#the dj would cut out the songs right at that moment. i think he was expecting people to sing along? but it just went
crystalkitty1220 · 1 year
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What am I Iooking at here
#i was just at the worst junior prom in my life#which isn't saying alot because ive only been to two junior proms#but god this one was so much worse than the one i was at the other night#yknow those parts of songs everyone sings along to? like how in sweet caroline it goes ''BUM BUM BUM''?#the dj would cut out the songs right at that moment. i think he was expecting people to sing along? but it just went#''SWEET CAROLINE'' *dead silence* *song continues*#i knew nobody. almost everyone my 'date' knew hated his guts.#there was nowhere away from the music. it was only one area (a courtyard) with no other rooms and barely any seats. i hate loud noises.#everyone looked so bored or so resentful. everyone was either wearing a funeral suit or the shortest dress i'd ever seen#I was uncomfortable with the slit in my dress but then I saw how the longest one anyone else had only went to their knees?#i mean i still wish i wore my other outfit and my jacket but at least i was somehow the most covered.#there were fireworks. i hate loud noises.#me and my friend both agreed that the junior proms would be so much better if we just went to the first one and skipped the second.#actually it wasn't all bad. there was a fountain that was was actually just a fancy kiddie pool with candles floating in it.#peak of the night right there.#also my hand started feeling better so that's good as well.#and at one point afterwords my mom said ''i wouldn't be surprised if you were slightly on the autism spectrum''#????????? slightly??????????? also how did she not already know? literally everyone else knows already. and she's literally my mother.#and i ended up ranting to her about my health anxiety#and then i started ranting about other anxiety and how i'm the therapist friend of a lot of people#and that led to how i'm constantly in a panic that something horrible is happening to my friends and i can't help them#and that led to Girlfriend List Dude who would repeatedly pretend that something horrible would happen to him#and when he messaged back ten minutes later ''that's exactly how i wanted you to react. i was testing to see if you're really my friend''#and i would never think 'causing me to cry and panic as a test is a pretty dick move' but nowadays it's all i think about#very off-topic now. gonna stop typing.#sorry you got all these tags in response to mustard. i don't have a therapist and havent seen a real doctor since maybe sixth grade
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couch-house · 3 months
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Fleebay Beepo playlist! [youtube link] [zip link]
it's been foreverrr since i finished a character playlist--i missed doing this! tracklist and director's commentary under the cut teehee :)
if you disagree with any of my choices, just remember: 1) this is my playlist for me to listen to made of songs I like for me 2) you just don't see my vision 3) you don't know him like i do 4) make your own so i can disagree with yours too.
WDKYWMYAK -- Rabbit junk
This is a Killing Game After All -- Gadgetor
chance bought this cd from the comic store. i think the album is Doom-inspired? pretty cool! check it out! anyway this first section is pretty obviously all violence killing and maiming etc
we're coming down out of the chaotic songs into some confusion for the amnesia arc, starting with ministry and boards of canada. 7 references an unwilling change of the self, and just fits the vibe right now. 8... should be obvious lol.
3. All Futures -- The Armed
4. Bears -- Mass of the Fermenting Dregs
5. You Know What You Are -- Ministry
6. 1969 -- Boards of Canada
sorry i heard a psychedelic rock song that starts with a big cat meow and blacked out. EBONY MOMENT!!! this and the next couple songs are again more about contributing to the Feeling of the groovy train than a direct relation to the lyrics. though 10 can be justified by the fact he's british.
7. Long Road Home -- Oneohtrix Point Never
8. I Don't Remember -- Peter Gabriel
9. Come Back June -- Pussy
i didn't think i would end up keeping this song when i threw it on here but it just... works really well structurally. sigh... okay well it kind of works thematically. we're moving into some merger au territory at this point, which is my way as a fan to give fleet more of a self-actualization arc. establish his own identity, make friends, accept his existence a bit more. 13 is again more focused on the caring environment of groovy train (and the idea that this won't last forever) but we'll come back around to merger in a second.
10. Hey, Mister Sun -- Bobby Sherman
11. Baby All the Time -- Julien Love (NOTE: NOT IN YT PLAYLIST)
12. Handlebars -- Flobots
i'm so obsessed with this as a song from fleet to sonic. esp focused on the idea of fleet being the trauma dump that everyone wants dead and sonic being the one who gets to keep their friends. another lucky cd find--this time thrifted. this band still has their old website up--you can contact them if you'd like to get ahold of your own copy!
13. Cursis Melodías -- Natalia Lafourcade
14. Flagiolletes -- Billy Mahonie
15. Wake Up To Be You -- The Aesthetics
16. Every Home a Prison ft. Jello Biafra -- DJ Coldcut (Inevitable Alien Nation mix)
i'm in love with this song. we're back in merger au btw. fleet is now a goddamn hooligan in the street (teenager socializing outside with his friends).
17. Default -- Django Django
we're getting to the end of his life! canon, not au. once again on the idea of fleet (dying, cringe) being a comparative failure. the next two songs are our big explosive end! 18 is another band i found from a thrifted cd. lucky!
the end! thanks for listening! ^_^ as a treat, YOU get to see the special bonus track: The Adventures of Little White Baby -- No Soap, Radio.
18. Werewolf -- Progger
19. light speed drift ft Kasane Teto + Adachi Rei -- frog96
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mychoombatheroomba · 7 months
Idle Fantasies
Between the Bones (Leon x GN! Reader) - Chapter 26
Maybe it was stupid to dream, but you let yourself do it anyway.
(Cross-posted from Ao3)
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"You asked me once what I'd do, if I hadn't enlisted," you began one night, as you circled Leon in the training yard, listening to the music Krauser subjected you both to. The topic was brought up after days of you thinking about that brief discussion you'd had with Leon. The grim turn of focus after you'd given each other a few moments of respite. 
Did you choose this? STRATCOM. This training.
The question - and Leon's answer - had taken up much of your thoughts these last few days. And it had all culminated in one way. One thought that you had promised never to entertain: what if? 
What if things had never gone wrong? 
What if your world hadn't been altered so completely? 
Hell, what if you'd never enlisted in the first place? 
"Think I have an answer for you." 
Leon's eyebrows rose in surprise, and not just because of the knife you swung at his stomach. One he dodged easily - and one that he punished with a near-miss swing at your attacking arm. You tried to hold Krauser’s lessons in mind. Tried to treat the practice blade as real. The threat of it made you both more cautious.
The trouble was that even having been with each other, even knowing each other so intimately, sparring was still very much a dance between the two of you. A language the two of you had perfected over the months, one that got your heart beating fast for more than just the danger of it. "Oh yeah?" He breathed and went after you with a quick slash to the chest. Almost had you there, too. "What would you do, then?" 
You swiped at him again, circling around him and bringing your unarmed hand towards his blade, trying to push it out of the way. It led to a brief but lightning fast exchange of hands and blades swinging at each other, neither of you gaining much ground before you both retreated back. 
He was smiling at you proudly. Better luck next time, he said without words, his eyes roaming your body for just a moment.
You couldn't help but smile back and do the same.  
"Think I'd make a pretty good DJ," you shrugged, nodding towards the open window of Krauser's office. Bluegrass was back, unfortunately. "Better than whoever he's listening to." You raised your voice a little, like you were hoping Krauser heard the jab. You didn't get any response from the Major, but Leon laughed. It was good to see him in better spirits. Good to know that letting him slot his head between your thighs made him feel better. Or maybe it was just the fact that the two of you had the night to yourselves again, since your new training partners had decided to take the evening off.
Even if you and Leon had agreed to prioritize practice over sex tonight, it was an opportunity for the two of you to be together, one way or another. 
"You would only ever play the Spice Girls," Leon teased, and you nodded shamelessly. 
"Damn right. And the world would be a better place for it." You were mostly joking. Mostly. Another exchange went by, and you landed a slash on Leon's arm as he stabbed at you. He wasted no time switching hands and going for your side with his left. You counter-cut to avoid, but he ended up nicking your leg with his blade anyway. 
"Stupid songs that make you happy," he nodded as you both backed away again, repeating the words you'd spoken to him so long ago. "I'd listen to that radio station." 
"Maybe I'd play some Green Day for you. If you're lucky."
His smile widened, and you had to admit that confidence looked absolutely staggering on him. 
But however good he looked now, however proud you were of how far he'd come, you still had every intention of winning. 
So, you were ready when he came at you, knife aiming high for the well between your shoulder and clavicle. You blocked with all the certainty of a soldier who'd lived for months with a knife in your hand. Trouble was, when you countered with a stab at Leon's belly, he knocked your hand away with the same level of confidence. You were quick to attack again, bringing your knife up and over to stab at his chest. 
You'd taught him well how to defend against that. A block and another counter cut nearly caught your arm, and you exhaled sharply at the quick follow up he delivered. 
Another near miss.
Too many of those as the gap between your skill levels shrank. 
Or maybe some buried part of you just wanted to feel him on top of you for a while. 
You realized things might be dire for you as you went for a high attack, only to be blocked, and answered with a knife thrust straight at your heart. 
You smacked Leon's attack away in time. 
Unfortunately, you weren't fast enough to stop the hard side kick he delivered to your stomach  that sent you stumbling backwards. You let out a grunt at the pain just before you righted your stance.
He was becoming very fond of those kicks. 
"Not bad, pretty boy," you praised, your voice low so Krauser couldn't overhear. 
"Not too hard?" He asked, and you knew that he did it because he was trying to be mindful of your old wounds. The scars on your belly and ribs, and the trouble that the tissue underneath sometimes gave you. 
You appreciated the concern, but with how your blood was pounding in your veins, you couldn't help but feel it was misplaced, right now. 
"You're fine," you shook your head, and then you rushed him. Your strikes and defenses happened almost simultaneously, you going high and Leon going low. You were the one a step ahead this time, though, and you hooked his leg and brought him down. You saw surprise cross his face, but only for a moment before you were struggling against each other on the ground, bodies pressed against each other. "Besides . . ." you managed through gritted teeth, just as the two of you finished your grapple with you narrowly coming out on top. Your knife slid into place, held in a reverse grip at his neck. He was getting damn good . . . but you were still better. You grinned down at Leon, pinned to the ground beneath you, and spoke quietly to finish your thought, ". . . I don't mind it rough." 
His face went bright red, and then he smiled after a moment. However much of a hardened soldier he was becoming, you took special joy in knowing that you could still make him blush.  "Is that right?" he asked. “I’ll keep that in mind,” he promised with a hushed voice, and you got your second victory out of his flustered state. 
So, taking in the sight, you climbed off of him and offered him a hand up. 
He smiled up at you as you pulled him from the ground, and he dusted himself off. "So, a DJ, huh?" Leon didn't seem to quite believe you, but the idea seemed to make him happy all the same. 
"Ah, probably not," you admitted. "Just the first thing off the top of my head."
"I could see it," Leon said, and then went on after a moment. "Or, you know, an MMA fighter." 
You snorted, nodding. "Or that." You rolled your shoulders back, taking a breath and asking him the question that had been on your mind for days now. "What about you?" 
Leon looked at you then, and you could tell he was trying to deflect as he raised a brow. "Do I like it rough? Or . . ." 
You rolled your eyes, shaking your head. "What would you do? If you could go anywhere? Be anything?" It was a big question. The kind that middle schoolers asked of each other, when the whole world seemed like it was laid before them. Before most saw the railroad tracks their lives were angled down. It was the kind of question you didn't concern yourself with often, because why worry about something that would never be? With Leon, though . . . you wanted to know what shape his life might have taken if not for all he'd suffered. What he would choose now, knowing what he did. 
And you found yourself unsure of what to think when Leon looked at you and shrugged after a long moment. "Honestly? I . . . I guess I don't know, either." His words were quiet, betraying how much the thought bothered him. "I mean, I thought about being a cop somewhere else. After Raccoon City. But . . . I just couldn't shake it. What happened there." You knew all too well the meaning behind those words. "Not that I had long after it all happened before they 'asked' me to join." 
"If they'd given you a choice?" You found yourself asking, hating the world for even needing to pose choice in this as a hypothetical. "Would you have joined?" You weren't quite sure why you were asking. 
Maybe, perhaps because some part of you wondered if his choice would involve the life you had chosen for yourself. Not the idle fantasies, but the real one. The one you both were in now.
Leon pressed his lips into a thin line, and again, shrugged. "I don't know. I mean . . . I've always wanted to help people. I think . . . I know there's a chance for us to do that. It's just . . ." 
"Not how you pictured doing it." You finished the thought for him, and he nodded. 
You could sympathize. You hadn't joined the Army with any grand ambitions. It had been an escape. A desperate one, from a life that would have gone nowhere otherwise. You'd never planned on becoming a Sergeant, initially. And you'd never planned on becoming an agent for a classified program. You'd never had the imagination to predict any of this. 
But here you both were. The two of you, your lives taken and twisted into something you hadn't been meant to live. At the whim of something you couldn't control. 
Cogs in a machine. 
And even if you felt like it was a machine you belonged in, there was, perhaps, a part of you that wanted something else. 
"Maybe not a DJ for me," you said, after a long pause between you and Leon. "Maybe just . . . a house away from everything. Somewhere quiet. Somewhere green." 
You watched as the words made his face shift, and he looked at you with that soft, beautiful smile of his. "That sounds nice. Maybe in the mountains somewhere-" he said it like it was something he thought about, too. Like it wasn’t just your stupid little pipe dream, but his as well. 
Suddenly, you felt more vulnerable than you were comfortable with, so you shrugged. Played it off as nothing. Waved away a mosquito that got too close - a herald of the summer on the way. "Probably not in the cards, though." 
"Maybe not now . . ." Leon stepped closer, and you realized that you were entertaining too much hope, ". . . but some day-" 
"Think you're being optimistic again there, Kennedy." 
"You started the conversation," Leon pointed out. You had to give him that. 
"I did." Because some part of you was awake, now. A part of you that you didn’t want, but every moment you spent with Leon, it stirred more and more. A foolish, impossible longing for something that you could never have, because there would never be anything normal about your life ever again. 
But you imagined it, anyway. 
You hadn’t used to. Not before Leon. 
“But seriously,” Leon went on, and you wished he would drop it, “that’s a good dream.” 
“It’s an unlikely one.” 
“You’re not asking to go to the moon, you know,” he chuckled. “You’ll have to live somewhere.” 
“I’ve lived on a base since I enlisted,” you shook your head. “Don’t know if I’d know what to do with myself out of one.” It was spoken with an air of realization, because you hadn’t really thought about it before now. You’d just accepted that as your reality. But when you were done with training, when you were sent out into the world, would that change? You almost couldn’t imagine it. 
“Maybe we’ll have to find out, then,” Leon said, and you just looked at him. Wondered if you should shoot down the idea. 
You wondered too little and too late, though, because you found yourself nodding. Because you wanted to entertain something happy. Not just for him, but for the both of you. “Maybe we will.” It was too much of an allowance of hope, though, so even as you watched Leon’s smile brighten, you shrugged again. Backpedaling. “No sense thinking about it much now, though. Not like we’re leaving this base any time soon.” 
And, because fate liked to make you the butt of so many jokes, you were proven very much wrong the next morning. 
The sound of tires scraping against gravel. The distant growl of heavy engines. 
The morning run was interrupted the next day by the sounds of vehicles. Leon had enough sense not to let the sound distract him too much, but once breakfast came around, the whispers had well and truly spread through the base. 
It was Alenko who voiced those whispers, his eyes alight with a more genuine excitement than Leon had ever seen from him.
"Did you see the monsters they drove in?" he asked, sitting down at the table with an energy that didn't match how utterly bruised he was. 
"Heard them," you nodded, taking a bite of the rice and meat they'd served that day. "Sounded heavy duty." 
"A bunch of Humvees, APV's, they even brought an M1117," Alenko exclaimed with such genuine glee, and Leon had to smile. 
“It’s a Christmas miracle,” Leon held up his hands in celebration, earning him a side-eye from you. 
“It’s May.” Your deadpan just made him laugh. 
“Ah, you’re no fun.” 
You gave him a look at his response, shaking your head and returning to your meal. But he saw the little smile curving the corners of your mouth. He would never tire of that smile. Not after the sun and all the stars burned out. 
“You’ve probably never seen any of those heavy vehicles up close, have you, rookie?” Valeria asked, raising an eyebrow in Leon’s direction. 
His focus recentered, Leon studied the dark-eyed soldier then, wondering where she was going with this, because Valeria seemed to always be going somewhere with everything she said. “No,” he admitted, and he felt your eyes on him again. 
“Oh, you’ll be in for a treat then,” Valeria said the words with a smile.
Leon learned soon that she was right, because Krauser, it seemed, had called in more than just the APV’s and Humvees. An officer accompanied the vehicles, and several technicians. Mechanics. People who specialized in keeping the machines running. It became clear that the Major intended you all to learn your way around the machines, but the greatest surprise came the day after the vehicles arrived. 
Because as the squad formed up for morning drills, the Major made an announcement. 
“I’ll be leaving you all for a few weeks,” he began, and Leon was sure that, were they not all standing at attention, there would have been murmurs throughout the squad. He could see your eyes widen, clearly taken by surprise. “Got a report I need to make to Command. If all goes well, I’ll have some new things for you when I get back. New lessons.” Leon knew what he meant, then. He knew that he was going to speak to Command about the bioweapons. He was going to try to do as Leon asked, going about it the careful way. 
Leon hadn’t pegged Krauser as one to cleave to what his superiors ordered all the time, but he supposed that if this was his life, if the Army and STRATCOM were all he had, then he understood that caution. 
And if this let them all keep their instructor, then Leon was more than accepting of this happening the “right” way. 
He couldn’t believe he was actually rooting for this path so he could go on being taught by an asshole who had woken him up with tear gas. Who’d done so much to break him and you and everyone else down. But he was understanding now what you had known all along. That Krauser, despite it all, was doing his best to make sure that you would all survive everything. That you would all have as many tools at your disposal as possible. 
And that included APV’s, apparently. 
APV’s . . . but that wasn’t where things were going to end, it seemed, because Krauser went on as a more lithe but no less stern man stepped up beside him. “This is Commander Cortez. He’ll be taking you all on a little field trip up to Fort Benning. It’s past time you all got some experience behind the wheel.” 
And Leon had seen the way your eyes widened as Krauser gave the location. You and all the rest of your squad. Alenko looked like he was about to jump out of his skin, he was so excited. 
He asked you later why you’d balked like that. 
“Fort Benning,” you began to answer, “it’s where the Armor School is. They train cavalry scouts there and-”
Alenko cut you off, his smile making him seem years younger. “And tanks, man,” he said, and Leon felt his eyes widen. “That’s where you learn how to drive tanks.” 
Leon went quiet for a moment, looking over at you, then nodding. “Huh. Well, shit.” 
It seemed the two of you would be getting some time off-base after all.
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A/N: Just a cute lil chill chapter for Valentine's Day!
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jazzthatonewriterchick · 11 months
Lovers & Friends (18+ Fic)
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Pairing: Keigo Takami x Black!Fem!Reader (Friends to Lovers)
Synopsis: In which you and Keigo have begun to realize the strange new feelings you both have for each other after one drunken night at a close friend’s wedding that ends with you in his bed, but because of your longtime friendship and committed relationships with other people, you’re more than happy to forget that night even happened and keep your mutual feelings in the dark…for now, at least. 
Story Warnings: Smutty smut; 18+ (MINORS GET AWAY); Cheating/Infidelity; Mating; Light Degradation; Spanking; Exhibitionism; Multiple Positions; Creampie; Unprotected PIV Sex; Facial; Scent Play; Marking; Spitting; Deepthroating; Cunnilingus; Begging; Edgeplay; Power Play; Wing-Stroking; Daddy Kink; Some Angst; Hurt/Comfort; Mild Violence
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you!
Chapters: One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen. Sixteen. Seventeen. Eighteen. Nineteen. Twenty. Bonus Chapter.
Read on AO3 here!
Chapter Sixteen: Funny Seeing You Here.
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When Keigo finally gets in the venue for the Heroes’ Gala, he’s just relieved to finally be away from the prying eyes of cameras and the sight of you with that dickhead Tempo. 
You look absolutely beautiful tonight. Positively stunning. And you barely even looked at him on the red carpet. It was only for a flitting moment that your eyes met, and in them, he saw only a wall that you were keeping up to keep him out.
The amount of disappointment he felt was astronomical, but he knows that he caused it. He knows that he deserves it. You owe absolutely nothing to him, especially after that Saturday night when he told you about his suspicions regarding Rei. 
But even so, the anger he felt watching you with your ex tonight nearly overpowered him. How could you not see the red flags? How can you not see right through Rei’s bullshit? He can only wonder when he walks into the venue, admiring the decor.
The HPSC chose a gorgeous ballroom for tonight’s event with marbled floors, golden tapestries, and white table-clothed tables surrounding the floors in front of the large stage where a band is currently playing jazz renditions of popular pop songs. Off to either side of the room are tables littered in luxurious delicacies and champagne flutes while a fountain where pink flowers bob in the water sits in the center of the room. Waitresses and waiters walk to and fro, offering h’orderves and extra champagne flutes filled to the brim to the famous, well-dressed guests walking about the room. 
Not seeing his friends yet, Keigo hangs back in the cut and just observes people, wanting this thing to be over so he can win his award and leave for his afterparty. Everything is already set up at the venue, including the DJ, food, alcohol, and decorations. He’s hoping you will show up as you said you would, but he’s starting to think that maybe that won’t be the case tonight. He has the chance to ask you when he sees you walk into the venue minutes later, your hand in Rei’s.
He looks away, not wanting to see you. It’s too painful seeing you look so gorgeous with such an asshole. A human stain. “Wow,” you cutely say in awe, marveling at the decorations and the decor of the venue. “This is so beautiful! They really went all out.” 
“You ain’t kidding,” Rei agrees. “I’m shocked the floors aren’t paved in gold. And look at all of these waiters!” Keigo knows he shouldn’t look, but he does, and as he turns to look at you and Rei, the bastard sees him. And he smirks. It is a cocky, knowing, and pisses Keigo off even more. Rei knows exactly what he’s doing and the effect he has on the winged pro standing there with you, eating up the cameras and attention. 
Keigo knows he needs to keep his self-control. He needs to keep calm and collected for the sake of his relationship with you…but the petty side of him wins the war. He stands and struts over to you and Rei, relishing in the way your man’s smile falters a bit.
When he finally nears you, you finally notice him and your eyes grow wide, shocked to see him actually approaching you. Then they narrow as you probably think he is here to stir shit…which he is. “Well, I’m shocked to see you here, H/N,” he greets. “I thought you said you weren’t coming.” 
Your eyes, looking so pretty all done up with glitter and lashes, sharpen like daggers at him. “I just changed my mind,” you reply, a little cooler than Keigo would’ve liked. He sees you grip Rei’s hand, making your plus-one smile proudly. All he wants to do is wipe it off his face. “Where’s your guest, Hawks?” Rei asks, falsely concerned and majorly curious. You look just as curious and confused at Keigo’s arm being empty. 
“Eh, she couldn’t make it,” he easily lies. “She had work.” He would definitely tell you that he and Sakura broke it off if Rei wasn’t standing right there, but something tells him that you wouldn’t want to hear that. “So you managed to get her out of her condo, Tempo?” he jokes, cocking his head to the side. 
You avert your eyes while Rei gives a fake laugh. “I’m just as surprised as you, but doesn't she look amazing?” he asks. He motions a hand over your gown, hair, and makeup, not once making you smile. “Got her a stylist and everything! Don’t you think she looks gorgeous, Hawks?”
A devious glint reveals itself in his eyes, irking Keigo to the point where his wings ruffle, especially when you look so uncomfortable. Rei is trying to get a rise out of him at the expense of your feelings, and it’s starting to work. 
But a blessing of a distraction luckily stops him from possibly putting a fist in Rei’s face. “I know I do,” a familiar voice interjects from behind Keigo. “My, you three are a nice-looking group, indeed.”
He turns to find Nemuri looking like an old Hollywood vixen in a skin-tight purple dress that flares out at the bottom and leaves nothing to the imagination. Rumi is with her and wearing a strapless, glittering silver dress that outlines her muscles while her hair is wrapped in an updo by her ears. She places her hands on her hips, eyeing the three. “Eh, I guess they clean up well,” she passively says. She nods at Keigo, smirking. “You should’ve left the wings though. They’re kinda over the top.” 
Keigo smirks at her, moving to tug on one of her ears. “I’d say the same about those ears.” She swats him away while Nemuri gives a tittering laugh. It is the exact kind of silliness to break the ice that the tension between him, you, and Rei has caused. Even better is when a waitress comes up to you and the group, smiling politely, with a tray of champagne flutes in her hand. “Champagne, anyone?” she chirps.
Rumi squeals and takes one while Nemuri politely thanks her but passes, wanting to save the alcohol for later. “Just one, thanks,” Keigo says, taking one of the glasses. 
But at the sight of Rei whispering into your ear at the corner of his eye, he rethinks this. “Actually,” he mumbles, “gimme two of those.” He takes another one, surprising Rumi, Nemuri, and you. The three of you share a look between each other, knowing that something is up, but he doesn't give a fuck. Because something is up. Nothing is normal and he isn’t going to hide it. 
You give the girls a smile, not even looking at him. “Uh, we’re gonna go sit,” you awkwardly announce. “Come find us once the awards are done.” You walk off with Rei hand in hand, going to find your assigned table which is four tables away from the stage in the center. Keigo doesn’t even know where his seat is and doesn’t really care. He would stand up for the whole night if he could. 
Rumi shimmies up next to him, her Chanel perfume in his nose. “You know, you could always just talk to her in private instead of drinking it away, bird brain,” she whispers. They both watch as Rei takes your seat out for you and then pushes it in once you’re sitting down. Keigo downs his first glass, about to move on to his second. “I’ll think about it after my third glass,” he acerbically replies. 
Nemuri, who has been standing a good distance from him and Rumi, now scoots closer to them too. “Is everything okay?” she timidly asks, her eyebrows furrowed in concern. Keigo immediately gives her a false smile, not wanting her or Yu’s night to be dampened by the drama. It’s bad enough that Rumi knows and she’s nominated for an award. He doesn’t need his other friends worrying over him. 
“Yeah,” he reassures her. “You know I hate paparazzi though. I saw at least three camera lenses in those potted plants over there.” He nods at the large potted plants near one of the exits where, sure enough, the lens of a camera glitters between one of the leaves. It’s always nice to have real things to use an excuses. Nemuri nudges his arm, giggling. “Least they’ll get your good side,” she jokes. That makes him laugh. 
He tries to keep laughing the majority of the night before the awards start. He tries to ignore you and your ex by guzzling down champagne and fried chicken skewers at the snack table; chatting up his friends, coworkers, and colleagues; bothering Endeavor, and holding his stomach laughing at Ms. Joke’s horrible yet endearing bad jokes and her attempts at flirting with Aizawa (to which Mic doesn’t mind about because he thinks it’s hilarious). But it all feels weird. Empty. Because he does all of this without you. 
As the night goes on, he becomes restless without your company and seeing you with Rei. It’s like he’s your goddamn shadow! When you’re speaking to a fellow pro, there he is. When you’re getting yourself something to eat, there he fucking is. If you go to the bathroom, there he fucking is. He follows you around like a puppy, showing off your “relationship” to everyone in the ballroom.
Everyone is so happy for you, so overjoyed that you’ve finally come to a Gala with a date, but they have no idea. They have no clue of the facade Keigo can practically see melting off of Rei. You apparently have no clue either. You smile at Rei; rub his back; laugh when he whispers in your ear. 
Keigo is fuming by the time he sits down, tipsy from the champagne. He sits at a table with Rumi, Yu, and Nemuri who are talking among themselves, not noticing how much their friend is hanging onto the last strip of self-control he has. You and Rei have transitioned to the dance floor now, hand in hand, and have already had your fill of socializing. He watches, stewing with anger and envy, as Rei pulls you close by your arm so your body is flush with his. Then he takes one of your hands while your other falls onto his shoulder. He’s practically ready to tip over the table when he sees Rei’s hands fall to your waist. 
The two of you begin to sway to the smooth jazz rendition of Beyoncè’s “Plastic Off The Sofa”, you softly singing the words while Rei laughs, smiling down at you. His hands linger on your hips and lower back, his fingers stroking down and up again. He touches you the way Keigo wants to. The way he did that night at the hotel. He almost feel your soft skin on his fingertips; smell your perfume in his nostrils; taste your– 
“Keigo?” He turns, finding Rumi staring at him peculiarly. “You good?” she whispers, leaning in to avoid Nemuri and Yu catching her words. “Because you look like you want to strangle someone.” She nods down at his hand which he realizes is gripping the tablecloth so hard that his knuckles are stark white. He quickly releases the tablecloth, ignoring Rumi’s concerned yet knowing look. “Yeah,” he exhales, trying to calm himself. “I’m fine.” 
He tries to do breathing exercises which involves sucking in a breath, counting to five, and then releasing. It’s supposed to calm your heart rate and relax you…but he feels none of that as he watches you and Rei sway to the music, eyes on each other, and smiles on your faces. When you suddenly lean your head on his shoulder and close your eyes, like nothing in the world matters but him, Keigo just about loses his cool. His nostrils flare as his breathing speeds up and his upper lip twitches. He’s about to blow. He can’t stay here. If he does, there is no telling what he’ll do. 
“Hawks?” Nemuri questions, worry in her soft voice. “Are you alright?” She then gasps, earning his attention. She is staring at him with her hand at her mouth, shocked. “Darling, your wings!” she warns him. Rumi and Yu are ogling at him too, alarmed. 
Keigo looks at his wings and startles. They are glowing red and each feather is sharp to the touch and vibrating with rage. He is ready to attack as if a villain is in the room tonight…that villain being Rei. 
“What is it?” Yu asks, already flipping into pro mode and looking quite intimidating despite her hot pink gown and updo. “Is it a villain? Do I need to transform?” 
“No, no!” Rumi quickly replies, stopping her from shifting into her giant mode. “Hawks just needs a walk outside.” She turns to him expectantly, her eyes sharp and urging. “Don’t you, Hawks?” she pushes.
Keigo is up immediately, being careful to not bump into anything or startle anyone else. He already feels horrible enough for alarming his friends with his bullshit. “Y-Yeah,” he stutters. “I’m sorry, ladies. I just need some air.” 
Before either of them can say anything more, he hurries away from the table and across the ballroom to one of the exits that leads out to a ramp leading towards the gardens behind the venue building. It is a perfect place to get away from the prying eyes of paparazzi and colleagues when you’re having a mental breakdown. Keigo practically catapults himself out of the door, passing by the security guards posted there, and rushes down the ramp to the gardens. As soon as the cool summer breeze hits his skin, he feels a lot better than he did staying in the ballroom. 
The night is quiet, the muffled sound of the music inside the venue becoming quieter the further he walks away from the building. At the beginning of the gardens are stone benches sitting around a fountain spouting water from the mouths of two mermaid statues lounging on a large rock.
He begins to walk through the hedge maze that the gardens provide, admiring the beautiful flowers blooming all around him and the cherry blossom petals cascading down below from the trees above. The sky is starry and clear, not a cloud in the sky. It is a beautiful, peaceful night, one that calms him the further he walks through the maze. He wonders if he’ll get lost in here among the sweet-smelling flowers and the towering hedges. He wonders if someone will come and find him. Would it be you? 
“I hope you’re not deciding to stay out here all night,” Dabi suddenly says in his raspy, dry voice…wait. Keigo immediately skids to a stop and looks in the direction of the disembodied voice. He expects to see his friend standing there or maybe behind him, but all he sees is a hedge wall. He is alone…at least somewhat. 
He walks towards the hedge wall and squints through the many leaves and cut branches. Sure enough, a crystal blue eye is staring back at him. “Shit!” he shouts in surprise, jumping back from the hedge.
Dabi begins to laugh is a dry, smoker laugh, finding this creepy shit funny. “What the hell are you doin’ here?” Keigo hisses, keeping his voice low. “I thought you weren’t gettin’ dropped off till later for my party.” 
At least that’s what they had planned on initially. “I pulled some strings,” Dabi deviously chuckles from the other side of the hedge wall. “And by that, I mean that I told my personal guard I’d keep quiet about him fuckin’ his boss on the low…well, I guess I broke that promise just know, didn’t I?” The familiar, unmistakable sound of a lighter flickering fills the air along with the smell of cigarette smoke. 
“What if someone catches you here?” Keigo hisses, worried and irked that his friend can be so careless. “You know they’ve got cameras everywhere. If somebody sees you–“ 
“Christ, when did you become so paranoid?” Dabi interjects, sounding disappointed. “And so damn uptight. Here, I thought you’d be glad to see me.”
Keigo sighs, harshly pinching the bridge of his nose. “I’m sorry,” he murmurs tiredly. “I just need to be alone right now, Dabi.” He stares up at the sky, waiting for the stars to give him an answer to his problems. “I shouldn’t have even come to this stupid ass event,” he mutters. 
“What, and miss out on gettin’ your shiny award?” Dabi asks jokingly. “And finally seeing our mutual friend realize her ex is a fake ass bitch. I mostly came here to see all of that unfold from the window. You know I’m a slut for drama.” 
“That, you are,” Keigo agrees, chuckling a bit. “But I think you’re out of a show, man. She’s completely oblivious to the fact that her ex is a total bum and is only using her for popularity points.” Dabi is silent, taking in this information for a moment. Around them, crickets chirp and a saxophone plays from inside the venue. “So are you gonna show her?” Dabi curiously asks. 
“I’ve tried!” Keigo groans, exasperated. “I went to her condo, remember? She turned me away.” He leans against the hedge wall, letting the leaves and branches poke him in the back. Now the gardens’ powers aren’t working on him anymore. He feels way less relaxed than he did walking in here. “I’ve completely ruined my friendship with her, and for what?” he laments. "Just because I hate her man? If she’s happy with him then we should just–“ 
But he can't get the rest of the words out because his ass is suddenly burning hot. He yelps, jumping away from the hedge and using his wings to fan the sensation away. It fades as quickly as it came, leaving the fabric at the backside of his pants slightly burned. He suddenly hears footsteps behind him and whirls around to see Dabi with one hand holding his cigarette while the other is encased in blue flames. “What the fuck is wrong with you?!” he angrily hollers. 
Dabi blows the flame out, leaving his hand billowing in smoke. “What the fuck is wrong with you?” he retorts, irked. He stands at the end of the trail, glaring Keigo down. “We aren't going to do anything, but you are going to show that girl that she can’t be happy with that fake motherfucker. You’ve been friends with her longer than me and you’re gonna just let her go like this?” 
His blue eyes trail over Keigo’s form critically and Keigo feels the sting of shame as his friend does so. “You and I both know that he ain't good for her, Kei,” he firmly continues. “And I’ll be damned if I let her settle and find false happiness with a guy that doesn’t love her like you do. Even if she doesn't feel the same way, you need to tell her she deserves more than that prick.”
He nods towards the window, referring to Rei being just behind it. “You love her, don’t you?” he asks, staring at Keigo expectantly. 
Keigo runs a frustrated hand down his face, but answers regardless of his frustrations because he knows Dabi will push the issue. “Yes,” he sighs. Dabi steps closer to him, a stern look in his blue eyes. “Then you’d better get your narrow ass in there and tell her,” he replies, his voice barely above a growl. “And make sure you tell Rumi so she can put $50 on my commissary.” 
Keigo scowls confusedly at his words until the realization hits him. “You bet on this?” he blurts, shocked. The stern look in Dabi’s eyes doesn’t leave, even when he passively shrugs and doesn’t deny nor confirm this.
He must expect Keigo to be angry and throw a fit at this, but he shocks Dabi and himself when he begins to laugh. It starts as a tiny bubble in his chest that expands until it bursts inside of him, leaving him in fits of giggles that have his shoulders shaking and him hugging his stomach. It makes Dabi crack a crooked smile as he watches his friend break free of his frustrations and the trap that is his mind, finally feeling more relaxed than he has all night. 
When he finally manages to calm down and wipes his tears away, he notices that the music has stopped and applause has started. “Ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats!” the host announces. “We are about to commence the award segment of the Gala, beginning with a speech by the symbol of peace aka the one and only All Might!” 
More applause, along with cheers, explode from the building. Keigo straightens up and calms himself, realizing that the time has come. “I’ll deal with you two assholes later,” he sighs, shoving Dabi back with his hand. “They’re about to announce the awards.”
Dabi nods, puffing on his cigarette as he begins to backpedal down the trail to exit the maze. “You’d better show up tonight so I can thank you with a round,” Keigo says with a smirk. “Tequila?” 
Dabi’s eyes sparkle at the winged pro’s version of a thank you. “Only if I get to take a bottle back to my cell,” he chortles. “Now get in there and kick some ass.” Then, without another word, he disappears behind the hedge where he once was and grows silent, becoming one with the darkness for all Keigo knows. 
He feels a lot more confident and less anxious when he walks back into the Gala. A hush falls onto the audience as Toshinori takes the stage, ditching his All Might persona in favor of his skinnier, lankier form in a black tux. He stands at the podium with cue cards, the audience in the palm of his hand.
“Good evening,” he says in his normal, low-toned voice. “I am very pleased to be standing among all of you tonight and extremely honored to be given a chance to open these awards with my speech. Tonight, we are gathered here not just as heroes, but as friends. A family. A team. No one but us knows or understands the hardships and challenges we have to go through day after day, whether they are injuries or missing out on time with loved ones to protect our city. And tonight, we’re here to celebrate and honor these challenges, hardships, and sacrifices.” 
Applause breaks his speech for a moment along with a couple of whoops and cheers. He begins again, closing his speech off on a high and inspiring note: “Please, my friends: remember that even if you do not win an award, that doesn’t make you any less of a hero. And if you win one, that doesn’t make you more of one either. You are only a hero if you remember what matters most and why you fight every single day: to protect each other and the innocent lives that depend on our quirks. We fight to defend them and to defend each other. To keep each other safe. To love one another.” 
Keigo doesn’t know why, but he looks at you and is shocked to find Rei’s seat empty. The audience applauds Toshinori as he walks off the stage, bowing as he does. The host walks back onto the stage, applauding the pro. “Thank you, Mr. All Might, sir!” he brightly says. "Now to present the first award category is Tempo!” 
And here comes Rei from the side stage, confident and cocky with an award and an envelope in his hand. Keigo bites the inside of his cheek as he watches your ex lean over the microphone at the podium. “The award category is for Best Fighter,” he says into the mic. “The nominees are Eraserhead, Butterfly, Chain Link, and H/N.” 
He pauses as the audience claps for each nominee. Keigo looks at you, unable to keep his eyes off of you. You have a blank look on your face as you look toward the stage, but he can tell you’re nervous from the way your hands shake against the table. He wants to be there to hold your hand. He wants to tell you that no matter what, you’re still an amazing fighter and hero. 
“And the award goes to…” Rei pauses for dramatic effect as he tears open the envelope.
Silence falls onto the crowd, including Keigo who waits for an answer with bated breath. Finally, Rei’s eyes light up and he gasps at the response. Keigo instantly knows that you’ve won. “My girlfriend!” Rei exclaims into the mic. “H/N, get up here and get your award, babe!” 
Keigo stands up with Rumi, Nemuri, and Yu who holler and scream for you, their applause louder than the rest of the crowd that is now giving you a standing ovation. The screen hanging above the stage flickers on, showing your shocked reaction. It’s the cutest thing ever. You stand and carefully walk to the stage, hiking up your dress to avoid tripping. Once you’re near, Rei takes your hand to help you up the stage’s steps before handing you your award and standing at the sidelines. 
You turn to the audience as you face the podium, revealing your damp eyes and excited smile. Keigo has never been happier for you. “Oh, my God!” you shout tearfully, staring down at your award in shock. “I can't begin to say how much this means to me. I’ve trained and practiced for so long to improve my fighting skills, and now…now I feel like all of it means something.” 
You pause to stare down at your award, your bottom lip wobbling. “I want to thank my family and friends for always supporting me, especially my dreams of becoming a pro. I want to thank my agency and publicist. Everyone on my team. My coworkers and colleagues. And especially my amazing fans who made this possible for me!” 
You grin happily, overflowing with happiness as the applause grows louder like a roaring sea. Despite everything happening between you two, Keigo whistles for you, joining the adoring crowd. You deserve this moment and more. “Thank you all so, so much!” you exclaim, teeming with joy and gratitude. You then go to walk off the stage with your award, but Rei blocks you. Your smile falters slightly, confused as to what he is doing. He just smiles, pressing a hand to your back. 
“There’s just one thing I have to say before we move on,” he says, staring adoringly at you. The crowd’s applause dies down, filling the room with silence. “Y/N, I can’t tell you how proud I am of you. I’ve seen you fight and you deserve this award more than anyone in here, including me. You’re so strong, intelligent, beautiful, and…and…” He pauses and slowly gets down onto one knee. “And I want you in my life.” 
A hushed gasp emits from the crowd as he begins to reach into his jacket pocket. Your entire smile fades while Keigo’s stomach drops straight into his ass. “What the hell is he doing?” Rumi murmurs. 
You’re wondering the same thing judging by your face, etched in confusion and fear. “What are you doing?” you softly ask, the mic picking up your words. 
Rei grins up at you as he takes a tiny black box from out of his jacket and presents it to you, and the audience. “Now, this isn't an engagement ring,” he sheepishly admits, “but it is a promise ring. It’s a promise of my love and loyalty to only you.” He opens it, revealing a gorgeous, 14k gold ring. The camera by the stage picks up each detail, including your birthstone etched into the metal. 
Whispers and gasps of astonishment fill the air as the audience watches the scene unfold in real-time.
Meanwhile, Keigo is fuming.‘This motherfucker!’ he thinks. He wants to fly onto that stage and deck this fool so bad, but he’ll be damned if he embarrasses you any more than your boyfriend is doing right now. You look like you want to crawl into a hole and die as Rei presents you with the promise ring, your eyes wide with fear. 
“Y/N, I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life,” Rei continues, “but I refuse to make the mistake of letting you go. I’ve been in love with you for so long and I want that love to make us stronger. The best power couple in the world!”
Dimples etch into his cheeks as he takes the ring out of the box, holding it out for your hand. “Will you join me, Y/N?” he asks, hope in his eyes. "Will you promise yourself to me too?” 
The silence that falls onto the crowd is deafening. All eyes are on you now, anticipating an answer. You stare at Rei, wide-eyed, before looking out into the audience and cameras like a deer in headlights.
“I…I…” You stumble onto your words, your brain slowly processing your situation and what your ex is asking of you in front of your friends, colleagues, and dozens of fans behind their laptops and TV screens. You look like you want to die right there. All Keigo wants to do is run up on stage, hide you behind his wings, and hold you forever. 
But he can’t. All he can do is sit still and grip the table as shit continues to hit the fan. Finally, you crumble and look down at Rei, your bottom lip wobbling.
“I-I’m sorry,” you whimper as you rush off the stage, leaving your award sitting on the podium. Rei stares at you as you run off, confused and hurt, which pisses Keigo off to no end. With the crowd still silent, the host quickly rushes onto the stage to save the show. “U-Uh, sorry to jump in, but moving on!” he quickly announces. “The next award category is…” 
Keigo doesn’t even hear which one is next. He is too busy worrying over you. He notices Rumi stand up immediately, but he puts a hand on her arm. “No,” he firmly says. “I’ll go. You stay here.” Though she looks indifferent to the idea, she gives him a firm nod and sits back down. 
Keigo is running after you immediately. 
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queenvernage · 1 year
the moment of power rangers megaforce i think about the most, hands down, no contest, is when troy gets everyone excited about going to see a rock concert because orion doesn't know about earth music... they get to the concert and it's literally recycled footage of antonio and mia's charity concert from super samurai. and i think about this so often because:
despite their band being called the rebel rockers, "everyday fun" is not a rock song (but orion doesn't know this so he will probably hear van halen out of context one day and be very confused)
it didn't have to be a samurai cameo, it could have just been a random rock band and if they didn't want to write a new song, "everyday fun" was still right there
can you imagine how much funnier it would have been if instead of cutting the megaforce cast bopping around to mia and antonio's performance they had used a clip of any of the following iconic performances from ranger history:
kira's "patiently" music video shoot
cam shredding the guitar on "totally talented"
theo's adorably tone deaf karaoke performance of "this little light of mine"
princess shayla and merrick singing the deer zord song
one of vida's dj sets on the mini stage at the rock-porium
(all of these scenarios should be presented their original aspect ratio and film quality and with the unintended hilarious implications that none of the characters have aged)
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Hi, I was reading your Haudrey and Uma one shot and I was thinking if you would do a one shot where Anxelin was nervous about entering a choir at School and Shang Jr was helping to gain confidence by playing his keyboard and started singing. Anxelin was in awe when she heard her male best friend sang, he sounded like an angel. So Anxelin gather courage and sang along with Jr by strumming her guitar. When Anxelin join up for the choir, she sang her mother's song(when will my life begin) and the judges were blown away. When Anxelin came back she told Jr about and excitedly jumped in his arms and hugged him. Then she realized it was her best friend she was hugging. She awkwardly unwrapped herself from Shang's embrace and the both of them laughed.
So this took me an eternity to answer, but here you go! I hope you like it, and that everyone else enjoys too!
...As always, I took some creative liberties, but it mostly matches. Just not exactly.
Anyway, enjoy! ♥♥♥
„And the auditions are tomorrow, it’s barely enough time to practise, I mean I know the song of course I do it’s my mom’s song, but it’s so little time and I’m nervous and school choir probably isn’t for me anyway–“ Anxelin paused her rambing, mostly just to take a breath, and moved her short hair from her eyes. She just cut it and dyed it recently, and it. Kept. Falling. Down.
It was driving her up the hall, really.
What’s worse, Shang Jr, her best friend was laughing. Laughing, would you believe it?!
„Hey!“ she protested that treatment.
„Chill, Anx,“ he told her, raising his hands in mock surrender, „You’ve got it, I’m sure. If you want to join the school choir, you get in. No debate on that one.“
Anxelin breathed in, to start arguing, but she barely got beyond agitated „But–“ when Junior cut her off again.
„No buts!“ he told her, „ “but” isn’t how my mom won the war, or how yours got out of the tower.“
Oh, how Anxelin hated this, hated being compared to her mother’s shining example all the time. 
And he knew it, too!
She glared at him.
Which had absolutely no effect, dammit.
„Look, I’m just saying, it’s gonna be fine.“
More glaring, this was not even worthy of an answer.
A pillow flew her way now, and she threw it back at his head. He caught it easily, of course, and laughed. She couldn’t help but laugh too.
„Hey, I’ve got a keyboard over there,“ he said, pointing at the instrument carelessly, „Wanna practice? Might take the anxiety away a bit.“
Anxelin considered this for bit: As much as she hated to admit this, he was probably right. Besides, it beats just sitting around and overthinking.
„Fine, yeah,“ she allowed, „You know the accords?“
Shang was good, she knew, but „When will my life begin“ wasn’t exactly his type of music.
„Obviously, there is not a song in this world or other that I do not know by heart,“ he boasted, before breaking into a laugh.
„Loudmouth,“ she complained.
„I’m googling it now.“
And really, in a moment, the first tones of the song rang through the room. Anxelin let the opening notes pass and then started singing along, trying to channel her mom through her voice, or, well, at least her joy. Her mom was the most joyful person Anxelin knew, one of the two people who could sing praise about doing laundry and moping, the other being Cinderella, of course.
Anxelin sings, lost in the music, and almost doesn’t notice when another voice joins her.
Shang Junior.
He has a voice from <i>heaven</i>.
Her jaw almost drops as she stops singing, listening to her friend instead, but that doesn’t last long. He notices her silence, and lets the song fade into nothing.
„What?“ he asks.
„You sing so well!“ she can barely contain her excitement and awe, „Why didn’t you tell me? You should join the choir!“
He shrugs.
„I don’t sing that well, really, and I enjoy mixing music more. You know I’m a DJ.“
She knows that, of course. But still, her face falls as she sucks at the inside of her cheek. „Hmm,“ she manages to murmur noncommittally.
Shang plays a single dissonant note on the keyboard. 
„Stop it, sunshine,“ he tells her, and she makes a face at that, „I don’t want to be in the choir, but you do, and you totally got this. You’ve got an amazing voice, and you know the song.“
„Yeah but–“
„No but, Anxelin. You go to the auditions tomorrow and blow them away, hear me?“
Well, Anxelin isn’t too sure about that; she tells him he should go with her, to make up for showing off just now.
He laughs at her, gets another pillow in his face, and then promises.
They even go over the song another few times before Anxelin has to leave for her own room, and by that time, she’s feeling reasonably sure of herself.
Unfortunately, that changes before the auditions roll around, and her anxiety is getting better of her again. She’d rather stay holed up in her room forever than–
„Anxelin!“ Pounding at the door cuts off her spiral, „Open up!“
„Go away!“ she yells at her best friend.
„If you don’t open in half a minute, I’m breaking the door, and you know I can do that!“
She reluctantly opens the door, already making a face at Junior.
But since he’s here, well, she lets him drag her out, more or less, only hissing death threats and curses for about a minute, which is her personal record.
But now they’re in front of the door, and Anxelin stops.
„I’m doing this,“ she tells herself, trying to calm the bundle of nerves in her stomach, „I’ve got this.“
„Absolutely, girl, go get them.“
She walks through the door, and when she turns around, Shang flashes her a quick thumbs-up and a smile.
As she waits for her turn, she does a few breathing exercises her dad taught her, and before she can knows, she is standing in front of the judges, and the opening notes are playing.
Last deep breath–
And then she is singing.
She lets the melody carry her away, the melody and the memory of her mom’s smile and hugs and the stories she told. With that on her mind, Anxelin stands up a little straighter, and closes her eyes for a moment.
A shiver runs down her spine as the song grows into an anxious staccato and she remembers the eyes of Mother Gothel, staring at her from the portrait mom painted–
She shakes that away, her short black hair flying around her face. Her hair, yes, she’s not her mother, she is Anxelin, and she’s auditioning for the school choir.
The song is just about ending, and Anxelin looks at the judges as she finishes. The last notes echo for a bit, the room frozen in silence, before the jury breaks up into an applause and blinding smiles.
„Congratulation, Anxelin Fitzherbert,“ one of them tells her, „You’re officially in the school choir of Auradon Prep. Practice is every Wednesday and Friday, from six o’clock.“
Anxelin barely hears anything beyond the first word, and she can barely contain her excitement. She got in! 
She did it!
„We’re looking forward at you,“ tells her another one of the judges, and she barely manages to nod along and not jump in the place from excitement. She flaps her hands just a little, and practically runs out of the room as soon as she can.
She falls around Shang’s neck; „I did it!“ she cries out, „I’m in the choir!“
„I know, I heard you, you were awesome!“ Shang matches her excitement and admirably doesn’t flinch away even though she just more or less screamed directly into his ears, and just now Anxelin realises how tightly she is clinging to her best friend.
„Sorry!“ she giggles nervously, letting go of him and stepping away from him.
„Don’t be!“ he laughs too, and then they’re laughing together, the last of her nerves flooding away.
She did it!
And he helped her and supported her so much –
„Thanks!“ she manages to thank him in between the fits of giggles.
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rai-knightshade-art · 2 years
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"...when I'm lying wrapped up in your arms, the whole World just fades away; the only thing I hear is the Beating of your Heart..."
Breathe, by Faith Hill
"...we should talk about this, right?"
His voice is soft, when he speaks; you wouldn't be able to hear him, if you weren't lying on his chest.
You draw patterns across his skin with your finger, contemplative. "Maybe. I'm not really sure how, though."
He makes a humming noise; you can feel the vibrations more than you can hear them. It's a moment before he speaks, and in the quiet you feel his arm move, a tendril of your hair lifting with it. (He always did like playing with your hair.)
Finally, he speaks. "Maybe we should start with... Being honest, with each other. Say what we really feel. Tell the truth."
You lift up your head, until you can rest your chin on your arm, and look at him; he's staring right back, eyes a warm brown, filled with affection.
You lift your other hand, to play with his own unruly curls, as you think. Honesty, huh? You've always been good at hiding your feelings, concealing the truth. How honest do you want to be, really?
But... Looking into his eyes, shining in the moonlight... You find you can't hide anything. Not from him. Not anymore.
"If honesty means telling the truth... Well then, the truth is, I'm still in love with you."
The fanfiction this scene is from is currently in progress, but you can read Chapter 1 here!
Bonus Post 1 (Jesse and Beca's Playlists): Link
Bonus Post 2 (The Bonus Tracks): Link
Artist thoughts, an alternate edit, links to my other RarePair Week entries, and close ups below the cut; image ID is in the alt text.
....y'all don't wanna know how long this thing took me 😅. For the illustration OR the first chapter of the associated fic, really.
Yeah so soft!Jeca lives rent free in my head, like, constantly these days, and I'm making that everybody's problem now, sorry. 😅 And when I saw the prompts for the Pitch Perfect RarePair Week, specifically #5, I knew immediately what I had to do: a fanfic/fanfic illustration! (...Or 2. ........or 5....😂)
I've actually been working on this fanfic for... A while, shall we say, because I had a LOT of thoughts that I needed out of my head and a fanfic was the best way to accomplish that. I wasn't sure when I was gonna try to have it done, figured it would get there when it gets there, but this prompt fit just too perfectly not to take advantage of it, ya know? So my new plan was to have the fanfiction done in time to upload with this prompt, buuuutttt.... That didn't quite happen 😓 ya girl's been busy alright!
But. But. I did get Chapter 1 finished! And uploaded! A day early, no less! ...Except Chapter 1 doesn't actually include the prompt line in it, that'll be in Chapter 2 😅. So uh. That'll be written here soon, I promise. In the meantime, at least there's Chapter 1! AND bonus posts, linked above the cut! Check them out!
Now, to set the scene: we're 6 months past the ending of Pitch Perfect 3, keeping everything from canon (except for the Chloe/Chicago thing but that's not relevant here, that's relevant for a different pair of days). We're 2 and a half years post-Jesse and Beca breaking up due to the fact that their lives and careers were taking off on opposite ends of the continent; it was an amicable breakup, but not a happy one, and while both of them have moved on from the relationship (and Jesse has had--and then broken up with--another long term girlfriend), they both still harbor some feelings for each other. They both think that ship has sailed though...until Beca moves to LA as part of her partnership with DJ Khaled, right when the producers of the movie Jesse and his team are scoring have asked Khaled to write and produce an original song for their movie, and wouldn't you know it, he has a brand new, extremely talented music producer who'd be perfect for the project!
So of course, Jesse and Beca reunite completely by surprise, take some time to talk a few things out once they've each panic-called their respective in-town confidants Benji and Emily to freak out a little bit but it's fine they're chill, and start to reconnect over this new project they have together... And afternoon visits to the neighboring cafe, mutually grabbing lunch at a nearby combination-deli-and-bookstore, and, finally, a week after the Big Damn Reunion™, an actual honest-to-god dinner date-that's-definitely-a-first-date-but-they-won't-admit-it, at a fancy (but not too fancy, they're not quite stars yet) restaurant and everything.
This scene? Comes directly after that dinner; or, rather, it comes directly after they've finished their dinner, and Jesse (ever the gentleman) has walked Beca home, all the way up to her apartment door; it comes after they've just stood there for a long moment, neither really wanting to make the first move to leave, until, finally, Beca literally says "Fuck it!" And drags the poor man into the apartment by the lips and collar. 😂 After all that, here in the dead of night, under the moonlight, they finally just... Talk. Really talk, not just the small talk from the deli/bookstore, or discussing their project in the studio, or even the brief acknowledgements of their past and the ways they've each moved on, from that first day in the cafe. Now, they talk through everything. How they're feeling, what they want this thing between them to be... How absolutely fucking terrified they are of screwing this up again... And how much they want to try again anyways. This scene, right here, is the true beginning of their eventual, maybe-it-was, maybe-it-wasn't, maybe-it-doesn't-matter-if-it-was-or-wasn't, inevitable, happily ever after. Because, well... "If honesty means telling the truth... Well then, the truth is I'm still in love with you."
Below are some close ups to show the details I added--like Beca's plaques!--as well as an alternate edit with lower contrast, because I couldn't decide whether I liked the glow effects better or the dim nighttime atmosphere better. So, both. And finally, below that are the links to the rest of my RarePair Week entries!
Alternate low-contrast version (I couldn't decide which vibes I liked better so y'all get both):
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Close Ups:
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Days I'm Participating In (and the Entries I've Posted):
Day 1 (this is me trying): Link
Day 2 (I've missed you): Link
Day 5 (if honesty means telling the truth... Then the truth is I'm still in love with you): You Are Here!
Day 6 (there's no way that it's not going to happen with you looking at me like that): Link
Day 7.1 (I can't say it, so I'll sing it): Link
Day 7.2 (part 2): Link
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djmossback · 11 months
Spacebar 10/21/23
Third Space Saturday
Tasting Notes:
I’ve been on vacation from my day job all this week. So I ostensibly had more time than usual to prepare, but I was spending it going through the detritus that had built up over the last 29 years of homeowning, child raising, earning a living and being a closet hoarder. And record collector. Is there really a difference? Yes and no. It’s nice to have this archive to draw from, but it’s so out of control that I lose track. I’m not sure if that is a minus. It certainly makes the sets interesting. My friend Andy, in an excerpt from his unpublished book “Extinct-Ophonics,” 1) describes it as “accumulation,” not “collecting,” and this certainly applies to me and my process. I try to exist on the edge of knowledge and discovery. Of exploration and storytelling, even if the story writes itself. I am continually in awe of other people’s creations, and I try to honor them. Even though some things are amusing to me, it’s definitely not a joke. I genuinely like what I play.
I did manage to show up on time and not cause a lot of chaos doing it. Elevator worked for me, so I didn’t get trapped in it like last time. I was greeted almost immediately by the 36th St. Crew: S8n and Geneva, Leah and Airman Mike. It was great to see them there. They are family. And, instead of me playing records at the party like I used to, I did it in public. My son Sam and his person Maddy, along with a couple of other friends, came by later. And stayed late, too.
I started with the Shannon cut I wrote about last month, but did not go back to the compilation it came from again, even though I left “Easy Lover” out of the crate in favor of “Sususudio,” which I didn’t end up playing. I had so many new 12” records to get to. The set cruised pretty well, and I felt good. Technically, it was the best I’ve performed since I started working as a DJ again. I did struggle with the sound, which Julie came up and helped with. I am so grateful to her. She is a great person to work with.
The highlight of the early crowd were the people who came in dressed up in old people costumes. S8n came up and asked me how it felt being in an episode of “Golden Girls.” I told him they were so much fun. Door person Samson told me that he thought it was a mixture of actual old people and young people pretending to be old. Whatever, I thought they were great.
As a matter of fact, all the crowds that filtered through were really great to play for. I apologized to the listener who requested “Pinball Wizard.” I don’t play requests, but I would have played that. Going to look for a 7”. I asked her which version, and she said “Oh, the original.” It follows that a DJ playing an arcade would have that song. My bad.
Things flowed well. I managed to establish a good vibe, and did the things that I do well, better than usual. Maybe I’m more confident, perhaps having loved ones in attendance helped, I don’t know. I played a few tracks that got Tavis dancing behind the bar, which is always inspiring. I threw in some reggae tracks that flowed nicely. I’m not a genre DJ, which I don’t have enough discipline to do, or interest in doing in the first place. I was having such a good time that I forgot to enter the tracks in my log; I think I reconstructed things right, but who knows. You get the drift.
The big moment was when Sean Patton and David Cross came into the bar. Will had invited them, and they included us in their post-show downtown crawl. Will instructed Cyberjewel to play the track “Do They Know It’s Halloween?” by the North American Hallowe’en Prevention Initiative. It was a surprise, and I of course, being a disorganized old, didn’t have a clue what it was about. Jules got it on YouTube, and I wedged it in after the OMD>Closer>NORF NORF combo. Mr. Cross came up and asked me where I found it, and I pointed to Julie. I felt like a total dweeb. I just looked it up, and found out it came out in 2005, and promptly ordered a vinyl copy to have in the crate; it may prove useful next to Band Aid in the Christmas Mix. The celebs bailed after that. I can’t believe we pulled it off, frankly, although if I had mixed the record in, it would have sounded better.
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TommyTime came in after the Blonde Redhead show, stayed for the Bush Tetras track, and then left. “Someone’s got to open the store tomorrow!” Hashtag Tommy Time.
I managed to pick up where I left off, and put on the Bob Seger cut “Ramblin’ Gamblin’ Man,” which just thunders. Great drum sound. The remainder of the night was a good representation of what I’m trying to do when everything works, cutting back and forth across the decades. One of the good things about the “blob of information” 2) is that surprisingly, people are open to things outside the mainstream, which doesn’t really exist anymore anyway.
I was feeling so inspired that I tacked an extra hour onto the set, starting with the Gorillaz cut. I was trying out some things that I had just acquired, putting some contemporary artists next to old pop records and seeing how things worked together.
I ended promptly at 0200. Packed up my stuff, wiped down the surfaces and got out of the bar staff’s hair. Just a really great night.
Thank you. Next Third Space Saturday is November 18th, 2023. Drop in if you can.
1) Interested readers can read the full excerpt in Maggot Brain #14, available at Third Man Records. Hopefully, someone will put this book out soon. It is brilliant.
2) Another quote from my man Andy. Really, you should pick up the latest issue of Maggot Brain if you haven’t already. I know print is horribly passe, but then again, so are vinyl records. Right Lefsetz?
The Track List
Let The Music Play, Shannon (LP cut)
Let’s Dance, David Bowie (12” single)
Kiss You All Over, Exile (7” single)
War Ina Babylon, Max Romeo (LP cut)
I’ve Been Thinking About You, LondonBeat (12” single)
Rise, Herb Alpert (12” single)
The Magnificent Seven, The Clash (7” single)
Pressure Drop, The Maytals (LP cut)
The Things That Dreams Are Made Of, Human League (LP cut)
Outstanding, Gap Band (LP cut)
Things We Do For Love, 10CC (7” single)
Let It Whip, Dazz Band (7” single)
Whip It, DEVO (7” single)
Word Up, Cameo (12” single)
Every 1’s A Winner, Hot Chocolate (LP cut)
Pumped Up Kicks, Foster The People (LP cut)
Hippychick, SOHO (12” single)
Jive Talkin’, Bee Gees (7” single)
Rock With You, Michael Jackson (7” single)
Got To Be Real, Cheryl Lynn (7” single)
Couldn’t Get It Right, Climax Blues Band (7” single)
Roxanne, The Police (7” single)
Crazy Little Thing Called Love, Queen (7” single)
Drivin’ My Life Away, Eddie Rabbit (7” single)
Wanderer, Donna Summer (7” single)
Can’t Get Blue Monday Out Of My Head, Kylie Minogue (12” single)
Meaning Of Love, Depeche Mode (12” single)
Knock On Wood, Amii Stewart (12” single)
Walking The Dog, Rufus Thomas (7” single)
Cheap Sunglasses, ZZ Top (LP cut)
Too Many Creeps, Bush Tetras (7” single)
Scratchcard Lanyard, Dry Cleaning (7” single)
Joan Of Arc, O.M.D (12” single)
Closer, Nine Inch Nails (LP cut)
Norf Norf, Vince Staples (LP cut)
Some track that we played for David Cross, who came up and asked me where I found it.
Ramblin’ Gamblin’ Man, Bob Seger System (LP cut)
Give It Up Or Turnit A Loose, James Brown (7” single)
DO THE DU, A Certain Ratio (12” single)
Pick Up The Pieces, Average White Band (LP cut)
Fire-Eater, Rusty Bryant (LP cut)
Only So Much Oil In The Ground, Tower Of Power (LP cut)
Boogie Oogie Oogie, Taste Of Honey (LP cut)
Pressure, Ari Lennox (LP cut)
Dirty Rat, Orbital (LP cut)
West End Girls, Pet Shop Boys (12” single)
Dancing With Myself, Gen X (7” single)
Ex’s & Oh’s, Elle King (LP cut)
Black Sap Scriptures, Plague Vendor (LP cut)
Hair Of The Dog, Nazareth (LP cut)
Walk This Way, RUN-D.M.C. (12” single)
What’s Inside A Girl?, The Cramps (12” single)
The Futures So Bright I Gotta Wear Shades, Timbuk 3 (LP cut)
Pay To Cum, Bad Brains (7” single)
Blood Of The Prophets, Max Romeo (LP cut)
Them Changes, Thundercat (LP cut)
YAH, Kendrick Lamar (LP cut)
America’s Most Blunted, Madvillain (12” single)
She’s Crafty, Beastie Boys (LP cut)
Charley Says! (Roller Boogie Baby), King Tim III (LP cut)
Clint Eastwood, Gorillaz (12” single)
Declaration Of Rights, Abyssinians (LP cut)
Promises, Promises, Naked Eyes (7” single)
blue bones (deathwish,) billy nomates (LP cut)
This Life, Kendra Morris (7” single)
Genius Of Love, Tom Tom Club (12” single)
Uptown Top Ranking, Althea and Donna (LP cut)
Down By The River, PJ Harvey (7” single)
Keep Your Fingers Out The Jam, Fatback (Tribute to IGA) (LP cut)
Time (Clock Of The Heart,) Culture Club (7” single)
Magic, Olivia Newton John (7” single)
Remembering Me, Cate le Bon (LP cut)
Ms. Fat Booty, Mos Def (12” single)
Money Ain’t A Thing, Jay Z w/ Jermaine Dupre (LP cut)
Madison Time, Ray Bryant Combo (LP cut)
Pipeliners Blues, Moon Mullican (LP cut)
Say Man, Bo Diddley (LP cut)
Hang ‘em High, Booker T (LP cut)
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mybelovedwoo · 2 years
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in which Wooyoung is your personal chef
wooyoung x f!reader
fluff, established relationship / wc: 1.2k
warnings: hurting, mention of food, mama woo, worried woo :(
note: This one has the reference from this story. I literally wrote this in one sitting, I don't know why I did this to myself, but I got so inspired and excited writing it. Hope you enjoy:)
On a very calm fall evening, you and your boyfriend, just having a cuddling session on the couch of your apartment. You were so relaxed in his arms, you know you shouldn't be, because when he gets bored there's no way you get away without having to fight for your life with him.
 You were so right, the next thing he did was sneak his hands to your waist and belly and started tickling you without any mercy. You tried to push and kick him off of you, but of course, you had no luck with it. You had tears in your eyes and you couldn't stop laughing, and Wooyoung couldn't help but laugh with you. It was the most beautiful scenery for him, you smiling.
When you were begging him to stop, because you couldn't breathe anymore, it was getting too much for you, he finally stopped. He would never hurt you, so he always knows he to stop these things. In closing, he planted a quick kiss on your lips as if he had done his job well.
It was enough for Wooyoung to hear your stomach growl once and at that very moment, he jumped into the kitchen and started cooking for you. It was close to dinner time and you didn't eat anything since lunch earlier. In these moments, your boyfriend turns into mom mode, he just wants to take care of you and wants you to eat well.
 You immediately ran after him, because your favorite thing was helping him with cooking. Although he never lets you do anything dangerous in there, after all, you are the most clumsiest person when it comes to cooking or doing anything with making eatable food. So most of the time he gives you the easiest things to do, like cleaning up after him and stuffs like that. But you always tell him that it's boring, so you end up being the DJ for the evening.
You had a special playlist called "for my chef", with all the songs you always sing together at the top of your lungs.
"What do you want to eat my love?" He asked you as you were washing your hands preparing for helping him.
You were thinking for a couple of seconds, even made little sounds, so he knows you are thinking hard, then it clicked. "Kimchi-jjigae!!!" You told him with the brightest face and biggest smile. You swear, his was the best in the whole world with no doubt.
So he started making it with a sneaky smile because he thought you were the cutest but didn't want you to see how whipped he is. You stood super close next to him, the whole time watching what he was doing so you can grab every moment where you possibly can help with something.
"Honey, I have to go out to the bathroom real quick. Can you watch it cook until I will be back? You really don't have to do anything with it, so please don't set the kitchen on fire, okay?" He was hesitant, he was thinking he could actually hold it a little more. He didn't want to leave you there, so you can do something stupid.
"Babe, I'm not that clumsy, nothing's gonna happen, I just have to watch it, not actually do anything with it, I know. I swear everything is going to be fine. Now go before you pee yourself sir because I'm not going to clean you about, that's for sure." You finally convinced him, and he literally ran to the bathroom, so he can be back as quickly as possible. He is so dramatic, he acts like you are a little kid and he is your mother.
When he was already washing his hands, all he heard was some really loud clattering from the kitchen, but he didn't hear anything from you, not even a sound. He got super worried, he thought you cut yourself and fainted from the sight of blood once again. Although it only happened one time before and you agreed not to talk about it ever again, only because you were kinda embarrassed about it.
So he ran to the kitchen, just like when he is in a race and so determined to win, just right now he is determined to save you from whatever he is imagining that happened to you.
He found you alive and standing right where he left you, I mean not exactly, you were doing something by the sink. He didn't see what so he stepped closer to you, asking "What are you doing? What happened?" 
"I accidentally burned my self when I wanted to stir the stew, so I put it under cold water to help." You told him the most innocent puppy eyes, hoping he would feel sorry for you, and do not start the usual "did I not tell you?" and "you should never be in another kitchen ever again".
Yeah maybe he was right, but all you ever wanted is to be with him and help him whatever he does. Cooking makes him happy and he does it wholeheartedly, you can not miss that view ever, you want him to share his happiness with you.
He sighed a big one, not sure if because a stone fell from his heart that you are in one piece or because he can't believe that this happens all the time, and stepped to your side to turn off the tap. He grabbed your burned hand carefully, he didn't want to hurt you even more. 
"Sit down there, I'll bring your vaseline here. Is it in the first drawer?" He pointed at the kitchen counter for you to sit and he disappeared to your bedroom. You were really grateful to your boyfriend, he always handled your dumb situations perfectly. Although you denied it all the time, but you kinda liked it when he babied you, maybe because of how he cared for you or because all his attention was only on you.
He was back quickly and treated your wound, just like if you were out of porcelain, for him you were. After he bandaged it for you he took both of your hands in his and placed a long kiss on them.
"Please don't hurt yourself ever again. I hate it when you hurt my girlfriend." It actually hurt him more than if it happened to him. He knew you were hurt, but you were only keeping it inside so he won't worry himself. 
"You know I can't promise you that, it happens all the time, I don't want this either." You told him as you played with his hands.
You were cuddling on the couch, watching a movie for the rest of the evening, completely forgetting about the food Wooyoung made you. Both of your apatites were gone, and he was a bit mad at the food that dared to hurt you.
"You want to shower with me?" He asked you looking up at you. Currently, he was squeezed the hell out of you, as he was literally lying on top of you.
"Go ahead, I don't have any energy left. I think take a shower in the morning."
At that very moment, he hopped up and grabbed you in bridal style and headed to the bathroom. You were very much confused about what he was doing or thinking.
"Babe, what are you doing?" You asked him, while you secured yourself in his arms by locking your arms in his neck.
"You are tired, so I give you a free ride to the shower." He answered pretty innocently, acting all clueless that it wasn't just for his own good.
"You really can't take no as an answer right?" And he smiled all sheepishly, closing the door behind you.
taglist * @laylasbunbunny (you can message me if you want to be added or removed)
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isagisyoichi · 3 years
how do u think the boy would be in a party😈😈
SYNOPSIS: blue lock at a party
CHARACTERS INCLUDED: isagi, bachira, nagi, reo, rin, chigiri, naruhaya, niko, nanase, gagamaru, kunigami
WARNINGS: mentions of underage drinking and weed (but no one actually takes anything), swearing, mentions of throwing up and food, again pretend they're all friends and go to the same school because it's more fun to think that way. ooc rin maybe? idk i like pretending he's not as miserable as the manga makes him out to be 🤗 he deserves to have fun i think
A/N: no cause this was soooo fun to write tysm anon, i got through this in a flash cause i loved this suggestion sm :') literally one of the most fun requests i've ever gotten eeee!!!!! also this made me miss my irls bye corona can suck my balls fr
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i feel like this would be his first big party aw lol, so he’s kind of nervous LMAO.
gets handed a beer by someone, has his first sip of it ever, and immediately spits it out. mutters “how the hell can anyone drink this?” and “discreetly” pours the rest into a bush.
mainly stays with nagi, chigiri, kunigami, and bachira and they just talk throughout the night
(bachira only sits down and talks after his energy dies down. i'll elaborate on this below the cut).
keeps asking nagi “what song is this?” throughout the night LOL. makes a mental note of what songs to add to his playlists.
slightly nods his head to the music, aw cute. goes a little harder and lip syncs/raps along when he really likes the song, though (i stand by my word when i said he loves “neon guts”)
does accidentally bump into someone, but isagi starts a convo with them after he apologizes, and they hit it off right away 🥰
but, the person left early and isagi, ever the dummy, forgets to ask for their number.
and he's actually so disappointed in himself when he realizes, too 😭
not drunk or anything at all, but boy, the way he’s acting makes it seem like he is.
the self proclaimed “life of the party.”
can be found “dancing,” though i use that word generously because to classify whatever he’s doing as “dancing,” is a stretch, to every song, even if he doesn’t know the words LOL
really likes when throwbacks come on!!!! he does dance to the lyrics and not the beat sometimes, though 😭
but, bachira looks like he’s having so much fun, it’s so cute, he’s definitely been waiting for this moment his whole life 🥰
if you were dancing with him, bachira would 100% take you by the hand and spin you around
also forces gets isagi to dance with him but isagi’s so awkward 😭
bachira also ends up jumping in the pool sometime later that night. yells “cannonball!” and everything, like, okay michael phelps 😭
he doesn’t have extra clothes so reo has to give him some and they're so fucking big on him LOLLL
texts the groupchat “i was sooo crazy last night😂” in the morning LMAOO, okay babe calm down
takes it upon himself to make sure none of his friends die LOL
only drinks water and diet coke 👍
his mom calls in the middle of the party to ask how he's doing and bachira and nagi are doing stupid shit like yelling “pass the weed” and fake moaning 😭
isagi and chigiri tell him to tell her they say hi LOL
really likes when the dj puts on 90s/2000's r&b/hiphop songs (i'll die by my hc that kunigami's an oldies fan)
mostly sways side to side to the music, but he did also dance a little, per request of bachira, and ended up talking to a cute person a for little, too 🤗
offers to help clean up in the morning
at least two drunk girls have mistaken him for their friend, and another four have asked to touch his hair.
tried to use one of reo’s many bathrooms, found a couple making out, outwardly said “gross,” and then left to find another one 😭
nods his head and taps his foot to the music, not much of a dancer.
also a people-watcher, and he points out things he sees are happening to his friends.
“guys, i think misa and her boyfriend are breaking up, look.” leave that poor girl alone bro 😭
finds himself laughing a lot that night because damn! his friends are funny, whether they try to be or not.
not really a party person, but chigiri actually had a lot of fun 🥰
also on the dancefloor! doesn’t really dance, per say, but he jumps up and down and does the fist pump thing 😭 he has the spirit, let's give him that.
drank a lot of soda, so he’s filled with energy. also pees in at least three of reo's bathrooms.
talks to his friends, but also makes new ones! also i feel like he takes a lot of pictures LOL. he needs the finsta content 😭
plays truth or dare, or something like that. ends up having to do some stupid shit like smack raichi’s ass and run away, but naruhaya did make out with the girl next to him, so fair trade, he thinks.
also ends up in the pool, but he’s playing chicken with gagamaru and some other people. does not win a single round, but he had fun 😇
leaves with like four plates of food and one of reo’s decorative towels for some reason???
goes through a bunch of reo's shit 😭 he's not taking anything, but he's just curious LOL
strikes up very, random conversations with a bunch of people out of nowhere, good for him!
weirdly good at darts, very good aim.
although one round, naruhaya accidentally distracted gagamaru and one of darts ended up in reo's wall 💔
“it's fine, he has the money to fix it,” naruhaya shrugs as he walks away from reo's now punctured, wall. so true bestie!
gagamaru somehow ends up giving some drunk stranger some “life-changing” advice. (whether it's good or not is debatable)
they thank gagamaru for changing their life and he never sees them again
irritates the fuck out the dj because nagi keeps asking him to play one specific song over and over again.
it was good the first time, don't wear it out for the rest of us bae 😭
doesn't really dance, just nods his head, maybe raps along a little, too
when he talks to the girls that come up to him, nagi says stuff like “yeah, the host and i go way back, we’re best friends.”
“way back,” my ass, but whatever nagi 🤨
knocks out in one of reo’s guest rooms. someone finds him when they’re trying to look for the bathroom and they draw a mustache and a bunch of other stupid shit on him 😭
tries to leave before reo makes him help clean up in the morning. does not work 👍
dumbass also ended up losing his phone (reo bought him a new one so nagi doesn't really care)
gasses himself up sooo much when he’s trying to hit on girls.
“yeah, i'm about to go D1 after high school, just wait on it,” yeah, okay raichi 🙄
also tries to show them his highlights, bye. babe, i mean this in the nicest possible way but, i do not care, can we just kiss 🙏
i feel like he’s one of those boys who likes to take his shirt off for no reason, so raichi most definitely ends up shirtless at some point of the night 😭
takes pictures with reo’s fancy cars in his garage to flex 💀 gets annoyed when reo says raichi can’t drive them. raichi doesn't even have his license 😑
plays pool and is actually not that bad. does almost accidentally blind isagi with his cue, though.
he's with some girls but, he’s a dummy and he didn’t know his other hoes would be there, so imamura had quite a few drinks spilled on him here and there.
still somehow leaves with like three new girls snaps, four numbers, and a bunch of lipstick stains. not even gonna lie, i respect his game.
actually a really good dancer, and he knows he looks good, too. knows the words to every drake song that comes on, argue with your mom.
lip-syncs the words to you when you dance together and it makes you more flustered than you would think 🙄
the type to pull you close and wraps his arms around your waist or around your neck
actually really fun to talk to. always in the loop with drama and stuff, so he's always got some interesting conversation topics. and he's funny 😭
obviously, the party’s at his house. what’s the point of having a rich teammate if you can’t exploit them for their possessions?
jokes, but reo did offer to throw it at his mansion house in the first place.
actually really likes throwing parties lmao, so he jumped at the opportunity.
posted on his snap, “party at my place su for address‼️” LOL
natural charm + raised with good manners = reo being an amazing host
but, reo does have a little group of girls following him around the entire night 👎
and it irritates the hell out of whoever reo’s trying to talk to because they’re all up on him, making it hard for reo to pay attention 😑
also doesn’t help that he entertains them and flirts back and dances with a couple of them, too
and looks good when he dances, too UGH!!!! he's the type to run his hands up and down your body while he dances with you 😣
i hate this man 👎 /j
practicing. he didn’t come. sike! rin has a social life, too, come on now, y'all 🙄
talked a big game about how he wouldn’t show up then he still came anyways, like rin, what 😭??
super good at cup pong and he knows it. he keeps beating ryusei and if you look closely, rin has something reminiscent of a smirk on his face.
a foot-tapper, not a dancer, which sucks because he’s not even bad at dancing, either 👎
a couple of girls come up to rin to flirt, but rin doesn’t give them the time of day. no response or anything just a little side eye 😭
rin just talks to his friends and that’s it, really.
actually internally glad for the chance to kickback and relax for once, tbh.
but, he refuses to admit he had any semblance of fun. (he did, rin’s just a weenie 😒)
the team forced him to come 😭
niko’s already a homebody and he doesn’t like loud noises or large social scenes, so he wasn’t too jazzed about going somewhere where the both of those things combine.
also he's picky with music so LOL. does like that one remix to the pursuit of happiness, though
he’s a wall-stander, i hate to break it to y’all. just watched everything from a distance and didn't talk to anyone except for isagi and his friends.
bye, if you don’t get off the damn wall and dance (he'd dance with me i'm different 🥰🤗)
keeps opening and closing his phone so he looks busy but that mf is literally just going through the settings app 😭
called his mom to bring him home an hour and a half in 👎
i hate to admit it, but he’s the annoying first year that documents everything on snap bye
he’s just excited to be there but like, there is no reason for his story to be half an hour long.
i'm not watching all of that! sorry that happened to you or good for you 🤗
probably playing games like spin the bottle or seven minutes in heaven. is very proud of himself for kissing four people in one night #bigmoves 🥳
stays with his group of friends and they're sooo loud and rowdy LMAOO. #firstyearthings
you can literally hear them laughing over the music, but they're having fun, so it's fine (at least of those kids hits people when they laugh too)
also dances, too! has super good energy and a natural sense of rhythm surprisingly 🥰 also a good hypeman!!!!! honestly, he's just really fun to be around tbh
overall, has a lot of fun, as you can tell by his story 😇
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summerknights · 3 years
Wedding Fever
Quackity x Reader, 723 words, fluff oneshot
Summary: After noticing you feeling a bit lonely at a wedding, Quackity gets you to play a little game to cheer you up.
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You knew this wedding was coming, and yet you’re still not ready for it. Here you are, sitting in an uncomfortable seat in your finest clothes and jewelry, waiting for the wedding procession to walk down the aisle. You’re happy for them, you really are, but this celebration of love just further highlights your own unlucky streak when it comes to relationships. Hell, you couldn’t even find a date to bring to this thing.
After the vows are said, rings and kisses exchanged, and a few shed tears among the crowd, you and the rest of the guests are corralled into the reception. You let out a big sigh when you find your place as people start to wander in, lost in thought and self pity.
“Yikes. What’s got you down?”
You didn’t even notice Quackity taking his place beside you.
“It’s nothing,” you lie, and he sees right through it.
He looks around the room, and you follow his gaze. “This is a nice wedding, I think. I don’t know, I haven’t really been to many.”
You muster up a tiny smile in agreement.
“Yeah, the decorations are nice.”
He contemplates to himself for a moment. “Hey. If this were our wedding, what would the colors be?”
Your face grows warm. “Alex….”
“Cmon, just play along. What colors would you choose?”
You try to ignore the way your heart beats at the suggestion. You feel as though if you even so much as acknowledge your feelings for him in your own head, he’ll figure it out. So you play along.
“Well I know you like navy—“ he nods in agreement, a small smile forming, “and I like lavender, so maybe those two and a silver to balance it out?”
“See? You’re good at this!” He smiles, happy to have distracted you for at least a moment from whatever had you so down before.
Throughout the night, the game continues. When dinner was served, Quackity took yet another opportunity to expand upon his vision. “Ugh. This chicken is so dry. If this were our wedding, we’d serve pizza.”
“Alex, you cant serve pizza at a wedding.”
“We’ve talked about this!! Just play along or I’m divorcing you!”
You giggle at his declaration. “Alright, fine. Pizza. But no pineapple.”
“Oh please, I’m not an animal.”
The cake is cut. He turns to you as you’re served your slice. “What flavor would our wedding cake be?” He asks around a mouthful of frosting.
You think about it. “I cant decide. We could do a different flavor for every layer maybe?”
He takes your hands in his and looks you in the eyes with a look of utmost sincerity.
“You’re a genius.” You giggle again.
Having finished eating, he extends a hand to you and asks you to dance. The dance floor is crowded and loud, and you allow yourself to let go of your reservations and just enjoy the fun music. Naturally, the dj has a different plan for you.
The tempo slows and a soft ballad is put on the speakers. You’re not exactly sure where to put your hands, but Quackity guides you and you almost for a second believe that he knows what he’s doing. He leans down to whisper in your ear.
“If we close our eyes, we can pretend this is our wedding. Just for a moment.”
You take his suggestion, and for a moment the rest of the world disappears and in the center there the two of you are, soft heartbeats in tandem as you allow yourself to fully indulge in the fantasy. You could see it happening. You could see the two of you making a life together. You could see yourself falling in love with him.
The song ends, but the warmth in your chest doesn’t leave you. You’re afraid of what this might mean, of what could change between you two, but you let it go. No need to ruin the moment with all your worrying.
“Thank you, Alex,” you start.
“For what?”
“For everything. For sticking with me, for this silly game, for the dance. I didn’t expect to have so much fun tonight.”
He smiles brightly, and you wonder if his cheeks ache. “I’m glad you had a great time. We should do this again!”
And you do.
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A/N: tentatively, i’m back! i’ve still got ideas but it’s just tough to actually sit down and write them lol. thanks for your patience! hope you like this one :]
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jadeee · 3 years
Step One
Celia and her co-star promote their new movie but things go a little too far and you've had enough.
Word Count: 1.1k
You were happy for Celia because she was finally getting the attention she deserved. Starring alongside the latest heartthrob would launch her into stardom, where she belonged but you missed being by her side and she could tell.
She asked you to help her practice her lines a few times before production started. Even when she had to be on set she made sure to invite you. Although, you didn’t get much time together. You often lingered behind the scenes or in her dressing room since she was busy filming a scene or going over lines with the cast.
You were grateful for the moments you had together apart from her work but that didn’t last long either. Her manager thought it’d be a good idea for her and Antoni to spend time together outside of the studio.
“The papers will eat it up!”
Music filled the air as people twirled about on the dance floor or sipped their drinks with their friends or dates.
You sipped your drink among what felt like strangers.
“It’s only a dance.” Antoni said with a grin.
Celia looked at you without saying a word to him.
“If you wanna dance, dance.” You shrugged.
A timid voice cut the tension at the table “Antoni?! An- and Celia del Rio?!”
You tried not to roll your eyes as you took another sip of your drink.
Antoni and Celia turned their heads at the voice.
“AAHH!! It’s them I told you!” A young woman said to her friend.
Antoni flashed a smile at them “In the flesh!”
A handful of people turned their heads at Antoni’s voice.
Celia smiled and nodded her head at the two. She opened her mouth and gestured towards you “This is my--”
Antoni stood up from his chair “Would you like an autograph?”
The young woman clasped her hands together “Yes, please!”
A crowd of people rushed towards your table.
“Antoni! Can you sign this napkin?”
“Celia!! Sign my tie!!”
You stood up from your seat and thought about when Celia said she’d quit, just for you.
“What? No! This is what you’ve been waiting for your whole life.”
“This,” she held onto your hands “is what I’ve been waiting for.”
Celia looked back at you as the crowd swept her away.
You almost looked over your shoulder as you walked off. You could’ve sworn she said your name but who could hear anything over her fans.
“Ladies and gentlemen, it looks like two stars fell tonight and landed right here. Antoni Ricci and Celia del Rio are here!” A DJ yelled into the mic.
You flung the door open and stepped out into the alley, taking a deep breath.
“Say the word and I’ll quit.”
“What? No!”
You let out a nervous laugh then wiped a tear from your eye.
“You’ve been waiting for this your whole life.”
You thought about the kiss scene Antoni and Celia filmed a few weeks ago. You can’t remember kissing her afterward that day. The birds that were sitting on a nearby fence flew in a frenzy when you kicked the trash can over.
A doo-wop song played over the speakers as people continued to swarm the two.
“It’s just a dance, sweetheart.” Antoni whispered to Celia among the crowd.
“I don’t want to dance with you.” She retorted before signing something for a fan.
Antoni grabbed her hand “Think about the publicity.”
She stared into his eyes “Think about what I just said.”
He pulled back from her and she slid her hand out of his.
He turned towards the same young woman from earlier “How ‘bout a dance, sugar?”
The young women smiled from ear to ear.
Celia pushed her way through the crowd as she made her way towards the back door.
“This place has quite the view.”
You didn’t bother to lift your head.
“Aren’t you missing out on your dance with Mr. Perfect?”
“I didn’t want to dance with him.”
Celia gathered her dress in her hands before sitting next to you on the concrete step.
“Besides, he’s far from perfect.”
“Oh really? I couldn’t tell. Maybe I should call him ‘Shadow’ because he’s been everywhere lately.”
“I said I would quit,”
“I don’t want you to quit, that’s not the point.”
“What is it?” She turned towards you.
“I-” you bit your lip as you held back a tear.
“Darling, you can tell me.” She placed a hand on your knee “I won’t be upset.”
You faced her “I wanna feel,” you reached in the air trying to find the words.
“I wanna feel like you want me.”
Tears welled in her eyes as your words sank in.
“I know this movie, and acting, is important to you but I feel like I’m not a part of it anymore.”
She hung onto your every word.
“I don’t wanna make you choose because that’s not fair. Maybe we should just take some time apart…”
She glanced at her hands.
“I can’t do that.”
“What do you mean?”
She looked at you “I mean I can’t leave the love of my life.”
You stuttered as she stood to her feet.
She extended her hand to you.
“What’s this?” You looked up at her.
“Step one.”
You tried to hold back a smile while taking her hand in yours but it was no use. You grinned ear to ear when she held you close. The two of you swayed to the sounds of the alley.
“You do know a dance isn’t gonna fix this, right?”
“It’s only step one, darling. This is a process.”
You let your body soften against hers.
“What’s step two?”
“Why don’t we get out of here and find out?”
“Celia del Rio?!” You pulled back shocked.
“Leaving the glitz and glam for lil ‘ol me?”
You batted your lashes and she smiled.
“You’re not just anybody y’know?” Celia wrapped her arm around yours.
She guided the two of you around the building to the limo you all came in.
“You’re (y/n) and I heard you were a big deal! I’m honored to be in your presence.”
You looked at Celia with stars in your eyes and kissed her cheek.
A small crowd spotted the two of you as you rounded the corner. A few security guards held the crowd back as Antoni walked out.
The chauffeur opened the door and waited for you to climb in.
“Hey, wait up!” Antoni shouted past the crowd as he approached the two of you.
“Oh Antoni, I'm afraid this is our ride. You’ll have to find your own!” Celia shouted back.
“What?!?!” Antoni froze among the fans who clawed at him.
“You’ll have to find your own ride!” Celia yelled before joining you in the limo.
The chauffeur shut the door leaving you in silence.
“Did you just- Are you-”
Celia glanced at you while you processed what just happened.
She held onto your hand and smiled “Yes.”
“Spending time with my beloved?” She finished your thought for you.
~~~ A/N: It's always hard to write for Celia since the devs haven't released anything about her yet. Anyway, thank you to everyone who's read this and liked/reblogged it or even commented 💐
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harrystylescherry · 4 years
Ungodly Hour (Harry Styles Imagine) Part One
a/n: hiii this is based off of Chloe x Halle’s song which you can listen to on Spotify and Youtube! (you have to, it’s a fucking bop. put that shit on repeat as you read for the vibes) thank you to the anon who requested this! it was so much fucking fun to write and i’m absolutely obsessed with the song now 
what it is: it’s fucking fun. so. much. fun. 
word count: 7.2k
pls pls pls reblog if you liked it :)
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You were bored. So. Fucking. Bored. Which was infuriating since this club was supposed to be it. It was one of the most exclusive clubs in London. You had dragged yourself all the way to fucking South Kensington for this place and you weren’t having any fun. You agreed to be set up with some wannabe actor who was narcissistic as all hell and you weren’t having any fun. It was a bust. 
You sat in the half circle booth against the right wall of the glittering room, your right leg crossed over your left, glass poised in one hand, a blank look on your face as you listened to Joey tell you all about some audition he had—which he didn’t get. All of these stories ended with him not getting the part. He kept saying that it was his perseverance that counted, that in some way his resilience made him a success. All you kept thinking was, not quite, buddy. 
You knew he was attractive, but only if he kept his mouth shut which he insisted on not doing. His blond hair was a little long, hitting just below his chin. His jaw was chiseled and he definitely had a surfer vibe, aided in part by the Australian accent, but lord, was he full of himself. The four of you had already been there for an hour and he had yet to ask you a single question about yourself.
 You wanted to dance. You felt the itch as your pointy heel tapped into the floor in time with the dance music the DJ was playing. You seemed to be the only one. The love birds next to you looked content trying not to fuck each other in public and Joey had seen you look towards the dance floor longingly more than once and made no move to ask you if you wanted to join them or dance with him. 
You looked over at your friend Penny who had her B-list actor boyfriend attached to her neck like a fucking leech. Be nice to him, you reminded yourself. He was, after all, the only reason you were allowed in that club. His agent had somehow gotten him on the list and you all were his guests. Lucky you. He wasn’t bad—your friend had dated worse. A lot worse. Her taste in men was absolutely horrific, but at least this one was nice to her—and he got you guys into some pretty cool places. 
At that particular moment though, you didn’t really want to be all that nice to anybody. Your mood was decaying rapidly and pretty soon, the gin wouldn’t even be able to save you. You shot daggers at Penny while she giggled as her boyfriend Ryder (not his real name, but his stage name) whispered something in her ear. She had the audacity to tell you that Joey was exactly your type while you got ready in her apartment earlier. She told you how hot he was, just your kind of guy, how you had so many of the same interests and how sure she was you two would hit it off. It was obvious to you the minute you met them outside the club that she had lied. She had conned you with a smile on her face just to get you there. 
When she pointed out which one he was to you as you walked across the street you leaned over and said, “Seriously, Pen? He doesn’t even look a little bit dirty.”
She rolled her eyes at you, “You are so fucking weird. Who even wants that? A guy who looks like he could be dirty?”
You shrugged, “It’s hot. Who wants a clean cut, fucking bitch baby with pearly white teeth and a waxed ass?”
She hit you in the arm, “I told you he only waxed it because he had to film a nude scene and they said he was too hairy!” 
Joey was just as clean cut as Ryder was. His white t-shirt was crisp and tucked neatly into his tan trousers. His smile was perfectly whitened and it looked to you as though he had highlights. 
“You should grow some scruff,” You interrupted another one of his audition stories as you stared at his perfectly shaven jawline. “It would give you some edge.”
“I don’t want edge.” You seemed to have offended him. 
You shrugged, “Just saying. It could give you a little more sex appeal.” 
Well, now you really seemed to offend him. “I have sex appeal.” He motioned to his body and you could tell he was flexing his arms as he did it. “I have a lot of it, actually. I don’t need a fucking beard.”
“I didn’t say you needed a beard. I said scruff. There’s a difference.”
“Are you for real?”
“Yeah?” You looked at him as though he was an idiot--because he was. He was also annoying and becoming more and more unattractive with every passing moment. 
He huffed, “I’m getting another drink.”
You watched him silently, trying to hold back a smirk as he got up from where he sat in the small booth across from you. 
Once he was out of your sight, you took a sip of your drink and lifted your eyes to take a peek into the booth next to you. Your eyebrows raised in surprise when you saw a pair of eyes on you. Glued to you. 
Their owner smiled at you and winked. You nodded your head in greeting, but when he didn’t take his eyes off of you, you looked away, slightly intimidated by his gaze. You looked back over at your friend who was stuck in the same position as before, paying you no mind. You weren’t even sure if she remembered that you were sitting next to her. 
Your eyes flickered back towards the booth in front and you were surprised to see his eyes still on you. Instead of looking away, you stared back, challenging him to make the next move. 
You knew who he was. You didn’t live under a rock. You had his album saved on Spotify and you and Penny had sung along to Adore You as you fixed your hair and makeup a few hours before. 
He bit his lip before bringing his hand up to scratch his chin. He pushed himself up from the black leather of the tufted booth and walked over to where you were sitting. 
He watched the floor as he made his way over, which gave you the opportunity to fully check him out. He was in a cream colored suit with a white tank underneath. Pink sunglasses were hanging on his shirt’s collar while his infamous rings adorned his fingers and his silver cross hung around his neck. 
He pushed his curls out of his face before sitting down, filling Joey’s place. He held his hand out to you, “Hi, I’m Harry.”
You shook his hand and fought the urge to tell him you already knew that. “(Y/N).”
“That’s a very pretty name.” 
You rolled your eyes playfully at the comment and he chuckled softly. “Sorry, that was a bit lame.”
“You’ve been staring.” You brought your glass to your lips. 
If he was surprised by how up front you were being, he didn’t show it. “I was.”
“I’ve decided to take it as a compliment.”
“You shouldn’t.”
He cleared his throat, “You shouldn’t. You’ve got something there.” He brushed the right side of his face near his mouth as he furrowed his brows. 
You tried to keep both your embarrassment and panic at bay as you quickly brushed the side of your mouth. 
“I’m kidding, love.” His face broke out into a smile. “There’s nothing.”
You scoffed, “You’re a jerk.”
He opened his mouth to say something else, but Joey had made an untimely return. 
“Mate, you’re in my seat.” 
You added ‘impolite’ to the ever growing list of reasons as to why Joey wasn’t attractive. 
“Sorry,” Harry said as he stood up and moved out of the way to let Joey sit back down. You felt your heart drop at the idea of him leaving. 
“Uh,” he played with the ‘H’ ring on his finger, “can I buy you a drink?”
“Mate, she’s here with me.” Joey cut in before you could answer. You gave him a dirty look. 
“No, I’m not.” You pointed to your friend who was in the middle of tongue-fucking her boyfriend’s mouth. “I’m here with her.”
“Your glass is still full,” Joey pointed out. 
In less than a second, you had dumped the contents of your drink into Penny’s empty glass and slammed it down on the table. “Not anymore.” You turned your attention back to Harry and smiled, “I’d love a drink.”
You slipped your arm through the gold handle of your bag and stood up. You followed him down the two steps that separated the seating from the dance floor, sending a small wave to Joey as Harry reached back and grabbed at your free hand so you wouldn’t get lost in the crowd. 
Your stomach was in a flurry the entire walk to the bar, jumping each time he peeked over his shoulder to make sure you were still there, even though he had a firm grip on your hand. 
Once you broke through the other side of the crowd and were only a step away from the bar, he dropped it. You quickly corrected the frown that had subconsciously taken hold of your lips when he turned back to you. 
“I’m gonna grab the drinks, okay? So you don’t have to squeeze through everyone.”
You smiled and nodded your head. He asked what you wanted to drink and you told him, but he couldn’t hear you over the music. He leaned in and placed his hand on the small of your back and pulled you slightly closer, putting his cheek so close to yours that if you moved even a millimeter to right, you’d be touching. 
You felt your cheeks grow hot and hoped he couldn’t tell how flustered the small gesture made you. 
“What was that, love?” 
“A Manhattan, please.” You said a bit louder into his ear. He nodded and removed his hand from your back before disappearing into the mass of bodies crowding around the bar. 
You dropped your hands from in front of you, where you were fiddling your rings, and let out a long breath. You had no idea why you were so nervous. You could understand being a little nervous around him; he was absolutely gorgeous and he smelled good, and his smile was so big, and his suit fit his arms so well, and he was more than your type--but you didn’t understand why it felt like your heart would explode out of your chest at any second. He barely even touched you and you were about to go into cardiac arrest. 
You were usually able to keep it cool around guys you found attractive. You were always able to keep your wit, never fumbled over your words. It was actually quite impressive according to your other friends. You could flirt easily, could keep guys on their toes, but you already felt yourself growing shy with Harry and that wasn’t normally you. 
I’m so fucked if I end up actually liking him, you thought to yourself. Attraction was easy. Dancing with a hot guy and fucking him was nothing. Usually, even if whoever it was wanted to buy you a drink and talk for a bit, you were okay, but you had a feeling that if you spent some time talking to Harry you would end up thinking about him for days, maybe even weeks. 
He emerged from behind a group of friends talking loudly about who would be paying for the tab with two glasses held slightly above his head as not to spill them. 
He handed you the tall glass and you thanked him with a smile. He leaned in close again forcing you to take a quick breath in. 
“Want to go back to the booth or stay here?”
“The booth is fine.” You said into his ear. You could’ve sworn you saw him shiver as you spoke.
He pulled away and said something you couldn’t quite make out as he gestured with his free hand towards the dance floor. 
“Okay!” You called, agreeing to whatever it was he had said. 
He held out his hand to you and you took it for the second time, the same feeling welling up inside of you. The entire walk back to the booth (you assumed that’s where he was leading you), you tried to shove the butterflies back down. You felt almost nauseous--a reaction to his touch that wasn’t ideal. 
As you got closer to where you had been sitting, you tried to make out whether or not Joey was still there, trying hard to focus on something that wasn’t how perfectly Harry’s hand felt wrapped around yours. 
You couldn’t see his blond bob, but you couldn’t see Penny or Ryder either. For a second, you wondered if they left and felt a small sting at the idea. She wouldn’t do that, you thought, reminding yourself of all the times she had spent twenty minutes looking for you, cornering you in the backs of clubs where you had slunk off with some guy to let you know she was leaving. 
“Oo!” You said as your chest made contact with Harry’s arm and some of your drink spilt over the side of your glass onto your hand. You hadn’t even realized he had stopped walking, completely distracted by the whereabouts of your friend. 
He chuckled, “You alright, there?”
You shook your head, a small smile playing on your lips, “Yeah, sorry. What did you say?”
He tugged lightly on your hand, “I asked if you wanted to sit on the inside.”
“Yeah that’s fine.” you dropped his hand and walked around him, placing your drink down on the low white table. You took a few steps in before tucking your dress underneath you as you sat down. Harry placed his drink next to yours and pulled up his pants at his thighs before sitting down. 
You took another peek at the booth in front where they had been and sighed when you didn’t see Penny’s bag or Ryder’s suit jacket. 
“Did they leave?” Harry nodded towards where you were looking. 
“I’m not entirely sure.” You pulled out your phone and frowned when you saw no text from Penny. “Whatever.” You brushed your ponytail back over your shoulder. 
You turned your attention back to him, “Thanks for rescuing me from that asshole, by the way.”
“You didn’t look like you were having much fun.”
“Oh, I wasn’t. At all.” You noticed the empty booth for the first time, which was filled with his friends before. “Where’d yours go?” You moved your finger over the empty seats. 
He shrugged, “They’re either outside or getting drinks. They’ll be back in a bit, probably.” 
The two of you entered a bit of an uncomfortable silence then, not really knowing where to take the conversation and not knowing each other enough for it to be comfortable. You looked down and played with the hem of your dress. 
“You’re stunning.” 
Your head snapped up upon hearing the words. He was watching you, his eyes moving from yours, passing over your waist, landing on the hand that was fiddling with the sash to your dress that rested on your knee. 
“Your dress is...insane.” When your brow furrowed slightly, he lifted his hand up, palm facing towards you, “In a good way! It’s great.” 
It was short, landing only a few inches under your butt. It was a wrap dress, a sash the same material and pattern of the dress knotted around your waist. The neckline was low and drape-y, the material being weighed down a bit by the beading. The sleeves ballooned and gathered at your wrists. The entire thing was beaded, heavy, but molded to your body perfectly as you danced and walked due to its weight. It was striped, vertical lines running down its entirely in shades of pink, blue, and yellow. 
“Thanks, it was a gift, actually.” You examined the large sleeve, “I did a shoot for the designer and she let me pick one of the pieces as a thank you.”
“You’re a model?”
You shook your head quickly, “No, I’m a photographer.”
“Really?” You nodded, “What do you do, like, photography wise?” He stumbled a bit over his words, but you knew what he was asking. 
“I’ve done some campaign and collection shoots for smaller designers and some stuff for Elle, both in the States and the UK.”
“So, you’re into fashion?”
“I love editorial stuff. I would kill to shoot for Vogue.”
“I bet you will.” He winked at you as he grabbed his drink.
You suppressed the urge to roll your eyes and point out that there was no way for him to gauge that kind of thing, since he had never actually seen your work. 
“Writing any new songs?” You asked, catching him off guard and making him choke on his drink. When he gave you a surprised look, you didn’t suppress that eye roll. “Harry, I was listening to your album before I came here. I don’t live under a fucking rock.”
He laughed as he wiped a drop of his Old Fashioned from his chin, “Uhm, I am, actually.”
You picked up your glass and brought it up to your lips, “Is the next album gonna be about another ex?” You watched him over the rim of your glass. You had meant it as a joke, but you could tell by the way his hand went up to scratch the back of his neck, that you had seemed to hit a nerve. 
You swallowed quickly, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to sound bitchy. That was an asshole thing to say.”
He reached over and dropped his hand onto your knee, sending a jolt throughout your entire body. “No, it’s fine. You’re just...probably right.”
“Oh,” you weren’t exactly sure what to say. 
“Are we talking, like, same level as...cou cou?” He laughed and squeezed your knee. 
He was grinning at you, his eyes bright. “You’re really something.” Then he cleared his throat and that smile faltered, “But, uhm, yeah. Pretty close.”
You didn’t want to ask, but you needed to know, “How long ago was…”
“We broke up about three months ago.”
You nodded, fully understanding what this was. He caught a slight change in your expression and quickly realized what you were thinking, “This isn’t…you’re not supposed to be a--my rebound or anything. I swear that’s not why I asked to buy you a drink.”
You assured him that’s not what you were thinking, but it was. It was better that you knew, though. Usually, when you realized you were a rebound while talking to some guy while you were out, it didn’t bother you. Honestly, it usually made you feel a bit better about the situation, knowing that you could do and say whatever you wanted and didn’t have to worry about them calling you or seeing you ever again--but when you realized it sitting there, right next to Harry, his hand on your knee, you felt your stomach churn. 
The silence was back. You both took a long drink.
“Have you lived in London long?” He asked.
“Not really, about a year now, I think.”
“Why here?”
You shrugged, “I got tired of L.A. Everyone there was just...not my thing. It felt like I had different friends every hour and I was constantly being asked to do shoots and headshots for free and it was just frustrating and tiring.”
“But why here? Why not, I don’t know, New York or something? Surely they need photographers there.”
“I studied abroad here my sophomore year of college and loved it. I always said I would move back. It’s also so much cheaper to travel around Europe.”
He nodded, “That’s true.”
Thankfully, before another weird silence fell over the two of you, four people showed up at the booth and started piling into the other side. 
“There you all are!” Harry said loudly, removing his hand from your knee. He looked at you and then back at all them as they got settled, using his left hand to present them as if he was showing you a prize you had won, “This is my band.” He then pointed at them one by one and introduced them to you, pausing after each so you could exchange a greeting. 
“I’m (Y/N).” You said when he was done. 
Charlotte leaned over the table, “I love your dress. Where’s it from?” You scooted closer and started talking about the designer. When she asked questions about your career, you happily answered them. 
Harry watched your face light up as you talked to his friend, telling her about being at London fashion week for Elle and asked her about the kind of music she made outside of the band. He couldn’t help the small smile on his lips when it seemed as if you had completely forgotten his existence, totally engaged in conversation with both Charlotte and Sarah. He moved his drink into his left hand, so he could rest his right on your lower back, a small reminder that he was there. 
His eyes drifted over to Mitch, who was leaning back in the booth, a whiskey cradled in his hands. He shook his head at Harry before swirling the brown liquid around its glass. 
Harry shrugged, knowing exactly what Mitch was thinking. He had been doing this for three months. Ever since his ex broke up with him, he’d been on the rebound. He knew Mitch didn’t exactly approve of how much rebounding he had been doing, especially since he wasn’t exactly making it clear to the women he was sleeping with that his intention was to sleep with them and never speak to them again. 
What he couldn't tell Mitch was that there was definitely something different about you. When he saw you sitting in the booth, looking about ready to get up and leave, eyes flickering between the couple making out next to you and the guy who seemed to be droning on and on about shit you didn’t care about, he didn’t think about you being a potential rebound or fuck. He just wanted to talk to you. He had spent thirty minutes periodically staring at you. He couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. Your dress glittered under the roaming lights and you bit your lip in the cutest way whenever it seemed you were trying to hold in a laugh. When you had gotten up at one point to grab a drink, he watched you walk away, noticing the way your ponytail swung slightly with every step, how your hips moved, and how you walked through the crowd with so much confidence. He wanted to know you. 
“That reminds me, Harry,” Sarah grabbed his attention, “I've got something for that song you had us working on the other day.”
His brow furrowed, not totally sure which she was talking about, since he had brought two or three songs to them during that session. 
“Devotions?” Charlotte chimed in and Sarah nodded her head. Charlotte let out a breath, “That’s a sad one.”
“It’s not that sad.” Harry argued, not liking much where this conversation was going. 
“Seriously?” Sarah said before taking a sip of her drink.
“It’s probably the saddest one you’ve ever written.” Charlotte said.
“Really?” You were interested now, curious as to how broken his heart still was. 
He started to deny it, but Sarah cut him off, “It is. There are lyrics in there about falling asleep to her favorite song and missing whoever he was when he was with her. It’s really...heartbreaking, actually.” She looked at him with sympathy and he waved her off. 
“It really isn’t.” He nudged your arm in order to get you to look at him, “It’s really not that sad.”
“He’s lying to you.” Mitch chimed in, keeping his relaxed position. “Shit is sad. All about his broken heart. Fresh wound and all that.” 
Harry mouthed at Mitch to shut the fuck up and all he got in return was a wink. 
“Fresh, huh? And what was that about me not being a rebound?” You turned to Harry, your eyebrows furrowed, your tone completely playful. 
He had no idea what to say. Your eyes were sparkling, a mischievous smirk overtook your lips and he knew that no matter what he said, you would be a pain in the ass about this the rest of the night--but he was looking forward to it. 
“I--” he cleared his throat and looked down at his glass. 
You reached over and patted his knee, “It’s okay. I mean, slightly bold of you to just assume that I would even want to be your rebound, but it’s fine.”
This pulled a laugh from everyone in the booth, Harry included. He dropped his hand on top of yours, rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand where you had forgotten to remove it from his knee. “Have I told you how fucking pretty you are?
“You did, but you could always say it again.” 
You stayed talking like that for a while, Mitch and Harry making the first run to get everyone another round and you and Charlotte making the second. 
“I’m sorry if we came off rude.” She said as you waited for the full round at the bar. 
“What? You guys weren’t rude.”
“I mean, like, talking about how sad Harry is about his ex. We were just messing around. We didn’t mean anything by it. You’re actually the best girl he’s gone after since his break up--in my opinion, anyway.” She squeezed your shoulder before turning to collect the drinks from the bartender. 
Once her words sunk in, you tapped her on the shoulder and squeezed in next to her before getting the attention of the bartender. 
“Sorry, can we get two tequila shots, please?”
“Oh, I love tequila!”
You turned back to the bartender, “Well, if she wants one, I’m gonna need three.” He smiled before disappearing again. 
You both slammed down your shots before dancing your way back to the table carefully, trying not to spill the drinks balancing carefully in your hands. 
You had just handed Harry his drink when you heard the song playing fade into Let Me Take You There, which was one of your favorites. You took two big sips of your drink before placing it on the table next to Harry’s. 
“Anyone coming?”
“Where?” He asked. 
You pointed behind you, “To dance!”
“I don’t know,” Harry said, as Sarah looked away and Charlotte looked at Sarah and Mitch said he didn’t dance. 
“Really?!” You huffed dramatically. 
When no one said anything, you started moving your hips along to the slow beat of the pre-chorus. When still, no one moved an inch, you started singing along, “Let me take you there / Take you to the place / That you'd rather be / I can take you there,” and slowly moved down the steps. When still none of them even looked as though they would join you, you waved at them with a huge smile on your face. 
Harry watched as you moved into the crowd, unable to keep his eyes off of your hips. You hadn’t gone far. You had found an open spot between a couple and a friend group, still completely in his line of sight. 
You moved perfectly in rhythm with the music, your hips swaying, shoulders rolling, head back and eyes closed as you sang along with a smile on your face. Dancing was always your favorite part about going out. You always felt so free, always had the most fun on the dance floor, moving, brushing, singing along with complete strangers who didn’t give a fuck about the fact that you were strangers. You loved how loud the music was, the bass pushing its way into your brain, still echoing hours after you left the club. You knew it was a good night when you left sweaty, still dancing as you walked to the bus stop or waiting to catch a cab, still singing the songs under your breath as you got ready for bed. 
“You guys are boring,” Charlotte announced before standing up. “She looks like she’s having fun.” 
She danced her way over to you, tugging at your ponytail when she found you. You smiled and kept dancing, her joining in immediately. 
“I like her,” Sarah said as she watched the two of you. 
“So does Harry,” Mitch said. 
“Of course I like her.”
“No, you like her.” He leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees. 
“What? Mate, I just met her.”
“So? You can like someone when you first meet them, Harry.”
“I barely know her.”
“So? You make it sound like you can’t meet someone for the first time and decide that you want more from them than sex.”
“I know that.”
“Do you?” When Harry didn’t answer, Mitch sighed. “I know it’s only been three months, but if you like this girl, you probably shouldn’t use her as a rebound. I’m just saying.”
Harry turned his attention back to you, who singing along to the next song. You seemed to know every word--and you seemed so happy. He groaned before throwing back the rest of his drink and getting up.
He walked towards two of you slowly, already kind of embarrassed about his lack of rhythm. 
Charlotte pointed at something over your shoulder. 
When you turned around and saw Harry standing awkwardly behind you, you beamed. You took a few steps backwards, making a little circle out of the three of you. He started swaying slightly, but you could tell he was holding back. You pouted at him.
“What!” He raised his arms in confusion. 
You put a hand on his shoulder, forcing him to bend down slightly so you could speak in his ear. Every time you touched him he swore he felt his skin burning. 
“I know you can do better than that! I’ve seen you on stage.”
When you pulled away, he looked even more confused. 
You rolled your eyes and started mimicking the dance he seemed to always pull out during Adore You, making sure it went perfectly with the beat that seemed to engulf all of you. When Charlotte saw, she laughed and joined in. Harry shook his head and grinned as his cheeks started to heat up. 
“Bloody unbelievable,” he mumbled when the two of you didn’t stop--and probably wouldn’t until he started dancing for real. 
You let out a squeal when he joined in, happy that he stopped worrying about what he looked like and decided to just have fun. 
He lifted up his arms and let out what you assumed was a “Wooo!” when the song changed. “I know this one!” He leaned over and screamed in your ear. 
“I would hope so!” You called back as Don’t Start Now started playing. 
“If you don’t wanna see me / dancin’ with somebody,” Harry sang as he moved behind you. He leaned forward, brushing his cheek against yours before kissing your cheek. “If you wanna believe that anything could stop me,” His lips were so close to your ear. You felt yourself melt, a warmth blossoming between your legs. 
You turned around quickly, pushing him lightly on the chest, singing the chorus, swinging your hips as you took a few steps away from him. He threw his head back and laughed, clapping his hands along with the beat. He went back to moving his shoulders and stepping side to side, leaning back and singing, before bending towards you to yell the words right in your face. 
He caught your wrist and pulled you back into him, throwing his arm around your shoulder, keeping your chests pressed together and kissed you on the cheek for the second time. 
You were out there for a while. You danced to song after song, singing along and him joining in on the ones he knew the words to. He seemed to be having a genuinely good time with you and you couldn’t help but feel happy--even a little proud that it was you he was having fun with. 
Every time you looked at him you felt your stomach flip. You found yourself liking him more and more: his smile, his goofy dancing, the way he insisted on singing in your face and then kissing you on the cheek, the way he caught your hand every few minutes and gave it a squeeze. 
You were in trouble. 
When a song came on that you didn’t particularly like, you asked if he wanted to get a drink over the music. 
He nodded and you started towards the bar. He followed behind you, staying close, hooking his fingers underneath the sash of your dress. Again, you felt the warmth between your legs and cursed yourself--he was barely touching you and you were ready to do anything and everything he could want. 
He tugged you back into him when you made it to the sleek black bar. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder. “You do this a lot?”
“Do what?”
“Come out? Go to clubs and stuff?”
“I guess. Not, like, a lot, but often enough. I like going out. I like dancing. It’s fun.”
“And do you...meet people?”
“Harry, are you asking if I pick up guys when I go out?”
“Well, no...maybe.”
“Sometimes? Why?”
“Just wondering.”
“I’m the designated rebound for the night and you’re asking me about my sex habits?”
He bumped you with his hip, “You’re an ass.”
“I’m just saying!”
“And you’re not a rebound.”
“Harry, it’s fine. It was just a joke.”
He dropped his arm from around you and placed his hands on either side of your face making you look up at him. “You’re not.” 
“How about that drink?”
He could say it all he wanted. He could get it tattooed on his ass, for all you cared, but it still wouldn’t be true. 
You knew you were his rebound. According to Charlotte, he had been picking up girls for the past three months. According to Sarah, he was writing devastating songs about an ex that he had only ended things with a little bit ago. Mitch had mentioned something about Harry being in some kind of funk lately (he told Harry that he hadn’t seen him have this much fun in a while, which Harry then prompted him to explain). Harry had called you pretty so many times that the word had lost all meaning and told the others how talented you were and you held back from mentioning that he had never even seen your work. He was sweet talking you and you saw right through it. 
That didn’t stop you from letting him pull you into his side back in the booth, his arm draped around your waist, playing with the beading of your dress as he talked to Mitch about some riff you didn’t know anything about. 
You had decided you were done drinking a little bit ago, realizing that you were going to be in charge of getting yourself home, seeing as the booth you and your friend had resided in had remained empty since you and Harry had gotten that first drink and Penny hadn’t answered a single one of your texts. 
You felt yourself growing tired. It was nearing two in the morning and your head was swimming and Harry’s side was so warm, his voice so soothing. 
You sat up, causing Harry to turn his attention to you. 
“Yeah, I think I just want some air.” You stood up and he offered to come with you. You told him you were okay to go alone, not wanting to get in the way of the conversation he was having with the other three--it was music related from what you had heard. 
“Be careful, okay?” You nodded and he grabbed your hand, giving your fingers a quick kiss. You watched his cheeks turn a pink once he had realized what he had done. You suppressed a smile and walked down the steps and took a right, towards the back of the club. You pushed your way through to the back entrance and shoved the heavy door open. 
It let out onto a side street, pretty quiet but lit up by a few lights set up on the outside of the building. The only other people out there were two bouncers and three people taking drags from half smoked cigarettes. 
You greeted the security with a nod before taking a few steps over and leaning your back against the building.
It was warm out, which wasn’t very surprising for a night in the middle of July. That fresh air you wanted turned out to be pretty humid--also not very surprising. You pulled your phone out of your bag and checked your messages with Penny one more time. Still nothing. You sighed before pulling up Instagram and tapping through a bunch of stories. 
You didn’t look up when you heard the metal door open, too engrossed in a fellow photographer’s story (they were doing a shoot in Italy and you were trying to figure out which campaign it could be). 
“What you lookin at?” You jumped at the sound of Harry’s voice. He leaned over, placing his hand on your back, “Is that the Gucci shoot?”
“Harry, you gave me a fucking heart attack!”
“Sorry.” He kissed the side of your head. “Was a bit worried about you out here all alone.”
“Were you?” 
“Don’t look at me like that.”
“Like what?”
“Like that’s not really why I’m out here.”
You raised your eyebrows and looked back at your phone screen, “You said it, not me.”
“Bloody hell, come here.” He grabbed your wrist and spun you towards him, yanking you forward into his chest. His other hand caught your cheek and in less than a second his lips were on yours.
Without breaking the kiss, you slipped your phone back into your bag and brought your hands up to rest on his chest. As his lips moved slowly over yours, he moved his hands down to your waist, gripping onto your hips as though he was worried you would walk away. You crushed the lapels of his blazer in your fists, pulling him closer to you. He slipped his tongue over your bottom lip and you parted your lips, allowing him inside. 
You couldn’t stop a small moan from escaping you when his left hand moved to grab at your ass. You nipped at his bottom lip and he sighed into your mouth, the hand that was on your ass moving up to cradle the back of your neck. 
It wasn’t enough. You wanted to kiss him faster, slower, harder, softer--all at once. You hadn’t ever felt like that before. You were so overwhelmed with sensation. You could feel how flushed your cheeks were, how swollen your lips were growing, how hard you were gripping onto him. You could feel your stomach doing somersaults and your head spinning. 
Harry was sure that he never wanted to kiss anybody else again. The way you were holding onto him, standing on your tippy toes in your high heels, following his tongue in circles. He didn’t want it to end. He felt a warmth in his chest that he hadn’t felt in a while and part of him wanted to cry. 
He pulled away, needing to take a breath, but only far enough that he could speak to you, your noses still touching. 
“Come home with me,” his eyes searched your face as his hands gripped tightly onto your hips. 
You wanted to. You wanted to so badly. He was so much fun. He was gorgeous and sweet and every time he touched you, your stomach jumped and your skin tingled and you would give anything to feel the cool metal of his rings as he wrapped his fingers around your throat. 
“No.” You whispered. 
His brow furrowed, “No?”
“You’re not ready.” You shook your head, “You’re not ready. Your heart is still broken over someone else and I like both you and myself too much to let myself be a rebound.” You played with the cream lapel of his jacket, trying to smooth out the creases you had made. 
He smirked, “You like me?”
“I think I do.” You sighed, “But you’re still hung up on someone else.”
“I’m not.” He lifted his hand and brushed his thumb over your cheek. 
“You are. I’m not the first, I know that. And that’s fine. I just...kind of want to be the last? You know? And if I go home with you...that’s not what’s going to happen.”
“Love, that’s not...I like you. Like, really like you.”
You shrugged, still in his embrace. “You might, but that doesn’t change the fact that you’re still hurting or that you still might have feelings for another person. Whoever she was...she meant a lot to you, and the way they were talking about that song--Harry, I can’t. It’ll hurt too much in the morning. Even worse when you don’t call me back.”
“I would call you back,” He said, obviously taking offense to your accusation. 
You rolled your eyes, “Sure you would. And then we would go on a date, maybe two, but then you would find yourself comparing me to her and deciding that no one is her, you know, the one you’re writing an album about--and that’s fine. Seriously, it’s fine. I get it. I’ve been there. I was there six months ago,” You laughed softly. You kissed him softly on the lips and he moaned in defiance when you pulled away. “I can’t go home with you.” 
You bit your lip and tilted your head. “But I can give you my phone number.”
You held out your left hand in between your bodies and waited for him to pull his out and unlock it. Once it was in your hands, you typed in your number and your name, making sure to put South Kensington 7/25 under the “company” section, just in case he forgot. 
He rolled his eyes when he saw it, “I’m not going to forget you.”
You shrugged, “Just in case.”
“And when exactly can I use this?” He slipped his phone back into pocket and returned his hand to your waist, pulling you closer. 
“When you figure your shit out. When you’re over her...when you’ve figured out that you need me, want me for real.”
“And you’ll pick up?” He raised his eyebrows. 
“For you? Definitely.” You pulled him back to you by his jacket, giving him one more slow kiss. You pulled away, but gave him another quick peck, not being able to resist. 
“I should go. It’s late and I’ve got to take a cab home since my friends literally disappeared.”
“Let me take you home.” 
“Harry,” you warned. 
“Fine. One more,” he said before kissing you again, dipping his tongue into your mouth. 
  When he pulled away slightly, you took your chance to get away before you went home with him after all. You took a few steps back and he pouted, his arms hanging limp at his sides. 
“Goodnight, Harry.”
“Night, love.”
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captainmarkone · 3 years
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Chapter Two. characters: ransom drysdale x reader. warnings: none (for now), slow burn type of thing. summary: Hugh Drysdale is known for being a well known playboy; the only son of real estate mogul Linda Drysdale, the oldest grandson of famed Author and Publisher Harlan Thrombey. Not knowing what real love is, not knowing where and who to get it from until he meets someone... something that could possible change him and his life all together. But it'll take a real good woman to do so. a/n: second installment of this Ransom fic. I hope you all love it. if you see mistakes, no you didn't. this was written on my phone and not thuroughly proofread. whoopsie.
Homecoming Dance was just around the corner and I was the lucky member of staff to be a chaperone. Voluntold as they like to say. I had no choice but to agree. Not like I had anything planned for the weekend, especially Saturday night.
“Tickets will be sold at the day of the dance. And if any one has someone that would like to volunteer for the dance to be a chaperone, please contact me or the principal or even Mr. Levinson,” I said, putting my number up with the principal and Mr. Levinson number.
“Please let them call or text us before Friday, please!” I expressed, the bell ringing. Dismissing the class, I smiled at each one and waved them off.
Sighing softly, I sat down at my desk and sat back against the chair. Spinning slowly toward the board and looking at the names of those that needed to turn in late assignments.
“I’ve gotten four calls in the last hour,” Ari said, sitting at a student desk that was in front of mine. His hands gripping the front of it as he sat. He chuckled softly. “All of them women. But I did say yes to all of them,” he muttered, leaning back against the seat.
I smiled at him, shaking my head as I watched him. “Well aren’t you so lucky. It must be because they think their kids' teacher is very attractive. I haven’t gotten any!” I said, soon hearing my phone vibrate on my desk. Scared me too. “Looks like my luck is about to change!”
“Hello?” I answered, a familiar voice on the other end. “Hu- Ransom! Hi there. You’d like to…. Chaperone? Didn’t peg you for the chaperone type. For a high school homecoming dance,” I teased, I could see Ari lifting his brow.
“Yeah well, I don’t have much to do on a Saturday night,” Ransom said. He did, but he’d much rather get to know her.
“Well, I’ll put your name down. I’ll even use ‘Ransom’ as preferred name,” I said, smiling as I wrote his name down. “Great. Saturday. 5 pm. Sound good?” I confirmed and he answered ‘yes’. “See you then,” I said, hanging up.
Ari looked at me, smiling wide as he let out a soft chuckle. “Was that… you flirting?” He asked, tilting his head slightly.
“What? No. He’s cute but no. Agh, maybe. He drove up next to me when I was walking to my car. Said he wanted to make sure I got in my car safely,” I confessed, smiling softly to myself. My eyes glanced at Ari, who was just watching me thoughtfully.
“Seems he might think you’re cute too,” he said, soon standing to his feet and smiled softly. “See you Saturday,” he said, knocking his knuckle on my desk before exiting.
The weekend had finally rolled by. Every student telling me about their dresses, suits, and other forms of attire they were planning to wear. Some even showing me pictures. I was happy my students were excited to show me, that they liked me enough to share.
Having been sent home to get dressed, I took the opportunity to look nice. After all, Ransom was going to appear. If he did. Shit. He might’ve changed his mind. Decided chaperoning was something dumb to do on a Saturday night.
‘Why are you even worried? Why do you even care? Jeez,’ I thought, shaking my head. The thoughts fleeting as I applied my mascara. Doing the final touches to the natural looking make up I decided to do.
I had dressed in the knee length red dress that had a floral pattern and the sleeves weren’t that long; cutting at the middle of my upper arms, strings tied into a not so perfect bow.
I slipped on my nude, two inch heeled sandal. The one that didn’t have the strap that wrapped around my ankle. Looking myself in the mirror, I fixed my dress. Leaving my bed room, I made it to the front door of my apartment. Unlocking the door and grabbing my small purse in the process. I walked out and made my way down the stairs, happy I only lived on the second floor.
Getting into my car, immediately locking the door, I started it up and leaned against the seat while pulling on my seatbelt.
I made to the school in time, an hour before the gym doors opened for the dance. Getting out of my car, I locked it and rounded the back of my car when I heard someone say my name. Walking up next to me, Ransom slowed. Wearing a tan overcoat, a Persian scarf, and cable knit sweat underneath with slacks for his pants. His shoes a light brown to tie in the tan jacket. I smiled at him, while his lips turned up slightly.
“Wow. You clean up very nice,” I said, smiling warmly. “Wasn’t sure if you were actually gonna show up.”
He tilted his head at me, as if I was joking.
“Only because… who really wants to spend their Saturday night… chaperoning a high school dance,” I explained further, walking with the male toward the entrance of the gym.
“Wasn't too sure, either. Dances were never my thing unless I had a hot date and we hooked up behind the bleachers on the track field,” Ransom said, a smirk playing on his lips as he watched me. His eyes scanning me.
“Well, I definitely owe you one for coming. We only have you and another guy chaperoning today. Most are women. I was voluntold to be here,” I said, chuckling softly as we approached the gym. One of the yearbook committee kids at the table with another person; assuming someone to keep her company.
They greeted me, and I smiled at them. “Hi Maxine. Hi Danny,” I said.
Ransom opened the door for me and I walked in. He was soon beside me again, as if not wanting to get lost. “Don’t worry. It’s very hard to lost in a school like this,” I teased, walking to the large group of women that surrounded the refreshment table.
“All right, I’ll be giving everyone their duties! I have about ten of you. This is great! Oh, hey!” Ari was speaking to the group, waving at me when he saw me. “About time!” He exclaimed, eyes shifting to the male beside me.
“You must be Hugh Drysdale,” Ari said, “I’m Ari Levinson. Welcome!” He continued, looking at the list on his clipboard. I could have sworn I told Ari to call Hugh Ransom.
“It’s Ransom! Don’t call me Hugh,” Ransom said, smirking softly as he eyed Ari that soon shifted his gaze toward me then back to Ransom.
“Sorry man. Ransom. Got it,” Ari confirmed, and I nudged Ransom softly. I smiled and I could see his lips slowly turning into a smile.
Calling my name, Ari said, “I want you and Ransom at the refreshment areas. Around an hour in, we’ll rotate so everyone can get a chance to dance if they’d like to. Vilma,” he continued, telling the other ladies where they’d be.
“You look really beautiful tonight,” Ransom said as we walked around the table to set up the cups of punch. I smiled, letting a small chuckle escape my lips.
“Thank you,” I said, filling the last cup that would fit on the table.
The lights soon dimmed, the DJ playing a song as kids started to flow the gymnasium. Some dancing to the fast beats of the new music, some throwbacks being played. I continued to fill cups of punch, Ransom busy at the side of me and handing out plates of food. From the stage, I saw Ari come up to the mic. “Staff and volunteers, time to switch,” he said, telling the DJ to keep up the good work.
Ransom and I moved to the side as Vilma and Jackie took over the table. We covered the exit nearest us and that’s when a random slow song began to play.
“Wanna dance?” Someone said, and I looked to my left to see a student. Hand extended. “Why it’d be an honor!” I exclaimed, taking it and glancing at Ransom. Making my way to the dance floor with Frankie, I rested my hands on his shoulders as he didn’t quite have a growth spurt just yet. His hands rested in between my hips and waist.
“Sorry kid, but imma cut in. She owes me a dance,” Ransom interjected, hand on the kids shoulder. The kid nodded, stepping to the side and that was when Ransoms moved from my hip to his arm wrapping around my waist, his free hand taking mine and letting my other hand wrap around his neck.
“Why, Hugh. Didn’t know you could dance,” I said, smiling softly as I watched his features lighten.
“Hmm. Dancing is fun when you have someone beautiful as your partner,” he said, and I had to shake my head. Eyes looking into his, hand wrapped in his, my other playing at the hairs at the nape of his neck. It was a surreal moment.
In the corner of my eye, I could see Ari in the corner of the gym. Eyes locked on me. When I made eye contact with him, he smiled and looked away to tend to a task the he saw on his clipboard.
The song soon ended, and we drilled our movements. Eyes staring into his, I licked my lips nervously as his hand moved from my frame and his hand cupped my cheek.
“I don’t know… why or how, but for some reason I couldn’t get you out of my mind,” he muttered, eyes slowly drifting to my lips.
“I know your type Ransom Drysdale. And I will not be played,” I whispered, slowly moving from his trance. “One more dance?” I asked, continuing to play with his hair. He nodded in agreement, pulling me close.
From what I research about Ransom was that he was a playboy, a womanizer. Why was he so sudden in wanting to kiss me (at least I assumed he wanted to)? To be near me? To have his mind filled with thoughts of me? It burned in the back of my head. My guard was up, and it would never come down around Ransom. Not now, anyway.
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When Fate Intervenes // Luke Patterson
IN WHICH: Fate intervenes with a trio of musicians on the night that was supposed to be legendary. Fate puts the reader with a special ability that may or may not be able to save them. Fate puts a clairvoyant, an accidentally upsized pizza and thirteen year old oddly obsessed with a rock band.
Warnings: Swearing, food poison, death, and fluff
Words: 2.8k
A/N: Time to get rid of some fic ideas from my TOO LONG of a list. It’s Julie fault, she keeps encouraging each fic idea I tell her.
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The Orpheum, 1995
The line up comprised of countless girls wearing homemade band shirts for the new band performing. Your little sister, at thirteen years old, had pleaded for weeks if not three months to go watch it. It was odd since she was more in the pop scene than the rock music. Your parents would never let her go to the rock show at night, so it was you or no show. It took a promise of doing your chores for an entire month and her dessert for two months. That was why you stood beside Harper among the fangirls while you clicked through the camera you’d saved up for years.
“I’m so excited.” Harper buzzed dancing on your feet as the time on her watch dwindled down more and more.
Your eyes flitted from the screen to the ball of energy you called your little sister, “I can tell. Which one do you have a crush on?”
“Reggie. He’s the bassist and so fucking-sorry freaking cool.” Harper gushed, “A good portion of the fans are obsessed with the lead singer Luke. Bobby is the rhythm guitarist, and he’s a ladies man, but he’s sweet about it.”
“And you’d know that how?” You questioned letting go of the camera around your neck. Your e/c eyes meeting her matching pair of irises; well yours were a bit more vibrant.
“I just know.” Harper retorted before beaming as she roughly poked the pin she’d made herself, “This represents all of them. Red for Reggie’s plaid shirt he always has, orange for Bobby’s love of oranges, yellow for Luke’s energy and pink for Alex because he loves the colour!”
The pin had their band design with Sunset Curve on it with the words outlined with a sunset made up of red, orange, yellow and pink just as Harper had pointed out. By far, it was her best work, but that was expected from an art student at Los Feliz High School. An art school for artists and performers. You attended for photography and creative writing just as Harper attended for art.
“That might be your best work Harps.” You complimented your little sister who shivered in the cool night breeze. You didn’t even think about tugging off your warm jacket to place on her shoulders.
You’d rather be cold than your little sister no matter how much you fought with each other, the Y/L/N siblings had each other’s backs no matter what.
“Thanks.” Harper murmured, leaning closer, “So do I meet Reggie?”
Your eyes widened slightly at her subtle goading to a part of your life was cinematic. It was a piece of you that very few people knew about, only your parents and Harper. Like most of the women in your paternal lineage, you carried the ability to foresee events in the future. A clairvoyant.
“Harper!” You scolded the young teenager who blatantly was just over-excited to see the band she’d been talking about constantly.
Harper’s cheeks turned a cherry blossom pink under the crappy lighting from the marquee sign. Even in the light, you noticed the changes in her face as she matured into a young woman, her cheeks while still full didn’t have that baby cheek look now. You saw a stubborn zit that you could see under the makeup that didn’t entirely match her skin tone. It caused an ache in your heart to know that soon she’d have the experience of heartbreak.
“You told me these guys are my age. Need I remind you that you are thirteen? If anyone older than thirteen makes an advance I’ll put my softball skills to the test.” You sternly informed the shorter girl with the pout that screamed rebellion, “Just be a kid Harps.”
“Like you said Y/N, I’m thirteen. I’m not a kid anymore.” Harper dropped the attitude to adopt a more mature soft tone. You could see the tinge of sadness in her eyes at losing the part of life where it was easy.
“I know. I can wish you’ll stay that annoying little kindergartener that stole my clothing.” You chuckled, “You’ll always be the Stephanie to my DJ.”
The two Y/L/N siblings momentarily glanced around before hugging as quickly as possible, they still had reputations to uphold. Had you been actually paying attention, you and Harper would have noticed the commotion from the people behind you.
As you and Harper had the sweet moment, the very band performing had raced out the alley into the street. What brought you back to the surroundings was the pizza boy delivering the pizza box to you. 
“Wait, we ordered a small!” You exclaimed finding the boy holding an extra-large pizza. You only received a shrug in response with the right change given back. 
Two things happened with this food mistake, you didn’t have to pay more than what you actually ordered, and you still got the larger pizza. However, the Orpheum didn’t allow outside food, meaning you’d have to force-feed yourself all the pizza or trash more than half. 
“We could shar-” Harper was cut off as a blinding white light became your focal point. Harper knew what was happening by the specific groan coming from your lips.
A nauseating scent of cheap meat, gas and chemicals flooded your sense of smell in the dingy alleyway. It was nighttime with a few people in the general vicinity with a dilapidated table and mismatched chairs on the walls’ edge. A poorly made sign with Sam & Ella’s and going by the vendor selling the hot dogs the name fit. Sam & Ella sounded like salmonella.
From a distance, you couldn’t quite hear the conversation between three male teens, but you had a bad feeling. They all migrated to a ratty couch that had been better days, a rat wouldn’t even crawl on it you swore.
The first boy had slicked back hair with rosy cheeks you dubbed innocent and cute that juxtapositioned his rocker attire. He had polished black leather shoes, pleather if his choice of food was an indication, a leather jacket and a red plaid shirt around his waist. His attention focused on the two guys beside him. In the middle, the boy had the blue hood of his sweater pulled over his messy brown hair as if hiding. Nothing stood out about him, and it seemed like that was intentional. On the other side, the last one was the tallest with his blonde hair hidden by the backwards black hat. A distressed dark grey jean jacket open to proudly display his pink hoodie. Each one wearing black pants and adorning rings.
“This is awesome, you guys. We’re playing the Orpheum!” The middle boy joyfully spoke head in the clouds instead of the questionable surroundings. He arguably had the loveliest smile you had ever seen, and his friends had nice smiles at that as well.
Yet even if this hadn’t taken place, however, it still felt like you were intruding on something incredibly private, “Why am I being shown this?”
Your question went unsurprisingly unanswered.
“I can’t even count how many bands have played here! And then ended up being huge!” He happily sunk into the back of the couch, thinking of all the bands he had CDs to in his room, “We’re gonna be legends!”
“Oh.” You breathed as you caught a whiff from the boys that quickly gave you the understanding of why you saw this. You could only smell what you had dubbed as death, the scent unchanging from the first time you’d encountered it.
The death stench accompanied a clairvoyant vision if the object of your vision was sick or about to die. The first time you encountered, it was a vision of two cars colliding, the sound of shattering glass and crunching metal, the scent of burning flesh overpowering the milder stench. The next morning school was cancelled after a teacher died in a car accident on the way to work.
“Eat up, boys. ’Cause after tonight, everything changes.” The only vocal one continued with his two friends silently listening. The trio toasted their food together.
“No!” You exclaimed as each boy took a bite. You held your breath, hoping that the inevitable in the vision wouldn’t occur.
Unfortunately, it was right away the warning appeared. The blonde one the most affected, “That’s a new flavour.”
“Chill, man. Street dogs haven’t killed us yet.” The leather jacket guy proudly spoke, the least one concerned. 
Even the guy in the middle was concerned but ultimately continued eating.
“Stop it!” You shouted, but it was no use. As with every vision, you had the potential to stop it from coming true, but while in the vision, you couldn’t interact with the people or surrounding. No matter how much you wanted to slam the food out of their hands.
But one thing sends shivers down your spine. The one in the middle made direct eye contact with you. Something that had never happened before nor to any previous clairvoyants. He kept eye contact as he slowly grew sicker and sicker.
The three boys had no chance as the ambulance rushed to the alleyway to save them. The paramedics weren’t as quick as the vendors who’d already packed and fled to protect their own hides.
You watched as the paramedics did everything in their power to save the young teenagers with everything possible. Just like Luke sang in their last song, the boys felt the darker version of an electric hammer to the heart. The clocks freezing in place as they each took their last breathe in the oddest of deaths. You saw the blonde guy die painfully first before followed by the formerly hooded one, the terrified cries of the last one haunting your phantom ears.
How did three healthy teenagers die on the same night of the exact nature within minutes of each other without one surviving? Maybe it had something to do with the hot dogs chilling in the liquid that was a cesspool of bacteria compounded with tained condiments from battery acid.
You roughly came out of the vision shaking and pale-faced frantically scanning the surroundings. Harper had a grip on the extra large pizza box while the other tightly held yours to ground you in the present.
“Are you okay?” Harper softly questioned with the panic hidden inside her body. Harper knew that this vision had been one of the bad ones. The haunted look in your eyes hinting towards death in the near future.
“We need to go.” You frantically replied, grabbing the pizza that would hopefully have a hand in saving three hopeful teens.
Your gym teacher would be proud of the distance diminished and speed you kept towards the area that would further shatter you. Foreseeing death and sometimes unable to stop it always had a nasty impact on you. 
“Where are we going?” Harper yelled, “We’ll miss the doors opening!”
“We’ll miss them if we don’t hurry up!” You shouted back at the disgruntled little sister but at the moment that didn’t matter. 
What mattered was three hungry teenagers about to gorge themselves on death dogs if you didn’t make it in time. It appeared for the first time you’d actually manage to stop the deaths, unlike the previous three times. 
“-tonight. Everything changes.” The chill-inducing rasp helped navigate you to the disgusting couch. Your cold hand slammed the hotdog from the blonde’s hand, the shocked reaction halting the other two.
“Don’t...eat...it.” You heaved bending over at the waist to catch your breath. Wheezing sounded from your little sister as the running and seeing her favourite band up close settled.
“Excuse me! I paid for that hotdog!”
“You’d be buying yourself death literally. Your dreams of playing the Orpheum would be extinct.” You sighed, chugging the water from the pocket of Harper’s backpack for a few seconds before the owner took it back.
“Okay, look I don’t know how you found us but-”
“You don’t have to believe me ’cause I sure as hell wouldn’t have but don’t jeopardize your dreams. Look my little sister wanted to see your show so I brought her and we ordered a pizza. They fucked up the order by giving us an extra-large pizza. We’ll barely eat a quarter of it, and the venue is strict on the rules.” You rambled using tour hands to elaborate the story before Harper roughly elbowed your ribs, “Ow!”
“Oops.” Harper faked a sugar-sweet smile for your benefit as the interaction with the three musicians slowly dove into embarrassment.
“-sorry. You’d be doing us a favour by not wasting our money and food. What do you say?” You hesitantly asked the trio who didn’t speak vocally; their eyes meeting in a silent conversation.
Reggie sighed as he begrudgingly dropped his hotdog in the bin near the couch, “Pizza outranks street dogs even if the dogs are heaven and to die for.”
“Literally.” You grumbled forcefully pushing the obscenely large pizza box into the middle one’s stomach, “I’m Y/N, this is my little sister Harper.”
“Hi.” Harper shyly waved with cheeks turning a dust pink concealed by the dark of the alleyway. The boys’ lips all quirked at the sudden contrast from the confident sister slamming her elbow in you to the bashful teen.
“I’m Luke. This is Reggie and Alex.” The hooded one, Luke, introduced his bandmates as best he could with his hands occupied by the pizza box.
Without the threat of death by the hot dog, you actually took the time to look at Luke with appraising eyes. His eyes were like oceans of blues, greens and even a brown that both exhilarated you; the desire of studying them not surprising. His smile outshone the sun on the hottest day in August.
“Nice to meet you.” You informed the trio with a beaming smile that matched your starstruck little sister. The interaction gave you the opportunity for immense and untiring future teasing on the teen that daydreamed of the bassist. 
You had to admit the trio were incredibly attractive.
“Come back to the dressing room. We can eat there out of the cold.” Alex courteously invited the two formerly strangers. His blues sharing his pure intentions to repay you for saving their lives and offering pizza. 
“Of course.” Harper nodded her head with her eyes barely meeting the ones of the boys. The shell was broken when Reggie piped up.
“That’s a really cool pin! Where’d you find it?”
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Gated Community, Los Angeles, 2002
An off-tune humming filled the modestly sized home in the suburbs of Los Angeles, California with the sound of water splashing. Doing the dishes was a mindless chore that typically didn’t bother you, but the pain in your lower back protested. You’d have used the dishwasher, but the thing was perpetually breaking down. Didn’t seen essential to replace when washing dishes by hand was just as productive.
Or it was when you didn’t have the extra weight in your midsection, a symbol of your love with your husband. In fact, you would have avoided doing dishes if you hadn’t just used the last clean plate and glass at breakfast plus Luke hadn’t been home in the previous week.
Sunset Curve had gone on a press tour for the upcoming album and tour planned for next year.
“Oof.” You moaned as the little rascal once more hit your bladder, “Are you breaking electric guitars in there?”
“Not a soccer player?”
“With you as their father? Not likely.” You snorted as the sudden appearance of Luke became clear. You hadn’t been expecting him, “I missed you. We missed you.”
As had it since you first told him Luke’s warm hand came to rest on the front of your swollen belly. In a short month, you’d be cradling the newest member of the Patterson family with Luke singing the lullaby he solely made for baby P.
“Still haven’t given in?” The lead guitarist teased you with a beaming smile splitting his face, “Go sit down. I’ll finish the dishes.”
You didn’t need to be asked twice. 
“I’m not abusing my clairvoyance to foresee our child’s gender, name and appearance.” You pointed one finger in his direction, “I refused Bobby’s pleading to see which models he would bed. The only time I did something like that was to reassure Alex that he would fall in love with a lovely guy.”
Luke’s heart burst with sheer adoration at how easily you had sunk into the friendship with the band after that one night. A night that had given birth to a friendship that slowly evolved into a romance and marriage. To this day, the group got together as much as possible.
“I love you.” Luke chuckled, “Even-”
“-if I came into your life like a completely crazy person?”
“We’re all a little crazy.”
Your house surely would be when a little tornado with Luke’s energy took over the home you’d made with Luke. The very home you would have more children and grow old together until soon you held your grandkids on your laps.
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glitterge1pen · 3 years
Hello? I Am Calling To Remind You Of Your Local Skating Rink.
Kyōtani Kentarou x reader, sfw, fluff, 1,686 word count 
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"I have a question"
Kyotani never answered or called with a "hello" or "hey". He would immediately get to the point of the conversation.
You respond with, trying to be light hearted, unsure what Kyotani was going to say next.
"Do you...do you, shit, fuck, uh"
When he had called you, you had been taking a break from the show you were watching to grab a drink from the fridge. Upon hearing his nervous line of questioning you perk up in interest, propping yourself up on the open fridge door.
You say again, unable to hide the slight teasing nature of your voice.
"Listen, I swear to God if you laugh I'm going to kill you just so I can piss on your grave,"
"Okay , okay, I give in, I promise I won't laugh"
You hear Kyotani sigh, he sounds very small when he finally chokes out his words.
"Do you know how to roller skate?"
☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾
At 2:00pm on a weekday the rink is mostly empty. You had managed to weasel your way out of work to indulge Kyotani. You had met him outside the rink. He stood underneath the rotting neon lights that didn't hum during the day. His hands shoved in his pockets, his gaze scanning the parking lot looking for you. When he saw you approaching he turned away, a look of regret and embarrassment on his face. But you did your best to reassure him before going in.
"I'm not gonna let you fall or anything, and I'm sure you'll be good at it anyway,"
Kyotani pays for both of you even when you try to shove the five dollar admission fee into his palm. A nostalgic feeling takes over you as you take in the rink. The bright patterns dancing on the black faded carpet, the sound of kids slamming on top of the prize counter, the whiz of skates gliding over the floor, the butter smell from the popcorn, the flashing lights of the arcade cabinets.
"What size skates do I get?"
Kyotani says leaning close to your ear so that no one else can hear his question. You point out the size chart that rests behind the skate counter. You get the skates for both of you while he leans on the wall of the rink. Watching the one young family, two teenage girls, and one lone adult, move around the pond of concrete. You place the skates onto the white painted brick with a heavy thunk.
"You need help with those too?"
You say a laugh spilling through your teeth.
"Shut up,"
Is all he says as he begins to lace up. While he puts the skates on you throw your belongings into a locker with his. You toss the key to him, telling him not to lose it.
"You ready?"
You ask, hand extended to his. Kyotani sits with his hands pulling at the fabric of his jeans. His knuckles white, his face scrunched up in determination and fear. When he finally puts your hands together, he pulls on you so hard that you tumble down onto him.
"Hey, hey, calm down, not so hard"
You say as you untangle your arm from his shoulder, maneuvering your face so that you don't have to look at him. One of your arms propping you up on the bench he had been sitting on. You regain your stance and extend your hand to him one more time. He's not as rough, pulling only as much as needs too in order to stand.
"See, not so bad right?"
Your words hit the floor with Kyotani because as soon as he's on his feet they slip out from under him. You pull up on his hand, trying to keep as much of him in the air as you can. His eyes are wide, his mouth pressed into a tight line like he's trying to keep in a scream. You decide maybe talking isn't the best. Kyotani is stiff as stone once he regains his compurse. Refusing to scoot one bit from the position next to the bench. Well maybe giving him one little shove wouldn't hurt.
"If the team is going out roller skating, doesn't that mean Tsukishima will be there?"
Kyotani moves. Or rather he grabs hold of your arm, his chest clinging to your shoulder, his head next to yours, like the more of you he can touch the less of him will fall.
You pick up your foot, hovering it just barely over the carpet. Kyotani does the same. You put your foot down and so does he. Then you very slowly push back, rolling the slightest.
You and Kyotnai do this over and over. Eventually he can stand up straight again. But his grip is still tight on your wrist. You try to pull away from him, you want to show that he is more than capable of skating. Each time you lean away he follows like a magnet chasing after its other half. So you let it happen.
"Do you wanna try getting on the floor now? The carpet really drags you down when you skate on it. You think you ready for the real deal?"
Kyotani shifts his eyes from you to the flashing lights that graze over the rink floor like cows in a field. Hues of green, red, blue, lines of pink that fizz to nothing in the air. From the distance you're at now the bass of the music is just distant tremors and waves, you're sure that on the floor it's booming.
He nods.
You guide him to the step that drops onto the smooth concrete. The family that's two toddlers and their parents stick to the middle of the ring, not making full circles, while the two girls move slowly, their arms chained together as they talk and skate. The other adult there moves so gracefully that they are practically invisible as they weave between nothing and twirl around the edges of the rink.
You stumble just a bit when you meet the surface of the rink, the texture so different from the carpet. Kyotnai also fumbles, but his misstep is more drastic. He falls onto you this time, his body weight catches you off guard, you bend your knees as best you can barely stopping the two of you from toppling onto the ground.
"I fucking hate this,"
Kyotani says with a groan as he tries to separate himself from you. But his arms are shaking just a bit, his legs not yet having fathomed skating. He'll pull away, only to pull back to you. For the first time the uneasy expression he's had since he got there, is replaced with frustration.
"Hey, you're skating!"
You tell him with delight. He freezes. Suddenly forgetting what he had been doing. You start dragging the wheels of your skates on the floor, his hands clasp onto your wrist at the movement. He lets you tow him across the length of the rink. At the turn, you pry one of his hands from you, forcing him to lead into the next bend.
He teeters a bit. When he successfully makes the turn his arms raise in accomplishment. Lost in his own excitement he has let you go. You stay put waiting for him to notice. He takes two and half steps without you. Once he realizes that you are no longer by his side, he whips his head around to find you, which is the same time he falls right onto his ass.
You drift over to him. Offer your hand. He grabs it, the Kyotani you normally see having emerged. He is no longer afraid or timid, he looks like him. He says nothing to you once he's back up. A fierce glimmer in eyes, one you recognize from the moments before he scores a point or spikes a ball.
Kyotani staggers in his first few steps. But then he's fine. He wobbles around the corners of the rink, he definitely shouldn't join a derby team any time soon but he’s sufficient and beyond satisfied. You will sometimes pull ahead of him, not on purpose you are just better on the skates still. You'll wait on the wall for him to catch up.  
"Stop doing that I hate it"
"Waiting for me, just skate"
"It's no fun that way though"
"Then let me do that thing again"
"That thing?"
You ask confused. Kyotani huffs, seemingly annoyed that he has to explain himself. He grabs onto your arm like how he had been doing before. Now that he has better grasp on skating you two make easy laps. You still guide and steer. Reminding him to keep his knees bent, and if he doesn't listen you knock into him with your hips, trying to prove your point. Occasionally he will trip only the smallest bit and you still rush to try to hold him, trying to pinpoint where you should grab on to him.
Eventually time is up though. The bright overhead lights flicker on. The DJ booth cuts the music short. You blink trying to adjust to the sudden change in scenery. Your body feels hollow without the buzz of the music and the click clack stomps of your skates hitting the floor.
"Thanks for doing this"
"No problem-"
You're cut off by your back wheels not making it over the step that leads to the carpet. Kyotani instantly reacted when he heard the hitch of your voice, his arm straining to grab the nape of your neck, luring you closer to his chest. His other hand holding onto the brick wall that lines the rink.
"Don't do shit like that! That's like the hundredth time you've fallen today"
Which is an absolute lie, because the only times you wiped out where when you were trying to save him.
"And how many times did you fall?"
You say shoulder checking him as you glide past slowly over the confettied drawn carpet.
"Not once"
He tells you with a confident smile.
☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾
A/N: Did somebody say circumstantial physical touch? Me. I did. De La Souls ‘Saturday’ and Fantaisa’s ‘Hood Boy’ were crucial for writing this because IMAGINE SKATING AND THOSE SONGS COME ON????? Got a new phone case and put my Zuko sticker that Ive been saving for like six months in it. Got a paper cut today???? Lots of sunlight today so I liked that. Anyways I need to go to fucking bed. 
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