#the cousin you always play roblox with
qkrovv · 8 months
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crushedsweets · 8 months
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hi >.<
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this is so fucking sweet i remembered how happy i was when i first got my car. i cried everyday for a week straight because i was so happy. very glad yall got to watch me get my first car. i spend over an hour in her every day commuting now. LMFAOOO (i named her lindsay btw) ((after tdi lsinday)). im so sorry im late but thank you so much this meant sm !!! <3
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you asked me this in august im evil oh my god. anyway i aagree. but i am always inclined to forever think he's a midwest emo guy. twin sized mattress forever
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im immediately inclined to say clocky or toby the second i see time and fire mentions. so ticciwork. my clocky is often a bit messy so she'd be pissed and angry and upset over the sort of war she's found herself in, especially as she sees toby just falling deeper into it. 'my god, was i oblivious?' when she finally realizes toby will always, always put Slenderman before her. frustrating. 'hell stays hungry for a world so weak' natalie is hungry for a good world, but she thinks everyone is too weak for goodness, meanwhile toby is hungry for power so he can make everyone else seem weak. etc. 'they only want you to bleed' they being slendy, operator, zalgo, etc etc etc... power, being a pawn, fighting, using humans as toys in a battlefield, etc etc.. yeah
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i genuinely think nina is a really good influence on so many of the creeps. like theyre all assholes, traumatized, refuse to believe in the good in the world, etc etc. but nina is traumatized and still kickin. she comes in like ^_^ hello chat. and i think that, while its still important to feel the shitty feelings, it's really grounding to see someone whos just so .. able to be happy. idk. someone who SEEKS joy, rather than expects it to fall into their lap, and blames the world when it doesnt
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this si perfect idk why i forgot about bats for him. gotta get back into this idea
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AHHH OK I WILL DO MORE EVENTUALLY i just wanna say thank yewww i think theyre such a good sibling dynamic. like little brothers and big sisters and both being little assholes to eachother but would die for the other. idk. ugh. important to me.
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actually this sounds really sweet..... thats funny cuz i was JUST talking to a friend about who i would have EJ go endgame with if i had to, but i couldnt settle on anyone. but liu seems like a good fit for ej. i think they'd be super sweet
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AH THANK YOU!!! he reminds me of my little cousins HAHA theyre like 10-14 right now and theyre all cuties.... just playing roblox and being mischievous...
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THIS IS ABOUT THE BLUSHING NAT DRAWING ISNT IT AHAH OMG THANK YOU!!! i think shes so cute. i know she cant handle compliments. she's either deadpanned 'thanks' or just covers her face and says 'shut up' cuz she doesnt know what to do.
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GOOD NEWS THEN ive drawn her a handful of times since u sent this HAHA TYSM
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you sent like... natobina i think... ok tbh kinda slaps
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OK REAL but also when i read it i keep reading it as 'cochina' and i cannot bring myself to name the throuple that </3 HAHA
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i want jeff to ache in his loneliness
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i need to draw connie asap but also THANK YOU SO MUCH AGAIN FOR THE CAR CONGRATS I REALLY APPRECIATE IT IM SO HAPPY I LOVE MY CAR SO MUCH i gotta go vaccuum her..
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shes such a cat to me. feline. of sorts, if you will
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also good news for you anon, i have also drawn her an ungodly amount of times since youve sent this. LOL
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literally the second that people tell me i made them start to like clocky i am overwhelmed with joy. i feel so much ache when people aren't fond of her bc shes so fucking cool and such a good character and so much fun. so sad that 2015 era creepypasta fandom destroyed her. but im here to fix it...
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incredibly. happy. to do this to u.
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nope! im not too interested in the 2021 nina just cuz i feel like i've seen that character concept many times (not just in jane), BUT if i had to do my own intepretation of her, 2021 nina would be INCREDIBLY immature in like. not a childish way, but an entitled, angry-fueled adult who cannot comprehend anyone else's thoughts/feelings. and thus, would despise OG nina (although within reason, OG nina idolizes the person who killed her family) . but even if there wasnt a good reason to dislike OG nina, she'd be mean. and OG nina would be mad and bitch. and theyd theyd fight. HAHA
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I-IF...???????? ANON?
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catbountry · 3 months
Kill. Murder. Rape. Suicide. Pedophile. Nazi. Hitler. Covid. Dead. Death.
When's the last time you watched a YouTube video or a TikTok video where some or even all of these words were censored, either by being bleeped out like what used to be reserved solely for swear words, or having sound-alike stand-ins (sewer slide, PDF File) or euphemisms (unalive)?
I'm not sure exactly where "unalive" came from, but I want to say it was in a similar batch of Roblox screencaps of children trying to creatively get past wordfilters by telling people to "go commit die." And I guess Fortnite played a role as well. Apparently "game-end" is attributed to a short film covered by Pyrocynical which was made to be family friendly, but I swear I have this memory of official Epic Games promo material using the term and I don't know if this real or not. I don't play Fortnite and I never will, so this was not considered important enough to really properly commit it to memory.
EDIT: It came from a Spider-man cartoon where Deadpool used it in an incredibly in-character way. Thanks, Guy I'm Going to Reference Later in this Post.
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It's an incredibly childish word. It seems like it was one that used to be used ironically until TikTok, being owned by a Chinese company where censorship laws are much stricter than here in the U.S., decided that words like "dead" and "death" and even "hole" were too dangerous of something, causing users to start getting creative and adapting these absurd euphemisms and they became so popular that people started using it who weren't even using it as a cheeky way to get around these word filters, on other sites that didn't have these same restrictions.
YouTubers can say the word "death" and "die" and (usually) don't have to worry about demonitization. The self-censoring that I remember starting on this very website, done as a way to either prevent posts being found through search or possibly offending the most sensitive of followers, is now being used by users to get around the restrictions set by giant faceless corporations to protect The Children, whose parents are giving them unrestricted access to the internet at younger and younger ages. I watched a video from an adult YouTuber crying about Newgrounds-style animations that were on YouTube about My Little Pony and about how traumatized he was by these, while also insisting he had good parents.
Good parents would not have let you have unrestricted access to 2012 YouTube unsupervised at age seven. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I gotta be the one to tell you this. I'm sure your parents are very nice people, but they could have easily used the internet to find out what kind of stuff was available on the internet. That was an oversight.
I was an adult on the internet in 2012. If I saw a parent just sit their toddler in front of YouTube, I would have asked them what the hell was wrong with them. Now, I see my cousin's children with their iPads watching videos of a faceless person playing with Paw Patrol figures, and I feel uneasy, but a little more hesitant to say something since my cousin seems well aware of the kind of place the internet is, and is always nearby when his kids are watching things. The internet was a constant presence for me in middle and high school, in the late 90's to early 2000's, and I saw some shit I should not have seen. But the trade-off was that I had a space where I could express myself openly, a place my mom didn't care about and wouldn't see. I clicked things I know I shouldn't have because I was a dumb, curious kid, and my mom was happy to not have to deal with me and have me be quiet, I guess. And my cousin is only a year older than I am, so I imagine our experiences on the early internet weren't that much different, considering he's also a bit of a nerd.
So this YouTuber aims his ire at the animators, who were making animations for other adult fans of the show (which he acknowledges), for daring to make edgy content of something made for children, holding up this children's media as a sort of sacred cow. For comparison, in middle and high school I was watching crude animations of frogs in blenders, stick figures bashing each other's heads into walls, and torture simulators featuring anyone from Pikachu and Elmo to Osama bin Laden. But because kids like him, kids brought up in the age of web 2.0, found these videos and watched them before their age had hit double-digits, those videos got lots of views from other children. And from that, we got Elsagate and Finger Family, videos that are still around but have mutated from featuring Elsa and Spider-man to now featuring Huggy Wuggy from Poppy's Playtime, or Pomni from The Amazing Digital Circus or Bluey from, uh, Bluey. These aren't edgy animations made for and by teenagers and young adults for a laugh, they're videos presumably made by teams of adults to mass produce and fill with as much shocking, click-baity content that doesn't even require being able to understand English to understand the plot, all to get watch-time to make money. There's no artistic merit to it. It's neither satire, nor is it an earnest expression of love for the source material, the latter of which, whether you like it or not, is where most rule 34 falls. No, these videos have only ever been content slop since this started around 2016. And this shit is still happening.
That same YouTuber has made a video about how we need to stop saying "unalive," which is part of what inspired me to post this at all, and I can't help but feel like this dude takes himself way too goddamn seriously, frowning upon "commit toaster bath" and "late term fetus deletus," which my edgelord, former 4channer millennial brain finds funny (it is too late for me, lads). This dude is in his early 20's and it's really interesting seeing someone discover pretty much things I've known since I was his age, but acting like they're these huge revelations. Like yeah, I've known about media influence on culture since I was in middle school, because of the internet, which was new and unrestricted by the Standards and Practices that shackled old media like radio and television. That used to be something that pretty much everybody on the internet was aware of; it's the reason why we came here in the first place. And you are right that giant corporations are censoring people, but also, the internet being corralled into a small handful of websites makes internet culture more homogenized and disposable. People can still meet life-long friends through the internet, but the sites where I first met some of my best friends are digital ghost towns, if they still exist at all, or they've become overrun with users infected by political brainworms that make them have incredibly strong opinions on a one-off promotional video done by Budweiser with a transgender TikTok influencer. You've got better luck making life-long friends through playing in the same Minecraft server together than you do being mutuals on Instagram or Twitter. And while Discord is the closest thing I've been able to find that replicates the feeling of both forum culture and chatrooms of the past, it's got its own set of problems unique to it. I can just say "Discord kitten" and most people who use Discord will know exactly what I mean.
Whoever decided to stop teaching kids about how to be safe online should probably be shot. Facebook made putting your whole-ass name and face and location on the internet not just normal, but people will find you suspicious if you choose not to do that. God, I fucking hate Facebook so much.
He's right, though, about the social contagion effect of language. This was a concern for me on this website a decade ago, but that was all social pressure. There was no corporate mandate cracking down on people, making them type "st*pid" to get around restrictions. That was all moral peacocking, baby. People did that shit to themselves.
Tumblr nowadays feels more sane, just because those of us left after the porn ban got a couple of years to grow up and chill out. But because of the porn ban, we can only really talk about the effects of it and complain, rather than be able to post our smut openly. Human sexuality expresses itself in some genuinely weird ways; I should know, and you should probably donate to Archive of Our Own to make sure there's a space where these things can be expressed without fear of censorship to protect The Children. But "unalive" is a symptom of a much larger problem, which is to sand off all the edges of the internet to make it marketable; the free market is more than happy to cater to the whims of the CCCP if they think it can make them more money. There's a lot of people in China, after all. The internet has more people on it but they're confined to much smaller spaces. Children don't have their own spaces online, and when they do, they're not as carefully moderated, instead opting for either overworked humans overseas, or dumb robots that just filter certain words and just become an obstacle to maneuver around to tell something to kill themselves with the creativity of someone who's at a sixth-grade reading level. People in their 20's are uncomfortable with nudity and sex scenes in films, perhaps under the assumption that it's always exploitation, that these scenes can't have artistic merit and are solely there to titillate, and given the sort of dumbing down of art thanks to Marvel and Disney, this seems like the only natural result when combined with the trauma of finding things online that you shouldn't have at way too young of an age. I do not like where this is going, and it's really saying something that those brought up in a sex-negative, American puritanical mindset only start paying attention when the censorship is affecting how we talk about death, something we have absolutely no problem with glorifying in our culture.
And if you're wondering why I wrote yet another long-ass essay bemoaning the slow death of internet culture and the Weenie Hut Jr's-fication of younger generations, well, it's because of this screenshot from 4chan.
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Now if only they could bully out the tradcaths.
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zsagu · 3 months
the fog reveals a silhouette.
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you can call me sagu. i am an alterhuman with a very fluid identity, so what creature i am may change and/or merge involuntarily at any time. currently i am a wolf dog/mutt and a canada lynx.
i experience feline and canine behaviour constantly due to imprinting. i am 18 and aroace. i prefer they/thorn's pronouns. alterhuman, furry, kemonomimi, petdre/re, faunagender... basically anything works for me as long as youre describing me as an animal and/or likes to express themselves as an animal .
CURRENT APPEARANCE: (*the canine and lynx parts fluctuate!!)
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FEATURED TAGS: "#sagu hoowls" for my posts, "#rehoowling" for reblogs that i relate. ''#petdre posting'' is the pet dreaming tag. #objectum posting speaks for itself. i might post suggestive stuff every once in a while, so block the tag "#!!! suggestive" if you're uncomfortable with that. minors beware!!
feel free to shoot an ask if you see me forget to tag anything like tw or cws!
MORE ABOUT MY NONHUMANITY: my alterhumanity is mostly the result of my hyperfixation with wolves, cats and animals in general and being 'othered' as a kid by other kids because of said hyperfixation; which led to me isolating myself from a young age. i am not good with them, but i try hard to understand social cues and act accordingly.
MEDIA I LIKE: undertale & undertale aus, the daycare attendant (fnaf), liminal spaces & the backrooms, will wood, deltarune, wolfquest 2.7 & wolfquest anniversary edition, animal jam play wild, fer.al, stray (the game), roblox, warrior cats, honkai star rail, sky: children of the light, the little prince, kuroshitsuji, twisted wonderland...
STUFF I LIKE TO DO: watching documentaries, hanging out with my cousins, drawing, listening to music (and building that awesome oc lore during it...), reading fanfiction, playing videogames (i say, as if you couldn't tell already), figuring out more about myself and my identity...
i would love to interact and my askbox is almost always open!
i do not have a dni, as people do whatever they want regardless if you have one or not. i will soft/hardblock freely depending on how i feel about the person/situation. that being said, i do not do these things unless feeling like ive been given a reason to of course.
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_last edited: 25.09.24
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dramaphan · 10 months
God drama where do we even begin?
So! The Sims came back and dnp made Dil & Tabitha young again. Dalien is an emo teen now. Dab and Evan are going to get married by the end of the year. They decided their house desperately needed a makeover, so they bulldozed the whole thing and are planning to start from scratch in the new high school world.
Then after that spooky week happened. They played a game called "Don't Scream" where the objective is to well...not scream when the game throws various jumpscares at you. Dan grabbed Phil's hand after getting jumpscared and they replayed it not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES. They played Poppy Playtime, a weird indie golfing game, another indie horror game called Elevated Dread, Five Nights at Freddy's. THEN to conclude spooky week, there was The Baking video. Omg drama the baking video...it still feels like a fever dream.
So they baked spooky cinnamon rolls & Phil (dressed as the devil) convinced Dan to put on his nun costume. He completely LOST it when Dan came out. He turned bright red and was giggling like a schoolboy. Dan kept making it worse by flirting with him too. He ran his hand down Phil's arm suggestively, which already had Phil struggling to keep it together (God this sounds like a phanfic but I swear that's how it happened), but THEN Dan flicked his devil horns and Phil totally lost his cool and had to go squat down behind their kitchen island for a minute. Dan's ass cheeks were fully on display in several shots bc the dress was so short. Dan really leaned into the bimbo persona in the nun costume, and Phil embraced the himbo and as a result, they were the stupidest they've ever been. They don't know how to do basic math, or spell or know who discovered gravity, but that's ok bc they're hot. At one point they pressed up close together and made one of those "me and my partner saw you across the room" jokes and it was genuinely funny but also totally wild. Then the video ended with Dan stripping completely naked. I can't believe what I just typed either.
THEN when spooky week was done they came back with a video where they looked at a fan-recreation of their first London apartment in Roblox. It was nostalgic, impressive and incredibly creepy at the same time. Dan probably had to go lie down on the floor and think about his life choices after it.
THEN google feud came back. It was dumb as always. Dan called Phil cousin, so now I'm on cousin hill. They used the video as an excuse to bring back Dan vs Phil so we can look forward to that in the near future.
And THEN they dealt the ultimate psychic damage with the cat video, which you saw so I don't need to give you a summary. Queenusagi of Lazy Days fame designed their legalize catboys sweater, which is really cool. I love how they're commissioning phannie artists now, but also Why are they doing that?
THEN they went back into Roblox and looked at more disturbing creations that were probably made by some poor 12 yr old in 2018. There was a ladydoor room where the song was playing and it was II themed. They went into a room that had recreations of several of their most ironic moments throughout the years including the pinof tackle. To which Dan said "what are they doing honey? Wrestling.... they're wrestling..."
And that's what you missed on Dan and Phil. I probably forgot some things bc soooo much happened. But yeah Drama. it's been a weird and wild ride. Glad to have you back.
Okay first of all forget kissing you with tongue I am sucking you off for this. Second of all hey, what the fuck? And third of all I forgot all about the catboy comic did Phil ever fuck the cat
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missbunmuffin · 6 months
More punch out head canons
Tw: talk about weight issues
Less serious tw: ocs and cringe
What me putting my shitty ocs in these posts is like. I made posts about both of them probably gonna say this kind of stuff every time I post these kind of things but I don’t want people to be too confused.
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Glass Joe
- Grew up in a catholic home but now as an adult doesn’t practice the religion really. He will eat meat on a Friday during lent. He doesn’t know what the fuck he is now he just considered himself spiritual or just a really bad catholic(not self projecting lmao)
- His family wasn’t really religious they only went to church sometimes but his mom wanted to do the no eating meat on Fridays during lent thing for some reason
- His sister just drops her kids off at his house randomly most of the time on Wednesdays because apparently French children only have like half a day of school those days(could be wrong) he loves his nieces but he hates when his sister just drops them off without warning because he has a life too.
- He loves silk textures. I feel like his boxing shorts are just really silky too
- Deadass walking around the locker room in a robe with a towel over his head after he’s done in the shower I drew an example back in like December
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Yes that’s the same robe he’s wearing in the pity party drawings I made
- Protective over his hair but he doesn’t mind if people touch it as long as they ask and are gentle
- His hair is also pretty soft and he takes good care of it to prevent further damage from when he bleached it himself and a chunk fell out.
- Into Rococo art. I took a humanities class at the beginning of the year and looked into the rococo art movement a bit and apparently it’s French so I always thought he would like that kind of stuff.
- uses a lavender sleep spray
- tries not to get too angry in public. Sometimes he just needs to leave the room to just pout and let it all out sometimes even crying out of anger
- has quite the collection of sweaters and cardigans.
- Loves baking cookies for his girlfriend Eleanor. Shes a baker herself but she loves his cookies more than her own
Von Kaiser
- Cuts his own hair this fucking video is literally him
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- secretly a cross dresser I mean this one might be kind of canon because of the weird chibi drawing of him in a Japanese manual for the nes game. Some of the other ones were so racist though ;-;
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- Wasn’t really interested in working with children it just sort of happened
- Either way he cares about his students genuinely even if it doesn’t seem like it
Disco kid
- got banned on Roblox for a day for saying suck toe(totally not based on my cousin who is like the same age as him also getting banned for that) yes I’m sharing this drawing again
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- Singing as loud as possible in the locker room showers
- If he has kids they aren’t going anywhere near the mall Easter bunnies and Santa’s he doesn’t trust them and neither should you
- He never hits the villagers with nets in animal crossing
- Has two sisters one older one younger
Aran Ryan
- Afraid of needles
- Has weight issues. He’s too focused on numbers on the scale. He knows nothing is wrong but I think some things the people around him said growing up affected him.
- I mentioned his sister Freya also has body issues in my post about her and Aran tries to support her because he doesn’t want her thinking that way about her body like he does. I imagine a lot of the women on his father’s side are naturally more curvy and he doesn’t want his sister to be ashamed of her natural body type.
- Still visits his grandmas house on his dad’s side even as an adult. He’s one of the only things she has of his dad that she has left.
- Plays Roblox with Disco kid and forces Narcis to play with them. He also bullies kids on there
- His mom was struggling fanatically a bit when his sister was about to go into secondary school. He just got into boxing at that point and was getting paid well so he paid for her school uniforms so she didn’t have to be stuck in his old ones that were too big and had rips in the pants that would probably fall down on her. He insisted he’d at least buy her some skirts because she’s not walking around school like that. He also felt bad because she literally cried at the thought of wearing a “boys uniform”
Narcis Prince
- Was like one of those rich British kids in tv shows and movies.
- He snoops in people’s shit all the time. Looking through drawers and reading peoples diaries.
- Would say British schools are crazier than American schools and than flip out at the stories in American schools and regret what he said instantly
- Tries to look after Freya to get on Aran’s good side. They have a complicated relationship. Deadass tries to put her to bed at 8:00 saying some shit like “young ladies your age need to be in bed by 8:00”
Okay this is getting long I’ll stop now
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atvace · 1 year
Lady Dior and the Seven Dilfs
Chapter 4: First Order of Business
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Ghost, Soap, Gaz and you eventually took turns in aim training, knife throwing and handgun shooting. it was actually quite fun. A little about your before-military-background, you used to shoot water guns when youre 3, BB gel guns when youre about 7 and youve won arcade games for your little niece when youre 14.
a lot of arcade games. your younger cousins always look up on you whenever you won them prizes from huge plushies, Hotwheels, even legos.
speaking of guns, you've surfaced to the depth of the internet back when you were young. having to use your mother's iPad to access such gores and disturbing content. Adapting to the FBI, forced to eliminate people off, you had absolutely no problem.
Empathy and sympathy is out of the window. your past relationship with you ex boyfriends left you quite heartless. you got scammed in Roblox once, it is merely a canon event. the homeless guy you give your spare change to molested a school girl once and you beat him until he lost vision. world hasn't been treating you well, and you just go with the flow and give zero fucks to nearly anyone.
"nice shot, (y/n)." Gaz rests his hand to your back. you sighed proudly, "Thanks, Gaz!" you nudged his side. "You got any question, (y/n)? you said you're a little less experienced with sub machine guns." Soap stored the unused MSMC.
Back in your FBI days, handguns are the most effecient weapon you can handle. It's been a while since the last time you were using the automatic rifles because your all-gun training was when youre in early 20s. you never liked heavy machinery gun because theyre too hefty for you to bring anywhere.
you prefer something quiete, small but fast. you prefer sniper as long ranged, revolver or a usp for mid combat and knifes for close. In your horse riding phase, you possessed an archery skill. you were slightly above average but stopped after your arrow accidently killed a wild bunny.
"I genuinely think they are too heavy for me. in what I observe in myself, I think im far much better using snipers, handguns or knifes." You reloaded your empty mags of revolver. "Lads," Price peeked his head out as the four of you turned to the source of the voice. "Lets do some deathmatch."
"Okay the goal is basically deathmatch." Price gave everyone a compass to keep track of where we going. "but, all of you will be using either the paintbal or" he paused for a moment. "an airsoft."
You raised your eyebrow with a questioning look. "what about the mission?" Price looked at you while wearing a sunglasses and a fisherman hat, "Oh, Laswell contacted me and she said we should take our time training. the mission takes place in a deserted island. That is why I decided to play a game of deathmatch." He smiles.
"any questions?" Prive crosses his arm. "Where are you gonna wait?" Soap tilt his head, "duh" he pointed his thumb to the white single chair beach bench behind Gaz. "and youre going to..?" Gaz unfinished question turned into a hum, "I'm gonna chill. you kids go fight. also, dont aim for the head." Ghost, Gaz and Soap sprinted at the last words. leaving you and Price alone.
"(y/n), why dont you go with them?" Price walked over his bench and sat like a retired dad. "Um.. captain," you held your fingers together. "Yes, (y/n). I'm all ears." Gaz took out a newspapers and widened the main page. "By any chance, do you have a..." you cringed at your request.
"combat bow? yellow lid below the wooden table under the ventilation." Price flipped a page, which cause your eyes to spark. "Howd you know?" You smiled at him. "I bought that for you the time your demotion letter were sent to me. archery was in your resume." He sipped his lemonade, still reading the newspapers.
you instantly love him. his gesture of kindness tattooed your head, you have to give him something special for him one day or another. "what are you waiting for, go get it." He flips the paper again. "Thank you!!" you got to your feet towards the airsoft shed.
upon arrival, you saw Gaz, Ghost and Soap chattering together with weapons in their grasp. all of them were in full airsoft gear and it was your first time seeing them in full combat attire. you felt butterflies in your stomach when they walked pass you.
shooking you head, you manage to get in the shed and find the box Price told you to get. you opened it and revealed a beautiful matte black curve bow with strong wires perfectly fit for field combat. but below the shaped foam, you noticed there was another bow.
it was a compound bow. with an armguard, quiver and a few customizable arrows. but what caught you is two kunais and some static ropes. you smiled to yourself and quickly geared up.
"I bet you don't last 5 minutes, Jhonny." Ghost mocked. "How do you know, I do cardio at least twice a week." Soap clucked his airsfot shotgun. "How are you going to last more than that in forest when you barely awake 2 minutes in bed." Ghost places his airsoft m4 to his shoulders. Gaz looked at the both of them terrified.
"Hey guys, sorry I took long." the three of them shifted their gaze at you, frozen in place. "I was actually struggling but Did i wear my harness correctly?" you turned your back facing them. the way the straps makes your thigh squished and your ass popping makes all of their jaw dropped.
"remember to stay focus, brothers." Price coughed loud enough for them breaking their gaze. "I-I mean.. you look good (y/n). I- Its just-" Soap flick his shirt as a fan as you walk towards them. "Is it hot in here?" Gaz did the same, waving his hand to his burning face, "Are you hot, (y/n)? I mean you are hot- I mean-" he snickered to himself as Ghost playfully smack the back of his head. "Mouth."
you tied the rope to the round hole in the edge of the kunai, tightening it. "Holy shit, are you going to kill us for real?" Gaz watched you taking out a real knife. "Oh, fuck. no I'm planning to climb the trees with these."
you chuckled at him the re-adjusted the strings of your bow, making sure its not loose. "are you sure youre going to wear that?" Ghost pawn himself to you, looking down to your bow then your shoes. "Oh, this?" you furrowed your eyebrow and look straight to his eyes. "No, the boots." He sternly replied.
you wore a black sleeveless turtleneck and a tight black gym pants. Soap told you wearing these wont affect much training in the range but for outdoors, I think (y/n looks fine.
You are wearing a Bershka buckle heeled Boots in black. you swifted your foot to the side, showing the shine of the leather to him then scoffed. "At least I want to be stylish when defeating you. humph," you walk past him but he stopped you by placing his enormous hand to your stomach level.
"I know its painful wearing heeled footwear, (y/n)." you look at him SURPRISINGLY soft. "As long you are comfortable, you can use anything you want. just remember, theres no fashion standards in here. Please make yourself pleasant." he finished and joined the others to the starting line, leaving you flabbergasted.
"alright, sergeants. get into position." Price stated, still in his beach dad mode. you clung the bow to your back feeling soap's eyes at you. "You seriously gonna use that thing?" He chuckled. "I like my fighting style similar to my money," you draw a smirk "Old money."
"ready?" you stanced ass up, of course theyre gazing at you. "set," you draw sketches in your mind what to do next. "Go!" you lunged your knees so fast it left a hole in the ground. you felt yellings from behind, mostly Gaz and Soap's
"HOLY FUCKING SHIT SHES FAST" you cant tell if thats Gaz's or Soap's. you were far beyond allready. with your tied knifes, you jumped and throw one of it towards a huge tree and swing towards those steady large stem, climbing it.
the heels you wore made you climb the trees easier. it spikes your weight to the brances and makes you jump easier. even though you feel a slight pain in the joint in every step, you gaslight yourself that you are fine.
from tree to trees you go. you have the lower body power of a God. in distinction to thousands of miles walking around a shopping centre from around the world, your legs can kick nearly 100,000franklins. not a world record, but still something youre proud about.
you tried to look around for your first victim, but your focus was striked as a paintball went close to your side, painting blue at the branch you sat on. "You missed!" you yelled at whoever shot that to you and quickly jump to another tree
you guess that was Gaz but he was nowhere in your sight. you gambled your guesses that Soap mightve been close to Gaz because the two of them are most likely too noisy to be hidden. hunting Ghost would be the hardest for you but you want to at least beat someone.
as you were on top, you took your bow and get the arrow into the sight, aiming to the grown. you saw Soap creeping around tall grasses from an approximately 40 meters north-east in your position. you shot your plunger arrows towards Soap's shoulder and he screamed in high pitch.
"Fuck! good job, (L/N)! wherever you are.. oh there you are" Soap waved his hands at you which you returned. "I was about to aim to your heart but I'm afraid you might fall for me, Scrub daddy." you winked at him and jump to another tree, searching for Gaz.
Gaz, from another slight distance got scared from the scream and quickly scattered. you were to quick to guess where he went, but your focus broke when a splatter of paint went through your side hitting a tree. "Fuck." you quicken your pace to find a safer spot to camp.
you heard a low grunt from somewhere and assumed quickly that was Ghost. not wanting to waste anymore time, you swung yourself throught the branches from one and another, still getting shot at from behind. this time, Gaz spotted you.
Seeing a bush of plants, you rolled yourself mid air and down to the ground swiftly equip your bow to shot. refusing to make any sound, you stood still waiting for Gaz to approach you first. "(y/n), i saw you~" Gaz whistled and nerved his gun.
From the source of his voice, you knew he is around front-right side of your spot. you observe how the wind blows and the sound of leaves brushing againts each other, you pulled the arrow close to the side of your ear, aiming and gambled on how he made sounds.
one snap of a twig, you swifted your left hand and release. "OW JESUS FUCK" Gaz's claim gave a wave of relief in your heart. you pushed the bush away revealing Gaz holding his thigh with a plunged arrow sticking out.
"You okay, Gazzy?" you cooed and leaned to the tree. "Fuck you're so good, (y/n). good job." he laughed and walk towards Price's previous spot. "hm, kinky." you walk the other direction. he probably came at your statement.
You jabbed the Kunai side by side, creating a rope trap for Ghost if he ever cross the path. You knew hes not easy to caught but the least you can do is having something to watch your back. proud of your (not) good idea, you climbed a tree and hid.
not too long after, you heard rustling from across your tree. taking your chances, you aimed at whatever made that noise. and there you can see it, the top of his helmet. You gave him a warning shot by aiming inches from his head.
you peered your gaze down to your trap, biting your lip when the trap you set was disabled. "Fuck, he knew." you hissed and looked back at your compound sight.
you lost him after. you stood lazily on top of the branch and tried to look around. not long after you felt a piercing gaze from the right side of your view. you shot another arrow to a suspicious bush. but suddenly a paintbullet striked at the side of your face hitting the tree, but you anchored your body to the side too heavily.
you dodged a bullet, thats one realisation. second, you lost balance and fell. "(Y/N)!" Ghost's source of voice is nowhere to be seen but you feel yourself falling to the ground.
you landed nape first and you laid down in silent. "Fuck." you grunt in pain, crawling to the clostest bush you can find just to be hidden from plain sight. unfortunately, it has thorns but you were too lightheaded to feel more pain. you pull out your bow again and aimed towards your guesses for Ghost's bearing.
feeling your head dizzy, you accidently released your arrow and you fell to your stomach, now exposed to the forest and the person you shot. to your surprise, you saw Ghost standing in the distance, with your plunge arrow right in his heart.
at least thats what you saw before you blacked out. "Bloody fucking hell, (y/n)" You feel a soft touch to your shoulders and your back is met by a fleshy feeling. you assumed that someone placed your head to their lap. "Holy shit," Gaz's voice lingered around the air as you just painfully still there. "Did she hit her head? yes she fuckin did oh my God" you could hear Soap opening a zipper.
"I lost my vision," you said laying still in assumeable Ghost's lap. "She lost her vision?!" Gaz crawled to your side. "How many fingers am I holdin?!" He hold out two fingers. "....ten" you muttered. "Oh shit she did-" Gaz said as Soap poured out the contents of his bag.
"Fuck I forgot my portable medkit." He curses. "This will do," you feel yourself ascending to the air as Ghost picked you up, not bothering about the arrow that plunged in his chest. "Gaz, Soap, clean her shit. now." He tosses you to his shoulders unintentionally bared your ass out which made the other two stared. "Eyes down, sergeants." Ghost hissed at the two as he ran out of the forest.
"You're not going to die, (y/n)." Price said patching up your back. you got a twig and a few cut thorns sticking in your back. you got blacked out for a few moments because your head was thrashed to a nearby rock. "But captain technically I'm dead now.." you muttered and whinced in pain as he pull the last thorn in your back.
"Why are you dead, (y/n)?" Price dabbed rubbing alcohol to a cotton to your back. "My skin is all bruised up now... my years of bodycare routine is wasted." You pouted to him. "(y/n), you'll be facing worser gushes than this. you have to manage, alright?" he wrapped a bandage over your stomach and back. "even with scars, you are still a beautiful girl."
you got back outside the field to see Gaz, Soap, and Ghost surrounding a table. you peered over to see and your eyes widened in horror. you compound bow broke into pieces as the only thing keeping it together is the strings. "Oh my God I barely used that" your knees weakened and Soap caught you on time.
"its alright, We'll tell the factory to make another." Soap patted your head and leered to your exposed bandages. "You good? I mean these" he poked your back and you stood at your feet. "Oh those are fines just a small cut." you place your hands to your hips and swayed to the side, "I'm hurt but I still look hot." you blew a kiss to him which he sneered.
"Alright, folks. Let's talk about illegal smuggling." Price place himself between you and Soap as Gaz and Ghost across the three of you. "Yippie!" you clasp your hand excitedly and watch Price scroll open the map. "(y/n), thats...not something to 'yippe' about.." Gaz frowned. "I'd like to have a coquette war crime." you sway your hair.
"Laswell detected an illegal drug smuggling and suspicious movement in the east. unfortunately they have a hostage." your smile dropped. "An Iranian prisoner is loose and assumeably made a new base undergound Verdansk," Price marked a specific land in the map with a red ink. "the hostage is an 18 years old daughter of the legislation supreme court"
when Price was explaining the mission, Ghost stared at you with an empty expression. his eyes look dull and dark. you noticed this but tried so hard to not exchange look with him.
you knew this is would be going down, you overheard Kate Laswell talking about it to your former chief, Artofay. It was bigger than what Price is explaining right now but you conclude hes just simplifying things out to make the mission more pivot. if it weren't for the demotion, you're probably at a spa right now getting ready to slay this mission over.
maybe in another universe, Leon Kennedy was your husband and you didn't get demoted. another probability that you are 141's intel for Verdansk but instead you're here being in the same team and deployed on field.
"I want everyone to be careful because we have no idea what drug they have," Price pointed the Verdansk city and Urziskan city. "there could be an injection drug, an epi-pen drug, gas drug. Verdansk is the orginate of the underground black market. I want to hear no report about any of you getting drugged." Price's tone turned sharp and serious.
"Pack for a week, we'll leave tomorrow by dusk." "Yes sir." we said in unison. "Gaz, I want you in the front line with me, Soap you will be a recon, Ghost as a watchtower and (y/n)," the mens tilts to you. "No heels." you gasped in offended.
"What?! thats bullshit." you protested. "you're bullshit," Ghost spat out. "Ghost!" Price beats the potential arguement. Gaz and soap looked at each other knowing its not the right time to talk or joke about it. "(y/n), I understand how much...vogue meant to you. but we will be going to a possible hostilities," Price softly explain to you like you are 5. "I'd like for you to wear something...safe." he finishes.
"Captain, I refuse." This time you stated coldly. "I'd like to prove it to you that I'm a woman whose capable of engaging any sort of combat in any sort of attire," You took a deep leap of faith. working in heels wasn't just a bragging thing, but its your signature way in doing your job.
Its also another way for you to remember that you mothet is always watching you. Heels meant more than fashion to you, you hold on to her decaying memories by wearing them nearly every occassion. Your mom is a huge poignant figure in your life and you'd force yourself to remember her as much as you can for the rest of your life.
but the men you're dealing now, they ain't shit. this is why you prefered working alone or with girls back in the FBI. but you don't expect the world to revolve around you, it's not how it works. really sucked to be integrated with a group of people who doesn't understand you except yourself.
that's where you have to save yourself, because who will?
"If you know about the compound bow, then I assume you know the reason behind the heels, right captain?" you smiled softly, yet cold. your eyes like siren, gazing to him for ruth.
he finally sighs in defeat, "Only if you bring a back up shoe. you know what? dismiss. 6PM in my office though." he rubbed his temper, which made Ghost iritated. "Thank you, pops!" you hugged him tightly enough to make him croaked and walk away happily leaving the four behind.
"Captain." Ghost looked to Price drawing dissapointed in his gaze. "Ghost." Price is too tired to argue with the skull man allready, Soap held Ghost's shoulder and sighs. "..Jhonny," The british tilt his head down to his mohawk. "Nah, man. let her be." Gaz commented at the telepathy phenomenon.
"Bloody fucking hell all she had to do was listen." Ghost grunts and anchored his fist to the table. "You doubt too much, Riley." Price exclaimed. "Do you not see she fell from a tree because of those damned heels?" Ghost pointed back to the forest they were practicing at. "Riley, she shot an arrow to your heart with a compound bow like a cupid, don't get me started." Price took out a cigar and lit it up.
Gaz and Soap wheezed at the fact you technically won the friendly deathmatch but stopped when Ghost glared at them. "Have a little faith, believe her for once." He huffed out the nicotine air. "Just because shes new in here, you shouldn't forgot where she came from. She goes to hell like a vacation," Price shooks the cigar, letting the ashes fall to the ground.
"The Devil wears Prada, Riley."
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secondhandmckie · 3 months
Headcanon Generator
Bold what actually applies to your muse, Italicize what sort of applies (under the cut!)
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Molly is great with kids.
Molly is a simp.
Molly is not good with social cues.
Molly is the gay cousin.
Molly crashed a riding lawn mower into their fence.
If someone they knew committed a crime, Molly would cover for them.
Molly does not know what sleep is.
Molly tells dad jokes.
It would not take much for Molly to turn evil.
Molly is smart but also very stupid.
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Ellie enjoys doing taxes.
Ellie is a cat person.
Ellie instinctively cleans messes in their own house as well as other peoples.
Ellie is a cry baby.
Ellie always has half of a watermelon on them.
Ellie is going to heaven.
If Ellie was presented with an intergalactic portal, they would enter it without question.
Ellie is great with kids.
Ellie is a very good singer.
Ellie is oblivious to any and all romantic interest someone may show them.
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Jack chews their nails when nervous.
Jack role plays on discord.
Jack doesn't own a single pair of matching socks.
Jack can't handle criticism.
Jack desperately needs a hug but doesn't know it and refuses to ask for one.
Jack has a very low alcohol tolerance.
Jack listens to 80s music.
Jack is a dog person.
Jack tackles and wrestles people to show affection.
Jack would succumb to the fog.
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Javi stole a lollipop at the checkout when they were 5 and they still feel guilty about it.
Javi can play the guitar.
Javi got hit by a bus once.
Javi uses two-in-one shampoo and conditioner.
Javi can't sit in a chair properly.
Javi can't spell resturaunt.
Javi is a simp.
Javi is a horrible liar.
Javi gets bullied on roblox.
Javi uses the word "dude" like a comma.
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Tagged by: @actiongrrl
Tagging: you!
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jazstudios · 2 months
good morning jaz <D
thank you for responding, really. honestly wasn't expecting it, but i like to hear from you <)
i'll admit seeing your message kind of made everything feel a bit more- real? i'm not quite sure how to explain it. it's like, this whole situation still feels like a dream sometimes, but your reply essentially 'bitchslapped' me back to awareness for a bit, lol
i know my previous ask was- definitely heavy, and i'm sorry if it was too much. i likely explained it better before, but i kind of just wanted to get it out, somewhere, somone. i'm sorry you had to see that in your inbox :,v i'm aware you likely may not mind, (or perhaps you do, i'm not quite sure) but still, my apologies for dropping an ask of that nature, without much of a warning no less.
but, thank you. sincerely. thank you for your kind words. you might not think you have a way with words, but. they are your words, i don't think i could ever understate just how much they truly mean to me.
the hug art pic as well. (i'm grasping for terms, apologies lol) if i can be honest for a moment, i likely looked like a tad goofy with how much i was smiling silly at it. not even to mention how i may have gotten teary-eyed a tad by the end of reading it, but i feel that may be beside the point lol.
when i first started reading it, it was a bit unexpected to me? i never really connected or applied those words to myself so it was a bit strange to have them directed at me lol, i hope you fared better when i sent you all my previous asks lmao. though, thank you. (i hope it isn't getting repetitive with how much i've been saying it <P) i know it's rather easy to disregard others' words, but i'll try my best to take your words to heart. i promise.
i love you too, jaz. i hope your mother always gifts you apple slices, i hope you and your cousins always have fun playing roblox with each other. i hope you'll always have something you love, it has the capability to be painful (so too does everything else, of course) but i suppose it's undeniably a gift. may you never go without it <)
truthfully, i had just assumed you likely already had an inkling as to who i might be, lol. thank you for your assurance jaz, it really does mean a lot to me. maybe one day?
i'm aware it may serve no real assurance when i say this due to the- abysmal word count or just nature of my previous ask, but do trust when i say, i think i'll be alright jaz. one of the many traits i share with roaches in fact, is my indestructibility <D i'll get back up again, it's just a process to get there, lol.
should there ever be a nuclear fallout of any sort, i'll probably be able to withstand that too <D (i'm now aware this makes my previous statement sound sarcastic but this part is in jest, i swEar.) now that you- well i, mention it, i'm not entirely sure where i got the idea that roaches would survive a nuclear fallout. hm. food for thought for another day, i suppose.
i know i've already mentioned it last time, but happily i'll say it again. i'll be here as long as you are, as well. should the day come, you move on to other things and this blog rests abandoned. i'll likely still be here, just missing you a whole lot.
i'm at least happy your able to derive any sort of amusement or small joys at the little words and such i send you. that's really all i could hope for <D
i love you very much jaz. thank you once more <3
(i've only now properly read through the last ask, i offer my sincerest apologies for the nonsensical mess that is the part near the end. i hope it wasn't too uncomfortable. i'm not entirely aware what came over to me to send that, but i'll try not to repeat it in the future c,:)
You are welcome! :) you're very cool anon, I love you
Never ever forget that!
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gab-b-b-y · 2 months
My cousin is my most favorite person, my best friend, my soul sister and overall the most swest and caring person and the person i love so so so much in the whole wide world you know why?.. because shes been with me when i was at my highest and at my lowest and was there for me when no one was, when i had no one to spill all of the madness, sadness, happiness that i was feeling she was always there.. I remmeber the days that me and her would play Roblox and play silly games. She cheered me up when one of my boyfriends broke up with me or a guy that i was in a situationship with and never hated me when i was at my player stage she supported me in everything that ive done just not the seriously bad stuff.. I dont deserve such of a good friend like her.. why you ask? Because when i started to have boyfriends, flings etc i didnt talk to her much, i didnt spend time with her and once told her that i couldnt play with her anymore because i wanted to spend time with my boyfriend more because he gets jealous that i spend more time with her than him when i was in a relationship with a guy... After what i did she still stayed and still talked to me. i love her so much.
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possum-paws · 1 year
You know inrealize something, whenever I talk about pokemon I always just say "I've only gotten really into it early this year late last year thanks to my boyfriend." But in reality I've been a fan of it for years, and I've never realized!
For instance I've been collecting cards for years, my first few sets from back in middle school, and during that same time my first "real" experience of a pokemon game was Pokemon Brick Bronze, the roblox game that got taken down a few months after my friend told me about it.
I've also played pokemon go a bit early into high-school and have always loved bulbasaur,
Collecting little figures and plushies, and even had my cousins Gameboy that had all the pokemon games cartridges with it.
But I've only started playing the games now, with me completing pokemon scarlet and have been playing the copy of pokemon white that my bf got me for christmas last year, plus I've been trying to play thru the romhack of soul silver I have, [which would be much smoother if my laptop didn't make it a stuttery mess lol]
What I'm saying is, even tho I technically haven't been playing pokemon forever, I've been a fan of it for years, I just kinda forgot lol.
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Still have no clue how to play the card game, I just think they're neat.
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cauliflowertree · 2 years
🍰 [lemon drizzle cake]
only if you want to and only when you can!! <3
i’m not particular on gender—can be any. fandom preference would just be howl’s moving castle or the hobbit!! now for a small description of myself: i adore the color yellow, anything strawberry, and hot chocolate. i have well over 300 books (have i read them all? no. do i love them all? yes). i have two cats who are quite literally my babies—they’re my favorite creatures in the world. and i hope to be a published writer one day, but sometimes i do absolutely nothing other than play roblox with me tween cousins who used to make their characters super pretty but now don’t because i always make mine super ugly <33 umm i love top gun and anything that falls under historical romance!! i don’t really know what else to say.
but again, no rush and only if you want to! love you. and congratulations!! you deserve so many more <33
thank you so much omg <3 also u sound amazing. let’s be bffs
i ship you with legolas greenleaf !
legolas would take the time to encourage all your dreams & goals, they’d be very important to him as are to you.
he’d set up candles & food in the library for you so you could spend as much time there as you pleased.
he’d relish in telling you stories of the past that you weren’t there to experience.
400 follower celebration !
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Madrigal Headcannons if they were in 2022
I couldn’t shake the idea of them with Tiktok and social media
Isabela and Camilo do Tiktok dances together. They spend hours doing it and laugh whenever Camilo shape shifts into another family member to do a dance. Cause like… how else would they ever see Tia Juieta twerk??
Mirabel taught Julieta how to do TikToks and she blew up sharing recipes and giving advice. She has similar content to Tabitha Brown. Everyone loves her.
Bruno is always walking around mumbling Tiktok sounds. He spent weeks going “That’s a big word for Elmo”
Isabela listens to Doja Cat. She probably listens to Ariana Grande too.
Luisa’s workout playlist is the best.
Antonio only quotes Tiktoks he hears from his siblings and cousins. Mirabel sometimes posts him on her page giving animal facts.
Luisa likes to vlog. She doesn’t do it every day but she tries to put a video out every week.
Bruno has an old boom box from the 90s to perform his rat rap battles. Camilo keeps trying to tell him to just use his phone but Bruno likes the authenticity of the boom box.
Isabela wanted to shave her head for a while but they were afraid she’d kill Abuela if she did.
Mirabel has the led lights in her room. She changes the color to reflect her mood.
Mirabel sends Abuela Tiktoks just to make her laugh. Abuela only knows how to watch them if Mirabel sends them to her. She thinks it’s sweet that Mirabel only sends her stuff she’ll like.
Isabela and Camilo are both on gay Tiktok.
Everyone knows when Pepa is stuck in a Tiktok rabbit hole because she laughs so hard it rains and sometimes hard enough to stir up some wind.
Isabela and Camilo can’t drive. It’s the rules. They’re gay.
Felix never drives. He’ll ask Pepa to go somewhere with him and then toss her the keys. She complains every time but she’s always happy to be spending time with him.
Everyone loves when Abuela uses her record player. There’s one song she loves just because the record skips every time. (If you know you know)
Antonio likes to watch nature docs all the time.
Camilo and Bruno watch Cocomelon with Luisa to unwind.
Isabela is convinced she invented iced coffee when she was seven. Pepa is the only one to support this theory. It only happened because Pepa was hailing and some of the ice landed in Isabela’s mug.
Luisa and Agustin like to watch animal videos. They cry all the time.
Abuela plays coloring games on her phone. So does Bruno. They bond over sharing pictures they’ve done.
Felix has a secret SoundCloud. Pepa knows but she’s sworn to secrecy…Julieta and Bruno are also sworn to secrecy. Dolores is also sworn to secrecy.
The triplets discovered Snapchat filters and spend hours taking selfies. It’s really cute. Sometimes they get them printed to hang up in their rooms or to go in photo albums.
Isabela’s lockscreen is herself. Queen shit.
Luisa likes to watch cartoons with Antonio and the animals.
Bruno plays Minecraft.
All of the cousins love animal crossing. They trade turnips and stuff all the time.
Sometimes family game nights are on the switch or the bust out the Wii.
Antonio plays Roblox.
The whole family did a murder mystery once. Agustin and Dolores planned the whole thing. Everyone got really into it.
They like to race go karts and are extremely competitive.
Pepa likes Megan Thee Stallion.
Dolores hates that her Mami knows all the words to Wap.
When Bruno was away Julieta used to watch home videos on their birthday. It made her cry every single time. She was afraid to watch them with Pepa because she knew Pepa would get angry just from the hurt she felt.
Mirabel loves YouTube tutorials. So does Agustin.
Luisa is scared of roller coasters but she’ll go on if Mirabel holds her hand.
Isabela definitely dyed her hair with the money pieces in the front. They were pink first then eventually green.
Pepa likes to embarrass Julieta by telling her kids she had an undercut once. Julieta will always deny it.
The triplets have a group chat. It’s called
“PB&J 🥜🧈🍇”
Pepa got called a milf once and asked Isabela what it meant. Dolores was screaming the entire time. Julieta knew what it meant but she wanted to watch it all go down.
Pepa isn’t allowed to watch Titanic.
Antonio ordered a bunch of toys and treats for his animals on Amazon and got his iPad taken away.
Camilo is more of an iPad kid than Antonio.
Luisa writes fanfiction. She’s really popular online.
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2yara · 3 years
What computer games would Madrigal family play in modern au?
Abuela probably wouldn’t play anything until Mirabel/Camilo introduced her to Zuma, Minesweeper and other old Microsoft games
Julieta and Agustin would play something like Sudoku and Mariokart(when kids ask to play together) in their free time.
Pepa and Felix like playing moving games! Like Just Dance, Kinect Adventures or Kinect Rush. Moving makes them gaining serotonin(which I don’t understand). Kids often join them:D
Bruno likes retro games like Pac-Man, Tetris, or something else on old console. But sometimes gets invited to play with kids online multiplayer games where he doesn’t understand what to do.
Isabela liked playing dressing games before. Now she plays RPG online and crush 13yo children like a punk she is now
She still plays games where you can decorate clothes and interior with plants.
Dolores likes to play Point & Click games. And escape rooms. She also likes detective games and tries to predict who’s killer
She hates playing multiplayer/online games because it’s annoys her even more due to her gift. And nobody calls her to play Fortnite because she hears where are everyone. But sometimes she likes playing Jackbox with family.
Luisa LOVES to play farming games. Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing, all of it. Just relaxing and no hasting
Sometimes she plays multiplayer games with Mira and Camilo, but it often disturbs her even more so. No multiplayering.
Oh yeah. Mirabel and Camilo. Yes. Them. Those 15yo gremlins of the family. You often can hear them yelling at game or each other while playing a game. They play al sorts of online multiplayer games. Dota, LoL, Fortnite, Minecraft, Roblox, Genshin Impact, you call ‘em! But they do want to play with fam’s too. So they call cousins to play multiplayer games. Or host Jackbox games to play with all of the family.
At last, but not least, we have Antonio. He probably not allowed to play computer games that often, but he likes games with animals.
Tonito would always watch how Luisa plays Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing.
Helps Dolores in finding things in Point&Click games.
Likes to makes dresses with Isabela.
Loves to dance with mami Pepa and papi Felix.
Tries to solve Sudokus with tia Julieta and tio Agustin.
Doesn’t understand how Tetris works after many attempts of Bruno trying to explain it, but still likes to watch colorful blocks on tio Bruno’s screen.
And excitedly helps Abuela play Zuma and match those rocks together.
Everyone likes it when Antonio watches them play.
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thelifeofplums · 3 years
Saiki K Headcanons
previous headcanons: Mikoto Aiura, Kokomi Teruhashi  
Victim: Aren Kuboyasu 
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he/him pronouns. 
I really think he’s bisexual with a preference for men. 
I think he was bullied in like preschool because of how scary his parents looked and when Aren told his parents, they freaked out and told him that if anyone ever bothers him again he should beat them up.
So he did. And the delinquent child was born. 
honestly I think he’s had a boyfriend or two before. Like in his delinquent days he fell in love with a couple of those “nerdy” guys. 
Those relationships always ended quickly though because they’d literally get scared of Aren and run. 
Has feelings for Kaidou but wont confess because he’s scared it’ll end up like his past relationships. 
likes spicy food. a LOT. 
He’s actually really good at baking. He makes macarons a lot. Like a lot a lot.
Sometimes he makes those little heart cookies for Kaidou and tries to give them to him. But chickens out and just gives them to some random person he finds. 
Prefers dark chocolate over white chocolate and milk chocolate. 
Had a unicorn phase. 
he’s bought stuff from Teruhashi’s small business without knowing it and literally walks around with one of the keychains she designed on his bag. Makes Teruhashi so happy i stg
bullies kids online on roblox. 
sometimes he plays along when Kaidou talks about dark reunion and the jet black wings. Like he literally has created his own character in this universe and plays along sometimes.
surprisingly he’s very good with kids! Like he has baby cousins. And he’s just so nice to them and like- You can just tell he’d be a good parent. 
His mbti type is esfp-a 
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topweeklyupdate · 3 years
TØP Weekly Update #149: Let's Go Gamers (9/10/21)
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The band's back, people! After a really quiet month, TØP won't let me rest, and I couldn't be happier!
Next Friday, we get a surprise new concert... in Roblox. With this being the second ever full-fledged (non-screen) concert hosted in the game next Friday, this would get me massively excited if this didn't make me feel tremendously ancient. Still, if you play the game (or have little siblings/cousins/kids who do), the promise of an interactive choose-your-own-adventure concert in a unconstrained digital space, with exclusive band/lore-related content and a hilarious trailer, should have you very excited.
Meanwhile, the real-world Takeover Tour continues, with Newport Music Hall in Columbus hosting an intimate performance sponsored by Alt Nation for their Small Stage Series. The setlist was identical to the Summerfest show, save for the very notable addition of "Migraine" giving the Vessel era more love. The Trees Speech had Tyler confessing that there was a time where he genuinely feared that he'd never get to perform in front of a real crowd again. Glad he has that.
But I'll be real; the most hype TØP thing from this week was getting the official release of "Heathens/Trees" from the Livestream Experience, which was unquestionably the pinnacle of that whole show for me. 'Scuse me while I cry bumping this non-stop...
This weekend will see our band playing "Saturday" at the VMAs; hoping that gives the song a bit of a boost, though I'm really not sure how many people are watching award shows in the modern music industry. But hey, we can dream, and as I always say at the end of these things...
Power to the local dreamer.
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