#the clone wars gif
tesb · 3 days
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#if i had a nickel for every time something like this happened in star wars, i'd have two nickels, which is not a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice
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chiliger · 1 day
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“When I lost you, I was lost too, in this place… In this place, there’s something (nothing) more…” — This Place by Nicolas Snyder
Rewatched “Scavenger’s Reign” and it gave me the urge to draw something in a way inspired by the beautiful landscapes in the series. I’m out of practice with environmental illustrations, but this was a very calming one to make.
Trees so tall their canopies are lost to the eye, but their seeds drift down in gentle light and land among stones jutting from the ground. Not many beings get to witness it.
Close up and gif below the cut
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The Rules:
Every twenty-four hours there will be another round. After every round, the film in last place will be eliminated.
If there are multiple films tying for last place, there will be a special elimination round. In these rounds, every film in last place will be eliminated, even if all the films have tied equally.
When there are only two films remaining, they will face off against one another in a week-long poll to determine the victor.
If you feel that no mere Star Wars film deserves to win, then please hit the "No Star Wars *Film* Is As Good As ___!" option and reply to this post with the non-film piece of Star Wars media you wish to include in the poll. The non-film piece of Star Wars media with the highest 'write-in' votes will then be added to the poll in the next round. Welcome to the poll, Andor and Star Wars: The Clone Wars!
This is all for fun. Don’t take it too seriously ;)
The Phantom Menace has been eliminated! Not even Fashion Icon Padme Amidala could save it.
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My neck is hurting in sympathy...
Round Five!
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ayyyy-le-simp · 3 days
so I’m a VERY late Star Wars fan, like I just now started watching The Clone Wars
But like, I’m giggling right now
Guys, okay guy, guys please
Hear me out
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No cause like i know that his actions are bad but like…why he kinda
guys please hear me out don’t let me be alone
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Give me that space cowboy right now
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No cause
Im gonna edit him stop even though I suck at editing
I want him
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Congratulations on your milestone! If you are still doing this, can I request a jukebox roulette for Rex with a F! Reader or OC, with the song:
I'm so excited to see what you do with this!
Thank you so much @callsign-denmark !
You are such a sweetheart.
I listened to this song, and then the album and I just love this band! Thank you for introducing them to me!
Alright, so I hope you love my interpretation of this, it might not be what you were hoping for, but I tried.
Love oo
Glowing In The Dark
Warnings: Severe injury, tears, begging, pleading, declarations of love, realities of war, passing out from exhaustion, refusing to leave, surgery, symbiotic relationship, angst, hurt/comfort. I think that's it. If I miss anything please let me know.
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Main Master List   | Star Wars Jukebox Roulette |   AO3 Link
The bruises, cuts, and pain that radiated on your face and body, was too much for Rex. He held your hand as you waited for a medic. The fighting had been especially brutal, and the med tent was inundated with casualties, some far worse than yours.  
Tears pricked his eyes as you lay there moaning in pain.
“You’re alright, cyar’ika. You’re going to be alright. Just hang in there. Please.”
He pressed a subtle kiss to the back of your hand, not that he really needed to be subtle, every single person part of the 501st knew you two were together. It was the worst kept secret, and frankly neither of you cared. 
He certainly didn’t, when you showed up in his life you were a light in the darkness. 
Not just figuratively, but also quite literally. You’d fallen into a bioluminescent pond and when you came upon Rex and General Skywalker, with your own elite Commando unit, he thought you were a glowing angel in the dark. 
It was thanks to your ethereal appearance, he survived that mission. The other side, thought you were a ghost, and scared them into dropping their weapons. 
You coughed, and groaned in pain, he squeezed your hand, “Cyar’ika, hang in there. Just think about what we’re going to do next shore leave. You promised me to take me… what was that again, oh right window shopping. Whatever that is. You said we’d spend the day together, relaxing and enjoying the day. So… you need to hold on so we can do that together.”
The warm liquid filling his eyes was getting to be too much, as he subtly brushed them away. 
“Remember the last time we were on Trip Zip, you convinced me to go to a poetry reading. I know I grumbled all night about it, but I’ll gladly suffer through another night of that if it means I get to sit beside you, holding your hand, feeling your body pressed against mine. So please hold on.”
There was a tear that slid down your cheek, as the pain was becoming unbearable. 
“MEDIC!” Rex called again, hoping someone was free. Where was Kix when he needed him!
“Rex…” you softly whispered.
He leaned in closer, “What is it, cyar’ika?”
“I … I …” you coughed again, “ I love … you.”
“I love you, too, but right now save your strength. Just stay awake for me, okay?”
Your head moved slowly, an almost imperceptible nod. 
“Do you remember our first night together? How hard you held on to me, never wanting to let me go? That’s how hard I need you to fight right now. I need you to keep awake, to stay here with me. Please, you’re my light in the dark. I can’t lose you.”
The usually stoic voice trembled out of his mouth. He didn’t want to lose it, he needed to stay strong for you.
With each passing minute and second, he felt his heart screaming more and more for you, begging for you to not leave him. To stay by his side, to always stay. 
“Baby …” his voice was barely above a whisper, the only person who could hear him was you, “don’t leave me. Please. I’ve learned to bear the loss of so many of my brothers, I’ve tried to be strong, to not let it get to me, but … please.” He pressed his forehead against your hand, “Please, I won’t make it if you leave me too.”
His body slowly moved closer, kneeling beside the stretcher you were on, “I’ve learned to bear their passing, the responsibility of their loss, of what it means to be Captain, and … I promise, I’ll bear everything else. I’ll do everything and anything, just please … please stay.”
Tears streamed down his cheek as he felt the grip that had been so strong moments slowly start to wane. 
“MEDIC!” He shouted again, praying this time that one of the medics were free. 
“Vod?” Kix ran over to the tent the minute he heard Rex’s voice, he’d just made it back from the front but as soon as he saw your face, the way your body slowly started to relax, he knew there was no time. 
Rex turned to look at his vod, tears trickling down his face as he clenched your hand against his chest, “Vod, I … I can’t see her glow… where’s her glow?”
Within an instant you were lifted away from Rex and taken behind the surgical screen, Rex stayed kneeling on the ground in that very spot, afraid to move, afraid that if he did he’d lose his connection to you. 
Despite everyone trying to coax him to a seat, to rest, to get some food, he refused. He simply waited kneeling in that spot, his eyes closed the entire time you were in surgery.  It was almost six hours later when Kix and his team brought you back to him. You looked better, there was a slight glow to your skin. Despite the fact it had almost been a year since you fell into that bioluminescent pool, you still glowed in the dark. 
“Don’t worry she’ll be alright,” Kix pressed his hand against Rex’s shoulder, “took out quite a bit of shrapnel, fixed a few broken bones, and a perforated bowel, but she’ll be alright. Once we get them onboard the Resolute, she’ll be going straight into a bacta tank.”
Rex crumpled against the ground as soon as he knew you were safe, he was beyond exhausted from the stress and anxiety of almost losing you. Kix, simply smirked, shaking his head as they arranged for him to have a cot right beside you.
Main Master List   | Star Wars Jukebox Roulette |   AO3 Link
Tag list:
@liadamerondjarin @badbatch-simp24@spicymcnuggies@lady-ren @firstofficerwiggles @darkangel4121 @discofern @kavecika @monako-jinn-stories @ladykatakuri @avathebestx @theroguesully @furyhellfire66 @carodealmeida @ciramaris @sprout-fics @twinkofthedink @dindjarin-mandalorian @ulchabhangorm @littlemisspascal @tortor-mcgee @vodika-vibes @clonethirstingisreal @crosshair-is-the-superior-clone @totallyunidentified @griffedeloup @leotatombs @leotawrites
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Bacta and Bandages Chp. 1 (Rex x Reader)
I suppose this is a prequel to Darkness on Umbara. It's mostly going to be lighthearted after the darkness and despair of that series LMAO! Enjoy slow-burn Rex x Reader :)
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Chapter 2.
CW: Reader is gender neutral, no use of (Y/N), reader is a doctor, if I miss a tag LMK!
Minors DNI, and this is NOT proofread!
Assignment: 501st Clone Battalion
General: Anakin Skywalker
Commander: Ahsoka Tano
Admiral: Wullf Yularen
The datapad in your hands was bright. You couldn’t help but smile at the words on the screen. 
When the war started, you stepped away from your job as a doctor in one of the hospitals on Coruscant to join the war effort. Your knowledge and experience with more advanced medical procedures gave you the rank of ‘Field Surgeon’ right off the bat. After a few weeks of combat training, army regulation and discipline, you were given a choice.
You could be the doctor of one of the natural born soldier battalions, or you could join a clone battalion. 
You didn’t pick the 501st because they’re clones. You actually picked the 501st for their general.
Despite the war only being about a month in, you had gotten reports of all the battalion numbers. Casualties. Injuries. MIA. and other statistics. 
Out of all the generals, Anakin Skywalker had the highest injuries, but lowest deaths. After some digging, you found out he was also one of the leaders who would fight at the front, with all of his men. 
He’s a good man. You thought as you made the request to be assigned to the 501st. 
Within the rotation you said goodbye to your family, friends and colleagues and prepared yourself. You stepped onto the transport ship that would take you to The Resolute, the venator you would be stationed with. 
Your eyes roamed over your datapad. First steps would be to report to Admiral Yularen, a stern, hardworking yet patient admiral. He would be located at the command center of the ship, most likely. With luck, General Skywalker would be there. 
Be professional. You told yourself, You are a capable doctor. You can handle this.
The ship landed in the hangar and you stepped off. You looked around getting your bearings. There was energy and movement happening around you, as you had come aboard the same time as a resupply of the ship. Troopers and maintenance crews dashed around, adding some chaos to the entire area. 
“Alright,” You sighed to yourself, “Find Admiral Yularen.” Despite the new meetings, you felt calm. Collected. 
You managed to get about seven steps through the hanger before you heard a yelp and were crashed into by someone. You hit the ground and the heavy weight on top of you knocked the wind out of your lungs. 
“Sorry!” That weight, a body clad in plastoid, scrambled to get off of you, “I didn’t see you, I was moving some medical supplies and-”
“Hardcase!” A pair of hands were helping you sit up, “I told you to be careful! Now you’ve hurt someone!” The voices were almost the exact same. A glance at the both of them told you all you needed to know. 
Clone troopers. Not rookies, since their armor was painted blue.
“I’m alright,” You rubbed the side of your head. These two guys must be embarrassed, and there was no point in making a big deal of an accident. 
“I am so sorry about Hardcase,” One of them, head shaved in a unique pattern, helped you stand, “He was let out of his tube too early and he’s been a moron ever since.” You spotted a flash of red on his shoulder plate. 
You were about to respond when another voice, this one holding more authority, cut above them.
“What have the both of you done?”
The two troopers scrambled, straightening. They saluted the approaching soldier. 
Blonde hair. Blue paulron on one shoulder. Kama. ARC trooper? He has rank, clearly. 
“Captain Rex, sir! We were moving supplies and-”
“Hardcase ran into this bystander.” 
The soldier, Captain Rex, looked over to you, “Are you alright?” He was standing in front of you, brown eyes roaming your form for injuries. 
“Yes, Captain,” You slipped into professionalism, “It was an accident, nothing more.”
“Who are you? Are you authorized to be here?” His gaze was critical, most likely clocking you in as a potential threat. 
“I’m your new field surgeon, sir.” You turned your datapad to face him. The screen held your credentials. You introduced yourself and continued, “I’m supposed to report to Admiral Yularen. Inform him I’m here and go to the medical bay.” 
“Hm, alright doctor.” Rex handed you your datapad, “I’m on my way to the command deck, I’ll show you the way.” 
You maintained your respect and professionalism, “Thank you, sir.”
“Both of you, get back to work. Now.” He snapped to both Kix and Hardcase before he began to lead you out of the hangar. 
Captain Rex of the 501st. Who would have thought you’d meet him so soon?
Well, if you had questions about the troopers, he was the one to ask, “Captain, may I ask you something about the soldiers?”
“Go ahead, doctor.” He nodded to you, allowing you to continue.
“How is morale among the men?” 
You’d need to be prepared for potential mental and emotional issues. Yes, clones were made to be resistant to the stresses of war, but they could still develop PTSD, depression, anxiety….
“It’s good, Doctor.” The captain responded, “With a leader like General Skywalker, the men are always in high spirits.” 
Oh, that's a relief.
“That's good.” You looked down as you kept walking, “Do you know if any of the soldiers have chronic issues? I’d like to know if anyone needs extra or unique care.”
You didn’t miss how surprised he looked, but after a second he shook his head, “No. No issues that I’m aware of.” 
You just got here, and already you were ready to work.
“That's good to know,” You looked down at your datapad, you wanted to take notes. Make sure you know these soldiers. You would be their doctor, their caregiver. You’d be treating their wounds and illnesses. 
They go to you in their most vulnerable states. 
Rex led you through the metal hallways. The venator was a large ship, and it would take a few minutes to get to Admiral Yularen.
“May I ask, Doctor,” His voice had taken a quieter, but still respectful tone, “Why join the 501st? There are non-clone battalions that could use a doctor, I’m sure.” 
You smiled softly, “I wanted to help as many people as I can.” you responded honestly, “And based on the reports i’ve read, General Skywalker seems like a great leader.”
The captain seemed to accept your answer easily, “He is a fierce general. Reckless sometimes, but he cares for his soldiers. He won’t ask us to take risks that he himself wouldn’t take” 
Ah, a good man indeed.
“I can’t wait to meet him, then.” You took in your surroundings. The halls of The Resolute were well lit. The metal of the floors and walls were protective and clean. The entire ship looked to be in great shape, indicating the maintenance crew were on top of everything. 
The small talk you made with Rex was pleasant and polite. You could tell he was a hardworking soldier, and his men respected him. 
It’s going to be pleasant working with him. You thought to yourself.
The double doors to the command center opened, revealing the heart and brains of the venator. Officers were walking around, discussing and planning for their next mission. At the center was a navigation table with a hologram of a planet with 5 moons. 
In front of you was a young man, with lovely blue eyes and brown hair. He was clad in black armored robes. Beside him was a smaller togruta looking at you in curiously, her skin was orange, and she wore deep crimson clothing. At their hips were lightsabers. 
The male jedi was listening as another officer, an Admiral, based on his uniform. 
That must be Admiral Yularen. 
Rex nodded and you followed, “General, sorry to interrupt, but someone needs to speak with the Admiral.” 
The Jedi looked at you, tilting his head slightly, “And you are?”
You cleared your throat and introduced yourself, “I am your new field surgeon. I was told to report to Admiral Yularen.” 
“Ah yes!” The older gentleman perked up, “You were the doctor who made a specific request to join the 501st. Welcome aboard.”
“Thank you, sir.” You nodded, “Happy to be here.” 
“Well, Doctor.” The Jedi crossed his arms with a smirk, “I’m Anakin Skywalker, this is my Padawan Ahsoka Tano,” The young girl gave you a friendly smile and a nod, “I have to ask, why join my battalion? I’m sure there are non-clone legions that can use a doctor.”
“I wanted to help people,” You responded, “and since you have the fewest fatalities out of all the Generals…I thought your battalion was the best way to help.”
You’ve been repeating yourself a lot today…well, it was all part of introductions, you suppose.
General Skywalker seemed to perk up and look at you, “Fewest fatalities?” 
Has no one told him? 
“Yes sir.” You informed him, “You're the General with the fewest fatalities in your troopers. Injuries are high, but more men are surviving.” 
“Huh.” His face practically beamed in pride, “I didn’t know that. But…well, good to know.” 
“He’s going to brag to Obiwan about it.” Ahoska leaned forward slightly to make her snide remark, “We’re never going to hear the end of it.” 
“Watch it, Snips.” He snapped, though there was no anger in his words, “I get to rub it in Obi-Wan's face that I’m a better leader.”
“More risky, I’d say.” 
The two began to tease and taunt each other. They reminded you of siblings bickering. But, at the end of the day, they’d have eachothers back. 
“Do they…uhhh,” You turned to Rex, “Do they do this often?”
“Yes.” He sighed, “They do.” 
Admiral Yularen then addressed you as the two Jedi poked one another, “I’m sure you’ve had a long day. Your quarters are attached to the medical bay. Captain Rex, is it alright if you show our new doctor where they will be staying?”
“Of course, Admiral.” Rex saluted. He nodded to you to follow him. 
You kept pace.There was something you wanted to ask, but you weren’t entirely sure how to ask it. As a doctor, you had to be sensitive to those of unique backgrounds. And the clones were certainly unique.
The clones were humans. But…how were they being treated by nat-borns such as yourself? They were an anomaly in the medical community right now. How are doctors handling their health?
“Captain Rex, may I ask a question of a…sensitive nature?” fuck it. May as well rip the patch off.
He paused and looked at you curiously, “I suppose so, doctor.” 
“I will do my best to treat everyone on this ship equally and with respect,” You started, feeling as though you needed to explain yourself, “And I want to ask if there are any…boundaries, or lines I shouldn't cross when speaking to the soldiers. Everyone is unique of course, but I don’t want to unintentionally come across as rude or insensitive to clones.” 
His eyes widened slightly. He looked at you as if trying to figure you out, “Us clones put loyalty above all else,” he answered honestly, “As for being rude and insensitive…well, just treat everyone how you would treat any other patient.” 
Your smile was small but grateful, “Right. Thank you, Captain Rex.”
“Just Rex.” He responded, continuing to walk, “When there's no need for protocol, just Rex is fine.” 
You nodded, “Then the feeling is mutual. When it's just us, you don’t need to use my title.”
Rex gave you an honest smile.
What a lovely smile, you thought to yourself.
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tesb · 9 months
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Captain Rex and Ahsoka Tano in Ahsoka: Shadow Warrior (2023)
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holoemitters · 19 days
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clone troopers they could never make me hate you
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The Rules:
Every twenty-four hours there will be another round. After every round, the film in last place will be eliminated.
If there are multiple films tying for last place, there will be a special elimination round. In these rounds, every film in last place will be eliminated, even if all the films have tied equally.
When there are only two films remaining, they will face off against one another in a week-long poll to determine the victor.
If you feel that no mere Star Wars film deserves to win, then please hit the "No Star Wars *Film* Is As Good As ___!" option and reply to this post with the non-film piece of Star Wars media you wish to include in the poll. The non-film piece of Star Wars media with the highest 'write-in' votes will then be added to the poll in the next round. Welcome to the poll, Andor and Star Wars: The Clone Wars!
This is all for fun. Don’t take it too seriously ;)
That was the last dance for The Last Jedi.
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…which is a shame because I love The Last Jedi! Wah!
Round Six!
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allthingskenobi · 1 month
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I feel safe. Yes, it feels like that.
@swsource​ star wars week: day 6 – may the 4th be with you!
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Hi! Congrats on the followers! Can I request Maneater by Nelly Furtado? With Crosshair?
Hello my lovely Anon!
I am so sorry this took longer than expected to post, things got crazy on the weekend, and then yesterday I was just super exhausted, and went to sleep early.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy my take on, Maneater by Nelly Furtado.
Love oo
Warnings: Competition, showing off, betting, mentions of drinking, kissing. I think that's it, if I miss anything please let me know.
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Main Master List   | Star Wars Jukebox Roulette |   AO3 Link
The shooting range was rather quiet, except for one lane. 
Every trooper seemed to be surrounding the one lane you occupied, you were too focused on your target, pushing it further and further away, as you sat in your chair using your sniper rifle. 
Crosshair was shocked by the sheer silence that seemed to fill the shooting range. His curiosity getting the best of him, caused him to walk over to where you sat watching as you took another shot. He listened to the murmurs surrounding you, unable to actually see what you looked like or what the big deal was, not that he even really cared.
“No one can make that shot.” One trooper mumbled to the other trooper standing beside him.
“They haven’t missed a shot since they’ve been here.” Another trooper further away from Crosshair stated loudly.
“Think they’d say yes, if I asked them out for a drink?”
Crosshair simply rolled his eyes as he heard the last comment, shaking his head as he set up his own sniper rifle in the lane beside you. With the crowd around, a desire for competition arose in him. A smile etched on his lips, as he couldn’t help wanting to show off. He set his target at the same distance yours was, taking his time to adjust his scope. He took his time and fired at the same moment you did, both of you hitting your targets dead centre. 
The whole crowd went silent.
You jolted at hearing the second shot and seeing the screen register the hit on the distanced target. 
“Nice shot,” you called over to the lane beside you, a sense of competition rising in you at seeing a competitor worthy of your notice finally turning up.
“Likewise,” came the response from the gravelly, low, whisper-like voice. It felt menacing but weirdly comforting in a way. 
“Care to wager, stranger?”
“You think you could beat me?”
“If I don’t, I’ll buy you a drink.”
“And if you win?”
“You buy me a drink.”
“What makes you think I want to spend time with you?”
“If you didn’t, you wouldn’t have set up your target right beside me, or even for the same distance.” You smirked as you lined up your shot, “Let’s go one more time, and then every time we make the shot, we increase the target by 50 yards.”
There were murmured whispers from the troopers behind you as they watched the both of you setting up. 
You shook your head ignoring them.  “So what do you say, stranger? Interested?”
“When I win, I’m ordering the biggest and most expensive drink available, and we won’t be going to ‘79s.”
“Fine by me.” You smirked as you both took the shot. 
You both hit every target for the past two hours. Your next target was reaching 11,000 yards; at this range, you doubted if you’d be even able to hit it. As it is, you were stretching the limit of your ability. However you weren’t one to give up, you lined up your shot taking deep breaths, and steadied your breathing. 
You both hit the target again. You were impressed with the stranger beside you.
“You’re really making me work for my drink, aren’t you?” You teased as you both reset the distance to 11,100 yards. After you both hit 7000 yards, you’d agreed to increase the difficulty to 100 yards each time you hit the target. Then when you reached 9000 yards, you both agreed to change the difficulty once again, increasing it to 250 yards each time. 
“Wouldn’t be fair if I was easy on you?”
“True. Alright, since this should be the last one. Let’s go crazy 14,000 yards.”
The murmurs started again behind them, everyone was in disbelief. It seemed as though more and more people on base were coming to check out the competition between you and the mysterious person beside you. 
“You think you can handle that?” Crosshair asked, he was more than impressed with you. You hit your target every time, without delay; plus you had a rather pleasant voice that seemed to stir something deep within him. 
“If I can’t, then you get a free drink. What’s the problem?”
“Hmmm, fine. Just be ready to pay up.” 
Everyone in the gun range quieted down, as they watched you both set your target to 14,000 yards. The only thing that could be heard was the slight shifting from both of them, as they lined up their targets. Once again, almost in sync they slowed down their breathing.
You took a second and slowly squeezed the trigger, watching as the blaster bolt from your rifle took its time to reach the target, only to hit left of centre. You mumbled out a curse, as you looked at Crosshair, he still hit dead centre. 
You stretched as you finally stood after so many hours of sitting and shooting. You moved around the lane, finally getting a look at your opponent. 
Crosshair stood stretching, surprised when he came face to face with you. He expected someone … else. Not someone who took his breath away the moment he met them. 
“Crosshair” he held out his hand unsure of what more to say.
You nodded, smiling, as you introduced yourself, shaking his hand. 
“That’s some good shooting, Crosshair.”
“You too.”
“I gotta ask how did you keep it steady to hit dead centre.”
“Micro-adjustments, they’re so small, almost imperceptible to the human eye.”
You smiled as you leaned against the lane divider, smiling from ear to ear as you kept your eyes on the silver fox in front of you, “Impressive, wanna tell me more over the drink I owe you?”
“Can’t see why not.”
“You free for a drink, now?”
Half an hour later, you were both in a taxi unable to keep your hands off each other as you headed to your apartment. The bar could wait. 
Main Master List   | Star Wars Jukebox Roulette |   AO3 Link
Tag list:
@liadamerondjarin @badbatch-simp24@spicymcnuggies@lady-ren @firstofficerwiggles @darkangel4121 @discofern @kavecika @monako-jinn-stories @ladykatakuri @avathebestx @theroguesully @furyhellfire66 @carodealmeida @ciramaris @sprout-fics @twinkofthedink @dindjarin-mandalorian @ulchabhangorm @littlemisspascal @tortor-mcgee @vodika-vibes @clonethirstingisreal @crosshair-is-the-superior-clone @totallyunidentified @griffedeloup @leotatombs @leotawrites
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red-raven-reading · 3 months
What is it about Obi-Wan Kenobi that makes everyone think: 'I've got to choke this b*tch.' ???
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momojedi · 5 months
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Rex‘s face while tending to Echo </3
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nephilim2point0 · 7 months
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pop loth
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feodor-dostoevsky · 9 months
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GENERAL ANAKIN SKYWALKER in his The Clone Wars glory
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mcgregor · 9 months
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it's all about the parallels.
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