#the days of young herc are just...so very Disney
swan2swan · 8 months
Rewatching Hercules and...hm.
It's definitely GOOD, I love the art style and all, but...maybe it's just because of this Disney Era, but I can see the Decline. It's very, very, very Paint-By-Numbers. From the colors to the script to the songs to the pacing to the tone.
It's impressive by a lot of standards, but it's definitely one of the weakest of the 90s era.
Danny DeVito's here now, though, so it's definitely taken an upswing.
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kouros-herc · 9 months
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For the second day of Christmas your true love gave to you, A re-imagining of disney songs for your characters @kenneth-carson
Character Study/Discussion below
Benjamin Drakken - Go The Distance
Like a lot of these, at first glance it seems mad BUT hear me out. One of the things that makes Drakken compelling as a character and a baddie is his persistence and drive and intensity. All qualities we might praise him for if his goal wasn't ... you know, global domination. I think this song can be re-imagined to that sort of intense passion and dedication to his goal.
Ken Carson (ft. Hercules) - Love Is An Open Door
While I don't mean this as a sort of romantic thing, Ken is a character who is discovering his life outside his family and the metaphorical enclosure of that! Herc is likewise looking for people in his life he can let in and share it with and embrace and this song as so much of that naive but endearing warmth about it. Also "we finish each others-" "Sandwiches!" "Thats what I was going to say!" is canonical Kerc dumbassery.
Gabriella Marino (ft. Eric (SOB)) - Love Will Find A Way
First off I am so sorry. But tragic lovers doomed by their opposition in the narratives of their lives who despite that are able to get to know each other as people and ... mean a lot to each other ... I'm not wrong.
Qin Su - What Else Can I Do?
Su is a badass! A witch finding her feet and grappling with what she wants her specialty to be and how to embrace her gifts towards the area of plants and wood witchery? I think this song captures some of that excitement and energy and intrigue. What else can Su do? I can't wait to see.
David Hatter - When Will My Life Begin?
It's on account of Keanue's long luscious locks. Joking! But it's actually because I see Hatter as a man who accidentally hit pause on his life a long time ago - he had to, he had his little siblings to look after and his personal dreams had to take a back seat. So he's been going through life being brilliant at what he does but is he really living. Hopefully Marlin can help him explore that a bit more!
Cruz Ramirez - I'll Make A Man Magic Grand Prix Champion Out Of You
Who wouldn't want to see a Cruz training montage of her being awesome and whipping her new recruits into shape! Cruz is a teacher and a leader and dedicates herself to helping people bring the very best out of themselves, and she deserves a main character moment musical number to celebrate that.
James Jones Sr (ft. James Jones Jr) - Mine, Mine, Mine
Sorry to assign Hook a rampant capitalist villain song but I like the way this song also has that element of disdain for other people in it that we've seen with Hook's hatred of Magicks. We also see some of the chip on the shoulder of the rejection from high society with the stuff about how he'll be able to gain favour with everyone at court by his exploits. I also just think that the John Smith half of the song sort of fits into how young James is this idealistic adventurer who things all of this will be some grand adventure! Which is maybe not exactly the reality of life as a pirate and magick hunter.
Toby Determined - Almost There
I know how much you've spoken about Toby having this desire to be great and brilliant and how that constantly motivates him to push boundaries and maybe push through some of them sometimes. So I thought that sentiment of reaching out for something that is just out of reach but you can almost feel would fit him in an interesting way.
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pkmn-downtheline · 2 years
How about a Disney AU? Like, what movies the fankids would be in, what characters (or roles) they’d play, and what their animal companion would be? Like, would Amber play Snow White or someone else? Would Kierra and Lia be Anna and Elsa? Etc.
Ohhh this is interesting... I've never thought about that before. I'm not sure any disney movie fits the kids to a tee, but I think there are elements of disney movies that fit a lot of them. So I'll go with that!
I actually like what you said about Kierra and Lia having Elsa and Anna vibes cause... They sort of do LOL The sibling tension between the bubbly girl and the introverted girl is definitely there.
Why does The Little Mermaid sort of give me Allie and Briar vibes? Like, I don't exactly have a reason WHY... I just feel it. Maybe I just want to see Allie as a singing mermaid lol Amber is Flounder lmaaoooo I can also just see a mermaid Allie being WAY too curious about the human world and wanting to know more about it.
Eric doesn't really give me Briar vibes. But you know who DOES? Hercules. I can kind of see Meg maybe giving me some Allie vibes, but not really. Meg is more like... I dunno, Julia maybe LOL But Herc fits Briar so well. He's a guy with a golden heart who wants to be a hero. It's perfect!
You know, I can also see Aladdin working for Briar and Allie, for some reason. Like, if I had to pick a movie to pair them together in where they both fit the characters like... 75% of the way, I think it'd be that one, maybe.
I can see a Beauty and the Beast setting working for Lizzie and Skye. Bookworm with no friends falling in love with an angry moron who can't fucking read. There's one fatal flaw in this narrative, though--as if Lizzie would ever take Paul's place as a prisoner in the dungeon of a beast loool She'd just be like, "Nope. See you later. Have fun eating my dad or whatever." LOL
There are also a lot of elements from the Lion King that work well with Skye. Cocky young Simba who can't wait to be king, laughs in the face of danger, and needs a scolding from his father for doing something stupid and reckless. That's Skye lol But also... Simba's arc in the second half of the movie is very reminiscent of some of the stuff Skye deals with come Sinnoh that I'm not gonna detail in a Disney AU post loool
Gosh, I don't really know for Amber... I guess... Yeah, maybe Snow White?? With the whole singing to birds thing... Or was that Cinderella? Those early Disney movies all kind of blend together for me lol I feel like I'm doing Amber dirty by not giving her a movie, tho. Bu none of them really SUPER stand out to me, tho?
Also, honorable mention to Bell. She and her Totodile have Lilo and Stitch energy lol Lilo is the agent for chaos that Bell would 100% embody.
This is unrelated to this AU, but did you guys know we decided to give Lizzie a dead brother figure after watching Big Hero 6 for the first time? There's your fun fact of the day.
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i-prefer-wonderboy · 5 years
I'm so happy I found your blog! Hercules holds a very dear place in my heart, too. I agree with you that it's underrated, like so many other actual classics that have been cast aside. I have vague memories of when it came out in theaters. Going to see it, and coming home with a cardboard box full of little Hercules treasures that I think were part of the premiere. Like many 90s Disney films, the soundtrack stands the test of time. I could go on forever, but I'm down to 8 characters, lol.
Awww, thank you so much! This movie means so much to me. I’m really glad that creating this blog has been so positively received by the Disney community here on tumblr. I was so anxious about doing it because most Disney blogs focus on all the movies or specific eras. And most of the ones that are one movie/franchise centric are for newer films that came out within the past decade (mostly Tangled and Frozen from what I’ve seen). So I was self conscious about making a blog for a Disney movie that is over 20 years old, probably isn’t in the conscience of the masses, and doesn’t have any new content coming. But in the end, the love was too strong and it won.
I just love Hercules so much. I honestly think it’s my favorite Disney movie. I’ve tried to deny that it’s my number one, but I really think it is. There’s just something so unique and unconventional about it compared to other Disney movies. While I do love all the animated Disney movies to a degree, my personal taste in favorites tend to gravitate towards the non-princess/fairytale/animal films (Hercules, Lilo and Stitch, Treasure Planet, and Atlantis to name a few). That feels very niche, but it is what it is and I know what I like.
And yes, Hercules is definitely underrated (not the most underrated but definitely up there). It’s so hard to find merch out there (especially in the parks) and Disney hardly ever acknowledges its existence. But that’s amazing that you got to see it in theaters. I really wish I did, but the first animated Disney movie I saw in theaters was Mulan a year later (I was 7). But I had the Hercules VHS (which I still have even now as an adult) and I remember having some Hercules toys (none of the dolls sadly). And I watched the animated series too ( rewatching that on Disney Plus has been such a treat!). I wish I wasn’t so young back then so I could have experienced it and actually remembered it.But anyways…that’s so cool! 
My obsession with Hercules didn’t really blossom until I became an adult though. In 2009, at the age of 18, I went to Disney World for the first time (I went twice that year actually). And it sparked this new love and appreciation for everything Disney that wasn’t really wasn’t a big part of my life since childhood. But after that I took a deep dive into a lot of the Disney movies that I honestly hadn’t watched since I was a child. And I don’t know why, but Hercules just really resonated with me and I loved it so much. Then that love ran its course and died down for about 10 years….but I still loved it and Disney. But this past summer I did a rewatch of most of the animated Disney movies (from Snow White to Wreck It Ralph 2) before going to Disney World back in September (which has been an almost annual thing for me since 2009). I reconnected with my Hercules love and it made me really happy. And now I’m like a hardcore fan. So I decided to make this blog. As a place where I could fangirl about it, but also share it with others and contribute to keeping whatever love there is for Hercules thriving.
And I’m really glad that other people love this movie as much as I do. Just everything about it is so good. The style, the colors, the animation, the music, the characters and their development (Herc and Meg at least), the script, the story, the voice acting…..everything! I don’t care that it’s not perfect. I don’t care that it obliterates Greek mythology. I don’t care if it’s a weird movie to be obsessed with. I don’t care that I am a grown adult obsessed with a “kid’s” movie. It’s a feel good movie, it’s relatable, and it’s inspiring. 
I just adore Hercules so much and could gush about it all day. Please come talk to me about it anytime. I’m always willing. :)
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whenhelbreaksloose · 5 years
One Heck of a Beginning
Disclaimer: I do not own Disney characters, I do not own or represent Disney. I make no money off of this. The only think I get from it is embarrassment and exposing poor unsuspecting people to my obsession, stories and characters.
A/N: This is perhaps my first story that I have written. I've been in love with the show and movie ever since I was a kid and it really began my lifelong obsession with Myth. This story takes place a few years after the Movie, and makes heavy references to the show as well as history and other mythologies. It is very heavily influenced by the episode Twilight of The Gods, and so a lot of the scenery will take place in Germany.
Rated T for minor language and violence
Things have quieted down years later. Quite a few years later since… The incident. The incident of all incidents. Should it really be called an incident? The word Incident really seems to be downplaying what happened. What about Titan cataclysm? Would that work? No? Well anyways, time had passed since that cataclysmal event. Titans were taken care of, gods were punished, maybe redeemed, but this is not that kind of story. This is a story of something completely different. This is a story about misunderstandings.
Just as Apollo began his journey across the sky it became routine for the no longer young Hercules to wake up at dawn break, jog a mile, and pick up the newspaper. He was always back just in time for when Meg woke up. He could not even shut the door quietly behind him before the sound of sandaled feet running towards him accompanied by a squeal of "Dad! Dad!" hit him followed by the sensation of a tiny body running into him from behind. The impact startled him more than any force his son Hyllus could throw at him.
"Woah, hey Hyllus, remember what I said about keeping it down while Mom is asleep?" He whispered and picked up the boy letting the kid drape himself over his shoulder. "Dad!" Hyllus quickly lowered his voice, "Dad, there's some bar-"
"I'm awake but it's the thought that counts." Meg spoke while leaning against the doorway holding a small krater of coffee in her hand.
He smiled weakly and sat Hyllus back down on to his feet. "Sorry." He stepped towards her leaning in to place a kiss on her but she stepped away.
"We got company." She nodded her head towards the other room with a smile.
He blinked, his blues eyes falling onto the door way and just hovering in the opening. Hercules recognized the hovering blue god before him, or at least he did. He almost mistook him for Hermes but it was the tiny beard on his chin and furs that gave it away. Hercules squinted at the familiar and near identical messenger. "Herm-?"
"Hermond." The northern messenger finished, "Remember me? Of course you do! It's been a while!"
"Oh right! Hermond! From the Norse Pantheon! I remember now." Hercules slapped the side of his head. It had been more than a decade since he had put an end to the Ragnarok prophecy. "What brings you here? Is everything okay? Should we get you anything?"
"No, no but thank you. I was just stopping by to deliver this invitation to Oktoberfest. Odin extended an invitation to Zeus and Hera this year and they suggested that maybe you and the family would enjoy the festivities. Odin also sends his belated congratulations on achieving your divinity-" He adjusted his glasses as Herc scratched the back of his head sheepishly, "Although, it seems you are currently without it. Not a problem since the festivities will be held on Midgard in Munich. Not bad this time of year, and I hear it's really growing a marvelous art community. You really-"
"Thank you. Thank you for the invite." Meg cut off. Something did not feel right, not that she didn't trust the machinations of all powerful deities, well actually, she didn't trust the hidden machinations of all powerful deities. "And we really appreciate it but, you know Hyllos, here is about to start school soon, and-"
Herc gave her a confused look. Hyllus' school didn't start for a couple of weeks, and he couldn't see anything wrong with the very promising idea of a small vacation, and festival. "I thought school wasn't for another couple of weeks.."
"Yeah mom! It's not yet! I can go too!" Hyllus spoke up.
Meg bent down to grab his hand and pull him aside. "Oh kay, You remember what I said about conveniently jumping into the middle of adult conversation and how you really shouldn't do that? Also you need to pick up your room, I don't think you made your bed yet and I can tell you didn't brush your teeth." She looked up as Hyllus pulled away with a pout and trounced off to his room. Her worried purple eyes meeting her husband's. It was then he knew something was wrong, so he turned to Hermond.
"I, just got to speak with the missus, I'll be right back with an answer."
Hermond nodded to him, letting the demi-god break disappear into the kitchen.
"Okay, what is wrong? I can stay here if you like, but I really don't see anything wrong Meg. They're good people."
Meg sighed, looking up at him. Something felt off, like things could go wrong. "I know, I know. It's just that, you know, whenever you get called for these kinds of things, trouble rears it ugly head and you run off rushing to adventure."
"Meg, I'm a Hero."
"I know, and I don't have a problem with that, it's just that we have a kid now."
His shoulders dropped as he realized the weight of keeping not just her safe but their son as well. "Okay. You're right." He sighed and turned to let the blue God know, "I'll let him know, we got too much to take care of at the moment."
Meg frowned, seeing that perhaps Herc missed out on adventuring, and maybe she was being just a little paranoid. Before he could leave the room, she spoke up.
"You know, I don't really have a problem with you going."
He stopped, looking to her smiling face. "why don't you invite a friend, or the old goat. I can take Hyllos shopping, and maybe even make it a day to spend at your parent's house kind of thing."
'Are you sure?" He asked, a smile returning to his face, knowing that despite how she felt, she was willing to put forth an effort to make him happy. "I mean, you don't have to do this, I-"
She punched him playfully in the shoulder. "Go on, Wonderboy, go have your fun. Invite a couple of friends or even the old goat. Make it a guy's night if you want to."
"Are you sure?"
"Go! Go have fun you dork."
Herc snorted through his nose, "Dork? Okay, I'll let Hermond know." Before he headed back into the living room, he turned back to her. "I love you."
Prior to the festival, Hercules could think of no one else to invite other than his long time friend Icarus, and Philitetes, although it took a little convincing for the old goat. He was not too keen on the snowy place, or the possibility of being stuck rhyming again but the promise of seeing the valkeries and a festival of drinking and eating was not to be passed up. It had been years since he had been to Germany, and this time it wasn't completely that cold. Snow had barely fallen. By barely fallen, that means there was about a foot of snow. So not bad at all!
When the three of them got off of Pegasus, they stood in the middle of town in awe. Well Not entirely awe, for you see, the town of Munich was possibly one of the largest Barbarian towns he had ever seen. Meaning that instead of about nine huts, there were possibly double that. As for a thriving art scene, it was a few stalls selling Kuckoo clocks, carvings of bears, and some musicians blowing away on horns.
Phil slapped his forehead and yelled, "It's just a dump again!"
"WOAH! They got the old world old school charm!" Icarus yells, clasping his head. "You probably haven't heard about it." He changes his voice and flicks his scarf around his neck, now donning a new persona, "It's really obscure."
"Oh, I didn't realize being out of date and rundown was obscure!" Phil yelled back, face reddening. His hand flourishes and lands on his chest, "Oh pardon me!"
"Well, I guess it's not so bad, it kind of have its charm." Herc says trying to calm his satyr mentor, but he was partially distracted as he dug through his satchel, pulling out a scroll. He would not have to work too hard to distract the old goat because a dozen damsels wearing dirndls daintily dawdled down towards the center square.
"Yeah, I see it now. This town really does have its charm." Phil rubbed his hands together while his tongue hung out. "Don't wait up for me boys! I'll join you later!" And in an instant, he was off trotting after the ladies.
"Wait! Phil!" Icarus yelled, waving his hands frantically but not giving chase, "You forgot your invite!"
Herc looks down to the scroll in his hands and compares it to the sun. "Well we have some time to wander around before joining my parents later on. We'll bump into him again. In the meantime, let's take a look around." And so the two of them wandered around the festivities, helping themselves to drinks, music and the sights. One of the sights led them towards a street filled with markets.
"Oh Herc! We need to stop there! I promised Dadalus that I'd bring back a souvenir!"
Icarus ran off excitedly down the street, which would not have been much of a problem for Herc to run after him except he felt a smaller hand on his shoulder .
"There you are! Herc babe I've been looking everywhere for you!"
The demigod whirled around expecting Hermond but instead found Hermes.
"Oh! Hermes! Sorry we were searching for where to meet you guys later, we just got a bit distracted."
Herc turned his head back to look for his friend but had managed to lose his friend already.
"Oh that's fine babe, the shindig isn't until later on tonight and you got time, if you got time, I got someone that would like to speak with you. It shouldn't take long."
Herc raised his eyebrows and looked over his shoulder again. He was sure Icarus was a grown man and quite frankly this town wasn't really all that big, he figured he could easily find him again. "Oh of course. I don't see right-"
One minute he was in the market place and the next he was by a cordoned off area standing before a large armored god standing between them and the stanchion that lead to the section reserved for the divine.
"We're just checking in to speak with Tyr and Balder, Heimdall." Hermes assured the all-seeing God.
Heimdall looked down to his list to mark them off, but in the meantime, Hercules' eyes spotted two younger deities, that looked not much older than thirteen. One was bright white with golden hair carrying a large sword while the other standing opposed to him had much darker tones of purple and black hair. He couldn't hear what was being said but it was enough to make the purple one storm off into a wall of shadows. Hercules frowned. Something felt worrying, and something about the exchange seemed way too familiar. The younger white god turned around to approach a much older one with one arm sitting at a table.
"Herc! C'mon let's go!"
He followed after the blue messenger towards a long table set up next to an open space with archery targets, weapons and shields lined the outside of it. The two gods looked up to them, the younger white one even waved with a week smile.
"Tyr, god of Wars and Balder young god of Heroes and light, I bring you Hero of Greece and son of Zeus, Hercules." Hermes winced as he heard something, someone with a long beard and penchant for zapping people with thunder bolts was calling him not too far away. "Oh! I'll be right back, I got to take this one!" And the blue god was gone before the three other males could blink.
Tyr stood up and held his hand out to shake Hercules' hand, "Pleased to formerly meet you. Thank you for meeting with us. Shame we hadn't met sooner. I would have loved to challenge you after you defeated Thor. " Tyr motioned to the younger white god, "Had to be training Balder here." He slapped a hand on Balder's shoulder, causing the teen to jolt forward a bit.
Hercules shook Tyr's hand, feeling a bit taken by this war god's courteous yet boisterous attitude. "Um, Thanks I guess, but honestly, it's rather embarrassing.."
"Eh, don't beat yourself up over it. Loki has pulled a fast one on everyone on Asgard." Tyr's voice lowered as glanced sideways, "It was only a matter of time before he moved on to some new victims anyways." Tyr straightened up, picking his cheeriness back up. "Well, he's locked away in Nifleheim, being tortured forever now, so no need to worry about that now!"
Hercules laughed nervously and looking down to Balder who had his arms crossed and looked off to the side. The young god looked up at the demigod for a second, and the guilty was quickly replaced by a cheerful smile. Hercules instantly recognized that of a guilty child attempting to hide something. He wasn't here to bust the kid's chops though.
"Training huh?" Herc asked. "What kind of training? Is it for being the God of heroes?" It was a bit strange to him that a young god that had to be trained was already being declared a god of heroes.
Balder looked down to the side and smiled a bit, "Something like that."
Tyr rested his heavy stump of an arm on Balder's head, "About that! I understand you have since retired from the Hero-ing business, but Balder here, has been prophesied to be our god of heroes but he's been having a bit of problem-" And now all the charm that Tyr previously had began to wither away as he leaned into Herc, "He's got a bit of a flinching problem.. Even tries talking to his foes."
Balder's cheeks brightened into a warm glow as he pouted.
"Well, what's wrong with that?"
That question made Tyr stop and blink as his brain tried to determine whether Herc was joking or not. Balder peeked upwards at the demigod, the glow in his cheeks fading.
The awkward silence was broken up by the ground giving a small shake beneath their feet.
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boss-hoody · 6 years
A Kingdom Hearts 3: world-by-world review I guess
when I say “Area” I mean parts of the world separated by loading screen OLYMPUS Consisting of 3 areas, Olympus had itself a major upgrade from its past appearances. The Colosseum is nowhere to be seen, (same with the underworld), and has been replaced by a large town and Mount Olympus itself. The third area you visit in Olympus is “realm of the gods”, and the presentation of this area’s entrance was a legitimate “Stop and look at how pretty this is” moment The gameplay in this world was pretty varied, as it served as your tutorial world, teaching you the various forms of movement and combat the game has to offer, as well as showing you early that enemies can have elemental weaknesses. Story wise, Sora is there to ask Herc’s advice on how to regain the power he lost and ends up showing up at the wrong (right?) time as Hades has finally put his 18 year plan into action and released the titans (All four of them this time)
The (very nice) cutscene that brings us into this world is also the one and only mention and appearance of Final Fantasy characters (Cloud and Auron) in the entire game’s story, which is extremely disappointing and a mark against the game as a whole. 4/5
TWILIGHT TOWN I was really looking forward to jumping back into Twilight town, exploring the streets, the tunnels, and all that again. But sadly, Twilight town, while receiving an aesthetic upgrade, only consists of 1 area consisting of Tram common (Now called “the neighbourhood), the forest and mansion, and a single tunnel connecting them (the hole in the wall is gone). There is no exploration of the mansion.
Its also home to the cooking mini game
2/5 (1 point for cooking mini game which is surprisingly fun, and 1 point only because of the atmosphere created by the NPCs and music)
KINGDOM OF CORONA This world is where the game really sines for the first time. Olympus was great, but it was clearly designed as a tutorial area, and Twilight Town lacked anything resembling gameplay content, but Kingdom of Corona makes up for that quickly with a vast forest and a small lively town to explore. Rapunzel constantly wanders off to look at things, which create a number of small character moments and not-quite-mini games you need to do to progress and also helps to make Sora seem more involved. The dancing actual-mini game in the town square was pretty fun once I got the hang of it and realized the symbols on the floor corresponded to buttons based on color, not shape.
Story wise it was a bit janky. The story follows the plot of the movie (Unlike Toy Box, which seems to take place somewhere between Toy story 1 and 2), but Sora becomes separated from Flynn and Punz a couple times, and story progresses without him or us present. At some point Flynn told Rapunzel his real name apparently? And Flynn was knocked out and tied to a boat but we never see it happening. He’s just suddenly tied to a boat an unconscious. Rapunzel’s healing hair comes out of nowhere, as does the song sung to make its magic work. When she rubs her hair on his wound and starts singing as he lay there dying, you might be extremely confused if you hadn’t seen the movie. And by “Might” I mean “WILL”
This world did something interesting with its music that I wish Toy Box had done. When you enter a certain area of the forest, the music (and battle music) change to suit the atmosphere of the area. It was a small touch but it was appreciated and missed once I got to Toy Box...
This is also the first world where we encounter the Nobodies.
4/5. It loses a point for the janky story, but everything else was great
TOY BOX Consisting of two areas, Toy box becomes massive as soon as you leave Andy’s room. It was bizarre running around in a photo realistic suburban street as a tiny toy, (and the fact that you’re a toy in this world is the only reason I like it) and the toy store, Galaxy Toys, is a massive 3 floor area full of toy mechs (seriously they spawn in with regular enemies, you can end up with 5 of them on you very fast).
The mech gameplay was surprisingly fleshed out for a one-world wonder. There are three types of mechs, red, blue, and purple, and they seem to work in a rock-paper-scissors type of deal. Purple has an advantage on red, red has an advantage on blue, and blue has an advantage on purple. Each of the mechs has a different amount of health and firing speed to balance them out further.
The world loses points with me however due to the fact that an instrumental version of “You’ve got a friend in me” is playing throughout the whole world. It became grating very fast and its still stuck in my head.
MONSTEROPLOUS  Taking place almost entirely in doors, this world feels a lot like Kingdom Hearts 2 in the worst way (Hallway, arena, hallway), broken up by rail segments. The “arena” sections at least try to keep things interesting though, with one becoming a  “the walls are a hazard” type of deal. This world introduces us to the Unversed and is actually the only world where they appear, so there’s not many of them.
The battle music in this world was also great. I don’t know, there was just something about it that jived with me.
Story wise, this world takes place after the first Monster’s Inc movie. Sully is the CEO, and laugh energy is the new hotness. Randal is back thanks to his new friend and literally wants to make all children suffer chronic depression forever because, while its not as strong as laughter, sadness is a far more abundant form of energy or something.
Other than that, there’s not much to say about this world. Its not bad, but its not great
3/5 (the fact that it has its own story instead of following the plot of the movie earns it an additional point.
ARENDELLE This was the first world where it really felt like “Disney shenanigans”. Sora was just kind of there while the plot of Frozen happened, and like with Tangled, the story progressed without Sora or us present, and again, if you hadn’t seen the movie, you’d be lost. Unlike tangled, it lacked little character interactions to at least make Sora feel connected in some way.
The boss in this world was a combination of amazing cinematic attacks and a rehash of Scar in KH2, and your Disney buddy for this world was a legitimate surprise.
I enjoyed the reindeer Heartless in this world too. Not only do they take huge damage from fire, but it also melts their antlers, preventing them from using their annoying attacks. However Donald the super-genius would often hit them with Blizzard which would give their antlers back...
THE CARIBBEAN  This world. THIS FUCKING WORLD Its so good. Its perfect. Its like its own game There’s a huge ocean full of little islands to explore, the under water combat WORKS and is FUN. The primary heartless you’ll run into under water is a fish that changes color, and is weak to a different element depending on said color, giving you something to think about while fighting it. You can just wale on it if you want, or you can use magic and work out its weakness to dispatch it quickly.
You get your own pirate ship. SORA FINALLY LIVIN THE DREAM! The pirate ship can be upgraded for more health and canons by finding white crabs (Can’t explain how that works without spoilers), it has its own reaction commands that devastate enemy ships, OH and there are ENEMY SHIPS. SHIP BATTLES. SHIP ON SHIP COMBAT
Again tho, like with Tangled and Frozen, the story likes to progress while Sora is off dicking around. However, the supporting characters do a better job of explaining what happened while Sora was AFK than anyone in Corona or Arendelle did. The fact that Sora is already familiar with most of the cast thanks to KH2 also helps this along a bit tho. Sora doesn’t feel completely tacked on despite being completely tacked on.
Despite the negatives, the gameplay of this world makes up for all of it
7.5/5: Too much water
SAN FRANSOKIO The story does what Kingdom Hearts 3 worlds haven proven to do best and does its own thing. Sora arrives in San fransokyo some time after the events of Big Hero 6. Hiro has built a new Baymax but is still torn up about the original his brother built being lost to the void, and now weird robot heartless are attacking (Hint: Bring thunder) Sora makes fast friends with the crew (as he tends to do) and through helping them with the heartless, gives each member ideas on how they can upgrade their gear.
The world consists of 2 areas. Hiro’s garage, and downtown San Fransokyo, which is basically mini spider-man PS4. While in Hero’s garage, you can choose to explore the city during the day or night. Heartless do not appear during the day, so if you just wanna run around and explore, find treasure and hidden mickey’s, hit the town during the day. But if you’re looking to level up (and this is the final world with enemy spawns so you will be) then you should hit the town at night.
While the downtown area is small (especially just coming off the open seas of the pirates world), it makes up for it in both verticality and density.
4/5 (Extra point added for the presence of Thigh queen Go Go Tomago)
100 ACRE WOOD Its a single area with 3 almost identical mini games, it’ll take you about 20 minutes to get through, there’s a keyblade at the end, 0/5
KEYBLADE GRAVEYARD This is the final world of the game and serves as the site for the final battles with the organization. Its basically a series of arena matches where Sora teams up with one or more of his friends to take on multiple members of the organization at once. It dominoes into the final conflict with the 3 main Norts. Young, Heartless, and Nobody all at once while Old man watches and throws Keyblades at you occasionally. 
Gameplay is all boss combat. Story is all PLOT
5/5 on both counts
THE FINAL WORLD Okay no THIS is the final world. Literally. Its entirely main plot based so I won’t go into any actual detail. It consists of a single room which is a giant cube puzzle (Not like the movie “Cube”, like you’re standing on a big cube thing). Which would be SUPER cool if it weren’t for the fact that Sora’s flow motion abilities completely break it.
Plot wise 5/5 Gameplay wise 1/5
SCALA AD CAELUM OKAY NO THIS IS THE REAL FINAL WORLD FOR REAL A city located in the past, this is the site of the true final battle with Xehanort and his 12 selves. you go up against the 12 all at once (they seem to share a health bar tho so its not that bad) as they utilize their own weapons (Xigbar’s guns, Marluxia’s scythe, etc, etc) to just honestly beat the hell out of you. A small section of town serves as your arena, making this perhaps the most geographically diverse fighting arena in the game’s history.
Once those naughty bois are shut down, Xehanort is like “Wanna see something cool?” and tosses you into a legitimately disorientating arena for the beginning of the final showdown between peace boy and naughty grandpa
There’s no gameplay here outside of combat and plot but its a 5/5 none the less
FINAL THOUGHTS This game was at its best when it wasn’t rehashing the plots of the worlds it visited (Tangled, Frozen, Pirates), but either doing its own thing (you know, the Kingdom Hearts plot?), creating new plots set in the worlds visited (Big Hero 6, toy Story, Monsters Inc.) or somehow doing a combo of the 3 (Hercules)
I found it EXTREMELY disappointing that all traces of original Square Enix characters are just gone. We get a single mention of Cloud and Auron in an exposition dump at the beginning of Olympus and thats it. And before you mention the main Nomura OC cast: they’re owned by Disney, not Square.
The game wrapped up pretty much all the major plot points and answered a lot of long standing questions, but also didn’t answer one question in particular that I’m sure has driven a lot of us into the depth of insanity. It also posses a couple new questions, such as “Who?” and “How?” and “What the fuck?” 
Overall, this game is at its best when its focusing on the main plot, with everything in between feeling more like filler... So a standard Kingdom Hearts game.
In the end, despite the lack of FF, and the falling into disney shenanigans, this was a great game and an excellent ending to the dark seeker saga. Going forward, I hope the future games (and there definitely will be future games, this is by no means the end of Kingdom Hearts) don’t do what this saga did and spread the plot over 200 games on 200 different consoles over 200 god damn years. If thats the case I think KH3 will be my jumping-off point. However, if they’ve come to their senses and choose to release the next saga of games like normal human beings instead of depraved madmen, I am 100% on board. However, seeing as Nomura is a depraved madman (see FFXV development for details) I am extremely cautious in my optimism.
Final score from me is 4.5/5: WHATS IN THE BOX?!
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junker-town · 4 years
What if NBA teams got to add one Disney character to their roster?
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We drafted a Disney character for each NBA team in the bubble.
The NBA is officially in the bubble on Disney World propery, getting ready for the return of the league on July 30th. In honor of this rare situation and the option of teams adding replacement players, we decided to take time to have some fun and see what it would be like if NBA teams could draft a Disney character for their team to use on the court. This is serious stuff!
The draft order was randomly selected and the only rule was that teams must choose an original Disney character, not franchise characters from Star Wars or Marvel. So we gathered our NBA writers that have respective teams in the bubble together and held a Disney character draft.
Here are the very important results:
1. Milwaukee Bucks - Robin Hood
Not only can he serve as a primary floor general, controlling his on-court compatriots with leadership skills sharpened on commanding a forest of misfits to upend the ruling class. He’ll run point, and there won’t be any questions about his ability to nail shots from deep, whether he’s slinking around picks like he’s climbing trees in a forest or just pulling up from the halfcourt logo before defenses know what hit him. Should Eric Bledsoe falter at all in the postseason, Bud has a tried and true replacement for him. I’d even venture to guess Hood may get the call sooner rather than later in the starting lineup.
- Adam Paris, BrewHoop (Read the full breakdown here)
2. Houston Rockets - Jiminy Cricket
If you thought the Rockets were small before, wait till you get a look at their newest addition. Doubling down on #PocketRockets, Houston not only added the smallest player in the draft but also one of the most dynamic. Crickets can jump over 50 times their body length, making them one of the animals kingdom’s most prolific leapers. The lob game that left James Harden when Clint Capela was traded just might return with this draft pick.
In addition, Jiminy has one of the highest basketball IQs in this draft class. Being that he’s actually just the embodiment of a conscience, he always knows the right decision to make on the court.
- Darren Yuvan, The Dream Shake (Read the full breakdown here)
3. New Orleans Pelicans - Simba
While Jrue Holiday, Derrick Favors and JJ Redick are a nice collection of veterans, none have an NBA championship ring sitting at home. In addition, the upcoming slate of contests will present an unprecedented challenge. There will be no crowds to create much needed momentum for players. The basketball courts at ESPN’s Wide World of Sports Complex will be unfamiliar terrain. And as we’ve learned in recent days, the Pelicans will be without at least two key figures (Jeff Bzdelik and Jamelle McMillan) on Alvin Gentry’s coaching staff.
- Oleh Kosel, The Bird Writes (Read the full breakdown here)
4. Utah Jazz - Maui
Maui? Are you kidding me? A shapeshifter fell this far? The Utah Jazz select Maui, Demi-God of the Wind and Sea, Hero of Men, and stretch four of Quin Snyder’s dreams.
Need someone to guard the perimeter? Boom. Shapeshift. Need switch onto a wing? Boom. Shapeshift. Need someone to take over in the paint? Boom. Shapeshift. AGAIN. This guy is the total package and sure to be a hit knowing Utah’s connection with the Polynesian islands.
- Mychal Lowman, SLC Dunk (Read the full breakdown here)
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5. Miami Heat - The Beast
His enormous ultra-athletic frame alone would be an intimidating presence in the paint, freeing up the Heat’s shooters on one end of the floor while also racking up blocks and rebounds on the other side. Whether he’s paired alongside Bam Adebayo to form a truly fearsome duo or in relief off the bench to boost the second unit, it’s a good problem to have for Erik Spoelstra and his coaching staff to see where he best fits before the games start up.
- Surya Fernandez, Hot Hot Hoops (Read the full breakdown here)
6. Washington Wizards - Mickey Mouse
This team is in desperate need of a sorcerer heading into Florida as the “cupcake” team of the field — Who else can be better than the OG of OG’s? Mickey by himself is a jack of all trades, like Bradley Beal is as a guard for Washington. Mickey can do everything on the court pretty well against smaller players. But I get it. He’s a mouse. That’s when his sorcerer hat (from Fantasia) comes in. Here, he can magically help his teammates in the post in the form of giving them a skill boost, or maybe he can magically grow himself!
- Albert Lee, Bullets Forever (Read the full breakdown here)
7. Los Angeles Lakers - The Genie
Genie is the perfect pick for the Lakers at No. 4, because he is one of the most versatile players in this draft. With the ability to change size at will and stretch and teleport himself all over the court, Genie is exactly the type of versatile contributor that will allow the Lakers to make up for any loss with his ability to play any position. Honestly, given the scope of his powers and abilities, the Lakers may have just created an unstoppable big three.
- Harrison Faigen, Silver Screen & Roll (Read the full breakdown here)
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8. Sacramento Kings - Hercules
Upon arrival, Hercules is expected to start alongside De’Aaron Fox, Bogdan Bogdanovic, Harrison Barnes and Richaun Holmes. Standing at 6’5”, Hercules, or “Herc,” is probably better suited to play the 1 or 2, but he has the strength to play the 3, 4 or 5, similar to Zion Williamson.
In addition to Hercules, the Kings are working to bring Hercules’ personal trainer Philocetes, or “Phil,” onto their training staff, according to a league source. Hercules credits Phil for all of his success to date, and the Kings could always use a player development coach.
- Christian Rivas, Sactown Royalty (Read the full breakdown here)
9. Phoenix Suns - Tarzan
The strategy was simple: we needed to replace the services of Kelly Oubre, Jr.
He’s quick. He’s agile. He has a killer wingspan. He adds toughness and a mean streak to the Suns roster. He’s high-flying and strong as hell. He hangs out with apes, so you know he and the Suns Gorilla would get along splendidly. Tarzan is made for the NBA. He is a steal at #9.
- John Voita, Bright Side of the Sun (Read the full breakdown here)
10. Brooklyn Nets - Moana
Yeah, the Nets need help. Lots of help. Especially when it comes to bigs. Soooo, I went and drafted the Nets the biggest Disney character I could: Moana. The biggest, you say? Yeah, the biggest. According to Google, Moana measures at 7-feet, 6-inches tall. Say it again. 7-feet, 6-inches tall. And, with speed.
- Tom Lorezno, Nets Daily (Read the full breakdown here)
11. OKC Thunder - James P. Sullivan (Sully)
James P. Sullivan would be the perfect addition to an already-stacked Oklahoma City Thunder team because the man is scary with a sweet soul that could light up any defense. Also, watching him throw alley-oops would be fun to watch.
Sullivan is also 7’6, which in NBA terms is huge to have on a team. He could block a lot of baskets and throw the basketball down the court with ease and could easily score on everyone without much effort.
Sullivan would fit perfectly in with the Thunder because he has a laid-back attitude and I could definitely see Steven Adams and him being best of friends and scaring other teammates with each other.
- Sarah Dewberry, Welcome To Loud City (Read the full breakdown here)
12. Orlando Magic - Peter Pan
As the proven leader of the Lost Boys, Peter Pan also gives the Magic’s young core some valuable leadership they’ll need while transforming into a contending team. And just think of what some of Peter’s Pixie Dust could do for the Magic’s crucial but plodding players like Nikola Vucevic and Evan Fournier.
- Mike Cali, Orlando Pinstriped Post (Read the full breakdown here)
13. San Antonio Spurs - EVE (a.k.a. Eva)
What Disney character better to represent Pop’s crew than EVE, the Extraterrestrial Vegetation Evaluator that wins the heart of the titular WAL-E?
EVE goes about her business with a calm, seemingly detached efficiency that belied the passion inside, but when the moment was big enough, was able to cut loose. EVE wreaked havoc on an abandoned shipyard in her frustration. EVE rebuilt WAL-E and sparked him back to life.
- Pounding The Rock
14. Toronto Raptors - Alice (Alice in Wonderland)
The on court stuff is obvious. Girl has magic mushrooms, given to her by her chain smoking caterpillar bud, that help her grow quite tall, which seems useful for basketball to me. With Marc Gasol deep in the throws of his mid-thirties and Chris Boucher being more of an erratic four than a steady back-up five, post-shrooms Alice fits as a rim protecting reserve who can give you 10 minutes, even while rocking dress flats. A 2019 Sixers team with such a reliable back-up may have beaten the Raptors in round two.
- Sean Woodley, Raptors HQ (Read the full breakdown here)
15. Los Angeles Clippers - Elastigirl
Elastigirl truly has no ego and is exactly the kind of hero who can easily slot in with an established team. She comes from a family of superheroes, so she is used to working together instead of going rogue. Elastigirl is willing to let others shine, which she does with Mr. Incredible, but she also has the capacity to take a leading role, like when she battles the Screenslaver. She has an acute understanding of how best to optimize the talents of others and bring our their peak performances, which Violet would surely attest to. A player who is comfortable sitting on the bench but always stays ready — after literally years of inaction, in one instance — is a crucial piece of a championship team.
- Sabreena Merchant, Clips Nation (Read the full breakdown here)
16. Denver Nuggets- Mr. Incredible
Mr. Incredible may have some selfish tendencies at times, but he’s at his best when he’s working within a team concept. Nikola Jokic is the brains behind the operation while Jamal Murray is often the tip of the spear. Sometimes you need a hammer though, and that’s what Mr. Incredible provides the rotation: brute force power and athleticism.
- Ryan Blackburn, Denver Stiffs (Read the full breakdown here)
17. Portland Trailblazers - Mufasa
Mufasa is clearly the most NBA-ready character in this draft class. We anticipate he’ll be able to lift teammates to new heights with his fantastic physique and off-the-charts leadership skills. Once he gets his footing, he’ll be a fantastic voice in the locker room. We suspect he dropped so low because he’s a bit shaky running the break and makes questionable decisions in traffic, but with help from the coaching staff, he should develop those skills as his career progresses. At the end of the day, we feel quite confident that we got the steal of the draft.
- Dave Deckard, Blazer’s Edge (Read the full breakdown here)
18. Memphis Grizzlies - Elsa
On the floor, Elsa ices out everything around her. She can be a lockdown defender, freezing ball handlers (literally) while creating opportunities in transition for a Grizzlies team that wants to run. As a help defender, she can assist players like Jonas Valanciunas who may struggle with stretch fives by not allowing those bigs to get to their spots on the pick and pop. She has ice in her veins and will not allow for any proverbial storm raging around the Grizzlies to impact them.
- Joe Mullinax, Grizzly Bear Blues (Read the full breakdown here)
19. Philadelphia 76ers - Air Bud
he Philadelphia 76ers go a bit unconventional here selecting a dog who can not talk, does not have superpowers, and is not an animation, like the other players selected in this draft. However, Air Bud has one thing that I’ve yet to see from any other prospect: game film.
A golden retriever with two-way ability, Air Bud gives Philly a wing who can hound opposing ball-handlers on defense and provide some much needed energy on the offensive end. He also figures to serve as quite a fine complement to Ben Simmons in the transition game.
- Kevin F. Love, Liberty Ballers (Read the full breakdown here)
20. Boston Celtics - Yen Sid
Remember in the movie Fantasia? Mickey is a sorcerer’s apprentice and gets into all kinds of hijinks when he borrows the wizard’s magic hat? Yen Sid is the wizard. So why him and not some more popular figure? Well, like any good drafter I did my research.
There are few Disney characters out there with the magical powers of this wizard. In fact, based on a thorough internet search of about 5 minutes, I concluded that Yen Sid is right up there with the Genie and Maleficent as the most powerful characters in the Disney cannon.
- Jeff Clark, Celtics Blog (Read the full breakdown here)
21. Dallas Mavericks - Kronk
That’s right, Kronk, from the criminally underrated film, the Emperor’s New Groove.
Why Kronk you ask? Well, for one, the Mavericks could use some size. With Willie Cauley-Stein opting out of Orlando for personal reasons, Dallas has a thin front court. Though he should be considered an emergency option in Orlando, Dallas needs a banger, a guy who will play hard and do the dirty work and not need recognition and the spotlight.
- Kirk Henderson, Mavs Moneyball (Read the full breakdown here)
22. Indiana Pacers - Trusty (Lady and the Tramp)
Though he may be getting up there in years and doesn’t boast superhuman strength like Hercules, the dead-eye shooting of Robin Hood, or Maui’s thicc frame, Trusty arguably best reflects the three —admittedly, somewhat corny — tenets of Indiana’s culture: toughness, togetherness, and...wait for it..trust. I mean, c’mon, it’s right there in his name.
- Cailtin Cooper, Indy Cornrows (Read the full breakdown here)
0 notes
hearts-lover · 6 years
My opinion about Kingdom hearts 3
This post contains Spoliar to the Kingdom Hearts 3, if you haven’t played or beaten the game, I recommended you just move on the next post. I also will be talking about the Character, the Game, and the Fandom(mostly about the people who dislike Kairi role in this game) in this post, so if anything I said offended you by any meaning, I’m sorry, but this is ‘Merica where I’m at, so I can’t feel bad about hurting someone feeling even if I just speak a specific group of them or dissing their favorite character. Wow, I haven’t upload a thing in my account for years and now today is the day. oh, as for Kingdom hearts 3; love it. but I do wanna speak my opinion about this So just to get this out of the way, Kingdom hearts 3 have a pacing problem, and I'm pretty sure everyone knows that but I really don’t have any issues with it, granted this is a very annoying issues because as a Kingdom hearts fan, we never had any issues with this kind of stuff, even the previous KH game like Kingdom hearts 0.2 and DDD, but as someone who watches anime being dub and that dub being out of pace is a very common thing and most of the times, the Series Dragon ball Super have suffered the same thing, people simply talking too fast and most of the time they get cut off, making their sentences seem like a waste of breaths, but in Kingdom hearts 3 The pace in there seem so slow until we move away from the Disney and Pixar worlds, the pacing seems okay in my opinion. well besides the “character bring back to life” pacing, but I’ll speak about that soon enough.
but, let talk about the worlds; Olympus - I really didn’t enjoy this world, but that doesn’t mean I hate it. I really like how Sora and the other interact with Herc and Hades and I like how you get to explore and literally goes up to heaven to help Herc and save Zeus. (though I am a bit disappointed that we wouldn’t able to meet the other gods, like Herc Mom)the reason why I didn’t enjoy these worlds it so Empty, even in Zeus home, where if you revisit Olympus and you enter the gate, the first area doesn’t have any heartless until you progress through the area, but that first area is so big, perfect to fight those groups of heartless again like when we first get to that area to help Herc.
Toy Box - One of my favorite world so far, as a fan of the Toy Story series, its really good to see Woody and Buzz interact with Sora and the other, and I like how Buzz choose to keep an eye on Sora, Donald, and Goofy, even though he can be stupid, like the fact he doesn’t believe he is in another world despite the fact he was able to shoot real Lazer, the fact there was no human ANYWHERE even the newest Toy story that was having their grand opening thus there should be Kids and Adults in there EVERYWHERE and the fact that the heartless appear as soon you couldn’t find the other toy or Andy. Idk I just feel like he did all this and be controlled by the darkness, just so Woody can roast Young Xehanort and Sora saying “heart are everywhere” for the 10th times lol
Kingdom Of Corona- My least favorite world, While I do enjoy the interaction between Sora and Rapunzel (make me surprise that nobody in the community ships them since she and Eugene never have like a romance development beside her and Sora. I also hate that when Rapunzel wanted you to swing with her into another area, you locked up into a slow walking and controlling Sora is so annoying, even the festival is confusing, even if I read the tutorial I still mess it all up until I realize that I have to button depend on what color of the circles, but  even then when the dancer group up, how are they expect me to hit the Circles, let alone get a perfect in there if the beat doesn’t even sync (in my opinion that is) plus the world seems a bit too big for me, even with a map, maybe its because the tree and grass look the same thing, but eh.
Monstropolis - once again, one of my favorite world, Mike and Sully even Boo (despite they reuse her voice from the movie) is enjoyable to see and the interact make it seen like their one big family just trying to protect boo, and I wish we get more of that in the Kingdom Hearts series, for now, Sora Donald and Goofy, as well as Sora Riku and Kairi, will have to do. It's also cool to go through the monster factory and see some new stuff we haven’t seen before in the movie, I think that bits are pretty cool alone itself.
The Caribbean - My all times favorite world, as a fan of The Pirate of Caribbean this was a win for me, the Graphic, the world, even chasing the Black Pearl inside the Davy Jone Locker Kept me smiling throughout of the game. I thought the Crab collection is gonna be annoying, but I actually enjoy it, because it's everywhere, so you won’t be lost and worry about trying to find that last one crab. I am dissappointed about the water fight style, I know that we grow up in the previous game that we were able to use 3 combos in the beginning and the waterfight style shouldn’t be different, but I feel like they could’ve done more other than “Bubble, Swing, Swing, Whirlwind” combos
Arendelle - I really don’t understand why many people hate this world, I do understand that Sora doesn’t have NO purpose to be in there beside without realizing that when Sora Compare Elsa and Riku and realize Riku have been pushing him away just to keep him safe (where that is pretty cute.) and half the cutscene doesn’t help you what is going on what happened where its basically forces you to watch the movie, (similar what of Corona dealt with) to understand what is the relationship between Elsa and Anna, and why Elsa think that shes dangerous (Granted, Frozen is the 13th Grossed movie of all times so everyone with their mother must watch the movie, including Tangle) But other than that I enjoy the World, everytime when I see Sora run and able to see the snow actually move unlike what Halloween Town was able to do in KH2 when you get to see Santa, and able to find Olaf Body and his reaction to each body (and the fact that Sora literally grab a ball of poo) was great in my opinion. Also, you guys are very bold to expect “let it go” NOT to be in the game. that like Playing Kingdom hearts and know all of the character and story and expected Master Xehanort to NOT be the main antagonist.
San Fransokyo - Easily, one of the most boring world I had to go through. Sure you get to meet the Big Hero 6 and Sora making up the team names thus acting like a dumb puppy and the boss was interesting, but...that pretty much its. San Fransokyo wasn’t even that interesting until you beat the world, basically, the world is “talk to the person to progress” kind of thing, cause most of the time, once you finish what you had to do, and you have an option to save or buy some stuff, and that it. if you want to move on to the story, talk to Hiro, making me think that they rushed this world mostly than Arendelle and Corona, and when they say this world to be in the game? 2015? to be honest, what a waste of a world.
Now we have done with that, let talk about the Pro and Cons
I really enjoy the interaction between Vexen and Demyx, even though it was a one-time thing (sadly) it's really good to see Nobodies from Kh2 talking to the Nobodies from CoM, Kinda remind me of Pinky and the Brain from The Animaniacs
Goofy is still Smarter than anyone in this Universe and I LOVE IT.
I’m glad that in Monstropolis, it takes place after the event of Monster Inc., so we can have more interact between Sully and Mike, I even like when sully say “its time to bring the scare out” I think that alone is a good line.
I have the same ps4 that was announced back on 2012 and I used it when I played KH3, thus I never had a Ps4 pro, but even then, the game feel and look beautiful and I couldn’t stop playing it.
I like the Gummiship section, I like how it gave you a choice if you should go and collect some items, but also give you a choice if you wanna annoyed them, then again, you do have to face the giant boss in that section, but you only get to face 3 of them and depend on how well you are, you’ll be leveling up like crazy at the end of the day, I mean the ship was able Lvl. 26 when I reach to the Keyblade Graveyard.
The magic is powerful and useful to use.
Sora’s Smile special. That's all.
I didn’t enjoy the reaction command, sure the Keyblade Transformation is useful by itself, but when you have another command that you wanna use but if you hit Triangle before you hit R2 to switch, you’ll waste your finisher just like that. and it also doesn’t help if you just wanna get the treasure but wasted a useful command you been saving.
Master Yin sid alone. I hated him when he claimed Riku as a Keyblade Master, and I hated him just as much. because here a thing he has stated that Sora can’t go with Riku or Mickey until he has the power of awakening, where he didn’t use that until he follows Aqua to find Ventus, this man have the nerve to say that Sora isn’t ready despite the fact that he was able to save 10+ world when he was just 14, granted he did lose his power thank to Xehanort in the events of DDD, but in KH3, he was able to turn into his second form and play similar as his full power as KH2 (when you unlock all his abilities) summon a Pirate ship, A blaster, was able to do his first Keyblade transform after he finishes with Olympus. and Yin sid, have the nerve to say that he needs the power of awakening to support Riku and the King, and yet he was able to save Aqua WHILE NOT BEING A KEYBLADE MASTER AS RIKU AND MICKEY IS ONE and wake up Ventus to after seeing aqua getting hurt without even learning how to even use the power. and uses the same power he doesn’t know how to use to save his friends. Master Yin Sid is a horrible master and nothing will change my mind.
Donald being a bully, I never have seen Donald abuse Sora like this before, maybe it's having to do with Goofy being smarter than anyone in this universe, and I know that Donald personality was supposed to be annoying and him acting annoyed. But remember when Master Yin Sid and Pete stated that Sora was weaker than he was in the previous game, and how its really got into him, and remember Sora was able to save Aqua and Ventus without being a Keyblade master, since Yin Sid is basically saying that Riku was able to learn the Power of awakening thus that what make him Master, similar to Mickey. did you also remember Donald say “Sora needs work” and he says this AFTER he saves Aqua and Ventus, yeah, this Donald isn’t the Donald I know and love in the KH universe?
This game gives us a lot more question than an answer. Like why did Roxas came from the sky where his Vessel suppose to be with Ienzo, how did they able to create Xion if she was a Clone of Sora, why did the old princess heart move on and seek a new princess heart (plus does that mean Kairi isn’t a princess anymore), Shouldn’t Elsa heart be more stronger than a Princess heart since she's a queen. and some that I can’t even word it out.
The pacing, pretty sure you knew about that
The Final boss was...a little disappointed compared to the 1st 2 games of KH
Power level is bullsh*t (I'll be talking about that later)
Now I GOTTA speak my opinion about the Fandom reaction of the game and BOY there is a lot:
Regarding to Kairi:
 I have seen a lot of people both Kairi fan and non-fan usually say about how Kairi character have been downgraded to be a typical Love-interest to Sora (despite the fact that has always been a thing in KH1 and KH2, there literally can’t be any more to hint to these two together) and how she basically basically the Damsel in distress, where I could say the same thing to these “would-be-master” No hates on Riku Mickey or Aqua, but lemme recap, Riku earned the title ”Keyblade Master” after he finished with his Mark of Mastery, after that and him learning more about Aqua, he contain and use an uniform where Yin sid say that it’ll help him when he faces the heartless in realm of darkness, and Mickey confirm that even the weakest heartless can be dangerous in the realm of darkness. and His keyblade was destroyed and mickey’s was badly damaged and wished Yin sid to upgrade the keyblade and make Riku a new one since he left the old one in the darkness, they return there only for mickey to be captured by the heartless, and Riku had to face Aqua and the heartless, (he even working together with his dark self), but even after all of that “HE STILL NEED SORA” I understand that Sora is basically a golden child and have been fighting heartless more time than Riku since he worked with the darkness in KH1, but that doesn’t mean he useless, he can fight, Both Sora and Riku have a Rival and it could be hint that they were using the wooden sword since they were kids, so they must’ve have SOME experience, and since this is the same dude who entitles a Keyblade master, and I know that some of you will say “but you just say that Mickey confirm that the hearless is stronger in the Realm of Darkness” and you’re would be right, if we didn’t have Yin sid and Sora.
Yin sid basically told Sora 2-3 times that He needs the power of Awaken in order to go and help Riku and Mickey, even when Sora/Ventus say that he’ll go and Save Aqua, what did master Yin sid say “You need the Power of awaken” but he didn’t need to, He just needs to follow his heart, and he did, and he found Aqua keyblade and use that to reach to Riku, only for him to use that power to Ventus. after he saves Aqua.
and Sora; remember what Yin sid said (where I won’t repeat myself) and remember Pete say that he is weaker than he remembers, HOW DID HE ABLE TO DEFEAT A KEYBLADE MASTER AFTER COMPLETE 7 WORLDS? Granted, there could be a development where he could be getting stronger in each world he completed, but Yin sid say that the Darkness has Stripped his power and even Pete called him weak, there is no way that he was able to catch up to Riku level where he never lose power in the first place AND able to defeat a Master Keyblader by himself with no help and with no “power of Awaken”
in fact I could even say that both Riku and Mickey is more than a Damsel than Kairi since They have to be Saved by Sora twice where Kairi was being used of being Sora motivation to fight at his fullest, and Master Xehanort stated that he needs 9 clashes between 13 darkness and 7 lights to in order to forge the X-Blade and with Kairi Death being the 9th, she was used to create the X-blade.
and the fact that no-one even comments about these make me REALLY consider for the fandom, but you know my opinion.
Overall, I think Kingdom hearts 3 is a great game with a lot of Nostalgia in it, but I feel like Nomura tried to hard to make KH3 look pretty other than answering story, where there has been other games where you can have an interesting story and Gameplay before KH3 even release.
Overall, Please play this game with a grand of salt (for the people who haven’t play KH3)
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zazamun · 7 years
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➥ What is your character’s full name? Zazamun “Zaza” Bubumun ➥ Do they have any brothers or sisters? Two brother (non biological) ➥ What kind of eyes do they have? Pale Pink ➥ What kind of hair do they have? Silver hair with black patches ➥ What is their complexion like? Pale covered in freckles pink cheeks (both *eyebrow wiggle*) ➥ What body type are they? Chubby tummy and cheeks ➥ What is listening to their voice like? Young Herc voice (Disney’s Hercules) ➥ What do they hate most about themselves? Themselves mostly, they feel like they aren’t good enough for others  ➥ Do they have a favorite quote? Either “the best surprise, is between the thighs” or “Being a hero is a dying art, like painting a masterpiece it’s a work of heart”. depends who asks ➥ What sort of music do they enjoy? if I can choose a real genre Electric Swing ➥ Have/would they ever cheat(ed) on a partner? They wouldn’t, but they can’t see themselve with a true partner ➥ Have they been cheated on by a partner? Nope since they never had one ➥ Have they ever lost someone close to them? Yes, the one who partially raised him, but it was long after that he found out ➥ What is their favorite sound? The sound of rain pitter pattering ➥ Are they judgmental of others? They aren’t judgmental but a little distant at first ➥ Have they ever been drunk? Yes.It didn’t end very well though for anyone involved  ➥ What are they like when they stay up all night? Usually he gets a bit groggy dozing off here and there  ➥ Have they ever been arrested? Yes, actually a few times Galado usually breaks up out  ➥ What evokes strong memories for them? Sand, Mongrel Meat, the heavy stench of burning flesh ➥ What do they do on rainy days? Naps mostly watching the rain fall if he isn’t tired ➥ What religion are they? None even though he tangles with the primals he doesn’t put his faith in something so impersonal ➥ What word do they overuse the most? “Poop/Gasp.” ➥ What do they wear to bed? If Calica and Esmarald are gone for a few days completely naked, if not hen just a pair of pink shorts  ➥ Do they have any tattoos or piercings? All of his brothers pierced their ears when they left the orphanage, he got two on his left ear ➥ What type of clothing are they most comfortable in? Well if it was up to him he wouldn’t wear clothes, but since he burns so easily he always has on his flat cap and some thick clothes too ➥ What is their most disliked food? He’s not very fond of most veggies, but fruit are fine oranges and rolanberries being his favorite ➥ Do they have any enemies? He probably has a few, but he doesn’t actively look for them ➥ What does their writing look like? This is his handwriting ➥ What disgusts them? People who abuse their power to make people under them suffer
Tagged by: @trishelle
Tagging: @coldwind-rp @bellamy-ffxiv @cultofcourtesan @moonhartsffxiv @snowdrop-xiv @aireiel @hornsome-xiv (decided to work up some courage to tag people I usually wouldn’t, ignore this if you don’t do these an of course I’m sorry if you don’t and I tagged you)
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bonsaiscribbler · 8 years
Ever since the rain, I've been waking on my own
Blinding pain, the screech of tires on the wet pavement, and the feeling of raindrops on his cheek. That's all he can remember. He knows there's something else, something off, but he can't put his finger on it.
When he comes to he's in a white room, people sitting around his bed, looking concerned and exhausted. He doesn't recognize them at first, stares at them, waiting for his memory to start working again. It takes a while, a few days, maybe two, until he realizes that those people are his family.
He wants to ask what happened, but the pain in his jaw prevents him from speaking. A teenager, his sister, tells him that he won't be able to open his mouth for a while, and that the weird cable in his nose is actually a feeding tube.
Everything hurts, but there's something else, something he can't quite remember.
They tell him that he was in a car accident, that he was really lucky, that he could have been dead. He doesn't remember, but they insist that it wasn't his fault, that someone drove into the side of his car. He knows it's not the complete story, but for now he'll accept it.
Over time the nagging feeling gets stronger and stronger, his sister oblivious to his agitation, tells him that they're going home soon, and that everything is going to be fine. A voice in his head keeps telling him how wrong this is, that there's something he's missing.
It's been a week when they decide to see if he can eat on his own. They remove the feeding tube, help him sit up, and a nurse feeds him. It should be awkward, he thinks, an almost grown man being fed like a toddler, but it's not. His body is weak, hurting, and chewing makes him wince, but he's going to make it; refuses to have to rely on the feeding tube again.
His father comes and goes, looking concerned, looking angry; there are so many emotions, that he can hardly tell what's going on.
“Jacky.” he calls him. But it's not right, it's not his name.
He wants to ask why he's so upset. He survived, his father should be happy. There's something he's missing, something so very important.
When they release him into his father's care, his siblings are ecstatic, help him into his room, and check on him so often that he wants to scream. There is something odd about his room, like it hasn't changed since he was sixteen. He wants to ask his sister, instead she prattles on about her day, and school, and how great it is to see him recovering so well.
On Sunday, when they all sit down for breakfast, he remembers. There was someone else in the car with him, though he can't remember who. When he asks his father the room goes silent, and he knows he upset them somehow.
“A french exchange student.” His father tells him that they met in college, that they became great friends, hanging out at his place every so often. Then his father sighs and tells him how sorry he is, and that his friend didn't make it. The driver hit him dead on.
It's a lie. His mind supplies, it can't be right, because the nurses told him that the driver had hit him full force and that the passenger-side had been almost untouched. He doesn't ask why his father is lying to him. The mood has shifted and he doesn't want to upset him further.
When breakfast is over, his father helps him back into his room, and sits down next to him. With a heavy sigh his father pulls him into a hug, holding him close, almost a bit too tight.
“Don't ever do that again.” And he promises. It won't ever happen again. He'll be careful.
Satisfied his father nods, and with a quick pat on his shoulder, rises and leaves the room.
 It's odd, but there's no computer or phone is room, nothing he could use to contact anyone. Any of his friends. He doesn't really remember all of them, but he's convinced that he'll will once he talks to them. So he asks his father for his phone. His father's face turns cloudy, and he explains that it was crushed in the crash, but he'll go get a new one for him. When he asks for a computer his father replies that he should be resting, not playing around on the internet.
He wants to tell his father that this is important. That he doesn't remember his friends, and that he needs to reconnect with them. But for some reason he doesn't dare. Something about the look on his father's face has his heart beating faster, and his stomach in knots.
His father brings him a new phone the next day, a cheap one with no internet, promising they'll get a nice new one once he's all better, and adds all the contacts that he needs to know. His family, and no one else.
His health is slowly improving. His jaw still hurts, but the pain is fading into the background, his ribs, broken in the crash, only hurt when he makes a wrong movement. He wants to go out, take a walk, and get some fresh air. Being confined to the house has been slowly driving him crazy.
His siblings are doing their best to keep him entertained. Telling him all about their day, playing games with him, or watching TV together. And even though they're trying so hard, he's slowly going out of his mind.
On a sunny day he asks his father, if they could go for a walk. Just a short one, not too far from the house. His father looks displeased, but agrees with him. Saying as a young man, and laying in bed all day will only help with his recovery so much.
It's a very short walk. His father keeps his arm around him the entire time, keeps glancing around, and hurries him back to the house as soon as he deems it acceptable.
He wants to ask what's wrong, but his siblings pull him towards the living room, going on about how exhausted he must be, and cuddle up to him on the couch. They're watching a movie, Disney, he thinks. And there's a pang in his heart. He's seen this movie before. Several times. There was always someone sitting next to him, with his arm around him. Someone tall, with strong arms, smelling like earth and fine wine.
When he asks his sister, if he ever mentioned a partner, girlfriend, boyfriend, either one, she turns pale and then quickly shakes her head; looking scared for a second.
They're lying to him. Again.
This whole situation screams wrong, although he doesn't know why. His family is keeping things from him. He wonders if that french exchange student was his lover, and they were trying to spare him the pain.
He decides to ask his father.
The moment he posed the question he can see that it was the wrong thing to say. In an instant his father is upon him, clutching his jaw, making him whimper in pain. Stars are dancing in front of his eyes, and his ears are ringing. He claws at his father's hand, to no avail.
“Don't you dare.” His father says. “No son of mine is gay. Do you understand?”
He nods, shaking. He's terrified, and memories come rushing back. He remembers being younger, his father smacking him when he tells him that he's gay. Remembers his father sending him away to bible camp, not listening to his begging and pleading, telling him to return normal, or else. Remembers hiding boyfriends from him, and how when his father found out, he locked him in his room for days.
He hides in his room. Refusing to come down, unless it's time to eat. His siblings know that something bad happened, ducking away every time their father enters the room.
Every now and then his father will come into his room. Explaining to him that “It's for your own good, Jacky. I'm your father. I know what's good for you.”, and he wants to object, tell his father that this treatment is in no way good for him, but he's terrified. He's weak, his jaw has been hurting badly ever since his father grabbed him, and there's no one he could turn to.
 He grows despondent. Sleeps most of the time, barely eats, or talks to his siblings.
It must have been weeks when his sister sneaks into his room, laptop clutched in her hands. She's shaking, being as quiet as humanly possible. She hands him her laptop, and tells him that she'll be outside, standing watch. It's incredibly brave of her, he thinks. Not knowing what their dad will do to her, when he finds out. Do to him.
He opens up a browser and tries to remember his email account, his password, and everything else. It takes a few tries, but he manages to make it. His inbox is flooded with emails. A lot of them from the same three names “A.Ham”, “Herc”, and “Lafayette”. None of these names mean anything to him.
Their emails are panicked, asking where he went, what happened, why no one in the hospital will let them see him. In a flash it comes back to him. These are his friends, his best friends, and his lover.
He's breathing hard. He'd known something was off the whole time. His family had lied to him, he hadn't had any contact with them for years. He'd left home as soon as he turned eighteen, and never looked back, occasionally sending emails to his siblings. They hadn't known what was wrong. He never told them, and he could only imagine the things his father told them.
He needs to reply. His father could find out any moment. He sends a message to the three of them, saying he's at his father's house, and to please come and get him.
When he's done he hands the laptop back to his sister, kisses her cheek, and gives her a hug. She clings to him like a lost child. They hadn't seen each other in person for months, he remembers, the last time being a meeting in New York, when she had told their father that she was going on a trip to meet with a friend. They spent hours talking to each other, catching up. Sitting in his apartment, watching a movie, while Lafayette made dinner.
The french exchange student. The thought makes him laugh. Lafayette had indeed been an exchange student, but fell in love with America, and him, and decided to stay for good.
As stealthy as possible he packs most of his things, hides them in a duffel bag under his bed, waiting for his friends to pick him up. His sister checking his emails for him, telling him that they were organizing a “rescue party”, that they would arrive soon, and this would all be over.
It doesn't happen like that.
 His siblings are all in on the plan to get him out. His sister having told them what happened, that their father had been lying to them. So they all decided to get him away from their father.
On the day his friends are supposed to pick him up, their father gets home earlier than usual; sending them all into a panic. His siblings try to distract his father, but the man can tell that something is wrong. His father sends them away, grabbing him by his arm and pulling him close.
“What's going on, Jacky?” he asks, voice dropping into a growl. “What did you do to your siblings?”
In that moment the doorbell rings, and time comes to a halt. He can see the realization in his father's eyes.
“You ungrateful bastard.” with a shove his father sends him to the floor. “After everything I've done for you!”
Someone must have opened the door, because suddenly there are people in the room. His father is being pulled away from him, and someone sends him flying with a strong right hook.
“Are you okay?” Someone is crouching next to him. Alexander, his best friend. “John? Can you hear me?”
And suddenly it feels right again. He isn't Jack, hasn't been in years.
“Yeah, I'm okay.” he croaks, earning himself a look of disbelief and a snort. Alex helps him to his feet, telling Lafayette, who has been beating John's father, and Herc, trying to hold him back, to come help him. In an instant Lafayette is next to him, pulling him in his arms and showering him with kisses.
His sister, bless her, shows Herc where he hid his duffel bag.
Alex is busy threatening his father, telling him that if he ever lays hand on John, or his siblings, again, he'd ruin him. Having collected enough dirt on John's father to ruin his career.
They load him, and his siblings, into their van. They drop off his siblings at their father's third wife, a reasonable and kind woman, having left their father soon after their child was born.
 He's so exhausted. Lafayette is telling him that they had been in a crash, that the car had hit him head on, and that the paramedics had taken him to the ICU. For unknown reasons, now knowing that it had been John's father, they were kept from him, being told that only family was allowed to visit. And when they had finally managed to find a lawyer and get all the papers to see him, he was gone. They had searched everywhere for him, asked around, but none of them had considered that his father could have taken him.
There's so much he wants to say, so much he wants to ask. But for now he's content to cling to Lafayette, listening as he recounts what happened.
It's going to take a while to recover, he knows that much. As he breathes in the smell of earth and fine wine, he knows he's safe.
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