#the expanded universe
auditect · 10 months
Who else thinks it would have been cool if Mace Windu had dual-weilded his two lightsabers at some point?
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blue-kyber · 2 years
Something of a spoiler for Yune's past in "Out There: the 1K." When you give your characters a heavy dose of trauma, but also address that by giving them therapy.
This is a side bit and not in the book.
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Felorians are more heavily employed due to their empathic powers, and their ability to see beyond someone's physical body to the person inside. They don't share human taboos, and appearance means very little to them. This is why any felorian going into the psychiatric field is hired for this job regardless of their gender. It doesn't matter. 18 year old Yune in the office of his assigned felorian therapist, Doctor Krenit Lahset.: "I have your word, right, doc?"
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Doctor Krenit Lahset was an unorthadox, relaxed person who wore street clothes to work instead of crisp attire. He felt it made him more disarming along with his mental abilities. His demeanor and personality would be a good compliment to Yune's, which was one of the main reasons why he was assigned this darksider orphan within the first day the kid arrived: "Of course you do. I've been here for you for two years. Everything you say is confidential, Yune, you know that. Nothing leaves this room."
Yune sits on the sofa of the bright, friendly room, with his hands clasped between his knees. “I’ve thought about going back and freeing the others - a lot, actually. But despite how much I hate her for what she made all of us do, how much I despise the way she treated me like her favorite pet, how she had a plan B to keep me there if I got my crystal back, and how much I fantasized about ending her life in a creative number of ways, ...I can’t. I can't free them."
Doctor Lahset listens as his young patient gets up and walks to the window. The sunshine on the major metropolis of Seni doesn't matter to this kid. He can't see it. Right now, he'd willingly stepped into the dark with a tether to Lahset, trusting him to pull him back. Trust... something Yune always had a problem with. This is a major moment in the kid's healing. He had already entrusted him with a number of secrets - including his genetic defect, and the ena crystal he refused to have removed. He sensed a well of guilt and anger ebb and flow within Yune. "Why do you think you can't?"
"Because in the end - in the absolute end of it all - she got us out of that pipeline. The kids I grew up with that got sent to the yards are probably all dead by now. But those of us she enslaved, the few of us she kidnapped off the street and put that damn chip into; her plan B, - sure we faced danger, and some of us didn’t make it - they were caught by Quora Ness Security and sent to the yards anyway, or killed by another criminal group, or ran away and didn't get out of range of the trigger in time to avoid their nervous system being fried - the majority of us are still alive."
They had removed that neurodestabalizing chip a year prior when Yune finally told them about it. That's also when they found the crystal. Doctor Lahset felt that survivor's guilt build in the kid - a common emotion among darksiders. Most of the time, it was in regards to the keth attack thirteen years ago. Yune couldn't remember the attack. His was tied to what he experienced after that. Lahset had been working for two years to break this kid free from the cage he'd made for himself. He continued to listen with his famous felorian patience.
"I can't free them. I got lucky when I got out. Even if I could go back, break down the door, blow the place up into the void, and end that entire operation, it wouldn't matter. We were never wanted to begin with. They have nowhere else to go, and I can't stop the MEC from going after them. If they found out I'm still alive, they'd be after me. They technically still own me for the next two years."
Doctor Lahset knew this, and deliberately refused to report Yune to the MEC like he's supposed to do. He and the other felorian therapists made a pact to never report darksider orphans who came from the MEC run orphanages.
"I can't free them because she was right. She saved our lives. 
Yune's fists and teeth clenched, "And I despise her even more for that.”
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Tag list: @muddshadow @cedar-west @athenixrose @penspiration-writing @runningoutofbooks @tobiornottobithatisthequestion @roll-top-writing @subject-2-change @dreaming-in-seams @mismatchingart @midnights-melodiverse
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valc0 · 12 days
Rogue is Jack
Rogue is the Master
Rogue is a pre-Hartnell doctor
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thelatecaptainpierce · 11 months
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this is comedy
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hyolks · 4 months
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remixing my blonde boys. ed as link and alphonse as the token zelda companion :^)
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gallifreyanhotfive · 1 month
Now, now, we all know that the One Who Waits must be *shuffles a deck of classic and EU character cards and they all go flying everywhere* Shit. Uh. It must be *gathers up cards hastily but they spill out over my fingers* Shit. Shit. I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry. Fucking hell. We all know that the One Who Waits must be *dramatically selects a single card and holds it up for the audience* the Doctor’s Aunt Flavia.
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felsicveins · 5 months
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I think @spooky-circuits 's OC Jackie is adorable so I felt compelled to draw a reunion between her and JD!
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wilygryphon · 10 months
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star-wars-forever · 3 months
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Mara Jade
by @venamis
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ovenproofowl · 2 years
His Dark Materials is a franchise that tackles so many branches of physics and even creates a universe where the main course of study is experimental theology which is all about identifying and explaining dark matter while also adding dimensions to string theory, the multiverse theory, and the very concept of the human soul. At the same time, it aggressively calls out the problem with the state being controlled by the church, how people are condemned for being different and religious fearmongering stops the chance at growth both on an individual and a societal scale. It’s a franchise where the heroes of the story are two children who aren’t allowed to know the prophecy they’re a part of, who save the world unwittingly simply by doing what they believe to be right. Meanwhile, the person who thought he was the hero all along, the person who rallied an army from multiple universes to FIGHT. GOD. HIMSELF. is ultimately consumed by his own ego and forced to take a back seat when he realises he’s just one tiny piece of a much larger story that’s true heart is his own daugher. The child he abandoned, the child he didn’t know or care to know how to look after. It’s a franchise about finding love even when your biological family abandon you, it’s about looking evil in the eye and seeing your own mother, it’s about good and evil not being black and white but instead a complex and cruel mixture of both. It’s about the two worst people you know banding together at the last second to save their daughter with their final breaths. It’s about exploration and learning how to grow through experience, it’s about kindness being shared across the multiverse, exchanging stories with strangers and saving the whole world by doing something perfectly ordinary and receiving no reward.
Oh, and it’s also a franchise rich with fantasy, with giant talking polar bears, witches and ghosts, angels and daemons, and a mammal-like species from another world that travels exclusively on roller skates. 
And it fucking. rocks.
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sweeneydino · 4 months
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Donnie meets Viktor.
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g-h-o-s-t-2000 · 4 months
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I wish you an excellent day
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honey-snap · 5 months
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morganbritton132 · 2 years
I firmly believe that Erica runs for office when she grows up and has the very prestigious title of being the only senator to make her opponent cry during a televised debate. Every time someone tries a ‘gotcha’ moment and brings up that she’s an associate of former fugitive/accused murderer Eddie Munson, she’s just like, “Yeah, what about it?” in a way that you and everybody in the room feel like you’re an idiot.
Eddie, still to this day, refers to her as Lady Applejack even though she hasn’t played that character in decades. Erica refers to him as an idiot (affectionate).
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melbush · 23 days
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this, but it’s eight, fitz and anji
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gallifreyanhotfive · 1 month
Just...the emphasis on the Doctor’s complexity in terms of space and time. The fact that he said he was extradimensional.
They don't often say that part out loud on TV. Most of the content about extradimensional Time Lords is in the expanded universe.
Just...yes. Yes. The Doctor’s not human. He can't even be fully perceived by humans. He's extradimensional. Yes.
Lordieeee, are we eating good right now
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