#the fountain of blood
bones-ivy-breath · 1 year
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The Fountain of Blood by Charles Pierre Baudelaire, from The Flowers of Evil (tr. Clark Ashton Smith)
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shootyrefutey · 6 months
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Machine Sunshine
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anrisimps · 1 month
Cale is the founder lmao
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girlactionfigure · 9 months
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A fountain still standing in #Bern, #Switzerland depicts the #BloodLibel against #Jews. The Kindlifresserbrunnen (#Swiss #German for “Child Eater Fountain”) is located in the Kornhausplatz (Granary Place).
It includes a painted statue of an ogre wearing a pointed Judenhut (“Jewish hat,” which Jews were legally required to wear in German-Speaking #Europe - both as a form of humiliation, and so Christians could easily identify them) who is devouring a naked baby as he carries a sack full of three additional horrified babies on his shoulder.
The history: In 1293-1294, several Jews in Bern were tortured and killed, and others were robbed and expelled from the city after accusations of a blood libel. Bern Christian citizens absurdly and baselessly alleged “#TheJews” had tortured and murdered a boy named Rudolph.
The historical impossibility of this widely credited story was later demonstrated by Jakob Stammler, pastor of Bern, in 1888.
However, that would come centuries too late, especially as some Jews returned to Bern in the 14th century only to be accused – again, absurdly and baselessly – of poisoning wells during the #BubonicPlague in 1348. In response, a mob of Bern’s Christians rounded up the town’s Jews and burned them at the stake.
Finally, in 1392, all remaining living Jews were expelled from Bern. About 150 years later, this #antisemitic statute was erected for all to see and remember the "evil Jew" who would "eat Christian children."
It would be laughably absurd if it wasn't for the fact that many thousands of Jews were tortured and murdered (usually burned alive) across Europe over similar accusations over the centuries.
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Nie Huaisang: Have you seen Wei Wuxian around here lately? Jiang Cheng: Ugh, yes. He made a horrible mess of the blood fountain. Nie Huaisang: It looks fine to me. Jiang Cheng: IT USED TO BE WATER!!!
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yridenergyridenergy · 7 months
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HD scans from Zappy September 2002 issue. Please DO NOT repost.
Spoilers for the MY BLOODY VAMPIRE shows in January 2024!
I saw on Twitter that an old magazine covered Dir en grey's first series of concerts with that name, actually mixed with a couple that were called "MY BLOODY ZOMBIE" instead. Seeing as we don't have much info from back then I hunted down that magazine in hopes of learning more bout what Dir en grey might do in January 2024. As it turns out, there were quite a few similarities!
Apparently, at first Papa Roach played as background music until the show started. Then, every band member walked on stage one by one as usual, but Kyo showed up with a big white mouse costume head (reminescent of the Child Prey PV? which had come out earlier that year). When the first song started, he took off the mouse head and appeared to have white foam or liquid at his mouth. It grew until he eventually spat out a lot of (fake) blood. That was in the first song, but it didn't stop there. Throughout at least the first part of the concert, Kyo continuously spat out more and more blood. The live reporter commented that whether it was due to the substance being stuck in his throat or not, Kyo was not bent on singing well that night, which he interpreted as a sign of integrity.
The theme that night of 2002 at Zepp Fukuoka, which the live report focused on, was really "blood". A message had been played on the intercom to advise the audience about the risk of being splattered with fake blood, and blue vinyl sheets/tarps had even been laid on the floor between the front row of the audience and the stage, to avoid staining the venue.
For what it's worth, not a trace of Yurameki, Akuro no Oka or Zan was played in that show hahah. It was a mix of Kisou and Six Ugly.
If you have seen some fanart of the band's look in Tour23 Phalaris Final -The scent of a peaceful death-, maybe you noticed that Kyo has been dressing a bit like in the pictures above lately, and he used fake blood similarly in Petit Brabançon's Explode-01 show.
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lycanthrop-ee-art · 1 year
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the lovers
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benvey0 · 6 months
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wips stuck in limbo
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instantpotforbodies · 4 months
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gonna try to make fountain pen ink out of my own blood
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mice-rats-daily · 8 months
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Today's rat is the Spirit Halloween decoration "Demon Rat Blood Fountain"!
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brehaaorgana · 6 months
People joke about ADHD all the time, even swear up and down they totally think they also have it, but then if you ask for an accommodation, to please please please provide things in fucking writing, EXACTLY what they want and need, you will even work it out WITH them, like they promised they would do — repeatedly over and over, and then you don't get it people really will fucking be like:
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I am using the incorrect bathroom (TM) to place my shelving and store my things. Homegirl literally removed various sundries and toiletries from a CLOSED CABINET and SHELF because she's interested in boundaries and accountability for my mess.
I said months ago I wanted to improve things for her comfort level and needed a written list of what precisely that fucking looked like in order to achieve it and not miss anything she deemed important. I explained how ADHD works, why I needed a written reference. Why I had to have it laid out, and if something needed changing we needed to write it all out. I would've made the list myself, but they said they would make it for the whole house to hold up their end of things. And, thinking this was a very reasonable adult solution to keeping the house in good shape, I said okay, come up with the list of expectations and what is needed and that way we can update how we handle chores. Awesome. I will do that to uphold my end.
No list ever gets made or drafted or anything despite my bringing it up, knowing we need to do it, but I DO get berated for failing to meet expectations and boundaries that were never fucking provided or delivered and include "don't store toiletries in this particular bathroom because I don't like it."
I can't believe I am a goddamn adult who gets treated like an idiot child for expecting adult communication instead of snide ass passive aggressive bullshit and basic respect for my things.
Because when I fucking get home, my shelving has been removed and a cabinet emptied of my things and placed in the "correct" bathroom.
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Oh shit she solved it, this doesn't look cluttered at all!
What a vast improvement to storing things in appropriate storage!
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bones-ivy-breath · 1 year
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The Fountain of Blood by Charles Pierre Baudelaire, from The Flowers of Evil (tr. Clark Ashton Smith)
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blueteller · 1 year
TCF Part 2: Central Plains arc in nutshell
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legacyofmistakes · 1 month
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Mildly deranged witchpriest of Rahab. I needed a warmup and wanted to try my hand at drawing him again
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littlesmartart · 2 years
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"so then I stabbed him-" "wait, hold on, I thought it was yellow-die who killed wen ruohan?" "well, wen ruohan was like the evillest man ever right?" "duh." "well, don't you think it would take more than one person to kill the evillest man ever? as cool as yao-ge is, the evillest man ever needs to be stabbed a whole BUNCH of times til he dies." "AND he could make zombies." "exactly. so yeah, then I stabbed him, and there was like, a FOUNTAIN of blood, and-"
look... I just think that teen Mo Xuanyu should be allowed to bullshit his gaggle of gullible sort-of-nephews as much as he likes, okay???
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chopsyn · 5 days
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My neck aches from your rabid poetics, your visage an ugly meltdown as the stench of hot iron flows along your lovely jagged ivory crown
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