#the bazaar itself is so much fun dude.....
Felix: It looks like it’s gonna be another good day today! :) Any honestly, any day that looks beautiful and healthy is gonna be—
Sir there is a RAGING TYPHOON OUTSIDE I am being CARRIED by the wind the HARVEST GODDESS herself has the wheel there is CONSTANT THUNDERING AND BOLTS OF LIGHTNING i can’t fuckign water my crops straight what are you ON mister mayor and where can I get some. Is Sherry planting smth a little freaky schneaky in the back there Felix. don’t lie to me buddy i just wanna try it
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xbladekitkat85 · 4 years
One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Where’s Morgan?  An Irondad Oneshot
To say that everyone was excited to go to Disneyland was an understatement. It was a very big understatement.
Tony had planned every detail of the trip, making sure that they had bought the right amount of the correct passes to get everyone in and the hotels reservation, and rental car.
When he had finalized the plans, he gathered everyone in the living room.
"Ok, what is this about?" Harley asked suspiciously. "Is this a set up to a prank?"
Tony gasped in indignation.
"Why would you ever say that? Would I really do that to you?"
"You've been acting weird." Peter pointed out. "You keep on minimizing the internet tabs every time we would enter your lab."
"That doesn't mean anything. I could be trying to find you all your Christmas presents early." Tony replied immediately.
"But since when do you shop for us on the Disneyland website?" Morgan asked slyly.
Then there was a moment of silence.
"WAIT, WE'RE GOING TO DISNEYLAND?!" The boys asked in disbelief.
Tony let out a laugh that only showed itself with his family.
"That's right. Oh, and I also invited Shuri because last time she was here in the states, she didn't get to go."
All of the kids smiled at each other in excitement.
"The fact that Shuri is coming too is amazing dad!" Harley said.
"This is going to be so fun. Oh I've been wanting to go to Batuu so bad!" Peter gushed.
"Make sure to buy me some shoes with inserts so I'm tall enough for all the rides, dad." Morgan said.
"Wait, when are we going?" Harley asked suddenly.
"Tomorrow. Mom already made a packing list of all the essential items we need to pack." Tony said with a thankful smile to Pepper. "You should be receiving the lists any second now."
Everyone's phones vibrated with the notification of a list. As soon as the kids felt it, they ran to their respective rooms to start packing.
*The next morning*
"All right, do we have everybody on the jet?" Tony asked.
Pepper looked around and thought for a moment.
"Okay, I'll give each of you a number and whenever we do a head count, when I say your number, wave or something. That way we know we're all here. Ok, Tony, you'll be 1, Rhodey, you'll be 2, Harley, 3, Shuri, 4, Peter, 5, and Morgan, you will be 6. Everybody got that?"
Everyone nodded.
"We'll try it a few times on the way so we can get the hang of it."
After a long flight, and a few practices of number counting, they arrived in Anaheim and made their way to Disney's Grand Californian Hotel and Spa. They checked in, unpacked ate dinner and went to bed early to get enough rest for the next day.
*7:00 the next morning*
"All right, everybody up!" Morgan sang as she jumped from bed to bed, effectively waking everyone in the room.
"My love language is quality time together, but not like this, Morguna." Tony groaned as he finally sat up.
Peter was the next to get up.
"Ok, we have to get dressed and get our phones ready to reserve our boarding groups for Rise of The Resistance! I already have the app ready to go!"
"Hold on kiddo, we need breakfast before we go. What do you all want?" Tony asked.
Everyone listed off what they wanted from the room service booklet and soon everyone had eaten and were ready to start the day at Disneyland.
"Ok, let's do our headcount before getting in line. to enter" Pepper called out.
Tony flashed a peace sign.
Rhodey waved.
Harley casually dabbed as he sneezed.
"FRE SHA VACA DO!" Shuri said gleefully, making Peter and Harley laugh.
"It is Wednesday my dudes." Peter began.
Then all the kids joined in, "uuuuuuuUUUUUUAAAAAHHHHHHH!"
"Kids, you can't do that kind of shit here." Tony interrupted. "Ok, six?"
"Watch yo profanity." Morgan said with a grin.
"We have taught her so well." Peter said, wiping away a fake tear.
"Well, we're all here, so lets go." Pepper said, beckoning everyone towards the gate.
As soon as the gates opened and everyone was inside, Peter reserved their boarding group for Rise of the Resistance.
"Sweet, we're boarding group 15, we can go on a couple of rides while we wait for our turn!" He exclaimed excitedly.
"All right, where do we find a map?" Pepper asked.
"We don't need one. I recruited someone to help us around the park." Tony said.
"Wait, who?" Harley asked.
"Well I did some research on who would be the best tour guide for our trip." Tony explained. "I had Fri do a background check before hiring her to help us. She's known for being a encyclopedia of knowledge on the parks and their history. She knows her stuff and was more than willing to help us. Also, she's the granddaughter of one of the original Imagineers, X Atencio, who did the script for the Haunted Mansion and Pirates of the Caribbean as well as the music that plays through both rides."
"So, a legacy of the Imagineers is going to show us around? How cool is that?" Peter asked.
"So when is she coming?" Shuri asked.
"I'm here already." A new voice said.
Everybody turned to look at the new person who had entered the group. It was a young woman who looked to be in her early twenties. She was dressed in the color scheme of Snow White's outfit but in the style of 1950's clothing. Her makeup was also reminiscent of the era of clothing she dressed in.
"Nice to meet you all in person!" She said with a smile. "The name's Sarah Atencio."
She shook everyone's hand and when she got to Morgan, she crouched down to her height so she was at eye level with the young girl.
"I like your outfit miss." Morgan said politely. "Is it supposed to look like Snow White?"
Sarah smiled at her question.
"It is indeed. The outfit I'm wearing is called a Disneybound. Do you know what that is?"
Morgan shook her head no, but still seemed to be interested in what it was.
"No, but it sounds cool." She replied.
"I can teach you all about it later while we wait in line. How does that sound?" She asked.
Morgan smiled shyly and nodded.
Sarah stood up straight and smoothed out her skirt.
"All right, let's get this trip started! Did anyone have a preference in where we go first?"
"Well, I know that Peter would be very interested to go to Batuu. I myself am curious to see what it looks like in person." Shuri piped up. "I also wanted to see the lightsabers they sell here and compare them to the ones I have at home."
"Are we all in agreement?" Sarah asked.
Everyone voiced their agreement or nodded their heads.
"All right, on to Batuu!" Sarah proclaimed.
*Time skip*
"Peter, since you wanted to go to Batuu, do you have your story planned out? Or are you going to improvise?" Sarah asked.
"I already have planned some aspects of my character but I'm still not sure about a couple of things. So I guess both?" He answered.
"Whoa, what do you mean, character? What story?" Harley asked.
Peter turned to look at Harley in disbelief.
"Do you not remember when we had this conversation?" He asked.
"No, why else would I ask?" Harley retorted.
"Ok, basically, Batuu is a trading post and a secret base for the Rebellion and the First Order is looking for them. Everybody who goes there has the possible chance of being stopped by Stormtroopers who are looking for Rebel spies. It's also possible to be stopped and interrogated by Kylo Ren. So if you wanted to be more immersed in the experience, you could come up with a backstory for why you are in Batuu and what side of the war you're on. As for my backstory, I'm a con artist born on Yavin-4 posing as a merchant looking for a place to trade my fake rare materials on the planet. I sell to the First Order and report to the Rebellion with what the First Order is interested in buying and how much of the item. But the thing is, my so called rare materials are so realistic looking, that they fool the First Order. What they are buying is useless and they won't know it until they try actually using it."
"That's more thought out than what I would come up with." Harley said. "I probably would have come up with some idiotic backstory like, 'Oh, I'm the secret child of Luke Skywalker and I have come to take down my cousin and his stupid army of bucket heads.' Something that wouldn't make sense."
"Well, I'll give you points for using SW slang." Peter remarked playfully.
"We're about to arrive at Rise of the Resistance since it is around the time your group should be called. Are we all here?"
"I'll check, we have a system." Pepper said. "One... Two... Three... Four... Five.... WHERE'S MORGAN?!"
Everyone in the group instantly looked around to see where she could have wandered off to.
"Oh no, Fri, please activate the 'Little Feetsies' protocol." Tony said tapping the side of his sun glasses.
"Activating 'Little Feetsies' protocol."She responded.
"Activating what now?" Harley asked.
Instantly, Tony could see the footprints of everyone in their group on the ground. The smallest pair of feet had diverted from the group way back towards the bazaar.
"Everyone follow me." Tony said.
"Is nobody else going to ask why there is a protocol with that name?" Harley asked as everyone else followed Tony.
Everyone in the group followed Tony as he walked the path of Morgan's shoe prints, making sure he didn't accidentally crash into a person in the process.
Eventually, Tony stopped and everyone saw why.
Morgan was standing with Kylo Ren and his Stormtroopers. And she was smiling as she talked with him.
"Well, I guess Morgan has connections to the First Order now." Shuri said, grinning at Peter, who looked slightly jealous. "How does your character feel after seeing a tiny 5 year old with the Supreme Leader wrapped around her little finger?"
Everyone laughed as they watched the duo, who seemed to be devising a way to end the Resistance once and for all.
"Ok, so that's a good way to help your troopers train and be better at ambushing the Resistance. And also try feeding them yummy food so they will be more hardworking. Give them something like, like.... Spaghetti! Or cheeseburgers!" Morgan told the tall and scary looking man.
"The First Order thanks you for your information and loyalty. You will be rewarded." One of the Stormtroopers told her.
"If only my military strategists had ideas as well thought out as yours." Kylo Ren said with interest. "How would you like to become my apprentice? Learn how to fight properly?"
Peter chose that moment to run to Morgan and scoop her up, making her squeal in surprise.
"AIIIIE, Peter, don't do that!" She giggled.
"I'm so sorry if she was bothering you Supreme Leader, she tends to run off and show off her intellect whenever she gets the chance to." Peter said with more confidence than he felt.
"I had hoped that she would become my apprentice. I could train her well, she would live a successful life as my right hand."
Peter laughed a bit nervously before replying.
"She's a bit too young right now. Maybe when she's at least 16 I would let her decide if she still wants to or not."
"How unfortunate. I insist you reconsider." The deep voice of Kylo Ren replied.
"I apologize Supreme Leader, but I must decline. Well, we have somewhere to be very soon, so I believe this is farewell for now."
Peter carried Morgan back to the rest of the group and Morgan waved goodbye to Kylo Ren.
“Morguna, why did you run off without telling us?” Tony asked the young girl.
“We were worried you might have gotten lost, honey.” Pepper added.
“I’m sorry mommy, Kylo Ren asked me to be his right hand!" Morgan said, right off the bat.
Pepper's facial expression was a mix of horrified amusement and Tony was trying very hard not to laugh. Shuri and Harley looked very proud of Morgan for charming Kylo Ren himself. Sarah was just laughing at the whole situation.
"And I told her no, because she is too young." Peter interjected "Besides, you are supposed to be with the Resistance Morgs, what happened to that?"
"She double crossed you is what happened."Harley replied "Betrayed her own brother, who is supposed to be a con artist."
Everyone burst out laughing at that comment and after it died down, they all went to Rise of the Resistance.
NOTE: This is my first fic on Tumblr, and I think I might do more? It depends on if I have time to write, hahaha! Also if you have seen this on Wattpad, don’t panic, this is the same person who has it on there, I am not stealing someone else’s work. I am taking my own writing and putting it on Tumblr. Also, I know that Disneyland is literally on the opposite side of the country for them, but for the sake of me never having gone to Disney World, I used Disneyland instead. Because I know nothing about the parks layout in Florida.
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timetrickster · 5 years
Aloha Oe X Edith Nox Crossover Episode 8: Ice + Fire = Emotions
So, this episode has music, I recommend you play the music.
@cometworks < author of her novel.
Tag: @coloursintheblur , @thelysstener
And here we go!
The aftermath of the RAVEN MONSTER had passed. VODNIK, slimy and sneaky frogman and right hand to the disgraced Fate NEYDOLYA. He returns to his mistress’s side and gives full reports.
Vodnik… your reports.
Mistress Neydolya, I’ve come to report that the ritual by the Necromancers brought him back.
A successful mission, presumed. Do you have what is required of the spell?
Yes, mistress. (He presents her with a book with the ritual circle drawn and list of ingredients next to it.)
She grabs the book and looks over it.
Good. The Empath Witch?
The news of the Black Beast’s return had sent her into a state of rage. Her mind fractured separating her core emotions.
FLASHBACK: VODNIK had followed JUSTIN & VIOLET holding a knocked out EDITH.
Interesting. Empath Magic has that capability. Search the archives, there may be an item that has a similar ability. What shall we do with the Princess?
A demon of her own design, her ice, her fire, and her fear.
It was mid-morning, the sun was shining, and JUSTIN was in his private quarters. He conversed with ENOCH.
Enoch, open Diary Recording. Nox Universe. 582. New entry.
Diary Entry Number 8. Recording begins.
It’s been a couple of weeks now in this universe. I made amazing new friends and a world full of magic and possibly beyond. Recently fought a raven mutant monster. Noemi and Argento have soul summoned him by accident… glad he found some new development in himself. I wonder what will happen this day. (He falls silent.) Stop recording.
VIOLET comes into his private quarters slowly.
Justin? I need to talk.
Come on in.
They both sit down together.
JUSTIN (cont’d)
What’s up?
There’s this person… that I… I… I…
Like a lot?
VIOLET already feeling awkward enough just shuts her mouth up. Shakes her head up and down answering his question. JUSTIN smirks with excitement. VIOLET felt a little awkward due to the fact she doesn’t open up to many people and with someone that’s an alien. She felt like the only person she could talk too was him.
Who? Boy? Or Girl? (He looked at her as if he was inspecting clues written on her face ) Girl? Isn’t it?
VIOLET nods again.
JUSTIN (cont’d)
Someone new? Someone you’re close to?
Someone I’m close to.
Oh, lovely. Uh, military officer?
She’s not in the military.
Oh, okay, uh. So personal then?
VIOLET was silent but was looking at a plant in the corner of the room. JUSTIN realizing who she likes very much his jaw drops.
JUSTIN (cont’d)
Noooooo… No. No. Really?!
Drawn back from his words, VIOLET was scared.
WHAT?! What?!
Is it… is it Edith?
There was a slight smile on his face, VIOLET became rather shy and had a pinkish red tone flushing her cheeks. The feeling of embarrassment and feelings of lov- lov- lo- liking someone a lot. Her face squished from liking someone a lot and embarrassment she tries to hide her face with both hands. A smile was finally formed on JUSTIN’S face as he goes to sit next to her and comfort her.
JUSTIN (cont’d)
Hey, no, no. It’s okay.
He was rather caring and supportive.
Dude, you like Edith?
V! That’s great! It’s amazing!
Look I know you’re nervous and like I told Noemi. I was so afraid and nervous too. I fell in love with Hoku since I attended high school on Earth. I… uh… it was her eyes. Those shining brown eyes that reminded me of the stars.
That sounds… sweet of you for Hoku. But I can’t express it to her, I’m afraid…
Again I know how you feel. Even my daughter felt exactly the same way when she met her boyfriend.  
Wait you have a daughter?
Adopted. But she’s still my little girl. Despite being a similar age to her.
She’s a hundred too?
No, just a regular Panguan girl. She’s only 17. But anyways… let me help you out.
Both VIOLET & EDITH with a picnic basket in hand are walking toward the Lapis Forrest. VIOLET felt the feelings of nervousness. Something she was unable to feel before due to the fact she is trained to face things beyond terrifying than this. As well as being both Princess and Commander, to an entire kingdom. But this… this was nothing compared to fighting other witches and wizards and facing an entire kingdom.
VIOLET has a quick flashback:
Ok! What does Edith like?
Uh… gardening, libraries, tea, people, puzzles, questions…
I meant… on a date but that’s good. Where does she like to spend her time?
The Lapis Forrest.
Maybe a picnic?
She loves picnics.
Then great! Start off with a picnic!
VIOLET distracted trying to remember what to do, EDITH had already set up the picnic set.
Violet? Are you okay?
VIOLET was caught zoning out. EDITH motions her to sit on the blanket.
What? Oh, sorry a bit distracted. (She sits)
You okay?
I’m fine. How was your day?
I don’t know really, the day has just begun but I’m pretty much happy that you asked me to go on a picnic. Want to go the Bazaar later?
I’d love that.
VIOLET & EDITH are enjoying their picnic, filled with their favorite foods and drinks.
Can you really believe it?
Believe what?
Justin… him being an alien and all that. Space. There’s really more out there in the universe.
VIOLET recalls to a flashback of EDITH on Gaia. VIOLET recalls a memory of EDITH and LEANA both holding hands of LEANA. Being two big sisters to her, they had watched the stars while a night on the town.
Yeah… I couldn’t believe it either.
You were quite harsh with him too.
I was still learning how to trust him. Plus a boy spouting about aliens and space and different universes isn’t exactly normal for us.
True… but he turned out to be a good person.
He is a good man… he brought new experiences for us.
Time travel! Universe travel! He took you to see Clementine…
I know… despite what happened… I know he was trying to be kind…
EDITH gets closer to her to comfort her. VIOLET'S inner thoughts made her blush.
NO! Don’t be. I just miss her, ya know? Wishing I had more time and all but I know she’s in a better place.
That’s good… and she’s probably watching over you right now.
VIOLET looks at her scars and smiles.
I know.
The feeling of happiness surrounded their soon to be a fun-filled day.
The Lapis Forrest was this unique beauty within itself. It was home to a species of tree that produces blue buds when flowering. Just like the color of lapis lazuli. The leaves are a very deep green. There were huge rocks of Lapis Lazuli everywhere as well.
In the Bazaar, there was filled with magical creatures here and there and humans as well. A peaceful coexistence, everyone acknowledges VIOLET as their princess with greetings and bowing.
Famous as always.
Well… I am a princess. (She smiles with pride)
EDITH laughs and smiles, she sees something catching her eye and sees gemstones which make her overall happy. She eyes a simple and basic quartz crystal on the vendor’s table.
QUARTZ! (A smile was glued on her face)
She holds it and sees it change color, to Mellow.
Are you an Empath, if I may ask?
I am!
Then that is the perfect gemstone for you. That quartz is enchanted as a sort of aura looker. You can see their emotions.
The gemstone was imperfect but EDITH loved it anyway. She looks through the clearness and saw the VENDOR’S aura showing mellow.
That will be a 15 Units.
EDITH checks her wallet but was short on cash.
Aw man… I don’t have enough units.
VIOLET sees her sad face and steps in, holding 15 units. Their coin currency were metal thin rectangles.
There were huge rocks of Lapis Lazuli everywhere as well.
Fifteen Units, here ya go.
The VENDOR shocked by her presence, he bows.
Princess Violet!
Hello, my lovely subject.
You have graced me with your presence, your highness. Please take the quartz in honor of you my princess.
She places the units on the table.
No. You are a hardworking man. You deserve to be paid for what you do. Please.
He bows and EDITH takes the gemstone and she holds it in both hands. Scrutinizing it and holding to her eye and looking through it. She looks at VIOLET and sees her current aura, it was all pink and with EDITH’S magic it amplified it. Seeing the emotion of love. The excitable EDITH curious as always smiles after the discovery.
V? (She steps closer to her) You like someone? (She whispered)
Surprised and scared by the question, VIOLET had believed EDITH knew her feelings for her.
How did you know?
She was scared and embarrassed that her true feelings were revealed.
Is it a prince?!
Showing some relief, she answers.
No. It’s not a prince.
Knowing you no prince can win your heart. A Military man?
Uh… no.
Oh my… a normal boy?
VIOLET nods and shows embarrassment.
EDITH (cont’d)
A NORMAL BOY! A princess and a simple boy. That reminds me of a fairy tale momma read to me once. TELL ME! TELL ME!
We met… uh… we met during a trip to a Blacksmith. Father was making a request for a blade to be made once I reached eighteen. He was the son of the blacksmith… and I thought he was handsome.
That’s so adorable! YOU SHOULD MEET HIM AGAIN!
I don’t think I can.
Don’t deny your feelings V… You’ll never know how he truly feels.
Edith… you know me… I’m not raised by my emotions… everything I am I was just… I don’t know! (She became emotional) I’m a Princess and a military commander… I trained myself to be serious and…
You wear a heart of steel.
But knowing you… determined as always. You’ll find a way to show that handsome… handsome boy love you.
JUSTIN doing research as he has a plate of food and soda next to a fancy glass cup. VIOLET rushes in and was extremely worried. She hugs JUSTIN to which he responds to treat her like a big baby.
Hey! How was the picnic? Was it bad?
Not it was good…
She sounded like a child as she said her sentences like a child.
Then why are you upset?
Because… she… almost found out I liked her… (She pouts)
Did she?
No… she saw my aura with this gemstone that amplified her magic. It was pink… I was in love.
JUSTIN smiles sits her down on a chair.
That’s good! Did you tell her?
No… I made up someone…
JUSTIN rubs his face with his right hand.
Are there any further plans?
I don’t know…
I think you should tell her.
VIOLET jumps out of her seat grabbing JUSTIN by his shirt.
No! I can’t Justin!
But why?
Because I can’t do it! I don’t think I can do it! (She starts to cry)
Tears were falling down her face.
I am just a princess… and a soldier… and I’m complicated! Edith wants normal! And simple! And everything else normal! I’M NOT NORMAL! I AM EVERYTHING COMPLICATED!
She cries in JUSTIN’S shoulder to hide her face. He caressed her back to make her feel better.
How can someone so beautiful have so much power over my heart?
It’s called love… it’s the most complex feeling in the world and yet it makes you feel so happy. And I can’t believe you said that about her.
Said what?
You called her beautiful.
Despite the tears, that little sly comment made her smile.
She really is… how can someone like that ever love someone so complicated as me?
Love suffers long and is kind.
Where’s that from?
A thing called the Bible. It’s an Earth thing.
VIOLET laughs.
What am I gonna do?
You get her attention. How’s a dinner in the Lapis Forrest? Any good spots?
Um… there’s this spot that would be nice for a dinner date. It’s by a stream and it’s a huge space.
Sounds perfect. Enoch, do you still have the Digital Construction Box?
Of course, Captain.
ENOCH makes the item appear on the table through digital transport. JUSTIN grabs the box and throws it in the air catching it.
You ready?
I guess…
No. (He kneels before her) Violet Choi. Look at me.
She does so and looks at him in the eyes. Her face showing a somewhat of wallowing sadness and shame. JUSTIN’S face held this slight smile but didn’t give off the sense of happiness. He held much of his breathe in as it was too raspy. His heart had opened to Violet as he spoke about the one girl that he honestly and truly loved.
Again… I know what this feels like. You are beyond… terrified. Despite being something so impossible. That somebody so normal as Edith…  can make all the difference in our lives so much better. I was scared, afraid that I would mess up… but I told her because I couldn’t stand the longing and the aching pain of my heart. Now, she loves me… somebody I believed I wasn’t worthy enough for… somebody who always had their heart open just for me.
His heart was worn as if it were a crown and laid out for Violet to see. What he had spoken was all too true for her as well, as is with everyone else who experiences love, I guess in some cases.  
JUSTIN (cont’d)
So please don’t say, “I guess” say “I’m ready.” because deep down you love her… and somewhere along the way, you won’t know if she feels the same way.
VIOLEt had raindrop type of tears, she still held a serious face but had that sadness attached to it.
I want to tell her so bad… but I can’t. My heart feels locked… and it stops me from telling how I truly feel.
I think I can help with that.
JUSTIN breathes in and puts both hands together, he breathes out and his eyes glow orange. Using his aura manipulation to unlock his Empath powers. He places his right index and middle finger on VIOLET’S forehead. Sending a wave of energy to her heart, as the orange energy zooms straight to her heart as it glows ever so brightly through her skin. Showing a little animation of a keyhole on her heart and it was magically unlocked.
VIOLET felt different, her heart was… lighter… no more steel, no more hiding behind the armor she built so long ago. She stood up from her chair and smiled.
I feel different… I feel… uh…
Happier? (He smiles awkwardly)
I think so… (She turns to Justin) Huh… you handsome Jus.
Thank you… (He laughs a little) Violet, I think it worked.
You complimented me… you rarely do that.
VIOLET realizing this had her eyes prop up like a map being opened up and down.
You’re right… I… I am happy. I feel happy! And… I love Edith Nox! (She closes her mouth)
Realizing she said that aloud, she reached a new level of happiness. She jumps for joy and hugs JUSTIN.
VIOLET (cont’d)
I’m happy! (She says with glee)
That’s amazing! Now… let me ask you this. What would Edith like on a dinner date?
VIOLET thinks to herself.
She loves music.
Do you guys have any love songs? Like before the apocalypse?
There are several… but I don’t think they’d be good.
JUSTIN smirks again, now holding his phone in his hand.
(He smiles) Luckily you have a friend, who's an alien, from another universe. Who also happens to live on Earth.
This is gonna be perfect. (She smiles once more)
The stage has been set, no literally. JUSTIN had used the 3D Digital Construction Box and digitally built a wooden deck that filled the surroundings of the grove. Complete with a table meant for VIOLET & EDITH and a piano. JUSTIN had set up fairy lights along the surrounding trees to help with the lighting. To accent the glowing and enormous lapis lazuli rocks.
There were other lights to help brighten up the stage. The sound of the stream nearby made things seem so peaceful. Everyone was there, JUSTIN, NOEMI, PERIWINKLE, ARGENTO. They all had a hand in helping to make this date perfect. The Wooden Deck also came with a perfect kitchen, to which JUSTIN had the ultimate experience of knowing how to cook, having spent time with his adopted human father.
JUSTIN had prepared a series of Hawaiian foods, due to growing up in Hawaii for a few years of his life. From appetizers to dessert, it was all prepared. NOEMI & ARGENTO have dressed accordingly as waiter and waitress.
You guys ready?
This is gonna be great! I still can’t believe Violet likes Edith!
Ok! First Thanks for inviting me! Second, (She turns toward Justin) You’re an alien! I can’t believe that! Three, this is so friggin romantic! (She squeals joyfulness with each sentence)
We’re all ready! Noemi, Argento! You are the waiters and you shall deliver the food! Peri, I want you to take them to their seats after that set the mood. (He whispers in her ear)
They all break, as the food had already been prepared and they take their places. VIOLET & EDITH had shown up with EDITH wearing a blindfold.
Where are we going?!
It’s a practice dinner… when I meet with the boy again…
Having seen JUSTIN in the distance and PERIWINKLE on a stepping stool near her hand. She was the Restaurant Host. VIOLET takes the blindfold off of EDITH and both smile. EDITH takes her excitement to a new level, as her containment was held by VIOLET’S hands who she placed on EDITH’S shoulders.
Hi Peri! Our reservations?
Right, this way you two!
She steps off her stool and holds both VIOLET & EDITH’S hands. Standing in the middle of both of them, leading them to the only table in the center of the huge deck. They both sit on the chairs, and PERIWINKLE had presented them with the menu of what’s to come.
Welcome to… Astriferous Grove! Chef Justin has prepared an alternate universe main course from his universe. Your waiters will be my big brother, Noemi and the love of his life Argento.
JUSTIN had some lyricless music, play as it was a simple tune, a peaceful beat. (Play Monday Loop by Tomppabeats until you see stop) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2z8CSRP_ok) PERIWINKLE summons her wind constructed wings and rises to the sky. She sets the mood, she manipulates the wind with her magic. Creating a light breeze having the trees sway to the beat of the music. NOEMI & ARGENTO show up as waiters, handing them the menu of what to expect to eat.
For your appetizers, expect a… (He grabs the menu from Edith) Spicy Ahi… Poke (Po-kay) and a Spam Musubi.
ARGENTO For the main course, Loco Moco. A bed of rice topped with a cooked burger patty and a sunny side up egg. Drenched with gravy with hints of chili flakes due to the liking of spiciness.
And for dessert. Malasadas, Coco Puffs, Chocolate Hau- Haupia… Pie. With Shave Ice.
Let’s start off with drinks. Water?
I’d love some water! (She speaks with a boyish voice.)
Water as well, please.
NOEMI with his wings flies over to the kitchen counter and holds a plated dish to carry the cups of water. ARGENTO placing them down on their specific side of the table. They both disappear to the kitchen leaving EDITH & VIOLET to talk alone. Having the uncaged excitement she bursts with such happiness.
VIOLET smiles.
EDITH (cont’d)
DUDE YOU’RE SMILING! (She wiggles in her seat)
I know I am. (She laughs)
Everything about this place is perfect! The glowing lapis lazuli! The little lights! The swaying breeze and the music! AND FOOD FROM A DIFFERENT UNIVERSE! AH!
I’m glad you love it! (She smiled)
Love it? I’m infatuated with this! This is so romantic! Wish someone would do this for me.
Well… since you're my dinner date right now… I’m doing this for you.
Why thank you, your highness!
NOEMI & ARGENTO return with the appetizers, a bowl of Spicy Ahi Poke (Po-kay), and a spam musubi. Both grab a fork and dig into the first dish. The forks stabbed into the dish, the prongs had easily pierced the raw tuna marinated with sriracha mayonnaise. Cutting part of the rice with it and scooping it up and taking the first bite. Their eyes brighten as their taste buds had taken the first bite.
The taste of the spicy ahi was unique. The cold and raw tuna had sent that chill, it was as if there was dance was going on. The combined spice from the sriracha mayo, combating with the chill and made it all too delectable. The crunch of the sliced up scallions was heard and the small bed of rice of its warm heat calms both elemental flavors of spice and chill. Leaving behind the everlasting heat, but the chill that was a simple breeze.
(With her mouth full and eyes closed) That’s so good!
EDITH had probably seen the face of God… well, in this case, she already has seen them. She was the same as VIOLET eyes closed and internally happy with her mouth full. They finished the bowl, holding their faces.
OH MY GOD, THAT’S THE TASTE OF HAWAII?! I LOVE IT! (She had tears of joy.)
The move on to the Spam Musubi, this rectangle sushi like creation. This version is shown two spams, one of each on both top and bottom. Wrapped in the middle was a seaweed wrap, the spam had a lightish brown sauce underneath.
Justin suggests eating this with your hands. Better experience.
They do so, and their first bite was… well, it was delicious. The saltiness of the spam was laid out as a bed on their tongues. The sweet teriyaki sauce made the salt taste all to better. The moistness of the seaweed complimented the heat of the rice. They were in love all over again, knowing the taste of Hawaiian food made this dinner date all too delectable.
NOEMI & ARGENTO had taken away their appetizer plates and return to the kitchen. Where JUSTIN had been all too articulate with serving them their main course.
Did they enjoy?!
They did!
Awesome! I have some plates for you guys too. Peri is actually eating the ones made for her right now. (He points to his right)
PERIWINKLE had her eyes closed as she had gone to Food Heaven.
JUSTIN (cont’d)
Just finish serving them and you guys get to enjoy your plates.
NOEMI & ARGENTO both look at each other and grab the main course. Loco Moco. A dish with a bed of steaming rice topped with a cooked burger patty and a sunny side up egg. With gravy poured over all the dish. VIOLET & EDITH grab knives and forks.
They dig in immediately, the heat from the patty and rice sent the sensation of a fire steaming in their mouths. The yolk of the egg was cut open as the slice let the yolk runs down every inch of the dish. The yolk had made the gravy more delectable and the chili flakes kicked in the spiciness added to the dish. They felt the same feelings as before.
Dessert had arrived immediately, as NOEMI & ARGENTO were so eager to try JUSTIN’S cooking. They take away their dinner plates and immediately return to the kitchen. They see their plates dinners ready and rises up to Food Heaven.
Desert for VIOLET & EDITH was sugar galore. The Malasadas was like biting off a piece off a cloud of fluffiness. The fluffiness of the bread had released pockets of warmness on their taste buds. The sugar complimented the taste as the sweetness added an entire level.
They move onto the Coco Puffs, it was chilled to the point where the bread had this stale-ish taste. Although the cream filling inside chilled inside made the taste of it ultra better. VIOLET had taken a like to the custard coco puff, as it oozed custard filling. As well again, the chill of the desert. While EDITH enjoyed the chocolate cocoa puff as the chocolate filling was a different taste.
The penultimate one was this gorgeous looking pie with whipped cream covering a haupia layer and chocolate filling inside. IT too was chilling and the coldness of the desert was all too tasteful. VIOLET loving every single cold desert, she hadn’t noticed that her ice magic was crawling up on her. EDITH was a major sweet tooth and couldn’t stop eating and wanted more.
THIS IS SO GOOD! (She cries out)
Can we just live in Justin’s universe?! I WANT HAWAII FOOD FOREVER!
Their last and final dessert was Shave Ice. A Hawaiian snow cone, but is way massive than what normally people expect. The colors of the rainbow surrounded it. Eating ice with different flavors was rather addicting, as the colors laid down on their tongues and the over sprinkled sugar had caused them to go into a state of insanity for the moment.  
The Dinner Date had ended, both VIOLET & EDITH were full. Sitting on their chairs like they eat half of a feast made for kings and queens from near and far.
I’m so full… (She rubs her tummy as she moans in agony)
Me too… but it was all worth it.
Yeah… it was. (She smiles a little but places her head on the table)
JUSTIN appears near their table. (Monday Loop STOPS PLAYING)
I suggest you guys move around to help with the digestion.
He nudges VIOLET, motioning her to a dance floor near the stage. JUSTIN suddenly appears at the piano, ready to play a song. He speaks into a mic.
JUSTIN (cont’d)
Alrighty… this lovely night special night for a Princess and her soon to be the love of her life. Uh… what his name Violet?
Um… uh… Edward… Edward Lux.
Aw, cute!
Alright. Let’s dance.
JUSTIN places both hands on the piano keys, ready to play. Feeling the ivory material under his fingertips. He plays the song Your Song by Elton John.
JUSTIN (cont’d)
Uh… grab a partner.
Being that VIOLET & EDITH were the only ones on the dance floor. They realized JUSTIN meant the two of them to dance.
Oh… I think he means you and me.
Oh, makes sense. Considering were the only ones on the dance floor and since I am filling in for Edward. May I have this dance? (she does a bow as respect)
VIOLET smiles and returns the bow and they begin to dance. JUSTIN begins to play the song. He sings the song which surprises everyone around, hearing a voice of what some would describe as an angel or an even a god. He didn’t prefer either title despite literally being a god himself. He was just a simple alien boy playing and singing music.  
Justin, you always surprise everyone, don’t you? (She smiles)
They danced to the song, suddenly they see waves of colorful light of the sound of the song. They look at on and continue to dance. EDITH with her magic senses the feelings of happiness all around. VIOLET inside was having the time of her life. Dancing with the girl she deeply, deeply loves.
After the dance, JUSTIN speaks again.
I’d like to make a mention of my little sister, Hathor. Who is an amazing artist and comes from a planet where art is taken to a whole new level. Violet… I think it’s time to say what you need to say.
VIOLET comes to the stage and is handed the microphone by JUSTIN.
VIOLET Ok… um… I’m not very good at this. But… uh… I never admitted something like this before… so please just… uh… bear with me,(She breathes in, then out.) I love you. I know that’s so broad and out there but… I really and truly love you. The first time I met you, I hated you. It was unreasonable and I… I’m so so sorry. I blamed you for the one thing I couldn’t control… and I felt so terrible about it. But over the course of our story, we became friends. You defeated the one thing I couldn’t and gave me a reason to keep going despite all the painful and aching memories. And that… after all that… my heart just longed for you. You filled the missing piece of me that was ripped away by that monster. And I held this in for so, so long, and I can’t wait any longer.
She steps off the stage and walks up to EDITH. Her eyes were teary-eyed, like shiny stars. Gleaming with the colors of the glowing lapis lazuli. Her heart of steel along with ice had been unlocked and melted away. It was gleaming every essence of “True Love” had resonated.  
VIOLET (cont’d)
Edith Nox… I love you.
EDITH’S heart had stopped for that one moment. Her magic revealed to her senses that VIOLET’S aura was glowing pink aka love. Actual and true love for her. JUSTIN plays the piano, playing song Can’t Help Falling In Love by Elvis Presley. VIOLET steps a few paces back and begins to sing the song.
EDITH begins to cry tears of joy after feelings of VIOLET even more through the song she sang. NOEMI, ARGENTO & PERIWINKLE dance in a circle with all hands together. The songs ends and VIOLET sees EDITH standing in the same spot, unresponsive.
VIOLET (cont’d)
Look… I know this was a huge surprise… but I don’t know… I love you and if you don’t share the same feelings I understand.
She begins to ramble but EDITH taking her by surprise gives her a kiss. NOEMI, ARGENTO, & PERIWINKLE cheer for them. JUSTIN sits on his piano chair and smiles at the fact this mission was a total success. With their heads pressed against each other and eyes closed.
I love you too, Violet Choi.
She laughs which makes VIOLET give her a kiss in return.
Hidden within the darkness was the shadow of the slime and sneaky frog man, VODNIK. With his magic floating orb.
Mistress, we found them.
Start the spell. (She says to herself) It has begun. (She has this malicious smile on her face)
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writeyouin · 7 years
Swerve X Reader – A Human Crewmate - Chapter 9 Part 1
A Play-Date with Megatron Part 1
A/N – Based on a lot of head-canons from @rocksinmuffin and @straightouttacybertron so extra special thanks to them for that. Fun fact, Lepoteran is a word I made up based off Lepidoptera which is the scientific name for a moth.
Warnings – None.
Rating – T
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Swerve watched as you paced the bar, speaking excitedly of the planet Hacathar which you would all soon visit. He loved seeing you like this, as did most of the crew. By now, quite the crowd had gathered to hear what you wanted to see upon visiting.
“I wonder what kind of people live there,” You beamed.
“It’s a space-port,” Nightbeat answered, happy to show off his knowledge. “Ships from all over the galaxy refuel in the port while the planet itself is for people to get a break from ship life.”
“Cool… Hey, will stuff there be too small for you?”
“No need to worry about us short stuff,” a slightly overcharged Chromedome laughed, patting your head with a servo which you playfully swatted away. “We’ve got to use our holoforms.”
“The illusion that makes us look human,” Rewind explained. “We also use mass displacement to reduce our weights.”
“Oh yeah, I saw some of those when I was brought aboard. Rodimus, Maggie, and Rung used them.”
“They’re stupid,” Whirl complained loudly. “They don’t want us there! Then why fragging go?!”
“If you hate it so much, why are you going?” A mech called Wrecker asked angrily.
“Maybe I’m going to trash the place.”
“Oh yeah? How ‘bout you scrap off before I trash you?”
Whirl stepped forward threateningly, “You piece of scrap, I’ll-”
“I’ll bet,” You interrupted loudly, “that this planet doesn’t accept non-organics because they’re jealous; I would be too if I was faced with someone way more awesome than me. Never meet your heroes, right?”
Whirl laughed obnoxiously, “You’re right meat sack, smart fragger.”
“So, you’re not going to break anything?”
“Not when they clearly idolise me. Gotta keep the worship coming.”
Everybody watched in awe, all wondering the same thing. How had you stopped Whirl from fighting? Nobody could control him; it was a fact he was immensely proud of. If anyone bothered to ask Whirl why he’d acted so out of character, he would have lied or shrugged it off. In truth, Whirl was afraid of disappointing you. You were a clean slate, someone who didn’t know or care about his past. You understood him without trying to change him; in short, he respected you. Without showing affection or anything that would jeopardise his reputation, Whirl made the effort to find ways to listen to you, even if it meant taking the bait to obvious lies aimed at stroking his ego.
“Great because I’m looking forward to a little window shopping,” You chimed.
The conversation resumed at a normal pace once again. Meanwhile, when everyone else was in jovial conversation, Swerve worried between serving drinks. He’d spent so much time planning everything the two of you would do together that he hadn’t even considered his holoform. Swerve was no stranger to what passed as handsome on Earth and that concerned him. He wasn’t tall, slim, or remotely muscled and up until now, he hadn’t minded but what if you saw him and were repulsed or expecting more. There wasn’t time to change the holoform now but Primus, he wished he could.
Swerve opened his mouth to shoot a casual question about Earth shops but before he could, the ship’s PA came on, calling you to Megatron’s office.
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When you reached the right corridor, Rodimus stomped out of the office. Upon seeing you, he pointed and yelled, “Just so you know, this isn’t my fault,” before storming off again.
You frowned, confused until Megatron called you in with a stiff, “Enter human.”
You stood awkwardly I the doorway, looking up at Megatron who’s discomfort showed. Despite his displeasure, Megatron spoke solemnly, “Thank you for coming, we have something very important to discuss. Tomorrow we arrive at Hacathar and it has come to my attention you intend to go to the planet’s surface. Unfortunately, I cannot allow you to do that, instead you must stay here with Ratchet. You have my humblest apologies.”
“WHAT?!” You exploded. “Why can’t I go?”
“A foreign planet holds many dangers for… one of your kind,” Megatron lied. He couldn’t tell you the real reason; that a Cybertronian aboard the Lost Light was trying to kill you and the planet would provide too many opportunities to do so.
You sighed heavily, “Megatron, I’m afraid I can’t stay on the ship tomorrow. I mean, I didn’t want to bring this up and panic anyone but- but- I’ll die if I don’t get onto a planet soon.”
“Excuse me?”
“Human’s need exposure to natural pathogens to survive, we store them in our blood streams for ages but I’m beginning to run low; if I don’t top up soon, I’ll- I’ll-” You managed to start crying.
Megatron shuffled uncomfortably, unsure of what to do; your lie was taking a heavy toll on him. He couldn’t leave you unprotected, nor could he let you die; his processor was working hard to come up with a workable solution.
“Very well human,” Megatron said tiredly, “we shall reach a compromise. You may visit the planet to replenish your pathogens however, I shall be there to accompany you for the entire day.”
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“I mean, can you believe it? Megatron actually told me I can’t go with anyone but him. Does he really think I’m that bloody fragile?” You ranted at Swerve who was feeling more and more crestfallen. Once again, all his plans to make you happy had been foiled. It was almost like there was a force keeping the two of you apart.
Despite his despair, Swerve slapped on a false smile and hid behind humour, “Hey, it could be worse, I can’t believe you managed to trick him like that. I mean, enzymes? That’s hilarious.”
You grimaced guiltily, “Gosh, I’m sorry Swerve. I’ve been bitching at you this entire time but you’re right, at least I get to go out now. I wish I could still go with you but there’ll be lots of time to spend together afterwards. Hey, how about we get a few bots together for a game night when we get back?”
Swerve gave an enthusiastic thumbs up, “You got it.”
You beamed and stretched, “Alright, I’m gonna get some sleep before we hit the planet. Night Swerve.”
“Right and I’ll be right here… recharging.”
Swerve laid on the berth, thoughts once again consuming him. Did he have a problem? He’d already considered this time and time again, constantly switching between conclusions. It was very possible that he needed to get over you, for you were the impossible; despite that, he didn’t want to get over you. It was near impossible to stop thinking about you except for when he talked with friends, providing a distraction to his overworked processor. The only problem with that method was that very few people considered him friend enough to converse with; in all honesty, he was lonely before you came along.
“Damn it, why can’t she go back to just a hot frag fantasy? At least then, I didn’t care.”
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You pouted as various bots went to the ship’s docking bay and you awaited Megatron who had delivered you a set of rules while you slept. Never had you felt more patronised than when you read them.
Rule 1: You must wait till everyone else has left before we leave.
Rule 2: You will stay in sight at all times.
Rule 3: No wandering off.
Rule 4: No outside communication without my permission - that includes other crew members.
Rule 5: There will be no mention of Cybertronians on the planet surface.
Rule 6: There will be no consumption of alien foods so as to avoid injury or disease.
Rule 7: No visiting of bars, clubs, or any other such rowdy areas.
Rule 8: No participation in dangerous events.
Rule 9: No usage of the name Megatron upon the planet’s surface so as to avoid conflict.
Rule 10: You will follow my instruction at all times.
 You tapped at the datapad keyboard adding to the document.
Rule 11: No fun.
 Megatron cleared his vocaliser at you, “I see you’ve been studying the code of conduct I’ve given.”
You turned the datapad screen off, hiding the addition, and forced a grin, “I sure have, Megs.”
“Rule nine, no use of your name on the planet; I was just practicing,” You said innocently.
Megatron frowned coolly; you were almost sure his face had only one setting by now.
“So… can we go now?” You asked.
Megatron nodded and applied his holo-form.
“Whoa… dude, you look awesome.”
Megatron ignored the praise, mainly because he didn’t know what to say; very few had praised him unless out of fear and now, nobody did, not that he felt he deserved it. He walked to the docking bay with you by his side where he could keep an optic on you.
You gasped upon reaching the ramp. The planet below was similar to a rainforest, with thick foliage of the lushest blue creating a tall canopy over the sandy floor. Buildings were scattered under the bushes and trees in a random order; they were seemingly made of sharp, long slabs of crystal. You briefly found yourself wondering if they were onyx. Various market stalls outside the buildings had thatched roofs made of yellow, straw like flowers. With a mix of odd foods on one, clothes the likes of which you’d never seen on another, and technology on a third, you were reminded of old bazaars seen on films. Then, there were the people, all organics like you, yet wholly different. There was a person who looked like a humanoid caterpillar with a long body and multiple hands. Then there were hulking elephants of people inching their way through the crowds with polite exclamations. Somebody examining jewellery had a large maw with razor teeth and apparently no eyes or nose; that person was actually licking the necklace it was holding.
You beamed excitedly at Megatron; it was like nothing you’d ever imagined. You ran straight for the first stall, a clothes stall with labelled racks that indicated not size but species. Megatron glared, he should have made another rule, no running. He paced towards you, maintaining a dignified speed while you listened to the shop keep, a sort of moth man, speaking with a customer; you were amazed by the ship’s translator that Perceptor had previously explained. Eventually, the moth man caught you staring.
“Can I help you?” He harrumphed disdainfully.
“Uh yeah, sure,” You breathed, attempting to calm your boggled mind. “Do you have any clothes for humans?”
“You can’t read?”
You glanced sheepishly at the signs, “Oh yeah, right, sorry.”
“(Y/N),” Megatron glowered, appearing by your side.
“The rules.”
“Oh come on Megs, I haven’t done anything yet.”
“Your communication says otherwise.”
“What that? I didn’t know you meant I can’t talk to anyone, I was only asking-” You faltered at Megatron’s scowl, “You know what Megs, when you’re right, you’re right, sorry.”
“Well, at least you behave better than Rodimus.”
Usually, you would have argued your point, but you weren’t willing to push Megatron too far lest he took away your outdoor privileges.
It took only a minute to find the rack for human section and when you did, you were disappointed to find only one hideous, mustard coloured jumper that was much too small anyway.
“What a bust,” You murmured, looking around for the next store.
Your excitement was quickly restored upon spotting a music store which was playing a song you knew well.
“Oh my God,” You laughed. “They have the YMCA in space.”
You grabbed Megatron’s hand, pulling him quickly to the music stall, where you started to dance, much to his consternation.
“Dance with me,” You giggled.
“I do not dance.”
“Come on, every ex-warlord should know how to dance. Besides, this one’s easy, you just have to make the letters. If you don’t like this one, I can see if they have the Macarena.”
“I have no idea what you just said,” Megatron deadpanned.
You danced with even more enthusiasm, and started singing along with your own words, “Old man, you can’t help yourself. Old man, do it for your good health. Old man, old man, come and dance with me, after that I will set you free. It’s the YMCA, come and dance to the YMCA.”
As you crooned, Megatron suffered; as it turned out, you didn’t behave better than Rodimus.
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While you danced, Swerve was miserable. He’d visited all the places he’d planned to take you… alone. None of it meant anything without you; he was once again friendless. Now, it was approaching the planet’s early sunset and Swerve was stood by himself on a curved, wooden bridge which overlooked a flowing river; in a few short minutes, it would also have the perfect view of an effect known to occur on Earth, aurora borealis, more commonly known as the Northern Lights.
Light moaning revealed that Swerve wasn’t alone as he’d first thought. He looked around and quickly spotted a pair of the planet’s native Lepoterans (the very moth people you’d discovered earlier) making out amorously in the side alley. Swerve sighed despondently, sloping off in another direction; he couldn’t catch a break.
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New Post has been published on https://travelonlinetips.com/9-of-the-best-coffee-shops-to-hit-in-and-around-cairns/
9 of the best coffee shops to hit in and around Cairns
Like most people on this planet with a mild physical dependence on coffee you might be worried about keeping scuba fit and holiday happy without the magic bean. Have no fear; for every one of the 160,000 residents of Cairns, there are another 2.7 million visitors who travel here every single year. That’s a lot of cranky peeps if they don’t get their coffee just right.
Thankfully good – indeed, great – coffee shops do exist. Hit the high notes during your holiday with this list of Cairns’ best brews.
Stop #1: Sipping Duck Café
There’s two things you’ll like about the Sipping Duck: It imports high-altitude beans from Latin America and roasts ’em daily and second, it’s fronted by barista and co-owner, Erik Ruelin, a half-French, half-Australian artist, who uses his creative skill to draw toothpick art on the crema.
Why go? With the first of two locations in Stratford, conveniently just outside the airport drive, the relaxed environment is frequented by locals. Besides, who doesn’t want a bit of anime with their brew?
Take me there: 29 Johnston St, Stratford & 15/223 Hartley St, Portsmith.
Stop #2: Blackbird Laneway
Troy Furner has been in coffee since he left school. Today, he and his wife run Blackbird Espresso, a morning perk for a barrage of lawyers en route to court, delivery dudes in their hi-viz fluoros and those who walk blocks just to lap up his Fairtrade organic house blend topped up by Misty Mountain milk from nearby Millaa Millaa.
For the non-dairy drinkers, Bonsoy Soy Milk, MilkLab Almond Milk and MilkLab Coconut Milk are also on the menu.
Why go? It’s pretty much the best coffee in town and it’s a local fave. Note: The focus is on the coffee and there is limited seating.
Take me there: Oceana Walk Arcade, 13/62 Grafton St, Cairns.
Stop #3: Bang & Grind
One shot of coffee and two shots of happiness. That’s what you’ll get at Bang & Grind, an independent café where the service dials up the friendship metre.
For holidaymakers, it also opens at 6am allowing a lot of time for sipping before snorkelling.
Why go? Apart from the decent coffee and friendly service, it’s one of the best places to perch and watch the world go by.
Take me there: 8/14 Spence Street, Cairns.
Stop #4: The Chamber Room
Come for the brew, stay for the brew and mouth-watering Butterbing cookie sandwiches straight outta Melbourne.
These guys have become legends on the coffee circuit since opening their speciality espresso and brew bar in the CBD’s Village Lane, but it’s not just their quality drip and sweet and savoury treats that are doing the trick. The owners are also known to happily sit down and guide you through the raft of choices and pouring processes. Total legends.
Why go? TCR is a hub for adults and promises no little disturbances. That means no milkshakes, no syrups, no babycinos i.e. no kids!
Take me there: Village Lane, 20 Lake Street, Cairns.
Stop #5: Caffiend
There’s a reason why first-timers to Caffiend always go back. Actually, make that three.
Cue deliciously good coffee roasted under the venue’s own Tattooed Sailor brand, paired with hearty bites designed on locally available and (mostly) seasonal produce, wrapped up in a trendy, Insta-worthy space with some serious art gallery feels.
Why go? It’s the coolest place in town and pumps out chilled tunes along with your brew.
Take me there: 72 Grafton Street, Cairns.
Stop #6: Origin Espresso
As one reviewer on Beanhunter puts it: “This is the spot where burnt Melbournians come to drink Melbourne-quality coffee that isn’t burnt.”
Now roasting in two cafe locations – the northern ‘burb of Stratford (just over 10 mins from the Cairns CBD) and Port Douglas – coffee snobs are treated to laid-back interiors blending well with beans from their own Four Mile Roasters (full-bodied and earthy) to produce a heavenly smooth brew.
Why go? You could easily while away half a day in the colourful industrial-meets-tropical chic interiors.
Take me there: 1 Dalgety St, Stratford & 21-23 Warner Street, Port Douglas.
Stop #7: Coffee Works
Who would have thought that a massive Titan shed in the middle of a light industrial estate one hour inland from Cairns in Mareeba could brew such fun?
Coffee Works is a mad cacophony of colour and aromas; a blend of chocolate shop meets Indian bazaar, a well-curated museum of historical coffee grinders and a kind of Disneyland for bean lovers, serving up more than 43 different blends.
Why go? To sample as many coffee flavours and liqueurs as your body can tolerate. Oh, and to also buy their number one souvenir: Queensland Blue Beans.
Take me there: 136 Mason St, Mareeba.
Stop #8: Petals & Pinecones
Their tagline is coffee and creativity, and boy, do they mean it.
Petals & Pinecones has become a destination in itself on the Atherton Tablelands thanks to the mother-daughter duo, Rylee and Anita. What they’ve created can only be described as the Willy Wonka of coffee shops, bursting with a kaleidoscope of flavours and colours from deliciously naughty sweet treats to jam-packed healthy hits.
While you might say to yourself you’re only here for the caffeine hit, expect to be subsequently persuaded into one of their milkshakes on steroids.
Why go? Check out their Instagram and you’ll see why.
Take me there: 6-8 Herberton Road, Atherton Tablelands.
Stop #9: Skybury Café & Roastery
Want a view with your brew? Then put Skybury on the list and drink up the sweeping vistas over a plantation that harvests low-altitude beans using only sustainable farming methods.
The family-owned business has been growing coffee for over 30 years on their 375-acre property (as well as tropical fruits), so rest assured they know their shiz when it comes to the liquid gold.
Why go? One word: views.
Take me there: 136 Ivicevic Road, Mareeba.
Fellow coffee fiends, are there any Cairns coffee shops you think we’ve missed?
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((What’s that? ANOTHER @last-of-my-bloodline RP that ends on a cliffhanger? I don’t know what you’re talking about I never do that (^: ))
Scourge might have been taking his time learning everything that had happened. The tentails, Finitevus, and the arrival of Fiona were of special concern to him. With time, he was just beginning to get used to these ideas, even if he wasn't comfortable with them.
But clearly, he was loving living out of the castle.
"Ain't what I thought a castle'd be like," Scourge said aloud. Himself, Manic, and Light were all walking through the portrait gallery of past monarchs. Manic was very careful with how he walked alongside Light, giving him as much support as he needed. "Thanks for lettin' me crash."
"And thanks for helping Light walk around." Manic said with an exaggerated pout. Scourge rolled his eyes and grinned, walked up to the king and helping him walk through the hall.
Light himself chuckled lightly as he looked to Scourge. “It is no problem, really, it wouldn’t have been right to have you living elsewhere,” he replied, though he did get a scolding from one of his least favored advisor, a wolf. The one thing he was glad about was the castle 'n the nearby towns were far more active now that repairs were pretty much complete. “The place has been very lively since the village learned of the soon to be newborn. It’s been interesting around here.”
"Yeah, honestly, just 'cause this ain't a city doesn't mean it's not exciting here," Manic said. "We've gotta take you to that huge street bazaar... I mean, when Shadow gets back with the baby stuff."
Scourge would occasionally steal looks at the baby bump, but wouldn't admit it. "Your wolf friend doesn't want me here," He admitted with a smile. "Don't think Shadow likes me, neither."
"Eh, he doesn't like anything. The dude doesn't even wanna see me going through the wrecked wing of the castle. The dude doesn't like my clothes!" Manic slowed down while they reached the end of the portrait gallery, near some blush benches. "Uh, you need to sit down, babe?"
With a soft nod, Light sat down. “My brother is just concerned that I may be lax on whether my puppy will learn…but I keep telling him being free to play n have fun is also important as well,” he said calmly. “But Fawlist is just a pain if you ask me, he’s always looking for an excuse to get mad n hate someone or something.”
Shadow didn’t take long to return with some stuff for the room. “How are things here?” He had asked the three. "T'sall good over here," Manic said, getting up to meet Shadow and check the bag. "Alright... Yeah, this should be everything we need for babyproofing and stuff, sweet!" Babyproofing. Manic may have been stressed, but Scourge was even moreso. Manic was actually having a child, and Shadow seemed to have plenty of disdain for him. Scourge silently watched from a distance as the two searched through the bag and made sure they had everything. It would only be a matter of weeks before the baby was born, and Scourge had no idea what was going to happen then. Light had easily known how Scourge worried about things recently, but hadn’t had the time to speak with him. “Think you guys are able to handle things?” He had asked them knowing how the two were with safety for the pup. "Yeah, we'll be good," Manic said. "This is all pretty simple stuff, we can handle this." Manic could tell Scourge was nervous, but he had too much bride to say anything about it. "Let's go get this stuff in. Scourge, can you look after Light for a while?" "Got it," Scourge said, letting the two walk out of the hall and towards the upstairs nursery. Scourge looked around at the paintings hanging. He didn't know much about art, that was more Manic's specialty, but he knew this was some gorgeous brushwork. "Nice paintings," he complimented. "These all your family?" Looking to him, he sighed slightly. “I’m sure some of them could be… I’ve been trying to make up on lost history due to the war that started when I was a baby. I know the two over there were my mother n her husband,” he replied. “My father lives in the regal woods with his pack.”
He then spoke up on the detail he was curious about. “You seem nervous… is it because of the pup?” He asked Scourge. Scourge wasn't surprised he'd seen through his act. "Yeah," he said simply. "Manic 'n me always joked about havin' a kid, but actually knowing he's gonna have one's weird." He leaned his back against the wall casually. "Ain't my first kid, but... it's my boyfriend, and it ain't my kid." He looked over to the two portraits Light had directed him to. "Though I guess that's the situation you came from." “Yeah. My brother n’ sister were related to the king, but my bloodline resides with the Alpha Lovos in the woods I am not sure how my mother's king reacted to my birth. I wasn’t old enough to know either of them since they died when I was a pup along with my siblings. My brother Shadow is from my adopted family in Darkring territory.” He then placed a paw on his stomach. “I know it must be strange, but blood relations or not I do love the idea of my children having extended family. Makes an interesting adventure in itself trying to manage an unusual lifestyle.” Light smiled lightly to Scourge. “I’m sure they’d like an uncle whom isn’t a strict way of living,” he chuckled softly. "Sure they would," Scourge said, sitting down near Light and smiling. "If they got raised by Shadow, he'd be one hell of a bored, boring kid." He was staring at the ceiling. There was a simple, elegant pattern carved into it, nothing that would have taken too long and distracted from reconstruction. "Manic said you were thinking Cassio as a name? "Serenade Cassio," just what I'd expect outta Manic..." He grinned and smiled. But the stare grew more somber the more he thought. "He said it was based on my name. Castillo." His glare was looking past the ceiling now. "Thought I would've broken his heart so bad, he'd want to kill me or somethin'." “He seemed more worried on where you had gone, since I met him,” Light said looking a little concerned. “He got excited the closer we got to finding you.” He wasn’t sure why he’d think that. “We felt that it was fitting n’ I don’t see how the name wouldn’t fit.” "Ain't that," Scourge said. "It's a hell of a name. I'm more wondering why..." He looked at Light suspiciously. "You found a hot guy, and you got knocked up. So he moved in with you... and you helped him look for his old lover? Just 'cause he asked? Now you're letting me crash at your place, you're letting Manic sleep in my bed..." "...Who are you?" He asked. "I don't know if you're stupid, or one of the most selfless guys I've met." “It's difficult to explain…” he said, looking away as he felt uncomfortable suddenly. “I don’t wish to make things uncomfortable, he's a good person, n’ I wanted to help him n’ repair any voids that had been made when you vanished,” Light started. “I have lived a life where at my age, death shouldn’t be something well known to me…n’ yet I’ve seen so much of it n’ been a cause of a fraction of it too. I didn’t want Manic to feel that sort of burden if something had happened to you.”
He rubbed his arm a bit. “I’m not stupid, just someone whom wants others to be happy with something they can cherish, whether it be a new life or even old friends whom deserve a better shot at life. Call me selfless or not, it's just how I am.” Scourge took in every work Light said, his face not showing any new signs of emotion. He took every word silently. "You're gonna be a hell of a good dad..." Scourge said quietly. "Whenever Manic talks about you..." He smiled and laughed a bit. "'ts like he doesn't wanna stop. He loves you a hell of a lot. A kid like him's a hard catch." He tilted his head to face Light head on. "He's happy with you, so... thanks." “I’m sure you’d be just as happy here. I mean you both have your quirks n’ I’m sure things could get even better.” He smiled slightly, though he did flinch glancing down to his stomach. “Heh…this lil rascal is gonna be one heck of an adventure, I can feel it.” "So... you're fine with this?" Scourge asked, smirking. "Good. A kid growin' up with Manic's gonna need all the other parent's he can get." He let out a laugh. "Hope you don't mind if I'm sticking with him. I missed out on raising my own kid, don't wanna miss out on that again." "You mind if I feel the... bump?" Scourge asked, looking at his stomach. Light looked over to Scourge. “I can understand that well enough n’ I have no argument with more help. It was a disaster raising the triplets two years ago. They have leveled off now…even if they are still trouble from time to time,” he chuckled lightly. “I don’t see a problem with it, Manic already does so n’ Shadow likes to know its healthy too.” He said with an honest smile to his green twin.   Light's fur was incredibly warm to the touch. He couldn't feel the baby kicking, but he didn't need to to feel surreal touching his skin. "There's really some kid growing in there," he said to himself. "Wild..." He pulled away and looked again. It was another Scourge, and that bothered Scourge more than anything. Was Manic just dating him because of who he was, or as a kind of replacement for himself? Scourge couldn't have blamed him for any of that. He was forced to disappear and didn't speak to him for years... it was his fault. It was his fault. "Manic's fucking terrified," Scourge informed him to try and cast the attention away from himself. "He wakes up at night jittering and crap. He keeps talking about the kid and..." "I thought Finitevus died," Scourge said. "So why's he still scared about the tentails?" Light could tell he was still worrying about the fact that himself is another alternate to the green one, but he shivered slightly to the question. “The echidna did die…but the Tentails hate me for slaying their mad king, whom tried to wipe my people out…it's a nasty trail of problems, n that weapon we saw- apparently Finny had others left with the foxes.” He frowned a bit. “No doubt he worries they will try n’ undo all that I’ve managed to regain.” Scourge frowned. "They're getting a shitty lot," he mumbled. "Kids shoudn't have to deal with that kinda crap. Tentails..." There was some anger starting to boil deep in his gut. Was it the fact he had a chance to finally raise a child? Was it the fact it was his Manic and a Scourge having a child? Was it just Light taking in himself and his boyfriend despite what they'd done? He had no idea. But the fact that there were these foxes specifically targeting the Lightwings send him into a fury he didn't want to contain. "Gonna fuckin' slaughter 'em..." Scourge growled. He shivered slightly. “You're not the only one whom has thought that, my friends have been trying to keep an eye on them since the war ended three years ago.” Light said glancing over to Scourge, he was sure many people he knew thought that way at the moment. Scourge noticed just how much he was shivering. Whoever the tentails were right then, they weren't a casual threat just because Finitevus was gone. He kept staring at Light. He was a Scourge aesthetically, sure, but he wasn't anything like a standard issue Scourge. There wasn't the explicit evil a Scourge had at all. Even from what he'd heard of the fight, Light had a perfect chance to end his life and didn't use it. Of course, he also clearly wasn't a normal Scourge. His fur wore stripes, his face wore scars, and he had fully formed wings. Who was he anyways? Whoever he was, he was the worst medium. Too similar that he seemed like a replacement... too different for this kid to seem like his own. Only similar enough to make him feel somehow inferior. Even if he knew that couldn't have been true logically, his emotions weren't listening. He pushed off his jealousy to pat his back. "You need someone who knows Finitevus, I was his cronie for years. I'll find that weapon and squash it, kid." He nodded lightly to him. “I wish I could help…but in my current state, I’m in no shape to deal with any real threat. I just managed when we saved you n’ I worry about the next event that could happen, but I am thankful I have friends n’ family to help in the days I can’t,“ he said stretching as best he could. “I don’t wish to be an uncomfortable subject for you as well…I can feel in your energy that I might offset you a bit because I’m an alternate like you. I gave up on my old name in the hopes I could drift away from it since I’m so different.” "Feel in my energy?" The words were confusing, to say the least. "That some new age nonsense?" New age nonsense or not, he was spot on. The moment lingered in the air awkwardly, begging to be broken. Scourge got tired of the wait much quicker than Light did. "Fine, yeah... Yeah." He admitted. What was he doing? He didn't open up to just anyone! Light was nice, sure, but he'd known him personally for about a week. Why was he saying this? "Yeah, I hate seeing Manic with other Scourges, okay?!" He gripped the back of his quills, frustration masked as anger. “Yeah, we were concerned with the thought of your opinion in this as well with how much he talked about n’ missed you,“ Light said looking off to where the two left earlier. “I donno why it is that I’m an alternate of you. Yeah there is the scar that is famous among them…n’ the color, but I’ve seen so many that I don’t feel anywhere near like them. I mean I hear of the stories of how evil most are but I don’t have it, n’ I’m so far the oddest one among alternates.” He glanced back to his wings n’ tail.
He sighed slightly “I bet among the other alters I’m just a freak of nature cause I fall out of balance for them…” He then shook his head. “Sorry bout that…damned mood swings are a problem.” It was mostly points Scourge had come to on his own time. Even if they weren't hard conclusions to come to, hearing someone else agree with him made him feel much better about his own thoughts. "Most Scourge's ain't born to be king," Scourge reassured him. "Hell yeah, you ain't normal. That's worth more than most of 'em. An' if we're being honest here..." Scourge patted Light on the back, grinning a dark smile. "Feeling like a freak's the most normal thing a Scourge can do." He laughed at his own joke hollowly. Even if Manic didn't like most Scourges, there was a camaraderie Scourge could only really share with... Scourge. As different as he was from himself. “Maybe, I never thought about that,“ he said sheepishly rubbing the back of his head. “Though I wonder what the future still holds for all of us, it always makes me wonder.”
With a light smile on his features again he tried to get up again. “They are taking way too long for simple things to put up, makes me wonder what they are really up to.” He couldn’t help being suspicious n’ he wondered if they are up to something about that as well. “Shadow has been tight lipped about things recently n’ I know when he’s like that he’s up to something.” Scourge stood up. He wasn't sure what exactly to do to help the king get around easier. Hold his arms for support? Nah, that'd be too... soft. Maybe even condescending. All he really did was stand close to the king, either arm ready at the first sight that he needed help walking. "Only one way to find out," Scourge said to both his comments. There weren't many halls to go through, but they were a slower walk with the baby so close to being born. "Whaddya thin, maybe Manic's annoying the hell out of Shadow?" He offered as an explanation. Not an entirely far fetched theory. “Couldn’t be too far off I guess, but I’m curious if they have been keeping up some secret,“ he said. Who knew for sure, but they eventually arrived to the room after stopping once for Light to get a breather. The room had been baby proofed rather thoroughly. Sliding plates over the electrical outlets, a folding screen and padding set up around the fireplace, small babyproof locks on all the drawers, it was a thorough job. The problem was Manic and Shadow weren't here, nor was the bag of tools. "...Ah, come oooon!" Manic could he heard, assuring Shadow from the room where the nursery was supposed to be set up. "I mean, not like we can return it, right? Who cares if this old kid's book is stolen or not? I say leave it." Shadow huffed. “I know you want to keep it, but the book wasn’t meant to be out of the museum, this is more at risk of being damaged here without the know how to tend to this thing,” he said in return to Manic.
Light sighed. “Guess they started talking bout the book Rouge gave us earlier.” He said walking to the source of their voices. ”Is there a problem boys?” Manic and Shadow both looked surprised at Light walked in, stepping away from the case on the drawers that the stolen book was being displayed in. There clearly was a problem alright; Light's presence. "Oh no, dude, close your eyes!" Manic said, hoping he would but knowing it was too late for that. "Starlight's having us touch up the nursery, we wanted it to be a surprise!" The nursery design was simple and elegant. There was a new, traditionally carved crib with floral motifs, painted in white and lined and padded with soft white blankets. Simple, decorative curtains hung on the wall behind the crib. The chair, chest of drawers and bookcase lined with new purchases and baby shower gifts all matched the style. Judging by the moved furniture, blue tape on the walls, and the stains on the two hedgehog's clothes, Shadow and Manic seemed to be painting tiny white stars onto the light blue walls fading to a soothing blue, like an early morning sky. With a shy chuckle he turned away from what they were doing. Thankfully nothing seemed to be fully set by the details of the incomplete paint job n’ maybe possible other things still packaged up. “You could have let me know to wait outside before you left to work, you know I get overly curious when things start to seem secret based,” he said.
Shadow sighed n’ shook his head. “I tend to forget that with how impish you are half the time lil brother,” he said, walking over n’ putting his hand on Lights head, earning a whine from the royal. “Thankfully nothing is finished yet, so Scourge, if you can manage it keep my brother out till we finish tonight. His curious nature's gonna cause a problem.” "Y'all, he can handle me." Manic said with a stupid grin. "He ain't half as impulsive, he can keep Light away." Scourge smiled. This room definitely wasn't anything Manic came up with, it was actually tasteful. "Fine. Don't go killing each other," Scourge joked. "Alright, kingy." Scourge already started walking Light out of the room, giving Shadow and Manic a chance to continue their bickering. "You wanna check out that 'bazaar' place Manic was talkin' about?" He was starting to feel more comfortable the more time he spent with light. Sure, putting their problems out there might have made things initially uncomfortable, but things were feeling better. Not really needing to think on it, he nodded to Scourge. “Seems fair, since I need something to pass the time.” He chuckled softly as he looked to the end of the hallway. Walking on, he knew that part of the details was what his adopted mother had planned for the baby room, but he wondered just what did she have in mind that she had the two working on. ◇        ◇        ◇        ◇ The bazaar was not a great choice. There was a lot of walking that had to be done. Far too much, in fact, and Light needed to take constant breaks to sit. Customers and vendors were all curious about the baby and being this late in the pregnancy. They were thankful Scourge decided to drive him down. He wouldn't have been able to walk back without constant stops. It wasn't all slow, though. Scourge might not have had Manic's kleptomaniacal urges, but he did still have the urge to steal from certain stands. Light, however, was much more honest. The thought never crossed his mind. In fact, he seemed happy to pay for the impulse foods and baby toys they came across. There were many, many stands selling baby things, in fact. Perhaps hoping that the king or his friends would make a visit? And as the sun began to set, the two were starting back to the castle. "You're different," Scourge understated. "Different than what I thought you'd be like." There were still pains on the corner of his mind, but for how pained he felt originally, it barely even registered. Until the topic turned back to Manic. "What's gonna happen to him when the baby's born?" He asked. "He's a pretty well known thief." “Only time will say what becomes of us all, but hopefully it's in the good meaning rather than the bad,” he said smiling lightly. Getting a little fresh air after a week was good for his mood. His tail gave away how pleased he felt after all that being cooped up due to the advisors worrying about his health. Scourge knew they couldn't possibly know. All they knew was they had to keep going, and hope life didn't ruin everything. They pulled up in the usual space by the castle. "You're soundin' good," Scourge said. It was hard not to notice the constant whapping of his tail against the seat. "How long have you been trapped in there? Ain't you a king, can't you go anywhere you want?" “Under certain conditions I can’t. Sickness, pregnancy in the later months…it's a pain sometimes that the advisors worry so much n’ keep me locked up if my health isn’t well enough for travel,” he said, looking out the window. “But I enjoy the points that I can get out even in those situations as I hate sitting still for too long unless its with kids for odd reasons.” Light chuckled softly, placing a hand on his stomach again. "You like kids, too?" Scourge said as the car was put in park. "Manic loves kids. You guys... you're lucky." The language meant a little more for Scourge than he would admit, but he wasn't letting that affect him now. He helped Light get out of the car safely. "I've handled a kid before," Scourge said gruffly. "Real early in his life, too. Anything you gotta know?" The two entered the house, equally curious as to how the nursery would end up looking. “One learns a lot from raising triplets, remember?” He chuckled softly again. “But no two pups are the same so who knows what I’ll need to raise this one...” Making his way back inside the castle, he wanted to go look, but he knew he’d better wait till one of them come get him this time. That took shorter than expected. "FINALLY!" Manic could be heard saying from down the hall. He walked from the direction of the kitchen, holding a tall cup of fruit juice he was already halfway done guzzling. "Shadow and Starlight are waiting upstairs, what are you guys waiting for?" Scourge carried the bags of new baby supplies from their trip as Manic escorted the king up towards the nursery area. The door was opened slowly. The touch ups were subtle, but effective - some of the faint stars painted on the light blue backdrop had been decorated with a light sparkle. Several small decorations were placed around the room to add small elegant touches. Tiny flourishes painted subtly on the sides of furniture, little crystals planted tastefully, and most glittery of all, a mobile hanging over the crib containing a small number of medium to small sized crystals. But Starlight had her own touches in mind. The cushioning to the chair, crib, and small cloth decorations she came in with seemed welcoming and light, almost like they were floating. Most importantly, a deeb blue veil was hung around the cieling lighting and the window, making the room look like a fantastical night-time sky even in full lighting. If his expression didn’t say how he felt, his tail did as he looked around. “It looks so great, much better than I had thought it would,” he said looking around once again. Shadow chuckled n’ Starlight smiled softly as he eventually hugged the two but then blushed as he thought he was acting out of manners.
“We had hoped you’d like it, it wasn’t easy figuring out how to set this room. Mother eventually had t jump in to get the ideas processed,” Shadow said ruffling Light's head gently. If Scourge had to be perfectly blunt, he would have said it was too boring. It was actually fairly tasteful, but Scourge and Manic's ideas of opulence were the tacky and over embellished world of royal portraits. But they didn't say a word. Light was happy, and they were happy for him. "We're glad you like it, dude." Manic said, standing near Scourge and covered in many more paint stains than Shadow. "And if you like it so much... I'm sure you like that old kid's book display we've got going." He shot a friendly but sassy glare at Shadow. Shadow sighed as he had way too much trouble convincing Manic that it had to be returned, but was glad he still went to look as he was curious to see just what all they did. Scourge seemed to have been done being surprised. He opened the toy chest in the corner of the room and started  to put in the few new toys and things they'd picked up at the bazaar. Manic seemed to be done with his teasing about the stolen book. "Hey, Light?" Manic walked up to him and put his arms around Light's waist. "I'm real nervous. Like, hella nervous, but we're gonna be alright. We ain't getting more ready for this." He pulled Light a bit closer and kissed him on the cheek. “I know the feeling. The only thing I keep hoping for is that things stay good or as close to good as possible,” he purred softly with a light smile upon his muzzle as he glanced over to Manic.
Shadow gave a small smirk knowing that even if his brother had experience in child raising, he was still gonna work hard to help him no matter. Everyone in the room seemed to be smirking, at least for a short while. And in fact, in spite of everything, they were going to stay happy in the coming days. Starlight was happy to see her adopted sons ready for the birth. Shadow was happy Manic's relationships seemed to be working out. And of course, Manic and Light were happy about being so close to meeting their child. There were only two things that were truly making some of the castle residents unhappy. The first was Scourge's strange discontent, how he kept flip-flopping between being complacent about the relationship and seeming to glower and reserve himself to the corners of the room. The second thing was two weeks before the due date, in the middle of a security meeting, when Light's water broke without warning.
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flauntpage · 6 years
NBA Summer Vacation: Emotion of the Oceans
There is motion in the SVW ocean and by that I mean an awful lot of dudes are way out in the wild blue yonder this week. A few did it really well—I mean really well, like an impending humanitarian award is on the way well—and a couple should stick to spending the rest of their summers on the dry side, lest they wanna become completely washed in the annals of these hallowed, a-little-sticky-from-aloe-vera-sun-balm halls.
Marc Gasol
Marc Gasol, who just a week ago was keeping tabs on the organic garden he planted in his yard last summer vacation, was out in a dingy rescuing migrants stranded in the Mediterranean. There is no joke here. Marc Gasol spent the last week volunteering with the NGO Proactiva Open Arms and much of that was spent out in the open water recovering the bodies of migrants and helping to bring survivors safely to land. The NBA is a progressive league, it gets talked about a lot, but it is occasionally without due credit given to the players who make it that way.
Rating: Just Marc Gasol, absolutely doing the most.
JaVale McGee
A nice transition into our regularly scheduled tittering and trash talk on the way player’s choose to spend their offseason is JaVale McGee pretending to pick up his daughter’s play phone and totally tear a new one to the would-be caller on the other end.
Rating: 9021UH OH!
James Harden
What’s UP James Harden in a trashy, regular ass tank top, flipping the hang loose hand while laser strobe lights illuminate your face?! Turns out all it takes to set James Harden free is setting him loose on the shores of Ibiza with Real Madrid Captain Sergio Ramos and frankly it’s dumb of all of us that it took this long to figure out!
You’ll be happy my sleuthing skills have peeled back another layer in this euro-rave onion, specifically why is Harden wearing that top, because from Ramos’s own documenting of this night we can see they are not just at some regular party, they are at a FOAM PARTY.
Rating: The big buildup that lasts for close to three minutes before the beat drops and every whistle is blasting and the foam cannon is pilin’ up the suds around you like so many cloud castles in heaven.
Steph Curry
We cut live to Steph Curry now, jumping fully clothed off the top of a boat. While we are not here to judge all selfless actions this summer vacation we are certainly going to judge this one. He doesn’t have trunks? He’s got to do this in what appears to be like, athletic technology warm up pants that probably shrink wrap to your legs once you hit the water?
Rating: Oh (splash) brother.
Dwyane Wade
Wade is in China, and we can only hope it’s because he’s hot on the heels of the Mr. Hyde of SVW, China Klay. In any case, he’s paused on his hunt for a quick round of golf and I am not a fan nor knowledgeable of that sport but could they not get him a taller club?
Rating: Fore out of five.
Manu Ginóbili
Aside from being in Vancouver, this looks like a nice trip for Main Manu and the entire Ginóbili family. I like to think that he’s getting familiar with the places DeMar DeRozan once set foot in before coming to Toronto for the main event, so he will have some skin in the conversation when Deebo brings up all the things he misses about Canada.
Rating: I’ll let my famous saying about Vancouver speak for itself—“Once you’ve sea-n one wall, you’ve seen ‘em all.”
Giannis Antetokounmpo
Oh my goooosh, look at our little gladiator ROMEin’ around, checking off all the sights and staying, considerately to his GF and the general public, low to the ground. My only hope is that we get a shot of Giannis high-fiving Christ in The Last Judgement, on the ceiling of the ol’ Sistine. He’d only really have to stretch on tip toes to do it.
Rating: Watch out, Eternal City, there’s a new cooler, younger, taller, Pope in town.
Lou Williams
Paris continues to be big and so does standing or sitting on some type of plinth. The supposed 6th man of the year (Fred VanVleet was robbed) has chosen either onyx or ebony, could also be a big Bose speaker just flipped around, to stand on and do the funny gag. Look how happy he is.
Rating: 6th man to attempt this gag on this particular day, maybe.
Boban Marjanović
Here’s Boban in a quarry of some kind, stalking toward the camera with his socks pulled high. Wouldn’t it be incredible if he gets really into BMX culture this year and is constantly almost caught wheelie-ing the white hot sides of the L.A. River? The LAPD are stumped, who is this giant shadow racing away every time on a tiny bike, leaving wet tire tracks all the way back to the Staple Center?
Rating: They’ll find some fancy pegs in Lonzo Ball’s locker, L.A. Boban rides again.
Jaylen Brown
Jaylen Brown is in Bali doing tarps off and fanny pack on, doing the kind of nervous smile one does on vacation when someone has pushed you into something you aren’t quite comfortable with. Out of frame I am imagining a pack of monkeys glaring at him with their beady eyes, rubbing their little paws together over what kind of gear they are going to nab off this guy.
Rating: An up-to-date rabies vaccine and one long look at the warnings, I hope.
Mirza Teletović
Ah yes, exactly the scene the Turkish folk poet Yunus Emre was attempting to set in his 13th century banger "Mirza at the Grand Bazaar."
Rating: Gives a whole new meaning to telenovela am I right?
Willy Hernangómez
Here we got a great, extremely contoured shot of Willy’s back as he soaks up the sun in the ancient port city of Cádiz, Spain.
Rating: How sweaty are you getting just looking at this? The answer is extremely.
Tim Hardaway Jr.
Double feature for THJ! What I wouldn’t give to get this in a slow-mo video but you gotta take your summer refreshers where you can get ‘em, folks. This is the exact yin to Willy’s yang (get your god damn minds out of the gutters) up there.
Rating: How quenched are you getting just looking at this? The answer is extremely.
Taj Gibson
Somebody wants to be this summer’s solo banana boat boy! Taj is floatin’ in the ocean off the coast of Pesaro, which is way up on the back side of the top of Italy’s boot, on what looks to be a rescue device but is maybe just some kind of Euro pool floatie more streamlined than the traditional mattress. In case there was any doubt that he’s fully in the Eat portion of his Eat, Pray, Love offseason, here he is giggling and having some spaghetti,
Rating: He’ll be sad when it’s time to say goodbye to this trip.
Malcolm Delaney
The Hawks guard has scooted a little farther south for a break in Miami where he’s getting some assistance getting on, or else a chauffeured ride on, this jet-ski. No reason to be out here having fun but not being safe.
Rating: As the SVW rhyme goes—“A ski on land, hold a friend’s hand. A ski on the water, let’s not repeat Sean Kingston’s mistakes.”
Sam Dekker
Double Dekker’s just the latest to be captivated this offseason by the Greek Islands, but this dude’s on ‘em for his honeymoon. One thing’s for sure, I’ve never felt less cool than when I realized Sam Dekker and I have the same style of jumping off things into pristine waters, that is, somehow bunched way the hell up in our bodies and plugging our noses like little loser babies. Congratulations, Sam!
Rating: Enjoy all that water up your nose while Sam and I breathe easily from ours!
Matthew Dellavedova
Here we have my and summer’s natural enemy, Matthew Dellavedova, holding onto a hammerhead shark with his eyes squeezed shut, praying for the photo to get taken so he can put it down. You know what, Delly? Why even pick it up in the first place? How would you like it if someone was hanging onto you by the butt and the back and lofting you high above your home? Come to think of it that must be what dunking feels like, but without the debilitating terror because the ball is not a misunderstood creature. Not that you would know what it feels like to do that.
Rating: I won’t.
Cameron Payne
Wherever Payne is—and he looks as confused about it as I am—he should stay there as long as possible, in that exact same shirt, wearing those exact same steampunk shades, squinting off into the exact same middle distance, because lord knows what’s happening to and for the Bulls this season.
Rating: If thou gaze long into an infinity pool, the infinity pool will also gaze into thee.
Marco Belinelli
I promised myself I wouldn’t cry, but I can’t help picturing Bellinelli fluttering out this big, Turkish beach towel for two in a place called “Fliper & Chiller” on the Balearic Islands as the same welcoming gesture he will make to my eternal guy DeMar DeRozan this season back in San Antonio. Belli I’ve never needed you more.
Rating: Sobbing. But this beach looks nice.
John Wall
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Like catching someone mid-sneeze, blowing out birthday candles, or the second they start to hurl going down the last huge hill on a roller coaster, the moment this photo was taken it became Summer Vacation For John Wall.
Rating: Extremely end of July.
NBA Summer Vacation: Emotion of the Oceans published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
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