#the groosalugg
dailyats · 2 years
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2.10 - Reunion || 3.14 - Couplet
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on-this-day-btvs · 8 months
February 4, 2002
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Waiting in the Wings aired for ATS season 3, episode 13. Cordelia and Angel sneak backstage at the ballet and become possessed by the spirit of former lovers. The room feels warm, Cordelia asks Angel to undress her, and things get heated. While it happens under the possession, this is the first time that Cordelia and Angel kiss.
Angel begins to admit his true feelings for Cordelia, but then he is interrupted by the Groosalugg. The Groosalugg has returned for Cordelia, who kisses him.
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cangelgifs · 2 years
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Cordy when she finally gets to dress a man:
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Since Cordelia receiving Doyle's visions was actually the catalyst for every bad thing that later happened to her (A.K.A. the Jasmine arc), has anyone written an AU where Angel or the whole A.I. team go back in time and make sure she gives them to Groo, like it was prophesized she should have? (And the Jasmine stuff can't happen then, if Groo has them.) And then in obviously still needing to be able to know what these visions are, and what the Powers That Be are trying to tell them, they convince Groo to stay with them and to become a permanent part of Angel Investigations?
Or maybe a similar idea to all of this... but one where the author thought the visions weren't that important after all (which is definitely a stance one can take, because: Jasmine arc and The Powers That Be wanting the Twilight prophecy in the comics to happen. And how many people died there?), and then maybe had Angel or the team go so far back that Cordelia never got the visions from Doyle at all?
If the former fic exists, I imagine the author had Cordelia comforted that she is useful to the team without her visions? Because while she did take them on in "Birthday," largely in seeing the alternate universe where Angel had them drove him insane, and selflessly not wanting that for him, I do think there was a bit of Cordelia not wanting to be the "Zeppo" of her team, ironically, and that's part of the reason she thought she needed them.
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genericaces · 6 months
big ol' ats themed sketchdump of doodles/wips/stuff i've gotta revamp
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all-seeing-ifer · 2 years
Buffyverse Characters Tournament: Round 1 Part 2
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ats-caps · 2 years
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bestepisode · 5 months
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Vote on more episodes here!
See the full list of round 2 polls here.
Hero: Doyle, Angel and Cordelia assist a clan of mixed-heritage demons targeted for extermination by a group of demons known as the Scourge. Through the Looking Glass: Cordelia meets the Groosalugg while Wesley, Gunn and Angel get a good look at the beast that lives within Angel.
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sunnydaleherald · 1 month
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Friday, August 16th
GROOSALUGG You and I have fought side by side on more than one occasion -- Fellow warriors, shoulder to shoulder. By now, my counsel must assuredly hold weight, so I beseech you to heed my words... ANGEL (shrugging) Mmo-kay. GROOSALUGG "Pomegranate Mist" is the wrong color for this room.
~~The Price~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Attractive by The_Crazy_Knight (Buffy/Giles, T)
Baby by The_Crazy_Knight (Buffy/Giles, G)
Cuddle by The_Crazy_Knight (Buffy/Giles, E)
Caught by Skyson (Buffy/Giles, T)
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Wei Wuxian meets Buffy at a club post resurrection for both of them by bidet-of-evil (Buffy, MoDaoZuShi crossover, not rated)
the perfect not so perfect date by specialagentlokitty (Spike/reader, not rated)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Shadow Over Hellmouth, Chapter 113 by Tuxedo_Mark (Tara/Buffy, E)
Just like magic, Chapters 1-7 by Shipper_wlw (Tara/Willow/Oz, T)
Stupid Thing, Chapter 1 by mistigrisunshine (Buffy/Spike, T)
Правильно, Chapters 1-2 (complete!) by B_E_S (Buffy/Spike, Buffy/Angel, T, in Russian)
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The Neighbor's Point of View, Chapter 122 by the_big_bad (Buffy/Spike, PG)
Under the Influence, Chapter 10 by Hostile17-1996 (Buffy/Spike, R)
Along Came Two, Chapter 5 by LilithSwan (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
The Degradation of Duality [Series Part 2], Chapter 43 by Ragini (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Mysterious Destinies, Chapter 2 by EnchantedWillow (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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August Fic-A-Day 2024, Chapter 16 by LadyWinterlight (Buffy, Stargate crossover, FR15)
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The Great Escape from Oz, Chapter 4 by Melme1325 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: Two sides by isevery0nehereverystoned (Spike, worksafe)
Artwork: Spike by isevery0nehereverystoned (worksafe)
Artwork: Family photo by maloops (Angel, Darla, Drusilla, Spike, worksafe)
Wallpaper: Bloody Guest by revello-drive-1630 (episodic art for BtVS 2x17 "Passion", worksafe)
Collage: Willow and Oz by sunflower1109 (worksafe)
Cartoon by Paul Gadzikowski's The Hero of Three Faces (Willow, Star Trek The Next Generation crossover, worksafe)
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Fanvid: Buffy Summers - Older Than I Am by TheOverLookedOne
Fanvid: Angel And Buffy || Dusk Till Dawn by Paola Hernández
Fanvid: Buff Peaks by jaw513 (Twin Peaks crossover)
Fanvid: Buffy Summers | Burn Your Village by Lunchtime Be Damned!
Animation: Buffy the Vampire Slayer ... in LEGO | "You Made A Bear!" [Blender Animation] by Trevor Carlee
Slide show: Buffy the Vampire Slayer style analysis by nid avow
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Video: The Twisted Buffy Episode Guide S02E11: Ted by Twisted View
Video: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 4 - Episode 5 Review: Beer Bad by The Cheshire Kiwi
Podcast: Buffy & the Shot Felt Round the World Reair | Forever Fangirls | EP #097 by Forever Fangirls Reviews
Podcast: Never Leave Me S7 E9 (Buffy and the Art of Story Podcast) by Lisa M. Lilly
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Book Review: Buffy: The Last Vampire Slayer: Special by George L. Thomas
[Recs & Search]
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Fic rec: Dreams of Otherworlds by Regata Electra (Buffy/Angel, M) recced by I Will Remember You Marathon
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Fic recs: New Spuffy Fanfic Recommendations continued by flow
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Fic search: Best angst/romance Spike/Buffy Fic recs by YummyCookies333
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[Fandom Discussions]
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That scene where Willow tries to talk to Oz after “the fluke” by confusedguytoo
Thinking about AUs in which Faith comes back to Sunnydale in Season 5 by coraniaid
if btvs was set in 2024 by edwardshundredyearoldspunk
You know what, I actually like that Nikki was a mother by redhatmeg
I do wonder how much of Spike's mother's cruelty was caused by her lacking a soul by redhatmeg
if willow and tara went to the beach together for a date what do you think they would do? Asked by lesbianmarrow, answered by softgaycontent
Man… what is it with this show having such twisted yet sweet relationships between villains? by agirlinsearchof
My thoughts on the season [season 3] by agirlinsearchof
Watching The Body after loosing a parents is definitely something else by foggy2109
Why does buffy always take a big old backpack when she goes to see angel after he's come back to life in season 3?? by true-bluesargent
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Was the biggest fallacy? [About staking vampires] by ILLYRIAN
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Fanon That Bothers You continued by Skippcomet
Rewatch thoughts and questions continued by multiple posters
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Season 6 or Season 7? by OptionNo1672
Most Endearing/Cutest/Sweetest Anya Moments! by ElephantWorldly5010
New Funko something pending… by SnooDoggos5311
Who was the most perfectly cast? by sKullsHavezzz
Buffy. Chasing. The. Helicopter. by spectacleskeptic
Did Xander just accidentally start Anya's obsession with money? by Baron_Butterfly
A list of some of my favorite songs from the series by Littledittydee
Comic Reboot [Boom! comics] by Tiny-Raccoon4664
How was reception to Willow’s sexuality during original airtime? by austinrussell24
We talk about Buffys Financials a lot but... by JoyleonSpire
How do we feel about SLAYERS now the hype has died down? by hey_jude_
If you could re-do the Season 7 premiere, which three character “ghosts” from the original Sunnydale high would you have wanted to see come back? by Jnnjuggle32
About being a Watcher by foreseethefuture
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Video: SPIKE! from hybrid vampire to BUFFY's ANTIHERO by Greg PopCulture (in French, with English subtitles)
Video: A Lukewarm Defense of "The Lie" by Cool Channel DreadTube
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tres-333 · 6 months
Hi, and welcome to:
"I would bang the entire cast and not because I'm a h*rny sl*t but because they're all magestic"
I'm not great with names
Anyway, I'm assuming you know I'm not talking about the children, but I have to clarify that because I know how the people on the internet is, SO, there's no partícular orden, and yes, I'm hearing people out, be free to respond this with a show I missed out or your opinion on a cast you like.
Freaks And Geeks
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*Not in a problematic way! I grew up watching this, so I wanted to be with them (and be them) then and now as middle age adults
The Good Place
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All of them... Every single one of them, the goods, the bads, the in between, the all mighty beings, everyone, I wanna feed them all soup.
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The villains!? Hello!? They had no right making every fairy tail hot. Like everyone. Feel free to reblog with your fav character, I want to see unhinged stuff like lizard 'Rumple.
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Everyone has their favorite, I'm running for House, Wilson and Cuddy, the throuple. Still, every single one of them.
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OMG?!?! That's it, that's the explanation.
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From the hunters, to the demons to the angels to everyone.
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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Vampires? Hot. Witches? Hot. Slayers? Hot. Goddesses? Hot. Oh shoot I forgot Angel, so this also includes that show, I won't put it cause most of the cast is was here, but know that I include Gunn, Lorne, Fred, Doyle, Groosalugg?!?!?, and the lawyers. Yup? Okay.
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Demons, Angels, Humans, there's hybrids, right? Like Mazikeen is a hybrid? No? I have to watch this show again. Oh let's not forget the first one ever babe, Eve.
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Yep, this one is problematic because of the characters (and some actors, I know), still.
ORANGE is the new BLACK
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Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.
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kyliafanfiction · 2 years
I.e. Doyle, Anya and Lorne aren't on here because they're protagonists.
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womanaction · 2 years
btw we finished ats s2 tonight and husband correctly said as soon as they mentioned the groosalugg “it’s gonna be a hot guy”
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cangelgifs · 2 years
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“Groo’s like ‘don’t move’ and, uh, she moves to try to save her own life and he chastises her, and she’s like ‘excuse the **** out of me for trying to not die’.”
“It’s interesting the way it’s directed, because, like, nothing’s changed from the script really, but, um, the way it’s directed, I feel like it kinda rushes past the clear issue that they have. Obviously there are red flags, we’ve been talking about this. But I don’t think the episode itself lets it breathe, because, you know, she’s like ‘geez, forgive me for saving my own life’ and then Groo said ‘I would not have let harm come to you’ as they’re going to the door, and she’s very quick when she says it. In the script you can note it more. She’s about to say, like, ‘that’s not the point’, there’s about to be an argument about that fact right there. Reading it on the page, you’re like, OH, the cracks are there.”
“Yeah, I think I--I would like to see more of that and more of Cordelia, like, struggling with why she’s wants this so bad, even though there are clearly problems with it. We’ve talked a lot about why we think she’s choosing this safer, less complicated thing that’s wrong for her because being with Angel is way too scary.”
“Especially reading the script, you can like see the moment is Cordy clearly wanting to be her own champion versus Groo not quite understanding why she doesn’t want *him* to be her champion.”
“Yeah, he just like--again, to him, it’s like an act of service and an act of love to save her. And for her, it’s like, ‘no, I need you instead to respect me and empower me to do my own thing’. Which is what Angel did by teaching her how to fight.”
-- 3.19 The Price Angel on Top
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measuringbliss · 2 years
Spider-Man Read-Through 007: Doc Ock Strikes Again! (P2)
ASM 57 time!
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There's a newcomer and he's quite relatable.
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After being annoyed at Peter's prolonged absences, Harry's starting to get very annoyed, and he's right. His best friend is amnesiac. Earlier in the arc, Harry said Peter didn't have to worry about him rummaging through his closet, but look at him! I assume Harry is not about to discover his best friend's secret identity (or it'd quickly get retconned), but this is still very fun to follow.
It's sad to see that amnesiac, Peter can't trust anybody as Spider-Man - everybody's either unhelpful or tries to trick him. Jonah also almost gets to see who's behind the mask... but Groosalugg intervenes! It's the second time that someone tricks Spidey to see his face in this arc (although Octopus admitted he didn't care... if only he knew!).
During their battle, Peter's getting some of his old personality back (noticeable on page 19)... but loses thanks to a kitty cat. Onto the next issue!
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And as expected, Peter got his memories back! I'm actually impressed that I could pinpoint that he was getting them back - it's a testament to the quality of the writing.
But no rest for the warriors, as Alistair Smythe is back to help Jameson capture Spidey.
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I missed his pretty face.
Smythe and Jameson are squabbling and Spidey clearly understands who they are. I'm starting to think he should have a microphone in his suit to incriminate Jameson and be done with it.
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why is this so hot goddamnit
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Nice parallel with the end of the previous issue!
There's been a small timeskip since Peter now knows that Aunt May is in the hospital.
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They credit "Forbush Fashions" for Peter's Wardrobe and as a clothes connoisseur, I did a Google search. This search led me here, which led me here. Which. Okay. Let's move on!
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This is the same outfit Peter was wearing in Spider-Man No More. It's fitting, considering how the current arc also focuses around his identity.
When Gwen stumbles on Peter, she almost, barely kisses him. And then she says Harry has been waiting for him. Poor Harry! You should comfort your boyfriend, Peter, he was worried sick.
MJ's endless energy for dancing is key to brainwashing important men from the city, but Captain Stacy fights back. MJ is very much like Elly from Persona 1 - bubbly, but oh so charming.
Anyway, the Kingpin's back! I vaguely thought it could be him, but didn't actually expect it! Once again, jaw dropped.
The next issue released was Marvel Super-Heroes 14, which I've already read some time ago, but I'll first read the next chronological issues because I'm i n v e s t e d.
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Peter finally admits to himself that he loves Gwen!
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He looks so pretty!
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The Kingpin targets Peter, but his men only find poor Harry, who still supports Peter. Dammit, I love them.
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Excellent covers.
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Oh no...
The conclusion to the arc is nice enough! The weaves do get tangled...
Now, to quickly re-read MSH14... with Ross Andru, my man!
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Am I supposed to think that Harry's showering in Peter's bedroom? Obviously not, but still, the logistics are a bit funny.
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Don't mind me, just thirstin'.
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This is *the* part I remembered about this issue. So memorable. What a great ending, a bit comical, a bit poetic. It's a weird issue, but I think it's certainly worth a read!
Overall, maybe a less interesting second half, but it still had great stuff.
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all-seeing-ifer · 2 years
Buffyverse Characters Tournament Round 2
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