#the cave and monsters don't seem like common knowledge?
This happening very recently, but I was replaying to another fan about the whole thing with the fandom being mad at Marinette about not telling Adrien about his father and about him being a senti monster and how it was dumb that the fandom was (going into a lot of the fandom making fanfic of Adrien leaving Marinette because of her lying and then turn around to complain.)
I, at first, said that I understand the fandom’s criticism because that moment seems OOC for Marinette to keep Gabriel’s secret and that if Marinette loved Adrien, she’d tell him the truth, regardless on him leaving or not.
They responded (to sum it up) that Marinette hates lies yes, but she keeps lies to protect the ones she loves. She does it all of the time. And her keeping a secret has nothing to do with the fear of loosing Adrien, but everything with his safety.
They then responded some more but I can’t get into cus…they blocked me…after I basically said they had Vaild points but I wouldn’t blame Adrien for leaving Marinette if he found out. I see both of their POV’s
My over all thoughts on this is that…I do understand why Marinette did the things she did, but it doesn’t erase the fact that it feels…icky that Adrien has little to no knowledge or anatomy over himself. The knowledge and anatomy lies with his partner…
So I disagree that this lie protects Adrien. It might keep him emotionally safe, but it risks his physical safety since he has two magical remote controls that aren't exactly well kept secrets. Marinette has no idea who all knows about them and she should be assuming that the new butterfly is in the know since the butterfly clearly knew about Emilie's hidden chamber.
If Marinette had kept the rings, then you could make the argument that she's keeping him safe in the best way that she can while still protecting the rest of the world since there is a solid argument to be made for not exposing her secrets while there's still an ongoing threat, but that argument's out the window since she gave the rings to Adrien! She made him the unknowing guardian of his own freedom in a world where jewelry theft is a common teenage past time. That's really, really, really bad and you cannot logically justify that choice.
With that being said, I can actually buy Marinette not telling Adrien right away. He just lost his father and, as previously said, telling Adrien probably means exposing her secret identity, which is a huge deal when the butterfly is still at large. I do think that she'd cave pretty quickly, though, because the guilt would eat her alive. I think that she'd quickly start having nightmares about him losing the rings and other such stuff that would quickly poison their relationship.
However, I also feel like this is yet another case of Marinette getting an unfair amount of blame for a thing that isn't all on her. Yes, she needs to tell him, but she's a late comer to this party who only knows the details second hand. Heck, I've said before that I'm not even totally sure that she knows that Adrien is a sentimonster because Felix's play was rather vague about Adrien and Kagami's status.
But you know who is fully in the know about everything? Felix! And Kagami! And Nathalie! And probably Amelie, too. People who are also supposed to love Adrien and want what's best for him. People who have also told him diddly squat even though they knew long before Marinette did, yet I don't see anyone complaining about them.
Kagami in particular really grinds my gears because I especially don't buy her keeping this from Adrien. She's the queen of confrontation who literally called him up to yell at him for being such a push over after seeing a freaking marketing photo! Does anyone actually buy her keeping the senti stuff from Adrien for literal months? In a lot of ways, I actually think Kagami and Felix should be the ones to tell Adrien because they know so much more than Marinette and because they share his status so he won't feel so alone.
Basically, the fact that Adrien doesn't know isn't the result of good writing, it's the hand of the author taking corporal form and sewing everyone's mouths shut because the writers either don't want to deal with this issue or they want to milk it out for drama in the coming seasons. Do I like that Marinette is keeping this a secret? No, but she's not doing it because she wants to. She's doing it because she's a fictional character whose writers are really bad at handling both serious topics and satisfying reveals. I haven't read any post season five fics but I'm sure that they'd annoy me just as much as the fics that deal with the season four conflict by heaping all the blame at Marinette's feet and holding no one else accountable for their actions or lack there of.
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m92-fmp · 6 months
Final Major Project concepts
Concept #1
You are a bounty hunter that is requested to save the king after he got trapped in a mirror and shattered across the land. You must find all shards and piece the king back together and rescue him from the mirror world. It would play out as a side scrolling platformer where you hack and slash through enemies whilst doing some platforming. I will make sprites and animations for the characters as well as story boards.
Illusion, mirrors, reality, magic, monsters, witchcraft, alternate realities, mirror world
Super Mario 64
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In SM64 has most stages are accessed by jumping through paintings their respective paintings on walls. I would like for the levels in this game to be accessed in a similar way but maybe with mirrors instead.
Kirby & the Amazing Mirror
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I want the game to have and open word like level design like AM. I want there to be areas only accessible trough the use of entering mirrors that lead to other mirrors or the mirror world itself.
Katana Zero
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I want the story of my game to be laid out like Katana Zero's is. There would be a Scenes before and after the levels are completed and even different outcomes based on gameplay choices such as dialogue or items collected.
Concept #2
An adventurous young girl stumbles upon a suspicious well that she ends up falling into. After waking up in what seem to be an island in the middle of the ocean she is met with a witch whom seems to want to help her but that's far from the truth. You would be be in a open area unlocking more and more rooms as you progress all while encountering the witch and her creations. I will be making sprite sheets for characters and others assets as well as level design.
Illusion, magic witchcraft, witches, monsters, spells
Mad Father
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Mad Father is one of my all-time favorite indie games despite only having it for about 2 months. It inspired me with its storytelling, art and gameplay to play more RPG maker games. I want to make my game something can be said to be similar to it in terms of story and artwork.
Witches House MV
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There are a lot of puzzles I this games with some being either easy and some being more complicated however I had fun solving each and every one of them when I played through it.
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One thing I like about FNAF 4 is the minigames the games has you play after each night. I want my game to be split into chapters and I want all of them to have a minigame at the end.
Concept #3
A cave explorer finds an magic book that will teach them infinite knowledge and now has to traverse up the cavern to get to the surface. This ends up actually being a dream of a young boy representing his life in education. It would be a 2D platformer where each level is made of many "floors" that disappear with time if you don't move up quick. The game would be done in pixel art. I will make sprite sheets and animations for the characters and other objects.
Collisions, physics, collapse, mental health, dreams, illusions,
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Celeste is spectacular game platforming wise. there are many instances of things that move as a reaction to the player coming into contact with them. I intend on making some similarly functioning floors and platforms in my game.
Sonic Mania
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2D Sonic level design tends to provide many pathways to the end goal so the player can always run through levels differently. All paths rewards players differently with either speed, more rings/powerups or a special zone entrance.
Super Mario World
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Super Mario World has good underground level design with many different enemies like the SpikeTop, Swooper or Blargg which are most common to the area.
0 notes
stainedglassthreads · 3 years
Not much evidence for this, but I think monsters age weird in Undertale, but like humans in Deltarune. 
In Undertale, the timeline is kinda all over the place. We know that swords and magic were used by humans in the war against monsters, we know that Chara fell in the year 201x, and we know that Frisk fell an indefinite period of time later, but we don’t know how long-- in fanworks, I’ve seen the time range wildly from ‘six souls were collected in the space of about ten years’ to ‘six souls were collected in the space of a few hundred years’. The amalgamates and Mettaton probably happened somewhat recently, but a lot of monsters, especially younger ones like Monster Kid, imply they’ve never met a human before in their lifetimes. 
But we do have three certain examples of really ancient monsters. We have Gerson. Gerson is an elderly turtle who states he’s ‘been around a long time’, and that ‘studying history is easy when you’ve lived through a lot of it yourself.’ He’s also quite knowledgeable about the Delta Rune, prophecy, and how boss monsters age, being the only one to explain these things in depth, though even he knows little about the Delta Rune in the end. It’s popular fanon that he earned his moniker, ‘Hammer of Justice’, in the War. It’s also known that in real life, turtles and tortoises are extremely long-lived animals. 
It’s also popular fanon that Toriel and Asgore were alive during the war, due to how the King of Monsters in the cutscene heavily resembles Asgore. We know from Gerson that Boss Monsters only age when their parents or child are still alive. Without parents, and with Asriel dead, both have been stuck in a sort of stasis for an indefinite period of time. 
But in Deltarune, Asriel never died. So it could simply be the case that boss monsters still age Weird. If not for two minor things-- 
One, Gerson is dead. Two, the Light World, despite being populated by monsters, is painted as extremely mundane to contrast with the fantastical nature of the Dark World. Lightners seem to lack magic, as Noelle mentions one of the positives of the Dark World being magic that easily heals injuries-- the implication probably being, there is no such simple cure that can easily save Rudy. Other smaller examples include how Toriel seems to use a stove to bake, while Undertale specifically noted she used fire magic and her stove was clean, as well as the debates over whether or not monster Lightners dust upon death, and whether or not they have blood. 
Since Asriel never died, and since no one’s specifically explained how all monsters age in Undertale AND Deltarune, only boss monsters, this is gonna be kinda hard to prove, like proving a negative. Maybe Gerson’s a boss monster who never had a kid in Undertale, but did have on in Deltarune. maybe there was a tragic accident in Deltarune that led to Gerson’s death, rather than it being of old age. Maybe he never really died, and instead disappeared into some Dark World. Some of these questions may be answered in later chapters, but there’s a good chance that monster ages will be left really ambiguous, I feel like. 
Edit: I forgot that Undyne claims UT Gerson actually did fight in the war. So if this is true, Gerson lived from when humans commonly used swords and magic, to an indefinite number of years after 201x. Not actually fanon. Whoops. 
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smallestapplin · 2 years
I know your probably don't have time to do different variations of the rescue for all the wardens. But if your willing maybe Lian and Sabi team up to rescue MC from Volo.
Okay, last variation I’ll do! Mainly cause you suckered me in with Lian (I’m sorry I adopted him, that’s my son, I took one look at him and just ‘this is my son, I’ve had him for 5 minutes and if anything happens to him I’ll kill everyone in this region and myself’)
New location is obsidian fields!
Asks are open!
Lian and Sabi don’t talk much, they do a bit during meetings but they don’t have a lot in common other than being the youngest of the wardens, but they had a mutual respect for each other seeing as despite their age they earned their spots as wardens.
Sabi and you got along perfectly, she’d often call you ‘big sib hero’ which you thought fit her odd personality, anytime you were in the icelands you’d make it a point to visit and play with her, sometimes when you were going a late night survey you’d stop by and tell her about your day, all the Pokémon you caught and faced, she thought it was so cool.
Lian was another one you bonded with, he found you liked rocks too and Wouk’s gush about all his knowledge that he had about them, even taking you rock hunting in the caves in the highlands for you two to geek out over, or if it was raining in the obsidian fields you’d sit with him by his Lord Kleavor’s seat, covering both of you and just talk, he saw you as his family, even if you did fall from the sky.
So for that emergency meeting to be thrusted upon them and to hear you’re missing, likely taken by another person they almost lost it in the office, Lian was holding onto Ingo’s tatter coat with a death grip and Sabi was tugging on Gaeric’s tunic that is wrapped around his waist asking “why can’t they come back?”
Sabi grew distressed the more people told her you couldn’t, and that they needed to help you, Ingo places a comforting hand on Lian’s trembling shoulders, he was trying to be strong but you were in danger! You’re probably scared, why are they just stand around!?
The young wardens sat in the medical bay, it was the quietist and they could take their time there.
The clan leaders stood before them.
“It’s okay, we will find the hero, they are a fighter I doubt they will let the person leave unharmed.” Adaman tried to be comforting to the kids, but that seemed to break Sabi, who Adaman was trying to gently shush as she cries.
“We can’t just sit here and do nothing! They need our help! T-the hero promised-“ Lian could hardly finish his sentence, joining Sabi in tears.
Irida rubs soothing circles on his back “let it all out, it’s okay, the hero is a strong one, we will find them and bring them back safe and sound.”
Almost a week later the young ones turned bitter, thinking that what they were told was a lie, they hadn’t found you at all yet, what if you’re dying somewhere? All alone or stuck with a monster of a person?
Lian spent most of his time alone crying with Lord Kleavor at his side trying to comfort his small warden but it didn’t help, the young boy just wanting his sibling back.
Sabi was in a similar position, Lord Braviary crying with her was the only difference, both missed you dearly, it was strangely quiet in the icelands anymore, like strangely haunting, Sabi didn’t have the energy to play anymore.
Another meeting was held, and no one’s surprise they all looked like messes, everyone either had dark circles under their eyes, blood shot eyes, had new cuts and bruises, or all of the above.
While the adults discussed there finding, or lack there of, the two small wardens snuck out, a thing they are now bonding over is how much they miss you and want you back, they walked back to prelude beach to a moment to themselves.
“Do you think they are okay?”
Lian looks at the green haired girl “….I don’t know, I hope so, they fought Lord Kleavor and calmed him down and faced countless nobles and alpha Pokémon, they HAVE to be okay!”
Lian stopped walking “we have to find them, and if they ain’t gonna find them, we are.”
Sabi got the picture, nodding with renewed vigor she calls for Braviary, the young wardens hop on its glider and take off.
“They said the fields was their last location, most would think the person who took the jerk would’ve moved on, but what if that’s what they want everyone to think?”
The little cowboy nods “smart thinkin! We should probably check the cliff sides then, no one is over there aside to mine stuff in the cave at the very bottom, but there are more around it.”
And with that they were off, searching every cave high and low, they ended up between oreburrow tunnel and grueling grove, peeking into the last cave.
“It’s very dark.”
“Don’t you have a Magmortar?”
“Oh yeah.”
Lian deadpans, but once the large fire Pokémon is out the cave is lit, giving them just enough light.
“I hope they don’t notice the light, they could be strong if they got big sib hero in there.”
Once they give a determinate nod they enter, letting the fire type lead them, stopping occasionally at a sound the Pokémon can hear but not them, not until they are closer.
The two wardens look at each other in confusion, what is the sound, sounds like two people struggling, before it’s stopped by a yelp and then silence.
That didn’t sound like a pokemon, eyes wide they make their way a little faster Sabi telling her Magmortar to stay further back to not alter who every it was.
Peeking around the corner they see that weird merchant, wrapping up his bloody hand, and in the background-
Lian slaps a hand over Sabi’s a mouth placing his free one over his own.
You look tied, laying on the floor spitting out blood.
“Bet your mom hits harder, what do you think?”
Volo growls “I do not have the patience for you, give me what I want and we can make this easy, if not oh well, sure some Pokémon around here would love a good meal.”
Volo was facing away from the entrance, focusing on his hand, but you lock eyes with the young wardens, your own eyes widening, you can’t make an obvious motion then Volo would spot them, with a slow head shake to tell them no, you see their respective green and brown eyes narrow, you don’t know what their plan is but you’re afraid for the worst.
They are just kids, they shouldn’t be playing hero, hell you’re an adult and you didn’t want to play hero!
Volo snaps to look at the very angry wardens.
“No no no! Get out of here you two!”
The blonde groans, just want he needed.
“The brats want to join? Fine.”
Magmortar makes her appearance, ready to fight as do Eletivire and Rhyperior, each Pokémon growling and blocking the entrance.
“You think you can stop me? That’s cute.” Volo sends out three of his own Pokémon, Garchomp, Togekiss, and Spiritomb.
“Keep them occupied! I’m going after the brats.” Volo let’s out his Arcanine “watch the gremlin.” And with that the man is off.
Lian and Sabi scream and run, doing anything the can to keep Volo’s attention but to make sure he doesn’t grab them.
Once out of the cave Lian takes a deep breathe and screams as loud as his lungs could let him before Volo grabs him, lifting the pearl clan warden up by the collar of his tunic.
“You really think screaming out here will work for you?”
“Yes, actually, might wanna drop me if you don’t like axes.”
The spilt second confusion was worth the look of horror on Volo’s face, the merchant looking behind him to see the noble Kleavor approaching far too quickly for his liking, Lian was dropped and the blonde ran, Kleavor gaining on him.
Sabi appeared, coming down from Braviary.
“We ain’t got much time left, let’s go!” Both running back into the cave, finding Sabi’s team standing but barely, volo’s defeated, two of your own Pokémon out, and you freed.
“Oh thank Sinnoh you two are okay.”
“We don’t have long lets go!” Both kids grab one of your hands and try to pull you off the ground, your wince makes them stop.
“Can we get Braviary in here?” Lian is frantic.
Sabi shakes her head “it’s too low and narrow for the Lord.”
“I just need my flute, we are up on a ledge, right? Sneasler should do the trick.” Shakily you pull out the instrument and play, the Lady showing up in record speed crying for you.
With a few quick licks you are placed in her basket by her.
“Alright kiddos, let’s go!”
Your voice muffled but the agree, all running out, Braviary taking the young wardens and Sneasler safely getting you down.
Once back at the village they are crowed by the other wardens, galaxy team, and their leaders.
“Where on Sinnoh’s almighty did you two run off to!”
Lian explained quickly, saying all that had done leaving the others shocked.
“You did what!? Lian! That’s extremely dangerous how could you ever-“
“You’re not letting me finish!-“ he wanted to tell them they found you! But Irida wouldn’t listen
“Irida is right you could’ve been seriously hurt!”
“Not you too Palina!”
Sabi piped up “Lady Sneasler holds the hero.”
Silence before everyone erupted into screams and yells, scrambling to get the basket, once Sneasler sets it down and pops the top off you up look, the moon light hurts right now.
“Hi, y’all are loud.”
You’re going to show those dumb kids how much you adore them, maybe a nice plushies or something, you’re proud of them but it still was stupid of them to do.
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jessaerys · 3 years
a dream from last night: half historical, half low-fi fantasy, mediaval-ish. a blonde princess in a blue dress. a knight, goldenhearted & cunning, a sidekick(?); young, some men at arms, some goons; cannon fodder.
a big cave, that was also a labyrinth, that was also a city, that was also an old house (victorian?) that went on and on and on. it is common knowledge that in the cave lives a. something. malicious spirit, sinister vaporous monster, ancient... but in a dignified way, a lawful danger. not commonly known was that the creature held some kind of power over the princess; felt like an evil stepmother; intimate, unknowable.
there are also other things in the cave; citizens of the netherworld-ness -- just like, a hellish ecosystem, but an ecosystem nonetheless. nathan ballingurd's hell, jeff vandermeer area X vibes, if you don't bother them, they don't bother you. but of course --
going into the cave is... not uncommon. a rite of passage, maybe? a reckless sort of proof of virility, street cred between army men and townspeople alike.
i don't know why they venture into the cave, this group, or how they are connected to each other. the vibe was... they think they have a plan, but they are about to realize they are in way over their head. it felt like this was an official quest for the knight, something he Must do to prove himself worthy (the princess, ofc, was opposed to the trip. i guess they were in love? classic royal/knight intimacy; though in retrospect, maybe his virtuous goal was to untether her) and some kind of Profit Opportunity for the goons.
this part is so fuzzy. there are fraught rituals, customs to follow to pay respects to the dark spirit, to be allowed passage. it didn't feel like a stranger, more like a death god; familiar and greater than life. something about sharing breath with it, but needing to be tethered back to the outside world so it wouldn't consume you entirely. the tether was more figurative than literal. at some point everyone had to hold hands in a chain to remain safe (i think this was inspired by that psychics class video where the highschoolers get zapped hahaha). the dark spirit was everywhere, the way people talk about jesus being everywhere, in that eerie, always watching way, but is it, really? no way to know. panopticon-like. nerve-wracking, sweat-inducing, don't make noise.
chaos rises. someone breaks the chain, or breaks the customs, or disrespects the rituals. the dark spirit hunts them down. there go the goons, the army men. as soon as everyone is running for their life, one rule (that may or may not have been known all along? was this the reason for their fraught alliance in the first place?) becomes clear: you can try to distract the dark spirit by sacrificing someone else to it, using the time to save yourself.
we are in some kind of endless library-labyrinth. just the knight, and the young sidekick, protegee, only ones left. we (or i guess, i) as an audience, know that the knight will have to sacrifice himself or sacrifice his friend. it's an impossible choice. the knight... stays. the protegee runs away. it seems like it's the end for him as he hides behind a bookshelf, the dark spirit just about to find him, but--
one last ace up his sleeve. he is not the only one here. there is also the narrator, the audience. he draws attention to us, the fact that we are here, that we are watching, that we are with him and have been all along. he pulls away whatever veil that protected us. it works.
the creature sees us. he escapes.
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Just a thought I had, would like to write it (read it), but don't know how to.
You are a shapeshifting dragon guarding a princess in the castle. You are also a caretaker and guide of said castle. You are bound to the castle by magic in a metal collar around your neck and only way to break free is for the princess to be rescued. One day a prince come to rescue her and to slay the dragon. Only problem is that you fall in love with him. Shifted to your human form you approach him.
Thanks for the prompt submission @adaed5! I’m not sure if this is what you were looking for, but here is the story I came up with. I hope you enjoy it!
“What is this?” 
I stared at the shining, glittering metal coins in my hand, curious as to why the humans around me were paying it so much heed.
Phillip barely glanced in my direction before rolling his eyes, “It’s gold.”
“Gold?” I rolled the unfamiliar word around my tongue, trying to test it out. “What’s so important about this ‘gold’?”
He shrugged at my question, fairly uninterested in the conversation as he led me through the market, picking up objects and purchasing them with a smile for the vendors.
“It’s money, currency. It’s considered a valuable, rare metal. They make jewelry out of it sometimes. Wars have been fought over it.”
Staring at the coins with skepticism, I shook my head slowly, handing the coins back over to Phillip. “Silly humans, it’s not the most rare or even the most beautiful metal, why waste time and effort over it?”
“Not all of us think like you do, dragon.” He laughed at me, and despite his mocking tone I found myself laughing with him.
 I was a dragon.
One of the supreme beings, born of fire and magic, destined to live centuries, even millennia, before returning to the world’s flame. I was a young dragon, only several decades old. I had grown out of my lair, bored with the lack of other creatures. Crawling from the cave where I had been born, the light of the sun had blinded me, almost causing me to turn back. I am a dragon. I told myself firmly. I fear nothing. I left the safety of my home, and went to explore.  I had tried many forms, changing my shape was a gift of mine, a natural ability of a dragon. I flew with birds, crawled with snakes, I ran with wolves and swam with fish. Each fun and exciting for a moment, but quickly growing dull after a few short years.  Still I persisted, hoping to find a spark of interest, something that would call to me, give me a purpose.
All dragons have a purpose.
And then I came across a new, fantastic creature. One that varied greatly from beast to beast. Since taking its form, I had yet to lose interest in their ever changing presence.
“Are you ready to go?” Phillip asked once he had completed his preparations. I nodded, tired of observing the market anyways.
I had met him during my third or forth year running around in human form. I had been masquerading as an adventurer, finding that this was the best way to explore freely without being questioned. Fortunately, adventurers seemed to be a rather odd group, even for humans, so my… peculiarities, from my inexperience with human culture, were overlooked. Phillip was a fellow adventurer, one that I had taken several quests with already. We were close, although our initial meeting hadn’t gone smoothly.
“You’re too weak.” Was the first thing he said to me, when I applied to join his group to take on a quest. I understood his concern. My human form looked frail, even compared to other humans. However, that did not mean I would let the insult slide. I was a dragon. I had my pride.
“I am stronger than you.”
Phillip raised an eyebrow. “Prove it.”
I did.
After regaining consciousness, the human agreed to team up with me while taking quests. It didn’t take long for him to discover my true identity. My odd gaps in knowledge regarding human culture and common sense were too obvious and strange to cover up for someone in such close proximity. Besides, it wasn’t like I felt shame or concern. I was a dragon, and I was proud.
A year had passed since that time.
After picking up supplies, we headed out on our quest. We entered a cave, thought to be a monster’s lair. The sources we received the quest from said that the creature was only active at night. If we snuck in during the day, it should be easy enough to kill.
Unfortunately, our information was inaccurate.
“Dodge!” I pushed Phillip out of the way, taking the full brunt of the Troll’s club into my chest. If I had been a normal human I would have instantly been crushed and died, but fortunately I was not. Instead, my human form was flung across the cace into a wall, knocking the air from my lungs.
I cursed as my body had a difficult time standing up, my arms bending under my weight, causing my body to fall to the ground.
A growl filled the room. The troll looked extremely awake and angry for a supposedly nocturnal creature. I was trapped between the wall and the monster, with nowhere to run.
“Dragon, transform and kill it!”
I shook my head at Phillip’s shouted advice. “I can’t, there’s not enough room!”
“Well, do SOMETHING or we’re going to die!”
I wracked my brains as the troll walked closer, dragging its club on the ground. Its beady eyes were fixed on my struggling figure, a grin filled with large broken teeth spreading across its face as it stopped within striking distance. Drool dripped from its mouth, pooling on the floor near my feet. I tried to stand once more, almost making it before falling down again. This form had taken too much damage, even my strength as a dragon was not enough to force it to fight. I stared up at the creature that would cause my death, unresigned.
I am a dragon. A creature born of fire and magic. I can’t die like this. I WON’T die like this.  All dragons have a purpose, and I won’t die before I find mine.
I glared at the monster as it raised its club.
“Ugh, I can’t believe I’m doing this…AAAHH!” Just as the club was about to descend, Phillip muttered a few words and jumped on the troll’s back with a yell.
“Here!” Having distracted the monster, he tossed a bottle at me. I recognized it as a healing potion, a rare, expensive medicine. Normally I would resist taking something that would put me in debt, but desperate times… I chugged the contents in one go, standing up as strength filled my limbs once more. I stood up, just in time to see the troll throw Phillip across the room, where he struck the wall with a sickening crack!
“PHILLIP!” I called out, wanting to go to him to check on him, but unable to, obstructed by the troll. It smiled at me, looking forward to hurting something new, but seemed to shudder in fear when I smiled back at it.
It had forgotten. I was a dragon, and it was nothing more than prey before me.
I ripped the troll’s head off, still smiling.
Racing over its dead body, I knelt beside the still form of my human teammate. He was deathly still on the ground, his face pale, barely breathing. I rested a shaking hand on his forehead, letting my magic course through him.
He was dying. Bleeding on his brain, around his heart, into his abdomen. Too many injuries, all about to kill him. Broken bones, torn muscle, even if I stopped him from bleeding, he would never walk again.  He was too far-gone for potions, or healing magic. He would die. I clutched at my chest as a sharp pain coursed through it.  It was an unknown sensation, completely unrelated to any physical injuries. I was confused, upset, but in the midst of my agitation, a clear thought rose through.
I would not let him die.
I bit my finger, wincing as my teeth tore through skin. A drop of silver blood bloomed at the tip of the wound, and without hesitation I forced Phillip’s mouth open and dripped the blood in. He swallowed reflexively, and immediately his body started convulsing. Calm, now that I knew my blood was taking effect, I turned the man onto his side, and watched over his shaking form. Dragon blood had one of the most potent healing effects, but too much would rob a lesser creature of its life, and too little would be ineffective. Many had died from trying to steal what had to be rightfully given. Phillip would heal, he would live longer, be stronger, but he would live. As his body stilled, and his breathing evened out, I found myself smiling gently down at the friend I had made over this time.
“That is to repay you for the potion you gave me.”
Without it, I would have been unable to fight the troll, and would have died.
“… is that so?” a shaking voice replied, his eyes slowly opening.
I nodded. “A dragon always repays debts.”
He smiled, his overly pale face quickly filling with color once more. “Good to know.”
“I still owe you a favor, human.”
“What for?”
I shrugged. “You risked your life to distract the troll. Without that I would have died. Two favors, one repaid. What would you like for the second?”
“Hmm…” He thought it over. “I’m not sure, but I’ll let you know.”
“Don’t wait too long human, you all die so quickly.”
“Wow, so cheerful.”
We laughed at his words, and after a few moments of rest, we collected proof that we had killed the troll and made our way out of the cave.
A loud voice called out as we left the cave. Startled, we found ourselves faced with a large group of knights on horses, all with solemn expressions.  I looked over at Phillip, whose face was grim.
“Your address is wrong.” His voice was so cold it seemed to freeze the air around us. “It’s ‘Your Highness.’”
The man in the front shook his head. “No, my king, I’m afraid it’s not.” At some unknown signal, the knights dismounted and knelt before us. “King William is dead. Long live King Phillip!”
At their resounding shouts, I glanced over at my friend with a bemused expression. “So you were a king?”
“I WAS a prince.” He corrected. “Impressed?”
I laughed. “Not really. You’re still human.”
“That’s what I thought.” His words seemed annoyed, but there was an amused light in his eyes.
The kneeling man was offended at my reaction. “You there, adventurer! Kneel before your king!”
I smiled at them, releasing my aura of a dragon, and the knights went from bended knee to groveling on the ground with terrified expressions.
“Fine, I will let them go, since they are your people. “ I retracted my aura with a frown. “Teach them to fear and respect dragons though.”
“Deal. I have to go to the Capitol, there will be much to do with the death of my father.” He hesitated and then added. “Would you come with me?”
I was tempted. Phillip was the first friend I had met since taking on a human form. I also still owed him a favor for saving my life. But after a few moments, I shook my head. “No. The city is too crowded, and i have yet to find my purpose. I’ll continue to roam freely here.”
“I will come find you soon. Until we meet again you must think of how you would like my debt repaid.”
His smile was sad. “Of course. A dragon always repays their debts, right?”
After ten years I went to find him again.
He was older, didn’t smile as much. His eyes were slightly colder, although a happy light still filled them when I walked through the palace doors, a trail of angry guards running behind me.
“Don’t you know how to announce a visit a head of time?” His voice was dry, but there was a smile on his face. “Or at least, knock?”
I shrugged. “I’m a dragon, why bother?”
“… Sure, why not?”
I stood before the throne, ignoring the shocked expressions of the humans around me when I didn’t kneel. “How would you like my debt to be repaid?”
“You really don’t waste time, do you? Would you like to have some tea?”
I shook my head. “I’ll drink tea with you, human. After you tell me how you would like me to repay my debt.”
Phillip sighed. “I don’t know, dragon. Can’t you simply forget and come spend time with a friend.” His smile was self-mocking. “It would do me some good to have someone nearby who didn’t treat me like some kind of god.”
I snorted. “A god should be more impressive.”
“Exactly what I mean.”
“I’ll have tea with you, human king. But then I will leave. I have not yet finished exploring, have not yet found my purpose. Think of what favor you would like before I return.”
“What if what I want is for you to stay with me?”
“Then I will.”
“But it will be because you owe me, not because you want to?”
I nodded. “That is correct.”
A long sigh left his body. “Then continue to be free, dragon.”
“I will return, human. I will repay my debt.”
“Of course,” He muttered. “A dragon always repays their debt.”
Ten years later.
I returned. He still had no request.
“I’d like you to meet someone.” His smile was gentle, but his eyes were even colder than before.  He pushed  a small child in front of him. A small girl with golden hair and a wide, innocent gaze. “This is Milana, my daughter, she’s six years old this year.”
I nodded. “Human child.” I turned back to Phillip with a frustrated expression. “If you still do not have a way for me to repay my debt, than I will go.”
“Wait!” He reached out, hesitating, and then asked. “Will you at least stay for tea with me and my daughter?”
I thought it over, I was in no rush. “I will.”
We passed an afternoon reminiscing about our adventures.
I left, with a promise to return to fulfill my debt.
Ten years later.
I received a letter from the king, before I could even plan to return. Startled, relieved, I made my way to the castle to talk with Phillip.
“Dragon, you came!” He greeted me with a friendly smile, reaching out to grasp my hand, but I stepped out of his reach. His expression, his posture, his words… everything indicated he was happy to see me, an old friend. But something in his eyes made me hesitate.
His eyes… they reminded me of the eyes of the troll all those years ago. Dark, mad, taking joy in hurting others.
Perhaps I simply imagined it. I shook my head, trying to clear it of that thought. Only ten years had passed, could my friend really have changed so much?
“You sent for me, human?” I tried to keep my voice natural.
“Yes, my friend. I finally have a way for you to repay your debt to me!” He sat down, motioning for me to do the same. “My precious daughter, my Milana, who you met before, is in great danger.” Sighing, he looked out of the window nearby, as if weighed down by his responsibilities. “She has a wonderful magical power which strengthens and blesses the nation she resides in. It is with her help these last sixteen years that my kingdom has flourished. But as she comes of age, the competition for her hand has become a bloodbath. All sorts of greedy and unruly men wish to claim her, to use her powers for their own gain.”
I raised an eyebrow. “You wish me to kill these suitors then?”
“No, there are too many, and many are too important.” He sighed loudly. “I want you to protect her.” Bringing out a map, he pointed to an empty space. “I have renovated an old abandoned castle in the forest here. What I ask is that you guard the princess with your life, keeping her safe, and filtering out her suitors.”
“Filtering out her suitors?”
Shrugging, Phillip continued. “I plan to make a proclamation that only one who can defeat the dragon can marry the princess.”
The atmosphere around us grew colder at his words. “Not that I’m saying you can be defeated, dragon, but that when you find someone worthy of the girl, that you… pretend to lose.”
“Lose.” I tested out the foreign words, displeased with its taste in my mouth. “Sacrifice my pride as a dragon?”
“But then your life debt to me will be completed, I promise.”
This was a conundrum. If I pretended to lose to a mere human I would sacrifice my pride, but if I reneged on my life debt then what pride did I have to sacrifice? I nodded slowly. “I will do this.”
“Thank you my friend.” His face was relieved, but his eyes remained cold, as if staring at a corpse.
“If that is all, I will take my leave.” I turned to go, but his words stopped me in my tracks.
“One last thing!” Now Phillip looked embarrassed. “I trust you dragon, but my court… they were hard to convince.”
“…” I waited silently for him to complete his request, and he seemed even more uncomfortable with my lack of reaction. “To be honest… the only way I could get them to agree, is if you wear this:” He opened a nearby golden chest. I snorted at the vanity of the yellow metal he loved so much, but froze at the sight of the object within it. Hurt, I stared at him, the betrayal I felt clear, and he flushed with shame. “I’m sorry, dragon. I swear it is only temporary.”
“You would have me wear this?” My voice was filled with rage, but I kept my face calm. There was no reason to strike out, although every instinct urged me to
“It has only two conditions. You cannot harm the princess, and you must guard the castle until the princess is rescued.”
I looked into his eyes, but he didn’t flinch. I wanted to rage, to tear him limb from limb for his arrogance, his deceit, but I didn’t. This was part of my life debt. I would repay him, no matter what.
I reached down towards the disgusting object, my skin crawling as I made contact with the cold, dark metal.
It was a collar.
Crafted with dark magic, it was used to control slaves and magical beasts. Simple conditions could be woven into the magic, and only once these condition were met would the collar fall off. As I touched it, my magic coiled around the object, informing me of the conditions for its release. My gaze grew cold, but I stayed silent as I latched the metal into place around my neck. It was almost too tight, but at least the magic within it would allow it to grow or shrink with me when I transformed.
“With this favor, we are even.”
“Yes dragon, finally you will repay your debt.” He smiled as I did, but neither of us meant it. “Would you like to stay for tea before you go?”
I leapt out the window. “I only drink tea with friends.”
With that, I was gone, my suddenly appearing wings carrying me over to the abandoned castle where I would find my new home.
Two years later.
“YOU STUPID BEAST, WHY DID YOU DRIVE HIM OFF?!!” The princess screamed at me, her face red with rage.
I sighed quietly, reminding myself of my debt before forcing my voice out in a calm tone.
“He was an evil man, one known to murder the innocent and steal from the weak. I did you humans a favor by killing him.”
The girl was unappeased by my answer. “Idiot monster! He was a crown prince! It was a good match!”
“I promised your father to only lower my head to someone worthy of you.” I rolled my eyes, pushing away the thought that no one deserved to be trapped with her.
“I have been here for two years! TWO YEARS!” Pointing a finger at my face, she grinned cruelly. “Pretend to lose to the next man who comes, or I will tell my father to activate that collar around your neck.”
“The conditions for activation have already been set, human girl.” I smiled. “I cannot harm you, and you must be rescued before it can be removed.  Or are you saying that there is a hidden condition I don’t know about?”
My mild words scared her, her face paled and her eyes darted around nervously. “O-of course not! I’m just frustrated, dragon. You can ignore my silly words.”
I held back a sigh of disappointment.
She knew.
The collar was not what it seemed to be. Deep down, I hoped this unpleasant girl was innocent, unaware of her father’s evil schemes. However, from her words and actions just now, it seems she was a co-conspirator.
“I will go out to the town to buy food. Is there anything you would like?” I asked calmly, pretending to overlook her mistake.
“I want a husband.”
“Very well, I will see what I can find.” With a smile, I was out the door and headed for the nearest town.
 When I arrived in town, the man who tended the stall I bought food from was engrossed in conversation.
“You have to be careful, stranger, word is that there is a castle in these nearby woods with a monster living in it! It guards a beautiful princess, killing all who come nearby. The king himself has issued a proclamation that who ever kills the dragon can marry the princess! “ The shopkeep chatted with an unfamiliar male human, a worried expression on his face.
“Thank you for the warning.” The man answered with a broad grin, a gleam of excitement in his eyes. “Do you happen to know where the adventurer’s guild is?”
“I can take you there.” I stepped forward, curious about the new arrival.
The young man was tall, his dark hair tied back behind his head to keep it out of the way. In the thirty years of living amongst humans, I had learned to distinguish quality of equipment. This man was in the finest of armor, with a sword bearing the personal mark of a blademaster. It would take more than gold to purchase such, it took prestige and ability to wield a blade such as that. Why would such an important and wealthy young man come all the way out to this small village?
I smiled to myself. Looks, like the newest contender for the princess’s hand had arrived.
The human stood tall, his expression tinged with pride, as he looked me up and down.
“How would you be able to enter the Adventurer’s guild? You look weak.”
The surrounding villagers groaned, having gotten used to me receiving these sorts of challenges over the last two years. Quickly in the background money was already exchanging hands in a bet.
I refused to hide my pride as a dragon. “I’m stronger than you.”
“Prove it.”
I couldn’t help it, I burst into delighted laughter. He looked nothing like him, but this man couldn’t help but remind me of my first friend, of Phillip. Thinking of my last conversation with that human, however, my smile faded into sadness. Instead, I cracked my knuckles, wanting to work out some frustration.
“All right then.”
I knocked him out with one blow.
Once he had woken up, he gave me a self-depreciating smile and reached out a hand. I grasped it, helping him to his feet. “Wow, I really underestimated you!” His gaze was bright, lacking the greed and arrogance that the men who came after the princess before him had shown. “You’re an awesome fighter!”
“You aren’t bad yourself.” For a human. I added silently.
“Thanks!”  He paused and then reached out his hand again. “I’m Pr… I’m Robert.”
I shook it. “You can call me ‘Dragon.’”
He chuckled “Is that a nickname, a fighting title or something?”
“Of sorts.”
“Well, Dragon, let’s go to the adventurer’s guild!”
I introduced Robert to the guild, allowing him to register. He stated he wanted to get used to the surrounding area, and I volunteered to take a few quests with him. He was a bright, cheerful human, and I enjoyed fighting by his side. Often we would speak while traveling, learning about each other.
“What do you wish for in your life, Dragon?”
I looked up at the sky, touching the collar around my neck which was hidden under my clothes. “Freedom.” All dragons had a purpose, and that had become mine.
He chuckled. “What a novel answer, Dragon. Is someone forcing you to stay in this village against your will?” He cracked his knuckled. “Let me know, I can help you sort the villain out.”
Imagining his face if I told him that the villain he was looking for was the king of this nation, I laughed as well. “What about you, Robert? What is your dream?”
He smiled brightly. “I want to be a great king, just like my father! A wise ruler that people will thrive under! I want my people to be happy, to prosper!”
I patted his shoulder. “That’s a good dream.”
And so the happy days spent together continued.
“Dragon, can I tell you a secret?” After months of taking quests and exploring together, we sat at the guild, having a drink after a long fight that had lasted until evening.
“If you wish.” I had no wish to hear it, but I knew enough of human customs now to know I shouldn’t refuse.
“I’m not here to just be an adventurer.” Robert was drunk, he swayed slightly in his chair as he spoke, his gaze slightly unfocused. “Actually…” he looked side to side to make sure no one else was close enough to hear. “I’m a prince!”
I fought the desire to roll my eyes. He bore the royal crest of the neighboring kingdom on his saddle! Did he really think I hadn’t noticed?
Robert studied my calm expression, pouting. “You don’t seem surprised. Do you not believe me?”
“If you say you are a prince, I believe you.” I answered quietly. His face broke out into a wide smile.
“Thanks! You are a great person!”
I chuckled at his drunken compliments.
“But that’s not all my secrets.” My laughter was cut short at his next whisper.
“I’m here to slay the dragon, and rescue the princess!” He was still smiling, but I was unable to smile back.
I felt a deep pain in my chest. We had not spent all that much time together, but over the last few months I had grown to respect him as a person. He seemed to lack greed and dishonesty, the traits that had made me despair of ever trusting another human again. We had laughed together, shared stories, guarded each other’s backs… it reminded me of a simpler time, before I understood the darkness underneath the surface of the human world, back when it was just me and Phillip. To hear him say that he would kill me, even if it was unknowingly, struck me silent with pain where I sat.
“If I kill the beast, and rescue Princess Milana, the king has promised me her hand in marriage, which will cement the relations between our two countries!” He grinned excitedly, his slightly red eyes staring off into the distance, but I simply shook my head.
“What if…” The tentative words were not like me, it caught Robert’s attention immediately, drunk as he was.
“What?! What’s wrong?”
“Do you really think you can kill a dragon?”
He puffed out his chest. “Of course! I’m the strongest!” He paused, wincing. “Of course, I guess, the second strongest, next to you. But still, I should be able to slay a simple dragon!”
No, you’re wrong, you’ve already lost to the dragon and just said that you were weaker…
I sighed. “What if the dragon wasn’t just a simple beast?”
“What do you mean? A dragon is a monster!” He rubbed his face, as if trying to clear his head.
“What if the dragon was like… you or me? Could talk, could dream, could hope…”
Could love. The words died silently in my chest.
His face grew serious. “If that were the case… then I would still kill it.”
My hearts hurt again. I rubbed my chest uncomfortably.
“Because if I don’t secure this marriage, my father will name my brother as his successor. I need the alliance from this nation to secure my right to the throne.”
“And this throne is more important to you than a living being?”
“It’s kidnapped a princess, it’s not like that monster is innocent.”
I laughed out loud, a strange, haunted sound. I suppose that’s right. I’m not innocent.
“What’s wrong?” He grinned uncomfortably, “Is this because of your nickname, Dragon? I won’t kill you, just the monster, I promise!”
A second burst of desperate laughter escaped my chest, it sounded like a sob of pain.
“Power, thrones, gold… humans like these things very much, don’t they?”
“Dragon…” Robert trailed off as I stood up.
“I know where the castle is. I will send you directions.”
“You- you do?”
“I do.” I reached out and patted his shoulder. “I wish you luck, friend.”
I started to walk away.
“Hey! After I defeat the dragon, and rescue the princess… you should come back to my kingdom! We can keep going on quests, adventuring just like we have before!” He grew excited as he spoke, but I simply shook my head.
“I’m sorry Robert, I’m afraid that’s impossible.”
“What?! Why?”
“Because I also have to pursue my dream. Goodbye, Robert.” With these words, I left him.
As I walked, the pain in my chest moved to my eyes, causing them to water. I cursed the weakness of this human form, running out of sight to transform back into my dragon body. As I flew away, I roared my pain out to the heaven’s suppressing my grief, and looking forward. 
I was a dragon. A supreme being of fire and magic. I needed no one.
I informed the princess that night that she would be rescued in the morning. She cheered, clapping her hands excitedly upon finding out that her future husband would be a prince.
I stared at her quietly, unable to suppress my curiosity.
“So we will part tomorrow, the collar’s restriction will be lifted. I will play my part, and my debt to your father will be paid.”
The human girl stared at me, her eyes widening as she realized what my words meant.
Would she speak up? This would be her last chance to speak out, to tell the truth about the collar around my neck, to reach out to the one who had protected her from villains, assassins and thieves for the past two years…
“Well, I’m going to go to sleep, Dragon. I wouldn’t want to be tired for my rescue!” She gave me a wide grin, avoiding my eyes, and scampered upstairs.
I stared after her, feeling a sense of disappointment
I flew away in the night searching for magic within the deep forests and lakes. Catching wind of a spark, I landed down within a clearing, standing just outside a fairy ring. 
“Mighty dragon, to what do I owe the pleasure?” The fairy queen stepped out, still dancing under the moonlight as if to a silent tune.
“I have come to make a trade.”
“Your kind rule over all that is magical and all that is not. You take what you want and give what you want.” Her tiny face was confused. “What can I trade with you?”
I let out a sigh, lowering my head until we were eye to eye. “I have been betrayed.”
“What…?” She trailed over, her silver eyes widening upon seeing the black metal around my neck. “Who in this world could collar you?”
“I put it around my own neck to pay a life debt.”
A long sigh came from the fairy queen. “What a waste of a life debt. If the human was smart he would have asked for one of your hearts, or a cup of your blood.”  Studying it closer she frowned. “The conditions of this dark magic…”
“Yes, to never hurt the princess, to only be freed upon her rescue…”
“But the third condition…”
I cut her off. “I’m well aware of the third condition.”
“Those bastards!” She cursed, crying glowing tears as she stared at the collar around my neck as if it were a noose.  “What can I do?”
I smiled. “I’ve spent many years among humans, I’ve studied them, lived among them… I know what they value most. I will make them drown in regret for what they have done.”
“But how?”
I handed her a jar, that glowed with an eerie silver light. She glanced at it, her face turning purple as she realized what it held.
“Shush. You only need to hold onto it.” I soothed the fairy with a laugh. “When the collar’s magic is complete, please return it to me. In return I will give you 3 drops of my blood. One now, and two upon completion.”
She shook her head. “I don’t dare take that high of payment this simple task.”
“Good, because I have two more tasks for you.”
We placed our heads together and planned quietly through the night.
“Dragon! Come out! I, Prince Robert, have come to face you!” A familiar voice called out from the castle’s entrance. I sighed quietly, even if I expected it, it was still painful to confront him like this. I spread my wings, lifting my dragon form into the air, landing in front of him quietly.
“What do you want, human?” I asked him.
He started, confused for a moment. “You can talk?”
I laughed bitterly. “I am a dragon, a supreme being of fire and magic. Did you think I was a simple beast?”
“N- No.” He shook his head. “Dragon or no, I have come to rescue the princess today.”
“And what if I release her without a fight?” I stared at him seriously, and he grew uncomfortable.
“Y- You can’t do that.”
“Why not?  If I release her, will you leave without my head?”
Robert paused, seeming to think it over, and then shook his head. “No.”
“Why not?” I knew his reasons, but some perverseness within me made me want to hear him say it out loud.
“YOU… you must pay for your crimes!” He turned red and stammered as he spoke, unused to lying.
I chuckled. “So you must slay the dragon to prove your worth as the future king. The princess matters very little to you.”
“No! I need the marriage too!” He stopped, clapping a hand to his mouth. “I didn’t mean…”
“It’s fine, she has not heard you. I will call her out now. “ I whistled a wind spell, opening the doors and lifting the princess to come to rest on the ground half-way between us. She looked hopefully at Robert, squeezing out a few fake tears.
“My hero!”
Her sweet falsetto caused him to smile at her. I watched them both, wishing to rub my chest which hurt.
“Human!” I called out, not having to fake my irritation. “If you have come to fight, let us fight.”
Robert nodded, notching back an arrow and aiming it at my chest.
It bounced off my scales and clattered to the ground.
I sighed. “You aren’t making this easy.” With that, I transformed into my human form.
Seeing me, he yelled, confused. “Dragon? Why are you here… this has to be an illusion!”
I smiled sadly. “I told you from the start to call me ‘dragon’ and you still did not understand?”
“You- you’re…”
“I am your friend, the one who has fought side by side with you the past few months.” I spread my arms wide, leaving myself open to attack. “I am also the dragon which guards the princess. To kill one is to kill the other.”
Robert retreated a few steps, shaking with shock. The princess saw his reluctance and called out. “Hurry up and fight that horrible monster!”
Monster? I saw him mouth the word as if confused.
“Don’t you have a dream?” I asked him quietly?
His eyes slowly cleared, and his hands steadied. The arrow was aimed at my chest.
“I’m sorry, Dragon.”
I smiled. “I won’t forgive you.”
He let loose the arrow, and it struck me between my upper ribs. I fell backwards with a groan.
“There, princess, I have saved you. Let’s go.”
“Wait!” She called out, angry. “Do you really think one arrow is enough to kill a dragon?!”
The both turned towards me, who had sat up, and casually pulled the arrow out. “I am too weak to continue, brave prince.” My voice was mocking, my eyes cold. “I yield, and declare you the winner. You may take the princess.”
Robert hesitated only a moment, and then nodded. “Then I will take her away, dragon.” He looked as if he wanted to say more, but held back. With his acceptance of his win, however, it was enough.
The collar around my neck glowed. I sighed with relief.
“What’s happening?” Robert was confused.
“I have been collared by the king to repay a life debt.” I laughed softly. “The first of the collar is that I could never harm the princess. The second is that I must guard her until she is rescued and only then would the collar’s magic be complete.”
“So you are free?” He asked with a hopeful expression.
“If only the world were so kind, isn’t that right princess?” I called out the young woman, who sneered at me from where she hid behind the prince.
“Milana? What does Dragon mean?”
“Yes, princess, do you want to tell him about the secret condition you and your father hid from me?” I paused, listening to the magic of the collar as it activated. “I suppose it doesn’t matter, you’ll see soon enough. “ I changed into my dragon form.
“What are you…?”
“I don’t wish to die in another form. I will die as a dragon.”
“Die…?” Robert was pale, he stepped closer only to be pulled back by the princess.
A bright light poured out from the collar, enveloping me. I felt its magic sink into my flesh, seeking my heart, to stop it.
The third condition.
When the princess was rescued, and the collar’s magic was completed. I would die. Only then would the collar come off and I would be free.
I was unsure who I was saying it to. Robert? The princess? Phillip?
I thought I heard someone cry out: “DON’T GO!” but before I could look in that direction, darkness over came me. The magic entered my heart, stopping it in place.
And at the foot of the castle, next to the prince and the princess he rescued… I died.
Pain in my chest was the first thing I felt again. I tried to open my eyes, the light of the sun blinding me.
I blinked a few times, focusing on the tiny form in front of my chest, her hand buried deep within the flesh.
“Thank you Fairy Queen.”
She smiled and retrieved her hand. “You’re welcome, Dragon. We had a deal, after all.”
“Any problems?”
She gestured behind her back. “The human was noisy. The male one. He kept crying and screaming about how he betrayed you and deserved death. The female immediately started talking about draining your blood for her father. I assume that is why they wanted you dead.” She thought it over. “Should I kill them?”
I shook my head, wincing as the motion pulled at my open chest wound the fairy had just made. “No need.”
“DRAGON?” Robert cried out, tears on his face. He rushed forward, staring at me with wide eyes. “How are you alive? I thought…”
“That the magic of the collar had killed me?” I glanced down at the pieces of dark metal on the ground and let out a flame, melting it into a puddle. “It  did.”
“Then how are you alive?” The princess was upset.
The fairy laughed. “Foolish humans. All creatures know that dragons have two hearts. The magic only affected the one in the chest, while I had the second one given to me last night!” She pointed at my wound within a silver heart beat loudly. “It only needed to be replaced. “
“That’s enough, fairy.” I sighed as she used magic to close up the scales of my chest, hiding my heart from view. I felt safer without it exposed. “Did you do the other tasks I asked you?”
She grinned mischievously. “That I did, mighty dragon.”
“What did you…?” Robert started to ask, but stopped, as if unsure if he should continue.
“I will tell you, human.” I no longer called him by his name. He was no longer a friend, like Phillip or his daughter. “My time amongst humans has taught me much. You all spout ideals of love, and hope and light. But in the end, you care for only two things: power and gold.”
“I-“ He seemed to want to argue, but fell silent.
“I will simply take the things you love.”
Now the princess looked concerned. “What do you mean?”
The fairy leaned back, cackling with glee. “We took all the gold in the castle vaults! Every last piece! We rotted all the wood on your weapons, rendering your armies useless, and turned your thrones into dust.” She glanced at Robert. “Your kingdom too.”
The princess fell down, her face pale. “All of the gold is gone?”
“It belongs to me.” I smiled, “I have no use for it, but I will decorate my lair with it, and enjoy looking at something that you care so much for being in my possession.”
“You are always free to try to take it from me, if you dare.” My smile turned cold. “But know this: I am a dragon. I will not be challenged lightly. I have been merciful, but no longer. If you come searching for your gold, be prepared to lose your life.”
“Dragon.” Robert whispered my name as if it meant something, his face sad. 
I spread my wings and lifted into the air, ignoring him.  Flying over the kingdoms, I let out roar after roar. It was a shout a joy, of being alive again. Of challenge for all who would oppose me.
Finally I came to my lair, the small cave I had been born in that had now been dug into an enormous cavern. I settled within it, looking with satisfaction at the sparkling golden pieces that decorated every inch of my lair. I made a nest among it, falling asleep within the piles.
I hoped they would try and take it. I looked forward to their attempts. 
I would kill them all.
I was a dragon. A creature born of fire and magic. I paid my debts, protected my pride. And now…
I was home. 
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the-pallid-king · 3 years
He hums, and tilts his head, relaxing some now that they’re just talking about it and he isn’t explaining it as if he has first hand knowledge. “Lots of things are probably like that. A lot of humans don’t believe in spirits and ghosts. But I’m pretty sure people just like to see things fuck. If they believed in hollows, that would probably be a thing too. Or maybe it already is for the people who do know. I like you and you’re a hollow, so I guess I fit in that category.” He shrugs. He doesn’t really like categories.
He snorts and gives you something of a sad smile. He knows you’re doing this for him and not because it’s what you want. “After, then.” One way or another, he’s going to make sure you get your time in the sun.
He huffs an amused sound. “I guess that’s true, but you’re right, I am serious. I think explaining it without showing you will create more questions than answers. Most of it will make sen— well, you’ll know what I mean if you see it.”
He tucks the hollow closer as they finally start to reach collapsed part of the sand where they fought the giant underground, sinkhole monster last time. Though a lot of the hole seems filled in, and the opening is more like a cave now. He kind of wonders if this is where he opened his garganta, but can’t tell. “Is going through this cramped space going to bother you?”
Ok that's a very fair point; there are quite a few things he's been skeptical of only to realize it's real or common, or whatever. Humans are crazy. This porn thing probably shouldn't surprise him as much as it does. He makes a face. "Hollow fucking would be a thing? Most of 'em don't even look humanoid. Humans wanna watch inhuman monsters?" You know what. "Maybe I don't want you to answer that."
He sees that smile, but he's not quite sure how to read it. "Ok." He nods and offers up a smile of his own, "After."
He's skeptical, but there's no reason for you to be bullshitting him. "I'm not sure seeing it is going to make it make sense, but I'm willing to try. Am I still supposed to ask your friend?"
Part of him hopes something will eat your little fluff ball while they're here, but then he thinks that would make you sad, whether you acted it or not, so maybe he doesn't actually want it to happen. He eyes the opening of the underground cavern, wishing it could be like a normal living world forest and be above ground, in the open. It's fine. He's just going to ignore it and focus on you and- He turns a somewhat withering look at you when you decide you need to add the description of 'cramped space' into that. "Yeah, it sure is."
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