#the fortyseven
the-fortyseventh · 2 years
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Secret Father Winterveil!
An overnight retreat to Boralus Harbour for some Winterveil fun! The troops exchanged their Secret Father Winterveil gifts around a cozy fire. 
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myth-blossom · 25 days
I wrote a “You’ve Got Mail”-inspired fic for @diana-fortyseven’s birthday! You can check that out at the link below ❤️
Happy Birthday, Diana!! I hope you’re having an awesome celebration! 🥰🥳
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Fandom: Hitman (Video Games)
Relationship: Agent 47/Diana Burnwood
Rating: Teen and Up
Diana discovers it’s lonely being the Constant. She makes a secret friend online.
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diana-fortyseven · 4 months
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Teen & Up, Fluff, Found Family, Mutual Pining, Epistolary
After receiving a surprise postcard from Agent 47, Diana Burnwood and Victoria each write a letter to him, not knowing that the other is writing one too.
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Bonus postcard under the cut!
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fortysevenswrites · 9 months
FDTD fic: hands, touching hands (SethKate, complete)
@myletternevercame and @tuntematonkorppi and I have been bitching about our feelings of want-to-write-but-no-not-that-only-want-no-actual-write for a while, and then I made myself write this, instead of, you know, any one of the 800 WIPs that I want to write.
And did I intend to finish this BEFORE New Year’s Eve? Probably. But as with You Squeeze My Hand Three Times, well, that didn’t happen and I ended up writing most of it DURING NYE instead. As one does. At least the words happened. The first week of January doesn’t count anyway.
Title from Sweet Caroline, and I am sorry that the song is now stuck in your head
hands, touching hands (read on AO3) one-shot, 5940 words
Of all the scars Kate came away with, the one on her palm is the one Seth worries the most. Literally. Aka: Seth Gecko just wants to hold Kate Fuller’s hand, the fic
Read on AO3
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cajunandfire · 26 days
Happy Birthday @diana-fortyseven! Our pals Diana and Agent 47 have swung by for another tango, in your honour. Enjoy your special day and as always, a huge thank you for leading our little fandom on Tumblr ❤️
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peridotglimmer · 3 months
For the snippet ask game :D
🖤 kissing while crying / goodbye kiss / desperation
...for 47/Diana
Oh God... I'm just saying you asked for this, yeah?
She shouldn't be here.
Providence tracks her every move; Edwards tracks her every move. She's certain he trusts her as far as he can throw her -- and with his physical condition, that's not very far at all, Diana muses as she walks through the labyrinth-like catacombs that comprise the organisation's holding cells.
She may not be Constant -- not yet, not yet, she reminds herself, soon you will be the most powerful woman in the world, and you will have to know how to live with that responsibility -- but she knows how to access most computer systems, and Providence's keycard entry system is no different than any other high-security location's.
Diana swipes her forged access card against the sensor. It beeps, and the lights turn green. It's the middle of the night; no-one is here.
She has to enter through four more pairs of steel-reinforced doors, multiple lock chambers to prevent anyone from being able to get in or out quickly. Every lock has a thirty-second timeout from the moment she enters, and she can feel her heart in her throat.
The final doors open, and she freezes.
There he is.
He's asleep, knocked unconscious by an enormous dose of sedatives no doubt.
She moves on instinct, can't think, can't speak, can only approach him, and places the softest of kisses on his forehead.
He's running a fever.
There's nothing she can do but pray that this will work.
But prayer's never been her forte.
She takes his right hand, folds his ring and pinky fingers towards his palm, and touches the remaining three to his forehead, stomach, left shoulder, and finally his right shoulder.
She can't say the words, can't speak, but she hopes he knows.
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discordiansamba · 5 months
literally if you're a Hunk fan but you haven't watched season 7 you are actually missing out on some of his absolute best content.
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remi47 · 1 year
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Agent Fortyseven by neural network 
My beloved assassin  <3
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mordeshakes · 17 days
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Happy birthday! I hope you're having the best day ever! :D
What an explosively adorable surprise :D thank you so much, Diana! 💙 I love this!!
Today was, luckily, much better than yesterday was.
It was your birthday recently too, idk if you got my message before but I hope you had a killer one as well :)
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postalninja · 4 months
For the micro fic game:
36. total control
(Full disclosure, I intended to make this a Hitman ficlet, but a suitable idea simply would not form, so I'm making it a Baldur's Gate prompt instead, because that is entirely where my muse currently lies. So a bit of introspective first-person pining from my character it is!)
Every time I visit him in camp I can feel his eyes roving over me. Mine do the same, from a distance... but then again, it isn't as if he doesn't know what I'm thinking. Hells, I practically threw myself at him that first night. It was the energy in the air, I suppose; merriment, celebration... it's what the others were thinking about too, considering how Lae'zel came onto me and Astarion did the opposite (rude). Shadowheart asked to share a bottle of wine with me too, and dense as I am I mistook the offer as platonic, but the disappointment in her gaze when I turned her down suggests otherwise.
As fond as I am of my companions, I only had eyes for Halsin that night. And who could blame me? He cut such a magnificent figure in the firelight, the glow of the flames dancing over the planes of his bare arms and casting his gaze into shadow. I was drawn to him in that moment, my feet taking me to his side as my stomach flopped and fluttered all the while. It hasn't stopped doing that since the moment he made his true form known to us, the massive bear in the goblin camp suddenly transformed into an impossibly glorious man, one who requires me to crane my head back to properly behold him. I don't know where I summoned the nerve, but as I spoke to him the tension spooled so tightly within me that I just... asked. I can't say what I expected, whether I sensed that he would be the type to fall into bed with someone he'd just met, or else I simply hoped that he would be. The look he gave me suggests that I wasn't far off, and yet I slept alone that night after all. I burned with shame as I lay in my bedroll, certain that I'd made a fool of myself, that I wouldn't be able to face him in the morning. But when I offered my apologies for overstepping he took it in stride, assuring me that under different circumstances he likely would have done the same. I'm embarrassed to admit that those words have burned themselves into my mind, and every interaction since then has felt like a flirtation. I worried it was only my imagination, foolish hope for a more favourable outcome yet to come... but tonight another opportunity presented itself, and yet again, I couldn't help but seize it. When conversation turned to more... personal matters, I offered once more, my heart held out for the taking, exposed and vulnerable. And though Halsin has yet to grace my bed even still, his answer torments me sweetly with possibilities. He is steadfast in his purpose, yet alludes to a time when he can turn his focus toward other things. His gaze bored into me as he spoke of it, a promise veiled beneath hooded eyes. I thought bashfulness or else desire would set me aflame then and there, but I managed to keep my composure somehow. And now I can't help but feel a renewed urge to see all of this madness through as soon as possible, for the unforgivably selfish reason that once we've put this chaos behind us there might be a place in Halsin's life for me. However small that place may ultimately be, I hope for it all the same. The thought of his strong embrace drives me to distraction, and I imagine his heartbeat resounding in my ear when I rest my head on my pillow at night, wishing I were cradled against his broad chest instead. His voice echoes in my dreams, alongside flashes of enticing flesh that I yearn to discover in the waking world.
But all of that must wait for another time. I can't afford to forget my purpose, and though the comfort of Halsin's presence soothes my frayed mind, I cannot hope for more just yet. Perhaps he is the wiser of the two of us in that respect, that he somehow maintains total control in the face of temptation. I try to do the same, but gods, I'm nearly coming apart at the seams from the effort. All I know is that when the time comes when we can finally give in, it will surely be a night neither of us soon forgets.
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chaos-company · 2 years
Hi! I don't know why, but I can't click on "read more" on your Angstpril prompts post (in fact, I can't click on anything on your Tumblr's theme... Again, no idea why, and I can't find the prompts list on Tumblr's default theme). Could you help me out, please? A direct link to the post should be enough, I think. Sorry for the inconvenience!
hi there!
we seem to be experiencing the same problem, and it looks like people can only access the list through the blog view. it appears that you'll have to hover around the middle of the post until you see two signs: an infinity and a reblog (pictures posted below). you would click the infinity sign (∞) to access the post link! we'll try to fix the problem you pointed out (thanks for telling us btw!) so for now, here's the angstpril prompts post!
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let us know if you have any more questions, and we're sorry for the inconvenience!! have a good day/night!
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the-fortyseventh · 2 years
After Action Report - 20 Dec 632
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After Action Report – 20 Dec 632 - NARAD Father Winterveil Patrol
On the evening of 20 Dec 632, on/around 2030 hours, a voluntary group of personnel from the 47th Infantry Regiment, assisted the Gnomish Air Force with one of their operations. 
Lead by myself, Champion Keladry Brightmaul, we worked in tandem with Commander Amelia Battlehart (Wing Commander – Northern Azerothian Aerospace Defence Command (NARAD)), Major Krillos Thunderbrake (Squadron Commander – 133rd Fighter Squadron, Captain Sparklethrottle – 133rd Fighter Squadron and Captain Steelwing – 133rd Fighter Squadron. 
The volunteer mission was a sortie that departed from the Ironforge Airfield, and took us into the air space of Alterac, Northern Lordaeron and Arathi, to protect Father Winterveil as he arrived at his lodge point deep in the Alteraci mountains. 
 The voluntary force divided into flight teams for the sortie; G1 – MAJ Thunderbrake, Cadet Goldmane, RCT Cerulethal and PVT Sunveil; G2 – CAPT Sparklethrottle, Cadet Hempstead, RCT Moonkeg and PVT Josephson; G3 – CAPT Steelwing, KCP Brightmaul, and PVT Ryvsirra. In G-280’s, we patrolled over the region, engaging only in the elementals discovered in the skies. 
Note: The Gnomish Air Force had pre-established a Memorandum of Understanding with Silvermoon City in which it was agreed neither side would engage the other during routine flight operations. 
 As we completed our loop of the northern skies, we were blessed enough to have the opportunity to escort Father Winterveil into the Alteraci mountains so that he could land and prepare himself for his days ahead. Upon his safe landing, we returned to the Ironforge Airfield for a quick debrief before the troops were dismissed. 
K. Brightmaul, KCP   3 XO 
Annex A: Radar Capture of Sortie Zone - 20 Dec 632
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myth-blossom · 1 year
The Morning After
I wrote some romantic fluff to celebrate @diana-fortyseven’s birthday! 🥳 Thank you for all of the incredible things you do for the Hitman fandom! The Thirsty Thirteen are very lucky to have you ❤️
You can check out the fic at the link below! ❤️
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Fandom: Hitman (Video Games)
Relationship: Agent 47/Diana Burnwood
Rating: Teen and Up
It's a beautiful morning in Berlin.
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lucas-grey · 1 year
Get well soon! <3
Thank you 💕
Got so many messages like that, but it was nothing serious! Just a little cold ☺️ Occupational risk, because I work with children 😅
Thanks to everyone who wrote me kind messages! Love you all and I hope you all stay healthy and well 😘
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fortysevenswrites · 1 year
FDTD fic: one step forward (SethKate)
Oh hey, it's me, with a new fic. Surprise!
I’ve been trying to write any one of my 8 million WIPs since I got back from camp but the words just were not working, and then I got to thinking about the Kalinda section of ‘you squeeze my hand three times’ and maybe doing like an AU of that from Seth and Kate’s POV but that wouldn’t really work, so I decided to start writing and let the characters decide where they wanted to go. Which apparently was here.
Of course, it took me like a week to get these two assholes in bed and start making out so I could wrap this thing up, because they just.kept.talking.
one step forward (complete) word count: 4,877 summary:
They’re exhausted and more than a little traumatized, but at this point, at least they’re alive and they’re safe. They can deal with the rest later. Kate and Seth, two soldiers finally home from the war.
read on ao3
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cajunandfire · 1 year
Happy Birthday @diana-fortyseven!
Where would our little fandom be without you? I am so grateful for all of your Hitman passion projects, from the prompt generators to the fic exchanges. You are the glue that keeps us together ❤️
I hope you enjoy your day, and this little fluffy ficlet!
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