#great questions hazel thank you
come-along-pond · 2 years
Which OC do you think your favorite Evermore track would fit?
favourite?? I love them all
Cowboy like Me is so Hazel and Neal coded omg
Ivy is kinda Malcom and Alice
It’s time to go is Amelia
I LOVE gold rush but idk who it fits. definitely a bridgerton oc
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yournowheregirl · 1 year
Let it be known that Eddie Munson hates big box stores. They represent everything he’s against: a big piece of capitalist bullshit that underpays its workers and pump out unnecessary products like it’s nothing. 
And yet, he finds himself in a Target on a random Sunday evening.
He’s not quite sure how he got roped into doing Chrissy’s shopping for her, something about ‘owing her a favor’ and ‘making up for all the times she had take out the garbage when it was his turn to do so’ or whatever that means. But here he is anyway, pushing a bright red shopping cart in search of every item on her list so she can go on her date with that girl from the concert in peace. The things you do for friends.
Eddie finds the first few items quite easily - they’re on sale and easy to spot with the big display in the middle of the aisle - but once he gets to the fourth item on her list: Fresh Cotton scented candle, he starts to panic just a little.
Why are there so many fucking candles?
He rubs a hand over his face in attempt to make himself focus on the rows and rows of glass jars in front of him, taking a deep breath before he starts looking for the Fresh Cotton scented candle Chrissy wants. Only to find out, there aren’t any.
There is Pure Linen and Natural Cotton and even one that’s called Laundry Day - whatever the fuck that’s supposed to smell like - but there is not one candle that says Fresh Cotton. 
Okay. Okay. He can do this. He knows Chrissy like the back of his hand, he’s smelled that candle practically every day, he can totally figure out which candle she wants. 
Eddie grabs the first candle that’s vaguely named after a fabric and smells it, but that one isn’t the one he’s looking for. He tries another (closer, but not quite the same) and another (doesn’t even smell like cotton in the slightest), until he’s smelled practically every cotton-linen-laundry candle in the store and his nose has become immune to any smell whatsoever.
Christ, he really is a terrible best friend if he can’t even get her shopping list right.
Something red flashes by in the corner of his eye and Eddie immediately perks up and chases after it. He stops himself from screaming in victory when he sees that he was right and that there is in fact a Target employee in a red polo walking in the main aisle.
“Excuse me!” Eddie calls out. “Excuse me! Can you help me?”
The guy in the red polo turns around and whoa- Eddie didn’t know that they were hiring actual models to work at Target. He’s pretty sure he’s never met a big box store employee that looks this good - with floppy golden brown hair and a chest that fills out that red Target polo really nicely.
“Uh yes?”
“Great!” Eddie gestures the Target guy to follow him back to the candle aisle and grabs the two candles that he thinks are the closest to what Chrissy wants. “Which one of these is Fresh Cotton?”
Target guy frowns and takes the candles from Eddie’s hands, his hazel eyes narrowing as he reads the labels. “Neither? This one is Clean Cotton and the other one is Crisp Cotton.”
“Yes, yes, I know. But Target used to sell Fresh Cotton, I think, at least that’s what my friend’s shopping list says.” Eddie rambles. “So I guess my question is which one used to be Fresh Cotton and got renamed or whatever.”
“Huh.” Target guy shrugs and takes the lid off both the candles, carefully sniffing each of them before finally handing Clean Cotton back to Eddie. “This one smells the most cotton-y to me, so I’d go with this one, dude.”
Eddie feels his eyes light up with relief as he clutches the candle to his chest. “Christ, that’s a relief. Thank you...” He trails off, searching Target guy’s polo for a name tag, only to come up empty.
“Thank you, Steve.” Eddie beams. He puts the candle into his shopping cart and rummages through the pocket of his leather jacket until he finds Chrissy’s shopping list. Scented candle? Check. “Look, I gotta go. I have at least twenty other things on this list and- hey!”
In one quick motion, Steve has grabbed the shopping list from Eddie’s hands, scanning the items on the list and the items in the cart with precision. 
“Dude. Your friend asked for shampoo and conditioner. You bought them that two-in-one crap.” Steve scoffs.
“Is that... bad? Seems to me like it gets the job done faster.” Eddie shrugs.
“Is that bad, he asks. If your friend cares just a little bit about their hair, they’d be devastated.” Steve chuckles. “C’mere, I’ll help you.”
Before Eddie can even protest, Steve has taken his shopping cart from under his nose and gestures for Eddie to follow him. Huh, personal shoppers must be a new thing at Target. He just hopes that Steve doesn’t charge him a surprise hundred dollar fee at the end of the shopping trip.
Turns out, a personal shopper like Steve comes in handy for a Target virgin like Eddie. Steve (obviously) knows the store like the back of his hand and seems to know a lot about the products they sell as well - from the difference between normal and purple shampoo for blonde hair to the package of colored notebooks that Chrissy needs for the next semester. His knowledge is impressive and Eddie can’t help but stare and listen to every word that rolls of Target Guy Steve’s tongue.
(And if he lets a flirty remark or two slip just to see a twinkle in Steve’s eyes in between the shop talk, that’s nobody’s business but his own)
He is a bit confused when Steve starts loading things into the cart that aren’t on Chrissy’s lists, though. Things like highlighters and staples and various arts and crafts supplies. 
“What are those?” Eddie asks.
“Hmm?” Steve hums, following Eddie’s gaze to where it’s looking at the small pots of paint in his hands “Oh. Those are for me.”
“You can do that?”
“Uh yeah? That’s the point of a store?”
“Right.” Eddie nods. “Yeah, I mean, duh. Just didn’t know you were allowed to shop on company time.” 
“Right...” Steve blinks at him in response.
They go through the rest of the list fairly quickly, much to Eddie’s disappointment. When he first set foot inside the store, he wanted to leave as fast as he could, but now that he’s got Steve around, he doesn’t really want this shopping trip to end. 
At least not without Steve’s number saved in his phone. 
There are only a few people in line at the register when they arrive and Steve immediately starts putting his things on the checkout belt. As he waits, Eddie lets his eyes linger at Steve’s toned back, at the way the red fabric stretches over the muscles there, at the way those jeans look practically painted on.
Yeah, he really has to get that number before he gets out of here.
“You probably get employee discount, right? Must be nice.” Eddie grins as he starts putting his stuff on the checkout belt.
Steve cocks his head to the side. “No?”
Christ, not giving your employees a discount in your own store is a new low, even for a big company like Target. “Oh sorry, man. That sucks.”
“I mean, I have my teacher’s discount.” Steve shrugs.
Hold up. What?
“Your what?”
“My teacher’s discount?” Steve repeats. “I’m an elementary school teacher and I get a small discount on stuff I need for my class? Like these art supplies?”
“You- you don’t work here?” Eddie squeaks, feeling the heat rise to his cheeks. Oh God, did he just drag a random stranger through a store and make him listen to all of his stupid problems with Chrissy’s shopping lists? This is embarrassing, even for him. “Fuck, I thought- I mean with the polo and- Christ, I’m so sorry.”
But luckily for Eddie, Steve doesn’t seem mad in the slightest. In fact, he just laughs, all bright and clear. “It’s alright, really.”
“But wait, if you don’t work here, why did you help me?” Eddie asks, ignoring the hopeful feeling that starts to bloom in his stomach. 
Steve ducks his head for a second, suppressing a grin, before looking back up at Eddie through his eyelashes and fuck, he has no right to look this hot in a freaking polo shirt. 
“Because I thought you were cute.”
A bright Target red blush settles over Eddie’s cheeks and there’s nowhere to hide, not even behind his hair because his dumb self from two hours earlier decided to put it up in a high bun. 
“Plus, you looked like you were this close to having a panic attack in the middle of the candle aisle.” Steve shrugs. “I’ve been there, and trust me, it’s not a good look.”
The honesty in his voice makes Eddie cackle so loud that even the cashier turns her head to see what all the commotion is about. 
“You’re ridiculous.” Eddie says when his laughter dies down.
“Maybe.” Steve says, his eyes already twinkling with amusement. “But did it work?”
Eddie really can’t say no to that.
(He leaves Target that night with two shopping bags filled with Chrissy’s things and a date with Steve the next weekend.)
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msmk11 · 29 days
Rumor Has It
James Potter x fem!reader (costar au)
WC: 551
CW: Fluff; allusions to sex
Summary: Rumors have been spreading that you and your costar James Potter are dating.
Day 24 of mk’s mad dash
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“So you guys had really great chemistry on screen. Did it come to you two naturally, or did you have to put in some time to get to know each other better?”
The blonde journalist across from you waited expectantly, pen at the ready in her hand. This was only about the billionth time you two had been asked this question, and you tried desperately not to roll your eyes. It wasn’t entirely the interviewers fault- you were doing press for a rom com- you just wished you could be asked more about your acting and work, not the romance.
“I guess a little bit of both,” James answered calmly.
And thank god for it.
“I certainly felt an initial chemistry with her when I auditioned, and it seemed like the directors felt it too. But of course, getting to know each other outside of filming was critical to establishing what you all ended up seeing.”
“If I can ask, what sort of stuff did you two do to bond?”
You jumped in on this question so you didn’t appear apathetic, “lots of stuff, really. We did a lot of fun activities like mini golf or going for coffee to connect. But we also really got to know one another. I think trust is so foundational for a role like this, and I think James and I really built that. We’ve met each other’s families and friends, been to each other’s hometowns, etc.”
“Sort of felt like we were really dating,” your costar joked, “though without all the benefits.”
You smirked and rolled your eyes, playfully swatting him in front of the camera.
The blonde interviewer giggled (maybe a little too hard for your liking.)
“You know, it’s funny you say that, because rumor has it, you two are dating.”
You and James looked at each other in fake surprise even though you’d both heard the rumors countless times. The goofy look on his face- his mouth wide open and hazel eyes glimmering with mirth- almost made you crack. But you were an actor, so you stayed strong.
“I fear that’s the rom-com curse,” you sighed.
“Or just a nod to your phenomenal acting,” your costar suggested, sending you a wink.
You could already imagine the countless edits that fans would make of this single moment- it playing over and over for everyone to analyze- backed by romantic music and heavy colorful filters.
You supposed.
It wasn’t like you’d watched edits of you two (or James) before.
“So it’s just a rumor then?” the interviewer clarified.
A series of images flashed across your mind.
You two’s chemistry read.
The first scene you guys ever filmed together.
Intimate late night shoots.
James’ hot hands on your skin for the first time.
Quickies in your respective trailers.
Your first date at his place where he cooked you dinner.
Your fourth date, where you asked him to be your boyfriend in the corner of a book shop.
The first sleepover.
Meeting his parents.
Him meeting yours.
Giving each other a spare key.
One hour ago in the dressing rooms.
You made sure to subtly shift your collar to hide the fairly large hickey James had left on your collarbone only about an hour ago.
“Yes,” you and James agreed simultaneously.
“It’s just a rumor.”
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rewrittenreality · 6 months
Horses and Husbands
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Pairing: Rip Wheeler x Reader
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: Smut, baby making...seriously
Summary: Alone time with Rip is few and far between these days...When your daughter stays with her Uncle Kayce for the night, you finally get alone time with your husband.
A/n: This was requested by @elenavampire21 ! Thank you for your request, I had a blast making it a reality for you! And I also want to thank @momentaryescape for helping me with this!
The familiar sound of Rip groaning woke you from your sleep as your 4 year old daughter, Hallie, climbed on top of him. He picked her up and placed her between the two of you with a tired chuckle. It was early in the morning, but this was the normal routine between your little family. Hallie would wake up before either of you and always came into your shared room to wake you both up. 
“The munchkin is up.” Rip chuckled in his gruff morning voice. 
“Then we are to.” You said with a tired laugh as you sat up in bed.
Hallie was looking at you with those big hazel eyes that looked exactly like Rip’s. You smiled softly and picked her up to get out of bed, placing her on your hip as you stood up. Rip got up soon after and started getting ready for his work day, meeting you in the kitchen as you started making your daughter breakfast. 
“Where is daddy going?” Hallie asked as she ran up to you. 
“Daddy is going to work, munchkin. I gotta go help with the new horses” Rip told Hallie as he crouched down to get level with her, gently poking her nose with his finger.
“Can I go with you, Daddy?” She looked up at Rip, big eyes pleading with him.
“We can go see Daddy and the horses after you eat your breakfast, Sweetheart.” You responded after Rip looked at you for an answer.
Rip kissed Hallie’s forehead before sending her to the table. He fully stood up and made his way over to you, running his hands down your arms. He leaned down and left a kiss to your lips before he grabbed his cowboy hat and walked out the door to go to work.
You arrived with Hallie at the stables a little while later. Rip was standing outside of the round pen watching Ryan work with a horse. Hallie let go of your hand and ran to her dad, climbing up on the round pen to get a better look at the horse. You smiled softly when Rip put his hand on her back to keep her steady while he pointed at Ryan and the horse.
As you watched Hallie giggling to Rip you felt someone come up next to you. You looked over and saw Lloyd standing next to you. He watched Rip and Hallie, a small smile peaking through his signature mustache. Lloyd was like a grandpa to Hallie, a father figure to you and Rip. 
“He sure is a good dad.” Lloyd told you, glancing over at you for a second.
“He really is.” You replied, smiling at Lloyd.
“So, when are you two giving me another grandkid?” He asked, fully turning to face you. 
You let out a soft laugh at his question.
 “Hopefully soon. It’s been so busy around here so we haven’t gotten much alone time. But we’ve been trying when we can.” You said to him, looking over at Rip who was talking happily with your daughter. 
Lloyd gave you a smile and a gentle pat on the shoulder before Hallie came running over to you. 
“Mama! Can we ride the horsies?” Hallie asked, pulling on your pant leg. 
“Of course we can, Sweetie! Come on, let’s go get a horse.” You smiled down at your daughter, taking her small hand in yours to lead her to the stables.
Once you got to the stables, you saddled up your horse Blaze. He was good with kids and would be a great fit for Hallie. You led Blaze out of the stables with Hallie on your hip, leading Blaze to the other round pen. 
You lifted Hallie up and gently placed her on Blaze, making sure to keep your hand on her back to steady her. Hallie giggled when you made a clicking sound with your tongue to get Blaze to start walking. 
Rip watched carefully while Blaze walked around the round pen with Hallie on his back. He knew Hallie wouldn’t get hurt, but he was still protective of both of his girls. His eyes stayed glued to you, smiling to himself while he watched you smile and talk to your daughter.
Kayce, your brother, came up beside him, placing a hand on his shoulder. Tate was in the other round pen with Ryan, helping with the horse. Kayce noticed Rip’s gaze on you.
“You know, Hallie can always stay the night with Monica and I. Tate would love it. Plus it would give you a little alone time with Y/n.” Kayce suggested, nudging Rip’s shoulder with his own.
“And how do you know we’ve been trying to get alone time?” Rip questioned, looking over at Kayce.
“You seem to forget that your wife is my sister. She tells Beth and I nearly everything.” Kayce said with a raised eyebrow.
Rip shook his head and laughed. Kayce did have a point. You shared a lot with your siblings. 
“I’ll talk to Y/n and make sure she’s okay with Hallie staying the night with you guys. Thanks, Kayce.” Rip said, still chuckling softly.
When you finished walking around the round pen with Hallie and Blaze, you led Blaze to the stables again to get him back in his area. You smiled when you saw Rip waiting for you guys. Hallie ran to him, her little laugh ringing through the stables as Rip lifted her up. 
“Hey, munchkin!” Rip smiled as he held Hallie in his arms. 
You walked up to your husband, letting out a soft laugh when he kissed you. Hallie was giggling like crazy, her cheek pressed against Rip’s shoulder. 
“Why don’t we let Kayce and Monica take Hallie tonight? Tate wants to hang out with his favorite cousin.” Rip suggested to you, giving a look that told you his true intentions. 
“Do you want to stay with Uncle Kayce and Aunt Monica tonight, Sweetheart? You always have so much fun with Tate.” You asked your daughter, letting out a chuckle when she nodded happily.
You took Hallie back up to the cabin to gather a few of her things before Kayce came up to get her. Rip met you there, keeping Hallie entertained while you gathered her things. 
When Kayce came with Tate to pick her up, you and Rip each gave her a kiss on the forehead. 
“Thank you, Kayce. You didn’t have to watch her tonight.” You said to your brother, giving him a hug.
“It’s not a problem at all, Y/n. You and Rip need some time together. And Tate wanted to see his cousin.” Kayce replied, smiling at you.
Rip handed Kayce Hallie’s little backpack of her things, smiling down at the excited 4 year old next to him. Kayce took Hallie’s hand in one of his hands and Tate’s hand in the other. 
“Come on, kiddos!” Kayce said to the two happy children, leading them out of the cabin and to the truck. 
You stood in the doorway of the cabin, smiling as you watched the three of them drive off. You were thankful for your brother. He was ensuring that you got your much needed alone time with your husband.
Rip came up behind you as you closed the cabin door, gently sliding his hands down your sides. You turned in his arms with a smile, reaching up to rest your arms over his shoulders. He leaned down and kissed you as he squeezed your hips. 
“Let’s go make us a baby, Mister.” You said, giggling a little when he kissed the corners of your mouth.
“You know I can’t say no to that, Baby.” Rip responded in that gruff voice you loved so much, leaning down to kiss you again.
You melted like putty in his arms, letting him deepen the kiss until his tongue was exploring your mouth. Rip’s hands slid from your hips to your thighs so he could hoist you up. He smirked against your lips when you locked your legs together around his waist. 
You didn’t even realize he had started carrying you towards the bedroom. All you were focused on was the feeling of his lips against yours. He squeezed the underside of your thighs as he carried you, reveling in the way you moaned softly into his mouth. He loved the way you reacted to even the simplest of touches. 
Rip laid you down on the bed and hovered above you. You looked up at him as he took his jacket off before he leaned down and began kissing your neck. You tilted your head to the side to give him better access, making him smirk against your skin.
He adored the small gasp you let out as he slid his hands under your shirt. No matter how many times the two of you had done this, you still reacted to his touch in ways you never knew were possible. He loved that he could make you and your body react to him in all the right ways.
Rip kept his eyes locked with you as he slowly pulled your shirt off of your body. He leaned down again and pressed wet kisses to your collarbone. He kissed down your body, removing your clothes as he went along.
Soon, you were almost completely bare under him. The only thing keeping you from being fully naked was your lace panties. An obvious wet spot covered the thin piece of fabric, which made Rip lick his lips.
“Look at you, Darlin’. So pretty for me.” He said in his gruff voice, his fingers running feather light over your thighs.
His touch made you shiver, a small whimper leaving your lips. You couldn’t help it, your body was so reactive to him. He always made you feel like you were on cloud nine.
Rip’s fingers inched closer to your panties until his thumb was right over your clothed clit. He applied just a little pressure, reveling in the moan he pulled from your lips. In one swift motion, he pulled your panties off your legs. You were now completely bare under him.
His eyes immediately went to your soaked folds, licking his lips at the site. He ducked down and made himself comfortable between your thighs. He looked up at you right as his lips connected with your clit. 
You threw your head back with a loud moan as he began sucking, his skilled tongue making circles around your throbbing clit. Your hands went to his hair, holding his head in place as his tongue lapped through your folds. 
Your fingers tugging at Rip’s hair caused him to moan against your clit, sending vibrations straight to your core. A loud gasp left your lips when he pushed a finger into you. His mouth continued to circle around your clit while he added a second finger and thrusted them in and out slowly. 
That familiar heat started pooling in your lower stomach, your moans getting louder. Rip knew you were close so he didn’t stop. He picked up the pace of his fingers, making a ‘come hither’ motion that had you seeing stars.
“Come on, Baby. Cum for me. Let me hear you.” Rip said to you, immediately going back to your clit afterwards.
You came on command, loudly moaning his name. Rip smiled when he felt your walls fluttering around his fingers. He kept thrusting his fingers into you, getting you through your high. He pulled his fingers out of you when you came down, licking your juices off of his hand. He loved the taste of you, it was like a drug he could never get enough of.
“So pretty for me, Baby. My pretty girl.” He praised you, loving the soft moan that came out of your mouth at his words.
“Please, Rip…” You whined, watching him take off the rest of his clothes. Your eyes were locked on his member as he stroked himself a little. 
“Shh shh. You’re okay, Darlin’. I’m gonna give you what you need.” Rip cooed, his gruff voice sending shivers down your spine.
Rip moved up your body, leaving wet kisses against your skin. He propped himself up with his hands on either side of your head, caging you in as he looked down at you. You reached up to wrap your arms around his shoulders and pulled him down to kiss you. 
Rip lined himself up with your dripping entrance while he kissed you. He slowly pushed into you, his size stretching you open. You moaned into his mouth, loving the slight burn his size gave you. 
He stayed still for a moment, letting you get used to him. No matter how many times the two of you had been intimate, you still had to get used to his size. He left gentle kisses on your neck while he waited patiently for you to adjust. 
When you were ready, he slowly pulled out almost all the way. Before you could whine in protest, he thrusted back into you with more force. You moaned in surprise, your eyes fluttering closed as he fucked into you with a slower pace.
“There you go, Sweetheart. This what you wanted?” Rip asked softly in your ear, nipping and sucking at your neck.
“Yes, Rip…Oh fuck!” You whined, crying out in pleasure when his tip hit your g-spot.
Your cry of pleasure only fueled him further. He picked up his pace, hitting your g-spot with every damn thrust. Your brain went fuzzy as you wrapped your legs loosely around his waist to pull him impossibly closer. 
Rip decided to change the position and lifted you so your chest was pressed against his. You both moaned in unison, his cock nestled so deep inside of you. He began lifting you up, guiding you to ride him. You started bouncing on him, letting him guide your pace as he squeezed your hips.
“Look at you, Baby. Such a good girl for me. Want me to give you a baby? That’s what you want, isn’t it? To be so full of me that it’ll give us another baby?” Rip spoke against your ear, massaging your hips as he thrusted up into you.
You moaned loudly, clenching down around his cock involuntarily. Rip hissed from the feeling, loving the way you tightened around him. He was so close to release, and he knew you were as well.
“Fuck, you’re so tight, Darlin’.” He groaned, his hands squeezing your hips tightly.
“I’m so close, Rip!” You cried out, rolling your hips when you couldn’t ride him anymore.
Rip took over again, thrusting up into you at a pace that, once again, had you seeing stars. He moaned when he looked down and watched his cock slide in and out of your perfect heat. He reached between your legs and began rubbing circles on your clit.
“Cum for me, Sweetheart. Let me feel you.” He whispered in your ear, applying more pressure to your clit as his thumb continued rubbing circles.
The pressure he applied was more than enough to send you over the edge. You cried out his name, throwing your head back while your thighs began to tremble. Strings of moans left your lips, your body going limp in his arms as your walls fluttered around him.
Rip thrusted up into you a few more times, fucking you through your intense release. With one more thrust, he held you down on top of him and spilled his release inside of you with a groan of pleasure. He held you there for a moment, letting you calm down.
“That’s a good girl. You did so good for me, Darlin’.” He cooed in your ear, rubbing your back in a soothing motion.
You leaned forward and nuzzled your face into his neck, your breathing heavy. A soft whine left your lips as he gently lifted you off of him. He laid you down next to him, a shit eating grin on his face when he saw his release begin to drip out of you.
Rip used his fingers to gently push it back inside of you, softly shushing you when you whined and squirmed from the overstimulation. He got up to get a washcloth and brought the damp cloth back to clean you up.
When he was done cleaning the both of you up, he laid down next to you. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close. You let out a content sigh and smiled when you felt his hand splayed across your stomach.
“It’ll stick this time. I just know it.” You said with a tired smile, turning over in his arms to look at him.
“Well I hope it does, Sweetheart. I can’t wait to see you carrying our baby again.” Rip told you, his hand gently rubbing circles on your stomach.
“I love you, Honey.” You whispered with a small giggle.
“I love you too, Baby.” Rip whispered back, pulling you even closer. 
It didn’t take long for you to fall asleep in his arms. He just had his hand on your stomach, rubbing soothing circles on your skin until he fell asleep with you. 
This time would stick. You would get another baby. You both just knew it. 
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dixons-sunshine · 3 months
Pillow Fort—Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader.
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Summary: Daryl was nowhere to be found during the day. Everyone was worried, considering the man never missed meetings, no matter how unimportant they were. However, your worries got soothed when you saw what he had been up to that day.
Genre: Fluff.
Era: Alexandria, post Saviour arc (bridge explosion doesn't happen.)
Warnings: Swearing.
Word count: 860.
A/n: Here's this. I don't know what this is but it's something. Hope y'all like it!
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“I'll see you tomorrow for a check-up, Michonne.” You slung your bag over your shoulder as you addressed your newly pregnant friend, Michonne standing on the porch of her home with Rick by her side. “I think Siddiq's brining an ultrasound machine with him from the Hilltop. That would give us a relative idea of how far along you are.”
Michonne gave you a smile as she tenderly rubbed her flat stomach—that wouldn't stay flat for long—with one hand, her other hand tightly holding on to her husband's. “Thank you.” She stopped momentarily to share a look with Rick, before continuing. “Keep us updated once you find out why Daryl hasn't been seen all day?”
You nodded. “Of course.” You took a step back and sent them another smile. “Goodnight, guys. See you tomorrow.” With parting greetings, you turned around and made your way to your own home. The short walk soon came to an end when you walked up the steps and into your home, and instantly you could see something was up. The small chair that stood by the door was devoid of any cushioning, the pillows taken and not to be seen anywhere.
You frowned as you discarded of your bag by placing it on the floor, your jacket and shoes following suite. As you walked further into the home and into the living room, you could hear the voices of your husband and daughter fill the air, laughter soon being heard as well. As the living room came into view, you were met by quite the sight—seemingly every pillow and blanket you owned was being used to hold a rather impressive pillow fort upright. And sitting in the very fort in question was your husband and daughter, cuddled up together while Daryl was busy reading some book to her. A fond smile spread across your lips at the sight. Unwillingly, a small chuckle left you, catching your small family's attention.
Your three year old daughter perked up when she saw you, a huge smile spreading across her chubby cheeks. “Mama!” She excitedly exclaimed, but made no effort to run into your arms like she usually would, way too content in her father's arms. You couldn't blame her, though. Daryl was the best person to cuddle and you rarely wanted to leave his hold yourself.
You smiled and stepped forward. “Hi, baby.” Your eyes drifted to Daryl, meeting his fond gaze. “Hey, Dar. You two mind if I come in?” Hazel shook her head, scooting over in the makeshift bed to make room for you. You crawled into space and got comfortable beside Hazel, wrapping an arm around her and sharing a smile with Daryl. “I didn't mean to interrupt storytime. Please, continue.”
Daryl nodded and shifted his attention back down to the book. “As ya wish.” He cleared his throat and started reading again, his deep, soothing voice successfully lulling your daughter into slumber. In seemingly no time at all, Hazel was out like a light, leaving you and Daryl to yourselves. He placed the book down next to him and turned his attention back to you. “How was yer day, Peach?”
“Not as eventful as yours, I'm guessing,” you giggled, rubbing Hazel's head affectionately. “Is this what you've been up to all day?”
Daryl nodded. “Yeah. Made 'er some breakfast this mornin' and she took great interest in makin' lil' forts with the small pillows. Decided to show her how to make the real deal.”
“Boring meetings be damned, right?”
Realization dawned on the archer's face, a look of guilt spreading across his face. “Shit, I forgot 'bout tha'. I promised Rick I'd be there and I got distracted. Fuck, I—”
“Babe, relax,” you chuckled, reaching over to grab one of his hands in yours. “Rick isn't mad. He was just worried because it isn't like you to miss a meeting. I bet he'll understand you wanting to spend the day with your daughter instead of discussing who stole Jeremy's tomatoes from his garden. It's okay. Besides.” You stopped to regard the fort for a moment, nodding in approval. “Once he sees this fort, I bet he'll be hella impressed. It's amazing craftsmanship, if I do say so myself.”
Daryl gave you a small smile. “Think Rick'll be jealous?”
You nodded. “Once he sees this, a fort-off is sure to commence.” You leaned over to share a soft, tender kiss with Daryl, pulling away soon after as to not disturb your little girl. “I love you, Daryl.”
“Love ya more, Darlin'.”
Little did either of you know, not only would a fort-off begin, but the greatest gift-finding, playset-building competition would commence between the two found brothers. And you and Michonne didn't know whether to find it amusing or annoying.
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suki-na-kumo · 1 month
A little headcanon on the fairy family) (❁´◡`❁) Wanda: 1) Wanda is top in their pairing with Cosmo, but sometimes she needs to let go of control and her husband helps her out without question. Cosmo: 2) Cosmo is left with a small tummy and stretch marks from his pregnancy. He is proud of it and remembers his youngest son fondly every time. 3) Yes, he has two sons. Timmy: 4) Timmy stayed with a family where he is loved! 5) I think the whole wizarding world suffered when they tried to take Cosmo and Wanda's eldest son away. 6) I think Cosmo blew everyone up like 9 times and Wanda, well….try to take her baby away from an angry mother(You'll wish you were never born))) 7) TIMMY WAS MADE A FAIRY YAY! 8) Wanda has pointy wings. Cosmo has round wings. Peri's upper wings are pointy and her lower wings are round. Timmy's upper wings are round and his lower wings are pointy. 9) Timmy's hair is gradually changing color. 10) He hides it under his cap, as well as his crown. 11) His wings are growing and his back is itchy from it! 12) Lives in the human world for now, gradually moving to the fairy world. His flat is in the next neighborhood from Mum and Dad's, but inside it's just one of the rooms in Wanda and Cosmo's house. So they live together, and it's convenient for Timmy to go to classes. 13) Goes to classes for fairies in the evening to learn magic. 14) He works at a comic book/video game shop. 15) His wand is a game joystick. 16) He's skinny and tall, but has fat on his tummy and thighs. He ate junk food until he was reprimanded by Wanda. 17) Goes to the beauty parlour once a month with Peri.
Peri: 18) Peri has a lot of fancy clothes. 19) Peri has a great waist and hips, thanks to Wanda's genes. 20) Often complains to her older brother about her problems. 21) Often makes Timmy carry him on his back or shoulders. (He'll never admit it out loud, but he just misses his childhood when his brother used to carry him in his arms all the time.) 22) His wings in human form turn into a silk scarf. 23) The stars are their family symbol. 24) Everyone wears a pendant with a family photo on it (Cosmo hides it under his shirt). 25) I think Timmy would randomly meet Dev and Hazel at his comic book/video game shop and later notice the very familiar pink and green key chains and purple headphones). That's all I'm thinking for now, maybe some of it I'll draw or sketch. If you've read this far, I hope you at least found it interesting or emphasised some ideas for yourself). With you was Suki-na-kumo and her wild thoughts.✌️
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pumpkinbxtch · 4 months
I need to say here: I think a "Leo x time traveler from the 40's" (like nico and hazel) dynamic would be cute If demigods could use cellphones, because Leo is a yk technology genius and the other person would be a grandparent who always says something like "help me how do I get out of this app" or "how do I install Google"
the god of 'app store'
— leo valdez x 40's time traveler!reader
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warnings; none, maybe shitty writing
a/n; yes. period, i mean- that's a kind of relationship like he used to had with calypso and hazel but kinda fits? thank you, idk if you were asking but I had an idea tho.
— Give me that! — Leo said, bursting into the apartment, kicking off his shoes, and staggering toward you. You didn't know what to do; you were watching something on TV, and his entrance had scared you. His eyes were fixed on something next to you, and when you realized what it was, you cursed under your breath.
— Leo.
— You didn't activate it? — He asked, seeing the phone turned off, just a pretty paperweight on the table next to you. You shook your head, resting your head on one hand while stealing glances at the TV. Honestly, it didn't interest you much. You had lived your life without it, and you didn't think it was so necessary, but the worried look on your boyfriend's face made you rethink that idea.
— Honey, — He sighed as he sat on the biggest couch and turned on the phone. — I wanted to know if you were okay, and you didn't answer. I thought something might have happened to you, and...
— So you ended up here — You said as you got up and sat next to him. He nodded as he checked the device in his hands. It looked like a normal phone, but the technology he had implemented made it so that monsters couldn't detect it, and thus your life was no longer at risk.
— It's like new — He said, confused.
— You gave it to me at the beginning of the week.
— No, I mean... You haven't turned it on since then.
You looked at your boyfriend and then at the phone, discovering a picture of the two of you on it. You raised an eyebrow.
— Why are we there? — Your question made him laugh, and he gave you a kiss on the cheek.
You understood; he had put it there. You didn't know how, but he had surely done it and probably expected a comment from you, which of course never came because you were too scared to use it. Suddenly, a wave of curiosity washed over you, and you clung to Leo's shirt sleeve. He glanced at you.
— Can you show me again? — His eyes lit up, and you had never felt better about asking for help.
After the lessons, you were a bit confused, but you seemed to have understood something: everything came from a place called the App Store.
You took the phone in your hands and went into that app to see what else you could download. However, you realized that at least the essentials were already installed. You looked at your boyfriend, who was distracted with his own 'latest tech gadget,' as he called it to buyers, or just a phone as he usually shortened it. He was watching a cat video, something you never understood but didn't intend to. Still, you felt like you had the best boyfriend. Very understanding and sweet in explaining things.
— Thanks, great Leo, god of the App Store — You said, giggling. He raised an eyebrow playfully and shook his head, amused.
— I wouldn't say that, sweetie, or the real gods might hear us.
— Are you saying I haven't been with one this whole time?
Your question made him blush, and he clicked his tongue, trying to pretend to be calm, but it wasn't easy when you set aside your phone, leaving it forgotten to climb into his lap and kiss him. Sometimes you were the one who dragged him into the present life, one he was delighted to share with you.
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fieldofdaisiies · 6 months
Midnight Queen II
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paring: Azriel x Reader | type: fluff | words: 2,4k | warnings: none; for @starfallweek, thank you so much for organising this great event💛
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A low, guttural groan leaves Azriel as his tongue glides over the salty skin of your chest. His lips close over the puckered skin of your breasts and he nibbles lightly, his scarred hand fondling your other breast, giving it just as much attention. Azriel purrs against your skin, as he drinks in your scent. Then he lifts his lips of your skin. 
“Celebrate Starfall with me.”
He doesn’t pose it as a question - no, it’s an invitation. 
An invitation that overwhelms you. Your body freezes and Azriel notices your reaction, stopping his actions as well.
He pushes up on his arm, regarding you from above, two scarred fingers tracing a line down between your breasts down to your belly button.
“I want to have you by my side on Starfall. I want to celebrate it with you.”
You want this too, you want to spend every minute of every day with him, but Starfall with Azriel and his family, the High Lord and Lady, that seems too much. You are a no one, your job…not the best, what would they think of you? 
This sudden self-consciousness gnaws on you and you hate it. You have never felt bed about your job, but also mostly because you stayed in your circle. Meeting the High Lady and High Lord is something grand…something you are not really sure you are ready for.
“I can’t,” you whisper. You want to leave the bed, and hide in the bathroom only to not see the look on his face, the pain and disappointment flashing brightly within his hazel eyes.
“Why can’t you?” Azriel’s voice is equally silent and he lets his head drop, forehead resting against yours. “And don’t tell me you it is because you won’t get the day off — I could always book your for a whole day and the problem would be solved.”
“Az,” you tip your chin up, nipping at his lower lip while simultaneously dragging your fingertips over his cheek. “I work in a pleasure hall, I can’t possibly spend Starfall with you and then High Lord and Lady. That wouldn’t be proper.”
It really wouldn’t be. You are not ashamed of your profession, never have been, never will be - it is the path you have chosen a long time ago and you don’t regret it. But still, the High Lord and Lady are on a different level and you will be extremely superior to them. What will they think of you? And wouldn’t they want someone else for Azriel? Someone better. 
“What wouldn’t that be proper?” Azriel kisses your collarbone. 
“We aren’t official, or anything.” You meet his gaze and stroke your fingertips down the side of his face. “I‘m just—”
“Mine!” Azriel’s voice drops at least an octave and he leans in. “Haven’t I made it clear that you are mine, sweetheart?” 
He nips at your lower lip and when no answer follows, he continues. “Official or not, you are mine. And I would love to spend Starfall with you. And Solstice and basically just every day. I want to wake up with you, see your smile every moment of my life. Kiss and touch you whenever I want. I love being with you, it makes me feel complete and wonderful.”
You audibly gasp, tears lining your eyes. “Was this a love declaration?”
“Would you like it to be a love declaration?” He smirks a little, and hope sparks within his hazel eyes. You want to blurt “yes!” but you hold back. Scared somehow of what it means. Of course, you have fallen for him as well, but…
You have never really been in love before. Never been in a relationship, mostly due to your job. You would give it up for Azriel, but how to earn money then, how to escape this place?
And does he truly mean it? Does he really mean it?
His damp lips coast over your neck, down to your shoulder, kissing your skin there. “Hm?”
“I like you Azriel.” His lips curl against your skin and then he tips his head back, dark hair shifting with the movement. He gives you a look that speaks volumes.
“I like you a lot, Azriel.”
He lies back on the mattress and crosses his arms behind his head, waiting.
You draw in a deep inhale, and decide to put the cards on the table. You like him, and for the first time in your life you allow yourself to like a male that much. You want a future with him, escape this place and live with him. 
“In all honesty, I think I am falling in love with you and so yes, I would like it to be a love declaration.”
A grin spreads over his face when you turn to look at him. “It definitely was a love declaration.” He reaches out his hand and brushes his scarred thumb over your cheek.
“You are perfect,” he mumbles after a short moment of admiring you. Then he pushes up on his elbow, pulling your face to him, chasing your lips.
Your lips are made for one another, melting against each other when you deepen the kiss, hands sliding over Azriel’s strong shoulders, feeling all the hard muscles of his back beneath your palms.
“Come to Starfall with me,” he mumbles into the kiss, rolling you onto your back. His lips slide down to your neck. “Say yes.”
You feel how his teeth softly sink into your skin, and well, now, the answer comes as clear as water. “Yes.”
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
“Welcome to the House of Wind.” Azriel removes his hands from your eyes, letting you take in the whole city bathed in soft faelight and the stars in the sky above. 
Your mouth falls open, having never seen the beauty of the city from above. It is incredible and you don’t even know where to look first. You’ve always thought the Night Court was beautiful, but now you are truly reminded of its beauty. 
“It is beautiful,” you whisper, eyes glistening. Azriel smiles brightly, a rare thing you have come to realise, and says, “You must be talking about yourself.”
That makes you blush furiously and you turn away with a giggle, focusing once more on the star-lit city below.
Azriel steps into you, his front against your back, chin resting atop your shoulder. His strong arms naturally curl around your waist, around the glittery dress, until your bodies meld together. “I‘m so happy you came. Thank you for following my invitation.”
You slide your hands over his, letting them rest there. “Thank you for inviting me.” You tip your head back until you feel his hard pectorals and then you relax, in his arms. “No one has ever done something like this for me.”
There was no chance that you wouldn’t have to work tonight - your boss said that it is the night that brings the most money. So, what Azriel did was that he booked you for the whole night and day that follows. You couldn’t be more thankful, tears clouding your eyes solely by thinking about it.
“I am glad I came here.” You turn your head a little, so you can look up at him. He is already looking at you, silently admiring how the moon’s light falls upon your face. “It feels so good.”
Azriel leans in and kisses the top of your head. “It feels right.”
It truly does. Being with him always feels good and right. Almost like you are two halves of the same coin and only perfect when together. Being with him has brought you so much joy, more joy than you have felt in all the four centuries of your life. 
“You make everything feel right.” Azriel squeezes you to him and tears appear in your eyes. He makes you feel so seen, so valued, your throat constricts with the emotions bubbling up inside of you. You have never felt like this. 
“I would like you to meet my family now.”
It obviously is unavoidable but in all honesty, you are really ready to meet them. You really want to meet them. There is a chance for something more between you and Azriel, for something big and his family is part of his life, so you are ready to discover yet another part of him. You have already learned the story about his hands and his past and childhood and you were more than willing to avenge him, but Azriel told you that everything had already been taken care of. 
“I would love to meet them.” You turn in his arms and place your hands on his chest, looking up at him, into his beautiful eyes. 
No conversation passes between you before he leans down to claim your lips and kiss you. Not in the hungry way he usually does when he comes to see you, but soft and gentle. It is just a peck and nothing more but it makes your knees wobbly and your heart race. 
“Az,” you breathe and chase his lips once again, kissing him a little deeper but still softly, smiling against his mouth. “I love kissing you.”
“I love kissing you.” Azriel laughs and it is the most beautiful sound you have ever heard in your entire life. 
He pulls you closer to him, kissing you once again. “And I love seeing you smile, and hearing you laugh.” He kisses your cheek and then his head drops and his lips find the spot where your neck meets your shoulder. “And making you moan and scream out my name.”
“Az!” you laugh, arms wrapping around his neck to keep him close. 
“Let’s meet my family now, before I might haul you away so I can hear exactly those noises.” He pulls away and you shake your head at him, tsking. “Always so needy.”
He grins and his hand drops, smacking your backside lightly. “For you, always.” 
 . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
The general, as Azriel introduced, flares his wings and grins at you. “Cassian,” he says in a loud, welcoming voice.
“Y/N, pleasure to meet you.” The large Illyrian shakes your hand and then pulls you to him, laughing. 
“It’s my pleasure to meet you. Thank the Mother, Azzy has found you. I‘m incredibly happy for thy both of you.”
You are introduced to most of thd other people like Gwyn the priestess or Nesta who is Cassian‘s mate, hugging them and shaking their hands but the words of Azriel’s best friend stick with you. 
Thank the Mother Azzy has found you.
Lastly, it is the High Lord and Lady that come forward and introduce themselves to you. You are shaking a little, never having made an acquaintance with them before or having met someone with that much power.
But they immediately make you feel comfortable, welcoming you warmly within the family.
“We are very happy you are here,” Feyre, High Lady of the Night Court, tells you with a bright smile on her face, holding a little boy in her arms. He babbles some things you guess are words of welcome and it warms your heart. Being here does.
It is so wonderful and you will never be able to thank Azriel enough for inviting you to come here and spend Starfall with him. For the past centuries, Starfall has been like any other day for you, but this year it is something special. Something you will never forget. Something you will forever keep in your heart and mind. 
You all eat together, sitting around a large table, chatting and laughing together as a family and once again you feel close to tears. It is almost like Azriel senses your overwhelming emotions (his shadows told him) and he slides his hand over your thigh, squeezing softly and you place your hand atop his. 
The shadowsinger’s voice is barely above a whisper when he says, “Are you alright?”
“More than alright.” You lean in and kiss his cheek. “I have never been so happy.” And you mean it. Whenever you are with him, you only feel happiness. Everything that has been on your mind before, fades into insignificance and then there is just Azriel. And you. And whatever is between you. 
You stay inside for a little longer, until you finally follow the beckonings of travelling spirits, going outside onto a large balcony, fully mesmerised by the beauty that is presented to you.
“Azriel…” you whisper. “Before I thought the view was pretty, but I have not at all been prepared for this. Colour, twinkling stars wherever you look, blazing across the dark night sky. 
You don’t remember much about Starfall from your child and teen years, and in the years, centuries that followed you have always worked on this day.
A slight feeling of remorse settles into your gut, for having missed the beauty of this night for so long.
Azriel wraps his arms around you from behind, chin resting atop your shoulder. “Make a wish.”
You turn your head and kiss his cheek. “No,” you whisper. “I have no wish. Everything is perfect now that I am here with you.”
A slight shudder courses through the shadowsinger’s body and he holds you just a little tighter. 
More spirits start to blaze above your heads, illuminating the night. Azriel’s family is dancing, chatting, singing and drinking, but you and Azriel stay at the railing of the balcony, staring up at the sky, relishing the other‘s closeness, the warmth and presence.
A spirit hits you, and after the slight shock has faded, you can only laugh, seeing how your skin twinkles. It also splattered a bit across your face, and when Azriel turns you to him and kisses you, the sparkly colours also grace his tanned skin.
He cradles your face in his hands and grins, from one ear to the other. His shadows curl around your arms and waist, bringing you in closer again.
“You truly are my midnight queen.” Azriel’s gaze wanders over your face and his lips part. You are stunning, and absolutely breathtaking, with the bit of stardust on your face and the travelling spirits reflecting in your eyes. “And I love you.”
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tags (crossed-out I couldn't tag) : @juulle987 @marimorena06 @danikasthings @younxii @nightcourtwritings @mrofontaine @lunalilyf @whor-3-crux @tired-all-the-time @anni-was-here @ummmmmwat @azbracadabra @j-pendragonx @hollyismentallyillhelp @famousbasementpainter @bsenpai @lena-davina @red-highlady @thesugatoyourtae @azrielsbabyg @aroseinvelaris @moony-thoughts @wrensical003 @cherryjain17 @moonfawnx @crushedcloudsx @devilsfoodcake22  @valeridarkness @azrielscertifiedslut @mulansaucey @cynicalpotato95 @hanasakr @high-bi-andreadytocry @eerievixen @feyretopia @moonlightazriel @randomness-it-is @brekkershadowsinger @eliieee23 @girasoli-e-sorrisi @illyrianvalkyriecarynthian  @kennedy-brooke @highladyofillyria @theworthlessqueen @marina468 @topaz125 @illyrian-dreamer @azriels-mate123 @eos-princess @courtofjurdan @a-frog-with-a-laptop @insufferablebookaddict @callmeblaire
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katkbc · 10 months
kat is currently thinking of…
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note:tbh i had a lil fun writing this! there will be a part 2 w smut but i kinda wanted to make a little story cuz why not? also this is WAY longer than i intended it to be.. sorry….
cw: fem! reader, strong language, violence, reader is a bit of an airhead + sensitive, use of alcohol, angst, eren is toxic , all characters aged up to 20+, im a sucker for toxic eren🫦 also he’s a bit possessive
summary : you and eren went out to a christmas party, what’s the worst that could happen?
“how you holding up?” your boyfriend asks. as of right now you’ve had a little too much to drink at connie’s christmas party, not to an extent though. to be honest, eren didn’t expect this much people to show up. music is blasting in the back, people are chatting and dancing, some are drunk, others are playing beer pong, this party was for sure a blast right now. you and eren decided to take shots earlier with connie, jean, mikasa, and armin, but clearly you went overboard a bit. you’re currently on the couch next to eren, his hand on your thigh while your leaned over against his shoulder.
“i’m fine ‘ren.. trust me.” you reply, your words slurring together slightly. you take another sip of your beer, but suddenly it disappears. “hey, no more.” eren scolds. eren had decided to invite you to the party because you needed to have a little fun in your life. it’s not like you never went out, you just preferred to stay at home. but when you get drunk, it’s a whole new personality you’ve unlocked.
you came to this party in a strapless bodycon dress,in a nice velvet color. it hugs your hips very nicely and makes your breasts slightly pop out, you wore this with a simple and nice white button up cover up, which you clearly didn’t button up. eren didn’t really approve of what you wore, but man, you looked like a goddess. he couldn’t say no to those beautiful doe eyes you got.
“sorry…” you apologize. sometimes eren would get a little rude with you, but he would quickly realize once you start sulking. “it’s ok, princess. just please don’t over drink.”he smiles at you, and starts circling his thumb on your thigh. you feel hear building up in your core, but it’s just you having to pee really bad. you grab eren’s hand off your thigh. “i need to pee really quick eren, i’ll be back.” you give him an innocent smile. as you get up, he lightly pulls you back. “let me walk with you, it’s crowded.” he insists. “i’m fineee, i’m not a baby eren.” you reply. you grab his face and give him a peck on his cheek. “it’s just really quick..” “alright, don’t go running off though.” he replies.
after washing your hands you walk out the bathroom. you’re walking down the hall back to the main room, slightly stumbling each step. “hey, are you.. good?” a voice calls out to you. the voice belongs to a very nice looking guy. dirty blonde hair which is slicked back, and nice hazel eyes. “yes.. i am. i think.” you think about what you just said. the alcohol in your system is starting to kick in even more. “what’s your name, pretty girl?” he offers a handshake. “y/n, and what’s your name?” you shake his hand, and give him a friendly smile. your cheeks are slightly tinted red. the guy admires you, and can’t help but think ‘damn, she’s gorgeous’.
“porco galliard, you have a pretty name by the way.” he compliments. “thank you!” you let go of his hand. “so… are you here by yourself?” he asks. when he asks, your mind is slowly starting to go foggy, forgetting certain things, and a person. “i’m just trying to find my way out of here.” you ignore the question. “can you help me please…” you plead, looking at him with puppy eyes. “how could i say no to a pretty face like you, where to?” he pulls you close to his side, aware that you aren’t in a great state of mind right now. he doesn’t realize what he has coming.
“yo, eren you good?” connie asks. it’s been about 20 minutes since you left to use the bathroom. your phone is dead, and the house is very crowded, eren is starting to get worried. he would probably have a heart attack if he knew you were with another guy currently. “i’ve called her like what… 15 fucking times and she won’t answer!” he lashes out. “woah calm down..” armin sits himself on the couch next to eren. “how about let’s look for her, she’s probably just lost, you know how she is.” he tries to lighten the mood.
eren wasn’t exactly the best boyfriend. he usually gets angry quickly, and was possessive when it came to you. arguments would lead to you crying and him reassuring you, even though half the time he would start the arguments. but you still loved him no matter what, he’s your baby. and he loved you just as much, probably even more. he’s just ‘looking out for you’.
“yeah, we didn’t expect this much people to come, maybe we should look for her.” jean chimes in. “alright, let’s get going.” armin suggests. eren and him get off up the couch, meanwhile jean has already started looking.
the sound of crickets chirp outside. in the duration of eren freaking out, porco took you outside for some fresh air, away from the overwhelming party. you needed it, since you were absolutely out of it. the night sky is beautiful, the moon shining which provided some light. you two were sitting on some steps in the backyard. “so… what are some things you like?” porco makes conversation. “i really like cats.” you say. “oh really? what do you like about them?” he asks. “they’re just s’ooo cute! me and my boyfriend adopted one not that long ago and he’s the cutest thing alive!” you ramble. “boyfriend?” he asks. “yeah, my boyfriend is the best. sometimes he can be a little mean though, and it makes me sad.” you say, sadness reminiscing in your tone. porco puts his nicely sized hand on your back and starts rubbing in circles.
“why would he be mean to you? you’re a really sweet girl.” he reassures you. “i don’t really know. whenever we argue sometimes it’s bad. sometimes he gets really mad and starts yelling at me, and i don’t like it. i usually cry because sometimes he’s just so mean. but it’s okay, he apologizes and then makes me feel loved!” you ramble again, words slurring together. porco looks at you. in the hour you guys have been talking he’s learned a good amount about you, but he feels like you deserve more than this so called ‘boyfriend’ you have. but again, he doesn’t really know too much details, and keeps his thoughts to himself. “well… he should honestly respect you as much as-”
“y/n!” the familiar voice calls from behind you. you look back and see the face of your boyfriend, with a look that indicates he is VERY pissed off. “what the fuck!” he yells. “don’t cause a scene eren!” armin scolds at him. “e’ren…” you hiccup. he goes over to where you and porco are sitting with armin following, with a worried look. “who the hell are you?” he looks at porco, with a disgusted look. “calm the fuck down dude, i had to take care of her since someone couldn’t..” he gives a remark. this guy was really testing erens patience. “who are you to tell me i can’t take care of my girlfriend? i was looking for her this whole time just for her to be with another guy.” he snaps back. footsteps are heard, them belonging to jean, connie, and mikasa. your vision is currently blurry, with tears flowing in your eyes. “what is going on out here?” mikasa questions. “oh shit..” connie realizes.
porco stands up and faces eren. “alright i get your her boyfriend and shit, but if you’re thinking we did something, we didn’t. she’s drunk as fuck so i offered to help her since this party is huge. be grateful i made sure she was safe, no need to go off on me.” he explains. there’s a pause of silence, until eren breaks it. “listen, i could honestly care less. i don’t want you near my girl.” he threatens. “eren… please stop.” you plead, looking up at the scene. “you don’t have any room to talk, what the fuck were you and this guy doing anyways?!” he snaps.
you hold back your tears. “we weren’t doing anything eren, don’t make this a big deal.. please.” you were stumbling over your words. this was all too overwhelming, since you came just to have a good time. you should’ve known how eren would’ve gotten.
“shut the fuck up y/n!” he looks at you with flames bursting in his eyes. “i don’t wanna hear your bullshit excuses.” everyone nearby looks at the current scene that’s happening, and you can’t stand it anymore. your mind is fuzzy, and the tears that were at bay on your eyes start slowly falling down your cheeks. you hated when eren would yell at you. now that he’s yelling at you in front of other people, you felt helpless. you get up and leave the scene, leaving everyone behind.
“eren what is wrong with you?” mikasa breaks the sudden silence. she then leaves the scene to go find you. “learn some respect, that’s your girlfriend.” porco remarks. eren looks at porco with hatred, not caring that he was causing an unnecessary scene. that’s just who he was. a loud and sudden sound fills the awkward silence.
eren gave porco a good punch to the face. “don’t tell me what i should learn.” at this point, eren was in rage, he could care less about anything right now. he wanted to fuck up this random ass guy who was telling him shit that related to his girlfriend. erens in the wrong but he doesn’t see it. porco returns a punch back, and this sets off a fight.
people start surrounding the area, observing what is happening. eren delivers a punch on porcos side, which makes him fall. eren steps up and is about to kick porcos face until porco drags him down suddenly, and starts punching him repeatedly. the scene is starting to get very violent, with blood drops filling the wooden patio. armin goes up and pulls back eren, but he’s still delivering blows.
“what the hell is happening?!?” a man who looks like porco arrives at the scene. another man follows behind him, tall, blonde and seems way older than the rest of the party guests. “separate them marcel what are you doing!” the guy shouts. “reiner why don’t you do something too?” jean shouts from the other side of the scene. connie goes up and helps armin pull eren off, and marcel and reiner pull porco away from eren.”
“parties over! everyone get the hell out!” connie yells. the news soon spreads around, and people start leaving before anything else happens. porco apologizes for being involved in the fight, and leaves with marcel and reiner. eren and everyone else goes inside.
“stay still.” armin commands. the party now ended, connie and jean were currently cleaning up. armin is helping clean up eren’s wounds. eren winces at the alcohol put on his wound.
“so, are you proud of being a horrible boyfriend and telling off your girlfriend in front of a crowd for no reason?” armin reminds eren. eren reflects on his actions and realizes he messed up big time. his anger always gets the best of him. “no…” he admits. “you need to go apologize to her. just to let you know she got home safe with mikasa.” the blonde tells eren.“how is she doing?” he asks, head down. “mikasa told me she wouldn’t stop crying.” eren’s emerald orbs look up.
he knew you were sensitive. he hated seeing you cry. he always tries to control his anger around you no matter what, but sometimes the littlest things will set him completely off. the guilt finally falls on him. you never argued back, no matter how much he yelled, because all you wanted was peace, and love from eren. knowing he said hurtful things to his girl is finally dwelling on him.
“i’m sorry for all the mess i caused.” eren apologizes, directing it towards everyone currently in the house. connie steps up, “listen, im not saying i forgive you, but you really have to work on yourself. you should be apologizing to y/n instead of us. what you did was really fucked up eren.” he replies. “we’re all here for you eren, just know that.” jean adds in.
as the moonlight shines, the night continues. eren, driving himself home realizes if he doesn’t work on himself, there’s a potential chance of losing you. he thinks to himself ‘i’m sorry beautiful, i would do anything for you.’ the texts he had sent you earlier sent, but you left him on read hours ago.
he cannot let jealousy and possessiveness take him over. he’s going to make it up to you, one way or another.
part 2 will be linked here !
thank you for reading :)
edit: comment if you would like to be added to a tag list for the part 2!! ^_^
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lidiasloca · 11 months
az dances with you
azriel x reader
you two were tipsy - to say the least
however, you were certain your dizziness had more to do with azriel spinning you around the kitchen to the sound of the music coming from outside your kitchen window
as the light of the bright moon let you see his smile when you turned again and again, you wondered about how your life was always getting better with him at your side
“what a graceful dancer,” azriel laughed as he stopped your spinning to place his hands on yours and start guiding your feet to match his rhythm
“why does that sound like irony?” you grinned, watching his eyes shine with delight and mischief
he then dramatically avoided your eyes, letting you know what you knew
“oh - so you think i am a terrible dancer?” you inquired
you waited for his reply, but in vain - instead, and to your surprise, he started singing; his voice deep and honeyed even though he mumbled drunkenly half of the words
“you are avoiding my question,” you said, in between laughter
azriel kept singing incoherent words, closing his eyes and moving his arms around your waist, still guiding your steps
and you went with it; committing this moment to memory.
unfortunately, he eventually stopped singing, opening his hazel eyes to meet with you. his smirk told you enough
“you dance…” he said as he spun you slowly. “not only gracefully, but ethereally. like, so great i - i have no words to truly describe it, you know? you enchant me every time you move. like a summer breeze. like a warm but quick caress. yeah - yeah just like that,” he mumbled so fast you couldn’t make out most if the words
how much had he drank?
you burst out laughing. “well, thank you, my love,” you said just before you tripped with his foot
but even drunk, azriel was quick enough to grab you by you elbow and keep you on your feet
“you are welcome,” he replied as he winked at you
-Characters by Sarah J. Maas
i love writing these short headcanons/drabbles. hope u like em too :) oh, part two of delicately is quite almost finished, so it will probably be posted by the end of this week (probably). and after that i’ll get with the requests :)).
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tadpolesonalgae · 1 year
Dark!Poly!BatBoys x sex-worker!reader: Pleasure over Morals[***]
A/N: you’re going to want to settle down for this one. Grab a mug of tea, or some hot chocolate, or whatever your chosen comfort drink is, sit down, and get comfortable <3
Warnings: dubcon, reader having a CNC kink, dark content, implied use of force, implied disregard for safe-words, slight non-con in places, bondage, oral (everyone recieving), smut, degradation, masturbation, slight predator play, rough sex, 22.6k words
-Chapter 2-
“It’s great, Az. It’s just—…” you cut yourself off, reconsidering your words.
He raises a brow in question and you wince. “I’m not sure how much is appropriate for you to hear… I don’t want to be too T.M.I., you know?” He gives you a mildly incredulous look, as if to say he really doesn’t care about any of that. You narrow your brows at him, returning the look of disbelief, “just checking… Better safe than sorry, Az.”
He just rolls his eyes, but continues listening from the opposite sofa in the House of Wind’s library.
He’s stretched out just as you are, the arm of the furniture supporting his lower back while his wings curve over it comfortably. His long legs are crossed at the ankle, resting at the far end of the sofa.
You nestle further into the cushions, surrounding yourself in that familiar coziness. “It’s just, it sometimes gets a bit…tedious.” He gives you a look that encourages you to go on. You sigh, giving out. “I don’t know…It’s just, I’ve been doing this for, what? A couple of centuries now? And at first, it was really fun. Great, even. I got to make a living off using my body, and it felt amazing. I know inner beauty and all that, but to actually experience people willing to hand their money over to touch me, it was incredible. And then when I started getting a steady flow of customers, who continuously came back? Choosing me? Trusting me with their pleasure?” You sigh again, while Azriel listens intently.
“Obviously there were a few scary moments, but nothing I couldn’t handle, and it was always taken care of, thanks to the strict laws here to protect people like me. That Rhys implemented—bless him.” Your eyes shut for a moment as you steady your breathing, trying not to get too frustrated.
“It’s just that after a while…I need more. I have a fair few customers I enjoy seeing. We work well together and they know the business, they don’t try to take advantage of me, or anyone else they see—to my knowledge. But recently…” you rub your temples, considering the merits of venting, getting caught up in a rant when you know you should be grateful you’re getting to live your life how you want without any particular repercussions.
“It’s fine,” Azriel speaks gently from the sofa, “you can tell me. I won’t think you’re being arrogant or unthankful or any of that nonsense.” You give him a look of appreciation. He shrugs it off, nonchalant as always, as if he doesn’t realise how much he helps. How wonderful he is to you.
“Fine,” you laugh, “if you promise not to think I’m an ungrateful bitch.” He shoots you a disapproving look. You wave him off, finally letting all that past irritation bubble up to the surface.
“It’s just, there’ve been more and more males coming in, who just don’t get it. Thinking they’re entitled to treat me and the girls wrong because they’ve paid for us, as if we don’t deserve the usual bedroom etiquette, like we’re below that basic decency, or something,” you snap. “Do you know how many males I’ve had come in, saying that they’re edgy, or hard, or they give out warnings, boasting about how un-vanilla they are but refuse to do anything else aside from choking or missionary?”
You could swear the edges of Azriel’s mouth kick upward as amusement dances in his hazel gaze. You huff in annoyance. “It’s not even bad if you are vanilla! Do what you want as long as it’s safe, but bragging and boasting about something like that can lead to some serious problems down the line,” you fume. “A male came in a couple of weeks ago who said he was pretty traditional and didn’t want anything too intense, so he got assigned to one of the sweeter girls, and then slapped her straight across the face—without once mentioning any tastes for impact play!”
You grit your teeth in annoyance, “how dense do you have to be to do something like that? The poor girl was so stunned it took a her a moment or two to use her safe-word, and the male had the audacity to yell at her for it.” The words come out as a growl. “Seriously, there’s a reason we ask for a list of preferences and kinks along with experience and fetishes. So nobody ends up getting wrongly assigned and so shit like that doesn’t happen.”
You inhale a calming breath, soothing yourself. The girl had been alright, in the end, though she’d been shaky and had been given paid leave for a couple of days to recover. Azriel’s eyes had shifted to a colder shade at the story. “Anything like that happened to you recently?”
“Aside from some small hiccups here and there, no. I’ve been fine…” you trail off, mind wandering elsewhere.
He shifts on the sofa, “what is it?”
You open your mouth, then hesitate. His attention narrows on you—it’s not often you shy from telling him things. “I’ve actually… I’ve been considering quitting.”
His brow knits together, “why? I thought you said you enjoy your work?”
“I do…” you admit, tension draining from your body. “It’s just been becoming a bit monotonous. Same old same old. If not quitting, then a vacation of some kind. Go out and find someone for myself, who’ll make me feel alive again. Someone who’ll…take an interest.”
Azriel opens his mouth to speak when a figure pushes the door open.
You smile, setting your mug down on the small table, swinging your legs off the chaise to make room for Rhys as he nods to Az. He settles beside you, an arm over the back—behind your shoulders—as he presses a quick kiss to your neck in greeting.
“You look exhausted,” you comment.
Indeed, he’s lounging on the other end of the chaise, slumping into the pillows, head tipped back as he groans, legs parted. He rights his position, “long day. Lot of work.” You offer him a sympathetic look, holding out your mug of tea that you’ve been drinking from. He takes it gratefully, finishing it off, before vanishing it into the air.
“Is it a lot of work, or are you refusing to let anyone help you again?” You ask pointedly, knowing his habits. He shoots you a lazy grin, one that’s designed to charm, and seduce, “I’d gladly accept your kind of help.” You roll your eyes, but can’t help the wave of relief that eases through you at the casual flirtation. It’s soothing.
“Anytime you fancy a roll in the sheets, High Lord, you know where to find me,” you drawl back, making him laugh, low and deep. Azriel watches intently, noting that gleam in your eyes as you trace the roll of Rhys’ throat. “I might have to take you up on that offer one of these days,” he chuckles.
“What scheming were you two up to?” Rhys inquires, eyes jumping between you and Azriel. You shrug, casually, “just catching up on life, in general. What’s going on and such.”
“Oh?” His violet gaze dances to yours in question.
You sigh, “I’m considering a vacation, is all.” Rhysand’s brow raises, opening his mouth to speak, no doubt to offer some suggestions, but Azriel beats him to it.
“More than a vacation.” He eyes you from across the room. “You were considering leaving permanently.” You shoot him a look, but sigh. “I love my work, but it’s becoming monotonous,” you explain to Rhys, summarising your conversation.
“How so?” He asks, already giving you his attention.
“Stop it, Rhys,” you chastise, lips quirking up. “I can see you scheming from here. It’s not a problem with my workplace, nothing like that. It’s just…I don’t know…” Your eyes trail back to Azriel’s unsurely.
You sigh heavily, “it’s getting boring. It’s not as exciting as it used to be. I’m not getting that…that spark. It’s the same thing over and over again, and I’m just…needing more.” You grunt, allowing your head to rest against Rhys’s arm.
“Needing more what?”
You perk up when you hear Cassian’s voice from the entrance as he pushes through the doorway. A grin blossoms across your lips as you take the male in.
He walks into the room, but instead of going to Az’s sofa, he stops by you, reaching down to pick you up as he sometimes does. Not that you mind. You’ve always enjoyed physical comfort, just like him. It’s a mutual understanding between the two of you. Which is why when he takes your seat, and sets you sideways on his lap, you settle into him comfortably.
One arm loops around your waist, keeping you still, while the other rests over your thigh. Your own arm snakes over his shoulder as you lean back against the chaise. You stretch out, legs crossing in Rhys’ lap, where one of his large hands wraps over your ankle, fingers grazing the bare skin.
“Thinking of quitting my job,” you summarise, knowing there’s no avoiding this conversation. Cassian looks like he’s about to ask more though, so you divert, “more importantly,” you emphasise, levelling a glare at the High Lord, “Rhys is overworking himself again.” Cassian joins you in your glaring, the Shadowsinger just watching with amusement.
“We’ve established that I’m fine. Especially granted access to your services,” he replies, giving you that easy grin. It switches into a look of contemplation. “Would you be halting all work, or do you think you’ll continue seeing some clients here and there?”
“I hadn’t thought that far ahead,” you answer honestly. “But hold on, how have you all been? I want to know what you’re all up to.”
A tense silence fills the air, and you cringe. “That bad?”
As usual, Rhys fills the gap with and easy smile, “I think all three of us will be requesting your attention by the week’s end.” You roll your eyes, but smile with him, vaguely thankful for the reprieve from that tension. Cassian—bless him—joins in. “Is that what you meant about needing more, huh?” He squeezes your waist and you jolt, a startled laugh coming from your from the sensitive press. “Want all three of us?”
You don’t have time to properly think through his question—offer?—before the Azriel diverts, “do you take multiple clients as once?” You peer over at him, settling back against the solid warmth of Cassian’s chest as you shrug, “sometimes.” You swear the two males on the chaise stiffen a little.
“It’s fun, though,” you reassure, trying to lessen the abrupt tension. “Haven’t had a bad experience so far. I think people seem to be more careful about how they act when there’s someone else in the room to remind them of the outside world. But that’s besides the point.” Azriel nods, satisfied with your answer.
“Have you three…?” You venture, carefully. Cassian’s grip tightens over your thigh, causing you to glance at him curiously. He’s watching you intently, pupils a little dilated. But it’s Rhys who replies, his grin feline, “are you asking whether we’ve ever shared a female, or whether we’ve bedded multiple in a night?” You don’t falter, dragging your eyes away from Cassian’s, “both, I suppose.”
The break in eye contact seems to reawaken the Warlord as he shifts beneath you, huffing with quiet laughter. “When we were young, and arrogant, we’d fuck any female that would spare us the attention,” he grins, “often in the same room as one another, with multiple partners.”
You send him a look, “good to know you’ve always been a shameless flirt.” He just laughs, a deep sound from his chest that makes your own lips kick up at the delightful noise.
“As for if we’ve ever shared…”
There’s that tension again.
Cassian’s mouth forms a cocky grin, “look at us, sweetheart. I’m not sure that sort of devastation should be wrought on one female.” Your own mouth quirks into a tauntingly sultry curve, “I think you’re severely underestimating me, General.” A muscle feathers in his jaw as his eyes flash at the title, but you go on. “I could take all three of you in my sleep.”
His grin turns vulpine at the challenge, hand squeezing tighter at your waist, tugging you against him, but something’s different about this contact. His eyes are molten as he drawls huskily, “is that another one of those nasty little kinks of yours, hm? Is this what you meant by ‘more’? Having someone who matches you for your depravity?”
The other two seem to be watching your exchange very closely… Whether that’s to make sure to keep Cass in line, or because they’re marking your reaction, you can’t tell.
You laugh, still under the impression of it being a friendly game between you two. “I think I have more kinks than all of you combined,” you taunt, and his eyes flash.
“Oh yeah?” He drawls, the pads of his fingers pressing into your thigh. “Maybe you should fuck Az. See who comes out on top.”
You’re both drawn out of your verbal sparring match to find Rhysand’s eyes narrowed on his General, in what appears to be warning.
You shift in Cassian’s lap, easing away from him a little as you laugh, “it’s fine, Rhys. We were just playing.” You wave you hand dismissively as you grin, “no harm done.” You’re vaguely aware of Azriel’s gaze on you, so you throw him a little smirk—a teasing quirk of your lips, to show that you’re fine.
The deep hunger in his eyes is like a kick to the stomach, but it’s gone in an instant, replaced by a gentle smile.
A clock chimes seven somewhere in the house, making you snap to. You sigh, easing out of Cassian’s grip as you hop to your feet. “Well, I’ve got one more shift for tonight then I’m off for a bit, so I’ll do some thinking and report back,” you offer an easy smile to the three of them, so grateful for their presence in your life.
Azriel stands from the sofa—as the one who flew you up here, he’s the one who’ll fly you back. You get the vague sense he has an ulterior motive for jumping on the escape but you silence your mind. You’re probably reading into it too much.
“How long are you working tonight?” The High Lord asks, gaze raising from Cass’ to your own. “I’m starting at eight and will be on the clock until seven.”
“That’s eleven hours,” Rhys frowns.
“I get paid by the hour, anyway.” You send a conspiratorial look to Cassian, “most of them don’t manage to last that long, so I get plenty of breaks.” He snickers in response, and you feel the slight weight lifting from the room.
You turn to leave, giving a reassuring smile to Rhys before you turn for the door.
“You know where to find us if you get tired of five-minute failures!”
You snort as you walk down the corridor to where Az will be able to take off. A smile lifts you lips and you fight back a laugh when a soft snarl echoes after the joke.
Azriel’s fingers graze the small of your back as he guides you through the house, despite you having been here so many times before. You appreciate those small touches, they’re grounding somehow; comforting.
You sense he wants to say something, but is holding back until he’s out of earshot.
It’s not until he’s flown you down from the house, and set you on the cobbles by the rainbow—a little way from your work house—that he speaks his mind.
“Before they came in,” he starts gently, in that peaceful quiet of his. “You said you were looking for someone.” Your heart warms at his attention to detail—he hadn’t forgotten that conversation. He’s always listening out.
You nod your confirmation, not looking at him as you set off into a stroll, the male keeping pace, close to your side. The sun’s setting, casting a warm glow across the streets of Velaris, the air feeling dry and warm—a storm’s going to be hitting in a few days. You can’t help anticipating it, that unrestrained hunger and fury that ripples across the sky, hailing down hot rain that would soak you to your bones.
“I think I’d like someone to give me attention, for a change. In…” Your eyes flick to his, hesitantly. He rolls his eyes, smiling slightly as he gestures for you to continue. “In bed.”
Azriel is careful to keep his gaze ahead, even as he feels yours piercing into him, searching for any sign of reaction—the tiniest show of discomfort—that will clue you to stop. He supposes that’s just how you’re accustomed to operating, always watching out for those emotional guides when you’re working. He doesn’t want you to feel like you have to be on guard around him, though.
“Understandable.” He nods, pretending to peer at some of the stores you pass to put you at ease. He swallows when you shift a little closer to him, lowering your voice. “I…sometimes feel a bit…worthless. Or tired. After a shift, I mean.” You take in a deep breath, allowing the air to circulate, loosening the tension from your body. “It’s draining, sometimes, to always be paying attention to my customers. I know it’s part of my job—I have to be the one who’s aware, make sure nothing gets out of hand, that they’re having a good time, and I’m performing to the expected level…” You go quiet, eyes trailing down to the cobbles as you continue on the path to your work.
When you don’t speak again for a while, he glances at you sidelong. Your brow is scrunched, seemingly in thought. He waits quietly for you to open up to him.
Then you raise your gaze, eyes certain, as you declare, “one day, I just want to be fucked. I don’t want to have to think. In fact, I want to be fucked so hard, I’m knocked out of my own head.” When your eyes look to his, a hint of vulnerability there, he has to force a comforting smile to his mouth. Ward off the jealousy, the envy that you aren’t considering them. Maybe this is their chance.
He’s about to attempt to persuade you, but you’re speaking now, pouring out all the words you’d sealed away.
“I’m tired of being the one who has to be attentive. I’m tired of not receiving my own pleasure. Doing this as a job is taking the fun away from it, and I feel drained, Az. I want to enjoy sex again. I don’t want to be stuck in the same two positions for the rest of my life. I want some adventure. I want someone who’ll come along and match me. I don’t want to keep suppressing my own desires, I want someone who’ll bring me new things to try. I want—…”
Again you cut off, eyes widening as they slide to his, in case you’ve said too much.
He fights the urge to grind his teeth.
“I’m just as depraved as you are. Stop worrying you’re going to scare me off.” His wings flare a little, shadows gently wrapping around you as you both turn down a street. “I’m not going anywhere.”
You take him in steadily, then your lips quirk at the edges. “Cassian mentioned that.”
He rolls his eyes, “please, ignore Cassian.” He gestures to you, “continue.” He doesn’t miss the twitch of your lips at the command, and for a second he swears he can see that hunger in your own eyes.
Your work place is in sight now, and when you reach the door, you allow him to follow you inside to your room. To carry on the conversation while you’re preparing yourself.
The room is lit with faelight that’s been spelled to take on a slightly red-ish colour. But with a flick of your wrist, it’s a normal cream. When you’ve finished changing, you return to the side room you’d led him to—so his scent wouldn’t linger in the room.
You’re clad in a silky robe, egg-shell white, the neckline plunging to your navel, where the fabric is held together with the matching silky belt, the gown pooling at your feet as you sit opposite him at what you call the recharging station—stacked with tea, biscuits, snack and fruit. As well as other, work-related objects.
“It’s rare that a customer comes in with…darker tastes. And even when they do, it’s difficult to feel it with them.” Your voice has dropped to a softer tone, as if you’re unused to voicing those thoughts. “Do you…” you hesitate, faltering. “What Cassian said, about…”
A smirk lifts his sensuous mouth, and you could hug him for the relief it brings you, to be on familiar territory. His dark eyes gleam in the low light, but with a devastating hunger you’ve never seen before. That makes you question your chosen relationship with him…because that grin…it promises something you’ve been craving for a long while now.
He shifts in his chair slightly, body relaxing, allowing you a clear view of his broad chest, powerful arms resting atop the edges of the seat, one leg tucked beneath the chair, the other stretching out, and you have to wonder how far it is from your own. His wings loom at his back, shadows wreathing them, curling around their tips.
“What Cassian said about…” he echoes, amusement dancing alongside that starving hunger, features remarkably neutral. Your eyes narrow at him as you observe his behaviour keenly, attempting to figure him out.
“I know what I like, Azriel.” You murmur, gaze never leaving his, like a lifeline of sorts.
“And what is it you like?” He drawls, watching you like a predator would. You blink, but shake off the tingling feeling in your chest. You can trust him. He’s been around for a while, he knows a thing or two about his own sexuality, how deep the fae mind can plummet.
“Sometimes, I want a little more than what I’m given,” you begin quietly, never breaking that connection. “I want more that a light pat on my cheek, or a slight buck of their hips. I want more than their hand keeping mine in place, more than a few measly rounds that don’t even satisfy me…”
Is it you or have his shadows thickened?
“What do you want, pretty thing?” The rough drag of his words has you examining him in a different way, looking at him not as your friend, but as a potential partner.
“Promise you won’t be disgusted?” You ask softly, and he picks up on the hint of vulnerability that he’s ready to pounce on.
He offers a smooth grin—the barest quirk of his lips—as he leans forward on the table, outstretching his hand as if to arm wrestle you, but extends his pinky finger. “I promise.”
The gesture is casual enough that you reach forward, twining your little finger with his own, tightening, but not releasing him. You lean closer across the small, circular table—really only large enough for one person. “Sometimes, if I have a smaller shift—one that ends around three or four—and I have to walk home alone, in the dark… Sometimes I wish someone would just drag me into an alley and take me there.”
Azriel’s mouth goes dry as you spill your secrets, those private fantasies, what you think about after a long night of dissatisfaction and you need relief that will knock you to your knees. He doesn’t show any signs of disgust, nor does he tell you to stop, so you take it a step further.
“Sometimes…I think about what it would be like to have someone lock me up. Strip me down, put me in a collar, and make me obey.”
He’s never seen you flush before, not from shame, not from embarrassment, nor humiliation. But there’s a flush of pleasure warming your skin now, and it’s taking most of his concentration to keep from launching across the table. The rest of his concentration is spearing for Rhys, letting the male into his head to witness this with him—inevitably dragging Cassian in, too.
He hears them curse in sync, catching up on the private conversation.
He tightens his hold on you, pushing closer, “what else?”
Your throat bobs, and he knows all three of them are sharing the same thought.
“Sometimes, I think I’d like to have choice stripped out of my hands. I think I’d like for someone else to be in control of me. To become something to be used…” Your eyes don’t shy away from his as you stare at one another, “…and shared.”
Cassian swears, low and nasty. Rhysand groans with dark pleasure. Azriel doesn’t have to guess at what each is doing.
We can’t let her go.
He can’t even tell who the thought comes from.
Teeth flash as you bite your lower lip. “What about you?”
Azriel’s head goes quiet, and he can feel the others’ stillness. “Sometimes…” he doesn’t even recognise his own voice, so warped with starving hunger. “I think it would be fun to set my shadows on someone. They know everything about how to torture…I think they should learn how to bring pleasure too.”
His eyes nearly roll as he scents your arousal, but he keeps his eyes trained on yours. He notes how still you are, as if sensing that one tiny move will set the predator in him hunting.
“Sometimes, I wonder what it would be like to let go, too. To just indulge, in everything I want, and not care about anything else. I think I’ve been searching for a long time to find someone who could match me, and I think I’m catching a trail.” He can see your breasts peaking through the thin silk, and it takes everything in him to hold his shadows—and himself—back from wrapping around you.
It’s like you’re enraptured, never once moving, hardly even breathing as he leans just a little bit closer—almost imperceptibly so. “Sometimes, I think it would be nice to keep someone. Not love them, or care for them, but keep them.” Keep you. “I think it would be a free-for-all, without rules or restraint, without any limitations. And I think I know a few other people who would also like to indulge in that.”
You hear that offer clear as day, heat rushing your body as you suddenly become aware that the only place he’s touching you is the joining point of your fingers.
A bell chimes in the hallway—the five minute signal—but it barely registers in your mind. Not when you’re staring so deep into his eyes, swallowed in that depthless swirl of arousal and hunger. Hunger for you.
Azriel releases his hold on you, and it takes a moment for that cool space on your little finger to register. “I should leave you.” You nod, almost vacantly, and he takes a damn long time committing your scent to memory.
He stands, and he can see the awareness return to your eyes. He watches as you steadily shut down your arousal in preparation for the night, but you’re unable to banish the heat in your eyes.
He heads to the door, satisfied when you follow behind him silently, padding on cat-soft feet through the room. The barest seed of an idea forms in his mind, and he can’t help himself, firmly raising those mental shields as he kicks Rhys and Cass out for the moment. He wants this between the two of you—he can report back later.
When he reaches the threshold, he stops, turning to you, and he knows he doesn’t mistake the excitement dancing in your irises, as if hoping he’ll change his mind and force you to bed. He has to grit his teeth against his instincts, roaring at him to take you.
“What safe-word do you use?” He asks, gently.
“Huh?” You blink your eyes, coming back from wherever you just went. “You said earlier one of the other girls used her safe-word. What’s yours?”
“Well, to make it easier for customers to remember, Red,” you answer. You wonder why he’s asking.
The slight lift of the edges of his mouth are more arousing than any smirk he’s given you. “But for yourself. What would you choose if you didn’t have to do it for someone else?”
You level him with an assessing look that he weathers, allowing you to make your evaluation.
“Vanilla,” you reply. “I’d choose vanilla.”
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lilislegacy · 5 months
I actually have my own little head cannons about percy and annabeth's own family, and I'm gonna share them for no reason other than being annoying <3
Percy and Annabeth have lived in unstable homes throughout their childhood; I truly believe that they got married in their early twenties after college
Annabeth hyphenated her last name! She becomes "Annabeth Chase-Jackson" because she loves the Jacksons and is a part of their family while also keeping her last name because she's THE Annabeth chase and it's iconic
I think that they always wanted kids together, but it was always a thought for the future, even when they got married and were busy with their careers
So yes, their first kid was a total surprise, but a very happy one
They were the first of the hoo group to have a kid
Their first kid's a boy (ik unpopular opinion), with blonde hair and green eyes.
I always imagined they'd named their kids something both unique and greek, with maybe a middle name after a lost hero? Giving the first name of a lost hero sounds painful, and also defeats the whole purpose of Sally naming Percy after the only greek hero with a happy ending. An example I like is Amycus Charlie Jackson. idk tho, something more normal makes sense too.
Amycus would probably be a stereotypical angel first child tbh
Because they had their first kid so early on, I think their second would be a couple years later, I think around 4.
They'd have a girl next, Daphne Zoe Jackson, with Percy's raven hair and Annabeth's gray eyes. She'd be a little more troublesome lol, but in a loving way!
I honestly think 2 kids are good enough but my heart says they'd have 3. He'd be a surprise baby, and on the younger end of the hoo group's kids (if not the youngest). I haven't thought of much characterization for him yet, but he'd get Sally's blue eyes for sure.
And they live a great life in New York, I'm sorry but they aren't moving to New Rome! Especially Percy, he's a New Yorker through and through
Annabeth works from home from time to time as an architect, mostly to spend more time with her kids, especially when they're babies.
Percy has a pretty chill job doing something in marine biology or marine vet, so he's there for the kids plenty too
Sally babysits the few times both of them are busy
Ya that's their perfect domestic life in my head hehehe >:)
thanks for the ask @littlesillyfilly!
i love all of these!!! super cute! i shall go through each one
1. same! some people think they don’t get married, but i hate the reasons why most people think that. as demigods, percy and annabeth didn’t grow up in a stable family setting. i think they would want that stability, and to do normal stereotypical couple things, because they crave as much normalcy as they can get.
2. another vote for the hyphenated name! that seems to be people’s favorite option
3. yes absolutely. they always have wanted kids. it’s not even a question in my mind
4. i agree, for some reason i’ve always had the hc that their first kid is either a total shock, or it takes a really really long time for them get pregnant. it’s one or the other 😂
5. completed agreed. honestly? i dont even know if many of their friends would have kids. i mean, frank and hazel, together or not, probably would i think, albeit much later than percy and annabeth. but i don’t know if i see anyone else having kids. i think its not super common amongst demigods, especially greek ones
6. absolutely 1000% agreed. i have always thought and said that their first is a boy with curly blonde hair and sea green eyes.
7. agreed! i like them doing a mix of things when it comes to names. and this is so funny because i always have liked the name charlie (after beckendorf) for one of their kids! it’s in my percabeth baby names list LOL. so i think i like their second son being named charlie, and then i have a girl name for their daughter that i love.
8. oh absolutely. first babies seem to always be so precious and sweet and easy. that’s how they get you. then the second one comes and all hell breaks loose
9. i agree that their second kid would come a few years later. they would need a hot minute to adjust. having kids as a demigod would be hard i think, but once they get the hang of it, they want more!
10. i absolutely agree that their next kid has percy’s black hair and annabeth’s grey eyes! personally, i always imagined it being another boy though. he is their charlie in my mind.
11. yeah, i think they would originally plan on 2 kids, but end up having three (if not 4🤭). and in my mind, number 3 is their girl! i’ve always imagined her with wavy blonde hair and blue eyes with a bit of green in them.
12. you are team percabeth living in new york? ok ok i like it. idk personally i feel like they would start out in new rome, for safety reasons. also having a community of demigod friends and family would probably be very comforting for them. but i definitely see them ending up in new york again! percy is absolutely a new yorker through and through!
13. aww annabeth being able to work sometimes at home would be cute. i can see that!
14. can i just say im so glad people are getting on board with percy becoming an aquatic/marine vet?? i’ve always been so alone in that thought, so seeing other people like it and agree with it makes me so happy!! he’d be sooo good at it! but yes, it’s a chill job so he can be around for the kids a lot.
15. sally and paul would love babysitting. 100%
i loved all of these so much and agree with nearly everything!! thank you for these!!
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Porcelain Steve - Part 6
Part One🦇Part Two🦇Part Three🦇Part Four🦇Part Five🦇Part Six🦇Part Seven🦇Part Eight🦇Part Nine
Even though he's expecting company, Eddie still jumps and yelps when his front door flies open without so much as a knock, revealing Dustin and Will.
"I know I said to let yourselves in, but a warning knock would have been nice," Eddie shoots them a glare, not bothering to stand from the couch where he'd been pretending to watch whatever terrible daytime movie was playing.
"Sorry," Will apologizes sheepishly while Dustin just laughs.
"Which of your moms dropped you off? If it's Claudia, I'm filing a complaint about how you were raised."
"Har har," Dustin says, swinging his backpack off and knelling down to unzip and dig into it. "We biked here."
"Lucky you, then. The complaint will wait."
Dustin wrestles a blanket from his backpack. Unwrapping it reveals Steve, hair rumpled but otherwise unharmed. "Alright. Delivered safely. We gotta go meet El and Mike now but we'll see you on Saturday, right?"
Eddie sets Steve on the couch, angled towards the TV. "Yeah. I get the feeling if I don't show for the barbeque that Joyce will show up here and drag me there by my ear."
"She would," Will confirms with an easy shrug. The boys turn to leave before Will exclaims, "Oh! Almost forgot!" before digging into his pocket for something, turning around to give it to Eddie.
"El and Steve spoke again. He had a lot of things to say. I spent a good portion of the last three days writing down everything as El repeated it to me. This is your letter," he says, having successfully pulled out what looked to be a folded piece of paper out of his pocket.
"Oh," Eddie takes it, and realizes it's not just one folded piece of paper, but three. "Wow."
"Seems you are Steve's second favorite," Dustin grins at him from the doorway.
"You are first, I assume?"
"No. Robin is. She got five pages."
That tracks, actually. Eddie's not surprised Robin got the most pages.
Soon enough, the boys are off and Eddie returns to the couch, pulling his legs up to sit crisscross. "Alright, Stevie, let's see what you have to say."
He unfolds the pages completely and is met with Will's now familiar penmanship scrawled across the sheets of wide rule paper that has clearly been ripped from a composition notebook. He's seen Will's handwriting plenty over this last year, quickly scribbling notes during DnD sessions and on the little item cards Will makes himself to hand out when he DMs.
Will's handwriting isn't always the neatest, but this looks like Will took time, wanted his writing to be legible. Flipping through the papers he sees it is two pages, front and back, of a letter, and the third page is a list of questions in a different, neater handwriting. He gets the feeling that Will probably didn't paraphrase anything. How many people got letters? How much of Will and El's time was devoted to doing just this?
Eddie feels emotional over this, misty-eyed and a lump in his throat, and he hasn't even read the damn letter yet.
"Shit, Stevie, do you even realize how loved you are?" Eddie asks out loud, turning to look at Porcelain Steve like he might answer him this time. Blank hazel eyes stare forward. Eddie shakes his head, to clear away his thoughts, and gets to reading. Not out loud, because he doesn't want Steve to hear how wet his voice will sound.
I guess the first thing I want to say is thank you. I was kind of freaking out when I first woke up like this. It was calming, that day on the lawn, after Robin and Nancy found me. You were so chill and just chatted my ear off like you would have if I were, like, there. I mean, there there and not like, doll-there, if you get what I mean.
Shit, man, being stuck like this would have been a hell of a lot worse without you, I'm certain. Everyone's been great, of course, and, like, no offense meant, Will and El, but you act most normal. Helps me feel, well, I don't know how, exactly. Describing emotions is not something I'm like, good at. Robin's great, too, but she catastrophizes, you know? And since I can't speak back, she can get herself pretty worked up about this and I hate that. Hate that I can't do anything to help her.
Shit. This isn't your issue. Don't include that. No, wait, do. Sorry, El. (It is here, off in the margin, that Will has added 'I wrote everything word for word. Enjoy the asides to El and me.) Hanging out with you helps her, I think. She seems less anxious on days we spend with you. So, I guess, I also want to thank you for that. For being there for Robin when I can't.
Eddie has to pause there because he had no idea. Robin has been a grounding force for him this whole time. He had no idea he was doing the same for her. She never said, or let on... well, that was probably her goal and now Steve's spilled the beans.
This is getting easier to say, even if I still don't know how to feel about the other two people who are going to be privy to everything said, or I guess from your end, written here. (Here, Will has transcribed a conversation they seemed to have had in the middle of writing this up.) Oh. He means us. - El Yes. Don't worry Steve, we'll do our best to forget everything you've said once it's written down. - Will Steve laughed and says thanks. - El I appreciate that but- well, being honest there's some things I want to say but I don't want anyone else to hear. Those conversations are better left face to face, anyway. So, uhh, what else did I want to say?
Oh! Yeah, I told Robin she could drive around the Bimmer, so she can have a car while I'm- so she doesn't have to bike everywhere but knowing her she probably won't take me up on that offer. Maybe you can talk her into it? Or, maybe she'll be willing to drive your van around and you can take the bimmer.
"Jesus, Stevie, can't you just be okay with existing?" Eddie says it under his breath and tenses instantly. For a moment, he forgot that Steve was right there on the couch with him, could hear him. Now he has to explain himself because Steve's already heard, and without the context of how Eddie really means those words, they can sound judgmental. "Shit. Sorry. I just read the part about your car and, dude, you just don't know how to not try and be helpful, huh? I bet it's destroying you on the inside that you can't do anything. But Steve, you gotta know, we don't care about you because you're useful."
Steve, of course, can't reply, so Eddie goes back to the letter.
Uh, what else was there? Oh! Yeah! I don't get migraines here. Or, in this body? Or, whatever it is. I haven't had one since this happened. Also, no hearing issues. Though I find myself wishing to be completely deaf sometimes. I get that Max can listen to Kate Bush for a week straight, but I'd like a little variety. God, what I wouldn't give to listen to the Top 40 again. Don't say anything, Munson. I can already see your judgmental face at my music taste. Unlike you, I have the ability to like multiple types of music. The Top 40 AND that one song from, uhh, shit. Might not have migraines or hearing issues at the moment, but the memory is still as it was. Which means it is shit. That one song by that metal band where their name sounds like it's metal? You know who I mean. (In the margin, Will has just written five little question marks in a row ?????)
"The band you were thinking of, it's Metallica," Eddie says.
Not important. But, uh, the reason for telling you this. I was hoping you might smuggle me to a show the next time your band plays at the Hideout? Last time I tried to go it was too loud and gave me a migraine, you remember, but I think that I could listen to your whole show like this. We might as well take advantage of the perks of this shit situation, right? So, uh, I wouldn't mind if you did that. Or, like, had Robin or someone else bring me. Whichever.
Actually, wait, I lied, I do care which way. I've already had them pen down Robin's letter, so you'll have to pass this on, but I want Robin to take me. So, I can also watch the show, not just listen. That was the part I liked most, when I went last time, before I had to leave. Wait. Scratch that. Ask Argyle. Other than you, he seems like the only person willing to be caught holding me in public, mostly because I don't think he even knows how to be embarrassed. Jesus that was such a weird sentence to say. Holding me in public. Such a weird thing to experience, too.
Uh, anyway, I think that's it for now. Thanks for everything, Eddie.
"I think you're handling this loss of bodily autonomy rather well, Steve. This letter is a lot more positive than the one I would have written if our roles were reversed," Eddie says with a sigh. He can't help but wonder what Steve would have said in this letter if it hadn't had to be filtered through two teenagers first.
He looks to the last page, the list of questions, and is surprised to see that, mixed in with questions about which sports team is winning (he is not going to watch Sportsball for Steve. There has to be a line drawn somewhere and this is it. He will ask Wayne about it later and hate the glee he sees in his uncle's eyes because now he's going to have to pretend to like sports for the unforeseeable future) and for honest updates about their friends are questions about Eddie's campaign that he's rambled on about since Steve can't escape. Steve wants spoilers, wants to know what Eddie has planned.
Steve has actually been listening. He'd been operating on the assumption Steve just tunes him out when he gets going, unable to stop his brain to mouth filter when it comes to talking about Dungeons and Dragons and his current campaign.
"I'm at your list of questions now. I can't answer anything about sports, and don't think I'm unaware of how you asked me and not Lucas. I see what you are doing and I'm not going to fall for it. So, your first non-sportsball question here; How is Dustin doing, really? Well, that's a whole thing but overall, okay."
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shadowdaddies · 10 months
Hi, I would like to start off by saying I love your writing you have me hooked!
I was wondering if you could do a fluffy fic because recently I've read so many angsty ones and I'm on my period so it makes me even more sad. If you want and if you haven't already done one maybe you could do a reader x az with a period fic? or anything fluffy like the reader is insecure? I've had horrible cramps and get the worst mood swings so I need some fluff
Its okay if you don't want to write this though I'm sure your busy with how great your writing is!
Hi love! Thank you so much, you are so sweet💜 here's some soft Az taking care of reader on their period for ya
Sunrise Serenity
Azriel x f!Reader
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Soft morning light cut through the dim bedroom, casting a warm glow over Azriel’s bare chest as he slept in bed next to you. Snow fell outside, a pristine white blanket settling over the ground for you to appreciate from inside the comfort of your home. It would be a perfect morning, if not for the crippling ache in your womb. 
A sharp cramp sucked the air from your lungs, a gasp leaving your lips as you rolled to your side facing Azriel. Hazel eyes fluttered open, a soft smile gracing his lips as your mate noticed you. “Good morning,” he spoke in a gravelly voice, his arms reaching above his head as the male stretched and yawned. 
You gave a weak nod in response, Azriel pausing for a moment when he recognized your mood. His nostrils flared, a sympathetic frown crossing your mate’s features as he brushed the hair from your face, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “Oh angel, come here,” he murmured, gently turning you so that you were facing the window once more. 
Azriel moved behind you, his warm chest pressed against your back as he curled around you. One scarred hand moved to stroke your hair, the other resting on your lower stomach, providing warmth that immediately eased your cramps. Azriel leaned down, pressing kisses to your bare shoulder as you lay in his arms, enjoying the view from the window. 
You slightly turned your head to speak to Azriel, the male taking advantage of the position to press his lips to yours. Melting into the softness of his touch, you almost forgot what you meant to say when he finally pulled away, a knowing smirk as he watched you with mirthful eyes. 
You sighed, leaning back onto the pillow. “Az, don’t you need to head to training?” You felt irritated wings twitch behind you, Azriel scoffing at the question.
“I am not leaving my mate while she’s in pain. Cassian can handle training, I exist only for you today.” You rolled your eyes, a smile on your lips at the saccharine sentiment. Az chuckled behind you, pressing rapid, wet kisses against your bare skin that had you giggling and wriggling in his hold.
“How about... I draw us up a bath, and then we can have breakfast in bed?” He murmured in your ear, tugging playfully on the lobe. Nodding, you turned to give Azriel another kiss before he rolled out of bed. You settled into the sheets admiring how his toned muscles shifted beneath his golden brown skin, hunger for something other than breakfast piercing through you as you leapt up to join him.
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woso-fan91 · 9 months
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Second Chance At Love? (Part 2)
Surprised you quickly stood up almost falling over your own feet as you moved closer to Ona, scared that if you move to quickly she would run away or you would just wake from the dream: „Hola mi vida…“
Ona raised her hand in warning: „No Y/n. You don‘t get to do that… you lost your right to call me that!“
Ashamed you looked to the floor before looking at the defender: „Lo siento Ona. You‘re right I lost the right to call you that. I spoke out of habit and for that I apologize…“ Ona crossed her arms infront of her chest: „You said, you would be honest with me. Said that you changed… that you would do anything I say… Do you mean that?“
The million Dollar question you figured, while you looked into her hazel eyes you decided to be honest for once: „Si, I meant every word.“
Ona looked at you with with conflicting emotions running from fear, to sadness, to exhaustion, to uncertainty and everything was underlined with the adoration she felt for you ever since you two were kids and ran around the backyard: „I think we should talk in private, no?“ You nodded looking insecure: „Do you have time now?“ Ona nodded and said goodbye to the kids around you. You followed her example and followed Ona not exactly knowing where she would take you.
To your surprise Ona took you to the beach where you shared your first kiss in 2011 just before she went and joined La Masia. You watched her curiously knowing to not push her when she was thinking so you decided to sit in the sand and just watch her for now. You missed her, her humor, her laugh, her eyes, her dimples, the way she would smile at you, when you were cuddled and cozied up on the couch. Involuntarily you smiled.
Ona looked at you: „What‘s so funny Y/n?“ You looked at her: „Nothing… just realized your habits didn‘t exactly change and you have gotten more beautiful over the last three years.“ Ona felt the blush creep up her cheeks but decided to get this talk back on track: „Thank you… but you said you‘d do anything I said…“ Quickly you nodded: „Yes.“ The defender sat down beside you: „Why?“ Curiously you ask: „Why what?“ Ona rolled her eyes: „Why did you break up with me? Why did you break my heart, forcing me to move to England…“
You looked over the water pulling your legs to your chest: „I suppose I owe you this explaination… You know that I was always your biggest supporter when it came to your career Ona. I was so fucking proud when you got accepted into La Masia, knowing it was your dream… Knowing that I had to take a second role in your life so you could focus on your career. I loved to watch you thrive on the pitch and I loved my role as the supporting girlfriend, even figuring out that I could get use to the WAG life… But I knew as well that you felt bad to push me into the back. Missing our anniversaries, the birthdays, the holidays and whenever we were together you were tired or your mind was already on the next games. I read about the rumors that United was interested in signing you and I knew back than that it would be beneficial for your career and the way you would develop as a player. When we saw eachother again you told me, you received the offer but you wanted to decline it… Decline it because of me and I could never accept that. Never accept that you would put me over your career. You will achieve big things Ona, maybe there‘ll be a Ballon d‘Or on the horizont for you and before you object, I sincerely believe that because I know what a great player you are. So I made the hardest decision in my life and broke up with you although I was and still am madly and deeply in love with you. I knew when I broke your heart, you would take Uniteds offer and go be the amazing player I knew you were back than…“
Ona listened intently watching her first and true love finally putting the truth out for her to hear.
You looked into her eyes: „I knew you would hate me for that, but I figured that you would be able to eventually understand why I did what I did. I know I hurt you Ona and for that, I will be forever sorry and I will happily apologize every single day for the rest of our lifes if that is what you want. I never missed a single game you played and I always was your biggest support. I know or rather read that your heart may now belong to a certain English right-back and I accept that Ona, I do. All I ever wanted for you was to be happy and unapologatically yourself.“
Ona locked eyes with you knowing you mean the pictures with Lucy. Her mentor and good friend… Lucy was funny, honest and insanely beautiful and talented but they were close friends but that was all because you were in the picture and even as you broke her heart back than you were her person, her soulmate, her other half. Also a little part of her was scared, scared you would hurt her again: „You still love me?“
You smiled slightly at her: „Si, I‘m still very much head over heels in love with you Ona. Always have and always will be. If the choice would be mine, I would marry you right here, right now because I know I will never ever love someone like I love you.“
Ona laughed freely and leaned closer to you: „Easy cariño, or I will take you up on that offer.“
You smirked leaning closer to her irresistable lips: „I‘m not stopping you on taking me up on this offer… I had the ring ever since we were 18 and I intent to use it if you give me the chance.“ Ona enjoyed your warm breath on her lips: „No more breaking up and no more lies?“ Immediatly you nodded your head: „No more. Never again mi vida. I will happily be in your corner as whatever you want me to be.“ Ona couldn‘t wait anymore and finally kissed you after those long three years apart.
You kissed her back with the same intensity your defender showed you as she mumled: „How does girlfriend sound for now?“ You looked up: „For now?“ Ona stoked along your cheek: „Si, for now… after all I will be your wife one day.“
With a happy laugh you pulled Ona into your lap and kissed her again before mumbling: „Te quiero bebe… I love you so fucking much!“ Ona staddled you her arms wrapping around your neck: „I love you too. Can‘t wait for our future together cariño.“
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mediumgayitalian · 5 months
The Great Current is, as most things in Hades’ domain, expressly forbidden.
The Surface is iffy grounds. If Nico is feeling strong enough to brave his father, he may attempt to convince him to allow him up on the ice sheets long enough to catch some of the sun, unbidden, even as he is burned by the winds. If he is lucky he will have the time to watch the penguins as they tussle, leaping and bounding down their steep slides. If he is luckier Hades will allow Hazel to come with him, and he will poke her in the ribs, teasing, one when of the nestlings waddles after its father, tripping down the slope and rolling into a feathery birdball. On his luckiest days she will shove him tail over fin as she cursesinto a half-frozen ravine, cackling as he shrieks his promise for revenge.
Neither have them have been to the Surface in a some time.
It’s hard in the winters, he knows. Air whistles away the sun’s warmth so quickly, as flighty and biting as a dolphin, and to be beached upon the ice sheets in the dark is to die buried and forgotten under the snow, too far gone even too pay the due rites. But even the dry and barren ice sheets are a mercy compared to beyond the Great Current. As much as Nico chafes under Hades’ frozen glare and icicle rule, his strictness is protective. He has swum the wide expanse outside of the Underworld; endured the desert endlessness, the scarcity, the risk. Here m, within the boundaries of the Current, the boundaries in which Hades as confined them, they have plenty. Here there is no surface untouched. Here there is ice and cold and silent, endless stillness, but never emptiness. Inside the Current, inside the castle walls, is safe.
Nico peers around the castle wall. A small hole in the ice-crust allows a beam of sunlight, brightening the grounds significantly more than inside, bouncing and twinkling off the frozen pillars. Many of the bottom feeders have retreated away from it, slinking into the shadowy corners, but a minke whale floats near the surface, basking in the heat. Her warped shadow leads a trail across the grounds to a small-mouthed tunnel — more of a crack in the ice sheets than anything.
She catches sight of Nico’s lingering form, raising a lazy brow. He shrugs — minkes, unlike his father’s favoured starfish, know to mind their own — and smiles sheepishly. She holds his gaze for a moment, blinking long and slow, and then begins carelessly floating upwards towards the square. With every inch, her shadow grows larger, darker.
Nico grins.
As fast as he dares, mindful of the chattery crabs still hiding along the edges of the seafloor, Nico darts across the path, keeping every stroke of his tail short and shallow to remain within the minke’s shadow. She, for her part, takes an extra-long breath, cheekily enjoying the sweet air of the wintery Surface, remaining up top until Nico is curled entirely in the tiny crack, careful to tuck his fins against the ice walls.
“Thank you,” he whispers, poking his head out.
She shifts, humming low and rumbly. She begins her descent, slower even than her climb to fresh air, and winks when she is low enough to be eye level. Nico waves one more time before turning and rushing, careful not to get stuck between narrow walls, through the tunnel. The ice is slick enough to almost push him through, which is as fun as it is disorienting. The isopods hadn’t mentioned that when he’d asked for directions, but he supposes they’re not quite big enough to notice. Nor are they very smart, so Nico will have to take the sacrifice. The crabs would have surely tattled to his father after one too many questions.
He’d worried, in the weeks he’d planned this, that he would grow tired in the middle of the tunnel and die, hands outstretched, trying to wiggle his way out either end. Usually during long swims he can simply float somewhere to rest, or lie against the back of a blue whale if there’s one around. (Aside from the scratchy barnacles a whale ride is almost pleasant.) But the tunnels are thin and long, and colder than the regular waters. If he pauses to catch his breath, how long would he have before the blood moved too sluggishly in his veins; before eternal sleep would pull as he used to on Bianca’s sweeping fins? A question he’d save usually for Seph, on her kind days, but they’d been few and far between. Lately the cold has made her irritable.
Thankfully, his worries had been unfounded. Energy thrums unusually in the cavity of his chest, pounding along with the erratic beat of his heart. Even if he grew tired the endless twitches of his tail would surely propel him forward enough to eventually escape the tunnel’s narrow confines. Even moreso when the end of the tunnel begins to grow brighter, burning his pupil-blown eyes — he’s close. Bright enough to be blue, the isopods had promised; nothing but sun past the widest expanse of the ice. Sun and churning, twirling water, disturbed flurries of floor flakes.
His heart grows loud enough to echo, with every swish pushing him closer to the exit.
When the tip of his head breaches the narrow end of the passage, he hesitates. The tunnel has widened, now, wide enough that he can just barely bend his tail up under him, fins brushing gently on the round icy walls. His hair has escaped from his tie in his rapid drag against the ice and it floats around his head, now, inky against the startling bright blue of the definitely-warmer water.
The stories his father would warn of him, when he and his sisters were young. The stories he still tells, when he catches Nico watching out the castle windows. Of snarling mers and sharpened coral, of flesh-feasters, of endless grudges. Of monsters from the depths and water hot enough to boil a mer alive.
He is fabricating. Or at least exaggerating; that kind of danger cannot be so adequately held behind a border. Not for so long.
Other mers must be gone by now, mustn’t they? So much fighting, so many wars…wiggling migration lines and danger after danger…endless scarcity of food, of shelter…even the relentless beat of the sun, with no ice for shelter. How could they survive? Seph braves the Current to pay her respects, as is her duty. The restless dead are worth the risk of the living; they demand that respect. But had her kin lain inside the Current, she surely would never breach it. She charges under Hades’ strictness, sours under his chains like the rest of them, but she returns. With great harry, usually. The Underworld is the only place the Ocean will accept his kind; will welcome them.
But a visit is, Nico is sure, warranted.
Without another lingering second to talk himself out of it, Nico darts forward. The moment he is free from the close-cropped ice walls he can feel the difference, the beat of the sun pressing into his skin, the giggling warmth of the shallow waters. The unbelievable blue of the water makes him lighter, makes the near-translucence of his skin even more obvious, the dark of his hair almost navy. He spins, once, to watch his scales catch the light, his fins flare out and swirl against each other in a spiral as dizzying as snail shells. The smile on his face is wide and unbidden, ache pulling at his cheek, and he can’t help quiet laughter, carried away by the roar of the Current.
He’s hardly a few dozen sponge-lengths from home, but he feels as if he’s woken up from a dream, floating within a brand-new planet.
All the worries that had plagued him burn to melting lava in the bright heat of the sun. They have no place to fester here, in the shimmering light, the roaring water. The flakes from the seafloor shoot upwards in a constant stream, unrested by the rapidly cycling streams, and they catch the sunlight in little burst of light, dotting Nico’s skin. He’s seen snow like this only in the deadliest of Surface storms, watched safely from the thinnest sheets of ice in the top of his father’s castle, but it is beautiful without the barrier; delicate.
There is no one beyond the Current. Only pods of dolphins, at this time of year, and the beautiful, brainless fish they brag of teasing; graceful whale sharks and pretty pink corals. Nico won’t stray too far. He only needs shells, glittering and iridescent, and a moment in the open sea. Hardly longer than a minute, really.
He needs to feel it. For himself. To say that he’s done it, if nothing else, to remember in his own head that there is somewhere outside his father’s domain.
With a resolute, steady nod to himself, Nico swims towards the Current.
It gets louder as he approaches. The churned-up snow gets thicker, too, so much so he swims nearly blind, and he is grateful for it. Much harder to back away from a threat he can hardly evaluate. He lets himself sink into it all, the roar of the current, the tickle of the flakes, the thick presence of them in the water, the lovely, bubbling warmth. They swirl around him, a pressurized swell of constancy, and drag him forward, swirling hands of promise, if chainbreakers, of swelling breaths of freedom. He churning current whips him around and he rides through it with all the bravery he can summon, loose somewhere in the expanse of his skull, churning identically to the water in the echo of his chest. He forces his tail to rest loosely, to ride along where the water takes him; swimming, he knows, is futile, fighting against the current useless. There is no force more powerful than the water, no pillar thicker or stronger than ice. The ocean will drive as she sees fit and Nico can only hope she finds him satisfactory enough, that she hears his silent begging, his endless longing. I want to see all I can, he whispers to her, eyes squeezed shut, teeth burrowing into his bottom lip, gills flaring. Please, even just a sponge-length into the open sea. Under the wide, sizzling sun.
It is only after an eternity in the brushing pound of the current that he is released. His skin almost aches with its absence, body reeling from the sudden loss of feeling; his ears, only, relish in the still-constant sound, if at all muffled. His head still spins as dizzy as the hermit crabs he and Hazel used to toss around, chasing after their warning claws and retreating legs. His hair billows in every direction.
Slowly, allowing himself to relish in the sensation, he blinks open his eyes. His fins are the first thing he sees, tangled as they are all around him, reaching far enough even for of them that the tip of it tickles his wrist. Some of his scales are missing, even, torn off in the power of the water, but he is almost pleased at the physical marker of this change. No matter what, pieces of him will have stayed in the Current. Even, perhaps, crossed the border entirely.
In looking under him he realizes the water is still churning — he has not, yet, made it entirely outside of the Current. Water roars in a wall behind him, circling around him in a giant, lengthy spiral. He hovers in the inside of the great churning river; hardly a sponge-length away from fully foreign waters. Once he crosses he has a few hours, at least, before his absence is noted; to swim around, to note, to gather. Or even simply to bask in the sun, swim up the the Surface and breathe air outside of what his father rules.
Smile spreading giddily across his face, he looks up, determined to find the weakest link of the Current wall and swim right through it.
And locks eyes with another mer, staring at him as if he’s a ghost.
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