#the designs are terrible too
sasswonfp · 1 year
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I own miraculous now. Thomas Austruc handed it over to me and let me recreate the whole thing after realising the error of his ways. Anyways here's my redesign. Chat noir is a transfem now.
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blondie-drawings · 4 months
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Good lord this tomb is full of shitposts 😳😳 pt 1/pt 2
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dontfrickindoxme · 3 months
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human(-ish) designs again, cute baby protags edition
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months
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Party of one (divided into four)
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skrunksthatwunk · 8 months
skwisgaar punished arc
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didderd · 1 month
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I present to you a dirty stinky man faeu Beetlejuice!
His wings/wing caps are based off a potato beetle, and his antenna are based off Rosalia funebris.
faeu belongs to @/antlered-prince and @/owl-bones.
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dronebiscuitbat · 4 months
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 13)
To be honest, Uzi didn't entirely understand why she'd had N leave that night.
Maybe she was just overwhelmed with it all, or maybe she was truly broken in some way; addicted to making herself suffer needlessly.
But as she lie in bed, night coming again rapidly, she realized she'd gotten exactly zero sleep, being unable to stop her thoughts from turning back to overheating yet again.
She knew the incident had been her fault, N had warned her about pushing it, her own body had warned her twice that she'd been pushing it, both telling her to stop and she simply didn't, too frustrated and too worried about the future to take even half a second and think.
She'd been lucky that the only person she hurt was herself. What if she'd lost control again? If she'd gone nuts and hurt N and her Dad or anyone else in the bunker until her body had been satiated. If it ever could be.
And yeah, it had hurt like hell. And had scared the shit out of her (and N, for that matter.) But in comparison to all the other things that could happen, it was a better outcome. Even if it was still pretty traumatic.
“Uzi, N's here!” She heard her dad shout loudly, but even then it was highly muffled through the thick steel of the door. She slowly got out of bed, head full of static and heavy to the point that it could have been made from steel as well.
Her hair was a mess, and she hadn't even bothered to put on her beanie or her hoodie, just the loose yellow T-shirt she slept in.
The door opened, Khan was chattering to N, who honestly didn't look much better than she did, his eyelights and visor a little dim, lines under his eyes that made him look incredibly exhausted and much older.
“You look like a wreck.” She said, even though she didn't look nor feel any better, both men turned to look at her, Khan looking worried, N just smiling tiredly.
“Didn't sleep very well…” N replied, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck, he blinked and looked her up and down.
“Same…” She yawned, doing the same to him.
“You two look like you didn't sleep a wink!” Khan exclaimed, looking between them both, hurrying to the kitchen and pulling out two mugs, N watched him curiously, fighting the urge to pull Uzi into a hug and possibly drag them both back to bed.
“Here.” Khan handed them both a cool, iced mug with a thin darkened liquid in it, N swished the liquid around, causing the ripples to flash some deep golds.
“It's gasoline. Should perk you two up.” Khan explained, looking satisfied with himself.
“Isn't this usually hot dad?” She asked, clinking the ice around in the mug.
“Yes! But I thought with both of your coolant problems… something cold might be better!”
Uzi was mildly surprised he'd even paid that much attention. She'd never outright told him exactly what was going on but it wasn't like she was actively hiding it either. She shrugged, tipping it into her mouth.
It was bitter. Very bitter. And she felt her core stutter before picking up it's pace enough to make her a little nauseous, but the static in her head began to ebb away. She wasn't sure if she was a fan…
N on the other hand seemed to down his immediately, ice and all. And when he pulled it from his mouth he licked his lips, eyes hollow.
“Oh wow! That was really good Mr. Doorman.” He smiled, and Khan smiled back, it was actually kinda weird seeing Khan be as friendly as he was must have been some talk.
“Thank you. It's actually the way Uzi's mother preferred it…” He mentioned idly, looking a little sad for a moment before seemingly shaking it off.
Uzi looked down at her drink again, she… didn't actually remember that. She wasn't a baby with Nori had passed, but she was rather young, and it had been awhile.
She did, eventually, finish the mug, thinking about way she might be able to make it more palatable for herself. Maybe if it was sweeter?
“We should head out soon, Tera gets upset if we're late.” N smiled warmly, as a way to gently guide rather than demand she get her ass into gear and get ready. She couldn't help but smile back.
“I know, little gremlin has our schedule memorized at this point.” She laughed lightly, setting her mug in the sink and making her way to her bedroom, shutting the steel door securely behind her so she could get ready.
“Uhm… Mr. Doorman?” N began after he was sure she'd take a hot minute to get ready. Khan turned to him inquisitivlely, his brow on his eyelights raised.
“Yes N?”
“Is it… uh. Is it possible for me to move in to the bunker? I just… If Uzi ever needs to stay over again, it's probably better if it's not… there.” He was nervous, and also a little bit flustered. He didn’t want Khan to suspect his crush, but he also didn't want to lie.
Khan was silent for a moment, taking great care to study N for a moment, he felt his tail twitching, and his fingers fidget in that nervous habit he had.
“Is this something just for my daughter N?” He asked, suspicion in his voice that made N feel more nervous then it had any right to. He was just asking a question, It wasn't like he was asking Khan for his blessing or anything.
Where did that thought come from?
“I mean, it's for me too. And possibly V? It kinda feels really weird living there now with being here so much. It's… a little uncomfortable.” He admitted.
“Hmmm, there is plenty of space here, I'd have to get them ready though…” Khan trailed off in thought for a moment. Then looked into N eyelights like he was trying to find an answer.
“I don't see why you and… your sister? Can't move in here. And I would feel more comfortable if I knew my daughter wasn't sleeping in… well you know.” N noded, looking equally as uncomfortable, but is mood quickly lightened.
“She's not my sister, but that would be awesome!” He nearly vibrated a hole in the floor, this had gone better then he'd imagined!
“No proble-”
He was interrupted by Uzi's bedroom door snapping open, and Uzi herself coming out a moment later, typical hoodie and beanie although holding a bag in her left hand.
“Ready, let's go?” She asked, walking right past the both of them and leaning on the door. The two men exchanged looks before N waved him off, following his best freind out the door to visit the nursery.
Khan smiled warily to himself, N… wasn't very good at hiding anything was he? And despite his instinctual urge to be against it (his daughter with a murder drone!?) He couldn't exactly find the will to, not when N had been there in the way he'd always seemed to be. And his daughter seemed so happy…
The way to the nursery was silent, not out of any awkward tension but neither drone felt the need to, it was comfortable. Just enjoying existing in the same space, at least until N spoke up.
“You sure you're up for this? You seemed really tired.” His voice was soft, as always. And Uzi felt the butterflies again, surely a few words couldn't trigger them right? She wasn't that down bad for him…
“Y-yeah, I'm fine.” Was all she said, because any more and she'd be stammering like a little schoolgirl. Holy crap she was…
N looked down at her hand swinging loosely beside her, for a moment he imagined what it would be like to hold it. Casually, without trauma involved. Would she let him? Would she slap his hand away?
He didn't realize he was drawing closer until he grazed one of her fingers. He pulled away immediately, blush threatening to make him explode. He really hoped she hadn't noticed.
She very much had noticed. And it made her core leap for a moment, thinking he was going to hold her hand before he abruptly moved away. Causing her face to fall.
Had it been an accident? He did seem to be in thought when he was getting closer. Maybe he was just tired, and didn't realize. It did sting a little… knowing that he didn't want to hold her, like this, when things were normal.
They walked in to the nursery, both looking upset for different reasons but the same reason. Not that either of them knew that.
“I was wondering when you two would stop by. Tera was getting cranky.” Mrs. Rayn waved at them, holding said droneling. Who was currently screaming bloody murder while she tried and failed to calm her down.
“I got it!” Uzi exclaimed, taking the baby from her and holding her tightly, shushing her, setting down the bag in her hand on one of the waiting chairs.
“Hey, we're here. No need to get all angsty on us.” She said to Tera softly, and the wailing receded somewhat, but it wasn't like it made her instantly happy, at least until she saw N as well.
“Awww, it's alright kiddo, sorry we were late.” He hummed softy, he rested a hand on her, large enough to completely cover her if he wasn't careful, they looked at her together, faces sharing a single expression.
Rayn smiled, these two were utterly in love with Tera, but neither seemed to want to entertain the idea of adopting the little droneling. She could guess why, they were both young, and likely didn't want to rush into anything.
And yet watching them both doting on her, she noticed the lingering touches N would leave whenever he and Uzi made contact, a hand on her shoulder that didn't seem to want to leave, his entire face twisted up into a smile that reached his visor. It was like he was magnetized to her, struggling to pull away if she was close enough to him.
Uzi was… not as noticeable, but she would lean into him slightly whenever he was there, a smaller smile but etched on her features like it would stay there. Her voice locked into something far sweeter then normal that seemed to bleed into even when she was speaking to N, like they were both equally precious and special.
They were absolutely totally in love with each other, which anyone with even one eye and half a brain could figure out just by standing in a room with the two of them for any significant amount of time.
And Rayn began to hope that they'd change their mind. Because Tera deserved parents that loved her, and parents who loved each other. Which unfortunately wasn't as common as she'd wished, she'd seen so many come and go through her nursery doors, either to combine thier code or to print a body for already combined code. Many, too many, wanted a baby for the wrong reasons; to keep a failing relationship together, because they felt pressured, or sometimes, because they were forced to.
Rayn watched as Uzi pulled out a roll-toy from her bag, one that was handmade by the look of it, as it was purple with little yellow stars on it, it jingled slightly, but thankfully not loud enough it was annoying.
“I think she likes it Zi.” She heard N point out as Tera rolled with the toy, giggling louder as it jingled around in Uzi's arms. Her smile faded slowly, and then her face looked deliberative.
“Mrs Rayn?” Uzi asked, looking up from the pillbaby, N was still by her side, distracting the little one by making moving pictures on his visor, Rayn was actually kinda impressed, not many drones had that kind of control over what their visor displayed.
“Why is Tera still here? It's been a few weeks. Shouldn't she have been adopted by now?” She asked, cocking her head to the side.
Ah. That.
“Ah… Tera seems to… have an issue.”
“What kind of issue?” It was N this time, now looking up at her as well, concern on both of their faces like worried parents.
“The nurses in the medical bay are unsure if it's a software or hardware issue but, she has an overheating problem…if it's a hardware issue then it should be a non-issue in her next body.”
“But if it's the soft she'll need oil the rest of her life…” Uzi finished for her, looking down at the pillbaby with worried eyes. Tera had calmed down and was now smiling at the two of them, oblivious to the conversation.
“Correct, it's not something many people want to deal with in a child. I haven't had many prospective parents come take a second look at her.” Rayn said sadly, it was a tragedy really, she was such a happy droneling, and rarely seemed upset (unless her two favorite almost-adults weren't around that is.) Even when she'd gotten too warm due to her issue, she rarely complained.
“W-what happens if you can't find someone to take care of her?” N asked, but before Rayn could answer, Uzi did for her.
“She’ll be raised by the nursery until she's old enough.” She said simply, rocking the droneling slowly, N heard Uzi's vents begin to take in more air, as if she was trying to cool herself off.
“Oh…” Was all that came out of N's mouth, and they both looked down at Tera, who was now babbling at them happily.
They exchanged a worried glance, almost having a silent conversation between them before looking back at the droneling, her eyes intently staring at N.
“Eeeee Ennnn…” Came wobbly and slow out of Tera’s tiny speakers, N felt his core stop beating as he realized;
“Are you trying to say my name…?”
“En mbuh… En!” She squeaked, rolling happily, still in Uzi's arms.
“Uzzzziiii” He squealed, shaking his best freind as he freaked out over Tera’s first word being his name, not paying any attention to the fact it was only a single letter.
“I hear her buddy.” Uzi's smile stretched a mile wide as Tera continued to squeak out his name “En! En! En!” N's tail wagging so fast she was a little concerned he'd loose control of it.
"You're going to make N blow a gasket little one." She booped Tera's visor, making the droneling giggle before looking at her instead.
“Zuh…” Was the next sound out of her mouth, and Uzi's attention was brought back down, that almost sounded like…
“Zi! Zi! Zi!” She squealed, Uzi felt her core break in half as Tera continued on, now alternating between saying her name and N's.
“Oh my robo-god…” She whispered, feeling herself getting choked up, she looked at N again, only to find him with a smile just as big as hers, almost without thinking, she wrapped her hand in his, needing some sort of comfort for the moment.
He didn't pull away, this time and placed one of his hands on her back, both drones melting as Tera continued, although neither quite knowing what to do next…
Next ->
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fleshwizard · 10 months
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The Parakeet King
Based on The Boy and the Heron.
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blue-eli · 3 months
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Skuld in quantum design :)
#kingdom hearts#kh#khux#khux Skuld#kh skuld#kingdom hearts Skuld#skuld kh#Skuld kingdom hearts#got distracted from typing the tags by going to watch cutscenes with Skuld my friend Skuld in them#I love her#design notes: she got the scarf because it reminded her of Ephemer AND Braig#you can’t see it but under it she has a star necklace that reminded her of Player#this is based on the subject x Skuld theory! hence the scar. she got it either from just player or got one of the lines from fighting#darkness and the other from player idk#her coat was given to her by Braig/Luxu when he broke her out of radiant garden! it’s slightly too small for her now#she’s tall!!! to me. over 6ft. not quite Lea but still tall#her earrings are the only things that survived from her original outfit. everything else is new#she doesn’t have gloves because I forgo. then I was really happy with how I shaded the hand so I’m not putting gloves on her now.#but she probably does have them#she’s been living in Quantum for a while and is sorta tied up in some illegal shit but nothing really bad.#her and Strelitzia are friends!!! they met at a coffee shop when it was raining and Shuld was the only one with an umbrella#they didn’t realise they were both from daybreak until Skuld saw a painting Strez did and broke down crying.#her memory is still kinda fucked. when she first arrived in Quantum she didn’t remember her name yet and went by X.#she started collecting things that reminded her of the friends she couldn’t quite remember. she’s got a shoe box or two of trinkets#she also will get something if it reminds her of Lea/Isa because even if being in RG was hell she still misses them.#also Vanitas is there. he’s her terrible little brother who bites people. she loves him. he is the only reason she knows her own name#she found him and her heart recognised him as Ventus her brother Ventus. she knows he’s not all of Ventus now but it’s too late#he’s her little brother now. she’s trying to rehabilitate him like taming a feral kitten. he’s switching between ‘I want to be loved’ and#‘I’m evil fuck you’. she introduces as ‘this is my evil brother he is terrible and rude but we’re working on it and I love him.’#she would get along great with Sora I think.
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attex · 4 months
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fuckign love drawing him doing this (smoke machine)
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bitternace · 8 months
if youre still taking the top 100 song rqs - how about 34 and something kairi related? ❤️ (dont worry about it if you're already swamped with rqs!)
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but i regret just one thing: i never got to change your mind
[ID: a digital drawing of kairi from kingdom hearts. the background is a sketchy rendition of the tunnel in Traverse Town's secret waterway. the shadows are a little chunky, and the circular waterway frames her from the shoulder up.
she is in her kingdom hearts outfit, shown from the thigh up. with her back to the audience, kairi holds her right arm behind her back, shoulders tense. her right hand is curled into a fist. /End ID.]
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robosuta · 1 year
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Everytime I draw them I get gender euphoria
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badolmen · 10 months
Actually it really fucking frustrates me as a disabled person how ‘controversial’ video game accessibility is, how contrived it is to find actually useful accessibility mods for even popular games, how abled gamers try to distance themselves from us because we’re the ones without social lives, who don’t leave the house, who can’t work.
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blossoms-phan · 18 days
nothing has convinced me to lock in and get employed more than tit merch idc where it’s coming from I’ll get the funds eventually in the next two months it goes so insanely hard I need everything
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theribbajack · 4 months
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Tfw you cast off your Empyrean flesh but now you have to enlist the local dolly-botherer to keep up maintenance on your corporeal form. Not pictured: Blaidd looming over Seluvis' shoulder to ensure no Shenanigans are attempted.
Inspired by a cover for the short story Helen O'Loy (1938) I also tried the greyscale method of coloring like all the cool kids. Didn't turn out too shabby ngl
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sunderberry · 7 months
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i like drawing these two. their designs are fun. i think it's the fluff, the heart motifs, and the stupid hats. and also their size difference
the bottom two are sort of like "what if valentino owned husk" ideas
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