#Unsent Letters
bloominginsilence · 2 months
You're going to meet someone who will love you like it's breathing.
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queerism1969 · 6 months
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kitty-gray · 1 month
Cassandra is making a point with all these unsent letters, to represent how much Kit still wants to be friends with Ty, but that he fights against that want with everything he has (because of shame, pride, anger and all those things this post isn't about) It shows he puts as much physical distance as he can because if he let Ty in, it would be impossible to suppress his feelings anymore. That if he let Ty into his life, he won't be able to push him out again.
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thisispoetrybyamyy · 6 months
I have been a little off balance since the day I met you . This is because I had never known what it is like to be perfectly aligned
- Courtney Peppernell
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mywordfulcanvas · 3 months
i loved you—
but the tense in which i say that breaks my heart.
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johnfair · 4 months
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Dear Christopher,
This is homework. For therapy. It sucks.
Sometimes I think it's a mistake letting you go.
You're the best parts of me and your mom and your Buck. But I don't think I like that you got running away from your problems from us
Shit examples
Fucking terrible role model
I failed you more times than I can count. Maybe it's better that you're far away from me. I drag down everyone with me But I try, and I won't stop trying. I just wish I wasn't so broken you deserve better than
I hope you're settling in okay with you abuelo and abuela. I missed you the second you left
I miss you, kid.
I know you don't want to talk to me. And that's fine. You can be mad, and feel hurt, and you can hate my guts. You can hate me. I deserve it
More than anything else, kid, I love you. And nothing can change that.
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sakura-hayashii · 7 months
dear lonely soul,
after some time… being alone becomes a normal thing in your life… once it becomes a habit it becomes so hard to feel like you have a place with others… then eventually sharing who you are and opening up feels like a lost cause… and by that point… being alone has basically become an addiction… its so easy to get out of practice at sharing who you are because by that point… being on your own is a habit and normal aspect in your life… it becomes part of your existence… and you feel you cant explain it cause its a constant feeling and habit… and you start to feel like no one in your life would understand… like its a feeling that only you have to go through… it aint shit… but good things never come easy… people aint shit… but not all people in this world are shit… so you gotta find the people willing to put up with and help you through your shit.
life hurts… it hurts like a bitch… its like youre happy one minute and then the next youre slapped in the face with reality… the people who go the furthest in life and who succeed… their lives are never easy… they never were… you just gotta find yourself… if you cant… find your person… or people… and they will help you and be there for you… i promise.
- S.H.
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ghostinxgiaw · 2 months
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i tend to fall in love with the ones that don't love me back....
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its happened again.
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clockworkbee · 11 months
this letter lives in my head rent-free
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diana-fortyseven · 4 months
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Teen & Up, Fluff, Found Family, Mutual Pining, Epistolary
After receiving a surprise postcard from Agent 47, Diana Burnwood and Victoria each write a letter to him, not knowing that the other is writing one too.
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Bonus postcard under the cut!
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TW: rape and SA
Dear J.D.B.,
I don’t know where to start, exactly.
I am planning on telling my mom and Tom tonight. Not that it was you, but that it happened. I think that if I told them it was you, Tom would hurt you. Badly. I don’t want that. I realize I’m still protecting you. I am so tired of wearing a mask all of the time and pretending like I’m fine when I’m not.
I am scared shitless to tell them.
There are so many ways that this could go and I am not in control of any of them.
Garrett keeps talking me through how to do this and how to set my boundaries and telling me that I can do it. I tell him that I am worried that they will feel like I am just ‘attention seeking’ or making this up or overreacting. It takes so much mental capacity to tell myself that anyways.
But then I think about the time that I told R.A.R. about when I woke to you already inside of me, and he called it rape. When I told Tammy, the color drained from her face and she said the same thing.
By definition, it is. But emotionally, it is more complicated than that. You were my partner. We were in a sexual relationship. I have driven down so many, too many, Reddit rabbit holes of other women who have experienced this and what it felt like to them and how they were able to contend with the fact that this is sexual assault. It is rape. And you did it to me not just once.
On another note, I think I have Pavlov’d myself into looking forward to my Thursday sessions. I get to go eat ice cream in the park afterwards…who wouldn’t look forward to that?
I filled a journal page the other day with this sentence over and over again, so I feel it only appropriate to put it here too.
I am going to be okay.
I am going to be okay.
I am going to be okay.
Sad and scared,
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bloominginsilence · 2 months
And like a fool repeats his foolishness, I return to you.
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queerism1969 · 6 months
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thedeadpoetprose · 9 months
I accidentally fell in love with a man. He's awkward and for some reason, guarded. He's incredibly silly yet serious. Dispite it being 2023 he smokes a pipe, dresses on occasion quite impeccabley, and talks of wine so segaciously in a way that makes it taste all the more richer. He's eccentric in a way that is indearing, and I think I'd quite like to be eccentric and strange alongside him.
We don't just drink wine together, he is the wine, warming the blood, flushing my cheeks, adding lustre to an evening, getting me drunk and making me feel.
Truth be told, I am an old romantic. I don't share things I write but here I am. I never had myself down as a damsel in distress, I always do things for myself, but as my world crumbles around me, for the first time in my life I want to be saved and he makes me feel safe. I'd willfully lay myself down for him completely and give myself over to his mercy in any way he wanted. Walk into his sea, succumb to his tide, be washed away in his abyss. It would feel less like a woman drowning, and more like a sinking ship settling in it's destined resting place.
That scares me. It does so because Im allowing myself to be vulnerable. As I pour my entire self into this letter I know no aberrant verbosity will change anything. I wish that one day whomever you do find looks at you with the same adoration and awe at your beauty that I do, you deserve that. And if you ever do feel alone or not good enough, not that it's much, but you are always an immortal, devine veneration to me.
I'll never be ready to hear your indifference, but In doing so maybe it will finally sting enough that I could cry it out and purge everything once and for all, and be at peace whilst I sit amongst the mire. I cling to hopes that it wouldn't be that way, but I know hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have. Damn you, spoilt creature, but just know I do not resent you for it. I never could. Now, tell me, is that not just the worst thing you ever heard?
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thisispoetrybyamyy · 7 months
I fear I'll never find meaning in my sadness, that the hurt will keep growing while I stay the same
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mywordfulcanvas · 3 months
you’ve always been a magnificent artist. even the mess you created of us is a masterpiece.
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