#the banes of the ball series
bigtreefest · 3 months
Chapter 2: Traitor Jim
From: The Banes of the Ball Series
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Pairing: Jimmy Dobyne x Heiress! Reader
Summary: Jimmy’s good at keeping his own secrets, but can he keep yours?
Word count: 2,513
Content/warnings: institutional misogyny, 1920s debutante ball themes, southern speakeasy themes, alcohol consumption, mean!Jimmy (more like defensive, but still), secretive reader, allusions to a a want to disrupt the social structure, cross-dressing?
Author’s Note: So in my research, I found out that this movie universe occurs during the prohibition, so even when they drank in the movie, it was illegal. Therefore, I guess I made an illegal bar scene? Idk, I guess that there were gin distributors in Memphis during this time, so we’re gonna roll with that.
I’d love to hear you’d feedback in all forms! Comments, reblogs, and asks are so appreciated.
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Your invitation to Fisher had brought her back into the social circles, earning a few more opportunities for run-ins through the end of the debutante season. As you opened your ears and walked through the venues, you could tell not many wanted to entertain the young, socially exiled heiress, but from the apparent liking you took to her, they felt her inclusion was an obligation.
Outside of this environment, you were nowhere to be seen by the young men and women of town. That was by design, but for now, you walked through the ball, seeking your next hiding place. For this one, there was an upper level balcony pseudo cut off from the mingling areas by an appetizer table. It had already been picked through after you had made your first set of appearance rounds, making it perfectly unpopulated. You looked down upon the dance floor, counting the minutes, and the songs that would need to pass before you could acceptably leave, off to your more desired….obligations.
In your shroud of curtains and tiered food displays, your eyes wandered over the crowd below. New loves were being formed as men asked for a dance, secrets and gossip shared between spinsters-in-training along the sides, and jokes or plans to obtain the next jar of moonshine whispered amongst the men. Absolute fools. Everyone thought they were so sly, but you read their lips and body language easier than a book. It was almost as if they wanted their plans known, or better yet, spoiled. It wasn’t going to happen at your hand though. You didn’t have need for that right now, but should you, it would be easy to ruin any soul in this dated, yet fancy ballroom.
You turned around to find the punch bowl on the upstairs table. Perhaps if you were lucky, the boys had already spiked it and you wouldn’t have to pull from your own reserve tucked under your dress.
You knew they had gotten to it by taking a single step forward, the smell easily reaching your nose and burning the sensitive hairs. Perfect. You quickly made a cup before heading back to your balcony and looking down among the crowd. Hopefully it was good quality alcohol in the bowl and didn’t make you go blind. How ever could you properly interact in society then? Tragic.
As you sipped, you looked down at the crowd again, seeing the tops of heads flow and weave between each other. No one ever looked up; it was human nature. If you could find an exit route now, it would be your great escape.
As you moved to set down your cup, though, you saw something in the corner of your eye that didn’t fit the patterns and waves formed by the other party-goers. It was a man, stopped in the middle of the dance floor. His bright blue eyes looked up at you, piercing through the foliage and decor that often left you covered. He must have been searching specifically for you.
After your previous conversation with Jimmy Dobyne, you didn’t feel as though there was much to say. Based of the fact that he was looking to catch your gaze, you had figured that he was looking for a read on whether or not you had shared his secret. Evidently, you had not. You were never a fan of loose lips.
You lifted your skirt and ran down the back staircase to the rear door of the mansion. You had planned to leave through there and walk around the front of the house to your car as to not have to encounter anyone else, especially that certain farm boy.
Before you could reach the bottom of the steps, though, you were stopped in your tracks.
“Wonderful to see you this evening, miss.” The blue eyes had come to cut you off and pierce more harshly than before. His entire demeanor was in juxtaposition to his kind words, jaw clenched, gaze hard and unyielding with an unspoken demand. You maintained your formality, though, praying it would serve you well on your way.
“Good evening, James. I apologize, you have just caught me on my way out.” You hurriedly ducked past his shoulder just to be followed through the nearly hidden French doors at the rear of the house. Jimmy followed you out and down the stone steps and into the garden.
“That’s no problem, I was going to ask Fisher to leave soon, as well. I actually wanted to speak to you.”
You walked as fast as you could without reaching a run, getting into the front seat of your car and starting it. Luckily, your chauffeur had taken your bribe to leave you the vehicle, like most other nights, unbeknownst to your family.
“Perhaps another time, James. I really must be going.”
You could see the way his shoulders tensed forward in anger at your deflection of his statements and attempts to ignore. He began to run alongside the car as you weaved around the others in the driveway of the house.
“No. I demand that you stop and speak to me. I want you to never bring up what happened again. It was all fine. Fisher got her earrings back.”
Not from his command, but more due to shock, you slammed on the breaks of the car, causing you to lurch forward and Jimmy to skid to a stop in the gravel. He caught his footing quickly, though, taking the opportunity to open your car door and get in.
“You have no jurisdiction to demand anything of me, Mr. Dobyne. And you well know this is not about the earrings. Now I have somewhere to be, so either you go back to your fiancé, or you deal with me dropping you off in the middle of nowhere. What’ll it be?”
Jimmy closed the door to your car and settled into the passenger seat, looking straight forward. “Drive, go on.”
You rolled your eyes and huffed, continuing down the long road of the manor. You looked briefly over at him before you spoke up.
“I have no interest in becoming your next sexual encounter if that’s why you insist on being here. I’d never do that to Fisher and I most definitely have no desire to be the next Vinnie, who, speaking of which, just sent out invitations for an engagement party. Did you receive one?”
Jimmy’s jaw clenched again as he turned to face you in his seat. “Stop doing that!”
You feigned confusion. Men always believed you never quite understood what they were talking about, anyway. “Doing what?”
“Changing the subject and trying to make me feel bad.”
You simply shrugged, continuing to stare ahead. “I have no desire to make you feel bad. If that’s the way you feel, then I assure you it’s all self-inflicted. So tell me, James. Do you yourself feel bad for your actions? Maybe you ought to repent, or at least tell someone of your dirty little secret. I find it quite distasteful to take a woman’s hand and to not be honest with her. To keep things from her.”
Jimmy scoffed and rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms. “You have no place to speak about keeping secrets. I see the way you leave half of these events early. Never sticking around and never to be seen by anyone around town. I’m sure that’s a secret worse than my own.”
Your nostrils flared and your lips tightened. Sure, you taunted him on his private matters, but yours were to remain untouched. He didn’t know what was going on, or technically even if something was going on at all. “Careful where you step, James. I do not have another to care for. And what I do with my free time does not concern you, so I suggest you rethink your attempts at refutal when it comes to me.”
He huffed as you pulled to the side of the road to let him out. You were at the edge of town. Walking or finding a ride to wherever he needed to go shouldn’t be too difficult from here.
“We shouldn’t be too far that you can’t walk back to dear Fishy. Give her my best and do not come looking for trouble again. I am more than happy to greet you politely at gatherings, but your accusations leave a sour taste in my mouth. Good evening, James.”
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You drove off and left Jimmy in a cloud of dust before heading to the other side of town. Right about now, the restaurants would be closing, making room for the nightly patrons and gangsters to move through. It was no place for a lady to remain after dark, but to them, you were no lady.
You pulled off near a corn field on the side of a rarely traversed road and opened the trunk of the car. Under a panel, you found your bag and pulled it out, grabbing the trousers and button-down shirt and laying them out over the door. You worked quickly to shuck off your dress before carefully folding it and placing it in the trunk, over the panel. You slipped into the trousers, followed by the leather boots. After shrugging on the shirt, you dug into the pants pocket to pull out a ribbon and pins. You pulled your hair up tightly and tucked it under a cap. Others would have a fit they they saw a woman in this wear, especially you. You were meant to be at a ball, sitting like an ornament of your father’s legacy, not in the slums of the city.
Now, although your family would have called it the slums, it was far from it. It was where the workers hung out. It was where savvy businessmen were making the most of the country’s prohibitory situation. It’s where you were learning everything it might take for your future plans to come to fruition.
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You walked up the creaky wooden porch, your head on a swivel as you entered a pawn shop. At least, that’s what it was during the day. You made your way through the shelves and display cases to the curtain in the back, opening it to a bustling bar full of men both young and old.
With your makeup removed and a few light smudges of dirt here and there, your look matched theirs quite well. That was another benefit of staying out of the private eye as much as possible: none of them saw you enough to be able to identify you in this state. You just seemed like another farm worker.
You took your usual seat at the end of the bar, ducking your head to put your focus on the conversations going on around you. This environment gave you a completely different level of information than what your house maids would give you.
Usually, from here, you could catch anything from farmhands, to gin runners, to business men discussing what was going on. The true way the town was running. And that’s exactly what you wanted: an understanding of who was in control of business proceedings.
From your calm demeanor and regular appearance in this environment, you were known, but not much past a pseudonym you had fed them and the fact that you did odd jobs on your family’s estate. That was enough, though. Enough for you to seem unassuming and trust-worthy. Enough for their lips and morals to be loose around you. Enough for you to use very soon for your plans.
Men were stupid and again, you were in awe of it. None of them could recognize you. And for the ones that could? Well, they were already drunk off their asses. Problem solved. That’s how you were able to preserve your pub-dwelling Saturday nights for the foreseeable future.
As your drink was served, you felt a presence come up and sit in the stool next to you. You were used to that, men did anything to strike up a conversation and save themselves from the monotony of their lives. If only they knew how truly monotonous a life was when you weren’t allowed to perform half the duties that they’d spit upon when given the chance. They had so many options, but your empathy is what they wanted, not proof of their lack of hardships. Not yet, at least.
You put all those thoughts aside, though, taking a swallow of your drink before putting on your best smirk to strike up conversation. It was time to get to work.
Except when you turned your head to your left, you weren’t facing any old nobody. Well, to these guys, he would’ve been, but to you, it was someone starting to get on your nerves for invasion of privacy, someone with tumultuous, pained currents, not unlike the rivers run, for eyes: Jimmy Dobyne.
He opened his mouth to speak, but not before you slammed your hand over it while giving him a warning glare. “Careful with your mouth James. I know I wasn’t exceptionally stealthy tonight, but I thought you’d be smart enough to avoid a place like this.”
The bartender came over and you ordered a drink for Jimmy so he’d leave you alone to speak in privacy. “Now think before you speak. You’ve invaded my personal space and business already.”
Jimmy leaned in, speaking to you with anger that you knew came from your constant reminders of his wrongdoings. “You need to stop it with that and just tell me exactly what you know.”
You looked at him, keeping your face even bedsides the slight disbelief in his audacity. “I hold a keen eye, James. Keep your voice down and do be careful of who sees you and to whom you lend your trust.”
You turned back to the bartender to thank him for dropping off Jimmy’s drink.
His fists unclenched just for enough time for him to grab the glass and shove it away from himself.
“I ought to tell your father his daughter is out here disobeying him. A woman like you should not be in a place like this. Drinking much less!” The lowered volume didn’t make his voice any less cutting. You wouldn’t stand for that. You were trying to be nice. It seemed like neither your kind words, nor stern requests seemed to work on him. Perhaps threats were better.
“I ought to tell everyone you’re poor and loose with your belt buckle! But I won’t. Now accept a drink on my tab and sit to casually speak with me before you cause a scene. My my, James. One skill you do not have is subtlety.”
He scoffed before grabbing the glass and drinking it all down in one go, calling the bartender over for another.
“Good. Now listen closely because I’m not speaking above a whisper and you’ll only hear this once. I’ll let you in on some things, and by chance you could even help me, but first, you have to tell Fisher the truth.”
Next >
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Bonus A/N: So sugars and carbohydrates are what yeast ferments to create alcohol. The alcohol we consume is ethanol (aka EtOH aka Ethyl Alcohol). Sometimes, though, when done improperly, a byproduct is methanol (aka methyl alcohol, which means it has one less carbon and four less hydrogen atoms, making a smaller and totally different molecule functionally). Methanol has actually been found to make you go permanently blind! That’s why it can be so risky to drink home-brewed alcohols and moonshines. I assume this risk was even higher back in the early 1920s when a lot was bootlegged and they didn’t have many ways to test for the methanol. And therefore, I assume they knew sometimes alcohol made you go blind, but not quite how, which is why I added it here.
Taglist: @hawkeyes-queen @ronearoundblindly
21 notes · View notes
pure-smut · 2 months
off limits.
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featuring: Togame Jo x f!reader
contains: reader is Choji's sister, brother's best friend trope, a bit of angst, dry humping, outersex I think it's called? that thing where you rub genitals without penetration, someone help a gal out it's embarrassing to write smut and forget the name of the s*x thing you wrote about
note: all characters are aged up to 21+!
word count: 4.4k
series: 1. off limits | 2. radioactive
MDNI | 18+ content
a/n: phew boy did this one run away from me. i'm thinking this could be a series? yes no maybe?? let me know y'alls thoughts <3
Everyone knows that you, sister of the leader of Shishitoren, are off limits. It’s the bane of your dating life, every potential boyfriend too scared to even talk to you, let alone go further.
And it’s why you fall so hard for the boy from Bofurin.
He’d approached you on a night out, a rare mix of Shishitoren and Bofurin members in the same place. You asked if he knew who you were and he said yes. You asked if he was scared and he smiled and said no.
In hindsight, you never should have entertained a Bofurin boy. But you were so excited about the prospect that someone might like you enough to disregard the tentative agreement between your gangs. Between secret meet ups and stolen kisses, you let yourself fall for him.
He eventually stops showing up to your secret spot, stops messaging you back as quickly, stops taking your calls. You think you’ve done something wrong – you must have done something wrong – and you become frantic.
Are you leaving me? you message him.
He doesn’t reply for three days.
He’s met someone else, someone on his side of the tracks. It would never have worked out between you two anyway. He’s sorry he led you on, sorry he gave you the wrong idea. It was just a bit of fun anyway, right? You’re a great girl and you’ll find someone soon.
You smash your phone against the wall.
You throw on your shortest dress and your highest heels. You meet your friends at the bar, meet other Shishitoren members, slam your cash on the bar and buy rounds for everyone. You dance and laugh and drink, drink, drink, and on the inside you feel like your heart has been scooped out your chest and dumped on the side of the road.
The night becomes blurred, conversations and people mixing into each other like paint, until you can’t distinguish each from the next. You feel sick but you keep drinking, keep dancing, keep laughing.
You land hard on the ground but you don’t feel anything. Someone says something to you but you can’t hear them.
You feel like you’re in a washing machine, spinning. And then you don’t remember anything at all. *
You wake up to a dark room. You have approximately half a second of peace before the worst headache you’ve ever had in your life starts thumping at the back of your skull. Your tongue is stuck to the roof of your mouth and when you reach up to rub the sleep from your eyes, you realise you’ve still got last night’s make-up on.
“Uuuugh,” you groan and the taste of your own mouth makes you grimace.
You’re still in last night’s clothes, the dress hiked up to your waist from sleeping in it, but at least you remembered to take your shoes off. You can feel the burn in the balls of your feet from dancing in them too long.
You roll over in bed, blindly groping the nightstand for your phone before you remember you smashed it. You groan again, burying your face in the pillow, as the memories of yesterday come back with a vengeance.
I’ve met someone else.
It was just a bit of fun, right?
You’ll find someone soon.
Rage curdles with heartbreak in your stomach, making you feel nauseous. Who else? you want to cry out. Who the fuck else in this goddamn place will even come close to me?
Pressure builds behind your eyes, forcing you to suck in a deep breath to stem the tears. You refuse to cry any more over that asshole. You exhale shakily. Fortunately, or unfortunately, you’re so hungover you might expire right here in the bed so you have more immediate concerns you can focus on.
You manage to stumble out of bed, pulling your dress back down, and find the lamp light, casting a warm glow across your studio apartment. It’s only when you try to walk to the kitchen that you notice a dull ache on your leg.
You look down to see your knee is skinned, caked with dry blood, a fresh bruise blooming around it. You vaguely remember falling over but didn’t realise you’d actually hurt yourself.
“Gotta be fucking kidding me…” you mutter to yourself.
You’re annoyed but half-grateful – the physical pain is at least a distraction from your current emotional pain. You limp to the kitchen and pour yourself a glass of water. You drain the whole glass is one go, gulping it down like you’ve been traversing the Savannah for a week, and pour yourself a second glass. Your head is still thumping but you’re pretty sure after you brush your teeth, your mouth will at least go back to normal. But that’s a task for later.
With a heavy sigh, you pad over to the living area.
Except there’s something weird about it. You stare at the couch, blinking. Did you put a pile of blankets on there last night? You frown. You don’t remember doing that but you don’t remember a lot of things past a certain point.
Your eyes trail over the blankets until they settle on something even weirder. It looks like a tuft of jet black hair is sticking out from under the blanket. You blink again, your hungover brain churning as fast as it can to process what you’re seeing.
It’s only when the pile of blankets moves, an arm stretching out, that you scream.
There’s a fucking man in your house.
“Get out!” you screech.
You launch the glass of water at him but miss. It bounces harmlessly off the back of the couch but water goes everywhere, spraying the stranger.
“Ah.” Togame Jo pushes the blanket off himself, half-drenched. He scrubs his hand over his face before pushing back his wet hair. “That was a weird way to wake up.”
“T-Togame?” you stammer out, rooted to the spot. “What the fuck are you doing here?”
Togame sits back, his hair still dripping water down his face.
“Oh, hey, y/n,” he says as if just realising you’re there. “Good morning.”
“Yeah, good morning, what are you doing here?” you demand, hand on your hip. “You scared me!”
Togame looks genuinely surprised, his eyebrows raising.
“Oh, shit. Sorry.” He looks around. “What time is it? Think we slept in.”
You spread your hands, still waiting for him to answer your question, but he only stands up, stretching his arms above his head.
“How you feeling? Oh, I’ll make the coffee.” He yawns and walks past you to the kitchen.
“You still haven’t told me what you’re doing here.”
Togame opens your cupboards, pulling two mugs free, as if he lives here. You cross your arms across your chest, your headache making your patience wear thin.
“Togame…” your tone is warning.
“What’s the rush?” He turns to grin at you. “My guess is you’ve got a hangover that could slay a walrus so why don’t you just… chill?”
If that instruction came from anyone else, it’d make your temper flare. But it’s Togame. He moves like a sloth. You sigh and uncross your arms.
“I’m going to brush my teeth and take a shower. I feel like shit.” You stomp past him to the bathroom. “I want three-”
“Three sugars,” Togame finishes, winking. “Known you long enough to know how you like your coffee, doll.”
You turn away and close the bathroom door before he can see the blush on your cheeks. Truth be told, you had the fattest crush on Togame growing up – he’s only one year your senior and he was always around, being best friends with your brother. It fizzled as you got older but he still has the ability to make your cheeks flush. Sometimes you think he knows it.
You take a long, hot shower, ignoring the sting of your knee as you clean it. It's not so bad once the blood has cleared, just a scrape against the skin. That's one less problem, at least.
Once you’ve scrubbed away the hangover and your mouth feels clean again, you feel almost like normal. Your headache persists but it’s calmed to an annoying throb instead of feeling like a chainsaw in your skull.
You step out of the bathroom in your towel, hair dripping, to find Togame on your bed, scrolling his phone. You give him a flat look.
“What do you think you’re doing? Get off.”
Togame cocks his eyebrow, amused.
“Couch was wet.”
You press your lips together and exhale. You decide to ignore him and start picking through your clothes on the floor, trying to find a clean pair of pyjamas. You have absolutely no intention of leaving your home today.
“Your towel’s a bit short to be bending over like that.”
Togame’s voice makes you snap up to standing. You spin to face him, cheeks hot.
He only grins wide at you, chuckling.
What has gotten into him? you think as you start searching your clothes again, more carefully this time. Togame’s always been a light flirt but nothing this brazen. And he still hasn’t told you what’s doing here.
A sick feeling overcomes you. You slowly turn to him.
“Togame…” you say and he looks up from his phone. “Last night, we didn’t…”
“Jesus, y/n.” A notch appears between his brow and you realise he looks hurt. “No, nothing happened last night.”
You take a shaky breath, an embarrassed heat crawling up your neck.
“Right. Sorry.”
Togame sits up straighter, tugging his t-shirt over his head. You watch, wide-eyed, as he hands it to you.
“Wear this and come lie down already. I’ll tell you why I’m here, alright?”
You try your best to ignore his bare torso and accept his t-shirt. Togame makes a show of covering his eyes as you quickly change into it. Too late you realise you didn’t pick up any clean underwear but Togame’s t-shirt falls to your mid-thigh so it should be fine, you just need to make sure you don’t accidentally flash him.
Togame pats the space on the bed next to him and you cautiously climb on, tugging the hem of his t-shirt down.
“Okay. I’ll start by saying I know you had a rough day yesterday so there’s no judgement here…”
Immediately, your anxiety spikes.
“Your brother and I found you in one of the clubs. You were…” He struggles to find the right words.
“Completely wasted?”
You sigh but it’s not unexpected news – you already knew by the hangover and the lack of solid memories.
“You were telling everyone you hate Bofurin.” Togame scratches his head. “That was weird. And then you fell and hurt yourself so I took you back home. Made sure you weren’t going to choke on your own vomit and then took the sofa.”
You groan, drawing your knees up to your chest and putting your face in your hands. Humiliating.
“I don’t hate Bofurin,” you say quietly. “I hate one Bofurin boy.”
“Ah.” Togame clicks his tongue in understanding.
The brutal break-up messages invade your mind again, your chest aching. To your horror, hot tears spill down your cheeks.
You try to twist away before Togame can see but he stops you before you can, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you towards him. His bare chest is hot against your cheek and you can smell the familiar scent of him on his t-shirt. It’s so comforting and familiar, it’s like a dam breaks inside you.
You break down, howling and burying your face in Togame’s chest.
“I hate him,” you sob. “I hate him, I hate him.”
Togame stays quiet, resting his cheek on the top of your head as he lets you cry yourself dry. You eventually pitter out to a sniffle, your nose blocked and eyes puffy.
“I’m just gonna get you a tissue, okay?” Togame says before releasing you.
When he returns, you dry your eyes and blow your nose, taking a deep breath. Even though the hollow feeling inside your hasn’t gone, you feel lighter. Like a weight is off your shoulders.
“Thanks,” you say, still sniffling, as he climbs back into bed.
You catch sight of his chest, shiny with your tears and… other things. You wince.
“Sorry,” you mumble.
Togame only shrugs but you feel bad so you kneel beside him, pulling a fresh tissue. You swipe it gently across his chest, cleaning him off. You feel Togame’s eyes on you, watching you, and glance up.
“Who was he?”
You look at him properly, hearing the hardness in his voice. Togame usually has a smile on his lips, and he still does, but his green eyes are sharp as emeralds. You heave a sigh.
“You want to fight him.”
“Mmm. Thought so.” You shake your head, pulling back and throwing the tissues in the bin. “It’s not worth it, Togame.”
“He hurt you.”
“Yeah, but I let him.” You squeeze your eyes shut, pinching the bridge of your nose. You huff a laugh. “I don’t know if it’s even him I loved or…”
A thickness appears in your throat, tears threatening again.
“Or what?” Togame’s voice softens.
You know if you speak, you’ll cry, so you just shake your head instead.
Togame sits up straighter, reaching across to grasp your hand. You inhale deeply, pushing back tears.
“I…” You swallow and try again. “I’m off limits.”
Togame squeezes your hand so you keep going.
“I can never have a proper boyfriend and that fucking sucks. I just got so excited that I found someone.” Your vision swims and you irritably brush away the tears. “I don’t know if it’s him I liked or just the fact that I had someone. Anyone.”
Togame is quiet, his fingers interlaced with yours. You scrub the back of your hand against your cheeks until your tears stop, shoulders sagging.
“Man… Choji sucks,” Togame says, breaking the silence. “I suck too. I didn’t even think about how this would…”
He scratches the back of his neck, wincing.
“I’ll talk to your brother for you.” Togame squeezes your hand again but your head snaps up at his words. “I’ll tell him-”
“No! No, don’t do that.” You shake your head. “It’s awkward and it won’t help. What, is he gonna go to the whole of Shishitoren and say, step right up and bang my sister?”
Togame sniggers and you find yourself chuckling quietly with him, despite yourself.
“You’ve got a point,” he concedes.
You take a deep breath, giving your cheek a couple of light slaps.
“I do feel better though,” you tell him. “After talking to you. So, thank you.”
Togame gives you a lazy grin.
“Even though I’m gonna die alone.”
“Not true.” Togame shakes his head with a smile. “If there wasn’t this dumb ‘off limits’ rule, you’d have guys falling at your feet.”
“Shut up,” you say but you’re smiling hard, cheeks warming.
“Seriously,” Togame says, locking eyes with you. “Trust me.”
Did all the air just get sucked out of the room or something? You try to take a breath but your lungs feel tight. Togame’s gaze bores into you and you’re suddenly hyper-aware you’re still holding hands.
Wait, what did he mean by that? Did he mean him? Is he talking about himself?
Despite your spiralling, Togame seems completely unfazed.
“I’m gettin’ hungry. Let’s order in.” He talks like it’s obvious he’s spending the day here. Which you’re not entirely mad about.
“Uh. Yeah, sure.”
You watch as Togame grabs his phone, tapping through to a delivery app. You take the opportunity to really look at him. You know what he looks like, obviously, you’ve known each other most of your lives. But you’ve never really looked before.
His dark hair is still messy from being wet earlier and his undercut is growing back, needing to get shaved again soon. You admire the curve of his strong nose, his sharp jaw. When your eyes fall on his lips, you dart a tongue out to wet your own automatically. Togame glances up to catch you staring and you immediately avert your eyes, pretending to study the ceiling.
“Were you star-” he starts.
“So what food are we getting?” you interrupt him, leaping off the bed and pulling down the hem of your t-shirt.
You’re not entirely sure why you jumped away from him so you pick up your laptop as a cover, except you trip over your clothes on the way, your feet tangling in the fabric. Togame regards you with an amused look, waiting for you to return before handing you his phone.
“Choose whatever you want, my treat,” he says.
You would normally protest, insist on splitting 50/50, but you’re too flustered to do anything except tap in your order and hide your red-hot face as much as possible, climbing back into bed next to him. Togame’s watching you so you focus on searching for a movie on your laptop, not looking at him.
“Y/n,” he says.
“Look at me.”
You swallow hard and reluctantly turn to face him.
Togame’s face has turned serious, his playful smile gone.
“Put the laptop away,” he says and there’s an undercurrent of a command there that makes you do what he says.
You put the laptop on the nightstand and as soon as you do, Togame pulls you on top of him so you’re straddling his lap. You inhale sharply at the sudden movement, his t-shirt riding up your thighs. You tug the hem back down, covering yourself, and look at Togame with burning cheeks.
“What are you doing?” you protest.
“You like me,” he states plainly. "I didn't want to say anything because I thought it would make you feel worse but..."
Your brow furrows.
"But what?"
Togame gives you a sly grin.
"You were kinda... all over me last night."
Your stomach drops out your butt. Your throat closes to a pinpoint.
"What?" you choke out.
"You told me you got a crush on me."
"Oh, god."
"Said you wanted me to come back to yours."
"Please stop."
"Which I did, obviously, but like, just to make sure you were okay. You were really out of it. So yeah, that's how I know you like me."
Are you having a panic attack? Because this feels like a panic attack. It feels like your lungs have closed up shop. You didn't think your face could burn any hotter but you swear you can cook an egg on your cheeks right now. You've never prayed harder for the floor to swallow you whole.
You go to move out of Togame's lap but he grabs your hips, stopping you. Before you can say anything else, he continues.
“Honestly?" Togame rests his head back against the headboard, regarding you with an easy smile. "I like you too. Have for a while.”
The casualness of his confession is at odds with the way your heart thunders in your chest.
“You’re right – you’re off limits. Choji never explicitly said anything but it’s kinda implied. So, I held back.” Togame gives you an apologetic smile. “I didn’t realise how much of a disservice I was doing to you until today. Until earlier.” He takes a deep breath. “I fucked up. I’m sorry.”
Your tongue feels too heavy for your mouth. Your brain churns slowly, still not fully recovered from last night, as you process this, but at least your heart rate slows somewhat. You haven't made a complete fool of yourself if Togame likes you back, right?
“What… w-what does this mean?" you stammer. "Like, what do we…?”
Togame reaches out to brush your hair back from your face, tucking it behind your ear. His fingers linger on your cheek.
“I think we should talk to Choji before anything…” His gaze rakes over you. “Happens.”
“Yeah.” You nod. “You’re right. We should talk to Choji first.”
There's not a lot of conviction in your voice even though you know it's the right thing to do. You glance down at Togame’s bare torso. You place your hand on his toned stomach, sliding it up to his chest. He feels so good under you, his skin hot to the touch, the hardness of his muscle. And now he’s yours.
The thought emboldens you. You lean forward, trailing your hand up his neck to his jaw before carding your fingers through his dark hair. It’s softer than you expected, still half-damp, and Togame’s eyelids flutter as your nails scratch his scalp.
“Kissing is fine though, right?” you whisper.
“Mmm,” Togame hums. “If it’s just kissing…”
That’s all the permission you need.
You close the few inches between you, pressing your lips against his. Togame runs one hand up your thigh while the other cradles your jaw. He kisses as slow as you expected, taking his time with you, savouring you. You part your lips to deepen the kiss and Togame gladly obliges, running his tongue across your bottom lip before slipping it inside your mouth.
Your entire crush, which you thought had fizzled out, explodes from its grave. Your skin buzzes, your hands running over his chest, his biceps, up to the nape of his neck to tug on his hair. The Bofurin boy was the only person you ever kissed and it was always nice.
This is so much more.
Togame rolls you over until you’re on your back and he’s on top, never breaking the kiss. You wrap your legs around him, pulling him closer. Your hands are on his back, feeling the muscles move as he supports himself over you. You moan into his mouth and Togame immediately pulls back.
“Ah, you can’t…” He blinks a few times, half-laughing. “You can’t do that to me.”
“Do what?”
“Make that noise. I’m…” Togame glances down and then back up again, fixating on a spot above your head. “I’m hard already.”
A smile crawls across your face, a thrill running through you. You tighten the grip your legs have around his hips, wiggling against him. True to his word, you can feel his boner through his sweatpants.
“Mmm, ah, aha, you’re really not making this any easier on me.”
“It’s just kissing, Jo.” You grin, pleased that you have such an effect on him, and pull his face down for another kiss.
“Mmm, I kinda liked that,” Togame says between kisses, a smile on his lips. “Say it again.”
“Jo,” you say sweetly, bucking your hips to rub against his hard-on again.
“Ah, fuck, that feels good…” Togame moves his mouth down to your neck, sucking on the skin there. “Mmm, maybe grinding’s allowed too.”
“I agree,” you say, pulling his hips down to meet yours.
Togame rolls his hips, rubbing his bulge against your naked pussy. The friction against your throbbing clit only spurs you on and you grind back against him. Togame groans into your neck, the stimulation teasing enough for all the blood to rush to his cock but just not quite enough.
“Jo, I need more…” you breathe, almost pleading.
You’ve been teased to the brink of your climax but it’s not enough to push you over the edge.
“I know, baby, me too.” Togame pushes himself up onto his hands, his cheeks flushed. “I’ve got an idea.”
He rolls onto his back, scooping his arms under you to take you with him, as you end up back on top.
“Raise your hips a little for me, baby,” he instructs and you do so.
Once you’ve hovering over him, Togame reaches down to push his sweatpants down slightly, just enough so that his cock springs free. You look down at it, mouth watering, before glancing back at Togame.
“I thought we couldn’t…”
“Don’t worry.” Togame smiles up at you reassuringly.
He presses his cock down against his stomach and, with one hand on your hip, guides you to sit gently on the shaft. As soon as you do, your lips pressed against his cock, he lets out a relieved groan.
“Fuck, that’s better,” he breathes. “Just grind back and forth, baby.”
The feel of Togame’s bare cock against your pussy makes your hole clench around nothing. Togame pushes up your t-shirt to your waist, holding it there so he can watch. Slowly, cautiously, you slide your puffy lips back and forth along his shaft.
“S-shit…” Togame mutters. “Good job, baby, just like that. You’re doing so good, just keep going.”
You rock your hips back and forth, feeling the ridges of Togame’s cock, his fat mushroom head rubbing against your swollen bud so deliciously. You let out a content sigh, leaning back to rest your hands on his thighs so you can roll your hips easier.
“Jesus Chris, you’re so fucking hot.” Togame’s usually sleepy eyes are locked onto you, switching between your face to your body to where your slick cunt grinds against his cock.
Your pussy drools for him, making the friction even better. Togame’s grip tightens on your waist, the heat of your wet lips against his girth bringing him to the edge of euphoria. You cant your hips slightly, rubbing your clit against the sensitive head of his cock, and Togame moans out loud. The pleasure you’re both inflicting on each other fuels the other, bringing you to the apex together.
“Jo…” you gasp and Togame knows he’ll do whatever he has to, to make sure he gets to hear you say his name like that again. “I’m gonna…”
You don’t get to finish your sentence. Your body seizes, your back arching, as you cream over his cock. The sight of you cumming is enough to usher in Togame’s own orgasm. He groans, long and low, his grip like iron on your waist. You feel his cock throb against you and look down in time to see him fire thick ropes of cum across his stomach and chest. You’re hypnotised by the scene – the stripes of creamy cum, the way Togame’s abs move as he breathes heavy, the half-lidded, satisfied look in his eyes.
He finally releases his grip on you, letting your t-shirt fall. You sit back slightly, not wanting to leave your position just yet, and reach for the tissues he got your earlier. With shared grins, you both clean the cum from his torso.
“Come here,” Togame says, opening his arms.
You lean forward, pressing yourself against his chest as he wraps his arms around you.
“We’ll talk to Choji tonight,” he says. “I don’t think we’ll last until tomorrow.”
You smirk, not disagreeing, but your smile falls.
“What if he says no?” you say quietly.
Togame’s chest rises under you as he breathes deep. He doesn’t have an answer for you.
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emphistic · 4 months
A/N: i must finish this series before it finishes me. this is also only my second time writing on laptop instead of my phone.
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Sukuna wasn’t supposed to be enjoying this.
It came natural to him — talking to you, I mean.
“Hello?” you asked, putting him on speaker. You didn’t bother moving your phone to your ear, your roommate slept over at her boyfriend’s last night anyway. So you had the apartment to yourself.
A deep, raspy voice answered on the other line with a quick, “Hey,” and you assumed he had probably only woken up a few minutes before he called you.
“Do you . . . need something?” You had to admit, this was quite odd. It was rare for Sukuna to call you so early in the morning, after all, your tutoring sessions were usually in the evening or right after Sukuna got off of basketball practice, which was never before 4pm.
“I’m supposed to need something now? What if I just wanted to talk to you?”
“. . .” You almost dropped your phone on the tiles of the kitchen floor; your silence told Sukuna everything he needed to know.
“What, don’t tell me I can’t talk to my favorite tutor?” His voice held a mischievous tone to it, and the expression painted on his face was no different.
“I’m your only tutor, dickhead.”
Sukuna feigned a sigh, and you almost pitied him for a second. “I just, y’know, miss hearing the voice of the prettiest girl on campus—”
“Sukuna, don’t—don’t do that. Especially not to me.” Chance no. 1 — Those words and the tone in which you uttered them almost made Sukuna think back on the whole bet. If only he had. If only he had listened.
“Do what?”
“You know what.”
“Why not?”
“For fuck’s sake, Sukuna, don’t play coy. It is eight in the morning—”
“I’m serious, though. I just want to talk to you, it’s, ah, lonely over here.” Sukuna twirled a pen he picked up from his nightstand between his fingers.
Lonely? Lonely? Sukuna was lonely? Yeah, he had to be playing with you or something. “Where’s that girl you posted on your story last night then, hm? Was she not up to your liking, Ryomen?”
“Don’t even start.”
You laughed. Sukuna smiled; in all honesty, he really did miss your voice. He had neither seen nor heard from you in days. Coach had been kicking him in the ass lately, telling him to do this and do that, and the injury on his shoulder was really starting to take a toll on his body. He wasn’t allowed to work out, much less, even play ball.
“Are you really serious though? Like, deadass?”
Sukuna paused, before answering moments later. “Why the hell would I not be? Yuuji’s out of town with some of his friends, so I have no one to bother, and no games for a while, either. This is the first time I’ve had — what did you call it? — a lazy morning.”
You couldn’t stifle your giggle. “Is that all you care about? No Yuuji and no basketball?”
“. . . I also have no food in the fridge . . . so that’s that, I guess.”
“Oh, my God! You being miserable is not supposed to be this funny. I can’t.” Sukuna could still hear your laughter loud and clear from the other line even after you set your phone down to clutch your stomach in hysteria.
“How rude of you, Madame President.”
When you realized how casually you were speaking to Sukuna — out of all people, you abruptly regained your composure, and cleared your throat. Yeah, sometimes either you or Sukuna would crack a joke or two during a tutoring session, but you two rarely held a civil conversation without it breaking out into a petty fight or argument about something trivial. So this was certainly new. And, you were also fairly surprised with how natural it felt, as if this was totally normal, and you totally weren’t speaking to the biggest nuisance and bane of your existence.
However, this also wasn’t the first nor last phone call you two would ever have. And usually, speaking while separated also helped keep the peace between you both.
“Are you stable now?” Sukuna teasingly questioned.
Your voice cracked, “Mhm.”
“Good.” Then, he hung up. That was it. That was it. Chance no. 2 — Sukuna should’ve just left it at that. He should’ve never called you another morning, or another evening. But no, he was determined to prove Naoya Zen’in wrong. He could do this. But. . . He shouldn’t do this. And that made all the difference.
Maybe it was a bad idea to immediately start his car and drive to your complex. Maybe it was a bad idea to knock three times, sparing only a glance at the number on your door: 116. Maybe it was a bad idea to enter your apartment. Maybe it was a bad idea. Then again, you were the one who let him in — in the first place. It was a bad idea.
“You said you were hungry, right? I’m making breakfast right now. Wan’ some?”
He should’ve shook his head no, and said, “My fridge is empty. But I’m not hungry,” but he didn’t. Sukuna stayed over for three hours. You two spent the morning sharing a stack of pancakes, and spoke in hushed tones — not for any specific reason — over cups of coffee.
But that wasn’t all. Sukuna began calling you almost every morning after that day. At first, it was an inconvenience, as most of your meetings were in the early hours, but you two came to a compromise and only spoke on the phone for as long as it took you to change your clothes and get ready to leave. However, unbeknownst to you, Sukuna also took the time out of his day. Though it wasn’t much, Sukuna skipped out on his morning jogs to hear your voice. It didn’t matter, anyway, because Coach wasn’t going to let him run if he had a say in this. But he didn’t.
The bet stayed in the back of his mind. Sukuna rarely thought about it. At times, most times, really, it didn’t feel like a bet or a dare or a joke, to Sukuna. It felt real. It felt like he was actually talking to and hanging out with a real person. He was talking to and hanging out with you. And he was enjoying it.
But when Naoya called, and asked for them to meet up after school, Sukuna automatically knew what that little mutt wanted. They agreed on a small diner, close to campus, and not too far from their gymnasium. It was rough, downtrodden, and looked too old to still be running. Nevertheless, no one was supposed to see them here anyway, so it worked.
“Have you two hung out yet?”
The memory of having breakfast at your place was not a distant memory, so Sukuna didn’t mention it. “Not out of school.”
“I assume progress has been slow, then?”
“We’ve started talking more than usual.” Sukuna silently reminisced about all the nights you spent on call together, when either of you couldn’t fall asleep, and about all the mornings you spent eating breakfast together, when Sukuna’s fridge was, like always, empty. But he didn’t mention any of those things.
“You seem to be enjoying this, y’know. I saw the way you dropped her off at her Student Council meeting, don’t think I didn’t.”
Sukuna frowned, but the blond continued.
“You had a smile on your face.” 
That, he did.
“If you don’t hurry up and get her to go out with you, I’m calling off the bet. Money’s gone. No prize, nothing. Make up your mind. Go through with this, or, like the pussy you are, forfeit,” Naoya spat out; his tone was far from benevolent, did Sukuna forget about how this all started in the first place? Chance no. 3 — Sukuna should’ve ended the deal right then and there. But he didn’t; if Naoya thought Sukuna was going to back out of this unsuccessful, he thought wrong.
“You seem to have forgotten who was the pussy in the first place, dumbass. I’ll forfeit when I die.”
“We’ll see about that, Ryomen. We’ll see.”
It was later than usual when Sukuna called you that night, and exhaustion was evident in his voice.
“You’re telling me, that, you’ve started hanging out with SUKUNA!?”
“Nobara, shh! At this point, the whole building’s going to know.”
“They should know! This is revolutionary! My friend’s getting laid!”
You shot her a pointed expression.
“Alright, alright, let me just tone it down a bit, my bad, because I’m totally not shocked that my best friend is now talking civilly with the man of her NIGHTMARES!” Her pitch gradually got louder and higher as she continued with her sentence. You curled up into a ball on the floor of your shared living room as the brunette paraded around the apartment waving her arms about and screaming in intervals of only two seconds.
“And, and, not only that, he’s also asking you OUT?!”
“Nobara, oh, my God.”
“‘Oh, my God’ is right. This is — I don’t even know what to say — is this good? Is this great? Are we excited? Are we friendzoning him? What’s—what’s the situation here, girl? Fill me in a little more.”
“Oh, yeah, about that. . . I’m not really into baseball, but I was talking to him the other day about it—”
“Why are you only telling me just now?”
“Anyways, I was telling him about this player who I thought was really cute. Y’know, the guy I showed you a picture of—with the really spunky hair, yeah, that guy, and umm, I guess he took that as me saying I’m into baseball. But I’m not. I have no clue what anything regarding that sport even is, I just—ugh, I need help. He says he has really good seats,” you pinched the space between your brows in exasperation.
“What I’m getting at here is that you don’t want to say ‘no’ because he already paid for the tickets?”
You nodded.
“But you don’t want to say ‘yes’, right?”
When you didn’t respond, Nobara audibly sighed as loud as one could, and slapped her palm on her forehead. “I thought you were better than this. Sukuna? Really? You want to go out with that punkass? The one who — you told me — annoyed the shit out of you back in high school? Girl, something has to be possessing you right now, what the fuck.”
“Okay, okay, deep breaths. Let’s backtrack a little,” Nobara seemed to be the only one not following her own instruction.” So, he’s asking you out on a date, with him, and not another better guy who would be better deserving of you. Yes? Ugh, damnit. Okay, anyway, and you plan on saying ‘yes’.”
“I might’ve already said ‘yes’,” you winced as Nobara looked like she was about to faint.
“Oh, dear Jesus. Do I not exist to you anymore? Why are you only giving me the scoop, like, centuries later? Are we not friends, roommates, anything? . . . Okay, okay, deep breaths, Nobara, deep breaths. . .” She shut her eyes and began to breathe in deeply, over and over again. 
All the while, you tried to contain your own mind. If you really thought hard and long about it, it would seem a little strange that you were going on a date with Ryomen Sukuna. Scratch that, really strange, actually. I mean, how much could a person possibly change over the course of — what, a year? — to go from teasing and bullying you relentlessly, absolutely determined to make your life a living hell, to asking you out on a date. A date? Isn’t that what couples do? Isn’t that what people who like or love each other do? But, you weren’t supposed to like nor love Sukuna. You were supposed to hate his guts, or, at the most, tolerate him. But no more, right?
That’s what Nobara Kugisaki was trying to figure out, as well. But her specific thinking was on a level below yours. As your best friend, roommate, and all the things you could possibly think of, she knew you. She knew your favorite type of sandwich, your favorite music genres and songs, your favorite hairbrush to use, your favorite pair of shoes. She knew you well. But, after some previous events, she now only knew you well enough. She also used to know your type. . . And, Sukuna? Wasn't it, until now, apparently.
“So what’s the game plan?” The sound of her genuinely curious voice brought an abrupt end to your train of thought.
“Oh, um, I don’t know? Just go to the game with him, I guess. That’s all there is to it, right? It’s just a simple date, a simple outing, an evening of fun. Yeah! Let’s think of it that way.” While you tried to act normal about the whole arrangement, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of misgiving about the whole thing. You were actually starting to like Sukuna more than you let on, he made you feel giddy inside, like a little middle school girl talking to her crush, he made you laugh and smile, but, in the end, you weren’t sure if he changed enough as a person to not go back to his old ways.
“That’s all there is to it?” Nobara repeated, not completely understanding your words.
Maybe you were overthinking all of this. After all, Sukuna never referred to this as a date in the first place, it was you, instead, who thought of it as one. I mean, who wouldn’t? Sukuna played it off as, “Me and Yuuji were originally going to go together, but we bought these tickets before he went out of town. And I don’t like baseball that much, either, I’m more of a basketball typa guy — as you know, so there’s no way I’m going alone. And there’s also no way I’m letting sixty bucks go to waste.”
You laughed with him, and said, “So I’m the replacement?”
“Whatever you want to be.”
To be completely honest, you didn’t give it much thought when you quickly replied only moments later, “Sure, I’d like that.”
“What the fuck?! He was clearly safe!” Sukuna yelled, standing up from his seat as the rest of the crowd held similar reactions to what was called.
You crossed your legs, remaining seated, and placed a hand over your mouth to stifle your giggles. “I thought you weren’t into baseball?”
“That doesn’t mean I’m stupid!” Sukuna extended an arm out in the direction of the umpire, and mumbled a string of curses.
“Was it really that big of a deal? Mind you, you’re the brainy one in this area, not me, for once. You’ve gotta start giving me some pointers.” You cocked your head to the side, and used your hand to escape the harsh rays of the sun.
“Oh really, that so?”
“Was my lecture lasting the whole car ride here not enough for you?”
You let out a laugh, “You already know the answer to that.”
“Let me guess, you didn’t listen to a thing I said?”
“Sukuna, what are we doing?”
“Hm? What do you mean by that?”
The two of you spoke quietly, whilst sharing a cool milkshake after you unanimously decided it was hot as fuck, and you both were sweating like absolute pigs.
“Y’know. . . What are we doing? What are we doing at a baseball game together? What are we doing spending most nights and mornings on call together? What are we doing on a date together? What are we doing—together?” It was hard enough for you to keep eye contact with someone, you always felt uncomfortable by it, but Sukuna made it nearly impossible. You couldn’t meet his dark eyes for long enough until you had to avert your gaze elsewhere. But sharing a milkshake together? There really was no escape for you.
When the stadium grew boisterous and louder than ever out of the blue, you thought everyone was listening in to your conversation. Then, the logical side of your brain shut that idea down. But, when you and Sukuna turned your heads simultaneously to face the Jumbotron at the same time, you realized.
Inside of a heart-shaped frame decorated in pink and red hearts on the live-streamed video up above was none other than your and the pink haired-man beside you’s faces on the screen. And below your faces, written in bold, large, and white letters were: KISS CAM.
This was it. This was how you would die.
“I don’t know what the fuck we’re doing,” Sukuna turned to look at you with a calmer-than-he-should-be face. “Hell, I don’t even know what I’m doing. But . . . if you’ll let me. . .” His voice trailed off as his eyes languidly moved down your face, until his gaze rested on your lips.
Chants of “Kiss, kiss, kiss” filled the stadium, and grew louder and louder and louder, despite your evidently growing embarrassment.
You don’t know who leaned in first, and to this day, you still don’t know.
Sukuna’s arm — which previously hung around the back of your seat, moved to rest on the small of your back. His other hand gingerly cupped your cheek, and you subconsciously leaned into his hand, relaxing at the feel of his seemingly soothing touch.
A smirk grew on Sukuna’s face, and you waited for an obscene, vulgar joke to come out, but it never did. As your faces got nearer, your noses almost touching as a result, time seemed to come to a halt. You couldn’t even hear the restless crowd anymore. It was just you, and Sukuna. Sukuna and you. You and Sukuna. Come to think of it, you liked the sound of that, to be honest.
While Sukuna came closer, you couldn’t help but notice how handsome he really was. I know, it sounds weird to say, but it was true. In high school, he had his fair share of girlfriends, but you never really paid much thought to it. But now, you know why. It was undeniable. Sukuna really was attractive. Even if you push aside him being built like a Greek god, there were still other aspects to his beauty. His seemingly hypnotic eyes, his defined cheekbones, his tattooed skin, and that sharp jawline of his. It was all so, so beautiful.
You closed your eyes, afraid of what would happen next. But really, there was nothing to be afraid of as his lips met yours in a tender, yet fervent kiss.
This was . . . new. You didn’t expect a kiss from the Ryomen Sukuna to feel this way — not that you ever thought about that, no way. Was he always this gentle? Fuck, why was his hair so soft? While your focus was entirely on the man in front of you, your hands were quite distracted and moved to his nape to play with the little ends of hair there from his undercut.
Earlier, the cries of the stadium were softened and shut out because of . . . something you didn’t know about. (And the author doesn’t know, either.) But now, sounds of the stadium were completely drowned out, for you could only hear the hammering of your own heartbeat in your own chest.
Thump. Thump. Thump.
Your mind was wiped completely blank, and you felt lightheaded, beyond dazed, even, as Sukuna caressed your cheek whilst he deepened the kiss ever so slightly. His lips began to move more ravaging-ly, like he was greedy for more. His tongue lightly grazed against your bottom lip, before he gave you lick. Taking the opportunity — as you parted your lips in a gasp, Sukuna added a little bit of tongue into the kiss as well.
The crowd grew wild, erupting into cheers as the sight on the screen grew closer and closer to a mere porno. Some parents were even forced to cover the stares of their curious and confused children 
You swore — for a split second, that you could taste the bitterness of the chocolate syrup from the milkshake you two had shared earlier, which made the kiss feel impossibly more sweeter, and even pleasant, if you will. You felt your face heat up, and your cheeks redden. You just knew he was going to tease you about this later, but did it matter? Not really, no.
The kiss turned sloppy, as Sukuna grew insatiable like the jerk he was, and people in charge of the KISS CAM quickly moved to a different couple, in hopes of keeping things a little more on the PG side.
You were surprised, to say the least, as you found yourself craving more. You grew fond of the feeling of his lips on yours, and you were beyond devastated — a pout evident on your glossy lips, when Sukuna pulled away.
You sank down into the back of your seat, covering your reddening cheeks, and attempting to hide from the world as Sukuna only gave a shit-eating grin to the people around you both.
Was it the beer that made you do all of that? Oh, right. You’re completely sober! God, you wondered what possessed you to do such a thing, much less, on live video! There was no excuse for what you just did. Nada.
“Was it really that bad? — That you had to hide away like a little hobbit?” Sukuna teased, laughing as you continued to get impossibly more red.
He really, really enjoyed this.
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000-pawz · 4 months
" fantasy romance tropes " bnd series masterlist °。⋆⸜ 🪽♡🪄
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coming soon!
a/n: i was listening to dawn in the adan by ichiko aoba and got inspired to start a series! i barely see any fantasy stuff on here and i'm a big lover of it so here this is :3 <3 (p.s. there won't be an order to posting! it'll be random >3<) i tried to put my own spin on these tropes, so i hope you guys look forward to them! <3
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"bloom for me" - sungho x reader ˚ ⋆。˚
angel sungho x human!reader | modern-day au, forbidden love, angst, fluff, hurt/comfort
"sungho has been assigned to be your guardian angel, to look after you from afar, and to make sure you stay out of harm's way. the only rules? don't get too close and never interfere with true fate. but when you find yourself in a dark place, unsure of whether life is truly worth living, sungho finds himself unable to simply sit around and watch you fall apart. he wants to show you the light; even if he must sacrifice everything he has even known for it."
"night life stars" - riwoo x reader ˚ ⋆。˚
elf!riwoo x human!reader | old fantasy au, forbidden love, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, strangers to lovers
"growing up, you've always been told to never pass the flower field in the woods and to stay far away from elf territory because everyone knows that elves are the most violent creatures in the forest. one summer, a drought spreads throughout your village, and while fetching water from a stream in the woods for your family, you end up slipping and hitting your head on a rock. when you finally wake up, your eyes immediately lock on to a pair of glimmering green ones. eyes that belong to the enemy itself."
"safest sounds"- jaehyun x reader ˚ ⋆。˚
hybrid!jaehyun x human!reader | modern-day au, hybrids & humans, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, strangers to lovers, living together
"after another tiring day at work, you're walking back to your apartment when you hear soft cries coming from an alleyway. with your undeniable curiosity, you go to find the source of sound—and much to your surprise, you find an abandoned hybrid curled up in a ball, shivering from the cold. with a promise to take him to a shelter when the sun rises, you let him come home with you so he can eat and have a warm place to sleep for the night. in the morning, though, you discover that this hybrid has already claimed you as his owner."
"seneca" - taesan x reader ˚ ⋆。˚
magic!taesan x non-magic!reader | modern-day magic, rivals to lovers, fluff, hurt/comfort
"han taesan. the bane of your existence. he's been your academic rival at your boarding school ever since you transferred a few years ago, and you have despised him ever since. on your way home one day, you end up encountering some people looking for trouble. in the blink of an eye, taesan is there to help you get away, but something is off. might it be his glowing hands and eyes? no, no, no. you must only be imagining things... but taesan's threat to keep everything a secret says otherwise."
"dance on the moon" - leehan x reader ˚ ⋆。˚
mermaid!leehan x human!reader | pirate au, angst, emotional hurt/comfort, hidden love
"there's nothing more that you hate than working as a maid on this deck. your captain and crew are worse than scum and you miss home every day, but you must do as they say if you want to survive. one stormy night, the crew catches a mermaid in their net while in the pits of the sea and your captain declares to sell him on the market as soon as they reach land. but when you become tasked to watch over the poor mermaid every night, you end up promising to help him escape back to his home. maybe he could find a way to help you escape too."
"seek for warmth" - woonhak x reader ˚ ⋆。˚
vampire!woonhak x vampire!reader | vampire au, angst, hurt/comfort, fluff
"woonhak never asked to be a vampire; he never wanted to live a life he didn't choose and be cursed to live forever. thankfully, there's another fledgling in the coven who sees the light still shining in his undead eyes. you're there with him through the insatiable hunger and the yearning for a past he never had the chance to live, holding his hand through it all. eventually, he begins to find solace in your warmth despite his fingers being cold to the touch."
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corroded-hellfire · 1 year
As You Wish, Part 4 - Eddie Munson x Reader
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A collaboration with my darling @munson-blurbs 💚
Note: I will never ever ever stop getting excited when someone says they enjoy this series. I’ve become so attached to this gang and I’m glad you all like them as well! You can read part three here.
Summary: Your first taste of domestic bliss with Eddie gets a wrench thrown in it
Warnings: smut, oral m and f receiving, talk of drug abuse, talk of abusive parents and shitty home life
Words: 8.4k
[As You Wish masterlist]
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You’ve never been much of a morning person, preferring to drag yourself out of bed and into the kitchen with a hope and a prayer that your coffee will perk you up. People who start their days with a spring in their step and a chipper, “good morning!” are the bane of your existence. If anyone even tries to have a semblance of a conversation with you before the caffeine hits your bloodstream, you instantly dislike them. It’s safe to say that mornings aren’t your thing. 
That all changes when you get to start your day with Eddie’s head between your legs. 
“Fuck, holy shit!” you cry out, digging your fingers into his messy curls. Your legs rest on his muscular shoulders, trembling with each flicker of his tongue. “Right there, baby. Right there!”
Eddie hums his acknowledgment, sending vibrations shooting up your core. This wasn’t what you’d had in mind when you’d asked him what he wanted for breakfast, but you’re certainly not complaining. 
He grips onto your thighs as he laps at your pussy, and you can see him rutting his pelvis against your mattress. A small part of you wants to tell him to just get inside you, but you’re far too content being doted on. Besides, you know he won’t want to come before you do.
You choke out a sob as his nose nudges your clit, and you feel your orgasm start to build. “Almost—s’close, Eddie,” you whimper. Determined to make you feel good, he sucks on the sensitive bud while slipping a thick finger into you, crooking it and making a come-hither motion. 
“Yes! I’m coming!” You unravel as the coil in your belly snaps, grinding on Eddie’s face as you finish. 
Eddie brings you down from your high, lowering your legs back onto the bed. “I think breakfast is my new favorite meal of the day,” he teases, wiping your slick from his chin. He crawls towards your upper body, pressing his kiss-swollen lips to yours. 
“Mmm, my turn,” you say salaciously. “Lay back, handsome.”
You start to tug at the waistband of his pajama pants, nibbling at his stomach before kissing over the love bites. 
“Um, sweetheart?” Eddie mumbles sheepishly. “If you do that…well, I’m not like the 20-year-olds anymore. Gonna take me a minute to get hard again.”
“Eddie.” You pull down his pants and boxers, watching as his throbbing cock thwacks against his happy trail. Fuck. “I want you in my mouth. Wanna make you feel so fucking good, just like you do for me, okay?”
“Mhm,” he mewls, hissing in pleasure as you lick from base to tip, swirling your tongue around and collecting his pre-cum. 
Wordlessly, you take him into your waiting mouth, hollowing out your cheeks as you suck him off. Your dominant hand wraps around the part of him you can’t fit without gagging, and the other cups his balls. Fighting back a grin as he bucks his hips involuntarily because you are making him feel that good. 
You bob your head, taking as much of his length as you can. Eddie grips the sheets, swearing and moaning out your name. “Can’t—fuck—hold out any longer,” he manages. “Bend over the fucking bed, shit.”
Releasing him with a soft pop and doing as you’re told, Eddie kneels behind you and grabs onto your waist. “Gonna come on this perfect ass,” he grunts, tugging on his cock. “S’fucking gorgeous. Take my cum, you gorgeous fuckin’ girl.” You feel his hot release spill onto your ass. Eddie’s breathing heavily, a giant smile on his face. “Damn, s’like a work of art.”
“Either take a picture or clean me up,” you say with a giggle. 
Eddie’s eyes widen. “Could I…can I take a picture?”
“Polaroid camera is on a hook in the closet,” you tell him.
“Fuck yeah,” Eddie mumbles to himself as he climbs off the bed. Once the camera is secured, Eddie makes his way back to his previous position behind you. “Shit, gonna need a lock box to keep these in,” he muses as he looks through the small lens of the camera. “Nobody gets to see this shit but me.” You start to wiggle your ass, which has Eddie chuckling as he takes a few more shots. “Okay, baby, now I’m coming in with the clean up.” Swiping up his long tossed away boxers, he uses the material to clean his cum from your skin. 
Balling up the soiled boxers, he tosses them into your hamper, attempting to recreate a basketball shot. But he misses. “Ah fuck, this is why I didn’t do sports. And cause I hate ‘em. Anyway, what I was gonna say before my mouth was suddenly busy was, how bout I take my girl out to breakfast?”
“That your way of saying you’re tired of my cooking already?” you ask with a giggle. Walking over, you wrap your arms around Eddie’s neck and let your naked body rest up against his. “Cause so far the only meal I’ve cooked for you in this apartment was dinner last night. And between you and the boys, you ate the whole thing!”
“You know us Munson men love you and your cooking,” Eddie says, pressing a kiss against your forehead. 
“And you inhaled that casserole like it was your last meal. No, wait. Let me rephrase. You inhaled the casserole like your life depended on me. You ate me like I was your last meal.” 
“The thing is, my girl deserves to be taken out. First, she let me devour her, then wore me out with her sinful mouth. Think I need to spoil her some. Plus, I selfishly really want people to see me with the most beautiful girl in the world on my arm.” 
“Such a sweet talker,” you say as you trail your hands down his shoulders and settle them on his chest. “I would love to go to breakfast.”
Eddie steals one last kiss before he’s pulling away to get to his suitcase and so you can rifle through your closet. You settle on a pair of jeans and a soft cream sweater that Eddie had complemented once. It was a few months ago, but you still thought of his sweet words whenever you saw the garment. Eddie’s ready to go in his usual black on black on black ensemble. And looking hot while wearing it. Opening the bedroom door, you step out into the hall, Eddie right behind you. A glimpse of Jess in the kitchen catches your attention so you head that way. She’s standing at the counter, chopping something up with a knife—an onion, by the smell of it. But it’s the big, bulky headphones she’s wearing that make you laugh. 
You tap on her shoulder, causing her to jump and spin around to face you. The knife is still clutched in her hand, so you take a step back. Shoulders sagging in relief, Jess places the knife back on the counter and takes off the headphones. 
“Those new?” you ask. “Never seen them before.”
“Yep,” Jess says, appraising her new purchase. “Went out and got them the morning after I found out Eddie would be staying with us. They have come in very handy. Even just a few minutes ago.” She smirks, your face heating up. 
“Your eardrums should be safe for a while,” you assure her. “We’re heading out to get breakfast. Not sure what we’re doing afterwards.”
“No worries. Have fun, you two.” Jess leans back so she can see Eddie where he’s standing in the hallway. “Bye, Eddie!”
“Bye.” He gives her a wave as you come back to join him. Lacing your fingers with his, you grab your keys and head out of the apartment. 
You hop into the front seat of Eddie’s truck, buckling your seatbelt and turning on the radio. 
“Please, not Billy Joel again,” he begs, pulling onto the road towards Benny’s. 
“Oh, of course not.” You bat your eyelashes with feigned innocence, tuning the dial to a Top 40 station. 
I’ll tell you what I want, what I really really want!
So tell me what you want, what you really really want!
“Nope, no way,” Eddie protests as you increase the volume and start to sing along. “We are not listening to the Spice Girls.”
“Aw, c’mon, baby,” you pout. Truthfully, you’re not the biggest fan of the girl group, but messing with Eddie is too much fun. “You know the words.”
If you wanna be my lover
You gotta get with my friends
Make it last forever
Friendship never ends!
“What the hell does that even mean?” Eddie groans, switching to a station playing AC/DC. “I’m sorry; I love you, but I couldn’t listen to another second of that.”
“Calm down, Grumpy Spice. I like this more, anyway.”
“Good. Shows you’ve got some taste. I mean, after all, you did pick me.” The self-satisfied smirk on his face has you rolling your eyes. 
“Oh, we’re not even gonna go there,” you say with a laugh. “Look who you picked the first time around.”
“Well, shit, you got me there.” Eddie laughs along with you as he pulls into a parking space. 
The diner is mostly empty, so you get your French Toast and Eddie his waffles fairly quickly. 
“These are way better than those frozen Eggos,” he says, pouring syrup on top. 
“Y’know you’re supposed to heat them up before you eat them, right?” you giggle, and Eddie flips you off. He steals your cup of juice and takes a large swig of it. 
“Payback,” he says. 
“Just don’t backwash,” you warn.
Eddie raises his eyebrows as he stares at you. “You’re gonna tell me not to let any of my saliva get into your drink after where my tongue was just an hour ago?”
“Oh…shut up,” you say, because he’s got you. You steal a piece of waffle from his plate just to be a brat. 
“You have anything you have to do today?” Eddie asks before shoving too large of a piece into his mouth. 
“Nope,” you say. “Okay, well technically, I have to read a few pages in my textbook for class tomorrow, but I can do that before bed.”
“What would you say about coming apartment hunting with me?”
You blink up at him, eyes wide and curious. It makes you look so innocent, Eddie thinks. Maybe this is how he makes you feel when he turns those big cow eyes on you. 
“You want me to come with you?” you ask slowly, as if you didn’t understand the question.
“Well, yeah,” Eddie says with a chuckle. “I’m hoping you’re gonna be spending a lot of time there too, ya know. I’d love your input. Now, the real question is…do you think it needs to be a three bedroom? I do. I think if the boys share a room, it’ll be the end of what’s left of my sanity.”
Giggling, you nod your head. “I could see a child’s version of WWE wrestling going on in that room if they’re forced to share.” 
“Right,” he affirms. “And I’d prefer to stay out of emergency rooms if possible, so…three bedrooms it is. One for Ryan, one for Luke, and one for…” He trails off, unsure of how to finish that sentence. 
You take his hand, stroking the back of it with your thumb. “Hey, it’s okay. I’m totally fine with being a guest until everything gets sorted out. Besides, the kids are going through a lot of changes right now. I think it needs to just be them and their daddy for a little while.” 
Eddie brings your hand up to his lips, placing a soft kiss against the back of it. Traces of syrup from his mouth stick to your skin, but you couldn’t care less. “How did I manage to find the most perfect woman in the world?”
“A little birdie told me you needed a babysitter, and I appeared on your doorstep,” you tease, tucking a lock of his hair behind his ear. “Speaking of which…I think I’m out of a job.”
Eddie crinkles his nose in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“I’m not gonna be paid to babysit my boyfriend’s kids!” you laugh. “Is there anyone at their school who needs a babysitter?”
He thinks for a moment. “Steve’s thinking about going back to work now that the kids are older. Take some of the pressure off of Nancy to be the sole breadwinner, y’know?”
“Perfect!” You clap your hands together. “Could you ask him for me?”
“‘Course,” Eddie smiles. “Just promise you won’t fuck him.”
Your eyes widen as tears well up in the corners, your mouth twitching as you try to hold back your hurt. “Wh-what did you just say?” You wince as your voice cracks, giving away your true feelings. 
Eddie immediately recognizes that he’s fucked up and reaches for your hands. “Oh, no! Baby, baby, no. I was just kidding.” He stands up and brings his chair to your side of the table so he can sit next to you. “My sweet girl.” He brings your hands up to his mouth and smothers your knuckles in kisses. “I’m sorry, baby. That was just a bad joke. That’s all it was, okay?”
A few tears break through the barricade and slide down your cheeks. Eddie’s quick to wipe them away with his thumbs. 
“D-Do you not trust me? You t-think I only wanted you because I’m your babysitter? Is that why you wanted me?”
“Fuck, princess, no.” He pulls you into his arms, but you don’t raise yours to wrap around him. “It was just a shitty joke, I promise. Of course I trust you. I trust you with my life—with my sons’ lives. And I know that’s not what’s between us. It’s not because you were their babysitter. I’m really fucking glad you were though, ‘cause I don’t know how else we would have met.”
Pulling back from him, you nod your head. You believe Eddie. But this wasn’t a sore spot you knew you had until he poked at it. The insecurity of it already has its claws in your heart. “What if Nancy thinks—”
Eddie presses a kiss to your temple. “She won’t,” he says firmly. “If you want, I can arrange a playdate between the kids, and you two can get to know each other better.”
You think about Nancy: poised, confident, beautiful, and intelligent. What would she think of you, a twenty-year-old babysitter who fell in love with a parent she worked for?
“I dunno,” you whisper, feeling yourself deflate. “I don’t want her to hate me, or look down on me.” Or think I’m some kind of homewrecking slut, you think sourly. 
“I don’t think anyone could hate you,” Eddie muses, gently rubbing your thigh. “She’ll see how great you are with the kids—not to mention how much I fucking adore you—and you’ll be best friends in no time.”
While you appreciate his enthusiasm, you don’t share it. Still, you agree to give it a try. For Eddie. 
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Looking at apartments gets off to a rough start. The first place only has two bedrooms, and the second bedroom is basically a glorified closet. The rent at the second place is astronomical, with Eddie nearly choking on his own saliva when the property manager tells him the amount. The third place seemed perfect, until a gigantic roach scurried along the kitchen counter. 
“‘M sorry, baby,” Eddie says, stifling a yawn as the two of you climb back into his car. “I thought that last one was gonna be it for sure.”
You feign innocence. “You mean you didn’t want a pet cockroach to keep you company?” He gives you a playful shove, making you giggle. 
“Hard pass.” He throws the car in reverse as he backs out of the parking spot, putting his arm around the back of your seat as he checks behind him. Something about it stirs up desire in you, but you know he needs to stay focused. Road head will have to wait. 
“How many more places are we looking at today?”
“I think there’s three left on the list. We don’t have to do them all today if you don’t want to, though,” Eddie says as he pulls out onto the main road. 
“I don’t mind,” you tell him truthfully. “I kinda like it. I mean, I know I’m not living there, but doing something domestic like this with you is making me really happy.”
Eddie reaches over for your hand and brings it to his lips. He kisses the back a few times, before lowering your joined hands. “Want you by my side for all these kinds of things. Big decisions and shit, ya know?”
“Like a partner?”
Partner. The word sends a tingle down your tummy. Yeah, you’ve had boyfriends before. But that’s all they really were. Just someone to spend time with while you’re going to school, not really taking on actual life with one another, just having fun. But this with Eddie? It’s the first real partnership you’ve ever had. It might take a little getting used to since you’ve never been part of a team like this before. But it sounds wonderful to you. 
“What’s the address of the next place?” Eddie asks, breaking you out of your head. You scramble through your purse to find the scrap of paper. 
“1007 Crane Street,” you read. “I think that’s pretty close to Starcourt, yeah?”
Eddie nods, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. “Maybe after we check this one out, I can take you to the lingerie store they have there. Treat you to something pretty,” he adds, salaciousness dripping from his tongue. 
“Can we focus on finding you a place to live? Jess is gonna burn out those headphones if you stay with us any longer.”
“It’s still early in the day. We can do both,” he reasons. “I think I turn right at this light, yeah?”
Eddie makes the turn, and the apartment complex is only a few miles up the road. The outside looks nice, dark brown siding giving the buildings the impression of being log cabins. The thicket of trees around the area only adds to the whole campsite vibe. Eddie pulls the truck into a spot right in front of the office and you hop out. With one hand, Eddie pushes the door open for you, with the other, he laces his fingers with yours.
The property manager is a younger man in his late twenties, well-dressed and well-spoken. Even though you’ve both made it abundantly clear that Eddie is the one renting the place, the manager mostly addresses you. 
“I’ll let you take a look around,” he says as he leads you to unit 129. “And if you need anything, give me a call.” He slips you his business card and leaves without even shaking Eddie’s hand. 
“This place looks perfect,” you muse, waiting for your boyfriend’s response. When you don’t hear anything, you look over to find him with a bemused look on his face. “What?”
“Babe, what do you mean ‘what?’’ Eddie laughs. “He was totally hitting on you!” He wraps his arms around your waist, pressing kisses to the nape of your neck. “Can’t blame him, though. You’re a hot piece of ass.”
You turn around, leaning into him as you hook your fingers through his belt loops. “What do you think, Munson? Can you picture yourself living here?”
“Mhm,” he nods. “I can picture me fucking you on the kitchen counter, and in the bedroom, and in the shower…” He jogs to the door, glancing around the hallway. “How long do you think we have until your secret admirer returns?”
You roll your eyes. “C’mon. Let’s go put a deposit on this place so you can take me to the mall.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
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When you step into the lingerie store, your eyes widen at the variety in front of you. Lace, velvet, silk. Bras, panties, teddies, corsets. And all available in an array of colors. 
“Holy shit,” you say under your breath. But not quiet enough so that your boyfriend doesn’t hear you. 
“What, baby?”
“There’s so much,” you say, gesturing to all the garments around you. “I don’t even know where to start.”
Eddie slips his arm around your waist and presses a kiss to your head as you look over a selection of panties. “Sweetheart, have you never had lingerie before?”
You shake your head as you pick up a pair of black lace panties. “Some sexy bras and underwear, but that’s it. Nothing like…” you trail off as you walk over to a mannequin who looked strapped into some type of bustier. “I wouldn’t even know how to put some of this stuff on.”
“Do you wanna go?” Eddie asks, brow pinching in concern.
“No! I wanna get something. I’m just not sure what. Here, you tell me what you wanna see me in.”
“Anything as long as it’s black. You look so sexy in black. And if you haven’t noticed, I’m partial to the color.” He gestures down to his black t-shirt, black jeans, and black leather jacket. 
“Want me to model some stuff for you?” you ask, gazing up at him from underneath your eyelashes and biting on your lower lip. 
“Very much so,” he says with a chuckle. 
“Okay. Um…you go sit over there, near the dressing rooms, I’ll grab a few things, then we’ll see how they look.” 
“Ooh, I love a good surprise,” he murmurs, hooking his fingers through your belt loops and pulling you to his chest. He brushes the pad of his thumb across your lower lip. “Fuck, already getting myself worked up. Go pick something out before I carry you outta here empty-handed.”
You giggle, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips. “Yes, sir,” you tease, but when you watch the color drain from his face, you realize you’ll have to explore that more in the future. 
Perusing through the racks of flimsy bras and lace teddies is more overwhelming than you’d imagined. Each time you try to choose one, doubts flood your mind. Will I look good in this? Will Eddie like it? What if he hates it but is too nice to tell me? What if I don’t turn him on? You try to shake the thoughts away, bringing your attention back to the lingerie. After a few moments, you settle on a cupless bra with a matching black thong, a black Spandex bodysuit, and a light pink babydoll piece. The last item isn’t Eddie’s favorite color, but it’ll make you look innocent and corruptible, so you don’t think he’ll mind. 
As you head back towards where Eddie’s waiting near the fitting rooms, you hear a tinny giggle coming from a petite blonde woman. She’s got her hand pressed to Eddie’s chest as she says, “Eddie Munson, you’ve still got your charm after all these years.” 
Despite your best efforts, you can feel the jealousy swirling inside you. Who the hell is she? And why is she talking to—no, why is she FLIRTING with my boyfriend?!
Eddie shoves his hands deep in his pockets and grins bashfully. “Yeah, that’s what my girl tells me.”
The blonde woman purses her lips, puzzled. “I thought you said that you and Brittany—”
“Oh, we’re completely done,” Eddie tells her. “But I, uh, got myself a girlfriend now.”
“Um, hi,” you pipe up, giving an awkward wave. “I’m the girlfriend.”
The woman puts on a tight smile. “Chrissy,” she introduces herself, hugging a corset to her abdomen. “Well, it was great seeing you again, Eddie. And, uh, nice to meet you,” she offers, scampering off towards the cashier. 
“Who was that?” you ask, brow furrowing as your eyes follow the woman’s steps across the store. 
“Chrissy Cunningham,” Eddie says, wrapping an arm around your waist. “We went to high school together.”
A quip about that being in the Stone Age dies on your lips as you turn back to face him. The way Eddie’s looking at you has you raising an eyebrow at him. A fond smile is carved on his mouth and his eyes are so soft and gentle that you feel like they could be made of actual chocolate. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
“I can’t just look at you?” he asks. “You’re beautiful.”
Narrowing your eyes at him, you lean forward, in towards his face. “Okay, what do you want?”
Eddie lets out a loud clap of laughter before burying his head in your neck. He presses a few kisses there before remembering what you’ve got in your arms.
“All right, all right, enough wasted time. Get in that dressing room and show me what you’ve got.” He gives your ass a playful swat as you go to move behind the red velvet curtain of the dressing room. 
You realize that you were right before. You’re not sure how to properly put some of it on. A cupless bra is exactly what it sounds like; a bra without cups. So why does it feel so odd fitting it right on your body? Part of you is frustrated, but when you catch sight of yourself fumbling with the material in the mirror, you can’t help but let out a little giggle. If you had been told six months ago that you’d be trying on your first real pieces of lingerie for Eddie Munson, you would’ve punched the person for fucking with you. But here you are. And there he is, waiting for you on the other side of the curtain. 
Making a few last adjustments to some strategically placed straps, you’re satisfied with how the garment looks on your body. You just hope Eddie feels the same. “Uh, Eds? You can come in now.”
You poke your head out of the curtain and see his face lit up like Time Square on New Years. And he hasn’t even seen your body yet. Stepping back to allow room for your boyfriend, you hold your breath as he breaches the curtain, and his eyes immediately scan over your body. His jaw drops open, making an audible popping noise as his lips part. Large hands come out as if they’re going to grip you, but they freeze halfway between your bodies. 
“Holy fucking shit, baby. I mean…holy shit.”
“Very articulate,” you say with a giggle, but his words—or lack thereof—have you blushing. “Okay, let me try on the other ones.”
Eddie’s shaking his head. “Can’t wait that long,” he mutters, glancing down as he stiffens against the zipper of his jeans. “I’ll just buy ‘em all f’you.”
“Are you sure?”
“So fuckin’ sure,” he assures you, eyes never leaving your body as you change back into your clothes. “‘Bout to bust in my shorts like a goddamn teenager.”
You pull your shirt back over your head, bringing your arms through the sleeves. “Can you make it to the car? I can help you out there.” You giggle as he mumbles a Jesus H. Christ, grabbing your selections and bringing them to the register in record time. 
Eddie’s practically an Olympic sprinter as he drags you to the car. His long legs leave you tripping over your own feet as he tries to rush you along at his speed. Unlocking the car, he holds your shopping bags in the other hand, and wastes no time tossing them in the back seat. He goes to climb in as well, when you tut and shake your head at him.
“Uh uh,” you say. “Front seat, Mr. Munson.” The name was only intended to be a joke, but when you see him react the second time today to addressing him formally, you’re pretty sure you’ve struck gold. 
Eddie quickly slides into the driver’s seat and his fingers fumble over his belt buckle. Cool as a cucumber, you take your time getting in the passenger’s side. Dark brown eyes keep glancing at you when he notices that you’re not undressing.
“Gonna ride me, babe?” he asks. “Cause then you should at least take the jeans off. Kinda hard to fuck you through those.”
“Nope,” you say, popping the “p” sound. “Just start driving.” Eddie looks at you, confusion coloring his face. His jeans are pushed down his hips enough that you can see his cock straining against his green and white boxers. “Just start driving,” you repeat. 
The look of confusion only growing on his face, he does as you say. He places his hand on the back of your headrest and turns his body so he can see out the back window as he begins to back the car out of the parking space. His tongue pokes out of his kissable lips in that adorable way he does when he’s focused on something. Which gives you the perfect opportunity. The car is still moving slow enough that you’re sure Eddie won’t cause a wreck while you lean in and pull his cock out of his boxers. The car comes to an abrupt halt as Eddie stomps on the breaks halfway out of the parking spot. Giggling to yourself because you were prepared for the jolt, you don’t lose focus and you move to hover as best you can over his cock. Letting your spit dribble down on to it, you take Eddie’s long, thick cock in your hand and begin to jerk it just the way he likes.
“Fuck, baby. Am I getting road head?” Eddie asks as he manages to get the car going again. The car picks up speed so you know he must be getting ready to exit the parking lot. The car crawls to a stop—presumably at a stop sign—so you lean forward and give the smallest of kitten licks over the head. “Jesus.”
Smiling to yourself, you lean back in and wrap your lips around the reddened head. Swirling your tongue around, the salty taste of his precum stains your tastebuds. You can hear Eddie’s hands sliding over the leather of the steering wheel, and you’re pretty sure it’s from him gripping it even tighter than he was before. His cock grows even harder in your mouth, and you hollow out your cheeks in a feeble attempt to take him all. 
“Shit,” he breathes out, feeling your fingers grasp at his base. Despite your best efforts, the angle makes it impossible to get all of his length. “Baby, baby, baby, please.” His leg trembles beneath you, and you bring your head up to speak.
“Stay focused on the road, okay?” 
“Easy for you to say,” Eddie grumbles, “you’re not the one getting your dick sucked while trying to drive.”
“Don’t worry, you can suck mine after,” you tease before licking a stripe up his cock. He hisses at the sudden contact. He twitches, signaling that he’s about to finish.
“Can’t–fuck–can’t hold back,” he grunts, bucking his hips up slightly. His foot accidentally presses harder against the gas pedal, propelling him through a red light. You don’t notice that anything’s awry until you hear the sound of a horn blaring just as Eddie starts to come. Thick, hot ropes spurt onto your tongue, and you swallow it just as a police siren whoops loudly.
Eddie groans, using one hand to tuck himself back into his pants. “Baby, sit up,” he nudges you. “Act normal.” Act like you didn’t just have my dick in your mouth, he wants to say, but he keeps it to himself.
“Wh-What’s going on?” you ask, grimacing as you take note of him starting to pull over, the sheriff’s car trailing right behind the truck. “Eddie, what did you do?”
“Me?” he sputters, combing his fingers through his tousled curls. 
“Well, you’re the one driving,” you point out unhelpfully.
Chief Hopper steps out of the car, mumbling to himself as he makes his way over to your driver’s side door. Eddie rolls down his window, flashing an apologetic grin at the older man.
“For fuck’s sake,” Hopper grumbles. “I’ve been pulling you over since you were sixteen, Munson. And me pulling you over were some of our better interactions.”
“You still haven’t retired?” Eddie asks, raising his eyebrows and a playful smile dancing on his lips. 
“Listen, kid.” Hop places one hand on the roof of the car and bends down to be on the same level as Eddie. That’s when Hopper’s eyes are drawn to you, sitting in the passenger seat. 
“Hi, Chief,” you say, giving him a small wave when all he does is keep looking at you. His eyes dart from you, to Eddie, then back to you. The question “how the fuck do you two know each other?” is basically written across his face in big bold letters. 
“What was all that light running business about, huh?” Hopper finally asks, eyes finding Eddie’s face and staying there.
“I hit the wrong pedal,” Eddie says, dropping his hands into his lap. “My foot must’ve slipped or something. I’m sorry, Hop.” 
Hopper sighs and rubs across his graying, bushy eyebrows. “Any other day I’d slap you with a ticket. But, uh, I’ve actually got something else for you.”
“Yeah?” Eddie asks. “Will send over some more of those specialized dice he found?”
“No,” Hop says, but this time he’s avoiding Eddie’s eyes. “Stay here, I’m going to grab it from my truck.”
“Who’s Will? Oh, is the one you were telling me about from your Hellfire Club? The artistic one out in California?” you ask.
“Yeah, he’s Hop’s stepson.”
When Hopper comes back over to the truck, his shoulders look a little more slumped and he sighs as he fiddles with a Manila envelope in his hands. The older man clears his throat before speaking again. “I was actually headed to your place—or the address I was given for where you’re staying right now.”
“Oh, uh, yeah,” Eddie says, a little confused about the shift in tone coming from Hopper. “I’m staying with my girl here.” Eddie pats your thigh a few times, and when leaves his hand there, you lace your fingers with his. 
Hopper nods his head a few times. “I’m real sorry to have to do this, Eddie.” That shocks Eddie most of all, because in the fifteen plus years that Hop and Eddie have had their run-ins with one another, he’s never heard the police chief say that. Or even so much address him as simply “Eddie” and not “Munson.” As if he’s doing it against his will, Hopper forces himself to extend the arm of the hand that’s holding the envelope. Eddie’s brow furrows as he takes it from him. “You’re, um, being served. The custody documents.”
The color drains from Eddie’s face. Begrudgingly, Eddie takes his hand from yours so he can open the envelope and peer in at the court papers. One of the first things that catches his eye on a form is the name Brittany Munson written in bold lettering. The side of Eddie’s mouth curls up in a sneer as he looks at it. He winces at the painful reminder of their shared last name, their shared life. God, I hope she goes back to her maiden name. Eddie thinks. Fuck her. Fuck her for thinking she can take my kids away from me. Fuck her for thinking they’d even want to be with her at all. Fuck her for all the shit she put me through and is now going to act like the victim. 
“You okay, baby?” 
Your voice breaks him out of his own head. He sniffs as he slides the documents back down and closes the envelope. “M’alright.” All three of you know that’s a lie, though.
“Really wish I’d only given you a ticket,” Hop says, voice full of a grim understanding of Eddie’s circumstance. “If you need anything, you let me know. I may not be able to pull strings with any judges, but I know damn well they’ll take into account what I tell him. And those boys think the world of you. We all know that.”
“Thanks, Hop,” Eddie says, nodding his head at the police chief. 
“You take care. Both of you,” Hop says. You give the older man a wave before he’s headed back to his truck. Slowly, you take the envelope from Eddie and lay it in your lap. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” you ask softly. Eddie shakes his head and wipes his nose on the sleeve of his jacket. 
“Wanna get home, first. Then I’m gonna fucking lose it.” He puts the truck into gear and pulls back on the road. The speedometer shows you going way past the limit, but you don’t think Hop’s going to particularly care right now. 
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Eddie barrels into your apartment, throwing the envelope onto the table haphazardly before sinking into the sofa. He covers his face with his hands, but it does nothing to muffle his sobs. 
“Worthless piece of shit!” he cries out, slamming a fist into his knee. “Fuck!”
You sit down next to him, letting your thigh brush against his. “Baby, she’s not gonna take the kids from you.”
Eddie looks up at you with red eyes and a tear-stained face. “Not her,” he shakes his head. “Me. I’m a worthless piece of shit.”
You reach out to rub his back, flinching as he pulls away. “What? No, Eddie, you’re not—”
“I am.” His tone is harsh, angry. “I promised myself I’d do better than my old man. Keep my family together no matter what. And now I’m following in his goddamn footsteps!” He stands up suddenly, pacing around the tiny living room. “All I wanted was a family. Mom, dad, kids all under one roof. House with the white picket fence. And I had it; I finally got it. And then I fuckin’ threw it all away.” 
“My boys,” he continues, “those boys are my life. Everything I’ve ever done has been for them. So that they don’t have to struggle like I did.” His gaze meets yours, and he catches the puzzled expression on your face. “What, did you think I was some kinda trust fund baby like Steve?”
“No,” you murmur. “I mean, I knew you didn’t grow up rich or anything…”
Eddie barks out a laugh. “Yeah, that’s the understatement of the century.” He rubs his nose with the palm of his hand; it’s one of his nervous habits. “I didn’t just grow up not rich, baby. I grew up poor. Food stamps, trailer park, deciding whether to pay the electric or water bill poor.” He gnaws on his lower lip. “And living with my uncle Wayne wasn’t by choice. I mean, I love the guy; he’s the reason I’m not a total scumbag, but he took me in so I wouldn’t become a ward of the state.”
You nod patiently. “Do…do you wanna talk about your parents?”
“Not really,” he replies tersely, “but since I’m spilling my guts, why fuckin’ not.” He inhales, trying to control the vitriol that seeps through his pores. “Addicts. Both of them. Wayne claims my mom was clean before she met my dad, but I have my doubts. I mean, you don’t start shackin’ up with a dopehead if you’re trying to stay on the straight and narrow. 
“When I was a kid, my dad was barely around. And if he was, he and my mom were fighting. And not like normal people argue; they’d beat the shit outta each other. I tried to break it up once, when I was six or seven, and my dad threw me to the ground. And when I looked to my mom to help me, you know what she did?”
Your stomach lurches. You know what he’s going to say next, but you can’t seem to brace yourself for the impact. 
“Nothing. She did absolutely fucking nothing, because without him, she wouldn’t know where to get her next fix.” Eddie plops back down to the sofa. “One night, they were so high that they put some TV dinners in the oven and left to get more dope. Completely forgot about the food. And me, I guess. Just up and left without a word. 
“I was in my room, drawing, when I smelled smoke. Came out to find the kitchen on fire.” He shakes his head at the memory. “I ran outta the house and a neighbor called the fire department. When the cops came and saw that a seven-year-old was home alone—not to mention the needles and burnt spoons strewn around the house—they tracked down my folks and arrested them. Dropped me off at Wayne’s that night.”
You can feel your heart breaking with each word he utters. You’ve never experienced what he has, but you try your best to be comforting. “You’re not your parents, Eddie. You’re not an addict, you’re not negligent, you’re a great father.”
But it’s like he can’t even hear you. “That woman you met at the lingerie store? Chrissy?”
“You know how I know her?” He crosses his arms over his chest. 
“Did you two date?” you guess, but he just laughs in response. 
“Nah.” He waves off the idea as an impossibility, like he isn’t the most handsome man you’ve ever seen. “She used to buy from me.”
“Drugs,” he fills in. “I sold drugs in high school to make ends meet. Not the real hard shit like my parents used, but weed and E and K.” His wet brown eyes bore holes through yours. “I saw my parents struggle every goddamn day with addiction, and I still went and sold drugs.”
“You were just trying to survive,” you protest. 
“Yeah, well, I could’ve been a cashier at Melvald’s and survived there,” he rebuts, and you don’t have a response to that. “Brittany was on the cheerleading squad with Chrissy, and she tagged along during a deal. That’s, uh, how we met.”
Brittany obviously isn’t your favorite subject to discuss, but Eddie clearly needs to get this off of his chest, so you nod and wait for him to continue. 
“She was the first girl I ever loved. First girl I’d ever been with.” A tinge of pink creeps across his cheeks. “I thought love was two people who tolerate each other’s flaws. And we never raised a hand to each other, so that was a step up.” The joke falls flat, and he clears his throat awkwardly. “You probably don’t wanna hear about this.”
“‘S’okay,” you murmur, placing your palm over his fingers, which are anxiously toying with the tears in his jeans. 
“No, it’s not.” He stands up suddenly, walking towards your room. “I always fuckin’ do this!”
“Do what?” you ask, trailing behind him. “Babe, what are you talking about?”
“I should go,” he mumbles, shoving his clothes into the duffel bag. “This is…this is a lot, and you don’t need to be wrapped up in my bullshit…”
You grab his hands in your own. “Hey. Look at me.” Your tone is kind but fierce, and it works. You can feel his breathing start to slow to a normal rhythm, rather than the frantic panting he was getting worked up to. “I love you, Eddie. I love everything about you. I get…I get not being proud of your past. But you’re Eddie now. Incredible dad to the sweetest boys, amazing friend, and the best boyfriend in the entire world.”
“You’re just saying that,” he mutters, but you can see the hint of a smile tugging on his lips. 
“I mean every word.”
Eddie blinks back more tears. “I never want Ryan or Luke to do what I did. Never want them to even be in that position.”
“They won’t,” you assure him. “We’re gonna do everything we can to get them in your custody, okay?”
“What if…” his voice catches in his throat. “What if they’re better off with her?”
“Eddie,” you say, a huff of unamused laughter catching you off guard. “Did you hear what you just said? You really think they’d be better with Brittany? Who doesn’t even know the name of their school? Who doesn’t care about them one fraction of the amount that you do?” 
“I know,” Eddie groans, rubbing his hands over his face. The sigh he lets out sounds so tired and worn out. 
“The best place in the world for those boys is with you. I don’t have a single doubt in my mind about that. And deep down, you know it, too.” You rest your hands against his chest and make sure he’s looking you in the eye before you continue. “Everybody who knows you and who knows those boys can advocate that you are who they should be with. That you should get full custody. Who’ll be on Brittany’s side, her sister? The kids have told me she’s crazy, anyway.”
Eddie can’t help but chuckle at that as he nods his head. “Yeah, we never liked her.”
“They belong with you. And tonight, you belong with me. You’re not going anywhere. Okay?”
Releasing a long sigh, Eddie leans forward and rests his forehead against yours. “Okay.” 
“Think of the good things that are happening. You found a new apartment today. That you can decorate however you want. With minimal input from your girlfriend.” You give him a wink to let him know you’re teasing him. “And the boys are going to be so excited to make their rooms look cool. Imagine their little faces when their dad helps them create their dream rooms.
“Oh, and where else did we go today? Wasn’t there this store we went to where you bought something for me?” You tap a finger against your chin, playfully scrunching up your face as if you’re in deep thought. “Ah, that’s right. My boyfriend bought me some sexy lingerie to wear for him. I’m excited. I’ve never worn lingerie for a guy before. I wanna get fucked in it.”
“Believe me, you will,” Eddie says, the small smile growing a little wider on his face. 
“And, hey,” you say, reaching up to cup his tear-stained face in your hands. “You can talk to me about anything, okay? We’re partners now, baby. That’s the deal. Your parents, Brittany, all of it.” You slide your hands from his face to wrap around his neck. “Like, I didn’t know that Brittany was the only girl you’d been with before me. Thought sexy teenage Eddie Munson would’ve had to beat the girls away with a stick. Guitar player? Mmm, how did you not have a line of girls vying for your attention.”
Eddie lets out a bark of self-deprecating laughter. “Oh, sweetheart. You could not be farther from the truth.” 
“Their loss,” you say with a shrug. “How about Chrissy? You ever have a thing for her?”
“Really, babe?” Eddie asks with a chuckle, raising an eyebrow at you. 
“What? I’ll tell you about the very small number of guys that have been in my life before you. Get you all worked up and jealous,” you say with a giggle. “Then put on that babydoll I picked out—that only you ever get to see me in.”
“I may have had a small crush on Chrissy at one time, yes,” Eddie admits, his hands settling on your hips. “She was with this douche Jason who liked to give me shit. They got married, actually. Ha! And just got divorced, she told me in the store this afternoon. Hope she takes all of his clothes and money and shit.”
“She didn’t seem too pleased that I’m your girlfriend,” you say, tilting your head to the side. 
“I don’t give a fuck what she thinks about you being my girlfriend. I don’t give a fuck what anyone thinks about you being my girlfriend. You make me happier than I ever thought I could be.”
“Is it because I gave you road head?” you ask with a smirk.
“Yes,” Eddie says with a laugh. “It’s because you gave me road head. Do you care what people will think about you being my girlfriend?” 
“I do,” you say. “I care about what two wonderful little boys will think about it. I know they like me. I just hope they’ll like me as their daddy’s girlfriend.”
“If they still like you after you made them eat Brussels sprouts that one time, I think it’s safe to say they’ll always adore you.”
“Good. Because I love them,” you say. 
“Now,” Eddie says, pulling your body flush up against his. “About these guys you’ve been with before me…”
Giggling, you roll your eyes at him. “Okay, come on. If we’re having this discussion and subsequent lingerie fuck fest, we better get going so we don’t traumatize Jess too much when she gets home.”
You push Eddie in the direction of your bed before going over to your bedroom door. Peeking out into the living room, you see the Manila envelope with the custody documents still on the table. Closing the door, you officially put it out of your sight. Let it stay there for the night. That can be dealt with tomorrow. Tonight—after a brief period of telling Eddie about your previous trysts—you’re going to make your boyfriend forget everything except for how to scream out your name. 
Climbing on top of him, you trail kisses down his neck, feeling his body relax beneath yours. His hand lays on the small of your back.
“Baby?” His voice is so small that you can barely hear it. “Could we just…would it be okay if I just held you for a bit?”
“Of course.” You slither off of him and onto the bed, resting your head on his chest. He hiccups softly, and you feel a tear drip off of his chin and onto your face. 
“‘M sorry,” he murmurs, sniffling as he tries to stop crying, but you just stretch up and kiss the tears away.
“Don’t apologize,” you tell him, giving his waist a tight squeeze. “I’m not going anywhere. We can stay like this all day if you want.”
He nods, stubble scratching at your forehead. “I love you so fucking much.” He presses his lips to your scalp, intending to hold you to your promise of holding each other forever.
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2K notes · View notes
tightjeansjavi · 6 months
The Rite of Movement | drabble
“take it off”
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A/N: so yesterday I was talking to @itsokbbygrl about how Joel would react if baby love ever wore a piece of Brazzers merch around him and well…😵‍💫
~word count: 960~
Summary: Joel catches you wearing a pair of Brazzers spandex shorts 🤭
Pairing | pornstar!joel x pornstar!female reader
Warnings: smut, established relationship, punishment, teasing, dom!joel, meanish!joel, possessive!joel (reader is into it) spanking, sir kink, praise kink, language, Joel calls the reader a naughty dirty little slut in a non derogatory way, Joel is in his 40’s reader is in her 30’s, readers nickname is baby love, reader has no physical descriptions (outside of having a big ass and thighs) +18 minors dni!
series masterlist
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It’s laundry day, and you’re faced with an unfortunate problem on your hands. The only pair of clean shorts that you could find in your drawer happened to be a pair of black spandex shorts with a BRAZZERS decal stretching all the way across the stretched fabric. Why was this such an unfortunate dilemma you may be asking yourselves? Well, you already had a feeling that Joel was gonna lose his shit if he saw you wearing these shorts…
Fuck it, we ball!
And oh, did he lose his mind alright.
All afternoon he had been working on fixing an issue he was having with his truck, and with Tommy’s generous help after refusing to take it into the shop. No, the Miller brothers were the kings of DIY. Joel came striding into the kitchen to grab two more beers, shirtless and reeking of car oil and grease, he was frozen on the spot when he saw you bent over the sink, working through the dishes in the tightest pair of spandex shorts he had ever seen. Your cheeks and thighs were practically spilling out from under the strained fabric.
Then he saw the familiar logo that was once the bane of his existence, and his eyes narrowed into slits, grease stained fists clenching at his sides, teeth grinding together and jaw ticking.
Fuck no. Not on my watch.
His boots were heavy on the tile as he approached you and before you could even turn around, his heavy set palm was making harsh contact with one of your cheeks, smacking your ass so hard, you swore you saw stars for a second as your body lurched forward against the sink and a soft surprised yelp slipped past your lips.
“The fuck are these, baby love?” He growled against the shell of your ear, crowding over your back like a cloak made of pure cement from how hard he was pressing into you. You could feel the heat radiating off his body, and the stench of car grease flooding your senses, dizzying your brain. Your covered cunt pulsed around nothing but the prospect of him punishing you just for wearing these damn shorts.
“It’s laundry day, baby. And I’m all out of clean shorts…” you let out a sigh of faux disappointment when he began to rub the plush flesh of your ass with his big meaty palm, “it’s a million degrees outside, and I found these in my back drawer and probably just never got rid of them when I moved in.”
He smacked your ass again, watching the way it recoiled against his palm, “Yeah?” He rasped, “well, baby love, they ain’t it.” He shook his head, grasping the hem of the spandex and yanked them right down your ass and thighs and all the way down to your ankles.
He dragged his hand right back down between your cheeks, spreading you open just enough that he could slip just the tip of his thumb into your already sopping tight cunt. “And you ain’t ever gonna wear them again, we clear?”
“Y-yes sir!” You squeaked out, arching your back into his hand so his thumb would slip in further.
“Good girl.” He chuffed a laugh as he retracted his hand despite your soft protests for him to continue, “Sorry I had to do that, baby love. I’ll get you a pair of mine, okay?”
You laughed it off, steeling your racing heart in your rib cage as you looked over your shoulder at him, “it’s okay, baby. You’ll just have to get me a better pair to strut around in.” You responded with a wink.
���‘Suppose I can arrange that.” He stalked off to the laundry room, grabbing you a fresh pair of his boxers and he even helped you step into them before he bent down and snatched up the Brazzers shorts and shoved them deep into the pocket of his jean cut offs. “Think Tommy and I are gonna go out for some burgers soon. Y’want anythin’, baby love?”
“Mmm, yeah I’ll take some meat.” You said with a giggle, turning around with your arms crossed against your chest in a challenging stare, “preferably the kind of meat that is shaped like your cock. Think you can deliver on that, baby?”
He closed the gap between you once more, looking even taller and broader than usual when he crowded you against the counter. His brow was cocked in amusement, lips spreading into a deep set grin. “Sorry, baby love.” He tutted softly, bringing his hand down between your thighs and pressed the heel of his palm directly against your covered cunt as he leaned in, “naughty dirty little sluts don’t get rewarded that easily.”
You leaned into his hand immediately, trying to pull him in for a kiss but he was being stubborn and nipped at your jawline instead while you let out a pathetic whine.
“Joel, baby, c’mon, please?” You nearly begged him.
“Nuh uh.” He pressed a kiss to the corner of your lips before retreating out of your grasp.
Joel: 2 | baby love: 0
A week has gone by since the little incident and when you wake up late one morning and head downstairs to make a cup of coffee, you find a pink box on the countertop next to your mug. The box is wrapped in a pretty pink bow, and there’s a note under the ribbon addressed to you.
To my naughty little baby love,
Here’s a better pair ;)
-Joel x.
You untie the bow and lift the cover from the box and beneath the perfectly crisp wrapping paper is a pair of black spandex shorts. Upon further inspection, you find that the back of the shorts have a decal stretched across the fabric as well. However, instead of Brazzers, it reads Miller-Co in bold lettering.
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Banners made by the lovely @saradika-graphics 💕
Follow @tightjeansjaviupdates for fic updates and notifications
332 notes · View notes
perfectsunlight · 2 months
warnings: swearing, taunting
word count: 3.2k
part of the series: LOGICAL
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korea university was knocked out of the competition for nationals in the quarter finals by ygu last year, meaning this time they were out for revenge. the starting lineup for ygu was a formidable force: lisa as the shooting guard, y/n as point guard, yunjin as the power forward, yeji as the small forward, and somi as the center. despite their differences, ygu’s synergy that they brought to the court was their true weapon.
from the tip-off, the game was intense. 
ku came out strong, but ygu matched their energy, point for point. per usual, lisa's aggressive style of play was on full display. her girlfriend’s sharp movements and her own quick shots kept the scoreboard ticking. 
the first foul of the game came as a result of lisa's overzealous defense. she had lunged at a ku player, arms reaching in an attempt to steal the ball. the whistle blew sharply, and the referee signaled a reach in foul. lisa scowled but held her tongue, knowing she needed to stay on the court.
“you know better than to reach for that,” y/n hissed out as they regrouped. her tone was firm and her eyes held a steely determination. the shooting guard glanced at her girlfriend, frustration flashing in her eyes. “yeah, i know,” she huffed, trying to keep her cool. “but they’re not giving us any calls. it’s like they’re blind out there.”
y/n’s expression softened slightly, her competitive nature mixing with her concern for lisa. “i get it, but i need you on the court, not on the bench with fouls. just play smart, okay?” the taller girl gave her a quick squeeze on the shoulder before they broke apart and returned to their positions. 
as the game resumed, the intensity only increased. lisa’s aggressive play continued to be both an advantage and a bane for the vipers. her quick steals and sharp shooting kept them in the game, but her temper was a constant risk. y/n continued to orchestrate their plays with her usual calm precision, keeping the team focused and cohesive as best as she could.
yunjin’s presence was felt on every possession. her ability to read the game and make crucial plays was invaluable. she drove to the basket with power and finesse, scoring key points and drawing fouls to keep ygu in contention.
yeji and somi, always following lisa’s lead, played with relentless energy. they crashed the boards, fought for every rebound, and set solid screens to free up their shooters. 
their unwavering loyalty to lisa was also evident in every play.
“somi!” the thai girl barked, her voice cutting through the noise of the gym. “hurry the fuck up!” 
one thing about korea university was that they never gave up easily. their defense was tight, and they had a reputation for being relentless until the final buzzer. they had been double teaming somi once they realized she was the main reason for the hole in their defense. somi scrambled into position, setting a solid screen for lisa, who used it to cut inside and drive to the basket. she was met by a wall of ku defenders but managed to draw a foul, earning two free throws. 
as she stepped up to the line, the gym managed to become even louder. the ku fans were relentless, jeering and shouting to distract her. the rivalry was fierce, and they had singled out y/n and lisa as their primary targets, especially since y/n was the daughter of an olympian and lisa was the best player in the league.
“miss it, superstar!” someone yelled from the stands. the taunts and jeers echoed, but lalisa blocked them out, focusing on the basket. she took a deep breath and made both shots, causing the crowd to boo for a moment.
but korea university’s fans were undeterred. as y/n brought the ball up the court, they started chanting, “nepo baby” over and over. y/n’s expression remained stoic, but inside, she was fuming. she used the anger to fuel her performance, pushing herself even harder.
it wasn’t that she hated being compared to her mother, it was the fact that they were trying to undermine her hard work and talent. she had spent her entire life trying to carve out her own identity, to be recognized for her own abilities rather than just being kim taeyeon’s daughter.
lisa, on the other hand, thrived on the animosity. the more the fans heckled, the more determined she became. she played aggressively, driving to the basket with ferocity and making impossible shots. she knew her girlfriend’s mind was preoccupied with the pressure of the game, and she channeled that frustration into her own gameplay.
coach taeyeon made a strategic decision. she was an accomplished olympian, but she was also a mother. she would not stand and let her daughter get bullied by this school’s student body. “seulgi, get in.” irene quickly motioned for the captain to get up. “yeri, you too. switch out with yeji.”
“aw man, my shoes are untied again.” “again, yeri?”
seulgi entered the game with a burst of energy. her movements were quick and precise, and she immediately began to impact the game. ygu’s defense tightened, and seulgi's tactical plays helped disrupt korea university’s offense. her seasoned skills were evident as she darted around the court, making passes and giving lisa open shots.
by the end of the second quarter, the score was 38-40 with ku in the lead. as the halftime buzzer echoed through the gym, the vipers trudged into the locker room, their faces etched with frustration and exhaustion. the atmosphere was tense as they sat huddled around coach taeyeon, the weight of the narrow deficit hanging heavily over them.
“listen up, i’m only going to say this once,” taeyeon said, her voice cutting through the murmur of discontent. “we’re still in this game. we need to tighten up our defense and focus on executing our plays. korea university is playing aggressively, and we need to start taking control again.”
coach irene flipped through some pages on her clipboard, nodding in agreement with the olympian. “seulgi, lisa, yujin, yena, rei. you will all start the second half.”
lisa, still fuming from the first half, threw her towel onto the bench and met the assistant coach’s gaze with a threatening look. “i want y/n.” irene didn’t spare the thai girl another glance. “this isn’t up for discussion.” the shooting guard’s jaw tightened, her frustration boiling over. “she was out there getting harassed, and you want to bench her?” lisa could handle their words, she didn’t mind them one bit. but for someone to speak poorly of her sweet girlfriend?
it was unacceptable.
coach bae’s tone remained firm and unyielding. lisa was known to not do well mentally without her girlfriend by her side. it was one of the reasons why kim taeyeon almost always kept the two together.  “it’s a tactical decision, lisa. we need her fresh for the last quarter.”
the co-captain’s frustration was evident, but she knew better than to argue further in front of the entire team. with a heavy sigh, she turned away, her eyes filled with unresolved anger.
y/n watched her girlfriend’s retreating figure with a mixture of concern and empathy. the issues between them were still unresolved, but they were still teammates. she understood why lisa was upset—seeing her girlfriend endure harassment while being benched was a heavy burden. yet, they both needed to channel their emotions into the game.
as the team prepared to return to the court, y/n seized a brief, quiet moment by the locker room entrance. she caught lisa's arm gently, pulling her to the side away from prying eyes and the cacophony of preparations.
“lisa,” y/n said softly, her voice a mix of determination and affection. the voices of the booing and obnoxious crowd were muffled by the walls of the locker room. “look at me.”
the taller girl turned, her eyes still holding the remnants of her frustration. before she could respond, y/n closed the distance between them and pulled her into a deep, urgent kiss. it was a kiss filled with all the emotion that words couldn’t fully capture—a blend of reassurance, love, and gratitude. lisa wasn’t perfect, but she still stood by her side. she wrapped her arms around y/n’s waist, deepening the embrace. when they finally pulled apart, both were breathing heavily, their faces flushed with a mix of emotions and relief.
“i need you to focus,” y/n said, her eyes locked onto lisa’s. “please don’t do anything stupid.”
the final quarter began with both teams fiercely battling for every inch of the court. ygu, despite the emotional boost from their quick moment of intimacy, faced relentless pressure from korea university. the score remained tight, with neither team able to secure a significant lead.
lisa, still simmering from the first half’s frustrations, played with an intensity that bordered on recklessness. her aggressive defense led to a couple of key steals, but also resulted in costly turnovers as she tried to force plays that weren’t always there.
seulgi, now fully integrated into the game, made several crucial assists and defensive plays. her presence on the court provided a much-needed spark, but it wasn’t enough to turn the tide completely. yujin’s impressive skills kept ygu in the game, but the effort was spread too thin.
ku had picked up their defensive intensity, making it increasingly difficult for ygu to execute their plays. with the clock ticking down, the pressure on the players escalated. lisa was visibly frustrated by the tight defense and persistent fouls. she found herself becoming more reckless. her attempts to drive to the basket were often met with heavy contact, leading to several missed shots and turnovers.
yujin was a great center. she had always been good at using her height to her advantage. however, she quickly began to feel the strain. her play style, while effective at times, also led to a series of fouls. her first foul came from an overzealous block attempt, followed by a second one when she reached in trying to steal the ball. the third foul was the result of an aggressive collision as she tried to secure a rebound. each foul added to the mounting tension on the court and led to yujin being temporarily benched to avoid a potential disqualification.
seulgi, seeing her teammates struggling, tried to take control. she made several key passes and defensive stops, but without consistent support, it was a challenging task. her frustration was palpable, and she could feel the weight of the game pressing heavily on her shoulders.
she was captain, and the responsibility of leading her team weighed heavily on her. despite her best efforts, the scoreboard showed the grim reality of their situation.
it was 58-57 by the end of the third quarter, with ku still in the lead. the crowd roared as korea university prepared to defend their slim lead.
coach taeyeon, recognizing the urgency, made a crucial substitution. “yuqi, get in there,” coach kim called out, signaling to replace rei. the poor girl was getting roughed around by the taller girls of korea university. yuqi, eager to make an impact and relieve her teammate, quickly entered the game, her eyes focused and determined. as she stepped onto the court, she was met with the intense atmosphere of the final quarter.
yuqi immediately made her presence felt, playing tight defense and creating opportunities on the offensive end. she intercepted a pass and quickly pushed the ball up the court, passing to lisa who took a quick shot. 
all y/n could focus on was the sneers and snickers of the crowd. they were pointing and laughing, mocking her as the daughter of an olympian. they were taking advantage of her vulnerability, their taunts a constant reminder of the expectations she had to live up to. their words cut deeper than she cared to admit, but she tried to push through, channeling her frustration into her play.
“y/n,” yeri firmly turned her younger cousin’s shoulder to face her. “don’t let them get to you,” yeri continued, her voice steady and full of conviction. “you know who you are, and you know what you’re capable of. they’re just trying to get under your skin because they know they can’t beat you otherwise.”
as the clock ticked down, the pressure mounted. y/n, sensing the urgency of the situation, made a determined decision. she stood up and stormed over to coach taeyeon, who was anxiously watching the game from the sidelines.
“mom, put me in!” y/n demanded, her voice firm and resolute. the intensity in her eyes left no room for argument. coach kim glanced at her daughter, her face a mixture of surprise and concern. “you’re better off staying out—”
“i don’t care!” y/n interrupted, her voice rising with desperation. the young kim was never one to question her mother, especially in a game. but these was different circumstances. “we need to win this game, and i need to be out there. i can handle it. please.”
taeyeon hesitated for a moment, then looked at her daughter’s determined face. she could see a familiar fire in y/n’s eyes and knew she was serious. “alright,” she said, taking a deep breath. “get in there, but if you start getting in your head again, you’re coming out immediately.”
y/n nodded quickly, her heart pounding with adrenaline as she sprinted back onto the court. she took her position, determined to make an impact. the crowd’s jeers seemed to fade as she focused solely on the game.
with y/n back on the floor, the dynamic of the game shifted. she moved with a sense of urgency, driving to the basket with renewed energy. her presence sparked a renewed intensity in her teammates, and they began to play with a sense of purpose.
as the final moments of the game approached, ygu was still trailing by one point. y/n managed to make a key steal, and with only seconds left, she passed to lisa. lisa attempted a three-point shot, but it was blocked by a ku defender. the ball was tipped out of bounds with just a fraction of a second left on the clock.
coach taeyeon called a timeout, rallying the team for one last play. it was 69-70, making the vipers still trying their best to climb out of the one point difference.
“this is it. we have one shot to win this game. make it count.” coach kim snapped, pointing out strategy on a clipboard for the girls. the team huddled together, observing the final play. y/n and lisa shared a quick glance, silently communicating their plan. 
“and yuqi you need to,” coach kim paused briefly as she watched yuqi’s head snap back towards the center of the huddle. yena bit back and snicker, already knowing who the taller girl was staring back at. all coach taeyeon did was shake her head and continued explaining the play.
in the final moments of the game, lisa’s frustration reached a boiling point. she attempted a high-risk three-pointer while double-teamed, but the shot missed badly. she slammed her hands on the floor in anger, drawing the attention of the referees and earning herself a technical foul. the technical foul gave ku a crucial set of free throws, which they converted to extend their lead.
y/n, now back on the court, did her best to direct the remaining players and calm the situation, but it was clear that the game was slipping away. with the final buzzer approaching and the score tied, ku’s star player managed to make a crucial shot that pushed them ahead by one point.
as the game ended with korea university clinching the victory, 69-71, the ygu team was left to grapple with their frustrations and disappointments. lisa, already feeling the sting of her mistakes, slammed her locker in frustration. yujin sat with her head down, remorseful over her fouls. seulgi and y/n exchanged glances, knowing that their challenges were far from over.
as the team walked off the court, y/n’s eyes met her mother’s. the look of disappointment was evident, but taeyeon pulled her into a tight hug. “you did everything you could,” she whispered. “i’m proud of you.”
lisa was beyond livid. her frustration with the outcome was evident as she slammed a nearby locker shut, her anger not yet dissipated. the other girls chose to ignore their co-captain’s tantrum. y/n, though exhausted, found some solace in her mother's embrace, trying to shake off the sting of defeat.
yuqi, on the other hand, was quietly dejected. 
she had made a bet with miyeon before the game. if they won, miyeon promised to give yuqi her number. the bet had been lighthearted, but yuqi had hoped for a chance to get to know miyeon better. with the loss, yuqi felt like she had let herself down, and the bet seemed to amplify her disappointment.
all yena could do was snicker and gently nudge yuqi. “hey, don’t be so down,” she teased, trying to lighten the mood. “you’ll see her again. maybe you can make another bet with her then.”
yuqi managed a weak smile but didn't seem entirely convinced. the weight of the loss still lingered heavily on her shoulders. “maybe.”
as they walked towards the bus, yuqi's eyes were fixed on the ground, her disappointment evident. just as she was about to climb aboard, she felt a tap on her shoulder. turning around, she saw miyeon standing there, her expression sincere.
“hi yuqi,” miyeon said, her voice gentle. she flashed the girl with an even gentler smile. “i know you’re probably feeling pretty rough right now, but i wanted to just say i really liked watching you play. you did so well.”
yuqi looked up, her expression a mix of surprise and gratitude. “thank you, miyeon. it means a lot to hear that, especially after tonight.” the other girl’s smile widened. “i know you were hoping for a different outcome, but you looked amazing out there. that’s something to be proud of.”
the chinese player managed a small smile. she could feel a faint blush rising to her cheeks. “i guess so. it’s just hard to shake off the disappointment.”
miyeon nodded, understanding. “i get it. but remember, one game doesn’t define you. you’ve got so much talent and potential.”
yuqi’s eyes flickered with a hint of curiosity. “you really think so?” yena interrupted the conversation by banging against the bus window with a playful grin. “hey, yuqi! quit flirting and get on the bus already! i want to go home!”
the center chuckled, embarrassed slightly at yena’s antics. she would make sure to get her back later. the basketball player glanced at miyeon once again, who was simply smiling. she was clearly amused by the interaction. 
“i guess i should get going. thank you again, miyeon.”
“no problem,” miyeon said with a warm smile. “and before you go, here.” the volleyball player handed her a slip of paper. 
yuqi took the paper, her curiosity piqued. as she unfolded it, she saw miyeon’s phone number neatly written in the prettiest handwriting she had ever seen.
yena quickly pulled the center back inside the bus while yuqi giggled and waved goodbye.
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TAGLIST ⸺ ✭ @silantryoo @rosiehrs @niniwhiskers @cwpiqwon @jisooftme @1luvkarina @scarfac3 @santasbitch @lisas-earlobe @wallfl9wer @aerihiltonn @unforgivenangel @uzumakioden @skydreamed @haerinfangs @la-douleur-ne-finit-jamais @haerinkisser @giginings @lilsvx @milanlaia @pandafuriosa60 @wifey-badalee @slowlyturninggay291 @dreamingst99 @7daysronnie @thefckghost @drawing-into-the-night @xszn
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sorchathered · 5 months
Sweet Home Texas pt 1.
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Summary- it’s here! Chapter one of my new series/ my submission for my birthday Rom-Com challenge! I am straying from the plot of Sweet Home Alabama a bit but I hope you all love it!
Pairing-Jake “Hangman” Seresin x oc (Ella Mcree Seresin), Bradley Bradshaw x oc (Ella Mcree Seresin)
Warnings- language, drinking, eventual smut
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Stepping out of her shitty rental car into the dimly lit honky tonk parking lot Ella Mccree can already feel the pain of a headache forming behind her eyes. She flew out from San Diego on a red eye to get to this shithole, filled with enough anger to fly the damn plane herself. She swore when she was here the last time that she would never set foot in this damn town again and yet here she is, pushing through the sweaty bodies of horn dog cowboys and navy pilots to find the bane of her existence.
He’s here of course, holding court by the pool tables, looking every bit the cocky asshole he presents himself to be. He’s always been a bit of a douche, that was part of his appeal; well until it wasn’t. She couldn't help the way her stomach flipped as she looked at him, the memories flooding her mind would make anyone blush. First kiss, first time, her first everything had been with Jake Seresin, he was supposed to be the only one, but that hadn’t worked out as planned. Nothing had where they were concerned.
She squared her shoulders, his pretty boy looks didn’t work on her anymore and she was here in this tacky bar for a reason, he wouldn’t distract her. In her ridiculously expensive pumps and form fitting black suit she marched over to him and dropped her briefcase in the middle of the pool table, a chorus of what the hells ringing out as she rounds on him, perfectly manicured finger poking him in the chest, shock clearly written all over his face before he schools his features. She’d caught him by surprise; good, maybe this time he’d actually listen.
“Jake! You stubborn redneck hick, I swear to God if I have to cut your damn hand off and sign these papers myself I will.” If he was phased by her colorful vocabulary he didn’t show it, simply throwing back the rest of his beer and sitting it on the corner of the nearest table as he looked her over, the mischief in his eyes evident in his gaze.
“Hey baby, it’s been a while. How’re things at home?” He said with a grin, knowing it would absolutely irritate the shit out of her, he loved riling her up, it was almost like he had a death wish sometimes but then again being an ex fighter pilot just confirmed that.
“Hey. Baby?! Are you kidding me right now?! Oooh!! You are the most annoying person on the planet!” She said shaking her head jerkily and balling her hands into fists, she needed to get it together. There was a reason to be here, get it done and get the hell out of this town, don’t let him distract you Ella you’re better than this.
Someone behind her said something to the extent of damn I like this girl and out of the corner of her eye she caught sight of a brunette woman sending impressed looks her way. Well at least someone was entertained, she thought.
She leaned across him to grab the papers from her briefcase, his body stiffening under her and she knew despite his cool exterior she had him rattled. She ran a hand across his uniform top, noticing the falter in his grin as he blinked at her and slammed the stack of papers into his chest.
“I have sent these damn papers through your lawyer 4 times in the past 6 months and they keep coming back unsigned, if you are so incompetent that you can’t use a pen, maybe you shouldn’t be allowed to fly a jet, given your lack of a brain. Sign the damn papers Jake, it’s been 3 years. You very clearly aren’t interested in being a husband so why the hell won't you just divorce me?”
Everyone around them seems to go quiet at this, none of his coworkers even knew he had been in a serious relationship, let alone married.
He sticks a toothpick between his lips and pretends to mull over her words as she taps her heel on the sticky bar floor. She already knows what he’s going to say, the same bullshit line he’s given her their entire life. “You know damn well why Ella Bella, because I promised to love you til the day you die and as far as I can tell you’re still breathin’ so we’re still married.”
She rakes a hand through her wavy red hair and gives him a look that could burn the world down. “If I could go back knowing what I know now I’d have never made that damn promise. Stop holding me hostage and sign the damn papers, I’m not leaving town until you do.” She yanks up her bag and stomps out towards the exit, everyone in the group parting like the Red Sea to let her out. Meanwhile Jake still seems cool as a cucumber, completely unbothered as he lines up his next shot and chuckles as he watches her walk out of the bar.
“Uh you planning on giving us an explanation Hangman?” Natasha Trace is the first to speak up, she does enjoy seeing him brought down a peg from time to time but she’s pretty sure she’s seen him more upset over what was for lunch at the dining facility than he is right now.
“Oh that? Eh she’ll be alright, Ella is all bark and no bite. She knows how much I love her, just gotta remind her is all, she and I will be just fine when she comes to her senses.” He seems awfully sure of himself, but she’d noticed something he clearly didn’t. A big ass diamond ring on her ring finger, no wedding band in sight. She has a thought to say something but thinks better of it; let him crash and burn all on his own and maybe invite the girl out for lunch and some gossip if she can find out her number. Jake’s hometown is just a few miles out from the Kingsville Navy base they’re stationed at, maybe an old friend of his has her info, she files that away for tomorrow’s problems and grabs another drink.
Ella is heated, she clumsily fumbles her keys by her car door as she curses, she knew he wouldn’t go for it but damnit if she didn’t hope he’d come to his senses. They’d been split for almost three years?! What was keeping him from letting her go? Pride? Idiocy?! She didn’t have time for this, she had plans of her own and they didn’t include begging her delusional husband for a divorce for the millionth time.
Her phone began to buzz in her pocket as she finally got the car unlocked and settled into the seat. She heaved a sigh out and put on her brightest smile, answering the face time call with fake enthusiasm.
“Well? How’d he take it?” the raspy voice on the other side of the line says, tan skin and bronze hair and those puppy dog eyes she loves so much gazes at her over the screen, and he can tell she’s pissed. “About as well as I thought. I’m gonna be here a few more days I reckon, maybe I can get one of them to get him to pull his head out of his ass, because it definitely didn’t work like I hoped.” She says the last words with a waver in her voice, she hates that she’s tearing up over this.
Bradley Bradshaw sighs over the screen and runs his hand over his face, he knew it wasn’t going to be as easy as she thought. “Need me to come down there? I can hop a flight? We can order a pizza and get trashed.”
As good as that sounds, his presence would only make it worse, and they both know it.
“No baby, it’s ok. I’ll see you soon alright? I just need to go to my hotel and sleep, I’ll try again tomorrow. Maybe call Natasha and see if she can help me with some intel though? She seemed pretty interested in what was going on, and might be an ally.”
He knows Natasha Trace well, and she definitely would be very helpful if he asked, so he nods his head in agreement and ends the call with I love yous and promises of a back rub when she gets home.
He knows the bomb that’s going to go off as soon as Seresin finds out everything, but he also knows the real reason Jake won’t give Ella what she wants. It’s guilt plain and simple, and Bradley isn’t interested in watching his fiancée get hurt by his former rival anymore. Only Ella knows the whole truth, but are either men ready for it?
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A/N- this is gonna be a doozy y’all, prepare for these three to be put through the ringer! Next week we’ll get some more on Jake and Ella’s backstory and why they fell apart, hope you enjoyed chapter one!
🏷️ tagging- @attapullman @seitmai @bobgasm @sailor-aviator @jessicab1991 @roosterforme @bradshawssugarbaby @mynameismckenziemae
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hoeforhao · 1 year
🏷 Kidult ▪︎Choi Seungcheol Fic▪︎ Epilogue
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↷ pairing: dad!seungcheol × fem!reader (feat!jeonghan)
↷ genre: heavy angst, fluff towards the end, mentions of childhood trauma, sort of arranged marriage? cheol and reader have a daughter together, lots of dad seungcheol content!!!
↷ summary: can trying to relive the childhood you never got to experience, through your daughter be the reason of your husband's irk?
↷ part: 4/4 pt.1, pt.2, pt.3
↷ w.c: 1.03K
↷ author's note: originally I didn't plan on any epilogue to the series as I was like 'eh let me just end it with some smut'. But after reading the reviews I realized that few wanted a closure with some fluffy content! So here it is. A happy ending to my most loved series♡
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“Yah Hana stop running away!” you’ve been sprinting after your two year old ball of mischief for the past couple of minutes, with various failed attempts of trying to make her gulp down the last few drops of the butterscotch shake that took almost thirty minutes to make, just because it was the only way you could manage get some milk into her system.
She has completely inherited her dad’s genes when it comes to annoying the shit out of you!!! Sometimes you really wonder whether she is even your daughter or not, because be it her boba eyes, or the way she sulks into a pout whenever you refuse to give her pickies, her juicy pink lips, the little peets, all are literal second copies of her dad. “ Was it you or me who carried her for 9 months CHOI SEUNGCHEOL” you internally curse at him whenever you look you two’s sweetest berry.
You were about to give up on this mission of feeding Hana when you suddenly felt a heavy pair of arms wrap oh so gently around your tummy, chin resting into the crest of your neck. “Don’t stress out your mother like this baby. Aren’t you daddy’s good girl, hmm?” Seungcheol’s face moves from the nest of your shoulder’s to his now slightly guilt stricken daughter’s face.
“You wanna be able to carry your little brother, right? Be a good elder sister for him?” his palms now ghost over the swell in your belly, carefully caressing the bump as if trying to pat his little champ, the new and beautiful addition to his small happy family, his son upon whom he’s ready to shower all the world’s love. Definitely not more than his princess tho-
Hana’s face was stricken with a view of remorse topped with the excitement from the mere thoughts of being able hold her small brother in her own soft arms, play with him, dress him up for her playtimes and most importantly be the home he can always rely on after his parents, even though she herself was just a child.
“Yes yes yes i want to be the best sister for Siu. I’ll be right, dada?” her doe eyes instantly light up, awaiting her father’s approval onto whether or not she will be the best elder sister for the new ball of happiness entering all three of you’s life.
“YAH YOU TWO ALREADY DECIDED THE NAME? Who will ask the mother hmph!!!!” you push off Cheol’s hands from your bump and turn around to now face the slightly laughing face of your husband, corners of his lips turning up into a slight curve, as if smiling at your angy face.
Seungcheol’s heart was swelling from the view before him; his wife, the bane of his existence, looking at him with that sulky pout, the one he loves so dearly, the one that makes him wanna kiss her then and there, that peaceful face of her that felt like home to him, adorned with fluffed up chipmunk cheeks and skin all glistening like snow from the pregnancy glow…while his daughter, the apple of his eyes, stood behind her, smiling wide like the brightest ray of light.
“I wanted the name to be a surprise for you, as Siu brought in new beginnings to the family that was falling apart! But looks like someone can’t keep secrets huh.” Cheol moves past you to pick up Hana in his arms, swaying her around and putting her in air jail as a punishment for disclosing his long thought gift to you, while you fondly look at them; isn’t this is the sight you’ve always wanted to cherish… your own happy and content family. Since that night at the resort, your life finally took a the turn you’ve wishing upon for years. Seungcheol started treating you as a literal cloud, too fragile to touch, taking you on the cutest dates every weekend even if he’s drowned with work, showering with love, hugs and kisses at every chance he gets….and most significantly adore you like a completely love stricken man whenever you acted as a kid alongside your little muffin. As Hana’s giggles echoed around the walls followed by her dad’s soft laughs, the only thing you could think to yourself was “This house is finally a home”
The entire day went by like this with your daughter’s shenanigans and her father supporting all the little tricks she kept on pulling on you. Annoying you is really the father-daughter duo’s best hobby!!! The sunlight was bidding its last goodbyes as you busied yourself in the kitchen, trying to put down a good feast for the guests….who were about to knock at any moment now.
A ring of the bell and you quickly realize who it could be. Pulling off your apron in seconds, you literally run towards the door, arms wide open to greet none other than the Yoon Jeonghan, aka your annoying ass devil spawn of a bestfriend. The moment the long haired man sees your figure waiting for him at the doorway, he wraps his hands around your torso tightly, a bit too tight for your now swelled up belly, earning him a hard smack on his non existent butt.
“You’ll suffocate the baby, you idiot” you playfully slap Han’s shoulders while welcoming his wife alongside the two year old version of your friend aka his daughter Byul. “Instead of being thankful to me you’re hitting me dumbo. Afterall it was my evil plan that led to you being round with Cheol’s child now right!!! Such an ungrateful friend you’re y/n”
You truly had no comeback for Han’s words this time as for the first ocassion the man was speaking completely correct facts. It was indeed because of the vacation he planned that Seungcheol apologized to you for his mistreatment, made you believe that he will wait to earn your trust and love,heal the broken relationships and gift you the family and home you’ve always craved for.
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astralnymphh · 1 year
born of flora and fauna | teaser I. ellie williams
knight!ellie x princess!reader
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an; thought I would bestow a little excerpt from my prologue for this fic, cause the preluding alone needs its own teaser. plus, a little moodboard for it! this would count for the prologue only, as it's set in the wintertime and then progresses into spring. just a note this series is a bit more fantasy leaning than pinpoint history accurate (mainly in clothing department) but I'll still be including some realism into it. expect some.. complicated n poetic writing.
༻⋆the excerpt;
a vividness to her movements, flowing like a river. for it is water that soothes the most cosmic fires, carves veins into the earth's soil, descends from the heavens above and proves iron soluble. a knight so pinpoint and poised like a painter, yet so daring and baneful like a warrior of evenfall. an artisan of her craft, ellie was. born to thrive in matters regarding protection of her kingdom and its nobility.
you were a daughter of the illustrious king and queen, sister of your highly revered and cherished kin, prudence. subsequent to her fabled rise, was your fall. down-spiraling in neglect and a corroding shame that you couldn't fulfill the duties of a courteous princess. wickedness wasn't necessarily your play of folly. rebuking the role of royalty isn't your entire bastion of vengeance. you purely long for a world of your own color. your self-brewn arcadia of art. in a concise phrase, desire for sovereignty.
' why don't you resemble your sister more? '
upon this midwinter day, steel clashes and clanks with the marching of castle guards en route to their designated patrol sites just beyond the barrier of the throne room. braziers birthing a cordial flame glowing with a saffron ember, balls of warmth to resign a frigid numbing along the stone pillars surrounding the epicenter. the rabble of townsfolk forked into two large columns in the palatial hall afore the platform of the royal family, gossiping amongst themselves at the event taking place.
you are aligned in royal seating adjacent to your mother and fathers throne, crossed legs pleating your tunics' billowing skirt, seemingly stoic poise contrasting your usual gestures of criticism and resentment. a flurry of knights in waiting present themselves individually before the nobility, emanations of each one's virtues and brawns scrutinized in one sweeping glance of the majesty himself, to which the mass of them were not up to par.
on comes a figure, shrouded by a leather fitting of attire compared to the other bodies of steel and chain before them, a smooth cloak of basil green silk embroidered with their respective house symbol in yellow; a moth, and a face hidden by the iron nature of a helmet. as every knight has shown oneself to the king, so do they, forcepping the helm with a gauntleted grip to reveal a face blemished by the trudging of time and battle, freckles mimicking the color of almonds, lips like a coral rose bud and hair painted of the most earthly russet you've ever bore sights to. except, there was one asset that sucked you right into her indirect gaze, circlets of green, like a willow tree's canopy of shrubbery, green, like the vernal springscape of the earlier year, an ethereal green, a hue no soul has ever seen before.
༻⋆the moodboard;
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hope yall are excited as I am!!! 💗 this is the first draft of a portion of my prologue so you may see some additions or changes.
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bloodlust-1 · 10 months
༻ 3 Nights ༺ part 5
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Gortash x fem Tav — mini series Explicit 18+
Summary: Gortash invites Tav to stay 3 days at his palace for the sake of an alliance. Reluctantly, she compromises for peace and it becomes an experience they won’t forget.
Part one -> here <-
"I'm glad you came, darling."
Tav stood with her arms crossed, a look of unease etched on her face. The Steel Watchers, a constant presence by his side, were a traumatizing reminder of the day she was ripped from her bed and thrown onto the streets. She pointed at the row of imposing machines, her voice firm. “I want them out.”
Gortash let out a chuckle and shook his head at the thought of Tav having any authority to give him orders. However, he found it amusing to see her attempt nonetheless. “No.” he said, scanning her uncomfortable stance with a hint of longing in his eyes, “If you wish to be alone, we can continue this conversation in my office.” A mischievous scoff escaped his lips as he added, “For business, of course. Establishing trust.”
For as much as Tav would like to believe he could have any good influence, she still needed to remember: this is Gortash, a follower of Bane. Plus, Tav was still bitter that he couldn’t protect her under his roof, “I don't need your trust right now. I need to talk to you about Baldur's Gate. This is real shit, Gortash. Do you understand that I am the only person keeping you alive?” Gortash had a crucial role to play in keeping her safe, which he failed. But there were far more important things to discuss than their last affair.
"We have much to discuss then," he said, his eyes inviting Tav towards him as they walked into the familiar halls of the building. It was his office, a place she had only been in once before. It was the night he showed rare care for her by tending to her wound, that he caused.
Gortash pulled out the chair from his desk, taking a seat just as she did. Oddly Tav's mind wandered to unrelated circumstances: Just how many women has he ever brought back to this very room? He was a social climber and master manipulator, why wouldn't he pull a few strings with people of power? Especially woman.
Tav was shaken from her inner thoughts just as Gortash cleared his throat. He grew serious, and his voice took on a tone of gravity. “It is important to me that this alliance is worth something,” he said, his eyes fixed intently on Tav.
 “I agree… I’ve noticed that your choices have stirred quite a bit of people, negatively, I mean.” Her piercing gaze locked onto his, with a sense of urgency and importance. She just needed him to work with her.
Gortash nodded in agreement, “Death is what they desire of me, but only you can prevent it. I know my fate is sealed, and together we can become stronger and more powerful. I will support you with my Steel Watch. They will fight alongside you, and I am willing to make compromises that benefit me.” He reclined in his chair, bringing his clenched fists to rest against his chin, exuding an assertive tone through his voice. “However, I insist on maintaining my influential position. I will not falter any of my influence.”
"What about what benefits me? Are you that self-centered!" Tav wanted to continue and shred Gortash’s words, analyzing everything. However, she needed to focus, not give in to Gortash’s narcissism. She sighed off the angered feelings creeping under her skin, taking a deep breath to compose herself before responding.
“My artifact has shielded me and my companions, and it can do the same for you.” Tav was determined to get him on the same page with her. The same end goal: with the nether brain dead, “Assist me in defeating the netherbrain. Only then will your life be spared. If not… well, you know the consequences."
In the heat of the moment, Tav broke eye contact with Gortash and clenched her fists into a tight ball, wincing in pain as she shut her eyes. “Do not force my hand, Gortash,” Tav uttered with determination. In the tense moment, Tav was not just displaying her strength but also revealing a side of herself that he did not deserve - mercy. It's a deliberate act of reasonableness on Tav’s part, a gesture that spoke volumes about her character and intentions.
Gortash was secretly impressed with Tav, and he found himself nodding in agreement as she spoke. Almost proud of her considering she used his death against him to gain control. Her words had cut through his own thoughts and revealed a new perspective on the situation. She did have a point, unfortunately, "That'd be a complete turn of events from my original plan."
Gortash found himself in a challenging situation, battling to secure the most beneficial outcome for himself. He was aware of Tav’s formidable strength in numbers, and as the battle progressed, his chances of defeating her were diminishing. It became evident to Gortash that he needed to consider a compromise with Tav to stay alive. With a mix of admiration and skepticism, he spoke. “I quite admire you like this. A businesswoman at heart, you possess the qualities that would make you a valuable addition to my council. But are you good enough?”
Gortash, with a mischievous smile, took small steps towards Tav’s chair, circling around it as he moved. The floor creaked beneath his feet, as Tav’s eyes followed his body while he approached her.
"I am more than capable." Tav asserted herself and sat up straight in her seat.
His hands rested on her shoulders, and he could feel the warmth of her skin beneath his touch. However, as he squeezed her shoulders, his touch turned to anger, and he applied a slight pressure. "The issue of Orin persists. Dispose of her, and I shall align my forces with you and this artifact. For it, has bestowed you the freedom to have your own will.”
Tav felt a slight shudder run up her spine as his cold, mean touch made contact. Despite this, her heart raced in contradiction, a feeling she wasn’t exactly proud of. Nevertheless, she remained still like a statue and did not waver under his touch, responding with a simple “Deal.”
Gortash smiled wider in approval at her petite shoulders, something he liked in a woman. But of course, the self-serving thoughts crowded his mind once more, and it centered on control. As his hands left Tav's shoulders, he blurted out, “The crown, I want it.” His nether stone sparkled in his metal glove as Tav caught a glimpse of it. She too possessed a stone of her own.
She waved her hands up in the air with annoyance, “Join the fucking club, everyone wants it.” She shook her head with an annoyed look that cut through Gortash, “You know I can’t do that.”
“Not even if I asked nicely?” The man’s unexpected words caught Tav off guard, causing her to tense up. His hands firmly grasped her chin, tilting her face upwards to meet his intense gaze. Gortash leaned in closer, a mischievous glint in his eyes grew provocative, “So tell me, what do you intend to do with it, little hero?” His warm breath brushed against her skin, sending a shiver down her spine.
His words sliced through her will to resist, causing a tingling sensation between her thighs. Although her body responded to him, her mind remained firmly determined against Gortash's favor. “That isn’t any of your business." She challenged back snappily.
“Shame,” he muttered, his gaze growing bored and annoyed as he let go of her face. He seemed to distance himself from her, feeling a bit disappointed that she didn’t respond to his advances as she had done last time
"You should really stop being everyone's personal hero." He mumbled irritatingly,
Tav’s eyebrows raised in annoyance as she responded, “Sure! I’ll stop starting with you!” Her tone was laced with irritation. Tav mocked him and stood up from her seat, “I’m glad we can agree on something.”
The atmosphere shifted and grew silent for a moment. The thought of her knife against Gortash's neck crept into her memory. How he enjoyed the near-death experience. She could tell by the excitement of his eyes when she saw him.
“You like when I try to kill you?” Tav randomly spoke up with a questionable look, bringing up what happened earlier.
Gortash’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. The suddenness of the topic caught him off guard, and he couldn’t help but find it peculiar that she was bringing it up at that moment. Despite his surprise, he welcomed the question with no hint of embarrassment or hesitation. “Mmm, only as real as when I said it,” Gortash responded, his tone a mix of confidence and nonchalance.
“If that’s so— you make it too easy.” Tav chuckled at him cockily, watching the expression on his face change. She enjoyed throwing him off track. Gortash clicked his tongue in approval and tilted his head to the side, a small, mischievous grin plastered on his lips. His expression was one of playful silence.
“A lot of people want you dead. I’d make them really happy, don’t you think?” Tav playfully chimed in once more, teasing him in a way that made it feel as though she had him firmly by the neck. Mimicking his head movement, she tilted her own to match his.
Gortash scoffed confidently, “Dear, I don’t think that would make you very happy.”
His smooth words and confidence had Tav momentarily speechless. She struggled to find the right words to respond, feeling unprepared for the sudden turn of events. Was he right? Her cheeks flushed with a hint of pink as she tried to gather her thoughts amidst the unexpected attention.
She found herself fidgeting with her fingers under his gaze, "I-If there's nothing more, I'm going to be heading off." Tav peeked out the window behind him, "It'll be getting dark soon..."
“Of course,” he said straightforwardly, accompanied by a slight nod. Gortash gestured respectfully towards the door, his gaze briefly lingering on Tav’s waist. He felt a strong desire to keep her with him for the night. However, he knew it was time to part ways, Tav had given him much to think about.
“I’ll be keeping a very close eye on you,” Gortash spoke in serious tones as he escorted Tav to the door. Tav rolled her eyes and shrugged off his statement. She tried her best to take her mind off her flushed face. Just as Tav was about to leave the room Gortash spoke up once more.
“Oh— little one, do remember that you are welcome any time you want."
The guilt tugged at Tav's heartstrings, but she couldn't let his charm sway her from saving Baldur's Gate. But oh was he a pleasant distraction. She found herself drawn to his seemingly foolish charm. Tav only liked his stupid face. The one she found so devilishly alluring, how it made her despise and yearn for his attention.
Tav hurriedly left his palace, just in time to make it for dinner with her closest friends. As they shared a meal, she felt her heart grow lighter. Astarion questioned Tav whenever she'd daze off with a random smile on her face. The thought that she might be able to save Gortash’s life after all was a pleasant surprise, especially considering that he agreed with her. How odd of him, she thought as she drifted off to sleep.
Throughout the next week, Gortash remained true to his word and kept a close eye on Tav, who continued to be heroic to random nobodies in the city. How he found her actions to be quite cringe-worthy sometimes. Despite this, he couldn’t help but admire her bravery and determination. In fact, he found himself aiding her in the most intense battles without her knowledge. Even showing up at the random of moments to teasingly chat with her before disappearing into nothingness. Gortash patiently waited for the day she would come knocking at his door.
To Be Continued ~
Any Thoughts? Comment 👇🏼 I love to engage!
Part 6 here
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bigtreefest · 5 months
Chapter 1: I Don’t Curtsy
From: The Banes of the Ball Series
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Pairing: Jimmy Dobyne x Heiress! Reader
Summary: You don’t enjoy attending debutante balls, but it’s all about keeping up appearances. Doing so is much easier when you’re not the one who has secrets that can ruin a reputation. You just happen to know them all…
Word count: 1,346
Content/warnings: Me knowing next to NOTHING about the southern debutante season and frankly being a little disgusted by the concept, Jimmy trying to be intimidating, mentions of societal expectations, reader holds many secrets, allusion to drinking (reader lowkey has alc in her cup, but I didn’t say it)
Author’s Note: After much discussion with @sweater-daddiesdumbdork this series is my attempt at remaking the ending of The Loss of a Teardrop Diamond. I was really unsatisfied with Jimmy’s character arc, so this is the start of his realizations of wrongdoing and redemption. I’ll do my best to set the stage for those who have not watched.
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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Jimmy looked around at the ornate ballroom. Pillars, chandeliers, and all. This type of scene was still much fancier than what he was used to, and he was more than ready to be done with pretending to partake in the life of luxury, but Fisher, the woman whom he was still escorting to the events of this debutante season, insisted they act as though all is well.
Fisher had received one more invitation following the debacle at the Halloween party several weeks ago, from you. She hadn’t expected anyone to acknowledge her existence anymore, given the scene that was caused over her lost earring, dishonesty, and inability to fit in. However, if anything, the scene had caught your eye, as many things tended to.
You and Fisher had grown up together, spending several years in school making jokes few others had the ability to understand. You hadn’t seen her since she had gone off to college and you had gone—well, elsewhere…for awhile.
Fisher was taken aback when she received the mail. She believed your invitation to have come out of pity, but it was anything but. To be honest, the sight of her little scene at Halloween had just brought back your fond memories. It seemed like she needed support…and maybe a friend. Either way, she would have thought herself to be a fool to not take the opportunity to raise her status once again by showing someone with such a respected reputation requested her presence.
Since returning home, your hadn’t had much say in your debut as an eligible bachelorette. Your mother and aunts had coordinated everything, from your dresses, to your appearances, to the ball hosted at your family’s manor. Your reputation was high, and according to your family, important to upkeep. The politics of these events bothered you, though. So much effort put in just to have so little say in the rest of your life once you were married off. It was a daunting truth for many women of this age.
Therefore, you were going to take every small step of defiance you could, starting with Fisher’s invitation to the ball. It killed two birds with one stone: helping her reclaim her reputation and upsetting your family with the surprise, knowing they couldn’t show their disgruntled feelings at the event for fear of improperly ‘upkeeping’ their status.
Of course, Fisher accepting your invite meant she’d bring an escort along, likely Jimmy Dobyne; someone who you already knew more about than he’d like.
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You sipped your punch in a secluded corner of the grand ballroom of your family’s ancestral home, careful to keep from staining your obnoxiously ornate white dress. You surveyed the room, your escort long gone, out dancing with the girls he truly coveted. He was a cousin’s friend, doing your aunts a favor by attending these events by your side. Neither of you harbored interest for the other, though, making it easy for you to slip away and for him to schmooze as he pleased.
You’d always preferred to observe, anyway. You had developed a skill set of learning to find higher ground which allowed you to see events without drawing attention to yourself. This prompted you to learn a lot of information at several events. From your dark recesses of rooms, you’d seen it all: business dealings, less-than-savory behavior, and every secret under the sun.
This all was a product of being the only heir to your family. You had learned from a young age that if you could effectively blend into the background, that would mitigate any questioning you were prone to face. You only had to make yourself seen every so often. And sure, you still had to wear dresses to appease the aunts, but at least no one bothered you in your solace, until you were found.
Somewhere behind an exotic plant in the corner of a rarely-used staircase, you were surprised when a tall, black tuxedo crowded your view. Broad shoulders turned around and your eyes met those of Jimmy Dobyne.
You stepped out from your hiding place, knowing you would have to strike up conversation, and not wanting to expose your spot by making it look like Jimmy was talking to a plant instead of a person.
“Well good evening, James. It’s wonderful to see you here, does this mean Fisher is in attendance, as well?”
You leaned against the wall as Jimmy moved to do the same next to you, speaking to the side.
“Good evening. A nice ball your family has thrown. Yes, she’s downstairs making the rounds.”
You nodded, taking another sip of punch.
“Oh, thank you. They truly have an eye for grand things. A shame Fishy didn’t find me up here with you. I always liked her.”
Jimmy nodded. “She and I have our own interests at these types of events. I consider some of these people my friends. I am not sure if Fisher can say the same. She was surprised to see your invitation. We both were.”
“Well, yes, it’s been a long while since we’ve spoken. I do hope she’s enjoying herself.”
Jimmy let out a slight chuckle. “I hope so, as well. Why are you not out dancing? This is your family’s ball.”
It was your turn to laugh back, but it came out as more of a scoff. “I don’t enjoy playing into the traditions if I can help it. I don’t curtsy. It’s bad enough I’ve been taken away from other comforts and squeezed into this ridiculous dress. No need for another discomfort. I would be fighting against the rules just like Fisher if I didn’t believe my compliance would ultimately lead to freedom.”
Jimmy looked at you thoughtfully. “I’m not sure is Fisher is much better off. Many don’t like her and she isn’t on an easy road.”
You hummed in acknowledgment, taking in what you already knew. “It’s a shame, really. I truly do admire dear Fishy. If you ask me, she’s the only one who’s really sane at these events. Pointing out the flaws in behavior. Challenging her own father over his poor decisions.”
You trailed off before looking over and up into Jimmy’s eyes, locking in before you continued, speaking with a certain steel coldness in your voice. “She doesn’t deserve the mistreatment she faces. Especially from those she considers closest to her.”
Jimmy’s demeanor grew harder, his shoulders pulling forward in a near-attempt of intimidation. You wouldn’t waver, though. You’ve fought off worse than a single farm boy, enlisted to be a proper, well-behaved escort. “And what exactly is that supposed to mean?”
Your lips morphed into a tight smile as your tilted your head to the side. “Oh calm down, James. Here, have a drink. It’ll settle your anger.”
You pushed your cup towards him before retracting quickly. A patronizing tone laced your voice. “Or is that what has you acting with such little decorum?”
Jimmy huffed and looked at you with a gaze that was meant to be even more piercing. “Now, what is that supposed to mean?”
You shrugged, looking off into the distance to be sure no one was paying the two of you any attention. “James. Do calm down. I don’t enjoy attending these events any more than you, and the last thing I need is for you to draw an unwanted gaze our way. My hideaway has already been discovered by one person, lest others see. You and I both do not want to be here, so let’s not make our presence emphasized. Understood?”
His nostrils flared as he threw his back against the wall once again, biting the corner of his bottom lip to hold his tongue.
“These moments of refuge in hidden places are sacred to me. They keep me out of the societal eye that I do despise, as well as let me see everything.”
You stood on your toes and leaned towards Jimmy’s ear, whispering. “And I do see everything.”
Jimmy’s face dropped in shock, but you didn’t see, having already started walking away up the staircase.
Next >
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Bonus A/N: whew, here we go, folks. Someone tell me to stop starting new series lol
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simmerianne93 · 11 months
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Hello everyone!!! How are you today?
Today I'm gonna share the 4th posepack I made for simblreen2023 and it is again about some spellcaster magic. This time, I took references from "The high warlock of Brooklyn, Magnus Bane" from Shadowhunters' serie.
I'm a big fan of Shadowhunters (In all its forms but the books are the best <3 haha) and I really like Harry Shum Jr.'s Magnus Bane performance in the Freeform serie. He do movements that are really fun to see when he do magic, so I tried to recreate some of his hand movements and his attitude (as much as I could) from a little video I saw grouping some sequences. I also made some 4 poses simulating "opening a portal" and the warlock saying to someone "come with me" haha.
I hope you all like them. Here you have the description:
What is on it?
12 solo poses for a sim + 1 all in one.
What do you need?
Andrew's poses player 
Teleport any sim by Scumbumbo or Mccc by deaderpool.
OPTIONAL: Igor's magic effect
OPTIONAL: Natalia Auditore's ball of light
Instructions on the original post.
Do not claim my creations as your own.
Do not re-upload or modify my creations.
Do not make money of my creations.
Do not include my creations in Mods folders to download.
Please follow my Term Of Use.
If you want to support me:  Patreon | Ko-fi
For more poses: Pinterest |  Wix
My socials: Twitter | Instagram | BlueSky
I really hope you like them and I will say on advance: Thank you so much for use them.
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After a brutal preliminary round, we have reached the tournament proper. Round 1 will consist of 64 matchups, with 1 through 32 in Week 1 and 33 through 64 in Week 2, and those groups will continue to alternate through the rounds until we reach the Finals, which will consist of both the final matchup for first place and a matchup between the two losers of the semifinals for third place.
This tournament has concluded, and the winners can be found here.
Links to a google sheet with the original submissions and a google doc with all propaganda for all submissions with content warnings can be found here.
If you have any trigger warnings you want me to include (you can check against what is already being tagged here), please submit them here.
And if you want to create a prediction for the whole tournament, you can create and submit it here because why not, right? Let's see who gets it right! Go here, scroll down, and click the green button saying "Create a Prediction"!
NOTE: You can use a phony email address when they ask for one.
Now, for some convenient links to the matchups!
The matchups were as follows:
127.) Bumble (Warrior Cats) vs Cordelia Chase (Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel the Series) 128.) Asuna (Sword Art Online) vs Misa Amane (Death Note)
125.) Bumble (Warrior Cats) vs Asuna (Sword Art Online) 126.) Cordelia Chase (Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel the Series) vs Misa Amane (Death Note)
123.) Katherina Minola (The Taming of the Shrew) vs Cordelia Chase (Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel the Series) 124.) Misa Amane (Death Note) vs Abbie Mills (Sleepy Hollow)
121.) Bumble (Warrior Cats) vs Alex DeWitt (DC Comics) 122.) Asuna (Sword Art Online) vs Sakura Haruno (Naruto)
117.) Katherina Minola (The Taming of the Shrew) vs Talia al Ghul (DC Comics) 118.) Sansa Stark (Game of Thrones) vs Cordelia Chase (Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel the Series) 119.) Misa Amane (Death Note) vs Casca (Berserk) 120.) Elektra Natchios (Marvel Comics) vs Abbie Mills (Sleepy Hollow)
113.) Starfire (DC Comics) vs Bumble (Warrior Cats) 114.) Alex DeWitt (DC Comics) vs Leafpool (Warrior Cats) 115.) Kamala Khan (Marvel Comics) vs Asuna (Sword Art Online) 116.) Sakura Haruno (Naruto) vs Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones)
105.) Katherina Minola (The Taming of the Shrew) vs Orihime Inoue (Bleach) 106.) Talia al Ghul (DC Comics) vs Athena Cykes (Ace Attorney) 107.) Sansa Stark (Game of Thrones) vs Mary Winchester (Supernatural) 108.) Natasha Romanoff (MCU) vs Cordelia Chase (Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel the Series) 109.) Misa Amane (Death Note) vs Madison Paige (Heavy Rain) 110.) Casca (Berserk) vs Hélène Kuragina (War and Peace) 111.) Elektra Natchios (Marvel Comics) vs Susan Pevensie (The Chronicles of Narnia) 112.) Mikaela Banes (Transformers) vs Abbie Mills (Sleepy Hollow)
97.) Starfire (DC Comics) vs Marwa (What We Do in the Shadows (TV Series)) 98.) Chi-Chi (Dragon Ball) vs Bumble (Warrior Cats) 99.) Alex DeWitt (DC Comics) vs Marinette Dupain-Cheng (Miraculous Ladybug) 100.) Leafpool (Warrior Cats) vs Lisa Cuddy (House MD) 101.) Kamala Khan (Marvel Comics) vs Stephanie (EverymanHYBRID) 102.) Malty S Melromarc (Rising of the Shield Hero) vs Asuna (Sword Art Online) 103.) Sakura Haruno (Naruto) vs Pussy Galore (Goldfinger) 104.) Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones) vs Flora Reinhold (Professor Layton)
81.) Kendra Young (Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel the Series) vs Katherina Minola (The Taming of the Shrew) 82.) Naomi Misora (Death Note) vs Orihime Inoue (Bleach) 83.) Talia al Ghul (DC Comics) vs Grelle Sutcliff (Black Butler) 84.) Athena Cykes (Ace Attorney) vs Kotori Mizuki/Tori Meadows (Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL) 85.) Kairi (Kingdom Hearts) vs Sansa Stark (Game of Thrones) 86.) Mary Winchester (Supernatural) vs Chloe von Einzbern (Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA ILLYA) 87.) Natasha Romanoff (MCU) vs Gwen Stacy (Marvel Comics) 88.) Eve (Paradise Lost) vs Cordelia Chase (Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel the Series) 89.) Misa Amane (Death Note) vs Nezuko Kamado (Demon Slayer) 90.) Margaret Houlihan (MASH (Movie 1970)) vs Madison Paige (Heavy Rain) 91.) Casca (Berserk) vs Stephanie Brown (DC Comics) 92.) Dahlia Hawthorne (Ace Attorney) vs Hélène Kuragina (War and Peace) 93.) Sonia Hedgehog (Sonic Underground) vs Elektra Natchios (Marvel Comics) 94.) Susan Pevensie (The Chronicles of Narnia) vs River Tam (Firefly) 95.) Mikaela Banes (Transformers) vs Momo Yaoyorozu (My Hero Academia) 96.) Amy Rose (Sonic the Hedgehog) vs Abbie Mills (Sleepy Hollow)
65.) Starfire (DC Comics) vs Gwen (BBC Merlin) 66.) Marwa (What We Do in the Shadows (TV Series)) vs Azula (Avatar the Last Airbender) 67.) Chloe Bourgeois (Miraculous Ladybug) vs Chi-Chi (Dragon Ball) 68.) Bumble (Warrior Cats) vs Irene Adler (BBC Sherlock) 69.) Alex DeWitt (DC Comics) vs Amber Volakis (House MD) 70.) Marinette Dupain-Cheng (Miraculous Ladybug) vs Jade (Dragon Quest 11) 71.) Leafpool (Warrior Cats) vs Holy Kujo (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders) 72.) Mikan Tsumiki (Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair) vs Lisa Cuddy (House MD) 73.) Kaede Akamatsu (Daganronpa V3) vs Kamala Khan (Marvel Comics) 74.) Teresa (Maze Runner Series) vs Stephanie (EverymanHYBRID) 75.) Ochako Uraraka (My Hero Academia) vs Malty S Melromarc (Rising of the Shield Hero) 76.) Asuna (Sword Art Online) vs Tasha Yar (Star Trek: The Next Generation) 77.) Sakura Haruno (Naruto) vs Hinata Hyuuga (Naruto) 78.) Quiet (Metal Gear Solid: The Phantom Pain) vs Pussy Galore (Goldfinger) 79.) Ann Takamaki (Persona 5) vs Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones) 80.) Flora Reinhold (Professor Layton) vs Deanna Troi (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
(Due to limits on links per post, Round 1 links are here.)
33.) Kendra Young (Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel the Series) vs Sylvanas Windrunner (Warcraft) 34.) Katherina Minola (The Taming of the Shrew) vs Barbarara Gordon (DC Comics) 35.) Arcee (Transformers) vs Naomi Misora (Death Note) 36.) Orihime Inoue (Bleach) vs Julia (Hellraiser) 37.) Talia al Ghul (DC Comics) vs Amy Amanda Allen (The A-Team (TV Series)) 38.) Britta Perry (Community) vs Grelle Sutcliff (Black Butler) 39.) Athena Cykes (Ace Attorney) vs Carmelita Montoya Fox (Sly Cooper) 40.) Kotori Mizuki/Tori Meadows (Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL) vs Iris Sagan (AI: the Somnium Files) 41.) Kairi (Kingdom Hearts) vs Clarke Griffin (The 100) 42.) Gamora (MCU) vs Sansa Stark (Game of Thrones) 43.) Mary Winchester (Supernatural) vs Konan (Naruto) 44.) Jade Harley (Homestuck) vs Chloe von Einzbern (Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA ILLYA) 45.) Natasha Romanoff (MCU) vs Sylvia (Two Gentlemen of Verona) 46.) Dragona Joestar (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: The JOJOLands) vs Gwen Stacy (Marvel Comics) 47.) Katara (Avatar the Last Airbender) vs Eve (Paradise Lost) 48.) Jiang Yanli (Mo Dao Zu Shi) vs Cordelia Chase (Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel the Series) 49.) Misa Amane (Death Note) vs Nami (One Piece) 50.) Rey (Star Wars) vs Nezuko Kamado (Demon Slayer) 51.) Tetra (The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker) vs Margaret Houlihan (MASH (Movie 1970)) 52.) Amy Pond (Doctor Who) vs Madison Paige (Heavy Rain) 53.) Casca (Berserk) vs Sweet-P (The Caligula Effect) 54.) Stephanie Brown (DC Comics) vs Aki Izayoi/Akiza Izinski (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's) 55.) Dahlia Hawthorne (Ace Attorney) vs Ophiuchus Shaina (Saint Seiya) 56.) Hélène Kuragina (War and Peace) vs Laurel Lance (Arrow (CW)) 57.) Sky (Lost in Blue) vs Sonia Hedgehog (Sonic Underground) 58.) Elektra Natchios (Marvel Comics) vs Celica (Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia) 59.) Charlie Bradbury (Supernatural) vs Susan Pevensie (The Chronicles of Narnia) 60.) Mildred "Millie" Knolastname (Helluva Boss) vs River Tam (Firefly) 61.) Allura (Voltron: Legendary Defender) vs Mikaela Banes (Transformers) 62.) Ophelia (Hamlet) vs Momo Yaoyorozu (My Hero Academia) 63.) Amy Rose (Sonic the Hedgehog) vs Alys Brangwin (Phantasy Star IV) 64.) Abbie Mills (Sleepy Hollow) vs Misaki Unasaka (Buddy Daddies)
1.) Starfire (DC Comics) vs Nya Smith (Lego Ninjago) 2.) Natasha Rostova (War and Peace) vs Gwen (BBC Merlin) 3.) Marwa (What We Do in the Shadows (TV Series)) vs Mikoko Sakazaki (Kaiji) 4.) Azula (Avatar the Last Airbender) vs Jennifer Lopez (John Dies at the End) 5.) Chloe Bourgeois (Miraculous Ladybug) vs Milla Maxwell (Tales of Xillia) 6.) Kallen Kouzuki (Code Geass) vs Chi-Chi (Dragon Ball) 7.) Padmé Amidala (Star Wars) vs Bumble (Warrior Cats) 8.) Irene Adler (BBC Sherlock) vs Leia Organa (Star Wars) 9.) Alex DeWitt (DC Comics) vs Elya Musayeva (Топи/The The Swamps (2021)) 10.) Is (Kamen Rider 01) vs Amber Volakis (House MD) 11.) Marinette Dupain-Cheng (Miraculous Ladybug) vs Throné Anguis (Octopath Traveler 2) 12.) Jane Crocker (Homestuck) vs Jade (Dragon Quest 11) 13.) Leafpool (Warrior Cats) vs Katherine Pierce (The Vampire Diaries) 14.) Holy Kujo (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders) vs Poppy Pipopapo (Kamen Rider Ex-Aid) 15.) Mikan Tsumiki (Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair) vs Ochette (Octopath Traveler 2) 16.) Lisa Cuddy (House MD) vs Brunhilda/Mym (Dragalia Lost) 17.) Kaede Akamatsu (Danganronpa V3) vs Juvia Lockser (Fairy Tail) 18.) Agent Texas (Red vs Blue) vs Kamala Khan (Marvel Comics) 19.) April O'Neil (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012)) vs Teresa (Maze Runner Series) 20.) Stephanie “Steph” Nocanonlastname (EverymanHYBRID) vs Megaera (Hades) 21.) Ochako Uraraka (My Hero Academia) vs Julia Wicker (The Magicians) 22.) Ran Mouri (Detective Conan) vs Malty S Melromarc (Rising of the Shield Hero) 23.) Magne (My Hero Academia) vs Asuna (Sword Art Online) 24.) Tasha Yar (Star Trek: The Next Generation) vs Yan Hui (Back from the Brink) 25.) Sakura Haruno (Naruto) vs Ada Vessalius (Pandora Hearts) 26.) Hinata Hyuuga (Naruto) vs Niki Nihachu (Dream SMP) 27.) Pyrrha Nikos (RWBY) vs Quiet (Metal Gear Solid: The Phantom Pain) 28.) Lucy Heartfilia (Fairy Tail) vs Pussy Galore (Goldeneye) 29.) Ann Takamaki (Persona 5) vs Mikuru Asahina (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya) 30.) Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones) vs Kes (STar Trek: Voyager) 31.) Flora Reinhold (Professor Layton) vs Agent South Dakota (Red vs Blue) 32.) Deanna Troi (Star Trek: The Next Generation) vs Nemu Kurotsuchi (Bleach)
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mandos-mind-trick · 1 year
Here's To The Future - Part 7: Bounty Lost
Summary: The war’s over. That should be cause for celebration, except the wrong side won. Things begin to change quickly, and it doesn’t take long for Midnight to realize something’s not right among the clone army. She should be glad the war is over, but the threat of her losing her boys is all too real. She did swear she would do everything she could to keep them from being separated when the war ended.
She’s not going to give up on that promise. Even if it kills her.
Pairing: The Bad Batch x reader (no clonecest)
Warnings: Angst, a bit of violence, injuries, angst, Hunter and Crosshair have some issues, brief discussion of torture, lots of cuteness and fluff though.
A/N: This one isn't really one of my favorites, it's more of a filler than anything as the story begins to shift away from canon and into my own little AU of how their stories play out.
The threesome is up next, though I'm busy this weekend and I want to work on other stuff, so it might not be up until Monday or later. We'll see.
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“I see things have been going well in my absence.” 
Hunter sighs, hands balling into fists. He resists the urge to turn around and throw a punch. He deserves it, after everything, but the snarky remarks are starting to get on Hunter’s nerves. 
He has bigger things to worry about. 
“I get why Bane took Omega, but why Midnight too?” Echo asks. 
“I think she knows him.” Hunter says. “She tried to warn me not to take the shot.” 
“How would she have met someone like him?” Wrecker asks. 
“It’s very likely she’s met all sorts of fugitives, pirates, and bounty hunters.” Tech says, stepping out of the cockpit. “She is from the Coruscant underground, where those types of unsavory characters flourish. I’m more surprised she hasn’t recognized more of them during our recent escapades. I’ve relayed a message to Cid. She will be in touch.” Tech pulls out his scanner, fiddling with it. 
“There’s another possibility.” Crosshair says. 
“What?” Hunter asks, turning around. 
“We were sent to Bracca to terminate a group of deserter clones.” He says flippantly. “But we were given special orders to bring Midnight back alive.” 
“Who gave those orders?” Echo asks. 
“Admiral Tarkin is putting together a nat-born army to replace the clones. He tested his idea using a small group of volunteer nat-born soldiers.” 
“We know that.” Hunter says. 
“It worked, to a point. Some of the nat-borns were...less willing to comply with orders. Tarkin wants to develop a way to control nat-borns as efficiently as clones.” 
“Mind control?” Echo asks, horrified. 
Crosshair smirks. “And who better to test it on than a highly skilled nat-born with unwavering loyalty to a group of deserter clones.” 
Hunter’s hands ball into fists. “That’s why you didn’t aim to kill on Kamino.” 
“I was given explicit directions. You were to be terminated, but Midnight was to be brought in alive.” 
“You think Tarkin would send bounty hunters after her?” Echo asks.
“News will have already reached him of my...compromised state.” Crosshair crosses his arms, leaning back in his seat. “He will only double down on retaking us both.” 
“Would Bane risk landing on Kamino openly?” Echo asks. 
“It is unlikely.” Tech answers. “Though he was wanted by the Republic, we cannot be certain if the Empire intends to prosecute those on the Republic’s list as well. Perhaps Cid will return us some valuable information regarding Bane. For now, it is in our best interest to ensure there is no present danger.” 
They all turn to look at Crosshair, his eyes narrowing at them. “It’s a bit unbelievable for you, Hunter, having such little trust in your teammate.” 
“After everything you’ve done, I have no trust in you at all.” Hunter says, meeting Crosshair’s glare unwaveringly. 
“I’m not talking about me.” 
Hunter deepens his glare, but Crosshair’s words slam into his chest as hard as Bane’s blaster shot. He does regret it now. The last thing he’d said to Midnight was that he couldn’t trust her and now she’s gone, in the hands of a brutal bounty hunter. The thought has been digging at him, ever since he’d come back to consciousness to find his worried squad mates asking where the girls are. 
Midnight knows Bane. Would she have left willingly? 
He doesn’t think she would have, not after risking everything to try and save Crosshair. 
To successfully save Crosshair. 
He won’t believe it. Not until he has proof. He hates it, that he has to distrust her. He had been so angry at her. Going off on her own like that, defying him so openly. It’s not the first time she’s done it, but those times had never been as high risk as what she had done to save Crosshair. 
He does regret his words, though. If something happens to her, he doesn’t want his last words to be that he can’t trust her. He does love her, but he has to think about the safety of his whole squad above all else. 
Tech calibrates the device, running the scan on Crosshair. They wait tensely, for the scan to be done, for Cid to get back to them, for any crumb they can find about where the girls are. Hunter needs to do something. 
If he’s not careful, it’s going to be punching the glare right off Crosshair’s face. 
“She was telling the truth.” Tech says. “His chip is gone.” 
He shows them his datapad, the place where the chip had shown up on previous scans of their minds missing from Crosshair’s. 
Guilt starts to chew away at Hunter. Of course she had been telling the truth. She wouldn’t have come back, risked leading Crosshair directly to them if she hadn’t been sure he was back to his normal, insufferable self. She wouldn’t have put them at risk like that. As much as she loves Crosshair, she’s not that careless. 
He’s already beginning to feel worse. 
But he can’t trust Crosshair. Not completely. 
Just because his chip is gone, doesn’t mean he’s changed. The Empire could have done something else, something worse to him, and they wouldn’t know. For all Hunter knows, as soon as they turn their backs, he’ll strike. 
“I have the girl.” 
“What is her condition?” 
“Alive, so I expect a premium.” 
“See that she stays that way.” 
“That depends on you. I’ll be at the rendezvous. Bring my unmarked credits.” 
Midnight frowns as Bane ends the call. So it was the Kaminoans that had sent the bounty hunters after Omega. Midnight had a sneaking suspicion there was more to the girl than they thought. After all, she is a female clone. She’s not enhanced, even as much as the regs are. 
This is going to complicate things. 
Midnight groans quietly, shifting her arms. They’re cuffed above her head to a bar. She can feel the strain in her shoulders already. She straightens her legs out in front of her, trying to stretch as much as she can. 
“You haven’t changed much.” Bane says, his back still turned to her. 
“How would you know?” She snaps, tugging at the cuffs. They’re not going anywhere, but she has to try. “It’s been, what, ten years since my mom took pity on you?”
“Bad decision on her part.” Bane smirks. “Then again, she never was very smart, was she?” 
“You don’t know anything.” Midnight snaps at him. She knows he’s not wrong, but she won’t tolerate anyone speaking ill about her mother, especially him. 
Bane turns in his seat, glaring down at her. “I see it runs in the family.” 
Midnight’s jaw clenches, her hands balling into fists. “Where’s Omega.” 
“She’s fine.” Bane says, stepping down from his seat. “I get paid more if she’s alive.” He kneels in front of her, grabbing her chin. 
“Why take me too?” She asks, partially out of genuine curiosity.
Bane smirks at her, running a thumb over her lips. “You’re nice to look at.” 
He releases her, taking his seat once more. 
Midnight braces her foot against the wall, tugging hard at the restraints. Her wrists are raw and sore, the metal biting into her skin. The bar groans as she pulls, but it won’t give. 
Bane is gone, and likely so is Omega. She has to get to them before he can hand her off to the Kaminoans. She’s not going to give Omega up that easily, even if it means having to go up against Cad Bane again. 
She tugs harder at the restraints, groaning in pain as her wrists strain against the metal. 
“What are you doing?” 
She pauses, turning her head to look at the service-droid. “I...” She looks down at her hands before looking back at the droid. “I have to use the fresher.” 
“Nice try.” The droid says. “Under no circumstances am I allowed to set you free.” 
“Please.” She puts as much desperation in her voice as she can. “I really have to go.” 
“Mr. Bane said I must not let you out of the cockpit.” The droid says, staying firm on his stance. 
Midnight looks down at the floor, thinking. She needs to get these cuffs off and find Omega. “You’d you prefer I go right here? Bane’s going to make you clean it up.” 
The droid pauses before turning back to her. “Just to the fresher?” 
Midnight nods. “I swear.” 
The droid removes one of her cuffs, Midnight swinging as soon as the cuff is off. The droid slides across the floor, sparking a bit. She hadn’t planned on hitting it that hard. She didn’t know she could hit that hard. 
She climbs down from the cockpit, glancing around the hull. Omega is nowhere to be seen, not that she had expected her to still be in the ship. Midnight looks through the opened closets, finding a spare blaster. She’s going to need that if she’s going to go up against Bane. 
She takes off running before the droid can fully recover, heading into the building. They look just like the facilities on Kamino, but they’ve long been abandoned. Midnight hurries into the building, trying to wave away the dense fog inside. 
The sound of blaster fire somewhere above draws her attention. Her heart is pounding in her chest. What’s happening? Did the Kaminoans trick Bane? That’s not really their style, she thinks. Is someone else here? Have the boys found them already? She hadn’t seen the Marauder, but then again, she hadn’t really looked. 
She presses onwards, following the sound of the blaster fire. Her stomach twists nervously. She needs to find Omega. She needs to make sure she’s safe. The thought of something happening to her...she’d never forgive herself. 
Midnight peeks around a corner, blaster in hand. She can hear footsteps coming, her grip on her blaster tightening. She turns the corner, blaster ready. 
Relief floods through her. 
“Midnight!” The young girl runs straight to Midnight, Midnight waiting with open arms. 
Midnight wraps her arms around Omega, holding her tightly. “Are you alright?” 
“Fennec Shand is here.” She says, pulling away from Midnight. “She killed Taun We.” 
Both of them here? Midnight knows she won’t stand a chance against both of them together. “We need to get out of here.” 
“I contacted the others but the signal wasn’t strong enough. Tech said we need to create a power surge.” 
Midnight’s brow furrows. The chances of them finding something to do that, and having enough time to do it, are low. Not with two bounty hunters on their tail. 
“I’ve got a better idea.” She says, removing Omega’s cuffs. “We’re going for Bane’s ship.” She takes Omega’s hand, heading back in the direction she’d come from. “Even if we can find a way to contact them, there’s no guarantee they’ll make it in time.” 
“So we’re going to steal a ship?” Omega asks. 
“We’re going to try.” Midnight says, determined. 
It’s a bit of a crazy plan, but then again, rescuing Crosshair had been as well, and that had worked in the end. She only hopes her luck won’t run out. It’s not just her to worry about this time. It’s Omega as well. 
If anything happens to her, Hunter will never forgive her. 
She’ll never forgive herself. 
“I wouldn’t bother trying.” 
Midnight comes to a stop, pushing Omega behind her as she points her blaster at Shand. “Why are you here?” 
“I took a job.” Shand says, removing her helmet. “And I hate leaving things unfinished.” 
“I won’t let you take her.” Midnight says, backing up a couple steps. There’s a hallway within reach. All she has to do is distract Shand and Omega can run for it. 
“You’re a good soldier, but you’re not going to win this one.” 
“I’ve faced worse odds.” Midnight tightens her grip on her blaster. 
“I’m trying to help.” Shand says, taking a step closer. 
“You said the same thing on Pantora.” Omega says, tightening her grip on Midnight’s hand. 
“There you are!” Bane’s droid appears down the hall behind Shand. “You are coming with-” The droid is cut off as Shand turns, tossing a knife at it. 
Midnight and Omega are already halfway down the hall by the time she turns back around, racing towards the landing platform. 
Midnight pushes as fast as she can, Omega keeping a hold of her hand as they weave through the hallways. She prays they don’t run into Bane or his droid on their way. It had been luck that had gotten them away from Shand, but she doesn’t trust that luck to hold much longer. 
They reach the landing platform, Midnight breathing heavily as they board Bane’s ship. Her hands are shaking from the adrenaline as she climbs into the cockpit, Omega right behind her. She powers on the ship, praying to whatever deities she can think of that they can take off before Bane notices. 
Or before Shand gets to her own ship. 
The ship rocks as she lifts it off the ground, her grip on the controls unsteady. She’d learned the basics of flying during her training, and Tech had taught her a few times how to pilot the Marauder, but she was by no means an expert. This isn’t a starfighter or the Marauder. 
“Hang on.” She says, pushing the ship as fast as she can towards the atmosphere. 
It’s a rough flight, Midnight not relaxing her grip on the controls until the atmosphere is gone, replaced by the inky blackness of space. As unnerving as it can be sometimes, she’s never been happier to see it. 
She puts the ship on autopilot, typing in the comm channel. “Echo? Tech?” She says, getting static. “Anyone?”
She’s never been more relieved to hear Hunter’s voice. She feels like a weight has been lifted off her shoulders. So he had survived Bane’s shot. “We’re here. We’re alright.” 
“Where are you? Send us coordinates.” 
“We’re in the Lido system.” She says. 
“Midnight stole a ship.” Omega says proudly. 
“She did what?” Hunter asks in disbelief. 
“I’ll tell you later.” Midnight says, flipping through the navigator. “I’m making the jump to the next system over. We can’t risk staying here much longer. I’ll send coordinates and meet you there.” 
“Midnight,” Hunter says, his voice low and thick with emotion. “Be careful.” 
A small smile tugs at her lips. “It’s a bit late for that.” 
She sends the coordinates, jumping the ship into hyperspace. She doesn't relax until the familiar blue is flashing around them. She leans back in the seat, reaching over for Omega. She lifts the young clone into her lap, wrapping her arms around her. 
“I’m so glad you’re alright.” She breathes, resting her cheek on top of Omega’s head. 
“I’m glad you were there.” Omega says, leaning against her. “I don’t know what I would have done if you weren’t.” 
Midnight smiles. “I’m sure you would have figured something out. But I’m glad you weren’t alone. I promised I’d always be there.” 
Midnight holds Omega as they fly through hyperspace, her eyes beginning to droop. It’s been a very long past few days and she’s ready for a break. She knows it’s not over, though. She’s going to have hell to pay once Hunter sees her. He’s had plenty of time to think over what he’s going to say. 
She’s in for quite the reprimanding. 
The ship beeping as they near their destination wakes her. She hadn’t realized she’d fallen asleep. Omega is asleep as well, still tucked against her chest. She drops the ship from hyperspace, heading towards the small desert planet. It’s mostly uninhabited, perfect to drop Bane’s ship and meet the others without risking being seen. 
She lands in an empty spot, relaying the beacon so the guys can find her. Omega stirs as she relaxes in the seat again, Midnight wrapping an arm back around her. She’d let the girl sleep as long as possible. She’s had a rough few days too. She deserves it. 
Not long after they’ve landed, the proximity alarm begins going off. Midnight doesn’t relax until the Marauder sits down next to Bane’s ship. Midnight shakes Omega awake, the young girl groaning and rubbing her eyes. 
“They’re here.” Midnight says, lifting her back to her feet. “Let’s go.” 
Omega seems to perk up a bit, excitedly climbing down the ladder. Midnight opens the hatch, stepping out into the bright sun. Hunter’s already halfway to their ship, Omega running to meet him. She slams into him, wrapping her arms around his waist. 
He grimaces for a moment, his abdomen wrapped with bandages. So he hadn’t totally been protected against the shot, but at least it hadn’t been fatal. 
He kneels down in front of her, putting his hands on her shoulders. “Are you okay, Omega? Are you hurt?” 
“Why is this happening?” Omega cries. “Why are the Kaminoans after me?” 
“Hunter, you have to tell her.” Echo says. 
Hunter sighs. “Let’s get out of here. I’ll explain everything.” 
Wrecker picks up Omega, holding her close. “Good to have you back, kid.” 
Hunter stares at Midnight, her gaze lowered to her hands. She’s ready, prepared for the yelling, the reprimanding. 
She’s shocked when arms wrap around her, pulling her against a warm chest. She leans into Hunter’s arms, squeezing her eyes shut. 
“Thank you.” He says, leaning the side of his head against hers. 
“For what? I was just keeping my promise.” Midnight shakes her head. “I meant it.” 
He squeezes her tighter for just a moment. “Come on. Let’s get out of here, then we can all have a long talk.” 
Hunter tucks the blanket closer around them, a small smile tugging at his lips. Midnight is going to be sore when she wakes up. She’s curled up on Omega’s sleeping pad, wrapped around the young clone. He’d heard every word of their quiet conversation, until both of them had dropped off into sleep. He had debated moving her, but he can’t bring himself to. 
They’d had a long discussion over ration bars. They’d talked about Omega and why the Kaminoans were after her. They’d talked about Cad Bane and Midnight’s history with him. They’d briefly discussed what had happened while Crosshair was with the Empire and their current situation. 
Above all, they were just happy the girls were back and safe. 
Hunter pulls the curtain closed, making his way back towards the bunks. Crosshair is pulling the extra blanket from his bunk, the one Midnight had added. 
“She slept there the whole time you were gone.” Hunter says. “She never gave up on you.” 
“She seems to be the only one.” Crosshair says. 
“I had to worry about my squad first.” Hunter tries to defend himself. 
“I was part of that squad once. You left me behind.” He scathes, narrowing his eyes at Hunter. 
“What did you expect me to do when you were ready to kill us any chance you could?” He takes a step closer to the sharpshooter, ready to defend himself if he needs to. 
“That didn’t stop Midnight.” Crosshair seethes. “I was still in there, you know. I remember all of it. They tortured me, played with my mind, strengthened the chip’s control as much as they could. I was still under there, watching as someone else controlled me.” 
Hunter deflates a bit at Crosshair’s words. He didn’t know what it was like. He’d been saved from having to experience that. Wrecker hadn’t spoken about it, not that he would ever ask him to. “You’re right. Maybe I did give up too quickly.” 
“I don’t want your apologies.” Crosshair snaps. “You still don’t trust me.” 
“I can’t. Not yet.” Hunter goes to move past him, but pauses as Crosshair responds. 
“Trust me on this, then, Hunter. If I wanted to, I would have already.” 
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@amyroswell, @dangraccoon, @hunnythebee, @lokigirlszendaya, @kriffingmeshla, @storm-breaker7, @burningfieldof-clover,
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storiesofsvu · 6 months
WIP Game
thanks for the tag @bullet-prooflove <3
Rules: reveal the titles of the documents in your WIP folder and tag as many people as there are documents. Let others ask questions about the ones that interest them and post snippets or explain the contents as you see fit!
Okay, first of, bare with me cause a lot of my wips don't actually have proper titles lol.
Decadent Desires (series) - Emily Prentiss x reader
Don't Blame me (series) - Joe Velasco x reader (slight gang au)
Public Emily smut
Derek soft smut/squirting
Daddy Hotch smut
Super fluffy first kiss Addison
Blake- sick comfort fic
Borin fluff drabble
Casey baseball smut
club sandwich wip (LOL. this one's tara/emily/jj/alex x reader)
DiNozzo comfort smut
dom drop req WIP (not sure who yet, leaning towards Blake..)
emily secret marriage wip
hotch x babysitter series WIP
poly!barhoun sex club
poly!barhoun pegging
Mob boss rita au! outline
heather and the stripper outline
bestie barhoun harvard AU (mini series?)
barba x the cam girl outline
rita x MUA outline
See what I mean? LOL. creating titles is the bane of my existence and I almost always just turn to the multiple discords I'm in to ask for suggestions so they're the last things i come up with. So my wip folder looks like this lol.
feel free to ask about any of them in the ask box or replies! i'll happily talk about them! hell it'll probably get the ball rolling on creative juices and actually get me writing lol
tagging some friends, don't feel obligated to participate lol.
@prentiss-theorem @blackbird-brewster @thatesqcrush @adarafaelbarba @rustyzebra @iamnotoriginalphil
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