#the eps tomorrow they’re gonna kiss
watchyourbuck · 5 months
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Thoughts I had during TGCF Season 1 the Recap!
Basically, I recap the First Season of TGCF with my reactions, before my Season 2 binge watch!
Ep 1
-Don’t go out there… don’t go out there… don’t go out there… don’t go out there… *Bride gets snatched* Okay, maybe you should’ve gone out there.
-Right after XL ascends, Lan Hai and Qing Tao then go, “Huh, Who is that?”  Then everybody yells at them, “PRINCE XIE LIAN!”
-So much Property Damage…
-Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters!
-Fu Yao, *Is sarcastic and rolls his eyes* Basically me: He’s just like me fr!!!
-Hehehehehehe Dick joke XD
-Sees Bride!XL: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I’m Sorry XD!
-Yeah right a few alterations, she totally fixed his make up calling it.
-*Sees Bridesmaids NF and FY like* W H E E E Z E XD XD XD XD
-So that’s how he was able to last longer than the previous bride
-Pass me the Aux cord!  You better not be playing mainstream garbage! *Turns on One Flower and One Sword and vibes like there’s no tomorrow*!
-I now pronounce you both husband and husband!  You may now kiss the gro- I mean, bride!  
Ep 2
-Honey, He looks a little too good looking to be the Ghost groom
-That temple looks abandoned, and the animation camera for walking inside
-There’s the ugly mob
-Hehe Xie Lian’s aggressive kindness
-When the mob scooched away from Bride!Lian I freaking lost it XDXDXDXD
-And Nan Feng and Fu Yao inch away instead of defending him!  
W H E E Z E!
-The fact they both agreed to not explain anything XD!
-Xiao Ying is a real friend
-And hurting the injured is a real low for the mob
-They have enraged the ghost groom
-KO!  Flawless victory!
-Zombie brides!
Ep 3
-Didn’t know it a zombie apocalypse happened in Ancient Feudal China (I need to brush up on my history)
-Welp, now they’re grateful 
-Wait a minute, he was an acrobat???  Xie Lian Pre 3 ascension life spinoff when??? (That’ll prolly never happen)
-Man here comes the Bride Pun count: 3
-Now that is an Azula level breakdown
-They are not merciful with the body count in this whole series
-Woah saved by literal divine intervention
-Geez, Pei Ming this is why we don’t Ghost our Exes, Pun Count: 4
-Man, Xuan Ji, maybe you should’ve heard of the phrase, “Plenty of Fish in the sea”
-The way Xie Lian blinked when he realized he was still in the wedding dress XD!
-Restoring faith in Ming Guang
-Oh no Trauma
Ep 4
-He’s so distraught he couldn’t follow
-The telepathic matrix, is basically the world’s first discord server
-Thank you Ling Wen
-Aw he likes Hua Cheng’s name!
-That explains the fall of Xianle and the Moldy Face Plague
-Let’s be honest, Bai Wuxiang is totally responsible for Covid-19
-Woah Hua Cheng has made his mark on Heaven
-Aww he thinks the Butterflies are beautiful!
-Honestly, smart move Mu Qing and Feng Xin
-Oh she is so burnt out
-Yeah, who was the Prince of Xianle anyway?
Ep 5
-The way he blew off that maple leaf
-Oooh that subtle hinting later on and symbolism with Xie Lian
-The way he moved in closer *fangirls like no tomorrow*
-I freaking love the instrumental version of Hong Jue
-Is he touched starved?  He is touch starved
-I love that when San Lang scared the Ghosts shitless they ended up running like no tomorrow, Ghost 1: Book it guys our lives depend on it!  Ghost 2:  But we’re already dead! Ghost 1:  Well it’s just an expression!
-And there was only one bed.  Oh my gods there was only one bed!!!
-Aw he caught him staring
-I believe you Ox cart man
-Heck with how popular TGCF is right now, Xie Lian would be worshipped today by fans like us
-His luck did rub off on you and you should take it all Xie Lian
-Welp time to go start the next arc
Ep 6
-Woah, that old man is traumatized
-Of course being a martial god, he has experience in combat.  Have you seen him in a sword dual at Yinian bridge? (Subtle Phineas and Ferb quote)
-Yep called it, and the gong noise when the door opened!
-“How did we get out here in the middle of the ocean???”
-Awww look at San Lang’s emo hoodie!
-You know what’s better than one evil Daoist?  Two evil Daoists!
-And he drank the whole thing like a boss
-Now Nan Feng’s acting like an NPC from a fantasy video game
-The woman in the teal cloak saw him
-He’s touched starved again!
-Best chemistry ever!
-And after Rouye grabs San Lang and Xie Lian says, “I didn’t mean San Lang”. Rouye goes: “Really? Ok!”  And then lets him go, that’s just the hypothetical dialogue I’ve got for the silk band
Ep 7
-It’s official!  Xie Lian is shorter than San Lang people! 
-I’ve heard of a close knit unit but this is just insane!
-There’s so many people
-Ooooohhh That poor poor general
-Oh no and 4’s an unlucky number in China
-He is sucking the venom out like a G!  Get yourself a man like San Lang people!
-You know we’re all thinking what Xie Lian’s thinking about how he’s going to clean San Lang’s bloodied lips (I’ll let you share your answers in the comment section)
-And Fu Yao’s stuck with merchant sitting
-Really lovely desert travel music!
-Yeah he does know an awful lot
-Uh oh the woman in the black cloak spotted them
Ep 8
-Thank you San Lang for protecting your man like a champ!
-Ooooh cool more Ban Yue lore!
-Ooooh his poor, poor head
-And San Lang’s expression, is worried if he hurt him, but it worked!
-Yeah but our faces don’t stick out of the ground like a fresh tater!
-Aw no they’re gonna need sacrifices
-Zhao’s fight response kicked in
-Eeenie meanie meinie that kid (probably Kemo)
-“Sully not thine honor on innocent blood” That almost sounded like a bible quote…?
-Dude Xie Lian was royalty
-Trust fall!  (You’ll see next ep peeps!)
-Oh and Xie Lian’s scream!  Kind of needed more raw emotion though
Ep 9
-He’s gonna jump into the pit, he’s jumping into the pit, he jumped into the
-Xie Lian’s like: Well I am going down there, but I won’t go down alone!
-The pit’s entrance is sealed!
-Trust fall!  TRUST FALL!  
-He touched his throat!
-There’s your answer Xie Lian
-Dance fight!  Dance fight!
-You’re just gonna excuse the mass murder San Lang committed in the pit?????
-Let me just find somewhere that isn’t covered in blood
-Oh yeah you’re grateful for San Lang carrying you
-The faces they made when he called them out for jumping into the pit XD Xie Lian’s eyes are wide and blank while San Lan has a cat face! XDXDXDXDXD
-She came down!
Ep 10
-She saw Xie Lian and San Lang
-So many fallen Ban Yue soldiers
-Hi Fu Yao
-I wasn’t kidding when I said Fu Yao isn’t great at crowd control
-Thank you Fu Yao
-She’s holding his hand and he’s patting her head my freaking heart!!!! 
-Oh No! Vomit trigger warning for this episode people
-Xie Lian raised her more than her Yong’An father did (and to some extent her late mother)
-It was still a good choice after all Xie Lian
-Take it easy with the ‘Bad Cop’ routine Fu Yao
-Oh no a scorpion snake
-Well that’s bad
Ep 11
-Aiaigasa!  It’s Aiaigasa again folks AAAAAHHH!!!!
-Scorpion tailed cobras why’d they have to be Scorpion tailed Cobras?!?!?!?!?
-That explains the sandstorm
-Ooooh Pei Xiu army backstory
-Ugh Classist general
-No Ban Yue!!!!  She was so young!!! T - T
-Yeah where will Xie Lian go from here?
-Oooh Yizhen got name dropped too!
-Uncle Jiang is cured!
-And the way he’s running away from the duo XDXDXD!
-Here’s why Fu Yao left early, as they healed Uncle Jiang he contacted Nan Feng through the telepathic array and Fu Yao’s reason is:  Come on, you know how horrifying his highness’ cooking can be.  This is just my theory, and I’d love to hear your possible ones in the comments!
-And the way Hua Cheng moved in closer and just preferred to be called ‘San Lang’ my freaking heart!!!
Ep 12
-We are back in Puqi village folks
-I freaking love how Xie Lian says ‘The Crimson Rain Sought Flower’ Howard Wang’s voice could act as my new sleeping aid
-Oh yeah San Lang does treasure you dude
-Ban Yue deserves all the head pats!!!!
-Ban Yue, I think you should keep living despite all the mistakes you’ve made… other than that I also don’t know the answer like Xie Lian
-Aww Xie Lian will love him no matter if he’s hideous or a monster he really does have the best standards!
-Awwww He’s hot when he’s mad!
-Another Reason why Hualian works so well is that San Lang also Respects!  Xie Lian’s!  Boundaries! (Yep still not getting involved with the Helluva Boss drama folks)
-It’s official!  That looks like an engagement ring people!
-Dude pass me the Aux cord!  Ya better not be playing mainstream garbage *Puts on Hong Jue at full blast and vibes like no tomorrow!*
-It’s like they’re running towards each other AAAAAHHH!!!
-Welp, see you guys later for Season 2!
Season 2! Here I come!!!!
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absolutebl · 2 years
This Week in BL - All the Penultimate DOOM
Jan 2023 Wk 4
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying most. (Posted early this week cause I running a seminar all day tomorrow.) 
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Ongoing Series - Thai
My School President (Fri YT) ep 8 of 12 - Gun is SO MUCH better at flirting than Tinn. Also Fourth is a killer little actor. GMMTV, man, how do they always find ‘em? The side couple is also getting to be good. Should this show be in the running for 10/10 status? Probably. But it’s never gonna get there because of all the singing. (I gotta stay true to my brand.) 
Never Let Me Go (Tues YT) ep 7 of 12 - I can see why everybody giffed the wrestling on the bed scene. It was v cute and a great opener. I like that the backstory we got was a good explanation for Palm and his father’s extreme loyalty. Fastest proposal to wedding I’ve ever seen. Outside of Vegas, of course. NO SINGING. OK the “this is how couples kiss” kiss was really REALLY good.
Between Us (Sun iQIYI) ep 11 of 12 - Doomy doom doom. Only not. It was more like doom lite. Except for those of use who hate singing. Then it was extra spicy doom torture. And unlike Pete, I do not like it. WATCH ALONG HERE.
609 Bedtime Story (Fri WeTV) ep 10 of 11 - Doomy doom doom, ALSO. GamesVee schilling for marriage equality. Has to happen every single show now? But at crying kiss? YES PLEASE. 6 month time gap. Honestly, WeTV didn’t serve me the first half of the ep this week, and I don’t really care. Apparently it was amnesia. Meanwhile, Mum stepped aside for emotionally immature obsessive sister. And now she’s marrying Dew. Bonkers. I hate this experience. 
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Cutie Pie 2 You (special) ep 4fin - And a wedding, and everything sweetness and light, in Korea we are boys do not kiss like that, and the end. Honestly we didn’t really need this special, but I’m not upset about it. 7/10 RECOMMENDED BUT ONLY IF YOU’VE SEEN THE SERIES 
I Will Knock You (Fri Gaga) ep 11 of 12 - Doomy doom doom only pulp style. The parents, understandably, do not approve. Noey’s plans for the future are kind of cute. He’s such a baby. 
Hit Bite Love (Sat YouTube) ep 1 of 6 - Opens with a bj. That’s certainly novel. Honestly? This is giving me So Much in Love meets Club Friday vibes. Which is not a good thing. But starting with secret lovers (Ken & Shokun) breaking up is at least different. There is also a cute new kid in a friends-to-lovers geeky thing happening (King & Burger). Subs are TERRIBLE. But my Thai is good enough now for me not to mind as much as I once did. Do I like this show? Noo…oo? But I’m gonna keep watching it. I have a pretty high tolerance for Thai pulps. After all, I’m one of the few people on the planet who actually watched So Much in Love. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
The New Employee (Korea Weds Viki) ep 6 of 8 - Criminal how utterly gay and cute they are. Matching pajamas indeed. ALSO honorifics discussion!!!! Yay! (There was seal clapping on this side of the screen.) “Do you want to see my cat?” is a great pick up line. It would totally work on me. To be fair, “do you want to see my dog” would also work. Always been an equal opportunity player.
HIStory 5: Love in the Future (Taiwan Weds Viki) ep 5 of 10 (or 9&10 of 20) Wynn in the icebox = such an old-school trope, it’s practically kidnapping for love. Pouty McHotterton remains regrettably evil and should have been fired. Vincent is too nice for his own boy’s good. Then... random confession time! I guess extreme cold makes people brave/drunk? But why didn’t he take him to the hospital to get treated for hypothermia? I’m so confused. Still these office boys are so cute and sincere and awkward. They’re killing me  The other two are basically a married odd couple. Rich boy just wants to be looked after and coddled and spoiled. Jonny is very daring but also acts unconsciously and on pure instinct. I kind of like their dynamic. It’s sort of teasing, and cool, and modern. 
Candy Color Paradox AKA Ameiro Paradox (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 6 of 8 - Kenta  domination continues. Of course my beloved charismatic boy ends up being complex but evil. Could I just get a wholesome age gap BL starring him now, please? I’m not picky. He’d be GREAT in Our Dining Table... just saying. Sorry, distracted. Back to the main couple... they’re pretty I suppose. I do like how huggy they are.  Also, multiple kisses. What is this world coming to? All very unusual in JBL.
Individual Circumstances (Korea Thurs Viki) ep 3-4 of 8 - The stalking continues, and it’s boring. Korea doesn’t have any excuse to be boring, they don’t have enough time to spend on it in a BL. Stalker gets sick. Shocker. It’s a BL + rain. Still I’m very grateful that they take every opportunity to make Mr. Korean International shirtless. For science and the good of BL, we salute you! Frankly, I have no idea what’s going on. Did they actually have a relationship in the past? Or was it closeted? Or did one of them think they were in a relationship but not the other? On a different note and wat more important to me? I want the actor playing the agent to star in his own BL. He v adorbs. 
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It’s Airing But I’m Not Watching It
GMMTV’s Midnight series (Weds YT)  - first segment has begun bit it’s not the EarthMix messy gays. I’m so not interested in messy hets, so I’m waiting until they grace my screen. Moonlight Chicken 1 of 8 - eventually.  
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Earth giving us, in one single photo shoot on Cooheart IG, what Unforgotten Night couldn’t manage in an entire fucking series. 
I read the first installment of the Semantic Error manwha (available in English translation legally). It’s similar to the show, although not exactly the same. Some scenes are in different orders etc. There’s not much of the story in the first installment, and I don’t think it was worth the money. The art was fine, pretty typical of the genre, nothing to really recommend it or stand out from the pack. If it did nothing else, it made me realize how much the Parks brought as their roles, because as manwha characters they did not resonate with me at all and came off as pretty flat. Brutal assessment, I know. You thought I was a harsh BL critic, I’m 1000x worse to books.  
The Controversy Surrounding Be On Cloud Actor Build Jakapan and KinnPorsche Author Poi Patchayamon - untagged, no comment & no comments welcome, this is not that blog. 
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In Case You Missed It
I posted a meta of all my 2022 wraps, top picks, industry stats, etc..
I ALSO posted the 2023 forthcoming BL master post. (see comments some are inaccurate)
Next Week Looks Like This:
Light week right now, which is cool with me. I think I might get caught up on 2020′s The Reason Why He Fell In Love With Me, Gaga picked it up and I’ve been wanting to see it since it got announced in 2019. Japanese, teachers at a school fall in love with each other, get caught. 
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Tomorrow: Between Us ends. 
The End Of The World, With You AKA Bokura no Micro na Shuumatsu from Japan starts on Gaga ep 1 of 8. Stars Toshiki Seto (Senpai, This Can't Be Love). In 10 days, the world will be destroyed by a meteor. To spend his remaining time as comfortably as possible, bad-luck magnet Masumi decides to visit the library of his alma mater and read as much as he wants until the end. But there he meets the one man from his past that he never wanted to see again, Ritsu. And if things weren't bad enough, Ritsu has a favor to ask, a favor that Masumi never expected
Supposed to air in Jan but I got nothing: 
Time the series
This week’s adventures in captions:
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Hit Bite Love: I applaud the use of singular they and am amused by the sentence construction that resulted. 
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King actually said boy with boy (or boy+boy, or boy & boy - the conjunction is the same word in Thai) not homosexual. I haven’t heard this Thai phrasing used before in a BL and I liked it a lot. 
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Between Us being all soft with their Ep 11. 
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I love it when a show defines its own premise (NLMG).  
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Blessed be the wingmen for they speak truth in BL (Hit Bite Love). 
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FINALLY learning how to manipulate his boyfriend (got himself a tsundere praise slut, takes a bit of high handed managing that does). My School President, speaking of... 
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Best line in a BL ever, but honey, I think he really wants you to give the orders. 
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Let the single braincell club rise again! 
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I see what you did there GMMTV, alluding to the pool kiss trope you basically popularized with OG PeteKao? Very clever. 
(last week)
Current Kpop earworm? Kang Daniel’s Parade. 
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mrsbsmooth · 1 year
Okay don't read if you haven't read the episodes
Tbf I ain't gonna gripe at my boo Ozzy skinny dipping with some other girls bc we got the option to do that in casa too (I didn't but yano) I just want my man and I hope and pray to God this is the end of him and grace I CANNOT take it anymore.
I did have to wheeze at him and Marshall arguing constantly throughout the eps and Marshall not defending amelia just confirmed sis was a place holder for him to get into the villa take that ya dafty!!
Ozzy had a 3 way kiss in casa big woop, we could've done bits with Andy on night 2 if we really wanted I'm sorry ozzy could break my heart again and again and I'd still love my lil puppy boy and I'm so glad we actually got to interact with him these episodes
Okay I’m gonna say it loudly and properly this is the BEST SEASON SINCE SEASON TWO and that includes season four which has my beloved perma-husband bruno kaminski.
Everyone seems to have gotten DIFFERENT MOVIES based on their choices in the game and girl I am FREAKING! OUT!!! Like some people got Bella and their LI kissing? Some people had Flo telling them Elliot hooked up with the girl in the shower but in mine he just handed her soap? If you twisted Elliot goes home if you stuck he stays?!?
The scripts for this week are going to be INSANE so y’all are gonna have to give me a hot minute to do them. But I’ll post them as soon as I have a chance tomorrow. @longbobmckenzie I know you’re probably already on it 🩵
I seriously can’t with the Ozzy girls omfg I feel so bad. Like they’re getting dragged ass first through a blender and I’m over here like
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arianatheangel-girl · 2 years
Agent Elvis Bloopers, Part 2
Author’s note: So...I couldn’t resist making another one lol! I think maybe I could turn this into a series or something lol.
Ep. 1 (Part 2)
SCENE: The gallows. Elvis, Cece, and the others are tied up and being forced to listen to Manson’s ramblings. Suddenly, in the middle of Manson’s speech, Elvis starts twisting and turning in his chair in obvious discomfort.
M (in the middle of his monologue): Actually, pretty much everyone else gets drugs. Don’t forget to get drugs, everybody! Now, I know what you’re thinking, you’re worried you might not--
E (keeps twisting in discomfort): Stop this! Please, you gotta untie me!
M (confused, as he knows that’s not part of the script, but thinking Elvis is ad-libbing, he tries to go with it and starts to redo the line): Like I said, dude, you gotta join the family first. Now, I know what you’re thinking, you’re worried--
E (beginning to sweat, almost yelling): Dude, I’m fuckin’ serious here! I ain’t acting! Hurry up and untie me!
M: Uh...okay, sure dude.
After Manson finishes untying him, Elvis runs off the set like a maniac, with everybody giving confused looks. After a little while, the sound of a toilet flushing is heard offscreen and Elvis returns, smoothing his clothes and his hair in the process before he sits down again.
E: Ugh. Sorry, guys. I had way too much coffee and it started fighting those three fried PB& banana sandwiches I had for lunch. Okay, I’m all right now. Sorry!
C: Wait, did you say fried PB& banana sandwiches? Eeew.
E: Hey, don’t knock ‘em until you try ‘em.
Director (sighs before pinching the bridge of his nose): CUT! Okay, guys, I’m only gonna say this once: go to the bathroom before shooting, got it?!
SCENE: The big fight. Elvis, Cece and the others (minus Bobby Ray) have managed to escape and are now hacking away at Manson’s “family”. They then notice that despite their attacks, many of the cult members are still standing.
E: Huh. Well, that’s new.
C: They’re not going down! They’re like...hippie zombies--!
M: Even better! They’re so high they can’t feel a thing! It’s beautiful, man!
Cece reaches for her knife to stab one of the “zombies” behind her, but instead suddenly pulls out what looks like a large rubber chicken.
C: Huh? Wait, this isn’t mine!
She begins to laugh, followed by Elvis and the others.
Director: CUT! Alright, who replaced Cece’s knife with a rubber chicken?
Scatter begins laughing maniacally in the background.
Director: Ugh, Scatter! Really?! We don’t have time for practical jokes! All right, let’s reset! Wipe off the blood and let’s go again!
SCENE: Graceland. Elvis and Priscilla are sitting and watching his comeback special, with Priscilla cuddled up to Elvis on the couch. Priscilla’s supposed to lean over to kiss Elvis, but after the “action” call, nothing happens.
E: Uh...honey? You okay?
Elvis gently pokes Cilla’s shoulder and her cheek, before hearing a soft snore; he realizes she’s fallen asleep on him. 
E (laughs softly): Uh, maybe we should try this tomorrow.
SCENE: The bar. Cece’s enjoying a drink and talking with the Commander in the shadows.
C: He’s a big boy, he’ll be fine.
Co (speaking a little more slowly than usual): Well, not exactly. Maybe I’m underselling this a bit. The monkey--
The bartender interrupts
B: Hey, Don Corleone! Your Manhattan’s ready!
The Commander turns around and steps out of the shadows, already looking like he’s had a few drinks before unsteadily reaching for the next one.
Director: CUT! Look, save the alcohol for the end of the day, please!
Ep. 2 coming soon! Thanks for reading! Sorry this is a shorter one; I just didn’t want to make this part too long.
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mercuryonparklane · 1 year
hello i love tayliz so much do u have a link to all of liz's unreleased songs? I love her music so much :D
Sorry, it's taken so long to respond.
There are some clips that she has posted on her Instagram of newer songs, but I am not sure if you mean those or the songs that were released in the year or so after she left Taylor's band.
This youtube channel posted the songs that were released in 2012/13 (they weren't necessarily "official" releases because she never put out an actual album or ep with these songs):
Here are some clips from songs that I think were possibly going to be on an ep or album that never happened:
"It's Been Real"
I’ll miss your face
But you’re in my heart
Forever and always
Yeah, baby, it’s been real
"What You Do To Me"
I’m losing all my cool
Not getting any sleep
And if you want to know
What’s gotten into me
It’s what you do to me
It’s what you do to me
"Cheap Champagne"
I don’t want to know who they’re talking about
Don’t say you’re sorry
Don’t call tomorrow
Don’t you know that’s why they made
Cigarettes and cheap champagne
Don’t get it twisted
Not gonna miss you
All intents to forget you, babe
Cigarettes and cheap champagne
All intents to forget you, babe
Cigarettes and cheap champagne
There was a clip of a song called "Good About Her" that has seemingly been taken down, but here is a comparison I made between the lyrics in the clip and some of Taylor's lyrics:
"Good About Her"
“Soft-spoken, sweet thing
She moves like a dream
I bet you love the respect
That you get
Don’t you?”
Feels a little “Begin Again” to me.
“She keeps it so cool
She plays by the rules”
“cardigan” voice memo:
“I knew you laughing like a damn fool,
Breaking every damn rule..”
“What a boring masterpiece”
“All Too Well”:
“But maybe this thing was a masterpiece
‘Til you tore it all up”
“Missing me,
Aren’t you?”
“I’m only seventeen, I don’t know anything
But I know I miss you”
“Oh, it’s almost laughable
You say you’re compatible
But she’s nothing like me
What’s so good about her?
What’s so good about her, baby?
What’s good about her?
Good about her?”
Maybe another reference to “Begin Again”??
“That time when we parked
Outside of the bar
Couldn’t wait ‘til we got home
All our clothes came off
Does she make you swear?...”
“To kiss in cars and downtown bars
Was all we needed”
“Standing in your cardigan
Kissin’ in my car again
Stopped at a streetlight
You know I miss you”
There was a duet on a song call "The One" she did with one of the members from A Rocket To The Moon (she also did background vocals on a ARTTM song) that he has since deleted from his soundcloud and I have no idea if she co-wrote it, but here are the lyrics, which I posted here before he took it down:
“The One”
Put on a love song
Turn it up real loud
Listen on the drive home
Take the long way through town
As you start to cry and you wonder why
You ever put it on
That love song
Pour a little whiskey
Take a seat at the bar
Wonder if you miss me
I wonder where you are
I play that memory in my mind
Of when you were mine
And pour a little whiskey
I can tell the world I still love you
And give it one more try
If you want to
But maybe me and you
Are trying to turn the moon into the sun
And I’m not the one
Like a bad dream
It happens every night
When the one thing
You want isn’t right
Every little thing I try to do
Always comes back to me and you
Like a bad dream
I can tell the world I still love you
And give it one more try
If you want to
But maybe me and you
Are trying to turn the moon into the sun
And I’m not the one
The one that you were meant to find
I’m not the one
We have tried a thousand times
But it always comes undone
So, I can tell the world that I love you
Give this one more try
If you want to
But maybe me and you
Are trying to turn the moon into the sun
And I’m not the one
I’m not the one
She co-wrote the following songs that were given to other artists:
Here's a post I made about this song:
"Not Going Anywhere"
No matter the actual nature of Tayliz's relationship (friends or more) this is the one song I am 100% convinced she wrote about Taylor.
"Put My Heart Down"
There are some interesting lyric parallels to Taylor's music in this one to songs like The Story Of Us, Better Man (particularly the "put my heart down and walk away just like it was a loaded gun" line in comparison to "push my love away like it was some kind of loaded gun" - keep in mind that she did sing background vocals on Taylor's Version of Better Man and very likely sang on the demo - it sounds a lot like her - and may not have realized Taylor would ever release the song, since she wrote Put My Heart Down after Red was released), I Almost Do, etc.:
I never pictured us ever fighting this much Thought we were figured out but it's so messy now Your words they cut so deep and I think that you should leave I'll have to live without what I can't live without It already hurts So before it gets worst just
Put my heart down, put my heart down Put my heart down, put my heart down And walk away Just like it was A loaded gun Put my heart down, put my heart down Put my heart down, put my heart down And walk away This kind of love Is dangerous
So pack up all your things and just leave some air to breathe A million toxic tears falling like rain 'round here This is the final hour The end of our story tonight And I don't wanna fight
So put my heart down, put my heart down Put my heart down, put my heart down And walk away Just like it was A loaded gun Put my heart down, put my heart down Put my heart down, put my heart down And walk away This kind of love Is dangerous
Oh, it already hurts So before it gets worse I know it ain't easy But if you really loved me
Just put my heart down, put my heart down And walk away, yeah
Just put my heart down, put my heart down Put my heart down, put my heart down And walk away Just like it was A loaded gun Put my heart down, put my heart down Put my heart down, put my heart down And walk away This kind of love Is dangerous
"Don't Let It Hurt You"
"Say The Word"
That's all I can remember at the moment. There are a couple other songs she co-wrote for artists that never really went anywhere, but I can't find them right now.
I can try to make a post with some of the song clips she shared on Instagram later, but for now this is a fairly comprehensive list of songs that are out there that are not on her current profiles as "official" releases.
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party-gilmore · 3 years
...well, I managed to get to literally JUST BARELY before the actual smut starts, so please enjoy this unbetaed 2k word teaser prologue of "demi/grayace Parker doesn't feel like she's Enough for Eliot without Hardison around, so he sets the record straight."
Set during The Hurricane Job, because who gives a damn if the ep is even OUT yet, am i right? XD
“Room 236.”
“What was that?” Eliot hums. His voice is muffled beneath the heavy, sopping weight of his jacket as he tugs the damn thing over his head. His shirt peels off right along with it, so he just shucks the whole shebang in the generic direction of his luggage. He’ll have plenty of time to see to it properly tomorrow - the storm will have them trapped at least another day. With a groan, he stretches out his bad shoulder. It’s not quite dislocated again, but it’s not quite right either. Two nimble hands sneak up from behind and flit their way over the shoulder blade, one bracing against the wet neck of his white tank top while the other presses swift and hard on the joint - and ‘pop’ goes the weasel.
Eliot flashes Parker a pained but soft smile through the old dresser mirror, but it falters when he catches her eyes peeking over his shoulder. There’s a look in them he isn’t familiar with, but doesn’t think he likes.
“Park-” he starts to turn around, but she manhandles him back away from her and shoves her hand into the back pocket of his jeans. No small feat tonight, they way the rain has soaked and damn near suction cupped them to his ass. “H-hey, woah, alright there darlin’, slow it down a bit,’ he chuckles, reaching back to feel for her, but she’s already hopping back and flashing a small, colorful rectangle at him.
“Room 236,” she repeats, flipping it around her fingers like a coin. Eliot frowns. They’re in room 225, just down the hall. They’d found what the crooked cops were after with time to spare, so there was nowhere left to search. Why then, would he still have a room key for-
Oh. He reaches back and pats the offending rear pocket, flushing as he remembers Marshall Shipp’s parting flirtatious wink and accompanying gentle smack on the ass as they’d parted ways a half hour ago. He hasn’t exactly been… discouraging her interest. It's felt good that women are still interested in him even as he’s put a few more miles on, and he’d be lying if he said he didn’t like the attention - especially from someone as 'his type' as Maria.
Well, what used to be his type, at least.
He shoots a sheepish, apologetic grin at Parker. Maria’s ‘interest’ was quickly becoming ‘intent,’ and now Eliot needed to find a way to nip that in the bud sooner rather than later.
“Damn, I should’ve noticed the reverse lift,” Eliot clears his throat, toying with the edge of the pocket absentmindedly. “She must’ve slipped it to me after we completed the radio broadcast. I was uh, distracted by our success I guess.”
“Bet that’s not all she’d like to slip you,” Parker’s voice takes on a bit more of a playful tone for a moment. Cheeky, teasing. It feels like solid ground.
“Hey now,” Eliot teases back, starting to undo his belt, slow and deliberate, as he begins toeing out of his boots. “I can’t help that I still ‘got it,’ darlin’. I can think of a couple folks I know offhand that might like to, uh… 'slip me a little something' right now, 'specially since I'm properly alone with one of 'em for the first time since-” The only problem is, he forgot how damn difficult these boots are to get off on a good day, let alone when soaked through with salt water. Swearing under his breath, he abandons his attempt at being suave to sit at the end of the bed and fumble with the ties. He should know better than try to look cool for either of his partners nowadays. It never works out quite right, and he’s starting to get to the age where he doesn’t even see the use of that kind of posturing anymore himself. They’ve seen him at his worst already - mentally, physically, emotionally - so what would be the point, really? On top of that, he may make a fuss about his ‘cool points’ in front of Breanna, but he knows Hardison’s sneaky ‘dorkification’ process he's been slowly contaminating Eliot with over the last decade is almost complete. He's still drawing the line at DnD, but he doubts that'll last much-
“...or, if you wanted, you could go let her slip it to you.”
Eliot is too caught up in his own head to really register the suggestion at first. He's busy ruminating on how differently his younger self would be handling this whole situation - all smooth moves and hot edges, shucking off clothing with a kind of casual grace.
‘Yeah, those days have long passed,’ he thinks, hunched over and fighting the waterlogged leather of his boots with fumbling, aching fingers. He gets the first one yanked off his foot less than gracefully, wincing at his ankle’s unsubtle protest, before what Parker said finally processes.
Slowly, he sets his singular boot the side and shifts enough to face her. Parker’s tone didn’t hold any bitterness or bite, just nervousness and a bit of resignation. She isn’t looking at him, but out the window, arms wrapped tight around her midsection in a way he hasn’t seen her do in a while. She bounces restlessly on her heels. There’s a clear energy inside her looking to get out. The thunder rumbles lowly through the suddenly silent room, murmuring a warning through the curling reverberation in Eliot’s gut.
He starts out gentle. Easy.
“...now why would I wanna go an’ do somethin’ like that?” Sometimes it’s easiest to bring things to Parker head on, and she’ll respond in her usual stark, frank manner. Just lay it all right out in the open to be picked apart. This isn’t one of those times. Eliot can read that much in every restless tap, every rapid twitch of her eyes to some place else in the room, any place that isn’t him.
“She’s your type, isn’t she?” Parker’s voice is a higher register than it should be, but not quite into her panicking zone yet. That’s a start. “She’s badass, sexy… passionate.”
Eliot notices her leaning heavy on that last word, and frowns.
“So are you, Parker.”
“Not in the same way!” She turns a bit, still looking outside, but her arms unwrap from herself to gesture between them. “Not the same way you and Hardison are!”
It’s quiet for another beat. The white noise of the hissing rain against the window settles into the room with a steady, thrumming tension. Eliot doesn’t jump to demanding clarification like he might’ve done a decade ago, doesn’t snap and tell her to stop beating around the bush. He’s learned that Parker tucks away all the information he needs to understand in every phrase, no matter how inane or incongruent it may seem. So Eliot holds his tongue and chews on the words for a while.
“Me and Hardison, huh?” He leans forward, elbows on his knees, and rubs his jaw in a performance of pensiveness. The movement draws Parker's attention and she finally looks over to him, following the back and forth of his fingers. He presses on, carefully. “Thought we were talkin’ bout me and the marshall. What’s Alec got to do with this?”
“Because he isn’t here!” Parker breaks, not enough to falter or crumble but enough to say what's on her mind before she can overthink it. "He isn't here and it's different! I can feel it! I'm not-" she fumbles her words for a minute, just waving between them again. "-all passionate about the whole sex thing like he is!"
There's that word again. Eliot knows where to go from here, at least. It's all about that word. He stands up, albeit a little awkwardly with one foot still in an inch high boot.
"Sure it's fun and I like it sometimes, but not like you two do! Alec balanced me out, could give you what you needed! I'm not… by myself, I'm not enough for… for y-..." Parker cuts herself before she can grow any more manic, bunching her face up and looking away again like she does when trying to stave off any waterworks before they can start.
Eliot can see her closing up again as her words fail her, but that's alright. What needed to get out made it out. He can take it from here. He hobbles over in his awkward, single-socked gait until he's close enough to take her shoulders in hand, but he doesn't pull her in for the hug. Not yet.
"Now I want you to listen to me, and listen good." Eliot makes sure his tone is firm, but gentle. Parker responds the way he'd hoped - still not looking, tilting her head down, but leaning toward him. Into his space. Receptive, and ready to hear him. "Yeah, it feels different. That's cause you and me? Are different from me and Alec. We're always gonna be. 'That makes us, us,' remember? Just like that's different from you and Alec. It's all part of 'us,' yeah, but it's… we got our own thing, Parker. And sure, we might like it best when it's all three of us, just because we love him so, so much, yeah?"
He lifts one hand from her shoulder and tucks a bit of hair back behind her ear, giving her a chance to respond if she wants. Parker murmurs a quiet "yeah," and steps in a little closer. Eliot tugs her in the rest of the way now, assured that she's open to the touch. She pillows her chin on the shoulder she fixed, and Eliot lays a light kiss to the outside of her ear before continuing in a lower voice.
"So… we miss him, when he's not here, and we don't have the 'all three of us' thing right now. That doesn't make our thing, the you and me thing, any less good. It doesn't- Parker, you're so much more than just enough for me. You're who I need... especially when we don't have Hardison. Don't ever doubt that."
"I'll try," Parker turns her head and mutters it into the crook of Eliot's neck, and he loves her all the more for it. It's better than any empty promise of 'I won't,' because he knows the honesty of it. Knows it's not just an empty platitude of 'I'll do it,' but the vulnerable admission of 'I want to, but don't know if I can.'
"That's all I ask, darlin'."
Because it is. That's all Eliot ever asks of her. To try. Never demands that she change, never insists she should be thinking of herself differently or more kindly than she does. Just that she tries to.
"Now. About this whole 'passion' thing," Eliot sighs, pulling back so he can do that thing he does to Hardison that Parker loves to watch him squirm under, but likes it a lot less when it's turned on her. That thing where he ducks his neck and tilts his head and looks up at her through his hair with that serious, intimate look that makes her want to run because he for sure can see all of her secrets like this but also want to sink deep into that comforting gaze and never leave it. "I don't know where you got this idea that you're not passionate from, but-"
"Yeah, but it's not-!"
"The same?" Eliot cuts off her half-hearted attempt at argument. "Course it's not the 'same' as us, Parker! You aren't us. So, you… you don't lose yourself in it the same way me and Hardison do, okay? Him and me, how we get high off each other, the way we act... so you don't do that. That's fine! That’s only one type of passion, darlin'. You can't tell me,” he lets his hands skim down Parker’s arms until they meet her own palms. “That the way you focus so damn hard on taking us apart - taking me apart…”
Eliot brings Parker’s hands to his hips, and her fingers start to fidget with the hem of his shirt. Anchoring herself with the ribbed texture of the tank. Starting to explore up his stomach the way Eliot knows that Parker knows he likes. She’d ferreted that one out of him ages before they’d even thought up this whole ‘you and we makes three’ train. He lets his voice go a little breathy, a little raspy, makes sure she notices how she's affecting him. “-the way you always know exactly how to do it, piece by piece, single-mindedly pulling me apart like a damn puzzle, Park… you can’t tell me that ain’t some kind of passion.”
“Yeah, but that’s just the same way I steal stuff,” Parker giggles a little, the familiar flutter of Eliot’s sides under her deft fingers grounding her and soothing some of the unease. He’s right about this. How she knows what to do with him. How good she is at it. But that’s not anything special, it’s just-
“Exactly, Parker,” Eliot is trying to walk them back toward the bed, but it’s not really working out well. Between his having only the one boot on and Parker actively seeking out the ticklish bits of his belly that make his knees go all wobbly when she scrapes her nails down them, it’s comical enough to startle another giggle out of her. Or it’s a sob. Or it’s a hiccup. Or it’s some weird combination of all three, she isn’t really sure, but it doesn't seem to really matter either. The sound is whatever it was, just like she is whatever she is.
“It's just like that. Just like how you plan your next score. And that’s your Thing. Like me and food, Hardison and his nerdery... Do you realize how that makes me feel? Knowing you treat me like a heist? Like the thing that you let define you?”
“Yeah but that’s not a sex thing, it’s just a me thing.”
“It doesn’t matter that it’s not a sex thing, Parker, it’s your passion. Your Thing. Yours.” Eliot finally makes it back to the edge of the bed and drops, pulling Parker into his lap. He guides her wandering hands to his chest so she can feel the rumble in his voice as he growls.
“Darlin’, you treat me like damn masterpiece. Like I’m standing smack under a spotlight in the middle of the Louvre, and the only thing in the world that matters to you is how you’re gonna pick through my security piece by piece until all that’s left under your hands is a canvas stretched tight as it’ll go and a picture meant only for you and the people you choose to see it."
Parker’s nails scrape against the skin of Eliot’s collarbone as her fingers instinctively curl in, wanting to grip take steal hold climb, and he barely restrains himself from throwing his head back in a moan. He needs to make sure Parker’s in the right place first, before he gives himself over to his own wants.
“Wow,” she whispers, damn near reverent now as she looks down at him. There’s a dawning in her eyes that tells Eliot they’re alright. That they’re gonna be good. That it’s okay to pull her tighter and ask her to go ahead and steal him again tonight, since he knows her rigging is secure.
"I can't imagine anything more passionate than that."
“Uh-huh, ‘wow' is right,” he laughs breathlessly, and reaches up to take hold of her chin. It’s a light grip, barely any pressure where he between his thumb resting on the front and the rest of his fingers curling around under her jaw, but she lets Eliot guide her down until their lips touch. Not kissing, yet, just touching. His mouth moves against hers as he speaks, tongue briefly darting out to wet two pairs of parched lips. “-so tell me, why the fuck would I want to go to anyone else?”
“Maybe if you got some bad advice,” Parker murmurs, voice strong and confident again for the first time since they wrapped up the con. “From someone who didn’t realize she made you feel that way?”
“Hmmn, that could make sense,” Eliot hums back, resisting the urge to roll up against her in wet jeans that would only serve to chafe rather than provide any of the friction that having Parker in his lap always makes him crave. “If someone could help me get this damn boot off, maybe I could get to work making sure she’ll never forget it?”
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bitchassbucky · 3 years
Word Count: 2k
Warning/s: toxic/abusive relationship dynamics, gaslighting and manipulation, abduction, injuries were mentioned, stalking, dark!bucky x dark!reader, emotionally/mentally unstable!reader, dismemberment (not gore-y but still), three very special character mentions, shady corporate stuff, career sabotage?, food mention, sedation/drugging, f-words.
A/N: oh my god, this is the final chapter of CTRL. to all who read from the start, thank y'all so fucking much - from the bottom of my big-ass heart, thank you so much for coming along with this journey. this is my first FINISHED series, oh my god. to @babyboibucky (CTRL's number one fan), @sarge-barnes-sir, and @borikenlove thank you so much for indulging my inner degenerate GHJSDFG and for screaming (affectionately) at me when i first let y'all read the finished draft.
BUT THIS IS NOT THE END (just yet), i will be uploading TWO epilogues very soon: the explicit version and the not-so-explicit version. stay tuned!
follow the CTRL series:
i - .exe
ii - .avi
iii - .raw
iv - .png
v - .zip
.eps (explicit)
.eps (cut)
CTRL playlist CTRL moodboard
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Your demeanor, character, even tone, changed.
Calculated, cold, unnerving.
But you sat there like a housewife in front of her husband, eating spaghetti and meatballs. Acting all dandy like there isn’t a man strapped onto the chair four feet away from you.
“C’mon, darling, eat! I made your favorite,” your eyes twinkled as Bucky helplessly tugged on his restraints, “oh, sorry, you’re tied up.”
Hm, sick in the head, bad for the heart.
“What do you want?” Oh, wow, even talking hurts for him. His throat is all dried up, he tasted something bitter under his tongue.
You chuckled, moving half a meatball around your mostly empty plate, “for you to stop treating me like I’m stupid.” You spear the meat with your fork, swirling it in the sauce, “I know you’ve been… checking in on me, Bucky.”
Oh, fuck.
“Look, I’m sorry, okay? I was-- I mean, look at you--” He’s making it worse. You’re mad. You’re angry because he was being a good friend.
He only did that because you were lonely and he’s right: you are lonely.
So lonely that you’re willing to kidnap a grown man to keep you company, “I’m so sad for you.”
“You’re aware you’re the one’s been tied up, right?” You’re curt as you should be, scooting over near Bucky to feed him.
“I can’t eat that—” If he wasn’t sitting down and tied, Bucky would’ve vaulted over you and called the neighbors, she’s fucking crazy!
You giggled, rolling your eyes as if he had the freedom to make a choice right now, “if you’re thinking of screaming… More than half of my neighbors are felons or on parole, I doubt that they’ll call 911.”
Jutting forward the fork, you let the prongs gently touch Bucky’s lips, “now, eat! We have so much to talk about.”
“No. I don’t-- I’m not hungry.” He shakes his head, the fork hitting his chin and clanking down the floor.
“Just eat the fucking food, Steve!”
Bucky flinched at your sudden outburst. The words—the name—seeping in a moment later. Steve? Who the hell is Steve? Was he your husband? Boyfriend? His head throbbed again, his mouth filling with saliva like he’s about to throw up.
You kneel down, pulling a napkin from the table to wipe the meat and the sauce from the floor.
“This better not stain.”
He promised thrice.
Once over pasta and meatballs, once over dessert, and once when you were clearing the table.
You relented, of course. Half because you love him and half because it’s getting annoying.
“As long as you don’t leave me, okay?”
“Yes, I promise. I won’t leave you.”
Bucky’s still seating on the dinner chair, slightly slumped without the ropes holding him up, “look, I’m really sorry about the anesthetic, I went overboard with it.” You look over to him—at least he’s regaining his fingers and arms again.
“It’s okay, babe, I wouldn’t trust me either.” If he could stand up, he’d go over and hug you. Helping with the dishes, peppering you with sweet kisses.
A genuine laugh slips out of your lips, “ugh, still… I’m really sorry.”
The last of the plates were neatly stacked, cups and cutleries were placed gently on a drying rack. It was getting late, you could tell.
“I’m not mad, by the way.” You muse, prompting Bucky to lean forward, listening to you.
“What do you mean?” He takes your hand into his, ever so gently.
“You did that,” you squeeze his hand back, gazing into his soulful eyes, “because you love me.”
Did you know that some people could read microexpressions well? Bucky went through a whole lot of them before answering, “of course, I do.”
Contemplating whether you call him out on it or not, you hum, placing a gentle hand on his jaw, “it’s okay, you’ll learn how to love me.”
He has to. He has no other choice.
Bucky clears his throat, “have you seen my phone?” His tone was hopeful, upbeat, maybe he can reach out to someone, anyone, before you can do any more damage.
“Yeah, ‘s on the couch.”
He tried to move, he really did. Bucky’s fairly strong, he can bench an easy 140 on a good day. But even the beefiest motherfuckers have no match for Propofol.
“Don’t worry about your friends, they’re not worried about you, Buck.” The coolness of your tone sends Bucky into a panic—again. “D’you wanna check your messages though? There’s a lot of ‘em.”
Grabbing his phone, you asked Siri to read him his latest notifications.
Urgent: Notice of Immediate Termination
From Joaquin: Where are you, man?
From John W.: Do you have copies?
Urgent: Notice of Immediate Termination
Urgent: Gross Misconduct
From Joaquin: Bucky, what the fuck?
From Samuel Wilson: Pick up the phone, Barnes. You’re fired.
17 missed calls from an unknown number
From John W.: I knew you were a freak but holy shit, dude!
72 text messages from an unknown number
Bucky never really liked horror movies. It made him jumpy and anxious. Too paranoid, even. But now? Now he’s sure that people have never experienced sheer fright before.
His toes cramped inside his boots, his feet were cold, sweating. The little hairs on his legs stood up, goosebumps littering the entirety of his body. If he held his breath, he’s sure he could hear his heart hammering out of his chest. The blood rushes past his ears and onto the base of his skull—he’s gonna be sick.
“What,” he gulped back the saliva pooling in his mouth, “what did you do?”
You’re irritatingly calm, “well, I mean… We’re already together, what do you need those for, right?”
Putting a warm hand over his forehead, you cooed, “poor thing, you look sick.”
Bucky thinks it’s well past midnight when the anesthetic wore off.
His limbs were heavy, he had to lean on the wall every couple of steps to regain his balance. Helpless. He’s helpless and you both know it. As if it’s a bear trap, Bucky carefully took his phone from the coffee table.
Why would you leave it unattended?
The screen lights up as soon as he picked up, his lock screen littered with ‘fuck yous’, ‘sicko’, and his personal favorite, ‘motherfucker.’
Ignoring the glaring messages, he went straight for the emergency dialler and—you took out his SIM card, snapping it into two neat pieces, placing it beside the phone.
The golden surface of the card was scratched too, he can’t do anything, use it as a toothpick, maybe? His phone was just as good as a paperweight.
He looks out of the window, limping towards it. Even if he could climb over, it would take him forever to get onto the street. Your neighbors would probably think that he’s just on a bad trip.
“It’s bolted shut. Perks of living alone as a single female.” Your voice made him flinch back, like a kid whose hand was halfway down the cookie jar.
Bucky plays it off with a cough, he can’t be weak now, “no, babe, I was checking out a noise. You ready for bed?”
You smiled softly, taking his hand and draping his arm on your shoulders as you prop him against you, “almost, big guy. Gotta get you settled in bed first. Are you tired?”
Nodding, Bucky kisses your temple, “yeah.” He just needs to play with your sick little games until he regains his strength.
Where would he go? His reputation and his job are besmirched, his apartment is probably crawling with forensics too.
“You fell down and banged your head earlier. Nasty cut on your head too. I told you to not tire yourself much.”
You hit and drugged me but I digress, “Yes, darling. ‘M sorry.”
“You scared me, Buck. I thought you were dead.” Are these tears forming in your eyes?
“I’m not leaving you, not by any chance. I promise.”
He promises a fourth time.
Your bedroom was bigger than he thought. But of course, he only saw your desk and your bed through the webcam.
Save from the Ted Bundy-esque corkboard you have in front of your workspace, he feels weirdly at home. You tucked him in, reminding him to wake up every two hours for the painkillers.
“You’re not going to bed?” He muses from behind you, all cocooned in your blankets.
“Just need to take this phone call real quick, babe.” Your back was turned from him as you work on your company laptop. He noticed that the webcam is covered with white tape.
The sound of an incoming call filled the room before you quickly answer it, your voice turning hoarse and raspy as if you’ve been crying.
Hi, Mr. Wilson. I’m so sorry for the late call. Do I- do I need to come in tomorrow? I just... I don’t feel comfortable facing everyone—I used all my home hours this week and—
Miss L/N, I’m glad you reached out to me. Is it okay if I record this call for security purposes? It’s just for you, me, and the HR department.
You turned to Bucky, your face is stone-cold but your voice belonged to someone so utterly helpless.
No, you don’t have to call into work tomorrow… Or any other day.
A dainty gasp and a fucking sob comes out of your mouth, your eyes were telling a different story.
Am I fired?
God, no. Please, Miss L/N, don’t worry about that. We want you with us through this entire debacle. We want you to take some time off—paid. We’ll also grant you… a grievance package.
You could almost hear what he would say next.
As long as you don’t talk to any members of the press or any journalists until our friends in the PR department can clean this up.
A triumphant smile creeps on your bare features, putting a finger in front of your lips, you mimic a ‘shh’ gesture to Bucky.
You round up another mirthless sob as the CEO drones on about the bureaucracy of this whole thing.
He was really nice to me, you know? He took me out on dinners and lunches. He even brought me to his place and I– nothing happened but I can’t stop thinking about it.
I’m really sorry, Miss L/N. I thought he was…
A good guy? I really thought so too.
Please stay offline for a bit, just for the weekend, alright? Someone from the HR department will be in touch with you for the process. We don’t wanna be a hassle more than what Barnes is. On our behalf, please accept our deepest apologies.
Jesus, this guy had the PR department cook up an apology letter.
Thank you—thank you so much, Mr. Wilson. I’ll keep in touch.
You burst out in laughter a second after the call ended. Hearty laughter, the one where you can feel your belly tightening.
“Did you hear how good I was, baby? Oh my god, we had them fooled.”
We? Fuck your ‘we.’
You slide over the covers, propping up yourself with your elbow as you turn to face Bucky, “don’t worry, you don’t need them anymore. You have me, yeah? We have each other.”
Out of the most bizarre things that happened to him last week, finding dismembered fingers in the fridge was the least of his concerns.
“Honey!” Bucky calls out, holding the ziplock bag with a pair of tongs.
You bound down the stairs, your laptop in hand as you squint, “what am I looking at?”
Bucky hesitated, maybe he’s going insane too, “fingers. Dismembered fingers—are these yours?”
Setting down the laptop onto the table, you peck him on the cheek, smiling as if him holding a baggie with human remains is just your Sunday normal, “god, I hope not. I need my hands to do things.”
As soon as you look back at him, you dropped the facade: “those are Steve’s. Well, used to be.”
Bucky’s afraid to ask the question where’s the rest of him?
“You know the term pinky promise, right? Well, it has a dark origin.”
Just as fast as a bustling train, Bucky rakes his brain for all the times he promised you something. Hoping that he won’t end up with a stump for a hand.
One vividly bright memory is seared into his brain though, the days blurred together with sharp edges and mismatched colors: we love how we were taught to love.
So, who taught you how to love like this?
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littlerosetrove · 2 years
It is straight (heh) up the day episode 14 is gonna come out, but whatever! I finally got to watch episode 13. (ep 14 drops at like midnight my time anyway, so i’m not gonna watch it until tomorrow morning, so.)
As messed up as their relationship is, Kinn clearly loves his dad, and I don’t think Porsche wants to mess with that.
Aww Vegas was looking so happy to be making a meal for Pete. Then his asshole father had to come in and ruin it. Shit dude, any issue this guy has he blames it on Vegas. Ngl, can’t wait till he’s dead. 💀 
Korn is up to something, as usual, and he’s trying to distract Kinn by saying, “For no particular reason, you should go on a trip with Porsche.”
Vegas is about to take his issues (re: daddy issues) out on Pete, and it’s gonna be a big step too far isn’t it. *not much later* JESUS. OKAY. Catch me crying with that acting from both of them.
Tankhun coming into the room with Kinn and Porsche and, uh, speaking nothing but truth bombs. Tankhun was like, “Everything surrounding Pete is hella suspicious, how do you all not see it?!?”
Oof, Pete couldn’t even give up Vegas, admit that it was him. Talk about uhhhh complicated feelings.
Kim and Chay hung out together?? More than we saw????? BOC! Please give us a side story of this or something, wtf!!
Kim needs to use his big boy words and talk to Chay in person.
Hmmm Kinn can tell Porsche is… not telling him something. 😶
Vegas deserved those two punches and more from Porsche. 😠 
Porsche is - not being careless per say, but more thoughtless. Making a deal with Vegas, getting Pete to the club? Porsche must see how not-right Pete is. Connect some dots my dude. I know Porsche is kinda single minded with this parent mystery thing, but bro… 😬
Vegas and Pete. Talk about a complicated dynamic/relationship.
Kinn talking to Porsche’s parents at the cemetery is definitely a favorite scene. Kinn is all about cheesy declarations of love for Porsche. (i noticed Porsche tho with the guilty eyes when Kinn said he trusts Porsche. hhhhhh angst coming)
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WHERE HAVE I HEARD THIS VIOLIN/PIANO PIECE BEFORE? During the pool sexy times scene. *squints* Why did it sound familiar??????
Setting aside this sort of “goodbye for a moment” sexy times aspect. I loved the sweet moment of Porsche kissing the top of Kinn’s head, and I’m kinda in love with these two hugging so much, I think especially after they’re intimate like that.
Also: don’t have pool sex. Ohhhhh my god it would not work that smoothly, and sweet jesus think about the possible infections. Don’t do it. Leave it to fictional BL shows and fiction. 
Tankhun wears his heart on his sleeve. He’s smart, but he can’t play games the way his dad and Kinn can. Bless him though, he was ready to BOLT to find Porsche and Chay. And then so was Kim, too.
I’m pretty sure Korn had Chan or another trusted guard assassinate Porsche’s uncle. 
Korn, “Why would I do that when she was my sister?” Porsche internally, “Say sike right now!! 😳”
I honestly don’t think Korn and Porsche’s mom are blood related. I don’t think Korn would let Kinn and Porsche be together if she was. 
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jaynovz · 4 years
The Black Sails Rewatch w/ Bob Commentary (s1 e7-8)
We finished s1 on New Year's Eve. Brace for Opinions and Salt :P
Ep 7:
Pastor is practicing sermon: "who is he talking to? the children of the corn?"
Flint and company in Eleanor's office: "Umm did they just teleport back?"
"Leaving in the middle of your meetings isn't very professional Eleanor"
Flint: Everyone is lied to for their own good
"You need consent dude"
about Eleanor and Mr. Scott: "Well you did just tell him you could handle yourself but now you're bent out of shape that he's leaving?"
Randall farts: "That doesn't mean anything. I bet John Silver farts 36 times a day. Randall could be a genius"
"This episode isn't very good is it? They're just like... marking time until the finale. Like, it's an 18 minute episode that for some reason is taking 50."
"That's sort of the advantage of procedural styles of tv. If you need to mark time and maybe wrap up a few loose ends, you can just have a case/mission/monster of the week"
“You guys don’t have electricity, why do you have all these conversations at night?”
about Ranger and Walrus: "those ships are too close together. I know you're a consort but you don't need to be within spitting distance, damn"
about Vane: "Rise my dirt child rise"
"They should have buried him face down"
and then:
"He's got a floppy sandy dick, I bet he got sand in his urethra. Captain Long Dong"
"Did anything happen that episode? It was just talking in rooms. Okay, Vane killed that beef guy, but it was in the last 30 seconds"
"What else happened? They dealt nominally with Billy being dead, like the bare minimum. Like 'Okay, so, promise to never whip your dick out on Zoom again' and no real punishment"
“Billy’s going to come back as that snapping turtle from Treasure Planet”
"I feel like they really should have voted Flint off by now. They don't really need him to get the gold do they? With him the crew is just bargaining for bigger cages and longer leashes"
Ep 8:
in the brothel: "Who lights all these candles, you’re gonna burn the place down"
about Randall's peg leg: "hey Silver, maybe the middle of a storm isn't the best time to have this conversation?"
Flint: Either tomorrow we'll be able to afford a lot more or
Gates: We'll be too dead to care
"Yeah, my ass this all resolves tomorrow"
"I really dislike people standing up in rowboats"
"I wish they had spent the last episode where they weren't doing anything instead showing all the preparations that were done to both ships to get them ready for this raid. Like before an anime fight scene, you show the characters training so that you know the stakes"
"I want an upgrade montage with the new 12 pounders. We spent so much time getting those guns and I DIDN’T GET TO SEE THEM"
Urca isn't there: "oh no, did they not find One Piece at the Grand Line -surprised Pikachu-"
Hornigold: In a moment when stability is at hand and the world is at your feet, your first instinct is to go out in search of someone new to fight
"That guy said exactly what I was thinking"
"wait wait, did Flint just say he wanted the Ranger to fire OVER THEIR BOW? Those guns do not have the kind of accuracy. This is a terrible plan"
Gates dies: "F in the chat. Just kiss his head a little bit"
and then
"Mr. Gates could still turn into a giant millipede in the next life"
"Turns out, Vane is a masochist"
"I don't envy anyone who tries to 'make an example' of Anne Bonny"
"Wait, so Vane's threat is that he's going to tell ppl that Jack betrayed his pirate pals... and then what? They get to just continue running this small business, being warm and not getting shot at and, as stated, making tons of money? This seems like a win"
Dufresne is accusing Flint: "Do we really have to do this right now!?"
“The one time you’re not supposed to challenge the Captain is in a battle situation and... that’s when all the challenges happen”
"lookit that, the warship has butt guns, looks like a fart. Poot poot"
"The ending of this season was exceptionally anti-climactic :( They spent so much time trying to convince ppl to do this really dangerous thing and it turned out to be a nothing burger"
I also thought the end of s1 was uh.... weird and anti-climactic. Here's hoping Bob enjoys s2 better! (which might be my favorite season).
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konaizumi · 4 years
My ideal wayu/thanu ending
I wasn’t expecting to, but I really fell hard for wayu/thanu, and as cute as thanu/phai are, I like wayu/thanu better (plus I’m pretty sure they’re gonna be endgame). So anyways, before ep 10 tomorrow I wanted to post my own alternate ending (this also ignores that fact that there’s supposed to be 3 seasons)
- first - retcon, none of the soulmate stuff with phai and thanu, phai goes on happily and at some point realizes he’s in love with sandee and they are happy together
- Ep 9 - Without the soulmate stuff, both phai and thanu make it to the boat in time for dinner
- Thanu and wayu have some moments while markkit are being cheesy and in love
- Thanu takes wayu back home and they’re in the car in front of wayu’s building, they confess, they have a kiss, they say goodnight and wayu leaves, that’s where their storyline ends for the episode
- Ep 10 - wayu and thanu are now dating and the episode is mostly just fluff and dates and markkit teasing them, but them at the end of the ep pha returns, fade to black
- Ep 11 - pha is back which causes a lot of conflicted feelings, wayu and kit aren’t really sure how to feel (pha has explained his absence and it’s like a good reason but he still hurt them so mixed feelings)
- Pha has made it clear that he understands how much he hurt them and isn’t expecting anything from them but would like to be friends if possible
- Wayu is clearly affected by pha’s return (his first love, his boyfriend of at least a year, maybe longer) and thanu can see this and it worsens his insecurities about only being pha’s replacement, there is some clear tension in their relationship
- For markkit, while there’s no big conflict, there’s def some friction a la the bathroom scene in the earlier eps bc mark still hates pha for what he did but kit can’t quite bring himself to hate pha and he wants to forgive him but is still stubborn and upset
- Wayu and kit have a bonding moment where they talk about pha and their feelings and help each other work it out
- Wayu is now certain he doesn’t love pha anymore even if he was a little shaken at his return, and he and pha have a serious conversation where he explains this and talks about how he loves thanu now, pha is very respectful and while sad that it’s too late for him, he just wants what makes wayu happy
- Markkit’s plot this ep ends with them having a serious conversation where kit explains that he forgives pha and would like to rekindle their friendship (slowly) and while mark isn’t entirely happy with this, he understands kit, scene ends with them cuddling in bed (because they deserve it)
- So twist, it’s not markkit that have the ‘episode 11,’ it’s wayu and thanu, thanu somehow gets to the breaking point (maybe he sees wayu and pha hug after their conversation and misunderstands or something?) and he breaks up with wayu in the end and they have a big fight, end of ep
- Ep 12 - poor wayu is heartbroken again, markkit is taking care of him
- Kit talks to (threatens) thanu about what happened and thanu tells him about how’s he thinks wayu is still in love with pha and he’s just a stand in, kit tells him he’s being stupid and the way wayu is acting right now sure doesn’t seem like it’s pha he’s upset about
- Some more sad moments in between, maybe they lock eyes across campus in a dramatic moment before wayu looks away first, some more crying
- Pha finally steps in and explains his conversation with wayu to thanu and reassures him that wayu doesn’t love him anymore
- This finally convinces thanu to talk to wayu, they finally have a conversation about it and thanu’s insecurities and their feelings, they clear up the misunderstandings, and they both talk about how to move forward in the future
- Idk what markkit is doing this ep outside of taking care of wayu but prob just more fluffy scenes together (because there’s never enough)
- Anyways, happy endings for everyone!
- (also I realized I completely forgot about padbok and that whole situation so I’m choosing to ignore it, or maybe they worked it out in a subplot)
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absolutebl · 3 years
This Week In BL
May 2021 Part 1
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Second Chance Ep 6 fin - Chris & Jeno were TOO CUTE we got ALL the tropes: parental passing on the torch of care (a rare one), hair drying, hair touching, the prom with everyone was in adorable suits (Tang Yi approves), GOOD kisses, confessions galore, boop (+ bonus pool boop), tumblr now thinks they’re lesbians (new trope I’ve just decided on), claiming, rooftop assignation. Conclusion? This is one of the best BL pulps I’ve seen in a really long time. We are PLEASED! 
Y-Destiny Ep 7 - a pretty classic take on the “reformed player/rake” romance trope plus a ton of BL visuals like back hug, messy eater, rooftop assignation, and pillow clutch (a Cheewin signature). Cheewin sure knows his tropes (he should, he started a lot of them and his YYY Special is nothing but a trope parody pastiche, it’s Absolute BL before Absolute BL and A LOT weirder). 
Lovely Writer Ep 11 - The casting closet has come to play. I really like that LW is taking the industry and fans to task. It’s hard to watch sometimes, but it SHOULD be a little squirmy and uncomfortable. This was an excellent Episode 11 and we all suffered for it. I hope they can resolve it well in the finale. They’ve done great work so far, I trust them. 
Close Friend Ep 3: (Willing or Not) - sports kinda romance, it was cute because MaxNat are cute together, but it reminded me a lot of their arc in Why R U, which is to say, short and somewhat forgettable. 
Fish Upon The Sky Ep 5 - am I over this? I think I might be over it. Not into the punching down humor in terms of femme or Sikhs, I don’t like Pi, and found myself fast-forwarding through most of this ep. Mostly I only watch when Mork is on screen. I wanna know why Mork likes Pi so much, but that’s all I’m interested in. Tons of tropes but I’m not even motivated to screen cap, which is saying something. Look, the characters pretty much lack motivation and so I’m losing sympathy. 
Nitiman Ep 1 - oh I like it. This is the standard Thai BL delicious trash I know and love. 2 Moons university setting pastiche, check! Engineering students = gay, check! Instant hate vrs instant love, check! Seme vrs tsundere uke, check! Plus the side dishes are tasty. I’m disposed to be pleased, especially as Fish is disappointing. Sadly they insisted on singing, but you can’t have everything. 
Love Area Ep 1 - I’m not holding this post just for one BL that I’m not sure if I’ll be able to find tomorrow, so I’ll let you know how it is next week. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Nobleman Ryu’s Wedding (Korea) Ep 7-8 fin - so flipping cute, their little smiles, just GAH. Bit of a dead fish kiss but I don’t care because I loved this tiny show full of soft bois and no one saying anything directly (except our man with the poetry, I hope he finds his true love). Adorable. 
Papa & Daddy (Taiwan) Ep 3 - HOW IS THIS SHOW SO WHOLESOME? This is possibly the cutest thing on air right now (and I don’t actually like children). Just GAH! The actual Taipei pride footage. I didn’t even mind all the product placement (I happen to like that bubbly myself). It’s just so cute. Everyone should be watching this. It will make you feel so good and happy. Not gonna lie, this ep is ALL about queer found family and I might have ugly cried over the teddy bear at the end - in a good way.  *** Quick note because I think it’s super important: in 2020 Taiwan Pride was called March for the World. Why? Because Taiwan managed to control C19 better than any other country, they were the only country able to hold pride safely, so they did it for all of us. I don’t feel like they got enough recognition for this. 
Word of Honor (China) Ep 34-36 fin - In the end, WoH turned out to be a morality tale about the superiority of agrarian society over semi-nomadic tribes combined with a message about enduring love profoundly undermined by Chinese censorship. It’s like this amazing meal. I ate my fill, and enjoyed every bite, but had a bit too much, and now I have heart burn. Am I upset about the ending? Sure am. Good for them for manipulating my emotions! Was this a great drama? Yes. Did I expect this from China? Sure did. Do i feel betrayed anyway? Sure do. I guess these things are going to have to coexist in my psyche. Along with heart burn. Here have the actual-not-really-epilogue-ending. It's wafer thin.  I’m putting this one to bed. I feel like I’ve said my piece and I want to move on from 36 courses of pretty men in pretty robes full of pretty innuendoes and deadly peanuts. I’ll miss the big fuck off white fan, tho. 
My Lascivious Boss (Vietnam) Ep 5 - still very much enjoying it, the secret identity lies are beginning to unravel, tension is increasing. I don’t see how they can resolve this in just one episode tho, so this series might go longer than 6 episodes (rare for Vietnam). 
HIStory 4: Close To You (Taiwan) Ep 8 - I demand Boxiang & Zhigang (repping for the healthy LTR and marriage equality) show up in every HIStory installment henceforth. This was a cute ep, lots of good communication & tropes. Still not sure how I feel about the stepbrothers, but can’t complain about their chemistry (waves at TharnType). Speaking of, how awesome that Yongjie caught the man he always wanted, that man is a SUPER bossy bottom, and Yongjie is like ...
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Crazy rumor that Singto has a new BL in the works (totally unsubstantiated). It’s Still Just Us (frankly, the biggest strike against this being true is how grammatically correct the title is). 
Vietnam is messing with our heads and hearts by putting the leads from Nation’s Brother and Most Peaceful Place together into a delightful little love triangle of... something or other. Honestly, I’ve no idea what this is. The actors playing around? A new series? An advertisement? What? 
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Breaking News
Mandee (of Why R U fame) dropped a “mini intro” for something that they’re calling Bed Friend series. HI BEER! But I thought these two (James & Net) were the side dishes for Middle Love AKA Middleman's Love. I am so confused. (Get your titles together Thailand, no one wants you going down the Taiwanese rabbit hole, mm’kay?) 
Taiwan would call it: Middleman’s Middle Love: Bed Friend. 
Top Secret Together got a full trailer with subs. I’m kinda over ensemble pulp pieces (like Close Friend, Bothers, Y-Destiny) but the presence of Newyear makes this one I’m still going to watch. It starts this Friday on Line TV. 
Cutie Pie the series got a teaser (fundraising trailer). Arranged marriage, home/office set, Thai BL staring Zee? Sign me tf up! I am so excited, I hope they can make this happen. Deets here. (Thanks @heretherebedork for the tip.) 
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Next Week Looks Like This:
Some shows may be listed later than actual air date for International accessibility reasons.
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Upcoming 2021 BL master post here.
Links to watch are provided when possible, ask in a comment if I missed something.
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chimtaera · 5 years
imagine model namjoon.
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ok let’s not kid ourselves
boy’s already a model
he’s got the body.
got the looks.
what can i say, he’s no super model (too clumsy), but he get’s around with the more diverse castings yanno
probably got started on instagram,
with his #kimdaily outfits
which are sometimes just chill, pretty, sporty, casual, cool
and other times completely wacky and just ??? how did you even think to wear those ??? at the same time?? together ???
he always looks good tho
but some looks will give you whiplash. ur warned.
but that’s part of his appeal tbh
hhhh probably gains a lot of popularity when one of those more ‘out there’ outfits circulates on twitter or reddit and people are like “hOW does he make that work??? why does it look good??? is he just that hot??”
the answer is yes.
from there he builds a solid following.
for his great looks, great fashion sense, and his 4am instagram stories that are just a black pic with like a three paragraph text about how rain might feel if it had feelings.
also, solid music recommendations omg 
you probably make ur own spotify playlist with just his recommendations.
ok ok so you best bELIEVE when this boy finally gets cast for a show he’s gonna fall on his ass and go viral
claim to fame baby
probably becomes a meme and rolls with it tbh
like he’ll share the memes in his story, so as not to ruin the ・゚:*aesthetic*:・゚and react to them and shit
but then also get on live and talk at length about how faceplanting on the catwalk impacts your self-esteem, how he’s habit he could benefit positively from such an embarrassing moment, and how there’s a lesson for everyone here, and that he hopes all our embarrassing moments may in some way benefit us one day.
he’s such a sweetheart im-
so you might be a stylist?
a hair stylist?
makeup artist?
fellow model?
whatever you’re comfortable with.
you definitely see him on instagram first tho
you came for the memes but are super impressed with his profile and end up staying for the music.
...... and him.
he’s hot, come on.
also 90% of networking is done on instagram these days let us be real.
okay so oNE DAY, or like late evening, who cares
he post a music recommendation and you’re like !!!!!!!!
it’s that low key indie band with like only one EP out that you found on some obscure spotify playlist and you’ve been jamming to since october
and apparently namjoon has too because they’ve released a new single and you didn’t even know ????
and you’re so excited your fingers slip and oopsie you’ve sent a short but rambling message explaining exactly that into his DM’s
instant regret.
then the anxiety bubbles up in you.
and then you calm yourself and convince yourself that he gets a LOT of messages he probably won’t even see yours, so it’s fine it’s fine it’s-
next morning you have a reply
a new follow
yikes, you didn’t even have time to give your feed a spring cleaning
you just like his short “ikr!!!!”, too mortified to reply.
alas, the regrets!
but also
the butterflies.
then you see him at an event one time.
it’s fashion week, you’re hecking busy and about to leave because it’s like midnight and you’ve got places to be tomorrow
but it’s always so strange to see people from insta irl like ??? all those dimensions??? you really be lookign like that ??? damn.
once you’ve stared long enough to be certain that’s actually what he looks like (so handome!!! so tall!!!! wtf!!!! who allowed this??) you turn to leave just as he glances up and cetches your eye for like the tiniest fraction of a second
and you hightail it outta there and hope to heaven he doesn’t know you were staring.
but he likes your pic from the party the next morning and you almost choke on your coffee and the lump in your throat stays there all day
and you’re like, am i?? catching feelings ??? for the catwalk faceplant guy??? you’ve never even talked to the man smh
he’s fucking hot tho.
so, fashion week ends and with it comes another party
you can finally relax, celebrate, wind down from the long week.
you’re talking to some designer about their next project and they’re going on about this instagram dude who’s already on board when they start waving someone over like “hey hey, there he is, y/n have you met kim namjoon yet?”
you turn around you’re like !!!!! fuck. he’s so much taller up close.
“hey, no, yeah, no, but i’ve seen you on, uh, on instagram. i think.” smooth, y/n.
after introductions, the designer gets pulled along into some other conversation and you and namjoon are kinda awkward for a minute.
you just sip your drink like ‘fuck fuck fuckfuck fuck aaaaaaa’
but then he asks you easy questions about what you do and what you’ve been working on this week and it’s the same thing you’ve been talking about with everyone you’ve met this week so it goes pretty smoothly
he makes it easy for you, like he’s very attentive, nods along enthusiastically asking follow-up questions and seems genuinely interested in your work it’s so nice! he’s so nice!
and you ask him the same things you’ve asked everyone else this week like you haven’t seen everything on his instagram already.
actually you’ve missed a few things since you’ve been so busy and your interest is genuine, before you know it the two of you are at a table and getting along like a house on fire, showing each other pics from the week.
he asks you send him a pic from one of the shows he didn’t get to see and when he do he’s sees your old messages and is like ?? oh !!
i mean, he totally knew it was you, but he had forgotten the part about that obscure indie band and the new single, so he shows you!
you’ve been following them even closer since then so you know they’re playing a gig in like two weeks and you tell him.
turns out he’s missed this info because of fashion week and he’s super excited!! you guys have to go together!!!¨
“i mean, we don’t have to- it’s just, i don’t know anyone else who listens to them, i could probably go alone, but, you know, it would be cool-”
and of course you’ll go with him, so you two exchange numbers and end up texting the next two weeks.
at first you’re just making tentative plans to meet and go to to the gig, but then there’s a gallery opening the same day, and you know this realy good thrift shop nearby that he should check out, and you guys should get dinner before because namjoon knows this really cool place and-
and it’s a date.
namjoon has every intention to kiss you that night after the gig, but he wants to ask you first and he’s not sure exactly how so he’s just like “um ??? can i ??? uhhh ?? do you ??? uh”
and ur like, “hey, namjoon, i really want u to kiss me, please?”
the rest is history.
you two are too cute, with your instagram aesthetic and lowkey couple outfits, and highkey couple pics, i’d follow.
you two would be gOALS, and it does wonders for both your careers tbh
omg imagine all the cool collaborations you two could do.
and eventually namjoon would go viral again when the paparazzi captures him spilling his coffee and your cute reaction.
but the best thing about dating model namjoon is he makes you your very own playlist.
and you get your very own story highlight with all the aesthetic pics he snaps of you just like buying milk and stealing his fries, and exploring the city on sundays afternoons, going vintage shopping and reading in the park, titled: “bae.” with every colour heart.
hyping each other in the comments always.
and the thirst omg
anyway, nsfw under the cut.
so you take it kinda slow at first because turns out namjoon has a huge crush on you and he lowkey can’t keep his hands off you but also wants to “date you properly”, whatever that means.
props to you if you get impatient with him and tease him a little, a thirst trap here, a netflix and chill there, sending a sexy song his way, or even better post it on your story for him to see.
if it doesn’t provoke him to action it’ll at least get him hard flustered, which is cute.
in the end joon is a soft boy and you can sit up all night talking, so you end up talking about sex long before having it.
and that just makes it all the more special tbh
and when it does happen, it’s like everything else the two of you do, a little awkward at first, a little clumsy, fumbly, but a lot of fun, and it’s namjoon, and you love namjoon. so, so much.
like it doesn’t matter if he accidentally bumps your nose, because he’ll apologise and the two of you will just giggle and continue. 
and he might pull your hair on accident, but that way you can admit to him that it’s.. kinda hot.
and when your teeth collide when you kiss it’s only because any amount of distance between you quickly becomes unbearable, and you both need each other so, so much.
imagine slow, lazy sunday morning snuggle fuck with namjoon.
and then later when you’re on a blanket in the park reading both your books he’ll get distracted, thinking about it, lean in close and tell you something ridiculous like he wishes you would wake him up by sitting on his face.
and imagine backstage heavy petting after a show, leaving the afterparty early, because you’re both buzzing with unrelieved tension and namjoon is very hard in his pants, pressing himself against you as you try to have a polite conversation with some influencer.
love, love, loooooves, watching you ride.
and he’ll go down on you for hours if you let him, honestly.
anytime, anywhere tbh
how did you get so lucky?
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sweetlilpaulie · 4 years
Ciaccona in D Minor.
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Paul X Reader
Your a talented violinist that catches McCartney’s eye.
Enjoy, My cuties.
“Now remember, be respectful! This man has very kindly invited you to his home, I should see nothing but good manners from you lot!”
“We always have good manners!” John shot out.
Paul snorted. “Sure we do. Don’t worry, we’ll behave.” 
Brian narrowed his eyes at them. “You will be, if you want to live till tomorrow. Now, go get ready! This is a formal party.”
The boys sighed “Well, alright then.” 
The boys, stood up and went to change.
George stared at himself in the mirror.
“I hate tuxes.”
He continued to straighten out his bowtie, never satisfied with the result.
“Ey, George! Looks nice!” Paul complimented. “You’ll be a real knockout with the girls!”
“There’s gonna be girls?”
“Of course there’s gonna be girls. They’re everywhere!”
George shook his head. “Rich people don’t have fun parties. It’s just gonna be more old men, pipes, wine, and old ladies.”
“Aw, c’mon don’t be like that! It’ll be fun!” he gave George a little nudge.
“Shove up, time to go.” Paul motioned to the door. 
“Well, let’s get this over with, shall we?”
“Remember what I told you boys! Be courteous! If i’ve heard anything else, so help me....”
“Relax Ep. t’ll be good.” John gave him a strong pat on the shoulder.
The four boys knocked a brass knocker on a tremendous oak door towering over them.
The door opened instantly. A long skinny man with greying hair appeared.
“You must be the Beatles. Come in.”
He opened the door further, allowing them entrance.
“Woww, would ya look at the place?!” John exclaimed staring up at the ceiling. “Lookie at the chandelier!” 
Their eyes widened in awe, taking the giant room in. 
The man who had opened the door, came back into the room with another man. 
“Henry Argarlin the III.” pronounced the man. “These are the Beatles.”
He eyed them. “Ah, yes of course. I’m Henry. It’s a pleasure.” 
“The pleasures all ours, Mr. Argarlin.” John raised his hand to shake.
He smiled. “Well, come! We have a buffet ready, and champagne to drink, there’s a few people I’d like you to meet!” 
He ushered them through a vast hall. They couldn’t stop staring at all the beautiful craftsmanship of each room they passed.
They were finally led to a beautiful lounge filled with velvet stuffed chairs and silk cushions, a long oak bar on the far right.
“Please, make yourselves comfortable.”
They all looked at each other. 
“This place is massive!” whispered Ringo. They all nodded in agreement.
They headed over to the long table of delectable goods. They piled sandwiches on their plates along with some shortbread cookies and chocolate dipped biscuits. They enjoyed a glass of champagne.
Mr. Argarlin would take them around to meet other rich and very snobby people. Most of them seemed disinterested in their work, and called it “sheer luck” that they got their popularity.
It seemed like George was right.
Old people, smoking pipes, telling them how much they didn’t deserve any of it.
They had just about had enough.
Thank God, you showed up.
You came down the stairs, in a simple midnight blue gown, to talk to your father about something.
The boys hadn’t seen you as of yet talking to chester (the butler) about when the tea would be ready.
“Excuse me!” Mr. Argarlin exclaimed. Everyone turned from their discussions to face the man. 
“My daughter has a song she would like to play for you all.” he nodded to you, and you nodded back.
That was when you got the boys’ attention. They gaped at you like they had never seen a woman before.
“Is she real?” Paul whispered.
John pinched him “OW, Christ, what was that for!?” 
He smirked “I guess she is.”
You pushed up on the clasps, letting them drop and opening the lid to a beautiful chestnut violin. 
Pulling it out conscientiously, as you pulled out the bow as well. Adding some much needed rosin, you then placed the instrument under your chin.
“This is Ciaccona in D Minor.” you declared.
You let the bow hairs skate across the strings, moving your fingers quicker than lightning, and somehow still managing to stay in tune.
Paul stared at you in awe. 
You didn’t notice, you were too focused on the sound of the music. Every time you played, you got lost, and found yourself in a place far away from this world.
When you had graced them with the last vibrant note, you looked up at your audience.
Most of them smiled and clapped politely.
But, you turned to Paul.
He was absolutely awestruck. He clapped louder than the others. 
“That was lovely (y/n).” replied one woman, which you took no notice of.
You said thank you’s rather quickly, you wanted to talk to the boys. It was your idea in the first place to bring them here, after all. It took some convincing, but your father finally agreed to it.
“Hello.” you said rather breathlessly, after all, you were talking to the people you basically worshipped. 
“That, was.....brilliant, what you did up there.” Paul said, almost blushing himself. John looked at Paul, grinning wickedly. 
“Trying to charm up the only lady here? We’ve got just as many rights as you do, mate. Stop trying to steal the talent.” he winked at you.
You blushed madly. “It’s such a-a pleasure to meet you! I listen to your records all day!” ok, maybe that was a little to much. You told yourself. 
You talked with them for a while, about music mostly. The only one who seemed to have nothing to say was Paul. He just kept...staring.
“Paul, say, you should teach me how to play guitar. I am left handed, after all.”
He seemed to snap out of a trace. “Huh? Oh, yeah, love to! That’d be great! Wait, you’re left handed, really?” 
You smiled, “yes, as a matter of fact, I am.”
“Well, I’m in serious need of a fag. How about we leave you to chat, ay?” John nudged Paul. 
“C’mon Ringo, George, lets go outside.”
Ringo didn’t seemed to pleased to just leave you with Paul, after all you were really pretty.
“Oh, c’mon mate! Paul gets all the birds!” he groaned.
Ringo’s grouching continued the entire way down the hall.
“That was a really pretty song you played.” Paul murmured.
You smiled. “Yeah, it’s one of my favorites.”
“(y/n), I know this is going to sound a bit strange, and you may never want to talk to me again, because I’m being so alarmingly forward, but.. I just want to say, that you are one of the most beautiful women i’ve ever met in my lifetime, and when you played, I just felt we were meant to be together, like we were soulmates or something, I don’t know, I’m probably just going crazy and you probably want me to shut up, oh, I don’t even know what I’m saying anymore..”
Before he could utter another word, you kissed him. Hard.
When you released him, your heart was hammering in your chest.
“God, I’ve wanted to do that since the moment I saw you.”
“So I’m not crazy?”
“Absolutely not! I like you Paul!”
He grinned from ear to ear “So, would you like to go to the cinema with me sometime?”
“Of course. I’d love to.”
This is the song I mentioned:
Hope you enjoyed!
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botheredbuck · 4 years
oh fuck oH fUck OH FUCK-
that certainly was a lot
Lexi, baby, I love you. never change
callum is so sweet, knowin all Ben's appointments, just wanting ben to be okay, kissing him on his cheek fuCK
also where did Stuart and rainie go likeeeee?? not seen them in a while r they good (not that I particularly care don't like either of them)
'don't die daddy, I need you' I'm not emotionally okay
Lola ily but can you,,, be a little more considerate??
Jay I'm sorry but ur being a bit of an arsehole can you like not please ily thanks
like where did all that brother crap go?? did u really think that guilt tripping Ben while he's suffering from a life changing injury w as a good idea??? knowing he'd probably do something stupid???
like Danielle so rarely gets the chance to really shine but fuck did she show her talent there ee give Ben and Lola more scenes together plEASE
like seriously max and danielle just worked so well off each other in that scene, they're both so talented and it's just such a beauty to see them both shine in one scene? I'm lovin it
okAY I HAVE A THEORY so like callum texted Ben to say are you home or whatever right?? and then you could see what looked very much like callum when Ben drove past so I'm mildly concerned that Callum was the body?? bc callum knew about the warehouse, even when Ben told him that he and Phil werent gonna do it he must have been suspicious, so after not getting a reply when texting Ben then (possibly) seeing him drive past, you cannot tell me callum would have just sat idle
I'm really hoping that tomorrow's ep will be filling in gaps from today's, like other sls bc we know we have the sharon + Callum scene, n like it would make sense right?
anyway back to the ep
also can max get any more talented??? like that bit where Danny shot the gun by his ear, n you could hear Ben crying in the background when the camera flipped to Phil, then him staggering around after, then him in the car FUCK HE'S JUST SO TALENTED I cannot explain how in awe I am of him as a baby actor myself
you can literally see the pain in his eyes and it makes me wanna cry bc i just wanna give him a hug
also another reason why the body might be callum is bc someone must have called the police p quickly for them to arrive like that, surely?
also this is gonna mean he can't have the op now right? it's gonna be so sad when he finds out fucK
overall, I'm in complete awe of max, and I just want tomorrows ep so badly
(sorry this is incredibly all over the place I can't quite get my head together enough to put together something coherent bc that was just,,, something else)
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hawkinslibrary · 4 years
i love hearing what you have to say about season 4!! i promise it’s not too long lol, anyway i have a question for you: what do you think the next season holds for mike & el? i’m a little worried tbh
ahhh thank you !! same rules apply: spoilers ahead, so please read no further and blacklist/filter out the ‘s4′, ‘st4′, ‘spoilers’ tags if you don’t want to see anything !! 
i’m going to talk about them both as individuals and as a pair but first, i have to say that i don’t personally feel like you have to worry about them breaking up or anything again this season. i think s4 is really going to establish romantic jopper and once that happens, i don’t see them, mileven, or jancy not being endgame unless someone actually dies. which -- i’m not going to think about the possibility of anyone dying until i’m forced to confront it, so. this is fiction and it’s already unrealistic and i’m gonna take my ‘everyone survives, happiness all around, time to relax’ endings and go. anyway, i would love to add lumax to this list but i honestly think it could go either way depending on what happens in s4. that’s a different essay, though.
i tend to think that the most important dynamic on the show is the one between the whole group and i just don’t really see them spending much more time trying to develop romantic relationships outside of the ones set up since s1/2. maybe steve, robin, and will get love interests, maybe they decide to develop dustin and suzie more, maybe suzie is never even mentioned again, idk. but these will probably all be secondary -- as in less screen time, not less important than the main romances, but probably still less developed. unless it happens to be a new person added to the main cast. which, as of now, the only new mains are brett and priah who has gone from recurring to regular. so.  
i think s3 showed how messy and complicated romantic relationships (or, really just relationships in general) can be. everyone was arguing, there was miscommunication all around, everyone thought they knew what was best, no one was seeing eye to eye. but when it comes down to it, they would do anything for each other. they understand each other better than anyone else ever could. i can’t see them spending another season on breakups and romance drama after the ending of s3.  
mike and el have already been separated once before. this time, mike knows for sure that she’s alive and that’s she’s with the byers. this time, el won’t be kept completely isolated away from everyone else. they’ve made plans to meet for the holidays. they can still call and talk to each other as much as they want. i’m hoping they handle being separated this time better than they did in s2. i don’t want mike to be moping and i don’t want el to spend a lot of the season thinking about how much she misses him. in fact, i think in their case that some distance could be good for them. the same for jancy and jopper, too, honestly. it’ll be nice to see them existing outside of these relationships while still acknowledging how important they are.   
as far as i know, the byers and el stuff has not started filming yet so all there is to speculate on are rumors, the audition tapes, and logical guesses about where the story goes after s3. el obviously moves away with the byers. we still don’t know where. she’ll still be mourning hopper and trying to figure out life without her powers. and, of course, she’ll be in a long distance relationship with mike. i think she’ll be having a hard time and she’ll wish that mike was around, but she’ll realize she’s got a pretty good support system around her now with the byers, too. i’m very, very excited for more joyce and el content particularly, but there’s gotta be some great scenes with her and will and jonathan as well. 
there’s only one audition tape that i can confidently tie into the byers + el plot(s?) and it’s the queen bee/mean girl character ‘angela’. if we’re running with the whole ‘there may be some truth to the audition vids’ thing, then this one teases that el will be going to school and that angela will be bullying her. this is something she would probably want to talk about with mike (b i g troy s1 vibes) but i don’t know if she actually would ? so this is probably more a thing that el and will could bond over or that she could talk about with joyce or maybe jonathan. i do think there will be at least a few calls between the two of them before the action really hits and the whole group is (hopefully...) reunited.
so, el -- at least in the beginning of s4 -- will be going to school where ‘angela’ bullies her, forming a bond with joyce + will + jonathan and becoming part of the family, mourning hopper (+ hopefully having conversations about him + his past with joyce), missing her friends back in hawkins, continuing to learn how to navigate life without her powers, and trying to maintain a long distance relationship with mike. 
mike... i’ve been seeing some wild theories about him today but they aren’t really that far-fetched i think. first, going back to the audition tapes, the ‘eddie’ audition i saw makes it seem like mike is going to be part of the hellfire club with dustin. i’ve recently learned that there’s another version of the scene where ‘eddie’ is only talking to dustin and mike might not be a part of the club after all. if he isn’t part of the club, then the basketball v. hellfire, jocks v. nerds thing turns into lucas v. dustin and mike’s probably there just caught in the middle while max is off distancing herself from everyone.
at this point, i really want mike and max to become good friends. i think the end of s3 gave them the perfect opportunity. s4 max has s2 mike vibes. it’s not the same situation at all, but he knows kinda what she’s feeling and they could connect through that + the fact that they’ll both be missing el. i also just really want... some wheeler siblings content. i’m hopeful that s4 gives us good nancy and mike scenes bc there’s no reason not to give us good nancy and mike scenes (+holly!). however...
while there’s proof that gaten and sadie and natalia and priah have all been filming since production restarted, and while i have reason to believe that caleb has been filming a lot inside/at the studio recently... there’s no evidence that finn has been on set. there’s none for maya and joe, either, but people have said that finn isn’t even in atlanta right now. maybe he is and maybe he just hasn’t been seen and maybe he’ll pop back up tomorrow. or, maybe he already filmed whatever he needed to film for hawkins before production stopped.  
the wild theory that’s popped up today is that everything gets to be too much for him in hawkins and he just... hops on a train to go visit el + the byers. i don’t know if i buy it, but it is interesting to note that he was sitting with them at the table read. and since we can guess that steve and robin will still be working at the video store, robin and nancy will be investigating pennhurst together, lucas and max may have some angst, joyce and murray are probably teaming up for the finding/saving hopper plot, and el is going to bond with will and jonathan, it seems like the order might mean a little something. i’d even bet that dustin and erica have scenes with them bonding over d&d.    
now this theory pretty much only exists because no one’s seen finn on set and one of the paps posted some pics of some trains. there’s also always theories about how there will be issues at home with the wheeler fam and if that’s going to happen, what better time than in s4 when all of his friends are pulling away and el’s gone again. so if he is missing el (and will) that much, and if he has any reason to worry about her and how she’s doing, or if the party becoming distant and issues at home are weighing on him and he feels like he needs to get away, he’s absolutely the type to venture off on a train by himself. i don’t know how it would work since he’s definitely supposed to still be in school and his friends/nancy at least would notice he’s gone, but.. it’s fun to think about and we’ve got zero actual content to go off of right now.  
another way i could see mike’s plot going is that he’s the one trying to keep the party together this season. playing mediator with lucas and dustin, becoming better friends with max, being the connection between the hawkins plot and the byers plot (along with nancy). 
there was also talk of him joining the track team bc the track has been set up with hawkins high colors for filming. but mike ‘this isn’t a stupid sports game’ wheeler? i don’t think so... basically, no one knows at the moment what’s happening with mike wheeler in s4 lol.
s4 mike is just like s4 byers fam -- a complete mystery to me currently. i don’t personally think that he’ll be leaving school and hopping on a train to visit el. i think he’ll be a part of the hellfire club with dustin, or that he won’t and instead will be attempting to keep the party from completely disbanding. i hope that we get wheeler siblings scenes and that max and mike have a breakthrough and become better friends. i also feel like he’ll be having some complicated feelings about hopper, the last interaction they had, etc. and, again, the whole long distance thing with el. 
so... mike and el broke up in s3. it was messy. but then they reconciled. and then hopper “died”. s3 ended with them at this weird place where she’s heard him say that he loves her and she’s told him that she loves him back. things are a little awkward in the scene bc everything has changed at this point, but a kiss, an ‘i love you’, planning to meet up on the holidays, and promising to call frequently all sounds like they’re back together and going to try making the long distance thing work to me. 
i think they’ll be together when s4 starts. i think that we’ll probably only see them talking on the phone or their radios for the first few eps. maybe we’ll see flashbacks or something to them being together on the holidays. the distance might be hard and they’re definitely going to be missing each other. like... el doesn’t have mike or hopper with her now and i’m thinking the party is going to be drifting apart, plus they’re both probably going to have other personal issues that have nothing to do with each other or the party. maybe they’ll be experiencing some emotional distancing of their own while dealing with the aftermath of hopper’s “death”, the move, and whatever’s going on with them at home and at school. i think that once they reunite (probably not until the last half of the season), they’re likely to be stronger than ever. 
now, onto personal theories that have zero basis. for some reason, i can’t get it out of my head that this season might dive into psychological horror a little bit ? like a greatest fears type of thing ?? and i keep thinking about brenner popping back up and using the people el loves to get to her or something and 👀👀 
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