#the former three are my favorite musicals so there's a slight bias there
clumsyclifford · 3 years
hello bella i would like to ask you about future hearts, not in chronological order, and stories for monday -hazel
WAIT i pressed send too early i also wanted to throw a curveball and ask about the newsies original broadway cast recording :) -hazel
yeesh you picked some good ones hazel. okay. i'm gonna put a cut because four albums is a Lot.
send me albums!
future hearts - all time low
the first song from this album I heard: uhhhhhhh i don't remember, but i......hesitantly......say.......cinderblock garden. but i have no idea why i say that. no i don't really know at all.
do I own the album?: nope
my favorite song: don't you go but also if we're counting b-sides which we should be then how the story ends. and........edge of tonight. and runaways. i know that's a lot of songs i don't care.
my least favorite song: satellite i like it but it's unremarkable compared to the rest of the album and the structure of it is just a little weird to me
a song I didn’t like at first, but now do: there were two future hearts songs that for some inexplicable reason didn't download when i bought the album on itunes back in like 2015 when i used itunes and this album came out so i just didnt know they existed for several months, and those songs were bail me out and edge of tonight. this isnt really relevant since i love both of those songs but i just wanted to share. i guess...i think runaways has grown on me. honestly i think thats a result of including it in baby driver fic, lmao
a song I used to like, but now don’t: well i used to LOVE cinderblock garden and now as you can see i don't list it among my favorites. and the same with dancing with a wolf. and for that matter, also satellite lol
my favorite lyric: another impossible question <3 this doesnt really count but the line in tidal waves "say i'm your filthy little, filthy little-" always makes me smile bc when i was younger and my older sister and i would listen to that song whenever we got to that part we'd both yell WHORE at the top of our lungs. and in fact i still do. real talk though, i think the bridge of missing you might be my favorite lyric in here. "grit your teeth, pull your hair, paint the walls black, and scream 'FUCK the world 'cause it's my life, i'm gonna take it back' and never for a second blame yourself" yeah thats the GOOD shit. WAIT I LIE I HAVE ANOTHER ONE: "beautiful scars on critical veins" (mmm and also "roll like thunder, burn like stars") from kids in the dark. mmmm. and all of edge of tonight. man this album has some gooooooood gaskarth lines.
overall rating out of 10: honestly? 10/10. even with satellite. this is such a good fucking album i constantly underrate it but i love it so much it can do no wrong
not in chronological order - julia michaels (this one is gonna be trickier because i haven't listened to the whole album that many times but i'm gonna put it on while i answer the rest of these so hopefully i can have some real opinions here)
the first song from this album I heard: it would've been lie like this i think, because that song was out before any of the other singles
do I own the album?: nope :)
my favorite song: that's the kind of woman, pessimist, lie like this, all your exes. i really LOVE about half this album and the other half i just don't really know well enough
my least favorite song: orange magic just Does Not do it for me. idk man
a song I didn’t like at first, but now do: well i'm very much still working on familiarizing myself with these songs so i might still be in the phase of "didn't like at first" (betcha anything orange magic will grow on me lmao). there aren't any songs that i've changed my opinion on at least not yet
a song I used to like, but now don’t: see previous answer lol
my favorite lyric: "i love myself, but i'd love her more; that's the kind of woman i'd leave me for" from that's the kind of woman (that shit HITS), also "i'll stop checking horoscopes to cope with all my misery" and "you took a pessimist and turned me into something else" from pessimist because it gives me a lot of hope. and "it was you before i ever decided" from little did i know because :') romance
overall rating out of 10: 8/10 miss michaels KNOWS an album. this would probably be higher if not for orange magic lmao
stories for monday - the summer set
the first song from this album I heard: according to my spotify, all my friends! the first time i listened to this album was on shuffle while writing a prompt fic that was entirely unrelated. i know, it's appalling.
do I own the album?: no <3
my favorite song: MMMNNGNHHGJ i think. i think it's figure me out. and missin' you. yeah. those two
my least favorite song: honest to god i want to say all downhill from here but the little bass riff at the end of that song basically forbids me from saying that. so i'm gonna say change your mind instead. it's the vibiest but thats not why we COME to stories for monday now is it
a song I didn’t like at first, but now do: don't know, maybe all in? i can't remember ever not liking one of these songs tbh. ironically maybe the answer to this is change your mind lol
a song I used to like, but now don’t: well i listened to all my friends about five million times when i wrote that fic based on it so it's in the same situation as i think he knows now. i need a little bit of an all my friends break.
my favorite lyric: bro this is literally an impossible fuckign QUESTION!! the entirety of figure me out. "i'm a bit too punk for the pop kids, but i'm too pop for the punk kids" and "i believe there's more to life than all my problems" both are really close to my heart. the bridge of all in about it being 4am in the parking lot we'll be singing blink songs til the sun comes up, that too. wait wait okay and also: "forever nineteen somehow" from jean jacket and "growing up can make you stupid, why is everyone so scared?" from wasted. okay okay i'm done i'm done
overall rating out of 10: fucking 11/10 bro this is in my top 10 albums ever i'm pretty sure
newsies - original broadway cast recording
the first song from this album I heard: no fuckin idea. it must have been the overture because i never listened to the cast recording before watching the bootleg so!
do I own the album?: i do not
my favorite song: mmm i. LOVE once and for all. but i also love watch what happens reprise. and brooklyn's here. and carrying the banner. ugh fuck i love so many of these songs.
my least favorite song: the bottom line reprise lmfao easy
a song I didn’t like at first, but now do: i don't know, i guess i like the bottom line a LITTLE more than i used to but it's a very low bar. wait actually, the overture. i have a much greater appreciation for an overture than i used to.
a song I used to like, but now don’t: i honestly can't think of one. maybe similar effect to something to believe in? i like it SLIGHTLY less but i still really like it so?
my favorite lyric: EASY answer, this lyric is among my favorites in all of musical theatre, i had it written on my mirror for a long time in high school. this part from seize the day: "behold the brave battalion that stands side by side / too few in number and too proud to hide / then say to the others who did not follow through / 'you're still our brothers, and we will fight for you'"
overall rating out of 10: 9/10. fucking banger of an album. i always say this is the best cast recording for a car ride and i stand by that
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peppusae · 6 years
[jjk] audio track #7
audio track #7; jeon jungkook x reader
genre: fluff, slice of life (?)
word count: 5656 words
note: this is my second contribution to bts festa 2018! this story was inspired purely from ‘magic shop, my favorite track off from ‘tear’, and there’s a ittle surprise waiting near the end of the fanfic! i hope it makes sense, it might sound confusing at first but trust me, it will make sense at the end !! :)) i hope you get the message of the story, please show lots of love for jungkookie. <3
thank you, jungkook, for the magic shop you created for us. i love you, my wonderful bias, the love of my life.
[180611],,,, {reposted on 180616}
❝He’ll do it all, from the scratch, if he has to.
And it’s all for you, and he hopes you understand him.
At least, a little bit.❞
audio track #7
I know that hesitation
Because even if you speak from the heart,
It will eventually come back to you
as scars
It’s Spring, the feathers of the dreamcatcher fluttering and dancing in the wind.
There are three kinds of people; those who believe that dreamcatchers really will filter out their bad dreams, the ones who are indifferent… and then, the ones who only like it for its beautiful appearance.
He was one amongst the former type.
There’s a red dreamcatcher that hangs in the smaller cubicle inside his room that he refers to as his studio, and when the windows are open, it flutters beside his Japanese wind chime, and it’s the perfect melody to his ears.
There are some days when he would sit on his swivel chair, resting his head against his desk, listening to music and doing absolutely nothing.
And there are the other days when a knock comes on his opened window, and you stand, a hesitant smile donned on your face when he lifts his head up and raises an eyebrow.
He doesn’t need much words, the wave of your hand enough for him shut his computer down… and then, he slips outside, running to catch up with your head start.
Minutes would pass and he’d have reached the spot first, he always does, after all.
But it’s in the way he turns around and sees you running up, and you’re out of breath and your hair’s a mess and there’s a pout on your face but…
That’s exactly why Jungkook watches the sky in various hues of orange and red, and smiles a sincere smile as he waits for you to catch up to him and join him.
And for a second, he can smile, because he sees your genuine smile, and there’s so many scars that you have, but it’s the way you speak from your heart, that makes him worry that you might find out that his heart was beating so loud because of you.
I won’t say something
as obvious as
‘have strength’
I will tell you my story
There’s a stack of letters inside his locker, and it’s from all his admirers, all of them having his name written neatly at the front.
There are three types of people: the ones who write so neatly as if he meant everything to them, the ones who write messily, but every single day… and the ones in between; the ones that come occasionally but write things that reach every ounce of his heart, to the very corners and dips, and gives him goosebumps.
He likes final type.
He saves all of them. He has a separate cupboard especially for that at home, and he’ll keep it safe in his file for now.
And then, when he makes his way through the hallway, he sees your figure, slumped just a bit and your lips turned down a little and it hurts that he knows so little about someone so dear.
But with the way you smile when you see his pure eyes with slight distress, it makes him sigh, turning around to hide the smile that forces his way onto his face.
He doesn’t know what to say at times like this.
He doesn’t know how to react when his heart constricts so much that he can barely breathe.
And he knows you’re struggling, but he doesn’t want to say something as mainstream as to be strong, to hold on. He knows he means a lot to you, but he wants to do something better than to baselessly say words that are empty from overuse.
Instead, he waits for you to pout and stomp beside him, the small bickering the two of you share amusing and heartwarming to him.
And all he can do is pray that it soothes you just a little bit, as he tells you about little things that bother him. He knows you won’t tell him, for fear that he’d worry; but here’s something he wishes you understood.
He wishes you understood that you worry about him because you love him, he wishes you understood that the feelings are mutual and that you understood that he would worry about you too.
He could say it a million times, how much worry and every bit of care he feels towards you.
But he’s not good at that, so he begins to speak.
He tells you about his worries, and it soothes him, the way you pat his back with encouraging words; that’s what you’re best at.
But as he watches you walk away, he wishes he could hold your hand and do the same for you, but his hands freeze mid-air.
Maybe some other time, Jungkook will get the chance.
What did I say? I said we would win.
I couldn’t be sure, for real. Could we win or not?
This mirage isn’t a mirage. Did we make it?
No, I was here, and you came to me.
There are days when he would stay at home in front of his tv and watch animations all day. And he’s watched so much that he notices similar patterns in the shows he watches; there’s always trust and understanding between the characters.
There are three types of people; the ones who have blind trust for each other, the ones that are indifferent, and the ones that have no one they can trust.
He likes the former type.
He knows it’s risky, but the people that mean everything to him trust him blindly.
He’s happy about that.
It’s hard at times when things don’t go his way, but he has his heart out on his sleeve when he sees you, and he knows that he can trust his entire life with you.
He’s in his break, and he’s eating lunch when he sees you plop down on the seat in front of him.
There’s a certain serenity in silence, and he finds peace in the way you breathe, the way you tell him about your day, in the things you share with him, the little secrets that leave you vulnerable in front of him.
But that’s what he loves the best about you, that you trust him as much as he trusts you.
He’s quiet while he listens to your voice, your uncertainty about the maze of life that lies ahead of you.
He has no idea what might happen, but he trusts you; that’s why he can bathe in the warmth of your smile as he says he knows you’ll win.
Because he’s with you, he adds.
It makes you laugh.
He’s not sure if you believe him, and… he’s not sure if he’s certain about his own words, either.
But he prays that your laugh, which he was the reason for, makes you feel better.
He has no idea what the future waits ahead for him.
But here’s what he knows: He knows that moments like these are important, any moment he has with you are the moments he will treasure and cherish for as long as he lives.
And all Jungkook can think about is the reality of the moment, how all the doubts he’d had for so long and all the pain he felt are lifted away, bit by bit. He can’t even remember what the feeling of confusion felt like, anymore.
Because all he did was look up, and you were there, in front of him.
Always waiting for him.
He loves that about you.
I do believe your galaxy,
I want to hear your melody,
How will the stars of your galaxy
decorate the sky?
On windy days, he likes sitting on the rooftop with his legs hanging away from the railing as he watches the people walk below.
There are three kinds of people; those people who don’t bat him a second eye, the others who run after him until he has to go and hide somewhere, and the people who acknowledge him with a shy smile.
He likes the last type.
With the way he sees you smile at him in between interacting with your friends, it puts him at peace.
Because he believes that the feelings that he has are mutual; that he could think about so many things during the day, but how his mind would always wander around and come back to one thing… you.
He hopes it’s the same for you.
The sky is vast, a stretched canvas for miles, with spills of crimson, purples and pinks glossy and warm. As the colours darkened and fade away and he sees the stars he’s been waiting to see, he wonders how you would envision what he’s seeing.
It amuses him, the contrast in your opinions, but the fact that you two can always find a way to meet at the middle puts him into such a calmness that he can hear soft melodies when he closes his eyes and thinks about you.
It makes him happy despite being troubled; it’s nice to think about how you would make things better for him with three simple words or a smile so genuine that it brings him to tears.
He likes to say that he’s a man, that he won’t cry, but when you finally approach him and stay beside him, it makes him squeeze his eyes shut and blink away the tears that are threatening to fall against his will.
It’s a nice day, he says this, but what he doesn’t say is that every day has become worth all the troubles he faces, now that you’re with him.
As he watches your eyes shining in the dimly lit lights of the city, he wonders how the now-plain sky above him would look like from your eyes.
Because you’ve embroidered Jungkook’s life and made everything so beautiful, a galaxy filled with beauty that he hopes he can save for the rest of his life.
Don’t forget;
at the end of my despair,
I found you, My last reason,
Evenings are amusing in a very odd way.
There are three kinds of people: The type to go see the sun set to see the pictures, the ones you go just to view it and come back, and the others who experience emotions like nothing else, when they watch the sun sink slowly into the horizon.
He was one of the latter type.
It’s amusing how every day, the sun finishes its task for the day and says goodbye. The little rays it leaves and the natural splatters and blending of various hues of the colour palette as a promise that the sun will rise again, tomorrow, and light your way.
There’s a certain thing that he always enjoys when he’s watching the sun set; that specific moment when day becomes night, when pale blue morphs into navy in an instant.
It’s impossible to catch that moment; much like the way he’d drown out in his worries, losing sight of what was important and what was not.
He hopes that there will be a day when he can sense the exact time when that happens, and it makes him laugh to himself.
He wonders if sharing it with you would make you think he’s weird.
But when he sees the way you laugh a little, amused smile enhancing your features, it makes him shake his head; what was he worrying about, anyways?
Even when you’d seen him break down, vulnerable in front of you, you had always been there for him.
Not behind, or beside him.
But, in front of him.
You were the one who guided his way, and that’s the reason why Jungkook is able to stand up and take the extra steps he needed to, crossing the line from despair to comfort.
At the end of every hurdle, you’re there to lead him to where his heart feels safe.
As he slowly laces his fingers with yours, waiting for the moment, it’s then that he realizes something important: there are so many reasons to give up, but you’re the reason why he doesn’t.
He prays that you don’t forget that, he prays you live with that in mind.
Bloom like a rose,
Flutter like a cherry blossom,
Fall like a morning glory,
Like that beautiful moment
There’s a soft music of bass instrumentals filling the room, the reverbnation of the song continuing as he watches your frame move to the beat in various motions.
There are three types of people; the people who dance for the sense of comfort it gives them, the others who dance to be recognized by others, and the ones who simply dance because they have to.
He was one of the former type.
He liked the heat that would build up in his veins, sending waves of comfort through his entire body and making the adrenaline bubble up. He liked the way beads of sweat trickle down the sides of his face, the way his shirt would cling to his chest as a sign of proof that he was working hard.
He also liked to simply sit down and watch the way you move, graceful movements following sharp and precise motions; he loves watching you dance, he loves watching you dance to songs he’s had a hand in working on.
And there’s a smile on your face as you do so, and it makes him feel an array of positive emotions he’s never thought he could ever feel in his lifetime.
And yet, when you turn around in your movements, motioning for him to join you, he realises the extent of how beautiful a human being can be.
He feels like there’s no limit to that, no comparisons can be done for moments as beautiful as this, and it’s in the way he can sense the warmth of your hands as you two laugh together and share moments like this that he’d compare with everything beautiful he’s seen or read about in books.
Moments like this are different. It’s different in the sense that these moments appear in front of him rarely, but when it does, it stays in his mind for days, weeks, and even months.
Jungkook loves the way you enjoy yourself, he loves the you that you are when you’re with him, open and vulnerable, yet at the same time able to look him in the eyes and tell him how much he means to you.
Even on the weeks that pass by when he would never see your smiling face for the longest of time, he’ll recall beautiful moments like this, the moments when he’s sitting behind you and watching your reflection from the mirror in front of him.
He finds beauty in your existence, and the moments he shares with you.
I always wanted to be the best
So I was impatient and anxious all the time
Comparisons with others have become routine
My desire to be a weapon made me angry and irrational
The splashing waves of the mid-Autumn sea is one thing he finds comfort in.
There are three types of people: The ones who enjoy travelling in the sea, the ones who like swimming in the sea, and the ones who find comfort in the simple act of watching the sea.
He was one amongst the latter type.
He’s sitting on the sand, legs crossed and his hands pressed to keep his balance, his digital camera carefully set beside him.
And then there’s you next to him, arms hugging your knees as you listen to the splashing sounds of the ocean.
It can’t get better than this, he realises.
He finds himself telling you about his deepest fears; the way his anxious and competitive behaviour had come back to him, making him unable to free himself from being the best.
As he watches you while you listen to what he says, he feels shameful. There are so many bad things about him, and he wants to hide them, and it breaks his heart, the fact that you have to see him be so different from the way you’d painted him in your head.
He wants to be the best person, because he doesn’t want to disappoint you.
He hates the idea of there being someone else that you could compare him with.
And it has led him to this, your gaze unwavering and expressionless face as you simply blink at him, waiting for him to finish.
There are times when he wants to be openly honest, there are times when he wishes you understood that he’s like this because of you, and to some extent, he realises that you do know that.
But it’s in the way you turn your gaze back to the sea, and tell him that the very fact that he’s able to accept his mistakes… That very fact shows that he’s a better person than he was before.
And having it said out loud feels so incredibly weird; those are simple words than anybody could perhaps say, but it’s different in the sense that he can’t take his eyes off from you, he can’t fathom how you can see the good in him even when he expresses something bad about himself.
It makes him smile.
Maybe this was a good idea after all, Jungkook thinks. Maybe it was a good idea, because he feels a very heavy weight lifted up from himself after that, and the way he watches both of your footprints on the sand getting lost by the waves, he realises that there are chances for him to start things afresh.
He understands that he shouldn’t put the bad behind, but he should keep it beside him; because that would push him to be a better person.
He wishes you understood how much you moved him.
But then, looking back, in fact
I didn’t want to be the best
I wanted to comfort you, move you,
And end all your sadness and pain
If there’s one thing that is unbearable for him, it would be the tears that form in the eyes of the people he loves.
There are three types of people; those people whose tears will spill out uncontrollably, the ones who get angry when upset… and the ones who say nothing.
He was one of the last type.
And that is the exact reason why it pains him so much that you’re the former type.
He watches you stand in front of him, tears streaming down your face while he blinks at you from the stage he stands at.
The arena is empty and it’s so quiet that the sound of his breathing echoes inside the lined pathways between hundreds of chairs, and he feels his chest physically pain.
He knows that he is one of the reasons why you’re crying, and there’s so much more that you can’t say.
He wishes you would, but you can’t, and…
It physically hurts him, and he wonders if he really wanted this spot at the center of the stage, if it would make you cry.
It’s a paradox; if he wasn’t here, he wouldn’t have met you, someone who means everything and so much more to him.
So he wants to be here.
He wants to be in front of you, he wants you to watch over him, and take care of him the way he can only wish he could take care of you as well.
Because, after all…
The reason why he lives, is you.
So all he can do for now is to extend his hand out, crouching a little, and he waits for you to take a step closer and put your hand in his.
This is what he lives for; moments like these.
Because in moments like this, Jungkook sees the emotions you feel in your eyes, and his existence is justified by the comforting smile you offer him.
That is exactly why he lives; not to lose sight of why he was here in the first place as he goes ahead and the vision of you blurs in his eyes…
But to see if he can squeeze your hand tight and wish that he can pull away all the distress you feel.
He lives for you.
Would you believe me, even if I was afraid of everything?
All the sincerity, of the remaining time
All your answers are here,
In your galaxy, in your heart
On wintry afternoons, he likes wrapping half his face with his favourite cotton scarf and taking long walks.
There are three kinds of people; the ones who enjoy walking alone, the ones who are indifferent, and the ones who enjoy walking with company.
He was one amongst the latter.
There are three soft knocks that he raps on the window and he hears the sound of a chair scrape on the floor, which he takes as his cue to turn back to the road.
He’ll always let you know what he’s up to, after all.
And it’s in the way he hears your footsteps as you run up to catch up with him, and it makes him smile while he glances over his shoulder and sees you flailing and hurrying up to reach him.
He’s quiet while he stops in his tracks, eyes fixated on the oak tree in front of him which he watches in amusement.
The day is a little cold and he notices the way you shudder a little, and it makes him smile because he realises that, in your hurry to catch up with him, you must’ve forgotten to bring your coat along.
So all he can do is to smile while he slowly moves closer to you, and he hopes you’re more focused on the way the leaves of the trees rattle, than on him at that moment.
He listens to you talk about how confused you are about your future, about how life is hard, and he wishes you understood at least half of how much trust he has in you.
He wishes he could express that his faith in you lets him see you as the stars to his world itself; how he knows you just need to close your eyes and think about him from heart, and you’d find all the answers you need… in your very own world, in the galaxy you’ve created for the two of you.
And that makes it a little hard for him to breathe because his left arm feels a little warm by your presence beside him, and…
These are the days he loves the most, and fears about the most, as well.
Because something that means so much to him is so fragile and he prays he doesn’t mess up.
He couldn’t bear it if this sincere time the two of you had had to be cut short because of him.
And Jungkook knows that even when it’s time for you to turn away from him, he can’t say anything because your feelings are justified…
And that’s why days like this scare him; because he is so happy, but because it can all end one day and he doesn’t know when.
You gave me the best of me,
So you’ll give you the best of you
You found me,
You recognized me
You’ll find it, in the galaxy in your heart
There are many things he loves about the winter.
There are three types of people: The kind who are whiny when they’re sick, the ones who refuse to meet others, and the ones that demand attention like nothing else.
He likes that you are one amongst the former type.
The level of heated up that your forehead is, when he presses a hand to it feels unhealthy, and it upsets him that you refuse to go see a doctor.
It’s terrible of him to think this way, but in a sense, he’s glad that you don’t.
It allows him to watch you become more vulnerable than normal, the way you purse your lips and protest, saying you’re fine.
It lets him smile, as he makes you some warm food, and you beam at him.
And he listens to the way you talk about your life; the way you tell him that there are times when you wish you could become a better person; that you could find the best part of you and use it to make your life better.
It pains him to hear you say you might never find that, and while he glances at you while you watch the small flakes of snow start to fall, he wishes you understood the trust he had in you.
The trust he has in you goes to the level where he knows the decisions you make are right. That you’ll find the answers in the beautiful galaxy inside your heart.
It’s in the way you found someone like him.
It’s in the way you acknowledged him, even when he had nothing.
It’s in the way you love him, even when he messes up.
It’s in the way you don’t blame him when he’s at fault, the way you say that making a mistake is only human.
It’s in the way you smile at someone like him, even on the days when he’s at his worst.
You found the best of me, Jungkook would say, and he likes the way you get flustered as you deny that.
But that’s the truth, and he knows that you…. You would find the best of yourself, that you would understand all the things he loves about you.
Maybe not right now, maybe tomorrow, or maybe in a long time.
But, someday.
He believes in you, in your smile, and everything you work hard for.
When I hate myself and
I want to disappear forever,
I open one door,
and there I am in your heart
The days he hates the most is when he breaks down.
There are three types of people: The ones who are too shocked to react, the ones who talk and try to comfort him, and the ones who simply hug him and don’t speak.
He is so glad that you are one amongst the latter.
He hates when the emotions he’s feeling make him vulnerable enough that the tears spill out.
He hates when he has no control over his actions.
And he hates it when there are people in front of him when he breaks down… It’s the worst when the person is you, of all people.
Like any other human being, there are days when he hates himself, when waking up and going to get something to eat is a chore.
And his hands tremble when he finds the tears streaming down his face, in the way your eyes widen a little as he tries to laugh it off and wipe his tears away.
At moments like this, he wants to disappear forever.
He wishes you didn’t have to see sights like this away, he wanted to support you after all, not show you that there are parts of him that were probably even weaker than you.
Because he’s human, after all.
But it’s in the way you don’t say anything, it’s in the way you take a step closer to him and wrap an arm around his neck, it’s in the way you feel as you hum softly in his ear, that he realises that it’s okay to cry.
It’s in the way he finds warmth in your touches, in the way your compassion allows him to feel a slight bit better.
And what he likes best is that… You don’t make him forget his worries; instead, you’re there for him while he figures ways to make it through.
That’s the support he needs, the support he’ll use whenever he feels down again.
He knows that all he has to do is to accept it a little, and open the door to his heart, and you’d be there, smiling at him and telling you that he’s the reason why you’re holding on.
He hopes you understand that, at days like this, when he struggles with continuing his tasks for the day… All he has to do is to close his eyes.
Because he knows that, in the same way you’re there in his heart…
He’s there in yours too.
A smiling Jungkook… One that makes you smile even brighter.
And that’s the reason why he falls a little more in love you every time he’s sad.
Because you comfort him each time, without fail.
He loves that, so much that he has no words for it, even if he tried.
If you open that door and come in,
I’ll be waiting for you,
It’s okay to believe,
I’ll comfort you, Magic Shop
Days like this are one of his favourites.
There are three kinds of people: The type who spend their days off indoors, and the type who like to go out by themselves, and the ones who like being with someone they care about.
He was one of the latter type.
Rays of the mid-June sunlight shine on his face, giving a bright, glowy tan as he squints his eyes, hands just a few inches away from yours, as the two of you lay on the grass of the meadow.
It’s days like this when he can freely sigh and look at the bright canvas of the sky, watch the way the clouds make brilliant paintings all over the sky, and open the doors to hundreds of thoughts inside him imagination world.
It’s magical, this garden.
There’s nothing significantly different about this place; it’s simply filled with flowers of various colours that every artist would envy, the grass feels fresh and a slight bit greener, and the breeze makes the stems of the flowers dance to the soft gushes of the wind.
It’s like any other garden, really.
But he’s with you, and it’s your company beside him, that makes him close his eyes and bathe in the wonderosity that he’s living in the moment.
He wishes you knew the thoughts running through his mind.
He wishes you were able to understand it, that when he intertwines his pinky finger with yours, he’s trying to tell you that he hopes you would find comfort because of his presence.
And perhaps the smile on your face and the little path of tear that had trickled down from the corner of your eye is a sign that you’re looking at the sky while thinking about him, as well.
Jungkook wishes you understood that he means every word, when he asks you to close your eyes and join him as he explores the galaxy inside his heart.
Because there’s a special place he’s reserved for you, and he has no better name for it, than magic shop, because that’s exactly what your smile means to him.
And that’s why he prays that you open up your heart, that you open the door and find him waiting for you.
That you would smile, the way he does while he shyly pats your hair and tells you that he loves you.
He hopes that those words comfort you as much as it does when you say the same to him.
Drink a warm cup of tea,
And look up at the galaxy
You’ll be fine, oh
Here, Magic Shop
He has so many dreams.
He’s living his dream for this lifetime, but everyone is greedy, and he’s no exception.
And he’s greedy now because now that his dream to sing has been fulfilled - and still continues - he’s got another dream, and it’s to have you by his side as he wishes.
Yet… in this universe, he can’t hold you and be with you the way he would in another universe, in another lifetime…
But in this lifetime, he can love you, the same way he will love you in his next lifetime, and in every other universe besides this.
Because you’ve painted his sky with the stars in your galaxy, and it’s bright enough to make his eyes shine, for tears to stream down his cheeks; He’s so happy, he’s so thankful, and he doesn’t have a brilliant way to express just how much. He can now understand and experience the feeling of comfort that books and movies talk about, and it’s a feeling warmer than the cup of tea in his hand.
He wishes you understood that… The same way you wish to see him in person, the way you wish he was a part of your everyday life, the way you play thousands of scenarios in your head about being with him… He does them, as well.
He can think of, and wishes for so many things, so many different ideas where he could have time with you, and only you, nothing else to stand between the two of you.
But all that exists in his mind, in another universe, but he hopes that, at least in his dreams, he’ll see you in the ways he wishes he could.
Because his dreams comfort him, and he hopes your ones do the same for you too.
So, all he can do for you in this lifetime is to open up his computer and pick up his pen, writing and recording and perfecting everything so that when he appears in front of you the next time, he can be an even better person than he was yesterday.
He hopes you understand him, at least a little bit, when you pick up a copy of 'Tear', and finally reach audio track number seven.
Because he’s all yours, and he hopes you’re all his, too.
For you, Army, Jungkook will create a Magic Shop from the scratch if he has to, and everything he does; they’re all for you.
So show me (I’ll show you)
So show me (I’ll show you)
So show me (I’ll show you)
Show you, show you
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