#the fact that they've been in the same town since the 20's makes it even better
roughly6500bees · 5 years
Can I just say that the Psychic Rats bit from this isn't normal is the best bit to come out of anything ever
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jtrokujo · 4 years
𝕵𝖚𝖘𝖙 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕿𝖜𝖔 𝕺𝖋 𝖀𝖘
✩。: * • .───── ❁ ❁ ─────. • * :。 ✩
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word count: 1.6k
Like every morning, the big line of glasses is waiting for his girlfriend, but the two youngsters have no plans to go to school because it's the weekend, no, they enjoy their togetherness for all times.
Even if the two have known each other for a long time, that doesn't mean they've been together that long.
For the two of them, it was unimaginable to be in a relationship with the other, but things always happen and change.
Anyone who has asked the respective person about this relationship has long since forgotten because they apparently did not / do not care.
Back to the present.
Tsukishima looked annoyed at the clock on his cell phone and sighed in annoyance, he can't be delayed, even if it's 3 minutes.
It is not rare or common for his girlfriend to be late.
He actually prefers to pick her up instead of waiting for her, not only so that she can hurry up, but also so that she can meet her boyfriend carefree without any bad ulterior motives or any nuisance.
Well that's one of the reasons he hates being late, but he didn't tell his girlfriend about that fact himself.
Because of this particular incident with his brother, he has a strong weakness to trust someone or to trust someone, there are moments when he trusts his girlfriend, sometimes not, it mainly just depends.
But as a good friend, she shows understanding for him, she is too fond of him.
She knows his problems, his fears and the insecurities that almost eat him up, but she still knows the good side that she doesn't see every day, but better than never.
Like, for example, his love for her, his interests in the dinosaurs or his good tutoring when the two do their homework together.
Trapped in thought, someone took him out of it, or rather, something.
The boy's cell phone rang loudly, his heart pounding and he answered the call "Tsuki, where are you?" his girlfriend asked in amazement and tried to ignore the anger.
"In front of our favorite bakery, the question is more where are you, (Y / N) I've been waiting for more than 10 minutes and the weather is not very pleasant at the moment."
"Tsuki, we had agreed that we would meet in front of the museum, that you were present for our last conversation, I knew, but if you went straight into your own world, you have been really so bad in the last few days."
"(Y / N)?" Tsukishima said in a normal tone, "Yes?" she said, however, surprised that he speaks so calmly.
"Didn't we agree that if we'd only go to the museum right after we ate a piece of cake and went for a walk, because it only opens at 2 p.m. and now it's only 10:27 a.m."
"I'll be there in 5 minutes." was the only thing his girlfriend could say hung up as quickly as possible.
Yes, this behavior of his girlfriend wasn't seen every day, but he gets along reasonably well with it.
Of course there are moments or even days when he can lose his last nerve and there have been moments when he insults his girlfriend even though it is not his intention.
Fortunately, however, she knows him too well that she sometimes understands him, but only sometimes.
The one time she showed no understanding was when he was training again with his team and since Hinata was again better than usual, it annoyed him so much that he took all his anger and frustration out on his girlfriend, which caused her ignored him for almost a week.
Back to the present, holding hands, the couple are on their way to coffee.
The fingers are folded together, the wind blows stronger and stronger every second, but if you think that such weather could ruin their mood, you are one-sidedly wrong.
Once there, the two ordered a hot cocoa and a small cake, (Y / N) should already choose a place while Tsukishima delivers the delicacies with a tray.
They talked about their interests and what movie to watch tonight.
While walking around town, Tsukishima looked at his wristwatch that his girlfriend gave him and said, "The museum will open in about 20 minutes."
The friends who make (Y / N) s face shine cannot be overlooked.
Of course, she doesn't really like the museum because she's not really interested, but she knows too well that he likes the dinosaurs that she talked him into going on a date at the museum without any problems.
But he wanted the two to spend more time together, that is to say;
The coffee, the walk and the night at his house had been all his idea.
In the museum, the friend looked at a dinosaur, or rather a Gallimimus.
"What is it, Tsuki?" she asked him and shows it on the Gallimimus. "
From A to Z, her friend explained every information he knows about the Gallimimus.
"They were also a kind of group like wolves, but from the dinosaur genus of the Ornithomimosauria during the Theropoda. They lived for the most part in East Asia. Furthermore, as you can see, they were not small, they were 4 and 6 meters high and weighed up to to an example of 200 kg. "
"You seem to know your way around this, don't you?"
"Because I can." he said roughly, but grabbed his girlfriend's hand and said like a little boy, "Come on, you have to see the others first." and pulled her right after you with you.
Back at home, the couple meets Tsukishima's brother.
He sighed annoyed and skilfully ignored him, but greeted him out of sheer politeness.
They have known each other for a long time, which is why they have an appropriate relationship.
In other words, a friendship.
You talk now and then.
However, their friendship does not belong in the level where you occasionally write to each other, make phone calls or go to town together.
But that's probably a good thing before Tsukishima gets the last nerve.
Tsukishima is not the kind of friend you ask if you can go out with this person or if he is having trouble going out with this person, knowing other people's passwords or reading through chats.
They know each other too well and also trust what is important in a relationship and therefore find this behavior strange from other couples, because, as I said, trust is part of a relationship.
When he got to his room, Tsukishima took his pajamas and said to his girlfriend "I'm going to get changed in the bathroom, okay?"
She nodded and answered him and also took her pajamas out of her pocket and changed a little faster than usual.
Finished dressed, she stuffed the clothes she was still wearing into her pocket and then put it down.
"Are you ready?" it came out the door.
"Yes I am, can come in."
The door opened and you not only saw Tsukishima in his pajamas, but he also held a small tray with (Y / N) 's favorite sweets.
But not only that, but also a small box.
The friend quickly got up to help her friend "Let me help you." and wanted to grab the tray right away, but Tsukishima pointed to his clothes, which is between his forearm and waist.
"Do you already know which film to watch and how." Tsukishima asked his girlfriend.
"No, I thought you would decide because I was 'allowed' to do it last time." she said and put his clothes where they belong.
"I would prefer if my dwarf would choose a movie." replied Tsukishima and set the tray down on his bed.
"Aww, since when was such a tsuki?" provoked (Y / N) Tsukishima and came a few steps towards him, while at the same time she looked at him gourmet.
Annoyed, he sobbed with his tongue - held a hand on her face and gently pushed her away from him.
He then gave his remote control to his girlfriend and finally said, "Come sit down and choose a movie."
And thus also knocked on the bed.
About half an hour has passed.
While (Y / N) stares obsessively at the screen and slowly eats the candy, Tsukishima secretly observed his girlfriend and the small box.
Breathing deeply, he said her name, while she turned and looked at him, "Is something?" she asked worriedly.
"No, it works. You remember when we were in town about a week ago, there was this shop. It had this chain that impressed you, so I made up my mind yesterday ..." without finishing his sentence he made it to his girlfriend.
She opened the box nervously.
The necklace that (Y / N) wanted, she got from her boyfriend as a present.
She just stared at it with no comments like, 'I want this.' 'Can you get it for me?' or something else, maybe he knows (Y / N) just too well.
He took the chain and asked "May I?"
"(Y / N) turned so he could tie the necklace together," What for, Tsuki? Have you ever seen the price? "She asked him and from now on ignored the film being played.
"When I saw the price, I wasn't too thrilled, but I just had to remember you being pretty amazed as a dwarf, so it wasn't too bad to spend my money."
The tray put away, the television switched off and the blanket over the couple's bodies, they slept cuddled up.
The two of them will not get rid of this event so quickly.
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god-save-the-keen · 5 years
Luke Danes, the most perfect man, propmt list!
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1. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm great. It's big, fat, happy sunshine day for me."
2. "Name, are you a gigolo?"
3. "Ever worry that if a bird flies into your head it might never get out?"
4. "My life meant nothing until you used my toothbrush."
5. "Will you just stand still?" *Kiss her/him*
6. "Name, this thing we're doing here, me, you, I'm in. I am all in."
7. "And it's so good to have someone to share this hate with."
8. "Are trying to kill me?" *Losing his/her patience.*
9. "I just like to see you happy."
10. "When you make plans, then you have expectations, and when you have expectations, they… you will get disappointed."
11. "You know my father always told me that whatever does not kill you makes you stronger." "You're gonna be really strong."
12. "Have you seen Name1 or Name2?" "No, but have you tried the insane asylum, where everyone in this room is supposed to be."
13. "On the verge of blubbering here." "Not doing too well myself." "Not you, too." "I'm blubbering. You're freaks!"
14. "Name, what is it exactly that you want me to do? I'm not mad, I'm not holding a grudge, I heard your apology, I feel I'm being polite, I listened to your donut bit, I got you your coffee. What would make you happy?"
15. "Go to hell!" "Right back at ya!"
16. "You ate that?" "No, I didn't eat it!" "Oh, of course." "I'm upset not suicidal!"
17. "He's systematically buying up the town. He's gonna turn it into Nameville, where everyone will have to wear cardigans and have the same grass height!"
18. *About a messy room* "I'm having nightmares where I'm being chased by boxes with arms and they tackle me and throw clothes on top of me and secure it with masking tape and while I'm lying there, you're standing in the corner laughing putting gel in your hair!"
19. "You know what?" "What?" "This is nice."
20. "We should have eaten before we came." "Shh! And, yeah."
21. "Name1, this is Name2. She/He owns the Independence Inn." "Oh." "That's "hello, nice to meet you" in slacker."
22. "So are you going to act?" "Yes, I am. I'm going to act like you never came in here."
23. "That's it, gets upstairs and change." "Whatever you say, Uncle/Aunt Name." "It's Name. Just Name. Mister Name. In fact, don't address me at all!"
24. "You're really just gonna stand there and watch me eat a Danish?" "Cable's out. I'm starved for entertainment."
25. "Me? Raising a kid? I don't even like kids. They're always sticky like they've got jam on their hands. Even if there's no jam in the house, somehow, they've always got jam on their hands! I'm not the right guy to deal with that. I have no patience for jam hands!"
26. "That's what you want?" "Yes." "That's really what you want?" "Yes!" "You got it." "Thank you!" "You're welcome!" *As they cross over a bridge, Person1 pushes Person 2 into the water.*
27. "Can I ask you stupid questions?" "There's no such thing." *Frustrated* "How does the ink come out of pens?!" "Okay, there is such a thing."
28. "I think you can hack anything."
29. "I guess if you can find that one person, you know, who's willing to put up with all your crap and doesn't want to change you or dress you, or you know, make you eat French food, then marriage can be all right...but that's only if you find that person."
30. "Crazy people. The whole town should be medicated and put in a rec room with ping-pong tables and hand puppets."
31. "Doesn't matter what time it is. I'll always be around."
32. "I warned him/her. I warned him/her when I first met him/her, if he hurt her/him...Ah. Maybe I could key his/her car." "Better yet. Key Name1's car and tell him/her Name2 did it."
33. "Get away from me you mental patient!"
34. "Is this bothering you?" "This conversation? Yes."
35. "I hate that he/she's pleased."
36. "Hamsters can't laugh." "Oh, this one laughed - trust me."
37. "Your mother called me an idiot."
38. "C'mon, you gotta think positive here. Bright side, good thoughts. Rainbows, unicorns. *slowing down* Clowns. *Pause* Little ... cute ... *Longer pause*... furry ... *Giving up* Okay, I'm out."
39. "I can't imagine anyone seeing you as a disappointment."
40. "That's the wrong table." "Since when is there a right table?" "Since the coffee cake I baked for you and the stupid balloons I blew up for you are at that table over there."
41. "Will you marry me?" "What?!" "Just...looking for something to shut you up."
42. "This is not an herbal tea morning. This is a coffee morning." "Every morning for you is a coffee morning."
43. "It's like my life isn't even real to me, unless you're there, and you're in it, and I'm sharing it with you."
44. "I never thought in my wildest dreams that it would happen, that you and me would happen. But we did it."
45. "Don’t add stuff from your to do list to my to do list."
46. "You wanted something festive." "You made me a Santa burger." "It's not a big deal."
47. "The only way out of this life is in a body bag."
48. "Listen, I know I'm not the easiest guy/girl in the world to build a life with and to share a house with, but there is no one who will be more here for you than me. I will never leave. I will never think about leaving."
49. "You won't have to hear my opinion on anything ever again, okay?" "Oh, don't tease."
50. "The things you find amusing astound me sometimes."
51. "Wow, I feel important." "You are important."
52. "Last time you gathered up some of my stuff, you accidentally brought me four bras/brief and no pants." "That could've been intentional."
53. "God, that's terrible! It's like drinking 'My little pony'!"
54. "We kissed." "I remember." "It was a great kiss." "Yeah." "So you concur?" "Dear god, yes."
55. "All you need is six dancing penguins and Mary Poppins floating in the corner--" "--to bring back two of the worst hours of my childhood!"
56. "An ice rink? How did this happen?" "Jack Frost brought it." "Did he look like Name Lastname?" "A little. Not as handsome/gorgeous."
57. "Your slave is here." "And where's the french maid outfit?" "I've got it under the plaid."
58. "You kept this in your wallet." "Eight years."
59. *Awkwardly grabbing the another person's head* "I'm not good at hugging."
60. "I'm prepared to jump up and down if necessary."
61. "I can be a movie guy/girl. You like movies."
62. "You're watching me watch the movie. It's creepy."
63. "I shouldn't have gotten into a business that involves dealing with people."
64. "It just my favorite time of the year. The whole world changes color." "I think I'm blacking out."
65. "Keeping tabs on me?" "Always safer to know which direction the tornado's coming from "
66. "Fresh coffee will be ready in a minute unless you want to just roll up a dollar bill and go nuts."
67. "What the hell was that?"
68. "The only bright side of my day is being asked to be a prostitute." "That's something to cling to."
69. "What? Relationships? Look who you're asking."
70. "You enjoy typing to people more than talking to them?"
Use it, shared them, ask for a request, have fun! ❣️
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ashraful090 · 4 years
The 60 Best Watches for Men 2020
The Esquire editors pick their favourite new and upcoming watches from big Swiss brands and under-the-radar newbies.The Esquire editors pick their favourite new and upcoming watches, including launches from Breitling, Audemars Piguet, Omega and Cartier.So named after the British explorer who discovered New Zealand, Rado's Captain Cook was first brought to life in the Sixties, and not aboard the ships of ponytailed colonists. And now, the archival piece is available in the enduring case material du jour – bronze – with a punchy forest green dial.
It's another set of features that sets the dive watch apart, and one that'll keep the Captain Cook in the good books: upon its release, Rado's dive watch was largely seen as one of the best in class. That hasn't changed much. And now, you can even get it on a Nato strap..It is a crying shame that Tag Heuer's Monaco – a watch that paid homage to the race track of Le Mans – was decommissioned for around 20 years. But following a re-release in 1998, it's slowly become one of the marque's marquee pieces. In 2020, they've managed to improve it still.
As part of a trio that made slight amendments to the current Monaco model, a black dial on black leather is as close to dress watch territory as a racing watch can park and better yet, the in-house Heuer 02 movement has enough juice for over 80 hours of action.Once upon a time, the industry wasn't centred in Switzerland. American manufacturing had a stake in the watch business too, rigging small town Main Street aesthetics with big impressive movements. Hamilton was at the forefront.
Now, it's re-released a 1968 archival piece for 2020. It's got impressive Swiss innards these days, yes, but in terms of what's on the outside, very little has changed. And that's a good thing. For all the opulence and extravagance of a diamond-laden automatic from the Jura, there's as much charm in an 'aw shucks' midwestern sensibility.A Rolex on the wrist is a serious investment. And thus, a serious watch. Though for all the commanding Wall Street presence of a big Day-Date, the industry's biggest marque is releasing watches that are a bit fun, a little bit more playful – watches just like the new Oyster Perpetual 36.
Quietly released just a few months ago, a tangerine dial on stainless steel is the off-duty Rolex collectors have long dreamt about, and better yet, it's no solo act: the Oyster Perpetual 36 sits within a larger collection of five watches in shades of candyfloss pink, forest green, sky blue and blood red.A Lange & Söhne is a connoisseur's watch brand. That's why it uses terms like 'rattrapante', confident that its clientele will know that it refers to a double chronograph that can record multiple time intervals at the same time. Taken from the French for 'catch up', it's a proper horologist's complication, the driving watch equivalent of a 600bhp V8 under the bonnet. And in the skilful hands of A Lange & Söhne, a piece of practical watchmaking becomes pure artistry, courtesy of a gold alloy that's said to be "considerably harder than platinum". We'll take their word for that.Without the deep blue sea, Oris wouldn't be able to make its big bold dive watches. And as such, the Swiss marque has a good habit of giving back to subaqueous charities. For its latest gesture: the Oris Hangang Limited Edition.
Released in tandem with the Korea Foundation for Environmental Movement, the Hangang Limited Edition siphons a section of its profits to a clean-up operation on the river of the same name – South Korea's second longest in fact. The piece is also as good as its intentions, with an automatic movement powering an emerald dial (inspired by the creeks of the Hangang's source) with an engraved caseback depicting the river's path across Korea.As one of the oldest watch marques in the whole wide world (if not the oldest, but that's up for debate), Vacheron Constantin is on the top shelf of Swiss watches. That's because they're known for wholly classic, hi-spec pieces. But that doesn't mean they're averse to New Things, though.
Case in point: the Overseas Self-Winding in pink gold. While previously gilding other models in rose gold, pink gold is defined by a smaller copper content, giving it a lighter blush and a subtle newness to the Overseas model. Factor in an impressive movement too (the splendid in-house caliber 5100) and here's a watch that plays to the well-worn strengths of Vacheron Constantin.
Apple Cyber Week deals: MacBook, Apple Watch, AirPods, more
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Apple Watch May Gain Breakthrough Health Feature, Patent Hints
Apple Watch Series 6 measures blood oxygen levels - will a future model monitor blood pressure, too? ... [+]
Since the first Apple Watch was launched, health and fitness have been front-and-center. So, the latest patents suggest a whole new capability may be about to be added: continuous blood pressure monitoring.
MORE FROM FORBESApple Reveals Its Highly-Anticipated Apple Watch Upgrade Is Almost HereBy David Phelan
Two patents have just been made public, as seen on Patently Apple, which indicate that Apple is working on adding this to the raft of features already on its smartwatches. The latest model, Apple Watch Series 6, measures blood oxygen level and can look out for atrial fibrillation and take an ECG reading. Several Apple Watches alert users if their heart rate is unusually high or low, offer sleep tracking and have a neat stress-reduction app called Breathe.
So, blood pressure monitoring would be a great next step. It wouldn’t quite be a first – Samsung has this feature in some of its smartwatches, but it has yet to be deployed conveniently or widely and requires calibration using a separate, standalone blood pressure monitor on a monthly basis.
The new arrivals are what are called continuation patents, which means the new ones are related to previous blood pressure monitoring patents which date as far back as 2014. In other words, Apple has been investigating this for quite some time.
The titles are, as is usual with this kind of thing, really catchy: "Electrical Coupling of Pulse Transit Time (PTT) Measurement System to Heart for Blood Pressure Measurement." Sounds like a real page-turner, no?
Some details of how the blood pressure monitoring might work on a future Apple Watch.
The purpose of the patents is more interesting, including a focus on providing a continuous measurement in a non-invasive way, though the patents also suggest that two sensors will be required, only one of which would be the Apple Watch, with the other described merely as an electrode. The two together would be used so they are “processing the voltage levels to detect when a volume of blood is ejected from the left ventricle; processing output from a pulse arrival sensor coupled to the wrist-worn device to detect when a blood pressure pulse generated by ejection of the volume of blood from the left ventricle arrives at the wrist; calculating a pulse transit time (PTT) for transit of the blood pressure pulse from the left ventricle to the wrist; and determining one or more blood pressure values for the subject based on the PTT.”
All clear?
Well, that’s the point of these patents, to reveal enough for Apple to own the innovation without pinning things down too much.
MORE FROM FORBESApple Watch Series 7 To Have Innovative Features, Upgraded Design, Insider SaysBy David Phelan
Will the final feature, if it ever comes to fruition, involve multiple sensors, or could it, like the ECG feature in the Apple Watch, simply require a circle to be completed by the user touching a sensor in the digital crown with one hand while the sensor on the back of the Watch makes contact with the opposite arm?
The fact that Apple is considering multiple sensors reveals that this is a more complex operation going on here.
When will we see blood pressure monitoring in the Apple Watch? As with all patent applications, it’s impossible to say when, or even if, it will develop into a Watch feature.
But the fact that Apple has been working on patents in this area since 2014 tells you it’s put considerable resources into making it happen and the time could indicate that it will be in an Apple Watch sooner rather than later. As soon as Apple Watch Series 7, expected next Fall? Watch this space.
Follow me on Instagram by clicking here: davidphelantech and Twitter: @davidphelan2009
MORE FROM FORBESApple MacBook Air 2020 Review: Really, Who Needs The Pro?By David Phelan
The best Cyber Monday Apple Watch deals still available include $50 off the Series 6 and $20 off the SE
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• Cyber Monday 2020 Apple deals are still live, bringing some of the best prices of the year for highly coveted tech products like Apple Watches and AirPods.
• The $400 Apple Watch Series 6, released in September 2020, is $50 off at Amazon, Best Buy, Walmart and Target, while the $280 Apple Watch SE is down $20.
• Stores are offering deals on older Apple Watches, too, including $100 to $200 off the Apple Watch Series 5 at Best Buy, and $50 off the Apple Watch Series 3 at Target.
• Here are the best Cyber Monday deals we're tracking across the internet, all-day, every day.
The Apple Watch is the top smartwatch for iPhone users, combining heath and fitness tracking features with style and design. The latest wearrable tech can be expensive, but Cyber Monday has delivered deals on the newly released Apple Watch Series 6, along with older Apple Watch models, at multiple retailers.
Amazon, Best Buy, Walmart, and Target have been offering discounts of $50 to $200 off the Apple Watch since Thanksgiving and Black Friday , and Cyber Monday might be the last chance to claim these deals during the 2020 holiday season.
If you're not sure which Apple Watch is best for you, we've broken down the features for each model in our Apple Watch buying guide, and reviewed each model separately. Business Insider's Apple reporter Lisa Eadiccio said the $280 Apple Watch SE is the best choice for most prospective buyers.
It's important to note that some color options and sizes have varying deals. We try to point out the best deals, but a color or size option you want may not be as low.
Apple's top $400 Series 6 model with all the bells and whistles is getting a $50 discount at the moment. It includes a fast processor inside and a new blood-oxygen sensor. This measures SpO2 levels to track your overall respiratory and cardiac health alongside the usual array of health and fitness tracking sensors and features.
You can read our full Apple Watch Series 6 review here.
If you're willing to buy a slightly older Apple Watch model for a deep discount, Best Buy is offering $100 off the standard Apple Watch Series 5 (now $329) and $200 off the version that uses mobile data (now $449).
The Series 5 is a model that Apple doesn't sell anymore, but it's still a great buy if you can get it for less than the Series 6. It's similar to the cheaper Apple Watch SE, but with an always-on display and advanced health capabilities like ECG monitoring that the SE doesn't.
But, you can easily argue that you don't really need the Series 5 or Series 4, as the more recent Apple Watch SE has similar specs and features, and its $280 retail price is already lower. Add in the $20 off deal we're seeing right now for Cyber Monday, and the SE becomes even more tempting.
You can read our full Apple Watch SE review here.
The Apple Watch SE is the perfect blend of features and affordability. This recently released Apple Watch is selling for $20 less than its usual price — which was already a bargain for all it offers.
And, if you're avoiding big price tags and looking for the core Apple Watch experience, the Apple Watch Series 3 will suit most people just fine. For a $200 retail price, it's already a good option for budget-conscious buyers. An extra $50 off sweetens the deal even further.
You can read our full Apple Watch Series 3 review here.
The Apple Watch Series 3 in aluminum is the perfect blend of style and functionality for an excellent price.
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jdumblr · 7 years
I don't know if this will qualify in your realm of ask and you can ignore if it doesn't. So here goes my ask. Some were saying that Jensen's tbt IG posting of him and Danneel (the November 2nd one) was actually done by her on his IG. What are you thoughts on the subject? Especially since she responded so quickly after he posted the picture.
Dear Anon,
Thank you for your question. I indeed wanted to talk aboutthis subject, as I don’t think most people understood what Jensen and D didwith that post and comment. See, in order to understand the reason behind what they did, I will have to go back a week before that. Please, bear with me.
Timeline of J2 Slander — Reasons & Damage Control
Wed, Oct 26th  — Supernatural Episode 2
The episode causes a major rift in Fandom. And by Fandom Imean The Only Fandom that exists: Sam & Dean fans. Never in all my 12 yearsof being a SPN fan have I ever seen such uproar; so many people screaming theirdissatisfaction with storyline, character erasure, character being dumbed down to jumpstart the spin-off.  However,instead of uniting for a common complain, what we saw were BiBros, SamStans,DeanStans fighting each other. Nobody was happy. That was the episode that broke fandom.
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Sat, Oct 28th,NOLA Con — D at the Vendor’s Area
D sets up a Family Business Beer Co stand and sells merch at the vendor’s area.Fans line up to talk to her. Some TinHats are attackedfor wanting to meet her, and Hets and Hellers team up to bully them. Here’ssomething you need to understand about Hellers: they love the wives because intheir twisted logic, the wives invalidate TinHats/J2 and anything that could upsetus is game for them. Raise your hand you whose TinHat tweet/post was neverbashed by a minion.
Eventually, things evolve to an attempt to starta witch hunt.
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Sun, Oct 29th,NOLA Con — J2 Panels
During the J2 Gold Panel, a questionabout pick up lines prompts a joke that the entire fandom had heard from J2before and no one had ever batted an eye (timestamp: 20:21).
In the Afternoon Panel, J2 are asked whatlead roles in SPN, other than Sam & Dean, they’d choose to play.
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What follows is the longest M*sha/C*stiel shade ever thrownby Jared and Jensen, individually or combined—see for yourself those 3 fullminutes (timestamp: 10:12 to 13:02):
Once again, I’ve never seen J2 throw such enormous shade, Iguess it speaks volumes about how fed up they are with M*isha. You can see in thevideo the immediate reaction from Hellers booing Jared, who started the shade.
Now think with me: who’s the one Hellers most want out ofthe way because of their nonexistent ship? Jared. The two situations have onething in common: Jared. He was the one to mention the chloroform joke, and hewas the one to initiate and continue the M*sha/C*stiel shade. Now tell mewho Hellers were most pissed at? Jared.
You think I’m exaggerating?  Here’s some foodfor thought.
Mon, Oct 31st— pseudo-article trashing J2
A wannabe author from a blog where literally anyone could bea part of, makes an unabashedly Heller post, accusing J2 of making a rapistjoke. To back up their allegations that “fandom was dragging J2” theyunsurprisingly add caps of D*estiel accounts. No agenda at all, as you can see.
[Let’s go back to the Sunday events for a minute. J2 bashedM*sha, Jared was the one starting the shade, Jared is the one they hate, Jaredwas the who told the chloroform joke this time around. Now tell me if thatwasn’t the reason behind that “article”?]
J2 fans lash on the blog’s account for tweeting the “article” and thetweet get deleted, but not the article.
Side note: Jaredattends 1 or 2 Halloween parties in Vancouver and takes pictureswith half the town’s population. Curiously enough, he was alone, no costume anddressed as if he had been dining outand decided to drop by. Oh, wait…
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Tue, Nov 1st— T*een V*gue reposts article
What could have well been stopped by CW/J2’s reps on Monday, gets the unexpected and undeserved traction: a bigger, more accredited,teen-oriented website reposts the pseudo-article. No facts were checked, no oneapproached J2 for a statement and guess what? The same H*ellers’ caps werepresent; it was a mere copy of the previous article.
The damage is done and more websites publish the same storywith slight variations but none of them favors or approaches J2 for a statement.The articles get reposted outside of the US.
The slander shocks J2 Shippers, TinHats and Hets who,unexpectedly, unite in at least three hashtags to show their love and supportfor Jared & Jensen:
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J2 Fans flood the websites that posted the slander with commentspointing out all the good things the Js have done for fans, Mental HealthAwareness, charities, etc. During these 48h of slander, I didn’t seeone single website or accredited institution show their support for J2, exceptfor Attitudesin Reverse.
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Not a single peep from J2 co-stars, production, nothingexcept for the one you’d least expect: Mart Pellegrino posts a simple andhonest tweetpraising J2:
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J2 Fans retweet and thank him for being the onlycast member/peer who dared support J2. It seems that the only ones mature enough to be honest and recognize that Supernatural only is what it is becauseof J2, are Mark Pellegrino and Mark Sheppard.
Nov 2nd —J2 issue a statement
Reps for both Jared and Jensen issue combined statementsaffirming they do not condone rape and the subject apparently dies down.
J2 Fans speculate whether this incident will cause Jared andJensen to share less on Con panels. Some even fear the possibility the boysmight eventually cut down the number of Cons.
Jensen post a pictureof him and D
Contrary to what Jensen had been doing until now, he poststwo different caps, one for his IGAccount and another slightly different one on Twitterwith an added “❤ u”:
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The picture is apparently cozy, once they’re sorta hugging. However,some point out how weird the picture is with her half smile and peace sign, andhis closed off face. Does that scream couple to you?  …
As you well pointed out, Anon, D quickly replieswith more information about the #tbt picture: they were at Cabo, they were meeting the parents andthey’ve been together for 11 years and going strong. 
Eleven years?? Come again? Oh, wait, she’s justdoing her job, I mean, Jensen was the one who started that 11 years story,precisely in Oct 26th 2007, at an interview he gave for TV Guidetitled UpClose with Supernatural’s Jensen Ackles: Part 2:
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So, one year before that 2007 interview, when they filmed TenInch Hero. How convenient.
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Check out the whole story at Anna’s blog.
How interesting that he managed to “hide” his one-yearrelationship from anyone, right?
The funny thing is that apart from that statement he rarely,if ever, mentioned the amount of years they've been together. The only time that comes to mind was at Kelly & Ryan.
Well, Anon, all this ridiculously long post to conclude thatJensen and D were only using social media to take the focus off of the eventsfrom the previous days. Did you see how many RTs/Likes both his posts had?
Twitter: 4.5K RTs/ 36K Likes
IG: 632K Likes/ 3,905 comments(as of today)
Did you see the hets and Hellers swooning over their love?
Jensen did what had to be done to change the focus and giveFandom something else to talk about. BUT much like his mentor Kim Manners wouldsay, ‘give them what they want in a way they don’t expect.’ Jensen did postsomething for PR purposes but on his owns terms. Just look at his face on thepicture he chose to represent how much he loves D.
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Bonus: Jensen low key liked Mark’s tweet.
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