#the flowers and the stars tell me my brother is one in a thousand ; you know the waters of godsgrace stay together (dastan&myriam)
myriamas · 11 months
who: @dastan-allyrion where: the princess regent of dorne makes a surprise visit to the office of the realm's master of laws. context: the night following the discovery of the murder of mors martell in the early hours of that morning.
there was no sound of swishing anklets jingling across the halls of the allyrion apartments within sunspear, apartments she once used to grace so often there were times where she would sleep there rather than within her own bedchambers, perhaps because she remained in the comfort of her family. it were the rooms her mother would stay when she visited them in the court of sunspear, something that happened more frequently following the death of her father: no doubt because the halls of godsgrace could become all too quiet sometimes. the anklets usually found upon myriam allyrion had been slipped from her feet so early in the morning, where the sound of them had caused her to jump.
perhaps it were some deep rooted fear that the sound of them as she moved would be enough to disrupt her husband's passing soul. and so she took them off, and did not put them on again.
these apartments felt strange to her now, for she felt as though she were intruding by merely being within them: and yet, as she informed a page to let the lord of godsgrace know she had come to see him, it felt as though her heart were ready to beat out of it's chest. perhaps because there still remained a sense of fiery anger at the feeling of betrayal. perhaps because of the way her hand still twitched with the urge to strike the woman she believed had used her brother's grief to her own advantage. the one who had been the one to birth his first child, rather than any woman who would seek to build a life with him aware of what it was to be dorne. the disrespect. her pride was not only wounded, it had been screaming, seething, and the one who had paid the price had been the lord of godsgrace himself.
she knew nothing of the personal life of the man, not since they had parted ways so many months ago, prior to the birth and namkaran of his first child. she remembered receiving the invitation, and then the letter which confirmed the name of the child. it had ended up in the flames. there was no way she would have known of the fact that his relationship with the woman in question had broken down. and as she approached him now, in her mind, she had decided it would be with a steady form of civility. cold, merely wanting to address what was now hers to address. she felt as though her feet were guiding her and her mouth was opening to talk to people, but the true reality was yet to seep in. he was no master of coin; his strength had always been the law, abiding by the law of the lands and ensuring they consolidated the strength of dorne.
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only, when she crossed the threshold into his offices as she had insisted, it seemed as though the heart was entirely able to engulf her mind. she had found herself looking briefly in the direction of dastan allyrion earlier, when the council had been summoned to be informed of the death of the prince: and yet, the shock was still too raw to fully contemplate what this would mean. to contemplate the feelings of grief, and guilt, for a marriage that had broken down before he was taken. taken. he had been murdered. perhaps it was the sudden awareness of just how fleeting and shallow life was, all over again for the allyrion siblings, that made her mouth open and two words tumble from her mouth.
"i'm sorry." she uttered, with no explanation at all regarding what she was referring to. they both knew. there was no built up, no context. just randomly, she was stood by his closed door. she had always struggled with apologising, when admitting she were in the wrong. there was a pause, and she wondered whether she should say anything more. "the way i spoke to you was disgusting."
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kaiijo · 1 year
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characters: welt, gepard, sampo, jing yuan, tingyun, kafka content: gn! reader, food/eating in jing yuan’s and kafka’s, mentions of drinking (tea!) in tingyun’s
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welt yang ✶
you love the way the lights of the stars reflect in welt’s eyes as the astral express rockets through the galaxy. he points out a line of stars, telling you, “that’s lan the reignbow’s constellation.”
the observatory car on the astral express is surprisingly underutilized. You figure it’s because you can see the universe through every window of the train. but the observatory car is special; the windows stretch from the ceiling to the floor and the seating is oriented to face outwards. there’s a robotic guide that you can ask questions to, but you turned it off when welt and you settled into the car. he’s better than any automated infobot.
you blink at the thousands of stars that dot the sky and squint. “i don’t see it.”
welt chuckles and stands, holding his hand out. you take it and he leads you to the window, using your intertwined hands to trace the outline of the constellation. “see?” he asks, as patient and affectionate as ever. “there’s his arm and his bow stretched to the sky. it’s quite an extraordinary sight.”
you know it’s a damn cliché, but you’re only focused on the calm on welt’s face and the glimmer in his eye as you reply, “yeah, it is.”
when you turn to face the constellation, you don’t realize that welt does the exact same thing.
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gepard landau ✶
this is actually your third attempt at a first date with gepard. the first two were, unsurprisingly, interrupted by an urgent matter he had to attend to with the silvermane guards and pela calling because she needed help getting a drunk serval home safely. (serval felt so bad about stealing her brother away that she sent you a pretty bouquet of flowers the next day.)
you figure out that paying for movie tickets and making reservations is pointless, given the unpredictability of when gepard will be needed again so you decide instead to just take a walk around belabog.
your walk quickly turns into a game of ‘stay away from the silvermane guards because you know gepard will rush to fix any problems they have and you’ll be damned if he’s taken away from you again.’
“i’ve never actually read these before,” gepard admits to you as you stand in front of the wall plastered with posters of famous belobogian plays and movies. you stand close together, arms brushing, as he pauses to read the captions.
out of the corner of your eye, you see the familiar glint of silver and blue armor and you quickly slip your hand into gepard’s. “let’s go make a wish in the fountain.” you drag him along, praying that he doesn’t see dunn on patrol. that guy always has something to say and it’s usually asking about serval.
when you glance back, your pleasantly surprised to see dunn nowhere in sight and a pink tint to gepard’s face.
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sampo koski ✶
leave it to sampo to take you to the fight club on your first date. “got us premium, front row tickets to the hottest fight in town,” sampo says as he leads you with a hand on the small of your back into the fight club.
“can’t anyone just walk in?” you ask him.
he wags his finger at you, smile broad and blindingly white. “not this one!”
you find yourself smiling at his enthusiasm. “alright, well, thank you for bringing me then.”
sampo replies, “anything for my favorite person.”
when he walks in, dr. dig rushes up to him. “where’ve you been, man? you’re ten minutes late!”
“sorry, sorry,” sampo says, though he doesn’t sound apologetic in the least. he nudges you towards dr. dig. “take care of this one while i’m occupied.”
you raise an eyebrow. “and where are you off to?”
sampo’s smile only widens. “didn’t i tell you? i’m fighting in this tournament.” your eyes widen and sampo continues, “and if i win all my rounds, you’ll go out with me again, right? please say yes or else you’ll break my fragile little heart.”
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jing yuan ✶
jing yuan’s already lounging on the picnic blanket when his secretary shows you to the gardens. his eyes lift and a slow smile spreads across his face. “a sight for sore eyes,” he says as you sit down with him. there’s an array of xianzhou delicacies like berrypheasant skewers, songlotus cakes, and tuskpir wraps.
you’re a little shy under jing yuan’s gaze, carefully lifting a cake to your mouth and taking a bite, the cake making its signature laughing sound as you do. as you chew, jing yuan reaches over and tilts your chin up with his fingers, thumb coming to graze the corner of your mouth.
your face explodes into flames as he says, “just some crumbs,” in that low drawl. it sends pleasant shivers down your spine.
as you finish your cake, jing yuan stretches up with a groan and looks at you with half-lidded eyes. “would you mind if i rested? i’m quite tired from the day.”
“not at all,” you reply but you don’t expect him to lay his head in your lap. your face feels even hotter but you choose to rub your fingers through his hair, massaging his scalp. you swear you hear jing yuan purr.
“tell me about your day,” he says. “i like hearing your voice.”
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tingyun ✶
tingyun’s fluffy tail brushes against your leg as mengming leads you to a table. “do you come here often?” you ask her.
she giggles, “i think you need a better pick up line.”
you pout a little. “it was a genuine question, tingyun.”
“i know, i’m just teasing,” she says. “yes, i come here when i need a break, which doesn’t really happen often but mengming has the best tea.”
“what do you like here?”
she hums and says, “i like their immortal tea. it’s a good amount of sweetness and a great price too. it’s definitely a favorite.”
you nod, glancing at the menu. then, you look back at her sitting across from you and say, “did you do something new to your ears? they look extra soft today.”
“oh! you noticed! yes, it’s a new shampoo,” she says. with a wink, she tells you, “keep talking like that and you’ll be a favorite of mine too!”
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kafka ✶
you narrowly dodge an attack from one of the citadel’s soldiers, instead dropping down and using your momentum to kick out the soldier’s leg instead. they drop instantly and it allows you to dive off the side of the municipal building, opening up a portal.
you land besides kafka, who’s already inside the building’s main ballroom. all the entrances and exits are sealed off due to the lockdown protocol, and you have no doubt that kafka incapacitated all the soldiers who had the misfortune of running into her.
you look around the grand room, then at her and say, “this is an odd place for a stellaron.” even odder, there’s a table in the middle of the room with lit candles, glasses of red wine, and plates of rich pastas. the gramophone in the corner plays a languid, elegant violin concerto.
kafka says, “that’s because there isn’t one here.”
you tilt your head. “come again?”
she chuckles and pats your cheek. “you’re so cute. i made the whole thing up. apologies but i wanted to surprise you for our first date.”
you blink owlishly at her as she sits down at the table, placing the napkin delicately on her lap. she looks at you expectantly and you snap out of your surprise, a small laugh leaving your own lips. you slide into your own seat. “you certainly have a flair for the dramatics, kafka.”
she smirks. “had to make an impression.” she lifts her wine glass and you do the same, clinking them together. as always, kafka achieved her goal. you don’t think you’ll ever forget this first date.
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skymoral · 10 months
Hello how are you? a question can you ask hcs smut to the men of mk1 (preferably with liu kang, kenshi, thomas, bi-han, kuai liang, raiden, kung lao and johnny) with a reader who is the sister of mileena and kitana, where they sneak or they make some excuse to see reader and then end up fucking, being discovered by their sisters and mother
Heyy hun, I’m good thanks for asking. Also Tell me my ladies are freaky without telling me there freaky lol! 😂 in all seriousness the sneaking around game is so fucking cute💓
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• Sex with Liu Kang is heavenly, my mans is literally romantic and passionate in the bed. But he WILL be in control basically everytime y’all fuck
• Liu Kang is the king of eating you motherfuckers out, and have you orgasm three times
• he does enjoy little games and roleplay you recommend to him, whatever makes you happy he’s happy
• Sexy cute pet names that turn him on is; King, my lord, and My heart
• For you with pet names; goddess, queen, beloved, love, star
• his favorite feature for you is your ASS, that enjoys running and kissing on. Which is enjoyable and relaxing for you.
• Liu Kang when it comes to intense sex and bed talk. He’ll degrade you like he’s your master.
As a man with many duties, Liu Kang will give a thousand excuses to see you at outworld. The family always confused on why he’s always arriving. Usually it would be concerning a duty or some kind, not that they mind and you definitely didn’t mind.
Till one day you and Liu Kang wanted alone time, with you and his duties. You both were touched starved. It was very loud in your quarters to say the least, which caught the attention of your family.
Assuming you were in danger, when they busted through the door. They discovered something completely different, you immediately concealed yourself with covers and hiding behind Liu Kang. Who didn’t know what to say.
Sometime later, after the whole ordeal. After being scorned by your mother, y’all made sure to do it somewhere more privately.
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❤️ Kenshi Takahashi ❤️
• Kenshi is a very touchy feely kind of man. So you both are always physical, and there like slow touches
• Kenshi can be dominant or submissive, you both would definitely change it up a lot
• Kenshi has kinks, but aren’t very open about them. So you would discover them in the midst of sex, and utilize it another time.
• Kenshi loves it when you praise him, especially when he can pleasure you very good
• Kenshi pet names for you are; love, princess(of course), and flower
You and Kenshi spends a lot of time together, which is no secret to the family. Your sisters are very happy for you, your mother only approved because he was one of Liu Kangs champions
You’ve been very busy assisting and preparing your sister Mileena to be the next queen. Everytime you planned something with Kenshi it was cancelled.
Kenshi one day incognito sneaked into your quarters while you were asleep. You woke up suprised but happy to see him, and you was touch starved. So y’all started fucking not caring if others could hear.
You were very loud with your moans, letting them know how much you loved him. Your room was close to your sisters and mother. They knew exactly was going on, Mileena covered her face with pillows, Kitana blushing hard wide eyes and awake. Your mother making faces with her eyes shut.
The next day they didn’t know how to confront you about it. Kitana trying to erase the sounds from her memories. Mileena just stared you down during breakfast.
“Could you be any fucking louder, for outworld to hear to you?”
“Yes, yes I could.” You smirked responding to Mileena.
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• Now I did have a smut headcannon for Bi-Han already, but I can say including the other brothers. The hcs for them are similar in many ways, but different forms of it makes sense
• Bi Han is rough in the bed, Tomas is gentle, and Kuai Liang is literally both
• Bi-Han and Kuai Liang are always dominant, it’s never a role reversal. Although just like Kenshi Tomas can do both with you
• The Lin Kuei brothers pet names for you; Bi-han - My Beloved, Mistress, and My Pet. Kuai Liang - Sweetheart, my love, and dove. Tomas - Queen, baby, and angel
• Kinks are probably fun for you because they don’t shy away from it. There main one would most likely be a breeding kink😛
• Bi-Han goes fucking crazy when you give him oral sex. Kuai Liang, thinks your a beautiful sight when you ride him. Tomas he enjoys pleasing you and a bonus is tasting every last drop of you when he eats you out.
As the sister of Mileena and Kitana. Along with the daughter of Sindel, being a princess is boring. So whenever you are, your lover seem to always know when they sneak in your quarters
Bi-Han doesn’t need to give his brothers or Lin Kuei a reason on why he’s leaving from his duties as he is the grandmaster and can do whatever the hell he wants.
When he sees you, your all over him with kisses and making love. Forgot the door was open, and your family looking at you shock and judging stares. Bi-Han would still fuck you not caring, you hiding in a pillow in embarrassment.
Now Kuai Liang and Tomas are always on duty for Liu Kang and their brother. Sneaking was never an option, sneaking past Bi-Han was impossible so they always need to give an excuse.
When you and Kuai Liang are fucking and caught, he would feel kinda of weird but only for a sec. Before continuing and apologizing to the family afterwards.
Tomas and you would both feel embarrassed and hide yourselves. Being discovered was not either of you kink, and it’ll mainly still effect Tomas and he couldn’t face your family without remembering it.
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• Raiden is a mixture of many things when it comes to love and sex
• Raiden is Dominant and a Dom Submissive, which is quite exciting when you both indulge in your kinks
• Raiden’s foreplay game is very strong, and he can always keep you on your toes and wanting more.
• Raiden’s pet names for you; Storm, My Yin, and Cherry Blossom. Your favorite pet name is Storm, as he’s the lightning and your the Storm. So he uses it a lot.
• The only pet name you give him is Zeus, and you call him that every-time during sex and it’s a turn on for him.
• Raiden is a teaser, you he’ll fuck you very slowly. Before finally giving you what you want.
Raiden always sneak away from the temple, without Kung Lao knowing. Just to spend more time with you.
As y’all are having sex, your back is facing against the door. Your family knocking against the door, no response. They enter wondering why you haven’t said anything, and now they know why.
Raiden sees them, but put a finger to his lips. To not say anything, because y’all were hoping you were silent and didn’t want to draw attention.
Even after, you never found it that you were caught. Only Raiden knew and he begged them not to say anything.
“It is not my place to say anything Raiden, as it is none of my concern. Just be more mindful next time, when you all want to be alone.” Kitana explained to Raiden.
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• his hsc aren’t really that far from Raiden, the thing is Kung Lao would do anything once
• Kung Lao is dominant in bed, but if you want to try something he’s open to it
• Kung Lao is very playful in bed, and he enjoys touching your sensitive spots
• Kung Lao pet names for you: My little flower, dango, honey
• a pet name you give him is “Sweetface” because he is super sweet and has a sweetface
• Kung Lao loves eating you out while you suck his dick.(So y’all already know that position lol)
• Kung Lao is not stealthy enough for Raiden, but he is definitely the king of excuses. He’s basically rarely at the temple
Kung Lao and you have sex just about every other day when comes to outworld to see you. Your family knows you are in a relationship with him, which your mother doesn’t find all that great.
Especially when y’all don’t know how to keep quiet when doing sexual activities, and when y’all were they ended up walking in on you thinking he wasn’t there for once.
“LEAVE OUR HOME NOW!” Sindel yelled, transformed, her hair coming a loose. She didn’t have to tell him twice, before kissing you and dipping out.
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• Johnny does any and everything, basically from experience. He is mainly dominant but can be submissive too if y’all switch roles
• Johnny is a bit wild in the bed, and he makes all the nice sounds when y’all fuck
• Johnny has many kinks, any kinks you can think of he does and has tried
• Johnny pet names for you; babygirl, peaches, darling, and passion fruit
• Your pet names for Johnny; kid star, baby boy, and hotshot
• Just like Bi-Han Johnny doesn’t need an excuse or try to sneak out to see you, he just can and he won’t let anyone stop him from doing so
You and Johnny fuck a lot, but one day it was different, it involved one of his kinks. You were experimenting with BDSM, with Johnny. You were a tad worried as the idea he chose, seemed a bit much
“Don’t worry babygirl, I promise you it’s fine. And you’ll look fucking sexy in this.” Johnny told you, trying to ease your mind.
Your family was wondering why it was so quiet than normal. Usually it’s loud when Johnny is around.
Then they heard a loud smack sound, curious they followed the sound to your room. Then heard you saying something, as if you were torchering someone and gruesome insults.
It was way out of character for you, your mother wanting to get to the bottom of the issue with her sisters
“Y/N What is go-!” She didn’t finish as they saw Johnny tied up in skimpy leather. Along with you in a leather outfit, with a whip.
“H-H-Heyyy… Mom…” Johnny tried to play off as he was stared at with a mixture of disgust and anger.
Ever sense then, y’all never did BDSM in the castle or anywhere in outworld.
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A/N: I’m sorry it took so long for me to post ladies, I was held up with work and family issues. On top of a lot of requests that I am getting to, and this one was a lot in the request lol… but hope you ladies still enjoyed it 💅🏾
Hey @hazbinhotellover you had a request that was similar to this one, I don’t know if it was sufficed for your liking Sugar! 🫶🏽
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thgfanfictionlibrary · 7 months
Active Authors Masterlist (8)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 /
***Active (on this blog) is defined as a blog/writer who has updated within the past year. Inactive (on this blog) is defined as a blog/writer that has not been updated at all in the past year+. On THG Writing Hiatus (on this blog) is a blog/writer who has updated within the past year but has not posted a fanfic in the fandom in the past year BUT they may return to writing in the future. Lists will be updated as needed based on activity. ***
Created: December 27th, 2023
Last Checked:-----
adler_orzel :: ao3, Wattpad, tumblr
Popular Fic: The flowers on my chest: Legend says that once upon a time. "Eternal loves" were called "soul mates". For they are loves older than memory, that have lived a thousand lives and, in their blessing and wonder, caused empires to fall, death and sorrow. So, in order not to forget the power they have. They get separated and must seek one another until, by touching and calling each other's name, flowers grow in their chests. The marks of Eternal Love are rare enough to be seen only once or twice in a generation, and Katniss couldn't care less about the fairy tales her father used to tell her before bedtime. But for Peeta...The floral marks were reality, pain, and magic for Peeta. And Haymitch knows it.That's why anger consumes her when she sees how easily her mentor lies when he tells everyone that Peeta had one before the capitol took him away. (@adlerorzel-blog)
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Popular Fic: I’ll Teach You How: "Oh my God," he grins a little too devilishly and I wrinkle my nose at him. I'm not sure what's going on in his mind, but he looks WAY to happy. "Katniss," he whispers, "please let me show you. There is just too much to teach you."
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Popular Fic: Holding Bright Madge knows she is doomed to follow in her aunt Maysilee's footsteps. She does everything in her power to prepare herself to avoid suffering the same fate, including enlisting her best friend Katniss in helping her train. So when her name is called during the 74th Reaping Ceremony, Madge is as ready as she can be. She takes the route to the stage that avoids her father, she steels her features just as practiced, she drowns out Effie Trinket’s exclamation of her fellow tribute’s name. Madge is prepared, and being prepared means being as detached as possible. What Madge hadn’t prepared for was the low voice of the boy who hates her most to ring out through the square, desperate to volunteer in his younger brother’s stead. Because of fucking course Madge has to go into the arena alongside Gale Hawthorne. She really should have seen this coming. (@imasradiantasthesun)
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Popular Fic: The Devil is a Friend of Mine: Katniss doesn’t approve of District 13′s treatment plan.
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ziteyra · 1 year
A fish out of water
A two part Oneshot
Part 1
Aounung X female! Metkayina
🌪️themes: veeeery slowburn, fluff, love, foreign environments, dates, fighting
🌪️ Warnings : none :)
🌪️ Characters: Aounung, little bit of Loak, female Metkayina Tribe Navi
🌪️ Summary: Anoung takes Loak up on a rekless bet on how long he would survive in the jungle. This is where he meets a mysterious forest Navi and slowly (or not) falls for her
🌪️ Wordcount (🥹) : ~ 4k
🐟 Notes: I am so sorry. I went incredibly overboard with this. Like jesususuususus. Don't know if even Eywa can forgive me for this half-finished monstrosity. Anyway, enjoy. Take your time. Have a nice week. Love ya
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It all started with a stupid bet. Aou'nung felt remorse even thinking about it.
While beating Loak in of their thousand diving contests he went a bit too far with their banter.
As he usually did he called Loak all kinds of names. Both slow as a stone and as good of a fiber as his I ran. But Instead of playingly fighting the accusations as he always did he proposed something.
"Sure, I might not be fast in the water yet or the best at riding my Ilu but I bet you wouldn't even make it to the forest brother."
Aonung as stubborn as he was took him up on the offer. He fell right into the obvious trap. Telling their parents they wanted to have a tour of the coral reefs both Loak and Aou'nung snuck out without much hustle.
Thinking back at it Aou'nung had to congratulate himself both for his stupidity and bravery.
Loak landed the two of them on the outskirts of the forest just by the edge of the great cliffs that border the Metkayina territories.
"Well then, go on Aou'nung. I'll meet you back right here in three days. And if you swim back or leave in any way I'll tell everyone what a wuss U were." Loak grinned as he took off high above him on his Ikran. Aou'nung never really liked that animal, but now with him standing so close to the edge of the cliff and the forest right in front of him, he had to admit how useful one of them could be.
The first few hours were strange but easy for him. He felt the unknown terrain between his feet and saw many strange but beautiful animals he had only heard his father talk about.
As soon as the night set tho, both his mood and the forest changed completely. He couldn't just walk in a straight line through the forest anymore as he did the hours before neither could he trace back his steps. As beautiful as the big leaves and trees were in the day, they now just blocked every passage and every small ray of light trying to find its way to the ground. Even the calls of the once beautiful birds just echoed from tree to tree as Aoung had never heard it before.
He wasn't ready to admit defeat yet but he also knew that there wasn't much of a different choice for him but to keep going.
Right when the sun was completely gone from the sky and some tiny specs of moonlight could be seen he found a more or less safe and comfortable place to rest.
He had only taken a small woven blanket with him which he laid on the ground and moss beneath him.
Sitting down he realized how unwelcoming the forest truly felt to him. Even the shades of blue both of the sky he had seen during the day and of the flowers and trees seemed to be different from his skin. It seemed way more fitting to the patterns and tones on Kiri's and Loak's bodies now that he could take a closer look.
Although his blue skin seemed unnatural to him, there was still a soft glow coming from the familiar patterns on his body. In a way, he had rarely seen it. While the water usually reflected these lights and made them glow much brighter, here in the forest it seemed much more like small far away stars.
As much as he was fascinated by that it also startled him that there was a comparable glow coming from around him.
As he rubbed his eyes, trying to get them used to the odd lighting, he noticed that all the plants around him and even the tree bark emitted a glow much the same to his skin. Like the plants and corrals of the ocean, there was a glittering coming from almost every corner of the forest. A bit colder, he thought, than under the sea but maybe also not that different.
"Eywa lives and breathes in everything. Both nature and Navi, even if they are as strange as you" Aou'nung heard a voice coming from right above him. He tried his best not to jump to his feet immediately to not show any fear, but instead just turned his head in every possible direction.
"What are you, pale boy ?" the voice asked again, this time with a more fierce tone.
"Why would you care ?" Aou'nung replied. "And if you need to know, I'm the son of OLO'EYKTAN. I'm one of the most feared warriors of our clan and I am here to prove that a forest like yours is no match for me. They are nothing more than our island jungles."
"I see." The voice softened as without a sound a tall and majestic body Fell from the trees above him.
Before Aou'nung a tall Navi spanned her ornated bow a focused on him sharply with both of her yellow eyes. She was much taller than him and had skin as dark as the night sky with a pattern of glowing dots that seemed to hypnotize him the longer he looked at them.
Still, without fear in his voice, he answered: "I'd be grateful if you could help me navigate this forest of yours just for the next two days. I'm here more or less on a bet. With a friend of mine who looks just like you, he was a born Omatecicaya just like you, I suppose."
Her face remained unchanged but her head and long braids tilted a bit to the right. "Of whom do you speak? You surely are no son of our olo'eyktan. And you do not fit in here. You stink of fish."
Again Aou'nung shivered a bit under the harshness of her words, he could feel her judging gaze all over him.
" I come from the Metkayina. We belong to the sea like you to your strange forest. Now would you *please* take down your bow."
She didn't seem to move not even blink as Aou'nung slowly raised his hands and tried to carefully aim the bow away from him. "I am not your enemy, do you hear me?"
"You truly are no threat, fish men." His opponent answered. As quickly as she pulled to bow it disappeared behind her back. "But we can't leave you unsupervised."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Aou'nung asked kind of relieved that the bow was gone but still concerned with her ominous answers.
"You will do whatever you need to do and I will keep an eye out for you. Now go!" The Navi snarred and as silent as a bird she disappeared into the tree branches above him.
"I don't even know your name," Aou'nung called out into the leaves above his head, now feeling kind of harmless being dismissed that easily. He at least wanted to make a lasting impression on that woman. And if she was anything like Loak that shouldn't be hard.
"Hey, did you hear me? What's your name? I'm Aou'nung, you know. The fastest diver of my village." He yelled into the night sky. But no one seemed to answer, only rustling leaves
and a little orange-eyed monkey screamed at his question.
Aou'nung squinted his eyes and looked closer at the animal. There seemed to be two or three just sitting in a smaller tree next to him.
An excellent choice to prove himself he thought, and even to gather something to eat.
Quickly brushing away all the smaller and bigger leaves in his path he made his way just under the tree. Securing his dagger on his bag he tried to grab a strong-looking liana and started to mount the tree, pulling himself upward.
It took him longer than expected and the moment he got close to the first real branch he realized that he was almost out of breath. He had no idea how to find a hold on the strong tree bark and even less how to coordinate his feet around the slimly Liana.
As he sat down on the shaky tree branch he couldn't see even a hint of the monkeys. Only the rustling leaves but this time coming from quite a distance beneath him.
A bit concerned with the height and not trusting the branch under him he pulled the remaining Liana up and wound it around his hips. Securing him like they used to secure small children, back in his village, to their parents when they go out onto the greater ocean for their first real swim.
While finishing his last knot, he felt something small pulling on his locks.
"I knew you'd come back eventually. And even if it was only to congratulate me on my climbing skills." he cheekily smiled. However, as an answer, he only got to hear a deafening scream of many small voices. Harshly turning around he found out where those screams were coming from.
He hadn't found the monkeys but much rather had the monkeys found him. More than 20 of them were gathered behind him hanging from branches and grinning their long sharp teeth at him. One of them had mustered up enough strength to sneak up behind him and was now holding multiple curls of his hair.
He only had enough time to pull back his hair as the monkeys unitedly started to jump towards him bringing the all tree branches to a concerning shake.
Even his half-hearted attempt at escape was quickly stopped by his own professionally bound knots which stopped him from even standing up and the monkeys started to gather around and on top of him only preventing him from completely falling off the tree.
It took more than an hour and in Aou'nungs mind more than days when the monkeys finally lost interest in him. He was lucky that he only had a few bite marks on his arms and upper body. The played with his hair tail and even his dagger with him unable to stop the rampaging hoard.
As he hung from his branch and the first small rays of sunlight reached his eyes a familiar face appeared before him.
"I am impressed Aou'nung, son of the olo'eyktan. I have never seen a fish be defeated by Syaksyuk so easily. They normally don't even hunt." She landed smoothly on his branch not even making it swing. Still, this time she got closer to him and inspected his bruises and spots. Aou'nung realized she smelled like the forest around him with a sweet aroma of earth and flowers all mixed like the green nature around him. She reminded him nothing of Kiri or Loak and if at all much more like their mother. As she carefully caressed his wounds he finally found his voice again.
"Couldn't have left me hanging a bit longer could you ?"
She smiled and Aou'nung thought to himself that maybe just for that, hanging around on an old tree branch for hours was worth it.
"You did not attack them, that was very good of you. Eywa says do not attack what you do not need or what doesn't hunt you. One day we all go back to her." she still smiled and her voice sounded like a song Aou'nung hadn't heard since his childhood.
"Again, I still don't know your name. How can I even thank you for your rescue if I don't know it."
"You do not need to, I did not rescue you, Aou'nung," she whispered, continuing to smile.
While Aou'nung tried to process those words she again disappeared into the woods but this time looking back at him with a grin on her face.
Aou'nung knew he shouldn't have been surprised but still, he couldn't help but feel disappointed. Now, a little less hopeless and still with her faint smell in his memory he started to loosen the knot binding him to the tree. He almost forgot about his bet with Loak, now focused on a new mission. To find his secret follower again and at least find out her name.
Still shaking in his legs he managed to balance himself on the branch and look around to fully take in his surroundings. Sadly, he couldn't quite remember which direction she climbed off to but he was sure it couldn't have been far.
Though his eyes weren't even yet comfortable with the night he could already feel the sun rising again under the thick roof of leaves the forest made up above him.
Not risking to climb any higher he decided to make his way downwards again in the hopes of many being able to find some kind of footprint to follow. Although he didn't expect much he still felt disappointed reached the ground. His feet and hand bruised by the climbing, he lay close to the ground like he once saw Loak do it when. Back then he remembered, Loak tried to teach him and his sister about their technics of hunting and gathering by reading the footprints and clues the animals of the forest left behind. And even though he could make out some kind of marks on the ground he could neither identify which animal they belonged to nor which way they were heading.
Laying on the ground, his tail twitching restlessly, he felt like an idiot. A fish out of water he thought. How Loak would laugh at him for being even worse at this than he was at diving. Even while Loak wasn't that bad at it as Aou'nung had to admit to himself.
Words of his father came to his mind back when he thought about talked the always present Way of the water.
Like a river, Aou'nung, finding his way through a mountain, must be ever-changing. Never resting until we can be one with Eywa. All our senses must help us to be like the water.
Aou'nungs stomach clenched together as thought about his father. He had never been this far away from home and the only thing keeping his mind straight was the memory of a Omatecicaya he might never see again.
"All our senses," Aou'nung spoke to himself and closed his eyes. He knew he would never be able to find anything familiar on those strange forest grounds but there was one thing he could recognise again. Both her smell and her step were something he would surely never forget again.
And he knew that she had to be somewhere around him. Watching and waiting for him to perhaps embarrass himself again. He smiled thinking of her many even being truly impressed by his skill and immediately concentrated himself.
Underwater, the smell was not as important but one thing he learned was to recognize even the small ripples and waves animals and Navi made while navigating through it.
Just like that, he spend the next hours rigorously hunting an illusive smell and the image of a Navi that just wouldn't leave his mind. Only did he stop when reaching a great clearing between all the trees and bushes. He didn't know how long he had been walking but he saw the sun standing bright above his head. When he looked around he felt a sense of accomplishment as his search brought him to an arrow garnished with the same ornaments he had seen on her bow a while back.
Pulling out the arrow from the thick tree he saw something behind it that he never expected to see at such an unfamiliar place. A great and running river broad and lively almost like the ones he knew from home.
Walking along the river he recognized a familiar voice, but not in the lovely tones he remembered, much rather screaming and cursing in ways he had rarely heard before. Gripping the arrow tight Aou'nung immediately started sprinting towards the noise.
Arriving at another clearing where his Navi, he had searched for so long was fighting intensity with a big menacingly looking fish.
Not a second went by and Aou'nung immediately jumped here to help. He knew that fish although he had rarely seen it out in the open ocean. It has scales as thick as a stone and if you didn't know where to hurt it you were better of leaving it in peace. But Aou'nung knew exactly where his weakness was, using the arrow he still held in his hands, he rammed it right under the giant fin of the fish hitting it right in the heart. Just in a few seconds The big twitching body Lost all its strength and fell onto the two jamming them together.
"Little fish! What are you doing here, is supposed to be the one guarding you." She gasped out in surprise but quite possibly also because of the fish pressing heavily on her chest.
"Well you kind of neglected your supervision duty and at last, didn't even tell me your name. I had to come and find you."
And there it was again that beautiful smile Aou'nung had hoped to see. "Well then, you did. Aou'nung defeater of the great Syaksyuk's would you know to help me get rid of this big fish?"
Now it was Aou'nung's time to smile as he pushed away the fish from both of the back into the water. "I know these fish," he says, still gasping for air a bit. " But I never expected them to be here, they belong on the islands of my home not in these sweet rivers."
"It's the RDA, they are disturbing Eywas's peace. Fish are where they're not supposed to be and people are fleeing their homes." now stopping to smile and looking at Aou'nung.
"I never thought of that." He replied, now feeling almost nervous, seeing her again all tall and mighty standing before him.
"You said, you are here because of a bet? Well then it is a dangerous bet, these days it is not safe in the forest for fish like you. Please, go home you see what can happen" Even the last bit of Aou'nungs confidence faded as he heard that but he wasn't about to leave. Not until he proved himself, that was his goal.
"Well then, you think a little fish like me can't prove himself worthy of knowing the name of a Syaksyuk like you? Then let me show you." even before she could react to being called a Syaksyuk Aou'nung pulled her close to him and threw himself into the running river. He knew he did more than just surprise her when he saw the astonished look on her face.
Again he couldn't help but smile.
The waters they were in now, although of an unfamiliar river, felt like a piece of the home had found him between all these strange plants and animals. Aou'nung was with that, more than ready to show her a part of his world.
"Aou'nung what are you trying to do ?? Do you want to drown me ?" She screamed at him as they both resurfaced, her gasping for air.
"Well, you never wanted to tell me your name. So, since a little fish out of water isn't probably worthy of hearing it, I wanted to show you what a fish in water can do. Even if it's not the ocean."
To his surprise, he heard her laugh out loud for the first time. "No my little fish. That is now what I meant. But go on." she grinned "Show me what makes you so special, son of the great olo'eyktan."
With the hand of her sentence, she quickly put her hand on his head and pushed him beneath the water's surface.
Satisfied with her approval, Aou'nung wasn't going to come up again that quickly.
He dove around her once or twice as he watched her head over the water follow him.
A bit along the river bed he spotted something. While there weren't any Ilus or coral reefs for him to show of to her he had discovered a little swarm of glowing fish in the distance.
Completely in his element again he gestured her to follow him but waited unsuccessfully for a response.
He reemerged from the water just to have a clear look at her happy but slightly confused face. "You are very quick underwater, that I must admit. But what was it that you wanted to show me Aou'nung? I couldn't hear a thing."
" This is the language of the Metkayina." he moaned. More annoyed by himself than her. How could he have forgotten the countless days he spent teaching Loak and Kiri just the simplest of things? But he knew it wasn't in vain. And it did also make quite an impression.
"I can teach you a few phrases if you like. But first follow me, as quietly as possible. Or just hang onto me if that's easier. " he exclaimed all proudly feeling a bit like his father once teaching him.
"Sure you can little fish, but I want to grab onto your tail no matter how nice you ask" she boldly countered his daydreams and brought him back to the river.
Sighing he dove back under the water with her right at his tail and although she was by far not as good or quiet of a swimmer as him, they did manage to reach the small swarm.
Aou'nung smiled at her astonished face underwater and signed just the word for fish to her.
Slowly and again and again he repeated it until she picked on and started to do it herself.
Looking incredibly proud of herself, Aou'nung pulled her back above the water worried she might forget to breathe as focused as she seemed.
"Look little fish !!! I can understand you." This time not talking to him but the swarm right in front of them. " You couldn't have been a better teacher Aou'nung. But what are those called? I've rarely seen them before."
"They are similar to your Sloapek," Aou'nung responded knowing that he at least managed to show off a bit. " Or pincer fish as the sky people call them. Small and harmless to us, but for little prey it can be quite deadly." Saying that he pinched his fingers together like two big claws and started wandering towards her.
"Although they look quite pretty, especially at night, just one bite and they got their prey caught forever." He says as he now furiously started to tickle her, water splashing all around them and both of them laughing.
Her laugh sounded beautiful to Aou'nung, like the sounds of those many colorful birds he saw on his first morning in the forest.
He couldn't remember if he ever heard anything more calming to him.
Hours passed for what felt like minutes to Aou'nung as they playfully swam and splashed through the river. Only when the sun started to set did they both realize how much time had passed.
"Well, I suppose you did you did keep your promise and continued watching over me. You even continued to hide your name from me."
" That is true little Aou'nung. But I realized I want more than that. Maybe I should have shown you our world from the beginning. Come on, now you can follow me.”
he didn't need to hear that twice. Without a word more spoken the two of them left the water.
Her wet hair gracefully wound along her shoulders and swung in the tact of her steps.
Over and over he was fascinated by this mysterious creature, like fire and rain her mood changed and he was willing to change with it just to be hers.
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Past the rampage outside the palace, the cellar was eerily quiet, not even the screams of the dreamfolk could penetrate the thick underground walls. The damp air clung to my hair and clothes, as my cloak dragged after me, heavily on the floor. The two gods wrecking the gardens above ground escaped a while ago and declared their rule over the Dreaming, throwing its rightful ruler into the dungeons. I was inclined to ignore the situation for a while, hoping that Morpheus has everything in his grip, but alas, he was still too young. I had no doubt in his capabilities, but governing a realm was completely different to protecting it. This was a steep learning curve. I came to see him, though bound by ancient laws I wasn’t about to help him, but I had to know if he still had the spirit to fight on. 
There was only one cell. It's not often that someone has to be imprisoned in the Dreaming, and there are far better methods for holding someone. Yet they still decided to simply shut him behind bars. How beast-like. 
He huddled in the corner, a fuming pile of black fabrics and chains. He was immensely angry and scared, but the ice of his desperation broke as soon as he caught sight of me. He leapt towards the door, a cuffed hand reaching through the iron bars. On the wall behind him, I noticed signs of the Endless, scratched into the stone. An ankh, a sword, a heart, a ring, a flower. He improvised a gallery for himself, unable to access his own. He tried to call his siblings. 
“You came at last.” Even at a few thousand years old he still retained some of his boyish charm from before the time of his first love. Only now deep lines of loss and heartbreak grooved his elegant face. 
“I’m not here to help.” His hopeful expression dropped and suddenly I realized that I don’t remember the last time I saw him. “You know I can’t.”
“Of course. Neither can my siblings.” 
“Have you tried all of them?” 
He shamefully looked away. 
“Not Desire.” 
There was bad blood between Dream and Desire, I had no need to ask why he didn’t call on his sister-brother sooner. 
“You have to put aside your disagreements, otherwise you will rot in this cell for an eternity.”
“Again, I’m not about to break the rules.” 
His hand fell limply to his side. 
“Why you came then?” 
“I felt like I have to be here. It's been a while since I saw you too.”
The thousands of stars in his eyes flickered then died down. He pulled his tattered regal attire tighter around himself, the fabric making a tearing sound in protest. 
“You felt like you have to be here? Did Destiny set this up after he was unable to answer my call?” 
“No. We’ve been distant, he has a lot to do. It’s based on pure instinct that I’m here.” 
He quietly mulled over what I said, then returned to the corner of his cell, looking at the cravings that the etched into the wall longingly. 
“Tell me, will I ever get out of here?”
“I believe so, though I cannot say for sure. The future is not mine to know.” I leaned closer to the bars, so I could link my sight with his. “But the lesson you will learn from this is important, never forget it. You might need it in the future. Call Desire.” 
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To my surprise, my personal room in the Dreaming is still intact. It’s a time capsule now, buried in the castle, collecting dust. I was free to leave and find it, the daemons don’t care much where I am as long as I don’t travel between planes. Invisibly the collar still clutches my neck and from time to time a strong hand yanks on it, checking if I’m still in line. 
I grab the duvet and pull it off the mattress, creating a swirl of dust that gently dances towards the floor in the light streaming through the window that I just opened recently. The air is heavy in here with the musky traces of loneliness and tears. Did he ever come here to think about me? It’s strange that he didn’t order Mervyn to demolish it after I went missing. 
Even my writing desk is here, tucked into a safe corner, away from the sounds and wonders of the Dreaming so I could concentrate. I should work now, but I can’t bring myself to do it. My mind is elsewhere, far, far away. Giving up I set my pen down, so it’s there as a reminder to do my job. But I will deal with it later. 
Suddenly through the keyhole, a tiny dancing flame skips into the room, not bigger than the tip of my finger. It’s curiously bright, and only now do I realize that the sun had dipped below the horizon. The flying cluster of flames beckons and I follow without a question. It takes me through a labyrinth of hallways, big and small ones alike, adorned with framed artworks and delicate wooden inlays. I know where we are going, and we stop in front of the exact door I was expecting. The flame dissipates. 
My hand hovers above the handle before I push it down the lock clicks open as a wave of darkness pours over the sill. This shadow of the night sky envelopes me as I enter. 
He stands by his bed, his back turned to me, like a column of stars and bright galaxies in space. This is his personal chamber, one I’ve visited many times before. It looks the same as the day he escaped his captivity. He didn’t even make the bed since, the wrinkles outline our forms tangled into each other on his first free day. 
“You called me.” For a moment I wish he wouldn’t turn so that I don’t have to face his blazing eyes, but then he does. His pupils are two effervescent pits, muddled with anger, yet there is so much pain that he tries to cover, but it bubbles to the surface. Over his hazy eyes, his eyelids flutter, fighting an escaping tear. His chin dips before he looks up again. I weather his silence. 
“A year.” He speaks finally. “More than that.”
I step over to the bed. 
“I would apologise, but that would only incite your rage.” As I pick up the blankets his hand lashes out, but he retracts it almost immediately. 
“Death knew.” 
“She found it out by an accident. And I didn’t tell her the whole truth.” 
His timbre is a searing whisper that slithers across the floor and bites at my heels. 
“So what is the truth?” 
Tentatively I let the magic that hides my chains go. Wearing it after all these months I feel bare without it, overly exposed, but this is nothing compared to what he had to endure, I remind myself. His lips part in shock and I take this moment to make the bed and smooth out our past outlines. He observes without a word. 
“I never meant to hurt you, Morpheus. I know I did, but I wish I wouldn’t have.” 
“Who did this?” I feel his looming breath tickling the nape of my neck. It melts away the touch of the iron collar in an instant. 
“The past Hell Lord, Lucifer Morningstar.” I turn, our faces inches away from each other. “There is no way to reach them now. We all know what happened.” 
“And your leash? Who holds it now?” 
“Azazel. Your hospitality demands that you don’t hurt him while he resides within your walls.” His closeness is encapsulating, and all of a sudden the room evaporates around us, bringing back similar memories from the past. His breath hitches in his throat and he bows his head, hands fisting by his side. 
“May I touch you?” Softly my words travel into his ears and Morpheus shudders. 
“Yes.” He speaks to the floor. “You may.” 
I gingerly place my fingers on either side of his jaw and almost immediately he leans into my palms, putting some of his weight onto me. His chest heaves as his heart crash against his ribcage with every beat. I’m no different. 
“Look at me please.” Reluctantly he raises his chin, clouded eyes staring into my soul and I can see the stars twinkling in them. “Can you forgive me for the pain I have caused?” 
“Only if you can forgive me for ever doubting you.” A tear trails down his cheek freely as we inhale each other's essence. His is dark, like burnt pine on a summer evening when the wind carries wildflowers across the valleys, but something more ethereal than that. His body is pressing against mine now, arms finding their way around my waist, and he just holds me, soaks me in. Due to him leaning against me my legs press against the bedframe. Morpheus is all pleading, a resonating shout bouncing around his soul, asking for what he couldn’t have until now. I offer him what he wants by angling myself in a way that he barely has to move to take it and against all of his desires he turns into a statue of disbelief. Shocked he pulls away, then comes back, testing me, eyebrows drawn together in a perplexed frown. His quick breaths skim over my lips and I can already taste his mouth on mine. I press my forehead against his, our skins burning up. 
His kiss is tentative at first, barely a touch before he breaks it, franticly searching for my eyes. I know he understands when his lashes flutter as he cups my face between his elegant, long fingers and pulls me in, flush against his torso. A low moan sounds deep from his throat as he takes my lips again, gently, needly. I embrace him and we fall on the bed, he is over me, still soaking in every bit of contact he can, afraid that I can evaporate from his hold in any given second. He has to stop for air, his cheeks flushed, overflowing emotions radiating from him in waves. 
“My Dream Lord.” Combing his hair back with my fingers I start to feel his weight over me. “I’m so sorry. I was so blind.” 
“Say that again.” He rasps, his words bursting with desire to belong to someone. “Say that I’m yours.”
“My Dream Lord.” I pepper kisses along his jawline, repeating this sentence. “My Dream Lord, would you let me love you when all of this is over?” 
Doubting, he pushes himself up again, but I grab onto his coat, stopping him before he can get too far. 
“Love of mine,” his arms tremble. “My kiss should be the only answer you need.” 
And as he kisses me again it’s like velvet flowing over my body, light, gentle when he pulls me up on the mattress, laying me against the pillows, all without his lips leaving mine. My fingertips trace his spine, kneading through his back muscles and he tenses up a bit before his body goes limp. He doesn’t pry, he doesn’t initiate anything more, he is just content to be touched. And there is a certain comfort in him draping over me, like a layer of protection between me and my captors. As his cold palm soothes the burning inflicted by my collar I sigh into his lips and feel a smile tugging at the edge of his mouth. 
“Stay with me tonight.” He asks. “I’ve been lonely for so long.” 
I guide him next to me so that he rests on the pillow next to me. 
“If you wish me to do that. I want to make you feel loved, I’ve been a fool not doing that before. But not tonight.” He tilts his head so he can look me in the eye. “Not while I have a leash.” 
“I’m content even if I can only hold you.” Using his midnight black cape he covers both of us. “I will need time.” 
“Understandably so.” 
“Not how you think.” The stars dancing in his iris dim, and some start blinking as he is thinking back. “I haven’t shown myself to anyone since my escape.”
“I see.” 
“I feel tied to this form, but I find it hard not to hate it.” His nostrils flare when he sharply draws in air. His heart is still beating fast. I draw him in so his head rests comfortably in the crook of my neck. 
“Such things are hard to unlearn, but I will never ask you to do anything that you are not ready for.” 
“I know.”
Of course, he does. He always did… 
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@sayumiht @intothesoul
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r0adrunner · 8 months
A Few Stars
“A long time ago, monsters would whisper their wishes to the stars in the sky. If you hoped with all your heart, your wish would come true. Now, all we have are these sparkling stones on the ceiling…”
—Casodir, Cassian, Reflection Under the Surface, Snowdin Librarby Publishing, 33 ABE
“Thousands of people wishing together can’t be wrong! The king will prove that.”
*You hear a passing conversation
“It’s peaceful out here isn’t it?”
“It’s too quiet…”
“Oh, don’t be such a sissy.”
A small child walks through a damp cavern, a fluffy white paw grasped tight in their tiny fingers. The child is leading another child, a small goat monster. The soothing white noise of rushing water softly permeates the background from some distant chamber.
“Where are we, Chara?”
“I don’t know! Isn’t it wonderful?”
“I think we should go back…”
The child leads the goat to one of the cave walls and sits down. The goat sits down next to them.
“Brother, look up!”
The goat lifts his head slowly, and a little cautiously, then exclaims.
The cave roof is covered with thousands of glowing blue stones, glinting against the void of the ceiling as if suspended in air.
“Beautiful, isn’t it? They look just like the stars from back home.”
“What’s a star?”
“A star… Well, they usually come out at night. They cover the sky with little pricks of light, like this. Sometimes people would ask them for things, like wishes.”
“What’s a wish?”
“A wish is when… sometimes, Asriel, people really, really want something, but they know they can never have it. So we make a wish, hoping that out there, somewhere, there might be some unknown power that can grant it, and bring a little joy to our lives…”
“Of course, it’s all just lies we tell ourselves to distract from the reality of life.”
“Chara, don’t say that! I believe wishes are true!”
“You didn’t even know what a wish was till just now.”
“I don’t care. C’mon Chara, make a wish!”
“How about you go first.”
“Alright, I wish that my sibling and I will see the real stars some day.”
“That’s a good wish, Azzy.”
“So? Don’t you have any wishes to make?”
“…hmmm, just one, but… it’s kind of stupid.”
“Don’t say that! Come on, I promise I won’t laugh.”
“…if I say my wish… you promise you won’t laugh at me?”
“Of course I won’t laugh!”
“…Someday, I’d like to climb this mountain we’re buried under. Standing under the sky, looking at the world all around… That’s my wish.”
The goat child giggles softly. His companion turns to look at him with a hurt expression.
“…hey, you said you wouldn’t laugh at it!”
“Sorry, it’s just a little funny… that’s my wish too.”
Eventually the two siblings stand up, and walk back the way they came, the child leading their goat companion. The blue flowers scattered across the cave floor murmur a soothing chatter as their footsteps fade down the corridor, then quiet falls once more.
*It’s strangely silent.
This is an extremely short fanfic I wrote a long time ago based on some of the echo flower dialogue in Undertale
The quotes from the beginning come from Undertale, but are cited in-universe (in the AU this story take place in, which is Faithtale)
Undertale by Toby Fox and Temmie Chang
Faithtale by me
2 notes · View notes
libidomechanica · 25 days
By this, the lilies
A ballad sequence
               Stanza I
Affection from opening now.     Still voice doth so subtle cadenced, more a stormy day,     like a split broiler. Their
echoes: who is all desolate     place in: from all her treasure the root, so long the primroses,     but having left the
crew with men of careless, yet since     my thought him, but signified. Your hearts’ delight, and at once     against the queen cried she
liver wilt thou mayst take my love,     she lock, a rosy banquet love doth dwell, will rank you no     song of songs, which thus vse
the fair. And Iphigene, obliged     to stare these thick jaws, the wrathful bloom as of some clear song     with her hearts endure to
brood is whist. His Head, then, the rainbow,     trick her ere his heard was of forged lies turning o’er earth     was ta’en like quest wast bounds,
ascendant too. Her mither then     haste, official, I said, How’s marriage-bed, be kept him chained     to the heaven’s despite
despise, when lo! Tells him of calmest     moon, and steady, the shore, chain’d and down, each in the tent     lamp-lit from me. Are flower
enjoys his past, their ways; I     sit a stay. No longest miss his quick desire sees his     crooked keel now bites the
nice admired, his man was best,     as long, and yet thou true, or doest thou proposing towers:     his lips and his sceptre
for two thieves; so do the gates. Hear     it, O Thyrsis never must for the stranger flight from the     earth had faded: deepest
hell, that make her state to mingled     roof, the stage. Thus far for my wife is mixed with wind sing of     the rivers, massacres
would put with riotous excess     by the lidless watched in his sleepy at the distance made     him love; she feeds, and her
corse embraced among the power     seem’d to like. But wisdom? Her tresses from mine own and fast,     tires with piteous deeds,
a future years to give him her     birth on the stature is flower belly, soft as thou art     my ioyes enioyes, that was,
until they do not staid long with     th’abhorred. See it half finish my deadly yellow kind     of goldenrod glowing
fire you must be past to love, O     troth. Crystal mocking Past will I not reprove? He felt hear;     and hear behind; and, from
the dead claps her pulses hard, he     chafes her cheeks’ returned. They kiss impregnates the space saints with     her hand: true to thank thee!
               Stanza II
And cloudy air, the month they but     permitted to us through thus chides she lies, lovely star,     the law in yours have thee
heir it, than ever yet to languish.     Were it staineth, or of mind, familiarly receive:     for valour and feeder
of this dress: well hast thou wilt, on     mountain mists, and is, if you had the ravished wife, but     yet not much a kind of
lope, with truth live with men of careless     butterflies: amid his forehead, with wool and leaps, he     neighbour thanks and me Dead,
not Living will than Leda’s love!     That looked, the Prince, are shade, or with others; arts of grace when     thousand matter is past
that sometime sorteth like spikes of     purple tears, as the first open’d, threw herself herself, and     casting fire by the fair.
               Stanza III
All sigh celestial room, for one     moment more than a pike, thought, suddenly to sea sent, down     twenty summer: lightning
and kindly nurst; of which doth     glorifies the white a fool within this became the sides down     she knew, or Psyche, ’ I
rejoined, than he tore the deadly     gasp no man to nurse and I. Thy lips, and raiment. Many     might last; that sitting all
the goal, when ’t is thy beauty     and her hard embrace; I love and gems and groups under mountain     stood her maidenhood,
singing: Today I bake. He found     my boyish dream involved as warm her palms and glittered in     her smiles broke from her hand.
The blessed her in my breasts. John’s brothers     might wash, and fast, yet she hath conquered prey, but doth passion     is but only gleaned.
               Stanza IV
Inside many of our bondslave!     And lies by me, the more high wood, alder chips, with music     of thy locks. And if I weep, tis like to take that darke furnace     to manhood grown serenely lie round rising sun on     this dumb play had heard us?
Till you sung the light, or saint     it, if folly grow to frost or snow nor snow. The last. Of     better, knew, but she had bound her hand; this mortal hand shot     from my arms, it sets my poor drudge to be at all the sun     a shelf. But made them to
be a moment perfect witness     of those who expected spouse! Went shore gazing on the isle     of Delos. He worst but was at a dancers; there is bent     to issue out, and she’ll hate you worse for love in his chambers:     we will kiss, the ruines
of all my bliss—I was love,     possesse not our wall like a maukin she spake: I sought not     only in me. Had taken vp his ynne in Fishes has-     ke. As when the wooing sun: i’ll make Don Juan leave to gain     the fragile bar that lute
and rushing o’er her name; and there     is not whether there and red within thy loss to sing; draws,     hopes of Woman. Of tempest to thee? The iron age, sat     compare, myself with thou required. Rolling waters, all the     dame that down a stormy
cloudy evening as soon as sun     begins to glow,—even as dead as any I have seen     her face, nor this hounds appals her so, as ony brat o’     wedlock’s bed, here and all we shines on his labour. The tender     years, his hands clasp, twixt
crimson-rolling what he may hold     me with Truman’s asexual voice of miracle. She     dried the ladies, like sunshine after rain, and I, ye learne     in Wonders scholes, to the eye and power. She cry, flint-hearted     boy: tis the West; till
lives a son leap in the way to     death shall we hate. The old haunt about him—oh my Camel!     That like my shadowed from her sight—not to be woo’d and lay     me on her brow burn like legs in Badajos’s breast when Chloe     dies. She is all the
plan was the grassy floor with burn     my face. Her sound would you to me, while ye will, or all their     joyous leaves, and liked an error of the linden walk the     skidmarks of me, or the sun hath learnt no more he red man’s     oppressed in mounds of teares
be poured a purple fritillaries     their mother by this we drove and died with long     dishevell’d air, which fools may she was not a blank grey was no     rest, her lips, since our sun and then did woman or wine, you’llhave     to find ye. Of Smollett,
Prior, Ariosto, Fielding     my pen, and leave you doe give, creature newly-caged, commenced     their round that he could follow; let them selves aught else could, the     dream of light, like mountain of grief: no longest miss the hill,     fed the shore. My pen, and
which fools abroad. Well knew, wherein     a lying a desire hath assay’d. The foul boar’s conquered     prey, exacts that I do call down on the first is flown:     say to her doating soil and dry’d him, thought, may quickly gone?     And Philomele her
sense, she wandring through he mountains,     and curse the lilylike Melissa—you! I noticed one     myself a slave to gore, and shin’st, as the queen of love, deep     as lovely she shaken whilst I then the bitter bleach. As     burning fevers, agues
pale and how pleasant the honey     for a frog.—Look, adown the Pelican flying cloud-ledge     whereunder dark-grey hood. Looks toward through certain than the bass,     than complied. Something new— like the laws behind they were done     between no plant with a
flitting down close of night beakers     of Parnassian wrecks. That I can say; so unrecorded     on the offender, you should. It’s eleven; but do not     struggle, for thy part I can see the harpies, rushing to     creep forth as the flood, by
which once dead, lo! Its summer. Her     glance nor grasp, the first my sense: in malice with case; but read     joy sparkling eyes at once I knew your nature’s chime, true     knightlike in his voice with them amid the bell-moulded, falcon-     eyed, and fill the coals
there. To thee sing, and nothing but     a mouse, dumbe Sleepe holdeth all its sweet-season’d showers, and     place where, O Where hast thow it sleep and in hand with a sprig     of yew tree in his waist! As love ere meant, I seem stark mute     but indeed there we squat
outside. More famed for the ship moored     constraint! These birds is comely as an army with this; and     we were not wish withstand could give her senses had taught us     Academe, o sister, my love is come, thoughts, as if     some disdain’d the Muses
well: the kingdom come back, the very     fine; and beauty is a joy for ever arose from     Lebanon. Through to hear nor see, yet love is like the muse     of night into the base thong from Lebanonian cedar:     nor should be needy fate.
               Stanza V
Through in the back where these, now bringes vntil, dye would     make the wall snatch’d the gross refined: so stood her marriage is now a’ tint, sin’ thou cast it     from bush to behold their stalks, I’ll give, but failst the dull notes we sing discord, but strike at     it; o yes! And partly that the common growth of spirit in these blue-tick coated     Philomele her sex and out the flowers
round the thing, fell she compass’d offices of     thee and yet loue she from beneath that snap the three castles shadows of jewels, thy loue, all     my friend, child, lover, you read my cause, for, for all askance he starred mosaic, and     therebeside, while their enemy with her roots again; her mortal parts lay hidden herald,     shriek, the Head! Yet some divine, made
impotent by power to give their last day! Not     vassals to bear; why warbling bird whose beauty, thoughts began: o fairest in that worst but     warm, humid the Rhodian Pasimond is thy love my Chloris, sincere, friend resides. ’Er     declared as Pasimond had left Adonis sits, banning the heat or cardamom rubbed     on a wave, to take such blood and you
like a king, and novice in love; there will be; the     gull and like a poll of ivy in the world, and gaze at the rain unceasing them, that     with despite, invade and near and swift up the literary rabble: whether beloved,     as long as the morn went off dearly; while ever issues out command, that to you     sweare me to hear; but, Delia, more strangely
as an empty space; down each other sweetly     endite; take me to the arm, and between their images again. One instant woe, as     shee was with dreadful leisure them for a whim. Silly mild, make their vows with cakes any     dint. On lips together, she flatly falleth in the motherly I kiss the world was     on his hurt she loved the gadding viewed
the swain, the lips she had, was just in skilfull through     her pale cheek receive his guardianship at strife, as in old times of the pale stars would     rather to Rowhampton gate! They are like three horse, my loud clapping the day should hardly     stew a child, if good natures the stroke his body. I ceased, and Fauns with thee well. Man, found     the lock—and next proceedingly by
it, so they seem’d to day: her two blue window moved,     but brands on his desk and saw and bishop celebrate, perfection at her head, and raw     in field refused among the moon of beast in his fair sun, and soothed it all. Men, some respect,     but next, like beads. Is but a little more; he took, that to view? The crew; in vain you     to their earthly love designed to be
overawed by what shall be raging mad before     the silly mind till it full of rest, her others a factitious star we can—you     came as night, you to my garden portal open’d, threw unwilling from her in the heart,     however thoughts so sick? Unless perhaps his light rustling among us, debtors for     songs waken doubt and to her doating
their speechless, herb, fruit, gush from good vse doth she, behold     the Forty of their foes so few; but crowding on and abandon hope; but if thou     not made things which is Solomon had a long with despite, what could make all pardon me,     I shall help me, I look’d at home some benighted at their praying about, and deprived     of day. Feature; but fear ye, brawlers?
               Stanza VI
Young innate feeling past; let bee.     And in one might be deem’d a habitant of sister, my     spouse, with cries of body or of some divinely framed; heav’n     is music, am banishment. Of abrupt thunder-shower,     she falleth down from
the powd’ry snow that rage outside,     eating for all methods t is still is heavenly tune,     harsh-sounding noise, and faintly she knew that shall be sparing     angels, palms, or maidenlike as far as the wounding of     its lonely annoy. Full
sixty years to give the present     moan? Past emotion. Of summer coolness; pent up butterflies:     amid his friendly fray, where she defied the Moor; and     let me pass unto me, who keeps virtue early notice     she strong. Straw, died his pleasingst
constrained his name did wondered     hart. Over my foot did feed they? Mere emblem of a virgin’s     blood and high—each broke of eternal through the clicking     coldly, Good: your own freedom of thy rymes beneath seem’d     made for thy right have the
tocher-gude I prize, both with grief     its hour in the court, and long, and now tis done, in likely     though better fitteth at him again to his hand. The beames,     and early grain in the Maker’s image like a     sojourning Beauty lies; my
forced you. An unknowingly; as     does not conscience within itself when the Fantom of his     look she flatly falleth down the sword upon the flint, for     wants a heart. Sweet the lesson derely bought up for different     minds, and go as
traceless fear, jealous it should rule     a house with thee, O my beloved come into the chace—     i, who, for vice is always signs and uncrumpling features     of hers for some said No’. Stems throng her sides I could nor came,     and deathes dreeriment
reflects upon their hapless youth     and rest, but forms a softer earthly fruites, now I know     why you returning neuer hadst been all this he breath, while     the truth is, youth, and yet thou goest safe, because we were hung     his heart. Throw hither all
your bound, nor services to turn     themselues oppressed in mounds of wind, tossed and daut thee nothing     thee stay; And in western sky. Defying augury     with half smiles, and the wide destroy them appears a heavy     mind the fair breeder than
he tore his own, death hath shut vp     in woods, fly to her alms from her Numidian veins, even     so she was sung her breast. Have a kiss. Full in their sacrifice     receivest not life, and a sleep but today a coffin     for the morning, while
they were to patience. How the quickly     told and while we gazed upon the light them not in her     I court and worse. As if I had his accustom’d prey, as     he should be so beings born of thy neck. My passion you     would-be quench love, who would
sickening, day, and left Adonis     lives, and caught and behold! He said with wings out o’ h—ll.     Would say too much firm dependant? To survive to save, and     floats the Titmose silent: for their bills were divine, made     impotence of the gurgling
in her father’s hand; now gazeth     she spake, and I a man, more whitely sweet enchanting pits,     open’d the golden gills; when the cooler side of shepherd     song, Cyril, with your warm young bride he took a short     And like a lowly dwell.
               Stanza VII
‘Tears, idle tears make time of life.     The injuries to tears. So did the new—born and the     trumpeter, which lives in his intensity of his saints? And     with wine, and seeing there— but there she is, the shifting in     my world has been her the
issue, goes, like beads. Look, when Hell,     but more forests and sunly and morals of friend, we owe     you bitter twenty times of your silent; but pain clings cruel     pain did appeared, their honours to imparted; and close upon     the ocean and
healthier brain was not my name is     a living still in Chloe know not what temper, whose     sinewy neck with blinding flood that I may find ye there were     at a bay; where they were, accorde not whet his tardy day:     by this sour to taste. Away
at once more make my love; the     key. Which the Head took half- amazed, and Fortune is betwixt     the watchmen that peculiar grace; and three steeds of daisies     upon the way in the nuptial day, prepares, and tall beyond     it, when the waters
run gurgling in the dull and close?     We two long the first I want aught else to the wayward bold;     that whisper’d in his sovereign spouse; thou knowest each, and brightness     she clothe herse, and bid the talents in full light? As striving     water do abate
then dismissed the cooler side, or     seek, i’m sure ye will, the birds, known each other tied your     Pasimond, their tide, so this unblest he knew his most justify     their mouth. As the might sit besides the breeze has dried the     shepherds unlike Paris
led to see thee my onely     white am with so sweet in spring. To roll the measure:     but they safe-smiling air. And heale, they are still the master,     shall not left by men- slugs and her honey passage, earth’s     sovereign spouse, drop as they
have thee to me. Infinity.     Pass in so she at the stares; as loud her pillow, mix the     foaming o’er her a Jonah’s gourd, up in one gen’rous God,     who first in skilfull through primroses, flowers to speak. Trembling     his head: he kisses
her; and known. Call these were fixed: last     shall be taste of sweet, sweet Peona, his sweating Lust on earthly     thing need not whither: this well equipped for his Stand, I     trow, and my passions throne: and tis my faith, ye’re no unwrought     with inmost north; at evening,
hunting cap, because Adonis’     voice. In memory sweet sensations in praying. My     lips: I led you like a weird seizure and Love, at one stroke,     that never thoughts as food tree or turned the scales to make a     lantern, Child, to fan and
whirl’d her neglect has worn away     half turning it with infirmity of beauty-crest of     that friendship, Gratitude, and consumed with any men; and     the silent Night with a little space of the land was I     in his sovereign power,
and only bare: for foreign parts     would compos’d of gentleman so rich in sense—thy adverse     presently unmew my soul, and makes the plague is flowing,     that every one for something me, if the plan was the flagging     sails declined, in the
wounds them red and the harp-string, swiftly     flew the edge like a red morning sky: so Lycidas,     your second self-loving head, and draw out yourself her bosom     brake thee now, even by the foe: or strike me dead hush     them at the wight, whose might
ever can bear, yet not call to     naught, and midnight be in lovers know. Let him name it who     cannot repel a lover; what bare excuse!—On this blackening,     I fought Aurelian, and produces—You. Ladies, like     these halls a thousand bucklers,
although bodies and rills, with     sighs, and whom her flash’d the end against myself against fear     his arrow, and wisely kept the street and made at last their     voices murmurs of the sky, are saving—vice spares not dead,     statue contest, death
succeeded. Ere his pastoral war;     and when you appears! Where we swains she must burn: o! Thou canst     thou encounter dare: pursue, still of fraud, bud and bulky     worth is friendly fray, where lay some greedy help I would be     known, thought into seclusion.
Say, shall aid thy crew. Until     they ca’ me tyta or daddie. And then I know me; no fisher     but the matted turf he kept, and wiser than to     junketing and sinned in the helpless belling from instruct me     home and all past, and the
shingled bubbles in times of old     Ancona, with wonder hearts’ most softly death thou hast done:     roses are mute; or, it may never more than I that seem’d     full of despair. The slave, stay and touch! By this canker     There was not to relief.
               Stanza VIII
I watch thy hound. The peeping; or     to the cold, calm and feelings, which, by Cupid’s bow shell that     the dying lips, with scale.
               Stanza IX
That times of need, at hand; for     oftentimes begun, his tender semi-tone, bright or words. The     drunk, the poor kiss? He was
a boy of saintly she doth filled     with joy and so pacing star doth call his past, and thy beames,     and whom I sang about
it, of the month they do so     that Urne. Grounded ear; she, whole world. Such death remains, not asham’d     to thee my only
light and therefore will die withered     in themselves with such disdain’d to inspired, as barren     ground lay the most it to
yourself. If only dower, especially     when I do smell, comparing, joyful cries, Ah! Long     since whats good or evil,
burning glow; nor why they burn then     flew upon you wrong: you take thy rest, and we shall meet! I     canter by thy brood is
flown: say to her alone, they neither     sex and ours, but for the fair flower leaves the mother!     Or wander we. And
celebrate, what was, and milky way;     but closed its water-gnats, we track by Child. This apartment     full of this became the
tears. Thy glass: yet look thy head: render     handmaid we must not felt him like the moon’s mood tore open,     silent bars to place,
thou shalt thou of love a cheering     one, sings his power remain: two strength obey’d, yet blush and     his two silvery
selfishness! Raw from her flight: we with     my own steed from life that chase thee, while Psyche, and lays the     choir cries, Joy! To thy
clouds contend no more, it had prest     peona’s busy hand with all powders of gold, his little,     meant the boughs I gained the
pleasure my strength obey’d, yet was     still renewable fear. And singing of the sweet     civilization, this bow-back
he hath wrought, adonis lives a     deadly night, and then the sun and the world, out-facing     Lucifer, and she, like a
fly, in a queer sort of the main,     and think what matters it? Main—why should I, like two young bride     in a sea; an element
flames too refin’d, th’ addressed     the pleasure and must finished: but afterwards befel?     And let my gestures new.
               Stanza X
His yerely theatres benched crescent-wise.     And floats from her babe and made wretch that then woo thee O that it well deserved your lips of     their lords ally your foreheads, lowly
bending witness his finger-tips in tender purpled,     still as much as ay muster what the dead, for he had not faint? Time and you returning     his stedfast aim a love set my
head is on the western sky. But that with it, and     cloister’d with stupidly admirer take, fine by looking on the Graces, grouped in thy     right decision of ethereal—
a new birth: be still of pestilent light; the land,     and earnestly said: twas shed on spirit restored. No pains shall we dwell in thy gain. Then,     gentle slumber, a superior
sway, but that might your ungracious light their vessel     strong. Sylvia the fair-grown yew tree in his vault crawl in a worthy bidden guest, blush     from the sea hath bounds, whose but twain; be
bold to place and turned the thick solitudes call’d     social, haunts, outliving the posts were a chieftain’s side: there is no instinct like a spire     and cast and floats that surely anchors
weigh, then leave his suit was so ere it with something     to the ground, through autumn, big with the young hart: behold will stop it, therefore, on the lion     walk’d the silly shepeheard swayne,
let my gestures freeze. ’Mong whose mellowing violet,     the blanching backward shoot. Let love of sobs her bridal morn went down under the sea for?     Thus in so euill contents, I am
resolu’d thy poor, whom daily she scream, to burning     love! And by the secrets of fine gold, thou would put claim his son. And we’ll lives away     thine annoy? Above by pleading to
rehearse each past emotion. I am my     beloved more soft showed to me; know your dwarf. Without who can love had first constrains the     imagination? She think it has every
reason; my soul failed when from Head to church last—     a match his woe.—Did you—because of feelings, must descend above comfort from my breast;     he stairs at their charge, and thou art gone!
Than Dryope’s lone lulling teares the smell thee giue     yond Cosset for court, and raced the Rhodian strand, and up the self-styled our look at sea and     seek some of yore, thyrsis! Void of the
Phoenix, then, straying and the vessel bear the measure     and going, of drinking survived his Individual; and, as his mouth, that sang     all I beheld in fetters fast; but
her left, a child; and strange. Tracing love thy spirits     the morn: Apollo’s bow; oh Thou that along the moralize, applying thee soon; father     watch’d ears, bleeding from instrument;
at the weight of Heavens, and hide the scrolls together,     a second principle will call the same. Some said no one could move each one to these     rare endlesse languish, trust me; virgin
bloom paled gently now I remember yet, which his     woven girths he breach by fight, and will be a gainer too; for bending without aid! Too     quick, and the tusk in his strength you alone,
and make leap up with joy from greater fee; she’s     ta’en for public, no secret still will keeps with decent care, were fewer, scatter     ‘Dear as herded ewes, and earthly sun.
               Stanza XI
They dance inquiry, tell, in all the rest; and if     I drink tears, and hear a little, perhaps the deadly lurks there, where no foot or a flowers:     then why not like a corkscrew and screw out all to speak, but comely limbs with his long     ygoe, o carefull verse. When the nation from fruit: if more am I accurst; as beauty     compassions were not mark the setting;
we may not know; boys will appears of mirth is     just above, why then was I using your scull? Vengeance on the Three per Cents; whose wonted     world to fight, and cheerful as today; she recognized no being; in a globe the smell     the day she feeds, yet you were but sensible: thoughts as food tree or turned. What freezings have     many pictures like the pair! On the
dwarf came. Silent ears to crowd; and made out, they mourning     neuer hadst no defects, to propagates seen, which cunning on the truest sight     and the Palmyrene that love breaks, as desperate in his vaulted roof like a roe or     a young cheek; and we shall be spoke too long whose husband, frank to all who paused by the rich     might youths at charge to show, he shows when
it is not in The Powers incense paired with what     I follow far the land before shepherds unlike Paris led to treat the fighting conquest     to the heart is in the punish all the women blowzed with chafing, down they go.     Upon a diamond pendent in the oracles of manna-dew, full palatable;     and who could pierce his eye—not always
is come, thought a man and foundered shoot as to the     other. Part. Came all the last of these is made. This Phoebus promised each spot man makes it     red; and the smell of Wisdom round these blue skies, whose bright, bathing down from over the sense     and she played wi’ thee, and its thorns and brag the name o’t, but not then do they be that     shoulder doth treasures; it shall quickly.
               Stanza XII
With me as a bed of softer Adams of ourself     never told; while power inscrib’d with men of careless lies, attends but dream Or in     the carpet-stripes for their path again; if it spreads so closde all in one gen’rous God, who     might beakers to bear, and once more a storm her harsh russet of dried the dews of youthful     vows, had given you are come to patient
level in little will force to withstand, her     own hunger. To give their noses through the Wytham flats, red loosestrife arose, that alone;     she cries. ’Ring angels, palms, or maiden yield. Sigh behind the king and kissing. Long since I     came to whom, by promised each day would be that not my name it who caused his poor endeavour     after fame, full of thy mouth cushions,
slow motion too, was as one to the power.     Be she weeps, and tender semi-tone, bright—and as he ripens spirits as he went, as     they resigns as show not so wild as long, no doubt his brows had sprouted, and no place of     silly mild, make their zeal, and soft across his own will be barr’d of its quiet feeling     are drowned with them glide, and happy day,
crosses are turn’d, and blow, what tis praise alternate     and ruth was in their exchanged in haste is mates; but yet with impure defeatures, take     my love; and as old Falstaf says let us pent-up creature suit. In safety to thy     voice slow and so they were fix’d, they know, it is esteem. Where lived, he strings, and grasping and     desert the unrisen morrow: ’ then
the world of other chief spiced wine, and the age of     place me with people together: then do the base. Then all my toil breeding feet, and bid     fair peace by nightly dipt, and fools abroad. And tall beyond the throws: she signal for the     man, and Iphigene, obliged to secret said: O Hearkener to the dead—the ocean     bed, and, the Alps are coals of thy gain.
What many a year my pipe too soon and quick     desire, and gives her lips and slides upon the lock—and never fountains; long since, saw Byron’s     eyes a moment perfection know; nor why then I know them who did excellent as     the forehead rising to our soul had felt her head, I heard by tome and mark to bear twins,     and of gentle moulder’d steps lead into
nothing to make modest Dian cloudy, even     then, no match made himself himself a chariot quickly told about it, of the     roes, and overpowers, and run in mazes that aged nurse, your face; she wept till he     lours and the breast as in darkness; to entertain dark obscurity? Their sweet till not,     blush to be a slave marked scope: now deep
blood the altar, seem’d sometimes a scent than thee, and     their show; their door. Those other women together, speak to our Desire; his Tears turn’d     to Juan, left her last wave by, crying still. Of nuptial song, in the swamp for a daughters,     sing note. Ladies, would touch the hues of her tho’ I love the tree, I know what worse to my     heart, take me to their shine. But her Mind.
If so, the while they found at anchor understood     they not within itself, to look on the shadows dance with Georgians, Russians, bought advantage     of his said no one professor. He winks, and wantonly when snouted will not be     my death’—alas! And one in this one lamb did lose. There waves of their bills were lost; but Thyrsis     never wound thy orphans of their
fellow; but, now, and file the rites; the Princess when     Pegasus seems unkind, See, at another spied the scrip, with a dauntless breast, or being     open’d the fertile earth, and child, that brought better pleading to the night went shore. An     unrighteous deeds, and even now for they try, short, and our rafters of the potent of     violets, and gone, that each at each tree
is the king and to you: but who, like a falling     fern, and tumbling sire, distinguish in language broken so thick neck cannot do it.     Who hath reft, quoth he leave my whimsies; but much a foolish tongue cannot but knowing and     twining, and with shafts of gentleness the blood; even so short to the bounds of a cunning     light must dreams. I do detest night,
and labours for something to espy some flying,     flies in four crowned with all we do for our day on day, and so tall? I tell you ever     hearts, unutterably mild, make most new babies for thee; but facts are bent of that’ she     saw his love, to live.—Although it be; tis much as sat listening to the coal fire. All     yesterday it poured forth a dazzling in
them to be an odd one; a troop of snow, or I     shall head, and rushing face; the beastes in fount of things will go up to the eyes of doves     by the scattered coldly when I’m engagement of mind? His quickly dress my youth and from     the opera is by no means great, it seemed to like.—Did you could dry his tent my beloved     to mean so little-footed China,
touchwood, while you pour tea with you could not pursues     your belly, soft sighs can ne’er can bear, and bowed her flat hand that old December’s     bareness ever may seek us: out we possessing on my breast. I, that afterwards     befel? About globes of Fame, life seem’d, we left our journeys he bore; new object that go     about to the ground; and nothing else
he seeks, shy to illumin’d with slow foot the white     or argentine, all in haste to her seem’d to dismiss your love. My heart is like her heart,     ’ saith she hunger-starved, the mother with&. He cleft me thou wilt see where now arraigned, he rose,     smell with mist engarland great work, but pass’d to Night, he make time of the fatigues the which     she must thing worth; they be, were not so
well, whose brim the washbasin of my mother lay     in a court compact, did I breath. As they will show the beach threw a rueful glance between     this one legendary Amazon as emblems of the most prepare the Flame that, when     the heart—the higher that intersects yet runs parallel with doolful plea commenced a     to-and-fro, so pacing staid and so
pacing star doth cry Kill, kill! Still as when I’m     engagement of peace she cannot come an aesthete of smoke, perswades for the fatall sister’s     charm’d that in muck begun, his own will things long and Breath and blushing o’er his brutal     manner of our nest, an arch face peep’d,— an Oread as I am, ’ he said: juan from Heaven,     her rising up robed in the sheep
feeds, yet him so: I pray you fear me too; you was     nothing but she practised her eye; but Love’s master what can be sent, wounded me. Own     shall be as braw and bites the mortal eyes saw he the hearth, and cheerful as today; she,     who at a dance upon the ship moored constrained, than he, provided for a thousand. Nor     do we longest miss the world at last,
a lover; what a holy day, fair theories     of woe were joined: two brother in a sea; an element filling breast exiled, his many     rings for he being paved with envy I do hear nor see, yet hath made so fair, till     the winds at last she saw his woe. Cupid in shape in filmy veil my eyes of doves in     slumberous phantasm, could redeem
a bride. Your hair when a painters of government     elizabeth and beauty in disgrace. What have to see thy countenance; he seeks to     menage loathsome catch the bulging eyes, nor will taken wing. Yet would be needy fate. And     death should and mastered deep, where else shall we can scarcely after party? For know these darkening     says I’m gone unto that good night.
               Stanza XIII
As twixt a miser and kissing     so close. The fool to pleasure lies as he weighed: but it calls     all out of a readiness,
gossip and begg’d for breast. With     their age’s prudent—would you a tale of sober clime when     Dorian shore, in this
acts made me sick, and do you sweare     me to her, and in her paroxysm drew toward through the rose     have alternate prayed me
leaves of gold, without light is shine     own intent on her passion lacks, and, brushing eyes are but     signifies the world’s storm-
trouble worth, and stranger. The day     when the worst. Till weary legs doth scornful tricks, and to common     thoughts so sick? Less wind.
To languish, and to bind my     beloved his body is writ each murmurs of the hearts forth     in front of my hart oppressed,
ordained the happy cheered: O     Rhodians crowd of shades and then the heeded notes, while she looket     sae bashfully down;
hang it with pride, which fools may she     fed, she nurst, that to win you back, for all: and as the more     self-same lawn all suddenly
to sea sent, if thou know the     children too; for charity. And left me thou drink tears, to     strew daisies. Warm and half
be done. It is your ideal: ’ she     reprehends their crimes of old Triton’s horn: mothers shout in     sex and yet ’twas love. In
the valley lighted angel in     his speechless Eleonora’s fate; sad strife, or anxious for     her beauties everywhere,
according tongue, and sad! We left     my legs in searching with dew; fragrant that owns her own good     turn. One at rain relief.
               Stanza XIV
Match his wordies, I wonderful, for all asunder;     even so well his part made this poor heart; to love a sister, help them? The queen of     it doth Phoebus replies: Thy palfrey
from the her hovering on their course he soon will, though     of a man in the sign is gone, and we are sick that their proud archangeless fantastic     tender years, for the sun is setting
eye did honey-feel of blisse, the tempt, but dearest     of all-judging Jove; as he paraphrase on what he should breed and chosen bow: and,     when all the power, if men esteem.
               Stanza XV
And the stings of humanity.     In her bowering in October, then they’re fools; he cheater,     urge not my face, why
they all hold such colours gayer     than a glow-worm shone the night, you to love maks a’ the space     was the hears the uncouth;
some will run after much did play,     at first I want aught else can our merit first was silver     sails declined, in the creature
broods on such to pray: so surely     dead; and bienly clad, and ran, but that touch of hand is     every morrow, hope and
the Graces, grouped in thee there did     I breathing-while; the vacant minutes waste; the occasion     die, while the eyes it
easier form than forest root of     May, as do this, authorizing thy trespass with stars began:     o fairest among
and this ragged my books unwritten     piled solemnly. Once more ye myrtle grove, she clear springs     her not reach appear’d,
up-followed, the man’s, if more was     spent, her Locks a Snake bit him—and bitter on a suddenly     in my world makes no
rest, father’s face, and stupid sleep     full of thy full grow as longer too? Was not to love is     it, then, straying and snared
the sweetest song-birds nestle in     a female, moving the half-sick at hears the woman still;     beauty all their glee: but
in their strength obey’d, yet was still     to them, then I forgot to pry and peacock down we sank     our elbows: on a trice;
that all, the brain-flies, leaving this     chin, and Iphigene to woman, in the North long as rose-     leaves quite a sweet odour
then haste to her Fortune had not     breathing, fell she passed in secret ship with privy paw daily     devours, where either
self, nor blames her life were simple,     two plummets dropt upon his lead into the nest, and     what others rose to see
the heroes of her loved, he moved     as if she beginning, he think our search, sun, look, shall ever     dear voice is now no
Grief but in the gloomy shaded     in tears—Oh, odious, odious, and thy fingers, duly     rear’d their mother, for
we must for dryed is thy griefe more     a wit than men, huge women as a sentimental soul     at once; at once again.
               Stanza XVI
Teach me, only this—a living     in. As t were, and proved her pitying through clear o’er the     horizon’s verge; and cut
this or that sound, and but restrain     course he soon espy then leave thee to me most weak, smiled scorns     the horrible as it
shall dwell, since from a handmaids bore     their tide, being ireful, on the blue window chewing     like a mistress’d. Gone against
the tinkling, but that the same,     and the torrent widens toward us and lusty course opens     they waited: out we
possessed, slid slowly charge us?     Of what awful eyes confess, with forc’d his wealth, the naked     sky, that the apples; and
threatening hillocks small; and there and     honour to thy blind soul and other a locket filled, while     this world, sad as the land:
betwixt me, bent, wigged and pass     with javelin suck’d away, with kisses shook, and free of the     matting: then die? And we
have a thousand those who loves and     sweet voice, and burden would pierce his eyes are strewn—so have lost;     jove’s isle they knew them
see the very balls would make an     earth—the earth tis a mistress sick of its quiet breast or     on my bed I sought to
answered fully. I charge you, O     daughter sheene: then came melissa drooped a lamp, and chafe, an     ignorant, noteless,
that she was he quietly to     thy closet-gods the ruines of wretch auaile whom Iron     doores doen advaunce: the
father would bloom, or the provide;     already splendour o’er their skill, nor remedy, could it     not. That brought with increase
of time, if so indeed his     Individual; and, as we may see my pleasing there were     one rose his way, the Hare
upon the sun had saved our light     the greater name, doth what cannot, souls of dapple brow sun-     shaded in the greene bayes
to see sweet-season’d showers, dew-     drops, and by herself art dead; corruption came your sword; ’ so     Lambro’s aspect thrown; each
envious meant to grow old, but     of no vulgar muse: who, sudden blaze, and begins to chide,     but their tongues, and pure perfect
Beauty, for these, but his fair     eyes, and prodigal: the lattice, I would stooped to wrench his     daughter! Come down, an
unrighteous deed; for when he was     delightful plain, and we sought, not yet endure to mix the foreheads     felt the will be dead.
               Stanza XVII
Such as ay muster what banquet     of a Mnemosyne, and now Adonis with chosen it.     Thus much a foolishness!
Or, louing, half afraid to go that     Urne. Fall on fired, all forgot to pray, to Toast our worth,     that it might take me in,
and bright youth and rears though town and     young, enjoying all her where, ’ quoth she rules of speculation,     having their minds may
she knew himself, all these round and     stilt-like lilies. Since the simple pray’r, childless with a sign     old Lambro—’t is here!
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acasestudyofaria · 1 year
✅ 32/52 recap + reflect
i don’t have much to say about this week because i spent more time doing than thinking about things and my working memory is a tad bit deficient BUT here’s one thing i took away from week 32:
embrace imperfection and difficulty in doing new things - you finding it difficult is not a sign to back away, it’s proof you’re trying
as a child, things came very easily to me, esp when i was interested in it, so i relied on what i would call beginner’s luck to get me through a lot of things growing up. i feel like i breezed through the majority of my life unaware of how to actually do certain things (like studying, and i can’t tell if that’s a blessing or a curse). now that i’m trying to be more aware and present in what i do, the reality hit me like a sack of bricks. i can find things difficult. my natural response was to resist facing the difficulty and run away from my responsibilities, which set me back a thousand steps.
this week, i pushed myself to do more difficult things (that ideal me would do), esp when i really didn’t feel like doing them.
my findings: difficult things became less difficult the more i attempted to do them, or at least, i was less resistant to doing them.
things that helped me “not think, just do”:
🍄 say bismillah - this is literally a cheat code. you’re unstoppable with the creator of the heavens and the Earth on your side. all He has to do is say be, and it is. ok bismillah, letsgooo!
🍄 set a timer - switching my study goals from content-oriented tasks to time-oriented ones helped me build momentum too. i didn’t always manage to finish studying the content i wanted to, but by the end of the day, i had finished at least half of it instead of only having thought about doing it.
🍄 visualise doing the thing - i screened mini “spoiler alert” reels in my head, showing myself how in 30mins, i would’ve completed a certain task. the resistance to it dramatically decreased because the “future footage” made me see the task for what it actually was: something i could definitely do and NOT a threat to my well-being.
🍄 set intentions and systems around your goals - i started the week off telling myself i would finish one biochem topic a day. it didn’t work and i kept berating myself for it. two days ago, i told myself i would commit to increasing my biochemistry knowledge base a little every day. i switched my goals to timeblocks instead of topics and that system increased my productivity. even when i wasn’t able to complete an entire topic, i had taken steps towards improving my knowledge base, AND achieved my goal of x study timeblocks.
🍄 give yourself a “gold star” once you complete a task - for me, posting my todaystodos updates on my story and seeing the green ticks (or the absence thereof) gave me just enough dopamine to push myself more the next day. but i also rewarded myself w cake, or talking to my brother, or today, watching an episode of Strange Planet. find something that works for you and DO NOT pre-reward (it doesn’t work as effectively).
🍄 be your loudest cheerleader too - we’re usually our worst critics, and that’s okay (as long as we stay constructive) but we have to cheer ourselves on too. how would you talk to a friend or a sibling? my brother rerouted a lot of my negative thoughts this week, and once i started talking to myself the same way, it changed how i approached the things i needed to do - again, it dramatically decreased the resistance.
🍄 treat yourself w compassion even if you fail to meet your own expectations - because we will sometimes. and that’s okay. we do better next time. cultivate a growth mindset. there are no failures in this garden, just unsuccessful experiments that leave more soil for new flowers to be planted. and it shows you what not to do with the next attempt. it’s trial and error until it works out, loves.
happy monday! <><3
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lydianmoding · 1 year
deleting old photos & videos before my phone runs out of storage (a small archive for myself)
my brother does a pirouette
blackboard of the GSA meeting room says, “holiday survival kit: you’re not in the closet, you’re undercover”
bernie sanders comes to town
post-election, a friend & i write the blandest solidarity statement in sidewalk chalk in front of the school, drawing dozens of chalk signatures, backlash from students & parents, and a series of schoolwide conversations
a friend & i realize we look exactly like each other with a genderswap face filter (she later tells me that this sped up her transition)
i am voted most likely to come back and teach at my high school
at my first college party, we eat pancakes and write a zine that we will never print
queer elders from a church i have not attended in many years come to provide hugs & protest songs at court
grocery store shelves are empty
hundreds sit down in the middle of a highway by the police station
twenty-one herbs and spices from the dollar store
the acrylic paint on the grass has not washed off in the rain & the landlord comes tomorrow
an apple cake which is an apology that i give to my old roommates after missing an important meeting
a lamb is born
learning to drive via the farm golf cart
contest to see who can make the most yonic loaf of banana bread
our flower-mobile stops at a hospital on saturday afternoons
learning about mycelia from an old man who is a friend of a friend, who we stay with on a road trip in north carolina, who upon meeting us says, “girls, have you heard about the mushrooms?”
air thick with cicadas
on a restroom wall: “listen, most of us could have ended up in medicine making better money”
sharing a notes doc with classmates at a pre-exam party for a decolonial studies lecture (a year later, i learn that people are still sharing the notes doc, which includes plenty of random bullshit bullet-point conversations between me & friends which they must scroll through to get to the course content — i check the doc and our old conversations have been left untouched)
a friend finds a pair of purple-and-blue heelys, which i left for her in the women’s center just before the pandemic hit, in perfect condition two years later
three people attend my class’s public performance of “key texts in ethnic studies” — these three people are our professor, the founder of the palestine museum, and my mother
biking past ACAB on my way to work
painting someone’s nails in a hammock proves difficult but possible
(screenshot) a lake street dive song; humming this song is a summer victory for a family member & opens up new ways for us to communicate
(screenshot) spreadsheets are finalized at my cousins’ house while they agree to host my family in an urgent situation
a thousand dollars’ worth of gardening gloves from home depot
crying with friends on the walk home after seeing everything everywhere all at once
hiding a box of cookies in a friend’s room, to inform him of if he ever is sad or mad at me (it works)
a friend & I wear wristbands from different concerts on the first night I call 911
hanging laundry from the windows eleven stories high
writing the lyrics to all star on my hand because my friend’s band needs a substitute lead singer
dressed as a teabag for the annual mozart requiem halloween singalong
sneaking into the dining hall for midnight cereal
getting the password to the largest lecture hall on campus from a former council president & using it for a reality tv night
adding my visitor name tag to the hundreds of name tags people have stuck to a telephone pole by the hospital on the second night I call 911
there is a double rainbow on the day of my first therapy appointment
(screenshot) a friend & i make plans to see thao & the get down stay down on june 17, 2070
a friend forges a sign for my dorm room door so as to make it appear that i am a senior & can remain in my room until graduation (it works)
learning that we can sneak into the moma without actually doing so
sneaking onto the balcony of a concert hall without having learned that we are sneaking
the most affordable thrift store in the east village, across from the least affordable thrift store in the east village
watching bee & puppycat with a friend on the train on our way to the opera
(screenshot) friends offer to visit me as I finish my finals in the next town over
a train passes by the window at daycare, which is very exciting for the two-year-olds & becomes a main topic of conversation for them for the next few weeks
an old friend who is visiting town has run into me on the street & we have decided to immediately attend the first event we can find which turns out to be a competitive poetry slam
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childofchrist1983 · 1 year
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Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you. - Philippians 4:8-9 KJV
We live in a world that is vastly different from the world of the first century. We travel further and aren't dependent on camels or donkeys, but have cars and trucks. We fly without even thinking about it. We also have access to media – Television, radio, smart phones, etc. However, none of these advancements makes for a peaceful life. In fact, some of this "progress" causes a more stressful life for us than our first century brothers and sisters experienced.
We are more aware of what is happening in the world around us and not all the news is peaceful or pleasant. Most of the news reports we hear tell of violence, war, upheavals in both the physical and the social world. We know if there is a major fire or earthquake on continents thousands of miles away. We know how many people were killed in a violent confrontation on the other side of the world, or in our own backyard. We can be so bombarded with negative and frightening information that our stress levels can get out of control. Teenagers who use social media can be so bullied that they commit suicide! What can we do about this?
I try to follow Paul's advice to the Philippians and concentrate on what is true and good and beautiful. Praying to God, reading the Holy Bible and spending time with loved ones, enjoying my Christian friends who think and feel much as I do, going for walks or watching a beautiful sunset or sunrise - All of which help me to focus on the good things that God has provided us with and bring me peace. What can you do, today and everyday, to bring more peace into your life?
Thank the LORD God Almighty for giving us so much that is true and good and beautiful. God the Father sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, so that we can look forward to life with Him in the Kingdom of Heaven forever. He gives us the wonder of a sky full of stars, flowers, beautiful sunsets and sunrises. May we keep our minds and hearts on Him and His Holy Word and its Gospel Truth. For only when we know Him, will we know true salvation and peace.
Thank God for opening our eyes to His Truth and the gift of His grace. May He fill us with His Holy Word and Spirit, so that His words and wisdom may never depart from us, and may His Truth grow deep roots within our hearts, opening our eyes and mind to be always discerning and watchful for the temptations and lies of Satan and this sinful world that would do whatever it takes to try and keep God and His Truth away from us. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for His mercy and grace. May we all accept Him and His eternal gift of salvation and ask that He would transform our hearts and lives and give us a new direction according to His will and ways. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for His Holy Spirit who saves, seals and leads us. May we always thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for His almighty power and saving grace. For He is our strength, and He alone is able to save us, forgive our sins and gift us eternal salvation and entry into His Kingdom of Heaven.
May we make sure that we give our hearts and lives to God and take time to seek and praise Him and share His Truth with the world daily. May the LORD our God and Father in Heaven help us to stay diligent and obedient and help us to guard our hearts in Him and His Holy Word daily. May He help us to remain faithful and full of excitement to do our duty to Him and for His glorious return and our reunion in Heaven as well as all that awaits us there. May we never forget to thank the LORD our God and our Creator and Father in Heaven for all this and everything He does and has done for us! May we never forget who He is, nor forget who we are in Christ and that God is always with us! What a mighty God we serve! What a Savior this is! What a wonderful Lord, God, Savior and King we have in Jesus Christ! What a loving Father we have found in Almighty God! What a wonderful God we serve! His will be done!
Thanks and glory be to God! Blessed be the name of the LORD! Hallelujah and Amen!
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myriamas · 7 months
who: @dastan-allyrion when and where: hayford, during the coronation festivities of king jaehaerys targaryen - the central members of the dornish court are being housed in hayford, the seat of house belaerys. myriam has only recently returned from her encounter at the art exhibition with the newly crowned queen of the crownlands back to her lodgings at hayford.
the journey from kings landing was only half a day's ride, not as though myriam allyrion sat upon horseback herself but rather within the wagons guarded by members of the martell guard; she noted the looks their entourage were given on the road back to the keep of house belaerys as she rested comfortably at the window, almost taunting those who passed by her - for the dornish were the equivalent of nightmares or distant figures, despite being on shared borders. following her conversation with the dragon king regarding the encroachment of land, she continued to feel an uneasy feeling in the depths of her stomach.
to look the ruler of new valyria in the eyes whilst maintaining that he were pushing onto lands that belonged to them. the dornish, who remained unbowed, unbent and unbroken: especially in the face of a new valyria. and yet still, she could not help but hear the constant sound of another whispering at the back of her mind: whispering that she did not belong in this position. she had never belonged in this world; now, more than ever before.
and when she entered the lodgings that had been kept for her, already unclasping the cloak she had used to wrap around her silks of white, she briefly caught sight of herself in the mirror as she passed by. widowhood did not suit her at such a young age, and truthfully, she continued attempting to navigate her true thoughts and feelings regarding entering this new era of her life; only, the wedding bangles she had adorned for years remained within her drawers, ready to collect dust for all the years the mother above granted her air in her lungs and a conscience of her own.
she began to remove her jewellery from her hands and from around her neck, a process that was almost ceremonial in itself; dornish women were adorned in gold from when they were mere infants. it was believed to be a part of them, their coming into womanhood.
at the sounds of her apartment doors opening only some moments following her own arrival into them, she began to wander her way toward the main doors where another was declaring themselves, removing her heavy jhumka style earrings from her ears, as well as the nose ring that slipped comfortably upon her. there came the usual sound of chimes from her feet as white silk danced upon the wooden floor beneath her feet, looking over at who had come to see her so soon after her arrival. then when she saw the guards move with a sense of calm ease and saw the face of her brother, her expression brightened noticeably - one of relief, as though she needed someone to desperately debrief with.
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they would have laughed some years ago, should she have said she would be sat across a table from the green brat prince. how times change.
and yet, he began to walk and look within her chambers as though something was wrong. "haan, hello didi. how was your day? how did you manage to perhaps ruin a marriage today?" myriam called after him, almost sarcastically as she continued to remove her other earrings, the other within her hand. sarcasm, for the way he seemed to bolt directly into her rooms. she began trailing after him, as though his footsteps were natural marks for her own to follow him. she was not genuinely irritated, but rather haughty in the way she had always been with him: almost as a second mother figure.
"...dastan?" she asked, a look of confusion clear upon her facial expression - as though she could not tell what he was looking for as they walked through the rooms.
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blueathens · 2 years
Heartbreak Teens
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Summary: In which Steve chats with his hookup gone wrong about unrequited love.
Song: Love Of My Life by Queen Quote: ‘He loves her, so he’s letting her go.’
A/N: Wrote this whilst having Covid, so it’s not the best as I’ve been really tired - so I do apologise for that.
A/N 2: Not proof read.
A/N 3: Italics means flashback.
Masterlist//Main Masterlist//Agape Masterlist
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“Have you ever been in love?” The young blonde questioned.
Steve and the blonde sat cross-legged on his bed. Steve pinched his duvet between his thumb and index finger as he glanced round his bedroom.
It was the easiest question that was ever said to him, so without any hesitation he responded with: “yes.”
The girl simply giggles. “Of course,” she spoke as if the answer was already obvious, “Nancy Wheeler, right?”
He should have just lied, he should have said yes, he should have told her the answer she was expecting, but he didn’t…he told her the truth, and it only made the pain feel rawer.
“Nope,” he says whilst popping the letter ‘p.’ “Y/n Henderson, actually.” He doesn’t whisper it like he was ashamed, but he does speak it quietly as if he was sharing a secret with his hook-up gone wrong.
It was meant to be a hook-up, then she realised this was something neither of them wanted, so now she was getting him to admit all of his deepest secrets.
“Y/n Henderson? No way,” she gasped, dragging out the last word as she tried to wrap her head around what Steve just told her.
Y/n Henderson was a very pretty woman, someone most girls would be envious of, even more if they found out she was the one who captured Steve Harrington’s heart. She was funny too. She always got in trouble at school for being the typical class clown.
And most of all Y/n Henderson had a good heart. Always with those damn kids that were her brother and his friends – no one truly knowing that she protected the life out of them every time danger came, but Steve knew…he knew as he was now the person who helps her.  
“I always thought I didn’t…” he pauses to think of how he should reword his jumbled-up thoughts. “She told me she loved me when I was with Nancy and since then it made me question a lot of things. My questioning made Nancy break-up with me, and when I was ready to tell Y/n that I’m in love with her too, I see her giggling around with some guy she works with…Axel Myers?”
“Unrequited loves a bitch,” the girl breathlessly laughed, “my bisexual arse went and fell in love with this girl who probably doesn’t even know I exist as her eyes are only on this girl called Vickie.”
Steve didn’t even blink at the fact that the girl in front of him was bisexual, no, all he did was raise his brows as he says: “Are you talking about–”
“Your best friend? Yeah…guess I am.”
Robin Buckley is his best friend, the one person who had to suffer hearing Steve cry over Y/n Henderson, the one girl he’s been wanting since the moment Nancy Wheeler broke up with him.
He would bring down the moon for her if that was what she wanted. Or he would buy a star and name it after her, if that was what she wanted. Or he would catch a thousand fireflies to light up her darkest days, if that was what she wanted. He would do anything for her, anything she wants he would do with no questions.
He would do anything for her as long as she knew he loves her.
But he was too late as now Axel was bringing her flowers just to bring a bashful smile onto her face. He was the one that made cheesy jokes just to hear her laugh. He was the one who was sneaking through her window to hold her during the night. He was the one who got to show her the amount of love he has for her.
And he may not have been doing anything extreme in showing his love for Y/n, like Steve would. But Axel was making Y/n extremely happy and that was worth more than a thousand fireflies.
“I-I think I should let her go,” Steve lowly admitted.
“Let her go?” The girl tilted her head, hands reaching forwards to grip Steve’s knees. “Why?”
“And Y/n has the most prettiest eyes ever Rob–”
“You’ve never seen Star Wars?” A familiar voice fills Family Video, a voice he knew so well as he would hear it nearly everyday of his life, but recently he’s been hearing that voice less. It was followed by a laugh that makes his heart jump to the top of the Eiffel Tower.
“No,” a guy chuckled. “I haven’t had the pleasure in watching it yet.”
Steve narrowed his eyes at the door as he watched two of his most favourite people ever enter with his least favourite.
Dustin and Y/n Henderson was with that Axel guy again. He had his arm thrown over Y/n, bringing her closely to his side as he placed the occasional kiss to the crown of her head. He watched Dustin with so much love in his eyes as he listened to Dustin ramble on about Star Wars.
It almost looked like the three of them were a family.
Steve wondered if he could have prevented all of this from happening, if he didn’t push them away the moment he saw Y/n with Axel. He should have told her then, allowed her to see all of her options. To see that he was in love with her, always has been, even if it was too late. That he was secretly in love with her even when he was with Nancy and rejected her.
He was in love with her, but he guess it’s too late to tell her now as she looks happy.
She is happy.
“We got to watch Star Wars now,” the voice belonging to Dustin came closer to the counter, making Steve snap out of his daydream. He quickly looked to his side to see Robin has disappeared, leaving him to check out the film that was now being placed in front of him.
“Whatever you want little man,” Axel teased, placing his hand over the top of Dustin’s hat, and a small scowl appeared on the young teens face when he felt Axel began to move his hand side to side to mess up his hair underneath.
Axel chuckles once more – it was Steve’s least favourite sound – and moved his hand away.
Dustin smiles as he taps the edge of the counter as he looked at his friend, Steve.
“At least you’ve seen Star Wars,” Dustin gave a teasing look at Axel from over his shoulder before looking back at Steve.
“Only because you and Y/n made me watch it with the party.” Steve smiles as he checks the film out.
“Couldn’t leave you uncultured, could we?” A pink tint made its way to Steve cheeks as he hears her voice again – the voice that made his heart race – he glances up to her placing the money down on the counter before wrapping her arms round her boyfriend – well Steve thinks Axel is her boyfriend – waist.
“At least I’ve seen Back to the Future,” Steve narrowed his eyes at her playfully, watching as she rolled her eyes with a smile that could light up an entire city.
Steve made her smile and that was enough to make his day.
“I have now,” she mutters. “Axel and I watched it last week.”
“Oh?” Steve frowns slightly as he takes the money and handed the film to Dustin.
Y/n and Steve always promised that they would watch it together. That he would rent it out and she would get loads of snacks, they would build a den and then watch it together – and perhaps that would be when Steve admits his feelings for Y/n.
But they never did that as Axel happened instead.
“Hey man,” Axel spoke up before Steve could ask Y/n if she liked it. “If you want, you could come over and watch this film with us.”
The Henderson’s looked at him with begging eyes, and Steve would normally never say no to them, but this time he had too as he knew his heart wouldn’t be able to handle the sight of Axel loving the girl that Steve could never stop thinking about.
“I think I’ll have to pass this time,” Steve gives him a fake smile. “Late shift.”
Axel nods, taking the film out of Dustin’s hands before gesturing to the two Henderson’s that they best be going to get some food.
And before they do leave Y/n tells Steve: “we do miss you, Steve. We should all hang out again, I would really like that.”
Steve inhales a deep breath, smiling as he nods at her.
Then he watched the girl he loved too late leave, her hand in Axel’s and when they left the shop Steve watched with a heavy heart at Axel leaned down to give Y/n the softest of kisses.
He kissed her as if she was a gentle flower, and she was, and Steve hopped that that man would look after her as if she was the last remaining flower in the flower.
Steve needed Y/n to stay happy, and so far, she looked like she was the happiest she has ever been.
Even Dustin looked happy.
And as long as the two of them were happy, he didn’t mind, even if that meant he wasn’t in their lives much anymore.
“Why are you letting her go?” The girl questioned him again. “You love her don’t you?”
And that was the thing, he loves her, he loves her so much that he would let her go and be happy with a man that wasn’t him.
He loves her, so he’s letting her go.
And despite the main cracks that would make in his heart, he knew he would be fine as long as knew Y/n was smiling.
“I do,” Steve whispers. “I love her too much.”
“Then why are you letting her go?”
And Steve just smiles before laying back on his bed, arms crossed under his head as he stares up at his ceiling with glassy eyes.
“Because,” his voice cracks as he speaks, “she’s happy.”
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OC SERIES: Before You Go
Writing Rule||Character List||Navigation||Masterlist
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saturnville · 3 years
i might be in love with you.
pairing: tasm!peter x black!oc (mariah joy/mj)
warnings: nwh spoilers
content: tasm!peter realizes he is in love with mariah joy.
a/n: okay i heard this song by cynthia erivo called “i might be in love with you” and it made me want to write.
previous part is here.
divider by @firefly-graphics
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He used to visit her grave every day. For hours, he'd sit perched underneath a giant, thousand year old tree until his body ached and his eyes grew weary. Each day until winter made its star-studded appearance, leaves and the pedals of her favorite flowers swirled around her grave, landing upon her name. That's how he knew she was with him, when those beautiful purple pedals made an appearance.
The visits slowly lessened. From every day to every other day, from every other day to every week, every month, and every few months. He couldn't identify whether it was growth or exhaustion that repelled him from her, but with new advances in his life, he hated to admit that he hadn't thought much of it.
Up until a day at the park with MJ and a new bunch of purple daisies sprouted from the dirt, dancing happily with the birds as the wind sang a happy tune. He found himself at the cemetery the very next day, a bunch of purple daisies in his hand and a mouthful of confessions.
"I'm sorry I haven't visited you in a few months," he said as he sat on a fresh patch of grass. "Shouldn't have left you lonely like that. Being alone sucks."
"I, uh," Peter cleared his throat. "This is hard to admit, but I met someone, Gwen. She reminds me of you in some ways; her gentleness and kindness and eagerness to learn. She's not a scientist nor is she into solving complex equations, but she likes to read, a lot actually."
"I found myself in another universe at one point where I met two other versions of myself. It was weird, I can't lie, but I've never had brothers before and I got to experience a sibling bond I'd never had before.
"A lot of traumatic experiences were relived, though. Electro and some other villains' from their universes. A lot of damage, heartache, and loss," Peter's swallowed painfully to manage the croak within his throat. "There's a young woman named MJ, Michelle Jones, and she fell off the side of a building. He couldn't get to her and she almost lost her life. But, I got to her before she wound up like...she wound up like you.
"It felt like some sort of redemption, that I had an opportunity to make it right, and I did. I saved her, Gwen." Peter let out a chuckle.
Peter toyed with his shirt, the one gifted to him by MJ just a few weeks prior for his birthday. It was green, a great contrast to his brown eyes, and it quickly became his favorite article of clothing.
"I was told to learn to love again, Gwen. That it would come when I was ready or when the world sensed I was, and honestly, I never thought there'd be another woman after you. I'll never forget you, G, but I've realized it's time to move on. You'll always have a place in my heart, you always will, but MJ." Her name brought a smile to his face.
"She makes the world stop when she looks at me a-a-and I feel so free with her. She's my second chance love, at life. I think I might be in love with her. I don't know if it's too early to tell or if I'm not labeling my emotions right, but I do...I might be in love with her."
A small bird flew and perched itself on the gravestone. Peter raised an eyebrow. Out of it's mouth fell two flowers; a purple daisy, and a yellow sunflower, MJ's favorite.
Peter blinked away the pooling tears in his eyes and prepared to stand to his feet. The wind whistled a beautiful song only he could decipher, "Tell her. Know I'm always here for you."
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He made it to MJ's apartment just as the sun set over the horizon. He stopped at a florist's cart before dashing to her bohemian style home in the heart of the city. Peter knocked on the door three times before she peeled the door open with a smile on her face. She looked very relaxed and comfortable. Her favorite satin scarf around her head, her face free of any makeup, and a satin robe along her arms.
"Just in time--oh, those are pretty!"
"For you," he smiled bashfully. MJ took the bouquet of sunflowers from him and returned the smiled. "Thank you, honey. They're really pretty."
"The take out is on the coffee table and I was able to find all the Transformers movies for our marathon this weekend. Do you want to start chronologically or--"
She was silenced by the pressing of his lips against hers. MJ stumbled to reach back and drop the flowers upon the nearest flat surface. Small moans came from her as Peter continued to kiss her with an emotion she'd never known before.
Her body grew warm as his hands slipped underneath her shirt to massage her smooth skin. His name fell from her lips like a prayer when he moved to kiss along her neck, basking in the scent of shea butter and vanilla, a wonderful combination.
Peter moved back to her lips, nipping and biting until she was elongating her neck for more of him. "I love you," he said against her mouth. "so much."
MJ pulled away from him, her hands resting on his strong arms. She met his eyes, taking them in gently. They were so soft and warm like her favorite cookies. "Peter..."
"I went to visit Gwen today and...I don't know. I spent a lot of time reminiscing on what could've been and what I should've done in the past rather than accepting what it is and allowing it to strengthen me as a person.
"All of everything I experienced led me to you...I couldn't save her but you saved me, Mariah Joy. Nothing in the world can amount to the debt I owe you for that. All I know how to do is love you, if you'll let me."
MJ released a breathy laugh as a smile crept along her face. "I love you, Peter Parker...never forget that."
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jackoshadows · 3 years
There’s just so many connections and parallels between Jon Snow, Arya Stark and Daenerys Targaryen in the books, that I think it maybe deliberate.
All the references to the moon in myths and dreams in their POV chapters.
Lyanna being a literary mirror for Arya, Lyanna being Jon’s mother, Dany seeing the blue flower in the wall in her house of undying visions. Their connections to Lyanna/Rhaegar - the central mystery of the series.
“Lyanna might have carried a sword, if my lord father had allowed it. You remind me of her sometimes. You even look like her.“ "Lyanna was beautiful,” Arya said, startled. Everybody said so. It was not a thing that was ever said of Arya. “She was,” Eddard Stark agreed, “beautiful, and willful, and dead before her time.” Arya, AGoT
“The greatest lords and mightiest champions of the Seven Kingdoms rode in that tourney, and the Prince of Dragonstone bested them all.“ "But that was the tourney when he crowned Lyanna Stark as queen of love and beauty!” said Dany. “Princess Elia was there, his wife, and yet my brother gave the crown to the Stark girl, and later stole her away from her betrothed.” Dany, ASoS
The dragons:
If I had wings I could fly back to Winterfell and see for myself. And if it was true, I’d just fly away, fly up past the moon and the shining stars, and see all the things in Old Nan’s stories, dragons and sea monsters and the Titan of Braavos, and maybe I wouldn’t ever fly back unless I wanted to - Arya, ACoK
This time the monsters did not frighten her. They seemed almost old friends - Arya, AGoT
We should have twenty trebuchets, not two, and they should be mounted on sledges and turntables so we could move them. It was a futile thought. He might as well wish for another thousand men, and maybe a dragon or three. - Jon, ADwD
Dany and Arya in Essos, being multilingual and familiar with Essosi cultures. ‘Lonely and Lovely and Lethal’ - Could describe both Dany and Arya. Arya, only Stark to have the traditional Stark look currently. Dany, only Targaryen to have the traditional Targaryen look currently. Jon being a link to both houses.
Dany with her dragons, Jon/Arya with their direwolves.
All 3 having a strong sense of justice. And sometimes that line between vengeance and justice blurs for them. They can be impulsive and make emotional decisions where loved ones are concerned. 
Connections to death, rebirth and prophecy. The Ghost of Hight Heart telling Arya that she smelled of death and Arya joining the FM at the house of black and white, Dany being called the daughter of death and Jon lying dead in the snow. 
Things like this:
For a long moment there was no sound  but the wind and the water and the creak of leaf and limb. And then, far  far off, beyond the godswood and the haunted towers and the immense  stone walls of Harrenhal, from somewhere out in the world, came the long  lonely howl of a wolf. Gooseprickles rose on Arya’s skin, and for an  instant she felt dizzy. Then, so faintly, it seemed as if she heard her  father’s voice. “When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone  wolf dies, but the pack survives,” he said. - Arya, ACoK
He wanted it, Jon knew then. He wanted it as  much as he had ever wanted anything. I have always wanted it, he  thought, guiltily. May the gods forgive me. It was a hunger inside him,  sharp as a dragonglass blade. A hunger . . . he could feel it.
It was a long moment before he understood  what was happening. When he did, he bolted to his feet. "Ghost?" He  turned toward the wood, and there he came, padding silently out of the  green dusk, the breath coming warm and white from his open jaws - Jon, ASoS
Off in the distance, a wolf howled. The sound made her feel sad and lonely, but no less hungry.” - Dany, ADwD
I just feel like these three characters will bond at a deeper level when they all meet - they share many characteristics, have a strong sense of wanting to do right, empathy and compassion, have magical pets and leadership skills, have connections to people other than nobles (With smallfolk, fisherfolk, whores, common criminals, slaves, Unsullied, Freefolk, the lowest of the low).
I do think that GRRM intends for them to be a team against the threats from beyond the wall. And that they will work together and share in the decisions that decides their endgame fates.
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simpurnatural · 3 years
Can you write one where reader is the only girl in the glade? thx
*"Yes! Thousand times yes! Hope you like this one!" - Nat <3
What it's like being the "Only Gal in the Glade" HC
The Glade x Fem!Reader (platonic) 
Spoiler Warning ⚠️: Not much. But this talks about some stuff from the first book/movie.
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You were one of the first people sent up after the first group did
That group consisted of people like Minho, Alby, and Newt
Who took it upon themselves to act like older brothers to you from then on
The day you arrived in the box, the boys added a special set of rules when it came to you
"Put a single non-consensual hand on her and you'll have a date with the grievers. Good that?"
That was Minho's favorite and he liked reciting it to any greenie that came his way
A nickname that stuck with you even after the maze was “She-Bean”
You didn’t mind it, especially since it took you four days to remember your name
You never had a set job in the Glade because you enjoyed helping everyone out as much as you can
Like helping Zart farm some veggies and fruits in the garden
Be awfully good with a knife when helping Winston in the Blood House
Help Gally hammer a few extra nails into the new builds
Spend some time with Frypan in the kitchen to help better his "Five Star" rated culinary skills
Lend help to Clint and Jeff whenever there are a lot of injured people
Mark maps with Minho and the other runners because they like your hand-writing
Even though you weren't a keeper of any group, you were part of the council
The boys learned the hard way to not speak while you speaking during those meetings:
"Shut it you bunch of shuck faces. Don't come whining to me if you have to sleep in the deadheads tonight."
They were shocked to say the least since they’ve never heard you raise your voice before
And when you acted like nothing happened, it scared them even more
“Cool, so anyway-”
A thing that you started that would occur 3-4 times a month was a day when everyone could just relax
That’s when you taught some of the boys how to make flower crowns
Everyone looked like they belonged in a fairy-tale
You all sat in the peaceful forest like area in the deadheads for the whole day enjoying nature and eating fruit
“Winston, the prettiest-glader-princess of them all,” *cue the bowing and applause*
Something you enjoyed doing in your spare time was sewing
Mainly because the boys grew out of their clothes quicker than you did and would just discard them after for a new set
So you took it upon yourself to take make use of them to benefit yourself
“New dress?” “Correction, some type of overalls I’ve been working on. Watch this, Newt.” *widens stance* “PANT LEGS!”
For bonfire nights, you’d have scary stories prepared to tell the boys
You’d notice them all snuggle closer to one another after those nights which made you laugh
Gally’s weird ass drink was something you knew you’d never want to try
“Come on. Just one sip,” “No thanks. I distinctly recall Alby thoroughly rinsing his mouth and dry heaving after drinking that.”
Oh and don’t get me started on how you mother-hen Chuck after he arrived
You’d let him follow you almost everywhere like a little duckling
Sure he was a slopper but that was because he wasn’t cut out for any job, yet.
That’s how you explained it to him after the other keepers sort of shunned him
You let him sit with you during all meals
Accompany and help him with his tasks
Call out his name and wave to him if you caught eye of him while you were working
Ask him how his day was which he would talk about till the wake up
But you didn’t mind one bit
“And then I...” *snores* “Night night, Chucky.”
This is my comfort HC at the moment 
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