#the channel is called overflowing wisdom
eepybubble · 2 years
can you block people or smth on youtube? i just found this channel with a transphobic guy idk why the fuck it was recommended to me
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bookoformon · 1 year
2 Nephi Chapter 18. "The Light to Come."
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Christ will be as a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense—Seek the Lord, not peeping wizards—Turn to the law and to the testimony for guidance—Compare Isaiah 8. About 559–545 B.C.
This is the very definition of apostasy to represent the Knower of All as a source of offense. History has yet to explain how so much trouble was caused by the appearance of the Christ, how its preponderances for sin increased, yea, even up to the level of being the justification for mechanized mass-exterminations.
One of the purposes of this Midrash is to restore the Son of Man to His Lauded Position and give Him the chance to enact the peace somehow in spite of the fact he left and is now Zenos, dissolved into the Infinite Spirit:
1 Moreover, the word of the Lord said unto me: Take thee a great aroll, and write in it with a man’s pen, concerning Maher-shalal-hash-baz.
Maher-shalal-hash-baz= Spoil Speeds And Prey Hastens.
2 And I took unto me faithful awitnesses to record, Uriah the priest, and Zechariah the son of Jeberechiah.
Uriah= Yah is Light
Zechariah=God Remembers, remembering God
Jeberechiah= Yah Blesses
"God blesses and remembers those who remember He is the Light of Lights."
3 And I went unto the prophetess; and she conceived and bare a son. Then said the Lord to me: Call his name, Maher-shalal-hash-baz.
4 For behold, athe child shall bnot have knowledge to cry, My father, and my mother, before the riches of Damascus and the cspoil of dSamaria shall be taken away before the king of eAssyria.
Damascus= "The beginning of salvation".
Samaria="To keep guard."
Assyria= "To level".
"Eve gave birth to the future, stealing the technology from God, and knowledge of the way to end the crying of the children. The beginning of salvation and sovereignty is the leveling of the mind."
5 The Lord spake also unto me again, saying:
6 Forasmuch as this people refuseth the waters of aShiloah that go softly, and rejoice in bRezin and Remaliah’s son;
Shiloah=the parting gift
Rezin= Head of a Spring
Remaliah= Adorned by God
"The parting gift from Eden, which adorns man and puts him beyond the animals was not the capacity for sin, it is his intelligence."
7 Now therefore, behold, the Lord bringeth up upon them the waters of the river, strong and many, even the king of aAssyria and all his glory; and he shall come up over all his channels, and go over all his banks.
The river that brings glory into the mind of a level-headed king is the same as the one in Eden:
A river went out from Eden to water the garden. Genesis 2:10
There is Eden, and there is the garden.
Eden is a place of delight, far beyond the garden, beyond all created things. Yet its river nurtures all that grows in that garden.
The garden is wisdom, understanding, knowing—where all of creation begins.
Adam is placed in the garden, to work with his mind and to discover the transcendent Eden flowing within.
So too, that is the objective of all man’s toil in this world: To reach beyond his own mind. Not to a place where the mind is ignored, but rather to its essence, to the inner sense of beauty and wonder that guides it. To Eden.
8 And he shall pass through Judah; he shall overflow and go over, he shall areach even to the neck; and the stretching out of his wings shall fill the breadth of thy land, O Immanuel.
9 aAssociate yourselves, O ye people, and ye shall be broken in pieces; and give ear all ye of far countries; gird yourselves, and ye shall be broken in pieces; gird yourselves, and ye shall be broken in pieces.
10 Take counsel together, and it shall come to naught; speak the word, and it shall not stand; for God is with us.
11 For the Lord spake thus to me with a strong hand, and instructed me that I should not walk in the way of this people, saying:
12 Say ye not, A confederacy, to all to whom this people shall say, A confederacy; neither fear ye their fear, nor be afraid.
13 Sanctify the Lord of Hosts himself, and let him be your fear, and let him be your dread.
=Egypt, the Temple of Ptah, the Temple of Speech ruled by a Pharaoh, someone who takes power from the people vs. a leader who is legally granted power by the people. This is a metaphor for the mind and its faculties and their owner, a man and also for the duality present in the widespread world; power over the mind is initially by conquest, later it is granted as a matter of privilege and responsibility.
Slavery of the mind to a master is for adolescents until sentience, the parting gift is awarded, but under no other circumstances. The Tanakh in the previous sections says "the collective of mankind must confederate with prosperity" but otherwise confederation is forbidden.
14 And he shall be for a sanctuary; but for a stone of stumbling, and for rock of offense to both the houses of Israel, for a gin and a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem.
15 And many among them shall stumble and fall, and be broken, and be snared, and be taken.
16 Bind up the testimony, seal the law among my disciples.
17 And I will wait upon the Lord, that hideth his face from the house of Jacob, and I will look for him.
18 Behold, I and the children whom the Lord hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the Lord of Hosts, which dwelleth in Mount Zion, "the pile of signs," AKA history.
19 And when they shall say unto you: Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep and mutter—should not a people seek unto their God for the living to hear from the dead?
20 To the alaw and to the testimony; and if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.
21 And they shall pass through it hardly bestead and hungry; and it shall come to pass that when they shall be hungry, they shall fret themselves, and curse their king and their God, and look upward.
22 And they shall look unto the earth and behold trouble, and darkness, dimness of anguish, and shall be driven to darkness.
History has shown us that persons who keep "little spirits" close by, who waste time mumbling, muttering, and peeping all day long instead of looking up in search of the Light of Lights bring death, destruction and desolation in the wake. They anguish the world with their constant prattle about life after death in stead honing the way for the living in the here and now.
In their dimness, they curse king, country and the Lord Himself because there is no light in them to remember.
The Book of Mormon says fear not, all we have to do is turn the Law, the Holy Torah into a testimony of guidance and the Light shall come.
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adedots · 1 year
Seeds Of destiny 12th April 2023 daily devotional
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Seeds Of destiny 12th April 2023 daily devotional SEEDS OF DESTINY 12th April 2023 DAILY DEVOTIONAL By Pastor Paul Enenche -- Who Is A Rich Fool? Seeds of Destiny Daily Devotional 12th April 2023 Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | Who Is A Rich Fool? Seeds of Destiny for today April 2023 Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | Who Is A Rich Fool? More Of Seeds Of Destiny Messages Here Seed of Destiny for today Sod Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | Who Is A Rich Fool? Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages
Seeds of Destiny 12th April 2023 Daily Devotional for today
TOPIC: Who Is A Rich Fool? Seed of Destiny for today Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre You May Also like: Seeds of destiny December 2022 daily devotional Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Channels of divine health by Pastor Paul Enenche Seeds of Destiny for today 12 April 2023 Daily Devotional You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional connection between sin & sickness by Pastor Paul Enenche Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages You May Also like: Seeds of destiny 7th December 2022 daily devotional -- Keys, indispensable necessity to life by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also Read: Yesterday's seed of destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche here
Seeds of Destiny 12 April 2023 Daily Devotional for today
MESSAGE: SCRIPTURE: Cry yet again, saying, Thus says the Lord of hosts: My cities shall yet again overflow with prosperity, and the Lord shall yet comfort Zion and shall yet choose Jerusalem. Zechariah 1:17 (AMP) THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: To have riches without wisdom is to be a fool. Seeds Of Destiny For Today 2023 Our anchor Scripture reveals that the prosperity of God’s people is key to the overflow of God’s Kingdom on earth. Therefore, to be rich is to propagate the Kingdom of God on earth, and to be poor is to limit the expansion of God’s Kingdom on earth. That is why it is important to desire to be rich for the sake of the Kingdom. Now, wealth is not a matter of what is outside you; it is what you have inside you. Let me give you an example: A street fighter, called Mike Tyson, who became a heavy weight boxing champion, got heavy weight money. He had more than one hundred suits, and more than one hundred cars. Anytime he went out, he would pick a particular colour of suit that would match the colour of the car. But you know, he could not sustain his wealth. When he lost the title, he also lost everything and crashed down to zero. This was because all the things that entered his life didn’t make him rich. So, wealth is not a matter of what you have on your outside; it is what you have inside you. This is why we have notable gamblers who end up being poor. A gambler may win a million pounds because of gambling but after sometime, he crashes to zero. One reason why children of most rich people cannot sustain their father’s wealth is because their fathers gave them prosperity without mentality. And to have riches without wisdom is to be a fool. The man with the right mentality may not have a penny now but just give him a little time; he would arrive at massive prosperity. Beloved, make up your mind to go for wisdom first, in your pursuit of wealth. Remember this: To have riches without wisdom is to be a fool. You May Also Read: Seeds of destiny 22nd December 2022 - The battles of destiny You May Also Read: DCLM for today 7th December 2022 - Stay at your duty post Also Read: Seed of destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche here You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Power of the Word by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- The place of discovery in destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Sin the root of generational curse by Pastor Paul Enenche
Seeds of Destiny 12th April 2023 Daily Devotional
You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- being a person of conviction by Pastor Paul Enenche ASSIGNMENTS: Go through today’s message once again. Make up your mind to go for financial intelligence for your total financial liberation. PRAYER: Lord, help not to be a rich fool. Equip me with the prerequisite knowledge for financial freedom, Lord, in Jesus’ Name. FOR FURTHER UNDERSTANDING, GET THIS MESSAGE: FINANCIAL WISDOM. QUOTE: It is a great deal of foolishness to rely on natural or human wisdom. Culled from “21 FOOLISH THINGS PEOPLE DO” by Dr Paul Enenche. DAILY READING: 2 Chronicles 31-33 AMAZING FACT: Just like humans, elephants grieve for their dead. PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: The Lord release upon you, the rain of all-round wisdom in this season, in Jesus’ Name. You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional Tragedy of ingratitude by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages
Seeds of Destiny 12 April 2023 Daily Devotional
Seed of Destiny Daily Devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche You can call the following numbers for counselling : +234-803-3144-509 234-803-320-0320 or Email: [email protected] God bless you Please fill the form below and tick "get notified by mail" to get notified on every post to your mail. You can also save (bookmark) this site. Don't forget to share with your friends and families on social media so they can be blessed and be blessings to others.  God bless you More Of Seed Of Destiny Messages Here This (Seeds of Destiny) Daily devotional was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), at Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Power are at work for the salvation, healing and restoration of human destinies and dignities.
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astroaedes · 4 years
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Mark has no known birth time which will affect not only the depth of the astrological part of this reading but also the accuracy so keep that in mind! 
It’s quite hard to examine someone’s potential soulmate without their birth time so this reading will not be as in depth as the one I did for Taeyong. I will try to go more in depth in the tarot part instead. Edit: this reading ended up being so long 😅
Venus - Virgo
Jupiter - Taurus
Juno - Scorpio
Valentine - Leo
Juno is known as the soulmate asteroid and can describe the qualities of our soulmate so it is very likely that Mark’s soulmate has major Scorpio placements, 8th house energy, or a combination of fixed and water placements. Mark’s soulmate is passionate and emotionally intense. He will most likely experience an immediate, magnetic attraction to them when they first meet. Devotion is the key word here - they will be utterly committed to each for better or worse. Marriage is almost certainly in their future but their commitment goes beyond a legal contract. They will be emotionally and physically bound to each other - such is the depth of their bond. Both of them may experience intense personal transformation through this relationship.
With his Jupiter in Taurus Mark will be very sensual and indulgent in this relationship. He may be slow moving and will take the time to build a solid foundation (which is good considering the intensity of their connection). He will be very generous with them in terms of wealth and has a desire to provide for them and give them a sense of security. Taurus, as fixed earth, is another committed sign but with a greater sense of stability and practicality than Scorpio. Once he and his soulmate are together, they are in it for life. They will likely meet in some sort of familiar setting - through family, friends, work, a mutual hobby, a cafe they both visit etc.
Valentine in Leo is a SUPER romantic placement as Leo is the sign of true love so Mark’s relationship will be overflowing with love and affection. Even if they were on opposite sides of the room it would be exceedingly obvious to everyone else that they are together. His soulmate will be bold and creative and and bring immense happiness and joy to his life. They will find Mark’s fame and job very appealing and could even be in the entertainment industry themselves. Especially with his Scorpio Juno, Mark’s soulmate could be a fellow artist, someone who channels creativity through their emotions. 
Major Arcana - The High Priestess; Justice; The Wheel of Fortune
Minor Arcana - Eight of Wands; Seven of Cups; Seven of Pentacles; Ten of Pentacles
Court Cards - Knight of Pentacles; Queen of Pentacles; Queen of Swords
In multiple past readings I’ve done for Mark he has been represented by the Page of Pentacles, but in this spread he has graduated to the Knight of Pentacles! This tells me that he has yet to meet his soulmate and will need to grow and evolve before he does. His soulmate is represented by the Queen of Pentacles which does not surprise me - both his ideal type and relationship readings featured a lot of earth energy. They are most likely a little bit older than Mark or a bit more experienced and mature. His soulmate is sensual, nurturing and has deep thoughts and feelings. I get the sense that they are very perceptive and will be able to see right through Mark. I don’t know if this makes much sense but Mark will cross THEIR path - like Mark will be the one who initiates their meeting.
With Judgment and the Eight of Wands - ooohhh boy - their relationship will happen so suddenly and so intensely. Boundaries and walls will come crashing down and feelings will develop rapidly. Mark will be minding his own business and then BAM! his true love and soulmate is staring at him right in the face. Their meeting will be a pretty monumental point in Mark’s life and a point of no return. There will definitely be a pre-soulmate era and post-soulmate era for Mark. It’s interesting that Mark is Christian because both of these cards can have religious connotations of a prayer being answered or a sign from God. One book of mine calls the Eight of Wands the “call and response of the universe”. I wouldn’t be surprised if Mark prays or sets intentions about meeting his soulmate.
Both Mark and his soulmate have a major opportunity for some serious growth in this relationship. They will be able to find wisdom and personal authenticity through each other and uncover emotional and spiritual truths that may have gone unnoticed. The High Priestess represents the blueprint of the soul and together their souls will help guide each other. However this will not come effortlessly to them and they will have to make a conscious choice to explore this side of themselves. In the readings I’ve done for Mark there has always been this sense of fate, a higher power and uncontrollable forces (the Wheel of Fortune appears in this spread as well) so I think maybe he can have this mindset of “what is meant to be will happen, don’t try to force it”. But in order to get the most out of this relationship he will have to push those thoughts aside, grab the steering wheel and BE the driving force.
The Ten of Pentacles appeared in Mark’s relationship reading and it represents a pretty crucial aspect to his idea of love and commitment so it’s no surprise that it has appeared again! Mark places a strong importance on family, community, and tradition - he doesn’t just want children, he wants to create a lineage and a legacy. With his soulmate represented as the Queen of Pentacles, in his eyes, they will be the perfect person to do this with. Similar to his Taurus Jupiter, the Ten of Pentacles shows that wealth will be abundant in this relationship and that Mark has an innate need to provide for his partner and family. I will potentially delete this part later but I want to quickly address the Queen of Swords. This is a pretty outdated interpretation BUT this card can sometimes represent difficulties becoming pregnant or during pregnancy. The only reason I considered this was because it was the next card after the Ten of Pentacles.
I’ve spoken before about how career driven Mark can be and his relationship with his soulmate will put that to the test. If he wants to build a life with this person then concessions and sacrifices will need to be made. Whenever Mark prioritises one area of his life over another he will always second guess himself and question his motives and the perceived outcomes of his decisions. One of Mark’s major fears is unfulfilled success and he would hate to feel as though he has mistakenly focused on his career when he should have focused on his relationship and vice versa. This relationship will feel fated and out of Mark’s control whereas his career has been more driven by conscious effort and choice on his part. It will be difficult for Mark to let go of something that he himself has put so much work into in order to focus on a relationship that has appeared so suddenly. 
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canadian-riddler · 4 years
 Characters: Edward Nygma, Jonathan Crane [Scriddler]
 Synopsis: He knew better than to go to his father’s funeral, but he did it anyway.
AO3 || fanfiction.net
It was sunny.
It shouldn’t have been, in Edward’s opinion.  It should have been pouring down rain, should have discouraged half these people from showing up and encouraged the other half to finish up and get inside as quickly as possible.  But it was sunny, and the sky was clear, and there were around thirty people here gathered to mourn the death of Edward’s father.
He had known about them, of course.  Had known about his father’s new wife and new sons.  One the age he had been when his mother had left, and the other the age he had been when his father had first hit him.  They were crying not because he had been terrible to them and they were thankful that he was gone, but because they missed him and wanted him to come back. All of these people, his family and his friends, felt that way.  They didn’t know because he had hidden it from them.
No one will ever mourn me like this.
It was sickening.  The priest was making a grand speech about what a great man and benefit to the community his father had been, and people were eating up the lie and shedding tears over it.  He’d been a bartender, for God’s sake.  Some of these people were just regulars.  Slinging booze was considered a ‘benefit to the community’ now?  To what community?  Alcoholics? Lonely men who had no better place to go?  Single women looking for free drinks?
It seemed to take the entire afternoon for them to get all the ceremony over with and put him in his hole in the ground.  When they finally did so, the feeling Edward had expected and been waiting for did not come. Instead he felt hollow, suddenly, as though something important had been taken from him.  It hadn’t been, of course.  He was glad that old man was finally dead.  It had taken long enough.
It was his aim to have disappeared before anyone spotted him, but it seemed he had lingered too long because his father’s widow caught sight of him as people filtered along their way. She looked as though she had seen a ghost, and Edward supposed that she had.  He turned and pushed his hands deeper into his pants pockets and did his best to pretend he was there for some other reason.  He was in the parking lot, shouting distance from his vehicular exit, when someone called a name he was not yet used to hearing: “Édouard!”
He stopped without meaning to.  The clack of high heels sounded across the asphalt but it was too late to pretend he hadn’t heard.  He was going to have to see what she wanted and extricate himself as soon as possible.
“You must be him,” the woman said in French, short of breath.  She had an accent he didn’t recognise.  “He said you might show up.  You look just like him, you know, like – “
“What do you want?” Edward snapped as he turned to face her, his enunciation still perfect Québécois.  She looked taken aback, as though she had not expected him to be so aggressive.  Or maybe seeing the near-exact facsimile of her late husband’s face on someone else was much more shocking up close. She looked down towards the purse hanging from her shoulder, digging in it with one hand.  She withdrew and held out to him an envelope which stole the breath from his lungs and replaced it with a nearly sickening tension.  All that was written upon the face was ‘Édouard’ in small black letters.  He stared at it.
“What did he tell you about me?” he demanded.
“Nothing,” she answered. “Just that… someone I wouldn’t know might show up, and I was to give this to him.”
He accepted it, turning it over as he did so.  It was sealed with no signs of tampering.  
“Who are you?” the woman asked.  Edward looked over the top of his glasses at her.
“Someone your late husband didn’t see fit to tell you about,” he answered, and resumed walking across the parking lot.  Once seated behind his steering wheel he put the envelope down on the passenger seat and pushed the key into the ignition.
He shouldn’t open it. He should just get rid of it.  It wasn’t going to say anything important. It wasn’t going to say anything he needed to read.
He couldn’t fit his finger beneath the corner of the flap with the glove on, so he took it off and laid it on the dashboard.  He slowly worked the envelope open with one finger.
He shouldn’t.  He wasn’t going to.  He leaned over and opened the glovebox and removed the lighter that was in there.  He lit it and held it to the bottom corner.  Not close enough.  He felt sick suddenly.  He wasn’t going to be able to do it.  He put the lighter down and leaned the envelope on the steering wheel and stared at his name.  His father had written it there.  His father had not tried to talk to him in such a long time.  He had to know.  He couldn’t not know.
I suspect you will make an appearance at my funeral to make sure I am truly dead.  I trust you did not cause trouble for the invited attendees.  I think we can both agree that would be sinking rather low, even for you.
I am sure you will be relieved of the fact that you will no longer need to keep an eye on me and my doings.  We both know they were none of your business and yet you made them so anyway.  One would think you would divert your attention onto more suitable things with time, but age has not brought you any wisdom that I can tell.  From what I have seen of you on the news you seem content to revel in your strange sickness instead.  It is a shame to think upon all the things you could have been doing, but elected against in favour of… whatever that persona of yours is supposed to be.
I do not know why you did not kill me as so many of your ilk often do, but when I heard news of your disappearance I had hope you were moving away from the man you have become.  My actions may have had influence in your decisions, but they were always your decisions.  Perhaps my death will finally free you to realise that.
I do not have much confidence left in your ability to make the right choices, but at least the time remains for you to make them.  I hope that you do for your own sake.
Edward pressed his forehead to the steering wheel and cried.
He didn’t know why he was crying, or who he was crying for.  Perhaps for himself and the life that could have been.  Perhaps because, as awful as the man had been, he was still Edward’s father. Or perhaps it was the not knowing if, had he known what Edward was doing now, he would have found it in him to be proud despite everything.  When he was able he removed his handkerchief from his jacket pocket and cleaned his glasses with it, then his face.  The letter he tossed back onto the other seat, followed by the envelope.  He sat, leaned back in his chair, for a long time. When he realised what colour the sky was he blinked and turned the key.  He’d been here too long.  Even if he had only been here for as many minutes as it had taken him to park in the first place, that would have been here too long.  His father didn’t deserve this much of his time, not alive and especially not dead.
The letter seemed to have been imbued with his aura, and Edward knew that was stupid but he could feel it.  It was there. Just like that hollowness that shouldn’t be.  
He shouldn’t have opened it. He shouldn’t have gone.  He shouldn’t have.
 When he got home some hours later and Jonathan asked how it had gone, Edward wordlessly put the letter into his hand and went upstairs.  He stood in the shower for a very long time.  Waiting.  He didn’t know for what.  He just felt as though he should stay there until something happened.  Something that would tell him that the world hadn’t really changed that much even when he felt as though it had been upended completely.
Eventually he got out and went into the bedroom to get dressed, finding that Jonathan was in bed.  He had been in the shower longer than he had thought. His hair was soaking his back because he had forgotten to dry it with a towel.
“If Google Translate is to be believed,” Jonathan said, “this is quite the letter.”
Edward sat down, shirtless, and took it to be put away in his bedside drawer.  Jonathan looked at him but Edward did not have any words to give him.  He didn’t have anything except a profound empty feeling he did not think anything would ever fill.  He lay down, back to Jonathan, and pulled up the blanket.  He wondered if it would ever go away.  He wondered if it was a scar or a reminder.
“You have no way of knowing what it means,” Jonathan continued.  “It could simply be a – “
“Shut up, Jonathan,” Edward said.
“Edward, I only – “
“He was my father and I’ll mourn him the way I want to.”
“… mourn him?” Jonathan repeated, his words overflowing with all the incredulity he could summon, and Edward got up to sleep on the couch.
 It was sunny again today, too, the headstone now half-hidden behind flowers and little stuffed animals and a photograph depicting a family that was and was not Edward’s both at the same time.  He had been on his knees there for a while.  He should not have come today, either, but he had the right to make some sort of farewell speech too, didn’t he?  Didn’t he have the most right to that out of anyone?  The people in that picture hadn’t known his father. How many times had he sat there on the couch with his arm behind her shoulders, reaching for the means to change the channel if ever Edward appeared on the TV?  Had his sons ever dragged their feet on the way home from school in the hopes of arriving after he had already left for work?  Had he been good to them always, or had he done one unexplainedly kind thing now and again which only served to be utterly confusing in the face of the constant cruelty?  Even if he had changed, had genuinely, honestly become a better man for them, it didn’t matter. It wasn’t fair.  He was chewing his lower lip and trying to shove the rage in his chest back down with deliberate, heavy breaths.  “I never killed you,” Edward murmured, “because it would have proven that might makes right.”
The smile his father wore in the photograph seemed to burn the corner of his vision that it occupied.
“If I had killed you, you would have won.  But I suppose you won anyway because I will never have what you had.  Unlike you, I can’t bury what I’ve done and have family and friends surround me in death, oblivious to the whole of the person I was. You have a lot of gall lecturing me about choices when you chose every day to pretend to your new family that I didn’t exist.  That I don’t exist.”  There was a handful of fresh grass in between his gloved fingers.  “Well, I’m not going to tell you what I’m doing now.  You don’t deserve to know.  I no longer need your pride.”  Saying it out loud made him feel as though he had the ability to make it true. “All those final fucking words to me and you couldn’t be bothered to use a single one of them to apologise.  All I hope comes of your death is that I wake up one morning soon with the feeling I should have had all this time: relief.”
He stood up and turned around to find that his father’s widow was standing behind him, her teary eyes wide.  He wanted to ruin it for her.  He wanted to tell her in explicit detail who he was and what his father’s contributions had been towards making him that way.  He wanted her tears to be of horror as he told her that the man she had loved and borne children for and built a life alongside had lied to her in order to con himself a second chance he had not deserved.  All the words were tumbling through his mind, ordering themselves into the perfect sentences that would shatter her illusions and put the truth and meaning of her entire life into question.  One inhale would fill his lungs with them and one exhale would breathe all of them out into a torrent that she would not believe at first, but that would form infinite niggling doubts in her mind.  Eating away at her.  Leading her to look into who Edward was.  Into uncovering a truth she would not be able to hide from her children as her husband so easily had.  One breath and he could do all of that.
So he took two.
“I’m sorry for your loss,” he said.
 Jonathan was at the kitchen table drinking coffee.  He was wearing the same clothes as yesterday and his hair had been half-combed with his fingers.  If by some wild circumstance Edward died first, Jonathan would not cry for him. He would not hold a funeral or spend too much time thinking about interpersonal regrets.  He would simply remember Edward for what he had been.  All of it.
He sat down at the table.
“That other phone has been ringing all day,” Jonathan said into his coffee, his other hand keeping his book spread open.  “I think she knows and wants a chance to head you off before you do something rash.”
Edward rubbed at a dried spot of coffee with his thumb.  It came off, but he would still have to wash the table.  “I’m not going to do anything rash.”
“What are you going to do?”
The emptiness remained, but no solution had presented itself.  “Nothing.”
When Jonathan put his empty cup down, Edward stood and brought it to the sink.  “I didn’t know when you’d be returning so supper is in the fridge,” Jonathan said.  He nodded but did not feel the slightest inclination to go looking for it.  He would go see what she wanted, and after a shower he was going to bed.  A thought gave him pause when he had one foot on the stairs.  “Jonathan.”
“Mm,” said Jonathan. Edward couldn’t tell how his attention was divided between himself and the book.
“If… I died tomorrow, would you cry for me?”
Jonathan’s browline indicated he didn’t understand the question.  “Of course I would.”
Edward’s fingers scrunched up and down the side of the bannister.  “Just a little.”
“Enough,” Jonathan said.
“Don’t do anything else.”
“I wasn’t planning on it.”
Edward nodded and continued upstairs.
The phone was still ringing. He sat down in his desk chair and pushed his earpiece in and answered it.  It had better be something that could wait because he was too tired to work right now.  He had not slept much last night.
“There you are,” said Barbara.
“What do you want,” Edward said.
“We heard what happened,” Barbara answered.  “We’ve rearranged some availability.  You’ve got two weeks off.”
He sat up straight.  “I don’t – “
“I knew you’d say that,” Barbara interrupted.  “Look. I know you didn’t like your dad. But you went to his funeral.  Even if you don’t want time to work that out, I’m giving it to you anyway.  I don’t care what you do with it.  Just take it.”
Edward stared at the wall until he remembered he had to respond to that.  “I’m not going to do anything.”
“If I thought you would,” Barbara said, “we wouldn’t be talking right now.  I’m just trying to be nice.  Okay?”
“Thanks, Barbara,” he murmured, and she told him goodbye and hung up.
When Jonathan came upstairs he was still in his office, having gotten distracted by a spate of messages he’d received since last he’d checked them.  The most distressing of them all he had left for last, and was still staring at it as Jonathan stood behind him.  “She sent you a friend request,” he said after a minute. Hearing it said out loud didn’t help his indecision.
“What should I do?”
Jonathan leaned on the chair and Edward heard the clink of him pushing up his glasses.  “She thinks she wants to know,” he answered finally. “But she doesn’t.”
Edward nodded and deleted the request.  “They cleared my schedule for the next two weeks,” he said, rotating the chair ninety degrees to the left.  “If there was anything you wanted to do.”
Jonathan frowned at the desk.  “We should go camping,” he said.  Edward was a little taken aback.
“Yes,” Jonathan said, standing up straight again.
“I’ve never gone before.”
“Me neither,” said Jonathan, “but things are so easy nowadays an idiot could probably figure it out.”
Edward tapped one finger on the desk.  “I’ll have to figure out what we’ll need, but… sure.  Let’s go camping.”
“Are you coming to bed?”
He shook his head.  “I need to shower.”
“Hurry up,” Jonathan said. “You know how you get when it’s past your bedtime.”
He wished he had a response to that, but… he was right.
 He was ready about an hour later, which was cutting it close, and at Jonathan’s behest Edward lay held to his right side with one thin arm.  The hollowness was still achingly present and he stared at the barely visible curtains shielding the windows.
“Don’t mourn him, Eddie,” Jonathan murmured.  He always somehow knew what Edward was thinking.  “Mourn the part of yourself he took from you.”
“I don’t want to,” said Edward.  Jonathan’s long fingers were in his hair.
“I understand,” Jonathan said.  “Your mind needs some time to accept that it’s finally over.”
That thought was… terrifying.  He had spent so many years harbouring so much anger and frustration and resentment and now the cause of it was gone.  Forever. The emptiness seemed to increase and the arm he had across Jonathan’s stomach tightened against it.
“When we go camping,” Jonathan continued as though he hadn’t noticed, “might I use the letter as kindling?”
“You know how to start a fire?”
“Oh yes,” Jonathan answered, scratching his nose with his free hand.  “I used to do it with a knife and a rock.  It’s extremely sexy, I assure you.”
“Can you still do it?” Edward asked, fascinated by this new development.  Jonathan shrugged.
“You should probably bring some matches just in case.  My hands aren’t as steady as they once were.”
Edward gave a pat to the place his palm currently rested, which was still Jonathan’s stomach.  “We wouldn’t want you cutting yourself open.”
Jonathan slid his fingers between Edward’s.  “That’s what the first aid kit you’ll be bringing is for.”
“Burn it,” Edward said after there had been silence between them for a minute.  The gentle squeeze Jonathan gave to his shoulder may have caused the emptiness to fade, just a little bit.
“If you choose to change your mind, you can.”
“No.  Don’t let me.”
There were a lot of things his father had had that Edward never would.  But he had never had Edward himself, and once enough time had passed he would be able to appreciate and understand that had always been to his own benefit. For now he would wait and try to think about other things.  More important things.  Like Jonathan’s endlessly cold feet pressed against his shins.  “Did you pull up my pantlegs with your toes again?” he demanded.
“I think they were already like that.”
“I don’t think so,” Edward said, attempting to yank them back down with his own toes, but Jonathan’s feet were simply too large for him to be successful.  He crossed his arms and sighed through his nose and Jonathan laughed.
“Go to sleep and you won’t even notice.”
“I’m supposed to fall asleep with your gigantic icy feet crammed up my pants?”
“You’ve actually proven yourself to be quite good at it,” Jonathan said with gentle amusement, and even though it wasn’t really a compliment it still took the edge off his annoyance.  He settled himself into Jonathan’s side again and Jonathan pressed his dry lips into Edward’s brow.  “Don’t go running off in the morning,” he murmured there.  “Having me worry about you three days in a row would be going too far.”
“It may turn out that you’ll wish I’d left.”
“Maybe,” Jonathan said. “Or maybe I don’t mind helping you as much as you think I do.”
He would ask Jonathan about the emptiness tomorrow.  He must know some way of dealing with it, or what it meant.  He found himself smiling a little.
“He wrote me the letter because he didn’t know I had you,” he said, and Jonathan laughed through his nose and slid his hand up and down Edward’s arm.
“Good,” was all he said, and without asking he knew that in Jonathan’s opinion Edward had won after all.  It was an opinion he fully intended to share one day.  
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tarotinapinch · 3 years
Pile Two
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[stones pictured from left to right] red jasper, sunstone, bumblebee jasper, green goldstone, sodalite, lepidolite
1. Red - How to live more authentically
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*Three of Cups
*Moonstone - Fertility. Calming emotions. Attracting new love. Growth.
*Remember, love is the key. Love what you have in your life right now.
*Imagine - What would you see, feel, think, and hear if your wish came true?
*Pegasus of the Rainbow Light
*Compassion - Be gentle with yourself. Forgiveness will set you free. See the light in yourself and others.
You have been through so much in your life on your path to live authentically. In the past many people's opinions either within your blood family or close childhood friends have caused you to pause on your journey, to rethink if what you're feeling is even correct. The answer is, of course what you feel is correct within your heart is always the right thing for you. You're learning not to confuse other people's thoughts and  opinions as your own truth. Forgiveness is needed as well in order to move forward. Forgiveness of others trying to push their own agenda onto you and forgiveness to yourself for almost taking them up on the hard pressed offer. Neither of you knew better at the time. They thought you wanted it, and you did too before you separated yourself from societal or familial norms. But you now know better and will be able to continue on your journey to live your most authentic life by celebrating your personal victories and allowing yourself to grow and ascend even further by cultivating the energy of love. Love for your physical form, love for your emotional body, love for each step of your spiritual journey no matter how small, love for those around you, especially when they do not yet have love for themselves. Remember that karma is quite powerful. You get what you put in, so always  react within the energies of love, especially when your compassion is tested. Continue to be gentle with yourself and others as you continue to unravel who the true, most authentic you is. Live free, let those wild and unique personality traits of yours shine like a crystal in the sunlight, casting colorful rainbows onto everything around you. Expect the best and receive even better.
2. Orange - How to nurture self love
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*The Fool
*Green Jade - Attracting love. Balance. Dreams come true. Purity.
*No longer holds power over you. Dissolve attachments of the past with love.
*Teamwork - Work with others to make this situation come about.
*Blue Pegasus of the Open Sky
*Possibility - Raise your standards. Elevate your expectations. You have unlimited potential.
The best way to nurture your self love is to embark on your shadow work journey. These journeys are always feared from even before the first step, but fear is not an indication of wrongness or failure. Fear is a symbol that you are alive and your soul yearns to step outside of your comfort zone, to bring you one step closer to the next part of your spiritual awakening. So that you can allow yourself to attract all of the blessings that are meant for you and more. The moment you become self aware of the self work that you have ahead of you, and the fear that almost always comes with this realization, your past no longer has any hold over you. You are the sole creator of your future and you are ready to manifest your best life. Raise your self-standards. You are far more capable than you give yourself credit for. Keep speaking your truth and you will attract authentic love, peace, and balance into your life in the form of others who share your ideals. Manifesting is absolutely possible on your own, but the more people share the same vision, the faster and more potent the manifestation will be. Trust in your intuition to tell you who is a helpful teammate to you during this time. Only keep those close to you who support and encourage your spiritual growth and self-love journey.
3. Yellow - How to boost self confidence
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*Two of Coins
*Share Wisdom
*Pyrite - Good changes of fortune. Success. Renewed focus. Leadership.
*You are being called into service. Believe in your own guidance.
*Spirit Guide
*Share - When you share, everyone feels happy. 
*Pegasus of the Black Diamond 
*Passion - Do what excites you. Get fired up about your life. Increase your energy levels.
The answer here is pretty blunt and simple: do what you love to do and share your knowledge with those who are eager and accepting of the teachings that you have to offer. Doing so will boost your inner authority, automatically bringing you more confidence. You have overflowing stores of wisdom and knowledge within you that you are meant to share with the world. You could possibly be drawn to writing, public speaking, acting, song writing, singing, therapeutic jobs, or any other outlet that allows you to share messages with others. Other people's spirit guides tend to work through you. You allow them to use you as a mouthpiece to channel their words through you so that the messages may go directly to those they are guiding. Sharing your word, wisdom, and the messages of spirit help those around you greatly, which helps to boost your confidence.
4. Green - What positive energy to put out into your world
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*Eight of Coins
*The Outlaw
*Amber - Harmony. Home protection. Calm. Attracts love.
*Let it out, let it flow. Open up the heart to feel.
*Light - See the light within yourself and everyone else.
*Orange Pegasus of Healing
*Past Lives - Release your past life karma. You are an old soul with deep wisdom. Healing your past lives will raise your vibration.
The positive energies that you bring to this world are quite endless, but the main actions that you take that help raise the vibration is working hard toward your goals and dreams even if they are quite different than anything your blood family and childhood friends have ever done. You are called for something much more unique than you have experienced before and you're meant to go after this calling diligently in order to heal yourself, those around you, and your past lives. You have had many past lives being suppressed and it's in this life that you are meant to finally rise above that because over all of those hard lifetimes, you have finally accumulated all of the learnings needed to stand strong in your truth and do what feels right to you. Your calm and compassionate energies bring peace, harmony, and protection to you, your journey, and to anyone who supports you along the way. Sometimes you might feel like the outlaw, others may try to manipulate you into feeling that you aren't doing the right thing, that you're making mistakes. But when this happens, when you feel yourself start to get stuck in a rut, remember how going after the things that you are truly passionate about makes you feel, the healing energies it brings to you. Bask in this light and in turn you will be able to share it with others, helping them to start their own healing journey.
5. Blue - How to best uphold healthy boundaries
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*Three of Wands
*The Seeker
*Citrine - Wealth. Enhanced career prospects. Self-esteem. Manifestation
*Enjoy where you are. For soon you will be somewhere else
*Let Go of Stress! - Don't take on other people's stress. Breathe it out now.
*Pegasus of Sirius
*Partnership - Teamwork will give you a better result. Find trustworthy people to partner with. Build up a talented support team.
The best way to keep your boundaries in check right now is to just keep going after the things that your heart longs for with that fiery passion you feel for them. Open your eyes to all of the opportunities that surround you and don't back down from any challenges that may pop up along the way. These challenges are meant to test your strength and resolve, but you can and will conquer these tests like a pro. You are so naturally gifted, all you need to do is trust in yourself and your intuition to guide you through any seemingly sticky situation. These times can be very stressful, and rightfully so. But the best thing you can do when you feel overwhelmed is to take a step back and de-stress. Do some self care rituals that make you feel good and call upon those who you know have your back and support your mission with unconditional love. Continue to find these kinds of people and create your own amazing support team. Those who truly care for you and your well-being will always honor your boundaries. Learn to love those who ignore, push, or otherwise try to break your boundaries from a distance. Remember that their actions are never an attack on you, they only show how much they are hurting inside. Embody the energies of love and allow yourself to be a guiding light for those who may have lost their way and could use a reminder of where to go to move forward and heal themselves.
6. Purple - What to be proud of
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*Six of Wands
*Black Obsidian - Strength. Support during changes. Everyday stress relief. Clears negative energy.
*Following the path of another. Your path is being redirected to where it should be.
*You are Gifted - You are very intelligent and talented.
*Pegasus of Roses
*Trust - Leap into the unknown. Have faith and move forward. Believe you will fly.
Be proud of all the victories within your life, celebrate them with pride. You have overcome so much and you should be so proud of yourself for all of these accomplishments. It takes a great amount of strength to stand up for yourself and start following your own path, especially when you had been following someone else's path for a long time, thinking that was the way for you. You have transformed quite drastically, now trusting your intuition and the Universe as you begin to leap into the unknown. You know that wherever you end up, even though you cannot see it just yet, you will be better off because you are doing these things for yourself in pure self love. You should be proud of the many gifts that you possess, one of which being able to transmute any hard times that you have been through into experience for the next chapter of your life. You are constantly learning new skills and leveling up, always allowing yourself the room to learn even more. You have a naturally strong intuition and it does not take much to hone this skill of yours so long as you truly trust yourself. Be proud of your authentic truth that you are learning to thrive in.
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9/22 Strength – Panam Palmer
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In Game
Strength is the card of resilience. It is associated with determination, bravery and internal struggle. One must have dedication in order to overcome obstacles and reach one’s goal. Strength is about physical prowess and spiritual fortitude – the power that must be unleashed to achieve the impossible.
This location will be familiar if you've already met Panam, as this is where you first meet her in Rancho Coronado. The tarot mural is on the sidewall of the small building, which is right by the road.
Zodiac Sign : Leo
The tarot card Strength is given to the zodiac sign Leo for the symbolic strength they both share, the tarot card even carries the lion in depiction.
Misty’s Reading (After the Heist 1/2) - Upright
“Strength of will, discipline and courage will always be rewarded… but not necessarily at your destination” (see the reversed magician)
In Tarot
UPRIGHT: Strength, courage, persuasion, influence, compassion
REVERSED: Inner strength, self-doubt, low energy, raw emotion
In the Strength Tarot card, a woman gently strokes a lion on its forehead and jaw. Even though it is known for its ferociousness, the woman has tamed this wild beast with her calming, loving energy. The lion is a symbol of raw passions and desires, and in taming him, the woman shows that animal instinct and raw passion can be expressed in positive ways when inner strength and resilience are applied. She doesn’t use force or coercion; she channels her inner strength to subdue and subtly control the lion.
The woman wears a white robe, showing her purity of spirit, and a belt and crown of flowers that represent the fullest, most beautiful expression of nature. Over her head is the symbol of infinity, representing her infinite potential and wisdom.
The Strength card represents strength, determination, and power – like the Chariot. However, while the Chariot signifies outer strength and will, the Strength card speaks to the inner strength and the human spirit's ability to overcome any obstacle. Strength is about knowing you can endure life’s obstacles. You have great stamina and persistence, balanced with underlying patience and inner calm. You are committed to what you need to do, and you go about it in a way that shows your composure and maturity.
When the Strength Tarot card appears in a reading, you are fuelled by your inner strength, personal power, strong will and determination. You do not rule by trying to control others; you quietly influence and persuade. Others may underestimate your power because it is so ‘invisible’ – but you should see that as an advantage. You can control a situation without excessive, outward force. No one knows it’s you calling the shots.
Your strength gives you the confidence to overcome any growing fears, challenges or doubts. Feel the fear and do it anyway! If you have been going through a rough time and are burnt out or stressed, the Strength card encourages you to find the power within yourself to persevere. You have got what it takes to see this situation through to its eventual end. You’re a loyal friend and a solid supporter, willing to step up and be present when others are in need, and you might also feel compelled to hold space for someone who needs your strength and support.
The Strength card urges you to ‘tame’ your animal instincts, gut reactions, and raw emotions, and channel these initial responses constructively. It’s normal for feelings such as anger, rage, sadness, guilt or shame to arise in certain situations. However, it’s what you do with these emotions that makes all the difference. Now is a time when you need to be conscious of your instinctual urges and bring them into balance with the greater good. This is no time to act out in rage or hatred. Approach your situation from a place of forgiveness, love and compassion. Working with a therapist may also help you create coping strategies for what comes up.
When the reversed Strength card appears in a Tarot reading, tune in to your current levels of inner strength, confidence and self-belief. Are you overflowing with self-confidence, or are you depleted? And how can you bring these aspects back into balance?
If you have recently experienced a setback, you may be vulnerable and lacking in self-confidence. Know that your core strength will always be with you and now is as good a time as any to reconnect with this power. In fact, you may hold more strength and resilience than you give yourself credit for – so, be kind to yourself. You can also reinvigorate your self-assurance and self-esteem by collecting evidence from your past that proves you have what it takes to succeed and overcome these temporary challenges.
Check in on your energy levels right now. You may be sluggish, particularly if you have been dedicating yourself to serving others or have been pushing hard to achieve a goal. The reversed Strength card is your invitation to take stock and restore your energy levels by resting and withdrawing for a temporary period. It’s vital that you take care of yourself so you can take care of others.
In its shadow form, the reversed Strength card can signal that you are prone to explosive behaviour, lashing out at others and becoming aggressive. You may act without thinking and end up doing something you regret later. The key is not to repress the raw emotion, but to learn how to channel it so it won’t harm others or yourself. Seek a professional to help you better deal with these emotions.
Thank you so much @cybervesna​ for the polish traduction from the official guide book and its associations with the characters!
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wanderingmirror · 3 years
They kept him chained down within his own mind. The mask of being human always causing his anger to spike. Dean hid his rage behind smiles and attitude. But when Sam chose a demon over him, the room they had been in turned into an even greater mess. Archangels, Angels, and demons across the world could feel the wave of dark and golden grace. Ruby shivered and whimpered silently to herself while away from Sam.
Dean felt the rage overflow, he could not control himself as he searched for his human brother. Words are the nicest thing he could have with the She-demon.
When Lilith was slain, her blood opening the cage, Dean entered the room, a dark look in his eyes. Sam felt fear spike in his chest when he saw the darkened look coming from his brother’s eyes. The moment Ruby was in sight, the words died in Dean’s throat at what the She-demon manipulated his Sammy into doing. Ruby, fortunately for her, was only stabbed with the knife Dean had taken with him. Dean letting out a vicious roar as he did so. Sam shivered and the beings in the area did the same. As Lucifer came up from the cage he felt the vengeful, dark grace push against his own. He yelled and his wings fluttered. Dean looked over to the fallen angel, his eyes glowing a pure white.
“Abbas?” He said softly and moved closer to the human who should not have grace coming from his form. Dean twitched and felt the signs of a black out coming for him. Sam’s eyes widened when Dean’s rolled into the back of his head. Lucifer lounged for the elder Winchester as he collapsed, but he only caught air as both brothers vanished. Sam was the only one awake to see the old church get destroyed. Dean unconscious.
When the two brothers returned to Bobby’s, Dean fled into the panic room. Locking himself in and screaming in agony and rage. A long locked away secret clawing to get loose. To find their anchor. “LUCIFER! MICHEAL!” Dean screamed in Enochian. “GABRIEL!” His voice shaking the house entirely. The names of his brothers and his anchor sending shivers through Sam and Bobby’s spines. “Bobby what’s going on?!” Sam shouted as Dean’s wails got louder and louder. Bobby shrugged in terrified confusion. He scurried with the younger Winchester when the screams, worryingly, stopped. They found Dean laying limp on the wall farthest from the door. All of the Archangels shivered when the screams stopped.
Lucifer curled within the vessel he inhabited. “I hear you brother. I hear you.” He whispered with his grace nudging against the darkened grace surrounding his in a bond made long ago. His eyes sealed shut and his body shivering.
Sam and Bobby dug deep into the books and lore to figure out who Lucifer had called Dean, since the eldest Winchester refused to come out of the panic room to do so. “Castiel, can you come down here? We need your help.” Sam prayed and got an answer through the book before him being flipped and a page being turned to. Faded, but still legible. Abbas, Archangel of Judgement. Three pairs of wings, bronze, gold, and white. Dirty blonde hair and eyes the same as Dean’s.
Dean’s wails started up again. He wanted to be freed. He wanted to spread his wings, to reap judgement past due. His grace wanted to wrap around the grace of his anchor, to feel it cool and calm his own. And after four days of this cycle of quiet then chaos. Dean left the panic room in a daze. He leaned against the door frame as he walked to his and Sam’s shared room. Laying down and passing out. “Dean?” Sam asked softly when he woke to find Dean curled around him later on. Arms wrapped protectively and legs tangled with his. Dean just pulled the younger closer and encouraged him to sleep too.
The chase to find and reseal Lucifer was long. Castiel and the other angels tense and nervous around Dean when they were needed. Dean was quiet, hands itching to touch the remains of grace from his anchor only to find him long gone. Bond eerily quiet and cold. When they found Gabriel, the archangel froze. Eyes locking on Dean when he brushed his grace against that of Gabriel’s. The amber eyed male tearing up. He was then pulled into the arms of his big brother. Sobbing and pushing his grace into Dean’s, seeking comfort he hasn’t had in millions of centuries. Though the elder Winchester was surprised at first, he still soothed the other with his own. “You’re awake! I heard you! But they wouldn’t let me find you!”
Dean soothed Gabriel with soft words. Leaving Sam confused, bitch face in full swing. “De, start talking. Now.” Sam demanded as he crossed his arms. Dean gently nudging Gabriel into his side to rest. The three had sat down after Gabriel was finished checking Dean over. Dean was reluctant to talk about his angelic history. It being far to sore a subject that even Bobby was strictly in the dark. “If I had it my way, Sammy, I wouldn’t tell you shit.” Dean grumbled. He rubbed Gabriel’s back, between wings in severe need of grooming, as he thought how best to talk to Sam. “Well, I’d like to know how long this Abbas asshole has been with you. So, start from there.” Dean wanted to laugh. Sammy thought that Abbas was someone else entirely. When in reality, he and the archangel of judgment were one and the same.
“Sammy, here’s what you don’t seem to get. I am Abbas. Abbas is me. I’m, how you say, in my own personal prison. I never wanted to be human.” Dean said with no small amount of irritation. “Before, and even after the rebellion, I got a little too twitchy for the old man’s liking. So he and Death decided to seal what they didn’t like away. What better way to deal with an Archangel who just lost the one thing keeping them sane.” Dean’s mouth twitched in a humorless smile for a moment. Gabriel shivered when the short haired male decided to groom messy wings. Though Sam could not out right see the wings, Dean could.
It was common that Dean, while still with his brethren, would check the wings of fledglings and even the archangels. Grooming them like a mother hen. The others realized long ago that it reassured Dean they were still there. As many had disappeared suddenly over time. “That doesn’t explain everything. You damn well know that.” Sam stated and Dean did laugh then. “Yeah, I suppose you’re right. They bound me in a human form, many human forms actually. Gotta move with the times right? I constantly had to grow back up. Lived with different human parents.” Dean shrugged at the horrified expression on Sam’s face.
“Then I was born in the Winchester household. As Dean Winchester. Eldest brother to you. I couldn’t access my grace back then. To save Mary. She was actually a mother I wanted to grow up with. To make proud.” Dean sighed with grief. “But, seems Azazel had other plans. And I got raised differently. Well, I didn’t get raised. I raised you and grew up being a parent instead of a child. Didn’t mind since I’d had children in my past lives.” Dean smiled fondly at those memories. Gabriel purring in his lap.
The other archangel had moved to nuzzle under his brother’s neck. Laying chest to chest to give Dean better access to his wings. Dean sat the feathers on the floor next to the couch after they either fell or were pulled. Sam found it both very cute and oddly enough didn’t seem bothered that the smaller archangel was curled like a cat against his brother. But then again, he had seen weirder. Dean grumbled when he found things within the wings, muttering about washing them later.
Dean felt his own wings flutter at the thought of bathing. His own grace shivering in quiet excitement that did nothing to pull Gabriel from his sleep. Dean poked the bond connecting him to his anchor, scowling when he found the bond was still icy and silent. “Who’s your bond with, Dean?” Sam asked after Dean gently kissed the side of Gabriel’s head. The smaller angel nuzzling subconsciously. “Lucifer. I did mention that I was going insane after his fall, ya know.” Dean arched a brow when Sam choked on his own spit at the declaration. Sam looked at Dean like he had two heads after that. Watching as the elder Winchester picked the archangel up and started for what he assumed was the bathroom.
Sam didn’t follow. Something Dean was grateful for, as he wasn’t keen on letting the giant of a man see his baby brother naked. To Dean, it’s like looking at your children. He raised the younger angels and Archangels after they were created. And once Lucifer and Micheal were old enough they helped him raised the others. Dean snorted while getting the water warm. Gabriel was always with Lucifer, both having tricks and pranks to dish out. Never against Dean though, as he could do much worse than them.
Micheal learned fighting styles and other more warrior like things from Dean. Always copying the elder Archangel, Dean pretending he didn’t see the boy as he trained beside him. Rafael was raised into books, and much to his delight, Dean always had stories to tell or books to help him learn. While he did have their father’s wisdom and knowledge, it was Dean who helped him channel it. As time went on, Dean and Lucifer fell for the other. The elder of the two seemingly calming down from his more destructive habits. Much to the annoyance of their Aunt Amara. Dean snorted again as he sat Gabriel in the bath, his wings spread out over the edges so Dean could reach them. Dean hummed softly, it sounded like a far away church organ. Gabriel purred as he woke up, blinking sleepily as he caught Dean humming in his more angelic voice.
“You still sound beautiful, big bro.” He said softly, earning a chuckle as he shuttered his eyes. Dean kept humming. While he was by no means a choir angel, he still could sing. Baritone was his most used tone. It rumbled deep in his chest and caused the fledglings and younger angels to giggle. It also calmed down the Seraphs after a day of battle. Gabriel made a small sound of relief when he felt the debris leave his wings under the spray. He hadn’t paid much attention to his wings after Abbas was sealed away and Lucifer was cast out of heaven. “And you wonder where the youngling Choir angels got it from.” Gabriel teased and made a large exhale as his oil glands were cleared. Dean snorted at the memory of having little choir angels trying to sing with him. They couldn’t keep a tune for long but they got better with time and patience. Patience, the angel race found, was ever present for them alone.
Dean scowled a bit, remembering how he got twitchy after their father created the humans. Lucifer had the mark containing Aunt Amara at the time. So the twitchy attitude Dean had at the time was thought to be understandable. It wasn’t until Lucifer snapped that Abbas felt the tugs to cast judgment upon the humans. He even felt the urge from Lucifer from time to time to do it. Though the younger archangel tried to hide it from him. Their father realized that Abbas wasn’t handling the new creations as well as he did with the angels. Lucifer being cast down was only the icing on the cake after that. Since the Archangel had no way of keeping a calm and rational mental state.
So much like Aunt Amara, Abbas was sealed in a different type of cage. “You’re brooding again.” Gabriel mumbled sleepily, getting wing massages and bathes were lulling the youngest Archangel to deep sleep again. Dean smiled softly as he emptied the tub, pulled Gabriel into a warm towel, and dried the man off. He walked to Gabriel’s room and found warm fluffy clothes to wrap his brother in. Along with boxers, Dean clothed his brother and put him to bed. “You really do have the mindset of a mom.” Sam snickered, quietly laughing when Dean turned a half hearted glare onto him. “Well when you have nothing else to do but be a parent to your younger siblings, it tends to stick.” Dean responded with no heat, Sam still felt a little guilty for not trying harder to be a better brother. Dean huffed a breath, he twitched his wings as he walked. He couldn’t do anything more than twitch them, they were bound by holy leather to his back. All three sets.
Dean rolled his neck and popped it, grunting softly. It would be a long time before he could rid himself from these straps. Since no one but his bonded, who was still missing, or Micheal, who he hasn’t seen in millennium, could cut them off. Dean had tried ridding himself of them, but all it did was tighten the straps to his back. The blonde felt a growl well up in his chest, felt his darkened grace lash out at forces that were no longer within his reach to feel. With his grace locked and his wings restrained, the calls to cast Judgment were few and far in between. Sam had gone to bed, Gabriel had remained asleep still. Dean didn’t feel the need to rest. He poked at the bond, quiet still, but warming up. Dean smiled softly in quiet relief that his anchor didn’t feel he had to block Dean from him. Even if it was only to give the sense of safe-alive-home that Dean really needed.
“I’ll find you, beloved. Neither Father nor Death will keep me from you.” Dean muttered with a steadfast promise. And somewhere in the world, Chuck shivered, knowing full well that Abbas would keep that promise.
Elsewhere, Lucifer was in hell. Dealing with things that had gone down while he was away. Feeling the constant pokes and prods of his Archangel of Judgement. Abbas was worried, and a small bit of anger. Lucifer knew damn well why Abbas was angry. Being separated from his grace, from his wings, from their brothers, and from Lucifer himself. Abbas was twitchy even before they were separated. Lucifer gave Abbas a small bit of reassurance, and felt the anger and worry ease into something he was sure Abbas could now manage. The darkened grace almost having a purr of its own now that Lucifer has acknowledged its owner. Lucifer can’t meet with Abbas now, in his mind Lucifer isn’t ready to see him again. But feeling his Archangel through the bond was enough to reassure him that Abbas still loved him.
As the demons around him moved, Lucifer allowed his wings to brush against the walls and the pillars of the throne room. None of the others understood what their lord was doing, nor did they need to. Lucifer stretched his wings, feeling the pops and cracks of disuse leave. With a sigh, Lucifer vanished to the surface to explore. Trying to get an idea of where his Archangel was. However, the shift in placement told Abbas where Lucifer was anyway. Lucifer was sure of that. It didn’t take much for Abbas to figure out where Lucifer was when the bond they had formed so long ago was so strong. But the younger Archangel knew that, without his wings the Archangel of Judgement could not fly to him. Something Lucifer was sure Abbas was roaring internally about.
“Do you think he’ll let me see him soon?” Lucifer looked at the sky without the need to turn around. Rafael was there behind him. “Don’t count on it, Elder brother.” Rafael said simply as he felt the warmth of Abbas’ grace flow over them both. While the archangels could only move their grace at Will to things nearest them, Abbas could reach across the world if he needed. Judgement is passed to everyone, not just a few. “I say the old man will. He can’t keep Abs away from his anchor forever.” Lucifer snarked. “Besides, he doesn’t want Abs to cast judgment on his favorite toys too soon, right?” He snickered when Rafael’s eyes went wide before the other vanished to tell their brother. “Don’t have to wait too long, Abs. I’ll find you before he has the chance to try and control you.” Lucifer muttered as he vanished back to Hell.
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whenerosmetpsyche · 5 years
Pluto’s Pull
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Where Pluto lands in your natal chart is where your most unconscious security needs determine your decisions and actions. It represents the evolutionary soul past you come from. At your first Saturn return, Plutonian issues make themselves known by recreating themes from your earlier environment. Saturn’s return compels us to visit our earlier years so we can attempt to solve Pluto’s evolutionary puzzle in our lives. This is generally when the evolutionary intent of the soul collides with patterns from the past and we are challenged to break free or remain stuck in Pluto’s grip.
Transits to Pluto (or from Pluto) cause change by:
Emotional shock through loss or cataclysmic events (e.g., eviction, death, termination)
A perceived need for relationships to people, places, and subjects (e.g., sudden interest in spirituality, a specific country, an affair or fascination with a new friend)
Steady growth where a gradual release of old patterns and behaviors gives way to new opportunities and situations
Actualizing internal desires to become something beyond ourselves (e.g, the impetus to write a book, become a parent, or run for office).
Pluto transits are far more kind to those who have surfaced subconscious behaviors and are actively trying to integrate Pluto themes. Look to the opposite house and sign where Pluto lies in your chart to determine how to reconcile unconscious Pluto conditioning. 
Pluto in the natal chart
1st House: You are in every sense of the word a Plutonian person. You seek the truth and will face it, no matter how dark it appears. Over the years you have learned to hold back your true self to keep the peace; however in repressing your true intensity and leadership desires, a compulsion to manipulate and control others can manifest.
To evolve, look to your 7th house of relationships, partnerships, and diplomacy. Learn to connect to the rawness of others to become the kind of leader you are destined to be. 
2nd House: Security feels like life or death and an extreme desire to hold on to things, jobs, people, or situations that you have outgrown are ongoing themes. With Pluto in the 2nd you compulsively seek a kind of security that is insatiable, where the comforts of the material world are always tainted with a kind of inescapable scarcity. 
To evolve, let go of everything material, and embrace your inner strength. Open yourself to the soul-level vulnerability of the 8th house. You will find true security in your ability to walk away from the job you’re over-qualified for, your overflowing closet, and the friends who you’ve outgrown and embrace the unknown.
3rd House: Your perceptions tilt towards the taboo, the unseen. You refuse to play along with social niceties bereft of truth just to keep the peace. Rather, you are emotionally compelled to call out hypocrisy and conspiracy when you see it, but your intensity begins to take a toll. Your bleak lens upon humanity begins to turn you bitter and you miss out on the joie de vivre that is life.
To evolve, put your inner life into words. Open yourself up through healing conversation. Risk being known and accept that not everyone can see what you see. Once you reclaim your voice, you will lose the need for confrontation.
4th House: You are learning to derive security from within, a process that most likely started with your family when you realized they could not provide you with the emotional support you needed. Much of your emotional patterning is built upon prior life experience which you will initially attempt to resolve through others by alternating between domination and manipulation. When these actions fail to produce the security you seek, the 4th house Pluto native will learn to become more dependent upon themselves to meet their emotional needs. 
To evolve, take responsibility for your actions and reactions. By walking your life path with intention, you are able to gain ownership over your feeling nature, lessening your dependence on others. By fully feeling and questioning all of your emotions, you will learn how to control your emotional triggers and achieve the security you seek. 
5th House: You are here to creatively self-actualize yourself through projects, endeavors, and an elevated position in society. Your need for acknowledgement and validation feels endless and can become a source of neurosis if not met to the degree which you feel is congruent with your destiny. You often mistakenly believe to know the wants and needs of others, and are hurt when your generous efforts are gone unacknowledged.
To evolve, look for ways that your need to be exceptional and in the spotlight can translate into progress for the greater good. In learning to that you are a channel for creativity and not the sole source of it, the accolades you see seek will follow.
6th House: You are here to learn service to society, culture, and individuals. Along the way you are here to learn about humility and self-improvement through intense self-analysis. Your extraordinary insight is turned inward, and you are learning to see yourself clearly as part of a larger whole. Through this awareness, criticism is challenging for you to receive as you are constantly seeking to atone for your shortcomings. In not achieving the perfection you seek, you risk projecting your failures onto others or turning them inward resulting in procrastination and anxiety. Crisis brings these issues to light.
To evolve, you must seek connection to the divine. Once you feel that you are part of something larger than yourself, your work will become aligned with meaning. You learn to more clearly see relationships, to forgive yourself and others, and know true humility. Your life flows with the divine.
7th House: Through others, you are learning your own value and individuality within social contexts. Fundamentally Pluto in the 7th house is about equality in relationships --  and often through many of them. You instinctively listen and fulfill the needs of your partner and find comfort in meeting their needs. You risk losing yourself in relationship by giving so much that you leave little for yourself. Partnerships tend to be unequal or overly dependent leaving little room to grow. In extreme cases Pluto forces separation.
To evolve, learn when to give and when to not. Direct your own life decisions and create relationships that work for you. Learn how to fulfill your needs on your own, and do not give out of guilt or fear. 
8th House: You feel compelled to transcend the limits of yourself through money, sex, or the occult. Your subconscious death wish comes from a desire for transformative power, and you are constantly a catalyst through sex or psychological intimacy. Unchecked, you risk becoming overly manipulative and possessive in your vulnerability. Separation triggers rage against the little deaths you secretly set in motion. 
To evolve, look towards the stability of the 2nd house to fulfill your inner needs. In learning to transform yourself through personal growth and fulfillment, you meet others who will want to transform with you, rather than through you. Honor your power by surfacing what’s unsaid, taboo, the hidden -- the extremities of life. You are here to uncover the unseen forces of truth.
9th House: You seek out the reasons behind our connection to the larger forces sensed in the 8th house and seek to explain them, but often lack the words. You feel alienated from your own culture, rootless, and instead consider yourself a citizen of the world in search for deeper meaning. Your intuition is strong and spiritual -- a placement you share with leaders like Nostradamus, Jesus, and Kahlil Gibran, but you have difficulty trusting in it as sometimes you confuse it with your inner desire. In your search for grounding, you may hold fast to beliefs or philosophies that you feel necessary to convert others to in search of your own emotional security. Misunderstood by many, you tend to seek out only those who share your vision.
To evolve, learn how to communicate your vision into words others can understand. Share your message. Remain open to the views, philosophies and opinions of others and learn that there are many paths to wisdom. In doing so, you will find your place in the cosmic order.
10th House: Like all cardinal houses, Pluto in the 10th represents the start of a new cycle. You determine your individuality through your status in society. You have mastered the hierarchical structures in place and continue to climb the ladder until you reach the top. In your ambition, you may have manipulated and played unfairly in your quest for success, rejecting your internal morals and values in exchange for status. You risk over-identifying with your career, or worse, becoming despotic in your desire for power and control. 
To evolve, find an outlet other than career and status to identify with. Once you are able to accept that even if everything is taken from you, you will still be okay, your block towards a rewarding life and career you love will fall away.
11th House: You long to be free of the confines of society who arbitrarily dictates who and what you should be. Internally, you have a deep sense of being completely different from the people around you. Your destiny is to be innovative, rebellious, even revolutionary. In finding your way, you risk migrating so far out on the fringes of society that you drop out all together. In extreme cases, 11th house Pluto natives may attempt to vindictively destroy existing systems becoming anti-social outlaws. Others may reject individuality altogether and instead cling to the status quo, further reinforcing a feeling of disconnection. 
To evolve, sever attachments that prevent personal growth and objectivity through the blows of life. The fixed nature of the 11th house struggles with change which conflicts with your misfit identity than desires acceptance. Rather than resist and resent mainstream society, your task is to identify that which makes you unique and seek out kinship in this process. You are meant to leave the past behind and innovate a new way of doing things.
12th House: You have the unique ability to spiritualize all aspects of your life. In the 12th Piscean house, you sense that the source of life is continually in development and your connection to that sources is boundless. In your quest to understand this part of yourself, you feel as if you are standing on the edge of the known world where you fear you could easily slide into unknown depths, unable to return. Often you find yourself paralyzed with fear, afraid to move in either direction. In a desperate search for control, you may over-identify with a specific egocentric aspect of yourself as a way to avoid Pluto’s disintegration of the self. In rejecting your soul’s evolutionary pull, you risk living in a fantasy world in a quest to find a life with meaning. 
To evolve, plunge into the abyss. You are here to learn faith, to surrender to a higher power, and to let go of the illusion of the ego. Until you completely surrender to this power, a continuing cycle of crisis will repeatedly pull you towards ego release. With every cycle, you will stumble upon more realizations that will lead you towards spiritual guidance. 
Inspired by Jeff Green and Steven Forrest.
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baby-hyena · 4 years
too drunk to remember | a KHSxJJH Fanfic (AU)
Hello, moots! I missed writing so here’s a short fic before I write a long one. Haha. 🤭 This is a request AU fic of my unnie-yah kdramaxfeels on Twitter. This is all her idea, I just wrote it down. Hehe, love you unnie! <3
Summary: Kim Hye Soo is a young actress who starred in a drama with her sunbae Ju Ji Hoon. Set during the Baeksang Arts Awards.
“The next actress to walk the red carpet is the promising actress Kim Hye Soo. She starred in a drama together with her sunbaenim Ju Ji Hoon which has become one of the highest rated dramas in SBS channel. Kim Hye Soo-ssi, please smile at the camera. Yes, thank you.”
Hye Soo poses at the cameras in front of her. Her midnight blue strapless dress perfectly hugs her curves. She chooses to cover her shoulders with a white oversized coat because she gets conscious with her body sometimes. Her long necklaces and a little sparkle underneath her eyes made her look exquisite. Her dress was so simple, but it made her stand out in the sea of flashy and glamorous suits and gowns.
“Omo, the next actor on the red carpet is a really handsome actor. I’m sure everyone loves him and his overflowing charisma can soften every woman’s heart. He’s one of the well-loved actors in the industry right now. Let’s welcome, actor Ju Ji Hoon! Ju Ji Hoon-ssi, please smile at the camera. Yes, thank you.”
Ji Hoon smirks at the camera as he twitches the button of his sleeve. He confidently poses with his perfectly tailored black suit. Matching it with a tie and brooch pin, he perfectly resembles a king who’s on his way to his throne. Now all he needs to do is to wait for his award as Best Actor. He points his forefinger to the camera as his lips tweaks to the side before heading inside the hall.
“Congratulations for winning the Best New Actress Award...” the presenter opens the envelope, “Kim Hye Soo-ssi!” The camera shifted to Hye Soo as she shyly covers her mouth to hide her astonishment. Everyone applaud and cheered for her. Ji Hoon, who’s sitting beside her stood up while smiling and clapping. He opens up his arms to offer her a hug which she gladly accepts. The crowd went wild at the two.
Hye Soo composes herself and gracefully walks towards the stage. That moment, she thought she’d be blinded by the lights on stage, good thing she kept her balance and composure. Her heart was beating fast as she walks to claim her prize. When she settles in front of the mic, she musters her courage and confidence to speak without stuttering. She didn’t want to ruin this moment.
“Hello, I hope we’re all hanging out well with that physical distance,” she chuckles, nervously but careful not to let it show, she sighs before speaking again. “First, I’d like to thank our PD and writer-nim,” she smiles, “Also our staff who worked hard for our drama. This wouldn’t be possible without you guys. Thank you for being supportive and for motivating me. And lastly, I’d like to thank my Ji Hoon sunbaenim. This wouldn’t be possible without you, sunbae. Thank you for the snacks and words of wisdom. My Jung Geum Ja character will always be my favourite not just because she’s unique but also because she was loved by you. Saranghaeyo, Yoon Hee Jae-ssi.” Hye Soo smiles sweetly at Ji Hoon which is caught by the camera.
That night they were the camera’s favourite. The fans were delighted.
“The Best Actor award goes to...” the presenter opens the envelope, “Ju Ji Hoon-sii!! Congratulations!” The camera settles at Ji Hoon. He smiles widely as he rises from his chair. Everyone around him stands up to congratulate him. Hye Soo smiles at him sweetly while clapping.
Ji Hoon confidently walks towards the stage to get his award. It’s not his first best actor award but he’s kind of nervous because this award feels special to him. He felt it so much more when he held the trophy. When he’s about to make his speech, there’s a problem: there are two mic stands. He settles in the left side. The crowd laughed at his silliness.
“Ahh, I’m sorry I had a mini dilemma in choosing what mic to use,” he jokes, the crowd laughs, “I’d like to thank the PD and writer-nim for this brilliant drama they made. The staff who worked hard and the audience, who loved us, thank you so much. And of course, my one and only Jung Geum Ja who worked hard, this one’s for you,” he raises his trophy to show her and everyone said awww, “Yoon Hee Jae was the best because of you. Saranghae, Jung Geum Ja-ssi.” He gave her a finger heart.
That night won’t be the same for him. His speech might not be taken seriously by her, but inside him, he just declared his love for her.
“Are you coming to the after party?” Ji Hoon asks Hye Soo as they exit the hall together. Hye Soo glanced at him so he smiled. Thinking his charm might work on her.
“Of course, sunbae. We won so we deserve this party.” Hye Soo answers.
“Okay, I’ll see you then.” They parted ways to get in their own cars.
When he’s finally inside his car, Ji Hoon did some silly movements like stomping his feet and punching in the air just because of the thought that Hye Soo is coming at the party. His driver shook his head at his childishness. They went on their way to the party.
Arriving at the venue, Ji Hoon’s eyes went all over the place looking for Hye Soo. And when he found her, he frowned. She’s talking to Kim Jae-chul. His frown turns into a blank face. He suddenly wants to go home.
“Yoon Hee Jae!! Yoon Hee Jae!!” Jeon Seok Ho started shouting and the rest of the gang went on cheering his name. He shyly smiled at them as he glanced at Hye Soo who’s also smiling while looking at him.
They settled on their seats. He’s about to take the seat beside Hye Soo but he thought he’d give her space.
They were getting drunk and some of the gang went home already. Hye Soo made sure she’s sober so she can safely go home. But Ji Hoon was drunk already and he’s now talking non-stop. He’s sitting beside her, telling her jokes.
“What do you call an alligator in a vest?”
“An investigator.”
“How do we celebrities stay cool?”
“We have so many fans.”
She kept her poker face while looking at him, Ji Hoon pouts and looks away.
Hye Soo laughs at his expression, “I’m just teasing you, gosh.”
Ji Hoon looks at her as she laughs. He didn’t realize he was staring. Hye Soo got conscious and smiled at him timidly, “Is.. there something on my face?”
Ji Hoon blinks, he rests his face on his hand while looking at Hye Soo, “Nothing, I just think you’re beautiful.”
Hye Soo lets out a soft chuckle, “You’re drunk, sunbae.”
Ji Hoon looks away and takes another shot of soju, “Yeah, and we’ll probably be too drunk to remember this tomorrow. So, might as well tell you how I feel.”
Ji Hoon shrugs and looks at Hye Soo again. “I like you, Kim Hye Soo-ssi. I like you a lot.”
Hye Soo tried hard to hide her smile but she couldn’t, “You now, I’ll probably remember this forever.”
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manjushriwisdom · 4 years
Jigten Sumgön Life
By treasuryoflives.org [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
The glorious Phagmo Drupa had five hundred disciples who possessed the white umbrella, an honorary title; but, as he said again and again, his successor would be an upasaka who had attained the tenth level of a bodhisattva. This is the story of that successor, the peerless Great Lord Drigungpa, Jigten Sumgön.
Limitless kalpas ago, Jigten Sumgön was born as the Chakravartin Tsib­kyi Mukhyu (Wheel Rim), who was the father of a thousand princes. But then he renounced the kingdom, attained enlightenment, and was called the Tathagata Nagakulapradipa (Tib. Lurik Drönma). Although he had already attained enlightenment, he appeared later as the bodhisattva Kun­sang Wangkur Gyälpo. At the time of Buddha Kashyapa, he appeared as the potter Gakyong. At the time of Buddha Shakyamuni, he appeared as the Stainless Licchavi, who was inseparable from the Buddha himself. Later, he was born as Acharya Nagarjuna. Through all these births, he ben­efited the Buddha’s teachings and countless sentient beings.
Then, so that the essence of the Buddha’s teachings might flourish, Jig­ten Sumgön was born into a noble family in Tibet in 1143. His father was Naljorpa Dorje, a great practitioner of Yamantaka, and his mother was Rakshisa Tsünma. Many marvelous signs accompanied the birth. Jigten Sumgön learned the teachings of Yamantaka from his father, and by the age of four became expert in reading and writing. From his uncle, the Abbot Darma, the great Radreng Gomchen, the Reverend Khorwa Lungkhyer, and others, he learned many sutras and tantras. At that time, he was called Tsunpa Kyab and later, Dorje Päl.
Jigten Sumgön’s coming was predicted in many sutras, tantras, and ter­mas. For example, in the Yeshe Yongsu Gyepai Do (Completely Expanded Wisdom Sutra) it is said: “In the northern snow ranges will appear a being called Ratna Shri. He will benefit my teachings and be renowned in the three worlds.” In the Gongdü (Quintessential Sublime Vision) it is said: “At a place called Dri, the Source of the Dharma, Ratna Shri will appear in the year of the Pig. He will gather a hundred thousand fully ordained monks. After that he will go to the Abhirati (Tib. Ngönga) buddhafield. He will be called Stainless White Sugata and have a large retinue.” In the Gyälpo Kaithang it is said: “Northeast of glorious Samye, at a place called Drigung, the source of the Dharma, the Lord-King Trisong Detsän will be born in the year of the Pig as the sugata Ratna Shri. He will gather a hundred thousand bodhisattvas. He will go to the Abhirati buddhafield and be called Stainless White Sugata. In that buddhafield, he will become the fully perfected king, the perfected Dharma teacher.” Thus, his coming was clearly predicted.
When Jigten Sumgön was still young, his father passed away. His fam­ily’s fortunes declined, so he had to support his family by reading scriptures. Once he was offered a goat. As he led it away, it tried to break loose; he pulled back, but the goat dragged him for a short distance and he left his footprints in the rock. When he was eight, he had a vision of Yamantaka. On another occasion, while meditating at Tsib Lungmoche, he saw all the phenomena of samsara and nirvana as insubstantial, like a reflection in a mirror. Even when he was in Kham he was renowned as a yogin.
Jigten Sumgön realized the practices of mahamudra and luminosity, and in his sleep he visited the Arakta Padma buddhafield. As mentioned earlier, from the great Radreng Gomchen he learned all the teachings of the Kadam tradition. From Lama Lhopa Dorje Nyingpo he received the teachings of Guhyasamaja and others. Once when there was a drought in Kham, he took the food offered to him as a fee for his reading and distributed it to those who were starving. Thus, he saved many lives.
Many important people began to approach Jigten Sumgön for teach­ings. One, Gönda Pandita, who came from Central Tibet, told him about Phagmo Drupa. Just by hearing the name of that being, Jigten Sumgön’s mind quivered like the leaves of a kengshu tree blown by the wind. Endur­ing great hardship, he traveled from Kham to Central Tibet. A rainbow stretched the length of his journey, and the protector Dorje Lekpa took the forms of a rabbit and a child and attended him, looking after his needs. When he came to the dangerous, rocky path of Kyere, a natural formation of the six-syllable mantra transformed itself into a vision of the face of Phagmo Drupa.
Jigten Sumgön traveled day and night. On the way, he met a woman and man who said, “We have come from Phagmo Dru.” Seeing them as the guru’s emanations, he prostrated to them. He arrived at the Phagdru Monastery at midnight, and a Khampa invited him inside. When he met Phagmo Drupa, the guru said, “Now, all of my disciples are present.” Jig­ten Sumgön then offered his teacher a bolt of silk, a bolt of plain cloth, and his horse. Phagmo Drupa refused the horse, explaining that he did not accept offerings of animals. Jigten Sumgön also offered a bag of food, which Phagmo Drupa used to perform a feast offering to Chakrasamvara. Then Phagmo Drupa gave Jigten Sumgön the twofold bodhisattva vow and the name Bodhisattva Ratna Shri. As one vessel fills another, Phagmo Drupa gave Jigten Sumgön all the teachings of sutra and tantra.
At that time, there lived a woman who was an emanation of Vajrayogini. Phagmo Drupa suggested to Taklung Thangpa that he stay with her; but Taklung Thangpa, not wishing to give up his monk’s vows, refused, and shortly afterward the emanation passed away. Lingje Repa then fashioned a cup from the woman’s skull. This made him late for an assembly, and the food offerings had already been distributed by the time he arrived. Tak­ing the skull cup, he circulated among the monks, receiving offerings of food from each. The monks gave only small portions, but Phagmo Drupa gave a large amount, filling the skull cup completely. Jigten Sumgön gave even more, forming a mound of food which covered the skull cup like an umbrella. Lingje Repa then walked again through the assembly, and as he walked he spontaneously composed and sang a song of praise in twenty verses. Finally, he stopped in front of Jigten Sumgön, offering the food and the song to him.
One day, Phagmo Drupa wanted to see if any special signs would arise concerning his three closest disciples, so he gave each of them a foot of red cloth with which to make a meditation hat. Taklung Thangpa used only what he had. Lingje Repa added a piece of cotton cloth to the front of his hat, and Jigten Sumgön added a second foot of cloth to his, making it much larger. This was considered very auspicious. On another occasion, Phagmo Drupa called Jigten Sumgön and Taklung Thangpa and said, “I think that the Tsangpo River is overflowing today. Please go and see.” Both disciples saw the river following its normal course, and returned; but Jigten Sumgön, thinking there was some purpose in the guru’s question, told him, “The river has overflowed, and Central Tibet and Kham are now both under water.” This foretold the flourishing of Jigten Sumgön’s activities, and he became known as a master of interdependent origination.
At this time, in accordance with the prediction made by Phagmo Drupa, Jigten Sumgön still held only the vows of an upasaka. One day, Phagmo Drupa asked him to remain behind after the assembly and instructed him to sit in the seven-point posture of Vairochana. Touching him on his head, throat, and heart centers, he said om, ah, hung three times and told him, “You will be a great meditator, and I will rejoice.”
Jigten Sumgön attended Phagmo Drupa for two years and six months. During that time, he received all of his guru’s teachings and was told that he would be his successor. At the time of Phagmo Drupa’s parinirvana, a radi­ant five-pronged golden vajra emanated from his heart center and dissolved into the heart center of Jigten Sumgön; this was seen by the other disciples. Jigten Sumgön then gave all his belongings to benefit the monastery and to help build the memorial stupa for his guru.
After this, he met many other teachers. From Dakpo Gomtsul he received the four yogas of mahamudra. A patroness then promised him provisions for three years, and Jigten Sumgön, earnestly wishing to practice the teachings he had received, retired to Echung Cave to meditate. In those three years, he gained a rough understanding of the outer, inner, and secret aspects of interdependent origination. He then realized that the cause of wandering in samsara is the difficulty wind has in entering the channels, and so he practiced moving the wind, saw many buddhas and bodhisattvas face to face, and had visions of his mind purifying the six realms. Then he went on a pilgrimage to Phagdru and other holy places.
On his return to Echung Cave, he practiced with one-pointed mind. In the same way that Mara arose as obstacles to Lord Buddha at the time of his enlightenment, and the Five Sisters and others tried to hinder Mila­repa, the final fruition of Jigten Sumgön’s karma then arose, and he con­tracted leprosy. Becoming intensely depressed, he thought, “Now I should die in this solitary place and transfer my consciousness.” He prostrated to an image of Avalokiteshvara that had been blessed many times by Phagmo Drupa. At the first prostration, he thought, “Among sentient beings, I am the worst.” At the second, he thought, “I have all the teachings of my guru, including the instructions of bardo and the transference of consciousness, and need have no fear of death.” Then, remembering that other beings didn’t have these teachings, he sat down and generated profoundly compassionate thoughts toward others. His sickness left him, like clouds blown away from the sun, and at that moment he attained buddhahood. He had practiced at the Echung cave for seven years.
Shortly after this, he had a vision of the seven Taras. Because he had a full understanding of interdependent origination, and had realized the unity of discipline and mahamudra, he took the vows of a fully ordained monk. From this time on, Jigten Sumgön did not eat meat. As he had already been named Phagmo Drupa’s successor, the chief monks of his guru’s monastery invited him to return.
After taking the abbot’s seat at the monastery, Jigten Sumgön insisted on a strict observance of monastic discipline. One day, some monks said, “We are the ‘nephews’ of Milarepa and should be allowed to drink chang.” Say­ing this, they drank. When Jigten Sumgön admonished them, they replied, “You yourself should keep the discipline of not harming others.” Phagmo Drupa then appeared in a vision to Jigten Sumgön and said to him, “Leave this old, silken seat and go to the north. There you will benefit many sentient beings.”
Jigten Sumgön went north and, on the way, at Nyenchen Thanglha, he was greeted by the protector of that place. At Namra, a spirit king and his retinue took the upasaka vow from him, and Jigten Sumgön left one of his footprints behind as an object of devotion for them. He gave meditation instructions to vultures flying overhead, and they practiced according to those teachings. Once, at a word from Jigten Sumgön, a horse that was run­ning away returned to him. He also sent an emanation of himself to Bodh Gaya to pacify a war begun by Duruka tribesmen.
On another occasion, at Dam, he gave teachings to a large gathering and received many offerings. At the end of a day which had seemed very long, he told the crowd, “Now go immediately to your homes,” and suddenly it was just before dawn of the next day. To finish his talk, Jigten Sumgön had stopped the sun. When he was at Namra Mountain, Brahma, the king of the gods, requested the vast and profound teachings. On the way to Drigung, the great god Barlha received him. The children of Dzänthang built a throne for Jigten Sumgön, and he sat there and instructed the people of that town. Even the water, which has no mind, listened to his teachings and made the sound “Nagarjuna.”
Then he came to Drigung Thil. In his thirty-seventh year, he established Drigung Jangchub Ling and appointed Pön Gompa Dorje Senge as supervi­sor for the construction of the monastery. Many monks gathered there and enjoyed the rainfall of profound Dharma.
In Tibet, there are nine great protectors of the Dharma. Among them, Barlha, Sogra, Chuphen Luwang, Terdrom Menmo, and Namgyäl Karpo bowed down at Jigten Sumgön’s feet, took the upasaka vow, and promised to protect the teachings and practitioners of the Drigung lineage.
At one time, water was very scarce in Drigung. Jigten Sumgön gave 108 pieces of turquoise to his attendant, Rinchen Drak, with instructions to hide them in various places. Rinchen Drak hid all but one, which he kept for himself and put in his robe. The pieces he hid became sources of water, and the one he kept turned into a frog. Startled, he threw it away, and in falling it became blind in one eye. Where the frog landed, a stream called “Blind Spring” arose. Most of the streams were dried up by fire when Dri­gung Thil was destroyed around the end of the thirteenth century, but some still remain.
Twice a month, on the new and full moons, Jigten Sumgön and his monks observed a purification ceremony called sojong. Once some monks arrived late, and Jigten Sumgön decided to discontinue the practice, but Brahma requested him to maintain that tradition, and he agreed.
Jigten Sumgön continued to look after his old monastery at Phagdru, Dänsa Thil. Once when he was at Daklha Gampo, Gampopa’s seat, dakinis brought an assembly of 2,800 yidams on a net of horsehair and presented them to him. To memorialize Phagmo Drupa, he built an auspicious stupa of many doors, and placed images of those yidams inside compartments, with a door for each of them. The tradition of building stupas of this type origi­nated from this. While he was visiting Daklha Gampo, light rays streamed forth from Gampopa’s image, merging inseparably with Jigten Sumgön, and he attained both the ordinary and extraordinary siddhis of the treasure of space. In a vision, he met with Ananda and discussed the teachings.
Once Lama Shang said, “This year, the dakinis of Oddiyana will come to invite me and the Great Drigungpa to join them. He is a master of interde­pendent origination and won’t have to go there, but I should go.” Soon after this, the dakinis came for him and he passed away; but when they came to invite Jigten Sumgön, he refused to go, and the dakinis changed their prayer of invitation to a supplication for the guru’s longevity. Then all the dakas and dakinis made offerings to him and promised to guide his disciples.
Jigten Sumgön had many important students. Among them, the leaders of the philosophers were the two Che-ngas, the great abbot Gurawa, Nyö Gyälwa Lhanangpa, Gar Chöding, Pälchen Chöye, Drupthob Nyakse, and the two Tsang-tsangs. The foremost vinaya holders were Thakma Düldzin and Dakpo Düldzin. The Kadampa geshe was Kyo Dorje Nyingpo. Among the translators were Nup, Phakpa, and others. The leaders of the tantrikas were Tre and Ngok. The leaders of the yogins were Düdsi, Bälpu, and others. When Jigten Sumgön taught, rainbows appeared and gods rained flowers from the sky. Machen Pomra and other protectors listened to his teachings, and the kings of Tibet, India, and China were greatly devoted to him. At this time, Jigten Sumgön had 55,525 followers. To feed this ocean of dis­ciples, Matrö, the king of the nagas and the source of all the wealth of Jam­budvipa, acted as patron for the monastery.
Near Drigung Thil there was a rock called Lion Shoulder, which Jigten Sumgön saw as the mandala of Chakrasamvara. He established a monastery there and, to spread the teachings and benefit sentient beings, built another auspicious stupa of many doors using a special method. He also repaired Samye Monastery.
Jigten Sumgön’s main yidam practice was the Chakrasamvara of Five Deities, and he sometimes manifested in that form in order to work with those who were difficult to train. When a war began in Minyak in East­ern Tibet, he protected the people there through his miracle power. The number of his disciples increased to 70,000. Many of the brightest of these attained enlightenment in one lifetime, while those of lesser intelligence attained various bhumis, and everyone else realized at least the nature of his or her own mind.
In one of the predictions about Jigten Sumgön it was said, “A hundred thousand incarnate great beings, tulku, will gather.” Here, “tulku” meant that they would be monks and have perfect discipline, and “great beings” meant that they would all be bodhisattvas. In other life stories, it is said that in an instant Jigten Sumgön visited all the buddhafields, saw buddhas such as Amitabha and Akshobhya, and listened to their teachings. Jigten Sumgön himself said that whoever so much as heard his name and had the chance to go to Layel in Drigung would be freed from birth in the lower realms, and that whoever supplicated him—whether from near or far away—would be blessed, and his or her meditation would grow more firm. He also said that all sentient beings living in the mountains of Drigung, even the ants, would not be born again in lower realms.
From the essence of the instructions of sutra and tantra, Jigten Sumgön gave teachings which were compiled by his disciple Che-nga Sherab Jungne into a text called Gong Chig, which has 150 vajra statements and 40 addi­tional verses in an appendix.
A naga king named Meltro Zichen once went to Drigung for teachings. Jigten Sumgön sent a message to his disciples to remain in seclusion so that those with miracle power would not harm the naga, and those without such power would not be harmed themselves. The message was given to everyone but the Mahasiddha Gar Dampa, who was in meditation in the depths of a long cave. When the naga arrived, he made a loud noise which was heard even by Gar Dampa. He came out to see what was happening and saw a frightening, dark blue snake whose length circled the monastery three times and whose head looked in at the window of Jigten Sumgön’s palace. With­out examining the situation, he thought that the naga was there to harm his guru, so he manifested as a giant garuda which chased the naga away. At Rölpa Trang, there is a smooth and clear print left by the naga, and at Dermo Mik there is a very clear claw mark left by the garuda when it landed on a rock. Near the river of Khyung-ngar Gel there are marks left by both the garuda and the naga.
A Sri Lankan arhat, a follower of the Buddha, once heard that Maha­pandita Shakya Shri Bhadra was going to Tibet, and he gave that teacher’s brother a white lotus, asking that he give it to the Mahapandita to give to Nagarjuna in Tibet. When Shakya Shri Bhadra arrived in Tibet, he ordained many monks, but didn’t know where to find Nagarjuna. When giving ordination, he would usually distribute robes, but once, when an ordinary disciple of Jigten Sumgön approached him for ordination and asked for a robe, none were left. Nonetheless, he insisted strongly. One of Shakya Shri Bhadra’s attendants pushed him away and he fell, causing blood to come from his nose.
Before this, Shakya Shri Bhadra had been accustomed to seeing Tara in the morning when he recited the seven-branch prayer, but for six days after this incident she didn’t show herself. Then, on the seventh day, she appeared with her back turned to him. “What have I done wrong?” he asked her. “Your attendant beat a disciple of Nagarjuna,” she replied, “and brought blood from his nose.” When he asked how he could purify this misdeed, Tara told him, “Make as many Dharma robes as you have years, and offer them to fully ordained monks who have no robes.” Shakya Shri Bhadra then searched for the monk who had been turned away. When he found him, and learned the name of his teacher, he realized that Jigten Sumgön was Nagarjuna’s incarnation. So he sent one of his attendants to offer the white lotus to Jigten Sumgön. In return, Jigten Sumgön sent many offerings of his own and asked that Shakya Shri Bhadra visit Drigung, but the Mahapandita could not go there, though he sent many verses of praise. Because Nagarjuna had knowingly taken birth as Jigten Sumgön in order to dispel wrong views and was teaching at Drigung, Shakya Shri Bhadra saw that there was no need for him to go there.
At this time, many lesser panditas were visiting Tibet. One of them, Vibhuti Chandra, said, “Let us talk with the Kadampas; the followers of mahamudra tell lies.” Shakya Shri Bhadra replied, “Because Jigten Sumgön is a great teacher, you should now apologize for having said these things.” Vibhuti Chandra then went to Drigung, made a full apology, and con­structed an image of Chakrasamvara at Sinpori Mountain. He also trans­lated into Sanskrit one of Jigten Sumgön’s writings about the fivefold path of mahamudra, named Tsin-dha Mani.
One day, a great scholar named Dru Kyamo came to Drigung from Sakya to debate with Jigten Sumgön. When he saw the guru’s face he saw him as the Buddha himself, and his two chief disciples—Che-nga Sherab Jungne and Che-nga Drakpa Jungne—as Shariputra and Maudgalyayana. There was no way he could debate with Jigten Sumgön after this. His devotion blossomed fully, and he became one of Jigten Sumgön’s principal disciples. Later, he was called Ngorje Repa and wrote a text called Thegchen Tenpai Nyingpo as a commentary on Jigten Sumgön’s teachings.
The number of Jigten Sumgön’s disciples continued to increase. At one rainy season retreat, 100,000 morality sticks were distributed to count the monks attending. Not long after that, 2,700 monks were sent to Lapchi, and equal numbers were sent to Tsari and Mount Kailash, but by the next year 130,000 monks had again gathered at Drigung.
Karmapa Düsum Khyenpa once came to Drigung after visiting Dak­lha Gampo. At Bam Thang, Jigten Sumgön and his disciples received him warmly. At that time, the Karmapa saw Jigten Sumgön as the Buddha and his two chief disciples as Shariputra and Maudgalyayana, surrounded by arhats. When they returned to the main assembly hall, the Serkhang, the Karmapa again saw Jigten Sumgön as the Buddha, with his two disciples appearing as Maitreya and Manjushri, surrounded by bodhisattvas. Thus, Düsum Khyenpa showed great devotion and received many teachings. He also saw the entire area of Drigung as the mandala of Chakrasamvara.
The question arose of who would hold the lineage after Jigten Sumgön’s passing. Jigten Sumgön had confidence in many of his disciples, but had thought for a long time that the succession should pass to one of his family clan, the Drugyäl Kyura. Since he had been born in Kham, he sent one of his disciples, Pälchen Shri Phukpa, there to teach his family members. Dis­playing miracle power and proclaiming his guru’s reputation, Pälchen Shri Phukpa taught Jigten Sumgön’s uncle Könchog Rinchen and his uncle’s son Anye Atrak and grandsons. Their minds became attracted to the teachings, and they moved to Central Tibet. Their stories are told in the Golden Rosary of the Drigung Kagyu.
One day Jigten Sumgön told his disciple Gar Chöding to go to the Soksam Bridge and offer a torma to the nagas living in the water. “You will receive special wealth,” he told him. A naga king named Sokma Me offered Gar Chöding a tooth of the Buddha and three special gems. Generally, it is said that this tooth had been taken by the naga king Dradrok as an object of devotion. This was the same naga who usually lived in the area of Magadha but had access to Soksam by way of an underwater gate. Gar Chöding offered the tooth and gems to Jigten Sumgön, who said, “It is good to return wealth to its owner,” indicating that the tooth had once been his own. “As you are wealthy,” he continued, “you should make an image of me and put the tooth in its heart.” A skilled Chinese artisan was then invited to build the statue, and the tooth was enshrined there as a relic. Jigten Sumgön consecrated this statue hundreds of times. It was kept in the Serkhang and called Serkhang Chöje (Dharma Lord of Serkhang). Its power of blessing was regarded as being equal to that of Jigten Sumgön himself. It spoke to many shrine keepers, and to a lama named Dawa it taught the Six Dharmas of Naropa. Later, when Drigung was destroyed by fire, it was buried in the sand for protection. When the Drigung Kyabgön returned to rebuild the monastery, a search was made for the statue, which came out of the sand by itself, saying, “Here I am!” Thus, this image possessed great power. Gar Chöding made many other images of Jigten Sumgön at this time.
Jigten Sumgön had by then grown old and could not often travel to Dänsa Thil. He sent Che-nga Drakpa Jungne there as his Vajra Regent, and that disciple’s activities were very successful. Under the leadership of Pan­chen Guhya Gangpa, Jigten Sumgön sent 55,525 disciples to stay at Mount Kailash. Under Geshe Yakru Päldrak, 55,525 were sent to Lapchi. Under Dordzin Gowoche, 55,525 were sent to Tsari. Even at the time of Chungpo Dorje Drakpa, the fourth successor to Jigten Sumgön, there were 180,000 disciples at Drigung.
Once, Jigten Sumgön went to the Dorje Lhokar Cave at Tsa-uk. “This cave is too small,” he said, and stretched, causing the cave to expand and leaving the imprint of his clothes on the rock. Because the cave was dark, he pushed a stick through the rock, making a window. He then made shelves in the rock to hold his belongings. All of these can be seen very clearly. Jigten Sumgön also left many footprints in the four directions around the area of Drigung.
One day, Jigten Sumgön fell ill. Phagmo Drupa appeared to him in a vision and explained a yogic technique by means of which he became well again. Jigten Sumgön taught according to the needs of his disciples. To some, according to their disposition, he gave instructions in the practice of the Eight Herukas of the Nyingma tradition.
Toward the end of his life, he predicted a period of decline for the Dri­gung lineage. Taking a small stick that he used to clean his teeth, he planted it in the ground and said, “When this stick has reached a certain height,
I will return.” This foretold the coming of Gyälwa Kunga Rinchen. Jigten Sumgön asked Che-nga Sherab Jungne to be his successor, but the latter declined out of modesty. Then he asked the great abbot Gurawa Tsültrim Dorje, who agreed.
In order to encourage the lazy to apply themselves to the Dharma, Jigten Sumgön entered parinirvana at the age of seventy-five, in the year of the Fire Ox (1217). His body was cremated on the thirteenth day of the month of Vaishaka. Gods created clouds of offerings, and flowers rained down from the sky to the level of one’s knees. His skull was untouched by the fire, and his brain appeared as the mandala of the sixty-two deities of Chakrasamvara more clearly than if a skilled artist had painted it. His heart also was not touched by the fire and was found to have turned a golden color. Likewise, countless relics appeared.
After Jigten Sumgön’s passing, most of the funerary responsibilities were taken on by Che-nga Sherab Jungne, even though he had earlier declined the succession. He went to Lion Shoulder (Tib. Senge Phungpa) Moun­tain to view the mandala of Chakrasamvara, saw Jigten Sumgön there, and thought that he should build a memorial in that place. Jigten Sumgön then again appeared in a vision on the mountain of the Samadhi Cave and said to him, “Son, do as you wish, but also follow my intention.” Then he disappeared. Doing as he wished, Che-nga Sherab Jungne built an auspi­cious stupa of many doors called “Sage, Overpowerer of the Three Worlds.” In that stupa, he put Jigten Sumgön’s heart and many other relics. Follow­ing his guru’s intention, he built the stupa “Body-essence, Ornament of the World,” which was made of clay mixed with jewel dust, saffron, and various kinds of incense. In that stupa, he put Jigten Sumgön’s skull and brain, along with many other relics, including vinaya texts brought from India by Atisha, and the Hundred-Thousand-Stanza Prajñaparamita.
Jigten Sumgön now abides in the Eastern Great All-Pervading Bud­dhafield, surrounded by limitless numbers of disciples from this earth who died with strong devotion to him. When such people die, they are imme­diately born there. Jigten Sumgön places his hand on their heads, blessing them, and welcoming them there.
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wisdomrays · 5 years
Our minds naturally turn to the quality of schools and teachers when a new school year starts. But we should not be able to help thinking about it constantly since schooling is so vital a part of the making of human beings. A school may be considered as a laboratory in which an elixir is offered which can prevent or heal the ills of life, and teachers are the masters by whose skills and wisdom the elixir is prepared and administered.
The school is a place of learning, where everything related to this life and the next can be learnt. It can shed light on vital ideas and events and enable its students to understand their natural and human environment. It can also quickly open the way to unveiling the meaning of things and events, which leads man to wholeness of thought and contemplation. In essence the school is a kind of place of worship whose 'holy men' are teachers.
Good schools worthy of the name are pavilions of angels, which develop feelings of virtue in their pupils and lead them to achieve nobility of mind and spirit. As to the others, however soundly built they may appear, they are in fact ruins – they instil false ideas into their pupils, turning out monsters. Such schools are nests of snakes, and we should be consumed with shame that they are called places of learning.
The real teacher is one who sows the pure seed and preserves it. It is his duty to be occupied with what is good and wholesome, and to lead and guide the child in his or her life and in the face of all events. As it is in the school that life, flowing outside in so many different directions, acquires a stable character and identity, so too it is in the school that a child is cast in his or her true mould and attains to the mysteries of personality. Just as a wide, full river gains force as it flows in a narrow channel, so too, the flowing of life in undirected ways is channelled into unity by means of the school. In like manner, a fruit is a manifestation of unity growing out of the fruit-tree's diversity.
School is thought to be relevant only in a particular phase of life. However, it is much more than that. It is essentially the 'theatre' in which all the scattered things of the universe are displayed together. It provides its pupils with the possibilities of continuous reading and speaks even when it is silent. Because of that, although it seems to occupy one phase of life, actually the school dominates all times and events. Every pupil re-enacts during the rest of life what he or she has learnt at school and derives continuous influence therefrom. What is learned or acquired at school may either be imagination and aspirations, or specific skills and realities. But what is of importance here is that everything acquired must, in some mysterious way, be the key to closed doors, and a guidance to the ways to virtue.
Information rightly acquired at school and fully internalized by the self, is a means by which the individual rises beyond the clouds of this gross world of matter and reaches to the borders of eternity. Information not fully internalized by the self is no more than a burden loaded upon the pupil's back. It is a burden of responsibility on its owner, and a devil which confuses the mind. That kind of information which has been memorized but not fully digested does not provide light to the mind and elevation to the spirit, but remains simply a nuisance to the self.
The best sort of knowledge to be acquired in the school must be such that it enables pupils to connect happenings in the outer world to their inner experience. The teacher must be a guide who can give insight into what is experienced. No doubt the best guide (and one that continually repeats its lessons) is life itself. Nevertheless, those who do not know how to take a lesson directly from life need some intermediaries. These intermediaries are the teachers – it is they who provide the link between life and the self, and interpret the manifestations of life's happenings.
The mass media can communicate information to human beings, but they can never teach real life. Teachers are irreplaceable in this respect. It is the teachers alone who find a way to the heart of the pupil and leave indelible imprints upon his or her mind. Teachers who reflect deeply and impart the truths will be able to provide good examples for their pupils and teach them the aims of the sciences. They will test the information they are going to pass on to their pupils through the refinement of their own minds, not by such Western methods as are today thought to provide facile answers to everything.
The students of the Prophet Jesus, upon him be peace, learnt from him how to risk their lives for the sake of their cause and were able to endure being thrown into the mouths of lions: they knew that their master had persisted with his teachings even in the face of death threats. Those who put their hopes on, and gave their hearts to, the Prophet Muhammad, the greatest exemplar of humanity, upon him be peace and blessings, realized that suffering for the sake of truth resulted in peace and salvation. His students observed their master wish peace and felicity for his enemies even when he had been severely injured by them.
A good lesson is what is taught at the school by the real teacher. This lesson not only provides the pupil with something, but it also elevates him or her into the presence of the unknown. The pupil thus acquires a penetrating vision into the reality of things and sees each event as a sign of the unseen worlds.
At such a school one is tired of neither learning nor teaching, because the pupils, through the increasing zeal of their teacher, sometimes rise to the stars. Sometimes their consciousness overflows the boundaries of ordinary life, brimming with wonder at what they have thought or felt or experienced.
The real teacher seizes the landmarks of events and happenings and tries to identify the truth in everything, expounding it by using every possibility.
Rousseau's teacher was conscience; Kant's was conscience together with reason... In the school of the teacher was the Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings. The Qur'an is the recitation, its words are Divine lessons – they are not ordinary words but mysterious ones surpassing all others, and they manifest the highest unity in multiplicity.
The good school is the holy place where the light of the Qur'an will be focused, and the teacher is the magic master of this mysterious laboratory. The only true master is one who will save us from centuries-old pains, and, by the strength of his wisdom, remove the darkness covering our horizon.
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adedots · 1 year
Seeds Of destiny 12th April 2023 daily devotional
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Seeds Of destiny 12th April 2023 daily devotional SEEDS OF DESTINY 12th April 2023 DAILY DEVOTIONAL By Pastor Paul Enenche -- Who Is A Rich Fool? Seeds of Destiny Daily Devotional 12th April 2023 Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | Who Is A Rich Fool? Seeds of Destiny for today April 2023 Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | Who Is A Rich Fool? More Of Seeds Of Destiny Messages Here Seed of Destiny for today Sod Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | Who Is A Rich Fool? Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages
Seeds of Destiny 12th April 2023 Daily Devotional for today
TOPIC: Who Is A Rich Fool? Seed of Destiny for today Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre You May Also like: Seeds of destiny December 2022 daily devotional Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Channels of divine health by Pastor Paul Enenche Seeds of Destiny for today 12 April 2023 Daily Devotional You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional connection between sin & sickness by Pastor Paul Enenche Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages You May Also like: Seeds of destiny 7th December 2022 daily devotional -- Keys, indispensable necessity to life by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also Read: Yesterday's seed of destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche here
Seeds of Destiny 12 April 2023 Daily Devotional for today
MESSAGE: SCRIPTURE: Cry yet again, saying, Thus says the Lord of hosts: My cities shall yet again overflow with prosperity, and the Lord shall yet comfort Zion and shall yet choose Jerusalem. Zechariah 1:17 (AMP) THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: To have riches without wisdom is to be a fool. Seeds Of Destiny For Today 2023 Our anchor Scripture reveals that the prosperity of God’s people is key to the overflow of God’s Kingdom on earth. Therefore, to be rich is to propagate the Kingdom of God on earth, and to be poor is to limit the expansion of God’s Kingdom on earth. That is why it is important to desire to be rich for the sake of the Kingdom. Now, wealth is not a matter of what is outside you; it is what you have inside you. Let me give you an example: A street fighter, called Mike Tyson, who became a heavy weight boxing champion, got heavy weight money. He had more than one hundred suits, and more than one hundred cars. Anytime he went out, he would pick a particular colour of suit that would match the colour of the car. But you know, he could not sustain his wealth. When he lost the title, he also lost everything and crashed down to zero. This was because all the things that entered his life didn’t make him rich. So, wealth is not a matter of what you have on your outside; it is what you have inside you. This is why we have notable gamblers who end up being poor. A gambler may win a million pounds because of gambling but after sometime, he crashes to zero. One reason why children of most rich people cannot sustain their father’s wealth is because their fathers gave them prosperity without mentality. And to have riches without wisdom is to be a fool. The man with the right mentality may not have a penny now but just give him a little time; he would arrive at massive prosperity. Beloved, make up your mind to go for wisdom first, in your pursuit of wealth. Remember this: To have riches without wisdom is to be a fool. You May Also Read: Seeds of destiny 22nd December 2022 - The battles of destiny You May Also Read: DCLM for today 7th December 2022 - Stay at your duty post Also Read: Seed of destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche here You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Power of the Word by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- The place of discovery in destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Sin the root of generational curse by Pastor Paul Enenche
Seeds of Destiny 12th April 2023 Daily Devotional
You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- being a person of conviction by Pastor Paul Enenche ASSIGNMENTS: Go through today’s message once again. Make up your mind to go for financial intelligence for your total financial liberation. PRAYER: Lord, help not to be a rich fool. Equip me with the prerequisite knowledge for financial freedom, Lord, in Jesus’ Name. FOR FURTHER UNDERSTANDING, GET THIS MESSAGE: FINANCIAL WISDOM. QUOTE: It is a great deal of foolishness to rely on natural or human wisdom. Culled from “21 FOOLISH THINGS PEOPLE DO” by Dr Paul Enenche. DAILY READING: 2 Chronicles 31-33 AMAZING FACT: Just like humans, elephants grieve for their dead. PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: The Lord release upon you, the rain of all-round wisdom in this season, in Jesus’ Name. You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional Tragedy of ingratitude by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages
Seeds of Destiny 12 April 2023 Daily Devotional
Seed of Destiny Daily Devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche You can call the following numbers for counselling : +234-803-3144-509 234-803-320-0320 or Email: [email protected] God bless you Please fill the form below and tick "get notified by mail" to get notified on every post to your mail. You can also save (bookmark) this site. Don't forget to share with your friends and families on social media so they can be blessed and be blessings to others.  God bless you More Of Seed Of Destiny Messages Here This (Seeds of Destiny) Daily devotional was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), at Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Power are at work for the salvation, healing and restoration of human destinies and dignities.
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theprodigalsonposts · 4 years
Abraham’s Seed / Share This Podcast On Your Social Media
November 13 2020 Friday
Abraham’s Seed / Share This Podcast On Your Social Media
Ephesians 1:15-23 NLT 
'Ever since I first heard of your strong faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for God’s people everywhere, I have not stopped thanking God for you. I pray for you constantly, asking God, the glorious Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, to give you spiritual wisdom and insight so that you might grow in your knowledge of God. I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the confident hope he has given to those he called—his holy people who are his rich and glorious inheritance. I also pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God’s right hand in the heavenly realms. Now he is far above any ruler or authority or power or leader or anything else—not only in this world but also in the world to come. God has put all things under the authority of Christ and has made him head over all things for the benefit of the church. And the church is his body; it is made full and complete by Christ, who fills all things everywhere with himself.’
Ephesians 3:14-21 NLT
'When I think of all this, I fall to my knees and pray to the Father, the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth. I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit. Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God. Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever! Amen.'
Mark 10:29-30  100 Fold Return…
Galatians 3:29  You Are Abraham’s Seed Through Jesus Christ Your Lord And Savior…
Luke 6:38  Give And It Will be Given Back Overflowing…
Deuteronomy 28:2-13  God’s Blessing Promised To Abraham’s Seed…
Psalm 23  God’s Promise To Born Again People…
Romans 10:9-10  Salvation…
Mark 10:29-30  100 Fold Return…
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🛑 CHURCH OF THE WEEK⛪ Power & Wisdom City Church Int'l - PWCC Power and Wisdom City Church International (PWCC) also known as Wisdom Embassy is an international ministry with a mandate to "Raise Leaders and Transform Cities through the preaching and the teaching of the word of God" A place where Leaders are raised. It was founded about half a decade years ago and today stands as one of the largest ministries in the South West Region of Cameroon. As a matter of fact, PWCC has over 5 branches notably in Buea,Mutengene and Limbe. Their head quarter is situated at Mobil - Mutengene Round about with an averagely weekly attendance of over 3,000frs extending to its overflow directly behind the church. PWCC was founded by God's servant Apostle Numfor Alain, known by many as the Relationship Coach,Voice of Wisdom, Transformational Leader just to name a a few. There's no doubt that PWCC is amongst first 20 largest Churches in Cameroon. You can find them on all platforms; on Facebook as @power and wisdom city church Int'l. For enquiries, contact +(237)6 74 86 66 86 Like our page for more Follow us on every site and don't miss a thing👇👇👇. Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pg/Transgenerational-Forces-481073529135157/community/ Twitter https://twitter.com/Transge72485387?s=08 Instagram https://instagram.com/transgenerationalforces Tumblr https://transgenerational-forces.tumblr.com Whatsapp https://wa.me/23795486633 YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJpM-XbzF8V2FHqKUCL_y8w Join our groups for updates👇👇👇 Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/162494488415224/?ref=share WhatsApp https://chat.whatsapp.com/Jkb9AqOylKE15sO1esRwRh Telegram https://t.me/transgenerationalforces For mails [email protected] Calls/SMS/WhatsApp +(237)695486633 Courage and See you at the Top!!! https://www.instagram.com/p/CFOeZ9lhklk/?igshid=6l3m6ph20z98
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yuckitup-jwd · 5 years
Fulldekisms Part 2
He writes blank checks on a closed account.
He'd screw up a two-car funeral procession.
He'll eventually qualify as a Darwin Award winner.
He's a General Protection Fault trigger.
He's a man on a mission, but can't find his dossier.
He's as soppy as a sack. (British)
He's been invited to every party in town... Once.
He's completely West Ham. (Two stops short of Barking on theLondon Underground.)
He's diagnosable.
He's in a federal witless protection program.
He's not a complete idiot -- some parts are missing.
He's not stupid; he's possessed by a retarded ghost.
He's really into himself... His head is up his ass.
He's so dense, light bends around him.
He's so dense, the Titanic wouldn't sink in his head.
Hears everything that a dog can.
Hears more lyrics on records when they're played backwards.
Her access time approaches infinity.
Her ancestors came to this country looking for bananas.
Her ass is sucking swamp gas.
Her blender doesn't go past "mix".
Her body is rejecting her.
Her brain cells are as hard to isolate as <your favoritepolitician's> concern for his/her electorate.
Her brain comes with single-bit error detection and half-assederror correction.
Her brain has a corrupted filesystem / someone needs to runfsck on her brain.
Her brain is as useless as a mule's gonads.
Her brain is more like a Rube Goldberg device than a computer.
Her cache is incoherent.
Her career is just taking off -- she's never at work.
Her closet is full of hangars, but no clothing.
Her dentist went deaf from the drill's echoes.
Her dialing thumb must be broken.
Her display is always flashing 12:00.
Her driver's license says, "Picture continued on other side."
Her ears serve the same function as holes in a dribble glass.
Her face is a threat to clocks everywhere.
Her files are compressed 100%.
Her finals are burned out.
Her friends took her aside, and left her there. -- Ron Richards
Her gene pool could use a little chlorine / a good filter.
Her head doesn't cast a shadow.
Her head needs a periodic whack on the side.
Her input pipe is broken.
Her interrupt handler hit a loop.
Her IQ is the reason they had to invent negative/imaginary numbers.
Her kid is an honor student, but she's still an idiot.
Her leads need resoldering.
Her learning curve is fractal.
Her lint trap is full.
Her lists are unlinked.
Her memory is truly random-access.
Her mental function can be graphed with a single dot.
Her mere presence causes parity errors, power fails, and head crashes.
Her mind is not grounded to a logic supply.
Her mind might have spontaneously combusted.
Her mind would be unstable even mounted on a tripod.
Her modem lights are on but there's no carrier.
Her objects are not fully oriented.
Her only hope for brainpower is vacuum point energy.
Her personal problems can only be solved using high explosives.
Her phone doesn't quite reach her desk.
Her pool balls don't fit into the rack.
Her positronic matrix won't reboot.
Her purpose in life is to balance out the bell curve.
Her random access is the same as her sequential access.
Her sewing machine's been out of thread for some time now.
Her ski lift doesn't go to the top of the hill.
Her stack has been corrupted.
Her synapses are about |that| far apart.
Her system file has zero bytes.
Her tires are a little low.
Her wheels are turning but she's upside down. -- U2
Her wipers don't touch the glass.
Her word length is zero bits.
Hid behind the door when they passed out brains.
High relative humidity... He's lost in a fog.
His access light's on, but the drive isn't spinning / isstill spinning up.
His accumulator overflows at zero.
His actual mileage varies.
His antenna/radio doesn't pick up all the channels/stations.
His boot block is in a bad sector.
His boot ROM has a bad checksum.
His brackets are mismatched.
His brain could be the perfect dielectric.
His brain is sueing for neglect.
His brain was sold separately and they were out of stock.
His brain would rattle around in a gnat's navel.
His bread ain't done.
His buffer is full.
His clutch is slipping.
His data bus stops for red lights.
His deck has no face cards.
His elevator is stuck between floors.
His face is on a coin... On the edge.
His family tree is a telephone pole.
His family wasn't dysfunctional until he arrived.
His freelist is empty.
His future is behind schedule. -- Bob Thaves
His gene line isn't just dead, it's extinct.
His golf bag does not contain a full set of irons. -- Robin Williams
His grades were so bad, after school he couldn't even getinto prison. -- Shannon Sharpe
His grey matter is brown / doesn't matter.
His head whistles in a cross wind.
His home page is out of order.
His home planet is flat.
His IQ test results were negative / IQ is a false positive.
His jack can't get the car off the ground.
His military nomenclature is ID-10-T (idiot).
His mind is a few Hertz off its assigned frequency.
His mind is great at error magnification.
His mind is less substantial than the Emperor's new clothes.
His mind is on vacation but his mouth is working overtime. -- Allision
His mind is write-protected/write-only.
His mind reached escape velocity and achieved orbit.
His mind wandered and never came back.
His motto is: Space, the final frontier.
His mouth rarely makes calls to his brain.
His only hope for sexual variety is vegetables / to change hands.
His outgoing message starts with, "Hello, Mr. Answering Machine."
His page was intentionally left blank.
His picture is in the dictionary under "zero".
His pointers are null/uninitialized.
His puzzle is missing a few pieces.
His reaction time is longer than his attention span. -- Thaves
His root file system isn't mounted.
His seat back is not in the full upright and locked position.
His shared libraries aren't installed.
His signal-to-noise ratio is epsilon.
His signature is long, boring, and stupid, but it's the bestpart of his postings.
His spark can't jump the gap.
His spirit guide is a three-toed sloth.
His stack's not very deep / he has an eight-byte stack.
His strings aren't null-terminated.
His strip is demagnetized.
His system administrator is never in.
His train tracks aren't quite parallel.
His URL denies outside access.
His watch dog is sleeping.
His Wheaties have been in the milk too long.
His wisdom is stolen from bumper-stickers and T-shirts.
His wits have left the rails and are careening about the countryside.
His X, Y, and Z axes don't meet at the origin.
Hitler's evil twin.
Holds a grudge until it dies of old age, then has it stuffed andmounted. -- David Weber
Hyperspatially interconnected / permanently disconnected neural net.
Hypnotized as a child and couldn't be woken.
I like him; he reminds me of when I was young and stupid.
I would follow him anywhere, but only out of curiosity.
I wouldn't piss in his ear if his brain was on fire.
I'd like to buy him for what he's worth and sell him for what hethinks he's worth.
I've worn dresses with higher IQs than his.
If brains were bird droppings, he'd have a clean cage.
If brains were chocolate, he wouldn't have enough for an M&M.
If brains were dynamite, she wouldn't have enough to blow hernose / her hat off / the wax out of her ears.
If brains were farts, he couldn't stink up the inside of a matchbox.
If brains were gasoline, he couldn't ride a moped around a fruit loop.
If brains were grains of sand, he couldn't fill a dixie cup.
If brains were lard, he'd be hard pressed to grease a small pan.
If brains were leather, he couldn't saddle a flea.
If brains were taxed, he'd get a rebate.
If brains were water, hers wouldn't be enough to baptize a flea.
If dumb were dirt, he'd be an acre.
If fashion law is ever enforced, he'll be found guilty withouthope of parole.
If God tried to help him, we'd have an eight day week.
If he didn't exist, he wouldn't be worth inventing.
If he donated his brain to science it'd set civilization back 50 years.
If he gets any denser, the geocentric theory of the universewill come true.
If he had a lobotomy he'd depressurize.
If he had another brain (cell), it would be lonely.
If he had brains, he'd take them out and play with them.
If he had console lights, we would see only the idle loop patterns.
If he had half a brain, his ass would be lopsided.
If he were an Indian, Custer would be alive today / would havedied of old age.
If he were any brighter he'd be in the visible spectrum.
If he were any more stupid, he'd have to be watered twice a week.
If her brains were put in a hummingbird, it would fly backwards.
If his brain were a hard drive, it would back up on a single floppy.
If his brains were money, he'd still be in debt.
If his IQ was two points higher he'd be a rock.
If ignorance were bliss, she'd be orgasmic.
If it's not in his horoscope/tea leaves, he doesn't take it seriously.
If men were dominoes, he would be the double-blank. -- P.G. Wodehouse
If not for his scrotum, he would lose his balls.
If sex appeal were dynamite, he couldn't blow the cobwebsoff his balls.
If she had a disk we could upgrade her with DOS 3.0.
If she was any dumber, she'd be a green plant.
If stupidity hurt, he'd go through life on a morphine drip.
If stupidity were a crime, he'd be number one on the Most Wanted list.
If the government ever declared war on stupidity, he'd get nuked.
If there were a merciful God he'd be dead by now.
If they each had half a brain, they'd still only have half a brain.
If they knock heads, implosion will suck all the air out of the room.
If what you don't know can't hurt you, she's practically invulnerable.
If wit were shit, he'd be constipated.
If you called him a wit, you'd be half right.
If you give him a penny for his thoughts, you get change back.
If you stand close enough to him, you can hear the ocean.
Ignorant, and proud of it.
Immune from any serious head injury.
Immune to caffeine and all other stimulants.
In a tub of Preparation H, he'd shrink down to thumb size.
In his optimum environment, he'd be locked in a life and deathstruggle with mushrooms.
In line for brains, thought they said pains, and said, "No, thanks".
In line for brains, thought they said trains, and asked for onewith lots of steam / said his dad just bought him one.
In line for brains, thought they said were handing out milkshakes,and he asked for "extra thick."
In need of a ROM upgrade.
In serious need of attitude adjustment.
In the pinball game of life, his flippers were a little fartherapart than most.
In the shopping mall of the mind, he's in the toy store.
In touch with her higher power, but out of touch with the rest of us.
Includes a "thank you" note with her tax returns.
Infinite space between her ears.
Informationally deprived.
Inhabits her own private timezone.
Inspected by #13.
Inspired the slogan, "A mind is a terrible thing to waste."
Intellectually/synaptically challenged.
Intelligence somewhere between a pet rock and egg white.
Invented a pencil with an eraser on each end.
Invented a submarine with a screen door.
IQ = dx / (1 + dx), where x = age.
IQ lower than a snake's belly in a wagon-rut.
It's hard to believe he beat 100,000 other sperm.
Just another flash in the bedpan.
Just asleep, but others worry that he's dead.
Keeps his imagination on a long leash.
Kept an open mind -- and his brains fell out.
Keywords: generalizations clue get
Knitting with only one needle.
Knows his sports, but his understanding is limited to violence.
Landed with his gear/brain up and locked.
Leaky sunroof.
Left hand threaded.
Left his booster on the launch pad.
Left the store without all of his groceries.
Leveled off before reaching altitude.
Life by Norman Rockwell, but screenplay by Stephen King.
Lightbulb over his head is burned out.
Lights / porch lights are on but nobody's home.
Lights not burning too bright.
Like a barometer -- vacuum at the top.
Like a loose-leaf folder in winter.
Like a one-armed man climbing a rope.
Likes dunking for french fries.
Likes to execute his data.
Little red choo-choo's gone chugging 'round the bend /jumped the track.
Lives in La-la-land.
Lives in the same world, but a different universe.
Lives just up the street from the corner of Walk and Don't Walk.
Living proof of Einstein's theory that there is no limit tohuman stupidity.
Living proof that evolution CAN go in reverse.
Living proof that God did die back in the 60s.
Living proof that God has a sense of humor.
Living proof that nature does not abhor a vacuum.
Living proof that there's ALWAYS someone worse off than you.
Long on drywall, short on studs.
Looking for a nickel in the corner of a circular room.
Looks for the "Any" key.
Looks just like Bill Gates.
Loose chip on the microprocessor board.
Loose wire to his headset/ringer.
Lost his marbles.
Lots of silverware on his table, but no plates.
Loves a good insult, but can never remember any.
Low on thinking gas.
Low-bandwidth as an information source.
Luckily these types kill themselves before reproducing... Thinkof it as evolution in action. -- Larry Niven
Lugnuts rattling in the hubcaps.
Made a career out of mid-life crisis.
Mainspring's wound too tight.
Makes a black hole look bright.
Makes predictions that make weathermen/economists look good.
Meandering to a different drummer.
Memorized every Dr. Seuss story written.
Mental software is Version 1.0 / still in beta test.
Mentally qualified for handicapped parking.
Metronome needs oil.
Might look like he's doing nothing, but at the cellular levelhe's really quite busy.
Might still be a virgin except for what nature did to her mind.
Mind like a steel sieve.
Mind like a steel trap -- everything gets mangled / full of mice /nothing in, nothing out / rusted shut / someday it willsnap shut and swallow his face.
Missed her last four scheduled tune-ups.
Missed the last train to Clue Junction. -- Rev Billy Wirtz
Missing a few buttons on his remote control.
Missing a few catalog cards / gears / marbles.
Missing a layer of insulation in his attic.
Monorail doesn't go all the way to Tomorrowland.
Mooring lines don't reach the dock.
More armpits than brain cells.
More marbles in a spray-paint can than brains in his head.
Mouth is in gear, brain is in neutral.
Moves his lips to pretend he's reading.
Must have ignored a knock-down pitch.
Nearly lives up to her full potential as a dumb blond.
Nearly on a higher plane, but lost his boarding pass.
Needed a tutor to learn how to scribble.
Needs a checkup from the neck up.
Needs a little remedial evolution.
Needs a stepladder to pick his nose.
Needs an operating manual for a screwdriver.
Needs another brain to make half-wit.
Needs both hands to wipe his behind.
Needs front end alignment.
Needs his disk checked/reformatted.
Needs his sleeves lengthened by a couple of feet so theycan be tied in the back.
Neither left-brained nor right-brained. -- Bob Thaves
Nervous as a long-tailed bobcat in a room full of rocking chairs.
Network constantly loses packets.
Neurons are firing non-sequentially.
Never finishes a thoug
Never had a headcold in her life since diseases can't existin a vacuum.
Never misses an episode of her screensaver.
Next-day delivery in a nanosecond world. -- Van Jacobson
Nice color but not enough wattage.
Nice house but not much furniture / nobody lives there.
Nine pence in the shilling.
Nine rooms; no furniture.
Nineteen cents short of a paradigm.
No bubble in his gauge. (Refers to a submarine dive gauge.)
No charge in her synapses.
No coins in the old fountain.
No filter in the coffeemaker.
No grain in the silo.
No hands on the rudder/yoke.
No hay in the loft.
No one at the throttle.
No ROM basic.
No salt in his socks. (Land-lubber or green sailor.)
No tar in his hemp. (Tar preserves a hemp (marijuana) line; thisphrase means one has been smoking his rope.)
No wind in her mind's windmills.
Not all his dogs are barking.
Not an idiot, but plays one in his life.
Not as dumb as he looks, but that would be impossible.
Not digging in the same ditch with the rest of us.
Not done evolving yet.
Not enough brain cells for the Prozac to be effective.
Not enough brains to get anywhere NEAR the gutter.
Not enough bullets for Russian Roulette.
Not enough change to break a dollar/pound/deutschmark/yen.
Not enough sense to come in out of the rain.
Not enough sense to stay out in the rain. (Like a 60's flower child.)
Not firing on all four/six/eight cylinders.
Not firmly seated in the socket / screwed in tight.
Not hard-docked.
Not inflated to 90 PSI / head is stamped "inflate to 40 PSI".
Not Intel Inside. (Or, given Pentium problems, just: Intel inside.)
Not much to show for four billion years of evolution.
Not only rude, but ugly too.
Not playing with / dealing from a full deck (-- not even in the game).
Not ready for prime time.
Not running on full thrusters.
Not shooting pool on a level table.
Not so much of a has-been, as a won't-be.
Not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree / light in the harbor /crayon in the box.
Not the full quid.
Not the hottest burner on the stovetop.
Not the same since they took him off his medication.
Not the sharpest knife/spoon in the drawer / tool in the shed /nail in the box / quill on the porcupine.
Not Turing equivalent.
Not within a bull's roar. (A term used by lawn bowlers.)
Not worth henshit on a pump handle.
Not worth pissin' on.
Not wrapped too tight.
Nothing between the stethoscopes.
Nothing on her radar.
Numb as a post / pounded thumb.
Number 'n a hake. (New England expression; a notoriously stupid fish.)
Nutty as a fruitcake.
Of all the things he's lost, he misses his mind the most.
Off by one.
Off his rocker/trolley.
Oil doesn't reach his dipstick.
On permanent/unexcused leave of absence from his senses.
On the batting end of a no-hitter.
One anna short of a rupee.
One bead short in her rosary.
One bean short of chili.
One bean shy of full strength.
One beer short of a six-pack / a six-pack short of a case.
One bird short of a flock.
One bit short of a byte/word.
One blade short of a sharp edge. -- Nanci Griffith
One block short of a filesystem.
One board short of a porch.
One bomb/melon short of a full load.
One boot stuck in the sand.
One bottom short of a bucket.
One brick short of a wall/hod/load/pile.
One bumper/rail short of a bank shot.
One bun/donut short of a dozen.
One byte short of a checksum.
One byte short of a full 256K SIMM.
One car short of a chase scene.
One card/marble short of a full deck.
One chapter short of a novel.
One chicken short of a henhouse.
One chip short of a cookie.
One chip short of a megabyte.
One citation short of a footnote.
One clearance short of landing/take off.
One clown short of a circus.
One clue short of a solution.
One cold solder joint.
One color short of a full deck. (A half-wit.)
One color short of color-coordinated.
One couplet short of a sonnet.
One course short of a degree. (As in: "I've got a degree inhome economics, but I was only one course short of adegree in advanced nuclear physics.")
One crayon short of a full box.
One crouton short of a salad.
One cup and saucer short of a place setting.
One cylinder short of a full re-format.
One diamond short of a ring.
One dimension short of reality.
One doughnut short of being a cop.
One drool bib short of neat and tidy.
One drop short of an empty bladder.
One ear short of a bushel.
One electron shy of a full shell / noble gas arrangement.
One feather short of a whole duck.
One fish short of a string.
One floor below the poopdeck.
One flower short of an arrangement.
One flying buttress short of a cathedral.
One foot in the future, one foot in the past, pissing on the present.
One french fry / hamburger short of a Happy Meal.
One Froot Loop short of a full bowl.
One fruit short of a basket.
One gene short of a full chromosome.
One goose short of a gaggle.
One grape short of a bunch.
One guppy short of an aquarium.
One handle short of a suitcase.
One harmonic short of a tubular bell.
One hot pepper short of an enchilada.
One inch short of a foot/yard.
One inspection short of passing.
One kangaroo short in her top paddock.
One kernel short of an ear.
One key short of a piano.
One kopek short of a ruble.
One link short of a chain.
One live brain cell away from being a talking monkey.
One measure short of a staff.
One miracle short of being where he thinks he's at.
One miracle wouldn't be enough to help him.
One monkey short of a full hundred.
One node short of a network.
One nut short of a full pouch.
One of the early failures of electroshock therapy.
One open splice.
One pancake short of a stack.
One pane short of a window.
One pea short of a pod/casserole.
One peak short of a chromatogram.
One pearl short of a necklace.
One pickle short of a jar.
One pie short of a holiday.
One plane short of an Air Force / hangar.
One point short of a polygon.
One prayer short of absolution.
One press short of a CAPS LOCK key. (Types all uppercase.)
One punch/swing/hit short of a fight.
One quark short of a hadron.
One republic short of an empire.
One revision behind.
One sandwich/apple/ant short of a picnic.
One saucer short of a tea-service.
One scallop short of a seafood platter.
One screw loose.
One screw shy of a final assembly.
One sentence short of a paragraph.
One shade short of a rainbow.
One sheep short of a sweater.
One shingle short of a roof, and the water's getting in.
One ship short of a full fleet.
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