#the balance of the j/d to the s/d here may be way off in the wrong direction
egipci · 1 year
Vertigo, 1999
(for @wincestwednesdays)
What they have in common is they're loud, and they talk too much. That's what Dad used to say. Nine out of ten hunters have no fucking idea what they’re doing. You put four of them in a room together and you get twelve tall tales and intel that’ll set you back three days. Not that he spent much time with any one of them. There was a time, back in the beginning, he'd take on a job with a guy, say, someone Bobby knew, or he'd just run into a random dude on the scene, and they'd try to crack it together, talk theories, or they'd do interviews, bad-cop-good-cop, that sort of thing, and right in the middle of it, no matter how it was going, he'd turn to that other guy and suddenly remember he hated all of them. He'd tell me about that stuff. That's why he roped me in soon as he could. He didn't like anybody else. I don’t know how he stayed friends with Pastor Jim as long as he did. There was a fight once after Jim offered to take his confession, but they got over it eventually. Sometimes I wonder what the two of them would say about your praying. I still can’t do it. I couldn’t do it the first time you died, and I can’t do it now. I try to meditate, for Lisa. She says you can think of anything or nothing at all. So I close my eyes and I think about Wyoming that one winter.
There were hunters there too, and they warned us. You were in the car, and I was with Dad in a convenience store on the edge of Indian country. We were questioning the cashier. Mostly Dad was doing the talking. It was a two-stall restroom kind of joint and he'd backed me up against the sink and put his hands under my shirt so I was still in that warm stupid daze I could never tell you about. He was asking about the missing girls, if any of them had stopped by before they'd disappeared, and these two guys who knew him from somewhere came up. Right away he couldn’t stand them. They asked what we were there for. You could tell they were really freaked. They said there was something out there. A god, maybe. They could feel its strength and nothing else. Of course Dad didn't believe them, and that was all that mattered. 
Anyway, here is the part I keep replaying: he's walking ahead of us and it’s getting dark fast. It hasn't snowed yet but it's cold enough he let me wear his jacket. You and I are about the same height, so I got my arm around your shoulder, your neck in the crook of my elbow, and I'm dragging you along, and you're squirming and being a bitch, so we're lagging way behind, and I'm saying stupid shit to make you laugh, trying to make you feel better, and you’re trying hard not to crack up. Then you elbow me in the gut and you stop walking, so I stop, and I turn to look at you. The trees are humming around us, all the way down to their roots. At least that’s the sense I had. We never found anything out there, so I never brought it up again. I never asked you. But the way you looked at me. You said my name, and you looked into my eyes then at the bottom half of my face, and when we finally set up camp you slept outside the tent. I slept with my head sticking out so you wouldn’t be alone. Something bit you first and then bit me. That night we stayed up staring at the sky. What I wouldn’t give to feel us so small again, to hear you naming the constellations.
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jahayla-parker · 2 years
Andrew Garfield abcs with
The ABCs of Dating Andrew Garfield (Fluff ABC prompt)
Celebration info here
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A – Anger (What was their first fight about? Any big or recurring arguments?)
Their first fight was about them blaming each other for not having spent time together in what felt like forever. They had both been busy with work but neither wanted to accept their part in the distance that had formed between them.
Eventually they came around and set up a nonnegotiable (unless sick or hurt) date schedule that ensured a better work life balance.
B – Best (What would they say is the other’s best trait?)
Andrew about reader: compassion
Reader about Andrew: spontaneity
C – Camera (How do they document their relationships? Who likes to take pictures? Or videos?)
While he’s not on social media, he likes to take photos of them on dates or random times together on a Polaroid camera
D – Dates (What are their dates like?)
Very laid back and doing domestic things like going to the bookstore, non-premiere movie dates, farmer’s market, mini golf, etc.
E – Early (What was the first month of dating like?)
He was nervous as he wanted to make sure she was comfortable with his crazy life so he’d go to extreme efforts to keep her happy until she told him to relax and that she’d accept whatever came along with dating him.
F – Friends (How is their relationship with each other’s group of friends?)
Their friends became mutual friends of the other’s. They all get a long really well and it allows their friends to tease them
G – Gifts (Do they like giving each other gifts? What kind?)
Andrew is more about time and effort than gifts, he will however try to get something for the reader whenever he goes on a trip.
Reader loves to get him small gifts all the time and it used to make him uncomfortable because he didn’t want her spending money on him until he learned it was part of her love language.
H – Hugs (All things involving hugs)
Omg this man’s hugs are amazing. He’d have his arms secured tightly around his girlfriend as she hurried her face in his neck or chest. His face would be resting on hers as he squeezed her and rubbed her back, her arms around his torso.
I – Inside Jokes (Do they have any?)
He loves inside jokes. Their friends hate it because it will be the weirdest thing that makes them laugh until they hurt
J – Jealousy (Who gets jealous easier? How do they show their jealousy?)
Andrew was pretty good at remaining calm and knowing he didn’t need to be jealous as you’d usually brush the guy off right away. If he did get jealous, he would try and hide his jealousy but you could tell by his increased PDA and his normal glow in his eyes having turned dark as he stared at the guy.
His gf would get jealous easier given he had to work with many beautiful costars including kissing, hugging, s€x scenes, etc. They’d always talk about it until she was okay, or they’d find a way to make her more comfortable with it. If it was jealousy outside of his work setting, she’d be very clear about it and kiss him in front of the girl, asking “who is this babe?” Which only caused Andrew to smirk and kiss her back; only having eyes for you and having had wanted the girl to get the hint already.
K – Kiss (How do they kiss? Who usually initiates?)
Andrew would usually initiate the kisses, loving the feel of her lips and knowing that no matter how crazy their surroundings may be that when they kissed her focus was only in him. He’d kiss her hand, temple, and cheek mostly in public. But other times, especially when it was just them, he’d wrap her in his arms and squeeze her thighs until she would wrap her legs around his waist as he’d back them up into the counter or wall, his lips not parting from her’s until he needed air.
L – Love (How do they first say those three words?)
They had a cute park date and were walking hand-in-hand through the park, bundled up in their long coats and scarves. Andrew would be watching her as they made their way back to the car. When she noticed, she’d pause and ask what was on his mind. He’d blush and nervously tell her he was in love with her.
M – Movies (What kinds of movies do they watch together? Is it a regular Netflix ritual?)
Anything and everything of course. She’d demand they rewatch his Amazing Spider-Man movies over and over but he compromised to doing this only twice a year per movie so she’d break it apart. He would try and find movies she’d like based on her favorite actors/actresses or books she liked that were similar in plot.
N – Nicknames (Things they call each other)
He’d call you: angel, my queen, honey, beautiful
You’d call him: handsome, Andy, brown eyes, spidey
O – One (Tell us about the moment they realized they were with the one.)
For Andrew it was when she stood up to the paparazzi that were harassing them and saying hurtful things about Andrew and his family. He’d known by now not to take them personally and had worked with her to not listen to anything they’d say about her. But she refused to ignore their comments about him and his family. Andrew had to plead with her quietly to stop scolding the paparazzi so they could go home. When she finally did, he’d thank her endlessly and spend the night with her in his arms as he dreamed about their future.
For her, it was when she was watching him at yet another premiere. She was always proud of him but these events would make her nervous. He would always notice and make sure he took steps to calm her and get her back to having fun. This night it wasn’t working as there were huge artists around her and so many more cameras and fans than normal. Not to mention Andrew’s co-star was breathtaking. However, she soon noticed his attention was on her the whole time and even though she couldn’t hear what he was saying to the interviewers, he’d clearly be talking about her as he’d point or nod in her direction as he smiled widely. It was at that moment she realized no matter how impressive everyone else around them was, he’d be only impacted by her.
P – Pizza (What is their favorite food to eat together?)
Andrew was such a cliche, he always wanted to try to do the Lady and the Tramp spaghetti scene. While they’d tried it countless times, it was always a messy disaster but he loved it because they got to be themselves and mess around together.
Q – Quit (Do they break up? Almost break up? What happened?)
No, andrew knew from the beginning she was the one he wanted to settle down with. It took her a bit longer to get there due to their huge lifestyle differences but upon realizing what was truly important to him, she reached the same conclusion.
R – Rainy Days (How do they comfort each other on dark days?)
Whoever was upset would spend the day in the other’s arms, their partner whispering encouragement and sweet nothings to them, singing softly their favorite song, rubbing a bubble bath, and then ordering/making their favorite food before cuddling on the couch and reading.
S – Soft (Something one of them did that turned the other into absolute mush)
She was an absolute mess with anything he did. He always found new ways to make her melt with his displays of love for her. Whether it was him randomly bringing home flowers he hand picked for her, him taking her on a random road trip after learning of a place she wanted to go, or him color coordinating their closet to help with her ocd.
Andrew never ceased to fall in love with her over and over on a nearly daily basis. His favorite thing though that she did out of the blue for him was when she cleared a spot in their home and set up a little memorial area for his mom.
T – Texting (Do they text each other a lot? What do they usually talk about over the phone?)
They would be texting each other throughout the day about anything and everything.
However they would FaceTime at least once a day when they’d have a break if they couldn’t meet for lunch in person.
U – Unique (Tell us about some of their odd habits that surprised one another.)
Andrew had this habit of jumping up to hit the ceiling archway between rooms when he’d walk through them. She’d tease him about it relentlessly; “okay spidey, let’s not damage the wall” or “careful gorgeous, you land wrong and spidey won’t be an option anymore”
Y/n would always go through his messy workstation and organize his notes and scripts. At first he thought it was her ocd but he learned she did it because he’d be stressed when he couldn’t find a particular scene or log of details/feedback he made. She had therefore developed a habit of sorting his files and leaving little encouraging notes for him, but it took him awhile to notice she was doing it.
V – Vanity (Something they’re proud of in themselves and their partner)
Andrew about his partner: her charity work. He loved how she never failed to make a difference in the world. Himself: his work in tick tick boom as it was his big break after the Spider-Man movies and it was through getting the role for the movie that he met y/n as the director was working with y/n to have profits go towards related nonprofits (such as AIDS awareness/treatment programs, musical programs in schools, etc.)
Y/n about Andrew: his flexibility in his acting. He was always willing to try something different or out of the box even if society wasn’t ready for it. He would never stop pushing for what he felt was right even if the directors disagreed. Herself: her nonprofit work as she could always see how much it made Andrew smile.
W – Wedding (Tell us about your wedding head canon if they’ve gotten that far. Or if not, have they talked about it?)
They haven’t gotten married yet but are engaged and in the process of doing so.
They are looking at a small wedding of close friends and family, an intimate venue, traditional decorations, a fun dance number from one another but no garter toss, etc
X – X (Something they hate about the other)
Andrew about y/n: he hated how she couldn’t see herself the way he did. He knew it wasn’t right and wasn’t her fault but he hated seeing her doubt herself
Y/n about Andrew: how stubborn he was when it came to overworking himself. She’d try and get him to rest and he would refuse and then get sick by the end of filming because of it and she hated seeing him like that and knowing he did it to himself.
Y – Youtube (What are they like online? Do they post about their relationship constantly?)
No, andrew was used to the spotlight but liked their relationship being private. Y/n didn’t grow up in the spotlight and trusted Andrew about the negative implications sharing their relationship details would entail.
Z – Zoo (Are they into animals? Do they want pets? What kind?)
Yes, of course. They have an energetic rescue dog from the local animal shelter and plan on getting them a friend as well.
AG tag list: @studygirlmadd @raajali3
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Hehe uh may I request the part two of the Phoenix two birds on a wire fanfic lmao :D
Goddamn you guys like hurting me huh :”)
I kid ofc lol, I like hurting myself mentally with angst too /j
Hope you like this nonny!
~Admin Hurricane
Warnings: mentions of blood, gun violence
Word Count: 1.4k
Genre: angst, slow burn
Pairing(s): Phoenix x GN!Reader
[Part 1] [Part 3]
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You let out a sigh of relief as you successfully managed to defuse it before it practically blew up in your face. You still weren’t in the clear yet though. Noting shuffling on-site, you pressed your back against the wall, your pistol held up, prepared to shoot whoever walked back through to try and reactivate the spike. You swung fully prepared to blow whoever was there to hell, only to freeze up.
The two of you blinked at each other almost as if in disbelief at what you were seeing. Time seemed to stop, the only thing that was prevalent at the moment was you and well…Phoenix. But this wasn’t your Phoenix. It was noticeable by the hazy mirage-like outline hanging over his form. But apart from that, he was practically identical. The same fiery eyes, strong jawline, and broad shoulders. His signature jacket was slightly tattered and littered with bullet holes here and there, but that was it. Part of you was tempted to run over and throw your arms around him, to embrace him like you always would after difficult missions. But you had to stop and remind yourself once more, that this wasn’t him.
The mirror Phoenix reacted much quicker than you, pulling out his sheriff and aiming it towards you and firing, a hint of what appeared to be remorse in his gaze. Or was it regret? You didn’t have time to think about it as you dove out of the way, using your arm to shield the back of your head as you dove for cover once more. You fumbled with your gun magazine, trying to quickly reload but in doing so struggling more. Letting out an irritated huff, you abandoned your gun tossing it to the side, standing back up. It was a narrow space but it would have to do. Taking a running leap, you jumped at the wall bouncing off. Phoenix turned a second too late, only to be kneed in the stomach, effectively knocking the wind out of him as the two of you tumbled to the ground.
Pulling out your knife, you slammed it into the ground next to his head to regain your balance while you straddled his waist, successfully pinning him underneath you. You used your left foot to kick his sheriff away and out of his reach so he had nothing to use against you. “Why?! Why did it have to be you!” you exclaimed, biting your lip to stop the tears that threatened to spill out. “It could have been anyone else, but it just had to be you! Is this some kind of twisted joke?!”
more utc!
“Y/N..” you heard him choke out, attempting to reach up towards your face but you smacked his hand away in anger, your brow furrowed from frustration. “Don’t…” you hissed, your eyes narrowed. You thought that you had managed to bury away the painful memories of watching him bleed out onto the snow-covered floor of Icebox, and how you were unable to save him in time. But seeing mirror Phoenix, was like reopening an old wound. How many nights had you spent in your room crying your eyes out, unable to close your eyes or sleep properly in fear that you would wake up screaming for him in the middle of the night? Too many. Trembling, you pressed a hand to your earpiece, “Hey, it’s Y/N, I stopped the spike from blowing this place to bits, and I have a hostile, can one of you bring the cuffs?”
“Roger that, on the way,” you heard Sova respond from the other end, and soon after he appeared through the entrance to the site with the special anti-radiant handcuffs in his hand. His eyes widened slightly at the sight before him, but he opted to remain silent, lest he ended up saying something he regretted. “You better not do anything funny. Trust me a bullet to the head isn’t pleasant,” you warned Phoenix, slowly getting up and grabbing his sheriff and aiming it towards him. Phoenix helped himself up, saying nothing as he held his arms out for Sova to cuff him. You turned away to grab the defused spike following up behind Sova.
“Has he said anything?” Questioned Brim, his arms crossed over his chest, his expression unreadable. Cypher shook his head as he closed the door behind him gently, “Nothing yet, he’s keeping his mouth shut. However, he did promise that he would tell us everything if and only if Y/N—”
“No,” you interrupted Cypher, holding a hand up, the other pressing up against your chair unsteadily, “I refuse.” Brim sighed, walking over to you, pity in his gaze as he pressed a hand to your shoulder. You flinched softly, looking away, finding it difficult to control your breathing. “Please kid, we need this, it’ll benefit us greatly, especially for the future. You’re our only hope,” said Brim, his gaze gentle. You thought for a moment, your expression unreadable as you pondered what exactly might come out of this. “Fine,” you spat out, “But I’m only going in there for 15 minutes, that’s it.”
You took a step inside, shutting the door behind you with a bang, your eyes cold as you stared down at Phoenix, cuffed against the table. Pulling the chair back so you could take a seat, you crossed one leg over the other, taking a deep breath. “Look, I’m just going to get straight to the point, you have what we want, and you’re gonna give me what I want to know.”
His eyes flicked up to gaze at yours, a resigned expression on his face. “There’s no gettin’ out of this, yeah?” he laughed softly. “No, there isn’t.” you responded curtly, crossing your arms over your chest, “Now tell me, what exactly are Earth-2’s next plans?” Phoenix studied your features, for any hint of hesitance, but found none. “Wow, I forgot how stubborn you were. It’s almost weird to see it again,” he laughed, “You’re just like them,” he muttered sadly. “What?” you reeled back in confusion at what he said, “Say that again?”
Phoenix cleared his throat looking back up at you, “I said you’re just like them. Well…my Earth’s Y/N, but uh…they’re not here anymore,” he coughed, averting his gaze. “What…is that supposed to make me feel bad? ‘Cause you lost your Earth’s me? Like that’s gonna work,” you scoffed, leaning back. “You didn—”
“Don’t you miss him?” he interrupted you before you were able to finish. “Huh?” you frowned in confusion. “I said, don’t you miss him? Your Earth’s Phoenix. I noticed on my way in that my, er..his room is empty now. Something happened didn’t it?” You went silent, your knuckles going white from how hard your fists were clenched. “Who’s interrogating who here?” you huffed, trying to keep your cool,
“And have you always been able to get on my nerves like this?” you grumbled. Phoenix cracked a crooked smile, his eyes gazing fondly at you, “I’m a package deal, sass and all.” Your face twitched, threatening to break out into a smile, but you kept your composure, remaining level-headed. “Just answer my question please,” you sighed, rubbing your temples. The smile dropped off his face as he stared down at the floor, contemplating what to do next. “Alright then, what do you want to know?”
Walking out of the interrogation room, you handed a tablet over to Cypher. “Here’s everything he told me, it’s all contained on there. Patrolling patterns, plans on which locations to attack next, team compositions, it’s all on there,” you stated, letting out a shaky breath. “So is that all you need from me? If that’s it, I’m done playing my part,” you said with an air of finality as you turned to leave. “Hold it,” Brim held out an arm to stop you in your tracks, “There’s one final thing that I need of you.” You stared at Brim with a tired expression on your face, “What is it?”
Brim sighed, “I want you to befriend their Phoenix, get him to come over to our side. If he’s anything like our Phoenix was, he’ll listen to what you have to say. I mean he already did when you were interrogating him earlier. If you can convince him then we’re all set,” his gaze softened noting your crestfallen expression, “Kid…you’ve got to move on alright? I know it hurts, but you can’t keep letting the past hold you back. And who knows, maybe you’ll even find a friend in him,” Brim shrugged. You were silent weighing your options. On one hand, you could decline, and you wouldn’t have to deal with the aching in your heart any longer, but on the other hand, a part of you longed to be able to talk with your Phoenix again.
“Fine, I’ll do it,” you responded, hoping that you wouldn’t regret your decision.
Reminder that my requests are open! Be sure to send something my way if you’re interested! Requesting Rules are here!
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Thanks for reading and have a lovely day!
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xseaxwitchxkpop · 3 years
NSFW Alphabet: Sub!Seonghwa Edition
A/N: idk anyone in Ateez who pushes the catboy agenda more than hwa and this precious soul just makes me have cute aggression. Lemme just remind everyone that stage presence ≠ bedroom preference, so he might be a demon on stage but I personally think he's very far from dominant in the bedroom. Also this is framed for a femme!presenting reader.
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
A very clingy baby! Even though he's the sub, he would want to hold you instead of the other way around; when you're cleaning up, give him a plushie to snuggle because he just feels very happy holding something. He would also have the most sparkly eyes ever, looking at you with pure love and adoration. He'll also be very hungry, so always have some food on hand and be prepared to be fed by him because "you need it, too, I don't care if you're my domme, lemme feed you and show you my love!"
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He's fave part on himself is probably his eyes because he knows how expressive they are for him and how transparent they are -- his eyes always betray his true emotions and considering he's a more private person, he likes this. His fave part on you would be your breasts, but not in a sexual way; whether you're part of the itty bitty titty committee or big titty gang, he likes them as a comfort thing, groping them or sucking on your nipples, it's very calming and relaxing for him!
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
He loves his face to be covered in either pussy juices/"cum" (since, ya know, pussies don't ejaculate lmao anyway) or use fake cum (or real cum if you have an actual dick) to cover his face and/or inner thighs, it'll get him going like nothing else. He also loves seeing his midsection painted with his own cum and also eating his own cum.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Every once in a while, he likes to fuck his plushies. No one would suspect this because he takes much care in cleaning them immediately afterward, so they keep their softness and hugability. He's recorded himself doing it a few times but always either deletes the videos or keeps them in a separate, unsuspecting folder in his phone; he's thought about sending them to you but never could bring himself to do so.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He's had a few hook ups but most of them have been pretty vanilla as many hook ups tend to be, he knows what he's doing especially with that tongue of his.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Probably missionary, with you on your back and him fucking you. He can easily kiss you, suck on your neck or nipples, and you can easily grab his hair roughly, pull him in closer, scratch his back with your nails, and you two can make intense eye contact. Yeah, that's his favorite position.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
He's more passionate about it than anything. He likes it rough but not necessarily fast, and he likes it soft but not necessarily gentle. It's a very delicate balance that he prefers most of the time and can be difficult to pin down when the mood has to be forced from either of you -- when that happens, he rather not have sex at all.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Trimmed, doesn't bother to shave and he doesn't care what you do; bush, no bush, trimmed, shaved, waxed, whatever. However, he likes it when you shave for him down there as a sweet bonding experience, nothing kinky or sexual.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
He's very sincere and very intense during sex, especially with someone he's romantically involved with because he's not the most open person and, like Yeosang, takes some prying open emotionally so when he shares that emotional part of himself and trusts that other person, that translates directly to the bedroom. He can be a little goofy if he's particularly happy that day, like giggly kisses n' shit, but otherwise very sincere, very intense.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
If he jacks off, you know about it because he sends you audios of himself getting himself off, complete with moans, whimpers, groans, muffling himself, and him cumming in the end of it. He never sends videos, though, because his ass has a voice kink. He masturbates semi regularly just because he has a high sex drive and you're not always available so he temporarily satisfies himself.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
So, this man, has some kinks that get me thinking. He has an oral fixation for sure, so anything involving his tongue; he definitely has a breeding kink like hard-core "let me breed you, mommy/daddy, I wanna give you babies" breeding kink, more so than San; temperature play; pegging/anal play; cock rings; nail scratching; biting/marking; kitten play; shibari; restraints; voice kink; ASMR kink.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Hmmmm, maybe the bedroom? He doesn't really have a favorite place to do anything because each place brings a different kind of thrill for him, so anywhere he can look at and easily imagine you commanding him to take you or you taking him is his favorite place. His least favorite place is the shower because the water washes away the lube and is just generally an annoying interruption.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Doing a sexy, feminine dance for you. Sexy girl group concepts? He learns the choreo and dances it just for you; turns him on because he enjoys you intently watching him while being just out of reach. Rubbing your hand up and down his thigh, no matter how innocent, will also turn him on greatly. Also if you cook for him -- it can be as simple as ramen but as soon as he sees that you cooked for him, he's ready to pounce you and be at your every command.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
I don't think he would be into piss play or scat play (absolutely no hate to people who are into this lol) but I think he wouldn't like them just because he's a bit of a clean freak and all he would see is a mess to clean up and that would definitely ruin the mood for him. Another definite turn off of his is extreme pain; he likes a little bit here and there, like slapping his ass and thighs, nail scratches wherever you scratch him, but flogging and riding crops are a no go for him.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He LIVES for giving oral and that's directly from his oral fixation. It keeps his mouth busy plus he gets to please his partner. Again, he also loves his face covered in cum and/or pussy juices, so oral is definitely such fun for him!
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Moderate. He likes it a little faster than slower, but not exactly fast, if you get what I'm saying. He likes to feel you and you to feel him, so he wants it on the slower side of things but a slightly fast pace will be suitable for the most part. Only every once in a blue moon would he want you to fuck his brains out or to fuck yours out.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Quickies involving penetration? Nah, not a fan. Quickies involving oral? Sign him the fuck up. He wants to see how fast he can get you to orgasm with just his tongue and since you derive such pleasure from it as well, you let him take on this challenge.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
As long as extreme pain is not involved, he's game for a lot of things. He's always wanted to try semi public sex, voyeurism, and submissive cuckolding, but he would only try this with one of his members since he trusts them quite a lot.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
I think he could probably go two, three rounds, maybe four if he has a crapton of energy for God only knows what reason. He has experience, jacks off sort of regularly, so he can last a good while in bed while being pounded into or pounding into you.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He's got dildos of varying sizes because he, like San, is also a size queen. He has a couple of buttons plugs and some vibrators, along with handcuffs and bondage rope. He has a couple pairs of kitten ears and a matching choker and butt plug.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He likes to tease, but not in a bratty way. It's a very sweet way, like poking your cheek and rubbing it like a cat as he strokes your inner thigh and ghosts your genitals, teases you with food like "hey if I make this dish, maybe you can fuck my ass tonight" and he'd act all cutesy about it, he'll make suggestive comments while making direct eye contact, and wiggle his butt sometimes.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He's a happy medium between San and Yeosang. Hwa makes noise - groans, whimpers, moans, mewling - but he isn't loud with them per say, they're very throaty noises and he uses his chest to make them so they're low in volume but frequent.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
He quite prefers the natural noises of sex between you two rather than having a playlist or any other background noise going. He's sensitive to noise in the first place and the background noise could overwhelm him in a bad way.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
He's average. Nothing too long, nothing too girthy, but boy does he know how to use his average dick regardless.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
He has a bit of a high sex drive. Think like smack in the middle of average horny and extremely horny and that's Hwa. He can go like three days without sex with no complaints but coming up on a fourth day may be a little bit hard for him.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He becomes quite sleepy afterward, wanting to snuggle you to fall asleep while you rub his back up and down and he holds you and squeezes you like his personal plushie. It takes a while for him to actually fall asleep, but that's because it takes him a while to calm down enough to lull into a peaceful state of rest before succumbing to sleep.
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this-is-spn20 · 3 years
FLUFF ALPHABET! Sam Winchester!
A/N: Here’s Sammy boy! My small adorable baby! Let me know what you guys think about this! 
A ctivities- What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Sam is a pretty laid-back man. When he sees a chance at relaxing with you, he snatches as quickly as possible. Whether it’s just walking or driving around towns, going to the local library (cause God knows the only book they have at the bunker are the Wizard of Oz books, and the men of letters’ books.), to looking up fun recipes to try with you. The man will always keep you occupied!
B eauty- What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Sam likes that despite you being very soft-spoken, you’re nowhere near dumb. You’re also very confident. Of course, you’ll still ask Sam what he thinks if you piece together a somewhat bold outfit. But you might as well call him Bruno Mars cause- well you know.
 I feel like if you are an artist of some sort, he might decide to pick up your art of choice as a hobby for when he has no research or hunts. Maybe if you draw, he’ll buy both of you sketchbooks and pencils. Or if you use a tablet he might buy you a better one. He’ll try doing simple drawings to start off with a tree or two. An eye here and there. He struggling and he’s probably gonna get a bit upset with himself if his skills don’t pick up like yours. But he’s trying really hard! If you like making music, he might ask you to play guitar. He might even ask you to teach him how to sing! But be patient, he can barely carry a tune but he’s so happy to learn! Might take him almost a year to get the hang of it, but once he does, he is an absolute Beast with some strings!
C omfort- How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Sam has anxiety himself so he knows the signs when one is coming on. He’s been around stressful things/people/events all his life. His father was abusive throughout his and Dean’s childhood. When he ran away to go to college, he had to learn to interact with new environments and people. In conclusion, the man KNOWS what anxiety is. And how to handle it. He’ll have you sit down and close your eyes. He won’t touch you just in case it makes you more nervous. He’ll breathe slowly with you, serving as a guide to get your bearings. Once you’ve slowed your breathing he knows you can’t hold anything so he gets you a glass of water with a straw and holds the glass for you. He knows you probably won’t want to eat anything so he just picks you up when you say he can, and brings you to bed, and reads you to sleep while holding you close. 
D reams- How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Sam knows for sure he wants to marry you. He also wants kids with you but the risk of being raised in the life he kept him up at night. Now don’t get him wrong, he knows that whatever happens, family will take care of it. They always do. But he’s not sure if that’s a risk worth taking. He just wants to have the apple pie life. He’d kill every monster with his bare hands just to have that with you. 
E qual- Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Sam is quite dominant in the relationship. He always takes care of everything for you. He doesn't buy into the stereotype that women should be doing everything for their partners. He tries to help you out with everything and he doesn't take no for an answer. You've known for a while that Sam's love language is Acts of Service. All he's done all his life is help people, so it just seeps into the relationship. Sure he believes that a relationship should be a healthy balance of 50\50, but at the same time, he can't help take over and take care of you. This man is just precious. 
F ight- Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Depending on what the fight was about Sam would be pretty open to forgiving you pretty quickly. However sweet Sam can be, if he believes that he has even a pinky toe to stand on in the fight, he’ll stick to it. It’s only when the shouting has gotten too much for you that you walk away that he may see where you’re coming from. Give him a or two. That way you both had time to cool down. You’ll spend the rest of the day talking it through, seeing each other’s perspectives. Even if you guys can’t agree with each other, you’ll know how to better handle the situation next time. 
G ratitude- How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Even though he mostly does mundane things for you, you try to help out as much as he’ll let you. For example, if you noticed that he has a lot of research to do, while he’s sleeping or is on a supply run, you’ll continue his research so that he’ll have more time to relax and let loose a bit more. You think he doesn’t notice but he does, and he appreciates it. It makes him feel like he hasn’t been ‘slacking off’, or that he hasn’t wasted too much time doing other things. Sometimes you’ll even finish the research and he’ll have nothing much to do for a while. Except relaxing with you of course!
H onesty- Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Sam doesn’t have to hide much from you. You’re a damn good hunter. He would even go as far as to say you were better than him and Dean. He knows damn well you can take care of yourself and that you don’t like being babied often. He knows your secrets as well as you know his. It takes a big weight off his shoulders, knowing he doesn’t have to hide who he is with you. 
I nspiration- Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
You were always an adventurous and carefree person. You always had a hard time balancing fun and work. Sometimes it got you into trouble. Sam noticed this when you two first met and as your relationship got more serious and tried to help you with the balence. By all means you aren’t magically better, but you’re learning. Sam on the other hand, had the same issue. The work and fun balance is a tricky one to master. You help Sam have more fun, like you he’s getting better at having more fun. But again it’s not going to happen overnight. Oh and you eat a salad of two once a month now!
J ealousy- Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
On the rare occasion the Sam gets extremely jealous, it's usually when someone tries to touch. Regardless of whether you let it happen (for fun) or not, he can’t help himself. He wants you all to himself. No Sharing!!
K iss- Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Sam is a very good kisser. He always kisses you like he hasn’t seen you in years. Most of the time his kisses are very rough but intimate. The first kiss was after four dates. Yes that’s a long time but you wanted to make sure you did this right with Sam. Plus he reassured you that he’d wait as long as you wanted to. You were sitting next to Sam in the Library doing some light research since most of it had gotten done earlier that week. The tension had been building up all week, you were finally ready to kiss Sam. Despite this not being your first kiss, you hadn’t kissed many people so understandably, you were nervous. You reached your arm over his and gently closed his laptop and angled your body toward his. You leaned over to him slowly, creeping your hand to his shoulder and finally your lips connected. Sam’s hand softly grabbed your hand on his shoulder and you both stayed like that until you both needed air. That was one of, if not, the most intimate moment you’ve had with Sam so far.
L ove Confession- How would they confess to their s/o?
Sam would be a bundle of nerves when he tries to confess. He’s tried to do it at least three times but each time he either got too nervous or something would interrupt him. Eventually settled for being simple, yet intimate. He had invited you to come to the library with him to sit and read for a while. It was about an hour and a half of you both being immersed in your own books that he told you he was going to the coffee shop in the bookstore to get a coffee. He got you your favorite drink. He had the barista give him a sharpie before they made your drink, then he wrote his message to you and bought you the drink when the order was done. You could see Sam was shaking and fidgeting but you couldn’t tell why.You figured you’d let him tell you when he’s ready. If only you know. You were only a few sips into your drink when you noticed some writing on the cup. Curious, you read the message which read; 
(Y/n), I have loved you from the best of times to the worst. Would you do the honor of going on a date with me?
You sat up, a bit stunned. You looked at Sam to see him smiling shyly at you. You couldn’t do much but giggle and nod at the giant softie. 
M arriage- Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Marriage is something Sam and you have talked a lot about it. You two know you definitely want to get married but the question was when. You want to do it sooner rather than later. While Sam agrees, he also feels like that it should be a sign of both of you leaving life for good. Sam is a very nostalgic person, which means he’ll most likely recreate him asking you out and your first date. At the end of the night he’d get down on one knee and before he gets to say one word you burst into tears. When he finishes his speech, you of course say yes and the night continues...elsewhere. 
N icknames- What do they call their s/o?
Sugar is used more often than not. Baby and babygirl are pretty prevalent. Honey Bunch is used less but when he does call you that usually puppy dog eyes are shortly behind. 
O n Cloud Nine- What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
When Sam is in love it’s less obvious to everyone, but if they know Sam, they’ll notice the little things. Things like Sam now has permanent smile lines and his shoulders don’t hold so much tension anymore. If you didn’t come on a hunt with him and Dean he always has Dean stop off to get a bouquet of flowers. Of course he gets shit from Dean but he still does it everytime cause he is a good big brother.
P DA- Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
While Sam will let anyone know that you’re together (if need be), he’s pretty subtle about it. There is the subtle hand on your thigh or around your waist. Maybe a little quick forehead kiss but other than that unless they knew you, someone wouldn’t be able to guess you two are together. 
Q uirk- Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
Sam has this really deep, rich, raspy type of voice. That makes him the BEST narrator ever! He often reads you to sleep when you two spend a lazy night in or if you have a nightmare. He’s there with a book you’ve been reading and he reads you a chapter or two before you’re out like a light. 
R omance- How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Sam is the KING of romance. When he plans something for you, he goes all out! When it comes to making you happy, he’ll do whatever it takes. There are almost no limits to his love. He lives by the term “Happy Wife, Happy Life.”. Sam is pretty nostalgic so he’ll be cliche, but he’ll be creative and add his own twist to it! So you could say he’s pretty creative. 
S upport- Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Sam loves learning about your goals and helping you achieve them. If you have 5 different goals, he's all there for you, helping you learn ways to achieve them quicker. If you want to. If you feel like those goals are impossible to reach, he’s there to help you see nothing’s impossible.
T hrill- Do they need to try out new things to spice up your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
While Sam likes to have a solid routine, he tries to keep things *spicy* when it comes to your relationship. Whether it's something mundane or outrageous, you and Sam try your best to keep things fun for the both of you. 
U nderstanding- How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
You and Sam know each other so well it's gotten to the point where if you or him need something, you know what’s needed and how much before the other even opened their mouth. When this happens, Dean just kinda stares at the both of you with a “what the actual fuck?’ look. 
Sam: *sees you walking into the kitchen* Hey babe we-
Y/N: We need to get some milk today. You wanna leave at 11?
Sam: *goes back to drinking his coffee* Yep.
Dean: *freaking the fuck out*
V alue- How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Sam knew from the first date that his life would be in your hands. He trusts you with everything he has. What’s your relationship worth to him? More than any diamonds, jewels, or power. Nothing can ever be worth more than you. 
W ild Card-  A random Fluff Headcanon.
Sam took you to an event at a bar one night for a date. The theme that night was ‘50’s and 60’s dance night!’ He bought you a dress that would be worn in that era and he wore his brand new tux he bought, just for tonight. Just for you. Your feet were screaming in your heels but you and Sam were having too much fun to leave the dance floor. When you guys got home that night Sam gave you the BEST foot rub ever. 
X OXO- Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
In private, Sam will smother you with kisses and cuddles. The man can almost never let you go. The poor touch starved baby.
Y earning- How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Sam likes to log in to your Spotify, he knows most likely wherever you are, you’re listening to your music. He likes to listen to your playlists with you. It makes him feel closer to you. 
(He’ll never admit it but you have better taste in music than him.) 
Z eal- Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
It’ll be a close call but if he had to choose to save Dean or you, he’d choose you. It’d break him for a while, but he knows his brother wants him to have the apple pie life with you. And in the end, he’d always do it. No matter how hard it’d be for him and you every time, he wouldn’t change a thing. 
A/N: Thank you guys for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. Requests are always open!
Spread Love!
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haifengg · 3 years
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?) Lucas can’t really go without affection. He needs a smooch at least before he leaves the house or when he says goodbye on dates. He wants to be reminded that their S/O loves him and that he loves them. It’s as easy as this.
B = Before (What were they like when they had a crush?) Dude would try to impress. With bad jokes. With flexing his guns. He would always ask his crush if they want to come with him and the guys to do whatever. And if they agree he wouldn’t really be able to hide his excitement. It would light a spark of pure joy in his eyes. It would be very obvious really.
C = Confession (What was their confession like?) Regardless of his looks and height Lucas still is a very childish man and he’s not that old either. I would honestly go that far and say that during his life he wasn’t the one confessing often. He usually got confessed to. So when it is actually his turn he would probably get all shy around his crush and he maybe asked Kun for advice as well on how to tell them and what to say since he is not the very best with words.
D = Date (What was the first official date they went on?) I am guessing something cheesy. Lucas may or may not be a romantic person but being all nervous about fulfilling expectations and doing a solid job he would take their S/O out to go an amusement park. He is a child really and his sometimes subtle playfulness is probably what attracts his S/O to him as well.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) Please don’t come for me on this one but I recon he would choose a text. As I mentioned in section C = Confession I imagine him being this popular kid in school everyone had a crush on at least once a week. (We’ve all seen the pics he’s adorable.) That being said he maybe got too used to dumping people interested in him. I won’t say it is the same with his S/O as it was with high school sweethearts but he might just fall back into old patterns due to convenience. Breaking up would still hurt him and still be difficult.
F = Fights (What would fights look like? What are things that upset them?) Honestly: Fights with Lucas would be a pain mainly because he doesn’t see where he’s wrong or what the issue exactly is. He is a very loyal person once fully committed but maybe not the most understanding one.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?) His emotional way is very gentle. His physical way in terms of hugs and holding hands is too. Simple mind - Simple showings off affection other things we don’t discuss here it is SWF, please
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) Just like Johnny his arms are insanely long and wrapping them tightly around his S/O is just way to nice to not do it constantly.
I = Intimacy (What is their favorite form of intimacy? Do they have problems with it?) He knows why he’s in SM. He got casted off the streets for his looks. He also really radiates the vibes of only being there for the fun and the people only. Lucas is very confident in the way he looks and he is aware of how many thousand people find him insanely attractive. I am pretty sure there are close to no problems when it comes to intimacy but that is something very personal because we know that everyone has at least one issue with themselves which we sometimes could never tell.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?) He gets jealous. Not much but he does in general. I am not sure how exactly that would display or how he would show it but overall: Yes he does.
K = Kisses (Are they a good kisser? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?) I hope he is. Okay no honestly, hear me out lmao. Lucas ... is either very excellent at kissing or he isn’t. I just look at him and I really hope he is because that would be so grate and elevate him one step closer to being the complete package. He meets the height requirements. He has the hands to hold his S/O. He surely has the lips as well. Which is also where they like to kiss/be kissed the most.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?) Lucas is the perfect personality type for getting along well with kids. He is goofy enough to play around with them and fun and fool but he is also calm enough to not out-child them and keep an eye on them. He is guiding their playfulness in a way only a few people can.
M = Messages (How often do they text his S/O?) He texts them A LOT when he’s bored. During practice or some random meeting he would get distracted by his phone and text them about how bored he is. Also he would often take pictures or snaps of stupid little things he wants to show them but they’re not around. Speaking of SnapChat: Filters.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?) Nights out in clubs are hot and fun. Nights out in bars (if they are dates) are hot. Nights out in movie theatre would be so much fun. He would totally get this slushies that turn your tongue in different Colors but would also hold his S/O during scary parts of the movie even though he’s scared himself. Acting all tough
O = Opinion (Would they ask for their S/O’s opinion a lot? How important is it in terms of decisions?) He would ask for their opinion but mainly because he thinks he has to or that they would want to be ask. If it’s about his personal matters. When it comes to mutual decisions it’s different because well of course he asks for his S/O opinion. What they say matters to him and he wants both of them to be comfortable. So when they say that sofa is ugly - it’s ugly.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?) Getting on his nerves is quite hard I assume. He probably would be the one getting on his S/O’s nerves (most of the time by accident tho.) If it’s something about them that actually bothers him he will be patient and ask them to maybe change that behaviour for a long time before actually admitting how much it is bothering him and eventually raising his voice.
Q = Quizzes (How does a bar trivia night teamed up with them look like?) A complete mess. Lucas once admitted he is not the smartest one and I adore people who are aware of that and own it in their own way. He would still try his best to not let his S/O and maybe other teammates down. BUT he is still an important part of the team: The one who chugs everything for the sake of the cause. IDK I just see him being able to drink a lot. He radiates this frat boy energy help
R = Remember (How much do they remember about their S/O or their relaitonship in general?) Lucas does his best but he is forgetting a lot. He writes it down in his phone. For example there could be a list for his S/O's family member’s birthdays and all their important anniversaries. He may still forget them tho. When it comes to memory Lucas knows it’s not his forté but he is trying hard.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?) He is maybe one of the most protective boyfriends you will find in whole NCT. He shields his S/O from wind or rain, he corners them in crowded subways. He flags and gets in cabs first. He will shove between his S/O and other guys dancing at clubs casually so they don’t notice. He will tell people to fo k off if they are obviously bothering his S/O. He does it all.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?) He might be sloppy with everyday chores but he will rather often take his S/O on spontaneous coffee dates or bring home take out aka steal something from the dorm Kun cooked.
U = Unique (What makes them unique as a S/O?) What makes Lucas unique as a S/O is definitely his awareness of his ... stupidity? Now I can see people coming for me for saying this but he once said he is not very smart and he is probably correct about that. His abilities lay more in the practical and emotional/empathic area. So what makes him special is is ability to pull his S/O’s guard down. If they come home from work super stressed he will put their mind at ease by simply talking to them about not so heavy or challenging topic. He will be their save heaven. A place where they don’t need to pretend or to impress. Lucas loves his S/O 190% for their character or quirks and maybe even for their intellect as well but he doesn’t compete with it and is real about himself.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) SO. MUHC. He has sloppy days tho but they will mostly never catch him with greasy hair or anything. And also he is in shape and plans to stay that way.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without their S/O?) He would. If he is not with them for a long time he can feel how he is losing his inner center or balance. Lucas would be fine on his own but honestly exactly just fine.
X = X-Ray (How transparent are they?) Lucas is an open book. He can’t hide anything and he is so easy to fool on like April 1st or some prank they want to play on him. If he’s feeling down they’ll see it. If he’s happy they’ll know it. if he truly loves them it will be on the local news.
Y = Yuck (Everyone has flaws. What is theirs?) Bruh okay. Well. He leaves his underwear everywhere. Or his socks. and he leaves the toilet seat up.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?) Being asleep he grabs everything and pulls it in close. There is no escape. And I feel like he will wander towards the mid of the bed so if their S/O is avoiding being hold custody they will have no where to go but the sofa or wake him up.
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@jeonghanmoon @kpopsnowball @pocky-otp @himitsu-luna @soleilsuhh @dundun-baby
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22 in 2022
**ANNOTATED FOR A MIDYEAR UPDATE** (not me, meaning to do this for like two months as a Check In On How It’s Going™)
Rules! Choose 22 books you want to read or goals you want to achieve in  2022. That’s it! It can be a mix of books and goals, or 22 books, or 22 goals…. it’s up to you. Then tag some friends to play along.  
Tagged by @sixofravens-reads. Thanks!! I’ve got a mix of Goals, Preorders I Wanna Read Close To Release Date (#8-13, not in release order), Backlist I Can See That I Keep Meaning To Read Soon (14-20), and Rereads That I Deserve Because I Deserve Joy* (21-22)
1. I would really super like to stick to the “read five books and you’re allowed to buy one (1)” thing, not including Writing Victory Books (or preorders). I’m hoping this’ll help me clear out backlog TBR.
oh this one’s Absolutely Failing Horribly, i’ll try again XD
2. I want to cycle through my Lit Fic box and actually. Read some of that backlog. (It’s harder for me to remember to bump them up my TBR when they’re all boxed up lol. I just need to cycle through them. Regularly.)
another Horrible Fail. i may or may not try again XD
3. Flip the TBR and Recently Read books through boxes more regularly also, for some Variety.
yikes. are you sensing a Pattern?? scuttles off the blog to pretend i’m cycling books
4. Get back into taking book pictures!! I really enjoy it, I just...haven’t been doing it....
hey i’ve done some of this!! not as much as i wanted to, but some!!
5. I want to find a couple more writing/craft-adjacent books and notes my way through those between writing projects. (I did Craft in the Real World and Meander, Spiral, Explode last year, and it was delightful!)
OH I’M WINNING!! okay so A Swim in the Pond in the Rain was actually delightful, and I got my hands on a copy of Steering the Craft by Ursula K. Le Guin that I’m stoked for, and on my way to me currently is The 10% Solution by Ken Rand. Nice!!
6. Actually intentionally read non-fic while working on writing projects.
i did pretty good at this while i was working through rell! i haven’t quite gotten there for driscoll yet, but i have curated a short stack by my bed, so that’s cool. Braiding Sweetgrass and The Kingdom of Rye and Against Memoir are toward the top of said stack, and there’s an architecture book in there too!
7. Find a balance of knitting and reading.
lol balance whomst?? i don’t know her. (i do suspect this goes in Waves for me--i did a bunch of frantic knitting recently, and then a bunch of frantic reading. i do not control the hyperfocus, but, hey: i’m both knitting and reading so that counts for something?)
**okay these next ones i’m just striking through if i’ve read them!**
8. Nona the Ninth - Tamsyn Muir (steph--same hat!!)
9. Gallant - V. E. Schwab (same hat!!)
10. Seasonal Fears - Seanan McGuire (same hat!!)
11. Alone Out Here - Riley Redgate
12. Portrait of a Thief - Grace D. Li
13. These Prisoning Hills - Christopher Rowe
14. The Once and Future Witches - Alix E. Harrow
15. The Chosen and the Beautiful - Nghi Vo
16. The Chronicles of the Bitch Queen series - K. S. Villoso
17. Docile - K. M. Szpara
18. Animorphs #1 and #2 Graphic Novels - K. A. Applegate and Chris Grine
19. Finally finish Avian Flight by John J. Videler to get it off my Goodreads
20. (Maybe get crazy and also finish Africa: A Biography for the same reason?)
21. MURDERBOT REREAD - Martha Wells (I deserve nice things)
22. Reread Gideon and Harrow (as Nona prep!!) - Tamsyn Muir
Tagging (only if interested, no pressure if not!): @asexualbookbird, @thebacklistbook, and @gaywinemommarianhawke
*(Joy may or may not present as suffering but please they’re BOTH SUCH GOOD SERIES!!!)
overall i’m doing pretty good, i think! i’m considering scratching PORTRAIT and CHOSEN off the immediate TBR and reading those closer in line with writing projects that i know i’m not getting back to this year (alicia and lrrh, respectively). i also have no clue if i’ll be able to get to bitch queen by the end of the year because it’s a Chonky Series all lined up together, but i feel good about the rest!! this was fun!!
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vulpes-z3rda · 4 years
SFW Alphabet ~ Bakugou
a/n: i have a few things in my drafts that just need editing before i publish them and then i should have a bit more consistent upload schedule, i just have college starting again soon so i’ll have to balance it!
for now though, i hope you enjoy this! yes i am moving my wattpad content over here dont @ me shush
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
For starters, we all know he isn't the most... in touch with his emotions. But he's more than ready to show whatever emotions he has to for you. I mean, he doesn't just cuddle anyone when they seriously need it.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Well, you probably beat his ass somehow in some training activity Aizawa set. Or you stood up to him when you were younger to protect Midoriya. Whatever it is you did, it made him appreciate you so much more. Also, he'd basically be like your little bodyguard or guard dog so take advantage of it. He would never admit to any of this by the way.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
I mean... of fucking course he does!!! It's not like he'll go out of his way every time to do it with you, but when he's up for it, he won't want to let you go.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He never really imagined himself settling down with anyone ever. Of course, his mind changed when you can into his life. You're the first person to ever make him question what he wants his future to be like. The bonus to having him as your boyfriend is that he's an amazing chef and he cleans very well and often.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He'd be very reluctant to do it in all honesty. This is Bakugou we're talking about, he doesn't do anything without putting up a fight. Unless he has to do it to protect you... that's really the only way he'd ever let you go.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Well, the subject of commitment is very new to him. What, with him being emotionally constipated or whatever... but he'd probably ask you to marry him after a couple of years of dating.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Let's get real here, he isn't known for being gentle with anyone so why would he be gentle on you? However, he can be a big softie on a rare occasion or when he's drunk.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He's not that much of a hugger unless you really really need one. Honestly, he's surprisingly good at comforting people once he himself has opened up to them. So expect a lot of bear, comfort hugs from this man right here.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It took him a few months. Listen, he's not used to showing how he feels to people so openly, so when he did, he was a shy b o i.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?)
Well... most people think it's concerning how easily jealous he gets, but you find it adorable. The worst he gets is using his quirk on them, but usually he just verbally threatens them. Like I've said before, he refuses to let you go.. he loves you too much for that.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
They're kind of steamy and passionate. Every now and then, they're just soft and loving. He kisses you on the lips and neck normally and you love that as well as forehead kisses.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
We all know he's angry towards children or anyone for that matter. But his own brats? Well, his personality does a complete 180. It scares you honestly, but you wouldn't have it any other way.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
You both cuddle for a bit when you wake up before actually getting out of bed. It's a slow start to the day for you both that involves lots of love and hugs and kisses to wake up.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
This is easy, you do some things that aren't PG and things that are very fluffy and soft. It's not abnormal for a friend or a family member to come over and see you both cuddled up, under a blanket with a movie on the tv.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
A couple of months into the relationship, he starts opening up a lot more to you. It comes in drabbles, but eventually, you get the bigger picture of Bakugou. After a year or so, you have every piece to the puzzle that you need to see the picture it holds.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Very easily. He has a short fuse so if you push him too much, he'll snap and yell at you. I promise he doesn't mean it, angers just something he's never been able to completely control.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He remembers a lot actually! He may be shit with remembering people's names, but when it comes to you he finds it hard to forget anything. The little things and the big things, he knows everything you've ever told him.
R = Remember (What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
I'd say when you went in your first date together. He's never been so happy in his life to be with "his nerd" as he called you. But seriously, he loved it and although he might never say it out loud, he appreciates that you gave him that chance
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
I'm just gonna put it out there... he's very protective of you okay? Like, he saw one guy look at you wrong and the next thing you know he's over there telling him to fucking watch what he's doing. He just really loves you and doesn't want to see you hurt ever. Trust me, he goes off on one of you get hurt during training to the point were you have to be completely hidden from him during it.
He doesn't like being protected as much but if you do, he wouldn't really mind it and appreciates that you'd help him in a time when he's in danger or vulnerable.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He plans it really well actually. He takes you to nice places and simple ones just as much as each other, he gets you trinkets that he knows you'll love and big gifts on occasions
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
When he gets really angry, he uses his quirk and destroys something in the house. You're slowly growing used to it but it still annoys you because "OI!! I PAID GOOD MONEY FOR THAT POP ROCKS!!"
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
I'd say he's moderately concerned about how he looks. He gets beauty sleep still and even goes as far as to book spa retreats for you both under the excuse that he wants to see you relax. We all know it's because he likes the facial treatments they use... we all know that Bakugou. There's no hiding it.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Omg... this pomeranian right here would be l o s t without you. You finally helped him realise his feelings and understand them and now you're just gone? Hell no. He'd slowly break in confusion but pretend like nothings effecting him
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He's a sucker for playing stupid board games with you. You make it, he'll play it. It doesn't matter what the context of the game is or the rules, he'll play and he'll win.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?)
He doesn't like it when his s/o talks down on themselves or gives up without a fight. I mean, he's gotten over a lot in life to get to where he is, so he wants someone similar to him in that sense. Sure he understand you'll have that odd day or time period, but if it's all the time it begins to annoy him.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
He mumbles his well known phrases in his sleep. So you'll be sleeping peacefully and then the quietest "die" you've ever heard will just come from him. It's super cute surprisingly!! Every now and then he'll mumble an "I love you"
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hermit-pistol · 4 years
Guido Mista Fluff Alphabet:
Okay Mista fans, here’s your food. Only one more alphabet and this series will be one! Make sure to show love and read under the cut!
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Mista has a super adventurous personality and this also shows in the activities that you two take part in. He always likes to do things that others would usually think of as silly, like going to the zoo. But! He always finds a way to make it entertaining and unforgettable. (Who wants to hold the baby kangarooooo)
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
He loves your laugh, and whenever he gets to hear it, it feels like the best reward for him. While he may have flirted with his fair share of girls in the past, looks aren't most important to him. In order to get you rolling around on the floor, he'll have to pull out the big guns, of course. Sometimes he'll tag team with Narancia to pull pranks just to get a rise out of you.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Mista absolutely hates when you're sad because that also makes him feel sad. When he sees you sulking on the couch, he joins you, wrapping his large arms around you. He'll keep asking you why you're sad while sticking out his lower lip, (which was absolutely lethal for you). Soon after, you forgot why you were down in the dumps, which was Mista's main goal the whole time.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
He's a romantic, so he's always thinking about the future and what it will bring in regards to his love life. Within a few years of dating, he'll already want to move in and get a dog. Maybe two dogs, who knows. He sees marriage, children, grandchildren...all of it.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Mista can be pretty stubborn in certain situations. He will make the plans for dates and activities that the two of you can enjoy. He'll always ask you for your input, of course. Overall, the balance of power in the relationship is equal.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Mista can be a little childish when disagreements are involved. There's a possibility that he'll use humor to get out of a sticky situation, but don't let him get away with this all the time. If he's in the wrong let him know, or else things can get blown out of proportion easily.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Mista thanks you for the companionship and happiness that you've brought into his life. You are the longest relationship that he's had in quite some time given his current line of work, and he loves that you have the patience to stick around with him. Even though his stand keeps him company most of the time, he's glad to share time with another human.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Mista is very honest with you. Whether it be where he's going on a mission (sometimes, Bruno yells at him for telling you this), or telling you about his past before joining the organization, he's very transparent with you. You appreciate this, and make sure that you do the same. Hardly any secrets are kept between you.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Like R mentions 👀, you inspire him to keep himself clean. Of course, a normal person would want to keep up with appearances but Mista is a very special guy.... While he was cheerful before the relationship he's over the moon when he sees you and prioritizes your time together.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Mista will be quiet, which is very uncharacteristic of him. His stand will always manifest and say whatever he’s thinking, probably along the lines of taunting and verbally harassing the person you’re talking to before they eventually grow frustrated and walk away. The Pistols would cheer, celebrating their victory.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Mista's kisses are very eager and wanting. In addition, he doesn't care who's around and has absolutely no problem with kissing in public. Even if you blush and get embarrassed this only give him another reason to hold you tighter and go to town. Prepare yourself... 😳
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
Mista will literally confess to you on the street. The first time he tells you that he loves you is actually in casual conversation. You had to do a double take, and he merely shrugged in response. It would take some getting used to, but you were elated that he felt the same as you!
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
He'll want to get married after his time in Passione is over, or at least has settled down to where he can live comfortably with you. The ceremony will be small, with only a few family members attending. Even if you haven't yet upgraded to a larger living space, he'll want to start a family right away. If you decide you're not ready you remind him that the Pistols are already his children.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
Every name invented is fair game. He loves using stupid niche names too that come up after a few months of dating. Examples include but are not limited to: "green bean", "lil mami", and "bicycle crusher" (the last refers to your thighs in a related incident).
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
He tells the gang that he's crushing on someone all the time, so when he first reveals that he's in love they really don't believe him at first. Although he "always says that", it's the Pistols that escalate the situation even further. Whenever you're along with him they'll come out and start egging him on with kissy noises and the like. He'll turn as red as a tomato when you grant him his wish.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Mista LOVES to show you off in public, and he loves watching the reactions of the passerby as he has an arm slung around your waist traveling dangerously close to your butt. It drives him nuts that out of all of the guys in Italy you chose him, and now that you two are a couple he wants to show the world.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
While many other guys may hate the concept of hugging, Mista loves it wholeheartedly. Whenever you're having a bad day, a good day, or are just walking around he won't hesitate to wrap his arms around you and smile. Sometimes the Pistols will even join in for a group hug! He's basically the hug king, and you're not opposed to that role.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Very romantic babey. Since he’s so smelly he would suggest taking a bath or shower with you. This will take some extreme confidence from both of you. Whether it becomes sexual or not, just being intimate in this way is so special to him.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
He believes in you like nobody's business. Also, he loves seeing when you follow through with your goals and sees your dreams coming to fruition! It's extremely exciting for him, and you love seeing his reactions to watching you succeed.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Mista loves the thrill that life and living provides. There's something new that arises every day you spend with him, and you never get bored. Loves booking hotel rooms for trips and the like and not telling you until the night before, which can be stressful yet cute.
U nderstanding - How well do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Mista is stupid but means well. Sometimes you can quiz him, and he'll still forget something as simple as your favorite food, or your favorite color. In time, he'll learn more about you and your emotions, but for now every time you tell him a fact about yourself he'll write it in his phone so he doesn't forget. 🥺
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Mista will be so cheesy about telling you how much you mean to him. -"How do I love thee? Let me count the ways...."- <-- If he pulls anything like this he usually givers you permission to slap him. You're one of the only partners that's stuck around with him for this long, and he's not planning on letting you go any time soon.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Mista insists that he should help around the house at times, and this means that he's going to help with the chores in any way that he can. You end up assigning him grocery shopping (a big mistake). He is so unorganized and claims that he doesn’t need a list to go off of, and this usually results in him buying whatever he wants. Watch him get all the way home and still manage to forget the milk and bread. Good thing he bought the family pack of ice cream sandwiches though.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
If you look up affectionate in the dictionary, there's a very good chance that you'll see Mista's name. He loves to cuddle with you and especially loves to nap with you because of the intimacy. Mista can nap anywhere, anytime, but he prefers falling asleep with you in his arms!
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Mista will be soooo needy when you are away, and so will the Pistols. When you have the free time between class or meetings he'll call you begging for you to come home with his six children screaming in the background. Eventually, it'll get to be too much and you have no choice but to come home, much to his delight. He'll never let you go.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Mista will definitely buy you presents if he has the money at hand. Expect lavish gifts like jewelry and clothes from him, whether it's a special occasion or not. If he could, he'd give you the world, but at times you have to remind him that you have more than enough and you don't need to be impressed by physical possessions.
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foilfreak · 3 years
BEAUTY AND HER BEAST: Chapter 9 (temporary 1-2 week hiatus being taken from his fic, click ao3 link and read end notes to find out why. I WILL BE COMING BACK!!!)
WARNING PLZ READ BEFORE CONTINUING: This fic is rated NSFW and contains graphic depictions of things some people may find disturbing or alarming, including, but not limited to: violence, gore, unhealthy family relationships, Oedipus complexes, gratuitous amount of pornographic literature, ableist language, physical, mental, and emotional abuse, etc. If you are someone who does not enjoy fiction with these elements in them, then I suggest you refrain from reading this, because this fic will have all that, and probably a lot more. So, this is your first and final warning to turn around and go somewhere else if stuff like this just isn't your vibe, because from this point forward, your emotional wellbeing is in your own hands, and I will not be accepting blame if you disregarded my warnings and ended up reading something you didn't like. Idk why I feel compelled to write one of these despite this being Resident Evil fanfic, but I figured I'd cover my ass just in case.
(AO3 link below)
Despite the shrill echo of Nadine’s terrified voice being something Salvatore has prepared himself for since before the young woman even arrived in the reservoir, the real thing was still somehow 100 times worse than he could have ever imagined it being.
Chaos followed as Salvatore frantically left his hiding spot, crawling across the floor as quickly as his mangled body would allow, as a loud crashing sound vibrates the whole room once Nadine’s body finally lands, quite uncomfortably I might add, on the hardwood of the floor. The sudden frantic and terrified swinging of her arms following Salvatore’s verbal slip knocked the poor woman off balance, sending her right back down to the floor for a second time.
Staring at the writhing figure of Nadine from the other corner across the room, Salvatore sniffles pitifully to himself as tears cascade down his face. Oh how appropriately cruel, that the universe wouldn’t even give Salvatore the decency of a proper meeting with Nadine, much less a chance at friendship and even less at anything past that. It makes perfect sense that this would be the way Nadine found out how disgusting and pathetic he is. Sitting alone in a dark and dingy room, watching old romance films because he has no one of his own to hold and love like the men in the movies do, and eating entire blocks of cheese all on his own, because nothing pairs with unending loneliness like the tang of sharp cheddar and the horrible stomach ache that follows it.
Putting his hands up to cover his face, a final effort to hide himself away from the beautiful woman’s gaze, Salvatore merely sat in his new corner, his shoulders shaking with sobs of agony and his body trembling in fear as Nadine’s gaze finally locked on to him, and him alone this time, in the dark silence of the room.
“H-Hey… are you alright? I’m sorry I yelled like that, I didn’t mean to startle you like that, but you suddenly spoke up out of nowhere and it scared me half to death” The soft voice from across the room asks, causing Salvatore to pause in his moment of self-loathing. Did… did she just ask him if he was alright? Wasn’t he the one who was supposed to ask her that?
“W-what…?” Salvatore chokes out, peering out slightly from behind the cover of his hood in confusion. The sight he’s met with is one that steals his breath away, much like the first time he laid eyes upon the stunning beauty this tiny woman held. However, unlike their “first” meeting, that took place back in Mother Miranda’s lab, this time there was no metal pod separating the two, Salvatore realized, as the sight of Nadine, slouched tiredly on the ground barely a few feet away from where he cowered in the corner, registered in the mutant man’s mind.
Next, of course, came her actual appearance. Black strands tousled messily across her forehead framed her round face and golden eyes perfectly. Her long white dress bunched up around her upper thighs, revealing the curves of her large, but muscular legs, that had previously been obscured by the material of her dress. Slouched shoulders and heavy breathing caused the material of Nadine’s nightgown to slowly inched its way down the front of her chest, not exposing her necessarily, but definitely revealing more and more of her lusciously plump breasts with every harsh up and down of her shoulders.
Tears continued to fall from Salvatore’s eyes even as saliva began to fill his mouth and his fear and self-loathing slowly gave way to the growing fire beginning to kindle in the pit of his stomach. The sound of his muffled sobs of anguish and arousal escaping from behind his hands causes Nadine’s face to immediately fall, agony replacing the previously wild look her face held.
“N… N-no. No no, please don’t cry. It’s alright. I-I-I’m not going to hurt you… I mean it… see… I don’t have any weapons on me” Nadine says hurriedly, standing up and doing a spin to show that nothing that could pose potential harm to Salvatore was hiding between the folds or frills of the thin garment. “See! Nothing to hide.”
Salvatore merely closed his tear soaked eyes and shook his head, the motion moving his whole body along with it. “Nooooooooooo… y-you d-don’t… under-s-stand…”
“What do you mean? What don’t I understand?” Nadine asked, kneeling back down to the ground, moving slightly closer to Salvatore than she was before, a terrifyingly genuine look of concern and worry etched into her beautiful features.
The mutant man fought back a wave of nausea and choked on a sob at the angelic sight. Hoards of hormones equating to despair and arousal battle within the hellish confines of Salvatore’s brain. The mutant man was filled with so many mixed emotions that he genuinely couldn’t tell if he wanted to tear himself apart until not a scrap of evidence of his existence remained, or if he wanted to just spring forward and consume the delectably dangerous morsel that sat so prettily before him, like an octopus latching itself upon the almighty great white shark as it just passes above their home, pulling the now helpless and unsuspecting predator down into the depths of a true monster’s domain.
“Hey, come on now. It sounds like you’re having a hard time breathing. Why don’t you come out of the corner where the air’s a little fresher, ya?” The young woman coaxes gently, moving ever so slightly closer to Salvatore as she speaks. The movement does not go unnoticed by the hooded man, nor does the way it pushes her dress even further up her already decently exposed thighs, but with little ability to stop Nadine’s incremental advances, Salvatore merely buries his face into his hands, blocking as much of his disgustingly bloated maw as he possibly could, even as the young woman attempted to change her angle to get a better look at him.
“P-p-please… jus-just stop!” Salvatore commands, suddenly filled with a wave of confidence that abandons him just as quickly as it arrived. “j-j-j… j-just… g-go… please…”
A light mist has become visible in the light reflecting off of Nadine’s eyes, the young woman looking truly saddened by the strange man’s utter rejection of her. Whether it was out of pity for Salvatore’s sake, or fear of her own impending isolation should the likes of Salvatore even reject her company, the hooded man could neither tell, nor did he really want to know.
“Well that’s not a very nice thing to say to someone trying to be your friend now is it? I might not look as normal as I used to but I’m not here to cause any trouble” Nadine scolds lightly, her voice strong, though even Salvatore can detect a slight wobble. “But… if you can give me a valid reason why I should leave, then… then I’ll do it, no questions asked.”
A valid reason? What other reason did she need than to get away from him?
Salvatore takes a moment to wipe away some of the tears that coated his face, slightly peeking out to look at the younger woman once again before speaking. “Y-you… you can’t… s-stay here… th-this place… it i-isn’t… isn’t g-good enough f-for you… it’s… i-its not w-worthy… I-i… I’m… n-not worthy… of you…”
Nadine shifts slightly closer once again, a pained look cut into her face like a raging storm cuts through large waves out in the open ocean. Her whole body was a sea of turbulent waters as she gingerly reached her hand forward, slowly but surely inching her way closer to Salvatore, until her wine dark fingers just barely brushed against the thick, rugged fabric of his overcoat.
Silence befell the two mutants, permeating the room with tension so thick and heavy Salvatore thought he might suffocate.
The cornered man could not bring himself to look up as Nadine’s delicate fingers gently latched on to the article of clothing covering his wretched and disgusting form. Salvatore shuddered as he prepared himself for what was inevitably to come once Nadine removed his overcoat: the biting cold of the surrounding area pinching and nipping at his thick, but sensitive flesh; another shrill shriek of fear and terror that would pierce him to his very core; the sound of Nadine, beautiful, gorgeous, perfect, immaculate Nadine, fleeing not just the underground tunnels that had lead her to discover this place, but also the reservoir, never to be seen again.
Salvatore wouldn’t blame her for this choice, of course. After all, it’s what he would do if he found himself trapped with a wretched creature as grotesque and pitiful as he himself was. Death wasn’t an option Salvatore had the luxury of entertaining, but he never blamed others if they chose it over him.
He would too, if he could.
Despite his earlier expectations, the hand on his coat never moves to take the garment off the trembling man, instead, moving to gently run along the side of Salvatore’s head, down his shoulders, before resting itself softly, but firmly, along the area of growths that covered the small of his back. After taking a moment to allow the violent trembling of Salvatore’s body, in response to the young woman’s gentle caresses, to calm down to something more manageable, Nadine slowly lifts her left hand and rests it on the opposite side of the hunched-over man’s head, yet she makes no move to try and take his cloak off or remove his face from his hands.
Stillness and silence return for a brief moment, almost as though Nadine were waiting for Salvatore to raise objection to her advances and stop her, as if he had the power or control to do anything but cower in the corner and cover his growing excitement in shame. With no explicit objections voiced, the hands resting gently around Salvatore began to slowly pull him toward Nadine’s body.
“Come here” Nadine’s soft, heavenly voice commands lightly, as Salvatore’s body does as instructed with no resistance whatsoever. A broken sob of humiliating arousal escapes the hooded man when he gently falls forward into Nadine’s lap, her arms quickly moving to wrap around and hold the hooded man against her soft, warm, and strong body.
“Shhhh, it’s alright. There’s no need to be so worked up. You have nothing to be afraid of, here” Nadine coos soothingly, as her hand gently caresses his thin, leather covered arm.
Salvatore cries pitifully as the painfully comforting words and actions make him want to vomit from overjoy. “Y-you… you d-dont unders-s-stand…” the hunched man weeps, his voice slightly muffled by his knees as he continues trying to hide his face by shoving it as far between his legs as he’s physically capable.
“What don’t I understand? Could you explain it to me?” Nadine asks, patiently holding the sobbing mess of a man firmly against herself as he collects himself enough to answer.
“I-it isn’t… you… th-that I f-fear…” Salvatore begins, trailing off as another wave of cold dread and fiery desire collide violently somewhere deep inside the hooded man’s chest.
“What is it that you’re afraid of then? If not... me?” The young woman’s angelic voice questioned, the slightly fearful and worried tone of her voice toward the end of her question, as if what Salvatore thought of her was even worth her precious time to worry about, made the mutant man’s stomach wretch sickeningly.
“I-I… I f-fear… oh god-” Salvatore began, before promptly shutting up and shoving Nadine as far away from him as he could from that angle, throwing himself to the floor, on his hands and knees, in the opposite direction just as a wave of acidic bile forces its way from the confines of the man’s mouth and out onto the floor in front of him. His own hideous reflection stares back at him in the growing puddle of stomach acid once he’s done.
A spiteful reminder from the universe of what he was and why he lived the way that he did.
Drunkenly reaching his hand forward to smear the vomit puddle around so he at least didn’t have to look at himself AND sit in his own filth while he gathered the energy to get up and wash off in the lake, Salvatore missed the way Nadine’s eyes narrowed in confusion at the man’s clumsy movements, before suddenly widening as she realized what the hooded man was doing.
“No, wait! Don’t touch that, it’ll only make you feel worse if you fiddle around with that nasty stuff” Nadine says hurriedly, as she rushes forward to take Salvatore’s moving hand in her own and presses it firmly against her bosom to prevent the man from playing around in his own throw up. She gasps in shock and her grip tightens around Salvatore’s hand, as though she’d suddenly remembered something important she’d forgotten about and Salvatore’s hand had brought it back to her conscious mind, before shaking her head and pulling herself from her thoughts.
“Oh, you poor thing! Here, let me wipe your face for you, and try to take deeper, slower breaths while you’re at it. You’ve managed to work yourself into such a panic that it's no wonder you’re throwing up all over yourself.”
The room is spinning far too fast and in far too many different directions for Salvatore to really be sure what’s going on, however the feeling of Nadine’s skin pressed against his own as she tenderly raised the edge of her pristine white dress to wipe away the lines of green acidic bile that had been left on Salvatore’s lip, was a sensation of euphoria unlike anything the hooded man has ever felt before in his entire life.
Not even Mother Miranda’s own embrace felt quite as… ‘brutal’ wasn’t the appropriate word to use based on its true definition, but in that instance it's the only word that Salvatore can think of to describe how intense everything around him, Nadine especially, feels at the present moment. Her touch, her scent, her warmth, her weight, her firm grip around him, the constant rhythmic thrum of her heart beat against his cold, bony hand, all of it was so intensely brutal that it was a wonder how the combined effect didn’t beat him into the floor. It was too much for Salvatore to handle all at once, and yet he knew that if the kind angel sitting next to him retracted so much as a single one of those sensations, he’d lose himself to insanity like careless swimmers lose themselves to sudden rapid currents.
Salvatore threw up 3 more times before his stomach finally allowed him the relief the hooded man had desperately been craving. The floor was an absolute mess by this point, but thanks to Nadine, who’d managed to keep his upper body upright the whole time, Salvatore hadn’t made nearly as much of a mess of himself as he normally did, though that still didn’t fix the primary problem that had resulted in all that vomiting.
“There we go. That must feel a lot better, huh?” Nadine asks calmly, pulling Salvatore in to rest against her chest once again, his face still turned downward and away in avoidance.
Although Salvatore does not grace her question with a response, the hooded man has long since given up trying to get away from the young woman, at this point just allowing her to move him however she pleased, taking in as much of her kindness and affection as he possibly could, before she inevitably hightails it out of here, of course. It was only a matter of time, at this rate.
“You know… you’re a lot bigger than I expected you to be” comes a sudden declaration from Nadine, breaking the silence that had permeated throughout the room and immediately pulling Salvatore from his dejected whimpering.
“I mean… I suppose I should have expected that, especially since most middle schoolers are taller than me, nowadays” the young woman continues with a lighthearted chuckle, “but you looked so small and stump-like from all the way up in that stupid pod that I couldn’t help but be a little surprised when I felt you had arms and legs. You could have very well had a snake for a body for all I knew and I still don’t think I’d have been as surprised, though this huge coat you're wearing certainly doesn’t make getting a good look at you very easy.”
“Th… that’s th-the point…” Salvatore mumbles, though seemingly more to himself than anyone else.
“Really? And why is that?” Nadine asks curiously, clearly having heard the older man’s muttering.
“I-if… if you k-knew me… you’d know… th-the answer to that q-question” Salvatore replies sadly, fresh tears beginning to prickle along his lower lid, threatening to spill over as the depressing reality of his meaningless existence makes itself more than obvious.
He was a filthy monster who deserved to spend the rest of his life alone and miserable, because why would something as unholy as him ever be worthy of anything else?
“Oh, now I don’t think that’s true at all. After all, I’d like to think I know you pretty well, and I still want to see what you look like” Nadine counters, her words shocking Salvatore beyond belief.
She… knew him? How? When? In what ways? What?
The only other time they’ve ever interacted was back in Mother Miranda’s laboratory. While the hooded man supposed his gifts could be aiding in Nadine’s surprisingly positive impression of him, he hesitated to call receiving a dress and a necklace from a random stranger “knowing” someone. How on earth could she say she knew him when, for all intents and purposes, they’ve only just met?
“B-b-but… h-how… how d-do you k-know… m-me? Y-you have… t-trouble… seeing… d-dont you? D-did… did y-you see me… b-back in the l-lab?” Salvatore asks, tears belonging to an unspecified emotion once again beginning to fall as a hand moves to gently grasp at the bones lining the top of his hood.
“Unfortunately no, I wasn’t able to get a good look at you before, hence why I was trying so hard to catch a glimpse of you earlier. You are, however, right in the assumption about my eyesight. I have severely impaired vision, yes, but it's manageable with a strong enough prescription; not that I see myself getting to an eye doctor anytime soon for a new pair of contacts. But even without my contact lenses, I can still make out general movements, as well as general shapes and colors, pretty easily from far away, it's just fine details from a distance and darkness that give me the most trouble. My vision is actually perfectly normal so long as whatever I’m looking at is within a few feet of me. If I looked down right now, I’d probably be able to see your face normally. Do you hide your face away from everyone around here?” the young woman asks curiously, gently pulling the dark fabric of the hood back, slowly revealing Salvatore’s face to the dim light of the room, even as her gaze remained locked on the wall behind them.
“N-not… e-everyone… th-there’s a f-few… who… who I sh-show my f-face to… regularly” Salvatore chokes.
Really?” Nadine asks, “like who?”
“M-my… siblings.”
“Oh, so you’re not the only one around here then? Are your siblings here in the reservoir?”
“N-no… th-they live… in o-other places… of th-their own… a-around the v-village.”
“Wow, so there is more of this place to explore, then!” Nadine states excitedly. “I’d love to get out and see more of the area for myself at some point, though I doubt that’s very wise given the amount of howling I’ve heard the past few nights and the fact I don’t know my way around this area... though, even if I did, that memory is probably long gone along with the fucking rest of them… not that I would have wanted to hold onto them anyways, I don’t think.”
Salvatore’s attention is caught by the last bit of Nadine’s statement, confusion filling him over what the younger woman could possibly mean by what she’d just said. “‘G-gone along w-with the rest o-of them?’... W-what… d-does that… what d-do you m-mean?”
Nadine remains silent for a moment as she continues to absentmindedly stroke the side of Salvatore’s head, the hooded man unable to tell what she could possibly be feeling right now without risking exposing his face to her.
Thankfully, Nadine resumes speaking before Salvatore loses patience and gets too risky. “My memory of the life I had before waking up in that damn pod is foggy at absolute best, but I don’t need my memories to know that I wasn’t very happy with my previous life and that I was actively trying to get away from it somehow. What exactly was I even running from and where was I going? Who knows, and frankly I don’t care to relearn it either. I do think it's quite funny that you were talking about me needing to go somewhere else because this place isn’t good enough for me though, because honestly, even if I could somehow get the hell out of here, it's not like I’d have anywhere else to go. Getting away from the shitty life I had before is probably how I ended up here to begin with, though if I’d known this was how things would end up I might have reconsidered throwing it all away so suddenly.”
Had it not been for Mother Miranda being there for him throughout the years, Salvatore would probably think much the same way as Nadine about the whole situation, but having Mother meant he always had a purpose and a goal to work towards, so it didn’t matter that Salvatore couldn’t return to his old life. What shocked the deformed man the most however, was the fact that Nadine appeared to not only already accept the fact that she couldn’t go back to her former life, but seemed to actively be searching for something, anything new to try and fill the void that had been left behind by the life she’d, more or less, willingly gave away to come up here.
Could… could this mean…?
“Thankfully my ability to make new memories doesn’t seem to have been fucked up at all, which I’m quite happy about since I'll be needing to make a lot to fill in the empty spaces in my brain. We met for the first time in the underground laboratory I was being kept in, though I suppose it was less ‘meeting’ and more ‘seeing’ for the first time, but… still. I don’t know why you were there, or who was with you at the time, but I remember waking up just before you were about to leave. There were a couple others who’d come, before you, to look at me and a couple others for some reason, but you were the one who stuck out the most, to me. You were… special!”
Shock and dumbfounded awe nearly choke the life right out of Salvatore. He could barely comprehend a single word the young woman was saying to him, yet he clung to every heavenly syllable she uttered like they were the foundations of the word of god itself. The pain and agony he normally felt due to his cadou mutations momentarily paused, slowly weaning from its usual constant thrum to a dull numbness that felt surprisingly euphoric in all it’s nothingness.
“S-special? Me?” Salvatore breathed, almost unable to believe the words, even as Nadine hummed in affirmation of their truth. “B-but… how…?”
The giddy chuckle Salvatore’s mundane question pulled from Nadine shook the deformed man to his very core. Her girlish laughter rattles violently around inside the deformed man’s head, playing the sweet, holy tune over and over again, like a broken record that Salvatore would happily go insane listening to for the rest of eternity if he could.
“Isn’t it obvious? I’d have assumed you knew exactly what you were doing with how sweetly you talked back there, why it's almost criminal how suavely you stroked and tugged at the strings of my delicate heart. All the others were so rude, boring, and/or annoying that I thought I might die if I ended up stuck with one of them, but then you came in and swept me right off my feet. It was like nothing else I’ve ever felt before and immediately told me that you weren’t like all the others, you were a kind man and if I ever ran into you I could tell I’d be able to trust you…” Nadine trails off for a moment. “When I learned that we were being moved out of containment and onto our “permanent homes”, I hoped and prayed that I’d be lucky enough to end up wherever you were, but I didn’t want to get too excited until I found out for certain.”
“Th-then how did y-you know… it-it was me?”
“How could I possibly not? You set yourself apart from all the others right out of the gate. I'm honestly shocked you don’t remember it yourself. But there's not a single doubt in my mind that I know exactly who you are… er- well, I suppose a more appropriate way of putting that would be “I know exactly who you are to me”, not that what other people say or think has ever really been something I’ve taken with more than a grain of salt” Nadine giggle beautifully, smiling kindly as she cradled Salvatore’s hoodless, tear soaked face against her, like he were the most precious thing she’d ever laid eyes upon and wanted to hold and protect him until the end of time.
Unable to look away any longer, Salvatore allows his head to rise from his knees until it settles upon the face of the woman currently cradling him in her arms. Her gaze remained turned away from Salvatore for a moment, though for some reason the hooded man had a feeling that it was more out of respect for him and his boundaries than a lack of desire to see his face.
What a strange thing, to be treated with more kindness, love, and respect from a complete stranger than from the majority of people you interact with.
Salvatore wanted to cry when Nadine’s golden eyes finally lowered to him, her face slowly shifting downwards until their noses were little more than an inch apart from one another, though whether his tears were from agony or ecstasy, even he couldn’t properly tell at the present moment. Only one question was on his mind and the deformed man would stop at nothing until he got an answer for it.
“W-who… who am I-I… t-to y-you?” Salvatore asks, his voice barely above a whisper as he forces himself to stare directly into the endless pool of honey yellow swirling around in her irises, wanting-no… needing to know, to see with his own two eyes, what exactly he was to this woman, and whether that answer would spell endless disaster for him and his deep seeded desires, or be the key that unlocks a world of possibilities almost as endless as the spheres of gold that Salvatore finds himself unable, or rather unwilling, to tear his gaze from, lest this be the first, and last time he ever be blessed enough to see them from this close.
A long moment of silence passes as Nadine returns Salvatores gaze, the fondness of her expression only growing as she lowers her forehead to rest against his, a soft, almost breathlessly enamored expression that he’d only seen on black and white screens cast toward men eons more pleasant to look at than he was, slowly spread across her perfect face as she finally answers Salvatore’s question.
“You’re the lovely man who held my hand!”
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whump-tr0pes · 4 years
Honor Bound 4 - The Final Chapter
This is a series. Start here, continued from here.
This is a sequel to Honor Bound, Honor Bound 2, Honor Bound 3, and Vera.
Content warning: past noncon, death discussion, off-screen death
Zachariah huddled lower and lower in the seat. The car rattled as Gray drove up the bumpy driveway to the house. They put the car in park and glanced at him where he shivered. He clutched his backpack on his lap on the front seat, his knuckles white. They wet their lips and turned off the car.
“It’ll be alright, Zachariah,” they said gently.
Zachariah nodded distractedly, his eyes unfocused. “Mm-hm.”
“Hey,” Gray said softly. Zachariah brought his eyes to theirs. “I’ve already told them you’re coming. No surprises. And they won’t… won’t, ah, hurt you.”
He nodded again. “I kn-know,” he whispered.
Gray pushed out a slow breath as he looked at them. So damned young, no older than Sam. No older than Edrissa.
“What are you worried about, Zachariah?” they murmured, speaking soft and low, just like they did with their family when they all were frightened.
Zachariah gulped and blinked tears away. “I… um… I d-didn’t, um, h-hurt them. But I… I was on the team that did. I… um…” His cheeks flushed and he looked down. “I h-helped… d-drag… Isaac, his name is Isaac… into his cell, once. I’m not the one who, um, who hit him, but… I… j-just, I just… watched. And S-Simmons…” His throat worked as he tried to swallow again. Tears stood in his eyes. “S-Simmons… held a, a gun to… to Sam’s head.” His voice dropped to a whisper. “Their name is… is Sam. And I did… nothing.” His hands clenched in fists around the strap of his backpack.
“Hey,” Gray soothed, and gently placed a hand on Zachariah’s shoulder. “You helped them. Right? Isaac told me you helped carry Sam to the car after they—”
“That doesn’t matter,” Zachariah whispered. “They were… they were being tortured for weeks. I wasn’t part of it but I… I knew. And I did nothing.”
Gray fell silent and pressed their lips together. Their hand stayed firm on Zachariah’s shoulder.
“They let me live,” he breathed. “And I don’t know why.”
Gray tipped their head. “My family is largely a good judge of character. I’m sure they knew—”
“They knew I was willing to work for the Stormbecks,” Zachariah whispered. “And I begged them not to kill me. That’s all they knew about me. That’s it.”
Gray chewed their lip. “That’s all true,” they said softly. “But you also told me you didn’t have a choice but to work for them.”
Zachariah looked up at the house. He shivered. “I didn’t think I’d see any of them again,” he rasped.
Gray laughed before they could stop themself. “I don’t think they expected to see you, either, if I’m honest. But I…” Gray paused. “We’ve all done bad things. All of us. But we try again. And by doing what you did in the end, to help them…”
Some of us have done far worse. They bit down on their lip.
Zachariah nodded sullenly. “Okay,” he whispered, and wiped his nose.
“And…” It’s not permanent. When we find you a permanent home…
That probably wouldn’t help anything. Gray closed their mouth and climbed out of the car. Zachariah followed, his head bent, his eyes shining with tears. He trudged behind Gray as they made their way to the front door. Gray opened the door and stepped into the house.
Everyone was in the front room. Finn and Ellis sat on a couch together, bent over the coffee table, the puzzle there momentarily forgotten as their heads snapped up, their eyes fixed on Gray. Tori sat in an armchair. Vera balanced on the arm of it, a bowl of cereal in her hand. Sam and Edrissa sat on another couch, the sides of their legs touching, their fingers laced together. Isaac stood against the doorway to the kitchen. Everyone was there, except—
Gray’s brow furrowed. “Where’s—”
Gavin walked through the doorway from the kitchen and handed Isaac a mug of tea.
Zachariah gasped. His backpack thumped to the floor in front of him. “You… you have… G-Gavin Stormbeck…”
Gray took a step back. “I… I thought you—”
Vera took a bite of her cereal. “We call him Gavin Uriah now,” she said, seemingly unbothered by Zachariah’s reaction as she crunched at the bran flakes.
Zachariah blinked and shot a glance in Vera’s direction, eyes wide, before he stared again at Gavin. “Y-you…”
“Zachariah, I thought you… you knew?” Gray said, their gaze darting between Zachariah and Gavin.
Zachariah slowly shook his head. His eyes went wider as Isaac took a small step in front of Gavin, placing his mug of tea on the kitchen table. He reached back and clasped Gavin’s hand.
“But I… you… h-he hurt you,” Zachariah breathed. “H-he raped… he tortured you.” His chest heaved with gasping breaths. “I don’t… understand…”
“He was lying,” Isaac said, the faintest hint of a growl in his voice. “He was lying so his mother would trust him. He never wanted to. He was ours, the whole time.” Gavin gazed at Isaac with a look that made Gray’s heart ache. There was trust, there. Sorrow. Love.
They blinked and took a step towards Zachariah. “I’m so sorry,” they murmured. “I thought… I would have prepared you. I thought you knew he made it out with them.”
“Everyone thinks Gavin Stormbeck died on May eleventh,” Zachariah whispered. His eyes were still riveted on Gavin. “I… how…?”
“When you helped us,” Vera said, resting the bowl on her knee while her other hand squeezed Tori’s shoulder, “Gavin was getting Ellis.” She nodded in Ellis’s direction.
Ellis waggled their fingers at Zachariah. “Nice to meet you,” they said sardonically.
“N-nice to meet you, too,” Zachariah mumbled distractedly. He blinked and looked again at Gavin. “He… h-how long… has he…?”
“Ever since I left. The first time.” Gavin spoke up from behind Isaac. He took a step forward and folded himself under Isaac’s arm.
“You… I’m so confused,” Zachariah confessed. He shivered again, wrapping his arms tightly around himself.
“He’s good, Zachariah,” Sam said softly from the couch. Zachariah whimpered softly as he finally turned his gaze on Sam. “He’s with us. He has been, the whole time. The whole t-time we were… were there.”
“Sam,” Zachariah whispered. “I… I w-wondered if you… I worried…” He wrung his hands in front of him. “How…?”
“Finn fixed me up,” they said, pride warming their voice. Finn flushed where they sat on the couch. “They’re a medic. They—”
“I know,” Zachariah mumbled. “I know they… they helped… fix you. After. I knew about that.”
Gray’s chest ached with the sadness, the guilt lacing Zachariah’s voice. Everyone was silent for a moment.
“Gray,” Isaac said softly from where he stood with Gavin. “What happened with DFS?”
Gray’s lips quirked into a smile that the nickname had caught on. They opened their mouth to speak.
“What’s… ‘DFS’?” Zachariah said, looking around, his eyebrows pulling together.
“Daniel Fucking Schiester,” everyone said at once.
Vera burst out laughing. “Yesss,” she hissed.
Gray smirked. “We aren’t, ah, fond of our fearless leader of the north. So that’s our nickname for him. Well, it was Vera’s nickname, but I see it caught on rather quickly.”
“Oh,” Zachariah said in a small voice.
Gray nodded as their gaze move over the room. “We’ll discuss what I learned today,” they said, pushing down the cold thrill of dread that welled up in them as they said it. “And after that we’ll get you cleaned up, get you some new, warm clothes. We have a spare bedroom where we’ll get you set up.” They resisted the urge to glance at Isaac. They knew he’d be blushing anyway, at the mention of the room he never slept in. It would be cleared now, prepared for Zachariah in the three hours the team had had since Gray called them to tell them they were coming.
Zachariah stood frozen with his backpack at his feet. Gray gestured into the room. “Sit anywhere,” they said gently. “We don’t bite.”
“Speak for yourself,” Ellis said with a grin.
Gray rolled their eyes. “Except for Ellis, apparently.”
“You can sit here,” Sam said from their spot on the couch. They moved over, gently maneuvering with their right arm still slinged. Zachariah stared blankly at them for a moment before he bent and grabbed his backpack. He shuffled forward and sat awkwardly on the couch, as far away from Sam as he could get.
“Sorry,” he murmured. “I’m kinda gross. Haven’t had a shower in—”
“We used to live on the road, Zach,” Vera said with a smile. “We’re used to it.”
“Um…” He wet his lips nervously. “P-please… I want to be called, um, Zachariah.”
Vera straightened. “Oh. Sorry.” She pressed her lips into an apologetic line.
Sam pulled the blanket off the back of the couch and passed it to Zachariah. He took it gratefully and pulled it around his shoulders, his eyes unfocused.
Everyone’s gazes slowly made their way back to Gray. They cleared their throat. “So, about… about the mayor.”
“Tell us all about Danny boy’s shady shit,” Vera grumbled. She took another bite of cereal.
“Well…” Gray let out a breath. “He’s, ah… he’s killing people.”
The temperature in the room dropped.
“Who?” Isaac said, his voice careful and measured. His arm tightened around Gavin’s shoulders.
“Anyone he wants,” Gray said through their teeth. “Anyone who comes through with any syndicate affiliation. And anyone who comes through with a syndicate tattoo. That’s what the screening questions are for. He’s weeding out… syndicate agents.” The words tasted bitter on Gray’s tongue.
“But…” Sam’s voice shook. “If people lie… Z-Zachariah, did you tell…?”
“It wouldn’t matter,” he whimpered. He pulled up his sleeve. The Stormbeck crest stretched across the top of his arm in black ink.
Edrissa gasped and shrank back from him. She bit her lips and squeezed Sam’s hand tighter.
“We know what it’s like,” Gray said quickly. “We know that sometimes, you only have the choice between working for the syndicates, or starving. We know that you did what you could. And we… we know you didn’t hurt any of us.”
Edrissa blinked and relaxed slightly.
Zachariah folded forward and buried his face in his hands. He shook his head and muffled a sob. “But I didn’t stop it,” he whispered. “And you…” He lifted his head and looked at Isaac. Miserable tears shone in his eyes and rolled down his cheeks. “I helped them hurt you.”
“No, you didn’t,” Isaac said, his voice tight. “You helped carry me to my cell once. That’s it.”
“After they almost shot you,” Zachariah whispered. “After they… after they beat you.”
“Zachariah,” Isaac said forcefully. Zachariah flinched and glanced at the floor. “Listen. I’ve been put through enough shit to, to tell you that…” Isaac shook his head. “You didn’t hurt me. So… don’t add that to your conscience. Okay? And you… you left. You helped us.” Isaac drew Gavin even closer to his side, almost like it was an unconscious movement.
“Not soon enough,” Zachariah whispered.
“Yes, soon enough,” Sam murmured. Their hand found Edrissa’s again. Zachariah stared at the floor.
Gray cleared their throat. “As far as I know,” they said as they crossed their arms over their chest, “The people going missing are going missing because Daniel is pulling them off of their caravans.” Their throat burned with the echo of tears.
Isaac’s eyes went wide. “But… l-like Caleb…?”
Gray’s eyes fell closed. “Ah. Yes. Caleb is… is dead.”
“No,” Isaac snarled. Gray opened their eyes. Zachariah and Edrissa both flinched away from his anger. “He… that motherfucker… you’re, you’re sure?” He looked at Gray, his eyes blazing with desperation.
“I’m sure,” Gray murmured. Their voice broke. “When we helped Aryn… he was killed that afternoon.”
“Fuck me,” Vera breathed. Tori reached up and clasped her hand. Tori’s eyes were bright, focused. She looked more present than she had been in several days. And even with the appearance of Zachariah… Warring hope and despair twisted through Gray’s heart.
“We’re… g-going to do something about it, right?” Finn asked, hesitant. They squeezed Ellis’s hand. “We can’t just…”
“No,” Gray said through numb lips. “We can’t.”
“Does he know you know?” Isaac said. Darkness brewed in his eyes, trembled in his limbs. And beside him Gavin looked…
He looked terrified. But below that, there was a hardness. Gavin looked murderous.
Gray briefly wondered what it would be like to go to war against Daniel, if the team had the ingenuity of Gavin Stormbeck at their disposal.
They shook themself slightly. I will never, never ask that of him. I’ll never ask him to use himself for destruction. He’ll never have to do that again.
“Yes,” Gray said softly. “He knows. He told me himself.”
Vera scoffed. “And he thinks we’re okay with that? He thinks we’re just gonna… what… let that go?”
“I don’t think he gives a damn what we think,” Gray said heavily. “He made that perfectly clear.”
“But we’re gonna stop him… right?” Sam said. They sat up straighter. “We can’t let him just… do this.”
“No,” Gray said, clenching and unclenching their fists. “We can’t. Not now that we… know. But… he made… some very explicit threats.”
Vera rolled her eyes. “Forgive me for not considering Daniel Fucking Schiester to be oh-so-scary after we’ve destroyed the Stormbecks,” she said, not batting an eye at Gavin.
“I do,” Gray said, watching Gavin carefully. He stood beside Isaac, strong, the violence in him falling and slipping beneath the surface again. “As far as we’re concerned, he’s the most powerful person in the north. He controls the entire refugee recovery program. He holds the line, and who knows what kind of resources he could muster if he asked for them?” Gray’s gaze moved over their family. “I consider him to be just as much a threat as Joseph Stormbeck. More, maybe. Because up here, he can control our allies.”
No one spoke.
Tori raised her head to look at Vera. Vera gazed back and leaned gently against her shoulder. When Tori met Gray’s eyes, they shivered. Fire burned in her eyes, and fierceness, and everything else that had been so gone from her ever since she appeared on their doorstep weeks before.
“Fuck ‘im,” Tori murmured, and her voice sounded strong. “We can’t let him do this.”
A painful smile pulled at Gray’s mouth as they looked back at her. She held Gray’s gaze. She didn’t look away, didn’t sink back against Vera. They nodded. “No,” they murmured. “We can’t.”
“So what’s the plan?” Isaac said, tense, shaking. “How did you find out about him, anyway?” He jutted his chin at Zachariah.
“One of Daniel’s people,” Gray said, bracing for an outcry. There was none.
“Does this person know Danny is killing them?” Vera said.
“I don’t think he does, no,” Gray said. They shuffled their feet.
“Would he be willing to keep sending us people?” Finn said, sitting forward. “I mean, if we could run the same operation we ran with Tori, just funnel people north and place them with people once we find houses… I mean, DFS doesn’t control every route in, does he? Would people notice if folks started showing up farther north without being sent through DFS?”
“I don’t know,” Gray said with a shrug. “I’d have to do more research. Which means I’d have to continue helping Daniel with the screening process.”
“I don’t think that would hurt,” Isaac said tightly. “Might even catch a few that way.”
“But we’re not going to… to wait until we have that figured out, right?” Sam said, and made a small, strange motion with their right hand where it sat tied against their chest. “I mean… we can start… start saving them now, right? We don’t have to wait?”
“Mathias said he only gets a few a year,” Gray said.
“I doubt that’s all,” Isaac murmured. “I’ll bet that’s just all he finds.”
“Yeah, I bet that’s true.” Vera drew a hand through her hair.
“But we’re doing this, right?” Isaac said, his eyes flashing. “We can’t… Jesus, Gray, we’ve been up here for… for three weeks and he’s been doing this evil shit right under our noses…”
“If we all agree to it,” Gray said. “We take a vote. Because this will affect all of us. This puts all of us in danger.” They leveled their gaze at Gavin. “Especially you.”
“Don’t give a shit,” Gavin said through his teeth. “He can’t… fuck. These people coming through… I understand when it was, was me, but… these people aren’t like me.”
Isaac pulled Gavin close and pressed a kiss into his hair. Zachariah watched with his mouth open.
“I’m for it,” Ellis said softly. “But I… I don’t…” They placed their hand on their belly and held Finn’s hand tightly.
“We can distance you from the operation,” Gray said. Finn leaned forward and opened their mouth to speak. Slowly, they closed their mouth again and looked at Ellis. “Does anyone else have any concerns?”
One by one, Gray looked around the room and met everyone’s eyes. One by one, each member of their family nodded.
“Alright,” they said softly. They reached into their pocket and pulled out their phone. “We’re doing this.”
They went to Mathias’s number, still not saved in the phone. They tapped it and typed out a message:
Send us each one like him that you find. And be careful. Give me a call when you can.
They smiled gently as they slid the phone back into their pocket.
Honor Bound 5 continues here
@untilthepainstarts, @womping-grounds, @free-2bmee, @quirkykayleetam, @walkingchemicalfire, @inpainandsuffering, @redwingedwhump, @burtlederp, @castielamigos-whump-side-blog, @whatwhumpcomments, @cursedscribbles, @whumpywhumper, @stxck-fxck, @omega-em-z-02, @whumps-the-word, @justwhumpitwhumpitgood, @justplainwhump, @moose-teeth, @slaintetowhump, @finder-of-rings, @inky-whump, @thatsthewhump, @orchidscript, @insanitywishes, @this-mightaswell-happen, @newandfiguringitout, @whumpkitty, @pretty-face-breaker, @cinnamonflavoredhugs, @inaridriscoll, @im-just-here-for-the-whump, @endless-whump, @grizzlie70, @oops-its-whump
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hansols-yoda-boxers · 4 years
Ateez NSFW A-Z
A = Aftercare
You usually take care of each other. You’ll run a bath and he’ll get water and grab soft towels or change the sheets, aftercare is a group effort and he likes that you both do a role unless one of you was particularly rough with the other that day.
B = Body Part
Is it vulgar to say his cock? Probably but he really does love having sex with you. How loves how he feels and how he’s able to make you feel and he just gets so lost in the feeling so easily. And he loves your ass. He loves teasing you by touching or pinching your ass in public if you let him. He loves how it feels in his hands when you’re on his lap while making out. Lowkey, if you let him do anal he’ll be in heaven.
C = Cum
He’s a messy boy, honestly he likes cumming anywhere so long as it’s on you and not in a condom. He will cum inside you or in your mouth but he prefers to really see it. He loves cumming on your face, your boobs, your ass, your lower stomach anywhere he just wants to see you covered in his cum.
D = Dirty Secret
He doesn’t have many since he’s really open with you about what he likes and what he wants. It will take him a little longer to put his size kink into words though. He just loves taking in your size and his size and how he can make you feel. The smaller you are the more it makes him smug how easily he towers over you, the closer you are to his height the more he takes it as a challenge and loves seeing when you turn into a mess for him.
E = Experience
He’s had his fair share of experiences. Definitely a couple of partners where he got to properly explore and a few flings that were just for fun but made him more comfortable with himself sexually.
F = Favourite Position
He really loves taking you from behind and doing anal. Either way it really gives him a great view of your ass as he pounds into you and he loves when you fall to the bed and you’re shaking underneath him from how good you feel.
G = Goofy
Not the most goofy. Here and there it may happen but most of the time it’s really passionate. The two of you get really wrapped up in each other most nights. The atmosphere can be a little romantic or more often than not a little rough but you’re always both so focused on each other and your pleasure. 
H = Hair
Usually doesn’t do anything with it. He obviously keep himself clean but otherwise he doesn’t trim or cut his hair, he finds it easy enough to keep clean and it’s less work than cutting it all the time.
I = Intimacy
Just like goofiness he’s not the most intimate or romantic most days. He will from time to time just like some days you’ll wear pretty lingerie for him. But most of the time it’s pretty spontaneous, you both get worked up and end up all over each other.
J = Jack Off
Pretty frequently, usually every day and sometimes every other day when he’s tired. He has a pretty high sex drive so he often has to blow off stem and if he knows you’re free sometimes he calls and amid moans asks you to help him get off.
K = Kink
L = Location
The boy will fuck you almost anywhere. He won’t be totally reckless but the number of backstage or closet quickies you’ve had is up there. He likes any dressing room with a couch as well as anywhere at him where you have a bit more space but he will get creative with positions.
M = Motivation
Any time you wear something that shows off your ass. He won’t be able to stop staring at it all day and he’ll be so worked up by the time he gets you alone, his hands all over you pulling you close and kissing you messily. He also loves when you flirt with him, whether it’s smooth or a little clumsy he loves it.
N = NO
Very little would be an actual turn off for him. Probably one of the main things would be if you’re actually dirty. If you don’t clean yourself or take care of your own hygiene then he won’t be very impressed.
O = Oral
Oof it’s hard from him to choose which he likes more, maybe receiving by a slight margin. He l o v e s when you’re sucking him off, especially when it’s messy. He loves when there’s drool dripping from the corners of your mouth and your gagging and if you want to push yourself to the point of tears it’ll drive him crazy. But he also loves being between your legs. He loves how he gets so consumed by you there and they way you react and moan when he doesn’t let up after each orgasm.
P = Pace
Usually quick and rough. He gets caught up in you and he can’t help it. He’ll definitely slow down if you need it but more often then not you’re egging him on and getting him to go faster until you’re both moaning loudly and close to release.
Q = Quickie
He’s definitely down for some quickies. He does like to keep it balanced between that and taking his time with you, but there’s a thrill when you’re in a small, dark, hidden corner and you only have a little bit of time and you need to make each other cum quickly or be left worked up.
R = Risk
He is so down for some risk. He loves the chance that the two of you could get caught and he’s lowkey a bit of an exhibitionist. Again, he won’t be reckless but he loves getting you to moan a little too loud backstage or in the dorms. He’s also pretty willing to experiment and try new things. He may take a while to come around to really out there ideas but he’ll try most things once.
S = Stamina
He can usually go for one longer round. After that he’ll definitely need a break but he can usually bring you to your release a few times before he cums
T = Toy
He’s open to toys but honestly most of your sex is so in the moment that he’ll never really think to use them. If you ask him to and bring them in he’ll try them out but usually he just wants to use his hands, mouth, and cock and he knows he always leaves you more than satisfied.
U = Unfair
He’s not crazy into teasing. He likes some of it well enough but whether he’s giving or receiving it gets him pretty turned on really fast so usually after a little bit of teasing he’s pulling you into his lap or pressing you up against a wall, needing more.
V = Volume
He’s pretty loud. His groans and growls are on the louder side and when he really moans he’ll match or be louder than you but he loves it and he loves how his sounds just make you clench around him harder.
W = Wild Card
He likes being marked up a lot more than he’ll admit. Aside from hickies all over his chest he loves when you’re on your back and you scratch down his back as he fucks you. When he can feel the sting from your nail scratches the next day he gets so smug and cocky remembering the night.
X = Xtra
His extraness is usually in his passion. He loves when the two of you can’t keep your hands off each other. When he gets you up against the wall or pinned under him on the bed and you’re too wrapped up in each other to care about anything else.
Y = Yearning
He’s got a pretty high sex drive. If y’all were on vacation together he’d probably get worked up a lot and want to have sex every day and maybe a few times twice a day because he just can’t keep his mind off of you.
He gets a bit drowsy but he’s okay to help you clean up, take a shower and then curl up in bed with you. He’ll usually cuddle with you for a while before he actually dozes off.
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fawnhunter · 4 years
Oh shit my first post.
Hi my name is Claire and I present to you my A-Z fluff headcannons for Bakugou Katsuki. My king.
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A= activites- what do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
— This boy enjoys anything where he has a chance to make you smile and see it happen. He doesn't enjoy things like going to the movies because he won't be able to talk to you, but things like coffee dates and going to the mall he would be totally down for.
— Bakugou is one the kind of person where even though they have free time, they still have things they may want to do. That being said, he always makes sure you are at the most 15 feet away from him while doing said thing. Even if he’s just trying out a new recipe and you're sitting on the couch fidgeting with your phone. That's all he needs.
B=beauty- what do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
— This may be weird but he admires how much common sense you have, being he's the one that runs head first into crazy ideas and issues, having you gives him the feeling of being balanced. He always trusts you to make the right decisions for the both of you.
— The thing he thinks is beautiful about you is your shoulders and your back. He enjoys how you relax around him when he pulls you into a hug. Again, you give him that sense of being balanced.
C=comfort- How would they help their s/o during hard times or when they need it most?
— LOL. This man can barely handle his own emotions, how do you think he is going to handle yours. But in all seriousness as soon as you started crying he would have not the slightest idea of how to help you. He would probably try hugging you, but in the most stiff and awkward way. So awkward in fact it even stifled a laugh out of you.
D= dreams- how do they picture their future with their s/o?
— As a person who really doubts himself deep down on the inside. He decided that once he found that someone who really loved him for him, he was never going to let them go. This being said he already decided he IS going to marry you, it's just a matter of when.
E= equal- are they the dominant one or are they more passive in your relationship?
— I see him as the one who is always on you about your well being and not about the things you do. He has enough respect to understand that just because you're his, it doesn't mean he owns you. Still, he just always wants to know you're okay.
F= Flirting- how often do they flirt or tease their s/o? How smooth are they?
— This smug bastard is a damn good flirt.
— He is the smoothes man on the freakin planet. He KNOWS what he's doing.
— Will not hesitate to drop his voice a few octaves, wrap his hands around your waist and growl in your ear just to get what he wants.
G= Gratitude- How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o does for them?
— Katsuki is extremely grateful. His mom raised him to be thankful if nothing else.
— He notices the things you does for him, and always expresses how lucky he is to have you
H=Honesty- do they have any secret that they keep from their s/o or do they share everything
— If there was one thing he would keep from you, it would be how he treated deku when they were younger. Although if you were to come and ask about it, he wouldn't lie.
I=Inspiration- did their s/o change something about them or is it the other way around? (it could be personal issues or just trying new day to day things)
— To him you make home feel like home. Before you moved in with each other, he would have never called the place where he lived home.
— But now you moved in and added a little bit of you everywhere. Your favorite blanket on the couch, your shampoo next to his in the shower, and his favorite pictures of you two on the wall. He noticed all these little things and loved them all.
J=jealousy- do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
— Whew… here we go.
— First off it's never your fault, most of the time you were completely oblivious. Just walking into places with you he could see the way heads turned to look at you, all the while you were playing with the veins on his hand as you held it. It made him content in a way. It warmed his heart how you were only focused on him.
— But also how dare those people look at you.
K=kiss- how do they kiss? What was the first kiss like?
—I love the idea the katsuki tastes like caramel and brown sugar and HEAVEN and im gonna fucking stand by it.
— He's very heavy on the tongue. But he's not sloppy and overwhelming about it.
— Kisses with him rarely stay on the lips. Kisses on your jaw and neck.
— Enough to leave you flustered but not needy.
— When he's done he always kisses you on the forehead.
L=Love confession- How did it go down?
— It was your sixth or seventh dinner date, this one was at your place because you were trying to convince him you could cook just as well as he can.
— There you guys are sitting on your couch after dinner snuggled up watching a movie. You had fallen asleep on his chest. Hair tickling his nose. He looks down to see you snoring, your serene face looking so content. He leans down and gives your forehead a kiss.
— “I love you y/n”
— The look on this man's face when you snuggle in closer to him and whisper.
— “I love you too Katsuki”
— Is one of pure bliss.
M=Marriage- do they want to get married? How do they propose? Wedding day description?
— When he proposes, he does without a care in the world. Just one late night on the couch when suddenly he asks
— “Can we get married now?”
— The way you choke on air is hilarious
— “LiKe right NoW!!?!”
— “No dumbass in a couple of weeks or months..i don't know,,ANSWER THE QUESTION”
— “Yes, we can get married sure.”
— And from that point you didnt lift a fucking FINGER. He called his mom the very next day telling her you were going to need a dress (completely ignoring the screaming coming from his mother's end) Called his friends and asked Izuku to do all the intense planning.
— There was lots of orange and green
N=nicknames- what do they call their s/o?
— “You look cute baby”
— “Love ya....dumASS!”
O=Obsessed- how protective are they of their s/o? How much are they worried about them?
— He would end the fucking world for you. NO questions asked. Whatever you needed he would do for you.
— He knows you can protect yourself, hell, you remind him of that fact constantly. However he likes to make in known that he is there as back up as extra consequence
P=PDA- are they obvious about the relationship? Do they talk a lot about his s/o? Are they okay with affection in front of others?
— A doesn't feel the need to hide anything. If he wants to kiss he's going to, and that just fact.
— Will definitely boast about how great you are and rub it in to his friends all the amazing things to do for him.
— Will not admit it out loud but this man is putty in your hand and your wish is his command.
Q= Quirk- some random ability they have in a relationship
— Gives the BEST massages. His hand are already so warm and huge and…(this is fluff and i almost forgot)
R=Romance- how romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o smile? Are their ideas rather original or creative?
— Not the most extreme romantic. Can be when the time calls for it, but mostly enjoys that fact that you are there with him, rather than focusing on anything else.
— He finds that when he complains and bitches about his day it make you smile. (he has heard that he has a very expressive face)
S=support- do they push their s/o to do better? Do they believe in them?
— Katsuki is the one person in your life you will alway be able to depend on.
— WIll do whatever they need to do to help you achieve your goals.
T=thrill- are they okay with a certain routine or do they need some spice every once in a while?
— Routine is this boy's best friend. He likes coming home knowing what to expect and what to prepare for.
— All though he doesn't hate surprises and is always down for some spur of the moment fun.
U=Understanding- how well do they know you? Are they sensitive to your emotion?
— To Katsuki keeping you happy is his number one goal. This means he knows all the things that you love and like to do, and he tries to bring them up as much as possible.
— That being said, your happiness is really all he understands. I mean he can tell you are upset. But would have no clue how to go about it.
V=Value- how important is your relationship compared to other things in their life?
— In his mind, as long as he has you, everything will be alright. Meaning he puts you above all else, because you lead him forwards.
W=Wild card-Random Fluff bomb!!
— Katsuki likes to spoil you. You mean the world to him, and he knows he doesn't say it enough.
— Which means clothes, shoes and maybe even that new mixer (which he kinda wants as well) will just appear in your house giving no choice but to accept them.
X=XOXO- how affectionate are they? Are they a cuddle bug or do they like their space?
— Shows you he loves you more physically than saying it out loud.
— Will take any chance he can to cuddle when at home.
Y=Yearning- how do they cope when they miss you?
— Like shit. You are a big stress reliever for him and he normally has you there to make him feel better. But if you're not there not only does he miss you but he also has no one to really talk to. Therefore turning him into a grumpy monster
Zzz- how do you both fall asleep/nap
— Is the big spoon.
— He likes to sleep behind you so he can place his head in the crook of your neck.
— Other times he likes to completely lay out on top of you with his hands around your waist and his face on your stomach or chest.
Thanks for reading babes.
MY REQUEST BOX IS OPEN PLEASE IM SO BORED AT HOME. ( I do Headcannons, short blurbs, and maybe scenarios) 
Also be chaotic in my ask box I don’t mind ☺️
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thatonealise · 3 years
On Worlds.
We inhabit them. We've christened ours Earth, but there are some who call Middle-Earth their home. I've heard many dashing tales from the Borderlands, and on all too many occasions guested in Azeroth. All these faraway lands are unique in their own right, sporting flora and fauna so diverse it really does make one wonder how such things came to be, whether out of nothing, or out of the wilds of human imagination.
I've always been under the impression that it would take a person too much blood, sweat and tears to fashion one. But here I stand, alone, and I need a place to set my latest overambitious and never-ending enterprise. It's a habit I'd always detested deep down, but came to respect over time, and now I say it is the prospect of making something grand, chipping away at it day and again, that gives me one more reason (among many, mind you) to get up early in the morning, and wonder what aspect of it am I going to work on next.
So it is, that I've been pondering on the sort of a world I would want you, the Player, to quench your wanderlust, and perhaps take your subconscious somewhere it has never travelled.
My research -- that hunt for inspiration, artistically speaking -- took me to media I have and have never ever witnessed, or heard, or read, or seen. I've browsed art, played this game and that; I've watched film and series, and I've brushed the dust off some of my forlorn literature. I've even dared to show up in the local library for once in an embarrassingly long (by a reader's standards) while, and borrow a "manuscript" or two I thought had a few interesting ideas. But, I have to admit, Stack Exchange remains my personal favourite. There are so many great minds there, with an equal knack for world-building, and even more thought-provoking questions granted inspiring answers. I can't recommend it enough.
On to the point, though, and it is that I've compiled a list of "archetypes" to take into consideration building my own world:
What a surprise, huh? I believe it to be the most widespread archetype, and it is rather self-explanatory. An Earth-like world is more often than not a carbon copy of the blue planet (or our rather milky galaxy), with oceans and continents shuffled a notch to dodge the cosmic copyright, so to speak. It is again most common, and for a good reason: we know plenty about the science that keeps such worlds (and, by extension, our own) spinning, and the life living the way it does. It is a solid point of reference, backed with facts and studies so easy to look up on the web, or anywhere bookish, and it is always oh so tempting to use.
A few notorious examples taken from modern authors include...
...a continent under the influence of Celtic and Germanic myths; known as Middle-Earth of J. R. R. Tolkien.
...the super-continent of Stillness by Nora K. Jemisin.
...the Present World, to some extent a mirror of ours, and found in Kentaro Miura's Berserk.
...or the unforgiving deserts of Arrakis, credited to Frank Herbert.
...or Faerun, the iconic setting of Forgotten Realms.
...or even the Journey, courtesy of thatgamecompany, and the dunes one has to slide down rushing to the mountain's peak.
If at least two of the above ring a bell, you may have an idea of what brings all these worlds together, and by extension, what I think constitutes an Earth-like world. If not, then let me illustrate my point instead:
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Go on, draw a comparison! It wouldn't take a particularly perceptive eye to notice that even a seemingly outlandish example, the desert planet of Arrakis, shines features not too unlike those we may find here on Earth, albeit "turned up to eleven," for the lack of a better expression. They are planets filled with oceans, and continents in between the oceans, most of them, and in general they follow the same rules we follow in our universe: desert storms rise as the wind blows, plates collide to erect mountains, and sentient life is soon to usher in an age of civilisation. Physics and passage of time progress the world as you would expect them to.
Naturally, there will be a degree of variation between Earth-likes. George Martin's Westeros, for one, is an otherwise conventional continent subject to unconventional seasons, some so abnormal they shape entire cultures -- consider the Long Night, for instance, and the impact it had on the Westerosi folklore.
Let's touch on Arrakis again: it is too an Earth-like world at the core, that suffered from a speculated misfortune of a near-miss encounter with a comet, and what once might have been an arid and bountiful world has now been left a scorching desert inhabited by massive sandworms that have evolved to swim through the sands as though they were oceans, and gobble up the teeny-tiny human wanderers crossing their "soil." A few similar worlds come to mind: Kharak, just as extreme and featured in the Homeworld series, and the much more famous Tatooine, the brainchild of George Lucas.
This big quirk -- extreme weather, unpredictable seasons, or morphed geology, or fictional species -- I prefer to dub "the Twist." It is something, a phenomenon or fact of life, that sets this world apart from ours -- something you can use to suggest that the world at hand is its own, and not Earth put in an alternate reality. Extreme biomes of Arrakis or Kharak, and bizarre seasons of Westeros, are just two examples of the Twist. Magic and magical beings found on Azeroth, or in Faerun, is another.
While the Twist is found in all archetypes, I'm of the opinion that Earth-likes depend on it more than others. Take away the Twist, and you will be left with yet another exoplanet, abiding by the rules we all know and, to be frank, find them too mundane to entertain us, or to leave a lasting memory.
As you'd expect, this was the first archetype I visited and considered for my game. The Twist I wish to feature, to go hand in hand with game mechanics I have devised, is the marriage (or clash, depending on your point of view) of science and magic, and the many ways cultures practicing either-or-both would balance them out, or tip the scales in one's favour if they so desire. I'm also very keen on endangering the Player on their journey, which I want to be perilous, and for it to matter more than the destination. Think of it as a world of vagabonds and gallivants, travelling from one bizarre place to a place twice as otherworldly, and embarking on life-threatening quests.
I've considered several worlds, most notably Kharak -- whose native species, the Kushan, traverse it on trucks and jeeps and other sand-crawling machinery. Cities on that scorched planet exist as only safe havens around, surrounded with lifeless sands, and to make it from one city to another is a dangerous affair indeed. The theme resonated with me quite a bit, but I did not find desert planets a good choice for my game, for many reasons:
It is, as the name suggests, a giant desert. There aren't that many biomes (just two, in fact, if you count largely mechanical cities as one) for the Player to explore, and there is little challenge in generating them on the fly, as opposed to a more varied world.
Throwing in arid biomes we discover in worlds like Middle-Earth or Narnia, or Faerun, felt far too conventional to me, and in my mind there would not be much room for an apocalyptic event so crippling as to make exploring this world nigh fatal.
Even if I dodged the desert altogether and rolled with a different biome or biomes, I'd still have to balance between two problems I doubt are easy to solve: featuring more biodiversity in a fundamentally monolithic environment, or more extremes in an Earth-like world that would not fit in very well.
Banality. Banality was a major concern for me, as there are oh so, so many Earth-likes out there in the industry, and the last thing I wish for my little side project is to offer yet another one. No sir!
Scope was the last but nevertheless just as important. It is difficult to fill up a giant continent, or continentS, with enough quests and points of interest to keep the Player invested. It is hard enough to produce enough scripted content, a la World of Warcraft, and it is harder still to delegate the creative matters to an automaton (Talking about you, Left 4 Dead!). Earth-likes, to my understanding, necessitate imposing scale, that I can not hope to achieve neither alone nor in company.
So I scratched this archetype off my list, and again I went searching every nook and cranny of the game industry and beyond for patterns and clues to make into archetype...
Perhaps not the best title to describe a world so otherworldly as to defy all laws native to our universe, but I nonetheless thought it described what I had in mind for such worlds best. Exotics, Otherlands, Alternate Realities, you name it: they spit on the natural laws we've always known, and turn what we consider to be natural upside down, from a relative point of view (I'd image they'd think we earthlings bend their ideas of what is natural, vice versa). They more often than not have so little in common with a conventional; continental world, that as a Player, you ought to be born anew, in a sense, as you have to come to terms with the new reality, and learn the rules alien to your human brain-box.
While not so abundant in fiction or film, there is an unexpected plethora of otherworldly examples found in video games. I suspect, as little more than a humble writer and not at all a qualified game designer, that the blame (the reason, rather) is at least in part to be pinned on the freedom of mechanics worlds detached from all physical boundaries allow. You're no longer on Earth; seldom even in our universe, and more often in a dimension forged by game designers to fulfill a very blunt purpose: to serve the gameplay, in full. I'd imagine it is times easier to set a game built on mechanics hostile to laws of physics somewhere abstract; mallable, in a way, to the designer's whim.
Thinking of examples took me to these fine pieces of digital entertainment:
William Chyr's Manifold Garden is, to me, a quintessential Otherland. It is set in an abstract world wrapping on itself, juxtaposing impossible geometry against Euclidean space. About the only link to our reality it maintains is the presence of gravity. Look up and down, try interacting with the objects or solving the puzzles, and you will very soon understand this is NOT the realm accomodative of your earthly instincts.
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Alice: Madness Returns, too, features an Otherland (not Otherlands, fellow Alice fans!), a level set among the clouds, far above in the sky -- none other than Cardbridge! Playing cards dwell there, and glide along the windy streams to form marvellous paper castles in the sky, and bridges, and gates for Alice to cross on her way to the evil (is she really?) Queen's heartful (quite literally) domain. Like in Manifold Garden, physics still permeates this world, but the only "actor" it appears to affect is Alice herself. All that surrounds her, on the other hand, behaves in a way we would think odd.
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Oddly enough, Valve's Ricochet is one more example of an Otherland, the way I see it. It's set in a pitch black void, a pocket dimension of a sort, and constricts its gunslinging inhabitants to a small archipelago of quasi-futuristic-looking platforms. It is in many ways abstract and disconnected from what we would brand a "real" world; akin more to a simulation than something even an advanced civilisation would be able to orchestrate in the vacuum of deep space. It instead serves a solitary purpose: to be an open and clear arena for the Players to pull off dextereous ricochets and physics-bending leaps from one spot to the next. There are no other earthly rules to govern this world, and beyond the dark arena is the thrice as dark abyss.
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Of course, by this logic, one could consider more abstract games along the lines of Tetris Effect or even Pinball Dreams, to also fit under the same umbrella of otherworldness, and I reckon they would be right. Both games take place in places foreign to our expectation for a, dare I say, traditional setting. This is not to say, oh no, that Otherlands belong to just the games -- far from it! Otherlands are to be found in many other media.
Off the top of my head, I'd count that one scene from the cult-classic 2001: A Space Odyssey, as a "classic" Otherland in a mind-boggling nutshell:
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The message I'm trying to convey, if not clear, is that Otherlands are very stubborn, and insistent on breaking you as an earthly thinker; to augment your mind and let it comprehend and utilise the new reality and the rules it enforces, like one would use the laws of our universe. "When in Rome," is the mantra they will have you etch into memory, until you think and interact with it as though you had never known another home.
The entire world, in other words, is one big Twist, standing in stark contrast to the little twists applied here and there to an Earth-like dimension. Furthermore, one could even assert that the Twist in an Otherland is turned on its head -- whereas in an Earth-like Twists were other-landish phenomena many in number but little in scope -- the Twists in an Otherland are instead few and far between, and grounded in reality. They are the links linking an Otherland to the Earth-like law. Say, physics would be very much expected in an Earth-like world, but treated as an exotic Twist in an Otherland.
To be a little more precise, an Otherland does not bother to stay true to the mechanics we think mundane and natural. It instead moulds or kills them outright, and throws itself at the mercy of the designer's wants and wishes.
Otherlands were an option, but not the option, that I'd choose for my world. I cherish the freedom they bestow upon you as a designer, but it alone did not convince me to opt for this archetype. Simply put, the downs outweighed the ups:
The world I wish to create will host fantasy far too Tolkien-esque to distance so much from Earth and earthly law. There is, in my view, a strong pull among many dungeon-crawling aficionados towards fantasy, and fantasy I will deliver. My own strain of fantasy, to be clear, but it will nevertheless mandate a degree of reality deemed by me too Earth-like to belong in an Otherland. I just can not see, at this time, a world of fantasy that is also an Otherland, not if I want my world to radiate welcoming familiarity.
This game being an open-ended RPG, it is difficult for me to envision it in an abstract environment. It calls, as I see it, for landmarks sensible to someone never ever "tainted" by the quirks of Otherlands, familiar and homely in a way, based in laws of physics and around points of interest grounded in our reality. Elevating it to be the Twist of an Otherland, brings the latter much closer to an Earth-like, but not quite. Neither this nor that, if you will, and that in turn leads me to the next and last archetype...
Should you ever run into the same predicament as yours truly did in the paragraph above, I'd strongly advise you to consider Near-Earths. Not entirely Earth-like, but also too Earth-like to fit as an Otherland, a Near-Earth world is based to some considerable extent in the laws and traits of an Earth-like. It takes the best of both worlds -- mind-boggling Twists of an Otherland and experiential familiarity of an Earth-like -- and mixes them up to shape up something in-between.
Near-Earth remains ultimately an extension of an Earth-like world at its core, but to set itself apart it puts an emphasis on large-scale Twists -- that would be considered too outlandish for an Earth-like. One popular trope among Near-Earths is to feature earthly topology, strewn around the universe in the form of isles or even whole continents. Fundamental laws that define an Earth-like it bends to a fictional degree, but preserves the essentials, such as planets or stars or faimiliar dimensions, that make up our universe. Thus the link between our universe and that lives on, and it's easy for a newcomer to the world to find their way around with little to no hand-holding required.
I can't help but conjure up a few shots from Treasure Planet, which I gather needs no introduction, to illustrate my line of thought. Take one of the more iconic stills from this flawed masterpiece, R.L.S. Legacy docked at the spaceport of Crescentia:
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It is in many ways familiar, I think, to anyone who has ever been to any run-of-the-mill harbour, except that ginormous frigate appears to stay suspended mid-air, not even ropes to hold it in place, and not at all swaying side to side on the high seas as one would assume. No, in this universe carpenters and shipwrigts build 18th century vessels propelled by internal combustion engines to fly through the breathable expanse that they call Ethereum. Indeed, there it is possible to breathe in space, so long as one stays careful not to lean too much on the taffrail and fall into the Ethereum proper, doomed forever to be a cosmic castaway.
Treasure Planet is very representative of a Near-Earth world, as I reckon the aforementioned scene proves. While grounded in culture and (partly) science of our universe, it strays a lot from what our scientists would deem feasible, to the point that it is fundamentally different from our universe in some respect, such as there existing a breatheable atmosphere everywhere in their universe, but not so fundamental as to defy every law of science we know in our world. Physics, and planets, and other celestial bodies and phenomena still exist there, albeit altered in a variety of ways.
Another such example would the High Wilderness, that we're told to travel aboard a literal locomotive, in the brilliant game and one of my many favourites -- Sunless Skies:
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It, too, features all the same biomes and structures and many laws with a basis in our universe, and like Treasure Planet, it introduces a major twist: the space beyond the confines of Earth (which does exist in Sunless Skies, and generally follows our history with significant deviations perpetrated by Masters of the Bazaar) is an intricate maze of seldom interlocked and often overlapping topology, stacked on top of one another, and filled with an atmosphere reminiscent of Ethereum, breathable but named a different name.
It is still familiar enough to us as earthlings, and it would not take a seasoned Otherlander to pick the thing up and know the rules of play by instinct. Sure, we are driving a locomotive through time and space, and pass by living stars that govern all, called the Judgements, but the spaces we traverse and people we meet and phenomena we witness are not confusing in the slightest. Shrouded in mystery, maybe, but ultimately sensisble if given enough thought. There is not another dimension for us to consider, and impossible geometry wrapping on itself to comprehend, as seen in Manifold Garden. Nay.
On the Judgements, as a side note, I've found them to be an interesting twist in and of themselves: they are intended to be the law-makers that decide what is real in this world, and what is not. Kill, or posses them, and the world will return to a chaotic state, easily a contender for the quintessential Otherland.
One last sample for you to taste would be the city-state of Sigil, the center of all planes in the planar world of Planescape (pardon the tautology!). Also an earthly world in many ways, it departs from tradition by dabbling in the ideas of interplanar travel, and whole planes of existence drifting from place to place depending on the belief of its denizens. Name me a single spiral-shaped medieval town suspended miles in the air:
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I hope my criteria is now clear, or clear-er, better still if as a day. A Near-Earth has some of its fundamental laws thrown away, or meddled with, but there is always at least some foundation identical to that of an Earth-like.
Enter the Wild
In the end, I had a choice to make; a choice of three options, all of which bore pros and posed cons. Weighing all of them took me several restless nights, about a week in total, and some creative encouragement from a colleague, who suggested I turn to Sunless Skies-esque worlds for inspiration: islands floating in the sky, nurturing islanders and their peculiar settlements. I fell in love with the idea in a heartbeat, and on and on I went searching for references. It implied to me a Near-Earth, and all the marks of distinguishment I outlined before for other archetypes pointed to Near-Earths as the perfect fit for my world.
I settled for a few points of reference, among them...
Variably-sized islands and quasi-continents of Dragon Hungers, complete with pocket cultures and hosts of creatures that dwell there:
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"Outdated" and outlandish means of transportation between the islands, like airships or fire-breathing dragons, a la Sunless Skies:
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Celestial bodies of Treasure Planet, like black holes or nebulas, making an appearance, though toned down a bit to ditch some of their more destructive and lethal properties. A black hole wouldn't spaghettify you in the blink of an eye, but falling into one will nonetheless bring a swift (albeit not quite so fast and unavoidable) end to your career:
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What they amounted to, ultimately, is an amalgamation of varied islands, some as big as a continent, others as small as my balcony, and all sporting ecosystems never-before-seen on most other islands. They are suspended in the sky, fortunate to have a man-friendly atmosphere, with a devilish twist I'd rather keep a secret for the time being.
Wannabe heroes make their living sailing through this sky aboard mighty airships or fire-breathing dragons (among many other means of transportation), from one island and on to the next, undertaking quests and accepting commissions from the locals to earn themselves some sustenance. It's a floating world of vagabonds, gallivanters, and legends-in-the-making.
OR! Those same gallivanters may find a particular island, or spot upon on the island, very tempting to settle on. Indeed, if they so desire, players would be able to adopt a sedentary lifestyle, and see what the wilds beyond the comfort of their heart might bring one treacherously blissful morning...
Us locals have entitled this universe the Wild. Enter at your own risk, traveller, for you may never return. This theme seemed to me like a good middle-ground between all the problems I've outlined reviewing archetypes:
Scope was confined to the typical bounds of an island. Some are bigger than others, no doubt, but all of them are a far cry from the usual dimensions of a continent. A narrow scope, as such, is a scope amiable to developers limited in number, or readiness to tackle an enormous landmass.
Narrowed scope in turn shortens the distance one must travel to leave one point of interest for another. We're feeding two birds with one scone -- there is no need for us, as developers, to fill up the lands betwixt with something for you to do, and you won't have to drag yourself through an overstretchesd piece of half-arsed (pardon my French) filler to finally reach the objective that caught your eye in the first place.
At last, as my colleague pointed out, islands in space are capital. Done before to be sure, that road has been travelled many times (and so were most others), but it is still the Earth-likes that proudly keep at the victorious spree as the dominant archetype among the developers. A Near-Earth to me felt like a fair and much-wanted change of scenery, for once in a blue moon.
A floating world shattered into many habitable pieces by far imposes so many more factors upon the cultures, languages, civilisation, technology, and nature of the wild, that to turn it down in favour of an all-too-researched Earth-like world seemed a lazy way out the massive creative problem, I think, many people of letters and pencil and other trades would be thrilled to approach.
P.S. I do realise all my scribbled judgements are arbitrary, and the lines separating Near-Earth from Earth-likes, from Otherlands, is apparently fine, and entirely subjective. These are little more than my five cents; my five thoughts on the subject, and I personally found grouping these worlds into archetypes a good "bookmark" that I've used and will likely come back to designing my own worlds. Peace.
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 5 years
Erlikosaurus andrewsi
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By Ripley Cook 
Etymology: Demon-King Reptile
First Described By: Perle, 1980
Classification: Dinosauromorpha, Dinosauriformes, Dracohors, Dinosauria, Saurischia, Eusaurischia, Theropoda, Neotheropoda, Averostra, Tetanurae, Orionides, Avetheropoda, Coelurosauria, Tyrannoraptora, Maniraptoromorpha, Maniraptoriformes, Maniraptora, Therizinosauria, THerizinosauridea, Therizinosauridae
Status: Extinct
Time and Place: About 90 million years ago, in the Turonian of the Late Cretaceous 
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Erlikosaurus is found in the Bayan Shireh Formation in Dornogovi, Mongolia 
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Physical Description: Erlikosaurus was a kind of Therizinosaur, the very bulky feathered dinosaurs with long, pointed claws extending from their hands. They’re weird in other ways, too - they have backward-facing hip bones like those of birds and Ornithischians, and giant pot-bellies to let them digest large amounts of plant material. As such, they stood up almost as vertical as people do - rather than horizontally like… all other dinosaurs. Erlikosaurus had a long neck, a squat body, short legs and a short tail; while its arms were normal length, it also had very long curved claws, like other therizinosaurs. It had very large and long nostrils for a therizinosaur, and a very high number of teeth compared to its relatives. Interestingly enough, therizinosaurs like Erlikosaurus also had swollen, pneumatized braincases, which allowed them to be lighter weight and potentially cool off quicker. Erlikosaurus also, unlike other Therizinosaurs, ahd long and slender claws on its feet. It may have been around six meters long. Like other therizinosaurs, it would have been covered with feathers all over its body, and potentially had very primitive long feathers on its arms like wings.
Diet: Erlikosaurus, like other therizinosaurs, was an herbivore. 
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By Jack Wood 
Behavior: Erlikosaurus is a fascinating dinosaur behavior-wise because we actually have a decent number of scans of its brain, which may teach us aspects of its behavior. Erlikosaurus had a very well developed sense of smell, hearing, and balanced, which means that it retained a lot of the traits of carnivorous theropods - and probably used them to its advantage as an herbivore. It also probably was able to sense oncoming predators well and have complex social behavior. The range of its mouth, however, was narrower than that of its close carnivorous relatives - indicating that herbivorous dinosaurs, much like herbivorous mammals, had smaller mouth gapes than carnivores. With complicated social behavior, long claws, and good senses, Erlikosaurus would have been incredibly paranoid - and dangerous - ready to fend off anyone that would have threatened their family groups with those long scythe claws. As a social dinosaur, Erlikosaurus would have probably taken care of its young, and been warm blooded. The scythe claws, when not used in defense, would have been helpful in gathering plants down from the trees, much like with sloths today.
Ecosystem: The Bayan Shireh Environment was one of many such ecosystems found in the mid to late Cretaceous, showcasing a wide variety of animals that were almost - but not quite - like their latest Cretaceous counterparts. Here was a braided river environment, going through season wet and dry seasons as the mud and sand interchanged from one another leading to a variety of rock types and depositional environments. There were many water plants and flowering plants lining the shores, giving it a lush and green feel for at least part of the year - and giving Erlikosaurus something to eat! There were also fish, molluscs, the mammal Tsagandelta, and turtles making frequent appearances in the environment. Unnamed crocodylian relatives and Azhdarchid pterosaurs were present, but most of the charismatic animals present were other dinosaurs. Erlikosaurus wasn’t the only Therizinosaur, and also lived with Segnosaurus and Enigmosaurus. The very large, weird, and lopsided sauropod Erketu graced the treetops, slowly foraging on food, while the much smaller Ornithomimosaur Garudimimus scurried about between them all. Ankylosaurs went absolutely wild here, represented by Talarurus, Maleevus, and Tsagantegia. There were two small bipedal Ceratopsians, Graciliceratops and Microceratus, and the early hadrosauroid Gobihadros. There was also a mystery dinosaur, Amtosaurus, which has no affinity beyond “Ornithischian” at this point in time. As for predators, there was the very large raptor Achillobator and the small tyrannosaur Alectrosaurus - both similar in size to one another, and both giant dangers to the roaming herds of Erlikosaurus! 
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By Scott Reid 
Other: Erlikosaurus was a very advanced therizinosaur, similar to later members of the group like Therizinosaurus rather than Early Cretaceous varieties. As such, it shows that the more classic therizinosaur body shape was around by the “mid” Cretaceous. In addition, it may or may not be the same animal as the other therizinosaurs found in its home - more research is needed to determine as such.
~ By Meig Dickson
Sources Under the Cut 
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Barsbold, R. 1983. Khishchnye dinosavry mela Mongoliy [Carnivorous dinosaurs from the Cretaceous of Mongolia]. Transactions of the Joint Soviet-Mongolian Paleontological Expedition 19:1-117
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corvidamned · 4 years
@synthezcid | said: A-U for the meme A - Alone time (how do they get off when they’re all by themselves? do they watch porn, is it all in their imagination, do they jerk off, do they use toys?)  Watching het porn's sort of hit or miss for Kira with the exception of ow*n gr*y's body of work, or scenarios where size difference or wrestling is involved. Masturbation for the busybody is easiest before the sun comes up, leaving the rest of the day for cleaning toys and hopping in the shower before starting one's routine. Her go-to is her wand and her fingers, but a simple soft shaft dildo may make its appearance now and then. She keeps buying toys to test on herself, developing a small collection, but they mostly just sit in a designer bag in the bottom drawer of her dresser. B - Bondage (do they like it? do they not? do they prefer to be the one being tied or the one doing the tying?)  Yes, small powerplays like being restrained are always fun to explore and see how far she can let herself submit without breaking rope or cuffs. Tying up her partner is a privilege accompanied with body worship and very thorough and passionate oral before fingering or pegging. C - Crying  Answered! D - Dominance (do they prefer to dominate, or be dominated? do they have experience as a Dom? Do they have a Dom that they trust already? What kind of things do they enjoy as/with their Dominant partner?)  Kira has no preference and would rather be swept up in the latest development of feelings between her and her partner, assuming the role of what they need right now, than identify with being a top or bottom. For the first part of her and her partner's relationship, it's mostly vanilla rough passionate sex that switches its dynamic throughout. Much as she wouldn't mind a true dom or a true submissive, bdsm is more of an occasion than a subscribed ideology.  Still, she's very good at being a dom, attentive to the smallest reaction, often softening out intense scenarios with massages and kisses and praises in preparation for overstimulation or round two, three, and so on. Being a submissive is something she would like to work on more, to trust her body to react by itself than actively try to control the pace of the situation. E - Extra info (any other fetishes? feet? leather? role playing? blood? fantasies that they might want to experience not on this list?)  Ripping inexpensive clothing, knife play, biting, drinking blood, going to different places in each other’s mind, having deep conversations during, decent role play costumes, praise and acknowledgement and acceptance. F - Food play (do they like using food in the bedroom? are there any foods they prefer to use during sex or foreplay? any they’d like to try?)  Nothing that would get crumbs on the bed ;; Kira’s more of a let’s eat something big after kinda person, but she would not be opposed to a break for strawberries. G - Group sex (would they have a threeway? four? an orgy? do they put on a show for spectators? or do they like to keep it just between them and their partner?)  I don't think it's likely I'll ever be able to write a poly ship with three muses, each with a different mun. Maybe if I or my partner wrote the third muse. But it's so rare to find muses that are comfortable mentioning others' portrayals in the same continuity / universe even in a mutual friends capacity, let alone -- we both ship with the same muse, what if we also ship, AND what if we had a shared au where the three of us are a thing. Maybe next year. Anyhoo, Kira has a lot of love to give, but would only sleep with someone else with her partner's permission, and she would prefer that someone to be a good lifelong friend of them both. H - Humiliation (does degradation and insults get them hot? do they get off on humiliating someone else? what kind of humiliation is good for them?)  No. So, she would enjoy being called my pet or my good little slut, and being 'used' for her partner's enjoyment. That's part of the process of submitting. But tone and context matters completely. And it's not fun to be brought so low without some grand reward to get back to normal. So she just wouldn't let her lover speak to her that way. If they get away with it, she'll soon be plotting their demise. I - Impact play (here’s where talking about things like spanking, paddles, canes, floggers and the like.)  Kira does enjoy a good slap from her partner’s hand accompanied by a good grip or a massage to balance out the pain, or a slow build up of pain levels with a paddle. However, I am reluctant to rp impact play again, because should this kind of thread go dead before my partner gets to aftercare or their muse purposely neglects aftercare to leave Kira alone and in a vulnerable state, I get whiplash and the ship gets severely strained. J - Jelly (what kind of lube are they using? is it flavored? have they tasted it? do they prefer to use something other than real lube during sex?)  Regular unscented water based lube is the go-to. Lots of making out and grinding, and spit if we just can’t wait. Or cum-lube if we’re feeling fancy, or Kira’s pegging, as to complete the illusion. K - Kissing (what parts of their body do they like having kissed? what parts of their partner do they enjoy kissing? do they like leaving marks / having marks left on them?)  Mouth! Making out needs all the time in the world before it should escalate. She wants to know she’s loved, she wants to let her partner know she loves them!! Before it would escalate!!! Neck is also the way to go, followed by her back, and her folds. L - Lighting (are the lights on? off? do they have some kind of mood lighting set up?)  Everywhere Kira works there’s mood lighting: the Lounge, the Riddler’s hideouts, Gotham’s rooftops at night. All neon blues and greens and purples. Let her enjoy the natural atmosphere of the street lights peeking through her window, bathing everything in black and gold. Lights off. Let the morning come and let her see her partner desaturated and normal and perfect. M - Masochism (do they like pain? scratching? biting? being bossed around? spoken down to? choked?)  A little pain can be good if in a safe environment, and followed up with pleasure. Scratching is encouraged. Breaking Kira’s skin while biting is transformative and therefore not allowed unless it’s her partner’s last moments. Besides that, shallow biting is encouraged. Humiliation will get you kicked out. Choking may occur often, or at least strong grips on one’s jaw or throat. N - Not yet (orgasm delay? orgasm denial? do they tell their partner not to touch themselves for a certain amount of time or under certain circumstances? do they delay or deny other things like bathroom usage or food? do they need to beg first? do they like being denied / delayed?)  As long as there is a promise, a light at the end of the tunnel however small, Kira would subject herself or subject her partner to hold out for as long as possible in order to be overwhelmed and overstimulated thereafter. We do not work for crumbs. Denying one’s partner the restroom and skipping lunch is inhumane. People could faint. Everyone needs a break past three hours. O-S - outdoor sex, photography, quiet please, routine, sleepy sex Answered here! and here! T - Top or bottom (self explanatory…)  Switch. Will ride, will submit, will peg. U - Underwear (what kind of underwear do they put on in the morning, if any at all… do they own any sexy underwear or lingerie?) Boy shorts and sports bras mostly, under her costume. A lot of stage and gala outfits come with their own built in bustier or corset, so braless with those.  Lazy moments at home, she does wear lingerie and thigh socks under big knit cardigans to check the mail or get coffee and get back home to her laptop or her significant other.
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