#the curious case of miles prower
dakt37 · 2 years
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This joke is obligatory
Edit: Part 2 is [here]
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mama-qwerty · 2 years
The Curious Case of Miles Prower
Okay, so because I should be working on the next chapter of Fall of the Status Quo, or the next part of my Eclipse intro story, I instead wrote this. Because I can’t stop thinking about the adorable-ness that is the de-aged Tails art of @dakt37
Seriously, it’s freaking adorable. Check it out if you haven’t already.
This isn’t much, but I thought it was a good intro to the plot.
Sonic stared at the little two-tailed fox, currently curled and napping on the floor.
“Tails,” he muttered to himself, a tired groan mixed in with the words. “What have you done to yourself?”
The boy didn’t answer, instead curling into a tighter ball. His twin tails flicked at the tips, twitching with whatever dream the kit was having.
Running a hand down his face, Sonic heaved a sigh. His brilliant best friend slash adopted little brother usually took detailed notes about whatever invention or experiment he was working on at any given time. But sometimes—like this time, apparently—the fox got a little too caught up in his brainwork, and would only write notes once the burst of inspiration had faded.
Unfortunately, it would seem he’d never write those notes, now.
Because he was currently about three years old.
At least, that’s how old Sonic thought he was. He’d been about four when the hedgehog had originally found him, being bullied by some older kids for having an extra tail. Had he been this little then? The fox seemed littler now, but maybe it was because Sonic was older? He himself had only been about 11 when they’d met, so still just a little kid himself.
Was that only four years ago? Seemed like a much longer time. Seemed like they’d known each other forever.
Sonic sighed again, sitting heavily on a workbench stool. He glanced over the mess strewn across the bench itself—tools, papers, pencils, bits and bobs of various machines in various states of repair—and felt a sense of helplessness. “I have a system,” Tails had told him once. “I know it looks like a mess, but it makes sense to me. Don’t touch anything!”
Your ‘system’ leaves a lot to be desired, buddy, Sonic thought, glancing back at the kit on the floor. How can we fix this when we don’t even know what you were doing in the first place?
Tails gave a little squeak in his sleep, and Sonic’s ears twitched, instantly flicking toward him. The boy twitched, caught in the web of bad dreams, and a whine escaped his little throat.
Without thinking, Sonic bent to scoop the boy into his arms, bringing the kit up to cuddle against him. Tails curled tighter for a second, before uttering another squeak and turning his face into the soft fur of the hedgehog’s chest.
“You’re okay,” Sonic soothed, holding his now much littler brother close. “You’re safe. I’ve gotcha.”
Another sound left the boy’s throat, this time a kind of grunt. Then he uncurled, reaching his little arms around to cling to Sonic and hug him tight.
A lump formed in the hedgehog’s throat. Had Tails been this little back when Sonic first found him? At four, he must not have been much larger than this. What possessed him to think that he, at only 11, would be capable of taking care of someone else, especially one so young?
All their early adventures flittered through his mind then. The danger. The risks. Sure, he’d done his best to keep Tails safe and unharmed, but, again, he was ELEVEN YEARS OLD at the time. Not exactly an age that’s known for good ideas and sound decisions.
He thought about the kids around the village who were about that age, and his chest tightened. He wouldn’t trust any of them with a four year old, even in the confines of a village with other people around. Yet, he’d run around other islands, dragging a literal baby with him, without a second thought.
This stomach clenched at what could have happened. How many times Tails could’ve been hurt. Or worse. Because of his lust for adventure.
“I’m sorry, Tails,” Sonic said, his voice soft. He nuzzled Tails’ head, and the boy uttered a soft purr. “I haven’t been the best big brother. I just . . . didn’t know better. But I’ll make sure you’re taken care of now. I promise.”
Tails sighed, snuggling deeper into Sonic’s chest fur. His twin tails split, curling around either side of the hedgehog’s waist.
Like this? Check out my other snippets. Reblogs are appreciated!
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moremediocre · 2 years
Hide and Seek
Fandom: Sonic the Hedgehog
Synopsis: A young kitsune fox plays hide and seek with his parents. It takes him far too long to realize his parents had no intention of finding him.
Warnings: Child abandonment, angst, unsympathetic parents
Word Count: 3,071
In a small cottage on Cocoa Island, two parents met in the dining room with their weary heads in their hands. Sitting in the common area was a small fox no more than four years old, reading a book that would confuse even the smartest of villagers. The young kit remained unaware of his parents' discussion. 
Mrs.Prower, rubbing the dark circles underneath her baby-blue eyes with one hand, rested a cup of coffee on the table next to her husband with the other. She patted him on the shoulder and, when she got no response from him, took a seat next to him.
"What are we going to do?" the woman sighed after a few minutes of gut-wrenching silence. "The village knows about him. We can't keep going on like this."
"I know that!" the father snapped. An ache of guilt bothered him as his wife flinched back, and he softened. "I'm just...not sure what to do about this. We won't be welcome here much longer, but I don't know where we can take him."
Both parents turned to the child, whose nose stuck to the book he was reading.  The child was normal under no circumstances. Excitement blinded the Prowers while their son grew in the mother's womb, but that excitement quickly turned to pure devastation the minute the mother brought the kit into the world. As soon as they saw the child, everyone in the hospital room gasped. Some doctors fainted upon seeing him; others fled the room. The parents could do nothing but stare at their newborn in pure horror. 
There, right in front of their very eyes, was a baby fox that sported two tails.
The parents knew what this meant for them the moment they spotted the second tail. Ever since they were young kits themselves, they read the stories of the histories, blessings, and curses their homeland endured. The most popular --and most infamous-- story told of the curse of the two-tailed fox. A two-tailed fox living in the village meant terrible luck for the residents and the family. In such cases, the townspeople resorted to shunning the fox or the fox's family away. Some stories warned the parents of paranoid villagers chasing the twin-tailed fox's family out of the island with weapons and torches in hopes of either scaring the cursed family away or persecuting them.
And the Prower family did NOT want to know how the village planned to persecute them if it came down to it. 
So, both parents thought in suffocating silence, each holding their bated breath. 
"Well," the father sighed. "We can't stay here. The village will eventually decide they don't want us living here and chase us out. But..." he looked back at his son, still reading the book that he should be too young to comprehend. "...I'm not sure if we can take him with us. Nobody on this island will accept us with our son. I don't know who will."
"Then what are we supposed to do with him?" Mrs.Prower asked in a hissing whisper. "We have to go somewhere, don't we? Can we just leave him here?"
Mr.Prower raised an eyebrow at the idea. He looked back and forth between the oblivious, two-tailed fox and his confused wife. After a few seconds, he leaned closer to his wife and put a hand up to the side of his mouth, whispering:
"That kid's not normal. He's small, but he's smart enough that he can take care of himself. We don't know the full extent of what that kid knows."
Miles suddenly faced his parents with wide, curious sky-blue eyes. He stumbled to his father's leg and sat, gazing up at him expectantly. 
"Papa?" Miles gently shook his father's leg. "What're you guys talking about?"
Mr.Prower glared at his wife as if to say, "Follow my lead," and turned to Miles. He picked the little kit up, placed him on his lap, and playfully poked at his nose. The toddler giggled.
"We were thinking about playing a little game!" Mr.Prower exclaimed. The young kit gasped at this and swiveled himself toward his mother for confirmation. The mother offered him a toothy yet half-hearted grin, and the toddler, not knowing the difference,  giggled with excitement.
"Alright, here's how we're going to play this little game," Mr.Prower set Miles back down on the floor. "Your mother and I are going to count to ten. While we count, pick the best place in the house to hide. If we can't find your hiding spot, you win! Got it?" 
Miles started laughing and clapping his hands. Mr.Prower took that as a "yes" and turned to his wife again.
"Just follow the rules of the game, honey! You'll be fine!" he winked with feigned playfulness. Mrs.Prower scrunched her eyes but nodded nevertheless.
"Okay, son," Mr.Prower continued. "Mom and I are going to turn around," he gestured to his wife to copy him as he turned away from Miles. "We're going to cover our eyes, and we're going to count to ten. Are you ready?"
Mr.Prower sighed upon hearing his son giggle and stumble away, the child's teetering footsteps fading as he ran to another room.  Probably to his room, he thought to himself. Good. He doesn’t need to come back here. 
"One!" Mr.Prower announced. Instantly, he uncovered his eyes and shook his wife. Ignoring Mrs.Prower’s sudden jolt, Mr.Prower glanced wildly toward all their belongings.
"Grab what you need," he hissed. "We're getting out of here." 
He rolled his eyes at Mrs.Prower's frozen form. He didn't waste time, already grabbing bags for his necessities. Stressed eyes glared at his wife as he barked out, "Two!"
Mrs.Prower jolted again as realization suddenly hit her. She sprung into action, collecting as many suitcases as she could carry. She swung the pantry open, grabbing cans of food and placing them in some of the bags Mr.Prower generously placed at her feet.
"Three!" Mr.Prower called as he ran into the bedroom, ripping open the drawers. I wouldn't need a lot of clothing, he thought to himself. Just enough to get me through the first few days.
Wherever we go, I pray they show us some hospitality, Mr.Prower concluded as he tore through his clothing, picked out outfits randomly, and threw them into a suitcase. Then he ran to the other side of the bedroom, to his wife's drawers, and started rummaging through her clothing for random outfits, too. He threw those outfits in a different suitcase, assuming they could save time if he helped Mrs.Prower pack while she battled with her conscience. "Four!" 
Mr.Prower raced out with the suitcases and shoved one into his wife's hands. Just as he predicted, Mrs.Prower moved much slower than she usually did in dire measures. She stared at nothing too often, her mouth in an "o" shape and her eyes wide. Sometimes, while packing, she'd stop completely, frozen in place.
"Five!" Mr.Prower reminded her. He passed her and jostled her shoulder for a second as if that would get the message across. He handed her one of the last two bags and started filling the other with the last of their necessities. Mrs.Prower followed after him, though she sometimes glanced at Miles's room in consideration.
"Trust me, hon," Mr.Prower stopped, placing a gentle, reassuring hand on her shoulder. "That kid is probably capable of more than what we can understand. He'll be fine, but if we stay here, we won’t be. We can't last in this village for much longer."
Mrs.Prower sighed, her shoulders slumped. "If you say so..."
A satisfied smile decorated Mr.Prower’s face. He lifted his final bag, gazing around the house in case the cursed child caught them in their tracks. "Six!" he called out to keep the doubt from rising in Miles's head over the prolonged silence. His eyes scanned each room for anything he and his wife missed. 
The only thing he noticed was the doubt still clouding Mrs.Prower’s eyes as she stared at Miles’s bedroom.
Mr.Prower's heart ached with a strange sense of sympathy. Miles's birth messed with his wife dearly. He never imagined her hiding away in the face of social interaction, but ever since they discovered Miles's extra tail, Mrs.Prower didn't want anyone to notice she existed. She'd hide Miles close to her chest if living in public was necessary. With her head low, she'd pray nobody would notice her.
Sometimes people left her alone. Sometimes they didn’t, and Mrs.Prower always feared discussing what happened would the townspeople didn’t leave her alone.
Mr.Prower sighed to himself. He would give anything to see his wife smile again, even if it meant leaving the kit responsible for her frowning.
"This just doesn't feel right," Mrs.Prower whimpered, clutching her stomach. "I just don't feel right leaving a little kid behind."
"I know," her husband soothed, rubbing reassurance into her back. "But there's nothing we can do about that. We're not safe with him."
"What's going to happen to him?!" Mrs.Prower pressed. "Are they going to hurt him? He's a little kid…"
"I'm not sure, but that kid can fend for himself. Nobody truly knows how intelligent he is."
And maybe, Mr.Prower thought, that should be enough reason to fear Miles despite his age. Perhaps as Miles grew older, he'd learn more and become more intelligent than even the most legendary scientists. When Miles ew older, he’d begin to understand the concept of morals more. He'd have enough understanding to ultimately conclude whether to use his irregular intelligence for good or evil.
Mr.Prower shivered. The prophecies never suggested that people like Miles would use their quirks for good. 
Mr.Prower squeezed his wife's shoulder. The parental side of him also begged him to reach for the child. Mr.Prower, albeit self-proclaimed, merely had the logical sense to push it back. Mrs.Prower, who sacrificed so much to bring Miles into the world, refused to let go of her hope for her only son. Even after the twin tails ruined their reputation among the entirety of Cocoa Island, Mrs. Prower held on to the hope that one day Miles would restore their name. Leaving Miles meant abandoning that hope, and Mr.Prower knew that tore at his wife’s heartstrings.
But they couldn’t stay, and Mr.Prower needed to find a way to convince his heartbroken wife out of the house. So, resting both hands on her shoulders, Mr.Prower took a deep breath and told the biggest lie of his life:
“Listen, honey, if we go someplace safe, we can check up on him later. We just need to make sure that nobody on this island—or anywhere else—has a reason to hurt us.
Eventually, Mrs.Prower slumped her shoulders and looked back up. “Okay.” she decided, her voice firm for the first time that day. “Let’s go.”
Mr.Prower offered a content smile and led his wife outside the room. The couple recollected their belongings and scrambled toward the door as Mr.Prower called out to the house, “Seven!”
Both parents took one last look at the house, one last look at the miserable life they were about to leave behind. Then, they ventured out the door toward new possibilities, not once glancing back at their cursed son still hiding somewhere in the house, still waiting for his parents to finish counting those last three numbers.
Miles’s eyes fluttered open to the darkness surrounding him. After rubbing the nap he didn’t know he needed out of his eyes, he pushed the thick blanket he pulled over himself earlier off of him. He couldn’t tell how long he’d been hiding, but the lack of light shining through the closet door suggested he’d been in there for hours.
Strange, the young toddler thought, raising his eyebrow at nobody. He figured if his parents didn’t eventually find him, they would announce their surrender and ask Miles to reveal himself. Were his parents so persistent that they would search every inch of the house until they found him, refusing defeat even hours after counting? Did Miles pick THAT good of a hiding spot?
Miles smiled as he entertained the thought, but he shook his head. A deep feeling in his stomach told him both those scenarios sounded too uncharacteristic of his parents. Sudden nausea and pounding of his chest told him something else was happening.
Miles swallowed the anxiety back down his throat. Miles paused to stretch his limbs out before opening the closet door. As he stepped out, Miles noticed his bedroom remained pitch black; his parents never checked this room. Confusion gnawed at his stomach as he stumbled throughout the room, his parents nowhere to be found.
Miles had to jump to reach the doorknob that separated him from the living room. He didn’t understand why his parents wouldn’t leave him an area he could easily walk through to get out of the room. He knew how to open and close doors. He knew how to walk (though he wished his legs would obey his mind more and not trip and fall now and again). Why did all the doorknobs have to be higher than he could reach?
Nevertheless, Miles walked into the uneasy silence. The chill in the air didn’t comfort the young fox in the slightest. His heart pounded harder. Wasn’t Miles supposed to be the one hiding?
“Mom?” Miles’s meek voice called, stepping further into the common area. The chair his father sat in when he began the game was sprawled inches away from the table. Even his mother hadn’t bothered to push her chair neatly toward the table. How peculiar of her.
Miles continued to venture around the house. The pantry door creaked open; someone had forgotten to shut it. Slight relief coursed through the toddler. Maybe one of his parents looked for him there.
But as he peeked closer into the pantry, he noticed that the majority of the food disappeared. The once-crowded shelves held enough room for Miles to climb to the top and sit there if he wanted. Only a few unopened cans of soup remained.
A lump formed in Miles’s throat. Miles might have been able to fit at the bottom of the pantry, but there was no way Miles could have fit past the cans and bags of food that usually flooded the area. Aside from one glance at the floor of the pantry, his parents shouldn’t have had a reason to search for him there.
“Mom? Dad?” Miles meekly called through the lump in his throat. He abandoned the pantry, creeping toward the common area where every piece of furniture remained where they always were, much to the young fox’s dread. Mom and Dad didn’t bother to check for Miles in this room. Something wasn’t right here.
Perhaps they simply forgot they were playing a game with him? This would not have been the first time his parents forgot they were doing something with their son. Miles often saw the dark circles in his mother’s bloodshot eyes, though he could never distinguish the reason behind them. He always assumed his mother lived a busy life and thus struggled to maintain the life she had with her family, much like his father, who spent little time at home.
Such explained why Miles worked so hard to learn how to take care of himself. He spent countless hours reading books and learning new skills to lessen his parents’ worries over him. He reasoned with himself long ago: if he could take care of himself, then Mom and Dad could take care of themselves, and they would all be one happy family.
It hadn’t worked yet. Miles still saw the stress in Mom and Dad’s eyes every time they glanced his way. Sometimes, they sat at the kitchen table and whispered to each other in voices Miles never heard, much like they did before Dad suggested a game of hide and seek. Other times, they locked themselves in their room for hours, shutting out the rest of the world. Miles tried knocking the first few times they did this. He stopped when they never answered him.
Maybe they were having one of those talks in their room. Miles’s brain rattled as he wondered why his parents wanted one of those talks over hide and seek. Nevertheless, his mind didn’t come up with another place for his parents to reside, so Miles shuffled to the bedroom.
Miles didn’t think anything was out of place until he tried the knob, twisting and turning it left and right. Mom and Dad always locked the door. Miles’s stomach twisted and turned much like the doorknob as he slid into the bedroom. Someone scattered all over the large bed his parents slept in, and pillows rested on the cold floor. Mom always found time in her crammed day to detail-clean the bedroom.
A sinking feeling in Miles’s stomach directed him throughout the bedroom. He skidded to a halt when he reached his father’s side of the room. All three of the nightstand doors rested wide open. Clothes were scattered all around the nightstand. Few outfits remained.
Everything suddenly clicked.
The toddler’s heart shattered into a million pieces right then and there, and his knees gave out soon after. Tears flooded his vision and traveled down his cheeks before he realized it, but he didn’t even bother to try to wipe them away from his eyes. Miles simply curled up on the cold, hard, unforgiving floor and pulled his knees to his chest. With one deep breath, Miles let out a high-pitched shriek, his tears racing down his face.
He screamed for countless hours, and when he ran out of air to continue, he could only heave in a breath and cry out again, rocking himself back and forth as if that would provide any comfort. Not even his throat becoming raw and pained silenced his broken wailing, for he knew that the entire world abandoned him, that no one would ever return for him, not even those he thought loved him the most. Miles was nothing more than a two-tailed child playing hide and seek for the rest of his life.
Except no one would ever come to seek him.
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greenyvertekins · 1 year
I think in Tails' case, it's less of a matter of him naming himself and more of a matter of Miles Prower being just a name he really doesn't like being called and considering the nickname Sonic gave him, Tails the Fox, to be his real name. I can imagine with Sonic and Knuckles, since they're both confirmed orphans, it could be that they just... don't have a family name to go by at all so they go by their species name. Sonic is called Sonic the Hedgehog cuz he either disowned his family name or never had one to begin with. With Amy I'm pretty sure she has a full family name although I find it curious Cream doesn't since she actually has a canon parent who is actually seen in universe. Maybe it's Vanilla who doesn't have a family name and Cream inherited that quirk?
I thought Tails was known as Tails prior to meeting Sonic?
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maggyoutthere · 4 years
It's funny how I'm actually putting effort on this. I'm putting actual effort on a shitpost.
Anyways I said I'd write a bad sonic creepypasta so here it is. Here's the catch: I like how its turning out so imma make it a 2-pary story. This is the first part. It doesn't have any scary shit but it has the basics for a shitty creepypasta: someone gets a old pirated/unreleased/defective game and tries them out despite getting warned that bad shit might happen.
Again I'm not a fluent English speaker so expect some grammar error and stuff like that ._.,
So ladies, gentlemen and non-bis, I present to you-
Sonic: Battle of Metal and Blood (Part 1)
Synopsis: Teen gets nostalgic mid-quarentine and starts playing old Sonic games. She asks for some cheat codes and shit happens.
So for context; I'm a 17 year old girl stuck home because of quarantine.
It had been 4 or 5 months since the virus sent everyone home. Students were playing Animal Crossing and DOOM all day to fill in the summer hours since no one could go outside. I never liked going to the beach so I was never really bothered by it.
Like many people, I found myself going back in time to easier phases of my life. I was rewatching old cartoon shows from my childhood, getting into MCR and P!ATD and just living in pure nostalgia. I also started getting into gaming again, even going to the point of setting up my Wii again just to play Epic Mickey, but I didn't exactly grow up with the Wii. I was more of a Playstation kid, so much that me and my bro got a Playstation 2 from our cousin when he eventually bought the 3rd one for himself.
My cousin was older than us; I remember him being 16 or 17 when I was like 12, so he was kind of our gaming hero. If there was a level in Crash Bandicoot we couldn't beat, we'd call my cousin and he'd do it in 15 minutes. He knew all the cheat codes, all the secret levels and extra content for the games he had; he was like a genius to me and my lil bro, so when he gave us his old Playstation 2 and games me and my sibling knew we were in for a treat.
We got this Sonic Gems Collection for the Playstation 2 from him. It's like a port of various older Sonic games like Sonic CD, Sonic The Fighters, Sonic R and so on. I grew up playing that game, especially Sonic The Fighters since I wasn't very good at the racing games.
I still had a working controller and a lot of free time so I asked my bro for help setting up the console. The thing was so dusty I was actually scared it wasn't going to work. We clicked the power button and the light on the console turned on. Me and my brother held our breaths as we put the DVD in the console and crossed our fingers. As the screen lit up with the SEGA logo and music started playing, I just hugged him and cheered. He set up the console in my room so I could play without having to go to his room (he was the one keeping all the electronic stuff) and told me to have fun.
I didn't even know where to start. There was so much I wanted to play now that I actually knew what I was doing. I thought about starting with my favourite one out of the bunch: Sonic CD. I'm a sucker for the retro 2D pixel games so that was a must. It was better than what I remembered; the music was so catchy and the art style was vibrant and it stood out from a lot of games nowadays that go for a washed out "hyper realistic" look.
As I kept playing, I eventually reached the level where Amy tags along with Sonic for a while before Metal Sonic bursts through a wall and kidnaps her. Oh yeah, Metal Sonic was a thing. I remembered him from Sonic R and Sonic The Fighters - and the fact he was in the fucking cover art of the DVD case. I absolutely loved the fucker in the games though. He had a cool design, and the idea of the villain being a copy of the hero gone wrong was so interesting to me at the time.
I ended up passing the level and even making it to Stardust Speedway. I was sweating since I'd never come this far at any game. My bro was there cheering me as I tried not falling on spikes or getting hit by Metal Sonic's attacks. I ended up making it till the end on top, but it was kinda sad seeing Metal crash face-first against the door like that.
I was done with that for a while, so I went ahead and played Sonic R and Sonic The Fighters for nostalgia. Again, the fucker was there, either as a boss or as an unlockable character. I ended up noticing how there were a bunch of games missing. There were empty grayed slots with question marks instead of the game titles. I couldn't understand if the game was broken or if there was something I was supposed to do, so I called my cousin in hope he would somewhat tell me what to do. He ended up explaining how the game made you complete all the other games to unlock new ones. I thought that was kinda stupid so I asked him if he had any cheat codes or something to make the whole thing available. He told me he was going to dig up his old stuff and ring me again if he found anything.
A few hours later, he sent me a message telling me he'd found something that should work. He told me he did have a cheat code but he thought it was best if I didn't do it. Here's the transcript from his message.
"There's something that might work but it's kinda weird. I got this memory card from a friend of mine and he said this should unlock all the hidden contents within the disc, but when I tried it some weird shit started happening. Most of the sonic games were unplayable no matter how many times I restarted the console or cleaned the disc. There should be an extra game slot but that's just a glitch. Something about the system trying to make up storage for the extra code. Just don't click on anything that looks like a glitch and you should be golden"
Well that was a bit discouraging, but we agreed to meet that afternoon so he could give me the memory card.
When I got home and plugged the cartridge into the slot on the console, I was kinda scared. What if the thing exploded or something? I gave it a try and the thing actually worked! As I clicked on the games section, everything was there! There were some vectorman games but I didn't know who that was at the time so I didn't really care about them. What I was more interested in was the museum. There were a bunch of unlockable promotional art and illustrations there that I never got to see as a kid, so you could imagine how joyful I was when I saw the museum section filled with pages upon pages of illustrations and renderings of the games. Some of them weren't even on the Gems Collection like some screenshots of Sonic Heroes.
I went back on the game menu and was surprised to see another game entry below all the vectorman ones. It was called "Sonic: Battle of Metal and Blood". What the hell was this? It surely wasn't in the cover art and a quick google search turned up nothing. Was it a glitch? It couldn't be; it looked too clean and intentionally made to be a glitch, not to mention that whole game titles don't just appear out of thin air. Game or not, something was programmed in there. I concluded it was probably someone's fan project that was in the memory card my cousin gave me. Why hadn't he mentioned it though?
I was too curious to turn down a mystery like this one, so I got up first to make a cup of coffee since it was already getting late. As I returned from the kitchen, I remembered to look at the synopsis of the game. I can't remember exactly what it said but it was something along the lines of:
"In this sequel to the famous Sonic CD, step in the shoes of Sonic's friends as they face their biggest challenge yet. Control Amy Rose and Miles "Tails" Prower and fight against the metallic faker himself, Metal Sonic, and stop him before he puts his plan to become the only Sonic in action"
Woah, that sounded exciting; I wasted no time. I got all cozy, kept my cup of coffee next to me
And pressed START.
To be continued in part 2
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blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #692: Teenagers React to Everyone Losing in Mario Golf World Tour (SSBU)
Mario gets hit by a Green She'll and turns into his little self on Screen.
Futuba: Wait. (Eyes Widened in Complete Disbelief at the Screen) THAT CAN ACTUALLY HAPPEN TO HIM!?
Ren: We've seen this man get stabbed, detonated, and knocked out many times than any of us can count. And none them ever resulted him into being little.
Lavenza: Perhaps it's the Green Shell's doing......(Place her Hand on her Chin and Starts Thinking) Hmmmmm.........
Futuba: (Turns to Lavenza) Anything on your mind, Lavvy-chan?
Lavenza: This might be hunch, but....How about we try devising a plan? Where we can try hitting Mario with a Green Shell ourselves.
Futuba: That way, we can see if he can turn into a small plumber or not. (Smiles Brightly and Excitedly) That's GENIUS!
Ren: (Has a bit of a Curious Smirk on his Face) Wouldn't mind being a part of that plan myself. I think my throwing skills has gotten better overtime.
Futuba: Mines too!
Makoto: (Immediately Gives the Trio Her Signature Cold Niijima Glare) We are NOT throwing a Green Shell at Mario.
Ren: There it is.
Futuba: (Starts Giving Makoto a Disappointed Pouty Face) Makotooo.....
Lavenza: (Genuinely Shocked and Disappointed) But why ever not, Ms. Queen?
Makoto: Because it's very rude and completely uncalled for. I mean seriously, what would Peach say if she saw you three going through with plan? She would be very disappointed. As I am with you three for even thinking about doing this.
Futuba: Come on, sis! Can't we just-
Makoto: (Stares Piercing her Glare) The answer's no and that's final.
Ren/Lavenza/Futuba: (Straighten Themselves Up in a Bit of Fear) Yes, ma'am!
Lavenza: (Genuinely Surprised) Goodness! I have no idea the Queen could be so terrifying....
Futuba: (Starts Shrugging) That's Makoto for ya. Her glares and motherly attitude are completely outmatched in our ragtag group. You know, besides Haru.
Haru: (Happily and Gently Scratches Under Morgana's Chin While He's Sitting and Purring onto her Lap, Causing her to Giggle Softly Altogether)
Lavenza: I see.... So I suppose nothing could ever try and faze her in some occasions, yes?
Futuba: For the most part.
Ren: (Smirks Like a Love Struck Dork) That's one of the million reasons why I love that beautiful woman after all~
Makoto: (Pouts at Ren) Stop trying to flattering me, Ren-Ren!~ The answer's still no!
Ren: (Chuckles Lightly) We know that already, 'hon~ I just wanted to tell you how much I love you is all~ (Kiss Makoto on the Cheek)
Makoto: (Lays her Head on Ren's Shoulder Once She Begins to Blush) Dummyhead~ (Hugs Ren Afterwards) Love you too~
Futuba: (Puts on a Deadpinned Look on Her Planned) Unless your name is Ren-Ren and try making her blush like a strawberry.....
Lavenza: Fascinating.....
Coco: (Writing Down Somthing on her Notepad)
Tails: Writing down possible theories and methods of any of this makes sense?
Coco: Yup!~
Luigi sadly slouches down onto the floor and gets licked by a Boo on screen.
Yoshi: I dunno which is sadder.... Seeing my Luigi being sad or seeing him getting licked by a random Boo.
Pit: (Starts Shrugging Slowly) At least he didn't call himself a loser that time.
Yoshi: Yeah.
Peach dramatically faints, with heartstrings playing in the background, on screen.
Sonic: ('Sigh') There goes mom being dramatic again.....
Amy: (Happily Resting her Head into Sonic's Shoulder) I feel like you've gotten that from her as of late.
Sonic: ('Heh') Yeah right. Like I can be a drama as well-
Amy: Ice cream on Chili Dogs.
Sonic: (Eyes Widened and Gasps Loudly From his Girlfriend's Sudden Words and Dramatically Points at her) How DARE YOU say those words in front of me!? Your own BOYFRIEND!
Amy: (Giggles Softly at How Adorable her Sonic is Being Right Now) I rest my case~
Yoshi went into his egg in a very sad manner and starts rolling around the area before falling down on screen.
Ann: (Place her Hands onto her Mouth) Oh my gosh! This is so hard to watch!
Shiho: (Hugs Ann's Arm) This is so sad....
Haru: And so adorable at the same time!~
Morgana: (Sighs While Rolling his Eyes)
Futuba: (Raise her Hand) All in a agreement to hug Yoshi later on, say aye!
Ann/Shiho/Haru: (Raises Their Hands as Well) AYE!~
Lavenza: (Raises her Hand as Well) I would also like to join in this event as well!
Dark Pit: (Smirks Smugly at an Already Annoyed Yoshi) Guess who's back on his cuteness bullshit?
Ryuji: (Chuckles Lightly) Yeah.
Yoshi: For the love of...(Gets Up From his Seat) Why does everyone in this room thinks I'm cute?
Ann: Because you are-
Yoshi: Okay. I get. I flutter jump, I turn into an egg, and I admit, I do have a cute face. But for GOD SAKES, I know Kung Fu! I-I know how to drive a car with little to no problem! (Got Out his Trusty Nunchucks) I even learned how to use Nunchucks and everything!!!
Ryuji: Come on, man. You're overreacting.
Coco: Yeah. There's nothing wrong having a little cuteness in ya. (Happily Gives Yoshi a Thumbs Up) I think it suits you perfectly well.
Yoshi: (Turns to Tails) See, even your girlfriend thinks I'm cute, Tails!
Tails: (Eyes Widened at What Yoshi Just Said) Wait.....
Tails/Coco: WHAAAAAAAAAT!!!!!?
Coco: (Starts Blushing Herself) B-B-But weren't not dating! We're best friends!
Tails: (Starts Blushing as Well) E-Exactly! A-And besides.....(Chuckles a bit Lately) I-I'm pretty sure Coco wouldn't really be interested in dating someone as boring as me-
Coco: ('GASPS') (Pouts at Tails) Miles Tails Prower, how could you!!?
Tails: (Taken Aback by Coco's Sudden Change of Attitude) What? W-What did I say?
Coco: How could you say that about yourself!? You are absolutely NOT boring to me at all!
Tails: Y-You think so-
Coco: (Grabs Tails' Hands and Gently Squeezes Them) I KNOW so, mister! You're the most smartest, brilliant, precious little cinnamon roll I've ever met and anyone who thinks otherwise are dumb and stupid!
Tails: (Almost at a Loss of Words) Coco.....
Coco: I mean it, Tails! I don't EVER wanna see you put yourself down like that ever again, you hear me!?
Tails: I won't do that anymore! I promise!
Coco: (Stares at Tails For a Brief Second Before Sighing) Good. (Gives Tails a Loving Hug) I'm glad we come to an understanding. I love you, bud.
Tails: (Chuckles Lightly While Hugging Coco Back) I love you too, Coco. Thank you.
Almost Everyone: (Stares at the Best Friends Hugging Each Other) (Yeah. They would SO be cute couple together.)
Daisy tries calming herself down before taking one look at the camera and starts angrily stomping and looking away on screen.
Ryuji: Sheesh. Even when she try to calm down, she still gets angry....
Yoshi: That's my mom for ya. Always a low-key bad sport.
Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong starts slapping the ground angrily before a random barrel came down and hit his head, causing him to fall down unconscious on screen.
Yusuke: That has to be a painful experience to go through.
Futuba: Tell me about it. I highly doubt that any normal human could survive a random barrel falling down on their heads.....or their entire body.
Ryuji: I envy that gorilla sometimes....
Diddy Kong
Diddy Kong lazily eats his banana, throws the peel on the floor beside him, gets up, ,immediately slips on the peel and fell on screen.
Ren: Yeah. No. He had that one coming.
Everyone: (Nodding and Completely Agrees to What Ren was Saying) Yeah./ Very True./ Uh huh.
Wario gets struck by lightning on screen.
Ryuji: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock) JESUS! Where the hell did that lightning came from? It's not even raining outside!
Yusuke: Perhaps there's more to this universe than we originally thought....
Waluigi starts acting dramatic to losing before falling down into a black hole, that suddenly appears out of nowhere, on screen.
Futuba: Wha-Wha- WHAT!? How is even possible!? W-W-WHERE DID THAT BLACK HOLE EVEN CAME FROM!?
Morgana: (Shakes his Head Slowly) I don't even know anymore, Futuba....
Futuba: Damnit! (Looks Up Into the Ceiling in Anger) NONE OF THIS MAKES ANY SENSE!!!
Lavenza: There's a lot of things that doesn't make sense, Big Sister Futuba.
Bowser angrily punches a camera on screen.
Ryuji: WOAH WOAH WOAH! What the hell was that all about!?
Ren: A evil, giant turtle getting mad over a simple game of golf....Kind of sounds a lot sadder when I say it out loud.
Ryuji: Right!? It's just a frickin' golf game! Why do they have get so hell-bent over it everytime they lose!?
Ren: I don't think anyone really knows at this point, man.
Bowser Jr.
Bowser Jr throwing his usual temper tantrum on screen.
Morgana: (Starts Sighing While Rolling his Eyes) Here comes another Bowser Jr's cuteness hour.....
Futuba: (Teasingly Pokes Morgan's Cheeks) Getting jealous there, Mona?~
Haru: (Immediately Pulls Morgana into a Loving Hug) Oh my sweet, little Mona-Chan!~ Please don't be jealous of Bowser Jr-kun anymore! I promise I love you with all of my heart!~ (Begins Kissing Morgana's Cheek)
Morgana: (Starts Getting Ticklish by Haru's Kisses) Haru! Come on! I believe you already! Really!
Lavenza: (Turns to Futuba) What exactly is happening here right now? Is Mona-Chan really jealous of this Bowser Jr character?
Futuba; (Simply Nodded) Oh big time. He thinks Haru thinks that the little guy is more cuter than he is.
Lavenza: ('Gasps') That is crazy talk....(Turns to Morgana) Mona-Chan!
Morgana: (Turns to Lavenza) Huh? What's wrong, Lavenza?
Lavenza: (Gently Grab Both of Mona's Paws) There us no need for you feel any jealousy towards Bowser Jr. While it is true that his overall appearance is cute to look at, you are and always will a precious feline in my very eyes!
Morgana: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise While Blushing) Y-You.... really mean that, Lavenza?
Lavenza: Why, of course I do. (Joins into Morgana and Haru's Hug) I wouldn't be here, telling you this if I don't.
Haru: Lavvy-chan is absolutely right on this, sweetheart. You're a lot more precious than give yourself credit for. So please don't be jealous anymore, okay?
Morgana: (Sighs While Being Overwhelmed by the Group Hug) I'll try not to....(Smiles a Little) Thanks, you guys.
Futuba: (Smirk Softly at the Trio While Silently Taking a Few Pictures of Them ('Heh Heh') Dorks.
Rosalina faints....and accidentally fell down on the Lumas, who were trying to help her up, on screen.
Most People in the Living Room: Oh!
Yoshi: That has got to leave a mark.
Pit: I know. I kind of feel bad for those poor little Lumas....
Dark Pit: They're floating, magical stars with eyes, Pit-Stain. They'll be fine.
Birdo angrily shoots eggs at the camera on screen.
Ann: (Really Glares at the Screen) Really?! What is with these people and breaking camera screens!? Do they honestly even know how much those things cost!!?
Shiho: (Simply Shrugs) I guess they really can't stand the fact they've lost a game golf.
Ann: Right!?
Two Toads tries to cheer up the main Toad by cheerleading on screen.
Ren: Huh. Cheerleading Toads.... That's a new one.
Makoto: It's cute how they try to do whatever they can to support each other.
Ren: I agree. It's also ironic how this is the most normal reaction of losing out of everyone else we've seen so far.
Makoto: ('Sigh') Yeah.....
Nabbit hides under a bag....only to get eaten by a Piranha Plant on screen.
Dark Pit: Alright. I'm about to lose it in a matter of seconds, if someone in this room don't tell me why in the hell does that dumbass thought that having a Piranha in his bag was even remotely a good idea!
Ren: ('Sigh') Yeah. I think we're done here.
Sonic: Sheesh....That was a lot more insane to watch through than I thought it would be.....
Yusuke: Not the most cringe worthy event I have ever seen so far, but it was still rather.... interesting to watch, to say the least.
Amy: I know..... I had no idea they would took golf so seriously...
Ryuji: You're telling me. I mean, really, I can't believe these guys were making a huge deal about losing one single game of golf! GOLF!! Probably one of the most boring sports in all of the frickin universe!!
Ren: Well, knowing Mario and the gang, I'm pretty sure they found a way to make the sport more fun to them.
Ryuji: That might be the true, but that doesn't make what we just saw, any better, bro!!
Ren: ('Sigh') Yeah. It.... really doesn't.
Futuba: (Found Something Interesting on his Phone) Huh.
Pit: What you found, Futuba?
Futuba: (Shows Everyone Beside her Phone) It says here that Mario and the others are hosting an all new golf tournament next month. It's called the "Mario Golf: Super Rush Tournament"
Yoshi: (Takes a Look at Futuba's Phone) Yep. Seems pretty legit to me.
Everyone: (Nodded in Agreement)
Makoto: They're going to embarrass themselves in that tournament, are they?
Ren: I'd be surprised if they didn't.
Makoto: You're gonna record the whole thing, are you?
Ren: (Chuckles Lightly) Oho yeah.....
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the7thzeti · 7 years
Believe In Myself
Growing up, I was lead to believe that video games were nothing but mindless entertainment. Of course, it was hard to make an argument against that for two reasons- for one, I was only 7. For another thing, a lot of video games made that seem pretty true. Banjo-Kazooie, Earthworm Jim, and most Mario games you can think of don’t really teach a lot of life lessons or anything like that, (not to take anything away from them; these games are classics, and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with turning your brain off once in a while!) but there’s one game in particular that taught me a lesson about confidence, and it came from a character I didn’t really expect it to.
Everyone who follows this blog probably remembers Sonic Adventure, right? Sonic’ first real step into the then-new world of 3D gaming back in the late 90s took the world by storm; even Rosie O'Donnell (yes, she was pretty well liked at this time) had Sonic bringing Dreamcasts out on her talk show! My brother and I got a Dreamcast on Christmas of 98, I believe, and it was loved at first sight, particularly for me. I loved Sonic since I first laid eyes on Sonic 3D Blast back in the day, and that love never died down with this. Man, did I have the time of my life with this game.
It wasn’t like anything we had seen before. Yeah, Mario 64 was out first, and Crash Bandicoot was spinning all over the place on PS1 at this time, but this was Sonic’s first real step into the third dimension-mostly because the museum in Sonic Jam wasn’t really a game into itself. It had everything I loved these games for: awesome music, beautiful graphics, and of course, characters I grew up with the past 4 or so years, not to mention a couple that I didn’t know of until that point. There was one story in particular that resonated with me, however, and it came from a character I never really liked as a child.
I mentioned my brother earlier in this post; what I didn’t mention was that he was the OLDER brother, and you know how that goes when it comes to gaming. Anytime we played Sonic 2 together, I was second player, which would be cool with me if not for the fact that I wanted to be Sonic more than anything else. What did Tails do? Run into enemies, spikes, get lost, die repeatedly, while Sonic gets to do all the fun stuff. Little me grew up hating Tails because he was the embodiment of me in some ways- he just wants to tag along and be cool, but didn’t know what to do if he was caught by himself. Tails sucked, and I hated him.
Unfortunately for little Donovan, I had to complete Tails’s story to get 100% completion of the game, so I just swallowed my pride and played through his story. Nothing to bad, honestly. Beat Sonic in some races, beat Eggman in one, it was all pretty standard Sonic fare and I had fun. What really got to me was the ending of his story.
I think everyone remembers this pretty well. Eggman is getting ready to destroy station square, and the only thing stopping him was a small, 8-year old, two-tailed kitsune. Sonic was nowhere near when this was going on. It seems like a really bleak situation, but one line just seemed to resonate with me…
I’m not scared… I’m NOT scared… I CAN DO THIS!”
He wasn’t scared.
He did do it.
Tails, who I grew up hating because I believed that he sucked, saved all of Station Square- and he didn’t need Sonic at his side to do it! Citizens were cheering for him, and that smile on his face before he flew off to Mystic Ruin to find his older brother said it all.
How does this tie into video games giving life lessons? Well, I’ve never been the most confident person. I have moments where I feel powerless and like I can’t amount to anything. But even now, at 24 years old, I like to think of that little fox that helped save the world when no one else could step up and help. He grew up wanting to be just like his hero, never once thinking that perhaps, he could write his own story too, build his own legacy. That’s exactly what he did too.
Sometimes, you just have to fly high and believe in yourself.
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zappuellightninrod · 7 years
Sonic Forces: Cosmic Illusions
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Death Egg Sentinels rampaged through the city, destroying buildings and hurting innocent civilians. Shadow the hedgehog had been sighted by the Resistance, and now that Sonic the hedgehog was with them, they could finally get to the bottom of why he was working for the mad Doctor. Most of the Resistance members were busy fighting off the armies of the evil doctor, while others were helping civilians. However, two people were investigating something else. Those  two people were Miles "Tails" Prower, and a version of Sonic the hedgehog from another dimension. Or timeline. Or whatever/whenever he's from.
Standing now in between several destroyed buildings was the smaller Sonic the hedgehog. Not seen as the same powerhouse as this dimension's, though still a good soldier during these times of need. He held a confrontational stance as Tails ran up behind him.
"Wait up, Sonic, I can't go as fast as you! Even if you're not the fastest Sonic here!" Tails whined, catching up to the smaller hedgehog. He panted, catching his breath as he looked back to the Azure hedgehog, who's were narrowed as he stood in front of a familiar dark figure.
"Well, well, well. If it isn't the little pint sized hedgehog and his even weaker fox friend." Infinite said.
"You… You're that guy that was with Eggman in Green Hill!" Tails shouted.
"I suppose I am. The doctor did say something about you defeating his Egg Dragoon. No doubt you two were the ones I thought I sensed."
Sonic's fist clenched as he looked at Infinite's chest. The magenta gemstone he wore with such bravado was a sight all to familiar to him. He took a single step back, readying himself to jump at the jackal. He made his move, rushing forwards and jumping as high into the air as he could. However, this dimension seemed to have vastly different physics then that of his home. His jump couldn't reach the floating mobian. Not that it would have mattered much anyways, as he glided out of the way. He lowered himself in between Sonic and Tails before warping close to Tails in an instant. Tails shouted, as Infinite grabbed him by the throat. He was lifted upwards in Infinite's grasp.
"So, this is the sidekick of Sonic the hedgehog. Pathetic. Just like him." Infinite muttered in a threatening tone.
Sonic turned himself around and jumped before turning into a ball mid-air and revving up. When he hit the ground, he dashed towards Infinite at breakneck speed. Not that it mattered to Infinite. His own speed outmatched the Sonic of this dimension. He was more than capable of dodging this attack. He moved quickly to the let, Tails still in his grip. As Tails gasped for air, he got the sensation of lacking oxygen. Much faster than normally possible, almost as if they were being torn from his lungs forcefully. Infinite chuckled.
"Do you feel that? That breathless feeling? The cold embrace of death? It's terrifying isn't it? You should be thankful I'm merely giving you the sensation of suffocation. There are many, many other ways I could be killing you right now."
As Tails listened, his life actually began flashing before his eyes. His mind quickly traveled through his time on Westside Island, his first big adventure with Sonic, him facing the Egg walker, his time on the ARK, his time in space fighting the Metarex, Eggman's interstellar amusement park, the Lost Hex…. Everything was flashing before his eyes. Would this really be where he died?
As Sonic revved up another attack, Infinite spoke, "Oh… What's this? A fallen loved one? Hahahaha, how quaint."
With a single gesture, he threw Tails to Sonic, hitting him and knocking him down. Oxygen returned to Tails' lungs as the fox gasped for air. He surprisingly caught his breath quickly, almost as if he was never actually being choked in the first place. The both of them got to their feet as Infinite floated high into the air. Classic Sonic got into another battle stance, though, this time he was looking around for things he could use. Brute force wasn't something that was viable here. He needed strategy.
"Do the two of you want to know how Eggman was able to amass this army? How the likes of Zavok and Chaos joined our ranks despite being deceased? Why the brooding hedgehog decided to band together with the doctor?" Infinite monologued, offering an answer to the two.
Tails blinked for a second. Shadow was sighted in the city during this attack, and with Sonic here, they could at least capture him and try to get an answer out of him. Then again, Shadow's crafty and could escape. And from what Infinite was talking about earlier with letting Sonic live in their first encounter, he does seem to let his enemies go off easy, even though he could just kill them.
"I was kind of curious how you managed that. And you do seem like the kind of guy who likes telling everyone about his evil plans, so I'm all ears." Tails said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. A trait he began picking up from Sonic in recent times.
Infinite gave a light chuckle, "Oh,I'd suggest you speak to me with a lot more respect, child. After all, I'm about to bring back someone you never thought you'd see again…"
With the snap of his fingers, a purple and pink mist formed underneath Infinite's floating figure. Digital sparks began flickering around the mist as an entity began to form from the Ruby Mist. Sonic recognized the mist from his home dimension, back from the Titanic Monarch. Tails took precautions, ready for some past villain to come forth from the mist. However, his eyes widened when he began to see who it actually was.
Sonic did not recognize the entity, and could only guess that it was another villian from this universe. Though, they certainly didn't look like a villain. He heard Tails gasp as the figure began to make itself seen. He glanced back to Tails, expecting a look of horror. But he did not get that.
Instead, perched upon Tails' face was a look of disbelief. But not the type of disbelief after seeing a bad guy crawl up out of the rubble being convinced they were dead. No, this disbelief was… a very wide mixture of emotions. Sorrow. Regret. Hope. Love. And many more. To say Sonic was confused would be an understatement. Tials only managed to whisper one word, and one word alone out of astonishment.
Indeed, standing before the two of them was the green haired girl from space. The very same one that died by Tails' hand. Her blue eyes lit up in the fog. She blinked a few times, rubbing the mist out of her eyes, though she still seemed to be flickering in glitches, "Tails…? Is that you…?"
A drop of water was heard in Sonic's ear. He looked back to where it sounded and saw tears flowing down Tails' muzzle. Sonic grew defensive, looking back to the girl with a determined face, read to protect Tails if this girl mean him harm. Tails however, made a step forwards in front of Sonic, going past his defenses of him.
"Cosmo… Is it…. Is it really you…?" Tails muttered. This couldn't be real. This had to have been some sort of illusion. Cosmo's been dead for so long and Infinite just seemed to just bring her back from the dead.
"Yes, Tails… it's me." Cosmo said, stepping forwards form the mist. Tails broke down, falling to his hands and knees. He began crying and shouting at the top of his lungs.
"Oh, Cosmo, I'm so sorry! I-I didn't mean to shoot you! I didn't' want to do it! Everyone else forced me to! But I did it! I did it and I killed you!" Tails shouted. Sonic's eyes grew wide, looking back up to the green haired girl. She took a few more steps forwards, kneeling down next to him and lifting his his chin.
"Tails… You don't have to worry about that. I forgive you. I made you shoot me… And we're all alive because of it." he said, giving him the gentlest of smiles. The smile he loved so dearly. Tails sniffed before wrapping his arms around her and bawling into her chest. Within his tears of joy, he heard her heartbeat. She felt so soft. So warm. So real. This had to have been some sort of power of the Phantom Ruby. Could it alter reality? Could it bring back the dead? Could it have time travel properties? It didn't matter. None of it mattered. He had Cosmo in his hands, and for that he could never be more thankful.
Of everything Sonic had seen in this strange future dimension, this was by far the one he did not get. It was clear that Tails loved this girl, and that he did something bad to her, but what was it? He killed her? Why would he do such a thing? A lot of context was necessary for him. Though, he supposed that maybe it was worth asking for later on, just in case he and his friends would run into any similar characters in the future. In spite of the heartwarming moment, he looked back up at Infinite, who had not moved from his spot.
"How touching. A reunion of the dead." He said, in a deathly tone. Classic Sonic clenched his fists, ready to fight again. Maybe this Cosmo character could help them out in some way. Not that it would make a lot of sense why he could bring an ally to them. He glanced back down at her hugging Tails. Her face was visible to Sonic, which allowed him to see something shocking.
"Don't worry, Tails…" She said, her eyes opening wide to reveal they had turned from blue to red, "We'll be together forever… I promise."
She sported a toothy grin as she spoke. From her sleeve, a knife jotted out. Classic Sonic's eyes went wide. He was about to rush against her, to save Tails. But then something unexpected happened.
A bright flash of light shone next to them, and a good kick sent the both of them flying. Cosmo landed further than Tails did. Cosmo's red eyes and sharp teeth faded away, back to her original appearance. The both of them got up and looked at who had struck them. Standing before them was the all too familiar sight of Shadow the hedgehog.
"You!" Infinite shouted. Shadow merely humphed in his direction. Not far behind was the Sonic the hedgehog of this dimension, rushing forwards, stopping on a dime at the intersection of destroyed buildings.
"Shadow! I got here as fast as I co-" Sonic's eyes widened when he saw Cosmo laying on the floor not to far off from Tails
"Wait, Cosmo?!" He looked at her and then back up at Infinite. Thanks to Shadow's exposition earlier, he knew exactly what was going on. He growled at Infinite, "You!"
"Ah, yes, hello hedgehogs. I suppose you all know exactly what's going on?" Infinite said, with a smirk under his mask.
" don't have time for this." Shadow exclaimed. In a bright flash of light, he vanished.
Tails, completely surprised by everything that just happened quickly turned back to Cosmo, to make sure she was alright. As she was getting up, Shadow teleported right on top of her, his jet boot stomping on her chest. Tails' eyes widened.
"Tai-" was the last thing Cosmo could say, reaching her hand out to him, before it fell. Her face went from complete horror to shocked and calmed. She ceased to move. A bright flash of light came from Shadow's shoe which firmly separated her life and now death. A burning hole lied there as Shadow removed his foot from her. He gave a hateful glance back to Infinite.
"Shadow!" Sonic shouted. The other Sonic's eyes widened, unsure how to take such violent actions from the black hedgehog. This universe's Sonic looked back up to Infinite with a hateful glare,"You're going to pay for this."
"Oh? Am I? And here I thought I was just reuniting a pair of lovers." Infinite said, fully knowing the dark twist he meant.
"I ought to grab you by your hair and beat you to the ground like I did before." Shadow threatened. Tails sat on his knees, tears falling from his eyes as he looked upon Cosmo's dead corpse.
"Well, that will be hard to do, now with the power of the Phantom Ruby. Besides, you no doubt will be having your own trouble." Infinite said.
"And what would that be?" Shadow said, completely expecting an onslaught of robots or more illusions by Infinite. What he got however, was much different.
Tails' teeth gritted together, a he looked on Shadow in anger. He shouted at the top of his lungs as he ran towards Shadow, straight up punching him in the face. This caught Shadow off guard to say the least. He stepped back from the recoil a bit before Tails tried continue his onslaught of anger.
"You killed her! She was here! She was alie! And you killed her!" Tails shouted, tears in his eyes.
Both Sonic's eyes widened, but only this dimension's sonic spoke, "Tails! No! You don't understand!"
Infinite chuckled, deciding that now was the time to take his leave. He zoomed off across the cityscape at breakneck pace. Shadow got a glance of this and shouted, "No! He's getting away!"
"I don't care who's getting away! You're going to pay for that! For killing Cosmo!" Tails shouted in rage, continuing his attempt at a beat down on Shadow., which might;ve done some damage if Shadow wasn't good at blocking.
"We don't have time for this!" Shadow shouts, as he deflected one of Tails' attacks and quickly karate chopped Tails' neck. Tails' eyes rolled into the back of his head, and dropped to the floor.
"Tails!" Sonic shouted. Both Sonic's ran up to Tails, checking up on him
"Relax. I only knocked him unconscious…" Shadow reassured. He observed how far Infinite got away. Had Tails not attacked him so suddenly, they might have actually been able to beat him.
The corpse of Cosmo began to deteriorate similarly to the Shadow replica Shadow had destroyed sparked Sonic to speak to Shadow, "You could've just said, 'Tails, look out, it's a trap!' you know. Didn't have to go and explode that illusion's chest in."
"He wouldn't have believed me for a second. Had I not intervened, she would've killed him." Shadow explained.
Sonic was about to say something to rebuttal Shadow, but he was stopped by his counterpart, who was nodding to signify Shadow was right. The taller hedgehog merely sighed, looking back to Tails. He picked him up and the three hedgehogs began walking back to base.
"You're explaining and apologizing to him when he wakes up."
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dakt37 · 2 years
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Adventures in babysitting your de-aged best friend
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dakt37 · 2 years
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I'm soft about Sonic being soft about de-aged Tails
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dakt37 · 2 years
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Concept: de-aged Tails sometimes speaks in old quips from SatAM
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dakt37 · 2 years
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Sequel to this comic from yesterday
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dakt37 · 2 years
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Extra small little buddy
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dakt37 · 2 years
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Don't worry, it's still under warranty
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dakt37 · 2 years
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I'm actually just three ideas in a trench coat, so here's my obligatory de-aging trope thing
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dakt37 · 2 years
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A teeny doodle of a teeny guy
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