#the brainrot is too deep
theskeletonprior · 8 months
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Vah'ikith of Crèche Tl'a'su
Githyanki Fighter/Draconic Sorcerer | He/Him
What is your Tav's...
FAVORITE WEAPON: Vah'ikith wields an old silver greatsword, that he has cared for over his aeons of service in the Astral Plane, and beyond. It is free of tarnish and nicks, but the crossguard is missing two of its rubies. And then, of course, there is his sorcery. MOST PRIZED POSSESSION: Said greatsword. This and his armor are his last connections to his former pride amongst his people. These days he's known as a madman and a traitor, and this is a source of terrible grief. He also keeps a small sketchbook and draws in charcoal when he's certain he won't get caught, or is amongst trusted individuals. DEEPEST DESIRE: The liberation of his people from Vlaakith, the freedom of the Prince of the Comet, and a secret third thing. GUILTY PLEASURE: Raisins. This man will kill for raisins. BEST-KEPT SECRET: Vah'ikith is an artist. A muralist, specifically, specializing in landscapes, but nevertheless proficient in figure drawing. His history amongst the githyanki is also something he tends to keep to himself. GREATEST STRENGTH: Vah'ikith is utterly tenacious. While strategic in combat, he doesn't give up, he doesn't retreat, and he faces his problems head on. He is persuasive and intimidating. FATAL FLAW: Sometimes he is maybe too tenacious. Vah'ikith also struggles to rely upon others and can conflate his independence with his value as a person. FAVORITE SMELL: Campfire, babey. And there's a specific scent to the air in the Astral that makes him nostalgic. FAVORITE SPELL OR CANTRIP: Spell - Fireball. Cantrip - Shocking Grasp. PET PEEVE: The Faerûnian tendency to say things like "I'm sorry" and "I love you" when you can just show those things. BAD HABIT: Vah'ikith has a tendency to overlook social niceties. The local etiquette confuses and frustrates him. HIDDEN TALENT: Vah'ikith is very good at face painting. (I headcanon that at the celebratory party after the goblins are driven off, that he spends most of the night painting whiskers and scales and whatnot onto tiefling children, and some of the adults, as the night wears on.) LEISURE ACTIVITY: The three 'S's': snacking, sketching, and sex. FAVORITE DRINK: Gulthmeran Reserve; he's spent a great deal of time amongst the druids there and acquired the taste quite easily. COMFORT FOOD: Whatever's quickly available; Vah'ikith is perpetually hungry. But he loves neogi rolls best. FAVORITE PERSON(S): In-game, Vah'ikith romances Lae'zel, and gets on best with Halsin, Karlach, and Jaheira. FAVORED DISPLAY OF AFFECTION (PLATONIC AND/OR ROMANTIC): A spar. Vah'ikith loves a brawl, especially with someone he cares about. FONDEST CHILDHOOD MEMORY: Not too many of these; as a githyanki his childhood is bloodier than most and quite traumatic. He no longer remembers it particularly well. What he does remember is sneaking out to draw on the crumbling ruins near Crèche Tl'a'su, and the vicious beatings he'd receive if anyone caught him.
I saw @covenscribe do this for their Tav, Amour and thought I'd indulge myself and share my Tav, too. Vah'ikith is a Fighter-2/Sorcerer-10 multiclass, which is one of my favorite builds of all time. His name means (roughly) 'soul of a star.' If anyone seeing this wants to participate and tag me, please feel free!
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nicktoonsunite · 4 months
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got your back
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cherrytraveller · 2 years
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yeah yeah angst potential whatever but what about Present & Future Leo bonding huh gotta do everything myself around here–
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v1nsmoke · 2 months
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i feel like too much time and effort went into this one, i fear
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reallilystuff · 7 months
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big kibby = big sleebgy cuddle. loaf cat vs employee who literally cannot sleep on the job who will win (hint: it's loaf cat 🍞)
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skiaskai · 1 year
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what if they kissed in the blue light of his space boy wing 👉👈
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crowlixcx · 4 months
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Don't speak, I know what you're thinkin' I don't need your reasons Don't tell me 'cause it hurts
Don't Speak by No Doubt - The Brainrot Series
(requested by @10-days-of-freakin-olives)
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wtftaylr · 2 months
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here have some Sadie Knox (my Courier Six) infodumping bc i am insane abt her rn
Sandra "Sadie" Knox / 5'2" / 34
Sandra Knox isn't her birth name, she got her first and last name separately from books she's read over the years.
Sadie is a scientist who worked as a courier and an overcharging con-artist repairman to save up caps to fund her research. She carries a notebook with her at all times, always scribbling down notes as it helps her think and process information.
Sadie is morally gray; a bit selfish and tunnel-visioned in her ways. Once Sadie has a goal, big or small, she’ll stop at nothing to achieve whatever it is. She has a unique way with words and can get you into trouble and out of it in the same sentence. This skill has saved her ass an insurmountable amount of times.
Due to her borderline extreme goal-contentedness, despite caring for those she loves and keeps close to her, she often comes off distant. Sadie has always had a rough time showing that she cares and her gestures can come off as awkward or forced. Her autism might be (is) partially to blame for this lol. Those willing to work past this awkwardness and allow her to adjust are rewarded with a ride or die friend for life.
She's got a reserve of pent-up rage. Though she can be quite irritable from minor conveniences [ex: she drops a pencil on the ground > emotional dysregulation from adhd rises > she's LIVID- ok she's fine now], she's not one to lash out at someone she loves. Her rage is kept internal and it weighs heavily on her shoulders.
Once speaking to Yes Man [before confronting Benny], she figures trying to get in on Benny's scheme is the opportunity she's been waiting for -- the prospect of a steady flow of caps excites her.
Oh and after her visit to BIG MT, she decides to help the Doctors by occasionally bringing them Mojave shit to research.
Sadie: look at the size of this legendary deathclaw hand. These things are large and terrifying, and despite the best efforts, nests continue to pop u-- Dr. Borous: the size of that hand.... Dr. Borous: it reminds me of my time in AMERICAN HIGH SCHOOL, when RICHIE MARCUS took his HAND to my FACE and BEAT ME SENSELESS behind the school. the AMERICAN HIGH SCHOOL-- Sadie: [patiently waiting bc she doesnt know when, or if, it is appropriate to intervene]
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californiatowhee · 6 months
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x-men: first class screencap redraws (ace attorney edition), ft. phoenix/edgeworth from the rage and serenity scene
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nouverx · 6 months
thank you for drawing so much radiorose! i also have terrible radiorose brainrot and your art keeps me alive, it's so cute ;_;
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T-t-thank you ily
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driftingballoons · 8 months
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They’re pretty lax when it comes to the uniform, huh?
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littlewani · 3 months
Just some One Piece Academy Dazwani sharing lil kisses because I enjoy making them look all lovey dovey.
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Random thought: They feel a lil OOC here ik but I’d like to think that since they are supposed to be students in this and are therefore younger, they’d be more careless and would probably show a lil more affection towards each other (in public at least).
Also one day I’ll get better at colouring trust..
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tibby-art · 1 year
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masked chimes stuff dump
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schneiderenjoyer · 6 months
My Descent Into Madness About Unilogs
This is more of a full blown conspiracy theory than a theoretical analysis of information, keep that in mind.
So, as always, this will be VERY long and ramble-y so take your time reading!
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I left off in my discussion about The Wheel's connection to the Storm and it being the possible key to how it all works without really explaining it. This is why.
The Wheel doesn't just have the ability to create fog that repels the Storm within the suitcase, but also has the ability to summon arcanists.
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Through a two dimensional golden thread weaved onto the spindle, it can't be felt tangibly and it doesn't seem to truly "exist" in that realm. But with enough of these "nonexistent lines" can Vertin call out to an arcanist and bring them there.
Specifically any arcanist of any timeline. Regardless of if they've ever been reverse into that era yet.
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As well as the implication of summoning an arcanist not just from their timeline, but from another universe's timeline.
Now, I'm about to pitch you the conspiracy theory part of the essay, so entertain my insane ramblings for a bit because this is gonna be one of my hottest takes known to man.
Sonetto didn't survive the Storm in the prologue.
Here's my reason why I consider this a possibility:
We barely knew Sonetto's personality in the prologue, so it'd be easy to do this switch compared to doing it at a later date. But what we can glean from pre-1966 Storm and post-1966 Storm Sonetto is her immediate tonal shift.
Sonetto before the Storm is far more subdued with her way of speaking with Vertin. Professional and could even be considered more polite.
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We can chalk this up as her being on Work Mode and with the Storm's arrival approaching, it's far more important to get the task done than her relaxing her mood.
So, let's think about why I think it's not possible for her to make it back to the Foundation on time. In the prologue, we see them discuss a new form of teleportation device still being improved by LaPlace.
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It's a means to have a better way to teleport a large group of people from a much farther distance.
With this in mind, it's important that they have the disks to immediately evacuate because it'll take longer to get back to the safety of the Foundation. But they used all three of it. One to summon Vertin.
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One to intercept the enemies.
And one-
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Was used by Regulus to escape.
And with that time, they only hade 45 minutes left before the Storm hits. Sonetto instructed her squad to go back ahead, leaving her to go with Vertin to investigate.
Even if we're absolutely generous in stating she can get far with using consistent fast travel arcane spells to move her to safety, how much time did she have?
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Not enough. Not even the best teleportation spell can get her back in time assuming the nearest London branch is just a subdivision away.
Speaking of teleportation spell, we can even use one of the teleportation spells as a reference. Aferoj Around.
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It's one Sonetto suggested Vertin used to summon her, but immediately dismisses it as a possibility. It could be because of the fact that the range wouldn't make sense assuming that Sonetto's been summoned from the main headquarters all the way to where Vertin is. So even an advanced arcane skill like that can't just summon someone in that great amount of distance.
While it's also should be taken into account that with the reverse having send them from 1966 England all the way to 1929 America, it's still an impossibility if they were to still be within London. Because if that kind of spell is so easily executed consistently, then they wouldn't be developing the Teleport disk. It's an advanced skill for a reason and even that has limitations. So other less taxing teleport skill wouldn't have the distance needed to get Sonetto back in time.
Which brings us to post-1966 Storm Sonetto and the wild implication of her summoning. For one, her reaction is far more brighter and excited, familiar even. Much more like the puppy we consider her to be now. It can also interpreted as shock, but the demeanor compared to post-1966 Storm Sonetto at least has a slightly noticeable difference.
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One of the biggest difference though, is this:
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Madam Z somehow knew about what Vertin's doing and has instructed Sonetto specifically to seek her out.
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If we can believe in Vertin's words here, she's never told anyone about this. Not even Madam Z. So to boldly be told that they knew all along is a strange difference that even took Vertin off guard.
Why this is important is to ask you this. Just how much can you tell if someone is replaced with another version of themself? We're all lead to believe that those differences are drastic, but alternate universes doesn't have to be full blown change. It can be as simple as putting on your right sock first rather than the left that day.
Which is why it'd be so cruel and so sneaky to actually have done this switch in the first place. Because we don't know Sonetto enough to have noticed the change. And Vertin doesn't know her enough either after 4 years of not really being that close to her.
And how can I say this could be possible without a little bit more evidence to entertain it? Well, Chapter 5 is the reason I'm making this theory in the first place. And that's because of one person.
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This man. THIS MAN.
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Canonically fukin joins the Manus. This manfailure is the sole reason, aside from one more reason but i'll get into later, why I thought about this possibility.
Because you can say that maybe after this event in the island he'll just defect to Vertin's team later after suffering the injustice of the arts or whatever, but I like to point back to one of the listed descriptions of Unilog's capabilities.
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It can sometimes change the fates of people. So what I'm suggesting is that the Diggers we end up recruiting isn't the same Diggers, but an alternate universe one who didn't join the Manus as he was literally ripped from his timeline to join Vertin's instead.
This could explain many more of the characters in the roster being from timelines far into the past or even far into the future like John Titor. Heck, it explains dead people like Click and Poltergeist being there when they're supposed to be dead. Because summoning them through The Wheel has the potential to change their fate.
So yes, you can also argue that means Vertin did end up saving Sonetto from reversing and they actually do have their timeline's Sonetto still, but there's still the possibility that she's just another universe's Sonetto. She's both this timeline's Sonetto and not at the same time.
Schrodinger's Sonetto. (Note that this isn't the accurate use of Schrodinger's cat logic, it's mainly a joke)
Which now leads up to 100% the ultimate reason why I wanna pitch this idea as possible and y'all already know where I'm leading up to, this is just a huge build up to one thing and one thing only.
S C H N E I D E R.
THAT'S RIGHT. IT WAS SCHNEIDER ALL ALONG. You think I wouldn't go a single damn analysis without talking about my bbygirl? You're dead wrong. If this summoning system has the damn ability to yoink people from another universe and change their fate, then the possibility of getting Schneider back is far more real. Heck, you can even pull a version of her that actually IS an arcanist like y'all I fukin swear I'm not delulu, PLEASE--
So that's my thoughts about what could unilogs do. I know it's extremely far fetched, but I like to entertain these ideas in hopes that it might give people a lot of other theories to craft!
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bobus · 5 months
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icetea doodle in honor of new moot lmao, also some things ive dug up from my old magma trenches.
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johnslittlespoon · 7 months
no one encourage this path of brainrot because i will end up writing 3000 words of john and his metaphorical wagging tail when he sees his gale, john and his obsession with the smell of gale's aftershave, rubbing his face on gale's pillow, john and the way he follows gale wherever he goes as though there's an invisible leash between the two of them, john and the way he almost barks out his laughs, john and the way his teeth can't help but sink into gale's neck, collarbone, shoulder, hip, thigh, john and the way he pretends it doesn't do things to him when gale nonchalantly praises him, pretends gale can't see right through him, john and the way he spills over gale's hand when gale calls him a good boy on a whim, john and the way he seeks it out every time gale's on top of him after that, john and something something collar something dog tags something pretty pup something something uhhh rutting up against gale's thigWHAT who said all that that's crazyyyy dude
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