#the blu-ray is neat tho
putschki1969 · 1 year
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RELEASE: Yuki Kajiura 30th Anniversary Early BEST Collection for Soundtrack
To commemorate Yuki Kajiura's 30th Anniversary since her debut, a special best-of album will be released, containting all of her early soundtrack work from 2001 to 2009!! ️💿 The first-press limited edition will include a Blu-ray featuring footage from “Yuki Kajiura LIVE Extra Edition ~ STUDIO LIVE Streaming vol. #1 reprise” which was exclusively broadcast on the platform Streaming+ back in September 2020!
Title: 30th Anniversary Early BEST Collection for Soundtrack Artist: Yuki Kajiura Release date: December 6, 2023 First-press limited edition VTZL-237 / ¥8,250 (tax incl) Regular edition VTCL-60584 / ¥4,950 (tax incl)
●Disc1:Early Best-1 1. canta per me 2. snow 3. lullaby 4. salva nos 5. le grand retour 6. romance 7. secret game 8. chloe 9. colosseum 10. maze 11. a farewell song 12. SOUND DECLARATION of AQUARIAN AGE 13. KYOTA 14. DARKLORE 15. the world 16. aura 17. b.t. 18. bear 19. a stray child 20. in the land of twilight, under the moon 21. sweet memories 22. liminality#full version 23. grandpa's violin
●Disc2:Early Best-2 1. in the beginning, there was.... 2. fatal fight (Jin & Margulis) 3. lamentation 4. hepatica (Kos-Mos) 5. we've got to believe in something 6. she's coming back 7. battleland 8. godsibb 9. testament 10. the battle of your soul 11. Margalet 12. Elenore 13. Madlax 14. we're gonna groove 15. we are one 16. 小さな祈り 17. ほんとうのもの~森の中へ 18. 媛星 19. 今日の始まり 20. 鴇色の舞 21. デュラン召還 22. 目覚め 23. 希望の都、ヴィントブルーム 24. MATERIALISE
●Disc3:Early Best-3 1. a song of storm and fire 2. believe 3. dewdrops 4. I talk to the rain 5. ship of fools 6. hear our prayer 7. guess how much I love you 8. best years in our lives 9. voices silently sing 10. blue clouds 11. once upon a time there was you and me 12. ring your song 13. 天翔 14. everlasting song 15. 目覚めの朝 16. el cazador 17. hit it and run! 18. carnaval in blue 19. paradise regained 20. Pandora hearts 21. Melody 22. Contractor 23. Bloody rabbit 24. Limits
●Blu-ray(First-press limited edition)
・「overture~the world」 ・「key of the twilight」 ・「vanity」 ・「liminality」 ・「in the land of twilight, under the moon」 ・「I talk to the rain」 ・「godsibb」 ・「fake wings」 ・「媛星」 ・「目覚め」 ・「canta per me」 ・「salva nos」 ・「zodiacal sign」 ・「a song of storm and fire」 ・「open your heart」 ・「tsubasa」
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wahbegan · 3 years
So, there’s a lot of Mantis Shrimp (aka Prawn Killer aka Thumbsplitter aka Sea Locust aka Stomatopod) facts running around, like “they punch with the force of a .22!!! They punch so hard they make a bang that’s hotter than the sun!! They can see colors we can’t!!
And while a lot of them are true in an abstract sense or kinda true, a lot of the times they’re not very helpful. Like “punch with the force of a .22?” what does that even MEAN? So i’m here today, after a wikipedia deep dive about physics of all fucking things and mantis shrimps in order to bring you MANTIS SHRIMP TRIVIA IN PLAIN ENGLISH 
Let’s start with their eyes!
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Look at those peepers!!!
Mantis Shrimps have some of the weirdest and possibly THE most complex eyes in the animal kingdom, giving them 360 trinocular vision. Just meaning they can swivel their eyes to look all around them (each one individually! they can see two directions!) and each eye has three parts that take in visual info on the world around them, with each band of their eyes processing different shit, giving them fun things like depth perception! Which, yeah i know isn’t a big deal to you all, but it is for a crustacean so hush.
Now they can’t actually see colors we can’t, in fact they’re actually not very good at distinguishing light wavelengths that are very close to each other. What they CAN do with their 12-16 color receptors though, is some super cool shit.
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First, a lot of the information their eyes receive is processed directly in the eyes before it gets to the brain, letting them basically have to think less and see and react to their environment very quickly. Their range is also wider than ours, being able to perceive anything from the far end of ultraviolet up to red. We're pretty sure they can’t perceive infra-red, but scientists are still studying their big ol nerd eyes so who knows? They can also see polarized light
What the Hell is polarized light? I’ve been reading physics shit all day and if there’s an easily understandable way to put it, the entire internet apparently just elects not to. I could bang on about electromagnetic wavelengths and oscillation and shit, but i’m not gonna. Here, if you’re interested. I know lasers constitute polarized light, and i know that these guys have a structure in their eyes called a waveplate that is better at polarizing light than anything we have ever made artificially, and they’re studying it for improving blu-ray discs. Also, they can apparently use the way polarized light bounces off tissues to see neuron activity and cancer. Who knew.
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Mantis Shrimps have Predator Vision i guess
Also some species can do spectral tuning, which is basically adjusting the color sensitivity of their eyes to best suit their environment. NEAT!
But let’s get to what you all really wanna read about:
Now, there are actually two types of Mantis Shrimp: Spearers and Smashers. They both have raptorial appendages that shoot out really fucking fast, the difference being....i mean take a fucking guess.
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We’re focusing here on Smashers and the Peacock Mantis Shrimp, which is what you usually think of when you hear the word, but it is worth noting there are like 450 different species of the lil buggers that widely vary in size and appearance. So yeah.
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Here’s a lil love for the Spearers tho
Now, to address those points i made up at the top. The Mantis Shrimp punches up to 50 miles per hour with a force of 1500 newtons. 1500 newtons being around 340 pounds of force. So, you know. Put a piece of gravel on top of a crab, then have the nearest NFL linebacker jump onto that piece of gravel, and that’s about how hard this lil guy’s decking his prey. And anyone else who tests him.
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The .22 caliber bullet thing comes from the ACCELERATION of the shrimpy’s lil clubs, which is the rate they go from zero to that 50 miles per hour. Now they go from 0 to 50 in a teeny tiny fraction of a second, accelerating their lil fists at about 335,000 feet per second which is, you guessed it, about the same as the acceleration of a bullet leaving the chamber of a .22.
Needless to say, 340 pounds of force in a tiny little appendage hitting you that fast is bad for your health, and it can punch off crab legs, split shells, give you a really nasty gash if you’re the kind of dumbass that likes to pick up wild animals, shatter aquarium glass, and oh yeah break reality a little tiny bit.
Yeah, so the surface of the sun thing. 
Unfortunately, it’s time for another physics lesson, but i did all the dry-ass reading and over-simplified it so you don’t have to! Okay, crash course in cavitation.
So, you know how every element has a liquid, gas, and solid state? Well which one it is doesn’t just depend on temperature, it also depends on pressure. Which is why you’ll get planets with bizarre shit like oceans of liquid diamond in the mantle of Uranus. Extreme temperatures and extreme pressures both make elements go whacky.
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Here’s a picture of a mantis shrimp looking grumpy to break up the monotony!
Anyway, cavitation is just exactly the same thing as boiling, except it’s not happening because the water’s getting hot, it’s happening because the pressure’s suddenly been lowered. 
But just like boiling, it makes little vapor-filled bubbles. Now the Mantis Shrimp hits prey so hard and so fucking fast, that when it pulls its raptorial appendage back, it takes the water a second to get up to speed on what the living fuck just happened, which creates a cavitation bubble in the water between the club and whatever poor bastard it just hit. Then that instantly collapses with a little bang, a flash, and a fucking shockwave that basically kicks its prey when it’s down. 
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“Ahhh jesus christ i’m so fucked” -This snail, probably
And yes, because extremely low pressure, as we’ve established, makes shit go all whacky, the vapor inside can be up to several thousand Kelvin, which is around as hot or hotter than the surface of the sun.
But again, this burst of energy, while huge, is confined to a little teeny tiny bubble that collapses in less than a millisecond, like this shit can’t be seen with the naked eye, and the energy very rapidly disperses to the water around it.
But for that fraction of a second....in that little tiny space in the shallows of the Pacific....every time a Mantis Shrimp murks its prey...it literally just hit a guy so fucking hard that it went all Superboy Prime and broke reality.
And yes, in case you’re wondering, they would make terrible fucking pets because while they may be pretty and very cool, they are INCREDIBLY territorial, are not smart enough to recognize their reflections, and more than one dipshit’s fish tank has been broken because a Mantis Shrimp tried to throw hands with its own reflection
Like Narcissus but really fucking aggro.
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cidnangarlond · 3 years
1. whats ur dream house/room. color wise, big or small, fluffy details or minimalistic? 2. do u collect anything 3. do u wanna collect anything 4. opinion on summer? 5. favorite animal 6. favorite cat and dog breed
1) HMMMM I wouldn't want anything too big or extravagant because well one that's a lot of cleaning two super big houses make me paranoid but something small and cozy and a good enough size for me and my future partner and pet(s). I just want to be able to have a room I can paint purple I never got the chance to do it growing up anywhere I've lived so I want to do that. Also FUCK minimalism I want peaceful and cozy clutter I want a house that looks loved and lived in not like a magazine showroom piece
2) I collect movies !! Right now I own over 100 movies on DVD that are mine personally like I bought them or were gifts and am always aiming for more. I once uh spent like $88 at Best Buy because I went wandering as my friends looked at laptops and I found Akira and Death Parade on Blu-Ray and was like ok I need Akira and I've been wanting to watch Death Parade for a bit now so I'll get these. And then I got a few more from the bargain bin or around and I came back w a whole stack and my friends were like WE LEFT YOU ALONE. FOR 10 MINUTES. There's a photo of that somewhere I need to find it it was really funny and then I lied to my dad about spending $88 on movies and said it was external storage for editing class
3) I tend to end up wanting to collect stuff related to whatever hyperfixation I have except for Chernobyl I'm fine w just collecting knowledge on it (visiting would be cool tho) so there Is some mgs stuff I want but right now I really want a place to be selling the art of MGS I-IV for fucking. Cheaper than $200!!
4) Summer is too hot and makes me super sweaty and I hate sweating mainly for sensory reasons and also it makes me feel gross and I hate it. A humid heat can go die I can handle a dry heat though
5) MMMMMMM FAVORITE ANIMAL... Idk they're all pretty neat but I think ferrets are cool :) also bears and wolves
6) Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm I'd say Maine Coon and Labrador Retriever (the breed of my childhood dog ily Casey) but Beagles are a close second bc of the Shiloh book series our teacher read us in 3rd grade but they're all so so valid and I smooch them all :)
Thank u !!
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britishchick09 · 3 years
sherlock s2 ep 3 livewatch
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it’s time for the sherlock s2 finale! i’ve been keeping lockie alive for as long as possible, but I can’t stall any longer. let’s fall into the reichenbach!
here it is:
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the last masterpiece ep! :D
it begins with rain! *beatles ‘rain’ plays*
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john’s back with the therapist from study in pink! :o
does this take place after the fall and the rest of the ep is a flashback?
it’s been 18 months!
john called tv ‘telly’:)
he called sherlock ‘my best friend’ IN THE SADDEST VOICE IN THE WORLD :’(
john: “sherlock holmes... is dead.” or is he? ;)
guy: “falls of the reichenbach...” you dodged a credit roll with that one! ;)
sherlock: “diamond cufflinks. all my cufflinks have buttons.” john: “he means ‘thank you’. ...just say it.” awww what a parent :)
sherlock isn’t one for thanks and publicity!
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the iconic hat! :D
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he reluctantly put the hat on:)
the transitions from a scene to a newspaper is so cool! :D
john’s tabloid nickname is BACHELOR OMGGGGGG
john: “what do they mean by that?” oh you know what that means buddy ;)
john: “we need to be more careful-“ johnlockers: “NO!!!!!”
sherlock is criticizing the hat lol :D
john called it the ‘sherlock holmes hat’ eyyyyy!!!!! ;D
john’s voice has a hint of deep love it ;)
there’s so many people touring at the castle! :o
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this sneaky guy has this on his phone and i’m guessing that’s what all apps in the uk look like lol
is it moiarty?
lestrade said ‘bloody ‘ell!’ and it was so british of him :D
he’s dancing to the background music YEP IT’S MOI ALRIGHT
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also is this an abominable bride reference? :o
john’s text notif sound sounds apple WHY
he has a windows laptop and an apple phone how chaotic
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the smiley face!!!! :o
ooh cool american song playing in the background! :o
john: “ready?” sherlock: “yes” *PRESS CHATTER* how would anyone be ready for that?
sherlock wants to be himself but john’s like ‘no smartass’ LET HIM BE A SMARTHOLE JOHN
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it’s the bbc! :D
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i bet johnlockers have actually done this because they were craaazyyyy back then...
sherlock knows she’s not a fan lol :D
wait is someone peeing in the background wtf
fan: “you and john watson, platonic, have you there as well!” mofftiss totally based this girl off of real johnlockers!!!!
can they please leave the bathroom I SWEAR SOMEONE IS PEEING BACK THERE IT’S SO AWKWARD
sherlock: “you... repel... me.” YAS!!! :D
HOLD UP what if this is mofftiss’ way of saying they don’t like johnlockers :o
now lockie’s in court bor-ing!
moiarty is a spider great metaphor sherlock! :D
judge: “how long-“ sherlock “not a good question.” lol :D
sherlock and moiarty knew each other for 5 minutes lol
who ate the wafer
aaand he kicked them out
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john: “you’re doing The Look again.” omg so married ♥
he finds The Face annoying lol MARRIEEEED
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epic wallpaper! :D
and he looked at john... ;)
moiarty’s out and sherlock beeps john away,,,
omg there’s a shadow...
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sherlock lets him sit down wowza kind to a criminal! :o
moiarty: “every fairytale needs a good old-fashioned villain ;)” omg HE KNOWS HE’S A STORY CHARACTER AHHHH :o
moiarty to sherlock: “you need me.” no he needs john THANK YOU VERY MUCH
moiarty thinks sherlock’s boring SHUT UP FUNNY MEAN MAN >:(
moiarty: “that’s the problem... the final problem.” eyyyy roll s4 credits! :D
moiarty: “i didn’t tell you... but did you listeeeennnn?” lol sing-songy moiarty is funny :D
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he’s doing the hand thing ♥
moiarty: “i own secrecy” who do you think you are bish brother
sherlock: “i never liked riddles.” *maddie hatter rages in the distance*
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he’s having a row with the machine again ;)
also that’s literally my dad with his card lol :D
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ooh antiques roadshow! :D
john’s meeting mycroft why
it’s just mycroft’s way of saying hello?
what happened in 1972
mycroft’s giving john an unrelated case... s1 finale flashback!
john’s loooong groan lol :D
sherlock is moiarty’s ‘only rival’... >:)
awww john fed some crumbs to birds :)
another unrelated case and lestrade is at the flat! :o
lestrade called lockie ‘a celebrity’ awww :)
oh he wanted her to ‘speak quickly’ ok
not ok but thaaat’s lockie!
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it be moi...
sherlock SNIFF
sherlock: “brilliant, anderson?” anderson: “really?” sherlock: “brilliant impression of an idiot.” OHHHHH!!!!!!! :D
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sherlock 2 NOW
john: “don’t do the smiling thing. kidnapped children..?” oh he always does the smiling thing! ;)
molly was going on a lunch date but sherlock said she’ll go with him and her little ‘what?’ is so cute! :D
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sherlock’s like ‘look at all the fricks i give’ :D
aaand he left her!
sherlock: “the chemical footprints will lead us to moiarty!” all roads lead to rome, and all the footprints there lead to moiarty ;)
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b r i c k   d u s t
molly: “you’re like my dad. he’s dead- no, sorry-” lol :D
oh no molly’s telling a sad dad story :(
i can kind of see why people ship sherlock and molly they’re nice together :)
although molly’s super awkward she’s so cute! :D
lestrade: “brick dust!” b r i c k  d u s t
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he’s the google in 360 website! :D
they burst through the kidnapper’s door and it was like ‘someBODY once told me’! :D
omg mercury chocolate wrappers! :o
sherlock: “the more they ate, the faster they died... neat!” ...neat? :o
they found the kidnapped kids! :D
lestrade doesn’t want lockie to be himself awww :(
lestrade to sherlock: “i feel like screaming when you walk in!” ooh noice ;)
the jerk lady said sherlock was ‘unbelievable’ coolio she’s a bit nice! :D
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also there are tvs in taxis OMG :o
lestrade called sherlock and john ‘csi baker street’ lol :D
moiarty’s connecting sherlock to sir bostalot hmm... ;)
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sherlock: “what was that on the tv?” cabbie: “no charge...” *drives away* OHHHH
john to the rescue!!! :D
the guy was shot not lockie coolio
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sherlock uses a mac WHYYY :(
sherlock: “dust is eloquent” mrs. hudson in a whisper: “what’s he on about???” lol :D
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lockie vlogs! :D
sherlock: “this is a game, lestrade, one i’m not willing to play.” so the game is not on, then?
john: “i know you for real.” sherlock: “100%” awww :)
john: “no one could fake being suck an annoying dick all the time.” OHHHH!!!!! :D
guy: “yer a bloody idiot, lestrade!” and yer a bloody brit aren’t ya?
mrs. hudson said ‘ooh hoo’ just like oaken! :D
OMG fairytale!!!!
lestrade and the lady knocked on the door and mrs. hudson’s like ‘don’t barge in like that!’ :D
awww sherlock and john were arrested together so romantic just girly things ♥
they’re running omg!!!!!
sherlock: “take my hand!” FRICK YES
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john: “people will definitely talk!” FRICK YAAAAS!!!!!!!
just two bfs running around in handcuffs ♥
they need to coordinate while getting up the stairs... easy enough for them! ;)
i thought the van thing was part of the drunk ep in s3 but it’s cool that-
they let go! :o
moiarty: “they didn’t have any ground coffee so i just got-” *SUSPENSE CHORD* out of context that’s hilarious :D
moiarty’s richard!!! :o
wait he’s a hired actor the frick???
just because it’s in print doesn’t mean it’s real...
ok technically moiarty’s an actor BUT THAT BE KNOCKING DOWN THE 4TH WALL
an actor playing a person playing an actor... wild actorception! :o
moiarty: “i’m the storyteller! it’s on dvd...” but is it on blu-ray? ;)
sherlock: “stop it STOP IT NOW!!!!” yoda seagulls...
fan: “i can read you and you... repel... me...” DON’T USE HIS LINE BOI
sherlock: “there’s only one way to complete his game...” is it on? ;)
OMG he’s admitting his feelings to molly AND HE NEEDS HER awwww!!!! :D
the sherlolly fans loved that i bet! :D
john to mycroft: “you and him go out for coffee? you and jim?” sarah z be like ‘YAS!’ :D
mycroft tells john to tell moiarty ‘i’m sorry’ and john just gives this ‘please’ wheeze lol :D
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julie albright bouncing her basketball against her bedroom wall in ‘meet julie’ (colorized)
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lockie’s fidgeting with the ball awwww :)
john: “she’s DYING.... you MACHINE!!!!!!” YEAH LOCKIE YOU BISH
john: “friends protect people!” true that!
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this is the music video lol :D
omg are moiarty and lockie gonna have a dance battle like in despicable me 3 lol :D
moiarty: “our final problem... stayin’ aliiiive!!!!!” HE SO PLANNED THAT
there’s about 28 minutes left will the battle take that long?
oh he turned the song off :/
aw man moiarty has to play with the ordinary people :/
ooh sherlock’s doing binary code with his fingers! :D
moiarty: “first one to sherlock is a sissy” oh SHUT UP
moiarty: “there is no key DOOFUS!!!!” WOAH MAN CALM THE FRICK DOWN
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moiarty: “nice you chose a tall building! great way to do it!” sherlock: “do- do- do what?” oh you know what lockie :(
moiarty: “i read it in the paper so it must be true!” no!!!!
john’s here for mrs. hudson!!!! :D
she seems fine tho?
moiarty: “for me? pleeeeeaaaseee?????” OMG THAT ‘PLEASE’ WAS SO HIGH LOLOLOL!!!!!!!
toss him sherlock TOSS HIM!!!!!
moiarty’s little ‘woah woah woah!’ tho :D
aww sherlock has only 3 friends :(
moiarty about sherlock kermiting: “you gotta admit that’s sexier” WUT
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sherlock’s breath is so shaky :(
he said ‘privacy’ like ‘pri-va-cee’ why
he’s gonna call john!!!!!
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awww smile!!!! :D
he knows that this is fake right?
moiarty’s like ‘WHAT?? WHAT DID I MISS????” BOI CALM DOWWwwwwnnnn
sherlock to moiarty: “i am you. prepared to do anything.” save that line for john plz
sherlock is ‘on the side of the angels’ awww :)
moiarty said sherlock’s not ordinary RIGHT HE’S A SPECIAL SUNSHINE ANGEL
moiarty: “you’re meee!!!!!” NOT WHAT I MEANT
they’re holding hands and standing close NOOOOO
he’s not really dead right or is that just a theory
sherlock’s like ‘oh god what have i done’ SAME WHAT DID YOU DO
it sounds like the thx theme!
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oh no
i know it’s not a legitimate kermiting sewerside but DON’T FREAKING DO IT
sherlock: “look up, i’m on the rooftop.” ♫ up on the rooftop, click click click, HERE COMES SAD OL’ KERMIT CLAUS ♫
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sherlock: “i can’t come down so we’ll have to do it like this.” it was only a kiss :(
an apology????
is this just for moiarty’s game?
sherlock sounds like he’s gonna cry NOOOOO :(((((
john: “shut up, shut up, shut up.” SAME WTF ARE YOU SAYING LOCKIE???
sherlock: “no one could be that clever. you could.” OMGGGGG
sherlock sniffled omg :’(
he researched john to impress him OH MY HEART!!!!!
it’s not a trick sherlock is legit amazing!!!!!!!!
sherlock wants john to ‘keep his eyes fixed’ NOOOOOOOO
if sherlock knows this is fake he’s doing a pretty good job at it BUT WHY JUST TO PLEASE MOIARTY OR ESCAPE THE SPOTLIGHT OR WHAT
sherlock: “goodbye john.” NO
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if sherlock’s alive THEM HOW WAS THERE A CRACK
john: “i’m a doctor, he’s my friend!” yes you are AND YES YOU FREAKING ARE
it’s fake he’s not really dead OH HOW I WISH I COULD TELL YOU THAT JOHNNY :(
OMG NO :’(
everything is slow NOOOOO
i can’t believe mofftiss made the fans wait 2 YEARS TO FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENED NEXT i know there was ‘many happy returns’ in 2013 BUT HOW DID THE FANS SURVIVE THAT LONG WITH THAT ENDING????
it’s raining now perfect
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therapist: “he didn’t say it. say it now.” john: “sorry, i can’t.” he said ‘i love you’ :(
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awww john and mrs. hudson! :’(
omg she’s crying no!!!! :(
john to sherlock’s grave: “you were the best man and the most human i’ve ever known.” awww :’)
john: “one more miracle for me, sherlock. don’t. be. dead.” miricale granted my friend ;)
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that’s the end of s2! that was a much better finale than s1 and it’s definitely the best ep of the series so far. there’s a lot of exciting turns AND WHAT EVEN IS THE ENDING??? you knocked it out of the park mofftiss! i can’t wait to see what s3 has in store besides mary, drunk times and the wedding!
and to quote the blog... ‘#sherlocklives #johnwatsonlives’ ♥
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dorkova · 7 years
Megaten anime compilation (I’ll even include raws if I can’t find it subbed or dubbed. Raws will be bold. Also this list is ordered oldest to newest.)
Digital Devil Monogatari Megami Tensei (Alternate link if you wanna watch on youtube. This is an OVA for the the first Digital devil novel that the game series was based on. It precedes the games so it’s useful to watch before playing so you get a better idea of wtf is going on. Also the villain in this is Loki and, for you P4 fans, (or fans of japanese mythology) Izanagi and Izanami are a big part of the plot.)
Shin Megami Tensei: Tokyo Revelation Dub or Sub. (the dub is hilarious tho. Also youtube alternative links dub and sub) It’s an adaption of a manga and the manga itself is loosely based on SMT. Interestingly enough it has characters named Yosuke and Saki whom happen to be dating and.. well… what ends up happening with them is very similar to what happens with Yosuke and Saki in P4.
Persona 2: Innocent Sin & Eternal Punishment (This is a 5-ish minute long animated trailer for persona 2 that came as a bonus disk with the ps1 release of eternal punishment. there’s nothing more to it, just a trailer but I think it’s really neat so it’s going on here.)
Shin Megami Tensei: DeviChil (except I found an english dubbed clip ?? also the original op (op 2 is on dailymotion) and ed (and ed 2), episode 50 part 1 and 2 raw, and a clip of a scene from idk what episode but jack frost is there)
Shin Megami Tensei: Demikids (aka devil children) Light & Dark (only 1 ep is subbed. Here’s a few raw eps I found on youtube)
Persona: Trinity Soul (takes place 10 years after persona 3 in an alternate (non-canon) universe. A lot of people dislike it because it’s really different from most persona titles but I honestly think it’s quite interesting and worth the watch if you’re really into persona. It has a lot of interesting concepts, such as, the ability to summon your persona ebbing away as you grow older. Also personas being extracted from their users in a very forceful way (leading to a case of inside-out murders. as in the bodies were inside out. yeah.)
Persona 4: The Animation (Dub and Sub)
Persona 4: The Golden Animation and this special that animated the accomplice ending.
*note Golden actually came out between p3 movie 1 and p3 movie 2 but I’m putting it under the other p4 anime for convenience sake
Devil Survivor 2: The Animation  (Dub and Sub)
Persona 3 The Movie: #1 Spring of Birth
Persona 3 The Movie: #2 Midsummer Knight's Dream
Persona 3 The Movie: #3 Falling Down
Persona 3 The Movie: #4 Winter of Rebirth
Persona 5 the Animation: The Day Breakers
Persona 5 the Animation
*note a lot of these have official releases and although I linked to where you could watch free, I encourage you to support the official release if possible. I think you can watch one of the p3 movies on netflix. Devil survivor, persona 4 golden, and the persona 5 ova are all on crunchyroll. Persona 4 (sub only) is on hulu annnd you can get some of them on dvd and blu-ray as well.)
Also since I included that p2 animated trailer her’s some other animated trailers for a few of the games;
Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse teaser animation
Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux animated trailer  (actually the animated opening to the game. i think.)
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sohmariku · 7 years
Live Spectacle Naruto 2017
(A not completely spoiler free review...)
So, yesterday I made quite a last minute decision to watch this performance after all, which of course meant I had to hope I could still get a ticket on the day itself. Although it turned out the be a lottery, because too many people showed up, I got lucky and secured myself a seat (on the 3rd row, far right corner). The seat itself wasn’t all that bad, it was just that... from the angle I was watching none of the projections actually lined up with the actors. Actually, I think only the people in the center block of the theater (and maybe those far in the back) really got to enjoy all the spectacle of the projections... and from my angle the moveable “screens” were also pretty pointless (for some scenes they should really just have used screens that covered te whole stage and not just the middle section, but on the other hand it was also fun tho have a peek at the “backstage”)...  But anyway, that’s pretty much the only complaints I have about this show! Really, it was awesome and definitly worth the money of the ticket. If you love Naruto (and musicals) and you have a chance to watch it, I reccomend you do! 
Good, onto a little more in depth review!
First of all the costumes! I absolutely love the costumes. They stuck enough to the design to make them recognizable, but changed little bits to... make them look practical and used and... I absolutely just love the costume work for this show!
Then storywise... The first half of the show pretty much covers the meeting of Naruto, Sakura, Sai and Yamato (pretending to be Sasori) with Orochimaru and Kabuto, and then the chase after Sasuke through the “dungeons” and we’re ending with a bit of a fight and the group going back having failed to bring Sasuke back... The second act mostly focuses on Sasuke and his final showdown with Itachi. (There’s more, but the largest chunck goes to this part of the story and thus I pretty much forgot the specifics about the rest) As much as I love this bit of the story, it did feel a little drawn out, but... I guess it actually was like that in the manga too... Anyway, it was done really well and I nearly cried!  Since they try to cover quite a bit of the story arc, some bits are slightly skipped over, but they try to explain as well as they can what happened during those times, I guess... My head pretty much filled in missing bits, so... I’m not sure how understandble this show would be for people who haven’t really read or watched Naruto, but... I guess most people in the theater are fans of the show, so...  Anyway, this performance wasn’t the strongest storywise (in my opinion), because there’s no real start or end. You start in the middle of the story and end without a real conclusion, so... but all the spectacle pretty much made up for it.
Let’s talk songs! Holy shit, I love the songs!! Some are better than others, but in particular I enjoyed the duet between Sasuke and Itachi, the “theme song” that’s sung with al the cast members (repeated multiple times, but with slightly different lyrics). And then there’s of course the Ending song. Just when I thought it was over and I wouldn’t get anyore, the whole cast showed up on stage to perform basically an ending song! IT was awesome and I really need (most of) these songs in MP3!!  As far as vocal abilities go, some performaned really well (Orochimaru, Sasuke, Itachi) and some a little less sometimes (Sai), but overall everyone was really decent! (All those I didn’t name just didn’t leave any lasting memories as far as vocal abilities go...)
And I guess that covers everything?  The stage decoration was nice, and the sound system didn’t somehow fuck up this time! Previous two performances I watched in the AiiA theater (Toumyu & Hakumyu) the sound system sometimes couldn’t handle the loudness of the singing voices... So, I was really happy everything sounded neat this time... especially since I was sitting right in front of the sound boxes ^o^ (Oh, and although they did have subtitles glasses for this show, I decided not to get them, because I don’t actually need them and the subtitles only distract me, so I can’t give any insight on the quality of the translation.)
Yes, yes, I loved the show and would love too see it again. But seeing how the Tokyo run is almost over and I’ll be going home soon, I’ll just wait for a Blu-Ray release... I might just buy it if my bank account agrees by that time. (And I might just add it to my subtitle project list by that time too...) 
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alizrak · 7 years
Finished watching Season 3 with my niece! (with bonus Rogue One!)
Hey! I finally finished watching Season 3 with my niece, and just like the previous two seasons, I made a compilation of most of her comments and impressions. As we had to wait for the Latin Spanish dubbed episodes to come out, we had the chance to also watch Rogue One, TPM, AtoC and the TCW movie. She had a meltdown with the S2 finale a couple of months ago so everything was still fresh for her. My own comments to her are in double brackets.
“Where is Kanan? Why is Kanan not there? He’s always on the mission with them. Oh god, he’s dead, is he?”, ((The episode is just starting, watch)), “He’s dead in life…!! [wails]”
“WHAT? IS THAT EZRA!? How many years have passed?? I hate his new haircut, but… but he looks so grown up! And thin. Very thin. He’s a grown up noodle” (( HAHAHAHAHA)))
“Hey, I remember him! The pirate guy!”
“Woah. Ezra got a new gun”, ((blaster)), “Yes! He’s getting good! WOW! LOOK AT THOSE MOVES! Acrobatic fighting! He’s amazing now!”
“Great! He also got better with the Force. He’s going to-… [the walker scene plays out]… Oh no… Oh no! HE’S TURNING TO THE DARKSIDE! Kanan definitely didn’t teach him that! Who taught him that?? MAUL?”
“Ezra needs to chill, he’s too angry. The darkside will-… [holocron glows inside the helmet]. No. No. NO. Don’t touch the helmet. Put it down! NO. THE SITH HOLOCRON!?? NO! So dumb!! Haven’t you learn anything!?? Kanan needs to scold him! Set him straight!”
“Kanan is not there in the meeting either… ARRGH! Why wont they show him! That’s what we all want to know! They are making us suffer! [squirms on her seat]”
“Kanan also changed, got older”, ((Just the beard))
“Is that a real voice? Is the sith holocron speaking to Kanan too? Nooo”
“Oh, ♫ here comes the scolding~! ♪”
“See? Only someone who uses the darkside can open it. Ezra’s going to use both! Light and dark”, (([poker face]))
“Yeah, take it from him. Make sure he doesn’t have it. It’s for your own good!… -[GASP] Talking back to Kanan! The nerve! He should ground him”
“Who is talking to Kanan? Is it a bad guy? He should be careful, it could be a trap”
[Bendu appears] “What is THAT!?”
“[eyes widen] Ashla? Bogan? He’s the one in the MIDDLE? THE BENDU!?? [starts going hype on her seat] SEE! THAT’S EZRA! EZRA IS LIKE HIM! Light and dark! He’s BENDU too!”
“He’s going to teach him how to see better with the Force? Neat”
“Who’s that scary blue guy”, ((His name is Grand Admiral Thrawn. He’s very intelligent and dangerous)), “I can tell”
“He can see the spiders now! And yes, yes, Ezra needs you right about now! Go!”
“Hahaha recovery operation”
“The phantom fell! D: Hera is going to be angry”
“Don’t worry Ezra. I’m so glad I know Hera and Kanan are on the way”
“Kanan should tell Ezra with the Force that he’s here to rescue him. He can do that, right?”
“He better catch him”
“Aww… they made up. Good!”
“Ezra still wants to use the holocron? Doesn’t he learn anything?”
“Awesome! Bendu is going to be Ezra’s new teacher? To use the Light and the Dark?”
“I hate the spiders”
“Yeah, Sabine and Zeb are good, but they are no match against MAUL”
“Well, Kanan might have forgive him, but I still think THIS IS YOUR FAULT EZRA! HE WILL NEVER SEE HERA’S FACE! Ugh! I want to punch him!… and maybe hug him later, but slap him for sure!”
“Loook awaaaaay. LISTEN TO YOUR DAD”
((Who do you think Maul’s talking about? )) “Well, of course… [roll eyes] Obi Wan”
“Uuuh Sabine is going into the academy! Sneaky!”
“It’s nice that Ezra is worried about her”
[Kallus finds them] “Oh no, Agent Kallus is going to sto-…” [stares at me in disbelief] D: “Did he just… became a good guy?” ((Well, he still owed Zeb, remember)) “Yeah… you might be right”
“Why are they risking going inside? Just for… that thing?”
“That blue guy will figure out she was a spy. He’s good.”
“See, he did.”
“Those are the same droids we fight on Disney Infinity! This is awesome!” Note: She hasn’t seen clone wars or PT at this point.
“They have Zeb as a prize? Hahahaha”
“How was Rex programmed? Is he a also half robot?”
“Uhm… Ezra is good making friends”
“Yay! They got a new ship!”
“Who’s that again?” ((Fenn Rau)) “….who?”
“Why are the Mandalorians attacking them?”
“Her mom is BAD?”
“Hahahahaha, Ezra’s worried about his personal space! Look at his face!”
“They should just beat another mandalorian and steal his jetpack so Ezra can fly away with her”
“She’s going to fix it, right?”
“They are going to regret not following Hera’s orders”
“Woah, Ezra, you are all mature now…. IS STILL YOUR FAULT KANAN LOST HIS EYES THO!”
“I think I can understand what Chopper says now”
“Now THAT is a Star Destroyer”
“Ezra and the others should just have left them” ((HAHAHAHAHA))
The Wynkahthu Job
“Yeah… Ezra trusts the wrong people easily. Like Maul. THANKS EZRA”
“Who is that guy again?”, ((Ryder. From Season 2. The man who told Ezra his parents were dead)) “Uhmm….:|”
“Wait… is Thrawn going to make him ride the bike?… uh-oh… is he injured or…?” ((He’s gone)) “HE EXPLODED?”
“I LOVE WHEN THEY STEAL THE UNIFORMS. They just look at each other and it’s like they know what the other is thinking!” ((That’s kind of an ability with the Force too…)) “It’s awesome”
“Oh… there he is. Agent Kallus again. Ugh. Heh, at least he doesn’t know-… NOPE. HE KNOWS! HE KNOWS! …wait WHAT? He’s HELPING THEM? HE IS FULCRUM!? WHAT!? WHAAAAAAAAAT? He’s been a guy good all along?? BUT HE HURT THEM BEFORE!” ((It’s been only recently… maybe since that episode with Zeb. He helped Sabine, right?)) “YEAH BUT-… why does he stays with the Empire then!?” ((He’s a spy. He needs to keep face!)) “Is he going to come along with them?”
“WHAT? How… How does Thrawn knows what are they going to do?? He’s TOO SMART! D:”
“Ah, Ezra is smart by using the other walker as cover… small cover but its something”
“Oh, was that woman the wife of the guy who exploded? His… young wife? She does look young.”
“Thrawn knows it’s Kallus. He KNOWS it’s him. Thrawn is too smart! D:”
“That was a voice. Someone is calling Ezra. uh-oh… Ezra is going crazy”
“Oh no, no, no, no… it’s Maul, right? It has to be Maul”
“NO! IT’s RIGHT BEHIND-… WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM! IS EZRA DEAD!? He just fainted right? RIGHT? Oh, look at them…! They are all worried about him! EVERYONE IS WORRIED ABOUT EZRA! THEY ALL LOVE HIM” [starts sobbing] ((hahahahah, yeah, they all worry about-…wait… are you actually crying??)) “YES. They have become a real family! I’m so proud of them! They care about each other! It’s so beautiful!” (( [comforts/hugs her] o___________o [POTENTIAL DEAD OF KANAN AND EZRA STARTS MAKING ME FUCKING SWEAT] ))
“Look at them! They are waiting by his bedside! [dries tears]” (( .____. -OMFG- ))
“He is REALLY going crazy”
“Bendu is going to help them right?”
“Don’t turn around, don’t turn around, don’t- WAAAAAAAH!”
“He’s not your apprentice! Go Kanan! KILL HIM!”
“Well, Maul is right. They do need to defeat the sith. Uhmm… ok”
“He’s not going to hurt Ezra, is he?” ((No, remember when he said he was only loyal to him?)) “Yeah, but I thought he was lying… and because he keeps hurting his friends”
“oh, nonononono… Maul’s starting to talking about himself. I hate when he does that because it makes me care for him. His past is so sad” ((shitshitshitshitshit))
“They killed everyone… all his people”
“What is that place?”
“Is that a lightsaber?” ((Yep… you have seen it. Remember the fight we saw? Of Maul vs Lord Sidious?)) “Uh… yeah, where he kills his brother” (( Maul also had another lightsaber. A black one)) “Oh, that’s right, who made that one? A sith?” ((No… keep watching ;) ))
“Sabine would surely know”
“wait… is he… IS HE GOING TO MAKE EZRA DRINK ALCOHOL!?” ((uh… no, that’s like a dark magic potion)) “IT IS ALCOHOL. EZRA CANT DRINK THAT! He’s not 18 yet!!” ((… yeah, he’s 17 but that still not alcohol)) “It is! LOOK! Maul just toasted with him!” ((No, it is not)) “Ezra is coughing. It is totally alcohol…” ((….I…. ok… ))
“What did they just see? I don’t understand” (( A desert planet with two suns… Tatooine)) “oooohhh… that’s right. Obi Wan.”
“Master versus Student. Nope. NOPE. NOPE”
“FIGHT IT, KANAN! You are the best! You can shake their control!”
“Ezra needs to bring the others outside the cave. Lure them”
“…. like brothers? He misses his family. But is he going to hurt Ezra now??… uh? HE LEFT?” ((Yep. He’s not going to hurt him.)) “Woah… maybe he is loyal to him after all. Evil loyal”
“How is it possible that Sabine is using that lightsaber?? SHE DOESNT KNOW HOW!”
“Ezra, you are a genius!”
“Sabine is going to take the lightsaber with her, right? Just like the jetpack. AWESOME”
I wasn’t able to take my niece to Rogue One when it came out because she was off on vacation during the holidays, so I was waiting for the blu-ray to come out. To start, my niece understands this is “3.5” on the timeline. Rebels’ placement is still a little confusing for her. These were her comments and impressions.
Who’s that? why are they looking for them?“
Woah… those troopers… they don’t look the same. ((Death troopers)) Uh-oh.
What… what’s going on? I don’t understand. Why are they leaving the girl? ALONE?
Is that the bad guy from Rebels? ((You mean Tarkin? No. His name is Krennic)) what a weird name…
Trust the Force? Is she a Jedi like Ezra and Kanan?
Where is Darth Vader? Is Darth Vader in this movie?
And now she’s an orphan. Great. They should have just ran.
Why is she in prison? What did she do!?
WHERE ARE WE NOW? What’s going on!?? Why aren’t they explaining anything!??
Why did he shot that guy!? Is he really a good guy? Why-? What-?
Ok, so… there’s a message… and that guy brought it and… it’s important for someone called Saw Guerrera? Who send it again?
So her father is with the Empire and made the Death Star? He was forced to do so, I guess.
They want to KILL HER DAD? Are these really the Rebels we know?? ((They think he’s making more weapons, they want to stop him))
K2 is really funny.
That guy looks Mexican. ((He is)) HE IS!? OH! GREAT! Did he have problems with his accent? ((They kept his accent… there are many accents in Star Wars)) Oh, that’s good! :D [NOTE: We are Mexican]
What are they going to do to the pilot?? ((read his mind with that monster)) But he is not lying and he could lose his mind! ((Well, Saw Guerrera is an extremist, right?)) Overkill.
[Chirrut appears] Oh no… no. NO! HE REMINDS ME OF KANAN! HIS EYES! NOOO!
Kyber Crystals? ((Jedi use that for their lightsabers. Like Ezra, remember? It makes the laser.)) Oh… OOOOH, that’s right!
Is he a Jedi? ((Nope. A guard. He feels the Force but can’t use it like Ezra and Kanan))
Jyn can fight!
The blind guy is going to kick everyone’s butt…. THERE.
Hahahaha he’s blind. It won’t matter if they cover his face.
Why does Saw sound like that? ((There is something wrong with his lungs.)) The actor’s or the character’s? ((The Character))
He left her! He raised and left her! But why? He seems to like her enough.
[Galen’s message plays] oh… he did all of this… for her… [sniffles] …this is the first time I cry with a movie.
They are not shooting the Death Star right at them, right? RIGHT? OH NO. RUN! RUN!
He still wants to kill her dad?? He can’t do that! He wants to save them!
Chirrut is going to feel his bad intentions with the Force.
Does he look like a killer? xD Hahahaha.
Yay, the Rebels are sending help. ((Not, really, they are going to bomb the lab)) WHAT!? NO!!
Why won’t she start shooting!? Kill Krennic! He’s right there!
Grab your dad and get out of there!… oh, he’s not going to make it? It didn’t look that bad… :(
What planet is this? (( "Where Jedi go to die?”)) oh. OOOOH.
Hahaha Krennic is scared. Darth Vader is so intimidating.
Ohhhh, hahahaha, that was a great joke. He’s good! xD
They don’t believe her? bah… I would believe her.
((Did you hear that?)) Huh? ((They are calling for General Syndulla)) Yeah. (( Hera Syndulla)) Yeah, so? ….. [beat] …. [eyes widen] HERA? HERA SYNDULLA!? IS SHE IN THE MOVIE!? WHERE!? WHERE!? ((It was just a mention)) For the fans?
Sorry, I’m trying to see if I can spot anyone from Rebels in the background. ((Not yet. I’ll tell you when))
Will the others come too? Are they volunteering? That’s good. But they are so few…
[Jyn gives the speech] You know… I want you to know… I love how the main character is a woman in the new movies. It’s just so cool. Like with Rey. I love it. (( I know))
Why is Hera not helping them? (( I don’t know, maybe she had another mission?))
What a pretty planet. Was all that made with the computer? ((Most of that place is real… the bigger buildings are not)) With like… all the little islands and stuff? ((Yep! Is a beautiful place! Maldives, I believe)) Woah.
Hahaha they stole the uniforms. Classic.
You know, I like how Star Wars doesn’t show much blood everywhere. They get shot but is not like BLEARGH IM BLEEDING OUT. I rather watch it like this.
[I pause it just in time] ((DO YOU SEE HIM??)) CHOPPER! THERE’S CHOPPER!! I LOVE HIM!
Wooo! Here they come helping! YEAH!
They closed the barrier! They need to send the files through WiFi? ((Uhm…Yeah, kinda? lol ))
THERE’S THE GHOST! [several times through the battle]
Oh No, they are shooting K2. No. No, no, no. Please… not him… oh no.
Chirrut… the Force is with him…
Throw the granade away Bhodi-!…too late…
They are all dying.
She’s very strong to be able to climb like that. Crossfit?
I can imagine Hera flying through all of that and like Kanan and Zeb on the turrets shooting at all those TIE. ((We don’t know if Kanan and Ezra are around at this time. Yoda says Luke is the last Jedi on the other movies)) [looks at me dead serious] I don’t care what Yoda says. I don’t care if Luke is not the last Jedi. All I care is that Ezra and Kanan are alive. That’s it! They already took his eyes! THAT’S ENOUGH!“
Send the files through the wifi! NOW!
Who’s there in the hallway? As long as is not-… yeah, it’s him. They are dead.
[GASPS] PRINCES LEIA! How did they make her look so young!?? AMAZING!
“Where is Jyn? Is she going to show up here?”
“Kanan can sense him with the force”
“Woah Kanan is amazing! So cool! He’s the best!”
“hahaha, not a Skywalker”
“Those droids are too much for Zeb and Sabine”
“I think the alien bug is scared”
“Saw is really extreme”
“Ezra is good at making friends”
“When will Saw get his funny voice?”
“NOOOO, he only wants to protect the egg! Saw is being just MEAN!”
“Poor Klic-Klac! STOP HIM EZRA! SLASH HIS HAND OFF!… ok, you can tackle him too, fine”
“Sabine got her jetpack fixed! YAY! She’s going to kick their butts!!”
“Well, AP5 is not wrong. Zeb is kinda like the muscle of the group. He’s not that smart”
“Woah, that robot is scary”
[The droid returns to the Star Destroyer] “They are screwed” ((because the droid is going to explode?)) “No, because Thrawn will know at least one his droids did found the Rebels.” ((…. O______O…. ))
“See? He now knows they are in one of those planets the droids visited. He’s too smart!”
“Uh… so this Mandalorian Jedi must have been, like, super cool”
“Why is Sabine’s family angry with her? THEY ARE FAMILY”
“She doesn’t want the responsibility…. Heraaaa don’t push her”
“You know… [a little embarrassed] I kinda wish Sabine and Ezra had a thing together.” ((I don’t know if Sabine cares for Ezra like that. They don’t have time for dating anyway)) “There’s nothing wrong if she does… I mean… when she’s older and she wants kids” (( …even after the war, that might be complicated)) “But if she does…” ((…maybe… but so far they are like siblings)) “But they aren’t. They can end up happy together like Kanan and Hera” (( [stares ahead] Yes… end up happy like Kanan and Hera… o_____o [♪ HELLO DARKNESS MY OLD FRIEND ]))
“She needs to be careful with the darksaber or she will get hurt- AAAAAAAAAH! DID SHE LOSE HER HAND!?” ((no, she just signed it)) “She’s going to get angry”
[Sabine opens up] “….woah….”
“They will fight for her. They are family”
“Uh, I don’t understand what she’s saying. What is she speaking?” ((Mandalorian))
“I bet one of those Mandalorians is a sibling of hers. That one must be her brother” (( O_O ok…)) “SEE!”
“She’s in trouble with her mom!”
“Ezra is so silly and cute at the same time. Just shut up, hahahaha”
“So sad. Her dad is a prisoner… Maybe Ezra and Kanan can help her rescue him. That would make everyone happy and they would join”
“[GASP] Her mom is a traitor! She will betray Sabine! HOW DARE SHE!?”
“Ezra is such a gentleman, giving Sabine his lightsaber to defend herself” ((xD))
“Is no one really going to help her!? REALLY??”
“She can fix her jetpack, right?”
“She’s not a normal Mandalorian. Maybe she- [GASP] SHE GOT SHOT!? OH GOD, NOO!! HE SHOT HER!… ah, ok, it was her mom. GOOD JOB MOM!”
“Wa-wait… she’s staying!? WHAT!…. [sigh] Ok, ok, she’s right. She needs to save her dad and her people… [beat]… IS SHE NOT GOING TO GIVE EZRA A GOODBYE HUG!??”
[GASP] “What is Ezra doing here!?”
“He knows Fulcrum is Kallus, right??”
“YEAH! This is really dangerous Ezra! What were you thinking!?…Oh. They might know of Kallus? ok, then that’s fine then. They will need to flee quickly”
“What are those lizard things in Thrawn’s office?”
“Thrawn knows is Kallus. He knows. He’s just waiting for him to slip”
“Hahaha stop doing that… good old times”
“Not even Thrawn’s stormtroopers can resist the mind trick”
“Ezra! Push the rock on top of Thrawn! USE THE FORCE NOW! SQUISH HIM!”
“They think Ezra is Lyste. So funny!”
“‘You want to fill me in?’… :( … I keep forgeting Kanan can’t see… uuugh, WAAAAaaah! Why!? WHYYY!… [sigh]… seems like I’ll have to resign myself that he will stay like this forever…”
“W-what? Is Kallus staying!? AFTER ALL THEY WENT THROUGH!? IS HE STUPID? Thrawn knows it’s him! SO DUMB!”
“See? SEEE!? THRAWN KNOWS! UUUUUGH! [throws arms up] Great! GOOD JOB KALLUS!”
“That droid again!”
“Uh-oh, these Rebel groups don’t like each other”
“Ezra knows how to fly those ships! Thanks Hera! He will make you proud!”
“That’s… that woman from the news” ((Do you remember her from Rogue One? The one that told Jyn they couldn’t do anything in the meeting)) “oh, right… so she joins the Rebels now”
“Well, those ships really got there fast… like… too fast. She stopped talking and 'Hey! We are here!’. Weird.”
“Hahahah AP5 and Chopper are so funny”
“They are going to hack Chopper!? FIGHT IT CHOPPER!”
“AP5’s going to realize something is wrong. He’s being too nice”
“Careful with the codes! and with the base location!”
“No!… AP5 is lost in space! They can go back for him, right?”
“Yeah! Don’t mess with her droid!”
“YEAAAH EXPLOSIONS! Sabine would love this! Too bad she’s not here.”
“Who’s that… Maul…”
“Easy Maul. I know a way to bring Kenobi out. Just use a kid. A young one preferably. That should work. It’s what I would do if I was evil… see? He’s going to use Ezra” (( [nervous laugh] ))
“I still don’t get it” ((What?)) “Why does Maul want to kill Obi Wan? What does he expect to happen?” ((Maybe feel better?)) “But Maul already made him suffer before and did nothing for him… now he wants to kill him again?” ((He doesn’t know any other way to fix the way he feels)) “Uhmmm… [unconvinced]”
“That’s Kanan’s room… but where is Kanan??” (( [holding back a 'ON HERAS ROOM! YEAH’]))
“Why won’t they let him go? Hera… don’t be so strict. He’s a grown teenager now. Kanan can go with him and it would be quick”
“He’s going… ALONE?… ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? Ezra! He’s Maul! MAUL! You can’t beat MAUL alone! He’s way more experienced than you! Even if you got better, you don’t have a chance against him! Leave that to the grown ups!”
“It’s amazing what the Holocrons can do”
“Of course it was a trap”
“[worried look on her face] You know… When Ezra hears Maul’s voice and makes him go a little crazy… I fear he will end up evil like Anakin”
“He should have stayed home”
“OH MY GOD! THERE HE IS! Is he going to teach Ezra too??”
“Aw… ok, he needs to leave. Yep, he was manipulated. Kenobi will deal with that. Ezra has no business here”
“Does Maul want to get slashed through the middle, AGAIN?”
“He’s protecting… OH THAT’S RIGHT! LUKE!”
[Maul and Obi Wan prepare to fight] ((That’s Qui-Gon’s pose… the one he used when Maul killed him)) “oooooh”
“Bye bye lightsaber and… wait… Obi Wan got him too!?”, ((Yep, on the chest))
“THE CHOSEN ONE! Obi Wan must feel awful because he believed Anakin was the Chosen before and loved him, but at least he has Luke now”
“Is Maul bipolar or what. First he wants to kill Obi Wan, then he gets all emotional being held by him like he loves him… He can’t make up his mind. Oh well, at least the Chosen One will avenge him, that’s what mattered to him”
“Is… is Ezra keeping that ship!? Woah!”
“The family is back together! As it should be!”
“Thrawn knows about the attack. Well… Kallus better tell the others.”
“Wait… WAIT. THAT’S EZRA’S ROOM! From the begining!” ((Kallus is sending his messages from that tower)) “SO COOL!”
“…what… THRAWN! Oh no…”
“Thrawn is going to win this fight… I don’t even know why Kallus thinks he can win. Just flee!”, ((He needs the message to reach them, he can’t leave before that))
“Those are the black troopers! From Rogue One! The really good ones!” ((Yep! Death Troopers))
“Heh, they had erased the planet from the maps… just like what happened with Kamino in the movies… but they couldn’t fool Thrawn either” ((Yeah, exactly, good catch. -Note: We saw TPM, AotC and TCW movies at this point… still need to watch RotS))
“Kanan still needs to teach him more things like a father… see? Ezra is right. Teach him more about life!”
“Wait, they even have a code signal to evacuate the whole base?” ((Well, yes, they need codes to know what to do, they are in war after all!))
“Heh, Kanan needs to go for Bendu”
“They can’t enter hyperspace… they can’t escape!”
“Mmmh… I don’t think Bendu is going to help them”
“What is Sato going to do? He rather die with a few…? Ok then”
“Oh… he rammed into the other ship-…WAIT! WHERE IS KALLUS!? He’s not in that one right? Oh! Phew! He was on the other ship with Thrawn. That was close”
“Well, now Hera is officially in charge of the whole base… not surprising”
“Kanan is making him angry. I think Bendu will end up attacking both sides”
“I still wonder if Ezra will end up in the Middle, like Bendu…”
“Why is he asking Mon Mothma for help?” ((She kinda became one of the leaders of the Rebellion, remember? When all the other ships showed up in the previous episodes)) “They won’t help… how ungrateful. Now what is Ezra going to do?” [“SABINE”] “What… WHAT? SABINE?? He can’t bring her into this! She has her own problems at home! He shouldn’t put her in more danger and there’s little they both can do!” ((He means her family, the Mandalorian)) “SNORTS HA! THEM? Please! The Mandalorians only care for their own people and their wars. You saw that. They are not going to help the Rebels just like that” (( [speechless] ))
“What is Thrawn’s plan now?” ((Attack them on ground and capture the higher ranks)) “What…? Why?” ((If he captures Hera and Dodona, he might be able to extract more information about the Rebellion and make an example of them by executing them later)) “Bah, Hera would die before revealing anything” ((They do have torture droids but they haven’t shown them in the show because this is for kids… they are very effective)) “Nah, Hera wouldn’t talk even then, they would have to kill her”
“How do shields work?” (( Sorry, I don’t know. Technology in Star Wars is sometimes a little fantastic… it just works)) “[unconvinced]”
“That’s just funny because you are live! hahahahaha… yeah”
“I hate that they make Kanan 'look’ by turning his head around like he can still see. It confuses me…”
“I told you… the Mandalorians aren’t going to help Ezra”
“Ok, it won’t be an army… but I hope that’s enough to help them escape”
“Yeah, Kallus is not like Thrawn. He’s not blue! hahahahaha”
“Zeb and Rex are really good friends… I love how they fight together”
“They even brought those walkers! D:”
“The death troopers! They better run!”
“This is cliché… there’s a storm comming because OF COURSE it is [rolls eyes]” ((Isn’t it strange? This is a desert planet after all)) “Yeah, they have to get a storm in the story to make it feel more dramatic” ((well, you are not wrong but…))
“Ezra is here! Everybody run-!… HAHAHHAHA look how AP5 runs! HAHAHAHAH!”
“oh… is that… IS THAT BENDU?…”
“Ezra has a space suit!! HOW COOL!”
“Bendu is really going to attack both sides… Kanan better run. He’s reaaally angry at him”
“He’s the light, the dark, the one in the middle… it would be better if he was the one in charge of everything, instead of the Emperor. There wouldn’t be any fights” (( I’m… not sure about that))
“HAH! Thrawn thinks he can kill Bendu!… He-…what…he shot him down? WHAT!??? HE CAN’T DO THAT!”
“Is Pryce really going to throw him out to space??” ((did you catch Kallus’ smile there?)) “Yes! Maybe those two troopers are also spies of the Rebellion and they are going to help him escape!?” ((Erh… keep watching)) “Oh, well, that’s ok too… he’s very good fighting after all… only Thrawn has defeated him that badly”
“Is time to flee!”
“Do you see that Pryce!?? HUH! IN YOUR FACE! THEY ARE ESCAPING IN YOUR FACE! UUHH!! WOOOOOH!! [dances in front of the tv]”
[Bendu dissapears] “Heh…surprised, Thrawn?”
“Aaaaw… I don’t think I ever heard someone praising Kallus for a job well done like that… this is great, they are so accepting”
“They will make it happen!”
Reaction to the Season 4 trailer: “Wait- wait… ’End like this’? Does- does she mean like 'in a good way’ or 'a bad way’?” ((…we don’t know…)) “Woah, this is very fast paced, very epic! Looks great!”
When told Season 4 is the last one: “WHAT!? WHY? Rebels is so good! What are they thinking? I still want more! They can’t do this!” [excruciating sounds]
When shown Forces of Destiny announcement and dolls: “They look amazing! I want to watch that series too and I want the dolls for Sabine, Ahsoka and Hera… there IS a Hera doll, right??” ((I sure hope so kiddo))
In general, I’m really freaking nervous with Season 4 because Kanan is pretty much her favorite character, and in her eyes Hera and Kanan are definitely together, being Ezra’s adoptive mom and dad. Her crying when Ezra fainted in Visions and Voices caught me completely off guard. He had just fainted. Dear lord, I don’t want think the problem I’m going to have in my hands with her mom if she returns home an emotional mess if they die. I don’t know about other target audience, but she made it clear to me during Rogue One that they MUST be alive. And I’m just here, praying and hoping she’s right.
Submitted May 10, 2017 at 01:00PM via reddit http://ift.tt/2q3ZzsQ
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jesterghost · 6 years
the fuck is this tho
neat audios on my posts fuck me
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wonderlilane · 7 years
wait oh wow
so the blu-rays for yoi just straight up added in their entire exhibition routines, that were almost completely absent from the show
thats..... neat, i guess? i think i’ll wait til they’re all out so i can just watch them at once tho
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