#i regularly quote that musical lol
omar-bb · 1 month
notes & quotes from omar's live today
he wanted to release Red Light sooner but he and his team wanted to get it right
he's excited to headline at Gröna Lund - gonna be playing a new song there and at his other shows this summer!
"one of my favorite songs. i'm telling you, you will fucking choke when you hear that one. it's dark, it's dirty, it's groovy..."
"should I leak some of it? it would be fun for you to be able to sing along..."
"i hope it's fine by my team that I just leaked that"
"maybe it'll be the next single after Red Light. only maybe. I'm not promising anything"
someone asked about an Asia tour - "I cannot be live bc I'm gonna leak a lot of shit. But you wanna know something funny? This song .... it is actually a k-pop pitch song from start. it was made with k-pop in mind. it is not fully k-pop and now that i've been doing my touch on it, it is a little less k-pop but.. they actually wrote the song k-pop in mind."
teased doing a tour in the future
another "leak" - "I was actually meant to go to korea like right now or a month ago, like after the oscars ... i was supposed to go to korea. but it never happened. i was very sad. but maybe one day.
he had a scared moment where music started playing in the other room and he thought it was an unreleased song but it was just his alejandro tiktok lol
inspo for red light? "I didn't write the song ... it was a demo that got sent to me. at first ... it was a girl singing red light, and when i heard it the first time i was like yo this sounds like fucking rihanna ... i was like is this a long lost rihanna song? this is the greatest thing i've ever heard. and then i just fucking took it. i was like this is my song before rihanna takes it from me. and now it's my song."
Red Light music video when? "we shot a visualizer, so it's not a music video ... it's very beautiful. very stunning. i've never done anything like that. ... it's not a real music video. it's more visuals for the song."
will be doing red light on 25 may and also a new song
"you'll hear a whole new omar when you hear that song"
he has been replying to messages in his community on whatsapp and sms. they'll be leaking more stuff through there
new OMR Beauty product when? "....................... stay tuned"
"you will die when you see the next launch of OMR Beauty. that's all I'm saying. Next!!!"
will he start a fashion brand? "i don't really have the time for that unfortunately. ... not for now"
thinks he is not gonna bleach his hair
Someone asked red light spanish version when? and he sang a bit of it in spanish
omar backflip when? "when i'm in heaven"
is he going to act again?"i'm actually reading some scripts right now. just reading, it's not anything happening really yet, just testing the waters. we'll see, i would love to act. i actually miss acting, it was a fun time ... nothing will ever be like YR obviously, but just the thought of meeting new ppl, new friends, being together for a few weeks or a few months, and filming smth very special, that would be so much fun. ... i'm actually reading a really cool script right now" but more focusing on music right now
he has 40-50 new songs from the last year apparently??? Maybe i misunderstood this
album when? "don't know, we'll see" - he has a lot of songs and could drop an album but he wants it to be perfect so it'll be awhile
there will be red light merch this summer
he and edvin hang out sometimes
not doing Rix FM this year
there will not be 12 red light remixes lol "but maybe a few"
Eurovision 2025? "absolutely not. sorry not sorry." something about always being thrown out of the competition
he's stopped drinking coffee regularly and drinks matcha instead
someone suggested hoemars as the fandom name and he laughed lol
a lot is happening in May he says !! "y'all better eat good, sleep well" lolol
he said he might do another live next week once Red Light is out
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ephemeralzenith · 1 year
TPW headcanons
i miss them so much(spoilers ahead)
if they were in the modern world, altan and rin would wear glasses and everyone would make fun of them. they would actually have abysmal eyesight even though they are super cool warriors.
also modern world; altan would be so technologically illiterate that everyone would make fun of him. hes like a grandpa, and rin (+ ramsa) would be obsessed with her phone. this is the only place nezha and altan would agree on!!! neither can use their phones and would have to ask rin and chaghan/the cike to help
altan and rin squabble like siblings over the dumbest stuff and then get over it in the next hour after swearing to everyone that they hate each other and would never talk to each other again. -> everyone is sick of their shit
conversely, nezha and altan also love fighting over shit!! altan mistrusts nezha bc.. yk, and nezha does not trust altan bc.. yk!! and rin is so done with them and she starts arguing with them too
kitay loves snakes and this freaks nezha out
altan has a phobia of spiders (i saw this somewhere else and it made sense)
ramsa and kitay are best friends. they are the chaotic duo. imagine it though… ramsa’s destructiveness and kitay’s gigantic brain. cross one of them and your room will smell like shit for the next three years.
qara and venka best friends!!!! i dont have any reasoning for this but they would be and gossip about everyone
altan and chaghan
during exam season, kitay would make fun of everyone else not being able to study easily like he can (not everyone can have a photographic memory, ok???) and everyone would tell him to shut the fuck up (he would not)
“haha i dont know how you guys do it!!! like having to memorise things after sooo long,, must be a struggle”
until a year before he went to sinegard, nezha didnt know how to swim. i know that it very uncanon but i would find it so funny if nezha (water boy) did not know how to swim
obviously his parents would not be very happy with him. poor nezha, cant catch a break…
altan may appear to be tough and cool and sexy (i love him) but he has the most childish sense of humour. sex jokes etc etc, and rin would have such a distaste for this they would start arguing again.
altan is also so soft on the inside. if any of qara’s birds were injured he would stay up to help them no matter what!!! altan trengsin - murderer, killer and the protector of birds <3
after he dies and rin melts down his trident, he would be so pissed at her for destroying his legacy yada yada yada, but would probably forgive her
chaghan was devastated when rin destroyed the trident. he wanted it because it was the last piece of altan :(
however nezha would probably sleep with those swords after rin dies.
kitay and rin would share a tombstone in arlong, to be joined by nezha after he dies… probably bc of the hesperians lol
altan and rin have a tombstone in speer. even though nezha hated altan, he would make one for him.
‘here lies altan trengsin and fang runin, the last speerlies, under the heart of the phoenix that they followed home - everything changes on speer’
unegen and enki visited them. idk where they went off too after leaving the cike, but i like to believe they lived, and found speer.
nezha and chaghan regularly visited speer to pay tribute to their speerly bros that died and that they loved lol. once they saw each other and they were like ‘oh you too?’.
i feel like jiang knew (even subconsciously) that rin was his daughter and loved her as such :( he also loved his nephew altan but couldnt protect either.
rin and nezha have opposite music tastes
kitay hates music because it hurts his head
I MISS THEM SO MUCH. if someone wants to talk about tpw i am here 25/8/365
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suneeater · 1 year
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the haikyuu guys + their icks
➳ushijima, oikawa, iwaizumi, daichi, asahi, sugawara, hinata, kageyama, semi, bokuto, kenma, kuroo, shirabu, terushima, tsukkishima, tanaka, nishinoya
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✎a/n: this is supposed to be silly, we need things to post until we get some requests rolling in and this was fun to write so!
✰warnings: n/a
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he is completely socially unaware and cannot tell when people are flirting with him so he just lets it continue and accidentally leads people on, REGULARLY
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he still follows instagram models and regularly likes all of their photos. he also responds with "why" when someone asks if he's single instead of just saying no
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he has a man complex. im obsessed with this man but he is rude to strangers in public bc he thinks you'll think it's hot when really he's just embarrassing you. he also manspreads severely.
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he has a weird amount of back hair which isn't a problem itself because it's just the human body except he tries to shave it by himself so now his back is just weird uneven patches of hair and he insists he doesn't need help. he also mansplains really bad
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gives unprovoked and backhanded compliments all the time for literally no reason, also uses large amounts of your nice soaps
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i genuinely cant think of any icks for him i love him so much he's perfect sorry. his ick is that he cannot make a mistake ever
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he moans like a fucking blobfish. he also always has a tummy ache because he's a grown man who consumes too much dairy, and he gets indigestion and is always BURPING. watches family guy at full volume and cackles at it
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can only fall asleep if bluey is on
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he leads you on and then rejects you, then after a few months hits you up again acting like nothing happened
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constantly tells people 'actually, that's DR to you'
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he talks down to you like a child sometimes and insists on doing tasks for you not out of the goodness of his heart but because he's convinced you'll do it wrong by his standards
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he only listens to rap music and thinks you don't know who tupac is. every gift he gets you is stolen from the dollar store
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does the 'he ain't got no money' hold
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he captions all of his instagram posts with emo quotes because it's not a phase, y/n. it could literally be your wedding photos and it would say 'ILL BURN YOUR NAME INTO MY THROAT I'LL BE THE FIRE THAT WILL CATCH YOU' and just ruin everything
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he has skid marks lol, he at least has no personality icks if that helps. idk this one's pretty bad but at least it can be fixed. he'd sob if you brought it to his attention though
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he does not regularly shower and it's noticeable. he also stockpiles dirty dishes, like deadass never brings them back to the kitchen. he'd also just throw the rest of his food away instead of putting it up because 'he doesn't like leftovers'
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throws basement shows at his grandmas house and doesn't stop if there's a fight in the audience
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thehotelier · 7 months
On Housebroken
“Every true novelist listens for a suprapersonal wisdom, which explains why great novels are always a little more intelligent than their authors. Novelists who are more intelligent than their books should go into a different line of work.” -Milan Kundera
The subtext of this short quote that my friend posted the other day provided a pretty neat angle for thinking about the job that artists do for society. While some of us are working, making dinner, following up with people, or addressing every little aspect of our lives that are slowly degrading, artists are creating the conditions for profound truths of the world to speak through their bodies for a brief moment and then document it. These moments of oneness with profound truths are not unique to artists or writers, but a good artist is one who can capture that moment and communicate it through their medium, in a way that allows us viewers to access by interacting with their work.
It explains a thought that I’ve had quite regularly about my own work. People say “hey I like this music you’ve made” and my first inclination is to respond with “yeah isn’t it great?!”. If I were to say this aloud, it would probably either confuse or upset the person who would expect an either humble or self-debasing acknowledgement. But my excitement about my work, and part of the reason I had listened to some of my own tracks non-stop, was because I didn’t feel like it was something I had created. I didn’t feel responsible for it existing insomuch as I feel responsible for regurgitating historical trivia or making box mac and cheese. It’s never felt like trying very hard, making music. Not that I’m an expert or anything (I’m a clunky writer and not particularly skilled with any instruments) it’s just that my process has never been about working hard, and has mostly been about creating a concoction of circumstance to allow magic to happen or god to speak through me. And when that happens I’m sort of like “lol cool.”
So to me, a non-god, my “work” is almost certainly smarter than I was when I wrote it. Once I had witnessed this process fruiting many tracks that made me look smart, I tried not to shortcut that process moving forward. However, I figured this out maybe midway through writing Home, Like Noplace Is There and there has always been one track that stood out as blocky because of this, and that’s Housebroken. Housebroken was the first track I wrote for that record and it got a fair bit of play time in the many acoustic sets I had played prior to releasing that record. It was well received then, but I had sort of always felt an inclination to have to tease out the conversation around it.
The song material attempts to unveil the cycle of abuse, trauma, and conditioning. It was inspired by the trap of entering into the public forum to discuss justification for accountability processes, a model that was ahead of its time and kind of still is. Too often call outs of terrible behavior would evoke normies to object with some version of “this person did something fucked up because fucked up things were done upon them.” It was a trap to engage with this logic but us punks and anarchists did anyway because we knew we were on the right path and truth would prevail. Unfortunately, we didn’t have enough back-pocket rebuttals handy to truly win those arguments for our apolitical tumblr bystanders.
Housebroken, through an allegory of a naive utopian speaking to a domesticated dog, went on to say that empathy alone is not strong enough to dam the river of harm in which we swim. At least that’s my interpretation. My interpretation, however, has the privilege of being granted the benefit of the doubt by its intent. Some other interpretations were not as generous.
I remember stumbling across a podcast (a flock of men) who were in the business of bad faith critiques of scene music. Their interpretation of Housebroken likened domestication to abuse in the home and abuse in the home to abuse of women by men. Through this lens, the use of the dog as a literary device was describing women as dogs, which is of course not cool, boo-boo.
The common interpretation by those who enjoy the song is actually not even that far off from the one above. The slight deviations come in the form of domestication not necessarily abuse in the home, or abuse in the home not necessarily being abuse of women by men. But even within these more favorable framings, there was still a path to an unfavorable interpretation which some had found in the moment where the narrator kills the dog. For me, this was actually a lazy way of saying “we can’t divert the flow, we can only break the cycle.” But it’s over dramatic, inconsistent, and a cop out. The dog probably should have eaten the naive utopian narrator, but then who sings the ending??
This was where my analysis ended when Hotelier decided to stop playing this song. I couldn’t really reconcile which interpretation should be given the most priority, mine or the fans. We had a couple of odd interactions with legitimate die-hards about this song at the time. I figured it would be a good faith gesture to let them be in the driver seat a bit for this one and we gave out some benefit of the doubt. To some, this might have seemed like an odd choice to give a few fans this much say over our artistic decisions. But I was 22, and truly trying to figure out the best way to navigate these fan artist relationships where the principles of consent do not map so cleanly. Looking back, I still think it was fairly wise to avoid intentionally grinding up against the edges of our fans who were so willingly giving us their vulnerability. And that’s how Housebroken got nixed.
Now admittedly, this is one of the Hotelier songs I felt like I had a hand in writing, that is to say that I wasn’t simply a conduit for messages containing more wisdom than I possessed. I remembered being inspired by an idea, but only having the distance from Akron to our recording session in Chicago to get down. We drove overnight in a short school bus with 7 people drunk asleep, and strewn about on the seats and carpet. I was on the couch in the back forcing that ditty out. Once it was recorded that acoustic version, we just built the album version around it and stuck it in the most likely place.
Every other song on that album was given time, was meditated on, was never written but allowed to write itself. The lyrics were many words I have never said before in any real order. Writing the rest of that record genuinely felt like many therapy sessions. I remember sensations in my body that I haven’t felt since, like being a moment from sleep and being suddenly massively awake and strangely cold, suddenly crying at phrases from a stream of consciousness, and what felt like a rattling marble at the top of my spinal cord. Writing Home was like simultaneously realizing trauma held in my body for the first time and quickly unknotting it. It was pretty absurd. I could have been possessed but it would have been by something pretty nice. I understand why people could believe in angels. Through your own actions, you induce some state of consciousness in which everything makes sense, and everything is okay, and its wise and kind and all of these things that might feel so unlike you. How can someone have experience and be expected to believe that that is just them. In a period of time when we still don’t understand consciousness. Could be angels, babe.
It Never Goes Out was an album that shouted “As long as we have each other, the world stands no chance.” Turns out, the real weight of that statement rests on “as long as”. It’s really amazing the amount of absurd scenarios a bunch of suburban beatnik cosplayers in early adulthood can find themselves in. One of us got kicked out of our home by our parents. I showed up in my underwear to lighten the mood not expecting her dad to come out and try to bust through my car window. I remember us trying to figure out how we were getting home from the mall because the only friend who could drive was having a personal moment in the back seat and not talking to us. Lots of “you don’t get me”. Lots of “I’m going to kms.” I’ll skip a lot of details that I can’t or don’t want to remember, but it was clear we were too big of a mess to change much.
And here we circle back to trauma not as a thing done to us by bad people, but now by people we love with every ounce of our being, people we wouldn’t throw out in front of a moving car. Many people will have their own interpretation of what that means to them, and I’ll let them have it. I’m just the messenger.
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aeliuss · 1 month
Not Rain nor Snow
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Pairing: Seungmin x afab!reader
Genre: Angst (like seriously, ANGST)
Synopsis: when you moved to s.korea you didn't expect to fall in love. but fall in love you did, and you fell hard. but sometimes love isn't enough of a reason to stay.
Warnings: slight mentions of depression, mentions of pet death, break up
Notes: back with more angst lol. this was supposed to be short but then it spiraled into over 3k words. for some reason i feel like seungmin would be one of the first of the boys to fall in love, even though he's a menace. anyway, hope you enjoy! feedback is always appreciated :) also, let me know if you guys want a part 2!
(also the title is inspired by that one quote that goes, "People are not rain or snow or autumn leave. They do no look pretty when they fall down.)
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When you were nineteen you fell in love with a boy who took his coffee black.
Stolen glances and flustered, sheepish grins turned into friendship. He visited the cafe you worked  at regularly. Sometimes everyday. But other times, he would disappear for months, without a trace, without a single text.  The third time this happened, you asked him if he worked for the Mafia.
He laughed, scratching the back of his neck. He told you he worked as a manager at an entertainment company. That sometimes, he had to go overseas. You were new to South Korea, so you didn't have many friends here, nor did you listen to the music much, so you believed him. And he was a good liar.
He asks you to be his girlfriend a year later at the park, watching the sun set. You were so happy you kissed him on the spot. He didn't kiss you back, so you pulled away, mortified, but he catches your wrist, pulls you against him, kisses you properly. Even though his entire face is flushed like a tomato, up to the tips of his ears. The setting sun bathes him in a golden glow. You think you might love him already.
When you were twenty you finally met his friends. Seven other boys who were nice enough but kept giving you odd glances when they thought you wouldn't notice. One of them cringes slightly when you ask if they also work in management. Seungmin swoops in, hand on your waist, changing the subject so smoothly you forget about their reactions completely.
You found it weird of course. The fact that when you asked him who exactly he managed, he waved the topic off, saying something about how he handles paperwork and that that would bore you. The fact that he never wanted to take you out to popular couple spots, and when you ever did go somewhere public, he wore a mask and a cap so low it hid his eyes sometimes. One time, you could've sworn you heard a high schooler call out his name at the amusement park, but before you could turn around, he is guiding you to the churro stand  and you're salivating too much to care.
You let all these things go. Brushed away the creeping doubts in your mind. Nothing else mattered but the fact that he loved you, you reasoned with yourself. He was sassy, and silver tongued, but he was gentle with you. Made sure you ate and slept well when it was exam week. Listened to you rant about the same thing for the nth time and acted like it was the first. Surely, whatever he was hiding couldn't be that bad if he loved you like this?
You were still twenty when you finally found out. Finally mingling enough with the other international students at your university to call a few of them 'friends.' One of the girls smiled when she saw your lock screen--a picture of Seungmin at the beach on one of your dates-- and said, "Oh, you're a Stay too!"
Your curiosity morphed into an insatiable need for answers. You delved into the labyrinth of the internet, searching for clues, hints, anything that could illuminate the shadowy corners of Seungmin's life that he had kept concealed from you. And there it was, in bold letters on your screen: "Stray Kids."
Your heart plummeted as you clicked on the link, revealing a world you had been oblivious to—a world of music, of stardom, of screaming fans and flashing cameras. And there, amidst the dazzling array of idols, was Seungmin, his face illuminated by stage lights, his voice like an angel sent from the gods themselves.
You felt like you had been blindsided, as if the ground had been yanked from beneath your feet. How could he have kept such a monumental secret from you? Was everything between you just a facade, a carefully constructed illusion? Was that why he had hesitated to bring you around his friends, why he only did when you practically begged to meet them?
Questions swirled in your mind like a tempest, each one more agonizing than the last. Why hadn't he trusted you enough to confide in you? Had your entire relationship been nothing more than a convenient distraction from his real life, his real identity?
And as you stared at the screen, at the image of Seungmin smiling back at you from behind the glossy veneer of celebrity, you couldn't help but wonder if you ever truly knew the boy who took his coffee black.
You were twenty one when you told him of your discovery. It's not that you waited long, rather that your birthday was actually right around the corner and Seungmin claimed that he had gotten the day off to spend it with you. He showed up at your apartment bright and early, carrying a bouquet of flowers--your favorite-- and smiling brightly.
"We could do anything you want," he was saying now, sitting on the edge of the tub as he watched you get ready, blinking the hair out of his eyes distractedly. "There's a place not too far from here that sells your favorite food. Opened recently but the reviews are pretty great."
There's a bubble of something sour in your chest, and you grip your hairbrush tightly at the handle. "I don't know."
He tilts his head in that adorable puppy-like fashion that always had you swooning. "We don't have to, if you don't want to. There's this other place I saw the other day, and it made me think of you--"
"I don't think we should go out at all," You say, and he stops, looking confused.
"Really? That's...that's not like you."
Your nails are digging into your palms when you say, "Yeah. Wouldn't want you to be recognized."
All emotions are wiped clean from his face, and he looks at you carefully. You can feel the weight of his gaze, though you are avoiding his eyes in the mirror.
"Recognized?" He echoes but his voice sounds strained now, knee bouncing slightly.
You don't reply. Don't look at him.
He deflates, shoulders curving inward as he presses his face into his hands. "How long?"
Your heart hammers against your ribs, the air in the room thick with tension. "Long enough," you snap.
"I didn't mean for it to happen like this," he murmurs, voice barely above a whisper. You can't help the sharp, humorless laugh you make as you turn from the sink to finally face him.
"Yeah? How did you mean for it to happen then?"
He looks up at you then, and you see the pain etched in his features, mingling with guilt. "I was going to tell you, I swear. I just…
“Didn’t” You finish. “You just didn’t.”
You swallow hard, the anger simmering beneath the surface threatening to boil over. "Just leave, Seungmin. I can't deal with this right now." You really don’t want to say the wrong thing, but your anger is so intense you know that if he stays here, you just might.
For a moment, he seems resigned, defeated even, as he nods silently and turns towards the door. But just as he reaches for the handle, he stops abruptly, his shoulders tensing. And then, in a swift motion, he spins back around, his expression fierce, determined.
"Fuck that," he hissed, voice laced with desperation as he strides back towards you. Before you can react, he cages you against the sink, his hands braced on either side of you, effectively trapping you.
"Listen to me," he demands, his eyes searching yours for any sign of understanding. "I know I messed up. I know I should have told you about who I really am, about what I do. But there's so much more to this story than you know."
You glare at him, your frustration palpable. "I don't want to hear your excuses, Seungmin. You lied to me, over and over again. How can I trust anything you say now?"
He flinches at your words, but doesn't back down. "Because I love you," he insists, his voice raw. "And I never wanted to hurt you. But I had to keep this part of my life hidden, to protect you, to protect us."
You scoff, incredulous. "Protect us? From what?"
His grip on the sink tightens, his jaw clenched in frustration. "From the fuck ups of my world," he admits, his voice barely above a whisper. "From the scrutiny, the pressure, the constant threat of exposure. I wanted to shield you from all of that–"
You shake your head, unable to comprehend his reasoning. "You should have let me decide for myself. You should have trusted me enough to handle the truth."
He hangs his head, defeated. "I know. And I'm sorry. I was selfish, and cowardly, and I hurt you in the process.” He sucks in a breath, bending his head down so that you are eye level. “I’m sorry. I’ll tell you everything. Will you listen?”
You purse your lips. Nod, despite the part of you that wants to remain angry. The larger part of you wants him to tell you. So he does.
He tells you about the pressure of living a double life, of the constant fear of being exposed, of the weight of expectations bearing down on him from all sides. He confesses his fear of losing you, of never being able to bridge the gap between his public persona and his private self.
As he speaks, you can feel the walls around your heart starting to crumble, the layers of hurt and betrayal slowly giving way to understanding. You see the raw honesty in his eyes, the sincerity in his voice, and you realize that despite everything, his love for you is real.
You stay in for your twenty-first birthday. In Seungmin’s arms, crying when he tells you how hard it’s been for him, then crying again when he tells you how Stray Kids had saved him from himself. You are a tangle of limbs, of open hearts and whispered confessions. A mess of giggles and groans when you find the edits of him Stay has made. Of soft kisses and softer hands. Of falling into a love in which there is no return.
But all good things must come to an end. You just never thought you would be the one ending it.
You were twenty-two when your phone was stolen and your pictures and texts with Seungmin released to the press. Chan and the management at JYP tried their best to soothe the waters but they refused to be soothed. They raged and raged and raged. And you find that you do not know how to swim. 
The hate on you was hard to swallow, but expected. The people–and you refused to call them Stay because they weren’t–hated on your hair, your skin, your features, your voice, anything they could. They said that you were a whore that seduced their precious Seungmin. A gold digger. A slut. 
You deactivated all your socials, but although you couldn’t  see them anymore, you still heard them. They whispered to you and shook you from your sleep. Every step felt like wading through quicksand, every breath a struggle against suffocating despair. The barrage of hatred and vitriol from faceless strangers on the internet threatened to consume you whole.
Instead of distancing himself, Seungmin practically moved in with you during this time. Took off from promotions to reassure you, to hold you, to love you. He’d sing you to sleep with soft melodies, his voice a soothing balm to your shattered soul. He'd cook for you, clean for you, do anything and everything to ease the burden weighing heavy on your shoulders. It took a few months but you healed. Or you were healing. Until you found out about the hate against him. Found out from a call from Jeongin.
“If you love him, break up with him.”
The blood in your veins stilled. “What?”
You hear him shuffling through the phone line, hear the coldness of his tone. “Break up with Seungmin hyung. Your relationship is hurting him. It’s killing him. Didn’t you notice how he’s changed?” He scoffs. “Of course you didn’t. You're too busy wallowing in your own pity to realize that all you’ve ever done is tear apart everything he’s worked so hard to build.” 
His voice is steel. It is the steel of a freight train that is smacking into your chest, making it hard to breathe. You don’t respond. Can’t. On the other line, Jeongin takes a deep breath, his voice softening.
“Look, I know you’re not a bad person. If things were different, I think you’d be perfect for him. But things aren’t different. And if you love him, you want what’s best for him. Don’t you?”
Do you? Or are you so selfish that you can only think of yourself, and what you need?
You observe Seungmin from afar, through your screen, as he had been forced back on his schedules. There are black circles stretched under his eyes, a furrow etched between his brows where there hadn't been before. He smiles at the camera but it never reaches his eyes. He is always the last to arrive but the first to leave. You wonder how you never noticed before.
You remember the whispered confessions, the tender moments shared in the quiet intimacy of your shared space. You remember the warmth of his embrace, the gentleness of his touch, the way he had poured his heart out to you, laying bare his fears and insecurities. And yet, despite the love that binds you together, you can't shake the nagging doubt that lingers in the recesses of your mind.
You wonder if you're doing more harm than good by clinging to him, by refusing to let go. You wonder if your presence in his life is a source of strength or if it's dragging him further into the depths of despair. You wonder if love, no matter how pure and genuine, is enough to withstand the relentless onslaught of hatred and condemnation.
And as you watch him, as he struggles to navigate the treacherous waters of fame and notoriety, you realize that you can't bear to see him suffer any longer. You can't bear to be the cause of his pain, the reason for his torment. You can't bear to hold him back from the life he was destined to live, the dreams he was meant to chase.
So when he calls you one night, tells you, “I need to see you,” in that weary, desperate voice of his, you agree to see him.
It's a crisp, clear night when you finally meet him, the stars twinkling overhead like distant beacons in the vast expanse of the sky. You find him standing on the street corner, his hands shoved deep into the pockets of his coat, his breath misting in the chilly air. He looks different somehow, the weight of the world pressing down on his shoulders, the burden of his fame etched into the lines of his face. But despite the weariness that clings to him like a second skin, there's a flicker of relief in his eyes as he sees you approaching.
As soon as you are close enough, he reaches for your hand, tugging you closer so that he can rest his head on your shoulder, inhaling deeply.
“I’ve missed you,” he murmurs against your skin, hand releasing yours in favor of your waist, pulling you closer against him.
You stand there in the quiet embrace, the weight of his words sinking in as you wrap your arms around him, holding him close. There's a bittersweet ache in your chest as you realize that this might be the last time you'll hold him like this, the last time you'll feel the warmth of his body pressed against yours.
"I missed you too," you whisper, your voice barely above a breath as you bury your face in the crook of his neck, inhaling the familiar scent of his cologne mingled with the crisp night air.
He pulls back, concern etched into the way he frowns. This side of Seungmin is one that not everyone gets to see. But he doesn’t try to hide it from you. Never has. Instead, he cups your cheek, tilting your face upward so he can get a better look at you. “Are you tired? Sorry, I know it’s late but it was the only time I could get away. You look tired.”
You manage a weak smile. “I’m okay. Just…Just thinking.”
He studies you for a moment, his gaze searching yours for any hint of what's going on in your mind. "You seem distant," he observes softly, his thumb tracing circles on your cheek.
Your hand encircles his wrist, pulling him away from your face. You don’t deserve the comfort his touch brings. You don’t.
He catches your fingers. “You’re cold.”
“You should’ve brought a jacket.” He’s unraveling the scarf around his neck. You notice the slight tremble in his fingers. “Why didn’t you bring a jacket? I always tell you–”
“I always tell you to being a jacket but you never listen–”
“I’m breaking up with you.”
He flinches, and the scarf slips from his fingers, pooling at his feet. Takes a shaky breath and bends down to retrieve it. When he speaks, he gives no indication that he even heard what you said. 
“If you don’t take care of yourself, you’ll get sick, y/n.” He says, wrapping the scarf around your neck. He adjusts the scarf around your neck, his movements methodical, almost mechanical.
“Seungmin, please listen to me–”
“No,” He snaps, breathing harshly, his breath fogging up in the winter air. His knuckles are white as he ties the scarf firmly around your neck. “I won’t let you do this.”
You shake your head, pushing his hands away. “It’s already done.”
“Why?” His voice is strained. “I thought we were…I thought…” He lets loose a sound of frustration, unable to voice his thoughts. “Why are you doing this?”
Your heart strains against the ribs that cage them in, and your tongue feels like lead in your mouth and you can’t believe you are about to utter the lies you are thinking. But you do anyway.
“Because I can’t be with you anymore.” You choke out. “I can’t take it anymore, Min. Your fans are batshit crazy and–”
“And I can protect you,” He protests. “I can shield you away from all  that, I swear–”
“Well you’ve been doing a shit job at it,” The way he flinches makes you force down a sob. Force yourself to continue speaking. “It’s just not enough. This love…you are not enough for me.”
You unwrap the scarf from around your neck, thrusting it back into his hands, as he stands there, silent. ‘This is for the best, it’s for the best, I’m doing this for him–’
“But I love you,” 
You realize you’ve never heard his voice crack before. Not in the way it does now, when he speaks, and you somehow know there are tears in his eyes so you don’t look. You can’t bear to look.
“I love you, y/n, did you hear me? I need you.”
And suddenly you’re remembering that time you were ten years old and cradling your old dog’s head against your chest. He is looking up at you with eyes that plead to be saved, to be healed, but the vet says it’s time for you to let go now. “But Mama, he needs me,” You had cried, and your mother, with infinite patience, had pried your little hands away from the center of your world and said, “He needs you to let him go now.”
He needs you to let him go now. 
Seungmin watches as you turn on your heel and walk away. Watches as he clutches the scarf in his hands and then somehow he’s back at the dorm and someone is asking him if he’s alright and there are needles pricking into his hands as he presses his nails into the palms of them
You’ll be back. You’ll come back to him.
His ears ring as he slams his way into his room and the questions follow him into the room, but Seungmin blocks it out with the pillow he shoves over her head. Everything is too much, and not even the pillow can’t muffle the cries in his head, the glass breaking in his heart. He grits his teeth, thinks about how he ruined everything. He ruined it. 
Why? Why was he so weak? Why was everything around him dull and boring and shattered? 
The blanket is too hot even in this winter cold when he pulls it over him, but he allows the suffocating feeling of it to ease the tension in his body. His eyes are damp, and he chokes on a sob in the pillow. 
You don't come. 
So, he remains in the room and picks up the pieces of his broken self, thinks about dancing with you, of your eyes. Thinks of a cafe, of black coffee that he never even liked but learned to after you got his order wrong.
His mind wanders through the fog of it, and Seungmin falls into the mattress, sinks into the worn springs of it, and doesn't move. Not for a long time. 
(You don't come.) 
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laylajeffany · 2 months
What's your favorite piece of Addams Family media? P.S. be warned I have a list of all my burning questions about your amazing fic
The original comics featured in The New Yorker and in compilations over time by Charles Addams are my favorite. I write Wednesday just slightly more in line with that interpretation than the 2022 series in CftF (including her extra toe 😘).
Layla doesn't know how write anything short, so here's more on my opinions of The Addams Family interpretations over time:
I frequently watch the ’64 Addams family television series, have been through it in order with the DVD box set a few times (the very first time I ever saw it, I was five and a flower girl in my cousin’s wedding and I was the only child in the limousine and the adults were boozing and wild - my parents were not there - and my cousin put on the TV that was in the back and The Addams Family was the only thing that would come in on the signal. I was TICKLED by Cousin Its and told my dad about it and he would sometimes find reruns it on TV and tell me to come watch because he was a big fan growing up when it was originally airing). It’s also on free on its own channel on FreeVee 24/7 in the USA with Amazon Prime and I fall asleep to it. If you’ve not watched - like, let’s remember this was filming literally at the same time the Civil Rights act of 1964 was passed so it’s not going to completely fall in line with today’s views of race/gender/culture, etc. For the time, the Addams Family was considered progressive for showing a loving couple on television and poking fun at traditional US expectations (Morticia and Gomez are horrified when Pugsley wants to join the Boy Scouts, for example). In this version, Morticia is far less cold and detached than she is in the comics. She’s sweet on Gomez even if she rolls her eyes at him regularly and when the kids are actually present (Pugs&Wednesday are often not in episodes at all which is probably for the best given we know about everything with children on television sets) she is far warmer than in the original; I probably write her closer to this Morticia than the original or W22. 
Next I’d say Addams Family Values, followed by The Addams Family ‘90s movies, and then Wednesday 2022. I think that the ‘90s movies were a pretty “bold departure from the source material” (to quote the Beetlejuice musical lol) on Wednesday’s character, in particular, than either of the previous media, and then it seems like the ‘90s version of her is what T.B. was running with for her characterization in W22.  I’m not keen on the musical (though I wish I could see Michelle Visage as Morticia in the West End) and I don’t care for the animation style from the 2019 movie so I haven’t watched it and I haven’t ever seen the ’92 animated series. 
I think like anything that’s been done and redone, you can enjoy each interpretation for what it is, understanding it’s more inspired by the source material, rather than a 1:1 match of it. Much on the source material and if you like it, you like it - if not, walk away. I LOVE all three versions of Beetlejucie for completely separate reasons and they all barely mirror each other besides the actual character names and premise (not so sure about this new movie though IGBH, I will be going in with ZERO expectations). In the opposite lens, I ONLY like the ‘90s sitcom of Sabrina and don’t care for the original comics and (believe it or not) I don’t like the Netflix series. These examples are just that this sort of genre is for different audiences at different times, and sometimes you’ll like it and sometimes you won’t. I think taking this fun/macabre genre that is for us weirdos and giving it new life every few generations is a nice way to include other people in on the gags and the kooky and the spooky who otherwise might never have given it a try. IDK - I’m just down to clown with the Addams Family in a variety of ways and there’s really fewer families I’d personally fit in. ☠️
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casualdadnomad · 8 months
ATLA Modern High School AU (complete)
green: silly situation headcanons pink: ships orange: character headcanons blue: canon stuff in the AU
Complete collection of my high school AU! Predecessor to my current project which is the college AU :)
The Gaang Eats Stuff / / The Gaang Drinks Stuff / / Road Trip / / Small Town Shenanigans / / School Dance / / Quarantine Habits / / Gaang+Technology / / Kyoshi Color Guard / / Slumber Party / / Mega Ship Post / / Gaang Gets Jobs / / Favorite Shows/Movies / / Zukka+Technology / / Zuko+Toph Friendship / / Aesthetics Part One: Toph / / Aesthetics Part Two: Katara / / Modern Gaang + Curse Words / / Gaang Music Tastes / / Aesthetics Part Three: Aang / / Azula and Ozai Character Breakdown / / Modern Gaang + Ringtones / / Aesthetics Part 4: Suki / / Mai+Toph Friendship / / Gaang Game Night / / Toph+Sokka Friendship / / Hot Topic Mai / / MY FIRST GF TURNED INTO THE MOON!! / / High School Gaang Heights & Ages / / Modern Gaang + Plants
Modern Gaang Hobbies / / Modern Gaang + Pets / / Modern Gaang Emergency Contacts / / Sokka Drives His Friends Places / / Toph is a Zukka Shipper / / Background On Lu Ten / / Modern Gaang in the Autumn / / Social Media + Modern Gaang / / Toph is a Zukka Shipper Part Two / / Zukka + Graffiti / / The Gaang At Pride / / Guy’s Night / / Zukka Art Headcanons / / Zuko and Azula: Sibling Relationships / / Sokka’s Love Language (Zukka nonsense) / / Zukka Being Stupid feat. Katara and Toph / / Covid School Gaang / / Mai Lee Being Iconic / / Generalized Zukka Nonsense / / Birthdays With The Gaang / / Azula Friendships / / Toph Finds Out About Zukka / / Established Relationship Zukka
Most Embarrassing Moments / / Favorite Smells / / Toph is a Zukka Shipper Part Three / / Halloween Gaang!! / / Best and Worst Classes / / Girls Only Sleepover / / McDonald’s Incident Shenanigans / / Carnival Gaang Time / / Gaang x Among Us / / Cursed Glee Headcanons / / Gaang x Slang Words / / Favorite Sokka Headcanons / / Gaang Gets Ice Cream / / Modern Gaang in the Winter / / Modern Gaang and Alcohol lol / / Modern Tokka / / Gaang x Fandoms / / Gaang x Calendars / / More Zukka Headcanons / / Modern Sukka / / Gaang Arts Classes / / Group Chat Vibing / / Gaang Goes to Disney! / / Quotes As ATLA Characters / / Katara and Zuko are Homies!! / / COLLEGE Gaang LIVES together
more Toph&Sokka friendship stuff / / Zuko’s introduction to the gaang / / Gaang Origin Story / / Mai Lee at Hot Topic / / Modern Gaang Group Chat / / is a tomato a vegetable? / / Modern Gaang goes to Target / / Blue Spirit but make it MODERN / / Dungeons and Dragons with the Modern Gaang / / gays being gay / / Gaang and their Rooms / / Casual Bending in the AU / / Aang and Sokka being Bros 
Note: these are in chronological order so there might be continuity errors, i did all these over the course of like two years lol. If you finished this, check out my College Gaang AU, which I add to regularly!
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spaceorphan18 · 5 months
hi Pam, I just wanted to say that I love reading your thoughts! although I have largely moved on to other things and only keep one eye on the Glee fandom, I still check your blog regularly. so please keep having opinions :) and i hope the music retrospective is gonna make a come back some day :) and one more thing, reading what you say about fandom history is making me so glad i came into glee years after it finished. i couldn't handle the stress of watching it in real time lol. oh and I'm still laughing about this quote: "This was about the time the Brazilians showed up." So dramatic 😂
Hi!! This message is so sweet, thank you!!
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Yes - I do plan on continuing the musical retrospective! Sorry, between the holidays and work and being sick I just haven't been able to work on all the projects I like. But thankfully my vacation is here after tomorrow! And I do plan on getting all my projects going again. :)
Also - maybe next time I rewatch in fully, I'll do a glee history series for y'all! (or... maybe I'll find time to do another podcast lol)
Glad I could make you laugh - and glad my opinions aren't making all of you mass exodus out of here.
Stay well and warm, Nonny (or cool if you live in hotter climates.) <3
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crow-the-unknown · 4 days
get to know me game 🫶 special thanks to @oliviabelova for the tag :3
do you make your bed? not really i guess? i keep a lot of stuffed animals on my bed and rearrange those once they get out of order if that counts lol
what's your job? don't have one 🙃
if you could go back to school, would you? im already in school (hence the no job thing) so this doesn't really apply to me but i do love learning and i attend a small school, so i don't mind it. i just don't like the people so in that regards, definitely no. everything else is great tho :)
can you parallel park? i've not really gotten the chance to yet but i think i could if i tried? i've sort of done it before but i need room lmao. im not the best driver i can definitely admit that
do you think aliens are real? ehhh nah ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
can you drive a manual car? nope and i have no desire to learn how. my dad has one but i HATE it with a burning passion. i already dislike driving enough, i do not need to learn a whole different way to do it 💀
guilty pleasure? don't think i have any i should be guilty for lol
tattoos? none yet, but i want some and might get one pretty soon. me, my mom, and my dad might all get matching arrows :3
favorite color? red, specifically like a burgundy or a wine red. it's a color that looks really good on me and it's one of the avs colors, so naturally here we are
favorite type of music? probably alternative. my favorite artist is tame impala and i really like people like gorillaz too. either that or instrumental/indie. i love a little bit of everything
do you like puzzles? oh hell yes. i just did one a few days ago. i don't do them super often, but i like to devote my time to them when i can
any phobias? uhmm i think the main one i have is agoraphobia. being in large cities or groups of people has always stressed me out a lot, so i usually have to go with other people i know and barnacle off of them cos if not i'll panic like a squirrel in the middle of the road not knowing what to do or where to go ':)
favorite childhood sport? i never liked sports up until a couple years ago so i'll just go with volleyball cos that's what i played lol. even then i didn't like it that much but we'll say that i guess
do you talk to yourself? to quote the lego batman movie: 24/7, 365 days a year, at a million percent. so, yes !! lmao
tea or coffee? this is hard, but coffee. iced. always iced. i do love tea though, i just have coffee more regularly
first thing you wanted to be be when growing up? a veterinarian :]
what movies do you adore? the httyd series (specifically the second, that's my favorite movie), the john wicks, the secret life of walter mitty, ready player one, emperors new groove (best disney movie imo), the second top gun, and many more <3
tagging... @annieqattheperipheral @sidsthekid and @calemeowkar if you'd like to participate ❤️
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partnersincrimesuau · 10 months
★。・:*:・゚☆ So, back in July... I mentioned I had a PIC-related gift to share with you all. This is what I was talking about. It's an official playlist that I have had SO much fun filling for the past TWO YEARS.
Yes, I started making this playlist in April 2021. I have waited a LONG time to finally release this to the world. Of course, I don't own a single song (I'm very not good at making music LOL) BUT!!! Every song has a relation to Partners In Crime in my head somehow.
Let me explain.
EVERY SONG in this playlist is in it for a reason. This may because of a SINGLE line, a SINGLE quote, a SINGLE strange reference. OR, it may fit the story SO well that it encapsulates the events of an entire scene, chapter, or heck, the ENTIRE comic. And yes, there are one or two songs I put in there that I listened to and went; "... oh my goodness. This is literally the entire comic. I can animate this." And I have not gotten around to animating them yet, because I do not have an iPad, but I WILL ABSOLUTELY BE MAKING SOME AMVs IN THE FUTURE. I GUARANTEE YOU.
NOT EVERY SONG in this playlist is entirely accurate to the story. What I mean by this; there are some songs, like I mentioned, that only relate to PIC through one line of dialogue. This may allude to the fact that the rest of the song has no correlation to PIC AT ALL. But of course...
I WILL NOT SAY WHICH SONGS RELATE THE MOST TO THE STORY. That is for you to discover yourselves. <333
The reason for the addition of the first song... is a bit of a long story. The short version of the story is this; on the 7th of November, 2020, I was listening to that song at a friend's house... and the idea of the comic came to me. Technically, Partners In Crime by Set It Off is the main reason this comic exists. Does this mean the entire story relates to the storyline of that song? I can confirm that while there are similarities, NO. My comic will not end the same way that the song does. If you haven't heard it before, I highly recommend it XDDD
I STILL UPDATE THIS PLAYLIST REGULARLY!!! If I hear a song that somehow relates to PIC, I will not hesitate to add it. So check in every so often to see if it's grown bigger!
YES, SOME OF THESE SONGS MAY SEEM VERY RANDOM. I can assure you that by the end of the comic, most of them will make a lot of sense contextually. Like I said, every song is in it for a reason. But for spoiler reasons, I won’t be sharing why some of these songs are there – some of them MAY imply future events. That’s all I’ll say ^^
YES, I AM OPEN TO SUGGESTIONS!!! If anyone has a song recommendation for the playlist, I will review it myself and decide whether or not I will add it based on its relevance. Please note that I may turn some songs down, but I will appreciate each and every suggestion!!!
By making this public, I am allowing people to follow me on Spotify. I have a ton of other public playlists that you are free to peruse yourselves!!! Most are regular playlists, but there are some very goofy ones there too. I recommend my Ultimate Nerd Playlist (its like Russian Roulette but for your ears).
You may notice a few playlists titled “Works in Progress”. Those will be important later.
But yeah that’s about it!!! Feel free to look through the playlist, leave a heart on it if you like it, and follow me on Spotify to see what I listen to everyday XDDD
- Jinxy
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getwallowed · 1 year
the best wallows fan accounts on instagram! :)
i'm aware that fellow wallows fans on here probably already follow some of these accounts on ig/don't have or want ig, but just in case you guys were looking for more content i've listed my favs here!
@/wallowshq [ leah (@wallowshq) ] the biggest wallows fan account (that i know of) on instagram - they post cool stuff very regularly and are very quick to post any band news. they also have highlights up with all the setlists from the tmtio tour!
@/duhwallows [ abby (@duhwallows) ] firstly a funny name, secondly another of the biggest wallows accounts (that i know of) on instagram - they also post very regularly and have very good quality posts, plus they're very helpful if you have questions about tour or other wallows info.
@/wallowsarchive [ gab ☆ (@wallowsarchive) ] this account is pretty cool, they basically post random pics of wallows, not necessarily the most recent ones, so it's basically like a blast from the past/nostalgia account lol.
@/inmywallowsera [ rose :) (@inmywallowsera) ] one of my two favs on this list! the admin, rose, is so sweet and very down to earth, plus she posts a lot of ig stories and they're always so sweet! she always seems so genuinely happy for people who go see the band live or meet the band members around in public, which is lovely to see. also, this account is especially one for the braeden girlies hehe >:)
@/wallowsdni [ totally normal wallows fans (@wallowsdni ] my other fav! this account is so odd but it's absolutely hilarious and every time i see one of their posts i laugh a lot harder than i should. the admins are super cool & friendly too so i'd say def check them out if you like dumb wallows memes (check out my next post bc i'm gonna post some of their stuff bc it's so funny oml).
@/evilwallowsmusic [ wallows shitposting (@evilwallowsmusic) ] similar to wallowsdni (the previous account on this list), they post mildly idiotic wallows memes, which are very funny. also fun fact: the wallowshq admin is also one of the two admins of this account!
@/wallowslyricss [ no.1 hurts me stan (@wallowslyricss) ] this account is so aesthetically pleasing omg - basically they post wallows song lyrics printed on book pages (like those aesthetic pictures of book quotes you see as part of ig photo dumps/pinterest aesthetic boards etc). plus on a personal level they claim to be the number one hurts me stan (so i guess i've been relegated to number 2 lol), which i love because i think hurts me deserves a lot more appreciation.
@/selenasummer16 [ selena (@selenasummer16) ] [ braeden lemasters by selena adams (official music video) - YouTube ] this isn't a full wallows account but i'm linking it anyway because selena wrote, sang and released a song called 'braeden lemasters' and even made a music video for it, which i've also linked! even if you don't watch the mv i'd recommend going to her channel and watching the videos where she goes behind the scenes and explains the mv in depth bc there are soooo many well-thought-out wallows easter eggs in there, it's so cool!
@/wallowscloset [ gio (@wallowscloset) ] this account posts pictures of the clothes the band members wear, say where to find them and the price! a very useful account for ppl like me who are super jealous of some of the clothes they wear :) honestly i'd love to hire dylan as my personal stylist bc i love his outfits sm.
feel free to reblog this with any other accounts you like, on ig or any other platforms, or even to self-promo your wallows fan account! :D
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miyakuli · 1 year
I've been tagged...
...by @danhoemei​ thank you my cutie Yzz but omg I hope you won’t be disappointed by me gahhh//////////////
In purple it's the artists I listen regularly, and in blue it's the artists I know 1 or + songs of them but without really knowing the artist.
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I'm sorryyyyyyyyyy I had the impression to be so musically ignorant all of sudden lol I remembered We lost the sea from an other music post you've made where you were quoting them too but otherwise, the rest was totally unknown to me/////// I listened to everything though and made nice discovers like Poppy :)
I put a lot of japanese artists in mine xD but I tried to not put too many "obscure" artists. In anyway, I hope people would discover new things they like with this list >//v//< I love all of those artists <3
Tagging : @a-small-constellation @tragicomic-a @gojosattoru @aslaanjade @such-a-downer @hikarry
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ftpverse · 11 months
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SHADITUDE an early DI Shad Mix
for the asshole, the cocky teenager, the guy who thinks he's hot shit
(or, that's what he SAYS, anyway,)
-> [ listen ] <-
tracklist + liner notes under the cut
dragon rider - tsfh (instrumental)
gives you hell - all-american rejects truth be told, i miss you truth be told, i'm lying (when you see my face, i hope it gives you hell)
bad reputation - joan jett & the blackhearts and i don't give a damn 'bout my reputation never said i wanted to improve my station
i don't care - fall out boy i don't care what you think as long as it's about me / say my name and his in the same breath i dare you to say they taste the same
hello - courtney love shut up i'm about to tell you about the difference you will never make
crushcrushcrush - paramore if you wanna play it like a game well, come on, come on, let's play ('cause i'd rather waste my life pretending than have to forget you for one whole minute)
do you want to fight me - venus hum you're eighty pounds of wreckage in a mason jar you're a bit combustible, don't break
crusher - free refills i'll walk all over you with my leather boots break your heart in two, that's what i wanna do
doopliss theme - ZMiX (instrumental)
confident - demi lovato it's time to get the chains out is your tongue tied up? 'cause this is my ground and i'm dangerous
some other misc thoughts:
shoutout to all the ppl on main who gave me song suggestions for this; not knowing what it was for
and also magik for talking me into crushcrushcrush. i got so fuckored by it even tho this is supposed to be the angst-free playlist lol. i THOUGHT about putting misery business in here but while very funny as a concept i couldn't quite abide by the lyrics. i just couldn't... (too romance-focused, not even fitting at all, though very fun to imagine him and kairi singing together in [gesturing] the future or whatever. tho i wonder if kairi shared music with him while they were regularly meeting on the beach. honestly no way she didn't? fun little bonus scene...)
had to put a courtney love song in here after realizing 1) how cornerstone she was in the grunge scene, 2) that shad would love her music
''do you want to fight me'''s quoted liner notes are meant to be shad @ sora. but you can read them however you like :)
i put the demi lovato song in here because 1) it worked 2) shad would unironically listen to it. and think it rules. one of my longest-standing canons about his music taste that is he is a sucker for female vocals. i had to! i simply did!!!
i bitched about the og mix being 8 songs of which 3 were instrumental . and then kept 2 of the 3 instrumentals. look! i couldn't not keep the doopliss theme remix! okay!! first of all its JUST SO!!! ITS SO!!! second of all i needed something to help me transition into confident, which i refused to cut
other than the instrumentals i only preserved 2 other songs from the og mix - tho half a mix is pretty solid, i guess. still felt like i was scrambling for a hot minute tho.
the four i cut were:
1) the third instrumental (which was fine but that's SO MANY instrumentals, and also it was ONLY fine)
2) the only possible interpretation of it was his crush on kairi being Weird - even if i tried to reframe it as about sora it'd still kinda be weird. ITS HONESTLY EXTREMELY PINING. WHICH ISN'T INCORRECT BUT IS LIKE. THE WRONG TIMELINE FOR THIS MIX. BAD NEWS THE LYRICS DID FUCKOR ME THO
3) angst, in the mix i didn't want to have angst ((or at least to not swing away from being mostly uptempo and SOUND confident, even if there's layers of angst underneath))
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I kinda became a fan on purpose- I had heard of Sanders Sides and decided to watch it and immediately became addicted lol. I really like the Muppet episode especially, and at some point I memorized Crofter's the Musical. I was dubious of the Halloween phases ep at first- but the lesson ultimately ended up being too not trivialize people, which is the ending I was hoping for. I'm not an avid fan content consumer, but literally every Sides cosplayers is the most talented person ever. I really appreciate their creative liberties too, like a passion cosplayers with these cool rainbow socks and a Virgil cosplayer with a chewy necklace. My favorite by far must be Webrat Jen on YouTube, though I confess I'm not caught up on the Remus' Rules series. I also regularly quote the lying theater episode- everything from "You're lazy AND you're gay!?" To "WHO BROKE THIS VASE!?" (with the voice ofc)of. All in all, I just find the series really entertaining and comforting. It's really cool to know you like it too <2
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I decided to introduce myself a little more by telling you some fun facts about myself:
tagged by my bro ​😎 @naysaltysalmon
emilio| they/them | lesbian | nonbinary | pisces (☀️) taurus (🌙) pisces (🌅)
🌌 i'm puerto rican and irish mostly and that's definitely what shows in my appearance and personality i think too (lol)
🌌 i finished writing 7 book before the age of 21, but i haven't finished a thing since bc of a variety of factors; i am finally working on a novel again though woohoo!!
🌌 i'm a fictive in a traumagenic system caused by a really shitty upbringing (no, fictive is not the same thing as kin); for comparison: to those of you that have read the sparrow, my childhood was rakhat without all the happy parts.
🌌 i'm also chronically ill and disabled, but lol for the love of g-d i don't know what with because doctors are horrifyingly ableist
🌌 i can play the violin and piano and read music, but i have done none of those things in a good long while and i'm actually much better at learning things by ear; i also have perfect pitch, and i think i'm a much better singer than i am violin or piano player.
🌌 i can fence and irish dance; i taught myself how to irish dance by obsessively watching riverdance growing up, but i quit when i started middle school because a) the teacher was a fucking cunt and b) that's when i started really first feeling the effects of having a body that Doesn't Work Right
🌌 i had thyroid cancer in 2016 and so i don't have a thyroid anymore lol, which means i have a really hard time regulating my temperature. i also don't have a gall bladder, which means i have a really hard time eating fatty foods without...revisiting those meals.
🌌 emilio sandoz is me in ways i cannot even begin to describe. like i said that when i finished the book the first time around, but hot fucking damn; i'm rereading during my annotating and posting of quotes on the account i made on twitter and i'm just rerealizing this all over again and it's fucking insane. maybe someday i'll write that dissertation and it'll just be a self-centered, self-indulgent essay about why emilio sandoz and i are the same person; also likely an essay about how fucking amazing mary doria russell illustrates the effects of that level of trauma (coming from someone who has experienced it).
🌌 this really isn't news to anyone who follows me (or read the last point lol) but the sparrow series by mary doria russell is my all time favorite book sequence. i really really REALLY want to be able to talk to mary doria russell one on one about it and fantasize about doing so daily, but the closest i've gotten to that was her approving of my fancast that i posted on twitter.
🌌 i love animals and particularly cats <3 i have two cats that are very definitely mine, but my fiancee's family also has three other cats that cling to me in various ways too. i love them all dearly and love being the resident cat mom; i literally am being followed by at least one of them at all times.
🌌 i love score music. all time favorite genre of music hands down holy fuck. i listen to....usually the score or playlist score i've created of whatever i'm hyperfixating on at the moment; you can see all of those playlists on my spotify. also, according to my spotify, the only lyrical artist i enjoy regularly outside of my score music genre is ethel cain <3
🌌 my favorite genre of media is philosophical sci-fi (examples: foundation, halo, the sparrow, the fountain, annihilation, arrival, sunshine, i origins, the matrix, interstellar, etc.). idek why tbh. i do love space and science a whole lot, but i just came to the realization that this is my genre of choice rather recently when my fiancee pointed it out.
🌌 my biggest special interests are space (and literally everything to do with it; in particular string theory, theoretical physics, quantum mechanics, etc), linguistics, volcanology, religion, and really anything to do with STEM.
I hope you’ll reblog and give a few fun facts about yourself so we can get to know each other a little better~! Open to all!
Tagging: @creaturecomplex @chateauofmymind @sarayashikis @thinking-in-broken-scenes @good-as-dead @dykeromanroy @smallredb0y @redwindflower
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kckenobi · 2 years
10, 22, 30
Hi anon, thanks for the ask!
10: do you have a creed?
I don't think I really do. But I definitely have like, a set of unrelated favorite quotes that I think about regularly. I went through a phase when I was like 18 and going through it of picking a phrase each week that was supposed to give me strength lol
22: list the top five things you spend the most time doing, in order.
Ooh this is an interesting one:
(1) teaching/lesson planning
(2) driving (🙃)
(3) reading
(4) listening to music/singing to it
(5) talking on the phone
30: pick one of your favorite quotes.
"I believe in kindness. Also in mischief. Also in singing, especially when singing is not necessarily prescribed."
Mary Oliver
Identity asks
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