#the dolan twins blurb
impaladolan · 2 years
small request! grayson and y/n were supposed to be going out for a date night but he goes to buy y/n another dress because he insists hers is too short to wear in public (plus he’s overprotective)
Blurb Alert! - Grayson Dolan
a/n: i changed it a little, and i kinda made grayson a meanie in this one
"I'll be out in the car." Grayson runs his hand through his hair before leaving you to finish dressing. He looked irritated, wouldn’t talk much and had a semi-sour expression.
You had your hair and some makeup all done up, and a nice emerald green dress and some heels on for your attendance of your friend’s wedding reception.
Grayson wasn’t upset this morning when the two of you had attended the ceremony. He was all flushed, doe-eyed and lovey, his touch never leaving your body.
But now, after dressing for the party, his mood had a total switch. You couldn’t understand why. You don’t recall anything of importance angering him, and your Grayson was a patience man, not one to be upset over small things.
You dismissed worrying about it— he wouldn’t tell you why he was mad or what you could do to help, but instead stayed in silence as he too readied himself for the evening ahead.
Maybe a little dancing will loosen him up.
After spraying a sweet perfume and grabbing your purse, you ducked into his low car and strapped your seat belt, pulling your dress down so it wouldn’t be bunched up against your lower abdomen.
Grayson scoffed and started the car, evading your glare as he backed, rather aggressively, out of the driveway.
“What’s your problem, baby?” You smoothed your hand over the console and onto his own, massaging the backside of his palm sincerely. He bit the inside of his cheek and looked over, not at your eyes, but to where your dress ends and your legs begin.
“Do you think that dress is appropriate to wear tonight, Y/N?” He finally looked at you, his gaze still hard and unmoving.
“Excuse me?” You almost gasped at his words, your face flushing and a fiery anger shooting throughout your body.
The nerve.
“Answer the question.” His grip on the steering wheel tightened and his foot seemed to grow heavy against the gas.
“I don’t see a fucking problem.” You looked down your torso and along the sleeves, in search of whatever the hell could be wrong.
“So you don’t think it’s pretty revealing?”
You pulled your hand away from him and shook your head, appalled by his thoughts. You were struggling to speak, surprised by his sudden dismay of your attire.
“Oh, you don’t? Your fucking ass is hanging out and your tits are on full fucking display. I hope to god you’re wearing some kind of panty under that, fuck.” He had you stunned with his words and you could hardly see straight with all the anger bubbling inside of you.
“You bought me this dress, Grayson!” You huff, flailing your hands in the air. Your chest began to turn red, that’s what usually happens when you’re flushed or irate, and your teeth grind against each other in continued irritation.
“I didn’t realize it’d be that short when you put on heels, Y/N.” He was annoyed, pressing the gas further down and moving around other vehicles like he thinks he’s a nascar driver or something.
“It’s not your decision of how clothed or not I want to be.”
“Well, then we’re making a stop before the reception.” He pulled off the highway and sped down the exit, taking a right at the stop light and flying down the road. He only slowed to turn into a luxury dress store and parked, turning the car off.
“I’m fucking walking, asshole.” You reach for the door handle, but he holds his finger over the lock button and moves across the console to shut the door back.
“The hell you are.”
You continue to try and open the door, using all your might, but even with hardly a grip Grayson’s stronger than you.
“You’ve never acted this way before.” You subside from trying to leave and cross your arms, covering the exposed cleavage he’s so upset about.
“I’m not trying to control you, Y/N,” he sighs and let’s go of the door. “I just don’t want anybody getting ideas. You’re mine.” He runs his hand through his hair, it’s disheveled and a couple strands had fallen upon his forehead.
“I didn’t think this would be an issue for you. I figured you’d like to see me wear this.”
“You’re more than welcome to wear it at home.” He flicked his eyebrows up and down and you let out a small laugh.
“Fine. Better hurry up in here or we’ll be late.” You both empty the vehicle and he joins you on the sidewalk, landing a harsh slap to your ass before grabbing your waist with a chuckle.
“I’m still upset with you, Grayson.”
“We’ll see who’s upset when we get home tonight..”
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elitegrayson · 2 years
request: y/n and grayson are enemies who happen to share the same friend group. while everyone is having a night out at the club, y/n is being harassed and groped by a guy. she finds grayson and taps the side of his hand to hold hands. graysons about to cuss her out but he immediately goes into protective mode
a/n: i appreciate all of your requests, keep em coming! i hope you enjoy this <3
it was a saturday night and your friends decided they wanted to go out clubbing. your best friend thought it would a good idea for everyone to get ready at her house. she said it'll be easier for everyone could leave from there. it was only four of you guys; rose, you, kent, and grayson. 
now grayson wasn’t particularly your friend. he was more like a coworker, but even then he was barely that. rose and kent know you guys bump heads often, but it’s never gotten too crazy. you only put up with it because wherever kent goes, grayson just has to follow. there’s no escaping him even if you wanted to. it’s the same thing with you and Rose, now that you think about it, but that’s different.
when you walked into the club, the hot air swept across your face. it smelled of hot bodies and alcohol. you like to party, but you’re more of a kickback girl, not a club girl. nonetheless, you wanted to let loose and have some fun.  
“let’s get some drinks! boys, can you go to the bar and get something good?” rose asked, looking over at kent and grayson. 
“we’ll get something for you, but not for y/n.” grayson smirked as you just rolled your eyes.
“oh please, i don’t need you to do anything for me. hell, i’ll get it myself. rose, come with me.” you responded, purposely pushing gray out of the way.
“don’t worry y/n, you’re gonna need me one day!” he yelled out, but you just ignored him, flipping him off as you walked towards the bar. you saw that the bartender was a woman and you instantly felt safe.most of the creeps here always have to comment on your drinks saying that you “couldn’t handle your drinks”.
“hey ladies, what can i get for you?” the bartender smiled, showing off her cheeky dimples.
“hi! um, i’ll take a long island iced tea, please? and what do you want rose?”
“i’ll just have a bloody mary.”
“bloody mary and a long island coming up!” 
one drink turned into at least five more. you kind of stopped counting but all you know is you felt amazing. at this point, you were on the dance floor with rose having the time of your life. music was blasting, you had a couple of drinks in your system, and everything felt great.
“hey, why do you hate grayson so much? he’s nice you know plus he’s our friend.” rose asked, yelling a bit as she leaned into your ear.
you were confused about why she was asking you about him, considering they haven’t been with us since you got your drinks.
“i don’t hate him, i just strongly dislike him. he just annoys me i don’t know. why are you even asking about him, it’s gonna ruin the nighttt.” you replied, slurring your words at the end.
“i think you guys would look cute together, to be honest,” she giggled, slapping your shoulder, but you swiped her hand away.
“gross! there’s no way in fucking hell i’d end up with him. anywho i think i want another drink, wanna come with?” you asked as she shook her head no. you knew in your head you didn’t need another drink, but you wanted one.
you sat down and before you could tell her what you wanted, she already put the drink in front of you. “this last one is on me, girl.” she smiled as you thanked her. a few seconds later, you felt someone’s hot breath on your neck.
“hey there beautiful, are you all alone tonight?” the man said then he touched your lower back slightly.
“hey, do you know what personal space is? and don’t fucking touch me, you don’t know me!” you hissed, standing up and slapping his hands off of you.
“c’mon sweetness, i’ve been watching you all night, and right now i’m tired of watching. i want you, now,” he growled, pushing you closer to him and then he roughly grabbed your ass. immediately you cursed and then slapped him and ran in the other direction.
tears started to brim in your eyes, but you started to look for Grayson. you don’t know why he was the first person to pop into your head, but he was. soon enough you saw him in the corner with a drink in his hand. luckily he was alone so you started to stumble towards him, making your way through the crowd.
you tapped the side of his hand and then you intertwined his with yours. “yo y/n what the fuck are you-“ he stopped when he saw what you looked like. makeup stained by your tears and you could barely stand on your two feet. “gray please i n-need you. i was at the b-bar and a man t-touched me.” you began to cry again, yet you were holding hands with grayson. he smiled at the shorter version of his name. you always called him by his full name so the fact that you called him “gray” made his heart flutter slightly.
he tried to push that in the back of his head so he can focus and try to comfort you. “y/n come here,” he cooed, letting go of your hand and replacing it with your hair. you were leaving a mess on his shirt, but you didn’t care. you just needed his comfort. your mind started to wonder about the words you spoke earlier to him. it was ironic that you were crying in your enemy's arms, but you decided not to say anything. you knew he never predicted this to happen, but that didn’t matter right now. you just needed grayson.
grayson continued to rub your back and whisper comforting things in your ear, but in reality, he was ready to raise hell thinking about the man who touched you. you two have never really been friends and hell he never really gave you the light of day. yet he never wanted anything bad to happen to you, especially something like this. he’s never seen you this drunk before and he definitely won’t admit it, but it’s nice that you found him and not rose or kent.
“y/n, let’s go home yeah? i don’t want you to be here any longer. we need to get you home and in bed.” grayson explained, you looked up at him with glossy, stained mascara eyes and gave him a nod.
“but what about the man? what if we see him on our way out?” you asked, holding on to him even tighter than before.
“i hope we don’t, but if we do that asshole will know to never touch another woman again, especially you y/n. i am so sorry that this happened to you.” by surprise, he pressed a small kiss to your forehead. you were shocked of course, but you didn’t say anything. you just smiled to yourself and followed grayson to the entrance.
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whorefordean · 1 year
misc masterlist (discontinued)
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a/n: i no longer write for these people. there is no chance i will ever write for these people again, though i still have all the love for them!
dolan twins
grayson dolan
choose me | one | two
adopt me
just tell them
when we were eighteen
plate swap
stolen glances
love lullabies
ethan dolan
stay the night
road trip gone wrong
5 seconds of summer
calum hood
don't go
secret love song
luke hemmings
you know me too well
tom holland
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mxlti-lover · 1 year
Hello, my names Paige and welcome to my account!
I’ve been writing for years now and stopped when I started college. I’ve really missed writing tho and that was my get away from any stress and to let myself slip into a little fantasy world of making up my own characters/story.
I’m making this post though to say I’m a multi-fan account.
I’ve written for Harry Styles in the past, along with the Dolan Twins, Cole Sprouse, Sam and Colby and Luke Patterson/Charles Gillespie. Right now I’m obsessed with Twilight again (i swear, every year I get on a twilight high for about a month before I forget about it again😅) and would love to write about the pack. I’m willing to write about edward too, but if I’m being honest, I love the pack way more😅
If you’re wanting me to write anything/have any requests, don’t be afraid to leave a little something in my inbox.
I hope you enjoy this page or any of my writings in the future.
Love you all!
~ Paige🫶
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strangerquinns · 2 years
The Library
Ever's Masterlist: Links to all stories categorized by actor or show.
*some links may be broken due to URL change, fixing in progress*
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STRANGER THINGS (Steve,Eddie, Robin + more)
concepts/blurbs \\ page two
imagines + miniseries
FEZCO (Euphoria)
ethan dolan concepts/blurbs
grayson dolan concepts/blurbs 
dolan twins imagines/oneshots
grayson dolan chaptered stories
bucky barnes/sebastian stan masterlist
tom hiddleston + characters masterlist
andrew garfield + tasm peter parker masterlist
matt murdock + daredevil masterlist
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cherryobx · 4 years
(6. “I can’t breathe”/ 12. “Despite what you think, I am completely capable of taking care of myself”/ 13. “You can’t keep pretending it didn’t happen, cause guess what? It did!”/ 15. “Stop pretending you’re okay, cause I know you’re not.”)
warnings: panic attacks, a bit of angst and a bit of fluff
One moment you were just chilling with Grayson, reading the comments under your instagram post and the other you felt like air didn’t reach your lungs anymore. You were starting to sweat and Grayson noticed you trying to gasp for air.
“What’s going on Y/N? What happened?”
“I can’t breathe.”
Panic attacks were a common thing with you. You had them since you were little and they hadn’t stopped. The doctors said it was from stress or some childhood trauma. Which you definitely had.
But the thing was that you had never had a panic attack in front of Grayson.
“Breathe with me. 1,2,3 breathe in, 1,2,3 breathe out. Y/N, look at me.”
You both repeated the breathing exercise until you finally calmed down.
“Please tell me what just happened because you scared the crap out of me.” Thankfully he was staying calm and not yelling at you, which would probably have caused another attack.
“It was nothing. Don’t worry about it, Grayson.” You weren’t in the mood to talk about it.
“I am definitely worrying, Y/N. And I have every right to worry. How would you act if I was almost suffocating in front of you, huh?”
“Grayson. Stop. Just forget it.”
But he didn’t drop it. “You can’t keep pretending that it didn’t happen, cause guess what? It did!”
“I had a fucking panic attack. Okay? I have these all the time. It’s nothing to make a big deal out of.”
His mouth fell agape in shock. “And you’re telling me this right now? We’ve been dating for almost a year. I could’ve helped you.”
Your eyes were starting to get glossy, making it hard to see clearly.
“Despite what you think, I am completely capable of taking care of myself.”
Grayson knew you were not okay. He could see the tears in your eyes. And he hated the fact that he wasn’t there to help you during those attacks.
“Stop pretending you’re okay, cause I know you’re not.”
And that was when you completely broke down. You crawled over to him and hid your face in his chest, sobbing. He wrapped his arms around you and held you tightly, pressing light kisses on top of your head.
“I’m sorry for getting angry.”
“It’s okay. I should’ve told you.”
“I love you Y/N, but please don’t ever scare me like that again. I can’t lose you. Promise me you’ll always tell me when you feel it happening. I want to be there for you.”
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criminalhotch · 6 years
“Mine”~An Ethan Dolan Imagine
Omg I need a full on story about E falling for a thick girl and showing her love!!! That was amazing.
A/N: Now here’s the deal not every curvy girl feels the same way about themselves so the way Y/N is in the story may not apply to you but it’s fiction and I tried my best. I don’t need any more people coming for me today. 
Word Count:6,806
Warnings: insecurities about weight, super fluffy! E, fluffy smut, idk what else
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Ethan’s POV
Sometimes life just isn’t what it’s cracked up to be. Sometimes my job sucks. I’ll say it. Don’t get me wrong, I love YouTube and I love making videos with Grayson but sometimes it’s so much. It affects my friends, my family, and my relationships if I ever try to have one. Grayson and I are used to the hate and shitty comments but everyone else isn’t. I have to try to shield everyone from the words being spewed across every type of social media from people who have no idea the shit we go through. I feel like I am told how to eat, what to eat, what to wear, who to wear, who to date, and who not to date. No matter what or who I pick I’m always wrong. Half the time being single is easier so I don’t have to protect an innocent girl from the awful comments being thrown at her just because she’s being seen with me.
Now here’s where this is going. There’s a girl that Grayson and I see around LA a lot. She works at one of the outlet malls. She’s drop dead gorgeous. She’s helped Gray and I try on some clothes before. Grayson immediately picked up on my little crush and teased me about it as soon as she was out the vicinity. “You should ask her for like coffee or something, E” he suggested shoving my shoulder. “Gray, she has to know who we are. What if she’s only nice because we’re the Dolan Twins?” I asked. “Well, I guess you live and learn but she seems pretty genuine. When she comes back I’ll act busy and you ask for like coffee or just to go on a date. The worst thing to happen is she will say no. Shoot your shot, Eth” Grayson encouraged. I sighed and tugged my hand through my hair. He was right. Damn you, Gray. Here she comes, her name tag read Y/N. “So it looks like we don’t have those shorts in a large. I could order it online and get it sent to you free of charge” she offered. “Uh, no thanks but I know how you can make it up to me,” I said. “Oh, how’s that?” she asked smiling. “You can make it up to me by joining me for coffee tomorrow?” I suggested. “I think I can make that work, what time?” she asked. “How’s 11 at Urth?” I questioned. “Perfect, I’ll see you then” she smiled as I started to turn towards Grayson. “See, I told you!” Grayson said as he made an “I told you so” face. “I should’ve asked for her number” I muttered. “Get it tomorrow” Gray shrugged. “If I remember!”
The only downside to going to such a public spot like this is I could easily be seen by a fan. Y/N surely isn’t famous and will have no idea how to handle all of this. Not to mention when you think of Los Angeles, she’s not exactly what you picture. She’s different and she’s different in all the right ways. She has beautiful curves that make her hips sway beautifully, her butt (not that I’ve been staring) sits so roundly at the small of her back and her boobs. It’s a miracle she didn’t pop a button in that button up she has to wear to work  (A/N: Who are we kidding, we all know E would sneak a few peeks at a good ass when you aren’t looking whether you’re his or not but especially if you are his ;))
It’s 11 the next morning and I am sitting at a table very close to the door to watch for Y/N. Soon enough I see her walking towards the door as I sit and wait for her to enter. “Hello, there. Fancy seeing you here” I joked. “Have you ordered anything?” she asked. “I was waiting on you” I answered. “Well let’s order!” she replied. We ordered our drinks which I paid for much to her dismay. “You didn’t have to do that” she scoffed. “Yes, I know but I wanted to so just let it happen,” I said right as the barista said our names. We grabbed our drinks then sat down at the table I was originally at near the door.
We spent the next hour and a half learning about each other. Who we were, where we came from, what our goals were, and things we felt that we already accomplished. “Ethan?” she asked. “Y/N?” I asked back. “Was this some prank between you and Grayson?” she asked. “What do you mean?” I asked. “Asking me on this coffee date? Was it some prank to prove that anyone would say yes to a Dolan Twin?” she asked as her eyes dropped to the nearly empty drink she fidgeted within her hand. “No, not at all. Can I be honest with you?” I asked and she nodded. “I was scared to even ask you on this date. Grayson convinced me to do it. Why would you think it’s a prank?” I asked her. “Well let’s face it I’m not exactly the poster child for an LA model. My hips are about as wide as my shoulders, my ass looks huge no matter what pants I am wearing, it’s impossible to find a shirt that my boobs don’t look ginormous in. I probably weigh more than you do” she rambled. “Stop rambling, Y/N. I don’t care what size clothes you buy or what number the scale says. I think you’re gorgeous. This wasn’t some bet. I always see you when we go shopping and eventually I got a little crush then I decided to act on it” I explained. “You mean that?” she asked. “Of course, I do” I smiled.  Before we left the coffee shop we exchanged numbers and a few days later we went on a dinner date.
I was dropping her back off at her apartment when she asked, “So do you kiss on the first date?” “Well, technically I think this is the second date” I smirked. “Touche” she smiled up at me. I leaned down, my eyes fluttering shut as I began cupping her face gently before I smashed my lips onto hers. We sat in front of her apartment door our tongues battling for dominance and our bodies reacting to each other’s every move. Soon, she worriedly pulled away and spoke up “Ethan”. “Yes?” I smirked. “Ok, don’t give me that look but I think you should go” she suggested and my face sunk. “Why what did I do?” I asked worriedly. “Nothing, I am just worried that if you don’t I won’t have any choice but to jump your bones” she admitted a slight red tint rising on her cheeks. “Did I get you hot and bothered doll?” he asked. She unlocked her apartment then walked in. I tried to follow her but she pushed me. “Go” she instructed. “Aw, c’mon” I teased. “Go, E. I’ll text you later” she promised. “Deal. Goodnight, Y/N” I said as I began walking down the hallway. “Goodnight, Ethan,” she said just below a shout. Well, I think it’s safe to say there will definitely be a third date.
It’s about a month later and Y/N is coming over tonight to have a movie night with Grayson and me. “Have you asked her to be your girlfriend yet E?” Gray asked. “I was thinking about doing it tonight” I admitted. “Good, it’s about time. She’s good for you, bro” Gray replied. “I know but being my girlfriend comes with so much along with it” I explained. “I’m sure she can handle it but if not then we can wait for you guys’ to announce it,” Grayson said. “I’m not just going to ask her that’s boring. We’re the Dolan Twins, we don’t do boring” I said bravely. “Well, what're things she likes?” Gray asked. “She likes animals, stuffed animals, a little bit of romance, movies” I rambled on. “Ethan!” Gray shouted. “Why don’t we go to the mall and you can get her a build a bear of her favorite animal or whichever one you think is best. When you chose the noise you can do a personalized one. Then you can ask her with the build a bear then she can have it forever?” Grayson explained excitedly. “That is genius,Grayson!” I shouted. “Well I am the smarter twin” he smirked. “Fuck off, Gray”.
An hour later we were inside Build-a-Bear Workshop looking at the different options. There were cats, dogs, bunnies, and bears galore but I definitely think the monkey is the cutest. I got the monkey then we picked out its clothes. I found a hoodie that said “Be Mine” with a heart which is perfect and some jeans. So now we have the message part. I grab a customized one and think about how I should word it. I look at Grayson and he quirks up an eyebrow. “How should I ask her? Should I say Dear Y/N, will you be my girlfriend? Y/N, will you be my girlfriend? Will you be my girlfriend, Y/N? There are so many options!” I sighed frustratedly. “You pick the one you like it doesn’t matter how you ask it all accomplishes the same goal,” Grayson said and I nodded. He was right. I was thinking about it too much. I recorded my message then stuffed the monkey, bringing it to life. Then I dressed it and picked out its accessories then I checked out. “Y/N will be here in an hour so I am going to run to the store real quick then I will be back but if for whatever reason she gets here before I get back to make sure the monkey is hidden” I ordered Gray. “Ay ay captain,” he said.
Y/N’s POV I had plans with the twins but I wasn’t exactly sure what they were so I decided to text Ethan.
E, what are we doing tonight?
Hanging out at ours, why?
I was deciding what to wear.
Well, you’d look beautiful in anything but I’d suggest leggings and a cute shirt.
Why a cute shirt?
You’ll find out, just trust me. It’s a surprise!
Ethan, I don’t like surprises
Too bad!
I decided to listen to Ethan’s advice so I wore leggings which I’m 90% sure he only told me leggings so he could see my butt because he always rattles on about how nice my butt is, how nicely my hips curve with my body, and I just don’t see it but whatever, I guess. I began straightening my hair and as soon as that was done I got dressed and headed over to the twins’ house. I knocked on the door to be met with Grayson. “Ethan is finishing dinner but come in” Gray instructed. “Ethan made dinner? Is it safe to eat?” I asked. “I cooked the chicken, he boiled the noodles and made the sauce which I helped him with so it should be pretty good” Gray explained. I walked into their kitchen and saw Ethan with an apron. “I like a man who can cook” I smirked. “Well then maybe you should be talking to Grayson because this is a mess,” he said and I giggled. “Even if you can’t cook, I like you better than Gray. If you can’t cook, I can’t eat and I’ll lose some weight” I said. “Shut up, you’re perfect,” he said slightly angered. “To you maybe” I scoffed. “Nuh-uh, don’t do this. You know I always win” he threatened. He was right, he did always when we had these argumentative moments. Soon enough the food was done. We all sat down at the table and began eating our alfredo then I smelled a burnt smell. “Is something still on? It smells like something is burning” I asked. “SHIT! I forgot the garlic bread!” Ethan yelled rushing to the kitchen and pulling open the fuming oven. Small billows of smoke tapered out of the oven as Ethan coughed dramatically trying to get the smoke to dissipate. Ethan grabbed an oven mitt and pulled the scorched bread out of the oven. “Well, there goes that” he sulked. I left my spot at the table and walked over to him. “Hey, what’s wrong bub?” I asked. “I just wanted tonight to be perfect” he mumbled. “Ethan, if I expected you to be perfect I would’ve left by now. It’s ok. It’s just the bread, not the main course so let’s go finishing eating. We made it this far without the bread” I said rubbing his back then kissing his cheek. He smiled as we headed back to the table. “Thank you” Gray mouthed to me and I nodded in response. It was a little while later and Grayson was doing the dishes. “So, I got you something today,” Ethan said. “Ethan, you didn’t have to do that” I smiled. “Oh, but I did,” he said as he ran into the other room. A few minutes later he walks in with a box.  “These are for you and it’ll all make sense when you open the build-a-bear, put the shirt on the right way, and then press the right foot”. I opened the box to see a brown animal. I pulled it out to reveal a monkey with its shirt on the inside, some jeans, and a bouquet of red flowers. I took the shirt off then flipped it the right way and put it back on. I looked up at Ethan when the shirt read, “Be Mine” with a red heart. “Just wait” he mumbled. I pressed the right foot of the stuffed monkey to hear Ethan’s voice fill the room. “Y/N, would you like to be my girlfriend?” the message played. I looked up at Ethan and he was holding a bouquet of red roses just like the monkey had. I stood up from my chair hastily and wrapped my arms around Ethan’s neck. “I would love to be your girlfriend, Ethan,” I said into the crook of his neck and I felt his lips turn up into a smile. “Perfect”.
It’s a few hours later and we’re snuggled on the couch watching some movie that Grayson picked out which is bullshit because he’s already asleep. Ethan was half asleep tracing random shapes and figures on my hips and ass. “E, why do you like my body so much?” I asked. “What’s their not to like?” he asked. “Like everything” I retorted. “That’s where your wrong, pretty girl. Let’s sit up” he said. He laid at a 90-degree angle. His back against the arm of the couch with his legs stretched out. “C’mere. Sit on my lap” he instructed. “E, I’ll squish you” I whispered. “Hush, now sit down. I’ll be fine” he demanded. I sat down on his lap slowly. “Stop thinking that you’re not good enough for me when you’re more than good enough. I’m the one that isn’t good enough for you. I was terrified you’d say no to the monkey” he admitted. “Why would I say no?” I asked. “Being my girlfriend is more than just that. No matter whether we tell the fans they will find out. Some of them should go to the academy because they are damn good detectives. You’re going to be hated on for being with me but I have a feeling because you have more to offer” he smirked tracing his hand down my side. “That it’s going to be even worse and I just didn’t want that to scare you” he admitted his voice growing quiet as he finished the sentence. “Ethan, I’ve known who you and Gray were from the first time you came into the store. It’s hard living in LA and not knowing who you are. I know and understand the risks or I wouldn’t have agreed to your coffee date. Your fans don’t scare me. A lot of them show you and Grayson so much love and support but I know they are some that are just mean and envious of our relationship. I know that sometimes it’s not going to be easy or pretty but I also know that you nor Gray is going to let anything get too out of hand” I explained to him. “God, I’m so lucky” he groaned. “How long do you usually wait to announce your relationship? I’ve never had to announce it to the world” I asked. “I mean we don’t have to necessarily. They’ll figure it out” he answered. “Isn’t it easier to just tell them though?” I asked. “It is but let’s wait a bit. I want you to myself a little bit longer” he grinned.
It’s three months later. The twins’ fans are definitely starting to catch on to Ethan and me. He comes to work and visits me on my lunch breaks at least once a week. We will go out and do things throughout LA and sometimes Gray will be with us. There are rumors flying all around social media so I think tonight when I hang out with him, I’ll take about us announcing it just to cushion the blow.
“Ethan!” I yelled as I walked into their home. He texted me earlier that he was in the shower and to just come in. I could still hear the water running so I laid on his bed and waited for him to finish up. Soon enough the door opened and I was met with a shirtless Ethan with nothing but a towel hanging on his hips,  dangerously low. His dark waves, even darker due to water meanwhile sticking to his clean forehead. His chest supporting droplets of water he either missed drying off or drops falling from his hair. “Baby, you’re drooling,” Ethan said breaking my focus. “I’m sorry, would you like me to come out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel, my hair dripping water droplets on my chest, and the clean scent surrounding me?” I shot back. “Uh, yeah. That’d be fucking great actually” he responded. “Damn it, Ethan” I rolled my eyes. “Anyway, get dressed I want to talk to you,” I said. “Um, ok?” he pondered as he dropped the towel so I could see his bare ass. “C’mon babe, turn around” I chanted. “You’d like that wouldn’t ya?” he asked with a smirk. “I mean I sure as shit wouldn’t complain” I grinned as he pulled his boxers over his thighs and around his waist. “Well that was disappointing” I muttered which emitted a deep chuckle from my boyfriend.
He turned around after finishing getting dressed. “What did you want to talk about?” he asked. “I think it’s time we say something” I admitted. “Like about us..to the fans?” he questioned. “Yes, E. It’s only going to get worse the longer we wait, for all of us. You can just post something on Twitter or Instagram” I said. “You’re probably right” he agreed. Ethan grabbed his phone and within a few minutes I got an Instagram notification: Ethan Dolan has tagged you in a post. Well, this ought to be interesting.
I opened my Instagram app to be swarmed with notifications. People commenting, liking, and following me. I finally made my way to Ethan’s post. It was a picture of us, one I didn’t know he took. Well, I think Grayson took it. Anyway, it was a picture of us laying on the couch. My head was resting on his chest. I was tucked into his side using one of my arms as a pillow on top of E’s chest, my other arm draped across his stomach, and our legs were intertwined. I was asleep and he was looking down at me with a small smile on his face. I finally made my way to the caption. “Hey, guys so a little update. Some of you guys are like real life detectives and have figured out that there’s a woman in my life. Her name is Y/N. We’ve been together for the last three months and today she decided that we should tell you guys. Now, Y/N is not a model, a YouTuber, a singer, none of that. We met at the mall and I do not want you guys hating on her for who she is or how she looks. She’s absolutely beautiful to me and I will not hesitate to block the people hating on my girl. She’s got my heart, she has since day one (but don’t tell her that). With all of that said I hope you guys love and respect her as much as I do”. I looked over at Ethan as he scrolled through the comments. “Ethan,” I said slowly. “Yes, babe?” he asked. “Do you mean that?” I asked. “Mean what? That you’re beautiful?” he asked confused. “Do you love me?” I asked. “I never said that,” he said making his turtle man face. “Reread the last sentence of your caption, you dope,” I said and he skimmed through to the end. “I didn’t even realize I said it. Probably because I’ve thought it for a couple months now but I was too scared to say it” he admitted, his face turning red from embarrassment. “It’s ok, E. I love you too” I admitted. Before I knew it he had snaked his arms around my hips and grabbed my butt to lift me up a little higher. Before I had time to process what was going on he crashed his lips on to mine. Our lips moving in sync as he tried to gain access but I’d deny it every time until he decided to pinch my ass causing me to gasp so he could make his way in. I pulled away and looked him. He was wearing a disappointed look. “What was that for?” he pouted. “What do you think you’re doing, mister?” I asked.
“I wanted to kiss you and show you my love for you,” he said. “Should I post something on Instagram? Seems how I just gained thousands of followers” I asked. “If you want” he shrugged. So I grabbed my phone and reopened the Instagram app. I picked a picture of Ethan holding the monkey he got me three months ago when he asked me to be his girlfriend plus the roses he gave to me. Then I also found a video of the message from the monkey. “Gimme your phone,” I said and he handed it over. His lock screen was a picture of him, Grayson, and I then his homescreen was the picture he just posted on Instagram. I went to E’s twitter then tweeted “Who wants to see how cute of a bf Ethan is?-Y/N”. I returned his phone back to him then went back on mine. “So three months and a few days ago I came over for dinner with the twins. They had made chicken alfredo. We were enjoying our dinner when I smelled something burning. Ethan had left the garlic bread in the oven and totally scorched it because he was so nervous about the night. I eventually found out why he was nervous. He had gone to build-a-bear and made a monkey. The monkey wore a shirt that said “Be Mine” and also had a small bouquet of roses, then I pressed the message hearing Ethan asking me to be his girlfriend. I looked up and he was holding roses just like the monkey. I obviously said yes. Now don’t let his bad boy exterior fool you. He’s a softy and loves a little bit of romance just like the rest of us”.
“Babe, you’re giving away my secrets” he whined. “How so?” I asked. “The last sentence of your post” he scoffed. “The last sentence always gets us both in trouble, huh?” I asked. “I guess so” he smirked as he leaned down to kiss me once more. He then quickly pulled us back on the couch so I was on top of him. “Gray’s not going to be home until tomorrow. He is staying at Bryant’s” Ethan said. “Yeah, and what’s your point?” I asked. “I mean, I uh, don’t know if you’d want to uh” he stuttered. “Are you trying to get me to have sex with you?” I asked. “I mean only if you want to. We totally don’t have to, if you aren’t ready. It was just a suggestion” he explained. “I mean, I don’t know” I smirked as I began grinding down on him making him groan at the pressure. “Oh is that how we’re playing this?” he asked cocking his eyebrow curiously. “At least for now,” I said leaning down and kissing him hastily. Our lips battling for dominance and our tongues dancing around one another. His hands immediately going to my butt and massaging it as if his life depended on it. After a few more minutes of this, I pulled away. His lips plump, red, and swollen. His hair disheveled from me tugging on it as I drug my hips back and forth across his lap, making him grow harder with every motion. “You know I really don’t think our first time having sex should be on the couch,” I said only slowing but never stopping my actions. “Could you stop doing that, I can’t focus on what you are saying” he grumbled grabbing my hips and making them stop. “I said I think our first time having sex shouldn’t be on the couch, in the living room that you share with your brother” I added for extra clarification. “Fine then let’s take it to my room” he smirked. I got off him so we could go to his room. He stood up then smacked my ass. “Grant” I growled and he rolled his eyes. As we started walking he pushed me up against the wall kissing once more and taking my breast into his hand, massaging it. “We’re never going to make it, E” I groaned. “Shh, you’re catching on to me” he whispered as he pulled my shirt over my head revealing my bra. I went to cover myself but he grabbed both of my hands. “No, none of that. You’re beautiful” he said before kissing my forehead. I reached for the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head, tossing it somewhere.  “Well let me see just a little bit more of you,” he said reaching behind me and unsnapping my bra in one quick motion. He ducked his head down and wrapped his plump lips around my nipple, sucking and licking at the bud. He moved his lips over slightly reattaching his lips to my bare skin. Sure to leave a mark. A love bite, he was marking his territory. I’m his territory. We made our way into his room and before I knew it he grabbed me then backed me into his bed causing me to fall into it. He reached for the button of my jeans and undid it then unzipping my zipper slowly. “Ethan” I whined. “No, we’re going slow tonight. Next time, I will absolutely wreck you but tonight I’m proving that I love you no matter what” he promised and I felt a tear gather in my eye. I tried to blink it away but it just fell down my cheek. “ Why the tears, doll?” he asked. “I just never thought I’d find someone so attractive yet sweet and understanding. Someone who genuinely just loves me and doesn’t want to change a thing” I sniffled.
“Hey, I have way more clothes on than you do” I complained. “Well then let’s fix that” he smirked unbuttoning then unzipping his jeans. He pulled them down past his thighs and down to his ankles as I watched him jump on one foot to get the other pant leg off him. He crawled back on top of me. “I’m not done with you yet” he growled dipping his head into the crook of my neck kissing me lightly. Then moving his way down my chest and wrapping his lips around my other nipple. Sucking a little bit harsher than last time. I began to moan under his touch. “C’mon, let me hear you. Let me hear how good I’m making you feel” he whispers as he licks my nipple once more before kissing his way down my tummy. Before I knew it he was at the hem of my panties. “Do you want these off, pretty girl?” E asked. “Fuck, please” I groaned. He slipped my panties over my thighs and down my legs throwing them across the room. He started at my ankles kissing me slowly, dragging his lips from spot to spot, never losing full contact. He makes his way up my legs and stopping just above my knees. He drags his tongue up my thighs slowly, delicately almost reaching where I wanted him the most. “E, please” I begged. “Just wait, baby” he promised. He went back to my thigh and placed a kiss in the area where he stopped. He then began nipping and sucking at the area too. I wriggled at the pain but sighed at the simultaneous pleasure he was giving me. He finished then went to the other leg repeating his actions, sealing it with a hickey, making me yearn for him even more. “I’m going to get you ready, baby girl, ok?” he asked making eye contact with me and not looking away until I gave him an answer. “Yes, E. Please,” I said. He placed his thumb on my clit rubbing gently and I hissed at the contact that I’d been waiting so long for. Soon enough he stopped. “What do you want me to do next?” he smirked. “Your fingers, Ethan. I need your fingers” I whined as he inserted one of his thick fingers inside of me. He was moving it so slowly that I needed more. “More, babe. I need more” I requested as he entered a second finger inside of my slowly then picking up his pace little by little. I peeked my eyes open to watch his head dip down. His tongue ran its way up my folds, over my center, then striking my clit causing me to moan loudly. “That’s my girl” he grinned as his tongue began rubbing circles over my clit. I reached my hand out for whatever it could reach. His hair, it lands in his hair as I tugged harshly causing him to moan into me, vibrations ringing through my whole body at the feeling. His tongue flicking over my clit in rhythms causing me to jerk then he suddenly wrapped his lips around the bundle of nerves causing me to scream out. “Ah, oh my god” I yelled as I pushed my self down as his face at the contact. His fingers still making their way in out of me as his tongue and lips wrestled with my clit. “Do you want me to make you come like this?” he asked menacingly. “Please, Ethan” I begged. “Your wish is my command, baby girl” he smirked as he dove right back into where he was. Moving his tongue up and down my folds, his nose poking at my clit every so often, oh and his fingers, they were pulsing in and out my much faster now that I could barely handle it. Everything began to speed up all at once and my orgasm was building quickly. “You’re squeezing my fingers, doll. Are you close?” he muttered. “Fuck, yes. Please, E. Let me come” I begged. “You asked so nicely, so cum for me, baby. Let me taste your juices on my tongue” he permitted and that’s all it took for my orgasm to wash over me. “Ah, fuck. I’m cumming” I groaned as I released all over Ethan’s tongue and face. The mixture of gushing and slurping sounds below me only turning me on just as I was coming off of my high. “Pretty girl with just sweet tasting juices,” he said as he wiped his chin of the excess juice dripping down it. “You think you’re ready for the rest of me?” he asked. “More than ready” I smirked. He reached over to his bedside table and pulled a condom out of the drawer. He ripped the packet open with his teeth and then rolled it down his length. He rubbed his length up and down teasing me. “You ready?” he asked and I nodded. He lined himself up to my entrance and slowly pushed himself in never breaking eye contact. His eyes had a glint of something in them. His eyes were filled with love and lust. “God, you’re so beautiful” he groaned as he began to move slowly. “E, can you go faster?” I asked. “Of course, princess,” he said as he began bucking his hips a little bit quicker. “Oh, fuck” I groaned at the feeling. His hips moving so fluidly that every time he thrust inside of me he hit my g-spot causing me to whimper with every stroke. Soon enough I started moving my hips down to meet his. “Keep doing that, babe. Fuck” he grunted. Within a few more moments he stopped. “What’s wrong?” I asked. “ I want you to be on top” he instructed. “Ethan, I-I’ll uh” I stuttered. “You won’t crush me. I am a big boy and I can handle it, now ride me” he ordered as he flipped us over. I grabbed his dick with my hand as I placed my legs on either side of him. I lined him back up with my entrance and slowly sank down on to him. I heard him groan as I slid down on his length. “Watching my dick disappear in your pretty little cunt is the hottest thing I’ve seen in a long time” he admitted as I slowly began bouncing myself up and down on his cock. “Fuck, you’re doing so good, sweet girl. Keep going, don’t stop” he encouraged which came out almost like a  desperate plea. I began picking up my pace, grinding and gyrating faster on top of him. “I’m close, Y/N” he grunted. Not going to lie the way his dick filled me up felt so nice. Like we were made for each other. As I was lost in my thought he grabbed my hips and began thrusting upward into me causing fireworks to erupt inside of me. “Oh my god, Ethan, don’t stop. Fuck” I groaned as my second orgasm of the night neared. He reached up and placed his thumb on my clit once again rubbing it in harsh, fast circles. It wasn’t long before I felt the rush of my second orgasm fall over me. “Oh, E-E-Ethan” I moaned as I came on top of him. “Yes, yes. Just like that. Fuck, I’m cumming, Y/N” he moaned at the rush of sensations.The feeling of me contracting and cumming on top of him sent him over the edge. Both of us breathing heavy from our orgasms as I laid on top of him, exhausted from the night’s actions. “We should’ve done this a lot sooner” I giggled. “Ya think?”
It’s about an hour later and we’re both snuggled into his bed watching some movie on Netflix. “That actress is so pretty,” I said. “So are you” he mumbled half asleep. “Whatever, E” I sighed. “Don’t whatever, E me. You are going to sit here and listen to what I have to say” he demanded and I nodded. He never really got angry. He was never a serious person so here we go. “I’m going to sit here and tell you all the reasons you are pretty and you are going to listen and like it, understood?” he asked and I nodded once again. “Starting with your hair, god I love it. I could play with it for hours or even days on end. Next your forehead, I love peppering your forehead with kisses. I can tell that you love it too because no matter what we’re doing, you smile” he said as he kissed my forehead thus making me smile. “See?” he said. “Now, your eyes. I get lost in your eyes. Lost in the thought of how you became mine. Your nose, another thing I love to press kisses to” he said placing a chaste kiss to my nose. “Oh, and then my favorite thing to kiss. Your lips, I could kiss your sweet, soft, and pink lips every day until my heart stops beating and I would never complain” as he pressed another sweet kiss to my lips. “Your chest,” he said as he began lowering himself down my body “I love watching your chest rise and fall with every breathe you take especially when you are sleeping next to me. Whenever you stop breathing for too long I start to panic until you breathe again. Now, your tummy which is one of your least favorite things but that’s ok,” he said as he fell to his knees so he was even with what he was talking about. “I love your belly because it’s apart of you and I love you. Maybe one day it will hold our little mini me’s and I’ll love you even more than I do now” he said as he kissed my tummy. “Now onto your hips, the way they curve into the rest of your body mesmerizes me. I love watching you walk and when your hips sway it makes me bit my lip every time because I know I am so lucky to have you” he said kissing each hip softly. “Then your ass I love when you can’t reach stuff in the cabinet. I love watching you struggle so I can see your butt strain against the counter until I walk over and help you. Now onto the next thing, when I said your lips were my favorite thing to kiss, I lied. This is my favorite thing to kiss” he smirked as I smack at his head lightly as he kissed the front of my underwear. “I absolutely loved making love to you tonight. Nothing made me happier than to see you above or below me, loving me as I love you. Now your legs, I gotta say I love these too. Why? Because they carry you to me every day and I absolutely adore that. I love your thighs and when you complain that every pair of pants you own ends up with a hole in the thigh because you have thick thighs but that’s ok because I love when you wrap them around my head when I’m-Ethan” I interrupted him and he chuckled. “Let’s not forget your arms. I love when they wrap around my neck and you look up at me like you’ve never wanted something more in your life” he explained. “Because I don’t” I whispered. “Me either” he whispered back as we heard the door shut. He stood up and wrapped me up in his arms.”You wanna know the best part of all this?” he asked. “What’s the best part?” I asked back. “That you are all mine” he grinned. 
“Y/N? E?” Grayson yelled as he walked through the house. He was wearing nothing but boxers and I was in a t-shirt and panties. Soon enough Grayson opened Ethan's door. “Why are your guys’ clothes-nevermind” he stopped himself as he shut the door making Ethan and I chuckle. “We’re done now, Gray!” E shouted. “Have been for a while now!” I added. “Well then pick up your damn sex clothes!” Grayson huffed as we opened the door and went to pick up our clothes. “I thought you were staying at Bryant’s?” Ethan asked his brother. “Yeah, and I thought you two were watching movies not making babies” Grayson scoffed. “He used a co-don’t finish that sentence” Grayson warned and we laughed. “I’m going to bed” Grayson sighed “You two keep it down” he added. “Oh ETHAN” I moaned in joking kind of way as Grayson slammed his door shut. “He’s just mad he’s not getting any” Ethan said. We walked back into his room and crawled into bed. I turned so my face was buried in his chest. I looked up at Ethan and said, “I love you, thank you”. “For what?” he asked. “Making me feel comfortable in my own body” I admitted. “Of course, pretty girl and I love you too,” he said as he kissed me goodnight. “Goodnight, Ethan,” I said as my eyes fluttered shut. “Goodnight, Y/N,” he said as he placed a final kiss to the top of my head as I fell asleep in his embrace.
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remainloved · 6 years
What Ifs? - Grayson Dolan
Honestly, when I saw this photo my heart skipped a beat and the inspiration behind this story is literally just this picture… okay moving on,,
Summary: When Grayson and Y/n are testing the water, they are literally testing the water.
Word Count: 2.3k
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“JUMP!” Grayson shouted from the river below. He was standing across the rock you were sitting on. From this point of view, you could perfectly see his short black pants hanging way too low for your liking. You rolled my eyes and shouted back, “NO! NOT TODAY! I’M FINISHING THIS BOOK!”
“SUIT YOURSELF!” His voice echoed. You took a deep breath and turned your attention back to the book you were reading. It’s weird to say that you were reading because in reality your mind seems to wander so far away.
It’s like your mind decided to take down the memory lane. The memory you’ll never forget. The memory of meeting Grayson for the very first time. The first time you met Grayson was at the book shop. You thought that it was a dream come true. You have been watching their videos and you thought they were awesome people. Scratch that, they are awesome people.
When you looked up from the book you were reading because your thoughts were interrupted by the bell of the door. For it was an old book shop and barely anyone knew of this place. It was literally secluded. You looked up and notice it was Grayson Dolan wearing his maroon beanies, white hoodies and blue adidas pants. When he smiled to the old manager you remembered your heart leaped out. You tried to act cool and pretended to go back reading.  
After you knew that there’s no way you can go back reading when you and Grayson Dolan are in the same room. Your eyes looked up and tried finding the maroon beanies. Your eyes trailed over the maroon beanies and you spotted him on your left not too far away.  
When you turned and focused your eyes for a second, you realized he was having a hard time finding something. You sighed and naturally, you gathered up all your courage and walked up to him to offer him a hand. You helped him find him his book and he was grateful for it. Somehow, the both of you hit off and at the end of the day you both swapped numbers.
The both of you stayed in contact for so long that somehow ended up by you being one of his close friends and him being yours. You got to meet Ethan and be friends with him as well and became friends. You helped them record some of their videos. They helped you work out even more. The both of you helped each other and you were forever grateful for that.
Was it hard being friends with them? No.
Was it hard being friends with attractive people? I don’t know, maybe….
Was there any attraction between you and the twins? Definitely no attraction at all.
Well, there was one time. You used to have a tiny little bit of a crush on Grayson but that’s it. Anyone that met Grayson would know that he’s sweet and kind. His amazing good looks were just additional points. You couldn’t help but be attracted to him. However, it was a long time ago, long time ago.
You realized that it was just a silly crush and your friendship meant more to you and so you let it go. You moved on. At least you tried to.
“You weren’t reading!” Grayson’s voice was loud and clear. “You were just closing your eyes.” Grayson said while squinting his eyes.
You opened your eyes startled to see a shirtless Grayson staring down at you. “I-I…” Before you got to reason with him, he pushed you closer to the edge. Your legs were dangling over the small cliff and you were only sitting on your half butt.
“GRAYSON BAILEY DOLAN! DON’T YOU DARE! NO!” You shouted white grabbing on to him to stay rooted.
“Did you just call me Bailey?” He growled jokingly and wrapped his arms around your waist holding you closer to him.
“N-NNO! WHAT?” You snorted and he laughed. You felt your cheeks turning red from the close distance between you and him.
“It’s not good to lie Y/n,” He told you while laughing as he moved you closer to the edge.
“PLEASE NO!” You were hysterically screaming. He pushed you slightly forward and you screamed “GRAY! I SWEAR YOU WOUL-“ before you even finished the sentence his hold loosened and all you can think of was falling down faster than you have thought and hit down the water.
“GRAYSON!” You shrieked as soon as you submerged above the water. He was laughing so hard that he literally closed his eyes and had his head thrown back. You decided to plead “Gray! Please!”
Grayson looked down as soon as he heard you sounding on edge. “Cramps.” With that he looks worried and rushed down while you inwardly smirked in triumphant.
Not long his strong arms wrapped around you, bringing you closer to him. He hoisted you up on his shoulder “Y/n, are you okay? Gosh, I’m such an idiot.” He put you on the rock ahead.
You tried to hide your laughter but failed when his worried eyes looked up to you. You laughed so hard and when he finally got it, he splashed the water aiming at you. “You’re mean.” And you laughed even louder and he joined soon after he grunted swimming away from you.
“You know you shouldn’t just throw me in.” You said.
“Why is that?” He asked as he swam closer to you.
“I might be in my period.” You reasoned with him.
“Why would that be a problem?” He said with his arms resting on each side of your dangling legs.
“Are you being serious?” You asked him incredulously and he nodded his head.
“Well, I could be a blood teabag and stain the whole water. How’s that?” You answered while ruffling his hair. He looked back at dead serious before he burst out laughing
“That’s stupid! You can’t stain the whole water!” He said with his arms circling around your legs and pulled you back in to the water.
“Didn’t I say that I might be in my period?” You reminded him while slapping his chest.
He smirked and said “Don’t worry, I know the due date of your red tsunami.” You looked at him feeling the blood rushing up your cheeks and your jaw dropped. Did he just made a metaphor for my period? “Yes, I did mam.” He nodded his head while saluting me jokingly.
“Y-you…” You stared at him just to see his eyes glinting with amusement. You cleared my throat and glared at him playfully “Well, I’m glad that at least someone is having fun right now.”
He chuckled and said, “C’mon Y/n! It’s not until the next two weeks… in the next two weeks then you can be all moody.”
You feel like your face was burning red and he was looking down laughing at your expression. “Y/n, you’re so red right now!” You groaned while nestling your face against his chest. With that he laughed even louder. “Shut uppp.” You said while hitting his shoulder lightly and he just laughed even louder.
“I’ll shut up when you win against me.” He said smirking. “You’re so on.” You said.
“The first one to reach that rock wins!” He said pointing into the furthest rock ahead of the both of you.
“Oh, you’re going down. Don’t bail on me, Bailey.” You laughed and started swimming first. You felt him pulling your feet but you just wriggled and he let loose.
You were swimming faster than him. You were winning the race. When your fingertip touched the cold wet rock you shouted. “I DID IT! YOU LOSE!”
“Is that so, Princess?” He smirked when you turned right to see him there standing arms crossed and a smirk plastered on his face while the sun glistens upon his skin. He looks perfect that made you huffed louder.
“How did you?” You huffed and pouted. “Awh, don’t be mad.” He poked your cheeks. You shrugged your shoulder playfully and he sighed loudly. We’re used with this. When someone decided to act a scene, the other would usually join the act.
“Y/n, have I ever told you how cute you look when you’re mad?” Grayson smiled while looking down at you.
You tilted my head and laughed “I don’t think so Gray.” He was laughing as well because he knew you couldn’t take that kind of compliment seriously.
His warm hand cupped the side of your face as he moved closer to you. His other hand wrapped around your legs around his hip, allowing them to be part open for him to be in between. In which in response you pulled him closer by caging him between your legs. You saw his lips curved upwards and yours involuntarily did.
“I gotcha!” You fist bumped the air while trying my best to drag him down. He laughed because it was not working at all. He put his hands on my ribcage and held you against him.
“Y/n, can we try something else?” He whispered as he strokes his fingers across your cheeks. “Try what?” You asked him nonchalantly with a wild thumping heart. Never in a million years have the both of you been this close. We cuddled in the past but there was a movie playing. It’s not as intimate as now, skin to skin, given the situation right now.
“If I asked your permission to kiss you, would you allow me to?” He asked while his hands were grazing over my hips. You pursed my lips “If I would allow you to, would you?”
His eyes went slightly darker as he stared down at you. “I would.” He answered in a very serious voice. “So, is that a yes?” He whispered with his grip tightening around me. “Gray, you don’t have to go that far for the act.” You smiled trying to hide your loud beating hard.
“It’s not for the act, Y/n.” He pursed his lips while his hands held your ribcage. His breathing was uneven “Gray, I don’t want to put our friendship at risk.” You answered above a whisper. It was one of your greatest nightmare but it was still once a dream.
“What do you mean?” He furrowed his eyebrows. “What if something happened after the kiss?” You said. He opened his mouth but you beat him to it “What if this kiss will break our friendship?”
He put his fingers upon my lips “Shh…” He cooed as he grazed his fingers across your lips. “No! Gray! This is serious! What if-.” You whimpered.
“Hey, Y/n, look at me-,” He said sternly and so you reluctantly looked up. “We’re Grayson and Y/n. Y/n and Grayson. Nothing could tear us apart. We’re us.” He said while looking down at you with the most beautiful pair of eyes. His head came lower and his lips brushed over your shoulder blade. “What if I try kissing you now?” He asked. I clenched my eyes shut trying to calm my thumping heart. Is this really happening?
“Y/n?” Grayson whispered against your skin, “May I?” He said once more looking at you. You nodded your head. Grayson caressed your cheeks and he motioned your head closer to his. You could feel his warm breath fanning against your face. You could hear your heart pounding fast that all sounds died down aside from your heart.
Then you felt his lips pressed against yours. His lips were soft, tender and gentle. It was exactly like how you used to imagine his lips on yours. He lightly bit your lips and you slightly parted your mouth. He took this opportunity to slip his tongue slowly in to you. It was warm and sweet as he covered your mouth with his. You tugged his hair lightly and he groaned “Y/n, I don’t think I can stop.” There was fire beneath settling down on your belly. It felt good but the unsettling feeling that settled on your chest made you stop.
You pulled away and eyes wide opened. Grayson looked momentarily shocked. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?” He asked frantically.
“What have we done?” You asked him and for a mere second he looked hurt.
“Did you like the kiss?” He asked looking at you from his thick eyelashes.
“I-I mean, it was very good. Amazing and even the best.” You mumbled.
“The best?” His head perked up and looked at you with his smirk.
“What if we try to continue doing this?” He asked with his ear tinted red.
“But Gray…What if this-.”You reasoned with him, afraid that one day it’ll just break the two of you.
“No matter what happens. We’ll stay friends.” He cut you, looking at you intensely.
“Of course! No matter what happens, we’ll stay friends…But Gray…I’m just saying what if-.” You said again just to be cut with Grayson’s lips pressed against yours again.
“What if I can’t stop right now?” He pecked on to your lips as he said every words. You could handle one kiss but not the second. Your legs felt like giving up and you knew you haven’t really moved on. You knew it was a bad idea but this time you pressed your lips closer to him and whispered against his lips “Then, don’t.” Your heart was thumping loudly warning you that it might be a destructive decision.
However, those words were enough for you to feel Grayson’s lips curved upwards against your smiling ones. Just this moment you thought, you thought that what if it’s not that bad at all?
Just this moment you mind wanders, what if your feelings are mutual? What if the both of you share the same dreams together?
Just on this moment all your insecure thoughts of what ifs turned into dreamlike what ifs.
What if he loves me like I do?
a/n: i actually like this concept, just not sure if i delivered it well... hope i did...,, it’s not edited though but i hope you guys like it..
i’ll start editing after the long break of school... i hope that’s fine.. i hope you guys are okay and happy. xx
thank you so much for reading...
feedbacks are always very much appreciated
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ride-a-dolan · 6 years
Rained Kisses and Silky Skin/ Grayson Dolan Smut Blurb
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The soft snores coming from your boyfriend pulls your attention away from the movie currently on the screen, you frown as you lift your head up off of his chest, observing as he’s fast asleep, the movie clearly not being his cup of tea. You sigh for a moment, slightly annoyed that he’s fallen asleep in the middle of a movie-date, but shrug it off as you begin to press your lips cheekily to his exposed neck, leisurely awakening him. You pull away and gaze at his fatigued eyes, drawn in by their captivation.
“You fell asleep.” You comment, tilting your head slightly as you try to hide the smirk attempting to appear.
“I was resting my eyes.” He softly announces, using a terrible excuse,
“Mhm,” you sound, giving him a small smile before leaning down and placing a small kiss to his lips.
“I’ll make it up to you.” He comments, his hand pushing a few strands of hair over your shoulder before resting in the crook of your neck. A small smile becoming dangled on the corner of his lips, your own lips becoming pursed as your eyes lock into each other’s; his eyes flashing with lush and desire.
You lean down and proceed to taste what his lips allow, drawing you both further into each other before entangling your tongues together. You pull away from the moment, gazing down at him as you tilt your head to the side while he gives you a cocky wink combined with a confident smile. You lick your lips, desiring nothing more than to have his lips on yours. He leans up, locking your lips together, positioning you both to be in an upright position. Your hand cautiously presses to his chest, the other cupped behind his neck, allowing your bodies little distance. His arm curls around your waist, tugging you closer to him- possessively and desirably.
The mood begins to rise as the affection and desire increasingly builds, his hands beginning to travel around your back, subtly creeping their way under your shirt, sending shivers up your spine as his hand caresses your bare back. You begin to gradually move, separating your legs and straddling him as you wrap your arms around his neck, leaving no distance between your warm bodies; Whole heartedly craving each other. Aching tension between you both builds erratically, an acute surge of desire making its self prominently known as long, liquid kisses rush lust through you; the feathery strokes of his tongue igniting the flame within you, slowly, but surely. For a split second you lips part from his, his hands taking the initiative to slide your shirt off; Engulfing emotion tampering with your sanity. Fierce flare of yearning over takes your thoughts as your shirt is thrown to the floor, his hands gaining access to your warm body. Something that’s never happened before.
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Rained kisses across your silky shoulder are left romantically from his lips. Gentle persuasion of his kisses beginning rest against your chest as he leaves your shoulder, his gentleness moving towards your neck, lacing you with nothing but kisses- holding promises of fulfilment. For a moment you allow yourself to indulge in the moment, your body craving his lips on your bare skin as your chest rises rapidly, ripples of pleasure taking control. His hands begin to dip down to your jeans, enticing you further as your head gently bends back, his lips leaving tender imprints on your chest. With clouded and racing thoughts you take in a heavy breath, your eyes closing as emotions heighten. While you’re entangled with kissing him, your hands becoming a rage of emotion, clutching fistfuls of his shirt while his hand rests delicately on the inner face of your thigh, his thumb brushing small circles.
“Y/N, this okay?” He sweetly asks as he pulls away from your lips, you give him a nod; your emotions in control of you as you beckon him like a siren’s song, circling your arms back around his neck. His narcotic power of voice and eyes cause your greedy mouth take bold possession of his, and he graciously kisses back, delighted with your excited anticipation.
His hand begins to play with the band of your jeans before dipping down and unbuttoning them, slowly releasing the zip; his stroking fingers matching that of his tongue laced with yours. All thoughts become superfluous but one.
“Grayson.” You manage to let his name escape your lips, pulling away and grabbing his attention, his hand leaving your pants. You bite your lip and glance away; insecurity and innocence becoming obvious as enchaining wild, delicious feelings prompt you both. His gaze dips to your décolletage for a moment before his eyes are lustfully on yours. “We can’t.” You whisper delicately your voice not entirely steady, your limit beginning to be reached. “I’m sorr-” you begin to mumble but he silences you with a sweet kiss.
“Don’t be sorry.” He whispers as you look down, “Hey,” He breathes, his finger lifting your chin as you try to avoid eye contact with him. “Y/N, it’s okay.” He assures you, leaning down and clasping your shirt with his hand, handing it to you before you tug it over your head.
“Are… are you sure?” You stammer, still feeling the effects of the heated moment between the two of you.
“Sweetheart, yes.” He nods, giving you an innocent smile.
“It’s just- I uh… I’m not experienced.” You mumble, watching as his smile widens and he looks at you sweetly.
“You’re so damn cute. Y/N, I know. We will go at your pace.” He announces, placing a few more soft kisses on your luscious lips.
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impaladolan · 2 years
Again - Grayson Dolan
overview: you had been denied all day, one time after another, after another— so you decided to take things into your hands, and he didn’t like that..
word count: 1.2k
warnings: fem and male masturbaution, oral - male receiving, use of toys, maledom , femsub, degradation, cum denial, swearing, and just lots of dirty/sexy talk haha.
a/n: this was actually a dream i had the other night.. spicy..
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"I-I can't—"
"Again." His voice was serpentine and accusatory, plowing through your whimpers with its baritone and timber.
"Grayson.." You whine and implore for the millionth time it seemed, aching all over for the end of this torturous trap he has you strung through.
"You disobeyed me, Y/N. Continue your pleas and we'll go all fucking night." He crosses his black slacked leg over the other, reaching to undo the first two buttons of his white dress shirt with a devilish fix upon you.
You were sat across the room from him, legs spread apart and shaking, panties in a bundle around your ankles, and your sensitive core glistening in the haze of his hungry eyes. He made you keep one hand around your clothed breast and the other wrapped around a vibrating wand that continued to buzz in your hand.
"A-fucking-gain, Y/N." His stare hardened even more so, not a drop of remorse across his hazels.
Your chest began to rise and fall fast as you moved the toy back over your pulsing bud, immediately pulling you back into a trance of seeking release. Your head fell back and your teeth sunk deep into your bottom lip, an echoing sob replacing the silence. You were already so close, being that you had been sat there for over an hour, forced to edge yourself over and over until he's satisfied.
It hurt so fucking good.
"No.." It came out as a whisper, but you knew he heard you when you felt his footsteps coming towards you. You didn't open your eyes until you felt his hand grab your wrist and pull you out of the euphoric atmosphere you were deeply submerged within. You pressed your thighs together to subdue your aching need and looked up at him under your eyelashes, pleading for him to finish this.
"You're not very good at doing what you're told." He shut the vibrator off and threw it to the side, leaning down to whisper his words in your ear. His hand traveled down your body until it pulled your knees further apart than before and he had his hand toying with your molten cove.
"You're sopping wet, princess." He sounded falsely apologetic, whilst you arched back again as he ran his thumb back and forth over your swollen clit. You sighed, wrapping your needy fingers around his thick forearm for support.
"Please.." Oh, it felt divine. He did slow circles while his other hand slipped under your knee and pinned it high. You almost thought he'd let you go, unravel the knot in your abdomen, and be free of his torment.
But it is not so.
He pulled away just as fast as he had been there, touching and feeling and caressing you until you were all numb and shaking for him. Another helpless wine fell from your mouth, a breathless cry more like. And he just stood there, the devil himself, unfazed except for the stir in his cock.
"Please!" You moved from the couch and down to the floor beneath him, your hands snaking up his legs and attacking his belt buckle with more than just wanton and desire. He let you undo his belt and pull it through the loops, his callous hand finding it’s way into your hair. You undid the button and pulled the zipper all the way and his trousers fell slack around his hips and you could see the waistband of his boxers.
You looked up at him for the first time, underneath the haze of his eyes and the domineering look about him. He nodded his head, silently pleading for you to go on. You pulled his slacks the rest the way down and let them pool at his feet. And your blush immediately darkened when you saw the tent in his undergarments— all because of you.
You bit your lip again and posed another glance at his face.
“Don’t get all shy now, princess.” He took his free hand and grabbed one of yours, placing it around his clothed cock and letting a rumbling groan slip from his lips. You squeezed your tiny little hand around him and watched as he moved closer to your touch, begging for it. You traced his shaft, delicate and messy outlines with your soft fingertips until you finally looped them around his waistband and let him spring free. He stood tall and wide and red and completely sensitive to you. You instantly wrapped your lips around his swollen head and let your fingers go back to tracing him, slow and soft.
You wanted him to feel the pain and torture he caused you only moments ago.
You let him go with a pop! and let your dominant hand pump him, still slow and brutally frustrating. Your other hand went to find the vibrator again, turning it back onto a low setting and letting it buzz against you while you pleasured him.
You put your mouth back over him once you settled into the wand, your moans rolling over his cock.
Growing impatient, he moved his hand to the back of your head and pressed you further down his dick, earning another whimper from you and a guttural sigh from him. Your breathing went erratic again and you couldn’t help but already feel the arrival of your orgasm nearing. You took another long pull from cock and let your hands wrap around him again, this time much faster and hasty.
You looked back up at him for the third time and mewled with plea. His chest rose and fell heavily too, his muscles tightening around his abdomen and thighs.
“Just a little more baby, finish.” He pushed your head back over his dick once again and you took him even more than before, trying your best to suction him and let the warmth of your tongue and mouth encapsulate him. You moaned around him again, sending him off into his orgasm at once.
He pulled his cock from your lips and let his seed cover your chest and he allowed another sigh and fighting groan empty from his chest with reckless abandon. Your hips shook at your approaching high and you wrapped your hand around the vibrator to really settle it against your sopping pussy. Your brows furrowed and your eyes almost rolled back as you felt your climax about over take you.
Sudden and unprecedented, his arms wrapped around yours and pulled you from your peak. He lifted you from the ground, threw you back onto the couch, and took your toy away leaving you a sobbing mess. True tears began to fall onto your cheeks and you squeezed your thighs back together once again, trying to tip yourself over the edge.
It wasn’t enough.
“You look so pretty, edged and on the verge of fucked out.” He laughed. He fucking laughed.
He watched you breathe and the sweat and tears dribble down you and the cum still slathered across your chest, like a claim. He settled the vibrator beside you, turned and went to sit back in the chair he was previously sat, except for this time, his cock was out and erect, his meaty hand twisted around it and easy to watch you suffer— over and over and over.
a/n: let me know if you liked! <3
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elitegrayson · 2 years
hi!!! i love your grayson one shot. do you think you could do a grayson x female reader, with the friends to lovers trope? i am a sucker for friends to lovers <33.
hey hon!!! yess these are always so cute to me, you got it! <3 hope you enjoy & i appreciate your love!! this is more cute and sweet than sexual so i hope that's okay!! if you would like a part 2 with a little more depth, i am more than welcome to do that.
after what seemed like hours of getting ready for your boyfriend to come over, everything was put together. you haven’t seen him in what like a month because your schedules weren’t lining up, but tonight you guys found the time.
you’d thought it would be a cute date idea to have a sip and paint. the Stella rose was on the dining room table along with the baby easels and the charcuterie board. you heard your phone ring, hoping it’d be him, telling you he was on his way. but when you answered, you were met with something else.
“hey? are you on the way? I got everything all set up-’’
“y/n, I can’t make it tonight. something important came up.”
“but Blake, we’ve literally been planning this for at least a week now,” you said in a stern tone, hoping he could sense you were pissed.
“I know babe, I know. but I just can’t come tonight. call up one of your friends or something I don’t know.” he said nonchalantly as you just stood there in disbelief.
“you know what I just might. don’t bother coming by tomorrow.” you scoffed, then you hung up the phone.
it wasn’t the first time he canceled on you, more like the 1500th time. you went out of your way to get this together, so the fact that he just canceled made you feel horrible.
you sat down on the couch and started to cry, but you didn’t want to let this night to go waste. you bought everything, the paint, the food, and the easels. somebody was going to be here tonight and if it won’t be Blake, it’ll be someone else.
you reached over to grab your phone to text your closest friend, Grayson.
you: “hey gray. are you busy tonight?”
he responded within 2 minutes saying;
g: “hey y/n no i’m free. what’s up?”
you: “do you wanna come over to paint and sip? blake was supposed to, but he has something to do and i don’t wanna let this stuff go to waste lol”
g: “yes of course give me 20 minutes”
you: “okay cool see you then :)”
you weren’t expecting to hang out with Grayson, but you weren’t expecting to not see your boyfriend either. he always makes you feel better anyways considering you come to him when you have issues with Blake. you feel bad because you know he gets annoyed by it and can’t stand him, but he always says the right words. 
some days you wish he could always comfort you in your time of need, but that’ll ruin your friendship. he has a life too and it’s draining to listen to your friend’s boyfriend's issues over and over again. he has a good heart and that’s why you love him…as a friend of course.
you went to the bathroom to fix up your hair and makeup then you heard your doorbell. you walked towards the door to be met with a slightly messy hair Grayson. he had on a white tee, blue shorts, and some birks. he lowkey looks like he just woke up, but in a cute way.
“hi y/n, can I come in?” he smiled, eyeing you up and down.
“hey Gray. yes of course. come take a seat.” you returned the smile, moving out of the way so he could pass through.
“sooo blake stood you up again huh?” Grayson said, taking a seat in the dining room.
a frown appeared across your face, “yeah, he didn’t even say why. just that “it was something important”. you said putting air quotes.
“well you might want to look at this,” Grayson unlocked his phone and went to Instagram. he went to your boyfriend’s story, and there he was taking shots at a fucking bar.
he’s such a liar. what the actual fuck?” tears started to brim in your eyes as he locked his phone and set it down.
“I’m so sorry y/n, but to be honest. I don’t even know why you’re still with him,” he grumbled, looking down slightly.
“w-why would you say that? he’s nice sometimes,” you said in a low tone, playing with your fingers.
“c'mon y/n. most of our conversations are literally about him being a fucking asshole. he’s not good for you. why can’t you see that?”
“okay, I didn’t invite you over here so you could talk shit about Blake. I invited you over because-“
“because you needed comfort? or because you know I’m better for you and I’m better than he’ll ever be.” the room got quiet and you just stared at him blankly. you didn’t know what to say. there was always that voice in the back of your head, telling you that he was better, but you ignored it. did he really mean that?
“look, I probably shouldn’t have said that, but it’s the truth. I can’t stand to see you with him, knowing that I treat you so much better. I have morals so that’s why I never said anything because you were already with him. after tonight, seeing you like this? now I’m at my breaking point, y/n. I know we’re friends and I value our friendship, but I don’t know how much more of this I can take. how much more of this can you take?”
he was 100% right, but Grayson is like a brother to you. at the same time, when you were with blake whether that was in intimacy or not, your brain would often drift to him. you would think about how he’d fuck you and take care of you afterward, something that never even crossed blake’s mind. 
even when you’re alone, touching yourself you can’t help but imagine it’s Grayson making you ache and moan in the way that you do. 
this whole time it was him, but your brain wanted to play tricks on you.
“y/n? are you okay?” you completely forgot to respond to what he said, so you had something better in mind.
you stood up from your chair, put your right hand behind his neck, and gave him a deep, passionate kiss. he was caught off guard at first until he returned the favor.
“I probably shouldn’t have done that either, but you’re right gray. there was always a small part of me that wasn’t sure about blake. that part was you. I guess I didn’t realize it until now, I was so blind and stupid.” you sighed, pulling back from him a little shocked at what you just confessed.
“no, no you’re not stupid mama, don’t ever say that. that’s not the point I was trying to make. I just wanted you to see things for what they were.” Grayson mellowed, wiping his thumb across your chin and then tilting you up. you couldn’t help but get shy and giggle.
“well, I’m all yours now, Dolan. now can we paint and sip, please? it was a lot for me to get this shit together. at least now I’ll actually be able to enjoy it with someone.” you explained, tugging at his arms, while he lets out a chuckle.
“of course, we can and enough about that prick. you said you’re mine now yeah? after tonight, you won’t even remember him.” 
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dangerousreputation · 7 years
Dating Ethan Dolan Would Include
the daddy video today was so weird but im happy that my main lane would b a good dad ; )
watching you do your makeup
awwww he’d be so interested and insist that you didn’t need any bc you’re beeeauuttiful
yelling at him when he injures himself bc lets b real,, it happens pretty often
the eye rolls jeeeez
and he reasons that he’s a #sAvaGE
bc cameron gets pretty annoyed when she has to film for the boys,, a lot of the time u do
“gaawwddd (y/n) you don’t know how to work a camera?”
omg, u would get to witness ethan after a workout
and he’s all sweaty
and probs handsy ;;;;;;)
when he’s thinking too much he’ll lay his head in your lap
or lay across your lap and sigh until u give him a little massage
he sometimes will blabber away about his problems
and other times he’ll just close his eyes and enjoy your touch
sticking his ugly ass feet in your face
i feel like he’s a big cheek kisser
like when you’re just minding your own business, he’ll do it to try and get your attention or to make you feel better if you are having a bad day
when you’re giving him the silent treatment or just being sassy, he’ll pick you up and carry you over his shoulder to the bedroom
he would JOKINGLY make ‘daddy’ jokes with u which u end in you blushing sm omg
he has no problem embarrassing you in public btw
he also doesn’t mind showing a little pda
cheek kisses
forehead kisses
shoulder kisses
small hugs
and hand holding
when he kisses you he likes to place his palm right below your ear, having his thumb on your cheek
he’s a pretty passionate kisser
sometimes he would forget that he’s all muscle and jump on you
he can wrap his arms alllllll the way around you so that he could grab his elbows (if that makes sense??)
he likes to be the big spoon
but if he’s having trouble with anything he likes to feel your arms wrap around him when he’s falling asleep
any time any where legit
in public
at his moms house
in front of grayson
you would often playfully punch or slap him bc somehow this boy’s hands are on your body all. the. time.
grayson would be so annoyed w you two
he would groan and leave the room
i feel like ethan would want a girl who could keep up with him, so that means;; sosososoossooso many hikes and drives to random places
sometimes you have to camp out in his truck bc y’all drove too far away from home
watching the sunsets and sun rises together
and looking at the stars
hand on your thigh or intertwined with yours when he’s driving his truck
getting that cheesy ass smile all the time
he would be so scared to tell u that he loved you
like so scared
more scary than going up on stage at the teen choice awards
he almost cried when he told u bc he was so scared
but you giggled first and so did he
lmk if y’all want a part 2 because i could go on forever looooool
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simplyxdolxstyles · 3 years
Cuddles with Gray! ft. Sledge
Warning: None. Just fluff.
This was requested.
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  You woke up to the sun streaming down on you. Blinking a few times before your vision focused on your sleeping boyfriend. A smile set upon your lips as you began running your fingers through Grayson’s hair. Grayson stirred in his sleep before his eyes fluttered open. He blinked his bleary eyes before they focused on you. He leaned forward and pecked your forehead.
“Mornin.” He mumbled lowly, sleep evident in his voice.
 “Sorry, did I wake you?”  You pout.
 “Nah, was gonna get up anyway.”  He said with a yawn.
 “Actually, I was hoping we could stay in a couple more minutes and maybe cuddle?” You give a small smile  
 “Oh?” Grayson smirks adorably at your request. Truth is, Grayson loves cuddling, he’d drop everything in an instant to cuddle you. You give a nod and Grayson chuckles at your cuteness.
 “C’mere.” He brings you to him. The scent of Grayson instantly fills you, a sweet but spicy scent. A comforting scent.
 “Just me and my girl on a Sunday morning.” Grayson smiles, pecking your lips gently before cuddling into you.  A few minutes later you feel soft feet padding up on the bed before feeling a gentle lick on your nose. You opened your eyes to see Sledge panting at the two of you. You smiled and scratched her ear.
 “Looks like someone wants to join in cuddle time.” Sledge yipped happily at Grayson before getting comfortable between the two of you.
 “Aw, does Sledge wanna cuddle too?” He kissed the top of Sledge’s head. She licked his hands before settling down and closing her eyes. Taking that as a yes he turned to you and intertwined your hands
 “This is what I love the most. You and me, here in Jersey, cuddling with the dog, and not worrying about anything.
 “I love it too.” You reply smiling gently.
 There was nothing more you wanted than being right here with Grayson.  
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saturngrqy · 3 years
grayson and his daughter getting hot cocoa for a sick, pregnant, mama back home 😭😭
hi guys i missed writing sm<3 i miss the twins too. anyways. thank you for sending this in my love, hope i can do it justice.
"ok, we need to look for the aisle with all the drinks," grayson said, adjusting his daughter in his arms.
"ok dad," she nodded. her favorite thing to do as of recently was to say 'dad' or 'momma' after every sentence; you both though it was absolutely adorable. her tiny feet kicked in his arms as she grasped onto grayson's cotton t-shirt.
they continued to walk through the grocery store, looking at all the signs. y/d/n continued to softly mutter unintelligble words, humming a song from her favorite pixar movie.
"do you see the drinks yet?" grayson questioned, pretending to be unaware of the aisle that was right next to him.
"i see it, dad," she cheered excitedly.
"where?" he said dubiously. "i cant see it," he looked around aimlessly, scratching his chin in thought.
"its right there, dad," she giggled, pointing. "its right in front of you, dad,"
grayson gasped, quickly rushing to the aisle. "uh oh! how did i not see that," he says, tickling her stomach as he scans the shelf for cocoa powder.
"you're so silly dad," she giggles again, laying her head on his shoulder while he grabs a small packet and chucks it in the basket in his other hand.
grayson proceeded to checkout, stopping along the way to buy a bouquet of flowers for you and a smaller bouquet for y/d/n. he finally put y/d/n down so she could carry the flowers. they walked out the grocery store, flowers and hot chocolate in hand to go home to see you.
y/d/n sniffed the soft petals. "mm," she hummed. "the flowers smell good, dad. momma will love them, dad," she says, skipping along the pavement as she ran to grayson's car.
she waited patiently by the trunk for grayson to open it. once it opened, she gently laid the flowers on the carpet, jumping up to touch the button to close it. she obviously couldn't reach it, so grayson easily pressed it and picked her up again to buckle her in her car seat.
he got in his own seat and began the drive home.
"momma! momma look!"
you looked up from your desired spot in your queen bed, seeing y/d/n standing in the doorway with a bouquet flowers. you pouted, quickly sniffling from your runny nose.
"what do you got there, baby?" you cooed, opening your arms for her to envelop herself in. she quickly hugged you then held the flowers out for you to take.
"daddy and i got flowers, momma,” she smiled, slightly shoving them in your face for you to smell. your eyes widened, gently pushing them away.
"thank you, can you put them on my nightstand?" you asked, gesturing to the small table beside you. grayson walked in, sitting down on your side of the bed. you smiled at him.
"hey mama," he said, gently rubbing your pregnant belly. "do you like the flowers?"
you nodded, laying your hand on top of his and squeezing it. "did you get the hot cocoa?"
he nodded. "i got that and i also got y/d/n some flowers, but i think she's more interested in her mama right now, huh y/d/n?" he teased, once again tickling her sides.
your heart warmed as you watched the two loves of your life. you loved your little family, and couldn't wait for the new addition waiting in your belly.
i totally went off track again with this FUCK
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strangerquinns · 3 years
hi ever! can u write something about grayson giving you the silent treatment all day and at night u decided to sleep in the guest room but he came find u!
Grayson Dolan x Reader
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The day started normally like it always does. You woke up, showered, got dressed, then made breakfast. You chatted with Ethan as you made breakfast as Grayson came in from his morning workout. Everything was normal. But for some reason something that you had done along the way of the day caused Grayson to be mad at you. Because since he came out from his shower - he'd been giving you the cold shoulder and silent treatment.
Sometimes tried to see what it was. Maybe you'd left a mess in the bathroom after your shower? But normally with stuff like that he'd tell you. Or maybe he made plans for the two of you, but never got to say cause you went off on your own? No, that couldn't be it.
And each time you tried to talk to him, touch him, or even be near him it seemed to annoy him more. Grayson's scowl became deeper and the silence more suffocate. So towards the end of the day, you kept your distance and hung out with Ethan most of the day. Ethan could tell that his brother was in a mood, but knew that he would need space. Because when Grayson got into a mood - he had to bring himself out of it.
But when Grayson got into his moods he never pushed you away. If anything he pulled you closer cause you brought some happiness to him.
"You always make me better, angel," Grayson spoke one day as the two of you laid in bed together. "Any time the pressure of stuff starts to become too much, I just need you with me."
It seemed like this wasn't one of those times that he needed you.
After a few movies with Ethan, the need for sleep started to become too much. Grayson has gone to the bedroom about an hour ago, so you stood outside the door debating on if you even wanted to go inside. Your mind battled back and forth for a while but settled on sleeping in the guest room.
A heavy sadness weighed on your shoulders as you walked into the guest room at the end of the hallway, getting in and under the cool, white sheets. The house fell silent as you rest in the unfamiliar bed. But a couple of rooms down Grayson laid in bed waiting for you. He knew that he'd let his mood get to him again. Grayson could see the frown on your face any time you came near him. And as much as he wanted to pull you closer, his mind wasn't letting him.
His eyes darted towards the time on his phone once again. Grayson was confused cause it was nearly an hour past the time you two usually went to bed but you hadn't come back. He heard you earlier in the living room with Ethan, but he'd heard his brother go into his bedroom.
After another thirty minutes, Grayson pushed back the comforter lying on top of him and walked through the house. He checked the living room. The kitchen. The lounge room and even the backyard. He couldn't find you. He looked out the front and saw that your car was still in the driveway.
"Where are they?" He whispered to himself, before turning back towards the bedrooms.
But just as Grayson moved to go back into your room, his eyes darted towards the end of the hall. He hadn't checked the guest bedroom. Slowly he walked towards the room and opened the door, peeking inside. Grayson sighed deeply with relief when he saw you bundled in the guest bed.
A deep frown formed on his face as he saw your sleeping form moving towards you quickly. He made sure not to move the bed too much, not wanting to wake up. But it was like the moment that Grayson was close enough, your body knew that he was near. Also, you weren't in a deep sleep since you were sleeping somewhere unfamiliar.
"Grayson?" You whispered with sleepiness in your voice, your eyes barely opening as you looked up towards him.
His frown deepened more, "Fuck, I tried not to wake you."
"Wasn't asleep," You shrugged your shoulder slightly. "What are you doing here?"
"You didn't come back to bed."
You sighed softly, "Well...after today I didn't think that you wanted me near you."
Grayson internally cringed and felt a shame come over him. "I'm sorry, I...fuck, I shouldn't have done that. Of course, I want you with me."
"Did I do something wrong?"
Your bottom lip jutted out in a pout as you looked up towards him. His shame pressed down on him a little more.
"God no. You did nothing wrong," Grayson moved to lay beside you and wrapped his arm around you. "I was just in a mood and lost in my mind. I never intended for it to come off that I was mad at you."
Grayson's hand caressed your cheek before pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. You relaxed under his touch and leaned into him more. The heaviness of the worry you were feeling lifting off of you.
"Come back to bed with me, can't sleep without my baby beside me."
You pulled back slightly to look up towards him, "Ok, let's go back to our bed."
The two of you headed back into your bedroom and got into bed beside one another, Grayson wrapping his arm around you and holding you close. You slept soundly feeling safe within his arms for the first time in the entire day.
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poguesholland · 3 years
Marco Polo | Grayson Dolan
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A game of Marco Polo in the pool with your best friend, Grayson, ends up revealing some hidden feelings.
Warnings: two curse words?
A/N: This is from my Wattpad, enjoy!
"Okay, one more round" Grayson, your bestfriend, pleads as Ethan closes the glass door. You nod and giggle, closing your eyes and beginning to count to twenty. You randomly swim around in the pool wherever you heard water splash until you got to twenty.
"Marco!" You call out, excitement bubbling in you as you always win at this game. Grayson wasn’t the most discrete swimmer, always splashing around and bursting into laughter.
Silence fills the air and suspense fills your body, feeling confused about why Grayson hasn't said 'Polo' by now. It was one of the games’ rules. You feel someone's hot breath against your lips and a deep voice speaks up making chills run through your body, "Polo”.
Your eyes flutter open to see that Grayson’s face is inches away from yours. A shocked look covers your face as Grayson locks eyes with you, not expecting him to be standing so close.
His eyes flicker from mine to your lips and he leans in slowly. Your eyes move to his lips then to his eyes hesitantly, heart beating out of your chest. What the hell was Grayson about to do? There was no way he felt that way about you. No way.
Grayson keeps his eyes on yours, reaching a hand up to caress your face. You find yourself leaning into his touch, closing your eyes for a second to register all of this. You open them and Grayson had his bottom lip held between his teeth, looking at you so intently.
This was wrong.
Both of his hands slowly trail down to your waist, gripping tightly and pulling you closer to him. His thumb rubs your waist, making goosebumps spread across your body.
He’s been your best friend since you were in diapers; yeah you’ve had a crush on him but you tried your best to push past it so you didn’t ruin your friendship.
Your faces were inches a part, noses bumping against each other softly and chests pressed against each other. Where did all of this come from?
But You couldn’t to stop him,
Your hands go up to his built chest, lips parted in anticipation as you breathe heavily because of how nervous you were. Was Grayson actually going to do this?
Or yourself.
He parts his lips lightly as he tilts his head, the eye contact just making you even more flustered.
You wanted this so badly.
Grayson slowly leans down to your head level and licks his lips, giving your eyes one last glance before his soft lips pressed against yours.
Your heart pounded in your chest as you kissed him back immediately, melting into the kiss you’d been daydreaming about for so long. You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him closer, if that was even possible. The heat of the kiss rushes through your veins, giving you chills.
You would have never imagined his lips would feel this perfect against your lips. This was so wrong, but they felt so good.
The kiss was so passionate, his soft lips moving against yours in sync. Graysons hands slide further back your waist, to meet at the small of your back which pushes you impossibly close to him.
The kiss was more perfect that you had imagined.
His tongue slightly pokes out of his mouth, as if he were asking for permission. You grant it, letting him enter and explore your mouth with his muscle. The kiss becomes sloppier as your teeth clash against each other, but that only makes it more heated.
You didn’t know that kissing your best friend would feel so good.
His hands grip the back of your thighs and lift you up quickly, making you squeal. You wrap them around his waist, since he could reach the bottom better than you could. Grayson smiles against your lips, "You’re so cute”. A blush settles on your cheeks and you look away in embarrassment.
Taking you by surprise, he tilts his head to where you were looking and forcefully pushes his lips against yours. He tilts both of your heads back to face his original position, and kisses you deeply once again. Your hands slide from the back of his neck to his face, cupping it as your lips locked together.
You smile into the kiss, causing Grayson to smile as you both pulled away. “I really like you, Y/N." Grayson mumbled against your lips, his happy expression fading as he awaited your response. Your chest aches at the sight of his upset face, knowing that you do have feelings for him. You always have, and have always tried to convince yourself otherwise.
“I’ve had feelings for you since forever ago, but I was too scared to-" He continues but to shut him up, resting your forehead against his. Your y/e/c eyes meet his hazel eyes and they bite into each other, the silence of the moment relaxing us.
“I really like you too, Gray." You whisper against his lips, cheeks unintentionally turning a bright shade of red. A cheeky grin spreads on his face before you lean in and connect your lips into a soft kiss, making Graysons heart race.
“Aww, finally! You guys are so cute! Kristina, aren’t they so cute?” Ethan exclaims and Kristina agrees excitedly, making both of you jump. “What the fuck, Ethan!” Grayson yells at him, making you stifle your laughter as you hide your head in his neck.
“Sorry, sorry! We’ll let you guys get back to what you were doing, C’mon Ethan” Kristina pulled him into the house. Grayson leans down to leave a kiss on your shoulder as you laughed into his neck. “Just don’t fuck in my swimming pool, I swim in there y’know-” Ethan says and your face turns more flushed than ever.
“Get the fuck out!” Grayson yells at his brother, making Ethan stumble inside. He shakes his head as you giggle at how angry he was, making him pull away from you so you took you head off his shoulder and faced him. “You find that funny, huh?” Grayson teased, raising his eyebrows as you shook your head, but your laughter said otherwise.
“You’re hot when you’re angry” You state honestly, leaving a kiss on Grayson’s cheek. He immediately becomes flustered, now becoming his turn to hide his face in your neck as you laugh once more.
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