#the banter is so gooooooood
ivomartins · 11 months
im so glad im not the only one who's completely going ballistic over ram!!! i was on a very loyal amrit route and i loved every second of it but ram? oh my gooooooood he might surpass his grand-nephew in terms of which doobay man i like more! ram is just so incredibly hilarious but his subtle way of caring for devi is making me feral! i am so looking forward to his Realisation (tm) as he watches devi get engaged to another man!!
i'm right there w you queen!!! 😭
you're so right that ram is just so Refreshing when our main impression of doobay energy with amrit was just Constant Dominance like let's be real amrit was a bit of a cliche but ram feels very well rounded plus he's so beautiful it's actually offensive like even more beautiful than amrit i gotta say it
also i'm CRAZY over the soul mate vibes with him and devi sharing the same migraines which. clearly implies a similar bond to the goddess and literally ??? alleviating each other's pain when they touch ??? him being the only one who knows there's something wrong w her so far ??? their adorable banter ??? pls
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jojo-schmo · 11 months
Hello! I just discovered your roleswap comic and I'm eating it up, it's so gooooooood. I don't really ship MetaDede personally, but good gods the way you write them bickering and bantering and the near sync when shit gets serious makes me wanna scream in excitement ekdvsiehrhr
Absolutely my favorite part of the swap. It just makes me crave for an actual Bandana Dee boss fight that actually does him justice. (also the Prince of Dreams/Beasts title itches something in my heart really well)
I'm not sure if it was intentional or if you even know who I'm talking about, but giving Bandana Dee a Scythe at some point (plus some wind abilities) really reminds me of General Gong the Hawkeye from Patapon, what with the whole high-ranking, scythe wielding, wind-adjacent thing. Probably just a coincidence tho, but I personally love it!
Hope to see the next update! :D
(P.S. while I was reading the comic, some of the links are broken or straight up missing. I'm reading from the Tumblr app so it's a bit of a hassle. Just thought I'd let u know :D)
Hello there!! Oh my goodness, what a wonderful ask, thank you so much for telling me all of this! As a person who thrives on Words of Affirmation, these types of comments mean absolutely everything to me. <3
If I may go on a tangent about the shipping thing because I'm glad you brought that up. It's a huge complement to hear you say that because-
The Roleswap comic is not a story about romance. But it is about love.
While I am a personal lover of metadede and it fueled my initial creation of this story, I want to take the Roleswap AU in a different direction from a story that's focuses on a ship where "the main characters act the way they do because they are in love or a couple." A "partnership" like theirs can possibly be interpreted as a build up to a romance. But it doesn't have to be! So there's no blatantly romantic interactions anywhere in this story like what may be found in my non-Roleswap, specifically metadede labeled content (Like kisses, confessions of love, etc.).
Dedede and Meta do love each other, like the other protagonists of Kirby love each other. Kirby, Bandana Dee, all the other Waddle Dees, the Meta-Knights, and the friends they've made over the years. The love between many of them has developed over the entire series! They've all come a long way from fighting each other to trusting one another and even having fun together!
I see the love between the Kirby protagonists as one where they care about and want the best for each other. They may not always understand the other's thoughts and motivations. But they respect them and learn to complement each other's differences. They protect each other in battle. They grow together and learn to bring out the best in each other.
So how could two very different and powerful authority figures like Dedede and Meta come together to save their friends and family, and navigate a huge world and an unknown conflict together? That's the main question I want to present in this story.
Whatever the interpretation of the King and Knight's relationship a reader may have, I'm most happy about the fact that this comic has readers!!!
Anyway!! Back to your ask! :D
Primal Bandana Dee means a lot to me too! The only reason this comic exists is because I also wanted a cool boss fight for him, and I had just finished playing Forgotten Land for the first time. It all just branched out from there. I wish I could just spill everything I have planned for him, but alas! I have a story with a set order to tell! I will say that if anyone is worried about not seeing him until the Winter Horns area, that he will make appearances before that. Just stay tuned!
And hey. This is an AU of an existing story. We know how the canon ending went already. To keep things interesting I have to include some surprises in my version down the line somewhere, right? ;)
I also haven't heard of Patapon so the resemblance between General Gong and Bandee is a coincidence! I did look it up and General Gong looks cool!! I respect scythe wielders, haha. Thanks for telling me! If this is a game I have the ability to play it could be fun to check it out!
New Roleswap update is coming soon! I feel bad that it's been about a month and I left it on a bit of a cliffhanger. But my personal and work life is slowing down enough for me to make more progress on the next pages! Our heroes will get out of the underground tunnel soon! :O
Maybe I can offer this behind-the-scenes peek of Dedede's internal monologue in the dark tunnel as a thank you for the patience?
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Finally, big thanks for letting me know about the broken links! I'll sit down on my computer soon and clean up all the links. I sometimes post on mobile and sometimes on web so maybe that messed some things up.
But if anyone needs a non-tumblr reading experience, I've also hosted the story on Comic Fury for a simpler navigation! Link is in the pinned masterpost on this blog, but also here: https://forgottenlandroleswap.the-comic.org/
Thanks for reading this director's commentary! Toodle-oo!
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sugrhigh · 5 months
hey girl… imma give u a storytime cuz im going CRAZY
so me and this guy we work together, we have a seasonal job in the summer. we got really close real fast and we don’t exactly flirt like complement each other we like have a flirty banter if that makes sense? anyway i used to like him a lot but then the job ended and we didn’t really see each other that much but we still talk like daily so i kinda lost feelings. he also was talking to this other girl so i didn’t want to get in between them yk. but then we smoked together after not seeing each other for probably 2 months? then he told me ab how this girl is literally crazy and technically cheated on him even though they weren’t really dating. so then he goes “so as of today im a free man” and then we start talking about our sex history LMAO and then at the end of that convo he goes “i honestly thought me and you were gonna end up doing something” i literally DIED that was my confirmation that we both liked each other at one point ya know… so i replied saying something like “oh yeah same here” and he goes “yeah don’t you remember the rumours of us dating??” (i literally don’t and never heard of it) he was literally SOO SURE about it he was like “like 10 of our coworkers came up to me and asked if we were dating” im like oooookay whatever you say… (my friend is convinced he was “lying” to make something happen yk… i kinda think so too cuz i NEVER HEARD OF THAT RUMOUR. im also way closer with all the other coworkers because this guy im talking ab came into the job like during the last 2 months when i was there the whole time if that makes sense LMAO) so im like “oh really? i never heard anything ab that” and hes like “oh yeah it was crazy” and then it was like silent for a good minute and then all the sudden he goes “wanna makeout?” HOLYYYY FUCK I DIED BRO I FUCKING DIED so then we did and it was gooooooood until my fucking mom called and interrupted us… still mad ab it to this day. anyway that was all we did just makeout then i had to drop him off at home cuz he had work or something the next day, and i had a early flight the next day too LMAO.
so we never talked ab that AT ALL, and i get home from my vacation which was literally A WEEK. he’s texting me saying “girl i might have a gf soon” so im like oh! okay!!! great!!! and hes like “you have to hear the tea its so good” so then we hung out that night and he told me how he is now dating the best friend of the girl who cheated on him 😭😭 like okay king get it but i was kinda bummed that he sorta used me as a rebound but I honestly didn’t give a fuck and I didn’t let it hurt me. cuz i wasn’t gonna lose one of my best friends over stupid feelings ya knoww. so thats that NOW HERES THE GOOD PART.
me and him only ever hangout just us two or with our other coworkers. this weekend my girlfriends finally came home from uni and stuff so we obviously went out to bars lol, i was asking him to pick me up because we both live out in the country side of our town rather than the city ya know? so it was just easier that way, and it was supposed to be just me him and one of his friends but then my girls ride canceled on them so i asked if he could drive them home and he said yes. so now this the first time my friends have met him and like seen us together. keep in mind he still has that gf… the car ride was so fun all of us were laughing and we all got along very well. we drop off my one friend at her house and then he turns to me and is like “can we all come into your house i need to hit that bong” so im like yeah ofc duh and literally he wanted to get to my house SO BAD he didn’t even drop my other friend off, she was forced to stay the night at mine like 😭😭😭 anyway its the four of us now (me and my girlfriend, then him and his best friend) and we get to my house, i quickly change outta my bar clothes cuz fuck that then i go upstairs to see him at the top of the stairs and hes like “dude ive been WAITINGGGG lets fucking go” im like “what about our other friends dont they wanna smoke too?” And hes like “nahhh we need our time together” HELLO??!!! Died. so then we smoked blah blah our usual conversations and then we go back inside and all of us start playing mariokart. then they left cuz he was forcing me to go to bed so i could wake up and go to work in the morning 😭 but as soon as they left my girlfriend turned to me and was like “DUDEEEEE HE WANTS YOU SOOOO BAD” …. so now im going crazy 😀 mans has a fucking gf but is lowkey so flirty towards me and if my FRIENDS SAW THAT DURING THE FIRST TIME THEY MET HIM…. and the morning after i texted our girls gc and was like so guys am i going crazy or is there something here?? and they all replied with yes he wants you so bad bro. and my girlfriend apparently overheard him talking to his best friend and was like “me and my gf are fighting and shes literally crazy” so im like FUCKKKK LIKE WHAT DO I DO. and i think us 4 are gonna hangout again this weekend. so uh ill keep u updated if u want 😀 also sorry this is terribly long but IM GOING CRAZY AND I NEED HELP
he def sounds like he wants u in my humble opinion, i think whoever he’s dating now is the rebound from making out with YOU cuz it doesn’t seem like he likes her too much plus he jumped into it really quick. if yall hang out this weekend i would be a little extra flirty and see if maybe that inspires him to grow a pair and tell u how he feels
but always remember that no man is ever worth ur peace of mind so if he doesn’t sack up and be honest with you and his gf and himself….he can move to the back of the line!
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All the HP fanfic on AO3 ranked by kudos #8
Hermione Granger‘s Crammer for delinquents on the run by waspabi
Full disclosure, this is a fic i never would’ve picked for myself to read. But that’s the beauty of this fic challenge, I get to expose myself to amazing shit like this that I never would’ve read otherwise.
Here’s the overview. Harry never went to Hogwarts. He’s grown up in London with the dursleys until he ran away. However, just because Harry’s not there doesn’t mean time stopped at Hogwarts. Voldemort is back again. And he’s looking for Harry. Hermione, Ginny, Luna, Neville, Ron and Draco are all on the run together looking for Harry so he can stop Voldemort again. Basically take HP canon, remove Harry Potter from it, and you’ve got this fic. Word count is 93391. Main ship is Drarry with minor wolfstar and Romione.
This was such a fucking cool fic to read. The best way for me to describe it is through a series of questions. What happens to Draco if Harry is never there to perpetuate his inferiority complex and rivalry? What happens to Sirius Black if Harry wasn’t at Hogwarts to meet him? What happens to Arthur Weasley if Harry doesn’t have the dream about him being attacked by a snake? Where is Hedwig if Hagrid never purchased her for Harry? The author essentially changes canon by making one simple alteration. It is genius.
My favorite product of this was Draco. Draco’s character is very different and it’s all justified by the circumstances of the fic. Because Harry wasn’t there to reject his handshake, he took a much different path that resulted in him running away from the death eaters and joining a resistance group. It also leads for a very uncomplicated drarry. Since there is no childhood animosity to work through, love is simply allowed to exist.
This fic was so fucking funny. The banter the group has is hilarious. They are all living like the golden trio did in the 7th book (in a tent on the run), but with 7 people. It’s so gooooooood. The author gives each character a very distinct voice that’s a good blend of original canon and the au they created. It’s an exciting mental adventure to see how different things turned out without Harry there.
My one complaint is I wish this was longer. It is tied up well, but I suspect perhaps the author lost passion or got burnt out towards the end and decided to end it. Probably for the best too; if they hadn’t, it might’ve been left uncompleted. It has a good ending. It’s just selfishly I wish there was more. Because it’s so good!
Read this. It’s hilarious. It’s like stepping back into your childhood and discovering the canon of the Harry Potter universe for the first time. I cannot recommend it enough. I would tell anyone who has finished Harry Potter books 1-6 to read this. It’s really good.
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the59er · 2 days
4 May 2024
4th May 2024, Saturday Listening: Where were they?, Deepset
May the 4th be with you! Love this apple ad!
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Later in the evening went to no.21 for their raya makan! Last night farah requested 2121 to paint a banner as part of their deco, so I just had to take a picture with it 😬 Food was gooooooood <3
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Chilled for awhile, waited for 2121 to shower etc. and then it's Deepset babyyyyyyy!
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I love this band since I came across them on myspace lol. It was a greatly nostalgic night.
I also tried to break from my shell and made small talk with this girl who was there on her own. I thought the conversation would just end after a couple replies, until she started talking a LOT and I got a bit taken aback by it (considering that I do not normally talk to strangers and I am generally not a talkative person unless I am with people I am really familiar with). She is this cute little firecracker who rambled on about other gigs and bands, and even asked me for my 'gram so that we could go to gigs together in the future. 2121 noticed my overwhelmed face so he chimed in and said something like "ok2, habis (gig ni) nanti, korang exchange ig ok?" to sort of 'end' the conversation 😅 Small talks and banter is something that i need to work on. It's also one of the things that I like about 2121 because he could easily start it with random strangers.
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pancakehaven · 7 years
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Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll go catch some snoozes with my new soft, cool, back supporting bed pal!!
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pls don't attach a dick on him u gross 
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tellywoodtrash · 5 years
sanjivani 21.10.19 lb
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madamji datttttt ke khadi hain. kaunnnn jeetega yeh muqaabla????
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lmao siddhu doing what all of us do when in bad mood but can't really focus on anything: random saaf-safai around the house.
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guddu mama Knows All.
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subtlyyyyyyyyyy reminding siddhu ki what ishani is enduring outside. i love him. he is another rahil.
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"main jaanti hoon, khud bhi tadap rahe honge."
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cut to: "miss obsessive; safaai ka itna keeda hai usse ki keede chipkali dekh ke khud hi bhaag jayegi." lmaoooooooooooooo
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lol at siddhu telling guddu to call his choohein so that the problem is nipped in the bud. guddu is some pied piper type figure in the basti or what, who controls the rats around here by will?
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"yeh pareshaani hai, chipkali choohon ko dekh ke bhaagne waali nahi hai!"
guddu knows ishani even better than siddhu does!
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oh hoooooooo siddhu. thak gayi hoon tumse.
but may i also mention, this henley looks EXCEPTIONALLY good on you? and that colour? mashaAllah!
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vardhan is literally the only shashank/juhi shipper here. other than mais.
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ok, tonally, this scene just got way worse after shashank entered. what is up with the baaaaad directing? we had a few good weeks in the middle where everything settled, now everything is melodrama again.
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i cannot help but lol @ vardhan continuing to squee "so cute!!!!" at them though.
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wait wait wait............. there's more backstory to vardhan hating shashank?!?!?!? interestingggg. i mean not really, but it's better than vardhan being a dick for shits and giggles.
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ishani doing tele-doctory.
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askjdlksaldjl sidhuuuuuuuuuuu you childdddddd.
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"dr. sid aap mujhe dikh rahein hai yahaan se." lololololol
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"aap shaayad bhool rahein hain ki hum adults hain. koi problem hai toh mujhse discuss kijiye na; kyun kar rahein hain aap aisa? aur main jaanti hoon ki aap itne bure bhi nahi hain." 
oh damn! sis matured emotionally into a wholeass rational human being over the weekend.
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while this one thinks he has control over things like life and death and is like NO I AM BADDDDDDDDD LEAVE ME ALONEEEEEE. jesus sid,. you need hardcore therapy.
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wow nice to finally see anjali working with one of the residents.
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what kinda weirdass coded convo is this?
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"ji, chaliye!"
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“COFFEE?????????” ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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salkjdalkd ugh. they're bantering about meeting outside in his car and the dialogue is actually kinda cute? WHY COULDN'T THIS BE WITH A GOOD DUDE WHO I COULD SHIP ANJALI WITHHHHHH? IMMA JUST HEADCANON PANKIT-AS-ATUL IN THESE SCENES FROM NOW ON.
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ugh guddu mama is literally the cutestttttttttt.
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woop, vital clue dropped about the sherwani and crying.
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"aye guddu, isse baat kyun kar raha hai?"
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"meri dost hai, isliyeee baat kar raha hoon!"
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"woh meri dost nahi hai."
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"teri dost nahi hai toh tu baat mat kar. main toh baat karoonga." lolololol honestly, guddu for president.
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that brief moment of longing before he hardens himself into a rudeass bitch.
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ohohohohoho invoking of the F word. "faraq". chalo ji. yeh trope bhi ho gaya.
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ishaani fulllll prep ke saath aayi hai. bas tambu gaadne ki kami hai.
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idiot boy. IDIOT!!!!!!
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oh she forgot snacks! rookie mistake!
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haaaaaaye sidddhu, why you torturing yourself AND HER like this???
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rahil calling with emergencyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. (his overwrought performance has me thinking.... fake.)
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ishani thankfully has gone and purchased a whole week's supply of logic and rationality and good sense, and decides work takes priority over….. whatever the fuck this nonsense is.
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this new wardrobe of ishani’s makes her boobs look most magnificent. need to know what bra/tshirt combo this is, that makes the girls look THIS nice.
will probably only work on an average-boobed girl tho, not a big-tittied behemoth like me. CURSE YOU, DD CUPS!!!!!!!!!
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"toh aapne yeh sab apne dost ke kehne pe kiya. aisi buri acting ke liye toh aapko worst supporting actor ka bhi award nahi milna chahiye."
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“sab kuch karna tha, lekin mere kaam ke saath bilkul mazaak nahi karna tha. ab toh mujhe unki shakal bhi nahi dekhni; keh dijyega apne dost se.”
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rahil bechaara lost ishani's good favour over this nonsense.
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"sahi kiya tune, sid. karne de usse nafrat, taaki saari feelings khatam ho jaaye sivaaye gusse ke. gusse waale feelings se dard nahi hota."
pft, you know nothing sid snow.
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ugh in dono ka flirting dekhna hoga ab.
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"aap ko kaise pata chala ki main baahar khadi hoon?"
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waise toh vardhan pe bada chadh rahein the ki yeh personal maamla hai hospital time pe and all, and now you won't stop hounding her for an answer to your louuuuuuuwe confession during work hours????
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but gurdeep is just so goddamned cute i can't help but be charmed at how she's playing this. literalllllll disney princess face she has!!!!!!!!
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goddamnit am i going to start shipping this???? i really don't want to but mohnish and gurdeep are soooooooo fucking charming??????? fuck. i need to make up some whole other headcanon to kinda make peace with it.
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"ishani meri taraf hi aa rahi hai. woh phir mujhse sawaal poochegi."
lol pls sid, don't flatter yourself.
ok at this point tumblr isn’t uploading images for this post anymore, so....... whatever.
"isse kya hua????? kamaal hai, mujhse bina baat kare chali gayi????" LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO. IN YOUR FACE DUMBASS.
accident ki khabar.
this is so sad. alexa play bada pachtaoge by arijit singh.
calling it now itself: the accident’s gonna be fake. he’s gonna get hella mad. we’re going back to square fucking one.
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Would you look at the time? It’s 10 Points Time! Let’s not waste time!
...what? Too much?
The reason behind these time puns is simple: I’ve watched this movie named “The Angel in the Clock” (or “El Angel en el Reloj”). Never heard of this movie before, I stumbled upon in on KimCartoon some days ago, and apparently no one has really talked about it.
So you know what that means?
It means that with this post I intend to promote it! Seems only fair, since it’s a movie that apparently people that dealt with cancer worked on it! :D
So, let’s go!
1) First things first, the main character is named Amelia, and while nothing is outright stated, it’s clear that her lack of hair, her need to take medicines, the moment she passes out, and other small details like  doctor calling her mother and the ambulance noises do make it clear that she’s going through a lot, most likely cancer. That alone makes this movie worthy of attention!
2) Can’t fault Amelia for wanting to stop time: considering her father always going to work, and her illness not allowing her to dance, I get why she would want that. Wish I could stop time, uhm, anytime as well, but apparently that’s not the best idea.
3) Ok, the animation on the human character’s mouths is kinda wonky, but the rest is GOOOOOOOOD!! Some of the scenes towards the ending really take the animation up a notch!
4) Wow, a clock forest! Not gonna lie, all the ways clock technology is used in this movie are pretty creative!
5) Honestly, I kinda saw the twist coming: his name has a double meaning of nothingness and eternity. Brilliant!
6) Also, Timeless as a character is honestly the best element in the story: every scene that involves him is so cool because he moves just like a shadow, and the way he tilts his head like a clock needle... Umph! The didn’t need to go that hard on his character, but they did! *3*
7) Here and Now may be the comic relief with their puns, but their banter is actually cute, and they were used nicely!
8) Malachi is a cute angel, enough said. ^_^
9) Ok, yeah, Timeless would’ve attacked regardless, but you still lied to us, dude!
10) Honestly, considering I’ve always had trouble with future, and how much I feared it,, this kind of message feels really meaningful. Kinda sad we didn’t interact with Future as well...
So, how was it?
Ok, so the movie does have some points where it could use a little more work, like the voice dub for some characters could use some more “umph”, and the way some of them move is kinda stilted, but aside from that, is a movie that’s deserves to be seen: the story is creative, the conflict feels really relatable, the music used for some scenes is pretty neat to listen to (since some of the tracks seem to involve ticking), and there’s some scenes that are very much a beauty to watch!
It deserves to be watched for some reasons: it involves dealing with cancer, the message about how it’s best to deal with time is important to internalize, and the characters of Malachi and Timeless are honestly a sight to see, even just for animation alone (one almost never talks, and has got cute interactions, and the other has got an amazing voice and cool character design and role in the story).
So, if you happen to find this movie, give it a watch: it’ll be worth your time. ^^
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the-copperkid · 5 years
Do you ever reread your fics? I reread your fics. My reaction is always "WOWWOWOWO GOOOD SHIT GOOOOOOOOD SHITTTT". You're my favourite author and I love u
AHH, thank you, I’m so appreciative to be someone’s fave(!!!), and for you to reread? The ONLY fics I ever let myself reread for fear of hating myself are “break up with your girlfriend” (aka The Missed Connections au) and “your tongue is sharp, but I miss the taste of it” (The Relatively Canon Sex Pollen fic). I’m not sure why! I like rereading the banter in both of these, I feel like I got something Right (for once!)
Specifically in “your tongue is sharp”, I like to reread when Billy gets himself off in the passenger seat of Steve’s car and has to sit there miserably with the evidence on his lap, and it’s dead silent between them. SO FUN. and .... weirdly real for them? I can see it SO vividly.
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meganthefierce · 6 years
Gals and Mandem, I need your advice. Pt. 2
The Chronicles of Evan 
Sup. Sorry this is a long one but you need to know ALL OF THE DETAILS so you can give me good advice. Just read it please, for me xx
Now... some of that last paragraph Pt.1 is a bit false. Well, it was true until a couple of days ago. That’s when Evan became a problem.
So Evan is a friend of a friend. I’ve met him before at a house party and I really got on with him. I felt some attraction towards him but that was because he was hella sweet and really pretty. Anyway, Evan and I really got on, but he’s super chill and gets on with everyone, so I didn’t think much into it. Plus Tyler was at this party so I was a lil bit distracted by that elephant. I didn’t think I wanted Evan, I just really wanted to be his friend because I really liked being around him and spending time with him. I was just so interested in everything he did and had to say. We hung out like twice in a group whilst he visited. Then he went home and I never saw him again. That was a couple of months ago.
Well this weekend I went to a festival and he was there, so he and a few others stayed at my flat. Before they all turned up, I got a message from my bestie saying “Just a heads up, Evan thinks you’re hot.” So I was like “What am I supposed to do with this information?” and she said “Nothing. Just letting you know. Just incase this weekend you wanted to make a move, I’m just letting you know he’s down.” My first reaction was to think “He doesn’t like me, he just wants to fuck me, our friends have probably mentioned how much of a slut I am and he think’s he can have a drunk fuck after this festival.” And then I thought “No, it’s worse, he’s jumping on the grenade because we are the only 2 people going who aren’t a couple/sleeping with each other and he’s taking one for the team.” So I was not thrilled by this news. THEN HE SHOWS UP My lord, I don’t know what happened, but Jesus christ this boy was fine. He was pretty when I met him, but now for some reason he looked better. Like a sexy, rugged, thug kinda look but with hippie vibes. He’s a Brighton boy so I’m hoping you know what I mean. Then the cunt takes his jumper off and he’s wearing a thin vest gym thing top underneath and WOOOOOW this boy is ripped. I thought he was skinny but hell fucking no he isn’t. He’s jacked. Very fucking nice body. It was so embarrassing I was just starring at him like !!!!!!!! I even accidentally said something out loud! I was like *looking at his arms and chest* “Wow! [this is when I realised I was being obvious and needed to play it cool] look how tanned you are! Where did you get that?” So dead. Anyway we go to this festival and he is a sweetheart all day. He’s nice to everyone but we spent a lot of time together. Every time I ask if I look alright he’d tell me I look lovely and he was giving me cigarettes even though I had my own etc. Just being really generous and sweet. Then we meet this stranger called Amy (SHOUT OUT OT AMY IF YOU EVER SOMEHOW READ THIS I LOVE YOU, YOU WERE A HOOT) and she jumps on the “you two are so sweet, you should get together” bullshit. So Evan and I play a long like “omg Amy you’re right. We should be together, he’s actually in love wth me.” Then we start telling everyone we’re getting married and Amy is going to be our maid of honour because she got us together at this festival etc. So there’s romantic banter and a lot of flirting but it’s all harmless. Then Amy tells me to kiss him. I say no because I was embarrassed. She tells Evan to kiss me. He says yes straight away but more like a “yeah mate I’ll do it” and I got the kind of vibe that it was a dare and he was only doing it because Amy told him to. But anyway, I agree and we have a lil smooch in the crowd to Andy C (such a good set btw) and then we carry on with the night. At one point he protected me from a boy hitting on me with the “tHiS iS mY bOyFrIeNd” card but I would have done that with anyone.  But Evan made me feel good. He put me on his fucking shoulders! I’m not a small or skinny gal! He lifted me up so many times and I felt so good! It was a really sick moment for me. And I was hella impressed at how ripped and strong he was. NGL I was a lil bit more attracted to him because of it. 
Then we get home and of course everyone bed hops because festivals equal intoxication and that means sex. So Evan and I end up in the same bed. But we stay up talking all night. He’s the coolest, sweetest person and we have more in common than I thought, and the things we don’t have in common aren’t massive things that would bother me. I want to be more like Evan. He’s just the best. He sent me loads of links to spoken word poetry and we spoke about family, what we’re scared of, how we both suffer with bad anxiety, travelling (He’s traveled the world), music, etc. He’s just so cool and he makes me want to be cooler, but not in a shitty way.
Then we try to go to sleep. He opens his arms out and invites me for a cuddle. THIS MAN IS THE BEST CUDDLER IVER EVER BEEN CUDDLED BY. It was heaven. He’s so nice to lay with. He tickled my back and played with my hair. It was so nice. We fidget a bit and try to get comfortable and he moves his face RIGHT IN FRONT OF MINE so our lips are parallel. I thought maybe he was going to kiss me again but then NOTHING. Nothing happened. I was waiting. Nothing. So I thought, maybe technically he’s made the first move with the cuddle and technically leaning in. So I kiss him. Yeah mate I did. Yay me for being confident. He kisses me back and it’s gooooooood. He’s a lovely kisser. Then I get a lil bit too excited and then I got a bit freaked out because I’m a nervous anxious wreck and I just stop and pull away and bury my head in his chest. He giggled a bit and lifted my head back up so our lips are really close again, but he doesn’t kiss me. I’ve now used all the courage I had so I’m not kissing him again. But I wanted to hint that I wanted him to kiss me. So I bought up the Amy Kiss in a teasing way, “Remember when you kissed me earlier” kinda thing. I know, my game is weak and I’m so embarrassed but please understand how FINE this boy is. He banters back with the ol “you seemed to enjoy it” kinda crap and we both lay there telling each other how nice it is to kiss the other person. STILL NO KISS FROM HIM. I’m now paranoid as fuck and I’m convinced he doesn't like me like that because clearly he’d make a move. Or maybe he does like me but he’s too tired and I didn’t want to make a move on HIM and then he doesn’t retaliate or something. Fear of rejection is one of my biggest fears. So I give up and we start falling asleep. But this guy wont stop cuddling me. If I roll over, we spoon, If I face him, he faces me and wraps himself around me. If I  shuffle down, he pulls me on his chest and tickles my back. It was so nice. 
I wake up in the morning and it’s exactly the same, but more. More cuddles, more chatting, more tickling, etc. Even more kissing. He kisses my neck, my forehead, my nose (in a cute funny way, not a wired way) and we make out quite a bit. Every now and then he’ll attempt to get up for the day but struggle and just lay his head on my chest and complain about how he doesn’t want to leave. We stayed in bed ALL morning just cuddling an kissing, for about 3 hours. Every time someone came in to get something or talk to us he wouldn’t even flinch. He’d just carry on cuddling me and stay put. Not embarrassed. Not caring what people thought. It was wild to me. 
Then he gets offered a spoons breakfast and a coffee. I’m thinking “Who the fck doesn't want that, of course he’s going” but he hesitates. I say I’m not going and he tells our friend “Na mate, I’ve got food here. I’ll give this a miss.” and just rolls back over and lays with me!!!! WTF how can a boy with a hangover turn down a spoons breakfast to lay with a girl he hasn't even had sex with?! Because he didn’t even have food at mine, he was lying! 
Anyway. Everyone goes to breakfast and we’re now alone in the hose. We start kissing again. He starts tickling me again but not the cute relaxing kind... the teasing, “let me touch your skin” kind. You know the difference- don’t pretend you don’t. I’m now trying my hardest to hint that I want him. I’m gasping, I’m pulling him closer, I’m clawing at his skin (that sounds weird but in a sexy way I swear! It aways works). And this is all working. We’re making out more, everything’s more passionate, his dick is rock hard which is always a good sign, and it’s just going in the direction I want it to. Then the door goes.  People are back.  We slowly stop kissing and just start cuddling again. He tells me I have nice lips and he likes kissing me, then sits up and pulls the cover over his lap to hide his dick. Our pal walks in with a coffee he bought for Evan, and it’s clear we’re getting up for the day. I was gutted. I lost the opportunity.  He gets ready and we all chill with the group, discuss the day before and look at photos etc. Then he goes back to Brighton. It’s all over until the next time I see him, and I have no idea when that will be, and what will happen then. HERE’S WHY I NEED ADVICE
I can’t stop thinking of the twat. I’m literally obsessing over him. I can’t stop.  LOOK HOW MUCH I WROTE ABOUT HIM ON A FUCKING TUMBLR POST?! 
I haven’t even looked at a boy since Tyler, and now I’m obsessing over Evan. He’s so good looking and so sweet and so respectful. I don’t know what to do.
Because I don’t think I have a chance, so I need to cut this out. I can’t obsess over Evan the way I have with Tyler. But Evan is the first boy to stop me thinking about Ty. Don’t get me wrong, when I get messages from Tyler my heart still flutters, and I smile when he sends me snaps and stuff. I know there’s still something there for him and that’s not gone. But I’m thinking about Evan. A LOT. All I want to do is go to bloody Brighton to see Evan. For at least some sex. Minimum. I’m so mad we didn’t do it. I’m gutted Evan and I can’t be a thing because I think I really like him. Even if he could never be a romantic relationship, I just want him as a friend because he’s so cool. 
But I’ve only met him a few times and we’ve only shared one night like this together. The relationship between Tyler and I, and Evan and I, are very very different. Yet I am obsessed with both of them. 
I don’t know what to do. 
What shall I do? About both guys. Help a bitch out. 
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ashethehedgehog · 7 years
my hopes and dreams are crush. ruined. i will never be whole. (lol) if the author took it down for personal reasons theres nothing to be done then, but do you think you can give a summary of the plot? the idea sounded really interesting and i really want to know how it went down.
Sure anon! Sorry about the wait for this, I’ve been so busy lmao.
I’m going too have to go off what I remember, I read this fic back in 2015 in about August or September, so a few of the smaller details are kinda fuzzy, but overall I remember the main plot so I can tell you that! The fic is puzzle/blind, because it has Yami/Yugi and Yugi/Atem, with Yami and Atem being two different people in this fic, but its not mobium at all, cause there’s no monarch.
Going under a cut because it ends up kinda long! Hit the Keep Reading if you wanna know about the plot of Gambit!
Gambit follows the events of two warring nations, a republic I believe and an empire. Yami is the minster of defence for the empire and Yugi is one of the top soldiers there who pilots a mecha. Yugi is a little unhinged in his approach to things, and the first part of the story you see Yami and Yugi bickering a lot with Yami trying to get Yugi to go on missions for the empire. Their banter and dialogue is some of the best I’ve ever read.
On the other side of the war is Atem, who is the shining star of the army, just an all round great guy. He ends up fighting Yugi in a mecha battle, and it ends in a draw with them both getting blasted and leaving no real victor. Yugi is super pissed about this, and demands to go back to fight Atem. Yami says no initially, and it ends up with this incredibly well written dirty sex scene with them doing it on Yami’s desk. Fascinating stuff, and honestly it was so good ngl, one of the best ahaha.
Meanwhile the emperor, who is Gozaburo, is an asshole who rocks up to torment Yami with details about the war. He tries to get Yami to sign this form that will take him off something that means he wont have a right to the throne anymore (Yami being Gozaburo’s nephew I believe? They’re related somehow anyways). Yami kinda doesnt want to do this, but Gozaburo leaves him not much choice, and he’s just delaying it a lil. Also during this time Yami and Yugi keep going at it in this really incredible sex buddies relationship, to take out all their pent up anger in and honestly its all written SO freakin well.
Yugi also does go back to fight with Atem, but he ends up in a big rainstorm, and discovers he took shelter in a cave with Atem without realising it, although they both work out who each other is, with Yugi knowing immediately but giving a truce for the sake of shelter, and Atem realising after Yugi tells him. Atem gets a little preachy, he’s a sweetie, asking Yugi why he’s doing all this and what not, trying to get answers as he becomes curious about Yugi’s life.
This person called Heba shows up, looking suspiciously a lot like Yugi but not being Yugi, and Heba is kind of hard to explain, but Yami is the only one who ever sees him, or seems to know about him. Heba warns Yami about Gozaburo trying to off him. Some stuff happens, and Heba actually ends up killing Gozaburo through radiation suffocation I believe? He pretty much just offs him quickly.
Cue Yami taking over the empire and becoming emperor. There’s a temporary truce between them while the rebels hope that the new emperor will agree to a treaty/end the war etc etc. And sometime around here is when everything starts to go to SHIT. For the first time lmao.
Yugi sneaks into the base where Atem is in the rebel stronghold and gets captured. Yami mentions how the war will continue, and the rebels keep Yugi imprisoned for now. I think they planned to execute him if I’m not mistaken. Except Atem gets a little too soft with him and Yugi ends up being able to escape. Poor gullible Atem I love him.
Yugi returns home, and Yami and Yugi still get it on, albiet they end up being a little nicer to each other, and Yami does some stuff to tug at the heartstrings ngl. There r some real cute moments in amongst the angst and mannnnn I love these two. 
Yami kinda starts getting a lot more paranoid about everything, and he gets awful mood swings, sometimes Yugi getting caught in them.
Yugi sneaks into this section of the base thats normally off limits because ppl r going missing and ‘who the fuck is Heba and why does Yami talk about him’ but also Yami’s terrible mood swings courtesy of Heba have Yugi worried about him.
It’s kinda revealed Heba is like the conscious of this old machine thingy, for lack of better wording bear with me, and he sees humans as like insects p much. So he wants to crush them all lmao. He’s been building this massive mecha to wreck everything and boy howdy does he plan to wreck everything.
Yugi confronts Heba, finds out all this shit and manages to escape, where he heads to the rebel country to Atem. He tells Atem all about this, and they get word Heba is on his way with the giant mech.
What happened back at the empire after Yugi ran away was Yami was majorly struggling with everything and he had a confrontation with Heba, who revealed to Yami all the stuff about him wanting to destroy all humans. There’s nothing Yami can do though, because Heba tells him he’s been slowly poisoning Yami with radiation all this time, and its the only reason Yami could see and ‘feel’ Heba so much. I’m pretty sure they were just a series of hallucinations. Heba effectively wipes Yami’s control, and uses his lifeless body to help pilot the mecha. 
Atem and Yugi meanwhile have their own ancient mech I think Yugi stole it from Heba when he escaped I dont 100% remember where their mech came from BUT THEY GOT IT. It requires two ppl to operate and they use it to fight against Heba’s giant mech. During the battle Yami manages to fight back with the last piece of his consciousness to get control of his body back enough to send a video transmission through, and he tells Yugi to blow the thing up, with him along with it.
AND IT’S JUST RLY SAD because Yugi knows he has to do it but then Yami will legit be gone for good, and Yami just smiles at him and I die fam I really do. 
They mouth an ‘I love you’ to each other before Yugi and Atem pull the trigger, and Heba’s mech along with him and Yami are blown sky high.
And then they win, and the war is over woo and my eyes are damp from all the tears I shed. Also without having Yami still alive to preach otherwise, his name was recorded as just another tyrant emperor, and the rebels got the credit for ending the war. 
It gets revealed around the end that Yugi and Atem are from an ancient race that was destroyed by Heba thousands of years ago, but Atem and Yugi were send away in pods to keep them safe. Gozaburo found Yugi’s pod and trained Yugi up to be a weapon in the war with crazy good pilot skills, while Atem was found by some nice farmers in the country and grew up being a nice kid. 
The story ends with this kind of weird thing were Yugi and Atem settle down for a while and Yugi ends up having a kid, which he calls Yami (that part killed me), it ends on a really nice bittersweet tone, which is nice, and I liked the way it ended, although I’m personally not a fan of mpreg, so that was kinda weird for me, but each to their own! Plus it’s the one minor thing in the story that I didnt agree with, and it’s easily shadowed over by how brilliant the entire story was to read, a real ride from start to finish, and gooooooood I just LOVE this fic sobs.
I probably missed a few things, or maybe screwed up the timeline a little, and purposely left out some smaller details if only for the fact I’m so busy I dont have time to give a play-by-play of a 200K fic xD But there you have it! Hopefully this paints part of the magnificence that was the wonderful fic Gambit! My absolute favourite fanfic ever :’’’>
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hanasaku-shijin · 8 years
A Little Review for "Stealing On The High Seas"
You know, I have no idea why I didn’t just do this for my reviews for you before. I have no word limit, which is great because I always have a lot to say and express about your stories.
Anyways, it’s the first day of the year and about a half a year ago, I read this fic a second time. I love it. It’s my personal favorite of yours Hana. I’m a HUGE sucker for pirate AUs (don’t ask me why, I just love them) and this being a white rose one written by you it’s like the best of both worlds for me. It’s just AWESOME in every single way.
But anyways, I first read this story about a year ago and I vowed to re-read it every half a year or so. And now since I love leaving you reviews, I thought I’d finally give you some for my favorite story of yours.
So, I just got done reading the first chapter and OH MY GOSH! I just LOVE how you set the whole thing up with Weiss being kidnapped and Ruby being the one to essentially take care of her 'treasured’ captive. I remember the first time reading the part when Weiss is scolding Ruby because she’s drinking when she’s still under-aged, I laughed so much. Like how funny is it that Weiss, the prisoner, is actually trying to stop Ruby from having bad habits? I found it really amusing. 
And I find it so nice that Yang already had hunch on why her sister was so interested in Weiss. I’m glad she trusted Ruby enough to know the risks of what their relationship would entail too. 
OOOOOOH MAN! Hana, have I ever told you that you capture Ruby and Weiss’s natural banters so perfectly? Because you do and it’s just one of the reasons why you get me so addicted to your white rose stories. I’ll never forget how hard I laughed out loud the first time I read Weiss telling Ruby, “You might as well use your mouth then!” I swear my jaws dropped then I just couldn’t stop giggling. And what made that scene even better was how Ruby just grinned and simply followed what Weiss wished for her new way of hydrating herself.Ruby being carefree and being accommodating of Weiss’s needs at the same time is just so wonderful.
AND THEN OH MY LORD! That small moment when Weiss simply murmured “ More…” I knew exactly what was happening, but I was so shocked because I didn’t think Weiss would be so bold. My heart always pounds when I read that scene. It’s almost like I know what will happen but it’s just so wonderful that I kind of just can’t believe it’s really going to happen, if that makes any sense. Sorry for rambling…
And after that they just admitted they fell in love with each other and that they stole each other’s hearts~! Ahhhhhhhhh! THAT IS SOME GOOOOOOOOD STUFF RIGHT THERE! Wow! I swear, white rose love confesses with your valued content is something I will NEVER get tired of reading, ever. But yeah, this is my first little review for the first chapter~! Expect more later! :) 
I’M SO SORRY DIDN’T POST THIS RIGHT AWAY. I just wanted to keep reading it. You are the bEST omg Now I wanna re-read this old fic.
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