#the colour goes well with annie’s eyes!!
was70th · 9 months
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wedding dress vibes
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ughgoaway · 10 months
Potential conflicts for the I love you blurb/fic
1. Annie gets injured at school. Proper injured and has to be taken to hospital. Matty loses it completely, snapping at everything and everyone, including reader. He snaps at her and reader starts to cry (she feels like absolute shit and Matty is clearly not helping) and goes to hide in the bathroom. Once Matty is told that Annie will be alright, he goes and tries to talk to reader, but she's still shaken and doesn't wanna talk to him. He tries to apologise, and in his apology, he says that he loves her.
2. Reader starts hanging out with an old friend of her, maybe a high-school friend or something like that. Matty gets jealous but doesn't say anything at first. Then Annie tells him how reader brought her friend to class and he thought them about whatever it is that he does (maybe he's a firefighter or something that kids think is cool). Matty, like the little shit that he is, instead of communicating his discomfort, he starts distancing himself from reader. When she, tired and confused by his antics, approaches him to ask for an explanation, things get heated, and they start going at each other. When Matty suggests that she's cheating on him, she says something like: Are you stupid? Why would I cheat on you if I love you?
both of these are very, very good. I love them!!! I wanna give my thoughts on both, but I only have the energy for one rn, so here that is! and when I come back and add more, I'll reblog this lol <3
(no proofreading, just vibes)
okay, I'm gonna alter the first one a lil' and maybe make it sadder... apologies, but I promise it ends nice <3
I can see Annie falling off a swing at school and breaking her arm. matty gets the phone call and drops EVERYTHING.
he gets to school and the nurses office and sees you sat with Annie and she's sniffling and holding her arm, her eyes red from crying.
matty runs in, and as soon as Annie sees him, she days, "Daddy?" and then bursts into tears, matty actually feels his heart splinter into 1000 pieces and comes rushing over and holding her, shushing her and stroking her head as it rests against his chest.
"What happened?" he says it kind of angrily, but you brush it off just assuming he's stressed.
"Oh, don't worry too much," you can see matty is annoyed at your words, but you still shake it off and contuine. "Annie was just swinging a little too high and fell off the swing. the nurse says her arm might be broken, so you need to take a little trip to a&e. you'll be okay though, won't you Annie?" As you ask you stretch your arm to stroke her head, but matty jerks her away from you, and you shoot your head up to look at him questioningly.
mattys jaw ticks before he sighs and starts angrily whispering, and if Annie wasn't there, you're sure he'd be shouting. "she'll be okay? where were you? aren't you meant to be watching her? " he hissed.
you're a little taken aback and say, "Well, I was on the playground, but I can't be everywhere all at once, you know that"
matty immediately jumps down your throat and says, "It's your job to keep her safe, and look what's happened? just- go away. I'm taking her to a&e now." he sighs angrily and scoffs at the tears brewing in your eyes and walks off.
as soon as the door clicks shut, you start sobbing, sitting down on the chair with your head in your hands. I'm talking like full snot bubbles aggressive crying.
hurting Annie is your worst fucking nightmare, and you felt guilty enough before matty came in here acting like a dick. you try to be mad at him but you can't help but just blame yourself.
it was your fault she fell. it was your fault she's hurt. you're to blame.
cut to hours later, Annie has a new cast and a lollypop in her mouth and quite honestly couldn't be happier. she got to choose the colour (stereotypical pink but she loves it) and all the staff signed it. she got a sticker and her favourite flavour of Lolly, as well as lots of fuss from everyone, so she's pretty chuffed.
she's looking forward to going to school tomorrow and getting everyone to sign her cast and ask lots of questions, "Did it hurt really bad???"No, but that's because my daddy says I'm really brave, so it would probably hurt you"
(she was crying for a good 45 mins from the pain, but he lets her live in delusion)
and once Annie is asleep in bed and matty is sat on the sofa left with only his own thoughts, he realises he was a fucking dick.
he says, "fuck" out loud and hangs his head down, he wants nothing more than to call you but he knows he should wait until he sees you in person. you haven't moved in yet, but you've been together a while so he could just go over to your place and beg for an apology but he can't bring himself to do it.
him and annie show up early to school. He leaves Annie in the library, showing all the librarians her cast and recounting her story. he sneaks off to your room to apologise.
he walks in, you look up and roll your eyes before going back to your work. overnight, you had gone from guilty to pissed off.
matty knew how much you love Annie, and yet he still treated you like you had personally thrown her off the swing.
"Look, I deserve that, I know. I was a dick yesterday, and I'm so sorry. " matty sighs as he walks over and leans on your desk beside you on your chair. you spin around with your arms cross and nod for him to contuine.
"Please forgive me, baby. I'm so sorry. seeing Annie hurt just broke my heart, and"
"And it didn't break mine? God matty you're such a fucking dick. you know I love her."
he waited for you to scream and shout more, just take it out on him, but you stay silent and stare.
matty was stressing out at your silence, so he did what he did best when stressed. He rambled.
"Please, you have to accept my apology. I've been killing myself the whole night. the way I spoke to you was just- awful. inexcusable. I know you love her, I love her too. and I love you so much. but the whole situation got on top of me and-" matty stopped when he felt your hand on his arm, and he finally had the guts to look you in your eyes and he once again saw them brimming with tears.
before he could stutter another apology, you stand up and hug him. Whilst he's confused, he just wraps his arms around you and hugs you.
he feels you mumble against him but can't quite make it out, "what was that, sweetheart?"
you pull back and give him a teary but happy smile and say, "I forgive you. and I love you too"
it's only then that matty realises what he said, and the look on his face has you giggling immediately. you bring your hands up and rest them on his cheeks.
"Love you," you say, making his eyes look at yours.
you see them soften before he says, "Love you too."
more blurbs from this au here :)
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kuruka1559s · 2 months
Smile, Galaxy, Blaze, Ori and Pilla.
Barbara, Ellie, Blake, Ori and Elliot.
These will be our protagonists.
Every character has it’s story.
And they will be told, in different points of view.
Rieti, St Hyppolitus
I wake up.
Like I can’t bear solitude.
I groan and sit up, my brother, Elliot, sighs and speaks up again:
“Andiamo Barbara! Attiva! Scatta!” (Come on Barbara! Active!)
“Eddai Elliot…. Non mi-“ (Come on Elliot… I don’t-)
Answered angrily my bro.
I stand up, lazily, wear my slippers and make my way to the closet to grab my clothes.
My brother leaves.
I wanna sleep… not go to school…
I grab my black t-shirt, my baggy pants and my socks.
I get dressed up and I get out of my messy room, making my way to the living room.
Go down the stairs, grab the backpack, grab an apple, eat it and get out of the house, my life looks like an anime.
I’m the classic anime girl that is late to go to school.
Screams my brother, swinging back and forth my black boots.
I grab them and take off my slippers, after I wear my boots and sprint immediately.
Go up the small hill, go up the stairs and go straight to the next village.
“Slow down kid!”
Exclaims an old man, sitting on the stairs of the furnace.
My friend, and uhm…
Secret crush Ori joins me, he might be a dickhead sometimes, but dammit.
He was cute and nice towards me.
So… yeah.
“Hey Barbs! Attiva come sempre!” (Hey Barbs! Active as always!)
Affirms Ori.
I look away from him.
“Si, vabbè.” (Yeah whatever.)
I mutter loudly.
He snickers.
“Che?” (What?)
“Sei carina quando fai così, Barbara. Dopodomani è il tuo compleanno, Vero?” (You’re cute when you act like that. After two days is your birthday, right?)
“Si.” (Yeah.)
“Vent’un anni.” (Twenty one years.)
“Problemi?” (Problems?)
“Nah.” (No.)
He denies.
We reach the school.
We walk in, and we find our classroom.
When we walk in, there was already a guy.
He looks at us.
“OH. MIO. DIO.” (OH. MY. GOD.)
I watch that little scene.
This guy called Blake stands up and goes up to Ori, hugging him tightly.
I roll my eyes to the sky and cross my arms.
“Quindi… mi introduci al signorino?” (So… will you introduce me to your friend?)
“Ah, giusto!” (Oh, right!)
Beams Ori in answer.
He lets go the guy and brings him close to me.
I’m taller than him.
“Barbara, Blake! Blake, lei è Barbara!” (Barbara, Blake! Blake, this is Barbara.)
“Piacere.” (Hi.)
“Oooooh! Questa è la famosa ragazza di cui parli spesso? Interessante~” (ooooooh! So this is the famous girl who you always talk about? Interesting~)
He affirms and gets closer to me.
He grabs a strand of my hair.
“Che colore strano… ciano… my chiedo come sarebbe tua madre~” (Weird colour… cyan… I wonder how your mother looks~)
“Sono orfana.” (I’m an orphan.)
He stops.
“Beh… rende le cose più interessanti almeno.” (Well.. at least it makes things more interesting.)
Affirms Blake.
“E questa cos’è hm? Perché nascondi l’occhio destro?” (What’s this hm? Why are you hiding your right eye?)
“Ah- non è null…!” (Ah- it’s nothi…!)
He interrupts me and pulls the hair in front of my eye.
Asks me ori, dumbfounded.
“Io-“ (I-)
I get interrupted with the sound of the door opening. The other classmates get in class.
The teacher gets in and we sit down, without questions about my eye.
The day passes and we get back to our houses.
“Senti ori, tu vivi a sant’ippolito giusto?” (Hey ori, you live in Saint Hyppolitus, right?
“Si, tu?” (Yeah, you?)
“Hmmmmm.. un giorno ti vengo a trovare!” (Hmmmmm.. one day I’ll come visit you!)
They truly look like a couple.
They split up.
“Quindi… salutato il tuo fidanzatino?” (So… said goodbye to your boyfriend?)
Pouts Ori.
Yeah sure, like I’ll believe him.
We sit on the stairs.
“E poi.. ho gli occhi solo per te Barbs.” (and… I have eyes only for you Barbs.)
“Tu CHE?” (You WHAT?)
“Mi hai sentito.” (You heard me.)
I stay silent, and Ori scoots a little bit closer to me.
“Tu… mi piaci.” (I… like you.)
He affirms shyly.
“Mi stai prendendo in giro?” (Are you joking?)
“Quindi sei serio.” (So you’re serious.)
“Si.” (Yes.)
Affirms Ori.
I was speechless.
He likes ME?
“Io- sono senza parole.” (I- I’m speechless.)
“Lo sai che io lo so che ricambi i miei sentimenti?” (You know that I know that you like me back?)
“Beeeeeeeh-“ (weeeeeeell-)
He interrupts me with a kiss.
“Che?” (What?)
“N-nulla.” (N-nothing.)
He kisses me again.
“Ma per favore. Prendetevi una stanza.” (Please. Get yourself a room.)
Pouts a guy, I IMMEDIATELY break the kiss and look at the person.
“A- scusa fratello.” (A- sorry brother.)
“Tranquilla. Era ora che ti trovavi un ragazzo.” (Don’t worry. It was time you founded a boyfriend.)
He affirms skeptically.
Gosh this is embarrassing………
I hide my face with my palms, my hair contributes with hiding it, because it was very long.
Ori’s phone starts to ring loudly, he grabs it.
It was her mom.
“Acc.. devo andare.” (Ack… I have to go.)
“A domani.” (See you tomorrow.)
Affirms happily ori and kisses my cheek.
I’ll never get used to it.
Ori gets up and answers the phone, while doing his way back to his house.
Rieti, Fiumata.
“Sono a casa.” (I’m home.)
I beam happily, throwing myself onto him and hugging him tightly.
“Ciao Ellie.” (Hey Ellie.)
“Bentornato!” (Welcome back!)
“Bentornato. Com’è andata scuola?” (Welcome back. How did school go?)
Asks mom.
“STUPENDAMENTE! Ho reincontrato Ori sai?” (WONDERFULLY! I remet Ori you know?)
“Buono a sapersi. Senti Ellie, potresti andare in camera tua? Dovrei parlare con tuo fratello.” (Good to know. Listen Ellie, could you go in your room? I have to talk to your brother.)
Asks mom, I nod and make my way to my room.
I love it! It’s all purple and light blue, my favourite colours!
I sit on my desk and start drawing something.
I don’t know what, maybe clothes.
Something that.. I would love to wear.
“Ellie! Psssht! Vieni! Alla finestra!” (Ellie! Psssht! Come! To the window!)
Beams a familiar voice.
I go to the window.
I yell happily, it was my best friend!
“Come stai?” (How are you?)
“Sto benissimo! Tu?” (I’m doing well! You?)
“Stupendamente!” (Wonderfully!)
“Vieni scendi! Ti voglio presentare qualcuno!” (Come on get down here! I want to introduce you to someone!)
Beams Elliot.
I grab my hoodie, wear it and sit on the edge of the window.
“Ellie che stai-” (Ellie what are you-)
Asks Elliot.
I jump off the window.
Someone catches me.
“Fai attenzione signorina, potresti farti male.” (Watch out lady, you could hurt yourself.)
Says a girl.
She was SOOO TALL and very pretty! She had long cyan hair like Elliot and a red eye, the right one was without pupil.
“Oh giusto! Lei, è la mia sorellona Barbara!” (Oh right! She’s my big sis Barbara.)
“Il mio principe…?” (My prince…?)
I blunt out.
“Che?” (What?)
I yelp out of nowhere, denying what I said.
Barbara lets me go, gently putting me on the top of a short wall.
“È un piacere conoscerti, Ellie.” (It’s nice to meet you, Ellie.)
“Il piacere è mio..” (the pleasure is mine..)
I mutter, dumbfounded by her beauty.
Elliot smiles and sits next to me.
“Prima impressione?” (First impression?)
“Carina…” (pretty…)
“Ha il ragazzo.” (She has a boyfriend.)
Elliot snickers.
“Allora?” (So?)
“Uh… Vi mostro casa mia!” (Uh… I’ll show you my house!)
I beam, climbing my window and getting in my room.
I help Elliot and her pretty sis to get in.
I exclaim, showing my room.
Exclaims Elliot, clearly surprised.
“Hai una bella stanza Ellie.” (You have a nice room Ellie.)
Affirms Elliot’s big sis.
“Grazie!” (Thanks!)
“Senti, ma tuo fratello sa che siamo entrati?” (Listen, does your brother know we got in?)
“No, ma non importa! Lui sta parlando con mamma!” (No, but it doesn’t matter! He’s talking with mom!)
I affirm, reassuring them.
I wish I could spend every day like this without getting bored! I love spending my time with them!
And after two days is Barbara’s birthday!
Isn’t that awesome?! And I know that she’s into the same class that Blake goes in! I love this fact!
I wish that all of this would never end…
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killerquecns · 2 days
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𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐬𝐡.
when fighting your demons alone, you know you're FUCKED or fated. destiny couldn't be sicker.
aesthetic : having a heart full of fire offering warmth to those close and scorching remarks to those in the wrong, staying up all night to see the sunrise just to make sure it still comes up, the grim days slowly beginning to overshadow the good ones, denial doesn't suit you nearly as well as optimism did, the warmth of the sun on your skin, holding your cat a little tighter after another nightmare, a heart too big to only wear on your shoulder, you had always been convinced in happy endings, but now it feels like the end, and there’s no happy ending in sight.
compare to : jennifer jareau ( criminal minds ), emily fields ( pretty little liars ), juliet o'hara ( psych ), allison hargreeves ( the umbrella academy ), eliza hamilton ( hamilton ), annie january ( the boys ), elizabeth burke ( white collar ), ann perkins ( parks and recreation ), linda martin ( lucifer ), padme amidala ( star wars ), katara ( avatar: the last airbender ), caroline forbes ( the vampire diaries ), waverly earp ( wynonna earp ), glenn rhee ( the walking dead ), peggy carter ( mcu ), esme cullen ( twilight )
˗ˏˋ 𓂃 (  erin moriarty.  cis woman.  she/her ).  meet  melody 'mel' walsh,  a  twenty-six  year  old,  who  has  been  in  cloyne  for  her entire life.  they  are  a  nurse  at  cloyne hospital,  known  for  being  charismatic  and  obstinate.  they  are  often  heard  humming  along  to  vicious  by  bohnes.  residents  would  describe  them  as  the final girl.
✧ pinterest ✧
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*:・゚ ⸻ 𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐒
full name : melody ann walsh nicknames : mel, melly age : 26 birthday / zodiac : december 3 / sagittarius gender / pronouns : cis woman, she/her sexual orientation : demisexual romantic orientation : biromantic occupation : nurse
personality traits : charismatic, obstinate, compassionate, haunted, curious, impatient, loyal, anxious, hardworking, independent likes : her job, bonfires, summer, baked treats, romance novels, beach days dislikes : cold showers, being late, oranges, surprises, horror movies, late shifts secret talents : outrageously good baker, calligraphy goals & ambitions : go to medical school & start a family memorable traits : a kindness that seems to radiate from her pores, sometimes snorts if she's laughing too hard character alignment : neutral good labels : the final girl, the golden child, the phoenix vices : self-sacrificing, stubbornness, impatience virtues : loyalty, courageousness, compassion
eye color : hazel hair colour : blonde hair type/style : past shoulders, typically worn in a bun at work or down outside work height : 5'6 build : slender/athletic exercise habits : regularly goes running & to the gym dominant hand : right glasses/contacts : n/a tattoos : a blackbird tattoo on her shoulder blade, various other small tattoos scars : many small scars from various incidents over the years, new scars on arm & side from the attack piercings : ears pierced multiple times faceclaim : erin moriarty
*:・゚ ⸻ 𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐘
parents : _____ walsh ( father ), lorelai walsh ( mother, deceased ) siblings : bailee walsh & chloe walsh ( younger sisters ) children : n/a pets : a grumpy old cat named whiskey extended family : n/a
trigger warnings : mentions of parental death & attempted murder
mel is the oldest walsh child & always took her role as the oldest very seriously. her upbringing was fairly normal overall, the typical white picket fence life that felt straight out of a hallmark movie minus all the drama in between.
she was homecoming queen in high school and was her year's vice president and voted most likely to succeed. but when the time came to leave the nest, she didn't. instead of taking the scholarship to go across the country, she stayed close to home using her family as an excuse. she couldn't leave her mother or sisters, of course. in reality, she was so afraid of failure that she felt it was better to not even try to begin with.
since then, she's worked as a nurse and stayed in her hometown, mostly just coasting through life on a smile and kind comment. she'd almost worked up the courage to begin her dream of starting medical school when her carefully crafted life came crashing down.
the day she walked into the home she'd grown up in and found her mother brutally murdered lives rent free in her nightmares and her waking moments. there isn't a day she doesn't relive the discovery.
and then being attacked a year later, barely escaping with her life ( or perhaps was permitted to live to recount the tale ) seemed to make things even worse. mel was lucky; that's what everyone says. a few scars to add to the collection, but nothing as life-threatening as it could have been. she can't help but to wonder what her mother did, if anything, to end up that way. and she doesn't know why she was target almost a year later only to live when her mother didn't. and if it was just a sick twist of fate that she lived when two others didn't, then what comes next?
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delicatebluebirdruins · 9 months
Lockwood and Co. show notes
the parts in different colours are important (link to part 2) and my thoughts on the first two books.
episode one
love the opening shots on their gear before we see them
his smirk. music in the kitchen is so nice.
the angry biscuit munch.
the only other person who calls Lucy "Luce" is Norrie I think.
I love how we get to see the past and care about Lucy leaving. (although I would have loved it if we had reference to Lucy's sisters as well there could be a huge age difference between the two or something)
So with Ghost Touch being a bigger deal in the show makes a lot of sense because it is a medical emergency and in the books we do see people die from this and of course people ending up in a coma makes it a little more interesting because coma and it could be explained by who has Talents? Joe explain yourself.
love the fail montage (funny thing I was reading Hollow Boy at this point and shoved my book pouch to the side to show Lockwood and sister picked it up and compared the illustration to show Lockwood and just wondered at it)
biscuit cronch and say hi to the skull. Love how gleeful George was about the gunshots
I love the way Ruby Stokes said "no" in response to the Beck question
Lucy wanna fight. tour music is great and i love the framed newspaper.
love the little skip at the bottom of the stairs
little smile over the unlocking of the door.
Lockwood's face when she asked him about the advert. love how earnest he is
Lockwoods fighting is so good. That picture frame is so well made
love the entire exchange of Lockwood taunting the ghost
hugs and jump
episode two
i love this bit floating inbetween bit
Lockwood's "my partner" and her reaction to calling him that is so funny (so is the nurses's)
I love the Annie theme
I love the argument.
the smile when he comes in "unicorns or rainbows" George internally is 100% going "oh Lucy yells at me but she's not going to yell at him"
"it's our USP" Earnest Lockwood is favourite
was the hand grab needed to wake Lockwood up?
I wanna set tour so bad
I love the fight... I love the little birds on the window
Goerge loves a mystery. Hand flex and smile. I love communing with Annie (lost in translation "my lord")
"by firing Lucy Carlyle" i love Lockwoods worry at Barnes asking to get rid of Lucy
amazing deduction no other possible person playing hamlet.
"you need a ladder" love this line
love this bonding session with George although the question "dreamed of coming to London with" feels like there should have been an interaction before?
George calling out Lockwood for naming Lucy in the news (and Lucy eavesdropping)
love the training session
Barnes is a little shit and I love him though something needed to be done to set this scene up better
I love this bit between Lockwood and Lucy its so well acted and i love the music
love this fight and swong (a forest by the cure) sword chains and umbrella
I love their reactions to revealing the necklace and the censorship.
episode three
i love the delivery of "see a man about a ghost"
why so intense an eye contact in the elevator? (sister is wondering where they found the silvertongue to get Lockwood out of the book whilst holding Hollow Boy again)
how loud are Lockwood and George yelling?
I want to know all about Ellie
missing scene: how they find their house after DEPRAC breaks in the door (+ what DEPRAC finds)
love the delivery of "looks like blood"
thoughts: should have put the screaming in the screaming staircase (the chanting works but when we hear the word screaming we think of screaming)
like that the both save her from the well
love the sparkles as the grenade goes down the well
the goggles are great. I love the show of Annie's ring flying through the air as her ghost emerges.
love Penelopes coat
and Lockwoods ring (sister: love George's sticky fingers when he gets displeased)
missing scene: when did the certificate come up? he mentioned it happend in the van but how would that have happened without Lucy noticing?
episode four
the glass on the side was that warm Ribena but you know no longer warm? who wrote the notes?
love the little fish thing in the kitchen
I adore this exchange and George's "you good Lockwood?"
"do you remember us carrying you?" always have this in my mind "to me to you to me to you" but I must wonder how they carried her there is a few stairs between the basement and the attic
again love this bit and hype up Lucy time.
Flo reference
where's the uniform? considering how annoying the three are good thing there is no way to identify them properly? or nah? also the discreet part will never not be hilarious
"no backbone" love that coming from the older man who can't see ghosts and has to rely on kids then to say that about them
Lockwood "I'll protect you" show (not sure where I was in the Hollow Boy at this point but "come off it Luce you know I'd die for you" pipeline)
the bone glass design is really nice. I love how taken aback Lockwood as seeing the bullet wound
Bickerstaff looking imposing was something they did well. and the music when Lucy springs to action (after having a startling realisation)
I love this bit with the skull how soft it says "oh you can hear me"
Love George and his delivery of "is it talking to you know?" is so funny.
missing moment: "would never bollock [lucy] like this" feels like there is a lot more context there
also imagine if at the end of the fight (just so Lockwood barely hears it) Lucy mutters to herself "should be used to people not listening to me" and it comes up much later (angst what can i say)
cosy quilt. and love this little moment of Lockwood approaching the landing door and touching it then nodding
this would have been a great time for her to bring up Jacobs/ her mum but Lockwood needed his moment to share a little of his pain as well so I'm not mad. also the focus on their hands is so cute.
"I'm not sure what i should" Lmao Lockwood
I wonder what George would have said if he were there?
How long was Barnes standing there and George being startled is so funny.
love this little contest between Bobby and George
I love Barnes telling the two groups to back each other up and in the last episode they finally do it
love the delivery of "walking appendix"
random funny thing: "not filling out more forms" why is that lockwood? hmm... also in the credits there are listings for the ghost performers but i didn't get a chance to properly look
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casualaruanienjoyer · 2 months
Aruani, Jeanmarco, Reibert triple date
Oh anon, you're spoiling me! This is so cute 😭 This was SO FUN to write, I hope you'll love it as much as I do!
Triple Date
Armin checks his notes, making sure they are heading the right way. He really can't screw this up!
He somehow managed to convince Annie to spend the day together outside the camp. Not that Annie didn't want to spend time with Armin, but she was always reluctant when it came to being affectionate in public. They have grown closer recently, spending more and more time together around camp, but things are still a bit awkward between them.
Thankfully, they are headed towards a small fun fair Connie told Armin about. He was always good at keeping up with whatever events were on. Cadets were not supposed to go, but they're both out of uniform and Armin frankly does not care at the moment. He's holding Annie's hand and that's the only thought he can process for now.
They can hear the music getting louder and louder and when they take a last turn they find the street Connie told them about.
'Whoa!' Armin gasps, taking in the many colourful stands, ribbons and flowers decorating the street. Even Annie looks surprised.
'Come! Let's check it o-' Armin says excitedly, but without realizing he runs into someone. 'O-oh, my bad!'
'Well, well, well. What do we have here?'
Oh no
'Hi, Jean'. Armin starts sweating, face turning red while Jean crosses his arms.
'Sneaking out together? How cute.' he says with a shit eating grin on his face.
Armin goes stiff, unable to reply.
But Annie smirks.
Jean lifts an eyebrow. "What are you smirking at-" but just as he's about to finish his question someone else appears from behind him, holding what looks like two long sticks wrapped in fluffy candy floss.
'Pookie, I'm back!' Marco says gleefully.
At that Jean's face reddens. 'Oh hi guys.' Marco says, a bit embarrassed. "Didn't know you'd be here too!"
'Connie told us about the festival and we wanted to check it out' Armin replies, trying not to laugh.
'I see -Pookie- over here had the same idea' Annie sneers. There's pure evil in her eyes. Jean would never be able to live this down. 'You two also on a date?' she asks, arm resting on her hip.
'D-date??' Armin and Jean jump, and Annie rolls her eyes. Men.
Armin looks lost in thoughts (A date?? She called it a date?? Are we dating now?? Is it official??) and Jean grows more and more annoyed with Annie (How dare she mock me?? A date?? With my bro?? Don't be ridiculous!).
Marco clears his throat to break the awkwardness. "Well anyway, we should be goi-"
'Hey! You there!!'
Oh shit.
This is the LAST person they want to meet in this situation. Reiner, despite being the headstrong leader they respected, was also a massive sap. A hopeless romantic, for sure. Leave it to him to make things even more awkward than they already are.
They don't act fast enough and Reiner approaches them, waving. Behind him a massive bear shaped plushie follows.
'What the hell is that?' Annie mutters. 'A... bear?'.
'I think that's Bertholdt' Jean replies, a hand covering his mouth to conceal his snickering. Everyone knew that the two were an item.
Reiner and Beartholdt stop in front of the rest.
'I didn't know you guys would also come!' Reiner laughs, hands on his hips. 'Connie told us about this place, and we had to check it out!'.
But then it all clicks: Annie and Armin holding hands, Jean and Marco sharing candy floss, the blush across everyone's faces and the sneaky glances being exchanged.
Reiner instantly tears up. 'YOU GUYS!! I DIDN'T KNOW!! HOW COULD I BE SO BLIND!?' he shouts, reaching for a delicate napkin in his pocket to wipe away his tears. Bertholdt pats him on the back. 'There, there'.
'YOU HAVE MY BLESSING' he continues, and everyone wants to disappear.
'Reiner, i-it's nothing like that!' Armin responds. 'Yeah man, we're just hanging out as bros, right Marco?' Jean continues, but both Annie and Marco look unimpressed.
There's an awkward pause.
'What's with the bear?' Annie asks, intrigued.
Bertholdt smiles. 'Reiner won it for me at one of the stands! If you hit all the targets you can win a prize.' he hugs the bear tightly. 'Of course, if you do well you get a plushie like this, but even if you do terribly you get some sweets.' Reiner opens his coat, revealing lots of candy that had been stuffed into his inner pockets.
Annie's eyes narrow and she turns to Armin, determined. 'Let's go there!' She commands, squeezing his hand. This was a win, win situation.
'I want a plushie too!' Marco glances at Jean with big puppy eyes.
Reiner laughs.
'Guess we're heading back there then!'
💜This fic is now also on AO3 !
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corner-stories · 5 months
aruani 10 for the april prompts
April Prompts 🐞
10. Basil am continuing the Aruani Seaside Cottagecore agenda
Annie thinks she's been spoiled lately. For starters, the weather has been rather nice, the last few days at their seaside home being blessed with clear skies and sun. Warmth is returning to their little corner of the world, making her daily walks even more pleasant than usual. It's almost too convenient, and she wonders if she should start getting suspicious or just lie back and enjoy it.
Armin seems to be treating her the same as well, though he'll never admit it. In early evening he stands at the kitchen of their cottage, very meticulously adding chopped basil to a sturdy mortar, alongside other ingredients. Behind him a pot of water boils on the stove, the sound of which hums in the background as he continues to work.
Annie watches him cook. She's not helping, though not from a lack of trying. There's just something so solidified about the way Armin prepares food, from the way he toasts the pine nuts to the way he refuses to break the dried pasta before boiling it.
At this point, she's long given up on popping in to lend a hand. Who is she to complain over Armin's meticulous way of working cooking? It's her least favourite chore anyways.
She ends up drawing him to the pass the time, remaining at the table with her trusty sketchbook. Art is only a hobby of hers, something she picked up out of pure boredom. At least it soothes her in more ways than one. The feeling of peace it gives her almost makes up for the fact that she's utterly terrible at it, in her perspective anyways.
Though Armin moves around to add pasta to the pot and garlic to the mortar, Annie manages to depict him in his happy place through lines of charcoal. She always thought Armin had pretty eyes and makes sure to draw those accordingly. If only she had some of those fabled coloured pencils she had heard so much about, then perhaps she could add an extra hue to her piece.
But for now, the charcoal sticks do their job and leave Annie with a finished drawing and black smudges on her hand.
Armin begins mashing the basil, pine nuts, and garlic with the mortar and pestle. As he labours away, Annie stands up and goes to the sink. Her shoulder brushes his just before she turns on the faucet and cleans her fingers of charcoal stains.
"Are you sure there's nothing I can help you with?" she asks, though a part of her already knows the answer.
"Very sure," Armin confirms, not looking away from the pesto. "But if you're looking to do something, do you think you can pick some wine for tonight?"
Annie nods her head. "White, right?"
"Of course," Armin insists. "Couldn't be anything else."
Annie can't help but smile as she dries her hands. She walks across the kitchen again, in the corner of her eye she spots Armin looking away from the mortar.
He raises an eyebrow and asks, "What?"
"Nothing, nothing..." Annie insists, turning away and heading towards the entrance to their cellar. "I'll see what we have."
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tickletastic · 2 years
Acetone Takes Paint Off Hardwood
Fandom: The Boys
Ship: Annie/Hughie (Annhie? Hughnie?)
Summary: Hughie is totally fine with Annie being more powerful than him, but sometimes, just sometimes, his pride gets in the way.
Annie is watching the news when she hears a crash, followed by the familiar shouts of her boyfriend from their shared bedroom. She jumps up, running towards the sound when it’s followed by more curses and a few pained groans. 
“Hughie, are you-” She stops in her tracks after entering the room, a bucket of paint on her floor and a bookshelf on its side. Hughie stands crouched above the mess, seemingly trying to hold back tears, his frustration evident on his face. “Hughie?” 
Hughie doesn’t look up from the ground, instead he aimlessly wipes a towel through the soft yellow tone that had spilt on the hardwood floor. She creeps slowly across the room until she can situate herself on the floor behind him. Once there, she gently leans him into her until his back is leaned up against her, his head on her chest. The gesture is meant to be calming, and while he relaxes into her embrace, his face still holds the same constipated look, though tears are now freely flowing down his cheeks. “Hughie, babe, what’s the matter?”
Hughie shakes his head, as if it’ll will away the tears, but they just keep coming. Annie takes one of his hands in hers and holds it to her chest so he can feel her heartbeat. Hughie goes int a fit of sobs until his breathing starts to match Annie’s somewhat, still laced with wet hiccups as he tries to self-soothe. Annie helps by running the fingers of her other hand through his hair.
“I-I c-can’t,” Hughie tries to get out, gasping. He takes in a breath, “I fuck it all up.”
“What happened?” Annie asks, slow and sweet, like she’s trying to lure a scared animal to safety. 
“I just wanted to- to do something right f-for once,” Hughie says through deep breaths, “I j-just wanted to do it on m-my own”
Annie takes in the room and notices that one wall has been painted the same shade of pale yellow that is now covering the floor, her favourite colour. Hughie hadn’t got to the spot behind their bookshelf yet, and he had probably been trying to move it out of the way to get behind it. When she looks back down at him, his wet eyes are gazing up.
“You-you said you hated the gray,” he says with a sniffle, “I just wanted to do one thing by myself without fucking it up. But that’s what I am, a fuck-up.”
Annie shakes her head, leaning down to place a kiss on Hughie’s forehead. “Hughie, what have I been telling you? Just ‘cause you’re not a supe doesn’t mean you’re a fuck up. That’s why I didn’t want you taking that temporary V stuff, I think you’re fine without it.”
He shook his head, shutting his eye tight again like they had been when she first entered. “No, Annie, you don’t get it. I-I just want to be able to take care of you the way that you take care of me, I need you to know that I’m trying just as hard to make things work. I can’t protect you, I can’t open a jar, fuck, I can’t even paint a fucking room without screwing shit up.” 
“Oh no, baby,” Annie whispers, “I wish there was something I could say that would make you realise how much I see you. I know that you’re trying, and I know that you want to be able to protect me the way that I protect you, but that’s just something that’s different for us than it is for other couples. You’re not screwing anything up, and you don’t know how much it grounds me just to have you here, knowing that you’re safe.”
Annie reaches down to wipe the residual tears from Hughie’s face, placing scattered kisses on his forehead and his head of curls. His breaths are becoming more even as they sit there, his heartbeat matching the feeling of Annie’s through his fingertips. 
“Annie, I’m sorry,” he starts, but is quickly interrupted.
“Don’t apologize, Hughie. It’s fine.”
“No, I- well, I just get overwhelmed sometimes. I don’t ever want you to think that this relationship is all give for you. I mean,” he puts on his usual smug grin, “I knew you before you were Starlight.”
Annie laughs, gently flicking him in the temple, “correction: you didn’t know that I was Starlight, saying that you met me before I was Starlight is like saying you met me as a baby, and that’s kind of weird.”
“I guess you’re right,” Hughie laughs, nodding his head.
Annie grins down at him, pushing a curl from his face. “Alright, now come on my handsome, strong, funny boyfriend.” She reaches her hands under Hughie’s arms to lift him from his nearly horizontal position that he had managed to get to while they had been on the ground. Instead of being able to easily haul him up, Annie is met with resistance while Hughie flails out, letting out a surprised laugh as Annie’s fingers wiggle in an attempt to grab hold of him.
She’s quick to stop, confused as to why Hughie’s arms are suddenly everywhere until she looks down at the giant smile plastered across his face. 
“Are you-”
“No, no, no, no, no, no.”
They both speak at the same time as Hughie recognizes the mischevious look in Annie’s eyes. 
“Annie, no. Do not.” Hughie tries his hardest to sound stern, but even if he hadn’t been letting out nervous, anticipatory giggles, Annie is a supe, after all. She pulls him up like she had originally been trying to, placing one arm across his chest and folding her legs over his. 
Hughie tries to reason, shaking his head, trying desperately to pull her arm away from him, but he knows he’s trapped, he’s at the mercy of a supe, which would be bad enough as is, but it’s his supe girlfriend, which makes it somehow worse. 
“Annie, come on, I could make us dinner or something? We can hate-watch an old A-Train race? Maybe go to a pet store and send The Deep videos of the fish in those tiny plastic containers?”
“Nuh-uh, Hughie. I wanna see that cute little smile of yours.”
“Annie- Annie plehehehehease! Nohohohoho!” Before he can even manage to get to the begging stage of his bargaining, Annie has started to spider over his tummy, pinching and prodding at the soft spots. He laughs high-pitched and bubbly, shaking his head back and forth, “Ahahannie ihihit tihihickles!”
“Uh, yeah, Hughie, I’d hope so,” she teases, dropping her head down to give him a kiss on the neck while her hand continues its work. Hughie’s shoulder shoots up, and his laughter is speckled with snorts once Annie’s lips get to his collarbones. “Even here? I’ve kissed your neck before!”
“Ihihit’s eheheasy to hiihihide laughter with mohohoaning!” Hughie laughs harder, half because Annie’s hands have started to pinch at his sides, and half because he finds himself hilarious, and Annie totally doesn’t laugh at his comment too. 
Annie decided to try a single raspberry on Hughie’s neck, and it does the job, he squeals and tries to buck, but Annie’s super-strength prevents him from going anywhere. Annie releases Hughie from the arm that had been across his chest, her legs still holding him against her, and she uses both hands to dig into his ribs while she continues to give him raspberries where his neck meets his shoulder. Hughie practically screams, his laughter only increasing in volume when a hand wanders down to his hip, the other drilling his top ribs. 
“AHAHAHNNIE! IHIHIHI- PLEHEHEASE!” Hughie screams before descending into periods of wheezing, silent laughter. Tears poke from the corner of his eyes, but not the same, frustrated ones that had been there before.
Annie finally eases up and lets her boyfriend slink back against her chest as he takes heavy, panting breaths laced with high giggles. She goes to return her hand to his hair and accidentally grazes his ear with her pinky, getting another squeal out of him. “No fucking way, here too?”
Hughie squints his eyes open, face red and a smile still plastered over his cheeks, “sh-shuhut up.”
“Big words for someone with ticklish ears,” she teases, cooing when the red shade of his face deepens.   
“Whahahatever,” he giggles, swatting at her hand when it strays too close to his ear again. 
When Hughie’s breath has finally evened out, his chest rising and falling with Annie’s, she gets a wide smile on her face. “So, what did you say about the pet store?”
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theodorobrejablog · 9 months
6.Semiotics - Analysing Annie from League of Legends
In this blog post I will discuss the complex character Annie from League of Legends by Riot Games, from a semiotic perspective, using Roland Barthes’ theory (Barthes, 2009).
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Fig.1 Annie SplashArt
Annie is one of the playable champions from the M.O.B.A (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) game released by Riot in 2009. I chose her semiotics as I believe she demonstrates the difference between what is seen on the surface and what is the meaning behind. Throughout the evolution of the game, she has received multiple visual updates to match the aesthetics of the game. However, in 2018, Annie (fig.1) also received an update on her lore, so we got to understand more about the character, her background and why she ended up being known as “the Dark Child”. My discussion will be based on the updated lore, and not the previous version.
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Fig.2 Annie cinematic wallpaper
Born from parents with an aptitude for magic, Annie inherited the ability of pyromancy from birth. Before she was born, her parents had to move away from the city of Noxus, and rebuild their home near the outskirts, just in time for Annie’s birth. Her biography states that her mother finished sewing the teddy bear Tibbers, a key element of the character, just as she went into labour. After her birth, Annie started to get boiling hot, scaring the mother, who disappeared in the middle of the night, leaving the ill father, the only parent to raise the child. As the story progresses, we find out that the father remarries a Noxus woman who also has a daughter called Daisy. Growing up, the family, especially the new stepmother of Annie, observed the “fiery temper” Annie had, and became afraid and uneasy. Because of an unfortunate event, Daisy dies and the stepmother blames Annie for their loss, making the young girl lose control of her powers and burn the house down, killing her father in the process. In an act of rage and grief, her stepmother tries to reap Tibber apart, which, at the sight of her only memory of her mother being torn apart, makes Annie burst into rage and through a fire storm, Tibbers was brought to life, leaving the girl orphan. The biography ends with her wandering the outskirts of the city, not trusting any adults, but fooling them for clothes and shelter.
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Fig.3 Annie model development
The denotation of the character Annie is quite simple and can be built through the information we get from her biography on the League of Legends website, as well as her cinematic video and splash art. Annie is a young girl with bright red hair and big green eyes, dressed in a pink and purple gothic outfit and wearing a tiara with pointy little horns. She also carries a teddy bear. In the trailer, because of the more realistic art direction, her design has been altered, showing a more innocent child, before she unleashed her dark side. Interestingly, her colour palette has also been slightly modified to look brighter and match the overall colour palette of other Riot games that share the same universe such as Wild Rift.
The connotation side of the character goes much deeper. Her young age and big eyes show the innocent young girl, fragile and delicate. However, when you compare with the dark pink and purple gothic clothes, you can see that her exterior does not match her intentions anymore. The gothic clothes and the horned tiara portrait the rebel, misunderstood child, who chose the dark side because of her traumatic events. In the cinematic, the girl wears a red dress, which better symbolises the fiery temper and the pyromancy powers. Annie’s biography comes to an end with a very interesting phrase that perfectly emphasises her contrast: “On occasion, she will use her disarmingly adorable exterior to be taken in by some pioneer family long enough to be offered new clothes and a hot meal. However, fire and death awaits anyone foolish enough to try parting Annie from the stuffed bear at her side.”
To conclude, following the path of Roland Barthes’ structure of signifier and signified (Barthes 2009), if we add the denotation and connotation of the character, it results the myth of the rebellious orphan child, who chose the path of darkness not because of their latent dark side, but because of the injustice and hate received, which led to trauma. I believe Annie’s character perfectly illustrates the dichotomy between the innocence of a girl child and the dark side of her demonic powers. Annie perfectly matches a flame that can give warmth and nurture, it can also lose control and set everything ablaze.
Fig.1: Annie, the dark child - league of legends (no date) Leagueoflegends.com. Available at: https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-pl/champions/annie/ (Accessed: December 28, 2023).
Fig.2: Goslin, A. (2018) Annie gets an animated short to introduce her new lore, The Rift Herald. Available at: https://www.riftherald.com/culture/2018/2/1/16960710/annie-lol-animated-short-new-lore-icons (Accessed: December 28, 2023).
Fig.3: Annie (development) (no date) League of Legends Wiki. Fandom, Inc. Available at: https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Annie/Development?file=Annie_Update_Model_01.jpg (Accessed: January 2, 2024).
Annie (League of Legends) (no date) League of Legends Wiki. Fandom, Inc. Available at: https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Annie/LoL (Accessed: January 2, 2024).
Barthes, R. (2009) Mythologies. London: Vintage.
Annie - champions - universe of league of legends (no date) Leagueoflegends.com. Available at: https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_GB/champion/annie/ (Accessed: January 2, 2024).
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vinivre · 9 months
It was almost as if that one comment brought back the girl he knew. Her eyes seemed to change colour and become lighter. He looked upon her with hopeful eyes, wishing that this had made a huge dent into the torture she endured by the Capitol. He could save her, he always could. That was his job no matter what. Once again it was proving itself right. Peeta dared not get closer to where she was; however, still afraid that the hijacked Katniss could take over once again. Fight it Katniss. Remember green, that was your life, everything green. Those were the new thoughts he repeated in his head as he waited for Katniss to say something, anything.Then she did and it brought a warm feeling to course through him.
“Yes, the nice, pale orange the sky goes, not Effie’s atrocious orange she tried to pull off.”
Peeta let out a laugh, thinking back to the day they confided into each other the secret of their favoured colour. His hope for the mind of the Girl on Fire to return to the stable way it was suppose to be grew lost when he saw her eyes grow dark again. The change of her facial expression as well had his lingering smile falter. Keep trying she’ll come around soon. Her next question did not catch him off guard but it took him a moment to think of something the Capitol would have not known at all or if so, very little about. His feet slid on the smooth floor, slowly moving his body to sit against the cold wall. His head leaned against it, the coolness seeping into his scalp.
“Y-your voice. When you sing, all the birds go quiet to listen just like they did when your father sang. Your voice is llike you own unique bird song.”
He did his best to ignore the way she venomously asked the question his eyes cast down after he replied. Peeta’s fingers ran over the smooth tiles, drawing circles and other shapes on it. This was more difficult than observing her from outside the room, watching her scream. For now they were talking and it would seem like everything was fine until she made one face or comment and all Peeta wished to do was grab a hold of her and plead the real Katniss to come back.
Some of the people with white gear on, doctor’s most likely walked into the room and grabbed him by the arm, forcing him to stand. He did not wish to leave yet but they were forcing him. His time was up. Katniss had seen enough of the bread boy who she pleaded for but then cursed when received.
He was able to stand his ground for a moment longer. His hand grasped the side of the door as he looked at Katniss, desperation in his face, and tears in his eyes. To kill her was never his duty, never what he seeked to complete.
“Not real. All I did in the games was do my best to protect you.”
And with that said, he felt maybe it would give her something. She would recall something that would make it easier for her to trust him. The doctor’s ushered him out before he was able to give her one last look, see if her eyes had been given a spark. Th door closed before him and now he was out with a crowd that had been observing their interaction or waiting to see what he was going to do next. His decision, to go back to his room. He needed to paint again, paint the spark in her eyes when Peeta mentioned the colour green.
It seemed so sudden. Finnick and Annie having a wedding. Especially since it was still in the middle of a serious event, the rebellion. However, Peeta suspected that they were doing so to say they were married before anything drastic happened. It was such a low thought but it was the only one that actually made sense. Peeta wanted to help out in any way he could, yes but he did not know what to do until Portia came to him excited and told of how they hatched the idea to go back to District Twelve and retreive some of Katniss and his nicer clothing for them to wear at the wedding. It was a nice idea, but something that required him to leave the safety of his room and back to the terrors of what was left of his district. A place he did not wish to go back to, did not wish to see the rotting, charred bodies of people he may have known lying across the ground. He had to stop thinking about it, his eyes were beginning to grow filled with tears just thinking about it.
It was the next day they left somewhat early to find the perfect dress and suit for Finnick and Annie. Peeta silently walked through his Victor House running his dry fingers over smooth walls and tables. He never really liked being alone in the house, his family still working in the bakery and living there. However, it was nice to be there. Finnick was talking excitedly as he looked with one of Peeta’s stylist crew, trying to findthe perfect suit to wear. Peeta was only there in silence and to comment on the one Finnick would try on. They made it seem like such a grand thing, like this was the only thing that mattered, the wedding. He was happy but in a way he worried about everything else. Others were not able share this nice time, others were dying at that moment.
When they returned to District Thirteen, Peeta was to follow some of the soldiers to the kitchen. Once in there, he looked around to see Greasy Sae and a bunch of ingredients lying around on various counters. Her only words to him was make us one of your cakes and gave a crooked smile and it felt somewhat heart warming. No, he did not technically know Greasy Sae very well, saw her various times and heard about her trade. Of course, his family was the only baker family so much was said of them-and he forgets, he is famous because of being a Victor and now, the Mockingjay. It was like beginning something that immediately grabbed the attention of your mind. He touched one ingredient and then everything came to him, all the steps to make the perfect cake, perfect cake for the wedding. Peeta worked with care, in the zone completely consumed. He did not even eat while he worked. This was so relaxing and it was able to get his mind off everything, this worked more than painting because he actually felt like he was at home.
Icing the cake was a more difficult task but he was up for it. Slowly taking the homemade icing he mixed up and squeezing it into swirls and flowers adding other aspects that he thought possibly would make Finnick and Annie think of home and have it seem that their wedding was not down in depths of District Thirteen but in District Four.
The night of the wedding. They had an hour set on their schedule for it and compared to others, he had another hour set for the reception where only the ones that actually knew the couple were invited to, whilst all the other individuals of District Thirteen went back to their daily routine. Everyone was wearing their same coloured, ugly uniforms of District Thirteen. It made the whole room seem duller than it already was. He stood in the front, though he wished to be more towards the back but everyone insisted he be there. He was happy for them, Finnick and Annie, they had been separated for so long, just as he and Katniss had and they finally got their moment to remember for ever, their happily ever after night. It made Peeta almost jealous, he might never get that, he knew it useless to worry about it but he had hoped just maybe Katniss and he could be something, even though there was Gale.
It was not until the reception did Peeta realize that Katniss had been able to join the crowd for the wedding. Maybe this was a step closer to her recovery. He watched as she moved closer to the cake he worked on the whole day yesterday. She seemed, amazed by it. Peeta licked his dry lips and took the chance to walked after her and meet her at the cake. He stood a few feet away at first but then took another step, his breathing seeming to stop. Instead of saying anything or looking at her, he looked at his cake instead, finally regaining the works of breathing, deep breaths as he waited for her to do something, attack him for all he knew. He took the chance and he was not going to be a coward and just walk away, leave her alone. She must have felt alone, and it made his heart crack because she did not deserve any of this, did not deserve to experience such trauma.
Nearly everything Katniss asked or said, took him by shock. He assumed he was expecting her to have been totally forgetful of everything he did in District Twelve and everything he spoke of to her. Either that, or Peeta felt as she might not have listened to him or what he said had no particular meaning and it was forgotten minutes after the conversation. Peeta turned his head to the side looking at her, loss of words, his mouth was ajar before he shook his head to regain his track of thought.
“I would if these people did not ration their food. Maybe I can talk some sense into them to let me make some…for you.”
          Every piece of armor has a soft spot that’s easier to break through. Each gun has a chance to stall or implode because of a mistake in the manufacturing. This humanized weapon was no different. The Capitol had been so precise in their creation of this war piece that they’d forgotten to change her heart. It was an impossible task, perhaps they should have just killed her instead. There was a problem with their masterpiece, the girl on fire still had a heart, a heart that beat solely to keep those she loved alive. That might not necessarily be a bad thing but Peeta was included in that bunch which made it extremely difficult for her not to believe he was only a mutt. There was something in those eyes that reached for her, trying to bring her back to the reality she used to lay within. Although, this nightmare was far from over.
          She smiled for a second, letting her eyes flicker over to him. There could be relief from her prison for a moment. Maybe she’d see the soft shimmer in his eyes this time, then everything would fall back into place. Hope was on the rise inside the dark-haired girl. President Snow once said it was stronger than fear but it was times like this where that was put to the test. Once she met his face her eyes started to shine ever so slightly, hope twinkling in them. He was still gentle as she hoped he would be. The innocence she now lacked was made up for by the look he gave her after she spoke. Katniss didn’t think he meant any harm that he could maybe keep her safe now instead, the Capitol hadn’t destroyed him as they convinced her they did.
          Her eyes got slightly less bright at his voice, even though she spoke to him she wasn’t expecting a reply which she knew was ridiculous. He still acted like he cared but she just couldn’t let herself believe that he truly did. With that thought still at the forefront of her brain she switched her gaze back to the edible painting that lay before her. It was still as stunning as before but this time she saw something red begin to seep out from the corners and run down the pure frosting. Blood. This caused her to shuffle back and look to Peeta who was now growing into a mutt that she’d seen in her darkest dreams. Her body began to shake while her wrists dug deeply into the bands that constricted her.
          The men who were stuck to her side during the ceremony noticed her panic, it was hard to ignore. Their figured appeared as white armored Peacekeepers in her head. Fear and anger electrocuted her while the bodies began to approach the girl who was once a symbol for something greater than the Capitol’s power. Their hands took hold of her deltoids with a grip that could suffocate someone. She began to yank away from them, trying her best to detach from the pictures the serum painted for her. Just as they started to drag her away, her heels clutching to the ground she once stood on, she saw Peeta shrink back to normal. The light was in his eyes, she could see him for a brief moment which is when she called to him.
          ❝ Peeta! Peeta, please don’t let them take me back there, please. Don’t let them take me. ❞
                               It was back to white walls, blood splatter, and loneliness. Weddings had never been her thing anyway.
          The doctors had placed her back into isolation after seeing her reaction to Finnick and Annie’s wedding. For a short time she held it together but then her fantasy vanished and a horror to rise from the ashes of the other. Her time at the Capitol had convinced her that being the girl on fire meant she burnt everything good, everything worth holding on to, and now she was truly starting to believe that. They’d convinced her of so many things but that was one she knew was real.  
          That game Boggs created to give her a sense of what is dream and what is actuality started to become more frequent after her last time out in public. He’d respond the best he could but eventually he ran out of answers. There were things that he didn’t see or experience like some others in District 13. The only problem was no one could see her anymore, she didn’t handle anyone well. Prim had tried visiting as well but most of the time Katniss would ask not to see her, in fear that something would happen to her. This room was one of dangers that could not be escaped. No matter how fast one ran or how strong one was they could not get away from this darkness that had consumed the once clean, bright walls around her. She couldn’t have anything like that near her sister, the only one she had left. It worried her that the Capitol might go after her next, the last weakness left to break.
                                Fear. Fear was much stronger than hope.
          As time continued to clock on she started to worry about what she’d seen at the reception. There was a second where she saw Peeta for what he used to be, not what she was convinced he’d become. It had been so long since she heard about him, Boggs didn’t answer any questions she had about him. She was clueless as to what happened after the wedding. The silence was beginning to eat her alive. Curiosity gnawing at her bones. That’s why she asked for him again, this time she requested time with him that they could even tie her down again. Her offer was promptly declined. Boggs ended up speaking on her behalf the next time she asked, saying she would not cease until she was able to have a conversation with Peeta Mellark. Finally, they agreed.
          She’d found herself strapped down once again, this time it only being her hands that were disabled. Katniss already knew the nightmares would begin when she saw him and began rubbing her wrists onto the material. The rope burn began before he even entered the room but it was distraction enough for her to fight off the hallucinations, at least to talk with him for more than a few seconds. As the handle on her door turned she sat upward, the restraints tugging her back down. The girl fidgeted uncomfortably as her eyes stayed locked on the movement in front of her. Something unexpected and unusual churned in her stomach as she blinked. A single dose of happiness had been given to her as she saw his face. He was safe, he was himself, and things could be okay for now.
          ❝ Peeta. ❞
          Her voice was hushed as she spoke, once again trying to move upward and closer to him. The ties kept a tight hold on her and held her tightly to the bed. A small smile on placed onto her lips as her hand twisted. She was reaching for him, the best she could anyway. An overseeing darkness had moved into the room the moment she did and hadn’t left since, but when he entered she saw a light glow fight through it. He was lighting her path back home, to reality. In a breathy tone she spoke, the words trying to cling to her cheek, and stay inside her mouth. She couldn’t be alone. This wasn’t Katniss, she wouldn’t do this, not unless things were really bad. Apparently, even without her knowing, she’d hit a point of fear that she couldn’t imagine. A nightmare that could not possibly be fathomed in any normal person’s mind.
          ❝ You let them do this to me, real or not real? ❞
Here was another moment in which Katniss seemed to come back to him. Her eyes lit up for being such a dull colour to others, but to him there was more to her unusual beautiful eyes, a light of fire rose in them. He was so close but still so far away from the girl he loved. Peeta stretched a hand out to her, wanting to possibly rest his fingers over her’s but he stopped. It was so sudden, she seemed fine, back to normal, a step towards recovery and then it was like watching someone extinguish their fire, smoke burrowing up and clouding her eyes.
He took one step closer but was immediately pushed back, the guard had pushed him away, possibly afraid she may attack him, he now stood in between the two. Peeta could not take that, Katniss seemed as if she was going to cry, the worry that caught him so many other times came back and she seemed so scared. All Peeta wished to do was be by her side, calm her. He was going to protect her, he had always wanted to just protect her. They were taking her away again, taking Katniss Everdeen from her baker once again. With her screams for him, to save her, get the guards away from her, it sent him into a panic. He was frozen until now. Peeta quickly moved past others and rushed to get to them, get to Katniss. She needed to see that he was not going to leave her alone. However, he did not get far before another hand pressed against his chest, dragging him back in the mix of people. What good would that do? His shouts began to echo, more people turned their heads to look to Peeta. The mockingjay had gone mad because of a silly girl. Forcibly he removed himself from whomever’s grasp he was in, dashing to the doors but did not prevail to get past them, a hand yanking him back. Even though the action was harsh, words were not. “You can’t see her now. You can’t see her as a mess, trust me. You’ve seen enough.” It was Finnick’s voice that reached his ears. The hand grabbing his arm and pulling him out of the crowded area, to the staircase that looked down to so many other floors, all the way to the bottom, where cement sat staring back into Peeta’s eyes daring him to meet it.
Words that should have bneen meaningful came from Finnick as they stood there together. Words of the many stories of him and Annie, the ways he drew her back, coped with her being forever lost in the arena. Then Peeta had a turn in speaking, his words only focusing on apologizing about the scene they made, even if it could not be helped. This only received a laugh from Finnick who then began to explain how it was not what they wanted, in a wedding, the one they talked of and dreamed of when they were together but just seeing them there, it was enough for the two, seeing Katniss and Peeta having a moment, for it seemed Finnick knew out of many that they did, the lovebirds, truly loved each other whether they knew or not. Don’t give up on her. Those were Finnick’s last words to him before he left Peeta alone. It was something he only wished to laugh at. Peeta Mellark, the one who started the mess of love, give up on Katniss Everdeen? He could never give up on her, but it was different for himself. He could easily give up himself.
Peeta stopped doing what they wished of him to do. Stopped meeting with the President and everyone else he could possibly avoid. Haymitch would come in a few times, talk him into doing another Propo but Peeta always rejected it, gave is mentor the sarcastic answer that he was too unstable. That was what he heard from the whispers around him, when he went to eat with the other victors that were only ghosts of company, the mockingjay is crazy because of Katniss. Could he really lead them to victory of the rebellion?
Peeta had even heard of the President saying that there was really no need of him anyways, he had done more than he already could, much of Panem rebelling. It was military action that was needed now. It was a good thing if this was true. Peeta had lost the outgoing, talkative side of him. Every word out of his mouth seemed to trail, there were no smiles, no smart words or quality in his sentences. The Peeta that had been seen on the screen, so good with his words and actions, he was gone, replaced by someone who had everything easily ripped from him.
So instead of doing what was on his schedule, he painted. There was no need to worry about someone coming in, taking his materials and threatening him to do as it instructed on his arm, they would not dare. His paintings filled up his room, mainly the eyes of Katniss followed him, along with Haymitch. A few of Finnick, Annie and, Johanna loomed in the corners but they did not stand out as much as Katniss. No one stood out as much as Katniss. Not even his family. That was newest addition to the pack. It was a family photo, by memory he painted his family. Darker shades being used on his mother, lighter shades on his father and brother, expressing the way Peeta had seen them. His father was very kind, Peeta got much of himself from his father but Mr. Mellark was weighed down by his wife much of the time. This causing his father not to really come visit Peeta in the new house. Of course, Peeta had said for them to stay but his mother did not want to move, wished to stay in the quaint place they lived in and so there was a lonely house filled with only Peeta. His family may not have appreciated him as much as the painter would have liked but–they were his family, he still loved them, still had pain in his heart as he realized they were never going to be seen again.
It was later that night, a missed meal of dinner when Hayitch came into his room again, silence came over him for a moment and then there was another voice, one he was not very familiar with–never was familiar with only heard maybe twice? It was Boggs who had come along with Haymitch to say that he was allowed to visit Katniss again. On the way there, the talk was of the questionable visit, thinking that she was not mentally prepared to see him again but Boggs said it was need. Peeta was needed to bring another spark of happiness to the girl.
There she was, through the the thick glass. Katniss seemed so lost and hopeless. His hand touched the glass as he looked on to her, even though he knew she could not see him. Peeta ducked his head and gave a shuddering sigh. He could not go in there, could not take anymore abuse from the Capitol having her see him as something else. He took a step away but Haymitch was in front of him, his hand on his shoulder. “She needs you.”
With those words, he took another moment and turned back to the door, turning the knob slowly before opening it. His eyes slowly looked up to Katniss, expecting to see anger or sadness but it was more of a saddened happiness. He lost his breath once again seeing her, messed up but still his Katniss again. He saw that she was struggling under her restraints, reaching for him. He could not step closer to her unless– His eyes shifted to see a chair was in the corner, most likely where a doctor sat. Peeta bit the inside of his lip as he went over to the chair, his hands gently resting on the back of it. He knew his next move, but act like you are going to sit down, just, in her view. He picked up the chair quickly placing it where the door was, blocking any entrance. It may have been dumb, he may have given him a better chance of dying but if he went close to Katniss they would pull him out. He was not allowed to be close to her, to touch her. Haymitch would keep them off of Peeta, keep them from trying to open the door. However, someone did check the door, and found it not to budge. It did not matter, though.
Peeta moved back right next to Katniss, his hand running over her cheek, the feel of her skin, something he missed. He missed being so close, having her there. He knelt down beside her, his fingers running over any accessible part of her, his lips pressing against her shoulder. He was lost without her and even though, he knew they were not real, he could not help the love for her to take over him. His eyes filling with tears and just looking at her with love, the way any woman would want the man she loved to look at her, the look of true love. When he was able to speak, it came out in a cracked voice, so soft but broken.
“I’m right here, Katniss. I’m here. Katniss—”
A hand of his went down to her wrist, wanting her to stop pulling on the restraints, stop from hurting herself. IT was not needed, was it? To put herself in pain more than she may already be in. His soft hands, covered with various colours of paint ran over her arm. Keep her calm, keep her here. Don’t let her slip from you so easily again. The hand on her arm slipped down to her hand, entwining their fingers.
“I wanted you back, I wanted to have you safe with me, but this–this is not what I wanted, to have you locked away. Katniss–it’s not real, I did not want this of you. I wanted to have you in my arms again–not alone, not alone in this empty room. You can blame me for this–it might be my fault this happened–I don’t know, it was not want I wanted but maybe it is my fault, but I hope–Katniss–I hope it’s not, I hope you don’t think that. You’re all I have left.”
Possibly more information than should have slipped from his lips. It was as if he was downing the Thirteenth District, their ways of helping. In a way he was but then, she was still in a state where she could kill at any moment. There was really no telling but to have her alone in an empty room as he had said, it did not feel right for him. Nothing felt right anymore when he saw the way Katniss was treated, had to be treated.
0 notes
seiyasabi · 3 years
(This is a Yandere Yelena x Fem Reader story ;)) This takes place in a Modern AU outside of the anime, and I won’t justify my reasoning lmao 
TW: Coercion, !Drugging!, Manipulation, !Noncon!, !Dubcon!, Daddy kink (ehehe), spanking, she’s a straight up Dom w her tall ass, kinda a meanie, degradation!, handcuffs!, use of sex toys!, Overstim!, size kink!, dumbification?, unwanted filming!, etc.. 
Proceed with caution! Sorry if this is too self indulgent lmao, when women (lesbians) talk to me, I become the biggest idiot to ever exist :)) ) 
Today wasn’t the best day to wear a skirt. 
Begrudgingly smoothing down the lilac fabric of your skirt, you huff indignantly. All you wanted to do was look cute for your crush, Marco, but it seems that that was too much to ask for. 
Your white sweater, at least, keeps you somewhat warm from the harsh wind. It’s tucked into the waistband of your high waisted skirt, and your thigh high socks push the fat of your cute thighs out slightly. The sound of your white sneakers against the pavement is drowned out by your classmates’ loud voices, and you’re seemingly unaware of a certain black-eyed glare. 
Seeing your classroom come into view, you hurry inside, sliding into your lab assigned seat. Eyeing the dark haired male of your dreams, you can’t help but sigh pathetically at the fact that he hasn’t noticed you. Up until recently, the two of you were great friends-always hanging out and texting one another. But, the moment the both of you picked up this class, everything changed. 
Hearing the seat next to you slide open, you glance up at your seatmate. Smiling up at the tall woman, you greet her kindly, “Hi, Lena! How’re you today?” 
The Russian exchange student smirks down at you, as she plops onto the seat, “Good, now that you’re here.” 
Laughing at her gruff words, you wave her off, “You always say that,” Zipping open your backpack, you pull out your class notes, “What’re you going to do this weekend?”
Her smirk widens, dark eyes gleaming, “Why? Asking me on a date?” You laugh once more, completely oblivious to her hopeful tone. 
“You’re so funny, Lena,” Pulling out your pack of multicoloured pens, you start to set up for your class, “I just heard you speaking with Annie about ‘something big’ the other day, so I became curious.” 
Not one to acknowledge boundaries, the blonde woman starts to play with your (hair/sweater), “I’m throwing a party, one you should come to,” Her tone leaves no room to negotiate, but you don’t really notice. Nodding, you smile up at her. 
“Sounds fun! When is it and who’s going?” Her hand trails down to your thigh, fiddling with your sock. Brushing off your mild alarm at her ministrations, you justify her actions through your cultural differences. 
“Tonight at eight. Annie and her friends should be there, same with Marco and a few others,” She name dropped the kind man on purpose, knowing your misguided infatuation with him. If only you knew how much of a pussy he is. All she did was threaten him once, and suddenly he stayed clear of you. It made her life easier, sure, but it annoyed her that he dropped you like a gutted fish. You’re too good for that. 
Pulling out your phone, you pull up your calendar, showcasing that you have no plans this evening, “Okay, I can go!” 
Her smirk grows wider than before, “Great,” Yelena’s accent seemingly grows thicker, her r rolling more harshly than before. 
With that, class begins without a hitch; Yelena’s hand still glued to your perfect thigh. 
Stepping out of your car, you readjust your new outfit. Keeping the thigh highs from earlier, you changed your lilac skirt for a black, body con one, along with a cropped, black long sleeve shirt that accentuates your cleavage. 
Slamming your car door shut, you lock it with your key, before heading towards Yelena’s luxurious flat. You can hear low music and voices from her open top floor balcony, multiple shadows moving inside her home. 
With a fast beating heart, you can’t help but hope that Marco will speak with you tonight. With that hope deep in your chest, you step inside the fancy building’s lobby. Approaching the front desk, you go to show them your ID, but are met with brightly smiling faces. 
“Go on up to the tenth floor, (Your Name)! Yelena already told us that you’re coming!” Surprise overcomes your form. Why do they know you by appearance alone? You’ve never even been here before. 
“Oh, okay! Thank you,” Deciding to ignore the weird situation at hand, you head towards the lift. Pressing the button, you wait a few moments, before stepping into the open lift doors. The sleek metal walls reflect your appearance back at you, whilst you press the pristine ‘10’ button. With a small beep, the lift begins to move, practically flying at top speed to the top floor. 
Once at the tenth floor, the doors fly open, showing what looks to be a living room. You can’t help but gawk at the large flat displayed before you. Your classmate must be quite wealthy to afford a place like this. 
You awkwardly make your way inside, and are immediately greeted by the party’s host, “Hey, (Your Name), welcome!” You’re side hugged by a buff arm, practically slammed into Yelena’s torso. 
“Hey, thanks for having me!” You pat her back in an attempt to have her let you go, but instead, it seems to spur her on. She drags you towards a large L-shaped couch, which is filled by Annie, Reiner, and Bertholdt. A handful of others sit at her dining room table and kitchen counter, the open concept allowing everyone to see and speak to each other comfortably. 
Reiner glances up from the story he’s telling Historia and Ymir, a grin painting his handsome features, “Whoa, that’s a new look for you, (Your Name)!” 
Multiple eyes are suddenly glued to your now self conscious form, an uneasy smile on your face, “Hello, everyone.”
“Don’t get me wrong, you look great! It’s just really different from your normal, cute clothes,” People nod and agree with the large man, causing you to break out in a nervous sweat. 
“Well, I hope I don’t look too bad,” You joke halfheartedly, “I just wanted to try something new.” 
Yelena takes your appearance in, practically salivating. Whilst she does enjoy your usual clothing, this look fits you quite well. 
“You look very nice,” Bertholdt reassures soothingly, patting the spot by him, “You can sit next to me, if you’d like.”
The short haired woman glued to your side reacts immediately, “No, the girl needs a drink,” Annie shoots her a knowing look, which she nods to in response. You’re practically ragdolled to the kitchen bar, as the conversation starts up once more. Once at the marble countertop, the large woman releases you in favour of pouring you a cup of spiked punch, “This is very good. Made it myself.” 
You give her a bright smile, accepting the red solo cup, “Cool! I’m sure it’s delicious!” Bringing the cup to your (lipstick/chapstick/lipgloss) coated lips, you take a small sip. A burst of fruity goodness explodes on your tastebuds, making your eyes widen in surprise. You can’t taste a drop of alcohol in it, “Wow! This is really good!” 
A proud grin overtakes her lips, as she nods her thanks, “Of course it is. I knew you were coming, after all,” You laugh in response, and take another sip of the red liquid. 
“I see! Well, you have a very nice home!” The tall woman leans against the counter, holding herself up with an arm that goes behind your form. 
“Thank you. It’s very spacious. I find myself lonely at times,” Her large, black eyes stare down at you, trying to send you a message through them alone. 
“Oh, well, have you tried getting a roommate? Maybe the flat won’t be so empty,” She nods at your words. 
“Yes, that’s a good idea. Would you be my roommate?” You laugh, thinking that she’s joking. Not bothering to look up, as you take another swig of your drink, you don’t see the somewhat hurt look on her face. 
“That would be something! Not only are we seatmates, but we’re also roommates,” You giggle some more, taking more sips of your delicious drink, “But, your flat is a lot nicer than mine. I may take up on your offer.”
Looking up, you see her grin at you approvingly, “Yes, that would be nice,” What you don’t know is that her lease is almost up, making it so she has paperwork she needs to fill out. Paperwork that would look great with your co-sign on it. 
Three drinks in, and you’re feeling a bit woozy. Typically, you’re not a lightweight, but it seems that you are tonight. 
Leaning your upper body onto Yelena’s strong form, you laugh hysterically at something Reiner says, “Oh my God, you’re hilarious-” You cut yourself off with a snort, causing the entire room to laugh at your cute giggling. 
The short haired woman you’re currently using as a pillow holds you tenderly, a pleased smile on her face. The stuff Annie gave her works very well. 
“Man, if you weren’t Yelena’s girl, I would’ve cuffed you a semester ago!” Reiner roars wholeheartedly, slapping the leather couch below him. 
In your cloudy mind, you barely understand the words he just said, “Haha, wha-?” 
Pushing your head into her breasts, Yelena shushes you, “My poor baby is such a lightweight,” She and the others chuckle at that understatement, “I think it’s time to turn in for the night.”
Her civil way of kicking everyone out was enough, as everyone trickles out of her luxurious flat. Once the last person leaves, Yelena stands to her feet, scooping you up in her buff arms. She goes to her lift, pressing the lock input, she types in the lock code, not allowing anyone in or out of her home. Your high mind can barely comprehend what’s going on around you. 
She hums an unknown tune, as she goes up her steps to her master bedroom. Kicking open the door, she flips on her bedroom light with her elbow, before shutting the door with her foot. Sauntering to her California King sized bed, she lays your drugged out form on her light grey coloured sheets. 
“-Lena, wha-” Your head lulls to the side as you giggle uncontrollably, “-Are- are we dating?” She hums in response, starting to pull down your skirt. 
“Yes, my Darling Girl,” She smooches your forehead, “We’ve been together since I moved here,” Pulling your skirt’s fabric down and off of your legs, she tosses it on the floor, exposing your pink panties. 
“Bu-but, I like Marco,” You weakly attempt to push her grabby hands away from you, “I-I wan’ Marco!” 
The feelings of disgust, envy, and fury overwhelm her all at once. How dare you! She’s always treated you so well, that spineless fucker doesn’t deserve anything from you! He especially doesn’t deserve your wonderful heart! 
She says nothing, grabbing your blouse, and chucking it off of you. Your breasts jiggle at her ministrations, your bra just barely containing your tits. Seeing your almost bare, perfect body makes her pussy tingle, but her anger outweighs her arousal. 
Settling on the bed, she grasps your boneless body, and pulls you over her knees. You’re still muttering and questioning the validity of your relationship, all whilst saying that horrible boy’s name, causing her to cup the fat of your ass and squeeze harshly. 
“Baby, you know better than to say those horrible things. I love you very much, and it hurts to hear you say that.” 
Your breasts, arms, and head rest over her left knee, as you try to look up at her stern face, “But-”
“No buts, you know what happens when you act like a brat,” She slaps your ass experimentally, earning a pained yelp. A small smirk covers her lips, and she hits your ass as hard as she can. 
“‘M sorry! ‘M sorry! I didn’t mean it!” Your pleading is cute, so cute. 
“I know you didn’t, Princess. But I have to remind you of your place,” She slams her hand down once more, jolting your entire body. A shrill cry leaves your lips, as you try to move off of her lap, but seemingly can’t find the strength to do so. 
After five more smacks, the blonde pulls you onto her lap in a straddling position. One of her arms wraps around your top half, pushing your crying face into her neck. The other is wrapped around your waist, hand smoothing over your bruising ass, and playing with the hem of your panties. 
“Don’t cry, Princess. You know I had to set you straight,” She coos, “Your stupid, little brain is far too gone to understand at the moment, but you will once you sober up. So, for now, let your Daddy make you feel good.” 
You mutter nonsensical words in between your sobs, but the large woman isn’t put off. After she’s done with you, you’ll never think of that freckled fuck ever again. At least, you won’t unless you want him dead. 
Wrestling your pliant body to the mattress once more, she leaves you on the bed by yourself, before rolling onto the left side. Opening the top drawer of her nightstand, she pulls out a pair of handcuffs, a battery powered hitachi wand, duct tape, and a small bottle of lube. Setting them on the bed by your writhing form, she quickly makes her way back to you. 
“Shh, it’s alright, Princess. I’m right here,” Yelena reaches under you, fiddling with your bra’s hooks until it pops open, allowing her to slide your useless arms out of the garment. Tossing it aside, she sucks in a deep breath, enjoying the view of your plush chest. Experimentally, she pinches your right nipple, relishing the small moan you let out at the feeling. Gripping the handcuffs next to you, she feeds your dainty wrists through the opening, popping the pink, plush cuffs on tightly. Happy with the result, she continues her endeavour. 
Moving farther down your body, she leaves your socks on, loving how your thigh fat squishes up a bit. Grabbing the hem of your cute, pink panties, she pushes them off of you, exposing your pretty cunny. It separates from you with a small string of slick, filling Yel with a sense of satisfaction. You’re her perfect pain slut, aren’t you? 
Pushing on your pliant legs open, she smiles happily down at you, dark eyes blown wide open, “Awe, is your slutty pussy wet for me?” 
You shake your head rapidly, disorienting yourself more than before, “Nu-no! It’s not!” She clicks her tongue teasingly, her smile growing wider than before. 
“Don’t lie to me, Princess. Now I have to punish you once more,” Forcing your legs open, she holds them down with her own, straddling your waist. Her large form easily overpowers you, as she grabs the blue hitachi wand, and flips it on to the highest setting. Pushing it against your clit with a swift motion, your entire body jolts at the sudden stimulation. A loud whine leaves your lips, as you try to buck it off of your sensitive cunny. 
“Puh-please! Take it off! It’s too much!” Yelena snickers in delight, ignoring your pleading. Grabbing the duct tape from beside you, she rips off a few long strips, before smacking them onto your skin and the vibrator, effectively keeping it attached to you. 
Your moans and whimpers continue to grow louder and louder, as you try your best not to cum. You bite your lips in the hopes of stifling yourself, but it does little to help. If anything, it just spurs the large woman on. 
“Go on, cum for me, cum for Daddy,” You shake your head, a few keens falling from your mouth, as she watches in awe at the way your cunny leaks and clenches around nothing. 
Your toes curl in ecstasy as you cum, a loud whine escaping you. A gush of your orgasm flows from you, wetting the blonde woman and the mattress below. Two long, slender fingers prod at your slick pussy, forcing themselves inside your sensitive walls. 
“Good Girl, You’re so Good for me,” They Start to move in a ‘come hither’ motion, hitting your g-spot repeatedly with how long her fingers are.  
“Too much! Too much!” You cry, as she quickly brings you over the edge once more. 
More slick sprays from your cunny, as overstimulation begins to set in. Yelena captures your lips with hers, thrusting her tongue into your mouth. The kiss is wet and hot, as she grips at your plush chest. 
“No, no it’s not, Baby. It’s not enough,” Fumbling with her fly, she releases the strap she’s been wearing all night. In all honesty, she’s surprised that you hadn’t noticed the bulge or felt it underneath your ass earlier. It’s a good ten inches in length, and around 5.5 inches of girth. 
It is pretty intimidating for most, but due to your fucked out stupor, it should feel amazing for you. Grabbing the lube, she squeezes a small amount onto the silicone cock, smoothing it over the toy in sync with her fingers pumping inside of you. 
Deeming the toy and your cunny ready, she makes the next move. Sliding off of your numb legs, she stands to her feet, towering over you in all of her glory. Hefting you up and off of the mattress, she quickly punched your back against her pristine, white wall. Forcing your arms around the back of her head, she continues to kiss your drooly mouth vigorously. 
Wrapping your legs around her slender waist, her large leg muscles and arms work to hold you up. Guiding your dripping cunny over the tip of her strap, she slowly sinks you onto it. 
A keen of both surprise and pleasure rips out of your throat, as you grip onto her short, blonde locks. Giggling, she bucks her hips into yours sharply, causing you to orgasm on the spot. The vibrator and her strap on feels like heaven. 
Throwing your head back in bliss, you feel your arousal drip onto her dress pants, creating even more wet spots than before. Separating from your lips, she grins down at you. 
“Look at you, dirty Girl,” She spanks your ass harshly with one hand, as she continues a hardcore pace. The tip of the silicone cock batters against your cervix, causing you to cry out in both pleasure and pain, “You love it when Daddy ruins your pussy, don’t you?” 
Too fucked out to think properly, you nod your head vigorously, “Uh-huh! Uh-huh! I love Daddy’s cock!” She kisses your cheek tenderly, not stopping her thrusts for even a moment. Moving her lips down your vulnerable neck, she starts to suck the tender skin, leaving dark love marks on your pretty skin. 
“Mmm, good Princess! Since you’re such a good girl, I think you deserve a treat. Do you want a treat? Does your dumb little mind even understand what I’m saying?” You nod once again, eyes teary and pleading. 
“Yes! Yes! I want a treat, please, Daddy!” Smirking against your skin, she reaches into her pocket from around your thigh. 
“Since you asked so nicely-“ She presses the injector lever, shooting a large load of fake cum into your gummy, needy pussy. You cum almost immediately, this clearly being the biggest orgasm of the night, as you practically convulse and squirt a geyser of cum all over the place, “I think you deserve Daddy’s cum inside you.” 
You practically sob at the overstimulation and the feeling of being so full, “Thank you! Thank you, Daddy!” You kiss her of your own volition, surprising the large woman. Her heart warms, loving how you’ve become so submissive. 
Cradling you’re form to her muscular body, she saunters back towards the bed, pushing any other objects off and into the night side table. 
Placing you on the now dry sheets, she quickly flicks off the vibrator still taped to your clit, before placing it on the table beside her. Plucking off the duct tape, she then takes off your handcuffs, effectively freeing you. Instead of moving away from the woman, you lay there tiredly, no longer processing the situation. 
Sighing in content, Yelena grabs a hand towel from the drawer she keeps her sex toys in, and wrestles it under your hips. Smiling, she removes the strap from inside of you, enjoying the sight of the fake cum flooding out of you. 
Laying next to you, she pulls your head into her chest, curling around you as if she were a safety blanket. 
“You did well, Princess,” You don’t say anything, snuggling into her warmth, “Go to sleep, tomorrow we’ll announce our official status, okay?” 
An slurred ‘Okie’ is heard, before you slip into unconsciousness. Cupping your face in appreciation, her dark eyes glance in the direction of a small green light coming from her video camera. 
Now you’ll have to date her; after all, you wouldn’t want your sex tape to get out, would you? 
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Candy Candy anime review + a little character analysis
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Spoilers for Candy Candy and tw for bullying, alcoholism, and family issues
Genre: Romance, drama/tragedy, historical
Where I watched it: http://www.stb.dircon.co.uk/CandyGranchester/ (they’re in Italian though)
Characterisation: 8.5/10 (One of the strongest points of the series is the characters. There are a wide variety of them, all with distinct and developed personalities. As Candy goes through life, she meets many different people, and some become more important than others- we get to know these people through her eyes, and watch them grow as she does. The cast is colourful and they all add something to the story which makes it more compelling. Without a doubt, the character designed with the most care was Candy- she’s bold and cheerful, rejecting the “delicate” ideas of femininity imposed by 20th century American society, and enjoying more masculine things, like climbing trees. Most of all, Candy’s tough and determined- she always stands up for what’s right and stubbornly does things her way, even when there are risks involved- throughout the anime, it becomes clear that she doesn’t fear scrapes or confrontation if it means brining justice or helping a friend. Despite her having wilful side, Candy is also very caring and selfless- she regularly puts those she loves before herself, even when it hurts, and she conceals the pain with a smile. Kindness and giving a helping hand are such central parts to her character that her entire ambition of being a nurse is based off of them, as is the way she puts it into practice. After losing her job, Candy starts working at the Happy Clinic, despite knowing that the doctor there is poor and can’t pay her a salary, and, in doing so, she provides poor children with healthcare. Alongside this, Candy is also given the princess treatment, and presented as vulnerable and hesitant. She’s such a nuanced character, because all these elements fit together to create someone who is messy, yet bright and full of hope, someone who every viewer will like and whose story they’ll become invested in. Two other instances where characterisation  is used particularly well are the development of Candy’s best friend, Annie Brighton, and her second love interest, Terry Grandchester. Annie starts off as a timid girl. After being adopted by a rich couple, she’s told to forget about her past at Pony’s home and her life as an orphan, and she obeys, cutting off contact with Candy and refusing to speak to her when they are reunited at boarding school years later. However, Annie then learns that her past isn’t something she needs to hide or be ashamed of, and her life at Pony’s home, as well as her friendship with Candy, isn’t something she can just erase, so she starts being herself and gradually becomes stronger, learning to stick up for herself when she’s bullied and not run away from difficult situations. Even though Annie wasn’t my favourite character, it was nice seeing her grow stronger and learn to accept herself despite the judgement she might have received. On the other hand, Terry is presented as the stereotypical bad boy when we first encounter him- he talks back to nuns, breaks school rules, gets into fights, smokes, and most of the girls have a crush on him. However, as he and Candy grow closer and he opens up, it becomes clear that he is a caring and loyal person who values those close to him, despite struggling to show it. The ultimate proof of this is him leaving the school so Candy wouldn’t be forced to. As he grows closer to Candy, he also relaxes a bit- he stops getting drunk and picking fights as he has someone who can help him now. Terry is also portrayed as vulnerable on occasion, which is a nice change from the usual tough and emotionless men in some anime. This is seen several times when it comes to his family issues, particularly his mother, who never truly cared about him, and when he’s forced to leave Candy, so he falls into despair. Overall, he’s a complex character with a well developed backstory and many nuances.)
Setting: 8.5/10 (As Candy moves around a lot, there is no “fixed,” setting, but rather a series of settings depending on the period of her life, all of which work well for that period and cater to it flawlessly. From the humble, yet comforting design of Pony’s home which perfectly illustrated the life Candy led there, to the grand mansions of the wealthy families she encounters later and the prestigious design of the boarding school she is sent to, the setting always perfectly matched and catered to that period in her life, with different times being associated to different settings. Some settings also present challenges, like the mansion Candy lives in when she’s finally adopted by Anthony Brown’s family. Because of her newly elevated status, she is expected to adapt and behave “like a lady” (which she still refuses to do, causing great friction between her and the mistress of the house))
Art style: 7.5/10 (The art style is a very typical one for older anime- I definitely like it, and most settings and characters are drawn with suitable pallets and a good level of detail to their character design. One thing that is definitely worth mentioning about the character design is the women’s clothes, which were a factor in spreading and popularising Lolita fashions- that type of dress is still very much appreciated today. There are some episodes where the quality of the animations isn’t great, and some side characters do not have much effort put in their design.)
Plot: 8/10 (Candy Candy has a very engaging plot- it’s dramatic and combines tragedy and romance with fighting to find your place in the world. The plot incorporates all these different elements by telling the story of Candy’s life from childhood to when she’s a young woman, with all her most significant experiences included, along with some relevant historical events in the background, like the outbreak of the first world war. The plot often has twists and is unpredictable, but it’s also full of filler arcs which have little to do with the main story and take away from the pace. I hated the ending, as it did not tie up all lose ends and felt unsatisfactory compared to the earlier build ups.)
Addictiveness: 7.5/10 (As aforementioned, the plot is engaging, unique and full of twists, and the changes in setting add a dynamic and adventurous thrill. The characters are also well developed and distinct, which makes the show reasonably addictive. However, the filler arcs sometimes take away from this by lasting a long time and contributing nothing to the main storyline, which means that, at certain points, it becomes easy to lose interest.)
Originality: 9/10 (The plot of the anime is a very unique one in my opinion- I haven’t seen anything like it. It combines several different genres and aspects of this girl’s life into one anime, and some of the subplots also add to that, such as when Candy is forced to travel away to work in Mexico, leaving her love behind. Candy herself is also quite distinct - she’s tough, determined and stubborn, but she also has a softer side to her, and longs to be treated like a princess.)
Comfort: 5/10 (Because this anime is synonymous with my late childhood and something I used to watch with my mother, it always brings me comfort. However, the tragedy element of the anime should not be taken lightly. Candy leads, all in all, a very difficult life full of misfortunes. As a baby, she’s left by her parents at an orphanage, and, when she’s older, she’s forced to part from her best friend, Annie, and later, the only family she ever knew when she’s adopted by a rich family. There, she has to endure constant alienation and bullying from every member of the family, and her love life is similarly full of highs and drastic lows. I hate to admit it, but the staircase scene with Terry Grandchester after the two realized they would have to part was the only anime scene to ever make me cry (I was properly sobbing too). However, there are also incredible highs after the lows, coming in the form of heartwarming romance scenes, wholesome family reunions, relaxed and funny scenes with Candy and her friends, or simply self discovery and improvement.)
Consistency: 6.5/10 ( The quality stays pretty consistent throughout the anime- there are some less enjoyable filler arcs, which don’t add much to the plot, but the only place the quality of the story really dips is at the end.)
Philosophy:  5/10 (As an anime, it’s not very deep or thought provoking, and there aren’t many lessons to learn from it, but there are some important ideas about trying to persevere in the face of grief and rebuilding your life, even when it feels like you’ve lost everything.)
The plot
Candy and Annie were left on the doorstep of an orphanage on a snowy day as babies, and found at the same time by the benevolent women who ran it. Ever since then, the two have been best friends and sisters, playing together every day, and deliberately putting people off of adopting them so that they could stay at the orphanage together. However, Annie is starting to really want parents, so when a rich couple offers to take her in (after Candy made a total spectacle of herself so they'd be put off) she accepts. Candy feels betrayed at first, but gradually comes to accept her friend's decision, and the two start writing letters to each other. However, one day, Candy receives one of these letters from Annie, and it says that they will be no longer able to communicate because her parents believe that, for her protection and to truly become their daughter, she needs to put her humble past behind her. Shortly after this happens, there's an offer from another wealthy family to adopt Candy, who accepts because their house is near Annie's. Right off the bat, the children of the family, Neal and Eliza, begin to pick on her and humiliate her. The mother makes it clear that she wasn't adopted as a daughter, but as a companion for Eliza. While Candy clashes heavily with the family, she soon makes friends with all the servants, who teach her a variety of things, and she makes an interesting discovery. Not too far from her new home is a mansion where 3 friendly guys live, and one of these, Anthony Brown, looks exactly like the "prince" she met one night when crying and alone. She soon becomes very good friends with all three, but what she feels for Anthony, with his soft, chivalrous ways and roses, evolves beyond simple friendship and puppy love. However, there are many obstacles to the two being happy together, and life can often bring about unfortunate tragedies when we least expect them. When that happens, Candy has no choice but to try to move on and rebuild her life.
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ask-thephinjeetau · 2 years
Hello! and Welcome to this blog!
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(sorry if the picture doesn't look good lol i suck at traditional art and i didn't have access to my digital medium for drawing at the time.)
This is a blog dedicated to an AU but not just any AU, its a blog dedicated to a phineas and ferb AU in particular like lets say maybe-possibly Phinbella couldn't happen some way in the episode Act your Age and Baljeet somehow ended up having a crush on phineas which led to them dating and hitting it off(and lets be hinest here they would totally work) and which then led to them starting a life of their own? Well this AU is here to explore just that!
And for the reasons being 1. I and some others ship Phinjeet. 2. I see waay too much phinbella in the fandom like im not even trying to hate on the ship or shippers it can just get tiring when a fandom ships and bases most ship content on just one ship plus just a few two others like e.g bujeet and perryschmirtz.
Now im trying to make this quick so let me speedily introduce everybody
1st batch of kids
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(from left to right)
A 14 year old girl who has a rather calm or in her own words chill personality. Like phineas she doesn't freak out even if bad stuff happens and tends to just stay calm and go with the flow. She's also pretty nice for the most part.Her favorite thing to do is performing stunts which rarely ever fail because she calculates them pretty well. Another one of her hobbies is reading Physics books and solving math and calculations. And surprise surprise shes also REALLY smart.
Named after her aunt candace due to her having a similar head shape, being a red head and also having blue eyes. She is a 16 year old girl that rather freaks out a lot at the smallest of shit as she inherited that trait from baljeet. She is neat and organized plus has a lot of health problems since she was a child plus has a lot of allergies which includes dairy. She is extremely health and safety over-conscious, carries a sanitizer with her wherever she goes and refuses to go outside most times. Her hobby is reading sci-fi comics,playing video-games and watching scifi movies and cartoons. She is also very emotionally attached to her dads since childbirth due to her having health issues and having to stay by their side for a long time and spends most of her time with them even when they might oppose at times part of the reason why she refuses to leave the house. Her nickname is also Candy.
A 15 year old girl who has a- um how do i describe this? Like she acts like an edgy teenager kind of personality. She can sometime be a tad bit mean and is also goth as well and doesn't really express much emotions most times although she does still have her moments. Her hobby is writing stories and songs and she also enjoys listening to music and playing it.Her nickname is also Jazz.She is also a HUGE grammar nazi and will not hesitate to correct any grammatical mistakes anyone makes no matter the situation.And well yeah thats it...
2nd batch!
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A rather aggressive girl for a 6 year old. She gets angry or frustrated very easily and when she does its really funny and cute because her cheeks puff up and her whole face turns to match the colour of her hair lol. She can also be sarcastic a lot of the time and a bit rude but is still nice. Her favorite activity is playing sports(any kind). She is also really well behaved and doesn't really go against rules apart for the occasional times where she breaks a couple stuff while playing sports. The twins also like purposely annoying her for shits and giggles.Her nicknames are Ann, Annie, Anna, Red, Firecracker.
The 10 year old twins are a handful thats for sure and they are pretty much basically reverse phineas and ferb in the sense that they usually fight(but still get along) and are always getting busted no matter how much they try to hide their messes. They can't build for shit but they still throw random stuff together as a result of inspiration from their dad and Uncle Ferb which usually ends in explosions or property destruction of some kind. They work as a duo and usually get into fights with either each other or Annabelle. They both have a lot of things in common especially the fact that they're both silly goof offs but they have parallel insterests like Lynn being a tomboy is more interested in "boyish stuff" as she would put it while Marilyn is interested with things she considers to be girly.
A 5 year old girl that is rather odd to say the least. She talks A LOT which mostly includes infodumping people about the history of art or the life stories of some famous artists not forgetting to push her glasses up before doing so along the way. She is a huge fan of Leonardo Da Vinci and takes in Phineas's creativity. She is also a really nice and obedient girl who doesn't really cause trouble. She is frequently seen doing weird stuff all in the name of art like i dunno shit that phineas himself has done like maybe bringing in a gigantic baby head to supposedly use for her creations something like that.She also enjoys reading books about art or famous artists no matter how boring they may seem and she is also REALLY good at art for a 5 year old like im talkin she creates Da Vinci tier art.Her nickame is Pheebs.
God this is definately the most ''different" thing i've done thats for sure lol i don't even really expect to even get any questions at all but what the heck, its good to try am i right?
You're also free to ask me as the creator questions if you want.
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jerrienelock · 3 years
Outhouse Kiss - Sheila (Fear Street 1978)
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(Couldn’t find a gif of Sheila or the actress Chiara Aurelia who plays Sheila)
Sheila, Sunnyvale queen, holds her head high as she saunters across the campgrounds of Nightwing in search of her red-haired victim. Her posse trails behind her, their heads too held high and eyes darting across the way glaring at any Shadysiders who even dared to send a glance their way.
Nick Goode stands ahead of the group, an eyebrow raised and eyes squint while he stares at them. Will catches the eye of his older brother and a relentless huff is sounded as the older boy calls for him.
"Continue on," Will mutters to Sheila and heads off after his brother.
It was just a few hours after the incident of Nurse Lane turning psycho on one of the camp counsellors, Tommy Slater. Sheila finds it ironic. The mother goes insane just like her murderous daughter.
If you were ever to ask her about the happenings of Mary Lane, Sheila would say it's predictable; every Shadysider is bound to snap, being driven by the inability of escaping Shadyside and the curse trailing on their backs. But she doesn't have to worry about such a thing happening in the luxury town of SunnyVale, they have the fortune, the goodwill and the ability to leave whenever they like.
All the luck that her town has, gives all the kids a big head, even her but she would never admit it. It gives them this feeling of power that they use for the opposite of what their town stands for, Sheila uses hers to torment Ziggy an unlucky Shadysider.
Since she had first started Camp Nightwing at the age of eleven, she had found it her duty to make Ziggy's camp life as miserable as she possibly could (Ziggy doing the same back at her.) Until Nick came along with his younger brother Will when she was just thirteen and made a counsellor strike her.
The bullying died down for a short while until it started back up again. But Sheila wasn't the one who re-initiated it, in fact, it was Ziggy with a canoe ore that ended up with the redhead having a black eye and Sheila a split lip.
Sheila thinks that the counsellors had given up on the situation- them not doing anything about it, or just giving Ziggy a strike.
"Sheila," Annie nudges the leader. Sheila tilts her head back to the girl, "Arts and Crafts."
Sheila turns to the cabin and there she spots her victim, sitting at one of the tables. A devilish smirk marks her face, only to drop as she spots you sitting across from Ziggy, your hands stirring a pot.
Her heart skips a beat at just the mere sight of you.
You had only joined camp a year before and Sheila had immediately taken a liking towards you. She hadn't an idea as to why you had pulled her in so suddenly, and she wasn't complaining. It was something about the feeling of her possibly liking a girl that made her have this sort of rush that just sent her in a spiral. It was as if she became addicted to just the sight of you. Just a glance could send her off track of what she was initially doing and she wouldn't be able to find the motivation to continue.
It wasn't until that she spotted you wearing a blue colour wars t-shirt to have her realise that you were Shadyside, but even then the rush grew stronger and fantasies of a possible forbidden love came flashing through her mind.
She hates Shadyside with a passion, but when it comes to you, all that leaves her mind.
Jealousy fills Sheila as she stares on confused, you and Ziggy had never even spoken before so she hadn't a clue as to why you were hanging out with the redhead.
Her jaw clenches and her teeth grit together, "She's got company," her eyes roll as she sees Ziggy laugh, teeth-baring in the process. A sudden smirk flashes across her, "I've got an idea."
"They went to Y/n's cabin," Becky informs the group, slipping in through the arts and craft doors.
When Ziggy had left with you in tow much to Sheila's dismay, she had sent Becky to follow where you both were going. And the fact that it was your cabin made the desire for the actions that Sheila was about to commit even more prominent.
Sheila smirks snapping her fingers making Annie and Will (who had just come back from Nick) immediately start grabbing paint cans and spray paints. Sheila does the same tossing them into a black bag.
Will is the one who kicks Cabin Five's door in. The emptiness of the accommodation was a good sign for the group- especially Becky. Sheila tosses the bag on Ziggy's bed and opens it.
"Quick before she gets back," She urges tossing a can of spray paint over to Will, and then to Becky and Annie. "Write anything that comes to mind,"
Will smirks, shaking his can of paint before swiftly painting across the wall, 'The Witch sucks cocks in hell'
"Real mature," Sheila mocks with a hint of amusement in her tone shaking her can of paint.
Soon all across the cabin walls, painted in both colours red and black lie the words.
Ziggy is a witch bitch
Shadyside trash
Slur after slur overpowers one another, some more likely to cause damage to the redhead. Sheila takes a step back admiring the work until she is ripped back and pulled out of the cabin by Will. Sheila spots Ziggy jogging over to her cabin, disdain covering her face, a hint that she had seen Sheila and her posse standing in the cabin, and immediately Sheila understood why she was taken away.
She can already imagine the look on the girls face as she reads the graffiti. She can imagine just how she will act, stomp her foot and run out of her cabin to go and tell someone, and that's exactly what Sheila can see. Not even a second later, Ziggy runs out and heads in the direction of Nick Goode.
Sheila pays no attention to it anymore, the jealous feeling in her gut now gone as she heads off to join the start of colour wars.
Colours Wars so far was a bore to the SunnyValer, more than half of her group had been captured and it was only a few minutes after dark. Being the prison guard was not what she had signed up for this year, having to handle a bunch of kids was supposed to be the least of her worries but here she was looking over a bunch of thirteen-year-olds.
"Where is Y/n?" One of the kids whispers to another. Sheila perks her head slightly at the mention of your name. Squinting she questions the girl, "What's happening with Y/n?"
The young girl smiles, "Oh she's the bailer, the person who gets us out."
"What if she's been captured?" A young boy pops up.
"This is the only jail, James. But if she was, Derek or one of the other bailers has to come and get us."
"Wait, there she is! Y/n!" James yells for you making Sheila spin around.
And there stands you at the door of the Arts and Crafts cabin. Sheila freezes, her voice getting caught in her throat.
You step inside, cautiously looking around before settling your gaze on Sheila. You smile at her, "You wouldn't mind if I take my teammates back right?"
Sheila just stares at you, your voice not registering in her head until you usher the group of captive kids out of the building. "Hey! You can't do that!" She yells, rushing out of the cabin to try and stop you.
At the sound of her moving, you yell for the kids to run before turning around, "Yes I can," You say with a laugh and runoff.
"Damn it!" Sheila kicks her foot against the ground, rushing back inside of the Cabin only to see a note lying neatly on the nearest table.
'Meet me in the Outhouse - Y/n'
"Y/n, this is so cute," Sheila sighs dreamily, eyeing the rose petals scattered on the floor of the outhouse. "I didn't realise you liked me back," She slowly follows the petals to an empty stall that holds a note, curved, flipped and coated with her name in neat cursive. Curious she picks the note up and reads the words aloud, Look up xoxo - The Witch, automatically her head shoots up and before she can register anything a series of critters is dumped on her head.
Staggering back, a shriek is let out and laughter bellows out of two assailants fleeing the scene behind her. The door to the building slams shut and Sheila is left pounding against the door, merciless cries begging travelling faintly through to the outside world.
Her fists collide with the wood a few more times until she admits defeat, sliding against a nearby stall pulling the insects out of her hair. She sits there for a few more minutes and then the door swings open and Sheila jumps to her feet.
"You came," Your voice saunters through the building, head tilting around the open outhouse door. You smile at the sight of Sheila but frown at the sight of the black beetles scattering across the floor. "Ew," You grimace, "Did they not clean the outhouse today."
"It was Ziggy," Sheila tattletales, her foot crushing one of the critters. You step into the building, shutting the door behind you.
"What a horrid girl," You spit, copying Sheila's action of taking a bug's life. Your eyes scan the bugs for a few more seconds before you spot the rose petals. "The rose petals are quite lovely aren't they."
Sheila raises a brow, "You don't like Ziggy?"
You ignore the question and reach down for a petal and gently place it against Sheila's shoulder, "It matches your shirt," You smile. "Did Ziggy do this as well?" You step into her pushing the camper against the corner of one of the stalls.
Sheila gulps, the action going unnoticed by you, "I thought you did," She mutters and you quirk your eyebrows.
"I did so. Was just seeing if you thought it wasn't," You reach a hand up to her jaw and place your other on her hip. "Do you want to know why I brought you here?"
Sheila nods with the stammer of her heart.
You stroke your nail against her jaw tantalisingly slow, your other hand squeezing her hip gently. You stare into her eyes, soft and delicate searching for the recognition that you felt the same way as her. Sheila gulps as you lean further into her, heart rate picking up when she hears those words.
"I know," You pur watching as her cheeks flush. "I see you flouncing around out of rooms I'm in," Sheila squirms in your grip, her heart thundering against her chest. You drop your head down slightly, inching closer towards the girl. "Your stares, even when you're supposed to be focused on Ziggy," Sheila's cheeks flush deeper, her pink tint becoming more prominent.
"I noticed everything," Your finger travels down her jaw and onto her neck, where the noticeable dip of a sharp breath is taken. "You're nervous," A smirk paints its way onto your face, "SunnyValers are never nervous."
Sheila shakes her head, her trapped voice breaking free of its chains, "I'm not nervous," She says calmly trying to ignore your gentle touch.
You push further against her, bringing your lips to her ear. "Prove it," You husk out and a visible shudder travels through Sheila.
Eyes drop down to lips with her mind in a haze. Sheila raises up in a moment of confidence and leaps her mouth onto yours. Instantaneously you reciprocate, your hand dropping from her chest down to her waist to accompany the other.
Sheila keeps hers at her side, your body weight against her pinning them down. You both stand there for a few more seconds until you move slightly and Sheila is able to move her hands, moving them to land around your neck successfully deepening the kiss for a short amount of time.
The kiss is then broken and a forceful push from you sends Sheila hurtling into another stall. You cling onto a nearby rope and pull sending the bucket holding up top of the roof to dip and paint come hurtling down.
Sheila shrieks wiping the liquid away from her eyes, "Why?" She groans with a hint of hurt.
"You never fuck with a Shadysider," You laugh and then call out for Ziggy who lets you leave the building.
Masterlist; Movies
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wrctings · 3 years
Jean Kirschtein x reader | Friends, or is it more?
the more i watch aot, the more i love jean... his moments of self-doubt and his moved smile truly are heart-wrenching 🥺
fandom: Attack on Titan pairing: Jean Kirschtein x reader summary: Where you realise that you’re falling for your best friend, whose heart is already taken—or so you thought. Fortunately, what becomes a saddening party can also turn into an unexpected occasion to make things right. word count: 3.3k
Sometimes, belonging to the Scouts regiment came with something that, from up close, resembled a flicker of momentary joy. You had, of course, been aware of the harrowing shadow of a reputation that trudged behind the wings of liberty: danger, death and despair; the three Ds accompanying your pledge to humanity drummed their deafening beat alongside your horse's frenzied gallop whenever you took place in the formation that led you outside the walls, the wind hurling through your hair and your senses at the height of their tension, ready to signal the approach of a titan at any given minute, bracing your body for every possible threat. You had faith in commander Erwin, had faith in your comrades—if giving your life was necessary for your cause, then, you had silently promised yourself and your people, you would give it with eyes wide open and undefeated fierceness, be it in the heat of battle or any other way. The wings embroidered upon your cape represented your beliefs more intensely than any word—as long as there was a Scout left, hope would live still; blossom upon the tall grass that freely grew upon the tombs of your fallen comrades. Even the smallest victory made you believe that a change could be made—and even the smallest victory was celebrated in the battalion as a sign that bode well for the foreseeable future. It was such celebrations, though as small as the victories they marked, that made room for moments of joy the regiment could barely encounter at other times. And when those moments came, life suddenly appeared coated with a hundred colours, full of humorous idiocies and heedless amusement that stirred up in you all the youthful glee of not caring about a thing in the world but the people around you and the drink in your hand.
"You guys won't believe the position we found Bertholdt in this morning!"
Seated beside Armin, who himself flanked Eren as Mikasa had naturally settled on the other side of their childhood friend, you leaned further on the wooden table of the barrack in order to hear your brunet friend more distinctly, his excited voice reviving the conversation at once. Drawn by a cheerful and carefree sort of curiosity, which was well fueled by the general bright mood, finding out about Bertholdt's daily sleeping position suddenly appeared like the most fascinating event one could discuss, especially when followed by the boys' weather previsions based on their comrade's often strange and tangled up poses. You exchanged an amused look with Mikasa, and though your friend's features remained almost as impassive as usual, the vivid twinkle you caught through the dark shine of her eyes mirrored your cheery behaviour; Armin's face, on the other hand, wore an expressive smile, the blond boy remembering vividly the description of Bertholdt that Eren began recounting.
But even as you laughed at the image of Bertholdt's knees somehow managing to stay bent as he slept on his stomach, the upper part of his legs outstretched toward the sky in an unusual—to say the least—position, your gaze went on sweeping the room, in search of the one person you couldn't wait to chat with again, though you also got along really well with Armin, Mikasa and Eren. The only problem was, said person was not that fond of the self-righteous brunet ball of energy sat at your table, so you were not surprised to find him in Conny and Sasha's company instead, talking animatedly. You had already had the opportunity to chat with Jean earlier that evening, the two of you having grown so close to each other that it would've been impossible for you not to cross paths tonight, but you wondered whether you would drift toward each other again before the makeshift party came to an end; Captain Levi had been surprisingly unbothered by your shy request to celebrate today's mission's success, accepting it on the sole condition that only soft drinks were to be consumed—Armin suspected that Commander Erwin was responsible for granting the new recruits' wishes, as they had after all already endured quite a lot during the expedition to retrieve Eren from Annie.
"We better watch out for that sleeping position of Bertholdt's, maybe it means good luck," Armin observed lightheartedly, taking a sip from his drink.
"You should keep a notebook with all of them, and maybe you'll crack the code someday," you added with a chuckle, the three of you glancing at Bertholdt.
Having your 104th comrades with you in the Scouts regiment really did bring you a lot of comfort to help you navigate these new uncharted waters, though it also made it acutely unbearable to imagine that some of them might not make it back next time; Marco served as your first and most painful lesson that even those dearest to you were never safe. It was after the freckled boy's death that you and Jean had truly bonded, brought together by the devastating loss of your kindhearted friend. You had become each other's rocks since then—checking up on each other after training sessions and expeditions, playful teasing and calling each other all sorts of funny nicknames rooted into the core of your friendship, giving it all its strength. And it was when you had been injured during the 57th expedition and Jean had almost hysterically ran up to you afterwards, cursing with no restraint and holding your arm so tightly it hurt when he helped you limp toward the medical wing, that you had been hit for the first time, though still shaken from slaying a titan and the bloody cut burning your leg, by how grateful you were to have made it out alive, to have Jean by your side. It was then that you had realised that there was no one else you would rather be with than him—it was something more than anything you've ever felt before, as your timidly pounding heart had been reminding you ever since.  
But another thing unavoidable when being friends with Jean, of course, was the bickering between your comrade and Eren—and this evening was no different from any other week. A few minutes later, as you engaged in a pleasant conversation with Armin, your attention was drawn by the thunderous eruption of voices that suddenly shook the walls of the barrack, making many pairs of surprised eyes turn toward the belligerent protagonists of the argument. It just had to be Eren and Jean, hadn't it? Like the rest of your comrades, you couldn't possibly guess where the spark that ignited this new inferno came from, but with these two, a valid reason often wasn't needed; to the greatest despair of the 104th, both boys possessed magic powers to summon reasons to fight out of thin air. At the present moment, both Eren and Jean were actively yelling at each other, shooting names and accusations back and forth.
However, the lack of rational incidents to cause such a scene didn't mean that there was no deeper reason for Jean's outbursts, just like Eren's counter-attacks originated from his legendary stubbornness already well-known to his fellow comrades. You had been suspecting for a long time that Jean mainly proclaimed his hatred towards Eren because of Mikasa. Before the 57th expedition, when both of you were in a playful and mischievous mood, you would even friendlily tease Jean about his soft spot for the dark haired young woman, which he hadn't hidden very well ever since Mikasa and he met for the first time. It was quite unfortunately, really, that your heart had finally chosen Jean, of all people, to fall for—as if you weren't well aware of how much he admired and liked Mikasa! And this mascarade surely had to have been orchestrated to get her attention, just like many other failed schemes of Jean's, as Mikasa barely seemed interested in anyone but Eren, Armin, sometimes Sasha, and you.
"There he goes again..." You muttered downheartedly, sparing a glance at your best friend.
"It's Eren and Jean, after all..." Armin responded with a sorry smile, squirming on the bench to get further away from Eren, who was now up on his feet and facing Jean with balled up fists. Mikasa watched the two boys through squinted eyes, at the ready to jump and knock over Jean if needed—at least, your friend's plan to get her attention had succeeded.
"I know how this is going to end," you told Armin under your breath, averting your gaze from the fighters. "You know what, I think it's right about time for me to head off. I don't want to witness Captain Levi tearing their heads off for wrecking havoc in here."
"Really? Don't you want to stay a little longer? I'm sure it won't come to this!"
"I don't even want to know. Goodnight, Armin, thank you for the nice chat," you excused yourself, fleeing from the barrack swift as a cat, only the passage of a furtive ray of light on the floor signifying that the door to the room had been opened as quickly as it was closed.
You knew better than to cling onto something you could not reach, so why endure the spectacle of such a foolish play?
Outside, nighttime had descended upon the camp with its soothing quietness. Nothing in sight but the warm flutter of torches fixed upon the barracks; nothing ringing in your ears but the chirping melody of a cricket's song, its echo delicately carried away by the evening wind. No ecstatic shouting, no blaring laughter. Nothing but a lone constellation half-veiled by the grey trail of clouds that unhurriedly floated upon the dark depths of the sky. No Jean, no Eren. You took a lungful of fresh air before a long sigh lifted off your chest—if only things could go back to the way they had been. Back when Jean was nothing but a fun and (sweetly) annoying horse-faced boy to be around, and no cause for heartache.
You took some more steps ahead, the muffled sounds you could still hear from inside dying out as you walked further away. Although you had told Armin that your time to go had come, you didn't feel like getting back to bed right now; actually, you didn't feel like anything but escaping for a little while.
At last, you decided to retrace your steps, taking a seat on the ground beside the barrack you had abandoned, your back pressed against its wooden surface. On the other side, the cacophony hadn't ceased, only muffled by the wall that separated you from the inside mayhem. Had Jean and Eren opted for a fistfight denouement by now? Would Mikasa intervene?
But before you had enough time to explore the many scenarios your imagination could sketch out, the door beside which you had settled opened abruptly, a wide stream of light flooding the ground at once. In the blink of an eye, a visibly disconcerted figure appeared on the threshold, freezing as they took a look around before rapidly bifurcating to the side in order to follow one of the torchlit paths...
"Y/n?! What are you doing here?" Jean rushed toward you as soon as he noticed your silhouette from behind the shadows, discovering your hiding-place. "I didn't even see you leave..."
"I'm sorry, I was starting to feel tired." Touched by the fact that Jean had left the room to look for you, you attempted to give him a plausible excuse.
"C'mon, you can get through a day of training, but you can't get through one of the only party nights we're lucky enough to have?" Jean taunted, taking a seat next to you. "What's the matter?" he gently elbowed you, throwing his neck back so he could press his head against the wall behind. "Just when I was about to defeat Eren..."
"Defeat Eren, really? Statistically, it's more likely for Captain Levi to smile than for us to see that happen," you laughed tiredly, trying not to think about how Jean would probably soon get back to Mikasa and the others.
"Yeah, yeah, tease me all you want, it'll happen. Someday this idiot will get his ass handed to him."
Closing your eyes, you only had it in you to maintain the forced smile painted over your lips while fighting back the rush of stinging tears that suddenly overwhelmed you. Why did Jean had to come and check up on you now of all times, right when you were more than ever convinced that you were starting to fall for him, and it couldn't be clearer that his every move longed for someone else?
"You know, I was going to get him, but Mikasa can get scary..." It was as if he could decipher the riddles of your mind, unaware of the way your heart convulsed. "I wouldn't want to cross her. Why would she hang out with this idi—"
"Look, Jean, if you've come here to rant about this, then you can leave," you ended up snapping, biting back more acre words . "I'm tired, okay? Just get back to the fun inside."
"You... You don't feel like talking?" Jean's voice softened from incomprehension, trying to read your tone. "I'm sorry, I didn't know it was that bad. Hey, you really don't want to talk?"
You shook your head in response, scolding your own self for such pathetic behaviour. Jean couldn't possibly know about your suppressed feelings, so your attitude must indeed appear more than confusing, especially since you were so used to confiding in each other and cheering each other up, for the past weeks more than ever. In the wake of Icarus's ascend towards the sun, untethered and naive, your wings of wax were melting... But who could've predicted, as much as a month earlier, that the loveable idiot by your side would doom you to downfall?  
"Okay... Well...," the young man ran a distracted hand through his hair, frowning as his jaw clenched. "Then I'll talk. You know, I had an idea for tonight," he began after collecting his thoughts, breaking through the hesitant seconds that had temporarily numbed his tongue. "It was our first successful expedition after that near-death experience after all, so I thought I'd better make the most of it and make tonight's celebration useful. Who knows when we'll get another one. Maybe you're right and it's actually more likely to see Captain Levi smile than to get another one of these again soon." Jean's speech ran freely now, his torrent of sentences—for the moment still not making clear sense as to where they were headed to—submerging you in the familiar flow of his voice. As of late, your greatest fear had become to miss its distress call in the ranging mist of a battle, to watch Jean's body be torn to shreds as you could only scream until everything else vanished... "So I thought I'd be brave, for once." He took a deep breath in, fingers nervously wrapped around the back of his own neck. "There's this person I like."
There it was. Somehow, you knew that it would be coming—after the stunt he pulled earlier with Eren...
"They're much braver than I am, but they probably know that already," Jean went on, chuckling self-depreciatingly—he knew he could poke at himself in your company without being ashamed of disclosing his flaws. "They wouldn't hesitate to come and rescue me, even if I were grabbed by a titan. And they're really beautiful, too—"
"Look, Jean, if you've come to talk about Mikasa, just save it," you could only murmur. "Pl—"
"And, quite surprisingly, they're also a dumbass!" Jean didn't let you finish either, shifting his head so he could see your face better. "But that's something both of us have in common." Taken aback by such a strange confession, you opened your eyes to take an intrigued look at Jean while hoping that he wouldn't notice the tears you had at last blinked away. You met his gaze head-on, even among the shadows that coiled over his face.  "Because they think that I still have a thing for a girl I liked for two weeks, while I've been talking about them all along."
"You know, you're the one who makes being called "horse-face" the funniest," Jean cracked an unsure smile at you, fiddling with his hands. "Alright, it's the bravest I'll ever be, so time to crawl in a hole and die now," he immediately added more anxiously, looking like the unexpected nature of his confession had stricken him for the first time.
"Wait, Jean, no!" It was as if, for the first time in a span of unending minutes, you could breathe again. "Wait, is this... Is this for real?" You asked in what came out almost a whisper, fearing, in this instant where your hopes balanced on the edge of a precipice of churning doubt and elation, that this was a joke you would not be able to forgive. Jean was better than this, but what if?—the thought drilled into your heart.
"Well... Yes. I'm sorry if I've made things awkward, it's Armin who told you might like me too and—"
"Hey, hey," your hand found its way to Jean's arm in a comforting touch, preventing him from leaving as he made a move to flee after blurting out an apology. Judging by your frantic heartbeat, there was no way you could be the calmer person in this situation—and yet, Jean somehow managed to look even more distressed than you at the moment. "I do like you." It was your turn to get embarrassed, which your flushed cheeks openly betrayed, illuminated by the nearby torch's flitting flame. "But Mikasa...?"
"Y/n, I haven't liked Mikasa for longer than a few weeks. I mean, yes, she's beautiful and strong, but so are you. And you're so much more than that. You're so fun to be around, I haven't laughed so hard with anyone but you. Unlike me, you're not scared to be brave and kind, but with you, I don't need to think which face I need to put on, because I know we don't have to pretend to be someone we're not when we're around each other. And when you got injured... I couldn't stand the thought of losing you. I made myself a promise then that I would tell you, and tonight seemed like the right time. I've been talking to Armin after the expedition and I think he kind of guessed that I liked you, and that you liked me too—I don't even know how or why, but he told me he thought you did. That's not exactly how I thought it'd go but... Trying to get your attention by getting in a fight with Eren wasn't that good of a plan, I guess."
"So that's what it was...! You really are an idiot, Jean Kirschtein," you declared vivaciously, but the moved smile that brightened your face spoke louder than the fond insults Jean and you would fire at each other. "We need to watch out for Armin, he will uncover everyone's secrets, at this rate..." You joked before regaining a more serious attitude, your emotions truly swayed by your friend's avowal. "The expedition changed everything for me too. I realised that I didn't want to go without you. No, I realised that I didn't want to go at all—I wanted to stay. With you."
"Pff, get in line," Jean grinned in spite of the emotional look on his face, sighing in relief. "I've been liking you for months."
"Absolutely. Do you think I go out of my way to check up on everyone after a battle or that everyone's mom gets the privilege of being the centre of my skilfully crafted jokes?"
"Shut up," you laughed wholeheartedly, your shoulder against Jean's. "Your mom's a hoe."
"Very clever," he teased you in return, face glowing from a joy even more vivd than the fiery sparks that chased the night's spectres away. “I bang yours every night.”
You burst out laughing, rolling your eyes—mom jokes were a must in your goofy friendship. A friendship that, with a bit of unpredicted luck, was on the verge of becoming something more.
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isthisthingeven0n · 4 years
knowing you : s.r
spencer has been a regular at your cafe for a few months, and after working up the courage to ask you on a date he disappears out of the blue without an explanation. (2.4k)
knowing you / forgetting you / remembering you / with or without you / starting over, with you 
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There were elements to your job that you had a love/hate relationship with. The mornings where you woke up before the sun fully had, dealing with rude customers deprived of their first dose of caffeine along with the pseudonyms they provide you with (which you’ve learned you can’t always yell out as the elders freak out.) And lastly, your staff (but they tended to lean heavier on the love side of things.)
Yet, amongst all of it, you still managed to smile by the time you closed up in the evening. You adored your little cafe, though it was never heaving with people, it was comfortable.
“Hey, look who’s hovering outside.” Your colleague, Maggie nudges you playfully as you glance over the counter to the large window filled with your menu written in calligraphy.
And standing in front of it, the quiet smart guy you’ve grown fond of; Spencer.
A smile grows across your face, but you hide your head in the steam that rises from the milk for a second. “It’s been what, two days since he was last here?” Maggie quips, waiting for you to comment.
“Everyone’s gotta get coffee somewhere, Mags.” You remind her, brushing it off.
Spencer was a customer at the end of the day, just like everyone else. Just because he came to your cafe doesn’t mean he’s here for anything more than his double espresso and a blueberry muffin. Even if your heart wished it could be more.
Pushing open the door, the little bell sounds and Spencer looks up before smiling over to you. “Morning, Spencer.” You beam as you lean across the counter as Spencer eyes up the various pastries and paninis you had to offer this morning.
“Hi,” Spencer speaks quietly, clutching his satchel across his chest. “could I get a double espresso and two muffins, please?”
“A double?” Maggie pitches in, and Spencer looks over to your colleague who stands beside you, holding back her tongue as Spencer nods. 
“Caffeine stimulates a similar effect as the stress hormone cortisol, which is secreted in large amounts after an hour or two of waking up in the morning. It takes on the form of waking you up, making you believe you need the caffeine as, without it, you can have stomach aches, headaches and trembles.” Spencer rambles, and you nod in appreciation for the knowledge. “And I prefer a double.”
“Guess you like strong coffee, then.” Maggie mutters, giving you the eye as you smile to yourself.
Turning around you carry on prepping the machine as the espresso drips into the paper cup. “Two muffins, huh? Saving one for later?” You chuckle as you pick the two freshest muffins out that are still warm from the oven.
And then you hear it, Spencer’s awkward chortle that causes butterflies to flutter in your stomach and rise to your throat.
Swallowing the butterflies back down, you place the box onto the counter alongside his coffee, his name written across it with a smiley face.
“Well, I wanted to take one for my friend, Garcia. She’s been by here before, I don’t know if you’d remember her?” Spencer explains and watches you closely, noticing how your eyes drift off into deep thought and your tongue slips through your lower lip before you shake your head. “She probably complimented every single detail in the cafe, wore something colourful?” He adds, and suddenly your eyes light up as you remember.
“Penelope? How could I forget! I’ll give her a complimentary muffin if she comes in again.” You giggle, and Spencer’s eyes crinkle up as he accepts the small box and coffee.
“She’ll love that. Thank you.” Spencer states as he places the cash onto the counter and adds a few dollars to your tip jar- something you forget exists as it collects dust most days, but Spencer always leaves a three dollar tip.
“Thank you, Spencer. Have a good day.” You begin to turn away as you clean up the counter and coffee machine, missing the longing glance Spencer has before he heads to the door, but thankfully Maggie is watching like a hawk.
“Have a good day?” Maggie mutters, crossing her arms. “He was giving you the eyes, babe.” She comments, but you roll your eyes in response once more.
Picking up your tray, you move past the counter and over to clean up a table. “He wasn’t, Maggie.” You simply reply. 
“He was dear.” A new voice pitches in, one of your regulars, Annie. “Finding someone who looks at you like he does is a rare thing, I would know.” Annie’s focus drifts to the empty seat opposite her, one that has been vacant for a few months since her husband passed. 
“I don’t know, Annie,” You trail off, but some of your other regulars also comment on the small looks exchanged between you and Spencer. “Sorry. am I being interrogated in my own cafe?” You joke as three of your regulars laugh before returning to their own conversations. 
“Don’t let it slip out of your grasp, Y/n.” Annie finishes as she rises to her feet, leaving her mug with a few dollar bills underneath before walking out of the exit. 
Sighing deeply, you run your fingers through your hair as your mind goes blank, unable to apprehend how various people have seen you giving Spencer those soppy glances and the fact they might be reciprocated? 
You shrug it off, allowing your mind to return to work as another customer comes in, and your day can proceed as normal. 
“Bye guys,” You wave off your colleagues as Maggie closes the door behind her, leaving you to close up for the evening. 
It had been a fairly slow day, but Thursdays tended to be in the cafe so it wasn’t anything to worry about. 
As you walk around to the counter and bend down to collect the leftover cakes you hear the bell chime. “Sorry, we’re closed!” You call out, placing a few cakes away before lifting your head up to see a rather flustered Spencer. “Spencer?” 
Pushing his hair out of his face, Spencer sighs happily as he smiles to you. “Hi, I, I’m sorry I didn’t realise you closed at 6.” He rambles, a look of hopelessness in his gaze. “I’ll head out, sorry for bothering you, Y/n.” 
Spencer turns around, but before he reaches the door, you stop him. “Spencer?” Immediately, Spencer awkwardly spins on his heels, facing you once more. “Would you like a coffee, one for the road anyway?” You shyly suggest, watching as Spencer’s smile only widens as he nods. 
“I’d love that, I, I only just got back from a work trip and thought I’d see if you were still open.” Spencer explains as you push aside your containers and take out a go cup. 
“That’s alright, I like to do what I can for my regulars.” You chuckle, placing the cup on the counter. As Spencer reaches into his satchel, you shake your head. “Oh don’t worry ‘bout it, Spencer.” You tell him and Spencer pauses. 
“I have to pay you, Y/n!” He laughs, but you insist. “Well, at least let me help you close up.” 
“Spencer it’s fine honestly. You’re probably tired as it is.” You shrug him off, expecting him to just walk out after that. 
But Spencer isn’t like any other guy, he takes a sip of his coffee and removes his satchel and places it on a chair. “Where do I start?” He questions, rolling the sleeves of his purple shirt up to his elbows, prepared for business. 
The sight makes you laugh lightly, he looks adorable in every sense which makes you slightly flustered. “Well erm,” You look around, trying to think of an easy job that’ll result in the least hassle for him. “how about you put these cakes away? I’ll drop them off to the food shelter on my way home.” You explain, motioning to the containers and Spencer nods, taking his place behind the counter whilst you clean the tables. 
Pausing from placing the cakes into containers, Spencer looks up in awe as you carry on cleaning. “Do you have any flaws?” He thinks to himself, knowing the answer rationally is yes, as every human being has 10 design flaws in the human body, but you personally, he can’t imagine any. 
“Did you say something, Spencer?” You quip, lifting your head up as Spencer quickly shakes his head, missing the smile on your lips as you hold back a soft laugh. 
“Which food bank do you take these to?” Spencer asks as you move onto your last table, picking up your small menus and coasters whilst you place them onto the chairs. 
“Usually the one two blocks over, but sometimes I stop on the way to Gary - he’s a homeless veteran who camps out under the bus shelter. He’s a good man, but life hasn’t been kind to him.” You explain, thinking how different his life could’ve been. “I’ve tried offering him a job here before, but he shakes uncontrollably.” 
“That sounds like a sign of PTSD, Veterans used to go undiagnosed during the war and suffered from vivid flashbacks, trembling, nausea and intrusive thoughts. Most were outcasted from society, but expected to adjust to normal life afterwards which is what leads many to the streets.” Spencer explains, and once he finishes, you raise an eyebrow. 
“And here I thought you were just a pretty face.” You chuckle, causing a blush to cross Spencer’s cheeks. “You’ve never told me what you do Spencer, outside of drinking heavy doses of caffeine.” 
Spencer rests his hands out over the ledge behind the counter as you walk over, discarding the cleaning supplies beside him. “I work for the FBI.” He starts, and you nod along, trying to hide your surprise. “For the BAU, the behavioural analysis unit. We analyse peoples behaviour to assist in cases around the country to help solve crimes.” Spencer explains simply, not wanting to overcomplicate the matter as your eyes widen. 
“So you analyse people’s behaviour? Does that mean you’ve analysed me?” You slowly trail off as you move away from Spencer and sit down at one of the tables, suddenly feeling self-conscious as his eyes remain on you.
Moving across the cafe, Spencer pulls out the chair opposite you and rests his hands on the table, firmly clasped together. He doesn’t want to lie to you, but he equally does not want to sound like a creep.
“You can be honest, Spencer.” It’s as if you can read his mind as you give him those warm eyes that greet him in the mornings, making him sure that whatever happens at work, you’ll be alright when he next comes in.
Fidgeting ever so slightly, Spencer closes his eyes to allow his mind to focus- something that is usually effortless, but whenever you cross his thoughts they become scrambled.
“You are a warm person naturally, an extrovert as you invite people into your cafe. Mornings are a struggle as you keep a refillable cup by your side next to the coffee machine. I saw you refill it last Tuesday and it must’ve been at least your third cup as I was later that day. You like to please others, make them happy and by doing so you sacrifice your own wellbeing. Helping people makes you happy, but you don’t do it for selfish reasons which I like a lot about you, Y/n.” Spencer explains, and as he looks up you stare at him in a state of awe.
“And you got all that, from interacting with me every week?” You laugh lightly, leaning back in your chair as astonishment crosses your eyes as you click your tongue. 
“Yes.” Spencer curtly nods. “That and I have an IQ of 187, an eidetic memory and 3 PHD’s.” He adds nonchalantly. 
“Just casually slipping that into conversation, Doctor.” You raise an eyebrow, and Spencer brushes his fingers through his curls. 
Tearing your eyes from him, you look up at the clock and swear under your breath. “I’m sorry, Spencer, I’ve got to go.” You tell him with a sad smile, not wanting this to end as he gathers his things along with his cold coffee- not that he’d ever tell you otherwise.
Spencer hovers by the doorway as you switch off the last of the lights and juggle the containers in your arms along with your keys. “Let me help with that, Y/n.” Spencer reaches out, his fingers gliding over yours as he takes the boxes painfully slowly.
“Thanks,” You mutter as you turn the sign over on the door and lock it behind you whilst Spencer stands idly outside, the temperature dropping fastly compared to the LA sunshine he had experienced mere hours beforehand. “my cars just up here, do you mind?”
Shaking his head, Spencer walks alongside you. It feels strange, interacting with him outside of your little bubble, but to him, he likes the chance to burst the comfort bubble.
Bearing in mind all that Penelope and Derek have told him on the jet home, Spencer places the containers in the trunk of your car before you close it.
“Well, this is me.” You rock back and forth on your heels as Spencer wracks his mind to communicate with his mouth. “Spencer?” You wave your hand over his face, and suddenly he snaps out of his deep thoughts.
“Sorry,” He mutters, tugging on his scarf. “Y/n, would you like to go out somewhere, sometime? I mean, I love your cafe, but a change of scenery never hurt.” Spencer asks, and he can see the surprise in your expression as you glance away to your feet. “If not, that’s okay. I understand-” 
“I’d love to.” You cut him off from his own doubts as you step closer and rise to your tiptoes, kissing his cheek. “Here’s my number, I keep some business cards in my pocket.” You hand him your card and Spencer runs his thumb over the embossed logo. 
“I’ll call you.” Spencer tells you with a bright smile, one that causes butterflies to swarm in your stomach as you walk to your car door. “Drive safe, Y/n.” 
“Take care Doctor,” You salute to Spencer before you close your door, driving off out of sight as a squeal escapes your lips in excitement at the thought of Spencer calling you.
Except, what you missed as you turned the corner was Spencer getting a phone call that would change everything for the worse, leaving you in the dark as Spencer answers his phone with his full heart now sinking. 
He’s heading to Mexico.
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