#the fact that oin and bofur pull bilbo into the middle and they all surround him... you guys.........
el-im · 3 years
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elvish-sky · 3 years
The Temptation of Regality: You’re Here
A.N: I’ve had this idea for a super long time and was so happy to be able to incorporate it into this series! It was so much fun to write, I’ve kinda been adding ideas and working on it for a while and I’m honestly very proud of it. Also- I know I’m absolutely terrible at titles and I’m really trying but it’s just very hard so please don’t hate me for them. Anyways, enjoy!
Word Count: 2,654
Pairings: You know the drill… Thorin x Reader
Warnings: Injury, alcohol/drunkenness
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
You’re Here
You plodded through the trees, only able to summon enough energy to put one foot in front of the other. Thorin was in front of you, and Fili just behind- they wanted to make sure that if you did collapse, someone would catch you. You could feel the growing unease at the slow pace you were setting, and tried to speed up. Instead of complying, your leg gave out and you crumpled to the ground with a groan.
None of this would have been an issue if it wasn’t for the orcs. That morning, several days after departing from Rivendell, you had been foraging for breakfast in a lovely quiet green meadow, when an arrow came whistling through the trees and lodged itself in your leg. Crying out in pain, you had fallen to the ground, helplessly watching as a warg with an orc rider sprung from its perch of a boulder, clearly intent on finishing you off. The orc scrambled down from its seat, drawing a filthy sword with a grin on its face. Drawn by the sound of your cry, thirteen dwarves and a hobbit burst out of the trees, Kili killing the orc with a well-placed arrow (a shot that you couldn’t help but admire, despite your injured state), as Dwalin clashed with the warg, dispatching it with a blow to the neck that sent it right onto the point of Thorin’s sword. Once that had all been dealt with, they sprinted to where the rest of the Company was gathered around you, watching as Oin removed the arrow from your leg and bound the wound.
Given the fact that, as a human, you were larger than everyone else in the group, it would have been very difficult to carry you. Instead, you stubbornly insisted that you were “fine, thank you very much!” and staggered along the path. You had done okay most of the day, only having to stop more often than usual because the blood loss had made you weak. Every time Thorin had called “halt,” you had collapsed to the ground but had managed to rise one it was time to get moving again. At least, every time until now.
“Y/N,” Kili cautioned, “this does not look good.”
“I can tell that, thank you,” you snapped back at him, your pain causing the rudeness. Oin made his way up the line to talk to Thorin.
After a short, whispered conversation, Thorin pronounced “There is a small town just a little bit further ahead. I had planned on bypassing it completely, but Oin says that Y/N will heal much faster if she rests well tonight. We will sleep there tonight and continue our journey tomorrow.”
This was met with sighs of relief from the rest of the company, as everyone had been longing to sleep in a warm bed.
“Y/N, do you think you can make it just a bit further on that leg?” Dori inquired with a concerned look on his face.
“Of course I can.” You proceeded to haul yourself up by Fili’s coat, but once you tried to put weight on the wounded leg it gave out. Again.
“Thorin, I’m so sorry,” you stated apologetically, “I can’t walk. Just leave me here and continue the quest without me.”
“Nonsense, lass!” exclaimed Dwalin, and he, Fili, and Bofur proceeded to pick you up and put you on the makeshift litter they sometimes used for Bilbo or Bombur. Surprised at how comfortable it was even with your wound, you quickly drifted off to sleep.
Waking at the noise once you had reached the town, you gestured to Dwalin, Fili, and Bofur to put the litter down and you attempted to place weight on your leg once again. Refreshed from your nap, it didn’t give out beneath you although it was still painful.
“Where are Thorin, Bilbo, and Gloin?” you asked, noting their absence from the group gathered around you.
“Inside, getting rooms,” answered Nori.
While waiting for their return, you gazed at your surroundings. It looked to be a small village, about the size of Bree. The buildings were worn with age, scratches and dents highlighted by the bright moon above.
This peace was quickly disturbed by the crashing sound of a door opening, and you turned to see Gloin beckoning at the company to come inside. As you did, he told everyone the sleeping arrangements for the night.
“We are in luck, lads!” he exclaimed, and then with a look at you quickly added “and lass!”
“They have several adjoining rooms available, so Bifir, Bofur, and Bombur will have one, Dwalin, Balin, Oin, and myself will share another, Ori, Nori, Dori and Bilbo will have the third, and Fili, Kili, Thorin, and Y/N will share the last.”
This proclamation was met with mixed reactions, but the biggest objection came from Fili. “Y/N has to share with us!? She’s a girl, and she’s injured! Don’t they have any other open rooms?”
“I’m sorry lad,” Gloin apologized, “trust me when I say there really were no other options. Thorin threatened to separate the innkeeper’s head from his body, but they still did not have any other rooms.”
“It’s okay,” you consoled Fili, “I’ll be fine sharing, I can put up a blanket or something. Also, this way I have the three strongest warriors to protect me!” You knew that the best way to get him to calm down was through flattery, and sure enough it worked.
You limped up the stairs alongside everyone else. Gloin and Thorin opened doors as you made you way down the hallway, ushering groups of dwarves into their rooms. Finally, when you, Thorin, and the brothers had reached the end of the creaky floors, he pulled open the last door to reveal a small room. It had four beds, one was on top of another and the other two were placed side-by-side.
“They did not have any single rooms left, and I’d rather have you with us,” Thorin was looking up at you, clearly seeking your agreement. Bemused, you nodded your head in thanks. He had been much kinder to you since Rivendell, and you couldn’t quite figure out why, although you did look back on his reaction to you in that dress fondly.
“I figured we could hang a blanket around the bed on the bottom to give you some privacy,” Thorin explained.
“Good idea, Uncle!” Kili set to work, taking a blanket from his pack and tacking it up. When he finished, he stood to the side for your approval.
“Thank you, Kili, it looks great.” He beamed in satisfaction as you saw Thorin strolling over to another door you hadn’t noticed.
“The real reason we saved this room for the four of us was because…” and he opened the door to reveal a washroom.
“Everyone else has to use the communal ones!” Kili announced.
“Yes. Gloin and I paid the innkeeper a little extra to get this room,” said Thorin. You gave them each a little peck on the cheek in thanks and limped over to the washroom, intending to freshen up and maybe even bathe.
“Have a good time, Y/N,” Fili declared, and the three dwarves left you in peace.
After bathing, you examined your leg, which didn’t look as bad as you had first thought. You were relatively confident that you would be able to walk tomorrow. You dressed in your clean set of clothes, washed by the innkeeper’s wife while you bathed, and made your way downstairs for some food.
You were met with quite the sight. Thorin was hiding under a table, Nori and Bofur were singing along to the music played by Bifir and Gloin on top of said table. Dori, Ori, and Dwalin seemed to be doing some sort of dance next to the table, and Bombur had gotten hold of Nori’s coat and was searching through it for stolen goods. Bilbo seemed to be yelling at Thorin under the table, only making him cower more. Balin and Oin were seated at said table, looking highly amused by the antics.
Bemused, you made your way over to the table where Fili and Kili sat, looking, for once, well-behaved. “What on Middle-Earth is happening to everyone?” you exclaimed, “and why aren’t you two in the center of all the trouble?”
“They all got drunk,” Kili responded, “and we’ve been designated the official sober dwarves for the night.”
“Normally,” Fili added, “we’d be disappointed that we weren’t drinking. But we’re really enjoying this.”
You began to as well, watching your friends make complete fools of themselves. However, you were still a little confused about the antics.
“But why are they all acting so oddly?” you queried of the brothers.
“We haven’t had ale in a while, especially any as strong as this, and none of us are the best at holding our alcohol.” Fili returned.
“We spent a while in Rivendell, and you’re telling me none of you sampled any of their wines?” You were skeptical.
Kili looked sheepish. “Uncle forbid us. Said ‘I do not want you drinking any of the filthy elvish wines.’”
Fili nodded. “Of course, he may have put it a bit more strongly, but that’s the general gist of it.”
“Anyways,” Kili continued, “we’ve come to know what everyone in the company does when drunk, and would like to tell you. Fili, would you begin?”
“Gladly.” Fili took a big swig of water before launching in. “So, Y/N. Thorin gets rather paranoid when drunk, and I believe he currently thinks that most of the people in this room are assassins. Sadly, he is also a timid drunk and therefore will not confront them, which is probably best. Nori, Bifir, Bofur, and Gloin get very musical when drunk, and Nori also gets rather remorseful which is probably how Bombur got a hold of his coat.”
Kili picked up the explanation as Fili paused for a bite of food, “Dori, Ori, and Dwalin get rather overconfident, which explains the absolutely terrible dancing. And we’ve never seen Bilbo drunk before, but he seems to get rather angry.” With that the brothers sat back in their chairs, waiting for your reaction.
Which, sensibly, was to let your head crash onto the table. “This is going to be a long night.”
“Oh, you have no idea.” Fili was starting to look rather worried himself.
Much later, you sat at the table with the boys, watching the room descend further into madness.
“Should we round them up?” They both nodded, and with a sigh the three of you stood.
“I’ll get Balin and Oin to help, they don’t look too bad.” You gave Fili a glance of approval before making your way into the throng.
Figuring that maybe if you got the leader under control, everyone else would calm down, you crawled under the table, wincing as you felt your wound flare up with pain, to see Thorin, curled into a ball with Bilbo kneeling next to him.
“And that’s another thing!” The hobbit was pretty much yelling. “Handkerchiefs are essential to a hobbit’s daily life! In forcing me to leave mine behind you have deprived me of my well-being…” At this point you tuned him out, focusing on the king.
“What?!” He snapped at you.
“Would you mind heading upstairs? It’s late.”
“Why should I do what you tell me? I’ve been taking orders this whole quest with no one stopping for just a second to think about what I fe-”
“I hear there may be handkerchiefs upstairs.”
“Oh,” he looked thoughtful, “alright then.” And without further ado the hobbit left.
“Thorin?” You placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.
He started. “Y/N? Why are you here?” And then his face darkened. “Have you come to kill me too, like Bilbo was?”
You couldn’t help but laugh at him “Unless our burglar was planning to talk you to death, I think we’re good. And no, Thorin, I’m not going to murder you.”
He looked at you, suspicion plainly written across his face. “Are you sure?”
“Of course, you silly dwarf,” you shook your head at him fondly, “now let’s head upstairs.”
You grabbed his hand, only now noticing the lack of noise from the room around you. Emerging from under the table, you saw only a few people left. Balin and Oin were still sitting, this time at a different table, and Balin threw a wink at you as you appeared, dwarf in tow. Blushing, you shook your head madly at him, seeing his mouth curve up in a smile under the white beard. Rolling your eyes as he and Oin raised tankards in your direction, you began to tow Thorin up the stairs.
Reaching the landing, you staggered as he leaned on you heavily. You weren’t sure if your leg could take the extra weight, it was already throbbing, so you grabbed him by the armpit, trying to support yourself and not make him fall. You failed, and you crashed to the ground, limbs tangled with those of the king.
Your fall had been rather noisy, and Fili and Kili came bursting out of your room at the end of the hall. They started laughing once they saw your predicament, but still made their way down the hall to help. Fili grabbed his uncle and hauled him up, slinging an arm across his shoulder. They staggered back, and you laughed at the sight of the nephew helping his taller uncle. Then you thought about what it must have looked like with you trying to help Thorin, and laughed even more.
Kili helped you stand, and stood still as you leaned on him, trying to find your balance. Once you had, he started slowly walking so that your hopping leg could keep up. Fed up with this about halfway down the hall, he scooped you up and carried you the rest of the way with no trouble despite the fact that you were much taller. Reaching the doorway, he shouldered it open and deposited you in the chair you directed him to right next to Thorin’s bed.
You giggled to see the king sprawled out on his bed, eyes closed. He didn’t look very regal, but it was just such an endearing sight. Reaching over, you pulled the blanket over him, tucking it in around his shoulders. You brushed a strand of hair out of his face, starting in surprise as his eyes opened and a hand shot out to grab your wrist.
“Amrâlimê (my love).” His voice was rough.
You heard twin gasps from across the room, and turned to see Fili and Kili sneaking out.
“We’ll just leave you two alone now.” Kili winked at you before shutting the door behind him.
“Amrâlimê.” Thorin’s voice was more insistent this time, and you looked at him to see his face lit up with earnesty.
“I’m glad you’re here.”
You smiled at his words. “Me too, Thorin. Me too.” You started to stroke his face, fingertips tracing the line of his beard as his eyes fluttered closed, breathing growing deeper. You smiled at him as your eyelids began to grow heavy. You fully intended to make your way over to your own bed, but, too tired to think about standing, you let your head fall onto Thorin’s chest, slumping across him as you drifted off to sleep.
Fili and Kili peered around the door to see you collapsed over their uncle, both fast asleep. Kili made to go move you to your bed, but Fili stopped him, grabbing his arm.
“Leave them be.”
Kili caught onto his brother’s plan, and stepped back. “Let’s leave these two in peace and go see if Bilbo and the Ri brothers have any spare room.”
Fili nodded, and the two quickly grabbed their bedding and packs before slipping out the door, Fili sneaking one last fond glance at the two sleeping figures before silently shutting the door.
Everything tag 💞: @entishramblings @itgetsatadhazy @boyruins @anjhope1
Series Tag: @bitter-sweet-farmgirl @moony-artnstuff @whiskeywinter89 @beakami @sassyscribbler @yes-captainstark
Thorin tag: @lathalea
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babygirlkiki1016 · 3 years
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Chapter 1: The company
Chapter 2: The Journey Begins
I pulled the rope, fastening my bag to one of the ponies. I didn't speak to anyone the next morning, besides no one was going to try to talk to me anyway. The company would only speak to their kin, and as I passed by heading to the front of the line I was given dirty looks. Except for Kili, he smiled and waved but his brother shoved his arm down, scolding him for even looking my way. I sighed and walked past some more dwarves, and each scowl gave me a funny feeling in my heart. I couldn't understand what it was, but it hurt deeply, like knives to my soul.
"Y/n." Gandalf greeted me with a smile, letting me pass by. "Once we're out of the shire, you will scout ahead and report anything back to us." He leaned down slightly, so I could only hear. "We're also making a bet on if Bilbo is coming, wish to participate?" I looked towards the rest, they all seemed to be having fun. The talk of the Hobbit showing up again brought them entertainment.
"No, we're heading into a dark path Gandalf. If I were to partake in their silly affairs I'd only ruin the fun." He groaned, standing up straight to get on his horse.
"You know, it won't hurt to have a little bit of fun. You'll be riding with Thorin, for now, being in the front will give you the advantage to take in your surroundings." He was right, in the front of the line I would be able to listen to the woods, there was something dark out there. Something will be following us, I don't know what, but whatever it is it's not good.
"Are you sure he's alright with the idea of me riding with him?" He grimaced at the question, I should have figured Thorin wasn't going to accept it.
"He's not happy, just don't antagonize him and you'll be alright." My very presence puts him on edge, speaking of the devil he came up behind me with those blue orbs piercing into mine. He didn't say a word to me, he just climbed onto his pony looking ahead. Hesitantly I go to climb on but his hand stretched out, he was waiting for me to take it.
"Hurry up we don't have all day." He growled, quickly I pulled myself on and sat in front of him. I gasped at his warmth, it felt nice with his chest against my back. "Lead." His gruff voice made me shiver, I kicked the pony lightly and she went off. We made our way down the path, passing multiple Hobbits that were nearby. One was a child, a small girl about half the size of me. She waved with a wide grin, I couldn't help but wave back eagerly. It's been a while since I've seen children, my kind barely has any men around. The cold blast killed most of our soldiers who were men, so not a lot of children are born these days. Let's just hope those reports will save my people, and we can have a fresh start with alliances. "So, does all of your kind have wings like yours?" His question surprised me, he wanted to know more about my kin? Why? Was he planning for war?
"Why do you want to know? Are you planning to kill us all already?"
"I am just curious about your race, I haven't heard much about it. From the tales my grandfather and father told me, most don't have wings unless they're born with it."
"Hm." I knew all about their race, and the fact that he wanted to know more about mine intrigued me. "Some have wings, it depends on if you have a certain gene in your blood."
"How big is your homeland?"
"It was huge, bigger than the city of Erebor. Yet where we live now, is small considering your kind took our home." I snarled, he took a deep breath, probably to calm himself. His hands then gripped my cloak, and he pulled me against his chest roughly.
"I suggest you don't annoy me, for I won't be responsible for what happens to you on this trip." He was threatening me, I bet if we were attacked he'd leave me for dead.
"And I suggest you let go of me, I won't kill you but I think you'll be fine with a few fingers missing." I turned my head to face him, he was extremely close, our noses almost touching. Reluctantly he leaned back slightly, releasing me from his hold.
"I can't wait to reclaim my homeland, then I'll have you out of my sight. I won't have to deal with your kind anymore, your murderers. I don't know what Gandalf was thinking."
"He was thinking, that your weak, too weak to take down a dragon. If you want me to help you, I recommend you be friendly for I can easily leave you behind. I'll find a way into that mountain myself, so watch your words Thorin Oakenshield." He went to protest but was interrupted by shouting, it was Bilbo running from the entrance of the shire. We were in the middle of the woods now, I pull on the reigns to stop from going any further. Bilbo ran towards us, waving the contract in his hand, panting heavily.
"I signed it." He exclaims, panting heavily as he handed the contract to Balin. Balin pulls out a monocle to check the paper. It looked like Bilbo had brought everything from home with him.
"Everything appears to be in order. Welcome, Master Baggins, to the company of Thorin Oakenshield." Balin smiles, and surprisingly it didn't disappear when his eyes met mine. The warm smile made me happy, didn't he hear the rumors people had spread about my kind? Why was he so nice to me?
"Give him a pony," Thorin ordered, nudging me to keep going which I obey.
"No, no, no, no. That-That won’t be necessary. Thank you. I’m sure I can keep up on foot. Yeah, I’ve done my fair share of walking holidays, you know? Even got as far as Frog Morton once." Bilbo refuses, but they didn't listen to his cries. Suddenly two of the dwarves grab hold of his arms, pick him up, and placed him directly on Minty. As we all rode along in the woods, I could hear the dwarves talking to each other.
"Come on, Nori! Pay up!" Oin demanded, the sound of coins clinking together reached my ears.
"The rest of the dwarves took gambles on if Mr. Baggins would show," Thorin explained, however, I already knew this due to Gandalf.
"What about you Thorin? Did you participate?" I said looking at him, he shook his head laughing slightly.
"I don't participate in silly affairs, though if I did I would've guessed he wouldn't have come." I can see how that's true, sometimes people just don't want to leave home. They'd rather stay in their safe comfy beds, and I was one of them. "You seem deep in thought." My cheeks turned red as I realized I had been staring at him the entire time.
"I'm alright." Clearing my throat awkwardly only to hear Bilbo shouting about something else.
"Uh-wait, wait. Stop! Stop! We have to turn around." Thorin groaned and I slowed the pony down, waiting to hear Bilbo's excuse.
"What on earth is the matter?" Gandalf wondered, he was riding a larger horse than the rest of us.
"I forgot my handkerchief." We can't just stop and go back because of some handkerchief, it would only be a waste of time.
"Here! Use this." Bofur rips off a bit of cloth from his robe and throws it to Bilbo, who looks at it with disgust.
"Move on!" Thorin announces, and I continue down the path of our journey. Later that night, we stopped by the entrance of a small cave. I slept close to the edge of the entrance, my wings keeping me warm and hidden from the others. That's when I heard shuffling behind me, it was Thorin setting down his sleeping bag.
"Did you miss me already?" I joked, making him roll his eyes annoyed.
"One of us has to watch you, you might try and kill us in our sleep." I just turned back around, curling back up into a small ball. It was colder outside than I expected, I should've brought warmer clothes. I shivered as a gust of wind blew our way, it took a while for me to fall asleep. The cold wasn't helping me at all, but I finally managed to sleep into unconsciousness. That is until I woke up to howls, not just any normal howls, wargs. I sat up, searching the area, getting ready to strike if I had to. The orcs were far off into the distance but I saw them, I could feel the evilness radiating off of them.
"You think that’s funny? You think a night raid by orcs is a joke?" Thorin yelled making me turn to him, he stood up abruptly, his fur coat missing. That's when I realized it was on me, he had laid his coat on me to keep me warm but why? What was his reason for being kind to me?
"We didn’t mean anything by it," Kili stated, looking down at the ground in shame.
"No, you didn’t. You know nothing of the world." Thorin angrily walks off, I had an urge to go try and cheer him up. He did give me his coat, after all, I could at least do something nice. Slowly I made my way over to him, he hadn't sensed my presence yet.
"Thorin?" I called letting out a small yawn. He didn't face me, instead, he kept his gaze pit on the horizon.
"Go away." He ordered but I refused to listen, my feet made their way next to him. He scowled at me, but said nothing else, he only just crossed his arms. His hand caught my attention, it was bigger than most, his fingers were twice the size of mine. Without thinking I tugged on it, making his eyes avert to me. I placed my hand against him, comparing the sizes. "Y/n?" He mutters, wondering what I was up to.
"Your hands, they're so much bigger than mine. For such tiny men, you certainly have large fingers, it's fascinating." I looked up at him, his eyes widened at my comment. "You know as a child I used to wonder what the tiny men of our world looked like, I tried to learn everything about dwarves that I could. My kingdom's library had multiple books about your culture, I have to admit it was interesting to learn about your courting styles."
"You know of our courting ritual?"
"Of course, I know everything about each race. I was a very strange child at that age, yet one question remained unanswered. Why do dwarves keep their hair long?" He smiled at my curiosity, those deep blue ocean eyes stared at me in adoration. Though those furious eyes returned, and he angrily pulled his hand away.
"You shouldn't be asking questions about courting, it's not as if anyone would marry your kind anyway." He lifted his hand, glaring at it in disgust. "Now I have to wash away the filth you have spread upon me." My heart broke a little as if a piece had shred from the flesh. As he stormed off I wondered what ran through his mind, he was the sweet innocent man a few seconds ago. What made him irritated with me? Thorin went back to the place we had been sleeping, and he grabbed his cloak moving to the other side of the camp. Each dwarf turned their head my way, and only three of them grinned at me.
"I'll keep watch," I spoke as I returned to my make-shift bed. It would be better if I stayed away from the others, at least that's not what Kili thought. Cause a few seconds later he plopped down right next to me. "What are you doing? Won't the others scold you for sitting next to me?"
"Who cares, they can argue all they want. No one should be alone, I'll keep watch with you." My heart swelled at his kindness, why was he being so nice to me? Did he believe me than those foolish rumors the others had heard? He frowned slightly, he was serious now. "Are you ok Y/n?"
"Of course, why wouldn't I be? I've dealt with stubborn dwarves before believe me. Their rudeness hardly bothers me anymore." I lied, staring down at my hands. How could this world think such cruel thoughts about my kind, why did Thror have to lie about us? Kili placed his hand on mine to try and calm me, and lightly he caressed it with his thumb.
"You know not all of us hate you, me, Balin, and my brother Fili we know the truth. I told my brother what you told me, and he sort of believes it. You don't seem like the angry ravaging digonisks we've heard about, and besides the reports in those mountains is evidence that your kin is innocent. Speaking of Balin however, he wanted me to tell you that when you get a chance he wishes to speak with you." I glanced over the white-haired dwarf who gave me a small smile. I wonder what he wants to talk to me about? Maybe his politeness was just a ruse to kill me in secret, what if Kili is doing the same? Ever since I've joined the company I haven't thought of the consequences, I treat them as if they're normal men. I have to be more careful if I am to get to the mountain. "You know you should probably get some sleep, we'll need those wings again."
"No, they're orcs not far, they're watching us. I need to be awake just in case they decide to come our way. I appreciate the gesture, sleep Kili, you and your kin are the most important people here after all." He opened his mouth to protest, but kept quiet and snuggled up in his bed. I kept my eyes on the frontier, watching as the orcs scattered away but I knew they would be back, they always come back.
The harsh wind blasted against me, the building fell apart from the ice that covered the bricks. Shouts were heard from all over, but the only I could focus on was my mother's. My legs hurt bad, but her condition was worse, there was an ice shard in her side. It no longer looked like liquid water, instead, it was nothing but a melting ice block of blood.
"Mommy!" I reached out for her, my hand reaching out to try and save her from the man that stood close. His sword was raised ready to strike, and that's when I saw his face. Thorin Oakenshield, the leader of our company.
"Die filth!" His sword came crashing down hard, and as it decapitated her head I shot up. My chest beating fast, it was just a dream, just a dream. Most dwarves were asleep, the only one awake was Kili who was taking over my shift. I had fallen asleep, how could have been so stupid? He could've hurt me, or worse slaughtered me like the rest of my family. My body trembled as he came close to me, worry showing in his brown eyes.
"Kili stay back!" I warned, he raised his hands as a symbol of peace.
"I won't hurt you, I promise...are you alright?" I was shaking violently, and it wasn't because of the wind that blew our way. "Are you cold? Here." He sheds his cloak going to hand it to me but I shake my head.
"N-Nightmare." That was all I managed to get out, he dropped the piece of clothing on the floor and slowly made his way over showing that he had no weapons. When he was close enough he wrapped his arms around me, making me gasp. I didn't hug back, for I was waiting for any sign that this wasn't a nice gesture. It didn't come, he just pulled me closer, and I have to admit the hug was very helpful. I listened to his breathing, and eventually, it helped my heart stop beating at a rapid speed. He smelled of sweat and pine wood, surprisingly it was a soothing smell.
"Want to talk about it?" He whispered, pulling back to look at me as his thumb rubbed softly against my skin as a way to calm me down.
"No, it was just a silly dream. It's not as if you would care anyhow."
"I do care, and just in case another agonizing fantasy comes across your mind I'll sit right here. So if you do have another nightmare I'll be here to help." He gently pulled me into his side, which I hesitantly accepted, and soon I went senseless, succumbing to the darkness.
For the next few days when I wasn't flying above them to keep watch, I rode with Thorin. The more we rode together, the more he didn't mind it. Soon it was like second nature to him, and every morning when it was time to leave he would hold out his hand to help me on the pony. Although he was extra grumpy today as we continued our journey in the woods while riding in the torrential rain.
"Here, Mr. Gandalf? Can’t you do something about this deluge?" Dori begged, but to no avail, nothing could be done. Well at least for them, considering I was a dragon slayer and immune to fire. One of my abilities was magic, and that magic included creating ablaze. I felt Thorin shiver from behind me, and I felt bad. I never did thank him for letting me use his cloak the other night.
"Thorin take the reigns," I ordered, turning around on the horse, immediately he grabbed the reigns as I let go.
"What on earth do you think your doing woman?" He growled, his eyes piercing into my own. Resting a hand upon his chest, he blushed slightly at the contact I used just a little bit of my charms to summon some heat. "What curse are you putting on me? Get your filthy hands off of me!"
"It's not a curse, it's a spell to keep you warm you ass. Now hold still or I just might burn you." He growled and lifted his head to try and see in front of him, I wasn't that tall. After a few seconds of straining his neck to see, he eventually rested his chin on the top of my head lightly. "I'm not your headrest you know."
"Well, I can't see around your thick skull."
"It's not that big! I'm shorter than you!"
"Shorter, but your head is certainly wider. Are you sure you have a brain in there?" I burned him slightly, making him wince.
"Keep talking 'Oh great one' and see where it gets you. Your lucky I'm even giving you warmth, I could just keep it all to myself." I returned the heat to normal and leaned my head on his chest. His breathing went rigid for a second, then slowed down but his heartbeat sped up.
"...What other powers do you have?" He asked, moving closer to my hand to get warmer. I slipped it down to his side, making him jump. "Watch it."
"Other than fire, I have a vast amount of strength. I could rip a tree out of the ground, second I can fly at fast speeds while spreading my wings. Soldiers with wings are called our airborne army, they attack from above and can kill dragons a lot easier. Last but not least, only the royal line can take on the form of a dragon. At least we used to, The Power of The Black Dragon was lost long ago. It is passed down from generation to generation, but the Queen with the ability died along with it." My mother, just a year before my coronation to take on my birthright was gravely injured from the frozen blast caused by men. She passed away, I never got to tell her that I loved her. The last thing I ever said to her was 'I'm scared'. Though I will never forget her last words, 'don't take revenge.'
"How many more are there?"
"Once there were millions of us, and now because of people like you, there is only 1,000. I hope your happy, cause soon we'll be extinct."
"No, cause soon you'll get those reports. And you'll show the world the mistake we caused." He whispered, his comment made my heart swoon. Had he said what I thought he had confessed?
"Thank you." It was all I could say, I felt him smile as he wrapped his arms tightly around me. He was trying to keep me warm like I was doing to him, perhaps he's not like the monster from my dreams.
@fili-is-my-lover @kirenia15 @lunariasilver @depressedchilipepper
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Fall Abrât
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Holy buckets its been awhile since I’ve posted a chapter of ADM!!  Enjoy!
Part 31 of ‘A Deep Misunderstanding’.  Link to Series Masterlist.
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@kumqu4t​​ @pixierox101​​ @elvish-sky​​ @ladylouoflothlorien​ @vicmackeybullshxt @lothloriien​ @shadowhuntyi @hellonogblogstuff​​
OC(s) Used: Estel
Word Count:  2,583
Warning(s): Language
Translation(s): Fall Abrât: Skin changer
Ishkh khakfê andu null: Pour my excrement on his head
Muin nin: My dear
The howl of a Warg woke me out of a sound sleep and I jerked upright, looking around wildly.  The night was eerily quiet around me as I scanned my surroundings.  Something was wrong.
I reached out to shake Thorin awake, but my hand came into contact with air.  Whipping my head to the right to look over at Thorin's bed-roll, I was horrified to find it empty.
For the love of Valinor, I was dreaming again, wasn't I?
My pulse picked up in anticipation of the calamity that was sure to come.  It always did.
Extending my hand, I placed it on the ground where Thorin would have been sleeping beside me, trying to discern how long he had been gone.  
Only the faintest hint of heat lingered, meaning that he had been gone for more than just a few minutes.  
The high-pitched canine yelping of several Wargs filled the air and I sucked in a deep breath.  Getting quickly to my feet, I snatched up my scabbard and drew out one of my daggers; the silver blade shining brightly in the pale glow of the moon.
Walking carefully towards where the rest of the Company ought to be sleeping, I prayed that I would find them there.  But the cold, heavy weight of dread refused to leave the pit of my stomach.  
If this was a dream, I wouldn't find them there.  
"Fili?  Kili?  Dwalin?  Bilbo?"  I called out softly into the silence, grass rustling beneath my boots as I crept carefully across the expanse of the meadow.  "Ori?  Bofur?  Bombur?  Gloin?  Oin?"  I shook my head in amusement at my own foolishness.  Oin was quite deaf and would never hear my hushed whisper.  "Nori?  Dori?  Bifur? Balin?"
But to my complete and utter horror, I found only empty bedrolls.  My heart began to pound in earnest as I turned in a circle to look at the abandoned blankets.  
Well, that explained the silence then.  I had grown used to the sound of loudly snoring Dwarves, so it was no surprise that I had woken up at the lack of such noise.  Particularly since my husband--such an unfamiliar word to call Thorin by--was undoubtedly the loudest of them all.
"Thorin?"  I whispered tremulously as my body began to tremble with the massive adrenaline rush I was experiencing.  "Anyone?"
Faint rustling caught my attention and I spun around to see an unfamiliar figure striding purposefully in my direction.  Dropping down quickly to avoid being seen, I silently moved into a position suitable for attack.
Whoever they were, they were certainly not very quiet, nor calm.  There was an urgency about them that struck me as strange.  
And they were heading straight past the bedrolls of the Company towards where Thorin and I had slept.  
Tensing, I waited for them to draw just a bit nearer so that I could jump them and get my blade to their throat.
One more second and I pounced, grabbing a fistful of hair in one hand and yanking their head back as I pressed my blade to their neck.  My victim let out a grunt of pain, their warm, broad hands clamping down on the wrist of the hand holding the dagger.
"Estel, Amrâlimê.  It's just me.  Thorin."  Thorin rasped out, and I quickly dropped my dagger and let go of his hair.  
"Thorin!  I thought you were someone else!  Where did everyone else go?  Where did YOU go?"  I asked, and Thorin made a shushing noise.
"Shh, Estel.  We need to be quiet.  There's a Warg pack on our trail.  And the burglar spotted a fell beast not too far away.  We need to move."  Thorin explained in a low whisper, leading me towards our bedrolls and beginning to pack them up.  "The wizard says there is a place where we will be safe not far away."  
As he talked, the other members of the Company slowly trickled back from wherever they had gone and began the quiet, rushed process of breaking camp.  
Fear hung over us like a dark cloud; no one bothering to mention its presence in an effort to keep the calm.  There was something else about the fell beast that they weren't mentioning, which made me wonder if that would come back to bite me in the arse.
That was normally the way things went.
"Estel!  RUN!"  Thorin bellowed as we burst out of the forest and into a flowering meadow lit by the blazing sun.  "And for the love of Mahal, don't you dare trip over something!"  
My legs pistoned rapidly as I kept pace right behind Fili, who was in the lead of the group.  Some little part of me resented Thorin's unnecessary worry over my speed, particularly due to the fact that he was currently near the back of the group.  That and his little comment over my clumsiness stung a bit.
Something large burst through the trees behind us, and I shot a glance over my shoulder.  What I saw sent another burst of adrenaline through my veins.  "YOU DIDN'T MENTION THAT IT WAS A BLOODY GIANT BEAR!!"  I screamed in terror to nobody in particular, putting on an extra burst of speed so that I ran side-by-side with my blond-haired nephew.  
Eru, it was strange to call him that.
"This way!"  Gandalf called again as we reached the outer wall of whatever this place was.  "Quickly!"
There wasn't much need for his words as the sight of the fell beast had inspired us all to run faster.  Particularly Bombur; there was something to be said about the Dwarves natural sprinting abilities.
We all streamed into the courtyard, making a bee-line towards the door of the colossal house that stood in the middle.  Fili rammed his shoulder into the door with the expectation that it would open, only to find that it unfortunately did not.  
Bombur then ran full-on into the heavy wooden planks and fell back from the impact.  I tried to shove at the door with Fili, but was met only with solid resistance from it.  
Panic began to spread through me as the bear drew closer and closer, bellowing and roaring dreadfully.  
Gandalf and Thorin remained at the back of the group, watching anxiously as the bear continued to gain ground on us while we remained unable to escape.  "Open the door!"  Gandalf called, and  was met with the grunts of the Dwarrows as they exerted their strength against the door.
"Quickly!"  Thorin bellowed after Gandalf's command; pushing his way through the Company up to the door.  Reaching up over his head, he flipped back the bar of wood holding the door firmly shut that had somehow escaped our attention.
His eyes met mine as the doors opened and everyone fell into the doorway.  Grabbing me by my shoulders, he shoved me inside and out of the way as the fell beast came charging up to the door.  
Stumbling back, I watched breathlessly as a giant, slavering snout tried to force the doors open.  The Dwarves clustered around the door in an attempt to hold the beast back from entering the dwelling we sought refuge in, grunting with the effort of it all.
"Hold the door!"  Thorin called as his arms strained against the roughhewn planks of the door; the cords in his neck tightening and straining outwards as his biceps bunched powerfully underneath his skin.  
Sweet Yavanna, it was enough to make a lass drool.  At least, if I wasn't worried for his life.
Fili and Kili panted beside him, jaws clenched and faces contorted with their efforts to hold back the fell beast.  Dwalin pushed on the other door that the beast had stopped from closing, straining to gain even an inch.  "Come on lads!"  He grunted, and a final combined heave had the door slamming shut.  Dwalin quickly threw down the bar to bolt the two heavy doors shut, and everyone drew a relieved breath.
Kili shook back his dark hair and shot his brother a tired grin, ignoring the way his Uncle narrowly missed colliding with him as Thorin turned towards me.
Blue eyes roved over my body, finally landing on my face as Thorin reached my side.  "Are you alright, Estel?"  Thorin asked, concern lacing his words as he took my hand in his.  
I shook my head with a relieved smile.  "Yes, Thorin.  Just tired.  And you are uninjured?"  I prodded with a firm look, unwilling to allow Thorin to brush aside any sort of injury.
"Aye, Amrâlimê.  Just as tired as you, Karkith."  He replied, brushing calloused fingertips across my cheek.  
I returned his tired smile with one of my own before turning my attention to the conversation Gandalf was having with Ori and Dori.  
"--and that would be our host."
I shot Thorin a confused look as he watched Gandalf with a dark gaze.  
"His name is Beorn, he's a skin-changer.  Sometimes he's a huge black bear," I let out a scoff, disbelief of Gandalf's choice of words overriding my awe over the knowledge that we were in the house of a skin-changer.  Huge, really.  Colossal would be a better word.  "Sometimes he's a great strong man.  The bear is unpredictable, but the man can be reasoned with.  However, he is not over fond of Dwarves."  
"Then why are we here in the home of an enemy?"  I heard Thorin mumble under his breath as he wrapped a protective arm around me.  "Blasted wizard can go ishkh khakfê andu null..."
Suddenly, before I could comment on Thorin's foul language, the fell beast outside ceased to shake the timbres of the door, prompting us all to look over in that direction.  Slowly, the snuffling and growling faded away.
"He's leaving," Ori murmured, his ear pressed close to the door.  Dori ran up to his younger brother and pulled him away from the doorway.  
"Come away from there!  It's not natural, none of it.  It's obvious, he's under some dark spell."  The elder Dwarrow chastised.
"Don't be a fool," Gandalf muttered, "he's under no enchantment but his own."  Looking around, Gandalf removed his hat.  "Alright now, get some sleep all of you.  You'll be safe here tonight."
There was something else he muttered as he looked out the window towards the forest, but I didn't catch it.  
Looking around to gaze at my surroundings for the first time since I had set foot into this giant house, I was awed by the size of everything.  I felt as though I had been transported back to my childhood days when everything was oversized.
Then I spotted the animals.  A soft gasp of delight rose in my throat to meet the air and I extricated myself from the arm Thorin had looped around me, walking quickly towards the goats and cattle that stood calmly chewing their cud.
Slowing my pace so as not to startle the magnificent creatures, I looked up into the soft brown eyes of a shaggy-haired cow that stared placidly back at me; mouth moving rhythmically.  
"Hello lass..."  I whispered, reaching out a hand to gently stroke the surprisingly soft hair of the cow's forelock.  "You are a beautiful girl..."  
The cow leaned into my hand, extending her neck to sniff curiously at my clothing before unfurling her long, coarse tongue to do an experimental taste.
I laughed, pressing gently against her jaw to push her away.  "Sorry lass, I'm afraid I don't taste very good."  I chuckled, glancing over my shoulder to look at Thorin as he walked up behind me.  
"Making any new friends?"  He teased, and I shot him a grin.
"Maybe."  I winked, making Thorin grin back.
As I looked at Thorin, I caught sight of something over his broad shoulder that made my eyes widen in disbelief.  Thorin took in this sudden shift in my demeanor with concern.  "Estel?  What's wron--"
I pushed past him and strode over to stand in front of the short-statured pony that seemed to be darker than midnight itself.  Holding out my hand--palm up--I let the beautiful beast take in my scent.  Then, as it gently nuzzled my palm, I stroked a hand down its neck, reveling in the soft texture of the pony's coat beneath my fingertips.
"Hello, beautiful."  I whispered in awe, looking into the unusual light blue eyes of the pony.  "You are gorgeous.  Never have I met a beast as fair as you."  
"Have you found a replacement for me already, Amrâlimê?"  Thorin asked from behind me, and I turned to look at him with shining eyes.
"Perhaps, Thorin."  I responded in jest, and Thorin smiled as he looked the pony over with a careful eye.
"He looks to be a fine pony.  But I wouldn't know, I am no expert."  He said, stepping closer to stroke the pony's nose.  "I take it you are fond of ponies?"
I smiled bashfully at the straw-covered floor.  "Fond is an understatement.  I adore the creatures.  And 'he' is actually a 'she'."  I pointed out, and Thorin chuckled.
"She looks to be a fine pony then.  Do you have the same ways with ponies as the Elves seem to have with other animals?"  
"To some extent.  I can't speak with them, or really understand them.  The best I can do is rely on their body language."  I explained, running a hand across the back of the mare.  "Thorin?"
"Yes, Estel?"
I turned to look into Thorin's questioning eyes, "do you think that someday I could have a pony of my own?"
A slow smile grew on Thorin's face as he looked at me; a slow baritone laugh filling the air around us.  "Estel, once we reclaim Erebor and rebuild it, you may have as many ponies as you desire."  He chuckled, watching as I stared incredulously at him.
"Really?"  I asked excitedly, and he nodded.  A devilish grin began to wind its way across my face then.  "You may come to regret your words, Muin nín."
We passed a few more hours exploring Beorn's house before I finally felt the tendrils of sleep reach for me.  Even though we were several hours into the night, the adrenaline rush I had experienced while running from the skin-changer had only just worn off.
Yawning widely, I blinked wearily, wondering just where I might bed down.  There had been a nook where Beorn obviously slept--although it looked as though it hadn't been used in many months--but I was too short to clamber up into it.
"Amrâlimê," Thorin's deep rumble brought my tired gaze to rest on his features.  "Over here."
Mindlessly following him to a pile of straw, I watched as he motioned for me to lay down.  Obeying, I curled up in the comfortable--if vaguely itchy--yellow stalks, blinking sleepily up at Thorin as he draped a blanket over me before settling down beside me.
Yawning again, I rested my head against his chest and closed my eyes.  "You know, it's nice to have a roof over our heads for once.  No drafts or unknown noises to disturb our sleep when we're inside."  I mumbled wearily, making Thorin laugh softly in agreement; his chest rumbling comfortably beneath my head.
"Aye, Ezzi, it is."  He murmured softly, running a hand slowly up and down my back; the motion lulling me into the sleep that was already pursuing me relentlessly.
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