat across from you, Jennie can see the curve of your body, your silhouette highlighted by the lights that shine on the wall behind you. They're dimmed somewhat to give a comfortable, soft glow to the room, and they contrast with the perfect curve of your face. She lets her eyes trail lower, admiring the expanse of your chest and how your fingers rest against the table, mindlessly playing with the expensive tablecloth. 
What you do next makes her choke on the water she had so bravely dared to take a drink of. 
You lean forward slightly, just enough for her to see your cleavage, while still appearing inconspicuous and innocent. The smirk you try to suppress tells her you know exactly what you're doing, and her cheeks grow hot. 
"Excuse me," she mutters to the table, quickly standing and all but running outside for some fresh air. She wants -- needs -- to put some distance between the two of you if she plans to have any self control. 
Cool air immediately greets her as she steps outside, hearing the sleek automatic door slide shut behind her. She can breathe now, and begin to soothe her racing mind. Despite only knowing you for the better part of 4 hours, she's already attracted to you. Way more than she cares to admit, as she presses her thighs together to put out the fire you started within her. 
No more than 5 minutes later, the doors slide open once more. 
"Everything alright?" You ask, tone dripping with amusement as you take in her flustered state. It's obvious that she's okay, just simply turned on. 
"Never better," she mumbles, glancing up at you with a lopsided smile. 
"You know, you ran out pretty fast back there. You sure know how to worry a girl." You fake a pout at her. 
"Oh, you don't say?" She plays along, approaching you with what few shreds of confidence she has left. She tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, whispering into it, "Well, I'm all good." 
"Wanna see for yourself?" She continues, drawing back slightly to take your hands within her own and wrap them around her waist. She smiles as they roam over her body, making sure to be thorough as you "check her out." 
She groans when your hand grazes over a sweet spot on her thigh, causing you to pause and tut at her, "Tsk tsk, Jennie. It looks like I'll have to inspect this a little further." She gulps at your words, mind clouded once again by filthy thoughts of you. 
"Let's get out of here," she suggests, taking your hand to lead you away. You chuckle at her eagerness, only capable of nodding as she basically drags you to her car. 
Despite feeling like two horny teenagers, you and Jennie actually opted to slow things down and get to know each other more. She's one of the most interesting people you've ever met, and you could listen to her talk for hours on end. The feeling is beyond mutual, and she doesn't mind that she has to wait a little longer to have you. The promise of what the night will hold for the two of you thrills her, and the anticipation only heightens her feelings.
Takeout containers lay abandoned in her car, long forgotten about as you sit next to each other on the hood. The chilly surface of the windshield presses against your back, making you all the more thankful for having had the foresight to wear a coat tonight. You make a mental note to thank your stylist for the suggestion. 
Stars are beginning to twinkle in the distance, slowly coming out of their peaceful slumber to greet the evening sky. They bring to mind all the nights you spent in your backyard as a child, laid out on a warm blanket as you gazed up into space. Back when only trivial issues existed in your world, leaving you with an unscarred heart and unadulterated outlook on life. Those times were simple, only complicated by whatever drama was going on at school or what new person your friends liked. Back then you had no idea of what the future held for you -- what you'd end up doing with your life. If you had a chance to talk to your younger self, you'd tell her to enjoy those days as much as possible; to not take them for granted for even a second. 
Everyday you're reminded that fame is truly a blessing and a curse -- you miss the days that you could roam the streets freely with whomever you wanted to, not having to worry about paparazzi or the media, but you're thankful for where you are now. You get to do what you love, everyday, and make money from it -- it's what everyone wishes for in life; and although you've worked your ass off to get here, you owe a lot of credit to the fans. 
"It's so beautiful up here," Jennie says, voice stuck between a whisper and sigh as she lays her head on your shoulder. 
"You see that building over there, with the orange lights and trees around it?" You ask, pointing in the direction of the building. Her eyes follow the invisible path your finger makes, and she spots it, nodding for you to continue. 
"My mom used to work there; it's a daycare. I always loved helping out. The kids were so adorable." A bittersweet smile plays on your lips as you look down at your lap, clearly reminiscing. Jennie notices, brushing a strand of hair out of your face as she says, "I bet you miss it." 
"I do," you sigh, clenching your jaw briefly, "those were the days. Seoul's home, but sometimes it feels so distant."
"I know how that feels." You don't miss the way her eyes cast down, a hint of sadness behind them, her fingers toying with yours on her thigh. Life in the spotlight isn't all it's cracked up to be, and neither of you are strangers to that all too familiar pang of longing. 
"I'm happy to be here with you tonight, though," you try to turn the conversation cheery again, and Jennie's thankful for that. "I haven't had this much fun in a long time." 
Your plan works, and soon she's pepping up. "Me neither. Being with you feels...different. In a good way." Your smile widens exponentially when she adds, "A very good way." 
"Don't get too cheesy on me, now," you roll your eyes teasingly, wrapping both of your arms around her and pulling her flush up against your body. She lays her head on your chest, reveling in the scent of your perfume and the warmth radiating from you. Her hand comes to rest against your ribs, lightly rubbing patterns against them as the two of you continue star gazing. She can feel your heartbeat pick up when she slides her hand downwards, playing with the hem of your shirt innocently. 
Does she have any idea what she's doing to you?
Yes, yes she does. After all, your body is basically selling you out at this point. 
"Mmm?" You hum, eyes closed and head leaned back against the windshield. Her skin is soft against yours, and your shared warmth has put you at ease.
"Do you wanna go somewhere? I really don't want the night to be over yet." Your heart flutters at her words; the fact that a woman such as Jennie is so reluctant to leave you is baffling in itself. 
"I'd love that, Jennie. What did you have in mind?" 
For a moment, Jennie's mind takes it there. She allows herself to imagine what it would be like to feel your skin against hers, connection unrestricted by clothing; how your kisses would feel against her lips, her body; what beautiful sounds you would make as she pushed you closer and closer to the edge. She can't deny how attracted she is to you, nor does she want to; but she also doesn't want to ruin the innocent moments you're sharing. She doesn't want to taint them with the lustful ideas that flood her mind anytime you give her that look, or caress her thigh absentmindedly. 
"How does the park sound?" 
"With you? There's nowhere I'd rather be." 
Despite her efforts, Jennie blushes at your statement, feeling that embarrassing warmth creep up the back of her neck. You've made her blush more in the span of one night than she previously had in her entire life, and that boosts your confidence tenfold.
"Who's being cheesy now, huh?" She asks, pinching your side playfully as she sits up. Her legs swing around until she's fully facing you, sitting criss-cross as the two of you smile at one another. 
Neither of you move for a while, both content with just admiring each other's beauty. Her fingers lace with yours, and after a moment she brings your hand up to her lips to lay a kiss to it. The action -- more so, how soft her lips are against your skin -- catches you off guard, and your breathing hitches. All at once, you're acutely aware of how badly you want to kiss her. 
As if things couldn't get anymore tempting, her tongue darts out of her mouth to soothe her lips, making them glisten in the dying light of the evening. 
She sees your eyes dart down to them, and her body leans closer to you ever so slightly, seemingly having a mind of its own. You meet her gaze again, silently asking for permission as you glance back down at her lips. She responds by giving one single nod before leaning in close enough that your noses almost brush against each other. 
"You're stunning." The compliment sounds breathy as it slips out of your mouth, but you're beyond caring at this point. Your pride was thrown out the window the second Jennie showed interest in you. 
"Don't look at me like that," she says, gently biting the inside of her cheek to keep herself from closing the distance. She wants you to be the one to do it.
"Like what?" 
"Like you're undressing me with your eyes." Her gaze casts down to your lips again, seemingly glued there as she watches them move when you speak your reply.
"You act like you weren't doing the same thing at the event." Her confidence falters momentarily, but she fights to hold her ground. "My colleagues even noticed it, babe -- you've gotta get better at hiding your attraction." You say with a chuckle, watching as Jennie's eyes grow wider. Had she really made it so obvious?
"We wouldn't be here right now if I was good at hiding it, so I think you owe me one." 
"Touché," you say, quirking an eyebrow in thought. She's right, as usual. "How can I ever make it up to you?" Your voice wiggles dramatically, face contorting in a mock apology. 
"I know a way," she says lowly, smiling as your hand finds its way to her knee a moment later. You hook your fingers in the crook of it, drawing a surprised gasp from her as she falls forward and into your arms. 
Here goes nothing. 
You raise your left hand to her cheek, brushing the back of your fingers against it gently as you build up the nerve to kiss her. Your other arm is wrapped securely around her waist in order to hold her steady above you. 
Her palms are pressed to the glass behind you, and her hair falls gracefully around you, creating a little curtain to shield you from the outside world. Finally gaining enough courage, you press your lips to hers in a soft kiss. It's slow and mild as you set a sensual rhythm, growing accustomed to the taste of each other. She sighs into your mouth as you reposition her so that she's straddling your lap. 
"Y/N, we're never gonna make it to the park if you keep kissing me like that." She warns, though her words hold no real threat at all. She wants this just as much as you do. 
You lay a trail of light kisses up her neck, all of them far too gentle for her liking right now. "Is this better, your highness?" You ask smugly, smiling against her throat as a frustrated sigh leaves her lips.
She places a hand on your chest to push you up against the glass, letting her fingers skim over your collarbone. Just as she's about to pounce, the sound of your phone ringing interrupts the moment. It vibrates in your pocket, right between Jennie's thighs, and you stifle a giggle at the reaction it would've drawn from her had you not quickly retrieved it. 
"Hello?" You ask, realizing you hadn't even bothered to check the caller ID. Jennie sits back on your legs, allowing her hands to rest on your hips and draw soothing circles.
"Y/N, I hate to tell you this on such short notice, but you have a new interview scheduled for tomorrow morning at 10AM. I'll send you all the details later." 
You sigh at your manager's words, running a hand over your face to relax yourself. The announcement party was supposed to signal the end of your busy week, but of course life just couldn't work in your favor for once. Now you'd be stuck in some random line of questioning, unable to give them any real answers for the sake of keeping spoilers from getting out. You can think of about a million things you'd rather be doing tomorrow morning, and one of them is sitting on your lap right now. 
"Yeah, okay. I'll talk to you later." You wait for him to say his goodbye before ending the call and turning back to Jennie with an apologetic look. 
"Sorry for ruining the moment." 
"You didn't ruin anything. But luckily for you…" she leans forward again, pressing a kiss to your lips that makes your heart stop for a second, "I can be very merciful." You nearly melt at her words, paired with how she whispers them in your ear. Her warm breath fans over your neck, rendering you speechless as you pull her back to your lips. 
This kiss is different -- full of passion and desire as you grow more used to each other. She raises up on her knees, towering over you as she stares down at you. You look so beautiful right now, your eyes appearing big as you look up into hers, waiting for her next move. She runs her hands through your hair before settling them on your cheeks, cupping the smooth skin and rubbing the pad of her thumb across it. You drag your nails up and down her exposed thighs, and you pat yourself on the back when you notice the trail of goosebumps they leave behind. 
"I actually do wanna go to the park with you, if that's alright. There's something I want to show you. I definitely want to continue this later, though." You say.
She nods at that, a smile making its way to her face that can't possibly be wiped away. As much as she wants to have you writhing underneath her, screaming her name, she can wait. She's content with making as many memories as possible with you tonight, and she's intrigued by the surprise you're hinting at.
A few gentle kisses later, you slide off the hood and help her down before going to open her car door for her. 
"Such a gentlewoman," she praises, pursing her lips at you. 
"Only for you," you wink, making her giggle. 
You quickly make your way to the driver's seat, set on getting to the park ASAP in order to spend as much time as you can with Jennie. After all, you can only stay up so late tonight if you want to be functioning for that interview tomorrow… and let's just say that you plan on being busy later. 
"Voila!" You declare, motioning to some playground equipment in the kid's section of the sizable park. Of all the things she was guessing at, Jennie did not see this coming. 
"What, you came to show me monkey bars, Y/N? I've seen plenty of them--" She asks incredulously, looking around the area filled with miniature tables and chairs to go along with the equipment. 
"What? No, no. I used to play here when I was growing up, and my friend's and I had a secret hiding spot. We always stashed our favorite little knick knacks in it, and we promised we'd only show it to people we deemed worthy."
Jennie watches as your eyes light up at the recounting of such a dear memory, and she grins widely. You truly are a five year old at heart. 
"This is the first time I've been back here, since…" you trail off, realizing just how many years it's been. Being at such a different point in your life while standing in a place you frequented as a child is a weird juxtaposition that you weren't prepared for, but you push it from your mind.
"Anyway, I think you're pretty worthy." You joke, sizing her up. She laughs at that, and you revel in the pleasant sound. You know you probably won't see her again after tonight, so you're determined to ingrain the little things -- like her smile, her laugh -- into your brain. 
"Now, let's see… where did Ashley put it?" You whisper to yourself, scanning the length of the playground. Your eyes travel across the slides, over the swings, and around the monkey bars before you spot that little dip in the siding that you'd recognize anywhere. Jennie soon finds her hand slipping into yours as you lead her over to it, a childlike sense of giddiness on your face. She likes seeing you like this. 
"I hope it's still here," you say to no one, bending down to press your fingers against the old wood. It's far more worn down now, and you're worried that someone has already come by and cleaned out the hiding spot. Putting your doubts aside, you continue. 
"Okay, so don't laugh, but there's a special way you have to open it. Ashley showed it to me one day and it's the only way we could get it to budge after that."
She smiles her gummy smile at you, and you can't help but return the gesture and even steal a quick kiss. She's a bit taken aback when you ball your hand up, using the side of it to deliver a couple blows to the wood in two different spots. Next, you stand and line up your foot, remember exactly how your friend taught you, before executing a calculated kick to the other side. 
At first, Jennie wants to laugh at you; but upon closer inspection, she sees that in fact, a small opening is visible in the wood now. You smirk cockily, knowing full well that she hadn't expected that to work. 
"Told you so," you tease, now bending down again to work the panel free. You wiggle it back and forth repeatedly, being careful not to go too quickly and damage anything else, and eventually it pops out. She watches as you reach in and pull out a mini jewelry box -- the kind that can fit in your hand, mainly meant for rings or other small items. 
"We stole the box from our other friend, Janelle. Had to pay her our allowances for 2 months afterward. Can you believe that?" You ask, shaking your head with another smirk on your lips. Jennie laughs at you in full, loving how carefree you are right now. In a way, she's happy that your manager called earlier; otherwise the two of you most surely would be locked away in your bedroom right now. This experience is definitely one she'll cherish. 
"Unbelievable," she sighs, shaking her head and going along with it. 
You click the latch on the small box, it's material now weathered and rusty as it creaks when you open it. Jennie steps closer to you to examine its contents, and you fight to contain how hard your heart starts beating at the feeling of her hand on your lower back. 
"No way…" you utter, voice full of disbelief as your eyes land on one of your most prized possessions from childhood. 
"What?" Jennie asks, genuinely on the edge of her metaphorical seat. 
"This butterfly hair clip," you inform, slipping the small contraption between your fingers as you hold it up for her to see, "I won it at a fair with my mom and I always wondered where it went…" 
"It's beautiful, Y/N," she says, ooh-ing and ahh-ing at the details etched into it. For something so small and seemingly unassuming, it's actually very unique. 
"I want you to have it." You say, taking a step away so you can look at her. She instantly goes to refuse, saying, "I can't! You just found it after all this time--"
"And I went all that time without it. If you take it, I'll know it's safe with you. And you can use it to remember me by." You say, your gaze softening as you watch her debate with herself. 
"Okay. But if you ever want it back, call me." 
"Roger that." You say dorkily, earning yourself a roll of those dark eyes you find yourself getting lost in. 
"And for the record, Y/N, I could never forget you. Pretty hair clip or not." Her confession makes you feel happy on a whole new level; knowing that you've left an impact on her is truly a wonderful thing. 
"So, what now?" She asks, breaking the happy lull your conversation found itself in. 
"We can walk around the park for a little while, or…" you start, waiting for Jennie to prod you further. Both of you know exactly what game you're playing, but it's still fun nonetheless. 
"Or?" She inquires, stepping closer as she wraps her arms around your shoulders. She nonchalantly gives you a once over, knowing what power her darkening gaze holds over you. 
"We can go back to my place. Maybe play a little footsie, who knows?" You say, shrugging your shoulders with a stupid grin. Even while seducing someone, you can't resist being a geek. 
"Footsie?" Jennie gasps, raising her eyebrows, "What kind of girl do you take me for? That only happens after at least 2 dates in." 
"Such a prude, Ms. Kim. How can I change your mind?" 
She presses a finger to her cheek, pretending to think, before getting an idea. Her lips flirt with the shell of your ear as she whispers obscenities into it, turning you to mush with every new scenario she puts in your head. 
You stiffen as she kisses your jaw, the action catching you off guard as you continue reeling from her words. 
"I can do that, I think," you cough out, stumbling over the words a little bit. She laughs at the effect she has on you; seeing your confidence waver is a nice role reversal, and it's something she could definitely get used to. 
"Let's go." She commands, now taking your hand to pull you after her, just like you had done before.
It's painful, how hard Jennie has to restrain herself from touching you as you fumble with your keys. She told herself she'd keep her hands to herself until you got inside, just in case any stray paparazzi managed to catch you two together. The last thing either of you need is some new scandal, especially with your careers in a vulnerable spot as they're really beginning to take off.
"If you don't get that door open within the next 10 seconds, then I'll just take you out here in the hallway." 
You audibly gulp at the image she just conjured up in your mind, and you speed up your movements. The prompting worked, evidently, because soon she's practically shoving you through the doorway.
"Finally," she breathes against your lips, pressing you up against the door once you've locked it back. 
"I've been waiting to do this since we met earlier." She indulges you in that little secret, smiling at the way you whimper when she pulls your leg up to wrap around her hips. 
"I'm all yours," you say, making Jennie's heart flutter at the sentiment. For the night, you're hers and she's yours. "...now kiss me," you command, growing more impatient with each feather-light kiss she presses to your jaw. 
"So bossy," she toys, making you roll your eyes. 
"You have no idea, babe." 
She bites her lip as your husky voice makes its way to her ears, thick with the desire she's been steadily building within you all night. You tug her forward, your fingers bunching up the material of her shirt with little care as her lips meet yours. 
Her tongue swipes across your bottom lip, asking for a permission that you granted the second she touched you. You pull her chin down slightly, allowing the kiss to deepen as you tangle your other hand in her hair. 
After an especially bruising bite to her lip -- one that thrills her to her core -- she pulls away, breathlessly asking, "How're you so good at this?" 
You cackle against her, taken aback by how genuine the question sounded. "Practice for the kdramas, of course." 
"I haven't had to do this," you slide a hand between your bodies, smirking at the gasp that sounds off deep in her throat as you make contact with her, "yet though. That might be a little extreme for the screen." 
"You think?" She scoffs softly, bringing her hands up to gather your hair to one side. She presses gentle kisses to your neck, prepping the surface for the dark marks she'll most certainly be leaving there later. 
"Ready?" You ask, making sure she wants to go through with this.
"You have no idea, babe." She copies your statement from earlier, garnering another smile from you. She swears she can never get enough of that sweet look on your face.
"Follow me," you say, giving her another peck to last until you reach the bedroom.
◇◇◇◇◇  The Morning After ◇◇◇◇◇
Warm, glittering rays of sunlight sneak past the curtains of your apartment window, shining gently through the light material. A dream-like haze befalls the room, serving as a wonderful greeting once you peek your eyes open. The only thing capable of rivaling such a wonderful sight is the woman beside you, her soft breaths keeping your shoulder warm. 
As you turn your head to look at her, careful not to wake her, your heart flips. Having her here next to you is the only reason you even believe last night happened; it was magical -- the stuff of fantasy. The two of you did everything: acted on every desire, every impulse -- you truly made the most of the night, determined to make it unforgettable. 
A few blissful minutes later, she stirs beside you. "Good morning, Y/N." Her eyes remain closed, still safe from the bright light of the morning as she smirks at the memories replaying in her mind. 
You lay a small kiss to her lips, simply missing how they feel against your own. "Morning, beautiful." 
A content sigh slips past her lips as she presses them against your neck, cuddling further into you. "Last night was fun." 
You decide to tease her. "Eh, I've had better." 
If there's one thing that Jennie knows, it's that she's good in bed -- great, even -- and you definitely seemed to be enjoying yourself last night, just as much as she was. Still though, a bit of insecurity runs through her as she raises up on her elbow to look at you through her lashes. 
"Really?" She stills her fingers on your arm, stopping them from continuing the trail that they had been blazing just seconds ago. Her eyebrows furrow subtly, the action almost unnoticed by you. 
Deciding the joke isn't worth it, you cup her cheek and raise her head so she can meet your eyes. 
"No, I'm kidding. Last night was… something else." You chuckle, smiling as your eyes move around the room in an attempt to find the right word for it. When none come to mind -- no words capable of conveying how great it was -- you look back to her.
She has a knowing grin on her face, "I couldn't agree more." 
Sneaking a glance at the clock propped up on your bedside table, you get an idea. "You know, Jennie…" you start, purring her name out as you had last night, garnering that achingly familiar groan from her, "...we still have a few hours before either of our schedules start." Your suggestion hangs in the air as you roll her over onto her back, hovering over her and brushing your noses together. 
"Hmm, you don't say? Well you're in luck; I still have some things I wanna try out." She plays back, leaning up to press a kiss to the corner of your lips as her hands wander over your body.
Your eyes widen in shock, "What the hell could you POSSIBLY be thinking of?? We tried just about everything." She laughs at your reaction and pulls you down closer to her body to whisper in your ear. Jennie can feel you tremble with every new image she puts in your head, just like she had in the park, her lips dragging you further under as she sneaks little kisses to your skin here and there. 
"Let me get this gay straight: you want me to do that on the balcony? What if my neighbors see?" 
"They won't, we're on one of the top floors. And even if they do… would that really be so bad?" She lets the question hang in the air; she'd be lying if she said the idea of getting caught doesn't thrill her. Thinking of your lips on her neck as she rocks against you, pinned to the railing while out in the open for the world to see, sends a rush of warmth through her. 
"I wish you weren't so good at convincing me to do things. You're dangerous, Jennie Kim." You warn, pointing a disapproving finger at her. Your eyes nearly pop out when she kisses it, taking the digit in between her lips while looking up at you innocently. This woman will be the death of you. 
◇◇ Back At The Blackpink Dorm ◇◇
"Yah, I know! The new update looks so weird--" 
"There she is," Lisa says, motioning to the doorway, interrupting Jisoo and Rosé’s conversation about whatever new video game the unnie had downloaded.
Jennie leans on the heavy door as she locks it behind her, lazily spinning around on her heel with her lips drawn back in a huge gummy smile. 
"Somebody's happy…" Jisoo teases, shooting her a smirk. She's still riding the high you put her on, and it's no wonder her members are noticing. It's not like she's exactly trying to hide it, either. 
"How was your night? Have fun with Y/N?" The maknae wiggles her eyebrows while propping herself up on her elbows to see Jennie's reaction.
"LISA! She wasn't supposed to know!" Rosé shouts, letting out a disappointed huff. The younger girl only shrugs, a stupid smirk on her lips. Some people just wanna watch the world burn. 
The brunette's daze is momentarily broken at this, and she asks what they're talking about. 
Jisoo lets out a hesitant breath before explaining, "We saw you two leave together, but we agreed to not bring it up until you did." She shoots some daggers at Lisa before continuing, "Somebody can't seem to keep her mouth shut, though." 
Jennie only chuckles now, not really caring if they knew or not. Her night was too wonderful to keep to herself; she would've ended up telling them anyway. 
"Gather round, girls; I'll fill you in." 
◇◇◇◇◇ Months Later  ◇◇◇◇◇
"Why exactly do we have to go to this premiere again?" Jennie grumbles, looking out the window of their limousine. She'd much rather be back at the dorm, snuggled into her cozy heap of pillows and blankets with Netflix playing on her tv. 
"Some of our colleagues are starring as background characters, so YG wants us to attend and show our support." Jisoo informs, always seeming to have more knowledge than all of the other girls combined. Jennie nods; the reasoning is sound, but she'd still prefer to be home. Mingling with business people for god knows how long doesn't seem all that enticing to her. 
"What's the movie?" Lisa asks, throwing the question behind her to the other girls as she searches the cubby for some complimentary snacks. 
"Empress of the Heart," Rosé answers, finally knowing something that Jisoo doesn't. 
"Let's watch the trailer for it. If we have to sit through it then we might as well see what we're getting ourselves into." Lisa suggests, her fingers busy opening the bag of chips she chose from the assortment. 
"Yeah, okay." Jennie says, her statement followed by words of agreement from the other girls. Rosé takes her phone out to search the title, pepping up when she spots it. She whispers something to Jisoo and Lisa, Jennie paying no mind as she watches the buildings pass by. Her favorite thing to fidget with is secure in her grip, occupying her mind. It's familiar design feels good in her hands -- like it's right where it belongs. (Yes, this is what you think it is).
The other girls put their acting skills to use as they hit play, keeping straight faces when your voice comes through the phone speakers. Jennie's head snaps over to them, recognizing the sound in an instant. "Y-Y/N's starring in it?" She asks, voice coming out as a stutter. The thought of seeing you again thrills her, but she doesn't know if she can do that without falling even deeper. Your night together left her with lasting feelings, none of which she was prepared for in the slightest, and she knows they'll be reignited the moment she lays eyes on you. 
"Mhm." They nod sympathetically, all knowing how much she's thought about you the last few months. 
Their driver knocks on the partition, requesting to open it. They give him the all clear, and soon he's rolling it down to inform them, "We're here, ladies." 
"I'll be okay," Jennie tells them, attempting to stop their worries from growing anymore than they already have. She plays the statement back in her head, whispering it to herself as she exits the limo; tonight could only go one of two ways, and it depends entirely on you.
☆☆ Part 2 Linked Up Top ☆☆
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quackcito · 2 years
Summary of the Fornite Spanish Stream [02/14/22]
It was a pretty funny stream with lots of anecdotes. sadly I couldn't find a twitter thread that did the full translation, so I'll try to give more details. They decided to make a dynamic about asking questions to learn more about each other, so there were interesting details
Elementary School Stories
He told Pauline's story[Link] again as a failed date when it wasn't even a date at all. LMAO
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He talked about how his craziest party was a kermesse he had in middle school because there was a DJ playing David Guetta songs.
But later he mentioned about how in Mexico he went out to clubs with his friends but didn't know the songs, so one of his friends made him a playlist with the songs that are normally played, there he found out about Bad Bunny.
When he was asked about his biggest fight he mentioned that in elementary school he had a friend who pushed him during recess, he fell on the lunch of a group of girls, so he got up upset, they both held each other's shoulders while staring at each other, then quackity opted to headbutt him which made his friend cry. He was proud that it didn't hurt to do his headbutt however during class his friend kept threatening him with signs and a pen.
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His friend wanted to fight with him outside the school next to the moms and other children who were outside, quackity mentioned that he had friends in common who kept saying not to fight. Then quackity as he was ashamed to fight outside (with the moms) explained to him that it would be better to fight in a nearby square but before that, he pulled a trick in which he told him that he didn't want to fight with one of his best friends, but if he wanted to come in and fight he would gladly do it, his friend began to cry for his touching words to end it with a hug. [I laughed so hard, what a touching story! xD]
Fun facts about Quackity
Some of the curious answers that he mentioned:
Quackity told about how he finds songs, first he listens to one song then starts listening to another, until he gets to what he calls '4 songs' , so he doesn't pay much attention to album titles.
In one of the questions Juan asked him about what differentiated him from other creators, he mentioned his creativity.
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He talked about how he has a personal project of 'collecting' bald people, on his list is:
Bryan Cranston
The Rock
Vin Diesel
El Babo
Quackity could finally feel happy to find someone shorter than him, he is 172 cm (5'8) while Juan is 169 cm (5'7) approx.
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When he feels stressed he sings corridos.
His favorite beers are 'Corona' and 'Millers' and in the case of tequila he likes '1800'.
He hasn't even had his first kiss yet.
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He wakes up at 9 or 10, depending on how he feels, sometimes it's AM or PM, but now it's AM.
Quackity responded that he would like to go on a date with ''the bald guy from breaking bad''.
His favorite movies are 'Goodfellas' and Fast and Furious Brazil although he has not seen the latter one. [Yes, he likes a movie he hasn't seen yet, only he is capable of such a feat.]
About his new partnership with Juan
During the previous stream of the [MC] building competition and this stream, their interaction improved and brought a lot of fun things.
At the beginning after Juan died they began to pray and dedicate prayers to each other.
Juan's nicknames for quackity were quackitys, quackyris, quacketas, my love, mamacita and at some point he was 'nalgón'(big bum?).
Quackity imitated Tom Holland's voice[Timestamp(1:23:16)] for Juan, as that was his answer to the question about who they would like to date.
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At a very crazy point they decided that they would be partners to buy a hamburger restaurant to sell their own hamburgers, Juan proposed the idea that the Quackity hamburger should have snot* on it.
*I think he implied the idea that he is 'meco' whose closest translation would be: brat? goofy? annoying ipadkid? idk but they were just kidding. [Side note: The restaurant they're talking about is called Butcher's.]
As you can see it was a varied stream full of a lot of fun, it has become one of my favorite streams. At one point I don't remember very well... George sent him a message in which I think he mentioned that he knew Spanish, which Quackity denied, because according to him, he is the one teaching him Spanish [qnf crumbs] EDIT: He also mentioned the possibility of doing a roblox stream with Juan.
Other summaries made by me: Mario Kart + DSMP[01/31/22] [MC]SquidGames[01/30/22]
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mauricesam · 3 years
SGEM: A blockchain game developed over 4 years. Where is the fun? How to play it?
It makes me curious to know that when everyone enters blockchain just for ripping others off, there is a gaming team that is willing to spend 4 years developing a blockchain game. Though I’ve played a lot of “Fake Blockchain Game”, today I still want to introduce this blockchain game which took 4 years of development---SGEM.
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1. After 4 years of research and development, what makes SGEM special?
First, let's find out what SGEM is!
According to the White Paper, SGEM is a virtual entertainment space on Ethereum. This project is not only a blockchain game but also a blockchain gaming platform that is open to all developers and allows different games to be accessed.
As a brand new Play to Earn 2.0 strategy Tower-Defense blockchain game, SGEM is characterized by its unique "Hero + Card + architecture" trinity gameplay model. Each attribute can derive a variety of gameplay, when 3 different attributes are combined, we need to spend a lot of time researching and integrating the game.
Let's start playing the game!
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1. 1Purchase Babo
When entering the game, instructions will guide you through buying 3 Babos from Marketplace. You can also buy some cheap Babo eggs to breed by yourself. There's also the possibility that some Babo will be born with powerful combination skills.
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After purchasing Babos, you can build your battle card deck (each deck contains 6 cards) from the race card and common card pools. Then you can conduct an offensive-defensive battle.
In the interface of offensive-defensive battle, you need to find the enemy base camp by clicking the clouds.
Before clicking each cloud, it’s hard to imagine what is hiding underneath the clouds. It could be bottles of supplies or enemy buildings that will counter you.
As an offensive, you can win the battle by reaching a 50% destruction rate of enemy buildings or wrecking the enemy base camp.
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Where there is an attack, there is a defense. In SGEM, you should also learn to defend your base and resources from enemy attacks.
If you don’t want to be invaded entirely and lose 3 stars by the enemy, you can upgrade your building to enhance defense capabilities. Moreover, you can utilize the bond combination of each building to trigger the defense combo and set up a complex defensive formation such as surrounding base, full surround, or powerful twin tower.
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2. Is SGEM worth playing?
As far as I am concerned, SGEM is a blockchain game that is worth playing. The reasons why we like SGEM may vary from player to player but there are two things everyone agrees on.
SGEM is a game that combines randomness and strategy. Players will challenge their luck and strength in this game.
For randomness, you can pair two different Babos to breed a new Babo with random appearance and ability. Furthermore, when conducting an offensive battle, you will face different formations.
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For strategy, you should consider different cards combo and your Babo’s skills when assembling for an attack. Also, you need to set up a defensive formation to prevent destruction. Both play modes take time and effort to learn.
Last but not least, if you are interested in SGEM, now is an excellent time to get into this game. The SGEM official has released a variety of detailed guidelines recently, newcomers can learn it quickly.
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Now the entry barrier of SGEM is low that the price of Babo is not high. Hence, the earlier you earn tokens, the earlier you get your money back. Finally, here is a portal to SGEM: https://www.sgem.io/
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sanhwaiting · 3 years
megan quick go list your top 3 favorite sanhwa moments and your favorite era or tages or looks for each of them. it's for science :)
okay mystery scientist i'll help you out 👀 though you give me an impossible task ><
top 3 7 favourite sanhwa moments because i can't choose:
hwa slapping san's ass to wake him up and san pulling hwa onto the bed instead (x)
san saying "it's your birthday" and hwa smiling shyly and hitting his chest (x)
every time san calls hwa handsome and cute or tells hwa "i love you" and hwa just 🥰
every time san randomly pulls or tricks hwa into a hug (x)
when they were playing the headphones game and san said "babo ya!!" and hwa said "babo?? you called me babo??" (x)
any sanhwa vlive but especially 210527 and 201208
weekly idol when hwa leaned his head on san's shoulder and san rubbed hwa's neck and said "that was beautiful" (x)
favourite san era or stages or looks (bolded those in common):
eras: fireworks / inception / thanxx / answer
stages / looks: 210925 / 210314 !! / 210310 / 210304 / 201225 / 201206 / 200911 / 200906 / 200830 / 200820 / 200815 / 200730 / 200109 / 191010
favourite hwa era or stages or looks (bolded those in common):
eras: eternal sunshine / fireworks / inception / thanxx
stages / looks: 211017 / 211016 / 211014 / 211009 / 210916 / 210314 / 210310 / 201225 / 200906 / 200820 !! / 200815 / 200730
idk how much info you need but i think that should be more than enough material for your science project :D good luck anon!! 💓
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