#the bake off AU is BACK folks!
firstelevens · 1 year
nothing sweeter than my baby (now on AO3)
sam/bucky | rated t | 12k words
“I know the romance is dead,” Sam says as he hits play, absently fiddling with Bucky’s hair, “but, uh, maybe don’t go poking around my sock drawer, if that’s something you were thinking of doing.”
“Got it,” Bucky says solemnly. “No sock retrieval missions, even if you have stolen at least ten pairs from me.”
“I’m glad we understand each other,” says Sam.
Sam thinks about a job offer and then thinks about making an offer of his own.
A follow-up fic to sugar pie, honey bunch.
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pullhisteeth · 1 year
in which Eddie's love languages are quality time and acts of service - and you're a commitmentphobe
something small that came to mind the other day (I definitely do not do the annoying thing of never doing the things I commit to, no, definitely not). it's a lil bit christmassy so sorry about that lol. college!au, gn!reader, etc etc. fluff. 1.4k.
so you do this thing which you are convinced pisses all your friends off, where you declare that you're going to do something - wash the dishes, finally fold your laundry, finish a book, braid your hair, go to the gym, bake something - and then never do it. it happens far too often and you are so sure it drives them mad, Nance and Robin surely rolling their eyes at one another when you once again flop down on the couch and resolve that today will be the day that you repot the plants in your dorm room.
and it does. they're your friends, but friends can be irritating despite how much we love them regardless, and it's maybe one of your bigger flaws.
they groan about it between themselves sometimes, the same way you do with Robin when Nancy ditches girls night to finish another piece for your college newspaper, or the way you do with Steve when you catch Robin in another conversation with the cute girl behind the counter at the campus café who she still hasn't asked out. every single time, she joins the two of you with that look on her face that says, not this time, folks, sorry.
they often brush off your declarations of intent, humming without paying much interest, and you know it, of course. you also know they're your friends, so it's their job to put up with this.
but then there's Eddie. Eddie is a new friend, as of the months before summer break, though his presence at nights out or evenings in with the whole gang is so concrete he may as well have been here the whole time.
Eddie is also incredibly pretty. he throws you off guard often with his throwaway compliments ("you look great tonight, sugar") and those hands he fails to keep to himself. they land on the small of your back sometimes when you're leaving the bar. other times his knee nudges yours when you're sat beside each other during movie night. and, worst of all, sometimes his fingers brush yours as you walk, and it takes everything in you not to grab hold and never let go.
one evening, you've come home from class and changed into pyjamas and you're padding sullenly through the apartment you share with Nancy and Robin. like clockwork, you throw yourself onto the empty couch and say: "tomorrow I'm gonna go on a long walk."
"right," you hear Robin mutter from where she's sat on the other couch, her eyes trained on the complicated looking crochet project in her lap. Nancy's out but Steve and Eddie are sat at your dinner table - they may as well live here, you sometimes think - working on assignments.
"I'll come with you," Eddie says.
it surprises you; normally the only acknowledgement of these whims you ever get are the uninterested noises from Robin or Nancy.
"you will?" you return, turning your head to look away from the ceiling and over at Eddie.
"sure," he says, still looking at the assignment on the table in front of him. he's holding his forehead, pinching it in concentration. he looks pretty in the ebbing sunlight, as usual.
"sweet," you mutter back.
and he does. he sticks to his word, turning up sometime mid-morning the next day with a thick coat on and two coffees in takeaway cups. you wander with him around the park near campus and try your hardest to keep your expectations low.
he's a friend. it's not a date.
the following week you're back on the couch, watching a rerun of Golden Girls, and you let your eyes wander around the room, paying little attention to the television. you stare up at the plants hanging from the top of the cabinet by the door, and the ones on the windowsill.
"I'm gonna do it," you say. "I'm gonna repot them."
Nancy's at the dinner table, scribbling away on various pieces of paper. she gives you the usual hum of okay, sure, yeah without looking up at you.
"need a hand?" Eddie asks. he's on the other couch, halfway through a joint.
you turn over onto your side to look at him.
"yeah, okay. wanna go to the garden centre?"
"only if we can look at the fish."
this cycle continues. every few days, your dramatic commitment to a new thing will go unnoticed by your seasoned friends, but Eddie won't let whatever it is go. when you tell them you're going to go to the beach, for some fresh air, he offers to drive you there. when you declare that you're going to bake them some bread, and finally learn how to kneed, he brings you bread flour and promises he'll bake weed brownies with you one day. and when you decide that today is the day that you'll take your resumé to the cafe round the corner, he looks it over with you and walks you over. I could do with a coffee, he tells you.
you get the job, starting a week later. you're working 3 shifts a week between classes and sometimes closings shifts roll into the evenings, when you'd usually be doing nothing in your little living room with your friends. on these nights, when it's dark before you finish, Eddie is always stood beside the back door as you leave. the first time it happened he said he'd been on his way home from class and had spotted you cleaning up inside so thought he'd wait for you, but then it happened two days later, when you know he doesn't have any afternoon classes. and so after every late shift you emerge from the back door to find him smudging out a cigarette with his shoe, and he looks up at you and smiles, and you walk with him two blocks back to your apartment.
after a month or two, you're on another close. it's December and you're on your last shift before you hitch a ride back to Hawkins.
"he's out there again," your boss mutters as he comes in from emptying the trash.
"your boyfriend. does he have to smoke out there?"
you feel yourself warm, the bloom of embarrassment and something more under your skin.
"he's not my boyfriend. I'll ask him to stop smoking, though."
"some friend you got then, walkin' you home every night."
you don't respond, bottom lip between your teeth to hide your smile. you speed through everything else on the list and grab your jacket and bag when your boss waves you off with a half-hearted happy holidays, and skip a little too quick out the fire door behind the kitchen.
sure enough, here he is, though tonight feels different. you quickly spot him smudging the cigarette out, but as your eyes drift back up they land on something colourful in his hand.
he looks up when he hears the door but he doesn't smile like usual; instead it's small, laced with apprehension. but it blossoms when you grin at him, so wide your eyes nearly close.
"good shift?" he asks.
"hm, it was okay. what've you got?"
you step closer and look down to see that it's a pretty bunch of flowers.
"uh, I... if I don't do this now, I owe Steve fifty bucks."
you look up at him, confused. "what?"
"wanna go get dinner?"
the bliss that swells inside your chest feels like enough to lift you off your feet. you grin again, and he smiles back.
"Eddie Munson, are you taking me on a date?"
he looks down at his feet, bashfully kicking the stub of his cigarette with one shoe.
"I mean, I thought the walks home and everythin' were obvious enough, but..."
you giggle at him, thinking about all the evenings he'd drop you home without more than a hug goodbye, leaving you kicking yourself for thinking this could be anything more than good friends.
"my fault," you say. "wanted to say something, but I'm not good at committing to stuff."
"nah," he says, looking up at you again. "you just needed a hand gettin' it done."
lifting the flowers, he holds them out for you to take. as you do, he takes your bag and, before you can protest, slings it over his own shoulder. they're pretty, deep reds and purples.
"these are beautiful, Eddie."
he smiles back at you and brings his hand to the small of your back, as always, as you leave.
walking down the street, past closed-up shops in the cold, your hands brush his as he gets closer and closer. you seize the opportunity, finally committing to something, and wind your fingers between his.
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2nd2ndalto · 6 months
here is a smol ides of march au
Leo taps Nico’s leg with the flat of his gladius. “Look sharp, di Angelo, the big boss is coming through,” he mutters. 
Nico shifts from where he’d been slumped against the wall of the Forum, pulling himself to his full (yes, really) height and tipping up his chin. It’s his least favorite time of day to be on guard; the midday sun is beating down on the stone walls and the gravel at his feet, and the damn helmet isn’t helping matters. He couldn’t find his own this morning, so he’s wearing Reyna’s, and it keeps sliding down his sweaty forehead.
Nico half-listens to the conversation as Caesar and his companions draw nearer.
“Forget not, in your speed, Antonius, to touch Calpurnia; for our elders say the barren, touched in this holy chase, shake off this sterile curse,” Caesar says, characteristically self-important. 
Leo quirks an eyebrow at Nico, and Nico tries not to laugh. 
Then, “Caesar!” someone calls. The voice is creaky, ethereal. Nico shivers. 
The general stops short, his entire entourage grinding to a halt around him. One of them knocks into Leo, then grabs Nico’s shoulder to steady himself. Nico grits his teeth. 
“Who is it in the press that calls on me?” Caesar asks, imperious. “I hear a tongue, shriller than all the music cry, ‘Caesar!’ Speak; Caesar is turned to hear.”
Nico lets out a long breath. Why use two words when two dozen will suffice? The longer this exchange takes, the longer he has to stand here, pin-straight in this stupid fucking sweaty tunic. 
“Beware the Ides of March,” croons that same spooky-sounding voice, and a tall figure draws forward. It must be a man, Nico supposes, if only from the height. The figure is robed in sky blue, head covered, his back to Leo and Nico. 
Nico’s mind wanders to the gnawing hunger in his stomach, the blisters on his sandaled feet. The heat on his armor is starting to make him feel as if he’s being slowly baked. A Nico panini, perhaps. 
“He is a dreamer!” Caesar announces suddenly, jolting Nico from his discomfort. “Let us leave him.”
Nico lets out a breath as the group in front of him begins to move once more. 
The man in blue - the soothsayer, Nico supposes, lingers. Once Caesar and the others are out of sight, he turns with a shrug. 
“They never listen.”
And his voice isn’t spooky, or ethereal. It’s light, easy. Nico blinks, surprised, taking in sparkling blue eyes, crinkled at the corners, a rueful half-smile. A spill of freckles, several blond curls peeking out around the edges of his hood. The young man appears to be right around Nico’s age. 
And he’s hot.   
Next to Nico, Leo seems to be undergoing a similar journey of revelation. He steps forward, holding out a hand and offering a toothy grin. 
“Leo Valdez. It's an honor to meet you, Mr. Soothsayer, sir.” 
Nico rolls his eyes. 
The man in blue quirks a smile and takes the proffered hand. “Will Solace.” He steps back. 
“Fucking hot out here, isn’t it?” Will Solace says. He shoves down his hood, revealing a head of tousled blond curls, shining like gold in the sunlight, the blue in his robes reflected in his eyes. Nico feels a bit like he’s been punched in the face. In a really good way. 
“Sorry, I didn’t catch your name,” Will says, fixing his grin on Nico. 
“Nico. di Angelo,” Nico manages, extending a sweaty hand. Blue eyes catch on his and linger, curious.
“You sounded… different. Before,” Nico says.
Will’s grin goes wider, a bit sly. “I’ve been trying something new.”
“So it’s all an act, then?” Nico asks, curious, because… 
“Oh no,” Will shrugs. “He really does need to beware the Ides of March. I just find folks are more receptive to prophecy if I get a bit spooky with it. You know. Really lean into the drama of it all.” Will wiggles his fingers. 
Nico nods. “Caesar does have an… aura of death. A thick possibility of it.”
“Nico,” Leo complains. But Will quirks an eyebrow, regarding Nico with more interest, a quick once-over and a half-step closer. 
“You know, I might have a prophecy for you,” he tells Nico. 
Will touches two fingers to his temple, closes his eyes, a flutter of dark blond eyelashes against freckled cheeks. “Yes. I see you, having dinner with me. Tonight.” Will’s voice has gone spooky again, but it’s edged with something warmer now.  
“Good grief,” Leo mutters. 
Nico nods. “Interesting. Do you see yourself picking me up at eight, maybe?”
“You know, I do,” Will grins “You’re good at this.”
“Maybe after dinner I can show you what else I’m good at,” Nico counters. 
Will waggles his eyebrows. “I foresee that I would enjoy that.”
They exchange details, and Will replaces his hood as he leaves, winking at Nico before turning to stroll away. 
“That was disgusting,” Leo says flatly.  
“Hey,” Nico shrugs, grinning, wondering if he can convince Jason to take his shift tomorrow morning. “There's no use fighting the power of prophecy.”
Many thanks to @anything-thats-rock-and-roll for the quick beta & for enabling this ridiculousness
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gatoluva · 2 months
" Just a kiss. "
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Lisa x Shrunken Mona WLW, G/T, SFW, MAFIA AU?? 3637 Words, moves a little slow at the beginning. Forgive me if this isn't my best writing. Open for requests.
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It was a cold, rainy, dark evening. A day that the clouds swirled gray and the air was muggy from the rain, weather that anyone would find displeasure of- even those who claim to ‘love’ the rain. For Mona Megistus, it was also a hungry, hungry day, the mora-less girl hadn’t eaten- and the stars were not working in her favor this evening. She had low, long, dark purple-ombre pigtails, her outfit was mostly thrifted or donated to her, which was a black fluffy jacket, a black crop top, and purple denim jeans with black, platform boots. She walked the city’s empty streets, nobody was out because of the weather, but she had nowhere to go- bars didn’t want ‘homeless’ folks and she didn’t exactly have a home. All the girl wanted was something to munch on, but she probably can’t count on that happening this evening. So, she continued her walk, shuffling her tarot deck in her hands. 
That was until she passed by a shop with a blinding, neon purple sign that read ‘free samples’, she stopped in her tracks as she approached the shop’s window. It didn’t look like any food place, that was weird, but the sign next to the neon letters also read it was a new recipe that needed reviews, so maybe it was an up and coming business. New business or not, Mona was hungry and just reading the word ‘food’ had her stomach roaring, reminding her of the cavern she needed to feed. The girl pushed open the door to the store, a ringing sound immediately cued as she entered and a girl with short green hair, a purple, long-bell sleeved and ruffled skirt dress, with thigh-high black boots turned to look at her. Mona feels scrutinized by the lady, but as the door shut behind her and the bell stopped its chime, which was what properly greeted her instead of that staring lady, she decided to speak. 
“Hello there, miss,” she started and got closer to the supposed worker, “I am Mona Megistus, pleased to be here- I have an inquiry… is that sign still valid?” The moment Mona said anything about a ‘sign’ the green-haired girl looked pleased, appearing much more attentive towards the astrologist, Mona. 
“Ah! The free sample? Yes? Yes, yes, yes, a sample of our boss’s finest delicacy comes to you in a very, very short minute,” the green-haired lady spoke, patting Mona’s shoulder and quickly speeding off to a doorway with a beaded curtain- pushing through the beads making that oddly satisfying noise of beads clinking against each other, as she went to get the free sample…? The astrologist blinked, she hadn’t even gotten to respond to the strange worker before she ran off, huh, an odd-duck that lady was, and she spoke… uniquely… 
Mona looked around the shop, it was almost like a library- there were books everywhere, but the counter had cases of strange little potions, jewelry, and such. Almost like a magic shop… interesting. The green-haired lady came back out with a plastic container of a mysterious-looking baked good, if Mona wasn’t so hungry, surely she’d decline, but she hasn’t eaten for awhile and something like this would be fulfilling. “Our finest batch, just for you Miss Megistus~” The green-haired girl almost hissed Mona’s name, sounding almost snake-like, it was creepy in a way, but Mona bowed her head, “Why thank you, about time I’m shown some respect.” The purple-haired astrologist took the container, then the moment she looked up the green-haired girl was gone, Mona heard those beads clank- huh, it seems she went to the back again. 
Mona stared at the food, she didn’t have any utensil to eat this with, but whatever, it’s not like she hadn’t eaten with her hands before. She pinched out a piece of the food, forcing it onto her tongue and closed her mouth, chewing on it slowly. The texture was pleasing and the taste was impeccable- it was almost like it was custom-made to all her ideal likings. Of course, this made Mona only eat the dish quicker, it was so delicious, drool-worthy even, and soon enough the hungry astrologist scarfed down the whole meal. That was a free sample? It should be with a kazillion mora with how tasty it was, she lowered the container once she finished, rubbing her now happy and full stomach. 
Although that food was delicious, after a minute or so of consuming it- she started to feel ill… “Oh my, maybe I ate too fast…” she mumbled to herself because surely that was a logical explanation for eating the food. Mona looked around for a seat inside of the shop, oh lovely, in the corner of the store there’s a little corner couch with shelves surrounding, that should be a good spot to relax at until she feels better. The astrologist approached the couch, taking a seat with a hand on her stomach and laying the empty container on the floor. Mona starts to feel rather sleepy, normally she wouldn’t fall asleep inside of a place like this, but it was almost as if the food was laced with something to make her sleep almost immediately- before her eyes shut, the world was blurry but she did see a shadow of someone’s figure approach her, until everything went black and the astrologist fell asleep. 
Hours later, Mona felt her consciousness be regained- and could hear faint talking, until she felt a gigantic thud below her, recognizing she was laid on the ground and the thud shook her entire being! “Huuh, wha… happened…” she asks aloud, her speaking was slurred and slow, while her eyes slowly opened. The world was still blurry and she needed to regain her focus, looking around, everything seemed so tall, no, like really tall. The astrologist kept turning her head until she saw the green-haired girl by her, collapsed onto the floor, but the difference was the girl was humongous compared to Mona! The astrologist widened her eyes, quickly standing up but feeling herself get a little woozy once she stood.
“It’s alright, little one, that lady is all taken care of,” a feminine voice cooed from about a sky-scraper's height above. Mona slowly tilted her head back, looking all the way up, and realized the darkness was from being completely enveloped in a woman’s shadow, her eyes focused on the lady above, she was brunette, sort of long hair- at least a little below her shoulder, she was wearing black dress pants, black heels, a white dress shirt with a loose black tie, and a blazer over it. She wore excessive jewelry, earrings, necklaces, and bracelets. If Mona wasn’t scared of this unknown lady, she would swoon from how beautiful she was, but she knew nothing of this lady- she didn’t know if there were any cruel intentions or what. Mona backed away a few steps, her brows furrowed, and she looked almost defensive. However, she looked over at the collapsed green-haired girl, and something tells Mona that it’s that lady’s fault she’s this size, and that the brunette saved her. Oh the little astrologist felt so conflicted. 
Suddenly, the brunette girl started squatting down, gah- just what is she doing! Mona jumped back another step, squinting up at the lady. “Not much of a talker, are you?” The brunette girl asked with a head tilt, her eyes were so full, a pretty green that reminded Mona of a tsavorite crystal, but they were full of untrusting curiosity, the lady seemed mischievous which raised the astrologist’s guard. Though, Mona can’t get away with silence forever. “I am Mona Megistus,” she introduced with a sharp, prideful tone, “I demand that you tell me who you are and what you’re here for!” The puny astrologist crossed her arms and turned away, closing her eyes, acting as if she threw a fit, but opened an eye that glared at Lisa, just to make sure her eyes were still on the lady. Just to watch out for any unpredicted movements, of course. The brunette giggled and that confused Mona, she felt like it was disrespectful in some way, but then the brunette softly spoke, “That is fair, miss Megistus,” she nodded toward the smaller and sighed. “I am Lisa, I came here originally to shake this lady down for something, but then I saw her over here standing over you, and I’ve met this lady before- she has nothing but cruel intentions, so I saved you, you should really thank me, cutie,” Lisa said and shot a wink at the astrologist. 
Mona arched a brow at the wink. Really? Thank her? The astrologist shook her head, “Alright, find out how I shrunk then, Miss Lisa.” The purple-haired girl ordered, facing toward the brunette again. “Trust me, I intend on doing that, but that’s the least of my concerns right now… Mona. I have other business I need to focus on.” The astrologist frowned, “Like what?” Lisa is taken aback a tad by the question, “That isn’t your business,” she assertively says. The lady seems secretive. 
The brunette seemed like she was about to get up, the purple-haired astrologist really didn’t want to be left here alone, and she’d rather be with someone she has somewhat made acquaintance to. “Wait!” Mona ran up a little closer to the lady, and the brunette paused. “Hmm, what is it, little one?” 
“I can’t help but feel my size could be fate, and if it is I’d rather be stuck with someone that the stars tell me I am safe with, and I think you’re the closest person I am safe with for the time being,” Mona quickly explained, placing her hands in front of herself, hand in hand, politely. Lisa grew a pleasant smile at the explanation, “Miss Megistus, it almost sounds like you’re saying we are fate,” she teased. The astrologist crossed her arms immediately, “That is not what I am saying, I would really just like to be with someone who can protect me, and seeing that that miss over there is on the floor knocked out, you seem like someone who can protect me,” she more specifically explained. Lisa seemed amused by the re-explaining done by the astrologist, she held back her giggle though and offered her hand to Mona to climb onto then. “Then come with me, Miss Megistus.” The astrologist stared at Lisa’s hand being offered, it was gloved and looked so inviting. “I- well, alright then,” Mona dipped her head in a bow, then approached the giant hand. This hand could have the strength to pin her down or hold her inside of its first entirely, it was sort of thrilling thinking of the power it had, the power Lisa had, and that the woman didn’t use it against the astrologist, she felt oddly safe. Mona climbed into the hand, centering herself in the middle of the woman’s palm then looked up at her. “Thank you, Miss Lisa, that comes from the stars and I,” she says softly. The corners of Lisa’s lips pulled into another pleasant smile, “Of course, anything for a little cutie such as yourself,” she replied which made the small astrologist blush, and then the brunette stood herself up. 
A small gust of wind brushed through Mona’s hair as Lisa stood, she looked around at everything, it was so high up and slightly amazing. Something in Mona’s gut and brain strike fear in her, being so high up, if she dropped… that surely would be death, but something about Lisa is so comforting, so ensuring that she wouldn’t ever predict being dropped, not even the stars could predict something that is surely unlikely to occur. What was it about this woman that made her feel so safe? While Mona thought Lisa had already walked out of the store and held Mona close to her chest so she was safe in her hold, Once the astrologist realized how quickly they’ve moved, she started thinking more about her own size than thinking about her carrier, Lisa. If Mona had to walk this distance on her own, surely it’d take like… a day or more. Mona couldn’t possibly survive at this size on her own, she’s already struggling at normal-sized… 
“Little one?” Lisa asked, noticing the smaller silence had taken up for quite a while, and the astrologist was staring off into the distance as if wrapped in endless thoughts. Yet, Lisa got no response, Mona was still thinking, the brunette blinked and raised her free hand, gently poking the astrologist. The purple-haired girl squeaked in surprise, scooting from the gloved finger and staring at it. “Little one…” Lisa called again. “Oh- huh, wha…?” Mona asks, looking back at the lady’s face with confusion. “Nothing, I wanted to check if you were alright.” The purple-haired girl’s heart doted on that sentence for a bit, she’d never been checked on before, being alone for a while on the streets- fending for food, shelter, etc. Nobody has ever cared for her until this woman came along, saving her and now allowing Mona to tag along with her for protection. Lisa was unaware of the sentiment she had just given the astrologist. 
Things were getting darker though and slightly began to reek as Lisa walked down an alleyway, Mona was confused, looking up at Lisa expecting an answer just by her glare. “Where are we going?” Lisa glanced down at Mona with the question, “Well, you should know that I am affiliated with a group… and I need to take care of some business, as stated previously,” she said, kind of circling around the question- not giving a direct answer, could she really trust this girl? While she might be small, it doesn’t mean she should doubt her capabilities of going out and about saying stuff, or maybe jumping into things that roar danger. 
Mona felt weird anxiety at that response and began looking around, “Lisa, tell me or the stars will-” she threatened weakly, and at that Mona shrieked in surprise as she was shoved inside of Lisa’s blazer pocket by her waist. Lisa’s gloved hand kept Mona pinned in there and the fabric silenced Megistus, “Give me a second,” she whispered for Mona to hear and approached one of her henchmen. “Hello Kaeya,” the brunette greeted, stopping before him. Kaeya was tall, somewhat taller than Lisa, and had brown skin. He wore an eye patch and had his long, blue hair tied back with some of his bang covering the eye patch. He wore a white collared shirt with a black vest on top, black slacks, and black combat boots. Kaeya tossed a coin up into the air, catching it in his hand and looking toward Lisa with a sly, catty smirk. “Hello boss,” he returned the greeting and slid the coin into his pocket. “So, what will I be up to today?” Kaeya requested for an order, always wanting to be on his feet doing something, it was boring if he had no heavy work to take care of, Lisa knew that though, always sending the blue-haired boy running around places. “Can you do some research on that magic shop run by Katarina, the mage? Something about that free sample is off, I want all the information on it, immediately…” Lisa sharply ordered. “You’ve got it boss, but why the sudden interest?” Kaeya was nosy, he tried to press on the subject and pray some more details out of Lisa, what is so interesting about that magic store? 
“Oh nothing~ I’m just as curious as always, Kaeya,” she said and stepped past him, raising her hand that wasn’t pinning Mona in the pocket to nudge him forward, “go along now, I want that information quickly,” Lisa forced him out then. The blue haired man was suspicious, but he’ll do as ordered.  The brunette waited for him to be fully out of the alleyway, she walked deeper inside to her base and brought Mona back out as she walked. “Hypothetically speaking, of course,” she winked, “I am hypothetically the ringleader of a mafia, but do not fret, Megistus, I don’t come in harm- to you anyways, you’re far too cute for me to want to hurt little old you.”  
Mona had no idea what to feel with Lisa’s words, the interaction she had to hear between some ‘Kaeya’ guy and the woman that she was in the hands of. Just what has Mona gotten herself wrapped up in? Some mafia clan? She furrowed her brows, not sure how to handle this, sure this woman helped her but is also involved in crimes. How can she trust a criminal such as Lisa? Her eyes become pupils that translate into terror, the terror of being clueless and unable to process what she’s going through. “Do you expect me to just trust you, Miss Lisa? I- forgive me, I need a moment,” Mona escapes into her thoughts, closing her eyes and thinking about the stars, the only guidance Mona really needs is from the stars, what she trusts to be true. What does fate have in store for the astrologist? 
Lisa understood the other’s hesitance to immediately trust her, if she were Mona- she’d feel the same, so the brunette is patient, pausing on her walk to the base to give Mona the time she needs. “I have given you thought, even though I, Mona Megistus, find it distrustful and disrespectful you didn’t tell me the truth of your identity sooner- I am willing to repair that tear in this friendship and allow you to regain my trust, If I’m honest, maybe earlier you weren’t far off- pairing us two as fate because the stars and my astrology tell me to trust you, even if what you do is… fairly immoral, there isn’t much I can do… being so… small…” she shivered at mentioning her size, just processing how big the world was compared to her again. The brunette arched a brow at that realization and also smirked, “Aw, really? Well if you say we are fate, miss ‘Astrologist’ then I suppose I should trust you, you’re the professional here in all things fate,” she says with assumption, daring to flirt with Mona, which brings the small purple haired girl to shock. 
Suddenly, Mona feels the hands below her raise her up higher, “Um- Lisa, what is it that you’re doing? I just said I trust you, don’t make me take that back…” Then, Lisa’s big lips came into Mona’s frame, they had a purplish-red shade on them, it suited Lisa’s face beautifully.Her skin was so clear, it looked so soft and Mona wanted to lay her hand on the other’s face, but she couldn’t. That’d be inappropriate, wouldn’t it? She had just met this lady, and she’s feeling intense emotions over her, maybe shrinking has driven Mona insane. Lisa brought Mona higher, to the waterline of her eye, squinting at her, “Forgive me if I’m mistaken, Mona, but weren’t you just admiring me?” She asked, Lisa is well aware that Mona was, but she likes seeing the little one falter. 
“Me?” Mona asks, putting a hand on her chest and referencing herself. “Please, Lisa, you suddenly raised me to your lips- of course, I’m going to look in confusion, that is far intimidating,” she responded. The brunette sighed, “What’s intimidating about them? Are they too chapped for you? Do you think I’m going to eat you? Aw, you really are bite-size, but I am not interested in making you a meal- that is… inhumane of me, Miss Megistus.” If this were a cartoon, Mona’s eyes would swirl and she’d faint with a beet-red face, however, her cheeks do pinken at the idea. “What?! This is absurd, Lisa, none of those options–” Lisa giggled at Mona, and that is when Mona realized Lisa was just teasing her. “What if I gave you a kiss?” The brunette proposed, and Mona furrowed her brows, a kiss? 
“I think I need you to provide me with more details than just that, Miss Lisa,” Mona said slowly, ensuring she understood Lisa correctly. The woman wanted to kiss her? What? Lisa smirked at the fact the astrologist didn’t exactly decline it. “I press my lips against you, a kiss, doesn’t exactly have to be romantic, it’s just an idea floating within my head, and probably yours with all your admiration,” she says with a little hum. The purple-haired girl sounds exasperated, obviously flustered with the accusation and the idea of being kissed by this woman. “Well, if you’re going to accuse me of wanting a kiss from you, then I guess… kissing me wouldn’t hurt, would it?” Mona gave in weakly, looking away from the giant woman. Lisa giggled, “What? You want me to kiss you, Mona? But we had just met,” she teased. “Oh- I thought you were rather… serious…” Mona trailed off, somewhat disappointed, thinking it was all just a pointless tease. The astrologist should’ve expected that from the brunette- she doesn’t seem the type to just give away kisses from those lovely, lovely lips, just like that… That was where Mona was quickly proven wrong. The little astrologist was lowered and brought towards a giant pair of soft, plump lips, that puckered around her entire body and smooched her. The astrologist squirmed at the quickness of it but leaned into the lips after a second, oh they were soft- and they were of a lovely and enchanting woman. However, it felt so wrong at the same time considering the reminder in her head that the two just met. If the brunette didn’t mind though, and Mona didn’t mind, then it should be okay for now. It was in fact, just a kiss.
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satanicsanity · 1 year
Guess who's got more au lore for Baker-wally!! (I worked hard on this with some friends and mutuals in the Discord server)
Tw: Disturbing themes, cannibalism, implied abuse, violence, demonic-ritual stuff, overall Just... Huge trigger warning! This is a bit dark!
The overall lore, so far:
Wally was unstable from childhood, grew up in a violent home, baking was always a coping mechanism for wally... Whenever wally was sad or angry, he would bake. This always kept wally calm... And happy. Wally found from early childhood that sugar improved his mood immensely... By large amounts. (this lead to later-on sugar pills, to keep himself happy and.. mostly stable)
One day during his childhood, a close friend of wally's passed away. Wally (being completely off his rocker already) ended up eating their corpse in a desperate and crazed attempt to stay close to them... and never forget them. But upon doing that he got a sudden addiction to it, to the taste of the flesh... and began going out late at night to kill innocent folks and would frequently draw little pictures in the victim's blood.
However one evening upon doing this... He accidentally drew some kind of demonic entity symbol (A swirl to be specific 🌀) which summed... Well... And entity. (because it was drawn in blood) which lead wally into the knowledge of the paranormal, etc etc.
Realizing all of this... He tried to convince the entity he'd accidentally summoned, to bring his friend back. But the entity couldn't do so... because wally had eaten and harmed the corpse... Meaning they couldn't be brought back, because they had no physical body to be brought back TO anymore.
Wally was discouraged by this, but the entity decided to give wally an offer... The entity took a quick liking to wally.
So the entity proposed a deal... Keep making sacrifices to them, and the entity would assist wally... Giving wally SOME of their mind and time manipulation abilities to use however he wished. The only downside, is that this mind manipulation could only go so far... And could only erase others memories for so long. (There was a time-limit on how long the memories would stay erased, in a sense.)
Wally of course took the deal without hesitation... Using it to his advantage to get more sacrifices, to keep the power the entity has granted him alive. But there was another issue, the entity only needed the blood-symbols and the life of said victim... They had no use for the victim's body. (And wally could only eat so many victims at a time on his own.)
And so, Wally began struggling to hide the corpses and the police were catching on... As the downside was previously mentioned that wally could only erase people's memories for a certain amount of time, before the memories would be returned. (The Time manipulation didn't help, because The memories were still intact after time ran out for the erased memories. It just made people slightly confused on why the day seemingly reset.)
So wally moved out of town quickly for a fresh start, packed his things and left without a trace... Left his family behind... Left everything behind. Eventually finding himself in a cute neighborhood. Wally quickly made friends with some nice neighbors... Barnaby, Julie, howdy, Eddie, frank, Sally, and poppy.
Unable to keep his cannibalistic murdering urges at bay... Trying to bake to Distract himself from those intrusive thoughts... He realized he could simply get rid of the corpses by baking them into the treats he makes. Not only that... But he could embed his new-found power into his treats by infecting it, in a sense.
So wally worked some magic when greeting his new neighbors formally, offering them cupcakes... That he infected himself using certain sprinkles (doused in the entity's power he'd been given) that would allow complete control over those neighbors minds, COMPLETE control. (the same sprinkles that are stuck in wally's hair, a hidden sign of wally's control over the neighborhood) This created a loophole of sorts when it came to wally's power limitations... The time limit didn't matter anymore, BECAUSE wally's power was now attached INTO their bodies and systems, attaching onto their brains, growing like fungus... Wally had complete manipulation over their minds now and practically the entire neighborhood, no time limit to worry about. This would make things much easier... He could create the PERFECT neighborhood! Killing off neighbors he didn't like, baking them into teats to serve, and his neighbors would be none the wiser! And if he was ever caught... He'd simply erase their minds, and reset the day!
There was one issue though... Poppy didn't take his cupcake offer upon first meeting. This is a huge issue for wally... Because now she's the only one, besides wally, who remembers things the others don't... And is aware of the day-resets. And she has a strong feeling it all has to do with wally. (which she's absolutely correct, but has no proof)
When poppy tries bringing this up to the other neighbors, they have no idea what she's talking about. (like I said... Their minds get erased by wally if he's ever caught.) Poppy knows something isn't right... and wally is aware poppy knows, as she never took his cupcake offer. She's as aware as wally is of the neighborhood resets.
Wally finds this a bit fun though... And strives to make poppy feel as if she's going crazy. He doesn't bother using his short-term mind eraser on her... He finds toying with her is far more amusing.
Now where does home (wally's bakery) come in with all this?
Home was built from the ground up by wally, and brought to life through sacrifices wally made to the entity. In short... Home basically owes wally their life. Wally is the reason home is alive and conscious... Which is a reason why home never goes against wally's word. (other than the fact wally also protects home to an extreme extent.)
In A VERY short sense: Wally's gained complete control over the neighborhood, and all the neighbors expect poppy, through the help and collaboration between him and an entity who'd taken a liking to wally after an accidental summoning.
(This is all over-explained and word vomit, so I apologize for that! If there's anything problematic about this story, I will go back and fix it! <3 I tried to make the lore as close to the overall theme as possible! This may be edited in the future!)
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Friends to Lovers Fics Masterlist (13)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Part 11 / Part 12 / 
Created: June 6th, 2024
That Time We Took Over the World-Gamemakers (ao3) Summary: Being a session guitarist pays well, but Katniss Everdeen’s always wanted a taste of the spotlight. Enter Peeta Mellark, whose boyband fame faded twenty years ago, and a not-quite-dying wish from an old friend, and she’s in for way more than she bargained for. The Dance of the Color Guard, Op. 64-populardarling (ao3) Summary: Katniss and Peeta used to be best friends when they were kids, but now in high school, they're barely on speaking terms. It isn't until they are forced together as the titular star-crossed lovers for their marching band's field show that they will have to face their past mistakes and try to get along if they ever hope of defeating the notorious Capitol Height's Imperial Marching Crusaders in competition. It's all about winning and if that means pretending to be in love with Peeta Mellark, so be it. But a lot can happen in six months. The Ghost of You-JLaLa (ao3) Summary: Katniss Everdeen thought they were just her imaginary friends. Turns out, they were very real—and dead. An Everlark take on the movie “Heart and Souls.” The Great Panem Christmas Bake-Off-JLaLa (ao3) Summary: Aspiring baker Katniss Everdeen finally gets her chance when she's chosen for The Great Panem Christmas Bake Off. Too bad, she's already managed to piss off famous baker and Bake-Off judge, Peeta Mellark. The Holiday Stand In-LemonLuvGirl (ao3) Summary: Katniss Everdeen needs a guy to pretend to be her boyfriend for the holidays, and when she meets Peeta Mellark she thinks he's the answer to her Christmas prayers. Peeta also happens to need a significant other to take home to show off to his folks. So Katniss proposes that they pose as each other's dates for the holiday season. Just to get their families off their backs. But pretending to be in love is a dangerous game, one that Katniss might not end up winning unless she plays her cards right. The Hoodie-LemonLuvGirl (ao3) Summary: Based off the prompt: I’ve been wearing my boyfriend’s hoodie around the house for the last week. I tried to give it back last night. “That’s not my hoodie.” He said. I then realized with horror I’ve been wearing our builder’s hoodie. In front of our builder. The Long Weekend-JLaLa (ao3) Summary: Two assistants who barely tolerate each other. One snowy cabin. One very long weekend. Oh, and one bed. The Marrow of the Story-hutchabelle (ao3) Summary: Written for the Everlark Fic Exchange Springtime 2020 Edition Prompt 17: Everlark enemies to lovers, a long-standing grudge (could be anything, even simple) but somehow it is discovered that Katniss is a bone marrow match for Peeta. If she doesn’t donate he will die. The One She Left Behind-Xerxia (ao3) Summary: Everlark modern AU Weeks after moving to New York, Peeta Mellark encounters a woman he thought he'd never see again. The Pact-endlessnightlock (ao3) Summary: prompt: best friends everlark!pact on marrying each other when they turn 30 and are still single. now both are 30 and very much married. what comes after? (surprisingly good sex, awkward kids talk, explaining to families and friends) its up to you☺
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masked-alien-lesbian · 5 months
HLAW Day 4: Competitive/Culinary AU
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The Cordonian Bake-off
Pairing: Famous baker Hana Lee x master chef turned baker Raelyn Zane (nonbinary OC)
I decided to combine both Competitive Hana and culinary into one fic. Hana is one of the world's famous bakers, winning all sorts of awards and even had her own show. The problem is that annoying master chef Raelyn Zane is slowly infringing onto Hana's territory. In a competition with all other opponents defeated, it's down to just Hana and Raelyn. Can Hana stay on top? Or will Raelyn's flirtation be her downfall?
"And the clock is ticking folks! Our two finalists are going head to head in this final round of who is Cordonia's best baker!" Carson's voice and the studio audience's cheers were mere background noise to Hana as she quickly went to the cupboards to gather her ingredients. Flour, baking soda-Hana's train of thought abruptly crashed to a halt at the feel of her rival behind her.
Raelyn pressed up behind her, one hand on her hip, their front pressed all along her back as they reached over her head to grab the brown sugar on the top shelf. Hana spun around and Raelyn grins that maddening grin.
"Just need some sugar, sugar." Raelyn winks and backs away. Hana huffs
"There's sugar all the way over there." Raelyn just grins and casts a lazy glance where Hana is pointing.
"Ah. So there is." Raelyn says before turning back to their station. Hana takes a deep breath and hurries back to her station. She refuses to let that infuriating, cute baker get in her head.
The time seemed to fly as the two culinary geniuses worked on their masterpieces. At one point Hana's eyes drifted over to her rival and she marveled at Raelyn's intensity and steady hand as they encased their dessert in meringue. Feeling her eyes on them, they looked up and immediately their facial features softened, the two rivals getting lost into each other's eyes.
"Uh oh, it seems like our two rivals are staring each other down!" Carson's voice shattered the moment and Hana quickly looked back at her work of art, shaking her head to clear it. Their time was almost up!
Soon the audience was counting down the timer.
"Alright contestants! If you would please stop and present your desserts to the judges." Carson announces. Soon Hana was carefully sitting her croquembouche tower next to Raelyn's elegant dessert. Hana's heart sank as she eyed Raelyn's perfect looking baked Alaska. Lemon meringue was the most challenging dessert for her and Raelyn's work looked like a master piece.
"What do you have for us contestants?" One of the judges ask. Raelyn nods at Hana to go first.
"My dessert is a croquembouche. A French dessert made up of cream-filled profiteroles stacked together in the cone shape, you see before you, and then caramelized." Hana says proudly.
"It looks beautiful Miss. Lee. What about you Mx. Zane?"
"My dessert is a baked Alaska. A layer of sponge cake topped with chocolate ice cream and raspberry sorbet encased in meringue and baked in the oven." Raelyn states.
"A very elegant dessert, Mx. Zane." Yvette Flynte, one of the judges says before they all dug into Hana and Raelyn's desserts. Hana and Raelyn stood tensely as the cameras panned across their faces and the judges whispering among themselves.
"We've come to a decision. First off Mx. Zane, your baked Alaska is beautiful. The flavors are complimentary and are perfect together. The only problem is that it has no soul. I've taste tested many of your other dishes Mx. Zane. Your consomme devilish dish is one of the best I've ever had, dare I say, better than mine. Until you've capture that spark that you have with your main course dishes, your desserts will always be lacking." Yvette Flynte says. Raelyn looks down at their feet for a moment before looking back up with a soft smile.
"Thank you Miss. Flynt for your feedback. I'll definitely keep that in mind."
"Now Miss. Lee. This is the best croquembouche I've ever had. The cream filling is different but flavorful, the profiteroles crisp but light to perfection. That is why Miss. Hana Lee...you are this year's winner of the Cordonian Bake-Off!" At this confetti falls from the ceiling and the audience goes wild. Hana gape at the judges who stand up to shake her hand. She looks back at Raelyn who is proudly clapping for her and mouths to her, "good job". Afterwards everything is a blur as the judges present her trophy and she makes her winning statement.
It isn't until she's alone backstage when Raelyn walks into her room.
"Hey congrats! That's one big shiny trophy you got there." Raelyn says walking up to Hana who blushes.
"Thank you. Second place isn't a bad accomplishment yourself." Hana says, Raelyn shrugs.
"It was never really about winning the competition, I mean don't get me wrong. I wanted to win, mainly to impress you but..."Raelyn trails off suddenly unsure of themselves.
"But why? What made you compete then?" Hana asks.
"I mean, broadening my horizons, challenging myself and learning new things is kind of my jam. But mainly I joined this competition to be able to join your circles. I wanted to make an impression on you."
"You definitely made an impression on me. Mainly an annoying one." Hana says heart thumping in her chest. Raelyn wryly rubs the back of their neck.
"Yeah, probably not my best work. I'm sorry. Can we start over? Maybe collab some time?" Raelyn asks nervously.
"Perhaps. Only if you kiss me." Hana says shocking even herself by her boldness. Raelyn lights up and immediately brings their lips together. When they pulled back they have that once maddening now endearing grin on their face.
"What?" Hana asks
"Perhaps I left a different impression on you than just annoyance." Raelyn says smirking, Hana rolls her eyes and grabbing them by the lapels kisses them again.
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scarlettriot · 2 years
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BREAKING POINT: PT 7 - After Party
Pairing: Kirishima x F!Reader
Warnings: Vomit, Talk of Sexual Assault, Drinking, Swearing, Alcohol Aversion
Contains: College AU. Kiri plays hockey. Hurt/Comfort. As said above, sexual assault is talked about, if this makes you uncomfortable, please proceed with caution! Reader does not drink!
Summary: The part following the team's away win should've been fun, but an innocent mistake makes the whole night go awry, and some truths come spilling out.
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six
Tag List: @sleepynaya, @kenmakai, @ace-of-books, @swirrley, @silverhairsimp, @weebaboobs, @meggsngrits @requi-escence, @thepuckishrogue, @moon-soul
A/N: I did it. Hehe. FINALLY. This particular chapter has taken me an unbearable amount of time to get through but we're finally here, folks. This one took a whole lot out of me to write and, I'm afraid the next one isn't gonna be a whole lot easier but I've already started to work on it! But, without further ado, enjoy part seven, everyone ♡
Word Count: 3,935
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Over the course of the season thus far, the team had thrown a couple house parties to celebrate their wins. You expected this one to be similar, but when you arrived, it appeared the guest list had damn near doubled. People were gathered on Mirio and Tamaki’s front porch, and the door was wide open with loud music pouring out. 
Dancing was taking place in the living room, tables and sofas pushed far out of the way, leaving plenty of room for people to move about. You skillfully maneuvered around the edge of the makeshift dance floor, waving at the few familiar faces, and kept looking for one redhead in particular. 
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You really weren’t too surprised to find Eijiro in the kitchen, red cup in hand, and talking to the pretty girl who’d come up to him and Katsuki early that morning at breakfast. You gave them space, just like you did when she’d bring him baked goods before games and asked to be his partner in labs. He never really talked much about her, but no matter what Mina said or how many times she told you how much closer you were to him than this woman was, you couldn’t help but feel there might be something more between them. 
It was a feeling that didn’t settle well in your chest, so you grabbed a cup and filled it from a pitcher labeled ‘Juice’ and headed off to find anyone else you knew. Your eyes landed on Denki first, fiddling with a playlist on his phone to keep the music going. “Hey! Ya made it!” He slung an arm around you. “You’ve got good taste in music. This playlist’s almost up; pick a new one.” 
He had a couple already selected for you to choose from, all of which gave off similar upbeat vibes. You ran through the featured artists on each of them, “This one.” 
“Good choice, good choice.” He lined it all up and then plugged it back in before taking you by your free hand and pulling you right out onto the dance floor. He spun you around and, with his hands on your waist, guided you right to where Hanta and Mina were. 
“You’re here!” Mina squeaked and tossed her arms around you, nearly spilling both your drinks in the process. They wasted no time making space for you in their little group, the four of you jumping to the beat as one song morphed into the next. 
You took a sip of the drink, thinking it’d be something refreshing to cool you down, but the juice you grabbed tasted… horrible. Like, downright awful. And the way your face scrunched up clearly made that known. 
“What is it?” Hanta asked. 
Your stomach twisted. “I think– oh, man– I think that juice is expired or something. It tastes awful.” You passed the cup over to Mina and she tried it next while you started to feel just a smidge ill. She licked her lips a little and thoughtfully tasted it. 
“No, babe, this is just standard jungle juice. You might not like the alcohol that they threw in.” 
With no warning at all, it felt like the floor had given way beneath you. Your stomach churning in an instant. “Alcohol?” You muttered weakly. 
She nodded. “Yup. Rum, schnapps, and a few wines, I think– Hey! Where ya goin’!?” 
“Damn, never knew she couldn’t handle her alcohol…” You barely even heard what Hanta had said. Bile was inching up your throat. You could feel it and knew what was going to happen. You ran through the kitchen, “Y/N!” Eijiro’s voice didn’t even register. The bathroom door was locked, and you couldn’t wait. Tossing open the back door instead, you barely made it into the grass before spilling the contents of your stomach out in the yard. 
Gods, you were so thankful everyone was still gathered inside or out front. There was no one to witness this mess. Except the heavy footfalls racing across the deck and over to where you were doubled over. “The hell happ– O– oh– okay.” You heaved again, and Eijrio gathered your hair up for you. “‘S alright. Let it out.” You were so fucking embarrassed. “That’s it…” He rubbed broad circles against your back until you were just panting, trying to catch your breath. 
This really couldn’t get any worse… or so you thought.
“Kiri!” A shrill voice called, “Come back inside! I wanna dance!” 
And you wanted to vomit all over again. “Can’t right now, Mari. ‘M busy!” 
There was a little huff, “But we were having fun!”
Something you rarely heard crept out in Eijiro’s tone as he reiterated, “I can’t. I’m busy.”
She tried coaxing him again, but he just ignored her now, and about a minute later, you heard the door open and close again, and then another round of vomit came. The grass was torn up from how tight your fingers dug into the wet earth; it sept into your jeans, making both your knees freezing cold. 
“‘M sorry, Ei.” You whimpered when you could. 
“Don’t be. It’s really alright. Take as much time as you need.” 
The door opened again, and you prepared yourself to hear Mari’s demanding tone, but a much more welcomed one touched your ears instead. “Y/N, oh fuck, babe…” You looked up and, through bleary eyes, saw Itsuka’s copper hair coming down the steps towards you. “What happened?” 
“I dunno, really. I wasn’t with her.” Eijiro admitted, “I think she just drank too much.” 
Itsuka shook her head. “That’s not possible. Y/N doesn’t drink.” 
Eijiro opened his mouth like he was going to say something but shut it again as he took a second to think. “Wait… you’re right. I’ve never seen you drink any kind of alcohol.” 
“That’s because she has an aversion to it. Sweetie, did someone give you something?” 
You shook your head and explained how you’d done it to yourself by mistake. “Got it. Think ya can stand? Lemme get you home.” 
With Eijiro’s help, you were able to get back on your feet though your knees did feel significantly more wobbly than before. “You– you just got here though, Suka. I can make it home, promise.” 
“Absolutely not. If anything, I can get you situated back home and come back here if I really want to.” 
“Or I can just getcha home?” The both of you looked up at Eijiro but didn’t say much of anything. “We literally have these parties after every game, missing one isn’t a big deal for me at all. Suka, you and Tet never really get nights out like this. You should enjoy it.” 
She looked hesitant, and you knew it wasn’t because she didn’t trust Eijiro to get you home but because she didn’t want to leave you alone. “Wanna at least walk back with us?” You offered, and she nodded her head. 
Just a couple of seconds later, Eijiro knelt to the ground with his back towards you, “Hop on.” 
Normally, you would’ve protested. Insisted that you could walk just fine on your own. But the world was still spinning far more than it should’ve been, so you wrapped your arms around him, and he stood back up, locking his hands under your legs. “Damn, have you always been this tall?” You muttered, and all he could do was laugh. “Hey, you sure Mari is gonna be alright with you leavin’? Should you tell her or something?” 
“It doesn’t really matter what she thinks, and no, I don’t need to tell her anything. We were just talkin’ was all.” 
He didn’t carry you through the house but rather around it and then down the sidewalk, starting the trip back to your apartment, and it wasn’t long after that he started asking the questions you knew were bound to come. 
“So, you have an aversion to alcohol…? Did you get sick off it?” 
You swallowed thickly because even though you knew he’d ask, talking about it still wasn’t easy. “Ei… don’t.” Itsuka tried to avoid the conversation, but maybe it’d be better if Itsuka wasn’t the only one who knew what happened to you. And you were around Eijiro a lot, it kinda made sense. 
“Suka… can you tell him?” 
Her teal eyes met yours. “You want me to tell him? All of it? The whole thing?” 
Shock and concern were evident in her tone and the widening of her eyes when you nodded your head. 
“Um… alright.” She took a deep breath, “So, there was this party our senior year of high school, like the party of the year. We all decided to go as a group and just take an uber home if things got too wild. Y/N hadn’t really drank before that night, and she only had one when we got there. The night went on, and this guy who graduated a few years before us started really flirting with Y/N. It seemed harmless to us, but he kept pushing things, and we didn’t know about it,” 
It was then that you burrowed into the back of Eijiro’s neck, hating that you didn’t speak up sooner or go find them that night. Things could’ve been so different if you had. 
“He kept giving her drinks, telling her she’d enjoy the night more if only she loosened up. Then he convinced her to go on an ice run. He got her alone in a car, and that was when Y/N realized just how much he had, that he shouldn’t be driving.” Eijiro’s hands flexed anxiously below you. “She said she told him not to go anywhere, that someone more sober should. He agreed but then told her they should do something else while they were alone in the car.” 
Itsuka took a long pause, looking at you like she wasn’t sure if she should keep going. When you didn’t stop her, she pressed on but, for your sake, kept the details of this part as vague as possible. Eijiro didn’t need specifics. “He tried to force himself on her. She was hurt but managed to hit him with a bottle he had in the car and got out before anything real fucking messed up happened. We found her shortly after that.” 
“I haven’t been able to drink alcohol since that night. Even thinking about it can make me puke sometimes.” You explained. 
Eijiro was quiet for about a block, letting the story sink in, and then very casually inquired,  “So, uh, where is this guy now?” 
“Jail, thank fuck.” Itsuka proudly told him. “Right where he belongs!” 
“He was arrested for a DUI a couple months after the assault.”
“That’s good, real good,” He mumbled, and his thumbs rubbed gently against your legs. 
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Did you even realize you were shaking? Eijiro could feel the way you trembled, and he wished like hell he could’ve held you closer. Was it from the cold, being sick, or the story Itsuka told? Some combination of the three? He wasn’t capable of thinking about anything else the rest of the way to your apartment. 
How had he not known you went through that! There was no way he could’ve. Logically, he knew that, but it didn’t stop him from feeling this guilt build in his chest that there was nothing he could do to help. Or the rage burning in his chest, hatred for this faceless, nameless pitiful excuse for a man. 
But then you settled against him again, warm breath fanning over his neck, and he decided he’d just be thankful that you were okay now. That you were here with them now. Because gods wouldn’t be able to help the sorry bastard who attempted to pull that shit on you now that he’s around. 
Ten minutes later, Itsuka had unlocked the apartment, and Eijiro carried you all the way back to the bathroom, where Itsuka already had the water running. 
He knew he could’ve headed back to the party, but he opted to wait in your living room instead, wanting to make sure you were okay. It didn’t matter that it was nearly an hour later until he saw you again or that he was pretty sure he heard you crying with Itsuka once the shower shut off; he waited nonetheless. 
When you did come back to the living room, your cheeks looked slightly puffy, your eyes a little red, your hair was wet, and you were in a hoodie that he definitely knew was his. You walked right up to him when he stood from the sofa and wrapped your arms around his middle. 
“Thanks for everything, Eiji.” 
“You don’t have t’thank me at all.”
You looked up at him with a crooked smile. It didn’t reach your eyes like usual, and that made everything so much worse. “Have fun at the party, okay? You deserve it.” 
He shook his head. “I don’t really think I’m gonna stick around once I walk Itsuka back… could I come over here? We could catch up on our show instead?” 
It’d be fine if you told him no. He would completely understand if you needed time to be alone, but he started to feel a little better when you nodded your head. “If you’re sure that’s whatcha wanna do.” 
“‘M positive.” 
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“You look like you wanna say or ask something, Ei. Spit it out.” Itsuka always knew when he had something on his mind, he could never hide it from her. 
“What did you mean by, ‘real fucking messed up’? How… how far did–” 
“That doesn’t matter, Ei.” He recoiled a bit, feeling guilty for even asking, “He got far enough that she vomits when she tastes alcohol, and gets queasy when she even thinks of drinking. For months she wouldn’t ride alone in a car with a guy. She still rarely does,” He couldn’t help but suddenly recall all the times you’ve been in the jeep with just him, this morning included, “Yeah, you should consider yourself pretty lucky.” She finally took a breath, “If she wants to tell you the particulars, she will, but don’t count on it. She barely talks about that night, ever.” 
He nodded slowly. “Why didn’t she say anything at all though? She could’ve just told us she doesn’t drink…” 
“Probably for the same reason you haven’t told her the fucked up shit Monoma did to you…” 
He stopped and held an arm out, blocking her path. “Whoa! Those situations are entirely different!” 
Itsuka shrugged. “The situations aren’t the same, but the reasons you don’t talk about them are pretty similar:” And then she ticked them off on her fingers. “You feel hate and anger about what he did, and so does she. You’re embarrassed by the situation, and so is she, even though neither of you has a reason to be. You think if you tell people, they’re gonna judge you and treat you differently, and so does she.”
He couldn’t even argue with her because everything she said was true. And it sucked so much more to know you felt all those same terrible feelings that he tries with all his might to keep hidden so deep down within him. 
“She let you know about one of the darkest times in her life…” She patted his chest, “maybe it’s time to think about telling her yours.” 
That was easier said than done though. Of course, the difference was their little group of friends all knew about what happened to him. Monoma tormented all of them, he just happened to take a particular interest in making Eijiro’s life a living hell. 
The whole walk back from the party (again), he thought about what Itsuka had said. Maybe he could tell you. There was really nothing to be afraid of. He knew you wouldn’t judge him for it, and he might even be able to protect you from whatever little game Monoma was playing… if he was playing one. It had been a few years, the man could’ve finally grown up, but that still didn’t change what he’d done. At least, if you had all the information, you could take all the facts and make the decision to befriend him or not. 
Yeah, he’d find a time to tell you. Not tonight though. You had way too much happen for him to dredge up his own drama tonight. 
On his way, he stopped at the convenience store. Stocked up on a hearty supply of your favorite drinks and snacks, as well as some plain crackers and ginger ale, just in case your stomach was still uneasy. 
When he got back though, he didn’t make it up the steps. He saw you sitting in the little courtyard that was actually quiet for once. 
“Y/N…” He called quietly, not wanting to startle you, but you kept your head tipped up, looking at an inky sky with stars sewn into it. You look so damn peaceful, lost in your own little world. “Babe?” He tried this time, and you look back over your shoulder at him. “Whatcha doin’ out here?” As he took a couple steps closer, he could see the tear streaks drying down your cheeks in the bright moonlight, and it made him rush to you. 
“The chilly air feels kinda good.” Your voice still sounded small and tired. 
“Awe, babe…” You stayed sitting in the chair, and he wrapped his arms around you tight. “‘M sorry.” 
“You don’t have anything to be sorry for.” Your chin rested on his stomach so you were able to look up at him just like earlier, but this time he didn’t think before cupping your face in his hands and brushing away the few tears that spilled over when your eyes closed. 
He knew he had nothing to apologize for, but he still hated seeing you in pain, knowing you were hurting. That’s when he remembered there was something he could do to take your mind off things, at least for a little while. 
“Wanna sit out here for a little longer or head inside?” His hoodie was warm, but under it, you just had a pair of sleep shorts on and these plastic chairs had to be freezing cold. “The cold might feel good, but Itsuka will kill me if I letcha stay out here and you get sick.” 
You let out a wet chuckle and nodded. He had you walk ahead of him, setting a slow pace up the steps back up to your floor. “Why don’t you check out the snack I grabbed. I’m gonna change real fast.” 
He waited though, until your door shut before going to his own apartment. Kicking his jeans off before he got to his room and pulling on black sweats instead. He shed the flannel he’d been wearing too but kept the gray shirt knowing he’d be plenty warm in your apartment with just that. 
You opened the door for him and already had your favorite snack opened up and in hand. “You’re the best.” 
He beamed at the compliment. “Glad you approve.” 
A couple minutes later and you two were curled up on the sofa with a blanket over your laps, snacks and drinks spread out across the coffee table, and your favorite show was playing. 
Eijiro had his arm tucked around you. After last night, holding you like this, it felt like second nature to him. It was nice to just be here with you, in the quiet of the night, like this was how things were supposed to be. 
In fact, he barely even thought about the party the two of you had been at just an hour ago. It was far from his mind. He was barely thinking about anything else at all until there was a knock on your door. 
“Are you expecting anyone?” You shook your head, and he offered to get it. 
He left you bundled up on the sofa and answered the door to find three of your friends gathered around. 
“There you are!” Mina chirped, “They’re here!” She called down the hall, and Eijiro poked his head out to see Katsuki and Izuku coming out of his apartment. 
“What’re you guys doing here?” 
“We came looking for Y/N when she didn’t come back from the bathroom. And then that nitwit you’ve been hanging around said you’d been with her outside–” 
“So, we went outside,” Denki picked up, “And couldn’t find either of you. We thought maybe you came back in but nope.” 
“We tried calling, but your phone is dead,” Hanta shot Eijiro a look, “Shocker. We didn’t wanna bug Y/N since she was sick. So, we decided to come back here and try to find you guys hoping you just went home.” 
Eijiro heard you chuckling from the sofa and looked over to finally see a little bit of that spark back in your eyes. 
“Yeah, I wasn’t feeling great, so we came back here.” 
“Apparently havin’ a party of your own too.” Katsuki sassed, and Izuku elbowed him.
“We’re glad you’re okay, Y/N. We’ll get out of your hair.” 
One look and Eijiro knew exactly what you were about to offer, and he thought it was sweet. “Wanna stay? We’re just watching some tv.” 
“We wouldn’t want to interrupt anything.” Mina couldn’t even get through her sentence without giggling. 
“You’re not interrupting.” Eijiro rolled his eyes.
The group all decided to run off and get in their own comfy clothes before returning. In the meantime, you and Eijiro moved the snack table out of the way because you knew Denki was going to bring the air mattress over. Hanta came armed with a mountain of extra pillows and Mina with blankets. Katsuki raided their fridge because he insisted you get something decent in your belly. 
Everyone settled in and gathered around, laughter filling the room, and Eijiro was thrilled when you started joining in. It felt great having everyone around, and no one made any comments about the way he kept you close all night. The only thing was a sly wink from Mina when you fell asleep with your head in his lap. 
Nearly everyone else passed out too. Denki cuddled into Hanta’s back, and Katuski spread out like starfish on one of your sofas with Izuku curled up in a ball beside him. 
Before he knocked out though, he made himself get up, scooping you up in his arms and carrying you to bed because after tonight, you deserved a good night’s rest and not to wake up with a stiff neck. 
He pulled back your blankets and gently set you down on the cool sheets, but before he had the chance to tuck you in, you scooted over and peeked an eye open. “Stay? Y’said you’d do it ‘gain.”
Gods, he really had said that just this morning. It felt like ages ago. Still, he hadn’t changed his mind. Not at all. So, he crawled in beside you, and unlike last night, you curled up with him right away, head resting on his chest and your leg over his. “Thank you, Ei. F’everythin’.” Your sleepy voice was quite possibly the cutest thing he’d ever heard. 
He kissed the top of your head and ran his hand up and down the length of your spine. “Of course. Sleep well, Y/N.” 
“Sweet dreams, baby.”  
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It took Eijiro about an hour to calm his heart down after hearing that, and when he did, he still just heard you calling him ‘baby’ all throughout his dreams.
Gods, was there anything better?
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A/N: Thanks for reading ♡ I'll try and be a lot quicker with updates this time around.
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radama-zard · 11 months
Dungeons & Drabbles 2023
Day 2 - Step
FCG & Ashton - ModernHuman AU
Why did it always have to be steps?
What was wrong with a nice, accessible ramp? They were easier for everyone, nobody had to fear tripping down or up them, parents with strollers could get inside, injured folk didn't have to struggle… and Fresh Cut Grass could have a little of his independence back, being able to wheel themself in with their wheelchair.
But of course life was hardly ever that kind.
A tired sigh slipped past their lips as he stared up at the flight of stairs, blocking them from the sweet little cafe they’d been oh so excited to try out. A customer, Jester, they thought, had been raving about the cupcakes here, and knowing the woman to be a real pastry connoisseur, Fresh Cut Grass had near instantly wanted to get a few themself.
But that dream seemed so cruelly out of reach now.
“Man, you’d think fucker’s would have caught on by now. Shit like this doesn't fly these days! Fancy new chairs and tables, but the owner can't be assed to make their business accessible. Bastard!”
Oh how they startled, jolting in such a way that almost had Fresh Cut Grass and their chair veering dangerously close to toppling. A solid, scarred hand steadied them, letting his frantically beating heart finally come to a rest.
“Fuck! Didn't mean to scare ya like that. My bad. You alright?”
“Y-Yeah! You just gave me a right startling, is all. I'm a-okay!”
“That's a relief. I’d feel like crap if I’d sent your heart packin’ or something…”
Did… Did the stranger look guilty? Well, that just wouldn't do at all! After all, a stranger was just a friend you hadn't met, and the last thing Fresh Cut Grass ever wished to see was a friend all sad and down in the dumps!
“It's fine, really! I spook real easy, my friend Imogen says I’d jump at my own shadow if I ever forgot it was there! But you're not scary yourself. I like your purple hair, and the eyeliner! Oh, and your cane too! Did you decorate it yourself? It looks fun-spooky!”
The stranger stared down at them, slowly blinking as their one good eye focused down on Fresh Cut Grass, taking in everything from their chunky cerulean blue box braids and round, thick glasses, to their bright yellow sweater and mismatched fingerless gloves. In contrast to their own ragged leather vest, covered in hand stitched patches and badges, deep red plaid pants and spiked belts, topped off with boots so hefty they looked able to smash someone’s head in… Well, they couldn't look more different.
Yet Fresh Cut Grass still smiled up at them, all warm and welcoming and so completely genuine that it seemed to catch them off guard.
“Most people would just flip me off and tell me to get fucked,” they muttered, leaning heavily upon their cane before shrugging and sticking a hand in their pocket, seemingly relaxing. “I didn't decorate this shit myself. A friend did. She’s one hell of a spooky ass bitch. Real arts and crafty. But anyway. I’m Ashton. Ashton Greymoore. You?"
“Oh, right! Introductions! Smiley Day to ya, Ashton, I’m Fresh Cut Grass!”
There was a beat of silence, more than a tad awkward, as Fresh Cut Grass awaited their response. Likely a laugh or a roll of the eyes or maybe even a sneer! Most people were funny about names when they weren't the most normal.
Not Ashton though.
No. He grinned, wide and bright and just shimmering with absolute delight.
“That's one hell of a name. You picked it yourself?”
“I did! It's my favorite smell. Ya don't think it's… weird?”
“Oh no, it's weird. But, I mean, fuck, have you looked at me? I like weird,” Ashton grinned wider, throwing one last glance at the inaccessible cafe as something shifted once more in his demeanor. “I know a place a few blocks from here. Unlike these fuckers, they actually give a fuck about people like us. Wanna join me there, Grass?”
“... Do they do cupcakes?” Fresh Cut Grass asked, their mind already made up before Ashton even had a chance to answer.
“Freshly baked in house. So… You coming?”
“I’d love t’ join ya! Thank ya kindly, Ashton!”
Their laughter in turn was rough and harsh, yet the warmth it held settled deep within Fresh Cut Grass’ tired bones… and within moments, he couldn't even quite remember why they’d been upset at all.
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scho17 · 6 months
Jalim DBH AU
Jason, a battle bot who's become just a little too conscious about what he's been told do - the woman with the groceries - he doesn't shoot - they flag him down as possibly faulty and then after that they're just looking for any reason to shoot Jason down into a junkyard. Maybe they send him on an op, practically a suicide run for anyone else and damnit its suicide for him too even if he don't completely realize it.
He gets damaged. Not no easy fix, not no little scratch he's - well fuck, he's busted. Some part of him in a near constant short circuit. Fried. It makes him forgetful of what he's done and why he's done it. They don't attenpt to fix him or his memory problem, they dont even wipe it out, they ain't got to. He won't be their problem much longer. They pop his back plate open and slip out his power core. They didn't even have the decency to tell him.
Jason gets discharged. Retired. However they wanna spin it but all the same they boot him to the curb.
They sell him as is. Auctioning him off and if Jason could understand what the hell he was feeling maybe he'd call it relief. Or maybe its betrayal. He doesn't really know yet.
Anyhow, he ends up on Salim's slab. Salim is a tinkerer of sorts, does repairs for a living and Jason seems intriguing. Military models are never really available for the public market and most are just destroyed or are too damaged to take on. Some wealthy folk like to keep fixed up ones as body guards and with any luck the model Salim's just bought will be a bang for his buck.
yada yada yada, that doesnt really happen. The second Jason comes online again with the help of a new power core its like waking from a nightmare and if he were anything alive his hackles would raise, sweat sticking his hair to his forehead and his breath would leave his chest heaving. But he isn't. All the same fight or flight gets activated. He's practically snarling like a wild dog, he's in a unfamiliar layout in a new place with what ought to be a graveyard of android parts.
and Salim really does his best to help - to explain. Which maybe this is weirder on his end cause 'good god this android is actually reacting and oh god am I going to die here? stupid auction'. it's kinda funny from an outside view and also kinda not.
Jason calms down enough and then boom 'nother short circuit. It makes him draw a blank. Forgets what happened in the past 5 to 15 minutes. Salim really didn't anticipate this. How could he? They go through the motions again, introductions, some part of Jason has realized that Salim isn't a threat, so at least this time they're meetings not as hostile.
Salim wants to understand Jason - he's some type of conscious and he's got his issues. they end up as some sorta flatmates. idk maybe we get a whole domestic Jason w memory issues arc. its kinda cute, really sad sometimes because he doesnt understand whats happening to him or why. Just that the very reason for his lifes purpose ain't in his grasp no more. He feels kind of pathetic somedays, becomes more of a homemaker than a soldier. Salim says it isn't bad. it's- it's not.
Maybe he picks up hobbies, starts reading, learning of the world he's missed out on. How the moral ideals of the masses clash with the values that were instilled in him. fucking cable TV. its kinda funny, kinda not.
Salim fixes him up. The memories come back in nightmares while he's booted down. Memory files drawn to the front of his mind all corrupted. It takes a long while for Jason to be alright. Salim worrys, notices him - of all things - stress baking. Jason talks about Nana Kolchek and her recipies and they both know she don't really exist. That it's part of the program they built into Jason to help him seem more human, more relatable to other soldiers. They don't talk about that aspect of it.
At some point Jason realizes Salim is going to sell him. Or at least intended to when he was bought at the auction. It hits him like a humvee going 80. Has a whole "was any of it ever real?" moment.
Jason has a little crisis and still somehow can't really unconvince himself that it won't happen. So he rips the bandaid off and flat out asks. Salim looks at him with that kind of expression people save for kicked puppies and the like. Some type of emotion in his eyes that Jason just doesn't know how to understand. It's too much. Jason looks away with a frown.
Salim pulls his hand into Jason's and squeezes once, cold metal against warm skin. Salim isn't selling Jason.
Heart to Heart.
Eventually Jason meets Zain. Zain looks at him quizzically, like he's just tryna wrap his head around something and he just dont quite get it. Zain says that his dad talks about him a lot, that he seems happier, less lonely, gives Jason the shovel talk. The works. Which Jason thinks is bizzare because he isn't even romantically involved with Salim.
and then he thinks,
thinks on it real hard and
He might be.
Right then and there, it dawns on Jason that, yes, they've been practically dating for a long while now. He cooks, cleans, asks Salim about his day, nags when he leaves his shoes crowded and piled in the door way, notes his likes and dislikes, holds him when he needs it, takes care of him and vice versa, they hook their legs together underneath the dinner table, they even do that looking into eachothers eyes lovingly thing and he just didn't realize thats what it was.
Zain is delighted with Jason's new found revelation. He helps Jason get flowers and chocolates, even gets a little card, it's real cute.
And Jason for as much as you'd think him as level headed really isn't too good at keeping a cool on it. He's flustered. Hands over the sweets, flowers and card like a kid with his first crush and shit, yeah, in a way yes, thats exactly what this is. a little bit. its kinda funny. kinda. There's even music on in the background because Jason just doesn't know how to miss.
They kiss. Salim tastes like chocolate.
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colderdrafts · 1 year
How about a oneshot of reader baking something for Morgan?(since you ‏wrote they has a sweet tooth) It will be so cute-
and about morgan appearance in the chapter..I will be having a heart attack right there 💀
Thanks for the prompt and patience! (and sorry for the scare..? :) )
A lil UV AU drabble under the cut. Enjoy <3
Sugar isn't easy to come by in these lands.
Unfortunately for you, that means weeks of surviving on whatever rations you manage to scavenge from the surrounding vegetation (after asking your 'custodian' what's safe to eat), prey animals that walk the plains or, rarely, food items made by other common-folk.
The latter being whenever you actually manage to initiate a trade with someone bold enough to test Morgan's patience.
Today is your lucky day, however.
You've found shelter in the woods - the little hut you found has seemingly been abandoned for quite some time, neglected and overrun with vines and the roof threatening to collapse in places. It's a single room, but it does sport an actual fireplace with a cooking station and an oven - which is what gave you the idea to make your own treat in the first place. And it happens to lie close to a small town.
It took some coercion, but you eventually managed to convince a begrudging Morgan you should make yourselves known to its residents. Despite the wary stares and wide berth that always meets you, wherever the two of you decide to go.
But here you are now, having finally made contact with a common-folk who actually delves in the wares you need, and you've offered her up a great trade of animal skins in return for her services. You even manage to strike up a polite conversation, asking about the going-ons in this area.
You sense a bit of strain from your conversational partner, however. The owl-like creature has had her eyes fixed on you the entire exchange, no doubt avoiding the searing gaze of your ‘body-guard’. They’re standing right behind you, chittering quietly from time to time.
"Morgan, whatever you’re doing, knock it off," you growl back at them lowly, once the patron turns to find your wares. "You're scaring her. I don't want this to lose this shop, too."
"Just letting her know she should trade fairly," Morgan hums.
You ignore the sensation of the hairs on their pedipalps ghosting across the back of your shirt. "Then use your words. You're being rude."
"I'm being careful."
The patron returns, and you halt your whispering argument in favor of sending her a reassuring smile. Her yellow eyes flicker from you to Morgan's face hovering somewhere above yours, and she doesn't return it.
The owl hands you a bag containing a mixture of ingredients you'd need for a simple pastry.
"Perfect, thank you," you smile. "Morgan, hand her the skins, please."
Morgan chuckles at your politeness, keenly aware it's for the owl's comfort more-so than an actual regard for manners toward them. They swiftly lean over where you stand, front legs on either side of you, dangling the skins in front of the owl's face. Their joints creak uncomfortably as they move.
"Go ahead," they grin in that terrible hissing voice they utilize at times, mandibles snapping together. "Take them."
The owl startles, plumage puffed out as she stares, wide-eyed. She snatches the skin out of Morgan's claws, and promptly closes the window to her shop shut with a loud clack.
You suppress an exasperated groan.
"How rude," Morgan comments, casually picking a speck of dust off your shoulder. "What did you call it? Customer service? Well, it isn't here. We shouldn't shop here either."
"You-!" you turn and lightly shove at them. "I am trying to secure a source of supply here! Why did you do that?"
Morgan moves with you, and leans into your hands on their hip. "I don't like her."
"You don't like anyone."
They lean down to press their forehead against yours gently. "Is that so?"
You look them in the eye sternly, refusing to acknowledge the way any tension slowly seeps out of your limbs at their proximity. "You know that doesn't count."
"I think it does," they smile at you.
You’re about to tell them off, but your retort is cut short. Morgan suddenly turns away to take in the surroundings, alarmed, and stepping a little closer to you. A small group of common-folk who had been looking your way hurriedly goes back to their business.
Morgan frowns, tense and staring at them. You rest your hand on their waist and stay close to their side.
"Trouble?" you ask lowly, looking the same way.
There's nothing too inconspicuous about the way the common-folk scurry around to your eye. Mostly you get the sense they're just scared.
"Maybe not. Maybe not yet," Morgan chitters, softly nudging you with a front leg. "But we should go."
You wouldn't put it past them that this is just a way for them to get out of the argument and of town. After all, they thoroughly dislike having to socialize with common-folk for any reason.
But you’ve seen Morgan tense up like this before. Usually they have a knack for picking up on danger, and getting you out of the way before it even arrives. A subtle shift in the air, someone breathing a little to fast, an anticipatory flick of a tail - it doesn't take much to set the sensitive hairs on their body off.
Guess it cannot be helped. At least you got what you came here for.
You start walking away simultaneously, an unspoken agreement, Morgan stepping in perfect sync with your movements. Common-folk go out of their way to make room for you as you silently pass them by, and you can't decide if your should keep your head down, or try to look them in the eye.
"Why did you want all of these items?" Morgan asks after your return to your hide for the night. They’re calmly watching you unload the ingredients, inspecting a stick of butter like they’ve never seen one before. "If you wanted bread we could just grab some."
"It’s not for bread. And that's not the point," you reply, pulling out an old wooden bowl from a mangled cupboard. You dust it off with your sleeve. "I'm tired of just taking stuff. I want to create something."
"Don't you create plenty already?" Morgan asks, nodding at the satchel you discarded at the house entrance.
"I want to create something to eat that has good taste,” you clarify. “Potions and herb mixtures don't count."
"Many things seem to 'not count' with you today," Morgan notes, humored. "How do you keep track?"
"You don't get it."
"You haven’t explained it to me, dear."
You scowl at them. "Can you just let me do this? Please?"
Morgan smiles, and walks over to push their face against your cheek. You have to restrain yourself from an urge to reach up and trace your fingers over their skin.
"I would never stand in the way of your creativity," they hum in your ear, a hand coming to rest on your shoulder. The hairs on the back of your neck stands on end. "Go ahead. I'm very eager to see what you're up to."
They leave you to it, purposely trailing their hand over your arm as they pass you by. They grab hold of the ceiling with their legs, and easily pull themself up. Seems they intend keep busy with their project of securing webbing on the more fragile places of the roof.
You shake off the ghost of their touch, and get to work mixing ingredients.
Without a recipe or measuring units of any kind you go a little by eye and gut-feeling, hoping it'll be enough to make something vaguely edible. You do eventually manage to put together something that could resemble a reasonable dough, feeling a little proud of yourself.
You take some time learning to adjust temperature with fire rather than electricity, settling the sparse pastries inside like a delicate treasure. You watch it like a hawk, much to Morgans amusement, judging from the way they pause their work to stare at you.
A few minutes later a sweet scent wafts through the air, and suddenly you feel presence behind you.
Morgans settles down heavily, casually pulling you to them with their pedipalps, ignoring your somewhat startled squirming.
"What are you actually creating?" they ask, wrapping their arms around your torso in a silent attempt to calm you. You look up at them, watching the gentle shine of the flames reflecting in their four eyes. "I like this smell."
"Simple pastries," you reply, giving up to relax into their warmth. You can't really do anything else. "They're a little bland, but they're sweet and the recipe doesn't require much. I'll take what I can get here."
Morgan purrs. “I didn't know you knew how to make sweet things?"
"Well, there's hasn't been much option to use my culinary expertise," you mutter. "We're always on the run from somewhere."
"Trust me, sentry, we're not the ones running," Morgan jests. They rest their chin on the top of your head. "But if you like this, we could look for some more options for your.. culnaly, things."
"Culinary," they repeat.
"And I didn't know you liked anything other than meat and the occasional fruit," you continue.
"Fruits are sweet as well," Morgan shrugs. "I do enjoy the taste."
"I guess they are,” you give, softly running your nails through the space between their fingers. “Well, lucky for you, I made two."
Morgan hums in delight, squeezing you gently. "You went through all this trouble, and even thought about making one for me, did you? You’re so kind."
Of course they’d let that get to their head. You realize what you’re doing, and drop your hand again. "Don't think too hard on it."
"Oh, I will treasure it forever."
"Of course."
The pastries turn out better than you'd feared, albeit a little singed at the corners, and the middle a little more soggy than you'd like. Seems there's still some temperature management issues to keep track of.
They're edible and sweet, though. A welcome change from the usual field-ration level of taste you've grown used to. You share them with Morgan in silence, subtly noting the odd domesticity of the situation. It’s calmer here. It feels nice to just do something so simple.
Even if it’s with them.
"I quite like these. You did so well," Morgan praises, finishing it off with a rapid bite. They’re seated next to you at the fireplace, a leg curled around where you’re sitting. They eye you curiously. "I wonder what other talents you might be hiding from me."
"I haven't been hiding anything,” you argue, swallowing the rest of your own pastry. “But if you want me to be able to do this again, we'll have to aim for places to rest where there's an oven like this one. Or at least stay put for more than a day at a time."
Morgan glances at you. They have that calm look on their face again, like they always do when they believe it’s time to be patient.
"This again, sentry?" they inquire. The little strings under your skin tightens ever so slightly. “It’s better to keep on the move for us.”
"Morgan. I’m exhausted,” you tell them.
And you are. The non-stop moving about because of Morgan’s paranoia has not been easy. This hut is a wreck, but it’s a roof and a bed, and not a suspended cocoon dangling in trees or beneath the edge of a cliff. Hell, you can cook here. This mangled and abandoned structure in the middle of the woods is the most homely thing you’ve experienced since you got here.
"And I have offered to carry you when you’re tired,” Morgan reminds you, softly nudging your side. “I don't understand why you won't let me."
"I bet you don't,” you grumble. How to explain you just don’t want to depend on them more than you’re already forced to? “It’s not just my body. My mind’s tired too. Is it so bad if I have a little normalcy and a thoughts of home?"
They frown momentarily, confused. It may be news to them that there are different ways to feel exhaustion. Or, perhaps they just can’t comprehend why your actual home is something even worth mentioning anymore. Do you truly still believe this is merely temporary? Silly you.
It evens out however, as they take the look on your face for sadness. They reach a hand out to cup your chin, their usual intense stare softening.
"So that’s what this was all about,” they sigh, trailing their hands over your arms in a comforting gesture. “Of course you can. I won't stop you. But I will also not stop making sure we're safe.”
“Safe, Morgan?” you repeat. “We’re basically fugitives for simply existing. I don’t think anything we ever do is going to be safe.”
An uncomfortable chitter escapes them, and suddenly there’s a claw carefully curling around your thigh as Morgan uses their leg to pull you to them. They settle around you, legs folding around where you’re sitting, and arms around your shoulders. You freeze in place.
“That’s exactly the reason we’re always moving. This world is out to kill us both, and we need to find a place where it can’t,” they whisper softly. Their warmth stubbornly burrows under your skin to chase out the tension. “But trust me, sentry. As long as I’m around, you’re the safest creature walking these lands.”
It wasn’t exactly what you meant, as Morgan themself is not exactly ‘safe’ for you either. But there are at least some truth to those words. You are currently sitting in the arms of a member species of the most dangerous predator of this world. And the way their warm energy rolls off of them and gently seeps into your bones is almost enough to make you believe their words.
You breathe out, deciding today is not the day to fight them on this either. Not that you’d get anywhere at another time. You settle back with your legs over theirs, relaxing at the deep purring sound that escapes them.
Morgan rests their chin on the top of your head. “Thanks for the sweets.”
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itookyoudown · 1 year
From nothing but time (hard time)!
Tim thinks there's nothing to say about it. Conversation (and action) over with the night. He’d be wrong. Raylan’s head and now shirtless shoulders and naked arms pop up by the side of Tim’s bed. He’s peeled off his shirt and stands there looking at Tim with a smile in his eyes.
“Tim, you want a taste of Kentucky?”
Tim rolls his eyes. And then he closes them. There’s no potential threat in the question. There’s not a snowball’s chance in hell that Raylan’s dick is hard again. Thus no way for the other man to weaponize it. Not yet. Tim’s still got another thirty to forty minutes before he might have to shove off an attempt for a second round.
“Think I’ve had my fill for the night,” Tim declines in a dry, disinterested tone. He knows now what the inside of Raylan’s mouth tastes like.
He hears something tinny open and close. Tim does peek to find out what that’s about. Raylan’s holding out the little box that he keeps his personal effects in. Letters. Snacks. Shit like that.
“They’re butter cake,” he whispers. Raylan is already holding out the tin for Tim to take one. As if he can’t imagine Tim saying no.
Tim squints at him. “You do know it’s candy you’re supposed to lure boys with if you’re looking to get your cock sucked. Cookies? Cakes? Now, this is what witches use as bait for kids they wanna cook up. Unless you're trying to eat me?”
A shit-eating grin stretches out Tim’s lips. God, he loves this. This is the kind of shit that gets him hard. Or it would have, if he hadn’t just shot off three minutes ago. “This is cultural appropriation, Raylan. You’re mixing up unseemly fornication with cannibalism.”
“Eat the fuckin’ cookie, Gutterson.”
Tim’s never had someone threaten him over baked goods before. He keeps his gaze pinned on Raylan’s face as he dips his fingers into the tin box that Raylan’s still holding out. Slow. Careful. He’s wary about this.
“Why you sharing your mama’s cookies?” he asks. 
There’s no afterglow in prison, but apparently, there are cookies. Tim shouldn’t take the cookie. For much the same reason he shouldn’t call Raylan Raylan.
There are stories about Raylan. There are so many stories about Raylan. While Tim thought most of them were bullshit…the more he gets to know Raylan, the more he believes there's more truth to them than lie. 
And one of those stories that might not be such a tall tale is that Raylan shanked a man for stealing one of the goodies his mother bought in on family day.
“I told her ‘bout you,” Raylan answers nice and easy and with absolute unbidden honesty, “and she told me to share.”
Un-fucking-believable. It’s true. Even murderers still love their mothers.
Ohh yo. Justie i’m glad you asked this one so I can ramble about it quite a bit. This fic’s popularity has always surprised me and I’m still floored by the folks that have reached out to tell me it was one of the fics that drew them into reading more Justified fanfiction or set sail the givenson ship for them.
This was written back in my early days of writing fanfiction for the very first time. I wanted to test out my comfort zone and also give back in some way to the fandom that had given me so much joy, so I hosted a mini prompt fest (Givensongiving) right here on tumblr and invited justies to send me prompts for givenson fics.
You can thank @sublightsleeper for prompting “involuntary arousal + prison sex, gimme that sweet sweet au sauce” and thus this fic was born.
It was hugely inspired by the prison scenes in Justified and other shows such as Oz, Orange is the New Black, and a lot of nonfiction books + documentaries I’ve read over the years about the USA prison system.
When I thought about how to put Raylan and Tim in a prison setting, I immediately went with the idea that they both ended up as inmates. I think I briefly considered the idea that they were both guards. Or even doing guard/inmate, but I didn’t really get any noncon or darkfic inspiration from the prompt. Besides, I did want to preserve the equal footing they have had on the show with each other and I was drawn to painting a friendly/comforting connection between them as they're locked up.
Once I knew I wanted to do inmate/inmate, there was zero question on HOW Raylan and Tim would end up in prison: they’d be there for murdering their fathers.
I can clearly remember thinking about how Raylan would have killed Arlo and had this thought: “what if Raylan killed Arlo with a baseball bat? That’d be hot…but also horrifying for him so let’s explore that”. It felt really fitting to me to have Raylan kill Arlo in such a “personal” way (close and personal and frantic and messy) and Tim to kill his father in an “impersonal” way (cold and distant with a gun and utilizing military tactics).
ANYWAYS. Sorry for all the background rambling onto rambling about this specific bit!
This whole exchange was really meant to highlight the different ways that Raylan and Tim have learned how to survive prison and the effect it’s had on their ability to make connections with others and how to navigate relationships.
Tim rolls his eyes. And then he closes them. There’s no potential threat in the question. There’s not a snowball’s chance in hell that Raylan’s dick is hard again. Thus no way for the other man to weaponize it. Not yet. Tim’s still got another thirty to forty minutes before he might have to shove off an attempt for a second round.
Prison has hardened Tim. He’s closed himself off behind a very high wall to protect both his emotions and also physically safeguard himself. He’s always looking out for an angle that someone might use to hurt him. In this case, when Tim worries about Raylan trying to initiate more sex, this is Tim being painfully aware that his cellmate could regard his agreement with consenting to sex this time as consenting to sex always. 
Earlier in this fic I implied that Tim is a survivor of incest & SA, so it was important to me that I circle around to that reveal again and have Tim anticipating this violence (and have him ready to defend himself)…but having him do it in a very Tim-like way. His casual acceptance of the possibility of it was really meant to highlight the horror of what’s happened to him in the past.
I also feel like the cold, factual, and slightly paranoid way that Tim reacts to Raylan in the immediate aftermath of their sexual encounter was a good contrast to Raylan’s more lighthearted approach as well. Tim hasn’t done as much time as Raylan and Tim got to live life a little before being locked up. And because of that I think Tim’s viewpoint of what they’ve done is more practical – he’s in prison and cut off from the outside world, he’s making due with what and who is available to him. He’s touch starved and knows it and so seeks friendly hands for a few minutes of respite without expecting anything beyond that.
“They’re butter cake,” he whispers. Raylan is already holding out the tin for Tim to take one. As if he can’t imagine Tim saying no.
You have no idea how long I spent researching “traditional kentucky desserts” and “popular kentucky desserts” before I settled on butter cake cookies lol. I really wanted it to be something simple but distinct, something that Frances would actually bake and she’d be able to take into prison for Raylan.
This was also, once again, Tim making implications about his past and being purposefully offensive about it because he likes to tell his little jokes as his primary coping mechanism.
Compared to Tim, it was my goal to make Raylan…I don’t want to call him soft, even though his behavior is obviously softer when you compare it to Tim’s. Raylan is still a very violent and angry man in this fic. His murder of Arlo sent him to prison and him assaulting and murdering other inmates has ensured he’ll be a lifer. He’s also still a smooth talker and likes to tell others what to do (hence him telling Tim to eat the fucking cookie).
However, I did want to draw attention to the fact that Raylan has spent more of his life inside of prison than outside of it. He went in while he was still a teenager. He’s never known the outside world in an adult way, so there’s absolutely a childish edge to him and a degree of innocence in the way he tries to grow closer to Tim.
And I did want to make it clear that despite Raylan’s charm and the fact that he’s over 40 years old in this, he’s emotionally underdeveloped and has a much more rosy view. He is very much experiencing A Big Crush on his new cellmate (and is over the moon that the newest boy on the block likes him best) and is treating their time together as if they’re “dating”. He’s also obeying his mama’s advice on how to treat Tim because yes this is also sneaky Raylan is a mama’s boy propaganda fic.
As an aside, I loved including Frances even if she’s in the background. It felt so good to write at least one AU where Frances survived Arlo even if that meant she lost Raylan to prison. She got to live!!
(author commentary ask game)
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8107raptcustode · 6 months
So, let's go over my and my alters' Helluva/Hazbin inserts
Note: this is running under @nottapossum 's au to a large extent
Further note: given the day, I feel I must clarify this is *not* a joke post, aright? 100% seriousness here.
Running under them all having been distinct souls stuck inhabiting the same body in life. Still bound together in death via chains similar to the ones from deals, but at least they have distinct bodies now. All the chains really do is make it so they can't actually sell their souls. Not one has control over the others.
🐍👢 Vincent(Me!): Is a sinner with the appearance of a melanistic sidewinder (or desert horned viper as it's also known.)
He is in large part a snake regressor (60% easy) with most of the remaining percentage being little, and some traces of caregiver and guardian in there.
Favorite foods: raw veggies with buttermilk ranch, milk with barley powder, chilli, baked beans, and fruit smoothies
Takes a bit of a Western/farmboy aesthetic both in and out of headspace. In headspace it's taken up to 11, but even out of it he's rarely seen not wearing a plaid shirt, leather duster, and stetson hat. Talks the part too, having grown up in Texas almost his entire childhood.
He does occasionally work with Carmilla, testing weapons for accuracy, balance, ease of use, etc. Finds he's a better judge with firearms.
Very much a musician at heart. Often heard singing old folk songs and gunslinger ballads softly to himself. His singing voice is rich and sweet, but still requires practice to properly hit notes.
🦂🌼 Aster is 80% guardian, 18% caretaker, 2% neutral.
He's a sinner that takes the appearance of a South African deathstalker scorpion, with the ability to shoot venom from his tail included. He will spray involuntarily if sufficiently startled, but the venom is heavily diluted even with a direct sting and at most makes the victim really tired, burns a bit like peroxide if it touches a mucous membrane like the mouth or eyes. He's actually used it to sedate some of the others when they start getting panicky or excessively violent.
He speaks with a Middle English dialect, but don't be fooled, it's just an affectation. Sometimes the fact he has chelicerae in place of a normal mouth does make speaking difficult.
He does have pedipalps with slender claws. They sprout from between his shoulder blades like wings and are held above his shoulders when he feels there's a threat, otherwise he tucks them neatly behind his back. He'll hold them off to the sides if carrying anything with them. Besides those he has two pairs of normal arms, one of which he keeps folded over his midsection when not in use, and two pairs of legs.
He does have bad hips and occasionally requires a cane to get around comfortably.
In terms of fashion choices, he tends to lean toward a Victorian style. Button vest, lace-fly pants, cloaked tailcoat, long leather boots, and tricorne hat
Very much a bread and meat enthusiast when it comes to food, and has the gut to show it. If he's cooking it's all but guaranteed to be a roast, a meat stew, or a grilled cut/patty dish.
Before coming to the Hotel he spent most of his time in the Cannibal Colony. While he didn't get the opportunity in life, he did wish to try something more "exotic" to say the least. Helped run a butchery there for some time, left when the butcher ran afoul of Alastor. Doesn't have much rapport with Rosie, being relatively new to the colony overall, but does have a crush on her nonetheless.
Note: Do not try to shorten his name, and do not call him "Daisy." Assuming he's familiar with you he will cease speaking with you until he gets an apology. If unfamiliar you will be torn apart and eaten. An exception is made for sign language as the signs for "Daisy" and "Aster" are the same unless fingerspelled.
Like Vin he is very much a musical type, his voice being just a bit deeper, but also more rough and gravelly. Primarily he focuses on love songs, chain gang songs, and sea shanties.
🕸🤘 Rhiannon: 98% caregiver, 2% guardian
Takes the form of a regal jumping spider. She does have fanged chelicerae at the corners of her mouth that fold over her upper lip and pedipalps that sprout from her lower mandible, but her venom is not significant and even if she were to bite (which would never happen unless she was protecting someone) it wouldn't have much effect beyond a slight blister and rash around the area.
Speaks with a slight Midwestern US accent, and her voice is usually bright and cheery.
Fashion-wise she tends to just stick with a t-shirt and pants or shorts with a loose fit.
Like Aster she has two sets of arms and two sets of legs, but she doesn't keep either set of arms folded, choosing to let them rest on her hips or hang at her sides most of the time.
Favorite foods are pasta bolognese, eggplant parmesan, and fried dill pickles.
She'll answer to "Rhi" or "RhiRhi"
Worked as a bartender in Club Kaiju for a bit, but found that she really just couldn't keep up with the size of the patrons. Still on good terms with Missy Zilla, though.
Not as musically inclined as the others, but does find herself tapping along to a random beat a lot of the time.
🐙💡 Isaac: 87% neutral, 13% caregiver
Looks a mindflayer with a blue-ringed octopus pattern, 5 tentacles hanging around his mouth. Can change colors to blend in somewhat, but the rings turn much brighter when excited, agitated, or frightened. Also sprays noxious ink when startled, though there's not any range on it, so the most that happens is he needs to change clothes and/or clean the floor under him. Can also summon tentacles from most surfaces and has some psychic influence to be able to calm people very slightly on touch.
He's *extremely* skinny. Unhealthily so. He deals with regular major depressive episodes that make him not have any appetite.
His favorite food, when he can stomach it, is crab rangoon, but he'll at least try to eat pretty much any seafood if given to him regardless of his appetite.
He doesn't really speak that much if at all. Finds writing and sign language to be easier, especially with the tentacles in the way.
Does do occasional work for Valentino, being able to summon tentacles has its uses in that industry, after all. And thus does have some relation with Angel Dust, albeit limited.
Like the rest he has musical inclinations. His longer, spindly fingers make it easier to play guitar, bass, harp, and piano.
🦈🐺 Gareth: 50% shark regressor, 50% little. Permaregressor as well.
Smallest of the bunch, he stands just a head over Niffty. Takes the form of a spurdog with a cerulean skin tone, complete with a venomous barb in front of his dorsal fins that causes extreme pain and swelling. Almost always wearing a specialized harness set so he doesn't accidentally prick anyone.
Besides his harness, he's usually wearing only a pair of jeans or shorts. Shirts press on the dorsal fin between his shoulders too much.
He was bounced around between the caregivers in the group based on who was the least busy at the time. There was one incident where Valentino pissed him off enough to try and bite a chunk out of him, but the other overlords he's met he got on fine with. Except Alastor, who seemed to only begrudgingly tolerate his presence. (He's a shark regressor, so major dog vibes) And especially Vox, who seemed to absolutely light up, both figuratively and literally, on meeting him.
Doesn't talk much, because he can usually get his point across just fine without words. Does bark and whine like a puppy. And when he does speak his speech patterns are somewhat robotic, unless he's quoting a spoken line, then he'll match the candor of the original speaker.
Favorite foods: jambalaya, black pudding, sweet potatoes, and fried mushrooms with ranch.
And, like the others, he likes to play music. Ocarina and tin/low whistle are his favorite instruments, and so long as he can play a song on either he's happy to do so.
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Sorry I got Pink Ninja AU on the brain this evening and :]
Stuff under cut cause I am going to ramble
I Have not said this officially in any post yet and since this au is gonna be retired sometime in the future I think it's only fair to give the full backstory to what the hell has been going on with the timeline.
So hear we go! The OG timeline.
Warning for mentions of abuse, murder, and essentially skybound 2.0(?)
In the timeline, the EMs had to deal with not just the Serpentine spurred by Chen, but with the royal ninjagen empire.
The Emperor wanted EMs to become private soldiers for their armies, but some of the EMs are from neighboring kingdoms so- no???
Anyways, Acronix wanted nothing more than to start figuring out what the hell to do with his life. With him and Krux the youngest EMs of the group, they were tasked with protecting the kin of the current EMs. Cue Lilly.
Lilly was old enough to inherent Earth but her dad sucks and is kind of sexist, but jokes on him. Lilly is his only child and he's too old by the time he tries looking for a successor.
Lilly and Aceonix train and hang out during their time waiting out the worst of the Serpentine War and fall in love.
Krux wasn't happy that his only family was starting to go off on their own, so Krux started causing issues and pushing for him and Acronix to have more power in the group.
Siding with Chen, Acronix finds his brother intentionally being evil and tries to talk him out of it. It doesn't work, Acronix then goes along with it to hopefully get his brother back.
Well you know how that goes. He can't convince Krux, suspects that the council will take away their powers somehow, and he'll have to be imprisoned.
Before the vortex, he met with Lilly one night to talk things over. She knows what he's been up to and wants him to stop. But he can't, he has to convince Krux to stop. But if he keeps siding with Krux...
How will he ever be there for his child?
And there we have it folks. The big twist.
Acronix is Cole's father.
Lilly thought she had to raise Cole alone, but Lou was always there. Even if he was only Lilly's best friend, he loved her.
Cole never knew his bio dad, but he did know the man that actually raised him before his mother passed.
And as years passed, Cole grew up in a small town and eventually moved closer to the city when his mom became sick.
There he met Candyce. The two were set in the same class and became instant friends.
But Candyce's family were known to be low-level royals. A connection to one of the royal cousins through her father. But his dream was to bake, and that infuriated the wife he married. Who only married him for his status.
What Candyce didn't know was that on her mother's side, their family were the few of EMs to join the empire. Her family were known to hold the power of Fauna, to turn into animals.
Her oldest brother, Lillard, got the power. And her mom encouraged him to use it in the worst way possible. And he did.
Candyce and Cole ran away a bit after Lilly died, and things progressed further.
Lillard was caught doing horrific things, but falsely promising change from him- his mother sent him off to a school deeper in the city to keep him from serving any time in juvie and eventually prison.
At the school, his main goal was to party around, ruin more lives, and live long enough to get his mothers's spot back in the royal family.
Along his massive list of ruined lives, Jay was sadly in it. He got a scholarship to go, and as a freshman, barely 14- he met Lillard, 19, and turned 20 only a month in dating.
Lillard did unspeakable things to Jay, and Jay ran for it when worst came to shove. Lillard ran after him, tried to kill Jay, but several witnesses were starting to catch onto the scene and Lillard bolted, leaving Jay to die and Wu to discover them barely alive at the side of a sewer canal.
Jay lived, and terrified of Lillard getting ahold of him, agreed to join Wu.
Zane was a bit after, thankfully unharmed by anything, and the four (Candyce, Cole, Jay, and Zane) all lived in the Monastery with Wu training them.
Lillard eventually got what he wanted. But for him to secure a place back in the Emperor's rank, he was tasked to investigate rumors of a old enemy (Wu) recruiting new members for the Elemental Council.
Lillard tracks down the four, and finds Jay there. With Cole. He's not happy to know he had a EM in his grasp a year ago, but he figured capturing Jay and killing the rest would be enough.
He tries following them back to the Monastery, but found that he couldn't find the stair leading up the mountain. Like a mental fog over took him while he searched.
He then plotted to stake out the base of the mountain for some of the group to come back down.
And one day, he got them.
Cole and Candyce were lazing about when Wu chastised them, and for an idea- why not go hiking? The two were used to moving through thick forest terrain. And the two did kinda miss being free spirits.
They head down, they play and bicker, and eventually they get to a point where they feel they can sit down for water and snacks.
They hear rustling from the bushes.
They freeze up unsure of what's near them.
Something rushes from the bushes.
Candyce tries to shield herself.
Cole jumps in the way.
Lillard kills Cole. And Candyce watches in horror.
She pulls a blade she took in the case of cutting down blocking debris, but it was used to slash at Lillard's face. Cutting at his eyes and nose.
She didn't know it was him, as he was in the form of a beast.
As Lillard retreated, Candyce grabbed Cole and hurried back to the Monastery screaming for help. But it was far too late.
Wu blamed himself for the next few years, thinking if he hadn't sent the two down, then Cole would still be alive. That the odd beast that attacked them may of hunted for anything other than them.
Candyce shut herself off from the others, blaming herself for not reacting fast enough. If she did, then Cole wouldn't of jumped in front of her.
Jay and Zane mourned their friends and tried keeping spirits up, but they were broken. Jl
Jay loved Cole, but he never moved past the pain of his last relationship to confess. Zane loved Candyce, but she pushed him away and refused his comfort.
Two years later, and Kai joined. He wanted to rescue his sister and Nya was back in record time.
Jay tried moving on and took interest in Nya, but something felt off about her. He can't put his finger on it.
Lloyd joins, and Candyce is quick to take him in against the others' complaints. But Lloyd reminds her of when Cole was young and bratty, acting like he was the defacto leader of their adventures, and that helped cheer her up a bit.
The great battle happens. Without Cole, Lloyd's powers are not dulled enough to keep the golden power from consuming him and Garmadon. Both son and father die.
Then the Overlord returns, Zane sacrifices himself. And a year later, the lure to rescue him from Chen's Island is a total lie.
Wu goes to the Cursed Realm to stop Chen's Faux-Anacondrai war. Leaving Misako to soon abandon the rest of the surviving Ninja.
Nya and Kai decide to leave, and they take Jay with them. Jay, with no Cole to quarrel with, never broke up with Nya. And the three leave Candyce alone up on the mountain.
Candyce tries to pull help from previous allies, even the new EMs that have chosen to use their powers to help the public. But something is stirring, and the Empire once again are trying to hunt after the new EMs for their private armies.
Back with the three, Kai notices that Nya's anger has made her more and more unhinged. Spotting her destroying (Jay's) things, messing up (Jay's) things, blaming others for her problems. He catches on that Jay is terrified of Nya, and he already covers his face or covers when his sister is raging.
He pulls Jay aside when Nya goes off on her own mission as Samurai X, and Jay confesses that Nya is heavily reminding him of his abusive ex. And while she's only screamed and broken his things, at least she hasn't beaten him.
Kai is sickened, guilty that he's seen his sister effectively become a abuser in their own home. And he decides right there that it was for the best if Jay was removed from the house.
The two pack up and quickly leave in the night before Nya can wake, and they go back to the one spot they know they can safely rest. The Monastery.
Candyce is surprised to see them, but it happy they're back at all. She told what Nya has been doing and she agrees to let Jay stay. Kai wants to go back and talk to Nya.
But as he returns to Ignacia- the rice farmers and neighbors are telling him that his family home has burned to the ground, and Nya was nowhere to be found.
He goes back to Jay and Candyce to tell them what's up, but hears frightening news. Nya, in her worst rage yet, went and about destroyed the Junkyard to scare Ed and Edna into telling her where Jay and her brother were.
The three decide that they should rally the EMs and look to vacate asap. If Nya didn't find Jay and Kai at the Junkyard, then her next stop was most likely the Monastery.
Skylor agrees to let them hide on her father's old island, freed to the Kabuki Girls, who now run the place with Skylor's financial assistance. The EMs meet back to hear about Nya's rampage and the Empire's revived plan to capture them.
Meanwhile, Acronix has been released from the vortex and is tracked down by Krux. It's not long for him to realize his brother has not changed. At all. In fact, he's gotten worse.
Krux has taken pay from the Emperor to create and raise the Vermillion Army to strengthen the numbers against the new Elemental Alliance. And since he hasn't been around for about 20 years now, it's best if Acronix got the run down of what Krux has done in the short amount of time given.
He's tracked down and killed Arthur (the previous Ice EM), kidnapped and gifted Libby to King Vangelis to bear his only child, he's trapped Ray and Maya on the threat of killing their children! Oh- and the best part-
Krux had successfully worked with Vangelis alongside the Emperor to poison and slowly kill Lilly.
Acronix is... he's...
He asks where Ray and Maya are being kept. Krux says the small shed in the middle of the Vermillion Swamp.
Are they alive. Yes.
Was it worth it? Krux says it will be when they're the ones ruling Ninjago in the end.
Acronix waits for his brother to turn away. He cannot believe that he's been so foolish. All this time he was trying to steer away a fate he thought Krux was blind to.
But Krux knew all along what he wad doing.
So Acronix chews on his decision, asking Krux more questions. And Krux is happy that he has his dumb little twin listening to him like old times...
And time ran out for Krux. The second he had his back exposed, Acronix used a sharp metal strip he took earlier from Krux's workbench- and stabbed him dead.
He didn't know what to do with the body, but looking at it- all Acronix could see was a younger version of his brother bleeding out, gasping for air as the life seeped out of them. Like back in the war, before Krux went down this path.
Acronix somehow wishes he could've left his brother for dead back then, if he knew of the future. But now it's... it's too late. He can't save his love, his son is dead. God knows what was or is the fate to the remaining kids involved.
He frees Ray and Maya, and with the Vermillion under his control (as told by Krux), he chooses to use the snakes to seek out any EMs to make contact with.
But Ray and Maya are distraught, showing their powers are again working for them.
Which means-
Cut back to a month.
The EMs have been dealing with the Emperor sending waves of soldiers after them, and having to battle their own in some capacity. EMs that've long since deemed lost or missing due to them joining the royal ranks.
Nya is among them, as Lillard has tracked her down. Spilling lies to her angry heart that Wu was a villain, using her and her brother to usurp the Emperor as per his and Garmadon's ultimate plan made way long ago.
A final fight was pushed to the Emperor's palace where most EMs were captured, but the trio had evaded the royal army. As Candyce went to break them free, Kai and Jay confronted Nya.
Jay went down first, then Kai-
Then Candyce snuck up from behind and chopped Nya's head off.
The place was in flames, falling apart. And Candyce only raced back to her friends' side only to arrive too late. Even with Nya dead, she felt like no one was really saved in the end.
The palace was consumed by flames, she was trapped with nowhere to go. So she sat there, waiting for the flames to eat her.
Acronix, Ray and Maya, and the escaped EMs watched on with pain as the last of the Palace remains were picked though, bodies of royal and EMs were found.
The surviving retreated back to the island to talk about what to do. Even with Ray back, the other Elements of Creation were gone to the wind.
Machia, the commander at that point, spoke to Acronix of Krux's true plan. To go back to the past and change fate to where the Time Twins were the victors.
Acronix didn't doubt for a second that Krux never let their defeat leave his head. Hell- it what motivated the monster behind the scenes.
The time blades are brought back to focus, and the EMs agree to track them down. If not a full reset, then at least to a point where a majority of the Ninja could be saved.
Acronix pushes for him to be the only one to go back. As it was his failure to intervene that caused this massive domino effect. Maya and Ray are suspicious, yet quickly change their tune when reminded of Krux's body left rotting in the museum's hidden dungeon.
They get to Borg, pleading with him to make a machine to help Acronix go back. Pixal urges her father since Zane would then have a chance to live in the new timeline.
With the machine completed, Acronix goes back. A single memory in his head as time warps around him.
... It's a nice calm night, he's standing along a long stream. Stones tiny and circular are stacked in odd towers, and small stagnant pools are full of frogs. The crickets are chirping against the dead silence. Fireflies hug the wet grass and glow in uneven spurses. And not too far from him, a woman approaches.
She's crying, saying something that he can't hear. He tries to recall why his hearing is so bad. And then it comes back. The hours earlier, they had to fight the EM of sound. Their screaming rung his ears and he was uncertain if he was going deaf.
His eyes stay on her lips, reading her words as she tries to beg him. He knows but doesn't know what she's saying. She stops and stares at him, and turns to leave-
"Lilly. Lilly, please stop. Please." He hangs his head down. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Lilly."
He didn't look up to see if she stopped.
"I know. I know what I am doing is wrong. I never should have listened to him. I never should have believed I could change his mind."
Tear bleared his vision, the rocks under his feet meshed into one thick gray haze.
"Please. I don't want to do this. I don't."
His chin was lifted, and in the moonlight was her. Her own tears have dropped.
"Then stop," he barely heard her past the ringing in his ears. "Stop and come back home. Lou is worried about you. I'm worried about you."
He carefully reached out, placing a hand over hers. Squeezing it to make sure it was her and really her.
"I- I have to stop this. I can't let him destroy everything."
"We can stop him, togeth-"
"No. Krux has... I- I know. I know. He has to be stopped. He won't let anyone close to him besides me."
"... Nix..."
"... Go home, Lilly. By the end of this week, Krux will be taken care of. Until then, I want you... I want you to go home, be with him. Stay put, stay safe."
The end of the week came. Krux was ready to storm the Monastery with Acronix by his side.
He was at the doors when he felt a sharp sensation in his chest.
The doors swung open, and the alliance were ready to fight-
Krux staggered in, barely able to get a word out before he dropped to the ground. A sharp dagger lodged right in his back.
There Acronix stood, at the doorway, taking off the ridiculous helmet his brother made them wear to match.
He felt memories ebb away as he watched his brother bleeding out, gasping for air as the life seeped out of them.
He looked to the alliance and stood there as everyone inspected Krux's body and detained him for safety.
But Acronix sighed an air of relief as he saw his brother's body be covered by a sheet.
The timeline was fixed.
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softsnzstuff · 2 years
I watched 6th Sense for the first time last night with my brother and his girlfriend. It gave me this idea for the streamer AU that when Eddie was a kid in the 90’s, he used to act in cough medicine commercials for extra money. @dontfeeltoohot helped me brainstorm this little ficlet idea! Hope you enjoy.
There were a lot of things you wouldn’t know about Eddie Munson at first glance. Obviously as a streamer, his life was broadcasted online. He was a musician and a gamer, but he was also a DnD champ, was still in a band with his friends from elementary school, and he used to be an actor.
Well, he was an actor if you asked Steve. Eddie didn’t tell him right away. It only came up when they were dating and talking about their lives as kids. Steve had opened up about how absent his parents were most of the time, and Eddie had opened up about how he and Wayne weren’t the richest of folk.
Wayne was always working two jobs if not more to be able to provide for them and keep a roof over their head. Eddie would do some side gigs or help out where he could, even at ten. One of these side gigs was acting in a cough syrup commercial back in the 90’s. It was buried DEEP and honestly, he was shocked no one had found the footage yet.
He wasn’t sure if it was because he was uncredited or because he had short hair back then, but thank GOD, no one had yet uncovered ‘Robitussin Children’s Cough Syrup Commercial - 1997’ on YouTube. That is - until Eddie told Steve.
They were all lounging on the couch watching the Great British Bake Off when Robin leaned forward and started coughing.
Eddie sat up and put a hand on her back. “Jesus Birdie, are you okay? Can I get you some water or something?”
“Yeah I can grab you some cough medicine,” Nancy said, switching to a voiceover type voice, “Robitussin pediatric formulas have a great cherry taste, and they’re alcohol free.”
Steve snorted as Robin sat up and started laughing, breaking character.
Eddie realized what they were doing and whipped around and pointed at Steve.
“You motherfucker!”
TBC??? Might do a part 2 where Eddie’s actually sick and they give him more shit for it.
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mostlymaudlin · 2 years
Instagram husband? 👀🤭
@thewholelemon asked for this too!
so, some may be familiar with my great british bake off au, Nothing Equals The Splendor. this takes place in the same universe! it's another one where im not sure why i didn't finish it, because it's over halfway done.. but whatever lol. im actually going to put the rest under a read more because there's a HUGE spoiler for the original fic!!
soooo if you remember, simon won the championship. and now he has to be really active on social media to reap the benefits. and baz makes it his mission to ensure that they have good content to post LOL, so he's constantly taking pics of simon (like an instagram husband). the fic is actually told in a collection of outsider POV vignettes -- niall, shep, dev, and penny -- before coming back to simon/baz povs.
now that im looking at this, i think the reason i stopped writing it is that there's Tension that arises between simon and baz bc of all this social media stuff and i kind of didnt want to deal with it once i got into their heads -- bc the outside povs were so fun!! esp bc i loved my versions of niall and dev in this verse.
i'll give you the full dev pov scene, because why not lol:
I didn’t expect Malcolm to take Baz’s whole new thing well. Baz’s dad has always put a lot of pressure on him. I don’t think he expected Natasha Pitch’s son to grow up to be a queer socialist. (Baz’s politics are kind of bullshit since he’s still paying rent and tuition with Daddy’s old family money. But so am I, so I can’t really judge.)
Anyway, I certainly didn’t expect this: Malcolm and Baz’s boyfriend chummin’ it up at my grandmother’s garden party. Simon had expressed mild interest in Malcolm’s newest magickal livestock endeavor (Literal fire-breathing guinea pigs. Inspired.). It devolved from there. 
I’ve always maintained that my uncle Malcolm is a softie underneath it all — mostly because I know that’s how Baz is. The Grimms are sensitive folks. And as soon as you give their weird niche topics a spoonful of attention, they fall apart like putty in your hands. You should hear Baz wax on about baking, it’s insufferable. But also very sweet. 
Or maybe Simon Snow has some kind of secret key to a Grimm’s heart. 
“Wait, my American friend taught me this one,” Simon says, reaching his hands out for Malcolm’s youngest kid, Swithin. “I've been working on the railroad / All the live-long day. / I've been working on the railroad / Just to pass the time away!”
They’re several drinks deep, passing Swithin back and forth on the steps of the back porch and singing him nursery rhymes. Malcolm just finished a rousing rendition of Ladybird, Ladybird! that made Swithin coo with laughter. 
“Dinah, won't you blow, / Dinah, won't you blow, / Dinah, won't you blow your horn?” Simon’s voice is carrying now, Swithin bouncing joyously on his knee. 
Daphne and I are standing nearby, watching the whole affair with wide eyes. 
“What is happening right now?” Baz hisses. I jump — I hate when he sneaks up on me. Stealthy motherfucker. 
“Shhhh,” I say, putting a hand on his shoulder. “They’re bonding. Nature is healing.”
Daphne laughs at that, loud enough that both Malcolm and Simon look over at us, cheeks equally pink as they realize they’re putting on a show. Daphne takes out her phone and takes a photo of them. She’s lucky the porch lights are on — the sky is a dusky purple at this stage in the evening.  
“Could you please send that to me, Mum?” Baz asks, his voice small. I’m worried he genuinely might cry. 
“It can go on my Instagram!” Simon calls over. Baz grins, walking over to sit next to him on the steps. Swithin reaches for Baz, and he swoops him up, kissing his forehead. Then he leans over and kisses Simon’s forehead as well. 
Malcolm doesn’t even flinch.
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