#the clown would also always be in my thoughts 24/7
funesta-mamarracha · 29 days
Ok, hear me out guys 🗣️📣
If I were in Christopher's shoes, and Joker just brought my soul from the depths of hell to revive me and be free to pursue my life goal again, and in return he asked me to be his playmate/companion/friend in this dramatically sensual way in the rain, I would completely rethink my sexuality, my heart would be already in his hands for him to tear it apart, i would bite my lips to not moan, and my highly death-driven ass would say yes without a second's hesitation 😭
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beanghostprincess · 6 months
What’s so fascinating about shuggy that makes you go this wild? Aren’t shanks completely over this guy? And buggy just bitter? Am I interpreting it wrong?
I'm not gonna ask whether you want the short or the long version, because I'm gonna give you the longest, gayest version no matter what you tell me. So. Yeah. I think I'm kind of crazy about them but in a very normal way (I just lied on the internet). I'm gonna answer your last three questions before actually getting into the subject of why Shuggy makes me go so wild:
(Spoilers: manga ch.1082 and that Wano flashback)
Shanks being "completely over this guy" would be a very simple way to put his feelings for Buggy into words, I think. Although the fandom exaggerates the way he feels for him (turning into obsession and just complete depression) for fun or for angst purposes (I must say I don't really dislike it and I do believe Shanks still holds Buggy close to his heart in this way, and if we talk in a shippy way, he's definitely the clingy one) I think Shanks isn't completely over Buggy. At least not in the cynical way some people say. I think that after parting ways, Shanks accepted Buggy leaving him. I don't think he quite understands his reasons (he never will, tbh) but accepted his decision. I think he tried to choose the more mature way (not that he had other options) and moved on. But moving on doesn't mean forgetting or being completely over someone, because I wholeheartedly think that even if Buggy isn't on his mind 24/7, he's still one of the most important people in Shanks' life and story. Buggy is there in the back of his mind like a catchy song you can't get rid of, you know? It itches sometimes, too, but Shanks can't do anything about it so he just lives with it. To Shanks, he would gladly reconnect with Buggy and go back to the way they were in the blink of an eye, but he knows it can't be. I think Shanks has moved on but the second somebody mentions Buggy he goes into nostalgia mode and thinks about their times together back when they were just kids with endless dreams aboard the Oro Jackson. I think Shanks has more things to worry about than his past to be the way the fandom portrays him, but that doesn't mean he has completely forgotten about it and doesn't want Buggy back. Because he definitely does.
Buggy is- He isn't just bitter. I don't think you can say Buggy is just bitter when Shanks' decision was what determined his whole life. Leaving the thing about the map and the devil fruit aside (which also affects the story but we know his resentment isn't really about that) Buggy has every right to feel the way he does towards Shanks. Perhaps it's just that I find this pathetic clown to be very relatable, but I will always be both a Buggy apologist and defender. I'll probably get into a more detailed version of this later, but Buggy isn't just bitter. Buggy is rightfully frustrated at how his life ended up to be without Shanks. "But he's the one who left Shanks"... Is he, though? He did leave Shanks physically, but Shanks was the first to break the relationship. The thing about Buggy that I absolutely love is how his character portrays envy and jealousy into a... I wouldn't say healthy way, but at least not a damaging way to Shanks. Despite fighting all the time, they obviously loved and cared for each other. Being best friends and the youngest of the crew, always together in both the worst and best of their moments, etc. So Buggy, even though he lived as Shanks' shadow, that isn't why he's resentful towards him. He could be angry about that, right? Just bitter Roger chose him to keep his legacy alive instead of him. But no. Buggy chose to follow Shanks instead because he trusted him. Because he thought "Well, I might not be able to follow my dream, but Shanks will do it for us as our captain's legacy". Which makes sense because they were so damn close. They're always together. Like. Just watch/read the Oden flashback. Their presentation was even together, lmfao. And when they talk about them, they mention them together. The whole thing about Shanks not going to Laugh Tale to take care of Buggy? It's just- It's just so obvious that they were best friends and intended to be together forever. Buggy was willing to follow Shanks until the end of the world until Shanks hesitated when asked about following Roger's steps (Buggy doesn't actually say he'll be in Shanks' crew, but the way he reacts to Shanks' words makes me think he would've accepted to go with him as a co-captain until... Well. Yeah. That happened). And like, I get it. Shanks knew they were too young. Shanks knew they needed to grow up and live more experiences as pirates before going to Laugh Tale and for the One Piece. For Shanks it's just a little pause before they actually fulfill their dreams. But for Buggy? For Buggy, his whole world is crumbling down because the person he trusted the most literally told him he wasn't going to follow their dream. For Buggy, Shanks doesn't take the role of Roger's legacy seriously enough, so it's unfair. It's unfair that he had to leave his dream behind for him. It's unfair that he trusted him. It's unfair that Shanks didn't believe in himself. It's unfair that their captain died. It's unfair that now Buggy has to be completely on his own, with no ability to swim and no map to follow because Shanks also ruined that for him. So, yeah, Buggy is a bit more than just bitter, and rightfully so. It's classic miscommunication because obviously, Shanks wasn't going to give up on going to Laugh Tale, but Buggy takes it that way. And he also sees it as Shanks doubting himself and the dream and it's unfair that the one who got the straw hat is the one to hesitate, and the one who didn't get anything is the one who wants to fight for their dream. Buggy is more than just bitter. I know it's played for laughs, but his grudge towards Shanks is deeper than that.
You are not interpreting it wrong, tbh. I think the fandom just exaggerates their behavior and in canon you pretty much have to analyze the characters to fully understand them. If you're not a fan of these two characters, their whole relationship can feel like "Oh, they were just friends in the same crew" even when it's way deeper than that. Although I think chapter 1082 (my favorite chapter ngl I've read it so many times google instantly shows it to me when I look for the page where I read OP) explains what I just said pretty well from Buggy's POV.
So now onto the real question, what's so fascinating about Shuggy?
I'm gonna be honest with you, before writing this I have to say that I have a tendency to love these types of ships. Soukoku (BSD) and Satosugu (JJK) are no exception and they follow the same "former BFFs/partners who turned into enemies and are very very gay". The reason I like these three ships so much is probably because of personal experiences I'm not gonna talk about, but somebody mentioned something very interesting about lesbians/sapphics relating to these ships because we always have this experience about having a really close girl bff that we have a crush on, but since we don't acknowledge the real feelings, it ends up in a very toxic way that leads only to resentment and nostalgia. And, you know, as a lesbian who has been through that I can confirm wholeheartedly that this is why Shuggy is so important to me (considering Shuggy a ship for the lesbians in my heart </3)
Leaving that aside and the fact that childhood best friends to lovers is like my favorite trope, I just think their characters are so perfectly written. And it's surprising because they barely have scenes talking about each other or being with each other (Marineford is Shuggys' Roman Empire atp, although I will always remember that first flashback in episode 8 in the anime. That changed my life fr). But their story is made with so much care and love for the characters (it's obvious Oda likes Buggy a lot) that you can feel it. At least I do. Because although not having many scenes they've completely taken over my heart and soul.
Shanks is a very complicated character due to lack of information and the fact that we know he hides something deeper, but he is, after all, a symbol of hope and dreams. At least for our main character. Shanks is the main reason why Luffy becomes a pirate and there are so many parallelisms between them that I can't count them. I find it so ironic that the symbol of hope and freedom Luffy follows is actually somebody who crushed somebody's dreams and hopes. Talk about irony, right? And then we have Buggy, who's the complete opposite. With Buggy's first appearance (and honestly all of his scenes until the Wano flashback and chapter 1082) we think he's one of the bad guys. And yeah, all of them are like that because they're pirates and yadda yadda. But I'm talking about "bad guy" as in "bad bad person with no hopes and dreams and that is just interested in being feared and powerful". And he is a failguy. A very funny one, too. But he's so much more. And the fact that this comedic relief character that's always played for laughs when it comes to his own misery turns out to be the one who has the biggest of dreams and the biggest of heartbreaks about it? It just shatters my heart.
Shuggy makes me go wild because of Buggy, mostly, ngl. I wouldn't like Shanks this much if it wasn't for Shuggy, probably (I love him a ton outside of his relationship with Buggy, but you know, it makes things a lot easier). I like Shuggy because the topics the ship touches are very emotional and angsty and they crush me completely. Buggy living in Shanks' shadow? Buggy wanting to follow Roger's steps and following Shanks instead because his self-esteem disappeared the moment his captain's legacy ended up on Shanks instead of him? The trust he had in Shanks? The way Shanks hesitates and the way Buggy refuses to follow somebody like that? Buggy running away on his own because he gave up his dream for somebody who doesn't even treat it the way it deserves? It's just heartbreaking. Especially if you have in mind that they just lost the man that raised them.
Buggy then becomes somebody that people make fun of and ridicule, and they don't even think about the possibility of him being part of the crew of the king of the pirates. And when they find out, they can't believe it. They don't talk about this much, but I think that it must hurt so fucking much to be seen this way. He was just as important as Shanks. Roger loved him too. And to this day, being Shanks' shadow still haunts him. I love the angst Shuggy has. It breaks me and I love it.
Then, (and this is something I adore) with the creation of Cross Guild, Buggy has the chance to get out of Shanks' shadow. He's surrounded by two guys who only think about money and stability and business and... It's boring, isn't it? It's not flashy! And I think he has this realization of "this is my chance to prove I'm worth something. This is my chance to actually go for my dream. Mine" because these two idiots keep talking about boring things instead of following their dreams and aspirations and bigger things! And it just shows how much Buggy truly cared about Laugh Tale and the One Piece and how much he has had to wait for it. And this has nothing to do with Shuggy, I just really love this fucking clown.
Oh, and I forgot to mention that I love Shanks making Buggy lose the map and eat the devil fruit. Because, okay, in retrospect it feels very stupid because it was a simple accident. But just hear me out- Even though it was an accident, Buggy lost his ability to swim for powers he didn't want. He lost the ability of independence, because what's a pirate on his own if he can't swim? He lost his individuality that night, and we see him depend on others constantly throughout the show. And Shanks mentioning that Buggy is a great swimmer? Oh, fuck you Oda for making me cry so early in the show. Then, the map. He lost his individuality and then he lost the only thing that led him to a future with treasures and his dreams. Then again, losing his independence because he couldn't just go on his own without a map. Fucking great. The fact that Shanks jumps to rescue him the second Buggy starts to drown haunts me at night, too. They're just so-- Ugh.
But Shuggy is not everything about Buggy's resentment and angst. And it's not about Shanks missing him and wanting his best friend back because he doesn't know what happened for him to run away so easily.
It's also about unconditional love, and I am so passionate about that. Shanks care and love for Buggy is something the fandom exaggerates but... These people are not wrong, tbh. Shanks gave up his dream to go to Laugh Tale (postponed it) to stay with Buggy and take care of him because he was sick. Shanks is a very selfless person all the way, and when it comes to Buggy it seems that he doesn't hesitate to put him first (in serious situations. Their usual arguments don't count. They're just stupid, and love to argue and fight like the divorced couple they are). And besides, this happens right in the same episode after Toki gets sick and Oden wants to take care of her but she forces him to follow his dream and leave her behind. Like- What the actual fuck. Ah, yes, parallel the main couple in the Wano arc. I'm sure that's not romantic at all. The difference is that Shanks stayed. And god, does that hurt. Especially when he says they'll go on their own one day, because it shows he cared about Laugh Tale too (I mean, ofc, but from Buggy's POV it's just different).
To end this I also want to say that, leaving the whole deep analysis behind: Their personalities just match. They're funny to watch. They're cute. They have an angsty story behind them. They won't stop arguing like little kids but they care for each other still. They are chaotic. They're just... Perfect for each other.
Hope you liked my tiny essay about them because I could've kept going on and on and on about it, but some people (like me, sadly) have to wake up early tomorrow to work instead of just posting about gay fictional characters (somebody please pay me to do these things and I'll stay on tumblr 24/7).
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headlessjest · 8 months
Y'all thought I was only a artist? Nuh uh!!! I got some dadness combat Hc stuff for y'all!!!! (Sorry if my grammar and writing is bad. I do write a lot but rarely post it and mainly keep it to myself.)
(All of this is platonic!!!)
・To be honest, he's not gonna be the best father/parent figure in the world. He's a murderer for Christ sake! But he sometimes do set aside his responsibilities for you. Not all the time though.
・He sometimes forgets to feed you and when he does remember, they'll just give you a hot dog. Hope you don't choke on it.
・They'll play with you when he has the time to, but he's often busy 24/7.
・You one time threw up in bed and since he was too tired to clean your bed up, they just took you into his bed and let you sleep with him for the night. (Your room smelled awful in the the morning though..)
・Ya know how toddlers/little kids squirm away from their parents when it's feeding time or running away before going to bed? That's you both but 10 times more rougher and violent with it. He threw you once and you almost tore off their finger once.
・Smoker dad. He's a smoker dad, but he tries not to smoke around you, even if you don't mind it. Doesn't want you coughing a lot around him, almost sounding like you're dying.
・He also sometimes forgets to feed you, but he doesn't just give you a hot dog like Hank. He actually finds food that you don't choke on and feeds you it.
・I think some of y'all know my child! Reader design where reader has a harness right? Well, Deimos is the only one where he doesn't have to use it a shit ton. Because he always carries you by your feet.
・I think Deimos would try to rock you to bed no matter what age, both lovingly or just to tease you.
・Deimos always loves it when you watch him play games. He even loves it when you point out obvious things he didn't notice in the game.
・Probably the best dad out of all of them. He's such a loving guy and a massive sweetheart. Most likely got it from his mom.
・Would go nuts when you get an injury. He would flail around trying to find bandades, bandages, etc whilst comforting you at the same time.
・He loves to relax with you on the couch. When both of you are just really tired, you'll just relax on the couch and most likely fall asleep.
・He never forgets to feed you. He gets the right stuff and always has a timer for breakfast, lunch, pre dinner, and dinner.
・Whenever you get sick, he puts all his plans aside just to take care of you. He doesn't want to see his kid in pain.
・Honestly, he's a neutral dad. He can be kinda strict but only due to his trust issues around Nevada, but he does care for you and wants you to have fun.
・He's always busy so he has a schedule that he always runs by to you when he heads out. He does write it down just incase you do forget though.
・His voice is genuinely comforting to me, so if you can't sleep or something, he'll read you a bedtime story or even sing you a lullaby.
・He never forgets to feed you, but when he's out for something, he has premade food and extra snacks just incase.
・You one time followed him and accidently got yourself dragged into the project nexus shit. He wasn't happy about that.
・Jesus Christ he's not a great parent. He a immortal demon clown and you expect him to be a good dad?
・He does feed you but not the right stuff...
・He one time took you on a high speeded ride throughout Nevada and he somewhat regrets it. You became temporarily deaf for awhile.
・Whenever you're tired but you can't sleep, he always, like always starts a pillow fight with you, hoping for it to tire you down.
・Honestly doesn't care if you get fed to much candy. He'll just let you rob a candy store and then eat it.
・He's also a pretty great dad, but his cowardly ways can sometimes get in the way of being a parent in general.
・Don't be fooled by his cowardly ways, he will not hesitate to fight just for you. Except for Hank. You both will run away.
・Always loves it when you wake him up first thing in the morning just to eat breakfast. You're like an alarm for him.
・He one time showed you around Merc and you gotten pretty close with Church and Jorge. Y'all are like siblings pretty much.
・He one time let you wear his hat and you didn't give it back to him after. He genuinely had to find a new hat.
・So he's not a good dad but he's also not a bad dad. He's also a little bit more stricter than Jeb.
・When you don't really work with him by eating or going to bed, he sometimes puts you in timeout.
・He also is way more better at fixing you up when you got hurt or sick.
・He never let's you have sweets. He always gets those vegan snacks that you thought were bad but are actually pretty good.
・Some of y'all would probably get this, but you know when you're working with your dad with something like the car, and you freak out when your dad asks for a certain tool and he gets upset from you not getting it quickly, yeah that's you two.
・Phobos is not a good dad. Final answer.
・The only few things that're sweet is that he always keeps the drawings you give to him. He'll look at them once in awhile when he's working.
・He always have his workers babysit you, the only times he's around you is when it's bed time or when all the workers can't babysit you.
・When he first saw that you were one of the cloning failures, he was gonna kill you, before you accidentally touched his heart by doing literally nothing.
・He watches over you on the cameras when you're hanging out with the workers and sometimes laughs a bit to himself when he sees you mess with them.
・They're not a really great dad. They always care about their work and gets a little upset they're not there for you.
・One time, you wandered into their office and just casually sat on their lap and slept there. They didn't move a single inch during that.
・You sometimes remind them of a cat, so they sometimes even carry you like a cat.
・Despite not having any lips, they try to give something that resembles a forehead kiss. Like a headbump or something.
・They hate that you grow up faster than them. (I Hc auditor that they're like 1000 years old or smth) They don't like that they'll see you grow right in front of their eyes and them not age a single bit.
Omg that last one was sad, uh.. Hope y'all like this..? Like I said before, sorry for any grammatical errors, writing errors, etc.
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sweetpayaso · 6 months
🤡🖤🤍 Laughing Jack: Lore and HCs 🤡🖤🤍
Hello again! This post is sort of a follow-up to the Cake Topper headcanons post. This time, I will be covering keypoints of my version of Jack.
While some things in my version follow canon, a lot of stuff has been altered to give my version of Laughing Jack his own identity.
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• Laughing Jack’s origin story ( in my take ) takes place in the mid to late twentieth century, rather than the late nineteenth century.
• The character of Laughing Jack, or as he was originally referred to, Jack ( or Jack the clown ), was actually an image created by Isaac himself, not an otherworldy deity.
• Jack originally did not have a physical form in our reality. He slowly manifested himself, similar to a Tulpa, as Isaac’s mind and personality only grew more vivid. In fact, he didn’t maintain a full physical form until he was completely monochrome and corrupt.
• His colorful form, therefore, was only ever able to be “seen” as drawings, or inside of Isaac’s dreams when they were still close.
• Jack still had his own “Jack In The Box” that he was assigned to. However, it was an average box that Isaac had painted/handcrafted himself. This is what stemmed Isaac’s creative work with carving in his adult years.
• The clown’s “birthday” is celebrated on Christmas Day. No day is more fitting for an initially jovial, colorful clown than the happiest day of the year. This is also because Christmas Eve was the day Isaac first thought up of him.
• The corruption of Laughing Jack started when Isaac grew out of their games, and eventually forgot about him, in favor of horror-based medium. Jack would slowly watch and gain ideas from the movies Isaac would watch, thinking all of them were ok and fun to “perform” in reality.
• Jack actually didn’t earn the full name/alias of “Laughing Jack” until after his first few kills. This is because children would describe him to their parents as “always smiling and giggling” when interacting with the clown.
• Laughing Jack is partially stuffed. The stuffed part of his body is his arms, which is why he is able to grow and stretch them in comparison to other parts.
• He, quite literally, always smiles. He can hold a toothy smile open without ever needing to rest his face.
• He is only able to view things in greyscale. This is due to the loss of color in his eyes. It’s like watching an old movie 24/7.
• His nose does not function like a regular nose. It’s merely for aesthetic purposes.
• He actually hides his candy inside of his stuffed sleeves.
• He is approximately seven feet tall.
• Jack, despite his corruption, is still able to feel emotion to a very minimal degree. It’s incredibly hard to do so, though, and most of it is found through his drive during killing.
• He mostly smells of must and old candy.
• Jack still finds time to practice playing the accordion. It’s his main act as a clown, besides being rusty at it after his abandonment.
• Laughing Jack prefers hard candy over anything chewy.
• Because Isaac was a craftsman, Jack also has a knack for crafting things. Often, he has to repair his own arms, because stuffing falls out of it due to the constant tearing of his sleeves.
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gentlebeard · 9 months
hi lets show some love for our mutuals. tag your favorite mutuals and tell them why you love them
thank you, dear anon. time to spread lots of love:
@blakbonnet - what would i do without meow? she’s so smart & kind & funny & so fucking talented. writing, painting, making gifs, clowning - there’s nothing she can’t do. we have one and the same brain and often send each other almost identical messages at the same time. she’s my biggest fan and greatest supporter. team beard brought us together and now i never want to be without her!
@sherlockig - my soulmate, my sunshine, my rock. not only is she incredibly sweet and one of my best friends in the world, she’s also the backbone of the ofmd fandom. she graces our screens with fantastically edited screen caps of our beloved blorbos. we’d be lost if alexz didn’t put so much love and energy into picking the perfect frames! i’m so grateful for her presence in the fandom and in my life.
@saltpepperbeard - jodi. my wifey. my one true love. nothing brings me more joy than seeing her gifs or reading her insane tags on posts. they’re better and more entertaining than any newspaper or novel. every time she has an insanely brilliant (or angsty) thought, i wanna propose to her all over again. her writing makes my brain tingle in the best possible way. btw all of you are invited to our next wedding 🥰
@bizarrelittlemew - one day i saw one of ida’s gif sets and was like: hell yeah, i wanna see more of that. i came for the gifs but stayed for her love of rhys darby, her kindness, her writing, her amazing vibe, her creativity, and her lovely self.
@not-nervous-jester - jams is the hottest person on this hellsite. they’re just so effortlessly funny and amazing. their brain has the most wrinkles because they’re so fantastic and intelligent. i invite jams to make out with me regularly because i’m secretly (or not so secretly, i guess) obsessed with them. anyway, i’m smooching you and your brain, jams!
@skysofrey - kaitlin is the sweetest human ever. sunshine in a bottle. kindness personified. seeing her yellow hearts in the tags improves my mood instantly. she deserves to have a perfect day every single day.
@stedebonnets - another 10/10 human being. how anyone can be so sweet and supportive is almost unbelievable to me. ara will make you feel like the most special person on this planet with just a few words and sweet emojis. i bet ara’s hugs feel like coming home after being gone for years.
@dickfuckk - i once called josh the bts king because he’ll know or find anything that is just slightly adjacent to ofmd. his dedication to @ourflagmeansbts is insane to me. on top of that: nice & funny dude, hilarious videos, my dj archive 😌
@rainbowcrowley - after just casually communicating over tags we have finally moved our relationship to the next stage (dms & laughing about shitty memes about politicians, apparently). addi will tell you they make “mediocre gifs” but that’s just a blatant lie. their gifs always look fantastic. a very sweet bean.
@darkinerry - marlena will come out of nowhere and throw spectacular taika gifs into your inbox or just make a straight up insane gif set of that man with clips they probably had to kill someone for. idk how else they do it or where they get them, it’s a mystery to me. excited puppy energy 24/7.
honorable mention goes to olivia aka @snake-snack-stede who is, hands down, the most hilarious person in the ofmd fandom. i’m looking forward to your s2 shenanigans as much as the episodes!!!
if i didn’t mention you, know i still love you. and you’re amazing. 💕
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i-bring-crack · 5 months
My Roman Empire is knowing how well Haein and Juhee would get along in general due to their shared experiences and the way they both are so eager to find a comfortable place in which hunters and magic beasts don't plague their thoughts 24/7 but everyone in the wiki and reddit(mostly wiki) pin them AGAINST each other for a GUY.
Braincells dead Jinwoo has two hands and both shall be for hitting those dumbasses on wiki cuz like seriously?! Seriously!?
"Oh Haein only likes S rank Jinwoo not E rank jinwoo!"
Because she never saw him! Why do you need to blame HER for something she literally couldn't control! In fact even if she had seen him as an E rank she wouldn't detest him at all! Why? Because it was stablished on. Her. Own. Presentation. That Haein took time off her OWN schedule to look after the miners and the pick up team so that no one would get hurt during their work. She CARES for the lower RANKS. E, D, C, B, A she puts herself up front in any case of danger, even went out of her way to inspect a suspicious looking person because it could threaten her own guild mates!
"Oh Juhee always took pity on Jinwoo she never really loved him. And she even said she didn't like to constantly heal him."
You oblivious clown SHE had asked HIM for a date, waited for him to heal, still went on raids despite her trauma to. Ask. About. Jinwoo. And. Meet. Him. I swear everything this is brought up it puts me in a coma because how?? Do?? You miss?? that??? It was all in the first cour of the story! Only on the LN? Even so she still waited for Jinwoo all this time to give him back the crystal and let HIM choose when they would have their date by coming to visit Busan.
It wasn't Juhee's decision to leave that made it impossible for their relationship to grow again, it was Jinwoo who decided to cut it off and never go see her again.
Also really? You want me to believe Juhee was pitifully healing this man at every point, taking care of him for more than a year, and even asking him on a date out of pity? Year of pity? Does every good action someone does for a long time suddenly became pity because Juhee scolded him for going on SUICIDE MISSIONS EVERY DAMNS TIME. Everyone told him it was a bad idea! And yet no one has sticking with him for so long as Juhee did! You know what's actual pity? What Kim Sangshik did towards Jinwoo, what the rest thought about Jinwoo, how the hunters sighed everytime they saw him because they knew he was weak as a stick.
Juhee stood up for him, healed him, Jinwoo even had a chance to confide in her but his own insecurities of weakness where eating him up and he never NEVER got the chance to say why he is going to raiding. And you know what happened after? Yes kartenon temple— But Juhee STILL stayed with him, healed him to the brink of exhaustion, trusted in him, confided in him, asked to even go on a freaking date beforehand. That's. Not. Fuking. Pity. That's. Sincere. Love.
"Oh but Haein wouldn't be attracted to him because of his smell!"
I will agree it's shitty they gave her such an interesting power just to be used like that. But she didn't instantly fall in love there. She fell FELL in love when she was saved. Being in the grip of fear every day and hoping you survive each time, only for you to think it's the day you die yet survive thanks to someone who you know is kind because he saved your guildmates before —yeah, that will do things to your brain I get it. It's even studied to some extent how people tend to fall in love with those that save them. And Jinwoo reciprocated that, shared those feelings of fear she had of being in the battlefield constantly and wishing a peaceful life instead, they hit it off and that's it. Stop bringing up the idea of 'Oh it was just his smell'that made the romance possible. Heck post rewind she actually gets interested in him due to her memories (and fuking magic I mean who wouldn't want to know wtf was that magic after seeing it irl) instead of his smell.
"Haein is Canon anyways Juhee would never be compatible."
You are like the catholic church but worse, a coward of feebleness and take Canon as perfect despite complaining of the ending get outta here.
"But Juhee/Haein have more chemistry with Jinwoo than the other!"
Stop lying to yourself, Jinho has more chemistry with Jinwoo than both of them combined.
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myersobsession · 3 months
Human! Michael myers hcs (based on my au)
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so i think human! michael prob ends up attracting a lot of girls, as seen in one of the movies a girl on the radio's actually attracted to him lol (it's cuz he's so "mysterious" so i'd think he'd have the same charm here)
i also think human michael had average grades in hs, like c's n all
alot of people think he's attractive, but are too intimidated to talk to him, and thinks it sucks he has no personality
if u think he talks here ur WRONGGG!!! i like to think he's selectively mute. but the chances he speaks to anyone is 0 to 0. (i'm sorry but it irks me when people make him speak)
tbh, i feel like michael doesn't rlly gaf abt his other family members or anyone at all in general hes kind of js in his little headspace
with laurie/cynthia he might disapprove of her having a bf, or he'll js not gaf.
he's aroace, he just doesn't know it. i like to think michael doesn't see gender and just sees people for what they are- meat and flesh but he doesn't terrorize him like his counterpart.
michael was probably compared to the other kids his age when he was younger, but didn't care
when he was younger, people thought he was a sociopath because of his lack of empathy and care for others. (he is)
he had therapy once, and that's how he met Dr. loomis. it didn't go well since he remained unresponsive. michael isn't all into the thought of telling a stranger ur problems lol
michael had no friends growing up, bc of how intimidating he came off, some kids also thought he was strange
people always thinks he's upset or mad at someone or something because of his facial expression 24/7 (it's his normal face)
he's autistic,,, he does fixate on people (otherwise known as his obsessions) that eventually transfers, his lack of empathy, the non verbalism
michael's very smart and strategic, generally speaking. he just doesn't present it around people as much so people think he's harmless or just dumb
when he was younger, he did hurt animals but it never reached to the extent of hurting people. he eventually grew out of it when he became a teenager
the only way he ever expressed himself as a child was because of his drawings as a kid. he used to draw disturbing things time to time though, because of his thoughts troubling him. it kind of served as an outlet or a physical manifestation of the things he thought
he does have dark thoughts/intrusive thoughts but doesn't act them out.
alike his counterpart, he probably did get thoughts about killing judith but like i said, didn't act them out!!
alot of people think michael's a cat person but personally i don't. generally speaking i think he doesn't like house pets at all, he thinks they're excess (too loud and too much work to take care of) however he wouldn't mind cats as much as dogs since they aren't as loud and occasionally clean themselves.
as a kid, he was left in a daycare, or occasionally judith had to watch after him, but she never did. he was left at a daycare sometimes because his parents would work so late.
he still doesn't like judith. even as adults they don't get along. he thinks she's annoying lol
i like to think his parents got him alot of clown themed toys, such as a jack in the box and etc bc they thought he liked clowns
michael used to use judith's and their mothers makeup for his drawings, or would go to judith's room to steal any crayons or coloring supplies she'd probably have.
michael's a stay at home guy, going out is too draining tbh :(
he doesn't like family dinners either. he's not very fond of his family (even as a kid)
when michael's older he becomes a mechanic.. i like to think it would js stay true to his counterpart with the coveralls n all, + i can't imagine him being a bigshot doctor or something. he js does something basic
he's very careless when it comes to his job, though. which is why his eye is still scarred lol
he has a huge pain tolerance though. he probably got hurt alot as a kid and can just brush it off. most he'll do in reaction to being wounded is getting irked because his actions are limited to an extent
michael's a very messy eater. even though he may be more civilized here, he won't hesitate to eat his food, hands on. (he knows how to use utensils, he just thinks it's tedious.)
that's it guys, lolsies!!! i have alot more to rant about him but this is all for now lolll
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reynie-muldoons · 2 years
'A Perilous Journey' liveblog!!!!
GOOD MORNINGGGG its season two timeee!!!
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I decided I'm watching episode 1 now, and episode 2 in a few hours. My shift starts weirdly late in the day so it works out.
As always, spoilers below the cut!!
Before I even get started I love how this episode is called a perilous journey. It's not quite the book title but damn near close 😂
1:27 dad!Milligan will never not make me cry
2:19 BLEASE tell me Kate is training rats
2:23 just kidding its Sticky
2:41 oh. She left a letter. That's not conspicuous at all 😂
2:59 Mystic is so tall now 🥺
3:17 I SEE A BARN THIS IS NOT A DRILL. Also that was fucking creative Kate but how strong is that boomerang to knock multiple full-grown apples off of the tree
3:34 MADGE NAME DROP!!! I have a confession to make related to Madge that I think is the funniest fucking thing ever. Remind me to tell y'all at some point
3:46 omfg are we about to watch the kidnapping??? how telling is it that I thought of Gert immediately LMAOOOO
3:55 they look adorable. Matching umbrellas, cute long coats... icons
4:06 is that supposed to be a time magazine dupe
4:06 I also think its hilarious that Curtain's original plan was to take credit for solving the emergency by just. mass brainwashing. good plan there bud, very sustainable
4:06 but like isnt he wanted now??? Isnt that a thing? In the books the government was actively looking for him so tf is this
4:14 "skip opening" how insulting. No
4:42 THE SHORTCUT!!!!!
4:50 who decided to make Constance's screen an arctic clown ship 😂😂
5:12 here's that unhinged interview from the trailer. I didnt think it would come this quickly
5:28 Constance just fucking staring at the TV as if she can intimidate him into stopping LMAO
5:39 WHAT??? So in S1 when he said he'd "share the spotlight" THIS is what he meant?? What a curveball. He's going to regret countering her
5:50 fucking god complex strikes again
6:01 he looks like he's wearing a straight jacket on that back cover. Probably appropriate considering he's uhhhh Like That
6:20 god I hate him. Stop being manipulative challenge (impossible)
6:26 YES ABSOLUTELY sadness, anger, frustration, anxiety, all of the shit makes happiness stand out. Without the struggle our lives would be shaded of grey because happiness wouldnt be distinguishable
6:43 why does this sound like homeopathic medicine
7:03 is this like a weird TV hypnosis thing. Is he doing the fake happiness thing on her without her consent
7:09 ohhhh I did NOT like the shift from looking at her to looking at the camera. Creepy
7:15 Rhonda as usually you look fucking fire
7:26 Dutch baby?? First of all, presentation is 10/10. Second of all it makes me very sad that they're the only two in the house because Mr. B and Number Two are already gone.
7:38 why the fuck did she answer in French 😂😂
8:13 that scream sounded like a fucking bird of prey HAHA
8:29 literally describing how it feels to travel with parents over a long period. I swear they are literally a fucking family
8:36 "just as much for him as it is the kids" oh absolutely it is, he's a mess when it comes to Nathaniel
9:24 "who's mocking me?" "Doesnt matter." They're banter is UNCHALLENGED. also his face is fucking funny HOLD UP
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9:37 calling Nathaniel "some guru with all this influence" REALLY makes him sound like he tries on makeup products and does skincare routines on youtube 😂
9:41 "we seem pretty safe" oh babygirl if that's not the nail in the coffin
10:05 they really nailed the "local man does something weird" vibes in this scene
10:17 dont tell me it already happened. Oh no
10:39 oh my gosh he's such a DADDD.
10:45 "a tiny go bag or gorp". I love him so much
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11:10 "it's my job to take care of you also. Additionally." He understands she's been on her own up until this point and acknowledges that she can handle herself, but also that she's a kid who needs help just like anyone else. CRYING.
11:15 she didn't even put it in the bucket, just her pocket 😂😂 she's so reluctant to accept
11:30 okay that truck is incredible LOL
11:40 .....why would you do that to a grapefruit. What did the grapefruit do to you huh
12:16 can I just say Miss Perumal is the queen of pastels
12:43 the reality of long-distance friends. My best friends from high school and college live SO far away and it's like this sometimes
12:50 acknowledging his feelings, giving him comfort, AND indulging him?? If the adoption papers arent signed already they really should be
13:19 stooooppp she's so cute
13:44 Reynie and Sticky had the sense to bring a suitcase, Kate
13:51 she's not wrong, they are taller 😂
14:01 this is a funny moment and all but Reynie desperately looking for affirmation anywhere he can find it makes me so sad for him
14:07 THE HIGH FIVES!!!! Cue everyone wincing
14:27 ohhhh Milligan looks nice
14:45 it looks like a minecraft golem, or the pokemon golett 😂
15:01 oh lord the news broke, that has to be it
15:15 dun dun DUNNNN
15:34 it's so cool that they planned check-ins like that. How smart
16:15 okay both of them switching between languages was fucking sick
16:18 and here it is, the kids have been told no, so they will find their own way
16:41 oh shit, they have a short timeframe then
16:47 I cant tell if this is manipulative or Constance not being able to contain herself. Like I doubt she would do this in front of the others but she's already shown she trusts everyone more than she lets on, soooo
17:09 is this Constance's room??
17:16 HAHA I KNEW IT she DID hug Rhonda to get something out of it
17:31 he sounded so offended 😂😂😂
18:09 she kills me. The line delivery is just on point
18:59 is this from the book? It's a dictionary, right?
19:14 HAHA he just fucking LEAVES
19:22 OH SHIT HELLO????
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20:13 "many sociopaths are unfailingly polite" that describes Nathaniel so fucking well
20:25 casual destruction of property
20:25 HOLD ON LMAOO how much did they have to pull on that thing for it to come out of the door at such a small tug???? Oh no I'm sad
20:33 AYYYY there it is, it's a dictionary
20:52 "last...time I checked" oh buddy hahahahah
21:14 "there is no system" the system is the organized chaos that every person with ADHD understands- it's a mess but a very specific mess
21:19 awwwww. He's trying to reach across 🥺
22:00 okay the nothingness club sounds like a cult
22:13 awwww there it issss. The dam is breaking
22:30 AND NOW ITS THE SAME WITH THE GIRLS. I love that they're ramping up the similarities between Reynie and Constance
22:45 awwww loneliness. They're so sad
22:59 "not dad. Roommate" okay girl you tell yourself that
23:40 needy dad is needy
23:54 hagagaga why does he keep looking at Constance like that
24:35 good job Kate!!!!
25:47 "does anyone feel like they've entered a trance" Constance 😂😂😂😂
26:12 "I feel uncleen" HAHAHAH
27:15 yeah Kate, everybody knows that. Gosh.
27:44 YES Reynie get the group's consent before doing something stupid
28:02 she's writing a fucking newsletter apparently
28:10 very subtle guys
28:19 okay the fact that Kate is left makes me think Milligan is going to come
28:24 okay, just kidding. Also I love the shoes
28:27 ayyy public transit
28:48 wow they didnt get any kind of head start, Rhonda's going to see they're gone immediately
29:12 ayyyyyy it's the Shortcut!!!
29:37 oh shit the adults have the tickets??? So what I'm hearing is the kids are sneaking on and the adults are using tickets
30:14 oh shit Sticky 😂 or should I say "oh ship"
30:20 HAHHAHA KATE "ha. stern" CRYING
30:42 NOOOOO its Boston tea party but without the tea
30:56 oh God why is he like that
31:03 he looks like he's about to star in a 80's dance video
31:27 please dear god let SQ walk in on this
31:30 not SQ but someone else
31:46 what the fuck just happened
32:16 I'm so glad he looks that stupid in his little cart thing. I cant wait to make fun of him
32:32 who are you calling "Associate" bitch
32:46 CULT
32:52 "elated" OH GOD OH NO OH FUCK
32:59 Milligan holding his hat like that is just too fucking endearing.
33:06 so are their tickets just. Null and void now 😂
33:12 did they really just ditch their shit 😂😂😂😂😂 the bags are just there in the open
33:18 parents. PARENTS. Also this kind of is like Reynie although Miss Perumal has never seen him in an active life and death situation like this
33:23 Rhonda is once again the voice of reason
33:27 "they believed us" AWWWWWW
33:45 shit is it already over??? Damn those are some long credits then
Wow, that was really good. The kids met back up, they had an awkward start but fell into that familiarity almost immediately. The parents were very parental. Although in hindsight, Sticky's were pretty much absent. What the fuck's up with that??
And the biggest tragedy is that there was no "roll credits" moment. They didn't namedrop the episode title 🙃 please bring that back in the test of the season I loved that so much
This took a lot longer to do than I thought, so I'm waiting to watch episode 2 until later tonight. I cant wait to talk about it with y'all!!!
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voyage-inferno · 11 months
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1. WHAT IS YOUR NAME?: "I'm Benny!"
2. WHAT IS YOUR REAL NAME?: "Um,, Bennett? If you want all the last names, we'll be here a while."
3. DO YOU KNOW WHY YOU’RE CALLED THAT?: "Bennett apparently means 'blessing', so I think it was because I survived getting to the guild?"
5. WHAT ARE YOUR POWERS AND ABILITIES?: "Oh I'm Pyro!! I use it to heal, or I coat my blade in it for extra umph! I also know how to pop back dislocated stuff on myself! If that counts?"
7. HAVE YOU EVER DYED YOUR HAIR?: "Not on purpose. It could be fun though!! Maybe I should try blue,,"
8. DO YOU HAVE ANY FAMILY MEMBERS?: "Oh tons!! I have all my dads, Fischl, Kaeya, Kathryne-" he keeps going.
9. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS?: "If artificial seelie count, then yeah! I've had some pets."
10. TELL ME ABOUT SOMETHING YOU DON’T LIKE: "Spicy foods. And I'm mad about it. You're telling me, I can't eat something delicious because it'll try to eat me back?? Now THAT is a cruel curse."
11. DO YOU HAVE ANY HOBBIES OR ACTIVITIES YOU DO IN YOUR SPARE TIME?: "Other than adventuring? Well, I like playing tcg, maybe that counts? Or hanging out in the archives- I like to experience stuff for myself, but when a fresh account of somewhere I can't go comes in, it's worth sitting for a second to read it!"
12. HAVE YOU EVER HURT ANYONE BEFORE?: ",,I mean, yeah? Treasure hoarders are people too."
13. HAVE YOU EVER… KILLED ANYONE?: "....Why would you ask that?"
14. WHAT KIND OF ANIMAL ARE YOU?: "?!" Well that's a shift. "Uh, I'm a human.? I guess it'd be cool to be a dragon or something?"
15. NAME YOUR WORST HABITS: "I guess I can name them? Steve, Arnold, Banana, Sandwichmaster, Rose, Pigeon, uhhh, and Cloudy. Those are all names."
16. DO YOU LOOK UP TO ANYONE?: "Anyone taller than me! Heh, uh, yeah my parents, Guild Branch Master Cyrus, Kaeya and Acting Grandmaster Jean in the knights, Chongyun- he's the exorcist from Liyue- and some other people too!"
17. GAY, STRAIGHT, OR BISEXUAL?: "I mean, there's more than that? I guess I'm closest to Bi though. Why?"
18. DO YOU GO TO SCHOOL?: "If,, homeschooling counts?"
19. DO YOU EVER WANT TO MARRY AND HAVE KIDS SOMEDAY?: "It could be nice- but probably a bad idea for me and them."
20. DO YOU HAVE ANY FANS?: "I'm not rich enough for that kind of thing. I did buy one of those handheld ones though? Kinda nice in a pinch to cool off."
21. WHAT ARE YOU MOST AFRAID OF?: "..These are weird, I'm sorry. Clown with a claymore." Partial lie.
22. WHAT DO YOU USUALLY WEAR?: "My uniform and goggles."
24. WHAT CLASS ARE YOU?: "..Lower middle? Maybe? Or do you mean in ttrpgs? Because there is a bard build I want to try out-"
25. HOW MANY FRIENDS DO YOU HAVE?: "I don't really know. I feel like I have a lot, but I'd have to ask them if they feel the same way."
26. WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON PIE?: "It's good! Savory, sweet, bread outside that protects the wet stuff from flies, it's a good idea! Some people even turn the top part into art, which is amazing."
27. FAVORITE DRINK?: "Berry & Mint Burst. Or Birch Sap? Honestly even just lemonade is nice, especially with ice."
29. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PLACE?: "Anywhere where I'm happy. Guess I don't have one? Or more like, there are too many. I've got hideaways that I like a little extra though."
30. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN SOMEONE?: "..Romantically? I don't know, honestly. Feelings like that are always confusing."
31. WOULD YOU RATHER SWIM IN THE LAKE OR THE OCEAN?: "The lake! Mostly because lakes don't get riptides.. probably."
32. WHAT’S YOUR ‘TYPE’?: "Someone I feel like I can trust. Who loves me, flaws and all, and who's entirety of person I can feel love right back to. Also preferably someone who I can travel with! The world's too big not to explore!!"
33. ANY FETISHES?: "That's,, not really something you ask a stranger? Actually most of these questions aren't-"
35. CAMPING, OR INDOORS?: "In what context? I don't want to be fighting monsters indoors, but I think that sleeping in a real bed sometimes is good for your back."
36. ARE YOU WAITING FOR THIS INTERVIEW TO BE OVER?: "Yeah. I'm sorry, it's just gotten kinda weird? Hope the rest of your day is nice."
Tagged by: @mmriesoftvat (thanks a ton!!)
Tagging: @ironbloodcd, @frozenambiguity, @freshsprout, and anyone else who wants to!
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ruvviks · 1 year
7, 9, 15, 20, 24 and 39 for my bestie bourbon >:)
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7) have they committed a crime before? which one(s)?
at this point it would probably be easier to list the crimes bourbon has Not committed LMAO he steals things, kills people, breaks into places, commits arson, hacks into security systems for fun, blows up police cars, shows up dressed as a cop to his own crime scene to fuck up the entire investigation, leaks classified documents to the public, AND he's got a whole fake personality to the point nobody really knows who he is and that's why he hasn't been caught yet. he contains multitudes and i am cheering him on
9) do they cheat to win or play by the rules?
when bourbon's opponent is like 10000% evil he will do ANYTHING to win, he will fight as dirty as is humanly possible and he doesn't give a fuck <3 other than that he's not overly competitive so like, if he ends up on the same job as another assassin and they're handling the job better than him he will just let them have the target <3 he also doesn't care about like. assassin code or etiquette or whatever but he also isn't going to put in extra effort just to prove a point or something
15) how would they describe themselves?
bourbon calls himself an irresistible hot piece of ass and. you know what. he's 100% right <3 most of his confidence comes from years of practice but he's finally come to the point where he KNOWS he's sexy as hell so good for him honestly i love that for him
20) who's their go-to person for advice?
bourbon is alone most of the time so he tends to just have conversations with himself in the bathroom mirror BUT when he has to ask someone else. he's asking lemon <3 they don't always see eye to eye on things but their brains are tuned to the same frequency so bourbon always gets Something out of the conversation even if lemon can't directly help him :) <3
24) do they have any phobias?
bourbon is a bit scared of clowns but he would rather die than admit it LMFAO, also post movie events he gets a little jumpy around mascots. so there's that too. the fact he never talks about it only makes it worse. he's in a hell of his own making
39) what's one skill they wish they had?
bourbon sometimes wishes he was better at just keeping his mouth shut. he will often say whatever comes to mind and when someone or something pisses him off he doesn't hesitate to call them out on it but it more than often results into him saying things he didn't mean to say like that </3 he doesn't want to overthink things either but just one layer of rational thought before opening his mouth would be good for everyone involved LMAO
oc asks!
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remcycl333 · 2 years
You and your old SP were living in different countries? I read in a previous ask that you manifested him transferring and that's impressive. My SP and I are currently studying in different countries, we met online during quarantine. I manifested meeting him because my clown ass wanted a boyfriend and I thought well, everyone is quarantined right now, so I might as well get to meet people from other countries online. He's everything I ever wanted in a partner, I wouldn't change a thing about him, but I have held myself back from manifesting him as my boyfriend??? I can handle distance, actually I think distance can be a good thing because I don't really like to be with people 24/7. I seriously don't see myself dating someone and seeing them every single day or every week. I really like my alone space, so seeing someone only once a year (or none at all lol) doesn't sound like a problem to me. I consider myself very good at communication and I know how to create and keep a bond with people without seeing them often. But I feel egotistical for wanting to drag him into my narrative because from what I've read, people in LDRs suffer a lot and most don't end in good terms. He seems to be interested and it makes me wonder why, if he could easily get a local girl. He's super hot and sweet, talented, smart, anyone would be lucky and he seems to have a very active social life so there are no excuses, and my boy is wasting his time texting me saying he's the lucky one for finding me ? wtf boy ??? Go be lucky with someone in person idk. And although I don't really believe in astrology, I do think it's fun and I was curious about his birth chart and something very interesting that I found is that people with his venus sign tend to seek relationships with people that they can't see on a regular basis, usually in different countries than theirs and I mean, what a lovely coincidence. I could conveniently decide that astrology is totally right on this one HA! So, everything seems to be in my favor but I'm still hesitant about it. This was messy and I'm sorry I came to vent, but today I woke up thinking it's better to drop him and just stay friends and the thought really hurt me.
my old sp and i both lived in the US but he lived in a different state that was across the country from mine, about 1,600 miles away! and i manifested he’d stop going to college in that state and instead go to college about 20 mins from me🤍
after reading your ask, i feel like the two of you can definitely give it a shot!! if he it still acting that way towards you (saying he’s lucky to find you, etc) then he obviously knows you’ll have to do a LDR and he seems okay with the fact!! also the thing you said about his venus sign blew my mind!
you can always manifest you two have a happy, healthy, fulfilling relationship despite the distance. and if you eventually decide you want to close the distance, you can manifest that as well! or if you want to break up bc it’s too hard, you can manifest he takes it perfectly well and the breakup is mutual!!
but this relationship sounds like it’s going well so far to me, and if the thought of just being friends really saddens you then i’d definitely say enter a relationship with him!! it doesn’t have to be forever, it could just be something fun you try!!
keep me updated on what you choose and how things progress!! 🤍🤍
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violette-hue · 2 years
Hello, Can I request a one Harry Potter match up please. Golden Trio pls with male preference. My name is Gabriela, Im 17, from Slovakia, Libra, 6'0 ft tall and Im an only child. My HP faculty is Ravenclaw. Im straight girl. I have brown-green eyes, dirty blonde hair to my shoulders, Im tall and slim and I wear black glasses. I am half Russian and half Slovak and I have a Russian accent. To others, my accent is hot, huuge turn on or really attractive. I have an Insomnia and Im allergic to strawberries and sunlight. Im ENFP, empathetic, introvert, cold, sweet, kind, nerdy and quiet but honest and hard-working person. I love art, history and if I had to pick, my fav subject would be Astronomy. Im an artist, I draw, paint, I play on piano and guitar and I like to sing. Im very sensitive and I listen to rock, pop,rock and roll. I have my black headphones in 24/7. My biggest fears are rats, Dark, clowns, spiders and heights and I hate the sound of chewing. I love rainy days and Im the biggest bookworm ever. Books are literally my life and you can see me neither with book, textbooks or headphones. Im really shy and I stutter when Im nervous. Thats All. Thank you so much ❤️❤️
Want a Match? Here’s the post!💕
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I match you with Cedric Diggory. Cedric has a soft side, a side that has a “not so secret, but I wont tell you unless you ask” passion for art. He enjoys your shy side, and would prefer to just spend time alone with you, as opposed to with others. He enjoys emotionally intimate moments with you where he learns more about your passions and quirks. That’s how he found out your allergy to strawberries. He’s quite serious about it, and it’s always watching out with what you eat. You could never be too safe! Cedric also fuels your book/reading addiction. He’ll pop up with a book or two, saying he thought of you when he read the summary.
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therelentless · 2 years
😃  x3 ! you've got a lot to be proud of ! Let's hear three of them!
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Send 😃 for mun to say something they’re proud of with their blog. Send 😨 for mun to say something they’re nervous about with their blog
-     i have to make mention of the whole comedy thing, because i have never written any kind of funny shit before (gosh, i don’t even consider myself a funny person), but i think i got this down, at least with nandor i do. also, i have said it before and i’ll say it again, writing funny shit is hard in general, but especially when you don’t know if the people are actually enjoying the jokes and the stupidity of it all, so it’s always super nice when someone takes the time and let me know that they’re laughing at something i wrote in our thread, because it kind of let’s you know that these jokes and silly things are making things funny and you’re in the right track, that you’re not just being ridiculous and writing things that make 0 sense and that people might find actually annoying.
-     everything that i keep adding to nandor’s story, the one we have heard nothing about, and the headcanons... oh, the headcanons. it’s always gold when i come up with something and then the show later on confirms what i already suspected about nandor. it adds a day to my life.
-     this blog in general. I just think it’s the best decision I have made when it comes to just having fun. I can’t even remember when i decided to make it or why really, but i didn’t think it was going to pick up, especially because all i used to write with my partners was angst and i thought that this was the only thing people were into, and... who would want a clown? but i think that characters like nandor are a nice addition to the community, they bring something else to the table, and make things a bit more “real” because not everything needs to be blood, tears, and plans of vengeance 24/7. i also thought it was only going to last a couple of weeks, but hey! we’re still here.
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choclatecoveredlove · 2 years
congrats on 200!! could i send in a matchup for twisted wonderland :)
my name is mari and my pronouns r she/they! the only characters I would not like to be matched with is ortho or sebek :)
I am a very introverted person in public. I really don't like drawing attention to myself or socializing. I tend to be shy and hang around behind someone,I just get too overwhelmed and nervous in crowded places. I have a hard time making friends, just because I feel like I could freak out, so you could also say I'm a loner. This also leads me to being jealous about others, seeing them live the teenage dream with there friends. buuut when you really get to know me I'm the loudest person ever! I'm clumsy, goofy and laugh- alot. I love joking around and keeping the mood good. I'm a very talkative person too, I could rant about anything for hours, but I get distracted and it ends up being rambling about nothing related to what i was saying. I can be childish too, I sometimes act like child pouting and stomping (it's all in jokes though). with my friends, I'm generally the same, abit of a pervert though- alittle too straightforward with it and make sexual jokes, but i know when and when not too do it. I'm a good listener and advice giver, i'm the therapist friend.my bad traits are that I am moody and blunt. I can get angry randomly for nothing or very sad and unmotivated. alittle bit of a control freak, I just need things to go my way sometimes. i can be a huuuge pessimist, about literally anything. I try to see the brightside, but the bad thoughts never cease to win.
I like anime/manga, true crime, thrifting, fashion and makeup, SOME horror movies, kpop, metal or alt/indie rock, video games, cozy warm things,sweet foods, alternative fashion (including romantic goth, trad goth or scene emo recently!) i dislike bugs, clowns,dolls,hot weather,bright colors, early mornings, salty foods,arguments, any movies that r space related, crowded places/unfamiliar places.
my hobbies include gaming, reading, watching anime/manga, photography (if i ever get my arse up), fashion, window shopping online and sleeping.
my ideal date is something like an amusement park or a picnic in a park. Something that's relaxing or that we can just be ourselves.
extra facts!
I tend to daydream alot. I think of scenarios of me being outgoing and able to make friends, and sometimes my personality can change on that. I get confused and insecure about it.
I'm one of those people who wear sweaters in the damn heat. Also though ironically I hate sweating, but I wear black 24/7 so i sweat like a waterfall.
OMG THE REAL MITSKI IN MY INBOX!!!!! Hehe anyway,,, dude I could neverrr wear sweaters in the heat- especially since I live in the south. Anyway enjoy your request!!
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Your match is: Floyd!!
i was kinda torn between jade and floyd but i ended up going with floyd :)
floyd is straight up not shy, like at all and by no means introverted!! so this is kinda an opposites attract situation
floyd really likes your sense of humor, he too is very silly and goofy, you two could probably spend a couple hours just messing around
you 🤝 floyd : moody people solidarity. it’s always good having someone to relate too :)
floyd shares most of your hobbies, except photography but if you like it that much then he’ll start taking an interest in it
floyd’s ideal date changes hourly but he’s not really opposed to anything (except hiking) so he’d definitely do whatever you wanna do
also you are definitely getting your own sea themed nickname
“Neeee- I’m boreeeed. Let’s go do something, cmon!”
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sungbeam · 9 months
Rhapsody Anonymous right! Oh my god!
Sunwoo literally has my entire heart like he is the love of my life 😖. Him being so down bad off bat is everything I have ever needed and more, like why is he so cute 😩😩.
I fucking cackled when manz was like, “would you believe me if I asked you what a Rhapsody Anonymous is?” Like the panic and denial had me on the floor 😭😭😭. Homie really said “What’s a podcast?” I’m- 😭😭😭. Felt tho.
Don’t even get me started on on him calling her Dovey and Superstar like- 😩. It’s so fucking cute I can’t 😖. I love nicknames that have zero to do with one’s actual name like it literally gives me life!!! Like can I have one!? Where do I get one!? Lol 😭😭😭 I do have one that my family calls me on occasion-Princess Dimples (I bet you can’t guess why)- But it don’t got that kick.
I love seeing how all the fics connect and intertwine 😍, it’s so cool. I love the way you world build and I envy it as well because how on earth do you come up with a cohesive universe 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫.
Also the explanation of the ‘Sangyeon’s fake Gf’ saga is hilarious every time I read it omg 😭.
Side note: Jihoon crumbs. My husband. I’m literally so obsessed with that little man help 😩. (You ever write a Jihoon fic know that I’ll be the first to read 😤😤)
Anyways… lovesick Sunwoo will reside in my brain forever and I thank you, bc yes 😍, but also hate you, bc he will be on my mind 24/7 and I won’t be able to get things done 😩.
skfnksndkd FEEL U ON THAT !! i love making him so ooey gooey and in love 😩 i know i clown him all the flippin time but he really is the cutest , and i thought starting off with pining would be a nice change of pace LOL (now that i think abt it tho, technically HJ!Yn started w pining........... not as strong as sunwoo tho i think)
AHAHHAHA tbh that part wasn't even planned 😭😭 i didn't think of the dialogue until that moment and i was just like,, hey 😃 what if i pulled something quirky 😃
ahhh the nicknames @@ bro what i would GIVE to be called superstar by him 😔😔 i always thought dove was a cute pet name too !! and it just so happened that sw!yn's pseudonym was dj dove 😎 totally not on purpose or anything 🤡 OMG but princess dimples is so cute 😭 U HAVE DIMPLES ?!?!((!( sososooo cute omg i have this weird divot in my cheek sometimes on one side but it's not really a dimple 🤧 my family likes to call me anything that starts with the letter "b" under the sun tho 💀
tbh i kind of made up some details in party people to give their friendships some like,, substance 😭😭 and then they became canon, and then i let my delulu brain RUN LMAO
BRO. BROOOOO i fkn LOVE writing jihoon !!! he is like low-key such a comfort character to write and he makes me :')) sw!yn really was a self insert when she went to jihoon to ask him for advice and i just kanfkejfjr i want him to be my mentor (´Д⊂ヽ he's just ,,, i love that man SO MUCH
AHAHHAHAHA i will take that hatred as a compliment (^_-)-☆ love ya eliza 😚
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thetiniestkris · 1 year
more thoughts fuck you predictive text
Don't know how but somehow i don't know anyone who really knows me. Yeah, I'm very close to some people. Two of my siblings for example. Was with my ex for 5 years and have lived this last year with them too. Made friends with coworkers, and got involved in the community, and made friends outside of work. And yet somehow it still feels like I'm always hiding whole sides to myself, worrying about being seen.
Like I just never feel like I'm actually being myself, and I dont how to fix that.
I mean i know the cause of it. Don't raise your kids in cults that force them to self monitor their thoughts, feelings, reactions, instincts, appearance, speech, sleeping dreams, and behaviour 24/7 with no space for failure or slip ups. Don't place the burden of dressing modestly for the sake of an adult mans marriage on the shoulders of a 12 year old. Don't force them to wear clothes that make them obviously stick out without making sure they're okay with it, then teach them they have to say it's their choice. Dont punish your many kids collectively just because you're too tired to figure out who broke that slat in the couch back. Don't beat them with a belt at the appearance of a slight slip up.
The complete lack of control over my personhood from childhood to early adulthood has made me instinctively secretive, trying to hide the "unacceptable" parts of myself. Even if those are the parts of me I like most. Maybe because those are the parts of me i like most, and i don't want to be punished for them. I want something to stay safely mine.
anyway the things I'm hiding are stupid memes i saved being bi greysexual liking AOC and Bernie liking stardew valley being obsessed with critical role every youtube channel I watch (all leftist or gay or trans or video games or all of the above) and wanting to go to protests and things like that but how much really do protests do because it feels useless where i live? And also I do know IRL people who go to protests to beat up people they don't like, namely people like me who just want to not be living with such terrible anxiety all the time
I can't tell my sibling how much I'm afraid to go to a pride event for the first time or come fully out of the closet because a bunch of fascist clowns showed up in a uhaul trailer in the park we walked around so many times this summer and there was a shooting just a week ago or so at a drag show and just. I can't say it all because they "love" me but they don't support me and they'll tell me I'm just obsessing over being gay or something.
But maybe saying all this would inspire some compassion. Or maybe i shouldnt have to share my deepest traumas to "earn" some compassion.
Everything is fucked
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