#the fastest block of my life omg
freshnprincely · 1 year
My ex just like some of my posts 🤢🤢🤢 I forgot he even had/used tumblr
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draftmare · 2 years
Sydney and I moved barns on Saturday. With everything going on this year (new well, fiancé moving in and having to make some big purchases to make life more comfortable for both of us, and now planning a wedding) getting Sydney home is now so far on the back burner I’m not sure it’s even on the stove any more. When I was clearing land, buying things, and making plans last Fall, I knew that an engagement was coming, however I hadn’t really thought through the money aspect of “OMG now we have to plan a wedding! And your lease is up in February so probably move you in to my house!” So, I decided that if I couldn’t have her at home I really wanted to be in a dressage program where I could pursue some of my more serious goals, like, you know, finishing that pesky Bronze Medal I keep talking about but making no progress towards.
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Move went as smoothly as it could possibly go. Sydney was reunited with a former pasture-mate. I think they remembered each other because they have quickly become friends again over the fence (this barn does individual turnout). When they were last together Sydney still towered over this horse, and while Sydney is standing slightly lower in this picture, holy cow has this horse grown and matured.
Sunday I went out and lunged her. I had hoped to ride, but I also knew that Sydney tends to get a little unsettled the first week at a new barn. I know it’s totally normal for any horse, but I almost feel like her PSSM makes it worse… Sunday she was very unhappy about being taken away from her new found friend, so for the sake of self preservation I lunged her instead. She showed me some very sound looking (but unasked for) canter on the lunge. 😂
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Yesterday I had the day off, so in the early afternoon I went out to the barn. I knew that nobody would be there, and had braced myself for another day of possibly only being able to lunge again. Thankfully while still being anxious about being taken away from her friends, she was overall more settled so I decided to ride. The first few minutes were definitely tense, but I had come prepared with mounting block cookies and one rein stop cookies, haha! After doing several laps of absolute fastest power walk possible, she settled back to normal Sydney.
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This barn is so pristinely clean. I have low key anxiety about leaving even a spec of dirt in the barn aisle when I am getting ready to leave. I have never seen a cleaner barn. They do have a spot to groom, but I noticed that everybody tacks up and grooms in their stall, so I have been doing the same.
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I rode her in her not-Micklem bridle yesterday, and I think I am going to put her back in her Micklem for our next ride. She just seems so much steadier in the bridle in her Micklem, I just can’t seem to get over how gross the leather is. It’s so stiff to work with, even after extensive conditioning. Sigh.
We are still only doing walk/trot, but vet has told us to increase from one ride and one lunge a week to four rides a week. Last week…or two weeks ago…time has been weird lately, Sydney had a little bit of a meltdown and slid backwards, but after discussing it with the vet we weren’t sure if it was PSSM related or related to her current injury. The PSSM was a valid concern, considering she should really be getting worked 4-5 days a week to keep that managed. So, this week is our first week of four rides a week to see how things go. New barn offers either a magnawave session a week, or a lesson week as part of board, and since we are still not cleared to canter, we are going to go with the magnawave, broken up into two sessions. Our first one is tonight.
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theshelbyclan · 3 years
Castle in the Sky
Summary: You’re the daydreaming sibling of the Shelby’s, but when the adventure spills over into real life, it’s not as great as you’d imagined
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(Gif by @nofckingfighting​) A/N: A sweet anon requested: can I have request please Something like this Tommy was very protective over y/n and she gets hurt by one of the bad guys and sees blood on her face now all bruised but Tommy wants revenge Omg if you do so thank you so much for my request! ❤️ Huge fan of your works!This is set around season 1, back in the good old days when the only real enemy was Billy Kimber, remember those days? So easy… anyways, hope you like it J Words: 2933 ***
You were only nine when you started as a bookie’s runner for the Peaky Blinders. Nothing about this was special, half the kids of Small Heath worked for them, but there was just one difference: the Shelby’s were your brothers. It was a good job in many ways, because it meant not only being able to help your brothers, but people were inclined to give you a bit extra, just for being a Shelby. You imagined they thought it good luck.
“Y/N, take this to the other side of town, will you?” Tommy requested as he sat hunched over a newspaper. You protested a little, “Why me? I’ve done all of mine for today…” “This one’s extra, alright?” “Who is it?” you could never hide your inquisitive nature. But you only showed it around your brothers; to the rest of the world you were just quiet and practically invisible. He smirked slightly, “Someone who’ll pay up big. That’s why I need you to do it. Can’t trust any of the other kids not to steal…” “I have some homework to do, Tommy.” At thirteen, you were still at school, which was a minor miracle in Birmingham. “Tell you what: if you just do this one job, I’ll get you magazine you’ve been talking about, eh?” now he looked up and met your eyes. “Book, Tommy,” you smiled, “You might have heard of the concept? It’s a little like a magazine, a little like that newspaper, but with more pages? Some find it challenging, but once you get used to it…” “Alright, little miss know-it-all,” he grumbled without malice, “Go on, take the slip, make sure he bets all. Off with you. Stop outsmarting your old brother, eh?” He winked to make sure you were comfortable and you returned it with a big grin. “Where?” “Digbeth,” Tommy’s nose was back in the newspaper, “behind the Golden Dragon.” ***
As you were walking through the streets of Small Heath on your way to Digbeth, you were daydreaming. In a way it was strange just how different you were from your brothers, because the entire Shelby clan was very realistic, trying to make their way in this hard world, where you would rather pretend all day you were the main character in some story. The books you read, it was all an escape to you. So while you were walking, the people and factories disappeared. In your head, you were walking through the woods, on a secret mission that your king gave you. With the top-priority letter in your pocket, you remembered what he’d told you before you left: “If you get caught, eat the letter. If they capture you, make sure to be brave and never divulge its contents to anyone. And if all else fails, you must make the ultimate sacrifice. But remember, you have to memorize the contents of the letter first…” Wouldn’t it just be easier to memorize it now and destroy the letter immediately? You pondered on the matter… In the distance, you could see the mountains and the towers of another kingdom, and you knew your enemies were near. Without anyone noticing, you put a hand to your pocket and could feel the reassuring rustling of paper underneath your fingers: the letter was still there. If it would come to a fight, how would you go about it? If there were just one man, the small dagger in your boots would suffice. If it were two, you’d distract one, maybe by throwing the veil you were wearing, quickly turning around to kill the other and then back to the first one before he had time to recover. If there were more than three, you’d run, because you were the fastest after all. You’d get to higher ground and attack them from there, like a deadly shadow they could never see coming. As you smiled to yourself, you left the daydream for a short moment. You looked down and saw the muddy shoes you were wearing, marching through Birmingham mud. In the distance, all you saw was smoke and factory pipes. But it was honestly all you needed: your imagination did the rest. The real world barged in when you delivered the slip in Digbeth. Everything went smoothly at first. Your big brown eyes persuaded him to indeed bet big, and you were quite satisfied with yourself, knowing Tommy would be too. But you still had to walk back with a lot of money now in your pocket.
*** Almost home, there were only a few streets to go. Your head was back in the clouds and this time you were imagining you were a spy during the war. Silently, you moved through the streets, making yourself invisible and pretending every man wearing a hat was the enemy. So each time you saw one, you changed directions or hid for a second. It was a fun game, until you realised the enemy wasn’t wearing a hat. “Now, what’s a pretty girl like you doing on the streets, all by herself?” A man with a heavy Cockney accent popped up next to you and your heart nearly jumped out of your chest. You opened your mouth to reply, but no words came out. In your dreams, you always knew what to say, but in reality it wasn’t so easy. The man approached you and you noticed he’d cut you off from your one exit out of the alley, “It’s Y/N Shelby, isn’t it,” he grinned. “No,” you managed to say, “you got the wrong girl.” He grinned again, “Nice try, sweetheart. We’ve seen you at the Garrison. They don’t allow little girls at the pub, unless they’re a Shelby.” This was all true. You felt your hands getting clammy. “Tommy sent you, didn’t he?” Again, you tried to remember what the hero in your stories would do. She’d run, climb the building and then throw a knife right between the eyes of the man. Or she’d say something clever, just to distract him, and then turn around and escape when he least expected it. He took another few steps forward and you could smell him now, a smell of strange smoke and the river, “Do you know who I am?” Nailed to the ground, you shook your head. “I work for Mr. Billy Kimber. Ever heard of him?” You turned to see if you could escape, but then realised the other side of the alley was blocked by two more men. Neither of them were wearing hats. Cold sweat of fear ran down your back. The man in front of you started laughing, “There’s no running, sweetheart. Just give it to me.” At once you realised he was referring to the money in your pocket, but for Tommy’s sake, you wanted at least to try to be brave, “I don’t have anything.” He sighed, “Don’t play with me. I’m not the kind of man to play with, and neither is Mr. Kimber,” his voice was suddenly low and menacing, “Your brother thought he could, thought he would get away with fixing a race, he did, and now he’s going to be put against the post and shot. Don’t think I won’t do the same to you.” You gulped, but still thought of Tommy’s disappointment in you when he would find out you’d been a coward. So you took a deep breath and said softly, “It’s not yours. This money is ours. You can tell Mr. Kimber to go fuck himself!” It didn’t come out as strongly as you’d hoped. Like a crack of thunder, he swiftly slapped you across the face with the back of his hand. All the air was knocked out of your lungs in a second and you stood gasping for air, as you felt some blood trickling down your chin. “Give me the money,” he demanded again. And then, like your heroes, you pretended to reach for it in your pocket. Suddenly, you turned around and started running into the other direction, hoping to slip past the two men before they could stop you. But it didn’t work. One grabbed your arm and when you tried to push him away, he punched you hard. All strength left you in an instant. The second one started fumbling in your pockets and instinctively you kicked him, which earned you another blow to the head. More punches followed and your head was spinning. As you looked up to the sky, you remembered wanting to get back home, to your castle, where all was well and safe.  In the end, they left you on the ground and the money was gone. Your last thought was: Tommy is going to be so embarrassed. 
*** “Y/N?” You opened your eyes, but couldn’t see for a moment. “Y/N,” the familiar voice repeated, “Come on, yes, let’s get you home. Polly, Polly will know what to do, yes…” Strong arms lifted you up and rocking with his familiar limp, Curly carried you back to Watery Lane. When he’d taken you into the kitchen, Aunt Polly flew to your side in seconds, asking, “What’s happened?” Uncertainly, Curly explained and as he did, he started to become upset over your state. That’s when Tommy came in and started to calm him, while keeping an eye on you all the time. “Sweetheart,” Aunt Polly had taken a cold cloth to the cut in your lip, “Wake up… Come back to us…” Again you tried opening you eyes and you finally managed this time. But all your concern was with Curly, who was still anxiously fidgeting with his cap in hand. “Don’t worry, Curly,” you croaked, “I’m alright now. You did good, carrying me here.” “Polly will know what to do…” he kept on repeating. Tommy put a hand on his shoulder and it had an immediate calming effect, “It’s alright, Curly, go back to Charlie, eh? We’ll take care of her now.” Before he left, you said to him, “Curly? I’ll stop by tomorrow, see about that beautiful horse of yours, alright?” That put an immediate smile on his face, “Yes, she’s a beauty, alright… And she needs her princess to ride her! Back to that castle in the sky…yes…” When he’d gone, you lowered your head again and sighed deeply. Carefully, you felt your face and only then realised how awful you must look. “Who did this,” Tommy demanded at once. Polly glared daggers at him, “You did, I presume?” “Me?” “I told you again and again not to use the little ones to run errands. Sending them across half of Birmingham with money in their pockets, and look what happens!” For a moment, Tommy seemed to be speechless. Then he protested, “They’re invisible, Pol. Nobody knows they’re carrying anything.” “This one did,” you interjected, “because he knew who I was.” “How?” “Said he was with Kimber,” you whispered as the memories came back to you, “said he’d put me up against a post and he’d shoot me, like he’d do with you…” In a sudden fit of rage, Tommy grabbed a chair and flung it across the room. Polly snarled at the gesture and then turned to you, “Stay here. This cloth is cold, keep it against your eye, or it’ll turn black in half an hour, and I can’t take you to church looking like that. I just need to have a word with your brother.” You took the cloth and didn’t dare to look at Tommy, who was now being taken away by his aunt like he was ten years old again and in trouble. Aunt Polly closed the door behind her, but you still tried to hear as much as you could. Most of it was lost, but when they started shouting you heard bits like “putting your little sister in danger!” and “this is Billy fucking Kimber, Thomas” and “family first”. At first Tommy protested with “I didn’t know they knew her” and “Kimber is getting weak”, but eventually he shouted out in defeat, “I fucked up, alright? I’ll fix it. I promise.” When they came back, Tommy looked like a dog that’d just been kicked. So he retreated into a corner and started smoking, still sulking a little. Aunt Polly lifted your head up by placing a finger under your chin, “You won’t look pretty for a week, but it’ll heal.” You shrugged, not caring about being pretty at all, and muttered, “I feel like an idiot…” “Why?” your aunt demanded, “because big men decided to go after a small girl?” Tears started forming in the corners of your eyes, as you admitted, “Because I wanted to be brave! In my stories I’m pretty and strong and the hero, but in reality I’m just like a mouse. No one notices me and I’m useless…” “Sweetheart,” Polly softened her voice and crouched down next to you, “Just because you can’t fight like Arthur or John can, doesn’t make you useless. We’re all stuck here, in Small Heath, and there’s nothing pretty about that. But you reading all those books? That’s what’s going to make this easier. You can pretend, and that’s worth more than you’ll ever realise.” You smiled back at your aunt, who always knew what to say to make you feel better. “I’m off to the chemist to get you some powder against the pain,” she kissed the top of your head, “I’ll be right back, love.” After she’d gone as well, you sighed again and dropped the cloth. Her words mattered, of course they did, but it didn’t change the fact that you weren’t happy with yourself at all. For starters, you still couldn’t bear looking at Tommy. “Y/N,” he grumbled, which convinced you even more he was angry and disappointed, “Tell me what they looked like.” “They didn’t wear hats…” Impatiently he waved a hand, “Apart from that. What else?” “I don’t know,” you shrugged, “it all happened fast, Tommy. They had that accent that Kimber has as well.” “Fucking Cockneys…” your brother breathed. “Tommy?” you tried carefully, “I’m so sorry, but I lost the money. I tried to keep it. When they asked I told them to fuck off and then I tried to run and even fight, but they still took it. I’m so sorry…” He held up a hand to silence you and locked eyes with you, “You told them to fuck off?” “Yes, but it didn’t help…” “You actually told them to fuck off?” he frowned, “Usually you’re too shy to even say anything to strangers…” “I was angry,” you explained, “and I didn’t want to disappoint you.”
Tommy walked over to you and much to your surprise, he was smirking, “So you told them to go fuck themselves, and then you fought them?” “Yes?” “Did you hit any of them?” You thought about it for a second, “I think I kicked one in the balls and hit the other in the face.” His grin grew even wider and he mumbled to himself, “Wait ‘till I tell Arthur about this…” “Why?” you protested, “So he can laugh at me as well?” “No, sweetheart, he’ll be the proudest brother ever. His little sister, who everyone thinks is a little mouse too scared to do anything? She fucking hit a grown man and told them to go fuck themselves. Now that’s a hero in my book!” His laugh was contagious and you had to join in. But soon you became uncertain again and asked, “Are you not upset I lost the money?” “The money’s not important,” his face grew serious again in an instant, “but you are.” “Really?” you whispered. “Yes,” he took your face in his hands, “Listen, Y/N, this is what’s going to happen: Billy Kimber threatened my little sister, so I’m going to put himup against the post, and shoot him.” “And then what?” “Well, what usually happens in your books? Maybe I could learn something from them, eh?” A warm feeling of being appreciated for who you were came over you, “You’d take his kingdom and his skull would be put up on the gates, as a warning for all future enemies.” “That’s fucking dark,” Tommy raised one eyebrow, “But I like it.” “Me too…” you smiled at your brother. “I mean it though, Y/N. Kimber touched you, so I’m going to shoot the bastard. I won’t let anyone fucking go near you again.” And just like that, you felt safe enough again to continue dreaming. *** A few weeks later, everything had turned to chaos, both in the Shelby household as in the whole of Birmingham. Tommy didn’t speak to anyone of what happened to you, he hadn’t even apologized, but he wasn’t like that. He told you he’d fix it, promised you revenge, and that was even better. When the men were counting minutes in front of the Garrison and Billy Kimber’s army arrived, you were sitting at home with a book. You couldn’t really concentrate, because you knew there were too many of them. You pretended some angel would appear to save them all. There’d have to be no bloodshed, because this angel would be on your brothers’ side. That angel came in the form of your older sister Ada. She’d always had flair. In the end, only two bullets were fired. You listened to them both. One killed Danny Whizz-bang. The other killed Billy Kimber. Nobody knew, but as Tommy fired, he didn’t have business on his mind.
As he aimed, he saw his little sister’s face, all bruised and battered.
He whispered, “for Y/N,” and shot.
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burnedbyshoto · 4 years
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“Don’t you see what he’s doing to you?! He’s hurt you way more than what’s acceptable in a sparring march! You’re bruised and hurting, and he sure as hell doesn’t seem to care that this is the state he’s left you in.”
— Or in which, Hawks manipulates how you view your boyfriend, Shouto. —
pairing: todoroki shouto x fem!reader
warnings: fluff, angst, cursing, alcohol consumption, manipulation, 18+, smut, first time sex, body worship, oral (receiving and giving), and praise
word count: 10,223
a/n: this was a commission! it was very fun to write this once I got around to it... life has just been... well you guys know because youre living it too. but I hope you enjoy this!!!!
Being a student at Yuuei was a privilege.
Every year only two hundred and twenty students were admitted from a drawing pool reaching into the thousands. From there, only forty were admitted into the Hero Department, and finally, only three per year were granted the title of the Big Three.
“Watch out!”
You watched as Hawks crashed through the window to your left, and you looked down at him with a wide grin, what an idiot.
“I thought speed was better than power,” you mock watching as the villain the two of you had been hunting for some time now easily flicked the number two hero to the side.
“And that’s why I got you, isn’t it?” he chirped before rolling onto his feet. 
You shrug, the smile on your face telling a different story while you both stared down the villain you had corned. There was no way you were going to let him go, no, this hunt was going to end now.
“I’ll assist you,” Hawks whispered, and your stomach fluttered in anticipation.
There weren’t many times in your internship where Hawks would say that. Working with one of the fastest and swiftest Pro Heroes ever meant that you were always fighting for a spot on the table. The days of Hawks swooping over the city faster than the eye could follow were still there; in fact, most of his sidekicks were probably cleaning up the mess the two of you had left five cities behind you. 
But you were different than them, you guessed.
You were only fifteen years old when Hawks scouted you for an internship, and while you had heard the rumors of what working with the — at the time — number three hero was like, it wasn’t like that. Speed was something you had always lacked. Sure, you were faster than any past Olympian, and any ordinary citizen, but in comparison to your hero peers, you were slow. After a humiliating loss of your first Sports Festival on account of being too slow, it was an almost sweet irony that the fastest Hero took an interest in you.
But it was good. Three years you had worked with him, three years of learning how to keep up with the fastest hero by breaking your body down on multiple occasions. At first, it had been just trying to keep up with his sidekicks who cleaned up after his mess, who were extremely quick as it is. Then after figuring out how to use your power quirk to make yourself faster, something that had been helped with a fight or flight response on your own end, you were able to become faster than most Pros.
But that wasn’t anything in comparison to Hawks still, but when a sixteen-year-old girl saves your life because you overshot your ability to fight, it’s easy to incorporate said sixteen-year-old girl into your regular routine. 
The initial introduction of you into his regular routine was less than ideal, he had simply stated to follow after him and would be gone. But with time, he took to holding onto you while he flew, which meant that you needed to include glasses and ear protectors into your costume. 
With the glass crushing under the weight of your shoes, you crotched the slightest bit, looking over at Hawks with a smirk. Three years of teamwork had lead to moments like these, no need to communicate, and with a raise of an eyebrow, he nodded.
The feeling of his feathers skimming your back shot the anxiety coursing through you, and you ran out of the shattered window, Hawks hot on your heel and the villain coming straight at you.
In the long run, it didn’t mean much that you were physically stronger than Hawks could ever be, but it sure made you smile knowing that you were.
“And that’s another point for me!” you grin watching as the police took the villain into their car, Hawks stood next to you with a sigh, rubbing the back of his neck.
“What will I do? I have eighty-seven points, and that makes what? Twelve?”
“It’s not my fault you go for slow as shit villains,” you accuse, turning your nose up at him.
“Oh yeah? Should we hunt for the fa—”
The two of you froze in your quarrel, turning to a man who was towering over the two of you.
“Endeavor, hi!” Hawks erupted into a wide grin, his eyes brightening while he looked up at the man he admired. 
Trying to hide your snicker, you tilted your head, and your eyes widened seeing three boys behind him.
“Hey guys!” you wave at your classmates behind Endeavor.
“Y/h/n!” Deku greeted you with a large grin and a bow.
You smiled, even more, seeing the way that Bakugou and Shouto both addressed you in their own ways. 
“How are you guys doing?”
The rather one-sided conversation between you and Deku made you laugh on many instances. It seemed that being the only work-study students had meant that they were always getting their asses beat. Not that you didn’t already know this, it was just humorous hearing it coming from Deku’s mouth.  
“Is Tokoyami-kun not with you guys?” Deku asked, looking around at last for the raven headed student who did, in fact, work with Hawks.
“Not today! A neighboring agency requested his help, so it’s just Hawks and me today!” you nodded your head at the three boys who were quite famous within Japan. 
“Are you okay? We heard about the villain; that’s why we’re here,” Shouto spoke, his eyes curious, and his head tilts.
Your face warms when you smile, nodding gratefully.
“I am,” you clasp your hands together, “Hawks got sent through a building, though.”
“Some fucking number two hero,” Bakugou scoffed, and you snickered not wanting to agree with your stupidly observant boss behind you.
“You guys look less than put together; what happened to you?” you asked, noticing the scruffs and dirt on all of their faces.
“Bakugou and Midoriya got into a fight mid-air, and I happened to be in the fire zone,” Shouto rolled his eyes. At the same time, your friends exploded into offensive and defensive arguments, respectively. “We fell into the middle of some villain fight weirdly enough.”
While you grinned at Shouto, your eyes locked completely, you knew it wouldn’t last.
“Alright, y/h/n, Endeavor says there’s a villain seven blocks ahead, and I think we can beat them there!” Hawks laughs, and you can’t say your goodbyes because his hands lift you into the air. “See you guys there!”
And you were off.
Your limbs ached slightly when you reentered campus grounds. With your case in your right hand, there was nothing to do except trudge ahead, hoping to get to your dorm quickly. 
“You’re back.”
You blinked and saw Shouto approaching you. He was in a casual outfit, most likely having been here for some time, seeing that it was eight at night. 
“What are you doing out so late?” you ask, pushing down your skirt in hopes to look presentable even with the bandage on your chin.
“I was waiting for you,” Shouto smiles gently, his hand brushing your cheek, observing the injury on your face. “You okay?”
“It was just a scratch, nothing too crazy,” you promise, and you smile under his warm touch.
There isn’t much surprise when his lips come and press against yours, and you hum contently feeling his warm skin moving gently against yours. 
“I’m glad you’re back,” Shouto whispered, finally pulling away from you. You groaned, having not been satisfied with the simple liplock, but opened your eyes to see that he was studying your face again.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” you tease, your nose scrunching with your words.
“I have so many already.”
“I know,” you smile, dragging him away, “I’m starving.”
It didn’t take long for you to get a proper dinner. With you being out for your only day off, you were pleased to see that there was a plate of food waiting for you that was left behind by your classmates. So you sat in the dining area of the dorm, eating the food while talking with Shouto.
You told him about the rest of your day, of how the two of you were close to cracking this case of serial cases of disappearing Pro Heroes who would reemerge days later without memory. The two of you had been working on it for a week now and had multiple promising leads. With the end of your career at UA coming in only five days, you were excited about the possibility of cracking this case after your graduation to help give you a good running start as a sidekick on the Hero Charts.
But before you knew it, it was already past eleven, and with classes tomorrow, it was time for you to go your separate ways.
“You don’t want me to spend the night?” he asks while you walk unconvincingly to the door of your floor, your hands grasping his. 
“You know that I do, but I can’t let that happen yet,” you pout, watching as Shouto nods in understanding. “Soon, I swear.”
“I just can’t believe my girlfriend has no self-control that I can’t even sleep in her bed without her wanting to fuck me,” Shouto sighs and while you splutter, telling him how he’s wrong, he places a goodnight kiss onto your forehead and leaves with a kind smile and a small wave.
Stupid son of a bitch.
But he wasn’t wrong.
You had morals and ethics that you had told to Shouto well before things turned serious for the two of you. Sex was something you were always nervous about, not in the sense that it was a bad thing — god forbid you’d ever slut-shame anyone — but more that you wanted it to be special.
It had to be with the right person at the right time.
Shouto was someone you knew was the right person, but as your hormonal feelings for Shouto grew and you realized one late night that you were grinding against his bucking hips, your face hot, his lips and teeth pulling at the sensitive flesh of your neck did you realize that this was so not okay. You had pushed Shouto onto the ground, his eyes dazed and confused while you began to say that you were so not ready for this step of the relationship. But it wasn’t like it was the only time you’ve blue balled your boyfriend… no, you had done it time and time again.
So much so that Shouto practically refused to be in a room alone with you now because it always ended with one of you pinned to the bed and Shouto being launched onto the floor.
With a sigh, you watched Shouto turn around, walking backward with a small wave and a grin when you blew him a kiss and flipped him off. He called you the moment he was back in his room, and although you weren’t letting him stay in your bed with you, you did fall asleep on the line with him, his steady breathing lulling your heavy eyes to sleep.
Hawks watched while you trudged into his office, your face pulled into a pout, a bandage sitting on your cheek. 
“Morning,” you call out, exhaustion evident on your face.
“What’s up with you?” he smirks, watching you walk to his desk and slumping onto a chair, your eyes closing.
“So tired,” you murmur, your head nestling into your arms, ready to fall asleep. “I didn’t sleep much last night?”
“Why’s that?”
“Stupid boyfriend,” you mumbled.
It had been three days since you had last been in the office, with graduation preparations, Hawks couldn’t call you out as often. But that wasn’t what he was concerned about, no. Hawks froze, replaying your words in his head like a broken record. He didn’t know you had a—
Those words passing his lips only made you groan louder, your head nodding, “Yeah… I’m dating Endeavor's son Shouto… for about… a year now!”
Hawks' brain went into overdrive.
A year of dating, and this was the first he’s ever heard of it! He had been your mentor, your boss, for three years and never before had you even mentioned a boyfriend before. Hawks lips pressed together, a looming pit of jealousy forming in his stomach. His feathers fluttered, his arms crossing.
Hawks was used to knowing everything, to being able to get what he wanted most, and he was planning on asking you out when you graduated. He had sworn his feelings had been returned; after all, who couldn’t find themselves falling for the young and hot number two hero?
“Oh, really?”
“Yeah! I can have him steal you a pair of Endeavors underwear if you want, I know you’d like that!”
Hawks looks down at your teasing face, his nose scrunching in mock disgust, “Please, I don’t need a baby stealing Endeavors underwear for me. I can get them myself!”
Your smile is warm, and Hawks watches while you pull out your phone, quickly texting something.
“What? Telling your boyfriend you made it safe and sound?”
“Actually… yeah…” you mumble while finishing up your text.
Now Hawks wasn’t evil, he knew that; he also wasn’t used to losing, because that wasn’t him. But there was something odd about the way his stomach twisted and his feathers raised at that confirmation, and the words poured from his mouth without him ever having the chance to stop them.
“Does he make you text him?”
You nod, a grateful smile on your face when you drop your phone. “Isn’t it sweet? I think it’s… why are you making that face?”
“What face?” Hawks fluttered his eyes, mock innocence for the first time not sitting correctly on his face.
“That one, Hawks!” you laughed, throwing your case at him. “The one that looks like when I stole your chicken leftovers.”
Hawks snorted, and he shook his head, deciding to walk out of his office to begin his daily routine; after all, these morning conversations were apart of said routine.
“I don’t know... He knows you’re strong and that you’re here with me, and yet he doesn’t trust that you’ll get here? Or is it in a controlling sense?”
Hawks turned around and looked at you, your eyebrows scrunched, eyes looking down at your phone.
But when your eyes rose to meet his, Hawks simply smiled, his head shaking.
“Never mind!”
It didn’t stop there. No Hawks had officially lost his brains with how he was approaching this. Everything out of his mouth concerning your boyfriend was bitter, foul, and implementing lies in your mind. A desperate attempt to get you to feel like Shouto wasn’t good enough that he was manipulating you and Hawks watched while you carefully danced to his tune, your frown deepening with every sweet lie that rolled off his lips.
“I’m hanging out with him and his siblings tonight!” you announced after the day at work was done.
Your smile was bright once more, a day on the field improving your mood. Hawks nodded his head, remembering how the Todoroki siblings were good people, and how you also had siblings.
“His siblings too?”
“Yup!” you nod. “I’ve gotten to know his siblings really well! They’re really great! We go over so often, and I like to believe that I’m close with his family now!”
“Oh, that’s sweet!” Hawks smiles, his head tilting to the side. Faux innocence. “How about your family? Is Todoroki close with your family?”
Your jaw opens, and your head drops, your head guilty shaking no. “It’s a bit harder for that to happen, and he met them once and well… it didn’t go too well.”
Hawks eyes widen, his hand rubbing the back of his head with a heavy sigh, “Ah, I see… don’t you think that’s weird?”
“Um… no, not really?”
“Well, as an outsider, and your friend, Imma have to tell you that it’s weird. It sounds like he doesn't like your family? He’s not trying to control you, is he? Not trying to isolate you from them, right?”
Your teeth dig into your lower lip, and Hawks watches with over bubbling joy at the doubt and realization growing on your face. He was hitting the right nerves.
“I-It’s okay!” you chirp, your feet dragging against the floor while you move to leave. “It's probably not that!”
“Another movie outing with his friends?”
“We’re watching the newest All Might documentary, it’s not like it's a banger!”
“Todoroki just never seems to care to include your friends or do things with your friends. It seems like he’s trying to keep you confide in his friend group.”
“My friends haven’t… they haven’t said anything?”
“Who would? You’re dating the most powerful son of the number one hero, no one would dare to speak up against him, especially if he told them to stay away from you.”
“That doesn’t sound like Shouto…”
“I mean, Todoroki is jealous of the way that your family loves you, and that’s why you’re always with his family. I don’t see any reason why he wouldn’t keep you from your friends too?”
“You don’t have to believe me, of course! I’m sure he’s a great kid, after all, he did choose you to be his girlfriend.”
You scoff, shoving Hawks with your shoulder. “Shut up.”
“Nah, you’re amazing, y/n, and you should know it.”
“Mkay, pigeon, egg off.”
“Oof, I’m so scared!”
Your world spun, and you crashed onto your back with a low groan, jolts of nervous energy coursing through your nerves while you remained pinned to the floor. Hawks stared at you from above, his jacket long since discarded, and his hands grasping your wrists while he straddled you.
“Wow, I don’t think I’ve been able to pin you since you were sixteen!” Hawks laughed, but he immediately took notice in the way you were grimacing.
You didn’t do that often, but you weren’t done yet. Shifting your weight up and over, quickly, you managed to pin Hawks to the ground, his head bouncing against the matted floor with a groan of dismay on his skin. Your nose was brushing against his, his warm breath expelling gently against your face. No! You pulled away suddenly, your heart in your throat at the nearly intimate contact. But it was too much movement on your own end because your body screamed at you.
Your breathing was shallow, a feeble attempt to calm the pulsating pain that traveled through your nerves.
“What is it?”
“I was sparring Shouto last night,” you mutter, feeling Hawks’ fingers immediately searching your skin for injuries. “You know how he sucks at close range combat, but he must’ve been practicing with Bakugou and Deku because he’s never been able to land hits like that…”
With your jacket pooling from your shoulder, Hawks fingers traced over the bruises that colored your skin. Ugly purple, green, and yellow all over. You hissed when he applied pressure to one, and you flinched, getting off of him.
“Are you sure this was sparring and him not beating you?!”
“I would know the difference between sparring and an ass beating,” you groaned, your eyebrow scrunching while he took you in more. “Besides, you should see how he is. I still won!”
“Don’t you see what he’s doing to you?! He’s hurt you way more than what’s acceptable in a sparring march! You’re bruised and hurting, and he sure as hell doesn’t seem to care that this is the state he’s left you in.”
You were silent Hawks words ringing heavy in your ears.
Did Shouto… was this a sign that he wasn’t who you thought he was?
“Shouto?” you whispered, your knuckles rapping at the door, hopeful he was in his room. “Are you in?”
You heard the sound of footsteps against the floor and watched the door open. There Shouto stood, wearing black sweatpants and a white tank he leaned against the door. Your eyes caught sight of the black bruises against his skin courteous of your sparring last night.
“Y/n?” he expresses with a pleasant surprise. Shouto’s hand reaches for yours, but you flinch away, stopping him in his tracks. “Are you okay?”
You swallow the lump in your throat, your head nodding, “Sorry, long day, and um, I’m still sore from yesterday…”
“Yesterday? Ohh~ what happened yesterday?” You watched with the smallest amount of amusement when Sero revealed himself, his arm thrown around Shouto’s shoulder with a stack of manga in his hands. 
“We spared, why?” Shouto asked with that perfect density that Sero stammered, unable to recover from Shouto’s lack of an appropriate response.
“Boring, anyways, I’ll bring these back soon, I promise!”
You and Shouto bid Sero goodnight, and with a sigh and a roll of his eyes, Shouto looked back down at you.
“Care to come in?”
“I would.”
You sat on Shouto tatami, your knees bent with your arms wrapped around them while he rummaged around.
“Here, I made some healing ointment for the bruises,” Shouto said, placing the white container on your knees while he sat in front of you. “I know that even though you won, my kicks probably hurt like a bitch.”
“The biggest bitch,” you agreed, watching while he unscrewed the ointment and began to delicately place the salve on your skin. It immediately cooled down the warm skin, and you studied his face while he did so. His touch was gentle, almost too soft for someone as battle-ready as himself. But he was on a mission to make you feel better, and for every bruise he covered, he apologized.
Soon enough, every bruise was covered, and you didn’t even realize you were crying until Shouto’s eyes widened when he noticed.
“What’s wrong?”
“Do you not trust me?” you ask, the days worth of anxiety that Hawks had been instilling into you, finally pouring from your lips.
“It’s just… with the texting you where I am, and who I’m with even when you know before I leave! A-And how about my family? I always go with your family, but the one time you met mine, it was disastrous! And then you never w-want to hang out with my friends! And you were so hard on me during sparring last night… Did you want to hurt me?! Why are you trying to isolate me?! Are you trying to control me?! You’re a powerful person Shouto a-and with your dad being the most powerful person I just… are you forcing people away from me?!” Tears poured from your eyes, your sleeves rubbing away the tears on your face, the ointment gathering on the fabric,
Shouto instantly reached out to you, but you shifted away from him, your face burning with embarrassment from your outburst. You wanted Hawks to be wrong, Shouto was good. He was an idiot, but he was a good boyfriend. Please prove him wrong, you thought. Please.
“Is that how you feel?” Shouto asked, his voice quiet but steady. His hand was pressed against the duvet, centimeters from your side. Not touching you, but giving you the ability to reach him when you were ready. “I just… I’ve never done this before, you know that. Y/l/n y/n, you are someone that I am way too lucky to have in my life. I asked what are boyfriend appropriate things to do from my classmates, and I guess I might have been overdoing it myself. I ask for a text because I want to make sure you get places okay. I know you’re powerful and can take on anyone, but it’s because you’re powerful; it makes you a target to villains. I honestly thought you liked my siblings a lot, so I wanted to keep you with them because if they’re your friends, you deserve to see them. I am sorry about your family, but they are assholes, and you know that. 
“But if you want to go visit and hang out with them more — with or without me — I would never stop you! I know I can’t keep blaming myself for being new to all of this a year into our relationship, but I didn’t know it was appropriate to invite your friends to hang out with us when we were with my friends. I thought they wouldn’t want to hang out with us guys. I also know you enjoy your alone time, and you tend to spend alone time with your friends, and I never want to intrude. I am so sorry for making you feel this way.”
“No,” you sniffle, your tears turning from one of sadness to those of guilt. “It’s not your fault.”
“It is,” he whispers, his fingers brushing against yours ever so gently. “It’s my fault you felt like I was isolating you, controlling you. You don’t have to forgive me, but if you’re willing to give me a chance to prove myself that I can change, I’d like that.”
There wasn’t stopping the way that you threw yourself into his arms, your tears soaking his neck, and he pressed gentle after gentle kiss against your temple until you were no longer crying.
For the first time in your relationship, you spent the night, and against what you had previously thought, the two of you did nothing more than embrace in a wet lip-lock.
Graduation finally came around, and to say the least, you were excited.
Finally, you were now a Pro Hero — well, really a sidekick, but that didn’t matter! The entire day you spent it on campus, watching the graduation ceremony take place with your classmates at your side. Tears were shed, photos were taken, and the end of your high school career came to a close. 
Due to your accomplishment, something that wasn’t at all doubted in the first place, Hawks had thrown Tokoyami and you a large party in celebration. You were, after all, the first students to have gone through his agency for all three years of high school, and he deemed that celebratory worthy. 
With such an occasion and countless years ahead of you to be on your top tier game, it was to no surprise that you were letting loose at this party. And yes, by letting loose, you meant being drunk.
Me: shoutoooo baby i loe you oh so much
Shouto: I love you too, make sure you get water to drink and don’t have an empty stomach.
Me: i had dinnerr with you remeber !!!! no empty stomach here!!!!!
Me: im sorry for crying that night that was so dumb of me to being insecure about
Shouto: you should still be eating more if you’re planning on drinking more. And it’s okay, it’s equally my fault as it is yours.
You stared at the text, your vision slightly blurry while you imagined just what you would do with Shouto soon. You bit your lip with a grin, but with a sudden loss of balance, you stumbled back into someone.
“Oops, sorry!” you yelled louder than you expected, turning around to greet whoever you had run into. You saw a familiar face with a bird head standing there with his arms outreached to balance your stumbling form. “Tokoyami-kun! I didn’t know you were still here!!! I would’ve taken a shot with you! Oh my god, I LOVE your jacket! Where did you get it!”
Tokoyami smiled, his head nodding, “I happened to have it lying around, although I can’t remember where I cross paths with it, to begin with. And I couldn’t forsake you by leaving before you were ready. It’ll be pleasant to have you around all the time with Hawks starting in a few days.”
You nodded your head, your hands stretching out in an attempt to respond animatedly, but yelped when you slapped someone instead.
“OH, NO! Did I hurt you?! I’m so sorry!” you exclaim, turning to the second person you had hit in a matter of minutes.
It was Hawks.
“It seems she is quite inebriated,” Tokoyami pointed out, and you nodded in agreement. 
“I am!”
Hawks chuckled, his head shaking, “Imma take her back to my place then, she’s a disaster in the making if we let her stay here.”
There wasn’t room for debate because you were suddenly in his arms and waving goodbye to Tokoyami, your sense of judgment gone.
“Take me hoooomeeee,” you sang into Hawks's ear when he soared into the night sky, and much to your amusement, Hawks continued your song.
Shouto sat in the common room, his eyes shifting to check his phone every so often. He knew you were drunk, that had been very clear the moment you called him only twenty times pretending to not be you while slurring your sentences. Nothing was stopping the uneasy feeling in his chest after you had explained yourself and your feelings that one night, he had put together that Hawks liked you. But without definite proof, he didn’t want to claim such things.
And while he had no doubts about your ability to protect and defend yourself, there was no saying if that was true if you weren’t sober. Hell, he’s fought you sleepy once, and there was a significant difference between you being alert and you being exhausted. 
Regardless, he knew that he wouldn’t be able to sleep until he heard something back from you, and with his classmates currently celebrating the end of the year by playing video games, he was there alongside them.
“I’ve returned,” Tokoyami called from the entrance, and Shouto turned around to see the bird head man walking to approach the gathering of the few remaining classmates in front of the common room's TV. He said his greetings before coming to rest by Shouto’s side. “The party was a bit too loud, but I think you would have enjoyed entertaining it.”
“It’s your guys night,” Shouto shrugged his shoulders, “I didn’t need to be there when it was her work friends. How is she doing?”
“Ah, well you see,” Tokoyami nodded his head, his fingers raking through his black hair, “She was quite drunk, so Hawks-san took her back to his place to sober up, most likely spend the night at his place — Todoroki?!”
Shouto had no idea why bitter fire raged in his chest; all he knew is that for the first time ever while he slipped on his shoes and his jacket, he pulled up a contact he didn’t expect he would be using so casually.
“Do you know where Hawks lives, Endeavor?”
“Are you feeling better?” Hawks asks you, taking the bottle of water from your hands.
The low sparks of the alcohol that had once been coursing through your body had simmered into slow pulses. You knew you weren’t one hundred percent sober, but you were sober enough to realize that you should have asked Hawks to take you to the dorms instead. 
“If you’re asking if I’m no longer sloppy… you’re in luck,” you sigh, a tired grin spreading on your face while you reach for your phone. You frown, seeing that it was dead, but it didn’t matter much; you would get home without it being alive anyways. “Thanks for sobering me up; I think you could have done it back at the party, though.”
Hawks snorted, his head tilting up, his head in thought. “I definitely could have done that, but I didn’t want you taking shots in secret while trying to sober you up.”
“I’m sure you could handle me just fine.”
“The last thing I can remember is that you are physically stronger than me and if you’re drunk… well, I was scared you’d kill me by accident.”
“Haha,” you laugh sarcastically, your eyes rolling in your amusement. 
Silence overtook you both, and your gaze fell to your hands. You wanted to ask him why he was so insistent on Shouto being toxic, and how he did a 180 the second you told him about how the two of you talked things through.
“Did you want me and Shouto to break up?” you ask quietly, unsure of what you wanted him to answer. “I keep thinking of everything, and that’s the only thing that makes sense to me and all the controlling business…”
Hawks stared at you, his eyes void of all emotion, and yet you felt like he was more open to you than he had even been before. His mouth moved to answer, but there was a knock at his door.
With a heavy sigh, Hawks rose to his feet, “I don’t think I should answer your question.”
So there you sat, his once comfortable couch feeling stiff and hard.
“Y/l/n?” Shouto’s voice rang through the apartment, and your eyes widened. You got up off the couch, your head pounding just slightly while you clamored to the front door. There you saw Shouto staring down at Hawks, how funny it was that your eighteen-year-old boyfriend was taller than a twenty-seven years old Pro Hero.
“Tokoyami told me you were here, and I wouldn’t want to bother a busy hero with taking care of my girlfriend when I can do that myself,” Shouto spoke, his eyes narrowing down onto Hawks as the words my girlfriend let his tongue. But it also sent a shiver down your spine, a coursing ember that had been ignored this night, reigniting it once more. 
You were ready, you realized when his blue and grey eyes found yours. 
“Thanks for tonight, Hawks,” you wheeze, grabbing your shoes at the door and quickly pulling them on. “I’ll see you in the office in two days!”
With nothing more to say, you grabbed Shouto by his wrist and pulled him away.
The campus was quiet when you arrived, the day of excitement having long since simmered down as the clocks read two in the morning. This would be your last night in your dorm, most of your classmates had chosen to move out today as well, but with no one to help you out while you were at the party, you decided to stay one more night. But with the way your blood was pumping, and how you could feel the jealousy coursing through Shouto’s veins, you wanted to get back to your room as quickly as possible.
Entering the dorm building that was made for your class, you felt Shouto pulling his hand from yours, obviously ready to begin his goodnight routine.
Shouto’s hands grasped your cheeks, fingers hot against your cold skin, and his eyes staring down at you. Millions of emotions coursed through his gaze, but you were focused on the one that spoke of his love for you. His lips pressed down against yours, and you met him in full earnest. His lips pulling against yours, sending fire through your body, sensations that sparked only the familiar excitement you had always denied in the past. You could practically taste his unspoken anger and jealousy on his tongue, and it only made you crave more from him.
You were ready.
“Goodnight,” Shouto whispers against your lips softly, and you laugh. Your hands move up to cup his cheeks, and he pulls you in closer, his hands firmly placed onto your lower back. “I’ll come to your room in the morning to help you pack up.”
“Stay the night,” you say softly, your teeth tugging at your lower lip that was warm from his efforts. “I’m ready.”
Shouto’s eyes widened, his eyebrow lifting slightly, “You want to fuck?”
“Don’t say it like that!” you groan, pinching his cheeks in your embarrassment. But his eyes were bright, and the next thing you knew, you were being lifted into the air, and your legs found their place around his waist. “You sap!”
“Say that one again, I’m finally going to let you smash, whor—”
He shut you up with a kiss.
It’s a slow kiss, one that warmed you up effortlessly, intimate contact pressing between the two of you, but nervous energy chipping through you fully. Your head tilts to the side, the kiss deepening, and your arms pulling him in closer. The two of you pull away slowly, both of your eyes slowly opening to look at each other in a whole new light and a fire under your skin, and something is silent between the two of you. Growing silently, steadily, and coming crashing down all at once.
“I love you…” Shouto murmurs, and that’s all it takes. The movements are desperate now, his steps quick and steady while your mouth clashes against his. Deep, ardent, fulfilling. You can’t help the nervously aggressive make out, tongues pushing against each out, drawing out noises you weren’t quite used to hearing. Low groans and pants you had known, but never in this context, and you were addicted. But Shouto must be thinking the same thing, for when you finally make it to your dorm room’s door, his mouth trails from your mouth. Sloppy and burning hot kisses trail down your cheek, to your jaw, before pressing searingly against your neck, and you mewl at the feel of his warm lips on your neck. Your eyes fluttering closed when his lips left hot and wet kisses on your sensitive skin.
Your lips met again, and this time you wrapped your arms slowly around his neck, and you pull him impossibly closer. His hands are moving vehemently up and down your back, making you shiver and arch against his traveling fingers. But when his nails glide delicately against an exposed piece of skin on you back, you gasped into his mouth, and the door opened loudly against his need to get to your bed.
A soft giggle leaves your lips when darkness falls against your closed eyes, and your hips shift in your state of need. Only that you weren’t expecting to feel him tremble under your actions or the pleasurable hiss that passed to your lips. your eyes opening to see Shouto’s eyes still closed despite the fact he was walking with you. 
“I love you so much,” you whisper into his ear when you pull away from the kiss. Your fingers raking through his hair, your teeth nibbling onto his earlobe, his throaty groan a sign of victory. “Thank you for being wonderful.”
Shouto’s lips are back on yours, greedily seeking more contact, and you don’t hold back as you kiss him back with equal fervor. You feel the mattress of your bed hit your back as you continue to kiss him, sitting up so you could crawl back to let Shouto onto the bed with you. You smile once again as Shouto’s hand rests on the bed frame behind you, while the other one rests on the small of your back, keeping your torsos pressed together.
Your hands are fisted into Shouto’s hair, the small tugs from your hand blazing his own blood, making him press his growing length against your thighs, and his tongue grazes your bottom lip. You moan softly, your head tilting up, and you open up your mouth so that your tongues meet halfway. You start moving to unbutton your graduation outfit, and Shouto hastily pulls away, and your eyes open, his mouth is stained with your the leftovers of your makeup, and he looks concerned. 
“Are you sure, y/n?” Shouto asks, his hands stroking your side. His gaze is intense, unmoving, and challenging. “If you’re not ready for this, I won’t be hurt.”
You stared at him, a soft smile coming to your lips as you sit up, making Shouto sit on his haunches while you move to your knees, “I always knew I wanted my first time to be with you, I just wanted the moment to be perfect… and this is perfect to me,” you confess to Shouto, and you watch his eyes soften when you press a soft kiss to his lips.
Pulling away, you stripped of your clothes and dropped it on the floor next to the bed, your breath hitching as Shouto stares at your now only lingerie-clad body, and you blush. 
“Shit, you’re beautiful,” Shouto murmurs like a man who had seen something divine for the first time ever.
Your heart roars in your chest, your blood pulsating through your sensitive body while he leans in close. His mouth presses against the swell of your breasts, trailing down to the valley between your mounds. Your body quivers in your overwhelming emotions and sensations. Shouto presses you back onto the mattress, his calloused hands pressing right below your breasts, heating emitting in large waves from both hands, making your mind spin in needy desperation.
“Are you okay?” Shouto murmurs, his lips feeling the gentle movements of your body.
“I am,” you breathe, your eyes shut tightly. You wanted to feel his lips and forget everything else in the world. This was a night of passion, and you’d be damned if your anticipation was going to stop you. “Don’t stop.”
A low chuckle vibrated against his throat, sending gentle waves through you, and you moaned the second his fingers pressed against your breasts. Shouto’s hands worked your breasts tentatively, his eyes studying your flushed face while he kneaded the tender flesh.
“F-Fuck,” you moaned when his finger brushed against your erect and clothed nipple, your hips quivering underneath him.
“Did that feel good?” Shouto hums, and when you confirm his thoughts, coldness hits your chest. Your eyes open to see that he’s discarded your bra and that his lips are millimeters from your breasts. “Do you want me to do more to you?”
The words are curious, but you don’t miss the glint in his eye, but he’s long since knocked the air from your lungs.
“I need to hear your words, princess,” Shouto smiles softly, his warm breath fanning against your erect nipples that cried for attention. “What do you say?”
“P-Please…” you breathe, your body squirming in your denied attention.
The feeling of his hot and wet mouth encasing your nipple sent you impossibly over the moon, your body arching off the bed, a lament cry heavy on your mouth while his tongue circled and flicked your nipple. His eyes were on you, you could feel his stare burning into your body, but you couldn’t even see, your eyes closed in your throbbing pleasure.
More, you wanted more.
His finger pinched your free nipple, pulling and rolling the pert skin between his fingers, your wanton cries only fueling him further. Liquid heat coursed through your veins, your pleasurable sensations overwhelming you, and your hips began to hump against his clothed thigh. The friction of his jeans against your barely clothed cunt sending you well beyond the confinements of pleasure.
“You’re perfect,” he whispers. “I love you,” he confesses. “You’re gorgeous,” he repeats.
Tender and sweet words fill your ears while he switches where his mouth and hands are. The kneading of your breasts, the manipulation of your nipples, and the way his thigh pressed against your throbbing cunt was sending you over.
Your breathing was unsteady, puffs escaping your lips in an overwhelming and failed attempt to calm yourself down. Shouto was on a mission, however, and his mouth removed from your cool breast with a soft pop, your breasts shining with the coats of saliva, and you shivered.
Shout hummed while he lips pressed the sensitive underside of your breasts, and continued downward, gentle after gentle kiss down your torso, until he made contact with your trembling inner thigh. 
“Do you trust me?” he asks, his fingers toying with the band of your panties. You can barely hear him over the roar of your heart, but you know what he says, and you nod. He smiles kindly, placing one final kiss to your thigh before pulling off your panties. 
Instinctively, your legs try to close, nerves firing away, but Shouto keeps your legs wide open, and his mouth lowers towards your dripping cunt. His tongue takes a languid and slow lick. His tongue slipping between your slit and you arch off the mattress. Your eyes fluttering in their battle to stay open, the addicting sensation of his hot tongue against your equally hot core burning you.
Your legs tremble as he thrusts his tongue within your clenching wet walls, swirling in circles and pushing further in. His fingers thrust into you at an amble speed, aiding to your pleasure sent descent on the mattress. On one lick, one godly irresistibly mind-numbing lick, your thighs come crashing against his head. Shouto’s free hand moves to grip onto your trembling legs. His tongue coaxing your orgasm closer to the edge by speaking a language you knew nothing of.
“S-Shouto!” you curse, your hips rolling desperately against his mouth. Your hips were stammering against his compelling tongue.
Your eyes struggle to remain locked on his eyes, your body twitching with the building pleasure. The electricity igniting in your flesh and bloodstream. You can hear the sounds of your squelching pussy against his moving fingers, and your jaw drops. You’re under his absolute control, and you’re no longer able to hold back anymore, your orgasm is right on edge, but you stop him.
“Wait!” you push him off of you, your chest heaving, and the wet arousal pouring from your cunt was slick against his mouth, and confusion evident on his face. “I don’t want to… I want to cum on your cock.”
“Okay,” Shouto pants with amusement, and you watched when his fingers — which were coated in your essence — slipped into his mouth, sucking it clean. The image of that sent electrifying pleasure through you, and your mouth watered at the thought of sucking him off. “What is it?”
“Get up,” you command, your hands moving to remove the belt around his waist, and he was quick to stand on your bed, and you were on your knees. Your knees buck under your weight, and you help Shouto remove his pants. You watch in an almost lusting virgin horror when his cock springs out from under his underwear. The hard cock slaps against his lower stomach, and you take in the way that his cock is thick, with bulging veins, and precum leaking from his head.
There was no going back, it seemed.
Steeling yourself over, you wait for his feet to be free, and the moment he’s out of his jeans, your hands immediately encompass his length. His girth wide enough you struggled to hold it with one hand. You marveled at the way the skin was unearthly warm and impossibly hard in your grip. This is what was going to be buried in your cunt in moments time?
“Y-Y/n…” Shouto stutters as your hand fists up and down his length in initial unknowing movement. Your eyes snapping up to meet his lust covered ones.
“Now,” you sigh as your thumb rolls over the pre-cum that slips from the tip of his head. “You can’t make fun of me if I’m bad, okay?”
Shouto licks his lips, his eyebrow quirking. “I don’t think that’s possible from you, princess.”
You smile softly, but there’s a strong sense of hope when you notice the tremble in his legs, “We’ll see!”
Licking your lips, your mouth opens, and you let the head of his cock press pass your lips. The dark pink head is hot in your mouth, and your tongue presses against the flat of his head, swirling your tongue around, testing his reaction. By the fluttering of his eyes, and the way that his hands seem to fight whether they should latch onto your hair, you reckon it’s okay. 
So, you push on ahead, moving further down his impressive cock. His girth so full you had to open wider than you were used to. You gasp as you push him further down your throat. Your eyes flashing up to see Shouto struggling to keep his head down and eyes on you. 
Good god, you pray you were wet enough to take him in without lube.
Your mouth sinks down as far as you can go while not choking yourself. Your fingers trailing up and down his toned thighs as you move your head up and down his length. You’re now in a smooth rhythm, bobbing up and down on his cock with enough vigor to make Shouto praise your name.
Your movements signal to Shouto that he can move as well. Shouto groans, and his hips move forward. You relax against his rocking hips, you’re focused on your breathing as his cock moves up and down your throat. Deeper and deeper, you feel his cock move within you. His hand pressing against the back of your neck, and you gag softly against his length.
Your eyes look back up to see Shouto’s eyes closed. Moans and pants spilling out with every thrust, and your cheeks hollow out. Creating a vacuum sensation against his length.
“Oh shit!” Shouto snaps. His hands tangling within your locks as he struggles to not overwhelm you. “You’re amazing, of course, you would be good at this,” he gasps as his cock only goes further down your throat.
You struggle to breathe with his thrusting. His snapping hips overwhelming you with their speed and depth. He’s distracted while he fucks your throat, but you’re even more desperate to keep up. Uncaring about the burning sensation erupting through your airway as he continues at his strength and speed. Your tongue swirls around his thrusting cock. Trailing against his veins as his hips stutter, and your teeth dragging against the sensitive skin.
You moan against his length. The action allowing you to gain more air and sending a loud moan from Shouto’s mouth as his pace increases.
His hips abuse your throat, and you’re delighted in the fact that you’re keeping up. The soft gags that occasionally slip from your mouth, stirring him on. He’s sinful yet heavenly in your mouth, and you want him in your dripping cunt. Your thighs shaking with the mere thought of him having his way with you.
He pulls his length away from your mouth. Your saliva stringing between your mouth and his still erect cock. You cough as you try taking in the air again, the lack of oxygen had been ignored as your pleasure was so high.
“N-Not yet,” Shouto staggers, and you nod in agreement, watching him sink back to the bed.
“Take it off,” you mutter tugging at the hem of Shouto’s t-shirt, and he moves to take it off.
With your teeth tearing into your lower lip, you watch him remove the dark shirt. Shouto’s body had to be a sin while you stared at the rippling muscles on his body, something you had never truly appreciated before. They moved with his body, the faint scars littering his body for you to kiss and count later. 
Tone and lithe. He was beautiful.
Shouto’s lips are back on yours as you kiss deeply, your head tilted to the side as his fingers gently grasp your chin. A shaky moan leaves your mouth at the taste of yourself on his lips and tongue, and Shouto moves his body so that you’re now on your back. The tips of your aroused nipples brush up against Shouto’s naked chest, and both of your release a throaty gasp as you pull him closer to you.
Your bodies were overshot with denied pleasure, and the mountaining need for more was finally being addressed.
Your leg hooks lazily around Shouto’s waist, and a sigh leaves your lips as Shouto gently grasps the back of your leg, running steady, consistent strokes from the end of your thigh to your ass.
A fire is building up in your gut as your hands work their way down to the buttons and zipper of his pants. His hands gripping your waist, and you could feel Shouto’s arousal pressing against your stomach, hot and throbbing with need. You pulled away from Shouto and giggled as he attempted to follow you with closed eyes as you had to brush your hair out of your face, suddenly feeling hot.
“Y/n…” Shouto just about whined, and you smiled softly at him, finding it endearing and the slightest bit hot when he used that tone. 
His hands were on your breasts, slowly stimulating your aroused nipples as he slowly massaged them, making sure to brush your nipple with his thumb every so often, and your head tossed back as you bite down hard on your lower lip. He once again kissed you ever so lovingly, and you felt him pulling away to line his cock with your entrance. You watch with hooded eyes as Shouto presses the head into you, teasing the both of you to extreme lengths, and you wantonly sighed. 
You rest on your elbows, a smile on your face as Shouto moves his messy hair out of his eyes. As you stare at his slightly sweaty face covered by strands of different colored hair, your heart just about bursts.
“Make love to me, Shouto,” you say aloud as Shouto stares at you, his cock removing from your entrance and carted against your clit.
“I plan on it,” he smiles, and he grabs your ankle, pulling you closer to him, and you shriek with laughter until his lips engulf your sounds. “Are you ready?” Shouto asks once more, teasing your entrance with the tip of his dick.
“Whenever you are,” you whisper into his neck, preparing for the initial pain.
You let out a cry of pleasure and pain as he slowly enters you, and you pant heavily, trying to contain your tears as he manages to push all the way in. Your eyes clench as you bit your lip, your head buried into his neck.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you cry as he stretches you out. Shouto is panting too at the feeling of your tight walls clenching against him, they’re unable to relax against his cock. It’s not until the head of his cock hits the wall of your cervix does he stop, and even then he’s not entirely in you.
Your breathing is harsh, and you feel like you’re sweating as you look down at the now joined body. The feeling of him entirely in you makes your head spin, the pressure in your lower belly could be from just Shouto within you or from your slowly growing orgasm, you had no idea.
“Are you o-okay?” Shouto stutters very clearly still adjusting to having his cock in you.
“Yeah, just… trying not to die,” you manage to croak out, and eventually, you collapse onto the bed, looking up at Shouto, who seems to be concentrating hard.
“You’re just super t-tight,” Shouto gasps as you wrap a leg around his waist.
It’s a good move, but it’s too quick as a sharp pleasure pained fire shoots through you as you slam your forehead against his shoulder.
“Too fast,” you snap in regret you try to calm your head. This was too much for you, you felt like every nerve was firing all at once on your inner wall, and no orgasm had reached you yet.
“It’s okay… breathe...”
It takes a few moments, but sure enough, you manage to raise your leg to his waist, and both of you moan at the new level of penetration and the way it made your walls clench around him. “Move,” you command, and Shouto falls onto his forearms as he nods.
Shouto moves his hips back, and slowly almost painfully slow, returns them to the original position, and even with the smallest movement, a lewd moan escapes your lips. Shouto continues going in and out, his hips slowly moving while you start to meet him with every thrust.
Whispers of encouragement escape both your lips as his slow thrusting continues.
Shouto picks up your legs so that they’re both wrapped around his waist, and he comes to lean over you. At the new angle, your head is thrown backward, and you let out a string of soft curses. “Shit, that feels so good,” you cry out in encouragement as you bit down on your lip harshly.
Your lips are soon sought after by Shouto’s as sheen layers of sweat cover both your bodies as the consistent moving of both your hips never falters.
“You’re so fucking tight, shit, you feel so good,” Shouto grunts, his hips picking up in speed as he drills into you faster, the sound of your meeting sweaty bodies echoing in your room.
Soon you can hear the sounds of your bed hitting the wall, and a cry escapes your lips as Shouto’s finger grazes your clit.
“Say my name…” Shouto grunts as he presses harder on your clit, and you can feel the coil within you getting tighter, but at the moment, all you can give is wordless cries. “Say it, y/n.”
“S-Shouto!” you scream out as you shake with an overwhelming need to climax, but Shouto’s finger leaves your clit and goes to keep your hands above your head.
“Are you enjoying this?” Shouto teases as he slams into you at full force again, your cunt tightening sinfully against his length, electricity coursing through your veins while you cry his name. “You’re so good, shit.”
“Oh my god, yes, Shouto!” your voice splutters, and his hands leave your wrist to gently pinch your nipple and clit. You go speechless, and your mind spins as he pulls one of your legs onto his shoulder, and all you can do is let your jaw drop as the new position lets you see stars.
You couldn’t take the feeling of how his body moved entirely within you, the strength and power behind his every move were almost too natural as if this was an everyday thing. You let out noises similar to a purr, grinding your cunt against his conquesting cock and laughing breathlessly at his low groan.
“You like this, princess?” Shouto nips at your throat, his thrusts making you shriek out his name as he buries you further into the bed, your nails digging into his flesh at the back of his neck. You nod rapidly, your eyes closed, your mouth open, your pants tumbling from your mouth. He wasn’t going too fast, just fast enough to have wet smacks echoing through the room, but every thrust seemed to have his cock being pulled out of you nearly completely. He pulled out entirely so he would have the ability to drill back into your wet cunt. The noises of your connecting wet sex left loud echo with your squelching pussy around his hot cock.
The muscles on his back seemed to flare dramatically, your screams turning silent due to your approval of this.
“I needa cum,” you shriek, the fire in your face as bright and hot as the one between your legs. His sweaty forehead pressed against yours, and his lips recapture yours.
Your mind goes blank when a mighty crash goes through you. But Shouto must not have felt the spastic vice-like clamping of your inner walls as he continues pistoling his hips into you, hitting your cervix, and pushing it further up with every slam. You cry against his mouth, your hands shoving at his shoulders as the feeling of your orgasm was too strong to deny, and he slips out of you.
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful,” he moans, his mouth connecting with your breast, and once again slams into you.
Your scream is silent, your eyes rolling to the back of your head, your fingers digging into his neck, and your toes curl. His hips are driving, persistent, and have a goal in mind. You can barely keep up with him, your long overstimulated body wanting to collapse at the seams, but he doesn’t stop.
The bed creaks loudly under you, headboard crashing into the wall, over and over again.
“Cum, baby,” you beg, your hips wildly thrashing against his. “Cum..”
That’s all it takes, and a hot and heavy load shoots through you, and Shouto collapses onto you at the same time the bed falls. Neither one of you reacts as gravity shifts you both slightly downwards, but your mind is too full of Shouto to care. His body twitching while his cock remains hard within you, the feeling of his cum swimming in your cunt, making your head spin with euphoria.
Drowsiness hits you quickly, and Shouto’s body heat is quickly putting you to sleep.
He pulls out of you gently, and the feeling of his cock no longer in you makes you whimper, your nose burying into his neck as he flips the two of you over so that you’re laying on his chest. His hands send warm and cooling waves through your body, helping soothe the aches in your tired body.
“That was…” you mumble, your mind unable to think straight.
You snort, your head nodding.
“Yeah… something…”
“I love you, y/n,” Shouto whispers against your temple, and you sigh, contentness and warmth flooding your aching body.
“I love you, too.”
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softinkshadows · 4 years
running into adultrio for the first time (x female reader) (1/3)
HISOKA You were slightly out of breath, racing through the streets of York New City. The night wind was cold and relentless against your skin, but you didn’t care, running past lit buildings and alleyways for signs of life. You didn’t know what to be afraid of - the lack of voices around you or the rampant gunfire in the near distance around the cemetery building. The shots had started 10 minutes ago while you were walking on your way home, and immediately your instincts flared into a sharp frenzy. A fight was breaking out at the annual underground auction, and there were nen users involved. Extremely powerful ones. You could almost feel the destruction and death a few blocks away like a tremor along your spine. At once, you sprinted towards the scene, hoping to extricate innocent bystanders caught in the crossfire. With your abilities, you knew you could bring them out safely and even put up a good fight. Earlier you’d already saved several distraught families and young couples. Just a few blocks more and it’ll be clear, you thought to yourself as you turned down another deserted street. “I’LL KILL Y-!” Gunfire resounded towards your left and you heard a nearby guttural yell cut short into a gurgle. You stopped short and came upon a darkened alley. At your feet, a cluster of five men in black suits lay at in a tangled heap. Their machine guns strewn over the pavement, and their throats slit cleanly, dripping fresh blood. Mafia, you ascertained the situation, they can no longer be saved. You had seen many dead bodies before, hell you had to kill even though you tried hard not to, and this barely fazed you. Yet something about this evoked a tension in your stomach, what was in the shadows - “Oya oya,” a silky voice said. “What do we have here, a visitor?” You felt your whole body switching to a defensive stance, eyes straining to pierce the dark in front of you. Whoever this was, their zetsu was impeccable. Then, he emerged, walking at a threateningly slow pace, his golden eyes trained on yours. One hand on his chin, the other holding a poker card. His hair combed back, almost as red as the blood he had just spilt. He’s someone to be especially careful of, you instincts told you.  Then, so swift it was almost a blur, a poker card sliced through the air in front of you. You reacted instantly, moving out of the way as you felt the razor edge of the card graze your cheek. His golden eyes widened and before you could find your footing, he appeared to your right, his left arm throwing one of the fastest punches you had ever been dealt - in a split second you did a backward flip, crouching low before sending a rapid kick to his face - his arm stopped your assault - but his gaze doubled in intensity, golden orbs flashing with surprise and burning with (was this?) intrigue. Suddenly, your body flew and you felt the impact of slamming into a brick wall; the back of your head throbbed with a dull ache, and your right hand and foot felt affixed to the wall by an invisible shackle. Tch, you clicked your tongue, glaring straight at him. From your experience, you didn’t need to use gyo to know that you were pinned to the wall with his nen. A transmuter. His eyes squinted into thin slits as he walked closer and closer. Unable to move, both of you were almost pressed together, his muscular frame cornering yours into the wall. Your free hand aimed for his throat, but he was quick to hold you down. You felt his strength against your wrists, before his long, sharp fingers tilted your chin to face him. “And who might you be...You’re not a run of the mill fighter, are you?” he purred, eyes still fixed on you. He was unbearably perceptive. You felt your insides lurch a little. This was a bad position to be in, how did you even end up running into someone like him, of all people? Regardless, you refused to let your building tension show, gazing back at him in silence and feigned indifference. Whether it was from the heat of his body impossibly close to yours, or the short sparring session you both had, you felt a bead of sweat trickle down your temple, as if betraying your thoughts. His eyes darted to the side and caught sight of it, his mouth pulling into a slight smirk. “Oh well... since you’re being uncooperative,” he mused. With you imprisoned beneath his gaze and arm, you felt his other hand reach into your pockets. “What are you doing,” you hissed. feeling anger rise into your throat. He fiddled with your phone, pressing what seemed to be a series of numbers or letters. Then he slipped your phone back where it belonged, before leaning into you once more, this time even closer to the point where he could easily whisper into your ear. You bristled at his cool breath, soft but with almost serpentine-like menace and lust burning into your skin. “I wish I could prolong this moment, but I have a job to do.” He stood back up, golden orbs glinting in the dim streetlights, before suddenly pulling away. Walking towards the cemetery building, he called back over his shoulder. “The nen would dissipate in about 30 minutes, so don’t worry.” Tch, you clicked in irritation again as you glared at his receding figure in the darkness. 
“And oh, thank you for giving me your number.”  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Notes: this was my first time ever writing a fic-like thing omg!! feels strange but oddly satisfying~ i’ve always liked to imagine (non-sexual) scenarios of a female protagonist running into the adultrio and who then catches their attention somehow, which can snowball into a longer narrative. I initially wanted to include Illumi and Chrollo in this post but I ended up writing quite a bit, so I will do another two separate posts I guess :~)
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I don’t know about you, but this felt like a long month. I just looked back on my August post and that felt like another life. Putting together this list I couldn’t believe how much I was able to watch with the start of the semester. There was a lot of great ones, so let’s get to it!
Our usual spoiler warning....
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The Umbrella Academy
Umbrella Academy was a show that I started at the end of August. Many people I know were shocked I had never watched it and honestly I don’t know what took me so long. It was great and made even better by the second season getting released this summer. Now I had even more episodes to watch. 
I love how chaotic the Hargreeves are. The things that happen to them would only happen to them (if you know what I mean). I also love how they always put family first. Despite everything that’s happened to them. They might all be a mess (and honestly who isn’t), but deep down they love each other. For the first season I thought it was great how they formatted the plot. These characters were new to us and they didn’t give us all the backstory. (When you think about it we still don’t know how Ben died.) It made me continue tuning in and figure it all out. I always sensed Vanya had powers and I know it’s shocking that I wasn’t spoiled coming into the show so late. I liked the irony of the family essentially creating the apocalypse themselves by locking Vanya up.  Leonard aka Harold always felt shifty to me. I also liked the way they set up his story. Five and Klaus are definitely my favorites of the siblings. I love how Five is such an old man in a young kid’s body. The way they show his teleportation is really cool. The early scene in Run boy run, episode 2, is definitely one of my favorites from the whole show. The images paired with the song are chilling. Really nice job there. I love how Klaus’ power has been explored. We see more of it in season 2 and it’s something I wasn’t expecting. I love his and Ben’s relationship and I easily fell into the Klaus/Dave ship. We only got a slice of their backstory and I was already too invested. Season 2 took me a little bit to get into with the new setting, but after about two episodes I did. I really liked the plot and found it funny that there was yet another apocalypse. With that cliffhanger, I can’t wait to see where season three is headed.
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Derry Girls Re-watch 
2020 felt like a good time to re-visit my girls in Derry. I wanted something familiar and funny and this was perfect. I just love this show. It makes me so happy after watching it. I’m so thrilled that we’ll eventually get a third season (even if it will be the last). This watch through I am noticing how many songs are in each episode. (Might help I’ve been watching it with subtitles.) There are so many bops. Sister Michael is always my spirit animal. She is hilarious! I also feel Gerry gets funnier as the season goes on. When he’s making the sandwiches at the funeral I crack up EVERY.TIME. I also love the seriousness of the show too. There are SO MANY great parallels. In the season one finale when the historical bomb goes off and the girls are shown at school unaware and just dancing with Orla it is so pure. Then we see Da put his hand on Gerry’s shoulder. Wow. It shows how the generations were affected. I will suggest this show to everyone no matter what they like to watch. IT IS THAT GOOD! So, why aren’t you watching it? (Or Re-watching?)  
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Violetta Season 3
We can all rejoice! The third and finale season of Disney’s Violetta was released onto Disney Plus mid month. As someone who recently finished the second season, it was no surprise that I was ecstatic and wanted to watch it ASAP. This season is hands down the fastest one I have gotten invested into. Usually it takes me a bit to get into the new plot and characters. Because I’ve gotten so attached, I’m worried that means it will go downhill. I’ve heard mixed things about season 3. But let’s focus on the positives! There is so much music so far (both old and new songs). I am loving a lot of the new songs: En Gira and Armor En El Aire. I like how they started on tour and how they included actual footage from the real tour. Now they are in their last year in the studio (so I guess Seniors?). Lots of changes are already occurring including people leaving the Studio. Some are headed to Gregorio’s Art Rebel. I have to say that Gregorio has grown on me so much and now he is one of my favorite characters. I love his relationship with Diego and every time they call each other Papa and son. OMG it’s fantastic! So great to see them happy. This season we have a new teacher, Milton and I honestly can’t figure out what his deal is. Why is he so mean? I’m in episode 18 now and I am happy Leon and Vilu are still going strong. Obviously, they’re going to have issues (and they’ve already had minor ones), but it’s good to still see them in love. (It is adorable how they call each other Amor.) I also like that their “love triangles” seem to be misunderstandings right now. I’m in the VERY early stages of Fran and Diego and honestly I am so in love with them already. I’m going to fall hard for this ship. I know it. I am so tempted to continue watching spoilers, but I feel they’re not true spoilers if I can only find them in Spanish with no subtitles. ;) 
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Sunshine on Leith
My journey through watching George Mackay films continued with Sunshine on Leith. This was a great choice and I highly recommend. The main difficulty is how to access it. I couldn’t find it fully anywhere online or through a streaming service, so I wound up purchasing it through Amazon and getting it as a UK DVD. This means you need a Multi-region DVD player to watch it. (I know. It’s weird that not all DVDs are the same.) Of course, I have one of these. I am a TV/Movie junky and love a lot of British programs that are unavailable to purchase in the US. I got it a few years ago also on Amazon and it was pretty cheap. I haven’t had any issues with it, so I highly recommend. 
The movie musical includes songs from the Proclaimers and takes place in Edinburgh. As someone who got to visit Edinburgh it was so cool to see the characters in places I’ve actually been. Before watching the film, the only Proclaimers song I knew was (of course) 500 miles. While watching I realized I actually new more and those I didn’t know I really liked. So, now I have a new playlist on my phone. Some are the original songs and others are from the movie (because I prefer their voices on some). What was cool to see was how not all the actors had the strongest voices, but could sing really well. I’m not sure if this was a purposeful choice or not. (I’d have to look more into it.) At times the plot felt a little rushed. Overall it was a fairly short musical, so that was probably why. Characters seemed to know each other really well really fast. So, if a lot of time would have passed I didn’t notice it. I can’t wait to re-watch the film. George Mackay in the cast brought me to watch it, but I stayed for a great story. (And of course I fell more in love with my crush on Mackay...No shock there :) 
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I Am Not Okay With This
Netflix’s I Am Not Okay With This had been in my queue since the beginning of this year, but I didn’t get the chance to watch it till now....when I heard it got cancelled. [Netflix hit us with this news about a month back when they released that shows that were originally picked up were now getting dropped for a second season. I Am Not Okay With This and The Society were on the chopping block.] To make the comment everyone else already has, I am Not Okay With This. 
Despite knowing the show got cancelled, I still wanted to watch it. As I was watching Derry Girls, I wanted another show that was contemporary. I was very surprised to see how few episodes there were as well as how short they each were. It was a very quick watch because of this. While I expected this show to be contemporary with a touch of the supernatural, as Syd has powers, I was not expecting it to be so much more! This show blends so many genres and it does it so well. I honestly don’t know if I’ve seen it done before...at all. Which makes it hard to compare to some others. It feels like an Indy/Contemporary Coming of Age with both supernatural and thriller vibes. It even touches into horror-ish towards the end of the season. If only there was another season to see where it would go. And that ENDING! Is it bad I laughed? I think I did because I was not expecting it to go down like that AT ALL. Syd was a very dynamic main character and I really like how they had her explore who she truly is. Her and Stan’s friendship is one that I strive for. (Speaking of, where can I get a Stanley Barber? I need one in my life.)If you’re willing to be upset that the show got cancelled and there is no second season in the works, then I definitely suggest you just out I Am Not Okay With This. 
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Enola Holmes
Man, I feel like I’m giving a lot of support to Netflix this month, but there was a lot coming out/ a lot in my queue so it makes sense. Overall, I would give Enola a 7/10. I had a lot of hype for this one (as it was one of my highly anticipated watches for September), which I think hurt my overall reaction. This doesn’t mean it wasn’t entertaining and enjoyable. I loved the female empowerment message as it was very strong. Millie Bobby Brown was fantastic and so charismatic as Enola. I loved the feature of her talking to us as well as giving some really great facial expressions. I am a sucker for a retelling (of any kind, but especially Sherlock Holmes), so I loved the concept and how they included a younger sister to the Holmes family. I know there has been some conversation about how Sherlock was portrayed and that’s not really Sherlock, but I had no problem with this (and I’m not just saying that because he was played by the dashing Henry Cavill). Honestly, Mycroft’s character bothered me more. I get that there had to be a “villainous” character (well other than the one in the mystery), but he felt a little too over the top. The movie felt a little too long at times and I still don’t like the reason for why her mother left and the conclusion to that plot. It did set it up as if there could be a sequel and I would definitely watch it. 
I would also like to add that I cannot get enough of the cast. Thanks to the YouTube interviews Netflix keeps uploading, I am falling more and more in love with this trio. They just seem like so much fun and I would love to be a part of this cast. They feel like siblings! 
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Another one in my watch-list for September can be checked off! Harriet has been a film that I have been wanting to watch since it came to theaters last year, but I felt like it came and went pretty fast. Luckily HBO just released it in the past month or so, which made me to tape it. I am so happy I did. 
WOW! Why didn’t I know about these facts about Harriet Tubman sooner? Why aren’t we taught these parts of history in school? I already knew she was amazing, and this just put her over the top. She did SO MUCH! It’s super impressive that she was a part of the Civil War and fought. Not only was this something difficult to do as a Black person, but also as a woman. I didn’t know about her visions, so that was something I Googled right when the film was finished. She never lost a freed slave in their journey to freedom. The list goes on and on how amazing Harriet Tubman was. This film showcases that so well and Cynthia Erivo is amazing as Harriet. (I have to start finding synonyms for ‘amazing’.) Her voice...WOW! Before watching the film, I have loved listening to “Stand Up,” but now afterwards it takes on a whole new meaning. Especially when you understand the direct quote from Harriet Tubman: “I go to prepare a place for you.” CHILLS! This film was nominated for multiple Academy Awards and it should have gotten one. WATCH HARRIET!
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The Crimson Field
I’ve noticed that most of the programs I watch through Amazon Prime Video are mainly period dramas. So it was no shock that I would tune into The Crimson Field, a 7 episode series following the nurses and surgeons in France during WWI. As someone who is often more drawn to WWII, I am finding myself interested to watch more things involving the first World War (ie: 1917 and Tolkien). And this show was just what I needed. The pressure was on to watch it though, as it was only available through Prime Video till September 30th. Luckily with only 7 episodes this was an easy feat to accomplish, plus the first couple I marathoned because it was so good. As with any show it took a little bit to understand the setting and the cast, but I feel like I got to know them rather quickly, which made me invested to know what would happen next. I did find it strange that Prime Video only had access to the show for a month as it originally aired on BBC one and then PBS in 2015. The streaming service has programs older than that readily available to watch any time. 
The beginning of the series was definitely stronger in my opinion. I like how they gave breadcrumbs into people’s backstories, such as the main character Kitty. There was a lot of mystery there when we first learned she had a kid and then of her scandalous marriage. There are still a few things that I don’t 100% understand, but that might be because they thought they were getting a season 2 (but they did not). And with the way they ended the show it definitely had the feel. I enjoyed Kitty and Tom’s romance, but more at the beginning than at the end. With Tom’s character, I feel like they set him up as the super nice guy while Miles was the player, but then as the show progressed they decided Tom should have more Mr. Darcy traits and I just thought that was out of his character. Either way, I did still like him (and Miles) and could listen to Richard Rankin’s Scottish accent ALL DAY! It wasn’t until I looked up his IMDB that I made the connection that he is on Outlander now. Can you see the resemblance to him now? 
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   Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Candace Against the Universe
And don’t we all just feel against the universe sometimes?
I know my range for this month is all over the place, so is it that shocking that I would add a cartoon to the mix. Definitely not...especially because it’s Phineas and Ferb. One of my favorite Disney Channel shows. Watching this film feels like FOREVER ago because it was so early in the month. I’ve only watched it the one time (because I don’t think it needs a second watch...I guess that tells you something), so let’s see how much I remember...
It’s been a while since we’ve had a new installment of Phineas and Ferb grace our screens and it was great to see the citizens of Danville once again. In a way, it felt like no time had passed. (And for them I guess it hadn’t because it always seems like the same summer.) It just felt like the moment for Phineas and Ferb. While I was really happy to see our beloved characters again, the plot of this film felt familiar. Very Queen of Mars. Now thinking back, it’s hard for me to relay what happens and I think that’s a good way to describe this movie. It was very familiar, and I wish they would have done more with it. I can’t even remember any of the songs (and that’s often my favorite part). Of course, it had all the classics antics and jokes. I love how Perry was helping out the kids and had to be very secretive about it. I always love a good Candace and Venessa team up. Dr. Doof was hilarious as usual and his pairing with the kids (specifically Isabella) was a great time. My favorite part was when they got meta and did the reverse engineering of their animation and then we saw the creators in front of the story boards. That was really cool and unexpected. Overall, it felt like Phineas and Ferb and made life in quarantine a little bit easier. 
Well! That’s a wrap. These were some of my favorite picks to talk about (even if it took me longer than usual). I hope you watched some great stuff last month and continue to find new picks for October! 
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oohfluffy · 5 years
Group: EXO
Member: Kim Jongin
Theme: Fluff | Dancer!AU | Dormmmate!AU
Word Count: 1,870
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❀ Chapter 1: Dorm-mate ❀
"Aigoo! Yah! Mochi! Come back here! Yah!
You chuckled as the two girls passed by you, clearly struggling with catching up with their dogs. You nudged your foot towards your left where your lazy dog lies.
"Oi, Hunnie-yah. Why don't you run like them? It's fine with me, you know. FYI, I'm the fastest runner in our--"
Your proud smiling face turned into a frowning one as your dog's butt appeared in your sight, walking away from you. Hunnie was obviously not interested listening to his owner.
You sighed annoyed as you followed your dog. Irony, right? Your dog should be the one who's following you but it's the other way round. How saddening.
"Yah, Hunnie! Can't we just be formal here? I'm your owner, for dog foods' sake! Don't just turn your fat butt on me, arasseo?!" You told your dog as if you're a mother who's scolding her child.
Your dog, Hunnie, has its ears up as it stopped on its tracks and glanced at you. Your eyes brightened with hope as Hunnie started walking towards you. You don't know if it's just in your imagination but you noticed, Hunnie's eyes were filled with admiration, like when you give him a plate full of meat. Yes, he just likes the meat not you.
Thinking of your fantasy, that you and your dog will finally make up after years of continuously fighting like cat and dog (no pun intended, you are a cat person after all), you dramatically kneeled down on both knees and opened your arms, expecting Hunnie to jump into them.
But of course, fantasies only exist in our minds. As fast as a racing car, your fantasy was shattered by screaming, shrilling, squealing (and many more synonyms) of what you presumed by teenage girls, or even gays because you certainly heard a deep voice shouting, "I love you, oppa!".
You were instantly brought back to reality. The reality that your dog wasn't really walking towards you, but towards to what or who is behind you. It hurtch.
You were about to call your dog to come back when you heard the heavy footsteps of running feet were coming nearer at your place. You, who's still kneeling in the middle of the street like a crazy woman, snapped your head behind you. There, you saw a huge stampede of what you presumed again, hyper fangirls. Your now wide eyes went to Hunnie, who's still walking in a daze towards the stampede without any knowledge of what in the dogs' world could happen to him once he get stepped on by those girls.
You felt like you're in a slow motion as you clumsily reach out for your dog with your knees still connected to the floor. (Stupid, I know)
I need to protect him... at least.
Despite of the pain you felt on your knees as they slide awfully on the rough and uneven cemented floor of Gangnam's street, you were still determined to stretch your hands towards the tail of your dog.
But unlike in some superhero movies, you couldn't save the one who's in danger.
The crowd of girls was already in front of your dog. Your head bumped on your tired arms as you closed your eyes, not wanting to see what's in front of you. The hope that was in your eyes before, is now gone.
"YAH! I think that's enough running, huh? Oppa's tired already and I really need a break. Do you want oppa to be flat and dead as a fallen leaf? Now go home, my loves."
Your eyes closed tightly as a man's deep voice shouted softly, if there's even a soft shout. It's like he just want them to go away but can't get his emotions take over him. It seemed like his pleading was effective, the stampede stopped, just three 12 inches rulers away from you.
"But oppa--"
"No. Go now."
"Aww. We just want to know where you'll be--"
"This is a private matter of my life. I don't want anyone interfering in my life... yet."
"So, go home now. Hurry before oppa gets mad."
"Okay, oppa!" "Take care!" "Go to your new home safely, oppa!" "Saranghae, oppa!" "See you on Tuesday, oppa!" "I'll miss you, hyung! I love youu!"
You cringed at the sweet goodbyes this 'oppa' got from multiple fangirls and a fanboy, who obviously said the last one.
Soon, you heard the slowly fading footsteps of the crowd. You breathed out the air that you were unconsciously keeping in your throat.
You abruptly pulled yourself up to find your snob dog before the sun sets, when you heard a bark which you recognized as Hunnie's.
Your eyes went wide, not because you felt afraid that your dog might just hurt and bite someone, but because Hunnie's bark right now wasn't like the ones he used to bark at you. Hunnie's bark sounded lovingly and friendly.
Your heart broke, thinking that a stranger has managed to get into your own dog's good side when the owner herself can't.
You carefully sat down and dusted your dirty clothes. You're really scared to look at the silhouette you had a glimpse of earlier in front of Hunnie. Your dog might just jump into the person's arms and let him be taken away from you. It hurtch again.
"Excuse me, miss? This is your dog, right?"
You bit your lip as you nodded, still finding the rough floor interesting and dumbly sitting on the dusty street. (Yes, you're still sitting on that stupid floor) If you weren't in this state, you would totally swoon over his manly voice.
"Can you stand-- Holy sh.. shawarma! You-your knees!"
In the middle of your dark and cold ambiance, warm and comforting arms enveloped your small, fragile frame and weak state. His strong but sweet smell almost hypnotized you. You were gaping at the heavenly scent. The person carefully guided you to stand up without hurting your knees and put one of his arms on your waist, the other holding your hand.
"Are you comfortable with this?"
You shook your head in disapproval. Your arm felt like it's stretching too much and your knees were almost crouching. I don't if that's comfortable for you.
"Okay then."
You suddenly felt yourself ascend into the arms of this not really bulky guy but...
Omg he has guns.
Instinctively, your arm flung their way to his neck and held onto him as if your life depended on it. (Excuse me, this is not taking advantage of this young man's innocence. Or it may be. ㅋㅋㅋ)
You felt his sturdy chest vibrate as he chuckled at your action. You finally noticed how close you are to him right now and leaned away.
"Are you comfy now?"
Your cheeks reddened even if you tried to control it, you can't. You firmly nodded and looked around as he walked towards the park. You still haven't seen this guy's face, so you still don't know if he is a drop-dead gorgeous man but you can't help but to think he is, considering how loud and desperate his fans were.
"Arf! Arf! Arf!"
Your eyes widened for the nth time of the day, but immediately searched for your dog that you have forgotten for a while.
"Hunnie, are you okay? You're not hurt like your clumsy owner, are you?" Seeing it below, just beside the guy's feet, it was innocently glaring at you. You scoffed at it.
"Aish. This dog is really annoying. How can you just leave me alone, huh?! This is your fault." You ranted as you glared back at your dog. It seems like Hunnie really likes this guy, with it still following him like this guy is its real owner.
You were just about to rant continuously when the guy laughed loudly, as if no one is around but himself. In a split-second, you bravely turned to him, ready to give him a very long lecture about how to respect girls and remind him not to cut you off with his annoying but cute laugh. But as you opened your mouth, your jaw dropped along with your soul. You can even hear wedding bells ringing already.
Bless my poor innocent living soul. This guy is sizzling- GHAD. Abort mission! Abort! Abort!
"You're really amusing. First, you were like a knee-wounded poor girl who lost her voice, then one second you turn into a worried mama-dog and then another second, you blame the innocent dog for everything."
You held your head down in shame as his words shot your skull.
"You're so cute."
"Arf! Arf! Arf! Grrrr..." Hunnie barked aggressively as if he wasn't agreeing with what the guy last said. You rolled your eyes at the dog but felt the tingly heat creeping up on your cheeks again.
"Ahm... ehem! You-you can just put me down here. I can seriously walk. My dorm's just a few blocks away--" you tried freeing yourself from his arms—as much as you enjoy to being inside of them—but he just tightened his hold of you. (Huhuhu im dying)
"No. No. I'll feel really bad if you don't let me carry you home. Your hurt knees already look so painful enough for me to see and make me feel guilty if I ever leave you here. Just tell me the directions to your dorm."
With his good convincing, you just nodded again, feeling like you just lost in some debate. You told him the directions and stopped in front of the two-story modern house, it's not that big and fancy but this is your one and only home, your dorm.
"Well, this is my stop. Thank you for uh.. carrying me here. I really appreciate your kindness and you can just put me down-- HEY! You can't go inside! Stop!"
You started panicking as he walked calmly inside of your opened gate. You face-palmed yourself for not closing it before you went out. Your aunt will totally flip--
"OH, Kai-ssi! You're finally-- Y/N?! What happened to you?! Oh goodness, now you're bleeding, what's next?" Your aunt was used to this sight of you. You were always the troublemaker kind of girl and boy, you are just an accident-prone person.
"Kai, can you put her down on the couch? I'll just get the first aid kid. I'll be back."
Your aunt obviously knew this guy. If Kai, as what your aunt calle him, was another guy, she might have already called the police and nagged at you for being careless.
"So... you know my aunt?" You awkwardly started the conversation as Kai carefully put you down.
"Actually, I think this is just fate working."
"Hmm?" You looked back at him with questioning in your eyes.
"This is the dorm I'm moving into today. I'm sure I'm your new dorm-mate."
Your eyes met with his, giving you the chance to see his chocolate orbs of eyes. His eyes are so beautiful and clear that you can you can clearly see your reflection.
"Hi, dorm-mate. I'm Kai, at your service."
He just had to wink and grin, you almost had a heart attack.
❀ Ch.2
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spellboundinks · 5 years
Rules: Answer the 11 questions of the tagger, create your own 11 questions, then tag 11 people. Enjoy!
Thanks for tagging me @godofdiverseinterests! I’ll be answering for The Ichor Lineage characters.
1. If your character(s) lost all their memories but could choose one to keep, what would they choose?
Oh like one specific memory? Shit. It would have to be a memory that had her dads and Kirt in it. Her family is incredibly important to her and there’s no way she would let herself forget them. I’d like to think that she would keep a memory of them celebrating First Turn with the community. If she ever had to search for her former life Wolverine style it’d be a detailed first clue. 
2. If all of them were forced to fight in a battle royale of sorts, who would come out on top?
The teens are all super powerful omg. This would have to be in an alternate universe where they had to fight and didn’t know each other at all and had no moral resistance to do so. Keeping in mind that all of them have a partner with the exact opposite powers to counteract attacks... Ellody is the oldest, with the most experience, and a huge grasp on strange and complex shadow abilities and Kirt has very powerful super speed and lightning abilities so I think either could win. I love my mc Harmony to death, but her time abilities are not entirely useful in combat situations.
3. (For a character who speaks only one language) What language would they want to learn first?
Alright so their world actually has a universal language. It’s a small world with really one main religion with multiple deities. So all of them speak Caelan. However, each province is devoted to one deity and there are languages specifically created for communication with that deity, so many of them would know Caelan, and their specific element’s patron’s language. 
4. Biggest pet peeve?
Harmony- When someone wears too much cologne/perfume/any axe Kirt- When people invade his personal space or try to give unsolicited advice. Winic- Bad grammar or when people don’t listen to him. Anny- Slow walkers and people who block the path. Claron- People who eat food off your plate without asking. Lina- People who can’t seem to take care of their plants. Ellody- When she’s sitting in the dark and someone turns the light on. Troy- Hearing sounds that should not exist: loud chewing, ticking clocks, etc. Jasper- Uncomfortable chairs. Miles- Rain.
5. Which character would probably be the first to get a verified tick on Twitter?
Miles probably got a YouTube channel that became big and started Tweeting on the side.
6. Which character has a diet of only caffeine?
Not Kirt cause he would drive everyone nuts. Probably Ellody or Jasper. 
7. What song can they never get out of their head?
Our songs don’t exist in their world. Harmony and Kirt definitely have songs from musicals or animated films in their heads though.
8. Where are they on an alignment chart?
Harmony- Lawful Good Kirt- Lawful Good Winic- Lawful Neutral Anny- Neutral Good Claron- Chaotic Good Lina- Lawful Good Ellody- True Neutral Troy- Lawful Good Jasper- Chaotic Neutral Miles- Chaotic Good
9. What game/book/film always makes them cry?
Uggggh none that we know exist I am sorry. For Harmony and Kirt it was prob a musical or some heartwarming documentary. 
10. What emoticon do they ue most often?
That technology does not exist. Sorry not sorry.
11. Why did it take me so long to write these 11 questions?
Because questions are hard whether you’re answering them or asking them.
My Questions: 1. Would any of your ocs accept immortality? 2. Can any of your ocs cook? What kinds of foods are they capable of making? 3. Do any of your ocs have strange hobbies? 4. How would your ocs react to finding out they have a clone?  5. What bores your ocs? 6. Who is the fastest oc? 7. Where would your ocs want to live? 8. Which oc is wrong most often? 9. Which Hogwarts houses do your ocs belong in? 10. Which oc is most likely to do something stupid on a dare? 11. Name a fun fact about one of your ocs.
I’m gonna tag @jade-island-lives, @the-crafty-fox, @kalis-scribbles, @soul-write, @rachywritessomething, @minnymoon, @queenmirabelle, @maple-writes, @writerofwriting, @oheoo, and @fantasiesescape
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kpop-and-lemonade · 6 years
Here is a rough draft that I started a long time ago and I’m never gonna finish
“Fuck me in the ass” you yelled.
It was 7:14 am and that was the time your school bus came, so you frantically ran around your house trying to get ready for school. You threw on some clothes, and tried to make your hair look as decent as possible, but you still looked like a washed up beach whale.
You frantically ran around your house, trying to get your things for school. "I can't be late to school again; I'll get the late shift." you groaned just thinking about it.
The "Late shift" was just slang for detention at night. It was just a type of cruel and unusual punishment created by the teachers to torture students. It forced us to come back to school at 6pm, and then sit there for an hour and a half before getting to leave. You cringed knowing that it was late November, and the sun went down at 4:30p.m
You got on your bike, and rode to school as quickly as possible, but you got to school 20 minutes late.
"Fuck" you groaned while locking your bike away. “You look like a dried up beach whale.” you jumped as you heard somebody behind you. Turning around you saw your best friend Doyoung looking at you with the goofiest smile.
"Douyoungiiiee!" You squealed; while running up to hug him. " You still look like a pumpkin!" you teased, ruffling his bright Orange hair.
Doyoung has been your best friend since elementary school, but You guys were like complete polar opposites, though. He was gentle and Innocent, while you were naughty, rough, and adventurous. You had a huge crush on Doyoung ever since Middle school, but you never had the guts to tell him yourself, and you knew that dating your best friend could end badly, so you suppressed your feelings for him ever since 8th grade.
“you're late too!” You squealed. “Now I don’t have detention by myself!” you  jumped up and down in excitement, knowing that you wouldn't be alone. Doyoung rolled his eyes. "I missed my school bus, so I had to walk." he explained while walking with you into the building.
“Shit! I forgot to do my homework.” he groaned.
“Ha! you little dipshit you’re going to fail all your classes at this rate" you continued walking down the hall.
“Can I get the answers from you?” he said while looking at you with huge puppy eyes. "Did he really think this was going to work?" you thought to yourself.
“You’re going to have to try even harder to get me to consider saying yes” you teased.
“Is that so?” He smirked. “I have a few tricks of my own.”
(This is usually where a smut starts, but is she really going to get fucked for some homework, though? Smuts are so random the main character is always like." I spilled the coffee on the couch; Oppa is going to punish me!" To be honest, that sounds like a good smut!)
Doyoung grabbed you, pinning you against the locker raising your hands over your head. You tried moving, but his thighs were between your legs. "Doyoung? what are doing" you gasped, but there was no response.
He leaned into the crook of your neck, lightly sucking on your pulse. You quietly moaned trying not to be loud. “You smell really nice today.” he said in a husky voice. Doyoung started biting your neck lightly causing your moans to become louder. he put his hand on your mouth preventing you from making any more noises.  You whimpered in place as he attacked your neck. You couldn't take any more of  the pleasure, so... You bit his hand.
"Ouchie!" He yelped. “If I give you the homework will you stop?" he nodded eagerly in response.
“I knew that this would work” he smirked. He held his hand out for you to give him the homework, but you bolted out of the hallways into your classroom.
You awkwardly entered the class as everyone stared at you; doyoung entered the room soon after you.
“Where have you two been? Class started 30 minutes ago” you didn’t have any time to say anything before the teacher cut you off. “Both of you have detention tonight” he yelled before going back to his lesson.
“The teacher seems to be on his period” you giggled, but he didn’t say a word to you. Doyoung was pissed. You groaned he was so sensitive he always got mad over the tiniest things, but he honestly scared you when he was mad.
The things he would do for revenge. You remember the time he pushed you off a monkey bar, causing you to break your arm, but that only happened once, and you had made him extremely mad. Honestly, if doyoung wanted to act petty he could do whatever he wants.
- ~time skip~
“Doyoung is being a bitch.” You said bluntly, “and also he was being so weird today.” You said picking up your cardboard pizza.
“How so?” she questioned.
“Well he asked me for my homework, and I said no, then it suddenly turned into a raunchy movie” you sighed. “Omo! Tell me the juicy details.” She leaned in closer.
“Well...He pushed me against the locker and started biting on my neck. I wanted to move, but my body was telling me something else.” you explained to your friend. “After that, I told him that I would give him the homework, he stopped and I ran to class” you finished explaining.
“I’ve never seen him act like that before.” You worried. “Do you think he knows I liked him?” You asked with a panicked tone.
“Omo! You are just overreacting, he will probably forget about it by the end of the day” she reassured.
~time slip~
You took a nap before getting up and getting ready for the tortuous events that were bound to happen that day. You put on a nice dress and cardigan before walking out your house. You Lived in an area where it wasn’t really cold. You walked out your house and got on your bike. It was dark and you rode through a sketchy area. It was bad enough to get kidnapped in broad daylight, but it was the fastest way to your school. The time was 5:40pm and you took your time enjoying the scenery of graffiti.
To your luck there was nobody outside; this always made you happy because the people in this neighborhood were really intimidating, so you always tried to block them out from your head as you rode through. You were halfway down the street until you heard a scream from alleyway closest to you. Slowly and quietly you rode past trying to see what was happening.
Your eyes widen at the sight in front of you. The scene of a man hovering over somebody’s limp body slowly tearing the person apart like a hungry wolf. The man or THING was  pale and skinny. You looked a little longer to notice the man's unusual hair color. “No” you whispered to yourself. The man had hair as orange a pumpkin. “Doyoung” you blurted out; you quickly covered your mouth knowing that your mistake could cost you your life. He looked up at you. Your eyes widened in shock and fear. You must be crazy you thought to yourself. Right in front of you; your best friend stood covered in blood. His eyes were a deep red and his teeth had fangs. He slowly walked towards you, but you hightailed your way to school.
He looked up at you. Your eyes widened in shock and fear. "You must be crazy." you thought to yourself. Right in front of you; your best friend stood covered in blood. His eyes were a deep red and his teeth had fangs. He slowly walked to you, but you hightailed your way to school.
You ran into the building going to class. You sat down in your seat crying.  "I must be crazy." you thought to yourself. How could someone you’ve known your entire life be able to do something like that? You walked to the front of the classroom and started writing out an apology on the board. You tried reassuring yourself; Thinking that maybe he wouldn't come after an event like that. Not even ten minutes later, you heard the door open behind you. You were immediately on edge knowing that doyoung had just entered the room.
“Now that the both of you are here; I have to go help the other math teachers plan senior finals. Please excuse me.” the teacher said abruptly before suddenly leaving the room. Your body started tensed knowing that you were now in the same room as a monster.
“Hi Y/N,” he said nonchalantly from behind you.
“Hey doyoung” You tried to make yourself sound as normal as possible, but even somebody deaf could sense the fear in your voice.
You continued writing on the board until you suddenly felt his hands wrap around your waist. Your body started shaking violently in his embrace. "shit" you thought, you knew that he could feel you shaking, and it made everything obvious.
“How was your day?” he asked while kissing your neck. You felt tingles course through your body as he kissed your neck.
You didn’t reply to his question.
He leaned in from behind you placing his mouth right to you ear “Did you see anything unusual today?” he purred lightly biting your ear.
his words made you start crying hysterically. You tried to escape his grasp, but he was too strong.  “Please let me go” you cried. "You know, You were the last person I expected to see today. I was actually really surprised when I saw you at the end of the alleyway. Naturally, If you were anybody else... you would be torn to pieces.” He explained devilishly with a grin.
“I promised not to tell anyone; please let me go.” You pleaded with Doyoung but nothing worked.
“Go ahead tell anybody you want. Who the fuck is going to believe you anyway” he scoffed.
“OMG! DOYOUNG IS VAMPIRE EVERYONE GATHER THE PITCHFORKS.” he said In a mocking tone before laughing. “Stop being a dumb bitch and think for a minute” he scoffed.
“The only reason you are still breathing right now is because we are friends. You should be thanking me for not sucking you dry.” He said.
“Honestly” he began “I love the image of you weak beneath me,” he said seductively.
“It turns me on in ways you could imagine,” he said lightly nibbling your neck. you continued crying as he started moving his hands up your dress. "I always knew you liked me" he giggled. "It was painfully obvious' he joked.
He continued snaking his hand up your thigh hooking his fingers into the fabric of your underwear. You moaned as you felt his left hand massaged your clit."Fuck your so wet." he teased, applying more pressure to your clit. beads of sweat rolled down your body, and your back arched every time his fingers moved up and down your, but you knew in your head; what he was doing to you wasn't right, none of this was right. He suddenly stopped turning you around and pinning you against the chalkboard.
"Why the sad face kitten, Isn't this the moment you've always dreamed of? Me pinning you against the wall while fucking you senseless." he licked his lips.His expression suddenly turned cold. "COME ON ISN'T THIS WHAT YOU WA-" he yelled, but you cut him off. "I didn't want it like this," you screamed. "I never expected that I would be fucked in a classroom by my best friend, who I just witnessed murder some poor innocent man." You sobbed. " I wanted my first to be romantic and meaningful. A night to remember." you said quietly.
Doyoung hugged you while playing with your hair. "I'm sorry kitten for hurting you." he cooed "But honestly I really think you'll enjoy it." he mused. You wanted to yell at him, but the truth was under the shame and disgust you felt: you really did enjoy the feeling of being touched by doyoung. Your mind was telling you no, but your body wanted so much more.
"It's ok If you don't want me to con-." you cut him off for the second time. "No, please this is something I want." You pleaded. Doyoung looked at you confused. "But, you just said you didn't want it," you gave him a pleading look, and he acknowledged you. Doyoung quickly picked you up and put you on top of the teacher's desk
I hoped you enjoyed this steaming pile of trash admin J
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cbmification · 4 years
Big Brother Sims: S01E03 - The Man Behind the Curtain
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Padma: Good evening and welcome back to Big Brother Sims. Last week the big alliance of seven started to show some sings of fracture. For how long will they stay strong? Let’s find out.
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Jared: Man, it couldn’t have worked out better. As soon as the votes were announced, everyone’s faces were like “Uuuh... What?” and there’s no way there’s trust between the girls anymore.
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Cass: You can probably imagine what felt like when Padma announced the vote was 6-3. I said to myself “There, blindsided”. But thank God that didn’t happen. Now I hope Danielle can help me out, because I feel like Esme and Pratyush tried to get me out and I’m feeling very at risk.
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Danielle: Girl, did anyone tell you to vote that way to make a move against Cass?
Kalani: No, Dani. I swear, no one did-
Danielle: Sorry, right now I just can’t with you. You have to realize that this game is serious.
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Danielle: Where the hell did those votes come from? Kalani is telling me she decided to throw a vote by her own accord, but damn... She has to get her shit together or else just walk out that door to save our time.
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Kalani: I feel like I messed up big time, man. But I swear, from now on there’s a new Kalani playing this game. And I’m gonna give it my all.
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Jazz: Just what the hell was that? I have my deal with Esme and I decided to check with her to see if for some weird reason they decided to go against us but I’m certain that’s not the case. Someone’s working on the shadows and I just know it for a fact.
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Jazz: Why didn’t you vote like I told you to?
Esme: I swear on my life, Jazz. Both me and Pratyush voted for Genevieve. Someone’s trying to frame us or something.
Jazz: You know, that’s pretty hard to believe, but my gut still tells me to trust you.
Esme: Oh, thank you so much. I swear, if I hear anything, I’ll come tell you right away.
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Tameka: I knew we could not trust that chick. She’s only trying to use this female bond but I can see right through her. As long as I’m concerned, she’s next to go.
While the scramble to find out where the votes come from dwindles, people are beginning to find problems in each other’s mannerisms.
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Danielle: Lately I’ve been realizing the weirdest thing about Pratyush. It doesn’t matter who you’re talking to or where you are, he just shows up in there and doesn’t say a thing. He’s just creeping me out but it’s also kind of funny? I don’t know, man...
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Danielle: Yes, I love those dancing games!
Cass: OMG, we have to play them together as soon as we get out.
Pratyush: ...
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Danielle: What do you mean by burgers being better than pizza?
Jazz: Sorry not sorry.
Pratyush: ...
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Pratyush: I just feel so out of my element in here. I usually distance myself from people due to the fact that my job revolve around killing, so I can’t be a goody-goody. So I just stay there when people are talking and have no idea when it’s the right time to give my input.
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Danielle: The HoH competition is coming up and I do not plan on changing my strategy one bit. Throwing till the end.
Houseguest Soup The Houseguests must sit in a bath tub filled with water. At predetermined intervals, buckets filled with various disgusting items will be dumped into the tub. The last Houseguest sitting in the tub will become the new Head of Household.
Danielle has no effort in this challenge, but decides to quit when there’s 5 players left. Pratyush and Esme give up behind, leaving only Chris and Jazz. Since she had already been HoH, Jazz decided to give it to Chris.
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Chris: Yes! Finally what I came here to do. Captain America: 1, rest of the house: 2, I guess. But I’m gonna make it to the top!
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Chris: So after all that happened we can all agree that Esme and Pratyush can’t be trusted, right?
Danielle: Yes, we give them an opportunity and they threw it away.
Jared: So what’s the plan, chief?
Chris: I’m thinking we should backdoor Esme. Get her without giving her a chance to fight back.
Tommy: Perfect. She’ll realize what’s going on right away but won’t be able to do shit.
Tameka: I would love to see that.
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Pratyush: Things are looking very grim for Esme and myself. We’re the only Silent Assassins left in the game and I have this terrible feeling she’s next to go. And I really don’t wanna lose her.
A few contestants are worried about having to lose bonds. At the same time, others are planning on beginning ones.
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King: You know, I’m the King of many things. But in this game, I’m more than anything the social King. There’s no one on my level when it comes to that. And since I need numbers on my side when we eventually go deep in the game, I decided to talk to Kalani to get her on my side. Good thing is she’s been feeling down lately for voting wrong last time, so she was an easy target.
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Kalani: I’m really sorry for voting for Cass last week. And thank you so much for giving me this opportuntity to explain myself. It’s just that that whole talk Genevieve had with us, I couldn’t bring myself to vote for her...
King: It’s totally ok, Kalz. I get it. You know you can trust me, right?
Kalani: Sure, I know that for a fact.
King: Are you sure no one came up to you talking about voting for Cass?
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Kalani: I swear, there was no one. People knew that I didn’t have my head on the game up until now and maybe they used that to try to burn me.
King: Yeah, that’s a possibility. But hey, if you hear anything, come talk to me. I can help out.
Kalani: Thanks, man. You can count on me.
King: Likewise. I’m all in for an unpredictable alliance like this!
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Kalani: You know, up until now I totally thught you were a muscle for brains kind of guy, but you’re actually pretty cool!
King: Haha, thanks. Well, I’ve actually got it all, the brains, the muscles, the looks. What can I do?
Kalani: Hahaha, also humility.
King: Yeah, no need for that when your name is King.
Kalani: Seems so, hahaha.
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King: Kalani, I can see us getting far together. But please stop voting with your emotions and get focused on the game.
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Chris calls the houseguests to the living room as it’s time for the nomination ceremony.
Chris: I have nominated you, Cass, as a pawn once again. I feel like I haven’t connected with you very well.
Cass: Not cool, man. I just barely survived one.
Chris: Sorry, gotta do what I gotta do. I’m also putting you, Pratyush, as my main target. You’re constantly performing well in challenges and is a long term threat.
Pratyush quietly sits at the nomination chair.
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Chris: This is a very tough situation for me but I had to do it.
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Cass: Can’t believe it...
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Cass: This time I’m not only angry, I’m sad too, man. The paranoia of being nominated had just cooled down, and besides, putting me up against one of the very people who tried to get me out? What is wrong with these people who are supposedly on my side?
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Esme: I just know it for a fact that these guys are planning on backdooring me. If I don’t get picked for that veto I’m out of this game. So I decided to talk to Jazz to see what are my chances.
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Esme: Jazz, doesn’t it make sense to you that Chris would nominate Pratyush and backdoor me sitting right beside Cass because he and someone else are the responsible for the rogue votes?
Jazz: Oh my God, I hadn’t thought of that. I trusted that son of a bitch to become the new HoH...
Esme: Do you really think there’s a way I can be saved this week?
Jazz: My original plan was to get Chris to nominate someone else instead of you over the next days, but now maybe the only way is for myself or someone I trust to get that veto...
Chris gets everyone together for the veto selections.
Chris draws Tameka.
Cass draws Houseguest’s Choice and picks Danielle.
Pratyush draws Tommy.
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Danielle: God, why would Cass expose our bond like that when she’s not even at risk? We just saw two people leaving back to back because of a dumb decision like that. I just hope this doesn’t come to bit me back later. Anyways, one more comp I have to run, one more comp I have to throw.
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Tameka: Those comps up until now have all been about proving myself. And I’ve been performing pretty well on them, thank you very much. But I just want to have that golden moment of victory. And right when I can be the one to send my #1 enemy here home? That would be perfect.
Morph-O-Matic One at time the Houseguests privately enter the backyard to see a huge screen next to a switchboard with each Houseguest's name near a switch. Each round the screen will show two Houseguests morphed together. The Houseguests must flip the switches of the Houseguests that make up the face. The Houseguest to correctly figure out who is in each picture in the fastest time will win the Power of Veto!
Tameka and Cass ace this challenge, with Tommy right behind them. Pratyush and Chris are just pissed because of their inability with puzzles, while Danielle is dead last on purpose. In the end, Tameka takes home the Power of Veto.
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Tommy: Well, I’m not happy, man. Jared says he can control Tameka easily, but I think she’s far more influenced by the girls than he believes. That’s why I gave my all to get that Veto, but it just didn’t work out.
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Jared: Chill out, man. I can assure you she’ll get Pratyush off the block just cause I’ll tell her to.
Tommy: Have you talked to her?
Jared: No, but-
Tommy: And shouldn’t you?!
Jared: Sure, can you get her for me?
Tommy: Ok.
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Jared: What is Tommy even going on about? I have Tameka on the palm of my hand. Actually, I have him right there too. As well as this whole house. I’m truly the man behind the curtain.
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Jared: So, no surprises, right? Pratyush going down, Esme going up?
Tameka: Yeah, why would you ask that? Don’t you know what she did to me?
Jared: I know, I know. Just checking in with you.
Tameka: There’s no way in hell she’s not going home this week.
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Jazz: Things are not looking good at all. But I think there’s still some hope for Esme. My very first alliance in this house included Tameka and I’m gonna appeal to that.
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Danielle: So, Tameka, we called you in here because we have something important to say. We believe the guys are not being honest with us.
Tameka: What do you mean?
Jazz: Well, if you look at it, our alliance has 4 men and 3 women. And just like we’re together here, I think the boys are too.
Danielle: The four of them, or at least some of them four, are clearly trying to get us against each other so that they can dominate.
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Tameka: Hmm, that would make sense.
Danielle: Have you thought of the fact that if Pratyush was to remain on the block, he would probably go home? And then the only guys left on the house would be the ones on our alliance? They would not be able to get Pratyush on their side.
Jazz: Exactly, Dani said it all. If we give up Esme, we give up our power.
Tameka: But the things she did to me...
Danielle: I’m not denying any of that, and if it’s up to me, she’s going next. But we have to make sure we don’t screw this up.
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Tameka: Can you guys at least give me some time to think about it?
Danielle: Sure.
Jazz: I’m so freaking happy, I can’t believe you’re actually considering it.
Tameka: There’s something I want to pay attention to with my very eyes.
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Jared: Hey man, you can rest assured you ain’t going home. I made it sure myself.
Pratyush: Really? Oh, that’s music to my ears!
Jared: Yes, but this favor won’t come for free. You gotta be loyal to me from now on.
Pratyush: Man, whatever you say I’m in.
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Tameka: That fucking nugget. I knew I should not have trusted him. Like he’s always saying we’re good and he’s got a path for us to go forward together but then suddenly he’s working with people outside of the Power 7? He’ll learn I’m not anyone’s puppet and he won’t take credit for my achievements. I’m not an emotional player and I can totally think straight when it comes to what’s best for my game. And if that means keeping Esme, so be it.
Tameka reunites the houseguests for the Veto Ceremony.
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Tameka: I have decided not to use the power of veto.
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Kalani: As soon as she said that, all hell broke loose and I couldn’t contain my laughs!
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Jared: Why would you do something like that?! Are you insane?!
Tameka: Well, Pratyush is a big threat too, I just thought it would be better to get him out first. Now... why are you so defensive about it?
Jared: I’m not-I’m just saying Esme has constantly been performing better than him, it doesn’t make sense... besides, you told me-
Tameka: I changed my mind. And on top of it all, I want to see where people’s allegiances are at.
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King: What? Me? I know nothing about Jared trying to get the guys together!
Tameka: Are you sure of it?
King: If they’re doing something, I’m not included.
Tameka: Then we best get Pratyush out now, because that’s his plan.
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Jazz: Tameka, I just wanted to thank you so much for this, really.
Esme: Yeah, I don’t know how I can repay you.
Tameka: Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t do this for Esme and I still don’t trust nor like you. It’s just that I’m not letting any animosity take that prize out of my hands.
Esme: Geez, that hurts...
Tameka: I don’t care.
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Tommy: You better realize that this is a team game. And when you go against the team, there are consequences. And it shows we can’t trust you.
Chris: Yeah, we made this decision together.
Tameka: Right now, I really don’t care. And I’m just doing what I think is best for my game. If you wanna scream and shout, get in line.
Danielle: Jesus, this is gold!
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Tameka: Ugh, I can’t with this *starts crying*. When I signed up for this game, I knew I was the strongest person I’ve ever met. But all of this pressure, dealing with all of those assholes and their egos, I just can’t. But I’m not gonna quit. I’ve never been a quitter. When people made fun of me for my skin tone, or when people told me I was crazy for immigrating from Jamaica. Never. And this game is just my next challenge. I’m gonna get through this. For myself, but most of all, for my wife and daughter.
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Jared: The girls are not gonna get away with this unscathed. They’re gonna pay for it big time.
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Jared: I’m pissed, man. And that’s not gonna stay like that! We have to do something!
Chris: Man, right now we better just roll with it. Can we get the votes to take out Cass?
Tommy: I doubt it. We could get Esme, but King and Kalani would never go against the girs.
Jared: I know. But all of them truly believe that Esme and Pratyush were the votes for Cass last time. We could totally do it again.
Tommy: What? Are you sure?
Jared: More than anything.
Chris: Man...
Jared: I swear, that’s gonna be the end of their trust.
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Chris: Jared has gone crazy. And honestly, I want nothing to do with this alliance anymore. From now on, I’m only looking out for myself.
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Padma: Hello, houseguests. It’s once again time for eviction. First up is Tommy.
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Tommy: I vote to evict Cass. Honestly I’m just expecting more chaos after this vote is over. As a fan I’m excited.
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Jared: I vote to evict Cass. It’s gonna be fun to see you going mad over these votes again.
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Esme: I unfortunately vote to evict my friend, Pratyush. But this is not a vote against you, but for you. I’m gonna make it, I swear.
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Jazz: I gladly vote to evict Pratyush.
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Kalani: I’m gonna do it as I was told and vote to evict Pratyush.
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King: Sorry, things weren’t meant to go this way, but apparently there’s things going on under the King’s supervision without his approval. I’m gonna check that. I vote to evict Pratyush.
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Tameka: I vote to evict Pratyush. And just so you know it, you’re going home just because I wanted you to.
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Danielle: This week was totally insane. I vote to evict Pratyush.
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Padma: The votes are in. And by a vote of 6-2...
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Padma: Pratyush, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house. Please grab your belongings and say your goodbyes.
Pratyush: ...
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Pratyush walks away in absolute silence.
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Padma: Make some noise for Pratyush!
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Padma: So, Pratyush! What happened? I felt like we lost you in the game.
Pratyush: My alliance got picked off and my hard time bonding with these people really showed tonight. Also both me and Esme getting set up by someone didn’t help at all.
Padma: And who are you rooting for now?
Pratyush: Esme, 100%. But I doubt her chances right now. I just hope she doesn’t go home right after me.
Next time, on Big Brother Sims...
I never wanted any of this power, but now I love it!
My plan was to play a honest game and I haven’t been doing that. It’s time to change.
This vote is pure chaos and there’s only one person who really knows who’s going home. And that ain’t me, bitch!
0 notes
nycrunning · 5 years
I am so sorry this took so long. I really am. Life yada yada, all the excuses,but you know. I try really hard.
Most of you already know what happened, on broad strokes, though not all the details, I had a crazy and great race… The video is here, so you get a good idea of what the day looked like, but the details and behind the scenes are below, … and there are some juicy details…
I hadn’t run the NYC Marathon in 5 years. After running it SEVEN years in a row, I made a hard stop. I run one or two since (Boston and Hudson Mohawk) but it had been a while. I fell out of love with the distance and crushed hard on the half. And it was all fine, the half and I were so happy together… But then, New Balance reached out with the offer to put me in their team for the marathon and I couldn’t say no. It’d be such an honor to be a part of the team and they were taking care of everything so I barely thought about it, I jumped in with both feet and yelled I DO, I DO!
New Balance’s gift for race day, WHICH I LOVED
The truth is, I was pretty trained. I was doing all these halfs and training with my friends who are all doing marathons. My weekend run was always at least 14 miles, so it wasn’t a big change. That was taken care of.
The nerves… wow. I was excited about such a fun experience… but the MARATHON…uh. That distance… I am the opposite of most people: I love the marathon training, but I don’t enjoy the race itself, mostly because marathon pace is so excruciating… UGH. Always waiting and waiting to fly and then, when it’s time, you are in pain. GREAT. That’s why I stopped.
But here we went. I got ready. Physically ready.
came around and the nerves came back up a bit… it’s gonna hurt… will it all be worth it… why do I have to suffer… all those thoughts. It all makes no sense when you have no goals.
My fastest race is 3:27 in Berlin. My fastest NYC was in 2009: 3:42. It’s be good to get a course PR or even go sub 3:40, but I know NYC is a tricky course so I wasn’t sure I could do that. On the other hand, I never run over 4 hours and I didn’t want to go over 4… the nerves!
The switch was on. I was hyped! I had never gone to the start with Juan so I was SO pumped for that…! We saw everyone in the tent!
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Got some coffee, water, ate a couple of bars and just chatted with one million people. Soon, I dropped my bag and walked about 200 meters to the Orange F corral. This is REAL. It’s been so long. Feeling all my feelings.
I found a few friends in the corral and soon we all walked into the bridge. OMG so many feelies. Can I start crying now?  It was a SCENE. The Orange wave starts a few meters ahead of the blue wave, where the male elite runners start at the same time. So I had a PRIME position to watch the elite runners start. It was awesome… And then, I get to chase them. How lucky are we that in this sport we play on the same venue as the best of the world, at the same time??? Beyond awesome.
We get the national anthem, the cannon, confetti, Frank Sinatra’s New York New York, helicopters and a all the yelling. It’s time to go.
What a thrill. The start is quite exciting. Pumped 97%, scared 3%.
I always tell everyone you can ruin your race on your first mile, and I know how hard it is to keep it all under control with such hoopla. Seeing the city so far away into the distance helps to sober you up. Marathons are such a huge enterprise that you need to respect the distance, no matter how many or how well you’ve done before. Respect.
Or FEAR. that also works sometimes. 😉
The first two miles are epic. I was on cloud nine thinking about all the people I love. And then I saw my husband on the other side of the bridge, we blew kisses at each other, touched hands and wished each other luck. Then I watched him get swallowed by the crowds ahead.
We were off the bridge in a hot second. It’s blowing past me too fast. And I am going too fast. But, am I? It looked too fast on my watch. On the other hand, who knows what will unfold in a few miles…
Wow, this is LOUD and AWESOME, and I am letting these awesome spectators push me too fast… CRAP. I was so scared… These miles were FAST and way under that I had planned. FFFFFFFF. Can I hold this pace? Am I gonna die a slow death on Fifth Avenue? Whatever I don’t care this is soooo fun.…
Seriously, my poor brain was so overstimulated and trying to control my emotions and speed. I had to veer to the inside lanes and put the music on to calm down and shut it down a few times.
It was impossible.
Fuck it.
This is waaaay toooooo much fun. Life is too short. Let’s go in.
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This was also wild… the Pulaski was amazing. YOU have to look left. I was really absorbing it all in. Really. Then I just run through the streets looking for QDR and NP. I missed QDR but NP was unmissable. You could have heard them from Staten Island. It was also a highlight.
Then the mighty Ed Koch brige, or Queensoboro, or the QuadKiller, or whatever you wanna call it.
Also, yey for the views. And, we were fine. We slowed up a bit up the incline, yey to level effort, but it was a happy place for me. Then the steep downhill. I have to say that is one of the points of the race that I look forward to the most -coming off the bridge into the loudest First Avenue. It was NOT SO this year. The block was blocked off spectators and it was eerily quiet. A bit sad even.
Luckily, we turned the corner into First, went over the overpass, after a block of fluids, aaaaaaand there was everybody FINALLY. A bit anticlimactic, but only if you were expecting it like me…!
First Avenue was great. I was looking for Martina, and later Susan at 100. I saw LOTS of people I wasn’t planning on and eventually Susan at 100. That always keeps me focused. Get to the next friend.
Then things got scary for a second:
Ah crap. I had overused my music and drained EVERYTHING. Even my spectacles died. That’s what happens when you don’t do marathons often and you don’t think about these things.
I tried to collect myself… I don’t need a watch… I was barely looking at it… So, I knew I was in ok shape, having passed the half-way point in 1:45 to come in sub 4… but now I had no idea what I was running… Am I running ok? Am I fading off? UGH. Let’s go, hey Bronx, here I am!
I really enjoyed the Bronx… there was no slump there. It helped that I had 1 million friend cheering and that I did 2 or 3 course practice runs. I knew every turn and every step, that makes a HUGE difference. Hey Bronx, not afraid of you anymore!
One last time… this is it. This is when things get tough. You have 20 miles on you and no matter how your race is going, your body can not be happy. I was mentally pumped, not scared anymore, a bit of stiffness but READY TO FLY. This is why we look forward to the last miles, right?
Fifth Avenue was awesome. Harlem Run had an insanely loud cheer zone and I managed to get a high five from Alison! Around the park and then we are right there… where dreams die.
Luckily for me, I had my friend Andrea waiting at 100. I kept telling myself “100”, “100”, “100”, like a crazy person, sometimes out loud. Totally normal, right?
I got to Andrea quickly. She had her dog with her and I almost died. Thank you babe! Fifth Avenue was never this amazing before.
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Now, I was really wondering how I was doing, and where was Juan. He had predicted for months that I would pass him around 5th Avenue, but no sight of my hubs… where is he?
Now up this killer long uphill, into Central Park for the last final 2 miles and I knew I had Carolina and Patricia waiting right there. Carolina is a pro cheerer so I was ready!
The park was SO CROWDED… literally, lots of people on the course, a bit dangerous and annoying but I’ll take it. Not going to slow down now… no thanks!
If anyone can jump for 2 seconds to take a selfie and keep up with anyone, it’s her! She told me I was doing amazing, I kept asking where was Juan, “Juan is like two miles behind”, I was in shock, never registered that I was “doing amazing”, said good bye and kept at it.
Right around 3 minutes later, at 72nd, I saw Melissa! Everyone looks miserable but I am shouting and blowing kisses.
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Is having so many friends an illegal advantage? Sue me!
Well, now off just for the last bit. Let’s go. I can do this. My legs felt like they were going to fall off I swear… but hey. Hiiiiiii Whitney!!!!!!
A couple of minutes later, I was done.
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My friend Ali was at the Finish, how convenient… also he takes amazing pictures!
That is literally how I felt. I wasn’t posing. I was crying, laughing, hysterical. FEELING ALL MY OATS at the same time! WOW. What a ride. Hey, I get a medal too!!!
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Thanks Janelle for this picture!
Happiness… Seriously, it’s been a month and I still feel the glitter in my soul!
I found some more friends…
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Then Remi brought me a scone. I died. What a day… Then I found my husband in the VIP area where our bags where. I WAS SO HYPER THO. So much caffeine. I took just 4 uncaffeinated gels, water, and 3 caffeine pills (I love these), and they really get me moving…
Once I got my stuff, first thing I did is I put some Cure in my water, chugged it, got all the layers on, got my phone and OMG WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST DO????
I felt good but I wasn’t expecting a 3:3X at all. WHAT? I was yelling. My poor husband, I get so loud!!!!
Everyone would tell me that “of course” and “I knew you would do that”. I didn’t. I was shocked. That is NOT a PR for me but my fastest NY was a 3:42 from 2009. Literally 10 years ago. I am TEN YEARS OLDER, PEOPLE!!!! well, that happened.
This was awesome. We walked the 2 miles home (not so awesome) and then I was hyper for about 3 more weeks. Help.
I am sorry this was too long. I am just processing it all now. While I sign up for next year’s race. Again: HELP.
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          2019 NYCM - EPIC CRAZY DAY I am so sorry this took so long. I really am. Life yada yada, all the excuses,but you know.
0 notes
faheys · 7 years
omg tell the piano story
years ago, I think it’s been 10 years now, there was a mouse that got in our house (I don’t live in that house anymore). I don’t know why we didn’t call an exterminator, but my family decided to take care of it ourselves. 
we noticed it chewed up corners of our couch. it got in the pantry and chewed on a box of granola bars. 
one day, we all got ready to get it out of the house. each of us (my sister, mom, dad, and I) grabbed broomsticks. we blocked areas on the main floor (using flattened cardboard boxes) so the mouse wouldn’t go to the basement or behind the couches. we started poking around trying to make the mouse come out of its hiding place, and once it did, we would block off that area. our plan was to scare it out the opened front door.
when it come out of its hiding spot, I kid you not, it was the fastest little bugger I have seen in my entire life. we chased after it for quite some time. at one point, the mouse got into the piano which was a wooden one. we tried tapping on the piano with the broomsticks but it didn’t come out.
my dad at this point was just done, and literally smashed the piano. He broke it apart and the mouse came out of it and ran straight out the door.
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sunkissis · 6 years
Bonjour from the most comfy, freaking awesome hotel I’ve ever stayed at. The Hoxton hotels are popping up in all major cities and they are my new favorite place to stay. Last month we stayed at the Hoxton in Shoreditch. I liked the hipster vibes in the lobby spaces (they had a photo booth and DJ) and the location was perfect but the room wasn’t blowing me away. It was tiny, borderline cramped and there wasn’t a view of anything special. Other than an enormous wall-to-wall bed, and great shower water pressure, I was quite underwhelmed. Or maybe I was bitter from banging my knee in that stupid drawer that wouldn’t close!
We were scheduled to move out of the apartment we were exchanging on May 1st so I booked one night at the Hoxton hotel, Paris. We found out that May 1st is Labor day in France so that meant we couldn’t move into our new apartment until May 2nd due to the holiday. Then we extended the dates of our exchange with our swappers so we had access to their apartment until May 15th. This gave us a staycation overnight in the 2nd arrondissement. It’s an area close to our new apartment but not a part of Paris I have hung out in much. We packed light and took the Metro in the rain of course! I didn’t have anything planned to do other than order room service and sleep. Poor Antz had to work so we just hung out in the hotel which felt like a mansion. It’s located in a beautifully restored 18th century building. The hotel is stunning. I would do a poor job at trying to describe how beautifully they combined old with new. I took all the photos I could. There were so many people in the common areas I had to wake up at 6 am to have the place all to myself. It was the most fun hotel I’ve stayed at for less than 24 hours!
Look at this insane lobby!
You guys! This lobby blew me away. I can’t get over that staircase, the furniture, the atrium windows, the bar. The reception was in a different part of the lobby through a sitting area with a living wall. The Hoxton Paris is not here to be mediocre!
At first glance I was sure the plants were fake but upon closer inspection, they are indeed real, growing plants.
I booked a roomy size room so I requested the least boring room that was available. The guy said “I’ve never had that request before.” I’m not sure if mentioning this helped us score a better room but it never hurts to ask. I have gotten many free upgrades just by asking.
So this ensuite is RAD! Antz and I want to build a bathroom addition to our house and this is what we want! The industrial metal and glass windows, the tile, the copper fixtures, those sconces…  I WANT IT ALL!
Liv finds landline telephones so fascinating. They are like ancient relics to her, she enjoys ordering room service for us in French.
Of course the kid wants a mirror like this in her room so she can practice ballet.
After lunch we explored the rest of the hotel. We found this beautiful library.
Hands up if this hotel blows your mind?!
Liv and I went downstairs to hang out and drink spa water while Antz worked.
  Every space has gorgeous floors! I am obsessed with herringbone hardwood floors. I can’t wait to get a quote on installing them in our living room in our house in LA.
  The staff told me to check out the Jacques Bar which is a speakeasy hidden away in the hotel.
The lovely bartender made me a special grapefruit concoction. This guy was a serious mixologist and watching him work was like watching an artist. He hand carved the ice from that giant block. He added edible flowers and his frothing technique was impressive. The drink was perfection. I am a lightweight so any drink that isn’t overpowering with alcohol is for me. I had two of these!!
I called Antz to come down for a break and he ordered a whiskey drink. Such an adult.
Imbibed by the spirits!
The next morning appeared in about 15 minutes. This place had the fastest speed wifi we had since arriving in France. It was very hard to leave.
After uploading all these photos, I finally got out of bed and showered in that lovely spacious bathroom with time for breakfast downstairs.
OMG! Just when I fallen into a daily croissant rut, they made the yummiest avocado toast and poached eggs. The Hoxton Paris is so legit, I was living my best life!
    Still can’t get over this staircase and the light!
Au revoir, I hope to return again soon.
The Hoxton Paris 30-32 Rue du Sentier 75002 Paris, France
The hotel gave me a discount code if anyone is interested in booking a room, let me know! I highly recommend booking a night if you come to Paris, it’s a five star joint with impeccable service.
The Hoxton Hotel Paris Bonjour from the most comfy, freaking awesome hotel I've ever stayed at. The Hoxton hotels are popping up in all major cities and they are my new favorite place to stay.
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