#the dubby
Could you breakdown 2x07 a lil? Like what do you think went through Rio’s mind when he went back and got the baby blanket? Yes, he was worried but I need some more specifics 😂
Bless us with your wise words pls
Hi Anon! TY for the ask 😘 Okay, here’s all my headcanon:
I think actually that trip to the drug den was fueled by both pragmatism and Rio’s soft spot for Beth. She was so upset and afraid. It all happened so coincidentally around her new job as a drug dealer. And it was her child. So I think he went and double checked. Because he’s also a parent and he’s got his code of honor that he operates by, and screwing around with kid’s safety isn’t something he takes lightly. I think he would have checked if it was any child. But because he also is obsessed with Beth in particular and has this fixation on saving her and making her his (getting her in the dirt and all that), I think he specifically remembered why exactly she took the risk in the first place, and figured what the hell. He was already there anyway, presumably with many of his crew, and his gun already out and all…
So he probably strong-armed either one of the dealers he was threatening, or one of his own guys to go find that pink knit blanket in the car. I’d like to imagine it was one of the dealers who threatened SA to Beth and her crew. Rio could have easily played the whole thing off as an emasculation tactic to punish them for threatening “his” women. That way he wouldn’t look completely unhinged, waving his gun around for a blanket. It would have been an understandable lesson. Call them a pussy for taking a lady’s blanket and whatnot, then snatch it back from whomever he’d sent looking for it, looking all disgusted with him. 😂 Play it off that way.
But then, afterwards, is when the real self-questioning would have set in. Because okay, he deluded himself and fooled everybody into thinking he made the dudes bring him the blanket to humiliate them and teach them that they can’t mess with his people. But then when he was left to his own thoughts he would have had that freaking blanket riding shotgun in his front seat, just mocking him and all his motivations. Making him admit to himself that he actually did it for her. Because he gives a damn. So maybe a few drinks in he would have pulled out one of his yellow envelopes and crammed the thing inside and written BELIZABERTH on it and had someone – someone low-ranking who wouldn’t have asked any questions about what was inside – shove it in her mailbox at some point the next day or whenever it was that Dean found it.
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dailydubbies · 1 month
dubbies fav food?
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Yogurt cakes
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swayzeblr · 7 months
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la mia condanna sapete qual’è? Che noto ogni minimo dettaglio, ne faccio mille pensieri e mi distruggo da sola con essi.
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frammenti--di--cuore · 3 months
hai presente quando hai una ferita aperta e lasci pazientemente che faccia la crosta per rimarginarsi...ma poi puntualmente cadi e ti fai male nello stesso preciso punto e quella crosta va via e la ferita torna ad essere scoperta e si infetta e ti brucia di nuovo. ecco, è esattamente così che mi sento.
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ragazzoarcano · 8 months
“Prima di giudicare la mia vita o il mio carattere mettiti le mie scarpe, percorri il cammino che ho percorso io. Vivi il mio dolore, i miei dubbi, le mie risate. Vivi gli anni che ho vissuto io e cadi là dove sono caduto io e rialzati come ho fatto io.”
— Luigi Pirandello
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wintertundra-art · 22 days
Kinda tempted to draw an Italian Miku to join the trend. Specifically southern Italian Miku. Specifically lucania Miku. Because every single Italian person I've ever met is either from the north or sicily and never from any other lesser known Italian region
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coolpurpledudette · 2 months
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Here's my piece for Toasty Mart! A free zine created by @bycmykae . Happy to be a part of the zine!
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io-pentesilea · 9 months
Allora? Che cosa vi ha portato la befana?
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Okay last one for now I’m sorry lol I just like your takes
Why do you think Rio got the dubby back for Beth? Seems interesting that he would ream her out for going back for it but then he went and got it back for her anyway
Don’t be sorry! These are fun. Evidently I like writing book reports. 😆 Also, why do you think he god the Dubby back for her?
I think it’s because she cried and he felt bad. Which, ok, that’s oversimplified and diminishing of what actually happened, but at its heart that’s basically it. Rio is an empathetic person. Especially when it comes to acts of service for women. (This is why I think he would believe in traditional gender roles in a relationship.) He loves being the savior and shows his affection and compassion through acts of service. He’d grown to care for Beth, or at least become fixated on her enough to get significant validation from her being dependent on him, and he saw her distress as an inevitable ask for him to step in and solve her problem. He may seem like he always makes her figure things out herself, but he routinely showed her that he’s willing to step in and be a mensch for her if he felt the circumstances called for it. (i.e. the “Relax, I’ll take care of it for you” to a much lesser problem just because he felt bad she worked so hard and got all her money taken because Dean’s a moron.)
Also, she came to him to tell him her child was missing. He deescalated it for her as best he could, but he couldn’t have been sure. And I think he was able to empathize with her as a parent. If it were Marcus he would fly in there in a heartbeat and make completely sure. So he made sure for her. I don’t think he went back for the blanket. He went back to check on her kid. And once he was sure these guys didn’t have her child he decided to get her the blanket because he felt for her. Wanted to show her that he double checked and that he listens when she has a serious problem.
And look at the comparison of how the two men in her life handled Jane’s disappearance. Granted, Dean had a lot more skin in the game and was terrified himself. But he turned on Beth lightning quick. Immediately accused her of being the cause of their child’s disappearance because of the choices she’s made. Gave her no grace. Took no swift action other than to place blame. If he thought Rio had his daughter why didn’t he, as the girl’s father, turn the world up-side-down to find this man and get his child back? Why didn’t he take action? By comparison, Rio took immediate action. Got in his car and went to check for the girl. Despite knowing Beth made a bad mistake. Despite his own compromised safety because of her mistake. He yelled but didn’t accuse. He acted! Fully selflessly. That wasn’t his child. He cared enough to do the right thing while Dean just wanted to be right and stay angry. For every “Dean is a good dad” I see I just remember how Dean wanted to punish Beth more than he wanted to make sure his daughter was okay.
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dailydubbies · 1 month
EAGLE 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅
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tanti pensieri, poche certezze.
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gorelectronic · 1 year
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I've been forgetting to post here, so take some photos of my lovely fella Heffalump!! :3
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frammenti--di--cuore · 6 months
quanto è triste non poter condividere quello che vorresti con chi vorresti. doverti mettere in silenzioso, sempre.
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ragazzoarcano · 1 year
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sognandoboschi · 7 days
Le persone non capiscono quanto sono fortunate, è un dato di fatto.
Ho amato una persona che non ha saputo amarmi, dilaniando il mio cuore e la mia anima.
E poi c'è chi viene amato profondamente, intensamente e non sa di avere un tesoro prezioso proprio lì accanto a loro, o semplicemente non lo trattano come meriterebbe.
E mi fa incazzare da morire.
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