#the change of faceclaim definitely also affected it a little too
residentdormouse · 1 year
Who is your current muse, and who is their faceclaim/what do they look like? What is one item that you associate without fail to them? What is their favourite colour? Is there a song you associate with them? If not, what quote fits the best for them? What do they like doing in their spare time? How much spare time do they get? What one fact do you love about them, but might not have had the chance to share yet?
💞 Thank you for asking! 🥹💞
(Sorry this has taken so long to answer - real life has been absolutely insane for me recently. Its going to be rough for a bit still while I adjust, but I think everything is going for the better in the end. Regardless, may still be MIA for awhile.)
I'm going to answer for my new original work 'Close to the Vale' and the main character for it, Faith Lochren (which by proximity brings in a bit of Paul). I haven't gotten too far in this work (again, irl drama has been a bitch), but I have some basic concepts, a decent outline, and a couple chapters.
As for a face claim, I have been playing at Jennifer Carpenter. Maybe this will change throughout the process, but most of the shit that pours out of Debra Morgan's mouth makes me smile and gives me Faith vibes.
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Her item would be a very simple rose gold engagement ring that Paul gave her. It's not coming off. You can pry that fucker from her cold dead hands, and you damn well better believe if you're doing that, she's going to be haunting your ass. Not worth it, move it along.
As for colors, the engagement ring choice wasn't arbitrary. Rose gold is a favorite of Faith's. Complement it with a bit of sea foam/teal, and a neutral taupe and she's sold. Paul knew what he was doing. He usually did.
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I've only done some basic song hunting so far, but this one has set a tone for drafting the first couple chapters. Depending on where you pick Faith up at, her vibe is going to be very different. Pre-incident Faith, and post-incident Faith are different people. Same background, same make-up, but loss has tainted her view on the world and affected her actions in it. This is definitely post-incident, which is where most of the story takes place.
Outdoors was always a comfort for Faith. Hiking on back trails. Wandering up streams. She would opt to stay out there than deal with societal bullshit any day of the week. When she couldn't get outdoors, which living in the middle of the city makes somewhat difficult, she could also be found working on a good puzzle. More mental than visual though. 1,000 piece pictures puzzles with the same damn repeating pattern? Nobody has the time or patience for that shit. Riddles? Brain teasers? Logic puzzles? Yeah, she's game. Now pair puzzles, a campfire, and Paul's storytelling, and you have a combination that can't possibly be beat in her mind. (Well, maybe some drinks would sweeten the deal.) Lately, however, this has all come to a halt. After quiting her job (again), time is all she has. But the will to pick it all back up again, living that life, alone, it's non existent.
She has very little filter sometimes. Most times. If there's a problem, you're going to hear it. In most cases, with more colorful language than you would expect. Unless you know her, that is. Suffering arrogance and pretentious bullshit is not something she is about, and there's no secret about this. While Paul had a reputation for speaking his mind as well, he usually had a lighthearted mirth behind his remarks. Hers bite and/or contain a fair amount of snark. It's amazingly fun to write (and decently cathartic).
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Emoji ask game :)
❤️ 💥 🎁 💕 🥳 🦋 🎬 🤔 🎨
thank you so much!! You're the best!
answers are under the cut:
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
ooh man, that's a tough one, especially since I'm coming up on a million words posted on AO3. I can remember there being some lines that I was especially proud of in every one of my fics, but most of those rely on the context of the story in order to get the full symbolism. I was particularly fond of this one from one of my Sandman fics, though:
That drew a laugh from him, and a flash of that same familiar smile. Despite yourself, your heart gave an involuntary stutter. Perhaps you were closer to human than you thought. Some of their millstones, food and sleep, you had no pull towards. But you were just as affected by the sight of a handsome man, it appeared. And a handsome nightmare would do just as well.
Also, some of my favorite things to write are Katherine's magic in WWFA? and Jasper's empathic abilities in Heartstrings, but I don't have one clear line for either of those. They're just fun :)
💥 What is one canon thing that you wish you could change?
Hmm... Angel's and Havok's deaths in X-Men Apocalypse. I fix those in pretty much every X-Men fic I have, but I just wish they hadn't happened in the movie at all. For one, the characters don't even die in the comics, either of them, and the way they die in the movie just makes no sense. You kill the winged guy in a plane crash? You kill the guy who absorbs thermal energy in an explosion? Excuse me?
🎁 Have a piece of a WIP you want to share?
Sure, how about a little piece from the next chapter of Who Waits Forever, Anyway?
Katherine dove out of the way as the door crashed inwards. She sprawled on the floor, a starburst of pain lancing up her arm as she took the fall hard on her wrist. Not broken- just a little jarred. She threw her arms over her head, feeling splinters of wood batter her clothing and ping off the granite floor beneath her. There was a brief glimpse of weathered bone out of the corner of her eye, and the triceratops bellowed.
She scrambled up to her feet and darted behind the nearest pillar, realizing just a moment too late that she’d dropped her sketchbook. Katherine clenched her fingers, fighting back a surge of fear. That magic was the only thing that kept her on par with the others, she thought. With her sketchbook, she could conjure a shield, a weapon, a distraction. Without it… 
Her eyes fell to the beast’s sharp horns, great prongs of petrified keratin, sharp as spears and hard as diamonds. She could feel her own mortality loom in close, breathing an icy breath down her neck. 
It was looking straight at her. 
💕 What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
Aw man, another tough one! Again, there's so many pieces that I love from each of them, particularly as I've grown as a writer. I'm partial to Smoke and Mirrors, though, or maybe Secret Worlds (the dual-endings thing was pretty fun)
🥳 Why did you start writing fanfic?
COVID boredom, I think, and the need to get some of the rampant Ideas out of my head. I still have too many Ideas bouncing around in there, but at least now I can get them out on the page the way I like.
🦋 Which character is your favorite to write?
Jasper or Ophelia, there's something really unique about the way each of them view the world, and it lets me have a bit of fun with the writing style.
🎬 If a movie or show were based on your fic, which fic would you choose and who would you fancast?
I'm actually gonna go with Who Waits Forever Anyway?, since I feel like I brought a lot more depth to the magic and mythology than we got in the original NATM movies. I feel like that would translate well to the screen. I don't really have an answer for the fancast portion of that, since I don't really write my characters with a faceclaim in mind.
🤔 Would you ever want to write something canon if you got the opportunity?
I'd definitely be a little daunted by it, worried that I might screw up since writing canon would have actual stakes to it, but I think it would be cool. I definitely wouldn't pass up the opportunity if it was extended to me.
🎨 If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
There's a scene in WWFA? where Katherine brings a drawing to life in the Hall of Birds, and there's this whole vortex of multicolored birds and golden magic that I think could translate to an absolutely stunning piece of art. If you want angst, I think the Corruption ending of Secret Worlds would make a good comic or animatic, or something relating to Robin's injury/recovery in Symphony in Silver
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beyondxarda-moved · 5 years
every year I stg my image of Inunir changes more and more, it’s like I stg with every year he grows older he actually grows more mature (in my would be portrayal of him.. if I actually wrote him, yknow)
but yeah it’s more like with each passing year, he grows like, ten years older in elf years lmao
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ofprydes · 3 years
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( zoey deutch. 26. she/her. ciswoman. ) are you a HERO? something tells me that 80s pop music vibrating through a cluttered room, a bright smile and a golden necklace of the Star of David reflecting light down a busy hallway make you who you are, KATHERINE “KITTY” PRYDE. with the powers of INTANGIBILITY, you’re sure to have a bubbly, impulsive personality — and you definitely belong to UNAFFILIATED. were you listening to WHY AM I LIKE THIS? by ORLA GARTLAND on your way to the subway? it suits you. we can’t wait to see what you do next! || @reshieldedintro
character name: katherine “kitty” pryde / shadowcat age: 26 faceclaim: zoey deutch voiceclaim: zoey deutch skill set: intangibility/phasing, skilled martial artist (and trained with the sword), genius intellect & skilled with computers, can “fly” (it’s more like floating and its very slow), skilled ballerina, limited invisibility (when phased, kitty is effectively invisible in dark areas).  affiliations: x-men, guardians of the galaxy, excalibur, marauders  family: Carmen Pryde (father; deceased), Theresa "Terri" Pryde (mother), all of the x-men are what she considers family, one time she did call wolverine “dad” and that keeps her up at night with shame zodiac: Gemini  wiki link: https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Katherine_Pryde_(Earth-616) & https://www.marvel.com/characters/kitty-pryde’ note: this kitty is based on the comics (616) & headcanon, with an emphasis on her earlier lore pre-marauders 
was your character “blipped” out? if so, what did they return to and how is it affecting them? if not, who important to them was blipped out, and what has it felt like after those five years have passed?
No, she instead got to watch most of her friends blip, thinking they’d died (dying is just what the x-men do, right?). Having left the x-men and being in college at the time, she moved back and did her best to aid and hold down the fort in their absence. Dejected, and having a strained identity with the x-men that remained unaddressed, she eventually fled to space to “find herself”. There, adventuring in space and doing whatever she could to help on a more galactic scale, she eventually gathered herself together and came back to earth, determined to pretend like she wasn’t running away anymore. And just in time for everyone to blip back. Now she’s doing her part to help the displaced mutants out. She’s reckoning with her role in the world, and the anger she feels boiling under the surface.   
where are they living? are they living with anyone?
Kitty is currently in the x-mansion, in the same room she had when she was 13. She feels a little weird about it, but at the same time, she doesn’t have the heart to tear down all her old posters and start redecorating. She lives with everyone else who decided to stay there
why is your character affiliated with who they’re affiliated with?
Because she’s always been an x-men. Having joined at 13 (and a half, thank you very much), she’s always been keen on trying to save the world. hero first, girl second. she doesn’t know a life without them and she doesn’t want to. she takes mutant rights and issues very seriously, and won’t align herself with anyone who doesn’t. 
who are their major friends, allies, and foes?
friends: x-men, she’d like to say all of mutant-kind but even for kitty, that’s a little too optimistic. but she’s also friends with a lot of people, on account of being friendly allies: anyone who is aligned with helping mutants foes: she thinks the avengers are stinky
whose hands do they believe the country should be in?
As a kid, she would’ve said Xavier, but as she’s grown, she’s not so sure. All she knows is that it shouldn’t be who currently is. It needs to be someone willing to bring change, real and good change. And bring it the right way. She has a lot of ideas about this (shout out to X-Men: The End where Kitty was president #Pryde4Prez) 
what’s their current mental state at? their physical state?
mentally she’s a wreck, shaking with repressed emotions. physically, she’s probably in the best shape of her life. the Pilates has really been paying off
Details on lore changes
you can see this kitty as a simplification of her comics history. im keeping most of the stuff pre-marauders (yes she still is a wanted criminal in japan) and deferring the stuff more related to other characters to whatever we plot out
this isn’t a lore change but i think it’s necessary to remind everyone that she’s a dazzler fan. 
she also has only recently come to terms with her bisexuality (in that she’s admitted it to herself, and absolutely no one else), and really does not want to start thinking about her very suspect relations with her female friends
im also going to say her first love was rachel grey/summers because i cant be tamed, can’t be shamed (shoutout to when Claremont said they were supposed to be married in X-Men: The End)
also going to say that she just dates anyone named peter that’s a personality trait at this point
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sunmastcr · 3 years
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( manny jacinto. 30. he/him. cis male. ) are you a HERO? something tells me that jamming to 80′s music blasting through orange headphones, choosing a path of one’s own making, and the knowledge of the galaxy at your fingertips make you who you are, PETER QUILL. with the powers of ENHANCED HUMAN/SPARTAX PHYSIOLOGY, UNIVERSAL KNOWLEDGE & MASTER OF THE SUN ABILITIES, you’re sure to have a energetic, impulsive personality — and you definitely belong to SWORD. were you listening to STARBOY by THE WEEKND on your way to the subway? it suits you. we can’t wait to see what you do next!
character name: peter jason quill age: 30 faceclaim: manny jacinto voiceclaim: manny jacinto skill set: enhanced human/spartax physiology -- semi immortality, enhanced human condition, regenerative healing factor. master of the sun abilities 
Transvection: While meditating on his new lease on life, Quill showed he could antigravitate off the ground in a sitting position while trying to focus his powers for the upcoming battle.
Bioluminescence: Often when Quill finds his center of being and/or is utilizing his power through the magitek sidearm. Quill's body glows a bright voluminous radiance that causes Star-Lord's entire bodily coloration to glow bright golden, the light emitted is so powerful he can blow apart a Symbiote Dragon by channeling said force through the blaster.
Telepathic Resistance: Star-Lord's transformation has seemingly rendered him immune to psionic intrusion. as Moondragon could not penetrate the luminal defenses his mind seemed to subconsciously throw up whenever she drifted towards him.
Living Power Plant: The Element Blaster initially held a finite charge limit to its ability to channel and redistribute energy towards manipulating natural materials, but after having gained total control over various metaphysical dynamics pertaining to the universe, Quill now acts as his own dynamo to power said weapon of choice.
Cosmic Awareness: Quill possesses a degree of cosmic awareness, stating that he is more aware of "everything" and that he could feel a shift in the cosmic balance.
affiliations: guardians of the galaxy & sword  family: j’son ( father, deceased ), meredith quill ( mother, deceased ), victoria ( half sister ), rocky ( son ) zodiac: aquarius wiki link: https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Peter_Quill_(Earth-616)
was your character “blipped” out? if so, what did they return to and how is it affecting them? if not, who important to them was blipped out, and what has it felt like after those five years have passed? 
quill was indeed blipped out. returning to a world that had changed in the last five years was... a bit to take in. but it wasn’t the first time that peter had been trapped somewhere and missed some time, so it wasn’t anything he wasn’t used to. he’s good at hiding things.
where are they living? are they living with anyone?
he has a little apartment. nothing too fancy or anything. and he also, of course, has a place at sword but peter doesn’t really take advantage of that too often. 
why is your character affiliated with who they’re affiliated with?
first and foremost, his loyalties are to the guardians of the galaxy. that is his family. the people that he has gone through so much with. they are everything to him. the only reason quill is even affiliated with sword right now is to play as diplomat and to be fully aware of things that are going on with terra.
who are their major friends, allies, and foes?
his major friends at the end of the day are the guardians. he does have allies through space with the nova corps and spartax, of course. foes.... well, anyone that is worth credits or does bad shit in the galaxy. 
whose hands do they believe the country should be in?
yeah, peter personally doesn’t care about terra politics. not his turf these days. 
what’s their current mental state at? their physical state?
i’m not going to lie, pals. it’s pretty bad. after choosing to sacrifice himself, peter ended up in an alternate reality known as morinus. time worked differently there, and he spent over a hundred years there with mors and aradia, who he fell in love with and became romantically involved with them in a polyamorous relationship. they went on a lot of adventures, spent a lot of time together, and peter even had a son in this world. but.... he had to leave in order to protect morinus from the threat he had thought he had destroyed before. needless to say, when he came back, it was only a few months in this reality. most of his memories from all that time there are blocked, or faded, but peter still feels hollow and like he’s missing something. he came back as a completely different person, so his mental state is.... rough. physical state is perfect, though. 
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ofhulks · 3 years
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( pedro pascal. 50. he/him. cisman. ) are you a HERO? something tells me that bubbling beakers accompanied the sound of gentle flames, walls filled with pinned papers and the distant sound of an old movie make you who you are, BRUCE BANNER. with the powers of GAMMA RADIATION PHYSIOLOGY, you’re sure to have a pragmatic, stubborn personality — and you definitely belong to SHIELD. were you listening to TROUBLE by CAGE THE ELEPHANT on your way to the subway? it suits you. we can’t wait to see what you do next! || @reshieldedintro 
character name: dr. robert bruce banner / the hulk age: 50  faceclaim: pedro pascal voiceclaim: mark ruffalo  skill set: genius intellect, gamma radiation physiology that allows him to transform into THE HULK - capable of great strength, superhuman leaping and durability. Though the hulk has a mind of his own, unwilling to listen to the commands of Banner. In fact, the hulk hates banner. And Banner hates Banner too also hates the hulk. If he just got some therapy maybe he would be okay ://// but he just likes to puzzle everything out with logic and reason and solve his own problems affiliations: avengers, shield, the united states army family: Brian Banner (father; deceased), Rebecca Banner (mother; deceased), Jennifer Walters (cousin), Betty Ross (ex-wife) zodiac: TBD wiki link: https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Bruce_Banner_(Earth-616) or https://www.marvel.com/characters/hulk-bruce-banner/in-comics & https://marvelcinematicuniverse.fandom.com/wiki/Hulk note: this Bruce is comic inspired (616 with his backstory predominantly from Hulk: Grey). Some of his more recent character history is taken from the mcu ( minus the merging with hulk, because I think that potential would be fun to explore for his arc later! ) ; subject to change! 
was your character “blipped” out? if so, what did they return to and how is it affecting them? if not, who important to them was blipped out, and what has it felt like after those five years have passed? 
No. Bruce stayed behind while his friends vanished, at first running away and then eventually rejoining what was left of the avengers to see what could be done about reversing the snap. He merged with the hulk briefly (he’s not sure how it worked, but it was a desperate time) to usher a snap of his own (and permanently scarring and damaging his arm), before hulk seized control and shut Banner out until the end of the battle, when Banner woke, the world was as it once was....featuring some fresh casualties he doesn’t know how to deal with.  
where are they living? are they living with anyone?
At the SHIELD compound, finding it to be the best spot to continue his research into a cure. He does his part to help, but doesn’t think he’s much help as long as Hulk exists. Perhaps selfishly, he’s far more focused on that than anything else. 
why is your character affiliated with who they’re affiliated with?
Convenience, mostly. SHIELD is the sensible choice for Banner right now with the Avengers scattered (ideally he’d like to be all alone somewhere with his research, but SHIELD has resources and he needs them). There is SOME fondness for these people he knows, but Bruce gets a little too trapped in his thoughts than to realize this as a main factor to his stay. 
who are their major friends, allies, and foes?
For Banner, his friends are Rick Jones, the avengers and his cousin. Who also happen to be his allies. His biggest foe is the hulk, which really is just himself, not that he’s aware of this. 
Hulk dislikes most people, unless they are explicitly nice to him, and especially hates Banner. He also isn’t a fan of doors that are too small for him to fit through #MakeThingsMoreHulkAccessible 
whose hands do they believe the country should be in?
Bruce has bigger problems to worry about than politics. He’s not a fan of the current leadership, and having worked for the military, he can say he’s solidly against them too. Bruce would call himself a pacifist, and ultimately say the best person for the job should be the one doing it. Hulk would say himself.
what’s their current mental state at? their physical state?
Mentally, Bruce is a mess. His unchecked self-loathing has him struggling to accept the Hulk. And his avoidance of his past blocks him out from even trying to. Without realizing it, he’s running away from himself over and over again. Physically, Bruce’s arm is pretty messed up. It’s fine in Hulk form, if not a little weaker, but in human form he’s finding it hard to move around or grip things with his hand. Mentally for the Hulk, he feels very lonely :( would love some friends
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hcneylaced · 4 years
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(  MOON   GAYOUNG,   CISWOMAN,   SHE/HER    ╱    wait   is   that   ROSALIE   MYUNG   ?   I   heard   the   24  YEAR  OLD,   NURSE   has   only   been   living   in   new   york   city   for   the   past   SIX   YEARS   &   seems   to   have   already   made   a   name   for   themselves.   though   they   can   be   DEPENDABLE   &   WITTY,   you   should   watch   out   because   they   are   also   known   to   be   GUARDED   &   OBSTINATE.   however,   they   seem   to   post   a lot   about   CHERRY   STAINED   RED   LIPS,   THE   RELIEF   OF   A   HAPPY   ENDING   TO   A   GREAT   NOVEL,   PIANO   KEYS   THAT   COLLECTED   DUST   OVER   THE   YEARS.   but   I   am   definitely   curious   about   that   RING   ON   A   CHAIN   AS   A   NECKLACE   they   hold   so   dear. 
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                               ─ ─ ─  ⋆   hi,   i’m   ali!   i’m   very   excited   to   be   here   and   meet   you   along   with   all   your   muses!   rosalie   is   a   muse   i   created   a   few   months   ago,   but   never   had   the   chance   to   develop   so   i   can’t   wait   to   see   how   she   interacts   with   your   muses!   below   you   will   find   rosalie’s   biography   and   below   that   you   will   find   wanted   connections   for   her!   if   you’d   like   to   plot   with   rosalie   or   you   see   a   wanted   connection   (   below   )   that   you   see   fits   your   muse,   feel   free   to   give   this   a   like!   we   can   exchange   discords   too   if   plotting   is   easier   that   way!   ⋆  ─ ─ ─
full name : rosalie myung . nicknames : rosie, rosa . date of birth / age : may 13 , twenty four . star sign : taurus . gender / pronouns : cis woman , she & her . orientation : demisexual , biromantic . nationality : korean , american . languages : english , korean .
height : five foot five . build : petite , slim . hair color : brunette . eye color : dark brown . style : here . tattoos : here . scars : underneath her jaw ( from her brother ) . faceclaim : moon ga young .
positive : witty , dependable , practical , independent , kind-hearted . negative : guarded , obstinate , brooding , blunt , proud . likes : playing piano, writing music, red lipstick, her frequent patients, pastry . dislikes : her brother , her mother , cockiness , showing her own weakness . quirks : hair twirling . hobbies : playing piano ( once upon a time ) , writing lyrics , writing music . fears : the feeling of being unloved , showing a sense of weakness , heights , her brother .
ღ ___________________________________________ ღ
                               daddy’s   little   girl   from   the   start,   ROSALIE   MYUNG   always   got   whatever   she   wanted   by   simply   asking.   her   father,   DONG-HYUN   MYUNG,   would   give   her   anything   without   question   as   long   as   his   little   girl   was   happy   and   thriving.   rosalie   was   never   ungrateful   for   the   gifts   she   received   and   despite   being   born   into   money,   secured   for   the   rest   of   her   life   and   more   than   comfortable,   she   formed   a   close   bond   with   her   father,   appreciating   everything   he   did   for   her.   her   first   best   friend,   her   favorite   person,   it   was   obvious   that   rosalie   was   the   favorite   child.   he   would   put   rosalie   above   anyone   and   anything   ━   rosalie   came   first.
                               it   lead   to   the   relationship   between   dong-hyun   and   her   older   brother,   GRAYSON   MYUNG,   strained.   it   was   filled   with   awkward   silences   that   her   brother   tried   fix   with   words   of   desperation   for   a   look   in   his   direction,   for   dong-hyun   to   be   proud.   grayson   wanted   to   gain   their   father’s   attention   and   affection   more   than   anything,   a   feeling   of   hatred   blooming   inside   of   him   for   his   younger   sister   when   it   was   clear   he   was   failing.   rosalie   didn’t   have   to   do   much   to   be   the   favorite   ━   coming   into   this   earth   and   stealing   their   father’s   heart   instantly.
                               while   her   relationship   with   her   father   continued   to   get   stronger,   rosalie   couldn’t   remember   a   time   that   her   mother,   BITNA   MYUNG,   wasn’t   so   cold   toward   her.   postpartum   depression   was   the   medical   term   given   when   rosalie   was   five   months   old   and   bitna   couldn’t   find   it   in   herself   to   hold   her   new   baby,   to   feel   joy   within   her   over   rosalie.   it   wasn’t   the   same   feeling   she   had   with   grayson.   as   rosalie   became   older,   however,   nothing   seemed   to   change.   while   the   two   never   clicked,   rosalie   tried   her   best   to   bond   with   her   mother.   the   way   rosalie’s   father   was   invested   in   work,   but   went   out   of   his   way   for   their   daughter,   left   a   bitter   taste   in   bitna’s   mouth   and   kept   rosalie   at   arm’s   length.
                               at   fourteen   years   old,   rosalie   loses   the   one   person   she   thought   she   could   never   live   without.   a   drunk   driver   the   police   said,   her   father   died   at   the   scene   and   they   did   the   best   they   could   to   help   him.   flashbacks   of   how   destroyed   his   car   was   doesn’t   leave   her   mind,   bile   rising   up   in   her   throat   at   the   thought   of   what   took   place   inside   that   vehicle.   the   tension   in   the   myung   household   grows,   rosalie   feeling   like   she   was   now   an   outsider   in   her   own   family.   
                               starting   freshman   year   of   high   school,   rosalie   starts   pushing   her   friends   away   and   it   doesn’t   take   much   for   them   to   move   on   without   finding   a   reason.   the   light   rosalie   used   to   have   dims.   while   she   excels   in   school,   her   social   life   goes   down   the   drain   until   there’s   nothing   left.   the   friends   she   used   to   have   whisper   behind   her   back.   the   books   she   held   in   her   arms   forcefully   dropped   to   the   floor   after   an   accidentally   bump   in   the   hallway.   notes   left   behind   in   her   locker   with   both   familiar   and   unfamiliar   handwriting   that   leaves   her   more   angry   than   sad.   a   wall   builds   up   quickly,   ignoring   everyone   around   her   until   she’s   able   to   answer   the   questions   in   class   or   hand   a   witty   response   to   whoever   decides   to   mess   with   her.
                               rosalie’s   home   life   becomes   darker.   at   eighteen   years   old   and   a   graduate   from   high   school,   grayson’s   main   goal   is   to   take   over   her   father’s   business   that   left   their   family   rich.   he’s   smart   and   knows   the   in   and   out   of   the   business   from   all   the   times   he’d   shadow   his   father.   grayson   wants   to   be   the   man   of   the   house   now,   wants   to   make   sure   his   mother   is   secure   and   comfortable   living.   rosalie   is   the   last   thing   on   his   mind   and   it   shows.   while   he’s   stepping   up   to   the   plate,   the   added   stress   he’s   put   on   his   plate   taking   a   toll   and   he   turns   to   drinking   early   on.   their   mother   remains   in   the   shadows.   without   much   words   between   rosalie   and   bitna,   the   former   knows   her   mother   is   grieving   over   the   death   of   her   father.   
                               the   first   anniversary   of   dong-hyun’s   passing   is   when   the   hits   start.   rosalie   had   been   used   to   the   verbal   lashing   her   older   brother   used   to   give   her,   able   to   let   the   harsh   comments   roll   of   her   shoulders   and   move   on.   there   wasn’t   a   time   he   was   physical,   however.   it   changed   when   they   got   into   argument,   rosalie   not   knowing   what   to   do   with   her   life,   but   working   at   dong-hyun’s   company   wasn’t   something   she   saw   in   her   future.   it   was   a   quick   contact   of   cheek   to   hand,   broken   and   bruised   skin   taking   form   hours   later.   there   was   no   apology   afterward   and   as   the   days   went   on,   it   was   a   repeat   of   the   same   thing.   it   was   easy   for   rosalie   to   hide   the   bruises   and   marks   left   behind.   her   mother   turned   a   blind   eye   and   her   classmates   weren’t   watching   her   enough   to   notice   or   care.
                               the   walls   grow   taller   around   rosalie.   she   rather   people   think   she   was   a   horrible   person,   a   complete   freak   than   think   she   was   weak.   after   one   too   many   bumps   and   mending   herself   together,   it’s   her   senior   year   when   rosalie   realizes   what   she   wants   to   do   with   her   future.   deep   down,   she   has   a   heart   of   gold.   a   nurse   ━   someone   who   can   help   others,   who   can   patch   up   their   wounds   and   calm   them   down   and   all   around   be   there   for   them.   it’s   an   idea   she   sleeps   on,   but   wakes   up   knowing   it’s   what   she   wants.
                               new   york   is   her   escape.   she   applies   for   as   many   universities   as   she   can,   her   outstanding   grades   and   extra   credits   enough   for   her   to   get   accepted   into   every   college   of   her   choice.   by   the   time   she’s   eighteen   and   graduated,   she’s   packing   her   stuff   and   leaving   her   hometown   behind   without   a   word   to   her   mother   or   brother.   she   gets   a   job   as   a   receptionist,   saves   up   all   her   money   while   living   in   one   of   the   most   run   down   apartments   she’s   ever   seen.   rosalie   starts   from   the   ground   up,   however,   thrilled   to   be   getting   away   from   where   she   once   lived,   who   she   had   to   surround   herself   with.   she   makes   friends   and   works   hard   in   all   her   classes   ━   passes   with   flying   colors   and   graduates   with   honors.   
                               currently,   rosalie   is   living   in   new   york   with   her   guard   still   up.   she’s   not   soft,   but   kind   ━   her   softness   showing   for   her   patients   and   disappearing   once   she   clocks   out.   she   still   lives   in   an   apartment,   but   a   much   better   one   that   she   can   be   proud   of.   rosalie   isn’t   completely   out   of   the   clear,   unfortunately,   because   after   her   brother   found   out   about   her   whereabouts,   he   doesn’t   want   to   leave   her   alone.   grayson   has   still   never   apologized   for   the   abuse   he   put   her   through,   but   all   she   does   is   screen   his   calls   and   hope   one   day   he   gets   the   hint.   
                               and   well,   if   you   tell   rosalie   gods   and   goddesses   are   roaming   new   york   city   under   the   disguise   of   a   normal   human,   she   more   than   likely   wouldn’t   believe   you.
                               ⋆   when   rosalie   was   younger,   her   father   taught   her   how   to   play   the   piano.   the   talent   came   natural   to   her   and   she   had   an   ear   for   music   and   lyrics.   after   his   passing,   rosalie   hasn’t   even   looked   at   a   piano.   deep   down,   she   misses   the   feeling   of   the   smooth   keys   underneath   her   fingertips,   but   it   brings   up   too   many   memories   of   her   father.
                               ⋆   the   ring   she   keeps   on   a   chain   as   a   necklace   belongs   to   her   late   father.   it’s   a   piece   of   him   she   takes   everywhere   she   goes.   rosalie   will   take   it   off   for   bed   and   when   she   bathes,   but   it’s   always   near   her.   she’s   never   not   wearing   it.   it’s   another   way   to   keep   her   father   close   to   her   heart.
                               wanted   tag   can   be   found   here   !
                               any   and   all   connections   are   open   to   humans   and   gods/goddesses   !
                               WANTED   01   :   this   person   was   rosalie’s   high   school   sweetheart   ━      at   least   to   her   own   knowledge   since   no   one   else   knew.   they   were   the   first   person   to   get   passed   her   cold   exterior,   the   first   person   after   her   father’s   dath   that   she   opened   her   heart   to.   the   two   messed   around,   rosalie   eventually   falling   in   love   despite   the   two   being   a   secret   and   regardless   of   the   other   never   sticking   up   for   her   when   people   badmouthed   her   at   school.   rosalie   ended   up   with   her   heartbroken,   the   pushing   the   other   away   as   much   as   possible.   they   went   from   almost   knowing   each   other   inside   out   to   complete   strangers   once   again.   rosalie   considers   this   person   someone   she   dislikes   and   wants   nothing   to   do   with.
                               status:   OPEN
                               WANTED   02   :   one   of   rosalie’s   soft   spots.   they   have   a   cliche   moment   where   she   calls   the   other   an   idiot   and   the   reply   back   is   “but   i’m   your   idiot,”   and   they   wouldn’t   be   wrong   about   it.
                               status:   OPEN 
                               WANTED   03   :   just   someone   who   can   be   soft   with   her   even   though   she’s   horrible   at   emotions   ━   emotionally   constipated   is   what   she   is,   honestly.   she’s   another   person   she   has   a   soft   spot   for   one   the   down   low,   would   do   anything   for   them,   but   can’t   exactly   put   into   words   how   much   they   mean   to   her.   platonic   soulmates,   actual   soulmates.   they’re   the   type   to   hang   out   until   it’s   one   in   the   morning   and   rosalie   is   nodding   off   on   their   shoulder   peacefully.
                               status:   OPEN
                               WANTED   04   :   a   person   she   can   bicker   with.   rosalie   needs   to   have   the   last   word,   a   routine   she   got   into   when   she   couldn’t   answer   her   brother   back   without   some   repercussion   and   her   witty   insults   were   the   only   thing   in   between   her   and   her   classmates.   she   finds   this   person   annoying,   sometimes   unbearable   to   be   around,   but   she   wouldn’t   consider   them   someone   she   dislikes   or   hates.   their   conversation   just   has   a   lot   of   eye   rolls   and   blank   expressions   on   rosalie’s   part,   almost   too   blunt   with   them.
                               status:   OPEN
                               WANTED   05   :   a   roommate.   pretty   simple   and   to   the   point.   someone   that   rosalie   lives   with.   their   relationship   can   depend   on   a   multitude   of   things,   but   starting   her   life   in   new   york   from   scratch   would   more   than   likely   still   have   her   living   in   a   (nice)   apartment   some   years   later.
                               status:   OPEN
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maryjancwatson · 4 years
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FACECLAIM: Madelaine Petsch
AFFILIATIONS: At the moment, unaffiliated. 
AGE (physical age as well, if different): 24
SPECIES (human, metahuman, alien, etc): Human
IF SECRET, OR YOUR CHARACTER IS A CIVILIAN, DO THEY HAVE A CIVILIAN OCCUPATION?: Mary Jane very recently snagged a job at the UN in Sokovia as their Goodwill Ambassador. Mary Jane is also working with a local charity, both in relief work and working to raise funds independently due to her following on social media platforms.
IF YOUR CHARACTER LIVES IN THE FORTRESS, WHAT ARE THEIR DUTIES? : Maybe one day she will return to being Tony Stark’s coffee bitch.
DESCRIBE SIX TRAITS (3 positive, 3 negative) YOUR CHARACTER HAS AND HOW THESE AFFECT THEM: + Passionate: Anyone that meets Mary Jane knows that she has passion, as it’s clear within the first five minutes of talking to her. She’s passionate about everything: coffee preferences, movies vs. books debates, and in particular, Broadway shows. It goes deeper than that, though, and that becomes clear in knowing her better. Mary Jane practically bleeds for things that she believes in. She gives 110% into everything she does, and it shows. + Adaptable: Mary Jane grew up in an ever-changing environment, and it turned her into a person that can roll with the punches. She’s able to adapt to situations quickly, and is able to think on her feet. She can stay relatively unphased with change and adapt accordingly. + Charismatic: Mary Jane is a people person. She spent so much of her childhood and adolescence moving around that she had to learn how to socialize quickly, and it made Mary Jane into a social butterfly. She knows how to talk to people, knows how to make small talk and easily does the back-and-forth with just about anyone. - Hot-headed: There is no way around it: Mary Jane Watson has a temper. She goes from 0 to 100 in the blink of an eye, and sometimes struggles coming back down to 0. It’s not easy to light the flame under her and set her alight, and it’s something she’s been working on since childhood. Even on the rare occasions where she does manage to keep a lid of the explosions, her facial expressions give it all away. - Commitment-phobic / flighty: Mary Jane doesn’t like to stick to one thing or one place for long, and sometimes has trouble sticking to things. While she gives 100% in passion, sometimes it’s a solid 60% in commitment. She dropped out of college, almost dropped out of high school a few times before that, and never signs more than a six months lease. Most of her romantic relationships have ended poorly because Mary Jane never knows what Mary Jane wants, and she starts to feel claustrophobic when things get tough. This is more on a personal level. Professionally, she sticks to her guns a little more. - Selfish: Mary Jane is always looking out for Mary Jane. She’s trying to do better, but her bottom instinct is always to do what’s best for herself. She’s scrappy, as one needs to be in the showbiz world, but it impacts her personal relationships as well.
POWERS AND/OR ABILITIES: Mary Jane is very human, and possesses no super-human abilities. However, she’s semi-famous with a solid social media following! (if only that were a super power) MJ is charismatic and highly organized, and has a leadership quality to her. She enjoys organization and administrative-type tasks, and is a go-getter to get shit done.
WEAKNESSES: Again, MJ is definitely human. I would say her strongest weaknesses are her fear of commitment and her tendencies to be selfish, as this only gets in her own way of what she wants. Mary Jane is also a chronic over-thinker, and can think herself into a box at times.
WHAT DREW YOU TO THIS CHARACTER? MJ is a spitfire and my spirit animal. She’s feisty and fiery and I love how she’s always unapologetically herself, even when it shoots her in the foot. She’s not the traditional-type character to bring to Sokovia considering she is very much a civilian, but I think her personality can definitely bring some fun.
WHAT BROUGHT YOUR CHARACTER TO SOKOVIA? It’s a little complicated. She applied for a job at the UN in Sokovia to be their Goodwill Ambassador, and somehow someway she’d gotten through the first several rounds of interviews. She had gotten a job with a charity working out of Sokovia for the moment as well, as a back-up just in case they went with someone else. But, surprisingly enough (or so it felt to her), she’d gotten the job. The charity work and the Goodwill Ambassador job went hand in hand, and MJ found that it was more joy-bringing than she’d thought it would be.
DID THEY SIGN THE ACCORDS? WHY OR WHY NOT? This isn’t exactly applicable, considering Mary Jane is most definitely a citizen, however she would certainly not have if she was on the other side. 
PROVIDE 3-5 HEADCANONS RELATED TO YOUR CHARACTER: MJ is a chain smoker. She’s tried to quit, though those have only ever been passive attempts at best. She does not do well when she’s off her nicotine. She’s also a fan of the other kind of mary jane, if you catch my vibe. MJ blogs, has a YouTube channel, and practically lives on TikTok. She’s verified on her social media platforms, and has a pretty big following. She still has fans from her Broadway runs and from her short-lived fame on Netflix, and so she does her best to stay relevant and keep them despite her current break from acting. The term ‘social media empire’ comes to mind, even if she feels weird about her claim to fame. MJ lives in high heels and generally dresses nicely. She has a very firm belief that first impressions matter most but all impressions matter. She always wants to look like hell on wheels, even if it’s impractical at times. She usually saves jeans and t-shirts for time at home only, and even then finds herself more comfortable in a dress. Despite having a party girl persona and having dropped out of college, Mary Jane is intelligent. She excelled in history and English courses in high school and in college alike, though her passion was in performing. She’s obsessed with trivia games and trivia-type TV shows. Wheel of Fortune is absolutely her favorite. She’s also super fond of reality TV, the more mind-numbing the better.
POTENTIAL CHARACTER ARCS: Maybe a potential Iron Spider or Spinneret arc? I love civilian!MJ, but I think this would be interesting. This would be a little complicated and would require a lot of thought and plotting, but maybe down the line! IS THERE A THEATRE/DANCE PROGRAM IN SOKOVIA? BECAUSE MJ WOULD BE SO DOWN TO RUN ONE. TEACH LITTLE KIDS BALLET AND SHIT. GIVE HER THAT. Nomad-y things. MJ obviously wouldn’t be affiliated with the rebels from the jump, considering her position in the UN. However, she may gravitate towards at least a sympathizer down the road, considering her connections with Tony.
Mary Jane was the second born child to Madeline and Phillip Watson, the first being her older sister Gayle. Her father was a professor, though changed jobs often, resulting in multiple moves throughout Mary Jane’s childhood. Her father wanted to be a writer, not a professor, though his books never succeeded. This led to anger that was often taken out on his family, usually while drunk. Mary Jane was in middle school when her mother decided that enough was enough - her father had been turning on her mother for years, but he’d finally turned on one of the girls. The three left Phillip for good.
Unfortunately, the constant moving didn’t seem to stop. Mary Jane’s mother still moved them around often, usually to be near relatives. Her mother usually worked as a waitress or a bartender, relying on tips for income, which wasn’t always stable. Thankfully, her mother’s family was kind, and would help with the girls as much as they could. Her mother went back to school, deciding that she and her children deserved more. Mary Jane’s favorite relative to stay with was Aunt Anna, who lived in Queens.
The frequent moves caused Mary Jane to have a rather extroverted and fun-loving personality, a way to try to get noticed and make friends quickly. She knew she would never be in one place for long, so she tried to remain care-free. She never allowed herself to get too close, because she knew it would only be so long before she would be moving again. It was easier to have a lot of people she barely knew that were fun to be around than to have a few close friends she would have to say goodbye to.
She was fifteen when her mother got sick, and things went downhill quickly. Mary Jane watched her mother wither away before her eyes, and vowed in that moment to never take life for granted and grab it by the horns. After her mother passed, Mary Jane refused to move back in with her alcoholic father. Part of her blamed him for robbing Mary Jane and her sister of quality years with their mother, and memories of the abuse were still fresh. Instead, she went back to the home where she’d always been the happiest - Mary Jane moved in with her Aunt Anna in Queens.
Her life of the party attitude and fun/over-the-top personality quickly gained her friends in school, though Mary Jane still had trouble letting people in. she knew she wouldn’t be moving again this time, but it was somehow easier for her to have her walls up. People liked her, she liked them, and she told herself that was enough. It wasn’t, really, though it was all she knew how to do. She participated in the drama club and the choirs at school, as well as in community theatre.  This was where she made her true friends, where she made real connections that actually meant something. She had Broadway aspirations and spotlights in her eyes, and worked hard to perfect her craft. However, later in high school she found she had to put some productions on the back burner to get a job to help support the household she was living in. She mostly did waitressing jobs, though found a few assistant/secretary type positions to hold down as well after school.
Mary Jane was accepted into NYU’s musical theatre program at Tisch, and starred in many of their productions. However, she learned that in the real world, auditions were hard to secure and she found obtaining roles was even more difficult. She’d been praised so heavily in high school and during her time at Tisch that this was a harsh slap to the face, though she didn’t give up. She worked at Ellen’s Starlight Diner while in school, and was cast in the off-Broadway production of Heathers as an ensemble role and an understudy to Heather Chandler. Shortly after, she was finally cast in a Broadway production. She was cast as an ensemble part in American Idiot, and she’d never been happier.
After securing her first role, Mary Jane’s name slowly made its way around. She dropped out of school after a lot of consideration, deciding to devote her full attention to work. Her second show was Wicked, another ensemble role though she became Elphaba’s understudy after a few months. She left for the Spring Awakening tour, where she was cast as Wendla.
When the tour ended, Mary Jane experienced a huge wave of auditions due to praise she’d gotten from critics. She landed her first TV role, the main character for a show on a Netflix YA murder-mystery series. Unfortunately, as things went in that genre, she found her character killed off at the finale in the first season. She was brought back to film some flashback type scenes for season two, and then her contract was completed. The rise to fame was quick and unforgiving - MJ went from near constant press and finally feeling like she was making it to nothing. She returned to New York and experienced a drought in auditions, which many actors face. While she knew that, it was a hard pill to swallow after success, and she didn’t want to go back to the diner. An opportunity arose (mostly thanks to her sister’s husband, who worked for Stark Industries and brought up her name and vouched for her) and Mary Jane found herself working for Stark Industries. She was the personal assistant to Tony Stark, and MJ found that she and F.R.I.D.A.Y. worked well together and that she didn’t hate administrative work. It wasn’t acting, but it was a job, and Mary Jane was more than competent in the role. She proved to be organized and efficient, and MJ liked it more than a little. However, before long, the events of Sokovia transpired and MJ found herself without a job. To be fair, she’d quit, finding herself unable to work for Simon Trask and deciding that she’d rather find other opportunities elsewhere.  She’d snagged a role in an off-Broadway production she wasn’t really feeling, and found herself applying for other positions, surprisingly in charity work and using her time at Stark Industries as a reference. She loved performing, would always be an actress at her core, but she found herself searching for something more meaningful. Her time away from film or stage had made her think more clearly on what she wanted in life, and she couldn’t help but feel like she needed more. She snagged a job for a charity in Sokovia, which Mary Jane only really knew about due to the press that had been drawn in after the events that transpired with the Avengers and with the Sokovia Accords. She found herself in the last round of interviews for a job at the UN in Sokovia as the Goodwill Ambassador (she was the right kind of famous, is what they said), and with the charity job already secured, Mary Jane was booking her ticket. 
MYERS-BRIGGS: ENFP Sin: Greed & Pride HOGWARTS HOUSE: Slytherin ZODIAC: Scorpio
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b--tchcraft · 4 years
「   ʰᵃᵛᵉ ʸᵒᵘ ˢᵉᵉⁿ 𝓶𝓪𝔂𝓪 𝓶𝓪𝓽𝓵𝓲𝓷 ʸᵉᵗ ᵗʰⁱˢ ˢᶜʰᵒᵒˡ ʸᵉᵃʳ ?? ᵐᵃʸᵇᵉ ⁱⁿ 𝓸𝓻𝓬𝓱𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓻𝓪, 𝓬𝓱𝓸𝓲𝓻, ᵒʳ 𝓭𝓻𝓪𝓶𝓪 𝓬𝓵𝓾𝓫 ?? ⁱ ʰᵉᵃʳᵈ ˢᵒᵐᵉ ʷⁱˡᵈ ʳᵘᵐᵒʳˢ ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ᵗʰᵉ 𝓼𝓲𝔁𝓽𝓮𝓮𝓷 ʸᵉᵃʳ ᵒˡᵈ ˡᵃˢᵗ ˢᵉᵐᵉˢᵗᵉʳ, ᵇᵘᵗ ⁿᵒʷ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ᵗʰᵉʸ’ʳᵉ ᵃ 𝓳𝓾𝓷𝓲𝓸𝓻 ⁱᵗ ᵐⁱᵍʰᵗ ᵇᵉ ᵃ ᵈⁱᶠᶠᵉʳᵉⁿᵗ ˢᵗᵒʳʸ. ᵃᶜᶜᵒʳᵈⁱⁿᵍ ᵗᵒ ᵗʰᵉⁱʳ ᶠʳⁱᵉⁿᵈˢ ᵗʰᵉʸ’ʳᵉ ᵖʳᵉᵗᵗʸ 𝓭𝓻𝓲𝓿𝓮𝓷, ᵇᵘᵗ ˢᵒᵐᵉᵗⁱᵐᵉˢ 𝓼𝓱𝓮 ᶜᵃⁿ ᵇᵉ 𝓶𝓮𝓭𝓭𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰. ʷʰᵒ ᵏⁿᵒʷˢ, ᵗʰⁱˢ ᵐⁱᵍʰᵗ ʲᵘˢᵗ ᵇᵉ 𝓱𝓮𝓻 ʸᵉᵃʳ !   」
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full name: maya ruby matlin
date of birth: may 9, 2004 @ 11:50 AM (16y/o)
star signs: taurus sun, leo rising, capricorn moon
birth order: youngest
gender: cis female (she/her)
sexuality: bisexual
romanticism: biromantic
personality: ambivert, idealist, infp-t
moral alignment: neutral good
temperament: melancholy-choleric
hogwarts house: slytherin
spirituality: undecided, only vaguely spiritual
positive traits: tender, prodigious, visionary
negative traits: naive, intrusive, self-involved
faceclaim: kiernan shipka
tw: illness (multiple sclerosis), hospitals, overdose, addiction, eating disorder, mental illness, anxiety, depression
this interpretation of maya matlin is a little bit all over the place since i wanted to have her come in on a mostly fresh note (especially since so much is au around here so obviously a lot of her more formative plotlines didn't happen) but i wanted to keep what i consider to be some of her key character traits. so some liberties have been taken not that anyone ever cares xx
maya was interested in music from a very young age while simultaneously always having trouble with making friends. when she was in second grade and her parents noticed that she’d been invited to way less playdates and birthday parties than her older sister, katie matlin, did by her age, they figured getting her music lessons would be a good way to both enrich and socialize her. 
the cello was love at first sight for maya. her parents tried to talk her down to a violin since she was comically small compared to the larger instrument, but she couldn't be swayed. she was also a natural when she got her first lesson as a sort of trial run, and so maya x cello began.
growing up hearing things like gifted and talented, even child prodigy did make her ego grow with her, but it wasn’t without reason—even she could see how much she excelled in orchestra compared to her classmates, to the point where she took up other instruments along the way just to keep feeling challenged. but other than that, she didn’t have much going for her; her overall grades were pretty good, and she was generally nice to the other people at school (even the ones she had no problem telling her family she didn’t like) but no friendships ever stuck. music really was like her one thing. 
so, her parents did what they could to nourish it—including enrolling her in a middle school for the performing arts, which she loved. but in a few years when katie started high school at degrassi and was more well-rounded than ever—having friends, clubs, soccer, taekwondo, etc.—it really did highlight how little maya did outside of her little musical world. mr. & mrs. matlin started to worry that, in allowing and encouraging this, they were only enabling maya to alienate herself from other people and opportunities in the world. so, much to her dismay, the next year she, too, was enrolled at degrassi. 
with lots of cliques and friend groups carrying over from previous schools, maya felt like a new kid in the worst way. luckily for her, one kendra mason noticed how much she looked like a lost puppy and took her under her wing, already knowing her way around despite being in the same grade since she had an older brother in katie’s grade and already knew most of their peers. to say that maya latched onto bonding with kendra would be a massive understatement, and the two have been best friends ever since.
although maya’s made no secret of her disdain for how undemanding degrassi’s music curriculum is, with kendra’s friendship (and the way she has no problem telling maya when she’s being a little brat) she finally started branching out more, joining a few clubs, making some more friends, getting crushes (lots of crushes) and just enjoying being a teenager for the first time, like, ever. so, imagine her heartbreak when she found out kendra was gonna be going away to boarding school the following year. 
despite how much more involved she was now, maya started sophomore year feeling lost all over again. however, she at least knew that kendra’s ex, toby isaacs, would be missing kendra just as much as she did, especially since it wasn’t like they had broken up on bad terms. so the two gravitated towards each other—well, no, it was more like: maya gravitated towards him, which got them to hang out more and actually become closer friends, and that was nice for both of them...but maya also totally developed a big crush on toby in the process that was not only unrequited but unspoken about so that no one would ever know (except maybe katie, who could always read maya like a book). it really wasn’t even that she had any intention of dating him, he had just kind of become her closest friend at degrassi without kendra there and they both bonded over missing her and it was nice, and i mean, it’s toby, he’s nice, and funny, and adorable, and oh my god did maya not want to be feeling any kind of way about her best friend’s ex and had a whole lot of feelings about the whole thing and wrote a whole lot of songs about it that she never wants to see the light of day. but she never did get rid of the journal she wrote them in.
eventually she got over it, at first because the weirdness of it all turned her off from the whole idea of liking him, but then especially when she found out kendra was coming back. whether that had more to do with guilt about ever having crushed on toby in the first place or just the sheer excitement of getting her bestie again remains unclear. she just tries not to think about it too much. 
maya’s trademark savior complex is still very present, having started with her mom; with her dad usually working and katie always busy, maya grew up spending a lot of time alone with her mother, who suffers from multiple sclerosis. while, fortunately, margaret matlin maintained a lot of her independence, some days were worse than others as with any chronic illness, and maya was always checking in on her and seeing if there was anything she could do to help. her compulsion to “save” her loved ones later grew when katie wound up hospitalized from an overdose, and maya learned (from general talk among the parents and medical staff) that not only did her sister have a pill addiction but had struggled with disordered eating as well. 
although none of it had anything to do with her, maya couldn’t help but feel like things might not have gotten so bad had she monitored katie more closely like she did their mother, but she didn’t want to make it about herself, so she just kept quiet about these thought patterns, only internalizing it more. at the fault of no one in particular, this developed into a sort of anxiety, which makes her worry a little too much about her friends and family—often to the point of nosiness or straight-up invasion of privacy in the pursuit of a maya matlin wellness check.  the fact that she goes to degrassi, of course, doesn’t make this any better, by the way, with all of the shit that goes down there all the time.
this habit of catastrophizing has also led to a currently undiagnosed mild depression, which often even seems totally latent in her behavior but does circle back to worsening her anxiety. she tends to fixate on stressors (usually personal, but sometimes as big as world events) and will have racing/spiraling thoughts. her lower points tend to be worsened based on circumstance, so she’s more likely to “look” or “seem” depressed in times of higher personal distress, contrasting the heightened nerves and paranoia that will often come beforehand (and serves as a good warning sign). basically, the girl needs therapy, we’ll get there eventually.
i definitely played up the amount she was affected by her mom and katie (even tho i will argue that those were starting points in her mental health journey) but since we’re in a super au and i was trying to serve fresh maya realness alongside later!maya personality/mentality traits, i kinda had to chopshop her backstory a little. that’s also why this turned out so long, i knew i had some differences that needed some explaining.
(also pls note if we do get a katie who doesn’t want to keep the aforementioned plots OR wants to change it up some, i’m obviously open to that!)
i also figure that maya’s relationship with katie would be figured out more when/if we get a katie, but by default, i like to imagine they’re very close with a pretty clear “wiser big sister looking out for her baby sister who thinks she knows everything” dynamic, like best friends but katie puts on the big sister hat when she needs to.
i’m also trying to be very mindful of her mental health because i don’t want her to be quite the extent she ever reaches in next class, but i did also appreciate and apparently relate to a lot of the nuances in how her mental illness really surfaced and inevitably spiraled. so she’s going to be a little mix of happy lil early day maya and the nervous wreck she became later one, with just a splash of next class’s touches like “disaster porn” and having days where stays home from school because she just feels too down. basically, it fluctuates.
maya kind of always knew that she was bi, but like, quietly, since it’s never really been a big deal to her but she also didn’t want to seem like she was looking for attention (not for that, anyway). she definitely acts more outwardly boy-crazy though.
she is also a serial crusher and goes through them faster than even she can keep up with. other than toby, some highlights of the crushes she’s had include: adam torres, alena montanez, alex nunez, amy peters-hoffman, ashley kerwin (like, right when she started her cool goth look), danny van zandt, dave turner, imogen moreno, reggie dever, sean cameron, spinner mason, yael baron, and obviously zig novak. she’s totally got a thing for cam saunders at the moment, and she thinks that craig is, like, the coolest, but not even in a dating kinda way just in a wow-you’re-so-cool-and-talented-i-wanna-open-up-for-you-on-tour-one-day-pls-notice-me-senpai kinda way. and she’s almost definitely felt some type of way about kendra that’s more than friends, more than once, at some point, but even she hasn’t realized that.
despite the fact that she’s got a song written for almost half the school, maya has never dated anyone or even had her first kiss! obviously nothing wrong with that, but a fun trivia bit.
the basement of the matlin house is practically dedicated to being maya’s studio. it’s like half practice room, half hangout, filled with just about every instrument maya took an interest in over the years (mostly string instruments, some miscellaneous, she’s currently trying to build up a drumset that she’s convinced she’s gonna teach herself, and her next fantasy/goal is to get a theremin) as well as an iMac with a composition and production softwares, a sound system, and then just like a couch and a tv and stuff. it’s a pretty impressive amount of musical equipment that looks like a lot (and it is) but again, it’s really like her one thing and her parents want her to be happy. most of it comes from various holidays and occasions since she only ever really asks for additions to her collection as gifts, so between that and random bits and pieces she saved up to buy herself (and a few her parents just felt like treating her to) it’s built up over the years. 
yeah i literally always play maya with this basement, it’s basically become a staple of my maya matlins, i’ve designed it a couple of times but i’ll probably redo it once more for this verse because it’s her favorite place to hang out.
aaand i’m gonna make myself end there because i’ll just keep going and this is already far too long but yeah welcome to the world my latest edition in maya matlins~ 
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bridgemeadhq · 3 years
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full name: Arabella Diana Byrne
faceclaim: Abigail Cowen 
age: 19
birthday: October 26
gender: Cis female
pronouns: she/her
four traits: Charming, resourceful, self-destructive, snarky.
worst fear: Bringing harm to her friends with her magic.
favourite horror movie: The Silence of the Lambs
occupation:  Waitress at Karma Café and Bridgemead student
living  situation: Old Seraphina Ambers’ Residence in North Bridgemead
major: Photography
Trust. What a funny little concept, perhaps even poetic. Anchored in the blind faith one has for those they care about the most; trust is supposed to be something you harvest and grow through little acts of love. What a shame it also happens to be as fragile as crystal. It’s a tale as old as time, a marriage that wasn’t meant to be, a father who left without looking back and a brokenhearted mother who never looked forward. Maybe it was because Arabella took after her father’s wild mane of red hair, or perhaps that inexplicable aura of power that no child or teenager should possess, but for some reason her mother always kept her at arm’s length. She wasn’t necessarily cold, but there was a tangible distance that no one would expect between a mother and a daughter. For years Arabella was able to find comfort inside the walls of her grandmother’s house, an old lady with a wit as quick as a fox, and the ability to offer the most helpful (unsolicited) advice you could imagine. Her mom didn’t seem too enthusiastic with the bond they shared, and she made it known, however, she never made much of an effort to stop it either. All in all, life was as good as it could be, given the circumstances. It was Jessica Mooney’s disappearance that changed everything.
Arabella was a bright, happy kid, the lack of affection from her mom was outweighed not only by her grandmother’s presence, but also by the close knitted group of friends she happened to make in school, AJ and Jessica meant everything to her, a connection so strong she would often picture it as a silvery string that tied them all together. When Jessica didn’t show up to school that morning Arabella shouldn’t have given it much thought, but all throughout that day there was this nagging feeling in the pit of her stomach that she just couldn’t shake. Days passed, Jessica was officially declared a missing person, and no one was willing to give the girls any information. That’s when the nightmares started. Images that changed too fast to make sense of them, unintelligible voices whispering in what seemed like ancient languages, a harrowing scream, and then… eerie silence. The dreams kept going on for years, she was terrified and only ever told AJ about them, it was embarrassing not being able to fully explain how she knew they were about Jessica. After a particularly hard night, her mom decided she needed to see a professional, grandma was completely against the idea and one scream-match later, Arabella was looking at splotches of ink printed on paper and answering rather invasive questions from a stern looking lady. Arabella was not allowed to see much of her grandma after that, and eventually the nightmares stopped altogether.
It was the middle of winter break on her senior year when her grandmother passed. Seraphina Ambers left behind a house full of memories and relics, the will said Arabella was to inherit it all, her mom however, convinced her that selling the house would be a better idea, she could finally afford out of state tuition and make a life away from Bridgemead. The redhead was going through the attic, the one part of the house she’d never been in, it smelled like dried flowers and there was candlewax dried up on the floorboards. The walls were lined in bookshelves that looked awfully old, but it was the table next to the window what caught her eye the most. Sitting on top there was a big, carved, wooden box, Arabella opened it carefully, and slowly emptied its contents. A silver dagger, a stone mortar, a deck of tarot cards, a blue velvet pouch filled with glimmering crystals and stones and lastly a book. A book bounded in black leather and embossed with the same carvings that were on the wooden box. A book that somehow looked older than anything she’d eve seen in her life, the pages were yellowed, almost see-through, and the writings on the first few pages looked antique and ornated, definitely not her grandma’s handwriting. Her eyes, wild with curiosity, ran through the pages: “Spell to cure a sickly child, Ritual to purify what’s been corrupted, Dream infusion, Binding spell” and so on, it was like something snapped inside of her, suddenly the answer rolled out of her tongue with such ease. “Witch”.
Arabella spent weeks connecting all the dots. Years of notebooks scribbled with funny little poems written up while bored in class, she would later recognize, what she thought were her own words, in the ancient pages of her family’s book of shadows, spells that somehow had been within her all along; why her grandma exclusively called her by her middle name, Diana, roman goddess of the moon, known in European lore as Queen of Witches. So many things through her life that she’d called coincidences, felt a lot more like fate now. That’s how her journey began, with an insatiable thirst for knowledge and determination to master all this power she had been denied until now. If you asked Arabella, she’d tell you she never felt more like herself than when she managed to call on all four elements for the first time. A sense of confidence she’d never experienced before.
The one thing she kept from her friends, is the one thing she longed to share the most. There was no easy way to throw the words “witch” and “magic” around, no matter how true she knew it to be, Arabella could imagine the incredulous faces of her friends, and the hurtful remarks people would make about her, she couldn’t lose them too, she’d lost too much already. It seemed almost serendipitous that when the gang confronted THE BETA about their pulling away, that they ended up confessing a pretty supernatural thing, the redhead accepted it without questions, after all she had a secret of her own, and with that, for the first time, she showed her friends a glimpse of what she could do.
After turning 18 and graduating High School Arabella rocked her mother with the news that Seraphina’s house was not to be sold, and she was going to stay in town for college. Her mother was livid, but there wasn’t much she could do about it. Soon Arabella moved into the old Ambers Residence, and by the beginning of her first college semester her mother had fled town leaving only a letter to her daughter. The Scooby Gang kept growing and investigating, her life was finally getting some sense of purpose, that was only heightened when she met THE SEER during college orientation, she could feel something about them was different, but wasn’t too sure on how to approach them without sounding like a nutjob. Again, fate seemed to work things around, when they caught Arabella in the middle of the night, calling on wind and water. There wasn’t time to be shocked, cause the second they locked eyes, the rainy night the redhead was casting, erupted into a storm. Arabella had finally found another witch. From then on, they began exploring magic together, learning from each other and forming their own little coven, a kind of sisterhood Arabella different from anything Arabella had experienced before. Suddenly, she could see the silvery string again binding the gang’s fate all together.
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tgastaff · 4 years
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I’ve been talking about putting this out for a while now, and before we get into the sexcapades that are the TGA Exams, I wanted to finally get this dropped so that we can all work on our characterizations. So you’ve come up with a character name, a faceclaim, and you’ve decided whether they’re a sub or a Dom- what next? 
It’s easy to assume that the smut is what draws people to TGA and what has kept me in the admin seat for ten years, but I have to say tha isn’t the truth. The reason that I believe TGA has always been so active and enjoyable is the fact that it has been home to some of the most original, fully developed characters that I’ve ever seen. 
So how do you get that yourself? What do you do in order to flesh out your character and make them stand out? These are my ideas, based on my own experiences and what I’ve seen as admin. Feel free to answer these questions privately to yourself, semi-privately for just the group in our ooc discord server, or publicly on your blog for the world to see. You don’t have to answer all of these--- or any of them, this is completely optional. 
What is their character archetype? Do they have one? Do they fit into any stereotypical label? (If your character has specific thoughts about character archetypes, feel free to add that too.)
What or who would your character dress up as for Halloween?
Who do they look up to? Do they have a hero?
If they could call one person for help, who would it be?
What is their favorite fairytale? What fairytale do they hate? Do they believe in happy endings?
What is their perception of redemption?
If your character could travel through time, where would they go?
What are they good at? Do they like being good at it? Is there anything they wish they were better at?
When did they last lie? What’s their view of lying? When did they last make a promise? Did they keep or break their last promise?
If your character could only save one thing from their burning house, what would it be?
*This is going to be the best section to use when it comes to making your characters look, sound, and feel like different people instead of the same person with different faces. Remember that yes, some diction is the same across the board for a lot of people but we’re all individuals and choose to use even the currently trendy vocabulary in our own ways. 
The first thing anyone is going to see is how your character talks. What makes them different from everyone else? How do you distinguish one of your characters talking versus another talking? 
What words or phrases do they overuse? Do they have a catchphrase?  Is there anyone that they quote?
Are they more optimistic or pessimistic? Are they introverted or extroverted? 
Do they ever put on airs? Do they ever pretend to be something they are not? This includes pretending to be brave or pretending to be strict. (For example, many people play Sebastian Smythe as a character that is putting on a sex shark, suave, cold façade in order to fit in. Santana Lopez and Quinn Fabray could also be seen as putting on airs, sometimes, depending on where they are in their story arcs.)
How do they want to be seen by others? How do they see themselves? How are they seen by others? 
Strongest character trait? Weakest character trait?
How do they react to praise? How do they react to criticism? Are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue?
What are their political views? What will they stand up for? What do they consider an overrated virtue?
How do they treat Dominants? How do they treat submissives? Do they have any preconceived notions about poor people or rich people?
What bad habits do they have? 
What is their obsession? (Example: Rachel Berry is obsessed with Broadway, Quinn Fabray is obsessed with successful perfection, etc)
What is their guilty pleasure? (This doesn’t have to be embarrassing, even if by definition this is something they would hide.)
What are their hobbies? (Remember that these can lead to club activities, which can lead to reasons to be active and make connections)
What are their idiosyncrasies?
What makes them laugh out loud?
What are their pet peeves?
Do they make snap judgements or take time to consider?
What is their greatest fear?
Are they indoorsy or outdoorsy?
What is the most offensive thing they’ve ever said?
Is their family big or small? Who does it consist of? How do they define family?
Did they grow up rich or poor? Did they grow up nurtured or neglected?
What were they like before their mark, right after they woke up marked, after they got used to their mark, and approaching time to go to the Academy? Did any of these D/s mark related moments change them as a person?
What advice would they give their younger self?
What was their childhood ambition? Has that changed?
How do they display affection?
What quality do they most value in a friend? Describe their ideal best friend a little bit.
Who are their natural allies?
Who are their surprising allies?
What do they think about love? Has your character ever been in love? Have they ever had their heart broken?
*All of these can be used to help you decide what to write as a starter, how to connect with other people, and where you can find more connections. Remember that all Dom/mes have the right to make a submissive help them through their daily life! So if your Dom/me character has an answer down here that they could use help with (i.e. their morning routine, cooking meals, cleaning house, organizing, etc-- if your Dom/me character only has condiments in their fridge, for example, a sub could be a big help in getting them to go to the Dalton kitchens to get real food! And all characters are highly encouraged to interact based on clubs, classes, and daily life.)
What are their eating habits? Do they have any allergies?
Describe their dorm/suite. Are they minimalist or a clutter hoarder?
What do they keep in their fridge? Their bedside table? Their purse/bag?
What do they do first thing on a weekday morning?
What do they do with their weekend?
Are they comfortable with technology?
What is their greatest extravagance?
What is their idea of perfect happiness?
What is their view of ‘freedom’?
What clubs and classes are they in? What does their weekly schedule look like? What would they like to start doing? Maybe something they could use a little push to get into?
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tokkitchen · 5 years
[ kim doyoung, 25 ] did you hear? there’s a new addition to the hypehens family! [ tokkitchen ] was starting to get known for [ cooking/baking tutorials & challenges ] and i think they will hit it big this time around as a part of the [ kimcheese ] squad at hypehens. [ shin sunwoo ] is known to be [ cheeky ] and enjoys [ farming simulation rpgs ]. with their vibes of [ flour stained cheeks and freshly baked bread ] and a style that is unique, i think they are going to take the internet by storm!
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hi there! this took me a hot minute, but i’ve finally got sunwoo’s page up and running! you can find the basics & background about him there. tl;dr he loves the culinary arts and overall is a genuine but playful person. for the love of god do not call him a flirt or be passive aggressive with him unless you wanna start some drama which i am 100% down for. you can im me on tumblr or discord (kupo#6438, my dp is a pikachu) if you’re down to plot! 
please note that any gif icons posted here and in future posts were made by yours truly.
here are sunwoo’s basics & background copied and pasted from my pages for your convenience.
Basic Information
⥼ Full Name: Shin Sunwoo ⥼ Pronouns: He/Them ⥼ Gender: Cismale ⥼ Birthday: February 1, 1996 ⥼ Age: 25 ⥼ Orientation: Bisexual ⥼ Relationship status: Single ⥼ Occupation: Creator & host of Tokkitchen ⥼ Residence: Seoul, South Korea
Physical Appearance
⥼ Faceclaim: Doyoung of NCT 127 ⥼ Hair: Black, medium length tapered short at the sides and the back, fringe clipped neatly but softly resting just below his eyebrows ⥼ Eyes: Walnut brown ⥼ Height: February 1, 1996 ⥼ Age: 25 ⥼ Height: 179 cm (5'10") ⥼ Build: Slim, very little muscle definition ⥼ Piercings: Ear lobes ⥼ Tattoos: None… yet ⥼ Clothing style: Overall casual to semi-casual and simple, prefers loose fits for pieces like sweaters, hoodies, and t-shirts, prefers fitted for pieces like denim jackets, varsity jackets, jeans, chinos, and sweatpants
⥼ Positive Traits: Warm, perceptive, playful ⥼ Negative Traits: Blunt, resentful, opinionated If you were to ask someone what Sunwoo’s most remarkable characteristic is, they would most likely mention how he treats everyone he meets like they’re an old friend. To some, that can be comforting, his easy smiles and laughs providing them a sense of security and acceptance. To others, that can be irritating: a stranger acting much too presumptuous and all too familiar for comfort. While Sunwoo does his best to be tactful and mindful of others, it’s undeniable that his personality doesn’t always mesh well with others. Sunwoo is not afraid to speak his mind whenever he finds it appropriate and necessary. He highly values improvement for himself and his loved ones. As such, he is the first to call out his friends on their bullshit, in the most loving way possible of course, seeing it as an opportunity for growth. Though he tries to choose his words as carefully as possible and his intentions are never ill, he can sometimes come off as a overly blunt, and in worst case scenarios, harsh.  In that same vein, Sunwoo never hesitates in building people up and often goes out of his way to compliment them, whether that be on their work or even on their looks, gaining him the reputation of a bit of a flirt. This is completely unintentional, as he’s not exactly aware of the way he holds eye contact with people a little longer than average, or the way his genuine tone of voice can slip into something more suggestive. He gets pretty offended if you accuse him of being a flirt and doesn’t really understand why he’s seen that way. He is an extremely genuine person, despite how he may come off. He always says what he means and hopes that other people will do the same for him. Consequently, he greatly dislikes people who are passive aggressive, finding it a waste of everyone’s time to fish out exactly what they mean.
Sunwoo was born two years after his older brother, Shinwoo. His parents both worked at well known companies and earned good money, affording them an upper middle class lifestyle, but as a result were rarely ever home. Sunwoo did his best not to take their money for granted, understanding even at a young age just how much they had to break their backs to earn it.
His older brother excelled in school, earning straight A’s and getting into the first college of his choice. Sunwoo, on the other hand, was just a little above average and often felt overshadowed by his brother’s performance. This subsconsciously affected his work ethic. There would be times, for example, when he would just give up studying for an exam because he knew he wouldn’t be able to achieve the grade he wanted—that is, one that was comparable to his brother’s. Once he was old enough, Sunwoo got a job at local convenience store so he could earn his own spending money without bothering his parents. There, he regained some of his confidence and came to realize that his strengths lay outside of a rigorous school system. Still, he completed high school and decided to go to college, majoring in Business.
Sick of eating instant ramyeon for the fifth time that week, Sunwoo put aside his textbook and decided to look up simple dishes to cook. He fell into the metaphorical rabbit hole and found himself watching cooking videos for a few hours, landing on a few recipes that seemed simple enough to try. The next day, he went out to buy the necessary groceries and began cooking. His dish was… okay. It wasn’t completely awful, but it wasn’t spectacular either. Strangely enough, he wasn’t discouraged and vowed to try again the next day since he had leftover ingredients. The next day came, and this time the dish was light years better than before. Pleased with the results, Sunwoo continued to watch cooking videos online and improved his skills little by little. When he was able to perfect a pasta recipe, he invited his friends over to his apartment so that he could cook dinner for them—they would be his “first set of guinea pigs” as he put it. They were goofing around, and one of his friends took out their phone to record Sunwoo cooking. He began mimicking the narrative style of the numerous videos he watched, explaining what he was doing in an exaggerated soothing tone. It was one of the most fun nights he’s ever had. His friend sent him the video a few days later. Sunwoo watched it, cringing at the sound of his voice, but recalled how much fun he had filming it. He immediately began searching his college’s website for rentable video equipment, determined to make a cooking video, but for real this time.  After transferring and editing his very first video—"gourmet" meals using convenience store ingredients—onto his bulky, old laptop, he uploaded it to the internet under the username Tokkitchen, a reference to his apparently notorious resemblance to a rabbit. This was mostly for safekeeping—he knew his laptop was on its last legs and he only had so much hard drive space after all—but he also secretly hoped that maybe he would be able to capture a small audience. Sunwoo enjoyed making these videos so much that he went as far as changing his major to Film (his college did not offer a Culinary Arts major.) His technique and style improved significantly, and his viewer count steadily grew. It wasn’t nearly enough to justify doing it full time though, so after he graduated, he began the dreaded job search.
After a year and a half of uploading videos, and just a month into the job search, Tokkitchen was suddenly an overnight success thanks to a video he had certainly not expected to be his claim to fame. It was one of his more casual videos: a half vlog, half cooking tutorial of caramel flan. Commenters seemed particularly delighted by his inclusion of footage of his three failed attempts at not burning the caramel and the resulting existential breakdown he had following them. He continued this model for his next video, and the next video, and the next video, and his channel views continued to grow exponentially. He has been praised by viewers for his down to earth personality and warm, atmospheric style.
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charlottebxker · 5 years
Character: ― CHARLOTTE ‘‘LOTTIE’‘ BAKER. Faceclaim: ― LILY JAMES. Age/Pronouns: ― 26. SHE/HER Hometown/District: ― HOUSTON, UPPER SPRINGS.
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Headcanons: ―
The daughter of a Texan Senator, Lottie is definitely very privileged. She lives in Upper Springs, in a home that is essentially a mansion and it’s worlds away from the difficult world brewing because of the gangs. Yet she is still very much involved, because her Father is a huge benefactor to the Reapers and his political ties have given them an even wider influence. Gary Baker doesn’t get his hands dirty now he has a seat in the senate but he’s a big supporter of the gang in any way he can do. As a result, Lottie and her Brother inherited that loyalty as well.
Lottie is a journalist for the local daily newspaper in Houston. This is her way of working for the gang too, because she makes sure she reports on the dangerous activities undertaken by the Lycans but definitely downplays things caused by the Reapers. Sometimes bending the truth makes her feel uncomfortable, but she would never betray her family.
However, her role in the gang has recently changed. She was assigned the task of seducing a member of the Lycans to gather information on them, and she did so, but she certainly didn’t expect to end up developing feelings for Chris so now things are even more complicated. Currently, Chris has no idea that Lottie is a member of the Reapers, let alone aware that she initially approached him for information and she desperately wants to keep it that way, but she also doesn’t want the gang to realise she’s developed true feelings for him either. It’s like living a triple life and increasingly difficult for her.
Wanted Connections: ―
Her brother. Charlotte’s brother is pretty high up in the Reaper Hierarchy, potentially a canary reaper or a foot soldier and the Baker family has had ties to the gang for a long time. Their Father is a Texan Senator, a high ranking politician who would never publicly be seen to get involved with such gang activities and instead helps out from the sidelines, usually with funding and making sure the law doesn’t affect them. Because of this, it was basically their birthright to become members, though Lottie has mostly stayed away from the nitty-gritty parts of the gang while her brother has embraced it. She adores her brother, I see them having a really good relationship and being protective over each other but she definitely resents him in some way for being the golden child. But how he deals with the pressure of being the golden son and being in the gang would be so awesome to explore.
The ex lover. The older man. The scandalous affair. Probably the first man Lottie loved. About 14 months ago, she met and fell in love with a man who was definitely never going to love her back. He was completely emotionally unavailable and it was probably the typical girl meets broken boy and wants to fix said boy, but that was never going to happen. It started as a casual fling, with Lottie telling herself that she was absolutely fine with that because the sex was amazing, but it soon evolved into something just a little bit more. Just as she was convinced she’d fallen in love and things began to get real, he dumped her because he wasn’t prepared for any kind of commitment. It hurt, a lot, and she’s still pretty pissed about it even if she has moved on.
Her best friend.  Honestly, I just love all the friendships and want them all. Lottie’s a high society kind of girl because of her family but given her connections to the gang, I’d love her to have a friend who is the exact opposite to her.
The mentor. Maybe a high ranking member of the gang, somebody who definitely sees potential in Lottie. Maybe gives her self defence lessons and taught her how to shoot a gun or something, but this could also be the person who convinced her to seduce a member of the Lycans for information.
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daemon-knight · 5 years
So I guess I’m going to be doing these Off the Cuff/State of the Community things yearly. For those new, apparently once the year starts to end I do a massive essay/opinion piece on the general state of things I see in my little corner of the RP community. I usually do this due to let out some of the built-up of emotions in me just dying to let out, and also to collect my thoughts in a more civil way than just spewing it out angrily in the middle of January after an impulsive mass-unfollowing spree. Also, if I’m going to have to deal with a bunch of anon hate, mass exodus-ing of my blog, and relentless vague-bloggings on the subjects I talk about for the rest of the week, it might as well be at the end of the year so I can start the coming new year fresh.
Ideally, I’ll end this one on a more positive note if I organize everything properly, but we’ll see.
And so, with that said... 
Notes from Last Year
I might as well start by making some quick notes and comments from last year’s little blurb and talk about what’s changed and what’s remained the same in terms of my opinion and general disposition. 
And honestly, little has really changed. 
However, just so everyone knows my current opinion of things from last year...
People are still promoting half-finished blogs and it needs to stop. Gonna’ say it again, don’t give people who don’t put in enough effort to finish the damn thing attention. I’d rather not see half and quarter-efforts be rewarded, as cruel as that sounds. 
Dash Commentary is still a thing and it... bugs me. It’s going to get its own segment after this, but just know I'm less than apathetic about it.
I still see RPing as more of a character building experience more than anything thing else. I’ll go into more detail later, but the short of it is that it requires work on your end just as much as your partner’s.
I still look at canon divergence with raised eyebrows, but I’m slowly softening my stance on them, if only due to the fact that Claudia is an OC and not affected by a canon character’s position in the grander scheme of things.
My opinions on shipping and multi-muse blogs haven’t changed much either... That’s all I have to say for now, read the original post for more details.
Okay, that’s everything of importance from last year, let’s talk about some new stuff. Starting with...
Dash Commentary
Might as well rip the bandage off and get to the hard-hitting topics first. 
Alright, I’ve said this before to some extent, but I’ll say it with a little more clarity here: Dash commentary, by all technicality, is meta-gaming. It is your character commenting on situations and events they would not have experienced first-hand nor were a part of as if they did and they were. I tend to tolerate this because it’s usually done for comedy, and usually a form of crack RPing. However, I’ll also say that the act of someone else commenting on events they weren’t a part of for sake of giving their two cents is very rarely perceived comedic or funny. And if it isn’t funny, it just comes across as juvenile.
It feels like weak excuse to be a part of an RP thread without actually replying to it. That, to me, is cowardly and it does more to infuriate me than anything else. Maybe I’m just being an old man complaining about the new way people RP now, but it really doesn’t feel like people want to be involved in conflicts and struggles anymore. It feels stale to me. I see it as a bigger problem in the state of things, and... I don’t know, it might be a problem larger than the RP corner I’m in. 
Okay, that was a lot more depressing than I expected, we’re moving on.
To something even rougher.
For the sake of brevity and keeping things somewhat in order I’ll try and keep this to bullet points to not go too off-topic. But in terms of profiles and blogs...
Actually finish the damn blog before promoting it. This was an issue last year, I’m still seeing it, and it’s still annoying. It’s actual flash over substance and as someone that’s been doing this for over ten years, it irritates me something fierce.
A bit of repeating advice, but try and keep the actual profile short. About two to three short paragraphs for the bio, and for the personality section either a short paragraph or a quick list of the top five or six aspects of your character will do. I’ll say it again, as of this post I’m actively following over 60 people, anything to make it easier to get through your profile and plot things helps.
One that note, a short rules page helps too. If you’re over the age of 20 and you’ve been RPing for over 5 years you already have a decent grasp on grammar and general RP etiquette as far as I’m concerned. The main thing I look for in rules pages nowadays are for passwords and triggers, as those are the most important things to me as your partner.
Thankfully, I think passwords have either been phased out, or I’ve just blocked enough blogs that have them to not see them anymore. Either way, I’d still advise against having them. They do nothing but tack on extra work for a partner that, frankly, might not even be around long enough to actively write with.
I’d recommend not making a sideblog for RPing unless it’s specifically for NSFW RPing. It makes things like starter calls, asks, and general data-keeping difficult for both yourself and others... mostly others.
I don’t know why dash-only blogs are becoming a thing, but unless someone can explain to me the actual advantages of having them aside from avoiding the actual work behind making a full blog I’m going to advise against it.
And that’s really it in terms of profiles/blog advice/opinions I have. Moving to something a little more... divisive.
To me their are two types of musings. The actual definition where a character speaks, thinks, meditates, or discusses on a specific topic at length. Or the type where people reblog quotes and aesthetic posts revelant to their character. I’ve talked about this before, but to summarize I think the latter kinds of musings weakens you as a writer, as you depend on outside sources to explain your character instead of your actual writing. That’s the nicest I can put, but that link I gave definitely doesn’t. Same thing for reblogging fanart of your faceclaim. I’ll probably do a rambling on that topic in the future, but the short version is those picture just fill a queue and that's really it. This is moreso aimed at OC blogs than Canon ones, but... eh, I got similar feelings on it.
Okay, moving to some actual advice now.
Advice and Miscellaneous Opinions
I think I’ve shown enough teeth, so now I can talk about the fun stuff in a nicer tone and really relax you with some advice.
Okay, I’m lying, I’m still going to be a little mean about this.
Really, it’s your blog, write however and whatever you want. In terms of honest advice I have very little. It’s a lot easier to explain what not to do than what to do. That said...
Something I’ve said in the past, but keep world-building to a minimal on your blog, or at least to things that directly effect your character. This usually means their powers, magic, weapons/equipment, and what’s relevant to their immediate background. To use Claudia as an example, I have an idea of what the social and political landscape of Ivora lands are, their economy, their reputation, and general army/militia is like, but I’ll only go into depth about it if a character asks Claudia herself about it. It’s not an immediate relevant part of a tomboy lesbian knight that stabs and punches people for fun, it’s just background information to help ground the character when needed.
I’ve got a draft on writing fight scenes in my drafts that I’ll be posting at a later date, but I’ll give the short version of my advice here. In short, fight sequences should have a back-and-forth rhythm to it. In terms of RPing it’s a lot like a turn-based RPG, you do a move, then your partner. One action leads to another, and another, and another. Have you character do nor more than two consecutive actions per post, as any more than that tends to ruin the flow and forces/pressures your partner to taking unnecessary hits. Much like professonal wrestling the goal is to sell the fight. Again, things to discuss on a later date, but that’s the gist of it.
Use alternate universes with care. If you can slot the original verse into a world without changing too much of your character, do it. I think the only series/worlds that are popular and widely-used enough to maybe need a alternate universe of its own (as of this post) would be My Hero Academia and Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. Most other series/worlds already allow for some semblance of the supernatural and uncanny that can easily slot in a random element or two without breaking it, but My Hero Academia has a lot more grounded rules in place for how powers work as a whole and the laws (both physical and societal) work around them, so it’d be harder to logically stick random elements of someone else’s story in them without contemplation. JJBA has only two main ways to get superpowers as far as I’m aware, so trying to slot a random OC like Claudia in there would be difficult unless they followed the rules of the world. Most other series I thought of adding would allow for some amount of wiggle room for most characters. But just to be thorough...
As far as I’m aware Demon Slayer Yaiba is honestly just samurai killing demons with not-hamon, that’s not too hard slot in random characters that just happen to not be samurai/swordsmen so long as you mind the time period.
One Piece has a ridiculous among of wiggle room in terms of powers and abilities. Cursed Fruit is a thing, but I’ve heard there’s some leeway here and there.
The only real world-building done in any particular Fire Emblem is surrounding the immediate continent/country of that specific game, and they recognize that foreign nations are a thing, so not much work needs to be done there to slot some other medieval-based character in there.
I didn’t mention Fate/Stay Night, namely because I have mixed feelings about the series as a whole, some very conflicted opinions about Nasu’s writing style and themes, some pretty hot takes on F/GO as a concept, and a general revulsion towards gacha games... however, Fate/Stay Night is basically the modern world with magic and mages, which is pretty easy to slot in a character or two, Servants aside.
Also said this last year, but multi-muse, try and keep the number of muses in the single-digits, it’ll help you and your partners keep a little order in the long run.
Honestly? Queue/schedule your ask memes, it just looks nicer on everyone’s dash.
I was seeing people open themselves up for commissioning icons a few months back... I’m no lawyer, but I’d recommend commissioning icon psds frames instead. There’s a lot less worry of copyright shenanigans that way since most of those assets would be either your own making or through (ideally) sites and places that allow those assets free for commercial-use. Just saying.
Okay, I think that’s everything I wanted to get off my chest, at least everything I can think of at the moment. Let’s all do this again next year.
Or the next time Allen gets triggered by some fresh hell that taking over my corner of the RPC, whatever comes first.
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fyrapartnersearch · 5 years
Seeking NSFW long-term RP Partner [m/f, f/f, third person, literate].
Hello, I am reposting this ad because the partners who I had chosen were no longer interested. That being said, if you have contacted me before and I haven’t replied to you, it’s because I had already found my partners. People seem to want to know even if I am full, though, so this time I will try harder and message everyone back to inform them that I have found enough partners if it comes to it. 
Having said that, please don’t be afraid to remessage me again. I have added a few more plots in here, this time with a more detailed summary and not simply a pairing. Have a look and see if you like anything! 
Disclaimer: I am above 18 and all characters in the RP will be so as well. 
  What are you looking for exactly? 
Someone who is okay with the main focus of the roleplay being of an erotic/smut kind. That being said, I’d like it if we could include some sort of plot and story as we go along so it doesn’t become too repetitive and stale. (Pairings listed below) 
Specifically, I’m looking for someone who would like to explore a dom/sub dynamic, which may include a master/slave relationship or anything of the sort. So you see, I’m not looking for the typical vanilla pairing. I’m seeking something a little more dynamic, complex and adventurous. 
Someone who is okay with playing a dom against my female sub. I’m into both m/f and f/f, however take note that the kink list and plots below are written for m/f relationships simply because that is the pairing I get asked to do most frequently. They can all be changed to fit a f/f relationship though. 
Someone who is okay with OOC chatting. I’d like to create a bond with someone, and I don’t want our only interactions to be only when we’ve posted. It makes me feel less connected to the RP and I’m more likely to get detached over time. We can talk about our everyday lives, our characters, possible future plots, share some music, etc! 
Someone who actually gets invested in his own character and gives him life: a (realistic) faceclaim, some backstory, hobbies, dislikes, etc. 
  What are you expecting from your partner? 
I am expecting you to be able to write several paragraphs. Sometimes my posts tend to go up even to 1000 words, so be prepared for that. I’m not saying you have to write 1000 words per post, but writing more than one paragraph would be ideal. 
Third person only. 
I am expecting you to be upfront about what your likes, preferences, and what you’d like to get out of from this RP. Saying ‘whatever works’ for every question I ask makes people seem like are an extremely passive person, which is not what I’m looking for. I’m looking for someone passionate about writing and who wants to collaborate with me by making his own contribution and being honest. 
I’d like a partner who is active, and I want to stress this because I don’t want people messaging me when they cannot post at least once every day or two. More is appreciated, but I get life can get busy with work and all. That being said, I don’t want to wait for five days or more for a reply. It’s not that I’m not tolerant, but I will quickly grow uninterested in a RP (especially an erp) when we don’t have a constant flow of replies.
Characters that I love playing against: older men (40s-50s), beards are a big bonus, big rough guys who deep down have a gentle heart, characters with tragic pasts and seeing their life still being affected by it, bad habits/addictions, unhealthy relationships and behaviour, angst and anger issues, etc. 
What should your partner expect from you? 
Most of my work done is through my laptop, thus I am fairly active and am always up for chatting. Apart from that, you should expect 1 - 3 posts everyday from me. 
Despite this being a NSFW rp, my characters are not going to have the physical appearance of a porn star or anything like that (i.e., gigantic boobs, perfectly curvy body, huge ass, etc). They are going to be realistic, is what I’m trying to say.
I put a lot of effort when creating a new character, including finding them a faceclaim. I use realistic faceclaims, sometimes realistic dawings, as long as they are not anime/cartoon. 
My characters are: Usually young (18-25), initially soft and timid but will definitely get back at you if you piss them off, start off as shy and inexperienced but eventually grow confident, will tease a lot (public or not), bratty, can be impulsive and can get themselves into trouble, need attention, etc. 
  What are some possible pairings we could use? 
Italic text is the role I’d prefer to play. You are welcome to mix and match these pairings, as well as bring forward suggestions if none of them interest you. 
  Rich businessman/Bought slave
Your character grew up in a rich household. After both of his parents died (or moved someplace else), he took charge of the house and was given authority over one or several of his father’s businesses in order to follow in his footsteps. His large house started to grow lonely, save for the servants and maids that took care of everything, but he needed something more. Somehow he finds out about women of all ages being auctioned as slaves in an underground place, and after some hesitance, he decides to go. Surely enough, his attention gets caught by a fairly young one, the main attraction of the night indeed, and he instantly knew that he had to get her. 
New prostitute/Regular client OR New prostitute/boss
My character is a newly recruited prostitute in one of the city’s most famous brothels, who joined as a last resort kind of thing. Could be because of family issues, or she couldn’t keep up with paying for her bills, perhaps she was involved with some certain things that made her get kicked out by the landlord of the place she had been staying at. Either way, she is only there because her situation got desperate. Upon arrival she is given a room to stay at, some clothes, explained the rules, and a bit of training to prepare her for that same night. Enter your character, who has been a regular at this place and will be her first client. He pays for her services, but once they go to a private place together, he can easily tell that this is her first time doing this sort of thing. How this continues is up to you and pretty open, but the main idea is that they end up growing fond of each other and wanting to meet again. 
Alternatively, we could do a similar plot, but instead it would be with her boss and the owner of the brothel. 
  Your idea. 
I’m open to hearing whatever ideas or plots you’d like us to play. Perhaps you have been craving a specific pairing, or you have a plot that you started with someone else but got ditched. I’m here to listen! 
  Other pairings we could try: 
Doctor or Psychiatrist/Patient
Greek mythology pairing (I’m not too familiar with these except for Persephone/Hades, so feel free to bring your own if you’re interested in this)
*I’m also into supernatural creatures (werewolves, vampires, witches, etc) and it’s definitely something we could incorporate into our plots. 
What are you into when it comes to NSFW, and likewise what are your limits?
My kinks include: Dd/lg, orgasm control, light bondage, collars and leashes, oral, gagging, roughness, spanking, bdsm, breath control/choking, light petplay, clothed sex, outdoor/semi public spots, dub con, humiliation, dirty talk, name calling, body worship, masturbation, pain play, being marked (bruises, hickeys, etc), handcuffs, controlling and possessive behaviour, and probably some more that I can’t think of on the spot. 
My limits are: Scat, vore, watersports, feet, unrealistic body proportions/sizes, excessive cum, basically anything unrealistic. If you’re unsure about something, ask. 
  I’m interested, where can we contact you? 
Happy to hear that! Shoot me an email at [email protected], and we can see where this goes. If we’re compatible and decide to RP together, I will give you my discord. 
Make sure that upon contacting me you tell me a little bit about yourself, some suggestions/ideas, what you’re looking for, etc. 
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homenum-revelio-hq · 5 years
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Welcome (again) to the Order of the Phoenix, Gabe!
You have been accepted for the role of non-biography character CORA CHITTOCK with the faceclaim of Hunter Schafer! We were thrilled to see a veela character in a non-fanon way and can’t wait to see what you bring to the veela lore! We are so excited to see what you do with Cora! 
Please take a look at the new member checklist and send in your account within 24 hours! Thank you for joining the fight against Voldemort!
NAME: Gabe
AGE: Still 22!
ACTIVITY LEVEL: Pretty solid, eh? I always go missing in the weekends because it’s Official Socializing Time, but then I make up for it during the week, mostly
NAME: Cora Chittock
BLOOD STATUS: Half-Blood/Half-Breed (Veela)
AGE: 18
GENDER, PRONOUNS, and SEXUALITY: Trans girl, she/her/hers, lesbian. She can’t imagine her transition is anyone’s business, so I wouldn’t think that is something she’ll talk about at all these days, but her sexuality is definitely public knowledge, as she makes it her mission to make it obvious whenever the opportunity for it presents itself. She’s heard it too many times before that her interest in women is simply another cheap tactic to rebel against veela expectations, and she likes to assure everyone that nope, the 12-year-old knew what she was talking about, and she’s still very much gay.
ANY CHANGES: I wrote this myself, so nope!
Cora is an avocado – soft on the outside, hard on the inside. Some may argue – and she would argue with those some – that she doesn’t even have a soft exterior at all. Nothing is what it seems with her. There was no hesitance from the Sorting Hat when it sent her straight into Slytherin, its booming voice making the announcement as soon as it touched the first strand of hair on her head, much to her sister’s dismay.
        Being a veela wasn’t something she was conscious of until somewhere around third year. Or, at least, it wasn’t something that bothered her before that. It wasn’t hard to fit in right from the first day at Hogwarts, life was easy to navigate as an eleven-year-old that almost everyone feels inclined to like; Cora used to love the attention. She had many friends, teachers liked her, there was nothing to complain about! That’s what most people think about veela, anyway, and it might be true for a while, but only until you’re no longer a child. People’s intentions change. Her classmates’ friendly smiles and high-fives became inappropriate remarks and catcalls down the hallway. She went from Good Friend to Object of Desire in what felt like the blink of an eye and she despised it.
And no one cared, she quickly learned, about the veela complaining about getting too much attention, being too liked. It’s like complaining you have too much food to eat, or a bed too comfortable to sleep in! At least it’s how everyone saw it. Even her family refused to acknowledge the issue. Get used to it, they’d say. Welcome to the real world!
Cora isn’t one to sit idly by while someone has to deal with any sort of abuse – not herself, not anyone else. She learned quickly that no one else seemed to care about her fight, but she wasn’t gonna fight any less because of it. She just had to become her own fortress.
Her charisma and charm are still there, but now, every time she smiles, she’s baring her teeth. Every flip of hair is weaponized, every bat of eyelashes is a threat. She learned how to defend herself before anyone had a chance to do something more than hide behind catcalls and love letters. There are several expectations when it comes to veela, and she’s willing to break every single one of them, if she can. She’s still friendly and flirty when she wants to be, but she’s loud. Self-assertive to the point of brashiness, energetic and sarcastic, with the mouth of a sailor and a tongue sharp enough to kill. Every bit of her is a quiet armor, the pieces carefully collected and glued together over the years, though she still sees everything with unbeatable humor. Her skin is as soft as her edges are sharp and she’ll always throw the first punch. She refuses to be the fragile little fairy-thing made to cater to the fetishizing ideal of acceptable half-breed, and she won’t apologize for it.
She still keeps her fair deal of friends around, even though nowadays she prefers those who don’t seem to react to her much. Her defenses are up so high that it’s become a problem – maybe she has thrown a couple fireballs at one or two innocent people who she thought were following her, yes, can you blame the girl? –, but she’s pleasant company when she’s not climbing up on any tables and delivering speeches about half-breed rights that no one wants to hear.
The Chittock sisters never really met their mother. It’s a complicated story, really – at least that’s what Cora heard all her life. Their father, an eccentric wizard devastated by the loss of his beloved veela companion, never told his daughters what really happened. When they were little, he would tell them these crazy fantastic stories of how their mother was and why she had to leave, but that only lasted a couple of years, until the girls grew up and realized these were products of his mind. And terribly inconsistent stories, at that.
He’s not crazy, Cora would say, but he’s, perhaps, not the most sane man she’s ever laid her eyes upon, sure. He’s a conspiracist and a bit of a nutcase, but he has a heart bigger than his body, and that’s how he raised his daughters to be. He loves them more than anything, and they know it.
Cora has a good relationship with her family, through and through. She loves her sister, even if they pick fights with each other sometimes, and she loves her dad even if he insists on cooking and burning the dinner every single night. They’re not too supportive of her feisty ways, and they would surely lose all the hairs on their head if they knew about her finding her way into the Order, but she’s not planning on telling.
Despite the absent mother and the lack of explanation that comes with it, the girl has never felt like anything was missing from her family. In fact, before she was even a teenager she’d already stopped asking questions about her mom’s fate, knowing it would only sadden her father and get her some nonsense response in return. Her family’s not a big one, but it’s perfect, as far as she knows. They’re as good of a support system as any, she thinks.
Cora works at Eeylops Owl Emporium, at Diagon Alley. It wouldn’t be hard to get any sort of part-time job with the Veela charm turned all the way up, and while Glenda chose a much more artistic path with her own show, Cora decided she didn’t want all of that attention. No, instead, as soon as she was out of school, she marched right up to her favorite shop in Diagon Alley, and sweet talked until they gave her a position in there. It’s her dream job, for the moment, even if it pays terribly. Her family is quite wealthy and she doesn’t plan on moving out immediately, so it’s not like she needs piles of money. Here, she gets to hang out with the pretty little birds for most of her day, and it’s incredibly soothing. She thinks it might be the Veela bird-like tendencies that make her feel so comforted to be surrounded by the little winged animals, but she won’t question it. The owls keep her calm, and they seem happy to have her around, and she gets to help little eleven-year-olds to pick new friends. It’s a pretty fun job.
Cora still feels a little out of place in the order, but only because she’s new and hasn’t quite figured out who she can trust yet. She remembers some of these faces from school, but back then she’d been so busy perfecting her skills and learning defenses and dodging creeps that she would rather forget that time entirely, start fresh. The tiny self-conscious part of her worries she might be too brash for the crowd her age and too young for the older people, and that she’ll float somewhere in between, but she’s willing to make her presence known either way. She believes in their fight. She also, perhaps selfishly, believes she can have more of a voice if she has a group like this to back her up, and maybe she can convince them to join some rallies for half-breed and veela rights, while she’s at it. She certainly has been trying to make that happen for a while now. Cora sees the war for how heavy it is, and she knows how easily the tides could change against her, as a half-breed. As much as she vowed to fight her own battles, now she seeks protection, too. She knows no one is gonna survive on their own and if she can do something to help this end quicker, then it’s her duty to do so.
Cora still lives with her family, and doesn’t plan on changing that anytime soon. Her father may be a nutcase, but their little hut in the middle of nowhere might also be the safest place she knows. She doesn’t know what it is about it that makes it feel so secure, but it does, at least for them (he told her once that her mother had enchanted it before she left, but he also said a number of ridiculous things, so she doesn’t believe it). She’s easily overlooked when it comes to this war. She’s a half-breed, but an acceptable one, one that society may praise from time to time, when it fits them. It’s just her and Glenda’s luck. Most people don’t seem to care about what the half-Veela are up to, and the rest who do, only care because they feel enchanted by them, so it’s mostly a win-win when it comes to hiding.
Cora doesn’t do relationships all that much. She’s never had a romantic relationship with anyone, nothing that ever went beyond some meaningless fooling around – even though there was and still is a lot of that. She likes the affection, she craves a human connection like that, but she doesn’t feel like she can have it until she learns to reel in all of her Veela charm. She’s still too young, too insecure. Even if she’s learned to keep most of her unwanted charm in, nowadays, she knows some people can still be affected. And how can she trust their affection, then? How can she know if the pretty girl who wants to date her won’t lose all of her interest suddenly, the day Cora learns to control her abilities better? She can’t. The line is blurry between someone loving you for the energy you put out, loving how you make them feel, or really loving you for who you are. She’s not willing to take any risks.
For that reason, she’s been known to still deliberately use her charisma here and there to get what she wants, but she tries to keep close to people who aren’t affected by her blood status at all. At least, those, she knows she can trust. Some specifics:
REGULUS BLACK: It’s not like they’re childhood friends or anything, but Cora might risk saying they were the closest friend she had in Hogwarts. It was a confusing, chaotic time back then, and when people started reacting differently to her, she found comfort in Regulus’ blatant indifference. She’s not fully convinced they even like her at all, as a friend or general company, but she still likes to hang out with them when she can.
DORCAS MEADOWES: They met because of Cora’s brief panic in fifth year, when a poor, sweet boy asked to be her date on a trip to Hogsmeade and she was too tired to be mean or blunt, as she usually was. Dorcas happened to be walking by, and Cora took the opportunity to grab her hand and yank her over before declaring she couldn’t accept the invitation, as she’d be going with this Hufflepuff, instead. She paid Dorcas back for any inconvenience by buying her some Pepper Imp on the trip, and she still occasionally helps distract her from her job nowadays, by visiting Flourish and Blotts and bringing candy.
SHIPS/ANTI-SHIPS: Cora/women is what I ship and Cora/dudes is the anti-ship, that’s pretty much it. Let my lesbian daughter thrive.
Cora’s fatal flaw when it comes to biases is probably the fact that she wants to be an advocate for half-breed rights, but the truth is that she has no idea what that even means. She might wave that flag around and call people out, and she may get mad if anyone trashtalks any type of half-breed around her, but has she ever stopped to listen to another half-breed? Absolutely not.
Her concerns are very personal and Veela-focused, she doesn’t know what the other species are going through in the current society, and certainly not in this war, either. She wants to help everyone, genuinely, but she’s too caught up in the stuff Veela have to go through. They’re a particular type of half-breed, the model minority type, they are the ones who get invited to parties and get to escape from the general population’s scrutiny. On the other hand, they’re also victims to a lot of abuse and prejudice, and that’s the battle she’s (wrongly) focusing on. She says her fight is for all of the half-breeds because she knows her voice will have more of a reach that way, and she genuinely thinks it’s the right thing to do, to try and help others.
That being said, she is still a pretty sheltered half-Veela girl who lives a good, wealthy life, she’s never even seen many of the half-breeds she claims to be trying to help. She’d still be wary of a half-giant, and twist her nose at a half-goblin’s appearance.
Almost the same goes for her view of muggleborns, too. Circumstantially, the majority of her friends – and fellow housemates, back in her Hogwarts years – are purebloods or half-bloods, which means she hasn’t really ever heard from the muggleborns what they go through, and what they want. She’s angry, and loud, and she wants to be an activist for everyone, but she isn’t great at studying her causes.
Absolutely NOTHING, I’ve heard this place is horrible!!! Yuck!!!! Delete my number!!!!! No but on a serious note, I’m dying to explore all of the Veela world and create a sensible, more inclusive lore for it (suck it, JKR). And this character is one that I’ve had in mind for months now, in sort of an abstract form, living somewhere in my brain in the room of Characters That Already Have a Voice But No Background Or Story. So I’m looking forward to finally flesh it out and write her!
I’m terrible at these BUT I’d be down for the Order wanting to use her Veela charm for something, like use her as bait or a distraction, because she would probably hate the idea of doing that and i’d love to watch her get pissy.
Also any opportunity to get her to use the fire hands, obviously, that’d be amazing.
A Headcanon:
Not really into sports at all but tried to get into the Slytherin Quidditch team out of sheer spite because everyone kept saying Veela were only good for mascots, not for playing. She almost made it in as a Beater, which she’ll deem good enough to prove people wrong as long as she doesn’t have to ever do that again. Yes, she’s still bitter about it.
Cora Chittock grew up to be pretty alright, all things considered. Despite her absent mother, her father and sister were all the family she needed, and she lived a sheltered life until she entered Hogwarts. There was where she discovered what being half-Veela really meant – and how she would have to try her best to repress that part of herself, if she wanted to stay safe. As a good Slytherin, of course, it was bite or get bitten. The charm and charisma that she flaunted as a child quickly turned into unwanted attention from her peers the second that hormones came into play. Everyone thought she was spoiled to complain, a rebel without a cause, but they didn’t know what it was like, to receive all these looks from people she had no interest in, people she didn’t like. She had all the attention she could possibly want, but loneliness still stung. Learning to be part Veela was learning to handle the harassment that came with it, and that was a hard lesson to learn.
School had been hell for Cora, but now she’s finally found her footing. She worked hard to perfect her abilities to the point where her Veela charm is mostly controlled nowadays, and it makes her feel more confident than ever; she knows when she can, and should, display it around freely. That doesn’t mean all the past years haven’t left a bitter taste in her mouth. Now that she graduated Hogwarts, she wants to make sure people understand and listen to her side of things, too. Her people are still harassed every day, she’s not letting anyone forget that. These days, she can easily be found trying to organize marches and protests for half-breed rights, even if most of them fall through. She snuck her way into the Order as soon as she heard rumours of a resistance group existing at all, and she’s ready to give everything to fight this war. She believes in the group, she trusts her peers and she’s got her combat boots laced up and ready. Finally, she’s making the difference she wants to make in the world, right?
FC CHOICES: Hunter Schafer (truly my one and only, love of my life, but also to add other good names to the list because other rps need more representation anyway: ), Loiza Lamers, Hari Nef
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