#the continuity of loneliness!
trans-cuchulainn · 6 months
sometimes i'm like "eurgh it sucks being back in [environment] because it's not like it used to be and i hardly know anyone and everyone i do know knows each other better than they know me so i'm always lurking on the edge of other people's conversations and never really part of anything"
and then i remember it was exactly like that when i was 21 too and i don't know why i ever expected anything different anyway
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lavenderjewels · 6 months
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This fight was a gift to me personally for making a surprisingly sweet and ridiculous fight somehow work between a half-naked comedian side character and arguably one of the most reprehensible people in jjk
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nellasbookplanet · 10 months
Having finally read the Nimona comic (it’s very good, everyone please go read it) I can’t help but find describing it as being about the power of incredible violence to defeat an authoritarian state, as I've seen done, to be both kind of misleading and ultimately reductive to the story as a whole.
Yes there is incredible violence in the comic and it was in the end what tore down the corrupt system, but it was also Nimona's downfall, destroyed her relationship with her only friend (and led to her (temporary) death by his very hand as he could no longer stand by her and her actions, even as he never judged her, recognized her role as a victim and tried to save her until the end), put countless civilians in danger, and ultimately did little to nothing to address how to actually fix the problems of the system to keep them from returning. In fact, Nimona as a character shows little interest in fixing anything. She suggests killing the king and having Ballister take his place, despite Ballister neither wanting this nor having the experience to pull it off (and would, in fact, only result in replacing one king with another rather than lead to an entirely new system, as is often the case with bloody uprisings). When people start dying from the illness they spread, Ballister wants to immediately stop it; Nimona suggests they let more people die to further rile up hatred and anger against the institution. Nimona isn't a good guy looking to save people; she's an angry, hurt girl looking to hurt those who hurt her and those who have the potential to hurt her in the future (even when Ballister is one of those people). She is the villain the state turned her into.
And that is kind of the point I see the story making. Not 'you need incredible violence to tear down an authoritarian state' as something good and celebratory, but rather 'an authoritarian state will ultimately lead to its own downfall by creating monsters of its own making, and while said downfall is needed the fact that it has to happen at all is deeply tragic because there are no winners here'. Nimona isn't a villain-villain (the true antagonist is obviously still the Institution), but she isn't a hero either. She's a tragic figure with a tragic end that the state brought upon itself by mistreating its people. She doesn't stick around to help rebuild and heal, and she doesn't (to our knowledge) get to see her home become a better place. It's a bittersweet end where the very person who tore down the oppressors is too broken to enjoy the end result. It isn't a story about rebellion, it's a story about the inherent and justified self-destruction of authoritarian systems.
(Writing it out like this, I realize that, thematically, it’s very similar to n.k. jemisin's broken earth trilogy, which you should all also read because it is incredible and not very friendly to authoritarian states.)
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gaypiratebrainrot · 5 months
Hey, sorry I hope you don’t mind me messaging you again (prev anon) but I can’t stop thinking about wfu after reading earlier in the week.
So on my second read I actually found myself getting quite cross with Stede and the way he is generally the one escalating the situation in terms of physical contact and then placing the blame for that escalation on Ed? yes, i know Ed is the one who waits for him by the trailer after shooting the kissing scene, but it’s Stede who comes back and actually kisses him? And then Ed’s acceptance of that guilt smacks of someone with self esteem issues allowing someone else to place blame on them where it doesn’t belong.
Like, without Stede driving things forward, the physical intimacy would never have happened imho.
Ed clearly wants that intimacy, so I didn’t find myself too troubled by worries about consent, but I do find myself troubled by Stede being the driving force behind things and then Ed being the one left with that guilt. And god, Ed just seemed so lonely, that really got me.
Sorry, I’m not very good at meta analysis stuff, I tend to react to stories through character/emotions so those are my takeaways.
Anyway it’s been a bit of an emotional double whammy reading your fic and then getting cancellation news this week so I’m off to do a bit more crying (jk, except not really)
Thanks again for your story x
thank you so much for this ask!!! i do not mind at all--in fact, i am quite happy to think about this instead of the many other stressful things in my life right now.
your thoughts are so interesting to me, in that you are not the first person to have this perspective on stede's actions in wfu (in a good way!). in fact, my friend @chaotic-neutral-knitter left very similar thoughts in a wfu comment on their recent re-read, and i've seen the sentiment echoed elsewhere in various responses. and it's such a fascinating take to me because it is different from my own perspective, both as i was writing it, and in the year+ since. i am a staunch believer that my interpretation of the text is equally valid as any reader interpretation--that is, i don't think i have any special authority on a "correct" read as the person who wrote it, so big grain of salt with my thoughts.
i think it's interesting how many readers put the responsibility for that parking lot kiss on stede, when i've always maintained that moment as the moment when ed opens the door to what will eventually unfold between them. it's ed who leans in first to kiss stede in the parking lot. in the kissing scene on set, in the moment after the kiss, ed reads so much into the look on stede's face--that "pretend pretend" paragraph, to me, is ed looking at stede and believing that stede understands ed's desire to be genuine and not acting, and that stede, on some level, is accepting/welcoming of that desire. but i think, in that moment, ed reads stede wrong. i think the idea that ed has genuine desire for stede is an impossible idea for stede right up until the moment when ed leans in to kiss him in the parking lot. and then stede doing his little back and forth after initially saying no there, that's stede wrestling with this brand new conception that ed might actually want him, that ed's desire isn't pretend, or a joke.
to consider stede's pov--this is a man twenty years deep in a heterosexual, monogamous marriage, who, for the first time in his entire life, is realizing he might have these extremely repressed sexual desires, for men generally, and for ed specifically. but ed is, and always has been, his hotter, sexier, more successful, more highly regarded friend, inaccessible to stede as an object of desire beyond stede's repressed sexuality. stede has never had to grapple with his desire for ed in large part because never in a million years did stede think ed would be a sexually or romantically attainable person for him. and then, because of the show, stede gets to find out what it would be like for ed to want him, for ed to kiss him like he wants him, but still, still, for stede it's under the guise of pretend. until the moment in the parking lot when ed leans in. and i think that opens a door for stede that he never, ever thought would be open, and so has absolutely no idea how to not walk through it.
there's no question to me that stede is trying to evade responsibility for his actions, especially in the second half, and him showing up at ed's house in the middle of the night and refusing to leave (even while pretending he has the intention of leaving) is pretty blatantly on him. but i also think there's something to his line about "it's not fair for you to want me back"--in the sense that, ed's beauty and sexual charisma and fame and success and status and the fact that he's technically stede's boss and employer does give ed a certain amount of power over stede, a power ed is not responsible with when he goes for the kiss in the parking lot, and when he makes a pass at him a second time after the party at stede's house. ed is offering something to stede in those moments that he should not offer him if he understands and respects the importance of stede's monogamous marriage, which he textually does. ed knows why he should not come on to stede, and he does it anyway, twice. and i think if ed had never come on to stede, stede would never in a million years have even thought it would be possible for ed to want him the way he does, and would never have taken the actions he does once ed opens the door.
all that being said, yeah, i think stede is a real dick about it and tries to place as much of the blame on ed as possible when stede is quite blatantly the aggressor beginning with the moment he decides to walk to ed's house in the middle of the night without his phone or wedding ring. imo, stede is doing some olympic level denial about what he actually wants, and that's making it extremely difficult for him to be accountable for his actions, and to accept responsibility for his choices. whereas ed is at least somewhat consciously aware that he is choosing to do something he shouldn't when he waits outside stede's trailer for the possible opportunity to kiss stede again, instead of going in and talking it thru, and so he's more readily accountable, and it's easier for him to take the blame.
phew, this was a whole essay lol, but i just happened to have been thinking about it a lot still (and am still stuck in covid quarantine). my condolences that you are having wfu feels at the same time as cancellation feels--but at least our fandom is fighting the good fight to not let the show go without a major push back! thank you again for this ask!!! <3 <3 <3
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boyrobott · 1 year
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Astro and Hamegg + parallels vs. contrasts
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okitanoniisan · 3 days
i keep saying i need to make some zhaoryu shit but i'm back on my y5 kazusaeji bullshit again they are just so. m
#ada speaks#there NEEDS to be more zhaoryu shit. but kazusaeji still holds my ass hostage so#if i am to write a comprehensive timeline of kiryu's sexuality and him coming to realizations about himself that lead to the way he's#changed in gaiden to be more. uh.#then i have got to start at 5 because its literally when he first begins to realize he's fr into men. and then gaiden & 8 he's like Out#i need his first time to be with saejima when he's at his lowest it just makes sense#theres so fucking much in 5 that feels like its really coming to a head#mayumi. why did they fucking do that. like also nakajima and his coworkers being like U Are Gay but.#mayumi. and hinata. why are you having him refuse sex with women TWICE in one game#i hc him as acespec but i also think he should get to fool around w saejima for narrative reasons#and by that i mean i think it would be absolutely devastating and tragic and also they would both legitimately be so normal about it#saejima knows he's going back to jail anyway so there's that#but god help kiryu he's absolutely trying to fill the loneliness void with People all the damn time#lowkey doing what he did with kaoru to saejima 😭#you're grieving the loss of your family? time to latch onto the woman going through the same thing just a year later#lost your emotional support daughter? allow a woman to live with you while you continuously rebuff her advances#lonely and directionless and feeling guilty for having dragged your loved ones into conflict again and again?#have sex with probably the Only guy who can understand exactly what you're going through but is consistently in a Way healthier mindset#it also makes the conversation they have on the rooftop of new serena so much more deranged if it happened before that#im normal btw thanks for asking
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avicebro · 3 months
every time i see people making fun of the circe guy i hiss and growl and sigh because you KNOW that if it wasn't made by a guy on 4chan people wouldn't be making fun of him. we're all supportive of people with mental health issues until they happen to be in a way we can make fun of.
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Don’t know why, but i just feel like such a failure these days. Couldn’t tell you what brought this on or why it hit so hard today or ect but like…. God I’m awful? Can’t do anything right for anyone? Just ruin everything i touch?
Life is finally kinda settling back to normal so i guess my brain remembered it has massive depression and mental illness 🫠
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applestruda · 1 year
Yknow what more rambles timess
I'm still absolutely insane over @/cherrifire's tongues and teeth desert duo anamatic,,
When it first dropped i could've cried over how much I loved it and im still very much at that level
jwjwkqkqnw its just so *chefs kiss*
Also I mean its made by cherri, I love their art to the moon and back
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peribytes · 3 months
"i wasn't socialized enough as a puppy" well i wasn't socialized enough as a full grown adult
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thebirdandhersong · 11 months
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thaliagrayce · 10 months
just saw the barbie movie and honestly i can't believe there aren't more posts about Gloria??? like i understand that it was The Barbie Movie and Barbie is the main character and it's About Her, but it's only about her because it's actually deep down about Gloria
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flovverworks · 2 months
sees akira kyukyukyurarin. goes hihihihi. watches it. bam angst
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thresholdbb · 5 months
My P+ subscription just renewed, which means I have been on this Star Trek high for exactly a year now
#I really said 2023 is gonna be ALL ABOUT STAR TREK and it was!!#the Trek obsession went dormant then came back with a vengeance like November of last year#I went through an intense tng phase in grad school#looking back on the year I wouldn’t have it any other way#I got p+ and proceeded to speed run tng and ds9#I savored voyager and when it was over we started our Sisyphean delta quadrant journey#somewhere in my mixed up brain I KNEW voyager would be a problem and I avoided it#I have been ruined for other media#LISTEN Picard isn’t the best show but it was precisely why I wanted to catch up#still have yet to finish tos tas ent and dis for shame#also it was half price last year I cry for my continually dwindling bank account#I am actually very grateful because I was lonelier and more miserable before I started engaging in fandom now I am slightly less so#plus going to stlv and making/doing cosplay for the first time a whole experience!#if we’ve interacted this year (and you read my tags) hi I love you#if we haven’t hi I am intense but love talking to equally obsessed mutuals#also lol at meeting the actors Garrett wang taking a picture of me and Picardo being like uhhh ok when I talked to him#jin maley and Michelle Hurd are absolutely lovely#terry ferrell was very very sweet and I shared an elevator (and hand injury story) with Casey Biggs#and I bumped into Rom his-real-last-name-is-hard-to-spell#and marina sirtis called me love I cry#hilarious but also so cringe what is my life#also thanks to Star Trek for the paradigm shifting very likely autism suspicion that I’m gonna seriously pursue in 2024#ok I love you bye#melts into oblivion
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vercna · 10 months
oh so i'm always going to be fourteen years old crying alone in the dark of my room that's what you're saying got it
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femcelhood · 2 months
Defending incels as a woman is like the biggest insult there is. These men want you married off to whomever without your consent just so they have a bangmaid to feel better about themselves and that’s okay because…………….aw they cry about loneliness sometimes when they’re not posting violent misogynistic porn? You fell for it hook line and sinker it’s embarrassing
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