#the concept of blues rights is just not vibing w me
Genuine question, how did you figure out or realize the whole being butch thing? What does being butch mean to you?
idk if it was like… figure out? more so just putting a name to something i’ve always felt or known about myself. i came out as a lesbian, then i came out as nb, then i was like well i want gender affirming care so that must mean i am Trans™️, & it’s like… none of those words or kind of… vibes (lol sorry) quite fit? i don’t feel like a cis lesbian, & i actually kind of despise non-binary as a concept (don’t send asks abt this i won’t answer them lol, do ur own thing if u love it that’s cool); i think for me personally Transness is a little too serious & intense & limiting to how i feel. & im a white afab person in a smaller body, & honestly…….. we are often the wooooorst demographic of trans ppl lmao so i just didn’t even rly like some spaces i was in. i got the most important gender affirming care i wanted, i moved & i got married, i got to work remotely etc
& so just sitting with all of that it was like. ok well a lot of neoliberal queer spaces piss me the fuck off; i’m not cis, but i’m not TRANS in the way a lot of ppl (very validly) feel; i do Not like nb. i’d read stone butch blues before, i have a degree in critical theory where i worked a loooot w queer theory, obviously i’ve written abt queerness for ages lol. so then i was just like ah. butch. dyke. YAH! sweet. 100/10 feels amazing i love it
& i think for me i love those words most bc they’re rooted in really radical belief that i have. they carry an ethic with them that, at its best & most intersectional ofc, i want to act on, all the time. i want to show up for people & be protective & tough & strong but i also so deeply want to be nurturing & nourishing. i want to allow myself to be nourished & cared for. i think it feels rly wonderful to have a word for transgressive gender that sums it all up bc people lived it before me. they made that very specific & particular space to experience femininity in a way that doesn’t feel like a noose.
i think also butchness is so expansive! something that never sat right w me abt the way we talk abt transness in the west is that i don’t think there are ‘pre’ & ‘post’ transition selves. like… i’ve never been Not Me? like i came out of the womb a dyke. all i did my entire childhood is run around in the mountains, catalogue leaves, play w my dog, read nancy drew, & avidly watch + play any women’s soccer i could. i loved to fish & mountain bike, i grew up in the desert so gardening to me was a miracle. i never cared abt gender at all beyond like ‘well i guess i’m a girl & the women i admire just won a world cup, they’re badass’ & that was it. i liked boys clothes bc they were practical & felt better, but i just. didn’t think about it. ppl called me a tomboy which was fine, i liked scout in to kill a mockingbird so whatever. but i never felt “non-binary” & i certainly never felt like a boy.
& i am… still just like that lmao. i hated my boobs, point blank day 1 lol, but that doesn’t have to mean i’m trans, or that i’ve somehow changed in a way that requires separation from who i’ve been my whole life. i HATE the language of ‘dead/lived’ name; i hate the weird expectation that u should allow the state to have all of ur gender stuff on record (no fucking thank you, y’all can keep my legal name & i will be flying under the radar lol). so i think western transness rly just. irritates me. doesn’t fit. hasn’t ever fit.
so butchness is like. i am 8 year old jude, i’m just older now. if this makes sense ur butch lmao but. it’s this rly free space to play w masculinity in a way that doesn’t necessitate western transness, & also doesn’t necessitate a separation from maternalism, which i fundamentally believe in. i don’t even rly think of my own care as “gender affirming” & more just like… essence affirming. i didn’t want top surgery so my body could be read as male; i wanted it so i could look like me. i want my clothes to feel & fit in a Very particular way bc that’s how i like them. it’s abt practicality, efficiency, comfort.
& lastly to me butchness has a remarkable space for tenderness that masculinity on its own just cannot hold. like. it’s abt being protective & strong, sure, but it’s in service of others. always always always. so sometimes that looks like communicating calmly, sometimes that looks like infinite small acts of service for ur friends or ur partner. when i think of settling into myself it’s more about returning to who i knew i was when i was a kid, when i was the only person my dog liked & how it felt to sit on the swings when the sun was setting after the monsoon; it’s allowing myself to love like that — caring, & quiet, & full.
ultimately to me butchness is about devotion, more than anything in the world. devoted to safety, devoted to community. no one is devoted the way dykes are bc it’s how we survive. it’s how we have always survived — the steadfastness, the faith, the joy, even thru suffering, to not be boxed in. to help each other. to be funny & kind & thoughtful & not reject the absolute best parts of womanhood for the sake of a western box. to demand care. it’s so beautiful. devotion.
tldr it’s the best
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tiptapricot · 1 year
Moon Knight City of the Dead Issue 1… why…?
So. New MK side run has begun, the hyped up full on debut of Layla/new Scarlet Scarab in the comics, with a premise that most writers would twist into an epic and breathtaking journey.
We don’t get that here.
And I have a lot of thoughts on why and how I feel so frustrated with what we got. There’s pieces of something awesome, potential to go to some really fascinating places, and yet it is held back in almost every aspect, creating something messy and clunky that makes me mad to read.
(This is long btw)
First off though, some things I did enjoy!
I really love the art and coloring of this issue. The anatomy and movement and shadows, the stylization of character’s faces and costumes, the sprawling city with its deep reds and blues that feel saturated and weighty. It’s great. Besides a few moments that it comes out of left field with some bad stuff (Layla’s whole face at the end or the MK mask w teeth during the memory slideshow like whaTtt is that), it’s super solid and made for a very enjoyable looking comic.
It was also really fun to see Badr for a little. I think it would’ve been cool to get more, and the pacing of things as I’ll get to later sapped his importance in the story for me some, making him feel more like a prop or a plot device to get it going, but overall it was lovely to see him again. And it was cool to see him being a doctor as well, as we haven’t seen that as recently in MacKay! Always a joy my dear sir please come back soon.
The story in concept. Going to the underworld, detaching a headmate supernaturally to journey to a different plane of reality to save one life, and meeting a dead ally along the way is fascinating stuff, an idea that inspires me to want to explore it myself.
Because (and now it’s time to get into the stuff I didn’t like) the writing doesn’t do this idea justice at all.
This is not the worst MK comic ever rn, not their worst writing. It’s not as violently ableist or antisemitic as things like Bemis or making a joke out of MK like some others, but it’s just stupid, and what it glosses over or gets wrong is weird and uncomfortable and harmful in its own right.
To start this isn’t my Marc. His guilt is not one of punishment for penance, of believing he’s sinned and needs to be washed clean by pain. He is a man stuck in bad coping mechanisms and trying to pretend he’s not. He’s a man who hates himself and uses violence as what I would describe as a form of self harm. But it is not with the goal of erasing his past.
Yes, he runs from the person of Marc Spector, he runs from the idea and the responsibility, but Marc doesn’t try to forget. He holds onto things with a vice grip and never lets himself drop it. He believes in his own mythos and is grappling with his complicated and traumatized history to remember he can love and care and trust people again, that the work of making his life better is not solely on his shoulders. That’s what MacKay’s been dealing with.
MacKay Marc is guilty and self flagellating but in a way he tries not to think about, that he brushes over. He puts on an air of confident collectedness and has more hate for Marc as a concept then specifically his actions, and he’s still able to move forward and find a type of momentum and bravado in the MK suit.
Or in simpler terms: yes Marc has guilt. He does not have this kind of guilt.
The first few pages read so strangely, just this over dramatic spiel that feels more like daredevil than moon knight, like a rehashed dramatic intro to a moody sad 90s comic. And not in a good way. It’s not deep it’s just annoying and tedious and the prose is clunky and again, extremely off in its vibes and message. I think it could’ve been alright, if some of the talk of his guilt had been shifted and the narration hadn’t continued constantly throughout the rest of the issue (which I’ll get to later), but as is in its full context it’s just… weird.
In addition to the weird guilt vibes, there’s further issues with the Khonshu religiosity in this.
Khonshu isn’t something Marc worships, he’s something he uses for his own means. He’ll call on him or talk about being the priest of the mission, but that’s because Khonshu doesn’t have oversight, he’s a tool and form of direction and theming, and at the story’s core Marc is the priest for his mission, not this god’s.
At points in this issue he genuinely sounds dedicated though, and it shifts the flavor of earlier pieces more in line with his usual monologuing to seeming more like strange spiritual devotion. Especially calling Khonshu the greatest of great gods, or saying that him being in the underworld is Khonshu’s mission. It changes his actions from that of Marc to that of a real Khonshu follower and its…. Just weird. It’s all just weird and very ooc.
On top of that, there’s no mention or interrogation or even presence of discussing Judaism alongside all of this. I’m not Jewish myself but have had multiple convos around the topic w those who are n who have made their own posts discussing it and can add on more nuance n info to this should they like (bc more thoughts for discussion are always awesome), but just on a surface level it’s strange. It’s strange to have a plot revolving around going to another belief system’s afterlife and not at all bringing up how it clashes or relates to Jewish beliefs. Yes Marc isn’t really actively practicing anymore but I’d hazard Jake probably is, and Marc has still talked about his connection to his faith and how it’s impacted his time as moon knight and serving Khonshu.
The text treats the Egyptian pantheon belief system as the True and Accepted default here, with Marc not even discussing anything about going to an afterlife he doesn’t belong in (and shouldn’t even have) as a Jewish man, or even thinking about how Badr discussing Ka conflicts with Jewish beliefs on the soul and how Neshamah differ.
And yes, Marc works regularly with the very real Egyptian pantheon and mystical systems but it’s in a different way, and under a different context and understanding by readers of his acceptance of it.
A whole other layer of depth, conflict, and exploration could’ve been added by really digging into the theological implications of this plot, of a Jewish soul in the Egyptian afterlife, and yet it’s not brought up at all, not referenced or mentioned and it makes it all feel weirdly out of place, or like stuff is being glossed over.
That, on top of Jake and Steven (not to mention the entire rest of the main mission cast) being completely absent in mention, consultation, presence, or anything just feeds into this strange sense of Pepose wanting Marc to be the idea he has of him in his head, this guilty, sad, and violent merc serving a moon god with not a ton else. And yes again those are all aspects of Marc, but there is nuance to each of those aspects and treating him as a singlet with no thoughts on the conflicts in faith of his present is… just weird.
I don’t know if he’ll be treated as a singlet the whole run, but the fact that the body’s soul being sent into the afterlife has not already brought in any system conflict at all is an issue. Is it their collective soul? Is it just Marc’s? How does this comic understand alter soul distinction? Has it thought about it at all? I mean the answer is no but the thing is it should’ve.
That’s where so many of my issues with this come from though: choices just being… not good. Not thought out or in line with the characters and world. The writing is off and out of place and gOD THE CONSTANT NARRATION IS GRATING!!
I don’t know why it was chosen for Marc to novel write his thoughts and observations the whole issue but it’s bad. It goes past introducing plots or observations that can’t be shown in text to either:
1. Filling space that doesn’t need to be filled
2. Restating what has just been said or shown in a panel (“we have the power of the four horsemen” “wow they just got the power of the four horsemen”)
3. At worst, telling us stuff that was not indicated at all by anything else (“oh I know something is wrong here even though I have not been given enough reason to pique that suspicion” “oh I reunite with Layla and hold her and take her in but haha you don’t see that ig”)
It’s annoying and makes reading things difficult because he’s blabbering on the whole time in places he DOESNT NEED TO!! And it makes the action and emotional movement feel awkward and forced. I don’t need to know every second of Marc’s thoughts Pepose I can parse out things with my eyes I promise you that. Also can he stop talking about penance for TWO SECONDS!!!
The worst part is narration works when done well! When it highlights things that can’t be shown in art or gives some bits of exploration into feelings or exposition, but we don’t need it in every panel. It actually confused some parts of where to look for me by telling me what was about to happen before it did. Stop being like “I thought it was over but—“ JUST LET US SEE ITS NOT OVER!!
Another moment (similar ish to the start) where the narration would’ve worked for me (if it was not surrounded by just more constant narrating monologue) is when Marc first arrives in the Duat. The prose is pretty, it’s vibrant, it describes things the audience wouldn’t be able to pick up from static pictures and helps to set the scene. The only issue is that it doesn’t stand on its own, it’s not an interjection of observations and thoughts, it’s another entry in the never ending cycle of Marc just talking. And it loses some of its luster because of that.
There’s also just a handful of pieces of either dialogue or thoughts that (in the context of Steven and Jake being absent at the moment despite not being absent at the point in time this should be taking place) make me feel very uncomfortable with Pepose’s vibes on their mental health. Some lines that rubbed me the wrong way in context include “The rage fills within me—and suddenly I have a plan. That said, it would help if my plan wasn’t dangerously insane.” “You know me Badr, mental discipline is my middle name.” And a few similar ones I don’t want to reread again for.
They’re just unnecessary man. We don’t need vaguely or directly ableist vibes in words with MK anymore. It works if it feels like it’s coming from Marc’s internalized ableism IE when he was talking about being called crazy during the discussion with Steven and Jake and Jake called him out for it, but when it’s obvious it’s just how the author sees things it sucks!
Stop using insane, stop using crazy, stop being like “oh I’m so good at keeping myself in check,” WE DONT NEED IT!! ALSO THEY R AT A GENERAL POINT OF SYSTEM COMMUNICATION N HARMONY RN!!
Which also just… man this feels like it’s trying to introduce MK instead of continuing an already established and well under way arc. Yea, this isn’t MacKay writing it, but it’s still in the continuity and set up for his run and like… sorry not sorry but I think you should take that context into account if you’re going to be working within it???
Instead the story props itself up by trying to introduce everything at once and Marc feels like he’s starting from the bottom of development.
And speaking of introducing everything at once! Oh boy the pacing!
No one besides Badr is consulted before Marc goes into the Duat, Badr just. Sends him there. There’s no real build up for why there’s a need go that far, for what the threat is or why Marc would go to these lengths so suddenly. Like yeah I know he wants to save a kid who’s a traveler of the night, but like… Others have died or almost died on his watch and he’s never gone to this point before, even though it seems like it’s always something they’ve had as an option. Like… ok ig if Soldier hadn’t been vamped he would just be dead lmao (though also hey! Why and how do souls end up in this afterlife? Do they have to believe in the gods? Do they have to be in some way tied to the pantheon? Is it just where souls go if they’re near moon knight lmaO? If you want to have your afterlife plot you have to do the worldbuilding for it)
And while yes, a lot of this is because This Plot Wasnt Thought Up During Earlier Parts Of Mackay, it also isn’t introduced in a way that feels natural or makes sense.
Events just Happen. Mysteries or drives are just Said without a good basis for why they’re there. Again, this cult was talked about as just kinda a sadistic gang but then they’re a big deal? And oh the kid is dying and oh he’s worth going to the afterlife for and OH WERE JUST HERE NOW and “oh there’s a conspiracy I’ve decided with no real evidence” and HEY FOUND THE GUY and—Suddenly a whole lot of what is happening. God heart full on cult horsemen of the apocalypse memory flashback and BOMBS NOW APPARENTLY and LAYLA and MK BIG PAST BADDIES BOSS FIGHT INCOMING!!
Like ohhhh my god stuff is so rushed and happens so inorganically and with no time to really understand what’s happening. It’s a type of story where my suspension of disbelief isn’t there and it fully just feels like seeing the writer trying to get to the end goal of what they want to write about (moon knight fighting old villains) as quickly as possible. And it SUCKS! Like this genuinely should’ve been more than one issue, there should’ve been at least sOme more build up to gEtting to the city of the dead in the first place, no matter additionally uncovering a plot of some sort happening and Layla turning up.
It’s just…. It’s so rushed and strange and forced and it didn’t have to be and IT MAKES ME MAD IT IS and it’s just not enjoyable to read. It all feels so shallow and stilted and weird, all while having this underlying idea with so much weight, some generally gorgeous art, some moments that could’ve been really awesome, and last but not least…. Literally a good reference to doing a Duat plot well.
This whole mini run is for MCU synergy, bringing Layla in, exploring the Duat and it’s lore, and again yes, the run isn’t done, but it just…. Compared to the MCU plot for the Duat this feels so…. GraaggHhggh. Especially when it comes to system interaction and exploring different painful memories that effect headmates in different ways.
It’s just. It was an extremely frustrating read from both a technical writing standpoint and a character exploration standpoint, and it worries me and doesn’t excite me at all for future issues. Like we’ll sEe but goddamn this is not a good start no matter how it plays out and it doesn’t give me confidence if it turns out I have to read several more issues of this kind of stuff.
Petty nitpicks speed run because there wasn’t enough enjoyable padding for them to not stand out!
I don’t know if Pepose could’ve specified or not but Marc’s not drinking vodka in the opening scene, it looks more like whiskey or something similar by the bottle, again nailing home how strangely off this Marc is from the Marc he’s meant to be with how Mackay has built him up.
Why do they use Duat and City of the Dead like they’re interchangeable titles it’s just the Duat like I get calling it “the city of the dead” since it is that but like. Let that just b the run title they shouldn’t be calling it that like it’s a final name.
They misspell Dr. Alraune’s name lmao
How did the kid get… hurt..? The only point in the opening fight I can think he maybe got hit was with the gunfire but it didn’t seem like that was aimed towards him and there wasn’t any moment of having a detail in the background showing him get injured. And he wasn’t lethally injured at the start so ???
What… is the continuity between the Hydra vs Karnak Cowboys fight we see in MacKay and the flashback here. They were on an empty road there when they crashed? And now they’re in the heart of the city? AlsO bOMBS???
Anyway all I’ll wrap it up with is when the only thing I genuinely smile at is the cameo and namedrop of Apocalypse you know something is wrong with your story lmaO
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phoxphenex · 2 years
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monsta x. i miss seventeen and monsta x interactions, and coups was one of the members with the most. maybe it’s his rap style and stage presence, but i think seungcheol would fit in well with monsta x’s rap line :) joohoney and scoups aww
astro. this just makes sense to me. the visuals, the vocals, the stage presence? astro. plus i could see jeonghan having so much fun with this chaotic group. they’re a mess and he’s Yoon Jeonghan. they chaos oh my god i’d PAY to see it. jeonghan singing blue flame?? UGH YES
cix! baejin and joshua in the same group?? i would simply pass out tyvm. no but fr i feel like shua’s voice would compliment the other cix members well? maybe it’s cause i’ve had cinema stuck in my head for Weeks, but he would hit fit SO WELL.
OnlyOneOf. despite the fact that jun is secretly a hidden member of nct dream, i feel that his solo fits the vibe of OOO. i think he’d also get along pretty well with the quieter members, but also be more open to taking a leadership roll?? idk
exo! exoooooo!! i know the ages don’t match but hoshi FITS sm’s vibe. i almost put him in nct, but when i heard spider, it reminded me more of the older sm sound vs the new, and i think hoshi would fit the classic sounds of exo and shinee! HOSHI IN SUPERM???? THE DREAM
ab6ix! this one was rlly difficult for me idk BUT i think wonwoo would be able to blend in well with this group. he has that.. idk that look? i’m not sure how to describe it, but he has That Look. plus, his raps with woojin’s would MMMM
okay so at first i was thinking mingyu and bts, but i feel like woozi would fit better? plus the rap line is already great i feel like woozi to the vocal line would just be fun. IDK i think he’d get along w everyone good just fit some of the 2018 songs <3
i didn’t know if i wanted dk or seungkwan in nct, but i picked dk cause i’m a Huge simp for his vocals. also his relationship with jaehyun would be SO much funnier if they were in the same group lmao. he’d probably be in 127, so imagine dk singing songs like touch and elevator <3
GOT7!! i know they aren’t a group anymore, but mingyu in got7 is just… I NEED IT. i was gonna put him in skz cause he’s so tall, but then thought why not the other jyp group? got7 would tease mingyu for sure AND he can cook?? i’d pay to see him perform swear not by the moon End.
wayv. he’s already an honorary member like jun, but i feel that minghao would get along better with the whole nct unit concept and the members. i can see him teasing xiaojun and kun with ten and yangyang idk IT JUST MAKES SENSE TO ME?? i think he’d enjoy talking his mother language with all other members yk?
since i didn’t pick nct… ykw SEUNGKWAN IN NCT DREAM. let’s do it, seungkwan and haechan in one group would be Chaos and i think he’d be perfect for segments like nct life and other shows. seungkwan is a natural entertainer, and nct is a group of entertainers. it makes sense. he’s perfect.
the boyz. vernon is such a chill, down to earth guy that i feel like the boyz have just the right blend of chaos and levelheadedness vernon needs <3 plus new york buddies with eric ARE YOU SERIOUS?? imagine vernon and those red glasses in a room with the boyz LMAO
ateez! i imagine him fitting so well with ateez’s 99 line. he can sing, dance, and i feel that he’d vibe well with ateez’s music video and comeback themes. like imagine snapshoot chan but in the wave mv </3 i think he’d just have so much fun :’)
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wibble-wobbegong · 2 years
ok. wibble. hi. hello. i am humbly asking for ur thoughts on gnc outfits for byler. 
first we have mike:
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i was thinking abt taking these and maybe making the pants a bit more fun w patches or patterns but keeping it pretty similar to the refs otherwise. tho w that last one the outfit just feels SO mike to me,, bookbag included, i would keep it p much the same as the ref
now for will:
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i will b honest it was significantly harder to find good refs that i think have the right vibes but i like these ones a lot. maybe w/o the tie tho? at least w the last one. but then again thats where ur opinion would come in 2 help guide me lol. it definitely gives influenced by jonathan vibes w the first one, like hes a bit more grunge than canon and i think that tracks personally but i also think he would definitely keep that bright colour palette that he has most of the time so i would throw in some bright striped shirts and the like.
i would show u more but alas the 10 image cap will not allow it </3
sorry if this is weird and out of the blue but u got me thinking and i ended up scrolling thru pinterest for probably a good 30-45 minutes afterwards
ok, so for mike i really like that style of shirt!! colorwise, i tend to stick to things he wore in S1 but in an edgier style. i can’t add images but he wears emerald greens, reds that are like a shade lighter than what you’d imagine for a typical dark red, deep navys, even some dampened yellows against black or white. although i can see him experimenting with brighter things, my analysis brain forces me to face the fact that mike wearing bright colors is a major indication that he’s not being himself. brightness seems to be something he associates with normalcy, but he’s still expressive with his darker color palette. in s2, he’s heavy on hiding himself under jackets, and we know he was dealing with intense survivor’s guilt and depression
basically, for mike, i like the fits but i’d suggest going for a darker palette if you’re going for accurate characterization and, exactly as you said, throwing in some punk elements
as for will, i struggled SO much with trying to figure out the style i wanted for him. on one hand, will has a history with wearing tighter fitting clothes over the past two seasons and generally wearing very form fitting things and i feel like that fits really well with denim skirts but i also had a few concepts for looser, longer skirts because i think of his will the wise costume which is very loose and, although it isnt swishy, it gives him room to make that effect.
i think, if will were to get to the place where he confidently wears skirts, he’d wear more stylized things reminiscent of his outfits in s3 and the first two outfits from s4. long skirts with artistic patterns he admired that he can swoosh around or shorter skirts that fit his form well are where i generally find myself thinking because skirts have so much more potential as an art form than men’s pants and shorts at the time did, at least regarding things he could wear casually.
in general, i don’t see will wearing a whole lot of baggy stuff if he has a choice. he wore loose stuff a lot in the first two seasons, though i imagine that was moreso a result of wearing jonathan’s old stuff and being kinda scrawny. in s3, the stuff he’s wearing most likely isn’t jonathan’s, even more so in s4 because we know the byers have the money for will to pick out his own clothes. even the jacket he wears in the st experience is more tightly fit
and, with will, he does definitely seem to lean int brighter colors a little bit more. not neon by any means, but definitely more eye catching than mike and his more muted colors still lean towards brightness. honestly, i dont think we ever see will choosing to wear anything particularly dark, maybe a little in s2, but that was also the Horrors Season so.
will is always tough for me because i havent studied him like i’ve studied mike, but my rule of thumb is form fitting and lighter/brighter colors unless you’re intentionally trying to break him out of that typical zone and explore new possibilities with his character
obviously that’s just how i perceive the both of them, but if you think those outfits fuck then draw them For Sure. never too much gnc byler in the world
definitely not weird!!! this was actually kinda nice. very different from my usual asks but in a good way :)
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intros-carnival thoughts
wow. okay. what a way to start
so like. okay - first of all, wow. these blorbos are a mess. the mess ever. <3 love them
some collected thoughts in mostly chronological order
the cracking. why is it always cracking? so the cracks connect all of the characters. are they holes between the different realities? it seems like the realities are at least tangentially connected to one another. does that cause the cracks?
teeth's "Exalted" (blue motif character?) looks a lot like maris. is that relevant?
maris seemed uncomfortable going towards her blue motif (krackens?) in her intro. why? it seems like she fights most of the monsters, including the giant red motif person -- she avoided that one, though.
also maris "she shouldn't be here. not now" who is she hjashkdjh ??? sister? friend? ex??? something about the fog and the area she was headed to. maris <3
okay i had trouble seeing the place that they all headed to (the brown motif one took them there -- "telos"?) but i caught some glimpses
maris tried to snoop around. trust issues perhaps? who hurt u queen
maris in a hammock <3 that is all
okay that is not all bc maris in a hammock w stringray <3 sobbing screaming crying
next up - the circus of the gods!
maris stances up with the "ringmaster" (blue motif character again, connections?) almost immediately. it's the captain in her probably, she probably has always had to take control and when someone else steps in she doesn't know if she can trust them i just -- ah <3
there's some abrasion between maris and 42 haha kind of iconic tho
maris and the acrobat (pink motif character) i -- oml. the vibes. wow. the tension. what is going on there? she also does not look happy with the pink motif character. at this point, it's clear that the different places they go all have the same motifs, so there's probably some negative history there. dear god(s?) i am obsessed already
*what was up with the maris in the hall of mirrors ajhsjdkhsajadh* she looked so young. why was there blood everywhere? what happened to her? did she kill someone important to her? was she hurt by someone she loves? she looked so young ajkshdksa <3
also how old is maris asking for a friend
"the tortured. hurt what hurts the most, over and over. how far are you driven by pain? this far, it would seem. tortured where it hurts the most. difficult to hurt there, most of the time. i wonder who could do that to someone like you" h e l p akjshdkja what is this maris?? hello? i knew it she was so heartbroken core gods i <3 <3 <3
my guesses right now are the red motif character, the blue motif character, the pink motif character, or the sort of light teal motif character for maris trauma core. could be this grey/green motif character? but she didn't seem too bothered by them in particular
the fight with the cultivator is so. wow. tucker was really slaying oml what's going on w them? she's giving me like. caretaker vibes. like he's always had to take care of others or something. older sibling maybe? tucker also seems very bothered by the concept of control. poor experiences with being controlled/limited? very interesting stuff
okay back to maris -- maris has this whole monster-slaying thing going on and seems very standoffish with the characters here. this seems to be the "pantheon" people keep mentioning. is she. a. god slayer?? is that what this is? because. wow. <3
also worth mentioning even though she's all hardened and strong she still wants the animals to be happy and free i.. wow. i bet she's such a good parent to stingray i <3
okay last thoughts re: when they go back to wherever telos lives (it was a bit easier to see this time, but my coverage must have been patchy ig)
what's in telos' basement?
what's in telos' upstairs, for that matter?
what does it mean that telos has pulled the hourglasses from the other hourglasses? does that disrupt destiny or something? are they dead? undead? can they die now?
how does telos handle every single person who "dies" (etc) while also being here with the group? are there multiple of them? do they exist outside of time?
where is telos' house and why isn't it like the other realities?
what is in the space surrounding telos' house? why can't the crew see it?
we need to name the group. the crew? telos' crew? maris' crew?
why aren't there the different motif characters (pantheon) in telos' house? how do they exist outside that? do they, or can we just not see them? is that what's in this empty space?
how does telos have the ability to move from reality to reality?
why is telos covered up all the time?
maris and 42 really do not get along. once again iconic -- but what's the deal with him being a traitor? and why is that so frightening to maris? she has definitely been betrayed.. protect maris <3 that is all
okayokayokay i'll stop. lots of questions and like zero answers hjkashd i'll work on that. next time i update hopefully we'll have some more info!!
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rank the fob and mcr albums or i'll smash your kneecaps
Love you too bestie <3
I had to drag out my laptop to type all this but they are under the cut...
Three Cheers is my fav ever, thanks for the venom is my all time favorite it is never not playing in my head, I have the 3cheers shirt and everything. also ykwtdtgluip is another fav and helena just... i cry. and headband. it is a solid album start to finish.
Then I'd also have to do bullets because drowning lessons? sunsets? did i metion drowning lessons? A fav that has got me through some SHIT.
Black Parade is iconic and bangers front to back I am still spiralling cancer disenchanted I DON'T LOVE YOU (and it's GORGEOUS video). And blakc parade. My first karaoke song ever, sang it for my first acting class bit and put on eyeliner while doing it... I was a legend that day.
Danger Days. My love. The whole concept here though a wildly different color vibe from others was so good. My old discord name was dstroya after the song. It really ties with TBP if im being honest and again bangers cover to cover, s/c/a/r/e/c/r/o/w and bulletproof heart and nananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananana and need i go on, you get the point. (edited)
now, FOB. FOB is my baby and everything they do slaps and i like being kept on my toes for the vibes.
From under the cork tree is my #1 always, i have a tattoo based on olmuctnotsswwgs it is my ALL TIME fave song ever. the first album of theirs i ever owned. Nobody puts baby in the corner and sophmore slump are some favs and of couse sugar. I mean, com on.
Next I'd probably ( god I hate ranking my CHILDREN) Folie a duex. So many good ones, some Urie vocals. Coffee, idc, nosebleed, america's sweethearts, DONNIE my baby... need i say more?
3) take this to your grave. I will be buried with this album solely for it's title but also Dead on Arrival is my fav banger here, saturday, grand theft, reinventing... I like their early sound and the unhingedness of these songs
then I'd have to say... shit. um. Save rock and roll and AB/AP are a tie, these two bleed together for me and idk why but Centuries reignited my obsession with them and there are too many bangers here between the two: jet pack blues, alone together, young volcanos, ELTON FREAKIN JOHN, and sue me i think demi in irresistible was so good. I like the version with her and i will not apologize for that. Both albums bop equally hard for me.
Hot take. I hate putting it so low but I do love MANIA. Some of the songs i could take or leave but the others I am living for (because of), wilson is easily my top on this album, church, young and menace (ha, me), the begining of stay frosty when it just hits. Actually, looking at the track list again, i like more songs than I dislike here. My initial reaction to the more mainstream sound clouded my judgment at first and i didn't like the album, but everytime i listen to it I find new songs i like.
Now. Infinity is also full of bangers. Im like a lawyer (WERE THE NEW FACE OF FAILURE), hum halleluiah, bang the goldrums, ginasfs, and all the iconics that are on this album.
I know this is a ranked list but really they all tie for first and second place, I have my most faves and then the slightly lesser faves becasue my mans pete wentz and his crew can do no wrong. **I didn't rank Stardust because, well, but i alraedy know i am going to live for it. i love everything they do, I don't dislike any of thier songs, though some of the mainstreamers do rub me the wrong way if im in a bad mood because im sad they were a bit overplayed. Except for sugar, that one never is unwelcomed.
Also, some fun immages I feel you would appreciate
FOB is my baby and everything they do slaps and i like being kept on my toes for the vibes.
From under the cork tree is my #1 always, i have a tattoo based on olmuctnotsswwgs it is my ALL TIME fave song ever. the first album of theirs i ever owned. Nobody puts baby in the corner and sophmore slump are some favs and of couse sugar. I mean, com on.
Next I'd probably ( god I hate ranking my CHILDREN) Folie a duex. So many good ones, some Urie vocals. Coffee, idc, nosebleed, america's sweethearts, DONNIE my baby… need i say more?
3) take this to your grave. I will be burried with this album solely for it's title but also Dead on Arrival is my fav banger here, saturday, grand theft, reinventing… I like their early sound and the unhingedness of these songs
then I'd have to say… shit. um. Save rock and roll and AB/AP are a tie, these two bleed together for me and idk why but Centuries reignited my obsession with them and there are too many bangers here between the two: jet pack blues, alone together, young volcanos, ELTON FREAKIN JOHN, and sue me i think demi in irrisitable was so good. I like the version with her and i will not apologize for that. Both albums bop equally hard for me.
Hot take. I hate putting it so low but I do love MANIA. Some of the songs i could take or leave but the others I am living for (because of), wilson is easily my top on this album, church, young and menace (ha, me), the begining of stay frosty when it just hits. Actually, looking at the track list again, i like more songs than I dislike here. My initial reaction to the more mainstream sound clouded my judgment at first and i didn't like the album, but everytime i listen to it I find new songs i like.
[8:09 PM]
Now. Infinity is also full of bangers. Im like a lawyer (WERE THE NEW FACE OF FAILURE), hum halleluiah, bang the goldrums, ginasfs, and all the iconics that are on this album.
I know this is a ranked list but really they all tie for first and second place, I have my most faves and then the slightly lesser faves becasue my mans pete wents and his crew can do no wrong. **I didn't rank Stardust because, well, but i alraedy know i am going to live for it. i love everything they do, I don't dislike any of thier songs, though some of the mainstreamers do rub me the wrong way if im in a bad mood because im sad they were a bit overplayed. Except for sugar, that one never is unwelcomed.
also, some images i know you'll appreciate...
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j2zara · 27 days
🧭♻️🤔🖍️🤡 teehee
🧭An alternative title to your/ one of your WIP(s)?
I’ll cheat b/c im scared to say with certainty what an alt title is for my WIPs when i might go back to it. That being said, if you wanna know the titles of my Docs they’re so funny bc im scared of giving myself away so they’re all titled stuff like. LJ3P, ZJP, Pre-SB, J2JP etc etc.
Anyway. Why is it all of sudden i can’t think of anything…. The problem is there are a couple i could throw out but i also am considering using them for LJ3P or LJ3 fwb wip titles
There was a version of Biggest Lie that had a lyric from Casual as it’s title but i genuinely can’t remember what it was.
Oh! I remember one. i might’ve mentioned this before but “and he’s not with you (the universe must have divined this)” from Boyfriend was in the running for Stay / Leave! Picking something for that one was tough. (IYWD and Almost were ones that once it hit i felt so Certain w/ honestly not that much waffling. IYWD was a joke title i just started to like For Real and meanwhile settling on something Biggest Lie n Stay / Leave were llke UGH.)
♻️A scrapped idea for your current WIP
There was a whole version of LJ3porter that actually DID involve devils honey but I think the idea of a substance like that fucking with Ellie’s head had like darker implications for her than it did for blue b/c he was like. kinda into it. that being said in the draft she subjected herself to it but it still felt weird b/c it was fucking with her memory and making it unreliable narrator and i wasn’t sure how to convey that without the vibe coming across that like. Porter had a hand in it or something.
Tbh the devils honey stuff is actually a better fit for the LJ3 LSOP macbeth concept so im glad there’s a place for it bc i do think Ellie having a devils honey moment IS interesting but its not right for this story
🤔What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet?
mentioned so so so so so briefly but again i think writing some sort of reincarnation au fic would be fun. I don’t have any concrete ideas for it but i do want ellie to find her boys.
I also geuinely am. still. like so so so so so so compelled by the concept of a LJ3 LSOP macbeth fic, especially the version with the use of devil’s honey which i know is a hard sell but idc. But i think something like. intentionally kind of disorienting and maybe even J4 pov would be difficult but like so so interesting. The Eternal Sunshine angle like really got to me but ALSO there might be an excuse to write LJ3Porter toxic threesome which i think is fun
I won’t lie. the thing about anxious overthinking girlfriend Ellie x boyfriend who fucks her till she can’t think straight j3 convo especially the degredation stuff where they get kinda mean w/ each other like absolutely gripped me so like. I may do that too. Lol
🖍Post Any sentence from your wip
Ellie’s arms dangle off the bed.
“This thing is too small for the both of us…” says J3 with a shaky laugh. He knows what he wants to really say, but he’s too afraid to say it.
J4 is quiet, still on top of him. “Sorry, I didn’t—I… I don’t want things to be complicated. You know?”
He should tell her the truth. “Probably for the best.”
🤡 How many Wips are you actively working on?
Tee hee indeed. I am boo boo the fool.
oh my god. Um… LJ3Porter wip (i will not shut up abt this). LJ3 FWB fic. Are the main two.
J2JacePorter w/ creeper Jace is waiting until AFTER i finish at least one of those but its not abandoned so it counts and it is something i do wanna finish so badly. The docs for my Pre-shatterstar sb fic and the Zarajaceporter fic i haven’t touched in a hot sec but like. I wouldn’t consider them abandoned, i’ll probably return to them… And I almost forgot that I have a j2j3 prompt i need to finish that i did work on a little bit the other day but like. wasn’t happy with. And i technically have written for the Oliviaviola J2 seducing Jace for Porter fic. Like. A few sentences but i do want to finish it. Anyway it’s absolutely histerical that I am genuinely like. But what if i started a reincarnation au wip or an LJ3 macbeth fic!
So like. 2.75 that i’m actually volleying between with real sincerity, and i think 7-ish to count like. i have not given up on it and do plan on finishing it.
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pwnyta · 2 months
Genshin character Judgement after all these years of playing. I will judge looks, personality, and say my favorite voice! Now with 5-stars, alphabetical order PART 2.
(under the cut)
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Definitely a a better looks than Ganyus... Cloud Retainer whats going on with you that your daughters are dressed this way tho... BUT. I love Shenhe. Her story was so good... her song still makes me cry. Its a shame she doesnt exist anymore LMAO.
Her CN and KR voices are best IMO. I dont mind her EN tho.
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Cute design but I wish she was a regular Melusine. ALSO HYV sure has the nerve to do a 'RACISM BAD' storyline with her but still fucking refuse to add a playable character with dark skin or a different hair texture... especially in NATLAN which is based on the precolonial Americas and Africa... ITS A CHOICE. Really the only time we see darker skin characters with locs are ENEMIES. Fuck off. Sigewinne this isnt your fault baby close your eyes.
I dont like her EN VA at all but the rest are very cute.
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King dripless. My god. Also he was WAAAAY to easily forgiven for what he did... But his personality is fun so I cant hate him.
His EN voice too is kinda goofy... but his other VAs have sexy voices. So good for them.
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UGHHH His EN VA got replaced because the old one was a creep but they replaced him with such a generic voice it kinda sucked. LMAO. Not as bad as his JP voice tho... why does he sound 12?
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Venti my boy. It took me awhile to warm up to Venti but I like him a lot now. I WILL SAY... there a quite a few people who will tear down Zhongli for him and I hate them. To mischaracterize Zhongli to make Venti look better is crazy... for what? VenXiao? Its a choice. Its not Zhonglis fault hes got a better relationship with Xiao... also if Zhongli got people drunk without their consent or brushed aside Barbaras stalkers youd ring his neck.
THAT ALL SAID. Ventis fun. Good guy mostly. Im fairly certain he'll have a 2nd story come Natlan considering his connections to Vanessa.
I dont mind any of his VAs.
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Biggest glow up in Genshin history. I kinda dont like that he deleted his misdeeds from the history of the world... BUT.... hes getting better and hes putting in effort to be better so I got over it. He was really great in this Summer event. Wish he wasnt fuckin BLUE tho. Ya know now that I think about how Scara deleted himself from the GI memory I guess thats why Nahida has a digital vibe.. I guess the tree IS like a computer... (I still think its weird) Also I named MY wanderer Galilei! To go with the Bohemian Rapsody theming hes got... also I chose Galilei over Galileo cuz 'Lil Ei' since hes one of Eis puppets. IM SO FUCKING GOOD.
I like his CN voice the best.... WHYD JP GO WITH THAT VOICE THATS SO FUNNY. WTF
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No complaints on the VAs.
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MAN I remember seeing her design leaked and being... just infatuated. Shes a rare W vs her concept design which gave her like bellbottoms and I was scared for a moment that THAT might be the design they went with BUT NO! We got THIS. Beautiful. Her personality is also SO fucking cute. Shes so cute. I love that she acts tough until someone is nice to her and she gets all flustered.... Shenhe saying she thought of her and Xianyun being all touched about it... ;w;... But also her badly haggling was so funny and she was cool with that one dude being kinda rude to HER but the minute he doubted Zhongli she got so mad in his defense... Shes so cute... I love her.
EN VA clears. I think she does the best illustrating Xianyuns personality.
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My mans Xiao... I thought I wouldnt like him since Im not fond of tsundere characters but hes a good boy. Also hes a Zhongli stan so how can I NOT love him. His quest in the Chasm was particularly good... ;w; the way I cried when Paimon shouted 'XIAO!!!!' LMAO.. that hurt my feelings even though I knew HYV didnt have the balls to kill him.
I think his EN VA sound SUPER petulant mostly but the deranged way he says USELESS and DISAPPEAR!!!! makes me laugh so I dont actually mind it... that said the others all clear him.
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I dont like Yae as much as I thought I would when I first saw the Inazuma cast leak... but I still like her and her relationship with Ei (and Gorou) but im not that attached.... like I guess thats sorta how I feel for more of the Inazuma cast TBH.
JP voice clears... I am not immune to ARA ARA
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Yelans outfit is so fucking GOOFY. Shes pretty tho... just wish she had better clothes.... Her character is great too but shes probably one of the characters Im LEAST invested in Liyue.
Her EN voice is sexy as hell.
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MY FAVORITE INAZUMA GIRL!! The babiest. I love her so much. Shes so damn cute and lovely and her quest with the Aranara was weird... but adorable and I love her. Shes the only bow DPS I even TRIED to pull for. They could never make me hate you Yoimiya!!! Ive loved her from the minute I saw her on the leaked Inazuma cast lineup.
I like her JP voice the best~
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AH. Finally... the TRUE BABYGIRLEST. My handsome dad, my beautiful son, MY BEAUTIFUL SUN, MY PRINCESS... MY QUEEN. I love Zhongli so much... I can never leave Genshin no matter how annoyed I get with it because this demon right here. Hes got me by the heartstrings. Like with Navia (GEO STAY WINNING) I know when hes got a part in a story they just cant fuck it up. Hes also dripped out to hell. I hope SOMEDAY we actually get a story about YOU instead of random history... not that I havent enjoyed the blasts from the past (especially Azhdaha my second favorite character) but like... WHAT ABOUT YOU SPECIFICALLY TELL ME....
I love all of Zhonglis VAs. I like EN and CN the best tho.
Again with Natlan I dont know the star rating Im just guessing.
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Pretty my guaranteed 5-star... I liked her design a lot more before it was pointed out that her zipper goes all the way up her ass... now her outfit is kinda gross. Also nothing about it really reads like the cultures Natlan takes from so similar to Nahida... Im kinda disappointed. Shed also look better with at least a tan...
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Im so surprised people on Twit are obsessed with this design... its so fuckin boring... her animations are super cute tho.
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I guess its fine. Like with Nahida... i dont like the weird digital-ness of him. The color palate is pretty great tho. (hed look better with a darker skin tone tho)
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Shes so damn hot. A rare W from the Natlan cast. She'd look better with a darker skin tone tho.
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Capitano.... please... Please look good by the end of your story. I have such a sinking feeling youre Ororon... Please dont be. Id be so disappointed. Hasnt Natlan done enough to disappoint me.... I know you wont be playable if youre the spooky faceless monster I want but at least dont be fucking boring... PLEASE.
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catholicdaredevil · 3 years
Okay but like what if foggy leaned in to give you a little kiss and you said no like I feel like he would be so understanding and then later that night you'd ask him for a kiss and like he would ESTATIC like just a concept
bestie the way i have some strong feelings about this idea and i'm gonna write it with exclusively me in mind as self care and has a long intro for info about me
sometimes i just get sensory overload and it makes me want to peel my skin off and my ex would try to kiss me at times and i wouldn't even be able to super verbalize a good 'not now but not because of you' vibe and i was very very lucky and he was a wonderful person and still is and always more than respected my answers even if i was just shaking my head no but then he would literally get so excited when i'd calmed down and would be like ok now is kiss time so this exact idea basically
"it's supposed to be movie night," foggy bemoaned, his hands drummed along your thighs that lay across his lap. you were tangled up on the couch with netflix on pause after you'd gotten a call from work that had led to you pulling out your laptop between fervent apologies.
you only hummed in response, fingers flying across the keyboard, brows furrowed together in focus. you hadn't even fully heard the words he'd said, so consumed in the sudden emergency that had ruined date night.
foggy understood, would have never actually made you feel bad about it. it wasn't like it was a regular thing, he knew that work had been stressful lately with deadlines that crept up with all the subtlety of a train. still a part of him was a little sad, you hadn't seen much of each other over the last couple weeks and he'd really been looking forward to tonight, even if it was just ordering pizza and watching a movie at home. it was just the two of you and that was all he needed it to be.
when it started to look like things might take a while he sighed and shifted your legs off so that he could stand and moved to the kitchen to grab a beer, absently grabbing one for you too by muscle memory. when he came back you were sitting up, hunched over, face lit up in the blue light of the screen. foggy sat back down, taking a swig of his drink and pulled his phone out. now was as good a time as any to check his own emails and see if there was something he might as well be doing too.
after a couple minutes he looked back up to the sound of you groaning in frustration, whatever was going on must have been bad to get this kind of reaction out of you. on instinct he leaned in to kiss you, just to press one to your cheek in comfort but you pulled back when he entered your space. "not right now fog," annoyance laced through the words and you heard it the same time he did, eyes immediately jumping up to meet his.
"not you, i'm not upset with you, i'm sorry that came off so rude. it's just-" you pulled in a big breath and let it out through your teeth. "it's just that these idiots can't give me one night off with my boyfriend without somehow burning the entire office to the ground. i'm mad at them not you, never you."
"it's okay, i promise. i get it." he smiled, and it lit up his entire face, the way it always did. that foggy nelson smile, the one that you couldn't help but smile back at. there was a beat of unspoken love and tenderness, understanding, in the look between the two of you.
broken by the ding of yet another email and with the look on your face foggy mentally prepared his opening statement for the trial for whomevers murder you were certainly going to commit by the end of the night. you dove back in, the sounds of typing much angrier than before.
he went back to his phone, texting karen to ask about the recent date she'd gone on the previous weekend. she was more than happy to immediately dive into her horrifying dating life, going on about idiot men who literally could not possibly be thinking before opening their mouths. so caught up in her disaster date story he hadn't even noticed when you'd finally shut your laptop, putting it back into its bag and shoving it under the sofa for good measure.
it wasn't until you'd thrown your legs back into his lap that he realized you were finished, but the huge grin that wormed it's way onto his face and he unceremoniously dropped his phone onto the floor with a dull thud. your head tipped back with laughter at his sudden surge of excitement, his hands pulling at your body until you're sitting in his lap.
"kiss time?" he asked eyes alight, it made your chest ache. the way he loved you so deeply, his entire being put into every moment and word. he was just so good, good that he shared easily, passing his love out to anyone who would accept.
your hands found their way on either side of his face, thumbs running along the corners of his smile, so wide it took up his whole face. you couldn't keep a responding smile off your face, not even if you tried, and why would you.
"kiss time." you confirmed and leaned in to meet his smile with your own. he wrapped warm arms around you waist, pulling you as close as humanly possible. when you finally pulled back he was somehow still smiling, he'd always say it was impossible not to as long as you were around.
"does that mean it's now movie time again?" you asked as he chased you down, his nose knocking into yours. he thought about your question for a moment and you basked in the warmth of him. his embrace, his love all of it enveloping you like a fuzzy blanket all comfort and home.
"mm, no, still kiss time."
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frosted-night · 3 years
Jack Frost Designs Review
Yes it’s finally his time. This is going to include his book designs including previous incarnations in said books. There are more movie concept designs than book so, let’s dig in shall we?
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This was in fact the first ever Jack Joyce designed while he came up with The Guardians Of Childhood. He even comes with his own backstory! (Which was cut. Sorry Joyce posts walls of text so it’s a girthy read.)
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So instead of a young mischievous trickster, we got a much more depressing story of Jack. (Jack by default is sad obviously) but this one... It kind of hits differently and almost reminds me of the story he crafted for Pitch. A dad who tried to defend his family but through tragic events was ripped from them and changed completely. Design wise, he’s a lot more tree than snow. There doesn’t exist a colored version of this so we’ll never know if he sported winter and dull dead leaf colors rather than grassy greens.This Jack has a weird presence to him, I can’t put my finger on it. Rating: 6/10 He’s really neat! Just a little too Autumn feeling rather than a blend of both Autumn and Winter.
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Nightlight feels like the baby evolution if Jack was a pokemon and that's what I’m gonna stick with. Below is a more recent version of him colored.
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In all honesty that one is easier on the eyes proportion wise because sometimes Joyce has ‘interesting’ anatomy choices but we aint going into that today. It’s interesting how his hair somehow looks shorter and longer than Jack’s at the same time. Could be because the longer strands float seamlessly but star boy hair physics what can ya do. It’s a little hard to tell what is his skin and what is his armor, so that is a casuality in making a character only have one or two colors in their color scheme. I love other artist’s depictions of Nightlight but the canon one feels a little weak color wise. Rating: 5/10 Sorry, get some better LEDs and then come back.
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Here we have a book Jack but I can’t entirely recall if this was used in the books or not. I digress. This design looks like him still wearing very Nightlight-esque armor/clothing and slowly growing into his new persona as Jack Frost. The intricacies are hard to make out but we’ll work with it. This one is very interesting to me because he very much looks like an older teen close to young adult. His hair looks very fluffy too. Not many complaints about this one but not much praise either.
Rating: 6/10 Not great but doesn’t stand out that much.
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Remember when I said Joyce had ‘interesting’ anatomy decisions? Jack looks like he has half a head here and it bothers me GREATLY. This is the adult Jack design he went with. Supposedly he likes the opera and he sure looks it. This! Exists!! Kind of wish it didn’t. The outfit is nice but it just doesn’t fit Jack as a whole. This just screams to me that it’s someone else with a similar-ish hairstyle.
Rating: 3/10 Guess he’d be the...Phantom Of The Opera. (I’ll go home and so should he.)
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And finally the final Jack. This is the one that almost exactly resembles the Jack we got in the movies(Probably because it was made after the movie but w/e) but just add a cape on him. I can’t really tell if hes got a hoodie and a cape, or just a cloak+hood on top of a sweatshirt. It isn’t too important because my thoughts on this one are obvious. Rating: 10/10 Edna Mode would have a field day with you boy.
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Joyce claims this is a design he drafted when Leonardo DiCaprio was considered to voice Jack and I can kind of see that with how his face is drawn here. This Jack looks a lot more like a warrior and less of that trickster look. I can’t say I’m a fan of the weird antenna his hood has but his sword is really cool looking.
Rating: 4/10 Nice bow and sword but it can’t save your fashion choices.
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This looks like a lanky 11-13 year old who would put rocks or slugs in my shoes and relish in my disgust. He has the exact look of a snot nose kid and I’m unsure how to feel about it.
His various hairstyles drafted here sort of make him softer looking or just more of a snot nose, no in between. Maybe even an Anime Protagonist.
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The top right one almost looks like Hiccup from How To Train Your Dragon if you squint. It’ll be a little hard to rate them all as one individual but why not.
Rating: 5/10 I don’t hate them but they aren’t my cup of tea.
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Oh wait no it isn’t he looks like a 10 year old. Whatever don’t feed him after midnight. The staff’s design of not being shaped like a G is an interesting tidbit but the whole design looks like he’s really young or like a troll etc. This Jack looks like he thinks girls have cooties uses outdated slang.
Rating: 4/10 This is me being generous.
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It honestly looks like he hiked his pants up all the way to his chest. A late teen with horrid fashion choices once again. Not many other thoughts here.
Rating: 2/10 Get a sweater on or something.
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This is one is very interesting looking to me. His clothes looked a lot more leather based and very human-like. The tatters, tears and frays all make him look like he was a victim of an accident that never changed his clothes. It makes me wonder if this Jack had the same death as the final movie Jack or something else entirely. Either way, this one looks like hes a mid to late teen which really adds to my intrigue.
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This was another image that greatly resembled the design so I included it here. It almost looks like his skin is blue here which is pretty neat to me at least. He’s also got leaf motifs here, which from the first Jack design Joyce made, we can see a pattern here.
Rating: 8 /10 I was originally weirded out by his head but now its not so bad.
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This Jack is definitely dressed more like a nature boy rather than him having human influenced fashion and it’s an appealing touch. The tiny leaf sprouting from his staff is also kind of cute since the designers seemed to want to put leafs somewhere on his designs. His hairstyle is also very cute but it reminds me of Sasuke Uchiha in a sense. (Not a setback for me at least)
Rating: 7/10 13 year old Jack is going thru a phase.
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I thought this Jack didn’t show up again in story boards but I was wrong!
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They look a little different from each other but just similar enough to pair together, so bare with me. The first one obviously has looser pants, slightly longer sleeves and got his leaf motif going. This second Jack is a VERY green. It gives the impression that this Jack made his clothes out of plants and natural materials. Again I’m not wholly sure if greens fit his color scheme but they sure went for it for a while. I can’t say I’m a fan of it because it heavily reminds me of Peter Pan.
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However a very similar looking Jack could be found in this storyboard. It doesn’t look as green as the other storyboards made it out to be and looks more like dead grass. Which is a pretty nice touch.
Rating: 5/10 I don’t hate it but it just doesn’t vibe yknow.
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Speaking of a vibe...hoo this certainly has one.  This Jack isn’t old but certainly doesn’t look very young, maybe in the 20-30 range, thats just me. He has facial features that remind me of Pitch but resembles the Jack Frost of Santa Clause 3
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That being said, I wondered if him looking similar to Pitch was in the storyline of them being brothers.(Which was a scrapped thing, who knew.) He’s a bit more menacing in this design but certainly seems like he relishes in his work.
Rating: 4/10 I’d make it a lower score but I gotta give it props
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NOW THIS JACK IS KINDA INTERESTING. This one looks like he’s 16 and going through a grunge phase. He’s gonna play Nirvana loudly and not turn it down even if you tell him too. His staff itself has mini icicles hanging off of it and leafs look stuck to his shirt. Did you glue or staple those on Jack? His hair also looks much longer than his other designs and I kind of dig it( Shut up I’m bias.) I’m not wholly sure why else this design has stuck with me but it just has something about it that I just love. I wish there was a full body drawing of it.
(He also kinda has the same hair as the Jack Frost in Runescape but I wont go on about that hoo hoo)
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Rating: 9/10 *Bad Boy by Cascada plays in the distance*
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This one definitely feels like middleschooler trying to be in a band. His sticks just resemble drumsticks to me what can I say. I’m a big fan of his shoes and his color scheme screams a hibernating tree in winter. His hair also looks like it’s covered in frost rather than it being wholly white, which is very neat!! He looks like he wants to fight but has slight hesitance. Overall a very balanced Jack.
Rating: 8/10 He’s ready for band practice
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Not many thoughts here, I just found these tiny Jack designs cute. His hoodie being a jacket instead just adds to the charm of this one.
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No talk to him he angy.
Rating: 6/10 fun sized boi
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Now this Jack resembles the one earlier that dressed entirely in leather brown colors, however he clearly is different than that one. I’m gonna say it, he looks like a zombie or undead in this design and its pretty fucking gnarly. I don’t know whats going on with his hair but I’m gonna assume it’s just the wind making it look like that. He just has the vibe that he was once human but was turned into something else entirely. It isnt in uncanny territory but borders that. This version of Jack meeting Pitch and the others would have been *very* interesting. Rating: 7/10 Eat a twinkie Jack you’ll feel better.
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The final design! I can’t complain much about this one. The way his staff subtly has a G shape and a hexagon(his signature shape) is a wonderful touch. Additionally, the way the frost is gathered mostly where his hand is such an intricate detail. His signature hoodie is iconic at this point so I can’t bad mouth that either.(I can’t anyway because there's no complaints from me here.) Although, I never understood the leather straps that his pants had or their functions. I couldn’t find any colonial outfits that resembled Jack’s pants so its a total mystery to me at least.
And I can’t go on about this design until I mention the snowflake pattern in his eyes
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Pure beauty. It’s at a hue of blue that almost looks impossible to have, combined with the electric blue color of the snowflake in his eyes. The amount of detail in this movie amazes me to this day. Rating: One Great Blizzard <3/10
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binniesthighs · 4 years
what you heard | reader x changjin
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a/n: hi. its missing changjin hours also now I am addicted to poly r/ship fics so here is what my brain came up with hehe (pic creds to OPs!) 
what you heard | reader x changjin 
Pairing: self insert, hwang hyunjin x gender neutral reader x seo changbin 
Genre: smut w/ fluffy tones 
Tags: poly r/ship, comfort fic, outdoors sex, friends to lovers, discovery of feelings, idiots in love, with a lil bit of comedy, college au, teehee switch!changbin, switch!hyunjin, switch!reader, they’re all kinda fighting for dominance muhaha (its those bestie vibes ahaha), bratty behavior on all sides, jinnie kinda flips a switch when he gets in the mood (hehe pun intended), spitroasing (r), unprotected sex (stay safe!), sex under the stars hehe, penetration and fingering (r), oral (r & m), face fucking, cumshot, cum eating, that good, good makin’ out, soft and intimate body touching hell yeah, fluffy ending
Word count: 6.8k 
Recommended listening: what you heard by Sonder 
If there was something that you and your two bestfriends were the best at, it was getting your heart broken. 
Hopeless romantics you all were, in one way or another. In fact, it would take even more than your set of three hands to count the number of times that the three of you had come over with a broken heart, seeking ice cream, hugs, or plates to break. 
Changbin was the kind to fall in love slowly, but when he did, it consumed him, and everything that he was. He would become convinced that there was no one better for him in the whole world. He would spend sleepless night writing songs and poetry about those who would occupy his mind. Changbin would write love letter after love letter to never send them, or to have them crinkled into papery balls, and slam-dunked into his waste bin. He would often joke that he was ready to love someone, but he just didn’t quite know how to. Under it all, you and Hyunjin knew that he must’ve been scared if they didn’t love him back. 
Hyunjin fell in love with people at the drop of a hat. It was his “fatal flaw” as he liked to to joke about too. The gorgeous blond man would fall in love over hearts scribbled on coffee cups, smiles in passing, and compliments on days when he had caught the bus late. This man was the kind to sing love songs loudly in the shower no matter who heard him, and would often have a new crush by the week. Unlike Changbin, he had no fear when it came to confessing, but had even worse luck getting someone to take his words seriously. Hyunjin had too much love to give, and never received enough back. 
You, on the other hand, delayed love for as long as you could, no matter how much that you would dream of it. Love came to you in the forms of movies and books, fictional characters and song lyrics. You wrote about the love you had to give in countless journals and on the back of sticky-notes that had been used on the front-side. Love was more of an abstract concept to you. It was never something that you could touch but rather dream about. However, while this wasn’t the worst way to view it all, you still thirsted for something more. A hand to hold, a warm body to tangle up in the sheets with you. 
On this day in particular, you and your friends had gathered for a meeting: your “Unofficial Lonely Hearts Club” as you called it. You couldn’t recall who had called the meeting after the long week that you had, but it was likely what each of you had needed. 
These nights would often start the same: the three of you shoved into Changbin’s pickup, windows down, night air in your lungs, some song on the stereo that Changbin had been into these days. The three of you lived in the typical college city nestled into the side of some mountainside--a stark contrast to where you had come from before. It was the kind of place where people went to forget about who they were before to become new people. For some reason, some crazy fraction of the people who moved there, never left. 
First chance you got, you would move the hell out of there: a place full of so much heartbreak and disappointment…who could dare to stay? 
Hyunjin stuck his hand out the window, making little waves with his palm in the wind. You wondered what he had been thinking of that night; if he was sad or if he was happy. After knowing him for nearly four years now, you knew there was nothing in the world that he deserved more than to feel all the warmth that he had conveyed to others. It was a crime that he never got it back. 
Changbin’s free arm held to the handle above the car door frame, and he flexed and relaxed his muscles as he hung his fingers there. You too wondered what thoughts floated on his mind: if he was making up lyrics or if he was putting together some grad story or gesture only for it to never see the light of day. He too deserved all the love the world could offer. 
Changbin’s car sped up the dirt road to the lookout spot where kids would go to get drunk, high, or possibly both. It was a dreary and empty Wednesday evening, and secretly you hoped that no other rambunctious students would be there to shatter bottles on the craggy rocks. His headlights lit the path ahead, and the car bounced on the rough road with dusty orange rocks. The higher you got to the mountainside, the more static-y the stereo would buzz until soon all that was left were broken lyrics. 
There was one spot you liked particularly: it was a ledge that would jut out horizontally, giving a clear view to the whole of the land below: you would see the white lights from the nearby hospital, and the stadium lights from that god-awful football stadium that had sucked up your student loans. Further, you could see river on the edge of the city-line, and how it would ripple in dark blue sparkles under the moonlight. 
Your two best friends would grab the blankets that were habitually kept in the backseat made of scratchy wool, but this only made them warmer. Changbin also kept a couple camping lamps in his car to light up the dark space of his cargo bed. The weight of your bodies would shake the space and make the car bounce a bit on its wheels when the three of you would cuddle up between eachother to take in the scene. 
On nights like tonight, neither of you would say much, but just look out and feel it all. There was a kind of beauty in the simplicity of the way that everything seemed so still up there, or how time had appeared to stop somewhat. If you were lucky, you could hear the hoot of an owl, or some other critter rustling in the bushes. 
Hyunjin was always the one to sit in the middle, and he would take turns resting his head upon your shoulder or Changbin’s sighing deeply into how they would rise and fall. You hugged your knees to yourself and wondered how many more times you would come up here with them, or if after graduation, it would happen at all. It was painful to consider, but you even wondered if they would be in your life at all after everything ended. 
“I’m sick of being lonely.” Hyunjin said into the cold air. He shifted, looking both you and your other friend in the eyes. “Its depressing and exhausting.” 
“What are you talking bout ‘Jin?” Changbin threw his hoodie over his head.
“I mean moping about people who don’t ever feel the same...feeling sad when it doesn’t go my way...I’m sick of it!! I just wanna like, give up!! Would it be so hard for me to just like, stop feeling??” 
“Oh Jinnie...don’t be ridiculous. You can’t just stop falling in love with people. It’s impossible. Not just for you but...” You exhaled out, “...for all of us.” 
“Yeeeah, I don’t think that you have much control over that.” Changbin agreed. 
“No, seriously!! It’s shit!!” 
You wrapped your arms around him lovingly, nuzzling into his shoulder to sooth him, “I know, I know.” 
“Aren’t you guys sick of it?? The three of us must be cursed or something.” 
Changbin laughed out his little trademark chuckle and ruffled up his friends blond locks. “You’re being dramatic again Hyunjin. It’s not that bad.” 
“Psh! Says you who hasn’t gone on a date in months!” 
You flicked both of your friends on the sides of their heads. “Cut it out, will you? We came up here to relax and forget all that stuff, remember?” 
Hyunjin gave out a sign in his exasperation, turning to fiddle with his little Bluetooth speaker that had definitely seen better days. The last crickets of the season chirped in the early fall air, and the little device booted up with the tiny ringtone that you knew well. 
“Anything we want to listen to in particular?” 
“Whatever you feel like Jinnie.” 
The little blue-white light of his phone illuminated his face, and Hyunjin picked a song that you had likely heard dozens of times before. It was from that artist that he had adored to bits, but only really listened to when he was feeling down. 
“Oh Jinnie.” You hushed, then wrapped your arm around his wide shoulder. “No one deserves you.” 
Changbin let his head fall on the other boy’s shoulder too. When the three of you were close like this with your body heat shared between you, it was cozier than anything imaginable. While you and your two friends weren’t the most touchy of people, there were still times when you could huddle up, and it was no secret that it felt safer than anything. 
Hyunjin chuckled a bit, causing his shoulders to shake. “You know what they say in those movies about people who can’t find love after long?” 
“What’s that?” 
“They say, “By the time that we turn thirty, if neither of us have found love, lets just marry eachother.”” 
Changbin scoffed, “And you’re bringing this up why?” 
“Well, I guess it wouldn’t be the most ridiculous idea if the three of us decided to do that, right? Seeing how the current trend is going?” 
You exchanged adoring and teasing glances with Changbin over your adorably naïve friend. 
“I think you’re missing something out of that equation Jin.” 
His doe-eyes widened, “What’s that?” 
“In all of those movies, it was usually two people who made that promise.” 
“Two people, three people, what does it matter? As of right now, its looking like the only people that we’ve got is eachother.” 
Hyunjin stretched out his hands into his sweater paws and made a little squeak when he cracked his back. 
“What do you say?”
“Hm.” Changbin cleared his throat, “So you’re being serious?” 
“What’s so crazy about it?” Convinced as ever, he counted out the points on his fingers, “We could all live together like we’ve always talked about, we’ll never be lonely and have someone to do things with, we don’t have to be second guessing ever, waiting for someone to call us back...we all already know eachother really well so there will be no surprises...” 
“Oh, so you are being serious about it then?” You ruffled his hair up a bit, just to get a rise out of him like it usually would. 
“I mean...it’s not like it would be hard...right?” 
Changbin sucked at his teeth, “Mm. I guess not.” 
“But isn’t a marriage supposed to be like, having kids, being in love, being...partners?” You added. 
Hyunjin stammered with frantic hands, “W-well, we don’t have to do everything!! Marriage is so conventional these days, we don’t have to follow all the rules, especially since there will be the three of us anyway.” 
Changbin sighed, casting his head up to the ocean-blue sky dotted with silvery constellations and the red blinking lights of airplanes overhead. 
“You’re still forgetting something Jinnie.” 
The blond tiled his head. 
“The part about being in love?” 
The tallest boy shied his hair behind his ear, then tucked his chin into one of the blankets. 
“I mean...I know that I love you guys. I wouldn’t mind spending the time...” 
Your chest buzzed with warmth hearing your friend say it for the first time. It previously had been somewhat of an unspoken phrase between the three of you, but now that he had said it out loud, it felt even more real. 
“Awww, I love you too Jinnie.” 
Changbin scoffed once more and picked with the fraying ends of the blanket. “I guess I do too.” 
The cargo bed grew silent while the three of you chewed on the idea. The longer you thought about it, it started to make sense bit by bit. After all, through all the confusion and the broken hearts, ice cream and broken plates, your little group understood each other better than most. When there were tears to dry, each of you knew exactly what to do. You had loved them all along, you always had. 
“I really love you guys...I think.” Hyunjin finally said, and linked his arms with yours and the other man’s. 
“What are you doing getting all cheesy for, huh?” Changbin nudged him with a smirk. 
“I don’t know, I guess I just never really thought about it like that before.” 
“Like what?” 
“Out of all the people that I’ve “loved” I don’t think that I’ve ever loved them like I have with you both.” 
“What do you mean?” Under the swath of blankets, your knee nudged against his, and he jumped a bit from the feeling. 
Both you and Changbin looked at him attentively and how his lip quivered, and soft eyes glistened from the glow of the lanterns. 
“M-maybe all along...I’ve been in love with you?” 
“Like, in love, in love?” 
“I don’t know...maybe?” He rubbed his eyes like he would’ve had they been lured with sleep. “Maybe I’m just, making things up...I don’t know. It’s getting late.” He laughed out with a tentative breath, “I’m saying things that don’t make sense.”  
Changbin looked out at the stretch of city lights as if he was contemplating the idea himself. 
“I guess that it wouldn’t be impossible.” He said blankly. 
“What!?” You tried to look at both of your best friends as seriously as you could. While your heart started racing, it was as if it was against your will. 
“It’s kinda funny,” Changbin began, “The three of us always complain about how love never really comes our way when we’ve already got it...right here.” 
Logically speaking, it made sense. You and your two best friends really did know eachother better than anyone else ever had. When you had met as scared little 1st years without a clue in the world how to be your own people. You had figured it all out together. The ways that you had showed love to each other had been a bit different--but it was still all the same. If you were to have not met them all those years ago, your life would’ve been drastically different. You couldn’t even picture it. 
Perhaps in all of your little rambles in journals and daydreams, was what you were looking for...them?
“Maybe we were just looking in the wrong place?” You offered, and both of them shrugged. 
“It’s possible.” Hyunjin pulled both of your arms closer to him, and rubbed his cheek into the top of your head, then Changbin’s dark curls. He giggled out, tackling the two of you to lay flat on the cargo bed. It crinkled with a plastic sounding thud, then he wrapped his legs up in both of yours the best that he could. 
Under his arm, you choked a little from his tight grasp, but you eventually let yourself mold into the curves of his body and soak up his warmth. The scratchy wool tickled at your cold fingers, and you soon felt Changbin’s hand come searching for you under the blanket too. It was a bit startling at first, but he reached out to hold your arm, then rubbed small circles into it with his thumb where you rested them on Hyunjin’s chest. 
It was as if he was a bit delirious, but Hyunjin chortled with laugher until he had lost his breath, and his lyrical sounding voice bounced off the cavern of the mountain and echoed up into space. 
“Why do I...weirdly...kinda...wanna make out with you guys right now?” 
Changbin pinched his friend with a teasing grin, “You mean it?” 
Hyunjin pouted with his plush pink lips, “I thought we all just agreed that we were in love with eachother??” 
“Jinnie...” You settled your head into the crook of his neck, right by his collarbones. 
“Damn. Glad I’m not the only one.” Changbin bit a smirk into his lip, then propped himself up on his forearm to gain better ground on you and the other man. 
Your fluttering heart beat it’s way up your throat and into your ears, and your two friends looked at you expectantly. 
“O-outside? Right now?” 
“Yeah, I guess. Why not?” Changbin traced his thumb and index under Hyunjin’s smooth jaw. 
“Aha! So you admit that you want to too!!” Hyunjin beamed and tugged at the sleeves of your own hoodie. 
“I-I didn’t say that...” 
Hyunjin leaned over on his side to face you. “Y/n, how about lets make a deal. We try it out, see how it feels, if it feels weird, we stop and pretend it never happened?” 
“I don’t know Jinnie...this seems pretty friendship ending to me.”
“Isn’t that the point?” Changbin said with a sly grin. 
The tallest boy pleaded to you with nearly needy eyes. “I think that it would feel nice? Besides...none of us have really...felt that...in a while.” 
Changbin’s creeping hands came surveying over Hyunjin’s deep green pullover, and the other boy shivered out a little feeling the touch. 
Hyunjin’s own curious hands reached out to hold both sides of your face gingerly with pink fingertips. 
“I know that I’d like to kiss you...if you’ll let me?” 
Both of your friends waited for you as you took turns checking with both of them. The whole prospect was unimaginable, but now...with both of them in front of you, both more real than anything you could have ever thought up, it started to make all the sense in the world. 
“What do you say?” Hyunjin asked with a dreamy air. It was chilly on that early fall evening, so he tucked up the blankets even higher. It was a simple gesture, but still held multitudes of his care. 
“It doesn’t hurt to try...” 
You felt your face pulled closer to his, and all at once his warmth flooded your lips. It was a strange feeling your friend’s lips on yours like this, but while it was new, it was comfortable. Your friend relaxed himself over you, smiling with the corners of his mouth, and slowly sucking at your lower lip like he didn’t want to startle you with anything too fast. His glossy lips stuck with his favored strawberry flavored Chapstick, and you only wanted to taste more. He hummed with a little happy sound, and his larger hands nearly covered your whole face where he helped tilt your head a little so that he could gift deeper kisses to it. 
Beside him, Changbin shook with a sigh watching the two of you, a different kind of passion growing within him seeing the two of the people that he loved most do something like this. He was a bit unsure at first, but he tucked back his friend’s blonde edges to free the skin of his neck, then sucked little kisses there too. He to was careful, and didn’t want to leave marks, but rather feel the way that Hyunjin’s skin dotted with goosebumps from the feeling and then let kitten-sounding whimpers go from the pressure on his neck. 
While the night itself was nearly too cold to bear, the three of your bodies heated instantly, and you nearly felt as if the sweater that kept you warm was even too much. Hyunjin parted his lips slightly to enter your mouth with his tongue, and it was a feeling so indulgent that you tried to hide from your friend how good he could make you feel out of your own embarrassment. 
Your name slithered from his lips to yours, and you tucked your hands under his sweater, finding Changbin’s hands there too on the other boy’s bare skin. Hyunjin flinched from feeling both sets of hands on his muscles. His abs flared from the attention, and he accidentally bit into your lip feeling the cold pads of fingers on him. 
Now that you had one taste of him your body could only crave more. 
Changbin tilted Hyunjin’s gasping and swollen lips to his own where he took his own turn gifting the other boy his affection. Hyunjin pressed his whole chest into the other man in an attempt to get closer and Changbin’s hands splayed across his back to hold him tightly. The two of them giggled a bit as they roughly worked their way around each other’s mouths. Changbin, a little smaller in the other man’s wide and long arms appeared to swim in him, and the two of them melted between the thick fabric of their clothes. 
Once more your hands went journeying up Hyunjin’s shirt, and you ran your fingers over every curve and twist of his back: from the little dimples above his hips, his ribs, his sweeping shoulder blades and each swelling bit of fleshy dorsal muscle you could get your hands on. You had never realized how curious you had been for him in this way, but it delighted you to feel him this close. 
Legs became anxious under the wool blankets, and tangled up with little regard for personal space, and hips writhed asking for attention that had been kept for them for far too long. 
Changbin moved down Hyunjin’s jaw to give him more kisses to his tender neck, sucking harder this time to imprint little purple marks. You had never taken Changbin to be one to do so, but something told you that he was one to take pride in those that he loved, and wanted them to be his only. 
“B-Bin...” Hyunjin’s voice wavered, no longer loud enough to bounce off the rocks surrounding you. 
From the way that Changbin kissed the other boy, you instantly craved for him to do the same for you. Across the width of your gorgeous blond friend, you tossed around Changbin’s dark and curly strands, and soaked up his warmth to your hand cracking from the cold. 
You called out for him too, and found your hips grinding into Hyunjin’s back, becoming more impatient by the moment. The way that both of them touched you, and each other was...different. There was no fear, no heartbreak, no uncertainty or loneliness. When you thought of it later, it was if the three of you could actually heal from it all for the first time. 
Changbin’s eyes softened hearing you beg for him, and he helped you slide closer to him. 
“Hm. You’re so cute.” He muttered before filling your mouth with his own kisses. Changbin appeared to channel everything that he had in him to give to you--it was no surprise considering the romantic that he was. He was attentive and slow; rough at first, but then melting into something much more infatuating. Hyunjin took his turn swiping his hands up and down your thighs, kneading into the skin, and then tucking up your sweater. He shimmied down your body, pressing soft lips into your belly to make you tremble from the pleasant gesture. He made his way up higher, up to your chest where he exposed even more skin to the cold, but was sure to make up for it by keeping the blankets close. 
Changbin swiped his thumb over both of your lips, smiling as he did so. 
“Have I ever told you that you’re really breathtaking?” He said with a tone so sultry it was a bit laughable. 
“I don’t think so?” 
He too took a greedy hand down your chest where Hyunjin nipped lightly, admiring the way that you had looked under the moonlight. He brought his fingers back to your lips, giving you a tiny and accidental taste of his fingertips, then promptly resumed the kisses that you had asked for. 
Hyunjin worked his way back up your body, stopping at last to lap lightly into your neck with tiny fleeting love bites and delighted in the way that he could see them fade onto your skin--almost like you and him were a matching set now.
Changbin broke his lips from yours, creating a tiny wet sound with a thin string of his saliva on your your bottom lip.
Hyunjin played with the elastic of your sweatpants, gasping out a bit once he saw your legs rub together in the absence of friction. His eyes wandered slowly to his other friend who had grinded his hips down into the cargo bed with a quivering length.
“Are we about to do what I think we are?” He asked, both thrilled and shocked.  
“Seems like it.” Changbin said simply after going to caress the other man’s cheek.
“Damn. I was not expecting this night to go like this.” Your voice shook, either from anticipation, or from the cold--you couldn’t quite tell.
“Me neither...but I’m not mad about it.”
“Friendship offically ruined?” Hyunjin said with a mischievous little smile.
The breeze blew through, wrapped up in the smell of the crisp mountain air. Hyunjin’s little speaker played on with his songs that you still knew the names of. There wasn’t too much light, just the glow from the inside of Changbin’s car and his lanterns, but it was just enough to take in your friends fully--the ones that you had cared for so much, you didn’t even known how much you had. While you would’ve been worried about getting caught on that Wednesday night, this mattered little.
“I’d say so.” You answered, and it was exactly what they had wanted to hear.
The three of you opted to keep your tops on to fight off the elements, but under the covers, you each jiggled off pairs of joggers, jeans and sweatpants. The car bounced once more as the three of you readjusted. As soon as bare legs intertwined and the thin fabric of undergarments got thrown into the mix, you each got louder and more desperate for wandering touches that could quell your desires.
With twisted and oversized socks, Hyunjin straddled both sides of Changbin’s head, letting the other man palm the outline of his dick and squeeze at it harshly until he shivered over the smaller man’s frame.
“Damn Jin...” Changbin groaned seeing the other’s length. “You’ve been packing and didn’t feel like sharing?”
“S-shut up.” Hyunjin whined as the other teased him.
You worked bite after bite down Changbin’s torso, sucking lightly, then harder. After long, you found that it tickled him a little--this knowledge you would save for another time.
He wore baggy boxers which hid the full girth of his dick that swelled with his erection that bopped and only appeared to grow larger once you and released him. Thick veins wrapped around his length, and his tip flared where you grabbed him into your palm.
“I could say the same to you, Bin.” You teased your friend.
Hyunjin turned to see for himself, laughing out, seeing the way that it looked in your smaller hand.
“Bin, what the fuck?”
“...Intimidated are you?”
The other boy tossed his head back, hair getting caught in his hoodie. “No...”
Changbin snapped the elastic to Hyunjin’s briefs just because he liked the sound, then pulled the other’s member out to pump at the considerable length with his fist. The blonde boy choked out a gasp at the strong grip, and Changbin dug his fingers around the other’s waist to bring in him closer.
“What me to suck this pretty dick of yours?”
“Do I even need to answer that question?” Hyunjin snarked.
Further down, you worked your own hand around Changbin’s cock which you had lathered at first with your spit. Obscene sounds of the liquid cupped in your hand, then you worked your mouth down to his gloriously thick thighs. Something overtook you then, and all you wanted to to was ravage them, make them all yours, mark them as yours, and make the quiver all because of you.
Your fingernails dug into the fleshy and squishy skin, and Changbin moaned out forcefully feeling the sting.
“Feels good?” You asked with a wicked grin, then returned to sucking bruises into the inner parts of his thighs.
“You’re gonna...gonna distract me.” He sighed out, still jerking the other boy away.
Hyunjin swiped away the other man’s curly bangs so he could see him fully. He guided his length over Changbin’s mouth, teeth clenched with a tight exhale once he felt the warmth of the other’s tongue lapping up the sides of his shaft.
Your teasing was enough, and you finally granted your friend what he wanted. With a girth as wide as he had, it was somewhat of a challenge, but a challenge that you gleefully expected. He had puffed up your cheeks fully, and you could barely take in half is length without it testing the back of your throat. Still, you focused your breath coming out of your nose, and swallowed him down deeper. Your eyes wetted from the simulation to your gag reflex, but you held on for as long as you could. At last, your wish was granted, and his marked up thighs shook just for you.
“Bin...fuck.” The blond shuddered upon coaxing himself fully into his friend’s mouth. He moaned out sinfully feeling the twist of the other man’s tongue.
To give yourself a moment’s pause, you stopped, gasping over your friend’s slit, teasing your tongue around his head, dipping down to the place where he dripped with beads of precum.
Changbin laughed out breathily, swearing easily and calling out your name too with a rasp to his tone. “S-shit...”
“Getting too distracted?” Hyunjin purred, seeing the other man made a wreck by you. “What about me?”
“S-sorry.” Changbin admitted, wetting his lips and taking back Hyunjin’s cock into his hollowed cheeks.
As you swallowed around him, your friend rutted his hips just slightly, his lust overtaking him.
“Oh fuck, just like that, mm--” Hyunjin cooed, getting lost in his own ecstasy with head thrown back, and his sweater paws melting down to Changbin’s quaking chest where he supported himself.
You worked your hand and mouth up and down around the pulsating vein’s of your best friend’s length, lazily letting him feel your flattened tongue, then switching to let him feel the tightness of your throat.
Hyunjin sighed out heavily as looked down at his friend who had taken him so well. It was almost as if he felt cheated from the crappy head that he had been getting in dirty bathrooms and semi-public dressing rooms. It was dangerous in the way that Changbin would stroke him languidly, then let his drool wet his tip.
Further down your hips, the pent up heat from your own sex ached on the cool plastic of the cargo bed, and you grinded your hips down for any simulation you could get. 
The blonde man whimpered out after long, feeling even hazier the longer that Changbin continued on. “Binnie...you’re...feels really--fuck--so, good...”
It was as if the words hand been a trigger for him, but your friend pulled his length for your mouth, panting out like a dog, while also robbing Hyunjin of all feeling.
“Don’t-don’t wanna cum yet...” He laughed out, “I was really fucking close.”
Hyunjin pouted, then turning back and look at you with a bit of your own saliva running down your neck.
“Your turn now.” He nearly whispered, then crawled down the other man’s body to jerk at him lightly.
“Jin! I-I--” He clenched his teeth.
“Lay down, y/n. Is there any way that you want it?”
“A-anything. Anything that you want to do. I-I don’t care.” You begged, falling under his spell.
“Aw. Cute.” He added once he had seen the purple marks on Changbin’s thighs.
You fell back under the two of them, opening yourself up for them to do as they wished. First, Hyunjin crept down your body with as much care as he could--beautiful in the way the he looked close to you like this. 
Hyunjin’s hand cascaded down your chest, then belly, all the way down to your own twitching and wetted sex, and you keened directly into his touch. 
“Wouldn’t you like my fingers? Filling you up...” He asked softly, finally sinking down far enough so that you could feel his words swirl over your exposed arousal, then pressing light kisses into you. “...as deep as you can take it?” 
“Mm-yes.” You squeaked, opening your legs further for him. 
Your other friend settled beside you, tilting your chin nearer to him. Just barely, his lips grazed over you, breathing in your air with his hooded eyes glued to your weakened form under the hands of the other boy. 
“You’re that excited?” Hyunjin mocked, “We’ve barely touched you.” 
“Quit talking and just get to fucking me, got it?” You demanded, mustering all of your strength. 
“Oh-ho! I didn’t take you for one to bite back.”
Changbin bit a proud little smile into your lip, wrapping his arms around you. The blond man then toyed with your entrance, licking his fingers, wetting them, then pushed them slowly into your needy hole. 
“Ahhh, look at that, so fucking tight around my fingers, You want it that bad?” 
His long and lithe digits filled you up where he started to thrust them in and out, using his free hand to push your jolting thighs back. Your right hand traversed it’s way under the blankets which you had readjusted, all the way down to Changbin’s leaking length which still blushed red. You wrapped around him carefully, promising his to lips that you would go easy on him. 
As Hyunjin curled his fingers, the other man then reached down to rub at you fervently, matching the pace at which Hyunjin flicked his wrist. Your hips lurched feeling the combination of each sensation, and you cried out loudly for the two of them--the sound itself bounced off that empty space where the three of you existed, almost as if you were calling out for the whole starry sky to hear you. 
“I-I think that we were really missing out on something...” You joked with an airy breath and both of your friends joined you. 
Changbin’s teeth caught his lip as your hand squeezed and twisted, and you could see with every ounce of restraint that he had, he was holding back. 
“Way to make me want to fuck you sideways, huh?” He said with a little grin, observing the size difference between your hand and his member. 
Your back arched when Hyunjin reached in even deeper, and you dissolved into the pleasure that he brought you--an amazing kind of all-consuming feeling that shattered your will, and sent you mewling out into your other friends mouth. 
“I-I can’t wait anymore,” You begged, clawing right into Hyunjin’s golden trellises. 
Changbin scooched up quickly, taking half of the blankets with him, thankfully giving the other boy a nod when he let him be the one to use your entrance. With his brutish hands, he flipped you to your stomach, and hiked up your hips too, cold fingers holding them in place. Hyunjin kneeled permitting you access to his cock which as softened slightly, so he pumped himself back into place with his eyes holding yours. 
At first, Changbin teased you with his tip, adding pressure to your twitching hole, then guided himself in bit...by bit. 
The blonde tapped his dick to your lips, holding firmly the back of your neck as you took him in and choked out at the way that the other stretched your walls. Changbin grabbed at your ass in handfuls starting slowly, grinding his hips in little circles to simulate you deeper. 
“Hm. Who would have known that your pretty little hole would be so perfect for me? Guess we really were missing out on something.” 
Hyunjin growled lowly feeling his cock slide down to the back of your throat, brows crossed, and the bottom of his hoodie resting just above his hips. 
“Squeeze my leg if it becomes too much, okay? ...I’m gonna fuck your mouth, okay?” 
You nodded best you could, and he started to thrust carefully, every few seconds you would hold his member to drag it against the sides of your cheeks, causing him to huff out loudly at the fleshy bits of your mouth. 
Changbin quickened his pace, doubling over your back as he lost himself in you, grunting out in his rhythm. From both sides, your best friends used you, resorting to something much more feral as they edged themselves closer. From the motions, the car rocked back and fourth like a bed and it’s headboard. 
You too felt the tension build deeply in your core, and it begged with reckless abandon at your dizzy mind that drew itself closer and closer into the feeling of being utterly all theirs. 
In many ways, you guessed that you always had been--while it had been unspoken at the time. Now, having the two of them wholly like this under the silver sheen of the moon, the cold biting at your skin, then furiously met with your heat, you could no longer see them as the two broken souls whom you had bonded with at first. They were now everything, everything that you had wished and hoped for.
Even now that you had become much more to each other, there was nothing that could take away the closeness that you had shared with them. 
“F-fuck--gonna cum--” Changbin announced while he pounded frantically. The other man rolled his hips into your mouth quicker too, seeking the same kind of release. 
“Y/n?” He said with a broken breath, and you muffled out a moan to let him know that you were nearly there too. 
“Oh shit, oh shit--” 
Changbin grunted out, with a bit of panic to his voice, forcefully removed himself from you seconds before he spilled his white seed onto your hole, then sending it dripping down your leg. 
“Oh fuck--s-sorry--” He gasped out, still jerking his cock while he pulsed. 
“Bin!! What the fuck??” Hyunjin yelled out, his words quickly turned into mumbles of nonsense when you took him down as deeply as you could manage without gagging, focusing only on him even though your sex ached feeling so empty.  
When he had come down after a few moments, Changbin took to fucking your walls once more with his thick fingers, not even caring that he had fucked his white warmth back into you at the same time. Meanwhile, he returned to rubbing of your sensitive flesh, trying to replace the feeling he had robbed you of. 
“Cum for me baby, cum for me.” 
On cue, you came in waves, shuddering over Changbin’s fingers slicked with his cum, just as your other friend released down your throat and the warm liquid painted your tongue. 
His blissful moans turned into light chuckles as he milked himself into your mouth, giving you every last drop. Changbin drove you further, overstimulating you to the point where your knees nearly gave out, and you had to beg him to slow. 
After each of your bodies collapsed weakly to the bed of blankets and rejected clothing, you drew the covers back up over yourselves, feeling the cold seep in once more. Both of your friends kissed perfect adoring kisses into your raw lips, tasting the both of themselves on your skin. While your thighs still stuck with your friend’s cum, it didn’t matter as much now that you had huddled up cozily into their arms. 
“Bin, you asshole!!” Hyunjin jested, and flicked the other boy’s forehead. “You fucking finished before you were supposed to!!” 
“What the hell was I supposed to do?? I’d already edged myself enough!!” 
“You could’ve tried!!” 
“Whatever, it felt fucking amazing, don’t blame me.” He added with a smug smirk, “You felt fucking amazing, y/n.” 
“Did it feel good for you too, y/n?” Hyunjin gingerly asked, falling right back to his soft and adorable composure that you knew well. 
“Like Bin said, it was fucking amazing.” 
“So we all agree then? We won’t forget that this happened?”
You gave Hyunjin a little nod to say yes, and your group of three hugged eachother even closer. You hadn’t noticed it, but at some point, Hyunjin’s music had turned off. 
“So, this means that we’re like, a thing now?” Changbin asked, playing with the drawstring to your hoodie. 
You peppered Hyunjin’s forehead with a tiny kiss. “I’d like to be.” 
He nuzzled into the crook of your neck and reached out for Changbin across the expanse. “Me too.” 
Bunch of (Ro)ses!
@minaamhh @dazzlehoseok @synnocence @jjewibeans @hyunsluvv @unexceptional-h @bobawithchaitea @lechanters @sailorhyunjinz @silencefavarchive @eunaeiekim @lunarskzzz
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year2000electronics · 3 years
concept art from my legion of stationery
so for context this is from a big 30+ layer canvas where i just hammered out the roughest sketches ever in an attempt to get inspired for how my humanized los should look! i thought it might be interesting to see how i came to where i did
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(yea- see i told you. rough) 
so at first i was going for a more classic artist look but i thought that it just didnt look... Grand enough? like idk. just didnt sit right w me. i thought that bc colored pencils’ gimmick was missiles that maybe i could lean more into the kinda military green-beret aspect, and make the coat longer and filled with pockets to kinda marry that artist and general aesthetic 
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my first rubber bands ended up just kinda being very. mummy-like?? i knew i wanted rubber band to have that wide silhouette but i couldnt really get my head around what other layers to put on so it was a lot of just elastic wrap, here you can see something im kinda sad didnt make it to the final though, its a blue ‘miss shogun studios’ banner ala miss america bc i thought it was just. the PERFECT self aggrandizing blue thing to drape around oneself
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then i kinda wanted to explore maybe an outfit mimicking the shogun studios staff? but i think that since rubber band’s plays are so... off-theme of shogun studios, rubber band just legit would not care about sticking to theme. so i scrapped that too 
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that was when i got the idea of the added volume coming from this big poofy coat! so heres me kinda just figuring out how the style should be like
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this was kinda the blueprint but i got rid of the suit jacket bc i wanted to add a second, ALSO complex inner layer 
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a variant of hole punch with sleeves! i really liked the vibe of this one but i figured the sleeveless sweater-jacket would fit a lot more with the desert atmosphere and just, dancing like hole punch does in general? its a very sweaty act to partake in... but i will forever mourn puffy jacket hole punch.
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considered staying too faithful to the disco theme for like. a quarter of a second. yeah. 
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TAPE was a bit difficult bc like. 1. i accidentally already had a purple greaser oc like. three years before origami king out so i was just trying so hard not to make it look like him. and 2. thanks to localization tape is actually two ENTIRELY different types of gangsters so i really was trying to find a happy medium between bosozoku and western gangster styles... in the end i had too many long coats already so i kinda leaned towards the latter
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those back coattails in his final design were kinda remnants of that long coat 
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theres also THIS design which i drew up really shortly after i added him to miitopia 
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scissors is... when i added her to miitopia i hadnt finished origami king or even started it so i kinda just. took her terrifying swordsman persona at face value? which could absolutely be whats going on but my own shades of it came in later
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so a lot of these early scissors are like... very stoic, older-looking, etc
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first twintails! 
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after those roadbumps though everything fell into place pretty quickly... i thought if scissors put on this presentation of this kinda anime swordsman-like ‘brutalist with the surprising code of honor’ she should have a dark tattered coat, a flowy scarf, all that 
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coatless design too! i think i remembered people comparing ENG scissors to a knight so i was like ooh. so i tried to give her inner outfit a kind of musketeer-like look, so its not full armour but still giving off that effect
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idk why this was here
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astralibrary · 4 years
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yooo @junk-thrillz​ i was your @pnatsecretsanta​!!! among your mentioned likes were the school store four + collin, ocean aesthetic and magical girl au’s, so i made the five of them into an ocean themed magical girl squad!
there’s a cover for their theoretical manga (+ a textured “realistic” version for fun), and then a few “screencaps” of the anime adaptation from the infamous Hijack Arc, in which the monster of the week captures jeff and turns him against his teammates, who then go on to save him through the power of their unbreakable friendship, in true cheesy anime fashion ❤
this was a lot of fun to put together, i hope you like it!!!
(also, not every concept i brainstormed made it into these final pieces, so here are some extra thoughts and such under the cut :3)
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even though i feel like cody is more typically associated with blue, i made him pink because he’s the leader of the team and everyone knows the leader is always pink!!!
i gave each individual member their own ocean-related theme, so cody’s is a pirate captain, because it’s a leadery type of role. his weapon is a cutlass as a nod to canon but it’s pink and magical and fun instead of murdery bc this is a G-Rated Funtimes AU,
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collin is blue simply because that pink + blue duo am i right ;)
he has a sailor theme, so he’s got a cute lil hat and sailor uniform flourishes on his outfit (the collar, the double stripes, etc)
his weapon is a harpoon bc idk that’s sailory right. even a lil bit
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jeff gets orange/yellow because he’s the funny lovable one!
i wanted to give one of them a sea creature theme, so jeff’s theme is jellyfish, which is reflected in his headband and the like, puffy side part of his dress there? it’s a little abstract but hopefully u get the picture kgjdkfjd
his weapon is lil bombs (but Magical), mostly because i thought it’d be a fun reference to the hitball arc... u know, round ball-shaped objects being thrown.... etc
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violet is purple because.... i could not resist i am sorry it’s so GOOD
i struggled with her theme, i admit... but it ended up being kind of piratey, but more crewmate than captain? she has that little tied sash around her waist, and the skull bow hairclip is meant to reference a skull and crossbones, which tbh i feel like fits w her general aesthetic anyway so like? it works imo
her weapon (not pictured unfortunately) is a blunderbuss (funny pirate gun)
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and finally, lisa is green, because... well she was the last one i assigned a color ghdkfjdkgj i think under normal circumstances she absolutely would’ve been purple bc she’s just got that Vibe u know, but since i wanted to give it to violet so bad i went with green for lisa. i think it suits her tho? it’s kind of a seafoam green, to be a little more oceany hehe
her theme is like, the beach, seashells, etc. the swirl in her hair reminds me of a conch shell so i just kinda. stuck one right in there. and then a few other things like bits of coral and sand dollars and pearls as added decoration
she also has some netting and a few shells around her waist to sprinkle more of her theme throughout her design
her weapon (pictured in the first fake screencap) is a Sick Trident that she looks rly cool holding iajs,
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also, their normal everyday clothes have little nods to their transformed outfits! not all of them made it into that third fake screencap but here are the concept sketches!
violet: a skull & crossbones hairclip to reference her skull bow hairclip
jeff: a pair of orange headphones to reference his headband (they should have that jellyfish pattern on them too but i didn’t draw that)
cody: a pink beanie with a little gold feather pin to reference his pirate hat
lisa: a bracelet with a sand dollar and some pearls to reference her hair decorations
collin: a navy blue bowtie with little white stripes to reference his sailor theme
finally, some extra bits i came up with while brainstorming the kind of universe this would all take place in:
the premise is sort of like pnat in that it takes place in mayview, but instead of spectrals and spirits there are magical girl squads who fight monsters (same as the ghosts & spirits basically) to protect the town. rather than mayview being simply overrun with spirits, it’s disproportionately attacked by them, ergo the need for magical girls
the ocean team isn’t the only squad around; another one is made up of the activity club (max/isabel/ed/isaac), who i was thinking would have a steampunk theme? and then i was toying with the idea of the jang being another team, but i hadn’t really thought as far as to what their theme would be
just for fun, the ocean team has a magical pirate ship they can fly around on, and the steampunk team has a magical train they can ride around on, not unlike the ghost train (just like, more steampunky)
the reason there can be multiple teams without everyone stepping on each other’s toes is because there are different types of monsters to fight. i don’t know exactly what differentiates them, but each team’s specific brand of magic only affects certain types of monsters
the journalism club consists of suzy, who is investigating the identities of these mysterious magical girl squads (bc Of Course no one is able to recognize them once they’ve transformed), collin, who is frantically hiding the fact that he is in fact a member of one of these squads, and dimitri, a former member of the steampunk team who left for unknown reasons and now does everything he can to throw suzy off their trail. neither collin nor dimitri know of the other’s true identity (for sure, that is. dimitri has A Hunch)
so yeah! i haven’t had too much time to elaborate on the idea, but that’s what i managed to come up with! again this was a blast, au’s are so fun ;w;
ANYWAY that was a lot of rambling lol but!!!! i hope this is as fun for u as it was for me! happy holidays!!!! 💖💙💛💜💚
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getosbunny · 2 years
JADE jade jade i listened to your geto playlist okay here r some thoughts sjxjsjdn you hit the nail on the head w every song,,, “cherry” SO TRUE i can think of so many other lana songs that are so geto vibes too he’s just so lana del rey but ‘i fall to pieces when im with you’ UGH…. “alien blues” this one hurts…. it hurts so much “fallen star” YES !!! one of my fav nbhd songs it sounds just like Him. im obsessed w the afi songs you put on id never heard of them before but im adding their songs to my own playlists ty :p i never realised “dead to me” is LITERALLY satosugu,, literally gojo to geto sjxjshzhs,, “no church in the wild” WOWWWW u were so right n im bad with words but just the whole story of the song about power and sin i love associating religious symbolism with geto’s story sndknsjdbs every song works so well good job im extremely impressed 11/10 playlist <33
char omfg i'm about to SCREAM !!! first of all, thank u for giving it a listen i appreciate u sm <33 and second,,,, i have spent perhaps a horrific amount of time analyzing geto's characterization. i see his breaking point as part of a greater issue.
i think concepts of sin and religious imagery really fit him because at a point he was trying to hold onto something to avoid what he thought was inevitable. the conservative nature and lack of nuance in the jujutsu world reads like religion to me. in the face of glaring foundational and societal issues, the higher-ups exist to maintain control. all it boils down to is power. near his breaking point, geto told himself "don't sway". he's highly rational, but that doesn't necessarily mean he's often correct. he's very much "the ends justify the means" because he cannot reconcile his reality. christian religious imagery exists on notions of absolution and divine intervention; that something greater will save you. geto is his own (and he believes the same for others) "something greater".
geto's defection is (in-part) a result of a system that ignores the tribulations and strife of its own people to maintain power. overall i think he's really tragic and that's my poor little meow meow i love him <33
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bonesandthebees · 2 years
Honey and tangerines!! The beach town setting is so beautiful, and the visuals in my head are making me want to sketch this.
The descriptive phrases like "passenger in his own mind" and "giant machine that ebbed and flowed" which are sprinkled all throughout the chapter are so beautiful! I absolutely live for connections and metaphors and these were such a delight to read. I love your writing.
Tommy's awkwardness around Phil was so understandable and, sort of natural in it's depiction? You really nailed the feeling, and even other things such as the atmosphere around Wilbur being off but also not quite completely bad, and the odd feeling Tommy has around everyone of liking them but not quite feeling at home.
Can we talk about the beach description? Yes. Literally beautiful.
Puffy!! Tommy once again chooses to work in an establishment run by Puffy and we're here for it. Your writing of her character is so pleasing, the reasonable yet understanding vibe is so sweet. I can't wait to see how that goes.
And of course, Tubbo! The chaotic feels their duo has was there right from the start. I mean, a fireball thrower? I'm instantly sold hahah
The vibe of this fic feels so, calm and chill in a way that most slice of life settings do, and it's really nice to see that after high stakes settings such as stars! I do like your rendition of this as well, and the natural feel of it all is so pleasant. Thank you for the chapter!!
What made you come up with this particular beach town setting, and what inspired you to write this? I'm so curious because it's rather different from your usual fics but it's still so fun to read. <3<3
Hugs and cookies, hope you have a good day :D
- ❄️
aa thank you for the kind words snowflake!! i love using fun metaphors like that in my writing and i'm trying to do more of that because it's still not a method i'm super used to, so i'm glad you like those lines :)
very glad i got the awkward atmosphere across. it's not fear necessarily, but more just that tense anxiety. this place is nice, but he's still new and out of place and it's just making things a bit strange. he just needs time to adjust!
i love writing puffy as just this very understanding and kind boss, plus I thought of the mcpuffy's reference and thought it was too fun not to include. and yes tubbo is very chaotic as always, i've missed clingyduo they're so good
well, I came up with the beach town setting mostly because I live in a beach town. I'm a southern california native, and while I didn't grow up in a beach town, I've been living near the coast for most of my adult years so far so it's an atmosphere I'm quite familiar with at this point. I thought just a sleepy small beach town really fit the vibes and aesthetic I wanted to have with this fic, and so far i'm really enjoying writing it!
the initial concept for this fic popped in my head when I had a very out of the blue realization that my ex-stepbrother, who I haven't seen in over a decade, is the same age as cc!wilbur. idk what sparked that realization, it occurred to me and then that got me thinking about my ex-stepbrother again, and the few attempts we made to reconnect which never really lead anywhere. then I started thinking, 'man, that's a unique dynamic I haven't seen written in a crimeboys fic before' so I started brainstorming the idea into a story lol.
I've also been wanting to write a fic that feels like a coming of age style indie movie with a lot of calm slice of life vibes for ages now because I love that genre, and my fic vanderlyle crybaby cry was my first attempt at that, but it ended up being far more serious than I originally intended it to be. I'm still really proud of the end product, but it's not what I initially set out to do. the similarities between honey and vanderlyle though is that there's a lot of projection of my irl experiences onto the story itself, but heavily exaggerated to create a more compelling story and to differentiate it from myself. like vanderlyle!wilbur's struggles were based off my own crisis with uni i had in my junior year, but my mental health at that point in my life didn't get as bad as wilbur's is depicted in the fic. for honey, while I like the idea of reconnecting with my ex-stepbrother, I don't have a super strong desire to do that. also, I don't hold any resentment towards my ex-stepfather and never wished he stayed with my mother, unlike honey!tommy who definitely has some unresolved issues regarding phil.
so basically my inspo was a combination of projection and wanting to write a coming of age indie slice of life fic lmao
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angelicmichael · 4 years
Michael Langdon x reader
Summary: Reader, who is a witch (not tied to the og coven) is best friends with Michael. They decide to spend Valentines day together in outpost three. Based on this post, and the 'willow' music video by Taylor Swift.
Words: 3.0k+
Warnings: mentions of rituals/covens (its vague tho), slow burn, light angst, mutual pining, gross fluff, plot heavy and VERY descriptive I'm sorry dhdhd, valentines day fic, mentions of food, friends to lovers
A/N: yall rlly liked my last Michael blurb so I made this kinda similar!! Also the idea of witch! Reader not being tied to the og coven is NOT my idea, others have done it before - I just did it cause it made sense w the music video this fic is based off of ✌🏻. This is mostly me self indulging ngl so if the fic doesnt make sense that's why haha. The v beginning is like Sojourn! Era and then the rest of the fic is somewhere between fire & reign and outpost era. this fic is rlly just me trying to say happy early mf valentines day !! 💖💖 okay bye
February 14th was always a day you dreaded; The idea and concept of a whole fucking holiday being dedicated to just love.. really put a bitter taste in your mouth. In your opinion, it was just a reason for couples to show a disgusting amount of PDA and get away with it.
However; due to a incredibly corny and cliché situation you found yourself in; you now were seeing the incoming holiday in a different light. When you thought of the holiday.. You first thought of Michael. Michael Langdon.
Meeting Michael at all was a complete accident - You met months ago in fall; on a dark cloudy night. Every detail from that evening was etched and woven into your mind as if it had just happened yesterday; and you could only hope that it would remain that way forever. After all; that was the night when you had met your favorite person. You even remembered the weather.. The bitterness of the cold wind making it seem as if it was seconds from storming.
You were part of a small coven which was meeting due to a full moon, it was a rather mundane and basic ritual you were preforming. One of which you had preformed more times you could even count on your fingers.. However; what made that ritual special is that your coven happened to be recruiting.
Full black outfits, including thin, long cloaks is what everyone wore to the occasion.. After everything was over and done with; you went to leave - the bitter coldness of the night urging you to leave rather quickly.
However; something.. almost a invisible force made you stop walking away from the crowd and made you physically stop. You slowly stopped walking; and turned around. You sharply gasped when you saw a figure directly in front of you - wearing a dark ensemble that matched yours nearly identically.
Immediately you grew weary. A sharp, nauseated feeling started to manifest inside of you.
"Were you following me"? You spoke with your voice raised, your hands which previously fell loosely at your side were starting to curl into fists.
You could feel yourself getting defensive. You quickly flicked your eyes over at the other coven members - making sure you weren't causing a scene; not wanting to draw attention to the situation until it grew necessary.
"Yes, but.. look. I just wanted to talk to you.. away from the others". The boy stated.
You bit your lip to suppress a groan. You rolled your eyes, not really caring that he could see how bothered you were.
"Fine. But c'mon, make it quick". You said, not trying to hide the irritation in your voice.
You turned around and walked a few feet away from the crowd, not looking back but merely expecting him to follow you. You were expecting he was just another newbie with dumb questions, or needed clarification on something.
You turned to talk to him, and that's when you noticed something you about him you seemed to overlook earlier - his beauty. You were completely taken aback and breath taken. Light blue eyes met your gaze as you stared blankly at him; momentarily stunned. He looked beyond ethereal; his pale cheeks flushed a light pink from the cold and his blonde hair looked as if it could be spun from gold. It was almost like he could sense how you were suddenly taken aback.. A smug smirk played on his lips; if you didn't know any better you would say he almost seemed cocky.
"There's something about you that's different from the others. I could sense it". He stated.
"How"? You stuttered.
You watched as he took a couple steps toward you and in one quick swoop, pushed the hood of his cloak fully back. He got even closer but you didn't dare move. You watched him curiously as he turned to the side, pushing his blonde locks of hair out of the way to show you something behind his ear.. Your blood instantly went cold once you saw three sixes; however you weren't scared. In fact you were really the first person that Michael met that didn't practically faint when they saw his mark. Looking back; you supposed that's why you and Michael bonded so quickly and became so close.
It didn't take long for him after that to confine in you that people either avoided him or became obsessed once they knew; both reactions ultimately stemming from fear. You were the first person to look past that and to just see him as a actual human being - not just a vessel for some fucked up prophecy to play out.
Even though Michael's beauty was undeniable to you; the relationship you two had was strictly platonic.. and in the past that was never something that bothered you. You supposed that he was tired of people throwing themselves at his feet and what he really needed more than anything was a friend - so you chose to be that for him, not daring to try and test the boundaries your relationship had.
However; the boundaries were seemingly starting to come down naturally - because your relationship wasnt entirely platonic anymore. Things between you two weren't exactly black and white as they used to be; a great example of this, was how you two were planning on spending Valentines Day together.
You and Michael agreed to spend it as friends. Neither of you had a date and spending Valentines alone when you had Michael seemed redundant.. and honestly just boring. Instead of making Valentines day an all day event; it started for you two as a 'date' at 6 pm.
In order to avoid having to confront putting a label on your.. situationship, the venue for your lavish Valentines date was at a more.. private venue. He only gave you a address and instructions, you didn't really know what exactly to expect but you knew you weren't going to his house. It was somewhere new.
It was nearly six pm, the sun had just set - leaving the sky a shade somewhere between navy blue and pure black. The air was cold on your skin as you stepped out of the car, wondering where the hell you even were.
The area you found yourself in was completely bare and void of any trees, the only object or building you saw was a giant, black, metal structure. The instructions Michael gave you had told you about this but.. seeing it in person was merely jarring, oddly unsettling. You approached it, trying to ignore the nerves and anxiety you could feel creeping in.
You couldn't help but wonder what the hell this place was and why out of all the places you two could have a 'date', it would have to be here?
As you stood in front of an elevator - stepping in, you felt very reluctant to do so. It definitely felt a bit weird that Michael wanted to meet you in such a secluded place but.. he was your best friend. He would never hurt you.. especially on valentines day.. Right?
The doors opened and you slowly stepped out, immediately taken back. You were now in a oval room, with a long hallway stretching out. You first quickly scanned your surroundings for Michael but, he wasnt here. Not in your line of vision anyway. You nearly forgot you were here for Michael at all for a second. The interior was breathtaking; resembling a old, Victorian style mansion. Even though you were still utterly confused; Michaels reasoning for choosing this venue was starting to become more clear to you.
It was the cozy, romantic vibe the 'house' seemed to radiate. The dim lighting also amplified this affect; seemingly giving everything in sight a subtle golden glow, otherwise everything remained relatively dark. You walked through the building; down hallways, looking for any sounds of life at all. Your witchy senses didn't always work on Michael, so you didn't even bother to try to use those. He was right about how you were powerful but, his powers still outshone yours unfortunately.
You finally heard something, something faint; soft music playing distantly in the background. You followed it swiftly, the music getting louder and louder until you found him - in what appeared to be the library.
The room was immense; books were lined on shelves that bordered the room. Couches, along with a decent sized fireplace and chandelier - and of course a record player, also resided in the library. Playing a tune that sounded similar but you couldn't quite remember what it was.. whatever it was, it sounded old and romantic - maybe from the 50s.
"Your not very good at hiding, you know. The music was a dead giveaway". You commented playfully.
Michael greeted you with a smirk, obviously holding back laughter. He stood up from one of the couches; approaching you. He looked incredibly handsome in the normal black ensemble he was wore but tonight he sported a long black coat. Making you fondly nostalgic of the night you two met.
He got dangerously close to you, almost in your face but you weren't intimidated. Plus, you knew he wasnt trying to actually intimidate you. Michael being the way he was; you knew he wouldn't have asked you to spend Valentines with him if he didn't tolerate you in some way.
"Its a good thing I wasnt trying to hide then, is it"? He spoke; his eyes pierced into yours.
The direct eye contact was starting to get unnerving and so was the.. apparent tension. You took a step back, looking away and laughing awkwardly - trying to remind yourself you two were strictly friends. Best friends, in fact. Nothing more.. and nothing less.
"So.. what even is this place? You don't own this or something.. do you"? You asked, slyly changing the topic.
"Actually I do. It's being saved for something I have in the works; but nothing's official yet. I wanted to get your opinion though.. what do you think"? Michael asked.
Even though you absolutely loved, whatever the hell this place even was, something.. felt off. Perhaps it was the fact it was completely secluded and private. Too private. You knew Michael was into some weird shit with the Satanists but; you figured he would atleast tell you by now if he was planning on something big with them.. Something that would require a huge fucking mansion underground.
"This place is beautiful, Michael. But what is it for"?
"Your too eager for your own good, (y/n). You will know in due time, I promise; but for now.. come sit with me".
He gently grabbed your wrist and guided you over to one of the bare, black couches; you followed - sitting next to him.
The hours continuing were filled with incredibly cheesy gestures that you only rolled your eyes at, and teased him for. The first being a few small, pink flowers he had conjured up and then tucked into your hair. At first you really thought nothing of it, they were just pretty flowers. However; you knew due to Michael's nature that he didn't just so happen to come across those flowers, he summoned them purposefully - specifically for you.. You didn't bother to try and hide how flustered this made you.
"Those are beautiful; what are they"? You asked, gesturing to the flowers.
"Thought you'd never ask. Wild roses. They hold many meanings; most agree they represent both love, suffering, beauty.. life. They're even said to protect the living from the dead".
You couldn't help but to laugh at his explanation.
"Will they protect me from you? You know your not exactly human yourself". You teased.
The corner of Michael's lips slid into a slow smile, one that you couldn't quite decipher whether it was an ironic or genuine gesture.
You nearly jumped at how quickly one of Michael's hands suddenly slid up into your hair; seemingly picking out one of the petals that had fallen from one of the flowers - he retracted his hand, holding onto the petal.
"No. Your going to need something stronger than that to keep me away". He said playfully, before crushing the already wilted petal in his hand - letting it fall carelessly to ground.
You could only roll your eyes.
Next came the food and well.. you were beyond impressed. Your not certain exactly how he managed to get your favorite food down who knows how many feet underground, but.. he did. And it was perfect.
You were both pretty quiet during that time; Michael didn't really have a reason to be but you couldn't help but to get lost within your thoughts. Sure; you two were best friends but.. that didn't necessarily warrant him to do all of this for you. Was it possible that he felt.. something else, like you did?
You couldn't help but to shut that thought down as quick as it came; that had to just be you projecting. There was no way in hell he could love you back..
Wait.. love?
It was like a involuntary reflex the way you suddenly jolted up and backed away from the table. Even though it was just a thought, the fact you just admitted to yourself that you loved him.. What the fuck did that even mean?
Michael looked startled at well, you could tell by the color of his knuckles that he now had a death grip on his silverware. His icy, blue eyes matched yours with a startled gaze.. As if he was trying to contemplate your next move or to get a good read on you. You were more than well acquainted with Michael's powers by now; you knew how he had the ability to read minds and that's partially why you found yourself, slowly at first, starting to take steps away from him. Wanting desperately to get the fuck away from him. You knew that if Michael even suspected what you were thinking or how you felt, that your friendship could possibly be over. That would be it, he would want absolutely nothing to do with you. You would be no better than the dozens of women and even men that threw themselves at Michael; Maybe even worse.
You made it down a random hallway until you found yourself physically colliding into him - fucking transmutation.
You felt a sudden urge to just turn around to try and escape again but you knew he wouldn't let you. Instead you let yourself be captive, you let him hold you. Gently encasing you into a hug. It was painful how hard you were trying to hold back your tears - blindly running away was already embarrassing enough, letting him see you cry would be too much.. Too much for one night, anyways. You felt him let go of you - stepping back a little bit in order to make eye contact with you.
"What has gotten into you-" He started.
"Michael- I'm so sorry but I just need to go. We can talk about this tomorrow but for now I just really need to be alone-"
You tried to turn around in order to make another (more calm) attempt at leaving but you felt something grab at your wrist, yet again. His grasp, along with his hand were achingly soft. You hated how much you enjoyed him making physical contact with you - even if it was something just as docile as this. You also couldn't help but to hate the spark of electricity you felt when his skin touched yours - and you couldn't help but to wonder whether he felt it too.
"No. I need to know what I did wrong. I'm not letting us end today like this". Michael said, his voice was strained with emotion.
His words were spoken urgently, his voice unsteady and even threatening to break.. That's when you knew you completely fucked up. He totally misinterpreted your actions.. the sudden realization hit you, piercing your heart like a knife.
"No, your right. Can we sit"? You asked.
He let go of your wrist coldly, sauntering out of the hallway you two were in. You would be lying if you were to admit that his sudden cold actions didn't hurt you; it definitely stung but you couldn't help to feel in this moment that you kind of deserved it.
The walk over was quiet and even a bit awkward. When you two sat; he looked at you expectedly.. waiting for you to talk first and explain your sudden, impulsive actions.
"It wasnt you.. that's not why I tried to leave at all, Michael. You did everything right. I mean that's really the 'problem', even though calling it a problem still isn't the right word but.." You paused before carrying on.
"What you did tonight for me was perfect, and I'm so thankful for that, truly. But I just feel like I'm starting to interpret your actions in a different way than in which you mean them and that's not fair to you. I know you just want a friend-" Your words continuously came out faster the longer you spoke, you were completely rambling at this point but Michael stopped you.
"Hey, stop". He said softly.
You felt as if you were dreaming when you saw him start to move closer to you.. it happened so quickly it almost felt fake. Michael gently pushed you back onto the couch, so that you were basically laying down flat on your back. You pulled him back with you so that he was on top, your hands automatically going to his shoulders.. feeling the sudden urge to yank his black top off and to feel his skin under your palms. The feeling was tempting; you could feel how hot his skin was even with his shirt on. You assumed your hands were cold by the way Michael shivered and even groaned when you touched him, that had to be the only logical explanation for him acting like that..
The manner in which he bent down, his lips getting closer and closer to yours was nothing but diabolic. He stopped until the point where his lips were just ghosting above yours - maybe only really a mere centimeter away from touching. It felt entirely far too tempting to just - barely tilt your head forward and stop whatever game your friend Langdon was trying to play, but.. you didnt. In reality; the teasing was far too delicious for you to want it to end so soon.
"Who said I just wanted to be friends"? He whispered.
You could taste his breath as he spoke, you felt trapped.. But if you were to be honest with yourself, you wouldn't rather spend Valentines Day any other way than in this manner.. Trapped with your absolute favorite person, with nothing else in the world to do but to get lost in each other.
His lips roughly collided with yours with such passion that you really haven't ever felt before. It threw you off guard for a moment, but you figured there was no sense in shying from it. You had been craving to be loved by him for so long; craving for him to touch you like this and now that it was finally happening.. you only relaxed and embraced the feeling.
Time slipped away from you far too quickly but after all; time didn't really feel real at all when you were underground in a bunker. No windows or clocks to help ground you back into reality..
You knew it was atleast passed midnight now; hours had passed and you two were now residing in one of the random rooms that you had come to learn was of 'Outpost Three'. It was apparent how careful he was with his words when he told you about the place; almost like he didn't want to tell you too much. He told you most of everything, like the cooperative and how this building was for some type of event that would be taking place in the summer but you didn't probe farther. You knew he would tell you in all due time.
You two were lying on a random, spare bed. It was luxurious and dangerously soft, but if you were honest - the sheets almost seemed scratchy in comparison to Michaels bare skin. Your head wasnt on a pillow but instead on Michael's bare chest, his rhythmic heart beat nearly lulling you to sleep. Almost putting you in some type of odd trance.
You both watched the movie that was playing on his laptop; propped up on a few sparse pillows at the end of the bed. Although you really weren't trying to keep up with what was happening or what the actors were even saying. Instead, you chose to be fully present with Michael, almost entranced in his presence. You two weren't talking but, just being surrounded by him - feeling his fingers lazily playing with your hair was heaven to you.
You still felt as if you were in a dream. After all in what timeline would you ever be so lucky to call someone like Michael, yours?? Even though you two weren't exactly official, you really didn't mind at this moment. Labels only seemed to really complicate things and in your opinion; you felt more than privileged to just sit here entangled with Michael, and to escape the rest of reality for a while.
Taglist: @mina672 @michaellangdonstanaccount @langdonsexual @jimmason @blakewaterxx @dark-mei-rose @9layerdevilfoodcake @prophecy-is-inevitable @matildaofoz @beautyiswithinchaos @frenchlangdon
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