#the guy was drunk and really rude but the fact that he started RAPPING
stiffyck · 11 months
If there's one thing I loved about working as a steward on a train it's the wild stories I got to talk about when I got home
One day it'd be a 5 hour delay, the next a guy who threatened to kill us and then started a rap battle and then proceeded to lose said rap battle
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rikihasthebestsmile · 2 years
➳ 004. Y’all drinking as if you’re going to die tomorrow
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Yn’s p.o.v.
I’m really happy to announce that now I can handle alcohol much better than when I was in high school. So I’m pretty sure that it wasn’t an alcohol effect seeing Changbin on the stage with a microphone in his hand.
“You may know me as SpearB of 3RACHA, but what’s my name?” He shouted in the mic.
“SEO CHANGBIN” the crowd shouted.
Well, now I’m sure it’s him, thank you I guess.
“Not Oh Changbin, what’s my name?!” He said again.
“SEO CHANGBIN” the crowd shouted. And then the music started playing and two other guys came on the stage: CB97 and J.One.
“You like them?” Minho shouted in my ear, the only way to comunicate with that music.
“T-They have cool songs yeah” I said.
“They’re our friends, I mean, Changbin is basically Felix best friend and we’re all in the same friend group” he said proud.
“That’s so cool!” I said with a smile.
Hours passed and I started to not care about the fact that Changbin was up there rapping, he was very good too.
“We’re going home soon” Ryujin screamed in my ear pointing at Yeji and Hyunjin completely drunk on the dance floor.
“Okay, I’m going to take some fresh air” I said.
“Do you want me to come with you?” Riki asked.
“No it’s okay, stay where Ryujin can see you” I said going towards the back exit.
“Finally, some air” I said when I was out leaning with my back against the wall.
“Oh, sorry I didn’t know there was someone else here” a masculine voice behind me said.
“Don’t worry, come” I said with a smile, smile that dropped as soon as I saw who I just invited over: Changbin himself. I looked at him for a bit, now in the light of the street lamp I saw him better, he was more muscular than he was in high school. He was very handsome.
“Oh, Yn” he said embarrassed.
“Hi Changbin, long time no seeing eh?” I said.
“Listen Yn, I wanted to apologize for everything that happened in high school, I was so stupid back then and I didn’t realize how rude I was”
Are you apologizing for Asahi? Don’t. He’s the best thing ever happened in my life.
“Don’t worry, I forgive you and I need to apologize too, I wasn’t the best back then and I too said some things that I’m not proud of”
“You don’t need to apologize, you were just coming back to me and it’s okay…” he said, then there was some silence between us “how about we start over?”
I can’t start over even if I try because I have a mini-you who’s probably sleeping by now.
“Sure…Hi my name is Yn Nishimura” I said.
“Hi Yn, I’m Seo Changbin” he said with a smile.
“I really like your song SpearB, you are a really talented rapper”
“Thank you”
“Neesan, Ryujin said that we have to go home” Riki’s voice said at the door.
“Changbin, this is my younger brother Riki, Riki this is my…friend, Seo Changbin” I said with a smile.
“Nice to meet you” they said at the same time.
“I need to go now, se you at school, Changbin” I said.
“See you” he said as me and Riki entered the bar.
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003 | MASTERLIST | 005
A/N: guess who just got two female puppies!! Two Cane Corsos AHHH I love them already,,, anyway I hope you liked this chapter!
Hate’s Love taglist: @1-800-simpingcowbaby @ufoundme @phenomenalgirl9 @mchslut @inlovewithallmusic @8rach4
Permanent taglist: @kailoveskpopstuff @aishidaishi @zoeeeeeeeeee @toshijimafarms @mynameisnotlaura @meowmeowisdaname @soobin-chois @vampcharxter @phenomenalgirl9
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moonlightdreamzz · 5 years
NCT 127 — Their Black S/O Gets Disrespected By Their Friend Because Of Their Race. (Jaehyun, WinWin, Jungwoo, Mark, Haechan)
(Taeil, Johnny, Taeyong, Doyoung, and Yuta Version)
Request:👋🏾 I was wondering if you could do a reaction for 127 on how they’d react after seeing a friend disrespect their s/o for their race??? (or a friend of the s/o disrespects the member for their race, however you see fit) no rush either😘
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He knew when his friends got drunk, they could get a little rowdy. Truthfully he was having second thoughts about bringing you around them in such a setting, but you were so excited. All week you had been talking about how you couldn’t wait to meet them and let them know you were his soulmate. Allow them to see you weren’t here to play him if they were having those thoughts.
It all started with a sly comment from one of the boys. You were in the bathroom, so his reaction was way different than he would realize it should’ve been.
“She’s so bad.” They said.
“Trust me, I know.”
“She got a nice ass too.”
All he did was punch his friend, clearly disgusted but appalled so much so that he couldn’t move.
“Shut the hell up.” He spoke, but quieted down when he saw you coming back.
The way he looked at you, you knew something was wrong, but it wasn’t what you assumed.
“Well Y/N, I tried to compliment you about how nice you look, but since Jaehyun doesn’t like that, I guess I’ll let you know that you need to take that hair out. It looks old.” He seethes, walking away in drunken anger.
“What did you just say? Come back here, pussy. Say it again.” Jaehyun is aflame. He knew he shouldn’t have brought you here. The fact that you had to hear that made him absolutely sick. He was two seconds away from punching him right in the back of the head before he felt your hands on him.
“Baby, calm down. Calm down.” You shush him, pressing your lips to his shoulder. “Don’t let it get to you.”
He hated this about you. Well, he hated that he couldn’t be like you. He could never ignore the negativity.”
“Come on.” You utter, taking his hand and leading him out.
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He didn’t know why he wasn’t worried about you meeting his family. Maybe his love for you truly did blind him. You were just so amazing. The perfect woman and words really couldn’t describe the power you held over him.
As the two of you sat down, you both could sense the awkward air of the dinner table. As your boyfriend talked to his parents you slid him a text.
— You didn’t tell them I was black did you...
— I didn’t think it was something they needed to know. It doesn’t matter.
— I know it doesn’t matter to you baby, but I think it does to them. :(
“Y/N has been really enjoying China.” He speaks up after seeing your last message. He grabs your hand that was hiding from under the table and places your held hands on display for everyone to see.
“And I am so happy to be here right now. Winwin always talks about how much he misses you guys.” You add on, smiling brightly at their dull faces.
“Really? He hasn’t been home in forever.” His mother speaks.
“And don’t think we don’t know what you’re doing. We know how you black people are—always trying to use someone for money so you don’t have to get on welfare back home.”
You choked on your food immediately, unable to hold in your cough. “Woah.” You were able to breathe out. “I’m sorry you’ve been fed false truths about my people.”
“Don’t try and disrespect me in my own house. To be exact, get out.” His mother spits, and you don’t hesitate to take her advice. Mother or not your temper didn’t wait for anyone, and you didn’t want to do anything drastic.
Sicheng was always a well mannered boy who saw his parents as the greatest people he knew. Today, he was very much so proven wrong. “You guys are disgusting. I don’t even know who I’m looking at right now.” His voice shakes as he can’t believe he put you in position to hear words like those. “My girlfriend is African American, and she is beautiful. She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known and I want to marry her. I’m going to marry her.” He says with confidence. “And if you don’t apologize in the next 24 hours know you lost a son.” He finishes before storming out to run after you.
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Neither of you liked parties. You both knew in the back of your mind that you would much rather be cuddled up on your couch or in your bed watching a movie or making the movie watch you.
It was loud in here, and you knew you shouldn’t have been drinking, but it had been awhile. You also knew Jungwoo had your back. The two of you had been in the corner for the majority of the body party, and for just a few seconds did Jungwoo step away to use the bathroom. A few seconds.
“Damn.” You hear a voice say.
Maybe you shouldn’t have froze. But at the same time, you were praying he wasn’t talking to you. When you feel his hand on your exposed lower back, you immediately back into the corner.
“I have a boyfriend.” You say clearly even through your tipsy state.
“Is he here? I don’t see anybody.” He’s getting closer and you can feel his breath on you. You can’t move. He’s blocking you from doing so. “Look, girls like you kill to be with a guy like me?”
“What do you mean girls like me? You don’t even know me.”
“I know you’re black. And all you black girls are the same. You come to Korea begging for this attention, but when we give it to you, you get all scared.”
You knew you had to defend yourself. You were raised to do so. But Jungwoo got to him first. He pushes the guy on the ground and he’s obviously drunk because he doesn’t even try to fight back. He hit the floor hard too as it grabbed everyone’s attention.
“Baby are you okay?” He questions as he cups your face into his hands, kissing your gently.
“I wanna leave.” You whisper, tears dripping from your cheeks from the fear you didn’t realize you had experienced. “Don’t worry about him just take me home please.”
“Okay okay.” He assures. He so badly wants to beat the shit out of the piece of shit who just ruined your night, but he knows every tone of your voice. He knows you really don’t want him to do anything. You just want him.
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As bad as it was, you and Mark were eachother’s only friends. He had people who he would communicate with from time to time, but in his eyes, a friend was someone who you trusted with your whole being. You were that person for him and quite frankly he didn’t need anyone else.
Of course he wanted to see his friends in Canada. He hadn’t seen them in too long, and he can remember all the good times. Subways with the boys, school with the boys, they were his boys. Secretly, the two of you met up in Vancouver where SuperM was touring and of course he brought you with him to meet up with his friends. He trusted them enough to not accidentally mention any details of you being there, and he would be sure to remind them 1000x anyway.
Everything was okay. His friends were telling you about all of the crazy things he used to do—say.
“You know it’s crazy. I never would’ve thought Mark would be dating a black girl.” One of them said. It made you uncomfortable, and you unconsciously leaned into your boyfriends hold, but you had hopes that he would clean it up. In some way shape or form, you wanted that to happen.
“Why do you say that?” Mark says in confusion.
“I don’t know. I just feel like you could do better. Like at least get a white girl and secure the bag bro.” He jokes, but Mark isn’t laughing. Your boyfriend was not one to mess with when he was pissed off and it was very clear right now. Especially when it came to you did he not play.
“I promise you that Mark did indeed secure the bag with me, honey.” You chuckle knowing he woke the beast.
“The fact that you just said that dumb shit to me, infront of my girl is proof that I should smack the shit out of you right now. I swear to God.” Mark seethes. He’s standing up now, but you can tell he’s fighting saying so many more things.
“Aye chill, Mark. He was just joking.”
“Is anybody laughing? Because I’m not. She’s not. Apologize.”
“What? For a joke?”
“Apologize.” He says in a low voice.
“I’m—I’m sorry.” He stumbles, and right after is Mark taking your hand and leading you out of the restaurant.
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It was obvious that they were trying very hard to impress you. The overly loud rap music. The slang that they were throwing at you in hopes that you would see them in...you didn’t know what. But you didn’t mind. It was better than being rude to you. At the same time though, you couldn’t help but to think that this was Haechan’s idea. That he told them to act a little more seasoned for your arrival.
“Haechan.” You questioned quietely as his friends were rowdy and couldn’t hear you. “Did you tell them to do this?”
“What do you mean?”
“Never mind.” You say, and you can tell he wants to hear more, but doesn’t press on the issue further.
“So Y/N, what’s it like being black?” One of them asks over the loud music. “Like how does it feel?”
“Um...I don’t know. Oppressed.” You dark humor, and your boyfriend laughs, but the guy doesn’t seem impressed.
“This is what I don’t understand about you guys. I mean, even with the black lives matter stuff. I feel like y’all want to be oppressed.”
“Me knowing that as a black woman I’m oppressed does not equal me wanting to be. As people of color we all have our own issues and we would be extremely stupid to try to ignore these factors just because we don’t want it to be that way. Me and my people have targets on our backs whether we like it or not.”
“And you of all people should understand that.” Haechan adds. “You’re sitting here trying to be black and look cool to my girlfriend to then turn around and disrespect her race and try to make her feel invalid for her very valid feelings. Get on the internet or read a damn book you fucking idiot. This isn’t a fairytale. You know what, Iets go baby. Can’t believe this shit.” He spits, standing up promptly.
“Period.” You scoff, slamming the chair into the table on your way out.
“Were you going to ask me did I ask them to act like that?” He questions when you two get outside.
“Yes.” You admit.
“I would never. I promise and I’m so sorry all of the just happened. I’m so so sorry.”
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obsidianfr3sk · 4 years
Humon + all the questions 👀👀👀👀👀👀
*Cracks her knuckles* My time has come
100 Otp Questions (✨Humon edition✨)
1. Who loves flower crowns more? Simon. I think that during most of his childhood and teen years he tried to repress a lot of his more "feminine" interests so when he became an adult and a little more confident, he started to kinda obsess over them 2. Who is the one who likes to cuddle? Hugh 3. Who has awful taste in music? Hugh (? HE JUST SEEMS LIKE HE HAS SHITTY MUSICAL TASTE, OK????? 4. Who is the meme lover? Simon, and Hugh always goes like "I don't get it" 5. How did their second date go? Better than the first one:) 6. How many children do they want/have? They always wanted to have a lot of kids 7. Who hides the weapons? Simon 8. Who is the better dancer? Hugh. Simon's super clumsy, but it’s kinda adorable:) 9. Do/Did they have a theme wedding? No, they went to the courthouse after a few weeks after they defeated Ace Anarchy and had a small ceremony with friends (they were still mourning Georgia u.u) 10. What do their parents think of them dating? Well, according to my headcanons (? Hugh didn't actually meet his parents (because Mr. Everhart didn't want t prodigy son) but Simon lived with this dad! Mr. Westwood didn’t like Hugh that much because he thought he may be a bad influence:) But after they started dating he started to notice Simon was so happy with him, and at the end of the day, it was all that mattered. But yeah he still didn't like Hugh that much lol his son was too good for him (? 11. Are they a super sappy couple? When they're drunk, yes (? 12. How did they get together? Simon was the introvert Hugh, an extrovert, adopted 13. Who asked the other to get married? They asked each other at the same time:) 14. Who stays up too late and makes stupid jokes? Simon. 15. Who is the nerd? B O T H 16. Who knows the most obscure facts? Hugh: *drinks water* Simon: you know... drinking too much water can actually kill you. Hugh: *nervously drinks water* 17. Who makes the other a flower crown? Simon, but one day Hugh tried to make one for him (it was a little bit... ugly, but Simon liked it) 18. Who likes to read? Simon. 19. Who bothers the other person while the other person reads? Hugh 20. Who tutors the other? Hugh 21. Do they have similar taste in movies? Yeah, for some reason I think they both like Marvel movies lol 22. How do their personalities complement each other? Simon is more sensitive, calm, and proactive, while Hugh is more dense, social, and reactive 23. How do they tell everyone that they are going to be having a kid/adopting a child soon? If you've read my fic Catch Me if I Should Fall, you know I believe Georgia asked Hugh to take care of Adrian if something happened to her. So when something did happen to her lol I think Hugh told Simon about the conversation they had, and Simon accepted without hesitation. Simon was the one who told the rest of the team, and honestly, nobody objected, because they knew they were the most capable of taking care of a child. 24. Who has better fashion sense? Hugh:) 25. Who will punch someone out if they are rude to their partner? Both 26. What songs do they sing together in the vehicle? OKAY SDAJFASFJD hahaha just imagine (? Adrian's on the car with them and Simon just starts singing at the top of his lungs "Stacy's Dad" but instead of saying "Stacy" he sings "Adrian". Adrian is super embarrassed because omg the cringe and he goes "dad tell pops to stop" while Simon is "ADRIAN'S DAD IS ACTUALLY PRETTY RAD HE'S ALL I WANT AND I'M OBSESSED JUST A TAD". So Hugh looks at him dead in the eye and says: "OH ADRIAN CAN'T YOU SEE YOUR DAD JUST THE GUY FOR ME" and then they both go "I KNOW IT MAY BE BAD BUT I'M IN LOVE WITH ADRIAN'S DAD" and Adrian jumps out of the car 27. What other couple would your otp get along with? I think they would get along with Tamaya and her husband:) 28. Who likes to prank the other? Okay so dskbsajfdjsd I think Simon, but like, he would make sexual jokes (? and Hugh would be like "I don't know how to respond to that". But he likes them xd 29. Who is the one who loves to take pictures? Both. 30. How would they react if they found out they were soul mates? Sweetie, they already know it 31. Where would they live? It's not like they don't like living in their mansion, but they would be more than happy if they lived in a small house:) As long as they're together 32. What type of dragon would they own, if they could have one? *googles types of dragons* so apparently Quetzalcoatl is considered a dragon... yeah, they would own a Quetzalcoatl :))) 33. If they were both vampires, what type of vampires would they be? Okay there are too many types of vampires what the actual fuck askdhsjakfdj but yeah, I think they would be your standard vampire lol 34. What would they dress up as, for Halloween? THEY WOULD DRESS UP AS EACH OTHER SDFBSHFBJ The Dread Captain and Chromium Warden (? 35. Can they name each other’s favorite food? Yes!!! Hugh knows Simon favorite food is pupusas (a traditional Salvadorian dish) (yes I headcanon Simon as half Salvadorian fight me) and one time he tried to cook them for him but he almost set the kitchen on fire. Ah, and Simon knows Hugh's favorite food is apple pie:) 36. Do they have pet names for one another? Hugh: *calls his husband dear/hun* Simon: *call his husband dude, amigo, bro, captain, and sometimes love, when he's in a good mood* 37. How do they cheer each other up? "I love you" "I know" "And I know you know. I just wanted to make sure you remember. Do you wanna talk about it?" "No" "It's okay. I'm here for you tho." "I know. And thank you" 38. Do they show a lot of PDA? At first, Simon had problems with PDA because fucking homophobes are everywhere, but now he hugs Hugh in public every time he can. And Hugh doesn't have a problem with it:) 39. How old were they when they got together? My headcanon is that they were 16, almost 17:) 40. Who is the one that would bring the puppy home? SIMON ASAJDBJSD and Hugh would be the one who's like "i don't want animals in this house Simon you have to find him another home i'm the patriarch and I've spoken" but then two months later he's like "Simon the dog sleeps in the bed tonight he's a puppy and there's a thunderstorm he will get scared:(((" 41. Can they do yoga couple’s poses? Some of them 42. What is their song? YOU FELL ASLEEP IN MY CAR I DROVE THE WHOLE TIME BUT THAT'S OKAY I'LL JUST AVOID THE HOLES SO YOU SLEEP FINE Tear in my Heart, by TOP 43. What does their room look like? LIKE A PINTEREST MOM ROOM LOL 44. Who would be the one to kill zombies while the other keeps them grounded? Hugh kills the zombies, Simon keeps him grounded 45. Who makes the other breakfast in bed? Añis, I think both of them:) 46. Who loves kids more? Simon. Hugh likes his kids and kids sometimes like him, but they're sticky and loud and just... no:) 47. Do either of them have a crazy ex? Does Ace count? 48. What are their favourite colours? Simon's favorite colour is purple and Hugh's is blue 49. Who likes to cook? Both, but Simon cooks better:) 50. Who is the forgetful one? I think Simon lol 51. Does either of them know how to fight? They do!! Like you cannot be a superhero without knowing how to fight lol. But I think Simon is more of thinking before every movent and Hugh tends more to using brute force 52. What do they do for Valentine's Day? They send each other flowers to work and have a romantic dinner at their house, is a tradition. 53. Who swears more? When they were younger Hugh used to curse more, but when they got older, Simon started doing it more than him 54. Who has the better comebacks? Simon. Sometimes Hugh is just... mean with his comebacks 55. Who would start a fight with another parent at a bake sale? H U G H (he's a soccer mom trapped in the body of a gay superhero) (Hugh: FIGHT ME TINA!) 56. Who reads buzzfeed? Both, but Simon does it ironically, Hugh doesn't (? 57. Who is the hopeless romantic? Both:) 58. Do either of them know how to do a handstand? Yes, Simon. 59. Who can rap better? S I M O N (One time Hugh was having a rap battle with Tamaya and Simon went “GO WHITE BOY GO”) 60. Do either of them want to go sky diving? No, they're too old for that 61. What do they usually text about? The kids, work, "i'm gonna order pizza" "all right" "but hurry up u r paying and i'm hungry", and "love ya" 62. Who is the dramatic one? It depends xd but I think Hugh lol 63. Is either one confrontational? Have you seen Hugh in Supernova?? the guy is batshit crazy i see why yall don't like him tbh 64. What is their favourite cuddle position? Spoon!!! (those basic bitches) 65. Who are their favourite musical artist(s)? JUAN GABRIEL AND SELENA QUINTANILLA 66. What are their parenting styles? Well, for what I saw in the books, they're not really super strict, but I think Hugh is more strict than Simon:) 67. Who would be the more laid back one? Simon. He would sneak his kids a cookie after Hugh told him not 68. Who listens to more vulgar music? I think Simon, but he just listens to it when Hugh’s around because he goes like the lady from this vine and is hilarious 69. Do either of them have secrets even the other doesn’t know? Hugh doesn't like papusas that much:) 70. Who is their go to couple for a double date? Tamaya and his husband! 71. Do they tip the waiter/waitress on their date? Yes, they're nice:) 72. How do they work out a fight? I think they give the other their space to think and calm down, and then they talk about it. 73. Who brings home an illegal pet? SIMON BUT BECAUSE HE DOESN'T KNOW THE PET IS ILLEGAL UNTIL HUGH TELLS HIM 74. What side of the bed do each of them sleep on? Hugh sleeps on the right side and Simon on the left side 75. What is their favorite photo of them two together? A candid photo Georgia took a few weeks after they started dating. They are at Simon's basement, shyly holding hands and looking at each other completely smitten 76. Who takes longer in the bathroom? Hugh lol 77. Who has more songs on their ipod? Simon!! 78. What movie did they first see together? Matilda xd 79. What do they like to see each other in? Their supersuits (? 80. Who makes jokes during inappropriate times? Simon skdfhjsdjhs 81. At what age do they discuss the possibility of children? Right after Adrian was born they started to think about it, but never really talked of it until they were like 24-25. 82. What do they love about each other the most? They both think of each other as the bravest person they have ever met. 83. Who is the one that sees the big picture, while the other focuses on the small details? Hugh sees the big picture and Simon focus on the small details 84. What would they write on their partner’s social media for their anniversary? Something really cheesy lol 85. Who is bad at math? Simon 86. Who googles everything? Hugh to win arguments, Simon out of anxiety 87. Who does stuff on impulse? Hugh (fucking obviously) 88. How do they comfort each other when they are helpless to do anything about the situation? I think they just... hold hands. Like “maybe we cannot do anything about this situation, but if the worst happens, we’ll be together and that’s the only right thing in this world right now.” 89. What is an inside joke they have? "rEnEgAdEs???? More like RENEGAYS" 90. Who makes the other smile with almost no effort at all? Hugh 91. What is their favourite holiday? Christmas!! 92. Who is the one that is calm and collected while the other is angry and destructive? *Supernova flashbacks* 93. What is their favourite board game to play? Pachisi  94. Who accidental sets something on fire? Hugh 95. Who has the car ready while the other is robbing the store? Hugh has the car ready and Simon robs the store 96. What artist/group did they go to for their first concert? SELENA QUINTANILLA 97. Who sleep talks? Simon 98. Who is the more social one? Hugh 99. What are their karaoke songs? Don't Go Breaking My Heart, Dreaming of You, and Te Quiero Tanto (but Simon is the only one who can sing it; he's been taking Spanish classes because after his mother died, he forgot all his Spanish. He does what he can) 100. Who would get up on stage and make a fool of themselves just to make the other laugh? Hugh
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srhlsx · 4 years
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master | ch. 7 | ch. 9
impliled nsfw at the end.
“Um, a what?”
“A social appearance.”  Oikawa repeated over the phone, slower this time, like you were a child. It was Friday night and you were currently spread out on the couch, your dog resting his head in your lap and watching your every move. You played with his ears a little as Oikawa continued to talk through your phone. “I think we need to, like, be seen together places. Like a couple.”
“But I’m literally in my pajamas already,” You grumbled, annoyed at the idea that you’d have to get ready when you were only moments away from complete and total relaxation.
“That’s okay, take your time getting ready. I’m always fashionably late anyways.” 
“We in the real world call that being rude.” You told him, hearing a gasp on the other end that made you laugh a little. You groaned as you got up and started shuffling up the stairs to your bedroom. “What time can I expect my chariot?”
“Well, I don’t exactly have a car so we’ll be walking, but I can be over in twenty minutes.”
“Okay, the front door is open just come in and hang out, I won’t be ready by then.” You said, looking in the mirror and picking at your hair. You’d expected to be cuddled in a nest of blankets all night, so preparing for people to actually see you was going to take a minute.
“Ah, beauty can never be rushed.”
“Shut the fuck up, Tooru.” You laughed.
“My girlfriend is so-” You hung up on him before he could finish, setting your phone down on your bathroom counter and grabbing a few things from the cabinet beneath.
You brushed out your hair that had been drying up in a messy bun since you’d taken a shower after dance club this afternoon. It wasn’t horribly messy, so you decided you’d lightly curl a few pieces just to tidy things up and look a bit more presentable than you currently were. 
You were finishing up a layer of mascara when you heard the sound of barking, followed by a boyish shriek you could only place with your fake boyfriend. A second voice laughed at his expense, telling him to fucking calm down. You agreed.
You called out down the stairs, still wrapped in your robe so you didn’t want to greet Oikawa and whoever he brought with him in such little clothing. “Make yourselves comfortable! Anything in the fridge is fair game!” You heard a muffled Yippie! - which could logically only belong to Oikawa and shook your head.
You finished up in the bathroom and then went to your closet to decide what you were going to wear. After checking the current weather on your phone and seeing that it wasn’t going to be terribly warm, you went with a simple outfit of a pair of black jeans and a cute maroon shirt that tied in the front. You shook your hair out a little bit while you gathered the last of your things, making sure to unplug and turn off what needed to be.
Hobbling down the steps with one shoe on and attempting to get the other one on as well, you were greeted with the excited pitter-patter of your dog’s feet on the tile floor. “Yes, my precious king, are those boys being nice to you?” You cooed, leading him between your legs to the kitchen where you suspected the boys were waiting.
You rounded the corner to see Oikawa and Iwaizumi waiting, Oikawa sitting on a stool at the kitchen counter with a bowl of fruit in front of him while Iwaizumi was leaning backwards against where the sink was. Oikawa turned dramatically in his seat, gaze landing on you as you led your massive dog into the room. “He’s a terror, (y/n).” He said, “He only listens to Iwa!”
“It's not a competition, Tooru.” You reminded him, intentionally ruffling his hair that you knew he’d spent time getting into that perfect swoosh. 
“Not the hair!” He retreated from you. “You wouldn’t like it if I messed up your pretty hair! Ugh, let’s just go.”
- - - - -
The ‘social appearance’ Oikawa had in mind was in fact a very crowded Seijoh party. You’d been to many before so you knew the drill, but this time it was like rolling up to a club and going straight to the VIP section. Being on Oikawa’s arm was like parting the Red Sea, everyone got out of the way and everyone was looking. Good thinking doing your hair. 
You had easily found the other third year volleyball players, Matsukawa and Hanamaki, who were in the middle of what appeared to be a very intense drinking game. Iwaizumi motioned that he was going to go get drinks, and Oikawa yelled that he was going to go “harass whoever was playing the shitty-ass music.” You nodded and moved to stand next to Matsukawa.
“(Y/n)!” He greeted happily, slinging an arm around your neck and pulling you in for a side hug you weren’t expecting. Guess we are at that point now, you thought. 
“Hey, Mastu.” You greeted him with a smile, giving his stomach a few good pats as you wrapped your arms around him to return the hug, he shimmied a little bit to the music that was playing making you kind of dance with him. You had to yell over the music to greet the other third year, “Hi, Maki~” He waved absently as he was extremely focused on flipping the cup in front of him. 
You jumped at the feeling of something cold touching the skin of your arm and you immediately looked over to see Iwazumi holding out a red cup to you, amber liquid sloshing over the sides from being filled too high and getting jostled around. “It’s pretty shitty,” He commented when you went to take a drink. You shrugged, not being overly disgusted but also not impressed with the choice of beer at the party.
“Thank you,” You practically yelled in his year, gripping his arm when you got pushed and fell into him. Iwaizumi shot a glare over our shoulder and suddenly a little more space cleared up around you. You were downright impressed, “Damn, I should’ve partied with you guys a long time ago.”
“Pretty sure I’ve been telling you that since last year!” Mastukawa yelled over the music, his words slurring ever so slightly.
The music changed halfway through the current song, and while a loud chorus of boo’s echoed in the house, you immediately started cheering when you heard the deep bass beat start up. Your eyes widened when you looked over and saw Matsukawa was also letting out a yell of excitement over the song choice. He pointed to you when he saw that you too recognized the song and started gesturing wildly as the two of you began to rap along to the lyrics.
Oikawa popped up a moment later, slinging an arm around you and looking very satisfied with his choice in music. You grabbed his face in one hand and continued to sing the lyrics to the rap song, seeing the impressed look on his face as you knew all the words. 
“Her ex a real buster, her friend a real swiper, my bitch a real boss, your ho ain't nothin' like her,”  You sang along to the words, motioning wildly as Matsukawa did as well, making a bit of a performance out of it and having a good time. You looked around at the others and noticed that Iwaizumi was doing his best to look bored, but you had caught that he was also mumbling all the words of the song - you’d have to give him grief about that some time.
It’d been a while since you were actually able to enjoy yourself at a party like this. When you’d come with your boyfriend in the past, you usually had to hold back and be able to drive the two of you to your home afterwards. He always claimed that since it was his last year, he should be able to let loose. Now, you were the one who got to have all the fun. 
- - - - -
You unlocked the front door to your house, getting inside quickly to grab your dog by the collar so he wouldn’t jump or bark too much at the two figures that followed you. You led him straight to the back of the house and had him go outside, knowing he probably needed to relieve himself and run around anyways. When you went back inside and shut the door behind you, you called out to Iwaizumi that he could bring Oikawa to where you were and just toss him on the couch.
“He cannot go home like that,” Iwaizumi mumbled as the two of you followed Oikawa who was giddily stumbling around the sidewalk as you all walked home. “His mom will kill him.” 
“You guys can stay at my place,” You offered, waving him off when he gave you a questioning look. “I’m sure you noticed my parents weren’t home earlier. They never are. It’s not a big deal.”
Oikawa mumbled something along the lines of how much he loved you and Iwaizumi, not making much sense as his head hit the pillow of the couch. He immediately curled up into a fetal position, hugging another pillow and humming happily when you covered him with a blanket. You were pretty lucky he wasn’t a sloppy drunk and instead was a happy drunk who just so happened to get really tired, really easily.
“Good night, Sleeping Beauty.” You laughed, swiping his hair from his face and giving him a peck on the forehead before standing up straight and going back to the kitchen.
Iwaizumi handed you the glass of water he had been drinking from and you took it graciously, downing a big gulp and letting out a dramatic ahh as you set it back down. You smiled over at Iwaizumi who stood looking at you. “Tonight was a blast,” You said. “I haven’t gotten to have fun like that in a while.”
“You looked like you were having fun,” Iwaizumi nodded, a very small smile forming on his face. “You looked really pretty, too. I uh… meant to tell you earlier.”
Your eyes widened a little as you looked down at your fingers drawing circles in the condensation on the glass of water before you. You felt a small blush creep onto your cheeks and you hoped you could blame it on the alcohol you’d consumed, but you knew better. You hadn’t even finished one drink. “Thanks,” You mumbled shyly.
When you looked up again, you locked eyes with Iwaizumi and felt a jump in your heart which hadn’t happened before, ever. He took a sudden step forward, raising his hands to either side of your face, and pulled you flush against him as his lips crashed onto your own in a searing kiss. His lips molded against yours, sucking your lower lip as you stared at his closed eyes. You lost all breath in that instant, completely melting, and had he not been holding you so tightly against him you might’ve collapsed. 
He pulled away just as quickly right before you could move to kiss him back, breathing heavily, his eyes wide. You didn’t realize you had grabbed onto his shirt and immediately let go, the wrinkles staying in place for a brief second before settling.
“I’m sorry, that was wrong.” He said out of breath, running a hand through his short hair, eyes wild.
“It’s okay,” You said, barely above a whisper. “We’ve been drinking all night. It’s just the alcohol...”
“I stopped drinking hours ago,” He said immediately, looking down into your eyes with such intensity you almost fell backwards. “Are you drunk?”
You looked back at him. “No.” You answered truthfully. He stared at you for a moment and you dared him with your eyes. Do it again.
He didn’t hesitate and immediately went to grab you, this time one hand on your waist and the other tangling in your hair. You reached up and threaded your hands through his hair to pull him closer, closer, closer as his lips burned against yours. You bit at his lip and he immediately opened up to challenge you for dominance in the heated embrace, he easily won when his hands gripped at your ass and lifted you against the counter. You gasped a little, caught off guard, and he took advantage by taking control over the kiss.
You shouldn’t have been surprised that like the rest of the muscles on his body, his tongue was strong and dominating in its force. He overpowered you, tilting your head as he pulled at the hair on the back of your head and stepping closer so he was looming over you even as you were seated up on the counter. You could only take brief gasps of air into your lungs when you shifted your heads to the side, still trying to win the losing battle your mouth fought against his. He was exploring your mouth with reckless abandon, no thoughts, just pure desire. 
You lifted your chest to press against him, moaning softly when his lips moved away from your mouth and trailed down your neck. His lips pressed hot, wet kisses against the skin and sparked the feeling of warmth to spread down your spine and straight to your core. His tongue dragged slowly against you after quick, light bites. He didn’t stop in one place too long, to your disappointment, careful not to leave any trace of himself on your smooth skin but still taking enough time for you to know that he was savoring every taste of you he got.
His hands traced gently over your sides, moving down from being tangled in your hair and landing right above your hips. His fingers squeezed at the flesh, not hard enough to bruise but enough to make you squirm and shift around where you were seated and brush up closer against him.
You reached down and tugged at the waistband of his pants, earning a grunt from him that only spurred you on more. “I-Iwa. We could go upstairs,” You told him, breathless but unsure if you were assuming too much from him. 
“Hajime,” He mumbled into your neck, then pulled back from his onslaught and looked you deep in the eyes before speaking again. “Lead the way.”
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euphoria-vmin7 · 5 years
Lagniappe | knj
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pairing: kim namjoon x reader
genre/warnings: soulmate! au, non idol! au, fluff, slight angst
words: 3,724
--summary: scared that you’re wasting your entire life waiting for your soulmate, your two friends suggest dating someone else. A part of you is scared and another part is loyal to your unknown love. what happens when everyone around you seems to be happy and you are left alone once again?
a/n: that’s a terrible summary but yeah. enjoy!!
la·gniappe n. a special kind of gift
  You sighed heavily and rubbed your wrist absentmindedly, trying extremely hard to concentrate despite your lack of patience. Yet, with heaven ignoring your silent pleads for help, your teacher continued to drone on, much to your dismay.
Your tired eyes flitted to the clock, hoping for a miracle, but time was ruthless, and continued to tick as slow as the previous minute.
You then looked down at the wrist you had been rubbing, and your mood worsened when you noticed the untouched skin. Then your eyes wandered to the classmates sitting around you, and you felt totally horrible when you caught glimpses of the script that littered their wrists.
Time just seemed to go slower.
You didn’t feel like working at all after class. Just the realization that you had no soulmate made you annoyed. You had to deal with all of your friends walking around with their significant other while you were left on your own. And you had been alone far longer than normal. People were supposed to get the script once they turned 20. And here you were, just turned 22 and not even a drop of ink. Maybe you were just destined to be alone. It wasn’t unbelievable. Lots of people didn’t have a soulmate. And by lots you meant only like 6% of the population. The 6% were Undesirables. And the thought of you being an Undesirable just made your heart break.
But after 2 years, you were finally coming to accept the possibility that maybe you were just meant to be alone.
It was just your fate.
You hated yourself for falling down that dark hole of loneliness once again. You needed to cheer yourself up. Pulling out your phone, you began texting your friend. She too understood your side, as she hadn’t found her soulmate yet. Despite having not found her soulmate, she still decided to date because she had liked the guy a lot. Now that you thought about it, that was always an option. You could just date someone who didn’t find their other half yet. But you knew there would always be this unsatisfied part of your brain that knew it wasn’t true. But you were happy for her. Jihyo was happy dating someone, so you were happy too. You had never met him though and you wanted to make sure that he was good for your best friend.
(Name): doing anything tonight??
Thomas the Train: not that I know of….why??
(Name): I need a drink
Thomas the Train: I’ll meet you outside your house in an hour
You smiled. She was always there for you.
(Name): bring your hubby too ;)
Thomas the Train: stfu
Thomas the Train: fine
You smirked triumphantly and put your phone away. Opening your closet, your eyes scoured the mess of clothes to wear, before picking one.
You sat at the bar, totally bored, your foot tapping impatiently as you waited for Jihyo and her boyfriend to arrive.
You turned to see your best friend, a wide smile painted across her pretty face, and you smiled back. It was then you noticed the tall male next to her and you were impressed. The two walked over to you and you stood up.
“(Name) this is my boyfriend, Namjoon. Namjoon, this is (Name), my best friend,”
“It’s nice to meet you, (Name),” he smiled, and you noticed the dimples that made his smile that much more charming.
“You too,” you smiled back and Jihyo positively beamed.
“I’ll go get us some drinks,” he said, before leaving.
“Dang girl, you snagged yourself a snack,” you teased and she slapped your arm with a smile.
“Shut up. But I know right, I’m so lucky. He’s such a good boyfriend,” she gushed.
“I bet,” you smiled just as Namjoon returned.
“Here you are ladies,” he handed over a glass of wine.
And the evening went very smoothly. The three of you drank and you and Namjoon got familiar with each quickly. You learned that Namjoon very much enjoyed to read and was majoring in literature. You learned that he knew fluent English by teaching himself through a sitcom. Impressive.
“Namjoon also really likes to rap,” Jihyo said proudly and you gaped at him. “(Name) really likes rap music,”
He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.
“Nah...I’m not that good and I just do it as a hobby,”
And although you were so happy for Jihyo, a part of you couldn’t help but be jealous. Not because you were desperately in love with Namjoon, but because a part of you wanted to be loved. You wanted someone to shower you with love and affection, whether they were your soulmate or not. And although people say that relationships like Jihyo and Namjoon’s always turned sour, you couldn't see how that could happen. The two looked so happy together. 
So why couldn’t you have that too?
“Well, you look like you’re taking care of my wife well,” you said, acting stern but really just joking.
“Aha...hopefully I am,” he laughed, looking to Jihyo who nodded quickly.
“But…” you hesitated.
“What?” Namjoon asked, leaning forward to get your attention. “What’s the question?”
You looked at Jihyo warily, but she gave you a nod.
“But what if one of you meet your soulmate? Then what?”
The two of them exchanged glances and you suddenly felt rude for prying.
But Jihyo smiled easily and so did Namjoon.
“Don’t worry (Name), we talked about this. If one of us find our soulmate, then we break up and no hard feelings between us,” Jihyo explained.
“Really?” you asked, surprised. “That’s it?”
“Yeah,” Namjoon shrugged. “We knew there was a possibility when we started dating. I mean it’s not like we don’t love each other, but we understand that a soulmate is more than that,”
Jihyo was smiling and nodding along and you were shocked.
“Wow. You guys are…really nice,”
Namjoon burst out laughing and Jihyo giggled.
“Aw (Name) such a cutie,” she ruffled your hair and you pushed her away. “You should date too though,”
You stared at her.
“I’m being serious. It wouldn’t be hard. You’re a great girl,” Jihyo persuaded.
“And you’re my best friend. You’re obligated to say that,” you rolled your eyes at her and she scoffed.
“I know you’re ugly when you wake up. That’s how I’m your best friend,” she sassed and you stuck your tongue out at her.
“Besides I don’t think I can be like you guys. I don’t think I can handle being in love with someone when there’s a possibility that the one for me is out there,” you explained.
“...Huh. So you’re the philosophical drunk?” Namjoon said and Jihyo laughed loudly. You shoved him lightly with a wide smile.
“Well, it’s your decision but maybe you’ll come to like them more than you think,” Namjoon said.
And that night as you lay in bed, rubbing your wrist sadly, tears slowly running down your cheeks, you considered Namjoon’s words.
Maybe you’ll come to like them more than you think
And when you thought of it, your heart said one thing.
Months went by, and you never looked at anyone. You never attempted it. A part of you was stubborn to admit that you could have feelings for another man. A part of you was loyal to the soulmate that you hoped would find you. And a part of you was just sad.
But there was a source of happiness for you.
Jihyo and Namjoon.
The two never let you third wheel. When it was the three of you, you were all best friends. They understood your reasons and incorporated you into everything.
And god, were you grateful. You found yourself relying on them so much more than you’d ever imagine. Just having the two of them made a non soulmate inclusive life far better.
But then something changed and you hated yourself for it.
The time when you realized that you suddenly didn’t see Namjoon in just real life but in your dreams. That whenever he walked into the room, your eyes would be on him constantly. That whenever he smiled that beautiful dimpled smile your heart would pound like a thousand galloping horses.
But he was Jihyo’s boyfriend.
And he loved Jihyo.
So you hated yourself when you realized that you had feelings for him.
And although your heart was basically accepting the fact that you liked Namjoon, there was a small part of you that refused to admit it because you were so desperately in love with your soulmate. 
So you did the only thing you could think of.
You tried to destroy your feelings by avoiding the cause of them.
And at first, it worked out just fine. You were okay. You were going to get over it.
But then it started falling. That pit of loneliness that you had felt before came back but amplified. Because not only did you not have your soulmate, you didn’t have one of the people who made it better and easier to forget that.
You thought maybe it would all pass and your feelings would dwindle, but it didn’t turn out that way. Instead, the opposite happened. Namjoon, unfortunately, noticed everything.
That’s how you found yourself, nervously tugging at your sleeves as you waited for Namjoon to arrive after requesting to ‘talk’.
“(NAME)!!” you heard a familiar voice ring out and you turned to see him approaching you quickly. God, he was so beautiful.
“Uh...hey..?” you cleared your throat. “You wanted to talk?”
“Yeah,” he nodded and tugged you to a bench. The flash of electricity that ran through you did not go unnoticed by your brain.
Namjoon took a breath.
“You’re angry at me. Why?”
You blinked, before shaking your head.
“I’m not ma--”
“You are,” he said, expression neutral. “You are. I’ve noticed you have been avoiding me. And I don’t like it. I really care about you and you know that,”
Why does he have to say something like that? It just makes it more painful for me.
“I’m really not angry. I just….” you trailed off.
How do you explain that you hated seeing him with her? Hated seeing him happy?
“Did I do something?”
“No no!” you immediately denied.
“Then what?” he pressed and you found yourself speechless with the way his dark brown eyes were looking at you.
“I just….” you sighed. “I don’t know. Recently, I’ve just been feeling like my life isn’t getting anywhere,”
Namjoon’s expression morphed into one of realization.
“Ah, you’re upset about not having a soulmate,”
You couldn’t help but blush, feeling embarrassed under his gaze.
“That’s why we said it might be a good idea to try and date, (Nickname). You can’t waste your time looking for your soulmate forever and be unhappy for the rest of your life,” he smiled lightly, looking out into the distance. You could see a slight flicker of regret in his eyes and then it was gone. You caught it though. It seemed like you weren’t the only one who wished for a soulmate.
“Well...you’re probably right as usual. But I don’t think I’ll be happy doing that,”
Namjoon turned to look at you.
“Jihyo and I are happy but it’s not guaranteed we’re soulmates,”
“I know and I’m so happy for you two. But I’m not Jihyo. I can’t be as dismissive as you both are,” you closed your eyes.
“But still...try. You can always end it if you aren’t happy. But maybe it’ll help more than you think,”
Maybe he’s right.
And that was the end of your conversation.
Minho was a blessing in disguise. You really didn’t understand how the universe could not give him a soulmate yet. There was nothing to not like about him. He was one of the most caring people you had ever met. At first, you didn’t think that you could ever have feelings for him, but after knowing him for a couple of months, the idea didn’t seem too unlikely. Soon enough he had earned the title of your boyfriend. However, there was still the unspoken agreement that if one found their soulmate, the relationship was over. You didn’t mind that. You’d be so happy for him when he met his soulmate. But a part of you was so scared of the loneliness you’d feel after he left you.
There was another thing. Namjoon.
Your feelings for him may have been pushed aside, but did not disappear.
But since they were suppressed, you allowed yourself to fall more in love with Minho. You didn’t believe that you’d be happy with anyone other than your own soulmate, but Minho changed it all. You found yourself smiling the most with him and being yourself around him. You appreciated him so much. He treated you right and you knew that he felt the exact same way about you.
That was until one night, as the two of you sat on your couch watching a movie, when Minho let out a shocked gasp and gripped his left wrist. You sat up straight immediately.
“What happened? Are you okay?”
He didn’t respond and instead let his eyes carefully watch as intricate black ink swirled into his skin and spelled out another name. A name that was not yours. And even though you had been mentally preparing yourself for this situation since the two of you started dating, your heart couldn’t help but crack.
Minho’s eyes were trained on his wrist, and you could practically see his heart swell with happiness. His eyes lit up with something that you had never seen in him before. Only after did he notice that you sat there next to him. He looked up at you and you smiled sadly. His happiness turned into a pained expression.
You shook your head before the pity could come.
“Come on~don't look at me like that,” you laughed a little. “We knew that this could happen,”
“Yeah but--”
“Don’t worry about me. I’m so happy for you!!” you smiled, cupping his cheeks and ignoring the painful stabs at your chest. Minho still looked so guilty and it just made you feel worse. He gently took your hand and squeezed it.
“You’re an amazing person (Name), really. Whoever has you is really lucky. And I just want you to know that I’ve been so happy with you and I don’t regret anything,” he said. You smiled gratefully.
“Me too,”
“You okay?”
You turned to look at the girl next to and nodded with a fake smile.
“Yeah, why?”’
“You’ve been awfully quiet,” Jihyo pointed out. “Anything on your mind?”
You sighed.
“Nope. Thanks though,”
Jihyo shook her head.
“Maybe I should call Minho to help cheer you up,”
You stilled.
“Minho and I broke up,” you said quietly.
“What?! Why?!”
“He found his soulmate,” you said simply, putting up a facade that said it didn’t bother you at all. Your best friend saw right through it.
“I’m so sorry,” she struggled, not knowing what to say and although you knew it was all her good intentions, you couldn’t help but get angry.
“Stop looking at me like that!! Stop looking at me like I’m the most pitiful person on the freaking planet!! I knew that it wouldn’t work and I said it!! But you and Namjoon just had to keep insisting that I would be better off with someone! I was fine on my own. I was getting to learn how to live without depending on someone and now it hurts so much more than it did before!!” you seethed, and after your short little speech, you felt a tension lift from your shoulders. Jihyo was frowning.
“I’m sorry that was out of place. I shouldn’t blame you guys. You just wanted what’s best for me,” you sighed, rubbing your temples guiltily.
“No, I’m sorry. I should have listened to you. I didn’t realize how much it would hurt even though they weren’t your soulmate. I know it would hurt me if Namjoon found his soulmate. I just want you to know that you’re an amazing person (Nickname). And that won’t change if you don’t have a soulmate. You can still be happy without one. I’m sorry for not listening to you,”
You loved your best friend.
“I hate this movie,” you grumbled and Jihyo scoffed.
“Fine! We’ll watch this one,”
You cuddled into the blanket and Jihyo sat next to you, giggling and grabbing the huge tub of ice cream for the two of you to share.
“How come you’re not out with Namjoon?” you questioned, shoving a spoon full of Rocky Road into your mouth and ignoring the slight jealousy flaring up in your gut.
“I don’t always have to be with Namjoon,” she giggled.
“Uh-huh,” you smiled with a sarcastic roll of your eyes. “Like you aren’t either talking about him or clinging to him 24/7,”
“Shut up (Name),”
And the movie continued to go smoothly. You enjoyed your friend's company dearly, laughing and giggling with her.
That was until, you felt a sharp prick on your right wrist. You let out a gasp and pulled your wrist up to look at it.
“What?! Oh my gosh!!! (Name)!!! You’re soulmate!!!” Jihyo was yelling in your ear but you weren’t even paying attention. You were focusing on the black ink swirling into your untouched skin.
You held your breath as a capital K came before the i.
“So his last name is KIM!!?!?!” Jihyo seemed more excited than you. The letters came in random orders, and it was making you terribly nervous.
And then finally the last letter fell into place.
Kim Namjoon.
Kim Namjoon’s name was written on your wrist in black letters. And your heart both soared and broke. Every last feeling you had for him came rushing back, amplified. A part of you suddenly felt complete. Namjoon was your soulmate. Namjoon...the guy you had spent so long trying to get over. You didn’t have to get over him. Why did you even think that?
Oh right, because he’s Jihyo’s boyfriend.
You slowly looked at her, biting your lip guiltily. She was staring at your wrist carefully, her face expressionless.
“Jihyo…” you started but you had no idea what to say. Fate really was cruel.
She smiled a little.
“Well, you got yourself a nice soulmate there (Nickname),” she laughed and that made you feel so much worse.
“I….” you gulped. “I’m sorry I--”
She laughed a little more.
“(Name)...” she smiled. “Why are you apologizing to me?? It’s not your decision on who your soulmate is and it’s not your fault it’s Namjoon. You have no idea how happy I am for the two of you!!” she was beaming now but you didn’t even have it in you to smile back. You remembered how it felt when Minho found his soulmate and although your feelings for him were gone now, at the time it had really hurt. Comparing that feeling to Namjoon and Jihyo, who had been together for so long, seemed insignificant.
“But what about you?”
She looked at you seriously.
“(Name),” she said sternly. “I refuse to let your happiness go just because you’re worried that I’m sad. I will get over it alright?! I’m already starting to ship you two,”
You laughed a little.
“Thank you Jihyo. Thank you for everything,”
“Of course,”
Maybe it wasn’t right for you to show up uninvited to Namjoon’s house. Maybe you should have called him first. Maybe you should have texted him.
But what would you even say?
Hey I don’t know if you checked your arm recently but uh...your name is kinda on my wrist. So I guess we’re soulmates hahah? Can I come over?
But to be fair, you had no idea what you were going to say now. How were you going to face him? I mean he was your best friend’s boyfriend. Jihyo had told you that she had called Namjoon and they were fine. But that meant that he knew. And you had no idea what to do.
Would it be weird to come back tomorrow instead??
There was this nagging tug in your chest that wouldn’t let you leave though. So you finally mustered up your courage and knocked on the door. Thoughts were flying through your head. What if he still loved only Jihyo? What if he didn’t want you? What if you weren’t his soulmate and it was all a mistake?
The door opened quickly and every word you were preparing to say on the walk over just disappeared. Suddenly every feature of his looked so much more beautiful.
You took in his eyes and the slope of his nose. The perfect skin and soft brown hair and the way his lips were stretching into a smile at the sight of you. The beautiful dimples that indented his cheeks and then you were hugging him like never before. The way he held you made your heart jump and it’s like you could feel his too.
It’s almost like your soul had been a puzzle that had been missing the last piece, and Namjoon was it. Now that it had been set in the ink lacing your skin, your feelings for him intensified by a lifetime’s worth.
There were no words exchanged or rather, there was no need for words.
And then his lips collided with yours and that last puzzle piece clicked into place. Every action, every caress had you falling further and further and your lips moved with harmony that shouldn’t have been possible, but it was still that way. You were hyper aware of everything, the way his hair was brushing your forehead and how his hands so delicately held your neck, as if he was afraid you’d break.
The fear you had felt for so long was gone. Your insecurities would exist, but he’d be there to reassure. Your loneliness was gone because now you had the one person in the world who would understand you like no one else. 
And having all of that, made it all worth the wait.
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joemuggs · 6 years
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Was reminded by a conversation yesterday about the art of the club door person, and dug this out, which I wrote for the Amsterdam Dance Event annual back in 2014. 
If you want a clear view of how clubland operates, why not ask its guardians? The men and women who stand at the doors – whether to take money, pick and choose who gets in, or act as enforcers of rules – are the first and last people clubbers will see in their night out, and are uniquely placed to assess what makes the clubbers themselves tick. They are the interface between club, clubber and promoter, and able to provide a (more-or-less) sober overview of what goes on. But frequently, too, they are the filter: they are the one person more than anyone whom by their choices, defines the nature of the crowd on a given night. As such, they are not just list-tickers, cash-till operators or hired muscle, but are a vital cog in the club's cultural machine, a part of the club's personality. And plenty of them are as big a music lovers as the promoters or DJs too. So from London to New York, Glasgow to Pretoria to L.A., we present the past, present and future of these essential sentinels and unsung heroes of the night.
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Big Frank, aka Faafaga Samuelu, is a true Los Angeles legend. The imposing Samoan-American was a school friend of underground hip hop DJ/producer Kevin “Daddy Kev” Moo, and they threw parties together from Junior High onwards (“I was the muscle, he was the brain,” laughs Frank; “a perfect combination”). But Frank was also a hardcore gangbanger in his late 1980s / early 90s adolescence: “I remember him showing me a sawed-off shotgun in 8th grade while we were riding the bus to school,” says Kev, nonchalantly. Frank served serious jail time in the late 90s, but when he came out, Kev was there, happy to team up again.
Kev founded the legendary Low End Theory – hub of the psychedelic, electronic “L.A. beat scene” that spawned artists like Flying Lotus, Gaslamp Killer and co – in 2006, but by 2011 it had become so popular, hosting the likes of Thom York and Erykah Badu, that their host venue's bouncers were shaking down clubbers for bribes to get in. This was the moment when Frank's demeanour, reputation and willingness to turn up with an AR-15 assault rifle came into their own, and perhaps unsurprisingly the previous security stepped aside without any trouble to make way for him to take over on LET's Wednesday nights.
Since then, LET's reputation as a friendly spot has only grown. “Being the familiar face of the club,” says Frank, “is great fun and oftentimes just lots of funny. And if you're coming to us, you'll be more comfortable if you feel like you know the guy at the door – and a cool farewell at the end of the night helps as well!” Now in his 40s, he is happy to be a cool head, mainly in the background: “I have different reasons for being in the scene still,” he says; “What's still there is the love for music, but now my desire to be in the crowd is gone. The times of getting fucked up and bumping rap at a back yard party is long gone. What makes me happy, though, is the presence of the forty-somethings and even older folks that attend our club. It helps me feel like our push to progress the music is appreciated. As if all this time in the scene produced something that my generation can be proud of – not just slangin' and gang bangin'.”
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In South Africa, house music means more to people than almost anywhere else on earth. And Tebogo “JR” Modiba knows this more than most – his laid-back House 22 parties in Pretoria are an oasis of sophistication and unity in a society still riven with violence and harsh divisions. He ended up working the door there by default: “House 22 started an purely by-invite-only underground deep house joint,” he explains; “so as the founder, I had to work the door in order to overlook the invitations myself. Over time, we have opened up to the general public, but we still keep a close eye on disruptive elements who might not understand and appreciate the underground deep house culture.”
Like all the best doormen, though, he's not just there to filter people out. “The door is the most important part of the business,” he insists. “That's where punters, especially first timers, should start experiencing what the atmosphere of the club is like. All of that depends on how the doorman welcomes them and treat them.” In fact, his biggest problems are cops (“those fellas have serious anger issues, especially when they see people having fun while they are working – and they're the biggest tax collectors too, [taking money] to allow you to operate without interrupting your business with constant inspections, or to protect your patrons from being harassed”) and the weather. One time the mainly-outdoor House 22 venue was hit by tennis ball-sized hailstones, causing a near stampede for cover, which JR was able to only just keep from becoming mass panic.
All his efforts lead to a club where passion for music rules – and so it should, when JR's own love for house still drives everything. At the drop of a hat, he will reel off favourite DJs' names– Vinny Da Vinci, Christos, Glen Lewis, Jimpster, Atjazz, Ralf Gum, Andre Lodemann, Andy Compton & The Rurals, Lars Behrenroth, and Louie Vega – and those of beloved festivals that inspire him like Sónar, ADE and Southport Weekender. And you just know there's no bullshit when he says: “I don't think I am ready to live without my house music, the club life and the people I have met and we became one house music family. Not any time soon.”
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London gay scene institution Duckie is more than just a club – as “Purveyors of Progressive Working Class Entertainment”, its team have created a multi-headed beast with art events, talks and exhibitions worldwide. But Duckie's soul resides in its bacchanals every Saturday night at the Royal Vauxhall Tavern, still presided over by the same team that founded it 19 years ago: producer Simon Casson, radically eclectic DJ duo The London Readers Wifes, compere Amy Lamé and “box office artistes” Father Cloth and Jay Cloth. Jay is extraordinarily proud to be on the door - “Duckie is unlike any other London Club and IS gay culture to me,” he says, though cites inspiration from a motley lineage of misfit clubs past like The Bell, Marvellous, Daisy Chain, Lippy and anything involving cabaret monster David Hoyle (née The Divine David).
“I am very proud that Duckie is a very friendly club,” says Jay, “and the team of 'Cloths' that work the door set the tone by being as welcoming as possible to all.” As anyone who's been to the club knows, though, they may be welcoming, but you have to step up to the mark and contribute to the wild energy. Jay will turn away “stag and hen parties, anyone too obviously drunk, too obviously high, anyone rude, anyone wearing fur” and only welcome celebrity guests “as long as they are willing to pay the same as everyone else – we are very egalitarian.” “What makes me really happy,” he says, “is when the mix of people is so extreme I wouldn't want to be anywhere else on earth.” His only fear is that “around 1am some nights when the Wifes announce they are about to play their favourite record of all time, I worry the floor might give in!”
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Anyone who thinks that garish clubwear and superstar DJ culture started with EDM should look back to early 90s New York – which truly was the best of times, and the worst of times. Clubbing was a performance then, with the self-proclaimed Club Kids creating atmospheres so decadent and sights so eye-popping that it could feel like the last days of Rome. The Limelight was the heart of all of this, and bringing some kind of order to the chaos was Angelo Fabara. Angelo was an out-of-towner, drawn as a teenager to NYC's clubs like moth to flame by the “idea of community foremost, but then the escapism it offers to young people to safely experiment with.”
He was soon part of that community. In high school he went to the Limelight every weekend, but after getting into NYU, this quickly switched to going nightly. As a face on the scene, he says, “eventually was asked to promote some nights which led to my being hired as a junior door / guestlist person under the guidance of the more veteran door people at the Limelight. I worked there for about a year and a half after which I worked at Twilo for another year at the height of rave / club music coming to NYC.” New York can be a scary city, and Angelo had to learn fast how to turn away the crazies who might later follow or lay in wait for someone who had offended them: “I worked out I needed to give them a bigger reason they couldn't come in,” he says, “like 'the venue's at capacity', rather than quipping slights at their character which I may have done when I first started.”
As a doorman, though, he didn't just have to keep the badasses out: he had to help create atmosphere. “I let in anyone I knew was a great dancer,” he says, “or had a great look: people who made the dancefloor flourish or were nice eye candy. You also had to educate people who came to the clubs to make an effort because everyone else was taking the time to look impeccably chic or coming up with a look that just added to the design and visual language of the scene at that time. If you were a suit, I wouldn't let you in, if you came as a group of guys I wouldn't let you in, if you didn't look the part you would have a harder time at the door. Much later in life, I compare it to Walt Disney who always started his stories off by making his characters literally step through a door into a fantasy world, transported to another place. I wanted to be that person that showed you through that door.”
The scene famously turned bad. “A lot of people died from drugs,” recalls Angelo sadly. “Heroin became big in the 90s, and Michael Alig murdered his club kid friend Angel, which ended the reign of Peter Gatien's clubs like USA, Palladium, Limelight, Tunnel which were the best clubs in NYC history, places with a creativity you just don't see nowadays.” Angelo stepped away from the scene, moving into culture reporting with Microsoft's 'Sidewalk' site – but he never lost his love for what had first inspired him as a kid. “I still think about how easily I made friends on the dancefloor and how so many of us are still friends today 22 years later.”
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Glasgow is one of the most beloved, yet notorious, clubbing centres of the world, known for the utter lunacy, in both the good and bad senses, of its crowds. So it's nice to know that its scene has a calm centre in the affable and unflappable Bob Wong, the head of security (“I prefer 'doorman' or 'steward' but that confuses people, so I usually end up saying 'bouncer',” he laughs) at the Glasgow School Of Art – a venue that has hosted everything from the most manaical techno to the heaviest dub to avant garde noise events.
Bob is a true lover of and participant in Glasgow's underground scene – indeed, in researching this article, his was the first name mentioned by every Glaswegian we spoke to. “Scots know how to party!” he says simply as explanation of why he loves the scene. “You can't beat seeing likeminded people – people of all ages, race, colour, sexuality, social background etc etc etc – switch off from their daily grind of the working week and completely lose themselves, intoxicated with their poison of choice, in the music they love and really go for it on the dancefloor.”
This no-nonsense attitude and affection for the crowds runs through everything he does. “I, and the rest of my team are there to ensure the punters have a great night, and more importantly a safe one: safe from themselves and each other when they inevitably get carried away.” And to do this he insists on a friendly culture: “I hated working with macho 'bouncers',” he continues, “who could only brag about how many fights they'd won or how many girls they've slept with – so when I finally became head steward, I made a point of having only people with a similar mindset to mine on the team, and it makes a difference to everyone.”
Has he ever been scared, surrounded by punters when they “inevitably get carried away”? “You're probably expecting a mad story here,” he smiles, “about some kinda riot or a scenario where I've been stabbed or shot at – but no... if I ever get into a situation where I'm in a fight where my life is being seriously threatened then I can honestly say I'll have failed at my job. My scariest moments have to be the occasions where drunken punters have thought it was a great idea to slide down the banister of the stairs from the cloakroom on the top floor of the Artschool – a 4 level building – and have fallen over the edge and down between the flights of stairs... Thankfully no-one ever fell past the next floor but, all the same, hearing the thud and seeing them hit the floor you automatically assume the worst when they go limp and unresponsive! Thankfully and surprisingly there have never been any fatalities in my time (don't jinx it Bob haha!), just a few fractured vertebrae...”
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teuvoterafinen · 6 years
Not the Same - Part 1
Author’s Note: Alright, guys. I’ve never written hockey stuff before, but I’ve been wanting to for a while. This is going to be a multi-part, probably slow burn piece and I’m still not sure who I want the love interest to be, but Auston is definitely going to be the best friend. It’s also completely self indulgent, so tolerate me. Inspired by my crushed dreams of William playing Center next season and the possibility of Elias Lindholm getting traded in the near future.
If you want me to write anything, just shoot me an ask!
Word Count: 2212
Warnings: I curse like a sailor, drinking, references to lady balls???
April was never meant to be this cold, you thought, fumbling for your keys outside of your basement apartment. It was the only thing you could afford, having moved up to Toronto on just more than a whim. Four months ago, you were a college student in Raleigh, North Carolina and now it was 3am and you had just gotten back from your second bartending job, completely exhausted from your nearly sixteen-hour day. The key stuck in the lock and your fingers were quickly going numb, but the door eventually swung open. 
It was a decent space for what you were paying for it, just a kitchen, bathroom and an open living area. Most of your books were still in boxes against the wall and a wooden futon was serving as a bed and a couch, much to the dismay of your back. It had been hours, apart from the car ride, since you had sat down, so within seconds, both of your Dr. Martens were off and you’d laid yourself out, face down against the blanket. You probably would have fallen asleep in your work clothes if it weren’t for the abrupt chorus of a Swedish rap song screaming from your phone. You groaned as you flopped over to silence it, contemplating whether answering was a good idea, knowing exactly who it was.
On the forth ring, you decided that he would probably end up calling back if you didn’t answer.
“What the fuck, Lindy? It’s nearly four in the morning.” You garbled out the teasingly angry statement at your favorite Swede, who you’d become close friends with while you lived in Raleigh. Elias Lindholm had kept in touch with you after you’d moved to Toronto when very few of your other friends had reached out. It was less lonely now, but sometimes you still needed the familiar voice.
“Y/N, I need your help. I told a friend of mine that I had a friend, who lives in Toronto that needs a new place and I was drunk and I didn’t ask you first, but he’s looking for a roomie, so what do you think?”
“Woah, slow down. How?”
“Alcohol and golf? And Instagram?”
“Okay, yeah, makes sense,” you shrugged, knowing that that was pretty much all he’d been doing for the past week. It was really a shame that the Canes didn’t get to the playoffs this year, but you were jealous of how much free time your friend had. What you wouldn’t give to be playing golf and going to concerts. Work was always first now that you had to support yourself.
“Just hear me out, the house is apparently really nice and you wouldn’t have to deal with him or his other roommates too often. They just want someone else to be at the house so they can get a dog.” He really did know how to get you to listen. Having a backyard for a potential dog was always at the top of your list of domestic goals. Unfortunately, it was unlikely that you would be able to afford that without roommates.
“Alright, I’ll check it out. Who is it anyway?” you questioned. Suddenly you were skeptical of who he was about to set you up with. You got along well with most of the Canes, but they were generally pretty mellow. As much as you loved being social, wild parties weren’t exactly your scene and some of Elias’s friends were more than a little wild.
There was a pause on the other side of the phone and you heard him shout in Swedish, presumably to one of his teammates. He was speaking too fast for you to even think about keeping up, so you drifted back onto your pillow, letting him finish. “Tell the boys I say hi,” you mentioned after a brief pause. “And tell Victor he still owes me a hundred dollars. I could use the money about now.” They were on speaker at this point and you could tell it was Rask in the background. He’d had the nerve to bet you couldn’t make one save against him. You obviously weren’t going to let that slide and you managed a perfect glove save on the first shot.
“Rasky says he’ll pay your first month’s rent if you can put up with Willy for that long,” Lindy laughed, but his statement had caused you to jolt up.
“No, there is no fucking way. I’m not living with William Nylander.” There was a bit of motion on the other end, and some muffled cursing. You had met him a couple times. Last time he spilled his beer on you while incredibly drunk at a party, looked down at your then see through shirt and said “Boobs!” before turning and walking away. You laughed about it later with the guys, but Willy was not someone that you desired to spend an extended amount of time with.
“Y/N, hey,” Rask slurred, having taken the phone from the other man. “I told him you wouldn’t do it. I knew you didn’t have the balls.” You sighed, attempting to keep your cool, you tried hard not to give him the rise that he expected out of you.
“I think you have the lady balls!” Shouted an incredibly intoxicated Jeff Skinner and the rest of the group erupted into hysterical giggles. After a good minute, they seemed to calm down and Elias managed to get the phone back.
“I’m sorry, I already gave him your number,” Elias admitted. You were more than a little pissed, but it wasn’t like he was actually going to call. “I also gave him your address and told him that you didn’t work tomorrow, so he should stop by. He seemed really excited to meet you again.” There was definitely a hint of remorse in his voice, but the fact that your only day to sleep in might have been hijacked…You couldn’t help but be angry.
“It’s my one day off,” you practically whined, “I don’t want to have to deal with goldilocks. Does he even remember last time? Or did you just tell him that we met before?”
“I might have had to remind him.”
“I sent him that video of you in a bikini catching a beer and shotgunning it out of your goalie glove,” Victor added.
“I can’t fucking believe you two.”
An unfamiliar ring tone broke you from what seemed like a brief nap and you rejected the call immediately. Nothing was going to get you out of bed before at least midafternoon; the only obvious reaction was to roll over and go back to sleep. Fifteen minutes later the phone rang again. Looking at your phone, this time you were conscious enough to check the time: 2 o’clock in the afternoon. You groaned and answered the probable telemarketer, the events of last night far from your mind.
“Hi, is this Y/N?” A man questioned, shaking you from sleep.
“Yeah, who is this,” your voice cracked.
“It’s William, Elias Lindholm’s friend. I’m sorry, did I wake you up?” Your early morning conversation was slowly coming back to you and as reluctant as you were to talk to the Leaf this soon after waking up, you found it very difficult to be rude most of the time.
Clearing your voice quickly away from your phone, you responded with fake alertness, “No, I was actually just about to make lunch. What’s up?”
“Really? That’s perfect. We were just in the neighborhood and were wondering if we could stop by.” You scrambled to your feet at the realization that you might soon be having company, rushing to grab a change of clothes and a ball cap from the dresser. There was a pair of black ripped jeans on the dresser that you always thought looked good on you. Check. Finding a clean shirt was more of a challenge. 
“Uh, sure, I don’t see why not,” you mumbled trying to pull the fly on your pants while holding the phone to your ear. There you were, pulling on skinny jeans while on the phone, trying to make it sound like you weren’t hopping around on one leg in attempt to get the waistband over your too big ass. It crossed your mind briefly how the wealthy athlete just happening to be in your neighborhood of all places was a bit of a stretch. “I’m not super prepared for company. . . Are you guys close by?” There were a couple long seconds of silence on the other end of the line before he responded again.
“Well, we’re actually already at your place. We’ve kind of been driving around the block waiting for you to pick up.” Of course. The Toronto Maple Leafs were on your doorstep and you couldn’t find a shirt. You quickly grabbed an old band tee from the top of your laundry basket that you didn’t think you wore to work, shamefully did a sniff test and pulled it over your head.
The fact that the blonde’s statement didn’t actually come as a surprise was a testament to the amount of time you had spent around professional hockey players. None of them seemed to know the concept of making plans, they all just assumed they could show up to your apartment, eat your leftovers and watch shitty shows on your Netflix account. You would always forgive them when they asked if you’d make dinner, like a bunch of huge, rowdy kids coming in from a game of road hockey. Laughing lightly, you pulled your well-worn Blue Jays hat on over your mess of bed head and went to the kitchen to start on the lunch that you had lied about.
“Sorry…You can park on the side of the road right in front of the apartment. I’m down the stairs.”
“Awesome! We’ll be down in a minute,” he chimed before hanging up. He honestly didn’t seem so bad, now that you’d spoken to him while you were both sober. Maybe living with him would have more pluses than minuses. And Victor would pay the bill for the first month. You wouldn’t have to deal with your ceiling leaking during storms and the constant smell of old cigarette smoke that had soaked in to the cheap carpeting. You might even be able to start saving for a car. Not that you didn’t love your ‘98 Camry to bits, but she was coming up on a much-deserved retirement.
The clamor of muffled voices could be heard all the way in your kitchen through the thin front door and suddenly you were a bit nervous. You were already walking over when they knocked, unlocking the deadbolt and the main lock before pausing for a second. Nylander was one thing, but it hadn’t crossed your mind who else might be on the other side of the door. I look like a slob. I should have washed my face again, there’s probably make up under my eyes. Do I even understand the concept of looking cute anymore??? Biting the bullet, you swung the door wide to reveal Willy, Kasperi Kapanen, and, the nail in your coffin, Auston Matthews. You thanked your lucky stars that they hadn’t shown up to your door in suits, your neighbors were bound to talk about three of Toronto’s golden boys showing up on your doorstep, let alone wearing designer brands.
“Hey, Willy,” you smiled, forcing yourself to push back the sudden panic that had taken you by surprise. The three made their way through the doorway and you awkwardly reached out your hand to introduce yourself to the two that you had yet to meet. Kapanen accepted it graciously, Matthews was standing further back, closing the door behind them. “I’m Y/N…” It wasn’t exactly easy to say how you knew William, so you just avoided that part. “I’m sorry about the mess, I wasn’t really expecting to do anything today.” The blond had already gone over to sit on your futon/bed and was about to put his feet up on the coffee table when you cast a look in his direction that had a clear message attached.
“I’m Kappy,” the Finnish man introduced himself, laughing at your silent reprimand of his friend.
“Auston.” The American nodded from a distance and didn’t reach out to shake your hand. He instead took the time to look at you like everything about you confused him. The rumors of his ‘too cool’ attitude were all too true it seemed. Tall and handsome in his ripped skinny jeans that did nothing to hide his impressive physique. He leaned against the door like he owned the place, like his shitty band shirt was somehow cooler than your shitty band shirt. He oozed competitiveness and you felt yourself drowning in it. You didn’t know what game you were playing, but you couldn’t let him win. The room was tense as you sweated through your internal monologue, interrupted only by a sly smirk slipping onto Auston’s face as he reached up to pull the Jays hat off his head.
“So did you guys call each other to plan your outfits? I would say I feel left out, but I don’t think I could twin that perfectly if I tried.”
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jessjessjojess · 6 years
2018. A mixed bunch.
Settle in for quite a story children... 
So its pretty early in the year for one of these yearly roundups (I can guarantee I’ll be doing another one in like December) but I have the extra time on my hands, so why not. 
2018 can seriously get stuffed, but then also (after I’ve meditated and thought about it) have a little (actually minuscule) cuddle. Let me clarify, this year has been absolutely shite, but it’s given me a lot of time (many thousands of hours) to reflect on who I am, who I want to be, and what I should do. Sense a common theme, its I, of course it is because I’m a millennial (or the one that comes right after that one) so I’m very egotistical (I’m working on it, I bought a book). 
Let me give you a play by play, great January, did my usual tan, beach, sleep, repeat motto, with a splatter of sport in there for good measure. the problem came in February. It was my birthday (5th in case your wondering), and a girl came, we were pretty good friends, but we’d had a bit of an issue over a boy of course (I thought she was a snake, she thought I was pathetic, that fun stuff that girls do to each other because society tells us we are in competition with each other). Anyway she showed up to my dinner, (so did the boy because I suck) and she did not speak to me, which left me so pissed, at least have the decency to say happy birthday. So in response to this I said absolutely nothing (because I’m so freaking British), but I thought some awful things, (which of course left me with some really bad karma obviously displayed by the next weeks events). 
I have my birthday and my kids at school are cute and buy me presents and everything is great until the 8th February 2018, when I quite literally sat down and could stand up again. Skip to the 11th when I am in A&E with a broken ankle, FROM SITTING DOWN, 6 hours, a moon boot, and a pair of crutches later, I’m home not happy. So at this point I am just noticing what a joke my life is, when I realise I can’t drive, its my right foot, I can’t work, drive or walk, happy 23rd birthday Jess. I mean its not really that bad if it was a broken ankle but it wasn’t. One month later I still didn’t have a diagnosis, other than “it’s not broken, but the MRI is showing the joint is really not happy.” The rest of me wasn’t really jumping of the walls either. But let’s leave the ankle for now because 2018 had so much more instore for me.
You know the saying when it rains, it pours, weelllll I’d never really bought it until now, I mean it didn’t hail on me or anything but i was very freaking wet. We are into March now, I get a call from the hospital, I get excited thinking it’s about my ankle (note: it definitely wasn’t), which I still didn’t know what was happening with. I’ve been recommended for a Gastroscopy, (if you don’t what that is, its a camera on a tube that they put down your throat to look at your insides -sounds fun right? It’s not). They want me to have my gastroscopy next week, I have to explain I’m in a moon boot, they really don’t care, but I have something to take my mind of my ankle, this wild minor surgery that has appeared. All is sweet, I don’t really worry too much because its about my anaemia, which honestly is like the least of my health problems. Even the surgeon thinks its a joke that I’m there, quote “it’s weird your here, I probably won’t find anything, this seems extreme”. He was just filling me with confidence, which he promptly knocked down after surgery with “we found something, its not great, we need to run some further tests, you’ll hear from us this week. Oh and your have Coeliac Disease. CATCHYAAAAA.” Okay I embellished the end there, but that’s was it felt like. Upon a lot of googling the words on the piece of paper he handed me, Dr Google informed me I had 2 tumours in my stomach, and an auto-immune disease which meant that when i ate gluten (literally every meal), my body attacked itself. 
I had a week of absolute torture wondering what these tumours meant for my future (also had a breakdown in a supermarket when I realised that Cadbury chocolate may contain gluten!!), but then I got the call, yesssss they were all clear, but I was now booked in for a COLONOSCOPY in a months time. It was basically the same dealio as gastroscopy, but instead of the mouth they use your butthole. Now I’m no prude, people have seen my bum before, I mean I’ve had laser hair removal, but this felt so intrusive. Turned out the colonoscopy part is absolutely nothing, but the colon prep is a whole different ball game. I’m not going to get too gross, but I definitely felt VERY empty afterwards. ANYWAY colonoscopy is something I can check of the bucket list (not that it should ever be on there.) So they say bad things come in threes, I figure ankle, coeliac disease, and tumours, I’ve got to be clear right? NOPPPEEE they found another 2 tumours, I’ll cut to the chase quickly one was clear, one was pre-cancerous. Which means FUN I get to have colonoscopy every 3 years FOREVER, and if you missed it before I’m 23, so thats a whole lot of butt stuff! 
After March, I spent most of April moping, as I couldn’t work, or drive myself anywhere, in the self pity of my bedroom. In May though I finally got to see an ankle specialist, 10 weeks after going into the moon boot, who confirmed I would need ankle surgery. I was torn because I finally had a solution, but i knew I would still have to wait some time for the surgery, in fact almost 3 months. FINALLY on August 3rd I went under for my ankle arthroscopy and reconstruction, I was rapped. Lets be honest surgery and recovery are pretty shit, but at least I was in recovery now and I could get back to normal soon. 
That’s all the bad stuff out of the way now to talk about what made my 2018 a mixed bunch. I’m a high school maths and science teacher at the moment, and don’t get me wrong I love the teaching part of my job, I could spend everyday in the classroom, and never feel like I was working a day. However, I’m a bit like Australia, I’m not very good a politics. As a young woman, who is pretty driven, strong-willed, and kind of loud, I’d never had to deal with too much politics in the workplace. I’d been in hospitality at a theme park for the 5 years prior, as long as you weren’t obviously drunk when you showed up for your shift you were good. But in a school, especially one as big as mine there is a lot of people to please, and not all of those people have opinions and values that match yours, which can be a bit shit to be honest. As I mentioned before I’m not a shy girl, my entire life I’ve been called bossy, annoying and assertive, but I’m rude and I would never go out of my way to make someone else uncomfortable,  but that was not the opinion others had of me. This something we struggle with everywhere, women who are confident and driven are seen as arrogant, and “stuck-up”, and I was a bit sick of it. I started to look inwards towards the end of May, what did I want from life, who did I want to be, and what kind of legacy did I want to leave behind. The answer to most of these questions was not teaching, and I started to think back to high school and university, remembering my dream of becoming a surgeon, and as i did this i realised that was still something I was really passionate about. 
Goals and dreams are such difficult things to deal with, because once you starting thinking about it, it’s like giving away a part of you, you want it so bad you don’t know how you cope if you fail. But here’s the thing I’m learning it’s hard to reach for your dreams but if you don’t give it a crack then you’ll never know, it will always be playing on the back of your mind. I made the decision to start working towards getting into medical school, it’s not going to be easy it’s going to be a lot of work, and a long time coming, but when you feel something is right everything else is easier. 
We are definitely into the second half of the year now, and I’m definitely feeling more positive, I’m happier and lighter to be working towards something I’m passionate and excited about. My next focus is going to be on inner stillness, and finding myself in the present, focusing on living in the now, while creating a better and more exciting future. Moral of this story is you can deal with shit and come out better and stronger, sometimes the hard times are exactly what you needed to create a better you. Be your own role model, work hard, love hard, treat yo’self, and love yo’self. 
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Well, if anyone made it this far, thanks for reading my story, I would love any ideas, feedback or advice you guys may have, and I will update you again probably in December!  
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darling-dooju · 6 years
So...I’m back
A month ago was my birthday. I’m 19 now and I’m trying to figure out who it is I am in this moment. In this life. Pretentious I know but it’s true. I thought about my previous birthdays and how different my mindset was with each one. When I was little I used to get so excited about my birthday but now when it happens it feels more like a chore. There are many people out there that would probably tell me “that’s just how adulthood is” and they’re not wrong. A lot of adulthood is spent realizing that the world wasn’t as awesome as you thought it was. Maybe your favorite restaurant is run by an immoral CEO who exploits all the people who work for them, maybe there’s a movie you can’t watch anymore because one of the actors in it is a horrible human being, maybe the stress of money and responsibility sometimes stops you from fully enjoying yourself, maybe the people you’ve looked up to all your life let you down, whatever it is could be considered a part of growing up (though most certainly not only a part of such). It can make you think that maybe that’s all there is in life, more bad news, more disappointment, and more losing the things and people you loved.
And you know what? It isn’t.
I’m not exactly breaking new ground here, hell I know for fact I must sound like one of those posters you’d find in a counselor’s office but goddammit sometimes it needs to be said! It does! Consider this, how many positive things do you see on the internet? I mean really? How many times have you read something on Tumblr or elsewhere that made you feel like you’re going to be okay? This isn’t to say one should be ignorant about the world; I’m appreciative of all the things I’ve figured out on the internet, however negative, because it helps me get a better understanding of the world and the people around me. But when your life is constantly being bogged down by difficult stuff to stomach, what’s going to make you want to keep going?
So, why am I saying all of this thinkpiece shit? Because you, dearest reader, are going to see some positivity today. The universe is merciless and cruel but that doesn’t stop it from giving us wonderful things to experience and I want to take this time to remind myself and others that.
I’m not saying any of what I show you will make you happy, I’m not saying that you even have to be happy right now, I’m just saying that these are some things I consider good that I want to share with you. Because I love you and I want you to have good things. You deserve good things. Never forget that.
~💐Good Videos💐~
TWICE having fun while playing the Mafia game  https://youtu.be/ZhZwfSJmvUM
Girl’s Day reminiscing about their years together, how hard they worked, and how they feel comforted being around each other
Vromance getting drunk off their asses and still managing to harmonize well
Nine Muses goofing around on Weekly Idol
MONSTA X and BTOB playing the Cleopatra game (AKA a high note battle). This may be one of the funniest things to ever happen in the history of comedy
SNSD jamming in the car
~💐Good Music💐~
Melody Day - “LoveMe”
Travis - “Flowers In The Window” (no, I don’t quite fully understand the intent of the music video either)
BTS- “Just One Day”
Janelle Monáe - “PYNK”
Nine Muses - “Figaro” (epilepsy warning the MV is a little flashy)
Carly Rae Jepsen - “Cut To The Feeling”
SEVENTEEN - “Pretty U”
Josephine Oniyama - “What A Day”
SONAMOO - “I Like U Too Much”
Pigeon John - "The Bomb"
NCT DREAM - “Dunk Shot”
~💐Other Good Things💐~
Former Hello Venus member being supported on The Unit by current members of Hello Venus.
There’s a service out there where moms give holiday messages to all LGBTQ people who are without family support and who would like a “stand-in” holiday family. Go give it a look-see it’s beautiful.
Sunyoung from f(x) started a campaign called “Girls Can Do Anything” where she’s selling underwear and the profits will go to donating sanitary pads and underwear to those who need it
We’re super close to getting polio eradicated all across the globe
Kelvin Peña, the guy in the viral vine where he fed deer, used his fame to start a campaign called “Everybody Eats” in hopes of helping families get food.
Do you love MONSTA X? Well guess what, Changgyun from MONSTA X loves you back. Here is his heart.
After the movie “Black Panther” came out, African run businesses selling African clothing such as Elegance African Fashions and Amooti have had a huge increase in sales
Ya know how us Armies were upset at Hobi receiving rude comments about his cute sound effects during a Vlive? A fan combatted this issue by giving Hoseok a letter that said “we love your sound effects” and he was very touched
Janelle Monáe and Tessa Thompson being inclusive to trans women
On doesthedogdie.com they keep track of a variety of triggers so you can feel assured before watching any movie that all is good
No matter what you’re going through please know that Namjoon is cheering you on
San Francisco's will toss out or reduce thousands of criminal convictions for marijuana dating back decades
Janelle Monáe having a very heartwarming meet up with 10-year-old McKynzie Duhon, a fan who wants to be like her
On October 12,1992 the indigenous people in San Cristóbal de las Casas toppled a statue of conquistador scumbag Diego de Mazariegos (the “founder” of the city) to the ground, beat it with a sledgehammer, then took pieces of the statue home as souvenirs to honor the historic event. Here is a picture from that day.
India now has an entire railway station that runs on solar energy
Before I end this post I’ll leave you with this:
There are amazing things happening in this world everyday, every second, everywhere and you are one of them. I’m proud of you, even if you haven’t “done anything” today, even if you think you haven’t contributed anything to this day, I’m still extremely proud of you.
Go out there and keep living, I love knowing that you’re alive.
With pleasant regards,
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jasperovl-blog · 5 years
Scott Henson File 877930
Name:    Scott Henson
Nick name(s): The Phone Guy, Scotty
Age: 37    Status: Taken; Dead
Height: 6″5 1/2    Gender: Male
Other Guard Files
William Afton:
Despite being cousins, Scott utterly hates William. He doesn’t even take the time to hide his distaste for the brunette. Scott has been involved in all 11 murders and has delayed the cops multiple times for his cousin’s festivities. Although he’s been thinking of ways to twist away from William, he still is wrapped in tightly between his fingers. The most recent ‘help’ Scott has provided for William was a pill bottle for a fake death scene.
September Charles
September is the usual acquaintance. He always waves politely back to ensure trust with him. September however seems to be on edge whenever left alone with Scott, which he can’t blame him for. Scott has been trying to say hello whenever switching shifts. It’s the least he can do after baking the cake that killed the guy’s best friend.
“Storm” Rayanna Stoudt 
Whenever the girl wasn’t talking with September and Mike or giggling with William, she found herself baking with Scott. The two liked to cook, which was one of many things they had in common. Despite Storm’s lack of age compared to Scott, they were usually talking about the last baseball game, a drag race on television, or some sort of comedian. It hurt him like hell when he had to kill her.
Michael Schmidt:
Michael had an opinion Scott strongly disagreed with: He shouldn’t fake his death to scare off new workers. A common thing Scott would answer him with was, “Who else should be stuck in this hell hole? No one, no one at all.” Michael of course agreed. Other than that, Scott never really talked to him. It was all he could do to bite his lip and not scream, “YOUR FATHER IS RIGHT HERE!”
Joshua Pines:
Whoever thought the twenty six year old man was a dork and silly was mistaken. Yes, he had an odd hairstyle and pink hoops hanging from his ears, but that was just the appearance. Joshua was not at all Scott’s type. Such as, he liked listening to rap music and cursing 24/7. It wasn’t a surprise to him when as soon as Joshua stepped outside, three hooker looking girls ran up to him. Very distasteful in Scott’s opinion.
Blake Finney:
Blake hid away from Scott at every chance he could. Surprisingly, they were put on a single shift together. Blake accidentally cut open his bandages as to which they fell off, showing several bruises and red marks. He finally admitted to having abusive parents, and told Scott why he was so scared of men. His mother always told him, “A man who sees you’re a wimp will kill you.” Scott filed a report and two weeks later, Blake was gone. After a month, FOX NEWS gave out a report themselves. Blake’s mother and father were arrested and facing chargers for substance abuse, alcohol abuse, child abuse, and a hit and run. After that, Scott only saw Blake with his Aunt, as to which he shyly waved to him from across the street and was gone. A really nice kid.
Jeremy Fitzgerald:
Jeremy is nice enough, seeming to always have a nervous edge about him. Scott and Jeremy are the usual acquaintances. Just saying a good night or hello for God’s sake.
Fritz Smith:
Without a doubt the most trouble-making kid in the entire establishment. Yes, he may be 26, but he still acts like a frequent child. Scott doesn’t want to say he hates him, but he doesn’t exactly like him either.
Nicholas Macey:
Whomever said people needed feelings, Nicholas proved them quite wrong. His stare was always blank, face seemingly the same no matter what the mood in the room was. Always snarky and rude or quiet and cautious. So to speak, Scott doesn’t really know him. 
Jackalyn Aroscoe:
They’ve never met to be plain and simple.
Azzalina Kamikaze:
He can’t see the appeal to horror and blood as Azzalina does. The thrill of flying heads isn’t Scott’s forte. The two get along finely but don’t talk all that much.
Augustine Jamarica:
The boy makes Scott green with envy. Not only is he good looking and smart as a whip, but he’s flooded with friends. Scott was never that way. He was usually reading by his lonesome, not partying away and laughing. Augustine is the definition of perfect, and is surprisingly still alive after getting locked in a room with Springtrap. Augustine came out with a few scratches but still maintained his stunning appearance, making Scott feel even more rage. The two are fine, but Scott’s always had the urge to pull his hair out and scream when near him.
Lukas Fiscal:
The two are usually sharing stories about life on the farm. Fun fact: They only live about three miles away from one another, which meant they would sometimes visit eachother on occassion. Scott had a favorite cow which was named Lulu and Lukas was practically in love with Tulip, one of Scott’s cats. They did this up until Scott met Lukas’s cousin, and the manager, Jasper Charsepd. Lukas became ignored whilst Jasper was being haunted by Scott’s lovey dovey eyes.A few months later, Jasper moved away and Lukas and Scott became good friends. Jasper moved back and they became a group of three up until Scott died.
Lillian Hacksin:
No, they did not like each other. At all. Frankly couldn’t stand each other. They would bicker about everything. From posters to a single cobweb in the corner. Lillian is Scott’s least favorite co-worker.
Kaleb Musi:
Even though Scott never knew Kaleb, he knew enough about him. For instance, he was two people. Gary Emerald had taken his shift under his name and then on his last night let Kaleb in. Scott wrote the report of him being the “Fright Guard” and also noted that he was killed on his first night. Better to keep is sweet and short, right?
Gerard Feren:
The guy is creepy as hell. He hasn’t ever looked Scott in the eye or even said a word. Odd, since the two had to clean together. Gerard just gives Scott an off vibe and he believes it best to stay away.
Adrien Smoreglee:
“Eggs Benedict” is a pretty funny name. Scott voiced this and Adrien huffed, giving scott the name “Hollywood” due to his acting skills for his death scene. it became a common joke between them until Scott died. Adrien never said the word Hollywood after that.
Henry Emily:
Nice enough. The promotions are nice, the job however is hell. Scott can’t complain though, it keeps him going. Henry is kind and pretty good to Scott. No complaints from him.
Jasper Charsped:
If a love interest wasn’t enough, curiousity was. She wore an eyepatch and mouth guard. Why? Henry said it was okay. That she had an.. accident. Scott always found it enhancing but decided to try and focus on what he could see instead. Before she moved, they both got drunk at a bar and kissed. That however was all, because Jasper rejected him the next week after he had bought flowers. The next week she did the same thing. This went on until Scott met Dominic, who started dating him a month before he died.
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bluegreenamber · 7 years
Your Brother Was a Good Substitute
((AN: Greetings! I hereby bring to you an ancient manuscript from a time in my EW fanfiction writing career long ago. Translation: I was digging through my documents and found this and decided to post it in between stories. You guys remember TimPay, right? I do. Man, I was obsessed with it. I wrote such cringey stuff for it back then. But hopefully this one is good enough to show the world and not become completely embarrassed. You know, I've never really been good with writing Tim. Idk I just don't have his character down completely I guess. Anyways! I should probably warn that there is some suggestive humor and stuff because it is Pay after all. Just in case. This is based on the song "Gold" by Kiiara. Tim belongs to princeofmints and Pay belongs to threehairs.)) The theme was gold. That much was obvious from the second he opened the door. The whole room was filled with gold. Gold clothes, gold accessories, gold decorations, gold lights. The color was everywhere. He didn't quite know what to make of this. But the DJ was blaring music and people were dancing wildly and drinking heavily and enjoying themselves. It was a party, and he wasn't going to complain about the color scheme. His brother tugged him forward, pulling them through the sea of bodies. “He's downstairs.” He nearly had to shout to be heard. Choosing not to attempt to talk over the music and voices seemed the smartest choice, so he simply nodded even though his brother wasn't looking back at him. They finally reached the edge of the crowd and headed toward a door. It was a little quieter here, and they could speak in normal voices. He crossed his arms. “You sure you aren't setting me up with this guy, Pat? Cuz it sure seems like that's what's happening. And I know how much you love playing matchmaker for me.” His brother held up his hands defensively. “I swear it's not. I just thought I'd introduce you to a fellow alcohol connoisseur. And I don't want you to either be a bored wallflower all night or get drunk and take some random person home. Besides, he's not your type.” He raised an eyebrow. “How do you know? I mean, isn't everyone my type?” Patryk rolled his eyes. “No. As much as you may or may not wish that was so, I know you're more picky than you let on. Plus, this guy is really not your type.” “I'm sure I could win him over with my natural charm and a few drinks.” Patryk sighed and opened the door to reveal a stairway leading down to a basement, glancing at him from the corner of his eye. “I'm not sure you want to, Pay.” He gestured to the stairway. Pay shot him a confused and suspicious look but said nothing. He started his way down the stairs. “Good luck,” Pat said. “And have fun. Just not too much.” Pay winked. “No promises.” He descended, and the stairway was plunged into semi darkness as Pat shut the door behind him. ~~~ “So you must be the alcohol guy.” Pay’s voice made the man on the couch jump. He spun around in his seat and stared at the newcomer. Pay noticed his strange black or lack of eyes, light brown hair, and checkered tie. He looked nervous. Not what he was expecting. He reached the bottom of the stairs and took a moment to take in the basement. Luckily, the gold theme didn't seem to have followed him down here. The other man was sitting in a small area with several couches and chairs placed in a circle, a coffee table in the center, and everything sitting on a large shag rug. There was a bar off to the side with a lighted wall and countertop. The farthest corner was too far away from all of the lights, which made it shrouded in complete darkness. He couldn't see anything in that corner. But what really drew his attention was the back wall, the one the man had been facing before he had entered. The entire wall was basically a giant shelf. And there was what he guessed were hundreds of varieties of alcohol in bottles and several kegs of what he assumed were full of more alcohol. It was like a giant wine cellar. So this was why the man had wanted to meet here. Pay turned back to the fidgety man, intrigued. Well if he had wanted to make an interesting first impression by showing him this, he had succeeded. When the man didn't reply to his earlier question though, Pay raised an eyebrow. “Well, are you?” The man took a second to process this before he shook his head rapidly. “No, no. You must be thinking of my brother. He's supposed to be meeting someone down here.” Pay crossed his arms and leaned against the end of the banister. “Where is he then? And what're you here for? You his wingman or something? I swear if Pat really set me up like this…” The man looked alarmed at Pay’s sudden anger. He seemed to be the rather nervous type. “Um… I think Tom went upstairs for a bit to talk to some friends. And he told me to wait down here in case the person he was meeting came. I'm… I'm not his wingman or anything.” “Well then, who are you?” Pay pushed himself off the banister and tilted his head, seeming almost oppressive. The man gulped. “I'm Tim. Tom’s brother.” “You an alcohol guy too, or…?” “No, not really. That's always been Tom’s thing. I just know the basics.” He scrunched his face up. “I don't really care much for alcohol.” Pay sighed. This night wasn't turning out as he was expecting. But maybe he could still make something out of it. He strode over to the couch and plopped down next to Tim, making the already tense man stiffen. Pay lounged comfortably while Tim sat straight-backed and stock-still as if ready to jump up and sprint off at any moment. It was almost amusing. “That's okay,” Pay replied. “I honestly wasn't much looking forward to our little ‘chit-chat get-together’ or whatever anyway. No offense to your brother or anything.” He snuggled deeper into his seat. “So I guess you'll just have to entertain me then.” Tim looked much like a mouse that was being played with by the cat that was about to eat it. “I'm not very good at entertaining, I'm afraid. And I'm not quite sure what you consider ‘entertaining.’” Pay actually laughed. “Oh, so you're the comedian then? This is brilliant!” He looked over Tim’s timidly uncertain face. “It's not that hard, you know. Entertaining me. I have the attention span of a squirrel. There's not much blood up here.” He rapped his knuckles against his head. “I think it all goes--” “Please don't,” Tim interrupted. He suddenly looked tired. Pay grinned cheekily. “What? You too ‘pure’ and ‘innocent’ for a few dirty jokes?” he asked mockingly. Tim looked like he was going to say something but then ended up sighing and shrugging helplessly. “If that's what you wanna believe, then sure.” Pay felt a sliver of concern and curiosity, but he simply pushed it aside and scoffed. “Innocence is for children and fools and people too lucky to suffer in life.” “Am I a fool then?” Tim challenged. “Or am I just ‘too lucky to suffer in life’?” Pay was taken aback by the seemingly timid guy’s sudden anger, but he wasn't going to back down from an argument. “You tell me, Mr. Too Good For Dirty Jokes.” Tim made a face. “I don't think I'm either. Lewd humor is just beneath me.” Pay crawled over, hovering over Tim so that their faces were only an inch apart. “Does that mean I'm beneath you too, Mr. High and Mighty?” he practically spat. His sneer morphed into a devilish smirk. “Because I can arrange that.” Tim shoved him away, and he fell back against the opposite armrest. Tim turned away, facing forward with his arms crossed like an angry child. “Please stop,” he said in the most ticked off tone he could muster. Pay shook his head like a dog, trying to recover from being thrown back. He looked at Tim’s posture and immediately mimicked it, blatantly mocking his childlike behavior. “Would've preferred your brother,” he grumbled. “Don't bring my brother into this,” Tim snapped. “Ohhhh, defensive, are we? What? Are you the stereotypical overprotective sibling?” “Why wouldn't I be? Don't you have anyone you're overprotective of?” Pay’s mind immediately thought of Pat, but he shook that image out of his head. “This isn't about me.” Tim finally turned to look at Pay again, giving him a withering look. “But isn't it? Isn't this all about you? You playing mind games with me? You pushing all of my buttons? You making sure you leave an impression so that I can never forget you? You saying and doing all the right things so that I'll like you?” Pay’s eyebrows furrowed. “I wasn't trying to make you like me.” Quite the opposite, in fact, he thought. Tim laughed without humor. “Well if you are, it's working.” Pay blinked, and it took a moment for the meaning of those words to fully sink in. He smirked. Tim hadn't realized quite what he was saying either, so his words came back to bite him a moment after he said them. He felt like groaning in exasperation of himself, but he refused to let go of his stubborn anger-induced pride and let the other know that he had messed up big time. So he sat back with his arms crossed again. “Did you just say you liked me?” Pay asked with a smug smile. When Tim refused to reply, he continued. “You did!” He laughed triumphantly. “You actually like me!” Then, he tilted his head curiously. “Why?” Tim turned back to Pay, a confused look on his face. “What do you mean ‘why’?” “Why would you like me? I've done nothing but annoy you and be rude to you and make you uncomfortable.” “Well… Why not? You're bold and funny and clever and confident and honest. What's not to like?” “A lot, actually.” Pay stared at the sofa cushions as if they could answer all of his questions in life. Tim glanced at him, and his anger melted away into concern. He wanted to move closer and give some kind of physical comfort, but he feared that that would be overstepping his boundaries. “Look,” he started softly, “I don't know what you're going through or what kind of self-doubts are going through your head right now. But I think you're pretty cool.” “Thank you.” Pay’s voice was a little rough, as if it hadn’t been used in a while. He didn't look up. “But one opinion isn't going to change the world’s.” Tim thought over this. “Maybe not the world’s. But maybe it could change someone’s world’s.” Pay bit his lip. He hated this. He hated being this weak and vulnerable and having to have someone comfort him. He had to get out of here; he had to run from his weakness like always. He stood to go. Tim looked up at him, alarmed. “I'm sorry. Did I say something wrong?” Pay laughed without humor. “No, you're fine, darling. I just gotta go. Can't keep the brother waiting too long.” Tim stood as well. “Wait. Let me… let me get you a drink at least. That's what you came down here for, right? To talk about alcohol? It'd be a waste of time if you didn't at least sample some of my family’s best.” Pay paused thoughtfully. Tim had a point. Plus, Pay would never admit it, but he didn't really want to leave Tim. He charted it up to his conscience making a sudden appearance and guilting him into not leaving the poor guy alone in a basement. He nodded to Tim’s request after a moment. Tim smiled and moved to behind the bar, gesturing for Pay to take a seat at one of the bar stools. Pay complied and watched as Tim pulled down some shot glasses. “What's tickling your fancy tonight, darling?” Pay raised an eyebrow at Tim’s not-so-subtle mocking of his earlier nickname. “I'll have a shot of Jack Daniels, handsome.” “Coming right up, beautiful.” Tim went over to the “Great Wall of Alcohol,” as Pay had deemed it, and searched through it. He came back with a bottle and tipped its contents into a shot glass, looking surprisingly at ease as an impromptu bartender. “There you go, princess.” “Much obliged, charming.” Pay downed the shot in a second, making a contented noise at the taste and the slight alcohol buzz he was already starting to feel. “So how's the taste, Cinderella?” Tim asked, pouring another shot. “Wonderful.” Pay downed this one as well. “And I think I'm more of a Sleeping Beauty.” Tim poured a third shot then raised his hands defensively. “Well, excuse me then,” he said in an exaggerated tone. Pay tipped back the third shot. “Simple mistake.” Tim put the bottle and shot glasses away, saying, “Don’t want to get you too drunk. I'm sure your… uh, brother wouldn't be too happy.” Pay was a bit disappointed that he wouldn't be able to completely drink away his problems tonight, but the part of his brain that was still thinking logically agreed with Tim. And maybe… maybe he wouldn't want to forget tonight. So he nodded and stood. “Thank you for the drinks. And… for your words.” Tim nodded acceptance, and Pay made his way to the stairway before pausing at the first step. “Don't you wanna come up and join the party? I'm sure your brother wouldn't mind at this point.” Tim hesitated. He wasn't much for parties and kinda wanted to stay down here where it was quiet and alone for the rest of the night. But one look at Pay’s kind and understanding face had him making his way to the stairs almost subconsciously. “Sure. Sounds like fun.” He flicked off the lightswitch to the basement, and they were plunged into darkness. Tim could barely see Pay’s eyes in the dark. But he could feel Pay’s hand as Pay grabbed onto his own. He squeezed Pay’s hand comfortingly, and Pay squeezed back. He set his jaw determinedly. They made their way upstairs. ~~~ “Is that… Pay? With… Tim?” Tord had sat down on one of the many gold bar stools and had immediately spotted the couple having the time of their lives in the middle of the dance floor. “Yup,” Tom and Patryk, who were sitting on either side of him, said simultaneously. Tord glanced at each other them, a bit incredulous by their calmness during the situation at hand. “And you two are… okay with this?” Both looked thoughtful for a moment before once again replying “Yup” at the same time. Tord sat back in his bar stool, baffled. He thought about saying something, but there was really nothing to say to this. So he watched the two on the dance floor and sat with their respective brothers. He noticed that one from each pair looked slightly tipsy, but he didn't comment on it.
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jessikahathaway · 8 years
Tumblr media
It felt weird.
Seeing him standing there after the years had passed.
But it wasn't a bad weird. It was the kind of weird that makes you excited; gives you little butterflies in your stomach.
That's what is was like seeing Min Yoongi after all these years.
Min Yoongi had been a big player when you were in your sophomore year of high school. He was a senior with your brother, Hoseok.
He was bad, did drugs and drank as well as had sex with whomever he wanted whenever he wanted. Usually wherever as well.
He was a good person. He'd been dealt a few bad cards in life, he'd gotten into trouble with the law a few years back and it was kind of bad hit after bad hit once it got started. However, for some odd strange reason, you'd never been more smitten in your entire life.
It was the cliche forbidden romance.
You were the brother's precious little sister and Yoongi was the bad boy influence that the older brother hung out with for a taste of a badass lifestyle when in reality he still needed his mother and sister more than anything in the whole world. Which isn't a bad thing, but, you always wondered why Yoongi and Hoseok were friends. Seeing how soft Hobi was, but, they meshed pretty well over their love of rap. Sometimes one thing is enough for people.
You two did mess about for a little while, meeting behind the bleachers at the school and having silly make out sessions. But it had never gone further than that, because you were afraid of what Hoseok would think if he found out and Yoongi wasn't really worried about working too hard to impress you.
There were plenty of other women that wanted to play, and honestly, he didn't want to fuck up your life too bad if he could help it.
"Hey there, Princess, it's been a while," he said as you got out of your car, still wearing your gown from graduation.
"Yoongi-oppa," you said with a smile on your face. You walked over and gave him a hug, him placing a chaste kiss on your cheek, relishing in the fact that you still blushed brightly at the action.
"You look amazing, congratulations on your graduation," he said, handing over a little envelope. You were worried what would be inside, but in reality it was a cheap card with some money tucked away in there.
"Thank you," you said, putting the card in your bag.
"So, you're an adult now, full fledged and heading to college I assume, let's see if I can guess for what. You were always fascinated by foreign languages, it's got to be English. Are you going to go abroad?" He asked, giving you a small smile.
He was always so damn perceptive that it could make you crazy.
"Right on the money, as usual. You always seemed to know things before I did," you said, crossing your arms. Yoongi smiled and looked around, probably wondering where Hoseok was.
"Where's your brother, I thought for sure he'd be here today," he said, rubbing his chin.
He was just as beautiful as he was the last time you saw him.
He smelt like tobacco and cologne which was a winning combination in your mind, but, you were curious as to why he was here. It wouldn't just be for your graduation.
Generally the only time Yoongi showed up was to crash on your brother's couch for a few nights or to stroll through the memories he had in this town.
"He's hanging out with Namjoon and a few of my friends, Taehyung and Jimin, you remember them right?"
Yoongi nodded and put his hands in his pocket.
"Good kids, I remember them. I also remember a rascal named Jungkook trailing after them like he ran the place. Little shit, but, a good kid just like all the guys you hung around," he said, taking a cigarette out of his pocket and lighting it.
"What are you doing back?" you asked, finally getting the question you wanted so bad out in the open. Yoongi took a long drag off his cancer stick before blowing the smoke away from you, so not to be rude.
"I had a feeling you might not remember, so I brought the note with me, and there was when you were crying on my jacket, but you'll remember after you read the note."
After stomping out his cigarette he reached into his pocket and pulled out a very yellow looking piece of paper. He held it out for you, obviously wanting you to read it. So you did, taking it from his hands.
It was your hand writing, oddly enough.
I know you are leaving soon and I would like to give you a gift...
The gift is me.
Please take my virginity.
I'll wait for you as long as it takes.
Your mouth dropped open and you looked up at Yoongi with a smugass grin on his face.
"Where the hell did you get this!?" you squealed, slapping his arm in embarrassment. All he did was laugh as you continued to beat him.
"You left it on my dresser the morning I was supposed to leave for a year to tour Europe. You had just turned legal and you were so cute," he said with such a innocent joy in his eyes.
"I-I... Oh my God!" You yelled, covering your face.
It was all coming back to you now.
You had been drinking.
Had it been a good idea?
Hell no.
But was it fun?
Fuck yes.
You were stumbling around in a party that Taehyung was hosting and there was a boy who had been eyeing you all night.
Maybe you should go talk to him.
You managed to get towards him before you stumbled and fell into a familiar pair of tobacco smelling arms.
Yoongi gazed at you with moderate annoyance and concern.
"Princess, how much have you had to drink tonight?" he asked, pulling you back up on your feet, even though it wasn't going to do you much good, considering how wobbly you were.
"Only a lot!" you giggled, hiccuping at the end of your sentence.
Yoongi looked around and didn't see your brother, so it was time to take on his role.
Taehyung had conveniently walked past Yoongi.
"Tae, let J know that I have Princess here, she's way too hammered to go home. Her mother would kill her."
Tae nodded and walked off in search of your brother. Yoongi picked you up and a few people helped him get you out to his car, considering you weren't particularly feeling ready to leave the party yet.
Finally everyone had you in the vehicle and Yoongi took off. The ride was silent and eventually he made it to his house.
Yoongi came around the back and picked you up, carrying you into his house. You were slowly sobering up, but it was a process. You didn't feel as wobbly anymore, but you still felt a little too flirty for your own good.
"Oppaaaa," you drew out, wrapping your arms around his neck.
"Now Princess, don't play with me when you're drunk," he warned, setting you down on his bed. "I'm going to crash out on the couch, sleep tight Princess. Drink a lot of water tonight, even if you don't want to."
He turned to leave before he heard clothing hitting the floor.
Yoongi honestly was afraid to see you naked.
He wasn't sure if he could control himself if he did, but he had a rule about sleeping with people who couldn't consent.
But, turn he did, and what he saw was you there with tears running down your face and your shirt on the floor and you working on getting your bottoms off.
Yoongi rushed over and stopped you progress.
"Princess, why are you stripping and crying. It's a rather an odd combination."
"I want you to sleep with me, Oppa," you said, looking up at him with your teary eyes.
Yoongi was torn between his morals and the desire of finally having you the way he'd wanted since he'd taken your first kiss from you earlier in the year.
"I can't do that, Princess," he said, picking up your shirt from the floor.
"Is it because you don't feel that way about me? Or do you not want to have sex with a virgin?"
Your bold statement had sent a hot rush through his veins, but, he wasn't going to budge.
"It's because you're drunk, Princess, now lay down and go to bed," he said, coaxing you towards the bed.
You flung your arms around his neck and pressed your lips against his. Yoongi stood stock still as you worked your plush lips against his own. He couldn't resist kissing you back. You were too addicting for him to say no too.
You were worse than his cigarettes. His pot. His alcohol.
After a few minutes of kissing, you started pulling him towards the bed, but he pulled back and you pouted, looking at him with sad eyes.
"No means no Princess, it's not gonna happen, no matter how many kisses you give me," he said, pulling your hands off of him.
"You really don't find me attractive," you said, tears welling up in your eyes.
"Princess, believe me, if you weren't drunk, you would be on this bed, legs spread faster than your mind could process," he murmured, imagining how good the sight would be in his head.
Yoongi watched as tears started flowing down your face. He brought you into his arms and held you close, rubbing your bare skin to help soothe your fit.
Eventually you calmed down and Yoongi pulled you back to wipe your eyes.
"It'll all be alright, don't worry about anything Princess. But right now, you need to sleep," he said, brushing the hair out of your face.
"Sleep with me," you said bluntly.
"Can't do that, Princess. You're still so young, and you're drunk. I don't want to fuck up your life before it even begins," Yoongi said.
"Then, on my graduation day... Will you sleep with me then?"
Yoongi mulled this over in his head.
"If you want me on that day, then yes, I'll sleep with you, will you go to bed now?"
"A kiss to seal the promise," you said, presenting your lips to him. He walked forward and pressed his hot mouth against your own. You sighed in pleasure before wrapping your arms around his neck. Yoongi tensed for a moment, ready to fight off your advances, but you simply kept your lips against his and continued to kiss him.
The two of you laid down and he wrapped his arms around your waist before you fell asleep in his embrace.
"You seem to remember that night now," Yoongi said with a smug look on his face. You squealed and beat his arm.
"Is that the only reason you came back!? To get laid!? You shithead!"
Yoongi simply grabbed your wrists and held you off, laughing at your anger.
"No, I truly came back because my mom needed my help down at the shop, but your graduation fell around this time, so I stuck around a little longer than she needed me, just to see if you remembered that little memory," he said laughing. "Anyways, I do need to get going, it was really good to see you Princess, honestly that look on your face will keep me laughing for months," he said, moving away from you and starting to head down the road.
You weren't sure when you would see him again.
Would you ever?
He was known to be such a drifter some people haven't seen him in five years where other's saw him once and never saw him after that. Like breath on the mirror he seemed to fade from existence itself.
Yoongi froze, turning around.
"What is it now Princess?" He asked, seeming like he really did need to go somewhere.
"M-Meet me under the bleachers tonight? Just like old times? I want to hang out with you," you said, silently holding your breath while you waited for his answer.
"Sure, I'll see you around 9:00."
With that, he walked down the road, fading over the horizon and you couldn't help but wonder if that was going to be the last time you ever saw him...
And you didn't even get to kiss him this time.
It was 10:30, you had been waiting here for over two hours, seeing as how you arrived here way before Yoongi told you to meet him here.
This was his usual M.O. He was always super late to things.
Just as you were about to forget it and just leave, footsteps started approaching the bleachers.
Yoongi appeared from the front and you gave him a big smile. He walked over and gave you a hug before leaning back and lighting up a cigarette.
"Those things kill people you know."
"God I hope so."
That was Yoongi's normal answer. Always cynical and depressing, but he had his moments of happiness. That was generally when he was shitfaced or high as a kite.
Or, when you said something cute that made him laugh.
"It's late, you're still waiting, I was tempted to just show up at your house. But I thought I would check here first," he said, taking a long drag off his cigarette.
"Remember when they kicked you off the basketball team cause they caught you smoking?" You asked, taking the cigarette from his mouth and stomping it out on the ground.
"Yes, they lost their best player, heard they haven't done well since I was on the team. Is that dumbass still the coach?" He asked, pulling another cigarette out from his pocket. You snatched it and flung it in the opposite direction.
"You know I hated it when you smoked, so don't do it in front of me," you said, crossing your arms.
Yoongi simply chuckled and nodded, keeping his hands away from his pockets.
"Why did you want to meet me? I am planning on going in the morning, early too. Even if that means I have to haul my ass out of bed at 8:00."
"When will you be back?" You asked, looking into his eyes.
"Not sure, maybe never, there's not much left for me here. Probably come back every so often to visit mom and dad, but other than that," he said, looking like he was thinking of more reasons to come home.
"What about Hoseok and the boys?"
"We have a group chat and Hoseok is going to college in the city, you know that. Why are you asking all of a sudden?"
You took a deep breath and tried to calm your nerves.
Yoongi's phone went off and he answered it quickly.
He started walking along the fence line, you following him quickly.
"I don't have time, leaving in the morning and don't really want to stick around longer than I need to, especially not because I'm hungover."
Probably a party invitation. Yoongi always got invited to any one he wanted, partially because all the girls wanted a good lay and Yoongi was a good supplier of alcohol for the kids who came to the party. It was a good way for Yoongi to make some spending money from the students who didn't really know how much alcohol cost.
This conversation was going on longer than expected. Whatever it was, this person seemed to wrap Yoongi's attention to them and it was starting to piss you off.
His attention should be on you right now, you had something kind of important to discuss...
The longer he spoke on the phone, the more you got pissed off at whoever was on the other line.
What the fuck took twenty minutes to talk about!?
"H-Hang on man. Hey Princess, I'm just going to go, alright? You have my number, if can we talk about what you needed to ask me some other time?"
"Y-Yeah, sure... I-I mean, I guess," you said, buckling under the pressure of importance.
Yoongi patted you on the head and started walking down the street.
Did that really just happen?
Did you let your opportunity to lose your virginity to the man you had loved since Sophomore year just walk away from you?
Because of a fucking phone call!?
Your mind was racing and you palms were sweating.
What could you do? He was getting further and further away, and you were certain you were going to loose him if you didn't start chasing after him soon.
Your feet started forward, and before you knew it you were running.
It felt like every step closer you took towards him the further and further he got from you.  But you were determined to catch him, so catch him you would.
There was a cross walk that made you stop before the light turned green for you, he was stuck there right now, this was your chance to catch him.
Yoongi started walking forward, but you bursted towards him. Your lungs burned for air and your legs were tired from the running, but you were so close to him you could smell his cologne,
You had him.
As hard as you could, you pulled his arm back and swung him around to face you. Yoongi stumbled and almost hauled off and punched before he saw who was hanging onto him.
"Princess? What the fuck are you doing?" He asked, looking at you with an odd look on his face.
Without any warning you pulled him to your lips, finding them just as warm and pleasurable as they had been when you were younger.
Yoongi was stock still once you pulled away, not quite sure what to make of the situation.
"Sleep with me," you said, trying to get the shaking in your limbs under control.
Yoongi looked at you with shock in his eyes, but hung up the phone anyways.
"Sorry, I-I've gotta be hearing things, did you just tell me to sleep with you?" he questioned, giving you an incredulous look.
"I am asking you, Min Yoongi to take my virginity. Right. Now."
Yoongi's eyes enlarged a little bit before he swallowed thickly and looked towards you.
"Are you sure you want it to be me? I'm not that great, Princess, I mean in general. In bed I'm great, but, in general I'm kind of a cynical asshole if you haven't noticed," he said, staring at your lips obviously longing for more.
"I'm positive, Oppa. It has to be you," you said, wrapping your arms around his neck. He leaned down and took your lips in a possessive kiss before pulling back and holding you in his arms.
"If that's what you want, then that's what you'll have."
It was simple enough, but him kissing you on his couch was immensely terrifying.
This was it, you were going to lose your virginity!
To the man you've harbored a crush on for almost four years!
Yoongi was being oddly respectful. You remembered having to stop him a few times back in high school, he was always a little handsy, but never went further than was pleasurable. He'd always made you think about it in your mind. If you really wanted to go that extra step with him.
His hands started to go down your body, following the natural curves of your form. You gave a soft little moan and you could feel him smiling against your lips.
"So responsive, I can't wait to see what you have under that skirt for me," he said, licking his lips in anticipation.
"You can look," you said, pulling your skirt up to your stomach to reveal your clothed center. You had picked out dark purple lace panties to go with your dark bra for the evening. Yoongi stared at you for a long time, his mouth hanging open slightly.
You leaned forward and shut his mouth for him.
"Put your mouth to better use for me," you said, surprisingly dominant.
Yoongi scoffed and surged forward, attaching his lips to your core. You moaned and arched your back forwards. The feeling of his hot lips against your center was almost too good to be true. He hooked his fingers in the strap of your panties and snapped them, making you squeal slightly.
"God, no one has touched you like this... I'm the first, holy fuck this is so hot, Princess," he moaned.
You watched as he disappeared underneath your skirt, a pair of panties emerging a few moments later.
A rush of cold air hit your center and your cringed away from the feeling. Yoongi smiled and blew over your center, watching you squirm and writhe from the sensations he supplied.
You wanted him to do it already!
What was he waiting for?
Yoongi lifted his head and you looked into his beautiful eyes. You grabbed his face and pulled his lips against yours, much to Yoongi's surprise. He had forgotten how much you actually enjoyed kissing.
"Please touch me," you breathed, yearning for him to do something. Anything.
Yoongi did as you asked and moves his thumb down your opening, dipping slightly in your entrance to gauge how wet you were. Yoongi was surprised to find that you weren't that wet at all.
"Baby, does what I'm doing not feel good? You need to tell me before we go any further, I have lube if you want me to get it-"
You gripped his sleeve and stopped him from leaving you.
"No, I'm fine. Please just....use your mouth to get me wet...."
Yoongi's eyes sparkled because of the slightly erotic words you were using. Without needing to be told twice, Yoongi surged forward and placed his lips on your pussy. The heat was immeasurable and the pleasure was twice that if possible. Yoongi moved his tongue along the folds of your lower lips and over the bundle of nerves that sat at the top of your flower.
His tongue was doing an erotic dance with your womanhood and it felt incredible. Yoongi moaned as more and more of your juices started coming from you. You tasted like heaven and sin all at once.
He knew this was wrong.
He didn't deserve you in your worst moments, and this was probably one of your best.
But he didn't give a fuck about deserving shit right now, because you wanted him. You chose him out of all the other men that you could've done this with. Not Jimin, not Taehyung or Jungkook. Fuck not even that TA that you had been crushing on for a few months Jin. It was him.
And that was what made this moment important to him. It mattered to him, because it was important to you.
Yoongi started sucking and pulling on your lower lips, making little growls of approval whenever you bucked your hips towards his mouth or when you grabbed his hair out of sheer bliss.
He could feel you getting closer and closer by the way you were shaking, soon you would be over that edge and you would be wet enough to take him.
That's where he got worried.
You were a virgin.
It generally hurt for a girl's first time and you were almost as innocent as they came. Of course you'd kissed before, but not like this and no one had intruded on your innocence except Yoongi.
He didn't want you to feel pain. And the wrenching in his gut was that it was going to feel so good to him.
It was almost barbaric to him for you to experience such pain while he got innumerable amounts of pleasure.
But right now, he was focused on giving you a well deserved orgasm.
He sucked on your clit harshly, watching you thrash underneath him as he nibbled and swirled your little pearl about with his tongue. Your grip on his hair tightened and he knew this was it.
It was go time. He took his thumb and started massaging your outer lips before sucking on your clit hard. You shouted and started to shake. Yoongi watched as you came undone before his eyes.
It felt so good. So incredible good. The wire that had been tightening in your stomach for what felt like years was finally released.
Yoongi lapped at your slightly swollen center to help ease you through the sensations.
You were sweating and you looked down at Yoongi between your legs. His eyes were blown and he looked at you like you were a meal and he hadn't eaten in days.
Finally he was up and on his knees, undoing his belt and flinging it to the floor. You watched as he stripped himself of his clothes, almost teasingly as he kept his pants on just not done up fully.
You quickly sat up and pulled off your clothes, not even caring where they landed on the floor. Yoongi was on top of you quickly afterwards and kissing you desperately.
"You're so fucking hot, baby," he moaned as he kissed down your neck and to your chest. He took one nipple into his mouth and started to suckle. You moaned and arched your back into the sensations.
His warm mouth was encasing the sensitive skin and all you could do was hold onto his neck and moan out your pleasure.
Yoongi grabbed your hips and spread your legs again, rubbing himself against your center. You moaned his name and grabbed his shoulders.
He was hot and ready to fuck you.
There was little time wasted as Yoongi pulled off his pants and underwear, revealing his large cock to you. You couldn't help the blush that erupted over your face, but you remained still, watching as he rolled a condom over his length.
"Alright Princess, are you ready?" he asked, looking into your eyes.
"I'm ready," you whispered, placing your hand on his cheek. Yoongi leaned into your touch and kissed your palm.
You felt him line himself up with your entrance and you tensed slightly, waiting for the pain to start.
"Baby," he whispered. You jumped at the sound of his voice and Yoongi could tell you were scared.  "You can't tense up like that, I won't be able to put it in if you do that. Just relax, the more you relax the less it will hurt," he said with such sensitivity you instantly relaxed naturally.
Yoongi waited until you calmed down a little bit before pushing forward and watching your features for any discomfort.
It felt odd, having him fill you up. There was a stinging pain that started to become more and more prevalent the further he pushed in.
He was careful as his hips slowly met yours. Yoongi looked into your eyes as tears slowly streamed down your face.
"Omo, don't cry, you need to tell me if it hurts. I can pull out-"
You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him deeply.  He responded quickly and kept still inside of you.
"Move, Oppa, it's alright," you encouraged, shifting your hips upwards slightly. He groaned but pulled back before entering you again. A rush of pain and pleasure went through your core.
You were so full.
It was all you could think about. Yoongi being inside of you was such a different experience. It felt amazing. Not just the sex itself, but the fact that you got to be this close to him.
You wondered why he didn't do this sooner. Why did you do this sooner?
But you had been waiting for Yoongi all this time in your heart.
You'd had boyfriends who obviously wanted to play around, but you never let them. Maybe in your heart you knew that you wanted Yoongi. Your body only wanted him to have this moment with you. And you've known it since you were younger.
He started to move a little faster. This skin of your thighs and the skin of his hips making a lewd smacking sound that echoed through the night. The pain was almost gone, just slightly stinging if he went too hard.
But it all felt so good. You were moaning loudly and grabbing onto his shoulder.
You remember when the two of you were younger and he had this platinum blonde hair that suited him so well. He looked like an angel. But right now his hair was black with hints of blue in it.
He looked older and more mature, less ethereal and childlike.
But he was still Yoongi, and right now, he was yours.
Your were incredibly tight around him. He wasn't sure if he was going to last long at all. It had been months since he'd had sex period. But he couldn't remember the last time he had sex with a virgin except for his first time.
Yoongi was panting above you with effort, droplets of sweat running down his face and spine. You ran your hands down his back and placed your hands on his waist, letting him fuck into you as hard or as deeply as he wanted.
You'd never felt more connected to someone in your entire life. He was inside of you and he was so thick and hard that the only thing really registering in your mind was the pleasure he was delivering to you.
He was starting to groan louder.
"Oh fuck, ___, you're so tight," he said, licking his lips and squeezing his eyes shut in what looked to be pain.
"Y-Yoongi-oppa, it feels so good, don't stop!"
Your shrill voice echoed through the room and Yoongi bucked into you particularly hard. The pain erupted in your stomach and you sat up to grab onto him.
Yoongi rolled so he was in a sitting position as well and you worked yourself on top of him. He placed his hands on your hips as to guide you along his shaft in a pleasurable way for both of you.
He felt even bigger now, if that was possible.
How could he even begin to feel this incredible inside of you.
"Tell me you're gonna cum soon baby, please, I don't think I can hang on much longer," he moaned, kissing your breasts with tender affection.
"Close... So close..." You breathed. Yoongi smiled up at you at he started to slam into your pussy even harder than before.
"Take it, take my cock so good baby, oh fuck, gonna cum... Shit! Oh fuck," he groaned as his pace became erratic.
You could feel the tightness from earlier returning and you knew that you were about to let go.
"Yoongi! Yoongi!" you yelped as you felt yourself being thrown over the edge into sheer bliss.
He felt your walls clamp down on him as your orgasm took over and that was it for him. He groaned your name and slammed his hips into yours once last time before shuddering.
You slumped into his arms and Yoongi laid back on the bed, still throbbing inside of you.
The two of you were speechless for a few moments, simply panting and trying to calm your racing hearts.
"Oppa..." you whispered, looking at Yoongi who's eyes were closed.
"Mmm? What is it princess?" He asked, peeking one eye open.
"Thank you... For, uh... Well..."
Yoongi slowly pulled out of you and got up, rolling the condom off of his softening length and throwing it into the garbage.
"Princess, it was my pleasure," he said, throwing you a shirt and pulling his boxers back on. He was searching through his pants and grabbed a cigarette, lighting in and putting it in his mouth as he blew the smoke away from you.
"Min Yoongi you but that damn thing out right now or I will smoke it for you," you growled.
"What did you just call me Princess?" he asked, getting closer to you.
"I called you by your name, now put the damn cigarette out and come over here and cuddle with me," you said, narrowing your eyes at him.
Yoongi wasn't one to say no to a good thing, so he quickly put the cigarette out and ran back to bed to wrap you up in his arms.
"You smell like cigarettes and sex," you complained as he kissed your head.
"You say that like it's a bad thing."
The room went silent before you looked up at him.
"Oppa... Are you going to leave tomorrow still?"
Your heart raced as you waited for his response.
"I do have business I need to take care of in the city, but that doesn't mean that I have to go alone," he said, looking down at you with a little smirk on his face.
"B-but what about my parents-"
"Hobi can call them and tell him your visiting him for the weekend. Come with me baby, I promise I'll make it worth your while..."
You blushed and kissed his cheek.
"Well, I guess," you said, before pulling him to your lips once more.
It was stupid to agree to go with him. The two of you were so young and ignorant to everything about this world.
But that's what made it special.
Because it would just be you, Yoongi and his trusty pack of Cigarettes that would get you through the long nights.
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samanthasroberts · 6 years
5 Celebrities Who Did Crazy Scummy (And Underreported) Stuff
Maybe you’ve seen a picture of Justin Timberlake eating an apple and thought, “The stars, they’re just like us!” And while it’s true that some celebrities have apples like us — like we normal folk do for every single meal — some of them might be legitimately unhinged. Here are several ludicrous incidents wherein the stars were quite decidedly not like us.
50 Cent Bullied An Autistic Airline Employee
You’d think that after owning more bullet wounds than hit albums, 50 Cent (aka Curtis James Jackson III) would be a little more judicious in his dealings with strangers. But back in 2016, as he was apparently looking for ways to stave off boredom in the Cincinnati Airport, he noticed something fishy about one of the young maintenance workers. He seemed almost high, like the kind you might get from drugs — or as they’re called on the street, reefers.
50 leapt into action! No, he didn’t contact a supervisor to let them know their employee was on drugs; he got out his phone and followed the man around so he could mock him on Instagram. Hilarious, right? A drug user? At an AIRPORT!? It quickly went viral, but not in the way he was expecting.
The employee, a young man named Andrew Farrell, did his best to ignore Mr. Cent as he pointed his phone at him and lamented how “crazy” the younger generation is. He wondered aloud to his Instagram followers, “What kind of shit you think he took before he got to work today?” Sadly, this was the sort of abuse that Mr. Farrell had become accustomed to over the years. Because Mr. Farrell is not a drug addict — he’s autistic. Yes, 50 Cent was harassing and publicly humiliating a stranger because of a developmental disorder, not a drug habit.
Before our president made mocking the disabled a partisan issue, everyone agreed this was terrible. Fans were outraged, and liquor stores threatened to stop selling the faded rap star’s “Effen Vodka” brand of booze.
Effen Vodka“Effen” is, of course, a Dutch children’s game about number guessing. Wait, unless 50 Cent meant it like “Fuckin’ Vodka”? Oh 50, that’s naughty!
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The Hidden Connection Between 'Ghostbusters' And The Remake
As uniquely awful as this seems, it wasn’t the first time Jackson did something like this. Or even the second. A few years before, he’d landed in hot water after telling someone on Twitter “Just saw your picture fool you look autistic.” He ended another social media discussion by saying, “I don’t want no special ed kids on my timeline follow some body else.” It’s all very disappointing when someone unfairly derides another’s cognitive differences. Especially when that someone is the sort of person who claims bankruptcy while simultaneously posting photos of himself wallowing on a Scrooge-McDuck-sized pile of fake money. Maybe next time, try renting a conscience instead of a Rolex and a pile of money, Mr. Cent.
Both Akon And Afroman Savagely Attacked Fans On Stage
There’s an unspoken (and also very spoken) rule that you don’t get up on the stage when someone is performing. You can throw your panties and flowers, but hardly ever your beer, and never your throwing stars. When you violate these rules, you will get violently grabbed and thrown out on your ass. That’s exactly what happened to a fan at an Akon concert, only not the way you may think.
It was between songs, and Akon seemed to be doing some light crowd work. He took his shirt off and pulled an eager fan up on stage. It wasn’t a hot girl, as you’d expect a freshly shirtless singer to select. It was a nerdy guy in glasses and cargo shorts, and Akon immediately grabbed him by the dick, flung him up on his shoulders, and heaved him into the crowd. He did this not so much in a fun crowd-surfing arc, but at a low angle, directly into a pocket of girls extremely unprepared to catch a 150-pound projectile. The fan ate what most onlookers would call total shit. You can watch it here:
You’re not allowed to body-slam people to near death, even if they seemed like they were asking for it, so Akon was fined $350 and sentenced to 65 hours of community service. The stars, they are not just like us.
A strangely similar but way, way less cool incident happened at an Afroman show. Afroman was on stage playing guitar when a female fan jumped up and started stumbling around with her drink. For 10 or 15 seconds, she danced behind Afroman while he ignored her. Oh my god, can you believe how crazy she was being, you guys!?
Emboldened by the club’s lack of security, she started inching closer to Afroman. Oh my god, you guys, she was going to rub her butt on him! Can you believe how crazy she was being!? But then she finally did. Her butt, getting closer and closer to Afroman’s, finally made contact. Afroman reacted like a mousetrap. His right hand came off the guitar strings, formed a fist, and blasted into the intruder’s face.
Afroman went back to playing, disturbingly undisturbed after punching a woman out. A few seconds later, some drunk guy, presumably the disoriented girl’s boyfriend, struggled onto stage. Afroman kept playing, but made it absolutely clear he would be more than happy to fuck up the second entrant into his impromptu gladiator arena. The fan’s disapproving expression quickly changed to the universal gesture for “Whoa, whoa, I’m only here to get this drunk idiot home.” And he did indeed have more important things to worry about, as his drunk, concussed companion was now wandering aimlessly backstage.
It was a bad way to handle a difficult situation placed upon him by a shitty person, but if the world’s worst TV producer created a fight league between drunk women and guitar players twice their size, this would absolutely be the knockout highlight of the year.
Justin Bieber Abandoned His Dog, And His Backup Dancer Had To Pay For Its Surgery
Justin Bieber has a love/hate relationship with animals. He loves getting them and taking pictures with them, and he hates feeding them, taking care of them, and generally keeping them alive. Last year, C.J. Salvador, one of Bieber’s dancers, gave the famously irresponsible singer a puppy. Naturally, it didn’t work out so well. A routine checkup found that the puppy had severe hip dysplasia and may not be able to walk unless an $8,000 procedure was performed. Bieber didn’t want to pay for this, despite that amount literally not registering as money to him, because you should never underestimate a shitty human’s capacity for awfulness.
Justin Bieber“Sorry dude, but you know how many [current fad bullshit item]s I can buy with that?”
Salvador mounted a scrappy fundraising effort for the puppy’s surgery himself. He managed to secure over 90 donors to help Todd the dog walk again, and Bieber’s animal kill count did not grow. “At least for now,” Bieber added from the shadows. “At least for now.”
Vince Neil Body-Slammed a Woman Because She Snubbed Him For Nicolas Cage
As the frontman for Motley Crue, Vince Neil has had many encounters with women. In fact, mathematically speaking, 17 percent of all people reading this have Neil DNA in them, or possibly just on them. But this dude …
Elektra Records
… is well into his 50s now, so you’d think he would have mellowed out some. But no. A couple of years ago in Vegas, a woman was taking a picture with Neil when she saw Nicolas Cage. She screamed, “Nicolas, I love you!” and ran for Cage, abandoning poor Neil for a younger model — a practice he was well used to being on the other side of. Neil did what any insecure, doughy man in eyeliner would do: He grabbed her by the hair and threw her to the ground. We believe it was Archimedes who said, “Give me an innocent lady’s ponytail long enough, and I can assault the world.”
Cage sprung into action. He seized Neil in a wrestler’s clinch and screamed into his ear, “Stop this SHIT! NOW!” Cage isn’t sure what that phrase means, but it’s what his agent says to him every time he attaches himself to a project.
Neil initially deflected the allegations, saying he merely “pushed past her,” but when he realized the offense could land him up to six months in prison, he pleaded guilty. The story has a happy ending, though. Neil was forced to pay a $1,000 fine and agree to six months of not beating up random women for shockingly pathetic reasons. Oh, we meant a happy ending for Vince Neil, not the woman or the concept of justice in general.
Aaron Eckhart Crashed A Support Group For Grieving Parents
Aaron Eckhart, known for his portrayals of Harvey Dent and Sexy Frankenstein, needed to get deep into the emotions of a grieving father for a role. Most actors would consider what they know about sadness and then try to act sad, but Eckart knew it would take more. So he went to a support group for grieving parents and pretended his kid died.
Lionsgate“So in this scene, I’m supposed to have half a face? Well off comes half my face, then!”
We understand every artist has their own ways of working, and maybe faking a dead kid is what he needed to do. But when Eckhart did an interview on Howard Stern’s show, it seemed like he genuinely forgot other people’s for-real kids died.
We learn that when it was his turn to share, Eckhart described his character and broke down in tears, and was then consoled by the group of legitimately bereaved people over the loss of his pretend movie baby. Stern, to his credit, offered Eckhart a lifeline by asking if he later felt bad about doing it. Eckhart did not take the lifeline. In fact, he burned the lifeline and scattered its ashes into the wind. He said, “you really believe that you just lost a child. You are as close to reality in that sense as possible. I don’t want to be rude to people who have lost a child, but yeah, you feel right there. You feel like your character.”
OK, Aaron Eckhart made the reprehensible choice to go into a room with people who had real emotional problems and made them comfort him over a fake dead kid. And he doesn’t feel bad about it. But at least we got the legendary and beloved film Rabbit Hole out of it, right? We all saw and loved … Rabbit Hole? Yeah, it was all worth it for Rabbit Hole.
Greg Tuff has a Twitter, and recommends you check out his friends at Bush Gang Gaming on YouTube. Michael Battaglino is a contributor to Cracked.com. Be sure to check out some of his other work if you enjoyed this article.
Nic Cage has been in some crummy flicks, but he was in a pretty good one already in 2018 called Mom and Dad that’s worth checking out.
If you loved this article and want more content like this, support our site with a visit to our Contribution Page. Please and thank you.
Source: http://allofbeer.com/5-celebrities-who-did-crazy-scummy-and-underreported-stuff/
from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2018/09/01/5-celebrities-who-did-crazy-scummy-and-underreported-stuff/
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adambstingus · 6 years
5 Celebrities Who Did Crazy Scummy (And Underreported) Stuff
Maybe you’ve seen a picture of Justin Timberlake eating an apple and thought, “The stars, they’re just like us!” And while it’s true that some celebrities have apples like us — like we normal folk do for every single meal — some of them might be legitimately unhinged. Here are several ludicrous incidents wherein the stars were quite decidedly not like us.
50 Cent Bullied An Autistic Airline Employee
You’d think that after owning more bullet wounds than hit albums, 50 Cent (aka Curtis James Jackson III) would be a little more judicious in his dealings with strangers. But back in 2016, as he was apparently looking for ways to stave off boredom in the Cincinnati Airport, he noticed something fishy about one of the young maintenance workers. He seemed almost high, like the kind you might get from drugs — or as they’re called on the street, reefers.
50 leapt into action! No, he didn’t contact a supervisor to let them know their employee was on drugs; he got out his phone and followed the man around so he could mock him on Instagram. Hilarious, right? A drug user? At an AIRPORT!? It quickly went viral, but not in the way he was expecting.
The employee, a young man named Andrew Farrell, did his best to ignore Mr. Cent as he pointed his phone at him and lamented how “crazy” the younger generation is. He wondered aloud to his Instagram followers, “What kind of shit you think he took before he got to work today?” Sadly, this was the sort of abuse that Mr. Farrell had become accustomed to over the years. Because Mr. Farrell is not a drug addict — he’s autistic. Yes, 50 Cent was harassing and publicly humiliating a stranger because of a developmental disorder, not a drug habit.
Before our president made mocking the disabled a partisan issue, everyone agreed this was terrible. Fans were outraged, and liquor stores threatened to stop selling the faded rap star’s “Effen Vodka” brand of booze.
Effen Vodka“Effen” is, of course, a Dutch children’s game about number guessing. Wait, unless 50 Cent meant it like “Fuckin’ Vodka”? Oh 50, that’s naughty!
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As uniquely awful as this seems, it wasn’t the first time Jackson did something like this. Or even the second. A few years before, he’d landed in hot water after telling someone on Twitter “Just saw your picture fool you look autistic.” He ended another social media discussion by saying, “I don’t want no special ed kids on my timeline follow some body else.” It’s all very disappointing when someone unfairly derides another’s cognitive differences. Especially when that someone is the sort of person who claims bankruptcy while simultaneously posting photos of himself wallowing on a Scrooge-McDuck-sized pile of fake money. Maybe next time, try renting a conscience instead of a Rolex and a pile of money, Mr. Cent.
Both Akon And Afroman Savagely Attacked Fans On Stage
There’s an unspoken (and also very spoken) rule that you don’t get up on the stage when someone is performing. You can throw your panties and flowers, but hardly ever your beer, and never your throwing stars. When you violate these rules, you will get violently grabbed and thrown out on your ass. That’s exactly what happened to a fan at an Akon concert, only not the way you may think.
It was between songs, and Akon seemed to be doing some light crowd work. He took his shirt off and pulled an eager fan up on stage. It wasn’t a hot girl, as you’d expect a freshly shirtless singer to select. It was a nerdy guy in glasses and cargo shorts, and Akon immediately grabbed him by the dick, flung him up on his shoulders, and heaved him into the crowd. He did this not so much in a fun crowd-surfing arc, but at a low angle, directly into a pocket of girls extremely unprepared to catch a 150-pound projectile. The fan ate what most onlookers would call total shit. You can watch it here:
You’re not allowed to body-slam people to near death, even if they seemed like they were asking for it, so Akon was fined $350 and sentenced to 65 hours of community service. The stars, they are not just like us.
A strangely similar but way, way less cool incident happened at an Afroman show. Afroman was on stage playing guitar when a female fan jumped up and started stumbling around with her drink. For 10 or 15 seconds, she danced behind Afroman while he ignored her. Oh my god, can you believe how crazy she was being, you guys!?
Emboldened by the club’s lack of security, she started inching closer to Afroman. Oh my god, you guys, she was going to rub her butt on him! Can you believe how crazy she was being!? But then she finally did. Her butt, getting closer and closer to Afroman’s, finally made contact. Afroman reacted like a mousetrap. His right hand came off the guitar strings, formed a fist, and blasted into the intruder’s face.
Afroman went back to playing, disturbingly undisturbed after punching a woman out. A few seconds later, some drunk guy, presumably the disoriented girl’s boyfriend, struggled onto stage. Afroman kept playing, but made it absolutely clear he would be more than happy to fuck up the second entrant into his impromptu gladiator arena. The fan’s disapproving expression quickly changed to the universal gesture for “Whoa, whoa, I’m only here to get this drunk idiot home.” And he did indeed have more important things to worry about, as his drunk, concussed companion was now wandering aimlessly backstage.
It was a bad way to handle a difficult situation placed upon him by a shitty person, but if the world’s worst TV producer created a fight league between drunk women and guitar players twice their size, this would absolutely be the knockout highlight of the year.
Justin Bieber Abandoned His Dog, And His Backup Dancer Had To Pay For Its Surgery
Justin Bieber has a love/hate relationship with animals. He loves getting them and taking pictures with them, and he hates feeding them, taking care of them, and generally keeping them alive. Last year, C.J. Salvador, one of Bieber’s dancers, gave the famously irresponsible singer a puppy. Naturally, it didn’t work out so well. A routine checkup found that the puppy had severe hip dysplasia and may not be able to walk unless an $8,000 procedure was performed. Bieber didn’t want to pay for this, despite that amount literally not registering as money to him, because you should never underestimate a shitty human’s capacity for awfulness.
Justin Bieber“Sorry dude, but you know how many [current fad bullshit item]s I can buy with that?”
Salvador mounted a scrappy fundraising effort for the puppy’s surgery himself. He managed to secure over 90 donors to help Todd the dog walk again, and Bieber’s animal kill count did not grow. “At least for now,” Bieber added from the shadows. “At least for now.”
Vince Neil Body-Slammed a Woman Because She Snubbed Him For Nicolas Cage
As the frontman for Motley Crue, Vince Neil has had many encounters with women. In fact, mathematically speaking, 17 percent of all people reading this have Neil DNA in them, or possibly just on them. But this dude …
Elektra Records
… is well into his 50s now, so you’d think he would have mellowed out some. But no. A couple of years ago in Vegas, a woman was taking a picture with Neil when she saw Nicolas Cage. She screamed, “Nicolas, I love you!” and ran for Cage, abandoning poor Neil for a younger model — a practice he was well used to being on the other side of. Neil did what any insecure, doughy man in eyeliner would do: He grabbed her by the hair and threw her to the ground. We believe it was Archimedes who said, “Give me an innocent lady’s ponytail long enough, and I can assault the world.”
Cage sprung into action. He seized Neil in a wrestler’s clinch and screamed into his ear, “Stop this SHIT! NOW!” Cage isn’t sure what that phrase means, but it’s what his agent says to him every time he attaches himself to a project.
Neil initially deflected the allegations, saying he merely “pushed past her,” but when he realized the offense could land him up to six months in prison, he pleaded guilty. The story has a happy ending, though. Neil was forced to pay a $1,000 fine and agree to six months of not beating up random women for shockingly pathetic reasons. Oh, we meant a happy ending for Vince Neil, not the woman or the concept of justice in general.
Aaron Eckhart Crashed A Support Group For Grieving Parents
Aaron Eckhart, known for his portrayals of Harvey Dent and Sexy Frankenstein, needed to get deep into the emotions of a grieving father for a role. Most actors would consider what they know about sadness and then try to act sad, but Eckart knew it would take more. So he went to a support group for grieving parents and pretended his kid died.
Lionsgate“So in this scene, I’m supposed to have half a face? Well off comes half my face, then!”
We understand every artist has their own ways of working, and maybe faking a dead kid is what he needed to do. But when Eckhart did an interview on Howard Stern’s show, it seemed like he genuinely forgot other people’s for-real kids died.
We learn that when it was his turn to share, Eckhart described his character and broke down in tears, and was then consoled by the group of legitimately bereaved people over the loss of his pretend movie baby. Stern, to his credit, offered Eckhart a lifeline by asking if he later felt bad about doing it. Eckhart did not take the lifeline. In fact, he burned the lifeline and scattered its ashes into the wind. He said, “you really believe that you just lost a child. You are as close to reality in that sense as possible. I don’t want to be rude to people who have lost a child, but yeah, you feel right there. You feel like your character.”
OK, Aaron Eckhart made the reprehensible choice to go into a room with people who had real emotional problems and made them comfort him over a fake dead kid. And he doesn’t feel bad about it. But at least we got the legendary and beloved film Rabbit Hole out of it, right? We all saw and loved … Rabbit Hole? Yeah, it was all worth it for Rabbit Hole.
Greg Tuff has a Twitter, and recommends you check out his friends at Bush Gang Gaming on YouTube. Michael Battaglino is a contributor to Cracked.com. Be sure to check out some of his other work if you enjoyed this article.
Nic Cage has been in some crummy flicks, but he was in a pretty good one already in 2018 called Mom and Dad that’s worth checking out.
If you loved this article and want more content like this, support our site with a visit to our Contribution Page. Please and thank you.
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/5-celebrities-who-did-crazy-scummy-and-underreported-stuff/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/177604784842
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Favorite YouTubers!
1. JustKiddingFilms - Subscribed to them about 2 years ago. It was cool to find a YouTube channel that was funny and also, they do skits too. The first skit I saw on their channel was titled: Rude Asian Waiter - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSZqqAr9kl4. But now they stopped since they are working on a movie. I enjoyed watching their skits and also their series, “Hangin’ Out With JK”, where they talk about a topic, and kind of debate about it to each other and how they are dealing with it and all. Awesome channel. Right now, they aren’t making videos in this channel since like I said before, they are trying to make a movie. Can’t wait to see it! Awesome channel and skits.
2. JustKiddingNews - Subscribed to them about 2 years ago as well. Though, I subscribed to this channel first before I subscribed to JustKiddingFilms and their other channels. The first video I saw that made me interested in subscribing to their channel was titled: Man Arrested 3 Times for Having Sex with a Raft ft. David So - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPq6Vf5WbmU. After that, I started watching a lot of their JKNews videos. At first, I only watched the ones featuring David So, but afterwards, I started watching everyone else getting featured like KingBach, Furious Pete, and other YouTubers. Wished I subscribed to them earlier when they featured DeStorm and more. Awesome and cool channel.
3. JustKiddingParty - Subscribed to them about 2 years ago. After I subscribed to JustKiddingFilms, I clicked their Bloopers video, which linked to me to this channel. The cool part is that it is not just bloopers, it is also videos of them playing either board games, party games, and other games that are requested by viewers. My favorite games I always liked to watch, especially the way they play it, is Mafia! They do AWESOME with this game! It is both funny, interesting, and they make two videos for it. One is Roles Revealed version and Roles Hidden version. My preference is Roles Revealed since I don’t want to guess who. My favorite video of Mafia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKFkRip_HHs. They also played Drunk, Stoned, or Stupid which is my second favorite since they play it with comedy and, well, in a fun way. My first video I saw for this game was this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2qF1ff3t-Q. They also play other games which is really cool when they play it, especially when they feature other YouTubers. Hope to see more JKParty videos featuring other YouTubers more. AWESOME CHANNEL AND FUNNY TOO! Also, I am a citizen of Joemalia, which is Joe Jo’s (made-up) country! Pretty funny, but cool too.
4. Furious Pete - Subscribed to him about 2 years ago. My first video I saw that got me interested in this channel was this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diDgHD-MEOU. I was impressed on almost all of his videos that were eating challenges, especially finishing them in the fastest times. Lot of the foods he ate looked really good. And the sizes of the food were MASSIVE. And the fact that he finished them faster than any of us, was really impressive. Makes sense how he is in the Guinness Book of World Records. Awesome channel and awesome foods that he tries out.
5. Wassabi Production - January 2016 is when I subscribed to them. The first video I saw that led me to this channel was one of Furious Pete’s video titled  3lb Burrito Eat Off ft. Wassabi Productions | Furious Pete - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-50QUiBKz6k. After that, I saw one of their videos which was titled Lego Challenge - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPYQD2kLvwU. When I subscribed to their channel, I was sad to find out that I subscribed to them after Roi left. Which was sad, but still supported the decisions they made. Still waiting for the collaboration though. Anyway, now I am enjoying Wassabi Production as a vlog channel now and glad to see that the channel has 10 Million subscribers. Also glad to see other YouTubers in the channel including Alex Wassabi and Lauren’s (Youtube: LaurDIY) pet Moose.
6. Guava Juice - Subscribed somewhere around April 2016. At first, it was a gaming channel where he played ROBLOX and many other games. Now, it is either the Bath Challenge or other challenges that are really hilarious and sometimes gross when it comes to eating challenges. Glad to see his channel rising. My first video I saw on his channel wasn’t a gaming video actually. It was the Bug Eating Challenge! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brTBT_ctvmU&t=398s. Then the rest was gaming videos and challenges which I really enjoyed watching. My favorite though was him featuring Furious Pete on an Eat it or Wear it Challenge which cracked me up seeing Roi trying to beat Pete. It was called ULTIMATE EAT IT OR WEAR IT CHALLENGE! (ft. FuriousPete) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkDl3QjFwuk. Awesome and fun channel.
7. nigahiga - Subscribed to them about a year ago. My brother introduced this channel to me. My favorite series of theirs were the “I Dare You” videos and it’s funny to see the type of dares they get. They also make skits too which are REALLY creative and REALLY funny as well. My first video of this channel was this titled 10 Cheap Punny Christmas Gifts - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWoQJ9I3x5o. I actually like all of their “I Dare You” videos. I also like all of their Parkourse videos too. I wish they made more of those videos though. Rarely see them. I still enjoy their skits! Very awesome channel.
8. HigaTV - Same year after subscribing to nigahiga, but after a month later. This channel shows the “Behind the Scenes” of their skits. My favorite videos in this channel are “Cooking, but Not Really” since they make foods that are, well, looks DELICIOUS. My favorite one was Cooking, But Not Really: FRIED CHICKEN CAKE! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWjScbLQx9c. Wish they made more of these videos. Right now, I am watching the “Behind the Scenes” videos and “WildCard” series which are HILARIOUS as well.
9. theDOMINICshow - About a year ago is when I subscribed to this channel. How I knew about this channel was from watching JKNews when he was featured in their channel. My first video of this was the Ultimate BBQ Challenge in 10 Min! (ft. JK Films) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qo_6Yf_M7Wo. After that, I watched all of the Food Challenge videos. Sad part is that, the Food Challenge series was over. Now, I enjoy watching skits, Dance Challenge, and other segments. 
10. RANDOM GUYS - Subscribed after I subscribed to theDOMINICshow but after 2 months later. My favorite videos about this channel was where Jerel and Green make food but everything in Ramen. I think they called it “Ramen Everything” and it was an awesome segment. Wish they kept on going with it. I also watch “Behind The Scenes” videos as well and they are very funny to watch! 
11. DavidParody - Subscribed to him about a year as well. Maybe 10 months. I subscribed to his channel after I saw this video titled: BURGER KING MAC N' CHEETOS TASTE TEST!! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WeUFMyMaPwk&t=0s. This was my FAVORITE video of the channel because I was laughing almost the entire video of it and how he makes his Mac n’ Cheetos. Surprisingly, the first video I saw on his channel was, and this was when it was on the Recommended list, titled BLOODY JAWBREAKER CHALLENGE! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cftQKL9-uw. I was surprised because normally I forget the people on the video but when I saw Mac n’ Cheetos video, I saw his face looking familiar and when I found Jawbreaker Challenge video, I knew I saw his video before. Glad to subscribe to his channel. Very funny videos.
12. WolfieRaps - Subscribed a month later after subscribing to DavidParody’s channel. The first video I saw on his channel was one of the DIY videos where he makes a food/candy shot glass. It was titled: DIY JOLLY RANCHER SHOT GLASS TASTE TEST - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7n4Xw_D08xQ. After that, I subscribed to his channel and watched his other videos. The way he gags and says “SMASH THAT LIKE BUTTON” makes me laugh since it’s that FUNNY! I also like it when he collabs with his friends, Team Alboe, and make videos as well. Pretty cool team name. Awesome channel and staying SAVAGE!
13. Timothy DeLaGhetto - Subscribed to him like 11 months ago. You might know him from Wild n’ Out. I liked watching his videos especially the skits. My favorite video was when he was battling against SupaHot Fire and Mute Spittah titled: RAP BATTLE PART 3: Chunk Dirty Vs. SupaHot Fire & Mute Spittah - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZ5CFxrsHxo. The first video I saw was Part 2 of KingBach’s skit, and it featured JKFilms and Viners titled: New Booty Beef- (Part 2) with Destorm, Just Kidding Films, David So, & more! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCFPHsgCQ2c. I was surprised when I found out he was also the cast of Wild n’ Out. Glad to subscribe to his channel. Very FUNNY videos! 
14. Lazyron Studios - Subscribed to him when he had Guppy. You already know what my first video was on his channel. It was titled: GOT A NEW PUPPY!! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-EkgRbhuDo0. It was AWESOME to see Guppy the Pug. He was really small. I am surprised to see how big he got after seeing his other vlogs. Still enjoying his vlogs especially with Guppy in it. Even Moose since he is Guppy’s friend and it’s cool to see them play around. I was also happy to finally see him reach 1 MILLION subscribers as well. When I first subscribed to him, I think he was in the 900,000 area or more. But finally, I got to see his channel grow. Awesome channel and good dog too!
15. Marlin - Subscribed to him after I subscribed to Guava Juice after like 5 months. My favorite video was the Hot Mac n’ Cheetos. It was titled: DIY GIANT Bacon Hot MAC & CHEETOS!!!! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXe_izuo4eM. It’s not just this, it’s actually ALL of the Hot Mac n’ Cheetos videos. They way they look makes your mouth water since they look REALLY good. Now, he makes like DIY videos or videos where he tries out something he bought or life hack videos. Anyway, awesome channel! 
16. DavidSoComedy - Subscribed to him after I subscribed the JKFilms’ vlog channels. The surprising part was that my VERY first video I saw on his channel, before I subscribed to him, was this: Best Nike Commercial Ever: Ball Handles - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMqhYzQlCQ8. I was cracking up on this since this was a REALLY awesome video. Now, I enjoy watching his new segment which is called “This Sh*t Bomb”. Another segment I like is called “Mukbang”. I also like his vlogs too! Anyway, AWESOME channel and AWESOME videos!
17. Gina Darling - Subscribed to her on March 2018. The first video I watched on her channel was titled: Boyfriend Does My Makeup Tag Feat. Gina Darling - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzgpN5oN2jA. Now, this was before I subscribed to her. I enjoy her appearance in JKParty and JKNews more since she is HILARIOUS especially in JKParty when she is competitive. I saw her videos, and they are REALLY good!
18. Bart & Geo - Subscribed to them after I subscribed to all of the JustKidding channels! The first video I saw that made me subscribe to their channel was, well, their wedding video. It was an AWESOME video and beautiful as well. This was the video: BART & GEO OFFICIAL WEDDING VIDEO - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgjKztagu9o. After that, I was bunch of their vlogs including the Pregnancy Reaction video. I was glad to hear they were going to have a baby. Months later, they uploaded the video showing their baby named Taika or Baby Beaw. Now, every time I watch their vlogs, I am happy to see Taika in there especially his smile!
19. Tiff & Case - Subscribed to them after I subscribed to Bart & Geo’s vlog channel. My first video of theirs was titled: Will You Marry Me? (Proposal Video) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQsALO1XKJk. The one thing I always looked forward on this channel was to see them finally get married. And it happened, and I think this channel was the first I have seen their LIVE video ALL THE WAY rather than leave in the middle of it. After that, I saw their OFFICIAL wedding video:  TIFF & CASE OFFICIAL WEDDING VIDEO - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_O0ZBlzYpY. Awesome vlog channel! Glad to see them get married.
20. Joe Jitsukawa - Subscribed to them after I subscribed to Tiff & Case’s channel. The first video I saw on Joe’s channel was titled: This My Life: Furious Pete Likes To Eat - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJ4EJpUOmCs. A lot of his vlogs are REALLY funny especially when he rages in JKParty videos. The saddest video was when his dog, Brown, died. It was sad to hear that news. Enjoyed seeing his dog: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75rXfMHZnW8. Now, he is working on videos on JKParty, JKNews and working on a movie with the JK Crew since, well, it’s been a while since he posted a vlog.
21. Ant & Christina - Subscribed to them about 6 months ago. The first video I saw on their channel was titled: The Best And Worst Of Pregnancy Feat. Geovanna Kwan & Bart Kwan - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UH7L_A9P7Yk. After that I started watching all of their other videos, which made me subscribe to their channel. Before that, I used to watch their Instagram posts. And finally, they have a daughter, name Leia! Now everytime I watch their vlogs, I like to see their baby Leia, just like Taika in Bart & Geo’s vlog channel.
22. CrazyRussianHacker - Subscribed to his channel before I subscribed to Furious Pete’s channel. My first video I saw on his channel was titled: 5 Awesome Ice Cream Life Hacks - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gi0aZc6pFUE. The surprising part on this was that, I didn’t know Furious Pete was featured in this video. Though, I saw this video before I subscribed to Furious Pete’s channel. Anyway, this video was also my favorite video too because, well, I love desserts. Another video I liked the most was this titled: Testing Russian Military MRE (Meal Ready to Eat) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfOTmfwRTFs&t=1s. I guess it’s because the food looked really good! I also like the Kitchen Gadgets segments and other gadget videos that he shows us. They look REALLY cool to see! Awesome channel to watch!
23. LaurDIY - Subscribed to her channel 4 or 5 months ago. The first I saw, before I subscribed to her channel, was titled: PUG PUPPY GETS FIRST BATH - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqDEK37yErQ. After that, I saw the rest of her other videos including the ones where she was featured by her boyfriend, Alex Wassabi, or Wassabi Production. Then I subscribed to her channel when Alex Wassabi told us to subscribe to her channel. Also, she reached to 7 Millions subscribers too! Awesome videos especially the DIY videos and her vlogs!
This is pretty much all my list for now! Yes, it’s a really long list filled with my story to it. Hope you enjoyed reading it. Like it and Reblog/Share it with your friends. Be sure to check out their channels too and subscribe and like their videos! 
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