#the exiles who returned with Ezra
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The Exiles who Returned with Ezra
1 These are the heads of the families, and this is the genealogy of those who went up with me during the rule of King Artaxerxes:
2 of the family of Phinehas, Gershom; of Ithamar, Daniel; of David, Hattush, 3 Shecaniah’s son; of Parosh, Zechariah and with him were registered 150 men;
4 of Pahath-moab, Eliehoenai, Zerahiah’s son and with him 200 men;
5 of Zattu, Shecaniah, Jahaziel’s son and with him 300 men;
6 of Adin, Ebed, Jonathan’s son and with him 50 men;
7 of Elam, Jeshaiah, Athaliah’s son and with him 70 men;
8 of Shephatiah, Zebadiah, Michael’s son and with him 80 men;
9 of Joab, Obadiah, Jehiel’s son and with him 218 men;
10 of Bani, Shelomith, Josiphiah’s son and with him 160 men;
11 of Bebai, Zechariah, Bebai’s son and with him 28 men;
12 of Azgad, Johanan, Hakkatan’s son and with him 110 men;
13 of the last of Adonikam, namely Eliphelet, Jeuel, and Shemaiah and with them 60 men;
14 of Bigvai, Uthai and Zaccur and with them were 70 men.
Voyage to Jerusalem
15 I gathered them by the river that runs to Ahava, and there we camped for three days.
As I reviewed the people and the priests, I found no Levites there. 16 So I called for Eliezer, Ariel, Shemaiah, Elnathan, Jarib, Elnathan, Nathan, Zechariah, and Meshullam, all leaders, together with Joiarib and Elnathan, who were wise. 17 I sent them to Iddo, the leader at the place named Casiphia, telling them what to say to Iddo and his colleagues the temple servants at Casiphia, namely, to send us ministers for God’s house. 18 Because we were favored by God, they brought us Sherebiah, a skillful man of the family of Mahli, Levi’s son and Israel’s grandson, together with his sons and relatives so that there were eighteen in total. 19 They also brought us Hashabiah and with him Jeshaiah of the family of Merari, together with his relatives and their sons so that there were twenty in total. 20 In addition, there were two hundred twenty temple servants whom David and the princes had appointed to serve the Levites. These were all recorded by name.
21 Then I called for a fast there at the Ahava River so that we might submit before our God and ask of him a safe journey for ourselves, our children, and all our possessions. 22 I had been ashamed to ask the king for a group of soldiers and cavalry to help us in facing enemies on the way, because we had told the king, “The power of God favors all who seek him, but his fierce wrath is against all who abandon him.” 23 So we fasted and prayed to our God for this, and he responded to us.
24 Then I selected twelve of the leading priests, Sherebiah and Hashabiah and ten of their relatives with them. 25 I weighed out to them the silver and the gold and the equipment, the offering for the house of our God that the king, his counselors, his officials, and all Israel present there had offered. 26 I weighed out into their keeping six hundred fifty kikkars of silver, one hundred silver containers weighing a certain number of kikkars, one hundred kikkars of gold, 27 twenty gold bowls worth one thousand darics, and two containers of highly polished copper, which were as precious as gold. 28 I said to them, “You are holy to the Lord, and the equipment is holy; the silver and the gold are a spontaneous gift to the Lord, the God of your ancestors. 29 Guard them carefully until you weigh them out in Jerusalem before the officials of the priests, the Levites, and the heads of the families of Israel, within the rooms of the Lord’s house.” 30 So the priests and the Levites received the silver and the gold and the utensils as they were weighed out, in order to bring them to Jerusalem, to our God’s house.
31 Then we left the Ahava River on the twelfth day of the first month to go to Jerusalem. The power of our God was with us; he saved us from the power of the enemy and ambushes along the way.
Finishing the journey
32 After arriving in Jerusalem, we rested there three days. 33 On the fourth day, the silver and the gold and the equipment were weighed out in our God’s house into the care of the priest named Meremoth, Uriah’s son, together with Eleazar, Phinehas’ son; and the Levites, Jozabad, Jeshua’s son, and Noadiah, Binnui’s son. 34 Everything was counted and weighed, and the total weight was recorded.
35 At that time, those who had come from the captivity, the returned exiles, offered as entirely burned offerings to the God of Israel twelve bulls for all Israel, ninety-six rams, seventy-seven lambs, and twelve male goats as a purification offering. All this was an entirely burned offering to the Lord. 36 They also delivered the king’s orders to the royal chief administrators and governors of the province Beyond the River, who supported the people and God’s house. — Ezra 8 | Common English Bible (CEB) Common English Bible Copyright © 2011 by Common English Bible. Cross References: Genesis 25:21; Exodus 35:29; Leviticus 16:29; Leviticus 22:2-3; Joshua 22:16; 1 Samuel 7:6; 1 Chronicles 3:21-22; 1 Chronicles 5:20; 1 Chronicles 9:2; 1 Chronicles 29:7; 2 Chronicles 15:2; Ezra 1:9; Ezra 2:1; Ezra 2:6; Ezra 2:13; Ezra 2:15; Ezra 2:43; Ezra 2:69; Ezra 4:7; Ezra 6:17; Ezra 7:6-7; Ezra 7:14.15 and 16; Ezra 7:28; Nehemiah 2:11; Nehemiah 3:4; Isaiah 66:14
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dalekofchaos · 8 months
The more I think about how Thrawn was presented in Ahsoka, the more I don't like it because it does not line up with who Thrawn is in the canon Thrawn novel trilogy or even in Rebels.
The more I think about it, supporting the First Order does not seem in character for Thrawn. He wanted a strong Empire in order to protect the galaxy against other, darker threats, and destroying the remnants of the Empire by encouraging the First Order to fight the New Republic seems like moving backwards.
We also know that (a) there's something powerful left behind in the distant galaxy where Thrawn was exiled, (b) Ezra's force abilities lean into emotional connections - with the Purrgil, Loth-wolves, etc., and (c) the Grysk, as a threat to the Galaxy, rely on emotional control over their client species.
Thrawn not noticing Ezra on his ship would be out of character. Thrawn orchestrating an escape that returns him to the Galaxy, leaves three Jedi and a Mandalorian behind to fight whatever is in the exile galaxy, and brings Ezra Bridger back to the Galaxy to serve as a weapon against the Grysk would be completely in character -- and the fact that Thrawn's tactics tend to look suboptimal from the outside until he explains the logic would explain why he looked so ineffective trying to return to the Galaxy.
Thrawn wants Ezra back in the Galaxy, and season 2 will show Thrawn's return to the Chiss. We should see Admiral Ar’alani, Vanto and Faro, but that's just wishful thinking on my part because at this point I don't think Filoni understands why we like Thrawn, because the man writes him like a mustache twirling villain instead of the morally grey nuanced character Zahn originally wrote. But then again, this is the same man who turned Grievous from a literal Jedi murder machine into a pathetic joke. So it's no wonder Thrawn became what he did in Ahsoka.
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mayhaps-a-blog · 1 year
Crack Theory:
The troopers are actually dead and have been animated by the Nightsisters.
That's not the crack part.
Thrawn is also dead. He was revived by the Nightsisters to lead the (dead) troops he'd brought them, in order to return them to the main galaxy and conquer it.
As the greatest strategist and highest ranking Imperial still on the board, he is their best chance for escaping their planet of exile, taking vengeance on those who destroyed them, and finally ruling the galaxy, with Thrawn their willing or unwilling puppet.
Extra Crack Theory:
Ezra is also dead. He was revived as part of the resurrection of the Chimaera's crew, and escaped before they could rectify that. Alternatively, he was revived in order to be a distraction for Sabine, Ahsoka, and Skoll and Hati, to get them out of Thrawn and the Nightsisters way.
Now that would be a twist.
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space-blue · 1 year
Ezra, a guy who exiled himself to ANOTHER GALAXY with no hope of return to take out a critical enemy, and has been isolated for years, potentially without any human contact... Sees his friend who just found him and eagerly asks : How did you find me? How did you get here??
Sabine, supposedly a good person, who got here by betraying her master's will and last orders and siding with the villains without any backup plan or even a wish to betray or manipulate them : (deep sigh) Let's not talk about that. Not right now.
Ezra, very much entitled to having his most basic concerns answered : Sabine...
Sabine, a manipulative bitch now too, apparently, cutting him off : Hey! I just wanna be happy that I found you. After all this time, can I have that?
Ezra, cucked by the script writers because they can't have the dialogue conflict happen until next episode : Of course.
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And you, Ezra, you get nothing. You just get to catter to the selfish desire of the person who didn't come here with a rescue plan for you.
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illuminatedquill · 1 year
Sabine Wren x Ezra Bridger
The Last Promise
End of the War.
Thrawn’s command ship, The Chimaera, is boarded by Jedi Knights, Ezra Bridger and Sabine Wren.
Lightsabers ablaze, they enter the bridge. Thrawn is alone, watching his fleet burn by New Republic forces.
Thrawn: A victory well earned. Even I didn’t see it coming.
Sabine advances on him, Ezra close behind.
Sabine: Well, we aim to please. Although it is strange to see you, of all people, be impressed with what’s happening.
Thrawn: It was well done. I am not so egotistical to not commend your plan when it works.
Ezra scans the room and then Thrawn.
Ezra: He’s unarmed, Sabine. No one else here.
Sabine: Good. Get on the comms and let Hera and the New Republic fleet know.
Ezra hurries over to the comm station.
She turns to Thrawn, a grim smile on her face.
Sabine: It’s over, Thrawn. The Empire is well and truly dead after this.
Thrawn: And so it is. But, I’m afraid you will share the same fate, Sabine Wren.
Sabine: What’s that supposed to mean?
Thrawn: You plan to arrest me, yes? Put me on trial?
Ezra: Yes. You’ll answer for your crimes.
Thrawn: Along with all who aided me in my plans.
Ezra pauses and looks at Thrawn. Sabine looks to Ezra.
Sabine: Ezra. It’s okay.
Thrawn: What will the New Republic do when they learn that one of their own was the reason for my return? Will they show you leniency?
Sabine raises her lightsaber to Thrawn’s chest.
Sabine: Be quiet.
Thrawn raises his hands in mock surrender. His smile is almost gleeful; red eyes glowing with all the menace he can muster at this last revenge on his personal enemy.
He’s enjoying this.
Thrawn: Will you kill me? Not very Jedi-like. In fact, I’m counting on it. The Empire will fall but I’ll make sure it takes every last one of you with it. Starting with you, Sabine Wren.
Ezra is silent. Sabine looks to him again, her eyes full of sadness . . . and resignation.
Sabine: I know what I did was wrong. I accept that. I’ll face the consequences.
Thrawn: There will be no peace for you. They will drag you through the streets of Coruscant. Mock and curse your name. You’ll be hated. Exiled from every New Republic world. I’ll see to it that every waking day from here on is filled to the brim with misery and pain -
There’s the sound of blaster fire. A sizzling hole appears in Thrawn’s chest.
Sabine whirls around only to find Ezra, holding one of her blasters.
She lowers her lightsaber, shocked.
Sabine: Ezra?
He doesn’t answer. His face is unreadable as he steps forward to catch a collapsing Thrawn.
Thrawn looks surprised. Blood leaks from a corner of his mouth as he coughs.
Thrawn: . . . Unexpected. You continue to surprise, Ezra Bridger. This is not the act of a Jedi.
Ezra, sadly: I know. I’m not doing this as Jedi.
Thrawn: Then . . . why?
Ezra looks away and finds Sabine’s eyes.
Ezra: You wouldn’t understand.
Thrawn looks between the two of them and nods to himself.
Thrawn: No, I think I do now. Both of you. Why she did it. Why you did this. Mysterious how it can move people to act outside their normal parameters . . .
Ezra: You mean the Force?
Thrawn: No.
The Grand Admiral shudders once and is still.
Ezra closes his eyes and lays him down. Sabine just watches, not knowing what to say.
Ezra: It’s finished. We need to call Hera.
Sabine: Ezra. Why - why? I was ready to -
Ezra: You did it for me. I’m doing this for you. We’re even.
Sabine: It’s not right. None of it was the right choice!
Ezra: I know! I know.
Sabine takes a step back, surprised at his outburst.
Ezra looks at her. Smiles sadly.
Ezra: We’ll have to make up for what we did. Rotting in a New Republic cell won’t do it.
He steps to Sabine and holds her hands.
Ezra: And we’ll do it together.
Sabine, so soft. Looking into his eyes and seeing the endless devotion and care pouring out. She didn’t need the Force to tell how he felt in that moment.
Sabine: It could take a while, you know. To fix all this.
Ezra, nodding: Probably. Could take the rest of our lives. Lots to do.
Sabine smiles, tears forming.
Sabine: Is that a promise, Ezra Bridger?
Ezra smiles back. He answers, but not with words.
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alliluyevas · 2 months
Hoping to take advantage of this unsettled climate was George Wallace, the former Alabama governor who gained a national reputation for his public and stubborn opposition to racial equality. “I draw the line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny,” he famously proclaimed, “... segregation today, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever!” The energetic, charismatic and uncompromising firebrand, now exiled from the national Democratic establishment, eyed a third-party run. For a running mate, he desired someone who was nationally recognized and could therefore add validity, was a Republican and could offer bipartisan support, and was outside the South and could demonstrate geographic range. Someone who was a political outsider and also known for his bombastic rhetoric. Someone like Ezra Taft Benson. On Feb. 12, at Wallace’s request, Benson, just finished with an apostolic assignment in Wisconsin, flew to Alabama for a clandestine rendezvous in the state mansion. Wallace flattered him for more than three hours, and Benson came away believing he had just spoken to the next American president. The apostle, finally seeing his chance to save the country, wanted to join the ticket. He knew that persuading McKay to give permission, however, would prove difficult, so he plotted his path carefully. Benson meticulously documented in a judiciously crafted letter why he should run, emphasizing it was the best chance to curb communism’s tide once and for all. He even favorably compared Wallace’s political party, the American Independent Party, to church founder Joseph Smith’s political ideals. Benson’s letter was accompanied by a personal appeal from Wallace. The cause was urgent, and the timing was intricate — the deadline for getting their names on ballots was quickly approaching. Benson tried to meet with McKay the day after he returned to Salt Lake City. The nonagenarian prophet had been so sick that he had not attended any leadership meetings for months. Visits were strictly managed by his counselors and secretary. Knowing he would not receive a warm reception from either Tanner or Brown, Benson instead sidestepped them entirely and approached Alvin Dyer, a fellow conservative who had recently been appointed an additional member of the First Presidency. The two strategized how best to approach the ailing church prophet and eventually secured a meeting at 3:30 that afternoon in his Hotel Utah apartment. Dyer went in first to introduce the topic and ease McKay to the idea, after which Benson joined them. Then, after a brief discussion, Benson and Dyer sat silent for 10 minutes as McKay, sickly and bound to his office chair, perused the letters and considered the situation. The pause was poignant. Benson’s entire political trajectory pointed to this exact moment. For once, McKay was decisive. “You should turn the offer down,” he said with conviction.
94 year old David McKay getting hit with this one like
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proffesionalalpaca · 1 year
Who or what is this greater evil Thrawn and the Witches are running from?
My guess:
Abaloth: The Mother of the Mortis Gods and the embodiment of chaos.
A ruiner of galaxies and a being whose sole desire is the entropy of all life the universe as well as it’s devolution into chaos.
She is also known to cause a mental condition called ‘Force Psychosis’ in force users, wherein they experience intermittent episodes of intense paranoia and fall under the delusion that everyone around them has been replaced with imposters (like in Capgras syndrome). The only other people that are recognised as real/authentic by afflicted individuals are others under the same delusion.
The reaction to this altered state usually results in the afflicted person attempting to kill ‘the imposters’ and the episode ending in returned mental clarity as well as full remembrance of one’s actions during that time, the episodes become more and more frequent until it becomes permanent.
It only takes encountering or witnessing her once to inflict the condition, with the potential to lay dormant for years and appearing randomly even decades later.
Which if this is true in the new canon and Abaloth is indeed this mysteriously terrifying force, makes me very worried for Ezra if he has become afflicted and Sabine merely caught him on a ‘good day’.
Previous theory expansion/connection: Thrawn and Ezra were at one point allies.
To tie it in; if my other theory that Thrawn and Ezra were at one point on good terms as allies during their exile, this may have been the cause for their separation. Thrawn believing Ezra was no longer stable or safe enough to return to their Galaxy, hence why he doesn’t want to risk Ezra being left behind alive as he could find a way to return with this being of certain death following right behind him.
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garden-bug · 1 year
What if
(Alternate Ahsoka series: Maul, Ahsoka, Thrawn, Eli, Sabine, Ezra in the Chimera trying to prevent 'Somehow, Palpatine Returned.')
“Excuse me,” says a voice from the back. “But I would like to leave this spaceship.” “No,” choruses several voices. “Who is this man?” asks Thrawn. “This is Maul,” Ahsoka begins. “He took Palpatine’s place in being resurrected.” “Fascinating.”  “That’s one way of putting it,” says Sabine. “What are we going to do with the guy?” “I would like to leave.” “He could go with you guys in the Chimera?” asks Ezra. “Heck no,” says Eli.  “He can’t go to Coruscant. He’d cause an intergalactic incident.”  “Perhaps we can leave him on Dathomir? Is it not his native home?” “You can’t just ditch a guy ‘cause you’re flyin’ past his house," says Eli. "Maybe he doesn’t live there anymore. Maybe he got exiled.” Thrawn’s eyebrows crease slightly. “That was a joke… sorry.” “Okay, does anyone have an actually good idea for what to do with Maul?” Ahsoka chips in. “I say we let him do what he wishes.”  “Em, what, go on a murder rampage?” says Sabine. “I have no desire to murder any of you.” Ezra crosses his arms. “Yet.” “If you continue to speak for me I could change my mind.” “You don’t get to chose what happens to you,” says Sabine. “You’re not even meant to be alive!” 
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jedi-kat-18 · 7 months
The New Jedi AU: Notes on the Jedi Order
Here's a basic idea of what the Jedi Order looks like in this AU. Their numbers are pretty small at first, it's mostly Luke, Anakin, and the handful of people willing to join them; Cal, Ezra, Kanan, and Ahsoka. The first few years are pretty rough, at this point the Order consists of a) wary, traumatized Jedi Purge survivors, b) wary, traumatized ex-Inquisitors, and c) untrained children. Oh, and there's still plenty of ex-Inquisitors who do want to kill Jedi, Imperial warlords and crime bosses wanting some easily moldable human weapons, plus the Thrawn Crisis happens like, right as they're getting started. By the time of the sequel trilogy, there's a few hundred Jedi scattered throughout the galaxy, mostly in the New Republic, but quite a few of them work in the independent systems. They're pretty different from the old Order, primarily in the following ways.
Rangers and Wardens There's a lot of ways to be a Jedi, but most people fall into two broad paths; the Jedi Rangers and the Jedi Wardens. The Rangers travel from place to place, never staying somewhere for too long, dealing with problems in one system or settlement before moving on to the next. Basically leaning really hard into the Knight Errant/Ronin part of being a Jedi. They dress and act a lot like Empire-era Jedi, lots of plain clothes and cloaks/ponchos, concealed lightsabers, and carrying blasters. The Wardens are more stationary, they usually pick a single system or sector to watch over, most often their homeworld. Wardens also work a lot with local governments or the Republic, they do a lot of work as bodyguards or diplomats. Basically they're the closest to Prequel-era Jedi. They openly carry their lightsabers, and dress in either armor or classic Jedi robes. (credit to @starpeace for this idea, I thought it was really cool and decided to incorporate it into my AU) Jedi Council The Jedi Council consists of; Grandmaster Luke Skywalker, Master Anakin Skywalker (he did not want to be a Master or on the Council), Master Cal Kestis, Master Ezra Bridger, Master Kanan Syndulla (Kanan took Hera's name when they got married), Advisor Ahsoka Tano (still insists she's not a Jedi, but she's one of the few people who remembers the old Order), and Advisor Lor San Tekka (not Force-sensitive, but he knows a ton of stuff about ancient artifacts and the history of the Force). Temples The new Jedi Order is a lot more decentralized than the old. Instead of all the Jedi living in the Coruscant Temple, they run a handful of temples scattered throughout the galaxy, as well as some smaller outposts. Ach-To: This one's a secret, given that it's where Anakin was exiled to. It's one of the candidates for "First Jedi Temple" along with Jedha, Tython, and Coruscant. It holds a small collection of ancient Jedi texts. Anakin spends most of his time helping the Caretakers with its upkeep. Coruscant: The temple on Coruscant is less of a temple and more of a memorial/museum. The pain and horror of Order 66 still lingers, and Palpatine turning it into his palace didn't help, so it's going to be a while before any Jedi can call that place home. Lor San Tekka runs the temple, because he's the Jedi history expert, and his lack of Force sensitivity means he's not constantly hearing the echoes of dying children's screams. Dantooine: Kanan runs Jedi Temple on Dantooine, with Hera sometimes dropping by to help out. It's the first stop for most new Initiates, most people who send their kids to the Jedi go to Dantooine. Kanan teaches his students the basics of Force use and lightsaber combat, before they either go to another temple to pursue a more specialized path, or stay and help train new students. Lothal: After his return to the galaxy, Ezra goes back to Lothal and establishes a Jedi school. It's a pretty chaotic place, Ezra's students are a gaggle of kids he picked up off the streets, half of them stay more for a warm bed and free food than Jedi training. Ossus: The temple at Ossus is a great library, holding as many holocrons, books, and artifacts as they can get. Cal Kestis runs this temple, with how much time him and Lor spend tracking down ancient sites and artifacts, they're basically the Jedi Order's Department of Acquisitions. Tython: This is the main temple, the heart of the Jedi Order, where Luke trained his first class of students and the Jedi Council holds their meetings. Tython has a lot of kyber crystals in its caves and canyons, so it's where most Initiates go when it's time to construct their lightsabers. Ahsoka's the one Council member who doesn't oversee a temple. She's off doing wandering Ronin things. New Traditions The Jedi Order has had to abandon or alter many of their practices, especially the ones about training apprentices, lightsabers, and the "no attachment" rule.
 The "No Attachment" Rule: I'm not gonna start bashing it, because I do actually understand its intent and sort of agree with it, but in this AU two of the Council members are married, so keeping it doesn't make a lot of sense. Also Luke has some issues with it, given the whole situation with his father. So for the new Jedi, "no attachments" is more of a matter of personal discernment than a hard and fast rule.  Training Apprentices: For the first couple years, there aren't enough Jedi to make master/padawan pairs feasible, so Luke was sort of everyone's master. Eventually there's enough of them to bring that system back, but it's not unusual for a master to have anywhere from 2 to 5 apprentices at once. Adult apprentices like Sabine Wren are actually pretty common. There are a lot of people who find out they're Force-sensitive as adults, or people who knew they were Force-sensitive for years but hid it.
 Lightsabers: One new tradition of the Jedi is inheriting lightsabers. The rarity of kyber crystals and the loss of Ilum mean that getting a crystal for a lightsaber is much harder, especially for Jedi being trained far from Tython. So sometimes Jedi get their lightsabers from a departed mentor, friend, or family member. Or they find a lightsaber in a Jedi ruin or Imperial vault. When the ex-Inquisitors start taking apprentices, the spinny saber experiences a brief surge in popularity. Much to Huyang's frustration. They're difficult to use effectively, so the Jedi wielding them are either ex-Inquisitors or people trained by them.
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2q5b · 9 months
By Ezra
December 26th, 2023
I am a diaspora Jew. This is partly by accident and partly by choice. I was born in the U.S. My Jewish grandparents came to Boston from Poland and Germany after the Nazis made them into child refugees. My mother, raised Catholic, chose Judaism, married my father and converted.
As for me, I could move to Israel, the Promised Land, anytime I want. Many people I know have done this. But I don’t want to.
How can this be? I am a religious person. My prayerbook is dripping with longing for this land, full of texts written by people who couldn’t get there. The Torah that I study week after week is in large part a chronicle of my people inhabiting that land and then trying to return to it. And even if I prefer to stay in the US, how is it that millions of traditional religious Jews are happy to live all over the world, when they could easily relocate to their beloved spiritual homeland?
Today, that land has descended into hell. The IDF perpetrates mass murder, Hamas insists on acts of war, prisoners suffer in desperate conditions, Palestinians starve en masse in a Gaza that has become a ghetto.
It is more obvious than ever that Jewish statehood in the Holy Land has not ended our spiritual exile. A Jewish state may be a political reality, but it is not a spiritual solution. It cannot satisfy our longing. We yearn for something far, far deeper. We yearn for the repair of the world, the end of falsehood and bloodshed, the reign of peace and justice.
I think this deeper yearning, not satisfied by land acquisition, goes way back, back before the Exodus, back to the late chapters of the book of Breishit.
In this week’s Torah portion, Jacob and his children are living happily in Egypt. Before Jacob dies, he asks that they bury him in Canaan. After his death, the Jewish people travel together to the Promised Land for his burial and funeral. It’s not that big a deal. It doesn’t take forty years. They just ask the Pharaoh, he says yes, and they go. And then they come back to their homes in Egypt.
These are, maybe, the first diaspora Jews, and their exile seems voluntary. They could move to Israel, but that’s not where they live, that’s not where they’re raising their children and involved in government and generally thriving. And more: there is a deep purpose, perhaps one they’re not even aware of, for their exile in Egypt.
Jacob’s death ends the period of the patriarchs and matriarchs, the avot and imahot. These iconic three generations of ancestors–Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca, Jacob and Rachel and Leah–are credited as the originators of our spiritual tradition. Genesis has been largely a book not so much about a community as about these towering individuals, whose personalities and accomplishments still reverberate in our liturgy, our mythology, our souls. 
And from the beginning there is this strange pressure for each of these generations to have one single spiritual inheritor. A chosen child to continue the mission, to receive messages from God, never mind the familial discord this may create. It’s Isaac, not Ishmael. It’s Jacob, not Eisav. And Jacob seems poised to father the next great inheritor.
But something changes in Jacob’s generation. His plan to marry Rachel goes awry when he is tricked into marrying Leah first, and he eventually also marries two of their servants for a total of four wives, with whom he fathers thirteen children. Rachel is the last one to give birth, and her firstborn son Joseph seems, early on, to be that special chosen one, the one Jacob favors. But that plan, too, goes awry. Joseph has ten older brothers who are not happy about this favoritism, ten Eisavs to worry about compared to his father, who had a hard enough time fending off just one. And the old model, of one saint passing the torch to the inheriting saint, finally breaks. The brothers turn on Joseph and sell him into slavery in Egypt.
Joseph, like the three patriarchs, is a singular personality. His individual story is dramatic and righteous. But what he’s not is the next Isaac, the next Jacob. There is no next Jacob. A new era has begun: the era of B’nei Yisrael, the children of Israel (Jacob’s alternate name). This becomes the name of the nation which will be used throughout the Bible. The dynasty is no longer a dynasty, but an expanded family in which all are equal inheritors of the tradition, with no single clear leader. A large group in solidarity and spiritual alignment.
Simultaneous with this shift is the movement from Canaan to Egypt. Our parasha is the end of Breishit and the beginning of Shmot, the second book of the Torah, which will be radically different than the first. Jacob gives his parting blessings to his children at the dawn of the exile and transmits a crucial message: “God will be with you and will bring you back to the land of your ancestors.”
They could return right now. The text makes sure we know that they are able, shows us how easy it is. But they don’t. Instead they allow their holy land to exist as a horizon of spiritual possibility. Here the Promised Land becomes what it remains for the rest of the five books of Moses: an ever-receding myth, somewhere we approach, but never fully reach.
And this is how the Jewish people as we know it is born.
Exile is dangerous, make no mistake. Though Joseph wants his family to live with him in Egypt and share in the power and abundance he has attained there, Jacob needs explicit encouragement from God before going. “Have no fear of descending to Egypt,” God told him in last week’s parasha, “for I shall establish you as a great nation there. I myself shall descend with you to Egypt and I myself will also surely bring you up.” Jacob is right to be afraid: in Egypt, his descendants will face mass enslavement and murder. And yet there is something about exile that is necessary to the Jewish mission in the world, that both expands and deepens it. As Joseph tells his brothers when they are first reunited, “Don’t be distressed…God has sent me ahead of you to ensure your survival in the land and to sustain you for a momentous deliverance.”
Exile is not all bad, the Torah tells us. In fact it is indispensable. It has a very real purpose. It widens the capacity of the Jewish people. It allows us to grow beyond a closed-off little family that talks to God. It allows our spirituality to impact history.
The late 19th-century Polish hasidic thinker known as the Sfat Emet is one of my personal favorite Torah commentators. I doubt my love for his teachings can be separated from my love for my own Polish grandfather, z”l. Living amidst rampant and institutionalized anti-Semitism, the Sfat Emet taught, “This is the purpose of exile: that Israel make visible God’s kingdom, which is indeed everywhere. The true meaning of the word galut (exile) is hitgalut (revealing), that the glory of God’s kingdom be revealed in every place.” 
These two Hebrew words share a root for a good reason. Exile is dangerous, one is uncovered. Without protection, vulnerable. Showing oneself, speaking truth, can be dangerous in the same way. The faith of the Jewish diaspora is that this kind of vulnerability can be worth it. If you stay in your fortress, you are safe but you are cut off, you cannot communicate. If you grab your flashlight and walk into a dark, uncertain world, you light up the road on which you walk.
The transformation of the patriarch era into an era of communal expansion in Egypt has a similar kind of opening quality, an uncovering that also entails a loss. The patriarchal intimacy with God, a clarity and protection, give way to an imperfect but much more widely shared relationship with God.
Jacob himself feels this loss as it happens. His blessing of his twelve sons in this week’s parsha begins with a mysterious introduction. “Assemble yourselves,” he announces, “and I will tell you what will befall you in the latter days.” B’acharit ha-yamim. But he never seems to get to that information, nor does he specify what days he means. What follows instead is an oblique poem containing cryptic blessings for his children. An old midrash sheds light: “He wanted to reveal the end of the exile, but the Shchinah (the Presence of God) departed him, so he began to speak of other things.” 
This failure to communicate is connected to exile. Far from home under foreign rule, Jacob is in some way blocked from prophecy. A kind of perfect awareness has been lost to him, signaling the end of his era of patriarchal perfection and the beginning of something else, something larger and deeper.
When the Sfat Emet, a wise man living in the exile of his own time, tries to teach about this midrash, he too is partly blocked, his memory fails him. He teaches, “I believe my grandfather quoted the Rabbi of Pr-shiss-cha (Przysucha) as wondering why Jacob wanted to reveal the end. His answer was that when the end is known, exile is made easier. That’s all I remember, but it seems to mean the same: revealing the end means knowing there is an end to exile, and that shows it to be but a matter of hiding, not a force of its own… Jacob our Father just wanted there to be no mistake about this, that it all be obvious, but that goal eluded him. You need to struggle to find truth.” 
The contemporary spiritual exile, the one you and I are living through, is not easy, at times it is horrific. How it will end, how a better world could be revealed, is not yet clear. But if we are struggling to find the truth, struggling to uncover it, then we will not have wasted our time. Wherever we are in the world, it is our task right here and now to reveal and enact the good and the holy, the better world that is possible, hiding in plain sight.
Chazak Chazak v’Nitchazeik.
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walkswithmyfather · 1 year
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Ezra 4:1-5 (NASB). “Now when the enemies of Judah and Benjamin heard that the people of the exile were building a temple to the LORD God of Israel, they approached Zerubbabel and the heads of fathers' households, and said to them, “Let us build with you, for we, like you, seek your God; and we have been sacrificing to Him since the days of Esarhaddon king of Assyria, who brought us up here.” But Zerubbabel and Jeshua and the rest of the heads of fathers' households of Israel said to them, “You have nothing in common with us in building a house to our God; but we ourselves will together build to the LORD God of Israel, as King Cyrus, the king of Persia has commanded us.” Then the people of the land discouraged the people of Judah, and frightened them from building, and hired counselors against them to frustrate their counsel all the days of Cyrus king of Persia, even until the reign of Darius king of Persia.”
Galatians 5:16 (NASB). “But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh.”
“Relying on the Spirit in Our Work” By In Touch Ministries:
“Obstacles will come; we can choose to focus on them or trust the Lord for direction.”
“The Israelites had returned to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple. But many opposed their efforts, and were, in fact, quite clever. First, they offered to help. What better way to cause things to go wrong than to get involved in the work? When their aid was rejected, the enemies set out to discourage and scare the Israelites. They were successful in stopping the work—temporarily. But “the eye of their God was on the elders of the Jews,” and the work was finally able to proceed (Ezra 5:5). The Lord took care of the mountain of opposition before them. What that means is, sometimes He will remove the problem; at other times He’ll walk with us through it. But either way, He wants us to depend on Him. This means choosing to ...• Patiently love friends and family.• Wisely guide others toward godliness.• Follow scriptural principles about finances.• Have divine contentment in our current circumstances.• Do God’s work His way. Our work should be characterized by dependence on the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:16). While that mindset is countercultural, it’s the only way to live as a child of God. Seek out others who regularly try to follow the Spirit’s leading, and spur each other on to live it out.”
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wagahai-da · 4 months
it has been excruciatingly difficult writing the part of my thesis that touches on Ezra-Nehemiah, because that text concerns Judeans returning from the Babylonian exile and strictly setting themselves apart from everyone else and ousting the people who were still in the land and cutting those returnees who had married people from the remaining people in the land off from the rest along with their children and building a fortified barrier between them and the outside world and encouraging ethnic homogeneity and it's uh REALLY FUCKING ROUGH to read that during., what's happening in palestine right now along with how many institutions are apparently in full support of it
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steveezekiel · 5 months
3 THEN the Lord sent this message through the prophet Haggai: 4 “Why are you living in luxurious houses while my house lies in ruins? 5 This is what the Lord of Heaven’s Armies says: Look at what’s happening to you! 6 You have planted much but harvest little. You eat but are not satisfied. You drink but are still thirsty. You put on clothes but cannot keep warm. Your wages disappear as though you were putting them in pockets filled with holes!" Haggai 1:3-6 (NLT)
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“IS it time for you yourselves to live in your [expensive] paneled houses while this house [of the Lord] lies in ruins?" Haggai 1:4 (AMP)
Your priority had to be right, in walking with God. You must know the first thing that should be put first.
You have to know what should be attended to first, when you are blessed by God, and want to spend or make Use of the money.
God can become your enemy when you failed to honour Him with what He has blessed you with (Haggai 1:9-11).
The Blessings of God in your hand are meant to pass through your hand, and not for hoarding. You, as a Believer, are the channel through which God wanted to pass His resources for the work of His Kingdom on the Earth: 9 HONOUR THE LORD WITH YOUR POSSESSIONS [wealth], And with the FIRST-FRUITS of all your INCREASE; 10 SO your BARNS will be FILLED WITH PLENTY, And your VATS will OVERFLOW with NEW WINE" (Proverbs 3:9,10 NKJV).
If the Blessings with which you are blessed with are diverted to other things, or used for personal purposes, you would be allowed to suffer for it—the misuse of His resources: 9 “YOU looked for MUCH, BUT indeed IT came to LITTLE; and when you brought it home, I BLEW IT AWAY. Why?” says the LORD of hosts. “BECAUSE of MY HOUSE that is in RUINS, while every one of you runs to his own house. 10 THEREFORE the heavens above you WITHHOLD the DEW, AND the EARTH WITHHOLDS its FRUIT. 11 FOR I CALLED FOR A DROUGHT ON THE LAND AND THE MOUNTAINS, on the grain and the new wine and the oil, on whatever the ground brings forth, on men and livestock, AND ON ALL THE LABOUR OF YOUR HANDS" (Haggai 1:9-11 NKJV).
If you refused to release what God has channelled through you for His work, the heavens above you would be shut (Haggai 1:10,11).
The money provided by God, and channelled through you; If such is used contrary to God's plan and instruction, or His intended purpose, you would have problems on it (Haggai 1:9).
When the Israelites returned from the Captivity, they concentrated on building their own houses, and neglected the house of God—the temple.
And failed to remember that their release was orchestrated through the rebuilding of the Temple. THE instruction God gave to Cyrus was mainly about the rebuilt of His Temple in Jerusalem (2 Chronicles 36:22,23).
Of course, If the Temple would be rebuilt, It had to be the Israelites, thus, Cyrus made the proclamation that those who wanted to go and do it should be released, and their trip be financed; both the work and whatever they would need (Ezra 1:1-4).
Because of the neglect of the house of God, the Temple, they were not making profits in their farm produce, their businesses. In short, God was against their progress and wellbeing because of the neglectfulness or dereliction (Haggai 1:9).
A Believer blessed materially by God, who refuses to give for God's Kingdom purposes, would have a regret.
The Jews who returned from the exile were blessed in what they do, mainly because of the rebuilding of the Temple; but they did not consider it necessary or important to build God's house first. Instead, they concentrated on the building their own houses.
What have you done for God? What have you contributed towards the expansion of God's Kingdom on the earth?
Many of those who are asking for God's Blessings have nothing in their thoughts or plans to reciprocate the good gesture of God, If He did bless them.
A Believer's wealth that is not used for God and His Kingdom would eventually leave, or lead the person to destructions.
Whatever you give to or support, out of what He has blessed you with, makes His blessing rests on the remainder, and makes it relevant and useful for you.
When God's portion is not given to Him, and His work; an access is indirectly given or granted to the devil, through that act, to make a field day on the Blessings of such a Believer.
When you give or contribute nothing, or meagerly, to God's work on earth, you tend to spend your money on irrelevant things which you would not be able to account for, you would not really know how you had spent the money: "YOU have PLANTED much but Harvest LITTLE. YOU eat BUT are not SATISFIED. YOU drink BUT are still THIRSTY. YOU put on clothes BUT cannot KEEP WARM. YOUR wages DISAPPEAR as though you were putting them in POCKETS FILLED WITH HOLES!" (Haggai 1:6 NLT).
When you tithe your incomes, give to the projects commanded by God in your local church, give to the missions, the Needy, the Ministers and the Ministry which God has used to bless you, or the ones you are stirred by God to give to; you definitely would experience God's hand of favour. GIVING is the pattern through which God promises to bless those who are His.
A Believer who obeyed not the principle of the Bible about Giving would not experience the Faithfulness and favour of God in that area.
A Believer can set God against his or her business or work; finances, family, or whatever belongs to him or her, If such denied God their resources—money or whatever.
God's pattern of blessing those who walk with Him is through the Giving of their substances (Luke 8:1-3).
A Believer who wanted to be blessed materially had to obey the principle through which the Bible specify that the Believers in Christ would be blessed.
You cannot expect God to bless you when you live contrary to His Word, and follow the patterns of the world. If you followed the pattern of the world, you would not experience God's favour in your finances.
You can, through your actions or attitudes, set God against your business, or whatever work you do, and finances, If you denied Him your resources—money: 9 YOU look for MUCH [harvest], BUT IT COMES TO LITTLE; and even when you bring that home, I BLOW IT AWAY. Why?” says the Lord of hosts. “Because of My house, which lies in ruins while each of you runs to his own house [eager to enjoy it]. 11 I CALLED FOR A DROUGHT ON THE LAND and the hill country, on the grain, on the new wine, on the oil, on what the ground produces, on men, on cattle, and on all the labor of your hands” (Haggai 1:9,11 Amplified Bible).
You will not fail in Jesus' name.
Should there be any ailment in your body, receive your healing now in Jesus' name.
Whatever is contrary to your health is completely uprooted in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Peace! TO BE CONTINUED
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oogaboogasphincter · 2 years
A Dimension of Our Own
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kinktober day 20 - dirty dancing with ezra
word count | 792
warnings | 18+ ONLY: love bites, a little bit of body worship, fade to black smut, reader is afab and no gendered language is used
author’s note | the gif is originally made by @uuuhshiny ! <3 i need to stop being weirdly poetic-but-not-really with my writing and just have fun with it 💀 also i kinda hate this so if you do too don't feel bad 💀💀 also also no i'm not posting a kinktober prompt in the middle of november idk what you're talking about 🤭 also also also don't let "furry" throw you off - this isn't a Werewolf!AU, shaving is just low in Ezra's priorities ksjfksljf
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You stand in the buckled capsule you crash landed on this supernal rock in, darkened by the eerie nightfall that blankets your surroundings only a few hours every several days. Your dialectically eclectic, scruffy-looking peculiarity prospector rises to your height slowly; the tumultuous journey knocking aches throughout his bones. Slipping his prosthetic around your waist, he swiftly pulls you to his chest - with more force than necessary, but he needs the reminder that not everything he has is harvested gems that twinkle with consequence and endless, dusty loneliness. He desires, is deserving of and owns your valiant softness.
His remaining biological hand takes up yours, turning on his heel bit by bit until you fall into a languid waltz. After a few sloppy circles, dizzied by the darkness, his hand anxiously skids up your arm. Uprooting your hairs from their celibate hibernation, they stand erect and jitter with the prospect of even just a glimpse of his caged love. He molds his beaten fingers around the back of your neck and brings your foreheads together, taking a steadying breath for the beast inside him raging for rough carnality. His tamed movements instead remove his fingers from your neck and brush through your hair, leaving rivulets of adoration in their wake. Your feet still in orbit, one hand grips the decaying shoulder of his flight suit and the other slips down his chest, creating an incision to release the pressurized tension that threatens to pop his weathered heart.
You look up to him, finding his eyes squeezed shut, but offer him the entire galaxy's worship with your doe-eyed gaze when he's ready to accept his commendation. You've been imprisoned in astral isolation for the past few weeks - possibly months, with the way space folds and stretches time over and over again until it's compressed into soundless onyx. Maybe this exile has led you both into some sort of intoxicated rapture, unable to suppress any flicker of need. Or maybe it's the opposite case - the prolonged absence of society has unleashed you from subconscious repressions. Now you're able to indulge.
An exclusive dimension you've entered; reserved for only those who have the key to another's heart and were welcomed with relief, relief so ample and deep-reaching it's free from time and celebrates the reconciliation of soulmates kept apart for far too long. He wrenches his eyes open, staring down into the depths of yours while snaking his fingertips underneath the strap of your shirt and pushing it down your shoulder and torso until your chest is exposed. He dips you back, still keeping in time with your sultry dance, and runs his salivated lips over your chin, down your neck and across your prickled flesh until he reaches your hard nipple and envelopes it with his warm tongue. His moans echo from his dungeon of depravity, howl up through his throat and vibrate against your skin, warming you further. He laves at it three times; arches your back more, draws your chest closer and seizes your breath.
Upon returning you upright, his beast's keening has punctured your resolve and your hands fly to the fastenings of his suit, tearing them open to reveal his delectable frame to your hungry eyes, fluttering heartbeat, itchy hands. You don't think before taking his heavy length into your hands, squeezing it with reverence before starting a circuit from his leaking tip to his furry hilt and back. The groan he lets out is choked and pained, and would startle you if it weren't for his viral licentious sensuality racing through you. To your dismay, he breaks free of your grasp and moves behind you, palming your body harsh as he lowers himself to his knees. He hooks your trousers and panties, pulling both threadbare articles of clothing over your hips - where he attaches his mouth and leaves a quick yet nasty love bite - as he lifts your calves and rids your body of the offending garments.
He spirals up your body to your front again, abruptly ending your waltz and backing you up against the curved wall of the pod, crashing his lips to yours. Wanton mewls pushed into his mouth do the job of communicating your screaming need for him to take you, and he doesn't make you or himself wait any longer. He falls to his knees again and arranges your hands on the back of his head, your fingers instinctively clenching his overgrown waves. His big brown eyes reflect the lovestruck abyss yours harbor, thanking you for allowing him - a tiresome bandit guided by a sensuous moon - into your seas of tranquility, fertility and nectar. He throws one of your plush thighs over his weary shoulder, spreading your wet folds and follows your light home.
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kinktober masterlist ♡ main masterlist ♡ join my taglist!
💘taglist: @pedrostories @pascalpanic @maievdenoir @tenderwhat @melody13522
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illuminatedquill · 10 months
The poll doesn't end for another two hours but, looking at the results, it's pretty clear which of the stories you guys want me to tackle first.
So, without further ado, let's list the fics I'll be working on from now until kingdom come in the order decided by the poll:
(drumroll please)
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Coming in at an unsurprising 1st Place with a whopping 53% of the votes:
Sabine Wren x Ezra Bridger
Romantic Knights
Story Summary: Enjoying their honeymoon on the galaxy's largest intergalactic cruiser for newlywed couples, the Romance Dawn, Sabine and Ezra find themselves thrust into action against pirates seeking to hijack the cruise for their own nefarious purposes.
For 2nd Place, surprisingly, with 27.3% of the votes:
Ezra Bridger & Shin Hati
Two Wolves
Story Summary: First in an epic two part story, the enigmatic mercenary Shin Hati reappears in Ezra's life and forces him into an uneasy alliance with her, threatening to reveal Sabine's involvement with Thrawn's return to the whole galaxy if he does not comply. The mission: infiltrate an abandoned Imperial research station to find a mysterious object known as "The Codex". Horrors await inside the derelict station, however, and both will have to learn to trust each other in order to survive . . .
Author's Note: Shin and Ezra are not a couple in this! This is still a Sabezra story, I promise.
And, last but not least, in 3rd place with 19.7% of the votes:
Ezra Bridger
Jedi Exile
Story Summary: Takes place immediately following the Rebels series finale. Ezra's story of survival: the crash landing on Peridea, eluding Thrawn, and finding the will to continue on despite being stranded in another galaxy.
And there you have it; all the Sabezra fics listed in order, as decided by you guys.
. . . What's that? There's more?
Oh, damn. There are more! Nooooooo -
Sabine Wren & Shin Hati
The Starbird and The Wolf
Story Summary: Following the events of Two Wolves, Sabine Wren must team up with Shin Hati to prevent a spreading darkness threatening to consume the galaxy. To protect all that she loves, Sabine - and Shin - will find themselves pushed to their absolute limits. And, at the journey's end, a final choice looms: one that will require sacrifice beyond either have ever known.
Author's Note: It's a Sabezra story! Promise.
And, finally, a fun story I've been cooking up for some time now:
Sabine Wren x Ezra Bridger
Story Summary: Jedi Knights Sabine Wren and Ezra Bridger are summoned to Mandalore by the Mandalorian, Din Djarin, who has a task that can only be achieved by a Mandalorian Jedi - one that is considered vital to keeping the peace under Duchess Bo-Katan Kryze's rule. For Sabine it is a homecoming long in the making: facing the ghosts of her past . . . and finding a balance between her Mandalorian heritage and the Jedi path she has pledged her life to.
Busy, busy, busy.
See you all down the road.
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Fic Masterlist (Good Omens)
Little Talks
Crowley wakes in the middle of the night to the feeling of being watched.
A brief investigation leads him to the kitchen where God is waiting for him.
Things My Heart Used To Know
Aziraphale always felt like Crowley reminded him of someone.
He's just not sure who that someone is.
One Shots
It's Quiet Uptown
Gabriel hadn't always been this way.
In fact, he used to be very different.
Then again, after the Fall, no one was really the same.
Prequel to Things My Heart Used to Know
The Ties That Bind
Not too long after time began, Aziraphale learned how to braid hair.
Not too long after that, Crowley's hair became his favorite thing to braid.
To Noise Making (Sing)
There had been a time when Aziraphale had loved singing.
Crowley isn't sure why she ever stopped.
Things Unseen
Aziraphale honestly didn't think his time in Hell had affected him that much.
He was wrong.
Flash Flood
Aziraphale Fell on a Sunday afternoon.
The rain started shortly after.
Wait For Me (I Will)
After his Fall from Heaven, Crowley wants nothing more than to return to Aziraphale's side.
Their reunion doesn't go quite the way he'd imagined.
The Principles of Protection
Aziraphale reveals what it really means to be a Principality.
Crowley ends up witnessing it firsthand.
Out of Time
Crowley knew that falling in love with a vampire would have consequences.
He didn't think bleeding out in an alley would be one of them.
Through The Centuries
In order to assist Aziraphale with an assignment, Crowley suggests they pretend to be married.
When the end draws closer, Aziraphale is surprised to find she doesn't want it to end.
A Song of Selkies
All Aziraphale wanted was to go home.
Crowley doesn't understand why he can't.
Rhythm of the Night
Aziraphale and Crowley explore the evolution of fashion at the Moulin Rouge.
Aziraphale dresses up and Crowley loses her mind.
Heart of Ice
The legend of the Snow Queen told a sorrowful tale of a woman whose heart turned to ice upon the loss of her beloved.
The Snow Queen herself has little memory of this person.
Antonia Crowley is intent on helping her remember.
Chaptered Fics
Journey to the Past
Anthony Crowley is searching for the lost heir to the throne of Eden, Prince Aziraphale.
Enter Ezra, a young man with no memory of who he is or where he comes from, but bears a strong resemblance to the missing prince.
A Good Omens/Anastasia AU
Love is a Song That Never Ends
Upon their Creation, every angel was given half of a song.
The other half was given to their soulmate.
A Quiet Place
Once upon a time, a silent angel and an outspoken demon met on a wall.
Over time, they manage to find some common ground.
Trials of the Serpent King Trilogy
The Fallen Prince
The Road to Eden
The Salvation of the King
Ezra Fell had read The Trials of the Serpent King numerous times throughout his lifetime. He could quote nearly every line by heart and owned multiple versions of the entire series, including a recently obtained first edition of The Fallen Prince.
Upon opening the cover, Ezra finds himself within the pages of the book and traveling alongside Anthony J. Crowley, the exiled king of Eden, while he marches the path towards the redemption of his throne.
MythVerse (Hades/Persephone AU)
Spring Flowers, Autumn Leaves
All I've Ever Known
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