#the days are getting more lighten up and i cant see shit on my screen
notashrew · 5 months
Trying to navigate through Golden Wasteland in daytime be like
"I take a walk in this beautiful beach here. Can you see? No you can't see 'cause it's fucking too dark."
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marauder-exe · 4 years
Self care- p!Tommyinnit x reader
i wish i was bsfriends w tommy :’)
Word count: 1.3k
Warnings:themes of depression, nothing too deep
A/N: Taking Tommy and Wilbur requests!! u cant tell me tommy doesn’t do the classic british X’s on txts to his friends
It had been a rough stream, 8 hours sat in the same chair putting on the same happy face, it was unbelievably exhausting some days. You took of your headset and set it down after pressing ‘end stream’, you ruffled your hair and took in a deep breath, throwing a glance at the clock on your computer. 5am. You tried to throw caution to the wind, maybe it was an off day? But no, you could feel it, deep inside, another episode. You looked directly into the webcam, your face scrunching up as you take note of your appearance, your ruffled hair, your dark eye bags. It felt like hours, just staring at yourself, your famous thousand-yard stare painted across the screen. Suddenly, your phone vibrated from its place on the desk. You lethargically picked it up as the bright screen illuminated your otherwise dark room. It was Tommy.
Big T: ‘bedwars stream tmrw? : ) x’  
You really didn't feel up to it in all honesty, but you didn’t want to let Tommy down like that, he loves bedwars. A sad smile made its way to your face as you drafted your text back.
Gremlin: ‘only if were on duos together : ) x’
Big T: ‘5pm? X’ You responded with a simple yeee.
You discarded your phone to the side and stood up for the first time in hours. Your bones ached as you outstretched your limbs. Pain. You walked over to your bed and sat on the edge, eyes scouring the room, even though you weren't sure what you were looking for, an escape maybe? It wasn’t even like you had anything to be upset over, great friends, successful streamer, everything was going great, but alas, depression does not give a shit. You crawled into bed, putting your phone on charge and grabbed all of your covers over your head, a long sigh making its way from your lips.
The next day/  
Tommy loaded up minecraft on his computer, reading to slay game at bedwars with you. He got unusually excited when he played minecraft with you, even more excited than normal. There was something about you man, but he just couldn’t figure it out. Youd met in high school, same town and everything, and since then you were like a drug. Not a day had gone by since year 9 that you didn’t talk. He decided to drop you a message as you hadn't texted first. He asked if you were still up for bedwars. Surprisingly though, he didn’t receive a response. He waited. Just 5 minutes he said. And then 10. And then 20. Then 30. He decided to ring you just to check. Plus, he wanted to hear your voice. It rang thrice and nothing. His eyebrows drew together in confusion. You were almost always online. He tried not to overthink, but this is Tommy were talking about. Maybe you were still asleep? He wanted to believe that, but there was an itch, in his brain, that told him not to. Just to make sure, he decided to ask some of your mutual friends on the server. He clicked onto the group discord and noticed Wilbur, philza and Nikki in a vc.  
“Hello Hoes and Homies alike” He bellowed when he joined the vc. Wilbur drew a confused look.
“I thought you were doing duo bed wars with (Y/N) today?” Tommy scoffed.
“Well yah, Wilburrrrr, if you let me get a word out” He joked light heartedly “No seriously though has anyone heard from her since her stream last night” They all looked confused and shook their heads. This made him even more concerned than he was. He quickly thanked them before disconnecting. His mind was running rampant. He quickly decided to throw his shoes on, you didn’t live that far, only a bus ride away on the otherside of town. He grabbed his keys and his jacket and rushed down the stairs.
“Going over to (Y/N)s for a bit” He shouted to Motherinnit as he slammed the door shut.  
You were straing at the roof in a pit of self loathing when you heard your phone ring. Ugh. It seemed so much work to pick it up. Your hand made its way from under the mountain of covers and snatched your phonr from the side. Tommy. You felt a sting in the back of your eyes and tossed your phone on the bed, turning over and curling up in the covers. You stared at the inside of your covers for minutes on end. Your doorbell sent a sharp chime through the house as your mother went to answer it.
“Hello Tommy, what a surprise" He threw her a quickly greeted her and got straight to the point.
“Is (Y/N) in?”
“Shes upstairs I think, I havent heard from her all day though. Go on up” She stood to the side and let him pass.
You heard the entire conversation through your open window, and let out a heavy sigh, although you were secretly thanking Tommy in uour head for checking up on you. You heard his converse hit the steps as your door was threw open. Tommy immediately regretted his actions, wondering if you were asleep as he took note of the heap of covers on the bed. He let out a quiet whisper.
You didn’t really feel like talking, but you let out a quiet ‘yeah’. He rushed over to your side upon hearing your weak response.
“is everything alright? We were meant to be playing bedwars like an hour ago” This prompted you to pull the covers off your head and look at him. He took note of your puffy red eyes, and the dark eye bgs lying underneath. He looked around your room, empty energy drink cand and food containers littered your room. It suddenly clicked to him. You weren't doing okay. He looked back at you deeply, something about that look just caused the floodgates to open. Your eyes were glassy, as Tommy practically melted. He hated seeing you like this. Sure he had the bit of him being a big man with no emotions, but you where his weakness. “Hey, cmon don’t cry” He whispered as he opened his arms, welcoming you into a hug. In an instant you where in his arms, leaving tear stains on his TShirt. He didn’t seem to mind though. After a moment of silence, only broken by your sobs, he piped up. “How about, we forget about the stream for today, and ill go to the corner shop and get us some snacks, and marshmallows and whipped cream, and we can have those killer hot chocolates your mom makes. We can watch a bunch of movies, and ill even let you put one of those stupid facemasks on me, yeah?” This caused a laugh to pierce your sobs, which started to lighten up. You sniffled and pulled back from his hug, a huge smile making its way onto your face, the first genuine smile in a while.
“Thats my girl, that’s what I love to see” He matched your smile. You quickly threw your arms around him and pulled him into a long hug.
“Thank you Tommy” You said sincerely.
“Anything for my favourite girl” He smiled, as he pulled back from the hug. “Maybe while im gone you could try to shower?” He knew how tough some simple things where when you felt like this. You nodded smally and sat up. He leapt from the bed and smiled. “Okay, I wont be long!” And with that, he dashed out of the room.  
You lay back on your bed. You werent okay, but that’s okay, because Tommyinnit is your best friend :)
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wheeier · 3 years
no taking back
summary: it was only fun and games. but steve had other plans.
warnings: modern au, tooth-rotting fluff i guess, little but of swearing
+ olivia rodrigo’s sour album (stream besties), the movie tangled at the end because it just radiates as a comfort movie
yes a modern au !!! i just saw this on tiktok (the sour part, but the rest was my idea!) and thought it was so cute so it gave me an idea to make it as a fic, enjoy !!!
steve harrington x fem!reader
olivia rodrigo’s new album just released and you were thrilled to listen to it and stream it the whole day.
when you finally got to listen to it, you asked your friends—robin, nancy, and the party, if they listened to it and which ones were their favorites.
robin told you that her top three were hope ur ok, jealousy, jealousy, and brutal.
nancy said she really loved favorite crime.
max said hers was also brutal.
el told you that she played good 4 u and traitor on repeat that hopper had to go into her room to turn it down.
when mike comes over to the cabin he can assure that el does indeed play them on repeat and get pissy about it (but he secretly loves the album, but he wouldn’t let her or anyone know that).
and lastly lucas and dustin are fans of deja vu and 1 step forward 3 steps back. max even told you that they would sing the bridge of deja vu on the top of their lungs.
you slightly laughed at the memory of them telling you about it.
however, there’s one more person that you haven’t talked to about it yet.
your smile faltered and faded when he came across in your mind.
your feelings for him had deepened over the time and listening to the sour album made it feel like you two had broken up, which in fact, is not true because you were never together in the first place.
suddenly, an idea popped in your head. instead of being sad about steve, you thought about texting him, although it’s almost 1AM, you knew he’d still be up.
Sailor Man
You: hey
You: u up?
Sailor Man: duh
Sailor Man: this has been our nightly routine u always bother me when i’m about to go to sleep
You: fuck off
You: don’t pretend that you’re not binge watching outer banks until 4am
Sailor Man: i’m not?!?
You: yeah right
You: anyways
You: can u do me a favor
Sailor Man: will i get free pizza afterwards
You: no
Sailor Man: k
You: what the fuck
You: fine
Sailor Man: hehe
Sailor Man: what’s the favor ;)
You: dont get me started with that winky face i swear ure so dead when i see you at the wheeler’s house tomorrow
You: have you listened to olivia rodrigo’s new album
Sailor Man: ohh the bitter album?
Sailor Man: I DONT KNOW?!?
Sailor Man: shut up
Sailor Man: i’ve heard some of the songs but i haven’t fully listened to them
Sailor Man: why
You: can you like
You: ask me to be ur girlfriend then break up with me right after so i can experience and actually feel the whole sour album
Sailor Man: what
You: just do it !!
Sailor Man: you’re so funny (y/n/n)
Sailor Man: okay
Sailor Man: will you be my girlfriend?
You: yes !!!
You: ...
You: hello
You: dont tell me u fell asleep
Sailor Man: i’m not doing the last part you might as well forget about it
You: wjat
Sailor Man: :D
You: wtf
You: okay steve cut it out i’m not doing this anymore u’re not funny
Sailor Man: nope
Sailor Man: go to sleep we’re dating now that’s how this works
Sailor Man: okay i dont know if you’re still reading this now and i am terrified to say this to you in person like TERRIFIED. might piss my pants if i did. so (y/n/n), my favorite dumbass, my favorite person to talk to at night even if it interrupts my binge watching marathon, you make me so happy to the point that even when i sleep you’re still in my dreams. i like you. i have like the biggest fattest crush on you. and thank you for doing that sour album thing or whatever, because of that i get to finally ask you out
you rolled on your back after you read the message, facing the ceiling as your mind processed what just happened. was he playing with you? was he actually serious about asking you out?
Incoming video call...
Sailor Man
you took a deep breath before tapping the green button and placing it back down on the bed.
“hey,” you can tell that he was tired based on his voice. “can you show your face, please? i miss you.”
ignoring the butterflies in your stomach, you hesitantly lifted the phone and shifted your position to lay on your side. “hey.”
“hey yourself.” steve grins. that stupid grin that makes your stomach turn, that grin you always want to see everyday.
“what’s..up?” you avoided looking at him and started to admire your surroundings and the posters placed on your wall. this was the only time you were glad you weren’t with him in person.
“i just wanted to see if you’re okay.” of course he will ask that. he's steve. he cares about other more than himself.
“i am, thanks.” you showed a smile that doesn't reach your ears and steve knew something was bothering you. “hey, look. i'm sorry about my confession- if it made you uncomfortable i'm sorry-”
“no,” you cut him off, looking back at his face on the screen. “i’m fine, really. you don't have to apologize. i was just, surprised.”
there was silence between the two of you for a few seconds, before you spoke again. “did you mean it?” you voice was only above whisper but steve managed to hear them. “of course,” he answered almost too quick, without any hesitation. “i've been trying to find the perfect opportunity and had been asking god for signs because i can't make a move myself-”
“asking god?” you chuckled and steve smiled hearing them, glad that he somehow lightened the mood. “well, more like begging.” he continues and you giggled.
once your laughter died you both fell into silence again. you still couldn’t believe that out of a fun joke, it would turn into a whole another situation. “so, um.. just so you know, i’m not mad, or upset, or anything. i really was just surprised. it felt like a dream because i didn’t know that you like me back and all i did was just supposed to be a fun joke but—”
“hold on, back?”
“like you back. you said i like you back.” steve sat up on his bed and fixed his hair as his eyes widened. “i did...” you said slowly, not catching up.
“does that mean you..”
then it hit you. “oh, right. yeah. i- i like you..too.” you waited for his reaction and once you saw him smile you couldn’t stop yourself from doing the same.
“i knew it. and well, i guess that confirms it. we’re dating now. no taking back.” he smirks then laughs when your rolled your eyes. “don’t flatter yourself, harrington. i did not say shit.” you pointed your index finger on the screen, barely containing your giggles.
“based on your beautiful smile i think you don’t need to say it. i like you, and you like me. we’re dating.” steve gives you a teasing smile. you tried keeping your serious face but it won’t last longer so you finally smiled again. “alright, fine. no taking backs. we’re dating.” you said then laughed as he whisper-yelled ‘yes!’ while fist pumping the air.
he soon joined your laughter and you stayed like that until your jaw was pretty much in pain because of your smiles. when it was all quiet again, you both just admired each other’s presence through the screens of your phones. “i wish i was there with you.” he mumbles. “yeah, me too.” you hugged your cold pillow beside you, closing your eyes for a moment and imagining it as steve.
“are your parents home?”
you snorted at his random question. “i’m actually alone right now, they’re out because dad got promoted at his work so he and mom and i think a few friends went out to celebrate. they should be home by an hour or two. why?”
“nothing.” was all he said before hanging up. you were left confused but then he’s your best friend after all, so you knew right then and there that he’ll do something stupid. after you turned your phone off you suddenly felt watching a movie so you went to the kitchen to make some popcorn.
when it was finished and had been put in a bowl, that’s when you heard your doorbell rang—in a pattern which you recognize, and only one person does that.
you let out a quiet laugh when you realized who it was and set the bowl on the counter before opening the door.
“hi!” steve greeted you with a smile. “uh, hi?” you laughed nervously and stepped aside for him to go in. “i smell popcorn, are we having a movie night?” he says as he steps inside and shrugged off his jacket. “actually yeah, i’m planning on watching—”
“tangled.” he finishes off, you subconsciously smiled upon hearing your favorite movie. “how’d you know?”
steve snatches a few popcorns from the bowl as you both arrived in the kitchen. “(y/n), you have watched that movie 7 times this week and always gush to me about it.”
“well, you’re the only one that is around my age that i can talk to with that movie. robin and nancy aren’t that into it.” you replied, grabbing the bowl and making your way back to your bedroom, steve following your heels. “and you think i’m the best option to talk to about that?” he asks, plopping down on your bed and resting his back on the headboard.
“you’re not complaining.” you shrugged as you grabbed your laptop and sat beside steve.
“yeah, probably because i like you.” it came out of his mouth casually. you froze in place and felt your cheeks heat up, finally nodding your head slowly, “..probably.” as you typed in the movie in your laptop you felt steve scoot closer, making your breath hitch.
you were both in a comfortable silence while watching the movie, except for a few jokes and comments that steve makes and him explaining how similar he was to flynn rider.
“you know, since i’m eugene, you could be rapunzel.” he suddenly says. you eyes were still on the screen but your eyebrows furrowed. “why? i’m nothing like her.”
finally looking at steve, you almost screamed how he was already looking at you. “oh, you are so rapunzel. you may not have the longest hair in the world, but you are pretty much similar.” he replies, smiling and not taking his eyes off of you.
you paused the movie and shifted your body towards him, intrigued by his explaination. “how so?”
“well, first off,” steve starts, resting his hands on the soft mattress. “you’re both sweet, you’re both a huge ray of sunshine, have gorgeous eyes and smile, and eugene is head over heels over you — and since he doesn’t exist in real life, i’d like to be the substitute.” he finished with a confident smile.
after about three seconds, you burst out of laughter. you laughed. as much as he loves the sound of your laugh, he can’t help but pout. “(y/n), i’m trying to be sweet here!”
“i’m sorry!- it’s just- i can’t help but laugh at your flirting.” you managed to say between your laughs. you know he’s kidding but he looked at you like he was offended.
your laughter died down and held steve’s face. “it’s cute, sorry.” you mumble with a little laugh. when he finally smiled you turned to your laptop and continued the movie.
steve gazes at you for a few more seconds before watching the movie with you again. “thank you.” you whisper, glancing at him.
“you’re very much welcome, my rapunzel.” he says smiling before he slides a bit down on the bed so his head could reach your shoulder and rests it there.
you giggled as you heard him whisper,
“thank you, olivia rodrigo.”
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katsukikitten · 5 years
Irritated 6 (?)
Tumblr media
A/N I know I never have to apologize but when I do series I feel like do the most and possibly extra BUT I also feel compelled to do these long series for more depth. Hopefully that translates well into my stories as I want them to be read similar to short stories instead of we went from 0 to 100 real fucking quick. So I'm sorry if this series is coming off as more filler than a build up of content. (This is why I'm struggling with my longer series like princess etc) ENJOY BBs
Finally your last task of the day and then you'll be free.
Free to go to that damned hotel room to pack your bags to board a plane. You swear to yourself that you will never come back.
The lights on the stage are again overly bright but this hostesses asks appropriate questions to the ten of you.
And even the fan's questions are dolce and decent.
"Ah Red Riot-sama. I'm sad yet happy that you're taken off of the market but will you televise your wedding?" A box dyed red head asks eagerly, clutching the microphone with slightly shaking hands.
You bite back a smile, nudging Bakugou. Scarlet eyes rove over your face and give you a smirk in return in agreement.
Cute but ridiculous request.
"Ahhh I'm not too sure about the details yet. I've only just asked her a few nights ago." Kirishima laughs, rubbing the back of his head suddenly bashful.
The crowd erupts in roars and majority of the Q&A is now focused on the Kirishima wedding.
A blessing for both yourself and Bakugou.
Although you two become bored quickly as a long line of box dyed red heads of men and women alike wait idly to ask whatever their heart desires.
So you begin to scribble on your pad, you draw the hostess in chibi form, you move down the line of the table mentally stopping on Bakugou. Soon your pen swirls on it's own. The hot head looks odd in your cute chibi.
That is not an adjective that you want to use for him.
He is not *cute* or kind or hot..
Just hot headed.
A snarl to yourself as you begin to engulf Bakugou's chibi in flame before adding yourself lifting a gas can to pour over him.
"That would only encourage me." He murmurs in your ear, a hint of a dark laugh. It is hard to keep the dusting of pink off of your cheeks.
"Fine." A whisper as the pen slicing a line through gas and puts water.
You look to him and he sneers your way, biting back a smirk.
"What's going on with Icy hot?" Scarlet rovers over scratch paper, a snort escapes him, "You did well with Deku he looks utterly useless."
You bite back your laugh, although it is hard, looking up at Bakugou who takes any chance to hate on Izuku.
The hostess walks down the table, stopping before the two of you.
"A fan has a question for you Tejina." She smiles brightly, although you can see some annoyance in her eyes. This must not have been the first time your name was called.
You look out to the mic stand, the lights blinding you for a moment before your eyes adjust, the lighten the illumination over the patient fan.
Your blood runs cold in your veins, smile fading ever quickly depsite you fighting to keep it in place.
Green eyes stare up at you with a mix of emotions. Anger, adoration, jealousy.
You bite the inside of your lip until you taste the tang of pennies as you watch him lick is lips.
"Tejina." His voice speaks your hero name as if it were a dusty sonnet, unused but never forgotten, "Did you enjoy what I picked out for you?"
Nails dig into the tender flesh of your palm as you hold back.
No, *fight* back the urge to shove that microphone so far down his throat you could hear the gurgling of his stomach digesting it. You'd give anything to watch him claw at his throat in uncertain panic, watching his naturally ruddy cheeks flash in hauntingly delightful hues of red, blue, purple and white.
Katsuki notices the shift in your demeanor, his eyes spy the soft glow of your hands before he looks at the fan.
He wears a face he has since committed to memory, an audibly growl is caught by the microphone.
"Oi." Katuski's voice brings you back from your desires plunging you into ice cold water as you register the emotion on his face.
You had never seen Bakugou so angry before. Sure you knew he has a short temper, was easy to pop off at the mouth and the hand.
But you had never seen such unwavering malice in his eyes, or the firm way in which his jaw set.
Grinding teeth with clenched fists, that sweet burnt caramel smell that tickled your nose in dreams wafted to you in heavy waves.
You knew what came next.
Next he would pop, jump into action pair is impulsive temper with the look in his eyes you wonder if that man will ever be able to walk again.
Hell breathe again.
But he would win, even beyond the grave.
You grab onto his powerful thigh as if to hold him in place. He cuts you a look from the side of his dazzling scarlet eye.
He reads you well as you do him.
*"Let me fucking kill him."*
A silent exchange through body language before Bakugou stands anyway.
A deadly snarl as his body heat increases rapidly before the room plunges into darkness.
Screams erupt as the pros automatically jump into action.
Todoroki illuminates the room with fire, Momo makes flash lights, while Denki pulls the hostess over the table protectively as Deku, Asui, and Jhiro move through the crowd to make them calm and to find a threat.
All the while you grab onto Bakugou pulling him back stage. He grabs onto you with rough, inspecting hands.
"We need to be out there. *He's* out there." Bakugou snarls, although his hands have not left your hips. His dancing explosions send flashes of burning Scarlet in your direction.
Rapidly the heat rises in the backroom as well as in your blood.
You grab onto his forearms talking through your teeth, trying to soothe his popping skin.
"It was me." You grit, one hand gesturing about as he looks down at you confused before realization washes over his handsome features.
Washing away some of his wrath with it.
Suddenly the world is flooded with light, Bakugou looks harsher than ever, letting go of your body as if you were hot coals.
He is reminded too quickly of powerful you really are. He gives his back to you, furious over a lot of things.
But more so over the fact that you willingly give power to such vile scum.
And for what? Lingering outside of your door?
"Tch." Is all he says as you watch his retreating back, "Let's get Deku so we can fucking leave this shit show."
To say you were relieved to be stand in front of your shitty hotel room would be an understatement.
Although a looming weight hangs over the door, as if you were to open the cheaply wood fiber door a giant black serpant with hungry greeneyes would meet you.
You swallow thickly as you wait patiently and yet impatiently for Bakugou to retrieve your hotel key from his wallet.
Instead your phone rings from his black pants to which you freely rummage through.
"OI! OI!" Hot explosions pop near your skin but you brush them off staring at who's calling.
Director Yumi, good. Hopefully he will have moved up the time the three of you were scheduled to leave.
"Hello?" Your answer with cheerful disposition.
Although you are unaware that this is the beginning of things going from bad to worse.
Much worse.
Your vision blurs as the director speaks and the two men beside you feel the air charge with an onset heaviness.
The kind that Bakugou knows comes from rage, he notices your clenched fists. The tension making your normally fluid body go rigid.
He wants to rest his palms on your shoulders, let them soothe over your smooth heated skin.
But he barely allows himself the thought.
"WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK?!" It echoes down the hall and Izuku jumps. Jade eyes widening while scarlet narrow.
"A fan party tonight?! Did the boys know about this?" You turn with eyes so angry they glow fiercely with your power.
Both raise their hands to show empty palms and shake their heads no.
"So what is the fucking dress code to this mandatory party hmm? Is it formal? If so I don't fucking have anything." The two men watch you with wary eyes as your voice and temper spike again.
"YOU CANT FUCKING TELL ME?! oh wow you know what a surprise. But what is more surprising is the fact that you're the director of an agency. I'm not sure what it is that you do aside from pissing away your daddy's hard earned money. I know you aren't here to make business deals, talk about hero loans or get your own exposure like the other directors of agencies or as your Father used to do. I know you do little to no research before making a decision nor do you consult your employees as your father did. I know that you have no fucking idea how to run this business, that you do not even posses a fourth of the abilities your father was capable of and I *know* all you're good for is bending Nezuko over your desk to fuck her stupid."
Both sets of eyes widen, your cellphone screen cracks from the pressure of your grip.
"You're right. We *do* need to have a conversation when I get back. Now if you'll excuse me I'll go ask another pro hero or another director who actually knows what the fuck is the dress code and itinerary for this surprise fan event." You say in even breaths and tones before you snap. Throwing your phone onto the floor with heaved breaths.
Gasping for air as you near black out rage, the doors rattle.
Both men stand, eyes wide and staring.
Sure you've been angry, they've now seen you distressed but they've never seen you like this.
Consumed by your wrath and fury.
Izuku looks to Katsuki depserstly, who is biting his lip.
Hating to see you so unraveled.
Did this really all have to do with the dress code to the last minute party or did it have something to do with that scum bag plus whatever the hell else you'd clearly been claming up.
"Oi if you need a dress we can find you one. You have a similar body type to Momo. She's always prepared and probably packed an extra." Katsuki wraps his arm around your shoulders turning you on your heel.
"Or she could make you one." Izuku pipes up, you shove away Katsuki's arm.
"What about you two?" You hiss, "Did you guys lie about knowing?
Bakugou laughs at Deku's blanched face.
"No he's a nerd and always prepared." He snorts, hand finding the small of your back guiding you towards the stairs once again.
"And you?!" A vicious snap that he ignores
"Kirishima is in the same hotel as Momo. He will have an extra for me."
"How can you be so sure?"
Katsuki gives you a sideways glance before pulling you across the street and down the block towards the other heroes' hotel.
"Ever since he dragged me to that nerd island event he's packed an extra." He crosses his arms as the three of you get into the elevator. You wonder what that's like, to have a friend who always has your back.
It has been so long ago since you had actually trusted someone and the only person you could...well she turned up missing shortly after you became a hero.
She was the one person you could never save.
You swallow your shame as you follow Bakugou and Izuku to the fourth floor.
"Take Y/N to the girl's room please Bakugou." Izuku beams as Bakugou snarls, opening his mouth to retort but you interrupt.
"I can go by myself, really. It's just three doors down." You smile, they both look at you with worried eyes that make your skin crawl, "I'm a big girl I can handle it!"
With that you turn, making long strides to the door lifting your hand to knock.
"My two number one heroes!" Kirishima exclaims pulling them into his room.
"Oi oi!" A snarl as their door slams shut.
Your fist seems suspended in air as you ponder.
Would it be rude to ask for a dress?
Would now be a bad time to slip away to just buy one and save yourself the debt?
Before you do a 180 a voice calls from the otherside of the door.
"I'm going to get my extra charger from Eiji" Mina talks loudly enough to be heard through the thick wood before swinging it open to reveal herself and the other female alumni of class 1A, all perched around the room primping.
"Oh Y/N-chan!" She sings wrapping toned pink arms tightly around your frame. You clear your throat, unable to hug her back. Lightly tapping your fingers against her arms.
"Hello..." You say a little awkwardly with a small wave, "I'm sorry to bother y'all but I need to borrow a dress for this party I....forgot to pack one."
"Come in come in!" Mina ushers you in forgetting that she flipped the latch on the door, it sits ajar and goes unnoticed.
She walks a full circle around you.
"Welp my glutes are not nearly as toned as yours...." She looks around the room before settling on Momo, "Mo! Love! Yall have similar measurements!"
"Hmm, yes we do. I believe her thighs to be more muscular than my own and my breasts to be a tad bit larger..." She ponders before an idea crosses her mind, "Ah I'll make one!"
She pulls a measuring tape from her forearm measuring your frame, all the while you protest.
"Oh that's too much trouble. I can go and buy one I dont ne.." But she gives you a look that oddly silences you.
"Its no trouble at all. Plus it will give me great practice! I usually use cloth to make blankets." She scrunches her nose at the thought.
"Oh did you pick your song yet?!" Uraraka asks with delight as she plops on the bed beside you.
Your eyes narrow in confusion as your brow furrows.
"What?" Your heart pounds into your ears as she continues to speak.
"You know for your little opening appearance before all the dancing and booze. Bakugou, Deku-kun and you are the stars for the "surprise" fan party. You get to walk out to your very own song!" U-san produces her phone her screen is lit with a promotional poster.
It reads across the top, your rage quickly turns into something else as you stare down at the phone.
Before you know it your eyes well over and fat droplets darken the material on your thighs. Your hands fly to cover your face as your rage comes out melted and raw.
"I..I'm sorry...." You sob, "I'm having the worst weekend of my life."
The six women exchange looks as they silently debate how best to approach their new friend.
"Is it Bakugou?" Jhiro's voice comes out harsh as Mina behind you chimes in.
"Yea do we need to kick his ass?" It comes out harshly. A laugh escapes your lips, it sounds foreign.
"Ah no, I can handle Bakugou." You wipe away your tears feeling stupid, "He, he's actually been...fun this weekend."
"Wait wait wait." Mina pauses, "Bakugou? Like Bakugou Katsuki? With red eyes and blonde hair?"
"Yes." You giggle some more, "Hard to believe I know but like I said he's been fun. Helpful even. Kind."
"Wooooooow" The women say in unison.
"So what's bothering your so badly?" Momo's soft voice takes on a tone of motherly concern. You sigh as you debate.
Do you tell them? And if you do how much do you actually reveal? How far back do you need to go?
"Just my male fans are too overbearing. How do you deal with it?" You settle on a partial truth, omitting majority of the details. Plus anyone following your Instagram could see.
"Your fans are too much." Mina agrees, "Momo you get a lot of comments because of your suit right?"
"Yes, some are very hard to ignore. Especially when the go into detail on what they would do to me regardless of my consent. It used to bother me. A lot actually to the point where I thought of changing my hero costume to attract less attention but Sensei Midnight stopped me. She said all I would be doing was putting myself in a more difficult situation with less skin for my quirk to benefit me. That it did not matter what I wore I would still get the comments." Momo pulls a little more of the black fabric from her exposed stomach, giving it a critical look, "That my obsessing over them is what gave them power."
The last sentence settles over you in an odd manner.
Had you given these trolls power over you?
Or has Yayorozu never been blackmailed before?
Still it was sound advice, you had given those comments power.
"Alright I believe its finished. Let's try this on shall we?" Momo says lifting the dress up to you.
"Get ready here with the rest of us. I'm dying to play with your hair!" Mina pleads before squealing when you nod your head yes.
"Bakugou, what are you doing in the hall?" Izuku asks before Katsuki raises his hand to silence him. He retreats from the slightly ajar room, not answering until the hot head is mostly to Kirishima's door.
"I was gonna tell Y/LN about the party but I think the girls just did. Let's grab my stupid suit and come back to pick her slow ass up later." Bakugou dismisses it with a wave of his hand.
And yet he cannot dismiss your words.
"Bakugou has been...fun."
"Please stay Katuski"
He squeezes his eyes shut trying to get your voice and your sad eyes out of his head.
Only to encourage them to haunt him further.
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thespaceace124 · 4 years
Tv shows I watched this year, my favorite character from each, and why I like each character.
Since my past few posts about Fandom/TV shows have been kinda negative/ criticism, to end off the year, I wanted to make a few posts about things that I like in media. So today we’ll be taking a look at all the shows I watched/finished this year and my favorite characters from each.
Space Force: Captain Angela Ali. Its been a hot minute since I watched Space force, but iirc she’s just… done like 99% of the time with all of her superiors, but in the ten episodes we get, we see some fun little character moments from her. Like in the war games episode where she has to grapple with being an amazing book student, but has a hard time applying some of the stuff she learned at the military academy in a “combat” situation and has to sort of learn and take the lead from one of her “underlings” who is better in that sort of situation. Also, the bonding moments she has with Chan, like when they’re on the road trip, and when she asks him for help learning some science stuff so she can be more useful on missions and stuff. (again, its been a while since I’ve watched this one so my memory of it is a little foggy)
Stargate SG-1: Colonel Jack O’Neill. I like the tope he falls into of the very surface level sort of gruff military man, doesn’t like talking about his feelings, makes smart ass remarks, asks people who talk to much to get to the point, he’s a very fun character, and adds a lot of fun lightheartedness to the show and is generally enjoyable to have on screen. Also tends to get the most character development, at least regarding his past and sort of why the way that he is. (I would say Teal’c gets the second most), also the reason I got into stargate, as my dad showed me a compilation of him being a smart ass and I was like “oh ho ho, I gotta see more of this guy”
Doctor Who (specifically seasons 11 and 12): The Doctor. I like this version of the Doctor, I like that she a little more lighthearted chaotic as opposed to the previous Doctor, who I would describe as dark chaotic, (at least in s11) and just very fun to be around and watch on screen. Also, I think that the rest of the fam is a little bit underdeveloped? Like, we got a lot of fun stuff for Ryan and Graham in the premier with them being a part of a family unit and then at the end of the season we got a nice little scene of them bonding and Ryan calling him grandad and then in s12 there’s like none of that??? And with Yaz we get that she’s kinda got the usual female companion backstory (not a big fan of her job, not happy living with her family, wants *More* out of life) and then we learn that she got bullied as a kid, and at one point she tried to run away, but a kindhearted cop and her sister??? Managed to keep her in Sheffield. So, I feel a little bit like the doctor is my favorite as a default just because we already know the doctors story, so we’ve just pasted a new personality onto a familiar character.
Deep Space Nine (started 2019): Major Kira Nerys. Straight up the reason this character is my favorite is because my dad said I remind him of her and that makes me feel nice. Also, Nana Visitor is very pretty. Also I like that she takes 0 shit from anyone, including Sisko, but we also get to see her learn and grow  from “I will always voice my disagreement no matter what” to “There is a time and a place to object” and also a little bit of learning that sometimes you have to work with people who’ve hurt you and sometimes that sucks. Anyway, she’s a grade A badass and I love her.
Voyager (started 2019): Captain Kathryn Janeway. Like my reasons for Kira, I think Janeway is a badass, and that Kate Mulgrew is very pretty. But also, I think Janeway is a badass in a different way than Kira is, simply because their characters are in very different situations. But I think Janeway is portrayed to be handling things extremely well, and doing what needs be done, obviously that wasn’t super looked at as they did want to keep the tone of voyager relatively light, but anyway, I like Janeway because she’s someone to look up to, to want to incorporate traits of into your own behavior.
Picard: Rafaella “Raffi” Musiker. I like Raffi because she is one of the most consistent characters in Picard. See imo Picard suffers from having too much on its plate, and also it drops/ abandons too many characters. With a show that has only 10 episodes, especially in a first season, you can’t do that. So, with Raffi being in the majority of the episodes, with consistent characterization that makes sense, and working as someone who can actually keep Picard in check? That’s the best character in the show. Also, I think of actors not seen in Star Trek before, she’s one of the better ones and that makes her better.
Lower Decks: Ensign Beckett Mariner. I love a chaotic smartass. Also, for as much as I love LD being a relatively slice of life comedy, I love that Mariner got a ton of characterization in the last few episodes, especially exploring her relationship with her mom, and people who knew her at the academy. She’s super fun, I love how she’s almost always dunking on Boimler, but also really cares for him and doesn’t want to see him hurt. Again, she’s just super fun to see on screen, I love that she doesn’t really like authority figures, and is content to figure herself out while being a relatively low-ranking officer. I like Mariner because she is both sure of herself, but not totally sure what she wants to do with her career, which is something that Star Trek has never explored before, and I think its super interesting.
Discovery: Commander Michael Burnham. I think a trend with a lot of the characters on this list is that I personally find them cool and/or pretty, and once again that also applies to Michael here, but also, I like her because Michael as a concept is fascinating. Like the idea of being a child who goes through a trauma and then is immediately whisked away to a place where she can’t actually process it? And then as a result grows up emotionally constipated and only in her 30s, is sort of finally able to shed that and actually learn how to be healthy with her emotions? Absolutely fascinating, I love that. I also love that we can kind of see that her upbringing and the suppression of emotions as a child still effects the choices that she’s made to this day. Its super cool, and I think one of the best parts of discovery.
Ratched: Nurse Mildred Ratched. I don’t have anything really important to say here, I just tend to like the main characters of tv shows because by default they get the most development/ back story or whatever, and honestly this is one of those shows that I enjoyed enough to watch all ten episodes, and then never picked it up again, so. Ehhh
Dexter: Dexter Morgan. I like Dexter Morgan because he’s a man who has always been told he doesn’t have emotions, but as the show goes on you can totally see that he does have emotions, he just doesn’t know how to handle them, and that they don’t present themselves in the same way that “normal” people’s do. Like, I fully believe that Dexter did actually love Rita, Harry jr., Deb, and Hannah. But I also believe he didn’t fully know how to cope with those emotions, because instead of getting his son help Harry Morgan decided to turn his son into a killing machine, which was a Choice.
Hannibal: Will Graham. I liked watching him kinda fall into Hannibal’s co-dependency trap. Character regression baybee. But like, that’s what happens, I’m pretty sure at one point they both admit that they aren’t healthy for each other, but they also cant live w/o each other. Which is not a dynamic I personally had seen delved into in media before I watched this show. I just think he’s neat.
ATLA: Toph Beifong. I like Toph because I think she provides a nice foil to Aang, whilst also not going too far into the opposite direction. She’s decisive, she knows for the most part what she wants from this adventure, and mostly how to go about getting it, while also discovering a new family along the way. I also just like the way that she can and will throw a boulder at you if she thinks you deserve it.
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: Sabrina Spellman. Again, sort of falling into the “I tend to like the main character by default folder” It’s also been a hot minute since I watched this show, so I’m just gonna say that I like Sabrina because she is always the one getting her own self into trouble by being Different. And while I’m not saying that it is always good to conform and do what is expected of you, all of the issues in the show are caused by Sabrina (for the most part). Season one is all about shit falling apart if she doesn’t sign the book, season two is her shaking things up at the witch academy and also not wanting to be the princess of hell (understandable, but again, still her fault) and the whole plot of season 3 is the fallout of her imprisoning the devil and then also being too cocky with the guy made of clay. She’s far too cocky, and I think that’s super funny in regards to how it gets her into situations she’s not really prepared for.
The Coroner (BBC): Beth Kennedy. I watched this show with my stepmom, and in this show, Beth tends to be the one who lightens the mood a lot, so she’s my favorite character b/c of that.
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infinitydoublevenus · 6 years
like fern is just finn if he was bumped out of his own life and corrupted by a demon. it shows us different aspects of finn’s soul and personality, and how he would deal with all that - basically showing us his dark side, without fucking up main finn.
i had a whole long ass shpiel about why i disagree written out and then my computer decided not to listen to my mouse and it basically got destroyed
but in summary, 
i dont think everything that made fern the way he is was the demons fault. like… imagine if you will, waking up one day in a body you’re unfamiliar with, but not realizing it until someone looking just like you claims they are you, your brother defends them and claims you’re not who you really are, calls you a demon, your “son” (BMO) is terrified of you for what you can only assume is no reason, you realize you cant do the things you loved anymore because this body isn’t capable of it, and since you’re unfamiliar with it, you keep fucking up to the point where you feel like you can’t do anything right. then you finally, FINALLY get a chance to prove yourself and you’re incapable of doing what you were supposed to. which makes you feel less than your doppelganger because they seem so much more successful and better at what you did then you were. imagine that you realize “hey, these memories i have of my entire life aren’t mine anymore” that would surely cause someone to question whether they really were that person or not. and as we see in Do No Harm, Fern clearly is on the side of “i’m someone else now. i have these memories that you share with me, but our personalities and circumstances are different. therefore i am not you. maybe i used to be, but i’m not anymore.” by his own admission, and i quote: “Whatever I am, I’m… not you.” and then you get another chance to at least prove you’re not worthless at least to one person, and you fuck it up. at this point you’re so frustrated you snap. some might even resort to self harm (see: Fern tearing his “ears” off. Clearly they’re a part of his body or they wouldn’t have regenerated like they did.) the person who says they’re you tries to comfort you all the time but it’s not enough, they never get to the root of the issue. you want to tell them. you want them to understand. but they’ve never been through something like this, so they don’t. imagine that no one else IN THE WORLD that you know of has the same problem that you do. imagine how lonely that must have felt for him. he literally felt like he was completely alone. the only person going through this hell that he was trapped in. and imagine that, in your head, this voice (the demon) is whispering to you, and urging you to do harmful things to others. you dont want to, but you want it to shut up. thus he suggests “sever his tendons?” when talking about how to deal with Sweet P. on top of all of this, the worst part is you feel like you’ve been replaced. like you were nothing. like you didn’t matter enough for people to care that you were replaced. you try to form your own identity around who you are now and not what you used to be, but you don’t know what or who you are or are supposed to be. you don’t know what you want, since the role you most wanted to fill, this person has taken now. it gets so frustrating you’re convinced the only solution is if they died. you’ve sunk so far into this depressing narrative that you’ve convinced yourself of that you don’t see any other way out. but you don’t WANT them to die. so you hide them away and give them food and an item for comfort (meatloaf being finn’s favorite food & Fern giving him a pan of dirt because he didn’t know how to make meatloaf even though he already gave him garbage he could sift through so he at least wouldn’t starve). your plan is that everything would go back to normal so you wouldnt have to deal with this shit anymore. but suddenly the person escapes and attacks you. they start interrogating your motivations like they don’t already know about the shit you’ve gone through. so you start fighting with each other, and then because of the violence thats broken out, the demons power grows stronger than it should be and increases your willingness to fight and kill. you have your sword at your enemy’s throat and they start pleading that “it doesn’t have to be like this. we can just go home and talk things out! nobody has to die!” but before you can get a word in - and also, there’s no way Fern could have known it was an accident - their razorblade weapon slashes through your stomach. everyone thinks you’re dead. someone you don’t know and have never seen before, but looks similar to someone you know, finds you and revives you. they live with a nice old lady and their nephew. your real parents abandoned you, your father figure only wanted to use you (the grassy wizard “This is great for me, personally! You have to do my bidding!”) and your mother was forced to quarantine herself because of an epidemic and can only interact with you through a screen, and now here you are, being offered family! family you genuinely believe wont abandon you! friends! people who might be willing to try and understand you! including a father figure, a thing that was missing from your life since you were a little kid! not only that, but they’ve given you the ability to be more capable in fighting, and killing, the thing you were trying to do to your doppelganger. they gave you armor and weapons and a place to stay! their only condition is to fight in war against someone you barely even remember. its not like they need YOU to be their knight anymore anyway, the doppelganger does that now. HE’S the one loyal to them. so you go along with it,. you finally have a chance to get rid of said doppelganger when the father figure tells you “not yet”. since you appreciate what they’ve done for you, you obey. the next time you see the person who’s replaced you he wants to negotiate with “your boss” as he calls them. they’re not just a boss to you, they’re a father. not only that but he came here with your brother. who might i add, attacks you. imagine being called a demon by your brother, still having hope he might not hate you, and then a few months later being attacked by him like you’re his enemy, when you two were best friends throughout your childhood. ithe old lady comes out of the building and tells you both to stop fighting. your “twin” compares her to your mother. “She’s kinda like mom, yeah?” this person, this person who replaced you, is referring to the mother that would have, should have raised you as their own mother. so you feel compelled to justify that you’re her son too. “She was my mom too!” and then the doppelganger says you’re like family, so why are you fighting like this? you know he’s right, but you don’t want to admit it, because it HURTS to admit it. so you pull your helmet over your head and leave. 
the next time you see them, they’re trying to negotiate to stop the war from happening. you don’t know what to think. they use a potion to put all of you in a shared dream, where your father figure orders you to kill the opposing side because maybe they’ll die in real life. you WOULD have, but then he straight up abandons you, just like your real father did. you’ve developed abandonment issues before because of that and they come to the surface now. you’re so upset you can’t move. the doppelganger tries to snap you out of it but he;’s the last person you want to see right now. so you try to get away from him, but he follows you. you get into another fistfight but before you can finish your brother reminds you that you have all the same traumas. but that your situations are still DIFFERENT, even though you share the same pain. your doppelganger and you have to face the music and he kills the demon, you’re finally free of it. “I’m me again.” this line can be interpreted in two different ways: literally, or figuratively. if we take it literally, he’s turned into finn again BUT like jake says, “it’s just a dream”. sure, it still causes you to die later on, but not everything in that dream became reality. and you only died because the demon was the only thing keeping your unfamiliar body from falling apart. if its interpretated differently however he could be seen as saying “finally, i’m back in my old body again, in a familiar body that i know how to operate in, and i am free of the demon’s curse and the impulses that were driving me to fight so violently.” they didnt say all that of course because it would be tedious, this isnt Hamlet where they can go on and on about how much they hate the planet for several hours. when you wake up from the shared dream, a strange entity is attacking everyone. you’re willing to defend your homeland “down to your last blade” as he puts it, but your body is starting to fall apart and isn’t suited for battle right now. you do your best, even fending off a giant monster, but you become so weak and frail you fall over (see: Huntress Wizard helping him during Time Adventure). you can barely move, but then the solution to defeating the entity comes to light. (singing) it’s something you can do without as much effort as battle would take, so you take part in it as well. but you’re almost completely broken apart by now. you can barely stand up. your doppelganger has escaped the entity that was trying to eat him. you’ve finally realized that he cared more about you than you wanted to admit. you know you’ll feel guilty if you die leaving him without a conclusion. so you get his attention. he’s distraught by the sight of you: weak, falling apart, literally dying in front of him. you try to lighten the mood, he offers to take you to your home so you can die in peace, but you see the expression on your brother’s face that says “that place was destroyed by the monsters”. you know he’d be distraught even more if you told him that now, so you comfort him with your last words. “It’s okay, just promise to plant me there.” 
in conclusion, this post was longer than i intended for it to be, but not all of Fern’s bitterness and aloof, somewhat-empathy-lacking personality stems from the Emissary’s corruption. it was also from feelings of being replaced, estrangement from his brother, and abandonment issues. as well as a feeling of worthlessness which could be interpreted as clinical depression once it got to a certain point. 
i don’t think Fern is just “Finn 2.0, we added misery in the latest update!” I think he’s a lot more complex than that. he realized they had the same traumatic memories, but they still had different situations: his doppelganger wasn’t being held captive by the Emissary like he was. they’ve gone through similar - even the same - shit, but he also has his own unique trauma finn’s never gone through. not the one we see after the episode where they revive Prismo, anyway.
he also sided with Gumbaldia not only because they offered him family and a home, “There’s nothing I have that you don’t!” but also because being equipped better for revenge gave him a purpose, something that his struggles with his identity partially stemmed from a lack of. 
so yeah i don’t mean to be rude or anything, i am 100% NOT here for discourse, i just wanted to elaborate on my opinion and why i made that post about Finn and Fern earlier. 
sorry if that was too long of a post to read haha… i just have a lot of nuanced opinions on a lot of different things. 
tl;dr: fern’s issues, i believe, were caused by more than just a demon screaming in his ear at his every turn. i dont wanna be an asshole i just felt like elaborating 
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watermonkey0 · 7 years
4th Point of Contact *Preview*
Preview of Mission Report #1 of ‘4th Point of Contact’ (Do Kyungsoo x Harper Hasagawa)
Please let me know what you think with notes and comments! @trinitysroses
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“Never cut a tree down in the wintertime. Never make a negative decision in
a low. Never make your most important choices when you are in your worst
moods. Wait. Be patient. The storm will pass. The spring will come.”               
--Robert Schuller
The world was a drenched grey scale, tilted on its axis, hanging skewed on the scale of forever. The balance was off. I felt it, the rocks felt it, the sea felt it. We were lost in the shift, forgotten between the strands of this new fabric of universe we’d found ourselves in. I didn’t fit in here, the island under my boots didn’t piece together here, the ocean roiling before me would never be calm here. It was a tempest, crashing against the cliff, crashing against my heart, the pieces left of it. We competed to see who was loudest in this new truth, and I think I won. The whirlwind ripped out of me with enough force to shatter the canted rocks, to silence the ravaging sea. I was more than them, but I was less than nothing. There was no way to tell if the rain hitting my face was from the sea, from the sky, or from me. But it pounded into my skin, each drop a punch. Let them come! I wanted it, I wanted them to wash off this illusion, strip away this lie, because it wasn’t real, it couldn’t be.
“Hello?” The voice said, and the ocean fractured---
I woke with a jolt.
“Harper? Harper!” My mother was screaming as Fall Out Boy was blaring through the speakers of my phone.
Strange, I thought as I rolled out of bed. It had been at least six weeks since I’d dreamt of that night. Memories were funny things, but dreams were worse. I’d done well for the past few months, avoiding any unnecessary triggers, but who knows? Maybe it was because ‘Thnks fr th Mmrs’ was playing on a loop and I still hadn’t answered the phone.
“Harper! Will you turn that down already!” She yelled again from downstairs.
“Okay okay!” I hollered back, grabbing the iPhone from the dresser and swiping the green button without even looking to see who it was. “Hasagawa.” I answered with a yawn. Enough time had passed that I no longer screened my calls, not that anyone but my mother called my anyway, but my heart always beat a little bit faster in those first few moments. Because, what if…
I pulled the phone away from my face, gaping at the massive mistake I’d just made. The caller ID listed a  +81 country code, prefecture 98--Naha. “Sergeant? Are you there?”
“K-Kojima?” I mouthed. The ghosts seemed to be out in full force today as I dropped to the edge of my bed. I didn’t even have a bra on, I hadn’t even brushed my teeth! It was too early for this!
“Yokatta! You finally answered! I’ve been calling all day.” A morning of muffled Patrick Stump seemed a likely enough explanation for my mother’s mood, but still, it was like two am in Okinawa--I glanced at the clock on my nightstand and sucked in a horrid realization: 13:15 blinked at me in big block numbers, and I practically threw my phone.
“Ohmygod! I’m late for work!” I screamed and flew around the room, grabbing pants, forgoing the bra, screwing the toothbrush.
“What? Sergeant? Hello?” Kojima’s tiny voice squeaked from the speaker in my hand, but I ignored it. One boot after the other, I tumbled down the stairs. I heard mom in the kitchen, and figured I was late enough to yell at her and not cause any more damage than I already had.
“Why didn’t you wake me up!” I howled as I stormed through. She was unphased, chopping vegetables on the kitchen island like I howled all the time. I clocked the knife but assumed she’d let me get fired first before she used it.
“What would I wake you up for?” She asked nonchalantly, decapitating a carrot that I envisioned my face on.
“Uhh, my job?” I hissed as I snatched a smoothie from the fridge and b-lined for the garage door.
“Oh they called this morning.”
My heels clicked together in a halt. My back was turned to her but I could tell she’d been waiting all day to have this conversation, just by the way she was massacring those veggies. Not to mention her answering my phone while I was asleep! Without giving away my temper, I rolled my neck and backtracked to the otherside of the kitchen island. We stood face to face, and I tried my very best not to follow through with my reflex to disarm her first.
“And?” I said through my teeth.
“They said don’t bother.” She wrinkled her nose as she said it, like it was only a matter of time, like it wasn’t my third job this month. I let my head fall at her casualness. “Besides,” she went right on, scooping up her murder victims and throwing them in a stew pot, “you have a job.”  
“Moooooom.” I drowned in the syllable of her. Surely people would understand if I just threw her in the pot, right? She was nosey, and pushy, and constantly--
“Shouldn’t you be taking that call?” She used her butcher knife to point at the still ticking call on the face of my cell phone, ignoring my wail.
“Shit.” I muttered as I brought the phone back to front and center. Kojima wasn’t speaking but the timer was clearly still going, he hadn’t hung up.
“Language.” Mom snipped at me as I backed up from the counter.
“I mean shoot.” I corrected snobbishly, but then stopped. “Wait, how did you know he was…?”
“I'm looking forward to the future, but my eyesight is going bad and this crystal ball, it's always cloudy except for when you look into the past…” She started to sing, and all I could was shake my head.
When I was back in the safety of my room, I took a deep breath and put the phone back to my ear.
“Your mother has a lovely singing voice.” He chimed and I made a face at the wall.
“That is not something I want to hear from you, Private. Now what do you want?” My Sergeant voice came out without my meaning to, and I flinched at the sound of it.
“Well, I have a situation.” He continued easily, because well...he was used to it.
“I’m not in country, haven’t been in--” I quickly started to deny whatever he was about to ask of me, but he cut me off.
“I’m not dumb, Sergeant.” He snorted. “I talked to your mom, I know you’re in California.”
“Then you should already know that I can’t help you.” I fired back, wondering why I bothered to answer this call in the first place.
“My situation is in LA, and I don’t have anyone else to ask. Otherwise I would have called them.” I let that sink in for a moment, the bittersweet taste of clapback.
“Rude.” Was all I could bring myself to murmur, but he heard me.
“No, you just made your stance very clear is all.”
“What situation could you possibly have in LA?” I steered the conversation away from my ‘stance’ and back to whatever it was he wanted. “I thought you didn’t know anyone in the US.”
“It concerns our mutual friend.” The words sounded careful, even over the phone, and they made me frown at myself in the mirror.
“Mutual?” To my knowledge, Kojima and I didn’t have any mutual friends, not in the US anyway.
“If you have the time…” He trailed off, and I figured he wasn’t going to tell me anymore until I made some small amount of commitment. Glancing at the clock with a sigh, I plopped down on the bed and kicked my boots off.
“I guess I do now.”
Two hours later, I found that my 5.11s still fit, which was a relief, and my fingers laced up my combat boots as if it hadn’t been six months since I even looked at them. All in all, I spent most of the time after the call on my hair because, well...that’s a thing. I pulled it up, let it down, pulled it up, and let it down again. No matter what I did with it, it always morphed into a standard issue bun by magic, like the strands knew no other shape. With a frustrated sigh I raked my fingers through it, surrendering to the down do. It would be a matted mess and get constantly stuck to my cap stick, but at least it wouldn’t look uniform.
I proceeded downstairs quietly, hoping she wouldn’t stop me, but knowing that she would. She’d moved on to a different part of the meal she was preparing as I passed by, quiet and small. She saw me meander through though and paused long enough for us to lock eyes. Then I watched as she took in my gear: the boots, the tactix pants, the pack, the rods.
“Off to work then?” She asked, her voice a cheery imitation of what I knew to be true going on under the surface. Her expression was grave, despite her pleasant question. It was the face she used to make before my deployments; the disconnect of what she was feeling and what she knew to be right. She hated when I went to battle, it reminded her too much of my dad, but she still believed, even when I didn’t, that I was a soldier through and through. But this wasn’t exactly a sanctioned mission.
“Will you bail me out?” I asked sarcastically, hoping to lighten the mood, but she responded with,
“Absolutely,” without hesitation. I cleared my throat, not knowing what else to say, but her eyes were insistent.
“Well, I’m grabbing a train.” I pursed my lips and started for the door.
“To where?” She asked and I winced.
“...South.” I hated this part; the part where she wasn’t allowed to know anything; the part where we left her over and over again without telling her where we were going. When I looked back to see how bad it hurt this time, her face was surprisingly resolute. She looked like she always look: proud, strong, destroyer of vegetables, worried... “Don’t wait up.” I nailed in softly before escaping out the door.
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inthepantheon · 4 years
It's About Time
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The thunk...thunk...thunk  of Thanatos’ scythe echoed across the near desolate lobby as we slowly made our way from the lounge back to Aphaid’s office. Aphaid was the last to see Hera, and we needed to find out if there was any progress in locating her. Thanatos was still leaning rather heavily on my arm for support and clutching his scythe like a walking stick. I could see that he was beginning to heal from his ordeals, but it was taking a long time - an unusually long time. It was eerily quiet in the GC’s massive lobby. Only weeks ago there were dozens upon dozens of people chatting and milling about the reception area or frequenting the many shops on the first floor. Now there were only stoic-faced security guards standing watch over the few remaining mortal employees who scurried about, eyes down, noses to the grindstone. It was all business these days. Clio slipped up next to us as Thanatos and I crossed the lobby to the elevators. “Than? Moxie?” Clio canted her head to the side, sizing up our unlikely pairing. She turned to Than and lifted a delicate hand to touch his cheek. “I’m surprised to see you here, Thanatos. Y-you look terrible. What happened to you?” Than shrugged lightly and grunted, “Hmmm.” I patted his arm, offering an encouraging smile. “He has had a rough day that isn’t quite over, Clio. He is helping me. Mamá has gone missing and we are trying to find her.” “She flew…” Than coughed and paused to clear his still-raw throat. “She flew her carpet out the window, tiny muse.” Clio blinked. “She...what? Flew a carpet?” Thanatos and I nodded in unison. “We are going to speak with Aphaid,” I told her. “They were supposed to reach out to Ares or Dinlas for help.” “So, Hera is missing? What about Father? Who is caring for him?” "Off to handle Atë, I would imagine. Serve justice," Than said flatly. “He’s awake?” Clio asked, surprised. “Father is awake? When?” "Indeed, he is, tiny muse, we saw it happen. We made it happen," Than replied and looked to me, offering a feeble smile tinged with pride. “I should go see him! Everyone will want to...wait.” Clio paused, looking at Than. “Atë? What does Atë have to do with any of this?” "Everything," Than hissed with such forceful contempt that it caused Clio to startle and take a step back. I scowled at Than, momentarily letting go of his arm to step towards Clio.  I smiled tenderly at the now frightened muse. "Don’t let him upset you. He’s cranky. Why don’t you come with us? I am sure you can help. Frankly, we can use all of the help we can get right now," I said, then returned to Than as he swayed unsteadily, threading my arm through his to give him support. Clio glanced back and forth between us, then slowly nodded her agreement, “You might be right. I may be able to help. Certainly, I-I will do all that I can,” she said as the elevator dinged to announce its arrival. We exited on the 109th floor and the three of us walked down the empty hallway towards Aphaid’s office. “This building is like a giant tomb...and I should know,” Than said in his dry, deadpan voice.  “Trying to lighten the mood with jokes, huh?” I teased and turned back to wink at Clio. “He’s such a jokester...at least, I think he was making a joke.” Than’s lips twitched in a tiny smirk. The office door was ajar and we could hear Aphaid speaking on the phone as we approached, “Yes. Kum-quat. That is what she said.” They looked up and nodded to us as we entered. “Thank you. Please advise us if you locate the Queen.” They hung up the phone, tapped out some notes on their tablet, then looked up at us, seeming to assess us. "Kumquat?” Than repeated, staring at Aphaid. He leaned down to me and whispered, “That thing gives me the creeps.” “Be nice,” I said with a gentle elbow to his stomach. “Oof.” Than winced and nearly doubled over. He nodded and clutched the handle of his scythe.  I pursed my lips and whispered, “Straighten up, God of Death. This is no time to be a drama queen.” “Hilarious,” Than whispered back, straightening up.  Clio giggled softly. “You are back? Who watches the king?” Aphaid furrowed their painted brows. “Zeus is awake,” Than offered. Clio peeked from behind Than and chimed in, “W-we are here to find out what else you might know about Hera. I-is there any news?” Aphaid picked up their tablet and tapped the screen. “The king has recovered. Now we can mark that off of our list.” They then turned to the muse. “As we told Miss earlier, the queen arrived suddenly, acting peculiarly. She became smaller before our eyes, then she flew out of the window on the carpet her grandson gave her.”  “Yes. Yes. We’ve already covered that ground, Aphaid. What else do you know?” I asked and glanced at the clock on the wall, gauging how much time had passed. It had only been an hour and a half. "You said that she arrived suddenly. Where was Mrs. Hera before she came in here, do you know?" Than asked. “We believe she was at her desk, outside of their chambers, sir. We left her there earlier to open mail and conduct business.” "Splendid, then we will start there. Come now, you two," Than said, limping towards the door. I exhaled an exasperated sigh, eyeing Aphaid evenly. “That would have been useful information to have earlier when I was up there, Aphaid.” “You did not ask us that before, miss.” Aphaid replied and referred to their notes, tapping the tablet with a well-polished nail. “You asked, Who is attending him?” And we replied…” I interrupted and waved my hand dismissively. “We are wasting time.” "I can reap it if you want, Moxie. Just say the word," Than offered from the doorway. I couldn’t help but grin at his offer. “Mamá would have my head, and yours, should anything happen to her assistant, Than.” Turning to Clio, I nodded my head towards the door. “Coming?” The three of us returned to Hera’s chambers looking for any clues that might lead us to her whereabouts. The scent of her perfume lingered in the air, but the emptiness of the space pulled at me. This day had barely begun and already so much had changed, both for the good and for the bad. I was more fearful than hopeful at this point.  Clio went to one side of her desk and began examining the mail, while I dug through the drawers on the other side. Thanatos stood back, leaning against the bookshelves, surveying the area. “I wish I knew what we were looking for,” Clio said absently as she scanned the pile of letters on the corner of the desk, replacing each one after reading it. “Anything that might give us any idea of why she would suddenly up and leave Zeus all alone. I mean, what could get her to leave his side when no one or nothing else could manage it for weeks?” I asked. “There,” Thanatos said and joined us at the desk. He squatted with a grunt and retrieved some items strewn on the floor. He handed me a card and Clio a watch. “Those seem out of place. And look at this,” he said as he pinched and rubbed an odd, white, sand-like powder between his fingertips. “Hmm. Listen to this,” I said and read the cryptic note scribbled on the card. “Even gods run out of time.” Clio turned the watch over in her hand, studying it. “There’s an etching on the front,” she said as she stroked her thumb over the engraving. She held the watch back out to Than. “Look. An eagle with talons clutching a lightning bolt. And see the face of the watch? It has some of that powder on it.”  “Be careful with that powder,” Than murmured as he continued to study the substance. “Something about this…” He stopped talking as the sandy dust lifted from his fingers and spiraled upwards towards the watch. “Whoa!” I blurted out. Clio gasped and dropped the watch onto the desk. “Magick. These items are infused with m-magick.” I followed suit and placed the card next to the watch, then dusted off my hands. “Whelp. Looks like we found our clues.” “Shit,” Than growled, “Tiny muse, Ms. Moxie, I will be right back.” Than frantically wiped his hands off and headed to the center of the room. He clenched his jaw and narrowed his gaze, seeming to steel himself. “Do you know what it is?” I asked. He stopped and turned to us, his face softening as he licked his lips and looked down as if switching gears inside his head. He looked back up and offered us a small smile, but his eyes were on me. “I do and we are going to need additional help. Just stay away from that powder and those objects until I get back.”  I held up my hands. “You’ll get no argument from me on that.” “No arguments here, either,” Clio agreed emphatically. “Who…” I started to ask but trailed off as the shadows from every part of the room lifted and gathered around him. There was a sudden gust of air and the sound of flapping wings and Than was gone. Papers had blown off Mamá’s desk and the overhead light fixtures swung back and forth. Neither one of us spoke. We just stared at the spot he had once occupied. Just as Clio opened her mouth to say something, Than reappeared right where he had been previously standing. He unfolded his wings, and I chuckled, nodding knowingly. “Of course,” I said, “Who else would know more about the subject?” Hekate stepped from within the shadows of his wings, face drawn with concern. “Show me what you found. And by all the gods not us, let’s hope we’re wrong.” Read the full article
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elliotthezubat · 6 years
from snake monster battles, to magical girl stories, and retellings of monte cristo
*there's a note left for Naho, Lei-Lei, and Genny*
genny: ??
lei-lei: what do you think it is?
genny: it's a note.
lei-lei: =3= i can see that.
*it has a cartoon bear smiling sticker in the lower corner*
Note: "Dear charges--Today's lesson is search and destroy. I'm hiding somewhere on campus. You have until the end of the day to find me. Warning: I am super-incognito. 💗 Tezca"
naho: ok then, let's do this!
*Any clues in the room? Hmm...Looks like the closet door in the classroom is opened slightly...*
lei-lei: *peeeeeek*
*creepy eyes are staring out* OWO
lei-lei: found hi-
*the bear head rolls off its shoulders, stopping at Genny's feet...there's no head on the body*
genny + naho + lei-lei:...............*SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAM*
Head: OWO *a slip of paper falls out of the head*
naho: ?? *picks it up*
*The paper is a receipt for breakfast at the DWMA cafeteria*
naho: come on, this way!
Eijiro: *face close to the glass* "Ooooo! Look at that one!"
mina: coool! *taking pics with her iphone*
ochako: wow, look at the jelly fish!
kaminari: QuQ;;;;;;
Tokoyami: "??? Something wrong?"
kaminari: i-i-i'm fine! i just- uh- BATHROOM BRB! *runs*
Tokoyami: "...Maybe he doesn't like crowds?"
jirou: *sweatdrop*
Todoroki: "It's pretty relaxing to watch..."
ochako: yeah. they look so pretty, dont they?
Todoroki: *glances* "...Yes."
ochako: ^^
Todoroki: "..." .\\\. *looks back at the fish*
Iida: "Hmm...Excellent form for movement..."
ochako: oh look at that one!
Todoroki: "H-Huh?"
Iida: *looking*
-she's pointing to one jellyfish-
ochako: it almost looks like a hot air balloon.
jirou:....i dont think i'll ever be able to unsee that now.
Iida: "Hm, it does."
Todoroki: "I wonder whether there's any jellyfish superhero...with a hot-air balloon."
mina: that would be totes cool!
Lucy: X~X "Everything hurts...My hair hurts..."
kirako: what happened?
Lucy: "Training...Kunikida had me do 'roadwork'--jogging for hours..."
kirako: oh dear. ^^;
Lucy: T~T "Not make me move. I just want to die here."
kirako: ^^; want something to eat?
Lucy: *nod nod* "A smoothie?"
kirako: sure thing. ^^
Rin: *walking through snow, checking the map*
stocking: *looking around*
Yukio: "The GPS tracker still isn't working...I suggest heading to the Shrine first."
stocking: good call.
-the shrine is just up ahead-
gilda:.....*shaking* b-buh....
Rin: "Where're the priests and such?"
stocking: hm....?? gilda?
Yukio: "..." *turns off the safety* "What kind of bad energy?"
stocking: ...something in the shrine?
Rin: *looks up* "..."
*something comes rolling down the hill from the Shrine*
stocking: ?? ...hello? is someone here?
Rin: "...Guys? Does that thing rolling down the hill look human-shaped?"
stocking: ?!?
stocking: !!!!!! shura!!
shura: *she's out cold*
stocking: *running over to her* rin, help me get her up. we need to get her back to the inn!
shura: nnh...mama....
Rin: "Got it!" *lifts her*
Yukio: *looks behind them, scoping for any threats* "..."
-something watches in the distance-
Tachihara: "Man, I'm this old and still have to have roommates?"
naoya: ah, suck it up, cupcake.
Tachihara: "I will suck nothing up!"
hirotsu: my sincerest apologies for your apartment, naoya.
naoya: ah, its fine. no skin offa my nose.
Tachihara: *grumbles* "We at least getting a TV?"
naoya: duh, of course.
Tachihara: "With a PS4?"
naoya: sure, why not.
Tachihara: "WOOT!"
sayaka: *on the bus to hoozuki* ^^
Passenger: *looking out the window* *sighs*
sayaka: ??
Passenger: "? Oh...Sorry. Just thinking..."
sayaka: ah.
Passenger: "The Ripper..."
sayaka: yeah, i've heard about that. *shudders* (magical girl murders....freaky.)
Passenger: "Makes you not want to leave your house..."
sayaka: well _im_ not scared. (YES I AAAAAAM!!!! DX> )
Passenger: "??? I am..."
sayaka: understandable. .u.;;
-at akanegasaki high school, it's lunch time-
arisa: *nom*
Matsuri: ^w^
Chisato: *eating quietly*
haruka: not to soil the mood, but have you heard about the recent murder?
Chisato: "..." *nods*
Matsuri: "Aw, that _does_ sour the mood." -~-
arisa: eh, nothing _we_ couldnt handle.
???: what are you, stupid?
arisa: -_-#
mika nishinaka: didnt you hear? this 'ripper' hunts magical girls. so that makes you four perfect targets.
arisa: you know what nishinaka? bite my ass.
mika nishinaka: WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME?!
arisa: you heard me. go legally brain dead. from lack of oxygen. from choking on my whole ass.
mika nishinaka: why you little-
mika's friend: whatever, come on mika, those losers arent worth your time.
mika's friend 2: yeah.
mika nishinaka:...tch- you got off easy.
arisa: >XP
Matsuri: ^^; "Went better than expected..."
Chisato: "Unbelievable. Can't you try to stay calm?"
arisa: i could do that if she wasnt such a biatch all the time.
haruka: ^^;
Chisato: "In school, could you try not to curse so much?"
arisa: *grumble* =~= i swear, summer break cant get here sooner...
intercom: attention, will arisa narumi, chisato shion, haruka kanade, and matsuri hinata please report to the principal's office?
arisa: AW COME ON! D8<
haruka: normally i'd assume arisa was in trouble again, but they did call all of us, so i'm assuming it might be a briefing?
Chisato: "In all likelihood."
Matsuri: "Great!" *leaps up* "Let's get going!"
Rin: "...She's still not waking..."
gilda: *patching up shura's injuries*
Yukio: "The injuries are consistent with any number of demons...The slice here seems most indicative of a serpentine one, such as a hydra."
stocking: do you think she's poisoned?
Yukio: "Given how shallow the cuts are, I think that's a reasonable assumption. But it'll take time to check her blood."
stocking: *sigh*
Rin: "...Shura, come back to us...You can't die like this..."
shura:...nhg...nghuh? uhh...my head....
stocking: take it easy, shura.
shura: huh? st-stocking? what're you doing here?
stocking: we could ask you the same thing. you just left without a word.
shura:....heh, i guess the fruit doesnt fall far from the tree after all...
stocking: well, you're my friend, so of course i'll be worried.
shura:....*small smile* guess i have a lot of explaining to do, huh?
Rin: "What happened? Are you poisoned?"
shura: i dont think i am, i doubt hachirou would do that to me...
Yukio: "Hachirou...Why wouldn't he?"
shura: well, i should start from the beginning, shouldnt i? well, im in a contract with a demon known as hachiroutaro okami, the patron deity of the towada area.
Yukio: "The one Fujimoto saw?"
shura: yeah, that one. guess he told you, huh?
Rin: "Only how he found some thief and a hydra."
shura: =3= well, i didnt enter the contract directly, my ancestor, tatsuko kirigakure, did.
stocking: so why are you here?
shura: i heard the illuminati was causing trouble up here. it even woke up a yuki onna from her sleep.
stocking: that explains the blizzard.
Yukio: "The Illuminati didn't give you those injuries: Hachirou did. Why?"
-she explains everything-
stocking: ?!?!?
Yukio: "...That sword is from Hachirou..."
Rin: "Damn...Shura, I'm sorry. It's like a curse."
shura: yeah, dying young isnt fun at all...and i still need to have a kid too.......so if any of you know any cute guys~..
shura:..right...sorry....trying to lighten the mood...
Yukio: -_-;
Rin: "Then let's beat the shit out of Hachi and kill his ass!"
shura: cant. he's immortal.
Yukio: "And even in death, the contract with Shura would continue."
Rin: "Then hit his weak point! Or threaten him!"
shura: not much you can do about this, i'm afraid....*removing bandages* my injuries are healed now at least.
Rin: "?!" *looks at Stocking and Yukio* "Come on--help me out here! Don't you have some plan?"
stocking: im trying to think of something...
shura: just give it up. my fate's pretty much sealed.
Yukio: "..."
Rin: "BULLSHIT! You still have to be alive to teach me more! I need you here to help me kick Satan's ass!"
shura: ...heh *hair ruffle* you still got a long way to go...stocking, i hope you can forgive me for being a shitty tutor.
stocking: *wiping her eyes*
Rin: *shaking in anger and on the verge of crying*
shura: give shiro and mephisto my regards, ok?
Rin: "You have to be kidding me! I--"
Yukio: "Get some rest, Shura." *picks up Rin*
shura:....and stocking. thanks for being my friend.
stocking:...*nods* *exits, tears falling*
Inka: *looking in the mirror...tugs one of her eyelids*
sasori: what's up?
Inka: "...Is something off with my eyes? They look...different."
sasori:...huh, they do look a bit different.
Inka: "I wonder why...Puberty?"
sasori: maybe it's a side affect of the adora burst?
Inka: "I wonder if it'll give me a growth spurt, too..." *tries to stretch herself* "URK!!!" *still stretching herself* "...Am I taller?"
Kafka: *looking at his right arm* "..." *rotates his shoulders*
-a game can be heard being played on the tv-
Kafka: "???" *checks*
walter 2: hello~
walter 3: hello~
walter 5: hello~
Walter Prime: "Hey!"
Kafka: "... ... ...What the hell are they doing here?"
walter 2 + 3 + 5: playing smash.
Walter Prime: "I'm kicking butt!"
Kafka: "..." *facepalm* "This just seems...insulated. Don't any of you--I mean you--have other people to play against?"
walter 3: maybe
Kafka: "..." *sighs, reclines in a chair, just staring at the screen blankly*
walter 5:.....so did you confess to etta yet?
Kafka: *covers his face, groans*
walter 5: i take that as a no then.
Kafka: "...It's probably too soon. We almost got killed by our abilities...She knows I'm this unclean...bug. I'm gross."
walter 2: never know if ya dont try.
Kafka: "..." *stands up, exits*
Chisato: *sitting with the others in the Principal's office*
headmaster: i assume you all know why you're here?
arisa: nishinaka started it!
headmaster: ...not that. you've been tasked by the hoozuki's DWMA branch to investigate the ripper murders during your patrols.
Chisato: "Us? That's..." *inhales* "We will take this mission seriously!"
headmaster: you'll also be assisted by a veteran magical girl from death city. feel free to introduce yourself.
sayaka: hey, im sayaka miki nic-
sayake: -ce to meet...you...
arisa: oh, my, gee, i am SUCH a huge fan!
sayaka: d'aww. (*SQUEEEE* I HAVE FANS! >w<)
Matsuri: "Yay, new friend!"
Chisato: -_-; "Could we maintain some semblance of integrity?"
sayaka: r-right, right. *ahem* so basically, i'm gonna be joining you gals on your patrols for a while.
haruka: how nice.
arisa: *INHALE* im good, im totally not gonna faint.
Matsuri: *offers a brown paper bag* ^^;
Rin: *crosses his arms* "..."
Yukio: "True Cross won't have reinforcements until later tonight--the weather is getting worse."
Rin: "Goddamn it...Why can't Shura just cancel this contract..."
stocking: i feel so helpless....i just wish i could speak to this 'hachirou' and give them a piece of my mind!
Yukio: "If we could only convince him to cancel the contract and free Shura...But like Hachirou, she's too proud."
Rin: "..." *sniffs* *looks around* "???"
gilda: !!!
Rin: "You felt it too, right?"
Yukio: "???"
stocking: *opens the door* !!!!!!!!! s-she's not there!
???: "Welcome back."
shura: hachirou?
Hachirou: *stares at her with multiple eyes* "You have healed."
shura:....?! w-why cant i move?
Hachirou: "One look into our eyes, and we can keep you in place."
shura: tch- you cant just keep me prisoner here just because _you_ are. plus you have that yuki onna around now, so shouldnt that keep you busy? i may look like your beloved tatsuko, but im not _actually_ her!
Hachirou: "You are Tatsuko--"
shura: the name is Shura Kirigakure! live with it!
Hachirou: "Be quiet!" *walks down the steps* "You are ours..."
???: like hell she is!
shura: ?! *turns*
stocking: CROSS-SLASH!
Hachirou: *knocked back* "Wh-What abomination is this thing..."
shura: stocking!
stocking: you ok?
shura: y-yeah. you really shouldnt'a come here.
*something appears over Stocking's shoulder, coming at her fast--*
stocking: i wanted to, you're my friend... !!! *turns*
*a snake explodes from Hachirou's body, like an arm, wrapping around Stocking's body and biting down*
stocking: *screams out* GAH!
shura: !!!!
Rin: "Stocking!" *leaps, slashing at the snake* "Let go of her!"
Yukio: *aims--*
Hachirou: *already on top of him, smashing their foot into Yukio's head into the snow*
stocking: *struggling to break free*
Hachirou: *wraps snakes around Rin and Stocking* "Cease your movements. Tatsuko, I thought you better than to put others in danger for your sake."
Rin: *trying to bite the snake* *NOM GNARL GROWL*
Hachirou: *looks at Shura's hair* "...A flame that attracts such moths..."
shura: *glares*
stocking: *trying to cut herself free*
Rin: *flames on* "GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!"
Hachirou: *lets out a loud hiss, the fire and Stocking's angelic and demonic properties overwhelming Hachirou for a moment*
stocking: *SLICE*
Rin: *rolls down the hill before he regains his footing*
Hachirou: "AH!" *slams a snake arm at Stocking's head*
stocking: !!! *dodge*
Yukio: *still under Hachirou's foot* "Stop this..."
Hachirou: "We will no longer wait...Tatsuko, we proceed."
shura: he's just a kid!
Rin: "AH!" *swings, slicing the snake arm that is attacking Stocking*
stocking: thanks.
Hachirou: "They hardly look like kids. And if they are, what does that make you, Tatsuko? Has age made you feel guilt for these humans, these abominations?"
Rin: "Any time...Now let's slice him until there's nothing left!"
shura: i told you, i'm not tatsuko!
Hachirou: "...Wait..." *lets out a chuckle* "Oh, I see...They are hybrids...Interesting...With such properties...I could use them for breeding."
Yukio: "?!"
Rin: ._.; "...Oh, fuck no, you nasty fuck."
shura:....waaaay too much info.
Hachirou: "...Tatsuko. Move here." *steps off of Yukio, kicking him over to his back*
Yukio: *gasps, groans...* "I-I can't move..." *struggling to lift his hand to his firearm*
shura: NO WAY! im not gonna do _that_! he's way too young for me.
Hachirou: "NOW!"
Rin: "Oh, fuck this noise--" *swings his blade--* *SLICE*
Hachirou: "AH!"
Rin: "Stocking! Together!"
stocking: right, heaven and hell. REPENT MOTHERFUCKER!
Rin: "AHHHH!" *brings down the sword from above, while Stocking kicks Hachirou up and slices from below*
Hachirou: *groans, but laughing* "You foolish brats! Look at her! Tatsuko is getting old! Her life force ebbs even as you persist with this foolish endeavor! She will die once the contract is complete--"
Rin: "Shura's going to live even older than that!" *slice, slash*
shura: ......
Hachirou: *grabs Rin by the tail--*
Rin: "OW!"
Hachirou: *flings him into Stocking*
stocking: GRK-
shura: hachirou! stop this!
Hachirou: "Why should I? When this is over, you will live on through your children...A phoenix reborn, over and over..."
stocking: and how do you think _she_ feels?!
shura: !!
Hachirou: "We know how she feels. The desperation to keep living. The desire for something more beyond this isolated world. Her loneliness...She is what I want."
Yukio: "...'I'? What happened to 'we'?"
Hachirou: *constricts snakes around Stocking and Rin*
stocking: !!!! grk-
Rin: *gasping, his face going blue*
shura: please, stop this!
Hachirou: "Not as long as you live."
shura:....alright then. *aims the sword at her neck*
stocking: !!! SHURA, DONT!!
Hachirou: "?!" *lets go of them* "Put that down--"
Rin: "Son of a...Shura, stop! We'll...We'll think of something! Bro! Do something!"
Yukio: "...Shura, put it down..."
shura: if i die now, i can end this. for your sakes.
stocking: that wont solve anything!
Yukio: "...I know another way. One where you don't have to die."
shura: ?                            
Yukio: "Hachiroutarou!" *offers his hand* "Will you form a contract with me?"
shura: !!!
Rin: "?!"
Hachirou: "..."
Yukio: "It would be to your advantage, and to mine. If you continue to force her--" *gestures to Shura* "--she will kill herself. That is not what you want."
Hachirou: "...Your terms?"
Yukio: "Free Shura from the demon sword contract--and give it to me, along with the regenerative ability of her blood. In exchange, you will not have to worry about conceiving a child. I will conceive one for you."
Hachirou: "..."
Rin: *epic squick face* "...Wha?"
gilda: *looking at a book on genetics*... ??
Hachirou: "...What did you say--"
Yukio: "Oh, I'm sorry--did I stutter? I'll repeat: you want another child with Tatsuko. To do so would simply make you a pale imitation of your true hydra form. But if had me conceive a child with her, you avoid that step of debasing yourself to a lowly human or lowly human-demon form. As well, your fixation on hypnotizing your victims--I mean, your intended? It is...Well, it's beneath you. I, however, already have a close, intimate relationship with Shura--"
stocking: WHAT?!
shura: hey, this is no time to be gambling my life for the sake of ships!
Yukio: *ignoring them* "--so it is easy for Shura and me to engage in congress to conceive a child."
Hachirou: "...That's not why you want this. The real reason is...you want my demonic power." *points at Shura, Rin, and Stocking* "You're envious of them."
stocking: oxo;
shura: ....
Rin: "...Wait..." *slight smirk* "Nah...Nah! Yukio, you're not--..." *he stops smiling* "...No...Yukio! You can't be serious! This can't be about--"
Yukio: "Rin...I'm sorry. I want to become stronger. And with Hachirou--"
Rin: "No! This is not you! Think of us! Think of Shiemi--"
stocking: !!!
Rin: *collapsed, shot in his chest, bleeding*
stocking: RIN!!!
Yukio: *not even looking at Rin* "Shura...A pointless death does not suit you. You can still be of use to me. You've been...kind to me all this time. I don't want you suffering from hypnosis for some rape, or to die by suicide. I promise, I'll treat you well."
stocking: yukio.....im sorry....but this is too much. *aims sword*
Yukio: "...Stocking..." *aims his gun* "Don't. Rin can survive that bullet. You won't."
stocking: yukio, do you _really_ want to be threatening your boss's daughter?
Yukio: "With this power, he won't be my boss. And True Cross will have a new lord: Hachiroutarou."
Hachirou: "..."
stocking: why you son of a-
stocking: *collapses*
shura: !!!!!!!!!!!! yukio! h-how could you?!
Yukio: "Well, my lord?"
Hachirou: "..." *chuckles* "I like you. Very well."
*snakes wrap around Shura, holding her in place against a tree*
shura: yukio, please, you dont have to do this!
Yukio: "This is for your own good, Shura. Consider it a blessing."
*one snake forms a hand, a finger touching the mark atop Shura's chest*
shura:....im not going to forgive you for this. just so you know.
Yukio: *silent*
*the mark is pulled from Shura's skin, tugging at her body and soul*
shura: grk-
*the mark is ripped from Shura*
shura: *screams out*
Hachirou: "Now, my charge...Kneel."
Yukio: "..." *gets on his knees*
Hachirou: *takes Yukio's shirt--and rips it open, bringing a finger to his chest* "Ah...I haven't been so excited since Tatsuko..."
Yukio: "Thank you, my lord. Like a phoenix, rising from the ashes--"
Hachirou: "!!!" *coughs up blood*
Hachirou: *gasps*
*Hachirou's head...rolls off his shoulders*
Yukio: "..." *smiles* "Good work."
stocking: *wipes blood off*
shura: WHAT?! b-but, you were both shot!
stocking: bullet-proof vest~
Rin: "...Wait, what?! Yukio didn't give me one!" *pulls up his shirt, showing a vitamin bullet lodged in his chest* "Yukio, you jerk!"
Yukio: *shrugs* "I only had one!"
Yukio: "..." *looks at Shura* "You are now free."
-the blizzard intensifies-
Rin: "??? Oh, right--the Yuki-thingie. Well, we can deal with that...Hard to see now, though...I--GRK!"
stocking: !!
Yukio: "Rin--" *his voice is muffled--before something sounds like it was slammed into the snow*
???: "Unacceptable...Unforgivable!"
stocking: ?!
*something is seen rising from the snow...and it wraps around Shura*
shura: ?!?!?!
???: "You thought your flames and powers were enough? You haven't sliced off all my heads!"
stocking:....aw shit.
*a snake monster--the hydra's true form--towers over them, refusing to let go of Shura*
Hachirou: "FREEZE THEM ALL!"
stocking: well NOW what?
Yukio: "Rin should've burned him when he had the chance!"
Rin: "How is this my fault?! You shot me!"
stocking: now's not the time for sibling squabbles!
Yukio: *grunts* "Rin, burn it, but don't look into its hypnotic eyes. Stocking and I will give you cover."
stocking: *swords out*
Rin: *nods* *runs alongside Hachirou, making burning slices at its sides*
Hachirou: *swinging its tendrils--its eyes meeting Rin's*
Rin: "..." *collapses*
stocking: RIN! DX<
Yukio: "Damn it...How do you slice something when you need to see it?"
???: "Just be faster than its sight!"
Yukio: "..." -_____-#
stocking: ?!
Shima: *waves* "Howdy!"
Yukio: "...I knew he was in the room next to us the entire time. That's why I threatened to fail him...But no, no one listens to me..."
Shima: X__X
Rin: *lying next to Shima* X_X
stocking: sowwy~ there was a bug~ ^^#
gilda: >~<
Shima: *bounces up, with a black eye* "Hey! I was in the same hot spring inn, undercover on YOUR DAD'S ORDERS--and I never once peeped on you, and this is the thanks I get! ..." *looks Stocking up and down* "You're looking well~"
stocking: so sorry~ there was another bug~ ^^##
Shima: X_X *two black eyes*
Yukio: "...I'll wake him up..." *scoops up snow--and shoves it down his pants*
Shima: "AAAAAAH! I'm up!"
Yukio: "You wait until now to show up?!"
gilda: *shaking rin* >^<;;
Shima: "I was...busy." >_>;
stocking:......*SUPLEX CITY BITCH*
Rin: @w@ "No, Pops--you added too much garlic..." *shakes himself awake* "...Gilda? ...Shura!"
Shima: X______X
stocking: hmmm.... *lightbulb* i have an idea, rin, use this! *hands him a pocket mirror*
Rin: "Oh, like the gorgon!"
Yukio: "...You know _that_ story?"
Rin: "I know things!"
Hachirou: *roars* "YOU ARE MINE FOREVER!"
shura: ...... (what was.....i born for?)
shura:.....alright.....you win......
Hachirou: "...GOOD. INCREASE THE BLIZZARD! HIDE OUR PATH!" *slithers towards the lake...*
{shura: *looking up at the clouds on a hill*}
{Fujimoto: "There you are--Woo! What stinks?!"}
{shura: ...wasnt me.}
{Fujimoto: "That cigarette in your mouth, smart ass!"}
{shura: didnt _you_ used to smoke, ya crate of hippos?}
{Fujimoto: "I stopped years ago, but the stress you cause me makes me want to start! ...'Hippos'?"}
{shura: you know, hypocrite? it was a play on words.}
{Fujimoto: -_-# "You can be that clever, yet I keep getting reports about..." *flips through his notes* " 'Skipped 3 days of classes. Drinking on the roof.' Then you were partying until 4 AM, somehow super-glued Mephisto's desk to his ceiling--Wait..." *looks up* "...How...did you even..."}
{shura: really good super-glue.}
{Fujimoto: "..." *lets out a laugh, sits next to her* "...How old are you now? 30? 40? 108?"}
{shura:.........why're you here? just to lecture me more?}
{Fujimoto: "...Mephisto is kicking you out of True Cross. Your education is done."}
{shura: WHAT?!}
{Fujimoto: "There's no point to it. Take the degree and leave. You're bored in class, you don't like being stifled, and I'm sick of coddling you--Go get a job."}
{shura: well maybe i dont _want_ a job! >3<# you sound like an old curmudgeon! ......it's cause of those kids, isnt it? they've changed you.}
{Fujimoto: "Shura...Is this how you want to spend the rest of your life?"}
{shura: so? im gonna die young anyway, so why should i even care anymore? besides. *looks at the sky, silent tears falling* i dont even know why i'm alive to begin with...}
{Fujimoto: "..." *pats her shoulder* "I know...You just have to live. I want you to live. It's okay to be alive. You deserve to be alive."}
{shura: how can _you_ know that?}
{Fujimoto: "...Because I have to tell myself that every day."}
shura:.....(is it really....)
Hachirou: *pulls her and himself into the lake*
shura: .....*spots something* ?? (is that-)
stocking: the target's straight ahead!
Rin: "Then shoot me at it!" *blindfolded with his own scarf*
shura: !!!
stocking: *flings him* dont forget to use the mirror!
shura: rin?!
Hachirou: <WHAT?!>
Rin: *keeping his mouth shut, as he slices through the path of Hachirou's back*
shura: !!!!
Rin: ("Okay, that's been enough seconds...I should be near the head...") *pulls down his scarf, keeps swimming, pulls out the mirror* ("I can't hold my breath forever...") *looks through the mirror--and sees a giant eye* "?!" ("There it is!")
stocking: RIN! THE MIRROR!
Rin: *closes his eyes, swings the blade--and lands at Hachirou's neck*
shura: !! YOU GOT THIS RIN!
Rin: *screaming underwater, as he completes the cut, beheading Hachirou*
Hachirou: *inhuman screaming, its tendrils holding onto Shura...until their grip lessens*
shura: !!!
stocking: *dives in and flies back out with shura*
shura: *cough cough*
Hachirou: <TATSUKO...I DON'T WANT TO DIE...>
stocking: if you really did love her, you wouldnt force her into this!
Hachirou: <TATSUKO...DON'T LEAVE ME...>
Rin: *coughing up water*
shura:......i really do feel sorry for you....
Hachirou: <...>
*something explodes from the water--its the head of Hachirou*
Rin: "Oh, come on..."
shura: !!!!
Hachirou: *opens its mouth, tentacles erupting out, tying up Shura* <YOU ARE MINE! ALL OF YOU! YOUR HAIR! YOUR ARMS! YOUR LEGS! ALL OF YOU IS OURS!">
shura: grk-
Rin: "Shura!" *summons more blue flames* "Come on! Burn up already!"
Rin: "Shura!" *summons more blue flames* "Come on! Burn up already!"
Yukio: "Its regeneration exceeds the rate of Rin's flames..."
stocking: shit...
Yukio: "...We're out of options. Shima. Yamantaka can sever those tentacles--"
Shima: O_O; "Come on! It'll kill me!"
Yukio: "Not literally--so do it."
stocking: make yourself useful for once, shima.
Rin: "I'll make as many flames as I can! Stocking, catch her when Shima slices her loose!"
stocking: right!
Shima: "You're all crazy! Why so reckless over this?!"
stocking: because she's our friend!
Yukio: "..." *grabs Shima by the collar* "And she is reckless, too."
Shima: "..." *gulps*
shura: grk-....will......you......
Hachirou: <WILL I...?>
*blue flames cover Hachirou*
Hachirou: *screams*
Shima: "He's too fast--" *swinging his staff*
Yukio: *firing--until he is captured by a tentacle* "GRK!"
shura: yukio! *SLICE*
Yukio: *coughs...it's knocked out*
stocking: rin, shura, let's triple threat this big bad!
shura: sounds like a plan!
Rin: "I got one more in me..."
Hachirou: "Tatsuko...Don't..."
shura: for the last fucking time *slices her ponytail off* IM SHURA, MOTHERFUCKING, KIRIGAKURE!
Hachirou: "NOOOOOOOOoooo..."
*an explosion of snow and blue flames covers all...*
Yukio: *collapsed in the snow*
stocking: *pants*
Rin: "...I-I'm done..." *gets on his knees* "Woo..."
shura: ha...ha....
*from the snow...something slithers...*
stocking:....is that?
shura:....huh...tiny little thing, isnt he?
*a small snake, sliced along its side, emerges*
Snake: ._. "..." *slithers away*
gilda: gotcha.
Snake: ._.
shura:.......................GILDA CAN TALK?!?!
gilda: ^^;
Rin: "I know, right..." *falls on his side* "When we get back...just dunk me in the hot spring...Clothed...I want to heat up..."
-the blizzard seems to have stopped-
Rin: "...What? _Now_ the snow stops?"
gilda: i-i convinced her......to go to sapporo....to hibernate.....
stocking: that's good to know.
Rin: "...MVP, Gilda..."
gilda: ^w^
Shima: "...Is it safe to come out now?"
shura: should be.
Shima: "WOO! Okay, good work, team! ...Wow, Shura, the new hair...Kind of boyish, but hot!"
shura: yeah, plus it should be cooler with it being summer soon.
Shima: ^w^ "Great! Pools, bikinis, water slides, bikinis--"
Shima: *dead*
stocking: golly~! what's with all the bugs up here~? ^^####
Rin: *still lying down* "Thank you..."
Yukio: "...Shura..."
shura: hm?
Yukio: "...Back there...I was only...I didn't mean it. I would never..."
shura: oh, what, are you too good for me or something?
Yukio: O\\\\O; "N-No! That's not it at all!"
Rin: *back on his feet* "You better not hook up with Shura! Shiemi will murder you! Besides, Shura's like our sister! Our really older sister!"
shura: ah, im just bullshitting you, four-eyes! and rin's technically right. 737; in a way.
Rin: ^w^ "Great! So, now that you're not dead, you can get back to teaching us!"
shura: yeah, and stocking's tutoring....
Yukio: ^^; *clutching his arm...*
gilda:..a-are you....ok?
Yukio: "I...think I'll need medical attention. I feel like I broke it--"
*a helicopter is heard overhead*
Rin: *looks up* "?!"
stocking: huh, how convenient.
Yukio: "They did say True Cross would be here by tonight..."
Shima: *leaps up* "I made sure to call them for assistance, too! Aren't you happy I came~?"
stocking: well, we should probably head back to the inn now.
shura: sounds like a plan.
Yukio: *struggles to move*
shura: hey, you ok?
Rin: "...I can stay to check--"
gilda: *still has hachirou in the net*
Shima: "I'll stay until the True Cross medics see to Mr. Okumura~ It's the laest I can do, my fair beauty~"
Snake: ._.
stocking: *walking away* i dont think kid will take to kindly to you flirting with me.
Shima: ^^; "...It's fine, right? Her husband isn't the jealous sort, is he?"
Yukio: "He'll kill you without regret."
Shima: ._______.;
shura: and given that he is a shinigami, he could probably revive you just to kill you again.
Rin: *limping* "...I'm glad you're here, Shura."
Shima: Q_____Q "...I think I need medical now. I'll wait here with Yukio..."
Asher: *reviewing the grocery list* "..."
cassidy: anything else we need?
Asher: "...Um...I think Izumi's having a rough time..." *looks at cookies*
cassidy: oh?
Asher: "She's gotten more quiet. I think something must be up about this time of year." *grabs the cookies, puts back some chips they got for themselves*
cassidy: hmm...well, today is maka albarn's birthday.
Asher: "...Oh...I didn't..."
cassidy: it's fine.
Asher: "...I'll text her tomorrow, or see her for mentoring..."
cassidy: *nods*
Asher: "...I think I'm done."
cassidy: alright, lets head to the register then.
Cafeteria Cashier: "Hmm? Bare man? No--everyone who's been through here has been fully dressed."
genny: no, 'bear man' as in b-e-a-r.
Cafeteria Cashier: "Oooooooh...No, but I did see an ape. They bought a muffin and some iced tea."
naho: did you see where they went?
Cafeteria Cashier: "They went to the hall and left--they had on gym clothes and a basketball."
naho: thank you very much. let's go!
Cafeteria Cashier: ^^; *waves*
*there are still a few students roaming the halls*
naho: *looking around*
*The gym is empty...Looks like basketballs were put away...The doors to the locker rooms are open...There's an empty DWMA mascot uniform in the corner--an exaggerated big-head Lord Death suit that a student wears for games*
lei-lei: hmmm.... *points to a door*
*no sound from inside...*
lei-lei: they're in there. i can feel the ki of two people...
genny:...'chi'? you mean soul perception?
lei-lei: same thing!
naho: *opens the door*
*it's dark inside...there's a light switch by the door*
naho: *flips the switch*
*looks to be sports equipment...bin of baseballs, bin of towels, stacks of track hurdles...*
-the three start looking-
naho: *checks the baseballs*
genny: *checks the towels*
lei-lei: *checks the hurdles*
*When Genny pulls back a towel, she is greeted by a horse's head*
*a head pops out of the towels*
???: "Who's that?!"
naho: !?
???: "..." *lifts the towel, revealing someone* "Oh, Enrique! My horse mask!"
genny: found him.
Enrique: *pops up behind thehurdles* "Gou?"
lei-lei: awww, how cute!
Enrique: *holds up arms*
???: "Thanks~ I try to moisturize--"
genny: TMI!
???: -_-; *puts back on the horse head--it's obviously Tezca* "How did you find us?"
lei-lei: questioning and soul perception.
Tezca: " 'Soul perception'?! Darn it, that's too easy!"
Free: *staring at a wall* "..." *sighs*
milia: ~?
Free: "..." *musses her hair*
milia: *giggle*
Free: "Sorry, kiddo--Just thinking about clans..."
milia: ah.
Free: *shrugs* "Sorry I don't have a big family like Eruka does."
milia: it's ok, papa. i understand how it feels to be lonely too...
Free: *nods* "..." *pat pat*
milia: ^^
Dabi: *in a school uniform* "...I hate this."
himiko: i think it's kinda cute!
Twice: *in a schoolgirl uniform* "YES! ..."
banshee: ^^;
Mustard: -_-; "I prefer my own uniform...This one lacks the seriousness befitting me."
tomura: too stuffy....and why plaid pants?
Dabi: "Some poor colorblind bastard."
banshee: let's try and focus on the objective for now.
Dabi: "Right. The coordinates point to that school, so if it's got some connection to what the painting is hiding, we'll find it there."
Yukio: *in a hospital bed* "..."
Shima: *cutting up an apple* "Thought Rin would do this for you..."
yukio: he's still recovering too.
Shima: "Jeez--broken bones in your arms and ribs...Was that because of Shura's hug?"
yukio: that's-
Shima: "Or was it because you were so desperate to get that hydra's power?"
yukio: that was an act.
Shima: "Pretty convincing act...You must've been drawing upon something really real, something visceral, to get that kind of performance to trick even me..."
yukio:...what are you saying?
Shima: "Well, when I have to do my spy thing, I usually base what I'm doing in some basis of truth--some real life experience, some real desire. Helps make the performance seem real. And if you wanted that power, and if you wanted to surpass Rin..." -3- "And if you wanted to get Shura pregnant~<3 Then I guess you kind of wanted some of that..."
yukio: =_=##
Shima: "Good thing you injured yourself like you did, though. Maybe that'll give you a reprieve from such suicidal training methods you've been practicing."
yukio: ?!?!
Shima: "What, you think a spy wouldn't notice? If you're going to be that reckless, I can think of less dangerous methods. Hell, if you're going to be reckless, you might as well join the Illuminati..."
stocking: *ACHOO*
shura: *sniff* =~=;;
Rin: =_= "This sucks..."
True Cross Nurse: "Yes. Who could have imagined that jumping into freezing water would give underdressed people a cold..." -_-;
stocking: and i was hoping to enjoy the sights of aomori too..
True Cross Nurse: "I'll pick you up a pamphlet..."
Rin: -_-; "Rude pain in the..." *looks around* "How's Gilda holding up?"
nurse: xey're doing alright. it will take time for xem to heal...
gilda: *bandaged up, out cold*...adri.....an....
Rin: "..." *sighs* "Good for xem dealing with the snake..."
nurse: i dont think the snake did this damage....i think xey were attacked by a 3rd party...
Todo: "Report?"
pazuzu: i got the little snakey right here~ *holds hachirou up in a little pet carrier*
Snake: "Ssss..." ._.;
Todo: "Excellent. Did you have any difficulty?"
pazuzu: not really~ i did see an old friend.....i enjoyed beating xem to a pulp~<3
Todo: "...Let me ask you something. Did you _need_ to beat xem to a pulp? Could you have done this mission faster, more efficiently?"
pazuzu: =3= what, just having a bit of fun on the job~
Todo: "This is work, not fun. If you want 'fun,' do it on your off-time."
pazuzu: 737
Todo: "Let's get the specimen into holding...I'm sure someone will be happy with this."
???: todo, are you there?
Todo: "..." *answers* "Yes, sir--I am here."
lucifer: the knights of true cross are paying special attention to the immortal demons. it's becoming more difficult to obtain materials. worst case scenario, we may need to prepare father's body with what we already have.
Todo: "..." *nods* "I understand. I am recruiting the Chosen."
Chisato: *looking around* "Nothing yet..."
-a figure is seen running into an alley-
Chisato: "..." *following*
??: your soul gem...give it to me.
Chisato: "Sorry, but that would be breaking the rules..." *fighting pose*
???: *wielding a flaming sword* then you leave me no choice. *charges*
Chisato: "!!!" *takes out her pistol, aims, and fires*
???: *slashing*
Chisato: *still firing but backing up, trying to find an exit* ("Damn it...She's insane!")
???: *jumps up, bringing her sword down*
Chisato: "!!!" *takes out both guns, firing both--but her back hits the wall as ??? comes down at her--*
Chisato: *she's knocked down*
???: your soul gem....give it to me....i dont intend to steal it, i just want to see it.
Chisato: "N-No...Please, no..."
???: *examining*.....hm.....looks legit...you got lucky.
Chisato: "What? What was the point of this...?"
???: *walking away* you should learn how to spot fakes. *flees*
Chisato: "Wait..." *trying to get up, but too weak* "Get back..."
arisa: chisato!!
Chisato: "Get her...She's running away."
arisa: *scythe out*
haruka: we should probably get chisato to safety first. it would be bad to go alone.
arisa: but—
Chisato: *collapses*
arisa: !!! *picking chisato up* come on, sayaka will heal you!
stocking: *wearing a medical face mask* and that's my report.
Mephisto: "Thank you, sweetie--I know this is difficult, notwithstanding your medical recovery."
stocking: yeah. it's a lot to take in...
Mephisto: "Best to sleep on it--you will have time when you get back to consider it further."
stocking:....yeah. night dad. love ya.
Mephisto: "I love you too, sweetie. Get some rest."
stocking: see ya. *hangs up*......*dials kid*
Kid: "Stocking!"
stocking: hey kid. how're you holding up?
Kid: "I-I'm fine. I heard from others--Are you okay?"
stocking: more or less- *ACHOO* *COUGHING* gleugh... =~=;;
Kid: "Aw...Are the doctors treating you well?"
stocking: yeah. today's been crazy...i really wish you were here.
Kid: "...If you ever need me, I can be there immediately..." *holds a hand up to the webcam*
stocking: yeah. i cant wait to get home. just imagine it, you waiting at the airport, i come back and you pick me up and spin me around.
Kid: *smiles* "It'll be reality soon enough...I love you."
stocking: love you too, always.
Kid: *smiles* "Sleep well. I'll talk with you tomorrow. Please, be safe."
Chisato: "..."
Arisa: so that’s what happened.
sayaka: hmm, that does sound suspicious.
Chisato: "She was relentless until she saw my gem."
arisa: it's the ripper, it _has_ to be!
Chisato: "Perhaps...We can't be irrational how we approach this..."
arisa: but think about it, the ripper has been targeting magical girls, and attacked you, i dont think it's just coincidence.
Chisato: "How do you suggest we proceed?"
sayaka: we should probably keep an eye out for this person.
Chisato: "I wish I had more information to help..."
haruka: .....
{???: "Time to wake up, little sister."}
haruka: nngh.....
{???: "You can wake...buT I CAN't..." *grabs Haruka's shoulders, leans in*}
haruka: !!!!!!!!!
{*this woman's pale fingers grip Haruka's shoulders...this woman's eyes are pitch black...what is coming out of her eyes? Is that...ink?*}
{woman: murderer, murderer MURDERER MURDERER MURDERER MURDERER-}
haruka: !!! *trying to break free* k-kanata, stop it!
???: "Haruka! Wake up!"
haruka: *bolts up and yelps, panting*
*It's one of her maids*
Maid: "It's okay...You just had a bad dream..."
Maid: "...May I bring you anything? Water?"
haruka:...y-yes. i'll be in the shower then.
Maid: "As you wish." *exits*
miyuri: *peeeeeek* is it ready yet? is it ready yet?
Chuuya: "Just a little more...These things take perfection."
miyuri: okaaaaay. *sitting on the kitchen bar stool, swinging her legs*
sonia: *packing some things into the boxes*
Chuuya: "Want some juice?"
miyuri: ??
Chuuya: "Orange? Or grape juice?"
miyuri: ????
Chuuya: "..." *pours a small amount of orange juice into a glass with a straw* "Try some."
miyuri:....*sniff* ....*siip* mm, it's good!
Chuuya: ^^ *pours more* "Drink up."
miyuri: *siiiip* ^w^
sonia: i'll have milk.
Chuuya: "You got it." *pours some milk* "No chocolate?"
sonia: maybe another day.
Chuuya: "Okay." *sets out french toast*
miyuri: oooooh! *shiny eyes*
sonia: it smells delicious, papa!
Chuuya: "I hope so." *sets out maple syrup* "Dig in!"
sonia: thanks for the food. *nom*
miyuri: *nom!* mmmm~ yum!! ^^
Chuuya: *smiles* "How's packing going?"
sonia: i think most everything's packed up now.
Chuuya: "Excellent. We'll be able to visit today."
miyuri: YAAAAAY! ^o^
Chuuya: "I hope you'll like it...Should be lovely rooms."
Viktor: *wiping a cloth over his magnifying glass*
Vulcan: "What's wrong--been studying the wood pattern under your desk too intently?"
Viktor: "Ha ha--funny. No, an organized desk is a perfect desk. What's wrong, haven't figured out how to make the toilet have an animal theme?"
Vulcan: "HA! I already figured that out!" *playful shoulder jab*
nozomi: ^^;
Akitaru: "Good to see them getting along..."
Takehisa: "Hmm...Is that what you call it?"
*a scream is heard from the bathroom*
Vulcan: "Oh, hey--someone found the new toilet!"
tamaki: oh my god, i thought that was a joke.
Vulcan: *serious face* "I never joke about the animals."
tamaki: ok, ok. sheeh.
Petra: *screaming* "WHY IS THE TOILET A HIPPO'S FACE?!"
Kid: *in the kitchen with a mixing bowl, reviewing a recipe* "Hmm...Is that going to be enough sugar..."
shiori: wha kid doin?
Kid: "Baking. I wanted to see which kind of cake I could make when Stocking gets home." *smiles*
shiori: have some? *reaches hands out*
Kid: "Not yet, unfortunately--raw cake batter can be dangerous to eat..."
shiori: *pout*
Kid: ^^; "You can have some cake as soon as I finish baking, though."
shiori: *hugs his leg* thank you.
Kid: *head pats* "You're welcome. Let me just finish mixing together the ingredients..." *takes the mixer, plugs it in* "You can taste some of the frosting when we put it on."
Joker: "Is she behaving herself?"
scarlet: well....
nana: *hiding under her bed, snarling*
scarlet:.....it's a work in progress.
Joker: "Oh dear..." *looks under the bed* "Nana~ If you come out, I'll give you a cookie!"
Joker: "Hmm...Do you want me to bring out the punching bag?"
nana: *backs up under the bed, still growling*
Joker: -_-; "This is harder than I thought...Hey, Red, how do you deal with kids?"
scarlet: ....hey kiddo, we arent going to hurt you, we promise.
nana: .....
Joker: *nods*
scarlet:....*sigh* my suggestion is maybe give her some time to adjust for now.
Joker: "Well, I'm hungry--I'm going to make something..."
Joker: *turns on the stove, sets out a bowl of water*
scarlet:....i think she's more scared than anything.
Joker: "..." *nods* "Understandably. She didn't have the best living environment."
scarlet: ...
Joker: "At least the food here will be better...An actual bed...Not getting...Well, you know."
scarlet:......*awkward back pat*
Joker: "Hey, don't get soft on me, Red." *awkward smile*
scarlet: just being sympathetic. dont expect a hug or anything.
Joker: "I wasn't." *smirks as he puts the pasta into the pot*
Mori: "Faster, faster--Move that desk to the left."
mafioso: -_-;
mafioso 2: it's going to take me days to get all our computer data back up to speed. -_-; you're lucky i have a recalling memory type ability.
Mafioso 3: "No one likes a braggart."
Mori: *looking outside the newly repaired window in his Mafia office, looking over Death City...smirks*
miura:......*glances at his hands*
Mori: *his hands are barely shaking*
Mori: "...You three--get to the reception area. The new furniture should arrive."
Mafioso 3: *sighs* *leaves*
-the other two exit-
Mori: *collapses onto the new couch*
miura: .....sir?
Mori: *covers his face* "What am I doing back here..."
miura:.....*sitting next to him*
Mori: "...I know why...To take control of this business. To exert my will again! ...Because I can't control myself..."
miura: *listening*
Mori: "...When I want something so badly, I obsess over it. Plan it...I didn't plan for the Rats, or my psychotic break. How do I account for that in the future to not be weak again..."
miura:...you're still only human, and making mistakes is normal. the best thing i could suggest is learn from those mistakes.
Mori: "...So, don't see them as mistakes...but as opportunities..."
miura: i suppose that's a way to view it.
Mori: "..." *smiles* "Perhaps there is something to be learned from 'Rintarou.'" *smirking...but there is still a quiver in that smirk*
elise:.... im gonna go for a walk, is that cool?
Mori: "??? Where, Elise~?"
elise: -3-; just around the building. catch up with everyone and stuff, y'know?
Mori: *smiles* "Very well. Say hello to Higuchi for me."
elise: BRB~ *walks off* .................
Mori: *lies back down*
*Mafiosos roam the halls*
elise:......*looks ahead* hiiii, higuchi~ ^^
Higuchi: "Oh...Hello. How are you, Elise?"
elise: ok, i guess. getting used to everything....so Q told me you and gin adopted him.
Higuchi: *nods* "...We thought it was best to give him a more stable homelife."
elise: lucky for him....so, go on any trips lately?
Higuchi: "Just...out of town, more or less."
elise: out of the country, perhaps?
Higuchi: "Yes....?"
elise: and you even brought rintarou a little souvenir, how nice. ^^
Higuchi: "I hope so..."
elise: yeah, it's a very pretty doll.
Higuchi: "Does she remind you of anyone?"
elise: it look exactly like rintarou's doll...*gives a knowing look at her*
Higuchi: "...Yes, it does."
elise:....its kind of unfair. i've been with rintarou for over 30 years, and while he's changed, i havent...
Higuchi: "Why do you think that is?"
elise: because he refuses to grow-up completely. he unconsciously keeps me in this form to cling to his childhood. well he wouldnt _have_ to if his dad didnt mess everything up for him!
Higuchi: "So when you...weren't with him..."
elise: i could have come back whenever i wanted to, but i chose not to, i guess i was kind of mad at him for changing into a different person, and i still kind of am.
Higuchi: "Then why come back? He hasn't changed."
elise:...even with everything horrible he's done, deep down, i know he's still the same crybaby dork i remember.
Higuchi: "Hmm. Maybe you could awaken something else in him."
elise: maybe.....*rubs her eyes* i really miss the old rintarou....he was my best friend, and he still is.
Higuchi: "Do you think there's really any of that left in someone like him? After what he's done?"
elise: i think so. even so, im still part of his ability, so i'll stick with him until he dies.
Higuchi: "Hm. If you could, try to improve upon him." *leans down to eye level*
elise: what do you think i've been doing? =3=
Higuchi: "Try something different. Everything's not the same since we first left this place."
elise:.....do you think if he apologized for what he did to those girls, he'll be forgiven?
Higuchi: "I don't know that that would be enough."
Higuchi: "...Well, I have to review inventory..."
elise: ok then, bye~ *walks off*
Higuchi: "..." *walks in the other direction*
gin: ......
Higuchi: "Hey. How's progress?"
gin: just about got everything unpacked.
Higuchi: "Good..." *rubs her arm*
gin: you ok, ichiyou?
Higuchi: "I spoke with Elise."
gin: i heard.
Higuchi: *small laugh* "Following me around?"
gin: *smirking under the mask* i just have really good hearing.
Higuchi: "Of course..." *sighs* "I can never forgive him."
gin: yeah... in all honesty, i preferred it when hirotsu was in charge.
Higuchi: *nods* "Maybe another time..." *shivers* "And I think it's his fault for what Elise has gone through."
gin: *hugs*
Higuchi: *hug, pat* "Thank you."
gin: any time.
Higuchi: "...Okay. Let's get this work done. We still have the training facility to re-design."
gin: yeah. i better get back to the weapon storeroom before katya talks everyone's ears off.
Higuchi: "Have fun...This is going to be a long day."
gin: yeah.
kirako: how does he sound, yosano?
Yosano: "Pretty well...All signs point to healthy."
kirako: that's good.
Yosano: "...How's the baby room coming along?" *writing in her chart*
kirako: it's doing well.
Yosano: "Is Dazai doing anything to help?"
kirako: mostly moving in furniture. we even found some wallpaper with sailboats on it and its going to look so cute! ^^
Yosano: *smiles* "Consider me surprised."
kirako: ^^; he's trying.
Yosano: "After his disappearing act while the rest of us were fighting on our own, I'm still suspicious." *picks up a bone-saw*
kirako: ^^;;
Yosano: "How're your feet holding up? Need anything?"
kirako: does back pain usually happen during pregnancy?
Yosano: "Yes, that is normal for many expecting parents...Are you keeping up with exercises, walking?"
kirako: *nods*
Mantis: *rubbing his face* "Ugh--what an annoying time..."
izzy: yeah no shit.
nailfile: my head's still reeling.
Mantis: "I was locked up with crazy people...At least you fought someone."
pixie: so what happened?
Mantis: "Yeah--you fought someone underground?"
-izzy explains most of what happened-
Mantis: "...Fucking clown people? Creepy."
pixie: yikes!
izzy: no shit.
Mantis: "...Did the clown even pay us?"
Saria: *unpacks her lunch* "What's everyone having?"
genny: im just having some fruit.
Asher: *pulls out a peanut butter sandwich*
Axel: *puts ketchup on his fries*
lukas: *he brought some mille feuille*
Kanin: "Oh, that looks fancy!" *smiles as he takes out some pasta, passes prepare lunch to Amelia*
Saria: "Really fancy!"
lukas: thank you.
Axel: "Anyone got summer plans?"
saria: my dads and i were planning to visit the grand canyon and mt zion national park.
Kanin: "Oh? Have you been before?"
Stein: "How do you think the new students are coming along?"
marie: they seem to be doing well.
Tezca: "Resourceful!" *shoves a stick of gum under his mask* "How about you two?"
Justin: *knocks on Arachne and Giriko's door*
arachne: may i help you- oh, you're that priest.
oriko: good afternoon, ma'am.
Justin: ^^; "Yes. Hello. I'm Justin Law. And this is Oriko." *holds up a bag* "Giriko asked us to bring this..."
arachne: i see. thank you. he's asleep right now.
Justin: "Ah..." *looks around* "You have a lovely home."
anna: *in her little play pen, plaing with blocks*
oriko: *tiny wave*
anna: abba?
Justin: "I see Anna's doing well..." *takes out of the bag some wrapped items*
arachne: ??
Justin: "Giriko said something about 'surprises' for his children..."
arachne: ^^
Giriko: *yawns* "Hey..." *stretches*
anna: is dada!
Giriko: "It's Dada!" *picks her up*
anna: *laughs*
Justin: "We picked them up..."
Giriko: "Oh, cool--cleaning stuff."
arachne: ^^;
Justin: "You...clean?" ._.;
oriko: ??
Giriko: "...I mean, more than I used to?"
arachne: old habits hard to break~?
Giriko: -^-; "I think I've cleaned up more...I don't leave beer bottles..."
arachne: *head pets* ^^
Giriko: -\\\\- *soft purr*
atsushi: *looking at vacation pamphlets*
Kyoka: "Ideas?"
atsushi: oh, check this out. 'standard island'.
Kyoka: "...If it's 'standard,' it sounds boring.”
atsushi: *sweatdrop*
Kyoka: "What is there to do?"
Rin: *knocks* "Yo, Stocking..."
stocking: *wearing a medical mask* come on in.
Rin: "How's recovery?" *he's still bandaged*
stocking: still a bit cold....say, you can control your flames now, right?
Rin: *nods* "Still getting the finer points, but at least I'm not burning people."
stocking: can you light your tail up a bit?
Rin: "??? Um...Like this?" *tries, getting a small fire on his tail*
stocking: *holds her hands up to the fire* ahhhh, nice and warm. ^w^
Rin: ._.; "Well...Happy to help?"
fani: why are we doing this again?
Meme: "I think it'll be good for you. Crona's nice..."
fani: *grumble* 7_7
Meme: *knocks on a door*
mami: yes? oh, meme. good to see you.
fani: *sniffs* !!!! the gorgon's spawn is in there!!
mami: !!!
Meme: "Fani!"
fani: hmph. >n<
mio: -_-; would it kill you to give someone a chance?
fani: for all i know, yes.
mio:...... *siiiiiiiiiiiigh*
Crona: "Hmm? Mami? Who's there?"
mami: meme and mio and someone named 'fani'.
fani: 7,7
Crona: "Oh! H-Hi, Meme, Mio." *smiles* "Nice to meet you, Fani..."
fani: you're one of gorgon's arent you?
mio: please excuse her, she has trust issues with humans.
fani: i dont need you speaking for me! >n<
Meme: *frowns at Fani*
Crona: "Oh...Um...Thanks for thinking of me as 'human'? I guess?"
fani: =~= why am i even here??
Crona: "??? Oh? Are you feeling sick?"
Meme: "Fani is...on probation with the DWMA."
Crona: "???"
mio: long story short, she's kind of a rogue witch.
Crona: "O-Oh...I'm sorry."
fani: .....
Crona: ^^; "So...I guess you invited Fani given my earlier...um...'probation' as well?"
mio: more or less, yeah. no offence.
Crona: "None taken...I'll make some tea, and we can talk."
Chuuya: "We're here."
miyuri: WOOOOOOOW!!!!
sonia: it's so big!
Chuuya: "Ready to check it out?" *holds up keys*
miyuri: what's all this green stuff out here??
Chuuya: "It's grass. A plant."
miyuri: *she starts rolling around in the grass* it's so sooooooft! =w=
sonia: ^^;
Chuuya: ("Glad they didn't put down pesticides...") "Well, just avoid the sprinklers..." *opens the door* "Come on, Miyuri--let's see the rooms."
miyuri: OK! *runs inside*
sonia: she seems pretty excited.
Chuuya: "I guess new experiences can do that..."
sonia: i guess so...seems she's been having a lot of those. i just hope she doesnt get hurt.
Chuuya: *sighs* *nods* "She'll need some boundaries...and supervision."
sonia: *nods* i'll try and help her calm down a bit more.
Chuuya: "Thank you..." *enters* "Miyuri? Where are you?"
miyuri: *pokes her head out of a small closet in the staircase* MIYURI FOUND THIS ROOM! ISNT IT COOL?? ^u^
Chuuya: ^^; "That’s the closet."
miyuri: ooooh, can this be miyuri and sonia's secret fortress?
sonia: ^-^;
Chuuya: "Maybe something softer--with pillows."
miyuri: a pillow fortress?
Chuuya: "Or a 'blanket fort'?"
sonia: why not both?
Chuuya: "Or a 'blanket fort'?"
sonia: why not both?
Chuuya: "Just need to buy the blankets and pillows..."
sonia: we also need to buy you some more clothes too.
Chuuya: "So, a mall trip..."
miyuri: mall?
sonia: it's a big building with a lot of stores inside. they sell lots of things there, like clothes, food, movies, and other things.
miyuri: FOR REALS?!
sonia: yes, for reals.
miyuri: SO COOL!
Chuuya: ^^; "We'll focus on clothes, first."
Kid: *sighs* *looks out the window*
lord death: feeling lonely, kiddo?
Kid: *nods* "I thought preoccupying myself with work would help--yet I finished it all."
lord death: hmmmm. say, why dont we go to the park?
Kid: *smiles* *nods* "Okay." *opens the door*
Crona: ^^; "So, I do some missions now and then..."
Meme: ^^; "Crona has saved a lot of lives."
Crona: .\\\\.;
Meme: "Death City is a place for people to rebuild lives...especially after what they lose."
fani:....*bites her lip as tears fall*
Crona: "??? Miss Fani?" *holds up a box of tissues*
fani: i dont know what to do....lady liluye was all i had...all i have...
Crona: "...Like L-Lady Medusa..."
mami: ...*hug*
Crona: "Y-You don't have to do what others tell you to do...but here, you do get the chance to decide for yourself what you want."
fani:....i just want somewhere to call 'home'...
Crona: *smiles, nods* "Then maybe Death City could be 'home'?"
fani:....can humans and witches really get along?
mio: yeah, it's kind of what we've been trying to tell you for days now. -_-;
Meme: *small tug on Mio's cheek*
Crona: *nods* "Some do. There's always some bad apples in any group..."
fani:.....alright gorgon, i _guess_ i'll try to take your word for it. 7_7
Crona: ^^; "Cr-Crona. Please."
Crona: ^^ "...Want more tea, Fani?"
fani: s-sure.
Dumas: *curled up in bed*
haydee: *sniffs his hand and licks it*
Dumas: "..." *pets her* *small sigh*
marquis: you ok, dumas? miguel made scones.
Dumas: "...I'm just tired. Thanks." *sits up* *sighs*
marquis: wanna talk about it? it might help. ^^
Dumas: -_-; "You wouldn't understand...I mean, aside from imprisonment. And abandonment. And--"
Dumas: "...Sorry. ...You know why I'm in this hell?"
marquis: *shakes head, tearing up*
Dumas: "..." *pat pat* "I got wrongfully arrested and put into a black ops prison."
marquis: oh no, what happened?
Dumas: "I'm not quite sure myself. My ship was accused of smuggling illegal materials. The prosecutor said it had something that had to be covered up for 'national security.' I never knew...If I only knew who told the cops, I'd kill them..."
marquis: i wish we could help.
Dumas: "..." *nods* "I know. So do I. Without knowing what to do, not much to go on. I can't just kill everyone in the French police and courts--that's not practical."
Cervantes: *from the kitchen* "IT'S ALSO HIGHLY ILLEGAL!"
marquis: hmmm....
Dumas: -_-# "In any case, that life is gone forever. My job, my freedom, my Mer--..."
marquis: your car?
Cervantes: *from the kitchen* "YOUR MERMAID?"
Dumas: >_<# "No, you idiots! My fiancee!"
marquis: D8> ohhhh. *HUG* you poor thing! TT~TT
Dumas: -_-;;; "I appreciate your pity...But it's done. She has a new husband, a child...She's happy, I'm sure."
marquis: ....why dont we go out for dinner later? it might help!
Dumas: -___-; "Fine. Cervantes can even order from the kid's menu again."
Cervantes: "YAY!"
tomura: what.......the hell.....was THAT this morning?!
banshee: a flash mob, most likely.
Dabi: -_-; "Noisy."
himiko: *singing along*
Twice: *dancing*
tomura: -_-#### will. you two. STOP THAT.
himiko: ruuuuude.
Mustard: ._.; *looks around* "Where is our residence?"
Twice: *whispers* "The music is in my soul."
banshee: it's here.
Mustard: *looks*
Twice: "OOoooo!" *frowns* "Too bougie."
*It's a Brooklyn brownstone, 3 stories tall with a stoop*
tomura: it's doable.
Mustard: "Looks tiny...Couldn't our benefactor find something bigger?"
Akutagawa: *staring out the window*
Q: ~?
Akutagawa: "...Does this neighborhood look suspicious?"
Q: how so?
Akutagawa: "No way this place is as pleasant as it appears...Look at that woman walking her dog. She's likely a trained assassin."
kuniko: *sweatdrop*
Akutagawa: "...Let me question her..." *moves to the door*
kuniko: siiiis! ryu's acting weird again.
Higuchi: "Ryu, stop acting weird!"
gin: ^^;;
Akutagawa: "...I'll run a background check." *opens a laptop*
gin: *sigh* ryu, dont you think you're being a bit paranoid?
Akutagawa: "...We were attacked. I do not want that to happen again."
gin: ......
Higuchi: "...Ryu... *sighs* Just...make something for Q to eat."
Q: french toast! french toast!
Akutagawa: "...Very well." *closes the laptop, goes to the kitchen*
gin:...im worried for him.
Higuchi: *nods* "...Ideas?"
gin: ....well, there is one, but i dont know if _they_ will like it.
Higuchi: "???"
atsushi: did anyone else feel a cold chill just now?
Lucy: T_T "I don't feel anything...Every one of my muscles wants to kill me."
Kyoka: *eating crepes*
sylvia: *eating a chocolate crepe*
Lucy: "Am I any stronger now?"
atsushi: i think so.
Lucy: TWT "Yay...Thank you, muscle mass..." *collapses*
atsushi: *picks her up* ^^;
Kafka: *pacing outside a door*
george: you ok?
Kafka: >_>; "I'm considering how big a fool I am."
george: something up?
Kafka: "...You're too young to understand."
george: -_-; im 16.
Kafka: "Which is why my desire to date Etta is none of your business! ... ... ..."
george: oh, so that's what's got you all hung up, eh?
Kafka: "..." *covers his face* "What if she says no..."
george: you dont know if you dont try, i know, cliche thing to say, but that doesnt mean its not true.
Kafka: "..." *sighs, knocks*
etta: yes?
Kafka: "...Etta, would you like to go out? ... ... ..."
etta: sure, out where?
Kafka: "...I didn't think that far ahead. Um...Dinner?"
etta: that sounds lovely! ^^
Kafka: "Gr-Great...Um, French or something else?"
etta: hmm. oh, maybe we can go to a cafe? those are always nice!
Kafka: "Great! Shall we say 6?"
etta: perfect! im gonna get changed now, kay?
Kafka: "So will I! See you at 6." *turns*
george: well?
Kafka: "... ...." *whispers* "I don't know what to wear."
leroux: why dont we pick something?
george: 0_0 how long were you-
Kafka: ._.;
Fitzgerald: *seated in his lounge* *looks over files* "Hmm...Looks to be good business."
louisa: sir?
Fitzgerald: "Looking over the records of the shipping company that approached us..."
louisa: ah, and you have a meeting with mr danglars coming up, yes?
Fitzgerald: "Yes...Has Mr. Eckleburg finished the background check?"
Chuuya: *setting items on the mantle*
miyuri: *rubbing mito's belly*
mito: =w= *purr*
Chuuya: *opens another box* "..." *sighs* *takes out a photo*
sonia: ....
-it's rain's photo-
Chuuya: *sets it at a memorial he is setting up* "..."
sonia: ....*hug* do you think she's watching us?
Chuuya: *nods* "She has to be..." *hugs her*
sonia: .....
Chuuya: "...Let's set up the rest..."
Joker: *has a black eye* #w# "That won't get you out of eating your vegetables, Nana~"
Joker: "But Nana, how will you get big and strong for our next sparring session?"
Viktor: ._.; "...This is some family drama I do not need..."
nana: you probably poisoned them!
Joker: "Nonsense! Your uncle Viktor loves them!"
Viktor: "...How do I know she's not right?"
Joker: *glare*
scarlet: why dont we make you something simple first? a pb and j, and we'll even let you watch us make it so you know it isnt poisoned.
nana: what if you poisoned it beforehand?
Joker: "I'm stumped. I guess we keep eating until she gets hungry, too."
nana: D8<
Viktor: "Too bad--this pasta is delicious!"
Joker: "Scarlet, pass the garlic bread."
Ivan: *pacing*
lydia: <vanya...>
Ivan: *shaking his head* <All gone...>
lydia: <well im still here. so are gogol and elizaveta. zoey's here too, but i know you cant stand her.>
Ivan: *groans* <I suppose 3 out of 4 is good enough...> *sighs* <Maybe the others' return will help...>
lydia: <hopefully they arrive soon...>
Ivan: *nods* <Back to security review...>
???: <Mercedes! He's crying again!>
mercedes: *picks him up* shhh <it's ok, sweetie.> *hums*
Albert: *sniffs* T^T *holds onto her*
Fernand: <Unbelievable...> *reviewing news on his phone* <Getting walloped in the market...>
mercedes: ...
Fernand: *sighs* <I need to make some calls...Damn it, Danglars...>
Kafka: *looking in the mirror* ._.; "...I'm not sure this is me."
leroux: well, cafe's are a rather casual setting, so it should be fine.
Kafka: "...I'm going to crawl back under my bed--"
leroux: *dragging him away from there* oh dont you think you can get out of this, mister!
Kafka: >~<
Walter: *snaps a pic* "You'll look back on this day with fondness! Or humiliation..."
eugenie: *having a tea party with her dolls*
Danglars: *yelling into the phone in the other room* <I did what I promised--now back off! I can't keep bailing you out!>
mrs danglars: ......
Danglars: <...For crying out loud, fine! I'll see what I can do! I meet the American tomorrow, I'll bring it up...Why are you even trying to sell sunflowers? ...Who the hell wants Iberian sunflowers?!>
eugenie: <more tea, uncle lucy?>
lucian: <thank you, gigi, that would be lovely.> ^^;
Danglars: *hangs up, growls as he grabs a jacket to exit...* *spots Lucian and Eugenie* "...Hmph."
mrs danglars:.....
Danglars: <Why did you bring him on this trip? He just wanted a free vacation?>
lucian: <sir, i'm still your secretary. -_-; >
Danglars: *holds up his phone* <Um, yeah? I think _this_ is getting the job done. Maybe instead of tea parties, you could be answering my calls, filing my paperwork, getting the research for the meeting tomorrow--and where's my suit from the cleaners?!>
lucian: <you dont have to shout, sir.>
Danglars: <Just answer the question!>
eugenie: =~=
lucian: <it will be here tomorrow morning, now please stop yelling, you're upsetting your daughter>
Danglars: "..." *smiles at Eugenie, but it looks fake* <Hey, sweetie? While we're here, is there anything you want to go to?>
eugenie:....<i want friendly's.>
Danglars: <Okay...Lucian, book a reservation.>
lucian: <im sure you dont need a reservation for->
Danglars: <Then why go for such cheap fare?! Only the best for my family!>
lucian: *siiiiigh*
Danglars: <Now, Daddy has some important meetings, so be a good girl...> *pats her head*
eugenie: =3=
lucian: *whispers* <we'll get friendly's later>
Kishiri: "So, let me get this straight--your dad's job takes him throughout Europe, right?'
vivian: pretty much, yeah. *sips her milkshake*
Kishiri: "Neat. Which countries have you been to?"
vivian: i've been to england, germany, france, romania, luxembourg, some parts of russia, norway, sweden, switzerland, and a few others. im actually half english-half german.
Kishiri: ._.; "...I've been to Reno?"
etta: isnt it cute? ^^
Kafka: "Y-Y-Yeah?" *staring at her, not the cafe*
etta: ^^ well, shall we order?
Kafka: *pulls her chair out for her* "A-After you?"
etta: *sits down* ^^
*seem to be other couples seated around the cafe...*
Kepuri: *squeeing everywhere*
Waiter: "Greetings." *looks at Etta and Kafka* "What may I get you?"
etta: i'll have a raspberry iced tea to start. franzy, do you want anything?
Kepuri: "A-A-A green tea lemonade?"
etta: ^^
Waiter: "Very good!" *hands menus* "Our soup today is broccoli cheddar. I'll give you a few moments to decide on your items." *smiles, leaves*
Kafka: "Raspberry does taste good..."
etta: hehe, ^^
Kafka: "...Are you feeling better?"
etta: im fine, why do you ask?
Kafka: "Sorry, I didn't mean to be too serious off the bat...It's just been a trying number of weeks."
etta: yeah, it has been. it's kind of lonely without our guests, but oh well.
Kafka: "I'm sure we'll see them. It gives us a bit more room now."
Motojiro: *sets down dinner*
leo: it looks wonderful. *smiles*
Motojiro: ^\\\^ "I hope so..." *sits next to her* "More water?"
leo: *she nods*
-manic laughter is heard in the other room-
leo: ^^; i see kati is enjoying the game room.
pushkin: ^-^;
katya: *cackling as she shoots in game*
Motojiro: "...I should soundproof that room."
leo: probably a good call.
Chisato: *looking out a window* "..."
sayaka: see anything, chisato?
Chisato: "Not yet..." *small groan as she shifts*
sayaka: say, what did you wish for?
Chisato: "...It's complicated. It had to do with my father."
sayaka: oh?
Chisato: *nods* "He used to write and draw children's books."
sayaka: ooh, cool!
Chisato: "I used to think so...Other people didn't. He rarely made money from them."
sayaka: *listening*
Chisato: "...He would get drunk..."
sayaka: !!!!
Chisato: *shakes* "The things he did to Mama...Then when she died…” *steadies herself, wipes her eyes* "...I wished for my father to go back to how he was, to be kind again...When he did, he stopped making children's books...I still have all of them, to remember when we were happy."
sayaka: *gross weeping* uguuuu... TT~TT
Chisato: "!!! S-Sorry." *pulls out a packet of tissues* "Here." *offers one*
sayaka: *BLOWS* s-sorry bout that. i havent cried this hard since i read the last chapter of mermama. *hic* its so saaad. TT~TT
arisa: chisato, you there?!
Chisato: T~T; *answers* "Speaking."
arisa: we found that girl you saw the other day! matsuri and i are in pursuit!
suzune: *running along rooftops*
Chisato: "Your location?" *checking her map*
arisa: we're on 15th street!
???: *watching, smirking*
suzune: *SLASHES*
Matsuri: *dodging* "Jeez! Can't we talk this out?"
suzune: if you just let me see your soul gems, i'll leave you be-
arisa: i dont think so, ripper!
Matsuri: "Y-Yeah! So just stop fighting!"
suzune: tch- suit yourself then. *slashing*
arisa: *blocking with her scythe*
suzune: *spin kick*
arisa: *jumps up and kicks suzune through a window* THAT'S for hurting chisato!
Matsuri: *looks through the window* "..."
arisa: *jumps in, still attacking*
suzune: *blocking, as wine bottles get broken*
Matsuri: "!!!" *follows*
Matsuri: "Hmmm..." *shines a light onto the scene*
suzune: GRK-
Matsuri: "!!!" *pushes Suzune into a rack*
suzune: GAH!
-the rack then falls onto suzune, knocking her out cold-
Matsuri: "... ... ..." Q________Q "I KILLED SOMEONE!"
arisa: i-i-im sure she's fine! sh-she's just knocked out! ^^;;;
arisa: matsuri! chill!
sayaka: holy cannoli!
haruka: oh goodness!
Chisato: "That's her...Is she dead?"
Matsuri: "WAH!"
sayaka: *checks* she's still got a pulse, and i can hear breathing, but we should probably get her out of there so i can heal her and bring her somewhere safe.
Chisato: "Right." *helps Sayaka lift Suzune*
Rin: *groans* "I wanna go home..." *flails on the bed*
stocking: soon, rin, soon
Rin: "I can't be the only one feeling stir crazy..." *pokes Yukio's cheek*
Yukio: -_-# ("My ribs still hurt to talk...")
Kafka: ^^ "That was...surprisingly delicious."
etta: ^^ glad you liked it, franzy. ^^
Kafka: ^^; "I have to say, I hadn't considered slicing bread into butterfly shape. This was a good choice. Thank you, Etta..."
etta: hehe ^^
Kafka: "..." *gulps* "I'm glad you survived that fight." ("..." *SCREAMING INTERNALLY*)
etta: yeah. i think in a way, you saved me too.
Kafka: "M-Me? I didn't do anything..."
etta: well, your ability did fight mine, so...
Kafka: T_T "...I hate my ability..."
etta: franzy-
Kafka: "...Sorry. I didn't mean to do self-pity. That's all I act. That's not what I want you to think of me..."
etta: i dont think its _that_ bad.
Kafka: "R-Really? ...It's gross...Not like your ability..."
etta: so? goethe tells me there's been weirder abilities, so i doubt a giant roach is anything to sneeze at.
Kafka: "...Nothing to sneeze at? NOTHING TO SNEEZE AT?!" *groan-whimper, as he transforms*
Kafka: *gravelly voice* "Well...This is the true me. At my worst. Ugly. Monstrous. A craven bug."
etta:....even if it is scary looking, i dont think it's bad at all.
Kafka: "...Really? Why?"
etta: because it's still you. *small smooch on the snout*
Kafka: .\\\\\.; "...Th-Thank you." T\\\\T
etta: any time, franzy. ^///^
Kafka: "...So...D-Did you want to walk before we returned?"
etta: sure!
Kafka: *he's still in his roach form* "... ... ..."
etta: um...franzy?
Kafka: "Y-Yes?"
etta: you're still roach mode. ^^;
Kafka: O_O; "...Please turn around."
etta: *turns*
Kafka: *reverts to human form, his clothes reappearing*
etta: oh.
Kafka: "Okay, I'm back to normal...Well, human, anyway."
suzune: nngh.....nuhh....my head.....where....where am i...tsu-
arisa: alright you, up an at-em!
suzune: ahh, not so loud, i feel awful.
Matsuri: ^^; "I understand. You've had a rough time. Would you like some water?"
suzune: um...yes-
arisa: TOO BAD!
suzune: er-
arisa: you, start talkin!
suzune: i- what's even going on?
Matsuri: "My friend tends to be a bit abrasive. Here, let me make things more comfortable..." *places a neck pillow onto her*
sayaka: *chuckling* >u<
Chisato: *facepalm* "What even is this..."
Death the Kid: ((No, wasn't trying to make a Lego Movie ref))
arisa: alright, explain why you've committed murder on innocent magical girls then?
Chisato: "And what did you mean by 'fakes'?"
suzune:....im only trying to spare them, and it's not magical girls in general, im targeting illegal contractors.
haruka: ?!
arisa: huh?
-suzune then explains-
arisa:...holy shit.
sayaka: .... illegal contractors, could the wings of magius have something to do with it?
suzune: wings of magius? i've heard about that from various places, but i dont know much. so yes, the reason i've been killing illegal contractors is to keep them from turning into wraiths and causing problems.
arisa: still, that doesnt justify murder.
Matsuri: "..."
arisa: we have every reason to take you to the authorities.
arisa: dont act so casual! you killed innocent people who did nothing to you!
suzune: if i let them live and become wraiths, more people would have died!
Matsuri: "But the case has been solved. We should focus no saving these contractors..."
suzune: ??
arisa: saving them? how?
sayaka: well, the only way _i_ know is by officiating a contract with the DWMA.
Matsuri: "..." *looks down*
suzune: can i leave? can i just leave?
arisa: oh no, _you're_ still under house arrest!
suzune: since when?
arisa: since last night.
Chisato: *looks at her watch* "Which would be around 10-ish?"
haruka: i dont think we got your name.
suzune:...suzune amano.
Matsuri: ^^;
himiko: first day of school~ first day of schoool~
banshee: fortunately, no one knows who we are here yet, so we should be good, i hope.
-a lion man watches as students enter the school-
Twice: "We're just completely normal students...Nothing to worry about..." *INTERNAL SCREAMING*
Mustard: *tugging at the collar of his uniform*
lion man: ah yes, welcome to Silverwing Academy! i'm vice principal Leonhart.
Dabi: "Hello, kitty."
leonhart: your classroom is right this way.
-there are quite a number of students-
-one student is in the corner, mumbling to themselves...they have on a full-face mask-
-on one wall, there is a picture of a darker skinned woman with a semi-mowhawk style haircut with the plaque 'principal jocelyn 'incredigal' boyer'-
himiko: fancy.
Twice: "OOooooooo! I like!" *rubs a hand along the poster*
banshee: that's incredi-gal, right? she was really popular during the 80s.
leonhart: yes, that's our principal. *smacks twice's hand* stop that.
Twice: T3T
-a tall young man is at the front of the class, speaking loudly about rules with a hearty and friendly laugh-
Dabi: "Hmm...Where's our teach?"
tomura: here is your classroom, your teacher will be mr lastic.
Mustard: "Where're our seats?"
himiko: dibs!
Mustard: "H-Hey!" *scrambles for one*
girl with parasol: oh?
Twice: "Nice umbrella! ARE YOU AN ALIEN?!"
girl: oh this? i have a rainy day quirk, so i take an umbrella with me wherever i go, my name's Reina Rivers, by the way.
Twice: "Hello, Miss Raindrop!"
Mask: *mumbling something about newspaper clippings...their unwashed smell is reaching Banshee's nostrils*
reina: actually, my hero name is gonna be 'Drizzle'
banshee: *grimace* oh...oh dear lord. *covers her face*
Tall Boy: "HA HA HA!" *All Might face, dramatic pose* "Stevi! Didn't I encourage you to practice proper hygiene?! New York school board policies promote a healthy body towards building a healthy mind--"
Stevi (Mask): *groans* "I know. I was busy...Can I go to bed now?"
tomura: *glare* (this guy....he's pissing me off so much right now.)
boy: hey, anyone know where the class prez is?
Mustard: *whispers* "I thought it would've been the loud guy doing the poses..."
tomura: if that's the case, im disintegrating myself here and now.
*the door is kicked open--crushing Mustard*
???: "Okay, you scum-sucking bottom-feeders! At attention!"
Tall Boy: *stands up straight*
Stevi: *groans, just puts their head down on their desk*
-the others look-
*A female student is at the door...She marches her way to a desk, slams her foot onto the chair, and shouts--*
Student: "WHO ARE WE?!"
students: SILVERWING!
students: SIVLER WING!!
Student: *raises her arms* "ALL HAIL YOUR QUEEN!"
Twice: "..." *bows down* "QUEEN!"
Mustard: X____X *slides under the door, crushed*
reina: is he ok? ._.;
Dabi: "His...Quirk is recovery. He'll survive."
reina: ^^;
Queen: *slams herself into her seat, kicks up her feet, pulls out a notepad...*
Tall Student: "Excellent opening call, Class President!"
Queen: *blows a bubble*
Mustard: X_X ("How the hell is she Class President...?")
tomura: .....
stocking: *yaaaawn*
Rin: "Zzz..."
stocking: *inhales* ah....
shura: i think the cold's better now. let's go check out the sights of aomori!
Rin: *turns over--and falls out of bed*
stocking: that does sound like fun.
Rin: "Ow..." *gets up* "What's going on?"
stocking: well, seems shura and i are better from our colds, so why not check out aomori a bit?
Rin: "Sounds good..." *stretches* "I doubt the others can go, though..."
shura: i think they were key-transported back to death city last night.
Rin: "?! Yukio didn't even say 'bye'!"
shura: he did leave a note.
Yukio's Note: "I went back via the key. Enjoy Aomori. I'll see you at home."
Rin: "..." *sighs*
mrs danglars:....
{mrs danglars: *weeping*}
{*a door is heard opening*}
{mrs danglars:......}
{Danglars: <Good evening! What's for dinner?>}
{mrs danglars:..........}
{Danglars: <...I said, 'What's for dinner?'>}
{mrs danglars:.......<i miscarried....>}
{Danglars: <... ... ...> *puts back on his coat and hat* <I'll get take-out.> *heads to the door*}
{mrs danglars: *sobbing*}
mrs danglars:....
lucian: hermine? you ok?
mrs danglars: i.....im fine....just thinking....
Eugenie: *coloring in the corner*
boy: *nomming on bread*
Man: <Hey.> *knocks him upside the head* <There's a fat one.>
-someone in a fancy outfit walks by...likely has some money on them...-
boy: hmm.. <got it> *runs out and trips* <ow!> *whimpers*
Fancy Person: <??? Oh, you poor boy...> *leans down, offers a hand* <Are you okay?>
boy: *sniff* <i-i think i hurt my ankle!>
Fancy Person: <Come on, let me help you up...>
boy: *takes the person's hand....and stabs them in the hip*
Fancy Person: *gasps* *screams*
Man: *reaches into the Fancy Person's pocket, ripping out their wallet* <Run!>
-the two run-
{*in a garden, at nighttime, a man is hunched over a hole he is digging...next to him is a small box...*}
{-sounds can be heard from inside-}
{Man: *muttering* <Quiet...Just a bit longer...> *the hole is deep enough* <...> *picks up the box* <...> *inhales deeply*
{Man: "GRK!" *he's knocked down, dropping the box*}
{-the lid comes off, revealing a crying baby-}
{Man: *struggling to get up--*}
{???: <what the hell? a kid?>}
{Man: *knocked out, collapsed on the ground*}
{baby: *crying*}
{*lights turn on in the house behind ???*}
{???: !!! *takes the baby and runs*}
Man: *checking the wallet*
boy: <anything good, uncle bert?>
Bertuccio: <Shh!> *takes out only a few bills* <Pheh. Bet they didn't even tip well...>
boy: =3=
Bertuccio: *looks at the boy* <Did you get their blood on you?!>
boy: <no, i made sure not to!> >3<
Bertuccio: <You better not--you know laundry day isn't until next week!>
*a man walks with a cane...*
edouard: <papa, im bored.>
Villefort: <Well, what do you want to do?>
edouard: <i wanna go to the park and play.>
Villefort: *groans, clutching his back* <I...have paperwork to do...>
edouard: <but papaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa>
valentine: <why dont _i_ take him, dad?>
Villefort: <Thank you. He's all yours.>
valentine: <ok. come on, eddie, i'll even get you some mcdonalds on the way.>
Villefort: <Valentine...Don't spoil him.>
valentine: <im not spoiling him, im just trying to be nice.> -_-;
Fitzgerald: *seated across a table* "..."
Danglars: *fake grin, reclining in his chair*
Fitzgerald: "..." ("This feels familiar...Only I think I was on the other side...")
daisy: *adjusts glasses*
lucian: *nods*
Fitzgerald: "Now, I've reviewed your proposal. Well, I didn't review it--I have people I pay to do that and think for me."
daisy: (it's amazing he gets _anything_ done.)
Danglars: "I as well." *gestures to Lucian*
lucian: ...
Danglars: "Now, let me show you what Danglars Shipping Enterprise can do for Manhasset." *nods to Lucian to turn on the 3D projector*
lucian: *doing so*
*An airship appears on the projector*
Jordan: *pops up from behind the couch* "OOooo!"
Danglars: "Yes! The Danglars Inter-Coastal Airship 4300X Grande is the vessel you need for all of your international shipping needs!"
Fitzgerald: "..."
Danglars: *pointing to features on the ship, rambling--* "On-board navigation. Quintuple turbines. Can carry 2 tons of freight anywhere in the world!"
daisy: two tons?
Danglars: "What, that not enough? Fine--" *takes a stylus, writes over the projection* "How's 5 tons?"
daisy: .......
Jordan: *reading the projection* "Wait...Danglar Inter-Coastal...D-I-C...Dude, did you name your thing "DIC(K) Ship Grande?"
lucian: *stiffles laugh*
Danglars: "?!" *glares at Lucian before quickly turning back* ^^; "Sir Francis, please consider what I'm offering to your company. Never again will you have to contend with nuisances of the ocean, the water causing wear-and-tear on your ships or precious cargo. No one yet owns the air--and you can capitalize upon it!"
Fitzgerald: "..." *yawns*
Danglars: "!!! M-Maybe a live demonstration--"
Fitzgerald: "You brought it?"
Danglars: .____.;;; "N-No, it's back in our manufacturer in Rome--"
Fitzgerald: *stands to leave*
Danglars: "!!! Lucian, do something!"
lucian: we can offer a free trip to rome to see for yourself.
Danglars: "WHAT?!"
Fitzgerald: *stops, turns around* "Ooo...Hotel included?"
lucian: why yes. ^^;
Fitzgerald: "Meals included?"
lucian: of course!
Danglars: *jaw drops*
Fitzgerald: "Wonderful! My assistant will schedule the visit." *shakes Lucian' s hand*
lucian: ^^;
daisy: ._.;
Jordan: "Cool! For my room, I'd like a queen-size away from the ice machine--"
Danglars: *glaring*
Jordan: ._.; *hides behind the couch again*
Danglars: *barely able to hold a grin as he shakes Fitzgerald's hand* "We'll see you then! I'm sure you'll love our airships..."
Fitzgerald: ^^ "I'm sure I will..."
Danglars: <Lucian! Let's go!>
mary: *peeeeek*
lucian: <yes sir.>
Danglars: "...Your child?"
Fitzgerald: "...Yes."
mary: really? OwO *HUG* DADDY! >w<
daisy: ._.;
Fitzgerald: ._.; "..." *pat pat*
Danglars: "Huh. I have a little ankle-biter, too. Are you feeding this thing?"
daisy: mary isnt a 'thing', mr danglars. she's a human being. -_-;
Toby: O^O
Danglars: "Can hardly tell--she looks like a gremlin..."
Fitzgerald: "... ... ..."
Toby: "..." *stands behind Danglars, lifts his leg...*
daisy: .___________.
Danglars: "If there is one thing I admire in business, it's honesty. Isn't that right, Sir Francis?"
Fitzgerald: "You're a gross tiny little man who has been rude during this entire visit."
Danglars: "..." Q_Q " 'Tiny'?"
daisy: <-<;;;;
lucian: um....sir?
Toby: ^w^ *lowers his leg, walks back to Mary*
Danglars: "Wh-What?!"
lucian: you...your leg....
mary: *picks toby up*
Danglars: *looks down* "?! What the he--"
Dumas: "..." *removes something from around his neck...it's a ring on a string that he was wearing like a necklace*
{Dumas: <I think...this one. Want to see it closer?>}
{mercedes: <it's beautiful, alex!>}
{Dumas: ^^ <Let's try it on...Pardon me? Could we see this ring there?>}
{morrel: <congrats, dumas.> }
{Dumas: <Thank you, ma'am!> *salutes* <I just wish it was under better circumstances...>}
{morrel: <yeah...>}
{Danglars: *sweeping the deck, grumbling to himself*}
{Dumas: <Before he passed, he asked me to handle some business--mind if I head out?>}
{morrel: <go right ahead.>}
{Dumas: *nods, departs*}
{Danglars: *watches...then rushes to Morrel* <How can you let him take over?!>}
{morrel: <i was just doing as captain leclere asked.>}
{Danglars: <That's absurd! I'm more qualified! That child doesn't even know which way he's walking!>}
{Dumas: *behind him* <Whoops--wrong way!> *looks at his compass*}
{morrel: <i dont know what to tell you.>}
{Danglars: *growls...then sighs* <Look, if you listen to me, I could increase this business ten-fold! I know someone with some really good cargo that he needs to move--now!>}
{fernand: <damn him, what does mercedes see in him?>}
{Danglars: *sips from another bottle* <Not his talent, I'll tell you that. She's probably just some gold-digger...> *starts counting bills in his wallet*}
{Danglars: <Wow!> *holds up his hands* <Sorry! Hit a sore spot, I see...> *ahem* <In any case, he's off on some errand to some Noirtier or something. I even saw the logo on the wax seal on the letter--some trippy stuff...>}
{fernand: !!! <thats-....*whispers* that's mimic's logo.<}
{Danglars: <!!!! ...> *whispers* <What is 'Mimic'?>}
{fernand: <they're a terrorist group and enemies of the country>}
{Danglars: <...> *a grim smile comes to his face*}
{fernand: ?? }
{Danglars: <And if someone was found carrying material for just such an organization?>}
{fernand:.....*wicked grin*}
lucian: sir?
Danglars: *goofy smile* *humming*
lucian:... *sigh*
Rin: *staring at a jellyfish in the tank* "..."
stocking: they look pretty, huh?
Rin: "Yep...The zebrafish looks all kinds of funny."
shura: they sure do.
-knocks on lucy's door-
atsushi: ???
Lucy: "???" *looks through the peephole* "??? There's some woman outside."
atsushi: ?? *looks* oh, that's just gin...wait, why is she here? um...hello?
gin: yes, may i come in. dont worry, i have no ill intent.
Lucy: ("Gin? That's...Oh, marbles...") -_-; "Hey, I'm not in the Agency, so I have no beef with you. But if it's about Atsushi--"
gin: i'm here to speak with you too, miss...lucy, right?
Lucy: -^- "Yes."
-and so-
atsushi: so you want us to become friends with akutagawa.
gin: yes, if it helps.
Lucy: >_>; "You'll understand if I'm hesitant given his prior encounters with Atsushi..."
gin: it is understandable, but still, ryu does need friends outside the mafia, and i think it could help him.
Lucy: "...Is he still following his 'no-kill' policy?"
gin: yes.
atsushi: well, we have considered befriending him in the past...though it's not going to be easy for us.
Lucy: "..." *sighs* "I get the feeling of being alone. I wouldn't want that either..."
atsushi:....we'll consider it, but can you join to supervise him?
gin: sure.
Lucy: "And perhaps we should meet in a neutral area."
Chisato: "Is this a good idea? Someone should stay."
arisa: my mom said she'd check on her. and i think she's still mad about last night's winery incident.
Matsuri: T~T "I'm sorry..."
arisa: hey, it's alright, no one was hurt too bad, and sayaka did heal her.
suzune:.....*looks at her charm* ..... (tsubaki...)
{Tsubaki Mikoto: "Suzune? Time for bed."}
{small suzune: ok. *yaaawn* ^^ good night!}
{Tsubaki Mikoto: *smiles* "No bedtime story?"}
{suzune: bedtime story! bedtime story! ^w^ }
{Tsubaki Mikoto: "How about 'The Kind-Hearted Witch'?"}
{suzune: ok! ^^ }
{Tsubaki Mikoto: "Once upon a time, there was a small girl in a village. She stood out in her community because of her bright shiny hair..." *playful hair-tussle*}
{suzune: hehehe ^^ }
{Tsubaki Mikoto: "She was truly beloved...And she was also magical."}
{suzune: tsubaki! tsubakiiii, where are you? *looking around* come onnn, we're gonna be late!}
{*a flower petal passes Suzune*}
{suzune: *glances*}
{*it looks like a camellia petal*}
{suzune: tsubaki?}
{*a shadow begins to loom...*}
{suzune: ah-... !!!! }
{*it's like a human body in a kimono dress...only the limbs and head are flowery vines...*}
{suzune: w-what? *notices something; tsubaki's charm* !!!!! n-no....}
{Wraith!Tsubaki Mikoto: *a whooshing sound escapes from her branches, as flower petal descend onto Suzune*}
{suzune: grk- }
{*the petals are practically drowning her...*}
{suzune: tsubaki! stop! its me, suzune! please!}
{Wraith!Tsubaki Mikoto: *growls out--* "Suzune..."}
{suzune: !!! tsubaki!}
{Wraith!Tsubaki Mikoto: "...Move..."}
{suzune: *shaking, summons her sword* what...what do i do?}
{Wraith!Tsubaki: "..." *releases her vines at Suzune*}
{suzune: !!!! *slicing* *crying*}
{Wraith!Tsubaki: *knocked around, blood coming out of the vines as this Wraith wails...*}
{suzune: *something surges within her, and flames come from her sword as she attacks, sobbing as she cuts the wraith down*}
{Wraith!Tsubaki: *gasps, as her form collapses*}
{suzune: *collapses to her knees, sobbing*}
suzune: (you became a wraith.....because you contracted illegally....) *clutches her charm* (i dont want anyone else to share that fate....so that's why.....) *bites her lip*
izumi: ....
Saria: "Hey, Izumi!"
izumi: oh, hey saria. whats up?
Saria: "Not much--just taking a walk. How's your day going?"
izumi: pretty ok, just thinking i guess.
Saria: "??? Something on your mind?"
izumi: just...i guess im confused.
Saria: "Oh?"
izumi: i mean, im an albarn now, so i have a lot to live up to....and im confused if i want to be like maka, or if i want to stand out as my own person....but i feel like im always going to be compared to her. how can i live up to someone i've never met?!
Saria: "...Wow. That's...kind of a lot to take in. I guess I'd ask, do you think others are comparing you, or are you comparing yourself to Maka?"
izumi: !!! .....i guess it's the latter....
Saria: "Which means...you're not feeling confident in yourself."
izumi: kind of hard to be. im only really an albarn because mom's marrying him...i dont have any real talents or skills, and i freeze up in battle.....did i really do the right thing coming here? to become a meister?
Saria: "Well, you are in NOT--you don't have to go into EAT. You do get to decide what you want to do next, even if it's not combat. I'm sure there's other things 'being an Albarn' could mean. And what do you mean you have no talents? You're smart and friendly, and those are important qualities."
izumi: hmm.....but i dont want to abandon asher either...
Saria: "You think Asher will move onto EAT?"
izumi:.....i didnt ask them.
Saria: "Worried about putting pressure on them?"
izumi:....i guess. and they have enough to worry about...
Saria: "..." *pat pat* "We still have the rest of the semester. I would focus on getting through the rest before deciding anything...Maybe your dad could help."
izumi: yeah....im kind of nervous about asking him, though.
Saria: "I'm sure he wants the best for you, given what you've said. Do you think he'd understand where you're coming from?"
izumi:....i dont know....im kind of scared.....my previous dad was-.........not exactly a nice person......
Saria: "Oh...But Mr. Albarn's not like that..."
izumi: r-right......i'll....talk to him after school....thanks saria, you're a good friend.
Saria: ^\\\^ "Thanks. Just want to be supportive."
Tanizaki: "???"
Tanizaki: "..." *holds up a brown paper bag for her* "Um, I'll see her in..."
naomi: actually, she's here for the consultation office.
-in the consultation office-
frances: so, you've suddenly gained an ability, you say?
misa: y-yes.....it really scary....
Producer: "So we thought it best to speak with you."
frances: i see. it seems after the mist incident, multiple people worldwide have been gaining abilities left-right and sideways. miss yamamura is no different.
misa: ....i...i think i killed someone with it.....he-he turned into a tree.
Producer: "..."
frances: i see. well, it would be advisable to train this ability in order to better control it. there are training centers around the city if you wish.
misa: ....
Producer: "Which center would you recommend?"
frances: well, there is the special ability department's education center.
Producer: "Could we have their contact information?"
frances: *hands them a business card*
Producer: "Thank you. Misa, shall we...?"
misa:...*nod* i-i dont want to hurt anyone with this ability....
Producer: "Right. Our driver will take us..."
Rin: *looking at jewelry at a vendor stand*
shura: oh, this looks pretty cool!
stocking: oh these earrings are so cute!
Rin: *picks up a bracelet* "This could work..."
shura: getting a present for your girlfriend~?
Rin: "Wh-What if I am?!"
shura: d'awww, ^^
Rin: >\\\\>; <Pardon me...I'd like to buy this?>
shopkeeper: <ah yes> ^^
felisia: *sewing*
shion: *watches*
Mephisto: "She's quite talented, yes, Shion?"
shion: *babble*
felisia: ^^
Mephisto: "What do you think it'll turn out to be?"
felisia: you'll just have to wait~ ^^
Mephisto: "Oh, the suspense!" *holds Shion*
Fujimoto: "..."
Yukio: "Zzz..."
kyouko: im home.
Fujimoto: "Welcome back...He's still asleep."
kyouko: ...any word from rin?
Fujimoto: "He's still there, traveling with Stocking and Shura."
kyouko: ah.
Lucy: -^-
Akutagawa: "..."
atsushi: ^^;;; so.....heyyyy...... ^^;;;;;;
gin: ^^;;
Akutagawa: "Hello. I still have not killed."
atsushi: i know, you dont have to keep repeating it, you're sounding like a broken record.
Akutagawa: "...I don't have much else I thought would be interesting to discuss."
atsushi: oh, we did hear you had your crimes pardoned...
Akutagawa: "Yes. Now I have to consider what to do now that I will not be at risk of being arrested for past crimes..."
atsushi: maybe going back to school?
Akutagawa: "Hmm...Not sure. Are you still attending?"
atsushi: yeah, we are.
Akutagawa: "Hmm...Not sure. Are you still attending?"
atsushi: yeah, we are.
gin: chuuya probably wont be returning, since he has a lot on his plate right now.
atsushi: oh yeah, how's that other girl he adopted?
gin: she's doing well.
Akutagawa: "Gin and Higuchi have adopted Q."
atsushi: *remembering the incident at the train station* ....good for them. owo;;
Akutagawa: "Yes, I think so as well. So far, Q has also not killed people."
Lucy: "You both better not! I'm stronger than I was before!" *flexes her arm*
Akutagawa: "... ... ...I hadn't noticed."
Lucy: >_<#
gin: ^^;;
atsushi:....sooooo, do you have hobbies?
Akutagawa: "...I like art museums. I like classical music."
atsushi: i see.
Akutagawa: "It'll be good to visit a museum again. Gin and I used to go to them before, um, 'work' started to pile up more."
gin: *nods*
Lucy: "Hmm...I suppose a museum visit would be low-stakes..."
atsushi: that would be fun. ^^
Akutagawa: "Yes. I know there's the Kirby exhibit, as well as a new calligraphy exhibit."
atsushi: *nods* how about we head over after lunch?
Akutagawa: "Oh? Who's cooking?"
gin:....ryu...we're in a cafe. -.-;
Akutagawa: "My question still stands. What if the chef intends to kill us?"
gin: ryu, please.
Lucy: "...Miss Gin? Has he always been like this?"
gin: *sigh*
atsushi:....ryu. please get therapy.
Rin: *on webcam* "So we should be home soon."
kyouko: great to hear.
madoka: *smiles*
konekomaru: sounds like you had quite the adventure.
Rin: "Yep! I--" *sneezes* *rubs his nose* "Ugh..."
madoka: still sick? ^^;
unagi: did renzou give uncle uwabami my letter?
Rin: *wipes his nose* "Yeah, Shima ran off after the mission to head home. I'm sure he delivered it."
unagi: that's good. *smiles*
frances: *listening to her flowers* hmm...i see....*dials the phone*
Cervantes: "Oh! Well, I'm not sure, we have a tremendously loaded schedule..." *flipping through an empty schedule book*
frances: ....are you sure about that?
Cervantes: OwO;;; "Weeeeeeeeell, I may be able to fit you in...We got a few minutes after our next big mission..."
frances: and that would be?
Cervantes: OWO;;;;;;;;; "We should be back in our office in..." *talking off the phone* "How long does it take to fly from Timbuktu to Death City?"
marquis: owo~?
-knocks on the door-
Cervantes: "EEEK!" *jumps*
Dumas: *looks through the peephole* "???" *opens the door*
marquis: who is it?
Dumas: "Someone from that consultation office..."
frances: may i speak with mr dumas~? ^^
Dumas: "...Here I am. What do you want?"
frances: you three. over here. now. ^^# geoffery, be a dear and escort our three friends over to the office~ ^^
Cervantes: QwQ;
Dumas: *slight shudder but frowns*
Dabi: *looking* "Why is gym held in the basement?"
tomura: ....
Queen: *frowns* "Are you an idiot? Do you not know how expensive New York real estate is?"
Gym Teacher: *blows the whistle* "Assume the position!"
himiko: ooook!
Tall Student: "Ready!"
reina: *taking stance*
Mask Student: *stands a bit back from the wall, ready to move*
Twice: "??? 'Position'? What? It's just gym. Is this dodgeball? WE DIDN'T EVEN PICK TEAM CAPTAINS!"
Queen: "Oh, you're going to die today..."
Mustard: "...What?"
*spikes poke out of the ceiling*
Dabi: "?!!!"
*a laser gun turret pops out of the floor*
Twice: "Ooooh, I get it...So, it's a laser light show!"
Gym Teacher: *blows the whistle* "Begin!"
*lasers fire at the students, a fire pit opens behind Mustard--burning his bottom*
Mustard: "ARG!" *leaps*
reina: welcome to the basement.
Tall Student: *hearty laugh* "Nothing like a rousing bit of calisthenics while avoiding almost certain doom to light a fire under you and make you go, go, go!"
Mustard: *running* "I'M ON FIRE!"
Tall Student: "See? He gets it!"
himiko: *dancing around* wheee!
Queen: *she's moving a bit too much, as if she predicts where each attack derives*
Dabi: "..."
Twice: "Son of a--" *holding up Mask Student as a shield*
banshee: *shaking* ah-....*frozen on the spot*
*a rope suddenly loops around Banshee's wrist...*
banshee: !!!!
*the rope tugs, pulling Banshee up from the floor and into the arms of--*
Peter: "Relax, newbie! Just your friendly classmate picking you up!" *smiles*
banshee: s-sorry about that...
Peter: *smiles* ^\\\^ "Think nothing of it!"
[PETER DITKO! The aerobatic superhero! His wrist bands are tech support to help him swing around! Years of training and innate balance allows him to swing from the highest ledge and leap above your head!]
Gym Teacher: *blows his whistle* "Damn it, Ditko--get down from there! That girl's obviously not ready for this..."
Queen: *dodging* "How revolting..."
banshee: ^-^;;
Peter: "??? Hey, you okay? You looked like you were...tearing up?"
banshee: !!! *wipes eyes* sorry for that, i just.....b-bad memories, i guess...
Peter: "..." *nods* "Y-Yeah...This place is a pretty rough training course. I've seen others react worse..."
banshee: ...no one's actually died here, right?
{???: just you wait sis, im gonna be the greatest hero yet!}
Vulcan: "??? Hold up. I thought you lived with your grandmom. When were you at Hajima?"
shinra: it was....on and off, mostly....it was scary there, but to be honest, it was better than being with my grandma, and locked in the pantry.
lisa: where the hell was child services?!
shinra: i know, right?!
Vulcan: "Fix that upper body strength!" *checking the pistons while talking to Shinra* "And while you were there, they experimented on you?"
shinra: i think, but i think i also repressed most of it.
Vulcan: "...Sorry."
shinra: it's all good.
Vulcan: *sets down the wrench* "Okay, that's enough for today..."
Assi: "--and he was dressed really tacky, like he was colorblind and shopped consignment."
Shotaro: "Wooooooow...Airship?"
mana:.... <-<
Emine: "How can one procure such an airship? Perhaps to drop items down upon my enemies?"
Akutagawa: *points to calligraphy* "This one is Shen Zhou's 'On Growing a Beard.' Notice how well spaced are the characters."
atsushi: huh. neat.
gin: ^^
Lucy: "Hmm...So, you do research this stuff? Is this all they have? Just stuff about beards?"
Akutagawa: *hard stare* "No." *points* "Emperor Huizong's 'Poem of Fragrance.' Using the slender gold style."
atsushi: i see. *side glance to lucy that says 'i have no idea what any of this means, help'*
Lucy: *puffs her cheeks* "So, is that 'regal' or something?"
Akutagawa: "To simplify, it means the strokes are thin and sharp, showing precision suited to elite writing. notice the flaring, quick movement of the brush..."
gin: ^^; (at least ryu's enjoying himself.)
Akutagawa: *looks at a display* "Here, you can try your own hand at calligraphy..." *picks up a brush*
atsushi: hmm...
gin: *already writing something; the kanji for 'family'*
Akutagawa: "..." *small smile before he orders--* "Tiger. Doll Girl. Write something."
atsushi: *writing something* ._.; *he just drew a tiger* .....*sweats*
gin: that's pretty good.
Akutagawa: "It's...cute."
atsushi: um.... thanks. ^^;
Lucy: -_-; "First, my name is 'Lucy.' Second, I can't write, so..." *holds up a painting of a smiley face*
atsushi: that's really good, lucy.
Lucy: ^^ "Thank you!"
atsushi: and, maybe i could teach you to write?
Akutagawa: "...The line is thicker along the bottom, adding some tension to the overall piece..."
Lucy: "I would like that."
Akutagawa: "..."
gin: ^^;
higuchi: *looking at a book on parenting life hacks*
Q: *picks up a lighter--*
kuniko: Q, no!
Q: "???"
higuchi: Q, the lighter's not a toy. it can hurt someone if used wrong. why dont we play some candyland instead?
Q: "Can I be the yellow piece?"
higuchi: sure thing.
kuniko: im gonna go finish up the laundry now. *exits*
Q: "...That lady..."
higuchi: ??
Q: "Miss Rain."
higuchi:....*bites her lip*
Q: "Mori seemed weird after she died."
higuchi:.....when-....when you were captured, she was really worried about you.
Q: "..." *nods* "Yeah."
higuchi:...im a bit jealous. you and chuuya...and ryu and the tiger....were some of the last people that saw her...s-sorry, im not trying to blame you for anything. its just...i miss her so much.
Q: "...Do you want a hug?"
higuchi: *sniff* but first, i need to make sure you arent hurting yourself, ok?
Q: -^- "I'm not." *holds up his hands*
higuchi: *soft hug*
Q: "..." *hug*
Q: "Sorry."
higuchi: it's ok. im not mad at you.
Q: "...She was nice."
higuchi: yeah. she really was.
Q: "Chuuya seems to miss her, too."
-a soft breeze blows-
Chuuya: *approaches a tombstone*
Chuuya: "Long time..."
Chuuya: "Glad to be back here after so long."
Chuuya: "You can imagine a lot has happened...and that one surprise I didn't know..."
-birds chirp overhead. squirrels scamper. even in this place of death, life goes on-
Chuuya: "Rain...That child you found...I'm still surprised. Sometimes, I think you were too kind for your own good." *his eyes are full of tears*
Chuuya: "I just wanted you to know, Miyuri and Sonia are well. I'm taking care of them."
-a soft breeze blows-
Chuuya: *sighs, wipes his eyes* "Th-Thank you, Rain..."
???: figured we'd find you here, chuuya.
Chuuya: *sighs* "Hello."
elise: i'll let you two talk it out. *walks off*
mori: chuuya. *nods*
Chuuya: "Sir..." *gets up* "I see you're up and about."
mori: indeed. it has been a hectic few months for us all, hasnt it. likewise, i want to thank you for your hard work. it's thanks to you we can safely walk the streets again, after all.
Chuuya: "...It was just business."
mori: regardless, i wished to speak with you. and since you were sooo kind enough not to tell me your new address, i figured the only logical place for you to be was....well....*glances at rain's grave*
Chuuya: "...You have some nerve coming here."
mori: ...
Chuuya: "Don't think I have forgotten it...every last thing you did to her."
Chuuya: "I will never forget it. You may be my boss, I may respect that..." *looks up at him, his eyes filled with a deep hatred* "But I will never forgive you for what you did to Rain."
mori:...you loved her, didnt you?
Chuuya: "You're damn right I do."
mori:......i see. then i have no further business here for now. come along, elise.
elise: kay, lets go get crepes, i havent had one in soooo looooooong!
Mori: *smiles at Chuuya, tips his own hat, departs* *walks with her...the hand by her side is shaking slightly...*
elise:.....*glances back at chuuya*
Chuuya: *glaring after Mori*
elise:....you know he has every reason to want to try to kill you now, rintarou. you do know that, right?
Mori: "Shh...Let's...just be on our way. Crepes await..." *struggles to smile*
sayaka: so how come the rest of you became magical girls?
haruka: we could ask the same of you.
sayaka: well, i used my wish to heal my friends arm that i _thought_ i had a crush on, but turns out i just liked his music. we're still friends though. <3<; he's also kind of my other friends ex-boyfriend but thats neither here nor there.
Arisa: "That's rough, buddy." *stretches* "Well, honestly, I was kind of different before I got my powers."
sayaka: how so?
Arisa: "Would you believe I was a lot shyer, timid, and weak?"
sayaka: i didnt know you back then, so who am i to say?
Arisa: -3- "I used to get bullied all the time...I wanted to die."
sayaka: oh no! D8>
Arisa: "This one girl, Mika Nishinaka, was horrible to me...Then I met Kokoro."
{kokoro: DONT THROW AWAY YOUR LIIIIFE! *yoinks arisa back*}
{Arisa: *crying, shaking her head* "No...I don't want to live anymore!"}
{kokoro: but there's so many wonderful things in this world! i dont know what exactly's bothering you, but im sure it'll get better soon. *smiles*}
{masara: ...}
{Arisa: Q_Q "H-How do you know that?"}
{???: *growls*}
{masara: kokoro, we got company.}
{monster: *a large lizard like monster appears, hissing*}
{kokoro: *weapons out* masara, stay with her, i'll handle this one! *she fights the monster off*}
{Arisa: *watches...her eyes widening*}
{kokoro: let's finish this! HYAAAAH!}
{-the monster vanishes, leaving behind a pile of grief cubes-}
{kokoro: *phew* that was a close one.}
{Arisa: "... ... ...WOW! THAT WAS INCREDIBLE!"}
{kokoro: all in a magical girl's work. ^^}
Arisa: "Kokoro inspired me--so I faced that bully Mika and never looked back."
sayaka: wow.
Arisa: =W= "Yes, I am amazing."
Matsuri: "..."
sayaka: how about you, haruka?
haruka: oh, nothing really special, just a girl from a rich family with a-...i had a sister, b-but she was stillborn.....
chisato: i've never heard anything about you having a sister.
haruka: they dont like talking about it...
sayaka: and how about you, matsurin?
Matsuri: "I...used to be blind."
sayaka: ....
Matsuri: "I wished to see...but since then, I feel like I forgot something about myself."
???: indeed you have, dear sister of mine~
sayaka: ?!?!?
-a figure in purple drops down from the roofs-
???: hello girls~ i hope you dont mind my dropping in~ fufufu~
Matsuri: *tenses*
chisato: *aims pistol* just who the hell are you?
???: please, allow me to introduce myself, my name is Kagari Hinata.
haruka: ?!
Matsuri: "What? ..." *shakes her head* "No. No, this can't be!"
kagari: say, i see you met suzune! where is she, if i may ask~?
Arisa: *keeps her mouth shut* "..."
kagari:....nothing to say? very well. *STAB*
Arisa: "GRK--" *coughs up blood, collapses*
Haruka: "Arisa!"
kagari: *glances at her* oh? my my, how curious~
Haruka: "?!" *backs up*
kagari: you made quite an interesting wish, i see. you felt like your parents didnt love you enough, in favor of your dear elder sister, kanata, right?
Haruka: "..." *shaking her head* "N-No...Stop..."
kagari: so you decided to wish for her to disappear, effectively erasing her....
arisa: ?!
kagari: by contracting illegally....and getting away with murder~ *laughs* selfish, selfish murderer~ cold blooded sister killer~ ahahaha~<3
Haruka: "STOP IT!" *something glows in the middle of her head...pulling in her face*
kagari: you think you're such a perfect, pretty face, but under that beauty, is a hideous monster~
Haruka: *screams, as something explodes out of her back*
arisa: !!!! HARUKA!
Haruka: *her eyes are pulled inward into one, swallowing her face and silencing her screams--before multiple arms rip out of her body*
sayaka: w-what the hell?!
kagari: fufu- for now, i bid you girls adeu~ *grabs matsuri and flees*
arisa: MATSURI! GRK- o-ow...
*The Wraith that was Haruka lunges at Sayaka*
sayaka: !!!! *fending it off with her swords*
Chisato: *firing* "Sayaka! Heal Arisa!"
sayaka: right! *healing her*
arisa: nghh..
sayaka: just hold on, it'll be ok... *notices her soul-gem* ._.;; (oh crap, im low on magic! if i run out here, then im basically screwed!)
-something bursts from her soul-gem; an armored mermaid?-
armored mermaid: *attacking the wraith*
Wraith: *swinging arms at the Mermaid*
armored mermaid: *slashing with swords*
*The Wraith's eye charges before releasing an energy blast*
*An inhuman scream erupts from the mouthless Wraith...*
sayaka: chisato! now!
Chisato: *aims...hesitates...*
Wraith: *charges up again*
Chisato: "!!!" *fires*
Wraith: *collapses...starts to revert...*
-the armored mermaid vanishes, leaving sayaka's soul gem cleansed-
sayaka:...ah...what....was that...?
Chisato: "HARUKA!"
-haruka's crumpled body lay lifeless on the ground-
arisa: !!!
Chisato: "..." *can't speak, just holding Haruka, crying*
arisa:....*grips fist* that bitch....i'm gonna kill her! *runs off*
sayaka: arisa, wait! you arent fully healed yet!
Chisato: *still holding onto Haruka*
kagari: there we go, now you cant run off~ ^^
Matsuri: *tied up* "Let me go!" *struggling to free herself* "Why?!"
kagari: lets see if _this_ jogs your memory~ *pokes her forehead* boop~
Matsuri: "!!!"
{Child!Matsuri: *sniffle*}
{???: matsuri?}
{Matsuri: "H-Huh?" *looks up*}
{tsubaki mikoto: *smiles* are you doing alright?}
{Matsuri: "...Just feeling sad..."}
{tsubaki mikoto: *hug* why dont i tell you girls the story again?}
{kagari: oh will you, miss tsubaki!?}
{Matsuri: "I-I'd like that..."}
{tsubaki mikoto: ^^ of course, girls.}
{Matsuri: "..." *listening...*}
{suzune: *whimpering*}
{Matsuri: *spots Suzune...sees the bell on her collar* "..."}
{suzune: *hic* *sniff*}
{Matsuri: "..." *approaches*}
{suzune: ?! *looks up*}
{Matsuri: "It's okay...Don't be afraid..."}
{Matsuri: "...Tsubaki..."}
{Matsuri: "Hey...It's going to be okay...Do you want to be friends?"}
kagari:.....i was the one to find tsubaki's body.....that little brat, suzune....i want her to suffer....so that's why i'll kill you in front of her, and then kill her. hehehe....AHAHAHA!
Matsuri: "Wh-Why?! Stop! You don't need to do this--"
???: "No. She needs to die."
kagari: oh suzune! did you get my message? *holds up her phone, which has a selfie of herself and the captive matsuri*
Suzune: *aims her sword--and lunges*
Matsuri: *staring, shocked...tries to break out of her confines*
kagari: AHAHAHA! oh what's this? playing the hero?! after all the blood you spilled? after you took our tsubaki away from us?!
Suzune: *eyes widen, as the ferociousness of her attacks increase, stamping onto Kagari's foot before swinging her blade again*
Matsuri: "Oh god oh god..." ("What do I do...")
-dont give up, matsuri, i believe in you both-
Matsuri: "!!! ...Tsu-Tsubaki?"
Suzune: *being pushed back* "..."
Matsuri: "..." *breaks the restraints, rushes at them...*
kagari: eh-
Matsuri: "Beam Blades!" *hard-light blades emerge from her hands*
kagari: oh?
Suzune: "?!"
Matsuri: *swings her blades at Kagari*
kagari: very well, TWO FOR THE PRICE OF ONE! *summons illusionary doubles of herself* AHAHAHA!
Matsuri: "..." *narrows her eyes*
Suzune: *glancing at each one*
kagari: do you really think you can stop me? i wont stop until you suffer like she did!
Suzune: "...I doubt that."
Matsuri: "..." *aims at one copy*
kagari: ah-
Matsuri: *SLICE*
kagari: GRK- m-matsuri....*laughs* h-how could you? and to your dear big sister too~?
Matsuri: "...I'm sorry." *knocks her in the head*
kagari: nghh....
Matsuri: "..." *looks at Suzune* "You look hurt..."
suzune: she got me good....*coughing blood* s-shit....y-you ok, matsuri?
Matsuri: "Yes..." *helps her up*
suzune: *stumbles* please, dont bother with me...
Matsuri: "Be quiet. You need help..."
suzune: you'd really help a killer?
Matsuri: "...Why do you do it? Why do you kill?"
suzune:...tsubaki contracted illegally...she became a monster as a result....i dont want any other illegal contractor to share that fate...
Matsuri: "And killing them is better?"
Matsuri: "...Let's get you to medical."
suzune:....you hate me, dont you?
Matsuri: "I just...don't want anyone else to die."
Jeje: "..."
Mikuni: "La la la..."
Johannes: *trying to capture a cricket on the windowsill*
metsu: *checking the money and writing notes*
Jeje: *looks over the notes*
-mostly just how much money was made that day and such. work related stuff mostly-
Mikuni: "New dress for Abel! Do we have the money for it?!"
Johannes: *holds up the jar with the cricket* "New specimen!"
metsu: depends on if we have coupons, and also that is a cricket.
Mikuni: OwO; "..." *hunts through the newspaper for coupons*
Johannes: -_-# "It will be a _vampire_ cricket..."
Jeje: "Ssss..."
metsu: *sigh* *glances at the calendar* .... summer will be here before we know it.
Johannes: "Yay!" *opens the closet, dives in...exits in an old-fashioned swimsuit with a duck floaty on, holding a kiddie pool*
Mikuni: *already has Abel in a sundress and holds a pitcher of water* "Fill up the pool!"
metsu: *sweatdrop*
frances: good morning, gentlemen~ ^^
Dumas: *looks around, feeling a dangerous aura*
Cervantes: *sipping his drink through a straw*
frances: mr dumas, i've received some interesting information about you through a contact of mine~ does the 'chateau d'lf' ring any bells to you?
Cervantes: "Hang on...I remember being around there..."
frances: my contact mentioned they know who put you there, i will allow you to visit europe to meet them, on condition that you three will officially join the consultation office~ now gentlemen....do we have a deal~?
frances: i'll add an additional wager, do so, and i wont tell anyone about your little 'prison escape' friend~<3
Cervantes: "..." *slams the drink down, slides it away...adjusts the straw, crosses his arms* "Pardon me, ma'am, but we are an independent operation, not for 'joining.' We are, how should I put it...three...three...Um...Three blind mice? Three stooges--"
Dumas: *covers Cervantes's mouth* -_-# "And what, if you tell, I have to run off again?"
marquis: OxO h-how does she know about that?
frances: well, if you three wish to be arrested, by all means, run off~
Cervantes: OxO
marquis: yeeeeah no thanks. ^^;;;;;
Dumas: -_-###
frances: do we have a deal?
Cervantes: *gulps* "I-I'll leave it to Dumas..."
Dumas: "...When do we leave?"
izumi: dad? you up yet?
Spirit: *yawns, stretches* "Yeah...Hey, kiddo."
izumi: can i talk to you about something?
Spirit: "Sure..."
-she explains everything-
Spirit: "Izumi...I'm sorry."
izumi: you're not mad at me?
Spirit: "Of course not! I mean, I would never be angry with you over what you want to do. I'm sorry for not letting you know that more..."
izumi:....i still dont know what i want to do...
Spirit: "Well, I can say one thing: I don't want you to drop out of the DWMA--not yet. You still have the rest of this semester to finish..."
izumi: i wont. i'll finish through NOT classes before i decide what i want to do...
Spirit: *nods* "Okay. Whether you stay or not, I promise, I will support your decision--so long as you stay in some school."
izumi: ok. *hugs* thanks, dad.
Spirit: *pat pat* "You're welcome. Please, don't ever be afraid to talk about this..."
Rin: *snoozing in his plane seat*
stocking: *looking out the window*
Rin: *shifts in his seat, muttering*
Flight Attendant: "May I get you something to drink, ma'am?"
stocking: some raspberry iced tea please.
Flight Attendant: "Right away! And you, sir--"
Rin: *sleep talk* "Fizzy lifting drink..." "
Flight Attendant: "..." *writes down 'soda'* "And you, ma'am?
shura: im good.
Flight Attendant: "Very good." *leaves*
Rin: *sits up* "Hmm...Did we forget someone?"
Shima: *somehow buried under snow*
stocking: probably no one important.
Rin: "Yeah, you're right...When we get home, I need to scoop up the ice in the back of the freezer, make it into a snowball, and throw it at Bon."
Bon: "..." *writes a note: 'Toss something at Rin'*
Walter: "He's been in there for hours...Or maybe just minutes."
leroux: did something happen?
Walter: "Nothing much--he checked the mail, took some package for himself, ran into your room--"
Kafka: *opens the package, showing a book* "TEACH ME TO DANCE!"
leroux: oh dear...
Walter: "--and I just keep hearing some '3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3' pattern with music. I think it's the waltz?"
leroux: seems so.
Dabi: =_=### ("Kill kill kill kill--")
Queen: *feet on the table, sipping a milk carton*
banshee: ^^; he's....enthusiastic...
Peter: "I guess we haven't had the best introductions yet--Hi, I'm Peter!"
banshee: komachi.
Masked Student: "...Stevi."
Tall Student: "CALL ME SIMON!"
Twice: "Wow, you're a tall drink of water, ain't ya?!" *suddenly pulls open Simon's mouth* "HOW DID YOU GET SO BIG?! DID YOU EAT ALVIN AND THEODORE?!"
tomura: *glances at queen*
Queen: "...'Queen.' I said it in class. You deaf?"
himiko: noooo, like what's your naaaaaame!
Queen: "...I'm not fucking telling you my name."
himiko: ruuuuude. =3=
???: *a lanky student with big glasses* "Nevermind her--Queen's just always a little anxious around strangers..."
Stanley: *whistles innocently*
banshee: ... ^-^;
Mustard: "So, what do people do for fun at this school--"
Simon: "HOLD THE PHONE!" *hands his phone to Stevi*
Stevi: "..." *holds up the phone* *thumbs up*
*music kicks in*
Stevi: *films as a flash mob starts*
-the students start dancing and singing-
Dabi: =_=#
tomura:.....(i...fucking....hate this place.)
Twice: *doing the monkey*
Kepuri: "Okay, try them out, WASHU." *she's designed robotic butterfly wings*
WASHU: ^o^
GET: -_-#
Kepuri: "Okay, now try flapping..." *jotting notes*
GET: *tugs on Yohei's pants leg*
yohei: *hug*
Tanizaki: *reviewing files*
atsushi: have any plans for today, tanizaki?
Tanizaki: "So far, just scheduling the next jobs and interviews for potential jobs..." *stretches* "I think I'll head out to run some errands."
kirako: *hands him a list*
Tanizaki: "Oh?" *reviews* "Seems do-able...Anything to add?"
-mostly the list includes snacks, bandages, baby toys, printer paper, and such-
Tanizaki: "Looks like a bit, though...Anyone up for going?"
sylvia: i-i'll come along..
Tanizaki: "Oh, cool!" *hands her a bag* "This'll help with carrying stuff."
sylvia: i-i'll d-do my best!
Tanizaki: ^^; "We'll even pick up some snacks."
principal: so you wish for us to rehabilitate miss amano, miss hinata?
Matsuri: "...I don't know whether it is the right thing to do in the long term...but for now, I think it's our best shot..."
principal: hmmm, well, she will need to be rehabilitated in the detention center for at least a week, just to evaluate her.
Matsuri: "...No visitors?"
principal:....i cant guarantee that at this time.
Matsuri: "...Okay. Is there anything else?"
principal: i've contacted miss kanade's family, and the funeral will be scheduled for this weekend.
Matsuri: "..." *shakes*
principal:....*pats on the back* she was a good student, and a good friend.
Matsuri: *breaks down crying*
principal:.....*awkward hug*
0 notes