#the cheapest one is $50 after shipping
wildestheart4ever · 1 month
I had a cute Mary Poppins mug that I got at visit to Disneyland with my sisters that my mom accidentally broke [She accidentally ruined both the mugs I bought from Disney but that’s besides the point]
It was cute goblet styled thing with little feet and a parrot head handle.
Anyway! I’ve been dying to get a new one ever since and I finally found one last month on Ebay [My sister actually found one last year but I didn’t have my own debit card yet and apparently my want for one didn’t come across strongly enough for her to buy it for me]
It cost 30 dollars…….plus tax…….and shipping.
The first purchase I made with my new card was a 50 dollar mug and it’s just now that I’ve been informed that it’s finally been shipped
Yeah, big moment of relief there, was getting worried for a while there.
So my shopping habits were off to a great start lol
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purringfayestudio · 2 years
About how expensive by the yard is the fur you commonly use? Or at least a general guess? Thanks!
In general, the furs I use cost anywhere between $30 and $120 per yard after combined shipping. I also use minky (cuddle and luxe) which is more in the $20/yard range.
Simple, solid colors are cheaper, while thick, multi-colored realistic furs are much more expensive. Since my plush are meant to be petted, I prefer furs with a soft or realistic texture, so I don't use shags unless I'm doing something in funky colors or just can't find a suitable alternative.
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A breakdown:
The cheapest faux fur I use, half-shag/beaver, is about $25 per yard before shipping, which starts at $15 (on BigZFabric, which is the cheapest site for shipping that I've seen) for a single yard, and goes up with every yard you add to your order. My most expensive fabric on the other hand is about $93 + $80 shipping (jumps up after every few yards) from FakeFurShop. (These are the current € to $USD exchange rate per Google for comparison purposes and subject to change.)
Of course I never buy just one yard if I can help it in order to maximize my shipping costs, because otherwise my range would be $40-$172/yard and we're not even taking taxes.
Most of my furs are in the $50-75/yard range if I had to guess. Which means a single fox with 20 different furs requires an upfront investment of over $1200, even if it uses less than a yard of actual materials to make. I've been collecting furs for 8 years, so that cost is greatly spread out, but it is something I take into account when pricing my plush.
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broppytism · 4 months
Poptropica Skullduggery Island notes
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The map depicted shows the general location of each island. The in-game minimap will show you where the islands are, but will not tell you which island is which.
When you first unlock the ability to embark from Fort Ridley, your goal is to make as much money as possible and unlock every possible upgrade and crewmate.
There are four possible crewmates you can hire, of which provide the following perks:
From Bouffant Bay, for 12k doubloons, you can increase the speed of your ship.
From Parrot Port, for 15k doubloons, you can increase your total cargo by 50%.
From Pirate Outpost, for 20k doubloons, you can double your cannon firing rate.
From Dragon Cove, for 20k doubloons, you can passively heal any damage dealt to your ship.
Additionally, you can buy ship upgrades at Dragon Cove and take out loans at Golden Harbor.
There are four possible goods you can buy and sell: Grain, Spice, Medicine, and Silk. The price of each good reflects both the amount you can buy and sell them for.
One day of in-game time elapses every time you dock at a new island (if you dock at an island you just left, no time will progress), and the prices of goods fluctuate each in-game day.
These price fluctuations are only within a certain threshold, however. Given there is a limit to how low or high a given item can be valued, each of the four goods have one island where they can be bought at their lowest margin, and sold at their highest margin. These islands are as follows:
Grain can be bought at the cheapest at Golden Harbor, and can be sold for the most at Pirate Outpost.
Spice can be bought at the cheapest at Pirate Outpost, and can be sold for the most at Dragon Cove.
Medicine can be bought at the cheapest at Bouffant Bay, and sold for the most at Parrot Port.
Silk can be bought at the cheapest at Dragon Cove, and sold for the most at Bouffant Bay.
There is an optimal rhythm to buying and selling in order to accumulate doubloons as quickly as possible. The islands are, conveniently, arranged in such a way that when you buy any good at its lowest margin, you can then sell it at its highest margin in its neighboring island. The islands are arranged this way in a clockwise formation, so your optimal path will essentially be running circles around the entire map.
For your first lap around the map, you have some choices for which island to start with. Since you have significantly limited funds starting out, you absolutely do not want to start off with Parrot Port, as all of the goods you can buy there will be at least 20 doubloons. It is the only island that you should never buy goods from.
As you begin with a random assortment of goods, it doesn't matter which other island you pick. It should be noted, however, that the waters are a fair bit riskier in the bottom half of the map, so a new player might prefer to start with Dragon Cove or Bouffant Bay.
When you pick your first island, you are free to sell off everything you have and then buy as many of that island's cheapest possible good as you can. Afterwards, you can sail clockwise to its neighboring island and sell off everything you have. Rinse and repeat: buy that island's cheapest possible good, then sell it at the next. Remember, you should only sell at Parrot Port. Do not buy anything from its Trading Post.
Your immediate goal is to accumulate enough doubloons to get your first ship upgrade. Every ship upgrade gives you more room for cargo, which of course means faster money.
After your first ship upgrade, you can either go straight for the next one, or save up to hire the Parrot Port crewmate.
The remaining majority of the game will essentially play out the same. The faster you upgrade your ship, the faster you will make money. However, the remaining three crewmates are essential for survivability in the ocean, as every death will cost you precious doubloons and cargo. Use your better judgement to determine which unlockables to obtain and when.
Once you have a total of six crewmates (including the two you start with) and have obtained the best ship—assuming you have obtained the map pieces—you will be ready to take on Captain Crawfish and complete the island.
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biggestdev · 9 months
Cheap (kinda) DIY hormone testing
Hormone level testing is something that came became an issue during my transition; I am going through my doctor for HRT, and my health insurance bit me in the ass. Since my doc is a small practice, they ship my samples out to get tested, and insurance only covers hormone tests if they take place AT my GP's practice. Like, in the physical building the sample was collected int. A weird cutout, but I assume it's something meant to fuck me over intentionally, and I can't make them budge on it.
So, I switched to an at-home, mail-in hormone test. I'm putting my two cents out there, just in case it helps anyone, I assume the DIY-ers out there are already aware of stuff like this. The test I ordered is from ZRT Lab:
Specifically, I ordered the "Hormone Trio" blood spot sample. There is a saliva sample method available (spit in a cup vs wipe blood on a sample paper), but their own research papers indicate the saliva sample isn't as accurate for testosterone, so I went with the blood spot method. It's not CHEAP by any means, at $130, but it's certainly cheaper than the $500 I WAS CHARGED by the local university hospital to do the SAME TESTS!
There is a caveat in the fine print that you should be aware of: California residents still need a doctor's note for ZRT Lab to process their samples. I don't know why, it's stupid, but it's a clear line that they draw.
This is the cheapest test I was able to find for these hormones, everything else either left out progesterone, or cost close to (or over) $200. I don't know if transmasc people need any other hormones tested, but for me, a transfemme, the three in the Hormone Trio test (Estradiol, Progesterone, and Testosterone) were the exact 3 my doctor was looking for.
As far as how easy it is to use, I found it very straightforward: it includes a lancet to poke a hole in one of your fingertips (the instructions said to go into the side of the finger at a weird angle, but I couldn't get enough blood to take samples, so I gave up and went right in the middle of my fingerprint, that worked much better), then drip blood onto the indicated spots on the sample card. Let the samples dry overnight, then pack it up and ship as directed (it comes with a prepaid shipping label).
On top of that, I was surprised at how little information they require to process a sample. there is a form sent with the kit, and I only included my name (chosen, not legal), age, gender, email, and a list of current medications. I also had to fill out at least one "symptom" (since they didn't have "is trans" in there, I just chose "mild anxiety", literally just pick anything), I know this because I DIDN'T choose a symptom at first, and they actually called me after they received it, telling me they need at least one symptom in order to process the sample. The nice lady on the phone actually started reading out all 50+ possible symptoms, I took pity on her and stopped her pretty quick ("oh you said anxiety? yeah, sure, that one".)
All in all, it took about 10 days from when I shipped the sample, to the results being posted in their online portal.
All in all, I'm happy with how easy and cheap (compared to the alternative) this test was, and I'll probably be using them for the foreseeable future, unless of course my insurance gets it's head screwed on straight and actually starts helping me instead of just charging me to do nothing, but we all know they'd light themselves on fire before actually helping anyone 😊
Oh, yeah, and this isn't an ad or anything, I did my own research and paid for the test in full, it's just a regular old review.
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pbandjesse · 1 year
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I can't even get on the ship wifi so I'm assuming this will go up very late. I am sorry about that! But I am having the best time. This trip has been so beautiful. I have been brought to tears many times. Including today. Today was a good day.
I slept pretty well last night. Getting up was hard but I was feeling pretty good. Today we visit Skagway and the ship has already docked. So there was no issue leaving. And by the time we were awake and dressed and heading to breakfast it wasnt super busy.
Breakfast was fine. I realized my tank top was a little more cropped when I realized and so after we ate I requested we go back to the room first so I could put on tights under my pants. This was the best move. I would be very cozy all day.
We headed out into town. We took the shuttle that this town has. But it only goes to the end of the on dock. Our driver was very sweet and made me laugh. I was really excited to see everything. This town is a gold mining town and there was lots of history to learn.
I was slightly disappointed that a few of the building that were historic were under construction. But that's alright. I enjoyed the ones available to us.
And there were great souvenirs to find. We have gotten pieces for everyone we wanted to. And a few things for us. I decided that I didn't need a jade piece. I prefer the abolone. But I ended up getting super anxious about the decision and that was hard. I had to take a minute because I was very stressed for literally no reason. It's that fear of missing out mixed with fear of regrets. James was my stability. And made me feel a lot better.
I really loved the historic stuff we read about. They had this amazing snow plow train that was insane looking. I would forget the mountains are there every once in a while and look up and literally gasp. It was so pretty.
In one of the stores we went on they had some really pretty gold charms but I didn't want to buy something so expensive. I enjoyed my chats with the man at the counter. And at another store I got some questions answered about what green stone is. Something we had seen in another museum. It isn't jade or malachite, it's just called green stone, it comes from the southwest, and it's spiritual. And those lovely ladies gave me some direction for my research.
In one of the store some nice girls suggested if we didn't have a planned excursion we should visit their sister store and rent electric bikes. I knew this would be a great idea. I knew we would y be able to experience the city in a better way.
James was a little unsure because of the cost. But the cheapest excursions start at $50 per person, and James loves bikes and this would be exciting and not hard because it's electric. So after a little more walking I told James that's what I wanted to do.
And it was perfect. I'm so glad we did it. We rented them for an hour, and the nice man gave us an extra 15 minutes. And it allowed us to go out to the gold miners cemetery which was super powerful. And then we took the short hike to an incredible waterfall. Which was also powerful in a different way. I love waterfalls.
I had to convince James to not climb into a cave. And then we went to watch the gold mine train for a minute. And then we took the bikes to the look out point the man we rented the bikes from suggested.
This was a little scary for me. I do not like going fast and these bikes went up to 25 mph a few times. But it got us up there fast. And it was worth the view. I got a little teary. It was beautiful and I was having so much fun. This is really the trip of a lifetime.
We had to take the bikes back soon after that. Those extra 15 minutes gave us more then enough time to bring them back on time. I did miss the street turn and I couldn't hear James over the wind. But we slowed down and we turned around and then dropped them off. I felt a little gitty I was in such a good mood.
We made another little loop around. I got the Tshirt I wanted. And then we went to a trail. But I only made it a little up the hill before I had to turn around. I felt really bad to cut it short but I was not strong enough. James said it was okay! I still felt bad but I knew it was going to wreck me to try to go up there.
Instead we took the pond path. I texted my brother. Service has been super spotty in this city but that is okay. I enjoyed seeing plants I wasn't familiar with. And just feeling the wind on my face.
I was getting tired though. My face was cold and my feet hurt. I was happy but I was ready to head back.
We would go and get the shuttle. And got back to the ship around 2. We took the elevator up to get lunch. I ate more of the same. It probably sounds boring but I am having the best time eating my favorite things for every meal. I had a salad and a grilled cheese and fries. We got a few cakes to try and share. And it was good to sit and watch the world. To absorb how stupid beautiful everything is. The world is so beautiful.
I started getting super tired. And so me and James went back to the room and I laid down for almost two hours. It was a very deep sleep. James tried to wake me up at one point and I was like. No. So they went and did our customs form down at the guest services desk. And when they came back I was getting up again.
We would head down to the card room and played war. Did the trivia. The card game from yesterday wasn't there but maybe next time it will be and we can play that. It was nice just playing quietly and being together. But I was having issues because I was itchy and thought going to get allergy medicine would help.
Before we left we chatted with the worker in the library about tomorrow. Apparently this is the first time they've done this itinerary, which is probably why the timing is all weird. But tomorrow we'll be in glacier bay and the park services is bringing people on board to talk to us because we aren't getting off. So it's like a tour but it's on the ship. Neat!
I felt really really itchy when we got back to the room. So after changing three times James suggested I take a shower and wait for the meds to kick in. And that did help. I'm still a little itchy but it's not so bad anymore.
We came up here to the lounge. And we've been reading and drawing. And soon the ship will start to move again.
And tomorrow it is a ship day. And I hope we can get a good seat on that outside area I found. I hope we see some wildlife. I'm really excited to see glaciers. James told me there are 1000 of them??? Incredible.
We're going to go eat some dinner now. I love you all. I hope you are safe and have been enjoying our journey!! Goodnight!!
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teeg · 1 year
Starting a New Challenge
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It’s been a while since I had a Sims game where I really cared what happened with the family, the last one was when I married Caleb Vatore and J. Huntington and they were such a great couple that Caleb had to turn J into a vampire so they could both live forever. I just wish their children didn’t seem to inherit the worst facial features of both, which is interesting since Caleb almost never has weird looking children, except with J. 
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They sat on the sofa and held hands without me doing anything, then sat there staring at each other long enough that i had time to think to take a shot. They are seriously adorable together.
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And yes, the looks of my sims are important for some reason. I think this is the only Sims game where I’ve really cared about it, and after pondering why, I think it’s because the sims are human-looking enough to cause the uncanny valley effect. 
Malcolm Landgraab is a perfect example. He looks just off enough to make you uncomfortable. 
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I did a make-over on him a while back, but forgot to save him. This is what he came out looking like with just a few tweaks to make his face look more normal (and a new hair style). 
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And I totally got sidetracked. 
Anyway, I want to enjoy playing again, not just building, so I’m coming up with a new challenge. 
Start with a new sim or your favorite preplayed sim. Move them onto whichever map you want to play, in the cheapest section of the map, choosing the option to bulldoze the pre-existing house if there is one.
Completely clear a map (or use Newcrest).
Remove every community lot in your game. An easy way to do it is to change them all to Residential. 
Kick all the families out of houses (and if you have MCCC, set it so no one else can move in or destroy the houses, you’ll have to rebuild them later anyway). 
Pick the cheapest community on the map you’re playing and put starter houses on each lot. For mine, I’m starting on Willow Creek and I’ve added Pottersville, both shipping container houses (the 8x10 one twice), and one of the single-wide mobile homes. You can find all of them here (https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/browse?category=all&searchtype=ea_origin_id&sortby=downloads&time=all&searchquery=Teegers1&max=50&maxis=false). 
Go to Manage Households and choose Sims to move into the empty homes in the neighborhood.
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Start with 20k. Buy one of the lots you put a house on and move in.
Find a job. 
When you have enough money, buy a store in a different part of town. As you earn money, build your new lot into whatever community building you’d like to have (library, gym, park, etc.), except a museum.
When the community lot is finished, sell it, then go to World Select, edit the lot, and set it as whatever lot type you’ve created. 
Museums can only be filled with your sims’ work. And only Masterpieces. Masterpieces can’t be sold, they must be donated to a museum instead. Save the works until you have enough to fill a museum, then build one.
You can only use community lots that you’ve built, so if you want a library to make it easier to skill build, you need to build one. 
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The Rules:
You can only marry a sim from the neighborhood you live in. 
Each heir receives 20k when they become a young adult and must move to a new map. Pick the cheapest neighborhood that hasn’t been lived in yet, fill it with homes, and choose the sims you want for neighbors (you can move out 1 sim from your original neighborhood to add to the new one if your sim has a high school sweetheart).
This will get harder as the game goes on and lot prices go up. Soon, you’ll probably find that you need to build a tiny house on a large lot until you can afford to expand it.
Work: Your Sim and their heirs must choose a different job and a different starting aspiration. Career branches count as different jobs, so it is possible to have a child start off in the same career as their parent as long as they change branches when they reach the right level.
You can play with aging on or off.  Aging off will allow your sim to learn more skills before they grow up, but it will only affect your game, not give them a huge advantage in the challenge. 
Mods are acceptable as long as they don’t increase the money the sim earns. 
College is also acceptable, but if a sim gets pregnant while at college, they must drop out as soon as the baby is born and get a job instead. They can return once the baby becomes a child, but can only take 1 class a semester and must continuing working while they do. 
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mrmallard · 3 months
man why is it next to impossible to get a good computer chair for less than Literal Hundreds Of Dollars. that includes mass-produced crap from the internet that ships to people broken and/or which break soon after assembly.
like if I walk into a store in town I'm pretty sure I'm looking at basic-ass wheely chairs for anywhere between $100 and $250, and then if I want one with arm rests that I can really kick back in, I'm probably looking at upwards of $500 - and that's being optimistic, I've seen office chairs priced at over a thousand fucking dollars where I live. if I buy the cheapest ones I can find online, the absolute bare minimum option that's made of cheap molded plastic and plastic mesh for the backrest, it's like $100+ for the item and anywhere between $50 and $150 in shipping.
like don't people buy jewellery for that kind of money. why are office chairs with a sturdy, padded back and with comfortable arm rests within the same realm of pricing as a frigging engagement ring
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staciegirl78 · 4 months
I turned 45 in early December. My bedroom TV was needing replaced. I previous had an Insignia fire edition TV from Best buy. I had it a long time and some of the apps were starting to not be compatible because the TV was so old. It also didn't have enough external storage and it had stopped receiving updates. I was shopping for tvs around black Friday. I had been looking for a long time. At first I purchased an Element Xumo TV on a Cyber Monday sale. That tv had a lot of issues and it was out of stock when I needed to return it. I had chosen that tv because it was 50" and my previous TV was 43". I didn't have room for much bigger than that. So when I returned it.... Most of the tvs that had been on sale for black Friday and cyber Monday were sold out or the price had gone up. I noticed the TCL Google tvs had the price stay down. My first smart TV was when TCL first came out with Roku tvs many years ago and I felt like that TV didn't last that long. That was the main reason I hadn't bought a TCL TV after that. I had used a plug on for my old TV that had Google Chromecast on it and I liked it. That was the only way I could use my old tv. So Sam's Club, Best Buy, and Target all had the tv I bought for the same price. My mom has a Sam's Club membership so I ordered a TV on her account with my debit card. The main reason I chose them....it had the longest return policy of the 3 and we go to Sam's Club at least once a month in a nearby city and I could return it there if need be. Here is the TV I bought (43"):
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My only big issue was the sound wasn't that great despite all the reviews saying that people were using it without a sound bar and it still sounded great. My old TV didn't need a sound bar and I didn't have a sound bar. I was trying to keep the cost down. I noticed Amazon was having a sale on sound bars so I thought I would read the reviews and get the cheapest one I could that didn't have horrible reviews. There were 2 choices and they were the same brand. One was 30ish dollars and the other one was 40ish dollars. I went with the cheaper one. People seemed to like it better anyhow. At first I didn't know how to hook it up and get it to work. I looked at the instructions and I still didn't know. I found sound help about it online. It's great despite the lower cost. You should check out this brand (Saiyin) if you need a lower cost sound bar. Here is the one I bought:
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Next I needed a new coaxial cable because mine was in horrible shape. We use an outside antenna. It's mostly just for watching local broadcasts from Springfield, Missouri in case of a tornado. I just replaced the coaxial cable. I bought this one from amazon. It's way more solid than my old one. For a little more I could have gotten the same brand with L shaped ends. I didn't notice that before. You can buy this cable in all different lengths and they have a weatherproof version also. Here is the one I bought. You can see the brand if you need a solid coaxial cable at a good price:
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Next my Ethernet cable was old and the ends started to look bad. It was getting loose and falling out. I bought a new cable. This one was also really solid and a good price on amazon. It comes in many colors and every color is in all different lengths. I was going to get yellow or some color that shows up well but I went with purple instead. I noticed this brand has a variety of cables on Amazon. Here is the one I got and it's a cat 8 which was an upgrade for me:
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Last but not least.... I always lose my remotes. They fall between my bed and the wall or wherever. I bought a second remote so I would have a backup and I bought glow in the dark protective cover for them. I found the glow in the dark cover on Amazon. Sikai was the better of the 2 that I bought but shipping was slow. They also had other colors available. Here it is:
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My only other thing I wanted was to get a TV that was future proof with the tuner. Unfortunately there aren't many tvs available with the newer ATSC 3.0 Nextgen tv tuners built in.... Especially at the smaller size. This tv didn't have the newer tuner and I knew that when I bought it. It was also a little under $200 and tvs with the new tuner are much higher. It might not be necessary to have the newer tuner for antenna tv. I might have this TV for before I need it anyhow. They do sell external atsc 3.0/nextgen tv tuners but the cost is the same as the tv or higher in the few models out there. They do however have a DVR storage kind of similar to the Tablo device that my mom uses. I'm going to wait until newer comes come out and maybe the price goes down. That of I buy it at all.
At my house we are getting our TV service right now with YouTube tv. My brother lives here and he is a subscriber. We all have profiles on there. It has a lot of the channels and most of the broadcast stuff I would watch and some cable channels. It also includes an unlimited amount that you can record or have in your library. The only issue is it runs a minute or so behind so it's not helpful if there is local tornado coverage. That's why I still use an antenna.
So YouTube TV doesn't have a few channels I watch so I subscribe to the FRNDLY TV app. At first Youtube TV didn't have the Hallmark channel and I watch When Calls the Heart. Now YouTube tv has the Hallmark channels. FRNDLY still has a variety of channels that we don't get on my brother's YouTube tv package... I watch GAC Family, The History Channel, A&E, Lifetime Movies and others on FRNDLY. I do a yearly subscription and it's very inexpensive for a streaming app with live channels and the ability to record the shows. I had to cancel all the other streaming channels I had because I don't have a job right now. My brother subscribes to all the major streaming apps and they are signed into the living room TV. I have some of the logged in on my TV and tablet and such but some of the services have restrictions on how many devices can be logged in or about password sharing. My brother and I live in the same house so it should be different than sharing between like a parent and a child or with a spouse or something.
Note: We need to replace the outside antenna. We've had this one 9 or 10 years and it gets a lot of wind and such at it. We saw one we might get in Amazon and we want to replace the pole that it's ok. We run a really long coaxial cable from it that goes to the basement where there is a coaxial splitter (it also maybe needs replaced).… So we staying run a coaxial cable from it to the kitchen for the kitchen tv and the living room for the living room TV and one to 2 of the 3 bedrooms. The coaxial that goes to my brother's bedroom broke but he doesn't watch antenna tv anymore. He only plays video games on his tv. He watches all the streaming channels but he mostly does that on his iPad. So there isn't a good way to run a coaxial cable to my bedroom so far. I put a 2 way splitter at the living room TV and I run my coaxial cable to it. I know splitting weakens the signal but generally it has worked out for us. Now it's not so great even after adjusting the outside antenna. Al the other social cables may need replaced along with the antenna. We are going to wait a month or so before maybe doing that because of the cost and it will be nicer weather to put an antenna up hopefully. We can get everything we need from Amazon for 1 day delivery anyhow.
Something you can try. When my old TV couldn't update some of the app and it ran out of internal storage.... I found a cheap fix at Walmart. I decided to just go with a cheap streaming box and I found that they came out with a store brand ONN streaming box that had Google Chromecast on it. I had been wanting to try chromecast before I committed to buy a tv with it. All our smart TVs before had Roku or the old one I had in my bedroom before had Amazon Fire tv built in. This streaming box came out last spring or summer and it sells at Walmart in many stores and for shipping on their app for $19.99. It still works great. We have put it on the living room TV which is the next to get replaced because it's a Hisense Roku 2017 model. My mom doesn't like anything other than the Roku set up. She is almost 75 and she wants to stick with what she knows. Unfortunately there aren't as many brands that have Roku built in any more and they hardly come out. So far none of them have the newer tuner that we have seen. Hisense mostly makes tvs with Google Chromecast built in now from what we have seen.
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@sohereswhatyoumissedlastweek replied to your post “@sohereswhatyoumissedlastweek replied to your post...”:
Gosh yeah predetermined dlc sounds awful!! And microtransactions and being online to play... No. I also hate that playstation makes you pay monthly to play online. You pay for the game, like 70 euros or so. And then every month another 10 euros to play it!!! That's insanity. They were making a the last of us multiplayer but it's now canceled. And I was kinda excited to it's a bummer but also... My wallet will be so greatful??
​€10 A MONTH???? I already find €10 a year an annoyance lmao. Mostly because I know what it's like to not have to do that. I mean, I was always aware that NSO was seen as the "cheapest" of all these shitty subscriptions, but damn. Heck, even if I paid for NSO+ outside of the family bundle, it's €50 a year, aka €4 or something a month.
You know what I also hate? Non-finished games. Like, that's also become a standard thing now. A lot of games aren't entirely finished by release. They get shipped while being full of bugs. And it's now the norm because devs will go "oh, oh, no worries, we'll patch it up!" and I'm like.... "you should've prevented this". I am not necessarily talking about a Day One Patch, because they are, as the name suggests, shipped on the day of release. I still think games should aim to release even without a Day One Patch, but it's at least fixed on the day of release. Pokémon does this a lot.
But no it's become way too common for games to release with (sometime game breaking) bugs and then they take a while to fix them. My First Wedding Stories is still broken, 2 years later, even after some patches. Mineko's Night Market still runs terribly on Switch, or so I have heard. Patches are supposed to be for little fixes and adding some extras, not so that devs can publish games in these states. And small bugs happen, that's fair, but there's a difference between one or two bugs that got overlooked, or a handful of bugs.
And these are just bugs. Sometimes games are straight-up unfinished. And no, I don't mean like Early Access. With Early Access, you willingly pay for an unfinished product. That's the point of Early Access. You are "part of the process" and again, if done well, it's great. Hades releasing Early Access was a stellar idea. The Day Before releasing Early Access was just part of the scam. Cause yeah, it does give devs an option to get money for an unfinished product, but IF DONE WELL, it works.
But I am talking about fucking My Time At Sandrock. Ine, I wanna play that game so badly. On Switch. YES ON SWITCH EVEN THOUGH EVERYONE SAYS PC IS THE BEST CHOICE. The portability of the Switch is just such an A+, but "it doesn't look that great on Switch", I don't care, I don't care about gamers interest in super hyper realistic graphics in 4K or whatever, or "it doesn't run as well on Switch", which is indeed a stronger argument, but I am willing to trade in some performance for portability and I have survived My Time At Portia, which has ASS loading times. But it turns out it just straight-up isn't finished on Switch? WHAT? I get consoles sometimes need more time. Stardew Valley also always needs some more time, but here they just didn't really communicate it enough while also already putting out pre-orders and special editions etc? UGH.
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fantasyinvader · 11 months
Hornblower has me finally watching The Terror, which admittedly I’d been putting off because of the knowledge it’s available with my Prime account. I took a break from it to watch Passage, a 2008 documentary tied into making a movie about John Rae (which was never completed) and the history that goes around it.
1) I kinda want to go to Stromness now for it’s historic buildings. And as much as I absolutely hate the cold, it made Nunavut look inviting.
2) I definitely side with the idea that John Rae should be the one accredited with finding the Northwest Passage over Sir John Franklin. Yes, Franklin’s men may have seen the passage on their journey, but they didn’t report back on it. I do think that’s a big distinction to make, because more people had to be sent out to find them which resulted in someone else discovering it. It really feels it was more an attempt to save face after the whole expedition ended in disaster due to, let’s be frank here, the Navy completely underestimating the difficulty of the journey and believed through numbers, technology and big ships they would succeed (especially when you know about stuff like how the engine for the ships wasn’t suited for them, or how the navy bought the cheapest tinned foods they could). Not to mention the efforts of Lady Franklin.
3) It was really nice seeing a descendant of Charles Dickens apologize for Dickens’s words damning the natives, as well as acknowledging his words advocating genocide in India. To see him shocked by how Dickens, a champion for domestic liberal causes, to say such things and say it was out of character for him but not try to deny them? Really nice, especially after the former British Navy guy tried to champion Dickens’s claims to the face of an Inuit leader. Granted, we have since found more evidence supporting the cannibalism claims and before we found the wrecks of the Erebus and Terror, but still.
Honestly makes me understand why Hornblower tries to act like this stoic ideal officer more, as well as putting on the BBC movies. But I kinda want to watch the Gregory Peck movie first so I don’t have Ioan Gruffud’s performance overshadowing a film from the 50’s, which means I have to finish the second Omnibus first.
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ifyouhavegonst · 1 year
really happy i ordered two sizes of the ghooty shorts after rockabillia bungled the size chart so badly (⁠;⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠) I'm usually a US medium/8 (sometimes a large depending on the brand), the XL pair were too small and the 2XL just barely fit me. i heard a few people say they shrink in the wash too (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠) based on what I've seen on social media it seems like the fit of the ghooty shorts is kind of all over the place. admittedly i do carry a lot of my weight in the hips/ass department but there's no reason why an XL shouldn't have fit if I'm normally a medium (i get that it was likely juniors sizing but still)
the larger pair I ordered was supposed to be a gift too, but it looks like I'll be keeping them instead ┐⁠(⁠‘⁠~⁠`⁠;⁠)⁠┌ this is kind of a long way of saying if any of you are seeking out a pair of the ghooty shorts, I'm totally willing to sell the ""XL"" pair, not for more than the total of what i paid for the one pair (after shipping/state sales tax, the total comes to about $50 usd. these fuckers were expensive.) + whatever it would cost to ship to whoever wants them (I'd try to use the cheapest shipping option, likely usps first class). I'm not trying to scalp them or anything, because i didn't buy them for the purpose of reselling them. i just want to make back what I spent without having to pay to return them. i can ship them wherever, but if you're not in the continental US, it might be kind of expensive (back in my etsy selling days, shipping to canada & the uk was like $10-20 depending on the package dimensions. I'm sure if you're even further away than that, it'll be more expensive. I'm more than happy to get an international shipping quote before payment if you'd like to know how much it would be before you buy them).
be warned though, they probably fit like a US small/6 (and that's being generous, i feel like they might even be smaller, but since I'm a medium i have no real point of reference). i really don't feel like paying to return them & I've heard some not-so-great things about rockabillia's customer service. i only tried them on for about 30 seconds because they didn't fit, so they aren't really worn or anything. they'd be coming from a smoke-free, dog & cat friendly home ฅ⁠^⁠•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠^⁠ฅ please check the size chart and make sure they'd fit you before inquiring, I'm really good about refunds in the event that something happens to the package (loss, damage, etc), but I can't provide a refund if they just don't fit after i typed out all this information about the size, so please read carefully.
anyways like. if you read this far and you want them hit me up because i don't really have any friends or anything who would care & i want them to go to someone who actually cares about them. I'd take payment via paypal friends & family (just because i don't want to deal with the seller fees, i promise I'm not sus), but only if you promise to ignore my deadname lol.
they need a home. if you're cold, they're cold, bring them inside.
ok thanks love you (⁠づ⁠。⁠◕⁠‿⁠‿⁠◕⁠。⁠)⁠づ
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Flat Rate Moving Services - What You Need to Know
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If you're planning to move a large number of items, it may make sense to go with a flat rate moving company. These companies can help you estimate how much your move will cost, but it's important to know what your options are before you hire one. Flat rates aren't always the cheapest option, but they're the most convenient for large moves. However, it's a good idea to keep in mind that some flat-rate movers charge more than others, so it's important to compare costs.
Moving can be a stressful and expensive process. Whether you're moving across town or the country, you want to make sure you're putting your items in the best possible hands. While you can often find cheap moving services, you also need to be sure that you aren't falling for any scams. A quick review of the movers you plan to work with can help you avoid getting ripped off.
Choosing the Hudson Valley moving company means you'll get an accurate and affordable quote before you hire a mover. Your estimate will be based on how many items you're bringing with you, as well as how far you're moving. You can expect to pay more if you have a lot of heavy furniture and if you're moving long distances. For example, if you're moving from New York City to Washington, D.C., the distance is roughly 226 miles.
In addition to your flat rate, your mover will also include the cost of wrapping and packing your items. Additionally, you can expect to pay an elevator fee if your apartment or house has more than one set of stairs. It can be up to $50 for each additional flight.
Depending on your move, your moving company might offer reassembly or disassembly services. They'll have to take extra care when handling your items, so you might end up paying for spare time.
In addition, you may be required to pay for shuttle services in major cities. This can add up to a significant sum of money. Another benefit of working with a flat-rate moving company is that you don't have to pay for extra moving supplies, like tape or boxes.
If you're moving across the country, a flat rate might be the most economical choice. The mover will use a consolidated shipping option to divide the trailer into separate shipments for multiple clients. Also, you'll be able to request a delivery right from the FlatRate app, so you'll never have to leave your home to retrieve your items.
When you're ready to schedule a moving date, you can start by getting a free quote from a FlatRate moving company. After you submit your information, a representative will visit your home to assess the move and produce a free, binding estimate. If you decide to hire the moving service, the estimator will then send you a contract to sign.
Flat-rate movers are ideal for large household moves. Unlike hourly movers, flat-rate movers aren't willing to rush through your items and will charge you a price that fits the total amount of time they need to complete the move. Read this blog post to get more informed about this subject: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moving_company.
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butchboromir · 2 years
one of my thought exercises that i’ve been thinking over for the past 3 days is like how could i feasibly end up going to see the 2023 felsenfest tour. like. ok. so it takes place oct 2023. i have a little less than a year to save. i will be in college. but that doesn’t matter my professors will live if i skip 3-5 days to go see my favorite band ever. SO. also this got really long so i’m putting it under a readmore everyone say thanks
the cheapest flights to germany that i’ve seen are like $400 roundtrip, realistically it would be more in $800 dollar range (because a lot of the budget airlines charge for stuff like baggage etc). but for the sake of this i’m going to say $1500 just to be generous (paranoid). 
i’m gonna need a hotel, for let’s say like 3 nights (get there, concert next day, recovery day + tourist stuff). i would go with like. an ok hotel. like a holiday inn express. and that’s around $125 a night, times 3 so now we’re at $375 for hotels. 
i’ll go with food and drink budget of like $50 bucks a day (so $150 for 3 days) to be generous and because i like food. and i’ll be legally drink there so that will be fun (will get hammered immediately after the concert. perhaps i will make friends in line or whatevs and we can go to a bar or something). 
now transport is a little bit trickier. i’m gonna be optimistic and do public transport mostly? i googled and apparently it’s pretty affordable but i will still be cautious and set aside like for $60-70 bucks just in case. and then rideshare to and from airport is like expensive as fuck at least for the us side so  that’s like ~$100 give or take each time for the US side (total $200) BUT apparently there is some public transport for various airports on the germany side so that gets to go in the public transport fund. so $200 getting to and from the airport.
 AND last but not least concert tix and merch fund. the concert tix are actually pretty cheap they’re like $30-50 bucks and then $100 for merch because i can’t order any in the us (won’t ship) so i have to take advantage of it. SO THIS TOTALS TO
$1500 - round trip flight tickets
$375 - hotels
$150 - food
$270 - all transport
$150 - tickets and merch
so TOTAL is $2345. WHICH. hypothetically. i could save up when i go back to work (and if i am working 12 hrs a week part time while in school and then during the summer more probs). BUUUUUUUT like realistically that’s a lot of money that like i really should be using so i don’t go into as much debt from college
also as an addendum IF i chose two concert dates directly next to eachother (like stuttgart+munich, which are on the 20th+21st) i COULD add like an extra day and then take a bus/train to the next concert. so add on an extra day of food, hotel, train or bus fare ($30ish?), and one more concert ticket then my total would be around $2700
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pbandjesse · 1 year
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I can't even get on the ship wifi so I'm assuming this will go up very late. I am sorry about that! But I am having the best time. This trip has been so beautiful. I have been brought to tears many times. Including today. Today was a good day.
I slept pretty well last night. Getting up was hard but I was feeling pretty good. Today we visit Skagway and the ship has already docked. So there was no issue leaving. And by the time we were awake and dressed and heading to breakfast it wasnt super busy.
Breakfast was fine. I realized my tank top was a little more cropped when I realized and so after we ate I requested we go back to the room first so I could put on tights under my pants. This was the best move. I would be very cozy all day.
We headed out into town. We took the shuttle that this town has. But it only goes to the end of the on dock. Our driver was very sweet and made me laugh. I was really excited to see everything. This town is a gold mining town and there was lots of history to learn.
I was slightly disappointed that a few of the building that were historic were under construction. But that's alright. I enjoyed the ones available to us.
And there were great souvenirs to find. We have gotten pieces for everyone we wanted to. And a few things for us. I decided that I didn't need a jade piece. I prefer the abolone. But I ended up getting super anxious about the decision and that was hard. I had to take a minute because I was very stressed for literally no reason. It's that fear of missing out mixed with fear of regrets. James was my stability. And made me feel a lot better.
I really loved the historic stuff we read about. They had this amazing snow plow train that was insane looking. I would forget the mountains are there every once in a while and look up and literally gasp. It was so pretty.
In one of the stores we went on they had some really pretty gold charms but I didn't want to buy something so expensive. I enjoyed my chats with the man at the counter. And at another store I got some questions answered about what green stone is. Something we had seen in another museum. It isn't jade or malachite, it's just called green stone, it comes from the southwest, and it's spiritual. And those lovely ladies gave me some direction for my research.
In one of the store some nice girls suggested if we didn't have a planned excursion we should visit their sister store and rent electric bikes. I knew this would be a great idea. I knew we would y be able to experience the city in a better way.
James was a little unsure because of the cost. But the cheapest excursions start at $50 per person, and James loves bikes and this would be exciting and not hard because it's electric. So after a little more walking I told James that's what I wanted to do.
And it was perfect. I'm so glad we did it. We rented them for an hour, and the nice man gave us an extra 15 minutes. And it allowed us to go out to the gold miners cemetery which was super powerful. And then we took the short hike to an incredible waterfall. Which was also powerful in a different way. I love waterfalls.
I had to convince James to not climb into a cave. And then we went to watch the gold mine train for a minute. And then we took the bikes to the look out point the man we rented the bikes from suggested.
This was a little scary for me. I do not like going fast and these bikes went up to 25 mph a few times. But it got us up there fast. And it was worth the view. I got a little teary. It was beautiful and I was having so much fun. This is really the trip of a lifetime.
We had to take the bikes back soon after that. Those extra 15 minutes gave us more then enough time to bring them back on time. I did miss the street turn and I couldn't hear James over the wind. But we slowed down and we turned around and then dropped them off. I felt a little gitty I was in such a good mood.
We made another little loop around. I got the Tshirt I wanted. And then we went to a trail. But I only made it a little up the hill before I had to turn around. I felt really bad to cut it short but I was not strong enough. James said it was okay! I still felt bad but I knew it was going to wreck me to try to go up there.
Instead we took the pond path. I texted my brother. Service has been super spotty in this city but that is okay. I enjoyed seeing plants I wasn't familiar with. And just feeling the wind on my face.
I was getting tired though. My face was cold and my feet hurt. I was happy but I was ready to head back.
We would go and get the shuttle. And got back to the ship around 2. We took the elevator up to get lunch. I ate more of the same. It probably sounds boring but I am having the best time eating my favorite things for every meal. I had a salad and a grilled cheese and fries. We got a few cakes to try and share. And it was good to sit and watch the world. To absorb how stupid beautiful everything is. The world is so beautiful.
I started getting super tired. And so me and James went back to the room and I laid down for almost two hours. It was a very deep sleep. James tried to wake me up at one point and I was like. No. So they went and did our customs form down at the guest services desk. And when they came back I was getting up again.
We would head down to the card room and played war. Did the trivia. The card game from yesterday wasn't there but maybe next time it will be and we can play that. It was nice just playing quietly and being together. But I was having issues because I was itchy and thought going to get allergy medicine would help.
Before we left we chatted with the worker in the library about tomorrow. Apparently this is the first time they've done this itinerary, which is probably why the timing is all weird. But tomorrow we'll be in glacier bay and the park services is bringing people on board to talk to us because we aren't getting off. So it's like a tour but it's on the ship. Neat!
I felt really really itchy when we got back to the room. So after changing three times James suggested I take a shower and wait for the meds to kick in. And that did help. I'm still a little itchy but it's not so bad anymore.
We came up here to the lounge. And we've been reading and drawing. And soon the ship will start to move again.
And tomorrow it is a ship day. And I hope we can get a good seat on that outside area I found. I hope we see some wildlife. I'm really excited to see glaciers. James told me there are 1000 of them??? Incredible.
We're going to go eat some dinner now. I love you all. I hope you are safe and have been enjoying our journey!! Goodnight!!
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dritapower · 2 years
Best 35mm film
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#Best 35mm film iso
#Best 35mm film professional
#Best 35mm film free
They are my favorite local lab where I live and are always very helpful when I have questions.Step by Step to buy the best cheap 35mm film of Septemberīuying the best cheap 35mm film is not always an easy task. If you have any questions about particular film stocks and want to speak to someone, give The Shot on Film Storea call. eBay: eBay is a great place to look if you want to buy expired film stock to try.Amazon: Surprisingly, Amazon is quickly becoming one of the best places to buy film after taking into consideration shipping fees and customer service especially if you’re an Amazon Prime member.Another good choice for a wide selection of film stock at a fair price.
#Best 35mm film free
Adorama: Free shipping options are available.
Unfortunately, they don’t have a free shipping option.
Freestyle Photographic Supply: A huge supply of different film stocks at a great price.
They carry a large selection, however, prices have recently increased a little.
The Shot on Film Store: An awesome film store in the Seattle area that offers free shipping on orders over $49.
Yes, you will have to pay for the additional equipment, but once you’re set-up, you can save a good amount of money in the long run.Īfter pouring countless hours into researching where I could find the cheapest and best selection of 35mm film stock, here are my favorite places to shop for film. What surprised me is that it’s much more accessible and easy than I thought it would be.
Blue Moon Camera in Portland: $22 for developing and scanning.Įventually, you should try to develop and scan your own film! I started with developing black and white film as you don’t need to use as many chemicals.
The Dark Room in San Clemente, CA: $15 for developing and scanning.
They developed and scanned all the film photo examples in this post except for the black and white images.
The Shot on Film Store in Seattle: $16.97 for developing and scanning.
#Best 35mm film professional
If you don’t have a professional camera lab who will develop and scan film in your area, here are my favorites that take mail-in orders: The cost adds up quickly, but if you are just getting started, I would highly recommend you go with a lab before investing in equipment to develop and scan film at home. The price for developing and scanning film is usually around $15 – $20 per roll of 35mm or 120 films. Sending your film to a professional lab to develop and scan is the easiest way to do it and you’ll get the best results, but it’s also the most expensive.
#Best 35mm film iso
So when I’m out shooting with this film, I will set the ISO at 200 on my Canon AE-1 and meter for it at ISO 200. For example, Kodak Portra 400 loves to be overexposed. One important thing to keep in mind is that some film stocks perform better when they’re overexposed by 1 or 2 stops so you will have to shoot it at lower than box speed. Just keep in mind that higher film stocks usually have a more visible grain. These faster film stocks are more flexible and can work much better in low light situations. On the other hand, higher ISO film stocks like 8 are “faster” film stocks and are more sensitive to light. These slower film stocks perform the best in bright light situations like on a sunny day and don’t do very well in low light situations unless you use longer shutter speeds. The lower the ISO, the “slower” the film stock is, and the less sensitive it is to light. Similar to digital photography, the ISO represents how sensitive the film is to light. The most common ISO you will see is 100, 200, 400, and 800 but there are also film stocks with ISO as low as 50 and as high as 3200. For the most part, all film stocks that you come across will have a stated box speed, which is the ISO or ASA of the film stock.
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lascltru · 2 years
Bk butler tube driver 4 knob
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The Chandler had a wall art style plug (see pic 1) and the BK is a standard 3 prong. However, I Any questions please don't hesitate to ask - collection available from East Sheen (Richmond area), South West London if one prefers. The 4 knob - both the Chandler I used to have and the BK one I currently own - have a built in power cord. You will not get a lot of battery life out of these so PSU is probably advisable anyway. This is well worn (read 'loved'?) Doesn't seem to work with Battery (probably battery clip) but I never needed to fix it as it works perfectly when using a power supply. I’m not sure if I should buy this version or look for a post 2007 4 Yellow BK reissue. Van Halen signature version with 'Script' and 'Block' settings. * SOLD* Big box reissue with original box. Only selling because I own a Strymon Mobius and a Boss CE-2 so well stocked in chorus land! A fantastic chorus pedal that can do a pretty darn good rotary speaker impression at high settings. Known the world over for creating the Eric Johnson 'violin tone' and as one of two main pedals used by David Gilmour. Each one is hand made and checked out carefully by BK himself Here's your chance to own this legendary 'Holy Grail' of overdrive pedals.
*SOLD* Original japanese black box model. TUBE DRIVER with BIAS Control -Original Design by BK Butler. Will the 3 knob Bk get me close to that sound Thanks. I know I like the sound of the Butler and chandler 4 knob but I just dont have 300 or more to shell out on one right now. Also I think the 4 knob plugs into the wall 120v and the three knob I think runs off of 9v. Guitar Man Volume Pedal - £10 £5 *SOLD* (including the cheapest shipping I can find.) Very cheap. Find great deals on the Tube Driver on Click Here queryBK+Butler+Tube+Driver&aid. The 3 knob just has one know for EQ and the four knob says high and low. Screamer type OD but without that annoying 'Bass-cut' quality the Ibanez *SOLD* Original version with Dinosaur Logo. These haven't been made for years and their availability is dwindling. These are the tubes that BK Butler put in pedals for players like Eric Johnson and David GIlmour. I bought this after I had owned the Tube Driver for a while, it makes a tremendous difference and really is the perfect tube for a 'Starved Plate' design overdrive pedal. Comes with the Electro Harmonix tube that was originally included.Įi 'Yugo' Tube (12ax7) - £50 £40 shipped. Has had UK plug fitted (BK Butler only provides them with US plugs regardless of whether they are 110 or 230 models). A few pedals for sale! Prices assume Paypal Gift.īK Butler Tube Driver - £210 £200 shipped.
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